1 // Created on: 1999-08-09
2 // Created by: Galina Kulikova
3 // Copyright (c) 1999-1999 Matra Datavision
4 // Copyright (c) 1999-2014 OPEN CASCADE SAS
5 //
6 // This file is part of Open CASCADE Technology software library.
7 //
8 // This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
9 // the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License version 2.1 as published
10 // by the Free Software Foundation, with special exception defined in the file
11 // OCCT_LGPL_EXCEPTION.txt. Consult the file LICENSE_LGPL_21.txt included in OCCT
12 // distribution for complete text of the license and disclaimer of any warranty.
13 //
14 // Alternatively, this file may be used under the terms of Open CASCADE
15 // commercial license or contractual agreement.
18 #include <BRep_Builder.hxx>
19 #include <BRepTools.hxx>
20 #include <Message_ProgressScope.hxx>
21 #include <Precision.hxx>
22 #include <ShapeBuild_ReShape.hxx>
23 #include <ShapeExtend_BasicMsgRegistrator.hxx>
24 #include <ShapeFix.hxx>
25 #include <ShapeFix_Edge.hxx>
26 #include <ShapeFix_Face.hxx>
27 #include <ShapeFix_Shape.hxx>
28 #include <ShapeFix_Shell.hxx>
29 #include <ShapeFix_Solid.hxx>
30 #include <ShapeFix_Wire.hxx>
31 #include <Standard_Type.hxx>
32 #include <TopAbs.hxx>
33 #include <TopAbs_ShapeEnum.hxx>
34 #include <TopExp_Explorer.hxx>
35 #include <TopoDS.hxx>
36 #include <TopoDS_Edge.hxx>
37 #include <TopoDS_Face.hxx>
38 #include <TopoDS_Iterator.hxx>
39 #include <TopoDS_Shape.hxx>
40 #include <TopoDS_Wire.hxx>
44 //=======================================================================
45 //function : ShapeFix_Shape
46 //purpose  :
47 //=======================================================================
48 ShapeFix_Shape::ShapeFix_Shape()
49 {
50   myStatus = ShapeExtend::EncodeStatus (ShapeExtend_OK);
51   myFixSolidMode = -1;
52   myFixShellMode = -1;
53   myFixFaceMode  = -1;
54   myFixWireMode  = -1;
55   myFixSameParameterMode = -1;
56   myFixVertexPositionMode =0;
57   myFixVertexTolMode = -1;
58   myFixSolid = new ShapeFix_Solid;
59 }
61 //=======================================================================
62 //function : ShapeFix_Shape
63 //purpose  :
64 //=======================================================================
ShapeFix_Shape(const TopoDS_Shape & shape)66 ShapeFix_Shape::ShapeFix_Shape(const TopoDS_Shape& shape)
67 {
68   myStatus = ShapeExtend::EncodeStatus (ShapeExtend_OK);
69   myFixSolidMode = -1;
70   myFixShellMode = -1;
71   myFixFaceMode  = -1;
72   myFixWireMode  = -1;
73   myFixSameParameterMode = -1;
74   myFixSolid = new ShapeFix_Solid;
75   myFixVertexPositionMode =0;
76   myFixVertexTolMode = -1;
77   Init(shape);
78 }
80 //=======================================================================
81 //function : Init
82 //purpose  :
83 //=======================================================================
Init(const TopoDS_Shape & shape)85 void ShapeFix_Shape::Init(const TopoDS_Shape& shape)
86 {
87   myShape = shape;
88   if ( Context().IsNull() ) {
89     SetContext ( new ShapeBuild_ReShape );
90     Context()->ModeConsiderLocation() = Standard_True;
91   }
92   myResult = myShape;
93 }
95 //=======================================================================
96 //function : Perform
97 //purpose  :
98 //=======================================================================
Perform(const Message_ProgressRange & theProgress)100 Standard_Boolean ShapeFix_Shape::Perform(const Message_ProgressRange& theProgress)
101 {
102   Standard_Integer savFixSmallAreaWireMode = 0;
103   Standard_Integer savFixVertexTolMode =  myFixVertexTolMode;
104   Handle(ShapeFix_Face) fft = FixFaceTool();
105   if ( !fft.IsNull() ) {
106     savFixSmallAreaWireMode = fft->FixSmallAreaWireMode();
107     if ( savFixSmallAreaWireMode == -1 &&
108          myShape.ShapeType() == TopAbs_FACE ) {
109       fft->FixSmallAreaWireMode() = Standard_True;
110     }
111   }
113   myStatus = ShapeExtend::EncodeStatus ( ShapeExtend_OK );
114   Standard_Boolean status = Standard_False;
115   TopAbs_ShapeEnum st;
117   //gka fix for sharing assembly
118   TopLoc_Location nullLoc,L;
119   L = myShape.Location();
120   TopoDS_Shape aShapeNullLoc = myShape;
121   aShapeNullLoc.Location(nullLoc);
122   if(myMapFixingShape.Contains(aShapeNullLoc)) {
123     myShape.Location(L, Standard_False);
124     myResult = Context()->Apply(myShape);
125     status = Standard_True;
126     return status;
127   }
128   else myMapFixingShape.Add(aShapeNullLoc);
129   //---------------------------------------
130   myShape.Location(L, Standard_False);
