1 /****************************************************************************/
2 // Eclipse SUMO, Simulation of Urban MObility; see https://eclipse.org/sumo
3 // Copyright (C) 2001-2019 German Aerospace Center (DLR) and others.
4 // This program and the accompanying materials
5 // are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License v2.0
6 // which accompanies this distribution, and is available at
7 // http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v20.html
8 // SPDX-License-Identifier: EPL-2.0
9 /****************************************************************************/
10 /// @file    NIImporter_OpenDrive.cpp
11 /// @author  Daniel Krajzewicz
12 /// @author  Jakob Erdmann
13 /// @author  Michael Behrisch
14 /// @author  Laura Bieker
15 /// @date    Mon, 14.04.2008
16 /// @version $Id$
17 ///
18 // Importer for networks stored in openDrive format
19 /****************************************************************************/
22 // ===========================================================================
23 // included modules
24 // ===========================================================================
25 #include <config.h>
26 #include <string>
27 #include <cmath>
28 #include <iterator>
29 #include <utils/xml/SUMOSAXHandler.h>
30 #include <utils/common/UtilExceptions.h>
31 #include <utils/common/StringUtils.h>
32 #include <utils/common/ToString.h>
33 #include <utils/common/StringUtils.h>
34 #include <utils/common/MsgHandler.h>
35 #include <utils/shapes/SUMOPolygon.h>
36 #include <utils/shapes/PointOfInterest.h>
37 #include <utils/iodevices/OutputDevice.h>
38 #include <netbuild/NBEdge.h>
39 #include <netbuild/NBEdgeCont.h>
40 #include <netbuild/NBNode.h>
41 #include <netbuild/NBNodeCont.h>
42 #include <netbuild/NBNetBuilder.h>
43 #include <netbuild/NBOwnTLDef.h>
44 #include <netbuild/NBTrafficLightLogicCont.h>
45 #include <utils/xml/SUMOXMLDefinitions.h>
46 #include <utils/geom/GeoConvHelper.h>
47 #include <utils/geom/GeomConvHelper.h>
48 #include <foreign/eulerspiral/odrSpiral.h>
49 #include <utils/options/OptionsCont.h>
50 #include <utils/common/FileHelpers.h>
51 #include <utils/xml/XMLSubSys.h>
52 #include <utils/geom/Boundary.h>
53 #include "NILoader.h"
54 #include "NIImporter_OpenDrive.h"
59 //#define DEBUG_SPIRAL
62 #define DEBUG_COND(road) ((road)->id == "175")
63 #define DEBUG_COND2(edgeID) (StringUtils::startsWith((edgeID), "disabled"))
64 #define DEBUG_COND3(roadID) (roadID == "175")
66 // ===========================================================================
67 // definitions
68 // ===========================================================================
70 // ===========================================================================
71 // static variables
72 // ===========================================================================
73 StringBijection<int>::Entry NIImporter_OpenDrive::openDriveTags[] = {
74     { "header",           NIImporter_OpenDrive::OPENDRIVE_TAG_HEADER },
75     { "road",             NIImporter_OpenDrive::OPENDRIVE_TAG_ROAD },
76     { "predecessor",      NIImporter_OpenDrive::OPENDRIVE_TAG_PREDECESSOR },
77     { "successor",        NIImporter_OpenDrive::OPENDRIVE_TAG_SUCCESSOR },
78     { "geometry",         NIImporter_OpenDrive::OPENDRIVE_TAG_GEOMETRY },
79     { "line",             NIImporter_OpenDrive::OPENDRIVE_TAG_LINE },
80     { "spiral",           NIImporter_OpenDrive::OPENDRIVE_TAG_SPIRAL },
81     { "arc",              NIImporter_OpenDrive::OPENDRIVE_TAG_ARC },
82     { "poly3",            NIImporter_OpenDrive::OPENDRIVE_TAG_POLY3 },
83     { "paramPoly3",       NIImporter_OpenDrive::OPENDRIVE_TAG_PARAMPOLY3 },
84     { "laneSection",      NIImporter_OpenDrive::OPENDRIVE_TAG_LANESECTION },
85     { "laneOffset",       NIImporter_OpenDrive::OPENDRIVE_TAG_LANEOFFSET },
86     { "left",             NIImporter_OpenDrive::OPENDRIVE_TAG_LEFT },
87     { "center",           NIImporter_OpenDrive::OPENDRIVE_TAG_CENTER },
88     { "right",            NIImporter_OpenDrive::OPENDRIVE_TAG_RIGHT },
89     { "lane",             NIImporter_OpenDrive::OPENDRIVE_TAG_LANE },
90     { "signal",           NIImporter_OpenDrive::OPENDRIVE_TAG_SIGNAL },
91     { "junction",         NIImporter_OpenDrive::OPENDRIVE_TAG_JUNCTION },
92     { "connection",       NIImporter_OpenDrive::OPENDRIVE_TAG_CONNECTION },
93     { "laneLink",         NIImporter_OpenDrive::OPENDRIVE_TAG_LANELINK },
94     { "width",            NIImporter_OpenDrive::OPENDRIVE_TAG_WIDTH },
95     { "speed",            NIImporter_OpenDrive::OPENDRIVE_TAG_SPEED },
96     { "elevation",        NIImporter_OpenDrive::OPENDRIVE_TAG_ELEVATION },
97     { "geoReference",     NIImporter_OpenDrive::OPENDRIVE_TAG_GEOREFERENCE },
98     { "object",           NIImporter_OpenDrive::OPENDRIVE_TAG_OBJECT },
99     { "repeat",           NIImporter_OpenDrive::OPENDRIVE_TAG_REPEAT },
101     { "",                 NIImporter_OpenDrive::OPENDRIVE_TAG_NOTHING }
102 };
105 StringBijection<int>::Entry NIImporter_OpenDrive::openDriveAttrs[] = {
106     { "revMajor",       NIImporter_OpenDrive::OPENDRIVE_ATTR_REVMAJOR },
107     { "revMinor",       NIImporter_OpenDrive::OPENDRIVE_ATTR_REVMINOR },
108     { "id",             NIImporter_OpenDrive::OPENDRIVE_ATTR_ID },
109     { "length",         NIImporter_OpenDrive::OPENDRIVE_ATTR_LENGTH },
110     { "width",          NIImporter_OpenDrive::OPENDRIVE_ATTR_WIDTH },
111     { "radius",         NIImporter_OpenDrive::OPENDRIVE_ATTR_RADIUS },
112     { "distance",       NIImporter_OpenDrive::OPENDRIVE_ATTR_DISTANCE },
113     { "tStart",         NIImporter_OpenDrive::OPENDRIVE_ATTR_TSTART },
114     { "tEnd",           NIImporter_OpenDrive::OPENDRIVE_ATTR_TEND },
115     { "widthStart",     NIImporter_OpenDrive::OPENDRIVE_ATTR_WIDTHSTART },
116     { "widthEnd",       NIImporter_OpenDrive::OPENDRIVE_ATTR_WIDTHEND },
117     { "junction",       NIImporter_OpenDrive::OPENDRIVE_ATTR_JUNCTION },
118     { "elementType",    NIImporter_OpenDrive::OPENDRIVE_ATTR_ELEMENTTYPE },
119     { "elementId",      NIImporter_OpenDrive::OPENDRIVE_ATTR_ELEMENTID },
120     { "contactPoint",   NIImporter_OpenDrive::OPENDRIVE_ATTR_CONTACTPOINT },
121     { "s",              NIImporter_OpenDrive::OPENDRIVE_ATTR_S },
122     { "t",              NIImporter_OpenDrive::OPENDRIVE_ATTR_T },
123     { "x",              NIImporter_OpenDrive::OPENDRIVE_ATTR_X },
124     { "y",              NIImporter_OpenDrive::OPENDRIVE_ATTR_Y },
125     { "hdg",            NIImporter_OpenDrive::OPENDRIVE_ATTR_HDG },
126     { "curvStart",      NIImporter_OpenDrive::OPENDRIVE_ATTR_CURVSTART },
127     { "curvEnd",        NIImporter_OpenDrive::OPENDRIVE_ATTR_CURVEND },
128     { "curvature",      NIImporter_OpenDrive::OPENDRIVE_ATTR_CURVATURE },
129     { "a",              NIImporter_OpenDrive::OPENDRIVE_ATTR_A },
130     { "b",              NIImporter_OpenDrive::OPENDRIVE_ATTR_B },
131     { "c",              NIImporter_OpenDrive::OPENDRIVE_ATTR_C },
132     { "d",              NIImporter_OpenDrive::OPENDRIVE_ATTR_D },
133     { "aU",             NIImporter_OpenDrive::OPENDRIVE_ATTR_AU },
134     { "bU",             NIImporter_OpenDrive::OPENDRIVE_ATTR_BU },
135     { "cU",             NIImporter_OpenDrive::OPENDRIVE_ATTR_CU },
136     { "dU",             NIImporter_OpenDrive::OPENDRIVE_ATTR_DU },
137     { "aV",             NIImporter_OpenDrive::OPENDRIVE_ATTR_AV },
138     { "bV",             NIImporter_OpenDrive::OPENDRIVE_ATTR_BV },
139     { "cV",             NIImporter_OpenDrive::OPENDRIVE_ATTR_CV },
140     { "dV",             NIImporter_OpenDrive::OPENDRIVE_ATTR_DV },
141     { "pRange",         NIImporter_OpenDrive::OPENDRIVE_ATTR_PRANGE },
142     { "type",           NIImporter_OpenDrive::OPENDRIVE_ATTR_TYPE },
143     { "level",          NIImporter_OpenDrive::OPENDRIVE_ATTR_LEVEL },
144     { "orientation",    NIImporter_OpenDrive::OPENDRIVE_ATTR_ORIENTATION },
145     { "dynamic",        NIImporter_OpenDrive::OPENDRIVE_ATTR_DYNAMIC },
146     { "incomingRoad",   NIImporter_OpenDrive::OPENDRIVE_ATTR_INCOMINGROAD },
147     { "connectingRoad", NIImporter_OpenDrive::OPENDRIVE_ATTR_CONNECTINGROAD },
148     { "from",           NIImporter_OpenDrive::OPENDRIVE_ATTR_FROM },
149     { "to",             NIImporter_OpenDrive::OPENDRIVE_ATTR_TO },
150     { "max",            NIImporter_OpenDrive::OPENDRIVE_ATTR_MAX },
151     { "sOffset",        NIImporter_OpenDrive::OPENDRIVE_ATTR_SOFFSET },
152     { "name",           NIImporter_OpenDrive::OPENDRIVE_ATTR_NAME },
153     // towards xodr v1.4 speed:unit
154     { "unit",           NIImporter_OpenDrive::OPENDRIVE_ATTR_UNIT },
156     { "",               NIImporter_OpenDrive::OPENDRIVE_ATTR_NOTHING }
157 };
160 bool NIImporter_OpenDrive::myImportAllTypes;
161 bool NIImporter_OpenDrive::myImportWidths;
162 double NIImporter_OpenDrive::myMinWidth;
163 bool NIImporter_OpenDrive::myImportInternalShapes;
165 // ===========================================================================
166 // method definitions
167 // ===========================================================================
168 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
169 // static methods (interface in this case)
170 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
171 void
loadNetwork(const OptionsCont & oc,NBNetBuilder & nb)172 NIImporter_OpenDrive::loadNetwork(const OptionsCont& oc, NBNetBuilder& nb) {
173     // check whether the option is set (properly)
174     if (!oc.isUsableFileList("opendrive-files")) {
175         return;
176     }
177     // prepare types
178     myImportAllTypes = oc.getBool("opendrive.import-all-lanes");
179     myImportWidths = !oc.getBool("opendrive.ignore-widths");
180     myMinWidth = oc.getFloat("opendrive.min-width");
181     myImportInternalShapes = oc.getBool("opendrive.internal-shapes");
182     NBTypeCont& tc = nb.getTypeCont();
183     // build the handler
184     std::map<std::string, OpenDriveEdge*> edges;
185     NIImporter_OpenDrive handler(nb.getTypeCont(), edges);
186     // parse file(s)
187     std::vector<std::string> files = oc.getStringVector("opendrive-files");
188     for (std::vector<std::string>::const_iterator file = files.begin(); file != files.end(); ++file) {
189         if (!FileHelpers::isReadable(*file)) {
190             WRITE_ERROR("Could not open opendrive file '" + *file + "'.");
191             return;
192         }
193         handler.setFileName(*file);
194         PROGRESS_BEGIN_MESSAGE("Parsing opendrive from '" + *file + "'");
195         XMLSubSys::runParser(handler, *file);
197     }
198     // split inner/outer edges
199     std::map<std::string, OpenDriveEdge*> innerEdges, outerEdges;
200     for (std::map<std::string, OpenDriveEdge*>::iterator i = edges.begin(); i != edges.end(); ++i) {
201         if ((*i).second->isInner) {
202             innerEdges[(*i).first] = (*i).second;
203         } else {
204             outerEdges[(*i).first] = (*i).second;
205         }
206     }
208     // convert geometries into a discretised representation
209     computeShapes(edges);
210     // check whether lane sections are valid and whether further must be introduced
211     revisitLaneSections(tc, edges);
213     // -------------------------
214     // node building
215     // -------------------------
216     // build nodes#1
217     //  look at all links which belong to a node, collect their bounding boxes
218     //  and place the node in the middle of this bounding box
219     std::map<std::string, Boundary> posMap;
220     std::map<std::string, std::string> edge2junction;
221     //   compute node positions
222     for (std::map<std::string, OpenDriveEdge*>::iterator i = innerEdges.begin(); i != innerEdges.end(); ++i) {
223         OpenDriveEdge* e = (*i).second;
224         assert(e->junction != "-1" && e->junction != "");
225         edge2junction[e->id] = e->junction;
226         if (posMap.find(e->junction) == posMap.end()) {
227             posMap[e->junction] = Boundary();
228         }
229         posMap[e->junction].add(e->geom.getBoxBoundary());
230     }
231     //   build nodes
232     for (std::map<std::string, Boundary>::iterator i = posMap.begin(); i != posMap.end(); ++i) {
233         //std::cout << " import node=" << (*i).first << " z=" << (*i).second.getCenter() << " boundary=" << (*i).second << "\n";
234         if (!nb.getNodeCont().insert((*i).first, (*i).second.getCenter())) {
235             throw ProcessError("Could not add node '" + (*i).first + "'.");
236         }
237     }
238     //  assign built nodes
239     for (std::map<std::string, OpenDriveEdge*>::iterator i = outerEdges.begin(); i != outerEdges.end(); ++i) {
240         OpenDriveEdge* e = (*i).second;
241         for (std::vector<OpenDriveLink>::iterator j = e->links.begin(); j != e->links.end(); ++j) {
242             OpenDriveLink& l = *j;
243             const std::string& nid = l.elementID;
244             if (l.elementType != OPENDRIVE_ET_ROAD) {
245                 if (nb.getNodeCont().retrieve(nid) == nullptr) {
246                     // not yet seen, build (possibly a junction without connections)
247                     Position pos = l.linkType == OPENDRIVE_LT_SUCCESSOR ? e->geom[-1] : e->geom[0];
248                     if (!nb.getNodeCont().insert(nid, pos)) {
249                         throw ProcessError("Could not build node '" + nid + "'.");
250                     }
251                 }
252                 // set node information
253                 setNodeSecure(nb.getNodeCont(), *e, l.elementID, l.linkType);
254                 continue;
255             }
256             if (edge2junction.find(l.elementID) != edge2junction.end()) {
257                 // set node information of an internal road
258                 setNodeSecure(nb.getNodeCont(), *e, edge2junction[l.elementID], l.linkType);
259                 continue;
260             }
261         }
262     }
263     //  we should now have all nodes set for links which are not outer edge-to-outer edge links
266     // build nodes#2
267     //  build nodes for all outer edge-to-outer edge connections
268     for (std::map<std::string, OpenDriveEdge*>::iterator i = outerEdges.begin(); i != outerEdges.end(); ++i) {
269         OpenDriveEdge* e = (*i).second;
270         for (std::vector<OpenDriveLink>::iterator j = e->links.begin(); j != e->links.end(); ++j) {
271             OpenDriveLink& l = *j;
272             if (l.elementType != OPENDRIVE_ET_ROAD || edge2junction.find(l.elementID) != edge2junction.end()) {
273                 // is a connection to an internal edge, or a node, skip
274                 continue;
275             }
276             // we have a direct connection between to external edges
277             std::string id1 = e->id;
278             std::string id2 = l.elementID;
279             if (id1 < id2) {
280                 std::swap(id1, id2);
281             }
282             std::string nid = id1 + "." + id2;
283             if (nb.getNodeCont().retrieve(nid) == nullptr) {
284                 // not yet seen, build
285                 Position pos = l.linkType == OPENDRIVE_LT_SUCCESSOR ? e->geom[-1] : e->geom[0];
286                 if (!nb.getNodeCont().insert(nid, pos)) {
287                     throw ProcessError("Could not build node '" + nid + "'.");
288                 }
289             }
290             /* debug-stuff
291             else {
292                 Position pos = l.linkType==OPENDRIVE_LT_SUCCESSOR ? e.geom[e.geom.size()-1] : e.geom[0];
293                 cout << nid << " " << pos << " " << nb.getNodeCont().retrieve(nid)->getPosition() << endl;
294             }
295             */
