1WARNING: e was assigned on line 49 but was overwritten in file scope-assignment-tests.scad, line 52
2WARNING: f was assigned on line 58 but was overwritten in file scope-assignment-tests.scad, line 61
3WARNING: g was assigned on line 67 but was overwritten in file scope-assignment-tests.scad, line 69
4WARNING: h was assigned on line 73 but was overwritten in file scope-assignment-tests.scad, line 75
5WARNING: Ignoring unknown variable 'h' in file scope-assignment-tests.scad, line 75
6WARNING: undefined operation (undefined * number) in file scope-assignment-tests.scad, line 75
7ECHO: "union scope"
8ECHO: "local a (5):", 5
9ECHO: "global a (4):", 4
10ECHO: "module scope:"
11WARNING: Module mymodule: Parameter b is overwritten with a literal in file scope-assignment-tests.scad, line 12
12ECHO: "local b (7)", 7
13WARNING: Module mymodule: Parameter b is overwritten with a literal in file scope-assignment-tests.scad, line 12
14ECHO: "local b (7)", 7
15ECHO: "module children scope:"
16WARNING: Module mymodule2: Parameter b2 is overwritten with a literal in file scope-assignment-tests.scad, line 20
17ECHO: "b2 (3)", 3
18ECHO: "for loop (c = 0,1,25):"
19ECHO: "c", 0
20ECHO: "c", 1
21ECHO: "c", 25
22ECHO: "if scope:"
23ECHO: "d (8)", 8
24ECHO: "else scope:"
25ECHO: "d (9)", 9
26ECHO: "anonymous inner scope (scope ignored):"
27ECHO: "outer e (3)", 3
28ECHO: "inner e (3)", 3
29ECHO: "anonymous scope (scope ignored):"
30ECHO: "outer f (2)", 2
31ECHO: "inner f (2)", 2
32ECHO: "anonymous scope reassign:"
33ECHO: "g (2)", 2
34ECHO: "anonymous reassign using outer (scope ignored)", undef
35ECHO: "h (undef)", undef
36ECHO: "override variable in assign scope:"
37DEPRECATED: The assign() module will be removed in future releases. Use a regular assignment instead. in file scope-assignment-tests.scad, line 80
38ECHO: "i (10)", 10
39ECHO: "group scope:"
40ECHO: "local a (11)", 11
41ECHO: "legimate case for module parameter overwrite: (see #2628)"
42ECHO: "parameter a(20)", 20
43ECHO: "local a(10)", 10