1 /***************************************************************************
2 JSPICE3 adaptation of Spice3e2 - Copyright (c) Stephen R. Whiteley 1992
3 Copyright 1990 Regents of the University of California.  All rights reserved.
4 Authors: 1985 Wayne A. Christopher
5          1992 Stephen R. Whiteley
6 ****************************************************************************/
8 /*
9  * Code to do fourier transforms on data.  Note that we do interpolation
10  * to get a uniform grid.  Note that if polydegree is 0 then no interpolation
11  * is done.
12  */
14 #include "spice.h"
15 #include "ftedefs.h"
16 #include "ftegraph.h"
17 #include "plotext.h"
18 #include "sperror.h"
19 #include "const.h"
20 #include "util.h"
22 static int CKTfour();
24 #define DEF_FOURGRIDSIZE 200
26 /* CKTfour(ndata,numFreq,thd,Time,Value,FundFreq,Freq,Mag,Phase,nMag,nPhase)
27  *         len   10      ?   inp  inp   inp      out  out out   out  out
28  */
30 void
com_fourier(wl)31 com_fourier(wl)
32     wordlist *wl;
33 {
34     struct dvec *time, *vec;
35     struct dvlist *dl0, *dl;
36     struct pnode *names;
37     double *ff, fundfreq, *dp, *stuff;
38     int nfreqs, fourgridsize, polydegree;
39     double *freq, *mag, *phase, *nmag, *nphase;  /* Outputs from CKTfour */
40     double thd, *timescale, *grid, d;
41     char *s;
42     int i, err, fw;
43     char xbuf[20];
44     int shift;
45     extern char *kw_nfreqs, *kw_polydegree, *kw_fourgridsize;
47     sprintf(xbuf, "%1.1e", 0.0);
48     shift = strlen(xbuf) - 7;
49     if (!plot_cur || !plot_cur->pl_scale) {
50         fprintf(cp_err, "Error: no vectors loaded.\n");
51         return;
52     }
54     if ((!cp_getvar(kw_nfreqs, VT_NUM, (char *) &nfreqs)) || (nfreqs < 1))
55         nfreqs = 10;
56     if ((!cp_getvar(kw_polydegree, VT_NUM, (char *) &polydegree)) ||
57             (polydegree < 0))
58         polydegree = 1;
59     if ((!cp_getvar(kw_fourgridsize, VT_NUM, (char *) &fourgridsize)) ||
60             (fourgridsize < 1))
61         fourgridsize = DEF_FOURGRIDSIZE;
63     time = plot_cur->pl_scale;
64     if (!isreal(time)) {
65         fprintf(cp_err, "Error: fourier needs real time scale\n");
66         return;
67     }
68     s = wl->wl_word;
69     if (!(ff = ft_numparse(&s, false)) || (*ff <= 0.0)) {
70         fprintf(cp_err, "Error: bad fund freq %s\n", wl->wl_word);
71         return;
72     }
73     fundfreq = *ff;
75     wl = wl->wl_next;
76     if ((names = ft_getpnames(wl, true)) == NULL)
77         return;
78     if ((dl0 = ft_dvlist(names)) == NULL)
79         return;
81     if (polydegree) {
82         /* Build the grid... */
83         dp = ft_minmax(time, true);
85         /* Now get the last fund freq... */
86         d = 1 / fundfreq;   /* The wavelength... */
87         if (dp[1] - dp[0] < d) {
88             fprintf(cp_err,
89                 "Error: wavelength longer than time span\n");
90             return;
91         }
92         else if (dp[1] - dp[0] > d) {
93             dp[0] = dp[1] - d;
94         }
95     }
97     freq = (double *) tmalloc(nfreqs * sizeof (double));
98     mag = (double *) tmalloc(nfreqs * sizeof (double));
99     phase = (double *) tmalloc(nfreqs * sizeof (double));
100     nmag = (double *) tmalloc(nfreqs * sizeof (double));
101     nphase = (double *) tmalloc(nfreqs * sizeof (double));
102     if (polydegree) {
103         grid = (double *) tmalloc(fourgridsize *  sizeof (double));
104         stuff = (double *) tmalloc(fourgridsize * sizeof (double));
106         d = (dp[1] - dp[0]) / fourgridsize;
107         for (i = 0; i < fourgridsize; i++)
108             grid[i] = dp[0] + i * d;
109         timescale = grid;
110     }
111     else
112         timescale = time->v_realdata;
115     for (dl = dl0; dl; dl = dl->dl_next) {
116         vec = dl->dl_dvec;
117         if (vec->v_length != time->v_length) {
118             fprintf(cp_err,
119                 "Error: lengths don't match: %d, %d\n",
120                     vec->v_length, time->v_length);
121             continue;
122         }
123         if (!isreal(vec)) {
124             fprintf(cp_err, "Error: %s isn't real!\n",
125                     vec->v_name);
126             continue;
127         }
129         if (polydegree) {
131             /* Now interpolate the stuff... */
132             if (!ft_interpolate(vec->v_realdata, stuff,
133                     time->v_realdata, vec->v_length,
134                     grid, fourgridsize, polydegree)) {
135                 fprintf(cp_err,
136                     "Error: can't interpolate\n");
137                 break;
138             }
139         }
140         else {
141             fourgridsize = vec->v_length;
142             stuff = vec->v_realdata;
143         }
145         err = CKTfour(fourgridsize, nfreqs, &thd, timescale,
146                 stuff, fundfreq, freq, mag, phase, nmag, nphase);
147         if (err != OK) {
148             ft_sperror(err, "fourier");
149             break;
150         }
152         out_printf("Fourier analysis for %s:\n", vec->v_name);
153         out_printf(
154 "  No. Harmonics: %d, THD: %g %%, Gridsize: %d, Interpolation Degree: %d\n\n",
155             nfreqs,  thd, fourgridsize, polydegree);
156         /* Each field will have width cp_numdgt + 6 (or 7
157          * with HP-UX) + 1 if there is a - sign.
