1 // Created on: 1996-02-26
2 // Created by: Philippe MANGIN
3 // Copyright (c) 1996-1999 Matra Datavision
4 // Copyright (c) 1999-2014 OPEN CASCADE SAS
5 //
6 // This file is part of Open CASCADE Technology software library.
7 //
8 // This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
9 // the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License version 2.1 as published
10 // by the Free Software Foundation, with special exception defined in the file
11 // OCCT_LGPL_EXCEPTION.txt. Consult the file LICENSE_LGPL_21.txt included in OCCT
12 // distribution for complete text of the license and disclaimer of any warranty.
13 //
14 // Alternatively, this file may be used under the terms of Open CASCADE
15 // commercial license or contractual agreement.
17 #ifndef OCCT_DEBUG
18 #define No_Standard_RangeError
19 #define No_Standard_OutOfRange
20 #endif
23 #include <BSplCLib.hxx>
24 #include <FairCurve_BattenLaw.hxx>
25 #include <FairCurve_EnergyOfMVC.hxx>
26 #include <FairCurve_MinimalVariation.hxx>
27 #include <FairCurve_Newton.hxx>
28 #include <Geom2d_BSplineCurve.hxx>
29 #include <gp_Pnt2d.hxx>
30 #include <gp_Vec2d.hxx>
31 #include <math_Matrix.hxx>
32 #include <PLib.hxx>
33 #include <Precision.hxx>
34 #include <Standard_DomainError.hxx>
35 #include <Standard_NegativeValue.hxx>
36 #include <Standard_NullValue.hxx>
37 #include <TColgp_HArray1OfPnt2d.hxx>
38 #include <TColStd_HArray1OfInteger.hxx>
39 #include <TColStd_HArray1OfReal.hxx>
41 //======================================================================================
FairCurve_MinimalVariation(const gp_Pnt2d & P1,const gp_Pnt2d & P2,const Standard_Real Heigth,const Standard_Real Slope,const Standard_Real PhysicalRatio)42 FairCurve_MinimalVariation::FairCurve_MinimalVariation(const gp_Pnt2d& P1,
43 						       const gp_Pnt2d& P2,
44 						       const Standard_Real Heigth,
45 						       const Standard_Real Slope,
46 						       const Standard_Real PhysicalRatio)
47 //======================================================================================
48                                        :FairCurve_Batten(P1, P2, Heigth, Slope),
49 					OldCurvature1(0), OldCurvature2(0),
50                                         OldPhysicalRatio(PhysicalRatio),
51 					NewCurvature1(0),  NewCurvature2(0),
52 					NewPhysicalRatio(PhysicalRatio)
53 {
54 }
56 //======================================================================================
Compute(FairCurve_AnalysisCode & ACode,const Standard_Integer NbIterations,const Standard_Real Tolerance)57 Standard_Boolean FairCurve_MinimalVariation::Compute(FairCurve_AnalysisCode& ACode,
58 						     const Standard_Integer NbIterations,
59 						     const Standard_Real Tolerance)
60 //======================================================================================
61 {
62   Standard_Boolean Ok=Standard_True, End=Standard_False;
63   Standard_Real AngleMax = 0.7;      // parameter regulating the function of increment ( 40 degrees )
64   Standard_Real AngleMin = 2*M_PI/100; // parameter regulating the function of increment
65                                      // full passage should not contain more than 100 steps.
