1 // Created on: 2011-09-20
2 // Created by: Sergey ZERCHANINOV
3 // Copyright (c) 2011-2014 OPEN CASCADE SAS
4 //
5 // This file is part of Open CASCADE Technology software library.
6 //
7 // This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
8 // the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License version 2.1 as published
9 // by the Free Software Foundation, with special exception defined in the file
10 // OCCT_LGPL_EXCEPTION.txt. Consult the file LICENSE_LGPL_21.txt included in OCCT
11 // distribution for complete text of the license and disclaimer of any warranty.
12 //
13 // Alternatively, this file may be used under the terms of Open CASCADE
14 // commercial license or contractual agreement.
16 #ifndef OpenGl_View_HeaderFile
17 #define OpenGl_View_HeaderFile
19 #include <Graphic3d_CView.hxx>
20 #include <Graphic3d_CullingTool.hxx>
21 #include <Graphic3d_GraduatedTrihedron.hxx>
22 #include <Graphic3d_SequenceOfHClipPlane.hxx>
23 #include <Graphic3d_ToneMappingMethod.hxx>
24 #include <Graphic3d_WorldViewProjState.hxx>
25 #include <Graphic3d_ZLayerSettings.hxx>
26 #include <math_BullardGenerator.hxx>
28 #include <OpenGl_Aspects.hxx>
29 #include <OpenGl_FrameBuffer.hxx>
30 #include <OpenGl_FrameStatsPrs.hxx>
31 #include <OpenGl_GraduatedTrihedron.hxx>
32 #include <OpenGl_LayerList.hxx>
33 #include <OpenGl_SceneGeometry.hxx>
34 #include <OpenGl_Structure.hxx>
35 #include <OpenGl_TileSampler.hxx>
37 #include <map>
38 #include <set>
40 class OpenGl_BackgroundArray;
41 class OpenGl_DepthPeeling;
42 class OpenGl_GraphicDriver;
43 class OpenGl_PBREnvironment;
44 struct OpenGl_RaytraceMaterial;
45 class OpenGl_StateCounter;
46 class OpenGl_ShadowMap;
47 class OpenGl_ShadowMapArray;
48 class OpenGl_ShaderObject;
49 class OpenGl_TextureBuffer;
50 class OpenGl_TriangleSet;
51 class OpenGl_Workspace;
53 DEFINE_STANDARD_HANDLE(OpenGl_View,Graphic3d_CView)
55 //! Implementation of OpenGl view.
56 class OpenGl_View : public Graphic3d_CView
57 {
59 public:
61   //! Constructor.
62   Standard_EXPORT OpenGl_View (const Handle(Graphic3d_StructureManager)& theMgr,
63                                const Handle(OpenGl_GraphicDriver)& theDriver,
64                                const Handle(OpenGl_Caps)& theCaps,
65                                OpenGl_StateCounter* theCounter);
67   //! Default destructor.
68   Standard_EXPORT virtual ~OpenGl_View();
70   //! Release OpenGL resources.
71   Standard_EXPORT virtual void ReleaseGlResources (const Handle(OpenGl_Context)& theCtx);
73   //! Deletes and erases the view.
74   Standard_EXPORT virtual void Remove() Standard_OVERRIDE;
76   //! @param theDrawToFrontBuffer Advanced option to modify rendering mode:
77   //! 1. TRUE.  Drawing immediate mode structures directly to the front buffer over the scene image.
78   //! Fast, so preferred for interactive work (used by default).
79   //! However these extra drawings will be missed in image dump since it is performed from back buffer.
80   //! Notice that since no pre-buffering used the V-Sync will be ignored and rendering could be seen
81   //! in run-time (in case of slow hardware) and/or tearing may appear.
82   //! So this is strongly recommended to draw only simple (fast) structures.
83   //! 2. FALSE. Drawing immediate mode structures to the back buffer.
84   //! The complete scene is redrawn first, so this mode is slower if scene contains complex data and/or V-Sync
85   //! is turned on. But it works in any case and is especially useful for view dump because the dump image is read
86   //! from the back buffer.
87   //! @return previous mode.
88   Standard_EXPORT Standard_Boolean SetImmediateModeDrawToFront (const Standard_Boolean theDrawToFrontBuffer) Standard_OVERRIDE;
90   //! Creates and maps rendering window to the view.
91   //! @param theWindow [in] the window.
92   //! @param theContext [in] the rendering context. If NULL the context will be created internally.
93   Standard_EXPORT virtual void SetWindow (const Handle(Aspect_Window)&  theWindow,
94                                           const Aspect_RenderingContext theContext) Standard_OVERRIDE;
96   //! Returns window associated with the view.
97   Standard_EXPORT virtual Handle(Aspect_Window) Window() const Standard_OVERRIDE;
99   //! Returns True if the window associated to the view is defined.
IsDefined() const100   virtual Standard_Boolean IsDefined() const Standard_OVERRIDE
101   { return !myWindow.IsNull(); }
103   //! Handle changing size of the rendering window.
104   Standard_EXPORT virtual void Resized() Standard_OVERRIDE;
106   //! Redraw content of the view.
107   Standard_EXPORT virtual void Redraw() Standard_OVERRIDE;
109   //! Redraw immediate content of the view.
110   Standard_EXPORT virtual void RedrawImmediate() Standard_OVERRIDE;
112   //! Marks BVH tree for given priority list as dirty and marks primitive set for rebuild.
113   Standard_EXPORT virtual void Invalidate() Standard_OVERRIDE;
115   //! Return true if view content cache has been invalidated.
IsInvalidated()116   virtual Standard_Boolean IsInvalidated() Standard_OVERRIDE { return !myBackBufferRestored; }
118   //! Dump active rendering buffer into specified memory buffer.
119   //! In Ray-Tracing allow to get a raw HDR buffer using Graphic3d_BT_RGB_RayTraceHdrLeft buffer type,
120   //! only Left view will be dumped ignoring stereoscopic parameter.
121   Standard_EXPORT virtual Standard_Boolean BufferDump (Image_PixMap& theImage,
122                                                        const Graphic3d_BufferType& theBufferType) Standard_OVERRIDE;
124   //! Marks BVH tree and the set of BVH primitives of correspondent priority list with id theLayerId as outdated.
125   Standard_EXPORT virtual void InvalidateBVHData (const Graphic3d_ZLayerId theLayerId) Standard_OVERRIDE;
127   //! Add a layer to the view.
128   //! @param theNewLayerId [in] id of new layer, should be > 0 (negative values are reserved for default layers).
129   //! @param theSettings   [in] new layer settings
130   //! @param theLayerAfter [in] id of layer to append new layer before
131   Standard_EXPORT virtual void InsertLayerBefore (const Graphic3d_ZLayerId theLayerId,
132                                                   const Graphic3d_ZLayerSettings& theSettings,
133                                                   const Graphic3d_ZLayerId theLayerAfter) Standard_OVERRIDE;
135   //! Add a layer to the view.
136   //! @param theNewLayerId  [in] id of new layer, should be > 0 (negative values are reserved for default layers).
