1 /*!
2  * \file src/autoroute.c
3  *
4  * \brief Functions used to autoroute nets.
5  *
6  * this file, autoroute.c, was written and is
7  *
8  * Copyright (c) 2001 C. Scott Ananian
9  *
10  * Copyright (c) 2006 harry eaton
11  *
12  * Copyright (c) 2009 harry eaton
13  *
14  * This file implements a rectangle-expansion router, based on
15  * "A Method for Gridless Routing of Printed Circuit Boards" by
16  * A. C. Finch, K. J. Mackenzie, G. J. Balsdon, and G. Symonds in the
17  * 1985 Proceedings of the 22nd ACM/IEEE Design Automation Conference.
18  *
19  * This reference is available from the ACM Digital Library at
20  * http://www.acm.org/dl for those with institutional or personal
21  * access to it.  It's also available from your local engineering
22  * library.
23  *
24  * The code is much closer to what is described in the paper now,
25  * in that expansion areas can grow from corners and in all directions
26  * at once. Previously, these were emulated with discrete boxes moving
27  * in the cardinal directions. With the new method, there are fewer but
28  * larger expansion boxes that one might do a better job of routing in.
29  *
30  * <hr>
31  *
32  * <h1><b>Copyright.</b></h1>\n
33  *
34  * PCB, interactive printed circuit board design
35  *
36  * Copyright (C) 1994,1995,1996 Thomas Nau
37  *
38  * Copyright (C) 1998,1999,2000,2001 harry eaton
39  *
40  * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
41  * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
42  * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
43  * (at your option) any later version.
44  *
45  * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
46  * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
48  * GNU General Public License for more details.
49  *
50  * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
51  * with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
52  * 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.
53  *
54  * Contact addresses for paper mail and Email:
55  * harry eaton, 6697 Buttonhole Ct, Columbia, MD 21044 USA
56  * haceaton@aplcomm.jhuapl.edu
57  *
58  */
60 #define NET_HEAP 1
61 #ifdef HAVE_CONFIG_H
62 #include "config.h"
63 #endif
65 #include "global.h"
67 #include <assert.h>
68 #include <setjmp.h>
70 #include "data.h"
71 #include "macro.h"
72 #include "autoroute.h"
73 #include "box.h"
74 #include "create.h"
75 #include "draw.h"
76 #include "error.h"
77 #include "find.h"
78 #include "flags.h"
79 #include "heap.h"
80 #include "rtree.h"
81 #include "misc.h"
82 #include "mtspace.h"
83 #include "mymem.h"
84 #include "polygon.h"
85 #include "rats.h"
86 #include "remove.h"
87 #include "thermal.h"
88 #include "undo.h"
89 #include "vector.h"
90 #include "pcb-printf.h"
91 #include "hid_draw.h"
94 #include <dmalloc.h>
95 #endif
97 /* #defines to enable some debugging output */
98 /*
99 #define ROUTE_VERBOSE
100 */
102 /*
103 #define ROUTE_DEBUG
106 //#define DEBUG_SHOW_EDGES
107 //#define DEBUG_SHOW_VIA_BOXES
110 //#define DEBUG_SHOW_ZIGZAG
111 */
113 static direction_t
directionIncrement(direction_t dir)114 directionIncrement(direction_t dir)
115 {
116   switch(dir)
117   {
118   case NORTH:
119     dir = EAST;
120     break;
121   case EAST:
122     dir = SOUTH;
123     break;
124   case SOUTH:
125     dir = WEST;
126     break;
127   case WEST:
128     dir = NE;
129     break;
130   case NE:
131     dir = SE;
132     break;
133   case SE:
134     dir = SW;
135     break;
136   case SW:
137     dir = NW;
138     break;
139   case NW:
140     dir = ALL;
141     break;
142   case ALL:
143     dir = NORTH;
144     break;
145   }
146 return dir;
147 }
149 #ifdef ROUTE_DEBUG
150 HID_DRAW *ddraw = NULL;
151 static hidGC ar_gc = 0;
152 #endif
154 #define EXPENSIVE 3e28
155 /* round up "half" thicknesses */
156 #define HALF_THICK(x) (((x)+1)/2)
157 /* a styles maximum bloat is its keepaway plus the larger of its via radius
158  * or line half-thickness. */
159 #define BLOAT(style)\
160 	((style)->Keepaway + HALF_THICK((style)->Thick))
161 /* conflict penalty is less for traces laid down during previous pass than
162  * it is for traces already laid down in this pass. */
163 #define CONFLICT_LEVEL(rb)\
164 	(((rb)->flags.is_odd==AutoRouteParameters.is_odd) ?\
166 #define CONFLICT_PENALTY(rb)\
168 	 AutoRouteParameters.ConflictPenalty : \
170 	 AutoRouteParameters.LastConflictPenalty : 1) * (rb)->pass)
172 #define _NORTH 1
173 #define _EAST 2
174 #define _SOUTH 4
175 #define _WEST 8
177 #define LIST_LOOP(init, which, x) do {\
178      routebox_t *__next_one__ = (init);\
179    x = NULL;\
180    if (!__next_one__)\
181      assert(__next_one__);\
182    else\
183    while (!x  || __next_one__ != (init)) {\
184      x = __next_one__;\
185      /* save next one first in case the command modifies or frees it */\
186      __next_one__ = x->which.next
187 #define FOREACH_SUBNET(net, p) do {\
188   routebox_t *_pp_;\
189   /* fail-fast: check subnet_processed flags */\
190   LIST_LOOP(net, same_net, p); \
191   assert(!p->flags.subnet_processed);\
192   END_LOOP;\
193   /* iterate through *distinct* subnets */\
194   LIST_LOOP(net, same_net, p); \
195   if (!p->flags.subnet_processed) {\
196     LIST_LOOP(p, same_subnet, _pp_);\
197     _pp_->flags.subnet_processed=1;\
198     END_LOOP
199 #define END_FOREACH(net, p) \
200   }; \
201   END_LOOP;\
202   /* reset subnet_processed flags */\
203   LIST_LOOP(net, same_net, p); \
204   p->flags.subnet_processed=0;\
205   END_LOOP;\
206 } while (0)
207 #define SWAP(t, f, s) do { t a=s; s=f; f=a; } while (0)
208 /* notes:
209  * all rectangles are assumed to be closed on the top and left and
210  * open on the bottom and right.   That is, they include their top-left
211  * corner but don't include their bottom and right edges.
212  *
213  * expansion regions are always half-closed.  This means that when
214  * tracing paths, you must steer clear of the bottom and right edges.,
215  * because these are not actually in the allowed box.
216  *
217  * All routeboxes *except* EXPANSION_AREAS now have their "box" bloated by
218  * their particular required keepaway. This simplifies the tree searching.
219  * the "sbox" contains the unbloated box.
220  */
221 /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
222  * some local types
223  */
225 /* enumerated type for conflict levels */
226 typedef enum
228 conflict_t;
230 typedef struct routebox_list
231 {
232   struct routebox *next, *prev;
233 }routebox_list;
235 typedef enum etype
237   etype;
239 typedef struct routebox
240 {
241   BoxType box, sbox;
242   union
243   {
244     PadType *pad;
245     PinType *pin;
246     PinType *via;
247     struct routebox *via_shadow;	/* points to the via in r-tree which
248 					 * points to the PinType in the PCB. */
249     LineType *line;
250     void *generic;		/* 'other' is polygon, arc, text */
251     struct routebox *expansion_area;	/* previous expansion area in search */
252   }
253   parent;
254   unsigned short group;
255   unsigned short layer;
256   etype type;
257   struct
258   {
259     unsigned nonstraight:1;
260     unsigned fixed:1;
261     /* for searches */
262     unsigned source:1;
263     unsigned target:1;
264     /* rects on same net as source and target don't need clearance areas */
265     unsigned nobloat:1;
266     /* mark circular pins, so that we be sure to connect them up properly */
267     unsigned circular:1;
268     /* we sometimes create routeboxen that don't actually belong to a
269      * r-tree yet -- make sure refcount of homelesss is set properly */
270     unsigned homeless:1;
271     /* was this nonfixed obstacle generated on an odd or even pass? */
272     unsigned is_odd:1;
273     /* fixed route boxes that have already been "routed through" in this
274      * search have their "touched" flag set. */
275     unsigned touched:1;
276     /* this is a status bit for iterating through *different* subnets */
277     unsigned subnet_processed:1;
278     /* some expansion_areas represent via candidates */
279     unsigned is_via:1;
280     /* mark non-straight lines which go from bottom-left to upper-right,
281      * instead of from upper-left to bottom-right. */
282     unsigned bl_to_ur:1;
283     /* mark polygons which are "transparent" for via-placement; that is,
284      * vias through the polygon will automatically be given a keepaway
285      * and will not electrically connect to the polygon. */
286     unsigned clear_poly:1;
287     /* this marks "conflicting" routes that must be torn up to obtain
288      * a correct routing.  This flag allows us to return a correct routing
289      * even if the user cancels auto-route after a non-final pass. */
290     unsigned is_bad:1;
291     /* for assertion that 'box' is never changed after creation */
292     unsigned inited:1;
293     /* indicate this expansion ares is a thermal between the pin and plane */
294     unsigned is_thermal;
295   }
296   flags;
297   /* indicate the direction an expansion box came from */
298   cost_t cost;
299   CheapPointType cost_point;
300   /* reference count for homeless routeboxes; free when refcount==0 */
301   int refcount;
302   /* when routing with conflicts, we keep a record of what we're
303    * conflicting with.
304    */
305   vector_t *conflicts_with;
306   /* route style of the net associated with this routebox */
307   RouteStyleType *style;
308   /* congestion values for the edges of an expansion box */
309   unsigned char n, e, s, w;
310   /* what pass this this track was laid down on */
311   unsigned char pass;
312   /* the direction this came from, if any */
313   direction_t came_from;
314   /* circular lists with connectivity information. */
315   routebox_list same_net, same_subnet, original_subnet, different_net;
316   union {
317     PinType *via;
318     LineType *line;
319   } livedraw_obj;
320 }
321 routebox_t;
323 typedef struct routedata
324 {
325   /* one rtree per layer *group */
326   rtree_t *layergrouptree[MAX_GROUP];	/* no silkscreen layers here =) */
327   /* root pointer into connectivity information */
328   routebox_t *first_net;
329   /* default routing style */
330   RouteStyleType defaultstyle;
331   /* style structures */
332   RouteStyleType *styles[NUM_STYLES + 1];
333   /* what is the maximum bloat (keepaway+line half-width or
334    * keepaway+via_radius) for any style we've seen? */
335   Coord max_bloat;
336   Coord max_keep;
337   mtspace_t *mtspace;
338 }
339 routedata_t;
341 typedef struct edge_struct
342 {
343   routebox_t *rb;		/* path expansion edges are real routeboxen. */
344   CheapPointType cost_point;
345   cost_t cost_to_point;		/* from source */
346   cost_t cost;			/* cached edge cost */
347   routebox_t *mincost_target;	/* minimum cost from cost_point to any target */
348   vetting_t *work;		/* for via search edges */
349   direction_t expand_dir;
350   struct
351   {
352     /* this indicates that this 'edge' is a via candidate. */
353     unsigned is_via:1;
354     /* record "conflict level" of via candidates, in case we need to split
355      * them later. */
356     conflict_t via_conflict_level:2;
357     /* when "routing with conflicts", sometimes edge is interior. */
358     unsigned is_interior:1;
359     /* this is a fake edge used to defer searching for via spaces */
360     unsigned via_search:1;
361     /* this is a via edge in a plane where the cost point moves for free */
362     unsigned in_plane:1;
363   }
364   flags;
365 }
366 edge_t;
368 static struct
369 {
370   /* net style parameters */
371   RouteStyleType *style;
372   /* the present bloat */
373   Coord bloat;
374   /* cost parameters */
375   cost_t ViaCost,		/* additional "length" cost for using a via */
376     LastConflictPenalty,	/* length mult. for routing over last pass' trace */
377     ConflictPenalty,		/* length multiplier for routing over another trace */
378     JogPenalty,			/* additional "length" cost for changing direction */
379     CongestionPenalty,		/* (rational) length multiplier for routing in */
380     NewLayerPenalty,		/* penalty for routing on a previously unused layer */
381     MinPenalty;			/* smallest Direction Penalty */
382   /* maximum conflict incidence before calling it "no path found" */
383   int hi_conflict;
384   /* are vias allowed? */
385   bool use_vias;
386   /* is this an odd or even pass? */
387   bool is_odd;
388   /* permit conflicts? */
389   bool with_conflicts;
390   /* is this a final "smoothing" pass? */
391   bool is_smoothing;
392   /* rip up nets regardless of conflicts? */
393   bool rip_always;
394   bool last_smooth;
395   unsigned char pass;
396 }
397 AutoRouteParameters;
399 struct routeone_state
400 {
401   /* heap of all candidate expansion edges */
402   heap_t *workheap;
403   /* information about the best path found so far. */
404   routebox_t *best_path, *best_target;
405   cost_t best_cost;
406 };
409 /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
410  * some local prototypes
411  */
412 static routebox_t *CreateExpansionArea (const BoxType * area, Cardinal group,
413 					routebox_t * parent,
414 					bool relax_edge_requirements,
415 					edge_t * edge);
417 static cost_t edge_cost (const edge_t * e, const cost_t too_big);
418 static void best_path_candidate (struct routeone_state *s,
419 				 edge_t * e, routebox_t * best_target);
421 static BoxType edge_to_box (const routebox_t * rb, direction_t expand_dir);
423 static void add_or_destroy_edge (struct routeone_state *s, edge_t * e);
425 static void
426 RD_DrawThermal (routedata_t * rd, Coord X, Coord Y,
427 		Cardinal group, Cardinal layer, routebox_t * subnet,
428 		bool is_bad);
429 static void ResetSubnet (routebox_t * net);
430 #ifdef ROUTE_DEBUG
431 static int showboxen = -2;
432 static int aabort = 0;
433 static void showroutebox (routebox_t * rb);
434 #endif
436 /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
437  * some local identifiers
438  */
439 /* group number of groups that hold surface mount pads */
440 static Cardinal front, back;
441 static bool usedGroup[MAX_GROUP];
442 static int x_cost[MAX_GROUP], y_cost[MAX_GROUP];
443 static bool is_layer_group_active[MAX_GROUP];
444 static int ro = 0;
445 static int smoothes = 1;
446 static int passes = 12;
447 static int routing_layers = 0;
448 static float total_wire_length = 0;
449 static int total_via_count = 0;
451 /* assertion helper for routeboxen */
452 #ifndef NDEBUG
453 static int
__routebox_is_good(routebox_t * rb)454 __routebox_is_good (routebox_t * rb)
455 {
456   assert (rb && (rb->group < max_group) &&
457 	  (rb->box.X1 <= rb->box.X2) && (rb->box.Y1 <= rb->box.Y2) &&
458 	  (rb->flags.homeless ?
459 	   (rb->box.X1 != rb->box.X2) || (rb->box.Y1 != rb->box.Y2) :
460 	   (rb->box.X1 != rb->box.X2) && (rb->box.Y1 != rb->box.Y2)));
461   assert ((rb->flags.source ? rb->flags.nobloat : 1) &&
462 	  (rb->flags.target ? rb->flags.nobloat : 1) &&
463 	  (rb->flags.homeless ? !rb->flags.touched : rb->refcount == 0) &&
464 	  (rb->flags.touched ? rb->type != EXPANSION_AREA : 1));
465   assert ((rb->flags.is_odd ? (!rb->flags.fixed) &&
466 	   (rb->type == VIA || rb->type == VIA_SHADOW || rb->type == LINE
467 	    || rb->type == PLANE) : 1));
468   assert (rb->flags.clear_poly ?
469 	  ((rb->type == OTHER || rb->type == PLANE) && rb->flags.fixed
470 	   && !rb->flags.homeless) : 1);
471   assert (rb->flags.inited);
472 /* run through conflict list showing none are homeless, targets or sources */
473   if (rb->conflicts_with)
474     {
475       int i;
476       for (i = 0; i < vector_size (rb->conflicts_with); i++)
477 	{
478 	  routebox_t *c = vector_element (rb->conflicts_with, i);
479 	  assert (!c->flags.homeless && !c->flags.source && !c->flags.target
480 		  && !c->flags.fixed);
481 	}
482     }
483   assert (rb->style != NULL && rb->style != NULL);
484   assert (rb->type == EXPANSION_AREA
485 	  || (rb->same_net.next && rb->same_net.prev && rb->same_subnet.next
486 	      && rb->same_subnet.prev && rb->original_subnet.next
487 	      && rb->original_subnet.prev && rb->different_net.next
488 	      && rb->different_net.prev));
489   return 1;
490 }
491 static int
__edge_is_good(edge_t * e)492 __edge_is_good (edge_t * e)
493 {
494   assert (e && e->rb && __routebox_is_good (e->rb));
495   assert ((e->rb->flags.homeless ? e->rb->refcount > 0 : 1));
496   assert ((0 <= e->expand_dir) && (e->expand_dir < 9)
497 	  && (e->flags.
498 	      is_interior ? (e->expand_dir == ALL
499 			     && e->rb->conflicts_with) : 1));
500   assert ((e->flags.is_via ? e->rb->flags.is_via : 1)
501 	  && (e->flags.via_conflict_level >= 0
502 	      && e->flags.via_conflict_level <= 2)
503 	  && (e->flags.via_conflict_level != 0 ? e->flags.is_via : 1));
504   assert ((e->cost_to_point >= 0) && e->cost >= 0);
505   return 1;
506 }
508 int
no_planes(const BoxType * b,void * cl)509 no_planes (const BoxType * b, void *cl)
510 {
511   routebox_t *rb = (routebox_t *) b;
512   if (rb->type == PLANE)
513     return 0;
514   return 1;
515 }
516 #endif /* !NDEBUG */
518 /*---------------------------------------------------------------------
519  * route utility functions.
520  */
522 enum boxlist
524 static struct routebox_list *
__select_list(routebox_t * r,enum boxlist which)525 __select_list (routebox_t * r, enum boxlist which)
526 {
527   assert (r);
528   switch (which)
529     {
530     default:
531       assert (0);
532     case NET:
533       return &(r->same_net);
534     case SUBNET:
535       return &(r->same_subnet);
536     case ORIGINAL:
537       return &(r->original_subnet);
538     case DIFFERENT_NET:
539       return &(r->different_net);
540     }
541 }
542 static void
InitLists(routebox_t * r)543 InitLists (routebox_t * r)
544 {
545   static enum boxlist all[] =
547   , *p;
548   for (p = all; p < all + (sizeof (all) / sizeof (*p)); p++)
549     {
550       struct routebox_list *rl = __select_list (r, *p);
551       rl->prev = rl->next = r;
552     }
553 }
555 static void
MergeNets(routebox_t * a,routebox_t * b,enum boxlist which)556 MergeNets (routebox_t * a, routebox_t * b, enum boxlist which)
557 {
558   struct routebox_list *al, *bl, *anl, *bnl;
559   routebox_t *an, *bn;
560   assert (a && b);
561   assert (a != b);
562   assert (a->type != EXPANSION_AREA);
563   assert (b->type != EXPANSION_AREA);
564   al = __select_list (a, which);
565   bl = __select_list (b, which);
566   assert (al && bl);
567   an = al->next;
568   bn = bl->next;
569   assert (an && bn);
570   anl = __select_list (an, which);
571   bnl = __select_list (bn, which);
572   assert (anl && bnl);
573   bl->next = an;
574   anl->prev = b;
575   al->next = bn;
576   bnl->prev = a;
577 }
579 static void
RemoveFromNet(routebox_t * a,enum boxlist which)580 RemoveFromNet (routebox_t * a, enum boxlist which)
581 {
582   struct routebox_list *al, *anl, *apl;
583   routebox_t *an, *ap;
584   assert (a);
585   al = __select_list (a, which);
586   assert (al);
587   an = al->next;
588   ap = al->prev;
589   if (an == a || ap == a)
590     return;			/* not on any list */
591   assert (an && ap);
592   anl = __select_list (an, which);
593   apl = __select_list (ap, which);
594   assert (anl && apl);
595   anl->prev = ap;
596   apl->next = an;
597   al->next = al->prev = a;
598   return;
599 }
601 static void
init_const_box(routebox_t * rb,Coord X1,Coord Y1,Coord X2,Coord Y2,Coord keepaway)602 init_const_box (routebox_t * rb,
603 		Coord X1, Coord Y1, Coord X2,
604 		Coord Y2, Coord keepaway)
605 {
606   BoxType *bp = (BoxType *) & rb->box;	/* note discarding const! */
607   assert (!rb->flags.inited);
608   assert (X1 <= X2 && Y1 <= Y2);
609   bp->X1 = X1 - keepaway;
610   bp->Y1 = Y1 - keepaway;
611   bp->X2 = X2 + keepaway;
612   bp->Y2 = Y2 + keepaway;
613   bp = (BoxType *) & rb->sbox;
614   bp->X1 = X1;
615   bp->Y1 = Y1;
616   bp->X2 = X2;
617   bp->Y2 = Y2;
618   rb->flags.inited = 1;
619 }
621 static inline BoxType
shrink_routebox(const routebox_t * rb)622 shrink_routebox (const routebox_t * rb)
623 {
624   return rb->sbox;
625 }
627 static inline cost_t
box_area(const BoxType b)628 box_area (const BoxType b)
629 {
630   cost_t ans = b.X2 - b.X1;
631   return ans * (b.Y2 - b.Y1);
632 }
634 static inline CheapPointType
closest_point_in_routebox(const CheapPointType * from,const routebox_t * rb)635 closest_point_in_routebox (const CheapPointType * from, const routebox_t * rb)
636 {
637   return closest_point_in_box (from, &rb->sbox);
638 }
640 static inline bool
point_in_shrunk_box(const routebox_t * box,Coord X,Coord Y)641 point_in_shrunk_box (const routebox_t * box, Coord X, Coord Y)
642 {
643   BoxType b = shrink_routebox (box);
644   return point_in_box (&b, X, Y);
645 }
647 /*---------------------------------------------------------------------
648  * routedata initialization functions.