66   Standard_Real DAngle1, DAngle2,  DRho1, DRho2, Ratio, Fraction, Toler;
67   Standard_Real OldDist, NewDist;
69 //  Loop of Homotopy : calculation of the step and optimisation
71   while (Ok && !End) {
72      DAngle1 = NewAngle1-OldAngle1;
73      DAngle2 = NewAngle2-OldAngle2;
74      DRho1 = NewCurvature1 - OldCurvature1;
75      DRho2 = NewCurvature2 - OldCurvature2;
76      Ratio = 1;
78      if (NewConstraintOrder1>0) {
79         Fraction = Abs(DAngle1) / (AngleMax * Exp (-Abs(OldAngle1)/AngleMax) + AngleMin);
80         if (Fraction > 1) Ratio = 1 / Fraction;
81      }
82      if (NewConstraintOrder2>0) {
83         Fraction = Abs(DAngle2) / (AngleMax * Exp (-Abs(OldAngle2)/AngleMax) + AngleMin);
84         if (Fraction > 1)  Ratio = (Ratio < 1 / Fraction ? Ratio : 1 / Fraction);
85      }
87      OldDist = OldP1.Distance(OldP2);
88      NewDist = NewP1.Distance(NewP2);
89      Fraction = Abs(OldDist-NewDist) / (OldDist/3);
90      if ( Fraction > 1) Ratio = (Ratio < 1 / Fraction ? Ratio : 1 / Fraction);
92      if (NewConstraintOrder1>1) {
93        Fraction = Abs(DRho1)*OldDist / (2+Abs(OldAngle1) + Abs(OldAngle2));
94        if ( Fraction > 1) Ratio = (Ratio < 1 / Fraction ? Ratio : 1 / Fraction);
95      }
97      if (NewConstraintOrder2>1) {
98        Fraction = Abs(DRho2)*OldDist/ (2+Abs(OldAngle1) + Abs(OldAngle2));
99        if ( Fraction > 1) Ratio = (Ratio < 1 / Fraction ? Ratio : 1 / Fraction);
100      }
102      gp_Vec2d DeltaP1(OldP1, NewP1) , DeltaP2(OldP2, NewP2);
103      if ( Ratio == 1) {
104         End = Standard_True;
105         Toler = Tolerance;
106       }
107      else {
108        DeltaP1 *= Ratio;
109        DeltaP2 *= Ratio;
110        DAngle1 *= Ratio;
111        DAngle2 *= Ratio;
112        DRho1 *= Ratio;
113        DRho2 *= Ratio;
114        Toler =  10 * Tolerance;
115      }
117      Ok = Compute( DeltaP1, DeltaP2,
118 	           DAngle1, DAngle2,
119 		   DRho1,   DRho2,
120 	           ACode,
121                    NbIterations,
122                    Toler);
124      if (ACode != FairCurve_OK) End = Standard_True;
125      if (NewFreeSliding) NewSlidingFactor = OldSlidingFactor;
126      if (NewConstraintOrder1 == 0) NewAngle1 = OldAngle1;
127      if (NewConstraintOrder1 < 2)  NewCurvature1 = OldCurvature1;
128      if (NewConstraintOrder2 == 0) NewAngle2 = OldAngle2;
129      if (NewConstraintOrder2 < 2)  NewCurvature2 = OldCurvature2;
130   }
131   myCode = ACode;
132   return Ok;
133 }
135 //======================================================================================
Compute(const gp_Vec2d & DeltaP1,const gp_Vec2d & DeltaP2,const Standard_Real DeltaAngle1,const Standard_Real DeltaAngle2,const Standard_Real DeltaCurvature1,const Standard_Real DeltaCurvature2,FairCurve_AnalysisCode & ACode,const Standard_Integer NbIterations,const Standard_Real Tolerance)136 Standard_Boolean FairCurve_MinimalVariation::Compute(const gp_Vec2d& DeltaP1,
137 						     const gp_Vec2d& DeltaP2,
138 						     const Standard_Real DeltaAngle1,
139 						     const Standard_Real DeltaAngle2,
140 						     const Standard_Real DeltaCurvature1,
141 						     const Standard_Real DeltaCurvature2,
142 						           FairCurve_AnalysisCode& ACode,
143 						     const Standard_Integer NbIterations,
144 						     const Standard_Real Tolerance)
145 //======================================================================================
146 {
147  Standard_Boolean Ok, OkCompute=Standard_True;
148  ACode = FairCurve_OK;
150 // Deformation of the curve by adding a polynom of interpolation
151    Standard_Integer L = 2 + NewConstraintOrder1 + NewConstraintOrder2,
152                     kk, ii;
