1 /* Copyright 2004,2007,2008,2010,2012,2014 IPB, Universite de Bordeaux, INRIA & CNRS
2 **
3 ** This file is part of the Scotch software package for static mapping,
4 ** graph partitioning and sparse matrix ordering.
5 **
6 ** This software is governed by the CeCILL-C license under French law
7 ** and abiding by the rules of distribution of free software. You can
8 ** use, modify and/or redistribute the software under the terms of the
9 ** CeCILL-C license as circulated by CEA, CNRS and INRIA at the following
10 ** URL: "http://www.cecill.info".
11 **
12 ** As a counterpart to the access to the source code and rights to copy,
13 ** modify and redistribute granted by the license, users are provided
14 ** only with a limited warranty and the software's author, the holder of
15 ** the economic rights, and the successive licensors have only limited
16 ** liability.
17 **
18 ** In this respect, the user's attention is drawn to the risks associated
19 ** with loading, using, modifying and/or developing or reproducing the
20 ** software by the user in light of its specific status of free software,
21 ** that may mean that it is complicated to manipulate, and that also
22 ** therefore means that it is reserved for developers and experienced
23 ** professionals having in-depth computer knowledge. Users are therefore
24 ** encouraged to load and test the software's suitability as regards
25 ** their requirements in conditions enabling the security of their
26 ** systems and/or data to be ensured and, more generally, to use and
27 ** operate it in the same conditions as regards security.
28 **
29 ** The fact that you are presently reading this means that you have had
30 ** knowledge of the CeCILL-C license and that you accept its terms.
31 */
32 /************************************************************/
33 /**                                                        **/
34 /**   NAME       : hgraph_induce.c                         **/
35 /**                                                        **/
36 /**   AUTHOR     : Francois PELLEGRINI                     **/
37 /**                                                        **/
38 /**   FUNCTION   : This module handles the halo source     **/
39 /**                graph subgraph-making functions.        **/
40 /**                                                        **/
41 /**   DATES      : # Version 4.0  : from : 02 jan 2002     **/
42 /**                                 to     25 feb 2004     **/
43 /**                # Version 5.0  : from : 19 dec 2006     **/
44 /**                                 to     11 jun 2008     **/
45 /**                # Version 5.1  : from : 24 oct 2010     **/
46 /**                                 to     24 oct 2010     **/
47 /**                # Version 6.0  : from : 27 mar 2012     **/
48 /**                                 to     07 nov 2014     **/
49 /**                                                        **/
50 /************************************************************/
52 /*
53 **  The defines and includes.
54 */
56 #define HGRAPH
57 #define HGRAPH_INDUCE
59 #include "module.h"
60 #include "common.h"
61 #include "graph.h"
62 #include "hgraph.h"
63 #include "hgraph_induce.h"
65 /*********************************************/
66 /*                                           */
67 /* These routines handle halo source graphs. */
68 /*                                           */
69 /*********************************************/
71 /* This routine builds the graph induced
72 ** by the original graph and the list of
73 ** selected vertices.
74 ** The induced vnumtab array is the list
75 ** array if the original graph does not have
76 ** a vnumtab, or the proper subset of the
77 ** original vnumtab else.
78 ** It returns:
79 ** - 0   : on success.
80 ** - !0  : on error.
