1 // Created on: 2000-08-15
2 // Created by: Andrey BETENEV
3 // Copyright (c) 2000-2014 OPEN CASCADE SAS
4 //
5 // This file is part of Open CASCADE Technology software library.
6 //
7 // This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
8 // the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License version 2.1 as published
9 // by the Free Software Foundation, with special exception defined in the file
10 // OCCT_LGPL_EXCEPTION.txt. Consult the file LICENSE_LGPL_21.txt included in OCCT
11 // distribution for complete text of the license and disclaimer of any warranty.
12 //
13 // Alternatively, this file may be used under the terms of Open CASCADE
14 // commercial license or contractual agreement.
16 #ifndef _STEPCAFControl_Reader_HeaderFile
17 #define _STEPCAFControl_Reader_HeaderFile
19 #include <Resource_FormatType.hxx>
20 #include <STEPControl_Reader.hxx>
21 #include <IFSelect_ReturnStatus.hxx>
22 #include <TDF_LabelSequence.hxx>
23 #include <TopTools_MapOfShape.hxx>
24 #include <STEPCAFControl_DataMapOfShapePD.hxx>
25 #include <STEPCAFControl_DataMapOfPDExternFile.hxx>
26 #include <XCAFDoc_DataMapOfShapeLabel.hxx>
27 #include <TColStd_HSequenceOfTransient.hxx>
28 #include <XCAFDimTolObjects_DatumModifiersSequence.hxx>
29 #include <XCAFDimTolObjects_DatumModifWithValue.hxx>
31 class XSControl_WorkSession;
32 class TDocStd_Document;
33 class TCollection_AsciiString;
34 class STEPCAFControl_ExternFile;
35 class STEPControl_Reader;
36 class TDF_Label;
37 class TopoDS_Shape;
38 class XCAFDoc_ShapeTool;
39 class StepRepr_RepresentationItem;
40 class Transfer_TransientProcess;
41 class StepShape_ConnectedFaceSet;
42 class StepRepr_NextAssemblyUsageOccurrence;
43 class STEPConstruct_Tool;
44 class StepDimTol_Datum;
47 //! Provides a tool to read STEP file and put it into
48 //! DECAF document. Besides transfer of shapes (including
49 //! assemblies) provided by STEPControl, supports also
50 //! colors and part names
51 //!
52 //! This reader supports reading files with external references
53 //! i.e. multifile reading
54 //! It behaves as usual Reader (from STEPControl) for the main
55 //! file (e.g. if it is single file)
56 //! Results of reading other files can be accessed by name of the
57 //! file or by iterating on a readers
58 class STEPCAFControl_Reader
59 {
60 public:
65   //! Creates a reader with an empty
66   //! STEP model and sets ColorMode, LayerMode, NameMode and
67   //! PropsMode to Standard_True.
68   Standard_EXPORT STEPCAFControl_Reader();
70   //! Creates a reader tool and attaches it to an already existing Session
71   //! Clears the session if it was not yet set for STEP
72   Standard_EXPORT STEPCAFControl_Reader(const Handle(XSControl_WorkSession)& WS, const Standard_Boolean scratch = Standard_True);
74   //! Destructor.