153 //                    NbP1 = Poles->Length()-1, kk, ii;
154 #ifdef OCCT_DEBUG
155    Standard_Integer NbP1 =
156 #endif
157                            Poles->Length() ;
158 #ifdef OCCT_DEBUG
159    NbP1 = NbP1 - 1 ;
160 #endif
161    TColStd_Array1OfReal knots (1,2);
162    knots(1) = 0;
163    knots(2) = 1;
164    TColStd_Array1OfInteger mults (1,2);
165    TColgp_Array1OfPnt2d HermitePoles(1,L);
166    TColgp_Array1OfPnt2d Interpolation(1,L);
167    Handle(TColgp_HArray1OfPnt2d) NPoles = new  TColgp_HArray1OfPnt2d(1, Poles->Length());
169 // Polynomes of Hermite
170    math_Matrix HermiteCoef(1, L, 1, L);
171    Ok = PLib::HermiteCoefficients(0,1, NewConstraintOrder1,  NewConstraintOrder2,
172                                   HermiteCoef);
173    if (!Ok) return Standard_False;
175 // Definition of constraints of interpolation
176    TColgp_Array1OfXY ADelta(1,L);
177    gp_Vec2d VOld(OldP1, OldP2), VNew( -(OldP1.XY()+DeltaP1.XY()) + (OldP2.XY()+DeltaP2.XY()) );
178    Standard_Real DAngleRef = VNew.Angle(VOld);
179    Standard_Real DAngle1 = DeltaAngle1 - DAngleRef,
180                  DAngle2 = DAngleRef   - DeltaAngle2; // Correction of Delta by the Delta induced by the points.
183    ADelta(1) = DeltaP1.XY();
184    kk = 2;
185    if (NewConstraintOrder1>0) {
186       // rotation of the derivative premiereDeltaAngle1
187       gp_Vec2d OldDerive( Poles->Value(Poles->Lower()),
188                           Poles->Value(Poles->Lower()+1) );
189       OldDerive *= Degree / (Knots->Value(Knots->Lower()+1)-Knots->Value(Knots->Lower()) );
190       ADelta(kk) = (OldDerive.Rotated(DAngle1) -  OldDerive).XY();
191       kk += 1;
193       if (NewConstraintOrder1>1) {
194 	 // rotation of the second derivative + adding
195          gp_Vec2d OldSeconde( Poles->Value(Poles->Lower()).XY() + Poles->Value(Poles->Lower()+2).XY()
196                             - 2*Poles->Value(Poles->Lower()+1).XY() );
197          OldSeconde *=  Degree*( Degree-1)
198 	             /  pow (Knots->Value(Knots->Lower()+1)-Knots->Value(Knots->Lower()), 2);
199          Standard_Real CPrim = OldDerive.Magnitude();
200          ADelta(kk) = ( OldSeconde.Rotated(DAngle1) -  OldSeconde
201 		      + DeltaCurvature1*CPrim*OldDerive.Rotated(M_PI/2+DAngle1) ).XY();
202          kk += 1;
203       }
204    }
205    ADelta(kk) = DeltaP2.XY();
206    kk += 1;
207    if (NewConstraintOrder2>0) {
208       gp_Vec2d OldDerive( Poles->Value(Poles->Upper()-1),
209                           Poles->Value(Poles->Upper()) );
210       OldDerive *= Degree / (Knots->Value(Knots->Upper()) - Knots->Value(Knots->Upper()-1) );
211       ADelta(kk) = (OldDerive.Rotated(DAngle2) -  OldDerive).XY();
212       kk += 1;
213       if (NewConstraintOrder2>1) {
214 	 // rotation of the second derivative + adding
215          gp_Vec2d OldSeconde( Poles->Value(Poles->Upper()).XY() + Poles->Value(Poles->Upper()-2).XY()
216                             - 2*Poles->Value(Poles->Upper()-1).XY() );
217          OldSeconde *=  Degree*( Degree-1)
218 	             /  pow (Knots->Value(Knots->Upper())-Knots->Value(Knots->Upper()-1), 2);
219          Standard_Real CPrim = OldDerive.Magnitude();
220          ADelta(kk) = ( OldSeconde.Rotated(DAngle2) -  OldSeconde
221 		      + DeltaCurvature2*CPrim*OldDerive.Rotated(M_PI/2+DAngle2) ).XY();
222          kk += 1;
223       }
224    }
226 // Interpolation
227   gp_XY AuxXY (0,0);
228   for (ii=1; ii<=L; ii++) {
229       AuxXY.SetCoord(0.0, 0);
230       for (kk=1; kk<=L; kk++) {
231           AuxXY +=  HermiteCoef(kk, ii) * ADelta(kk);
232       }
233       Interpolation(ii).SetXY(AuxXY);
234   }
235 // Conversion into BSpline of the same structure as the current batten.
