1	GOtE	e
2 24 feature	CoFh	h
3 a and not b	DsG5	b
4 a except b	DsHU	X
5 a ignore b	DsHr	X
6 a implies b	DsIC	b
7 a or not b	DsId	a
8 abstract	Itj0	X
9 accounting and control syst	Gtwk	BG
10 acoustic	CPZ2	U
11 action	HfIM	p
12 action	Ingg	S
13 adder	IsYs	R
14 addressing	IuuB	Z
15 administrative and maintenance messag	G2FU	BF
16 air movement	CHzi	b
17 allocate	Iq6C	X
18 alphanumeric character	IeOx	r
19 alternation	ItMC	a
20 alternative	CQac	X
21 alternative denial	DsJQ	k
22 amplifier	B66m	b
23 analog	CHz9	V
24 analog	CUSU	V
25 analog	Cgnt	Y
26 analog computer	B67B	n
27 and	DsJ0	P
28 and	GlIM	5
29 and not	DsKD	T
30 annex	Iq6Z	U
31 anticoincidence	DsKW	e
32 aprallelsearch	Iq6t	j
33 arithmetic	IiGq	Z
34 arithmetic	IshZ	W
35 army fieldata	Iuua	o
36 army fieldata code	JLAc	t
37 associative	Iq7Q	a
38 attention	CUSp	Y
39 automatic	C5LK	Y
40 automatic	CIBn	k
41 automatic	DKoS	b
42 automatic data	ItW7	p
43 automatic message	Itei	m
44 auxiliary	CH0S	Y
45 auxiliary	Iq7q	Y
46 average	CICw	f
47 back	In1O	N
48 backing	Iq8C	W
49 backward	IER8	b
50 balance	InhT	W
51 batch	CEdw	a
52 beam	IteM	W
53 biconditional	DsK0	f
54 binary	CMu2	V
55 binary number	IuvC	f
56 binarycoded	CLrg	m
57 bit	CQi9	S
58 bit	InCC	S
59 breakpoint	ItMc	Z
60 breakpoint	ItkL	Z
61 bridge	Ckwi	b
62 bridge duplex	Iuvh	i
63 bruch	Ip63	R
64 brussels classification	IuwD	y
65 buffer	DsLT	S
66 buffer	Iq8Y	V
67 business	CEeK	d
68 business reservations done electronically	H+a3	BU
69 called	Ip7I	S
70 calling	IV66	W
71 calling	Ip7a	T
72 can	BOoH	S
73 capacitor	Iq8t	Y
74 carbon	Iohz	V
75 card	Iopl	Q
76 carrier	DlyA	W
77 carrier	IiHD	W
78 carrier	Iuw1	W
79 carry complete	IluO	j
80 cbaudhuri and hocquenghem coding	BFrV	t
81 cell	Cm7u	Z
82 centralized	CEen	g
83 changeable	Iq9e	Z
84 character	CQjP	Y
85 character	CRoi	Y
86 character	IePc	Y
87 character	In4u	h
88 character	IsTJ	Y
89 check	Ishv	R
90 circuit	ItfI	W
91 circular	IiHZ	X
92 circulating	Iq93	a
93 clock	DlyW	U
94 clock	Ilux	U
95 closed	IjR+	P
96 closed	IsIq	Y
97 cnditional implication	DsLl	o
98 code	DB+0	W
99 code	IeP0	N
100 coded	CLaK	a
101 coded	Iqln	U
102 coefficient	CS42	a
103 coincidence	DsMN	X
104 collating	IV7Q	Y
105 column	IoVB	S
106 com2	Bhdi	c
107 common	InZi	V
108 complement on nine 9	GZMb	i
109 computer	IbQp	g
110 concurrency and recovery element	BiqE	BA
111 condensed	CMvL	Y
112 condenser	Iq+R	Y
113 conjunction	DsMk	X
114 constant	Iq+p	X
115 contact	Cy4G	Q
116 contact	IVFC	Z
117 control	CH0q	W
118 control	CSBh	T
119 control	DuKV	T
120 control	Ihhm	i
121 control	Ip7t	T
122 control and decision evaluation	Hfxl	Bi
123 conversion	CUTB	Z
124 core	Iq/d	T
125 crimp	CQzA	U
126 crt	IrAF	Q
127 curve	DVXh	X
128 cycle time	H3MO	h
129 cyclic	IrAV	V
130 data	CP2y	W
131 data	CPXj	T
132 data	CRo6	T
133 data	Il0f	W
134 data	Im0M	Q
135 data	Inwk	Q
136 dating	IsJC	Y
137 decentralized	CEfH	i
138 decimal number	IuxL	g
139 decision	Joo4	d
140 dedicated	IrAq	Y
141 delivery	CH1A	X
142 delta	IlvF	P
143 destructive	IrBX	d
144 dewey	CL8w	a
145 dewey	CLTs	d
146 dewey decimal	Iuxr	i
147 diamond	ItM1	W
148 dicap	IrB0	d
149 difference	DsM7	W
150 differential	Dswn	b
151 digit	CPLz	a
152 digital	CH1X	W
153 digital	Inhp	W
154 diode	Do5y	g
155 diode function	DtQn	p
156 direct	Cd+k	b
157 direct distance	CVKH	k
158 disc	IrCR	T
159 disjunction	DsNR	X
160 dispersion	DsNo	W
161 distance	DsN+	U
162 documentation and maintenance	Hw9l	BH
163 double	IlFA	Y
164 drum	IrCk	T
165 dual	IrC3	W
166 dump	P0	T
167 dunamic	Dank	Z
168 dynamic	IrDN	W
169 dynamic	IsJx	Z
170 editing	IsKK	Z
171 effective	CIDP	h
172 electric	CPaK	U
173 electrical	IEhj	Z
174 electromagnetic	CPae	e
175 electron	DupO	U
176 electronic	CETm	i
177 electronic	CEfp	f
178 electronic	CICL	l
179 electronic	CVqg	i
180 electronic	ItNL	Z
181 electrostatic	IrDj	c
182 emergency	ItNk	Y
183 empiric function	DtRQ	o
184 empirie	Do6S	f
185 empty	IeQB	O
186 empty	IqPz	O
187 enabling	IlwV	X
188 equality	DsOh	U
189 equation	Infg	d
190 equivalence	DsO1	X
191 erasable	IrD/	X
192 error	CSx8	R
193 evaluation technique	GXHl	5
194 except	DsPM	S
195 exchange	Ibwi	X
196 exclusion	DsPe	V
197 executive	CMvj	Y
198 executive	IuyN	Y
199 exjunction	DsQX	c
200 extended area	Ibw5	c
201 external	CPX2	U
202 external	IrEW	U
203 fast	IrEq	T
204 fibonacci	IaZv	e
205 fixed	IrFX	U
206 flowchart	Itkk	b
207 flying	IoZD	P
208 forbidden	CV3k	e
209 forecastcustomer orders	F0iL	9
210 forecastorders	F0jI	u
211 foreign	C8B4	c
212 foreign exchange	IbxV	l
213 form	Iql7	T
214 forward	IESX	a
215 frame	Dtsr	a
216 frame	DuRM	U
217 frequency	Cget	Y
218 frequency	IiIJ	Y
219 frequency	IoKU	S
220 full	Cktc	W
221 full	CkvE	W
222 full	IsY9	Q
223 function	DtR4	a
224 function	GLRJ	p
225 function	ItN8	X
226 functional	CRpN	Z
227 gate	DtSS	W
228 generator	DsQz	Y
229 guard	Ilws	U
230 guide	CPAC	O
231 half	Ckty	W
232 half	Ckva	W
233 half	Im0y	W
234 handler	Dd/Z	k
235 head	IooG	Q
236 hold	DE6M	T
237 holding	Dupi	T
238 identity	DsRL	U
239 ignore	DsSU	P
240 implication	DsSj	X
241 inclusion	DsS6	V
242 industrial	CEgg	f
243 information	Iuyl	a
244 information feedback	Iuy/	p
245 inhibit	IlxA	W
246 ink	Iofy	S
247 inline	IsK8	Y
248 input	CH1t	U
249 input	CUTa	U
250 input	Ipv9	U
251 input	IrGq	U
252 inquiry	Ip8A	T
253 insertion	ItOT	Y
254 installation	CH2B	b
255 instruction	CMv7	a
256 instruction	IeQP	X
257 instruction	IrHV	a
258 integrated	CEg/	f
259 integrating	DsxC	a
260 integrator	CMsI	c
261 internal	IrHv	U
262 intersection	DsTz	Y
263 intervention	ItOr	b
264 interword	In1b	Y
265 item	CRpm	T
266 job	CRGg	S
267 join	DsUL	Q
268 joint	CQaz	R
269 joint denial	DsUb	e
270 least	Il8Y	a
271 library	IsLU	Z
272 light	Dup1	O
273 light	IoiI	U
274 line	Ik6k	Z
275 line data system	FWmY	x
276 linear	INOE	b
277 linear selection	ItPG	l
278 link	DuhH	N
279 link	InMg	T
280 linked	IsLt	Y
281 local	C7xY	a
282 local	C8EL	a
283 local	Ik69	a
284 local	ItXk	a
285 local exchange	ItX+	j
286 location	CP3I	a
287 logic	CMsk	U
288 logic	CRp5	U
289 logic	IiIh	U
290 logic	IsiA	R
291 logic	Itk/	U
292 logic product	DsU5	c
293 logic sum	DsVV	Y
294 logical	CH2c	W
295 logical	CMs4	W
296 logical	CRqN	W
297 loop	IrIf	T
298 magnetic	CPa8	U
299 magnetic	IiAC	d
300 magnetic	IrJp	X
301 magnetic	Irrh	U
302 magnetictape	Ip8T	Y
303 magnetostrictive	CPbQ	l
304 main	IrKS	T
305 majority decision	DsVt	j
306 management information	Iuzo	r
307 management system	HKA0	y
308 manual	ItLW	V
309 manual number	DtTe	i
310 manual telephone	ItTH	o
311 manual word	DtUA	g
312 mass	CH3O	T
313 mass	IrK5	T
314 master	CH3h	S
315 master	Ip8r	P
316 master	It3m	V
317 match	DsWQ	R
318 matrix	IrLM	V
319 matrix	ItPr	V
320 mechanized	CH3z	c
321 mercury	CPb1	W
322 mercury	IrLh	T
323 merge	IniR	U
324 message	ItYh	c
325 message	Itfz	W
326 microprogrammed	IomR	e
327 minimal	In6U	Z
328 minimum	CPJR	c
329 minimum	Cd91	Z
330 mix	DsWh	P
331 mode	IeQm	N
332 modulation	Dlyq	Z
333 monitor	Iu0T	W
334 most	Il8y	Z
335 multiplex	CGzU	h
336 nand	DsXE	Q
337 negation	DsXU	R
338 negative and	DsXl	Y
339 negative ignore	DsX9	b
340 nesting	IrL0	W
341 nickel	CPcL	V
342 no print	GZ6p	k
343 nonarithmetic	IiI1	f
344 nonconjunction	DsYz	d
345 nondestructive	IrMK	j
346 nondisjunction	DsZQ	d
347 nonequality	DsZt	a
348 nonequivalence	DsaH	d
349 nonerasable	IrMt	d
350 nonvolatile	IrNK	d
351 nor	Dsak	P
352 nor gate	Gi7E	i
353 not	Dsaz	M
354 not gate	Gkz7	c
355 nul	GmHD	T
356 null	Dsbu	N
357 null	IeQz	N
358 number	Iu0p	V
359 numeral	Iu0+	T
360 numeration	Iu1R	Z
361 object	CMwV	V
362 occurrence	IeRA	W
363 octal number	Iu1q	e
364 of components in an assembly	wyj	9
365 of operation per routing	wzg	w
366 off the	IhSh	Q
367 offline	IrNn	W
368 offset	Iop1	V
369 one	Dsb7	M
370 online	IrN9	V
371 open	IjSN	N
372 open	IsMj	W
373 operating	CPYK	Y
374 operating	Iu2I	Y
375 operation	CNVh	b
376 operation	F47E	s
377 optional	Iqk3	d
378 or	DscH	L
379 or last unit cost	IpTP	3
380 or not	DscS	S
381 output	CH4P	V
382 output	CUTu	V
383 output	IoqK	V
384 output	IrOS	V
385 overlay	IsxP	Z
386 packing	CQjn	W
387 paper	InAW	O
388 parallel	IrOn	X
389 parallel processing language	ga7	BD
390 partial	CjdC	c
391 permanent	IrO+	Y
392 phase	CeNr	a
393 phase	IiJU	O
394 polarization	Cgai	b
395 positive and	DsdQ	Y
396 positive or	Dsdo	X
397 preread	CgOl	c
398 primary	IrPW	T
399 primary	ItY9	Z
400 problem	CO4T	W
401 problem	CRGy	W
402 program	IqVf	W
403 program	IrPp	W
404 programmed	IqmO	Z
405 programmed	ItQr	Z
406 programming	Iu2g	a
407 prom	Di2r	BD
408 pseudorandom number	IV7o	r
409 pulse	Ck/S	U
410 pulse	ClBd	U
411 pulse	Dlc5	a
412 pulse	IeRW	U
413 pulse	Iff3	U
414 pulse	IpUb	X
415 pulse repetition	DlzD	l
416 punching	Ip86	U
417 pure	DtUg	T
418 pushdown	IrQP	X
419 quartz	CPcg	Y
420 radio	DlYn	U
421 radio	Dlzo	O
422 rajchman selection	ItRE	q
423 random number	DtUz	i
424 raw	CH4k	S
425 reading	Ip9O	T
426 received	B/CV	d
427 recording	CQj9	Y
428 recording	GhqZ	j
429 recording	Ghrm	j
430 reference	Is8u	Y
431 regenerative	IrSG	b
432 rejection	Dsd/	V
433 reliability and maintainability	v1S	BI
434 repeater	Ip9h	U
435 report	DtNL	V
436 report	DtVV	S
437 report generating	Injw	BA
438 restoration	B679	a
439 ring	IiJi	Q
440 ringdown	Il1N	X
441 roll	Ji8J	t
442 rope	IrSh	Q
443 routine	IrSx	W
444 sales analysis	8Ji	5
445 scientific	CEiO	f
446 searching	IrTY	Y
447 secondary	IrTw	V
448 secondary	ItZW	b
449 selective	CV+V	h
450 selector	GLRy	g
451 semiautomatic message	ItZx	z
452 semiconductor type field ef	FQhJ	BS
453 sense	ItRu	U
454 sensing	Ip91	T
455 serial	IrUF	V
456 series network architecture	FLmw	2
457 servo	ItGR	U
458 sheffer stroke	DseU	j
459 sideways	IsiR	U
460 signal	CeCr	V
461 signal	DuRg	V
462 signalling	B68X	t
463 single	IqV1	P
464 single write	F99V	h
465 singular	IeRq	U
466 skills system	HYKv	w
467 slave	Ip+I	R
468 slave	Iu26	U
469 slow	IrUa	Q
470 solid	IpwR	O
471 sonic	CPc4	X
472 source	CH42	V
473 source	CSNn	V
474 space	Cga9	U
475 space	ItAw	U
476 special	Ilg4	W
477 special	ItlT	W
478 split	CS1I	U
479 standard	IsNS	a
480 static	IrUq	V
481 static magnetic	IrU/	k
482 storage	IooW	T
483 storage	ItSC	W
484 store	Gi2R	e
485 stroke	CPAQ	V
486 stroke	CnP4	h
487 subjunction	DsfQ	a
488 subroutine	IrVj	c
489 switch	IrV/	V
490 switching	In1z	Y
491 symbolic	CMwq	X
492 symmetric difference	Dsfq	m
493 system	IpUG	V
494 table	ImQn	U
495 tape	Ip+Z	Q
496 tape	IrWU	Q
497 tape	It37	W
498 technolo	GOUV	p
499 technology information center	IE7A	y
500 telephone local	C7xy	q
501 teletypewriter	Ilm2	p
502 teletypewriter exchange	IbzM	1
503 teletypewriter pulse	In5P	d
504 terminal	CUUW	X
505 terminal	CWHg	d
506 terminating	Itlp	a
507 test	CH5L	T
508 throughput	JJXT	i
509 throughtrunk	Isun	h
510 time	IaaN	T
511 time	IfnW	N
512 time stamp	CImI	i
513 toggle	ItSY	V
514 track	CQkV	R
515 transaction	CH5e	a
516 transformation and search	HzTX	BC
517 transmitted	B/Cy	g
518 tributary	Ip+p	V
519 trunk	DuhU	R
520 type of operation	JopV	s
521 union	DsgQ	R
522 union	IeR+	O
523 unit	Cd+O	W
524 uniterm	Iu3O	W
525 universal	CLUJ	h
526 update and edit	JPVv	1
527 velocity	IcKz	X
528 vestigial	IlFY	b
529 volatile	IrW2	a
530 wave	IfaH	N
531 way	Ip++	M
532 whiffletree	ItSt	a
533 wire	IrXQ	Q
534 word	In2L	Q
535 working	In2b	W
536 working	IrXg	W
537 zatocoding	Iu4I	f
538 zero	CuKY	N
539 zero	ItBE	Q
540 zone	Ita8	Z
5410 grammar	JiyM	o
54200databasealphabet	JrEI	m
54300databaseinfo	7	GF
54400databaseshort	F	2
54500databaseurl	B	E
54600databaseutf8	A	B
5471	Hr4k	Y
5481	HvjU	h
5491	JoEU	BK
5501 monitor	B6+b	a
5511 phone directory	PXv	q
55210	FhCq	d
553100 bus	FsVL	j
55411 technique	F4Z7	Z
555110	JoFe	BT
556121	JoGx	p
557130	JoHa	BX
558132	JoIx	BT
559150	JoKE	x
5602 character	F1WC	a
561232 b or c	CoC7	3
56225	JoK1	w
56325 gateway access protocol	JoLl	y
56425 protocol	JoMX	j
56525 recommendation	JoM6	d
56628	JoNX	I
56729	JoNf	I
56829 terminal	JoNn	a
5693	FI9t	V
5703	JoOB	4
5713 character	F1Wc	a
5723 coded decimal system	C7qG	z
5733 representation	C7q5	h
5743 value	C7ra	R
575300	BH1i	W
5764	JoO5	BN
57740	JoQG	BS
5785 can	JGX7	X
57950	H2GX	T
58050	JoRY	BG
58150 bis	JoSe	BV
58251	JoTz	BS
58351 bis	JoVF	Bb
58452	JoWg	BG
58553	JoXm	q
58654	JoYQ	q
58760	JoY6	6
58860 orthogonal computer	GsIQ	v
58961	JoZ0	p
59070	Joad	Bb
59175	Job4	I
59280 development system	JpO6	r
59380 industrial basic language	JpPl	5
59480 microprocessor	JpQe	j
59580 processor board	JpRB	o
5968000 microprocessor	JpRp	n
597a	H5kW	l
598a converter	B60V	z
599a department reporting system	HA	x
600a departmental reporting system	Hx	4
601a family of minicomputers computer automation	Ip	Bz
602a font size 1	GpwN	j
603a gate	GRHD	g
604a gate	GRHj	Z
605a gate	xjh	S
606a gate	xjz	b
607a gate	xkO	W
608a hardware programming language	Kc	+
609a programming language	ME	0
610a retrieval process language	M4	1
611a space	Nt	V
612abandon	R1	X
613abbe constant	SM	b
614abbreviate	Sn	a
615abbreviated address	TB	h
616abbreviated address call	Ti	s
617abbreviated address calling	UO	p
618abbreviated addressing	U3	k
619abbreviated answer	Vb	g
620abbreviated argument list	V7	q
621abbreviated call	Wl	m
622abbreviated call letters	XL	m
623abbreviated character	Xx	j
624abbreviated combined relation condition	YU	BB
625abbreviated dial system	ZV	r
626abbreviated dialing	aA	h
627abbreviated form	ah	e
628abbreviated header	a/	g
629abbreviated indication	bf	k
630abbreviated instailion	cD	k
631abbreviated install	cn	k
632abbreviated keyword	dL	k
633abbreviated name	dv	e
634abbreviated notation	eN	z
635abbreviated relation condition	fA	y
636abbreviated table	fy	c
637abbreviating keyboard command	gO	x
638abbreviation	g/	g
639abbreviation document	hf	j
640abc analysis	iC	Y
641abc automatic coding system	ia	8
642abend	j3	c
643abend	jW	h
644abend dump	kT	e
645abnormal	kx	a
646abnormal circumstance	lL	j
647abnormal dump out	lu	l
648abnormal end	mT	a
649abnormal ending	mt	d
650abnormal error	nK	c
651abnormal exit	nm	b
652abnormal false	oB	j
653abnormal input cause	ok	s
654abnormal termination	pQ	i
655abnormal termination	py	i
656abnormal true test	qU	n
657abort	q7	j
658abort advisory channel	re	0
659abort program assembly	sS	0
660abort sensing and implementation system	tG	BP
661absolute accuracy	uV	i
662absolute address	u3	s
663absolute addressing	vj	h
664absolute ampere	wE	j
665absolute assembly language	wn	y
666absolute command	xZ	e
667absolute coordinate	x3	h
668absolute data	yY	b
669absolute diskette read	yz	q
670absolute diskette write	zd	r
671absolute electrostatic unit	0I	0
672absolute error	08	c
673absolute format	1Y	d
674absolute indexed mode	11	p
675absolute insert mode	2e	l
676absolute instruction	3D	i
677absolute loader	3l	0
678absolute location	4Z	f
679absolute mode	44	b
680absolute module	5T	d
681absolute name	5w	b
682absolute overwrite mode	6L	o
683absolute point	6z	Z
684absolute section	7M	e
685absolute shared region	7q	q
686absolute time	8U	b
687absolute time base error	8v	x
688absolute value	9g	Z
689absolute vector	95	d
690absolute virtual address	+W	s
691absorption index	/C	h
692abstract	/j	Q
693abstract family of languages	/z	0
694abstract symbol	BAn	d
695ac erasing	BBE	b
696ac indicator	BBf	j
697ac mode	BCC	b
698accelerated depreciation	BDa	m
699accelerated life test	BEA	p
700accelerated random search	BEp	t
701acceleration	JEfV	a
702acceleration time	BFW	f
703accelerator	BF1	W
704accept	BGL	O
705accept action	BGZ	b
706accept command key indicator	BG0	2
707accept date	BHq	Z
708accept for update	BID	f
709accept phase	BIi	a
710accept response	BI8	d
711accept sequence error	BJZ	p
712accept statement	BKC	e
713accept werror	BKg	l
714accept with warning	BLF	q
715acceptable estimates	BLv	o
716acceptable failure rate	BMX	s
717acceptable program	BND	j
718acceptable quality level	BNm	z
719acceptable reliability level	BOZ	9
720acceptable string	BPW	i
721acceptance	BP4	S
722acceptance acknowledge	BQK	k
723acceptance and transfer	BQu	s
724acceptance criteria	BRa	h
725acceptance data package	BR7	o
726acceptance data package	BSj	s
727acceptance functional test	BTP	y
728acceptance functional test procedure	BUB	BD
729acceptance inspection	BVE	j
730acceptance inspection package	BVn	7
731acceptance inspection package	BWi	4
732acceptance requirements	BXa	o
733acceptance requirementsackage	BYC	u
734acceptance test	BYw	g
735acceptance test	BZQ	g
736acceptance test	BZw	d
737acceptance test procedure	Ba+	x
738acceptance test procedure	BaN	x
739acceptance triais	Bbv	f
740accepted limit	BcO	c
741accepted sequence	Bcq	f
742accepted signed	BOI/	j
743accepted signed	BOJi	m
744accepted tolerance	BdJ	g
745accepted value	Bdp	Z
746accepting	BeC	R
747acceptor handshake	BeT	s
748acceptor of data	Be/	h
749access	Bfg	q
750access	DQtZ	a
751access	DWgg	r
752access	DlWe	f
753access	F8Fe	h
754access	F9Op	f
755access	H9hG	a
756access	IrE9	a
757access	IrGQ	a
758access	IrQm	a
759access	IrRA	a
760access	IrRa	a
761access	IrX2	X
762access	JEfv	U
763access activity	BgK	d
764access addition	JqWm	g
765access algorithm	Bgn	h
766access and control point	BhI	x
767access arm	Bh5	V
768access arm	BiO	V
769access assembly	Bij	d
770access attribute of segment	BjA	s
771access authorization	Bjs	i
772access barred	BkO	b
773access barred signal	Bkp	o
774access bit	BlR	Y
775access block	EdmL	o
776access by record file address	Blp	9
777access category	Bmm	d
778access channel	BnD	q
779access channel	EGol	o
780access channel control	Bnt	q
781access check	BoX	a
782access circuit	Box	c
783access code	BpN	Z
784access coding	Fx0T	h
785access coding	Fyq6	h
786access common system table	Bpm	x
787access compatibility	BqX	l
788access computer	F8F/	q
789access computing	F8Gp	k
790access computing background job	F8HN	/
791access computing mode	F8IM	v
792access computing subsystem	F8I7	3
793access consideration	Bq8	i
794access context	Bre	c
795access control	Br6	f
796access control bit	BsZ	m
797access control byte	Bs/	q
798access control entry	Btp	p
799access control field	BuS	p
800access control key	Bu7	j
801access control levels	Bve	m
802access control list	BwE	k
803access control list entry	Bwo	w
804access control procedure	BxY	s
805access control requirement	ByE	u
806access control section	Byy	n
807access control word	BzZ	o
808access cycel	B0B	d
809access cycle	B0e	a
810access cylinder	B04	d
811access data service	F8Jy	y
812access date	B1V	Z
813access decision	B1u	d
814access declaration	B2L	g
815access denial	B2r	b
816access device	B3G	e
817access device	H2i5	h
818access device	IYC0	o
819access domain	B3k	Y
820access exception	B38	e
821access existing permanent file	B4a	1
822access facility	B5P	d
823access failure	B5s	c
824access file	GhXW	i
825access file	H2ja	c
826access function	B6I	d
827access function register	B6l	z
828access gap	B7Y	Y
829access hole	B7w	W
830access hole	B8G	W
831access interrupt	B8c	e
832access interrupt mark	B86	p
833access isolation mechanism	B9j	y
834access key	B+V	b
835access key organization	B+w	u
836access level	B/e	X
837access level structure	B/1	q
838access line	CAf	Z
839access line facilities	CA4	q
840access list	CBi	W
841access loop	H2pz	f
842access machanism	CB4	e
843access machine	CCW	Z
844access macro	CCv	g
845access macro instruction	CDP	s
846access management	CD7	l
847access manager	CEg	l
848access manager	CFF	l
849access mask register	CFq	r
850access matrix	CGV	b
851access mechanism	CGw	e
852access mechanism	CHO	e
853access memory	F9RA	q
854access memory	FGyv	h
855access memory	H1Ij	k
856access menory ram	H2j2	s
857access method	CHs	b
858access method	F8Kk	h
859access method block	CIH	k
860access method block list	CIr	0
861access method control block	CJf	5
862access method data statistics block	CKY	BG
863access method for indexed data	CLe	1
864access method interface	CMT	v
865access method interface	CNC	v
866access method module	CNx	l
867access method routine	COW	p
868access method services	CO/	u
869access method services	CPt	0
870access method summary	CQh	m
871access methods	CRH	f
872access mode	CRm	n
873access name	CSN	W
874access network	CSj	c
875access object	CS/	b
876access operating system	F8LF	x
877access operation	CTa	e
878access oriented	CT4	g
879access originator	CUY	c
880access path	CU0	Z
881access path control	CVN	n
882access path of data structure	CV0	3
883access path period	CWr	g
884access path selection	CXL	p
885access path specification language	CX0	BB
886access path widening	CY1	o
887access period	CZd	b
888access permenent file	H1JH	v
889access permission	CZ4	f
890access permission	CaX	f
891access phase	Ca2	a
892access point	CbQ	X
893access point	E4I+	j
894access port	Cbn	W
895access priority	Cb9	g
896access privilege	Ccd	e
897access procedure	Cc7	e
898access processing	GuOB	r
899access program	CdZ	c
900access programming	Fx00	/
901access programming	Fyrb	m
902access programming	H2ki	m
903access protection field	Cd1	o
904access protocol	Ced	d
905access rate	Ce6	Z
906access records	CfT	c
907access report	H1J2	1
908access restriction	Cfv	g
909access restriction inforcement	CgP	y
910access retrieval system	F8L2	x
911access right	ChB	X
912access right	ChY	X
913access rights	Chv	m
914access rights grant or deny	CiV	4
915access rights terminal	CjN	t
916access routine	Cj6	c
917access routine	Fx1z	9
918access routine code file	CkW	v
919access routine recompilation	ClF	2
920access routine specification	Cl7	w
921access rule	Cmr	Z
922access scan	CnE	Z
923access scheme	Cnd	b
924access sequence	Cn4	d
925access specification	CoV	i
926access specification language	Co3	x
927access specifier	Cpo	k
928access speed	CqM	a
929access spool	F8Mn	t
930access storage	H1Kr	l
931access storage	H2lI	n
932access storage	H2qS	n
933access storage	IZwB	l
934access storage	Ij2u	l
935access storage	JqXG	m
936access store	H1LQ	j
937access stream	Cqm	e
938access system	F8NU	h
939access system	IZwm	h
940access systems control terminal	F8N1	BG
941access table	CrE	X
942access technique	Crb	k
943access time	Cr/	Z
944access time	CsY	c
945access time gap	Cs0	j
946access type	CtX	n
947access type bits	Ct+	l
948access type definition	Cuj	q
949access unit	CvN	Z
950access variables	Cvm	e
951access verb	CwE	Z
952access violation	Cwd	e
953access virtual machine	GFzJ	t
954access width	Cw7	a
955access window	CxV	b
956accessed	5sg	Z
957accessibility	Cxw	Y
958accessibility character	CyI	r
959accessible	Cyz	Y
960accessible address space	CzL	v
961accessible field	Cz6	e
962accessible memory	5s5	i
963accessible state	C0Y	h
964accessing batch processing environment	C05	BA
965accessing cost for instruction and data	C15	BH
966accessing cost for item outside stack	C3A	/
967accessing environment of task	C3/	x
968accessing formula	C4w	f
969accessing independent processing environment	C5P	BG
970accessing interactive processing environment	C6V	BJ
971accessing operation	C7e	h
972accession designation number	C7/	w
973accession designation number	C8v	u
974accessor control	C9d	k
975accessor privilege	C+B	m
976accessory	C+n	Z
977accessory power supply	C/A	o
978account	C/o	z
979account balance	DAb	d
980account creation report	DA4	r
981account delete report	DBj	p
982account detail	DCM	c
983account information	DCo	h
984account name	DDJ	a
985account number	DDj	k
986account payable	DEH	d
987account receivable	DEk	g
988account reconciliation program	DFE	2
989account string	DF6	c
990account template	DGW	e
991accountability in data entry	DG0	+
992accountable time	GboP	BY
993accounting	DHy	a
994accounting application program	DIM	y
995accounting code	DI+	a
996accounting cycle	DJY	e
997accounting data system	DJ2	u
998accounting equation	DKk	k
999accounting format	DLI	f
1000accounting information	DLn	k
1001accounting information system	DML	1
1002accounting line number	DNA	o
1003accounting management system	DNo	0
1004accounting manager	DOc	j
1005accounting period	DO/	f
1006accounting procedure	DPe	i
1007accounting ratio	DQA	e
1008accounting regime	DQe	l
1009accounting report	DRD	f
1010accounting report	G8+y	s
1011accounting summary report	DRi	q
1012accounting system	DSM	f
1013accounting tabulating	DSr	m
1014accounts payable	DTR	e
1015accounts receivable	DTv	h
1016accounts receivable file	DUQ	p
1017accounts receviable age month	DU5	3
1018accrual accounting	DVw	m
1019accrual basis	DWW	b
1020accrued	DWx	S
1021accrued by period	DXD	l
1022accumlated depreciation	DXo	l
1023accumulate	DYN	S
1024accumulating final total	DYf	s
1025accumulation and distribution unit	DZL	6
1026accumulation field	DaF	d
1027accumulator	Dai	k
1028accumulator	DbG	W
1029accumulator computer	F8O7	r
1030accumulator field	Dbc	c
1031accumulator left shift	Db4	r
1032accumulator minus judgement	Dcj	1
1033accumulator register	Dd8	o
1034accumulator shift right	Dek	s
1035accuracy	DfQ	e
1036accurate position indicator	Dfu	2
1037accurately defined system	Dgk	x
1038acknowledge	DhV	T
1039acknowledge	Jc4H	d
1040acknowledge character	Dho	j
1041acknowledged information transfer service	DiL	BG
1042acknowledged state variable	DjR	v
1043acknowledgement	DkA	n
1044acknowledgement	IqoK	d
1045acknowledgement	Jc4k	x
1046acms	Dkn	h
1047acms central controller	DlI	s
1048acms operator	Dl0	c
1049acms operator command	DmQ	n
1050acms user	Dm3	Y
1051acmsad	DnP	y
1052acorn	JKXA	Q
1053acoustic	DoB	T
1054acoustic coupler	DoU	e
1055acoustic data analysis center	Doy	8
1056acoustic data processor	Dpu	v
1057acoustic intelligence data system	Dqd	BA
1058acoustic panel	Drd	c
1059acoustic tables	CpL7	m
1060acoustic transmission system	Dr5	x
1061acoustical	DtP	V
1062acoustical absorption coefficient	Dtk	5
1063acoustics	Dud	c
1064acquire	Du5	P
1065acquire program device operation	DvI	6
1066acquisition	DwC	T
1067acquisition of signal	DwV	n
1068acronym	Dw8	w
1069across tape	Dxs	c
1070acse	DyI	e
1071act	IOiz	L
1072acting	H1MZ	i
1073acting error correction	DiLx	l
1074action	Dym	u
1075action	H2v1	R
1076action area	DzU	W
1077action code	Dzq	W
1078action command	D0A	c
1079action communications	IDpH	p
1080action computer	F8Pm	n
1081action current	D0c	c
1082action cycle	D04	a
1083action detail report	D1S	o
1084action directive	D16	k
1085action entry	D2e	a
1086action field	D24	X
1087action file	D3P	W
1088action group	D3l	X
1089action item	D38	Z
1090action line	D4V	W
1091action list	D4r	Z
1092action menu	D5E	Z
1093action message	D5d	c
1094action message	Gbpn	z
1095action panel	D55	a
1096action period	D6T	Y
1097action routine	D6r	c
1098action sequence diagram	D7H	o
1099action site	D7v	Z
1100action spot	D8I	W
1101action stack	D8e	d
1102action status	D87	b
1103action tiem	D9W	c
1104action token	D9y	a
1105activate	D+M	Q
1106activate automatic control	DHvW	6
1107activate button	D+c	d
1108activate counter	D+5	e
1109activate key	D/X	X
1110activate logical unit	D/u	v
1111activate physical unit	EAd	w
1112activate signal	EBN	d
1113activate task	EBq	b
1114activate user	ECF	e
1115activate user task	ECj	p
1116activating	EDM	S
1117activation	ED4	S
1118activation	EDe	a
1119activation block	EEK	h
1120activation environment	EEr	k
1121activation flag	EFP	d
1122activation fragment	EFs	e
1123activation item	EGK	d
1124activation list	EGn	j
1125activation of homing	EHK	u
1126activation pointer	EH4	g
1127activation processor	EIY	l
1128activation record	EI9	i
1129activation record template	EJf	u
1130activation request	EKN	g
1131activation table	EKt	b
1132active	EL6	R
1133active	ELI	y
1134active acoustic device	EML	r
1135active address key	EM2	j
1136active and inactive stack	ENZ	2
1137active area	EOP	W
1138active backup line	EOl	m
1139active bank	EPL	f
1140active block	EPq	a
1141active card	EQE	Z
1142active cell	EQd	c
1143active channel state	EQ5	o
1144active circuit	ERh	c
1145active communication satellite	ER9	y
1146active component	ESv	e
1147active computer	ETN	d
1148active data	ETq	Z
1149active data area	EUD	h
1150active data set	EUk	g
1151active default detection	EVE	y
1152active device	EV2	b
1153active disc table	EW3	m
1154active disc table	EWR	m
1155active display	EXd	c
1156active electronic countermeasure	EX5	0
1157active electronment group	EYt	q
1158active element	EZX	c
1159active element group	EZz	p
1160active feedback	Eac	d
1161active file	Ea5	Z
1162active file	Fd0T	s
1163active file directory	EbS	p
1164active file list	Eb7	h
1165active file table	Ecc	m
1166active file table	EdC	m
1167active form	Edo	Z
1168active gate	EeB	W
1169active high	EeX	Z
1170active high clock	Eew	l
1171active high signal	EfV	m
1172active instruction	Ef7	g
1173active instruction counter	Egb	1
1174active item record count	EhQ	y
1175active job	EiC	Y
1176active junction box	Eia	k
1177active line	Ei+	W
1178active lines	EjU	a
1179active link pack	Eju	v
1180active list structure	Ekd	m
1181active logging	ElD	c
1182active low	Elf	Y
1183active low clock	El3	k
1184active low inverter	Emb	q
1185active maintenance downtime	EnF	1
1186active master file	En6	g
1187active master item	Eoa	g
1188active matrix	Eo6	b
1189active matrix addressing	EpV	s
1190active memory	EqB	e
1191active memory cell	Eqf	p
1192active message processing	ErI	t
1193active monitor	Er1	i
1194active network	EsX	c
1195active only	Esz	i
1196active operator	EtV	j
1197active page	Et4	W
1198active page field	EuO	i
1199active page queue	Euw	i
1200active page register	Ev6	s
1201active page register	EvS	o
1202active pageing	Ewm	c
1203active partition	ExC	e
1204active parts	Exg	a
1205active procedure	Ex6	e
1206active process	EyY	c
1207active processor module	Ey0	u
1208active record	Ezi	e
1209active record code	E0A	p
1210active relay station	E0p	m
1211active screen	E1P	b
1212active search list	E1q	j
1213active segment field	E2N	p
1214active sheet	E22	a
1215active side	E3Q	Z
1216active status register	E3p	x
1217active subfile	E4a	i
1218active task	E48	Z
1219active task list	E52	l
1220active task list	E5V	h
1221active time list	E6b	l
1222active transfer command	E7A	v
1223active window	E7v	b
1224active work space	E8K	p
1225activity	E8z	e
1226activity	H24g	T
1227activity attributes	E9R	h
1228activity chain address	E9y	q
1229activity code	E+c	Y
1230activity grid	E+0	Y
1231activity save area	E/M	n
1232activity trail	E/z	c
1233actual	FAP	O
1234actual	JEgD	U
1235actual address	FAd	c
1236actual argument	FA5	d
1237actual cost over standard cost	FBW	+
1238actual cost this period	FCU	r
1239actual costing	FDg	f
1240actual costs	FD/	a
1241actual count	FEZ	a
1242actual counted quantity	FEz	r
1243actual decimal point	FFe	l
1244actual logical file name	FGD	v
1245actual lower bound	FGy	g
1246actual nonterminal name	FHS	u
1247actual number of active and suspended record	FIA	BV
1248actual numerical value	FJV	k
1249actual output	FJ5	b
1250actual output alpha factor	FKU	0
1251actual parameter	FLI	e
1252actual parameter association	FLm	t
1253actual parameter correspondence	Deku	6
1254actual parameter list	FMT	m
1255actual parameter part	FM5	p
1256actual parameter word	FNi	m
1257actual program absolute address	FOI	5
1258actual quantity over standard quantity	FPB	BG
1259actual quantity under standard quantity	FQH	BH
1260actual record length	FRO	o
1261actual retention time	FR2	t
1262actual return code	FSj	n
1263actual row	FTK	V
1264actual runtime	FTf	i
1265actual runtime data area	FUB	1
1266actual selling price	FU2	o
1267actual selsyn	FVe	k
1268actual sequence	FWC	d
1269actual source	FWf	V
1270actual start	FW0	a
1271actual start date	FXO	l
1272actual storage	FXz	f
1273actual switching point	FYS	n
1274actual time	FY5	Z
1275actual time of completion	FZS	x
1276actual time of reception	FaD	u
1277actual time over standard time	Fax	+
1278actual transfer rate	Fbv	l
1279actual transmission	FcU	h
1280actual upper bound	Fc1	g
1281actual variable parameter	FdV	t
1282actual word	FeC	W
1283actual work center	FeY	j
1284actuating code	Fgb	Z
1285actuating device	Fg0	s
1286actuating error signal	Fhg	q
1287actuating logic	FiK	j
1288actuating signal	Fit	e
1289actuating system	FjL	s
1290actuation time	Fj3	c
1291actuator	FkT	W
1292actuator	Fkp	T
1293actuator arm	Fk8	X
1294actuator lever	FlT	Z
1295acumulative value	Fls	c
1296acute angle	FmI	T
1297acyclic	Fmb	S
1298acyclic circuit	Fmt	g
1299acyclic dependence relation	FnN	1
1300acyclic diagraph	FoC	k
1301acyclic feeding	Fom	g
1302acyclic feeding graph	FpG	m
1303acyclic graph	Fps	b
1304acyclic network	FqH	g
1305acyclic process	Fqn	g
1306acyclic set	FrH	c
1307ad converter	Qc	n
1308ad hoc approach	Frj	g
1309ad hoc logic	FsD	a
1310ada immediate to accumulator	Fsd	9
1311adaptation kit	Fta	i
1312adapter	Ft8	o
1313adapter	Fuk	X
1314adapter control block	Fu7	t
1315adapter setup code	Fvo	m
1316adapting	FwO	Q
1317adapting	IOi+	r
1318adapting computer	IOjp	l
1319adapting memory	IOkO	q
1320adapting program	IOk4	h
1321adapting report generator	IOlZ	4
1322adapting system	IOmR	k
1323adaptive amplifier	Fwe	p
1324adaptive arq	FxH	a
1325adaptive control	Fxh	k
1326adaptive data base manager	FyF	+
1327adaptive data reporting system	FzD	BA
1328adaptive digital vocoder	F0D	2
1329adaptive expert system	F05	t
1330adaptive filtering	F1m	j
1331adaptive logic circuit	F2J	x
1332adaptive mission oriented software system	F26	BV
1333adaptive modulatio	F4P	m
1334adaptive multifunction circuit	F41	8
1335adaptive predictive coding	F5x	1
1336adaptive predictive encoding	F6m	3
1337adaptive reliability control system	F7d	BI
1338adaptive speed control	F8l	x
1339adaptive subbend coding	F9W	u
1340add	Duwg	L
1341add	Gbqa	O
1342add accumulator	F+E	r
1343add bill	F+v	W
1344add control unit	F/F	l
1345add immediately	F/q	d
1346add key	Gbqo	V
1347add mode	GAH	W
1348add new year to table	GAd	v
1349add normalized	GBM	g
1350add number to accumulator	GBs	x
1351add operation	GCd	b
1352add register	GC4	h
1353add time	GDZ	W
1354add transactions	GDv	e
1355added bit	GHI	X
1356added entry	GHf	Z
1357addend	GH4	T
1358addend	GIL	T
1359addend address	GIe	c
1360addend register	GI6	g
1361addend string	GJa	Y
1362adder	9Ez	Z
1363adder	DoXB	Q
1364adder	Duwr	Q
1365adder	GK6	U
1366adder	GKm	U
1367adder	GLO	Q
1368adder amplifier	GLe	g
1369adder for multiple operands	GL+	2
1370adder left input register	GM0	7
1371adder output buffer	GNv	x
1372adder tree	GOg	b
1373adder tree	HtLO	c
1374addition	GPl	a
1375addition	H4iV	Q
1376addition circuit	GP/	e
1377addition command	GQd	e
1378addition entry point	GQ7	l
1379addition formula	GRg	e
1380addition record	GR+	d
1381addition speed	GSb	c
1382addition table	GS3	Z
1383addition without carry	GTQ	h
1384additional	GTx	o
1385additional area	GUZ	a
1386additional call library	GUz	u
1387additional channel	GVh	g
1388additional character	GWB	i
1389additional code	GWj	a
1390additional compilation data	GW9	p
1391additional detail	GXm	f
1392additional disk	GYF	d
1393additional function	GYi	h
1394additional high layer functions	GZD	2
1395additional information transfer	GZ5	z
1396additional input source	Gas	o
1397additional low layer functions	GbU	1
1398additional manufacturing operation description	GcJ	BI
1399additional memory	GdR	i
1400additional memory module	Gdz	z
1401additional messages	Gem	h
1402additional operation	GfH	i
1403additional operation description	Gfp	0
1404additional programmed request	Ggd	x
1405additional record	GhO	f
1406additional routing operation description	Gie	BC
1407additional time	Gjg	i
1408additional typeless function	GkC	z
1409additional variable	Gk1	h
1410additive	GlW	T
1411additive operator	Glp	f
1412additive operator	GmI	i
1413additive partition	Gmq	g
1414additive smoothing	GnK	j
1415addometer	Gnt	U
1416addon boards	GoB	X
1417address	Ciyv	P
1418address	DiUs	S
1419address	Dl2e	d
1420address	F8QN	Z
1421address	GLs8	W
1422address	GaAc	S
1423address	GoY	X
1424address	Gov	T
1425address	GvYE	l
1426address	H5k7	Y
1427address	HvdD	BU
1428address	HwWu	P
1429address	ImpH	P
1430address	Ir5/	S
1431address	JByA	P
1432address	JIHo	S
1433address	JKIH	P
1434address	JKrt	P
1435address access control	GpC	t
1436address access type	Gpv	n
1437address adder	GqW	i
1438address alignment	Gq4	f
1439address area	GrX	X
1440address arithmetic	Gru	g
1441address array	GsO	b
1442address assignment	Gsp	g
1443address blank	GtJ	Y
1444address boundary	Gth	b
1445address buffer	Gt8	f
1446address bus	Gu6	f
1447address bus	Gub	f
1448address bus driver	GvZ	s
1449address bus structure	GwF	s
1450address byte	Gwx	d
1451address calling	F8RO	g
1452address calling facility	F8Ru	v
1453address card	GxO	a
1454address chaining	Gxo	e
1455address change	GyG	c
1456address check	Gyi	i
1457address check boundary	GzE	u
1458address circuit	Gzy	d
1459address code	DiU+	X
1460address code	G0P	a
1461address code	GFz2	X
1462address code	GLSS	g
1463address code	GvYp	l
1464address code	ImpW	X
1465address code	JByP	X
1466address code	JKr8	X
1467address code modulation	G0p	r
1468address code sensor	G1U	n
1469address communication	F8Sd	m
1470address communication system	G17	w
1471address compare register	G2r	z
1472address complete message	G3e	s
1473address component	G4K	f
1474address computer	DiVV	k
1475address computer	F8TD	k
1476address computer	GaAu	k
1477address computer	GvZO	k
1478address computer	Impt	h
1479address constant	G4p	l
1480address constant	G5O	k
1481address control register	G5y	z
1482address control unit	G6l	p
1483address conversion	G7O	g
1484address counter	G7u	j
1485address counter	G8R	g
1486address couple field	G8x	l
1487address data strobe	G9W	r
1488address decoder	G+B	j
1489address decoder	G+k	g
1490address decrement	G/E	f
1491address demultiplexer	G/j	s
1492address descriptor	HAP	g
1493address designator	HAv	j
1494address disable	HBS	j
1495address display	HB1	d
1496address display subsystem	HCS	0
1497address display system	HDG	q
1498address distance distribution	HDw	x
1499address driver	HEh	f
1500address electronic computer	GLSy	0
1501address enable	HFA	i
1502address error	HFi	f
1503address exit	HGB	a
1504address fault	HGb	b
1505address field	HG2	Y
1506address field	HHO	d
1507address field computation	HHr	q
1508address field extension	HIV	o
1509address fix state clear	HI9	x
1510address format	HJu	c
1511address format	HKK	c
1512address function	HKm	e
1513address functional instruction	HLE	y
1514address generation	HL2	j
1515address generation unit	HMZ	s
1516address generator	HNF	o
1517address header	HNt	c
1518address identification	HOJ	n
1519address identification code	HOw	s
1520address in	HPc	d
1521address increment	HP5	f
1522address incrementer	HQY	k
1523address indicating group	HQ8	t
1524address indicating group allocation	HRp	BA
1525address information	HSp	l
1526address instruction	DfG5	l
1527address instruction	DiV5	h
1528address instruction	DptD	n
1529address instruction	F8Tn	x
1530address instruction	G2GZ	7
1531address instruction	GF0N	h
1532address instruction	GLTm	j
1533address instruction	GLtS	7
1534address instruction	GaBS	2
1535address instruction	Gv7Z	n
1536address instruction	GvZy	y
1537address instruction	ImqO	h
1538address instruction	JBym	h
1539address instruction	JKsT	h
1540address instruction	JqXs	h
1541address instruction code	F8UY	s
1542address insturction	DiWa	k
1543address interleaving	HTO	i
1544address key	HTw	W
1545address key register	HUG	s
1546address label	HUy	b
1547address language	HVN	e
1548address latch	HVr	e
1549address latch element	HWJ	t
1550address latch enable	HW2	v
1551address latching unit	HXl	p
1552address line	HYO	X
1553address list	HYl	X
1554address load key	HY8	h
1555address localization	HZd	l
1556address locator logic	HaC	w
1557address main line	Hay	f
1558address maker	HbR	h
1559address map	Hby	Z
1560address map register	HcL	r
1561address mapping	GMMC	k
1562address mapping	Hc2	r
1563address mapping table	Hdh	m
1564address mark	HeH	d
1565address marker	Hek	i
1566address marker byter	HfG	u
1567address master	Hf0	c
1568address match	HgQ	b
1569address match	Hgr	b
1570address memory	HhG	f
1571address message	F8VE	9
1572address message	GF0u	d
1573address message	Hhl	d
1574address message	Imqv	d
1575address mode	HiC	a
1576address mode	Hic	d
1577address modification	Hi5	i
1578address modifier	Hjb	k
1579address modify	Hj/	c
1580address multiple access	Hkb	r
1581address operator	HlG	h
1582address order code	F8Qm	o
1583address out	Hln	d
1584address out bus	HmE	m
1585address out of range	Hmq	i
1586address output file	HnM	n
1587address part	Hnz	a
1588address part	HoN	a
1589address path	Hon	a
1590address pointer	HpB	d
1591address pool	Hpe	X
1592address port	Hp1	X
1593address precise interruption	HqM	w
1594address prefixing	Hq8	i
1595address printer	Hre	g
1596address priority	Hr+	h
1597address read wire	Hsf	i
1598address recall register	HtB	1
1599address recognition unit	Ht2	w
1600address reference	Hum	f
1601address reference table	HvF	o
1602address register	DC+f	n
1603address register	Hvt	h
1604address register	HwO	m
1605address register storage	FmcC	4
1606address reiocation	Hw0	j
1607address routing indicator	HxX	2
1608address save register	HyN	s
1609address scrambler	Hy5	i
1610address selection	Hzb	l
1611address selector	H0A	h
1612address sensor	H0h	f
1613address separator	H1A	i
1614address sequence	H1i	e
1615address set key	H2A	g
1616address shift register	H2g	x
1617address size	H3R	a
1618address skew	H3r	a
1619address sort routine	H4F	u
1620address space	GF1L	e
1621address space	H4z	b
1622address space	H5O	e
1623address space extension block	H5s	5
1624address space identifier	H6l	0
1625address space number	H7Z	p
1626address space partition	GF1p	u
1627address space vector table	H8C	2
1628address start	H84	b
1629address start register	H9T	x
1630address stop	H+E	o
1631address strap	H+s	Y
1632address strobe	H/E	c
1633address substitution	H/g	i
1634address switch	IAC	c
1635address switch register	IAe	y
1636address syllable	IBQ	e
1637address synchronizing track	IBu	z
1638address tape	ICh	X
1639address trace	IC4	b
1640address track	IDT	Y
1641address track	IDr	Y
1642address transfer operator	IED	w
1643address transform instruction	IEz	x
1644address transformation	CgrX	q
1645address transformation	IFk	k
1646address translation	IGI	h
1647address translation	IGp	h
1648address translation buffer	IHK	1
1649address translation slave store	IH/	8
1650address translation table	II7	u
1651address translator	IJp	j
1652address translator	IKM	p
1653address vector	IK1	c
1654address window	ILR	c
1655address wire	ILt	e
1656address wire	IML	d
1657address word	IMo	X
1658address write	IM/	e
1659addressability	IQS	c
1660addressability	Pcv	i
1661addressable	Pds	j
1662addressable cursor	IQu	j
1663addressable horizontal prsitions	IRR	6
1664addressable memory	ISL	m
1665addressable memory space	ISx	v
1666addressable point	IT/	f
1667addressable point	ITg	f
1668addressable register	IUe	o
1669addressable storage	IVG	k
1670addressable storage	IVq	BI
1671addressable vertical position	IWy	0
1672addressbility measure	IXm	m
1673addressed	IYM	X
1674addressed	Iq/A	d
1675addressed direct access	IYj	r
1676addressed location	IZO	g
1677addressed memory	CH54	k
1678addressed memory	IZu	h
1679addressed sequential access	IaP	v
1680addressed storage	Ia+	i
1681addressed vertical positions	Ibg	z
1682addressee	IcT	U
1683addresses	Icn	R
1684addressing	Ic4	S
1685addressing	IdK	f
1686addressing capability	Idp	j
1687addressing capacity	IeM	h
1688addressing character	Iet	i
1689addressing data communication	IfP	0
1690addressing decode	IgD	f
1691addressing environment	Igi	k
1692addressing exception	IhG	i
1693addressing interrupt	Iho	i
1694addressing level	IiK	b
1695addressing matrix	Iil	f
1696addressing mode	IjE	d
1697addressing mode	Ijh	j
1698addressing mode bit	IkE	n
1699addressing of virtual storage	DIJP	6
1700addressing range	Ikr	e
1701addressing space	IlJ	e
1702addressing system	Iln	f
1703addressing technique	ImG	i
1704addressless instruction	Imo	o
1705addressless instruction format	InQ	1
1706adds entered	IoF	m
1707adds generated	Ior	o
1708addsubtract unit	GGf	p
1709adic boolean operation	GLVE	8
1710adic function	GLWA	a
1711adic operation	GLWa	o
1712adic predicate	GLXC	b
1713adjacencies	IpT	W
1714adjacency	Ipp	R
1715adjacency matrix	Ip6	e
1716adjacent	IqY	T
1717adjacent area of complementary	Gbq9	7
1718adjacent area of primary record	Gbr4	5
1719adjacent channel	IOFP	h
1720adjacent channel	Iqr	h
1721adjacent channel	IrM	h
1722adjacent code	Irt	Y
1723adjacent code b	xik	a
1724adjacent domains	IsF	e
1725adjacent domatins	Isj	Z
1726adjacent edge	Is8	V
1727adjacent error correcting code	ItR	v
1728adjacent free area	IuA	j
1729adjacent identifier	Iuj	k
1730adjacent level	IvH	Z
1731adjacent matrix	Ivg	d
1732adjacent node	Iv9	Y
1733adjacent node	IwV	b
1734adjacent nodes	Iww	c
1735adjacent region	IxM	a
1736adjoint	IOm1	a
1737adjoint address	Iyn	g
1738adjoint addressing	IzH	j
1739adjoint nonterminal	Izq	n
1740adjointness	IOnP	k
1741adjust	ExmA	R
1742adjust	I0R	O
1743adjustable array	I0f	e
1744adjustable head hold	I09	l
1745adjustable size specification	I2M	x
1746adjusted	JqYN	q
1747adjusted data	H8y+	b
1748adjusted ring length	I4E	l
1749adjusting	IOnz	U
1750adjusting automaton	IOoH	n
1751adjusting communication	IOou	o
1752adjusting device	Jcgg	2
1753adjusting entry	I4p	d
1754adjusting key	I5G	Y
1755adjustment	I5e	S
1756adjustment amount	I5w	f
1757adjustment extension	I6P	o
1758adjustment free	I63	j
1759administration center	I7a	j
1760administration data network	I79	1
1761administration engineer	I8y	o
1762administration program	I9a	n
1763administration software	I+B	l
1764administrative	I+m	f
1765administrative analysis	I/F	q
1766administrative communications requirements	I/v	BI
1767administrative computer program	JA3	8
1768administrative control system	JBz	3
1769administrative data processing	JCq	BC
1770administrative identification	JDs	5
1771administrative information	JEl	o
1772administrative management	JFN	r
1773administrative management society	JF4	5
1774administrative message switching	JGx	0
1775administrative message switching program	JHl	BC
1776administrative network	JIn	t
1777administrative science	JJU	k
1778administrative security	JJ4	o
1779administrative support system	JKg	x
1780administrative terminal system	JLR	8
1781administrative utility	JMN	t
1782administrator	JM6	Y
1783administrator	JNS	k
1784administrator options	JN2	m
1785admins	JPX	j
1786admiral run tape	JP6	n
1787admissibility	JQh	b
1788admissibility condition	JQ8	o
1789admissibility of search algorithms	JS6	BC
1790admissible	JT8	V
1791admissible algorithm	JUR	o
1792admissible character	JU5	i
1793admissible class of grammars	JVb	w
1794admissible control	JWL	g
1795admissible error	JWr	e
1796admissible hypothesis	JXJ	j
1797admissible interpolation constraint	JXs	3
1798admissible mark	JYj	d
1799admissible number	JZA	c
1800admissible parameter	JZc	i
1801admissible partition	JZ+	i
1802admissible sequence	Jag	h
1803admissible state semantics	JbB	x
1804admissible statistical hypothesis	Jby	1
1805admissible symbol	Jcn	f
1806admissible variation	JdG	i
1807admission delay	Jdo	d
1808admission rule	JeF	c
1809admittance	Jeh	S
1810admittance function	Jez	h
1811admittance matrix	JfU	f
1812admittance parameter	Jfz	i
1813adopted authority	JgV	i
1814adp system	Jg3	W
1815advance	JEgX	V
1816advance	JhN	f
1817advance administrative system	Jhs	x
1818advance booking charter	Jid	p
1819advance control	JjG	d
1820advance deviation report	Jjj	w
1821advance diviation report	JkT	w
1822advance education center	JlD	t
1823advance information memory	Jlw	1
1824advance interrupt control transfer	Jml	8
1825advance item	Jnh	X
1826advance item technique	Jn4	q
1827advance mode	JpD	a
1828advance preparation	Jpd	e
1829advance read status transfer	Jp7	z
1830advance signal processing system	Jqu	6
1831advance unit	HKpE	a
1832advance version program	Jro	r
1833advanced acoustic signal processor	JsT	BB
1834advanced administration system	JtU	2
1835advanced airborn digital computer	JuK	BD
1836advanced airborn digital computer	JvN	BD
1837advanced application support facility	JwQ	/
1838advanced avionics data handling system	JxP	BM
1839advanced avionics digital computer	Jyb	/
1840advanced avionics digital computer	Jza	BE
1841advanced avionics interface program	J0e	BO
1842advanced avionics interface program	J1s	BO
1843advanced ballistic computer	J26	2
1844advanced ballistic missile defence agency	J3w	BM
1845advanced bipolar monolithic	J48	8
1846advanced business processor	J54	2
1847advanced calender	J6u	c
1848advanced com executive	J7K	s
1849advanced command and control architectural testbed	J72	Bn
1850advanced communication function for vtam	J9d	Bk
1851advanced communications function	J/B	+
1852advanced communications network service	J//	BG
1853advanced communications network servicee	KBF	BH
1854advanced communications service	KCM	3
1855advanced communications technology	KDD	6
1856advanced computational processor	KD9	7
1857advanced computer for medical environment	KE4	BO
1858advanced computer technique project	KGG	BF
1859advanced computer technology	KHL	3
1860advanced continuous simulation language	KIC	BB
1861advanced control	KJD	e
1862advanced control signal processor	KJh	BD
1863advanced cryptographic system	KKk	1
1864advanced data acquisition routine	KLZ	BA
1865advanced data base system	KMZ	1
1866advanced data code	KNO	q
1867advanced data communication control procedures	KN4	BU
1868advanced data display system	KPM	7
1869advanced data entry	KQH	u
1870advanced data entry executive	KQ1	BC
1871advanced data link control	KR3	0
1872advanced data link controller	KSr	/
1873advanced data management system	KTq	+
1874advanced data processing	KUo	w
1875advanced data system	KVY	s
1876advanced debugging system	KWE	3
1877advanced defence communication satellite	KW7	BC
1878advanced defence communication satellite program	KX9	BQ
1879advanced defence communication system	KZN	BE
1880advanced diskette operating system	KaR	BB
1881advanced diskette operating system	KbS	BB
1882advanced document revision notic	KcT	/
1883advanced document revision notice	KdS	BA
1884advanced dos	KeS	m
1885advanced early warming system	Ke4	2
1886advanced early warning system	Kfu	2
1887advanced fault resolution	Kgk	x
1888advanced file organization	KhV	y
1889advanced financal reporting system	KiH	BB
1890advanced financial reporting system	KjI	BC
1891advanced function	KkK	o
1892advanced function for communication	Kky	3
1893advanced function printing	Klp	4
1894advanced graphic system	Kmh	v
1895advanced hybird computing system	KnQ	BC
1896advanced hybrid computing system	KoS	/
1897advanced information manager	KpR	6
1898advanced information system	KqL	z
1899advanced information technology	Kq+	z
1900advanced instruction system	Krx	z
1901advanced instrumentation and data analysis system	Ksk	Bg
1902advanced integrated data system	KuE	+
1903advanced integrated safety and optimizing computer	KvC	Bg
1904advanced interactive debugging system	Kwi	BE
1905advanced interactive executive	Kxm	8
1906advanced intercontinental missile system	Kyi	BC
1907advanced interface module	Kzk	x
1908advanced interior communication system	K0V	BF
1909advanced life information system	K1a	/
1910advanced linear programming system	K2Z	BB
1911advanced lithography	K3a	0
1912advanced manual line	K4O	s
1913advanced math library	K46	q
1914advanced microcomputer development system	K5/	BR
1915advanced microprocessor programming language	K7Q	BX
1916advanced microprogrammable processor	K8n	BJ
1917advanced minuteman computer	K9w	8
1918advanced mircoprogrammable processor	K+s	BJ
1919advanced mode	K/1	b
1920advanced network design and management system	LA7	BW
1921advanced network system architecture	LCR	BD
1922advanced numerical control apt	LDU	BD
1923advanced numerical control art	LEX	BD
1924advanced operating facilities	LGE	1
1925advanced operating system	LG5	x
1926advanced optical character reader	LHq	BD
1927advanced optical character recognition	LIt	BF
1928advanced orbital launch operation	LJy	7
1929advanced placement program	LLY	y
1930advanced printer function	LMK	0
1931advanced procedure	LM+	g
1932advanced realtime processing system	LP1	BC
1933advanced reconfigurable computer system	LQ3	BP
1934advanced reconnaissance satellite	LSG	1
1935advanced record system	LS7	u
1936advanced remote display station	LTp	7
1937advanced remote job entry	LUk	7
1938advanced research planning document	LVf	BC
1939advanced research projects agency	LWh	9
1940advanced research projects agency network	LXe	BO
1941advanced scientific array processor	LYs	BF
1942advanced scientific computer	LZx	3
1943advanced scientific instrument	Lao	2
1944advanced seismic computer	Lbe	0
1945advanced signal processing	LcS	y
1946advanced signal processor	LdE	0
1947advanced simulation center	Ld4	y
1948advanced simulation facility	Leq	0
1949advanced software	Lfe	f
1950advanced software facility	Lf9	u
1951advanced software system	Lgr	x
1952advanced solid logic technology	Lhc	+
1953advanced static test recording apparatus	Lia	BO
1954advanced station	Ljo	i
1955advanced statistical analysis program	LkK	BF
1956advanced structural analyser	LlP	/
1957advanced support processor	LmO	1
1958advanced system	LnD	g
1959advanced system architecture	Lnj	5
1960advanced system data processing simulation	Loc	BS
1961advanced system engineering	Lpu	z
1962advanced system research	Lqh	w
1963advanced systems development division	LrR	BB
1964advanced systems management system	Lsq	BB
1965advanced table lookup	Ltr	q
1966advanced teleprocessing system	LuV	8
1967advanced terminal controller	LvR	3
1968advanced terminal management system	LwI	BC
1969advanced use	LxK	a
1970advanced user terminal	Lxk	q
1971advanced users terminal	LyO	y
1972advanced utility	LzA	k
1973advanced very high resolution radiometer	Lzk	BO
1974advancing page	L1K	Z
1975advancing phrase	L1j	e
1976advice	L2B	O
1977advice	L2P	U
1978advice added to delineation	L2j	v
1979advice language	L3S	d
1980adviser business oriented language	L3v	BE
1981advisory board	L4z	Z
1982advisory circular	L5M	f
1983advisory council on science policy	L5r	BE
1984advisory engineer	L6v	i
1985advisory group on electronic devices	L7R	BA
1986advisory service	L8R	e
1987ae indicator	L8v	j
1988aerial cable	L9S	a
1989aerial insert	L9s	b
1990aerial optical cable	L+H	i
1991aeronautical advisory station	L+p	u
1992aeronautical broadcasting station	L/X	y
1993aeronautical communication system abbreviation	MAJ	BI
1994aeronautical computer laboratory	MBR	+
1995aeronautical emergency frequency	MCP	0
1996aeronautical fixed service	MDD	u
1997aeronautical fixed station	MDx	u
1998aeronautical fixed telecommunication setwork	MEf	BL
1999aeronautical fixed telecommunications network	MFq	BM
2000aeronautical marker beacon station	MG2	8
2001aeronautical mobile service	MHy	z
2002aeronautical multicom land station	MIl	/
2003aeronautical multicom mobile station	MJk	BE
2004aeronautical multicom service	MKo	3
2005aeronautical radio beacon station	MLf	7
2006aeronautical radio navigation service	MMa	BC
2007aeronautical station	MNc	i
2008aeronautical station master log	MN+	2
2009aeronautical stellite communications center	MO0	BK
2010aeronautical telecommunication log	MP+	2
2011aeronautical telemetering land station	MQ0	9
2012aeronautical telemetering mobile station	MRx	/
2013aeronautical utility land station	MSw	7
2014aeronautical utility mobile station	MTr	9
2015aerospace business environment slmulator	MUo	BK
2016aerospace computer	MVy	j
2017aerospace computer program	MWV	1
2018aerospace defense command	MXK	2
2019aerospace digital development	MYA	1
2020aerospace engineering	MY1	j
2021aerospace hybrids	MaN	r
2022aerospace industries association	Ma4	4
2023aerospace intelligence data system	Mbw	BB
2024aerospace safety research and data institute	Mdh	BY
2025aerospace traffic control center	Me5	/
2026afcet	Mf4	W
2027affin type	MgO	Y
2028affine mapping	Mgm	c
2029affine transformation	MhC	j
2030affinity	Mhl	Q
2031affirmative acknowledgement	Mh1	p
2032affirmative acknowledgment	Mie	o
2033affix	MjG	N
2034affix grammar	MjT	b
2035afile	Mju	N
2036afile compactor utility	Mj7	x
2037afile merge utility	Mks	t
2038afmap	MlZ	p
2039after add	MmC	U
2040after baking	MmW	a
2041after care	Mmw	S
2042after change	MnC	X
2043after effect	MnZ	U
2044after etching	Mnt	b
2045after exposure	MoI	c
2046after frame	Mok	T
2047after glow	Mo3	S
2048after heating	MpJ	Y
2049after image	Mph	h
2050after image journal	MqC	k
2051after image journaling	Mqm	n
2052after jmage	MrN	T
2053after journal	Mrg	h
2054after phrase	MsB	X
2055after receipt of order	MsY	u
2056after recording	MtG	g
2057after reload	Mtm	d
2058after service	MuD	b
2059after space	Mue	W
2060after table	Mu0	Z
2061after treatment	MvN	a
2062after update	Mvn	X
2063afterword	Mxx	b
2064age code	MyM	T
2065aged	dPP	V
2066aged packet	Myf	Z
2067aged trial balance	My4	j
2068ageing	Gbsx	c
2069agency for international development	Mzb	5
2070agency name	M0U	c
2071aggreation	M0w	S
2072aggregate	M1C	c
2073aggregate	M1e	R
2074aggregate assignment	M1v	l
2075aggregate bit rate	M2U	j
2076aggregate channel	M23	f
2077aggregate expression	M3W	f
2078aggregate field	M31	a
2079aggregate notation	M4P	g
2080aggregate of the data	M4v	j
2081aggregate output	M5S	e
2082aggregate reversals	M5w	n
2083aggregate signal	M6X	e
2084aggregate speed	M61	d
2085aggregation hierarchy	M7S	p
2086aggregation problem	M77	h
2087agile radar	M8c	Z
2088agility	M81	P
2089aging	M9E	N
2090aging effect	M9R	a
2091aging failure	M9r	b
2092aging periods	M+G	b
2093agitation error	M+h	d
2094agnosis	DIg3	V
2095agree life	M++	Y
2096agreed indication	M/W	i
2097agreement	M/4	R
2098ahead	FBb7	T
2099ahead	FHat	N
2100ahead	IJox	e
2101ahead adder	GRYx	7
2102ahead addressing	Gvak	BI
2103ahead carry	HewC	i
2104ahead carry adder	FHa6	o
2105ahead carry block	FHbi	l
2106ahead carry output	FHcH	m
2107ahead data staging architecture	FHct	5
2108ahead field	FHdm	Z
2109ahead logic	FHd/	Z
2110ahead unit	EUdG	e
2111ahpabetic word	NA3	Z
2112ai language	NBQ	f
2113ai programming	NBv	o
2114ai programming language	NCX	3
2115ai system	NDO	d
2116aid tools	CTRL	d
2117aided cognition	FNFl	n
2118aided composing and editing	FNGM	BA
2119aided design	FNHM	j
2120aided design	GJPT	p
2121aided drafting system	FNHv	3
2122aided editing	FNIm	3
2123aided graphics	JHWK	3
2124aided index	FNJd	j
2125aided manufacturing information	FNKA	BB
2126aided range gearing	NDr	w
2127aided range tracking	NEb	r
2128aided retrieval	FNLB	5
2129aided system	Jay+	g
2130aided technical processing system	FNL6	BK
2131aided tracking	NFG	f
2132aided tracking mechanism	NFl	s
2133aided tracking system	NGR	p
2134aided translation editing	FNNE	4
2135aids distribution list	NG6	x
2136aids service	NHr	d
2137aiken relay calculator	NII	3
2138aiming circle	NI/	Y
2139aiming field	NJX	X
2140aiming field	NJu	a
2141aiming symbol	NKI	b
2142aiming symbol	NKj	b
2143aiphanumeric instruction	NK+	v
2144air bearing disk	NLt	n
2145air boundary layer	NMU	j
2146air circuit breaker	NM3	o
2147air condition system	NNf	i
2148air conditioning	NOB	h
2149air conditioning	NOi	e
2150air control authority	NPA	m
2151air cooled	NPm	b
2152air cooler	NQB	Y
2153air cushion	NQZ	c
2154air data processor	NQ1	p
2155air dielectric coaxial cable	NRe	2
2156air duct	NSU	T
2157air filter	NSn	b
2158air flow sensor	NTC	g
2159air force association	NTi	n
2160air force coding system	NUJ	w
2161air force commumication system	NU5	3
2162air force communication	NVw	r
2163air force computer program library	NWb	BC
2164air force cryptographic code system	NXd	9
2165air force data automation agency	NYa	BA
2166air force data communications system	NZa	BI
2167air force data services center	Nai	+
2168air force data system design center	Nbg	BK
2169air force electronic data processing center	Ncq	BS
2170air force fomputer acquistion office	Nd8	BE
2171air force intelligence data handling system	NfA	BQ
2172air force office of scientific research	NgQ	+
2173air force technical applications center	Nh/	BH
2174air force test and evaluation center	NjG	BH
2175air gap	NkN	S
2176air graffic ocntrol centre	Nkf	0
2177air hole	NlT	Q
2178air indicator	Nlj	b
2179air inletoutlet	Nl+	t
2180air isolated monolithic circuit	Nmr	+
2181air isolation	Nnp	b
2182air leakage	NoE	T
2183air monitoring	GrF9	c
2184air movement data	NoX	p
2185air moving devices	NpA	l
2186air navigation computer	Npl	u
2187air net	IiqE	j
2188air net	IiyQ	l
2189air net	NqT	S
2190air route traffic control	Nql	y
2191air traffic control	NrX	r
2192air traffic control communications	NsC	8
2193airborne command post	N1g	m
2194airborne computer	N2G	i
2195airborne data acquisition	N2o	4
2196airborne data processor	N3g	y
2197airborne data terminal set	N4S	x
2198airborne digital recorder	N5D	0
2199airborne electronic computer	N53	z
2200airborne integrated data system	N6q	+
2201airborne integrated display system	N7o	BB
2202airborne line printer	N8p	q
2203airborne meteorological data collection system	N9T	BO
2204airborne navigation computer	N+h	3
2205airborne sarning and control system computer	N/Y	BS
2206airflow	OAq	P
2207airground aiaison code	Nz1	x
2208airground interface simulation	N0m	6
2209airline computer tracing system	OA5	8
2210airline electronic engineering commission	OB1	BL
2211airline reservation system	ODA	u
2212airport traffic controller	ODu	2
2213alarm	OFC	V
2214alarm	OFX	R
2215alarm bell	OFo	a
2216alarm box	OGC	U
2217alarm box	OGW	a
2218alarm center	OGw	a
2219alarm circuit	OHK	b
2220alarm clde	OHl	V
2221alarm clock	OH6	Z
2222alarm control	OIT	g
2223alarm device	OIz	a
2224alarm display	OJN	b
2225alarm free	OJo	V
2226alarm indication monitor	OJ9	z
2227alarm indicator panel	OKw	w
2228alarm master	OLg	h
2229alarm message	OMB	b
2230alarm monitor computer	OMc	0
2231alarm rate	ONQ	V
2232alarm receiver	ONl	l
2233alarm relay	OOK	i
2234alarm return address	OOs	o
2235alarm sensor	OPU	d
2236alarm signal	OPx	a
2237alarm switch	OQL	a
2238alarm system	OQl	a
2239alarm unit	OQ/	b
2240alarmed cable	OSD	e
2241alert	OSh	N
2242alert	OSu	T
2243alertor	OTB	S
2244algebra trans lator	OTT	u
2245algebraic adder	9gn	s
2246algebraic adder	GbtN	j
2247algebraic adder	OUp	g
2248algebraic calculator language	OVJ	9
2249algebraic coding	OWG	e
2250algebraic coding theory	OWk	r
2251algebraic compiler	OXP	s
2252algebraic decoder	OX7	i
2253algebraic decoding	OYd	g
2254algebraic expression	OY9	l
2255algebraic formal partten recognition	OZi	+
2256algebraic interpretive dialogue	Oag	3
2257algebraic language	ObX	g
2258algebraic manipulation	Ob3	k
2259algebraic manipulation language	Ocb	z
2260algebraic oriented language	OeA	4
2261algebraic programming language	Oe4	4
2262algebraic sign	Ofw	c
2263algebraic sign	OgM	c
2264algebraic spatial image restoration	Ogo	9
2265algebraic specification	Ohl	l
2266algebraic tranformation	OiK	l
2267algebraic translator and compiler	Oiv	BK
2268algol and fortran	Oj5	z
2269algol compiler	Oks	u
2270algol computer	Ola	q
2271algol extended for design	OmE	5
2272algol machine	Om9	e
2273algol statement	On/	d
2274algorism	Oqn	Q
2275algorithm	B61I	U
2276algorithm	Oq3	i
2277algorithm	OrZ	V
2278algorithm analysis	Oru	g
2279algorithm chart	OsO	a
2280algorithm decoder	Oso	l
2281algorithm deseription language	OtN	v
2282algorithm design	Ot8	e
2283algorithm diagram	Oua	c
2284algorithm flow chart	Ou2	l
2285algorithm generator	Ovb	n
2286algorithm insolubility	OwC	q
2287algorithm logic	Ows	d
2288algorithm module	OxJ	e
2289algorithm optimization	Oxn	k
2290algorithm organization	OyL	k
2291algorithm pattern	Oyv	f
2292algorithm processor	OzO	k
2293algorithm reflnement	Ozy	i
2294algorithm routine	O0U	f
2295algorithm simulation	O0z	i
2296algorithm translation	O1V	j
2297algorithmic	H9WN	Z
2298algorithmic	O2k	T
2299algorithmic control system	O23	z
2300algorithmic language	O3q	i
2301algorithmic language	O4M	2
2302algorithmic language 60	O5C	2
2303algorithmic language 68	O54	2
2304algorithmic processor description language	O6u	BM
2305algorithmic programming language	O76	+
2306algorithmic remote manipulation	O84	3
2307algorithmic state machine	O9v	u
2308algorithmstructure	O+d	g
2309alhpa meric character recognition	O+9	7
2310alias	O/4	N
2311alias	PAF	N
2312alias description entry	PAS	o
2313alias section	PA6	Y
2314aliassing	PB5	X
2315aliassing problem	PCQ	f
2316align	PDl	R
2317align orders	PD2	a
2318align text	PEQ	Y
2319aligned	ExmR	V
2320aligned bundle	PEo	c
2321aligned tab	CL+2	i
2322aligner	PFE	S
2323aligning gate	IOpW	f
2324aligning gate transistor	IOp1	z
2325aligning system	IOqo	g
2326alignment	PFW	Z
2327alignment	PFv	R
2328alignment clause	PGA	e
2329alignment connector	PGe	k
2330alignment disk	PHC	f
2331alignment function	PHh	g
2332alignment indicator	PIB	k
2333alignment mark	PIl	c
2334alignment of data	PJB	l
2335alignment pattern	PJm	f
2336alignment precision	PKF	h
2337alignment requirement	PKm	j
2338alignment restriction	PLJ	j
2339alignment routine	PLs	f
2340alignment rule	PML	c
2341alignment time	PMn	c
2342alignment tool	PND	Z
2343alive circuit	PNr	b
2344all asynchronous device driver subroutine library	POG	BU
2345all busy circuit	PPa	e
2346all canceled order	PP4	p
2347all channel decoder	PQh	n
2348all clear	PRI	U
2349all common control system	PRc	w
2350all conversion tool	PSM	k
2351all digital phaselocked loop	PSw	5
2352all fault simulation	DF1y	l
2353all gate	XG+	c
2354all load	HDE0	T
2355all mark	PTp	T
2356all numeral numbering	PT8	q
2357all or nothing check	PU8	u
2358all structure	DcP7	e
2359all time	PVq	b
2360all trunks busy	PWF	q
2361allocatable space	Pj2	i
2362allocate	C20s	Z
2363allocate	Pk4	Q
2364allocate	PkY	g
2365allocate a device	PlI	f
2366allocate and free statement	Pln	y
2367allocate block	PmZ	f
2368allocate enent	Pm4	c
2369allocate file	PnU	b
2370allocate node	Pnv	b
2371allocate storage	PoK	h
2372allocated configuration index	Por	x
2373allocated resource table	Ppc	p
2374allocated resource table address	PqF	3
2375allocated resouree table entry	Pq8	1
2376allocating character string variable	Prx	7
2377allocating data array	Pss	m
2378allocating phase	PtS	e
2379allocating physical file space	Ptw	4
2380allocating system resource	Puo	u
2381allocation	Hipc	V
2382allocation	PvW	a
2383allocation	Pvw	Y
2384allocation algorithm	PwI	i
2385allocation and loading program	Pwq	1
2386allocation class	Px+	e
2387allocation interaction	DOb4	2
2388allocation model	Pyc	e
2389allocation of data set	Py6	n
2390allocation plan	Pzh	d
2391allocation quantity audit	Pz+	t
2392allocation records	P1L	g
2393allocation routine	P1r	m
2394allocation statement	P2R	i
2395allocation strategy module	P2z	u
2396allocation variance	P3h	h
2397allocationpick variance	P4C	u
2398allocator	P4w	X
2399allocator queue table	P5H	p
2400allotter	P5w	T
