1// Created on: 2005-09-08
2// Created by: Alexander GRIGORIEV
3// Copyright (c) 2005-2014 OPEN CASCADE SAS
5// This file is part of Open CASCADE Technology software library.
7// This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
8// the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License version 2.1 as published
9// by the Free Software Foundation, with special exception defined in the file
10// OCCT_LGPL_EXCEPTION.txt. Consult the file LICENSE_LGPL_21.txt included in OCCT
11// distribution for complete text of the license and disclaimer of any warranty.
13// Alternatively, this file may be used under the terms of Open CASCADE
14// commercial license or contractual agreement.
16inline Standard_Boolean _compareDist  (const RealType aHSize[3],
17                                       const RealType aDist [3])
19  return (Abs(aDist[0]) > aHSize[0] ||
20          Abs(aDist[1]) > aHSize[1] ||
21          Abs(aDist[2]) > aHSize[2]);
24inline Standard_Boolean _compareDistD (const gp_XYZ& aHSize,const gp_XYZ& aDist)
26  return (Abs(aDist.X()) > aHSize.X() ||
27          Abs(aDist.Y()) > aHSize.Y() ||
28          Abs(aDist.Z()) > aHSize.Z());
32//function : Add
33//purpose  : Update the box by a point
36void Bnd_B3x::Add (const gp_XYZ& thePnt) {
37  if (IsVoid()) {
38    myCenter[0] = RealType(thePnt.X());
39    myCenter[1] = RealType(thePnt.Y());
40    myCenter[2] = RealType(thePnt.Z());
41    myHSize [0] = 0.;
42    myHSize [1] = 0.;
43    myHSize [2] = 0.;
44  } else {
45    const RealType aDiff[3] = {
46      RealType(thePnt.X()) - myCenter[0],
47      RealType(thePnt.Y()) - myCenter[1],
48      RealType(thePnt.Z()) - myCenter[2]
49    };
50    if (aDiff[0] > myHSize[0]) {
51      const RealType aShift = (aDiff[0] - myHSize[0]) / 2;
52      myCenter[0] += aShift;
53      myHSize [0] += aShift;
54    } else if (aDiff[0] < -myHSize[0]) {
55      const RealType aShift = (aDiff[0] + myHSize[0]) / 2;
56      myCenter[0] += aShift;
57      myHSize [0] -= aShift;
58    }
59    if (aDiff[1] > myHSize[1]) {
60      const RealType aShift = (aDiff[1] - myHSize[1]) / 2;
61      myCenter[1] +=aShift;
62      myHSize [1] +=aShift;
63    } else if (aDiff[1] < -myHSize[1]) {
64      const RealType aShift = (aDiff[1] + myHSize[1]) / 2;
65      myCenter[1] += aShift;
66      myHSize [1] -= aShift;
67    }
68    if (aDiff[2] > myHSize[2]) {
69      const RealType aShift = (aDiff[2] - myHSize[2]) / 2;
70      myCenter[2] +=aShift;
71      myHSize [2] +=aShift;
72    } else if (aDiff[2] < -myHSize[2]) {
73      const RealType aShift = (aDiff[2] + myHSize[2]) / 2;
74      myCenter[2] += aShift;
75      myHSize [2] -= aShift;
76    }
77  }
81//function : Limit
82//purpose  : limit the current box with the internals of theBox
85Standard_Boolean Bnd_B3x::Limit (const Bnd_B3x& theBox)
87  Standard_Boolean aResult (Standard_False);
88  const RealType diffC[3] = {
89    theBox.myCenter[0] - myCenter[0],
90    theBox.myCenter[1] - myCenter[1],
91    theBox.myCenter[2] - myCenter[2]
92  };
93  const RealType sumH[3] = {
94    theBox.myHSize[0] + myHSize[0],
95    theBox.myHSize[1] + myHSize[1],
96    theBox.myHSize[2] + myHSize[2]
97  };
98  // check the condition IsOut
99  if (_compareDist (sumH, diffC) == Standard_False) {
100    const RealType diffH[3] = {
101      theBox.myHSize[0] - myHSize[0],
102      theBox.myHSize[1] - myHSize[1],