131   TopoDS_Shape S = Context()->Apply(myShape);
132   if ( NeedFix (  myFixVertexPositionMode ) )
133     ShapeFix::FixVertexPosition(S,Precision(),Context());
135   st = S.ShapeType();
137   // Open progress indication scope for the following fix stages:
138   // - Fix on Solid or Shell;
139   // - Fix same parameterization;
140   Message_ProgressScope aPS(theProgress, "Fixing stage", 2);
142   switch ( st ) {
143   case TopAbs_COMPOUND:
144   case TopAbs_COMPSOLID: {
145     TopoDS_Shape shape = myShape;
146     Standard_Integer savFixSameParameterMode = myFixSameParameterMode;
147     myFixSameParameterMode = Standard_False;
148     myFixVertexTolMode = Standard_False;
149     Standard_Integer aShapesNb = S.NbChildren();
151     // Open progress indication scope for sub-shape fixing
152     Message_ProgressScope aPSSubShape(aPS.Next(), "Fixing sub-shape", aShapesNb);
153     for ( TopoDS_Iterator anIter(S); anIter.More() && aPSSubShape.More(); anIter.Next())
154     {
155       myShape = anIter.Value();
156       if (Perform (aPSSubShape.Next()))
157         status = Standard_True;
158     }
159     if ( !aPSSubShape.More() )
160       return Standard_False; // aborted execution
162     myFixSameParameterMode = savFixSameParameterMode;
163     myFixVertexTolMode = savFixVertexTolMode;
164     myShape = shape;
165     break;
166   }
167   case TopAbs_SOLID: {
168     if ( !NeedFix(myFixSolidMode) )
169       break;
170     myFixSolid->Init(TopoDS::Solid(S));
171     myFixSolid->SetContext(Context());
173     if (myFixSolid->Perform (aPS.Next()))
174       status = Standard_True;
176     myStatus |= ShapeExtend::EncodeStatus ( ShapeExtend_DONE4 );
177     break;
178   }
179   case TopAbs_SHELL:  {
180     if ( !NeedFix(myFixShellMode) )
181       break;
182     Handle(ShapeFix_Shell) sfsh = FixShellTool();
183     sfsh->Init( TopoDS::Shell(S) );
184     sfsh->SetContext( Context() );
186     if (sfsh->Perform (aPS.Next()))
187       status = Standard_True;
189     myStatus |= ShapeExtend::EncodeStatus ( ShapeExtend_DONE4 );
190     break;
191   }
192   case TopAbs_FACE: {
193     if ( ! NeedFix ( myFixFaceMode ) ) break;
194     Handle(ShapeFix_Face) sff = FixFaceTool();
195     Standard_Boolean savTopoMode = sff->FixWireTool()->ModifyTopologyMode();
196     sff->FixWireTool()->ModifyTopologyMode() = Standard_True;
197     sff->Init(TopoDS::Face(S));
198     sff->SetContext(Context());
200     if(sff->Perform()) {
201       status = Standard_True;
202     }
203     sff->FixWireTool()->ModifyTopologyMode() = savTopoMode;
204     myStatus |= ShapeExtend::EncodeStatus ( ShapeExtend_DONE3 );
205     break;
206   }
207   case TopAbs_WIRE: {
208     if ( ! NeedFix ( myFixWireMode ) ) break;
209     Handle(ShapeFix_Wire) sfw = FixWireTool();
210     Standard_Boolean savTopoMode = sfw->ModifyTopologyMode();
211     Standard_Boolean savClosedMode = sfw->ClosedWireMode();
212     sfw->ModifyTopologyMode() = Standard_True;
213     if ( ! S.Closed() )
214       sfw->ClosedWireMode() = Standard_False;
215     sfw->SetFace(TopoDS_Face());
216     sfw->Load(TopoDS::Wire(S));
217     sfw->SetContext(Context());
218     if(sfw->Perform()) {
219       status = Standard_True;
220       Context()->Replace(S,sfw->Wire()); // replace for wire only
221     }
222     sfw->ModifyTopologyMode() = savTopoMode;
223     sfw->ClosedWireMode() = savClosedMode;
224     myStatus |= ShapeExtend::EncodeStatus ( ShapeExtend_DONE2 );
225     break;
226   }
227   case TopAbs_EDGE: {
228     Handle(ShapeFix_Edge) sfe = FixEdgeTool();
229     sfe->SetContext(Context());
230     if(sfe->FixVertexTolerance(TopoDS::Edge(S)))
231       myStatus |= ShapeExtend::EncodeStatus ( ShapeExtend_DONE1 );
232     break;
233   }
234   case TopAbs_VERTEX:
235   case TopAbs_SHAPE :
236   default           : break;
237   }
238   if (!aPS.More())
239     return Standard_False; // aborted execution
241   myResult = Context()->Apply(S);
243   if ( NeedFix(myFixSameParameterMode) )
244   {
245     SameParameter (myResult, Standard_False, aPS.Next());
246     if (!aPS.More())
247       return Standard_False; // aborted execution
248   }
249   if( NeedFix( myFixVertexTolMode))
250   {
251     Standard_Integer nbF = 0;
252     TopExp_Explorer anExpF(myResult, TopAbs_FACE);
253     for( ; anExpF.More() && nbF <= 1; anExpF.Next())
254       nbF++;
255     if( nbF > 1)
256     {
257       //fix for bug  0025455
258       // for case when vertex belong to the different faces it is necessary to check vertices tolerances
259       //after all fixes.