296             setNodeSecure(nb.getNodeCont(), *e, nid, l.linkType);
297         }
298     }
299     // we should now have start/end nodes for all outer edge-to-outer edge connections
302     // build nodes#3
303     //  assign further nodes generated from inner-edges
304     //  these nodes have not been assigned earlier, because the connections are referenced in inner-edges
305     for (std::map<std::string, OpenDriveEdge*>::iterator i = outerEdges.begin(); i != outerEdges.end(); ++i) {
306         OpenDriveEdge* e = (*i).second;
307         if (e->to != nullptr && e->from != nullptr) {
308             continue;
309         }
310         for (std::map<std::string, OpenDriveEdge*>::iterator j = innerEdges.begin(); j != innerEdges.end(); ++j) {
311             OpenDriveEdge* ie = (*j).second;
312             for (std::vector<OpenDriveLink>::iterator k = ie->links.begin(); k != ie->links.end(); ++k) {
313                 OpenDriveLink& il = *k;
314                 if (il.elementType != OPENDRIVE_ET_ROAD || il.elementID != e->id) {
315                     // not conneted to the currently investigated outer edge
316                     continue;
317                 }
318                 std::string nid = edge2junction[ie->id];
319                 if (il.contactPoint == OPENDRIVE_CP_START) {
320                     setNodeSecure(nb.getNodeCont(), *e, nid, OPENDRIVE_LT_PREDECESSOR);
321                 } else {
322                     setNodeSecure(nb.getNodeCont(), *e, nid, OPENDRIVE_LT_SUCCESSOR);
323                 }
324             }
325         }
327     }
329     // build start/end nodes which were not defined previously
330     for (std::map<std::string, OpenDriveEdge*>::iterator i = outerEdges.begin(); i != outerEdges.end(); ++i) {
331         OpenDriveEdge* e = (*i).second;
332         if ((e->from == nullptr || e->to == nullptr) && e->geom.size() == 0) {
333             continue;
334         }
335         if (e->from == nullptr) {
336             const std::string nid = e->id + ".begin";
337             e->from = getOrBuildNode(nid, e->geom.front(), nb.getNodeCont());
338         }
339         if (e->to == nullptr) {
340             const std::string nid = e->id + ".end";
341             e->to = getOrBuildNode(nid, e->geom.back(), nb.getNodeCont());
342         }
343     }
346     // -------------------------
347     // edge building
348     // -------------------------
349     const double defaultSpeed = tc.getSpeed("");
350     const bool saveOrigIDs = OptionsCont::getOptions().getBool("output.original-names");
351     // build edges
352     for (std::map<std::string, OpenDriveEdge*>::iterator i = outerEdges.begin(); i != outerEdges.end(); ++i) {
353         OpenDriveEdge* e = (*i).second;
354         if (e->geom.size() == 0) {
355             WRITE_WARNING("Ignoring road '" + e->id + "' without geometry.");
356             continue;
357         }
358         bool lanesBuilt = false;
360         // go along the lane sections, build a node in between of each pair
362         /// @todo: One could think of determining whether lane sections may be joined when being equal in SUMO's sense
363         /// Their naming would have to be updated, too, also in TraCI
365         /// @todo: probably, the lane offsets to the center are not right
366         NBNode* sFrom = e->from;
367         NBNode* sTo = e->to;
368         int priorityR = e->getPriority(OPENDRIVE_TAG_RIGHT);
369         int priorityL = e->getPriority(OPENDRIVE_TAG_LEFT);
370         double sB = 0;
371         double sE = e->length;
372         // 0-length geometries are possible if only the inner points are represented
373         const double length2D = e->geom.length2D();
374         double cF = length2D == 0 ? 1 : e->length / length2D;
375         NBEdge* prevRight = nullptr;
376         NBEdge* prevLeft = nullptr;
378         // starting at the same node as ending, and no lane sections?
379         if (sFrom == sTo && e->laneSections.size() == 1) {
380             // --> loop, split!
381             OpenDriveLaneSection ls = e->laneSections[0];
382             ls.s = e->length / 2.;
383             e->laneSections.push_back(ls);
384             WRITE_WARNING("Edge '" + e->id + "' has to be split as it connects same junctions.")
385         }
386         if (myMinWidth > 0) {
387             const double minDist = oc.getFloat("opendrive.curve-resolution");
388             splitMinWidths(e, tc, minDist);
389         }
391         // build along lane sections
392         for (std::vector<OpenDriveLaneSection>::iterator j = e->laneSections.begin(); j != e->laneSections.end(); ++j) {
393             // add internal node if needed
394             if (j == e->laneSections.end() - 1) {
395                 sTo = e->to;
396                 sE = e->length / cF;
397             } else {
398                 double nextS = (j + 1)->s;
399                 sTo = new NBNode(e->id + "." + toString(nextS), e->geom.positionAtOffset(nextS));
400                 if (!nb.getNodeCont().insert(sTo)) {
401                     throw ProcessError("Could not add node '" + sTo->getID() + "'.");
402                 }
403                 sE = nextS / cF;
404             }
405             PositionVector geom = e->geom.getSubpart2D(sB, sE);
406             std::string id = e->id;
407             if (sFrom != e->from || sTo != e->to) {
408                 id = id + "." + toString((*j).s);
409             } else if (e->laneSections.size() == 1) {
410                 id = id + ".0.00";
411             }
413             if (DEBUG_COND(e)) {
414                 std::cout << " id=" << id << " sB=" << sB << " sE=" << sE << " geom=" << geom << "\n";
415             }
416 #endif
418             // build lanes to right
419             NBEdge* currRight = nullptr;
420             if ((*j).rightLaneNumber > 0) {
421                 currRight = new NBEdge("-" + id, sFrom, sTo, (*j).rightType, defaultSpeed, (*j).rightLaneNumber, priorityR,
422                                        NBEdge::UNSPECIFIED_WIDTH, NBEdge::UNSPECIFIED_OFFSET, geom, e->streetName, "", LANESPREAD_RIGHT, true);
423                 lanesBuilt = true;
424                 const std::vector<OpenDriveLane>& lanes = (*j).lanesByDir[OPENDRIVE_TAG_RIGHT];
425                 for (std::vector<OpenDriveLane>::const_iterator k = lanes.begin(); k != lanes.end(); ++k) {
426                     std::map<int, int>::const_iterator lp = (*j).laneMap.find((*k).id);
427                     if (lp != (*j).laneMap.end()) {
428                         int sumoLaneIndex = lp->second;
429                         NBEdge::Lane& sumoLane = currRight->getLaneStruct(sumoLaneIndex);
430                         const OpenDriveLane& odLane = *k;
431                         if (saveOrigIDs) {
432                             sumoLane.setParameter(SUMO_PARAM_ORIGID, e->id + "_" + toString((*k).id));
433                         }
434                         sumoLane.speed = odLane.speed != 0 ? odLane.speed : tc.getSpeed(odLane.type);
435                         sumoLane.permissions = tc.getPermissions(odLane.type);
436                         sumoLane.width = myImportWidths && odLane.width != NBEdge::UNSPECIFIED_WIDTH ? odLane.width : tc.getWidth(odLane.type);
437                         if (sumoLane.width < myMinWidth
438                                 && (sumoLane.permissions & SVC_PASSENGER) != 0
439                                 && sumoLane.width < tc.getWidth(odLane.type)) {
440                             // avoid narrow passenger car lanes (especially at sections with varying width)
441                             sumoLane.permissions = SVC_EMERGENCY | SVC_AUTHORITY;
442                         }
443                     }
444                 }
445                 if (!nb.getEdgeCont().insert(currRight, myImportAllTypes)) {
446                     throw ProcessError("Could not add edge '" + currRight->getID() + "'.");
447                 }
448                 if (nb.getEdgeCont().wasIgnored(id)) {
449                     prevRight = nullptr;
450                 } else {
451                     // connect lane sections
452                     if (prevRight != nullptr) {
453                         std::map<int, int> connections = (*j).getInnerConnections(OPENDRIVE_TAG_RIGHT, *(j - 1));
454                         for (std::map<int, int>::const_iterator k = connections.begin(); k != connections.end(); ++k) {
456                             if (DEBUG_COND(e)) {
457                                 std::cout << "addCon1 from=" << prevRight->getID() << "_" << (*k).first << " to=" << currRight->getID() << "_" << (*k).second << "\n";
458                             }
459 #endif
460                             prevRight->addLane2LaneConnection((*k).first, currRight, (*k).second, NBEdge::L2L_VALIDATED);
461                         }
462                     }
463                     prevRight = currRight;
464                 }
465             }
467             // build lanes to left
468             NBEdge* currLeft = nullptr;
469             if ((*j).leftLaneNumber > 0) {
470                 currLeft = new NBEdge(id, sTo, sFrom, (*j).leftType, defaultSpeed, (*j).leftLaneNumber, priorityL,
471                                       NBEdge::UNSPECIFIED_WIDTH, NBEdge::UNSPECIFIED_OFFSET, geom.reverse(), e->streetName, "", LANESPREAD_RIGHT, true);
472                 lanesBuilt = true;
473                 const std::vector<OpenDriveLane>& lanes = (*j).lanesByDir[OPENDRIVE_TAG_LEFT];
474                 for (std::vector<OpenDriveLane>::const_iterator k = lanes.begin(); k != lanes.end(); ++k) {
475                     std::map<int, int>::const_iterator lp = (*j).laneMap.find((*k).id);
476                     if (lp != (*j).laneMap.end()) {
477                         int sumoLaneIndex = lp->second;
478                         NBEdge::Lane& sumoLane = currLeft->getLaneStruct(sumoLaneIndex);
479                         const OpenDriveLane& odLane = *k;
480                         if (saveOrigIDs) {
481                             sumoLane.setParameter(SUMO_PARAM_ORIGID, e->id + "_" + toString((*k).id));
482                         }
483                         sumoLane.speed = odLane.speed != 0 ? odLane.speed : tc.getSpeed(odLane.type);
484                         sumoLane.permissions = tc.getPermissions(odLane.type);
485                         sumoLane.width = myImportWidths && odLane.width != NBEdge::UNSPECIFIED_WIDTH ? odLane.width : tc.getWidth(odLane.type);
486                         if (sumoLane.width < myMinWidth
487                                 && (sumoLane.permissions & SVC_PASSENGER) != 0
488                                 && sumoLane.width < tc.getWidth(odLane.type)) {
489                             // avoid narrow passenger car lanes (especially at sections with varying width)
490                             sumoLane.permissions = SVC_EMERGENCY | SVC_AUTHORITY;
491                         }
492                     }
493                 }
494                 if (!nb.getEdgeCont().insert(currLeft, myImportAllTypes)) {
495                     throw ProcessError("Could not add edge '" + currLeft->getID() + "'.");
496                 }
497                 if (nb.getEdgeCont().wasIgnored(id)) {
498                     prevLeft = nullptr;
499                 } else {
500                     // connect lane sections
501                     if (prevLeft != nullptr) {
502                         std::map<int, int> connections = (*j).getInnerConnections(OPENDRIVE_TAG_LEFT, *(j - 1));
503                         for (std::map<int, int>::const_iterator k = connections.begin(); k != connections.end(); ++k) {
505                             if (DEBUG_COND(e)) {
506                                 std::cout << "addCon2 from=" << currLeft->getID() << "_" << (*k).first << " to=" << prevLeft->getID() << "_" << (*k).second << "\n";
507                             }
508 #endif
509                             currLeft->addLane2LaneConnection((*k).first, prevLeft, (*k).second, NBEdge::L2L_VALIDATED);
510                         }
511                     }
512                     prevLeft = currLeft;
513                 }
514             }
515             (*j).sumoID = id;
518             sB = sE;
519             sFrom = sTo;
520         }
521         // optionally write road objects
522         if (oc.isSet("polygon-output")) {
523             const bool writeGeo = GeoConvHelper::getLoaded().usingGeoProjection() && (
524                                       oc.isDefault("proj.plain-geo") || oc.getBool("proj.plain-geo"));
525             OutputDevice& dev = OutputDevice::getDevice(oc.getString("polygon-output"));
526             dev.writeXMLHeader("additional", "additional_file.xsd");
527             //SUMOPolygon poly("road_" + e->id, "road", RGBColor::BLUE, e->geom, true, false);
528             //poly.writeXML(dev, false);
529             for (auto& o : e->objects) {
530                 Position ref = e->geom.positionAtOffset2D(o.s, -o.t);
531                 if (o.radius >= 0) {
532                     // cicrular shape
533                     // GeoConvHelper::getFinal is not ready yet
534                     GeoConvHelper::getLoaded().cartesian2geo(ref);
535                     PointOfInterest poly(o.id, o.type, RGBColor::YELLOW, ref, true, "", -1, 0);
536                     poly.setParameter("name", o.name);
537                     poly.writeXML(dev, writeGeo);
538                 } else {
539                     // rectangular shape
540                     PositionVector centerLine;
541                     centerLine.push_back(Position(-o.length / 2, 0));
542                     centerLine.push_back(Position(o.length / 2, 0));
543                     double roadHdg = e->geom.rotationAtOffset(o.s);
544                     centerLine.rotate2D(roadHdg + o.hdg);
545                     //PointOfInterest poiRef("ref_" + o.id, "", RGBColor::CYAN, ref, false, "", 0, 0, Shape::DEFAULT_LAYER + 2);
546                     //poiRef.writeXML(dev, false);
547                     centerLine.add(ref);
548                     //SUMOPolygon polyCenter("center_" + o.id, "", RGBColor::MAGENTA, centerLine, true, false, Shape::DEFAULT_LAYER + 1);
549                     //polyCenter.writeXML(dev, false);
550                     centerLine.move2side(o.width / 2);
551                     PositionVector shape = centerLine;
552                     centerLine.move2side(-o.width);
553                     shape.append(centerLine.reverse(), POSITION_EPS);
554                     if (writeGeo) {
555                         // GeoConvHelper::getFinal is not ready yet
556                         for (int i = 0; i < (int) shape.size(); i++) {
557                             GeoConvHelper::getLoaded().cartesian2geo(shape[i]);
558                         }
559                     }
560                     SUMOPolygon poly(o.id, o.type, RGBColor::YELLOW, shape, true, true, 1);
561                     poly.setParameter("name", o.name);
562                     poly.writeXML(dev, writeGeo);
563                 }
564             }
565         }
566         if (!lanesBuilt) {
567             WRITE_WARNING("Edge '" + e->id + "' has no lanes.");
568         }
569     }
571     // -------------------------
572     // connections building
573     // -------------------------
574     // generate explicit lane-to-lane connections
575     for (std::map<std::string, OpenDriveEdge*>::iterator i = edges.begin(); i != edges.end(); ++i) {
576         setEdgeLinks2(*(*i).second, edges);
577     }
578     // compute connections across intersections, if any
579     std::vector<Connection> connections2;