75   Standard_EXPORT virtual ~STEPCAFControl_Reader();
77   //! Clears the internal data structures and attaches to a new session
78   //! Clears the session if it was not yet set for STEP
79   Standard_EXPORT void Init (const Handle(XSControl_WorkSession)& WS, const Standard_Boolean scratch = Standard_True);
81   //! Loads a file and returns the read status
82   //! Provided for use like single-file reader
83   Standard_EXPORT IFSelect_ReturnStatus ReadFile (const Standard_CString filename);
85   //! Returns number of roots recognized for transfer
86   //! Shortcut for Reader().NbRootsForTransfer()
87   Standard_EXPORT Standard_Integer NbRootsForTransfer();
89   //! Translates currently loaded STEP file into the document
90   //! Returns True if succeeded, and False in case of fail
91   //! Provided for use like single-file reader
92   Standard_EXPORT Standard_Boolean TransferOneRoot (const Standard_Integer num,
93                                                     Handle(TDocStd_Document)& doc,
94                                                     const Message_ProgressRange& theProgress = Message_ProgressRange());
96   //! Translates currently loaded STEP file into the document
97   //! Returns True if succeeded, and False in case of fail
98   //! Provided for use like single-file reader
99   Standard_EXPORT Standard_Boolean Transfer (Handle(TDocStd_Document)& doc,
100                                              const Message_ProgressRange& theProgress = Message_ProgressRange());
102   Standard_EXPORT Standard_Boolean Perform (const TCollection_AsciiString& filename,
103                                             Handle(TDocStd_Document)& doc,
104                                             const Message_ProgressRange& theProgress = Message_ProgressRange());
106   //! Translate STEP file given by filename into the document
107   //! Return True if succeeded, and False in case of fail
108   Standard_EXPORT Standard_Boolean Perform (const Standard_CString filename,
109                                             Handle(TDocStd_Document)& doc,
110                                             const Message_ProgressRange& theProgress = Message_ProgressRange());
112   //! Returns data on external files
113   //! Returns Null handle if no external files are read
114   Standard_EXPORT const NCollection_DataMap<TCollection_AsciiString, Handle(STEPCAFControl_ExternFile)> & ExternFiles() const;
116   //! Returns data on external file by its name
117   //! Returns False if no external file with given name is read
118   Standard_EXPORT Standard_Boolean ExternFile (const Standard_CString name, Handle(STEPCAFControl_ExternFile)& ef) const;
120   //! Returns basic reader
121   Standard_EXPORT STEPControl_Reader& ChangeReader();
123   //! Returns basic reader as const
124   Standard_EXPORT const STEPControl_Reader& Reader() const;
126   //! Returns label of instance of an assembly component
127   //! corresponding to a given NAUO
128   Standard_EXPORT static TDF_Label FindInstance
129                 (const Handle(StepRepr_NextAssemblyUsageOccurrence)& NAUO,
130                  const Handle(XCAFDoc_ShapeTool)& STool,
131                  const STEPConstruct_Tool& Tool,
132                  const XCAFDoc_DataMapOfShapeLabel& ShapeLabelMap);
134   //! Set ColorMode for indicate read Colors or not.
135   Standard_EXPORT void SetColorMode (const Standard_Boolean colormode);
137   Standard_EXPORT Standard_Boolean GetColorMode() const;
139   //! Set NameMode for indicate read Name or not.
140   Standard_EXPORT void SetNameMode (const Standard_Boolean namemode);
142   Standard_EXPORT Standard_Boolean GetNameMode() const;
144   //! Set LayerMode for indicate read Layers or not.
145   Standard_EXPORT void SetLayerMode (const Standard_Boolean layermode);
147   Standard_EXPORT Standard_Boolean GetLayerMode() const;
149   //! PropsMode for indicate read Validation properties or not.
150   Standard_EXPORT void SetPropsMode (const Standard_Boolean propsmode);
152   Standard_EXPORT Standard_Boolean GetPropsMode() const;
154   //! Set SHUO mode for indicate write SHUO or not.
155   Standard_EXPORT void SetSHUOMode (const Standard_Boolean shuomode);
157   Standard_EXPORT Standard_Boolean GetSHUOMode() const;
159   //! Set GDT mode for indicate write GDT or not.