103      theBox.myHSize[2] - myHSize[2]
104    };
105    if (diffC[0] - diffH[0] > 0.) {
106      const RealType aShift = (diffC[0] - diffH[0]) / 2; // positive
107      myCenter[0] += aShift;
108      myHSize [0] -= aShift;
109    } else if (diffC[0] + diffH[0] < 0.) {
110      const RealType aShift = (diffC[0] + diffH[0]) / 2; // negative
111      myCenter[0] += aShift;
112      myHSize [0] += aShift;
113    }
114    if (diffC[1] - diffH[1] > 0.) {
115      const RealType aShift = (diffC[1] - diffH[1]) / 2; // positive
116      myCenter[1] += aShift;
117      myHSize [1] -= aShift;
118    } else if (diffC[1] + diffH[1] < 0.) {
119      const RealType aShift = (diffC[1] + diffH[1]) / 2; // negative
120      myCenter[1] += aShift;
121      myHSize [1] += aShift;
122    }
123    if (diffC[2] - diffH[2] > 0.) {
124      const RealType aShift = (diffC[2] - diffH[2]) / 2; // positive
125      myCenter[2] += aShift;
126      myHSize [2] -= aShift;
127    } else if (diffC[2] + diffH[2] < 0.) {
128      const RealType aShift = (diffC[2] + diffH[2]) / 2; // negative
129      myCenter[2] += aShift;
130      myHSize [2] += aShift;
131    }
132    aResult = Standard_True;
133  }
134  return aResult;
138//function : Transformed
139//purpose  :
142Bnd_B3x Bnd_B3x::Transformed (const gp_Trsf& theTrsf) const
144  Bnd_B3x aResult;
145  const gp_TrsfForm aForm = theTrsf.Form();
146  const Standard_Real aScale = theTrsf.ScaleFactor();
147  const Standard_Real aScaleAbs = Abs(aScale);
148  if (aForm == gp_Identity)
149    aResult = * this;
150  else if (aForm== gp_Translation || aForm== gp_PntMirror || aForm== gp_Scale)
151  {
152    aResult.myCenter[0] =
153      (RealType)(myCenter[0] * aScale + theTrsf.TranslationPart().X());
154    aResult.myCenter[1] =
155      (RealType)(myCenter[1] * aScale + theTrsf.TranslationPart().Y());
156    aResult.myCenter[2] =
157      (RealType)(myCenter[2] * aScale + theTrsf.TranslationPart().Z());
158    aResult.myHSize[0] = (RealType)(myHSize[0] * aScaleAbs);
159    aResult.myHSize[1] = (RealType)(myHSize[1] * aScaleAbs);
160    aResult.myHSize[2] = (RealType)(myHSize[2] * aScaleAbs);
161  } else {
162    gp_XYZ aCenter ((Standard_Real)myCenter[0],
163                    (Standard_Real)myCenter[1],
164                    (Standard_Real)myCenter[2]);
165    theTrsf.Transforms (aCenter);
166    aResult.myCenter[0] = (RealType)aCenter.X();
167    aResult.myCenter[1] = (RealType)aCenter.Y();
168    aResult.myCenter[2] = (RealType)aCenter.Z();
170    const Standard_Real * aMat = &theTrsf.HVectorialPart().Value(1,1);
171    aResult.myHSize[0] = (RealType)(aScaleAbs * (Abs(aMat[0]) * myHSize[0]+
172                                                 Abs(aMat[1]) * myHSize[1]+
173                                                 Abs(aMat[2]) * myHSize[2]));
174    aResult.myHSize[1] = (RealType)(aScaleAbs * (Abs(aMat[3]) * myHSize[0]+
175                                                 Abs(aMat[4]) * myHSize[1]+
176                                                 Abs(aMat[5]) * myHSize[2]));
177    aResult.myHSize[2] = (RealType)(aScaleAbs * (Abs(aMat[6]) * myHSize[0]+
178                                                 Abs(aMat[7]) * myHSize[1]+
179                                                 Abs(aMat[8]) * myHSize[2]));
180  }
181  return aResult;
185//function : IsOut
186//purpose  : Intersection Box - Sphere
