1 // Created on: 2017-06-16
2 // Created by: Natalia ERMOLAEVA
3 // Copyright (c) 2017 OPEN CASCADE SAS
4 //
5 // This file is part of Open CASCADE Technology software library.
6 //
7 // This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
8 // the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License version 2.1 as published
9 // by the Free Software Foundation, with special exception defined in the file
10 // OCCT_LGPL_EXCEPTION.txt. Consult the file LICENSE_LGPL_21.txt included in OCCT
11 // distribution for complete text of the license and disclaimer of any warranty.
12 //
13 // Alternatively, this file may be used under the terms of Open CASCADE
14 // commercial license or contractual agreement.
16 #ifndef TreeModel_ModelBase_H
17 #define TreeModel_ModelBase_H
19 #include <Standard.hxx>
20 #include <inspector/TreeModel_ItemBase.hxx>
21 #include <inspector/TreeModel_HeaderSection.hxx>
23 #include <NCollection_List.hxx>
25 #include <Standard_WarningsDisable.hxx>
26 #include <QAbstractItemModel>
27 #include <QExplicitlySharedDataPointer>
28 #include <QMap>
29 #include <QModelIndex>
30 #include <QVariant>
31 #include <QVector>
32 #include <Standard_WarningsRestore.hxx>
34 class TreeModel_VisibilityState;
36 //! \class TreeModel_ModelBase
37 //! \brief Implementation of the tree item based model of QAbstractItemModel.
38 //! The TreeModel_ModelBase class defines the abstract model realization through the base item architecture.
39 //! By the model index creation, a base item is created and attached to the index.
40 //! Each item contains an iformation about the item parent, position in the parent and
41 //! the item's children. So, it is possible to get the model index relation from the item.
42 class TreeModel_ModelBase : public QAbstractItemModel
43 {
44 public:
46   //! Constructor
47   //! \param theParent the parent object
48   Standard_EXPORT TreeModel_ModelBase (QObject* theParent = 0);
50   //! Destructor
~TreeModel_ModelBase()51   virtual ~TreeModel_ModelBase() {}
53   //! Creates model columns and root items.
54   //! Default columns are: [0] - Name, [1] - Visibility, [2] - Row
55   Standard_EXPORT virtual void InitColumns();
57   //! Returns the item shared pointer by the model index
58   //! if it is in the index internal pointer
59   //! @param theIndex a model index
60   Standard_EXPORT static TreeModel_ItemBasePtr GetItemByIndex (const QModelIndex& theIndex);
62   //! Resets the model items content. Calls the same method of the root item.
63   //! It leads to reset of all child/sub child items.
64   Standard_EXPORT virtual void Reset();
66   //! Returns the model root item.
67   //! It is realized for OCAFBrowser
RootItem(const int theColumn) const68   TreeModel_ItemBasePtr RootItem (const int theColumn) const { return myRootItems[theColumn]; }
70   //! Emits the layoutChanged signal from outside of this class
71   Standard_EXPORT void EmitLayoutChanged();
73   //! Emits the dataChanged signal from outside of this class
74   Standard_EXPORT void EmitDataChanged (const QModelIndex& theTopLeft, const QModelIndex& theBottomRight,
75                                         const QVector<int>& theRoles = QVector<int>(), const bool isResetItem = true);
77   //! Sets state whether visibility column (0) is used in the model
78   //! \param theState state
SetUseVisibilityColumn(const bool theState)79   void SetUseVisibilityColumn (const bool theState) { m_pUseVisibilityColumn = theState; }
81   //! Returns state whether visibility column (0) is used in the model
82   //! \param theState state
IsUseVisibilityColumn() const83   bool IsUseVisibilityColumn() const { return m_pUseVisibilityColumn; }
85   //! Fills visibility state checker
86   //! \param theController the checker interface
SetVisibilityState(TreeModel_VisibilityState * theController)87   void SetVisibilityState (TreeModel_VisibilityState* theController) { myVisibilityState = theController; }
89   //! Returns visibility state checker
90   //! \return the checker interface
GetVisibilityState() const91   TreeModel_VisibilityState* GetVisibilityState () const { return myVisibilityState; }
93   //! Returns true if the tree view model contains highlighted items. This highlight is set manually.
HasHighlighted()94   bool HasHighlighted() { return !myHighlightedIndices.isEmpty(); }
96   //! Sets items of the indices highlighted in the model.
97   //! \param theIndices a list of tree model indices
SetHighlighted(const QModelIndexList & theIndices=QModelIndexList ())98   void SetHighlighted (const QModelIndexList& theIndices = QModelIndexList()) { myHighlightedIndices = theIndices; }
100   //! Returns the index of the item in the model specified by the given row, column and parent index.
101   //! Saves an internal pointer at the createIndex. This pointer is a shared pointer to the class,
102   //! that realizes a base item interface. If the parent is invalid, a root item is used, otherwise a new item
103   //! is created by the pointer item saved the parent model index
104   //! \param theRow the index row position
105   //! \param theColummn the index column position
106   //! \param theParent the parent index
107   //! \return the model index
108   Standard_EXPORT virtual QModelIndex index (int theRow, int theColumn,
109                                              const QModelIndex& theParent = QModelIndex()) const Standard_OVERRIDE;
111   //! Returns the data stored under the given role for the item referred to by the index.
112   //! \param theIndex a model index
113   //! \param theRole an enumeration value of role for data obtaining
114   Standard_EXPORT virtual QVariant data (const QModelIndex& theIndex, int theRole = Qt::DisplayRole) const Standard_OVERRIDE;
116   //! Returns the parent index by the child index. Founds the item, saved in the index;
117   //! obtains the parent item by the item. Create a new index by the item and containing it.