2401allotter switch	P6D	g
2402allotting switch	P6j	h
2403allow	P7E	N
2404allow declaration	P7R	f
2405allow mode	P7w	m
2406allowable logical control structure	P8W	9
2407allowable resources	P90	h
2408allowable resources	P9T	h
2409allowable value	P+V	a
2410allowable working speed	P+v	r
2411allowance	P/a	R
2412allowance	P/r	R
2413allowance for doubtful accounts	P/8	t
2414allowed failure effect	QAp	u
2415allowed predecessor	QBX	k
2416allowed successor	QB7	i
2417alloy belt printer	QCd	m
2418alog function	QDD	Z
2419alogorithmic approach	QDc	j
2420alogorithmic code	QD/	f
2421alogorithmic cost model	QEe	r
2422alogorithmic dispatching	QFJ	m
2423alogorithmic error	QFv	g
2424alogorithmic language	QGP	p
2425alogorithmic language program	QG4	x
2426alogorithmic logic	QHp	g
2427alogorithmic macrodesign system	QIJ	5
2428alogorithmic measure of reliability	QJC	9
2429alogorithmic pattern generation system	QJ/	BA
2430alogorithmic rule	QK/	f
2431alogorithmic scheduling	QLe	l
2432alogorithmic simulation	QMD	l
2433alogorithmic statement	QMo	k
2434alogorithmic transformation	QNM	p
2435alogorithmic unsolvability	QN1	u
2436alogrithm	B61c	Z
2437alone	Ior/	Q
2438alone executive program	GurW	+
2439alone processor	IosP	g
2440alone production system	Iosv	u
2441alone system	GW7B	g
2442alone unit	Iotd	b
2443along	HRkr	N
2444along method	HRk4	a
2445along support system	GudY	u
2446alpha characters	QOj	7
2447alpha code	QPe	V
2448alpha factor	QPz	a
2449alpha field	QQN	W
2450alpha format	QQj	a
2451alpha literal	QQ9	b
2452alpha meric class	QRY	i
2453alpha meric edited	QR6	m
2454alpha meric field descriptor	QSg	5
2455alpha meric index	QTZ	l
2456alpha meric information	QT+	r
2457alpha meric listing	QUp	n
2458alpha meric literal	QVQ	n
2459alpha meric logic package	QV3	w
2460alpha meric printer	QWn	q
2461alpha meric visual display	QXR	x
2462alpha system	QYC	g
2463alphabet	QYi	k
2464alphabet	QZG	Q
2465alphabet	QZW	Q
2466alphabet character	QaO	g
2467alphabet data	Qau	b
2468alphabet data code	QbJ	m
2469alphabet general sense	QZm	o
2470alphabet length	Qbv	d
2471alphabet name	QcM	b
2472alphabet number	Qcn	d
2473alphabet sequence	QdE	i
2474alphabet symbol	Qdm	d
2475alphabet translation	QeD	l
2476alphabetic	Gnzb	p
2477alphabetic	Qeo	S
2478alphabetic address	Qe6	g
2479alphabetic addressing	Qfa	j
2480alphabetic arrangement	Qf9	q
2481alphabetic character	Qgn	i
2482alphabetic character set	QhJ	6
2483alphabetic character set	QiD	p
2484alphabetic character set	Qis	p
2485alphabetic character subset	QjV	v
2486alphabetic character subset	QkE	v
2487alphabetic class	Qkz	b
2488alphabetic code	QlO	a
2489alphabetic code	Qlo	a
2490alphabetic code	QmC	a
2491alphabetic code	Qmc	a
2492alphabetic coded character set	Qm2	1
2493alphabetic coded character set	Qnr	1
2494alphabetic coded set	Qog	l
2495alphabetic coding	QpF	f
2496alphabetic data	Qpk	d
2497alphabetic data code	QqB	l
2498alphabetic data set	Qqm	k
2499alphabetic field	QrK	e
2500alphabetic flag	Qro	d
2501alphabetic information	QsF	k
2502alphabetic item	Qsp	a
2503alphabetic print control	QtD	s
2504alphabetic punch	Qtv	e
2505alphabetic shift	QuN	e
2506alphabetic signal	Qur	f
2507alphabetic string	QvK	c
2508alphabetic string	Qvm	c
2509alphabetic string	QwC	f
2510alphabetic symbol	Qwh	f
2511alphabetic symbol	QxA	f
2512alphabetic variant	Qxf	g
2513alphabetic word	Qx/	a
2514alphabetic wrod	QyZ	a
2515alphageometric	QzL	l
2516alphageometric mode	Qzw	w
2517alphageometric operation	Q0g	s
2518alphameric	Q1M	Y
2519alphameric character	Q1k	o
2520alphameric character set	Q2M	s
2521alphameric class	Q24	h
2522alphameric code	Q3Z	j
2523alphameric coding	Q38	l
2524alphameric conversion	Q4h	p
2525alphameric conversion code	Q5K	x
2526alphameric edited	Q57	l
2527alphameric field descriptor	Q6g	4
2528alphameric graphic display	Q7Y	0
2529alphameric index	Q8M	k
2530alphameric information	Q8w	q
2531alphameric instruction	Q9a	t
2532alphameric keyboard	Q+H	n
2533alphameric listing	Q+u	m
2534alphameric literal	Q/U	m
2535alphameric logic package	Q/6	v
2536alphameric printer	RAp	p
2537alphameric read out	RBS	n
2538alphameric reader	RB5	o
2539alphameric symbol	RCh	l
2540alphameric visual display	RDG	w
2541alphanumeric	RD2	X
2542alphanumeric	REN	d
2543alphanumeric character	REq	k
2544alphanumeric character	RFO	q
2545alphanumeric character entry	RF4	w
2546alphanumeric character set	RGo	r
2547alphanumeric character set	RHT	x
2548alphanumeric character subset	RIE	3
2549alphanumeric code	RI7	c
2550alphanumeric code	RJ8	c
2551alphanumeric code	RJX	l
2552alphanumeric coded character set	RKY	3
2553alphanumeric coded character set	RLP	9
2554alphanumeric coded set	RMM	n
2555alphanumeric coding	RMz	n
2556alphanumeric conversion code	RNa	z
2557alphanumeric data	RON	f
2558alphanumeric data	ROs	l
2559alphanumeric data	RPR	f
2560alphanumeric data item	RPw	t
2561alphanumeric display	RQd	s
2562alphanumeric display equipment	RRJ	9
2563alphanumeric displays	RSG	x
2564alphanumeric edited data item	RS3	9
2565alphanumeric field	RT0	j
2566alphanumeric field	RUX	m
2567alphanumeric generator	RU9	x
2568alphanumeric graphic display	RVu	z
2569alphanumeric impact printer	RWh	/
2570alphanumeric information	RXg	s
2571alphanumeric instruction	RYM	v
2572alphanumeric key	RY7	e
2573alphanumeric key	RZZ	h
2574alphanumeric keyboard	RZ6	p
2575alphanumeric logic package	Raj	2
2576alphanumeric machine	RbZ	l
2577alphanumeric operation	Rb+	t
2578alphanumeric output	Rcr	r
2579alphanumeric printer	RdW	r
2580alphanumeric reader	ReB	q
2581alphanumeric scharacter set	Rer	v
2582alphanumeric shift	Rfa	j
2583alphanumeric sign	Gbtw	o
2584alphanumeric style	Rf9	m
2585alphanumeric symbol	Rgj	n
2586alphanumeric tube	RhK	o
2587alphanumeric user identification code	Rhy	BC
2588alphanumerical code	Ri0	k
2589alphanumerical information	RjY	u
2590alphanumerical keyboard device	RkG	4
2591alphascope	Rk+	b
2592alphavariable	RlZ	b
2593alt key	Rl0	S
2594alter file	RmG	Y
2595alter key	Rme	Z
2596alter mode	Rm3	Y
2597alter statement	RnP	d
2598alter switch	Rns	a
2599alterable machine structure	Rol	v
2600alterable memory	RpU	h
2601alterable read only memory	Rp1	2
2602alteration switch	Rrf	f
2603alterdisplay	RoG	f
2604altering function	E8dq	o
2605altering message	Rr+	e
2606alternate	H9tT	X
2607alternate	Rsc	Z
2608alternate acknowledge	Rs1	j
2609alternate area	RtY	Z
2610alternate binary code	Rtx	p
2611alternate buffer file	Rua	p
2612alternate channel	RvD	f
2613alternate channel interference	Rvi	y
2614alternate circuit route	RwU	l
2615alternate coding key	Rw5	i
2616alternate collating sequence	Rxb	w
2617alternate collating sequence	RyL	w
2618alternate communication	Ry7	l
2619alternate communication facility	Rzg	0
2620alternate console	R0U	i
2621alternate current	R02	c
2622alternate cursor	R1S	e
2623alternate data retry	R1w	s
2624alternate delimiter type	R2c	s
2625alternate digit inversion	R3I	t
2626alternate directon	R31	a
2627alternate display	R4P	l
2628alternate entry	R40	d
2629alternate error procedure	R5R	t
2630alternate error procedure routine	R5+	7
2631alternate error return	R65	q
2632alternate file	R7j	c
2633alternate index	R7/	d
2634alternate input library	R8c	o
2635alternate key	R9E	b
2636alternate key	R9f	e
2637alternate level	R99	a
2638alternate library facility	R+X	x
2639alternate mark inversion	R/I	w
2640alternate mark inversion code	R/4	0
2641alternate named file	SAs	o
2642alternate operation	SBU	h
2643alternate order	SB1	X
2644alternate path	SCM	c
2645alternate path retryalternate	SCo	1
2646alternate prefix	SDd	e
2647alternate program	SD7	j
2648alternate record key	SEe	l
2649alternate record key clause	SFD	1
2650alternate return	SF4	e
2651alternate return formal	SGW	r
2652alternate return specifier	SHB	u
2653alternate route	SHv	i
2654alternate routine	SIR	f
2655alternate routing	SIw	f
2656alternate routing	SJP	l
2657alternate routing code	SJ0	t
2658alternate run	SKh	b
2659alternate screen size	SK8	s
2660alternate size	SLo	c
2661alternate source	SME	b
2662alternate system input source	SMf	x
2663alternate tape	SNQ	c
2664alternate term plan	SNs	r
2665alternate terminal	SOX	j
2666alternate track	SO6	d
2667alternate track	SPX	a
2668alternate track table	SPx	m
2669alternate transmission	SQX	k
2670alternate use	SQ7	b
2671alternate view	SRW	c
2672alternate work center	SRy	m
2673alternating binary coding	SSY	w
2674alternating code	STI	e
2675alternating current	STm	h
2676alternating current analog computer	SUH	6
2677alternating current computer	SVB	t
2678alternating current converter	SVu	u
2679alternating current relay	SWc	0
2680alternating current selection	SXQ	r
2681alternating current servomechanism	SX7	2
2682alternating current system	SYx	o
2683alternating current to direct current	SZZ	BB
2684alternating current transmission	Saa	u
2685alternating logic	SbI	f
2686alternation	Sdk	b
2687alternation gate	Sd/	Y
2688alternation switch	SeX	g
2689alternative	Se3	h
2690alternative allocation	SfY	k
2691alternative box	Sf8	a
2692alternative class	SgW	f
2693alternative collating sequence	Sg1	y
2694alternative cylinder	Shn	i
2695alternative decision structure	GF2X	1
2696alternative denial gate	SiJ	i
2697alternative file attribute	Sir	u
2698alternative initial microprogram load	SjZ	BL
2699alternative initial program lad	Skk	+
2700alternative initial program load	Sli	/
2701alternative line	Smh	e
2702alternative option	Sm/	m
2703alternative return points	Snl	q
2704alternative routing	SoP	h
2705alternative routing	Sow	n
2706alternative sector	Sp3	g
2707alternative sector	SpX	g
2708alternative stage	F8WB	l
2709alternative statement	SqX	j
2710alternative system console	Sq6	x
2711alternative system console	Srr	x
2712alternative track	Ss7	c
2713alternative track	Ssc	f
2714alternator	StX	V
2715alterroute	Sts	X
2716altimeter coder	SuD	g
2717alu input and output	Suj	y
2718alu operation	SvV	h
2719alu shift register	Sv2	w
2720alumina semiconductor memory	Fpv8	/
2721aluminium substrate disk	Swm	m
2722alytic engineammer	SxM	j
2723am	Sxv	K
2724ambient	Sx5	S
2725ambient condition	SyL	f
2726ambient noise	Syq	b
2727ambient temperature	SzF	h
2728ambiguity	Szm	U
2729ambiguity data	Sz6	f
2730ambiguity delay	S0Z	d
2731ambiguity encoding	S02	g
2732ambiguity error	S1W	g
2733ambiguity features	S12	j
2734ambiguity problem	S2Z	i
2735ambiguity processor architecture	S27	BA
2736ambiguous data	S37	f
2737ambiguous expression	S4a	l
2738ambiguous file	S4/	c
2739ambiguous grammar	S5b	f
2740ambiguous language	S56	g
2741ambiguous symbol	S6a	e
2742amdahl diagnostics assistance center	S64	+
2743amdahl internally developed software	S72	BG
2744amendment file	S88	c
2745amendment record	S9Y	e
2746amendment tape	S92	c
2747american academy of arts and science	S+S	BG
2748american academy of science	S/Y	w
2749american accounting association	TAI	3
2750american association for artificial intelligence	TA/	BO
2751american association of electrical engineers	TCN	BO
2752american association of engineers	TDb	8
2753american association of industrial management	TEX	BM
2754american association of microprocessor engineers	TFj	BY
2755american automatic control council	TG7	BE
2756american communication associtation	TIX	7
2757american communications	TJS	u
2758american electronics association	TKA	7
2759american engineering standards committee	TK7	BK
2760american federation for information processing	TMF	BQ
2761american institute for decision science	TNV	BD
2762american institute of aeronautics and astronautics	TOY	BU
2763american institute of consulting engineers	TPs	BN
2764american institute of electrical engineers	TQ5	BM
2765american institute of electrical engineers	TSF	BM
2766american institute of industrial engineers	TTR	BM
2767american institute of physics	TUd	1
2768american institute of radio engineers	TVS	BK
2769american management associations	TWc	4
2770american micro system	TXU	t
2771american national standard	TYB	y
2772american national standard control character	TYz	BS
2773american national standard control character	TaF	BS
2774american national standard label	TbX	/
2775american national standard labels	TcW	/
2776american national standards institute	TdV	BE
2777american national standards institute	TeZ	BE
2778american radiol association	Tfd	5
2779american sign language	TgW	u
2780american standard	ThE	j
2781american standard code	Thn	r
2782american standard code for information interchange	TiS	BV
2783american standard code for information interchange	Tjn	Bb
2784american standard code for information interchange	TlC	BY
2785american standard wire	Tma	u
2786american standards	TnI	p
2787american standards association	Tnx	2
2788american standards association	Ton	2
2789ami coding	Tpd	k
2790ami signal	TqB	k
2791ami violation	Tql	n
2792aml2	TrM	W
2793amorphous memory	Tri	k
2794amorphous semiconductor memory	TsG	4
2795amortization	Ts+	a
2796amos memory	TtY	9
2797amount	TuV	O
2798amount due	Tuj	Y
2799ampere	GkYj	U
2800ampere	Tu7	O
2801ampere	TvJ	S
2802ampere turn	Tvb	W
2803ampere turns	Tvx	Y
2804ampere volt ohm meter	TwJ	k
2805ampersand	Tx0	d
2806ampersand	TyR	Q
2807amphibious communication net	Tyh	z
2808amplification	TzU	V
2809amplification	Tzp	V
2810amplification by stimtlated emission of radiation	Tz+	BF
2811amplification codefficient	T1D	o
2812amplification factor	T1r	i
2813amplifier	T2N	U
2814amplifier	T2h	X
2815amplifier in	T24	n
2816amplifier input	T3f	m
2817amplifier out	T4F	p
2818amplifier output	T4u	k
2819amplifier output stage	T5S	u
2820amplifier power supply	T6A	r
2821amplify	T6r	P
2822amplitude	T66	R
2823amplitude adder	T7L	g
2824amplitude analyzer	HuJg	j
2825amplitude comparator	T7r	l
2826amplitude modulation	HuKD	i
2827amplitude modulation	T8Q	l
2828amplitude sensor	T81	h
2829amplitude shift deying	T9W	x
2830amplitude test cassette	T+H	x
2831amplitude variation	T+4	h
2832an analytical information management system	UAG	BL
2833an code	UBR	O
2834anacom	UCB	X
2835analizer	UCY	T
2836analog	H7UD	X
2837analog	UC5	T
2838analog	UCr	O
2839analog adder	UDM	d
2840analog adder	UDp	d
2841analog amplifier	UEG	h
2842analog approach	UEn	g
2843analog calulation	UFX	f
2844analog cnannel	UG3	c
2845analog comparator	UHT	i
2846analog compiler	UH1	j
2847analog compiler system	UIY	w
2848analog computer	IcLK	m
2849analog computer	UJI	g
2850analog computer	UJo	n
2851analog control	UKP	c
2852analog conversion	+fq	g
2853analog conversion	CXe8	u
2854analog converter	+vt	p
2855analog converter	CXfq	u
2856analog converter	Do2b	7
2857analog coverter	CXgY	p
2858analog data	UKr	Z
2859analog data	ULE	Z
2860analog data	ULd	Z
2861analog data recording transcriber	UL2	BD
2862analog data sink	UM5	n
2863analog data source	UNg	j
2864analog decoding	UOD	d
2865analog delay unit	UOg	p
2866analog device	UPJ	b
2867analog digital	UPk	c
2868analog digital subsystem	UQA	z
2869analog display	IAUE	q
2870analog display unit	UQz	r
2871analog divider	UR9	f
2872analog divider	URe	f
2873analog divider	USc	f
2874analog encoding	US7	d
2875analog feedback	UTY	g
2876analog feedback system	UT4	q
2877analog form	UUi	Z
2878analog function generator	UU7	0
2879analog generator	UVv	n
2880analog gybrid	UWW	h
2881analog imulation system	UW3	v
2882analog indicator	UXm	h
2883analog input	UYH	e
2884analog input channel	UYl	o
2885analog input channel	UZN	o
2886analog input channel amplifier	UZ1	7
2887analog input channel amplifier	Uaw	7
2888analog input expander	Ubr	s
2889analog input module	UcX	r
2890analog input operation	UdC	q
2891analog input system	Uds	r
2892analog inputoutput package	UeX	9
2893analog integrated circuit	UfU	t
2894analog integrators of discrete function	UgB	BJ
2895analog intelligence test	UhK	s
2896analog interpolation	Uh2	l
2897analog line driver	Uib	t
2898analog loop back	UjI	k
2899analog magnetic head	Ujs	i
2900analog memory	UkO	e
2901analog memory device	Uks	s
2902analog module	UlY	b
2903analog monitor module	Ulz	z
2904analog multiplexer	Umm	p
2905analog multiplication	UnP	m
2906analog multiplier	Un1	i
2907analog multiplier	UoX	i
2908analog nest units	Uo5	l
2909analog network	Upe	c
2910analog ouptut submodule	Up6	y
2911analog output	Uqs	e
2912analog output channel amplifier	UrK	8
2913analog process	Usq	c
2914analog process ocmputer	UtG	u
2915analog processing of image coding	Ut0	+
2916analog processing unit	Uuy	r
2917analog program tape	Uvd	o
2918analog pulse modulation	UwF	r
2919analog read only memory	Uww	1
2920analog recording	Uxl	e
2921analog recording dynamic analyzer	UyD	BG
2922analog recording system	UzJ	v
2923analog representation	U0e	j
2924analog representation	U1B	m
2925analog representation	Uz4	m
2926analog scaling	U1n	i
2927analog scanner	U2J	f
2928analog select keyboard	U2o	u
2929analog select keyboard	U3W	u
2930analog shift register	U4E	w
2931analog signal	U40	b
2932analog signal converter	U5P	y
2933analog simulator	CXdR	1
2934analog storage	U6B	f
2935analog switch	U6g	b
2936analog switching	U67	e
2937analog switching hybrids	U7Z	1
2938analog to digital simulation language	U8O	BG
2939analog to time to digit	U9U	z
2940analog translator	U+H	q
2941analog transmission	U+x	h
2942analog transmission line	U/S	w
2943analog variable	VA8	d
2944analog variable	VAC	d
2945analog variable	VAf	d
2946analog variable assignment	VBZ	u
2947analog video bandwidth	VCH	u
2948analog visual signal	VC1	o
2949analogconversion	VUL	e
2950analogdigital convert	VTU	3
2951analogue integrated circuit	VUp	v
2952analogue loop test	VVY	m
2953analogue output	VV+	d
2954analogue record	VWb	d
2955analogue shift register	VW4	u
2956analogue storage module	VXm	r
2957analogue subset	VYR	d
2958analogue supervision	VYu	i
2959analogue timing pulse	VZQ	p
2960analogue to digital converter	VZ5	2
2961analogue to time to digital	Vav	5
2962analogue translator	Vbo	k
2963analyser	VcM	T
2964analysis	F8Wm	Z
2965analysis	Vcf	Q
2966analysis	Vcv	Q
2967analysis algorithm	Vc/	g
2968analysis block	Vdf	Z
2969analysis compaction	Dlz2	q
2970analysis compaction	Hl8U	q
2971analysis model	Vd4	c
2972analysis of accounts	VeU	m
2973analysis of apare parts change	Ve6	3
2974analysis package	Vfx	o
2975analysis pass	VgZ	Y
2976analysis program	Vgx	e
2977analysis routine	VhP	k
2978analysis system	Vhz	j
2979analysissynthesis system	Vim	w
2980analyst	VjW	X
2981analyst assistance program	Vjt	1
2982analytic aid system	GtE9	4
2983analytic engine	Vk9	a
2984analytic extension	VlX	g
2985analytic geometry interpretive language	Vl3	BH
2986analytic investigation	Vm+	k
2987analytic language manipulation system	Vni	BE
2988analytic plotter	Vom	h
2989analytic procedure	VpH	g
2990analytic program	Vpn	e
2991analytical engine	VqF	c
2992analyzability	VrK	b
2993analyze	Vrl	P
2994analyzer	Vr0	W
2995analyzer	VsK	W
2996ancestor	VtN	Y
2997ancestor directory	Vtl	g
2998ancestor node	VuF	b
2999ancestral task	Vug	c
3000anchor point	Vvp	X
3001anchored choice	VwA	d
3002anchored recognition	Vwd	i
3003ancillary circuit	Vw/	f
3004ancillary control process	Vxe	x
3005ancillary control process	VyP	t
3006ancillary control process buffer descriptor	Vy8	BS
3007ancillary device	V0O	e
3008ancillary equipment	V0s	h
3009ancillary facility	V1N	g
3010ancillary peripheral	V1t	o
3011ancillary support	V2V	f
3012ancillary support routine	V20	t
3013ancillary transmission equipment	V3h	0
3014and	DsbR	O
3015and	GlJW	N
3016and absolute	V4V	b
3017and circuit	G8hZ	e
3018and circuit	WEx	b
3019and constant	V4w	d
3020and element	GlJj	o
3021and element	V57	W
3022and element	V5N	W
3023and element	V5j	Y
3024and gate	GlKL	g
3025and gate	Hhz3	T
3026and gate	V60	Q
3027and gate	V6R	Q
3028and gate	V6h	T
3029and gate	WFM	Y
3030and immediate with accumulator	V7E	BB
3031and inverter	V8F	a
3032and logic product	V8f	h
3033and maintainability	v0e	0
3034and negative gate	V9A	e
3035and not gate	V9e	X
3036and operation	GlKr	t
3037and operation	V91	Y
3038and parallelism	V+N	f
3039and printing	C1Ec	2
3040and register	V+s	g
3041and relationship	V/M	d
3042and symbol	V/p	X
3043and tie	WAA	U
3044and tree	WAU	S
3045and with accumulator	WAm	u
3046anding	WLQ	T
3047andor expression	WH/	e
3048andor form	WId	b
3049andor form for goal expression	WI4	BB
3050andor graph	WJ5	Z
3051andor search grahp	WKS	m
3052andor tree	WK4	Y
3053angle	CO/m	c
3054angle	WLj	K
3055angle edge connector	H8zZ	o
3056angstrom	WMU	N
3057angular position counter	WMh	w
3058angular transformation	WNR	k
3059animation language	WOY	m
3060animation system	WO+	k
3061anisochronous	WPi	V
3062anisochronous signal	WP3	l
3063anisochronous transmission	WQc	l
3064anisotropic stress effect	WRB	3
3065aniwriter	WR4	a
3066annex	WSS	N
3067annex storage	WSf	e
3068annex store	WS9	Z
3069annihilation	WTW	U
3070annihilator	WTq	W
3071annotate	WUA	Q
3072annotated value	WUQ	a
3073annotation	WUq	f
3074announcement	WVJ	U
3075annual percentage rate	WVd	r
3076annual report	WWI	e
3077annual units	WWm	d
3078annual usage extension	WXD	z
3079annular ring	WX2	i
3080annunciator	WYY	a
3081annunciator jack	WYy	h
3082anomalous mode	WZT	Z
3083anomalous propagation	WZs	j
3084anomalous transmission	WaP	n
3085anonymous interrupt processing	Wa2	v
3086anonymous processor pool	Wbl	s
3087anonymous program unit	WcR	q
3088ansi keyboard	Wc7	2
3089ansi label	Wdx	t
3090ansi standard	G4Lf	BE
3091answer	We6	O
3092answer back	WfI	T
3093answer back check	Wfb	f
3094answer back code	Wf6	i
3095answer back code	Wgc	b
3096answer back device	Wg3	g
3097answer back key	WhX	d
3098answer back mechanism	Wh0	j
3099answer back memory	WiX	j
3100answer back signal	Wi6	g
3101answer back unit	Wja	e
3102answer byte	Wj4	Z
3103answer extraction	WkR	f
3104answer message	Wkw	c
3105answer mode	WlM	Z
3106answer statement	Wll	e
3107answer time recorder	WmD	v
3108answer tone	Wmy	k
3109answer tone	WnW	W
3110answerback message	WoJ	g
3111answering	Wo6	X
3112answering	Wop	R
3113answering circuit	WpR	f
3114answering equipment	Wpw	h
3115answering extraction	WqR	i
3116answering inerval	Wqz	f
3117answering sign	WrS	c
3118answering time	Wru	c
3119answeringfrequency	WsK	g
3120answerphone	Wsq	Z
3121antecedent goal	WtD	d
3122antecedent rule	Wtg	d
3123anthropomorphic dummy	Wt9	g
3124anthropomorphic robot	Wud	m
3125antialiasing	WzJ	a
3126anticipated carry adder	Wzj	u
3127anticipated cost	W0R	e
3128anticipated costunit	W0v	p
3129anticipated demand	W1Y	g
3130anticipated fixed cost	W14	q
3131anticipated input	W2i	f
3132anticipated output	W3B	g
3133anticipated request	W3h	h
3134anticipation	W4C	U
3135anticipatory buffering	W4W	k
3136anticipatory carry adder	W46	v
3137anticipatory control	W5p	i
3138anticipatory input	W6L	g
3139anticipatory paging	W6r	h
3140anticipatory paging	W7M	h
3141anticipatory staging	W7t	i
3142anticoincidence	W8P	W
3143anticoincidence element	W8l	h
3144anticoincidence gate	W9G	e
3145anticoincidence operation	W9k	m
3146anticoincidence pulse	W+K	i
3147anticoincidence unit	W+s	h
3148anticomputer	W/N	a
3149antihunting circuit	W/n	k
3150antijam display	XAL	n
3151antijamming margin	XAy	j
3152antijamming measure	XBV	k
3153antilog multiplier	XB5	m
3154antiparallel	XCf	a
3155antirace coding	XC5	g
3156antireciprocal circuit	XDZ	n
3157antisaturation	XEA	Z
3158antisetoff powder	XEZ	c
3159antistatic	XE1	V
3160antistop list	XFK	b
3161antithetic variates	XFl	h
3162antitone mapping	XGG	e
3163any quantity	XGk	a
3164aperiodic circuit	XHa	i
3165aperiodic model	XH8	g
3166aperture	XI0	Q
3167aperture	XIc	Y
3168aperture card	XJE	b
3169aperture card	XJf	b
3170aperture core	Ciy+	b
3171aperture core	F8W/	b
3172aperture core	GF3M	b
3173aperture core	XJ6	b
3174aperture delay	XKV	c
3175aperture distortion	XKx	h
3176aperture effect	XLS	d
3177aperture time	XLv	b
3178aperture uncertainty	XMK	x
3179apl application	XM7	h
3180apl compiler	XNc	e
3181apl construction	XN6	i
3182apl environment	XOc	h
3183apl evaluation	XO9	g
3184apl extension	XPd	f
3185apl implementation	XP8	k
3186apl language	XQg	Y
3187apl standard	XQ4	Y
3188apl360	XRQ	X
3189apmis	XRn	i
3190apostrophe	XSJ	V
3191apostrophe character	XSe	i
3192apostrophe edit	XTA	d
3193apostrophe edit descriptor	XTd	x
3194apostrophe editing	XUO	g
3195apparent storage	XUu	h
3196appearance	XVP	S
3197append	XVh	O
3198append	XVv	O
3199append command	XV9	c
3200append file	XWZ	Z
3201append lines command	XWy	o
3202append macro	XXa	a
3203append record	XX0	b
3204appendage	XYP	R
3205appendance test	XYg	d
3206appended space	XY9	c
3207apple computer	XZZ	h
3208appli cation program interface	XZ6	2
3209applicable operating system	Xaw	v
3210applicable programming	Xbf	q
3211applicaion module library	XcJ	0
3212application	IOrI	W
3213application	Xc9	v
3214application	Xds	Z
3215application area	XeF	h
3216application area	Xem	e
3217application buffer	XfE	j
3218application computer	F8Xa	s
3219application control	Xfn	k
3220application control and management system	XgL	BG
3221application control block	XhR	3
3222application control mode	XiI	s
3223application controller concept	Xi0	4
3224application data	Xjs	e
3225application data base	XkK	m
3226application data description	Xkw	w
3227application data structure	Xlg	y
3228application database	XmS	l
3229application dedicated terminal	Xm3	s
3230application definition file	Xnj	v
3231application definition utility	XoS	4
3232application defintion record	XpK	0
3233application design service	Xp+	y
3234application design tool	Xqw	r
3235application desinger	Xrb	l
3236application development	XsA	l
3237application development cycle	Xsl	x
3238application development language	XtW	0
3239application development system	Xu8	y
3240application development system	XuK	y
3241application environment	Xvu	l
3242application execution controller	XwT	x
3243application file	XxE	e
3244application file	Xxi	e
3245application generation	XyA	k
3246application generator	Xyk	p
3247application independent coding method	XzN	8
3248application integrated modules	X0J	2
3249application interface module	X1Q	0
3250application job	X2E	d
3251application language	X2h	i
3252application layer	X3D	c
3253application layer	X3f	c
3254application level function	X37	r
3255application level gateway	X4m	w
3256application library	X5W	k
3257application library file	X56	z
3258application link	X6t	h
3259application load list	X7O	w
3260application management	X7+	k
3261application management activity	X8i	z
3262application management system	X9V	1
3263application manager	X+K	k
3264application manual	X+u	g
3265application mapping service	X/O	5
3266application message handler	YAH	2
3267application module	YA9	g
3268application network	Jaze	n
3269application network	YBd	h
3270application note	YB+	e
3271application number	YCc	d
3272application package	YC5	h
3273application package	YDa	k
3274application packages	YD+	o
3275application performance	YEm	l
3276application portability	YFL	x
3277application problem	YF8	h
3278application process	YG+	k
3279application process	YGd	h
3280application processing function	YHi	z
3281application processor	YIV	p
3282application profile	YI+	n
3283application program	YJl	h
3284application program	YKG	h
3285application program	YKn	k
3286application program addressing	YLL	y
3287application program block	YL9	u
3288application program division	YMr	x
3289application program maintenance expenditure	YNc	BF
3290application program preparation	YOh	2
3291application program request	YPX	v
3292application program routine	YQG	s
3293application program schedule	YRQ	w
3294application program scheduling	YSA	y
3295application program sensitivity	YSy	2
3296application program termination	YTo	z
3297application programmer	YUb	n
3298application programmer	YVC	t
3299application programming interface	YVv	4
3300application programming services	YWn	6
3301application protocol	YXh	i
3302application prototype environment	YYD	y
3303application reference manual	YY1	0
3304application resource unit	YZp	x
3305application review	Yaa	j
3306application routine	Ya9	h
3307application selection menu	Ybe	0
3308application service	YcS	h
3309application software	Ycz	i
3310application software	YdV	i
3311application software engineering	Yd3	0
3312application software generator	Yer	4
3313application software language	Yfj	x
3314application software preparation	YgU	3
3315application software system	YhL	v
3316application source program	Yh6	r
3317application specific integrated circuit	Yil	BG
3318application specification	Yjr	n
3319application structure	YkS	p
3320application structure definition	Yk7	6
3321application structure preserving	Yl1	6
3322application structure review	Ymv	2
3323application structure specification	Ynl	9
3324application study	Yoi	f
3325application subprogram	YpB	n
3326application subtask	Ypo	k
3327application suite	YqM	l
3328application support	Yqx	h
3329application support environment	YrS	3
3330application support package	YsJ	p
3331application support program	Ysy	v
3332application system	Yth	g
3333application system level	YuB	p
3334application system400	Yuq	v
3335application task	Yv3	e
3336application task	YvZ	e
3337application terminal language	YwV	1
3338application timer	YxK	i
3339application transaction program	Yxs	5
3340application virtual machine	Yyl	w
3341application ware	YzV	b
3342applications computer	F8YG	v
3343applications library	Y2Q	l
3344applications manual	Y21	h
3345applications reference index	Y3W	w
3346applications software	Y4G	n
3347applications software kit	Y4t	x
3348applicative language	Y5e	l
3349applicator program	Y6D	g
3350appliced voltage	Y6j	e
3351applied algorithm design	Y7B	s
3352applied cost	Y7t	a
3353applied field	Y8l	Y
3354applied information management system	Y89	BE
3355applied occurrence	G3fh	p
3356applied occurrence	Y+B	j
3357applied voltage	Y+k	d
3358applied voltage test	Y/B	i
3359apply	Y/j	N
3360apply	Y/w	N
3361apply operator	Y/9	f
3362apportion design	ZAc	e
3363apportion model	ZA6	d
3364approach	ZBX	Q
3365approach aid	ZBn	g
3366approach to library filing by computer	ZCH	BF
3367approval test	ZDM	e
3368approved circuit	ZDq	e
3369approved order	ZEI	f
3370approximate analysis	ZEn	i
3371approximate calculation	ZFJ	l
3372approximate continuity	ZFu	k
3373approximate data	ZGS	e
3374approximate error	ZGw	f
3375approximate evaluation	ZHP	k
3376approximate method	ZHz	d
3377approximate process	ZIQ	e
3378approximate representation	ZI5	o
3379approximate solution	ZJh	f
3380approximate treatment	ZKA	j
3381approximate value	ZKj	c
3382approximation	JeDB	c
3383approximation algorithm	ZK/	l
3384approximation system	ZLk	i
3385approximation theory	ZMG	i
3386apriori information	ZMo	h
3387apron	ZNJ	N
3388apt compiler	ZNW	j
3389apt construction	ZN5	h
3390apt language	ZOa	X
3391aptitude test	ZOx	b
3392ar age month	RD	Z
3393ar due month	Rc	Z
3394arabic teleprinter	ZPh	y
3395arbitary unit	ZQT	e
3396arbiter	ZQx	V
3397arbiter cell	ZRG	a
3398arbitrarily sectioned file	ZRg	u
3399arbitrarily segmented global memory	ZSO	9
3400arbitrarily traversable graph	ZTL	u
3401arbitrary access	ZT5	e
3402arbitrary distribution	ZUX	k
3403arbitrary function generator	ZU7	3
3404arbitrary input	ZVy	d
3405arbitrary number	ZWP	b
3406arbitrary placement	ZWq	h
3407arbitrary selection	ZXL	h
3408arbitrary sequence	ZXs	g
3409arbitrary sequence computer	ZYM	y
3410arbitrary sign	ZY+	c
3411arbitrary site failure	ZZa	q
3412arbitrary statement	ZaE	h
3413arbitrary text string	Zal	m
3414arbitrary unit	ZbL	c
3415arbitrary value	Zbn	a
3416arbitration	ZcB	T
3417arbitration circuit	HlX4	n
3418arbitration logic	ZcU	f
3419arbitration procedure	Zcz	j
3420arbitration system	ZdW	g
3421arbitration unit	Zd2	e
3422arc	ZeU	I
3423arc length	Zec	S
3424arccosine	Zeu	U
3425architectural characteristics	ZfC	r
3426architectural comparison	Zft	m
3427architectural definition	ZgT	m
3428architectural design	Zg5	i
3429architectural detail	Zhb	i
3430architectural difference	Zh9	m
3431architectural feature	Zij	j
3432architectural limit	ZjG	h
3433architectural protection	Zjn	m
3434architectural structure	ZkN	l
3435architecture	FOLe	a
3436architecture	FrL7	g
3437architecture	GMfI	k
3438architecture	Zky	c
3439architecture	ZlO	a
3440architecture cad	Zlo	z
3441architecture design	Zmb	n
3442architecture evaluation	ZnC	r
3443architecture free processor	Znt	y
3444architecture function	Zof	p
3445architecture function set	ZpI	w
3446architecture prototyping	Zp4	m
3447architecture simulation	Zqe	r
3448architecture vision	ZrJ	h
3449archival data base	Zr6	m
3450archival device	Zsg	g
3451archival memory	ZtA	j
3452archival repository	Ztj	e
3453archival security program	ZuB	0
3454archival storage	Zu1	k
3455archival storage and recovery progrm	ZvZ	BB
3456archival storage format	Zwa	r
3457archive	ZxF	X
3458archive	Zxc	e
3459archive diskette	Zx6	k
3460archive file	Zy7	X
3461archive file	Zye	d
3462archive header format	ZzS	s
3463archive hierarchy	Zz+	i
3464archive manual page	Z0g	q
3465archive set	Z1K	Z
3466archived file	Z17	b
3467archived file	Z1j	Y
3468archived file	Z2W	Y
3469archived member	Z2u	a
3470archiving	Z37	R
3471archiving	Z3q	R
3472arcsine	Z4M	S
3473arctangent	Z4e	V
3474area	IHtu	S
3475area	Z4z	O
3476area	Z5B	J
3477area argument	Z5K	b
3478area assignment	Z5l	d
3479area attribute	Z6C	c
3480area code	Z6e	X
3481area communication	Z61	g
3482area communication organization	Z7V	z
3483area computing service	Jgd7	v
3484area condition	Z8I	c
3485area coverage	Z8k	b
3486area definition	Z8/	a
3487area description	Z9Z	e
3488area descriptors	Z93	h
3489area entry	Z+Y	Y
3490area file	F8Y1	d
3491area fill	Z+w	X
3492area format	Z/H	Z
3493area identification field	Z/g	n
3494area identifier	aAH	g
3495area masks	Je8F	9
3496area memory map	aAn	j
3497area name	aBK	U
3498area network	DG1E	a
3499area network	DJdq	d
3500area network	Jgeq	a
3501area of safe operation	aBe	r
3502area packing density	aCJ	o
3503area radio station	IifJ	5
3504area recording density	aCx	q
3505area research	aDb	b
3506area router	aD2	Z
3507area routing	aEP	g
3508area search	aEv	Z
3509area security table	aFI	k
3510area selection	aFs	c
3511area traffic control	aGI	s
3512area type	aG0	X
3513area variable	aHL	b
3514areal density	aHm	Y
3515areal packing density	aH+	m
3516areal recording density	aIk	o
3517areal storage density	aJM	m
3518argument	aJy	Q
3519argument	aKC	Q
3520argument	aKS	Q
3521argument area	aKi	Y
3522argument association	aK6	i
3523argument block pointer	aLc	q
3524argument capability	aMG	k
3525argument checking	aMq	f
3526argument conversion	aNJ	h
3527argument count	aNq	c
3528argument descriptor	aOG	k
3529argument error	aOq	Z
3530argument field	aPD	c
3531argument handling	aPf	f
3532argument list	aP+	Y
3533argument list overflow	aQW	n
3534argument passing	aQ9	b
3535argument pointer	aR2	k
3536argument pointer	aRY	e
3537argument register	aSa	l
3538argument segment	aS/	b
3539argument sequence	aTa	f
3540argument stack	aT5	Z
3541argument subscript	aUS	g
3542argument table	aUy	Z
3543argument transmission	aVL	m
3544argument type	aVx	b
3545argument value	aWM	Z
3546argument vector	aWl	d
3547arithmeric simple variable	aXC	y
3548arithmetic	H5lT	b
3549arithmetic	IJu2	Y
3550arithmetic addition	aX0	h
3551arithmetic address	aYV	g
3552arithmetic and control	aY1	r
3553arithmetic and controls	aZg	y
3554arithmetic and controls	aaS	s
3555arithmetic and logic box	aa+	w
3556arithmetic and logic operation	abu	1
3557arithmetic and logic unit	acj	w
3558arithmetic and logic unit	ad7	t
3559arithmetic and logic unit	adT	o
3560arithmetic array element	aeo	s
3561arithmetic array identification	afU	4
3562arithmetic assignment	agM	j
3563arithmetic assignment statement	agv	z
3564arithmetic base	ahi	d
3565arithmetic base abd scale conversion	ah/	BE
3566arithmetic bus	ajD	i
3567arithmetic bus	ajl	f
3568arithmetic capability	akE	j
3569arithmetic check	akn	e
3570arithmetic circuit	alF	g
3571arithmetic coding	all	f
3572arithmetic computing machine	amE	t
3573arithmetic computing maching	amx	t
3574arithmetic constant	ane	h
3575arithmetic constant expression	an/	1
3576arithmetic constant word	ao0	p
3577arithmetic control section	apd	y
3578arithmetic control unit	aqP	s
3579arithmetic conversion	aq7	j
3580arithmetic data	are	d
3581arithmetic data attributes	ar7	u
3582arithmetic debug	asp	e
3583arithmetic debugging	atH	i
3584arithmetic design system	atp	w
3585arithmetic device	auZ	f
3586arithmetic difference	au4	g
3587arithmetic distance	avY	h
3588arithmetic element	av5	r
3589arithmetic element program	awk	z
3590arithmetic enable control	axX	t
3591arithmetic error	ayE	e
3592arithmetic error code	ayi	m
3593arithmetic exception	azI	i
3594arithmetic expression	azq	m
3595arithmetic facility	a0Q	h
3596arithmetic fault	a0x	b
3597arithmetic fault access	a1M	r
3598arithmetic field	a13	e
3599arithmetic flag	a2V	g
3600arithmetic formula	a21	j
3601arithmetic function designator	a3Y	5
3602arithmetic function identifier	a4R	6
3603arithmetic grammar	a5L	g
3604arithmetic greater than	a5r	p
3605arithmetic identifier	a6U	m
3606arithmetic if statement	a66	r
3607arithmetic input right	a7l	0
3608arithmetic instruction	a89	k
3609arithmetic instruction	a8Z	k
3610arithmetic item	a9h	a
3611arithmetic library	a97	j
3612arithmetic limit match	a+e	q
3613arithmetic logic	a/I	e
3614arithmetic logic and control unit	a/m	BD
3615arithmetic logic processor	bAp	1
3616arithmetic logic register stack	bBe	7
3617arithmetic logic unit	bCZ	k
3618arithmetic logic unit data flow	bC9	z
3619arithmetic mask register	bDw	z
3620arithmetic microoperation	bEj	q
3621arithmetic mode	bFN	d
3622arithmetic mode conversion	bFq	u
3623arithmetic opeator	bGY	j
3624arithmetic operation	bG7	i
3625arithmetic operation	bHd	i
3626arithmetic operator	bH/	y
3627arithmetic option statement	bIx	v
3628arithmetic organ	bJg	b
3629arithmetic output control unit	bJ7	BA
3630arithmetic output data	bK7	0
3631arithmetic output unit	bLv	0
3632arithmetic overflow	bMj	h
3633arithmetic overflow	bNE	h
3634arithmetic picture data	bNl	r
3635arithmetic pipeline	bOQ	k
3636arithmetic point	bO0	b
3637arithmetic portion	bPP	g
3638arithmetic primary	bPv	j
3639arithmetic processing unit	bQS	1
3640arithmetic processor	bRH	o
3641arithmetic processor array	bRv	x
3642arithmetic product	bSg	g
3643arithmetic quadruple	bTA	r
3644arithmetic reading test	bTr	v
3645arithmetic register	bU+	n
3646arithmetic register	bUa	k
3647arithmetic relation	bVl	h
3648arithmetic relation	bWG	h
3649arithmetic relational expression	bWn	3
3650arithmetic routine	bXe	g
3651arithmetic section	bX+	d
3652arithmetic shift	GbuY	v
3653arithmetic shift	bY5	e
3654arithmetic shift	bYb	e
3655arithmetic shift combined	bZX	t
3656arithmetic shift left	baE	n
3657arithmetic shift right	bar	o
3658arithmetic skill	bbT	e
3659arithmetic speed	bbx	e
3660arithmetic statement	GbvH	l
3661arithmetic statement	bcP	i
3662arithmetic statement function	bcx	1
3663arithmetic subroutine	bdm	m
3664arithmetic system	beM	f
3665arithmetic technique	ber	i
3666arithmetic techniques	bfN	j
3667arithmetic term	bfw	a
3668arithmetic test program	bgK	r
3669arithmetic trap enable	bg1	q
3670arithmetic trap mask	bhf	o
3671arithmetic type	biH	d
3672arithmetic type	bik	d
3673arithmetic underflow	bjB	i
3674arithmetic underflow	bjj	i
3675arithmetic unit	bkF	d
3676arithmetic unit	bki	i
3677arithmetic unit	blE	d
3678arithmetic uses	Gbvs	g
3679arithmetic variable	blh	h
3680arithmetic verb	bmC	d
3681arithmetic weight	bmf	c
3682arithmetical average	bpH	i
3683arithmetical check	bpp	g
3684arithmetical circuit	bqJ	i
3685arithmetical computing machine	bqr	v
3686arithmetical data	bra	f
3687arithmetical instruction	br5	m
3688arithmetical instruction	bsf	m
3689arithmetical mode conversion	btF	w
3690arithmetical operator	bt1	m
3691arithmetical prdeicate	bub	k
3692arithmetical progression	bu/	p
3693arithmetically	bvo	i
3694arithmeticlogic section	boU	z
3695arithmetization	bwK	a
3696arithmograph	bwk	X
3697arithmometer	bw7	d
3698arm	F75G	O
3699arm lock magent	bxY	k
3700armature	bx8	Q
3701armed forces radio service	byM	8
3702armed interrupt	bzI	d
3703armed robot	GvcJ	c
3704armed state	bzl	Z
3705around	DIGq	Y
3706around	E4Rf	U
3707around	H27X	R
3708around	JE4Y	U
3709around	JKNi	O
3710around	JmY/	O
3711around batch system	DINj	w
3712around borrow	Cx9u	b
3713around carry	Cx+J	e
3714around delay	JKfY	a
3715around memory	JmZN	h
3716around number	H3Mv	Y
3717around ratio	H3PV	X
3718around shift	Cx+n	a
3719around storage	JmZu	i
3720around test line	FIfH	h
3721around time	JKfy	Z
3722arpanet	bz+	X
3723arrange	b0V	P
3724arrangement	b03	Z
3725arrangement	b0k	T
3726arrangement rule	b1Q	e
3727arranging routine	b1u	f
3728array	H5lu	W
3729array	b2N	N
3730array	b2a	N
3731array	b2n	N
3732array acceptor	b20	f
3733array aggregate	b3T	d
3734array algorithm	b3w	d
3735array allocation	b4N	e
3736array allocation routine	b4r	y
3737array allocation statement	b5d	u
3738array and vector computer	b6L	w
3739array architecture	b67	g
3740array assignment	b7b	e
3741array attribute	b75	d
3742array automata	b8W	f
3743array bound	b81	W
3744array boundary	b9L	c
3745array box	b9n	U
3746array component	b97	d
3747array component syntax	b+Y	q
3748array computer	b/C	f
3749array control unit	b/h	n
3750array control unit	cAI	j
3751array copy subroutine	cAr	s
3752array creaton	cBX	b
3753array declaration	cCK	f
3754array declaration syntax	cCp	s
3755array declarator	cDV	h
3756array declarator statement	cD2	u
3757array define	cEk	a
3758array destruction	cE+	f
3759array dimension	cFd	d
3760array element	cF6	b
3761array element	cGV	b
3762array element reference	cGw	r
3763array element subscript	cHb	r
3764array element sucessor function	cIG	5
3765array expression	cI/	h
3766array extent	cJg	a
3767array file	cJ6	Y
3768array folding adder	cKS	q
3769array formal parameter	cK8	q
3770array formal specification	cLm	u
3771array grammar	cMU	b
3772array index	cMv	Z
3773array indexing	cNI	c
3774array initialization	cNk	i
3775array initialization statement	cOG	y
3776array input statement	cO4	p
3777array interconnection	cPh	t
3778array item	cQO	V
3779array language	cQj	c
3780array linkage field	cQ/	k
3781array list	cRj	V
3782array logic	cR4	Z
3783array lookahead adder	cSR	s
3784array machine language	cS9	r
3785array manipulation	cTo	g
3786array memory	cUI	d
3787array memory packet	cUl	k
3788array module	cVJ	a
3789array multiplication	cVj	i
3790array multiplier	cWF	h
3791array name	cWm	V
3792array name argument	cW7	k
3793array name table	cXf	h
3794array names parameter	cYA	m
3795array operation	IB6s	j
3796array operation	cYm	d
3797array operation	ctZ	k
3798array parameter	cZD	d
3799array pipelining	cZg	e
3800array pipelining algorlthm	cZ+	u
3801array pipelining parameter	cas	u
3802array pipelining scheme	cba	r
3803array pitch	ccF	T
3804array printer	ccY	e
3805array printing statement	cc2	s
3806array processing	cdi	e
3807array processing computation	ceA	w
3808array processor	cew	g
3809array processor	cfQ	j
3810array processor	cfz	g
3811array processor access method	cgT	/
3812array processor software	chS	z
3813array product	ciF	b
3814array reading statement	cig	r
3815array references	cjL	e
3816array representation	cjp	l
3817array search program	ckO	o
3818array segment	ck2	j
3819array selection circuit	clZ	r
3820array sequential allocation	cmE	v
3821array storage allocation	cmz	s
3822array stream	cnf	X
3823array subscript	cn2	d
3824array substring reference	coT	t
3825array surveillance processing	F8ZS	0
3826array symbol	cpA	a
3827array symbol table	cpa	j
3828array table	cp9	W
3829array transform processor	cqT	0
3830array tuple	crH	Z
3831array type	crg	Y
3832array type conversion	cr4	p
3833array unit	csh	b
3834array vecter	cs8	d
3835arrival event	cuP	b
3836arrival function	cuq	e
3837arrival operation	cvI	f
3838arrival sequence access path	cvn	2
3839arriving orders	cwd	g
3840arrow	cw9	N
3841arrow diagram	cxK	Y
3842arrow junction label	cxi	c
3843arrow network	cx+	e
3844arrow notation	cyc	f
3845arrow number	cy7	a
3846art assembly system	czV	r
3847arthmetic register	c0A	j
3848articulate	c0j	S
3849articulated computing hierarchy	c01	4
3850articulated index	c1t	f
3851articulated omputing hierarchy system	c2M	5
3852articulation	c3F	X
3853articulation efficiency	c3c	l
3854articulation index	c4B	m
3855articulation point	c4n	a
3856articulation reduction	c5B	n
3857articulation reference equivlent	c5o	3
3858artifact	c6f	W
3859artifical intelligence in medicine	c61	6
3860artificial activity	c7v	h
3861artificial aging	c8Q	e
3862artificial brain	c8u	Z
3863artificial circuit	c9H	g
3864artificial cognition	c9n	i
3865artificial error signal	c+J	r
3866artificial evolution	c+0	i
3867artificial intelligence	c/7	o
3868artificial intelligence	c/W	l
3869artificial intelligence approach	dAj	0
3870artificial intelligence programming language	dBX	BM
3871artificial intelligence technology	dCj	2
3872artificial language	dD6	h
3873artificial language	dDZ	h
3874artificial line	dEb	a
3875artificial load	dE1	d
3876artificial mouth	dFS	b
3877artificial network	dFt	g
3878artificial perception	dGN	j
3879artificial process	dGw	d
3880artificial syntax	dHN	f
3881artificial traffic	dHs	j
3882artificial traffic equipmint	dIP	w
3883artificial traffic generator	dI/	2
3884artificial traffic load	dJ1	u
3885artificial transmission line	dKj	x
3886artificial variable	dLU	h
3887artificial vector	dL1	f
3888artificial voice	dMU	e
3889artificial voice generator	dMy	x
3890artowrk tape	dPk	d
3891artwork	dQB	P
3892artwork	dQQ	P
3893artwork master	dQf	c
3894ary	GLXd	R
3895ary boolean operation	GLXu	7
3896ary code	GLYp	V
3897ary compact code	H2CC	g
3898ary digital signal	GLY+	l
3899ary relationship	GLZj	d
3900ary tree	Iu7I	Q
3901asa code	dQ7	f
3902asa fortran	dRa	m
3903ascend	dSA	O
3904ascender	dS1	Z
3905ascender	dSO	n
3906ascending	dTO	c
3907ascending chain	dTq	a
3908ascending key	dUE	V
3909ascending key	dUZ	e
3910ascending key phrase	dU3	r
3911ascending order	dVi	l
3912ascending order	dWH	X
3913ascending phrase	dWe	e
3914ascending sequence	dW8	g
3915ascending sort	dXc	c
3916ascii collating sequence	dX4	BE
3917ascii conversion chart	dY8	m
3918ascii front panel	dZi	j
3919ascii keyboard	daF	0
3920ascii mode	Wee	c
3921ascii paper tape input	GbwM	t
3922ascii stream file	da5	l
3923ascii subset	dbe	Z
3924asian language fonts	db3	o
3925asian language printing	dcf	r
3926aside buffer	FHeY	d
3927aside buffer	ILuS	o
3928aside register	FHe1	f
3929asking for correction	ddK	n
3930asociative push down store	ddx	8
3931aspect	F8aG	R
3932aspect	det	W
3933aspect card	dfD	Z
3934aspect indexing	GF3n	d
3935aspect ratio	dfc	X
3936aspect ratio	dfz	g
3937aspect relevance linkage information system	F8aX	BV
3938asr keyboard	dgT	g
3939assemble	dgz	Q
3940assemble	dhD	Q
3941assemble debugging system	dhT	t
3942assemble duration	diA	f
3943assemble duration	dif	f
3944assemble error	di+	c
3945assemble level	dja	Z
3946assemble list	djz	Y
3947assemble operator	dkL	f
3948assemble program	dkq	e
3949assemble time	dlI	b
3950assemble to order	dlj	i
3951assemble to stock	dmF	i
3952assembled origin	dnh	n
3953assembled source program statement	doI	/
3954assembled source statement	dpH	x
3955assembler	FuNz	p
3956assembler	dp4	i
3957assembler	dqa	b
3958assembler argument	dq1	m
3959assembler base	drb	f
3960assembler code	dr6	f
3961assembler command	dsZ	l
3962assembler command string	ds+	v
3963assembler compiler	JJJj	w
3964assembler compiler	dtt	m
3965assembler control	duT	f
3966assembler development system	duy	2
3967assembler directive	dvo	h
3968assembler directive commands	dwJ	q
3969assembler error code	dwz	l
3970assembler error message	dxY	r
3971assembler expression	dyD	r
3972assembler generating system	dyu	9
3973assembler generator	dzr	n
3974assembler grammar	d0S	l
3975assembler implicit address	d03	0
3976assembler instruction	d1r	j
3977assembler language	d2O	j
3978assembler language character set	d2x	3
3979assembler language coding form	d3o	+
3980assembler language component	d4m	w
3981assembler language expansion	d5W	w
3982assembler language instruction code	d6G	BA
3983assembler language listing	d7G	u
3984assembler language program	d70	u
3985assembler language programming	d8i	4
3986assembler level	d9a	g
3987assembler list	d96	Z
3988assembler listing	d+T	f
3989assembler load	d+y	i
3990assembler loader	d/U	k
3991assembler loader package	d/4	y
3992assembler machine	eAq	c
3993assembler member	eBk	k
3994assembler microprogramming language	eCI	BA
3995assembler operation code	eDI	v
3996assembler operation directive	eD3	3
3997assembler operator	eEu	p
3998assembler option	eFX	e
3999assembler output	eF1	e
4000assembler output listing	eGT	y
4001assembler program	eHF	f
4002assembler routine	eIH	f
4003assembler source code	eIm	s
4004assembler source file	eJS	v
4005assembler source program	eKB	y
4006assembler statement	eKz	h
4007assembler system	eLU	e
4008assembler translator	eLy	o
4009assemblerdisassembler	eM8	n
4010assembling	eN1	S
4011assembling	eNj	S
4012assembling file	eOH	d
4013assembling jig	eOk	Z
4014assembling list	eO9	a
4015assembling phase	ePX	e
4016assembling time	eP1	d
4017assembling time	eQS	d
4018assembling user routine	eQv	r
4019assembly	H9Wm	W
4020assembly	eR4	U
4021assembly	eRa	e
4022assembly and checkout	eSM	r
4023assembly and disassembly	eS3	BB
4024assembly and equipment	eT4	r
4025assembly and maintenance	eUj	t
4026assembly and repair	eVQ	n
4027assembly and test	eV3	m
4028assembly automation	eWd	k
4029assembly average	eXB	h
4030assembly buffer	eXi	p
4031assembly buffer	eYL	g
4032assembly chaining	eYr	f
4033assembly code	eZK	Y
4034assembly code list	eZi	j
4035assembly code table	eaF	k
4036assembly coding convention	eap	u
4037assembly coding form	ebX	o
4038assembly coding format	eb/	q
4039assembly control statement	ecp	u
4040assembly debug program	edX	q
4041assembly directive	eeB	g
4042assembly drawing	eeh	b
4043assembly expression	ee8	k
4044assembly identification number	efg	z
4045assembly instruction	egT	i
4046assembly job step	eg1	l
4047assembly language	eh5	f
4048assembly language	eha	f
4049assembly language coding	eiY	w
4050assembly language component	ejI	v
4051assembly language display support	ej3	7
4052assembly language editor	eky	y
4053assembly language environment	elk	x
4054assembly language format	emV	s
4055assembly language graphics programmer	enB	BF
4056assembly language instruction	eoG	x
4057assembly language list	eo3	q
4058assembly language output	eph	s
4059assembly language processor	eqN	5
4060assembly language program	erG	x
4061assembly language program tape	er3	1
4062assembly language programmer	ess	z
4063assembly language programming	etf	7
4064assembly language source file	eua	3
4065assembly language subprogram	evR	z
4066assembly language support	ewE	t
4067assembly language symbolic debug	ewx	BB
4068assembly layout	exy	f
4069assembly level	eyR	Z
4070assembly level programming	eyq	x
4071assembly line	ezb	Y
4072assembly line balancing program	ezz	2
4073assembly line listing control	e0p	0
4074assembly line processing	e1d	p
4075assembly list	e2G	Y
4076assembly listing	e28	e
4077assembly listing	e2e	e
4078assembly micro library	e3a	u
4079assembly mnemonic	e4I	i
4080assembly order	e4q	f
4081assembly output language	e5J	v
4082assembly parameter	e54	g
4083assembly phase	e60	c
4084assembly phase	e6Y	c
4085assembly print wheel	e7Q	l
4086assembly process	e71	e
4087assembly program	e8T	e
4088assembly program	e8x	h
4089assembly programming system	e9S	5
4090assembly register	e+L	i
4091assembly routine	e+t	k
4092assembly section	e/R	b
4093assembly space	e/s	c
4094assembly statement	fAI	g
4095assembly statement instruction	fAo	y
4096assembly statement program	fBa	u
4097assembly statment coding	fCI	s
4098assembly subroutine	fC0	q
4099assembly system	fDe	d
4100assembly technique	fD7	g
4101assembly test	fEb	b
4102assembly test program	fE2	t
4103assembly time	fFj	b
4104assembly under test	fF+	l
4105assembly unit	fGj	h
4106assemblydisassembly function	fIl	x
4107assertion data	fJW	c
4108assertion data base	fJy	k
4109assertion item	fKW	Z
4110assertion language	fKv	g
4111assertion list	fLP	Z
4112assertion lists	fLo	a
4113assertion statement	fMC	h
4114assertion table	fMj	a
4115assessment	fM9	f
4116assessment procedure	IOre	l
4117assessment routine	fNc	g
4118asset	fN8	N
4119asset leger	fOJ	W
4120assets	fOf	R
4121assign	fO+	W
4122assign	fOw	O
4123assign a channel	fPU	e
4124assign clause	fPy	b
4125assign keyboard command	fQN	r
4126assign network	fQ4	c
4127assign network address	fRU	q
4128assign network address command	fR+	4
4129assign phase	fS2	a
4130assign representation	fTQ	j
4131assign statement	fTz	e
4132assigned branch	fU+	d
4133assigned go to	fVb	c
4134assigned go to statement	fV3	s
4135assigned name	Ja0F	e
4136assigned priority	fWj	f
4137assigned slot release	fXC	t
4138assigned volume resource	fXv	s
4139assignee	fYb	T
4140assignee number	fYu	g
4141assignfree area	fUR	t
4142assigning a device	fZO	g
4143assigning logical name to device	fZu	3
4144assignment	DWhL	z
4145assignment	fa/	S
4146assignment	fal	a
4147assignment	fbR	S
4148assignment access plan	fbj	q
4149assignment algorithm	fcN	l
4150assignment arithmetic if clause	fcy	1
4151assignment arithmetic if statement	fdn	4
4152assignment arithmetic operation	fef	z
4153assignment axiom	ffS	e
4154assignment by name	ffw	g
4155assignment by name	fgQ	j
4156assignment command	fgz	g
4157assignment compatible type	fhT	u
4158assignment component	fiB	i
4159assignment control number	fij	q
4160assignment directive	fjN	i
4161assignment expression	fjv	g
4162assignment expression	fkP	m
4163assignment index	flH	e
4164assignment operation	fll	i
4165assignment operator	fmH	k
4166assignment operator	fmr	h
4167assignment period	fnM	f
4168assignment priority	fnr	h
4169assignment problem	HYRh	m
4170assignment problem	foM	g
4171assignment register	fos	k
4172assignment rule	fpQ	d
4173assignment statement	fpt	i
4174assignment statement	fqP	i
4175assignment statement expression	fqx	2
4176assignment statement loop	frn	t
4177assignment statement syntax	fsU	v
4178assignment switchboard	ftD	n
4179assignment symbol	ftq	f
4180assignment table	fuJ	b
4181assignment to common storage	fuk	z
4182assistant engineer	fvX	m
4183assisted access	fv9	d
4184assisted call	G3gK	k
4185assisted call	fwa	b
4186assisted data base management	Fuy1	BA
4187assisted high level debugging	DxUj	6
4188assisted instruction	fw1	i
4189associated address	fxX	g
4190associated data	fx3	d
4191associated data signal	fyU	q
4192associated data terminal	fy+	v
4193associated diagraph	fzt	k
4194associated field value	f0R	n
4195associated file	f04	d
4196associated mode	f1V	d
4197associated mode of operation	Gbw5	z
4198associated operator	f1y	h
4199associated page table	f2T	m
4200associated pair	f25	d
4201associated physical address	f3W	v
4202associated program	f4F	g
4203associated queue element	f4l	s
4204associated record	f5R	f
4205associated scalar type	f5w	q
4206associated service system	f6a	t
4207associated set ytpe	f7H	n
4208associated software tool	f7u	s
4209associated value	f8a	b
4210associated variable	f81	h
4211associated word	f9W	a
4212association	f+D	T
4213association	f9w	T
4214association control service element	f+W	9
4215association for computing machinery	f/T	4
4216association for computing machinery	gAL	4
4217association for educational data systems	gBD	BH
4218association francaise de normalisation	gCK	BJ
4219association of computer users	gDT	7
4220association of data base producers	gEO	8
4221association of data terminal distributors	gFK	BL
4222association of electrical industries	gGV	8
4223association of field service managers	gHR	BH
4224association of industrial scientists	gIY	BF
4225association processor	HNid	s
4226associations	gJd	U
4227associative	Exmm	W
4228associative	gJx	h
4229associative	gKS	c
4230associative addressing	gKu	k
4231associative behavior	gLS	i
4232associative bipolar cell	gL0	s
4233associative block design	gMg	p
4234associative cell	gNJ	e
4235associative code	gNn	e
4236associative data processing	gOF	z
4237associative data structure package	gO4	5
4238associative descriptor scheme	gPx	0
4239associative directory	gQl	j
4240associative file	gRI	e
4241associative function	gRm	i
4242associative index method	gSI	w
4243associative key	gS4	g
4244associative language	gTY	i
4245associative logic parallel system	gT6	BG
4246associative memory	gVA	j
4247associative memory	gVj	o
4248associative memory address	gWL	1
4249associative memory array	gXA	z
4250associative memory computer	gXz	5
4251associative memory data	gYs	v
4252associative memory equipment	gZb	0
4253associative memory match	gaP	s
4254associative mosfet cell	gb+	BV
4255associative operator	Exm8	l
4256associative output unit	gdT	v
4257associative page organization	geC	x
4258associative parallel processor	gez	5
4259associative pointer	gfs	p
4260associative processing	ggV	k
4261associative processor	F8bs	p
4262associative processor	gg5	p
4263associative processor controller	ghi	+
4264associative programming	gig	r
4265associative programming language	gjL	+
4266associative push down memory	gkJ	+
4267associative register	gmK	o
4268associative search	gmy	g
4269associative storage	gn2	k
4270associative storage	gnS	k
4271associative storage	goa	k
4272associative storage pool	go+	s
4273associative storage register	gpq	z
4274associative store	gq8	i
4275associative store	gqd	f
4276associative structure	gre	m
4277associative structure computer	gsE	5
4278associative syntactic calculus	gs9	y
4279associative table looking	gtv	n
4280associativeparallel implementation	gvN	6
4281associativity	gwH	Y
4282associativity of substitutions	gwf	v
4283associativity operator	gxO	k
4284assorted link speed	gxy	n
4285assorted terminal type	gyZ	q
4286assume	gzD	O
4287assumed decimal point	gz3	p
4288assumed decimal point	gzR	m
4289assumed priority	g0g	h
4290assumed size array	g1B	m
4291assumed value	g1n	Y
4292assurance	g3D	R
4293astable circuit	g3U	g
4294astable multivibrator	g30	m
4295astatic control	g4a	g
4296asterisk	g46	n
4297asterisk	g5h	Q
4298asterisk dummy argument	g5x	r
4299asterisk notation	g6c	f
4300asterisk picture	g67	e
4301asterisk picture character	g7Z	u
4302asterisk protection	g8H	h
4303astigmation control	g8o	h
4304astigmatism correction	g9J	k
4305astigmatizer	g9t	a
4306astroid	g+H	S
4307astronomical calculation	g+z	m
4308asve adder	BQwp	k
4309asymmertric multiprocessing	g/Z	y
4310asymmetric	hAL	Y
4311asymmetric chevron	hAj	m
4312asymmetric distortion	hBJ	m
4313asymmetric duplex	hBv	l
4314asymmetric equation	hCU	h
4315asymmetric error	hC1	e
4316asymmetric error constant	hDT	t
4317asymmetric expression	hEA	g
4318asymmetric half disc	hEg	s
4319asymmetric halfdisc	hFm	n
4320asymmetric modulator	hGN	o
4321asymmetric multiprocessor	hG1	z
4322asymmetric network	hHo	j
4323asymmetric relation	hIo	k
4324asymmetric representation	hJM	n
4325asymmetric stability	hJz	l
4326asymmetric system	hKY	i
4327asymmetric time	hK6	d
4328asymmetric value	hLX	b
4329asymptote	hLy	U
4330asymptotically efficient estimate	hMG	1
4331asymptotically normal random variable	hM7	/
4332asymptotically unbiased	hN6	o
4333asynchronization	hOi	Y
4334asynchronous	hO6	f
4335asynchronous	hPZ	d
4336asynchronous adapter	hP2	p
4337asynchronous address communication system	hQf	BL
4338asynchronous attack	hRq	h
4339asynchronous balanced mode	hSL	u
4340asynchronous block transmission	hS5	w
4341asynchronous call	hUV	f
4342asynchronous circuit	hU0	i
4343asynchronous clock	hVW	g
4344asynchronous communication	hV2	o
4345asynchronous communication controller	hWe	8
4346asynchronous communication interface	hXa	4
4347asynchronous communication interface adapter	hYS	BJ
4348asynchronous communication port	hZb	z
4349asynchronous communication system	haO	1
4350asynchronous communications adapter	hbD	BB
4351asynchronous communications base	hcE	+
4352asynchronous completion routine	hdC	5
4353asynchronous computer	hd7	m
4354asynchronous concurrent event	heh	x
4355asynchronous control	hfS	i
4356asynchronous crypto unit	hf0	s
4357asynchronous data multiplexer synchronizer	hgg	BV
4358asynchronous data transceiver	hh1	4
4359asynchronous data transmission	hit	y
4360asynchronous debugging	hjf	k
4361asynchronous device	hkD	h
4362asynchronous digital computer	hkk	0
4363asynchronous directory operation	hmF	u
4364asynchronous disconnected mode	hmz	2
4365asynchronous display	hnp	i
4366asynchronous entry point	hoL	p
4367asynchronous event	ho0	g
4368asynchronous exection	hpU	j
4369asynchronous exit	hp3	f
4370asynchronous finite automata	hqW	w
4371asynchronous finite state machine	hrG	4
4372asynchronous garbage collector	hr+	+
4373asynchronous gate element	hs8	q
4374asynchronous input	htm	g
4375asynchronous interface	huG	k
4376asynchronous interface adapter	huq	1
4377asynchronous interface module	hvf	1
4378asynchronous line controller	hwU	z
4379asynchronous line inter face	hxH	0
4380asynchronous line module	hx7	w
4381asynchronous line unit	hyr	u
4382asynchronous logic system	hzZ	t
4383asynchronous login terminal	h0G	v
4384asynchronous machine	h01	f
4385asynchronous memory access	h1U	x
4386asynchronous memory capability	h2F	1
4387asynchronous memory system	h26	x
4388asynchronous modem	h3r	s
4389asynchronous module	h4X	h
4390asynchronous mulitplexer adapter	h44	BE
4391asynchronous multiplexer	h58	s
4392asynchronous network	h6o	i
4393asynchronous notification	h7K	t
4394asynchronous operation	h73	k
4395asynchronous operation pending	h8b	4
4396asynchronous operator	h9T	m
4397asynchronous output	h95	h
4398asynchronous parallel algorithm	h+a	2
4399asynchronous procedure	h/0	n
4400asynchronous procedure	h/Q	k
4401asynchronous processing	iAb	l
4402asynchronous processing unit	iBA	x
4403asynchronous record	iBx	h
4404asynchronous record operation	iC9	x
4405asynchronous record operation	iCS	r
4406asynchronous request	iDu	i
4407asynchronous requests	iEQ	m
4408asynchronous response	iE2	j
4409asynchronous response mode	iFZ	y
4410asynchronous ripple adder	iGL	0
4411asynchronous routine	iG/	o
4412asynchronous sending	iHn	i
4413asynchronous sending mode	iIJ	t
4414asynchronous sense	iI2	g
4415asynchronous sensing	iJW	i
4416asynchronous sequential circuit	iJ4	z
4417asynchronous sequential machine	iKr	0
4418asynchronous sequential network	iLf	z
4419asynchronous serial transmission	iMS	0
4420asynchronous shift register	iNG	y
4421asynchronous signalling	iN4	r
4422asynchronous signals	iOj	i
4423asynchronous structure	iPy	k
4424asynchronous switching	iQW	k
4425asynchronous system trap	iQ6	s
4426asynchronous system trap	iRm	w
4427asynchronous system trap level	iSW	1
4428asynchronous system trap level	iTL	1
4429asynchronous terminal	iUA	j
4430asynchronous terminal adapter	iUj	+
4431asynchronous terminal controller	iVh	7
4432asynchronous terminal status word	iWc	4
4433asynchronous terminal support	iXU	x
4434asynchronous termination	iYF	m
4435asynchronous to synchronous inverter	iZa	BB
4436asynchronous transaction processor	iab	9
4437asynchronous transfer	ibY	j
4438asynchronous transmission	ib7	4
4439asynchronous transmission	icz	n
4440asynchronous transmission output	ida	u
4441asynchronous trap	ieI	f
4442asynchronous uncontrolled	ien	t
4443asynchronous working	ifU	i
4444at	IvQy	K
4445at end	if2	O
4446at end phrase	igE	b
4447at one time	igf	T
4448athwartship magnetization	ihh	q
4449atithmnetic picture data	iiL	s
4450atlached	BWR2	Z
4451atlantic standard	ii3	s
4452atm	ijj	a
4453atom	ij9	U
4454atom	ikR	M
4455atomic action	ikd	b
4456atomic data element	ik4	n
4457atomic energy detection system	ilf	6
4458atomic formulas	imZ	d
4459atomic unit	im2	Z
4460attach	inP	e
4461attach	int	O
4462attach eot marker	in7	v
4463attach record	ioq	b
4464attach statement	ipF	e
4465attach system	ipj	b
4466attach terminal	ip+	g
4467attach to a database	iqe	o
4468attached	E7VK	W
4469attached	FAim	W
4470attached device	Bxy3	p
4471attached fortran processor	irG	6
4472attached header	isA	d
4473attached identifier	isd	k
4474attached network control program	E7Vg	BA
4475attached processor	it1	m
4476attached processor	itB	0
4477attached resource computer	iub	1
4478attached station	E7Wg	h
4479attached station	FAi8	h
4480attached support computer	ivQ	q
4481attached support processor	iv6	1
4482attached support program	iwv	w
4483attached task	ixf	b
4484attached terminal	E7XB	l
4485attached terminal	FAjd	l
4486attaching device	ix6	e
4487attaching point	iyY	a
4488attaching subtask	iyy	i
4489attaching task	izU	c
4490attaching unit	izw	c
4491attachment	i0M	g
4492attachment a disable switch	i0s	1
4493attachment a enable switch	i1h	0
4494attachment feature	i2V	g
4495attachment plug	i21	X
4496attachment port	i3M	a
4497attachment support	GF4E	j
4498attachment table	i3m	b
4499attachment unit interface	i4B	x
4500attack time	i4y	Z
4501attainable accuracy	i5p	h
4502attendance	i6K	S
4503attendance accounting subsystem	i6c	6
4504attendance reporting	i7W	i
4505attendant	i74	X
4506attended operation	i8P	g
4507attended time	i8v	b
4508attention	i9K	Z
4509attention	i9j	V
4510attention command	i94	f
4511attention device	i+X	e
4512attention exit routine	i+1	w
4513attention field	i/l	d
4514attention field	jAC	a
4515attention flag	jAc	z
4516attention handling	jBP	g
4517attention identification	jBv	q
4518attention identification character	jCZ	2
4519attention identifier	jD6	p
4520attention identifier	jDP	r
4521attention identifier character	jEj	5
4522attention interrupt	jF9	h
4523attention interrupt	jFc	h
4524attention key	jG8	Y
4525attention key	jGe	e
4526attention line	jHU	Z
4527attention program	jHt	f
4528attention scheduler	jIM	n
4529attention sign	jIz	c
4530attention status bit	jJP	l
4531attention switch	jJ0	e
4532attention symbol	jKS	e
4533attention table	jKw	a
4534attenuate	jLK	R
4535attenuation	jLb	Z
4536attenuation constant	jL0	i
4537attenuation distortion	jMW	k
4538attenuation equalization	jM6	m
4539attenuation factor	jNg	j
4540attenuator	jOD	V
4541attitude flight control system	jOY	9
4542attitude reference system	jPV	x
4543atto	jQG	M
4544attosecond	jQS	V
4545attribute	F8cV	U
4546attribute	jQ4	W
4547attribute	jQn	R
4548attribute access	jRO	e
4549attribute alterable	jRs	k
4550attribute assignment	jSQ	l
4551attribute byte	jS1	f
4552attribute byte	jTU	f
4553attribute character	jTz	h
4554attribute character	jUU	h
4555attribute data element	jU1	n
4556attribute delimiter	jVc	k
4557attribute description	jWA	j
4558attribute directory	jWj	h
4559attribute distributed tree	jXE	v
4560attribute enquiries	jXz	h
4561attribute error	jYU	d
4562attribute evaluation rule	jYx	t