189Standard_Boolean Bnd_B3x::IsOut (const gp_XYZ&          theCenter,
190                                 const Standard_Real    theRadius,
191                                 const Standard_Boolean isSphereHollow) const
193  Standard_Boolean aResult (Standard_True);
194  if (isSphereHollow == Standard_False) {
195    // vector from the center of the sphere to the nearest box face
196    const Standard_Real aDist[3] = {
197      Abs(theCenter.X()-Standard_Real(myCenter[0])) - Standard_Real(myHSize[0]),
198      Abs(theCenter.Y()-Standard_Real(myCenter[1])) - Standard_Real(myHSize[1]),
199      Abs(theCenter.Z()-Standard_Real(myCenter[2])) - Standard_Real(myHSize[2])
200    };
201    Standard_Real aD (0.);
202    if (aDist[0] > 0.)
203      aD  = aDist[0]*aDist[0];
204    if (aDist[1] > 0.)
205      aD += aDist[1]*aDist[1];
206    if (aDist[2] > 0.)
207      aD += aDist[2]*aDist[2];
208    aResult = (aD > theRadius*theRadius);
209  } else {
210    const Standard_Real aDistC[3] = {
211      Abs(theCenter.X()-Standard_Real(myCenter[0])),
212      Abs(theCenter.Y()-Standard_Real(myCenter[1])),
213      Abs(theCenter.Z()-Standard_Real(myCenter[2]))
214    };
215    // vector from the center of the sphere to the nearest box face
216    Standard_Real aDist[3] = {
217      aDistC[0] - Standard_Real(myHSize[0]),
218      aDistC[1] - Standard_Real(myHSize[1]),
219      aDistC[2] - Standard_Real(myHSize[2])
220    };
221    Standard_Real aD (0.);
222    if (aDist[0] > 0.)
223      aD  = aDist[0]*aDist[0];
224    if (aDist[1] > 0.)
225      aD += aDist[1]*aDist[1];
226    if (aDist[2] > 0.)
227      aD += aDist[2]*aDist[2];
228    if (aD < theRadius*theRadius) {
229      // the box intersects the solid sphere; check if it is completely
230      // inside the circle (in such case return isOut==True)
231      aDist[0] = aDistC[0] + Standard_Real(myHSize[0]);
232      aDist[1] = aDistC[1] + Standard_Real(myHSize[1]);
233      aDist[2] = aDistC[2] + Standard_Real(myHSize[2]);
234      if (aDist[0]*aDist[0]+aDist[1]*aDist[1]+aDist[2]*aDist[2]
235           > theRadius*theRadius)
236        aResult = Standard_False;
237    }
238  }
239  return aResult;
243//function : IsOut
244//purpose  : Intersection Box - transformed Box
247Standard_Boolean Bnd_B3x::IsOut (const Bnd_B3x& theBox,
248                                 const gp_Trsf& theTrsf) const
250  Standard_Boolean aResult (Standard_False);
251  const gp_TrsfForm aForm = theTrsf.Form();
252  const Standard_Real aScale = theTrsf.ScaleFactor();
253  const Standard_Real aScaleAbs = Abs(aScale);
254  if (aForm == gp_Translation || aForm == gp_Identity ||
255      aForm == gp_PntMirror   || aForm == gp_Scale)
256  {
257    aResult =
258      (Abs (RealType(theBox.myCenter[0]*aScale + theTrsf.TranslationPart().X())
259            - myCenter[0])
260         > RealType (theBox.myHSize[0]*aScaleAbs) + myHSize[0] ||
261       Abs (RealType(theBox.myCenter[1]*aScale + theTrsf.TranslationPart().Y())
262            - myCenter[1])
263         > RealType (theBox.myHSize[1]*aScaleAbs) + myHSize[1] ||
264       Abs (RealType(theBox.myCenter[2]*aScale + theTrsf.TranslationPart().Y())
265            - myCenter[2])
266         > RealType (theBox.myHSize[2]*aScaleAbs) + myHSize[2]);
268  }
269  else {
270    // theBox is transformed and we check the resulting (enlarged) box against
271    // 'this' box.
