1 /*
2  * windows.h --
3  *
4  *	Interface definitions for Magic's window manager.  This
5  *	package manages a set of overlapping windows.
6  *
7  *     *********************************************************************
8  *     * Copyright (C) 1985, 1990 Regents of the University of California. *
9  *     * Permission to use, copy, modify, and distribute this              *
10  *     * software and its documentation for any purpose and without        *
11  *     * fee is hereby granted, provided that the above copyright          *
12  *     * notice appear in all copies.  The University of California        *
13  *     * makes no representations about the suitability of this            *
14  *     * software for any purpose.  It is provided "as is" without         *
15  *     * express or implied warranty.  Export of this software outside     *
16  *     * of the United States of America may require an export license.    *
17  *     *********************************************************************
18  *
19  * rcsid $Header$
20  *
21  */
23 #ifndef _WINDOWS_H
24 #define _WINDOWS_H
26 #include "utils/magic.h"
27 #include "utils/geometry.h"
29 /* SUBPIXELBITS represents a fixed-point shift for representing the	*/
30 /* scale factor between the screen and the layout.  It is only		*/
31 /* necessary that the screen resolution * SUBPIXEL does not overflow	*/
32 /* type (int).  The original value of 12 has become too small for	*/
33 /* large chips on nanometer grids, so it has been upped to 16.		*/
35 #define SUBPIXELBITS		16
36 #define SUBPIXEL		(1 << SUBPIXELBITS)
37 #define HSUBPIXEL		(1 << (SUBPIXELBITS - 1))
39 typedef ClientData WindClient;	/* A unique ID of a client of the
40 				 * window package.  The value 'NULL' is
41 				 * indicates an invalid value.
42 				 */
44 /*
45  * The following structure describes a window.  Windows are overlapping
46  * rectangles.  Each window contains a 'surface', whose contents are maintained
47  * by a client of the window package.  The client is responsible for redrawing
48  * the surface when requested.  The window package maintains the transform
49  * from surface coordinates to screen coordinates and also controls which
50  * portion of the surface is currently visable in the window.  See the
51  * comments in windMain.c and above the proc 'WindAddClient' for more info.
52  *
53  * To see an example of a simple window client, look at the colormap window
54  * located in 'cmwind/CMWmain.c'.  A more complex window is the layout window,
55  * located in 'dbwind/DBWprocs.c'.
56  *
57  * The following key letters in parens after a field indicate who should
58  * read & write it:
59  *
60  *	P - Private (window package use only).
61  *	R - Read-only (clients should not modify this, but may read it).
62  *	W - Writable by client at any time.
63  *	C - Writable by the client only during window creation time (in the
64  *	    create proc passed to WindAddClient) and readable at all times.
65  *	L - Writable by the client at creation time and when the window is
66  *	    loaded with a new surface.
67  *	G - Private to the graphics module.
68  *
69  * The comments below often mention a procedure that sets a given field.  This
70  * is the normal procedure used to set the field, but there may be other seldom
71  * used procs in the window package that set the field.
72  */
73 typedef struct WIND_S1 {
74     struct WIND_S1 *w_nextWindow; /* A doubly-linked list (P) */
75     struct WIND_S1 *w_prevWindow; /* A doubly-linked list (P) */
76     ClientData w_clientData;	/* Used by the client an any manner (W) */
77     WindClient w_client;	/* The client of this window (R) */
78     char *w_caption;		/* The caption at the top of the window. (R)
79 				 * Set via WindCaption().
80 				 */
81     ClientData w_surfaceID;	/* A unique ID for this surface, other than
82 				 * NULL. (R)
83 				 * Set via WindLoad().
84 				 */
85     Rect w_allArea;		/* The entire area of the window in the screen
86 				 * coordinates for the window, including the
87 				 * border and obscured areas. (R)
88 				 *
89 				 * If we are using Magic's window package,
90 				 * then this field is equal to w_frameArea
91 				 * since all windows share the same coordinate
92 				 * system.  In SunWindows, the lower-left
93 				 * corner of this area is at (0, 0) because
94 				 * each Sun window has it's own coordinate
95 				 * system with the origin in the lower left
96 				 * corner.
97 				 *
98 				 * This field is recomputed by WindReframe().
99 				 */
100     Rect w_frameArea;		/* The location of the window on the screen (C)
101 				 * If a window's create proc modifies this, it
102 				 * needs to set w_allArea and w_screenArea by
103 				 * calling WindSetWindowAreas().
104 				 *
105 				 * Also, see comments for w_allArea.
106 				 *
107 				 * This field is initialized to a reasonable
108 				 * value at window creation time, but the
109 				 * 'reposition' proc passed to WindAddClient
110 				 * has a way of overriding it.