260       //This fix it should be performed for example for case when cutting edge was performed.
261       Handle(ShapeFix_Edge) sfe = FixEdgeTool();
262       for (anExpF.ReInit(); anExpF.More(); anExpF.Next())
263       {
264         TopoDS_Face aF = TopoDS::Face(anExpF.Current());
265         TopExp_Explorer anExpE (aF, TopAbs_EDGE);
266         for ( ; anExpE.More(); anExpE.Next())
267           sfe->FixVertexTolerance( TopoDS::Edge (anExpE.Current()), aF);
268       }
269     }
270   }
272   myResult = Context()->Apply(myResult);
274   if ( !fft.IsNull() )
275     fft->FixSmallAreaWireMode() = savFixSmallAreaWireMode;
277   return status;
278 }
280 //=======================================================================
281 //function : SameParameter
282 //purpose  :
283 //=======================================================================
SameParameter(const TopoDS_Shape & sh,const Standard_Boolean enforce,const Message_ProgressRange & theProgress)285 void ShapeFix_Shape::SameParameter(const TopoDS_Shape& sh,
286                                    const Standard_Boolean enforce,
287                                    const Message_ProgressRange& theProgress)
288 {
289   ShapeFix::SameParameter(sh, enforce, 0.0, theProgress);
290 }
292 //=======================================================================
293 //function : Shape
294 //purpose  :
295 //=======================================================================
Shape() const297 TopoDS_Shape ShapeFix_Shape::Shape() const
298 {
299   return myResult;
300 }
302 //=======================================================================
303 //function : SetMsgRegistrator
304 //purpose  :
305 //=======================================================================
SetMsgRegistrator(const Handle (ShapeExtend_BasicMsgRegistrator)& msgreg)307 void ShapeFix_Shape::SetMsgRegistrator(const Handle(ShapeExtend_BasicMsgRegistrator)& msgreg)
308 {
309   ShapeFix_Root::SetMsgRegistrator ( msgreg );
310   myFixSolid->SetMsgRegistrator ( msgreg );
311 }
313 //=======================================================================
314 //function : SetPrecision
315 //purpose  :
316 //=======================================================================
SetPrecision(const Standard_Real preci)318 void ShapeFix_Shape::SetPrecision (const Standard_Real preci)
319 {
320   ShapeFix_Root::SetPrecision ( preci );
321   myFixSolid->SetPrecision ( preci );
322 }
324 //=======================================================================
325 //function : SetMinTolerance
326 //purpose  :
327 //=======================================================================
SetMinTolerance(const Standard_Real mintol)329 void ShapeFix_Shape::SetMinTolerance (const Standard_Real mintol)
330 {
331   ShapeFix_Root::SetMinTolerance ( mintol );
332   myFixSolid->SetMinTolerance ( mintol );
333 }
335 //=======================================================================
336 //function : SetMaxTolerance
337 //purpose  :
338 //=======================================================================
SetMaxTolerance(const Standard_Real maxtol)340 void ShapeFix_Shape::SetMaxTolerance (const Standard_Real maxtol)
341 {
342   ShapeFix_Root::SetMaxTolerance ( maxtol );
343   myFixSolid->SetMaxTolerance ( maxtol );
344 }
345 //=======================================================================
346 //function : Status
347 //purpose  :
348 //=======================================================================
Status(const ShapeExtend_Status status) const350 Standard_Boolean ShapeFix_Shape::Status (const ShapeExtend_Status status) const
351 {
352   return ShapeExtend::DecodeStatus ( myStatus, status );
353 }