272    const Standard_Real * aMat = &theTrsf.HVectorialPart().Value(1,1);
274    gp_XYZ aCenter ((Standard_Real)theBox.myCenter[0],
275                    (Standard_Real)theBox.myCenter[1],
276                    (Standard_Real)theBox.myCenter[2]);
277    theTrsf.Transforms (aCenter);
278    const Standard_Real aDist[3] = {
279      aCenter.X() - (Standard_Real)myCenter[0],
280      aCenter.Y() - (Standard_Real)myCenter[1],
281      aCenter.Z() - (Standard_Real)myCenter[2]
282    };
283    const Standard_Real aMatAbs[9] = {
284      Abs(aMat[0]), Abs(aMat[1]), Abs(aMat[2]), Abs(aMat[3]), Abs(aMat[4]),
285      Abs(aMat[5]), Abs(aMat[6]), Abs(aMat[7]), Abs(aMat[8])
286    };
287    if (Abs(aDist[0]) > (aScaleAbs*(aMatAbs[0]*theBox.myHSize[0]+
288                                    aMatAbs[1]*theBox.myHSize[1]+
289                                    aMatAbs[2]*theBox.myHSize[2]) +
290                         (Standard_Real)myHSize[0])    ||
291        Abs(aDist[1]) > (aScaleAbs*(aMatAbs[3]*theBox.myHSize[0]+
292                                    aMatAbs[4]*theBox.myHSize[1]+
293                                    aMatAbs[5]*theBox.myHSize[2]) +
294                         (Standard_Real)myHSize[1])    ||
295        Abs(aDist[2]) > (aScaleAbs*(aMatAbs[6]*theBox.myHSize[0]+
296                                    aMatAbs[7]*theBox.myHSize[1]+
297                                    aMatAbs[8]*theBox.myHSize[2]) +
298                         (Standard_Real)myHSize[2]))
299      aResult = Standard_True;
301    else {
302    // theBox is rotated, scaled and translated. We apply the reverse
303    // translation and scaling then check against the rotated box 'this'
304    if ((Abs(aMat[0]*aDist[0]+aMat[3]*aDist[1]+aMat[6]*aDist[2])
305         > theBox.myHSize[0]*aScaleAbs + (aMatAbs[0]*myHSize[0] +
306                                          aMatAbs[3]*myHSize[1] +
307                                          aMatAbs[6]*myHSize[2])) ||
308        (Abs(aMat[1]*aDist[0]+aMat[4]*aDist[1]+aMat[7]*aDist[2])
309         > theBox.myHSize[1]*aScaleAbs + (aMatAbs[1]*myHSize[0] +
310                                          aMatAbs[4]*myHSize[1] +
311                                          aMatAbs[7]*myHSize[2])) ||
312        (Abs(aMat[2]*aDist[0]+aMat[5]*aDist[1]+aMat[8]*aDist[2])
313         > theBox.myHSize[2]*aScaleAbs + (aMatAbs[2]*myHSize[0] +
314                                          aMatAbs[5]*myHSize[1] +
315                                          aMatAbs[8]*myHSize[2])))
316        aResult = Standard_True;
317    }
318  }
319  return aResult;
323//function : IsOut
324//purpose  :
327Standard_Boolean Bnd_B3x::IsOut (const gp_Ax3& thePlane) const
329  if (IsVoid())
330    return Standard_True;
331  const gp_XYZ& anOrigin = thePlane.Location().XYZ();
332  const gp_XYZ& aDir     = thePlane.Direction().XYZ();
333  const gp_XYZ  aBoxCenter ((Standard_Real)myCenter[0],
334                            (Standard_Real)myCenter[1],
335                            (Standard_Real)myCenter[2]);