137   //! @param theSettings    [in] new layer settings
138   //! @param theLayerBefore [in] id of layer to append new layer after
139   Standard_EXPORT virtual void InsertLayerAfter (const Graphic3d_ZLayerId theNewLayerId,
140                                                  const Graphic3d_ZLayerSettings& theSettings,
141                                                  const Graphic3d_ZLayerId theLayerBefore) Standard_OVERRIDE;
143   //! Remove a z layer with the given ID.
144   Standard_EXPORT virtual void RemoveZLayer (const Graphic3d_ZLayerId theLayerId) Standard_OVERRIDE;
146   //! Sets the settings for a single Z layer of specified view.
147   Standard_EXPORT virtual void SetZLayerSettings (const Graphic3d_ZLayerId theLayerId,
148                                                   const Graphic3d_ZLayerSettings& theSettings) Standard_OVERRIDE;
150   //! Returns the maximum Z layer ID.
151   //! First layer ID is Graphic3d_ZLayerId_Default, last ID is ZLayerMax().
152   Standard_EXPORT virtual Standard_Integer ZLayerMax() const Standard_OVERRIDE;
154   //! Returns the list of layers.
155   Standard_EXPORT virtual const NCollection_List<Handle(Graphic3d_Layer)>& Layers() const Standard_OVERRIDE;
157   //! Returns layer with given ID or NULL if undefined.
158   Standard_EXPORT virtual Handle(Graphic3d_Layer) Layer (const Graphic3d_ZLayerId theLayerId) const Standard_OVERRIDE;
160   //! Returns the bounding box of all structures displayed in the view.
161   //! If theToIncludeAuxiliary is TRUE, then the boundary box also includes minimum and maximum limits
162   //! of graphical elements forming parts of infinite and other auxiliary structures.
163   //! @param theToIncludeAuxiliary consider also auxiliary presentations (with infinite flag or with trihedron transformation persistence)
164   //! @return computed bounding box
165   Standard_EXPORT virtual Bnd_Box MinMaxValues (const Standard_Boolean theToIncludeAuxiliary) const Standard_OVERRIDE;
167   //! Returns pointer to an assigned framebuffer object.
168   Standard_EXPORT virtual Handle(Standard_Transient) FBO() const Standard_OVERRIDE;
170   //! Sets framebuffer object for offscreen rendering.
171   Standard_EXPORT virtual void SetFBO (const Handle(Standard_Transient)& theFbo) Standard_OVERRIDE;
173   //! Generate offscreen FBO in the graphic library.
174   //! If not supported on hardware returns NULL.
175   Standard_EXPORT virtual Handle(Standard_Transient) FBOCreate (const Standard_Integer theWidth,
176                                                                 const Standard_Integer theHeight) Standard_OVERRIDE;
178   //! Remove offscreen FBO from the graphic library
179   Standard_EXPORT virtual void FBORelease (Handle(Standard_Transient)& theFbo) Standard_OVERRIDE;
181   //! Read offscreen FBO configuration.
182   Standard_EXPORT virtual void FBOGetDimensions (const Handle(Standard_Transient)& theFbo,
183                                                  Standard_Integer& theWidth,
184                                                  Standard_Integer& theHeight,
185                                                  Standard_Integer& theWidthMax,
186                                                  Standard_Integer& theHeightMax) Standard_OVERRIDE;
188   //! Change offscreen FBO viewport.
189   Standard_EXPORT virtual void FBOChangeViewport (const Handle(Standard_Transient)& theFbo,
190                                                   const Standard_Integer theWidth,
191                                                   const Standard_Integer theHeight) Standard_OVERRIDE;
193   //! Returns additional buffers for depth peeling OIT.
Handle(OpenGl_DepthPeeling)194   const Handle(OpenGl_DepthPeeling)& DepthPeelingFbos() const { return myDepthPeelingFbos; }
196 public:
198   //! Returns gradient background fill colors.
199   Standard_EXPORT virtual Aspect_GradientBackground GradientBackground() const Standard_OVERRIDE;
201   //! Sets gradient background fill colors.
202   Standard_EXPORT virtual void SetGradientBackground (const Aspect_GradientBackground& theBackground) Standard_OVERRIDE;
204   //! Sets image texture or environment cubemap as background.
205   //! @param theTextureMap [in] source to set a background;
206   //!                           should be either Graphic3d_Texture2D or Graphic3d_CubeMap
207   //! @param theToUpdatePBREnv [in] defines whether IBL maps will be generated or not
208   //!                               (see GeneratePBREnvironment())
209   Standard_EXPORT virtual void SetBackgroundImage (const Handle(Graphic3d_TextureMap)& theTextureMap,
210                                                    Standard_Boolean theToUpdatePBREnv = Standard_True) Standard_OVERRIDE;
212   //! Sets environment texture for the view.
213   Standard_EXPORT virtual void SetTextureEnv (const Handle(Graphic3d_TextureEnv)& theTextureEnv) Standard_OVERRIDE;
215   //! Returns background image fill style.
216   Standard_EXPORT virtual Aspect_FillMethod BackgroundImageStyle() const Standard_OVERRIDE;
218   //! Sets background image fill style.
219   Standard_EXPORT virtual void SetBackgroundImageStyle (const Aspect_FillMethod theFillStyle) Standard_OVERRIDE;
221   //! Enables or disables IBL (Image Based Lighting) from background cubemap.
222   //! Has no effect if PBR is not used.
223   //! @param[in] theToEnableIBL enable or disable IBL from background cubemap
224   //! @param[in] theToUpdate redraw the view
225   Standard_EXPORT virtual void SetImageBasedLighting (Standard_Boolean theToEnableIBL) Standard_OVERRIDE;
227   //! Returns number of mipmap levels used in specular IBL map.
228   //! 0 if PBR environment is not created.
229   Standard_EXPORT unsigned int SpecIBLMapLevels() const;
231   //! Returns local camera origin currently set for rendering, might be modified during rendering.
LocalOrigin() const232   const gp_XYZ& LocalOrigin() const { return myLocalOrigin; }
234   //! Setup local camera origin currently set for rendering.
235   Standard_EXPORT void SetLocalOrigin (const gp_XYZ& theOrigin);
237   //! Returns list of lights of the view.
Handle(Graphic3d_LightSet)238   virtual const Handle(Graphic3d_LightSet)& Lights() const Standard_OVERRIDE { return myLights; }
240   //! Sets list of lights for the view.
SetLights(const Handle (Graphic3d_LightSet)& theLights)241   virtual void SetLights (const Handle(Graphic3d_LightSet)& theLights) Standard_OVERRIDE
242   {
243     myLights = theLights;
244     myCurrLightSourceState = myStateCounter->Increment();
245   }
247   //! Returns list of clip planes set for the view.
Handle(Graphic3d_SequenceOfHClipPlane)248   virtual const Handle(Graphic3d_SequenceOfHClipPlane)& ClipPlanes() const Standard_OVERRIDE { return myClipPlanes; }
250   //! Sets list of clip planes for the view.