111 				 */
112     Rect w_screenArea;		/* The area of the window in the screen
113 				 * coordinates of the window -- not including
114 				 * the border but including obscured areas. (R)
115 				 *
116 				 * This field is recomputed by WindReframe().
117 				 */
118     Rect w_surfaceArea;		/* An area in surface coordinates that
119 				 * is large enough to contain everything
120 				 * displayed in w_screenArea plus at least
121 				 * one pixel of border on all sides. (R)
122 				 * This field, and w_origin and w_scale below,
123 				 * are modified by procedures that move and
124 				 * scroll windows, e.g. WindMove and WindScroll.
125 				 */
126     Point w_origin;		/* This screen point, in 1/SUBPIXEL pixels,
127 				 * corresponds to w_surfaceArea.r_ll.
128 				 * Used to transform between surface and screen
129 				 * coordinates. (R)
130 				 */
131     int w_scale;		/* Defines how many 1/SUBPIXEL of a pixel
132 				 * correspond to 1 world unit.  Used to
133 				 * transform between surface and screen
134 				 * coordinates. (R)
135 				 */
136     LinkedRect *w_clipAgainst;  /* A linked list of areas which obscure
137 				 * portions of this window. (R)
138 				 * Normally clients just pass this down to the
139 				 * graphics package.
140 				 * Changed via WindOver(), WindUnder(), and
141 				 * WindFullScreen().
142 				 */
143     Point w_stippleOrigin;	/* A point that serves as the origin (in screen
144 				 * coordinates) of stipple patterns within
145 				 * this window. (R)
146 				 * This field is maintained for the benifit of
147 				 * device drivers, but is often unused.
148 				 */
149     int w_flags;		/* A collection of flag bits:
150 				 *
151 				 *	WIND_SCROLLABLE		(C)
152 				 *	WIND_SCROLLBARS		(C)
153 				 *	WIND_CAPTION		(C)
154 				 *	WIND_BORDER		(C)
155 				 *	WIND_COMMANDS		(C)
156 				 *	WIND_FULLSCREEN		(P)
157 				 *	WIND_OFFSCREEN		(P)
158 				 *	WIND_ISICONIC		(P)
159 				 *	WIND_REDRAWICON		(P)
160 				 *	WIND_OBSCURED		(G)
161 				 *
162 				 * Note: It is an error for a client to set
164 				 * If WIND_SCROLLABLE is set, then the client
165 				 * must fill in the pointer w_bbox;
166 				 */
167     Rect w_oldArea;		/* If the window has been blown up to full-
168 				 * screen size, this records its old area so
169 				 * it can be shrunk back later. (P)
170 				 */
171     int w_oldDepth;		/* If the window is full-screen, this records
172 				 * its old depth on the list of windows, so
173 				 * it can be put back where it came from. (P)
174 				 */
175     Rect *w_bbox;		/* A pointer to the bounding box of the stuff
176 				 * in this window.  Used for WindView() and for
177 				 * scroll bars. (L)
178 				 * This MUST be set if WIND_SCROLLABLE is set.
179 				 */
180     int w_wid;			/* The window ID for this window.  Windows are
181 				 * assigned small non-negative integers for
182 				 * easy reference. (R)
183 				 * Set at window creation time.
184 				 */
185     ClientData w_grdata;	/* Data private to the graphics package. (G)
186 				 * Generally references an X11 or Tk window.
187 				 */
188     ClientData w_grdata2;	/* Data private to the graphics packsge. (G)
189 				 * Used to contain per-window information
190 				 * other than the window itself, since
191 				 * various parts of the code have w_grdata
192 				 * hard-coded to the window pointer.
193 				 */
194     ClientData w_backingStore;	/* Specific data private to the graphics
195 				 * package.  Used to save and restore the
196 				 * image under the cursor for fast redraw.
197 				 */
198     char *w_iconname;		/* Short name for the icon. */
199     ClientData w_redrawAreas;	/* List of areas that need to be redrawn. (P)
200 				 * Set by WindAreaChanged(), cleared by
201 				 * WindUpdate().  Initialized by
202 				 * WindSeparateRedisplay().
203 				 */
204 } MagWindow;
207 /* Window flags, for w->w_flags */
208 #define WIND_FULLSCREEN 0x001	/* Set if the window has been blown up to
209 				 * full-screen size.