236   PLib::CoefficientsPoles(Interpolation,  PLib::NoWeights(),
237                           HermitePoles,  PLib::NoWeights());
239   mults.Init(L);
241   Handle(Geom2d_BSplineCurve) DeltaCurve =
242     new  Geom2d_BSplineCurve( HermitePoles,
243                               knots, mults, L-1);
245   DeltaCurve->IncreaseDegree(Degree);
246   if (Mults->Length()>2) {
247      DeltaCurve->InsertKnots(Knots->Array1(), Mults->Array1(), 1.e-10);
248   }
250 // Summing
251   DeltaCurve->Poles( NPoles->ChangeArray1() );
252   for (kk= NPoles->Lower(); kk<=NPoles->Upper(); kk++) {
253      NPoles->ChangeValue(kk).ChangeCoord() += Poles->Value(kk).Coord();
254    }
256 // Intermediaires
258  Standard_Real Angle1, Angle2, SlidingLength,
259                Alph1 =  OldAngle1 + DeltaAngle1,
260                Alph2 =  OldAngle2 + DeltaAngle2,
261                Rho1 =   OldCurvature1 + DeltaCurvature1,
262                Rho2 =   OldCurvature2 + DeltaCurvature2,
263                Dist  =  NPoles->Value(NPoles->Upper())
264                       . Distance( NPoles->Value( NPoles->Lower() ) ),
265 	       LReference = SlidingOfReference(Dist, Alph1, Alph2);
266  gp_Vec2d Ox(1, 0),
267                 P1P2 (  NPoles->Value(NPoles->Upper()).Coord()
268                       - NPoles->Value(NPoles->Lower()).Coord() );
270 // Angles corresponding to axis ox
272  Angle1 =  Ox.Angle(P1P2) + Alph1;
273  Angle2 = -Ox.Angle(P1P2) + Alph2;
275 // Calculation of the length of sliding (imposed or initial);
277  if (!NewFreeSliding) {
278     SlidingLength = NewSlidingFactor * LReference;
279   }
280  else {
281    if (OldFreeSliding) {
282      SlidingLength = OldSlidingFactor *  LReference;
283    }
284    else {
285      SlidingLength = SlidingOfReference(Dist, Alph1, Alph2);
286    }
287  }
291 // Energy and vectors of initialization
292  FairCurve_BattenLaw LBatten (NewHeight, NewSlope, SlidingLength );
293  FairCurve_EnergyOfMVC EMVC (Degree+1, Flatknots, NPoles,
294 			     NewConstraintOrder1,  NewConstraintOrder2,
295 			     LBatten, NewPhysicalRatio, SlidingLength, NewFreeSliding,
296                              Angle1, Angle2, Rho1, Rho2);
297  math_Vector VInit (1, EMVC.NbVariables());
299  // The value below gives an idea about the smallest value of the criterion of flexion.