SetClipPlanes(const Handle (Graphic3d_SequenceOfHClipPlane)& thePlanes)251   virtual void SetClipPlanes (const Handle(Graphic3d_SequenceOfHClipPlane)& thePlanes) Standard_OVERRIDE { myClipPlanes = thePlanes; }
253   //! Fill in the dictionary with diagnostic info.
254   //! Should be called within rendering thread.
255   //!
256   //! This API should be used only for user output or for creating automated reports.
257   //! The format of returned information (e.g. key-value layout)
258   //! is NOT part of this API and can be changed at any time.
259   //! Thus application should not parse returned information to weed out specific parameters.
260   Standard_EXPORT virtual void DiagnosticInformation (TColStd_IndexedDataMapOfStringString& theDict,
261                                                       Graphic3d_DiagnosticInfo theFlags) const Standard_OVERRIDE;
263   //! Returns string with statistic performance info.
264   Standard_EXPORT virtual TCollection_AsciiString StatisticInformation() const Standard_OVERRIDE;
266   //! Fills in the dictionary with statistic performance info.
267   Standard_EXPORT virtual void StatisticInformation (TColStd_IndexedDataMapOfStringString& theDict) const Standard_OVERRIDE;
269 public:
271   //! Returns background color.
BackgroundColor() const272   const Quantity_ColorRGBA& BackgroundColor() const { return myBgColor; }
274   //! Change graduated trihedron.
ChangeGraduatedTrihedron()275   OpenGl_GraduatedTrihedron& ChangeGraduatedTrihedron() { return myGraduatedTrihedron; }
277   void SetTextureEnv (const Handle(OpenGl_Context)&       theCtx,
278                       const Handle(Graphic3d_TextureEnv)& theTexture);
280   void SetBackgroundTextureStyle (const Aspect_FillMethod FillStyle);
282   void SetBackgroundGradient (const Quantity_Color& AColor1, const Quantity_Color& AColor2, const Aspect_GradientFillMethod AType);
284   void SetBackgroundGradientType (const Aspect_GradientFillMethod AType);
286   //! Returns list of OpenGL Z-layers.
LayerList() const287   const OpenGl_LayerList& LayerList() const { return myZLayers; }
289   //! Returns OpenGL window implementation.
Handle(OpenGl_Window)290   const Handle(OpenGl_Window)& GlWindow() const { return myWindow; }
292   //! Returns OpenGL environment map.
Handle(OpenGl_TextureSet)293   const Handle(OpenGl_TextureSet)& GlTextureEnv() const { return myTextureEnv; }
295   //! Returns selector for BVH tree, providing a possibility to store information
296   //! about current view volume and to detect which objects are overlapping it.
BVHTreeSelector() const297   const Graphic3d_CullingTool& BVHTreeSelector() const { return myBVHSelector; }
299   //! Returns true if there are immediate structures to display
HasImmediateStructures() const300   bool HasImmediateStructures() const
301   {
302     return myZLayers.NbImmediateStructures() != 0;
303   }
305 public: //! @name obsolete Graduated Trihedron functionality
307   //! Displays Graduated Trihedron.
308   Standard_EXPORT virtual void GraduatedTrihedronDisplay (const Graphic3d_GraduatedTrihedron& theTrihedronData) Standard_OVERRIDE;
310   //! Erases Graduated Trihedron.
311   Standard_EXPORT virtual void GraduatedTrihedronErase() Standard_OVERRIDE;
313   //! Sets minimum and maximum points of scene bounding box for Graduated Trihedron stored in graphic view object.
314   //! @param theMin [in] the minimum point of scene.
315   //! @param theMax [in] the maximum point of scene.
316   Standard_EXPORT virtual void GraduatedTrihedronMinMaxValues (const Graphic3d_Vec3 theMin, const Graphic3d_Vec3 theMax) Standard_OVERRIDE;
318 protected: //! @name Internal methods for managing GL resources
320   //! Initializes OpenGl resource for environment texture.
321   void initTextureEnv (const Handle(OpenGl_Context)& theContext);
323 protected: //! @name low-level redrawing sub-routines
325   //! Prepare frame buffers for rendering.
326   Standard_EXPORT virtual bool prepareFrameBuffers (Graphic3d_Camera::Projection& theProj);
328   //! Redraws view for the given monographic camera projection, or left/right eye.
329   Standard_EXPORT virtual void redraw (const Graphic3d_Camera::Projection theProjection,
330                                        OpenGl_FrameBuffer*                theReadDrawFbo,
331                                        OpenGl_FrameBuffer*                theOitAccumFbo);
333   //! Redraws view for the given monographic camera projection, or left/right eye.
334   //!
335   //! Method will blit snapshot containing main scene (myMainSceneFbos or BackBuffer)
336   //! into presentation buffer (myMainSceneFbos -> offscreen FBO or
337   //! myMainSceneFbos -> BackBuffer or BackBuffer -> FrontBuffer),
338   //! and redraw immediate structures on top.
339   //!
340   //! When scene caching is disabled (myTransientDrawToFront, no double buffer in window, etc.),
341   //! the first step (blitting) will be skipped.
342   //!
343   //! @return false if immediate structures has been rendered directly into FrontBuffer
344   //! and Buffer Swap should not be called.
345   Standard_EXPORT virtual bool redrawImmediate (const Graphic3d_Camera::Projection theProjection,
346                                                 OpenGl_FrameBuffer* theReadFbo,
347                                                 OpenGl_FrameBuffer* theDrawFbo,
348                                                 OpenGl_FrameBuffer* theOitAccumFbo,
349                                                 const Standard_Boolean theIsPartialUpdate = Standard_False);
351   //! Blit image from/to specified buffers.
352   Standard_EXPORT bool blitBuffers (OpenGl_FrameBuffer*    theReadFbo,
353                                     OpenGl_FrameBuffer*    theDrawFbo,
354                                     const Standard_Boolean theToFlip = Standard_False);
356   //! Setup default FBO.
357   Standard_EXPORT void bindDefaultFbo (OpenGl_FrameBuffer* theCustomFbo = NULL);
359 protected: //! @name Rendering of GL graphics (with prepared drawing buffer).
361   //! Renders the graphical contents of the view into the preprepared shadowmap framebuffer.
362   //! @param theShadowMap [in] the framebuffer for rendering shadowmap.
363   Standard_EXPORT virtual void renderShadowMap (const Handle(OpenGl_ShadowMap)& theShadowMap);
365   //! Renders the graphical contents of the view into the preprepared window or framebuffer.
366   //! @param theProjection [in] the projection that should be used for rendering.
367   //! @param theReadDrawFbo [in] the framebuffer for rendering graphics.
368   //! @param theOitAccumFbo [in] the framebuffer for accumulating color and coverage for OIT process.
369   //! @param theToDrawImmediate [in] the flag indicates whether the rendering performs in immediate mode.
370   Standard_EXPORT virtual void render (Graphic3d_Camera::Projection theProjection,
371                                        OpenGl_FrameBuffer*          theReadDrawFbo,
372                                        OpenGl_FrameBuffer*          theOitAccumFbo,
373                                        const Standard_Boolean       theToDrawImmediate);
375   //! Renders the graphical scene.