4563attribute evaluator	jZe	k
4564attribute label	jaC	d
4565attribute list	HOTW	f
4566attribute list	jaf	Z
4567attribute migration	ja4	h
4568attribute name	jbZ	Z
4569attribute occurrence	jcT	i
4570attribute of chinese character	jc1	v
4571attribute record	jdk	e
4572attribute retrieval	jeC	h
4573attribute section	jej	f
4574attribute set	jfC	Y
4575attribute shape grammar	jfa	r
4576attribute specification	jgF	l
4577attribute structure	jgq	h
4578attribute support	jhL	f
4579attribute translation gammar	jhq	w
4580attribute type	jia	c
4581attribute value	ji2	a
4582attribute value	jjQ	d
4583attribute value list	jjt	i
4584attribute value ring	jkP	i
4585attribute with macro declare statement	jkx	BG
4586attribute word	jl3	c
4587attributed grammar	jnc	g
4588attributed translation	jn8	k
4589attributeevaluation rule	jog	s
4590audibility	jpM	V
4591audible alarm	jp/	b
4592audible alarm	jph	e
4593audibleness	jqa	W
4594audio bandwidth	jqw	g
4595audio cassette	jrQ	i
4596audio cassette interface	jry	s
4597audio communication	jse	h
4598audio communication device	js/	u
4599audio communication line	jtt	s
4600audio disc	juZ	Y
4601audio distribution system	jux	x
4602audio frequency	jvi	a
4603audio frequency apparatus	jv8	r
4604audio frequency change	jwn	o
4605audio frequency coder	jxP	q
4606audio frequency generator	jx5	u
4607audio frequency shift keying	jyn	1
4608audio frequency transformer	jzc	w
4609audio input device	j0M	m
4610audio inquiry	j0y	b
4611audio line	j1N	Y
4612audio power amplifier	j1l	s
4613audio response control	j2R	u
4614audio response message	j2/	q
4615audio response system	j3p	t
4616audio response terminal	j4W	u
4617audio response unit	j6b	r
4618audio signal	j7G	h
4619audio synthesis	j7n	d
4620audio tape	j8E	Y
4621audio terminal	j8c	f
4622audio tone decoder	j87	n
4623audiographic teleconference	j/h	8
4624audit	kAd	V
4625audit	kAy	N
4626audit area selection	kA/	r
4627audit computer	kBq	i
4628audit control information	kCM	t
4629audit entry	kC5	c
4630audit entry language	kDV	s
4631audit exception list	kEB	o
4632audit function	kEp	c
4633audit journal file	kFF	j
4634audit list	kFo	Y
4635audit listing	kGA	b
4636audit program	kGb	b
4637audit programming	kG2	l
4638audit server	kHb	g
4639audit trail	kH7	n
4640audit trail	kI7	Z
4641audit trail	kIi	Z
4642audit trail attribute	kJU	p
4643audit trail file	kJ9	k
4644audit trail tape	kKh	k
4645audit window	kLF	a
4646auditing	kL1	Q
4647auditing automatic data processing system	kMF	BJ
4648auditing routine	kNO	e
4649auditing system	kNs	d
4650auditor	kOJ	S
4651auditor	kOb	S
4652auditory information display	kOt	0
4653auditory training aid	Csu0	7
4654augend	kPh	R
4655augend in gate	kPy	i
4656augend register	kQU	j
4657augment	kQ3	P
4658augment digit	kRG	Y
4659augment link	kRe	X
4660augmentability	kR1	Z
4661augmental interval	kSO	g
4662augmented code	kSu	Z
4663augmented grammar	kTH	f
4664augmented human intelligence	kTm	w
4665augmented matrix	kUW	e
4666augmented operation code	kU0	p
4667augmented pattern	kVd	f
4668augmenter	kV8	R
4669augmenting path	kWN	d
4670augtag	kWq	U
4671augument byte	kW+	e
4672augument list	kXc	Y
4673authentication	IOsD	g
4674authentication	kYS	W
4675authentication	kYo	h
4676authentication	kZJ	W
4677authentication algorithm	kZf	s
4678authentication code	kaL	n
4679authentication protocol	kay	l
4680author	kbX	f
4681author and key word in context	kb2	BE
4682author language	kc6	d
4683authoring	HX0o	2
4684authority	keU	R
4685authority file	kel	c
4686authority list	kfB	Z
4687authority table	kfa	d
4688authorization data set	kf3	n
4689authorization file	kg+	g
4690authorization file	kge	g
4691authorization information	khe	n
4692authorization modification	kiF	o
4693authorization table	kit	e
4694authorize	kjL	R
4695authorize	kjc	R
4696authorized access	kjt	f
4697authorized data list	kkM	+
4698authorized data set	klK	k
4699authorized frequency	klu	i
4700authorized program	kmQ	g
4701authorized program analysis report	kmw	BB
4702authorized program facility	knx	z
4703authorized state	kok	e
4704auticulatory	kpC	X
4705auto	FVun	T
4706auto answer file	kpZ	k
4707auto answer mode	kp9	k
4708auto answerback	kqh	d
4709auto bauding	kq+	g
4710auto call	kre	X
4711auto centering	kr1	c
4712auto centering	ksR	c
4713auto correlation	kst	k
4714auto create	ktR	c
4715auto dial	ktt	X
4716auto dupskip	kuE	o
4717auto execution	kus	c
4718auto file	kvI	d
4719auto forward	kvl	o
4720auto index	kwN	Y
4721auto index	kwl	Y
4722auto job atartup	kw9	k
4723auto repeat	kxh	Z
4724auto reply	kx6	Y
4725auto save	kyS	X
4726auto screen blank	kyp	o
4727auto shift	kzR	Y
4728auto tab	kzp	W
4729auto termination unit	kz/	p
4730auto wraparound	k0o	d
4731auto xoff	k1F	W
4732auto xon	k1b	U
4733auto zeroing	k1v	a
4734autoabstract	k61	a
4735autoadaptive inventory management system	k7P	BN
4736autoalarm	k8c	a
4737autoanswer	k82	Y
4738autocall	k9O	W
4739autocall unit	k9k	h
4740autocalling	k+F	Z
4741autochange	k+e	s
4742autochanglover unit	k/K	k
4743autochart	k/u	d
4744autochart program	lAL	o
4745autocode	lAz	W
4746autocode instruction	lBJ	o
4747autocode list processing	lBx	z
4748autocode system	lCk	j
4749autocoder	lDH	d
4750autocoder	lDk	d
4751autocoding	lEB	Y
4752autocontrol	lEZ	Z
4753autocorrection coefficient	lEy	u
4754autocorrelation	lFg	a
4755autocorrelation analysis	lF6	p
4756autocorrelation command receiver	lGj	6
4757autocorrelation matrix	lHd	n
4758autocorrelation sequence	lIE	p
4759autocorrelative function	lIt	p
4760autocorrelative matrix	lJW	n
4761autocorrelator	lJ9	c
4762autocorrelogram	lKZ	d
4763autocorrelogram computer	lK2	y
4764autocycle	lL5	X
4765autodata gather	lMQ	m
4766autodecrement	lM2	Y
4767autodecrement address	lNO	j
4768autodecrement addressing	lNx	m
4769autodecrement code	lOX	g
4770autodecrement deferred index	lO3	w
4771autodecrement deferred mode	lPn	v
4772autodecrement flag	lQW	g
4773autodecrement index mode	lQ2	y
4774autodecrement indexed mode	lRo	u
4775autodecrement indicator	lSW	o
4776autodecrement mode	lS+	j
4777autodecrement mode	lTh	g
4778autodesign	lUB	Y
4779autodin	lUZ	y
4780autodin switching center	lVL	BE
4781autodraft	lWP	X
4782autoexcitation	lWm	Z
4783autoexecution	lW/	b
4784autofile	lXa	W
4785autoflow	lXw	W
4786autoforecast	lYG	a
4787autograph	I1j/	d
4788autohub	lYg	V
4789autoincerment mode	lY1	m
4790autoincrement	lZb	b
4791autoincrement address	lZ2	j
4792autoincrement addressing	laZ	m
4793autoincrement code	la/	j
4794autoincrement deferred indexed mode	lbi	6
4795autoincrement deferred mode	lcc	1
4796autoincrement indexed mode	ldR	0
4797autoindex	leF	X
4798autoindex register	lec	p
4799autoindex system	lfF	k
4800autolink	lfp	W
4801autoload	lf/	W
4802autoload	lgV	W
4803autoload vector	lgr	j
4804autoloader	lhO	e
4805autoloading head arm	lhs	r
4806autolog line	liX	d
4807automanual	li0	Y
4808automanual system	ljM	i
4809automat	lju	S
4810automat and automatic control	lkA	+
4811automata	I/9a	Z
4812automata and formal language	lk+	2
4813automata causality	ll0	p
4814automata classification	lmd	o
4815automata model	lnF	f
4816automata representation	lnk	o
4817automata size	loM	e
4818automata theory	loq	g
4819automatable	lpK	c
4820automatci data set	lpm	n
4821automatci voltage digitizer	lqN	8
4822automate	lrJ	T
4823automate	lrc	Q
4824automated administration	lrs	p
4825automated analysis	lsV	g
4826automated assembly	ls1	g
4827automated assistant	ltV	k
4828automated bibliography	lt5	q
4829automated bibliography	luj	t
4830automated data management	lvQ	x
4831automated data management information system	lwB	BS
4832automated data medium	lxT	p
4833automated data processing	lx8	t
4834automated data processing system	lyp	/
4835automated data system	lzo	t
4836automated data wiring	l0V	t
4837automated decision system	l1C	t
4838automated design	l1v	h
4839automated design engineering	l2Q	w
4840automated design tool	l3A	p
4841automated dictionary	l3p	l
4842automated digital weather communication program	l4O	BV
4843automated document management system	l5j	BD
4844automated documentation	l6m	r
4845automated drafting	l7R	g
4846automated environment	l7x	m
4847automated financial information system	l8X	BI
4848automated funds transfer	l9f	w
4849automated funds transfer system	l+P	+
4850automated glossary	l/N	m
4851automated graphic technology	l/z	3
4852automated imagery processing	mAq	0
4853automated implementation support	mBe	0
4854automated industrial management system	mCS	BF
4855automated information directory update system	mDX	BW
4856automated information dissemination system	mEt	BJ
4857automated information management	mF2	4
4858automated information management system	mGu	BG
4859automated information resource	mH0	y
4860automated information resource system	mIm	BF
4861automated input and document update system	mJr	BW
4862automated input and dorectory update system	mLB	BU
4863automated inquiry system	mMV	s
4864automated instruction fetch unit	mNB	/
4865automated integrated manufacturing	mOA	6
4866automated intelligence file	mO6	2
4867automated intelligence system	mPw	x
4868automated inventory management	mQh	2
4869automated job	mRX	e
4870automated language processing	mR1	1
4871automated layout program	mSq	s
4872automated logic	mTW	g
4873automated logic diagram	mT2	s
4874automated logic mapping system	mUi	9
4875automated maintenance system	mVf	3
4876automated operator	mXD	j
4877automated operator interface	mXm	0
4878automated process planning system	mYa	BB
4879automated processing information file	mZb	BE
4880automated production management	maf	z
4881automated program support system	mbS	BC
4882automated program verifier	mcU	0
4883automated programming	mdI	p
4884automated proof	mdx	d
4885automated publishing system	meO	v
4886automated reproduction and collating system	me9	BN
4887automated simulation tool	mgK	q
4888automated software engineering	mg0	y
4889automated spooling prioity	mhm	6
4890automated spooling priority	mig	/
4891automated stock control	mjf	r
4892automated system initialization	mkK	6
4893automated tape library	mlE	0
4894automated teller machine	ml4	t
4895automated test case	mml	n
4896automated thesaurus	mnM	n
4897automated translation	mnz	j
4898automated transmission system	moW	1
4899automated unit test	mpL	u
4900automated verification system	mp5	4
4901automath	mqx	c
4902automati clevel recorder	mrN	z
4903automati clocking circuit	msA	x
4904automatic	H9W8	X
4905automatic	I8Pl	X
4906automatic	IRjK	X
4907automatic	IyCI	a
4908automatic	msx	U
4909automatic	mtF	Z
4910automatic abstracting	mte	p
4911automatic acceleration	muH	k
4912automatic accounting system	mur	v
4913automatic address modification	mva	y
4914automatic address recognition subsystem	mwM	BJ
4915automatic addressing	mxV	i
4916automatic addressing system	mx3	z
4917automatic airdefense information system	myq	BH
4918automatic alarm	mzx	d
4919automatic alignment	m0O	n
4920automatic allocation	m01	i
4921automatic amplitude control	m1X	z
4922automatic answer back unit	m2K	r
4923automatic answering	m3q	v
4924automatic area control	m4Z	u
4925automatic area control system	m5H	8
4926automatic artwork generator system	IRjh	Bc
4927automatic assembly	m6D	g
4928automatic assembly equipment	m6j	w
4929automatic assembly system	m7T	t
4930automatic audio switching	m8A	x
4931automatic backup	m8x	e
4932automatic balancing	m9P	h
4933automatic bias	m9w	c
4934automatic bias compensation	m+M	z
4935automatic bias control	m+/	u
4936automatic bootstrap	m/t	n
4937automatic branching	nAU	h
4938automatic calculation	nBZ	j
4939automatic calculator	nB8	l
4940automatic call	nCh	c
4941automatic call distributor	nC9	x
4942automatic call library	nDu	t
4943automatic call simulator	nEb	y
4944automatic calling	nF+	f
4945automatic calling	nFf	f
4946automatic calling unit	nGd	u
4947automatic carry	nHL	d
4948automatic cartography	nHo	m
4949automatic cash depositor	nIO	s
4950automatic cassette changer	nI6	3
4951automatic central alarm system	nJx	9
4952automatic character recognition	nKu	z
4953automatic charge indication	nLh	v
4954automatic charting	nMQ	q
4955automatic check	nM6	g
4956automatic check	nNa	g
4957automatic check interrupt	nN6	t
4958automatic checker	nOn	i
4959automatic checking	nPJ	g
4960automatic checkout equipment	IRk9	4
4961automatic circuit	IRl1	i
4962automatic circuit breaker	nPp	u
4963automatic circuit layout	nQX	m
4964automatic circuit tester	nQ9	v
4965automatic classifier	nRs	l
4966automatic clearing apparatus	nSR	w
4967automatic clearing indicator	nTB	z
4968automatic code	nT0	c
4969automatic coding	IRmX	s
4970automatic coding system	nUQ	v
4971automatic collision avoidance system	nU/	9
4972automatic colour control	nV8	w
4973automatic commitment dump	nWs	t
4974automatic communication	nXZ	u
4975automatic compilation	nYH	j
4976automatic component assembly	nYq	z
4977automatic computer	nZd	m
4978automatic computer telex system	naD	BL
4979automatic computerized transverse axial scanner	nbO	BV
4980automatic configuration	ncj	o
4981automatic constant function	ndL	v
4982automatic control	IRnD	i
4983automatic control engineering	ner	0
4984automatic control evaluation system	nff	9
4985automatic control panel	ngc	r
4986automatic control theory	nhH	s
4987automatic controller	IRnl	o
4988automatic correction	nhz	i
4989automatic data acquisition	niV	8
4990automatic data conversion	njR	z
4991automatic data digitizing system	nkE	BC
4992automatic data entry unit	nlG	4
4993automatic data exchange system	nl+	9
4994automatic data handling system	nm7	9
4995automatic data interchange system	nn4	7
4996automatic data link	noz	n
4997automatic data medium	npa	p
4998automatic data migration	nqD	s
4999automatic data plotter	nqv	x
5000automatic data processing	nrg	x
5001automatic data processing center	nsR	/
5002automatic data processing engineering	ntQ	BE
5003automatic data processing equipment	nuU	BC
5004automatic data processing equipmentsoftware	nvW	BW
5005automatic data processing machine	nws	9
5006automatic data processing program	nxp	BA
5007automatic data processing program reporting system	nyp	Bf
5008automatic data processing service center	n0I	BO
5009automatic data processing system	n1W	6
5010automatic data processing unit	n2Q	9
5011automatic data processor	n3u	z
5012automatic data protection	n4h	t
5013automatic data rate changer	n5O	3
5014automatic data recovery restart operation	n6F	BM
5015automatic data reducer	n7R	t
5016automatic data reduction	n7+	s
5017automatic data reduction equipment	n8q	8
5018automatic data routing group	n9m	4
5019automatic data service center	n+e	8
5020automatic data set editing program	n/a	BF
5021automatic data switching centre	oAf	5
5022automatic data switching system	oBY	+
5023automatic data system uniform practices	oCW	BT
5024automatic data test line	oDp	BA
5025automatic data test unit	oEp	3
5026automatic data transfer	oFg	v
5027automatic data translator	oGP	0
5028automatic data unit	oHD	r
5029automatic debugging	oJG	h
5030automatic deceleration	oJn	k
5031automatic decimal point computer	oKL	BA
5032automatic desk computer	oLL	x
5033automatic destruct program	oL8	o
5034automatic detection	oMk	l
5035automatic diagnosis	oNJ	h
5036automatic diagnostic program	oNq	0
5037automatic diagnostics	oOe	p
5038automatic dial order wire	oPH	1
5039automatic dial switching network	oP8	/
5040automatic dialer	oQ7	h
5041automatic dialing unit	oRc	r
5042automatic dialing unit adult language	oSH	6
5043automatic dictionary	oTB	i
5044automatic digital accumulator	oTj	4
5045automatic digital calculator	oUb	z
5046automatic digital data error recorder	oVO	BI
5047automatic digital message switch	oWW	BA
5048automatic digital message switching	oXW	BI
5049automatic digital recording and control	oZc	BK
5050automatic digital relay center	oam	BA
5051automatic digital switch	obm	w
5052automatic digital switching	ocW	v
5053automatic digital switching center	odF	BB
5054automatic digital tracking	oeG	y
5055automatic digital tracking analyser computer	oe4	BV
5056automatic digital weather switch	ogN	/
5057automatic direction finding systme	ohM	7
5058automatic direction indicator	oiH	4
5059automatic dispatch system	oi/	t
5060automatic display	ojs	i
5061automatic display and plotting system	okO	BH
5062automatic display system	olV	s
5063automatic dissemination	omB	l
5064automatic document classification	omm	1
5065automatic document clustering	onb	x
5066automatic document control system	ooM	7
5067automatic document request service	opH	BN
5068automatic document retrieval system	oqU	9
5069automatic document storage and retrieval	orR	BM
5070automatic drafting system	osd	x
5071automatic duration indication	otO	3
5072automatic dynamic response analyzer	ouF	BF
5073automatic electric co	ovK	s
5074automatic electronic computer	ov2	0
5075automatic electronic data switching center	owq	BK
5076automatic electronic exchange	ox0	1
5077automatic electronic switching center	oyp	BE
5078automatic engineering design system	ozt	BC
5079automatic entrance unit	o0v	v
5080automatic equipment	o1e	o
5081automatic error correction	GGg8	BP
5082automatic error correction	o2G	s
5083automatic error correction device	o2y	1
5084automatic error correction system	o3n	1
5085automatic error correctiondetection	o4c	BA
5086automatic error detection	o5c	n
5087automatic error request equipment	o6D	/
5088automatic exchange	o7i	g
5089automatic extraction	o8C	i
5090automatic fault detection	o8k	z
5091automatic fault finding	o9X	u
5092automatic fault finding and maintenance	o+F	BI
5093automatic fault isolation	o/N	x
5094automatic fault isolation test	o/+	9
5095automatic fault isolation tester	pA7	9
5096automatic fault location	pB4	w
5097automatic feed water control	pDa	1
5098automatic fidelity control	pEP	y
5099automatic field analog computer	pFB	BB
5100automatic field duplication	pGC	v
5101automatic fieldformat recognition	pGx	BG
5102automatic file control and documentation	pH3	BR
5103automatic fine control	pJI	o
5104automatic fine tuning	pJw	n
5105automatic floating point	pKX	q
5106automatic following	pLB	k
5107automatic following control	pLl	z
5108automatic for storage and retrieval of information	pMY	BZ
5109automatic formatting	pNx	l
5110automatic frequency and phase control	pOW	BH
5111automatic frequency control	pPd	z
5112automatic frequency stabilization	pQQ	5
5113automatic function	pRJ	g
5114automatic gain control	pRp	u
5115automatic gain stabilization	pSX	0
5116automatic general information learning equipment	pTL	BT
5117automatic generation	pUe	i
5118automatic gold page	pVA	k
5119automatic ground environment	IRoN	+
5120automatic ground receiver terminal	pVk	BE
5121automatic hardware dump	pWo	x
5122automatic hierarchy	pXZ	h
5123automatic identification	pX6	m
5124automatic illustrated documentation system	pYg	BP
5125automatic image data extraction system	pZv	BM
5126automatic image retrieval system	pa7	/
5127automatic indentation	pci	j
5128automatic indexing	pdF	g
5129automatic indicator	pdl	k
5130automatic information	peJ	t
5131automatic information display equipment	pe2	BG
5132automatic information display system	pf8	BD
5133automatic information processing	pg/	4
5134automatic information retrieval	ph3	z
5135automatic information system	piq	1
5136automatic information tester	pjf	3
5137automatic input	pkW	g
5138automatic inserting machine	IRpL	7
5139automatic inspection	pk2	l
5140automatic inspection data accumulator	plb	BH
5141automatic inspection of data	pmi	1
5142automatic instrucion retry module	pnX	7
5143automatic integrated circuit tester	poS	BF
5144automatic integrating debugging system	ppX	BF
5145automatic integrator	pqc	o
5146automatic intelligence data system	prE	BB
5147automatic inter rogation distorted	psF	6
5148automatic interactive debugging system	ps/	BF
5149automatic interactive driver	puE	z
5150automatic interlock	pu3	h
5151automatic internal diagnosis	pvY	0
5152automatic interrupt	pwM	h
5153automatic job scheduling	pwt	s
5154automatic job stream generator	pxZ	/
5155automatic journal entries	pzG	w
5156automatic key management	pz2	t
5157automatic key transliteration	p0j	0
5158automatic knowledge	p1X	k
5159automatic knowledge acquisition	p17	z
5160automatic label control	p2u	r
5161automatic language daa processing	p3Z	BA
5162automatic language processing	p4Z	x
5163automatic language translator	p5K	3
5164automatic laser encoder	p6B	y
5165automatic level compensation	p6z	0
5166automatic level control	p7n	v
5167automatic level setting	p8W	v
5168automatic lexical code	p9F	t
5169automatic lexical coding	p9y	v
5170automatic library call	p+h	t
5171automatic library update	p/O	v
5172automatic line adjust	p/9	m
5173automatic line feed	qAj	l
5174automatic line reconnect	qBI	s
5175automatic line test	qB0	r
5176automatic load and drive control	qCf	BC
5177automatic load balancing device	qDh	+
5178automatic load regulator	qEf	z
5179automatic loader	qFS	k
5180automatic loader diagnostics	qF2	/
5181automatic loader switch	qG1	x
5182automatic local frequency control	qHm	BA
5183automatic location identification	qIm	5
5184automatic lock	qJf	c
5185automatic locking	qJ7	f
5186automatic logic nesting	qKa	r
5187automatic logon	qLF	j
5188automatic low data rate input	IRqG	BB
5189automatic magnetic tape dissemination	qLo	BE
5190automatic malfunction analysis	qMs	2
5191automatic manual	qNi	g
5192automatic map	qOC	j
5193automatic map display	qOl	w
5194automatic marker	qPV	h
5195automatic measure device	qP2	w
5196automatic measurement	qQm	r
5197automatic measurement technology	qRR	0
5198automatic member	qSF	e
5199automatic member	qSj	h
5200automatic membership class	qTE	u
5201automatic message distribution system	qTy	BE
5202automatic message handling system	qU2	BA
5203automatic message processing system	qV2	BC
5204automatic message recording	qW4	z
5205automatic message registering	qXr	1
5206automatic message switching	IRrH	8
5207automatic message switching	qYg	v
5208automatic message switching center	IRsD	BJ
5209automatic message switching network	qZP	9
5210automatic message switching system	qaM	8
5211automatic messsage exchange	qby	3
5212automatic microfilm editor	qcp	+
5213automatic mircrofilm information system	qdn	BN
5214automatic mode	qe0	f
5215automatic modulation control	qfT	0
5216automatic monitor	qgH	i
5217automatic monitor and ocntrol device	qgp	8
5218automatic monitored control system	qhl	2
5219automatic monitoring system	qib	z
5220automatic morse	qjO	j
5221automatic multicycle	qjx	o
5222automatic multilevel precedence	qkZ	z
5223automatic multiple address relay system	qlM	BH
5224automatic network	qmT	f
5225automatic network dial	qmy	u
5226automatic new line	qng	k
5227automatic noise limiter	qoE	y
5228automatic noise suppressor	qo2	1
5229automatic number analysis	qpr	x
5230automatic number key	qqc	l
5231automatic number machine	qrB	t
5232automatic number normalization	qru	1
5233automatic numbering equipment	qsj	x
5234automatic numbering transmitter	qtU	2
5235automatic numerical decision	quK	0
5236automatic open loop control	qu+	v
5237automatic operating and scheduling program	qvt	BM
5238automatic operation	IRtM	k
5239automatic operation	qw5	s
5240automatic operation system	qxl	2
5241automatic operations control	qyb	3
5242automatic origination	qzS	j
5243automatic output control	qz1	z
5244automatic overlaying	q0o	i
5245automatic overload	q1K	p
5246automatic overload control	q1z	u
5247automatic pagination	q2h	o
5248automatic pagination	q3J	o
5249automatic paging	q3x	e
5250automatic paper carriage	q4P	s
5251automatic parser	q47	k
5252automatic parser generator	q5f	9
5253automatic parsing algorithm	q6c	y
5254automatic patching system	q7O	t
5255automatic peripheral control	q77	3
5256automatic phase control	q8y	v
5257automatic phase lock	q9h	m
5258automatic phase synchronization	q+H	z
5259automatic photomapping equipment	q+6	+
5260automatic picture sharpness control	q/4	BF
5261automatic picture transmission	rA9	2
5262automatic picture transmission system	rBz	BE
5263automatic placement	rC3	h
5264automatic plexicoder	rDY	z
5265automatic plotter	rEL	i
5266automatic plotting	rEt	g
5267automatic poll	rFN	c
5268automatic position	rFp	g
5269automatic position reference system	rGJ	BC
5270automatic positioning equipment	rHL	3
5271automatic power off	rIC	l
5272automatic power plant checker	rIn	/
5273automatic predictive maintenance	rJm	7
5274automatic premption	rKh	h
5275automatic printer	rLC	i
5276automatic printing	rLk	g
5277automatic priority group	rME	t
5278automatic priority inter rupt	rMx	1
5279automatic processor	IRtw	x
5280automatic product test	rNm	q
5281automatic program	IRuh	i
5282automatic program certification	rOQ	z
5283automatic program control	rPD	x
5284automatic program execution	rP0	v
5285automatic program generation	rQj	w
5286automatic program generator	rRT	5
5287automatic program interrupt	rSM	z
5288automatic program interruption	rS/	y
5289automatic program language	rTx	u
5290automatic program load	rUf	u
5291automatic program loading unit	rVN	9
5292automatic program optimization	rWK	1
5293automatic program segmentation	rW/	y
5294automatic program synthesis	rXx	v
5295automatic program synthesision	rYg	y
5296automatic program system	rZS	w
5297automatic program verification	raC	y
5298automatic programmer	ra0	r
5299automatic programming	rbf	s
5300automatic programming approach	rcL	4
5301automatic programming system	rdD	2
5302automatic programming tool	rd5	4
5303automatic programming unit	rex	0
5304automatic punch	rfl	g
5305automatic quality control	rgF	t
5306automatic question modification	rgy	z
5307automatic random access transport	rhl	BA
5308automatic range control	ril	v
5309automatic range tracking unit	rjU	8
5310automatic range unit	rkQ	p
5311automatic ratio control	rk5	v
5312automatic reader	rlo	q
5313automatic reading	rmS	f
5314automatic reading maching	rmx	q
5315automatic receiver	rnb	j
5316automatic receiver program	rn+	y
5317automatic reclosing	row	w
5318automatic record analysis language	rpg	BB
5319automatic record locking	rqh	s
5320automatic record selectiondeletion	rrN	9
5321automatic recorder	rsK	j
5322automatic recording calculating machine	rst	BB
5323automatic recover program	rtu	t
5324automatic recovery	rub	g
5325automatic recovery quest	ru7	w
5326automatic recovery quotient	rvr	z
5327automatic reelhub	rwe	l
5328automatic refreshing	rxD	i
5329automatic relay computer	rxl	y
5330automatic relay equipment	ryX	t
5331automatic reocrding	rzE	h
5332automatic reorganization	rzl	m
5333automatic repeat request	r03	w
5334automatic repeat request	r0L	s
5335automatic repetition	r1n	i
5336automatic repetition of errors	r2J	2
5337automatic repetition system	r2/	v
5338automatic report feature	r3u	w
5339automatic request	r4e	j
5340automatic request for repetition	r5B	4
5341automatic request system	r55	w
5342automatic request terminal	r6p	1
5343automatic research compiler	r74	1
5344automatic research computer	r8t	y
5345automatic reset	r9f	d
5346automatic reset counter	r98	y
5347automatic reset relay	r+u	s
5348automatic resolution control	r/a	3
5349automatic response file	sAR	r
5350automatic response query	sA8	w
5351automatic restart	sBs	l
5352automatic restart error code	sCR	2
5353automatic restore procedure	sDH	v
5354automatic retransmission	sD2	s
5355automatic retransmission exchange	sEi	8
5356automatic retrieval system	sFe	y
5357automatic return	sGQ	e
5358automatic route management	sGu	y
5359automatic route selection	sHg	x
5360automatic routine	sIR	l
5361automatic routing	sI2	i
5362automatic sample processor	sJY	1
5363automatic scale	sKN	d
5364automatic scale command	sKq	r
5365automatic scan	sLV	c
5366automatic scan counter	sLx	x
5367automatic scanner	sMi	l
5368automatic scanning control unit	sNH	7
5369automatic schedule procedures	sOC	1
5370automatic scheduling	sO3	i
5371automatic scheduling and operation program	sPZ	BM
5372automatic schema translation	sQl	w
5373automatic seat reservation system	sRV	1
5374automatic seat reservations system	sSK	7
5375automatic segmentation	sTF	k
5376automatic segmentation and control	sTp	5
5377automatic selection	sUi	k
5378automatic selection control	sVG	z
5379automatic selectivity control	sV5	4
5380automatic sender	sZz	p
5381automatic sending	sac	f
5382automatic sending hopper	sa7	v
5383automatic sendreceive	sYY	q
5384automatic sendreceive set	sZC	x
5385automatic sensibility control	sbq	4
5386automatic sensing	sci	f
5387automatic sensing display flag	sdB	4
5388automatic sequence	sd5	g
5389automatic sequence computer	seZ	y
5390automatic sequence control	sfL	y
5391automatic sequencer	sgt	n
5392automatic sequencing	shU	i
5393automatic sequential connection	sh2	z
5394automatic sequential operation	sip	y
5395automatic sequential operation	sjb	y
5396automatic service	IRvD	i
5397automatic service	skN	f
5398automatic service requirement	sks	x
5399automatic servo ploter	sld	x
5400automatic set membership	smO	y
5401automatic sheet feeder	snA	n
5402automatic shift position data encoder	snn	BI
5403automatic shutdown	sov	g
5404automatic signal recognition unit	spP	BA
5405automatic signalling	sqP	w
5406automatic signature verification system	sq/	BG
5407automatic single path error correction	ssF	BD
5408automatic skip	stI	c
5409automatic sorter	suK	h
5410automatic sorting machine	sur	q
5411automatic space extension	svV	t
5412automatic speech processing	swC	v
5413automatic speech recognition	swx	0
5414automatic speech verification	sxl	1
5415automatic speed control	sya	v
5416automatic spelling correction	szJ	x
5417automatic spool	sz6	a
5418automatic stabilization equipment	s0U	5
5419automatic stacking	s1N	g
5420automatic starter	s1t	i
5421automatic starting control	s2P	u
5422automatic starting device	s29	t
5423automatic startup	s3q	f
5424automatic station	s4J	c
5425automatic station deeping system	s4l	6
5426automatic station identification device	s5f	BB
5427automatic step adjustment	s6g	t
5428automatic stepping	s7N	g
5429automatic stop	s7t	c
5430automatic stop arrangement	s8J	o
5431automatic storage	s8x	f
5432automatic storage allocation	s+A	w
5433automatic storage allocation	s9Q	w
5434automatic storage and retrieval system	s+w	BI
5435automatic storage area	s/4	n
5436automatic subprogram timing measurement system	tAf	BR
5437automatic subschema generation	tBw	y
5438automatic subscriber line test equipment	tCi	BL
5439automatic supervisory control	tDt	x
5440automatic switch	FYFg	k
5441automatic switch center	tEe	v
5442automatic switched channel	tFN	u
5443automatic switching	tF7	h
5444automatic switching center	tGc	u
5445automatic switching equipment	tHK	x
5446automatic switching network	DnjT	y
5447automatic switching network	tH7	v
5448automatic switching panel	tIq	u
5449automatic switching recorder	tJY	3
5450automatic switching service	tKP	v
5451automatic switching system	tK+	u
5452automatic switchover	tLs	o
5453automatic synchronized control	tMU	2
5454automatic synchronizer	tNK	q
5455automatic synchronizing system	tN0	y
5456automatic syntax method	tOm	l
5457automatic syntax recognition	tPL	w
5458automatic synthesis	tP7	h
5459automatic system	tQc	e
5460automatic system analysis	tQ6	x
5461automatic system checkout program	tRr	BA
5462automatic system control	tSr	w
5463automatic system genertion	tTb	u
5464automatic system trouble analysis	tUs	BA
5465automatic tabulating machine	tVs	t
5466automatic tally order	tWZ	p
5467automatic tape	JJnM	f
5468automatic tape dispenser	tXC	z
5469automatic tape handler	tX1	r
5470automatic tape library	tYg	n
5471automatic tape reader	tZH	q
5472automatic tape relay	tZx	u
5473automatic tape winder	taf	t
5474automatic target tracking	tbM	x
5475automatic telephone	tb9	k
5476automatic telephone set	tch	s
5477automatic teller machine	tdN	t
5478automatic telling	td6	j
5479automatic terminal disconnection	ted	0
5480automatic terminal station	tfR	v
5481automatic test capability	tgA	t
5482automatic test data generator	tgt	6
5483automatic test equipment	thn	w
5484automatic test equipment	tiX	w
5485automatic test generation system	tjH	6
5486automatic test generator	tkB	2
5487automatic test line	tk3	o
5488automatic test pattern	tlf	q
5489automatic test pattern generation system	tmJ	BN
5490automatic test system	tnW	t
5491automatic texting	toD	l
5492automatic theorem proving	too	t
5493automatic threading and rewind	tpV	7
5494automatic threading tape drive	tqQ	y
5495automatic threshold control	trC	2
5496automatic ticketing	tr4	k
5497automatic timing control	tsc	w
5498automatic timing corrector	ttM	1
5499automatic tint control	tuB	u
5500automatic tool changer	tuv	0
5501automatic traffic control	tvj	x
5502automatic traffic overload protection	twU	BC
5503automatic train control	txW	v
5504automatic train operation	tyF	x
5505automatic train scheduling	ty2	u
5506automatic transaction queue	tzk	1
5507automatic transductor	t0Z	m
5508automatic translation	t0/	s
5509automatic transmitter	t1r	m
5510automatic trim system	t2R	t
5511automatic trouble diagnosis	t2+	v
5512automatic trouble locating arrangement	t3t	BA
5513automatic typesetting	t4t	j
5514automatic typewriter	t5Q	o
5515automatic utility translator	t54	6
5516automatic variable	t6y	g
5517automatic vectorization procedure	t7S	4
5518automatic veriable	t8K	g
5519automatic verification system	t8q	x
5520automatic verifier	t9b	m
5521automatic voltage regulator	t+B	2
5522automatic volume recognition	t+3	0
5523automatic volume recognition	t/r	w
5524automatic volume sensing	uAb	z
5525automatic wafer testing machine	uBO	2
5526automatic word	uCl	f
5527automatic working	IRvl	p
5528automatic working	uDE	f
5529automatic writing machine	uDj	u
5530automatic zero resetting	uER	s
5531automatically cleared failure	uHe	0
5532automatically corrected error	uIS	x
5533automatically generating program	uJD	0
5534automatically processed wirelist	uJ3	2
5535automatically repaired computer	uKt	6
5536automatically switching	uLn	o
5537automaticmanual	uG0	q
5538automatics	uMP	V
5539automation	IRwO	Y
5540automation	uM5	f
5541automation	uMk	V
5542automation command	uNY	j
5543automation control definition	uN7	x
5544automation design aid	uOs	v
5545automation of field operations and services	uPb	BQ
5546automation one association	uQr	y
5547automation size	uRd	g
5548automativ voltage margin	uS0	w
5549automatization	uTk	Z
5550automaton	uT9	U
5551automaton classification	uUR	p
5552automaton language	uU6	j
5553automaton model	uVd	g
5554automaton theory	uV9	h
5555automonitor	uWe	f
5556automonitor routine	uW9	n
5557automorphism	uXk	X
5558automorphism group	uX7	g
5559automotive microprocessor	uYb	w
5560autonomous	uZL	S
5561autonomous automation	uZd	m
5562autonomous block	uaD	b
5563autonomous channel	uae	g
5564autonomous channel operation	ua+	w
5565autonomous circuit	ubu	g
5566autonomous computer system	ucO	x
5567autonomous data transfer	uc/	w
5568autonomous decentralized computer control system	udv	BW
5569autonomous decentralized system	ufF	2
5570autonomous development system	uf7	1
5571autonomous functional unit	ugw	y
5572autonomous intelligence	uhi	l
5573autonomous muliplexer channel	uiH	BB
5574autonomous multiprocessor	IRwm	w
5575autonomous multiprocessor	ujI	w
5576autonomous operation	uj4	i
5577autonomous robots	uka	l
5578autonomous sequential circuit	uk/	x
5579autonomous system	ulw	f
5580autonomous test	umP	d
5581autonomous testable programmable logic array	ums	BM
5582autonomous working	un4	g
5583autonomy	uoY	T
5584autooscillation	uor	X
5585autopatch system	upC	k
5586autopatching	upm	a
5587autopiler	uqA	d
5588autopiler compiler	uqd	m
5589autopilot	urD	X
5590autoplling	ura	Y
5591autoplotter	ury	c
5592autoprompting	usO	b
5593autoranging	usp	f
5594autorecorder	utI	d
5595autorecovery	utl	a
5596autoregistration	ut/	e
5597autoregression	uud	c
5598autoregression model	uu5	o
5599autoregressive	uvh	c
5600autoremoval	uv9	Z
5601autorestart	uwW	c
5602autorestart mechanism	uwy	s
5603autoroation	uxe	T
5604autoscaling	uxx	i
5605autoscore	uyT	a
5606autoskip option	uyt	j
5607autostart job entry	uzQ	t
5608autostart monitor	uz9	s
5609autoswap mode	u0p	h
5610autosyn system	u1h	i
5611autosynchronous	u2D	d
5612autosynchronous code	u2g	o
5613autotab	u3I	V
5614autotab attribute	u3d	l
5615autotest	u4C	W
5616autothreading tape	u4Y	g
5617autothreading tape mechanism	u44	w
5618autotimer	u5o	a
5619autotracking	u6C	a
5620autovariable threshold	u6c	q
5621autovariace	u7G	Z
5622autoverify	u7f	Y
5623autovon	u73	Y
5624autovon user	u8P	j
5625autowriter	u8y	b
5626autual velocity	u9N	g
5627auxiliaries	u9t	Z
5628auxiliary	H9XT	X
5629auxiliary	u+G	R
5630auxiliary carry bit	u+X	n
5631auxiliary computing system	u++	u
5632auxiliary condition	u/s	h
5633auxiliary conditioning unit	vAN	w
5634auxiliary conductor	vA9	h
5635auxiliary console	vBe	l
5636auxiliary console	vCD	i
5637auxiliary control unit	vCl	n
5638auxiliary counter	vDM	i
5639auxiliary data	vDu	c
5640auxiliary data processing equipment	vEK	BC
5641auxiliary data processing system	vFM	/
5642auxiliary data translator unit	vGL	9
5643auxiliary definition	vHI	i
5644auxiliary encoder system	vHq	w
5645auxiliary engineering signal processor	vIa	BI
5646auxiliary equalizer	vJi	r
5647auxiliary equipment	vKN	h
5648auxiliary file format	vKu	p
5649auxiliary file processing	vLX	t
5650auxiliary function word	vME	o
5651auxiliary functional unit	vMs	x
5652auxiliary head	vNd	c
5653auxiliary identifier	vN5	l
5654auxiliary input	vOe	d
5655auxiliary instruction buffer	vP9	z
5656auxiliary key	vQw	Y
5657auxiliary key field	vRI	h
5658auxiliary keypad	vRp	h
5659auxiliary memory	vSK	k
5660auxiliary memory drum	vSu	t
5661auxiliary memory management	vTb	y
5662auxiliary operation	vUN	h
5663auxiliary operation	vUu	h
5664auxiliary output	vVP	e
5665auxiliary output device	vVt	v
5666auxiliary pointer	vWc	f
5667auxiliary pole	vW7	c
5668auxiliary port	vXX	Z
5669auxiliary potential transformer	vXw	1
5670auxiliary power	vYl	d
5671auxiliary power plant	vZC	t
5672auxiliary power supply	vZv	o
5673auxiliary power supply module	vaX	2
5674auxiliary power unit	vbN	m
5675auxiliary processing unit	vbz	u
5676auxiliary processor	vch	k
5677auxiliary prom chip	vdF	/
5678auxiliary prom module	veE	+
5679auxiliary recorder unit	vfX	s
5680auxiliary register	vgD	m
5681auxiliary routine	vgp	i
5682auxiliary scgment table	vhw	m
5683auxiliary source	viW	e
5684auxiliary storage	vi0	m
5685auxiliary storage	vj8	l
5686auxiliary storage	vja	i
5687auxiliary storage address register	vkh	BH
5688auxiliary storage allocation table	vlo	BB
5689auxiliary storage capacity	vmp	x
5690auxiliary storage management	vna	w
5691auxiliary storage manager	voK	3
5692auxiliary store	vpB	j
5693auxiliary store	vpk	d
5694auxiliary switch	vqB	i
5695auxiliary tape memory	vqj	w
5696auxiliary test unit	vrT	r
5697auxiliary timer	vr+	j
5698auxiliary track	vsh	l
5699auxiliary unit	vtG	f
5700auxiliary variable	vtl	g
5701auxiliary voltage controller	vuF	3
5702auxiliary winding	vu8	i
5703availability	vv7	l
5704availability	vve	d
5705availability characteristics	vwg	t
5706availability checking	vxN	p
5707availability factor	vx2	h
5708availability model	vyX	j
5709availability ratio	vy6	d
5710availability store	vzX	j
5711availability system	vz6	k
5712available	v2a	l
5713available capacity	v2/	j
5714available device table	v3i	r
5715available file space	v4N	o
5716available file table	v41	l
5717available for shipment	v5a	k
5718available frame capacity count	v5+	6
5719available frame count	v64	q
5720available interruption	v7i	k
5721available line	v8G	Z
5722available line length	v8f	m
5723available list	v9F	Z
5724available machine time	v9e	o
5725available matrix	v+G	h
5726available memory	v+n	k
5727available memory table	v/L	n
5728available mode	v/y	c
5729available mode	wAO	c
5730available node pool	wAq	k
5731available option	wBO	e
5732available page	wBs	c
5733available page queue	wCI	o
5734available partition	wCw	h
5735available point	wDR	a
5736available property bit	wDr	q
5737available rate	wEV	Z
5738available ratio	wEu	a
5739available record	wFI	h
5740available resource	wFp	g
5741available space	wGJ	d
5742available space list	wGm	l
5743available space table	wHL	p
5744available space table buffer segment	wH0	+
5745available storage list	wIy	n
5746available storage structure	wJZ	v
5747available time	wKI	c
5748available time	wKk	c
5749avalanche induced migration	wLA	z
5750avalanche injection type mos memory	wMx	BV
5751avalanche photodiode	wOG	v
5752averabe instructions per second	wO1	7
5753average	wPw	l
5754average	wQV	V
5755average absolute	wQq	h
5756average absolute value	wRL	n
5757average access time	wRy	n
5758average actual	wSZ	c
5759average actual output	wS1	p
5760average annual growth rate	wTe	z
5761average arrival rate	wUR	l
5762average arrival time	wU2	o
5763average block	wVe	b
5764average block length	wV5	o
5765average branching factor	wWh	s
5766average calculating operating time	wXN	2
5767average calculating operation	wYD	x
5768average code length	wY0	h
5769average computer	wZV	h
5770average computing device	wZ2	v
5771average conditional information cotent	wal	BA
5772average cost	wb/	a
5773average cost	wbl	a
5774average cost method	wcZ	k
5775average cost replace transaction	wc9	6
5776average current queue	wd3	v
5777average daily capacity	wem	q
5778average data transfer rate	wfQ	0
5779average demand	wgE	c
5780average density	wgg	d
5781average effectiveness level	wg9	p
5782average efficiency	whm	g
5783average error	wiG	b
5784average error rate	wih	j
5785average failure number	wjE	r
5786average handling time	wjv	t
5787average hierarchy access time	wkc	3
5788average information	wlT	h
5789average information content	wl0	v
5790average information content	wmj	s
5791average information content per character	wnP	BA
5792average information matrix	woP	u
5793average information rate	wo9	p
5794average information rate	wpm	y
5795average instruction execution time	wqY	BB
5796average latency time	wrZ	o
5797average length	wsB	c
5798average length of search	wsd	s
5799average level	wtJ	b
5800average life	wtk	a
5801average load	wt+	a
5802average magnitude of error	wuY	v
5803average memory	wvH	f
5804average month end balance	wvm	t
5805average monthly or period usage	ww7	/
5806average monthly sales	wx6	p
5807average number	w0Q	Z
5808average operation	JEgs	l
5809average operation time	w0p	u
5810average outgoing quality curve	w1X	4
5811average picture level	w3V	t
5812average power	w4C	b
5813average probability	w4d	h
5814average queue time	w4+	m
5815average ratio	w5k	b
5816average record	w5/	c
5817average record length	w6b	p
5818average record size	w7E	n
5819average response computer	w7r	0
5820average retrieval time	w8f	u
5821average rotational delay	w9N	s
5822average run labor hours	w95	x
5823average run machine hours	w+q	z
5824average running time	w/5	o
5825average sales	xAh	e
5826average sales per period	xA/	v
5827average sales this month or period	xBu	BC
5828average sample number	xCw	q
5829average search time	xDa	n
5830average seek time	xEB	l
5831average service life	xEm	s
5832average service rate	xFS	l
5833average setup labor hours	xF3	z
5834average speed	xGq	b
5835average standared output	xHF	s
5836average test	xHx	a
5837average time	xIL	a
5838average time between maintenance	xIl	/
5839average time to relay	xJk	u
5840average time to repair	xKS	v
5841average total time	xLB	n
5842average transfer rate	xLo	m
5843average transinformation	xMO	s
5844average transinformation content	xM6	3
5845average transinformation rate	xNx	0
5846average transinformation rate	xOl	0
5847average transmission rate	xPZ	q
5848average turnover	xQD	e
5849average turnover period	xQh	o
5850average turnover rate	xRJ	p
5851average unit cost	xRy	l
5852average usages of a component	xSX	0
5853average usages of a work center	xTL	5
5854average use	xUE	Z
5855average useful life	xUd	r
5856average value	xVI	Y
5857average wire gauge	xVg	k
5858average word length	xWE	l
5859average word load	xWp	m
5860averaging method	xYd	h
5861averaging time	xY+	c
5862averge transmission	H2wG	q
5863avoidance technique	DJQn	n
5864away	JAPi	P
5865away character	JCZt	c
5866away compiling	JCaJ	c
5867axial component	xZa	d
5868axial symmetry	xZ3	c
5869axial vector	xaT	X
5870axis	HveX	b
5871axis	Jn7m	P
5872axis	JoxB	W
5873axis	JpSQ	h
5874axis attribute	xaq	Z
5875axis body	JBzH	U
5876axis crossing	xbD	b
5877axis grid lines	xbe	g
5878axis paraboloidal mirror	GqdT	v
5879axis ratio	xb+	V
5880axis satellte	JBzb	b
5881axis stabilization	JBz2	g
5882azimuth	xcT	S
5883azimuth error	xcl	b
5884azimuth error indicator	xdA	y
5885azimuth indicator	xdy	l
5886azimuth magnetic recording	xeX	r
5887b	DsRf	T
5888b	DsRy	T
5889b	H5mE	f
5890b 5000	xfC	h
5891b address	xfj	a
5892b axis	xf9	R
5893b extent	xgO	W
5894b font size 1	Gpww	j
5895b gate	GQ++	k
5896b gate	GQ+g	e
5897b gate	O2	W
5898b gate	OC	X
5899b gate	OZ	d
5900b implied a gate	xgk	f
5901b or not a gate	xhD	e
5902b register	xhh	b
5903bachelor of business administration	xnr	7
5904bachman diagram	xom	d
5905bachman notation bachman	xpD	j
5906back	DGj6	M
5907back	H8+l	M
5908back	nFN	S
5909back	xpm	M
5910back acknowledge	xpy	e
5911back algorithm	DIKJ	f
5912back azimuth	xqQ	a
5913back chain	H0E0	b
5914back chaining	xqq	h
5915back character	xrL	i
5916back check	H3Ps	n
5917back code exchange	m21	1
5918back connection	DmZI	g
5919back connection	x5g	g
5920back device	Wns	d
5921back device	x6A	Z
5922back effect	DmeV	Z
5923back file	xrt	X
5924back focal length	xsE	g
5925back link	xsk	X
5926back lobe	xs7	R
5927back mark	xtM	U
5928back marker	xtg	c
5929back matter	xt8	l
5930back mode	DGkG	X
5931back number	xuh	c
5932back office box	xu9	k
5933back order	xvh	b
5934back out	xv8	Q
5935back panel	xwM	V
5936back parser	DIKo	f
5937back parser	JHZQ	r
5938back patching	xwh	V
5939back precdure	DGkd	b
5940back recover	DGk4	a
5941back scattering	xw2	d
5942back space file	xxT	h
5943back state	DGlS	Y
5944back system	ITew	Z
5945back test	FHf9	X
5946back test	FIfo	X
5947back test	x6Z	a
5948back to back coupling	xx0	t
5949back tracking method	xyh	f
5950back tracking operation	xzA	l
5951back translator	xzl	g
5952back up	x0F	l
5953back wiring g operation	x0q	l
5954backboard	yBS	R
5955backbone	yBj	Q
5956backbone network	yBz	e
5957backbone ring	yCR	b
5958backbone route	yCs	c
5959backdoor data	yDI	q
5960backdoor file indicator	yDy	u
5961backed magnetic tape	HgBr	o
5962backflush	yEg	U
5963backfocal length	yE0	f
5964background	H5SJ	Y
5965background	yFT	g
5966background	yFz	V
5967background border	yGI	f
5968background color	yGn	Y
5969background communication	Dc+X	u
5970background compiler	yG/	n
5971background computer	yHm	k
5972background data	yIK	d
5973background data ter	yIn	h
5974background discipline	Dc/F	r
5975background display image	yJI	s
5976background enviromnent	Dc/w	s
5977background image	yJ0	e
5978background ink	yKS	c
5979background inking	yKu	f
5980background job	yLN	c
5981background mode	yLp	d
5982background monitor	DdAc	u
5983background monitor	yMG	m
5984background noise	yMs	e
5985background partition	yNu	i
5986background plate	yOQ	b
5987background printing	yOr	h
5988background processing	yPM	j
5989background program	yPv	g
5990background programming	yQP	q
5991background projection	yQ5	j
5992background reader	yRc	i
5993background region	yR+	c
5994background scheduling	DdBK	r
5995background storage	ySa	j
5996background stream	yS9	c
5997background system	yTZ	f
5998background terminal	yT4	n
5999background text	yUf	r
6000backgroundforeground	yWf	n
6001backgrounding	yXG	b
6002backing	yXh	P
6003backing copy	yXw	U
6004backing out	yYE	m
6005backing sheet	yYq	Y
6006backing storage	yZC	g
6007backing store	yZi	b
6008backing tape	yZ9	a
6009backlash	yaX	Q
6010backlash circuit	yan	h
6011backlash compensation	ybI	j
6012backlog	ybr	Y
6013backlog by buyer report	ycD	9
6014backlog quantity	ydA	h
6015backlog total	ydh	e
6016backordered quantity	yd/	r
6017backout	yeq	P
6018backout routine	ye5	d
6019backplane	yfW	h
6020backplane interconnect	yf3	k
6021backplane level	ygb	a
6022backplane placement	yg1	h
6023backplane routing	yhW	f
6024backplane testing	yh1	f
6025backplane wiring	yiU	e
6026backplate	yiy	R
6027backscatter	yjD	Z
6028backspace	yjc	R
6029backspace character	yjt	q
6030backspace character	ykX	k
6031backspace control	yk7	f
6032backspace key	yla	Y
6033backspace mechanism	yly	h
6034backspace statement	ymT	h
6035backspace tape	ym0	c
6036backspacing	ynQ	T
6037backtrack	ynj	R
6038backtrack search	yn0	e
6039backtracking	yoS	X
6040backtracking algorithm	yop	n
6041backtracking point	ypQ	d
6042backtracking programming	ypt	s
6043backup	yq/	O
6044backup	yqZ	m
6045backup address register	yrN	y
6046backup computer	yr/	k
6047backup copy	ysj	T
6048backup disk	ys2	Z
6049backup diskette	ytP	d
6050backup file	yts	W
6051backup fixed disk	yuC	o
6052backup frequency	yuq	e
6053backup mode	yvI	Z
6054backup path	yvh	Z
6055backup register	yv6	k
6056backup storage	ywe	f
6057backup system	yw9	b
6058backup version	yxY	c
6059backup volume	yx0	b
6060backup volume cleanup process	yyP	3
6061backus naur form	yzG	r
6062backus normal form	yzx	n
6063backward	y1g	V
6064backward attribute	y2i	g
6065backward busy	y3C	b
6066backward busying signal	y3d	r
6067backward call indicator	y4I	r
6068backward chaining	y4z	f
6069backward chaining manner	y5S	p
6070backward chaining problem solver	y57	9
6071backward channel	y64	e
6072backward conditional probabilities	y7W	2
6073backward counter	y8M	h
6074backward crosstalk	y8t	g
6075backward current	y9N	e
6076backward difference	y9r	h
6077backward difference method	y+M	r
6078backward diode	y+3	f
6079backward direction	y/W	g
6080backward elimination	y/2	i
6081backward error	zAY	c
6082backward error analysis	zA0	r
6083backward file	zBf	b
6084backward file recovery	y11	t
6085backward file recovery	zB6	q
6086backward finite difference	zCk	u
6087backward flow problem	zDS	p
6088backward forward counter	zD7	s
6089backward impedance	zEn	g
6090backward interpolation	zFH	k
6091backward ionospheric scatter	zFr	z
6092backward learning	zGe	c
6093backward link	zG6	b
6094backward link field	zHV	k
6095backward link pointer	zH5	p
6096backward option	zIi	j
6097backward path	zJF	b
6098backward pointer	zJg	e
6099backward polyphase sort	zJ+	r
6100backward processing	zKp	h
6101backward production system for theorem proving	zLK	BU
6102backward propagation ionospheric scatter	zMe	BF
6103backward pruning procedure	zNj	u
6104backward read	zOR	V
6105backward reading	zOm	e
6106backward recovery	zPE	f
6107backward reference	zPj	g
6108backward scan technique	zQu	o
6109backward scheduling	zRW	k
6110backward shift operator	zR6	l
6111backward signal	zSf	d
6112backward signaling path	zS8	r
6113backward supervision	zTn	i
6114backward tracing	zUJ	e
6115backward transfer	zUn	f
6116backward voltage	zVG	e
6117backward wave amplifier	zVk	s
6118backwards attribute	zW3	h
6119backword lobe	zXY	V
6120bad block	zXt	R
6121bad block table	zX+	n
6122bad break	zYl	U
6123bad copy	zY5	f
6124bad debt	zZY	Q
6125bad letter	zZo	Y
6126bad machine	zaA	i
6127bad sector error	zai	k
6128bad separator	zbG	e
6129bad track	zbk	X
6130bad type syntax	zb7	j
6131badge	zce	Q
6132badge card reader	zcu	3
6133badge reader	zdl	a
6134badge security	zd/	c
6135badly formed expression	zeb	u
6136baffle	zfJ	O
6137bag	zfX	X
6138bal	HV05	U
6139balance	w2P	b
6140balance	zfu	P
6141balance due	zf9	Z
6142balance equation	zgW	e
6143balance factor	zg0	c
6144balance file	zhQ	X
6145balance forward	zhn	d
6146balance forward method	ziE	n
6147balance of tree	zir	d
6148balance set	zjI	W
6149balance sheet	zje	e
6150balance stripe	zj8	Z
6151balance tree	zkV	X
6152balanced	HZcM	p
6153balanced	IOsj	W
6154balanced	zks	T
6155balanced amplifier	zk/	j
6156balanced amplitude modulation	zli	x
6157balanced array	zmT	c
6158balanced binary system	zmv	t
6159balanced binary tree	znc	l
6160balanced check mode	zoB	n
6161balanced circuit	zoo	e
6162balanced code	zpG	Y
6163balanced data link	zpe	m
6164balanced duplexer	zqE	i
6165balanced error	zqm	c
6166balanced error range	zrC	o
6167balanced error soution	zrq	n
6168balanced factor	zsR	d
6169balanced inductor logical element	zsu	BD
6170balanced line	ztx	Y
6171balanced merge	zuv	c
6172balanced merge sort	zvL	n
6173balanced modulation	zvy	h
6174balanced modulator	zwT	m
6175balanced network	zw5	e
6176balanced signal pair	zxX	l
6177balanced sorting	zx8	s
6178balanced station	zyo	b
6179balanced system	zzD	d
6180balanced to ground	zzg	g
6181balanced to unbalanced	z0A	4
6182balanced transmission line	z04	r
6183balanced tree	DnkF	b
6184balanced tree	z1j	Y
6185balanced tree index	z17	k
6186balancing	z2f	R
6187balancing control totals	z2w	s
6188balancing error	z3c	d
6189balancing network	z35	f
6190balancing of an operational amplifier	z4Y	/
6191balancing operational amplifier	z5X	2
6192ball	H7/g	a
6193ball resolver	z6N	h
6194ballistic compressor computer code	z6u	BK
6195ballistic computer	z74	j
6196ballistic galvanometer	z8b	q
6197ballistic missile defence	z9F	t
6198ballistic missile early warning system	z9y	BA
6199ballistic technique	z+y	h
6200balsam	z/T	R
6201banach space	z/k	d
6202banana plug	0AB	Z
6203band	0Aa	Y
6204band	GM/Z	S
6205band	HAQS	M
6206band	Hvey	O
6207band	JcPw	T
6208band	JgZ3	S
6209band	Jn71	1
6210band amplifier	BIv+	f
6211band antenna	JgfE	a
6212band belt printer	0Ay	k
6213band channel	Jgfe	o
6214band common carrier channels	JggG	2
6215band compaction	0BW	d
6216band compaction	DXCK	y
6217band computer	DXC8	q
6218band data set	Jgg8	e
6219band demultiplexer	BIxJ	p
6220band edge absorption	0Bz	l
6221band elimination filter	0CY	o
6222band eliminator	DS2+	m
6223band exchange	BIxy	e
6224band exchange service	BIyQ	p
6225band expansion factor	0DA	p
6226band filter	0Dp	f
6227band line printer	0EI	i
6228band noise	BIy5	Y
6229band pass	0Eq	U
6230band pass	DS3k	g
6231band phase shifter	Jn8q	l
6232band printer	0E+	d
6233band siginaling	HAQe	d
6234band signaling	HAQ7	c
6235band splitting	0Fb	c
6236band structure	0F3	c
6237band supervision	HARX	o
6238band system	BIzR	Z
6239band theoryure	0GT	c
6240band width	0Gv	f
6241banding	0Lj	V
6242banding	H9yQ	b
6243bandpass	0L4	T
6244bandpass amplifier	0ML	j
6245bandpass filter	0Mu	k
6246bandwidth	0NS	R
6247bandwidth compression	0Nj	j
6248bandwidth limited	0OG	f
6249bandwidth product	0Ol	f
6250bandwidth range	0PE	d
6251bandwidth reservation	0Ph	j
6252bandwidth rule	0QE	c
6253bang control	0Qg	d
6254bang serve	0Q9	h
6255bank	0R/	d
6256bank address	0Sc	d
6257bank bit	0S5	W
6258bank information system network	0TP	BA
6259bank management information system	0UP	BB
6260bank memory	0VQ	h
6261bank switching	0Wg	f
6262bank teller terminal	0W/	3
6263bankers automated clearing service	0X2	BH
6264banking	0Y9	S
6265banking system	0ZP	o
6266banking systems information exchange	0Z3	BD
6267banking terminal device	0a6	r
6268banner	0bl	O
6269banner page	0bz	W
6270banner word	0cJ	W
6271baptist information retrieval system	0cf	BM
6272bar	0dr	V
6273bar chart	0eA	q
6274bar code	0eq	Q
6275bar code reader	0e6	g
6276bar code scanner	0fa	h
6277bar console typewriter	0f7	w
6278bar line printer	0g4	h
6279bar printer	0hZ	c
6280bar switch	C70N	h
6281bar width	0h1	R
6282bare bus bar	0jD	X
6283bare computer	0ja	f
6284bare conductor	0j5	Z
6285bare machine	0kS	U
6286bare wire	0km	R
6287barker code barker	0k3	X
6288barrage jammer	0lO	o
6289barrage jamming	0l2	m
6290barrage jamming rader display	0mc	6
6291barrage reception	0nW	r
6292barred	0oB	X
6293barred facility	0o8	m
6294barred signal	0oY	k
6295barrel	0pi	L
6296barrel cleaning	0pt	d
6297barrel connector	0qK	n
6298barrel distortion	0qx	f
6299barrel print	0rQ	a
6300barrel printer	0rq	f
6301barrel printing	0sJ	d
6302barrel switch	0sm	b
6303barrier box	0tB	W
6304barrier capacitance	0tX	k
6305barrier grid storage tube	0t7	q
6306barrier layer	0ul	Y
6307barrier layer capacitance	0u9	q
6308barrier layer condenser	0vn	o
6309barrier layer puncture	0wP	n
6310barrier resistance	0w2	j
6311barrier voltage	0xZ	g
6312bartlett window	0yU	d
6313baryta paper	0yx	X
6314basci display file	0zI	q
6315basci line apace	0zy	e
6316base	00Q	r
6317base	DqyA	e
6318base	H2QY	S
6319base	H52G	V
6320base	H5mj	S
6321base	IBo0	V
6322base address	02b	U
6323base address register	007	s
6324base address register	02v	m
6325base address reiocation	03V	r
6326base and limit	04A	f
6327base attribute	04f	c
6328base band	047	U
6329base beam lead	05P	i
6330base binary logic	GLaA	v
6331base capacity	05x	b
6332base channel	06M	a
6333base characteristic	06m	h
6334base charge	07H	Z
6335base charging process	07g	p
6336base charging speed	08J	n
6337base cluster	08w	U
6338base color	09E	S
6339base communication processor	09W	0
6340base communications	0+K	h
6341base complement	0+r	X
6342base contact	0/C	a
6343base coupled logic circult	0/c	0
6344base current	1AQ	a
6345base current source	1Aq	k
6346base data	1BO	X
6347base data processing installation	1Bl	BA
6348base data source definition	1Cl	y
6349base deprecated in this sense	01n	0
6350base diffusion	1DX	f
6351base diode	CizZ	b
6352base displacement addressing system	1D2	9
6353base earth	1Ez	Y
6354base electrode	1FL	W
6355base element	1Fh	a
6356base group	1F7	V
6357base group	1GQ	V
6358base image	1HM	Y
6359base interrupt address register	1Hk	8
6360base io address	1Gl	n
6361base item	1Ig	U
6362base layer	1I0	V
6363base line	1JJ	R
6364base line configuration management	1Ja	2
6365base line correction	1KQ	i
6366base line drift	1Ky	d
6367base load	1LP	X
6368base locator linkage	1Lm	r
6369base mass storage volume	1MR	v
6370base memory address	1NA	x
6371base metal	1Nx	Y
6372base mode link control	1OJ	2
6373base node	1O/	X
6374base notation	1PW	b
6375base notation	F0VV	x
6376base number	1Px	T
6377base number	F0WG	m
6378base numeration system	F0Ws	t
6379base of stack register	1QE	w
6380base operand address	1Q0	r
6381base operand specifier	1Rf	w
6382base order	1SP	Y
6383base page addressing	1Sn	i
6384base page select	1TJ	e
6385base parameter	1Tn	Z
6386base point	1UA	S
6387base price	1US	Y
6388base priority	1Uq	e
6389base query	DeD2	h
6390base radix	1VI	Y
6391base rate	1Vg	X
6392base rba	1V3	i
6393base reference potential	1WZ	s
6394base reference voltage	1XF	q
6395base region	1Xv	T
6396base register	1YC	e
6397base relative addressing	1Yg	s
6398base resistance	1ZM	d
6399base resource units	1Zp	n
6400base saturation voltage	1aQ	r
6401base segment	1a7	a
6402base set	1bV	Q
6403base sheet resistivity	1bl	t
6404base spreading resistance	1cS	t
6405base station	1c/	U
6406base storage pool	1dT	l
6407base table	1d4	V
6408base terminal	1eN	b
6409base thick	1eo	Y
6410base time	1fA	U
6411base type	1fU	X
6412base unit price	1fr	j
6413base volume	1gO	T
6414base width	1gh	Y
6415baseband	1lM	e
6416baseband assignment	1lq	h
6417baseband attenuation	1mL	i
6418baseband lan	1mt	g
6419baseband modem	1nN	l
6420baseband receive terminal	1ny	t
6421baseband send terminal	1of	q
6422baseband signal	1pJ	d
6423baseband signalling	1pm	h
6424baseband system	1qH	p
6425baseband to base band	1qw	u
6426baseband transmission	1re	j
6427baseband transmission	1sB	j
6428based	IGzH	W
6429based array processor	DhXb	9
6430based associative language	Ooc	3
6431based category	Ge6l	i
6432based command interpreter	Dd9F	8
6433based computer	IUcR	r
6434based computer aided design system	G7CV	BX
6435based computer system	Fuz1	7
6436based data acquisition system	Fu0w	BG
6437based data analysis	DFU2	t
6438based deduction system	DiCb	5
6439based description language	DjsY	3
6440based enquiry system	Hra7	+
6441based facilities	Erc1	e
6442based fault tolerance	O14	s
6443based graphics package	DhYY	BB
6444based imaging system	FrMb	0
6445based information system	Fu12	Bd
6446based instrument	FrQA	s
6447based integer	1sk	b
6448based interface	Fu3T	s
6449based interface	JhWQ	m
6450based language	FpXr	7
6451based language	GpUW	l
6452based method	DrbS	p
6453based mini	FrNP	w
6454based multiprocessor system	Fu3/	BE
6455based notation	1s/	f
6456based number	1te	X
6457based numeration system	F0XZ	u
6458based packet format	CIW4	t
6459based programmer	Fu5D	2
6460based programming environment	JG/N	BA
6461based project management	GXnH	6
6462based protection protocol	Cwup	v
6463based software paradigm	uR9	3
6464based storage allocation	1t1	s
6465based storage area	1uh	j
6466based system	Eyzl	a
6467based system	Fwtb	p
6468based system	I/iY	v
6469based system	IUc8	m
6470based variable	1vE	c
6471based variable	Gbxs	c
6472based variable attribute	GbyI	BA
6473based virtual operating system	GpU7	BB
6474based word processing equipment	GcSu	8
6475basegram	1vg	u
6476baseline	1wO	Q
6477baseline angle	1we	Z
6478baseline axis	1w3	Y
6479baseline configuration management	1xP	1
6480baseline correction	1yE	h
6481baseline direction	1yl	g
6482baseline extent	1zF	d
6483baseline increment	1zi	g
6484baseline network	10C	e
6485baseline offset	10g	g
6486baseline sequential axis	11A	p
6487baseplate	11p	R
6488basic	116	T
6489basic access	12N	a
6490basic access level	12n	j
6491basic access method	13K	r
6492basic activity subset	131	s
6493basic additional teleprocessing support	14h	BY
6494basic additional teleprocessing system	155	BR
6495basic address	17K	b
6496basic address register	17l	t
6497basic architecture model	18S	s
6498basic assemble program	18+	q
6499basic assembler language	19o	y
6500basic assembler program	1+a	v
6501basic assurance test	1/J	s
6502basic attribute	1/1	d
6503basic autocoder	2AS	m
6504basic batch program	2A4	t
6505basic batch user	2Bl	k
6506basic block	2CJ	W
6507basic building block	2Cf	i
6508basic business language	2DB	v
6509basic call control	2Dw	m
6510basic character set	2EW	k
6511basic chinese character set	2E6	v
6512basic cobol batch program	2Fp	5
6513basic code	2Gi	V
6514basic coding	2G3	a
6515basic combined subset	2HR	s
6516basic command	2H9	b
6517basic command interpreter	2IY	z
6518basic committee	2JL	g
6519basic communication access method	2Jr	BA
6520basic communications support	2Kr	6
6521basic compiler	2Ll	i
6522basic construction	2MH	g
6523basic control code	2Mn	n
6524basic control memory	2NO	v
6525basic control mode	2N9	p
6526basic control monitor	2Om	2
6527basic control program	2Pc	t
6528basic control system	2QJ	s
6529basic control word	2Q1	n
6530basic controller	2Rc	h
6531basic counter unit	2R9	t
6532basic crypto analysis course	2Sq	7
6533basic data exchange	2UN	r
6534basic data management	2U4	z
6535basic data structure symbol	2Vr	y
6536basic data type	2Wd	j
6537basic debugger command	2XA	q
6538basic debugging tool	2Xq	o
6539basic device unit	2YS	p
6540basic direct access method	2Y7	2
6541basic disc filling system	2Zx	4
6542basic disc operating system	2ap	1
6543basic disk command	2be	m
6544basic display file	2cE	q
6545basic display unit	2cu	q
6546basic document	2dY	c
6547basic edit	2d0	Y
6548basic editor monitor	2eM	y
6549basic encoding unit	2e+	o
6550basic environment	2fm	l
6551basic equalizer	2gL	g
6552basic error recovery class	2gr	x
6553basic evaluation	2hc	e
6554basic exchange diskette	2h6	r
6555basic exchange format	2il	p
6556basic executive system	2jO	u
6557basic external function	2j8	r
6558basic failure rate	2kn	j
6559basic feasible solution	2lK	o
6560basic field attribute	2ly	m
6561basic field description	2mY	o
6562basic file	2nA	Y
6563basic file access system	2nY	3
6564basic file channel	2oP	q
6565basic file structure	2o5	o
6566basic file system	2ph	p
6567basic flow chart	2q5	h
6568basic form	2ra	Y
6569basic format	2ry	a
6570basic format generator	2sM	w
6571basic fortran statement	2s8	t
6572basic frequency	2tp	X
6573basic function	2uA	c
6574basic graphic access method	2uc	6
6575basic graphic system	2vW	s
6576basic group	2wC	T
6577basic high layer functions	2wV	u
6578basic ideographic character set	2xD	2
6579basic impulse level	2x5	r
6580basic index access method	2yk	z
6581basic indexed sequential access method	2zX	BJ
6582basic induction variable	20g	s
6583basic information unit	21M	u
6584basic information unit chain	216	z
6585basic input output system	/XW	z
6586basic input output system	22t	z
6587basic inputoutput system	23g	6
6588basic instruction	24a	f
6589basic instruction set	245	m
6590basic interactive structure	25f	v
6591basic interface	26O	d
6592basic interpreter package	26r	9
6593basic language	27o	c
6594basic level of compatibility	28E	2
6595basic line equalizer	286	r
6596basic link	29l	Y
6597basic link unit	299	j
6598basic linkage	2+g	b
6599basic lisp function	2+7	l
6600basic list	2/g	Y
6601basic load	2/4	Y
6602basic loader	3AQ	g
6603basic loop	3Aw	Y
6604basic low layer functions	3BI	t
6605basic machine cycle	3B1	n
6606basic mapping services	3Cc	x
6607basic mapping support	3DN	t
6608basic memory	3D6	d
6609basic merge program	3EX	n
6610basic message switching center	3E+	8
6611basic microcomputer compiler	3F6	8
6612basic mode	3G2	Y
6613basic mode control procedures	3HO	3
6614basic mode link control	3IF	x
6615basic module	3I2	a
6616basic monitor	3JQ	h
6617basic multiline controller	3Jx	2
6618basic multiprogramming system	3Kn	9
6619basic network	3Lk	b
6620basic noise	3L/	Z
6621basic number	3NE	U
6622basic numbering plan	3NY	o
6623basic operating software system	3OA	+
6624basic operating system	3O+	u
6625basic operating system software	3Ps	+
6626basic operating system360	3Qq	x
6627basic operation monitor	3Rb	1
6628basic operation system360	3SQ	6
6629basic operational concept	3TK	t
6630basic operator command	3T3	t
6631basic operator control	3Uk	t
6632basic operator control command	3VR	7
6633basic operator control ssp	3WM	BD
6634basic operator control station	3XP	8
6635basic operator panel	3YL	1
6636basic operator panel display register	3ZA	BL
6637basic order code	3aL	e
6638basic overlay	3ap	b
6639basic partitioned access method	3bE	+
6640basic path notation	3cC	q
6641basic peripheral channel	3cs	w
6642basic peripherals	3dc	l
6643basic pl1 statement	3eB	m
6644basic plan grnerating system	3en	2
6645basic price	3fd	Z
6646basic primary operator control station	3f2	BD
6647basic program access method	3g5	6
6648basic programming extensions	3hz	6
6649basic programming support	3it	3
6650basic programming system	3jk	2
6651basic pulse	3ka	Z
6652basic pulse generator	3kz	p
6653basic rate	3lc	Y
6654basic rate interface	3l0	o
6655basic real constant	3mc	k
6656basic recursive function theory	3nr	7
6657basic secondary operator control station	3o9	BI
6658basic security mechanism	3qF	v
6659basic sequential access method	3q0	9