160   Standard_EXPORT void SetGDTMode (const Standard_Boolean gdtmode);
162   Standard_EXPORT Standard_Boolean GetGDTMode() const;
164   //! Set Material mode
165   Standard_EXPORT void SetMatMode (const Standard_Boolean matmode);
167   Standard_EXPORT Standard_Boolean GetMatMode() const;
169   //! Set View mode
170   Standard_EXPORT void SetViewMode(const Standard_Boolean viewmode);
172   //! Get View mode
173   Standard_EXPORT Standard_Boolean GetViewMode() const;
GetShapeLabelMap() const175   const XCAFDoc_DataMapOfShapeLabel& GetShapeLabelMap() const { return myMap; }
177 protected:
180   //! Translates STEP file already loaded into the reader
181   //! into the document
182   //! If num==0, translates all roots, else only root number num
183   //! Returns True if succeeded, and False in case of fail
184   //! If asOne is True, in case of multiple results composes
185   //! them into assembly. Fills sequence of produced labels
186   Standard_EXPORT Standard_Boolean Transfer (STEPControl_Reader& rd,
187                                              const Standard_Integer num,
188                                              Handle(TDocStd_Document)& doc,
189                                              TDF_LabelSequence& Lseq,
190                                              const Standard_Boolean asOne = Standard_False,
191                                              const Message_ProgressRange& theProgress = Message_ProgressRange());
193   //! Add a shape to a document
194   //! Depending on a case, this shape can be added as one, or
195   //! as assembly, or (in case if it is associated with external
196   //! reference) taken as that referred shape
197   Standard_EXPORT TDF_Label AddShape (const TopoDS_Shape& S, const Handle(XCAFDoc_ShapeTool)& STool, const TopTools_MapOfShape& NewShapesMap, const STEPCAFControl_DataMapOfShapePD& ShapePDMap, const STEPCAFControl_DataMapOfPDExternFile& PDFileMap);
199   //! Reads (or if returns already read) extern file with
200   //! given name
201   Standard_EXPORT Handle(STEPCAFControl_ExternFile) ReadExternFile (const Standard_CString file,
202                                                                     const Standard_CString fullpath,
203                                                                     Handle(TDocStd_Document)& doc,
204                                    const Message_ProgressRange& theProgress = Message_ProgressRange());
206   //! Reads style assignments from STEP model and sets
207   //! corresponding color assignments in the DECAF document
208   Standard_EXPORT Standard_Boolean ReadColors
209                 (const Handle(XSControl_WorkSession)& WS,
210                  Handle(TDocStd_Document)& doc) const;
212   //! Reads names of parts defined in the STEP model and
213   //! assigns them to corresponding labels in the DECAF document
214   Standard_EXPORT Standard_Boolean ReadNames (const Handle(XSControl_WorkSession)& WS, Handle(TDocStd_Document)& doc, const STEPCAFControl_DataMapOfPDExternFile& PDFileMap) const;
216   //! Reads validation properties assigned to shapes in the STEP
217   //! model and assigns them to corresponding labels in the DECAF
218   //! document
219   Standard_EXPORT Standard_Boolean ReadValProps (const Handle(XSControl_WorkSession)& WS, Handle(TDocStd_Document)& doc, const STEPCAFControl_DataMapOfPDExternFile& PDFileMap) const;
221   //! Reads layers of parts defined in the STEP model and
222   //! set reference between shape and layers in the DECAF document
223   Standard_EXPORT Standard_Boolean ReadLayers (const Handle(XSControl_WorkSession)& WS, Handle(TDocStd_Document)& doc) const;
225   //! Reads SHUO for instances defined in the STEP model and
226   //! set reference between shape instances from different assemblyes
227   Standard_EXPORT Standard_Boolean ReadSHUOs (const Handle(XSControl_WorkSession)& WS, Handle(TDocStd_Document)& doc, const STEPCAFControl_DataMapOfPDExternFile& PDFileMap) const;
229   //! Reads D&GT for instances defined in the STEP model and
230   //! set reference between shape instances from different assemblyes
231   Standard_EXPORT Standard_Boolean ReadGDTs (const Handle(XSControl_WorkSession)& WS, Handle(TDocStd_Document)& doc);
233   //! Reads materials for instances defined in the STEP model and
234   //! set reference between shape instances from different assemblyes
235   Standard_EXPORT Standard_Boolean ReadMaterials (const Handle(XSControl_WorkSession)& WS, Handle(TDocStd_Document)& doc, const Handle(TColStd_HSequenceOfTransient)& SeqPDS) const;
237   //! Reads Views for instances defined in the STEP model
238   Standard_EXPORT Standard_Boolean ReadViews(const Handle(XSControl_WorkSession)& theWS, Handle(TDocStd_Document)& theDoc) const;
240   //! Populates the sub-Label of the passed TDF Label with shape
241   //! data associated with the given STEP Representation Item,
242   //! including naming and topological information.
243   Standard_EXPORT TDF_Label SettleShapeData (const Handle(StepRepr_RepresentationItem)& theItem, const TDF_Label& theLab, const Handle(XCAFDoc_ShapeTool)& theShapeTool, const Handle(Transfer_TransientProcess)& theTP) const;
245   //! Given the maps of already translated shapes, this method
246   //! expands their correspondent Labels in XDE Document so that
247   //! to have a dedicated sub-Label for each sub-shape coming
248   //! with associated name in its STEP Representation Item.