376   //! @param theProjection [in] the projection that is used for rendering.
377   //! @param theReadDrawFbo [in] the framebuffer for rendering graphics.
378   //! @param theOitAccumFbo [in] the framebuffer for accumulating color and coverage for OIT process.
379   //! @param theToDrawImmediate [in] the flag indicates whether the rendering performs in immediate mode.
380   Standard_EXPORT virtual void renderScene (Graphic3d_Camera::Projection theProjection,
381                                             OpenGl_FrameBuffer*    theReadDrawFbo,
382                                             OpenGl_FrameBuffer*    theOitAccumFbo,
383                                             const Standard_Boolean theToDrawImmediate);
385   //! Draw background (gradient / image)
386   Standard_EXPORT virtual void drawBackground (const Handle(OpenGl_Workspace)& theWorkspace,
387                                                Graphic3d_Camera::Projection theProjection);
389   //! Render set of structures presented in the view.
390   //! @param theProjection [in] the projection that is used for rendering.
391   //! @param theReadDrawFbo [in] the framebuffer for rendering graphics.
392   //! @param theOitAccumFbo [in] the framebuffer for accumulating color and coverage for OIT process.
393   //! @param theToDrawImmediate [in] the flag indicates whether the rendering performs in immediate mode.
394   Standard_EXPORT virtual void renderStructs (Graphic3d_Camera::Projection theProjection,
395                                               OpenGl_FrameBuffer*    theReadDrawFbo,
396                                               OpenGl_FrameBuffer*    theOitAccumFbo,
397                                               const Standard_Boolean theToDrawImmediate);
399   //! Renders trihedron.
400   void renderTrihedron (const Handle(OpenGl_Workspace) &theWorkspace);
402   //! Renders frame statistics.
403   void renderFrameStats();
405 private:
407   //! Adds the structure to display lists of the view.
408   Standard_EXPORT virtual void displayStructure (const Handle(Graphic3d_CStructure)& theStructure,
409                                                  const Standard_Integer thePriority) Standard_OVERRIDE;
411   //! Erases the structure from display lists of the view.
412   Standard_EXPORT virtual void eraseStructure (const Handle(Graphic3d_CStructure)& theStructure) Standard_OVERRIDE;
414   //! Change Z layer of a structure already presented in view.
415   Standard_EXPORT virtual void changeZLayer (const Handle(Graphic3d_CStructure)& theCStructure,
416                                              const Graphic3d_ZLayerId theNewLayerId) Standard_OVERRIDE;
418   //! Changes the priority of a structure within its Z layer in the specified view.
419   Standard_EXPORT virtual void changePriority (const Handle(Graphic3d_CStructure)& theCStructure,
420                                                const Standard_Integer theNewPriority) Standard_OVERRIDE;
422 private:
424   //! Release sRGB resources (frame-buffers, textures, etc.).
425   void releaseSrgbResources (const Handle(OpenGl_Context)& theCtx);
427   //! Copy content of Back buffer to the Front buffer.
428   bool copyBackToFront();
430   //! Initialize blit quad.
431   OpenGl_VertexBuffer* initBlitQuad (const Standard_Boolean theToFlip);
433   //! Blend together views pair into stereo image.
434   void drawStereoPair (OpenGl_FrameBuffer* theDrawFbo);
436   //! Check and update OIT compatibility with current OpenGL context's state.
437   bool checkOitCompatibility (const Handle(OpenGl_Context)& theGlContext,
438                               const Standard_Boolean theMSAA);
440 protected:
442   OpenGl_GraphicDriver*    myDriver;
443   Handle(OpenGl_Window)    myWindow;
444   Handle(OpenGl_Workspace) myWorkspace;
445   Handle(OpenGl_Caps)      myCaps;
446   Standard_Boolean         myWasRedrawnGL;
448   Handle(Graphic3d_SequenceOfHClipPlane) myClipPlanes;
449   gp_XYZ                          myLocalOrigin;
450   Handle(OpenGl_FrameBuffer)      myFBO;
451   Standard_Boolean                myToShowGradTrihedron;
452   Graphic3d_GraduatedTrihedron    myGTrihedronData;
454   Handle(Graphic3d_LightSet)      myNoShadingLight;
455   Handle(Graphic3d_LightSet)      myLights;
456   OpenGl_LayerList                myZLayers; //!< main list of displayed structure, sorted by layers
458   Graphic3d_WorldViewProjState    myWorldViewProjState; //!< camera modification state
459   OpenGl_StateCounter*            myStateCounter;
460   Standard_Size                   myCurrLightSourceState;
461   Standard_Size                   myLightsRevision;
463   typedef std::pair<Standard_Size, Standard_Size> StateInfo;
465   StateInfo myLastOrientationState;
466   StateInfo myLastViewMappingState;
467   StateInfo myLastLightSourceState;
469   //! Is needed for selection of overlapping objects and storage of the current view volume
470   Graphic3d_CullingTool myBVHSelector;
472   OpenGl_GraduatedTrihedron myGraduatedTrihedron;
473   OpenGl_FrameStatsPrs      myFrameStatsPrs;
475   //! Framebuffers for OpenGL output.
476   Handle(OpenGl_FrameBuffer) myOpenGlFBO;
477   Handle(OpenGl_FrameBuffer) myOpenGlFBO2;
479 protected: //! @name Rendering properties
481   //! Two framebuffers (left and right views) store cached main presentation
482   //! of the view (without presentation of immediate layers).
483   Standard_Integer           mySRgbState;             //!< track sRGB state
484   GLint                      myFboColorFormat;        //!< sized format for color attachments
485   GLint                      myFboDepthFormat;        //!< sized format for depth-stencil attachments
486   OpenGl_ColorFormats        myFboOitColorConfig;     //!< selected color format configuration for OIT color attachments
487   Handle(OpenGl_FrameBuffer) myMainSceneFbos[2];
488   Handle(OpenGl_FrameBuffer) myMainSceneFbosOit[2];      //!< Additional buffers for transparent draw of main layer.
489   Handle(OpenGl_FrameBuffer) myImmediateSceneFbos[2];    //!< Additional buffers for immediate layer in stereo mode.
490   Handle(OpenGl_FrameBuffer) myImmediateSceneFbosOit[2]; //!< Additional buffers for transparency draw of immediate layer.