580     for (std::map<std::string, OpenDriveEdge*>::iterator j = edges.begin(); j != edges.end(); ++j) {
581         const std::set<Connection>& conns = (*j).second->connections;
583         for (std::set<Connection>::const_iterator i = conns.begin(); i != conns.end(); ++i) {
584             if (innerEdges.find((*i).fromEdge) != innerEdges.end()) {
585                 // connections starting at inner edges are processed by starting from outer edges
586                 continue;
587             }
588             if (innerEdges.find((*i).toEdge) != innerEdges.end()) {
589                 std::set<Connection> seen;
590                 buildConnectionsToOuter(*i, innerEdges, connections2, seen);
591             } else {
592                 connections2.push_back(*i);
593             }
594         }
595     }
596     // set connections
597     for (std::vector<Connection>::const_iterator i = connections2.begin(); i != connections2.end(); ++i) {
599         std::cout << "connections2 " << (*i).getDescription() << "\n";
600 #endif
601         std::string fromEdge = (*i).fromEdge;
602         if (edges.find(fromEdge) == edges.end()) {
603             WRITE_WARNING("While setting connections: from-edge '" + fromEdge + "' is not known.");
604             continue;
605         }
606         OpenDriveEdge* odFrom = edges[fromEdge];
607         int fromLane = (*i).fromLane;
608         bool fromLast = ((*i).fromCP == OPENDRIVE_CP_END) && ((*i).fromLane < 0);
609         fromEdge = fromLast ? odFrom->laneSections.back().sumoID : odFrom->laneSections[0].sumoID;
611         std::string toEdge = (*i).toEdge;
612         if (edges.find(toEdge) == edges.end()) {
613             WRITE_WARNING("While setting connections: to-edge '" + toEdge + "' is not known.");
614             continue;
615         }
617         OpenDriveEdge* odTo = edges[toEdge];
618         int toLane = (*i).toLane;
619         bool toLast = ((*i).toCP == OPENDRIVE_CP_END) || ((*i).toLane > 0);
620         toEdge = toLast ? odTo->laneSections.back().sumoID : odTo->laneSections[0].sumoID;
622         if (fromLane == UNSET_CONNECTION) {
623             continue;
624         }
625         if (fromLane < 0) {
626             fromEdge = revertID(fromEdge);
627         }
628         if (toLane == UNSET_CONNECTION) {
629             continue;
630         }
631         if (toLane < 0) {
632             toEdge = revertID(toEdge);
633         }
634         fromLane = fromLast ? odFrom->laneSections.back().laneMap[fromLane] : odFrom->laneSections[0].laneMap[fromLane];
635         toLane = toLast ?  odTo->laneSections.back().laneMap[toLane] : odTo->laneSections[0].laneMap[toLane];
636         NBEdge* from = nb.getEdgeCont().retrieve(fromEdge);
637         NBEdge* to = nb.getEdgeCont().retrieve(toEdge);
638         if (from == nullptr) {
639             WRITE_WARNING("Could not find fromEdge representation of '" + fromEdge + "' in connection '" + (*i).origID + "'.");
640         }
641         if (to == nullptr) {
642             WRITE_WARNING("Could not find fromEdge representation of '" + toEdge + "' in connection '" + (*i).origID + "'.");
643         }
644         if (from == nullptr || to == nullptr) {
645             continue;
646         }
649         if (DEBUG_COND2(from->getID())) {
650             std::cout << "addCon3 from=" << from->getID() << "_" << fromLane << " to=" << to->getID() << "_" << toLane << "\n";
651         }
652 #endif
653         from->addLane2LaneConnection(fromLane, to, toLane, NBEdge::L2L_USER, false, false, true,
654                                      NBEdge::UNSPECIFIED_CONTPOS,
655                                      NBEdge::UNSPECIFIED_VISIBILITY_DISTANCE,
656                                      NBEdge::UNSPECIFIED_SPEED,
657                                      (*i).shape);
659         if ((*i).origID != "" && saveOrigIDs) {
660             // @todo: this is the most silly way to determine the connection
661             std::vector<NBEdge::Connection>& cons = from->getConnections();
662             for (std::vector<NBEdge::Connection>::iterator k = cons.begin(); k != cons.end(); ++k) {
663                 if ((*k).fromLane == fromLane && (*k).toEdge == to && (*k).toLane == toLane) {
664                     (*k).setParameter(SUMO_PARAM_ORIGID, (*i).origID + "_" + toString((*i).origLane));
665                     break;
666                 }
667             }
668         }
669     }
672     // -------------------------
673     // traffic lights
674     // -------------------------
675     std::map<std::string, std::string> tlsControlled;
676     for (std::map<std::string, OpenDriveEdge*>::iterator i = edges.begin(); i != edges.end(); ++i) {
677         OpenDriveEdge* e = (*i).second;
678         for (std::vector<OpenDriveSignal>::const_iterator j = e->signals.begin(); j != e->signals.end(); ++j) {
679             if ((*j).type != "1000001") { // traffic_light (Section 6.11)
680                 continue;
681             }
682             std::vector<OpenDriveLaneSection>::iterator k = e->laneSections.begin();
683             bool found = false;
684             for (; k != e->laneSections.end() - 1 && !found;) {
685                 if ((*j).s > (*k).s && (*j).s <= (*(k + 1)).s) {
686                     found = true;
687                 } else {
688                     ++k;
689                 }
690             }
692             // @todo: major problem, currently, still not completely solved:
693             //  inner edges may have traffic lights, too. Nice on one hand, as directions can be recognized
694             //  but hard to follow backwards
695             std::string id = (*k).sumoID;
696             if (id == "") {
697                 if (e->junction != "") {
698                     //WRITE_WARNING("Found a traffic light signal on an internal edge; will not build it (original edge id='" + e->id + "').");
699                     std::string fromID, toID;
700                     for (std::vector<OpenDriveLink>::const_iterator l = e->links.begin(); l != e->links.end(); ++l) {
701                         if ((*l).linkType == OPENDRIVE_LT_PREDECESSOR && (*l).elementType == OPENDRIVE_ET_ROAD) {
702                             if (fromID != "") {
703                                 WRITE_WARNING("Ambigous start of connection.");
704                             }
705                             OpenDriveEdge* e = edges[(*l).elementID];
706                             if ((*l).contactPoint == OPENDRIVE_CP_START) {
707                                 fromID = e->laneSections[0].sumoID;
708                                 if ((*j).orientation < 0) {
709                                     fromID = "-" + fromID;
710                                 }
711                             } else {
712                                 fromID = e->laneSections.back().sumoID;
713                                 if ((*j).orientation > 0) {
714                                     fromID = "-" + fromID;
715                                 }
716                             }
717                         }
718                         if ((*l).linkType == OPENDRIVE_LT_SUCCESSOR && (*l).elementType == OPENDRIVE_ET_ROAD) {
719                             if (toID != "") {
720                                 WRITE_WARNING("Ambigous end of connection.");
721                             }
722                             OpenDriveEdge* e = edges[(*l).elementID];
723                             toID = (*l).contactPoint == OPENDRIVE_CP_START ? e->laneSections[0].sumoID : e->laneSections.back().sumoID;
724                         }
725                     }
726                     id = fromID + "->" + toID;
727                 } else {
728                     WRITE_WARNING("Found a traffic light signal on an unknown edge (original edge id='" + e->id + "').");
729                     continue;
730                 }
731             } else {
732                 if ((*j).orientation > 0) {
733                     id = "-" + id;
734                 }
735             }
736             tlsControlled[id] = (*j).name;
737         }
738     }
740     for (std::map<std::string, std::string>::iterator i = tlsControlled.begin(); i != tlsControlled.end(); ++i) {
741         std::string id = (*i).first;
742         if (id.find("->") != std::string::npos) {
743             id = id.substr(0, id.find("->"));
744         }
745         NBEdge* e = nb.getEdgeCont().retrieve(id);
746         if (e == nullptr) {
747             WRITE_WARNING("Could not find edge '" + id + "' while building its traffic light.");
748             continue;
749         }
750         NBNode* toNode = e->getToNode();
751         if (!toNode->isTLControlled()) {
752             TrafficLightType type = SUMOXMLDefinitions::TrafficLightTypes.get(OptionsCont::getOptions().getString("tls.default-type"));
753             NBOwnTLDef* tlDef = new NBOwnTLDef(toNode->getID(), toNode, 0, type);
754             if (!nb.getTLLogicCont().insert(tlDef)) {
755                 // actually, nothing should fail here
756                 delete tlDef;
757                 throw ProcessError();
758             }
759             toNode->addTrafficLight(tlDef);
760             //tlDef->setSinglePhase();
761         }
762         NBTrafficLightDefinition* tlDef = *toNode->getControllingTLS().begin();
763         tlDef->setParameter("connection:" + id, (*i).second);
764     }
766     // -------------------------
767     // clean up
768     // -------------------------
769     for (std::map<std::string, OpenDriveEdge*>::iterator i = edges.begin(); i != edges.end(); ++i) {
770         delete (*i).second;
771     }
772 }
775 void
buildConnectionsToOuter(const Connection & c,const std::map<std::string,OpenDriveEdge * > & innerEdges,std::vector<Connection> & into,std::set<Connection> & seen)776 NIImporter_OpenDrive::buildConnectionsToOuter(const Connection& c, const std::map<std::string, OpenDriveEdge*>& innerEdges, std::vector<Connection>& into, std::set<Connection>& seen) {
778     OpenDriveEdge* dest = innerEdges.find(c.toEdge)->second;
780     if (DEBUG_COND3(c.fromEdge)) {
781         std::cout << "  buildConnectionsToOuter " << c.getDescription() << "\n";
782         std::cout << "    dest=" << (dest == nullptr ? "NULL" : dest->id) << " seenlist=";
783         for (std::set<Connection>::const_iterator i = seen.begin(); i != seen.end(); ++i) {
784             std::cout << "    " << (*i).fromEdge << "," << (*i).toEdge << " ";
785         }
786         std::cout << "\n";
787     }
788 #endif
789     if (dest == nullptr) {
790         /// !!! should not, look in all?
791         return;
792     }
793     seen.insert(c);
794     const std::set<Connection>& conts = dest->connections;
795     for (std::set<Connection>::const_iterator i = conts.begin(); i != conts.end(); ++i) {
796         auto innerEdgesIt = innerEdges.find((*i).toEdge);
798         if (DEBUG_COND3(c.fromEdge)) {
799             std::cout << "      toInner=" << (innerEdgesIt != innerEdges.end()) << " destCon " << (*i).getDescription() << "\n";
800         }
801 #endif
802         if (innerEdgesIt != innerEdges.end()) {
803             std::vector<Connection> t;
804             if (seen.count(*i) == 0) {
805                 buildConnectionsToOuter(*i, innerEdges, t, seen);
806                 for (std::vector<Connection>::const_iterator j = t.begin(); j != t.end(); ++j) {
807                     // @todo this section is unverified
808                     Connection cn = (*j);
809                     cn.fromEdge = c.fromEdge;
810                     cn.fromLane = c.fromLane;
811                     cn.fromCP = c.fromCP;
812                     cn.all = c.all; // @todo "all" is a hack trying to avoid the "from is zero" problem;
813                     if (myImportInternalShapes) {
814                         cn.shape = innerEdgesIt->second->geom + c.shape;
815                     }
816                     into.push_back(cn);
817                 }
818             } else {
819                 WRITE_WARNING("Circular connections in junction including roads '" + c.fromEdge + "' and '" + c.toEdge + "', loop size " + toString(seen.size()));
820             }
821         } else {
822             if (laneSectionsConnected(dest, c.toLane, (*i).fromLane)) {
823                 Connection cn = (*i);
824                 cn.fromEdge = c.fromEdge;
825                 cn.fromLane = c.fromLane;
826                 cn.fromCP = c.fromCP;
827                 cn.all = c.all;
828                 cn.origID = c.toEdge;
829                 cn.origLane = c.toLane;
830                 if (myImportInternalShapes) {
831                     OpenDriveXMLTag lanesDir;
832                     cn.shape = dest->geom;
833                     // determine which lane of dest belongs to this connection
834                     int referenceLane = 0;
835                     int offsetFactor = 1;
836                     if (c.toCP == OPENDRIVE_CP_END) {
837                         offsetFactor = -1;
838                         lanesDir = OPENDRIVE_TAG_LEFT;
839                         for (const auto& destLane : dest->laneSections.front().lanesByDir[lanesDir]) {
840                             if (destLane.successor == c.fromLane) {
841                                 referenceLane = destLane.id;
842                                 break;
843                             }
844                         }
845                     } else {
846                         lanesDir = OPENDRIVE_TAG_RIGHT;
847                         for (const auto& destLane : dest->laneSections.front().lanesByDir[lanesDir]) {
848                             if (destLane.predecessor == c.fromLane) {
849                                 referenceLane = destLane.id;
850                                 break;
851                             }
852                         }
853                     }
854                     // compute offsets
855                     std::vector<double> offsets(dest->geom.size(), 0);
857                     std::string destPred;
858 #endif
859                     for (const auto& destLane : dest->laneSections.front().lanesByDir[lanesDir]) {
861                         destPred += "  lane=" + toString(destLane.id)
862                                     + " pred=" + toString(destLane.predecessor)
863                                     + " succ=" + toString(destLane.successor)
864                                     + " wStart=" + toString(destLane.widthData.front().computeAt(0))
865                                     + " wEnd=" + toString(destLane.widthData.front().computeAt(cn.shape.length2D()))
866                                     + " width=" + toString(destLane.width) + "\n";
867 #endif
868                         if (abs(destLane.id) <= abs(referenceLane)) {
869                             const double multiplier = offsetFactor * (destLane.id == referenceLane ? 0.5 : 1);
871                             destPred += "     multiplier=" + toString(multiplier) + "\n";
872 #endif
873                             double s = 0;
874                             for (int i = 0; i < (int)cn.shape.size(); ++i) {
875                                 if (i > 0) {
876                                     s += cn.shape[i - 1].distanceTo2D(cn.shape[i]);
877                                 }
878                                 offsets[i] += destLane.widthData.front().computeAt(s) * multiplier;
879                             }
880                         }
881                     }
882                     try {
883                         cn.shape.move2side(offsets);
884                     } catch (InvalidArgument&) {