649  */
651 static routebox_t *
AddPin(PointerListType layergroupboxes[],PinType * pin,bool is_via,RouteStyleType * style)652 AddPin (PointerListType layergroupboxes[], PinType *pin, bool is_via,
653 	RouteStyleType * style)
654 {
655   routebox_t **rbpp, *lastrb = NULL;
656   int i, ht;
657   /* a pin cuts through every layer group */
658   for (i = 0; i < max_group; i++)
659     {
660       rbpp = (routebox_t **) GetPointerMemory (&layergroupboxes[i]);
661       *rbpp = (routebox_t *)malloc (sizeof (**rbpp));
662       memset ((void *) *rbpp, 0, sizeof (**rbpp));
663       (*rbpp)->group = i;
664       ht = HALF_THICK (MAX (pin->Thickness, pin->DrillingHole));
665       init_const_box (*rbpp,
666 		      /*X1 */ pin->X - ht,
667 		      /*Y1 */ pin->Y - ht,
668 		      /*X2 */ pin->X + ht,
669 		      /*Y2 */ pin->Y + ht, style->Keepaway);
670       /* set aux. properties */
671       if (is_via)
672 	{
673 	  (*rbpp)->type = VIA;
674 	  (*rbpp)->parent.via = pin;
675 	}
676       else
677 	{
678 	  (*rbpp)->type = PIN;
679 	  (*rbpp)->parent.pin = pin;
680 	}
681       (*rbpp)->flags.fixed = 1;
682       (*rbpp)->came_from = ALL;
683       (*rbpp)->style = style;
684       (*rbpp)->flags.circular = !TEST_FLAG (SQUAREFLAG, pin);
685       /* circular lists */
686       InitLists (*rbpp);
687       /* link together */
688       if (lastrb)
689 	{
690 	  MergeNets (*rbpp, lastrb, NET);
691 	  MergeNets (*rbpp, lastrb, SUBNET);
692 	  MergeNets (*rbpp, lastrb, ORIGINAL);
693 	}
694       lastrb = *rbpp;
695     }
696   return lastrb;
697 }
698 static routebox_t *
AddPad(PointerListType layergroupboxes[],ElementType * element,PadType * pad,RouteStyleType * style)699 AddPad (PointerListType layergroupboxes[],
700 	ElementType *element, PadType *pad, RouteStyleType * style)
701 {
702   Coord halfthick;
703   routebox_t **rbpp;
704   int layergroup = (TEST_FLAG (ONSOLDERFLAG, pad) ? back : front);
705   assert (0 <= layergroup && layergroup < max_group);
706   assert (PCB->LayerGroups.Number[layergroup] > 0);
707   rbpp = (routebox_t **) GetPointerMemory (&layergroupboxes[layergroup]);
708   assert (rbpp);
709   *rbpp = (routebox_t *)malloc (sizeof (**rbpp));
710   assert (*rbpp);
711   memset (*rbpp, 0, sizeof (**rbpp));
712   (*rbpp)->group = layergroup;
713   halfthick = HALF_THICK (pad->Thickness);
714   init_const_box (*rbpp,
715 		  /*X1 */ MIN (pad->Point1.X, pad->Point2.X) - halfthick,
716 		  /*Y1 */ MIN (pad->Point1.Y, pad->Point2.Y) - halfthick,
717 		  /*X2 */ MAX (pad->Point1.X, pad->Point2.X) + halfthick,
718 		  /*Y2 */ MAX (pad->Point1.Y, pad->Point2.Y) + halfthick,
719 		  style->Keepaway);
720   /* kludge for non-manhattan pads (which are not allowed at present) */
721   if (pad->Point1.X != pad->Point2.X && pad->Point1.Y != pad->Point2.Y)
722     (*rbpp)->flags.nonstraight = 1;
723   /* set aux. properties */
724   (*rbpp)->type = PAD;
725   (*rbpp)->parent.pad = pad;
726   (*rbpp)->flags.fixed = 1;
727   (*rbpp)->came_from = ALL;
728   (*rbpp)->style = style;
729   /* circular lists */
730   InitLists (*rbpp);
731   return *rbpp;
732 }
733 static routebox_t *
AddLine(PointerListType layergroupboxes[],int layergroup,LineType * line,LineType * ptr,RouteStyleType * style)734 AddLine (PointerListType layergroupboxes[], int layergroup, LineType *line,
735 	 LineType *ptr, RouteStyleType * style)
736 {
737   routebox_t **rbpp;
738   assert (layergroupboxes && line);
739   assert (0 <= layergroup && layergroup < max_group);
740   assert (PCB->LayerGroups.Number[layergroup] > 0);
742   rbpp = (routebox_t **) GetPointerMemory (&layergroupboxes[layergroup]);
743   *rbpp = (routebox_t *)malloc (sizeof (**rbpp));
744   memset (*rbpp, 0, sizeof (**rbpp));
745   (*rbpp)->group = layergroup;
746   init_const_box (*rbpp,
747 		  /*X1 */ MIN (line->Point1.X,
748 			       line->Point2.X) - HALF_THICK (line->Thickness),
749 		  /*Y1 */ MIN (line->Point1.Y,
750 			       line->Point2.Y) - HALF_THICK (line->Thickness),
751 		  /*X2 */ MAX (line->Point1.X,
752 			       line->Point2.X) + HALF_THICK (line->Thickness),
753 		  /*Y2 */ MAX (line->Point1.Y,
754 			       line->Point2.Y) +
755 		  HALF_THICK (line->Thickness), style->Keepaway);
756   /* kludge for non-manhattan lines */
757   if (line->Point1.X != line->Point2.X && line->Point1.Y != line->Point2.Y)
758     {
759       (*rbpp)->flags.nonstraight = 1;
760       (*rbpp)->flags.bl_to_ur =
761 	(MIN (line->Point1.X, line->Point2.X) == line->Point1.X) !=
762 	(MIN (line->Point1.Y, line->Point2.Y) == line->Point1.Y);
763 #if defined(ROUTE_DEBUG) && defined(DEBUG_SHOW_ZIGZAG)
764       showroutebox (*rbpp);
765 #endif
766     }
767   /* set aux. properties */
768   (*rbpp)->type = LINE;
769   (*rbpp)->parent.line = ptr;
770   (*rbpp)->flags.fixed = 1;
771   (*rbpp)->came_from = ALL;
772   (*rbpp)->style = style;
773   /* circular lists */
774   InitLists (*rbpp);
775   return *rbpp;
776 }
777 static routebox_t *
AddIrregularObstacle(PointerListType layergroupboxes[],Coord X1,Coord Y1,Coord X2,Coord Y2,Cardinal layergroup,void * parent,RouteStyleType * style)778 AddIrregularObstacle (PointerListType layergroupboxes[],
779 		      Coord X1, Coord Y1,
780 		      Coord X2, Coord Y2, Cardinal layergroup,
781 		      void *parent, RouteStyleType * style)
782 {
783   routebox_t **rbpp;
784   Coord keep = style->Keepaway;
785   assert (layergroupboxes && parent);
786   assert (X1 <= X2 && Y1 <= Y2);
787   assert (0 <= layergroup && layergroup < max_group);
788   assert (PCB->LayerGroups.Number[layergroup] > 0);
790   rbpp = (routebox_t **) GetPointerMemory (&layergroupboxes[layergroup]);
791   *rbpp = (routebox_t *)malloc (sizeof (**rbpp));
792   memset (*rbpp, 0, sizeof (**rbpp));
793   (*rbpp)->group = layergroup;
794   init_const_box (*rbpp, X1, Y1, X2, Y2, keep);
795   (*rbpp)->flags.nonstraight = 1;
796   (*rbpp)->type = OTHER;
797   (*rbpp)->parent.generic = parent;
798   (*rbpp)->flags.fixed = 1;
799   (*rbpp)->style = style;
800   /* circular lists */
801   InitLists (*rbpp);
802   return *rbpp;
803 }
805 static routebox_t *
AddPolygon(PointerListType layergroupboxes[],Cardinal layer,PolygonType * polygon,RouteStyleType * style)806 AddPolygon (PointerListType layergroupboxes[], Cardinal layer,
807 	    PolygonType *polygon, RouteStyleType * style)
808 {
809   int is_not_rectangle = 1;
810   int layergroup = GetLayerGroupNumberByNumber (layer);
811   routebox_t *rb;
812   assert (0 <= layergroup && layergroup < max_group);
813   rb = AddIrregularObstacle (layergroupboxes,
814 			     polygon->BoundingBox.X1,
815 			     polygon->BoundingBox.Y1,
816 			     polygon->BoundingBox.X2,
817 			     polygon->BoundingBox.Y2,
818 			     layergroup, polygon, style);
819   if (polygon->PointN == 4 &&
820       polygon->HoleIndexN == 0 &&
821       (polygon->Points[0].X == polygon->Points[1].X ||
822        polygon->Points[0].Y == polygon->Points[1].Y) &&
823       (polygon->Points[1].X == polygon->Points[2].X ||
824        polygon->Points[1].Y == polygon->Points[2].Y) &&
825       (polygon->Points[2].X == polygon->Points[3].X ||
826        polygon->Points[2].Y == polygon->Points[3].Y) &&
827       (polygon->Points[3].X == polygon->Points[0].X ||
828        polygon->Points[3].Y == polygon->Points[0].Y))
829     is_not_rectangle = 0;
830   rb->flags.nonstraight = is_not_rectangle;
831   rb->layer = layer;
832   rb->came_from = ALL;
833   if (TEST_FLAG (CLEARPOLYFLAG, polygon))
834     {
835       rb->flags.clear_poly = 1;
836       if (!is_not_rectangle)
837 	rb->type = PLANE;
838     }
839   return rb;
840 }
841 static void
AddText(PointerListType layergroupboxes[],Cardinal layergroup,TextType * text,RouteStyleType * style)842 AddText (PointerListType layergroupboxes[], Cardinal layergroup,
843 	 TextType *text, RouteStyleType * style)
844 {
845   AddIrregularObstacle (layergroupboxes,
846 			text->BoundingBox.X1, text->BoundingBox.Y1,
847 			text->BoundingBox.X2, text->BoundingBox.Y2,
848 			layergroup, text, style);
849 }
850 static routebox_t *
AddArc(PointerListType layergroupboxes[],Cardinal layergroup,ArcType * arc,RouteStyleType * style)851 AddArc (PointerListType layergroupboxes[], Cardinal layergroup,
852 	ArcType *arc, RouteStyleType * style)
853 {
854   return AddIrregularObstacle (layergroupboxes,
855 			       arc->BoundingBox.X1, arc->BoundingBox.Y1,
856 			       arc->BoundingBox.X2, arc->BoundingBox.Y2,
857 			       layergroup, arc, style);
858 }
860 struct rb_info
861 {
862   BoxType query;
863   routebox_t *winner;
864   jmp_buf env;
865 };
867 static int
__found_one_on_lg(const BoxType * box,void * cl)868 __found_one_on_lg (const BoxType * box, void *cl)
869 {
870   struct rb_info *inf = (struct rb_info *) cl;
871   routebox_t *rb = (routebox_t *) box;
872   BoxType sb;
874   if (rb->flags.nonstraight)
875     return 0;
876   sb = shrink_box (&rb->box, rb->style->Keepaway);
877   if (inf->query.X1 >= sb.X2 || inf->query.X2 <= sb.X1 ||
878       inf->query.Y1 >= sb.Y2 || inf->query.Y2 <= sb.Y1)
879     return 0;
880   inf->winner = rb;
881   if (rb->type == PLANE)
882     return 1;			/* keep looking for something smaller if a plane was found */
883   longjmp (inf->env, 1);
884   return 0;
885 }
886 static routebox_t *
FindRouteBoxOnLayerGroup(routedata_t * rd,Coord X,Coord Y,Cardinal layergroup)887 FindRouteBoxOnLayerGroup (routedata_t * rd,
888 			  Coord X, Coord Y, Cardinal layergroup)
889 {
890   struct rb_info info;
891   info.winner = NULL;
892   info.query = point_box (X, Y);
893   if (setjmp (info.env) == 0)
894     r_search (rd->layergrouptree[layergroup], &info.query, NULL,
895 	      __found_one_on_lg, &info);
896   return info.winner;
897 }
900 static void
DumpRouteBox(routebox_t * rb)901 DumpRouteBox (routebox_t * rb)
902 {
903   pcb_printf ("RB: %#mD-%#mD l%d; ",
904 	  rb->box.X1, rb->box.Y1, rb->box.X2, rb->box.Y2, (int) rb->group);
905   switch (rb->type)
906     {
907     case PAD:
908       printf ("PAD[%s %s] ", rb->parent.pad->Name, rb->parent.pad->Number);
909       break;
910     case PIN:
911       printf ("PIN[%s %s] ", rb->parent.pin->Name, rb->parent.pin->Number);
912       break;
913     case VIA:
914       if (!rb->parent.via)
915 	break;
916       printf ("VIA[%s %s] ", rb->parent.via->Name, rb->parent.via->Number);
917       break;
918     case LINE:
919       printf ("LINE ");
920       break;
921     case OTHER:
922       printf ("OTHER ");
923       break;
924     case EXPANSION_AREA:
925       printf ("EXPAREA ");
926       break;
927     default:
928       printf ("UNKNOWN ");
929       break;
930     }
931   if (rb->flags.nonstraight)
932     printf ("(nonstraight) ");
933   if (rb->flags.fixed)
934     printf ("(fixed) ");
935   if (rb->flags.source)
936     printf ("(source) ");
937   if (rb->flags.target)
938     printf ("(target) ");
939   if (rb->flags.homeless)
940     printf ("(homeless) ");
941   printf ("\n");
942 }
943 #endif
945 static routedata_t *
CreateRouteData()946 CreateRouteData ()
947 {
948   NetListListType Nets;
949   PointerListType layergroupboxes[MAX_GROUP];
950   BoxType bbox;
951   routedata_t *rd;
952   int group, i;
954   /* check which layers are active first */
955   routing_layers = 0;
956   for (group = 0; group < max_group; group++)
957     {
958       for (i = 0; i < PCB->LayerGroups.Number[group]; i++)
959 	/* layer must be 1) not silk (ie, < max_copper_layer) and 2) on */
960 	if ((PCB->LayerGroups.Entries[group][i] < max_copper_layer) &&
961 	    PCB->Data->Layer[PCB->LayerGroups.Entries[group][i]].On)
962 	  {
963 	    routing_layers++;
964 	    is_layer_group_active[group] = true;
965 	    break;
966 	  }
967 	else
968 	  is_layer_group_active[group] = false;
969     }
970   /* if via visibility is turned off, don't use them */
971   AutoRouteParameters.use_vias = routing_layers > 1 && PCB->ViaOn;
972   front = GetLayerGroupNumberBySide (TOP_SIDE);
973   back = GetLayerGroupNumberBySide (BOTTOM_SIDE);
974   /* determine preferred routing direction on each group */
975   for (i = 0; i < max_group; i++)
976     {
977       if (i != back && i != front)
978 	{
979 	  x_cost[i] = (i & 1) ? 2 : 1;
980 	  y_cost[i] = (i & 1) ? 1 : 2;
981 	}
982       else if (i == back)
983 	{
984 	  x_cost[i] = 4;
985 	  y_cost[i] = 2;
986 	}
987       else
988 	{
989 	  x_cost[i] = 2;
990 	  y_cost[i] = 2;
991 	}
992     }
993   /* create routedata */
994   rd = (routedata_t *)malloc (sizeof (*rd));
995   memset ((void *) rd, 0, sizeof (*rd));
996   /* create default style */
997   rd->defaultstyle.Thick = Settings.LineThickness;
998   rd->defaultstyle.Diameter = Settings.ViaThickness;
999   rd->defaultstyle.Hole = Settings.ViaDrillingHole;
1000   rd->defaultstyle.Keepaway = Settings.Keepaway;
1001   rd->max_bloat = BLOAT (&rd->defaultstyle);
1002   rd->max_keep = Settings.Keepaway;
1003   /* create styles structures */
1004   bbox.X1 = bbox.Y1 = 0;
1005   bbox.X2 = PCB->MaxWidth;
1006   bbox.Y2 = PCB->MaxHeight;
1007   for (i = 0; i < NUM_STYLES + 1; i++)
1008     {
1009       RouteStyleType *style =
1010 	(i < NUM_STYLES) ? &PCB->RouteStyle[i] : &rd->defaultstyle;
1011       rd->styles[i] = style;
1012     }
1014   /* initialize pointerlisttype */
1015   for (i = 0; i < max_group; i++)
1016     {
1017       layergroupboxes[i].Ptr = NULL;
1018       layergroupboxes[i].PtrN = 0;
1019       layergroupboxes[i].PtrMax = 0;
1020       GROUP_LOOP (PCB->Data, i);
1021       {
1022 	if (layer->LineN || layer->ArcN)
1023 	  usedGroup[i] = true;
1024 	else
1025 	  usedGroup[i] = false;
1026       }
1027       END_LOOP;
1028     }
1029   usedGroup[front] = true;
1030   usedGroup[back] = true;
1031   /* add the objects in the netlist first.
1032    * then go and add all other objects that weren't already added
1033    *
1034    * this saves on searching the trees to find the nets
1035    */
1036   /* use the DRCFLAG to mark objects as they are entered */
1037   Nets = CollectSubnets (false);
1038   {
1039     routebox_t *last_net = NULL;
1040     NETLIST_LOOP (&Nets);
1041     {
1042       routebox_t *last_in_net = NULL;
1043       NET_LOOP (netlist);
1044       {
1045 	routebox_t *last_in_subnet = NULL;
1046 	int j;
1048 	for (j = 0; j < NUM_STYLES; j++)
1049 	  if (net->Style == rd->styles[j])
1050 	    break;
1051 	CONNECTION_LOOP (net);
1052 	{
1053 	  routebox_t *rb = NULL;
1054 	  SET_FLAG (DRCFLAG, (PinType *) connection->ptr2);
1055 	  if (connection->type == LINE_TYPE)
1056 	    {
1057 	      LineType *line = (LineType *) connection->ptr2;
1059 	      /* lines are listed at each end, so skip one */
1060 	      /* this should probably by a macro named "BUMP_LOOP" */
1061 	      n--;
1063 	      /* dice up non-straight lines into many tiny obstacles */
1064 	      if (line->Point1.X != line->Point2.X
1065 		  && line->Point1.Y != line->Point2.Y)
1066 		{
1067 		  LineType fake_line = *line;
1068 		  Coord dx = (line->Point2.X - line->Point1.X);
1069 		  Coord dy = (line->Point2.Y - line->Point1.Y);
1070 		  int segs = MAX (ABS (dx),
1071 				  ABS (dy)) / (4 * BLOAT (rd->styles[j]) + 1);
1072 		  int qq;
1073 		  segs = CLAMP (segs, 1, 32);	/* don't go too crazy */
1074 		  dx /= segs;
1075 		  dy /= segs;
1076 		  for (qq = 0; qq < segs - 1; qq++)
1077 		    {
1078 		      fake_line.Point2.X = fake_line.Point1.X + dx;
1079 		      fake_line.Point2.Y = fake_line.Point1.Y + dy;
1080 		      if (fake_line.Point2.X == line->Point2.X
1081 			  && fake_line.Point2.Y == line->Point2.Y)
1082 			break;
1083 		      rb =
1084 			AddLine (layergroupboxes, connection->group,
1085 				 &fake_line, line, rd->styles[j]);
1086 		      if (last_in_subnet && rb != last_in_subnet)
1087 			MergeNets (last_in_subnet, rb, ORIGINAL);
1088 		      if (last_in_net && rb != last_in_net)
1089 			MergeNets (last_in_net, rb, NET);
1090 		      last_in_subnet = last_in_net = rb;
1091 		      fake_line.Point1 = fake_line.Point2;
1092 		    }
1093 		  fake_line.Point2 = line->Point2;
1094 		  rb =
1095 		    AddLine (layergroupboxes, connection->group, &fake_line,
1096 			     line, rd->styles[j]);
1097 		}
1098 	      else
1099 		{
1100 		  rb =
1101 		    AddLine (layergroupboxes, connection->group, line, line,
1102 			     rd->styles[j]);
1103 		}
1104 	    }
1105 	  else
1106 	    switch (connection->type)
1107 	      {
1108 	      case PAD_TYPE:
1109 		rb =
1110 		  AddPad (layergroupboxes, (ElementType *)connection->ptr1,
1111 			  (PadType *)connection->ptr2, rd->styles[j]);
1112 		break;
1113 	      case PIN_TYPE:
1114 		rb =
1115 		  AddPin (layergroupboxes, (PinType *)connection->ptr2, false,
1116 			  rd->styles[j]);
1117 		break;
1118 	      case VIA_TYPE:
1119 		rb =
1120 		  AddPin (layergroupboxes, (PinType *)connection->ptr2, true,
1121 			  rd->styles[j]);
1122 		break;
1123 	      case POLYGON_TYPE:
1124 		rb =
1125 		  AddPolygon (layergroupboxes,
1126 			      GetLayerNumber (PCB->Data, (LayerType *)connection->ptr1),
1127 			      (struct polygon_st *)connection->ptr2, rd->styles[j]);
1128 		break;
1129 	      }
1130 	  assert (rb);
1131 	  /* update circular connectivity lists */
1132 	  if (last_in_subnet && rb != last_in_subnet)
1133 	    MergeNets (last_in_subnet, rb, ORIGINAL);
1134 	  if (last_in_net && rb != last_in_net)
1135 	    MergeNets (last_in_net, rb, NET);
1136 	  last_in_subnet = last_in_net = rb;
1137 	  rd->max_bloat = MAX (rd->max_bloat, BLOAT (rb->style));
1138 	  rd->max_keep = MAX (rd->max_keep, rb->style->Keepaway);
1139 	}
1140 	END_LOOP;
1141       }
1142       END_LOOP;
1143       if (last_net && last_in_net)
1144 	MergeNets (last_net, last_in_net, DIFFERENT_NET);
1145       last_net = last_in_net;
1146     }
1147     END_LOOP;
1148     rd->first_net = last_net;
1149   }
1150   FreeNetListListMemory (&Nets);
1152   /* reset all nets to "original" connectivity (which we just set) */
1153   {
1154     routebox_t *net;
1155     LIST_LOOP (rd->first_net, different_net, net);
1156     ResetSubnet (net);
1157     END_LOOP;
1158   }
1160   /* add pins and pads of elements */
1161   ALLPIN_LOOP (PCB->Data);
1162   {
1163     if (TEST_FLAG (DRCFLAG, pin))
1164       CLEAR_FLAG (DRCFLAG, pin);
1165     else
1166       AddPin (layergroupboxes, pin, false, rd->styles[NUM_STYLES]);
1167   }
1169   ALLPAD_LOOP (PCB->Data);
1170   {
1171     if (TEST_FLAG (DRCFLAG, pad))
1172       CLEAR_FLAG (DRCFLAG, pad);
1173     else
1174       AddPad (layergroupboxes, element, pad, rd->styles[NUM_STYLES]);
1175   }
1177   /* add all vias */
1178   VIA_LOOP (PCB->Data);
1179   {
1180     if (TEST_FLAG (DRCFLAG, via))
1181       CLEAR_FLAG (DRCFLAG, via);
1182     else
1183       AddPin (layergroupboxes, via, true, rd->styles[NUM_STYLES]);
1184   }
1185   END_LOOP;
1187   for (i = 0; i < max_copper_layer; i++)
1188     {
1189       int layergroup = GetLayerGroupNumberByNumber (i);
1190       /* add all (non-rat) lines */
1191       LINE_LOOP (LAYER_PTR (i));
1192       {
1193 	if (TEST_FLAG (DRCFLAG, line))
1194 	  {
1195 	    CLEAR_FLAG (DRCFLAG, line);
1196 	    continue;
1197 	  }
1198 	/* dice up non-straight lines into many tiny obstacles */
1199 	if (line->Point1.X != line->Point2.X
1200 	    && line->Point1.Y != line->Point2.Y)
1201 	  {
1202 	    LineType fake_line = *line;
1203 	    Coord dx = (line->Point2.X - line->Point1.X);
1204 	    Coord dy = (line->Point2.Y - line->Point1.Y);
1205 	    int segs = MAX (ABS (dx), ABS (dy)) / (4 * rd->max_bloat + 1);
1206 	    int qq;
1207 	    segs = CLAMP (segs, 1, 32);	/* don't go too crazy */
1208 	    dx /= segs;
1209 	    dy /= segs;
1210 	    for (qq = 0; qq < segs - 1; qq++)
1211 	      {
1212 		fake_line.Point2.X = fake_line.Point1.X + dx;
1213 		fake_line.Point2.Y = fake_line.Point1.Y + dy;
1214 		if (fake_line.Point2.X == line->Point2.X
1215 		    && fake_line.Point2.Y == line->Point2.Y)
1216 		  break;
1217 		AddLine (layergroupboxes, layergroup, &fake_line, line,
1218 			 rd->styles[NUM_STYLES]);
1219 		fake_line.Point1 = fake_line.Point2;
1220 	      }
1221 	    fake_line.Point2 = line->Point2;
1222 	    AddLine (layergroupboxes, layergroup, &fake_line, line,
1223 		     rd->styles[NUM_STYLES]);
1224 	  }
1225 	else
1226 	  {
1227 	    AddLine (layergroupboxes, layergroup, line, line,
1228 		     rd->styles[NUM_STYLES]);
1229 	  }
1230       }
1231       END_LOOP;
1232       /* add all polygons */
1233       POLYGON_LOOP (LAYER_PTR (i));
1234       {
1235 	if (TEST_FLAG (DRCFLAG, polygon))
1236 	  CLEAR_FLAG (DRCFLAG, polygon);
1237 	else
1238 	  AddPolygon (layergroupboxes, i, polygon, rd->styles[NUM_STYLES]);
1239       }
1240       END_LOOP;
1241       /* add all copper text */
1242       TEXT_LOOP (LAYER_PTR (i));
1243       {
1244 	AddText (layergroupboxes, layergroup, text, rd->styles[NUM_STYLES]);
1245       }
1246       END_LOOP;
1247       /* add all arcs */
1248       ARC_LOOP (LAYER_PTR (i));
1249       {
1250 	AddArc (layergroupboxes, layergroup, arc, rd->styles[NUM_STYLES]);
1251       }
1252       END_LOOP;
1253     }
1255   /* create r-trees from pointer lists */
1256   for (i = 0; i < max_group; i++)
1257     {
1258       /* create the r-tree */
1259       rd->layergrouptree[i] =
1260 	r_create_tree ((const BoxType **) layergroupboxes[i].Ptr,
1261 		       layergroupboxes[i].PtrN, 1);
1262     }
1264   if (AutoRouteParameters.use_vias)
1265     {
1266       rd->mtspace = mtspace_create ();
1268       /* create "empty-space" structures for via placement (now that we know
1269        * appropriate keepaways for all the fixed elements) */
1270       for (i = 0; i < max_group; i++)
1271 	{
1272 	  POINTER_LOOP (&layergroupboxes[i]);
1273 	  {
1274 	    routebox_t *rb = (routebox_t *) * ptr;
1275 	    if (!rb->flags.clear_poly)
1276 	      mtspace_add (rd->mtspace, &rb->box, FIXED, rb->style->Keepaway);
1277 	  }
1278 	  END_LOOP;
1279 	}
1280     }
1281   /* free pointer lists */
1282   for (i = 0; i < max_group; i++)
1283     FreePointerListMemory (&layergroupboxes[i]);
1284   /* done! */
1285   return rd;
1286 }
1288 void
DestroyRouteData(routedata_t ** rd)1289 DestroyRouteData (routedata_t ** rd)
1290 {
1291   int i;
1292   for (i = 0; i < max_group; i++)
1293     r_destroy_tree (&(*rd)->layergrouptree[i]);
1294   if (AutoRouteParameters.use_vias)
1295     mtspace_destroy (&(*rd)->mtspace);
1296   free (*rd);
1297   *rd = NULL;
1298 }
1300 /*-----------------------------------------------------------------
1301  * routebox reference counting.
1302  */
1304 /*!
1305  * \brief Increment the reference count on a routebox.
1306  */
1307 static void
RB_up_count(routebox_t * rb)1308 RB_up_count (routebox_t * rb)
1309 {
1310   assert (rb->flags.homeless);
1311   rb->refcount++;
1312 }
1314 /*!
1315  * \brief Decrement the reference count on a routebox, freeing if this
1316  * box becomes unused.
1317  */
1318 static void
RB_down_count(routebox_t * rb)1319 RB_down_count (routebox_t * rb)
1320 {
1321   assert (rb->type == EXPANSION_AREA);
1322   assert (rb->flags.homeless);
1323   assert (rb->refcount > 0);
1324   if (--rb->refcount == 0)
1325     {
1326       if (rb->parent.expansion_area->flags.homeless)
1327 	RB_down_count (rb->parent.expansion_area);
1328       free (rb);
1329     }
1330 }
1332 /*-----------------------------------------------------------------
1333  * Rectangle-expansion routing code.
1334  */
1336 static void
ResetSubnet(routebox_t * net)1337 ResetSubnet (routebox_t * net)
1338 {
1339   routebox_t *rb;
1340   /* reset connectivity of everything on this net */
1341   LIST_LOOP (net, same_net, rb);
1342   rb->same_subnet = rb->original_subnet;
1343   END_LOOP;
1344 }
1346 static inline cost_t
cost_to_point_on_layer(const CheapPointType * p1,const CheapPointType * p2,Cardinal point_layer)1347 cost_to_point_on_layer (const CheapPointType * p1,
1348 			const CheapPointType * p2, Cardinal point_layer)
1349 {
1350   cost_t x_dist = p1->X - p2->X, y_dist = p1->Y - p2->Y, r;
1351   x_dist *= x_cost[point_layer];
1352   y_dist *= y_cost[point_layer];
1353   /* cost is proportional to orthogonal distance. */
1354   r = ABS (x_dist) + ABS (y_dist);
1355   if (p1->X != p2->X && p1->Y != p2->Y)
1356     r += AutoRouteParameters.JogPenalty;
1357   return r;
1358 }
1360 static cost_t
cost_to_point(const CheapPointType * p1,Cardinal point_layer1,const CheapPointType * p2,Cardinal point_layer2)1361 cost_to_point (const CheapPointType * p1, Cardinal point_layer1,
1362 	       const CheapPointType * p2, Cardinal point_layer2)
1363 {
1364   cost_t r = cost_to_point_on_layer (p1, p2, point_layer1);
1365   /* apply via cost penalty if layers differ */
1366   if (point_layer1 != point_layer2)
1367     r += AutoRouteParameters.ViaCost;
1368   return r;
1369 }
1371 /*!
1372  * \brief Return the minimum *cost* from a point to a box on any layer.
1373  *
1374  * It's safe to return a smaller than minimum cost.
1375  */
1376 static cost_t
cost_to_layerless_box(const CheapPointType * p,Cardinal point_layer,const BoxType * b)1377 cost_to_layerless_box (const CheapPointType * p, Cardinal point_layer,
1378 		       const BoxType * b)
1379 {
1380   CheapPointType p2 = closest_point_in_box (p, b);
1381   register cost_t c1, c2;
1383   c1 = p2.X - p->X;
1384   c2 = p2.Y - p->Y;
1386   c1 = ABS (c1);
1387   c2 = ABS (c2);
1388   if (c1 < c2)
1389     return c1 * AutoRouteParameters.MinPenalty + c2;
1390   else
1391     return c2 * AutoRouteParameters.MinPenalty + c1;
1392 }
1394 /*!
1395  * \brief Get to actual pins/pad target coordinates.
1396  */
1397 bool
TargetPoint(CheapPointType * nextpoint,const routebox_t * target)1398 TargetPoint (CheapPointType * nextpoint, const routebox_t * target)
1399 {
1400   if (target->type == PIN)
1401     {
1402       nextpoint->X = target->parent.pin->X;
1403       nextpoint->Y = target->parent.pin->Y;
1404       return true;
1405     }
1406   else if (target->type == PAD)
1407     {
1408       if (abs (target->parent.pad->Point1.X - nextpoint->X) <
1409 	  abs (target->parent.pad->Point2.X - nextpoint->X))
1410 	nextpoint->X = target->parent.pad->Point1.X;
1411       else
1412 	nextpoint->X = target->parent.pad->Point2.X;
1413       if (abs (target->parent.pad->Point1.Y - nextpoint->Y) <
1414 	  abs (target->parent.pad->Point2.Y - nextpoint->Y))
1415 	nextpoint->Y = target->parent.pad->Point1.Y;
1416       else
1417 	nextpoint->Y = target->parent.pad->Point2.Y;
1418       return true;
1419     }
1420   else
1421     {
1422       nextpoint->X = CENTER_X (target->sbox);
1423       nextpoint->Y = CENTER_Y (target->sbox);
1424     }
1425   return false;
1426 }
1428 /*!
1429  * \brief Return the *minimum cost* from a point to a route box,
1430  * including possible via costs if the route box is on a different
1431  * layer.
1432  *
1433  * Assume routbox is bloated unless it is an expansion area.