81 */
83 int
hgraphInduceList(const Hgraph * restrict const orggrafptr,const VertList * restrict const orglistptr,const Gnum orghalonbr,Hgraph * restrict const indgrafptr)84 hgraphInduceList (
85 const Hgraph * restrict const     orggrafptr,     /* Pointer to original graph                 */
86 const VertList * restrict const   orglistptr,     /* Pointer to vertex list                    */
87 const Gnum                        orghalonbr,     /* Upper bound of number of vertices in halo */
88 Hgraph * restrict const           indgrafptr)     /* Pointer to induced subgraph               */
89 {
90   Gnum * restrict     orgindxtax;                 /* Original to induced vertex number translation   */
91   Gnum * restrict     indedgetab;                 /* Origin of induced graph edge arrays             */
92   Gnum                indvertnbr;                 /* Number of vertices in induced graph             */
93   Gnum                indvertnum;                 /* Number of current vertex in induced graph       */
94   Gnum                indvelosiz;
95   Gnum                indedgenbr;                 /* (Approximate) number of edges in induced graph  */
96   Gnum                indedgesiz;                 /* (Approximate) size of edge and edge load arrays */
98   memSet (indgrafptr, 0, sizeof (Hgraph));        /* Pre-initialize graph fields */
101   indgrafptr->s.baseval = orggrafptr->s.baseval;
103   indvertnbr = orglistptr->vnumnbr + orghalonbr;  /* Compute upper bound on number of vertices */
104   indvelosiz = (orggrafptr->s.velotax != NULL) ? indvertnbr : 0;
105   if (memAllocGroup ((void **) (void *)
106                      &indgrafptr->s.verttax, (size_t) ((indvertnbr + 1)     * sizeof (Gnum)),
107                      &indgrafptr->vnhdtax,   (size_t) ( orglistptr->vnumnbr * sizeof (Gnum)), /* Put closest to beginning of array because no padding after */
108                      &indgrafptr->s.velotax, (size_t) ( indvertnbr          * sizeof (Gnum)),
109                      &indgrafptr->s.vnumtax, (size_t) ( indvertnbr          * sizeof (Gnum)), NULL) == NULL) {
110     errorPrint ("hgraphInduceList: out of memory (1)"); /* Allocate induced graph structure */
111     return     (1);
112   }
113   memCpy (indgrafptr->s.vnumtax, orglistptr->vnumtab, orglistptr->vnumnbr * sizeof (Gnum)); /* Copy vertex number array from list */
114   indgrafptr->s.velotax  = (orggrafptr->s.velotax != NULL) ? (indgrafptr->s.velotax - indgrafptr->s.baseval) : NULL;
115   indgrafptr->s.verttax -= indgrafptr->s.baseval;
116   indgrafptr->s.vnumtax -= indgrafptr->s.baseval;
117   indgrafptr->vnhdtax   -= indgrafptr->s.baseval;
118   indgrafptr->vnohnbr    = orglistptr->vnumnbr;
119   indgrafptr->vnohnnd    = orglistptr->vnumnbr + indgrafptr->s.baseval;
121   indedgenbr = ((orggrafptr->s.degrmax > 0) && (indvertnbr < (orggrafptr->s.edgenbr / orggrafptr->s.degrmax))) /* Choose best upper bound on number of edges (avoid multiply overflow) */
122                ? (indvertnbr * orggrafptr->s.degrmax) : orggrafptr->s.edgenbr;
123   indedgesiz = (orggrafptr->s.edlotax != NULL) ? indedgenbr * 2 : indedgenbr; /* Account for edge load array size if graph has edge weights */
125   if (memAllocGroup ((void **) (void *)           /* If cannot allocate edge arrays with approximation */
126                      &indedgetab, (size_t) (indedgesiz            * sizeof (Gnum)),
127                      &orgindxtax, (size_t) (orggrafptr->s.vertnbr * sizeof (Gnum)), NULL) == NULL) {
128     indedgenbr = hgraphInduce3 (orggrafptr, orglistptr); /* Count real number of edges */
130     indedgesiz = (orggrafptr->s.edlotax != NULL) ? indedgenbr * 2 : indedgenbr; /* Account for edge load array size if graph has edge weights */
132     if ((indedgenbr < 0) ||                       /* If cannot compute real number of edges          */
133         (memAllocGroup ((void **) (void *)        /* Or cannot allocate edge arrays with real values */
134                        &indedgetab, (size_t) (indedgesiz            * sizeof (Gnum)),
135                        &orgindxtax, (size_t) (orggrafptr->s.vertnbr * sizeof (Gnum)), NULL) == NULL)) {
136       errorPrint ("hgraphInduceList: out of memory (2)");
137       hgraphExit (indgrafptr);
138       return     (1);
139     }
140   }
141   memSet (orgindxtax, ~0, orggrafptr->s.vertnbr * sizeof (Gnum)); /* Preset index array */
142   orgindxtax -= orggrafptr->s.baseval;            /* Base access to orgindxtab          */
144   for (indvertnum = indgrafptr->s.baseval; indvertnum < indgrafptr->vnohnnd; indvertnum ++) /* For all non-halo vertices */
145     orgindxtax[indgrafptr->s.vnumtax[indvertnum]] = indvertnum; /* Mark selected vertices */
147   return (hgraphInduce2 (orggrafptr, orgindxtax, indgrafptr, indedgenbr, indedgetab));
148 }
150 /* This routine finalizes the building of the
151 ** halo graph induced by the original halo graph.