491   Handle(OpenGl_FrameBuffer) myXrSceneFbo;               //!< additional FBO (without MSAA) for submitting to XR
492   Handle(OpenGl_DepthPeeling)   myDepthPeelingFbos;   //!< additional buffers for depth peeling
493   Handle(OpenGl_ShadowMapArray) myShadowMaps;         //!< additional FBOs for shadow map rendering
494   OpenGl_VertexBuffer        myFullScreenQuad;        //!< Vertices for full-screen quad rendering.
495   OpenGl_VertexBuffer        myFullScreenQuadFlip;
496   Standard_Boolean           myToFlipOutput;          //!< Flag to draw result image upside-down
497   unsigned int               myFrameCounter;          //!< redraw counter, for debugging
498   Standard_Boolean           myHasFboBlit;            //!< disable FBOs on failure
499   Standard_Boolean           myToDisableOIT;          //!< disable OIT on failure
500   Standard_Boolean           myToDisableOITMSAA;      //!< disable OIT with MSAA on failure
501   Standard_Boolean           myToDisableMSAA;         //!< disable MSAA after failure
502   Standard_Boolean           myTransientDrawToFront; //!< optimization flag for immediate mode (to render directly to the front buffer)
503   Standard_Boolean           myBackBufferRestored;
504   Standard_Boolean           myIsImmediateDrawn;     //!< flag indicates that immediate mode buffer contains some data
506 protected: //! @name Background parameters
508   OpenGl_Aspects*            myTextureParams;                     //!< Stores texture and its parameters for textured background
509   OpenGl_Aspects*            myCubeMapParams;                     //!< Stores cubemap and its parameters for cubemap background
510   OpenGl_Aspects*            myColoredQuadParams;                 //!< Stores parameters for gradient (corner mode) background
511   OpenGl_BackgroundArray*    myBackgrounds[Graphic3d_TypeOfBackground_NB]; //!< Array of primitive arrays of different background types
512   Handle(OpenGl_TextureSet)  myTextureEnv;
514 protected: //! @name methods related to PBR
516   //! Checks whether PBR is available.
517   Standard_EXPORT Standard_Boolean checkPBRAvailability() const;
519   //! Generates IBL maps used in PBR pipeline.
520   //! If background cubemap is not set clears all IBL maps.
521   Standard_EXPORT void updatePBREnvironment (const Handle(OpenGl_Context)& theCtx);
523 protected: //! @name fields and types related to PBR
525   //! State of PBR environment.
526   enum PBREnvironmentState
527   {
528     OpenGl_PBREnvState_NONEXISTENT,
529     OpenGl_PBREnvState_UNAVAILABLE, // indicates failed try to create PBR environment
530     OpenGl_PBREnvState_CREATED
531   };
533   Handle(OpenGl_PBREnvironment) myPBREnvironment; //!< manager of IBL maps used in PBR pipeline
534   PBREnvironmentState           myPBREnvState;    //!< state of PBR environment
535   Standard_Boolean              myPBREnvRequest;  //!< update PBR environment
537 protected: //! @name data types related to ray-tracing
539   //! Result of OpenGL shaders initialization.
540   enum RaytraceInitStatus
541   {
542     OpenGl_RT_NONE,
543     OpenGl_RT_INIT,
544     OpenGl_RT_FAIL
545   };
547   //! Describes update mode (state).
548   enum RaytraceUpdateMode
549   {
550     OpenGl_GUM_CHECK,   //!< check geometry state
551     OpenGl_GUM_PREPARE, //!< collect unchanged objects
552     OpenGl_GUM_REBUILD  //!< rebuild changed and new objects
553   };
555   //! Defines frequently used shader variables.
556   enum ShaderVariableIndex
557   {
558     OpenGl_RT_aPosition,
560     // camera position
561     OpenGl_RT_uOriginLT,
562     OpenGl_RT_uOriginLB,
563     OpenGl_RT_uOriginRT,
564     OpenGl_RT_uOriginRB,
565     OpenGl_RT_uDirectLT,
566     OpenGl_RT_uDirectLB,
567     OpenGl_RT_uDirectRT,
568     OpenGl_RT_uDirectRB,
569     OpenGl_RT_uViewPrMat,
570     OpenGl_RT_uUnviewMat,
572     // 3D scene params
573     OpenGl_RT_uSceneRad,
574     OpenGl_RT_uSceneEps,
575     OpenGl_RT_uLightAmbnt,
576     OpenGl_RT_uLightCount,
578     // background params
579     OpenGl_RT_uBackColorTop,
580     OpenGl_RT_uBackColorBot,
582     // ray-tracing params
583     OpenGl_RT_uShadowsEnabled,
584     OpenGl_RT_uReflectEnabled,
585     OpenGl_RT_uEnvMapEnabled,
586     OpenGl_RT_uEnvMapForBack,
587     OpenGl_RT_uTexSamplersArray,
588     OpenGl_RT_uBlockedRngEnabled,
590     // size of render window
591     OpenGl_RT_uWinSizeX,
592     OpenGl_RT_uWinSizeY,
594     // sampled frame params
595     OpenGl_RT_uAccumSamples,
596     OpenGl_RT_uFrameRndSeed,
598     // adaptive FSAA params
599     OpenGl_RT_uFsaaOffset,
600     OpenGl_RT_uSamples,
602     // images used by ISS mode
603     OpenGl_RT_uRenderImage,
604     OpenGl_RT_uTilesImage,
605     OpenGl_RT_uOffsetImage,
606     OpenGl_RT_uTileSize,
607     OpenGl_RT_uVarianceScaleFactor,
609     // maximum radiance value
610     OpenGl_RT_uMaxRadiance,
612     OpenGl_RT_NbVariables // special field
613   };
615   //! Defines OpenGL image samplers.
616   enum ShaderImageNames
617   {
618     OpenGl_RT_OutputImage = 0,
619     OpenGl_RT_VisualErrorImage = 1,
620     OpenGl_RT_TileOffsetsImage = 2,
621     OpenGl_RT_TileSamplesImage = 3
622   };
624   //! Tool class for management of shader sources.
625   class ShaderSource
626   {
627   public:
629     //! Default shader prefix - empty string.
630     static const TCollection_AsciiString EMPTY_PREFIX;
632     //! Creates new uninitialized shader source.
ShaderSource()633     ShaderSource()
634     {
635       //
636     }
638   public:
640     //! Returns error description in case of load fail.
ErrorDescription() const641     const TCollection_AsciiString& ErrorDescription() const
642     {
643       return myError;
644     }
646     //! Returns prefix to insert before the source.
Prefix() const647     const TCollection_AsciiString& Prefix() const
648     {
649       return myPrefix;
650     }
652     //! Sets prefix to insert before the source.
SetPrefix(const TCollection_AsciiString & thePrefix)653     void SetPrefix (const TCollection_AsciiString& thePrefix)
654     {
655       myPrefix = thePrefix;
656     }
658     //! Returns shader source combined with prefix.
659     TCollection_AsciiString Source (const Handle(OpenGl_Context)& theCtx,
660                                     const GLenum theType) const;
662     //! Loads shader source from specified files.
663     Standard_Boolean LoadFromFiles (const TCollection_AsciiString* theFileNames, const TCollection_AsciiString& thePrefix = EMPTY_PREFIX);
665     //! Loads shader source from specified strings.
666     Standard_Boolean LoadFromStrings (const TCollection_AsciiString* theStrings, const TCollection_AsciiString& thePrefix = EMPTY_PREFIX);
668   private:
670     TCollection_AsciiString mySource; //!< Source string of the shader object
671     TCollection_AsciiString myPrefix; //!< Prefix to insert before the source
672     TCollection_AsciiString myError;  //!< error state
674   };
676   //! Default ray-tracing depth.
677   static const Standard_Integer THE_DEFAULT_NB_BOUNCES = 3;
679   //! Default size of traversal stack.