885                         WRITE_WARNING("Could not import internal lane shape from edge '" + c.fromEdge + "' to edge '" + c.toEdge);
886                         cn.shape.clear();
887                     }
889                     std::cout << "internalShape "
890                               << c.getDescription()
891                               << " dest=" << dest->id
892                               << " refLane=" << referenceLane
893                               << " destPred\n" << destPred
894                               << " offsets=" << offsets
895                               << "\n shape=" << dest->geom
896                               << "\n shape2=" << cn.shape
897                               << "\n";
898 #endif
899                     if (c.toCP == OPENDRIVE_CP_END) {
900                         cn.shape = cn.shape.reverse();
901                     }
902                 }
904                 if (DEBUG_COND3(c.fromEdge)) {
905                     std::cout << "        added connection\n";
906                 }
907 #endif
908                 into.push_back(cn);
909             }
910         }
911     }
912 }
915 bool
laneSectionsConnected(OpenDriveEdge * edge,int in,int out)916 NIImporter_OpenDrive::laneSectionsConnected(OpenDriveEdge* edge, int in, int out) {
917     if (edge->laneSections.size() == 1) {
918         return in == out;
919     } else {
920         // there could be spacing lanes (type 'none') that lead to a shift in lane index
921         for (auto it = edge->laneSections.begin(); it + 1 < edge->laneSections.end(); it++) {
922             OpenDriveLaneSection& laneSection = *it;
923             if (laneSection.lanesByDir.find(OPENDRIVE_TAG_RIGHT) != laneSection.lanesByDir.end()) {
924                 for (OpenDriveLane& lane : laneSection.lanesByDir.find(OPENDRIVE_TAG_RIGHT)->second) {
925                     if (lane.id == in) {
926                         in = lane.successor;
927                     }
928                 }
929             }
930             if (laneSection.lanesByDir.find(OPENDRIVE_TAG_LEFT) != laneSection.lanesByDir.end()) {
931                 for (OpenDriveLane& lane : laneSection.lanesByDir.find(OPENDRIVE_TAG_LEFT)->second) {
932                     if (lane.id == in) {
933                         in = lane.successor;
934                     }
935                 }
936             }
937         }
938         return in == out;
939     }
940 }
943 void
setEdgeLinks2(OpenDriveEdge & e,const std::map<std::string,OpenDriveEdge * > & edges)944 NIImporter_OpenDrive::setEdgeLinks2(OpenDriveEdge& e, const std::map<std::string, OpenDriveEdge*>& edges) {
945     for (std::vector<OpenDriveLink>::iterator i = e.links.begin(); i != e.links.end(); ++i) {
946         OpenDriveLink& l = *i;
947         if (l.elementType != OPENDRIVE_ET_ROAD) {
948             // we assume that links to nodes are later given as connections to edges
949             continue;
950         }
951         // get the right direction of the connected edge
952         std::string connectedEdge = l.elementID;
953         std::string edgeID = e.id;
955         OpenDriveLaneSection& laneSection = l.linkType == OPENDRIVE_LT_SUCCESSOR ? e.laneSections.back() : e.laneSections[0];
956         const std::map<int, int>& laneMap = laneSection.laneMap;
958         if (DEBUG_COND(&e)) {
959             std::cout << "edge=" << e.id << " eType=" << l.elementType << " lType=" << l.linkType  << " connectedEdge=" << connectedEdge << " laneSection=" << laneSection.s << " map:\n";
960             std::cout << joinToString(laneMap, "\n", ":") << "\n";
961         }
962 #endif
963         if (laneSection.lanesByDir.find(OPENDRIVE_TAG_RIGHT) != laneSection.lanesByDir.end()) {
964             const std::vector<OpenDriveLane>& lanes = laneSection.lanesByDir.find(OPENDRIVE_TAG_RIGHT)->second;
965             for (std::vector<OpenDriveLane>::const_iterator j = lanes.begin(); j != lanes.end(); ++j) {
966                 if (!myImportAllTypes && laneMap.find((*j).id) == laneMap.end()) {
967                     continue;
968                 }
969                 Connection c; // @todo: give Connection a new name and a constructor
970                 c.fromEdge = e.id;
971                 c.fromLane = (*j).id;
972                 c.fromCP = OPENDRIVE_CP_END;
973                 c.toLane = l.linkType == OPENDRIVE_LT_SUCCESSOR ? (*j).successor : (*j).predecessor;
974                 c.toEdge = connectedEdge;
975                 c.toCP = l.contactPoint;
976                 c.all = false;
977                 if (l.linkType != OPENDRIVE_LT_SUCCESSOR) {
978                     std::swap(c.fromEdge, c.toEdge);
979                     std::swap(c.fromLane, c.toLane);
980                     std::swap(c.fromCP, c.toCP);
981                 }
982                 if (edges.find(c.fromEdge) == edges.end()) {
983                     WRITE_ERROR("While setting connections: incoming road '" + c.fromEdge + "' is not known.");
984                 } else {
985                     OpenDriveEdge* src = edges.find(c.fromEdge)->second;
986                     src->connections.insert(c);
988                     if (DEBUG_COND(src)) {
989                         std::cout << "insertConRight from=" << src->id << "_" << c.fromLane << " to=" << c.toEdge << "_" << c.toLane << "\n";
990                     }
991 #endif
992                 }
993             }
994         }
995         if (laneSection.lanesByDir.find(OPENDRIVE_TAG_LEFT) != laneSection.lanesByDir.end()) {
996             const std::vector<OpenDriveLane>& lanes = laneSection.lanesByDir.find(OPENDRIVE_TAG_LEFT)->second;
997             for (std::vector<OpenDriveLane>::const_iterator j = lanes.begin(); j != lanes.end(); ++j) {
998                 if (!myImportAllTypes && laneMap.find((*j).id) == laneMap.end()) {
999                     continue;
1000                 }
1001                 Connection c;
1002                 c.toEdge = e.id;
1003                 c.toLane = (*j).id;
1004                 c.toCP = OPENDRIVE_CP_END;
1005                 c.fromLane = l.linkType == OPENDRIVE_LT_SUCCESSOR ? (*j).successor : (*j).predecessor;
1006                 c.fromEdge = connectedEdge;
1007                 c.fromCP = l.contactPoint;
1008                 c.all = false;
1009                 if (l.linkType != OPENDRIVE_LT_SUCCESSOR) {
1010                     std::swap(c.fromEdge, c.toEdge);
1011                     std::swap(c.fromLane, c.toLane);
1012                     std::swap(c.fromCP, c.toCP);
1013                 }
1014                 if (edges.find(c.fromEdge) == edges.end()) {
1015                     WRITE_ERROR("While setting connections: incoming road '" + c.fromEdge + "' is not known.");
1016                 } else {
1017                     OpenDriveEdge* src = edges.find(c.fromEdge)->second;
1018                     src->connections.insert(c);
1020                     if (DEBUG_COND(src)) {
1021                         std::cout << "insertConLeft from=" << src->id << "_" << c.fromLane << " to=" << c.toEdge << "_" << c.toLane << "\n";
1022                     }
1023 #endif
1024                 }
1025             }
1026         }
1027     }
1028 }
revertID(const std::string & id)1031 std::string NIImporter_OpenDrive::revertID(const std::string& id) {
1032     if (id[0] == '-') {
1033         return id.substr(1);
1034     }
1035     return "-" + id;
1036 }
1039 NBNode*
getOrBuildNode(const std::string & id,const Position & pos,NBNodeCont & nc)1040 NIImporter_OpenDrive::getOrBuildNode(const std::string& id, const Position& pos,
1041                                      NBNodeCont& nc) {
1042     if (nc.retrieve(id) == nullptr) {
1043         // not yet built; build now
1044         if (!nc.insert(id, pos)) {
1045             // !!! clean up
1046             throw ProcessError("Could not add node '" + id + "'.");
1047         }
1048     }
1049     return nc.retrieve(id);
1050 }
1053 void
setNodeSecure(NBNodeCont & nc,OpenDriveEdge & e,const std::string & nodeID,NIImporter_OpenDrive::LinkType lt)1054 NIImporter_OpenDrive::setNodeSecure(NBNodeCont& nc, OpenDriveEdge& e,
1055                                     const std::string& nodeID, NIImporter_OpenDrive::LinkType lt) {
1056     NBNode* n = nc.retrieve(nodeID);
1057     if (n == nullptr) {
1058         throw ProcessError("Could not find node '" + nodeID + "'.");
1059     }
1060     if (lt == OPENDRIVE_LT_SUCCESSOR) {
1061         if (e.to != nullptr && e.to != n) {
1062             throw ProcessError("Edge '" + e.id + "' has two end nodes.");
1063         }
1064         e.to = n;
1065     } else {
1066         if (e.from != nullptr && e.from != n) {
1067             throw ProcessError("Edge '" + e.id + "' has two start nodes.");
1068         }
1069         e.from = n;
1070     }
1071 }
1073 bool
hasNonLinearElevation(OpenDriveEdge & e)1074 NIImporter_OpenDrive::hasNonLinearElevation(OpenDriveEdge& e) {
1075     if (e.elevations.size() > 1) {
1076         return true;
1077     }
1078     for (OpenDriveElevation& el : e.elevations) {
1079         if (el.c != 0 || el.d != 0) {
1080             return true;
1081         }
1082     }
1083     return false;
1084 }
1086 void
computeShapes(std::map<std::string,OpenDriveEdge * > & edges)1087 NIImporter_OpenDrive::computeShapes(std::map<std::string, OpenDriveEdge*>& edges) {
1088     OptionsCont& oc = OptionsCont::getOptions();
1089     const double res = oc.getFloat("opendrive.curve-resolution");
1090     for (std::map<std::string, OpenDriveEdge*>::iterator i = edges.begin(); i != edges.end(); ++i) {
1091         OpenDriveEdge& e = *(*i).second;
1092         GeometryType prevType = OPENDRIVE_GT_UNKNOWN;
1093         const double lineRes = hasNonLinearElevation(e) ? res : -1;
1094         for (std::vector<OpenDriveGeometry>::iterator j = e.geometries.begin(); j != e.geometries.end(); ++j) {
1095             OpenDriveGeometry& g = *j;
1096             PositionVector geom;
1097             switch (g.type) {
1098                 case OPENDRIVE_GT_UNKNOWN:
1099                     break;
1100                 case OPENDRIVE_GT_LINE:
1101                     geom = geomFromLine(e, g, lineRes);
1102                     break;
1103                 case OPENDRIVE_GT_SPIRAL:
1104                     geom = geomFromSpiral(e, g, res);
1105                     break;
1106                 case OPENDRIVE_GT_ARC:
1107                     geom = geomFromArc(e, g, res);
1108                     break;
1109                 case OPENDRIVE_GT_POLY3:
1110                     geom = geomFromPoly(e, g, res);
1111                     break;
1112                 case OPENDRIVE_GT_PARAMPOLY3:
1113                     geom = geomFromParamPoly(e, g, res);
1114                     break;
1115                 default:
1116                     break;
1117             }
1118             if (e.geom.size() > 0 && prevType == OPENDRIVE_GT_LINE) {
1119                 // remove redundant end point of the previous geometry segment
1120                 // (the start point of the current segment should have the same value)
1121                 // this avoids geometry errors due to imprecision
1122                 if (!e.geom.back().almostSame(geom.front())) {
1123                     const int index = (int)(j - e.geometries.begin());
1124                     WRITE_WARNING("Mismatched geometry for edge '" + e.id + "' between geometry segments " + toString(index - 1) + " and " + toString(index) + ".");
1125                 }
1126                 e.geom.pop_back();
1127             }
1128             //std::cout << " adding geometry to road=" << e.id << " old=" << e.geom << " new=" << geom << "\n";
1129             for (PositionVector::iterator k = geom.begin(); k != geom.end(); ++k) {
1130                 e.geom.push_back_noDoublePos(*k);
1131             }
1132             prevType = g.type;
1133         }
1134         if (oc.exists("geometry.min-dist") && !oc.isDefault("geometry.min-dist")) {
1135             e.geom.removeDoublePoints(oc.getFloat("geometry.min-dist"), true);
1136         }
1137         if (!NBNetBuilder::transformCoordinates(e.geom)) {
1138             WRITE_ERROR("Unable to project coordinates for edge '" + e.id + "'.");
1139         }
1140         // add z-data
1141         int k = 0;
1142         double pos = 0;
1143         //std::cout << " edge=" << e.id << " geom.size=" << e.geom.size() << " geom.len=" << e.geom.length2D() << " ele.size=" << e.elevations.size() << "\n";
1144         for (std::vector<OpenDriveElevation>::iterator j = e.elevations.begin(); j != e.elevations.end(); ++j) {
1145             const OpenDriveElevation& el = *j;
1146             const double sNext = (j + 1) == e.elevations.end() ? std::numeric_limits<double>::max() : (*(j + 1)).s;
1147             while (k < (int)e.geom.size() && pos < sNext) {
1148                 const double z = el.computeAt(pos);
1149                 //std::cout << " edge=" << e.id << " k=" << k << " sNext=" << sNext << " pos=" << pos << " z=" << z << " el.s=" << el.s << " el.a=" << el.a << " el.b=" << el.b << " el.c=" << el.c << " el.d=" << el.d <<  "\n";
1150                 e.geom[k].add(0, 0, z);
1151                 k++;
1152                 if (k < (int)e.geom.size()) {
1153                     // XXX pos understimates the actual position since the
1154                     // actual geometry between k-1 and k could be curved
1155                     pos += e.geom[k - 1].distanceTo2D(e.geom[k]);
1156                 }
1157             }
1158         }
1159         // add laneoffset
1160         if (e.offsets.size() > 0) {
1161             // make sure there are intermediate points for each offset-section
1162             for (std::vector<OpenDriveLaneOffset>::iterator j = e.offsets.begin(); j != e.offsets.end(); ++j) {
1163                 const OpenDriveLaneOffset& el = *j;
1164                 // check wether we need to insert a new point at dist
1165                 Position pS = e.geom.positionAtOffset2D(el.s);
1166                 int iS = e.geom.indexOfClosest(pS);
1167                 // prevent close spacing to reduce impact of rounding errors in z-axis
1168                 if (pS.distanceTo2D(e.geom[iS]) > POSITION_EPS) {
1169                     e.geom.insertAtClosest(pS);
1170                     //std::cout << " edge=" << e.id << " inserting pos=" << pS << " s=" << el.s << " iS=" << iS << " dist=" << pS.distanceTo2D(e.geom[iS]) << "\n";
1171                 }
1172             }
1173             // XXX add further points for sections with non-constant offset
1174             // shift each point orthogonally by the specified offset
1175             int k = 0;
1176             double pos = 0;
1177             PositionVector geom2;
1178             for (std::vector<OpenDriveLaneOffset>::iterator j = e.offsets.begin(); j != e.offsets.end(); ++j) {
1179                 const OpenDriveLaneOffset& el = *j;
1180                 const double sNext = (j + 1) == e.offsets.end() ? std::numeric_limits<double>::max() : (*(j + 1)).s;
1181                 while (k < (int)e.geom.size() && pos < sNext) {
1182                     const double offset = el.computeAt(pos);
1183                     //std::cout << " edge=" << e.id << " k=" << k << " sNext=" << sNext << " pos=" << pos << " offset=" << offset << " ds=" << ds << " el.s=" << el.s << "el.a=" << el.a << " el.b=" << el.b << " el.c=" << el.c << " el.d=" << el.d <<  "\n";
1184                     if (fabs(offset) > POSITION_EPS) {
1185                         try {
1186                             PositionVector tmp = e.geom;
1187                             // XXX shifting the whole geometry is inefficient.  could also use positionAtOffset(lateralOffset=...)