6660basic sequential subset	3rx	r
6661basic services	3sc	c
6662basic spline	3s4	a
6663basic standard	3tS	c
6664basic statement	3tu	d
6665basic statistics	3uL	s
6666basic status	3u3	a
6667basic status register	3vR	y
6668basic storage allocation	3wD	s
6669basic storage module	3wv	s
6670basic string	3xb	a
6671basic subprogram	3x1	h
6672basic subsystem module	3yW	x
6673basic symbol	3zH	a
6674basic synchronized subset	3zh	w
6675basic synchronous communication	30R	3
6676basic system	31I	g
6677basic system extension	31o	u
6678basic telecommunications access method	32W	BE
6679basic telecommunications access method	33a	BF
6680basic terminal access method	34f	7
6681basic timing cycle	36B	r
6682basic token	36s	Z
6683basic transformation	37F	i
6684basic transmission	37n	q
6685basic transmission unit	38R	v
6686basic turing machine	39A	l
6687basic working display	39l	v
6688basis	4AE	N
6689basis files	4AR	Z
6690basis matrix	4Aq	X
6691bass	4BB	M
6692bass boost	4BN	Y
6693bastard algol	4Bl	k
6694bastard size	4CJ	d
6695batch	4Cm	V
6696batch	JH3e	T
6697batch accumulator	4Dk	i
6698batch and interactive network	4EG	6
6699batch application	4FA	l
6700batch automated balancing system	4Fl	/
6701batch bsc	4Gk	p
6702batch capacity	4HN	c
6703batch circuit analysis	4Hp	q
6704batch coding sheets	4IT	k
6705batch command	4I3	b
6706batch communications program	4JS	0
6707batch compilation	4KG	l
6708batch compilation listing	4Kr	t
6709batch compilation report	4LY	s
6710batch control	4ME	e
6711batch control sample	4Mi	o
6712batch data exchange	4NK	n
6713batch data exchange service	4Nx	6
6714batch data exchange services	4Or	2
6715batch data processing	4Ph	p
6716batch deleted	4QK	e
6717batch device	4Qo	d
6718batch ender	4RF	c
6719batch entry	4Rh	Z
6720batch environment	4R6	i
6721batch execution	4Sc	g
6722batch facility	4S8	Z
6723batch file	4TV	Y
6724batch files	4Tt	Z
6725batch header	4UG	a
6726batch initiation	4Ug	e
6727batch input	4U+	m
6728batch input	4Vk	c
6729batch input data record	4WA	x
6730batch input functionality	4Wx	w
6731batch input stream	4Xh	p
6732batch interactive	4YK	s
6733batch interface file	4Y2	s
6734batch interface jcl mask file	4Zi	7
6735batch interface log file	4ad	4
6736batch job	4bV	a
6737batch job queue	4bv	j
6738batch log	4cS	X
6739batch message processing	4cp	w
6740batch method	4dZ	d
6741batch method of treatment	4d2	q
6742batch mode	4eg	e
6743batch monitor	4e+	n
6744batch number	4fl	U
6745batch operating software system	4f5	+
6746batch operation	4g3	d
6747batch operationg system	4hU	v
6748batch output converter	4iD	w
6749batch partition	4iz	j
6750batch print function	4jW	o
6751batch process system	4j+	o
6752batch processing	4km	s
6753batch processing environment	4lS	w
6754batch processing interrupt	4mC	u
6755batch processing mode	4mw	p
6756batch processing program	4nZ	s
6757batch processor log	4oF	w
6758batch program	4o1	b
6759batch pvs	4C7	p
6760batch qty	4pQ	X
6761batch query	4pn	Z
6762batch query language	4qA	s
6763batch queue	4qs	Z
6764batch recovery	FwdW	/
6765batch region	4rF	a
6766batch request	4rf	h
6767batch return status	4sA	n
6768batch run	4sn	X
6769batch saverestore	4s+	m
6770batch sequence number	4tk	q
6771batch session	4uO	b
6772batch spool monitor	4up	0
6773batch statistics	4vd	e
6774batch status	4v7	a
6775batch stream	4wV	d
6776batch subsystem	4wy	m
6777batch system	4xY	a
6778batch table	4xy	W
6779batch task	4yI	Y
6780batch terminal	4yg	l
6781batch terminal controller	4zF	2
6782batch terminal simulator	4z7	z
6783batch ticket	40u	X
6784batch total	414	Z
6785batch totals	42R	a
6786batch traller	42r	b
6787batch transaction file	43G	w
6788batch transfer program	432	u
6789batch update	44k	a
6790batch update mode	44+	i
6791batch user	45g	e
6792batch workload	45+	i
6793batched communication	4/I	j
6794batched job	4/r	Z
6795batched job processing	5AE	q
6796batching	5Au	Z
6797batching with control total	5BH	BB
6798batten	5CI	a
6799batten check	5Ci	m
6800battery	5DI	P
6801battery	Il01	Y
6802battery back up board	5DX	s
6803battery backup	5ED	j
6804battery control and monitor	5Em	5
6805battery control data processor	5Ff	BA
6806battery exchange	5G0	e
6807battery inverter	5HS	l
6808battery pack	5H3	X
6809battery signaling	5IO	l
6810battery signaling exchange	5Iz	u
6811battery timing equipment	5Jh	w
6812baud	5Li	J
6813baud	5Lr	P
6814baud conversion	5L6	g
6815baud rate	5Ma	R
6816baud rate	5Mr	w
6817baud rate generator	5Nb	r
6818baudot	5OG	R
6819baudot code	5OX	b
6820baudot keyboard	5Oy	d
6821baudot mux	5PP	Y
6822bauds	5Pn	R
6823bay	5P4	L
6824bayelectric company	5QD	r
6825bayes decision rule	5Qu	n
6826bayes decision theory	5RV	p
6827bayesian statistics	5R+	n
6828bayonet coupling	5Sl	e
6829bayroll register	5TD	h
6830bc mode	5Tk	b
6831bcd code	5Uo	b
6832bcd counter	5VD	k
6833bch code	5WY	R
6834bcs satellite	5XW	n
6835bcs theory	5X9	W
6836bcug	5YT	d
6837bds	5Yw	P
6838beacon	5Zl	O
6839beacon frame	5Zz	X
6840beacon frequency	5aK	e
6841beacon message	5ao	c
6842beacon processing system	5bE	w
6843beacon reply processor	5b0	x
6844beacon station	5cl	Z
6845beacon video processing equipment	5c+	BA
6846beaconing terminal	5d+	g
6847bead	5ee	J
6848beam	5en	M
6849beam	CqXj	P
6850beam accessed memory	CpMh	u
6851beam addressable memory	CqXy	x
6852beam addressed metal oxide semiconductor	5ez	BS
6853beam antenna	5gF	a
6854beam approach	5gf	Y
6855beam communication set	5g3	n
6856beam control	5he	a
6857beam convergence	5h4	h
6858beam deflection	5iZ	g
6859beam diameter	5i5	b
6860beam divergence	5jU	d
6861beam diversity	5jx	c
6862beam fabrication	CpNP	h
6863beam finder	5kN	W
6864beam frequency oscillator	5kj	0
6865beam gating electrode	5lX	s
6866beam radar	5mD	Y
6867beam reception	5mb	c
6868beam satellite antenna	5m3	q
6869beam search	5nh	Z
6870beam splitter	5n6	k
6871beam station	5oe	d
6872beam storage cells	5o7	s
6873beam store	5pn	e
6874beam switching tube	5qF	n
6875beam transmission	5qs	f
6876beam transmission link	5rL	q
6877beam urrent	5r1	Z
6878beam valve	CpNw	Y
6879beam width	5sO	S
6880beamwidth	5wr	U
6881bearer	5w/	O
6882bearer services	5xN	d
6883bearing	5xq	P
6884bearing accuracy	5x5	h
6885bearing discrimination	5ya	k
6886bearing distance computer	5y+	w
6887beat	5zu	f
6888beat	JqY3	M
6889beat frequency	50N	W
6890beating shift	51M	b
6891bed cylinder press	DXlt	p
6892bed editing machine	DXmW	k
6893bed plotter	DXm6	c
6894bed scanner	DXnW	f
6895bed scanning	DXn1	a
6896bed transmitter	DXoP	m
6897beep	51n	T
6898beeper	516	O
6899before change	52I	Y
6900before delete	52g	Y
6901before image	524	U
6902before image journalizing	53M	q
6903before phrase	532	Y
6904before unload	54O	Y
6905before update	54m	Y
6906begin	BD2c	b
6907begin block	55p	W
6908begin bracket	55/	b
6909begin bracket indicator	56a	x
6910begin chain	57L	W
6911begin column	57h	U
6912begin statement	571	d
6913beginblock underline	58u	3
6914beginning	5+6	R
6915beginning	5/L	Y
6916beginning attribute character	5/j	x
6917beginning balance	6AU	f
6918beginning character	6Az	h
6919beginning end	6BU	Y
6920beginning inventory	6Bs	v
6921beginning of block	6Cb	k
6922beginning of file lable	6C/	r
6923beginning of information marker	6Dq	3
6924beginning of record	6Eh	l
6925beginning of tape	6FG	j
6926behaved net	JfDk	q
6927behavior analysis	xXP	l
6928behavior compiler	6Kl	l
6929behavior language	6LK	f
6930behavior mode	6Lp	b
6931behavior of algorithm	xX0	p
6932behavior subblock	6ME	h
6933behavioral decsim bds	6Ml	j
6934behavioral simulation	6NI	j
6935behaviour characteristics	6Nr	n
6936behavioural science	6OS	h
6937behavioural science programming language	6Oz	BE
6938behavioural system	6P3	g
6939behavioural theory	6QX	g
6940behind the tape reader	6Q3	x
6941bel	6YG	O
6942belady algorithm	6Ro	h
6943bell	6SJ	M
6944bell	6SV	V
6945bell administrative network communication system	6Sq	Bc
6946bell administrative network communications system	6UG	Bd
6947bell alarm switch	6Vj	k
6948bell and howell newspaper index	6WH	+
6949bell character	6XF	d
6950bell character	6Xi	k
6951bell code	6YU	U
6952bell data network	6Yo	p
6953bell fast	6ZR	U
6954bell idles	6Zl	S
6955bell information network	6Z3	t
6956bell integrated optical device	6ak	9
6957bell interpretive system	6bh	s
6958bell laboratories	6cN	i
6959bell laboratory interpretive system	6cv	BF
6960bell line drawing language	6d0	1
6961bell system	6ep	Z
6962bell system reference system	6fC	7
6963bell system teletypewriter exchange service	6f9	BU
6964bell telephone laboratories	6hR	2
6965bell telephone manufacturing	6iH	0
6966bellcanada	6i7	v
6967bellows contact	6jq	d
6968belt	6kH	P
6969belt printer	6kW	d
6970benchmark	6kz	U
6971benchmark package	6ll	i
6972benchmark problem	6mH	7
6973benchmark program	6nC	j
6974benchmark programming	6nl	p
6975benchmark routine	6oO	f
6976benchmark test	6lH	e
6977benchmark test	6ot	c
6978benchmark test program	6pJ	q
6979benchmarking method and result	6pz	7
6980bend	6qu	M
6981bend test	6q6	X
6982bending loss	6rR	p
6983bending stress	6r6	c
6984bendix integrated data system	6sW	BC
6985beneficiary case	6tY	h
6986berger code	6t5	W
6987berkeley computer corporation	6uP	7
6988bernoulli	6vK	a
6989bernoulli flexible disk drive	6vk	0
6990bernoulli polynomials	6wY	p
6991berometer	6xB	Y
6992beryllia substrate	6xZ	j
6993bespole	6x8	V
6994bessel hunction	6yR	g
6995bessel interpolation formula	6yx	z
6996best approximation	6zk	g
6997best curve	60E	Y
6998best forward pruning	IzK6	w
6999best linear unbiased estimator	60c	4
7000best match	61U	Y
7001best pattern	61s	a
7002bestell system	63w	l
7003beta cutoff	64w	Z
7004beta function	65J	b
7005beta particle	65k	b
7006beta ray	65/	W
7007beta site	66V	l
7008beta system	64V	b
7009beta value	666	V
7010betb	67P	P
7011between	DGMP	e
7012bevan information generator	67e	2
7013bevel	68U	N
7014beyond very high speed integration	68h	BC
7015bezel	69j	Q
7016bh meter	69z	V
7017bias	7FZ	c
7018bias	GaCI	S
7019bias	H8jJ	M
7020bias	I+BX	S
7021bias check	7F1	i
7022bias current	7GX	U
7023bias data	7Gr	X
7024bias distortion	7HC	h
7025bias error	7Hj	S
7026bias ratio	7Ie	V
7027bias recording	BCd	i
7028bias sample	7Iz	f
7029bias testing	7J4	k
7030bias winding	7Kc	a
7031biased data	7Ly	Z
7032biased error	7ML	a
7033biased exponent	7Ml	a
7034biased partitioning	7M/	r
7035biasing	7Nq	P
7036biasing circuit	7N5	d
7037biasing logic	7OW	b
7038biax magnetic element	7Ox	r
7039biax memory	7Pc	i
7040bibliographic	7P+	Y
7041bibliographic coupling	7QW	n
7042bibliographic data base	7Q9	o
7043bibliographic data processing program	7Rl	BF
7044bibliographic information system	7Sq	0
7045bibliographic retrieval services	7Te	4
7046bibliographic search	7UW	i
7047bibliography	7U4	U
7048bicathode tube	7VM	c
7049bicharacteristic ray	7Vo	l
7050bicomponent algorithm	7WN	s
7051biconditional bus	7W5	l
7052biconditional flow	7Xe	g
7053biconditional operation	7Yi	o
7054biconditional statement	7ZK	l
7055biconnected component	7Zv	m
7056biconnected graph	7aV	f
7057bicubic	7a0	V
7058bicycling	7bJ	h
7059bid	7bq	e
7060bid	7cI	L
7061bidder	7cT	R
7062bidding	7ck	P
7063bidiagonal matrix	7cz	l
7064bidigraph	7dY	U
7065bidindicator	7ds	d
7066bidirectional	7eJ	Y
7067bidirectional	HyaC	t
7068bidirectional bus	7eh	n
7069bidirectional bus	7fI	i
7070bidirectional bus driver	7fq	y
7071bidirectional bus switch	7gc	v
7072bidirectional counter	7hL	m
7073bidirectional coupler	7hx	m
7074bidirectional current	7iX	j
7075bidirectional flow	7i6	g
7076bidirectional gate	7ja	d
7077bidirectional logical relationship	7kN	2
7078bidirectional microphone	7lD	j
7079bidirectional operation	7lm	l
7080bidirectional pointer	7mL	j
7081bidirectional printing	7mu	k
7082bidirectional pulse	7nS	h
7083bidirectional pulse train	7nz	q
7084bidirectional reading	7od	g
7085bidirectional relationship	7o9	o
7086bidirectional search process	7pl	w
7087bidirectional search with equal speed	7qV	5
7088bidirectional shift register	7rO	z
7089bidirectional switch	7sB	i
7090bidirectional test port	7sj	o
7091bidirectional transistor	7tL	p
7092bidirectional wave form	7t0	l
7093bidrectional flow	7uZ	f
7094biduplexed system	7u4	i
7095bifilar	7va	S
7096bifocal	7vs	Y
7097bifurcate	7wE	Y
7098bifurcated contact	7wc	t
7099bifurcation	7xJ	T
7100bifurcation connector	7xc	p
7101bifurcational value	7yF	e
7102big blue	7yj	p
7103biharmonic equation	7zM	n
7104biharmonic operator	7zz	n
7105biharmonic partial differential equation	70a	BI
7106bilateral agreement	71i	h
7107bilateral array	72D	d
7108bilateral closed user group	72g	y
7109bilateral closed user group bcug	73S	8
7110bilateral closed user group with outgoing access	74O	Bo
7111bilateral control	752	f
7112bilateral diffusion	76V	h
7113bilateral diode switch	762	t
7114bilateral laplace transformation	77j	6
7115bilateral network	78d	f
7116bilateral surface	788	f
7117bilateral switch	79b	e
7118bilateral synchronization	795	n
7119bildschirmtext	7+g	j
7120bilinear form	7/D	b
7121bilinear formula	7/e	h
7122bilinear integral form	7//	q
7123bill	8Ap	U
7124bill board antenna	8A9	m
7125bill of lading	8Bj	W
7126bill of landing	8B5	b
7127bill of material	8CU	h
7128bill of materials	8C1	l
7129bill of materials	8Da	f
7130bill of sale	8D5	e
7131bill payment	8EX	a
7132billi	8Ex	N
7133billibit	8E+	T
7134billicycle	8FR	V
7135billing	8Fm	P
7136billing and accounting computer	8F1	9
7137billing cycle	8Gy	b
7138billing machine	8HN	a
7139billing punch	8Hn	e
7140billing transaction	8IF	h
7141billion	8Kb	Z
7142billion operations per second	8K0	z
7143billions of instuctions per second	8Ln	Bk
7144bilogical	8NL	X
7145bimed porgram	8Ni	BB
7146bimodal	8Oj	V
7147bimorph	8O4	Y
7148bimorph memory cell	8PQ	n
7149bin	8P3	I
7150bin card	8P/	T
7151bin location	8QS	U
7152binary	8Qm	j
7153binary	8RJ	Y
7154binary	H9wV	R
7155binary	ICJY	U
7156binary	IHuA	U
7157binary accumulator	8SW	m
7158binary adder	8S8	g
7159binary adding circuit	8Tc	s
7160binary adding device	8UI	o
7161binary addition	8Uw	g
7162binary address	8VQ	f
7163binary algebraic adder	8Vv	w
7164binary alphabet	8Wf	j
7165binary arithmetic	8XC	l
7166binary arithmetic operation	8Xn	p
7167binary array	8YQ	d
7168binary asymmetric channel	8Yt	BI
7169binary asymmetric dependent channel	8Z1	BF
7170binary attribute	8a6	h
7171binary bit	8bt	Y
7172binary boolean operation	8cF	5
7173binary card	8c+	c
7174binary card image object file	8da	BA
7175binary cell	8ea	q
7176binary chain	8fE	a
7177binary channel	8fe	Z
7178binary character	8f3	e
7179binary character set	8gV	l
7180binary check digit	8g6	p
7181binary chop	8hj	Z
7182binary circuit	8h8	f
7183binary code	8ib	c
7184binary code	GbzI	f
7185binary code format	8jX	m
7186binary coded decimsl	5Vn	x
7187binary coded octal	8j9	m
7188binary coded output	8kj	q
7189binary coded set	8lN	h
7190binary coder	8lu	g
7191binary coding	8mO	e
7192binary coefficient	8ms	j
7193binary column	8nP	b
7194binary communication system	8nq	v
7195binary comparator	8oZ	4
7196binary compatibility	8pR	o
7197binary computer	8p5	j
7198binary constant	8qc	g
7199binary contact making counter	8q8	6
7200binary control	8r2	f
7201binary control field	8sV	o
7202binary converter	GqBb	BF
7203binary convolutional encoding	8s9	0
7204binary countdown	8tx	n
7205binary counter	8uY	l
7206binary cyclic code	8u9	m
7207binary data	8vj	c
7208binary decimal code	8v/	n
7209binary decimal counter	8wm	z
7210binary decimal system	8xZ	u
7211binary decision	8yH	d
7212binary decision diagram	8yk	o
7213binary decision tree	8zM	l
7214binary deck	8zx	f
7215binary decoder	80Q	l
7216binary device	801	e
7217binary digit	81T	x
7218binary digit characters	82E	u
7219binary digit string	82y	n
7220binary digital computer	83Z	x
7221binary digital multiplier	84K	3
7222binary digital signal stream	85B	z
7223binary digital system	850	s
7224binary digits	86g	j
7225binary directed tree	87D	l
7226binary divider	87o	i
7227binary dump	88K	m
7228binary dump program	88w	q
7229binary element	89a	j
7230binary element string	899	t
7231binary encoding	8+q	g
7232binary extension	8/3	h
7233binary figure	9AY	e
7234binary file	9A2	c
7235binary form	9CP	Z
7236binary form file	9Co	h
7237binary format	9Do	e
7238binary format code	9EG	t
7239binary hologram	9FM	g
7240binary image	9Fs	d
7241binary image data	9GJ	o
7242binary image processing	9Gx	u
7243binary image value	9Hf	m
7244binary imaging	9IF	w
7245binary incremental	H7Ua	p
7246binary incremental representation	9I1	7
7247binary information	9Jw	j
7248binary input	9KT	d
7249binary input file	9Kw	o
7250binary insert	9MN	b
7251binary insertion	9Mo	h
7252binary instruction format	9NJ	w
7253binary instruction packet	9N5	t
7254binary integer	9Om	f
7255binary internal translator	9PF	3
7256binary intersystem transmission standard	9P8	BN
7257binary item	9RJ	f
7258binary language representation	9Ro	8
7259binary load	9Sk	c
7260binary loaddump	9TA	4
7261binary loader	9T4	k
7262binary loader tape	9Uc	s
7263binary logarithm	9VI	h
7264binary logic	9Vp	d
7265binary logic element	9WG	r
7266binary logic network	9Wx	o
7267binary logic system	9XZ	q
7268binary lookup	9YD	e
7269binary machine code	9Yh	n
7270binary magnetic tape	9ZI	l
7271binary manipulation	9Zt	k
7272binary matching	9aR	v
7273binary matrix	9bA	e
7274binary matrix compression	9be	w
7275binary message	9cO	f
7276binary minus	9ct	n
7277binary mode	9dU	c
7278binary modulation	9dw	i
7279binary multiplier	9eS	l
7280binary multipllcation rule	9e3	x
7281binary multiply	9fo	j
7282binary node	9gL	c
7283binary notation	9hT	g
7284binary notation system	9hz	0
7285binary number	9in	e
7286binary number representation	9jF	3
7287binary number system	9j8	s
7288binary numeral	9ko	c
7289binary numerat	9lE	c
7290binary numeration system	8Rh	1
7291binary numeration system	9lg	p
7292binary numerical signal code	9mJ	5
7293binary object format	9nC	r
7294binary object program	9nt	s
7295binary one	9oZ	V
7296binary operation	9ou	r
7297binary operator	9pZ	j
7298binary output	9p8	e
7299binary output file	9qa	p
7300binary output machine	9LY	1
7301binary output program	9rD	w
7302binary parallel digital computer	9sD	BA
7303binary phase shift keying	9tD	/
7304binary picture data	9uq	q
7305binary point	9v4	n
7306binary point	9vU	k
7307binary product	9wf	c
7308binary product generator	9w7	v
7309binary quantizer	9ya	q
7310binary query	9zE	d
7311binary random sequence	9zh	q
7312binary realization of autocorrelation	90L	BC
7313binary recording mode	91N	s
7314binary relation	915	d
7315binary representation	92W	t
7316binary representation loader	93D	BD
7317binary resolvent	94G	h
7318binary row	94n	Y
7319binary scale	94/	j
7320binary scaler	95i	h
7321binary search	96D	BA
7322binary search algorithm	97D	u
7323binary search function	97x	q
7324binary search method	98b	l
7325binary search program	99A	p
7326binary search routine	99p	p
7327binary search technique	9+S	r
7328binary search tree	9+9	j
7329binary semaphore	9/g	e
7330binary sequence	9/+	g
7331binary serial signaling rate	+Ae	/
7332binary signal	+Bd	b
7333binary signalling	+B4	f
7334binary sort tree	+CX	h
7335binary standard numeric representation	+C4	BG
7336binary storage	+D+	i
7337binary storage tree	+Eg	k
7338binary string	+FE	Y
7339binary subtract	+Fc	d
7340binary subtraction	+F5	j
7341binary switching theory	Gbzn	r
7342binary symbol	+Gc	e
7343binary symmetric	+G6	e
7344binary symmetric channel	+HY	9
7345binary symmetric dependent channel	+IV	BV
7346binary symmetric function	+Jq	6
7347binary symmetric source	+Kk	1
7348binary synchronous adapter	+LZ	/
7349binary synchronous commnuications	+MY	y
7350binary synchronous communication	+NK	BG
7351binary synchronous communication cabions	+OQ	BC
7352binary synchronous communication protocal	+PS	BQ
7353binary synchronous communications	+Qi	/
7354binary synchronous communications adapter	+Rh	BO
7355binary synchronous communications controller	+Sv	Bb
7356binary synchronous rom	+UK	BD
7357binary synchronous transmission	+VN	BA
7358binary system	+WN	e
7359binary to decimal	+Wr	s
7360binary tree	+XX	W
7361binary tree architecture	+Xt	p
7362binary tree processor network	+YW	3
7363binary tree search	+ZN	j
7364binary tree sort	+Zw	h
7365binary tree structure	+aR	m
7366binary tree type	+a3	h
7367binary trigger	+bY	j
7368binary unit	+b7	c
7369binary unit distance code	+cX	z
7370binary unit of information	+dK	x
7371binary variable	+d7	g
7372binary vector	+eb	e
7373binary word	+e5	Z
7374binary zero	+fS	Y
7375binaural	+yX	T
7376bind	+yq	U
7377bind command	+y+	a
7378bind image	+zY	Y
7379bind image table	+zw	h
7380bind of an address	+0R	j
7381bind session request	+00	o
7382bind session requset	+1c	i
7383bind to set	+1+	T
7384binder	+2R	U
7385binder group	+2l	d
7386binder hole card	+3C	k
7387binder holes	+3m	X
7388bindery	+4a	f
7389binding	+45	U
7390binding item	+5N	X
7391binding number	+5k	Z
7392binding post	+59	X
7393binding process	+6U	d
7394binding time	+6x	a
7395binistor	+7L	i
7396binomial	+7t	T
7397binomial coefficient	+8A	l
7398binomial distribution	+8l	m
7399binomial formula	+9L	h
7400binomial formula generalized	+9s	z
7401binomial test	++f	b
7402binomial theorem	++6	h
7403bioastrophysics	/Af	m
7404biocodes	/BF	f
7405biocomputer statistics	/Bk	0
7406biocontrol system	/CY	l
7407biocybernetics	/C9	f
7408biodemography	/Dc	e
7409biodynamics	/D6	c
7410bioelectronics	/EW	f
7411bioenergetics	/E1	e
7412bioengineering	/FT	f
7413bioergonomics	/Fy	e
7414biofeed back	/GQ	X
7415biolerplate	/Gn	W
7416biological abstracts	/G9	o
7417biological computer laboratory	/Hl	8
7418biological pattern recognition	/JW	y
7419biological science communications project	/KI	BI
7420biological statistics	/LQ	m
7421biological system	/L2	p
7422biological telemetry	/Mf	u
7423biomathematics	/NN	c
7424biomed	/Np	j
7425biomedical analog signal processor	/OM	BK
7426biomedical computing technology information center	/PW	Be
7427biomedical data statistical software package	/Q0	BG
7428biomedical program	/R6	m
7429biometrics	/TI	b
7430bionic computer	/Tj	j
7431bionic system	/UG	b
7432bionics	/Uh	S
7433biophysical society	/Uz	q
7434biophysics	/Vd	b
7435biorthogonality relation	/V4	p
7436bios	/Wh	b
7437bios interrupt	/W8	a
7438biosensor	/YJ	a
7439biosis previews	/Yj	y
7440biostatistics	/ZV	e
7441biosystem	/Zz	X
7442biotechnology	/ao	e
7443biotelemetry system	/bG	n
7444biotron	/bt	b
7445bipartite graph	/cI	X
7446biphase coding	/cf	c
7447biphase mark coding	/c7	n
7448biphase modulation	/di	g
7449biphase recording	/eC	i
7450biphase signaling	/fA	l
7451bipolar	/gF	g
7452bipolar circuit	/h1	g
7453bipolar code	/iV	a
7454bipolar code with zero extraction	/iv	4
7455bipolar coding	/jn	f
7456bipolar combined with mosfet	/kG	Bd
7457bipolar computer element	/lj	y
7458bipolar cpu slice	/mV	1
7459bipolar decoder	/nK	g
7460bipolar device	/nq	f
7461bipolar fabrication	/oJ	q
7462bipolar insulated gate field effect transistor	/pR	Bb
7463bipolar integrated circuit	/qs	u
7464bipolar logic gate	/ra	m
7465bipolar logic integrated circuit	/sA	9
7466bipolar lsi microcomputer chip	/s9	BK
7467bipolar lsi microprocessor	/uH	BA
7468bipolar mask bus	/vH	n
7469bipolar memory device	/vu	s
7470bipolar microcomputer element	/wa	3
7471bipolar microcontroller	/xR	r
7472bipolar microprocessor slice	/x8	2
7473bipolar microprogram control unit	/yy	7
7474bipolar monolithic memory cell	/zt	7
7475bipolar nuipolar	/gl	d
7476bipolar prom	/0o	1
7477bipolar pulse	/1d	e
7478bipolar ram	/17	l
7479bipolar read only memory	/2g	0
7480bipolar rom	/3U	l
7481bipolar schottky technology	/35	1
7482bipolar semiconductor	/4u	p
7483bipolar shift register	/5X	w
7484bipolar signal	/6H	c
7485bipolar signalling	/6j	q
7486bipolar slice ic processor	/7N	9
7487bipolar structure	/8K	f
7488bipolar system development set	/8p	4
7489bipolar technology	/9h	j
7490bipolar transistor	/+E	j
7491bipolar transmission	/+n	l
7492bipolar violation	//M	l
7493bipolarity	BABI	V
7494biquinary	BABd	k
7495biquinary check ing code	BACB	1
7496biquinary code	BAC2	c
7497biquinary notation	BADS	v
7498biquinary number	BAEB	n
7499biquinary number notation	BAEo	w
7500biquinary number representation	BAFY	/
7501biquinary representation	BAGX	5
7502biquinary scaler	BAHQ	t
7503biquinary system	BAH9	k
7504birdles	BAJV	S
7505birefringence	BAJn	Y
7506birefringent	BAJ/	a
7507birmingham standard wire gauge	BAKZ	4
7508birth and death process	BALR	l
7509birthday parodox	BAMo	e
7510bisect	BANG	R
7511bisection technique	BANX	h
7512bisection theorem	BAN4	f
7513bisector	BAOX	T
7514bismuth	BAOq	M
7515bistabillty	BAO2	W
7516bistable	BAPM	T
7517bistable	JJ/I	f
7518bistable circuit	BAQU	b
7519bistable component	BAQv	g
7520bistable device	BARP	d
7521bistable element	BARs	e
7522bistable multivebrator	BASi	w
7523bistable trigger circuit	BAPf	1
7524bistable trigger circuit	BATS	v
7525bisync	BAUB	U
7526bisynch pass through	BAUV	p
7527bisynchronous communications adapter	BAU+	BC
7528bit	//x	b
7529bit	BAWA	T
7530bit	BBXA	L
7531bit	CoJ4	O
7532bit	GaCa	d
7533bit	GvfC	X
7534bit	H2ww	O
7535bit	HNjJ	b
7536bit accumulator	BAWT	g
7537bit adder	HMsM	f
7538bit alphameric code	IetW	k
7539bit and symbol timing	BAWz	s
7540bit architecture	BAXf	k
7541bit array	BAYD	X
7542bit attribute	BAYa	b
7543bit bender	BAY1	Y
7544bit block	BAZN	U
7545bit bumming	BAZh	Z
7546bit burst	BAZ6	U
7547bit bus	BAaO	Y
7548bit byte	BAam	T
7549bit byte	CoKG	c
7550bit byte	DiW+	W
7551bit byte	GLav	V
7552bit byte	Iet6	W
7553bit byte	JB0W	Z
7554bit cell	BAa5	W
7555bit changer	BAbP	c
7556bit character	GLbE	a
7557bit check	BAbr	X
7558bit class	BAcC	X
7559bit clear	BAcZ	a
7560bit clock	BAcz	X
7561bit code	BAdK	T
7562bit code	DAFk	h
7563bit code	Jevj	+
7564bit combination	BAdd	d
7565bit comparator	BAd6	f
7566bit compare	BAeZ	c
7567bit complement	BAe1	j
7568bit component	I5Uv	b
7569bit configuration	BAfY	f
7570bit control	BBXL	Z
7571bit control block	BAf3	m
7572bit control word	BAgd	l
7573bit count function	BAhC	m
7574bit crowding	BAho	X
7575bit data path	CoKi	k
7576bit data transfer rate	BAh/	w
7577bit data type	BAiv	h
7578bit density	BAjQ	c
7579bit driver	BAjs	b
7580bit dump device	BAkX	q
7581bit environment	Beoc	r
7582bit error	BAlB	U
7583bit error rate	BAlV	d
7584bit error rate	BAly	t
7585bit error rate tester	BAmf	9
7586bit execution	BBXk	b
7587bit extraction	BAnc	c
7588bit field	BAn4	U
7589bit field manipulation	BAoM	n
7590bit fields	BAoz	V
7591bit format	BApI	Y
7592bit function	BApg	a
7593bit grinding	BAp6	a
7594bit image	BAqU	X
7595bit integer	JWcM	h
7596bit interface logic unit	DiXU	3
7597bit interleaving	BAqr	e
7598bit interval	BArJ	a
7599bit level	BArj	U
7600bit level linear recurrence	BAr3	y
7601bit line	BAsp	T
7602bit list	BAs8	T
7603bit literal	BAtP	Z
7604bit location	BAto	a
7605bit loss	BAuC	W
7606bit machine	BAuY	c
7607bit manipulation	BAu0	e
7608bit manipulation intrinsic function	BAvS	9
7609bit manipulation subroutine	BAwP	y
7610bit map	BAxB	u
7611bit map protocol	BAxv	k
7612bit mapped graphics	BAyT	n
7613bit mapped images	BAy6	l
7614bit mapping	BAzf	Z
7615bit martrix	BAz4	Z
7616bit mask	BA0R	W
7617bit memory	BBX/	e
7618bit memory organization	BA0n	u
7619bit memory type	BBYd	j
7620bit move subroutine	BA1V	q
7621bit name	BA1/	T
7622bit nibble	BA2S	Y
7623bit of information	BA2q	g
7624bit optical memory	BBZA	p
7625bit organized memory	BA3K	r
7626bit packing	BA31	Z
7627bit packing density	BA4O	n
7628bit pair	BA41	W
7629bit parallel	BA5L	a
7630bit parity	BA5l	Y
7631bit pattern	BA59	Z
7632bit per inch	BA6W	c
7633bit per second	BA6y	b
7634bit per second	BA7N	g
7635bit plane	BA7t	U
7636bit plane coding	BA8B	e
7637bit port	BA8f	Q
7638bit position	BA8v	o
7639bit processing	IZxH	i
7640bit pulse crowding	BA9X	m
7641bit rate	BA99	W
7642bit reduction	BA+T	b
7643bit reduction factor	BA+u	o
7644bit register	BA/W	d
7645bit register diplay	BBZp	q
7646bit reversal	BA/z	a
7647bit scattering	BBAN	c
7648bit sequence	BBAp	a
7649bit sequence independence	BBBD	w
7650bit serial	BBBz	Y
7651bit serial format	BBCL	i
7652bit serial link	BBCt	k
7653bit set	BBDR	V
7654bit shift	BBDm	X
7655bit shift compensation	BBD9	q
7656bit sign	BBEn	W
7657bit significance	BBE9	b
7658bit significant controller address	BBFY	BE
7659bit significant dievice addresses	BBGc	BA
7660bit site	BBHc	W
7661bit slice central processing element	BBHy	BB
7662bit slice circuit	DiYL	i
7663bit slice microprocessor	DiYt	s
7664bit slice system	DiZZ	h
7665bit slice technique	BBIz	h
7666bit speed	BBJU	X
7667bit status	BBJr	V
7668bit status field	BBKA	e
7669bit status register	BBKe	n
7670bit steeling	BBLF	X
7671bit storage	GLkY	BB
7672bit storage	GvfZ	3
7673bit stream	BBLc	S
7674bit stream transmission	BBLu	l
7675bit string	BBMT	V
7676bit string data	BBMo	d
7677bit string manipulation	BBNF	l
7678bit string operation	BBNq	i
7679bit string pattern recognition	BBOM	y
7680bit string pulse	BBO+	e
7681bit string register	BBPc	k
7682bit string representation of set	BBQA	0
7683bit strip	BBQ0	R
7684bit stuffing	BBRF	a
7685bit switch	BBRf	Y
7686bit symbol	BBR3	V
7687bit synchronization	BBSM	e
7688bit system	CoLG	b
7689bit time	BBSq	T
7690bit timing recovery	BBS9	o
7691bit track	BBTl	U
7692bit traffic	BBT5	W
7693bit transparent transmission	BBUP	z
7694bit vector	BBVC	V
7695bit wide	BBVX	Q
7696bit width	BBVn	U
7697bit word	BBV7	Q
7698bit zone	BBWL	T
7699bite	BBrX	M
7700biternary	BBrj	X
7701biternary code	BBr6	f
7702bitmap	BBsZ	U
7703bitmap data	BBst	t
7704bitmap editor	BBta	h
7705bitonic merging algorithm	BBt7	w
7706bits per inch	BBur	l
7707bits per millimeter	BBvQ	s
7708bits per minute	BBv8	k
7709bits per second	BBwg	g
7710bits perinch	BBxA	k
7711bitsecond	BBq+	Z
7712bitwise	BByo	P
7713bitwise and operator	BBy3	c
7714bitwise exclusive or operator	BBzT	l
7715bitwise inclusive or operator	BBz4	l
7716bitwise operation	BB0d	f
7717bitwise operator	BB08	h
7718bivariant function generator	BB1d	w
7719bivariant optimizing control	BB2N	z
7720bivariate curve fitting	BB3A	x
7721bivariate interpolation	BB3x	r
7722bivariate test	BB4c	i
7723bivicon	BB4+	i
7724black and white	BB5g	b
7725black body	BB57	S
7726black box	BB6N	R
7727black box approach	BB6e	j
7728black box characterization	BB7B	u
7729black box concept	BB7v	f
7730black box description of process	BB8O	6
7731black box method	BB9I	h
7732black box model	BB9p	d
7733black box program characterization	BB+G	8
7734black box testing	BB/C	f
7735black recording	BB/h	d
7736black screen	BB/+	d
7737black signal	BCAb	a
7738blackboard system	BCBQ	f
7739blackman window	BCBv	j
7740blank	BCC7	S
7741blank addressing	BCDw	b
7742blank argument	BCEL	Z
7743blank card	BCEk	Y
7744blank character	BCDN	j
7745blank character	BCE8	d
7746blank clause	BCFZ	a
7747blank code	BCFz	V
7748blank coil	BCGI	S
7749blank column	BCGa	X
7750blank common	BCGx	d
7751blank common block	BCHO	j
7752blank cover	BCHx	Z
7753blank deleter	BCIK	e
7754blank diskette	BCIo	c
7755blank editing	BCJE	b
7756blank field descriptor	BCJf	q
7757blank fill attribute	BCKJ	o
7758blank form	BCKx	Y
7759blank input column	Gb0S	j
7760blank label	BCLJ	Z
7761blank line	BCLi	V
7762blank matrix element	BCL3	o
7763blank medium	BCMf	a
7764blank module board	BCM5	j
7765blank paper	Iw8A	c
7766blank paper tpae coil	BCNc	m
7767blank position	BCOC	c
7768blank record	BCOe	a
7769blank space	BCO4	W
7770blank specifier	BCPO	g
7771blank suppression	GF4n	BI
7772blank symbol	BCPu	a
7773blank tape	BCQI	V
7774blank transmission test	BCQd	o
7775blanked scope	BCRF	b
7776blanket	BCRg	S
7777blanket detail	BCRy	i
7778blanket detail	G9Pg	v
7779blanket order	BCSU	b
7780blanket order request	BCSv	s
7781blanket purchase	BCTb	e
7782blanket purchase	FecW	0
7783blanket release	BCT5	j
7784blanket release number	BCUc	q
7785blanking	BCVG	T
7786blanking interval	BCVZ	l
7787blanking level	BCV+	i
7788blanking pulse	BCWg	i
7789blas	IOs5	a
7790blast	BCXC	N
7791blast	H/xA	V
7792blast through alphanumerics	BCXP	1
7793blcak code	BCYp	Y
7794bldl table	BCaR	T
7795bleed	BCak	N
7796bleeder circuit	BCax	d
7797bleeder resistor	BCbO	e
7798bleeding	H77y	T
7799blended data	BCbs	a
7800blessum compensation	BCcG	f
7801blind	BCcl	N
7802blind alley	BCcy	W
7803blind dialing	BCdI	Y
7804blind keyboard	BCdg	f
7805blind search	BCd/	a
7806blind spot	BCeZ	S
7807blink	BCer	V
7808blinking	BCfA	Q
7809blinking character	BCfQ	g
7810blinking readout	BCfw	Y
7811blip	BCgI	M
7812blip counting	BCgU	b
7813blip facility	BCgv	b
7814bliss	BChK	T
7815bliss classification bliss	BChd	i
7816blister	BCh/	P
7817blistering	BCiO	S
7818block	BCig	9
7819block	CuOK	g
7820block	CuQs	a
7821block	DSdF	W
7822block	IOtT	X
7823block	JI29	Q
7824block	ViW	Q
7825block access method	BCjd	o
7826block activation	BCkF	b
7827block add	BCkg	U
7828block adder and modifier	BCk0	2
7829block address	BClq	j
7830block addressing	BCmN	e
7831block algorithm	BCmr	g
7832block align	BCnL	W
7833block allocation	BCnh	b
7834block analysis	BCn8	f
7835block architecture device	DWwD	x
7836block body	BCob	Y
7837block boundary	BCoz	W
7838block buffer	BCpJ	a
7839block cancel character	BCpj	q
7840block chaining	BCqN	Z
7841block character	BCqm	a
7842block character	CySK	j
7843block character check	BCrA	m
7844block check	BCrm	Z
7845block check character	BCr/	t
7846block check character bbc	BCss	s
7847block check procedure	BCtY	m
7848block check sequence	BCt+	s
7849block cipher	BCuq	a
7850block ciphering and stream ciphering	BCvE	7
7851block circulant matrix	BCv/	n
7852block code	BCwm	b
7853block coding	BCxB	d
7854block constant	BCxe	Z
7855block control	BCx3	b
7856block control header	BCyS	p
7857block control unit	BCy7	k
7858block control word	BCzf	d
7859block copy	BCz8	V
7860block count	BC0R	W
7861block count	F8cp	Z
7862block count readout	BC0n	h
7863block data	BC1I	V
7864block data subprogram	BC1d	p
7865block delay distortion	BC2G	n
7866block delete	BC2t	X
7867block description word	BC3E	o
7868block descriptor	BC3s	e
7869block determination	BC4K	k
7870block device	BC4u	a
7871block diagonal matrix	BC5I	p
7872block diagram	BC5x	Y
7873block diagram complier	BC6J	w
7874block diagram language	BC65	h
7875block diagram manual	BC7a	m
7876block diagram of system	BC8A	l
7877block diagram simulator	BC8l	o
7878block diagrm	BC9N	X
7879block directed graph	BC9k	i
7880block encode	BC+G	X
7881block encoder	BC+d	b
7882block encoding	BC+4	Z
7883block end	BC/R	a
7884block end operator	BC/r	s
7885block entrance	BDAX	f
7886block entry	BDA2	c
7887block error rate	BDBS	j
7888block error rate test	BDB1	v
7889block error status	BDCk	n
7890block event control	BDDL	q
7891block exit	BDD1	b
7892block file	BDEQ	b
7893block floating point	BDEr	i
7894block format	BDFN	X
7895block format recording	BDFk	4
7896block gap	BDGc	a
7897block graph	BDG2	T
7898block graphics	BDHJ	Z
7899block handing statement	BDHi	o
7900block handler	BDIK	h
7901block handler macro instruction	BDIr	2
7902block handler set	BDJh	l
7903block handling macro	BDKG	u
7904block handling routine	BDK0	r
7905block head	BDLf	b
7906block height	BDL6	a
7907block identifier	BDNT	k
7908block ignore character	BDN3	t
7909block input	BDOk	W
7910block input processing	BDO6	n
7911block inputoutput input	BDPh	BA
7912block insertion	BDQh	a
7913block io	BDMU	a
7914block io file	BDMu	l
7915block iterative method	BDQ7	k
7916block length	BDRf	y
7917block letter	BDSR	X
7918block level access	BDSo	m
7919block level sharing	BDTO	h
7920block list	BDTv	Y
7921block loading	BDUH	e
7922block logic computer	BDUl	v
7923block mapping	IPy	g
7924block mark	BDVU	V
7925block mode	BDVp	g
7926block move	BDWJ	V
7927block movement	BDWe	Z
7928block multiplex mode	BDW3	o
7929block multiplexeor	BDXf	l
7930block multiplexeor	BDYE	p
7931block multiplexeor channel	BDYt	u
7932block multiplexeor mode	BDZb	r
7933block multiplexer	BDaG	i
7934block multiplexer channel	BDao	y
7935block multiplexing type system	BDba	1
7936block name	BDcP	V
7937block of address space	BDck	n
7938block of argument	BDdL	c
7939block of graph	BDdn	W
7940block of information	BDd9	f
7941block of logic	BLAP	f
7942block of memory	BDec	a
7943block of shared memory	BDe2	n
7944block of stored record	BDfd	n
7945block of transfer	BBWe	i
7946block of words	BDgE	W
7947block operation	BD23	d
7948block output	BDga	X
7949block paging	BDgx	a
7950block parity	BDhL	d
7951block pool	BDho	b
7952block prefix	BDiD	a
7953block priority control	BDid	u
7954block processing	BDjL	b
7955block processor	BDjm	g
7956block record	BDkG	a
7957block reference	BDkg	j
7958block reference density	BDlD	x
7959block reference set	BDl0	q
7960block reference string	BDme	t
7961block register	BDnL	f
7962block representation	BDnq	i
7963block reservation	BDoM	c
7964block search	BDoo	a
7965block search node	BDpC	l
7966block section	BDpn	b
7967block separation	BDqC	b
7968block separator	BDqd	d
7969block signal	BDq6	a
7970block signal system	BDrU	n
7971block size	BDr7	u
7972block sort	BDsp	Y
7973block spacer	BDtB	X
7974block spanning	BDtY	c
7975block special file	BDt0	m
7976block split	BDua	W
7977block splitting	BDuw	a
7978block state	BDvK	c
7979block step	BDvm	V
7980block structure	BDv7	g
7981block structure mechanism	BDwb	w
7982block structure transmission	BDxL	n
7983block sum check	BDxy	d
7984block switching	BDyP	d
7985block synchronization	BDys	g
7986block syntax	BDzM	g
7987block task control	BDzs	j
7988block transfer	BD0P	W
7989block transfer function	BD0l	o
7990block transmission	BD3U	g
7991block trnasmission	BD1N	d
7992block variable	BD1q	Z
7993block world	BD2D	Z
7994block write	F8dC	c
7995blocked	BEEV	P
7996blocked byte	BEEk	X
7997blocked file	BEE7	a
7998blocked io queue	BEFV	r
7999blocked job	BEGA	Z
8000blocked level access	BEGZ	l
8001blocked list	BEG+	X
8002blocked mode	BEHV	a
8003blocked physical record	BEHv	r
8004blocked process	BEIa	d
8005blocked record	BEI3	n
8006blocked state	BEJe	b
8007blocked tack	BEJ5	a
8008blockette	BEKT	X
8009blocking	BEKq	g
8010blocking	IOtq	a
8011blocking ast	BELK	Y
8012blocking buffer	BELi	g
8013blocking capacitor	BEMC	j
8014blocking factor	BEMl	d
8015blocking instruction	BENC	i
8016blocking io	Gb01	i
8017blocking of pius	BENk	b
8018blocking of records	BEN/	h
8019blocking system	BEOg	r
8020blocking voicedata switching	Gb1X	6
8021blockmark	BEPL	X
8022blocks world	BEPi	a
8023blook access	BERZ	a
8024bloom	BERz	N
8025bloop	BESA	N
8026blooping tape	BESN	Y
8027blovk lock state	BESl	h
8028blow	BETG	M
8029blowback	BETn	Q
8030blowing	BET3	P
8031blown fuse	BEUG	V
8032blr	BEUb	d
8033blue language	BEU4	Y
8034blum measure	BEWK	d
8035blunder	BEWn	S
8036blur	BEW5	M
8037blurring	BEXF	Q
8038blurring effect	BEXV	d
8039blurring operation	BEXy	g
8040blurring operator	BEYS	f
8041bnak management information system	BEYx	BB
8042bnpf format	BEZy	X
8043board	BEaJ	N
8044board attitude control system	GsXn	3
8045board checkout system	GsYe	t
8046board computer	GsZL	w
8047board computer	Gvcl	j
8048board data processor	GsZ7	r
8049board digital data handling	Gsam	6
8050board hybrids	F7GK	k
8051board memory	Gsbg	d
8052board of control	BEav	e
8053board processor	Gsb9	k
8054board spacecraft computer	Gsch	q
8055board tester	BEbN	a
8056bobbin ocre	BEb6	Z
8057bode diagram	BEcT	X
8058body	BEcq	R
8059body axis	BEc7	R
8060body case	BEdM	R
8061body group	BEdd	S
8062body resistance	BEdv	a
8063body size	BEeJ	a
8064body statement	BEej	c
8065body stub	BEe/	U
8066boeing applied computing service	BEfT	/
8067boeing computer services co	BEgS	8
8068boeing electronic analog computer	BEhO	BD
8069boeing interactive graphics system	BEiR	BB
8070boeman	BEjS	X
8071bolck allocation map	BEjp	p
8072bold	BEkS	o
8073bold face	BEk6	U
8074boldness	BElo	T
8075bolt	BEl7	M
8076bolt	BEmH	P
8077bomb	BEmW	M
8078bond paper	BEmi	V
8079bond type diode	BEm3	j
8080bonded item	B6Gl	Z
8081bonding	BEna	P
8082bonding pad	BEnp	W
8083bonding system	Dmoe	l
8084bonyhard oranization	BEn/	o
8085boo	HUHC	Y
8086boo card	HUHa	c
8087boo check	HUH2	X
8088boo system	HUIN	x
8089booboo	BEon	O
8090book	BEo1	M
8091book copying	BEpB	a
8092book inventory	BEpb	q
8093book message	BEqF	g
8094book value	BEql	V
8095booking adjustments	BErM	h
8096booking records	BErt	d
8097bookkeeping machine	BEsK	e
8098boole array	BEtO	Z
8099boole function	BEtn	c
8100boolean	BEuD	c
8101boolean	BEuf	R
8102boolean 1 state	BEuw	d
8103boolean adder	BEvb	e
8104boolean algebra	BEv5	d
8105boolean algebra	BEwW	g
8106boolean algebra system of notation	BEw2	5
8107boolean algebra theorem	BExv	r
8108boolean analyzer	BEya	k
8109boolean array	BEy+	b
8110boolean calculation	BEzZ	n
8111boolean calculus	BE0A	e
8112boolean character	BE0e	f
8113boolean choice model	BE09	o
8114boolean coefficient	BE1l	h
8115boolean computer	BE2h	h
8116boolean condition	BE3C	f
8117boolean conjunction	BE3h	n
8118boolean connective	BE4I	g
8119boolean constant	BE4o	e
8120boolean data	BE5G	a
8121boolean data item	BE5g	i
8122boolean data type	BE6C	l
8123boolean denotation	BE6n	g
8124boolean differectial	BE7H	i
8125boolean difference	BE7p	j
8126boolean difference method	BE8M	q
8127boolean difference technique	BE82	w
8128boolean equation	BE9m	e
8129boolean expression	BE++	d
8130boolean expression	BE+E	d
8131boolean expression	BE+h	d
8132boolean factor	BE/b	c
8133boolean format	BE/3	c
8134boolean function	BFAT	e
8135boolean function	BFAx	e
8136boolean function identifier	BFBP	3
8137boolean item name	BFCG	f
8138boolean literal	BFCl	d
8139boolean logic	BFDC	b
8140boolean manipulation instruction	BFDd	0
8141boolean marker	BFER	c
8142boolean matrix	BFEt	c
8143boolean matrix addition	BFFJ	r
8144boolean matrix method	BFF0	p
8145boolean matrix multiplication	BFGd	x
8146boolean matrix representation	BFHO	0
8147boolean operation	BFIC	f
8148boolean operation	BFIh	f
8149boolean operation table	BFJA	o
8150boolean operation table	BFJo	o
8151boolean operator	BFKQ	e
8152boolean operator	BFKu	h
8153boolean operators	BFLP	f
8154boolean optimization algorithm	BFLu	1
8155boolean part	BFMj	a
8156boolean pattern	BFM9	d
8157boolean position	BFNa	e
8158boolean primary	BFN4	g
8159boolean quantity	BFOY	b
8160boolean query	BFOz	b
8161boolean recurrence	BFPO	g
8162boolean recurrence function	BFPu	v
8163boolean recurrence solver	BFQd	w
8164boolean ring	BFRN	X
8165boolean secondary	BFRk	i
8166boolean state	BFSG	b
8167boolean sum	BFSh	W
8168boolean symbol	BFS3	c
8169boolean term	BFTT	X
8170boolean to bits symbol	BFTq	t
8171boolean type	BFUX	X
8172boolean unit	BFUu	a
8173boolean value	BFVI	Y
8174boolean value	BFVg	Y
8175boolean valued expression	BFV4	q
8176boolean valued function	BFWi	o
8177boom	BFXp	M
8178boomy	BFX1	Q
8179booster hybrids	Gwz1	5
8180booster response	BFYF	n
8181boot	BFYs	U
8182boot leader	BFZA	f
8183boot load program	BFZf	i
8184boot load spawn file	BFaB	r
8185boot name	BFas	d
8186boot record	BFbJ	Z
8187boot time	BFbi	X
8188boot up	BFb5	P
8189bootable volume	BFdS	g
8190bootbootstrap	BFcI	x
8191booth algorithm of binary multiplication	BFdy	BI
8192bootstrap	BFe6	y
8193bootstrap address	BFfs	l
8194bootstrap amplifier	BFgR	k
8195bootstrap block	BFg1	u
8196bootstrap circuit	BFhj	f
8197bootstrap combined programming language	BFiC	BM
8198bootstrap driver	BFjO	h
8199bootstrap image	BFjv	d
8200bootstrap input program	BFkM	r
8201bootstrap loader	BFk3	7
8202bootstrap loader microprocessor	BFly	/
8203bootstrap loading routine	BFmx	t
8204bootstrap memory	BFne	h
8205bootstrap program	BFn/	f
8206bootstrap read routine	BFoe	q
8207bootstrap routine	BFpI	f
8208bootstraping	BFpn	U
8209borad processor	LFa	q
8210bore	BFp7	J
8211borrow	BFqE	O
8212borrow digit	BFqS	a
8213borrow generation device	BFqs	p
8214bot marker	BFsC	Y
8215boteot test cassette	BFsa	1
8216both	Dsbf	P
8217both field	BFtP	Y
8218both gate	GlLY	U
8219both operation	GlLs	r
8220both regular and immediate command	BFtn	5
8221bottleneck	BFxr	S
8222bottleneck work center	BFx9	n
8223bottom	BFyk	j
8224bottom address	BFzH	Z
8225bottom document	BFzg	d
8226bottom element	BFz9	Z
8227bottom layer	BF0W	U
8228bottom line	BF0q	T
8229bottom margin	BF09	d
8230bottom marker	BF1a	b
8231bottom of stack	BF11	X
8232bottom of stack register	BF2M	p
8233bottom paper	BF21	a
8234bottom view	BF3P	W
8235bottommost	BGAo	V
8236bottommost element	BGA9	g
8237bounce	BGBd	O
8238bounceless contact	BGCH	j
8239bouncing	BGCq	Q
8240bouncing busy hour	BGC6	g
8241bound	BGDa	V
8242bound	BHis	T
8243bound	BpuN	W
8244bound	Fmc6	W
8245bound address memory management	BGDv	5
8246bound algorithm	BHj8	m
8247bound algorithm	BHki	m
8248bound arc	BGEo	U
8249bound character	BGE8	d
8250bound component	BGFZ	d
8251bound control module	BGF2	o
8252bound cursor	BGGe	a
8253bound method	BHi/	d
8254bound method	BHlI	d
8255bound occurrence	BGG4	e
8256bound of aggregation	BGHW	i
8257bound of parameter	BGH4	g
8258bound pair	BGIY	S
8259bound pair list	BGIq	a
8260bound search	BHjc	g
8261bound segment	BGJE	Y
8262bound symbol	BGJc	a
8263bound system	FLpj	q
8264bound task set	BGJ2	j
8265bound task set load module	BGKZ	3
8266bound variable	BGLQ	c
8267boundary	BGLs	c
8268boundary address register	BGMI	w
8269boundary alignment	BGM4	g
8270boundary chain	BGNY	Z
8271boundary characteristic	BGNx	l
8272boundary coding	BGOW	a
8273boundary collocation	BGOw	i
8274boundary condition	BGPS	g
8275boundary control	BGPy	e
8276boundary cost	BGQQ	b
8277boundary detection	BGQr	g
8278boundary error	BGRL	c
8279boundary estimation	BGRn	h
8280boundary face	BGSI	Y
8281boundary following	BGSg	g
8282boundary frequency	BGTA	g
8283boundary function	BGTg	f
8284boundary function resource	BGT/	u
8285boundary height	BGUt	d
8286boundary layer	BGVK	Z
8287boundary line	BGVj	Y
8288boundary maximum and minimum	BGV7	w
8289boundary network node	BGWr	t
8290boundary node	BGXY	b
8291boundary operator	BGXz	i
8292boundary point	BGYV	Z
8293boundary register	BGYu	i
8294boundary tag method	BGZQ	k
8295boundary tracing	BGZ0	e
8296boundary treatment	BGaS	g
8297boundary value	BGay	Z
8298boundary value analysis	BGbL	o
8299boundary value theorem	BGbz	k
8300bounded context constructor	BGdY	4
8301bounded context grammar	BGeQ	u
8302bounded context langrage	BGe+	s
8303bounded context parser	BGfq	w
8304bounded context recognizer	BGga	0
8305bounded context rule	BGhO	r
8306bounded context scheme	BGh5	t
8307bounded context table	BGim	p
8308bounded downwards	BGjP	f
8309bounded existential quantifier	BGju	y
8310bounded function	BGkg	e
8311bounded language	BGk+	b
8312bounded quantifier	BGlZ	g
8313bounded region	BGl5	Z
8314bounded regular language	BGmS	p
8315bounded representation	BGm7	k
8316bounded sequence	BGnf	e
8317bounded set	BGn9	Z
8318bounded universal quantifier	BGoW	w
8319bounded variable	BGpG	e
8320bounded vauiable algorithm	BGpk	u
8321bounded vonyrcy	BGqS	g
8322bounds register	BGrm	g
8323bounds registers	FmdQ	q
8324boundscript	BGsG	T
8325box	BGsZ	Q
8326box diffusion	BGsp	b
8327box in	BGtE	O
8328boxed mode	BGtS	Y
8329bps fortran tape compiler	BGtq	2
8330brace	BGug	Q
8331bracked communication	BGuw	j
8332bracked count	BGvT	b
8333bracket	BGvu	q
8334bracket arithmetic expression	BGwY	0
8335bracket error	BGxM	b
8336bracket indicator	CyAF	m
8337bracket logical expression	BGxn	x
8338bracket operation	BGyY	f
8339bracket pair	BGy3	X
8340bracket protocol	BGzO	e
8341bracket state manager	BGzs	v
8342bracketed	BG0b	R
8343bracketed arithmetic expression	BG0s	2
8344bracketed form	BG1i	i
8345bracketed logical expression	BG2E	z
8346bracketed representation	Exnh	x
8347bracketing	BG23	j
8348braille marks	BG3a	e
8349brain	BG34	N
8350brain connection pattern	BG4F	p
8351brain hand machine	DEYS	j
8352brain information service	BG4u	u
8353brain model	BG5c	W
8354brain system	DEY1	a
8355branch	BG5y	W
8356branch access	BG6I	b
8357branch access type	BG6j	m
8358branch addressing	BG7J	f
8359branch always command	BG7o	m
8360branch and bound procedure	BG8O	r
8361branch and bound search	BG85	r
8362branch and bound strategy	BG9k	t
8363branch and count register	BG+R	3
8364branch and link	BG/I	k
8365branch and link register	BG/s	BA
8366branch and save register	BHAs	3
8367branch cable	BHBj	a
8368branch calling	BHB9	c
8369branch carry clear	BHCZ	m
8370branch carry set	BHC/	k
8371branch characteristic equation	BHDj	y
8372branch circuit	BHEV	c
8373branch condition false	BHEx	n
8374branch condition true	BHFY	m
8375branch conditional	BHF+	k
8376branch construct	BHGi	e
8377branch construction	BHHA	h
8378branch control unit	BHHh	k
8379branch controller	BHIF	i
8380branch coverage	BHIn	d
8381branch current	BHJE	c
8382branch displacement	BHJg	h
8383branch exchange	BHKB	g
8384branch if greater than zero	BHKh	6
8385branch impedance	BHLb	e
8386branch indicator	BHL5	h
8387branch instruction	BHMa	g
8388branch linkage	BHM6	g
8389branch macro	BHNa	g
8390branch mask computation	BHN6	r
8391branch method	BHOl	Y
8392branch mode	BHO9	Z
8393branch name	BHPW	Z
8394branch network	BHPv	c
8395branch node	BHQL	Z
8396branch node list	BHQk	h
8397branch node of tree	BHRF	k
8398branch of logic circuit	BHRp	r
8399branch office	BHSU	Y
8400branch on	BHSs	X
8401branch on condition	BHTD	h
8402branch on condition clear	BHTk	t
8403branch on count	BHUR	d
8404branch on count instruction	BHUu	t
8405branch on equality	BHVb	g
8406branch on false	BHV7	g
8407branch on index high	BHWb	o
8408branch on index low or equal	BHXD	7
8409branch on indicator	BHX+	k
8410branch on true	BHZA	f
8411branch on zero instruction	BHZf	r
8412branch operation	BHaK	e
8413branch or skip on condition	BHao	v
8414branch order	BHbX	a
8415branch oriented grammar	BHbx	u
8416branch point	BHcf	X
8417branch programming	BHc2	m
8418branch statement	BHdc	e
8419branch strip	BHd6	X
8420branch structure	BHeR	e
8421branch table	BHev	X
8422branch tag bit	BHfG	f
8423branch terminal	BHfl	d
8424branch trace	BHgC	a
8425branch tracer	BHgc	h
8426branch unconditionally	BHg9	r
8427branch unconditionaly	BHho	p
8428branch vector	BHiR	b
8429branching	BHll	R
8430branching algorithm	BHl2	h
8431branching construction	GF5v	n
8432branching factor	BHmX	e
8433branching factor of search process	BHm1	BC
8434branching network	BHn3	f
8435branching operation	BHoW	h
8436branching process	BHo3	f
8437branchpoint	BHqD	W
8438brand	BHqZ	N
8439breach	BHqm	O
8440bread	GaC3	Q
8441breadboard	BHq0	b
8442breadboard circuit	BHrP	g
8443breadboard kit	BHrv	r
8444break	BHwa	g
8445break	FVfz	X
8446break	H1Oi	Y
8447break address	BHw6	b
8448break character	BHxV	d
8449break communications	BHxy	i
8450break contact	H07e	7
8451break delivery	BHyU	c
8452break discount percent	BHyw	t
8453break down	BHzd	S
8454break down diode	BHzv	f
8455break down test	BH0O	b
8456break down voltage	BH0p	e
8457break feature	BH1H	b
8458break fieldgeneric	BH14	f
8459break key	BH2X	U
8460break line	BH2r	S
8461break mode	BH29	Y
8462break operation	FVgK	e
8463break output	BH3V	a
8464break period	BH3v	a
8465break point	BH4J	v
8466break point trap	BH44	b
8467break receiver	BH5T	l
8468break request	BH54	e
8469break sequence	BH6W	c
8470break simulation	BH6y	e
8471break statement	BH7Q	d
8472break time	BH7t	Y
8473break up	BH8F	Q
8474breakage	H77c	W
8475breakdown signal	BIAw	e
8476breaker	BIBO	S
8477breaker switchgear	NtU	v
8478breakin attempt	BIBg	d
8479breaking	BIB9	Q
8480breaking halt	BICN	Y
8481breaking hyphen	BICl	0
8482breakout	BIDZ	Q
8483breakout point	BIDp	Z
8484breakpoint	BIEC	l
8485breakpoint fault	BIEn	e
8486breakpoint halt	BIFF	d
8487breakpoint instruction	BIFi	k
8488breakpoint operation	BIGG	i
8489breakpoint program	BIGo	g
8490breakpoint switch	BIHI	f
8491breakpoint symbol	BIHn	f
8492breakthrough	BIIG	U
8493breakup date source definition	BIIa	4
8494breather	Ns+	W
8495breather pipe	BIJS	Y
8496breezeway	BIJq	R
8497brick	BIKa	K
8498bridge	BIKk	h
8499bridge circuit	BILF	c
8500bridge duplex system	BILh	o
8501bridge fault	BIMJ	a
8502bridge identifier	BIMj	i
8503bridge input circuit	BINF	o
8504bridge input circuit in process control	BINt	BT
8505bridge limiter	BIPA	f
8506bridge storage module	BIPf	w
8507bridge tap	BIQP	Y
8508bridge ware	BIQn	Z
8509bridged tap	BIRA	Z
8510bridging	BIRZ	Q
8511bridging connection	BIRp	h
8512bridging contacts	BISK	f
8513bridging fault	BISp	c
8514bridging order	BITF	c
8515brightness	BIUS	W
8516brightness channel	BIUo	g
8517brightness control knob	BIVI	o
8518brightness ratio	BIVw	b
8519brightness value	BIWL	b
8520brilliance	BIWm	X
8521brink	BIX3	N
8522bristol board	BIYE	b
8523british association fo the advancement of science	BIYf	BQ
8524british association of consulting engineers	BIZv	BI
8525british association unit	BIa3	2
8526british computer association for the blind	BIbt	BM
8527british computer society	BIc5	z
8528british education index	BIds	r
8529british electrical development association	BIeX	BJ
8530british empire radio union	BIfg	/
8531british engineering standard associution	BIgf	BH
8532british engineers club	BIhm	0
8533british equipment trade association	BIia	BC
8534british imperial system	BIjc	1
8535british industrial measuring and control apparatus	BIkR	Bm
8536british information services	BIl3	6
8537british institute of electrical engineers	BImx	BL
8538british institute of traio engineers	BIn8	BJ
8539british radio equipment manufacturers association	BIpF	Ba
8540british standard gauge	BIqf	u
8541british standard wire gauge	BIrN	4
8542british standards institution	BIs6	1
8543british standards institution	BIsF	1
8544british standards specification	BItv	6
8545british telecom	BIup	p
8546british telecom	BIvS	s
8547broadband	BIzq	U
8548broadband channel	BIz+	f
8549broadband coaxial cable	BI0d	v
8550broadband communication	BI1M	l
8551broadband exchange	BI1x	n
8552broadband exchange services	BI2Y	z
8553broadband isdn	BI3L	a
8554broadband signalling	BI3l	o
8555broadcast	BI4N	R
8556broadcast address	BI4e	f
8557broadcast addressing	BI49	i
8558broadcast circuit	BI5f	f
8559broadcast communication	BI5+	l
8560broadcast data set	BI6j	j
8561broadcast homes	BI7G	d
8562broadcast input	BI7j	d
8563broadcast message	BI8A	i
8564broadcast packet	BI8i	b
8565broadcast protocol multiprocessor	BI89	7
8566broadcast queue	BI94	d
8567broadcast recognitio access method	BI+V	5
8568broadcast satellite technique	BI/O	x
8569broadcast system	BI//	e
8570broadcast videotex	BJAd	p
8571broadcasting	BJBG	U
8572broadcasting amplitude modulation	BJBa	z
8573broadcasting sequential process	BJCN	z
8574broadcasting station	BJDA	f
8575broaden	BJDf	P
8576broadsheet	BJDu	V
8577broken line	BJED	T
8578bromide print	BJEW	e
8579brother	BJE0	P
8580brother chain	BJFD	Y
8581brother field	BJFb	Y
8582brother link	BJFz	X
8583brother node	BJGK	a
8584brother task	BJGk	a
8585browse	BJG+	W
8586browse display	BJHU	c
8587browse display	IoVT	k
8588browse member	BJHw	b
8589browseupdatedelete	BJIL	s
8590browsing	BJI3	Q
8591brush	BJJH	S
8592brush compare check	BJJZ	t
8593brush reader	BJKG	d
8594brush station	BJKj	Y
8595brussels system	BJK7	j
8596brute borce	BJLe	T
8597brute force approach	BJLx	l
8598brute force method	BJMW	d
8599brute force technique	BJMz	j
8600bsc	BJNW	X
8601bsc 3270 device emulation	BJNt	v
8602bsc file	BJOc	l
8603bsc or ss line	BJPB	9
8604bsc or ss session	BJP+	BA
8605bsc or ss station	BJQ+	9
8606bsc using ascii transmission code	BJR7	BD
8607bsc using ebcdic transmission code	BJS+	BF
8608bscss communication adapter	BJUD	w
8609bscss communication control	BJUz	w
8610btam extended support	BJVj	u
8611btye code	BJWR	U
8612bubble	BJWl	O
8613bubble annihilation	BJWz	h
8614bubble annihilator	BJXU	j
8615bubble board	BJX3	X
8616bubble chip	BJYO	Z
8617bubble circuit	BJYn	c
8618bubble computer	BJZD	g
8619bubble delay device	BJZj	n
8620bubble device margin	BJaK	o
8621bubble diameter	BJay	X
8622bubble disk latch	BJbJ	f
8623bubble domain memory	BJbo	v
8624bubble drive	BJcX	a
8625bubble generator	BJdX	h
8626bubble guide channel	BJd4	o
8627bubble idler	BJeg	d
8628bubble ladder	BJe9	V
8629bubble lattice device	BJfS	p
8630bubble lattice file	BJf7	w
8631bubble memory	BJgr	i
8632bubble memory application	BJhN	w
8633bubble memory controller	BJh9	z
8634bubble memory device	BJiw	s
8635bubble propagation	BJjc	g
8636bubble replicator	BJj8	i
8637bubble soft error	BJke	f
8638bubble sort	BJk9	q
8639bubble sort program	BJln	n
8640bubble stretch	BJmO	c
8641bubble stretcher	BJmq	h
8642bubble transfer	BJnL	d
8643bubble transfer switch	BJno	q
8644bubble trap	BJoS	Z
8645bucket	BJq0	e
8646bucket	Ciz0	b
8647bucket access	BJrS	e
8648bucket address	BJrw	f
8649bucket brigade delay line	BJsP	t
8650bucket brigade device	BJs8	q
8651bucket brigade shift register	BJtm	3
8652bucket chain	BJud	a
8653bucket header	BJu3	u
8654bucket index	BJvl	d
8655bucket location	BJwC	g
8656bucket locking	BJwi	c
8657bucket pointer	BJw+	c
8658bucket size	BJxa	Z
8659bucket split	BJxz	h
8660bucket splitting	BJyU	e
8661buckling	BJ0r	Q
8662buddy system	BJ07	a
8663budget	BJ1V	O
8664budget accounting information system	BJ1j	BE
8665budget control	BJ2n	c
8666budget preparation	BJ3D	g
8667budgetary control system	BJ3j	s
8668budgeted statemente	BJ4P	h
8669budgeting system	BJ4w	e
8670bue architecture	ImrM	k
8671buffer	BJ5O	m
8672buffer action	BJ50	b
8673buffer address	BJ6P	f
8674buffer allocation	BJ6u	i
8675buffer amplifier	BJ7Q	k
8676buffer area	BJ70	W
8677buffer arm	BJ8K	V
8678buffer assignment	BJ8f	l
8679buffer asynchronous communication	BJ9E	1
8680buffer attribute	BJ95	e
8681buffer b register	BJ+X	x
8682buffer block deletion	BJ/I	m
8683buffer chain	BJ/u	d
8684buffer channel	BKAL	c
8685buffer circle	BKAn	b
8686buffer circuit	BKBC	c
8687buffer control block	BKBe	l
8688buffer control order	BKCD	o
8689buffer control program	BKCr	q
8690buffer control word	BKDV	r
8691buffer depletion	BKEA	e
8692buffer device	BKEe	b
8693buffer error	BKE5	a
8694buffer flag	BKFT	Z
8695buffer function	BKFs	d
8696buffer group	BKGc	X
8697buffer increment	BKHR	i
8698buffer inputoutput channel	BKHz	1
8699buffer interface switch	BKIo	r
8700buffer interleave controller	BKJT	z
8701buffer invalidation	BKKG	k
8702buffer inverter	BKKq	g
8703buffer io	BKGz	e
8704buffer length	BKLK	e
8705buffer loop	BKLo	c
8706buffer management	BKME	i
8707buffer management interface	BKMm	y
8708buffer manager	BKNY	l
8709buffer mark	BKN9	f
8710buffer memory	BKOc	h
8711buffer memory register	BKO9	w
8712buffer offset	BKPt	e
8713buffer output	BKQL	e
8714buffer output pointer	BKQp	w
8715buffer output register	BKRZ	t
8716buffer pad character	BKSG	r
8717buffer pointer	BKSx	f
8718buffer pool	BKTQ	W
8719buffer preallocation	BKTm	o
8720buffer prefix	BKUO	b
8721buffer queue	GaDH	g
8722buffer ready	BKUp	j
8723buffer ring	BKVM	Z
8724buffer scheduling	BKVl	f
8725buffer segment	BKWE	f
8726buffer size	BKWj	i
8727buffer size constraint	BKXF	t
8728buffer slot	BKXy	W
8729buffer sotre location	BKYI	s
8730buffer space	BKY0	a
8731buffer spring	BKZO	b
8732buffer storage	BKZp	j
8733buffer storage device	BKaM	s
8734buffer storage location	BKa4	u
8735buffer store	BKbm	h
8736buffer store address	BKcH	r
8737buffer store address register	BKcy	BC
8738buffer store device	BKd0	q
8739buffer store page	BKee	p
8740buffer swapping	BKfH	d
8741buffer sweep	BKfk	d
8742buffer terminal	BKgB	d
8743buffer underrun	BKge	g
8744buffer unit	BKg+	Z
8745buffer unit pool	BKhX	k
8746buffer variable	BKh7	d
8747buffer work area	BKiY	h
8748bufferd terminal	BKi5	q
8749buffered asynchronous communicatio interface	BKjj	BM
8750buffered asynchronous communication	BKkv	9
8751buffered channel	BKls	n
8752buffered computer	BKmT	r
8753buffered counter	BKm+	h
8754buffered data transfer	Ci0P	t
8755buffered date path	BKnf	m
8756buffered in	Ci08	c
8757buffered inputoutput	BKpe	+
8758buffered inputoutput	BKqc	3
8759buffered inputoutput channel	BKrT	9
8760buffered io	BKoF	g
8761buffered io controller	BKol	5
8762buffered keyboard	BKsQ	o
8763buffered keyboard printer	BKs4	2
8764buffered keypunch	BKtu	x
8765buffered network	BKuf	n
8766buffered out	Ci1Y	d
8767buffered station	BKvG	b
8768buffering	BKvh	R
8769buffering algorithm	BKvy	h
8770buffering area	BKwT	Z
8771buffering attribute	BKws	h
8772buffering chain	BKxN	g
8773buffering control	BKxt	f
8774buffering exchange	BKyM	g
8775buffering memory	BKys	h
8776buffering option	BKzN	h
8777buffering system	BKzu	e
8778buffering technique	BK0M	h
8779bufferspace	BK0t	i
8780bug	BK1P	L
8781bug patch	BK1a	X
8782bug seeding	BK1x	Z
8783bugcheck	BK2K	W
8784bugcheck dump file	BK2g	j
8785build block	BK3D	W
8786build in	BK3Z	T
8787build operation	BK3s	d
8788builder tools	BK7Z	e
8789building block	BK73	W
8790building block of automata	BK8N	0
8791building block oriented language	BK9B	8
8792building block principle	BK99	v
8793building block system	BK+s	n
8794building module	BK/T	d
8795building software	BK/w	f
8796bulb	BLMA	M
8797bulk	BLMM	M
8798bulk acoustic wave device	BLMY	q
8799bulk core memory	BLNC	q
8800bulk data transfer	BLNs	m
8801bulk degaussing	BLOS	g
8802bulk eraser	BLOy	Z
8803bulk media conversion utility program	BLPL	BL
8804bulk memory	BLQW	f
8805bulk memory controller	BLQ1	w
8806bulk memory device	BLRl	s
8807bulk message testing	BLSR	o
8808bulk print	BLS5	Y
8809bulk processing	BLTR	g
8810bulk processing subsystem	BLTx	3
8811bulk stock	BLUo	Y
8812bulk storage	BLVA	+
8813bulk store	BLV+	e
8814bulk testing	BLWc	a
8815bulk update	BLW2	Z
8816bulk update terminal	BLXP	o
8817bull general electric	BLYe	z
8818bullet	BLZR	O
8819bulletin board system bbs	BLZf	p
8820bulletin boards	BLaI	a
8821bump contact	BLai	a
8822bump contacted chip	BLa8	h
8823bumper	BLbd	U
8824bunch	BLbx	N
8825bunching	BLb+	Q
8826bundespost	BLcO	b
8827bundle	BLcp	L
8828bundled	BLc0	P
8829bundled program	BLdD	d
8830burden costs	BLdg	m
8831bureau of standards	BLeG	h
8832bureau of the budget	BLen	f
8833buried coaxial cable telecommunication	BLfG	BG
8834buried collector	BLgM	e
8835buried layer	BLgq	U
8836burn	BLhs	M
8837burn resistance	BLh4	a
8838burning	BLi+	P
8839burring	BLjN	V
8840burroughs direct interface	BLji	y
8841burroughs hospital accounting system	BLkU	BD
8842burroughs hospital information processing system	BLlX	BW
8843burrughs pollselect	BLmt	q
8844burssels classification system	BLnX	4
8845burst	BLoP	S
8846burst and sync bit generator	BLoh	BE
8847burst error	BLpl	c
8848burst error correcting code	BLqB	y
8849burst isochronous transmission	BLqz	y
8850burst length	BLrl	d
8851burst mode	BLsC	Y
8852burst mode refresh	BLsa	p
8853burst modem	BLtD	i
8854burst page	BLtl	V
8855burst traffic	BLt6	h
8856burst transmission	BLub	g
8857burst wait	BLu7	k
8858burster	BLyq	S
8859bursty type	BLzk	T
8860bus	BLz3	O
8861bus	F8de	R
8862bus access conflict	BL0F	q
8863bus acknowledge	BL0v	g
8864bus adapter	BL1P	f
8865bus address register	BL1u	u
8866bus allocator	BL2c	h
8867bus arbiter	BL29	f
8868bus arbiter chip	BL3c	q
8869bus arbitration	BL4G	g
8870bus avallable signal	BL4m	r
8871bus bar	BL5R	P
8872bus category	BL5g	d
8873bus check	BL59	a
8874bus circuits	BL6X	d
8875bus compatible	BL60	i
8876bus configuration	BL7W	i
8877bus connector	BL74	h
8878bus contention	BL8Z	f
8879bus control	BL84	f
8880bus control chip	BL9X	k
8881bus control logic	BL97	o
8882bus control unit	BL+j	o
8883bus controller	BL/L	i
8884bus conversion interface	BL/t	v
8885bus coupling	BMAc	d
8886bus cycle	BMA5	a
8887bus driver	BMBT	e
8888bus extender	BMBx	g
8889bus extender module	BMCR	q
8890bus grant input	BMC7	m
8891bus hardware	BMDh	d
8892bus hub	BMD+	V
8893bus idle machine cycle	BMET	5
8894bus in	BMFM	W
8895bus inputoutput channels	BMFi	2
8896bus interface emulation	BMGY	u
8897bus interface module	BMHG	v
8898bus interface register	BMH1	0
8899bus interface timing	BMIp	r
8900bus interfacing	BMJU	g
8901bus interlocked communication	BMJ0	0
8902bus line	BMKo	W
8903bus lock	BMK+	Z
8904bus master	BMLX	e
8905bus mother board	BML1	h
8906bus network	BMMW	c
8907bus network	JGll	i
8908bus organized structure	BMMy	r
8909bus out	BMNd	V
8910bus out parity	BMNy	v
8911bus out parity check	BMOh	1
8912bus out parity error	BMPW	5
8913bus plane	BMQP	U
8914bus polling protocol	BMQj	r
8915bus port	BMRO	W
8916bus priority structure	BMRk	t
8917bus program counter	BMSR	t
8918bus request	BMS+	j
8919bus requirements	BMTh	h
8920bus set	BMUC	V
8921bus signals	BMUX	c
8922bus slave	BMUz	d
8923bus strobe signal	BMVQ	o
8924bus structure	BMV4	e
8925bus switch	BMWW	b
8926bus system	BMWx	b
8927bus system	Igw9	l
8928bus termination	BMXM	g
8929bus timing	BMXs	b
8930bus topology	BMYH	d
8931bus transceiver	BMYk	j
8932bus type	BMZH	Z
8933bus wire	BMZg	Z
8934business and engineering enriched fortran	BMfR	BT
8935business and engineering fortran	BMgk	BN
8936business applications subsystem	BMhx	2
8937business automation	BMin	h
8938business batch system	BMjI	z
8939business communication system	BMj7	1
8940business compiler	BMkw	l
8941business computer center	BMlV	w
8942business computer network	5Wp	t
8943business computer system	BMmF	z
8944business data processing	BMm4	w
8945business data processing language	BMno	7
8946business edp system technique	BMoj	BI
8947business electronic computer	BMpr	3
8948business graphics utilities	BMqi	5
8949business graphics utility	BMrb	3
8950business information system	BMsS	z
8951business language	BMtF	c
8952business management accountion system	BMth	BE
8953business manager	BMul	k
8954business network	BMvJ	k
8955business number	BMvt	j
8956business processor	BMwQ	j
8957business professional system	BMwz	0
8958business report application development system	BMxn	BU
8959business service	BMy7	e
8960business simulation	BMzZ	h
8961business statistics	BMz6	h
8962business terminal equipment	BM0b	v
8963business transaction	BM1K	i
8964business unit	BM1s	b
8965bust	BM3V	M
8966bust this	BM3h	X
8967busy	BM34	T
8968busy	PWv	M
8969busy	Pcd	S
8970busy back	BM4L	X
8971busy bit	BM4i	T
8972busy channel	BM41	X
8973busy flag	BM5M	U
8974busy hour	BM5g	R
8975busy hour crosstalk noise	BM5x	t
8976busy hour usage	BM6e	d
8977busy idle condition	BM67	h
8978busy indicator	BM7c	Z
8979busy line	BM71	X
8980busy on entry	BM8M	b
8981busy period	BM8n	Z
8982busy report	BM9A	Z
8983busy signal	BM9Z	Z
8984busy test	BM9y	X
8985busy time of line	BM+J	l
8986busy token	BM+u	V
8987busy waiting	BM/D	X
8988busy waiting	Gb2R	h
8989busy waiting strategy	Gb2y	w
8990busynot busy	BNAG	m
8991butterworth filter	BNAs	p
8992butto device	BNBV	d
8993button	BNBy	O
8994button device	BNCA	e
8995button dial	HvOu	c
8996button originating register	HvPK	6
8997button witch	BNCe	d
8998buy code	BNC7	T
8999buyer	BNDO	T
9000buzz	BNDh	M
9001buzzer	BNDt	c
9002by department	Jj1h	y
9003by descriptor	BNEJ	e
9004by exception	G9lc	n
9005by immediate value	BNEn	g
9006by item	G9mD	f
9007by pass condenser	BNFH	i
9008by program	G19R	e
9009by reference	BNFp	d
9010by time	FU2C	b