1434  */
1435 static cost_t
cost_to_routebox(const CheapPointType * p,Cardinal point_layer,const routebox_t * rb)1436 cost_to_routebox (const CheapPointType * p, Cardinal point_layer,
1437 		  const routebox_t * rb)
1438 {
1439   register cost_t trial = 0;
1440   CheapPointType p2 = closest_point_in_routebox (p, rb);
1441   if (!usedGroup[point_layer] || !usedGroup[rb->group])
1442     trial = AutoRouteParameters.NewLayerPenalty;
1443   if ((p2.X - p->X) * (p2.Y - p->Y) != 0)
1444     trial += AutoRouteParameters.JogPenalty;
1445   /* special case for defered via searching */
1446   if (point_layer > max_group || point_layer == rb->group)
1447     return trial + ABS (p2.X - p->X) + ABS (p2.Y - p->Y);
1448   /* if this target is only a via away, then the via is cheaper than the congestion */
1449   if (p->X == p2.X && p->Y == p2.Y)
1450     return trial + 1;
1451   trial += AutoRouteParameters.ViaCost;
1452   trial += ABS (p2.X - p->X) + ABS (p2.Y - p->Y);
1453   return trial;
1454 }
1457 static BoxType
bloat_routebox(routebox_t * rb)1458 bloat_routebox (routebox_t * rb)
1459 {
1460   BoxType r;
1461   Coord keepaway;
1462   assert (__routebox_is_good (rb));
1464   if (rb->flags.nobloat)
1465     return rb->sbox;
1467   /* Obstacle exclusion zones get bloated by the larger of
1468    * the two required clearances plus half the track width.
1469    */
1470   keepaway = MAX (AutoRouteParameters.style->Keepaway, rb->style->Keepaway);
1471   r = bloat_box (&rb->sbox, keepaway +
1472 		 HALF_THICK (AutoRouteParameters.style->Thick));
1473   return r;
1474 }
1477 #ifdef ROUTE_DEBUG		/* only for debugging expansion areas */
1479 /*!
1480  * \brief Makes a line on the solder layer silk surrounding the box.
1481  */
1482 void
showbox(BoxType b,Dimension thickness,int group)1483 showbox (BoxType b, Dimension thickness, int group)
1484 {
1485   LineType *line;
1486   LayerType *SLayer = LAYER_PTR (group);
1487   if (showboxen < -1)
1488     return;
1489   if (showboxen != -1 && showboxen != group)
1490     return;
1492   if (ddraw != NULL)
1493     {
1494       ddraw->set_line_width (ar_gc, thickness);
1495       ddraw->set_line_cap (ar_gc, Trace_Cap);
1496       ddraw->set_color (ar_gc, SLayer->Color);
1498       ddraw->draw_line (ar_gc, b.X1, b.Y1, b.X2, b.Y1);
1499       ddraw->draw_line (ar_gc, b.X1, b.Y2, b.X2, b.Y2);
1500       ddraw->draw_line (ar_gc, b.X1, b.Y1, b.X1, b.Y2);
1501       ddraw->draw_line (ar_gc, b.X2, b.Y1, b.X2, b.Y2);
1502     }
1504 #if 1
1505   if (b.Y1 == b.Y2 || b.X1 == b.X2)
1506     thickness = 5;
1507   line = CreateNewLineOnLayer (LAYER_PTR (top_silk_layer),
1508 			       b.X1, b.Y1, b.X2, b.Y1, thickness, 0,
1509 			       MakeFlags (0));
1510   AddObjectToCreateUndoList (LINE_TYPE,
1511 			     LAYER_PTR (top_silk_layer), line,
1512 			     line);
1513   if (b.Y1 != b.Y2)
1514     {
1515       line = CreateNewLineOnLayer (LAYER_PTR (top_silk_layer),
1516 				   b.X1, b.Y2, b.X2, b.Y2, thickness, 0,
1517 				   MakeFlags (0));
1518       AddObjectToCreateUndoList (LINE_TYPE,
1519 				 LAYER_PTR (bottom_silk_layer),
1520 				 line, line);
1521     }
1522   line = CreateNewLineOnLayer (LAYER_PTR (top_silk_layer),
1523 			       b.X1, b.Y1, b.X1, b.Y2, thickness, 0,
1524 			       MakeFlags (0));
1525   AddObjectToCreateUndoList (LINE_TYPE,
1526 			     LAYER_PTR (top_silk_layer), line,
1527 			     line);
1528   if (b.X1 != b.X2)
1529     {
1530       line = CreateNewLineOnLayer (LAYER_PTR (top_silk_layer),
1531 				   b.X2, b.Y1, b.X2, b.Y2, thickness, 0,
1532 				   MakeFlags (0));
1533       AddObjectToCreateUndoList (LINE_TYPE,
1534 				 LAYER_PTR (top_silk_layer),
1535 				 line, line);
1536     }
1537 #endif
1538 }
1539 #endif
1541 #if defined(ROUTE_DEBUG)
1542 static void
showedge(edge_t * e)1543 showedge (edge_t * e)
1544 {
1545   BoxType *b = (BoxType *) e->rb;
1547   if (ddraw == NULL)
1548     return;
1550   ddraw->set_line_cap (ar_gc, Trace_Cap);
1551   ddraw->set_line_width (ar_gc, 1);
1552   ddraw->set_color (ar_gc, Settings.MaskColor);
1554   switch (e->expand_dir)
1555     {
1556     case NORTH:
1557       ddraw->draw_line (ar_gc, b->X1, b->Y1, b->X2, b->Y1);
1558       break;
1559     case SOUTH:
1560       ddraw->draw_line (ar_gc, b->X1, b->Y2, b->X2, b->Y2);
1561       break;
1562     case WEST:
1563       ddraw->draw_line (ar_gc, b->X1, b->Y1, b->X1, b->Y2);
1564       break;
1565     case EAST:
1566       ddraw->draw_line (ar_gc, b->X2, b->Y1, b->X2, b->Y2);
1567       break;
1568     default:
1569       break;
1570     }
1571 }
1572 #endif
1574 #if defined(ROUTE_DEBUG)
1575 static void
showroutebox(routebox_t * rb)1576 showroutebox (routebox_t * rb)
1577 {
1578   showbox (rb->sbox, rb->flags.source ? 20 : (rb->flags.target ? 10 : 1),
1579 	   rb->flags.is_via ? top_silk_layer : rb->group);
1580 }
1581 #endif
1583 /*!
1584  * \brief Return a "parent" of this edge which immediately precedes it
1585  * in the route.
1586  */
1587 static routebox_t *
route_parent(routebox_t * rb)1588 route_parent (routebox_t * rb)
1589 {
1590   while (rb->flags.homeless && !rb->flags.is_via && !rb->flags.is_thermal)
1591     {
1592       assert (rb->type == EXPANSION_AREA);
1593       rb = rb->parent.expansion_area;
1594       assert (rb);
1595     }
1596   return rb;
1597 }
1599 static vector_t *
path_conflicts(routebox_t * rb,routebox_t * conflictor,bool branch)1600 path_conflicts (routebox_t * rb, routebox_t * conflictor, bool branch)
1601 {
1602   if (branch)
1603     rb->conflicts_with = vector_duplicate (rb->conflicts_with);
1604   else if (!rb->conflicts_with)
1605     rb->conflicts_with = vector_create ();
1606   vector_append (rb->conflicts_with, conflictor);
1607   return rb->conflicts_with;
1608 }
1610 /*!
1611  * \brief Touch everything (except fixed) on each net found
1612  * in the conflicts vector. If the vector is different
1613  * from the last one touched, untouch the last batch
1614  * and touch the new one. Always call with touch=1
1615  * (except for recursive call). Call with NULL, 1 to
1616  * clear the last batch touched.
1617  *
1618  * Touched items become invisible to current path
1619  * so we don't encounter the same conflictor more
1620  * than once.
1621  */
1622 static void
touch_conflicts(vector_t * conflicts,int touch)1623 touch_conflicts (vector_t * conflicts, int touch)
1624 {
1625   static vector_t *last = NULL;
1626   static int last_size = 0;
1627   int i, n;
1628   i = 0;
1629   if (touch)
1630     {
1631       if (last && conflicts != last)
1632 	touch_conflicts (last, 0);
1633       if (!conflicts)
1634 	return;
1635       last = conflicts;
1636       i = last_size;
1637     }
1638   n = vector_size (conflicts);
1639   for (; i < n; i++)
1640     {
1641       routebox_t *rb = (routebox_t *) vector_element (conflicts, i);
1642       routebox_t *p;
1643       LIST_LOOP (rb, same_net, p);
1644       if (!p->flags.fixed)
1645 	p->flags.touched = touch;
1646       END_LOOP;
1647     }
1648   if (!touch)
1649     {
1650       last = NULL;
1651       last_size = 0;
1652     }
1653   else
1654     last_size = n;
1655 }
1657 /*!
1658  * \brief Return a "parent" of this edge which resides in a r-tree
1659  * somewhere.
1660  *
1661  * Actually, this "parent" *may* be a via box, which doesn't live in
1662  * a r-tree.
1663  */
1664 static routebox_t *
nonhomeless_parent(routebox_t * rb)1665 nonhomeless_parent (routebox_t * rb)
1666 {
1667   return route_parent (rb);
1668 }
1670 /*!
1671  * \brief Some routines to find the minimum *cost* from a cost point to
1672  * a target (any target).
1673  */
1674 struct mincost_target_closure
1675 {
1676   const CheapPointType *CostPoint;
1677   Cardinal CostPointLayer;
1678   routebox_t *nearest;
1679   cost_t nearest_cost;
1680 };
1681 static int
__region_within_guess(const BoxType * region,void * cl)1682 __region_within_guess (const BoxType * region, void *cl)
1683 {
1684   struct mincost_target_closure *mtc = (struct mincost_target_closure *) cl;
1685   cost_t cost_to_region;
1686   if (mtc->nearest == NULL)
1687     return 1;
1688   cost_to_region =
1689     cost_to_layerless_box (mtc->CostPoint, mtc->CostPointLayer, region);
1690   assert (cost_to_region >= 0);
1691   /* if no guess yet, all regions are "close enough" */
1692   /* note that cost is *strictly more* than minimum distance, so we'll
1693    * always search a region large enough. */
1694   return (cost_to_region < mtc->nearest_cost);
1695 }
1696 static int
__found_new_guess(const BoxType * box,void * cl)1697 __found_new_guess (const BoxType * box, void *cl)
1698 {
1699   struct mincost_target_closure *mtc = (struct mincost_target_closure *) cl;
1700   routebox_t *guess = (routebox_t *) box;
1701   cost_t cost_to_guess =
1702     cost_to_routebox (mtc->CostPoint, mtc->CostPointLayer, guess);
1703   assert (cost_to_guess >= 0);
1704   /* if this is cheaper than previous guess... */
1705   if (cost_to_guess < mtc->nearest_cost)
1706     {
1707       mtc->nearest = guess;
1708       mtc->nearest_cost = cost_to_guess;	/* this is our new guess! */
1709       return 1;
1710     }
1711   else
1712     return 0;			/* not less expensive than our last guess */
1713 }
1715 /*!
1716  * \brief .
1717  *
1718  * \c target_guess is our guess at what the nearest target is, or
1719  * \c NULL if we just plum don't have a clue.
1720  */
1721 static routebox_t *
mincost_target_to_point(const CheapPointType * CostPoint,Cardinal CostPointLayer,rtree_t * targets,routebox_t * target_guess)1722 mincost_target_to_point (const CheapPointType * CostPoint,
1723 			 Cardinal CostPointLayer,
1724 			 rtree_t * targets, routebox_t * target_guess)
1725 {
1726   struct mincost_target_closure mtc;
1727   assert (target_guess == NULL || target_guess->flags.target);	/* this is a target, right? */
1728   mtc.CostPoint = CostPoint;
1729   mtc.CostPointLayer = CostPointLayer;
1730   mtc.nearest = target_guess;
1731   if (mtc.nearest)
1732     mtc.nearest_cost =
1733       cost_to_routebox (mtc.CostPoint, mtc.CostPointLayer, mtc.nearest);
1734   else
1735     mtc.nearest_cost = EXPENSIVE;
1736   r_search (targets, NULL, __region_within_guess, __found_new_guess, &mtc);
1737   assert (mtc.nearest != NULL && mtc.nearest_cost >= 0);
1738   assert (mtc.nearest->flags.target);	/* this is a target, right? */
1739   return mtc.nearest;
1740 }
1742 /*!
1743  * \brief Create edge from field values.
1744  *
1745  * mincost_target_guess can be \c NULL .
1746  */
1747 static edge_t *
CreateEdge(routebox_t * rb,Coord CostPointX,Coord CostPointY,cost_t cost_to_point,routebox_t * mincost_target_guess,direction_t expand_dir,rtree_t * targets)1748 CreateEdge (routebox_t * rb,
1749 	    Coord CostPointX, Coord CostPointY,
1750 	    cost_t cost_to_point,
1751 	    routebox_t * mincost_target_guess,
1752 	    direction_t expand_dir, rtree_t * targets)
1753 {
1754   edge_t *e;
1755   assert (__routebox_is_good (rb));
1756   e = (edge_t *)malloc (sizeof (*e));
1757   memset ((void *) e, 0, sizeof (*e));
1758   assert (e);
1759   e->rb = rb;
1760   if (rb->flags.homeless)
1761     RB_up_count (rb);
1762   e->cost_point.X = CostPointX;
1763   e->cost_point.Y = CostPointY;
1764   e->cost_to_point = cost_to_point;
1765   e->flags.via_search = 0;
1766   /* if this edge is created in response to a target, use it */
1767   if (targets)
1768     e->mincost_target =
1769       mincost_target_to_point (&e->cost_point, rb->group,
1770 			       targets, mincost_target_guess);
1771   else
1772     e->mincost_target = mincost_target_guess;
1773   e->expand_dir = expand_dir;
1774   assert (e->rb && e->mincost_target);	/* valid edge? */
1775   assert (!e->flags.is_via || e->expand_dir == ALL);
1776   /* cost point should be on edge (unless this is a plane/via/conflict edge) */
1777 #if 0
1778   assert (rb->type == PLANE || rb->conflicts_with != NULL || rb->flags.is_via
1779 	  || rb->flags.is_thermal
1780 	  || ((expand_dir == NORTH || expand_dir == SOUTH) ? rb->sbox.X1 <=
1781 	      CostPointX && CostPointX < rb->sbox.X2
1782 	      && CostPointY == (expand_dir ==
1783 				NORTH ? rb->sbox.Y1 : rb->sbox.Y2 - 1) :
1784 	      /* expand_dir==EAST || expand_dir==WEST */
1785 	      rb->sbox.Y1 <= CostPointY && CostPointY < rb->sbox.Y2 &&
1786 	      CostPointX == (expand_dir ==
1787 			     EAST ? rb->sbox.X2 - 1 : rb->sbox.X1)));
1788 #endif
1789   assert (__edge_is_good (e));
1790   /* done */
1791   return e;
1792 }
1794 /*!
1795  * \brief Create edge, using previous edge to fill in defaults.
1796  *
1797  * Most of the work here is in determining a new cost point.
1798  */
1799 static edge_t *
CreateEdge2(routebox_t * rb,direction_t expand_dir,edge_t * previous_edge,rtree_t * targets,routebox_t * guess)1800 CreateEdge2 (routebox_t * rb, direction_t expand_dir,
1801 	     edge_t * previous_edge, rtree_t * targets, routebox_t * guess)
1802 {
1803   BoxType thisbox;
1804   CheapPointType thiscost, prevcost;
1805   cost_t d;
1807   assert (rb && previous_edge);
1808   /* okay, find cheapest costpoint to costpoint of previous edge */
1809   thisbox = edge_to_box (rb, expand_dir);
1810   prevcost = previous_edge->cost_point;
1811   /* find point closest to target */
1812   thiscost = closest_point_in_box (&prevcost, &thisbox);
1813   /* compute cost-to-point */
1814   d = cost_to_point_on_layer (&prevcost, &thiscost, rb->group);
1815   /* add in jog penalty */
1816   if (previous_edge->expand_dir != expand_dir)
1817     d += AutoRouteParameters.JogPenalty;
1818   /* okay, new edge! */
1819   return CreateEdge (rb, thiscost.X, thiscost.Y,
1820 		     previous_edge->cost_to_point + d,
1821 		     guess ? guess : previous_edge->mincost_target,
1822 		     expand_dir, targets);
1823 }
1825 /*!
1826  * \brief Create via edge, using previous edge to fill in defaults.
1827  */
1828 static edge_t *
CreateViaEdge(const BoxType * area,Cardinal group,routebox_t * parent,edge_t * previous_edge,conflict_t to_site_conflict,conflict_t through_site_conflict,rtree_t * targets)1829 CreateViaEdge (const BoxType * area, Cardinal group,
1830 	       routebox_t * parent, edge_t * previous_edge,
1831 	       conflict_t to_site_conflict,
1832 	       conflict_t through_site_conflict, rtree_t * targets)
1833 {
1834   routebox_t *rb;
1835   CheapPointType costpoint;
1836   cost_t d;
1837   edge_t *ne;
1838   cost_t scale[3];
1840   scale[0] = 1;
1841   scale[1] = AutoRouteParameters.LastConflictPenalty;
1842   scale[2] = AutoRouteParameters.ConflictPenalty;
1844   assert (box_is_good (area));
1845   assert (AutoRouteParameters.with_conflicts ||
1846 	  (to_site_conflict == NO_CONFLICT &&
1847 	   through_site_conflict == NO_CONFLICT));
1848   rb = CreateExpansionArea (area, group, parent, true, previous_edge);
1849   rb->flags.is_via = 1;
1850   rb->came_from = ALL;
1851 #if defined(ROUTE_DEBUG) && defined(DEBUG_SHOW_VIA_BOXES)
1852   showroutebox (rb);
1854   /* for planes, choose a point near the target */
1855   if (previous_edge->flags.in_plane)
1856     {
1857       routebox_t *target;
1858       CheapPointType pnt;
1859       /* find a target near this via box */
1860       pnt.X = CENTER_X (*area);
1861       pnt.Y = CENTER_Y (*area);
1862       target = mincost_target_to_point (&pnt, rb->group,
1863 					targets,
1864 					previous_edge->mincost_target);
1865       /* now find point near the target */
1866       pnt.X = CENTER_X (target->box);
1867       pnt.Y = CENTER_Y (target->box);
1868       costpoint = closest_point_in_routebox (&pnt, rb);
1869       /* we moved from the previous cost point through the plane which is free travel */
1870       d =
1871 	(scale[through_site_conflict] *
1872 	 cost_to_point (&costpoint, group, &costpoint,
1873 			previous_edge->rb->group));
1874       ne =
1875 	CreateEdge (rb, costpoint.X, costpoint.Y,
1876 		    previous_edge->cost_to_point + d, target, ALL, NULL);
1877       ne->mincost_target = target;
1878     }
1879   else
1880     {
1881       routebox_t *target;
1882       target = previous_edge->mincost_target;
1883       costpoint = closest_point_in_routebox (&previous_edge->cost_point, rb);
1884       d =
1885 	(scale[to_site_conflict] *
1886 	 cost_to_point_on_layer (&costpoint, &previous_edge->cost_point,
1887 				 previous_edge->rb->group)) +
1888 	(scale[through_site_conflict] *
1889 	 cost_to_point (&costpoint, group, &costpoint,
1890 			previous_edge->rb->group));
1891       /* if the target is just this via away, then this via is cheaper */
1892       if (target->group == group &&
1893 	  point_in_shrunk_box (target, costpoint.X, costpoint.Y))
1894 	d -= AutoRouteParameters.ViaCost / 2;
1895       ne =
1896 	CreateEdge (rb, costpoint.X, costpoint.Y,
1897 		    previous_edge->cost_to_point + d,
1898 		    previous_edge->mincost_target, ALL, targets);
1899     }
1900   ne->flags.is_via = 1;
1901   ne->flags.via_conflict_level = to_site_conflict;
1902   assert (__edge_is_good (ne));
1903   return ne;
1904 }
1906 /*!
1907  * \brief Create "interior" edge for routing with conflicts.
1908  *
1909  * Presently once we "jump inside" the conflicting object
1910  * we consider it a routing highway to travel inside since
1911  * it will become available if the conflict is elliminated.
1912  * That is why we ignore the interior_edge argument.
1913  */
1914 static edge_t *
CreateEdgeWithConflicts(const BoxType * interior_edge,routebox_t * container,edge_t * previous_edge,cost_t cost_penalty_to_box,rtree_t * targets)1915 CreateEdgeWithConflicts (const BoxType * interior_edge,
1916 			 routebox_t * container, edge_t * previous_edge,
1917 			 cost_t cost_penalty_to_box, rtree_t * targets)
1918 {
1919   routebox_t *rb;
1920   CheapPointType costpoint;
1921   cost_t d;
1922   edge_t *ne;
1923   assert (interior_edge && container && previous_edge && targets);
1924   assert (!container->flags.homeless);
1925   assert (AutoRouteParameters.with_conflicts);
1926   assert (container->flags.touched == 0);
1927   assert (previous_edge->rb->group == container->group);
1928   /* use the caller's idea of what this box should be */
1929   rb =
1930     CreateExpansionArea (interior_edge, previous_edge->rb->group,
1931 			 previous_edge->rb, true, previous_edge);
1932   path_conflicts (rb, container, true);	/* crucial! */
1933   costpoint =
1934     closest_point_in_box (&previous_edge->cost_point, interior_edge);
1935   d =
1936     cost_to_point_on_layer (&costpoint, &previous_edge->cost_point,
1937 			    previous_edge->rb->group);
1938   d *= cost_penalty_to_box;
1939   d += previous_edge->cost_to_point;
1940   ne = CreateEdge (rb, costpoint.X, costpoint.Y, d, NULL, ALL, targets);
1941   ne->flags.is_interior = 1;
1942   assert (__edge_is_good (ne));
1943   return ne;
1944 }
1946 static void
KillEdge(void * edge)1947 KillEdge (void *edge)
1948 {
1949   edge_t *e = (edge_t *) edge;
1950   assert (e);
1951   if (e->rb->flags.homeless)
1952     RB_down_count (e->rb);
1953   if (e->flags.via_search)
1954     mtsFreeWork (&e->work);
1955   free (e);
1956 }
1958 static void
DestroyEdge(edge_t ** e)1959 DestroyEdge (edge_t ** e)
1960 {
1961   assert (e && *e);
1962   KillEdge (*e);
1963   *e = NULL;
1964 }
1966 /*!
1967  * \brief Cost function for an edge.
1968  */
1969 static cost_t
edge_cost(const edge_t * e,const cost_t too_big)1970 edge_cost (const edge_t * e, const cost_t too_big)
1971 {
1972   cost_t penalty = e->cost_to_point;
1973   if (e->rb->flags.is_thermal || e->rb->type == PLANE)
1974     return penalty;		/* thermals are cheap */
1975   if (penalty > too_big)
1976     return penalty;
1978   /* cost_to_routebox adds in our via correction, too. */
1979   return penalty +
1980     cost_to_routebox (&e->cost_point, e->rb->group, e->mincost_target);
1981 }
1983 /*!
1984  * \brief Given an edge of a box, return a box containing exactly the
1985  * points on that edge.
1986  *
1987  * Note that the return box is treated as closed; that is, the bottom
1988  * and right "edges" consist of points (just barely) not in the
1989  * (half-open) box.
1990  */
1991 static BoxType
edge_to_box(const routebox_t * rb,direction_t expand_dir)1992 edge_to_box (const routebox_t * rb, direction_t expand_dir)
1993 {
1994   BoxType b = shrink_routebox (rb);
1995   /* narrow box down to just the appropriate edge */
1996   switch (expand_dir)
1997     {
1998     case NORTH:
1999       b.Y2 = b.Y1 + 1;
2000       break;
2001     case EAST:
2002       b.X1 = b.X2 - 1;
2003       break;
2004     case SOUTH:
2005       b.Y1 = b.Y2 - 1;
2006       break;
2007     case WEST:
2008       b.X2 = b.X1 + 1;
2009       break;
2010     default:
2011       assert (0);
2012     }
2013   /* done! */
2014   return b;
2015 }
2017 struct broken_boxes
2018 {
2019   BoxType left, center, right;
2020   bool is_valid_left, is_valid_center, is_valid_right;
2021 };
2023 static struct broken_boxes
break_box_edge(const BoxType * original,direction_t which_edge,routebox_t * breaker)2024 break_box_edge (const BoxType * original, direction_t which_edge,
2025 		routebox_t * breaker)
2026 {
2027   BoxType origbox, breakbox;
2028   struct broken_boxes result;
2030   assert (original && breaker);
2032   origbox = *original;
2033   breakbox = bloat_routebox (breaker);
2034   ROTATEBOX_TO_NORTH (origbox, which_edge);
2035   ROTATEBOX_TO_NORTH (breakbox, which_edge);
2036   result.right.Y1 = result.center.Y1 = result.left.Y1 = origbox.Y1;
2037   result.right.Y2 = result.center.Y2 = result.left.Y2 = origbox.Y1 + 1;
2038   /* validity of breaker is not important because the boxes are marked invalid */
2039   //assert (breakbox.X1 <= origbox.X2 && breakbox.X2 >= origbox.X1);
2040   /* left edge piece */
2041   result.left.X1 = origbox.X1;
2042   result.left.X2 = breakbox.X1;
2043   /* center (ie blocked) edge piece */
2044   result.center.X1 = MAX (breakbox.X1, origbox.X1);
2045   result.center.X2 = MIN (breakbox.X2, origbox.X2);
2046   /* right edge piece */
2047   result.right.X1 = breakbox.X2;
2048   result.right.X2 = origbox.X2;
2049   /* validity: */
2050   result.is_valid_left = (result.left.X1 < result.left.X2);
2051   result.is_valid_center = (result.center.X1 < result.center.X2);
2052   result.is_valid_right = (result.right.X1 < result.right.X2);
2053   /* rotate back */
2054   ROTATEBOX_FROM_NORTH (result.left, which_edge);
2055   ROTATEBOX_FROM_NORTH (result.center, which_edge);
2056   ROTATEBOX_FROM_NORTH (result.right, which_edge);
2057   /* done */
2058   return result;
2059 }
2061 #ifndef NDEBUG
2062 static int
share_edge(const BoxType * child,const BoxType * parent)2063 share_edge (const BoxType * child, const BoxType * parent)
2064 {
2065   return
2066     (child->X1 == parent->X2 || child->X2 == parent->X1 ||
2067      child->Y1 == parent->Y2 || child->Y2 == parent->Y1) &&
2068     ((parent->X1 <= child->X1 && child->X2 <= parent->X2) ||
2069      (parent->Y1 <= child->Y1 && child->Y2 <= parent->Y2));
2070 }
2071 static int
edge_intersect(const BoxType * child,const BoxType * parent)2072 edge_intersect (const BoxType * child, const BoxType * parent)
2073 {
2074   return
2075     (child->X1 <= parent->X2) && (child->X2 >= parent->X1) &&
2076     (child->Y1 <= parent->Y2) && (child->Y2 >= parent->Y1);
2077 }
2078 #endif
2080 /*!
2081  * \brief Area is the expansion area, on layer group 'group'.
2082  *
2083  * 'parent' is the immediately preceding expansion area, for backtracing.
2084  * 'lastarea' is the last expansion area created, we string these
2085  * together in a loop so we can remove them all easily at the end.