249   Standard_EXPORT void ExpandSubShapes (const Handle(XCAFDoc_ShapeTool)& theShapeTool, const STEPCAFControl_DataMapOfShapePD& theShapePDMap) const;
251   //! Expands the topological structure of Manifold Solid BRep
252   //! STEP entity to OCAF sub-tree. Entities having no names
253   //! associated via their Representation Items are skipped.
254   Standard_EXPORT void ExpandManifoldSolidBrep (TDF_Label& theLab, const Handle(StepRepr_RepresentationItem)& theItem, const Handle(Transfer_TransientProcess)& theTP, const Handle(XCAFDoc_ShapeTool)& theShapeTool) const;
256   //! Expands the topological structure of Shell-Based Surface
257   //! Model STEP entity to OCAF sub-tree. Entities having no names
258   //! associated via their Representation Items are skipped.
259   Standard_EXPORT void ExpandSBSM (TDF_Label& theLab, const Handle(StepRepr_RepresentationItem)& theItem, const Handle(Transfer_TransientProcess)& theTP, const Handle(XCAFDoc_ShapeTool)& theShapeTool) const;
261   //! Expands STEP Shell structure to OCAF sub-tree. Entities
262   //! having no names associated via their Representation Items
263   //! are skipped.
264   Standard_EXPORT void ExpandShell (const Handle(StepShape_ConnectedFaceSet)& theShell, TDF_Label& theLab, const Handle(Transfer_TransientProcess)& theTP, const Handle(XCAFDoc_ShapeTool)& theShapeTool) const;
266   //! Convert name into UNICODE text.
267   Standard_EXPORT virtual TCollection_ExtendedString convertName (const TCollection_AsciiString& theName) const;
269 private:
271   //! Internal method. Import all Datum attributes and set them to XCAF object. Set connection of Datum to GeomTolerance (theGDTL).
272   Standard_Boolean setDatumToXCAF(const Handle(StepDimTol_Datum)& theDat,
273     const TDF_Label theGDTL,
274     const Standard_Integer thePositionCounter,
275     const XCAFDimTolObjects_DatumModifiersSequence& theXCAFModifiers,
276     const XCAFDimTolObjects_DatumModifWithValue theXCAFModifWithVal,
277     const Standard_Real theModifValue,
278     const Handle(TDocStd_Document)& theDoc,
279     const Handle(XSControl_WorkSession)& theWS);
281   //! Internal method. Read Datums, connected to GeomTolerance theGDTL.
282   Standard_Boolean readDatumsAP242(const Handle(Standard_Transient)& theEnt,
283     const TDF_Label theGDTL,
284     const Handle(TDocStd_Document)& theDoc,
285     const Handle(XSControl_WorkSession)& theWS);
287   //! Internal method. Read Dimension or GeomTolerance.
288   TDF_Label createGDTObjectInXCAF(const Handle(Standard_Transient)& theEnt,
289     const Handle(TDocStd_Document)& theDoc,
290     const Handle(XSControl_WorkSession)& theWS);
292   //! Prepares units for transfer
293   void prepareUnits(const Handle(StepData_StepModel)& theModel,
294                     const Handle(TDocStd_Document)& theDoc) const;
296 private:
298   STEPControl_Reader myReader;
299   NCollection_DataMap<TCollection_AsciiString, Handle(STEPCAFControl_ExternFile)> myFiles;
300   XCAFDoc_DataMapOfShapeLabel myMap;
301   Standard_Boolean myColorMode;
302   Standard_Boolean myNameMode;
303   Standard_Boolean myLayerMode;
304   Standard_Boolean myPropsMode;
305   Standard_Boolean mySHUOMode;
306   Standard_Boolean myGDTMode;
307   Standard_Boolean myMatMode;
308   Standard_Boolean myViewMode;
309   NCollection_DataMap<Handle(Standard_Transient), TDF_Label> myGDTMap;
311 };
313 #endif // _STEPCAFControl_Reader_HeaderFile