9011by time	JMIB	m
9012by work center	Jj2T	2
9013bypass	BNJT	e
9014bypass labal processing	BNJx	r
9015bypass plug	BNKc	Z
9016bypassed lrk parser	BNK1	7
9017bypassing	BNLw	R
9018byte	BNMB	k
9019byte address	BNMl	a
9020byte addressing	BNM/	d
9021byte addressing storage	BNNc	u
9022byte boundary	BNOK	Y
9023byte boundary alignment	BNOi	r
9024byte code	GvdI	a
9025byte code	JKs0	a
9026byte code conversion table	Ja9J	BD
9027byte collection	BNPN	a
9028byte computer	BNPn	h
9029byte control	BNQI	d
9030byte conversion	JKtO	m
9031byte count register	BNQl	u
9032byte expression	BNRT	q
9033byte graphic repertoire	GF6W	u
9034byte manipulation	BNR9	p
9035byte pointer	BNSm	k
9036byte signed integer	DiZ6	w
9037byte signed integer key	Diaq	3
9038byte unsigned binary	Dibh	0
9039byte unsigned binary key	DicV	7
9040bytes per inch	BNTK	i
9041c	Cka7	P
9042c	CkcV	P
9043c amplifier	B611	c
9044c coupling	B62R	Y
9045c data set	B62p	b
9046c dump	B63E	U
9047cable	BNTs	V
9048cable address	BNUB	b
9049cable carrier	BNUc	Y
9050cable carrier bracket	BNU0	m
9051cable guide	BNVa	Z
9052cable path	BNVz	Y
9053cable thru	BNWL	Y
9054cable tie	BNWj	X
9055cable transmission	BIwd	s
9056cabling	BNW6	V
9057cache	BNXP	t
9058cache cluster	BNYf	k
9059cache cluster size	BNZD	v
9060cache memory	BNX8	j
9061cache memory	BNZy	0
9062caching	BNam	V
9063calculate	BNa7	R
9064calculate on hand	BNbM	i
9065calculate on hand cost	BNbu	t
9066calculating punch	BNcb	k
9067calculation key	BNc/	p
9068calculation mode	BNdo	o
9069calculation procedure	HOT1	p
9070calculator	BNeQ	g
9071calculator oriented processor	BNew	3
9072calculator with algebraic logic	BNfn	2
9073calculator with arithmetic logic	BNgd	3
9074calculator with external program input	BNhU	BG
9075calculator with keyboard program input	BNia	BG
9076calculator with postfix notation logic	BNjg	BD
9077calculator with suffix notation logic	BNlY	BC
9078calculator without addressable storage	BNma	BG
9079calculus	B63Y	Y
9080calendar	BNng	b
9081calendar file	BNn7	Y
9082calendar management	BNoT	h
9083calibrate	BNpM	R
9084call	BNpd	c
9085call	E9tX	S
9086call	GaDn	a
9087call	IIW1	b
9088call	JBVo	h
9089call	eBG	e
9090call accepted packet	BNp5	l
9091call back signal	BNqe	e
9092call by descriptor	BNq8	m
9093call by value parameter	BNri	u
9094call channel	GsdL	g
9095call circuit	Gsdr	g
9096call completion	BNsQ	d
9097call control	BNst	a
9098call control procedure	BNtH	q
9099call for service	BNtx	e
9100call forwarding	BNuP	d
9101call frame	BNus	Y
9102call function	GYCw	e
9103call identification line	BNvE	p
9104call identifier	BNvt	g
9105call if minus	BNwN	b
9106call if plus	BNwo	a
9107call in	BNxC	P
9108call indicator	BNxR	Z
9109call instruction	BNxq	e
9110call interface	BNyI	c
9111call key	BNyk	T
9112call list	BNy3	U
9113call lose	BNzL	X
9114call maintenance	GseL	2
9115call meter	BNzi	b
9116call modification completed	BNz9	v
9117call modification request	BN0s	t
9118call module	BN1Z	Z
9119call monitor instruction	BN1y	y
9120call monitor system service	BN2k	1
9121call name	BN3Z	X
9122call not accepted signal	BN3w	v
9123call number	BN4f	Z
9124call offering	BN44	b
9125call on	BN5T	P
9126call out	BN5i	Q
9127call patching service	GsfB	p
9128call program	BN5y	a
9129call progress	BN6M	b
9130call progress message	BN6n	p
9131call progress signal	BN7Q	o
9132call queue register	BN74	q
9133call reference	BN8i	c
9134call reference value	BN8+	l
9135call release	BN9j	a
9136call repairing	Gsfq	m
9137call request	BN99	a
9138call request packet	BN+X	k
9139call request signal	BN+7	n
9140call set up	BN/i	Z
9141call set up packet	BN/7	j
9142call set up time	BOAe	k
9143call sign	BOBC	R
9144call sign series	BOBT	e
9145call signal	BOBx	Z
9146call stack	BOCK	Y
9147call statement	BOCi	c
9148call statement for create task	BOC+	4
9149call statement manipulation	BOD2	v
9150call subroutine	BOEl	g
9151call subscriber	BOFF	d
9152call supervision packet	BOFi	o
9153call through	BOGK	U
9154call through test	BOGe	f
9155call type	BOG9	X
9156call type macro	BOHU	m
9157call unit	BOH6	X
9158call waiting	BOIR	a
9159call word	BOIr	U
9160callable	BOKI	W
9161callable dbq	BOKe	m
9162callable rdo	BOLE	n
9163callable subroutine	DhZZ	s
9164called indicator	BOLr	k
9165called indicator	BOMP	h
9166called line	BOMw	a
9167called party	BONK	X
9168called position	BONh	g
9169called procedure	BOOB	e
9170called process	BOOf	f
9171called program	BOO+	c
9172called routine	BOPa	f
9173called station	BOP5	f
9174called subprogram listing	BOQY	z
9175called subscriber	BORL	f
9176called terminal	BORq	a
9177caller	BOSE	U
9178caller activation pointer	BOSY	2
9179caller dependent capability	BOTO	7
9180caller independent capability	BOUJ	9
9181caller notification packet	BOVG	3
9182calligraphic display device	BOV9	v
9183calling	BOWs	P
9184calling argument	BOW7	e
9185calling classification	BOXZ	k
9186calling code	BOX9	a
9187calling convention	BOYX	g
9188calling convention for input output	BOY3	9
9189calling dte	BOZ0	s
9190calling frequency	BOag	f
9191calling graph	BOa/	Y
9192calling identification line	BObX	s
9193calling indicator	BOcD	i
9194calling library	BOcl	g
9195calling list	BOdF	X
9196calling location	BOdc	e
9197calling module	BOd6	c
9198calling party	BOeW	V
9199calling point	BOer	Y
9200calling procedure	BOfD	f
9201calling process	BOfi	d
9202calling processor	BOf/	l
9203calling program	BOgk	d
9204calling rate	BOhB	X
9205calling rate capacity	BOhY	m
9206calling relay	BOh+	e
9207calling routine	BOic	d
9208calling segment	BOi5	g
9209calling sequence	BOjZ	s
9210calling signal	BOkF	c
9211calling station	BOkh	d
9212calling task	BOk+	a
9213calling the queue package	BOlY	q
9214calling trace	BOmC	b
9215calling up	BOmd	S
9216calls waiting	BOmv	b
9217cam	BOnK	L
9218camera	CpOI	X
9219cancel	BOnV	T
9220cancel character	BOno	f
9221cancel code	BOoZ	W
9222cancel indicator	BOov	h
9223cancel key	BOpQ	V
9224cancel message	BOpl	c
9225cancel order	BOqB	a
9226cancel session request	BOqb	q
9227cancel statement	BOrF	Y
9228cancel status word	BOrd	j
9229cancellation	BOsA	U
9230cancellation effect	BOsU	h
9231cancellation law	BOs1	b
9232cancellation law of addition	BOtQ	t
9233cancellation mark	BOt9	f
9234cancellation network	BOuc	i
9235cancellation of record	BOu+	k
9236cancellation ratio	BOvi	d
9237cancelling advice	BOv/	f
9238cancelling in digits	BOwe	i
9239cancelling signal	BOxA	f
9240candidate	BOxf	R
9241candidate key	BOxw	Y
9242candidate solution graph	BOyI	m
9243candidate volume	BOyu	b
9244canned cycle	BOzJ	a
9245canned data	BOzj	Z
9246canned paragraphs	BOz8	c
9247canned routine	BO0Y	i
9248canning	BO06	Y
9249cannula	BO1S	P
9250canonic generation	BO1h	g
9251canonic number	BO2B	c
9252canonical	BO2d	R
9253canonical block	BO2u	a
9254canonical correlation	BO3I	j
9255canonical cycle notation for permutation	BO3r	BC
9256canonical data model	BO4t	o
9257canonical data structure	BO5V	s
9258canonical derivation	BO6B	i
9259canonical form	BO6j	c
9260canonical label language	BO6/	s
9261canonical labelled tree	BO7r	o
9262canonical mapping	BO8T	f
9263canonical maxterm	BO8y	f
9264canonical minterm	BO9R	f
9265canonical model	BO9w	d
9266canonical order	BO+N	d
9267canonical parse	BO+q	d
9268canonical record structure	BO/H	u
9269canonical sentential form	BO/1	n
9270canonical system	BPAc	e
9271canonical variable	BPA6	g
9272canonically labeled tree	BPBa	g
9273cans production language	Da9r	BE
9274cant	BPB6	M
9275capability	BPCG	Y
9276capacitance	BPCe	T
9277capacitor	BPCx	U
9278capacitor storage	BPDF	f
9279capacitor store	BPDk	g
9280capacity	BPEE	Y
9281capacity and daily scheduling hour formulas	BPEc	BO
9282capacity load	BPFq	b
9283capacity planning	BPGF	t
9284capacity planning analysis	BPGy	u
9285capacity requirements	BPHg	j
9286capacity requirements planning	BPID	y
9287capacity run file	BPI1	i
9288capital investment	BPJX	g
9289caps	BPJ3	P
9290capstan	BPKG	P
9291caption	BPKV	P
9292captive accounts	BPKk	b
9293carbon ribbon	BPK/	Y
9294card	BPLX	O
9295card	H37z	g
9296card	H3XL	P
9297card	H3aM	S
9298card	H7Z0	V
9299card	H9wm	M
9300card	IzDT	P
9301card	JIH6	M
9302card	JITe	S
9303card	JIn/	V
9304card	Jg+c	a
9305card address	BPLl	a
9306card address backplane	BPL/	q
9307card address design	BPMp	n
9308card assignment	BPNQ	d
9309card back	BPNt	X
9310card base	BPOE	U
9311card bed	BPOY	T
9312card board computer	BPOr	n
9313card border	BPPS	Z
9314card box	BPPr	T
9315card bus	BPP+	W
9316card cabinet	BPQU	X
9317card cage	BPQr	d
9318card catalog	BPRI	a
9319card chassis	BPRi	a
9320card cloumn	BPR8	T
9321card code	BPSP	X
9322card code set	BPSm	e
9323card collator	BPTE	e
9324card column	BPTi	W
9325card communication	IzDi	i
9326card converse program	IzEE	r
9327card converter	IzEv	h
9328card copier	BPT4	c
9329card cycle	BPUU	Y
9330card data converter	BPUs	q
9331card deck	BPVW	c
9332card duplicator	BPVy	g
9333card editor	BPWS	f
9334card ejector	BPWx	d
9335card enclosure	BPXO	Z
9336card face	BPXn	X
9337card feed	BPX+	a
9338card field	BPYY	Y
9339card file	BPYw	X
9340card frame	BPZH	Y
9341card frame cage	BPZf	d
9342card guide	BEaW	Z
9343card guide	BPZ8	Y
9344card holder	BPaU	c
9345card hole	BPaw	U
9346card hopper	BPbE	h
9347card image	BPbl	Y
9348card index	BPb9	Y
9349card input	BPcV	Y
9350card input magazine	BPct	k
9351card insertion	BPdR	c
9352card interpreter	BPdt	h
9353card jam	BPeO	W
9354card leading	CnQZ	a
9355card leading edge	BPek	f
9356card level module	BPfD	i
9357card loader	BPfl	f
9358card machine	Huh6	d
9359card matching	BPgE	b
9360card module	BPgf	Z
9361card mount	BPg4	V
9362card pack	BPhN	c
9363card path	BPhp	X
9364card potentiometer	Ifc5	j
9365card program	IzFQ	c
9366card puller	BPiA	f
9367card punch	BPif	V
9368card punch and reader	BPi0	s
9369card puncher	BPjg	d
9370card punching	BPj9	b
9371card rate	BPkY	X
9372card read punch	BPkv	m
9373card read punch unit	BPlV	r
9374card reader	BPmA	u
9375card reader controller	BPmu	t
9376card reader diagnostics	BPnb	u
9377card reader punch	BPoJ	o
9378card ready	BPox	Y
9379card receiver	BPpJ	Y
9380card reproducer	BPph	g
9381card reproducing punch	BPqB	q
9382card row	BPqr	Q
9383card run	BPq7	W
9384card selector	BPrR	Y
9385card sensing	BPrp	a
9386card sensor	BPsD	c
9387card set	BPsf	W
9388card slot	BPs1	U
9389card sorter	BPtJ	c
9390card stacker	BPtl	i
9391card system	BPuH	Z
9392card to tape	BPug	d
9393card track	BPu9	V
9394card trailing	CnQz	b
9395card trailing edge	BPvS	g
9396card unit speed	BPvy	g
9397card unit type	BPwS	f
9398card verifier	BPwx	e
9399card verifying	BPxP	c
9400card wreck	BPxr	Y
9401cardinal number	BPyk	X
9402cardinalate	BPy7	T
9403cardinality	BPzO	b
9404care	DsOS	P
9405careful writing	BPzp	d
9406careo method	F6jI	h
9407caret	BP0G	T
9408carlo method	F6jp	t
9409carlo simulation	F6kW	k
9410carriage	BP0Z	Q
9411carriage	H8iw	Z
9412carriage control	Iy2X	k
9413carriage control character	BP0p	u
9414carriage control data set	BP1X	w
9415carriage control tape	BP2H	m
9416carriage controller	BP2t	k
9417carriage draw spring	BP3R	o
9418carriage guide rail	BP35	h
9419carriage lock	BP4a	Y
9420carriage motor	BP4y	c
9421carriage overflow	BP5O	f
9422carriage positioning	BP5t	i
9423carriage rail	BP6P	b
9424carriage release	BP6q	e
9425carriage restore key	BP7I	l
9426carriage return	BP7t	z
9427carriage return character	BP8g	n
9428carriage return code	BP9H	i
9429carriage return key	BP9p	p
9430carriage space key	BP+S	j
9431carriage tape	BP+1	b
9432carriage tension spring	BP/Q	r
9433carried forward	BP/7	a
9434carrier	BQAV	i
9435carrier	IlC4	i
9436carrier band	BQA3	a
9437carrier concentration	BQBR	m
9438carrier cycle	BQB3	Y
9439carrier density	BQCP	g
9440carrier detect	BQCv	c
9441carrier diffusion	BQDL	i
9442carrier drive motor	BQDt	t
9443carrier flooding	BQEa	h
9444carrier free	BQE7	X
9445carrier frequency	BQFS	f
9446carrier gas	BQFx	Z
9447carrier generation	BQGK	j
9448carrier group	BQGt	Y
9449carrier holes	BQHF	Y
9450carrier injection	BQHd	i
9451carrier link	BQH/	a
9452carrier mobility	BQIZ	k
9453carrier multiplex communication	BQI9	z
9454carrier noise	BQJw	b
9455carrier noise level	BQKL	n
9456carrier only	BQLN	X
9457carrier power output	H23i	r
9458carrier power output rating	BQLk	1
9459carrier sense	BQMZ	b
9460carrier shift	BQM0	b
9461carrier source	BQNP	Z
9462carrier storage effect	BQNo	t
9463carrier supply system	BQOV	j
9464carrier suppression	BQO4	h
9465carrier system	BQPZ	c
9466carrier system	I2vf	q
9467carrier telegraph circuit	BQP1	t
9468carrier telephone circuit	BQQi	t
9469carrier transition	BQRP	g
9470carrier transmission	IlDa	8
9471carrier transmission	Is/1	o
9472carrier wave	BQRv	U
9473carriers to noise ratios	BQSD	m
9474carry	BQSp	R
9475carry	DsI3	Z
9476carry	GaEB	Q
9477carry	GlMX	U
9478carry	IiHw	Z
9479carry	JEhl	T
9480carry bit	BQS6	X
9481carry byte register	BQTR	u
9482carry chain	BQT/	W
9483carry circuit	BQUV	b
9484carry clear signal	BQUw	m
9485carry complete	BQVW	c
9486carry complete signal	BQVy	p
9487carry completion	BQWb	e
9488carry completion detection circuit	BQW5	8
9489carry delay	BQX1	Z
9490carry delay time	BQYO	k
9491carry dependent sum adder	BQYy	8
9492carry detection	BQZu	d
9493carry digit	BQaL	Z
9494carry flag	BQak	Y
9495carry flip flop	BQa8	g
9496carry forward	BQbc	b
9497carry gate	BQb3	V
9498carry gate	GGN	S
9499carry gate signal	BQcM	i
9500carry gating circuit	BQcu	l
9501carry generate output	BQdT	p
9502carry generation	BQd8	e
9503carry generator	BQea	g
9504carry in	BQe6	T
9505carry in terminal	BQfN	c
9506carry indicator	BQfp	g
9507carry initiating signal	BQgJ	r
9508carry input	BQg0	Z
9509carry line	BQhN	V
9510carry lookahead	BQhi	h
9511carry lookahead	DILx	j
9512carry lookahead adder	BQiD	s
9513carry lookahead generator	BQiv	w
9514carry lookahead logic	BQjf	p
9515carry number	BQkI	X
9516carry out	BQkf	X
9517carry out bit	BQk2	Y
9518carry out terminal	BQlO	d
9519carry output	BQlr	a
9520carry over	BQmF	V
9521carry portion	BQma	b
9522carry propagate output	BQm1	q
9523carry propagation	BQnf	f
9524carry pulse	BQn+	Z
9525carry rate	BQoX	V
9526carry register	BQos	f
9527carry reset	BQpL	Z
9528carry save adder	BQpk	n
9529carry separation	BQqL	e
9530carry set	BQqp	U
9531carry shift	Cx/B	f
9532carry signal	BQq9	a
9533carry skip	BQrX	Y
9534carry status	BQrv	a
9535carry status word	BQsJ	i
9536carry storage	BQsr	b
9537carry storage adder	BQtG	q
9538carry storage device	BQtw	o
9539carry storage register	BQuY	t
9540carry system	BQvF	a
9541carry threshold	BQvf	a
9542carry time	BQv5	Y
9543carry type	BQwR	Y
9544carrying cost	BQxN	3
9545carrying factor	BQyE	d
9546carrying rate	BQyh	b
9547carryover	BQy8	R
9548cartesian product	BQzN	z
9549cartridge	BQ0A	X
9550cartridge disc	BQ0X	c
9551cartridge disc unit	BQ0z	k
9552cartridge disk	BQ1X	c
9553cartridge disk drive	BQ1z	l
9554cartridge disk driver	BQ2Y	m
9555cartridge label	BQ2+	d
9556cartridge loading	BQ3b	f
9557cartridge magnetic tape	BQ36	l
9558cartridge reader	BQ4f	n
9559cartridge serial number	BQ5G	o
9560cartridge tape	BQ5u	c
9561cascade	BQ6K	X
9562cascade action control	BQ6h	q
9563cascade carry	BQ7L	b
9564cascade circuit	BQ7m	d
9565cascade connection	BQ8D	a
9566cascade control	BQ8d	d
9567cascade decoder	BQ86	g
9568cascade digital	BQ9a	d
9569cascade entry	BQ93	b
9570cascade form networks	BQ+S	p
9571cascade input	BQ+7	b
9572cascade list	BQ/W	X
9573cascade machine	BQ/t	a
9574cascade machine organization	BRAH	t
9575cascade network	BRA0	d
9576cascade sequence	BRBR	e
9577cascade shower	BRBv	c
9578cascade sort	BRCL	a
9579cascade stage	BRCl	V
9580cascaded carry	BRC6	c
9581cascading	BRDW	R
9582case	BRDn	d
9583case clause	BREE	Z
9584case design	JmTL	f
9585case dispenser	BREd	Z
9586case grammar	BRE2	a
9587case in	BRFQ	V
9588case label	BRFl	Y
9589case label list	BRF9	g
9590case list element	BRGd	i
9591case model	62G	e
9592case noise pattern	JmTq	m
9593case on delivery	BRG/	e
9594case on shipment	BRHd	e
9595case out	BRH7	W
9596case package	BRIR	a
9597case part	BRIr	X
9598case pointer	BRJC	d
9599case prefix	BRJf	Z
9600case receipt tape	BRJ4	i
9601case selector	BRKa	e
9602case selector statement	BRK4	r
9603case send	BRLj	X
9604case sensitivity	BRL6	k
9605case statement	BRMe	c
9606case study	BRM6	Y
9607case time behavior	JmUQ	s
9608case value	BRNS	V
9609cash	BRNn	M
9610cash accounting method	BRNz	n
9611cash and cod sales	BROa	v
9612cash budget	BRPJ	Z
9613cash disbursements journal	BRQQ	x
9614cash discount	BRRB	b
9615cash dispenser	BRRc	f
9616cash flow	BRR7	l
9617cash requirements report	BRXf	s
9618cash sale	BRYL	X
9619cash service	BRYi	a
9620cashflow	BRY8	W
9621cashier mode	BRZS	d
9622cashless society	BRZv	h
9623cashless system	BRaQ	d
9624cassette	BRat	W
9625cassette diagnostic	BRbD	h
9626cassette disc	BRbk	b
9627cassette disk	BRb/	b
9628cassette drive	BRca	f
9629cassette film	BRc5	b
9630cassette interface	BRdU	g
9631cassette interrecord gap	BRd0	s
9632cassette magnetic tape	BReg	k
9633cassette record interface	j9i	5
9634cassette recorder	BRfE	i
9635cassette tape	BRfm	b
9636cassette tape unit	BRgB	j
9637cassette unit	BRgk	e
9638cassette videotape	BRhC	j
9639cast	BRhl	N
9640cast of symbol	BRhy	c
9641cast off	BRiO	Q
9642cast system	BRie	Z
9643caster	BRi3	O
9644casting out nines check	BRjF	l
9645casual clearing station	BRjq	l
9646casual inspection	BRkP	i
9647casual network user	BRkx	n
9648casual user	BRlY	Z
9649casualty report	BRlx	k
9650catalanguage	BRmV	a
9651catalog	BRmv	j
9652catalog file descriptor	BRnS	u
9653catalog file string	BRoA	k
9654catalog file string error	BRok	w
9655catalog listing	BRpU	a
9656catalog memory	BRpu	f
9657catalog record	BRqN	c
9658catalog search	BRqp	c
9659cataloged data set	BRrF	j
9660cataloged file	BRro	c
9661cataloged load module	BRsE	p
9662cataloged load module file	BRst	0
9663cataloged permanent file	BRth	s
9664cataloged priority	BRuN	j
9665cataloged procedure	BRuw	h
9666cataloged program	BRvR	f
9667cataloger	BRvw	R
9668cataloging	BRwB	S
9669cataloging system	BRwT	f
9670catalogue	BRwy	R
9671catalogue data base	BRxD	k
9672catalogued file	BRxn	d
9673catalogued procedures	BRyE	j
9674catalyst	BRyn	Q
9675catalyzer	BRy3	U
9676catastrophe	BRzL	W
9677catastrophic cancellation	BRzh	n
9678categorical data	BR0I	e
9679category	BR0m	Q
9680cathode ray tube	BR02	l
9681cathode ray tube	BR1b	h
9682cathode ray tube	I7rD	f
9683cathode ray tube terminal	BR18	3
9684ccoupled	DYVe	f
9685cell	BR2z	q
9686cell coordinates	BR3d	h
9687cell diagram	Fmd6	d
9688cell growth problem	BR3+	n
9689cell interconnection	BR48	i
9690cell interconnection mask	BR5e	t
9691cell library	BR6L	d
9692cell logic	BR6o	Y
9693cell matrix	BR7A	Z
9694cell memory	BR7Z	c
9695cell model	BR71	Y
9696cell name	BR8N	U
9697cell orifice	BR8h	X
9698cell pointer	BR84	d
9699cell scanning system	BR9V	x
9700cell space simulation language	BR+G	4
9701cell switching	Gvdi	c
9702cell value	BR++	V
9703cellar	BR/T	d
9704cellular array	BR/w	c
9705cellular array processor	BSAM	v
9706cellular automaton	BSA7	m
9707cellular chain	BSBh	c
9708cellular computation	BSB9	r
9709cellular computer	BSCo	o
9710cellular construction	BSDQ	j
9711cellular fast processor	BSDz	u
9712cellular inverted list	BSEh	q
9713cellular linear input logic	BSFL	1
9714cellular list	BSGA	Y
9715cellular logic	BSGY	c
9716cellular logic array	BSG0	o
9717cellular logic image processor	BSHc	BA
9718cellular logic in memory	BSIc	v
9719cellular logic operation	BSJL	s
9720cellular logical array	BSJ3	q
9721cellular memory	BSKh	g
9722cellular mobile telephone systems	BSLB	4
9723cellular multilist	BSL5	g
9724cellular network	BSMZ	e
9725cellular partition	BSM3	j
9726cellular production	BSNa	h
9727cellular splitting	BSN7	j
9728cellular tree structured computer	BSOe	7
9729cellular unmanned production	BSPZ	9
9730center	BSQW	e
9731center	H2w+	U
9732center alignment tab	BSQ0	o
9733center clipping	BSRc	d
9734center feed tape	BSR5	h
9735center finding	BSSa	c
9736center justification	BSS2	c
9737center mark	BSTS	Z
9738center operator	BSTr	g
9739center point	BSUL	X
9740center processing unit retry	BSUi	z
9741center routine	BSVV	i
9742center spot	BSV3	W
9743center system	BSWN	b
9744center tapped	BSWo	b
9745center tree	BSXD	W
9746center zero	BSXZ	Z
9747centeral communication controller	BSXy	4
9748centeral computing facility	BSYq	v
9749centeral control cycle	BSZZ	q
9750centeral control unit	BSaD	m
9751centeral controller	BSap	k
9752centeral data base	BSbN	j
9753centeral data file	BSbw	m
9754centeral difference formula	BScW	v
9755centeral difference interpolation	BSdF	4
9756centeral difference notation	BSd9	w
9757centeral interconnection	BSet	m
9758centeral processor	BSfT	j
9759centeralization	BSf2	a
9760centeralized algorithm	BSgQ	n
9761centeralized arbiter	BSg3	l
9762centeralized data base	BShc	q
9763centeralized data processing	BSiG	z
9764centeralized monitoring system	BSi5	y
9765centeralized multiend point connection f	BSjr	BC
9766centeralized network	BSkt	l
9767centeralized processing	BSlS	o
9768centeralized resource management	BSl6	3
9769centeralized resource management algorithm	BSmx	BH
9770centeralized supervisory and control equipment	BSn4	BL
9771centeralized system	BSpD	k
9772centered difference	BSpn	h
9773centered processing system	FmeX	BI
9774centered processor	Fmff	5
9775centered programming	GpV8	BC
9776centered representation	GpW+	BF
9777centering	BSqI	U
9778centering mark	BSqc	q
9779centerless grinding	BSrG	h
9780centerline	BSrn	V
9781centesimal notation	BSr8	k
9782centimeter	BSsg	V
9783central	BSs1	V
9784central air data computer	BStK	7
9785central communication controller	BSuF	3
9786central computer	BSu8	k
9787central computer complex	BSvg	5
9788central console	BSwZ	g
9789central control	BSw5	d
9790central control board	BSxW	m
9791central control cycle	BSx8	p
9792central control desk	BSyl	l
9793central control line	BSzK	o
9794central control module	BSzy	q
9795central control room	BS0c	l
9796central data acquisition system	BS1B	+
9797central data bank	BS1/	i
9798central data display	BS2h	v
9799central data processing center	BS3Q	4
9800central data processor	BS4I	t
9801central difference operator	BS41	v
9802central digital computer	BS5k	v
9803central display unit	BS6T	l
9804central distributed system	BS64	x
9805central exchenge	BS7p	h
9806central file	BS8K	a
9807central finite difference	BS8k	t
9808central flow control precedence network	BS9R	BH
9809central flow control software	BS+Y	3
9810central flow control software system analysis	BS/P	BT
9811central index file	BTAi	m
9812central interface unit	BTBI	q
9813central interrupt register	BTBy	x
9814central laboratory minicomputer	BTCj	8
9815central limit theorem	BTDf	p
9816central line	BTEI	a
9817central location	BTEi	e
9818central logic bus	BTFA	p
9819central logic complex	BTFp	p
9820central logic control	BTGS	p
9821central logic unit	BTG7	q
9822central mean	BTHl	a
9823central mean operator	BTH/	p
9824central memory	BTIo	i
9825central memory control	BTJK	w
9826central module	BTJ6	c
9827central moment	BTKW	Z
9828central monitoring	BTKv	g
9829central office	BTLP	Z
9830central office exchange	BTLo	r
9831central operation	BTMT	f
9832central point	BTMy	Y
9833central processing element	BTNK	y
9834central processing system	BTN8	x
9835central processing unit	BTOt	v
9836central processing unit deprecated	BTPc	BF
9837central processing unit loop	BTQh	z
9838central processor	BTRU	i
9839central processor control	BTR2	w
9840central processor simulation	BTSm	z
9841central processor subsystem	BTTZ	y
9842central register	BTUL	h
9843central scanning loop	BTUs	p
9844central serve	BTVV	h
9845central site	BTV2	j
9846central station	BTWZ	a
9847central storage	BTWz	g
9848central string table	BTXT	i
9849central subsystem	BTX1	i
9850central switching	BTYX	f
9851centralize	BTY2	S
9852centralize control system	Gb3i	BB
9853centralized automatic testing	BTZI	4
9854centralized computer networks	BTaA	0
9855centralized control system	BTa0	r
9856centralized data processing	BTbf	v
9857centralized engine room control	BTcO	z
9858centralized reference system	BTdB	w
9859centralized system	BTdx	j
9860centralized traffic control	BTeU	y
9861centralized update library	BTfG	0
9862centrally controlled network	BTgd	w
9863centre	BThN	S
9864centre feed hole	BThf	b
9865centre of a quadric	BTh6	k
9866centre of an area	BTie	f
9867centre of fiqure	BTi9	Y
9868centre of spherical curvature	BTjV	u
9869centre of symmetry	BTkD	g
9870centre tapped primary winding	BTkj	6
9871centre tapped transformer	BTld	z
9872centre tree	BTmQ	W
9873centrifugal action	BTmm	g
9874centrifugal blower	BTnG	j
9875centroid	BTnp	Q
9876centroid of a free tree	BTn5	r
9877centroid point	BTok	Z
9878centroid vector	BTo9	a
9879ceramic	BTpX	S
9880ceramic bond	BTpp	d
9881ceramic cap	BTqG	W
9882ceramic capacitor	BTqc	f
9883ceramic metal	BTq7	b
9884ceramic package	BTrW	d
9885ceramic packing	BTrz	d
9886ceramic plate	BTsQ	Y
9887ceramic seal	BTso	a
9888ceramic substrate	BTtC	f
9889ceramic wafer	BTth	b
9890ceramicon	BTt8	U
9891ceramics	BTuQ	Q
9892certification	BTug	b
9893chad	BTu7	J
9894chadded	Iy27	S
9895chadless	Iy3N	T
9896chadless tape	BTvE	Y
9897chain	BTvc	g
9898chain	DVNl	R
9899chain	Eup/	U
9900chain	Fwh1	W
9901chain	FwhU	h
9902chain	GwwM	Z
9903chain	Gwwl	d
9904chain	H1SN	j
9905chain addition program	BTv8	q
9906chain address	BTwm	b
9907chain addressing	BTxB	e
9908chain area	BTxf	Y
9909chain break	BTx3	W
9910chain byte	BTyN	Y
9911chain calculation	BTyl	f
9912chain carry	BTzE	Z
9913chain character area	BTzd	l
9914chain circuit	BT0C	b
9915chain code	BT0d	V
9916chain code generator	BT0y	o
9917chain code tracing	BT1a	m
9918chain command	BT2A	b
9919chain command flag	BT2b	m
9920chain console type writer	BT3B	z
9921chain data	BT30	Y
9922chain data address	BT4M	m
9923chain data code	BT4y	g
9924chain data flag	BT5S	m
9925chain decomposition theorem	BT54	s
9926chain effect	BT6k	a
9927chain error	BT6+	W
9928chain feature	BT7U	b
9929chain field	BT7v	Z
9930chain file	BT8I	Y
9931chain image	BT8g	Z
9932chain in	BT85	Q
9933chain index	BT9J	W
9934chain job	BT9f	X
9935chain line printer	BT92	j
9936chain link record	BT+Z	l
9937chain linked to next	BT++	f
9938chain linked to next and prior	BT/d	p
9939chain linked to owner	BUAG	g
9940chain list	BUAm	Y
9941chain maintenance program	BUA+	t
9942chain matrices	BUBr	c
9943chain mode	BUCH	g
9944chain of controllers	BUCn	i
9945chain of subcatalog	BUDJ	h
9946chain output	BUDq	a
9947chain printer	BUEE	b
9948chain program	BUEf	b
9949chain reaction	BUE6	c
9950chain record	BUFW	a
9951chain rule	BUFw	Y
9952chain rule for differentiation	BUGI	1
9953chain scheduling	BUG9	e
9954chain search	BUHb	X
9955chain segment	BUHy	V
9956chain trace	B63w	W
9957chain validation edit	BUIH	s
9958chained address	BUIz	d
9959chained addressing	BUJQ	g
9960chained allocation	BUJw	g
9961chained cable	B7FW	e
9962chained dependence	BUKQ	j
9963chained detail record	BUKz	p
9964chained fields	BULc	c
9965chained file	BUL4	a
9966chained file management system	BUMS	9
9967chained job	BUNP	Z
9968chained line	BUNo	X
9969chained linear list	BUN/	k
9970chained list	BUOj	X
9971chained list search	BUO6	k
9972chained memory chip	B7F0	x
9973chained record	BUPe	c
9974chained sector	BUP6	c
9975chained segment buffer	BUQW	q
9976chained segment buffering	BURA	q
9977chained structured record	BURq	t
9978chained sublibraries	BUSX	o
9979chaining	BUS/	Q
9980chaining address	BUTP	s
9981chaining backward	BUT7	c
9982chaining bit	BUUX	X
9983chaining channel action	BUUu	r
9984chaining check	BUVZ	c
9985chaining command file	BUV1	p
9986chaining common variables	BUWe	t
9987chaining core block	BUXL	q
9988chaining equations	JLBj	z
9989chaining equivalence variables	BUX1	y
9990chaining field	BUYn	c
9991chaining forward	BUZD	e
9992chaining method	BUZh	a
9993chaining overflow	BUZ7	f
9994chaining search	BUaa	d
9995challenge	BUa3	X
9996challenge system	CZKq	k
9997chamber	BUbO	T
9998chameleon segment	BUbh	o
9999champion data	BUcJ	b
10000chance cause	BUck	a
10001chance coincidence	BUc+	g
10002chance failure	BUde	c
10003chance machine	BUd6	f
10004chance player	BUeZ	e
10005change	BUe3	S
10006change	H1M7	R
10007change	Iy3g	R
10008change accumulation	BUfJ	h
10009change bar	BUfq	V
10010change bars	BUf/	Z
10011change bit	BUgY	V
10012change character	BUgt	e
10013change compaction	H/MY	o
10014change compaction	H/NA	i
10015change direction	BUhL	e
10016change direction command indicator	BUhp	5
10017change direction protocol	BUii	n
10018change directive	BUjJ	e
10019change dump	BUjn	Z
10020change file	BUkA	Z
10021change frame	BUkZ	a
10022change horizon	BUkz	c
10023change horizon value	BUlP	l
10024change key	BUl0	Y
10025change key characteristic	BUmM	q
10026change level	BUoe	X
10027change lo costing table	BUm2	t
10028change lo simulation costing table	BUnj	7
10029change management	BUo1	f
10030change manual page	BUpU	m
10031change mode	BUp6	n
10032change of state	BUqh	d
10033change order	BUq+	a
10034change over	BUrY	T
10035change over arrangement	BUrr	l
10036change over circuit	BUsQ	h
10037change over contact unit	BUsx	p
10038change over facility	BUta	i
10039change over gate	BUt8	b
10040change over procedure	BUuX	j
10041change over signal	BUu6	g
10042change over switch	BUva	g
10043change over system	BUv6	g
10044change over time	BUwa	e
10045change page	BUw4	b
10046change period intervals	BUxT	r
10047change position connection	BUx+	o
10048change record	BUym	b
10049change remote access password	BUzB	6
10050change report period intervals	BUz7	4
10051change request	BU0z	c
10052change tape	BU1P	W
10053change transaction	BU1l	g
10054changeable	BU2F	V
10055changeable physical layout	BU2a	u
10056changeable rom	IRxW	2
10057changeable storage	BU3I	j
10058changeback procedure	BU3r	i
10059changed record	BU4N	f
10060changer	BU4s	S
10061changing amplifier	Ilhw	j
10062changing exception task attribute	BU4+	BB
10063changing file name	BU5/	g
10064changing order point	BU6f	f
10065channel	BU6+	o
10066channel	F2xL	d
10067channel	F8dv	h
10068channel	GGdx	j
10069channel	HNZL	Y
10070channel	Ir6R	S
10071channel adapter	BU7m	g
10072channel adapter supervisor	BU8G	3
10073channel address	BU89	d
10074channel address field	BU9a	p
10075channel address halfword table	BU+D	1
10076channel address output	BU+4	q
10077channel address register	BU/i	v
10078channel address word	BVAR	l
10079channel affinity	BVA2	h
10080channel allocation	BVBX	g
10081channel analog to digital data encoder	F8eQ	BR
10082channel assignment	BVB3	g
10083channel assignment record	BVCX	t
10084channel assignment register	BVDE	y
10085channel assignment table	BVD2	p
10086channel availability	BVEf	s
10087channel available interrupt	BVFL	v
10088channel bandwidth	BVF6	f
10089channel buffer storage	BVGZ	t
10090channel burst mode	BVHG	s
10091channel bus controller	BVHy	t
10092channel bus out	BVIf	n
10093channel busy	BVJG	a
10094channel capacity	BVJg	e
10095channel check	BVJ+	b
10096channel check handler	BVKZ	z
10097channel circuit	GLbe	f
10098channel code	BVLM	a
10099channel coding	BVLm	c
10100channel command	BVMC	l
10101channel command block	BVMn	q
10102channel command register	BVNR	v
10103channel command word	BVOA	p
10104channel command word buffer	BVOp	3
10105channel communication center	F8fh	3
10106channel communication program	F8gY	0
10107channel communication system	F8hM	3
10108channel communications support	F8iD	BP
10109channel compression	BVPg	h
10110channel condition	BVQB	f
10111channel conductance	BVQg	h
10112channel connection	BVRB	g
10113channel connector	BVRh	i
10114channel control	BVSD	h
10115channel control block	BVSk	q
10116channel control character	BVTO	t
10117channel control check	BVT7	t
10118channel control reconfiguration	BVUo	z
10119channel control unit	BVVb	q
10120channel control vector	BVWF	v
10121channel control word	BVW0	p
10122channel controller	BVXd	m
10123channel current	BVYD	d
10124channel data check	BVYg	m
10125channel data recorder	F8jS	z
10126channel data selector	BVZG	s
10127channel decoder	BVZy	g
10128channel definition table	BVaS	p
10129channel demodulation	BVa7	i
10130channel demodulator	BVbd	k
10131channel demultiplexer	BVcB	s
10132channel dissipation	BVct	h
10133channel distortion coefficient	BVdO	y
10134channel disturbance	BVeA	h
10135channel effect	BVeh	c
10136channel encoder	BVe9	d
10137channel encoding	BVfa	e
10138channel end	BVf4	d
10139channel end condition	BVgV	p
10140channel end interrupt	BVg+	p
10141channel entry	BVhn	j
10142channel error statistics	BViK	s
10143channel flag	BVi2	a
10144channel frequency characteristic	BVjQ	0
10145channel frequency stability	BVkE	y
10146channel gate	BVk2	X
10147channel grade	BVlN	b
10148channel grant	BVlo	b
10149channel group	BVmD	Y
10150channel identification	BVmb	k
10151channel indicator	BVm/	i
10152channel indirect data addressing	BVnh	/
10153channel instruction	BVog	h
10154channel interface	BVpB	k
10155channel length	BVpl	c
10156channel logic	BVqB	b
10157channel manager	BVqc	j
10158channel mask	BVq/	a
10159channel metal oxide semiconductor	GLb9	Br
10160channel metal oxide semiconductor memory	GLdo	Bb
10161channel metal oxide semiconductor package	GLfD	BZ
10162channel mobility	BVrZ	h
10163channel mode	BVr6	a
10164channel monitor	BVsU	g
10165channel multiplexer	BVs0	q
10166channel multiplier	DidQ	m
10167channel noise	BVte	b
10168channel noise level	BVt5	k
10169channel number	BVud	c
10170channel operation	BVu5	f
10171channel overload	BVvY	e
10172channel paper tape	IeuQ	j
10173channel pattern	BVv2	d
10174channel pointer	BVwT	g
10175channel pool	BVwz	X
10176channel position	BVxK	e
10177channel predicate	BVxo	f
10178channel processor	BVyH	i
10179channel program	BVyp	d
10180channel program translation	BVzG	v
10181channel programming	BVz1	n
10182channel protocol	BV0c	e
10183channel pulse	BV06	b
10184channel queue	BV1V	b
10185channel read backword command	BV1w	x
10186channel read command	BV2h	l
10187channel receiver	F8kF	o
10188channel receiver	JguC	BH
10189channel region	BV3G	Z
10190channel reliability	BV3f	k
10191channel request	BV4D	d
10192channel request block	BV4g	q
10193channel request priority	BV5K	w
10194channel reset	BV56	b
10195channel resistance	BV6V	g
10196channel routine algorithm	BV61	w
10197channel scheduler	BV7l	l
10198channel scheduling	BV8K	g
10199channel selectivity	BV8q	k
10200channel separation	BV9O	g
10201channel service unit	BV9u	p
10202channel set	BV+X	W
10203channel signaling	IU8l	/
10204channel silicon jfet	GLgc	5
10205channel silicon planar	GLhV	p
10206channel silicon planar epitaxial jfet	GLh+	BW
10207channel size	BV+t	a
10208channel source system	F8kt	u
10209channel start	BV/H	b
10210channel status	BV/i	f
10211channel status indicator	BWAB	v
10212channel status information	BWAw	u
10213channel status routine	BWBe	q
10214channel status table	BWCI	p
10215channel status word	BWCx	o
10216channel sweep	BWDZ	b
10217channel switching	BWD0	f
10218channel synchronizer	BWET	o
10219channel tags in	BWE7	j
10220channel temperature	BWFe	h
10221channel terminal coder	BWF/	t
10222channel terminal decoder	BWGs	v
10223channel throughput	BWHb	j
10224channel time	BWH+	g
10225channel time slot	BWIe	i
10226channel to channel adapter	BWJA	x
10227channel traffic control	BWJx	v
10228channel transistor	BWKg	j
10229channel transistor	GLjU	l
10230channel translating equipment	BWLD	1
10231channel unit	BWL4	a
10232channel unit address	BWMS	o
10233channel utilization	BWM6	k
10234channel utilization index	BWNe	t
10235channel vocoder	BWOL	g
10236channel waiting queue	BWOr	p
10237channel width	BWPU	b
10238channel word	BWPv	X
10239channeling	BWQG	Y
10240channeling diode	BWQe	h
10241channelizing	BWQ/	X
10242channsl connection	BWRW	g
10243chapter	BWSP	M
10244char type	BWSb	W
10245character	B64G	R
10246character	BWSx	e
10247character	CnRO	X
10248character	H3Xa	a
10249character	H4Bz	X
10250character	HNjk	k
10251character	HvfA	s
10252character address	BWTP	f
10253character address counter	BWTu	w
10254character addressing	BWUe	i
10255character adjustment	BWVA	i
10256character advance pulse	BWVi	r
10257character alignment	BWWN	h
10258character arrangement	BWWu	j
10259character array	BWXR	d
10260character array	Gb4j	g
10261character array initialization	BWXu	1
10262character assembly word	BWYj	s
10263character assignment	BWZP	i
10264character assignment statement	BWZx	y
10265character assignment table	BWaj	v
10266character attribute	BWbS	h
10267character average information content	BWbz	8
10268character base	BWcv	c
10269character blank	BWdL	d
10270character board	BWdo	a
10271character boundary	BWeC	a
10272character box	BWec	Y
10273character box element	BWe0	p
10274character buffer	BWfd	h
10275character bus	BWf+	e
10276character cell	BWgc	c
10277character cell viewer	BWg4	p
10278character check	BWhh	d
10279character class	BWh+	a
10280character class description	BWiY	v
10281character code	BWjH	c
10282character code conversion	BWjj	t
10283character code table	BWkQ	l
10284character coding	BWk1	e
10285character comparison	BWlT	i
10286character computer	BWl1	j
10287character constant	BWmY	g
10288character constant editing	BWm4	u
10289character control block	BWnm	s
10290character controlled generator	BWoS	1
10291character conversion	BWpH	i
10292character count program	BWpp	r
10293character counter	BWqU	i
10294character crowding	BWq2	g
10295character cycle	BWrW	d
10296character data	BWrz	c
10297character data storage	BWsP	t
10298character data type operation	BWs8	3
10299character definition display	BWtz	w
10300character deletion character	BWuj	q
10301character delimiter	BWvN	k
10302character denotation	BWvx	i
10303character density	BWwT	f
10304character desassembly	BWwy	j
10305character design	BWxV	e
10306character device	BWxz	e
10307character dimension	BWyR	h
10308character disk	BWyy	Z
10309character display	BWzL	f
10310character display device	BWzq	s
10311character duration	BW0W	g
10312character edge	BW02	c
10313character editing	BW1S	f
10314character element	BW1x	f
10315character emitter	BW2Q	o
10316character encoding	BW24	g
10317character error rate	BW3Y	l
10318character expression	BW39	l
10319character field	BW4i	a
10320character field descriptor	BW48	u
10321character field dimenion	BW5q	p
10322character file	BW6T	c
10323character file separator	BW6v	v
10324character fill	BW7e	c
10325character font	BW76	W
10326character format	BW8Q	e
10327character forms control	DVFb	2
10328character frame	BW8u	a
10329character frame bit	BW9I	k
10330character function	BW9s	g
10331character function reference	BW+M	w
10332character gate	BW+8	f
10333character generation	BW/b	i
10334character generation option	BW/9	v
10335character generation unit	BXAs	q
10336character generator	BXBW	4
10337character generator utility	BXCO	v
10338character glyph	BXC9	d
10339character graphic	BXDa	f
10340character group	BXD5	a
10341character guidance	BXET	p
10342character handling	BXE8	g
10343character identifier	BXFc	l
10344character ignore block	BXGB	n
10345character ignore instruction	BXGo	w
10346character image	BXHY	d
10347character increment	BXH1	h
10348character information	BXIW	j
10349character information rate	BXI5	r
10350character insert	BXJk	e
10351character insert mode	BXKC	p
10352character insertion	BXKr	h
10353character instruction	BXLM	j
10354character integer	BXLv	f
10355character interleaved time frame	BXMO	3
10356character interleaving	BXNF	q
10357character interval	BXNv	g
10358character key	BXOP	Y
10359character late	BXOn	f
10360character level	BXPG	a
10361character like code	BXPg	h
10362character literal	BXQB	i
10363character load routine	BXQj	k
10364character locator	BXRH	i
10365character machine	BXRp	i
10366character manipulation	BXSL	k
10367character marker	BXSv	h
10368character matrix	BXTQ	e
10369character mean information content	BXTu	5
10370character mean transinformation content	BXUn	BE
10371character memory	BXVr	h
10372character misregistration	BXWM	t
10373character mode	BXW5	q
10374character mode display	BXXj	q
10375character mode dte	BXYN	j
10376character mode input	BXYw	o
10377character modifier	BXZY	j
10378character motion	BXZ7	e
10379character multiplexer	BXaZ	s
10380character object	BXbF	e
10381character offset	BXbj	e
10382character oriented procedure	BXcB	z
10383character oriented record	BXc0	w
10384character oriented requirement	BXdk	1
10385character outline	BXeZ	f
10386character packing density	BXe4	t
10387character parity check	BXfl	q
10388character path	BXgP	c
10389character pattern	BXgr	Z
10390character pattern input	BXhE	l
10391character per second	BXhp	p
10392character picture specification	BXiS	z
10393character pitch	BXjF	d
10394character plane	BXji	X
10395character plotting	BXj5	j
10396character point display	BXkc	o
10397character pointer	BXlE	f
10398character position	BXlj	g
10399character printer	BXmD	i
10400character processing	IZxp	r
10401character properties	BXml	i
10402character pulse	BXnH	d
10403character rate	BXnk	f
10404character reader	BXoD	h
10405character reader	FQl7	n
10406character reading	BXok	f
10407character ready	BXpD	d
10408character recognition	BXpg	j
10409character recognition machine	BXqD	u
10410character recognition system	BXqx	w
10411character recognitnon criteria	BXrh	y
10412character reference point	BXsT	q
10413character register	BXs9	n
10414character relational expression	BXtk	z
10415character repertoire	BXuX	f
10416character repetition cycle	BXu2	u
10417character rotation	BXvk	g
10418character row	BXwE	Y
10419character scalar	BXwc	e
10420character segmentation	BXw6	k
10421character selection circuit	BXxe	v
10422character sensing equipment	BXyN	v
10423character sensing field	BXy8	o
10424character sensing strip	BXzk	o
10425character sequence	BX0M	g
10426character set	BX0s	j
10427character set attribute	BX1P	l
10428character shift in	BX10	j
10429character signal	BX2X	e
10430character size	BX21	c
10431character skew	BX3R	c
10432character source	BX3t	b
10433character space	BX4I	d
10434character spacing	BX4l	c
10435character spacing reference line	BX5B	x
10436character spacint	H5Q3	o
10437character storage unit	BX5y	q
10438character store	BX6c	d
10439character stream	BX65	b
10440character string	BX7U	j
10441character string constant	BX73	q
10442character string data	BX8h	m
10443character string descriptor	BX9H	v
10444character string function	BX92	q
10445character string instruction	BX+g	t
10446character string manipulation package	BX/N	BC
10447character string picture	BYAP	p
10448character string picture data	BYA4	x
10449character string variable	BYBp	q
10450character stroke	BYCT	e
10451character structure	BYCx	h
10452character style	BYDS	X
10453character subset	BYDp	e
10454character suppression	BYEH	j
10455character switching	BYEq	h
10456character symbol	BYFL	e
10457character symbol set	BYFp	l
10458character synchronization	BYGO	t
10459character table	BYG7	a
10460character testing function	BYHV	u
10461character timing	BYID	e
10462character token	BYIh	d
10463character topology	BYI+	m
10464character transfer	BYJk	j
10465character transfer rate	BYKH	r
10466character transliteration	BYKy	n
10467character tree	BYLZ	Z
10468character type	BYLy	c
10469character type statement	BYMO	s
10470character type variable	Gb5D	u
10471character unit	BYM6	c
10472character unit correction	BYNW	t
10473character value	BYOD	a
10474character values	BYOd	b
10475character variable	BYO4	g
10476character wheel	BYPY	X
10477character width	BYPv	d
10478character writing tube	BYQM	n
10479character zone	BYQz	c
10480characteristic	BYS3	W
10481characteristic	BYTN	Z
10482characteristic adaptive control	BYTm	2
10483characteristic adaptive system	BYUc	1
10484characteristic condition	BYVR	m
10485characteristic cone	BYV3	e
10486characteristic conoid	BYWV	g
10487characteristic data of computer	BYW1	/
10488characteristic distortion	BYX0	n
10489characteristic disturbance	BYYb	o
10490characteristic element	BYZD	k
10491characteristic equation	BYZn	l
10492characteristic factor	BYaM	j
10493characteristic form	BYav	h
10494characteristic frequencies	BYbQ	o
10495characteristic function	BYb4	l
10496characteristic grammar	BYcd	k
10497characteristic impedance	BYdB	m
10498characteristic in a floating point representation	BYdn	BO
10499characteristic language	BYe1	l
10500characteristic length	BYfa	j
10501characteristic letter	BYf9	j
10502characteristic machine	BYgg	h
10503characteristic measurement	BYhB	o
10504characteristic of a logarithm	BYhp	6
10505characteristic oscillation	BYij	o
10506characteristic program grammar	BYjL	y
10507characteristic programmed grammar	BYj9	1
10508characteristic quadratic form	BYky	u
10509characteristic readout voltage pulse	BYlg	+
10510characteristic root	BYme	e
10511characteristic set	BYm8	g
10512characteristic signal	BYnc	j
10513characteristic system	BYn/	j
10514characteristic test	BYoi	h
10515characteristic value	BYpD	f
10516characteristic variable	BYpi	l
10517characteristics	BYqH	f
10518characteristics of channel	BYqm	o
10519characterization	BYrO	b
10520characterization of computability	BYrp	1
10521characters received in error	BYse	2
10522charactron	BYtU	V
10523charactron tube	BYtp	a
10524charage coupled device memory	BYuD	6
10525charage coupled device technology	BYu9	7
10526charage storage cell	BYv4	o
10527charage storage tube	BYwg	l
10528charater to byte symbol	BYxF	u
10529charccter forming tube	BYxz	n
10530charge	BYya	O
10531charge	JErT	a
10532charge amplifier	BYyo	h
10533charge analysis	BYzJ	d
10534charge carrier	BYzm	f
10535charge control analysis	BY0F	r
10536charge corona	BY0w	V
10537charge coupled device	BY1F	p
10538charge coupled memory	BY1u	s
10539charge density	BY2a	c
10540charge item	GaER	Z
10541charge model	E4WK	d
10542charge nonmachine fault time	Gb5x	/
10543charge number	BY22	b
10544charge off	BY3R	b
10545charge pattern	BY3s	f
10546charge storage diode	BY4L	r
10547charge storage flip flop	BY42	v
10548charge transfer	BY5l	d
10549charge transfer device	BY6C	q
10550charge transition time	BY6s	q
10551charge up	BY7W	R
10552charging	BY7n	Q
10553charging time	BY73	b
10554charstream	BY8S	V
10555charstring	BY8n	V
10556chart	BY88	a
10557chart area	BY9W	m
10558chart format	BY98	a
10559chart layout	BY+W	a
10560chart of account	BY+w	h
10561chart of accounts	BY/R	i
10562chart option	BY/z	a
10563chart pattern	BZAN	V
10564chart reader	BZAi	d
10565chart recorder	BZA/	c
10566chart recording	BZBb	d
10567chart speed	BZB4	f
10568chart type	BZCX	S
10569charting	BZCp	Q
10570chas	BZC5	V
10571chase	BZDO	T
10572chassis	BZDh	P
10573chassis assembly	BZDw	e
10574chassis earth	BZEO	b
10575chassis mount construction	BZEp	r
10576chatter	BZFU	P
10577check	BZFj	N
10578check	CbIN	W
10579check	H5m1	W
10580check	H76U	T
10581check	H9Xq	T
10582check	JH3x	T
10583check	JKQT	T
10584check bit	BZFw	X
10585check bit column	BZGH	e
10586check bit polynomial	BZGl	o
10587check bit sum	BZHN	b
10588check bus	BZHo	X
10589check card	BZH/	Y
10590check character	BZIX	r
10591check code	BZJC	V
10592check code	IOuE	c
10593check consistency	BZJX	i
10594check digit	BZJ5	n
10595check digit	IOug	j
10596check divide indicator	BZKg	t
10597check expression	BZLN	h
10598check field	IOvD	f
10599check for overflow	BZLu	g
10600check formula	BZMO	b
10601check group	BZMp	Z
10602check indicator	BZNC	g
10603check indicator	HDt2	m
10604check indicator	IliT	p
10605check indicator instruction	BZNi	y
10606check interrupt	FNN8	j
10607check key	BZOU	U
10608check light	BZOo	W
10609check list	BZO+	V
10610check list method	BZPT	i
10611check number	BZP1	X
10612check out	BZQM	R
10613check point	BZQd	T
10614check point data set	BZQw	o
10615check problem	BZRY	b
10616check procedure	BZRz	d
10617check program	BZSQ	b
10618check program	HDuc	h
10619check protect	BZSr	b
10620check register	BZTG	f
10621check reset	BZTl	Z
10622check reset key	BZT+	g
10623check routine	BZUe	b
10624check routine test	BZU5	m
10625check row	BZVf	U
10626check subroutine	BZVz	h
10627check sum	BZWU	U
10628check sum code	BZWo	c
10629check sum digit	BZXE	d
10630check symbol	BZXh	a
10631check syntax	BZX7	a
10632check system	BZYV	a
10633check table	BZYv	W
10634check tag	BZZF	X
10635check total	BZZc	Z
10636check track	BZZ1	W
10637check trunk	BZaL	Z
10638check word	BZak	V
10639checked	Cm09	Z
10640checker	BZa5	S
10641checker	HPQ8	i
10642checker	IOvi	V
10643checker board	BZbL	Y
10644checker board effect	BZbj	l
10645checker playing program	BZcI	r
10646checking	H9mE	c
10647checking	HQiM	W
10648checking	IOv3	Q
10649checking bit	BZcz	X
10650checking by resubstitution	BZdK	u
10651checking calculation	BZd4	c
10652checking card	BZeU	b
10653checking circuit	BZev	e
10654checking circuit	HQii	k
10655checking circuit	IOwH	e
10656checking cleaner	IOwl	n
10657checking code	C5H6	Y
10658checking code	IOxM	Y
10659checking code time	BZfN	m
10660checking computation	BZfz	i
10661checking credit limits	BZgV	q
10662checking digit	BZg/	Z
10663checking feature	BZhY	e
10664checking function	DFVj	l
10665checking information	BZh2	i
10666checking loop	BZiY	b
10667checking machine	BZiz	b
10668checking number	IOxk	d
10669checking number device	IOyB	v
10670checking number system	IOyw	t
10671checking numeral	IOzd	e
10672checking of access right	BZjO	p
10673checking off symbol	BZj3	h
10674checking procedure	BZkY	g
10675checking program	BZk4	e
10676checking program	IOz7	h
10677checking routine	BZlW	e
10678checking routine	IV8o	k
10679checking sequence	BZl0	f
10680checking subroutine	BZmT	k
10681checking symbol	BZm3	d
10682checking synchronous sequential computer	IO0c	BI
10683checking system	IO1k	g
10684checking technique	IO2E	j
10685checkity	CUvd	W
10686checkout compiler	BZnU	l
10687checkout console	BZn5	h
10688checkout equipment	BZoa	g
10689checkout program	BZo6	e
10690checkout system	BZpY	d
10691checkpoint	BZp1	0
10692checkpoint based software tool	BZqp	+
10693checkpoint control	BZrn	j
10694checkpoint dump	BZsK	m
10695checkpoint entry	BZsw	h
10696checkpoint file	BZtR	g
10697checkpoint file code	BZtx	r
10698checkpoint record	BZuc	i
10699checkpoint restart	BZu+	m
10700checkpoint routine	BZvk	j
10701checkpoint subroutine	BZwH	p
10702checkpointer	BZww	X
10703checkpointing	BZxH	e
10704checksum	BZxl	k
10705chemical bond	BZyJ	Y
10706chemical depositon	BZyh	g
10707chemical element	BZzB	e
10708chemical energy	BZzf	a
10709chemical engineering	BZz5	i
10710chemical engineering process	BZ0b	w
10711chemical equilibrium problem	BZ1L	w
10712chemical equivalent	BZ17	h
10713chemical etching	BZ2c	e
10714chemical impurity	BZ26	f
10715chemical polishing	BZ3Z	m
10716chemical purification	BZ3/	j
10717chemical staining	BZ4i	f
10718chemical treatment	BZ5B	g
10719chemically deposited printed circuit	BZ5h	+
10720chief operator	BZ6f	c
10721chief programmer	BZ67	e
10722chief programmer team	BZ7Z	m
10723child	BZ7/	d
10724child and twin pointer	BZ8c	w
10725child group	BZ9M	T
10726child mapping	HO+O	q
10727child node	BZ9f	V
10728child parent mapping	BZ90	o
10729child pointer	BZ+c	b
10730child relationship	HO9W	g
10731child resource	BZ+3	c
10732child set	HO92	Y
10733child to parent linkage	BZ/T	l
10734childern chain	BZ/4	Z
10735childern processes	BaAR	d
10736childern record	BaAu	d
10737childern relation	BaBL	f
10738children	BaBq	T
10739chilling unit	BaB9	b
10740chinese	BaCY	P
10741chinese	JKVe	b
10742chinese character	BaCn	f
10743chinese character set	3MY	s
10744chinese enterable	BaDG	o
10745chinese enterable attribute	BaDu	y
10746chinese enterable field	BaEg	u
10747chinese entry	BaFO	b
10748chinese field	BaFp	b
10749chinese impact printer	BaGE	w
10750chinese key	BaG0	W
10751chinese language computer society	BaHK	9
10752chinese number	BaIH	c
10753chinese number entry mode	BaIj	z
10754chinese relational database operator	BaJW	BK
10755chinese subfield	BaKg	h
10756chinese teletex system	BaLB	w
10757chinese videotex system	BaLx	1
10758chinese videotex system	BaMm	1
10759chip	BaNb	M
10760chip	Fu55	Y
10761chip bonder	DYSE	f
10762chip bonding	DYSj	g
10763chip control logic	GsgQ	m
10764chip integrated circuit	DYTD	u
10765chip memory	Gsg2	c
10766chip method	DYTx	c
10767chip microcomputer	FJ67	y
10768chip microcomputer	GshS	p
10769chip microprocessor	Gvd+	n
10770chip structure	DYUN	f
10771chip transistor	DYUs	j
10772choice	BaNn	O
10773choice	DVGR	R
10774choice	GF7E	i
10775choice circuit	DVGi	c
10776choice device	BaN1	b
10777choice grammar	DUNQ	i
10778choice route	DVG+	a
10779choke packets	BaOQ	b
10780chromatic number	E4Wn	b
10781chstom and semicustom	BaOr	p
10782chstom design	BaPU	b
10783chstom hybrids manufacturers	BaPv	/
10784chstom information control system	BaQu	7
10785chunk	BaRp	T
10786cicsvs	BaR8	v
10787cipher code	BaSr	T
10788cipher equipment	BaS+	e
10789cipher feedback	BaTc	d
10790cipher machine	BaT5	Z
10791cipher mask	BaUS	Z
10792cipher message	BaUr	c
10793cipher system	BaVH	b
10794cipher telegram	BaVi	d
10795cipher text	BaV/	T
10796ciphering	BaWS	R
10797ciphering techniques	BaWj	i
10798ciphony	BaXF	Y
10799cipmuting system	BaXd	e
10800circle	BaX7	L
10801circle	IRyM	O
10802circle dot mode	BaYG	a
10803circle of buffer	BaYg	h
10804circuit	BaZB	X
10805circuit	F6JG	b
10806circuit	G8gL	U
10807circuit	GlMr	S
10808circuit abjustment	BaZY	g
10809circuit access point	BaZ4	l
10810circuit alarm	Baad	b
10811circuit algebra	Baa4	d
10812circuit analysis	BabV	e
10813circuit analyzer	Babz	h
10814circuit array	BacU	b
10815circuit board	Bacv	Y
10816circuit board	Hk3U	i
10817circuit board testing	BadH	m
10818circuit breaker	Badt	a
10819circuit capacity	BaeH	e
10820circuit card	Bael	f
10821circuit card	Hk32	d
10822circuit code	BafE	X
10823circuit complexity	Bafb	j
10824circuit component	Baf+	f
10825circuit connector	Bagd	c
10826circuit constant	Bag5	e
10827circuit control station	BahX	o
10828circuit convolution	Bah/	h
10829circuit data	I3A/	i
10830circuit description table	Baig	q
10831circuit design	BajK	c
10832circuit diagram	Bajm	a
10833circuit element	BakA	d
10834circuit equation	Bakd	e
10835circuit family	Bak7	c
10836circuit grade	BalX	b
10837circuit hole	Baly	X
10838circuit identification code	BamJ	s
10839circuit identify	Bam1	e
10840circuit impedance	Gx7Y	f
10841circuit integration	BanT	k
10842circuit interface protocol	Ban3	u
10843circuit kit	Baol	Z
10844circuit layout	Bao+	0
10845circuit line	Gx73	X
10846circuit line up	Bapy	h
10847circuit load	BaqT	g
10848circuit loading coil	Ik7/	u
10849circuit logic	Baqz	b
10850circuit malfunction	BarO	h
10851circuit manufacture	Barv	h
10852circuit matrix	BasQ	c
10853circuit media	Bass	b
10854circuit model	BatH	b
10855circuit model	C2jt	h
10856circuit module	FrN/	j
10857circuit noise	Bati	b
10858circuit noise level	Bat9	n
10859circuit opening contact	Bauk	l
10860circuit operating rate	BavJ	n
10861circuit operating time	Bavw	q
10862circuit operation	Bawa	f
10863circuit optimization	Baw5	l
10864circuit parameter	Baxe	f
10865circuit parameter	Gx8O	f
10866circuit parameter	Ij3T	f
10867circuit path	Ij3y	k
10868circuit philosophy	Bax9	g
10869circuit protecter	Bayd	i
10870circuit protection	Bay/	g
10871circuit quality control	Bazf	r
10872circuit reliability	Ba0K	k
10873circuit repeat coil	Ik8t	t
10874circuit signaling	Gx8t	p
10875circuit specification	Ba0u	j
10876circuit speed	Ba1R	b
10877circuit subspace	Ba1s	h
10878circuit switch	Ba2N	c
10879circuit switch connection	Ba2p	t
10880circuit switch data transmission service	Ba3W	BI
10881circuit switch function	Ba4e	r
10882circuit switched public data network	Ba5J	BH
10883circuit switching	Ba6Q	t
10884circuit switching center	Ba69	s
10885circuit switching operation	Ba7p	v
10886circuit switching scheme	Ba8Y	s
10887circuit switching station	Ba9E	q
10888circuit system	Gx9W	Z
10889circuit technology	Ba9u	g
10890circuit termination	I1i	q
10891circuit tester	Ba+O	f
10892circuit tester	pb6	o
10893circuit testing	Ba+t	d
10894circuit testing center	Ba/K	q
10895circuit theory	Ba/0	c
10896circuit to pin ratio	BbAQ	o
10897circuit tolerance	BbA4	f
10898circuit tracing machine	BbBX	o
10899circuit transmission line	Gx9v	w
10900circuit transmission line	Ij4W	v
10901circuit unit	BbB/	a
10902circuit usage	BbCZ	e
10903circuit wafer	BbC3	b
10904circuit yield	BbDS	e
10905circuited transmission line	Ij5F	s
10906circuited winding	Ij5x	p
10907circuitry	BbEH	U
10908circulant	BbEb	a
10909circulant buffering	BbE1	h
10910circulant convolution	BbFW	j
10911circulant matrix	BbF5	e
10912circulant matrix eigenvalue	BbGX	y
10913circulant matrix eigenvector	BbHJ	2
10914circular correlation	BbH/	i
10915circular definition	BbIh	h
10916circular execution pipeline	BbJC	v
10917circular file	BbJx	b
10918circular film	BbKM	b
10919circular frequency	BbKn	a
10920circular interpolation	BbLB	k
10921circular linkage	BbLl	e
10922circular linked list	BbMD	i
10923circular list	BbMl	Y
10924circular list type	BbM9	j
10925circular magnetization mode	BbNg	v
10926circular pipeline	BbOP	f
10927circular process	BbOu	e
10928circular relation	BbPM	f
10929circular scan	BbPr	b
10930circular shift	BbQG	c
10931circular storage	BbQi	h
10932circular symbol	BbRD	d
10933circular table	BbRg	Z
10934circulate	BbR5	V
10935circulating	H5nL	c
10936circulating memory	BbSO	j
10937circulating register	BbSx	l
10938circulating shift	BbTW	f
10939circulating storage	BbT1	k
10940circulating store	BbUZ	i
10941circulation	BbU7	T
10942circulation code	BbVO	b
10943circulation control system	BbVp	u
10944circulator	BbWX	V
10945circum earth orbit	BbWs	g
10946circumference	BbXM	V
10947circumference mode	BbXh	g
10948circumscribed cone	BbYB	g
10949circumscription	BbYh	X
10950circumstance	BbY4	U
10951citation	BbZM	Q
10952clamp	BbZ2	a
10953clamp control	F10v	q
10954clamp lever	BbaQ	T
10955clamper	Bbaj	V
10956clamping	Bba4	Q
10957clamping action	BbbI	d
10958clamping circuit	Bbbl	e
10959clamping diode	BbcD	f
10960clarification	Bbci	V
10961clarity	Bbc3	S
10962clash	BbdJ	N
10963clasp	BbdW	N
10964class	Bbdj	Z
10965class clause	Bbd8	a
10966class code	BbeW	Y
10967class condition	Bbeu	d
10968class definition	BbfL	e
10969class density function	Bbfp	n
10970class discrimination classification	F8lb	3
10971class finding	BbgQ	b
10972class hypothesis	Bbgr	b
10973class identification number	BbhG	m
10974class interval	Bbhs	c
10975class name	BbiI	V
10976class network	F8mS	b
10977class number	Bbid	X
10978class of algorithm	Bbi0	g
10979class of grammar	BbjU	b
10980class of jobs	Bbjv	Y
10981class of language identifiable in the limit	BbkH	BC
10982class of languages	BblJ	d
10983class or vender total	Bblm	v
10984class symbol	BbmV	a
10985class test	Bbmv	Y
10986class test table	BbnH	h
10987class vector	Bbno	a
10988classical	BboC	R
10989classical abjoint	BboT	f
10990classical approach	Bboy	j
10991classical control theory	BbpV	s
10992classical fault	BbqB	d
10993classical filter theory	Bbqe	u
10994classical mechanics	BbrM	h
10995classical solution	Bbrt	g
10996classical sorting	BbsN	i
10997classical structurcd program	Bbsv	w
10998classification	Bbtf	W
10999classification by computer	Bbt1	r
11000classification declaration	Bbug	o
11001classification of automata	BbvI	r
11002classification schema	Bbvz	g
11003classification system	BbwT	j
11004classification table	Bbw2	f
11005classifier	BbxV	V
11006classify	Bbxq	Q
11007classons	Bbx6	T
11008clause	BbyN	O
11009clause	CznF	U
11010clause	FIf/	U
11011clause	HNkI	U
11012clause body	Bbyb	W
11013clause for goals	Bbyx	e
11014clause form	BbzP	Z
11015clause network	Bbzo	c
11016clause number	Bb0E	b
11017clause set	Bb0f	V
11018clause train	Bb00	X
11019clean copy	Bb1L	Y
11020clean hole punching	Bb1j	h
11021clean out	Bb2E	R
11022clean stop	Bb2V	Y
11023clean surface	Bb2t	b
11024cleaner	Bb3I	S
11025cleaning	Bb3a	Q
11026cleaning device	Bb3q	d
11027cleaning diskette	Bb4H	f
11028clear	Bb4m	Z
11029clear	IeTM	Z
11030clear accumulstor	Bb4/	i
11031clear all command	Bb5h	i
11032clear all function	Bb6D	m
11033clear and add	Bb6p	e
11034clear and add magnitude	Bb7H	y
11035clear and subtract	Bb75	q
11036clear area	Bb8j	V
11037clear band	Bb84	V
11038clear carry	Bb9N	d
11039clear character	Bb9q	r
11040clear circuit	Bb+V	b
11041clear collision	Bb+w	d
11042clear command	Bb/N	b
11043clear control	Bb/o	b
11044clear display	BcAD	b
11045clear entry	BcAe	Z
11046clear entry function	BcA3	o
11047clear flag	BcBf	Y
11048clear indication packet	BcB3	o
11049clear indicator	BcCf	g
11050clear instruction	BcC/	f
11051clear key	BcDe	U
11052clear key	PW7	X
11053clear key switch	BcDy	h
11054clear lamp	BcET	b
11055clear language address	BcEu	k
11056clear leader	BcFS	d
11057clear list	BcFv	V
11058clear memory	BcGE	X
11059clear memory function	BcGb	p
11060clear message	BcHE	b
11061clear operation	BcHf	d
11062clear output	BcH8	a
11063clear page	BcIW	S
11064clear program	BcIo	b
11065clear pulse	BcJD	Z
11066clear request	BcJc	f
11067clear request packet	BcJ7	l
11068clear screen	BcKg	X
11069clear session request	BcK3	p
11070clear signal	BcLg	a
11071clear store instruction	BcL6	r
11072clear switch	BcMl	a
11073clear tape	BcM/	Y
11074clear to send	BcNX	b
11075clear to send carrier detect	BcNy	7
11076clear to send circuit	BcOt	j
11077clear to sent	BcPQ	b
11078clear trailer	BcPr	e
11079clear write condition	BcQJ	m
11080clear write time	BcQv	k
11081clearance	BcRl	Z
11082clearance check	BcR+	d
11083clearance order	BcSb	d
11084cleared condition	BcS4	f
11085clearing	BcTX	Q
11086clearing a device directory	BcTn	y
11087clearing device	BcUZ	d
11088clearing field	BcU2	c
11089clearing interrupt	BcVS	g
11090clearing key	BcVy	X
11091clearing procedure	BcWJ	g
11092clearing signal	BcWp	d
11093clearing time	BcXG	h
11094cleavage	BcXn	Q
11095clemped beam	BcX3	X
11096clemped plate	BcYO	Y
11097clerical operation	BcYm	g
11098click	BcZG	V
11099click clack	BcZb	c
11100click key	BcZ3	U
11101client process	BcaL	c
11102climb tree	Bcan	S
11103clinical laboratory computer system	Bca5	BD
11104clip	Bcb8	U
11105clip level	BccQ	Y
11106clipboard	Bcco	U
11107cliping hardware	Bcc8	e
11108clipper	Bcda	S
11109clipping	Bcds	Y
11110clipping limiter	BceE	b
11111clock	Bcef	h
11112clock	H2xS	Q
11113clock	JIIG	Q
11114clock algebra	BcfA	b
11115clock bit	Bcfb	U
11116clock circuit	Bcfv	b
11117clock comparator	BcgK	h
11118clock control	Bcgr	b
11119clock counter	BchG	e
11120clock cubsystem	Bchk	g
11121clock cycle	BciE	Z
11122clock damage	Bcid	a
11123clock driver	Bci3	d
11124clock frequency	BcjU	j
11125clock gate	Bcj3	b
11126clock generator	BckS	m
11127clock in	Bck4	c
11128clock input	BclU	Z
11129clock interrupt	Bclt	d
11130clock line	BcmK	V
11131clock manager	Bcmf	h
11132clock monitor	BcnA	h
11133clock of automation	Bcnh	k
11134clock out	BcoF	e
11135clock overflow	Bcoj	c
11136clock period	Bco/	a
11137clock phase	BcpZ	Z
11138clock preset	Bcpy	a
11139clock process	BcqM	b
11140clock pulse	Bcqn	n
11141clock pulse gate	BcrO	h
11142clock pulse generator	Bcrv	w
11143clock pulse interval	Bcsf	o
11144clock pulse source	BctH	j
11145clock pulse width	Bctq	l
11146clock queue	BcuP	Z
11147clock rate	Bcuo	Y
11148clock rate testing	BcvA	m
11149clock recovery	Bcvm	c
11150clock register	BcwC	f
11151clock repetition rate	Bcwh	v
11152clock scheduling	BcxQ	e
11153clock service	Bcxu	b
11154clock signal	BcyJ	a
11155clock signal frequency	Bcyj	q
11156clock signal generator	BczN	t
11157clock skew	Bcz6	b
11158clock source	Bc0V	d
11159clock speed	Bc0y	Z
11160clock start command	Bc1L	r
11161clock stretching	IOCK	k
11162clock switch	Bc12	g
11163clock system	Bc2W	g
11164clock table	Bc22	W
11165clock test	Bc3M	e
11166clock time	Bc3q	Y
11167clock time scheduling	Bc4C	j
11168clock track	Bc4l	W
11169clock unit	Bc47	Y
11170clock window	Bc5T	a
11171clocked	Bc6N	V
11172clocked filp flop	Bc6i	i
11173clocked modem adapter	F17x	Bc
11174clocked sequential circuit	Bc7E	u
11175clocking	Bc7y	Q
11176clocking	IO2n	T
11177clocking ability	IO26	h
11178clocking diagram	Bc8C	h
11179clocking recovery	Bc8j	f
11180clocking relay state	Bc9C	o
11181clockless	Bc9q	U
11182clockwise	Bc9+	g
11183clockwise direction	Bc+e	1
11184close	Bc/T	Z
11185close batch	Bc/s	q
11186close block	BdAW	W
11187close box	BdAs	U
11188close coupled	BdBA	e
11189close coupling	BdBe	Z
11190close cycle control	BdB3	h
11191close down	BdCY	S
11192close file	BdCq	c
11193close game	BdDG	Y
11194close keyboard command	BdDe	q
11195close lunar satellite	BdEI	j
11196close manual page	BdEr	i
11197close primitive	BdFN	d
11198close program	BdFq	b
11199close request frame	BdGF	k
11200close statement	BdGp	d
11201close symbol	BdHG	a
11202close system call	BdHg	l
11203close the front door	BdIF	i
11204close the top cover	BdIn	h
11205close tolerance	BdJI	a
11206close user group	BdJi	h
11207close window	BdKD	X
11208closed	BdKa	O
11209closed	H9X9	U
11210closed array	BdKo	X
11211closed batch	BdK/	r
11212closed circuit	BdLq	f
11213closed circuit communication system	BdMJ	6
11214closed circuit signalling	BdND	n
11215closed circuit tv	BdNq	f
11216closed clause	BdOJ	Y
11217closed contact	BdOh	Z
11218closed control of system performance	BdO6	+
11219closed curve	BdP4	X
11220closed curve sequence	BdQP	m
11221closed cycle refrigeration	BdQ1	o
11222closed domain	BdRd	V
11223closed down	BdRy	T
11224closed easy axis field	BdSF	n
11225closed file	BdSs	W
11226closed flow network	BdTC	n
11227closed flux device	BdTp	j
11228closed flux structure	BdUM	m
11229closed form	BdUy	Z
11230closed form measure	BdVL	h
11231closed fragments	BdVs	h
11232closed game	BdWN	Z
11233closed interval	BdWm	X
11234closed line	BdW9	W
11235closed loop	BdXT	k
11236closed loop circuit	BdX3	h
11237closed loop continuity check	BdYY	+
11238closed loop control	BdZW	h
11239closed loop control system	BdZ3	z
11240closed loop estimation	Bdaq	k
11241closed loop program	BdbO	h
11242closed loop shift register	Bdbv	x
11243closed loop system	Bdcg	g
11244closed magnetic circuit	BddA	i
11245closed network	Bddi	c
11246closed network model	Bdd+	o
11247closed node	Bdem	W
11248closed operation	Bde8	b
11249closed operator	BdfX	a
11250closed orders	B1/v	u
11251closed orders	Bdfx	e
11252closed path	BdgP	T
11253closed polygon	Bdgi	f
11254closed portion	BdhB	c
11255closed procedure	Bdhd	b
11256closed queuing network	Bdh4	q
11257closed region	Bdii	V
11258closed routine	Bdi3	c
11259closed semantic tree	BdjT	l
11260closed set	Bdj4	S
11261closed shop	BdkK	c
11262closed shop	IRya	2
11263closed spiral array	Bdkm	n
11264closed state	BdlN	U
11265closed subroutine	Bdlh	i
11266closed symbiontic system	BdmD	s
11267closed under product	Bdmv	i
11268closed under set closure	BdnR	v
11269closed under union	BdoA	m
11270closed user group	Bdom	w
11271closed user group	BdpW	p