2086  */
2087 static routebox_t *
CreateExpansionArea(const BoxType * area,Cardinal group,routebox_t * parent,bool relax_edge_requirements,edge_t * src_edge)2088 CreateExpansionArea (const BoxType * area, Cardinal group,
2089 		     routebox_t * parent,
2090 		     bool relax_edge_requirements, edge_t * src_edge)
2091 {
2092   routebox_t *rb = (routebox_t *) malloc (sizeof (*rb));
2093   memset ((void *) rb, 0, sizeof (*rb));
2094   assert (area && parent);
2095   init_const_box (rb, area->X1, area->Y1, area->X2, area->Y2, 0);
2096   rb->group = group;
2097   rb->type = EXPANSION_AREA;
2098   /* should always share edge or overlap with parent */
2099   assert (relax_edge_requirements ? box_intersect (&rb->sbox, &parent->sbox)
2100 	  : share_edge (&rb->sbox, &parent->sbox));
2101   rb->parent.expansion_area = route_parent (parent);
2102   rb->cost_point =
2103     closest_point_in_box (&rb->parent.expansion_area->cost_point, area);
2104   rb->cost =
2105     rb->parent.expansion_area->cost +
2106     cost_to_point_on_layer (&rb->parent.expansion_area->cost_point,
2107 			    &rb->cost_point, rb->group);
2108   assert (relax_edge_requirements ? edge_intersect (&rb->sbox, &parent->sbox)
2109 	  : share_edge (&rb->sbox, &parent->sbox));
2110   if (rb->parent.expansion_area->flags.homeless)
2111     RB_up_count (rb->parent.expansion_area);
2112   rb->flags.homeless = 1;
2113   rb->flags.nobloat = 1;
2114   rb->style = AutoRouteParameters.style;
2115   rb->conflicts_with = parent->conflicts_with;
2116 /* we will never link an EXPANSION_AREA into the nets because they
2117  * are *ONLY* used for path searching. No need to call  InitLists ()
2118  */
2119   rb->came_from = src_edge->expand_dir;
2120 #if defined(ROUTE_DEBUG) && defined(DEBUG_SHOW_EXPANSION_BOXES)
2121   showroutebox (rb);
2123   return rb;
2124 }
2126 /*------ Expand ------*/
2127 struct E_result
2128 {
2129   routebox_t *parent;
2130   routebox_t *n, *e, *s, *w;
2131   Coord keep, bloat;
2132   BoxType inflated, orig;
2133   int done;
2134 };
2136 /*!
2137  * \brief Test method for Expand().
2138  *
2139  * This routebox potentially is a blocker limiting expansion
2140  * if this is so, we limit the inflate box so another exactly
2141  * like it wouldn't be seen. We do this while keep the inflated
2142  * box as large as possible.
2143  */
2144 static int
__Expand_this_rect(const BoxType * box,void * cl)2145 __Expand_this_rect (const BoxType * box, void *cl)
2146 {
2147   struct E_result *res = (struct E_result *) cl;
2148   routebox_t *rb = (routebox_t *) box;
2149   BoxType rbox;
2150   Coord dn, de, ds, dw, bloat;
2152   /* we don't see conflicts already encountered */
2153   if (rb->flags.touched)
2154     return 0;
2156   /* The inflated box outer edges include its own
2157    * track width plus its own keepaway.
2158    *
2159    * To check for intersection, we need to expand
2160    * anything with greater keepaway by its excess
2161    * keepaway.
2162    *
2163    * If something has nobloat then we need to shrink
2164    * the inflated box back and see if it still touches.
2165    */
2167   if (rb->flags.nobloat)
2168     {
2169       rbox = rb->sbox;
2170       bloat = res->bloat;
2171       if (rbox.X2 <= res->inflated.X1 + bloat ||
2172 	  rbox.X1 >= res->inflated.X2 - bloat ||
2173 	  rbox.Y1 >= res->inflated.Y2 - bloat ||
2174 	  rbox.Y2 <= res->inflated.Y1 + bloat)
2175 	return 0;		/* doesn't touch */
2176     }
2177   else
2178     {
2179       if (rb->style->Keepaway > res->keep)
2180 	rbox = bloat_box (&rb->sbox, rb->style->Keepaway - res->keep);
2181       else
2182 	rbox = rb->sbox;
2184       if (rbox.X2 <= res->inflated.X1 || rbox.X1 >= res->inflated.X2
2185 	  || rbox.Y1 >= res->inflated.Y2 || rbox.Y2 <= res->inflated.Y1)
2186 	return 0;		/* doesn't touch */
2187       bloat = 0;
2188     }
2190   /* this is an intersecting box; it has to jump through a few more hoops */
2191   if (rb == res->parent || rb->parent.expansion_area == res->parent)
2192     return 0;			/* don't see what we came from */
2194   /* if we are expanding a source edge, don't let other sources
2195    * or their expansions stop us.
2196    */
2197 #if 1
2198   if (res->parent->flags.source)
2199     if (rb->flags.source
2200 	|| (rb->type == EXPANSION_AREA
2201 	    && rb->parent.expansion_area->flags.source))
2202       return 0;
2203 #endif
2205   /* we ignore via expansion boxes because maybe its
2206    * cheaper to get there without the via through
2207    * the path we're exploring  now.
2208    */
2209   if (rb->flags.is_via && rb->type == EXPANSION_AREA)
2210     return 0;
2212   if (rb->type == PLANE)	/* expanding inside a plane is not good */
2213     {
2214       if (rbox.X1 < res->orig.X1 && rbox.X2 > res->orig.X2 &&
2215 	  rbox.Y1 < res->orig.Y1 && rbox.Y2 > res->orig.Y2)
2216 	{
2217 	  res->inflated = bloat_box (&res->orig, res->bloat);
2218 	  return 1;
2219 	}
2220     }
2221   /* calculate the distances from original box to this blocker */
2222   dn = de = ds = dw = 0;
2223   if (!(res->done & _NORTH) && rbox.Y1 <= res->orig.Y1
2224       && rbox.Y2 > res->inflated.Y1)
2225     dn = res->orig.Y1 - rbox.Y2;
2226   if (!(res->done & _EAST) && rbox.X2 >= res->orig.X2
2227       && rbox.X1 < res->inflated.X2)
2228     de = rbox.X1 - res->orig.X2;
2229   if (!(res->done & _SOUTH) && rbox.Y2 >= res->orig.Y2
2230       && rbox.Y1 < res->inflated.Y2)
2231     ds = rbox.Y1 - res->orig.Y2;
2232   if (!(res->done & _WEST) && rbox.X1 <= res->orig.X1
2233       && rbox.X2 > res->inflated.X1)
2234     dw = res->orig.X1 - rbox.X2;
2235   if (dn <= 0 && de <= 0 && ds <= 0 && dw <= 0)
2236     return 1;
2237   /* now shrink the inflated box to the largest blocking direction */
2238   if (dn >= de && dn >= ds && dn >= dw)
2239     {
2240       res->inflated.Y1 = rbox.Y2 - bloat;
2241       res->n = rb;
2242     }
2243   else if (de >= ds && de >= dw)
2244     {
2245       res->inflated.X2 = rbox.X1 + bloat;
2246       res->e = rb;
2247     }
2248   else if (ds >= dw)
2249     {
2250       res->inflated.Y2 = rbox.Y1 + bloat;
2251       res->s = rb;
2252     }
2253   else
2254     {
2255       res->inflated.X1 = rbox.X2 - bloat;
2256       res->w = rb;
2257     }
2258   return 1;
2259 }
2261 static bool
boink_box(routebox_t * rb,struct E_result * res,direction_t dir)2262 boink_box (routebox_t * rb, struct E_result *res, direction_t dir)
2263 {
2264   Coord bloat;
2265   if (rb->style->Keepaway > res->keep)
2266     bloat = res->keep - rb->style->Keepaway;
2267   else
2268     bloat = 0;
2269   if (rb->flags.nobloat)
2270     bloat = res->bloat;
2271   switch (dir)
2272     {
2273     case NORTH:
2274     case SOUTH:
2275       if (rb->sbox.X2 <= res->inflated.X1 + bloat
2276 	  || rb->sbox.X1 >= res->inflated.X2 - bloat)
2277 	return false;
2278       return true;
2279     case EAST:
2280     case WEST:
2281       if (rb->sbox.Y1 >= res->inflated.Y2 - bloat
2282 	  || rb->sbox.Y2 <= res->inflated.Y1 + bloat)
2283 	return false;
2284       return true;
2285       break;
2286     default:
2287       assert (0);
2288     }
2289   return false;
2290 }
2292 /*!
2293  * \brief Main Expand routine.
2294  *
2295  * The expansion probe edge includes the keepaway and half thickness
2296  * as the search is performed in order to see everything relevant.
2297  * The result is backed off by this amount before being returned.
2298  * Targets (and other no-bloat routeboxes) go all the way to touching.
2299  * This is accomplished by backing off the probe edge when checking
2300  * for touch against such an object. Usually the expanding edge
2301  * bumps into neighboring pins on the same device that require a
2302  * keepaway, preventing seeing a target immediately. Rather than await
2303  * another expansion to actually touch the target, the edge breaker code
2304  * looks past the keepaway to see these targets even though they
2305  * weren't actually touched in the expansion.
2306  */
2307 struct E_result *
Expand(rtree_t * rtree,edge_t * e,const BoxType * box)2308 Expand (rtree_t * rtree, edge_t * e, const BoxType * box)
2309 {
2310   static struct E_result ans;
2311   int noshrink;			/* bit field of which edges to not shrink */
2313   ans.bloat = AutoRouteParameters.bloat;
2314   ans.orig = *box;
2315   ans.n = ans.e = ans.s = ans.w = NULL;
2317   /* the inflated box must be bloated in all directions that it might
2318    * hit something in order to guarantee that we see object in the
2319    * tree it might hit. The tree holds objects bloated by their own
2320    * keepaway so we are guaranteed to honor that.
2321    */
2322   switch (e->expand_dir)
2323     {
2324     case ALL:
2325       ans.inflated.X1 = (e->rb->came_from == EAST ? ans.orig.X1 : 0);
2326       ans.inflated.Y1 = (e->rb->came_from == SOUTH ? ans.orig.Y1 : 0);
2327       ans.inflated.X2 =
2328 	(e->rb->came_from == WEST ? ans.orig.X2 : PCB->MaxWidth);
2329       ans.inflated.Y2 =
2330 	(e->rb->came_from == NORTH ? ans.orig.Y2 : PCB->MaxHeight);
2331       if (e->rb->came_from == NORTH)
2332 	ans.done = noshrink = _SOUTH;
2333       else if (e->rb->came_from == EAST)
2334 	ans.done = noshrink = _WEST;
2335       else if (e->rb->came_from == SOUTH)
2336 	ans.done = noshrink = _NORTH;
2337       else if (e->rb->came_from == WEST)
2338 	ans.done = noshrink = _EAST;
2339       else
2340 	ans.done = noshrink = 0;
2341       break;
2342     case NORTH:
2343       ans.done = _SOUTH + _EAST + _WEST;
2344       noshrink = _SOUTH;
2345       ans.inflated.X1 = box->X1 - ans.bloat;
2346       ans.inflated.X2 = box->X2 + ans.bloat;
2347       ans.inflated.Y2 = box->Y2;
2348       ans.inflated.Y1 = 0;	/* far north */
2349       break;
2350     case NE:
2351       ans.done = _SOUTH + _WEST;
2352       noshrink = 0;
2353       ans.inflated.X1 = box->X1 - ans.bloat;
2354       ans.inflated.X2 = PCB->MaxWidth;
2355       ans.inflated.Y2 = box->Y2 + ans.bloat;
2356       ans.inflated.Y1 = 0;
2357       break;
2358     case EAST:
2359       ans.done = _NORTH + _SOUTH + _WEST;
2360       noshrink = _WEST;
2361       ans.inflated.Y1 = box->Y1 - ans.bloat;
2362       ans.inflated.Y2 = box->Y2 + ans.bloat;
2363       ans.inflated.X1 = box->X1;
2364       ans.inflated.X2 = PCB->MaxWidth;
2365       break;
2366     case SE:
2367       ans.done = _NORTH + _WEST;
2368       noshrink = 0;
2369       ans.inflated.X1 = box->X1 - ans.bloat;
2370       ans.inflated.X2 = PCB->MaxWidth;
2371       ans.inflated.Y2 = PCB->MaxHeight;
2372       ans.inflated.Y1 = box->Y1 - ans.bloat;
2373       break;
2374     case SOUTH:
2375       ans.done = _NORTH + _EAST + _WEST;
2376       noshrink = _NORTH;
2377       ans.inflated.X1 = box->X1 - ans.bloat;
2378       ans.inflated.X2 = box->X2 + ans.bloat;
2379       ans.inflated.Y1 = box->Y1;
2380       ans.inflated.Y2 = PCB->MaxHeight;
2381       break;
2382     case SW:
2383       ans.done = _NORTH + _EAST;
2384       noshrink = 0;
2385       ans.inflated.X1 = 0;
2386       ans.inflated.X2 = box->X2 + ans.bloat;
2387       ans.inflated.Y2 = PCB->MaxHeight;
2388       ans.inflated.Y1 = box->Y1 - ans.bloat;
2389       break;
2390     case WEST:
2391       ans.done = _NORTH + _SOUTH + _EAST;
2392       noshrink = _EAST;
2393       ans.inflated.Y1 = box->Y1 - ans.bloat;
2394       ans.inflated.Y2 = box->Y2 + ans.bloat;
2395       ans.inflated.X1 = 0;
2396       ans.inflated.X2 = box->X2;
2397       break;
2398     case NW:
2399       ans.done = _SOUTH + _EAST;
2400       noshrink = 0;
2401       ans.inflated.X1 = 0;
2402       ans.inflated.X2 = box->X2 + ans.bloat;
2403       ans.inflated.Y2 = box->Y2 + ans.bloat;
2404       ans.inflated.Y1 = 0;
2405       break;
2406     default:
2407       noshrink = ans.done = 0;
2408       assert (0);
2409     }
2410   ans.keep = e->rb->style->Keepaway;
2411   ans.parent = nonhomeless_parent (e->rb);
2412   r_search (rtree, &ans.inflated, NULL, __Expand_this_rect, &ans);
2413 /* because the overlaping boxes are found in random order, some blockers
2414  * may have limited edges prematurely, so we check if the blockers realy
2415  * are blocking, and make another try if not
2416  */
2417   if (ans.n && !boink_box (ans.n, &ans, NORTH))
2418     ans.inflated.Y1 = 0;
2419   else
2420     ans.done |= _NORTH;
2421   if (ans.e && !boink_box (ans.e, &ans, EAST))
2422     ans.inflated.X2 = PCB->MaxWidth;
2423   else
2424     ans.done |= _EAST;
2425   if (ans.s && !boink_box (ans.s, &ans, SOUTH))
2426     ans.inflated.Y2 = PCB->MaxHeight;
2427   else
2428     ans.done |= _SOUTH;
2429   if (ans.w && !boink_box (ans.w, &ans, WEST))
2430     ans.inflated.X1 = 0;
2431   else
2432     ans.done |= _WEST;
2433   if (ans.done != _NORTH + _EAST + _SOUTH + _WEST)
2434     {
2435       r_search (rtree, &ans.inflated, NULL, __Expand_this_rect, &ans);
2436     }
2437   if ((noshrink & _NORTH) == 0)
2438     ans.inflated.Y1 += ans.bloat;
2439   if ((noshrink & _EAST) == 0)
2440     ans.inflated.X2 -= ans.bloat;
2441   if ((noshrink & _SOUTH) == 0)
2442     ans.inflated.Y2 -= ans.bloat;
2443   if ((noshrink & _WEST) == 0)
2444     ans.inflated.X1 += ans.bloat;
2445   return &ans;
2446 }
2448 /*!
2449  * \brief \c blocker_to_heap puts the blockers into a heap so they
2450  * can be retrieved in clockwise order. If a blocker
2451  * is also a target, it gets put into the vector too.
2452  * It returns 1 for any fixed blocker that is not part
2453  * of this net and zero otherwise.
2454  */
2455 static int
blocker_to_heap(heap_t * heap,routebox_t * rb,BoxType * box,direction_t dir)2456 blocker_to_heap (heap_t * heap, routebox_t * rb,
2457 		 BoxType * box, direction_t dir)
2458 {
2459   BoxType b = rb->sbox;
2460   if (rb->style->Keepaway > AutoRouteParameters.style->Keepaway)
2461     b =
2462       bloat_box (&b,
2463 		 rb->style->Keepaway - AutoRouteParameters.style->Keepaway);
2464   b = clip_box (&b, box);
2465   assert (box_is_good (&b));
2466   /* we want to look at the blockers clockwise around the box */
2467   switch (dir)
2468     {
2469       /* we need to use the other coordinate fraction to resolve
2470        * ties since we want the shorter of the furthest
2471        * first.
2472        */
2473     case NORTH:
2474       heap_insert (heap, b.X1 - b.X1 / (b.X2 + 1.0), rb);
2475       break;
2476     case EAST:
2477       heap_insert (heap, b.Y1 - b.Y1 / (b.Y2 + 1.0), rb);
2478       break;
2479     case SOUTH:
2480       heap_insert (heap, -(b.X2 + b.X1 / (b.X2 + 1.0)), rb);
2481       break;
2482     case WEST:
2483       heap_insert (heap, -(b.Y2 + b.Y1 / (b.Y2 + 1.0)), rb);
2484       break;
2485     default:
2486       assert (0);
2487     }
2488   if (rb->flags.fixed && !rb->flags.target && !rb->flags.source)
2489     return 1;
2490   return 0;
2491 }
2493 /*!
2494  * \brief This creates an EXPANSION_AREA to bridge small gaps or,
2495  * (more commonly) create a supper-thin box to provide a
2496  * home for an expansion edge.
2497  */
2498 static routebox_t *
CreateBridge(const BoxType * area,routebox_t * parent,direction_t dir)2499 CreateBridge (const BoxType * area, routebox_t * parent, direction_t dir)
2500 {
2501   routebox_t *rb = (routebox_t *) malloc (sizeof (*rb));
2502   memset ((void *) rb, 0, sizeof (*rb));
2503   assert (area && parent);
2504   init_const_box (rb, area->X1, area->Y1, area->X2, area->Y2, 0);
2505   rb->group = parent->group;
2506   rb->type = EXPANSION_AREA;
2507   rb->came_from = dir;
2508   rb->cost_point = closest_point_in_box (&parent->cost_point, area);
2509   rb->cost = parent->cost + cost_to_point_on_layer (&parent->cost_point,
2510 						    &rb->cost_point,
2511 						    rb->group);
2512   rb->parent.expansion_area = route_parent (parent);
2513   if (rb->parent.expansion_area->flags.homeless)
2514     RB_up_count (rb->parent.expansion_area);
2515   rb->flags.homeless = 1;
2516   rb->flags.nobloat = 1;
2517   rb->style = parent->style;
2518   rb->conflicts_with = parent->conflicts_with;
2519 #if defined(ROUTE_DEBUG) && defined(DEBUG_SHOW_EDGES)
2520   showroutebox (rb);
2521 #endif
2522   return rb;
2523 }
2525 /*!
2526  * \brief \c moveable_edge prepares the new search edges based on the
2527  * starting box, direction and blocker if any.
2528  */
2529 void
moveable_edge(vector_t * result,const BoxType * box,direction_t dir,routebox_t * rb,routebox_t * blocker,edge_t * e,rtree_t * targets,struct routeone_state * s,rtree_t * tree,vector_t * area_vec)2530 moveable_edge (vector_t * result, const BoxType * box, direction_t dir,
2531 	       routebox_t * rb,
2532 	       routebox_t * blocker, edge_t * e, rtree_t * targets,
2533 	       struct routeone_state *s, rtree_t * tree, vector_t * area_vec)
2534 {
2535   BoxType b;
2536   assert (box_is_good (box));
2537   b = *box;
2538   /* for the cardinal directions, move the box to overlap the
2539    * the parent by 1 unit. Corner expansions overlap more
2540    * and their starting boxes are pre-prepared.
2541    * Check if anything is headed off the board edges
2542    */
2543   switch (dir)
2544     {
2545     default:
2546       break;
2547     case NORTH:
2548       b.Y2 = b.Y1;
2549       b.Y1--;
2550       if (b.Y1 <= AutoRouteParameters.bloat)
2551 	return;			/* off board edge */
2552       break;
2553     case EAST:
2554       b.X1 = b.X2;
2555       b.X2++;
2556       if (b.X2 >= PCB->MaxWidth - AutoRouteParameters.bloat)
2557 	return;			/* off board edge */
2558       break;
2559     case SOUTH:
2560       b.Y1 = b.Y2;
2561       b.Y2++;
2562       if (b.Y2 >= PCB->MaxHeight - AutoRouteParameters.bloat)
2563 	return;			/* off board edge */
2564       break;
2565     case WEST:
2566       b.X2 = b.X1;
2567       b.X1--;
2568       if (b.X1 <= AutoRouteParameters.bloat)
2569 	return;			/* off board edge */
2570       break;
2571     case NE:
2572       if (b.Y1 <= AutoRouteParameters.bloat + 1
2573 	  && b.X2 >= PCB->MaxWidth - AutoRouteParameters.bloat - 1)
2574 	return;			/* off board edge */
2575       if (b.Y1 <= AutoRouteParameters.bloat + 1)
2576 	dir = EAST;		/* north off board edge */
2577       if (b.X2 >= PCB->MaxWidth - AutoRouteParameters.bloat - 1)
2578 	dir = NORTH;		/* east off board edge */
2579       break;
2580     case SE:
2581       if (b.Y2 >= PCB->MaxHeight - AutoRouteParameters.bloat - 1
2582 	  && b.X2 >= PCB->MaxWidth - AutoRouteParameters.bloat - 1)
2583 	return;			/* off board edge */
2584       if (b.Y2 >= PCB->MaxHeight - AutoRouteParameters.bloat - 1)
2585 	dir = EAST;		/* south off board edge */
2586       if (b.X2 >= PCB->MaxWidth - AutoRouteParameters.bloat - 1)
2587 	dir = SOUTH;		/* east off board edge */
2588       break;
2589     case SW:
2590       if (b.Y2 >= PCB->MaxHeight - AutoRouteParameters.bloat - 1
2591 	  && b.X1 <= AutoRouteParameters.bloat + 1)
2592 	return;			/* off board edge */
2593       if (b.Y2 >= PCB->MaxHeight - AutoRouteParameters.bloat - 1)
2594 	dir = WEST;		/* south off board edge */
2595       if (b.X1 <= AutoRouteParameters.bloat + 1)
2596 	dir = SOUTH;		/* west off board edge */
2597       break;
2598     case NW:
2599       if (b.Y1 <= AutoRouteParameters.bloat + 1
2600 	  && b.X1 <= AutoRouteParameters.bloat + 1)
2601 	return;			/* off board edge */
2602       if (b.Y1 <= AutoRouteParameters.bloat + 1)
2603 	dir = WEST;		/* north off board edge */
2604       if (b.X1 <= AutoRouteParameters.bloat + 1)
2605 	dir = NORTH;		/* west off board edge */
2606       break;
2607     }
2609   if (!blocker)
2610     {
2611       edge_t *ne;
2612       routebox_t *nrb = CreateBridge (&b, rb, dir);
2613       /* move the cost point in corner expansions
2614        * these boxes are bigger, so move close to the target
2615        */
2616       if (dir == NE || dir == SE || dir == SW || dir == NW)
2617 	{
2618 	  CheapPointType p;
2619 	  p =
2620 	    closest_point_in_box (&nrb->cost_point, &e->mincost_target->sbox);
2621 	  p = closest_point_in_box (&p, &b);
2622 	  nrb->cost += cost_to_point_on_layer (&p, &nrb->cost_point,
2623 					       nrb->group);
2624 	  nrb->cost_point = p;
2625 	}
2626       ne = CreateEdge (nrb, nrb->cost_point.X, nrb->cost_point.Y,
2627 		       nrb->cost, NULL, dir, targets);
2628       vector_append (result, ne);
2629     }
2630   else if (AutoRouteParameters.with_conflicts && !blocker->flags.target
2631 	   && !blocker->flags.fixed && !blocker->flags.touched &&
2632 	   !blocker->flags.source && blocker->type != EXPANSION_AREA)
2633     {
2634       edge_t *ne;
2635       routebox_t *nrb;
2636       /* make a bridge to the edge of the blocker
2637        * in all directions from there
2638        */
2639       switch (dir)
2640 	{
2641 	case NORTH:
2642 	  b.Y1 = blocker->sbox.Y2 - 1;
2643 	  break;
2644 	case EAST:
2645 	  b.X2 = blocker->sbox.X1 + 1;
2646 	  break;
2647 	case SOUTH:
2648 	  b.Y2 = blocker->sbox.Y1 + 1;
2649 	  break;
2650 	case WEST:
2651 	  b.X1 = blocker->sbox.X2 - 1;
2652 	  break;
2653 	default:
2654 	  assert (0);
2655 	}
2656       if (!box_is_good (&b))
2657 	return;			/* how did this happen ? */
2658       nrb = CreateBridge (&b, rb, dir);
2659       r_insert_entry (tree, &nrb->box, 1);
2660       vector_append (area_vec, nrb);
2661       nrb->flags.homeless = 0;	/* not homeless any more */
2662       /* mark this one as conflicted */
2663       path_conflicts (nrb, blocker, true);
2664       /* and make an expansion edge */
2665       nrb->cost_point =
2666 	closest_point_in_box (&nrb->cost_point, &blocker->sbox);
2667       nrb->cost +=
2668 	cost_to_point_on_layer (&nrb->parent.expansion_area->cost_point,
2669 				&nrb->cost_point,
2670 				nrb->group) * CONFLICT_PENALTY (blocker);
2672       ne = CreateEdge (nrb, nrb->cost_point.X, nrb->cost_point.Y, nrb->cost,
2673 		       NULL, ALL, targets);
2674       ne->flags.is_interior = 1;
2675       vector_append (result, ne);
2676     }
2677 #if 1
2678   else if (blocker->type == EXPANSION_AREA)
2679     {
2680       if (blocker->cost < rb->cost || blocker->cost <= rb->cost +
2681 	  cost_to_point_on_layer (&blocker->cost_point, &rb->cost_point,
2682 				  rb->group))
2683 	return;
2684       if (blocker->conflicts_with || rb->conflicts_with)
2685 	return;
2686       /* does the blocker overlap this routebox ?? */
2687       /* does this re-parenting operation leave a memory leak? */
2688       if (blocker->parent.expansion_area->flags.homeless)
2689 	RB_down_count (blocker->parent.expansion_area);
2690       blocker->parent.expansion_area = rb;
2691       return;
2692     }
2693 #endif
2694   else if (blocker->flags.target)
2695     {
2696       routebox_t *nrb;
2697       edge_t *ne;
2698       b = bloat_box (&b, 1);
2699       if (!box_intersect (&b, &blocker->sbox))
2700 	{
2701 	  /* if the expansion edge stopped before touching, expand the bridge */
2702 	  switch (dir)
2703 	    {
2704 	    case NORTH:
2705 	      b.Y1 -= AutoRouteParameters.bloat + 1;
2706 	      break;
2707 	    case EAST:
2708 	      b.X2 += AutoRouteParameters.bloat + 1;
2709 	      break;
2710 	    case SOUTH:
2711 	      b.Y2 += AutoRouteParameters.bloat + 1;
2712 	      break;
2713 	    case WEST:
2714 	      b.X1 -= AutoRouteParameters.bloat + 1;
2715 	      break;
2716 	    default:
2717 	      assert (0);
2718 	    }
2719 	}
2720       assert (box_intersect (&b, &blocker->sbox));
2721       b = shrink_box (&b, 1);
2722       nrb = CreateBridge (&b, rb, dir);
2723       r_insert_entry (tree, &nrb->box, 1);
2724       vector_append (area_vec, nrb);
2725       nrb->flags.homeless = 0;	/* not homeless any more */
2726       ne = CreateEdge (nrb, nrb->cost_point.X, nrb->cost_point.Y,
2727 		       nrb->cost, blocker, dir, NULL);
2728       best_path_candidate (s, ne, blocker);
2729       DestroyEdge (&ne);
2730     }
2731 }
2733 struct break_info
2734 {
2735   heap_t *heap;
2736   routebox_t *parent;
2737   BoxType box;
2738   direction_t dir;
2739   bool ignore_source;
2740 };
2742 static int
__GatherBlockers(const BoxType * box,void * cl)2743 __GatherBlockers (const BoxType * box, void *cl)
2744 {
2745   routebox_t *rb = (routebox_t *) box;
2746   struct break_info *bi = (struct break_info *) cl;
2747   BoxType b;
2749   if (bi->parent == rb || rb->flags.touched ||
2750       bi->parent->parent.expansion_area == rb)
2751     return 0;
2752   if (rb->flags.source && bi->ignore_source)
2753     return 0;
2754   b = rb->sbox;
2755   if (rb->style->Keepaway > AutoRouteParameters.style->Keepaway)
2756     b =
2757       bloat_box (&b,
2758 		 rb->style->Keepaway - AutoRouteParameters.style->Keepaway);
2759   if (b.X2 <= bi->box.X1 || b.X1 >= bi->box.X2
2760       || b.Y1 >= bi->box.Y2 || b.Y2 <= bi->box.Y1)
2761     return 0;
2762   return blocker_to_heap (bi->heap, rb, &bi->box, bi->dir);
2763 }
2765 /*!