680   static const Standard_Integer THE_DEFAULT_STACK_SIZE = 10;
682   //! Compile-time ray-tracing parameters.
683   struct RaytracingParams
684   {
685     //! Actual size of traversal stack in shader program.
686     Standard_Integer StackSize;
688     //! Actual ray-tracing depth (number of ray bounces).
689     Standard_Integer NbBounces;
691     //! Define depth computation
692     Standard_Boolean IsZeroToOneDepth;
694     //! Enables/disables light propagation through transparent media.
695     Standard_Boolean TransparentShadows;
697     //! Enables/disables global illumination (GI) effects.
698     Standard_Boolean GlobalIllumination;
700     //! Enables/disables the use of OpenGL bindless textures.
701     Standard_Boolean UseBindlessTextures;
703     //! Enables/disables two-sided BSDF models instead of one-sided.
704     Standard_Boolean TwoSidedBsdfModels;
706     //! Enables/disables adaptive screen sampling for path tracing.
707     Standard_Boolean AdaptiveScreenSampling;
709     //! Enables/disables 1-pass atomic mode for AdaptiveScreenSampling.
710     Standard_Boolean AdaptiveScreenSamplingAtomic;
712     //! Enables/disables environment map for background.
713     Standard_Boolean UseEnvMapForBackground;
715     //! Enables/disables normal map ignoring during path tracing.
716     Standard_Boolean ToIgnoreNormalMap;
718     //! Maximum radiance value used for clamping radiance estimation.
719     Standard_ShortReal RadianceClampingValue;
721     //! Enables/disables depth-of-field effect (path tracing, perspective camera).
722     Standard_Boolean DepthOfField;
724     //! Enables/disables cubemap background.
725     Standard_Boolean CubemapForBack;
727     //! Tone mapping method for path tracing.
728     Graphic3d_ToneMappingMethod ToneMappingMethod;
730     //! Creates default compile-time ray-tracing parameters.
RaytracingParamsOpenGl_View::RaytracingParams731     RaytracingParams()
732     : StackSize              (THE_DEFAULT_STACK_SIZE),
733       NbBounces              (THE_DEFAULT_NB_BOUNCES),
734       IsZeroToOneDepth       (Standard_False),
735       TransparentShadows     (Standard_False),
736       GlobalIllumination     (Standard_False),
737       UseBindlessTextures    (Standard_False),
738       TwoSidedBsdfModels     (Standard_False),
739       AdaptiveScreenSampling (Standard_False),
740       AdaptiveScreenSamplingAtomic (Standard_False),
741       UseEnvMapForBackground (Standard_False),
742       ToIgnoreNormalMap      (Standard_False),
743       RadianceClampingValue  (30.0),
744       DepthOfField           (Standard_False),
745       CubemapForBack         (Standard_False),
746       ToneMappingMethod      (Graphic3d_ToneMappingMethod_Disabled) { }
747   };
749   //! Describes state of OpenGL structure.
750   struct StructState
751   {
752     Standard_Size StructureState;
753     Standard_Size InstancedState;
755     //! Creates new structure state.
StructStateOpenGl_View::StructState756     StructState (const Standard_Size theStructureState = 0,
757                  const Standard_Size theInstancedState = 0)
758     : StructureState (theStructureState),
759       InstancedState (theInstancedState)
760     {
761       //
762     }
764     //! Creates new structure state.
StructStateOpenGl_View::StructState765     StructState (const OpenGl_Structure* theStructure)
766     {
767       StructureState = theStructure->ModificationState();
769       InstancedState = theStructure->InstancedStructure() != NULL ?
770         theStructure->InstancedStructure()->ModificationState() : 0;
771     }
772   };
774 protected: //! @name methods related to ray-tracing
776   //! Updates 3D scene geometry for ray-tracing.
777   Standard_Boolean updateRaytraceGeometry (const RaytraceUpdateMode      theMode,
778                                            const Standard_Integer        theViewId,
779                                            const Handle(OpenGl_Context)& theGlContext);
781   //! Updates 3D scene light sources for ray-tracing.
782   Standard_Boolean updateRaytraceLightSources (const OpenGl_Mat4& theInvModelView, const Handle(OpenGl_Context)& theGlContext);
784   //! Checks to see if the OpenGL structure is modified.
785   Standard_Boolean toUpdateStructure (const OpenGl_Structure* theStructure);
787   //! Adds OpenGL structure to ray-traced scene geometry.
788   Standard_Boolean addRaytraceStructure (const OpenGl_Structure*       theStructure,
789                                          const Handle(OpenGl_Context)& theGlContext);
791   //! Adds OpenGL groups to ray-traced scene geometry.
792   Standard_Boolean addRaytraceGroups (const OpenGl_Structure*        theStructure,
793                                       const OpenGl_RaytraceMaterial& theStructMat,
794                                       const Handle(TopLoc_Datum3D)&  theTrsf,
795                                       const Handle(OpenGl_Context)&  theGlContext);
797   //! Creates ray-tracing material properties.
798   OpenGl_RaytraceMaterial convertMaterial (const OpenGl_Aspects* theAspect,
799                                            const Handle(OpenGl_Context)& theGlContext);
801   //! Adds OpenGL primitive array to ray-traced scene geometry.
802   Handle(OpenGl_TriangleSet) addRaytracePrimitiveArray (const OpenGl_PrimitiveArray* theArray,
803                                                         const Standard_Integer       theMatID,
804                                                         const OpenGl_Mat4*           theTrans);
806   //! Adds vertex indices from OpenGL primitive array to ray-traced scene geometry.
807   Standard_Boolean addRaytraceVertexIndices (OpenGl_TriangleSet&                  theSet,
808                                              const Standard_Integer               theMatID,
809                                              const Standard_Integer               theCount,
810                                              const Standard_Integer               theOffset,
811                                              const OpenGl_PrimitiveArray&         theArray);
813   //! Adds OpenGL triangle array to ray-traced scene geometry.
814   Standard_Boolean addRaytraceTriangleArray (OpenGl_TriangleSet&                  theSet,
815                                              const Standard_Integer               theMatID,
816                                              const Standard_Integer               theCount,
817                                              const Standard_Integer               theOffset,
818                                              const Handle(Graphic3d_IndexBuffer)& theIndices);
820   //! Adds OpenGL triangle fan array to ray-traced scene geometry.
821   Standard_Boolean addRaytraceTriangleFanArray (OpenGl_TriangleSet&                  theSet,
822                                                 const Standard_Integer               theMatID,
823                                                 const Standard_Integer               theCount,
824                                                 const Standard_Integer               theOffset,
825                                                 const Handle(Graphic3d_IndexBuffer)& theIndices);
827   //! Adds OpenGL triangle strip array to ray-traced scene geometry.
828   Standard_Boolean addRaytraceTriangleStripArray (OpenGl_TriangleSet&                  theSet,
829                                                   const Standard_Integer               theMatID,
830                                                   const Standard_Integer               theCount,
831                                                   const Standard_Integer               theOffset,
832                                                   const Handle(Graphic3d_IndexBuffer)& theIndices);
834   //! Adds OpenGL quadrangle array to ray-traced scene geometry.