336  const Standard_Real aDist0 = (aBoxCenter - anOrigin) * aDir;
337  // Find the signed distances from two opposite corners of the box to the plane
338  // If the distances are not the same sign, then the plane crosses the box
339  const Standard_Real aDist1 =   // proj of HSize on aDir
340    Standard_Real(myHSize[0]) * Abs(aDir.X()) +
341    Standard_Real(myHSize[1]) * Abs(aDir.Y()) +
342    Standard_Real(myHSize[2]) * Abs(aDir.Z());
343  return ((aDist0 + aDist1) * (aDist0 - aDist1) > 0.);
347//function : IsOut
348//purpose  :
351Standard_Boolean Bnd_B3x::IsOut (const gp_Ax1&          theLine,
352                                 const Standard_Boolean isRay,
353                                 const Standard_Real    theOverthickness) const
355  const Standard_Real aRes = gp::Resolution() * 100.;
356  if (IsVoid())
357    return Standard_True;
358  Standard_Real
359    anInter0[2] = {-RealLast(), RealLast()},
360    anInter1[2] = {-RealLast(), RealLast()};
361  const gp_XYZ& aDir = theLine.Direction().XYZ();
362  const gp_XYZ  aDiff ((Standard_Real)myCenter[0] - theLine.Location().X(),
363                       (Standard_Real)myCenter[1] - theLine.Location().Y(),
364                       (Standard_Real)myCenter[2] - theLine.Location().Z());
366  // Find the parameter interval in X dimension
367  Standard_Real aHSize = (Standard_Real)myHSize[0]+theOverthickness;
368  if (aDir.X() > aRes) {
369    anInter0[0]= (aDiff.X() - aHSize) / aDir.X();
370    anInter0[1]= (aDiff.X() + aHSize) / aDir.X();
371  } else if (aDir.X() < -aRes) {
372    anInter0[0]= (aDiff.X() + aHSize) / aDir.X();
373    anInter0[1]= (aDiff.X() - aHSize) / aDir.X();
374  } else
375    // the line is orthogonal to OX axis. Test for inclusion in box limits
376    if (Abs(aDiff.X()) > aHSize)
377      return Standard_True;
379  // Find the parameter interval in Y dimension
380  aHSize = (Standard_Real)myHSize[1]+theOverthickness;
381  if (aDir.Y() > aRes) {
382    anInter1[0]= (aDiff.Y() - aHSize) / aDir.Y();
383    anInter1[1]= (aDiff.Y() + aHSize) / aDir.Y();
384  } else if (aDir.Y() < -aRes) {
385    anInter1[0]= (aDiff.Y() + aHSize) / aDir.Y();
386    anInter1[1]= (aDiff.Y() - aHSize) / aDir.Y();
387  } else
388    // the line is orthogonal to OY axis. Test for inclusion in box limits
389    if (Abs(aDiff.Y()) > aHSize)
390      return Standard_True;
392  // Intersect Y-interval with X-interval
393  if (anInter0[0] > (anInter1[1] + aRes) || anInter0[1] < (anInter1[0] - aRes))
394    return Standard_True;
395  if (anInter1[0] > anInter0[0])
396    anInter0[0] = anInter1[0];
397  if (anInter1[1] < anInter0[1])
398    anInter0[1] = anInter1[1];
399  if (isRay && anInter0[1] < -aRes)
400    return Standard_True;
402  // Find the parameter interval in Z dimension
403  aHSize = (Standard_Real)myHSize[2]+theOverthickness;
404  if (aDir.Z() > aRes) {
405    anInter1[0]= (aDiff.Z() - aHSize) / aDir.Z();
406    anInter1[1]= (aDiff.Z() + aHSize) / aDir.Z();
407  } else if (aDir.Z() < -aRes) {
408    anInter1[0]= (aDiff.Z() + aHSize) / aDir.Z();