2766  * \brief Shrink the box to the last limit for the previous direction,
2767  * i.e. if dir is SOUTH, then this means fixing up an EAST leftover
2768  * edge, which would be the southern most edge for that example.
2769  */
2770 static inline BoxType
previous_edge(Coord last,direction_t i,const BoxType * b)2771 previous_edge (Coord last, direction_t i, const BoxType * b)
2772 {
2773   BoxType db = *b;
2774   switch (i)
2775     {
2776     case EAST:
2777       db.X1 = last;
2778       break;
2779     case SOUTH:
2780       db.Y1 = last;
2781       break;
2782     case WEST:
2783       db.X2 = last;
2784       break;
2785     default:
2786       Message ("previous edge bogus direction!");
2787       assert (0);
2788     }
2789   return db;
2790 }
2792 /*!
2793  * \brief Break all the edges of the box that need breaking, handling
2794  * targets as they are found, and putting any moveable edges
2795  * in the return vector.
2796  */
2797 vector_t *
BreakManyEdges(struct routeone_state * s,rtree_t * targets,rtree_t * tree,vector_t * area_vec,struct E_result * ans,routebox_t * rb,edge_t * e)2798 BreakManyEdges (struct routeone_state * s, rtree_t * targets, rtree_t * tree,
2799 		vector_t * area_vec, struct E_result * ans, routebox_t * rb,
2800 		edge_t * e)
2801 {
2802   struct break_info bi;
2803   vector_t *edges;
2804   heap_t *heap[4];
2805   Coord first, last;
2806   Coord bloat;
2807   direction_t dir;
2808   routebox_t fake;
2810   edges = vector_create ();
2811   bi.ignore_source = rb->parent.expansion_area->flags.source;
2812   bi.parent = rb;
2813   /* we add 2 to the bloat.
2814    * 1 will get us to the actual blocker that Expand() hit
2815    * but 1 more is needed because the new expansion edges
2816    * move out by 1 so they don't overlap their parents
2817    * this extra expansion could "trap" the edge if
2818    * there is a blocker 2 units from the original rb,
2819    * it is 1 unit from the new expansion edge which
2820    * would prevent expansion. So we want to break the
2821    * edge on it now to avoid the trap.
2822    */
2824   bloat = AutoRouteParameters.bloat + 2;
2825   /* for corner expansion, we need to have a fake blocker
2826    * to prevent expansion back where we came from since
2827    * we still need to break portions of all 4 edges
2828    */
2829   if (e->expand_dir == NE || e->expand_dir == SE ||
2830       e->expand_dir == SW || e->expand_dir == NW)
2831     {
2832       BoxType *fb = (BoxType *) &fake.sbox;
2833       memset (&fake, 0, sizeof (fake));
2834       *fb = e->rb->sbox;
2835       fake.flags.fixed = 1;	/* this stops expansion there */
2836       fake.type = LINE;
2837       fake.style = AutoRouteParameters.style;
2838 #ifndef NDEBUG
2839       /* the routbox_is_good checker wants a lot more! */
2840       fake.flags.inited = 1;
2841       fb = (BoxType *) &fake.box;
2842       *fb = e->rb->sbox;
2843       fake.same_net.next = fake.same_net.prev = &fake;
2844       fake.same_subnet.next = fake.same_subnet.prev = &fake;
2845       fake.original_subnet.next = fake.original_subnet.prev = &fake;
2846       fake.different_net.next = fake.different_net.prev = &fake;
2847 #endif
2848     }
2849   /* gather all of the blockers in heaps so they can be accessed
2850    * in clockwise order, which allows finding corners that can
2851    * be expanded.
2852    */
2853   for (dir = NORTH; dir <= WEST; dir = directionIncrement(dir))
2854     {
2855       /* don't break the edge we came from */
2856       if (e->expand_dir != ((dir + 2) % 4))
2857 	{
2858 	  heap[dir] = heap_create ();
2859 	  bi.box = bloat_box (&rb->sbox, bloat);
2860 	  bi.heap = heap[dir];
2861 	  bi.dir = dir;
2862 	  /* convert to edge */
2863 	  switch (dir)
2864 	    {
2865 	    case NORTH:
2866 	      bi.box.Y2 = bi.box.Y1 + bloat + 1;
2867 	      /* for corner expansion, block the start edges and
2868 	       * limit the blocker search to only the new edge segment
2869 	       */
2870 	      if (e->expand_dir == SE || e->expand_dir == SW)
2871 		blocker_to_heap (heap[dir], &fake, &bi.box, dir);
2872 	      if (e->expand_dir == SE)
2873 		bi.box.X1 = e->rb->sbox.X2;
2874 	      if (e->expand_dir == SW)
2875 		bi.box.X2 = e->rb->sbox.X1;
2876 	      rb->n = r_search (tree, &bi.box, NULL, __GatherBlockers, &bi);
2877 	      break;
2878 	    case EAST:
2879 	      bi.box.X1 = bi.box.X2 - bloat - 1;
2880 	      /* corner, same as above */
2881 	      if (e->expand_dir == SW || e->expand_dir == NW)
2882 		blocker_to_heap (heap[dir], &fake, &bi.box, dir);
2883 	      if (e->expand_dir == SW)
2884 		bi.box.Y1 = e->rb->sbox.Y2;
2885 	      if (e->expand_dir == NW)
2886 		bi.box.Y2 = e->rb->sbox.Y1;
2887 	      rb->e = r_search (tree, &bi.box, NULL, __GatherBlockers, &bi);
2888 	      break;
2889 	    case SOUTH:
2890 	      bi.box.Y1 = bi.box.Y2 - bloat - 1;
2891 	      /* corner, same as above */
2892 	      if (e->expand_dir == NE || e->expand_dir == NW)
2893 		blocker_to_heap (heap[dir], &fake, &bi.box, dir);
2894 	      if (e->expand_dir == NE)
2895 		bi.box.X1 = e->rb->sbox.X2;
2896 	      if (e->expand_dir == NW)
2897 		bi.box.X2 = e->rb->sbox.X1;
2898 	      rb->s = r_search (tree, &bi.box, NULL, __GatherBlockers, &bi);
2899 	      break;
2900 	    case WEST:
2901 	      bi.box.X2 = bi.box.X1 + bloat + 1;
2902 	      /* corner, same as above */
2903 	      if (e->expand_dir == NE || e->expand_dir == SE)
2904 		blocker_to_heap (heap[dir], &fake, &bi.box, dir);
2905 	      if (e->expand_dir == SE)
2906 		bi.box.Y1 = e->rb->sbox.Y2;
2907 	      if (e->expand_dir == NE)
2908 		bi.box.Y2 = e->rb->sbox.Y1;
2909 	      rb->w = r_search (tree, &bi.box, NULL, __GatherBlockers, &bi);
2910 	      break;
2911 	    default:
2912 	      assert (0);
2913 	    }
2914 	}
2915       else
2916 	heap[dir] = NULL;
2917     }
2918 #if 1
2919   rb->cost +=
2920     (rb->n + rb->e + rb->s +
2921      rb->w) * AutoRouteParameters.CongestionPenalty / box_area (rb->sbox);
2922 #endif
2923 /* now handle the blockers:
2924  * Go around the expansion area clockwise (North->East->South->West)
2925  * pulling blockers from the heap (which makes them come out in the right
2926  * order). Break the edges on the blocker and make the segments and corners
2927  * moveable as possible.
2928  */
2929   first = last = -1;
2930   for (dir = NORTH; dir <= WEST; dir = directionIncrement(dir))
2931     {
2932       if (heap[dir] && !heap_is_empty (heap[dir]))
2933 	{
2934 	  /* pull the very first one out of the heap outside of the
2935 	   * heap loop because it is special; it can be part of a corner
2936 	   */
2937 	  routebox_t *blk = (routebox_t *) heap_remove_smallest (heap[dir]);
2938 	  BoxType b = rb->sbox;
2939 	  struct broken_boxes broke = break_box_edge (&b, dir, blk);
2940 	  if (broke.is_valid_left)
2941 	    {
2942 	      /* if last > 0, then the previous edge had a segment
2943 	       * joining this one, so it forms a valid corner expansion
2944 	       */
2945 	      if (last > 0)
2946 		{
2947 		  /* make a corner expansion */
2948 		  BoxType db = b;
2949 		  switch (dir)
2950 		    {
2951 		    case EAST:
2952 		      /* possible NE expansion */
2953 		      db.X1 = last;
2954 		      db.Y2 = MIN (db.Y2, broke.left.Y2);
2955 		      break;
2956 		    case SOUTH:
2957 		      /* possible SE expansion */
2958 		      db.Y1 = last;
2959 		      db.X1 = MAX (db.X1, broke.left.X1);
2960 		      break;
2961 		    case WEST:
2962 		      /* possible SW expansion */
2963 		      db.X2 = last;
2964 		      db.Y1 = MAX (db.Y1, broke.left.Y1);
2965 		      break;
2966 		    default:
2967 		      assert (0);
2968 		      break;
2969 		    }
2970 		  moveable_edge (edges, &db, (direction_t)(dir + 3), rb, NULL, e, targets,
2971 				 s, NULL, NULL);
2972 		}
2973 	      else if (dir == NORTH)	/* north is start, so nothing "before" it */
2974 		{
2975 		  /* save for a possible corner once we've
2976 		   * finished circling the box
2977 		   */
2978 		  first = MAX (b.X1, broke.left.X2);
2979 		}
2980 	      else
2981 		{
2982 		  /* this is just a boring straight expansion
2983 		   * since the orthogonal segment was blocked
2984 		   */
2985 		  moveable_edge (edges, &broke.left, dir, rb, NULL, e,
2986 				 targets, s, NULL, NULL);
2987 		}
2988 	    }			/* broke.is_valid_left */
2989 	  else if (last > 0)
2990 	    {
2991 	      /* if the last one didn't become a corner,
2992 	       * we still want to expand it straight out
2993 	       * in the direction of the previous edge,
2994 	       * which it belongs to.
2995 	       */
2996 	      BoxType db = previous_edge (last, dir, &rb->sbox);
2997 	      moveable_edge (edges, &db, (direction_t)(dir - 1), rb, NULL, e, targets, s,
2998 			     NULL, NULL);
2999 	    }
3000 	  if (broke.is_valid_center && !blk->flags.source)
3001 	    moveable_edge (edges, &broke.center, dir, rb, blk, e, targets, s,
3002 			   tree, area_vec);
3003 	  /* this is the heap extraction loop. We break out
3004 	   * if there's nothing left in the heap, but if we * are blocked all the way to the far edge, we can
3005 	   * just leave stuff in the heap when it is destroyed
3006 	   */
3007 	  while (broke.is_valid_right)
3008 	    {
3009 	      /* move the box edge to the next potential free point */
3010 	      switch (dir)
3011 		{
3012 		case NORTH:
3013 		  last = b.X1 = MAX (broke.right.X1, b.X1);
3014 		  break;
3015 		case EAST:
3016 		  last = b.Y1 = MAX (broke.right.Y1, b.Y1);
3017 		  break;
3018 		case SOUTH:
3019 		  last = b.X2 = MIN (broke.right.X2, b.X2);
3020 		  break;
3021 		case WEST:
3022 		  last = b.Y2 = MIN (broke.right.Y2, b.Y2);
3023 		  break;
3024 		default:
3025 		  assert (0);
3026 		}
3027 	      if (heap_is_empty (heap[dir]))
3028 		break;
3029 	      blk = (routebox_t *)heap_remove_smallest (heap[dir]);
3030 	      broke = break_box_edge (&b, dir, blk);
3031 	      if (broke.is_valid_left)
3032 		moveable_edge (edges, &broke.left, dir, rb, NULL, e, targets,
3033 			       s, NULL, NULL);
3034 	      if (broke.is_valid_center && !blk->flags.source)
3035 		moveable_edge (edges, &broke.center, dir, rb, blk, e, targets,
3036 			       s, tree, area_vec);
3037 	    }
3038 	  if (!broke.is_valid_right)
3039 	    last = -1;
3040 	}
3041       else			/* if (heap[dir]) */
3042 	{
3043 	  /* nothing touched this edge! Expand the whole edge unless
3044 	   * (1) it hit the board edge or (2) was the source of our expansion
3045 	   *
3046 	   * for this case (of hitting nothing) we give up trying for corner
3047 	   * expansions because it is likely that they're not possible anyway
3048 	   */
3049 	  if ((e->expand_dir == ALL ? e->rb->came_from : e->expand_dir) !=
3050 	      ((dir + 2) % 4))
3051 	    {
3052 	      /* ok, we are not going back on ourselves, and the whole edge seems free */
3053 	      moveable_edge (edges, &rb->sbox, dir, rb, NULL, e, targets, s,
3054 			     NULL, NULL);
3055 	    }
3057 	  if (last > 0)
3058 	    {
3059 	      /* expand the leftover from the prior direction */
3060 	      BoxType db = previous_edge (last, dir, &rb->sbox);
3061 	      moveable_edge (edges, &db, (direction_t)(dir - 1), rb, NULL, e, targets, s,
3062 			     NULL, NULL);
3063 	    }
3064 	  last = -1;
3065 	}
3066     }				/* for loop */
3067   /* finally, check for the NW corner now that we've come full circle */
3068   if (first > 0 && last > 0)
3069     {
3070       BoxType db = rb->sbox;
3071       db.X2 = first;
3072       db.Y2 = last;
3073       moveable_edge (edges, &db, NW, rb, NULL, e, targets, s, NULL, NULL);
3074     }
3075   else
3076     {
3077       if (first > 0)
3078 	{
3079 	  BoxType db = rb->sbox;
3080 	  db.X2 = first;
3081 	  moveable_edge (edges, &db, NORTH, rb, NULL, e, targets, s, NULL,
3082 			 NULL);
3083 	}
3084       else if (last > 0)
3085 	{
3086 	  BoxType db = rb->sbox;
3087 	  db.Y2 = last;
3088 	  moveable_edge (edges, &db, WEST, rb, NULL, e, targets, s, NULL,
3089 			 NULL);
3090 	}
3091     }
3092   /* done with all expansion edges of this box */
3093   for (dir = NORTH; dir <= WEST; dir = directionIncrement(dir))
3094     {
3095       if (heap[dir])
3096 	heap_destroy (&heap[dir]);
3097     }
3098   return edges;
3099 }
3101 static routebox_t *
rb_source(routebox_t * rb)3102 rb_source (routebox_t * rb)
3103 {
3104   while (rb && !rb->flags.source)
3105     {
3106       assert (rb->type == EXPANSION_AREA);
3107       rb = rb->parent.expansion_area;
3108     }
3109   assert (rb);
3110   return rb;
3111 }
3113 /* ------------ */
3115 struct foib_info
3116 {
3117   const BoxType *box;
3118   routebox_t *intersect;
3119   jmp_buf env;
3120 };
3122 static int
foib_rect_in_reg(const BoxType * box,void * cl)3123 foib_rect_in_reg (const BoxType * box, void *cl)
3124 {
3125   struct foib_info *foib = (struct foib_info *) cl;
3126   BoxType rbox;
3127   routebox_t *rb = (routebox_t *) box;
3128   if (rb->flags.touched)
3129     return 0;
3130 //  if (rb->type == EXPANSION_AREA && !rb->flags.is_via)
3131   //   return 0;
3132   rbox = bloat_routebox (rb);
3133   if (!box_intersect (&rbox, foib->box))
3134     return 0;
3135   /* this is an intersector! */
3136   foib->intersect = (routebox_t *) box;
3137   longjmp (foib->env, 1);	/* skip to the end! */
3138   return 1;
3139 }
3140 static routebox_t *
FindOneInBox(rtree_t * rtree,routebox_t * rb)3141 FindOneInBox (rtree_t * rtree, routebox_t * rb)
3142 {
3143   struct foib_info foib;
3144   BoxType r;
3146   r = rb->sbox;
3147   foib.box = &r;
3148   foib.intersect = NULL;
3150   if (setjmp (foib.env) == 0)
3151     r_search (rtree, &r, NULL, foib_rect_in_reg, &foib);
3152   return foib.intersect;
3153 }
3155 struct therm_info
3156 {
3157   routebox_t *plane;
3158   BoxType query;
3159   jmp_buf env;
3160 };
3161 static int
ftherm_rect_in_reg(const BoxType * box,void * cl)3162 ftherm_rect_in_reg (const BoxType * box, void *cl)
3163 {
3164   routebox_t *rbox = (routebox_t *) box;
3165   struct therm_info *ti = (struct therm_info *) cl;
3166   BoxType sq, sb;
3168   if (rbox->type != PIN && rbox->type != VIA && rbox->type != VIA_SHADOW)
3169     return 0;
3170   if (rbox->group != ti->plane->group)
3171     return 0;
3173   sb = shrink_routebox (rbox);
3174   switch (rbox->type)
3175     {
3176     case PIN:
3177       sq = shrink_box (&ti->query, rbox->parent.pin->Thickness);
3178       if (!box_intersect (&sb, &sq))
3179 	return 0;
3180       sb.X1 = rbox->parent.pin->X;
3181       sb.Y1 = rbox->parent.pin->Y;
3182       break;
3183     case VIA:
3184       if (rbox->flags.fixed)
3185 	{
3186 	  sq = shrink_box (&ti->query, rbox->parent.via->Thickness);
3187 	  sb.X1 = rbox->parent.pin->X;
3188 	  sb.Y1 = rbox->parent.pin->Y;
3189 	}
3190       else
3191 	{
3192 	  sq = shrink_box (&ti->query, rbox->style->Diameter);
3193 	  sb.X1 = CENTER_X (sb);
3194 	  sb.Y1 = CENTER_Y (sb);
3195 	}
3196       if (!box_intersect (&sb, &sq))
3197 	return 0;
3198       break;
3199     case VIA_SHADOW:
3200       sq = shrink_box (&ti->query, rbox->style->Diameter);
3201       if (!box_intersect (&sb, &sq))
3202 	return 0;
3203       sb.X1 = CENTER_X (sb);
3204       sb.Y1 = CENTER_Y (sb);
3205       break;
3206     default:
3207       assert (0);
3208     }
3209   ti->plane = rbox;
3210   longjmp (ti->env, 1);
3211   return 1;
3212 }
3214 /*!
3215  * \brief Check for a pin or via target that a polygon can just use a
3216  * thermal to connect to.
3217  */
3218 routebox_t *
FindThermable(rtree_t * rtree,routebox_t * rb)3219 FindThermable (rtree_t * rtree, routebox_t * rb)
3220 {
3221   struct therm_info info;
3223   info.plane = rb;
3224   info.query = shrink_routebox (rb);
3226   if (setjmp (info.env) == 0)
3227     {
3228       r_search (rtree, &info.query, NULL, ftherm_rect_in_reg, &info);
3229       return NULL;
3230     }
3231   return info.plane;
3232 }
3234 /*!
3235  * \brief Route-tracing code: once we've got a path of expansion boxes,
3236  * trace a line through them to actually create the connection.
3237  */
3238 static void
RD_DrawThermal(routedata_t * rd,Coord X,Coord Y,Cardinal group,Cardinal layer,routebox_t * subnet,bool is_bad)3239 RD_DrawThermal (routedata_t * rd, Coord X, Coord Y,
3240 		Cardinal group, Cardinal layer, routebox_t * subnet,
3241 		bool is_bad)
3242 {
3243   routebox_t *rb;
3244   rb = (routebox_t *) malloc (sizeof (*rb));
3245   memset ((void *) rb, 0, sizeof (*rb));
3246   init_const_box (rb, X, Y, X + 1, Y + 1, 0);
3247   rb->group = group;
3248   rb->layer = layer;
3249   rb->flags.fixed = 0;
3250   rb->flags.is_bad = is_bad;
3251   rb->flags.is_odd = AutoRouteParameters.is_odd;
3252   rb->flags.circular = 0;
3253   rb->style = AutoRouteParameters.style;
3254   rb->type = THERMAL;
3255   InitLists (rb);
3256   MergeNets (rb, subnet, NET);
3257   MergeNets (rb, subnet, SUBNET);
3258   /* add it to the r-tree, this may be the whole route! */
3259   r_insert_entry (rd->layergrouptree[rb->group], &rb->box, 1);
3260   rb->flags.homeless = 0;
3261 }
3263 static void
RD_DrawVia(routedata_t * rd,Coord X,Coord Y,Coord radius,routebox_t * subnet,bool is_bad)3264 RD_DrawVia (routedata_t * rd, Coord X, Coord Y,
3265 	    Coord radius, routebox_t * subnet, bool is_bad)
3266 {
3267   routebox_t *rb, *first_via = NULL;
3268   int i;
3269   int ka = AutoRouteParameters.style->Keepaway;
3270   PinType *live_via = NULL;
3273     {
3274        live_via = CreateNewVia (PCB->Data, X, Y, radius * 2,
3275                                 2 * AutoRouteParameters.style->Keepaway, 0,
3276                                 AutoRouteParameters.style->Hole, NULL,
3277                                 MakeFlags (0));
3278        if (live_via != NULL)
3279          DrawVia (live_via);
3280     }
3282   /* a via cuts through every layer group */
3283   for (i = 0; i < max_group; i++)
3284     {
3285       if (!is_layer_group_active[i])
3286 	continue;
3287       rb = (routebox_t *) malloc (sizeof (*rb));
3288       memset ((void *) rb, 0, sizeof (*rb));
3289       init_const_box (rb,
3290 		      /*X1 */ X - radius, /*Y1 */ Y - radius,
3291 		      /*X2 */ X + radius + 1, /*Y2 */ Y + radius + 1, ka);
3292       rb->group = i;
3293       rb->flags.fixed = 0;	/* indicates that not on PCB yet */
3294       rb->flags.is_odd = AutoRouteParameters.is_odd;
3295       rb->flags.is_bad = is_bad;
3296       rb->came_from = ALL;
3297       rb->flags.circular = true;
3298       rb->style = AutoRouteParameters.style;
3299       rb->pass = AutoRouteParameters.pass;
3300       if (first_via == NULL)
3301 	{
3302 	  rb->type = VIA;
3303 	  rb->parent.via = NULL;	/* indicates that not on PCB yet */
3304 	  first_via = rb;
3305 	  /* only add the first via to mtspace, not the shadows too */
3306 	  mtspace_add (rd->mtspace, &rb->box, rb->flags.is_odd ? ODD : EVEN,
3307 		       rb->style->Keepaway);
3308 	}
3309       else
3310 	{
3311 	  rb->type = VIA_SHADOW;
3312 	  rb->parent.via_shadow = first_via;
3313 	}
3314       InitLists (rb);
3315       /* add these to proper subnet. */
3316       MergeNets (rb, subnet, NET);
3317       MergeNets (rb, subnet, SUBNET);
3318       assert (__routebox_is_good (rb));
3319       /* and add it to the r-tree! */
3320       r_insert_entry (rd->layergrouptree[rb->group], &rb->box, 1);
3321       rb->flags.homeless = 0;	/* not homeless anymore */
3322       rb->livedraw_obj.via = live_via;
3323     }
3324 }
3325 static void
RD_DrawLine(routedata_t * rd,Coord X1,Coord Y1,Coord X2,Coord Y2,Coord halfthick,Cardinal group,routebox_t * subnet,bool is_bad,bool is_45)3326 RD_DrawLine (routedata_t * rd,
3327 	     Coord X1, Coord Y1, Coord X2,
3328 	     Coord Y2, Coord halfthick, Cardinal group,
3329 	     routebox_t * subnet, bool is_bad, bool is_45)
3330 {
3331   /* we hold the line in a queue to concatenate segments that
3332    * ajoin one another. That reduces the number of things in
3333    * the trees and allows conflict boxes to be larger, both of
3334    * which are really useful.