1188                             tmp.move2side(-offset);
1189                             //std::cout << " edge=" << e.id << " k=" << k << " offset=" << offset << " geom[k]=" << e.geom[k] << " tmp[k]=" << tmp[k] << " gSize=" << e.geom.size() << " tSize=" << tmp.size() <<  " geom=" << e.geom << " tmp=" << tmp << "\n";
1190                             geom2.push_back(tmp[k]);
1191                         } catch (InvalidArgument&) {
1192                             WRITE_WARNING("Could not compute shape for edge " + toString(e.id));
1193                             geom2.push_back(e.geom[k]);
1194                         }
1195                     } else {
1196                         geom2.push_back(e.geom[k]);
1197                     }
1198                     k++;
1199                     if (k < (int)e.geom.size()) {
1200                         // XXX pos understimates the actual position since the
1201                         // actual geometry between k-1 and k could be curved
1202                         pos += e.geom[k - 1].distanceTo2D(e.geom[k]);
1203                     }
1204                 }
1205             }
1206             assert(e.geom.size() == geom2.size());
1207             e.geom = geom2;
1208         }
1209         //std::cout << " loaded geometry " << e.id << "=" << e.geom << "\n";
1210     }
1211 }
1214 void
revisitLaneSections(const NBTypeCont & tc,std::map<std::string,OpenDriveEdge * > & edges)1215 NIImporter_OpenDrive::revisitLaneSections(const NBTypeCont& tc, std::map<std::string, OpenDriveEdge*>& edges) {
1216     for (std::map<std::string, OpenDriveEdge*>::iterator i = edges.begin(); i != edges.end(); ++i) {
1217         OpenDriveEdge& e = *(*i).second;
1219         if (DEBUG_COND(&e)) {
1220             gDebugFlag1 = true;
1221             std::cout << "revisitLaneSections e=" << e.id << "\n";
1222         }
1223 #endif
1224         std::vector<OpenDriveLaneSection>& laneSections = e.laneSections;
1225         // split by speed limits
1226         std::vector<OpenDriveLaneSection> newSections;
1227         for (std::vector<OpenDriveLaneSection>::iterator j = laneSections.begin(); j != laneSections.end(); ++j) {
1228             std::vector<OpenDriveLaneSection> splitSections;
1229             bool splitBySpeed = (*j).buildSpeedChanges(tc, splitSections);
1230             if (!splitBySpeed) {
1231                 newSections.push_back(*j);
1232             } else {
1233                 std::copy(splitSections.begin(), splitSections.end(), back_inserter(newSections));
1234             }
1235         }
1237         e.laneSections = newSections;
1238         laneSections = e.laneSections;
1239         double lastS = -1;
1240         // check whether the lane sections are in the right order
1241         bool sorted = true;
1242         for (std::vector<OpenDriveLaneSection>::const_iterator j = laneSections.begin(); j != laneSections.end() && sorted; ++j) {
1243             if ((*j).s <= lastS) {
1244                 sorted = false;
1245             }
1246             lastS = (*j).s;
1247         }
1248         if (!sorted) {
1249             WRITE_WARNING("The sections of edge '" + e.id + "' are not sorted properly.");
1250             sort(e.laneSections.begin(), e.laneSections.end(), sections_by_s_sorter());
1251         }
1252         // check whether no duplicates of s-value occure
1253         lastS = -1;
1254         laneSections = e.laneSections;
1255         for (std::vector<OpenDriveLaneSection>::iterator j = laneSections.begin(); j != laneSections.end();) {
1256             bool simlarToLast = fabs((*j).s - lastS) < POSITION_EPS;
1257             lastS = (*j).s;
1258             if (simlarToLast) {
1259                 WRITE_WARNING("Almost duplicate s-value '" + toString(lastS) + "' for lane sections occurred at edge '" + e.id + "'; second entry was removed.");
1260                 j = laneSections.erase(j);
1261             } else {
1262                 ++j;
1263             }
1264         }
1266         gDebugFlag1 = false;
1267 #endif
1268     }
1269 }
1272 PositionVector
geomFromLine(const OpenDriveEdge & e,const OpenDriveGeometry & g,double resolution)1273 NIImporter_OpenDrive::geomFromLine(const OpenDriveEdge& e, const OpenDriveGeometry& g, double resolution) {
1275     PositionVector ret;
1276     Position start(g.x, g.y);
1277     Position end = calculateStraightEndPoint(g.hdg, g.length, start);
1278     if (resolution > 0 && g.length > 0) {
1279         const int numPoints = (int)ceil(g.length / resolution) + 1;
1280         double dx = (end.x() - start.x()) / (numPoints - 1);
1281         double dy = (end.y() - start.y()) / (numPoints - 1);
1282         for (int i = 0; i < numPoints; i++) {
1283             ret.push_back(Position(g.x + i * dx, g.y + i * dy));
1284         }
1285     } else {
1286         ret.push_back(start);
1287         ret.push_back(end);
1288     }
1289     return ret;
1290 }
1293 PositionVector
geomFromSpiral(const OpenDriveEdge & e,const OpenDriveGeometry & g,double resolution)1294 NIImporter_OpenDrive::geomFromSpiral(const OpenDriveEdge& e, const OpenDriveGeometry& g, double resolution) {
1296     PositionVector ret;
1297     double curveStart = g.params[0];
1298     double curveEnd = g.params[1];
1299     try {
1300         double cDot = (curveEnd - curveStart) / g.length;
1301         if (cDot == 0 || g.length == 0) {
1302             WRITE_WARNING("Could not compute spiral geometry for edge '" + e.id + "' (cDot=" + toString(cDot) + " length=" + toString(g.length) + ").");
1303             ret.push_back(Position(g.x, g.y));
1304             return ret;
1305         }
1306         double sStart = curveStart / cDot;
1307         double sEnd = curveEnd / cDot;
1308         double x = 0;
1309         double y = 0;
1310         double t = 0;
1311         double tStart = 0;
1312         double s;
1313         odrSpiral(sStart, cDot, &x, &y, &tStart);
1314         for (s = sStart; s <= sEnd; s += resolution) {
1315             odrSpiral(s, cDot, &x, &y, &t);
1316             ret.push_back(Position(x, y));
1317         }
1318         if (s != sEnd /*&& ret.size() == 1*/) {
1319             odrSpiral(sEnd, cDot, &x, &y, &t);
1320             ret.push_back(Position(x, y));
1321         }
1322         //if (s != sEnd && ret.size() > 2) {
1323         //    ret.pop_back();
1324         //}
1325         assert(ret.size() >= 2);
1326         assert(ret[0] != ret[1]);
1327         // shift start to coordinate origin
1328         PositionVector ret1 = ret;
1329         ret.add(ret.front() * -1);
1330         // rotate
1331         PositionVector ret2 = ret;
1332         ret.rotate2D(g.hdg - tStart);
1333 #ifdef DEBUG_SPIRAL
1334         std::cout
1335                 << std::setprecision(4)
1336                 << "edge=" << e.id << " s=" << g.s
1337                 << " cStart=" << curveStart
1338                 << " cEnd=" << curveEnd
1339                 << " cDot=" << cDot
1340                 << " sStart=" << sStart
1341                 << " sEnd=" << sEnd
1342                 << " g.hdg=" << GeomHelper::naviDegree(g.hdg)
1343                 << " tStart=" << GeomHelper::naviDegree(tStart)
1344                 << "\n  beforeShift=" << ret1
1345                 << "\n  beforeRot=" << ret2
1346                 << "\n";
1347 #endif
1348         // shift to geometry start
1349         ret.add(g.x, g.y, 0);
1350     } catch (const std::runtime_error& error) {
1351         WRITE_WARNING("Could not compute spiral geometry for edge '" + e.id + "' (" + error.what() + ").");
1352         ret.push_back(Position(g.x, g.y));
1353     }
1354     return ret.getSubpart2D(0, g.length);
1355 }
1358 PositionVector
geomFromArc(const OpenDriveEdge & e,const OpenDriveGeometry & g,double resolution)1359 NIImporter_OpenDrive::geomFromArc(const OpenDriveEdge& e, const OpenDriveGeometry& g, double resolution) {
1361     PositionVector ret;
1362     double dist = 0.0;
1363     double centerX = g.x;
1364     double centerY = g.y;
1365     // left: positive value
1366     double curvature = g.params[0];
1367     double radius = 1. / curvature;
1368     // center point
1369     calculateCurveCenter(&centerX, &centerY, radius, g.hdg);
1370     double endX = g.x;
1371     double endY = g.y;
1372     double startX = g.x;
1373     double startY = g.y;
1374     double geo_posS = g.s;
1375     double geo_posE = g.s;
1376     bool end = false;
1377     do {
1378         geo_posE += resolution;
1379         if (geo_posE - g.s > g.length) {
1380             geo_posE = g.s + g.length;
1381         }
1382         if (geo_posE - g.s > g.length) {
1383             geo_posE = g.s + g.length;
1384         }
1385         calcPointOnCurve(&endX, &endY, centerX, centerY, radius, geo_posE - geo_posS);
1387         dist += (geo_posE - geo_posS);
1388         //
1389         ret.push_back(Position(startX, startY));
1390         //
1391         startX = endX;
1392         startY = endY;
1393         geo_posS = geo_posE;
1395         if (geo_posE  - (g.s + g.length) < 0.001 && geo_posE  - (g.s + g.length) > -0.001) {
1396             end = true;
1397         }
1398     } while (!end);
1399     return ret.getSubpart2D(0, g.length);
1400 }
1403 PositionVector
geomFromPoly(const OpenDriveEdge & e,const OpenDriveGeometry & g,double resolution)1404 NIImporter_OpenDrive::geomFromPoly(const OpenDriveEdge& e, const OpenDriveGeometry& g, double resolution) {
1406     const double s = sin(g.hdg);
1407     const double c = cos(g.hdg);
1408     PositionVector ret;
1409     for (double off = 0; off < g.length + 2.; off += resolution) {
1410         double x = off;
1411         double y = g.params[0] + g.params[1] * off + g.params[2] * pow(off, 2.) + g.params[3] * pow(off, 3.);
1412         double xnew = x * c - y * s;
1413         double ynew = x * s + y * c;
1414         ret.push_back(Position(g.x + xnew, g.y + ynew));
1415     }
1416     return ret.getSubpart2D(0, g.length);
1417 }
1420 PositionVector
geomFromParamPoly(const OpenDriveEdge & e,const OpenDriveGeometry & g,double resolution)1421 NIImporter_OpenDrive::geomFromParamPoly(const OpenDriveEdge& e, const OpenDriveGeometry& g, double resolution) {
1423     const double s = sin(g.hdg);
1424     const double c = cos(g.hdg);
1425     const double pMax = g.params[8] <= 0 ? g.length : g.params[8];
1426     const double pStep = pMax / ceil(g.length / resolution);
1427     PositionVector ret;
1428     for (double p = 0; p <= pMax + pStep; p += pStep) {
1429         double x = g.params[0] + g.params[1] * p + g.params[2] * pow(p, 2.) + g.params[3] * pow(p, 3.);
1430         double y = g.params[4] + g.params[5] * p + g.params[6] * pow(p, 2.) + g.params[7] * pow(p, 3.);
1431         double xnew = x * c - y * s;
1432         double ynew = x * s + y * c;
1433         ret.push_back(Position(g.x + xnew, g.y + ynew));
1434     }
1435     return ret.getSubpart2D(0, g.length);
1436 }
1439 Position
calculateStraightEndPoint(double hdg,double length,const Position & start)1440 NIImporter_OpenDrive::calculateStraightEndPoint(double hdg, double length, const Position& start) {
1441     double normx = 1.0f;
1442     double normy = 0.0f;
1443     double x2 = normx * cos(hdg) - normy * sin(hdg);
1444     double y2 = normx * sin(hdg) + normy * cos(hdg);
1445     normx = x2 * length;
1446     normy = y2 * length;
1447     return Position(start.x() + normx, start.y() + normy);
1448 }
1451 void
calculateCurveCenter(double * ad_x,double * ad_y,double ad_radius,double ad_hdg)1452 NIImporter_OpenDrive::calculateCurveCenter(double* ad_x, double* ad_y, double ad_radius, double ad_hdg) {
1453     double normX = 1.0;
1454     double normY = 0.0;
1455     double tmpX;
1456     double turn;
1457     if (ad_radius > 0) {
1458         turn = -1.0;
1459     } else {
1460         turn = 1.0;
1461     }
1463     tmpX = normX;
1464     normX = normX * cos(ad_hdg) + normY * sin(ad_hdg);
1465     normY = tmpX * sin(ad_hdg) + normY * cos(ad_hdg);
1467     tmpX = normX;
1468     normX = turn * normY;
1469     normY = -turn * tmpX;
1471     normX = fabs(ad_radius) * normX;
1472     normY = fabs(ad_radius) * normY;
1474     *ad_x += normX;
1475     *ad_y += normY;
1476 }
1479 void
calcPointOnCurve(double * ad_x,double * ad_y,double ad_centerX,double ad_centerY,double ad_r,double ad_length)1480 NIImporter_OpenDrive::calcPointOnCurve(double* ad_x, double* ad_y, double ad_centerX, double ad_centerY,
1481                                        double ad_r, double ad_length) {
1482     double rotAngle = ad_length / fabs(ad_r);
1483     double vx = *ad_x - ad_centerX;
1484     double vy = *ad_y - ad_centerY;
1485     double tmpx;
1487     double turn;
1488     if (ad_r > 0) {
1489         turn = -1;    //left
1490     } else {
1491         turn = 1;    //right
1492     }
1493     tmpx = vx;
1494     vx = vx * cos(rotAngle) + turn * vy * sin(rotAngle);
1495     vy = -1 * turn * tmpx * sin(rotAngle) + vy * cos(rotAngle);
1496     *ad_x = vx + ad_centerX;
1497     *ad_y = vy + ad_centerY;
1498 }
1501 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
1502 // section
1503 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
OpenDriveLaneSection(double sArg)1504 NIImporter_OpenDrive::OpenDriveLaneSection::OpenDriveLaneSection(double sArg) : s(sArg), sOrig(sArg) {
1505     lanesByDir[OPENDRIVE_TAG_LEFT] = std::vector<OpenDriveLane>();
1506     lanesByDir[OPENDRIVE_TAG_RIGHT] = std::vector<OpenDriveLane>();
1507     lanesByDir[OPENDRIVE_TAG_CENTER] = std::vector<OpenDriveLane>();
1508 }
1511 void
buildLaneMapping(const NBTypeCont & tc)1512 NIImporter_OpenDrive::OpenDriveLaneSection::buildLaneMapping(const NBTypeCont& tc) {
1513     int sumoLane = 0;
1514     bool singleType = true;
1515     std::vector<std::string> types;
1516     const std::vector<OpenDriveLane>& dirLanesR = lanesByDir.find(OPENDRIVE_TAG_RIGHT)->second;
1517     for (std::vector<OpenDriveLane>::const_reverse_iterator i = dirLanesR.rbegin(); i != dirLanesR.rend(); ++i) {
1518         if (myImportAllTypes || (tc.knows((*i).type) && !tc.getShallBeDiscarded((*i).type))) {
1519             laneMap[(*i).id] = sumoLane++;
1520             types.push_back((*i).type);
1521             if (types.front() != types.back()) {
1522                 singleType = false;
1523             }
1524         }
1525     }
1526     rightLaneNumber = sumoLane;
1527     rightType = sumoLane > 0 ? (singleType ? types.front() : joinToString(types, "|")) : "";
1528     sumoLane = 0;
1529     singleType = true;
1530     types.clear();
1531     const std::vector<OpenDriveLane>& dirLanesL = lanesByDir.find(OPENDRIVE_TAG_LEFT)->second;
1532     for (std::vector<OpenDriveLane>::const_iterator i = dirLanesL.begin(); i != dirLanesL.end(); ++i) {
1533         if (myImportAllTypes || (tc.knows((*i).type) && !tc.getShallBeDiscarded((*i).type))) {
1534             laneMap[(*i).id] = sumoLane++;
1535             types.push_back((*i).type);
1536             if (types.front() != types.back()) {
1537                 singleType = false;
1538             }
1539         }
1540     }
1541     leftLaneNumber = sumoLane;
1542     leftType = sumoLane > 0 ? (singleType ? types.front() : joinToString(types, "|")) : "";
1543 }
1546 std::map<int, int>