152 ** Vertices belonging to the old halo remain to
153 ** be numbered.
154 ** It returns:
155 ** - 0   : on success.
156 ** - !0  : on error.
157 */
159 static
160 int
hgraphInduce2(const Hgraph * restrict const orggrafptr,Gnum * restrict const orgindxtax,Hgraph * restrict const indgrafptr,const Gnum indedgenbr,Gnum * restrict const indedgetab)161 hgraphInduce2 (
162 const Hgraph * restrict const   orggrafptr,       /* Pointer to original graph                      */
163 Gnum * restrict const           orgindxtax,       /* Array of numbers of selected vertices          */
164 Hgraph * restrict const         indgrafptr,       /* Pointer to induced graph                       */
165 const Gnum                      indedgenbr,       /* (Approximate) number of edges in induced graph */
166 Gnum * restrict const           indedgetab)       /* Pointer to pre-allocated space for edge arrays */
167 {
168   void * restrict     indedgetnd;                 /* End of compacted edge array                 */
169   Gnum                indvertnum;                 /* Current vertex number in induced halo graph */
171   indedgetnd = memOffset (indedgetab, &indgrafptr->s.edgetax, (size_t) (indedgenbr * sizeof (Gnum)), NULL);
172   indgrafptr->s.edgetax = indedgetab - indgrafptr->s.baseval;
174   if (indedgetnd > (void *) (orgindxtax + orggrafptr->s.baseval)) {
175     errorPrint ("hgraphInduce2: invalid edge array size (1)");
176     hgraphExit (indgrafptr);
177     return     (1);
178   }
179 #endif /* SCOTCH_DEBUG_HGRAPH2 */
180   if (orggrafptr->s.edlotax != NULL) {
181     size_t              indedlooftval;            /* Offset of edge load array with respect to edge array */
183     indedgetnd = memOffset (indedgetnd, &indgrafptr->s.edlotax, (size_t) (indedgenbr * sizeof (Gnum)), NULL);
184     indgrafptr->s.edlotax -= indgrafptr->s.baseval;
186     if (indedgetnd > (void *) (orgindxtax + orggrafptr->s.baseval)) {
187       errorPrint ("hgraphInduce2: invalid edge array size (2)");
188       hgraphExit (indgrafptr);                    /* Indedgetab is now freed as part of indgrafptr */
189       return     (1);
190     }
191 #endif /* SCOTCH_DEBUG_HGRAPH2 */
192     hgraphInduce2L (orggrafptr, orgindxtax, indgrafptr);
194     indedlooftval = indgrafptr->s.edlotax - indgrafptr->s.edgetax;
195     memReallocGroup ((void *) indedgetab,         /* Implicitely free orgindxtab */
196                      &indgrafptr->s.edgetax, (size_t) (indedgenbr            * sizeof (Gnum)), /* Keep first offset as estimated number of edges */
197                      &indgrafptr->s.edlotax, (size_t) (indgrafptr->s.edgenbr * sizeof (Gnum)), /* Use real number of edges for second array      */
198                      NULL);
199     indgrafptr->s.edgetax -= indgrafptr->s.baseval;
200     indgrafptr->s.edlotax  = indgrafptr->s.edgetax + indedlooftval; /* Use old index into old array as new index */
201   }
202   else {
203     hgraphInduce2U (orggrafptr, orgindxtax, indgrafptr);
205     indgrafptr->s.edgetax  = memRealloc ((void *) indedgetab, indgrafptr->s.edgenbr * sizeof (Gnum)); /* Use real number of edges, implicitely free orgindxtab */
206     indgrafptr->s.edgetax -= indgrafptr->s.baseval;
207   }
208   indgrafptr->s.vendtax = indgrafptr->s.verttax + 1; /* Use compact representation of arrays */
209   indgrafptr->levlnum   = orggrafptr->levlnum + 1; /* Induced subgraph is one level below    */
211   if (orggrafptr->s.vnumtax != NULL) {            /* Adjust vnumtax */
212     const Gnum * restrict const orgvnumtax = orggrafptr->s.vnumtax;
213     Gnum * restrict const indvnumtax       = indgrafptr->s.vnumtax;
215     for (indvertnum = indgrafptr->s.baseval; indvertnum < indgrafptr->s.vertnnd; indvertnum ++)
216       indvnumtax[indvertnum] = orgvnumtax[indvnumtax[indvertnum]];
217   }