3335    */
3336   static Coord qX1 = -1, qY1, qX2, qY2;
3337   static Coord qhthick;
3338   static Cardinal qgroup;
3339   static bool qis_45, qis_bad;
3340   static routebox_t *qsn;
3342   routebox_t *rb;
3343   Coord ka = AutoRouteParameters.style->Keepaway;
3345   /* don't draw zero-length segments. */
3346   if (X1 == X2 && Y1 == Y2)
3347     return;
3348   if (qX1 == -1)		/* first ever */
3349     {
3350       qX1 = X1;
3351       qY1 = Y1;
3352       qX2 = X2;
3353       qY2 = Y2;
3354       qhthick = halfthick;
3355       qgroup = group;
3356       qis_45 = is_45;
3357       qis_bad = is_bad;
3358       qsn = subnet;
3359       return;
3360     }
3361   /* Check if the lines concatenat. We only check the
3362    * normal expected nextpoint=lastpoint condition
3363    */
3364   if (X1 == qX2 && Y1 == qY2 && qhthick == halfthick && qgroup == group)
3365     {
3366       if (qX1 == qX2 && X1 == X2)	/* everybody on the same X here */
3367 	{
3368 	  qY2 = Y2;
3369 	  return;
3370 	}
3371       if (qY1 == qY2 && Y1 == Y2)	/* same Y all around */
3372 	{
3373 	  qX2 = X2;
3374 	  return;
3375 	}
3376     }
3377   /* dump the queue, no match here */
3378   if (qX1 == -1)
3379     return;			/* but not this! */
3380   rb = (routebox_t *) malloc (sizeof (*rb));
3381   memset ((void *) rb, 0, sizeof (*rb));
3382   assert (is_45 ? (ABS (qX2 - qX1) == ABS (qY2 - qY1))	/* line must be 45-degrees */
3383 	  : (qX1 == qX2 || qY1 == qY2) /* line must be ortho */ );
3384   init_const_box (rb,
3385 		  /*X1 */ MIN (qX1, qX2) - qhthick,
3386 		  /*Y1 */ MIN (qY1, qY2) - qhthick,
3387 		  /*X2 */ MAX (qX1, qX2) + qhthick + 1,
3388 		  /*Y2 */ MAX (qY1, qY2) + qhthick + 1, ka);
3389   rb->group = qgroup;
3390   rb->type = LINE;
3391   rb->parent.line = NULL;	/* indicates that not on PCB yet */
3392   rb->flags.fixed = 0;		/* indicates that not on PCB yet */
3393   rb->flags.is_odd = AutoRouteParameters.is_odd;
3394   rb->flags.is_bad = qis_bad;
3395   rb->came_from = ALL;
3396   rb->flags.homeless = 0;	/* we're putting this in the tree */
3397   rb->flags.nonstraight = qis_45;
3398   rb->flags.bl_to_ur = ((qX2 >= qX1 && qY2 <= qY1)
3399 			|| (qX2 <= qX1 && qY2 >= qY1));
3400   rb->style = AutoRouteParameters.style;
3401   rb->pass = AutoRouteParameters.pass;
3402   InitLists (rb);
3403   /* add these to proper subnet. */
3404   MergeNets (rb, qsn, NET);
3405   MergeNets (rb, qsn, SUBNET);
3406   assert (__routebox_is_good (rb));
3407   /* and add it to the r-tree! */
3408   r_insert_entry (rd->layergrouptree[rb->group], &rb->box, 1);
3411     {
3412       LayerType *layer = LAYER_PTR (PCB->LayerGroups.Entries[rb->group][0]);
3413       LineType *line = CreateNewLineOnLayer (layer, qX1, qY1, qX2, qY2,
3414 					     2 * qhthick, 0, MakeFlags (0));
3415       rb->livedraw_obj.line = line;
3416       if (line != NULL)
3417 	DrawLine (layer, line);
3418     }
3420   /* and to the via space structures */
3421   if (AutoRouteParameters.use_vias)
3422     mtspace_add (rd->mtspace, &rb->box, rb->flags.is_odd ? ODD : EVEN,
3423 		 rb->style->Keepaway);
3424   usedGroup[rb->group] = true;
3425   /* and queue this one */
3426   qX1 = X1;
3427   qY1 = Y1;
3428   qX2 = X2;
3429   qY2 = Y2;
3430   qhthick = halfthick;
3431   qgroup = group;
3432   qis_45 = is_45;
3433   qis_bad = is_bad;
3434   qsn = subnet;
3435 }
3437 static bool
RD_DrawManhattanLine(routedata_t * rd,const BoxType * box1,const BoxType * box2,CheapPointType start,CheapPointType end,Coord halfthick,Cardinal group,routebox_t * subnet,bool is_bad,bool last_was_x)3438 RD_DrawManhattanLine (routedata_t * rd,
3439 		      const BoxType * box1, const BoxType * box2,
3440 		      CheapPointType start, CheapPointType end,
3441 		      Coord halfthick, Cardinal group,
3442 		      routebox_t * subnet, bool is_bad, bool last_was_x)
3443 {
3444   CheapPointType knee = start;
3445   if (end.X == start.X)
3446     {
3447       RD_DrawLine (rd, start.X, start.Y, end.X, end.Y, halfthick, group,
3448 		   subnet, is_bad, false);
3449       return false;
3450     }
3451   else if (end.Y == start.Y)
3452     {
3453       RD_DrawLine (rd, start.X, start.Y, end.X, end.Y, halfthick, group,
3454 		   subnet, is_bad, false);
3455       return true;
3456     }
3457   /* find where knee belongs */
3458   if (point_in_box (box1, end.X, start.Y)
3459       || point_in_box (box2, end.X, start.Y))
3460     {
3461       knee.X = end.X;
3462       knee.Y = start.Y;
3463     }
3464   else
3465     {
3466       knee.X = start.X;
3467       knee.Y = end.Y;
3468     }
3469   if ((knee.X == end.X && !last_was_x) &&
3470       (point_in_box (box1, start.X, end.Y)
3471        || point_in_box (box2, start.X, end.Y)))
3472     {
3473       knee.X = start.X;
3474       knee.Y = end.Y;
3475     }
3476   assert (AutoRouteParameters.is_smoothing
3477 	  || point_in_closed_box (box1, knee.X, knee.Y)
3478 	  || point_in_closed_box (box2, knee.X, knee.Y));
3480   if (1 || !AutoRouteParameters.is_smoothing)
3481     {
3482       /* draw standard manhattan paths */
3483       RD_DrawLine (rd, start.X, start.Y, knee.X, knee.Y, halfthick, group,
3484 		   subnet, is_bad, false);
3485       RD_DrawLine (rd, knee.X, knee.Y, end.X, end.Y, halfthick, group,
3486 		   subnet, is_bad, false);
3487     }
3488   else
3489     {
3490       /* draw 45-degree path across knee */
3491       Coord len45 = MIN (ABS (start.X - end.X), ABS (start.Y - end.Y));
3492       CheapPointType kneestart = knee, kneeend = knee;
3493       if (kneestart.X == start.X)
3494 	kneestart.Y += (kneestart.Y > start.Y) ? -len45 : len45;
3495       else
3496 	kneestart.X += (kneestart.X > start.X) ? -len45 : len45;
3497       if (kneeend.X == end.X)
3498 	kneeend.Y += (kneeend.Y > end.Y) ? -len45 : len45;
3499       else
3500 	kneeend.X += (kneeend.X > end.X) ? -len45 : len45;
3501       RD_DrawLine (rd, start.X, start.Y, kneestart.X, kneestart.Y, halfthick,
3502 		   group, subnet, is_bad, false);
3503       RD_DrawLine (rd, kneestart.X, kneestart.Y, kneeend.X, kneeend.Y,
3504 		   halfthick, group, subnet, is_bad, true);
3505       RD_DrawLine (rd, kneeend.X, kneeend.Y, end.X, end.Y, halfthick, group,
3506 		   subnet, is_bad, false);
3507     }
3508   return (knee.X != end.X);
3509 }
3511 /* for smoothing, don't pack traces to min clearance gratuitously */
3512 #if 0
3513 static void
3514 add_clearance (CheapPointType * nextpoint, const BoxType * b)
3515 {
3516   if (nextpoint->X == b->X1)
3517     {
3518       if (nextpoint->X +
3519 	  AutoRouteParameters.style->Keepaway < (b->X1 + b->X2) / 2)
3520 	nextpoint->X += AutoRouteParameters.style->Keepaway;
3521       else
3522 	nextpoint->X = (b->X1 + b->X2) / 2;
3523     }
3524   else if (nextpoint->X == b->X2)
3525     {
3526       if (nextpoint->X -
3527 	  AutoRouteParameters.style->Keepaway > (b->X1 + b->X2) / 2)
3528 	nextpoint->X -= AutoRouteParameters.style->Keepaway;
3529       else
3530 	nextpoint->X = (b->X1 + b->X2) / 2;
3531     }
3532   else if (nextpoint->Y == b->Y1)
3533     {
3534       if (nextpoint->Y +
3535 	  AutoRouteParameters.style->Keepaway < (b->Y1 + b->Y2) / 2)
3536 	nextpoint->Y += AutoRouteParameters.style->Keepaway;
3537       else
3538 	nextpoint->Y = (b->Y1 + b->Y2) / 2;
3539     }
3540   else if (nextpoint->Y == b->Y2)
3541     {
3542       if (nextpoint->Y -
3543 	  AutoRouteParameters.style->Keepaway > (b->Y1 + b->Y2) / 2)
3544 	nextpoint->Y -= AutoRouteParameters.style->Keepaway;
3545       else
3546 	nextpoint->Y = (b->Y1 + b->Y2) / 2;
3547     }
3548 }
3549 #endif
3551 /*!
3552  * \brief This back-traces the expansion boxes along the best path
3553  * it draws the lines that will make the actual path.
3554  *
3555  * During refinement passes, it should try to maximize the area
3556  * for other tracks so routing completion is easier.
3557  *
3558  * During smoothing passes, it should try to make a better path,
3559  * possibly using diagonals, etc. The path boxes are larger on
3560  * average now so there is more possiblity to decide on a nice
3561  * path. Any combination of lines and arcs is possible, so long
3562  * as they don't poke more than half thick outside the path box.
3563  */
3565 static void
TracePath(routedata_t * rd,routebox_t * path,const routebox_t * target,routebox_t * subnet,bool is_bad)3566 TracePath (routedata_t * rd, routebox_t * path, const routebox_t * target,
3567 	   routebox_t * subnet, bool is_bad)
3568 {
3569   bool last_x = false;
3570   Coord halfwidth = HALF_THICK (AutoRouteParameters.style->Thick);
3571   Coord radius = HALF_THICK (AutoRouteParameters.style->Diameter);
3572   CheapPointType lastpoint, nextpoint;
3573   routebox_t *lastpath;
3574   BoxType b;
3576   assert (subnet->style == AutoRouteParameters.style);
3577   /*XXX: because we round up odd thicknesses, there's the possibility that
3578    * a connecting line end-point might be 0.005 mil off the "real" edge.
3579    * don't worry about this because line *thicknesses* are always >= 0.01 mil. */
3581   /* if we start with a thermal the target was a plane
3582    * or the target was a pin and the source a plane
3583    * in which case this thermal is the whole path
3584    */
3585   if (path->flags.is_thermal)
3586     {
3587       /* the target was a plane, so we need to find a good spot for the via
3588        * now. It's logical to place it close to the source box which
3589        * is where we're utlimately headed on this path. However, it
3590        * must reside in the plane as well as the via area too.
3591        */
3592       nextpoint.X = CENTER_X (path->sbox);
3593       nextpoint.Y = CENTER_Y (path->sbox);
3594       if (path->parent.expansion_area->flags.is_via)
3595 	{
3596 	  TargetPoint (&nextpoint, rb_source (path));
3597 	  /* nextpoint is the middle of the source terminal now */
3598 	  b = clip_box (&path->sbox, &path->parent.expansion_area->sbox);
3599 	  nextpoint = closest_point_in_box (&nextpoint, &b);
3600 	  /* now it's in the via and plane near the source */
3601 	}
3602       else			/* no via coming, target must have been a pin */
3603 	{
3604 	  assert (target->type == PIN);
3605 	  TargetPoint (&nextpoint, target);
3606 	}
3607       assert (point_in_box (&path->sbox, nextpoint.X, nextpoint.Y));
3608       RD_DrawThermal (rd, nextpoint.X, nextpoint.Y, path->group,
3609 		      path->layer, subnet, is_bad);
3610     }
3611   else
3612     {
3613       /* start from best place of target box */
3614       lastpoint.X = CENTER_X (target->sbox);
3615       lastpoint.Y = CENTER_Y (target->sbox);
3616       TargetPoint (&lastpoint, target);
3617       if (AutoRouteParameters.last_smooth
3618 	  && box_in_box (&path->sbox, &target->sbox))
3619 	path = path->parent.expansion_area;
3620       b = path->sbox;
3621       if (path->flags.circular)
3622 	b = shrink_box (&b, MIN (b.X2 - b.X1, b.Y2 - b.Y1) / 5);
3623       nextpoint = closest_point_in_box (&lastpoint, &b);
3624       if (AutoRouteParameters.last_smooth)
3625 	RD_DrawLine (rd, lastpoint.X, lastpoint.Y, nextpoint.X, nextpoint.Y,
3626 		     halfwidth, path->group, subnet, is_bad, TRUE);
3627       else
3628 	last_x = RD_DrawManhattanLine (rd, &target->sbox, &path->sbox,
3629 				       lastpoint, nextpoint, halfwidth,
3630 				       path->group, subnet, is_bad, last_x);
3631     }
3632 #if defined(ROUTE_DEBUG) && defined(DEBUG_SHOW_ROUTE_BOXES)
3633   showroutebox (path);
3634 #if defined(ROUTE_VERBOSE)
3635   pcb_printf ("TRACEPOINT start %#mD\n", nextpoint.X, nextpoint.Y);
3636 #endif
3637 #endif
3639   do
3640     {
3641       lastpoint = nextpoint;
3642       lastpath = path;
3643       assert (path->type == EXPANSION_AREA);
3644       path = path->parent.expansion_area;
3645       b = path->sbox;
3646       if (path->flags.circular)
3647 	b = shrink_box (&b, MIN (b.X2 - b.X1, b.Y2 - b.Y1) / 5);
3648       assert (b.X1 != b.X2 && b.Y1 != b.Y2);	/* need someplace to put line! */
3649       /* find point on path perimeter closest to last point */
3650       /* if source terminal, try to hit a good place */
3651       nextpoint = closest_point_in_box (&lastpoint, &b);
3652 #if 0
3653       /* leave more clearance if this is a smoothing pass */
3654       if (AutoRouteParameters.is_smoothing &&
3655 	  (nextpoint.X != lastpoint.X || nextpoint.Y != lastpoint.Y))
3656 	add_clearance (&nextpoint, &b);
3657 #endif
3658       if (path->flags.source && path->type != PLANE)
3659 	TargetPoint (&nextpoint, path);
3660       assert (point_in_box (&lastpath->box, lastpoint.X, lastpoint.Y));
3661       assert (point_in_box (&path->box, nextpoint.X, nextpoint.Y));
3662 #if defined(ROUTE_DEBUG_VERBOSE)
3663       printf ("TRACEPATH: ");
3664       DumpRouteBox (path);
3665       pcb_printf ("TRACEPATH: point %#mD to point %#mD layer %d\n",
3666 	      lastpoint.X, lastpoint.Y, nextpoint.X, nextpoint.Y,
3667 	      path->group);
3668 #endif
3670       /* draw orthogonal lines from lastpoint to nextpoint */
3671       /* knee is placed in lastpath box */
3672       /* should never cause line to leave union of lastpath/path boxes */
3673       if (AutoRouteParameters.last_smooth)
3674 	RD_DrawLine (rd, lastpoint.X, lastpoint.Y, nextpoint.X, nextpoint.Y,
3675 		     halfwidth, path->group, subnet, is_bad, TRUE);
3676       else
3677 	last_x = RD_DrawManhattanLine (rd, &lastpath->sbox, &path->sbox,
3678 				       lastpoint, nextpoint, halfwidth,
3679 				       path->group, subnet, is_bad, last_x);
3680       if (path->flags.is_via)
3681 	{			/* if via, then add via */
3682 #ifdef ROUTE_VERBOSE
3683 	  printf (" (vias)");
3684 #endif
3685 	  assert (point_in_box (&path->box, nextpoint.X, nextpoint.Y));
3686 	  RD_DrawVia (rd, nextpoint.X, nextpoint.Y, radius, subnet, is_bad);
3687 	}
3689       assert (lastpath->flags.is_via || path->group == lastpath->group);
3691 #if defined(ROUTE_DEBUG) && defined(DEBUG_SHOW_ROUTE_BOXES)
3692       showroutebox (path);
3694       /* if this is connected to a plane, draw the thermal */
3695       if (path->flags.is_thermal || path->type == PLANE)
3696 	RD_DrawThermal (rd, lastpoint.X, lastpoint.Y, path->group,
3697 			path->layer, subnet, is_bad);
3698       /* when one hop from the source, make an extra path in *this* box */
3699       if (path->type == EXPANSION_AREA
3700 	  && path->parent.expansion_area->flags.source
3701 	  && path->parent.expansion_area->type != PLANE)
3702 	{
3703 	  /* find special point on source (if it exists) */
3704 	  if (TargetPoint (&lastpoint, path->parent.expansion_area))
3705 	    {
3706 	      lastpoint = closest_point_in_routebox (&lastpoint, path);
3707 	      b = shrink_routebox (path);
3708 #if 0
3709 	      if (AutoRouteParameters.is_smoothing)
3710 		add_clearance (&lastpoint, &b);
3711 #else
3712 	      if (AutoRouteParameters.last_smooth)
3713 		RD_DrawLine (rd, lastpoint.X, lastpoint.Y, nextpoint.X,
3714 			     nextpoint.Y, halfwidth, path->group, subnet,
3715 			     is_bad, TRUE);
3716 	      else
3717 #endif
3718 		last_x = RD_DrawManhattanLine (rd, &b, &b,
3719 					       nextpoint, lastpoint,
3720 					       halfwidth, path->group, subnet,
3721 					       is_bad, last_x);
3722 #if defined(ROUTE_DEBUG_VERBOSE)
3723 	      printf ("TRACEPATH: ");
3724 	      DumpRouteBox (path);
3725 	      pcb_printf
3726 		("TRACEPATH: (to source) point %#mD to point %#mD layer %d\n",
3727 		 nextpoint.X, nextpoint.Y, lastpoint.X, lastpoint.Y,
3728 		 path->group);
3729 #endif
3731 	      nextpoint = lastpoint;
3732 	    }
3733 	}
3734     }
3735   while (!path->flags.source);
3736   /* flush the line queue */
3737   RD_DrawLine (rd, -1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, NULL, false, false);
3740     Draw ();
3742 #ifdef ROUTE_DEBUG
3743   if (ddraw != NULL)
3744     gui->flush_debug_draw ();
3745 #endif
3746 }
3748 /*!
3749  * \brief Create a fake "edge" used to defer via site searching.
3750  */
3751 static void
CreateSearchEdge(struct routeone_state * s,vetting_t * work,edge_t * parent,routebox_t * rb,conflict_t conflict,rtree_t * targets,bool in_plane)3752 CreateSearchEdge (struct routeone_state *s, vetting_t * work, edge_t * parent,
3753 		  routebox_t * rb, conflict_t conflict, rtree_t * targets,
3754 		  bool in_plane)
3755 {
3756   routebox_t *target;
3757   BoxType b;
3758   cost_t cost;
3759   assert (__routebox_is_good (rb));
3760   /* find the cheapest target */
3761 #if 0
3762   target =
3763     mincost_target_to_point (&parent->cost_point, max_group + 1, targets,
3764 			     parent->mincost_target);
3765 #else
3766   target = parent->mincost_target;
3767 #endif
3768   b = shrink_routebox (target);
3769   cost =
3770     parent->cost_to_point + AutoRouteParameters.ViaCost +
3771     cost_to_layerless_box (&rb->cost_point, 0, &b);
3772   if (cost < s->best_cost)
3773     {
3774       edge_t *ne;
3775       ne = (edge_t *)malloc (sizeof (*ne));
3776       memset ((void *) ne, 0, sizeof (*ne));
3777       assert (ne);
3778       ne->flags.via_search = 1;
3779       ne->flags.in_plane = in_plane;
3780       ne->rb = rb;
3781       if (rb->flags.homeless)
3782 	RB_up_count (rb);
3783       ne->work = work;
3784       ne->mincost_target = target;
3785       ne->flags.via_conflict_level = conflict;
3786       ne->cost_to_point = parent->cost_to_point;
3787       ne->cost_point = parent->cost_point;
3788       ne->cost = cost;
3789       heap_insert (s->workheap, ne->cost, ne);
3790     }
3791   else
3792     {
3793       mtsFreeWork (&work);
3794     }
3795 }
3797 static void
add_or_destroy_edge(struct routeone_state * s,edge_t * e)3798 add_or_destroy_edge (struct routeone_state *s, edge_t * e)
3799 {
3800   e->cost = edge_cost (e, s->best_cost);
3801   assert (__edge_is_good (e));
3802   assert (is_layer_group_active[e->rb->group]);
3803   if (e->cost < s->best_cost)
3804     heap_insert (s->workheap, e->cost, e);
3805   else
3806     DestroyEdge (&e);
3807 }
3809 static void
best_path_candidate(struct routeone_state * s,edge_t * e,routebox_t * best_target)3810 best_path_candidate (struct routeone_state *s,
3811 		     edge_t * e, routebox_t * best_target)
3812 {
3813   e->cost = edge_cost (e, EXPENSIVE);
3814   if (s->best_path == NULL || e->cost < s->best_cost)
3815     {
3816 #if defined(ROUTE_DEBUG) && defined (ROUTE_VERBOSE)
3817       printf ("New best path seen! cost = %f\n", e->cost);
3818 #endif
3819       /* new best path! */
3820       if (s->best_path && s->best_path->flags.homeless)
3821 	RB_down_count (s->best_path);
3822       s->best_path = e->rb;
3823       s->best_target = best_target;
3824       s->best_cost = e->cost;
3825       assert (s->best_cost >= 0);
3826       /* don't free this when we destroy edge! */
3827       if (s->best_path->flags.homeless)
3828 	RB_up_count (s->best_path);
3829     }
3830 }
3833 /*!
3834  * \brief Vectors for via site candidates (see mtspace.h).