409    anInter1[1]= (aDiff.Z() - aHSize) / aDir.Z();
410  } else
411    // the line is orthogonal to OZ axis. Test for inclusion in box limits
412    return (Abs(aDiff.Z()) > aHSize);
413  if (isRay && anInter1[1] < -aRes)
414    return Standard_True;
416  return (anInter0[0] > (anInter1[1]+aRes) || anInter0[1] < (anInter1[0]-aRes));
420//function : IsIn
421//purpose  : Test the complete inclusion of this box in transformed theOtherBox
424Standard_Boolean Bnd_B3x::IsIn (const Bnd_B3x& theBox,
425                                const gp_Trsf& theTrsf) const
427  Standard_Boolean aResult (Standard_False);
428  const gp_TrsfForm aForm = theTrsf.Form();
429  const Standard_Real aScale = theTrsf.ScaleFactor();
430  const Standard_Real aScaleAbs = Abs(aScale);
431  if (aForm == gp_Translation || aForm == gp_Identity ||
432      aForm == gp_PntMirror   || aForm == gp_Scale)
433  {
434    aResult =
435      (Abs (RealType(theBox.myCenter[0]*aScale + theTrsf.TranslationPart().X())
436            - myCenter[0])
437         < RealType (theBox.myHSize[0]*aScaleAbs) - myHSize[0] &&
438       Abs (RealType(theBox.myCenter[1]*aScale + theTrsf.TranslationPart().Y())
439            - myCenter[1])
440         < RealType (theBox.myHSize[1]*aScaleAbs) - myHSize[1] &&
441       Abs (RealType(theBox.myCenter[2]*aScale + theTrsf.TranslationPart().Y())
442            - myCenter[2])
443         < RealType (theBox.myHSize[2]*aScaleAbs) - myHSize[2]);
445  } else {
446    // theBox is rotated, scaled and translated. We apply the reverse
447    // translation and scaling then check against the rotated box 'this'
448    const Standard_Real * aMat = &theTrsf.HVectorialPart().Value(1,1);
449    gp_XYZ aCenter ((Standard_Real)theBox.myCenter[0],
450                    (Standard_Real)theBox.myCenter[1],
451                    (Standard_Real)theBox.myCenter[2]);
452    theTrsf.Transforms (aCenter);
453    const Standard_Real aDist[3] = {
454      aCenter.X() - (Standard_Real)myCenter[0],
455      aCenter.Y() - (Standard_Real)myCenter[1],
456      aCenter.Z() - (Standard_Real)myCenter[2]
457    };
458    if ((Abs(aMat[0]*aDist[0]+aMat[3]*aDist[1]+aMat[6]*aDist[2])
459         < theBox.myHSize[0]*aScaleAbs - (Abs(aMat[0])*myHSize[0] +
460                                          Abs(aMat[3])*myHSize[1] +
461                                          Abs(aMat[6])*myHSize[2])) &&
462        (Abs(aMat[1]*aDist[0]+aMat[4]*aDist[1]+aMat[7]*aDist[2])
463         < theBox.myHSize[1]*aScaleAbs - (Abs(aMat[1])*myHSize[0] +
464                                          Abs(aMat[4])*myHSize[1] +
465                                          Abs(aMat[7])*myHSize[2])) &&
466        (Abs(aMat[2]*aDist[0]+aMat[5]*aDist[1]+aMat[8]*aDist[2])
467         < theBox.myHSize[2]*aScaleAbs - (Abs(aMat[2])*myHSize[0] +
468                                          Abs(aMat[5])*myHSize[1] +
469                                          Abs(aMat[8])*myHSize[2])))
470      aResult = Standard_True;
471  }
472  return aResult;