835   Standard_Boolean addRaytraceQuadrangleArray (OpenGl_TriangleSet&                  theSet,
836                                                const Standard_Integer               theMatID,
837                                                const Standard_Integer               theCount,
838                                                const Standard_Integer               theOffset,
839                                                const Handle(Graphic3d_IndexBuffer)& theIndices);
841   //! Adds OpenGL quadrangle strip array to ray-traced scene geometry.
842   Standard_Boolean addRaytraceQuadrangleStripArray (OpenGl_TriangleSet&                  theSet,
843                                                     const Standard_Integer               theMatID,
844                                                     const Standard_Integer               theCount,
845                                                     const Standard_Integer               theOffset,
846                                                     const Handle(Graphic3d_IndexBuffer)& theIndices);
848   //! Adds OpenGL polygon array to ray-traced scene geometry.
849   Standard_Boolean addRaytracePolygonArray (OpenGl_TriangleSet&                  theSet,
850                                             const Standard_Integer               theMatID,
851                                             const Standard_Integer               theCount,
852                                             const Standard_Integer               theOffset,
853                                             const Handle(Graphic3d_IndexBuffer)& theIndices);
855   //! Uploads ray-trace data to the GPU.
856   Standard_Boolean uploadRaytraceData (const Handle(OpenGl_Context)& theGlContext);
858   //! Generates shader prefix based on current ray-tracing options.
859   TCollection_AsciiString generateShaderPrefix (const Handle(OpenGl_Context)& theGlContext) const;
861   //! Performs safe exit when shaders initialization fails.
862   Standard_Boolean safeFailBack (const TCollection_ExtendedString& theMessage,
863                                  const Handle(OpenGl_Context)&     theGlContext);
865   //! Loads and compiles shader object from specified source.
866   Handle(OpenGl_ShaderObject) initShader (const GLenum                  theType,
867                                           const ShaderSource&           theSource,
868                                           const Handle(OpenGl_Context)& theGlContext);
870   //! Creates shader program from the given vertex and fragment shaders.
871   Handle(OpenGl_ShaderProgram) initProgram (const Handle(OpenGl_Context)&      theGlContext,
872                                             const Handle(OpenGl_ShaderObject)& theVertShader,
873                                             const Handle(OpenGl_ShaderObject)& theFragShader,
874                                             const TCollection_AsciiString& theName);
876   //! Initializes OpenGL/GLSL shader programs.
877   Standard_Boolean initRaytraceResources (const Standard_Integer theSizeX,
878                                           const Standard_Integer theSizeY,
879                                           const Handle(OpenGl_Context)& theGlContext);
881   //! Releases OpenGL/GLSL shader programs.
882   void releaseRaytraceResources (const Handle(OpenGl_Context)& theGlContext,
883                                  const Standard_Boolean        theToRebuild = Standard_False);
885   //! Updates auxiliary OpenGL frame buffers.
886   Standard_Boolean updateRaytraceBuffers (const Standard_Integer        theSizeX,
887                                           const Standard_Integer        theSizeY,
888                                           const Handle(OpenGl_Context)& theGlContext);
890   //! Generates viewing rays for corners of screen quad.
891   //! (ray tracing; path tracing for orthographic camera)
892   void updateCamera (const OpenGl_Mat4& theOrientation,
893                      const OpenGl_Mat4& theViewMapping,
894                      OpenGl_Vec3*       theOrigins,
895                      OpenGl_Vec3*       theDirects,
896                      OpenGl_Mat4&       theView,
897                      OpenGl_Mat4&       theUnView);
899   //! Generate viewing rays (path tracing, perspective camera).
900   void updatePerspCameraPT(const OpenGl_Mat4&           theOrientation,
901                            const OpenGl_Mat4&           theViewMapping,
902                            Graphic3d_Camera::Projection theProjection,
903                            OpenGl_Mat4&                 theViewPr,
904                            OpenGl_Mat4&                 theUnview,
905                            const int                    theWinSizeX,
906                            const int                    theWinSizeY);
908   //! Binds ray-trace textures to corresponding texture units.
909   void bindRaytraceTextures (const Handle(OpenGl_Context)& theGlContext,
910                              int theStereoView);
912   //! Unbinds ray-trace textures from corresponding texture unit.
913   void unbindRaytraceTextures (const Handle(OpenGl_Context)& theGlContext);
915   //! Sets uniform state for the given ray-tracing shader program.
916   Standard_Boolean setUniformState (const Standard_Integer        theProgramId,
917                                     const Standard_Integer        theSizeX,
918                                     const Standard_Integer        theSizeY,
919                                     Graphic3d_Camera::Projection  theProjection,
920                                     const Handle(OpenGl_Context)& theGlContext);
922   //! Runs ray-tracing shader programs.
923   Standard_Boolean runRaytraceShaders (const Standard_Integer        theSizeX,
924                                        const Standard_Integer        theSizeY,
925                                        Graphic3d_Camera::Projection  theProjection,
926                                        OpenGl_FrameBuffer*           theReadDrawFbo,
927                                        const Handle(OpenGl_Context)& theGlContext);
929   //! Runs classical (Whitted-style) ray-tracing kernel.
930   Standard_Boolean runRaytrace (const Standard_Integer        theSizeX,
931                                 const Standard_Integer        theSizeY,
932                                 Graphic3d_Camera::Projection  theProjection,
933                                 OpenGl_FrameBuffer*           theReadDrawFbo,
934                                 const Handle(OpenGl_Context)& theGlContext);
936   //! Runs path tracing (global illumination) kernel.
937   Standard_Boolean runPathtrace (const Standard_Integer        theSizeX,
938                                  const Standard_Integer        theSizeY,
939                                  Graphic3d_Camera::Projection  theProjection,
940                                  const Handle(OpenGl_Context)& theGlContext);
942   //! Runs path tracing (global illumination) kernel.
943   Standard_Boolean runPathtraceOut (Graphic3d_Camera::Projection  theProjection,
944                                     OpenGl_FrameBuffer*           theReadDrawFbo,
945                                     const Handle(OpenGl_Context)& theGlContext);
947   //! Redraws the window using OpenGL/GLSL ray-tracing or path tracing.
948   Standard_Boolean raytrace (const Standard_Integer        theSizeX,
949                              const Standard_Integer        theSizeY,
950                              Graphic3d_Camera::Projection  theProjection,
951                              OpenGl_FrameBuffer*           theReadDrawFbo,
952                              const Handle(OpenGl_Context)& theGlContext);
954 protected: //! @name fields related to ray-tracing
956   //! Result of RT/PT shaders initialization.
957   RaytraceInitStatus myRaytraceInitStatus;
959   //! Is ray-tracing geometry data valid?
960   Standard_Boolean myIsRaytraceDataValid;
962   //! True if warning about missing extension GL_ARB_bindless_texture has been displayed.
963   Standard_Boolean myIsRaytraceWarnTextures;
965   //! 3D scene geometry data for ray-tracing.
966   OpenGl_RaytraceGeometry myRaytraceGeometry;
968   //! Builder for triangle set.