3835  */
3836 struct routeone_via_site_state
3837 {
3838   vector_t *free_space_vec;
3839   vector_t *lo_conflict_space_vec;
3840   vector_t *hi_conflict_space_vec;
3841 };
3843 void
add_via_sites(struct routeone_state * s,struct routeone_via_site_state * vss,mtspace_t * mtspace,routebox_t * within,conflict_t within_conflict_level,edge_t * parent_edge,rtree_t * targets,Coord shrink,bool in_plane)3844 add_via_sites (struct routeone_state *s,
3845 	       struct routeone_via_site_state *vss,
3846 	       mtspace_t * mtspace, routebox_t * within,
3847 	       conflict_t within_conflict_level, edge_t * parent_edge,
3848 	       rtree_t * targets, Coord shrink, bool in_plane)
3849 {
3850   Coord radius, keepaway;
3851   vetting_t *work;
3852   BoxType region = shrink_routebox (within);
3853   shrink_box (&region, shrink);
3855   radius = HALF_THICK (AutoRouteParameters.style->Diameter);
3856   keepaway = AutoRouteParameters.style->Keepaway;
3857   assert (AutoRouteParameters.use_vias);
3858   /* XXX: need to clip 'within' to shrunk_pcb_bounds, because when
3859      XXX: routing with conflicts may poke over edge. */
3861   /* ask for a via box near our cost_point first */
3862   work = mtspace_query_rect (mtspace, &region, radius, keepaway,
3863 			     NULL, vss->free_space_vec,
3864 			     vss->lo_conflict_space_vec,
3865 			     vss->hi_conflict_space_vec,
3866 			     AutoRouteParameters.is_odd,
3867 			     AutoRouteParameters.with_conflicts,
3868 			     &parent_edge->cost_point);
3869   if (!work)
3870     return;
3871   CreateSearchEdge (s, work, parent_edge, within, within_conflict_level,
3872 		    targets, in_plane);
3873 }
3875 void
do_via_search(edge_t * search,struct routeone_state * s,struct routeone_via_site_state * vss,mtspace_t * mtspace,rtree_t * targets)3876 do_via_search (edge_t * search, struct routeone_state *s,
3877 	       struct routeone_via_site_state *vss, mtspace_t * mtspace,
3878 	       rtree_t * targets)
3879 {
3880   int i, j, count = 0;
3881   Coord radius, keepaway;
3882   vetting_t *work;
3883   routebox_t *within;
3884   conflict_t within_conflict_level;
3886   radius = HALF_THICK (AutoRouteParameters.style->Diameter);
3887   keepaway = AutoRouteParameters.style->Keepaway;
3888   work = mtspace_query_rect (mtspace, NULL, 0, 0,
3889 			     search->work, vss->free_space_vec,
3890 			     vss->lo_conflict_space_vec,
3891 			     vss->hi_conflict_space_vec,
3892 			     AutoRouteParameters.is_odd,
3893 			     AutoRouteParameters.with_conflicts, NULL);
3894   within = search->rb;
3895   within_conflict_level = search->flags.via_conflict_level;
3896   for (i = 0; i < 3; i++)
3897     {
3898       vector_t *v =
3899 	(i == NO_CONFLICT ? vss->free_space_vec :
3900 	 i == LO_CONFLICT ? vss->lo_conflict_space_vec :
3901 	 i == HI_CONFLICT ? vss->hi_conflict_space_vec : NULL);
3902       assert (v);
3903       while (!vector_is_empty (v))
3904 	{
3905 	  BoxType cliparea;
3906 	  BoxType *area = (BoxType *)vector_remove_last (v);
3907 	  if (!(i == NO_CONFLICT || AutoRouteParameters.with_conflicts))
3908 	    {
3909 	      free (area);
3910 	      continue;
3911 	    }
3912 	  /* answers are bloated by radius + keepaway */
3913 	  cliparea = shrink_box (area, radius + keepaway);
3914 	  close_box (&cliparea);
3915 	  free (area);
3916 	  assert (box_is_good (&cliparea));
3917 	  count++;
3918 	  for (j = 0; j < max_group; j++)
3919 	    {
3920 	      edge_t *ne;
3921 	      if (j == within->group || !is_layer_group_active[j])
3922 		continue;
3923 	      ne = CreateViaEdge (&cliparea, j, within, search,
3924 				  within_conflict_level, (conflict_t)i, targets);
3925 	      add_or_destroy_edge (s, ne);
3926 	    }
3927 	}
3928     }
3929   /* prevent freeing of work when this edge is destroyed */
3930   search->flags.via_search = 0;
3931   if (!work)
3932     return;
3933   CreateSearchEdge (s, work, search, within, within_conflict_level, targets,
3934 		    search->flags.in_plane);
3935   assert (vector_is_empty (vss->free_space_vec));
3936   assert (vector_is_empty (vss->lo_conflict_space_vec));
3937   assert (vector_is_empty (vss->hi_conflict_space_vec));
3938 }
3940 /* vector of expansion areas to be eventually removed from r-tree
3941  * this is a global for troubleshooting
3942  */
3943 vector_t *area_vec;
3945 /* some routines for use in gdb while debugging */
3946 #if defined(ROUTE_DEBUG)
3947 static void
list_conflicts(routebox_t * rb)3948 list_conflicts (routebox_t * rb)
3949 {
3950   int i, n;
3951   if (!rb->conflicts_with)
3952     return;
3953   n = vector_size (rb->conflicts_with);
3954   for (i = 0; i < n; i++)
3955     printf ("%p, ", vector_element (rb->conflicts_with, i));
3956 }
3958 static void
show_area_vec(int lay)3959 show_area_vec (int lay)
3960 {
3961   int n, save;
3963   if (!area_vec)
3964     return;
3965   save = showboxen;
3966   showboxen = lay;
3967   for (n = 0; n < vector_size (area_vec); n++)
3968     {
3969       routebox_t *rb = (routebox_t *) vector_element (area_vec, n);
3970       showroutebox (rb);
3971     }
3972   showboxen = save;
3973 }
3975 static bool
net_id(routebox_t * rb,long int id)3976 net_id (routebox_t * rb, long int id)
3977 {
3978   routebox_t *p;
3979   LIST_LOOP (rb, same_net, p);
3980   if (p->flags.source && p->parent.pad->ID == id)
3981     return true;
3982   END_LOOP;
3983   return false;
3984 }
3986 static void
trace_parents(routebox_t * rb)3987 trace_parents (routebox_t * rb)
3988 {
3989   while (rb && rb->type == EXPANSION_AREA)
3990     {
3991       printf (" %p ->", rb);
3992       rb = rb->parent.expansion_area;
3993     }
3994   if (rb)
3995     printf (" %p is source\n", rb);
3996   else
3997     printf ("NULL!\n");
3998 }
4000 static void
show_one(routebox_t * rb)4001 show_one (routebox_t * rb)
4002 {
4003   int save = showboxen;
4004   showboxen = -1;
4005   showroutebox (rb);
4006   showboxen = save;
4007 }
4009 static void
show_path(routebox_t * rb)4010 show_path (routebox_t * rb)
4011 {
4012   while (rb && rb->type == EXPANSION_AREA)
4013     {
4014       show_one (rb);
4015       rb = rb->parent.expansion_area;
4016     }
4017   show_one (rb);
4018 }
4020 static void
show_sources(routebox_t * rb)4021 show_sources (routebox_t * rb)
4022 {
4023   routebox_t *p;
4024   if (!rb->flags.source && !rb->flags.target)
4025     {
4026       printf ("start with a source or target please\n");
4027       return;
4028     }
4029   LIST_LOOP (rb, same_net, p);
4030   if (p->flags.source)
4031     show_one (p);
4032   END_LOOP;
4033 }
4035 #endif
4037 static int
__conflict_source(const BoxType * box,void * cl)4038 __conflict_source (const BoxType * box, void *cl)
4039 {
4040   routebox_t *rb = (routebox_t *) box;
4041   if (rb->flags.touched || rb->flags.fixed)
4042     return 0;
4043   else
4044     {
4045       routebox_t *dis = (routebox_t *) cl;
4046       path_conflicts (dis, rb, false);
4047       touch_conflicts (dis->conflicts_with, 1);
4048     }
4049   return 1;
4050 }
4052 static void
source_conflicts(rtree_t * tree,routebox_t * rb)4053 source_conflicts (rtree_t * tree, routebox_t * rb)
4054 {
4055   if (!AutoRouteParameters.with_conflicts)
4056     return;
4057   r_search (tree, &rb->sbox, NULL, __conflict_source, rb);
4058   touch_conflicts (NULL, 1);
4059 }
4061 struct routeone_status
4062 {
4063   bool found_route;
4064   int route_had_conflicts;
4065   cost_t best_route_cost;
4066   bool net_completely_routed;
4067 };
4070 static struct routeone_status
RouteOne(routedata_t * rd,routebox_t * from,routebox_t * to,int max_edges)4071 RouteOne (routedata_t * rd, routebox_t * from, routebox_t * to, int max_edges)
4072 {
4073   struct routeone_status result;
4074   routebox_t *p;
4075   int seen, i;
4076   const BoxType **target_list;
4077   int num_targets;
4078   rtree_t *targets;
4079   /* vector of source edges for filtering */
4080   vector_t *source_vec;
4081   /* working vector */
4082   vector_t *edge_vec;
4084   struct routeone_state s;
4085   struct routeone_via_site_state vss;
4087   assert (rd && from);
4088   result.route_had_conflicts = 0;
4089   /* no targets on to/from net need keepaway areas */
4090   LIST_LOOP (from, same_net, p);
4091   p->flags.nobloat = 1;
4092   END_LOOP;
4093   /* set 'source' flags */
4094   LIST_LOOP (from, same_subnet, p);
4095   if (!p->flags.nonstraight)
4096     p->flags.source = 1;
4097   END_LOOP;
4099   /* count up the targets */
4100   num_targets = 0;
4101   seen = 0;
4102   /* remove source/target flags from non-straight obstacles, because they
4103    * don't fill their bounding boxes and so connecting to them
4104    * after we've routed is problematic.  Better solution? */
4105   if (to)
4106     {				/* if we're routing to a specific target */
4107       if (!to->flags.source)
4108 	{			/* not already connected */
4109 	  /* check that 'to' and 'from' are on the same net */
4110 	  seen = 0;
4111 #ifndef NDEBUG
4112 	  LIST_LOOP (from, same_net, p);
4113 	  if (p == to)
4114 	    seen = 1;
4115 	  END_LOOP;
4116 #endif
4117 	  assert (seen);	/* otherwise from and to are on different nets! */
4118 	  /* set target flags only on 'to's subnet */
4119 	  LIST_LOOP (to, same_subnet, p);
4120 	  if (!p->flags.nonstraight && is_layer_group_active[p->group])
4121 	    {
4122 	      p->flags.target = 1;
4123 	      num_targets++;
4124 	    }
4125 	  END_LOOP;
4126 	}
4127     }
4128   else
4129     {
4130       /* all nodes on the net but not connected to from are targets */
4131       LIST_LOOP (from, same_net, p);
4132       if (!p->flags.source && is_layer_group_active[p->group]
4133 	  && !p->flags.nonstraight)
4134 	{
4135 	  p->flags.target = 1;
4136 	  num_targets++;
4137 	}
4138       END_LOOP;
4139     }
4141   /* if no targets, then net is done!  reset flags and return. */
4142   if (num_targets == 0)
4143     {
4144       LIST_LOOP (from, same_net, p);
4145       p->flags.source = p->flags.target = p->flags.nobloat = 0;
4146       END_LOOP;
4147       result.found_route = false;
4148       result.net_completely_routed = true;
4149       result.best_route_cost = 0;
4150       result.route_had_conflicts = 0;
4152       return result;
4153     }
4154   result.net_completely_routed = false;
4156   /* okay, there's stuff to route */
4157   assert (!from->flags.target);
4158   assert (num_targets > 0);
4159   /* create list of target pointers and from that a r-tree of targets */
4160   target_list = (const BoxType **)malloc (num_targets * sizeof (*target_list));
4161   i = 0;
4162   LIST_LOOP (from, same_net, p);
4163   if (p->flags.target)
4164     {
4165       target_list[i++] = &p->box;
4166 #if defined(ROUTE_DEBUG) && defined(DEBUG_SHOW_TARGETS)
4167       showroutebox (p);
4168 #endif
4169     }
4170   END_LOOP;
4171   targets = r_create_tree ((const BoxType **)target_list, i, 0);
4172   assert (i <= num_targets);
4173   free (target_list);
4175   source_vec = vector_create ();
4176   /* touch the source subnet to prepare check for conflictors */
4177   LIST_LOOP (from, same_subnet, p);
4178   p->flags.touched = 1;
4179   END_LOOP;
4180   LIST_LOOP (from, same_subnet, p);
4181   {
4182     /* we need the test for 'source' because this box may be nonstraight */
4183     if (p->flags.source && is_layer_group_active[p->group])
4184       {
4185 	CheapPointType cp;
4186 	edge_t *e;
4187 	BoxType b = shrink_routebox (p);
4189 #if defined(ROUTE_DEBUG) && defined(DEBUG_SHOW_SOURCES)
4190 	showroutebox (p);
4191 #endif
4192 	/* may expand in all directions from source; center edge cost point. */
4193 	/* note that planes shouldn't really expand, but we need an edge */
4195 	cp.X = CENTER_X (b);
4196 	cp.Y = CENTER_Y (b);
4197 	e = CreateEdge (p, cp.X, cp.Y, 0, NULL, ALL, targets);
4198 	cp = closest_point_in_box (&cp, &e->mincost_target->sbox);
4199 	cp = closest_point_in_box (&cp, &b);
4200 	e->cost_point = cp;
4201 	p->cost_point = cp;
4202 	source_conflicts (rd->layergrouptree[p->group], p);
4203 	vector_append (source_vec, e);
4204       }
4205   }
4206   END_LOOP;
4207   LIST_LOOP (from, same_subnet, p);
4208   p->flags.touched = 0;
4209   END_LOOP;
4210   /* break source edges; some edges may be too near obstacles to be able
4211    * to exit from. */
4213   /* okay, main expansion-search routing loop. */
4214   /* set up the initial activity heap */
4215   s.workheap = heap_create ();
4216   assert (s.workheap);
4217   while (!vector_is_empty (source_vec))
4218     {
4219       edge_t *e = (edge_t *)vector_remove_last (source_vec);
4220       assert (is_layer_group_active[e->rb->group]);
4221       e->cost = edge_cost (e, EXPENSIVE);
4222       heap_insert (s.workheap, e->cost, e);
4223     }
4224   vector_destroy (&source_vec);
4225   /* okay, process items from heap until it is empty! */
4226   s.best_path = NULL;
4227   s.best_cost = EXPENSIVE;
4228   area_vec = vector_create ();
4229   edge_vec = vector_create ();
4230   vss.free_space_vec = vector_create ();
4231   vss.lo_conflict_space_vec = vector_create ();
4232   vss.hi_conflict_space_vec = vector_create ();
4233   while (!heap_is_empty (s.workheap))
4234     {
4235       edge_t *e = (edge_t *)heap_remove_smallest (s.workheap);
4236 #ifdef ROUTE_DEBUG
4237       if (aabort)
4238 	goto dontexpand;
4239 #endif
4240       /* don't bother expanding this edge if the minimum possible edge cost
4241        * is already larger than the best edge cost we've found. */
4242       if (s.best_path && e->cost >= s.best_cost)
4243 	{
4244 	  heap_free (s.workheap, KillEdge);
4245 	  goto dontexpand;	/* skip this edge */
4246 	}
4247       /* surprisingly it helps to give up and not try too hard to find
4248        * a route! This is not only faster, but results in better routing.
4249        * who would have guessed?
4250        */
4251       if (seen++ > max_edges)
4252 	goto dontexpand;
4253       assert (__edge_is_good (e));
4254       /* mark or unmark conflictors as needed */
4255       touch_conflicts (e->rb->conflicts_with, 1);
4256       if (e->flags.via_search)
4257 	{
4258 	  do_via_search (e, &s, &vss, rd->mtspace, targets);
4259 	  goto dontexpand;
4260 	}
4261       /* we should never add edges on inactive layer groups to the heap. */
4262       assert (is_layer_group_active[e->rb->group]);
4263 #if defined(ROUTE_DEBUG) && defined(DEBUG_SHOW_EXPANSION_BOXES)
4264       //showedge (e);
4265 #endif
4266       if (e->rb->flags.is_thermal)
4267 	{
4268 	  best_path_candidate (&s, e, e->mincost_target);
4269 	  goto dontexpand;
4270 	}
4271       /* for a plane, look for quick connections with thermals or vias */
4272       if (e->rb->type == PLANE)
4273 	{
4274 	  routebox_t *pin = FindThermable (targets, e->rb);
4275 	  if (pin)
4276 	    {
4277 	      BoxType b = shrink_routebox (pin);
4278 	      edge_t *ne;
4279 	      routebox_t *nrb;
4280 	      assert (pin->flags.target);
4281 	      nrb = CreateExpansionArea (&b, e->rb->group, e->rb, true, e);
4282 	      nrb->flags.is_thermal = 1;
4283 	      /* moving through the plane is free */
4284 	      e->cost_point.X = b.X1;
4285 	      e->cost_point.Y = b.Y1;
4286 	      ne = CreateEdge2 (nrb, e->expand_dir, e, NULL, pin);
4287 	      best_path_candidate (&s, ne, pin);
4288 	      DestroyEdge (&ne);
4289 	    }
4290 	  else
4291 	    {
4292 	      /* add in possible via sites in plane */
4293 	      if (AutoRouteParameters.use_vias &&
4294 		  e->cost + AutoRouteParameters.ViaCost < s.best_cost)
4295 		{
4296 		  /* we need a giant thermal */
4297 		  routebox_t *nrb =
4298 		    CreateExpansionArea (&e->rb->sbox, e->rb->group, e->rb,
4299 					 true, e);
4300 		  edge_t *ne = CreateEdge2 (nrb, e->expand_dir, e, NULL,
4301 					    e->mincost_target);
4302 		  nrb->flags.is_thermal = 1;
4303 		  add_via_sites (&s, &vss, rd->mtspace, nrb, NO_CONFLICT, ne,
4304 				 targets, e->rb->style->Diameter, true);
4305 		}
4306 	    }
4307 	  goto dontexpand;	/* planes only connect via thermals */
4308 	}
4309       if (e->flags.is_via)
4310 	{			/* special case via */
4311 	  routebox_t *intersecting;
4312 	  assert (AutoRouteParameters.use_vias);
4313 	  assert (e->expand_dir == ALL);
4314 	  assert (vector_is_empty (edge_vec));
4315 	  /* if there is already something here on this layer (like an
4316 	   * EXPANSION_AREA), then we don't want to expand from here
4317 	   * at least not inside the expansion area. A PLANE on the
4318 	   * other hand may be a target, or not.
4319 	   */
4320 	  intersecting =
4321 	    FindOneInBox (rd->layergrouptree[e->rb->group], e->rb);
4323 	  if (intersecting && intersecting->flags.target
4324 	      && intersecting->type == PLANE)
4325 	    {
4326 	      /* we have hit a plane */
4327 	      edge_t *ne;
4328 	      routebox_t *nrb;
4329 	      BoxType b = shrink_routebox (e->rb);
4330 	      /* limit via region to that inside the plane */
4331 	      clip_box (&b, &intersecting->sbox);
4332 	      nrb = CreateExpansionArea (&b, e->rb->group, e->rb, true, e);
4333 	      nrb->flags.is_thermal = 1;
4334 	      ne = CreateEdge2 (nrb, e->expand_dir, e, NULL, intersecting);
4335 	      best_path_candidate (&s, ne, intersecting);
4336 	      DestroyEdge (&ne);
4337 	      goto dontexpand;
4338 	    }
4339 	  else if (intersecting == NULL)
4340 	    {
4341 	      /* this via candidate is in an open area; add it to r-tree as
4342 	       * an expansion area */
4343 	      assert (e->rb->type == EXPANSION_AREA && e->rb->flags.is_via);
4344 	      /*assert (!r_search (rd->layergrouptree[e->rb->group],
4345 	         &e->rb->box, NULL, no_planes,0));
4346 	       */
4347 	      r_insert_entry (rd->layergrouptree[e->rb->group], &e->rb->box,
4348 			      1);
4349 	      e->rb->flags.homeless = 0;	/* not homeless any more */
4350 	      /* add to vector of all expansion areas in r-tree */
4351 	      vector_append (area_vec, e->rb);
4352 	      /* mark reset refcount to 0, since this is not homeless any more. */
4353 	      e->rb->refcount = 0;
4354 	      /* go ahead and expand this edge! */
4355 	    }
4356 	  else if (1)
4357 	    goto dontexpand;
4358 	  else if (0)
4359 	    {			/* XXX: disabling this causes no via
4360 				   collisions. */
4361 	      BoxType a = bloat_routebox (intersecting), b;
4362 	      edge_t *ne;
4363 	      int i, j;
4364 	      /* something intersects this via candidate.  split via candidate
4365 	       * into pieces and add these pieces to the workheap. */
4366 	      for (i = 0; i < 3; i++)
4367 		{
4368 		  for (j = 0; j < 3; j++)
4369 		    {
4370 		      b = shrink_routebox (e->rb);
4371 		      switch (i)
4372 			{
4373 			case 0:
4374 			  b.X2 = MIN (b.X2, a.X1);
4375 			  break;	/* left */
4376 			case 1:
4377 			  b.X1 = MAX (b.X1, a.X1);
4378 			  b.X2 = MIN (b.X2, a.X2);
4379 			  break;	/*c */
4380 			case 2:
4381 			  b.X1 = MAX (b.X1, a.X2);
4382 			  break;	/* right */
4383 			default:
4384 			  assert (0);
4385 			}
4386 		      switch (j)
4387 			{
4388 			case 0:
4389 			  b.Y2 = MIN (b.Y2, a.Y1);
4390 			  break;	/* top */
4391 			case 1:
4392 			  b.Y1 = MAX (b.Y1, a.Y1);
4393 			  b.Y2 = MIN (b.Y2, a.Y2);
4394 			  break;	/*c */
4395 			case 2:
4396 			  b.Y1 = MAX (b.Y1, a.Y2);
4397 			  break;	/* bottom */
4398 			default:
4399 			  assert (0);
4400 			}
4401 		      /* skip if this box is not valid */
4402 		      if (!(b.X1 < b.X2 && b.Y1 < b.Y2))
4403 			continue;
4404 		      if (i == 1 && j == 1)
4405 			{
4406 			  /* this bit of the via space is obstructed. */
4407 			  if (intersecting->type == EXPANSION_AREA
4408 			      || intersecting->flags.fixed)
4409 			    continue;	/* skip this bit, it's already been done. */
4410 			  /* create an edge with conflicts, if enabled */
4411 			  if (!AutoRouteParameters.with_conflicts)
4412 			    continue;
4413 			  ne = CreateEdgeWithConflicts (&b, intersecting, e, 1
4414 							/*cost penalty to box */
4415 							, targets);
4416 			  add_or_destroy_edge (&s, ne);
4417 			}
4418 		      else
4419 			{
4420 			  /* if this is not the intersecting piece, create a new
4421 			   * (hopefully unobstructed) via edge and add it back to the
4422 			   * workheap. */
4423 			  ne =
4424 			    CreateViaEdge (&b, e->rb->group,
4425 					   e->rb->parent.expansion_area, e,
4426 					   e->flags.via_conflict_level,
4427 					   NO_CONFLICT
4428 					   /* value here doesn't matter */
4429 					   , targets);
4430 			  add_or_destroy_edge (&s, ne);
4431 			}
4432 		    }
4433 		}
4434 	      goto dontexpand;
4435 	    }
4436 	  /* between the time these edges are inserted and the
4437 	   * time they are processed, new expansion boxes (which
4438 	   * conflict with these edges) may be added to the graph!
4439 	   * w.o vias this isn't a problem because the broken box
4440 	   * is not homeless. */
4441 	}
4442       if (1)
4443 	{
4444 	  routebox_t *nrb;
4445 	  struct E_result *ans;
4446 	  BoxType b;
4447 	  vector_t *broken;
4448 	  if (e->flags.is_interior)
4449 	    {
4450 	      assert (AutoRouteParameters.with_conflicts);	/* no interior edges unless
4451 								   routing with conflicts! */
4452 	      assert (e->rb->conflicts_with);
4453 	      b = e->rb->sbox;
4454 	      switch (e->rb->came_from)
4455 		{
4456 		case NORTH:
4457 		  b.Y2 = b.Y1 + 1;
4458 		  b.X1 = CENTER_X (b);
4459 		  b.X2 = b.X1 + 1;
4460 		  break;
4461 		case EAST:
4462 		  b.X1 = b.X2 - 1;
4463 		  b.Y1 = CENTER_Y (b);
4464 		  b.Y2 = b.Y1 + 1;
4465 		  break;
4466 		case SOUTH:
4467 		  b.Y1 = b.Y2 - 1;
4468 		  b.X1 = CENTER_X (b);
4469 		  b.X2 = b.X1 + 1;
4470 		  break;
4471 		case WEST:
4472 		  b.X2 = b.X1 + 1;
4473 		  b.Y1 = CENTER_Y (b);
4474 		  b.Y2 = b.Y1 + 1;
4475 		  break;
4476 		default:
4477 		  assert (0);
4478 		}
4479 	    }
4480 	  /* sources may not expand to their own edges because of
4481 	   * adjacent blockers.
4482 	   */
4483 	  else if (e->rb->flags.source)
4484 	    b = box_center (&e->rb->sbox);
4485 	  else
4486 	    b = e->rb->sbox;
4487 	  ans = Expand (rd->layergrouptree[e->rb->group], e, &b);
4488 	  if (!box_intersect (&ans->inflated, &ans->orig))
4489 	    goto dontexpand;
4490 #if 0
4491 	  /* skip if it didn't actually expand */
4492 	  if (ans->inflated.X1 >= e->rb->sbox.X1 &&
4493 	      ans->inflated.X2 <= e->rb->sbox.X2 &&
4494 	      ans->inflated.Y1 >= e->rb->sbox.Y1 &&
4495 	      ans->inflated.Y2 <= e->rb->sbox.Y2)
4496 	    goto dontexpand;
4497 #endif
4499 	  if (!box_is_good (&ans->inflated))
4500 	    goto dontexpand;
4501 	  nrb = CreateExpansionArea (&ans->inflated, e->rb->group, e->rb,
4502 				     true, e);
4503 	  r_insert_entry (rd->layergrouptree[nrb->group], &nrb->box, 1);
4504 	  vector_append (area_vec, nrb);
4505 	  nrb->flags.homeless = 0;	/* not homeless any more */
4506 	  broken =
4507 	    BreakManyEdges (&s, targets, rd->layergrouptree[nrb->group],
4508 			    area_vec, ans, nrb, e);
4509 	  while (!vector_is_empty (broken))
4510 	    {
4511 	      edge_t *ne = (edge_t *)vector_remove_last (broken);
4512 	      add_or_destroy_edge (&s, ne);
4513 	    }
4514 	  vector_destroy (&broken);
4516 	  /* add in possible via sites in nrb */
4517 	  if (AutoRouteParameters.use_vias && !e->rb->flags.is_via &&
4518 	      e->cost + AutoRouteParameters.ViaCost < s.best_cost)
4519 	    add_via_sites (&s, &vss,
4520 			   rd->mtspace, nrb, NO_CONFLICT, e, targets, 0,
4521 			   false);
4522 	  goto dontexpand;
4523 	}
4524     dontexpand:
4525       DestroyEdge (&e);
4526     }
4527   touch_conflicts (NULL, 1);
4528   heap_destroy (&s.workheap);
4529   r_destroy_tree (&targets);
4530   assert (vector_is_empty (edge_vec));
4531   vector_destroy (&edge_vec);
4533   /* we should have a path in best_path now */
4534   if (s.best_path)
4535     {
4536       routebox_t *rb;
4537 #ifdef ROUTE_VERBOSE
4538       printf ("%d:%d RC %.0f", ro++, seen, s.best_cost);
4539 #endif
4540       result.found_route = true;
4541       result.best_route_cost = s.best_cost;
4542       /* determine if the best path had conflicts */
4543       result.route_had_conflicts = 0;
4544       if (AutoRouteParameters.with_conflicts && s.best_path->conflicts_with)
4545 	{
4546 	  while (!vector_is_empty (s.best_path->conflicts_with))
4547 	    {
4548 	      rb = (routebox_t *)vector_remove_last (s.best_path->conflicts_with);
4549 	      rb->flags.is_bad = 1;
4550 	      result.route_had_conflicts++;
4551 	    }
4552 	}
4553 #ifdef ROUTE_VERBOSE
4554       if (result.route_had_conflicts)
4555 	printf (" (%d conflicts)", result.route_had_conflicts);
4556 #endif
4557       if (result.route_had_conflicts < AutoRouteParameters.hi_conflict)
4558 	{
4559 	  /* back-trace the path and add lines/vias to r-tree */
4560 	  TracePath (rd, s.best_path, s.best_target, from,
4561 		     result.route_had_conflicts);
4562 	  MergeNets (from, s.best_target, SUBNET);
4563 	}
4564       else
4565 	{
4566 #ifdef ROUTE_VERBOSE
4567 	  printf (" (too many in fact)");
4568 #endif
4569 	  result.found_route = false;
4570 	}
4571 #ifdef ROUTE_VERBOSE
4572       printf ("\n");
4573 #endif
4574     }
4575   else
4576     {
4577 #ifdef ROUTE_VERBOSE
4578       printf ("%d:%d NO PATH FOUND.\n", ro++, seen);
4579 #endif
4580       result.best_route_cost = s.best_cost;
4581       result.found_route = false;
4582     }
4583   /* now remove all expansion areas from the r-tree. */
4584   while (!vector_is_empty (area_vec))
4585     {
4586       routebox_t *rb = (routebox_t *)vector_remove_last (area_vec);
4587       assert (!rb->flags.homeless);
4588       if (rb->conflicts_with
4589 	  && rb->parent.expansion_area->conflicts_with != rb->conflicts_with)
4590 	vector_destroy (&rb->conflicts_with);
4591       r_delete_entry (rd->layergrouptree[rb->group], &rb->box);
4592     }
4593   vector_destroy (&area_vec);
4594   /* clean up; remove all 'source', 'target', and 'nobloat' flags */
4595   LIST_LOOP (from, same_net, p);
4596   if (p->flags.source && p->conflicts_with)
4597     vector_destroy (&p->conflicts_with);
4598   p->flags.touched = p->flags.source = p->flags.target = p->flags.nobloat = 0;
4599   END_LOOP;
4601   vector_destroy (&vss.free_space_vec);
4602   vector_destroy (&vss.lo_conflict_space_vec);
4603   vector_destroy (&vss.hi_conflict_space_vec);
4605   return result;
4606 }
4608 static void
InitAutoRouteParameters(int pass,RouteStyleType * style,bool with_conflicts,bool is_smoothing,bool lastpass)4609 InitAutoRouteParameters (int pass,
4610 			 RouteStyleType * style,
4611 			 bool with_conflicts, bool is_smoothing,
4612 			 bool lastpass)
4613 {
4614   int i;
4615   /* routing style */
4616   AutoRouteParameters.style = style;
4617   AutoRouteParameters.bloat = style->Keepaway + HALF_THICK (style->Thick);
4618   /* costs */
4619   AutoRouteParameters.ViaCost =
4620     INCH_TO_COORD (3.5) + style->Diameter * (is_smoothing ? 80 : 30);
4621   AutoRouteParameters.LastConflictPenalty =
4622     (400 * pass / passes + 2) / (pass + 1);
4623   AutoRouteParameters.ConflictPenalty =
4624     4 * AutoRouteParameters.LastConflictPenalty;
4625   AutoRouteParameters.JogPenalty = 1000 * (is_smoothing ? 20 : 4);
4626   AutoRouteParameters.CongestionPenalty = 1e6;
4627   AutoRouteParameters.MinPenalty = EXPENSIVE;
4628   for (i = 0; i < max_group; i++)
4629     {
4630       if (is_layer_group_active[i])