11272closed user group with outgoing access	Bdp/	9
11273closed walk	Bdq8	W
11274closedown	BdrS	R
11275closeout	Bdrj	Q
11276closeout by date	Bdrz	h
11277closeout selection	BdsU	g
11278closing entries	Bds0	d
11279closing file	BdtR	a
11280closing flag	Bdtr	a
11281closing journal	BduF	d
11282closing of file	Bdui	g
11283closing output file	BdvC	n
11284closing pseudo text delimiter	Bdvp	3
11285closing stock status	Bdwg	o
11286closing string	BdxI	f
11287closing update	Bdxn	c
11288closure	BdyD	P
11289closure of relational language	BdyS	y
11290closure of set	BdzE	c
11291closure point	Bdzg	Y
11292closure property	Bdz4	e
11293closure theorem	Bd0W	d
11294cloth ribbon	Bd0z	a
11295clunk	Bd1N	b
11296cluster	Bd1o	f
11297cluster analysis	Bd2H	e
11298cluster assignment function	Bd2l	v
11299cluster command register	Bd3U	v
11300cluster control	Bd4D	d
11301cluster control unit	Bd4g	l
11302cluster controller	Bd5F	j
11303cluster controller node	Bd5o	o
11304cluster controller operator	Bd6Q	y
11305cluster data	Bd7C	a
11306cluster identification	Bd7c	k
11307cluster information register	Bd8A	z
11308cluster model	Bd8z	b
11309cluster number	Bd9O	Z
11310cluster pattern sample	Bd9n	q
11311cluster sampling	Bd+R	e
11312cluster shape	Bd+v	b
11313cluster size	Bd/K	a
11314cluster system	Bd/k	c
11315cluster type	BeAA	a
11316clustered file	BeAa	c
11317clustered insertion	BeA2	h
11318clustered page	BeBX	c
11319clustered via set option	BeBz	0
11320clustering	BeCn	S
11321clustering fuzzy data set	BeC5	w
11322clustering procedure	BeDp	i
11323clustering technique	BeEL	i
11324clutch	BeEt	R
11325clutch mechanism	BeE+	e
11326clutter	BeFc	P
11327cmi	BeFr	d
11328cmip	BeGI	e
11329cml circuit technology	FLRc	/
11330cmp	BeGm	a
11331cmrq dey	BeHA	Z
11332coalesce	BeID	Q
11333coating	BeIT	P
11334coaxial	BeIi	S
11335coaxial cable	BeI0	b
11336coaxial cable area	BeJP	j
11337coaxial cable connector	BeJy	u
11338coaxial port	BeKg	X
11339coaxial wire armored cable	Jcnb	0
11340cobol	BeK3	Z
11341codasyl	BeLQ	h
11342code	BeMf	s
11343code	H6/E	l
11344code	H69L	k
11345code	HANh	b
11346code	HtLq	M
11347code	Hvfs	n
11348code	IZPa	S
11349code	PNc	P
11350code	xi+	O
11351code alphabet	BeNL	b
11352code area	BeNm	R
11353code auditor	BeN3	g
11354code bar	BeOX	T
11355code base	BeOq	X
11356code bit	BePB	T
11357code bit	G1Ih	Z
11358code block	BePU	S
11359code book	BePm	U
11360code brackets	BeP6	b
11361code call	BeQV	X
11362code call indicator	BeQs	q
11363code capacity	BeRW	b
11364code chain	BeRx	V
11365code character	BeSG	c
11366code check	BeSi	b
11367code checking	JEh4	b
11368code checking time	BeS9	m
11369code circuit	BeTj	a
11370code classification	BeT9	h
11371code combination	BeUe	e
11372code command	BeU8	a
11373code communication	BeVW	g
11374code compression	BeV2	e
11375code control	BeWU	d
11376code controlled switch	BeWx	k
11377code conversion	BeXV	d
11378code conversion equipment	BeXy	t
11379code conversion procedure	BeYf	t
11380code conversion table	BeZM	m
11381code conversion table generation program	BeZy	BF
11382code conversion table modification	Bea3	5
11383code conversion table program	Bebw	0
11384code convert	Beck	a
11385code converter	Bec+	Z
11386code convertion program	BedX	r
11387code convertion table	BeeC	m
11388code coversion procedure	Beeo	s
11389code data	BefU	X
11390code data conversion	Befr	o
11391code dependent system	BegT	m
11392code design	Beg5	Z
11393code device	BehS	W
11394code digit	Beho	Y
11395code directing character	BeiA	w
11396code discriminator	Beiw	d
11397code distance	BejN	V
11398code distinguishability	Beji	l
11399code distortion	BekH	d
11400code efficiency	Bekk	d
11401code element	BelB	X
11402code element set	BelY	h
11403code error	Bel5	Y
11404code error detector	BemR	k
11405code error tester	Bem1	i
11406code extension	BenX	c
11407code extension character	Benz	p
11408code fetch	BepH	S
11409code fetch cycle	BepZ	e
11410code field	Bep3	Y
11411code file	BeqP	X
11412code film	Beqm	X
11413code format	Beq9	Z
11414code generating	BerW	d
11415code generation	Berz	d
11416code generation language	BesQ	s
11417code generation mechanism	Bes8	t
11418code generation method	Betp	n
11419code generation notation	BeuQ	v
11420code generation pass	Beu/	l
11421code generator	Bevk	i
11422code generator data	BewG	q
11423code graphics	Beww	b
11424code group	BexL	Y
11425code hoisting	Bexj	b
11426code hole	Bex+	U
11427code identifier	BeyS	g
11428code image	Beyy	Y
11429code image read	BezK	j
11430code independence system	Bezt	s
11431code independent data communication	Be0Z	3
11432code information	Gb6w	h
11433code interpreter	Be1Q	k
11434code key	Be10	T
11435code language telegram	Be2H	k
11436code length	Be2r	T
11437code letter	Be2+	Z
11438code level	Be3X	V
11439code light	Be3s	V
11440code line	Be4B	U
11441code line index	Be4V	g
11442code machine	Be41	X
11443code mark	Be5M	X
11444code memory	Be5j	c
11445code modulation	9xq	w
11446code modulation	Be5/	d
11447code modulation	HuKl	y
11448code modulation	HuLX	h
11449code motion	Be6c	Z
11450code names dictionary	Be61	j
11451code number	Be7Y	Z
11452code optimization	Be7x	f
11453code page	Be8Q	R
11454code pattern	Be8h	U
11455code point	Be81	V
11456code polynomial	Be9K	g
11457code position	Be9q	b
11458code pulse	Be+F	Y
11459code rate	Be+d	U
11460code reader	0iG	c
11461code reader	Be+x	c
11462code reader	G35C	i
11463code receiver	Be/N	e
11464code reception	Be/r	c
11465code recognition system	BfAH	r
11466code reduction	IYEI	m
11467code regeneration	BfAy	f
11468code register	BfBR	e
11469code repertoire	BfBv	a
11470code repertory	BfCJ	Z
11471code rewriting	BfCi	c
11472code rule	BfC+	X
11473code segment	BfDV	a
11474code segment of algorithm	BfDv	t
11475code segment table	BfEc	d
11476code selection	BfE5	W
11477code selection algorithm	BfFP	v
11478code selector	BfF+	Y
11479code sender	BfGW	W
11480code sending	BfGs	U
11481code sending method	BfHA	h
11482code sequence	BfHh	b
11483code set	BfH8	Q
11484code sign	BfIM	X
11485code signal	BfIj	Z
11486code statement	BfI8	c
11487code storage circuit	BfJY	o
11488code subroutine	BfKA	g
11489code symbol	BfKg	Z
11490code system	BfK5	Z
11491code table	BfLS	S
11492code track	BfLk	V
11493code transaction	BfL5	e
11494code transform	BfMX	Z
11495code translater	BfMw	a
11496code translation	BfNK	b
11497code transparent data communication	BfNl	3
11498code transparent system	BfOc	l
11499code tree	BfPB	U
11500code type	BfPV	X
11501code value	BfPs	S
11502code vector	BfP+	W
11503code violation	BfQU	c
11504code violation pattern	BfQw	q
11505code walk throughs	BfRa	g
11506code wand	CWiU	j
11507code weight	BfR6	T
11508code wheel	BfSN	S
11509code word	BfSf	R
11510code word dictionary	BfSw	i
11511code word weight enumerator	BfTS	v
11512codec	BfVr	W
11513coded	BfWB	R
11514coded	CV0/	W
11515coded address	+gK	h
11516coded address	BfWS	b
11517coded analyser	DvNF	f
11518coded arithmetic data	BfWt	p
11519coded arithmetic data item	BfXW	x
11520coded automatic gain control	BfYH	z
11521coded biphase	BfY6	b
11522coded call indicator	BfZV	r
11523coded character	+gr	t
11524coded character	BfaA	d
11525coded character set	Bfad	k
11526coded character set code	BfbB	p
11527coded character sets for telemetic services	Bfbq	BO
11528coded compiler	DvNk	i
11529coded data	+hY	h
11530coded data	BIW9	l
11531coded data decoder	Bfc4	p
11532coded data pattern	Bfdh	m
11533coded decade counter	+h5	y
11534coded decimal	+ir	u
11535coded decimal	BfeH	q
11536coded decimal adder	Bfex	w
11537coded decimal calculating machine	Bffh	7
11538coded decimal character code	+jZ	BM
11539coded decimal code	+kl	BB
11540coded decimal digit	Bfgc	t
11541coded decimal machine	BfhJ	y
11542coded decimal notation	+lm	2
11543coded decimal notation	Bfh7	z
11544coded decimal number	+mc	0
11545coded decimal number	BAIh	0
11546coded decimal number	Bfiu	o
11547coded decimal number system	+nQ	v
11548coded decimal representation	+n/	/
11549coded decimal representation	BfjW	5
11550coded decimal system	+o+	1
11551coded decimal system	BfkP	u
11552coded dependent system	Bfk9	t
11553coded digit	+pz	n
11554coded digital communication	Bflq	v
11555coded directing character	BfmZ	t
11556coded disc	BfnG	S
11557coded diversity	BfnY	d
11558coded extension character	Bfn1	t
11559coded font	Bfoi	b
11560coded form	Bfo9	Y
11561coded form of arithmetic data	BfpV	3
11562coded format	BfqM	a
11563coded fuzzy language	Bfqm	r
11564coded graphics	BfrR	c
11565coded hexadecimal	GPKs	8
11566coded image	Bfrt	Z
11567coded information	+qa	s
11568coded instruction	BfsG	f
11569coded instruction	FrOi	i
11570coded instruction	Ja0j	l
11571coded light identification	Bfsl	r
11572coded message	BftQ	b
11573coded notation	+rG	j
11574coded number	Bftr	X
11575coded octal	+rp	o
11576coded optical character	BfuC	s
11577coded order	Bfuu	Z
11578coded overlay	BfvH	b
11579coded processing system	HuL4	2
11580coded program	Bfvi	b
11581coded pulse	Bfv9	Z
11582coded representation	BfwW	f
11583coded sequence	Bfw1	c
11584coded set	BfxR	U
11585coded signal	Bfxl	a
11586coded state table	+sR	r
11587coded stop	Bfx/	Y
11588coded string	BfyX	d
11589coded word	Bfy0	V
11590codeless	BfzJ	T
11591codeless input system	Bfzc	s
11592coden	Bf0I	N
11593coder	Bf0V	Q
11594codeterministic system	Bf0l	n
11595codification	Bf1M	U
11596codify	Bf1g	O
11597coding	Bf1u	a
11598coding	FrPp	X
11599coding assembly	Bf2I	j
11600coding by bit	Bf2r	b
11601coding cam	Bf3G	Y
11602coding check	Bf3e	a
11603coding circuit	Bf34	c
11604coding clerk	Bf4U	X
11605coding collar	Bf4r	Y
11606coding cycle	Bf5D	a
11607coding delay	Bf5d	a
11608coding error	Bf53	a
11609coding filter	Bf6R	e
11610coding gain	Bf6v	Z
11611coding line	Bf7I	W
11612coding machine	Bf7e	Z
11613coding mask	Bf73	Z
11614coding method	Bf8Q	b
11615coding network	Bf8r	c
11616coding of critical section	Bf9H	u
11617coding paper	Bf91	X
11618coding pulse multiple	Bf+M	v
11619coding relay	Bf+7	d
11620coding rule	Bf/Y	Z
11621coding scheme	Bf/x	Y
11622coding section	BgAJ	Z
11623coding sheet	BgAi	X
11624coding system	BgA5	b
11625coding technique	BgBU	e
11626coding tool	BgBy	Z
11627coding tube	BgCL	W
11628coefficient	BgCh	Z
11629coefficient matrix	BgC6	g
11630coefficient multiplier	BgDa	n
11631coefficient of correlation	BgEB	o
11632coefficient of determination	BgEp	q
11633coefficient of expansion	BgFT	m
11634coefficient of proportionality	BgF5	s
11635coefficient of variation	BgGl	m
11636coefficient scale	BgHL	f
11637coefficient standard deviation	BgHq	v
11638coefficient tape	BgIZ	b
11639coefficient unit	BgI0	e
11640coefficient unit multiplier	BgJS	y
11641coercend	BgKE	W
11642coercion	BgKa	Q
11643coercion of type	BgKq	e
11644coercion operator	BgLI	f
11645coherence function	BgLn	g
11646coherent beam	BgMH	b
11647coherent communication channel	BgMi	y
11648coherent communication system	BgNU	x
11649coherent detection	BgOF	g
11650coherent effect	BgOl	d
11651coherent fashion	BgPC	e
11652coherent light	BgPg	Z
11653coherent optical correlator k	BgP5	x
11654coherent optical processing system	BgQq	5
11655coherent optical signal processing	Gb7R	8
11656coherent processing system	BgRj	u
11657coherent processing system description	BgSR	BA
11658coherent processing system design	BgTR	7
11659coherent processing system parameter	BgUM	+
11660coherent reception	BgVK	g
11661coherent rotation	BgVq	f
11662coherent signal	BgWJ	d
11663cohesion	BgWm	T
11664coincide	BgW5	Q
11665coincide decoding	BgXJ	f
11666coincidence	BgXo	T
11667coincidence arrangement	BgX7	l
11668coincidence circuit	BgYg	h
11669coincidence counter	BgZB	k
11670coincidence counting technique	BgZl	y
11671coincidence decoking	BgaX	i
11672coincidence element	Bga5	h
11673coincidence error	Bgba	f
11674coincidence gate	Bgb5	b
11675coincidence gate signal	BgcU	o
11676coincidence matrix switch	Bgc8	t
11677coincidence method	Bgdp	d
11678coincidence proportional counter	BgeG	3
11679coincidence selection	Bge9	j
11680coincidence selection system	Bgfg	w
11681coincidence senser	BggQ	j
11682coincidence system	GF7m	m
11683coincidence type adder	Bggz	n
11684coincidence unit	Bgha	e
11685coincident current selection	Bgh4	z
11686coincident drive system	Bgir	r
11687cold boot	Bgj1	f
11688cold boot loader	BgkU	h
11689cold cathode digital displays	Bgk1	3
11690cold cathode discharge	Bgls	n
11691cold cathode tube	BgmT	f
11692cold circuit	Bgmy	X
11693cold iron soldered joint	BgnJ	m
11694cold joint	Bgnv	S
11695cold junction	BgoB	V
11696cold plate	BgoW	S
11697cold solder joint	Bgoo	Z
11698cold start	BgpB	g
11699cold trap	Bgph	U
11700cold type	Bgp1	R
11701cold weld	BgqG	R
11702cold working	BgqX	X
11703coll	Bgqu	M
11704coll protect	Bgq6	a
11705coll rack	BgrU	U
11706coll tab	Bgro	W
11707collapse	Bgr+	Q
11708collar	BgsO	O
11709collar bush	Bgsc	Z
11710collate	Bgs1	t
11711collate program	Bgti	d
11712collateral	Bgt/	V
11713collateral action	BguU	f
11714collateral clause	Bguz	f
11715collateral declaration	BgvS	k
11716collateral dipole	Bgv2	i
11717collateral elaboration	BgwY	k
11718collateral execution	Bgw8	i
11719collating	Bgxe	R
11720collating sequence	Bgxv	8
11721collating sequence clause	Bgyr	t
11722collating unit	BgzY	c
11723collation	Bgz0	R
11724collation file code	Bg0F	n
11725collation operation	Bg0s	h
11726collation pass	Bg1N	Z
11727collation working file	Bg1m	q
11728collator	Bg2Q	T
11729collecting garbage element	Bg2j	u
11730collection	Bg3R	a
11731collection of mathematical function	Bg3r	0
11732collection of node	Bg4f	d
11733collection of record	Bg48	f
11734collection of related data record	Bg5b	4
11735collection of segmented input	Bg6T	u
11736collection of tuple of tree	Bg7B	p
11737collection station	Bg7q	d
11738collective	Bg8H	S
11739collective address group	Bg8Z	n
11740collective call	Bg9A	X
11741collective link	Bg9X	d
11742collective routing indicator	Bg90	2
11743collective sampling unit	Bg+q	s
11744collector	Bg/W	U
11745collector area	Bg/q	c
11746collector backward current	BhAG	u
11747collector barrier	BhA0	c
11748collector base diode	BhBQ	r
11749collector base junction	BhB7	o
11750collector beam lead	BhCj	n
11751collector body resistance	BhDK	q
11752collector characteristic	BhD0	m
11753collector contact	BhEa	f
11754collector coupling	BhE5	g
11755collector current	BhFZ	f
11756collector cut off current	BhF4	t
11757collector diffusion isolation	BhGl	x
11758collector dot	BhHW	b
11759collector dotting	BhHx	f
11760collector etch	BhIQ	c
11761collector gate	Gx+f	f
11762collector grid	BhIs	Z
11763collector isolation leakage	BhJF	v
11764collector junction	1g5	o
11765collector junction	BhJ0	d
11766collector junction diode	BhKR	s
11767collector lead	BhK9	c
11768collector mesh	BhLZ	Z
11769collector node	BhLy	c
11770collector output	Gx++	n
11771collector power supply	BhMO	k
11772collector region	BhMy	b
11773collector resistance	BhNN	i
11774collector resistor	BhNv	g
11775collector saturation resistance	BhOP	z
11776collector saturation voltage	BhPC	w
11777collector series resistance	BhPy	v
11778collector substrate capacity	BhQh	w
11779collimator	BhRR	V
11780collision	BhRm	R
11781collision detect	BhR3	e
11782colloid	IRzQ	S
11783colon	BhSV	N
11784color difference computer	BhSi	w
11785color display	Diel	e
11786color graphic mode	BhTS	m
11787color graphic workstation	BhT4	w
11788color graphics adapter	BhUo	x
11789color map table	BhVZ	g
11790color master	BhV5	U
11791color palette	BhWN	m
11792color table	BhWz	W
11793colorable graph	JQjk	l
11794colordial	BhXJ	d
11795colour	BhXm	O
11796colour conjecture	DifD	f
11797colour theorem	DVec	c
11798column	BhX0	l
11799column	HI95	X
11800column adder	Gvel	d
11801column card	CoNx	c
11802column card	GZNq	Z
11803column guide	BhYZ	a
11804column header	BhYz	m
11805column margin	BhZZ	V
11806column number	BhZu	V
11807column pence coding	Imrw	n
11808column puncher	CoON	i
11809column select	BhaD	V
11810column separator	BhaY	b
11811column split	Bhaz	X
11812column to source	BhbK	k
11813column variable	Bhbu	d
11814column vector	BhcL	Y
11815column width	Bhcj	U
11816com printer	Bhc3	r
11817comb	Bhd+	J
11818combination	BheH	b
11819combination check	DcXf	l
11820combinational circuit	Bhei	j
11821combine	BhfF	X
11822combine code	Bhfc	X
11823combine interval	Bhfz	e
11824combine requirements	BhgR	i
11825combine requirements code	Bhgz	q
11826combined quantity	Bhhd	f
11827combined station	Bhh8	k
11828coming online	Bhig	b
11829comlementary position	Bhi7	m
11830comm exec	Bhjh	a
11831comma	Bhj7	N
11832comma operator	BhkI	f
11833command	Bhkn	P
11834command area	Bhk2	X
11835command chaining	BhlN	e
11836command code	Bhlr	X
11837command communication and telemetry system	BhmC	BH
11838command continuation	BhnJ	i
11839command control	Bhnr	d
11840command control link	BhoI	o
11841command control program	Bhow	r
11842command control subsystem	Bhpb	w
11843command control word	BhqL	l
11844command decoder	Bhqw	m
11845command definition	BhrW	g
11846command definition statement	Bhr2	w
11847command definition utility	Bhsm	0
11848command destruction	Bhta	h
11849command dispatcher	Bht7	m
11850command display	Bhuh	d
11851command display station	Bhu+	o
11852command file	Bhvm	a
11853command file application	BhwA	s
11854command file name	Bhws	i
11855command file processing	BhxO	r
11856command file to terminal interplay	Bhx5	BI
11857command format	BhzB	c
11858command frame	Bhzd	Y
11859command function key	Bhz1	l
11860command gate	Bh0a	X
11861command generating circuit	Bh0x	u
11862command generating network	Bh1f	u
11863command generator	Bh2N	i
11864command group	Bh2v	Y
11865command guidance	Bh3H	h
11866command identifier	Bh3o	j
11867command informaion	Bh4L	g
11868command information	Bh4r	h
11869command input	Bh5M	b
11870command input buffer	Bh5n	r
11871command input buffer	Bh6S	v
11872command instruction	Bh7B	h
11873command instruction format	Bh7i	u
11874command interface	Bh8Q	f
11875command interpretation	Bh8v	k
11876command interpreter	Bh9T	n
11877command key	Bh96	W
11878command key indicator	Bh+Q	p
11879command keys	Bh+5	X
11880command language	Bh/Q	e
11881command language interpreter	Bh/u	6
11882command level	BiAo	b
11883command line	BiBD	i
11884command line interpreter	BiBl	v
11885command line utility	BiCU	r
11886command list	BiC/	X
11887command logic	BiDW	b
11888command mode	BiDx	a
11889command mode time sharing	BiEL	t
11890command name	BiE4	a
11891command net	BiFS	W
11892command node	BiFo	a
11893command operation	BiGC	f
11894command parameter	BiGh	f
11895command phase	BiHA	b
11896command pointer	BiHb	d
11897command procedure	BiH4	f
11898command procedures	BiIX	g
11899command process	BiI3	j
11900command processing	BiJa	g
11901command processor	BiJ6	l
11902command program	BiKf	d
11903command qualifier	BiK8	i
11904command readout	BiLe	d
11905command receiver selected logic	BiL7	8
11906command reentry	BiM3	j
11907command register	BiNa	k
11908command register circuit	BiN+	v
11909command reject	BiOt	c
11910command rejection	BiPJ	f
11911command response	BiPo	e
11912command retry	BiQG	b
11913command rollback	BiQh	e
11914command search	BiQ/	c
11915command sequence	BiRb	e
11916command service	BiR5	d
11917command set	BiSW	Z
11918command signal	BiSv	c
11919command statement	BiTL	f
11920command status register	BiTq	u
11921command stream	BiUY	Z
11922command string	BiUx	c
11923command string interpreter	BiVN	u
11924command structure	BiV7	f
11925command supporting wildcard	BiWa	y
11926command syntax	BiXM	c
11927command system	BiXo	c
11928command tape	BiYE	X
11929command vector	BiYb	c
11930command verb	BiY3	a
11931command word	BiZR	X
11932commander equipment	BiZo	h
11933comment	BiaJ	n
11934comment annotation	Biaw	a
11935comment card	BibK	X
11936comment code	Bibh	X
11937comment column	Bib4	Z
11938comment convention	BicR	g
11939comment declaration	Bicx	h
11940comment entry	BidS	Y
11941comment field	Bidq	Y
11942comment item	BieC	X
11943comment line	BieZ	X
11944comment phrase	Biew	c
11945comment statement	BifM	f
11946comment symbol	Bifr	c
11947comment syntax	BigH	c
11948comments	Bigj	Q
11949commercial communication	Bigz	m
11950commercial communication activity	BihZ	1
11951commercial communication satellite	BiiO	2
11952commercial communication service	BijE	0
11953commercial compiler	Bij4	n
11954commercial computer	Bikf	k
11955commercial data management system	BilD	7
11956commercial environment	Bil+	k
11957commercial instruction set	Bimi	r
11958commercial satellite	BinN	i
11959commercial time sharing	Binv	r
11960commision work sheet	Bioa	l
11961commit	Bio/	W
11962commitment	BipV	S
11963commitment unit	Bipn	d
11964committed orders	BirE	h
11965common	Birl	R
11966common address space section	Bir2	7
11967common application service element	Bisx	8
11968common area	Bitt	W
11969common assembler	BiuD	k
11970common assembler directive	Biun	u
11971common assembly language	BivV	w
11972common assignment channel	BiwF	t
11973common association	Biwy	g
11974common bandwidth	BixS	e
11975common base	Bixw	W
11976common base amplifier	BiyG	p
11977common base connection	Biyv	n
11978common base transistor	BizW	q
11979common bill	Bi0A	Z
11980common block	Bi0Z	X
11981common block analysis	Bi0w	m
11982common block list	Bi1W	f
11983common block name	Bi11	f
11984common block table	Bi2U	g
11985common bus	Bi20	b
11986common bus multiprocessor	Bi3P	5
11987common bus system	Bi4I	o
11988common business oriented language	Bi4w	7
11989common carrier	Bi5r	7
11990common chain	Bi6m	X
11991common channel signaling system	Bi69	2
11992common channel signling system	Bi7z	1
11993common collector amplifier	Bi8o	r
11994common collector circuit	Bi9T	m
11995common communication area	Bi95	n
11996common communication line	Bi+g	q
11997common communicator	Bi/K	n
11998common computer software	Bi/x	v
11999common control connection	BjAg	t
12000common control equipment	BjBN	s
12001common control line	BjB5	k
12002common control mode	BjCd	n
12003common control switching arrangement	BjDE	+
12004common control switching system	BjEC	5
12005common control system	BjE7	p
12006common control unit	BjFk	n
12007common core	BjGL	i
12008common costs	BjGt	a
12009common data area	BjHH	h
12010common data base	BjHo	h
12011common data bus	BjIJ	m
12012common data definition language	BjIv	+
12013common data dictionary	BjJt	o
12014common data network	BjKV	n
12015common data operator	BjK8	y
12016common data storage	BjLu	q
12017common data storage area	BjMY	v
12018common data system	BjNH	m
12019common declaration	BjNt	g
12020common drain	BjON	X
12021common emitter amplifier	BjOk	p
12022common error	BjPN	U
12023common event flag cluster	BjPh	y
12024common expression	BjQT	i
12025common external temporary storage	BjQ1	+
12026common field	BjRz	X
12027common gate	BjSK	W
12028common grid circuit	BjSg	k
12029common hardware	BjTE	d
12030common hub	BjTh	Y
12031common input channel	BjT5	o
12032common input file	BjUh	p
12033common interchange description format	BjVK	BE
12034common interface	BjWO	e
12035common interface language	BjWs	t
12036common interrupt processing module	BjXZ	8
12037common label	BjYV	a
12038common language	BjYv	d
12039common line	BjZM	W
12040common local optimization	BjZi	w
12041common logarithm	BjaS	e
12042common logic address	Bjaw	o
12043common logic unit	BjbY	p
12044common machine language	BjcB	y
12045common memory	Bjcz	e
12046common message buffer pool	BjdR	x
12047common mode	BjeC	c
12048common mode choke	Bjee	f
12049common mode interface	Bje9	j
12050common mode rejection	Bjfg	j
12051common mode voltage	BjgD	h
12052common network	Bjgk	c
12053common nickname	BjhA	d
12054common output chain	Bjhd	k
12055common page	BjiB	W
12056common park	BjiX	Z
12057common peripheral interface	Bjiw	v
12058common phrase	Bjjf	b
12059common program	Bjj6	c
12060common protocal error	BjkW	y
12061common protorcal error	BjlI	z
12062common queue	Bjl7	a
12063common ratio	BjmV	U
12064common register	Bjmp	g
12065common relocation	BjnJ	f
12066common resource	Bjno	d
12067common return	BjoF	e
12068common scale of notation	Bjoj	p
12069common section	BjpM	Z
12070common segment	Bjpl	f
12071common segment bit	BjqE	g
12072common sense physics	Bjqk	o
12073common sense reasoning	BjrM	n
12074common service area	Bjrz	n
12075common software	Bjsa	d
12076common storage	Bjs3	f
12077common storage area	BjtW	k
12078common subexpression	Bjt6	o
12079common subexpression analysis	Bjui	3
12080common summary report	BjvZ	p
12081common user	BjwC	Z
12082common user channel	Bjwb	n
12083common user communication	BjxC	t
12084common user data network	Bjxv	y
12085common user data terminal	Bjyh	z
12086common user network	BjzU	n
12087common user routine	Bjz7	n
12088common user system	Bj0i	m
12089common variable	Bj1I	d
12090common virtual terminal	Bj1l	r
12091commonality	Bj2Q	W
12092commputer load simulator	Bj3S	2
12093communality	Bj4I	c
12094communicate	Bj4k	T
12095communicating finite statemachine	Bj43	4
12096communicating module	Bj5v	i
12097communicating protocol	Bj6R	k
12098communicating sequential process	Bj61	0
12099communicating word processor	Bj7p	0
12100communication	Bj8d	i
12101communication	CpOf	b
12102communication access device	Bj8/	v
12103communication access method	Bj9u	s
12104communication adapter	Bj+a	3
12105communication adapter error counter	Bj/R	BA
12106communication aid	BkAR	f
12107communication among independent tasks	BkAw	BC
12108communication and tracking	BkBy	v
12109communication area	BkCh	d
12110communication based system	BkC+	x
12111communication buffer	BkDv	l
12112communication bus	BkEU	f
12113communication cable	BkEz	h
12114communication card	BkFU	j
12115communication cell	BkF3	j
12116communication center	BkGa	q
12117communication channel	BkHE	j
12118communication channel adapter	BkHn	4
12119communication check	BkIf	h
12120communication check code	BkJA	p
12121communication check summary counter	BkJp	BA
12122communication circuit	BkKp	j
12123communication close	BkLM	h
12124communication computer	BkLt	n
12125communication control	BkMU	q
12126communication control block	BkM+	w
12127communication control center	BkNu	0
12128communication control character	BkOi	z
12129communication control device	BkPV	t
12130communication control group	BkQC	s
12131communication control logic	BkQu	v
12132communication control package	BkRd	y
12133communication control procedure	BkSP	z
12134communication control system	BkTC	w
12135communication control unit	BkTy	u
12136communication controller	BkUg	p
12137communication controller node	BkVJ	x
12138communication coprocessor	BkV6	t
12139communication cycle	BkWn	h
12140communication data processor	BkXI	3
12141communication data system	BkX/	t
12142communication deception	BkYs	l
12143communication delay histogram	BkZR	0
12144communication description	BkaF	n
12145communication description entry	Bkas	w
12146communication description name	Bkbc	v
12147communication desk	BkcL	n
12148communication device	Bkcy	i
12149communication device handler	BkdU	2
12150communication disconnection	BkeK	p
12151communication disconnection process	Bkez	3
12152communication element	Bkfq	j
12153communication emulator	BkgN	q
12154communication engineering	Bkg3	n
12155communication entity	Bkhe	i
12156communication equipment	BkiA	l
12157communication error code	Bkil	p
12158communication executive	BkjO	l
12159communication field	Bkjz	e
12160communication file	BkkR	g
12161communication file definition	Bkkx	x
12162communication hardware	Bkli	k
12163communication identifier	BkmG	p
12164communication input output control system	Bkmv	BJ
12165communication instruction	Bkn4	n
12166communication interface	Bkof	l
12167communication interface circuit	BkpE	z
12168communication interface routine	Bkp3	z
12169communication interrupt	Bkqq	l
12170communication interrupt control program	BkrP	BG
12171communication interval	BksV	k
12172communication jammer	Bks5	l
12173communication line	Bkte	u
12174communication line adapter	BkuM	x
12175communication line concentrator module	Bku9	BI
12176communication line connecting procedure	BkwF	BB
12177communication line connection procedure	BkxG	BB
12178communication line control	BkyH	1
12179communication line control procedure	Bky8	+
12180communication line processor	Bkz6	3
12181communication line terminal	Bk0x	z
12182communication line terminator	Bk1k	4
12183communication link	Bk2c	d
12184communication link analyzer system	Bk25	BB
12185communication link controller	Bk36	0
12186communication link software	Bk4u	v
12187communication link subsystem	Bk5d	z
12188communication linkage	Bk6Q	j
12189communication list	Bk6z	g
12190communication management	Bk7T	m
12191communication management layer	Bk75	v
12192communication mechanism	Bk8o	l
12193communication medium	Bk9N	n
12194communication medium	FbqD	o
12195communication mode	Bk90	g
12196communication model	Bk+U	h
12197communication modem	Bk+1	q
12198communication module	Bk/f	i
12199communication monitor	BlAB	m
12200communication monitoring report	BlAn	z
12201communication multiplexer	BlBa	w
12202communication mutiplexer	BlCK	y
12203communication nature	BlC8	i
12204communication net	BlDe	c
12205communication network	BlD6	j
12206communication network management	BlEd	0
12207communication network processor	BlFR	2
12208communication open	BlGH	g
12209communication operation center	BlGn	y
12210communication oriented computer	BlHZ	5
12211communication oriented message system	BlIS	BJ
12212communication oriented operating system	BlJb	BE
12213communication outage	BlKf	i
12214communication outage restoration system	BlLB	BB
12215communication package	BlMC	p
12216communication partner	BlMr	m
12217communication peripheral controller	BlNR	6
12218communication pool	BlOL	d
12219communication port	BlOo	j
12220communication preprocessor	BlPL	u
12221communication processor	BlP5	r
12222communication protocal	BlQk	k
12223communication protocol	BlRI	k
12224communication protocol synthesis	BlRs	0
12225communication queue	BlSg	h
12226communication queue definition	BlTB	y
12227communication queuedefinition	BlTz	x
12228communication reminder	BlUk	k
12229communication satellites	GQVs	z
12230communication screen	BlVI	i
12231communication software	BlVq	k
12232communication supervisory	BlWO	n
12233communication system simulation language	BlW1	BC
12234communication terminal module	BlX3	x
12235communication terminal synchronous	BlYo	2
12236communication theory	BlZe	i
12237communication utility	BlaA	p
12238communication word	Blap	d
12239communication zone	BlbG	g
12240communications	Blbm	c
12241communications access manager	BlcC	7
12242communications access method	Blc9	t
12243communications adapter	Bldq	k
12244communications and data handling system	BleO	BE
12245communications and data subsystem	BlfS	7
12246communications and inquity system	BlgN	4
12247communications and system management	BlhF	7
12248communications buffer	BliA	m
12249communications buffer memory	Blim	2
12250communications change reguset	Bljc	x
12251communications check point	BlkN	r
12252communications command and terminal system	Blk4	BH
12253communications computer	Bll/	o
12254communications configuration	Blmn	q
12255communications control	BlnR	k
12256communications control block	Bln1	t
12257communications control character	Bloi	0
12258communications control console	BlpW	1
12259communications control language	BlqL	z
12260communications control program	Blq+	y
12261communications control system	Blrw	x
12262communications control unit	Blsh	s
12263communications controller multichannel	BltN	BA
12264communications counter measures	BluN	w
12265communications digital control unit	Blu9	9
12266communications dual access controller	Blv6	BC
12267communications executive	Blw8	w
12268communications input output control system	Blxs	BQ
12269communications input output multiplexer	Bly8	BP
12270communications intelligence channel	Bl0L	3
12271communications intelligent matrix	Bl1C	1
12272communications interface assembly	Bl13	1
12273communications interface unit	Bl2s	x
12274communications line	Bl3d	h
12275communications line adapter	Bl3+	y
12276communications line expander	Bl4w	3
12277communications line multiplexer	Bl5n	8
12278communications line switch	Bl6j	y
12279communications link	Bl7V	h
12280communications link controller	Bl72	5
12281communications linkage	Bl8v	k
12282communications management configuration	Bl9T	7
12283communications management system	Bl+O	0
12284communications mix	Bl/C	g
12285communications mode control	Bl/i	v
12286communications monitor system	BmAR	x
12287communications multiplexer	BmBC	x
12288communications multiplexer module	BmBz	+
12289communications network	BmCx	k
12290communications network architecture	BmDV	0
12291communications network management interface	BmEJ	BC
12292communications network processor	BmFL	3
12293communications network system	BmGC	x
12294communications operating instructions	BmGz	5
12295communications operating system	BmHs	z
12296communications operations	BmIf	n
12297communications oriental real time executive	BmJG	BL
12298communications oriented language	BmKR	3
12299communications oriented peripheral equipment	BmLI	BJ
12300communications oriented software	BmMR	3
12301communications outage restoration system	BmNI	BC
12302communications port	BmOK	e
12303communications procedure oriented language	BmOo	BH
12304communications processor	BmPv	p
12305communications region	BmQY	j
12306communications register	BmQ7	o
12307communications register unit	BmRj	z
12308communications regulatory commission	BmSW	7
12309communications satellite	BmTR	m
12310communications servers	BmT3	n
12311communications simulator	BmUe	p
12312communications status word	BmVH	r
12313communications subsystem	BmVy	p
12314communications system	BmWb	j
12315communications system language	BmW+	y
12316communications system user	BmXw	u
12317communications task group	BmYe	q
12318communications terminal controller	BmZI	5
12319communications user program	BmaB	v
12320communications vector table	Bmaw	s
12321communicator	Bmbc	a
12322communiction region	Bmb2	e
12323communiction region cell	BmcU	p
12324communiction register	Bmc9	m
12325communiction register unit	Bmdj	u
12326communiction reliability	BmeR	p
12327communiction resource	Bme6	j
12328communiction routing table	Bmfd	u
12329communiction satellite	BmgL	k
12330communiction scanner	Bmgv	l
12331communiction section	BmhU	f
12332communiction security	Bmhz	t
12333communiction services	Bmig	j
12334communiction signal distribution system	BmjD	BB
12335communiction software	BmkE	j
12336communiction station	Bmkn	f
12337communiction status word	BmlG	p
12338communiction subnet	Bmlv	h
12339communiction subnetwork	BmmQ	l
12340communiction subsystem	Bmm1	n
12341communiction supervisory	Bmnc	m
12342communiction switching unit	BmoC	v
12343communiction system	Bmox	h
12344communiction task	BmpS	f
12345communiction technology	Bmpx	l
12346communiction technology satellite	BmqW	1
12347communiction terminal	BmrL	j
12348communiction theory	Bmru	h
12349communiction timer	BmsP	j
12350communiction within domain	Bmsy	o
12351community antenna television	Bmta	q
12352community automatic exchange	BmuE	w
12353community view	Bmu0	c
12354communtative	BmvQ	X
12355commutation switch	Bmvn	g
12356commutative	BmwH	T
12357commutative law	Bmwa	a
12358commutative matrix	Bmw0	j
12359commutative operation	BmxX	m
12360commutative operator	Bmx9	l
12361commutative principle for addition	Bmyi	3
12362commutative principle for multiplication	BmzZ	9
12363commutative production system	Bm0W	6
12364commutative sequential executing order	Bm1Q	BD
12365commutative system	Bm2T	j
12366commutativity	Bm22	b
12367commutativity of disjunction	Bm3R	w
12368commutativity of multiplication	Bm4B	z
12369commutativity of substitution	Gb9H	3
12370commutator	Bm40	V
12371commutator circuit	Bm5J	j
12372commutator pulse	Bm5s	e
12373commutator type analog digital converter	Bm6K	BC
12374commutator type function generator	Bm7M	8
12375commute	Bm8I	P
12376commuting operator	Bm8X	g
12377comp port	Bm83	U
12378compack disk player	Bm9L	k
12379compact automatic retrieval device	Bm9v	BC
12380compact automatic retrieval display	Bm+x	BG
12381compact cassette	Bm/3	k
12382compact code	BnAb	X
12383compact compiler	BnAy	k
12384compact convex set	BnBW	g
12385compact disk	BnB2	X
12386compact disk	BnCN	a
12387compact mass storage system	BnCn	BA
12388compact memory	BnDn	f
12389compact notation	BnEG	e
12390compact set	BnEk	W
12391compact space	BnE6	b
12392compact storage	BnFV	d
12393compact syntax table	BnFy	l
12394compact technique	BnGX	f
12395compactability	BnG2	c
12396compacting memory	BnHS	i
12397compaction	BnH0	S
12398compaction algorithm	BnIG	l
12399compaction of file record	BnIr	w
12400compaction pointer	BnJb	g
12401compactness	BnJ7	W
12402compactness of a work load model	BnKR	BA
12403compactor	BnLR	R
12404compander	BnLi	U
12405companding	BnL2	S
12406companion forms	BnMI	a
12407companion keyboard	BnMi	g
12408companion matrix	BnNC	e
12409company information	BnNg	h
12410comparable computer vision system	BnOm	+
12411comparand	BnPk	U
12412comparand register	BnP4	j
12413comparator	BnQb	V
12414comparator buffer	BnQw	l
12415comparator check	BnRV	h
12416comparator circuit	BnR2	g
12417comparator in analog computing	BnSW	4
12418comparator sorter	BnTO	i
12419comparators	BnTw	Z
12420compare	BnUJ	P
12421compare and print	BnUY	i
12422compare facility	BnU6	e
12423compare full word	BnVY	f
12424compare instruction	BnV3	h
12425compare logic	BnWY	b
12426compare logical	BnWz	d
12427compare logical immediately	BnXQ	z
12428compare numeric unequal	BnYD	r
12429compare shift unit	BnYu	j
12430compare string with word	BnZR	p
12431compare zone equal	BnZ6	j
12432compare zone unequal	Bnad	l
12433comparer	BnbC	T
12434comparibility character sets	BnbV	t
12435comparibility condition	BncC	o
12436comparibility feature	Bncq	m
12437comparibility integration mock up	BndQ	4
12438comparibility mock up	BneI	s
12439comparibility mode	Bne0	g
12440comparibility objective	BnfU	o
12441comparibility process	Bnf8	j
12442comparibility relation	Bngf	k
12443comparibility set	BnhD	i
12444comparibility software tool	Bnhl	y
12445comparibility test	BniX	d
12446comparibility testing	Bni0	m
12447comparing brush	Bnja	d
12448comparing control	Bnj3	f
12449comparing control change	BnkW	s
12450comparing element	BnlC	f
12451comparing unit	Bnlh	c
12452comparision	Bnl9	T
12453comparision card	BnmQ	e
12454comparision circuit	Bnmu	h
12455comparision circuitry	BnnP	j
12456comparison	Bnny	S
12457comparison coder	BnoE	h
12458comparison command	Bnol	g
12459comparison curve	BnpF	e
12460comparison element	Bnpj	g
12461comparison expression	BnqD	m
12462comparison indicator	Bnqp	l
12463comparison key	BnrO	Z
12464comparison method	Bnrn	c
12465comparison operation	BnsD	i
12466comparison operator	Bnsl	k
12467comparison order	BntJ	e
12468comparison post mortem	Bntn	k
12469comparison test	BnuL	g
12470compartment	Bnur	T
12471compartment system	Bnu+	j
12472compartmentalization	Bnvh	l
12473compass integrated system compiler	BnwG	BC
12474compass on line interactive language	BnxI	+
12475compatibility	BnyG	Y
12476compatibility	I+Bp	e
12477compatibility	IO3b	Y
12478compatibility mode	Bnye	x
12479compatible	BnzP	S
12480compatible	JQHY	Y
12481compatible access mode	Bnzh	q
12482compatible circuit	Bn0L	g
12483compatible computer	Bn0r	k
12484compatible crosspoints	Bn1P	n
12485compatible device	Bn12	f
12486compatible discriminant constraint	Bn2V	2
12487compatible distribution function	Bn3L	0
12488compatible duplex system	Bn3/	s
12489compatible form	E92U	s
12490compatible hardware	Bn4r	h
12491compatible hardware	C51e	t
12492compatible hybrid integrated circuit	Bn5M	+
12493compatible integrated circuit	Bn6K	x
12494compatible machine	Bn67	j
12495compatible monolithic integrated circuit	Bn7e	BF
12496compatible operating system	Bn8j	v
12497compatible pattern	Bn9S	g
12498compatible range constraint	Bn9y	v
12499compatible set of operation	Bn+h	s
12500compatible shift keying	Bn/N	r
12501compatible single side band	Bn/4	s
12502compatible software	BoAk	h
12503compatible state	BoBF	e
12504compatible storage	BoBj	j
12505compatible terminal	BoCG	k
12506compatible time sharing system	BoCq	3
12507compatible type	BoDh	d
12508compensating	IO3z	X
12509compilation	BoD+	T
12510compile	BoER	P
12511compile duration	BoEg	e
12512compile phase	BoE+	b
12513compiled	CI5c	W
12514compiled	IRzi	W
12515compiled paragraph	CI5y	p
12516compiler	BoFZ	h
12517compiler	JpBl	z
12518compiler assemble	BoF6	z
12519compiler generator	BoGt	j
12520compiler generator	GBSf	1
12521compiler language for information processing	BoHQ	BX
12522compiler language utility extension	BoIn	BO
12523compiler of differential expression	BoJ1	BG
12524compiler stack	BoK7	f
12525compiling	BoLa	R
12526compiling	H9YR	X
12527compiling	JEiT	X
12528compiling compiler	IO4K	w
12529compiling program	BoLr	c
12530compiling time	BoMH	c
12531complement	BoMj	l
12532complement arithmetic	BoNI	j
12533complement base	BoNr	g
12534complement digraph	IO46	j
12535complement form	BoOL	d
12536complement instruction	BoOo	k
12537complement method	BoPM	f
12538complement number	BoPr	Z
12539complement number system	BoQE	m
12540complement of graph	BoQq	h
12541complement of set	BoRv	i
12542complement on nine	BoSR	f
12543complement on one	BoSw	e
12544complement on ten	BoTO	e
12545complement on two	BoTs	e
12546complement operator	BoUK	h
12547complement procedure	BoUr	i
12548complement pulse	BoVN	e
12549complement representation	BoVr	n
12550complement representation	GvXY	s
12551complement rule	BoWS	d
12552complement vector	BoWv	c
12553complement writing	BoXL	g
12554complemental	BoXr	U
12555complemental code	BoX/	Z
12556complemental graph	BoYY	a
12557complementarity principle	BoYy	n
12558complementary	BoZZ	V
12559complementary binary	BoZu	l
12560complementary character position	BoaT	0
12561complementary circuit	BobH	j
12562complementary code	Bobq	a
12563complementary constant current logic	BocE	4
12564complementary graph	IO5d	e
12565complementary metal oxide semiconductor	Boc8	BG
12566complementary null character	BoeC	t
12567complementary null position	Boev	s
12568complementary operation	Bofb	l
12569complementer	BogA	X
12570complementing code	IO57	k
12571complementing counter	IO6f	m
12572complementing graph	IO7F	e
12573complete	BogX	Q
12574complete carry	Bogn	c
12575complete date	BohD	b
12576complete shipment	Bohe	f
12577complete signal	INd	j
12578completed	H1Sw	x
12579completed indicator	H1Th	t
12580completeness	Gli2	Z
12581completeness check	Boh9	j
12582completion code	Boig	l
12583completion routine	BojF	j
12584complex	Bojo	S
12585complex buffered io buffer	Boj6	+
12586complex condition	Bok4	f
12587complex fraction	BolX	b
12588complex frame	Boly	Y
12589complex frequency	BomK	f
12590complex function	Bomp	e
12591complex information processing	BonH	2
12592complex instruction set computers	Bon9	BA
12593complex instruction set comupter	Boo9	BC
12594complex logarithm	Bop/	h
12595complex logic	Boqg	b
12596complex mapping	Boq7	d
12597complex marker	BorY	f
12598complex matrix	Bor3	Z
12599complex model	BosQ	b
12600complex multiplication	Bosr	k
12601complex multiplier register	BotP	y
12602complex multiply register	BouB	w
12603complex number	Boux	W
12604complex number field	BovH	i
12605complex number type	Bovp	e
12606complex numeric data	BowH	l
12607complex objects	Bows	d
12608complex operation	BoxJ	f
12609complex operator	Boxo	b
12610complex pattern	BoyD	a
12611complex picture information system	Boyd	8
12612complex plexus structure	BozZ	p
12613complex power series	Bo0C	l
12614complex product	Bo0n	a
12615complex symbol	Bo1B	c
12616complex system	Bo1d	c
12617complex task	Bo15	a
12618complex tone	Bo2T	U
12619complex type	Bo2n	U
12620complex utility routine	Bo27	u
12621complex value	Bo3p	V
12622complex variable	Bo3+	b
12623complex vector space	Bo4Z	l
12624complex waiting function	Bo4+	s
12625complexity	Bo5q	V
12626compliant	BeLx	u
12627componemt item type	Bo5/	n
12628component	Bo6m	Z
12629component	ExoS	X
12630component acceptance test	Bo6/	x
12631component description	Bo7w	j
12632component detail	G9QP	r
12633component explosion	Bo8T	h
12634component inventory	Bo80	h
12635component item class	Bo9V	o
12636component item description	Bo99	u
12637component item detail	Bo+r	p
12638component item number	Bo/U	m
12639component item status	Bo/6	p
12640component lead time adjustment	BpAj	4
12641component required date	BpBb	r
12642component return to stock	BpCG	n
12643component status	BpCt	e
12644component stock location	BpDL	s
12645component type	BpD3	c
12646component usage designator	BpET	u
12647component warehouse	BpFB	h
12648compose	BpFi	V
12649compose file	BpF3	a
12650compose sequence	BpGR	e
12651composed	BpGv	T
12652composite	BpHC	X
12653composite character	BpHZ	n
12654composite external symbol dictionary	BpIA	7
12655composite key	BpI7	Y
12656composite part	BpJT	c
12657composition	BpJv	T
12658compound document	BpKC	f
12659compound object	BpKh	d
12660compound statement	BpK+	d
12661compresse index	BpLb	d
12662compressed binary format	BpL4	y
12663compressed file pointer	BpMq	r
12664compressed index	BpNV	h
12665compressed resource file	BpN2	v
12666compression	BpO4	T
12667compression	BpOl	T
12668compression file	BpPL	e
12669compromised amptitude equalizer	BpPp	2
12670computation and data flow integrated subsystems	BpQf	Ba
12671computation and design division	BpR5	3
12672computation center	BpSw	g
12673computation correction	BpTQ	k
12674computation induction	BpT0	j
12675computation model	BpUX	f
12676computation module	BpU2	g
12677computation organization	BpVW	m
12678computation room	BpV8	e
12679computation rule	BpWa	e
12680computation sheet	BpW4	c
12681computation speed	BpXU	f
12682computation structure	BpXz	j
12683computation technique	BpYW	g
12684computation time	BpY2	e
12685computation unit	BpZU	e
12686computational accuracy	BpZy	k
12687computational algorithm	BpaW	o
12688computational chemistry	Bpa+	l
12689computational combinatorics	Bpbj	v
12690computational complexity	BpcS	p
12691computational condition	Bpc7	l
12692computational cutoff rate	Bpdg	w
12693computational detail	BpeQ	i
12694computational efficiency	Bpey	m
12695computational effort	BpfY	l
12696computational errors	Bpf9	i
12697computational fluid dynamics	Bpgf	3
12698computational instability	BphW	t
12699computational item	BpiD	d
12700computational linguistics	Bpig	0
12701computational logic	BpjU	h
12702computational mathematics	Bpj1	n
12703computational method	Bpkc	i
12704computational model	Bpk+	h
12705computational physics	Bplf	j
12706computational problem	BpmC	d
12707computational procedure	Bpmf	l
12708computational process	BpnE	j
12709computational processor	Bpnn	o
12710computational scheme	BpoP	i
12711computational security	Bpox	n
12712computational seismology	BppY	p
12713computational stability	BpqB	o
12714computational state	Bpqp	h
12715computational system	BprK	i
12716computational topology	Bprs	n
12717computator	BpsT	Y
12718compute	Bpsr	P
12719compute mode	Bps6	a
12720compute reset hold switch	BptU	5
12721computed altitude	Bpuj	f
12722computed entry table	BpvC	i
12723computed field	Bpvk	Z
12724computed jump	Bpv9	b
12725computed path control	BpwY	p
12726computed push button	BpxB	i
12727computed transfer	Bpxj	f
12728computer	+/b	Z
12729computer	BpyC	T
12730computer	BpyV	b
12731computer	DtD3	d
12732computer	F8mt	Z
12733computer	H95B	Z
12734computer	IcLw	Z
12735computer access	Bpyw	g
12736computer address bus	BpzQ	v
12737computer address matrix	Bpz/	u
12738computer administrative record	Bp0t	1
12739computer aided design	Bp1i	t
12740computer aided design and drafting	Bp2P	/
12741computer aided engineering	Bp3O	y
12742computer aided instruction	Bp4A	y
12743computer aided manufacturing	Bp4y	6
12744computer aided production management system	Bp6M	BL
12745computer aided programming system	Bp7X	BB
12746computer aided quality control	Bp8Y	y
12747computer aided service	Bp9K	q
12748computer aided software engineering	Bp90	BC
12749computer aided test	Bp+2	q
12750computer aided testing	Bp/g	t
12751computer aided trouble shooting	BqAN	4
12752computer aided typesetting	BqBF	1
12753computer algebra	BqB6	e
12754computer algorithm	BqCY	j
12755computer and communication	BqC7	v
12756computer and information sciences	BqDq	BB
12757computer and terminals operation	FxIi	BF
12758computer based instruction	BqEr	y
12759computer bound	BqFd	f
12760computer bound application	BqF8	3
12761computer bound computation	BqGz	0
12762computer bound job	BqHn	s
12763computer bound task	BqIT	t
12764computer center	BqJA	g
12765computer code	BqJg	b
12766computer communication	FVu6	k
12767computer crime	BqJ7	f
12768computer direct to telegraph	BqKa	8
12769computer directed communication	BqLW	/
12770computer education system	BqMV	w
12771computer element	BqNF	e
12772computer graphic	BqNj	e
12773computer graphics	BqOB	f
12774computer graphics	FVve	z
12775computer hobbyist	BqOg	r
12776computer hologram	BqPL	l
12777computer holography	BqPw	n
12778computer hospital care	BqQX	t
12779computer human interaction	BqRE	6
12780computer hybrids	BqR+	q
12781computer identifiaction	BqSo	u
12782computer image generator	BqTW	y
12783computer image processing	BqUI	w
12784computer industry	BqU4	i
12785computer industry association	BqVa	0
12786computer input from microfilm	BqWO	6
12787computer input microfilm	BqXI	1
12788computer installation	BqX9	m
12789computer instruction	BqYj	l
12790computer instruction set	BqZI	v
12791computer insurance	BqZ3	j
12792computer integrated manufacturing	Bqaa	5
12793computer intellignce	BqbT	l
12794computer interaction	FVwR	v
12795computer interactive data access system	FVxA	BO
12796computer interface	Bqb4	j
12797computer interface engineering	Bqcb	1
12798computer interface terminal	BqdQ	y
12799computer interface unit	BqeC	u
12800computer language	Bqew	w
12801computer language recorder	Bqfg	7
12802computer language symbol	Bqgb	v
12803computer language translator	BqhK	5
12804computer language translator identifier	BqiD	BN
12805computer learning	BqjQ	i
12806computer limited	Bqjy	h
12807computer limited switching	BqkT	6
12808computer link method	BqlN	o
12809computer load	Bql1	b
12810computer logic	BqmQ	c
12811computer logic circuit	Bqms	q
12812computer logic demonstrator	BqnW	y
12813computer logic graphics	BqoI	u
12814computer logic unit tester	Bqo2	3
12815computer magnetic tape	Bqpt	n
12816computer mail	BqqU	e
12817computer main frequency	Bqqy	o
12818computer mainframe	Bqra	j
12819computer management	Bqr9	k
12820computer management association	Bqsh	2
12821computer manager	BqtX	h
12822computer matching	Bqt4	i
12823computer memory	Bqua	j
12824computer memory interconnect	Bqu9	6
12825computer memory structure	Bqv3	z
12826computer memory tester	Bqwq	z
12827computer memory unit	Bqxd	r
12828computer message transmission	BqyI	0
12829computer micrographics	Bqy8	n
12830computer micrographics technology	Bqzj	4
12831computer mode	Bq0b	b
12832computer model	Bq02	f
12833computer modification	Bq1V	s
12834computer module	Bq2B	g
12835computer monitoring system	Bq2h	x
12836computer music	Bq3S	f
12837computer name	Bq3x	b
12838computer network	Bq4M	e
12839computer network component	Bq4q	r
12840computer network facility	Bq5V	t
12841computer network protocol	Bq6C	t
12842computer networking	Bq6v	k
12843computer numerical control	Bq7T	y
12844computer off line control system	Bq8F	3
12845computer on line real tiem applications language	Bq88	BT
12846computer on slice	Bq+P	l
12847computer open loop control	Bq+0	x
12848computer operated automatic test system	Bq/l	BT
12849computer operated universal test system	BrA4	BN
12850computer operations facility	BrCF	z
12851computer operator	BrC4	i
12852computer optics package	BrDa	0
12853computer optimization package	BrEO	9
12854computer order code	BrFL	n
12855computer organization	BrFy	m
12856computer output film	BrGY	o
12857computer output microfiche	BrHA	3
12858computer output microfilm	BrH3	2
12859computer output microfilm printer	BrIt	BB
12860computer output microfilm recorder	BrJu	BI
12861computer output microfilmer	BrK2	4
12862computer output microfilming	BrLu	/
12863computer output micrographics	BrMt	6
12864computer output on microfilm	BrNn	5
12865computer patient monitoring system	BrOg	/
12866computer pattern recognition	BrPf	z
12867computer pergormance	BrQS	l
12868computer pergormance evaluation	BrQ3	2
12869computer pergormance predication	BrRt	3
12870computer peripheral communication	BrSk	4
12871computer peripheral equipment	BrTc	0
12872computer picture	BrUQ	h
12873computer plotting system	BrUx	v
12874computer power center	BrVg	s
12875computer power supply	BrWM	m
12876computer power support system	BrWy	0
12877computer practice	BrXm	i
12878computer printout	BrYI	o
12879computer processor unit	BrYw	r
12880computer produced drawing	BrZb	q
12881computer product news	BraF	s
12882computer professional	Brax	s
12883computer program	Brbd	e
12884computer programmer	Brb7	k
12885computer programming	Brcf	o
12886computer programming language	BrdH	3
12887computer programming methodology	Brd+	9
12888computer programming training	Bre7	3
12889computer readout	Brfy	h
12890computer recognition	BrgT	l
12891computer recording	Brg4	j
12892computer resale broker	Brhb	w
12893computer reset hold switch	BriL	6
12894computer resource	BrjF	i
12895computer resource management	Brjn	z
12896computer resource performance management	Brka	BF
12897computer resource sharing	Brlf	w
12898computer resource unit	BrmP	t
12899computer revolution	Brm8	k
12900computer robot interface	Brng	y
12901computer room	BroS	e
12902computer run	Brow	d
12903computer running	JEiq	n
12904computer satellite	BrpN	m
12905computer scheduling system	Brpz	1
12906computer science	Brqo	h
12907computer science	Fphh	k
12908computer science and engineering board	BrrJ	BI
12909computer science curriculum	BrsR	y
12910computer science department	BrtD	v
12911computer science network	Brty	s
12912computer science theory	Brue	u
12913computer search	BrvM	g
12914computer search center	Brvs	t
12915computer searching system	BrwZ	w
12916computer security	BrxJ	l
12917computer security model	Brxu	u
12918computer security verification	Bryc	4
12919computer selection methodology	BrzU	1
12920computer self learning	Br0J	q
12921computer service	Br0z	h
12922computer service bureau	Br1U	r
12923computer service organization	Br1/	0
12924computer services network	Br2z	t
12925computer servo unit	Br3g	q
12926computer simulation	Br4K	k
12927computer simulation language	Br4u	z
12928computer simulator	Br5h	j
12929computer socicty	Br6E	h
12930computer software and applications conference	Br6l	BN
12931computer software and applictions conference	Br7y	BG
12932computer software copyright act	Br84	5
12933computer software engineering	Br9x	0
12934computer software error	Br+l	u
12935computer software maintenance	Br/T	x
12936computer software management	BsAE	z
12937computer software measurement	BsA3	0
12938computer software performance evaluation	BsBr	BF
12939computer state	BsCw	f
12940computer statement	BsDP	g
12941computer switch	BsDv	d
12942computer system	BsEM	g
12943computer update equipment	BsEs	w
12944computer utilization monitor	BsFc	9
12945computer utilization reporting system	BsGZ	BO
12946computer word	BsHn	b
12947computerization	BsKN	d
12948computerize	BsKq	Z
12949computerized tomography	BsLD	u
12950computerized typesetting	BsLx	s
12951computervision graphics processor	BsMd	BF
12952computery	BsNi	a
12953computicket	BsN8	f
12954computing	BsOb	R
12955computing amplifier	BsOs	k
12956computing centre	BsPQ	e
12957computing circuit	BsPu	f
12958computing complexity	BsQN	l
12959computing counter	BsQy	c
12960computing element	BsRO	f
12961computing engine	BsRt	b
12962computing interval	BsSI	g
12963computing laboratory	BsSo	l
12964computing logger	BsTN	h
12965computing machine circuit	BsTu	q
12966computing machinery	BsUY	h
12967computing matrix	BsU5	e
12968computing mechanism	BsVX	h
12969computing medium	BsV4	e
12970computing method	BsWW	e
12971computing mode	BsW0	c
12972computing network	BsXQ	f
12973computing power	BsXv	d
12974computing resource	BsYM	g
12975computing rule	BsYs	Z
12976computing speed	BsZF	d
12977computing standard	BsZi	g
12978computing statement	BsaC	h
12979computing store	Bsaj	g
12980computing system	BsbD	e
12981computing system catalog	Bsbh	s
12982computing technique	BscN	h
12983computing time	Bscu	c
12984computing typesetting	BsdK	m
12985computing unit	Bsdw	c
12986computing unit	F8nG	i
12987computist	BseM	U
12988computron	Bseg	m
12989computus	BsfG	W
12990computyper	Bsfc	e
12991compuword	Bsf6	X
12992comupter logic unit tester	BsgR	+
12993comuptervision graphics operating system	BshP	BQ
12994concatenate	Bsif	b
12995concatenated data set	Bsi6	m
12996concatenated field	Bsjg	d
12997concatenated key	Bsj9	b
12998concatenated segment	BskY	f
12999concatenating file	Bsk3	g
13000concatenating indicator	BslX	o
13001concatenation	Bsl/	V
13002concatenation error	BsmU	h
13003concatenation expression	Bsm1	m
13004concatenation operation	Bsnb	l
13005concatenation operator	BsoA	n
13006concatenation rule	Bson	g
13007concave	BspH	M
13008concave edge	BspT	U
13009concave function	Bspn	b
13010concave label	BsqC	Y
13011concave lens	Bsqa	X
13012concave line	Bsqx	U
13013concave mirror	BsrF	W
13014concealed device	Bsrb	e
13015concealed wiring	Bsr5	Y
13016concentrated traffic	BssR	l
13017concentratior	Bss2	l
13018concentrator	Bstb	i
13019concentrator unit control	Bst9	t
13020concentric cable	Bsuq	e
13021concept classification	BsvI	k
13022concept coordination	Bsvs	i
13023concept formation	BswO	f
13024concept formulation	Bswt	k
13025concept model	BsxR	b
13026concept schema	Bsxs	c
13027conceptual analyzer	BsyI	k
13028conceptual data	Bsys	d
13029conceptual data base design	BszJ	y
13030conceptual database model	Bsz7	w
13031conceptual dependency theory	Bs0r	z
13032conceptual flow chart	Bs1e	m
13033conceptual framework	Bs2E	i
13034conceptual level	Bs2m	b
13035conceptual module	Bs3B	f
13036conceptual phase	Bs3g	e
13037conceptual schema	Bs3+	f
13038conceptual schema design	Bs4d	s
13039conceptual solution	Bs5J	e
13040conceptual structure	Bs5n	i
13041conceptual system design	Bs6J	s
13042conceptual system structure	Bs61	v
13043conceptual taxonomy	Bs7k	k
13044conceptual view	Bs8I	g
13045concise command language	Bs8o	w
13046conclusion	Bs9Y	S
13047concordance	Bs9q	f
13048concordance list	Bs+J	n
13049concordance program	Bs+w	t
13050concordance table	Bs/d	c
13051concrete core drilling	Bs/5	n
13052concrete invariant	BtAg	j
13053concrete program	BtBD	e
13054concurrence	BtBh	e
13055concurrency	BtB/	W
13056concurrency control methods	BtCV	w
13057concurrent	BtDF	i
13058concurrent mode	BtDn	d
13059concurrent operating system	Gb9+	3
13060concurrent operation	BtEE	+
13061concurrent peripheral operation	BtFC	z
13062concurrent peripheral operations	BtF1	0
13063concurrent processing	BtGp	x
13064concurrent run unit	BtHa	n
13065concurrent update mode	BtIB	q
13066condense	BtIr	Y
13067condfidence limit	BtJD	f
13068condition	+s8	X
13069condition	BtJi	f
13070condition	Gsh7	h
13071condition codes	BtKB	a
13072condition gate	GqPe	f
13073condition handler	BtKb	l
13074condition indicator	BtLA	k
13075condition name	BtLk	c
13076condition value	BtMA	a
13077conditional	JI3N	Z
13078conditional	JIsl	f
13079conditional assembly	BtMa	i
13080conditional block	BtM8	z
13081conditional branch	BtNv	g
13082conditional construction	BtOP	s
13083conditional control	JItE	t
13084conditional entropy	BtO7	e
13085conditional expression	BtPZ	n
13086conditional force	BtQA	i
13087conditional go to	BtQi	l
13088conditional implication operation	BtRH	1
13089conditional information content	BtR8	z
13090conditional instruction	BtSv	l
13091conditional jump	BtTU	e
13092conditional next field	BtTy	k
13093conditional operator	BtUW	l
13094conditional order	BtU7	i
13095conditional request	BtVd	h
13096conditional sale	BtV+	e
13097conditional statement	BtWc	u
13098conditional statement	Gb+1	m
13099conditional variable	BtXK	i
13100conditioning room	NuD	o
13101conditions	BtXs	Y
13102condlict	BtYE	Q
13103conductor	BtYU	R
13104conductor drum	HZl1	c
13105conductor storage unit	IRz4	u
13106conduit	BtYl	P
13107confidence limit	BtY0	e
13108configurating operating system	IO7j	y
13109configuration	BtZS	t
13110configuration command	BtZ/	j
13111configuration control panel	Btai	1
13112configuration database	BtbX	n
13113configuration file	Btb+	g
13114configuration menu	Btce	g
13115configuration register	Btc+	n
13116configuration setup	Btdl	h
13117configuration support	BteG	j
13118configure	Btep	R
13119confirmation box	Bte6	b
13120confirmation field	BtfV	d
13121confirmed date	Btfy	c
13122conflicting	BtgO	W
13123conflicting attribute	Btgk	j
13124congestion	BthH	g
13125congestion control	Bthn	g
13126congestion loss	BtiH	j
13127conjunction	Btiq	b
13128conjunction	Gb/b	T
13129conjunctive	IHuU	Z
13130connect	BtjF	P
13131connect password	BtjU	e
13132connected netowrk	DoWf	i
13133connected relation computer	JfEO	BA
13134connected speech understanding capability	BtkS	BD
13135connected station	BtlV	c
13136connected undirected graph	Btlx	r
13137connected vertices	Btmc	g
13138connectedness	Btm8	Y
13139connecting cable	BtnU	e
13140connecting file	Btny	d
13141connecting line	BtoP	a
13142connection	Btop	S
13143connection	JoxX	X
13144connection box	Bto7	Z
13145connection byte	BtpU	d
13146connection chain	Btpx	b
13147connection established signal	BtqM	r
13148connection graph	Btq3	b
13149connection layout	BtrS	c
13150connection matrix	Btru	f
13151connection network buffer	BtsN	w
13152connection number	Bts9	f
13153connection oriented	Bttc	h
13154connection point manager	Btt9	p
13155connection problem counter	Btum	x
13156connection status field	BtvX	r
13157connection table	BtwC	b
13158connection time	Btwd	d
13159connection trap	Btw6	d
13160connectionless service	BtxX	n
13161connectivity	E4XC	a
13162connector	Btx+	t
13163connector	FeJU	v
13164connector node	Btyr	c
13165consecutive	BtzH	T
13166consecutive access	Btza	j
13167consent	Btz9	P
13168conservative logic element	Bt0M	y
13169consigned components	Bt0+	i
13170consistency	Bt1g	T
13171consistent	IO8V	p
13172console	Bt1z	d
13173console support	Bt2Q	m
13174console terminal	Bt22	1
13175consoles condition	GaHM	m
13176consolidate	Bt3r	T
13177consolidated balance sheet	Bt3+	x
13178consolidated statements	Bt4v	r
13179consonant	Bt5a	R
13180constant	Bt5r	Q
13181constant function	Bt57	f
13182constrained domain	Bt6a	d
13183constrained extreme value problem	Bt63	1
13184constrained filtering restoration	Bt7s	1
13185constrained restoration	Bt8h	l
13186constrained system	Bt9G	g
13187constrained type	Bt9m	e
13188constrained vector	Bt+E	g
13189constraint	Bt+k	a
13190constraint comparibility	Bt++	p
13191constraint condition	Bt/n	i
13192constraint equation	BuAJ	h
13193constraint matrix	BuAq	f
13194constraint satisfacation	BuBJ	p
13195constraint set	BuBy	c
13196constraints oriented matrix generator	BuCO	BI
13197construct	BuDW	R
13198constructable function	BuDn	n
13199construction program	BEP8	q
13200consumer electronics show	BuEO	z
13201consumer problem	HnsQ	t
13202contact	GqeC	V
13203contact bounce	BuFB	c
13204contact edge	BuFd	X
13205contact input	BuF0	b
13206contact interrogation signal	BuGP	w
13207contact magnetic recording	Gb/u	x
13208contact protection	BuG/	g
13209contact recording	GcAf	s
13210contained	IO8+	l
13211contained control	IO9j	p
13212contained data base	IO+M	u
13213contained data language	IO+6	r
13214contained digraph	IO/l	i
13215contained facility	IPAH	n
13216contained generated data	IPAu	s
13217contained hardware unit	IPBa	7
13218contained language system	IPCV	BE
13219contained loop	IPDZ	c
13220contained program	BuHf	f
13221contained program loader	IPD1	BC
13222contained system	IPE3	l
13223container file	BuH+	c
13224content	BuIa	X
13225content addressable storage	BuIx	y
13226content dependent information language	BuJj	BG
13227content independence	IOA	t
13228content view	BuKp	a
13229contention	BuLD	i
13230contention based bus	BuLl	0
13231contention resolution	BuMZ	j
13232contention state	BuM8	e
13233context	BuNa	a
13234context	Exxe	p
13235context indexing	BuN0	e
13236context searcher	BuOS	p
13237context sensitive	BuO7	w
13238context switching	BuPr	f
13239context variable	BuQK	s
13240contiguous area	BuQ2	d
13241contiguous field	GcBL	h
13242contiguous file	BuRT	d
13243contingency procedure	BuRw	j
13244continous form	BuST	c
13245continuation bucket	BuSv	k
13246continuation character	BuTT	k
13247continuation volumerch	BuT3	k
13248continue problem analysis	BuUb	t
13249continued	BuVI	R
13250continued mfdmaster file directory	BuVZ	1
13251continued ufduser file directory	BuWx	5
13252continuous carrier	BuXq	m
13253continuous channel	IR0m	j
13254continuous code	BuYQ	a
13255continuous continuous forms	BuYq	s
13256continuous data set	BuZW	k
13257continuous form	BuZ6	a
13258continuous operator	BuaU	k
13259continuous optimization program	Bua4	z
13260continuous path	Bubr	j
13261continuous path controlled robot	BucO	9
13262continuous path motion	BudL	q
13263continuous processing	Bud1	j
13264continuous program	BueY	g
13265continuous progression code	Bue4	s
13266continuous random process	Bufk	t
13267continuous random variable	BugR	u
13268continuous record	Bug/	f
13269continuous reverse	Buhe	g
13270continuous sequence	Buh+	h
13271continuous simulation	Buif	j
13272continuous spectrum	BujC	e
13273continuous speech	Bujg	f
13274continuous statement	Buj/	i
13275continuous stationary reader	Bukh	z
13276continuous sweep	BulU	e
13277continuous system modeling program	Buly	BC
13278continuous time system	Bum0	q
13279continuous tone	Bune	d
13280continuous topology	Bun7	k
13281continuous transmission	Buof	l
13282continuous variable	BupE	h
13283continuous wave	Bupl	a
13284continuous wave laser	Bup/	m
13285continuous wave magnetron	Buql	t
13286continuously acting computer	Burt	z
13287contour	Busg	P
13288contour character	Busv	c
13289contour control	ButL	d
13290contour extraction	Buto	g
13291contour following	BuuI	f
13292contour integration	Buun	h
13293contour line	BuvI	X
13294contour map	Buvf	Z
13295contour tracing	Buv4	d
13296contract	BuwV	Q
13297contract completion percentage	Buwl	1
13298contract expiration date	Buxa	p
13299contract price file	BuyD	k
13300contracted notation	Buyn	h
13301contractible graph	BuzI	g
13302contraction	Buzo	T