300  Standard_Real VConvex = 0.01 * pow(NewHeight / SlidingLength, 3);
301  if (VConvex < 1.e-12) {VConvex = 1.e-12;}
303  Ok = EMVC.Variable(VInit);
305 // Minimisation
306  FairCurve_Newton Newton(EMVC,
307 			 Tolerance*(P1P2.Magnitude()/10),
308 			 Tolerance,
309 			 NbIterations,
310 			 VConvex);
311  Newton.Perform(EMVC, VInit);
312  Ok = Newton.IsDone();
314  if (Ok) {
315     gp_Vec2d Tangente, PseudoNormale;
316     Poles = NPoles;
317     Newton.Location(VInit);
319     if (NewFreeSliding) { OldSlidingFactor = VInit(VInit.Upper()) / LReference;}
320     else                { OldSlidingFactor = NewSlidingFactor; }
322     if (NewConstraintOrder1 < 2) {
323        Tangente.SetXY(  Poles->Value(Poles->Lower()+1).XY()
324                       - Poles->Value(Poles->Lower()).XY() );
326        if (NewConstraintOrder1 == 0) {OldAngle1 = P1P2.Angle(Tangente);}
327        else {OldAngle1 = Alph1;}
329        PseudoNormale.SetXY ( Poles->Value(Poles->Lower()).XY()
330                             - 2 * Poles->Value(Poles->Lower()+1).XY()
331 		            + Poles->Value(Poles->Lower()+2).XY());
332        OldCurvature1 = (((double)Degree-1) /Degree) * (Tangente.Normalized()^PseudoNormale)
333 	               / Tangente.SquareMagnitude();
334      }
335     else {OldCurvature1 = Rho1;
336 	  OldAngle1 = Alph1; }
338     if (NewConstraintOrder2 < 2) {
339        Tangente.SetXY ( Poles->Value(Poles->Upper()).XY()
340                       - Poles->Value(Poles->Upper()-1).XY() );
341        if (NewConstraintOrder2 == 0) OldAngle2 = (-Tangente).Angle(-P1P2);
342        else { OldAngle2 = Alph2;}
343        PseudoNormale.SetXY ( Poles->Value(Poles->Upper()).XY()
344                             - 2 * Poles->Value(Poles->Upper()-1).XY()
345 		            + Poles->Value(Poles->Upper()-2).XY());
346        OldCurvature2 = (((double)Degree-1) /Degree) * (Tangente.Normalized()^PseudoNormale)
347 	             / Tangente.SquareMagnitude();
348      }
349     else { OldAngle2 = Alph2;
350 	   OldCurvature2 = Rho2;
351     }
353     OldP1 = Poles->Value(Poles->Lower());
354     OldP2 = Poles->Value(Poles->Upper());
355     OldConstraintOrder1 = NewConstraintOrder1;
356     OldConstraintOrder2 = NewConstraintOrder2;
357     OldFreeSliding      = NewFreeSliding;
358     OldSlope = NewSlope;
359     OldHeight = NewHeight;
360     OldPhysicalRatio =  NewPhysicalRatio;
361   }
362   else {
363     Standard_Real V;
364     ACode = EMVC.Status();
365     if (!LBatten.Value(0, V) || !LBatten.Value(1, V)) {
366        ACode = FairCurve_NullHeight;
367     }
368     else { OkCompute = Standard_False;}
369     return OkCompute;
370   }
372  Ok = EMVC.Variable(VInit);
374  // Processing of non convergence
375  if (!Newton.IsConverged()) {
376     ACode = FairCurve_NotConverged;
377   }
380  // Prevention of infinite sliding
381  if (NewFreeSliding &&  VInit(VInit.Upper()) > 2*LReference) ACode = FairCurve_InfiniteSliding;
384 // Eventual insertion of Nodes
385  Standard_Boolean  NewKnots = Standard_False;
386  Standard_Integer NbKnots = Knots->Length();
387  Standard_Real ValAngles = (Abs(OldAngle1) +  Abs(OldAngle2)
388                          + 2 * Abs(OldAngle2 - OldAngle1) ) ;
389  while ( ValAngles > (2*(NbKnots-2) + 1)*(1+2*NbKnots) ) {
390    NewKnots = Standard_True;
391    NbKnots += NbKnots-1;
392  }
394  if  (NewKnots) {
395    Handle(Geom2d_BSplineCurve) NewBS =
