1 {
2 *****************************************************************************
3 *                                                                           *
4 *  This file is part of the ZCAD                                            *
5 *                                                                           *
6 *  See the file COPYING.modifiedLGPL.txt, included in this distribution,    *
7 *  for details about the copyright.                                         *
8 *                                                                           *
9 *  This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,          *
10 *  but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of           *
12 *                                                                           *
13 *****************************************************************************
14 }
15 {
16 @author(Andrey Zubarev <zamtmn@yandex.ru>)
17 }
18 unit uzcctrlpartenabler;
20 {$mode objfpc}{$H+}
22 interface
24 uses
25   StdCtrls,GraphType,LCLIntf,LCLType,
26   Controls,Classes,Graphics,Buttons,ExtCtrls,ComCtrls,Forms,Themes,ActnList,Menus,
27   sysutils;
29 type
30   generic TPartEnabler<T>=class(TToolBar)
31     type
32       PT=^T;
onstnull33       TGetCountFunc=function(const value:T):integer of object;
onstnull34       TGetStateFunc=function(const value:T;const nmax,n:integer; out _name:string;out _enabled:boolean):boolean of object;
35       TSetStateProc=procedure(var value:T;const n:integer;state:boolean) of object;
arnull36       TPartsEditFunc=function(var value:T):boolean of object;
37    private
38     var
39       fpvalue:PT;
40       actns:array of taction;
41       fGetCountFunc:TGetCountFunc;
42       fGetStateFunc:TGetStateFunc;
43       fSetStateProc:TSetStateProc;
44       fOnPartChanged:TNotifyEvent;
45       fPartsEditFunc:TPartsEditFunc;
47    public
48       constructor Create(TheOwner: TComponent); override;
49       procedure setup(var value:T);
DoGetCountFuncnull50       function DoGetCountFunc(const value:T):integer;
DoGetStateFuncnull51       function DoGetStateFunc(const value:T;const nmax,n:integer; out _name:string;out _enabled:boolean):boolean;
52       procedure DoSetStateProc(var value:T;const n:integer;state:boolean);
53       procedure DoButtonClick(Sender: TObject);
54       procedure DoPartsEditor(Sender: TObject);
ButtonIndex2PartIndexnull55       function ButtonIndex2PartIndex(index:integer):integer;
57       property pvalue:PT read fpvalue write fpvalue;
58       property PartsEditFunc:TPartsEditFunc read fPartsEditFunc write fPartsEditFunc;
59       property GetCountFunc:TGetCountFunc read fGetCountFunc write fGetCountFunc;
60       property GetStateFunc:TGetStateFunc read fGetStateFunc write fGetStateFunc;
61       property SetStateProc:TSetStateProc read fSetStateProc write fSetStateProc;
62       property OnPartChanged:TNotifyEvent read fOnPartChanged write fOnPartChanged;
63   end;
65 implementation
TPartEnablernull66 generic function TPartEnabler<T>.DoGetCountFunc(const value:T):integer;
67 begin
68   if assigned(fGetCountFunc)then
69     result:=fGetCountFunc(value)
70   else
71     result:=10;
72 end;
TPartEnablernull73 generic function TPartEnabler<T>.DoGetStateFunc(const value:T;const nmax,n:integer; out _name:string;out _enabled:boolean):boolean;
74 begin
75   if assigned(fGetStateFunc)then
76     result:=fGetStateFunc(value,nmax,n,_name,_enabled)
77   else begin
78     result:=true;
79     _enabled:=true;
80     _name:='n'+inttostr(n);
81   end;
82 end;
83 generic procedure TPartEnabler<T>.DoSetStateProc(var value:T;const n:integer;state:boolean);
84 begin
85   if assigned(fSetStateProc)then
86     fSetStateProc(value,n,state);
87 end;
88 constructor TPartEnabler.Create(TheOwner: TComponent);
89 begin
90   inherited Create(TheOwner);
91   ShowCaptions:=true;
92   Wrapable:=false;
93   Transparent:=true;
94   EdgeBorders:=[];
95   fPartsEditFunc:=nil;
96 end;
98 generic procedure TPartEnabler<T>.setup(var value:T);
99 var
100   nmax,i:integer;
101   _name:string;
102   _state:boolean;
103   _enabled:boolean;
104   _menu:TPopupMenu;
105   CreatedMenuItem:TMenuItem;
106 begin
107   fpvalue:=@value;
108   for i:=ButtonCount-1 downto 0 do
109     Buttons[i].free;
110   if assigned(fPartsEditFunc)then
111   with TToolButton.create(self) do
112   begin
113     Caption:='Ed';
114     ShowCaption:=false;
115     if length(actns)>0 then begin
116       _menu:=TPopupMenu.Create(self);
117       style:=tbsDropDown;
118       for i:=0 to length(actns)-1 do begin
119         CreatedMenuItem:=TMenuItem.Create(_menu);
120         CreatedMenuItem.Action:=actns[i];
121         _menu.items.Add(CreatedMenuItem);
122       end;
123     end;
124     PopupMenu:=_menu;
125     DropDownMenu:=_menu;
126     Visible:=true;
127     left:=0;
128     parent:=self;
129     onClick:=@DoButtonClick;
130   end;
131   nmax:=DoGetCountFunc(value);
132   for i:=1 to nmax do begin
133     _state:=DoGetStateFunc(value,nmax,i,_name,_enabled);
134     with TToolButton.create(self) do
135     begin
136       Caption:=_name;
137       ShowCaption:=false;
138       ShowHint:=true;
139       Down:=_state;
140       Enabled:=_enabled;
141       style:=tbsCheck;
142       Visible:=true;
143       left:=300*i;
144       parent:=self;
145       onClick:=@DoButtonClick;
146     end;
147   end;
148 end;
ButtonIndex2PartIndexnull150 function TPartEnabler.ButtonIndex2PartIndex(index:integer):integer;
151 begin
152   if assigned(fPartsEditFunc)then
153    result:=index
154   else
155    result:=index+1;
156 end;
158 procedure TPartEnabler.DoPartsEditor(Sender: TObject);
159 var
160   pts:T;
161 begin
162   if assigned(PartsEditFunc)then begin
163     pts:=fpvalue^;
164     if PartsEditFunc(pts) then begin
165       fpvalue^:=pts;
166       setup(fpvalue^);
167     end;
168   end;
169 end;
171 procedure TPartEnabler.DoButtonClick(Sender: TObject);
172 var
173   i:integer;
174   st:boolean;
175   pts:T;
176 begin
177   if sender is TToolButton then begin
178     i:=ButtonIndex2PartIndex((sender as TToolButton).Index);
179     if i=0 then begin
180       DoPartsEditor(Sender);
181     end else begin
182       st:=(sender as TToolButton).Down;
183       DoSetStateProc(fpvalue^,i,st);
184     end;
185   end;
186   if assigned(fOnPartChanged)then
187     fOnPartChanged(self);
188 end;
190 end.