13303contraction mapping	Buz7	h
13304contraction method	BGcX	j
13305contraction rule	Bu0c	e
13306contradictory information	Bu06	n
13307contradictory opposite	Bu1h	k
13308contradictory proposition	Bu2F	n
13309contrafunctional digraph	Bu2s	s
13310contragradient tranformation	Bu3Y	q
13311contraposition rule	Bu4C	h
13312contrapositive	Bu4j	W
13313contrapositive fule	Bu45	h
13314contrary proposition	Bu5a	i
13315contrast	Bu58	Q
13316contrast image enhancement	Bu6M	u
13317contrast stretching	Bu66	h
13318contravariant component	Bu7b	l
13319contravariant vector	Bu8A	i
13320contribution	Bu8i	U
13321contribution file	Bu82	f
13322control	B64X	V
13323control	Bu9V	P
13324control	DYan	h
13325control	H5nn	Y
13326control	H9Yo	V
13327control	ItQQ	b
13328control	JItx	b
13329control	fHE	V
13330control abstraction	Bu9k	k
13331control access	IPFc	c
13332control accuracy	Bu+I	e
13333control action	Bu+m	c
13334control adapter	Bu/C	g
13335control algorithm	Bu/i	i
13336control amplifier	BvAE	i
13337control and data retrieval system	BvAm	BD
13338control and monitor console	BvBp	m
13339control and status logic	BvCP	v
13340control and status register	BvC+	5
13341control and switch equipment	BvD3	z
13342control and test	BvEq	l
13343control and test	DE2x	g
13344control and timing	BvFP	j
13345control and warning	BvFy	k
13346control apparatus	BvGW	f
13347control application	BvG1	h
13348control area	BvHW	X
13349control ball	BvHt	X
13350control bit	BvIE	W
13351control block	BvIa	m
13352control block event	BvJA	n
13353control board	BvJn	Y
13354control break	BvJ/	m
13355control break level	BvKl	n
13356control breakpoint instruction	BvLM	y
13357control brush	BvL+	Y
13358control buffer	BvMW	f
13359control bus	BvM1	W
13360control bus master	BvNL	p
13361control bus signal	BvN0	p
13362control button	BvOd	c
13363control byte	BvO5	a
13364control card	BvPT	X
13365control card specification	BvPq	u
13366control center	BvQY	c
13367control central tracking	BvQ0	s
13368control chain	BvRg	Y
13369control change	BvR4	c
13370control channel	BvSU	d
13371control channel information demodulator	BvSx	BE
13372control character	BvT1	f
13373control character	CUUt	l
13374control character device	BvUU	s
13375control chart	BvVA	Y
13376control chatacer	BvVY	e
13377control chnnel	BvV2	c
13378control circuit	BvWS	d
13379control clerk	BvWv	e
13380control clock	BvXN	Y
13381control code	BvXl	X
13382control column	BvX8	Z
13383control command	BvYV	d
13384control command data	BvYy	o
13385control command program	BvZa	r
13386control command word	BvaF	l
13387control communication	Bvaq	j
13388control communication executive	BvbN	5
13389control component	BvcG	f
13390control computer	Bvcl	h
13391control computer	DWw0	n
13392control concurrency	BvdG	k
13393control connector	Bvdq	i
13394control console	BveM	a
13395control console port	Bvem	i
13396control conversational	JE6c	n
13397control coordination system	BvfI	v
13398control coordinator	Bvf3	k
13399control counter	Bvgb	g
13400control coupling	Bvg7	e
13401control cycle	BvhZ	b
13402control data	Bvh0	a
13403control data assembly program	BviO	3
13404control data communications control program	BvjF	BO
13405control data computer	BvkT	s
13406control data corporation	Bvk/	s
13407control data item	Bvlr	i
13408control data mathematical programming	BvmN	/
13409control data name	BvnM	i
13410control data register	Bvnu	s
13411control data set	Bvoa	h
13412control data table	Bvo7	j
13413control data terminal	Bvpe	s
13414control dependence	BvqK	j
13415control desk	Bvqt	X
13416control device	BvrE	Z
13417control diagram language	Bvrd	s
13418control dial	BvsJ	X
13419control dictionary	Bvsg	g
13420control distribution center	BvtA	v
13421control distribution system	Bvtv	v
13422control division	Bvue	b
13423control division header	Bvu5	o
13424control domain	Bvvh	Z
13425control driver	JE7D	f
13426control eircuit	7H1	p
13427control electrode	Bvv6	f
13428control electronics	BvwZ	k
13429control electronics assembly	Bvw9	z
13430control element	Bvxw	d
13431control engine	BvyN	Z
13432control engineering	Bvym	h
13433control equation	BvzH	e
13434control equipment	Bvzl	f
13435control error	Bv0E	b
13436control expression	Bv0f	d
13437control facility	Bv08	e
13438control field	Bv1a	Y
13439control field length	Bv1y	l
13440control field sorting	Bv2X	m
13441control file	Bv29	X
13442control file attribute	Bv3U	n
13443control file name	Bv37	i
13444control file system resource	Bv4d	2
13445control flag	Bv5T	a
13446control flow	Bv5t	a
13447control flow chart	Bv6H	j
13448control flow complexity measure	Bv6q	5
13449control flow computer	Bv7j	p
13450control flow jump	Bv8M	i
13451control flow keyword	Bv8u	o
13452control folw graph	Bv9W	j
13453control footing	Bv95	d
13454control function	Bv+W	e
13455control group	Bv+0	Y
13456control heading	Bv/M	d
13457control in	Bv/p	Y
13458control instruction	BwAB	h
13459control interval	BwAi	e
13460control interval block level	BwBA	2
13461control interval level	BwB2	q
13462control key	BwCg	W
13463control language interpreter	BwC2	6
13464control length	BwDw	c
13465control level	BwEM	p
13466control level indicator	BwE1	r
13467control link	BwFg	a
13468control log	BwF6	Z
13469control matrix network	BwGT	r
13470control mechanism	BwG+	f
13471control medium	BwHd	c
13472control memory	BwH5	i
13473control memory address register	BwIb	BE
13474control message	BwJf	d
13475control message display	BwJ8	r
13476control message transmission	BwKn	w
13477control microcomputer	BwLX	s
13478control mode	BwMD	a
13479control model	BwMd	b
13480control monitor unit	BwM4	i
13481control net	BwNa	W
13482control net system	BwNw	j
13483control network	BTf6	j
13484control network	BwOT	d
13485control number	BwOw	Z
13486control of	H6QD	e
13487control operation	BwPJ	f
13488control operator	BwPo	h
13489control optimization	BwQJ	p
13490control optimization program	BwQy	z
13491control organization	BwRl	i
13492control oriented architecture	BwSH	0
13493control oriented function	BwS7	w
13494control oriented language	BwTr	t
13495control oriented microcomputer	BwUY	7
13496control panel	BwVT	b
13497control panel button	BwVu	o
13498control panel interrput transfer	BwWW	9
13499control panel light	BwXT	q
13500control panels	BwX9	c
13501control parameter	BwYZ	f
13502control parameter assembly program	BwY4	8
13503control part	BwZ0	a
13504control path	BwaO	a
13505control pattern	Bwao	d
13506control pen	BwbF	W
13507control point	Bwbb	b
13508control portion	Bwb2	d
13509control power supply	BwcT	i
13510control precision	Bwc1	f
13511control print	BwdU	e
13512control print character	Bwdy	r
13513control procedure	Bwed	f
13514control processor	Bwe8	m
13515control program	Bwfi	r
13516control program	Fd0/	d
13517control program assist	BwgN	u
13518control program facility	Bwg7	s
13519control program generator	Bwhn	w
13520control program support	BwiX	r
13521control program type	BwjC	o
13522control programmer	Bwlo	s
13523control programmicroprocessor	Bwjq	1
13524control programmicroprocessor operating system	Bwkf	BJ
13525control programming system	BwmU	4
13526control protocol	BwnM	e
13527control pulse	Bwnq	b
13528control punch	BwoF	Y
13529control rack	Bwod	a
13530control range	Bwo3	b
13531control read only memory	BwpS	0
13532control record	BwqG	c
13533control region	Bwqi	c
13534control region base register	Bwq+	5
13535control region length register	Bwr3	7
13536control register	Bwsy	k
13537control register connector	BwtW	4
13538control relationship	BwuO	l
13539control relay	Bwuz	e
13540control relay circuit	BwvR	s
13541control room	Bwv9	X
13542control routine	BwwU	j
13543control routine interrupt	Bww3	t
13544control safety goggles	JLVx	8
13545control scheme	Bwxk	c
13546control section	BwyA	a
13547control section chaining	Bwya	s
13548control sequence	BwzG	e
13549control set	Bwzk	Z
13550control setting panel	Bwz9	m
13551control sheet	Bw0j	Y
13552control shift	Bw07	b
13553control signal	Bw1W	c
13554control signal generator	Bw1y	v
13555control signal processor	Bw2h	v
13556control simulation	Bw3Q	g
13557control software	Bw3w	e
13558control specification	Bw4O	p
13559control stack	Bw43	b
13560control state	Bw5S	Y
13561control statement	Bw5q	f
13562control statics	Bw6J	g
13563control station	Bw6p	a
13564control station	Ec+A	j
13565control station	EckR	p
13566control statue register	Bw7D	y
13567control status register	Bw71	y
13568control stick	Bw8n	Y
13569control storage	Bw8/	g
13570control storage initial program load	Bw9f	BH
13571control storage processor	Bw+m	z
13572control store	Bw/Z	e
13573control store address register	Bw/3	BA
13574control store data register	BxA3	9
13575control store diagnostics	BxB0	w
13576control store monitor	BxCk	s
13577control strategy	BxDQ	e
13578control stream	BxDu	Z
13579control structure	BxEH	f
13580control structure module	BxEm	p
13581control subassembly	BxFP	k
13582control subroutine language	BxFz	5
13583control supervisor	BxGs	g
13584control supply indicator	BxHM	v
13585control switch	G1I6	i
13586control switching points	BxH7	t
13587control symbol number	BxIo	t
13588control system	BxJV	c
13589control system	C9p4	o
13590control system analysis program	BxJx	+
13591control system design	BxKv	p
13592control system dynamics	BxLY	u
13593control system synthesis	BxMG	s
13594control systems engineering	BxMy	z
13595control table	BxNl	Y
13596control tape	BxN9	X
13597control tape mechanism	BxOU	n
13598control tape sequence	BxO7	m
13599control task	BxP7	a
13600control task	BxPh	a
13601control task structure	BxQ/	q
13602control task structure	BxQV	q
13603control technique	BxRp	f
13604control technique	BxSI	f
13605control terminal	BxSn	e
13606control terminal	BxTF	h
13607control text	BxTm	a
13608control text response	BxUA	p
13609control token	BxUp	b
13610control token	BxVE	b
13611control token packet	BxVf	l
13612control token packet	BxWE	l
13613control total	BxWp	b
13614control total	BxXE	b
13615control totals by type	BxYP	w
13616control track	BxY/	b
13617control track	BxZa	b
13618control track direction computer	BxZ1	9
13619control track direction computer	Bxay	9
13620control transfer	Bxbv	e
13621control transfer	BxcN	e
13622control transfer instruction	Bxcr	w
13623control transfer instruction	Bxdb	w
13624control transfer mode	Bxe0	p
13625control transfer mode	BxeL	p
13626control transfer operation	Bxfd	u
13627control transfer operation	BxgL	u
13628control translator	Bxg5	u
13629control translator	Bxhn	u
13630control tree	BxiV	X
13631control tree	Bxis	X
13632control typewriter	BxjD	j
13633control typewriter	Bxjm	j
13634control unit	BxkJ	t
13635control unit accumulator register	Bxk2	/
13636control unit description	Bxl1	v
13637control unit description	Bxmk	v
13638control unit device interface	BxnT	0
13639control unit device interface	BxoH	0
13640control unit end	Bxo7	h
13641control unit end condition	Bxpc	x
13642control unit end condition	BxqN	x
13643control unit interface	Bxq+	r
13644control unit interface	Bxrp	r
13645control units	BxsU	b
13646control utility routine	Bxsv	r
13647control utility routine	Bxta	r
13648control valve	BxuF	Y
13649control valve	Bxud	Y
13650control variable	Bxu1	e
13651control variable	FIgT	k
13652control variable name	BxvT	m
13653control volume	Bxv5	Z
13654control word	BxwS	d
13655control word address	Bxwv	l
13656control word error	BxxU	g
13657control word format	Bxx0	k
13658control word line	BxyY	f
13659controllability	Bxzg	a
13660controllability condition	Bxz6	q
13661controllability matrix	Bx0k	n
13662controllability subindex	Bx1L	s
13663controllable	Bx13	X
13664controllable floor stock	Bx2O	v
13665controllable rocket motor	Bx29	w
13666controllable satellite	Bx3t	k
13667controlled	DtPq	h
13668controlled	IWfy	n
13669controlled	IWiO	k
13670controlled access system	Bx4R	w
13671controlled accessibility	Bx5B	p
13672controlled attenuator timer	Bx5q	2
13673controlled attribute	Bx6g	i
13674controlled carriage	Iy9t	k
13675controlled cbaracter file	DfV1	z
13676controlled channel control	HqV9	9
13677controlled computational experiment	Bx7C	3
13678controlled computer	IV9M	0
13679controlled computer	sf9	w
13680controlled condition	Bx75	i
13681controlled conditions system	Bx8b	w
13682controlled device	F77V	i
13683controlled digital simulator	Bx9L	5
13684controlled element computer	Bx+E	2
13685controlled environment	Bx+6	k
13686controlled facility	Bx/e	h
13687controlled factor	Bx//	f
13688controlled fault tolerant system	FYJo	9
13689controlled gate	C6pz	g
13690controlled gate	GqP9	g
13691controlled head	ByAe	d
13692controlled head gap	ByA7	n
13693controlled indexing language	ByBi	w
13694controlled looping	ByCS	g
13695controlled machine	Goff	j
13696controlled machine tools	GogC	u
13697controlled parameters	ByCy	j
13698controlled plant	ByDV	e
13699controlled post monitor program	ByDz	5
13700controlled pushdown automation	ByEs	8
13701controlled reconfiguration system	ByFo	1
13702controlled rectifier	ByGd	o
13703controlled robot	IUfn	r
13704controlled robot	IcMJ	n
13705controlled saturation logic	ByHF	z
13706controlled search	IcMw	l
13707controlled sequential computer	FDI2	7
13708controlled sequential computer	HqW6	7
13709controlled statistical arbitration	ByH4	2
13710controlled storage	ByIu	j
13711controlled switch	ByJR	f
13712controlled system	ByJw	f
13713controlled system	F1p9	p
13714controlled variable	ByKP	h
13715controlled vocabulary	ByKw	p
13716controller	ByLZ	j
13717controller	JStz	o
13718controller	Vsg	t
13719controller address	ByL8	j
13720controller assignment number	ByMf	w
13721controller board	ByNP	b
13722controller buffer	ByNq	i
13723controller bus	ByOM	f
13724controller bus address register	ByOr	/
13725controller card	ByPq	g
13726controller check	ByQK	h
13727controller configuration facility	ByQr	4
13728controller data channel	ByRj	u
13729controller definition table address	BySR	9
13730controller error	ByTO	m
13731controller function	ByT0	k
13732controller identification	ByUY	q
13733controller input output	ByVC	u
13734controller input test equipment	ByVw	8
13735controller interrupt logic	ByWs	x
13736controller interruption	ByXd	o
13737controller name	ByYF	g
13738controller panel	ByYl	e
13739controller ready	ByZD	h
13740controlling equipment	ByZk	j
13741controlling machine	ByaH	e
13742controlling means	Byal	f
13743controlling subsystem	BybE	m
13744controlling system	Bybq	g
13745controls	BycK	W
13746controls and displays	Bycg	s
13747controls and displays subsystem	BydM	5
13748convection	ByeF	S
13749convention	ByeX	i
13750conventional	Bye5	U
13751conventional algorithm	ByfN	k
13752conventional file	Byfx	f
13753conventional gate level simulation	BygQ	5
13754conventional grouping	ByhJ	j
13755conventional head	Byhs	f
13756conventional indication	ByiL	l
13757conventional memory	Byiw	k
13758conventional model	ByjU	g
13759conventional multiprocessor	Byj0	s
13760conventional number	Bykg	e
13761conventional program	Byk+	i
13762conventional programming language	Bylg	7
13763conventional routing method	Bymb	y
13764conventional scheduler	BynN	q
13765conventional software	Byn3	j
13766conventional viewdata system	Byoa	2
13767converational compiler	BypQ	n
13768converational debug routine	Byp3	y
13769converational device	Byqp	i
13770converational entry	ByrL	k
13771converational equipment	Byrv	l
13772converational file	BysU	g
13773convergence	Bys0	T
13774convergence acceleration	BytH	p
13775convergence algorithm	Bytw	j
13776convergence circuit	ByuT	h
13777convergence criterion	Byu0	m
13778convergence factor	Byva	g
13779convergence forward pruning	Byv6	v
13780convergence recorder	Bywp	l
13781convergence scheme	ByxO	g
13782convergent factor	Byxu	f
13783convergent fanout	ByyN	f
13784convergent fanout path	Byys	t
13785convergent light	ByzZ	b
13786convergent light illumination	Byz0	y
13787convergent matrix	By0m	f
13788convergent orbit	By1F	e
13789converging series	By1j	f
13790converging tree	By2C	a
13791converion	By2c	R
13792conversation	By2t	U
13793conversation assembler	By3B	q
13794conversation mode	By3r	f
13795conversation system with on line remote terminals	By4K	Bf
13796conversational	By5p	q
13797conversational algebraic language	By6T	8
13798conversational application program	By7P	5
13799conversational circuit analysis program	By8I	BJ
13800conversational communication access method	By9R	BJ
13801conversational drawing	By+a	n
13802conversational guidance	By/B	o
13803conversational guidance timesharing	By/p	6
13804conversational include	BzAj	n
13805conversational input output	BzBK	y
13806conversational laguage for input output	BzB8	BJ
13807conversational language	BzDF	o
13808conversational language for input output	BzDt	BK
13809conversational mode	BzE3	k
13810conversational mode	GcBs	k
13811conversational mode operation	BzFb	u
13812conversational monitor system	BzGJ	4
13813conversational operation	BzHB	p
13814conversational operation mode	BzHq	0
13815conversational process	BzIe	n
13816conversational processing	BzJF	q
13817conversational program	BzJv	n
13818conversational program module	BzKW	0
13819conversational programing system	BzLK	9
13820conversational programming	BzMH	x
13821conversational programming language	BzM4	BA
13822conversational remote batch entry	BzN4	y
13823conversational remote job entry	BzOq	BB
13824conversational report	BzPr	m
13825conversational statistics	BzQR	w
13826conversational system	BzRB	j
13827conversational terminal	BzRk	l
13828conversational terminal service	BzSJ	z
13829conversational time sharing	BzS8	s
13830conversational translator writing system	BzTo	BL
13831conversational utility	BzUz	n
13832converse	BzVa	Q
13833converse digraph	BzVq	e
13834converse digraph	IPF4	o
13835converse graph	BzWI	W
13836converse of relation	BzWe	f
13837converse routine	BzW9	e
13838converse sending roller	BzXb	r
13839converse theorem	BzYG	b
13840conversion	BzYh	S
13841conversion	CL/Y	n
13842conversion	DEat	U
13843conversion	HNkc	Y
13844conversion accuracy	BzYz	h
13845conversion algorithm	ICn1	r
13846conversion and check limit	BzZU	1
13847conversion chart	BzaJ	b
13848conversion code	Bzak	a
13849conversion curve	Bza+	e
13850conversion device	Bzbc	f
13851conversion equipment	Bzb7	i
13852conversion factor	Bzcd	f
13853conversion field	Bzc8	e
13854conversion in expressions	Bzda	w
13855conversion instruction	BzeK	k
13856conversion key	Bzeu	Z
13857conversion loss	BzfH	d
13858conversion mode	Bzfk	d
13859conversion of constant	BzgB	k
13860conversion of information	Bzgl	n
13861conversion operator	BzhM	h
13862conversion parameter	Bzht	i
13863conversion plan	BziP	d
13864conversion process	Bzis	g
13865conversion program	BzjM	g
13866conversion rate	Bzjs	d
13867conversion ratio	BzkJ	b
13868conversion reformat utility	Bzkk	BB
13869conversion routine	Bzll	g
13870conversion rule	BzmF	d
13871conversion symbol	Bzmi	f
13872conversion table	BznB	b
13873conversion table printing	Bznc	q
13874conversion word rate	BzoG	l
13875convert	Bzor	U
13876convert character code	Bzo/	o
13877convert to binary	Bzpn	l
13878convert to decimal	BzqM	m
13879converted journal entry	Bzqy	u
13880converted quantities	Bzrg	l
13881converter	BzsF	x
13882converter	HNpJ	h
13883converter	JX7H	p
13884converter analog element	Bzs2	v
13885converter chip	Bztl	f
13886converter instruction register	BzuE	8
13887converter logic element	BzvA	u
13888converters	Bzvu	V
13889convertibility	BzwD	c
13890convertible circuit breaker	Bzwf	1
13891convertible information system	BzxU	1
13892convertion	BzyJ	S
13893convertional equipment	Bzyb	k
13894convex	Bzy/	O
13895convex cone	BzzN	T
13896convex edge	Bzzg	T
13897convex function	Bzzz	a
13898convex hull	Bz0N	T
13899convex lens	Bz0g	W
13900convex mirror	Bz02	V
13901convex programming	Bz1L	d
13902convex set	Bz1o	S
13903convex system	Bz16	Y
13904convexity	Bz2S	R
13905convexity	HtL2	U
13906convexity closure	Bz2j	c
13907convey	Bz2/	O
13908conveyance buffer	Bz3N	f
13909conveyance case	Bz3s	j
13910conveyer	Bz4P	T
13911conveyer system	Bz4i	d
13912convolution	Bz4/	T
13913convolution code	Bz5S	b
13914convolution kernel	Bz5t	d
13915convolution operation	Bz6K	j
13916convolution processor	Bz6t	m
13917convolution signal	Bz7T	g
13918convolution sum	Bz7z	a
13919convolution summation	Bz8N	j
13920convolution theorem	Bz8w	h
13921convolutional code	Bz9R	d
13922convolutional coder	Bz9u	k
13923convolutional coding	Bz+S	i
13924convolutional decoder assembly	Bz+0	z
13925coolant	Bz/n	S
13926coolant distribution unit	Bz/5	w
13927cooled	Nur	X
13928cooler	B0Ap	R
13929cooling	B0A6	P
13930cooling	IPGg	S
13931cooling agent	B0BJ	Y
13932cooling air	B0Bh	Z
13933cooling distribution unit	B0B6	n
13934cooling equipment	B0Ch	f
13935cooling fan	B0DA	Z
13936cooling fin	B0DZ	W
13937cooling jacket	B0Dv	c
13938cooling period	B0EL	c
13939cooling plate	B0En	Y
13940cooling system	B0E/	c
13941cooperating	B0Fb	Z
13942cooperating application	B0F0	r
13943cooperating concurrent processes	B0Gf	0
13944cooperating index	B0HT	f
13945cooperating process	B0Hy	h
13946cooperating program	B0IT	n
13947cooperating protocol	B0I6	i
13948cooperating software process	B0Jc	w
13949cooperating tasks	B0KM	f
13950cooperative	B0Kr	T
13951cooperative communication	B0K+	n
13952cooperative game	B0Ll	e
13953cooperative installation	B0MD	m
13954cooperative intelligence network system	B0Mp	BH
13955cooperative transactional processing	B0Nw	4
13956coordinate	B0Oo	S
13957coordinate access array	B0O6	r
13958coordinate adder	B0Pl	m
13959coordinate adderssed memory	B0QL	y
13960coordinate addressed memory	B0Q9	y
13961coordinate axiom	B0Rv	e
13962coordinate based modeling system	B0SN	BA
13963coordinate conversion	B0TN	j
13964coordinate conversion computer	B0Tw	5
13965coordinate converter	B0Up	o
13966coordinate data	B0VR	d
13967coordinate data transmitter system	B0Vu	BA
13968coordinate digitizer	B0Wu	o
13969coordinate file	B0XW	d
13970coordinate graphics	B0Xz	h
13971coordinate indexing	B0YU	h
13972coordinate line	B0Y1	a
13973coordinate multiplex storage circuit	B0ZP	+
13974coordinate origin	I/Qv	l
13975coordinate pair	B0aN	a
13976coordinate paper	B0an	b
13977coordinate positioning system	B0bC	x
13978coordinate primitive	B0bz	i
13979coordinate retrieval	B0cV	i
13980coordinate rotation digital computer	B0c3	BB
13981coordinate scheme	B0d4	f
13982coordinate selector	B0eX	k
13983coordinate storage	B0e7	m
13984coordinate surface	B0fh	d
13985coordinate system	B0f+	f
13986coordinate term system	B0gd	w
13987coordinated geometry	B0hN	i
13988coordinates	B0hv	Z
13989coordinates computed	B0iI	i
13990coordinating calculating center	B0iq	z
13991coordinating element	B0jd	i
13992coordination	B0j/	U
13993coordination center	B0kT	h
13994coordination net	B0k0	b
13995coordination number	B0lP	e
13996coordination processor	B0lt	n
13997coordinator	B0mU	Z
13998coordinator routine	B0mt	h
13999copier	FtQN	m
14000coplanar grid	B0nO	b
14001coplanar tape	B0np	k
14002coplementary null character	B0oN	s
14003copper binding wire	B0o5	e
14004copper clad	B0pX	c
14005copper deposit	B0pz	Z
14006copper foil	B0qM	T
14007copper foil laminate	B0qf	l
14008copper plate	B0rE	X
14009copper wire	B0rb	T
14010coprocessor	B0ru	t
14011copy	B0sb	k
14012copy check	B0s/	Y
14013copy control character	B0tX	q
14014copy density	B0uB	a
14015copy descriptor	B0ub	g
14016copy field	B0u7	V
14017copy field description statement	B0vQ	1
14018copy file	B0wF	X
14019copy group	B0wc	V
14020copy line command	B0wx	l
14021copy operation	B0xW	c
14022copy option	B0xy	Z
14023copy process	B0yL	a
14024copy propagation	B0yl	e
14025copy protection	B0zD	d
14026copy rule	B0zg	X
14027copy screen mode	B0z3	k
14028copy selection	B00b	i
14029copy terminal	DwBS	h
14030cor corporate	B01X	b
14031cordonnier	B01y	V
14032cordonnier check	B02H	h
14033cordonnier system	B02o	i
14034cordwood module	B03K	g
14035cordwood technique	B03q	j
14036core	B04N	U
14037core	IrJF	S
14038core	JIAa	P
14039core address	B04h	a
14040core allocation	B047	d
14041core array	B05Y	Y
14042core bank	B05w	U
14043core buffer	B06E	i
14044core common	B06m	Z
14045core diode circuit	B06/	p
14046core diode storage matrix	B07o	2
14047core driver	B08e	c
14048core dump	B086	X
14049core fiber	E744	e
14050core file	B09R	d
14051core heating	B09u	a
14052core image	B0+I	Y
14053core image library	B0+g	j
14054core load	B0/D	d
14055core load module	B0/g	k
14056core load overlay builder	B1AE	5
14057core management	B1A9	d
14058core management macros	B1Ba	t
14059core memory	B1CH	c
14060core memory reentrant routine	B1Cj	x
14061core memory resident	B1DU	u
14062core mismatch	B1EC	h
14063core module	B1Ej	Z
14064core per bit	GLj5	f
14065core plane	B1E8	V
14066core production	B1FR	g
14067core protocal	B1Fx	b
14068core resident	B1GM	b
14069core resident routine	B1Gn	p
14070core stack	B1HQ	V
14071core storage	B1Hl	d
14072core store	B1IC	b
14073core switch circuit	B1Id	n
14074core system	B1JE	Z
14075core tape	B1Jd	U
14076core testing circuit	B1Jx	o
14077core transistor circuit	B1KZ	u
14078corner	B1LH	O
14079corner cut	B1LV	S
14080corner tolerance	B1Ln	e
14081corona	B1MF	O
14082coroutine	B1MT	X
14083coroutine call and return	B1Mq	2
14084coroutine linkage	B1Ng	l
14085corporate data base	B1OF	k
14086corporate data network	B1Op	n
14087corporate financial system	B1PQ	u
14088corporate information center	B1P+	w
14089corporate information service department	B1Qu	/
14090corporate management information system	B1Rt	BB
14091corporate phone directory	B1Su	w
14092corporate planning system	B1Te	t
14093corporate resolution	B1UL	i
14094corpus	B1Ut	X
14095corpuscle	B1VE	R
14096correct	B1VV	P
14097correct	H1s0	Y
14098correct and copy	B1Vk	e
14099correct data	B1WC	a
14100correct entry	B1Wc	Y
14101correct recognition rate	B1W0	p
14102correct route	B1Xd	b
14103correct time	B1X4	a
14104correctable error	B1YS	f
14105correctable gate	B1Yx	e
14106corrected amplifier	CjVV	q
14107corrected data	B1ZP	c
14108correcter unit	B1Zr	Z
14109correcting	H9a3	Y
14110correcting circuit	B1aE	g
14111correcting code	B1ak	a
14112correcting code	C5IS	a
14113correcting code	E6Pd	r
14114correcting code	GF+3	j
14115correcting code	IPGy	y
14116correcting code	o7C	g
14117correcting computer	B1a+	k
14118correcting condition	B1bi	i
14119correcting element	B1cE	g
14120correcting function	B1ck	h
14121correcting link	IPHk	d
14122correcting parser	Fg2H	3
14123correcting parser	FyUs	9
14124correcting parser	IW0M	0
14125correcting pulse	B1dF	e
14126correcting routine	C5Is	g
14127correcting signal	B1dj	f
14128correcting system	C5JM	l
14129correcting technique	IPIB	i
14130correction	B1eC	S
14131correction	C5Jx	Y
14132correction bit	C5KJ	c
14133correction capability	B1eU	j
14134correction channel	B1e3	g
14135correction code byte	B1fX	l
14136correction code check	B1f8	m
14137correction coefficient	B1gi	k
14138correction data	B1hG	d
14139correction of error	B1hj	h
14140correction program	B1iE	g
14141correction support circuitry	B1ik	w
14142correction system	B1jU	f
14143correction system	C5Kl	l
14144correction term	B1jz	a
14145correction time	B1kN	d
14146corrective action request	B1kq	t
14147corrective command	B1lX	g
14148corrective guidance command	B1l3	v
14149corrective maintenance	B1mm	k
14150corrective maintenance time	B1nK	v
14151corrective network	B1n5	g
14152corrective service	B1oZ	g
14153correctness	B1o5	W
14154correctness of concurrency control	B1pP	8
14155correctness oriented programming	B1qL	BA
14156correctness proof	B1rL	i
14157correctness specification	B1rt	n
14158corrector	B1sU	U
14159corrector	HjBs	d
14160corrector formula	B1so	f
14161correlated data processor	B1tH	w
14162correlated noise	B1t3	e
14163correlated radio lines	B1uV	n
14164correlation	IPIj	W
14165correlation adjusted	B1u8	l
14166correlation coefficient	B1vh	l
14167correlation matrix	B1wG	g
14168correlation tolerance	B1wm	j
14169corrention	B1xJ	X
14170correspondent	B1xg	a
14171cosine	B1x6	O
14172cost	B1yI	M
14173cost	Mv+	S
14174cost adjustment	B1yU	d
14175cost and profit information calculated	B1zS	BA
14176cost basis	B10S	Y
14177cost broken down	B10q	e
14178cost deviation	B11I	c
14179cost deviation code	B11k	k
14180cost effectivity	B12I	h
14181cost of capital	B13N	d
14182cost of placing an order	B138	y
14183cost of sales	B14u	b
14184cost of sales this period	B15J	t
14185cost of sales this year	B152	r
14186cost of usage this period	B16h	w
14187cost of usage this year	B17R	u
14188cost per piece	B17/	c
14189cost per unit	B18b	b
14190cost rate	B182	X
14191cost replace amount	B19N	n
14192cost reports	B190	a
14193cost technique	B1+O	c
14194cost technique code	B1+q	k
14195cost total sheet	B1/O	h
14196cost variance	B2Ad	b
14197cost worksheet	B2Bw	f
14198costed reports	B2Cr	c
14199costing	B2DH	S
14200costing date	B2DZ	a
14201costing table	B2Dz	Y
14202council of europe	B2EL	m
14203count attribute	B2Ex	d
14204count memory device	FJ4f	t
14205count of the planned orders to be firmed	B2FO	BL
14206count of value	B2GZ	c
14207count parameter	B2G1	o
14208counted quantity	B2Hd	e
14209counted sting	B2H7	b
14210counter	B2IW	S
14211counter	BNo0	Y
14212counter	E4Xc	V
14213counter machine	Difi	g
14214countercolockwise	B2Io	i
14215counters	B2JK	e
14216counting semaphore	B2Jo	g
14217coupled	DYV9	e
14218coupled	DYYy	e
14219coupled	JCm9	S
14220coupled amplifier	CZLO	o
14221coupled amplifier	H78r	o
14222coupled computer	hlY	t
14223coupled device	BLg+	u
14224coupled device	GBWs	o
14225coupled device	IE3B	0
14226coupled interprocessor	JCnP	t
14227coupled multiprocessing	JCn8	0
14228coupled processor	JCow	s
14229coupled semiconductor switch	E0+H	2
14230coupled set	HFW7	b
14231coupled system	F1/2	i
14232coupled transistor	HZmR	t
14233coupled transistor logic	CZMR	1
14234coupler	B2KI	S
14235coupler	G8Ib	V
14236coupling	CZNG	W
14237course line computer	B2Ka	p
14238coursewriting computer language	I1Ns	BN
14239coustics	CpVp	j
14240cover	B2LD	N
14241cover assembly	B2LQ	c
14242cover letter	B2Ls	a
14243cover modem	JNkp	r
14244cover note	B2MG	Y
14245cover slide	B2Me	Z
14246coverage analysis	B2M3	l
14247covered cable	HKpe	p
14248cpb queue	GaHy	j
14249cposs	B2Nc	m
14250cpu	B2OC	X
14251crank	B2OZ	N
14252crash	B2Om	m
14253crash	JEjR	T
14254crb	B2PM	U
14255crc	B2Pg	X
14256crc abbreviation	B2P3	v
14257create	B2Qm	O
14258create a directory	B2Q0	g
14259create form	B2RU	Z
14260creating new document form	B2Rt	x
14261credit	B2Se	W
14262credit code	B2S0	W
14263credit description	B2TK	g
14264credit discount	B2Tq	d
14265credit extension decisions	B2UH	u
14266credit limit	B2U1	a
14267credit memo	B2VP	Z
14268credit memo code	B2Vo	h
14269credit memo invoice reference	B2WJ	3
14270credit memorandum	B2XA	i
14271creditor	B2Xi	T
14272credits	B2X1	P
14273crew	B2YE	M
14274crippled leap frog test	B2YQ	p
14275criteria	B2Y5	Q
14276criteria access	F8oU	g
14277criteria basis	F8o0	c
14278critical	B2ZJ	b
14279critical extension center	B2Zk	q
14280critical item	B2aO	b
14281critical operation time factor	B2ap	1
14282critical orders list	B2be	o
14283critical path method	B2cG	l
14284critical ratio	B2cr	Z
14285critical ratio limit	B2dE	l
14286critical section	B2dp	s
14287critical value	GcCQ	c
14288crop	B2eV	M
14289cross	IwWK	N
14290cross application support system	B2eh	0
14291cross correlation	B2fV	f
14292cross cursor	B2f0	o
14293cross hair	B2gc	b
14294cross hatch	B2g3	Z
14295cross modulation	B2hQ	Y
14296cross operation	B2ho	r
14297cross point fault	B2iT	i
14298cross product	B2i1	b
14299cross reference	B2jQ	d
14300cross tabulation	B2jt	e
14301crossfoot	B2l/	X
14302crossfooting	B2mW	a
14303crosspoint connection	B2mw	m
14304crosspoint switching matrix	B2nW	v
14305crosstalk	B2oF	R
14306crosstalk attenuation	B2oW	j
14307crosstalk coupling	B2o5	g
14308crosstalk disturbance	B2pZ	j
14309crosstalk interference	B2p8	k
14310crosstalk measure set	B2qg	j
14311crosstalk meter	B2rD	g
14312crosstalk path	B2rj	c
14313crossword puzzle	B2r/	q
14314crowbar	B2sp	V
14315crt	B2s+	U
14316crude	B2tS	Q
14317crude materials	B2ti	X
14318crylographic trasformation	B2t5	o
14319cryoelectronics	B2uh	g
14320cryogenic	B2vB	R
14321cryogenic computer memory	B2vS	z
14322cryogenic continuous film memory	B2wF	9
14323cryogenic data center	B2xC	p
14324cryogenic element	B2xr	f
14325cryogenic memory	B2yK	h
14326cryogenic storage	B2yr	l
14327cryogenic storage container	B2zQ	1
14328cryogenic storage system	B20F	v
14329cryogenic store	B200	g
14330cryogenics	B21U	b
14331cryometer	B21v	U
14332cryomite	B22D	f
14333cryopump	B22i	T
14334cryosar	B221	h
14335cryoscope	B23W	a
14336cryostat	B23w	T
14337cryotron	B24D	T
14338cryotron associative processor	B24W	4
14339cryotron computer	B25O	l
14340cryotron memory	B25z	j
14341cryptanalysis	B26W	b
14342crypto	B26x	R
14343crypto unit	B27C	Z
14344cryptocenter	B27b	a
14345cryptochannel	B271	b
14346cryptogram	B28Q	Y
14347cryptograph	B28o	T
14348cryptographic communication	B287	p
14349cryptographic data unit	B29k	r
14350cryptographic equipment	B2+P	o
14351cryptographic key	B2+3	c
14352cryptographic key distribution center	B2/T	8
14353cryptographic key translation center	B3AP	7
14354cryptographical center	B3BK	s
14355cryptography	B3B2	X
14356cryptography architecture	B3CN	n
14357cryptogrphic severe message	B3C0	4
14358cryptoguard	B3Ds	Z
14359cryptologic	B3EF	Z
14360cryptologic organization	B3Ee	m
14361cryptology	B3FE	V
14362cryptomaterial	B3FZ	c
14363cryptopart	B3F1	Y
14364cryptosecurity	B3GN	c
14365cryptosystem	B3Gp	a
14366cryptotechnique	B3HD	d
14367cryptotext	B3Hg	Y
14368crystal	B3H4	P
14369crystal	H4uF	Y
14370crystal amplifier	B3IH	i
14371crystal anisotropy	B3Ip	m
14372crystal calibrator	B3JP	j
14373crystal chemistry	B3Jy	f
14374crystal controlled clock	B3KR	s
14375crystal controlled oscillator	B3K9	u
14376crystal counter	B3Lr	g
14377crystal current	B3ML	d
14378crystal diode	B3Mo	e
14379crystal gate	B3NG	X
14380crystal growth	B3Nd	c
14381crystal impedance	B3N5	f
14382crystal lattice	B3OY	X
14383crystal orientation	B3Ov	b
14384crystal oscillator	B3PK	j
14385crystal perfection	B3Pt	g
14386crystal pulling	B3QN	a
14387crystal rectiler	B3Qn	h
14388crystal triode	B3RI	f
14389crystalline anisotropy	B3Rn	q
14390crystalline perfection	B3SR	n
14391crystalline phase	B3S4	Z
14392crystalline silicon	B3TR	e
14393crystallite	B3Tv	T
14394crystallization	B3UC	X
14395crystallization rate	B3UZ	i
14396crystallographic orientation	B3U7	k
14397crystallographic structure	B3Vf	o
14398crystallography	B3WH	a
14399csa	B3Wh	X
14400csdn	B3W4	e
14401csmacd	B3XW	BA
14402csr	B3YW	a
14403csu	B3Yw	X
14404cube	B3ZH	M
14405cube	GLl+	O
14406cube calculus	B64s	b
14407cube manager	B3ZT	d
14408cube network	B3Zw	d
14409cube root	B3aN	U
14410cubic	B3ah	N
14411cubic algebra	B3au	b
14412cubic convergence	B3bJ	f
14413cubic fitting model	B3bo	n
14414cubic graph	B3cP	W
14415cubic meter	B3cl	W
14416cubic notation	B3c7	f
14417cubic resistance	B3da	b
14418cubic spline	B3d1	a
14419cubical	B3eP	P
14420cubical algebra	B3ee	d
14421cubo cubic transformation	B3e7	n
14422cue mark	B3fi	W
14423cue response query	B3f4	m
14424cue signal	B3ge	e
14425cue tape	B3g8	W
14426cue ttrack	B3hS	Y
14427cug	B3hq	Y
14428cuit calculation	Ij6a	e
14429cuit method	Ij64	W
14430cuit multiplication	Ij7O	l
14431cumulative	B3iC	V
14432cumulative available capacity	B3iX	x
14433cumulative distance	B3jI	h
14434cumulative distribution function	B3jp	4
14435cumulative error	B3kh	e
14436cumulative index	B3k/	e
14437cumulative indexing	B3ld	h
14438cumulative material lead time	B3l+	3
14439cumulative percent cost price	B3m1	6
14440cumulative percent items	B3nv	v
14441cumulative percent usage	B3oe	y
14442cumulative percentage	B3pQ	g
14443cumulative relative frequency	B3pw	x
14444cumulative reliability	B3qh	k
14445cumulative remainder	B3rF	i
14446cumulative service tape	B3rn	l
14447cumulative sum	B3sM	Z
14448cumulative usage	B3sl	h
14449cumulative usage amount	B3tG	u
14450cumulative value	B3t0	b
14451cup	B3uP	R
14452cup wheel printer	B3ug	i
14453curie point	B3vC	W
14454curie point writing	B3vY	k
14455curl	B3v8	M
14456curre	BRWt	y
14457currency	B3wY	Q
14458currency control table	B3wo	n
14459currency indicator	B3xP	m
14460currency indicators	B3x1	n
14461currency sign	B3yc	b
14462currency status indicators	B3y3	x
14463currency symbol	B3zo	g
14464current	B30I	2
14465current	BRSg	x
14466current	BRUD	6
14467current	FWOO	i
14468current	INQY	b
14469current access mode	B30+	n
14470current activation item	B31l	r
14471current activity	B32Q	e
14472current address	B32u	a
14473current address register	B33I	s
14474current amplification	B330	j
14475current amplifier	B34X	i
14476current amplifier	CZNc	i
14477current annual forecast	B345	r
14478current argument stack	B35k	n
14479current assets	B36L	c
14480current attenuation	B36n	h
14481current awareness	B37I	l
14482current awareness service	B37t	z
14483current backup version	B38g	q
14484current balance	B39K	d
14485current beam position	B39n	s
14486current bit	B3+T	W
14487current bit monitor unit	B3+p	v
14488current block number	B3/Y	i
14489current buffer address	B3/6	t
14490current buffer area	B4An	k
14491current channel register	B4BL	v
14492current character	B4B6	f
14493current circuit	B4CZ	d
14494current command file	B4C2	o
14495current commonly used chinese character	B4De	7
14496current communication	FG5D	y
14497current communication system	FG51	5
14498current component	B4EZ	f
14499current cost	B4E4	a
14500current cost	HPle	w
14501current cursor position	B4FS	r
14502current data array	B4F9	m
14503current data bit	B4Gj	h
14504current database file	B4HE	s
14505current date	B4Hw	U
14506current date information	B4IE	p
14507current default directory	B4It	z
14508current desity	B4Jg	c
14509current device	B4J8	c
14510current directory	B4KY	f
14511current directory path	B4K3	q
14512current disk	B4Lh	a
14513current distribution	B4L7	i
14514current document	B4Md	e
14515current document block	B4M7	n
14516current drive	B4Ni	e
14517current effciency	B4OA	f
14518current file	B4Of	a
14519current file area	B4O5	i
14520current file user	B4Pb	l
14521current gain	B4QA	a
14522current generation	B4Qa	a
14523current generation file	B4Q0	o
14524current generator	B4Rc	i
14525current goal	B4R+	a
14526current graph	B4SY	Y
14527current hogging injection logic	B4Sw	+
14528current hogging logic	B4Tu	p
14529current indicator	B4UX	i
14530current information selection	B4U5	x
14531current injection logic	B4Vq	v
14532current input	B4WZ	b
14533current input state	B4W0	k
14534current input stream	B4XY	l
14535current input stream pointer	B4X9	2
14536current instruction	B4Yz	h
14537current instruction register	B4ZU	3
14538current instruction segment register	B4aL	BC
14539current instruction word	B4bN	p
14540current knife	B4b2	Y
14541current labor content this level	B4cO	6
14542current labor rate code	B4dI	u
14543current left margin	B4d2	k
14544current length	B4ea	c
14545current liabilities	B4e2	h
14546current library	B4fX	g
14547current limiting resistor	B4f3	u
14548current line	B4gl	X
14549current line pointer	B4g8	s
14550current location	B4ho	e
14551current location counter	B4iG	v
14552current location pointer	B4i1	v
14553current loop	B4jk	a
14554current machine rate	B4j+	o
14555current message block	B4km	p
14556current mode	B4lP	a
14557current mode circuit	B4lp	l
14558current mode complementary transistor	B4mO	BF
14559current mode digital to analog converter	B4nT	BI
14560current mode logic	B4ob	j
14561current month percent	B4o+	m
14562current number	B4pk	c
14563current operation	B4qA	f
14564current operation work center	B4qf	0
14565current operator	B4rT	e
14566current order	B4rx	e
14567current output	B4sP	c
14568current output state	B4sr	l
14569current overhead code	B4tQ	y
14570current overhead content this level	B4uC	BJ
14571current overhead percent	B4vL	7
14572current overhead percentage	B4wG	+
14573current overhead rate	B4xE	1
14574current overhead rate code	B4x5	9
14575current page	B4y2	X
14576current page register	B4zN	s
14577current parent	B4z5	c
14578current partition	B40V	f
14579current period	B400	c
14580current pointer	B41Q	d
14581current position	B41t	e
14582current print position	B42L	q
14583current priority indicator	B421	x
14584current priority level	B43m	n
14585current probe	B44N	b
14586current processor priority	B44o	0
14587current processor status	B45c	v
14588current product line	B46L	p
14589current production	B460	g
14590current program	B47U	d
14591current program segment	B47x	o
14592current program status word	B48Z	y
14593current purchase content this level	B49L	9
14594current queue	B4+I	h
14595current record	B4+p	c
14596current record buffer	B4/F	s
14597current record pointer	B4/x	q
14598current regulator hybrids	B5Ab	8
14599current replacement cost	B5BX	s
14600current requesting program	B5CD	u
14601current requirement	B5Cx	h
14602current research information system	B5DS	9
14603current resources	B5EP	f
14604current rise time	B5Eu	l
14605current routine	B5FT	d
14606current ruler	B5Fw	b
14607current run labor rate	B5GL	w
14608current schema	B5G7	c
14609current screen	B5HX	c
14610current security count	B5Hz	q
14611current selected switch	B5Id	r
14612current selection	BgjW	f
14613current sentential form	B5JI	l
14614current setup cost per lot	B5Jt	0
14615current setup labor rate	B5Kh	y
14616current signaling	Sck	f
14617current signalling	CZN+	g
14618current sink	B5LT	d
14619current slot	B5Lw	d
14620current software priority level	B5MN	2
14621current source	B5ND	Z
14622current source file	B5Nc	n
14623current sourcing logic	B5OD	n
14624current spike	B5Oq	e
14625current stabilizer	B5PI	d
14626current stack context	B5Pl	s
14627current stack frame	B5QR	k
14628current stack pointer	B5Q1	m
14629current stack top value	B5Rb	o
14630current standard cost	B5SD	p
14631current state	B5Ss	b
14632current statement number	B5TH	s
14633current status	B5Tz	c
14634current status indicator	B5UP	v
14635current status input	B5U+	o
14636current status list	B5Vm	k
14637current status register	B5WK	z
14638current steering	B5W9	e
14639current steering diode matrix	B5Xb	6
14640current steering element	B5YV	s
14641current steering gate	B5ZB	m
14642current steering logic	B5Zn	q
14643current steering switch	B5aR	r
14644current string	B5a8	f
14645current subtree	B5bb	d
14646current supervision	SdD	h
14647current switch	B5b4	c
14648current switch logic	B5cU	o
14649current switching circuit	B5c8	t
14650current switching mode	B5dp	n
14651current system input device	B5eQ	1
14652current task	B5fF	X
14653current task table	B5fc	g
14654current text size	B5f8	o
14655current threshold	B5gk	c
14656current time	B5hA	U
14657current to standard	B2A4	4
14658current transfer order	B5hU	q
14659current transfer ratio	B5h+	n
14660current transformer	B5il	e
14661current unit cost	B5jD	l
14662current user coordinate system	B5jo	1
14663current user name	B5kd	i
14664current value	B5k/	Y
14665current versus voltage curve	B5lX	w
14666current word pointer	B5mH	s
14667current work center	B5mz	k
14668current working directory	B5nX	t
14669current working set	B5oE	q
14670cursor	B5ou	S
14671cursor blink	B5pA	U
14672cursor control	B5pU	c
14673cursor control key	B5pw	j
14674cursor data	B5qT	Z
14675cursor indicator	B5qs	h
14676cursor left	B5rN	Z
14677cursor line	B5rm	W
14678cursor mark	B5r8	Z
14679cursor mode	B5sV	Z
14680cursor moving key	B5su	i
14681cursor position	B5tQ	d
14682cursor register	B5tt	g
14683cursor remove	B5uN	b
14684cursor right	B5uo	a
14685cursor roam area	B5vC	h
14686cursor roam position	B5vj	o
14687cursor selection field	B5wL	q
14688cursor style	B5w1	a
14689curtate	B5xP	P
14690curvature	B5xe	R
14691curve	B5xv	N
14692curve conformity	B5x8	h
14693curve description	B5yd	f
14694curve fitting	B5y8	b
14695curve fitting compaction	B5zX	v
14696curve fitting method	B50G	l
14697curve follower	B50r	f
14698curve following stylus	B51K	n
14699curve generation	B51x	e
14700curve generator	B52P	g
14701curve nonformity	B52v	k
14702curve pattern compaction	B53T	v
14703curve plotter	B54C	Y
14704curve segmentation	B54a	g
14705curve surface definition	B546	m
14706curvilineal	B55g	T
14707curvilineal corrdinate	B55z	k
14708curvilineal net	B56X	d
14709cushion	B560	P
14710cusp	B57D	Y
14711cust order	B57b	Y
14712custom	B57z	R
14713custom built installation process offering	B58E	BH
14714custom built system	B59L	h
14715custom hybrids	B59s	l
14716custom input output unit	B5+R	3
14717custom integrated circuit	B5/I	w
14718custom made	B5/4	T
14719custom made chip	B6AL	e
14720custom options	B6Ap	c
14721custom order on line processing	B6BF	+
14722custom order online processing	B6CD	4
14723custom processor	B6C7	h
14724custom program	B6Dc	f
14725custom programmable read only memory module	B6D7	BO
14726custom setting	B6FJ	k
14727custom system	B6Ft	b
14728custom wired	B6GI	d
14729customer accounting system	B6G+	y
14730customer application summary	B6Hw	w
14731customer back communications terminal	B6Ig	BB
14732customer charges	B6Jh	e
14733customer controller	B6J/	k
14734customer engineer	B6Kj	i
14735customer engineer disk	B6LF	t
14736customer engineer diskette	B6Ly	x
14737customer engineer user profile	B6Mj	+
14738customer engineering	B6Nh	i
14739customer engineering monitor	B6OD	8
14740customer engineers memorandum	B6O/	3
14741customer information control system	B6P2	BC
14742customer initiated call	B6Q4	l
14743customer interface	B6Rd	g
14744customer item comment	B6R9	p
14745customer job number	B6Sm	n
14746customer meter	B6TN	c
14747customer multiplexer	B6Tp	v
14748customer option	B6UY	d
14749customer order comment	B6U1	q
14750customer order lead time	B6Vf	y
14751customer order number	B6WR	p
14752customer order processing	B6W6	t
14753customer order summary file	B6Xn	y
14754customer password	B6YZ	i
14755customer pick list requirements	B6Y7	5
14756customer replaceable unit	B6Z0	t
14757customer select	B6ah	d
14758customer service representation	B6a+	z
14759customer service representative	B6bx	z
14760customer set up	B6ck	d
14761customer setup	B6dB	c
14762customer shipping name	B6dd	q
14763customer special charge display	B6eH	5
14764customer specification	B6fA	k
14765customer system	B6fk	d
14766customer terminal equipment	B6gB	v
14767customer use	B6gw	a
14768customization	B6hK	h
14769customize	B6hr	t
14770customized format	B6iY	f
14771cut	B6i3	L
14772cut off gain	B6jC	a
14773cut placement method	FxFM	7
14774cut sheets	B6jc	V
14775cut theorem	Ff46	v
14776cutoff	B6jx	O
14777cutoff inventory	B6j/	s
14778cutoff quantity	B6kr	d
14779cutover	B6lI	P
14780cutter	B6lX	R
14781cx	B6lo	Q
14782cycle	B6l4	j
14783cycle	Cm7P	P
14784cycle	H7xG	Q
14785cycle	JEjk	N
14786cycle count	B6m0	Z
14787cycle count	B6mb	Z
14788cycle count activity	B6nN	o
14789cycle count code	B6n1	h
14790cycle count compare	B6oW	n
14791cycle count list	B6o9	k
14792cycle count selection	B6ph	p
14793cycle feeding	F8pQ	e
14794cycle logarithmic	B6qK	e
14795cycle operation	ClDJ	d
14796cycle operation	JcCB	j
14797cycle period	B6qo	U
14798cycle run	B6q8	X
14799cycle stock	B6rT	Z
14800cycle time	B6rs	m
14801cycle time	GHQP	e
14802cyclic code	HtMK	c
14803cyclic file	B6sS	Z
14804cyclic group	B6sr	X
14805cyclic redundancy	B6tC	l
14806cyclic redundancy check	B6tn	v
14807cyclic redundancy check	B6uW	x
14808cyclic shift	B6vH	a
14809cylinder	B6vh	Y
14810cylinder index	B6v5	c
14811cylinder lens	B6wV	b
14812cylinder numder	B6ww	d
14813cylindrical	B6xN	Y
14814da converter	B69E	n
14815dac monitor	B69r	w
14816dadanet	B6+1	S
14817dagger	B6/H	O
14818daily back up volume	B6/V	i
14819daily batch	B6/3	f
14820daily capacity	B7AW	c
14821daily initialization diskette	B7Ay	x
14822daily traffic flow	B7Bj	j
14823daisy chain	B7CG	T
14824daisy chain bus	B7CZ	j
14825daisy chain connection	B7C8	n
14826daisy chain interrupt	B7Dj	m
14827daisy chain recursion	B7EJ	m
14828daisy wheel printer	B7Ev	n
14829damage	B7Gl	O
14830damage assessment routine	B7Gz	z
14831damage correction	B7Hm	f
14832damaged database	B7IF	h
14833damaged naturall frequency	B7Im	u
14834damaged satellite	B7JU	f
14835damped method	B7Jz	Y
14836damper	B7KL	R
14837damping	B7Kc	P
14838damping control	B7Kr	g
14839damping factor	B7LL	c
14840damping pad holder	B7Ln	j
14841danger protecting function	B7MK	u
14842dangerous area	B7M4	Z
14843dangerous function	B7NR	g
14844dangling pointer	B7Nx	e
14845dangling pointer problem	B7OP	s
14846dark adaptation	B7O7	a
14847dark current	B7PV	b
14848dark region	B7Pw	T
14849dark satelllte	B7QD	c
14850dasd dump restore program	B7Qf	BI
14851dasd queue	B7Rn	q
14852dasd sharing	B7SR	s
14853dash	B7S9	P
14854dash	GsBV	O
14855dash control	B7TM	a
14856dash pattern	B7Tm	a
14857dashed line	B7UT	T
14858dasher	B7Um	X
14859dashpot	B7U9	m
14860daspan	B7Vj	g
14861data	B7WD	U
14862data	GaIV	P
14863data	H46h	S
14864data	H6Wh	V
14865data	H8cM	S
14866data	I2rb	Y
14867data	I6ZA	Y
14868data	I7ri	Y
14869data	JJcK	Y
14870data	JJci	b
14871data abstraction	B7WX	h
14872data abstraction language	B7W4	w
14873data accepted	B7Xo	e
14874data accepted flag	B7YG	m
14875data access	B7Ys	n
14876data access arrangement	B7ZT	v
14877data access control	B7aC	n
14878data access data channel	B7ap	y
14879data access language	B7bb	o
14880data access management	B7cD	q
14881data access method	B7ct	j
14882data access path	B7dQ	k
14883data access protocol	B7d0	s
14884data access register	B7eg	v
14885data access security	B7fP	v
14886data access system	B7f+	m
14887data access system language	B7gk	6
14888data accumulation and distribution units	B7he	BK
14889data accumulator	B7io	h
14890data acpuisition and processing	B7jJ	6
14891data acquisition	B7kD	v
14892data acquisition and computer system	B7ky	BJ
14893data acquisition and control	B7l7	3
14894data acquisition and control system	B7my	BF
14895data acquisition and conversion system	B7n3	BI
14896data acquisition and correction system	B7o/	BI
14897data acquisition and display system	B7qH	BF
14898data acquisition and interpretation system	B7rM	BN
14899data acquisition and monitoring equipment	B7sZ	BL
14900data acquisition and processing	B7tk	2
14901data acquisition and processing program	B7ua	BJ
14902data acquisition and processing system	B7vj	BI
14903data acquisition and processing unit	B7wr	BG
14904data acquisition and recording system	B7xx	BH
14905data acquisition and recording terminal	B7y4	BM
14906data acquisition and reduction system	B70E	BH
14907data acquisition and reports control	B71L	BG
14908data acquisition center	B72R	v
14909data acquisition chassis	B73A	t
14910data acquisition computer	B73t	0
14911data acquisition control and buffer unit	B74h	BO
14912data acquisition control system	B75v	5
14913data acquisition equipment	B76o	y
14914data acquisition facility	B77a	x
14915data acquisition logging system	B78L	5
14916data acquisition multiprogramming system	B79E	BU
14917data acquisition probe	B7+Y	q
14918data acquisition recorder	B7/C	0
14919data acquisition recording system	B7/2	7
14920data acquisition station	B8Ax	t
14921data acquisition statisical recorder	B8Be	BG
14922data acquisition system	B8Ck	v
14923data acquisition test	B8DT	t
14924data adapter	B8EA	g
14925data adapter unit	B8Eg	p
14926data adaptive monitor	B8FJ	v
14927data address	B8F4	a
14928data address register	B8GS	w
14929data addressed memory	B8HC	w
14930data addressed storage	B8Hy	t
14931data addressing	B8If	d
14932data administration	B8I8	h
14933data administration control system	B8Jd	8
14934data administration system	B8KZ	y
14935data administrator	B8LL	6
14936data aggregate	B8MF	q
14937data aggregate type	B8Mv	n
14938data ailgnment network	B8NW	q
14939data alignment	B8OA	c
14940data alphabet	B8Oc	e
14941data analysis	B8O6	h
14942data analysis and classification	B8Pb	9
14943data analysis and processing	B8QY	3
14944data analysis and reduction system	B8RP	BF
14945data analysis and technique development center	B8SU	BX
14946data analysis console	B8Tr	w
14947data analysis control	B8Ub	t
14948data analysis data base	B8VI	z
14949data analysis display unit	B8V7	0
14950data analysis facility	B8Wv	u
14951data analysis program	B8Xd	t
14952data analysis recording tape	B8YK	7
14953data analysis software	B8ZF	q
14954data analysis system	B8Zv	t
14955data analysis technique	B8ac	r
14956data analysis tool	B8bH	m
14957data and address bus	B8bt	u
14958data and computation center	B8cb	3
14959data and control bus	B8dS	v
14960data and research technology corporation	B8eB	BK
14961data and structure definition language	B8fL	BJ
14962data antidependence	B8gU	n
14963data area	B8g7	U
14964data area data structure	B8hP	v
14965data area number	B8h+	h
14966data area offset	B8if	k
14967data array	B8jD	j
14968data array shared among sibling tasks	B8jm	BI
14969data article requirements	B8ku	u
14970data assembly and checking circuit	B8lc	BD
14971data associative message	B8mf	w
14972data attribute	B8nP	q
14973data authentication	B8n5	h
14974data automatation	B8oa	i
14975data automatic reduction equipement	B8o8	BC
14976data automatic rescheduling technique	B8p+	BH
14977data automatic system	B8rF	v
14978data automation equipment	B8r0	0
14979data automation requirement	B8so	2
14980data automation research and experimentation	B8te	BR
14981data automation subsystem	B8uv	3
14982data auxiliary set	B8vm	m
14983data available	B8wM	f
14984data bank	B8wr	m
14985data base	B8xR	i
14986data base abstraction	B8xz	p
14987data base access	B8yc	h
14988data base access control	B8y9	v
14989data base access facility	B8zs	7
14990data base access language	B80n	w
14991data base access program interface	B81X	/
14992data base administration	B82W	p
14993data base administrator	B82/	BD
14994data base administrator aid	B84C	+
14995data base analysis	B85A	j
14996data base and transaction management system	B85j	BL
14997data base architecture	B86u	t
14998data base area file	B87b	n
14999data base authorization file	B88C	z
15000data base availability	B881	+
15001data base backup	B89z	h
15002data base backup dump	B8+U	s
15003data base backup dump tape	B8/A	0
15004data base buffer	B8/0	k
15005data base buffer management	B9AY	v
15006data base call	B9BH	f
15007data base component	B9Bm	k
15008data base computer	B9CK	q
15009data base configuration	B9C0	o
15010data base consistency	B9Dc	p
15011data base construction	B9EF	n
15012data base control block	B9Es	w
15013data base control system	B9Fc	0
15014data base creation	B9GQ	j
15015data base creation process	B9Gz	x
15016data base data commuication	B9Hk	BD
15017data base data model	B9In	r
15018data base data name	B9JS	n
15019data base definition file	B9J5	w
15020data base description	B9Kp	m
15021data base descriptor module	B9LP	4
15022data base device failure	B9MH	BG
15023data base diagnostics	B9NN	s
15024data base document	B9N5	p
15025data base dump file	B9Oi	q
15026data base entropy concept	B9PM	t
15027data base entropy framework	B9P5	v
15028data base evaluation	B9Qo	l
15029data base exception condition	B9RN	0
15030data base facility	B9SB	t
15031data base file	B9Su	j
15032data base file allocation problem	B9TR	+
15033data base generation program	B9UP	z
15034data base generator	B9VC	u
15035data base graph software	B9Vw	v
15036data base idenitfier	B9Wf	o
15037data base image	B9XH	g
15038data base implementation	B9Xn	p
15039data base index	B9YQ	g
15040data base initialize	B9Yw	5
15041data base inquiry and library browsing	B9Zp	BJ
15042data base inquiry system	B9ay	v
15043data base integrity	B9bh	n
15044data base integrity checking	B9cI	2
15045data base interlock control	B9c+	y
15046data base interpretation	B9dw	p
15047data base key	B9eZ	v
15048data base key comparison	B9fI	y
15049data base key file	B9f6	s
15050data base key item	B9gm	p
15051data base language	B9hP	n
15052data base loading	B9h2	i
15053data base location	B9iY	j
15054data base lockout	B9i7	i
15055data base logging	B9jd	i
15056data base logging interface block	B9j/	BB
15057data base logic	B9lA	g
15058data base logical organization	B9lg	1
15059data base maintenance	B9mV	m
15060data base management	B9m7	l
15061data base management capability	B9ng	2
15062data base management function	B9oW	0
15063data base management recovery	B9pK	0
15064data base management restart	B9p+	5
15065data base management software	B9q3	0
15066data base management system	B9rr	3
15067data base management task	B9si	w
15068data base manager	B9tS	l
15069data base manager interface	B9t3	1
15070data base manipulation	B9us	n
15071data base memory	B9vT	k
15072data base modifier	B9v3	m
15073data base normalization	B9wd	r
15074data base of moon rocks	B9xI	u
15075data base operation	B9x2	k
15076data base optimization	B9ya	q
15077data base organization	B9zE	n
15078data base packet	B9zr	k
15079data base performance	B90P	m
15080data base physical organization	B901	2
15081data base portability	B91r	p
15082data base position	B92U	j
15083data base practitioner	B923	q
15084data base privacy	B93h	l
15085data base processor	B94G	r
15086data base program communication block	B94x	BG
15087data base programmer	B953	o
15088data base programming	B96f	s
15089data base programming language	B97L	7
15090data base protection	B98G	l
15091data base query	B98r	g
15092data base query language	B99L	v
15093data base recovery	B996	j
15094data base recovery control	B9+d	x
15095data base register	B9/O	m
15096data base reliability	B9/0	p
15097data base reorganization	B+Ad	p
15098data base restructuring	B+BG	u
15099data base retrieval task	B+B0	v
15100data base schema	B+DW	h
15101data base security	B+D3	m
15102data base security access right	B+Ed	8
15103data base segment	B+FZ	f
15104data base semantic integrity	B+F4	5
15105data base session file	B+Gx	t
15106data base set	B+He	b
15107data base simulation	B+H5	l
15108data base snapshot	B+Ie	p
15109data base software	B+JH	j
15110data base status indicator	B+Jq	0
15111data base status utility	B+Ke	1
15112data base structure	B+LT	k
15113data base subdivision	B+L3	3
15114data base subset	B+Mu	h
15115data base subsystem	B+NP	n
15116data base support	B+N2	i
15117data base system	B+OY	h
15118data base system package	B+O5	1
15119data base task group	B+Pu	t
15120data base technology	B+Qb	l
15121data base update	B+RU	h
15122data base update time	B+R1	x
15123data base utility	B+Sm	o
15124data base utility service	B+TO	w
15125data base view	B+T+	f
15126data base workload	B+Ud	p
15127data bit	B+Wh	Z
15128data bit interval	B+W6	l
15129data bit period	B+Xf	j
15130data bits per character	B+YC	r
15131data block	B+Yt	c
15132data block buffering	B+ZJ	l
15133data block length	B+Zu	i
15134data book	B+aQ	f
15135data break	B+av	Y
15136data break cycle	B+bH	k
15137data break transfer	B+br	q
15138data breakpoint	B+cV	g
15139data bucket	B+c1	Z
15140data buffer	B+dO	c
15141data buffer control	B+dq	q
15142data buffer register	B+eU	u
15143data buffering	B+fC	c
15144data bulk	B+fe	U
15145data bus	B+fy	c
15146data bus buffer	B+gO	m
15147data bus component	B+g0	m
15148data bus controller	B+ha	q
15149data bus coupler	B+iE	n
15150data bus driver	B+ir	m
15151data bus enable in	B+jR	s
15152data bus latch	B+j9	f
15153data bus status	B+kc	j
15154data byte buffer	B+k/	r
15155data cable	B+lq	Y
15156data cache	B+mC	h
15157data call	B+mj	X
15158data calling	B+m6	a
15159data capacity	B+nU	b
15160data capsule	B+nv	a
15161data capture	B+oJ	a
15162data capture and management system	B+oj	/
15163data capture speech synthesis	B+pi	6
15164data capture system	B+qc	n
15165data card	B+rD	X
15166data card	HZm+	e
15167data card deck	B+ra	c
15168data carrier	B+r2	u
15169data carrier detector	B+sk	s
15170data carrier failure detector test	B+tQ	BF
15171data carrier storage	B+uV	r
15172data cartridge drive	B+vA	x
15173data casette	B+vx	3
15174data cell	B+wo	a
15175data cell drive	B+xC	s
15176data cell unit	B+xu	8
15177data chain	B+yq	V
15178data chain control station	B+y/	u
15179data chaining	B+zt	b
15180data channel	B+0I	d
15181data channel bandwidth	B+0l	q
15182data channel converter	B+1P	t
15183data channel cycle	B+18	m
15184data channel cycle stealing	B+2i	1
15185data channel interrupt	B+3X	q
15186data channel multiplexer	B+4B	1
15187data channel received line signal	B+42	y
15188data character	B+5o	c
15189data character set	B+6E	j
15190data characteristics table	B+6n	r
15191data check	B+7S	t
15192data checking	B+7/	p
15193data circuit	B+8o	a
15194data circuit connection	B+9C	r
15195data circuit switch system	B+9t	0
15196data circuit switching equipment	B++h	6
15197data circuit termination equipment	B+/b	BA
15198data circuit termination equipment waiting	B/Ab	BK
15199data circuit transparency	B/Bl	w
15200data clamp	B/E4	e
15201data class	B/FW	Y
15202data clause	B/Fu	Z
15203data clock seperator	B/GH	r
15204data code	B/Gy	e
15205data code conversion	B/HQ	o
15206data code set	B/H4	e
15207data code telecommunication conversion	B/IW	9
15208data code transiation	B/JT	p
15209data coding system	B/J8	m
15210data collection	B/Ki	g
15211data collection and analysis	B/LC	w
15212data collection and processing system	B/Ly	BG
15213data collection channel	B/M4	r
15214data collection facility	B/Nj	s
15215data collection method	B/OP	q
15216data collection methodology	B/O5	y
15217data collection phase	B/Pr	p
15218data collection plateform	B/QU	x
15219data collection satellite	B/RF	t
15220data collection station	B/Ry	o
15221data collection system	B/Sa	q
15222data collection system	FU+L	0
15223data collection terminal	B/TE	v
15224data collision	B/Tz	c
15225data command	B/UP	a
15226data common	B/Up	c
15227data communication	B/VF	0
15228data communication adapter	B/V5	x
15229data communication channel	B/Wq	y
15230data communication configuration	B/Xc	0
15231data communication control	B/YQ	1
15232data communication control procedure	B/ZF	+
15233data communication control unit	B/aD	5
15234data communication equipment	B/a8	0
15235data communication equipment	B/bw	w
15236data communication facility	B/cg	v
15237data communication inputoutput	B/eR	5
15238data communication interface	B/fK	w
15239data communication interface card	B/f6	4
15240data communication io exchange	B/dP	BC
15241data communication line	B/gy	r
15242data communication monitor	B/hd	x
15243data communication multiplexer	B/iO	1
15244data communication network	B/jD	u
15245data communication network architecture	B/jx	BQ
15246data communication network facilities	B/lB	BE
15247data communication operating system	B/mF	BD
15248data communication output selector	B/nI	BE
15249data communication processing environment	B/oM	BD
15250data communication processor	B/pP	z
15251data communication program communication block	B/qC	BL
15252data communication protocol	B/rN	v
15253data communication read	B/r8	v
15254data communication service	B/sr	u
15255data communication station	B/tZ	r
15256data communication system	B/uE	x
15257data communication terminal	B/u1	y
15258data communication to disc control	B/vn	BE
15259data communication user	B/wr	r
15260data communications	B/xW	p
15261data communications buffer	B/x/	x
15262data communications exchange	B/yw	z
15263data compaction	B/zj	u
15264data compaction technique	B/0R	t
15265data comparator	B/0+	g
15266data compilation	B/1e	e
15267data complementation	B/18	l
15268data complexity	B/2h	g
15269data component	B/3B	c
15270data compression	B/3d	e
15271data compression technique	B/37	u
15272data computer	B/4p	e
15273data computer	H/Uo	k
15274data computer	NvC	k
15275data concentrater	B/5H	i
15276data concentration	B/5p	g
15277data concentration formatting	B/6J	x
15278data concentrator	B/66	i
15279data concentrator and distributor	B/7c	4
15280data concurrency	B/8U	k
15281data conferencing network	B/84	t
15282data conferencing repeater	B/9l	x
15283data connection	B/+W	d
15284data connector	B/+z	f
15285data consistency	B//S	h
15286data constant	B//z	b
15287data constraint	CAAO	d
15288data construction	CAAr	f
15289data contamination	CABK	g
15290data control	H/VM	n
15291data control block	CABq	u
15292data control clerk	CACY	j
15293data control group	CAC7	j
15294data control interval	CADe	p
15295data control system	H/Vz	t
15296data control unit	CAEH	p
15297data control utility	CAEw	u
15298data controller	CAFe	g
15299data conversion	CAF+	g
15300data conversion code	CAGe	o
15301data conversion hybrids	CAHG	0
15302data conversion language	CAH6	s
15303data conversion line	CAIm	l
15304data conversion utility	CAJL	x
15305data converter	CAJ8	f
15306data coordinating committee	CAKb	4
15307data coordinator and retriever	CALT	BJ
15308data correction	CAMc	j
15309data correctness	CAM/	h
15310data correlation and documentation system	CANg	BQ
15311data correlator	CAOw	m
15312data corruption	CAPW	d
15313data count field	CAPz	k
15314data count printout	CAQX	z
15315data coupler	CARK	d
15316data coupling	CARn	b
15317data deck	CASC	a
15318data declaration	CASc	e
15319data declaration statement	CAS6	u
15320data definition	CATo	g
15321data definition command	CAUI	r
15322data definition facility	CAUz	s
15323data definition language	CAVf	s
15324data definition language utility	CAWL	BA
15325data definition languages	CAXL	x
15326data definition statement	CAX8	t
15327data delay	CAYp	Y
15328data delimiter	CAZB	f
15329data demand protocol	CAZg	o
15330data density	CAaI	a
15331data dependence graph	CAai	m
15332data dependence relation	CAbI	s
15333data dependence test	CAb0	r
15334data dependency	CAcf	d
15335data dependency theory	CAc8	q
15336data description	CAdm	e
15337data description clause	CAeE	r
15338data description entry	CAev	n
15339data description language	CAfW	x
15340data description library	CAgH	p
15341data description secification	CAgw	1
15342data description skeleton	CAhl	t
15343data descriptor	CAiS	j
15344data design	CAi1	Z
15345data design layout	CAjO	m
15346data destination address	CAj0	s
15347data detection	CAkg	c
15348data detection window	CAk8	p
15349data dictionary	CAll	j
15350data dictionary assembler	CAmI	z
15351data dictionary directory	CAm7	t
15352data dictionary package	CAno	x
15353data diddling	CAoZ	b
15354data digital handling	CAo0	p
15355data directed formatting	CApd	v
15356data directed output	CAqM	o
15357data directed transmission	CAq0	u
15358data direction register	CAri	y
15359data directory	CAsU	c
15360data display	CAsw	a
15361data display alarm	CAtK	m
15362data display board	CAtw	j
15363data display center	CAuT	n
15364data display indicator	CAu6	t
15365data display module	CAvn	n
15366data display selection	CAwO	q
15367data display station	CAw4	l
15368data display unit	CAxd	l
15369data distortion	CAyC	d
15370data distributing channel	CAyf	t