4631 	{
4632 	  AutoRouteParameters.MinPenalty = MIN (x_cost[i],
4633 						AutoRouteParameters.
4634 						MinPenalty);
4635 	  AutoRouteParameters.MinPenalty =
4636 	    MIN (y_cost[i], AutoRouteParameters.MinPenalty);
4637 	}
4638     }
4639   AutoRouteParameters.NewLayerPenalty = is_smoothing ?
4640     0.5 * EXPENSIVE : 10 * AutoRouteParameters.ViaCost;
4641   /* other */
4642   AutoRouteParameters.hi_conflict = MAX (8 * (passes - pass + 1), 6);
4643   AutoRouteParameters.is_odd = (pass & 1);
4644   AutoRouteParameters.with_conflicts = with_conflicts;
4645   AutoRouteParameters.is_smoothing = is_smoothing;
4646   AutoRouteParameters.rip_always = is_smoothing;
4647   AutoRouteParameters.last_smooth = 0;	//lastpass;
4648   AutoRouteParameters.pass = pass + 1;
4649 }
4651 #ifndef NDEBUG
4652 int
bad_boy(const BoxType * b,void * cl)4653 bad_boy (const BoxType * b, void *cl)
4654 {
4655   routebox_t *box = (routebox_t *) b;
4656   if (box->type == EXPANSION_AREA)
4657     return 1;
4658   return 0;
4659 }
4661 bool
no_expansion_boxes(routedata_t * rd)4662 no_expansion_boxes (routedata_t * rd)
4663 {
4664   int i;
4665   BoxType big;
4666   big.X1 = 0;
4667   big.X2 = MAX_COORD;
4668   big.Y1 = 0;
4669   big.Y2 = MAX_COORD;
4670   for (i = 0; i < max_group; i++)
4671     {
4672       if (r_search (rd->layergrouptree[i], &big, NULL, bad_boy, NULL))
4673 	return false;
4674     }
4675   return true;
4676 }
4677 #endif
4679 static void
ripout_livedraw_obj(routebox_t * rb)4680 ripout_livedraw_obj (routebox_t *rb)
4681 {
4682   if (rb->type == LINE && rb->livedraw_obj.line)
4683     {
4684       LayerType *layer = LAYER_PTR (PCB->LayerGroups.Entries[rb->group][0]);
4685       EraseLine (rb->livedraw_obj.line);
4686       DestroyObject (PCB->Data, LINE_TYPE, layer, rb->livedraw_obj.line, NULL);
4687       rb->livedraw_obj.line = NULL;
4688     }
4689   if (rb->type == VIA && rb->livedraw_obj.via)
4690     {
4691       EraseVia (rb->livedraw_obj.via);
4692       DestroyObject (PCB->Data, VIA_TYPE, rb->livedraw_obj.via, NULL, NULL);
4693       rb->livedraw_obj.via = NULL;
4694     }
4695 }
4697 static int
ripout_livedraw_obj_cb(const BoxType * b,void * cl)4698 ripout_livedraw_obj_cb (const BoxType * b, void *cl)
4699 {
4700   routebox_t *box = (routebox_t *) b;
4701   ripout_livedraw_obj (box);
4702   return 0;
4703 }
4705 struct routeall_status
4706 {
4707   /* --- for completion rate statistics ---- */
4708   int total_subnets;
4709   /* total subnets routed without conflicts */
4710   int routed_subnets;
4711   /* total subnets routed with conflicts */
4712   int conflict_subnets;
4713   /* net failted entirely */
4714   int failed;
4715   /* net was ripped */
4716   int ripped;
4717   int total_nets_routed;
4718 };
4720 static double
calculate_progress(double this_heap_item,double this_heap_size,struct routeall_status * ras)4721 calculate_progress (double this_heap_item, double this_heap_size,
4722                     struct routeall_status *ras)
4723 {
4724   double total_passes = passes + smoothes + 1;      /* + 1 is the refinement pass */
4725   double this_pass = AutoRouteParameters.pass - 1; /* Number passes from zero */
4726   double heap_fraction = (double)(ras->routed_subnets + ras->conflict_subnets + ras->failed) /
4727                          (double)ras->total_subnets;
4728   double pass_fraction = (this_heap_item + heap_fraction ) / this_heap_size;
4729   double process_fraction = (this_pass + pass_fraction) / total_passes;
4731   return process_fraction;
4732 }
4734 struct routeall_status
RouteAll(routedata_t * rd)4735 RouteAll (routedata_t * rd)
4736 {
4737   struct routeall_status ras;
4738   struct routeone_status ros;
4739   bool rip;
4740   int request_cancel;
4741 #ifdef NET_HEAP
4742   heap_t *net_heap;
4743 #endif
4744   heap_t *this_pass, *next_pass, *tmp;
4745   routebox_t *net, *p, *pp;
4746   cost_t total_net_cost, last_cost = 0, this_cost = 0;
4747   int i;
4748   int this_heap_size;
4749   int this_heap_item;
4751   /* initialize heap for first pass;
4752    * do smallest area first; that makes
4753    * the subsequent costs more representative */
4754   this_pass = heap_create ();
4755   next_pass = heap_create ();
4756 #ifdef NET_HEAP
4757   net_heap = heap_create ();
4758 #endif
4759   LIST_LOOP (rd->first_net, different_net, net);
4760   {
4761     double area;
4762     BoxType bb = shrink_routebox (net);
4763     LIST_LOOP (net, same_net, p);
4764     {
4765       MAKEMIN (bb.X1, p->sbox.X1);
4766       MAKEMIN (bb.Y1, p->sbox.Y1);
4767       MAKEMAX (bb.X2, p->sbox.X2);
4768       MAKEMAX (bb.Y2, p->sbox.Y2);
4769     }
4770     END_LOOP;
4771     area = (double) (bb.X2 - bb.X1) * (bb.Y2 - bb.Y1);
4772     heap_insert (this_pass, area, net);
4773   }
4774   END_LOOP;
4776   ras.total_nets_routed = 0;
4777   /* refinement/finishing passes */
4778   for (i = 0; i <= passes + smoothes; i++)
4779     {
4780 #ifdef ROUTE_VERBOSE
4781       if (i > 0 && i <= passes)
4782 	printf ("--------- STARTING REFINEMENT PASS %d ------------\n", i);
4783       else if (i > passes)
4784 	printf ("--------- STARTING SMOOTHING PASS %d -------------\n",
4785 		i - passes);
4786 #endif
4787       ras.total_subnets = ras.routed_subnets = ras.conflict_subnets =
4788 	ras.failed = ras.ripped = 0;
4789       assert (heap_is_empty (next_pass));
4791       this_heap_size = heap_size (this_pass);
4792       for (this_heap_item = 0; !heap_is_empty (this_pass); this_heap_item++)
4793 	{
4794 #ifdef ROUTE_DEBUG
4795 	  if (aabort)
4796 	    break;
4797 #endif
4798 	  net = (routebox_t *) heap_remove_smallest (this_pass);
4799 	  InitAutoRouteParameters (i, net->style, i < passes, i > passes,
4800 				   i == passes + smoothes);
4801 	  if (i > 0)
4802 	    {
4803 	      /* rip up all unfixed traces in this net ? */
4804 	      if (AutoRouteParameters.rip_always)
4805 		rip = true;
4806 	      else
4807 		{
4808 		  rip = false;
4809 		  LIST_LOOP (net, same_net, p);
4810 		  if (p->flags.is_bad)
4811 		    {
4812 		      rip = true;
4813 		      break;
4814 		    }
4815 		  END_LOOP;
4816 		}
4818 	      LIST_LOOP (net, same_net, p);
4819 	      p->flags.is_bad = 0;
4820 	      if (!p->flags.fixed)
4821 		{
4822 #ifndef NDEBUG
4823 		  bool del;
4824 #endif
4825 		  assert (!p->flags.homeless);
4826 		  if (rip)
4827 		    {
4828 		      RemoveFromNet (p, NET);
4829 		      RemoveFromNet (p, SUBNET);
4830 		    }
4831 		  if (AutoRouteParameters.use_vias && p->type != VIA_SHADOW
4832 		      && p->type != PLANE)
4833 		    {
4834 		      mtspace_remove (rd->mtspace, &p->box,
4835 				      p->flags.is_odd ? ODD : EVEN,
4836 				      p->style->Keepaway);
4837 		      if (!rip)
4838 			mtspace_add (rd->mtspace, &p->box,
4839 				     p->flags.is_odd ? EVEN : ODD,
4840 				     p->style->Keepaway);
4841 		    }
4842 		  if (rip)
4843 		    {
4844 		      if (TEST_FLAG (LIVEROUTEFLAG, PCB))
4845 			ripout_livedraw_obj (p);
4846 #ifndef NDEBUG
4847 		      del =
4848 #endif
4849 			r_delete_entry (rd->layergrouptree[p->group],
4850 					&p->box);
4851 #ifndef NDEBUG
4852 		      assert (del);
4853 #endif
4854 		    }
4855 		  else
4856 		    {
4857 		      p->flags.is_odd = AutoRouteParameters.is_odd;
4858 		    }
4859 		}
4860 	      END_LOOP;
4862 		Draw ();
4863 	      /* reset to original connectivity */
4864 	      if (rip)
4865 		{
4866 		  ras.ripped++;
4867 		  ResetSubnet (net);
4868 		}
4869 	      else
4870 		{
4871 		  heap_insert (next_pass, 0, net);
4872 		  continue;
4873 		}
4874 	    }
4875 	  /* count number of subnets */
4876 	  FOREACH_SUBNET (net, p);
4877 	  ras.total_subnets++;
4878 	  END_FOREACH (net, p);
4879 	  /* the first subnet doesn't require routing. */
4880 	  ras.total_subnets--;
4881 	  /* and re-route! */
4882 	  total_net_cost = 0;
4883 	  /* only route that which isn't fully routed */
4884 #ifdef ROUTE_DEBUG
4885 	  if (ras.total_subnets == 0 || aabort)
4886 #else
4887 	  if (ras.total_subnets == 0)
4888 #endif
4889 	    {
4890 	      heap_insert (next_pass, 0, net);
4891 	      continue;
4892 	    }
4894 	  /* the loop here ensures that we get to all subnets even if
4895 	   * some of them are unreachable from the first subnet. */
4896 	  LIST_LOOP (net, same_net, p);
4897 	  {
4898 #ifdef NET_HEAP
4899 	    BoxType b = shrink_routebox (p);
4900 	    /* using a heap allows us to start from smaller objects and
4901 	     * end at bigger ones. also prefer to start at planes, then pads */
4902 	    heap_insert (net_heap, (float) (b.X2 - b.X1) *
4903 #if defined(ROUTE_RANDOMIZED)
4904 			 (0.3 + rand () / (RAND_MAX + 1.0)) *
4905 #endif
4906 			 (b.Y2 - b.Y1) * (p->type == PLANE ?
4907 					  -1 : (p->type ==
4908 						PAD ? 1 : 10)), p);
4909 	  }
4910 	  END_LOOP;
4911 	  ros.net_completely_routed = 0;
4912 	  while (!heap_is_empty (net_heap))
4913 	    {
4914 	      p = (routebox_t *) heap_remove_smallest (net_heap);
4915 #endif
4916 	      if (!p->flags.fixed || p->flags.subnet_processed ||
4917 		  p->type == OTHER)
4918 		continue;
4920 	      while (!ros.net_completely_routed)
4921 		{
4922 		  double percent;
4924 		  assert (no_expansion_boxes (rd));
4925 		  /* FIX ME: the number of edges to examine should be in autoroute parameters
4926 		   * i.e. the 2000 and 800 hard-coded below should be controllable by the user
4927 		   */
4928 		  ros =
4929 		    RouteOne (rd, p, NULL,
4930 			      ((AutoRouteParameters.
4931 				is_smoothing ? 2000 : 800) * (i +
4932 							      1)) *
4933 			      routing_layers);
4934 		  total_net_cost += ros.best_route_cost;
4935 		  if (ros.found_route)
4936 		    {
4937 		      if (ros.route_had_conflicts)
4938 			ras.conflict_subnets++;
4939 		      else
4940 			{
4941 			  ras.routed_subnets++;
4942 			  ras.total_nets_routed++;
4943 			}
4944 		    }
4945 		  else
4946 		    {
4947 		      if (!ros.net_completely_routed)
4948 			ras.failed++;
4949 		      /* don't bother trying any other source in this subnet */
4950 		      LIST_LOOP (p, same_subnet, pp);
4951 		      pp->flags.subnet_processed = 1;
4952 		      END_LOOP;
4953 		      break;
4954 		    }
4955 		  /* note that we can infer nothing about ras.total_subnets based
4956 		   * on the number of calls to RouteOne, because we may be unable
4957 		   * to route a net from a particular starting point, but perfectly
4958 		   * able to route it from some other. */
4959 		  percent = calculate_progress (this_heap_item, this_heap_size, &ras);
4960 		  request_cancel = gui->progress (percent * 100., 100,
4961 						  _("Autorouting tracks"));
4962 		  if (request_cancel)
4963 		    {
4964 		      ras.total_nets_routed = 0;
4965 		      ras.conflict_subnets = 0;
4966 		      Message ("Autorouting cancelled\n");
4967 		      goto out;
4968 		    }
4969 		}
4970 	    }
4971 #ifndef NET_HEAP
4972 	  END_LOOP;
4973 #endif
4974 	  if (!ros.net_completely_routed)
4975 	    net->flags.is_bad = 1;	/* don't skip this the next round */
4977 	  /* Route easiest nets from this pass first on next pass.
4978 	   * This works best because it's likely that the hardest
4979 	   * is the last one routed (since it has the most obstacles)
4980 	   * but it will do no good to rip it up and try it again
4981 	   * without first changing any of the other routes
4982 	   */
4983 	  heap_insert (next_pass, total_net_cost, net);
4984 	  if (total_net_cost < EXPENSIVE)
4985 	    this_cost += total_net_cost;
4986 	  /* reset subnet_processed flags */
4987 	  LIST_LOOP (net, same_net, p);
4988 	  {
4989 	    p->flags.subnet_processed = 0;
4990 	  }
4991 	  END_LOOP;
4992 	}
4993       /* swap this_pass and next_pass and do it all over again! */
4994       ro = 0;
4995       assert (heap_is_empty (this_pass));
4996       tmp = this_pass;
4997       this_pass = next_pass;
4998       next_pass = tmp;
4999 #if defined(ROUTE_DEBUG) || defined (ROUTE_VERBOSE)
5000       printf
5001 	("END OF PASS %d: %d/%d subnets routed without conflicts at cost %.0f, %d conflicts, %d failed %d ripped\n",
5002 	 i, ras.routed_subnets, ras.total_subnets, this_cost,
5003 	 ras.conflict_subnets, ras.failed, ras.ripped);
5004 #endif
5005 #ifdef ROUTE_DEBUG
5006       if (aabort)
5007 	break;
5008 #endif
5009       /* if no conflicts found, skip directly to smoothing pass! */
5010       if (ras.conflict_subnets == 0 && ras.routed_subnets == ras.total_subnets
5011 	  && i <= passes)
5012 	i = passes - (smoothes ? 0 : 1);
5013       /* if no changes in a smoothing round, then we're done */
5014       if (this_cost == last_cost && i > passes && i < passes + smoothes)
5015 	i = passes + smoothes - 1;
5016       last_cost = this_cost;
5017       this_cost = 0;
5018     }
5020   Message ("%d of %d nets successfully routed.\n",
5021 	   ras.routed_subnets, ras.total_subnets);
5023 out:
5024   heap_destroy (&this_pass);
5025   heap_destroy (&next_pass);
5026 #ifdef NET_HEAP
5027   heap_destroy (&net_heap);
5028 #endif
5030   /* no conflicts should be left at the end of the process. */
5031   assert (ras.conflict_subnets == 0);
5033   return ras;
5034 }
5036 struct fpin_info
5037 {
5038   PinType *pin;
5039   Coord X, Y;
5040   jmp_buf env;
5041 };
5043 static int
fpin_rect(const BoxType * b,void * cl)5044 fpin_rect (const BoxType * b, void *cl)
5045 {
5046   PinType *pin = (PinType *) b;
5047   struct fpin_info *info = (struct fpin_info *) cl;
5048   if (pin->X == info->X && pin->Y == info->Y)
5049     {
5050       info->pin = (PinType *) b;
5051       longjmp (info->env, 1);
5052     }
5053   return 0;
5054 }
5056 static int
FindPin(const BoxType * box,PinType ** pin)5057 FindPin (const BoxType * box, PinType ** pin)
5058 {
5059   struct fpin_info info;
5061   info.pin = NULL;
5062   info.X = box->X1;
5063   info.Y = box->Y1;
5064   if (setjmp (info.env) == 0)
5065     r_search (PCB->Data->pin_tree, box, NULL, fpin_rect, &info);
5066   else
5067     {
5068       *pin = info.pin;
5069       return PIN_TYPE;
5070     }
5071   if (setjmp (info.env) == 0)
5072     r_search (PCB->Data->via_tree, box, NULL, fpin_rect, &info);
5073   else
5074     {
5075       *pin = info.pin;
5076       return VIA_TYPE;
5077     }
5078   *pin = NULL;
5079   return NO_TYPE;
5080 }
5083 /*!
5084  * \brief Paths go on first 'on' layer in group.
5085  *
5086  * Returns 'true' if any paths were added.
5087  */
5088 bool
IronDownAllUnfixedPaths(routedata_t * rd)5089 IronDownAllUnfixedPaths (routedata_t * rd)
5090 {
5091   bool changed = false;
5092   LayerType *layer;
5093   routebox_t *net, *p;
5094   int i;
5095   LIST_LOOP (rd->first_net, different_net, net);
5096   {
5097     LIST_LOOP (net, same_net, p);
5098     {
5099       if (!p->flags.fixed)
5100 	{
5101 	  /* find first on layer in this group */
5102 	  assert (PCB->LayerGroups.Number[p->group] > 0);
5103 	  assert (is_layer_group_active[p->group]);
5104 	  for (i = 0, layer = NULL; i < PCB->LayerGroups.Number[p->group];
5105 	       i++)
5106 	    {
5107 	      layer = LAYER_PTR (PCB->LayerGroups.Entries[p->group][i]);
5108 	      if (layer->On)
5109 		break;
5110 	    }
5111 	  assert (layer && layer->On);	/*at least one layer must be on in this group! */
5112 	  assert (p->type != EXPANSION_AREA);
5113 	  if (p->type == LINE)
5114 	    {
5115 	      Coord halfwidth = HALF_THICK (p->style->Thick);
5116 	      double th = halfwidth * 2 + 1;
5117 	      BoxType b;
5118 	      assert (p->parent.line == NULL);
5119 	      /* orthogonal; thickness is 2*halfwidth */
5120 	      /* flip coordinates, if bl_to_ur */
5121 	      b = p->sbox;
5122 	      total_wire_length += hypot (b.X2 - b.X1 - th, b.Y2 - b.Y1 - th);
5123 	      b = shrink_box (&b, halfwidth);
5124 	      if (b.X2 == b.X1 + 1)
5125 		b.X2 = b.X1;
5126 	      if (b.Y2 == b.Y1 + 1)
5127 		b.Y2 = b.Y1;
5128 	      if (p->flags.bl_to_ur)
5129 		{
5130 		  Coord t;
5131 		  t = b.X1;
5132 		  b.X1 = b.X2;
5133 		  b.X2 = t;
5134 		}
5135 	      /* using CreateDrawn instead of CreateNew concatenates sequential lines */
5136 	      p->parent.line = CreateDrawnLineOnLayer
5137 		(layer, b.X1, b.Y1, b.X2, b.Y2,
5138 		 p->style->Thick,
5139 		 p->style->Keepaway * 2,
5140 		 MakeFlags (AUTOFLAG |
5142 			     0)));
5144 	      if (p->parent.line)
5145 		{
5146 		  AddObjectToCreateUndoList (LINE_TYPE, layer,
5147 					     p->parent.line, p->parent.line);
5148 		  changed = true;
5149 		}
5150 	    }
5151 	  else if (p->type == VIA || p->type == VIA_SHADOW)
5152 	    {
5153 	      routebox_t *pp =
5154 		(p->type == VIA_SHADOW) ? p->parent.via_shadow : p;
5155 	      Coord radius = HALF_THICK (pp->style->Diameter);
5156 	      BoxType b = shrink_routebox (p);
5157 	      total_via_count++;
5158 	      assert (pp->type == VIA);
5159 	      if (pp->parent.via == NULL)
5160 		{
5161 		  assert (b.X1 + radius == b.X2 - radius);
5162 		  assert (b.Y1 + radius == b.Y2 - radius);
5163 		  pp->parent.via =
5164 		    CreateNewVia (PCB->Data, b.X1 + radius,
5165 				  b.Y1 + radius,
5166 				  pp->style->Diameter,
5167 				  2 * pp->style->Keepaway,
5168 				  0, pp->style->Hole, NULL,
5169 				  MakeFlags (AUTOFLAG));
5170 		  assert (pp->parent.via);
5171 		  if (pp->parent.via)
5172 		    {
5173 		      AddObjectToCreateUndoList (VIA_TYPE,
5174 						 pp->parent.via,
5175 						 pp->parent.via,
5176 						 pp->parent.via);
5177 		      changed = true;
5178 		    }
5179 		}
5180 	      assert (pp->parent.via);
5181 	      if (p->type == VIA_SHADOW)
5182 		{
5183 		  p->type = VIA;
5184 		  p->parent.via = pp->parent.via;
5185 		}
5186 	    }
5187 	  else if (p->type == THERMAL)
5188 	    /* nothing to do because, the via might not be there yet */ ;
5189 	  else
5190 	    assert (0);
5191 	}
5192     }
5193     END_LOOP;
5194     /* loop again to place all the thermals now that the vias are down */
5195     LIST_LOOP (net, same_net, p);
5196     {
5197       if (p->type == THERMAL)
5198 	{
5199 	  PinType *pin = NULL;
5200 	  /* thermals are alread a single point search, no need to shrink */
5201 	  int type = FindPin (&p->box, &pin);
5202 	  if (pin)
5203 	    {
5204 	      AddObjectToClearPolyUndoList (type,
5205 					    pin->Element ? pin->Element : pin,
5206 					    pin, pin, false);
5207 	      RestoreToPolygon (PCB->Data, VIA_TYPE, LAYER_PTR (p->layer),
5208 				pin);
5209 	      AddObjectToFlagUndoList (type,
5210 				       pin->Element ? pin->Element : pin, pin,
5211 				       pin);
5212 	      ASSIGN_THERM (p->layer, PCB->ThermStyle, pin);
5213 	      AddObjectToClearPolyUndoList (type,
5214 					    pin->Element ? pin->Element : pin,
5215 					    pin, pin, true);
5216 	      ClearFromPolygon (PCB->Data, VIA_TYPE, LAYER_PTR (p->layer),
5217 				pin);
5218 	      changed = true;
5219 	    }
5220 	}
5221     }
5222     END_LOOP;
5223   }
5224   END_LOOP;
5225   return changed;
5226 }
5228 bool
AutoRoute(bool selected)5229 AutoRoute (bool selected)
5230 {
5231   bool changed = false;
5232   routedata_t *rd;
5233   int i;
5235   total_wire_length = 0;
5236   total_via_count = 0;
5238 #ifdef ROUTE_DEBUG
5239   ddraw = gui->request_debug_draw ();
5240   if (ddraw != NULL)
5241     {
5242       ar_gc = ddraw->make_gc ();
5243       ddraw->set_line_cap (ar_gc, Round_Cap);
5244     }
5245 #endif
5247   for (i = 0; i < NUM_STYLES; i++)
5248     {
5249       if (PCB->RouteStyle[i].Thick == 0 ||
5250 	  PCB->RouteStyle[i].Diameter == 0 ||
5251 	  PCB->RouteStyle[i].Hole == 0 || PCB->RouteStyle[i].Keepaway == 0)
5252 	{
5253 	  Message ("You must define proper routing styles\n"
5254 		   "before auto-routing.\n");
5255 	  return (false);
5256 	}
5257     }
5258   if (PCB->Data->RatN == 0)
5259     return (false);
5260   rd = CreateRouteData ();
5262   if (1)
5263     {
5264       routebox_t *net, *rb, *last;
5265       int i = 0;
5266       /* count number of rats selected */
5267       RAT_LOOP (PCB->Data);
5268       {
5269 	if (!selected || TEST_FLAG (SELECTEDFLAG, line))
5270 	  i++;
5271       }
5272       END_LOOP;
5273 #ifdef ROUTE_VERBOSE
5274       printf ("%d nets!\n", i);
5275 #endif
5276       if (i == 0)
5277 	goto donerouting;	/* nothing to do here */
5278       /* if only one rat selected, do things the quick way. =) */
5279       if (i == 1)
5280 	{
5281 	  RAT_LOOP (PCB->Data);
5282 	  if (!selected || TEST_FLAG (SELECTEDFLAG, line))
5283 	    {
5284 	      /* look up the end points of this rat line */
5285 	      routebox_t *a =
5286 		FindRouteBoxOnLayerGroup (rd, line->Point1.X,
5287 					  line->Point1.Y, line->group1);
5288 	      routebox_t *b =
5289 		FindRouteBoxOnLayerGroup (rd, line->Point2.X,
5290 					  line->Point2.Y, line->group2);
5292               /* If the rat starts or ends at a non-straight pad (i.e., at a
5293                * rotated SMD), a or b will be NULL since the autorouter can't
5294                * handle these.
5295                */
5296               if (a != NULL && b != NULL)
5297                 {
5298                   assert (a->style == b->style);
5299                   /* route exactly one net, without allowing conflicts */
5300                   InitAutoRouteParameters (0, a->style, false, true, true);
5301                   /* hace planes work better as sources than targets */
5302                   changed = RouteOne (rd, a, b, 150000).found_route || changed;
5303                   goto donerouting;
5304                 }
5305 	    }
5306 	  END_LOOP;
5307 	}
5308       /* otherwise, munge the netlists so that only the selected rats
5309        * get connected. */
5310       /* first, separate all sub nets into separate nets */
5311       /* note that this code works because LIST_LOOP is clever enough not to
5312        * be fooled when the list is changing out from under it. */
5313       last = NULL;
5314       LIST_LOOP (rd->first_net, different_net, net);
5315       {
5316 	FOREACH_SUBNET (net, rb);
5317 	{
5318 	  if (last)
5319 	    {
5320 	      last->different_net.next = rb;
5321 	      rb->different_net.prev = last;
5322 	    }
5323 	  last = rb;
5324 	}
5325 	END_FOREACH (net, rb);
5326 	LIST_LOOP (net, same_net, rb);
5327 	{
5328 	  rb->same_net = rb->same_subnet;
5329 	}
5330 	END_LOOP;
5331 	/* at this point all nets are equal to their subnets */
5332       }
5333       END_LOOP;
5334       if (last)
5335 	{
5336 	  last->different_net.next = rd->first_net;
5337 	  rd->first_net->different_net.prev = last;
5338 	}
5340       /* now merge only those subnets connected by a rat line */
5341       RAT_LOOP (PCB->Data);
5342       if (!selected || TEST_FLAG (SELECTEDFLAG, line))
5343 	{
5344 	  /* look up the end points of this rat line */
5345 	  routebox_t *a;
5346 	  routebox_t *b;
5347 	  a =
5348 	    FindRouteBoxOnLayerGroup (rd, line->Point1.X,
5349 				      line->Point1.Y, line->group1);
5350 	  b =
5351 	    FindRouteBoxOnLayerGroup (rd, line->Point2.X,
5352 				      line->Point2.Y, line->group2);
5353 	  if (!a || !b)
5354 	    {
5355 #ifdef DEBUG_STALE_RATS
5356 	      AddObjectToFlagUndoList (RATLINE_TYPE, line, line, line);
5357 	      ASSIGN_FLAG (SELECTEDFLAG, true, line);
5358 	      DrawRat (line, 0);
5359 #endif /* DEBUG_STALE_RATS */
5360 	      Message ("The rats nest is stale! Aborting autoroute...\n");
5361 	      goto donerouting;
5362 	    }
5363 	  /* merge subnets into a net! */
5364 	  MergeNets (a, b, NET);
5365 	}
5366       END_LOOP;
5367       /* now 'different_net' may point to too many different nets.  Reset. */
5368       LIST_LOOP (rd->first_net, different_net, net);
5369       {
5370 	if (!net->flags.touched)
5371 	  {
5372 	    LIST_LOOP (net, same_net, rb);
5373 	    rb->flags.touched = 1;
5374 	    END_LOOP;
5375 	  }
5376 	else			/* this is not a "different net"! */
5377 	  RemoveFromNet (net, DIFFERENT_NET);
5378       }
5379       END_LOOP;
5380       /* reset "touched" flag */
5381       LIST_LOOP (rd->first_net, different_net, net);
5382       {
5383 	LIST_LOOP (net, same_net, rb);
5384 	{
5385 	  assert (rb->flags.touched);
5386 	  rb->flags.touched = 0;
5387 	}
5388 	END_LOOP;
5389       }
5390       END_LOOP;
5391     }
5392   /* okay, rd's idea of netlist now corresponds to what we want routed */
5393   /* auto-route all nets */
5394   changed = (RouteAll (rd).total_nets_routed > 0) || changed;
5395 donerouting:
5396   gui->progress (0, 0, NULL);
5398     {
5399       int i;
5400       BoxType big = {0, 0, MAX_COORD, MAX_COORD};
5401       for (i = 0; i < max_group; i++)
5402 	{
5403 	  r_search (rd->layergrouptree[i], &big, NULL, ripout_livedraw_obj_cb, NULL);
5404 	}
5405     }
5406 #ifdef ROUTE_DEBUG
5407   if (ddraw != NULL)
5408     {
5409       ddraw->destroy_gc (ar_gc);
5410       gui->finish_debug_draw ();
5411     }
5412 #endif
5414   if (changed)
5415     changed = IronDownAllUnfixedPaths (rd);
5416   Message ("Total added wire length = %$mS, %d vias added\n",
5417 	   (Coord) total_wire_length, total_via_count);
5418   DestroyRouteData (&rd);
5419   if (changed)
5420     {
5421       SaveUndoSerialNumber ();
5423       /* optimize rats, we've changed connectivity a lot. */
5424       DeleteRats (false /*all rats */ );
5425       RestoreUndoSerialNumber ();
5426       AddAllRats (false /*all rats */ , NULL);
5427       RestoreUndoSerialNumber ();
5429       IncrementUndoSerialNumber ();
5431       Redraw ();
5432     }
5433 #if defined (ROUTE_DEBUG)
5434   aabort = 0;
5435 #endif
5436   return (changed);
5437 }