getInnerConnections(OpenDriveXMLTag dir,const OpenDriveLaneSection & prev)1547 NIImporter_OpenDrive::OpenDriveLaneSection::getInnerConnections(OpenDriveXMLTag dir, const OpenDriveLaneSection& prev) {
1548     std::map<int, int> ret;
1549     const std::vector<OpenDriveLane>& dirLanes = lanesByDir.find(dir)->second;
1550     for (std::vector<OpenDriveLane>::const_reverse_iterator i = dirLanes.rbegin(); i != dirLanes.rend(); ++i) {
1551         std::map<int, int>::const_iterator toP = laneMap.find((*i).id);
1552         if (toP == laneMap.end()) {
1553             // the current lane is not available in SUMO
1554             continue;
1555         }
1556         int to = (*toP).second;
1557         int from = UNSET_CONNECTION;
1558         if ((*i).predecessor != UNSET_CONNECTION) {
1559             from = (*i).predecessor;
1560         }
1561         if (from != UNSET_CONNECTION) {
1562             std::map<int, int>::const_iterator fromP = prev.laneMap.find(from);
1563             if (fromP != prev.laneMap.end()) {
1564                 from = (*fromP).second;
1565             } else {
1566                 from = UNSET_CONNECTION;
1567             }
1568         }
1569         if (from != UNSET_CONNECTION && to != UNSET_CONNECTION) {
1570             if (ret.find(from) != ret.end()) {
1571 //        WRITE_WARNING("double connection");
1572             }
1573             if (dir == OPENDRIVE_TAG_LEFT) {
1574                 std::swap(from, to);
1575             }
1576             ret[from] = to;
1577         } else {
1578 //      WRITE_WARNING("missing connection");
1579         }
1580     }
1581     return ret;
1582 }
1585 NIImporter_OpenDrive::OpenDriveLaneSection
buildLaneSection(double startPos)1586 NIImporter_OpenDrive::OpenDriveLaneSection::buildLaneSection(double startPos) {
1587     OpenDriveLaneSection ret(*this);
1588     ret.s += startPos;
1589     for (int k = 0; k < (int)ret.lanesByDir[OPENDRIVE_TAG_RIGHT].size(); ++k) {
1590         OpenDriveLane& l = ret.lanesByDir[OPENDRIVE_TAG_RIGHT][k];
1591         l.speed = 0;
1592         std::vector<std::pair<double, double> >::const_iterator i = std::find_if(l.speeds.begin(), l.speeds.end(), same_position_finder(startPos));
1593         if (i != l.speeds.end()) {
1594             l.speed = (*i).second;
1595         }
1596     }
1597     for (int k = 0; k < (int)ret.lanesByDir[OPENDRIVE_TAG_LEFT].size(); ++k) {
1598         OpenDriveLane& l = ret.lanesByDir[OPENDRIVE_TAG_LEFT][k];
1599         std::vector<std::pair<double, double> >::const_iterator i = std::find_if(l.speeds.begin(), l.speeds.end(), same_position_finder(startPos));
1600         l.speed = 0;
1601         if (i != l.speeds.end()) {
1602             l.speed = (*i).second;
1603         }
1604     }
1605     return ret;
1606 }
1609 bool
buildSpeedChanges(const NBTypeCont & tc,std::vector<OpenDriveLaneSection> & newSections)1610 NIImporter_OpenDrive::OpenDriveLaneSection::buildSpeedChanges(const NBTypeCont& tc, std::vector<OpenDriveLaneSection>& newSections) {
1611     std::set<double> speedChangePositions;
1612     // collect speed change positions and apply initial speed to the begin
1613     for (std::vector<OpenDriveLane>::iterator k = lanesByDir[OPENDRIVE_TAG_RIGHT].begin(); k != lanesByDir[OPENDRIVE_TAG_RIGHT].end(); ++k) {
1614         for (std::vector<std::pair<double, double> >::const_iterator l = (*k).speeds.begin(); l != (*k).speeds.end(); ++l) {
1615             speedChangePositions.insert((*l).first);
1616             if ((*l).first == 0) {
1617                 (*k).speed = (*l).second;
1618             }
1619         }
1620     }
1621     for (std::vector<OpenDriveLane>::iterator k = lanesByDir[OPENDRIVE_TAG_LEFT].begin(); k != lanesByDir[OPENDRIVE_TAG_LEFT].end(); ++k) {
1622         for (std::vector<std::pair<double, double> >::const_iterator l = (*k).speeds.begin(); l != (*k).speeds.end(); ++l) {
1623             speedChangePositions.insert((*l).first);
1624             if ((*l).first == 0) {
1625                 (*k).speed = (*l).second;
1626             }
1627         }
1628     }
1629     // do nothing if there is none
1630     if (speedChangePositions.size() == 0) {
1631         return false;
1632     }
1633     if (*speedChangePositions.begin() > 0) {
1634         speedChangePositions.insert(0);
1635     }
1637     if (gDebugFlag1) std::cout
1638                 << "  buildSpeedChanges sectionStart=" << s
1639                 << " speedChangePositions=" << joinToString(speedChangePositions, ", ")
1640                 << "\n";
1641 #endif
1642     for (std::set<double>::iterator i = speedChangePositions.begin(); i != speedChangePositions.end(); ++i) {
1643         if (i == speedChangePositions.begin()) {
1644             newSections.push_back(*this);
1645         } else {
1646             newSections.push_back(buildLaneSection(*i));
1647         }
1648     }
1649     // propagate speeds
1650     for (int i = 0; i != (int)newSections.size(); ++i) {
1651         OpenDriveLaneSection& ls = newSections[i];
1652         std::map<OpenDriveXMLTag, std::vector<OpenDriveLane> >& lanesByDir = ls.lanesByDir;
1653         for (std::map<OpenDriveXMLTag, std::vector<OpenDriveLane> >::iterator k = lanesByDir.begin(); k != lanesByDir.end(); ++k) {
1654             std::vector<OpenDriveLane>& lanes = (*k).second;
1655             for (int j = 0; j != (int)lanes.size(); ++j) {
1656                 OpenDriveLane& l = lanes[j];
1657                 if (l.speed != 0) {
1658                     continue;
1659                 }
1660                 if (i > 0) {
1661                     l.speed = newSections[i - 1].lanesByDir[(*k).first][j].speed;
1662                 } else {
1663                     tc.getSpeed(l.type);
1664                 }
1665             }
1666         }
1667     }
1668     return true;
1669 }
1673 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
1674 // edge
1675 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
1676 int
getPriority(OpenDriveXMLTag dir) const1677 NIImporter_OpenDrive::OpenDriveEdge::getPriority(OpenDriveXMLTag dir) const {
1678     // for signal interpretations see https://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bildtafel_der_Verkehrszeichen_in_der_Bundesrepublik_Deutschland_seit_2013
1679     int prio = 1;
1680     for (std::vector<OpenDriveSignal>::const_iterator i = signals.begin(); i != signals.end(); ++i) {
1681         int tmp = 1;
1682         if ((*i).type == "301" || (*i).type == "306") { // priority road or local priority
1683             tmp = 2;
1684         }
1685         if ((*i).type == "205" /*|| (*i).type == "206"*/) { // yield or stop
1686             tmp = 0;
1687         }
1688         if (tmp != 1 && dir == OPENDRIVE_TAG_RIGHT && (*i).orientation > 0) {
1689             prio = tmp;
1690         }
1691         if (tmp != 1 && dir == OPENDRIVE_TAG_LEFT && (*i).orientation < 0) {
1692             prio = tmp;
1693         }
1695     }
1696     return prio;
1697 }
1701 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
1702 // loader methods
1703 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
NIImporter_OpenDrive(const NBTypeCont & tc,std::map<std::string,OpenDriveEdge * > & edges)1704 NIImporter_OpenDrive::NIImporter_OpenDrive(const NBTypeCont& tc, std::map<std::string, OpenDriveEdge*>& edges)
1705     : GenericSAXHandler(openDriveTags, OPENDRIVE_TAG_NOTHING, openDriveAttrs, OPENDRIVE_ATTR_NOTHING, "opendrive"),
1706       myTypeContainer(tc), myCurrentEdge("", "", "", -1), myEdges(edges) {
1707 }
~NIImporter_OpenDrive()1710 NIImporter_OpenDrive::~NIImporter_OpenDrive() {
1711 }
1714 void
myStartElement(int element,const SUMOSAXAttributes & attrs)1715 NIImporter_OpenDrive::myStartElement(int element,
1716                                      const SUMOSAXAttributes& attrs) {
1717     bool ok = true;
1718     switch (element) {
1719         case OPENDRIVE_TAG_HEADER: {
1720             int majorVersion = attrs.get<int>(OPENDRIVE_ATTR_REVMAJOR, nullptr, ok);
1721             int minorVersion = attrs.get<int>(OPENDRIVE_ATTR_REVMINOR, nullptr, ok);
1722             if (majorVersion != 1 || minorVersion != 2) {
1723                 // TODO: leave note of exceptions
1724                 WRITE_WARNING("Given openDrive file '" + getFileName() + "' uses version " + toString(majorVersion) + "." + toString(minorVersion) + ";\n Version 1.2 is supported.");
1725             }
1726         }
1727         break;
1728         case OPENDRIVE_TAG_ROAD: {
1729             std::string id = attrs.get<std::string>(OPENDRIVE_ATTR_ID, nullptr, ok);
1730             std::string streetName = attrs.getOpt<std::string>(OPENDRIVE_ATTR_NAME, nullptr, ok, "", false);
1731             std::string junction = attrs.get<std::string>(OPENDRIVE_ATTR_JUNCTION, id.c_str(), ok);
1732             double length = attrs.get<double>(OPENDRIVE_ATTR_LENGTH, id.c_str(), ok);
1733             myCurrentEdge = OpenDriveEdge(id, streetName, junction, length);
1734         }
1735         break;
1736         case OPENDRIVE_TAG_PREDECESSOR: {
1737             if (myElementStack.size() >= 2 && myElementStack[myElementStack.size() - 2] == OPENDRIVE_TAG_ROAD) {
1738                 std::string elementType = attrs.get<std::string>(OPENDRIVE_ATTR_ELEMENTTYPE, myCurrentEdge.id.c_str(), ok);
1739                 std::string elementID = attrs.get<std::string>(OPENDRIVE_ATTR_ELEMENTID, myCurrentEdge.id.c_str(), ok);
1740                 std::string contactPoint = attrs.hasAttribute(OPENDRIVE_ATTR_CONTACTPOINT)
1741                                            ? attrs.get<std::string>(OPENDRIVE_ATTR_CONTACTPOINT, myCurrentEdge.id.c_str(), ok)
1742                                            : "end";
1743                 addLink(OPENDRIVE_LT_PREDECESSOR, elementType, elementID, contactPoint);
1744             }
1745             if (myElementStack.size() >= 2 && myElementStack[myElementStack.size() - 2] == OPENDRIVE_TAG_LANE) {
1746                 int no = attrs.get<int>(OPENDRIVE_ATTR_ID, myCurrentEdge.id.c_str(), ok);
1747                 OpenDriveLane& l = myCurrentEdge.laneSections.back().lanesByDir[myCurrentLaneDirection].back();
1748                 l.predecessor = no;
1749             }
1750         }
1751         break;
1752         case OPENDRIVE_TAG_SUCCESSOR: {
1753             if (myElementStack.size() >= 2 && myElementStack[myElementStack.size() - 2] == OPENDRIVE_TAG_ROAD) {
1754                 std::string elementType = attrs.get<std::string>(OPENDRIVE_ATTR_ELEMENTTYPE, myCurrentEdge.id.c_str(), ok);
1755                 std::string elementID = attrs.get<std::string>(OPENDRIVE_ATTR_ELEMENTID, myCurrentEdge.id.c_str(), ok);
1756                 std::string contactPoint = attrs.hasAttribute(OPENDRIVE_ATTR_CONTACTPOINT)
1757                                            ? attrs.get<std::string>(OPENDRIVE_ATTR_CONTACTPOINT, myCurrentEdge.id.c_str(), ok)
1758                                            : "start";
1759                 addLink(OPENDRIVE_LT_SUCCESSOR, elementType, elementID, contactPoint);
1760             }
1761             if (myElementStack.size() >= 2 && myElementStack[myElementStack.size() - 2] == OPENDRIVE_TAG_LANE) {
1762                 int no = attrs.get<int>(OPENDRIVE_ATTR_ID, myCurrentEdge.id.c_str(), ok);
1763                 OpenDriveLane& l = myCurrentEdge.laneSections.back().lanesByDir[myCurrentLaneDirection].back();
1764                 l.successor = no;
1765             }
1766         }
1767         break;
1768         case OPENDRIVE_TAG_GEOMETRY: {
1769             double length = attrs.get<double>(OPENDRIVE_ATTR_LENGTH, myCurrentEdge.id.c_str(), ok);
1770             double s = attrs.get<double>(OPENDRIVE_ATTR_S, myCurrentEdge.id.c_str(), ok);
1771             double x = attrs.get<double>(OPENDRIVE_ATTR_X, myCurrentEdge.id.c_str(), ok);
1772             double y = attrs.get<double>(OPENDRIVE_ATTR_Y, myCurrentEdge.id.c_str(), ok);
1773             double hdg = attrs.get<double>(OPENDRIVE_ATTR_HDG, myCurrentEdge.id.c_str(), ok);
1774             myCurrentEdge.geometries.push_back(OpenDriveGeometry(length, s, x, y, hdg));
1775         }
1776         break;
1777         case OPENDRIVE_TAG_ELEVATION: {
1778             double s = attrs.get<double>(OPENDRIVE_ATTR_S, myCurrentEdge.id.c_str(), ok);
1779             double a = attrs.get<double>(OPENDRIVE_ATTR_A, myCurrentEdge.id.c_str(), ok);
1780             double b = attrs.get<double>(OPENDRIVE_ATTR_B, myCurrentEdge.id.c_str(), ok);
1781             double c = attrs.get<double>(OPENDRIVE_ATTR_C, myCurrentEdge.id.c_str(), ok);
1782             double d = attrs.get<double>(OPENDRIVE_ATTR_D, myCurrentEdge.id.c_str(), ok);
1783             myCurrentEdge.elevations.push_back(OpenDriveElevation(s, a, b, c, d));
1784         }
1785         break;
1786         case OPENDRIVE_TAG_LINE: {
1787             if (myElementStack.size() > 0 && myElementStack.back() == OPENDRIVE_TAG_GEOMETRY) {
1788                 std::vector<double> vals;
1789                 addGeometryShape(OPENDRIVE_GT_LINE, vals);
1790             }
1791         }
1792         break;
1793         case OPENDRIVE_TAG_SPIRAL: {
1794             std::vector<double> vals;
1795             vals.push_back(attrs.get<double>(OPENDRIVE_ATTR_CURVSTART, myCurrentEdge.id.c_str(), ok));
1796             vals.push_back(attrs.get<double>(OPENDRIVE_ATTR_CURVEND, myCurrentEdge.id.c_str(), ok));
1797             addGeometryShape(OPENDRIVE_GT_SPIRAL, vals);
1798         }
1799         break;
1800         case OPENDRIVE_TAG_ARC: {
1801             std::vector<double> vals;
1802             vals.push_back(attrs.get<double>(OPENDRIVE_ATTR_CURVATURE, myCurrentEdge.id.c_str(), ok));
1803             addGeometryShape(OPENDRIVE_GT_ARC, vals);
1804         }
1805         break;
1806         case OPENDRIVE_TAG_POLY3: {
1807             std::vector<double> vals;
1808             vals.push_back(attrs.get<double>(OPENDRIVE_ATTR_A, myCurrentEdge.id.c_str(), ok));
1809             vals.push_back(attrs.get<double>(OPENDRIVE_ATTR_B, myCurrentEdge.id.c_str(), ok));
1810             vals.push_back(attrs.get<double>(OPENDRIVE_ATTR_C, myCurrentEdge.id.c_str(), ok));
1811             vals.push_back(attrs.get<double>(OPENDRIVE_ATTR_D, myCurrentEdge.id.c_str(), ok));
1812             addGeometryShape(OPENDRIVE_GT_POLY3, vals);
1813         }
1814         break;
1815         case OPENDRIVE_TAG_PARAMPOLY3: {
1816             std::vector<double> vals;
1817             vals.push_back(attrs.get<double>(OPENDRIVE_ATTR_AU, myCurrentEdge.id.c_str(), ok));
1818             vals.push_back(attrs.get<double>(OPENDRIVE_ATTR_BU, myCurrentEdge.id.c_str(), ok));
1819             vals.push_back(attrs.get<double>(OPENDRIVE_ATTR_CU, myCurrentEdge.id.c_str(), ok));
1820             vals.push_back(attrs.get<double>(OPENDRIVE_ATTR_DU, myCurrentEdge.id.c_str(), ok));
1821             vals.push_back(attrs.get<double>(OPENDRIVE_ATTR_AV, myCurrentEdge.id.c_str(), ok));
1822             vals.push_back(attrs.get<double>(OPENDRIVE_ATTR_BV, myCurrentEdge.id.c_str(), ok));
1823             vals.push_back(attrs.get<double>(OPENDRIVE_ATTR_CV, myCurrentEdge.id.c_str(), ok));
1824             vals.push_back(attrs.get<double>(OPENDRIVE_ATTR_DV, myCurrentEdge.id.c_str(), ok));