220   if (hgraphCheck (indgrafptr) != 0) {            /* Check graph consistency */
221     errorPrint ("hgraphInduce2: inconsistent graph data");
222     hgraphExit (indgrafptr);
223     return     (1);
224   }
225 #endif /* SCOTCH_DEBUG_HGRAPH2 */
227   return (0);
228 }
230 #define HGRAPHINDUCE2U
231 #define HGRAPHINDUCE2NAME           hgraphInduce2U
233 #define HGRAPHINDUCE2EDLOSUM        indgrafptr->s.edgenbr
235 #define HGRAPHINDUCE2ENOHSUM        indgrafptr->enohnbr
236 #include "hgraph_induce_edge.c"
244 #define HGRAPHINDUCE2L
245 #define HGRAPHINDUCE2NAME           hgraphInduce2L
246 #define HGRAPHINDUCE2EDLOINIT(e)    indedlosum += indedlotax[e] = orgedlotax[orgedgenum]
247 #define HGRAPHINDUCE2EDLOSUM        indedlosum
248 #define HGRAPHINDUCE2ENOHINIT       indenohsum += orgedlotax[orgedgenum]
249 #define HGRAPHINDUCE2ENOHSUM        indenohsum
250 #include "hgraph_induce_edge.c"
258 /* This routine computes the exact number of edges
259 ** required to build the induced halo subgraph. It
260 ** is used when larger approximations lead to an
261 ** out-of-memory error message. As a side effect,
262 ** yet unnumbered halo vertices of the induced
263 ** subgraph are numbered and the induced halo graph
264 ** data are updated accordingly.
265 ** It returns:
266 ** - >=0  : number of edges in induced halo graph.
267 ** - -1   : if out of memory (this is helpless).
268 */
270 static
271 Gnum
hgraphInduce3(const Hgraph * restrict const orggrafptr,const VertList * restrict const orglistptr)272 hgraphInduce3 (
273 const Hgraph * restrict const   orggrafptr,       /* Pointer to original graph */
274 const VertList * restrict const orglistptr)       /* Pointer to vertex list    */
275 {
276   Gnum                indedgenbr;                 /* Revised number of edges in induced halo graph */
277   Gnum                indvertnum;                 /* Current vertex number in induced halo graph   */
278   Gnum * restrict     orgindxtax;                 /* Array of numbers of selected vertices         */
280   const Gnum * restrict const orglistvnumtab = orglistptr->vnumtab;
281   const Gnum * restrict const orgverttax = orggrafptr->s.verttax;
282   const Gnum * restrict const orgvendtax = orggrafptr->s.vendtax;
283   const Gnum * restrict const orgedgetax = orggrafptr->s.edgetax;
285   if ((orgindxtax = memAlloc (orggrafptr->s.vertnbr * sizeof (Gnum))) == NULL)
286     return (-1);
287   memSet (orgindxtax, ~0, orggrafptr->s.vertnbr * sizeof (Gnum)); /* Preset index array */
288   orgindxtax -= orggrafptr->s.baseval;            /* Base access to orgindxtab          */
290   for (indvertnum = 0; indvertnum < orglistptr->vnumnbr; indvertnum ++) /* For all vertices in list */
291     orgindxtax[orglistvnumtab[indvertnum]] = indvertnum; /* Mark selected vertices                  */
293   for (indvertnum = 0, indedgenbr = 0;            /* For all vertices in list */
294        indvertnum < orglistptr->vnumnbr; indvertnum ++) {
295     Gnum                orgvertnum;               /* Current vertex number in original halo graph */
296     Gnum                orgedgenum;               /* Current edge number in original halo graph   */
298     orgvertnum = orglistvnumtab[indvertnum];      /* Get number of original vertex                  */
299     indedgenbr += orgvendtax[orgvertnum] - orgverttax[orgvertnum]; /* Add degree of original vertex */
301     for (orgedgenum = orgverttax[orgvertnum];     /* For all neighbors of original halo vertex */
302          orgedgenum < orgvendtax[orgvertnum]; orgedgenum ++) {
303       if (orgindxtax[orgedgetax[orgedgenum]] == ~0) /* If neighbor is halo vertex  */
304         indedgenbr ++;                            /* Account for the arc once more */
305     }
306   }
308   memFree (orgindxtax + orggrafptr->s.baseval);
310   return (indedgenbr);
311 }