118   //! \param theIndex a model index
119   Standard_EXPORT virtual QModelIndex parent (const QModelIndex& theIndex) const Standard_OVERRIDE;
121   //! Returns the item flags for the given index. The base class implementation returns a combination of flags that
122   //! enables the item (ItemIsEnabled) and allows it to be selected (ItemIsSelectable)
123   //! \param theIndex the model index
124   //! \return Qt flag combination
125   Standard_EXPORT virtual Qt::ItemFlags flags (const QModelIndex& theIndex) const Standard_OVERRIDE;
127   //! Returns the header data for the given role and section in the header with the specified orientation.
128   //! \param theSection the header section. For horizontal headers - column number, for vertical headers - row number.
129   //! \param theOrientation a header orientation
130   //! \param theRole a data role
131   //! \return the header data
132   Standard_EXPORT virtual QVariant headerData (int theSection, Qt::Orientation theOrientation,
133                                                int theRole = Qt::DisplayRole) const Standard_OVERRIDE;
135   //! Returns the number of rows under the given parent. When the parent is valid it means that rowCount is returning
136   //! the number of children of parent.
137   //! \param theParent a parent model index
138   //! \return the number of rows
139   Standard_EXPORT virtual int rowCount (const QModelIndex& theParent = QModelIndex()) const Standard_OVERRIDE;
141   //! Returns header item, that can be modified
142   //! \param theColumnId a column index
143   //! \return header section value
ChangeHeaderItem(const int theColumnId)144   TreeModel_HeaderSection* ChangeHeaderItem (const int theColumnId) { return &myHeaderValues[theColumnId]; }
146   //! Returns count of columns in the model
147   //! \param theParent an index of the parent item
148   //! \return integer value
columnCount(const QModelIndex & theParent=QModelIndex ()) const149   virtual int columnCount (const QModelIndex& theParent = QModelIndex()) const Standard_OVERRIDE
150   { (void)theParent; return myHeaderValues.size(); }
152   //! Returns default value of the visibility column
153   //! \return integer value
ColumnVisibilityWidth()154   static int ColumnVisibilityWidth() { return 20; }
156   //! Returns selected items in the cell of given orientation.
157   //! \param theIndices a container of selected indices
158   //! \param theCellId column index if orientation is horizontal, row index otherwise
159   //! \param theOrientation an orientation to apply the cell index
160   //! \return model indices from the list
161   Standard_EXPORT static QModelIndexList Selected (const QModelIndexList& theIndices, const int theCellId,
162                                                    const Qt::Orientation theOrientation = Qt::Horizontal);
164   //! Returns single selected item in the cell of given orientation. If the orientation is Horizontal,
165   //! in the cell id column, one row should be selected.
166   //! \param theIndices a container of selected indices
167   //! \param theCellId column index if orientation is horizontal, row index otherwise
168   //! \param theOrientation an orientation to apply the cell index
169   //! \return model index from the list
170   Standard_EXPORT static QModelIndex SingleSelected (const QModelIndexList& theIndices, const int theCellId,
171                                                      const Qt::Orientation theOrientation = Qt::Horizontal);
173   //! Returns selected tree model items for indices.
174   //! \param theIndices a container of selected indices
175   //! \return model items from the list
176   Standard_EXPORT static QList<TreeModel_ItemBasePtr> SelectedItems (const QModelIndexList& theIndices);
178   //! Returns presentations of sub items
179   //! \param theIndices a container of selected indices
180   //! \thePresentations [out] container of presentations
181   Standard_EXPORT static void SubItemsPresentations (const QModelIndexList& theIndices,
182                                                      NCollection_List<Handle(Standard_Transient)>& thePresentations);
184 protected:
185   //! Creates root item
186   //! \param theColumnId index of a column
187   virtual TreeModel_ItemBasePtr createRootItem (const int theColumnId) = 0;
189   //! Sets header properties item.
190   //! \param theColumnId a column index
191   //! \param theSection a section value
192   Standard_EXPORT void setHeaderItem (const int theColumnId, const TreeModel_HeaderSection& theSection);
194   //! Converts the item shared pointer to void* type
195   //! \param theItem
196   //!  \return an item pointer
197   Standard_EXPORT static void* getIndexValue (const TreeModel_ItemBasePtr& theItem);
199   //! Returns presentations of sub items. Recursive method to get presentations of all children
200   //! \param theItem an item to get own presentations and presentations of children
201   //! \thePresentations [out] container of presentations found
202   static void subItemsPresentations (const TreeModel_ItemBasePtr& theItem,
203                                     NCollection_List<Handle(Standard_Transient)>& thePresentations);
205 private:
206   //! Creates root item
207   //! \param theColumnId index of a column
208   Standard_EXPORT void createRoot (const int theColumnId);
210 protected:
212   QMap<int, TreeModel_ItemBasePtr> myRootItems; //!< container of root items, for each column own root item
213   QMap<int, TreeModel_HeaderSection> myHeaderValues; //!< header values
214   //!< model subclass. The model is fulfilled by this item content
216   bool m_pUseVisibilityColumn; //!< the state whether column=0 is reserved for Visibility state
217   TreeModel_VisibilityState* myVisibilityState; //!< the interface of item visibility
218   QIcon myVisibleIcon; //!< icon of visible state
219   QIcon myInvisibleIcon; //!< icon of invisible state
221   QModelIndexList myHighlightedIndices; //!< tree model indices that should be visualized as highlighted
222 };
224 #endif