1825             const std::string pRange = attrs.getOpt<std::string>(OPENDRIVE_ATTR_PRANGE, myCurrentEdge.id.c_str(), ok, "normalized", false);
1826             if (pRange == "normalized") {
1827                 vals.push_back(1.0);
1828             } else if (pRange == "arcLength") {
1829                 vals.push_back(-1.0);
1830             } else {
1831                 WRITE_WARNING("Ignoring invalid pRange value '" + pRange + "' for road '" + myCurrentEdge.id + "'.");
1832                 vals.push_back(1.0);
1833             }
1834             addGeometryShape(OPENDRIVE_GT_PARAMPOLY3, vals);
1835         }
1836         break;
1837         case OPENDRIVE_TAG_LANESECTION: {
1838             double s = attrs.get<double>(OPENDRIVE_ATTR_S, myCurrentEdge.id.c_str(), ok);
1839             myCurrentEdge.laneSections.push_back(OpenDriveLaneSection(s));
1840         }
1841         break;
1842         case OPENDRIVE_TAG_LANEOFFSET: {
1843             double s = attrs.get<double>(OPENDRIVE_ATTR_S, myCurrentEdge.id.c_str(), ok);
1844             double a = attrs.get<double>(OPENDRIVE_ATTR_A, myCurrentEdge.id.c_str(), ok);
1845             double b = attrs.get<double>(OPENDRIVE_ATTR_B, myCurrentEdge.id.c_str(), ok);
1846             double c = attrs.get<double>(OPENDRIVE_ATTR_C, myCurrentEdge.id.c_str(), ok);
1847             double d = attrs.get<double>(OPENDRIVE_ATTR_D, myCurrentEdge.id.c_str(), ok);
1848             myCurrentEdge.offsets.push_back(OpenDriveLaneOffset(s, a, b, c, d));
1849         }
1850         break;
1851         case OPENDRIVE_TAG_LEFT:
1852             myCurrentLaneDirection = OPENDRIVE_TAG_LEFT;
1853             break;
1854         case OPENDRIVE_TAG_CENTER:
1855             myCurrentLaneDirection = OPENDRIVE_TAG_CENTER;
1856             break;
1857         case OPENDRIVE_TAG_RIGHT:
1858             myCurrentLaneDirection = OPENDRIVE_TAG_RIGHT;
1859             break;
1860         case OPENDRIVE_TAG_LANE: {
1861             std::string type = attrs.get<std::string>(OPENDRIVE_ATTR_TYPE, myCurrentEdge.id.c_str(), ok);
1862             int id = attrs.get<int>(OPENDRIVE_ATTR_ID, myCurrentEdge.id.c_str(), ok);
1863             std::string level = attrs.hasAttribute(OPENDRIVE_ATTR_LEVEL)
1864                                 ? attrs.get<std::string>(OPENDRIVE_ATTR_LEVEL, myCurrentEdge.id.c_str(), ok)
1865                                 : "";
1866             OpenDriveLaneSection& ls = myCurrentEdge.laneSections.back();
1867             ls.lanesByDir[myCurrentLaneDirection].push_back(OpenDriveLane(id, level, type));
1868         }
1869         break;
1870         case OPENDRIVE_TAG_SIGNAL: {
1871             std::string id = attrs.get<std::string>(OPENDRIVE_ATTR_ID, myCurrentEdge.id.c_str(), ok);
1872             std::string type = attrs.get<std::string>(OPENDRIVE_ATTR_TYPE, myCurrentEdge.id.c_str(), ok);
1873             std::string name = attrs.getOpt<std::string>(OPENDRIVE_ATTR_NAME, myCurrentEdge.id.c_str(), ok, "", false);
1874             int orientation = attrs.get<std::string>(OPENDRIVE_ATTR_ORIENTATION, myCurrentEdge.id.c_str(), ok) == "-" ? -1 : 1;
1875             double s = attrs.get<double>(OPENDRIVE_ATTR_S, myCurrentEdge.id.c_str(), ok);
1876             bool dynamic = attrs.get<std::string>(OPENDRIVE_ATTR_DYNAMIC, myCurrentEdge.id.c_str(), ok) == "no" ? false : true;
1877             myCurrentEdge.signals.push_back(OpenDriveSignal(id, type, name, orientation, dynamic, s));
1878         }
1879         break;
1880         case OPENDRIVE_TAG_JUNCTION:
1881             myCurrentJunctionID = attrs.get<std::string>(OPENDRIVE_ATTR_ID, myCurrentJunctionID.c_str(), ok);
1882             break;
1883         case OPENDRIVE_TAG_CONNECTION: {
1884             std::string id = attrs.get<std::string>(OPENDRIVE_ATTR_ID, myCurrentJunctionID.c_str(), ok);
1885             myCurrentIncomingRoad = attrs.get<std::string>(OPENDRIVE_ATTR_INCOMINGROAD, myCurrentJunctionID.c_str(), ok);
1886             myCurrentConnectingRoad = attrs.get<std::string>(OPENDRIVE_ATTR_CONNECTINGROAD, myCurrentJunctionID.c_str(), ok);
1887             std::string cp = attrs.get<std::string>(OPENDRIVE_ATTR_CONTACTPOINT, myCurrentJunctionID.c_str(), ok);
1888             myCurrentContactPoint = cp == "start" ? OPENDRIVE_CP_START : OPENDRIVE_CP_END;
1889             myConnectionWasEmpty = true;
1890         }
1891         break;
1892         case OPENDRIVE_TAG_LANELINK: {
1893             int from = attrs.get<int>(OPENDRIVE_ATTR_FROM, myCurrentJunctionID.c_str(), ok);
1894             int to = attrs.get<int>(OPENDRIVE_ATTR_TO, myCurrentJunctionID.c_str(), ok);
1895             Connection c;
1896             c.fromEdge = myCurrentIncomingRoad;
1897             c.toEdge = myCurrentConnectingRoad;
1898             c.fromLane = from;
1899             c.toLane = to;
1900             c.fromCP = OPENDRIVE_CP_END;
1901             c.toCP = myCurrentContactPoint;
1902             c.all = false;
1903             if (myEdges.find(c.fromEdge) == myEdges.end()) {
1904                 WRITE_ERROR("In laneLink-element: incoming road '" + c.fromEdge + "' is not known.");
1905             } else {
1906                 OpenDriveEdge* e = myEdges.find(c.fromEdge)->second;
1907                 e->connections.insert(c);
1908                 myConnectionWasEmpty = false;
1909             }
1910         }
1911         break;
1912         case OPENDRIVE_TAG_WIDTH: {
1913             if (myElementStack.size() >= 2 && myElementStack[myElementStack.size() - 1] == OPENDRIVE_TAG_LANE) {
1914                 const double s = attrs.get<double>(OPENDRIVE_ATTR_SOFFSET, myCurrentEdge.id.c_str(), ok);
1915                 const double a = attrs.get<double>(OPENDRIVE_ATTR_A, myCurrentEdge.id.c_str(), ok);
1916                 const double b = attrs.get<double>(OPENDRIVE_ATTR_B, myCurrentEdge.id.c_str(), ok);
1917                 const double c = attrs.get<double>(OPENDRIVE_ATTR_C, myCurrentEdge.id.c_str(), ok);
1918                 const double d = attrs.get<double>(OPENDRIVE_ATTR_D, myCurrentEdge.id.c_str(), ok);
1919                 OpenDriveLane& l = myCurrentEdge.laneSections.back().lanesByDir[myCurrentLaneDirection].back();
1920                 l.width = MAX2(l.width, a);
1921                 l.widthData.push_back(OpenDriveWidth(s, a, b, c, d));
1923                 if (DEBUG_COND(&myCurrentEdge)) {
1924                     std::cout << " road=" << myCurrentEdge.id
1925                               << std::setprecision(gPrecision)
1926                               << " junction=" << myCurrentEdge.junction
1927                               << " section=" << myCurrentEdge.laneSections.size() - 1
1928                               << " dir=" << myCurrentLaneDirection << " lane=" << l.id
1929                               << " type=" << l.type
1930                               << " width=" << l.width
1931                               << " a=" << a
1932                               << " b=" << b
1933                               << " c=" << c
1934                               << " d=" << d
1935                               << " s=" << s
1936                               << " entries=" << l.widthData.size()
1937                               << "\n";
1938                 }
1939 #endif
1940             }
1941         }
1942         break;
1943         case OPENDRIVE_TAG_SPEED: {
1944             if (myElementStack.size() >= 2 && myElementStack[myElementStack.size() - 1] == OPENDRIVE_TAG_LANE) {
1945                 double speed = attrs.get<double>(OPENDRIVE_ATTR_MAX, myCurrentEdge.id.c_str(), ok);
1946                 double pos = attrs.get<double>(OPENDRIVE_ATTR_SOFFSET, myCurrentEdge.id.c_str(), ok);
1947                 // required for xodr v1.4
1948                 const std::string unit = attrs.getOpt<std::string>(OPENDRIVE_ATTR_UNIT, myCurrentEdge.id.c_str(), ok, "", false);
1949                 // now convert the speed to reasonable default SI [m/s]
1950                 if (!unit.empty()) {
1951                     // something to be done at all ?
1952                     if (unit == "km/h") {
1953                         speed /= 3.6;
1954                     }
1955                     if (unit == "mph") {
1956                         speed *= 1.609344 / 3.6;
1957                     }
1958                     // IGNORING unknown units.
1959                 }
1960                 myCurrentEdge.laneSections.back().lanesByDir[myCurrentLaneDirection].back().speeds.push_back(std::make_pair(pos, speed));
1961             }
1962         }
1963         break;
1964         case OPENDRIVE_TAG_OBJECT: {
1965             OpenDriveObject o;
1966             o.id = attrs.get<std::string>(OPENDRIVE_ATTR_ID, 0, ok);
1967             o.type = attrs.getOpt<std::string>(OPENDRIVE_ATTR_TYPE, o.id.c_str(), ok, "", false);
1968             o.name = attrs.getOpt<std::string>(OPENDRIVE_ATTR_NAME, o.id.c_str(), ok, "", false);
1969             o.s = attrs.get<double>(OPENDRIVE_ATTR_S, o.id.c_str(), ok);
1970             o.t = attrs.get<double>(OPENDRIVE_ATTR_T, o.id.c_str(), ok);
1971             o.width = attrs.getOpt<double>(OPENDRIVE_ATTR_WIDTH, o.id.c_str(), ok, -1);
1972             o.length = attrs.getOpt<double>(OPENDRIVE_ATTR_LENGTH, o.id.c_str(), ok, -1);
1973             o.radius = attrs.getOpt<double>(OPENDRIVE_ATTR_RADIUS, o.id.c_str(), ok, -1);
1974             o.hdg = attrs.getOpt<double>(OPENDRIVE_ATTR_HDG, o.id.c_str(), ok, 0);
1975             myCurrentEdge.objects.push_back(o);
1976         }
1977         break;
1978         case OPENDRIVE_TAG_REPEAT: {
1979             if (myCurrentEdge.objects.empty()) {
1980                 WRITE_ERROR("Repeat without object at edge '" + toString(myCurrentEdge.id) + "'");
1981                 ok = false;
1982             } else {
1983                 OpenDriveObject o = myCurrentEdge.objects.back();
1984                 const std::string baseID = o.id;
1985                 double dist = attrs.get<double>(OPENDRIVE_ATTR_DISTANCE, o.id.c_str(), ok);
1986                 if (dist == 0) {
1987                     // continuous feature. Split into parts (XXX exmport as a single polygon #5235)
1988                     dist = OptionsCont::getOptions().getFloat("opendrive.curve-resolution");
1989                 }
1991                 myCurrentEdge.objects.pop_back();
1992                 const double length = attrs.get<double>(OPENDRIVE_ATTR_LENGTH, o.id.c_str(), ok);
1993                 o.s = attrs.getOpt<double>(OPENDRIVE_ATTR_S, o.id.c_str(), ok, o.s);
1994                 double wStart = attrs.getOpt<double>(OPENDRIVE_ATTR_WIDTHSTART, o.id.c_str(), ok, o.width);
1995                 double wEnd = attrs.getOpt<double>(OPENDRIVE_ATTR_WIDTHEND, o.id.c_str(), ok, o.width);
1996                 double tStart = attrs.getOpt<double>(OPENDRIVE_ATTR_TSTART, o.id.c_str(), ok, o.t);
1997                 double tEnd = attrs.getOpt<double>(OPENDRIVE_ATTR_TEND, o.id.c_str(), ok, o.t);
1998                 int index = 0;
1999                 for (double x = 0; x <= length + NUMERICAL_EPS; x += dist) {
2000                     o.id = baseID + "#" + toString(index++);
2001                     const double a = x / length;
2002                     o.width = wStart * (1 - a) + wEnd * a;
2003                     o.t = tStart * (1 - a) + tEnd * a;
2004                     myCurrentEdge.objects.push_back(o);
2005                     o.s += dist;
2006                 }
2007             }
2008         }
2009         break;
2010         default:
2011             break;
2012     }
2013     myElementStack.push_back(element);
2014 }
2017 void
myCharacters(int element,const std::string & cdata)2018 NIImporter_OpenDrive::myCharacters(int element, const std::string& cdata) {
2019     if (element == OPENDRIVE_TAG_GEOREFERENCE) {
2020         size_t i = cdata.find("+proj");
2021         if (i != std::string::npos) {
2022             const std::string proj = cdata.substr(i);
2023             if (proj != "") {
2024                 GeoConvHelper* result = nullptr;
2025                 Boundary convBoundary;
2026                 Boundary origBoundary;
2027                 Position networkOffset(0, 0);
2028                 // XXX read values from the header
2029                 convBoundary.add(Position(0, 0));
2030                 origBoundary.add(Position(0, 0));
2031                 try {
2032                     result = new GeoConvHelper(proj, networkOffset, origBoundary, convBoundary);
2033                     GeoConvHelper::setLoaded(*result);
2034                 } catch (ProcessError& e) {
2035                     WRITE_ERROR("Could not set projection. (" + std::string(e.what()) + ")");
2036                 }
2037             }
2038         } else {
2039             WRITE_WARNING("geoReference format '" + cdata + "' currently not supported");
2040         }
2041     }
2042 }
2045 void
myEndElement(int element)2046 NIImporter_OpenDrive::myEndElement(int element) {
2047     myElementStack.pop_back();
2048     switch (element) {
2049         case OPENDRIVE_TAG_ROAD:
2050             myEdges[myCurrentEdge.id] = new OpenDriveEdge(myCurrentEdge);
2051             break;
2053             if (myConnectionWasEmpty) {
2054                 Connection c;
2055                 c.fromEdge = myCurrentIncomingRoad;
2056                 c.toEdge = myCurrentConnectingRoad;
2057                 c.fromLane = 0;
2058                 c.toLane = 0;
2059                 c.fromCP = OPENDRIVE_CP_END;
2060                 c.toCP = myCurrentContactPoint;
2061                 c.all = true;
2062                 if (myEdges.find(c.fromEdge) == myEdges.end()) {
2063                     WRITE_ERROR("In laneLink-element: incoming road '" + c.fromEdge + "' is not known.");
2064                 } else {
2065                     OpenDriveEdge* e = myEdges.find(c.fromEdge)->second;
2066                     e->connections.insert(c);
2067                 }
2068             }
2069             break;
2070         case OPENDRIVE_TAG_LANESECTION: {
2071             myCurrentEdge.laneSections.back().buildLaneMapping(myTypeContainer);
2072         }
2073         break;
2074         default:
2075             break;
2076     }
2077 }
2081 void
addLink(LinkType lt,const std::string & elementType,const std::string & elementID,const std::string & contactPoint)2082 NIImporter_OpenDrive::addLink(LinkType lt, const std::string& elementType,
2083                               const std::string& elementID,
2084                               const std::string& contactPoint) {
2085     OpenDriveLink l(lt, elementID);
2086     // elementType
2087     if (elementType == "road") {
2088         l.elementType = OPENDRIVE_ET_ROAD;
2089     } else if (elementType == "junction") {
2090         l.elementType = OPENDRIVE_ET_JUNCTION;
2091     }
2092     // contact point
2093     if (contactPoint == "start") {
2094         l.contactPoint = OPENDRIVE_CP_START;
2095     } else if (contactPoint == "end") {
2096         l.contactPoint = OPENDRIVE_CP_END;
2097     }
2098     // add
2099     myCurrentEdge.links.push_back(l);
2100 }
2103 void
addGeometryShape(GeometryType type,const std::vector<double> & vals)2104 NIImporter_OpenDrive::addGeometryShape(GeometryType type, const std::vector<double>& vals) {
2105     // checks