158          */
159         fw = ((cp_numdgt > 0) ? cp_numdgt : 6) + 5 + shift;
160         out_printf( "Harmonic %-*s   %-*s   %-*s   %-*s   %-*s\n",
161                 fw, "Frequency", fw, "Magnitude",
162                 fw, "Phase", fw, "Norm. Mag",
163                 fw, "Norm. Phase");
164         out_printf( "-------- %-*s   %-*s   %-*s   %-*s   %-*s\n",
165                 fw, "---------", fw, "---------",
166                 fw, "-----", fw, "---------",
167                 fw, "-----------");
168         for (i = 0; i < nfreqs; i++) {
169             out_printf("%-4d    %-*s ", i, fw, printnum(freq[i]));
170             out_printf("%-*s ", fw, printnum(mag[i]));
171             out_printf("%-*s ", fw, printnum(phase[i]));
172             out_printf("%-*s ", fw, printnum(nmag[i]));
173             out_printf("%-*s\n", fw, printnum(nphase[i]));
174         }
175         out_send("\n");
176     }
178     vec_dlfree(dl0);
179     txfree((char*)freq);
180     txfree((char*)mag);
181     txfree((char*)phase);
182     txfree((char*)nmag);
183     txfree((char*)nphase);
184     if (polydegree) {
185         txfree((char*)grid);
186         txfree((char*)stuff);
187     }
188 }
191 /*
192  * CKTfour() - perform fourier analysis of an output vector.
193  *  Due to the construction of the program which places all the
194  *  output data in the post-processor, the fourier analysis can not
195  *  be done directly.  This function allows the post processor to
196  *  hand back vectors of time and data values to have the fourier analysis
197  *  performed on them.
198  *
199  */
201 /*ARGSUSED*/
202 static int
CKTfour(ndata,numFreq,thd,Time,Value,FundFreq,Freq,Mag,Phase,nMag,nPhase)203 CKTfour(ndata,numFreq,thd,Time,Value,FundFreq,Freq,Mag,Phase,nMag,nPhase)
204     int ndata;      /* number of entries in the Time and Value arrays */
205     int numFreq;    /* number of harmonics to calculate */
206     double *thd;    /* total harmonic distortion (percent) to be returned */
207     double *Time;   /* times at which the voltage/current values were measured*/
208     double *Value;  /* voltage or current vector whose transform is desired */
209     double FundFreq;/* the fundamental frequency of the analysis */
210     double *Freq;   /* the frequency value of the various harmonics */
211     double *Mag;    /* the Magnitude of the fourier transform */
212     double *Phase;  /* the Phase of the fourier transform */
213     double *nMag;   /* the normalized magnitude of the transform: nMag(fund)=1*/
214     double *nPhase; /* the normalized phase of the transform: Nphase(fund)=0 */
215     /* note we can consider these as a set of arrays:  The sizes are:
216      *  Time[ndata], Value[ndata]
217      *  Freq[numFreq],Mag[numfreq],Phase[numfreq],nMag[numfreq],nPhase[numfreq]
218      * The arrays must all be allocated by the caller.
219      * The Time and Value array must be reasonably distributed over at
220      * least one full period of the fundamental Frequency for the
221      * fourier transform to be useful.  The function will take the
222      * last period of the frequency as data for the transform.
223      */
225 {
226 /* we are assuming that the caller has provided exactly one period
227  * of the fundamental frequency.
228  */
229     int i;
230     int j;
231     double tmp;
232     /* clear output/computation arrays */
234     for(i=0;i<numFreq;i++) {
235         Mag[i]=0;
236         Phase[i]=0;
237     }
238     for(i=0;i<ndata;i++) {
239         for(j=0;j<numFreq;j++) {
240             Mag[j]   += (Value[i]*sin(j*2.0*M_PI*i/((double) ndata)));
241             Phase[j] += (Value[i]*cos(j*2.0*M_PI*i/((double) ndata)));
242         }
243     }
245     Mag[0] = Phase[0]/ndata;
246     Phase[0]=nMag[0]=nPhase[0]=Freq[0]=0;
247     *thd = 0;
248     for(i=1;i<numFreq;i++) {
249         tmp = Mag[i]*2.0 /ndata;
250         Phase[i] *= 2.0/ndata;
251         Freq[i] = i * FundFreq;
252         Mag[i] = sqrt(tmp*tmp+Phase[i]*Phase[i]);
253         Phase[i] = atan2(Phase[i],tmp)*180.0/M_PI;
254         nMag[i] = Mag[i]/Mag[1];
255         nPhase[i] = Phase[i]-Phase[1];
256         if(i>1) *thd += nMag[i]*nMag[i];
257     }
258     *thd = 100*sqrt(*thd);
259     return(OK);
260 }