396     new  Geom2d_BSplineCurve( NPoles->Array1(), Knots->Array1(),
397 			      Mults->Array1(), Degree);
399    Handle(TColStd_HArray1OfInteger) NMults  =
400       new TColStd_HArray1OfInteger (1,NbKnots);
401    NMults->Init(Degree-3);
403     Handle(TColStd_HArray1OfReal) NKnots  =
404       new TColStd_HArray1OfReal (1,NbKnots);
405    for (ii=1; ii<=NbKnots; ii++) {
406        NKnots->ChangeValue(ii) = (double) (ii-1) / (NbKnots-1);
407    }
409    NewBS -> InsertKnots(NKnots->Array1(), NMults->Array1(), 1.e-10);
410    Handle(TColgp_HArray1OfPnt2d) NewNPoles =
411       new  TColgp_HArray1OfPnt2d(1, NewBS->NbPoles());
412    NewBS -> Poles(NewNPoles->ChangeArray1() );
413    NewBS -> Multiplicities( NMults->ChangeArray1() );
414    NewBS -> Knots( NKnots->ChangeArray1() );
415    Handle(TColStd_HArray1OfReal) FKnots  =
416       new TColStd_HArray1OfReal (1, NewBS->NbPoles() + Degree+1);
417    NewBS -> KnotSequence( FKnots->ChangeArray1());
419    Poles = NewNPoles;
420    Mults = NMults;
421    Knots = NKnots;
422    Flatknots = FKnots;
423  }
426 // For eventual debug Newton.Dump(std::cout);
428  return OkCompute;
429 }
432 //======================================================================================
Dump(Standard_OStream & o) const433 void FairCurve_MinimalVariation::Dump(Standard_OStream& o) const
434 //======================================================================================
435 {
437 o << "  MVCurve      |"; o.width(7); o<< "Old  |   New" << std::endl;
438 o << "  P1    X      |"; o.width(7); o<<  OldP1.X() << " | " << NewP1.X() << std::endl;
439 o << "        Y      |"; o.width(7); o<<  OldP1.Y() << " | " << NewP1.Y() << std::endl;
440 o << "  P2    X      |"; o.width(7); o<<  OldP2.X() << " | " << NewP2.X() << std::endl;
441 o << "        Y      |"; o.width(7); o<<  OldP2.Y() << " | " << NewP2.Y() << std::endl;
442 o << "      Angle1   |"; o.width(7); o<<  OldAngle1 << " | " << NewAngle1 << std::endl;
443 o << "      Angle2   |"; o.width(7); o<<  OldAngle2 << " | " << NewAngle2 << std::endl;
444 o << " Curvature1    |"; o.width(7); o<<  OldCurvature1 << " | " << NewCurvature1 << std::endl;
445 o << " Curvature2    |"; o.width(7); o<<  OldCurvature2 << " | " << NewCurvature2 << std::endl;
446 o << "      Height   |"; o.width(7); o<<  OldHeight << " | " << NewHeight << std::endl;
447 o << "      Slope    |"; o.width(7); o<<  OldSlope  << " | " << NewSlope << std::endl;
448 o << " PhysicalRatio |"; o.width(7); o<<  OldPhysicalRatio << " | " << NewPhysicalRatio << std::endl;
449 o << " SlidingFactor |"; o.width(7); o<<  OldSlidingFactor << " | " << NewSlidingFactor << std::endl;
450 o << " FreeSliding   |"; o.width(7); o<<  OldFreeSliding << " | " << NewFreeSliding << std::endl;
451 o << " ConstrOrder1  |"; o.width(7); o<<  OldConstraintOrder1 << " | " << NewConstraintOrder1 << std::endl;
452 o << " ConstrOrder2  |"; o.width(7); o<<  OldConstraintOrder2 << " | " << NewConstraintOrder2 << std::endl;
453  switch (myCode) {
454    case  FairCurve_OK :
455      o << "AnalysisCode : Ok" << std::endl;
456      break;
457    case  FairCurve_NotConverged :
458      o << "AnalysisCode : NotConverged" << std::endl;
459      break;
460    case  FairCurve_InfiniteSliding :
461      o << "AnalysisCode : InfiniteSliding" << std::endl;
462      break;
463    case  FairCurve_NullHeight :
464      o << "AnalysisCode : NullHeight" << std::endl;
465      break;
466      }
467 }