210 				 */
211 #define WIND_OFFSCREEN  0x002	/* Set if the window is to be rendered off-
212 				 * screen (i.e., onto a pixmap)
213 				 */
214 #define WIND_COMMANDS	0x004	/* Set if the window accepts the standard
215 				 * set of window commands
216 				 */
217 #define WIND_SCROLLABLE 0x008	/* Set if the window can scroll & zoom. */
218 #define WIND_SCROLLBARS 0x010	/* Set if the window has scroll bars. */
219 #define WIND_CAPTION 	0x020	/* Set if the window displays its own caption. */
220 #define WIND_BORDER	0x040	/* Set if the window should display a border
221 				 * (includes scrollbars and caption area)
222 				 */
223 #define WIND_ISICONIC 	0x080	/* Set if the window is closed down to an
224 				 * icon (on Suns only)
225 				 */
226 #define WIND_REDRAWICON 0x100	/* The icon needs to be redrawn. */
227 #define WIND_OBSCURED	0x200	/* The window is partially or fully obscured */
230 /* Special values for Window IDs.  Some procedures that expect a Window ID will
231  * also accept one of these flags instead.
232  */
233 #define WIND_UNKNOWN_WINDOW	-2	/* We should pick one by looking at
234 					 * the location of the point.
235 					 */
236 #define WIND_NO_WINDOW		-3	/* Use NULL for the window */
238 /* utility procs & special stuff */
239 extern MagWindow *WindCreate();
240 extern WindClient WindGetClient();
241 extern WindClient WindNextClient();
242 extern WindClient WindAddClient();
243 extern void WindInit();
244 extern void WindUpdate();
245 extern void WindDrawBorder();
246 extern void WindOutToIn();
247 extern void WindInToOut();
248 extern void WindSetWindowAreas();
249 extern void windFixSurfaceArea();
250 extern int WindExecute();
251 extern void WindAddCommand();
252 extern int WindReplaceCommand();
253 extern char **WindGetCommandTable();
254 extern int windCheckOnlyWindow(MagWindow **, WindClient);
257 /* searching procs */
258 extern int WindSearch();
259 extern MagWindow *WindSearchWid();
260 extern MagWindow *WindSearchData();
263 /* procs for moving the surface inside of a window (changing the view) */
264 extern void WindZoom();
265 extern void WindMove();
266 extern void WindView();
267 extern void WindScroll();
270 /* procs for moving the window itself */
271 extern void WindOver();
272 extern void WindUnder();
273 extern void WindReframe();
274 extern void WindFullScreen();
277 /* procs to transform into and out of screen coordinates */
279 extern void WindScreenToSurface();
280 extern void WindSurfaceToScreen();
281 extern void WindPointToSurface();
282 extern void WindPointToScreen();
283 extern void WindSurfaceToScreenNoClip();
285 /* procs to change things or inform the window manager about changes */
286 extern void WindCaption();
287 extern void WindAreaChanged();
288 extern void WindIconChanged();
289 extern bool WindLoad();
290 extern void WindSeparateRedisplay();
292 /* handler for window buttons in the scrollbar/zoom (non-wrapper) frame */
293 extern bool WindButtonInFrame();
295 /* interface variables */
296 extern int WindDefaultFlags;	/* Mask of properties applied to new windows */
297 extern int WindNewButtons;	/* A mask of the buttons that are down now. */
298 extern int WindOldButtons;	/* The buttons that were down on the previous
299 				 * command.
300 				 */
301 extern Point WindCommandPoint;	/* The point for the current command. */
302 extern bool WindAnotherUpdatePlease; /* Set by a client during redisplay if it
303 				 * discovers that more stuff needs to be
304 				 * displayed, and wants the window package
305 				 * to do another WindUpdate().  Used by
306 				 * dbwind in dbwhlRedrawFunc() when it suddenly
307 				 * discovers that drawing feedback areas
308 				 * requires that all the mask geometry be
309 				 * redrawn.
310 				 */
312 /* Macro to set the maximum number of windows */
313 #define WIND_MAX_WINDOWS(x)	(windMaxWindows = MIN(windMaxWindows, (x)))
314 extern int windMaxWindows;  	/* Use above macro, never increase this! */
316 /* The type of windows that we will implement.  This variable must be set by
317  * the graphics package before WindInit() is called.
318  */
319 extern int WindPackageType;
320 #define WIND_MAGIC_WINDOWS	0
321 #define	WIND_X_WINDOWS		1
323 /* Scroll bar width.
324  * May be set by the graphics package before WindInit() is called.
325  * If the width is XX, the window package tries to load glyphs from
326  * the file 'windowsXX.glyphs' located in $CAD_ROOT/magic/sys.  This file
327  * contains the arrow for the scroll bars, and those icons should be of
328  * this width.
329  */
330 extern int WindScrollBarWidth;
332 /* Global identifier for the window client structure */
333 extern WindClient windClientID;
335 #endif /* _WINDOWS_H */