969   opencascade::handle<BVH_Builder<Standard_ShortReal, 3> > myRaytraceBVHBuilder;
971   //! Compile-time ray-tracing parameters.
972   RaytracingParams myRaytraceParameters;
974   //! Radius of bounding sphere of the scene.
975   Standard_ShortReal myRaytraceSceneRadius;
976   //! Scene epsilon to prevent self-intersections.
977   Standard_ShortReal myRaytraceSceneEpsilon;
979   //! OpenGL/GLSL source of ray-tracing fragment shader.
980   ShaderSource myRaytraceShaderSource;
981   //! OpenGL/GLSL source of adaptive-AA fragment shader.
982   ShaderSource myPostFSAAShaderSource;
983   //! OpenGL/GLSL source of RT/PT display fragment shader.
984   ShaderSource myOutImageShaderSource;
986   //! OpenGL/GLSL ray-tracing fragment shader.
987   Handle(OpenGl_ShaderObject) myRaytraceShader;
988   //! OpenGL/GLSL adaptive-AA fragment shader.
989   Handle(OpenGl_ShaderObject) myPostFSAAShader;
990   //! OpenGL/GLSL ray-tracing display fragment shader.
991   Handle(OpenGl_ShaderObject) myOutImageShader;
993   //! OpenGL/GLSL ray-tracing shader program.
994   Handle(OpenGl_ShaderProgram) myRaytraceProgram;
995   //! OpenGL/GLSL adaptive-AA shader program.
996   Handle(OpenGl_ShaderProgram) myPostFSAAProgram;
997   //! OpenGL/GLSL program for displaying texture.
998   Handle(OpenGl_ShaderProgram) myOutImageProgram;
1000   //! Texture buffer of data records of bottom-level BVH nodes.
1001   Handle(OpenGl_TextureBuffer) mySceneNodeInfoTexture;
1002   //! Texture buffer of minimum points of bottom-level BVH nodes.
1003   Handle(OpenGl_TextureBuffer) mySceneMinPointTexture;
1004   //! Texture buffer of maximum points of bottom-level BVH nodes.
1005   Handle(OpenGl_TextureBuffer) mySceneMaxPointTexture;
1006   //! Texture buffer of transformations of high-level BVH nodes.
1007   Handle(OpenGl_TextureBuffer) mySceneTransformTexture;
1009   //! Texture buffer of vertex coords.
1010   Handle(OpenGl_TextureBuffer) myGeometryVertexTexture;
1011   //! Texture buffer of vertex normals.
1012   Handle(OpenGl_TextureBuffer) myGeometryNormalTexture;
1013   //! Texture buffer of vertex UV coords.
1014   Handle(OpenGl_TextureBuffer) myGeometryTexCrdTexture;
1015   //! Texture buffer of triangle indices.
1016   Handle(OpenGl_TextureBuffer) myGeometryTriangTexture;
1018   //! Texture buffer of material properties.
1019   Handle(OpenGl_TextureBuffer) myRaytraceMaterialTexture;
1020   //! Texture buffer of light source properties.
1021   Handle(OpenGl_TextureBuffer) myRaytraceLightSrcTexture;
1023   //! 1st framebuffer (FBO) to perform adaptive FSAA.
1024   //! Used in compatibility mode (no adaptive sampling).
1025   Handle(OpenGl_FrameBuffer) myRaytraceFBO1[2];
1026   //! 2nd framebuffer (FBO) to perform adaptive FSAA.
1027   //! Used in compatibility mode (no adaptive sampling).
1028   Handle(OpenGl_FrameBuffer) myRaytraceFBO2[2];
1030   //! Output textures (2 textures are used in stereo mode).
1031   //! Used if adaptive screen sampling is activated.
1032   Handle(OpenGl_Texture) myRaytraceOutputTexture[2];
1034   //! Texture containing per-tile visual error estimation (2 textures are used in stereo mode).
1035   //! Used if adaptive screen sampling is activated.
1036   Handle(OpenGl_Texture) myRaytraceVisualErrorTexture[2];
1037   //! Texture containing offsets of sampled screen tiles (2 textures are used in stereo mode).
1038   //! Used if adaptive screen sampling is activated.
1039   Handle(OpenGl_Texture) myRaytraceTileOffsetsTexture[2];
1040   //! Texture containing amount of extra per-tile samples (2 textures are used in stereo mode).
1041   //! Used if adaptive screen sampling is activated.
1042   Handle(OpenGl_Texture) myRaytraceTileSamplesTexture[2];
1044   //! Vertex buffer (VBO) for drawing dummy quad.
1045   OpenGl_VertexBuffer myRaytraceScreenQuad;
1047   //! Cached locations of frequently used uniform variables.
1048   Standard_Integer myUniformLocations[2][OpenGl_RT_NbVariables];
1050   //! State of OpenGL structures reflected to ray-tracing.
1051   std::map<const OpenGl_Structure*, StructState> myStructureStates;
1053   //! PrimitiveArray to TriangleSet map for scene partial update.
1054   std::map<Standard_Size, OpenGl_TriangleSet*> myArrayToTrianglesMap;
1056   //! Set of IDs of non-raytracable elements (to detect updates).
1057   std::set<Standard_Integer> myNonRaytraceStructureIDs;
1059   //! Marks if environment map should be updated.
1060   Standard_Boolean myToUpdateEnvironmentMap;
1062   //! State of OpenGL layer list.
1063   Standard_Size myRaytraceLayerListState;
1065   //! Number of accumulated frames (for progressive rendering).
1066   Standard_Integer myAccumFrames;
1068   //! Stored ray origins used for detection of camera movements.
1069   OpenGl_Vec3 myPreviousOrigins[3];
1071   //! Bullard RNG to produce random sequence.
1072   math_BullardGenerator myRNG;
1074   //! Tool object for sampling screen tiles in PT mode.
1075   OpenGl_TileSampler myTileSampler;
1077   //! Camera position used for projective mode
1078   OpenGl_Vec3 myEyeOrig;
1080   //! Camera view direction used for projective mode
1081   OpenGl_Vec3 myEyeView;
1083   //! Camera's screen vertical direction used for projective mode
1084   OpenGl_Vec3 myEyeVert;
1086   //! Camera's screen horizontal direction used for projective mode
1087   OpenGl_Vec3 myEyeSide;
1089   //! Camera's screen size used for projective mode
1090   OpenGl_Vec2 myEyeSize;
1092   //! Aperture radius of camera on previous frame used for depth-of-field (path tracing)
1093   float myPrevCameraApertureRadius;
1095   //! Focal distance of camera on previous frame used for depth-of-field (path tracing)
1096   float myPrevCameraFocalPlaneDist;
1098 public:
1101   DEFINE_STANDARD_RTTIEXT(OpenGl_View,Graphic3d_CView) // Type definition
1103   friend class OpenGl_GraphicDriver;
1104   friend class OpenGl_Workspace;
1105   friend class OpenGl_LayerList;
1106   friend class OpenGl_FrameStats;
1107 };
1109 #endif // _OpenGl_View_Header