2106     if (myCurrentEdge.geometries.size() == 0) {
2107         throw ProcessError("Mismatching paranthesis in geometry definition for road '" + myCurrentEdge.id + "'");
2108     }
2109     OpenDriveGeometry& last = myCurrentEdge.geometries.back();
2110     if (last.type != OPENDRIVE_GT_UNKNOWN) {
2111         throw ProcessError("Double geometry information for road '" + myCurrentEdge.id + "'");
2112     }
2113     // set
2114     last.type = type;
2115     last.params = vals;
2116 }
2119 bool
operator <(const NIImporter_OpenDrive::Connection & c1,const NIImporter_OpenDrive::Connection & c2)2120 operator<(const NIImporter_OpenDrive::Connection& c1, const NIImporter_OpenDrive::Connection& c2) {
2121     if (c1.fromEdge != c2.fromEdge) {
2122         return c1.fromEdge   < c2.fromEdge;
2123     }
2124     if (c1.toEdge     != c2.toEdge) {
2125         return c1.toEdge     < c2.toEdge;
2126     }
2127     if (c1.fromLane != c2.fromLane) {
2128         return c1.fromLane < c2.fromLane;
2129     }
2130     return c1.toLane < c2.toLane;
2131 }
2134 void
splitMinWidths(OpenDriveEdge * e,const NBTypeCont & tc,double minDist)2135 NIImporter_OpenDrive::splitMinWidths(OpenDriveEdge* e, const NBTypeCont& tc, double minDist) {
2136     std::vector<OpenDriveLaneSection> newSections;
2138     if (DEBUG_COND(e)) {
2139         gDebugFlag1 = true;
2140         std::cout << "splitMinWidths e=" << e->id << " sections=" << e->laneSections.size() << "\n";
2141     }
2142 #endif
2143     for (std::vector<OpenDriveLaneSection>::iterator j = e->laneSections.begin(); j != e->laneSections.end(); ++j) {
2144         OpenDriveLaneSection& sec = *j;
2145         std::vector<double> splitPositions;
2146         const double sectionEnd = (j + 1) == e->laneSections.end() ? e->length : (*(j + 1)).s;
2147         const int section = (int)(j - e->laneSections.begin());
2149         if (DEBUG_COND(e)) {
2150             std::cout << "  findWidthSplit section=" << section << " sectionStart=" << sec.s << " sectionOrigStart=" << sec.sOrig << " sectionEnd=" << sectionEnd << "\n";
2151         }
2152 #endif
2153         if (sec.rightLaneNumber > 0) {
2154             findWidthSplit(tc, sec.lanesByDir[OPENDRIVE_TAG_RIGHT], section, sec.sOrig, sectionEnd, splitPositions);
2155         }
2156         if (sec.leftLaneNumber > 0) {
2157             findWidthSplit(tc, sec.lanesByDir[OPENDRIVE_TAG_LEFT], section, sec.sOrig, sectionEnd, splitPositions);
2158         }
2159         newSections.push_back(sec);
2160         std::sort(splitPositions.begin(), splitPositions.end());
2161         // filter out tiny splits
2162         double prevSplit = sec.s;
2163         for (std::vector<double>::iterator it = splitPositions.begin(); it != splitPositions.end();) {
2164             if ((*it) - prevSplit < minDist || sectionEnd - (*it) < minDist) {
2165                 // avoid tiny (or duplicate) splits
2167                 if (DEBUG_COND(e)) {
2168                     std::cout << " skip close split=" << (*it) << " prevSplit=" << prevSplit << "\n";
2169                 }
2170 #endif
2171                 it = splitPositions.erase(it);
2172             } else if ((*it) < sec.s) {
2173                 // avoid splits for another section
2175                 if (DEBUG_COND(e)) {
2176                     std::cout << " skip early split=" << (*it) << " s=" << sec.s << "\n";
2177                 }
2178 #endif
2179                 it = splitPositions.erase(it);
2180             } else {
2181                 prevSplit = *it;
2182                 it++;
2183             }
2184         }
2186         if (splitPositions.size() > 0) {
2188             if (DEBUG_COND(e)) {
2189                 std::cout << " road=" << e->id << " splitMinWidths section=" << section
2190                           << " start=" << sec.s
2191                           << " origStart=" << sec.sOrig
2192                           << " end=" << sectionEnd << " minDist=" << minDist
2193                           << " splitPositions=" << toString(splitPositions) << "\n";
2194             }
2195 #endif
2197             if (DEBUG_COND(e)) {
2198                 std::cout << "first section...\n";
2199             }
2200 #endif
2201             recomputeWidths(newSections.back(), sec.sOrig, splitPositions.front(), sec.sOrig, sectionEnd);
2202             for (std::vector<double>::iterator it = splitPositions.begin(); it != splitPositions.end(); ++it) {
2203                 OpenDriveLaneSection secNew = sec;
2204                 secNew.s = *it;
2206                 if (DEBUG_COND(e)) {
2207                     std::cout << "splitAt " << secNew.s << "\n";
2208                 }
2209 #endif
2210                 newSections.push_back(secNew);
2211                 if (secNew.rightLaneNumber > 0) {
2212                     setStraightConnections(newSections.back().lanesByDir[OPENDRIVE_TAG_RIGHT]);
2213                 }
2214                 if (secNew.leftLaneNumber > 0) {
2215                     setStraightConnections(newSections.back().lanesByDir[OPENDRIVE_TAG_LEFT]);
2216                 }
2217                 double end = (it + 1) == splitPositions.end() ? sectionEnd : *(it + 1);
2218                 recomputeWidths(newSections.back(), secNew.s, end, sec.sOrig, sectionEnd);
2219             }
2220         }
2221     }
2222     gDebugFlag1 = false;
2223     e->laneSections = newSections;
2224 }
2227 void
findWidthSplit(const NBTypeCont & tc,std::vector<OpenDriveLane> & lanes,int section,double sectionStart,double sectionEnd,std::vector<double> & splitPositions)2228 NIImporter_OpenDrive::findWidthSplit(const NBTypeCont& tc, std::vector<OpenDriveLane>& lanes,
2229                                      int section, double sectionStart, double sectionEnd,
2230                                      std::vector<double>& splitPositions) {
2231     UNUSED_PARAMETER(section);
2232     for (std::vector<OpenDriveLane>::iterator k = lanes.begin(); k != lanes.end(); ++k) {
2233         OpenDriveLane& l = *k;
2234         SVCPermissions permissions = tc.getPermissions(l.type) & ~(SVC_PEDESTRIAN | SVC_BICYCLE);
2235         if (l.widthData.size() > 0 && tc.knows(l.type) && !tc.getShallBeDiscarded(l.type) && permissions != 0) {
2236             double sPrev = l.widthData.front().s;
2237             double wPrev = l.widthData.front().computeAt(sPrev);
2238             if (gDebugFlag1) std::cout
2239                         << "findWidthSplit section=" << section
2240                         << "   sectionStart=" << sectionStart
2241                         << "   sectionEnd=" << sectionEnd
2242                         << " lane=" << l.id
2243                         << " type=" << l.type
2244                         << " widthEntries=" << l.widthData.size() << "\n"
2245                         << "    s=" << sPrev
2246                         << " w=" << wPrev
2247                         << "\n";
2248             for (std::vector<OpenDriveWidth>::iterator it_w = l.widthData.begin(); it_w != l.widthData.end(); ++it_w) {
2249                 double sEnd = (it_w + 1) != l.widthData.end() ? (*(it_w + 1)).s : sectionEnd - sectionStart;
2250                 double w = (*it_w).computeAt(sEnd);
2251                 if (gDebugFlag1) std::cout
2252                             << "    sEnd=" << sEnd
2253                             << " s=" << (*it_w).s
2254                             << " a=" << (*it_w).a << " b=" << (*it_w).b << " c=" << (*it_w).c << " d=" << (*it_w).d
2255                             << " w=" << w
2256                             << "\n";
2257                 const double changeDist = fabs(myMinWidth - wPrev);
2258                 if (((wPrev < myMinWidth) && (w > myMinWidth))
2259                         || ((wPrev > myMinWidth) && (w < myMinWidth))) {
2260                     double splitPos = sPrev + (sEnd - sPrev) / fabs(w - wPrev) * changeDist;
2261                     double wSplit = (*it_w).computeAt(splitPos);
2262                     if (gDebugFlag1) {
2263                         std::cout << "     candidate splitPos=" << splitPos << " w=" << wSplit << "\n";
2264                     }
2265                     // ensure that the thin part is actually thin enough
2266                     while (wSplit > myMinWidth) {
2267                         if (wPrev < myMinWidth) {
2268                             // getting wider
2269                             splitPos -= POSITION_EPS;
2270                             if (splitPos < sPrev) {
2271                                 if (gDebugFlag1) {
2272                                     std::cout << "        aborting search splitPos=" << splitPos << " wSplit=" << wSplit << " sPrev=" << sPrev << " wPrev=" << wPrev << "\n";
2273                                 }
2274                                 splitPos = sPrev;
2275                                 break;
2276                             }
2277                         } else {
2278                             // getting thinner
2279                             splitPos += POSITION_EPS;
2280                             if (splitPos > sEnd) {
2281                                 if (gDebugFlag1) {
2282                                     std::cout << "        aborting search splitPos=" << splitPos << " wSplit=" << wSplit << " sEnd=" << sEnd << " w=" << w << "\n";
2283                                 }
2284                                 splitPos = sEnd;
2285                                 break;
2286                             }
2287                         }
2288                         wSplit = (*it_w).computeAt(splitPos);
2289                         if (gDebugFlag1) {
2290                             std::cout << "        refined splitPos=" << splitPos << " w=" << wSplit << "\n";
2291                         }
2292                     }
2293                     splitPositions.push_back(sectionStart + splitPos);
2294                 }
2295                 //    //wPrev = wSplit;
2296                 //} else if ((fabs(wPrev) < NUMERICAL_EPS && w > POSITION_EPS)
2297                 //        || (wPrev > POSITION_EPS && fabs(w) < NUMERICAL_EPS)) {
2298                 //    splitPositions.push_back(sectionStart + sPrev);
2299                 //    if (gDebugFlag1) std::cout << "     laneDisappears candidate splitPos=" << sPrev << " wPrev=" << wPrev << " w=" << w<< "\n";
2300                 //}
2301                 wPrev = w;
2302                 sPrev = sEnd;
2303             }
2304         }
2305     }
2306 }
2309 void
setStraightConnections(std::vector<OpenDriveLane> & lanes)2310 NIImporter_OpenDrive::setStraightConnections(std::vector<OpenDriveLane>& lanes) {
2311     for (std::vector<OpenDriveLane>::iterator k = lanes.begin(); k != lanes.end(); ++k) {
2312         (*k).predecessor = (*k).id;
2313     }
2314 }
2317 void
recomputeWidths(OpenDriveLaneSection & sec,double start,double end,double sectionStart,double sectionEnd)2318 NIImporter_OpenDrive::recomputeWidths(OpenDriveLaneSection& sec, double start, double end, double sectionStart, double sectionEnd) {
2319     if (sec.rightLaneNumber > 0) {
2320         recomputeWidths(sec.lanesByDir[OPENDRIVE_TAG_RIGHT], start, end, sectionStart, sectionEnd);
2321     }
2322     if (sec.leftLaneNumber > 0) {
2323         recomputeWidths(sec.lanesByDir[OPENDRIVE_TAG_LEFT], start, end, sectionStart, sectionEnd);
2324     }
2325 }
2328 void
recomputeWidths(std::vector<OpenDriveLane> & lanes,double start,double end,double sectionStart,double sectionEnd)2329 NIImporter_OpenDrive::recomputeWidths(std::vector<OpenDriveLane>& lanes, double start, double end, double sectionStart, double sectionEnd) {
2330     for (std::vector<OpenDriveLane>::iterator k = lanes.begin(); k != lanes.end(); ++k) {
2331         OpenDriveLane& l = *k;
2332         if (l.widthData.size() > 0) {
2334             if (gDebugFlag1) std::cout
2335                         << "recomputeWidths lane=" << l.id
2336                         << " type=" << l.type
2337                         << " start=" << start
2338                         << " end=" << end
2339                         << " sectionStart=" << sectionStart
2340                         << " sectionEnd=" << sectionEnd
2341                         << " widthEntries=" << l.widthData.size() << "\n"
2342                         << "\n";
2343 #endif
2344             l.width = 0;
2345             double sPrev = l.widthData.front().s;
2346             double sPrevAbs = sPrev + sectionStart;
2347             for (std::vector<OpenDriveWidth>::iterator it_w = l.widthData.begin(); it_w != l.widthData.end(); ++it_w) {
2348                 double sEnd = (it_w + 1) != l.widthData.end() ? (*(it_w + 1)).s : sectionEnd - sectionStart;
2349                 double sEndAbs = sEnd + sectionStart;
2351                 if (gDebugFlag1) std::cout
2352                             << " sPrev=" << sPrev << " sPrevAbs=" << sPrevAbs
2353                             << " sEnd=" << sEnd << " sEndAbs=" << sEndAbs
2354                             << " widthData s=" << (*it_w).s
2355                             << " a=" << (*it_w).a
2356                             << " b=" << (*it_w).b
2357                             << " c=" << (*it_w).c
2358                             << " d=" << (*it_w).d
2359                             << "\n";
2360 #endif
2361                 if (sPrevAbs <= start && sEndAbs >= start) {
2363                     if (gDebugFlag1) {
2364                         std::cout << "   atStart=" << start << " pos=" << start - sectionStart << " w=" << (*it_w).computeAt(start - sectionStart) << "\n";
2365                     }
2366 #endif
2367                     l.width = MAX2(l.width, (*it_w).computeAt(start - sectionStart));
2368                 }
2369                 if (sPrevAbs <= end && sEndAbs >= end) {
2371                     if (gDebugFlag1) {
2372                         std::cout << "   atEnd=" << end << " pos=" << end - sectionStart << " w=" << (*it_w).computeAt(end - sectionStart) << "\n";
2373                     }
2374 #endif
2375                     l.width = MAX2(l.width, (*it_w).computeAt(end - sectionStart));
2376                 }
2377                 if (start <= sPrevAbs && end >= sPrevAbs) {
2379                     if (gDebugFlag1) {
2380                         std::cout << "   atSPrev=" << sPrev << " w=" << (*it_w).computeAt(sPrev) << "\n";
2381                     }
2382 #endif
2383                     l.width = MAX2(l.width, (*it_w).computeAt(sPrev));
2384                 }
2385                 if (start <= sEndAbs && end >= sEndAbs) {
2387                     if (gDebugFlag1) {
2388                         std::cout << "   atSEnd=" << sEnd << " w=" << (*it_w).computeAt(sEnd) << "\n";
2389                     }
2390 #endif
2391                     l.width = MAX2(l.width, (*it_w).computeAt(sEnd));
2392                 }
2394                 if (gDebugFlag1) {
2395                     std::cout << " sPrev=" << sPrev << " sEnd=" << sEnd << " l.width=" << l.width << "\n";
2396                 }
2397 #endif
2398                 sPrev = sEnd;
2399                 sPrevAbs = sEndAbs;
2400             }
2401         }
2402     }
2403 }
2405 /****************************************************************************/