15371data distribution center	CAzM	w
15372data distribution phase	CAz8	r
15373data distributor	CA0n	k
15374data division	CA1L	b
15375data division entry	CA1m	q
15376data division syntax	CA2Q	o
15377data drawing list	CA24	j
15378data driven	CA3b	Z
15379data driven machine	CA30	n
15380data dump	CA4b	X
15381data dumper	CA4y	f
15382data edition	CA5R	a
15383data element	CA5r	a
15384data element chain	CA6F	j
15385data element descriptor	CA6o	y
15386data element value	CA7a	j
15387data enable	CA79	f
15388data enablement	CA8c	d
15389data encapsulation	CA85	j
15390data encoding system	CA9c	o
15391data encrypting key	CA+E	k
15392data encryption	CA+o	d
15393data encryption standard	CA/F	w
15394data encryption standard algorithm	CA/1	/
15395data encryption subroutine	CBA0	x
15396data end command	CBBl	h
15397data entry	CBCG	b
15398data entry control	CBCh	m
15399data entry device	CBDH	l
15400data entry error	CBDs	k
15401data entry facility	CBEQ	r
15402data entry format	CBE7	l
15403data entry function	CBFg	n
15404data entry language	CBGH	r
15405data entry library	CBGy	n
15406data entry mode	CBHZ	j
15407data entry order number	CBH8	x
15408data entry panel	CBIt	l
15409data entry program	CBJS	m
15410data entry reporting system	CBJ4	6
15411data entry segments	CBKy	n
15412data entry station cluster	CBLZ	5
15413data entry summary record	CBMS	z
15414data entry system controller	CBNF	+
15415data entry terminal	CBOD	q
15416data entry utility	CBOt	s
15417data envelope	CBPZ	b
15418data environment	CBP0	e
15419data error	CBQS	Y
15420data error detection	CBQq	o
15421data error processing	CBRS	p
15422data error recorder	CBR7	q
15423data escape character	CBSl	p
15424data evaluation	CBTO	d
15425data event	CBTr	Y
15426data examination	CBUD	e
15427data examination clerk	CBUh	q
15428data exception	CBVL	c
15429data exchange	CBVn	f
15430data exchange area	CBWG	j
15431data exchange command	CBWp	p
15432data exchange control	CBXS	t
15433data exchange network	CBX/	p
15434data exchange program	CBYo	t
15435data exchange service	CBZV	p
15436data exchange system	CBZ+	s
15437data exchange unit	CBaq	q
15438data exit	JY8D	j
15439data extend block	CBbU	i
15440data extraction	CBb2	d
15441data fetch	CBcT	V
15442data field	CBco	b
15443data fields	CBdD	W
15444data file	CBdZ	X
15445data file class	CBdw	j
15446data file communication	CBeT	r
15447data file content	CBe+	l
15448data file converter	CBfj	t
15449data file descriptor	CBgQ	o
15450data file descriptor record	CBg4	1
15451data file generation	CBht	o
15452data file generation and maintenance	CBiV	BB
15453data file maintenance	CBjW	p
15454data file program	CBj/	p
15455data fitting	CBko	a
15456data flow	CBlC	a
15457data flow analysis	CBlc	j
15458data flow anomaly	CBl/	i
15459data flow chart	CBmh	g
15460data flow computer	CBnB	m
15461data flow concept	CBnn	i
15462data flow control	CBoJ	p
15463data flow data base machine	CBoy	y
15464data flow dependency	CBpk	o
15465data flow diagram	CBqM	p
15466data flow format	CBq1	h
15467data flow instruction	CBrW	m
15468data flow language	CBr8	j
15469data flow methodology	CBsf	p
15470data flow model	CBtI	g
15471data flow monitor	CBto	o
15472data flow multipocessor	CBuQ	u
15473data flow operator	CBu+	m
15474data flow procedure	CBvk	k
15475data flow procedure language	CBwI	z
15476data flow processor	CBw7	n
15477data flow program	CBxi	i
15478data flow resource manager	CByE	x
15479data flow semantics	CBy1	n
15480data flow structure	CBzc	k
15481data flow supercomputer	CB0A	u
15482data flow token	CB0u	g
15483data flowchart	CB1O	f
15484data flux reversal	CB1t	m
15485data form	CB2T	X
15486data format	CB2q	Z
15487data format	CB3D	Z
15488data format item	CB3c	h
15489data format statement	CB39	p
15490data formatting	CB4m	g
15491data formatting error	CB5G	s
15492data formatting statement	CB5y	w
15493data frame	CB6i	V
15494data free way	CB63	e
15495data function keyboard	CB7V	q
15496data gate	CB7/	U
15497data gather system	CB8T	m
15498data gathering	CB85	c
15499data gathering machine	CB9V	n
15500data gathering problem	CB98	q
15501data gathering set	CB+m	m
15502data gathering system	CB/M	p
15503data generation	CB/1	d
15504data group	CCAS	V
15505data halfword table	CCAn	k
15506data handler	CCBL	d
15507data handling	CCBo	b
15508data handling capacity	CCCD	q
15509data handling component	CCCt	r
15510data handling machine	CCDY	s
15511data handling procedure	CCEE	r
15512data handling recording system	CCEv	4
15513data handling system	CCFn	o
15514data handling utility	CCGP	v
15515data head	CCG+	U
15516data header	CCHS	Z
15517data hierarchy	CCHr	c
15518data highway	CCIH	a
15519data hold	CCIh	X
15520data hold time	CCI4	i
15521data host	CCJa	X
15522data identification	CCJx	l
15523data identifier	CCKW	g
15524data imperfection	CCK2	f
15525data in	CCLV	V
15526data in voice	CCLq	b
15527data independence	CCMF	i
15528data independency	CCMn	i
15529data independent access model	CCNJ	6
15530data information	CCOD	e
15531data information line	CCOh	p
15532data information system	CCPK	r
15533data initiated control	CCP1	q
15534data input	CCQf	b
15535data input bus	CCQ6	p
15536data input clerk	CCRj	l
15537data input consoles	CCSI	u
15538data input device	CCS2	p
15539data input display	CCTf	x
15540data input display console	CCUQ	3
15541data input enable	CCVH	q
15542data input pin	CCVx	i
15543data input station	CCWT	j
15544data input unit	CCW2	j
15545data inputoutputio operations control	GcCs	BP
15546data inquiry terminal	CCXZ	w
15547data inscriber	CCYJ	f
15548data inserter	CCYo	h
15549data integrity	CCZJ	f
15550data integrity block	CCZo	y
15551data integrity protection	CCaa	w
15552data interaction	CCbK	n
15553data interchange	CCbx	e
15554data interchange code	CCcP	q
15555data interchange system	CCc5	r
15556data interface	CCdk	c
15557data interrogation language	CCeA	v
15558data interrupt	CCev	c
15559data intialization statement	CCfL	z
15560data inventory	CCf+	c
15561data item	CCga	l
15562data item description	CCg/	q
15563data item dictionary	CChp	l
15564data item group	CCiO	d
15565data item level	CCir	d
15566data item management system	CCjI	y
15567data item occurrence	CCj6	o
15568data item separator	CCki	n
15569data item synthesis	CClJ	k
15570data item type	CClt	f
15571data item validation	CCmM	l
15572data item value	CCmx	d
15573data jack	CCnO	l
15574data key	CCnz	T
15575data keyboard	CCoG	b
15576data layout	CCoh	n
15577data length	CCpI	c
15578data level	CCpk	Y
15579data level access	CCp8	i
15580data level check	CCqe	h
15581data library	CCq/	d
15582data library system	CCrc	k
15583data limit protection	CCsA	p
15584data limit register	CCsp	n
15585data link	CCtQ	l
15586data link adapter	CCt1	s
15587data link address	CCuh	p
15588data link attached loop	CCvK	x
15589data link configuration	CCv7	r
15590data link control	CCwm	6
15591data link control bootstrapping	CCxg	5
15592data link control character	CCyZ	1
15593data link control layer	CCzO	u
15594data link control protocol	CCz8	0
15595data link control standard	CC0w	0
15596data link encryption	CC1k	o
15597data link escape	CC2M	r
15598data link escape character	CC23	2
15599data link interface	CC3t	n
15600data link layer	CC4U	g
15601data link level	CC40	g
15602data link mapping	CC5U	m
15603data link multiplexer	CC56	s
15604data link receiving set	CC6m	x
15605data link role	CC7X	2
15606data link support	CC8N	l
15607data link terminal	CC8y	p
15608data list	CC9b	a
15609data list element	CC91	i
15610data list file	CC+X	j
15611data literal	CC+6	a
15612data location	CC/U	b
15613data locking	CC/v	a
15614data logger	CDAJ	c
15615data logger checker	CDAl	q
15616data logging	CDBP	a
15617data logging and transmission system	CDBp	BI
15618data logging transducer	CDCx	u
15619data logic	CDDf	b
15620data loop transceiver	CDD6	w
15621data maintenance	CDEq	e
15622data management	CDFI	g
15623data management block	CDFo	w
15624data management comprehensive facility	CDGY	BG
15625data management host language statement	CDHe	BH
15626data management language	CDIl	w
15627data management portion	CDJV	r
15628data management program	CDKA	r
15629data management programming system	CDKr	8
15630data management service	CDLn	r
15631data management software	CDMS	s
15632data management statement	CDM+	t
15633data management system	CDNr	u
15634data management system host language interface	CDOZ	BU
15635data management utility	CDPt	1
15636data manager	CDQi	j
15637data manager control structure	CDRF	4
15638data manager feature	CDR9	u
15639data manipulation	CDSr	f
15640data manipulation facility	CDTK	u
15641data manipulation instruction	CDT4	x
15642data manipulation language	CDUp	y
15643data manipulation language processor	CDVb	BE
15644data manipulation performance	CDWf	x
15645data manipulation protocol	CDXQ	u
15646data manipulation routine	CDX+	t
15647data manipulator	CDYr	h
15648data manipulator network	CDZM	s
15649data map	CDZ4	W
15650data mapping	CDaO	g
15651data mapping language	CDau	p
15652data mark	CDbX	X
15653data materialization	CDbu	l
15654data matrix	CDcT	Z
15655data measurement	H/Wg	k
15656data mechanism	CDcs	c
15657data media	CDdI	Y
15658data medium	CDdg	Z
15659data medium protection device	CDd5	3
15660data message	CDew	d
15661data message switching system	CDfN	3
15662data message transfer system	CDgE	2
15663data migration	CDg6	c
15664data mode	CDhW	X
15665data mode escape	CDht	k
15666data modegement	CDiR	d
15667data model	CDiu	b
15668data modem	CDjJ	b
15669data modularization	CDjk	k
15670data module	CDkI	Z
15671data monitor	CDkh	d
15672data monitoring system	CDk+	q
15673data movement	CDlo	v
15674data movement instruction	CDmX	t
15675data movement verb	CDnE	m
15676data moving system	CDnq	s
15677data multiplexer	CDoW	2
15678data multiplexer system	CDpM	x
15679data name	CDp9	a
15680data name directory	CDqX	n
15681data net	CDq+	T
15682data net console message	CDrR	1
15683data net control module	CDsG	0
15684data network	CDs6	i
15685data network identification code	CDtc	3
15686data network with satellite	CDuT	v
15687data nonlinearity matrix	H/XE	6
15688data number	CDvC	Z
15689data object	CDvb	Z
15690data operation	CDv0	c
15691data operation	GcD7	f
15692data organization	CDwQ	f
15693data origination	CDwv	e
15694data output dependency	CDxN	t
15695data output register	CDx6	v
15696data output switch	CDyp	m
15697data over voice	CDzP	j
15698data overrun	CDzy	o
15699data ownership	CD0a	c
15700data package	CD02	g
15701data packet	CD1W	W
15702data packet acknowledgement	CD1s	s
15703data packet size histogram	CD2Y	0
15704data pad	CD3M	Z
15705data panel	CD3l	p
15706data part	CD4O	X
15707data path	CD4l	X
15708data path organization	CD48	q
15709data path organization exception	CD5m	6
15710data path parallelism	CD6g	s
15711data pathing	CD7M	a
15712data pathway	CD7m	a
15713data pattern	CD8A	a
15714data phase	CD8a	Y
15715data photodetector	CD8y	j
15716data physics	CD9V	d
15717data pilot	CD+F	Y
15718data plotter	CD+d	d
15719data point	CD+6	V
15720data polynomial	CD/P	g
15721data pool	CD/v	U
15722data pool common storage	CEAD	v
15723data pool dictionary entry format	CEAy	+
15724data pool editor	CEBw	n
15725data pool editor audit trail format	CECX	BM
15726data pool editor file assignment	CEDj	BD
15727data pool editor input data format	CEEm	BL
15728data port	CEFx	U
15729data portability	CEGF	h
15730data positionning	CEGm	f
15731data positions	CEHF	c
15732data preparation	CEHh	e
15733data preparation clerk	CEH/	n
15734data preparation supervisor	CEIm	1
15735data preprocessing	CEJb	j
15736data presentation device	CEJ+	s
15737data privacy	CEKq	a
15738data process	CELE	a
15739data processing	BM2H	j
15740data processing	CELe	g
15741data processing capability	CEL+	u
15742data processing center	CEMs	u
15743data processing conversational mode	CENa	9
15744data processing cycle	CEOX	p
15745data processing department	CEPA	u
15746data processing department organization	CEPu	BB
15747data processing equipment	CEQv	x
15748data processing interface	CERg	t
15749data processing inventory	CESN	t
15750data processing machine	CES6	s
15751data processing management	CEUI	u
15752data processing node	CEU2	l
15753data processing problem	CEVb	r
15754data processing project engineer	CEWG	9
15755data processing service	CEXD	r
15756data processing services industry	CEXu	7
15757data processing standards	CEYp	t
15758data processing station	CEZW	s
15759data processing system	CEaC	u
15760data processing system security	CEaw	8
15761data processing task	CEbs	o
15762data processing technique	CEcU	t
15763data processing terminal	CEdB	v
15764data processor	CEit	i
15765data proliferation	CEjP	g
15766data protection	CEjv	d
15767data protection authority	CEkM	z
15768data protection convention	CEk/	u
15769data purging	CElt	a
15770data purification	CEmH	f
15771data qualification and retrieval	CEmm	3
15772data quality	CEnd	a
15773data quantity	CEn3	Y
15774data quantizer	CEoP	f
15775data query	CEou	Y
15776data query system	CEpG	l
15777data query system installation	CEpr	4
15778data radio	CEqj	h
15779data rate	CErE	X
15780data reader	CErb	c
15781data ready	CEr3	Y
15782data ready flag	CEsP	j
15783data realm	CEsy	V
15784data rearrangement	CEtH	m
15785data receive	CEtt	g
15786data receive exchange	CEuN	s
15787data reconstruction	CEu5	h
15788data record	CEva	Z
15789data record clause	CEvz	m
15790data record control	CEwZ	n
15791data record format	CExA	m
15792data record size	CExm	k
15793data recording	CEyK	j
15794data recording amplifier	CEyt	v
15795data recording and processing system	CEzc	BB
15796data recording control	CE0d	x
15797data recording device	CE1O	t
15798data recording media	CE17	o
15799data recording system	CE2j	p
15800data recording system analyst	CE3M	6
15801data records bypassed	CE4G	s
15802data records transferred	CE4y	v
15803data recovering	CE5h	d
15804data recovery	CE5+	b
15805data reducer	CE6Z	d
15806data reduction	CE62	f
15807data reduction center	CE7V	p
15808data reduction control	CE7+	x
15809data reduction process	CE8v	q
15810data reduction program	CE9Z	v
15811data reduction translator	CE+I	1
15812data region	CE/V	W
15813data register	CE/r	h
15814data relationship level	CFAM	o
15815data reliability	CFA0	h
15816data reordering	CFBV	g
15817data reorganization utility	CFB1	y
15818data repeater	CFCn	e
15819data report	CFDF	c
15820data representation	CFDh	k
15821data reproduction	CFEF	f
15822data resolution	CFEk	d
15823data resource administrator	CFFB	2
15824data restructure	CFF3	e
15825data retention	CFGV	c
15826data retrieval	CFGx	c
15827data retrieval capability	CFHN	t
15828data retrieval operation	CFH6	s
15829data retrieving program	CFIm	r
15830data reuse	CFJR	b
15831data ring	CFJs	X
15832data route	CFKD	Y
15833data routing	CFKb	g
15834data rule	CFK7	X
15835data sampling	CFLS	b
15836data sampling switch	CFLt	o
15837data save mode	CFMV	i
15838data scaling	CFM3	a
15839data science	CFNR	a
15840data scoping	CFNr	d
15841data screening	CFOI	c
15842data section	CFOk	X
15843data secure computer network	CFO7	5
15844data security	CFP0	b
15845data security analysis	CFQP	q
15846data security communication	CFQ5	3
15847data segment	CFRw	a
15848data segment operation	CFSK	q
15849data selecting	CFS0	c
15850data selection and modification	CFTQ	2
15851data selector	CFUG	e
15852data selector and tagger	CFUk	7
15853data semantics	CFVf	f
15854data sensitive fault	CFV+	o
15855data sensitivity	CFWm	h
15856data sequence chart	CFXH	k
15857data server	CFXr	c
15858data service	CFYH	a
15859data service language	CFYh	p
15860data service unit	CFZK	p
15861data services	CFZz	h
15862data services command processor	CFaU	8
15863data services manager	CFbQ	v
15864data services request block	CFb/	y
15865data services task	CFcx	q
15866data set	CFdb	h
15867data set access methods	CFd8	u
15868data set adapter	CFeq	k
15869data set clock	CFfO	f
15870data set clocking	GcEa	r
15871data set control	CFft	h
15872data set control block	CFgO	2
15873data set definition	CFhE	o
15874data set definition file	CFhs	v
15875data set definition name	CFib	v
15876data set definition statement	CFjK	0
15877data set definition table	CFj+	y
15878data set design parameter	CFkw	w
15879data set extension	CFlg	n
15880data set group	CFmH	g
15881data set key	CFmn	a
15882data set label	CFnB	j
15883data set lable	CFnk	j
15884data set migration	CFoH	j
15885data set name	CFoq	i
15886data set organization	CFpM	s
15887data set profile	CFp4	k
15888data set protection	CFqc	k
15889data set ready	CFrA	f
15890data set ready circult	CFrf	t
15891data set ready lead	CFsM	t
15892data set record format	CFs5	t
15893data set reference number	CFtm	t
15894data set retirement	CFuT	k
15895data set security	CFu3	l
15896data set table	CFvc	c
15897data set up time	CFv4	k
15898data set utility	CFwc	n
15899data set utility programs	CFxD	w
15900data sheet	CFxz	V
15901data shift	CFyI	Y
15902data signal	CFyg	Z
15903data signal	H/X+	f
15904data signaling rate	CFy5	n
15905data signaling rate transparecy	CFzg	/
15906data signalling	CF0f	j
15907data signalling	H2xi	g
15908data signalling rate	CF1C	l
15909data sink	CF1n	l
15910data size	CF2M	U
15911data skew	CF2g	X
15912data slot	CF23	U
15913data smoothing	CF3L	c
15914data sorting	CF3n	a
15915data sorting algorithm	CF4B	t
15916data sorting system	CF4u	n
15917data source	CF5V	p
15918data source definition	CF5+	r
15919data source definition builder	CF6p	4
15920data source field	CF7h	i
15921data source group	CF8D	i
15922data source key	CF8l	g
15923data space	CF9F	Y
15924data space management	CF9d	p
15925data sparation	CF+G	c
15926data sparator	CF+i	e
15927data sparator unit	CF/A	m
15928data specification	CF/m	m
15929data specification statement	CGAM	2
15930data speed	CGBC	Y
15931data splitting	CGBa	c
15932data stabilization	CGB2	j
15933data stack	CGCZ	Y
15934data stack address	CGCx	j
15935data stack address register	CGDU	1
15936data stack descriptor	CGEJ	p
15937data stack descriptor register	CGEy	7
15938data staging	CGFt	a
15939data star	CGGH	U
15940data state	CGGb	Y
15941data statement	CGGz	c
15942data statement file	CGHP	n
15943data station	CGH2	i
15944data station consloe	CGIY	o
15945data storage	CGJA	d
15946data storage and retrieval	CGJd	o
15947data storage and retrieval system	CGKF	BG
15948data storage back up system	CGLL	1
15949data storage equipment	CGMA	q
15950data storage representation	CGMq	y
15951data strategy description language	CGNc	BB
15952data stream	CGOd	Z
15953data stream format	CGO2	j
15954data stream interface	CGPZ	m
15955data stream system	F89d	y
15956data string	CGP/	W
15957data structure	CGQV	c
15958data structure definition	CGQx	t
15959data structure diagram	CGRe	n
15960data structure for software interrupt	CGSF	BC
15961data structure independence	CGTH	y
15962data structure mapping	CGT5	q
15963data structure matrix	CGUj	p
15964data structure memory	CGVM	s
15965data structure package	guW	3
15966data structure set	CGV4	j
15967data structure theory	CGWb	p
15968data structure tree	CGXE	k
15969data structures	CGXo	d
15970data structures for computer information system	CGYF	BV
15971data subfield	CGZz	e
15972data sublanguage	CGaR	h
15973data submodel	CGay	e
15974data subset	CGbQ	Z
15975data switch	CGbp	Z
15976data switching	CGcC	c
15977data switching center	CGce	p
15978data switching exchange	CGdH	v
15979data synchro	CGd2	a
15980data synchronizer channel	CGeQ	w
15981data synchronizing unit	CGfA	o
15982data syntax	CGfo	Z
15983data system	CGgB	Z
15984data system	H/Yd	f
15985data system communication	CGga	t
15986data system division	CGhH	l
15987data system environment simulator	CGhs	BE
15988data system interface	CGiw	p
15989data system tester	CGjZ	p
15990data system transmission	CGkC	s
15991data table	CGku	V
15992data tablet	CGlD	c
15993data tag	CGlf	W
15994data tagging	CGl1	a
15995data tape	CGm0	X
15996data tape	CGmg	U
15997data tape program	CGnL	l
15998data tape punch	CGnw	n
15999data technique	CGoX	c
16000data telecommunications	CGoz	x
16001data telemetry register	CGpk	u
16002data telephone circuit	CGqS	q
16003data teletypewriter set	CGq8	u
16004data telex	CGrq	e
16005data telex telephone service	CGsI	BC
16006data terminal	CGtK	h
16007data terminal equipment	CGtr	BD
16008data terminal equipment clear request	CGuu	BF
16009data terminal equipment waiting	CGvz	5
16010data terminal function	CGws	q
16011data terminal installation	CGxW	u
16012data terminal ready	CGyE	r
16013data terminal set	CGyv	l
16014data terminology	CGz1	e
16015data test	CG0T	X
16016data test equipment	CG0q	n
16017data test set	CG1R	h
16018data text	CG1y	X
16019data time	CG2J	X
16020data token	CG2g	Y
16021data token packet	CG24	i
16022data track	CG3a	Y
16023data traffic	CG3y	X
16024data traffic reset	CG4J	m
16025data traffic reset state	CG4v	1
16026data traffic set state	CG5k	w
16027data transactions	CG6U	f
16028data transcducer	CG6z	h
16029data transceiver	CG7U	h
16030data transcription	CG71	g
16031data transfer	CG8V	b
16032data transfer assembly	CG8w	q
16033data transfer command	CG9a	p
16034data transfer control	CG+D	p
16035data transfer controller	CG+s	v
16036data transfer instruction	CG/b	t
16037data transfer mode	CHAI	m
16038data transfer phase	CHAu	n
16039data transfer procedure	CHBV	r
16040data transfer rate	CHCA	j
16041data transfer register	CHCj	x
16042data transfer request signal	CHDU	2
16043data transfer state	CHEK	n
16044data transfer statement	CHEx	r
16045data transfer time	CHFc	m
16046data transfer word	CHGC	j
16047data transformation	CHGl	h
16048data translation	CHHG	e
16049data translation equipment	CHHk	u
16050data translation system	CHIS	r
16051data translation technology	CHI9	v
16052data translator compiler	CHJs	1
16053data transmission	CHKh	t
16054data transmission	JJyW	l
16055data transmission and switching system	CHLO	BD
16056data transmission channel	CHMR	t
16057data transmission circuit	CHM+	t
16058data transmission efficiency	CHNr	w
16059data transmission facility	CHOb	u
16060data transmission factor	CHPJ	w
16061data transmission interface	CHP5	v
16062data transmission line	CHQo	n
16063data transmission link	CHRP	q
16064data transmission network	CHR5	t
16065data transmission rate	CHSm	n
16066data transmission service	CHTN	t
16067data transmission set	CHT6	p
16068data transmission software	CHUj	u
16069data transmission speed	CHVR	r
16070data transmission statement	CHV8	v
16071data transmission station	CHWr	q
16072data transmission system	CHXV	w
16073data transmission terminal	CHYF	x
16074data transmission terminal equipment	CHY2	+
16075data transmission testing set	CHZ0	0
16076data transmission trap	CHao	q
16077data transmission unit	CHbS	q
16078data transmission utilization	H24z	0
16079data transmission utilization measure	CHb8	8
16080data transmission video dispaly unit	CHc4	BB
16081data transmitter	CHd5	h
16082data transparency	CHea	i
16083data transport system	CHe8	p
16084data tree	CHfl	U
16085data truncation	CHf5	d
16086data type	CHgW	l
16087data type checking	CHg7	m
16088data type compatibility	CHhh	u
16089data type conversion	CHiP	o
16090data type declaration statement	CHi3	5
16091data type default rule	CHjw	w
16092data type designator	CHkg	r
16093data type extension	CHlL	n
16094data type graphical	CHly	k
16095data type property	CHmW	m
16096data type rule	CHm8	i
16097data type specification	CHne	r
16098data type transmission	CHoJ	q
16099data under voice	CHoz	e
16100data unit	CHpR	X
16101data updating capability	CHpo	s
16102data use identifier	CHqU	q
16103data validation	CHq+	g
16104data validity	CHre	e
16105data value	CHr8	V
16106data vector	CHsR	Z
16107data voice answerback	CHsq	p
16108data volatility	CHtT	g
16109data volume	CHtz	W
16110data volume	CHuJ	W
16111data way	CHuf	T
16112data way model	CHuy	f
16113data window	CHvR	Z
16114data withdrawal	CHvq	d
16115data word	CHwH	X
16116data word buffer	CHwe	k
16117data word length	CHxC	e
16118data word size	CHxg	f
16119data word wrap	CHx/	i
16120data wrap	CHyh	d
16121data write error	CHy+	k
16122database	CIEl	T
16123database access	CIE4	g
16124database administrator	CIFY	u
16125database builder	CIGG	k
16126database control system	CIGq	z
16127database declaration	CIHd	l
16128database definition language	CIIC	3
16129database definition processor	CII5	6
16130database handle	CIJz	m
16131database key	CIKZ	m
16132database management system	CIK/	2
16133database model	CIL1	l
16134database of atomic and molecular physics	CIMa	BL
16135database operator	CINl	l
16136database pages	CIOK	c
16137database query	CIOm	p
16138database remote interconnect	CIPP	3
16139database security and integrity	CIQG	/
16140database structure area	CIRF	w
16141datagram	CIR1	W
16142datagram identification	CISL	o
16143datagram interface standard	CISz	y
16144datagram nondelivery indicaton	CITl	4
16145datagram packet handler	CIUd	x
16146datagram path	CIVO	e
16147datagram service	CIVs	h
16148datagram service signal	CIWN	r
16149datagraphic output writer	CIXl	3
16150datagraphics automated retrieval technique	CIYc	BS
16151datagraphics output writer	CIZu	0
16152datamation	CIai	b
16153dataphone	CIa9	X
16154dataphone adapter	CIbU	o
16155dataphone digital service	CIb8	z
16156dataphone digital system	CIcv	2
16157dataphone service	CIdl	l
16158dataphone switched digital service	CIeK	BH
16159dataplex	CIfR	W
16160datascope computer output microfilm	CIfn	BP
16161datascope computer output microfilmer	CIg2	Ba
16162dataset	CIiQ	S
16163datatrieve	CIii	e
16164datatron	CIjA	Z
16165datatron assembly system	CIjZ	5
16166datatron users organization	CIkS	8
16167dataway	CIlO	V
16168datawire	CIlj	W
16169date	B1yx	h
16170date	CIl5	P
16171date	FC/	h
16172date	Hx1F	k
16173date	HxZ7	l
16174date	Hxag	l
16175date	HxxZ	e
16176date	JXSJ	j
16177date	Jo56	V
16178date and quantities on this release	CImq	BA
16179date and time reformation	CInq	n
16180date card	CIoR	U
16181date conversion	CIol	d
16182date cost	JH50	g
16183date cost amount	Jo6P	t
16184date field	CIpC	Y
16185date for next cycle count	CIpa	w
16186date format	CIqK	Z
16187date format characters	CIqj	q
16188date format strings	CIrN	n
16189date interval	CIr0	b
16190date interval record	CIsP	o
16191date issues	Jo68	l
16192date last active issue	CIs3	q
16193date last activity	CIth	m
16194date last affecting quantity on hand	CIuH	BB
16195date last issue	CIvI	j
16196date last maintained	CIvr	o
16197date last sale	CIwT	i
16198date last use	CIw1	h
16199date next count	CIxW	j
16200date next cycle count	CIx5	v
16201date number	CIyo	Z
16202date of filing	CIzB	c
16203date of last count	CIzd	m
16204date of last payment	CI0D	o
16205date of last sale	CI0r	l
16206date of last use	CI1Q	k
16207date of last use range	CI10	w
16208date of next cycle count	CI2k	y
16209date quantity sold	Jo7h	v
16210date range	CI3W	Y
16211date required	CI3u	b
16212date sales amount	Jo8Q	u
16213date sales profit amount	Jo8+	7
16214date sales profit percent	Jo95	/
16215date scale	CI4J	Y
16216date separator	CI4h	c
16217date used	Jo+4	j
16218date work file	CI49	f
16219dating format	CI7+	b
16220dating routine	CI8Z	f
16221dating subroutine	CI84	i
16222dation	CI9a	U
16223datum	CI9u	P
16224datum error	CI99	Z
16225datum limit protection	CI+W	q
16226datum line	CI/A	V
16227datum line	Jn9P	X
16228datum line	Joxu	X
16229datum node	CI/V	Y
16230datum offset	CI/t	a
16231datum point	CJAH	W
16232datum setting	CJAd	b
16233datum vertex	CJA4	a
16234datums	CJBS	O
16235day clock	CJBg	U
16236day clock	Cv/r	d
16237day clock	JFAc	U
16238day digital computer	F2BG	o
16239day length	CJB0	b
16240day tod clock	JE/+	e
16241day zone correction	JFAw	n
16242daycodes	CJCt	T
16243days in period	CJDA	c
16244days memo	CJDc	X
16245days per forecast period	CJDz	v
16246days per period	CJEi	d
16247days queue	CJE/	Y
16248days supply	CJFX	Z
16249daystron powerplant automation language	CJFw	BT
16250db	CJHD	K
16251dba	CJHN	X
16252dbcs	CJHk	v
16253dc amplifier	CJIT	d
16254dc converter	CJKN	l
16255dc couple	CJIw	X
16256dc ringing	BC/	b
16257dc transmission network	CJJi	r
16258dcf formatter	CJMH	Y
16259dcl server	CJMf	Z
16260dcl server image	CJM4	i
16261ddp	CJNa	g
16262deactivate	CJOQ	a
16263deactivate association	CJOq	k
16264deactivating a segment	CJPO	n
16265deactivation	CJP1	U
16266deactivator	CJQJ	W
16267deactive	CJQf	Q
16268dead	CJQv	M
16269dead	H4A2	P
16270dead	JEjx	S
16271dead band	CJQ7	U
16272dead file	CJRP	U
16273dead halt	Cjrl	X
16274dead line	CJRj	Z
16275dead lock	CJR8	Z
16276dead reckoning	CJSV	Z
16277dead time	CJSu	X
16278dead zone	CJTF	R
16279dead zone unit	CJTW	c
16280deadlock	CJUZ	Q
16281deadly embrace	CJUp	W
16282deallocated	CJU/	Z
16283death system	BAL2	a
16284death type	BAMQ	Y
16285debatable	JEkD	X
16286debatable time	CJVY	c
16287debit	CJV0	N
16288debit card system	CJWB	i
16289debit magnetic strip reader	CJWj	1
16290debit symbol	CJXY	a
16291debits	CJXy	O
16292deblcated line	CJYA	Z
16293deblock	CJYZ	V
16294deblocking	CJYu	Y
16295deblocking record	CJZG	l
16296deblur	CJZr	R
16297deblurring operator	CJZ8	n
16298debounce	CJaj	T
16299debounce logic	CJa2	f
16300debounce logic switch	CJbV	p
16301debounce pulser	CJb+	g
16302debouncer	CJce	a
16303debouncing	CJc4	V
16304debouncing circuit	CJdN	j
16305debt	CJdw	M
16306debtor	CJd8	R
16307debug	CJeN	N
16308debug aid	CJea	d
16309debug and operatin	FxHe	BE
16310debug base name	CJe3	d
16311debug card	CJfU	V
16312debug command	CJfp	b
16313debug command address restriction	CJgE	7
16314debug function	CJg/	c
16315debug hardware	CJhb	c
16316debug machine	CJh3	b
16317debug macroinstruction	CJiS	q
16318debug macros	CJi8	g
16319debug memory map	CJjc	k
16320debug mode	CJkA	Y
16321debug monitor	CJkY	n
16322debug nested trap list	CJk/	q
16323debug output file	CJl7	l
16324debug phase	CJmg	Z
16325debug routine	CJm5	h
16326debug statement	CJna	d
16327debug support schema	CJn3	o
16328debug support system	CJof	o
16329debug support system action command	CJpH	BD
16330debug support system command	CJqK	2
16331debug support system command language	CJrA	BF
16332debug support system command language syntax	CJsF	BS
16333debug support system control command	CJtX	BE
16334debug support system description	CJub	6
16335debug support system error message	CJvV	BC
16336debug support system execution	CJwX	4
16337debug support system execution file	CJxP	BD
16338debug support system field	CJyS	0
16339debug support system field description	CJzG	BG
16340debug support system interaction environment	CJ0M	BM
16341debug support system interface	CJ1Y	4
16342debug support system language format	CJ2Q	BE
16343debug support system noninteraction environment	CJ3U	BS
16344debug support system operation environment	CJ4m	BK
16345debug support system statement format	CJ5w	BF
16346debug support system verb	CJ61	z
16347debug support system verb description	CJ7o	BF
16348debug switch	CJ8t	a
16349debug symbol table	CJ9H	j
16350debug system	CJ9q	a
16351debugged program	CJ+W	k
16352debugger	CJ+6	h
16353debugger	IPI5	Z
16354debugger capability	CJ/b	n
16355debugger command	CKAC	k
16356debugger command expression	CKAm	4
16357debugger compilation	CKBe	o
16358debugger file assignment	CKCG	y
16359debugger information	CKC4	o
16360debugger interaction	CKDg	u
16361debugger operation	CKEO	m
16362debugger status	CKE0	j
16363debugging	CKFX	R
16364debugging activity	CKFo	g
16365debugging aid	CKGI	b
16366debugging aid	H9Y9	h
16367debugging aid facility	CKGj	q
16368debugging aid routine	CKHN	v
16369debugging aids	CKH8	i
16370debugging aids routine	CKIe	w
16371debugging and checking process	CKJO	1
16372debugging compiler	CKKD	m
16373debugging data base model	CKKp	w
16374debugging efficiency	CKLZ	i
16375debugging environment	CKL7	j
16376debugging facility	CKMe	g
16377debugging interface	CKM+	h
16378debugging language	CKNf	g
16379debugging line	CKN/	Z
16380debugging macros	CKOY	k
16381debugging methodology	CKO8	m
16382debugging mode	CKPi	c
16383debugging model	CKP+	d
16384debugging module	CKQb	e
16385debugging monitor	CKQ5	l
16386debugging optimized program	CKRw	y
16387debugging package	CKSi	l
16388debugging packet	CKTH	k
16389debugging program	CKTr	f
16390debugging request execution	CKUK	v
16391debugging room	CKU5	c
16392debugging routine	CKVV	f
16393debugging section	CKV0	i
16394debugging software package	CKWW	u
16395debugging specification	CKXE	r
16396debugging stage	CKXv	d
16397debugging statement	CKYM	h
16398debugging step	CKYt	c
16399debugging subcommand	CKZJ	l
16400debugging system	CKZu	h
16401debugging technique	CKaP	h
16402debugging time	CKaw	c
16403debugging tool	CKbM	c
16404debugging utility	CKbo	l
16405debugging variable assignment	CKcN	x
16406debunching	CKc+	Y
16407deburr	CKdW	R
16408debye	CKdn	N
16409dec multinational character	CKd0	t
16410dec multinational character set	CKeh	0
16411decade	CKfV	e
16412decade adder	CKfz	g
16413decade carry	CKgT	d
16414decade computer	CKgw	j
16415decade counter	+tT	n
16416decade counter	CKhT	f
16417decade counter circuit	CKhy	q
16418decade counting tube	CKic	l
16419decade digital computer	CKjB	x
16420decade divider	CKjy	i
16421decade frequency divider	CKkU	s
16422decade ring	CKlA	f
16423decade ring register	CKlf	u
16424decade scaler	CKmN	h
16425decade subtracter	CKmu	l
16426decade tube	CKnT	c
16427decagram	CKnv	U
16428decaliter	CKoD	R
16429decals	CKoU	O
16430decameter	CKoi	U
16431decatenation	CKo2	a
16432decatron	CKpQ	T
16433decatron counter	CKpj	k
16434decatron scaler	CKqH	j
16435decay	CKqq	N
16436decay	JEka	T
16437decay constant	CKq3	c
16438decay factor	CKrT	a
16439decay time	CKrt	Y
16440decaying transient	CKsF	g
16441decca area navigation computer	CKsl	BB
16442decelerating ring	CKtm	f
16443deceleration	CKuF	U
16444deceleration time	CKuZ	f
16445deceloration	JEkt	a
16446decentral graphic system	CKu4	v
16447decentralization	CKvn	b
16448decentralized approach	CKwC	q
16449decentralized arbiter	CKws	p
16450decentralized computer network	CKxV	1
16451decentralized computing system	CKyK	1
16452decentralized control	CKy/	j
16453decentralized control algorithm	CKzi	2
16454decentralized control flow model	CK0Y	3
16455decentralized control flow system	CK1P	4
16456decentralized data processing	CK2H	0
16457decentralized data processing network system	CK27	BM
16458decentralized file	CK4H	j
16459decentralized information system	CK4q	3
16460decentralized locking protocol	CK5h	y
16461decentralized measure	CK6T	j
16462decentralized network	CK7h	m
16463decentralized open network architecture	CK8H	BM
16464decentralized optimal control	CK9T	3
16465decentralized processing	CK+K	m
16466decentralized resource allocation	CK+w	4
16467decentralized stochastic control	CK/o	3
16468deception	CLAf	R
16469decibel	CLAw	P
16470decibel based on miliwatt	CLA/	n
16471decibel meter	CLBm	Y
16472decibels above reference noise	CLC0	+
16473decible approximation	CLDy	p
16474decidability	IR1J	d
16475decidable	IR1m	d
16476decimal	+t6	a
16477decimal	+wW	k
16478decimal	CLEb	d
16479decimal accumulator	CLFt	n
16480decimal add	CLGU	f
16481decimal add circuit	CLGz	q
16482decimal adder	CLHd	h
16483decimal addition	CLH+	h
16484decimal address	CLIf	g
16485decimal adjust	CLI/	c
16486decimal adjust accumulator	CLJb	4
16487decimal adjust accumulator instruction	CLKT	BD
16488decimal adjust instruction	CLLW	x
16489decimal alignment	CLMH	i
16490decimal arithmetic	CLMp	j
16491decimal arithmetic abjustement	CLNM	1
16492decimal arithmetic operation	CLOj	z
16493decimal arithmetic system	CLPW	w
16494decimal arithmetic trap mask	CLQG	/
16495decimal attribute	CLRF	i
16496decimal base	CLRn	a
16497decimal base	GcFF	g
16498decimal carry	CLSB	e
16499decimal character	CLSf	f
16500decimal classification system	CLS+	u
16501decimal code translator	CLUq	x
16502decimal coded system	CLVb	r
16503decimal computation	CLWG	k
16504decimal constant	CLWq	h
16505decimal control	CLXL	g
16506decimal control block	CLXr	q
16507decimal conversion	+uU	r
16508decimal conversion	+w6	o
16509decimal converter	+u/	u
16510decimal counter	CLYV	j
16511decimal decoder	CLY4	j
16512decimal digit	CLZb	v
16513decimal display	CLak	g
16514decimal divide	CLbE	f
16515decimal divide interrupt	CLbj	s
16516decimal division	CLcP	h
16517decimal encoder	CLcw	j
16518decimal encoding of number	CLdT	u
16519decimal equivalent table	CLeB	s
16520decimal expression	CLet	m
16521decimal feature	CLfT	g
16522decimal feature instruction	CLfz	y
16523decimal field	CLgl	v
16524decimal filing	CLhU	l
16525decimal fraction	CLkm	k
16526decimal fraction notation	CLlK	z
16527decimal integer	CLl9	g
16528decimal interchange code	CLmd	s
16529decimal keyboard	CLnJ	l
16530decimal location	CLnu	h
16531decimal marker	CLoP	f
16532decimal multiple	CLou	b
16533decimal multiplication	CLpJ	n
16534decimal multiplier	CLpw	m
16535decimal normalization	CLqW	p
16536decimal notation	CLq/	h
16537decimal number	CLsG	q
16538decimal number base	CLsw	k
16539decimal number system	CLtU	6
16540decimal numberation system	CLuO	r
16541decimal numbering system	CLu5	p
16542decimal numeral	CLvi	w
16543decimal numeration	CLwS	n
16544decimal numerationsystem	CLE4	1
16545decimal operator	CLw5	k
16546decimal overflow	CLxd	k
16547decimal overflow interrupt	CLyB	x
16548decimal part	CLyy	X
16549decimal place	CLzJ	b
16550decimal point	CLzk	e
16551decimal point alignment	CL0C	o
16552decimal pointer	CL0q	g
16553decimal presentation	CL1K	l
16554decimal printing	CL1v	h
16555decimal product generator	CL2Q	z
16556decimal representation	CL3D	q
16557decimal scale	CL4O	Y
16558decimal scaler	CL4m	i
16559decimal selection	CL5I	i
16560decimal sequence	CL5q	h
16561decimal storage system	CL6L	q
16562decimal string	CL61	f
16563decimal subtract	CL7U	h
16564decimal symbol	CL71	f
16565decimal system	CL8U	c
16566decimal system	GcFl	c
16567decimal tab	CL9K	f
16568decimal tabulation	CL9p	j
16569decimal tabulator keys	CL+M	q
16570decimalism	CL//	V
16571decimalization	CMAU	f
16572decimalize	CMAz	b
16573decimally	CMBO	U
16574decimation register	CMBi	n
16575decimeter	CMCJ	R
16576decipher	CMCa	Q
16577decipherable	CMCq	X
16578decipherer	CMDB	V
16579deciphering	CMDW	T
16580deciphering machine	CMDp	e
16581decision	CMEH	Y
16582decision	Ivhp	T
16583decision accounting	CMEf	h
16584decision acknowledge	CMFA	i
16585decision aided information system	CMFi	7
16586decision algorithm	CMGd	j
16587decision analysis	CMHA	f
16588decision anticipation	CMHf	j
16589decision block	CMIC	Z
16590decision boundary	CMIb	f
16591decision box	CMI6	X
16592decision characteristics	CMJR	m
16593decision circuit	CMJ3	e
16594decision computer	CMKV	i
16595decision content	CMK3	j
16596decision criterion	CMLa	g
16597decision directed adaptation	CML6	2
16598decision element	CMMw	e
16599decision feedback	CMNO	f
16600decision feedback system	CMNt	s
16601decision function	CMPF	f
16602decision gate	CMPk	Y
16603decision graph	CMP8	Z
16604decision information	CMQV	i
16605decision information distribution system	CMQ3	BH
16606decision instant	CMR+	e
16607decision instruction	CMSc	w
16608decision integrator	CMTM	k
16609decision level	CMTw	c
16610decision logic	CMUM	c
16611decision logic circuitry	CMUo	s
16612decision logic control	CMVU	q
16613decision logic table	CMV+	l
16614decision logic translator	CMWj	w
16615decision machine	CMXT	h
16616decision maker	CMX0	c
16617decision making function	CMYQ	m
16618decision making system	CMY2	k
16619decision mechanism	CMZa	g
16620decision method	CMZ6	d
16621decision model	CMaX	c
16622decision model base	CMaz	k
16623decision node	CMbX	b
16624decision plan	CMby	b
16625decision point	CMcN	Z
16626decision probability	CMcm	i
16627decision problem	CMdI	e
16628decision procedure	CMdm	g
16629decision process	CMeG	e
16630decision response time	CMek	q
16631decision rule	CMfO	b
16632decision space	CMfp	c
16633decision structure	CMgF	g
16634decision support model	CMgl	q
16635decision support system	CMhP	r
16636decision surface	CMh6	b
16637decision table	CMiV	Z
16638decision table component	CMiu	p
16639decision table conversion	CMjX	q
16640decision table language	CMkB	o
16641decision table preprocessor	CMkp	1
16642decision table processor	CMle	s
16643decision table translator	CMmK	t
16644decision theory	CMm3	a
16645decision threshold	CMnR	d
16646decision threshold computer	CMnu	v
16647decision tree	CMod	Y
16648decision tree classifier	CMo1	v
16649decision type node	CMpk	j
16650decision value	CMqH	Z
16651decision value number	CMqg	m
16652decision variable	CMrG	f
16653decision verification	CMrl	j
16654decit	CMtq	T
16655deck	CMt9	M
16656deck label	CMuJ	Y
16657deck of cards	CMuh	V
16658declarate statement	CMxB	h
16659declaration	CMxi	T
16660declaration cell	CMx1	e
16661declaration condition	CMyT	j
16662declaration knowledge	CMy2	j
16663declaration macroinstruction	CMzZ	w
16664declaration of dimension	CM0J	m
16665declaration order	CM0v	f
16666declaration prelude	CM1O	h
16667declaration section	CM1v	e
16668declaration statement	CM2N	j
16669declaration token	CM2w	f
16670declaration type tag	CM3P	o
16671declarative	CM33	W
16672declarative array	CM4N	f
16673declarative instruction	CM4s	l
16674declarative knowledge	CM5R	m
16675declarative knowledge definition	CM53	0
16676declarative knowledge representation	CM6r	4
16677declarative macroinstruction	CM7j	w
16678declarative operation	CM8T	m
16679declarative operation code	CM85	r
16680declarative part of procedure	CM9k	x
16681declarative procedure	CM+V	j
16682declarative section	CM+4	e
16683declarative sentence	CM/W	f
16684declarative statement	CM/1	j
16685declarative task description	CNAY	w
16686declarative token	CNBI	f
16687declarator	CNBn	V
16688declarator name	CNB8	d
16689declarator subscript	CNCZ	l
16690declare	CNC+	P
16691declare area	CNDN	X
16692declare data item	CNDk	i
16693declare privacy lock	CNEG	l
16694declare procedure	CNEr	f
16695declare record	CNFK	c
16696declare record storage mode	CNFm	1
16697declare set number insertion rule	CNGb	+
16698declare statement	CNHZ	f
16699declare synonym name	CNH4	r
16700declare type and size	CNIj	y
16701declared attribute	CNJV	g
16702declared bit	CNJ1	a
16703declared range	CNKP	c
16704declared scalar type	CNKr	o
16705declarer	CNLT	T
16706declaring common storage	CNLm	v
16707declining stage	CNMV	d
16708decodability	CNMy	a
16709decodable code	CNNM	c
16710decode	CNNo	S
16711decode	IPJS	R
16712decode and encode statement	CNN6	y
16713decode delimiter	IPJj	r
16714decode field	CNOs	X
16715decode machine	CNPD	Z
16716decode procedure	CNPc	e
16717decode scaling	CNP6	c
16718decode statement	CNQW	e
16719decoded operation	CNQ0	f
16720decoder	CNRT	S
16721decoder	IQJR	0
16722decoder	IWzI	j
16723decoder card	CNRl	X
16724decoder matrix	CNR8	f
16725decoder outboard	CNSb	e
16726decoder output value number	CNS5	y
16727decoder simulator	CNUV	i
16728decoder switching unit	CNU3	q
16729decoding	CNV8	Q
16730decoding algorithm	CNWM	g
16731decoding assignment	CNWs	h
16732decoding circuit	CNXN	e
16733decoding gate	CNXr	Y
16734decoding information	CNYD	i
16735decoding logic	CNYl	c
16736decoding matrix	CNZB	d
16737decoding network	CNZe	e
16738decoding process	CNZ8	e
16739decoding readout	IPKO	l
16740decoding relay	CNaa	f
16741decoding scheme	CNa5	d
16742decoding switch	CNbW	d
16743decoding table	CNbz	Z
16744decoding time	CNcM	b
16745decoding tree	CNcn	Y
16746decollate	CNc/	Z
16747decollator	CNdY	V
16748decommutation and readout system	CNdt	6
16749decompaction	CNen	U
16750decompile	CNe7	R
16751decomposable	CNfM	a
16752decomposable code	CNfm	f
16753decomposable model	CNgF	j
16754decomposable operator	CNgo	m
16755decomposable production	CNhO	u
16756decomposable production system	CNh8	7
16757decomposable searching problem	CNi3	1
16758decomposable system	CNjs	k
16759decompose	CNkQ	R
16760decomposition	CNkh	V
16761decomposition chart	CNk2	e
16762decomposition mathematical programming system	CNlU	BH
16763decomposition method	CNmb	i
16764decomposition of automaton	CNm9	o
16765decomposition of block diagrams	CNnl	t
16766decomposition of model interaction	CNoS	/
16767decomposition of relation scheme	CNpR	0
16768decomposition of system network	CNqF	2
16769decomposition principle	CNq7	l
16770decomposition process	CNrg	j
16771decomposition query	CNsD	h
16772decomposition query algorithm	CNsk	x
16773decomposition technique	CNtV	l
16774decompression	CNt6	V
16775decreasing	CNuP	S
16776decrement	CNuh	R
16777decrement accumulator	CNuy	m
16778decrement address	CNvY	f
16779decrement field	CNv3	a
16780decrement instruction	CNwR	j
16781decrement jump	CNw0	c
16782decrement list	CNxQ	Z
16783decrement load	CNxp	c
16784decrement memory	CNyF	h
16785decrement operator	CNym	j
16786decrement register	CNzJ	j
16787decremeter	CNzs	V
16788decryphering	CN0B	U
16789decrypt	CN0V	P
16790decryption	CN0k	S
16791dedicate	CN02	W
16792dedicated	CN1M	f
16793dedicated access	CN1r	e
16794dedicated application computer	CN2J	v
16795dedicated array processor	CN24	w
16796dedicated channel	CN3o	f
16797dedicated circuit	CN4H	f
16798dedicated connection	CN4m	i
16799dedicated data set	CN5I	j
16800dedicated device	CN5r	e
16801dedicated executive	CN6J	n
16802dedicated file server	GcGB	v
16803dedicated function	CN6w	g
16804dedicated line	CN7Q	W
16805dedicated link	CN7m	c
16806dedicated memory	CN8C	h
16807dedicated microprocessor system	CN8j	5
16808dedicated mode	GcGw	f
16809dedicated network	CN9c	f
16810dedicated port	CN97	Z
16811dedicated program	CN+U	f
16812dedicated register	CN+z	j
16813dedicated service	CN/W	f
16814dedicated space	CN/1	d
16815dedicated storage	COAS	m
16816dedicated system	COA4	e
16817dedication	COBW	S
16818deduction	COBo	R
16819deduction system	COB5	e
16820deduction tree	COCX	Z
16821deductive data base	COCw	k
16822deductive mathematical	CODU	q
16823deductive mathematical discipline	COD+	1
16824deductive simulation	COEz	i
16825deenergize	COFV	Y
16826default	COFt	d
16827default attribute	COGK	f
16828default block size	COGp	j
16829default characteristic	COHM	k
16830default convention	COHw	g
16831default declaration	COIQ	h
16832default dictionary directory	COIx	2
16833default directory	COJn	t
16834default disk	COKU	d
16835default disk drive	COKx	j
16836default document	COLU	e
16837default drive	COLy	e
16838default extension	COMQ	f
16839default extension quantity	COMv	u
16840default format	CONd	c
16841default format statement	CON5	s
16842default group	COOl	e
16843default handler	COPD	j
16844default interpretation	COPm	n
16845default keyboard monitor	COQN	v
16846default legend	COQ8	c
16847default literal	CORY	m
16848default mass storage volume group	COR+	BB
16849default mode	COS/	a
16850default option	COTZ	l
16851default parameter	COT+	l
16852default print settings	COUj	q
16853default radix	COVN	b
16854default register definition	COVo	y
16855default rule	COWa	g
16856default ruler	COW6	b
16857default security level	COXV	t
16858default size	COYC	a
16859default value	COYc	j
16860default viewport	COY/	h
16861default volume	COZg	Z
16862defect	COZ5	O
16863defect skip	COaH	Z
16864defect skipping	COag	d
16865defective modulation	COa9	l
16866defective track	CObi	d
16867defective word cell	COb/	k
16868defence computer	Nvm	h
16869defensive programming	COcj	s
16870defer	COdP	N
16871defer firm planned order	COdc	4
16872defer scheduled receipt	COeU	r
16873defered addressing	COe/	g
16874deferred condition code	COff	o
16875deferred cycle	COgH	c
16876deferred echo	COgj	b
16877deferred entry	COg+	q
16878deferred exit	COho	p
16879deferred interrupt	COix	g
16880deferred io	COiR	g
16881deferred job	COjR	a
16882deferred maintenance	COjr	i
16883deferred maintenance time	COkN	t
16884deferred processing	COk6	v
16885deferred processing session	COlp	v
16886deferred restart	COmY	h
16887deferred update	COm5	d
16888deferred write	COnW	c
16889defferfered snapshots	COny	m
16890define	COoY	W
16891define	Hipx	X
16892define area	COou	Z
16893define byte	COpH	f
16894define constant	COpm	g
16895define control block	COqG	p
16896define control block dummy	COqv	2
16897define data command	COrl	n
16898define item	COsM	W
16899define label	COsi	a
16900define storage	COs8	i
16901define symbol	COte	e
16902define symbol address	COt8	t
16903define table	COup	X
16904define word	COvA	Z
16905defined attribute	Ja1z	l
16906defined cms command	Ja2Y	u
16907defined dyadic operator	Ja3G	BL
16908defined edit code	Ja4R	o
16909defined event	Jc56	t
16910defined function	JfFO	n
16911defined item	COvZ	X
16912defined key	Ja45	3
16913defined menu	Ja5w	p
16914defined name	Ja6Z	j
16915defined occurrence	G3gu	p
16916defined operator	Ja68	7
16917defined parameter	IPKz	l
16918defined process	Ja73	q
16919defined readout	COvw	d
16920defined subsystem	Ja8h	o
16921defined support structure	JfF1	2
16922defined system symbol	FOL4	v
16923defined type	Ja+M	j
16924defined user command	COwN	l
16925defined variable	C8kc	q
16926defined variable	COwy	k
16927defined word	Ja+v	x
16928definer	COxW	S
16929defining	IPLY	T
16930defining character	IPLr	n
16931defining contrast	COxo	f
16932defining data	IPMS	e
16933defining data name	IPMw	m
16934defining delimiter	IPNW	m
16935defining range	COyH	c
16936defining scalar	COyj	d
16937defining statement	C2L3	m
16938defining term	D0To	n
16939defining term	IPN8	b
16940defining value	IPOX	c
16941definite intgral	COzA	b
16942definite iteration	COzb	d
16943definite machine	COz4	k
16944definite response	CO0c	f
16945definition	CO07	e
16946definition	HOUe	Y
16947definition block	CO1Z	b
16948definition characters	DNsX	p
16949definition environment	CO10	k
16950definition phase	CO2Y	k
16951definition statement	CO28	i
16952definition table	CO3e	b
16953definition tree	CO35	a
16954definitional part	CO4p	f
16955definitized spare parts list	CO5I	1
16956deflation	CO59	X
16957deflect	CO6U	P
16958deflection	CO6j	S
16959deflection circuit	CO61	g
16960deflection plate	CO7V	b
16961deflection rate	CO7w	a
16962deflection valve	5tb	k
16963deflector	CO8K	U
16964defletion	CO8e	W
16965defletion sensitivity	CO80	m
16966defletion type storage tube	CO9a	v
16967defocus	CO+J	P
16968degauss	CO+Y	P
16969degausser	CO+n	U
16970degaussing computer	CO+7	r
16971degenerate boolean algebra	CPAl	x
16972degeneration factor	CPBW	h
16973degenerative feedback	CPB3	j
16974degradation	CPCa	b
16975degradation factor	CPC1	g
16976degradation failure	CPDV	h
16977degradation testing	CPD2	h
16978degraded service state	CPEX	q
16979degree	CPFB	b
16980degree of resolution	CPFc	f
16981deka	CPF7	P
16982dekatron calculator	CPGK	n
16983delaminate	CPGx	S
16984delay	CPHD	Q
16985delay action	CPHT	a
16986delay bit	CPHt	X
16987delay cable	CPIE	Z
16988delay carry	CPId	Z
16989delay circuit	CPI2	b
16990delay circuit	JE7i	b
16991delay coding	FysB	g
16992delay correction network	CPJt	s
16993delay counter	CPKZ	h
16994delay distortion	CPK6	e
16995delay element	CPLY	b
16996delay equalization	CPMN	g
16997delay equalizer	CPMt	g
16998delay fault	CPNN	Z
16999delay generator	CPN7	m
17000delay instruction	CPOh	f
17001delay line	CPPA	Y
17002delay line memory	CPPY	m
17003delay line register	CPP+	r
17004delay line storage	CPQp	j
17005delay line store	CPRM	k
17006delay line synthesizer	CPRw	u
17007delay lock loop	CPSe	n
17008delay loop store	CPTF	k
17009delay modulation	CPTp	h
17010delay period	CPUK	a
17011delay programming	CPUk	l
17012delay quene	CPVJ	Z
17013delay statement	CPVi	d
17014delay switch	JE79	a
17015delay system	CPV/	a
17016delay time	CPWZ	Y
17017delay unit	CPWx	Y
17018delay vector	CPXJ	a
17019delayed access	CPdP	c
17020delayed branch	CPdr	c
17021delayed call	CPeH	a
17022delayed control mode	CPeh	o
17023delayed echo	CPfJ	a
17024delayed off	CPfj	Z
17025delayed relaying communication satellite	CPf8	BF
17026delayed repeater satellite	CPhB	x
17027delayed request mode	CPhy	o
17028delayed response	CPia	e
17029delayed response mode	CPi4	p
17030delayed signal	CPjh	c
17031delayed start	CPj9	b
17032delayed time system	CPkY	n
17033delayer	CPlj	S
17034deleave	CPl1	X
17035deletable file	GcHP	l
17036delete	C21F	X
17037delete	CPmM	S
17038delete	H3Oz	i
17039delete a directory	CPme	g
17040delete address mark	CPm+	n
17041delete batch	CPnl	a
17042delete bit	CPn/	Y
17043delete character	CPoX	i
17044delete character buffer	CPo5	r
17045delete code	CPpk	W
17046delete entry	CPp6	X
17047delete entry marker	CPqR	k
17048delete flag	CPq1	Z
17049delete form	CPrO	Z
17050delete key	CPrn	V
17051delete line buffer	CPr8	j
17052delete lines command	CPsf	o
17053delete record	CPtH	b
17054delete statement	CPti	e
17055delete structure	CPuA	e
17056delete word buffer	CPue	j
17057deleted file	CPvB	d
17058deletes entered	CPve	p
17059deletes generated	CPwH	r
17060deletion	CPwy	W
17061deletion	H4il	Q
17062deletion discipline	CPxI	h
17063deletion error	CPxp	c
17064deletion mark	CPyF	b
17065deletion record	CPyg	d
17066deletion strategy	CPy9	f
17067deley base	CPzc	V
17068delimit	CPzx	P
17069delimiter	CP0A	i
17070delimiter	GcH0	l
17071delimiter	IvZ8	a
17072delimiter character	CP0i	h
17073delimiter line	CP1D	c
17074delimiter macro instruction	CP1f	y
17075delimiter statement	CP2R	h
17076delimiting character	CP3i	i
17077delink	CP4E	U
17078delinquent	CP4Y	Y
17079deliver	CP4w	X
17080deliverable item	CP5H	e
17081delivery	CP5l	Q
17082delivery cycle	CP51	c
17083delivery cylinder	CP6R	f
17084delivery data	CP6w	b
17085delivery mechanism	CP7L	g
17086delivery paper deflector	CP7r	s
17087delivery receipt	CP8X	e
17088delivery roller	CP81	d
17089delivery time	CP9S	b
17090delivery tray	CP9t	b
17091delivery wheels	CP+I	a
17092delock	CP+i	O
17093delta modulation	CP+w	h
17094delta network	CP/R	b
17095delta noise	CP/s	Z
17096delta signal	CQAF	a
17097delta starter	JoyF	4
17098delta time	CQAf	m
17099demagnetization	CQBX	f
17100demagnetizer	CQB2	a
17101demagnetizing factor	IPOz	l
17102demagnetizing field	IPPY	h
17103demagnetizinh state	CQCQ	h
17104demand	CQCx	O
17105demand assigned multiple access	CQC/	8
17106demand assigned signalling and switching	CQD7	BQ
17107demand assignment	CQFL	f
17108demand assignment controller	CQFq	3
17109demand assignment multiple access	CQGh	BD
17110demand call tracing	Gsic	q
17111demand data	CQIo	Z
17112demand deposit program library	CQJB	6
17113demand driven	CQJ7	e
17114demand error	CQKZ	a
17115demand facility	HRVs	s
17116demand fetching	CQKz	g
17117demand function	CQLT	d
17118demand history	CQLw	c
17119demand history construction	CQMM	v
17120demand ink gun	GsjG	i
17121demand load	CQM7	Z
17122demand loading	CQNU	f
17123demand multiplexing	CQNz	n
17124demand paged virtual memory	CQOa	7
17125demand paging	CQPV	b
17126demand paging system	CQPw	x
17127demand per period	CQQh	f
17128demand processing	Gsjo	i
17129demand reading	CQRe	Z
17130demand staging	CQR3	c
17131demand system	GskK	BK
17132demand zero page	CQST	h
17133demarcating code	IPP5	s
17134demarking code	IPQl	r
17135demoding circuit	CQS0	e
17136demodulate	CQTS	S
17137demodulation	CQTk	U
17138demodulation	F4Ds	f
17139demodulator	CQT4	W
17140demodulator	F4FO	s
17141demodulator	IUGa	n
17142demodulator band filter	CQUO	1
17143demonstration	CQVD	V
17144demonstration program	CQVY	j
17145demountable device	CQWV	p
17146demountable storage	CQW+	n
17147demultiplexer	CQXl	k
17148demultiplexer	GG7i	y
17149demultiplexing	CQYJ	c
17150demultiplier	CQYl	X
17151denary	CQY8	Z
17152dendritic algorithm	CQZV	v
17153dendrogram	CQaE	Y
17154denominator	CQbE	T
17155denotation	BBxk	Y
17156denotation	CQbX	S
17157denotation semantics	CQbp	i
17158denotational description	CQcL	m
17159denotational semantics	CQcx	k
17160denotational setting	CQdV	i
17161denotative definition	CQd3	j
17162denote	CQea	O
17163denpendent	CUVS	b
17164dense	CQeo	Q
17165dense binary code	CQe4	i
17166dense index	CQfa	Z
17167dense list	CQfz	V
17168dense matrix	CQgI	a
17169dense subgraph	CQgi	c
17170density	CQg+	T
17171density	GLmM	h
17172density data	CQhR	a
17173density gradient	CQhr	e
17174density ratio	CQiJ	Y
17175density tracks	CQih	c
17176denumerable set	CQkm	a
17177deny	CQlA	M
17178depacketize	CQlM	T
17179department	CQlf	X
17180department number	CQl2	f
17181department tag file	CQmV	k
17182departure event	CQm5	d
17183departure freqency	CQnW	g
17184dependable communication	CQn2	m
17185dependence diagram	CQoc	j
17186dependency graph representation	CQo/	z
17187dependency hazard	CQpy	f
17188dependency number	CQqR	c
17189dependency relationship	CQqt	l
17190dependency set	CQrS	Z
17191dependent	FNOf	d
17192dependent application	CQrr	j
17193dependent code	HhnL	f
17194dependent code	Ixm	i
17195dependent code	IyI	f
17196dependent control	DjtP	m
17197dependent demand	CQsO	e
17198dependent equations	CQss	o
17199dependent feature	FNO8	l
17200dependent interface	Fz7c	r
17201dependent language	FNPh	m
17202dependent logout	F1qm	q
17203dependent operator	HOU2	m
17204dependent option	I00A	n
17205dependent parameter	EsdO	q
17206dependent program	CQtU	f
17207dependent record	GhAB	n
17208dependent segment	CQtz	c
17209dependent system	CQuP	e
17210dependent transaction	CQut	j
17211dependent variable	CQvQ	r
17212deposit	CQv7	P
17213deposit region	CQwK	Z
17214depreciable cost	CQwj	e
17215depreciable life	CQxB	e
17216depreciation	CQxf	U
17217depreciation rate	CQxz	c
17218depth	CQyP	Y
17219depth first	CQyn	Z
17220deque	CQzU	Q
17221dequeue	CQzk	p
17222derivation graph	CQ0N	b
17223derivation language	CQ0o	h
17224derivation pattern	JmSf	s
17225derivation rule	CQ1J	d
17226derivation tree	CQ1m	a
17227derivative block	CQ2A	b
17228derivative control	CQ2b	g
17229derivative file	CQ27	d
17230derivative indexing	CQ3Y	h
17231derivative language	CQ35	h
17232derived data item	CQ4a	i
17233derived field	CQ48	b
17234derived filter	FLoJ	g
17235derived information	CQ5X	h
17236derived network	FLop	e
17237derived relation	CQ54	e
17238derived rule	CQ6W	a
17239derived sound	CQ6w	b
17240derived subprogram	CQ7L	j
17241derived type	CQ7u	a
17242derived type conversion	CQ8I	r
17243derived type definition	CQ8z	r
17244descend	CQ98	P
17245descendand	CQ+L	a
17246descendant	CQ+l	a
17247descendant node	CQ+/	a
17248descendant vertex	CQ/Z	f
17249descender	CQ/4	X
17250descending	CRAP	V
17251descending chain	CRAk	b
17252descending key	CRA/	Z
17253descending order	CRBY	Y
17254descending sequence	CRBw	h
17255descending sort	CRCR	d
17256descent method	CRCu	Z
17257descrambler	CRDH	W
17258describing	IPRQ	S
17259description	CRDd	b
17260description attribute matrix	CRD4	w
17261description block	CREo	c
17262description entry	CRFE	c
17263description language	CRFg	l
17264description list	CRGF	b
17265description oriented programming language	Gyev	B1
17266descriptive abstract	CRHl	i
17267descriptive language	CRIH	i
17268descriptive language	Dptq	o
17269descriptive manual	CRIp	g
17270descriptive model	CRJJ	i
17271descriptive session	CRJr	h
17272descriptive statement	CRKM	j
17273descriptor	CRKv	g
17274descriptor attribute	CRLP	l
17275descriptor attribute matrix	CRL0	2
17276descriptor base	CRMq	d
17277descriptor base register	CRNH	1
17278descriptor code	CRN8	g
17279descriptor flag	CROc	g
17280descriptor generator working segment	CRO8	BE
17281descriptor index	CRQA	e
17282descriptor queue	CRQe	h
17283descriptor queue element	CRQ/	v
17284descriptor register	CRRu	n
17285descriptor table	CRSV	e
17286design	CRSz	O
17287design aid	CRTB	e
17288design analysis	CRTf	d
17289design analyzer	CRT8	j
17290design approach	CRUf	d
17291design assertation consisitency checker	CRU8	BD
17292design assertion consistency checker	CRV/	BH
17293design automation	CRXG	i
17294design automation system	CRXo	v
17295design change request	CRYX	t
17296design choice logic	CRZE	n
17297design constraint	CRZr	f
17298design cycle	CRaK	a
17299design data book	CRak	k
17300design data package	CRbI	t
17301design development record	CRb1	x
17302design engineer	CRcm	j
17303design engineering	CRdJ	j
17304design environment	CRds	g
17305design fault	CReM	a
17306design file	CRem	Z
17307design framework	CRe/	e
17308design goal	CRfd	Z
17309design guideline	CRf2	e
17310design handbook	CRgU	g
17311design inspection	CRg0	f
17312design language	CRhT	d
17313design logic	CRhw	a
17314design objective	CRiK	e
17315design of experiment	CRio	i
17316design phase	CRjK	a
17317design programmer	CRjk	i
17318design reliability	CRkG	j
17319design requirement	CRkp	g
17320design rule checking	CRlJ	o
17321design simulation	CRlx	f
17322design strategy	CRmQ	d
17323design system	CRmt	b
17324design tactics	CRnI	c
17325design tradeoff	CRnk	d
17326design verification	CRoB	h
17327designated router	CRqj	o
17328designated terminal	CRrL	h
17329designated work centers	CRrs	o
17330designating device	CRsU	g
17331designation	CRs0	Y
17332designation device	CRtM	g
17333designation hole	CRts	e
17334designation hole	CRuK	b
17335designation indicator	CRul	m
17336designation number	CRvL	g
17337designation numeral	CRvr	l
17338designation numeral	CRwQ	e
17339designation of link	CRwu	h
17340designation of six character data field	CRxP	BE
17341designation punch	CRyT	f
17342designation punch	CRyy	c
17343designation register	CRzO	l
17344designational expression	CRzz	p
17345designator	CR0c	g
17346designator storage word	CR08	r
17347designed control unit	JfGr	y
17348designer console	CR1n	k
17349desirable recovery procedure	CR2L	z
17350desire value	CR2+	X
17351desired capacity	CR3V	e
17352desired shift length	CR3z	r
17353desk caculator	CR4e	f
17354desk calculator	CR49	g
17355desk calculator function	CR5d	v
17356desk check	CR6M	Y
17357desk checking	CR6k	b
17358desk computer	CR6/	e
17359desk management	CR7d	d
17360desk mounted word processing equipment	CR76	BA
17361desk top analogy systems	CR86	s
17362desk top calculator	CR9m	k
17363desk top computer	CR+K	m
17364desk top computer system	CR+w	v
17365desk top document copying machine	CR/f	4
17366desk top publish	CSAX	n
17367desk top reader	CSA+	j
17368desktop publishing system	CSCW	w
17369despatch	CSDG	Q
17370despatcher	CSDW	Y
17371despooler	CSDu	a
17372despotic network	CSEI	e
17373desq	CSEm	Q
17374destage	CSE2	P
17375destination	CSFF	b
17376destination accumulator	CSFg	o
17377destination address	CSGI	y
17378destination address field	CSG6	t
17379destination code	CSHn	h
17380destination code base	CSII	t
17381destination code byte	CSI1	w
17382destination code indicator	CSJl	x
17383destination element field	CSKW	t
17384destination field	CSLD	i
17385destination figure	CSLl	a
17386destination file	CSL/	e
17387destination form library	CSMd	p
17388destination host	CSNG	h
17389destination instruction	Inw0	l
17390destination name	CSN8	e
17391destination node	CSOa	h
17392destination port	CSO7	h
17393destination queue	CSPc	i
17394destination register	CSP+	o
17395destination selection	CSQm	m
17396destination set	CSRM	g
17397destination station	CSRs	e
17398destination station address	CSSK	s
17399destination subarea field	CSS2	t
17400destination subport address	CSTj	y
17401destination task	CSUV	e
17402destination teleprinter system	F8pu	BE
17403destination time	CSUz	e
17404destination warning marker	CSVR	0
17405destruct	CSWF	Q
17406destruct command receiver	CSWV	w
17407destruction	CSXF	W
17408destructive	H3NH	c
17409destructive	I+Cd	c
17410destructive addition	CSXb	l
17411destructive cursor	CSYA	j
17412destructive read	CSYj	h
17413destructive read element	GcIZ	BD
17414destructive read in	CSZE	k
17415destructive read out	CSZo	l
17416destructive reading	CSai	k
17417destructive readout	CSbG	h
17418destructive readout	GcJ3	s
17419destructive storage	CSbn	p
17420destructive test	CScQ	h
17421destructive testing	GcKj	5
17422destructor	CScx	Y
17423detach	CSdJ	W
17424detach terminal	CSdf	g
17425detachable plugboard	CSd/	l
17426detached	CSek	T
17427detached job	CSe3	d
17428detached process	CSfU	2
17429detached processing	CSgK	q
17430detached program	CSg0	h
17431detail	CShV	O
17432detail analysis	CShj	d
17433detail assembly panel	CSiA	q
17434detail bit	CSiq	Y
17435detail card	CSjC	W
17436detail chart	CSjY	d
17437detail condition	CSj1	e
17438detail condition register	CSkT	0
17439detail file	CSlH	k
17440detail flow chart	CSlr	i
17441detail lines	CSmN	X
17442detail printing	CSmk	d
17443detail record	CSnB	b
17444detail record count	CSnc	n
17445detail report in accounting format	CSoD	BI
17446detail report in production format	CSpL	BI
17447detail reports	CSqT	c
17448detail talble	CSqv	Y
17449detail tape	CSrH	W
17450detail time	CSrd	f
17451detailed design	CSr8	d
17452detailed load analysis	CSsZ	q
17453detailed operations list	CStD	s
17454detailed schedule	CStv	i
17455detect function	k2J	m
17456detectable element	CSuR	j
17457detectable field	CSu0	h
17458detectable group	CSvV	k
17459detectable segment	CSv5	g
17460detected fault	CSwZ	c
17461detected handle	CSw1	d
17462detecting	CSxS	R
17463detecting	H9bP	X
17464detecting code	C5Li	Z
17465detecting code	CSxj	Z
17466detecting routine	C5L7	f
17467detecting system	C5Ma	k
17468detecting system	CSyN	e
17469detection	CSyr	V
17470detection	HR0L	d
17471detection capabilities	DJEj	t
17472detection code byte	CSzA	q
17473detection monitor	CSzq	l
17474detection operation	JqZD	j
17475detection radar data processing	CS0P	5
17476detector	CS1c	X
17477detector	HZnc	W
17478detector amplifier	CS1z	m
17479detent	CS2Z	L
17480deterioration	CS2k	V
17481determinacy	GcLc	Z
17482determinant	CS25	W
17483determinate	Jf5M	c
17484determinate	Jf6i	c
17485determinate fault	CS3P	f
17486determinate region	CS3u	g
17487determination relationship	CS4O	o
17488determiner	CS5Q	S
17489deterministic	CS5i	b
17490deterministic automaton	CS59	r
17491deterministic case	CS7P	j
17492deterministic computation	GcL1	q
17493deterministic context sensitive language	CS7y	BN
17494deterministic diagram	CS9s	p
17495deterministic diagram	GcMf	p
17496deterministic finite automaton	CS+V	4
17497deterministic finite automaton	GcNI	4
17498deterministic grammar	CS/N	m
17499deterministic information structure	GcOA	6
17500deterministic language	CS/z	n
17501deterministic linear bounded automaton	CTAa	BG
17502deterministic process	CTBg	j
17503deterministic retrieval	CTCD	o
17504deterministic routing	CTCr	s
17505deterministic schedule	CTDX	n
17506deterministic simulation	CTD+	p
17507deterministic stack automaton	GcPi	3
17508deterministic system	CTEn	l
17509deterministic system	GcQZ	l
17510deterministic transfer function	CTF1	2
17511detour matrix	CTGr	b
17512deuna	CTHG	c
17513develop	CTHi	P
17514develope kit	CTHx	a
17515developed theory	JfHd	e
17516developer	CTIL	U
17517developer mix	CTIf	e
17518developing head	CTI9	a
17519development	JElH	Z
17520development cycle simulation	CTJX	w
17521development facility	CTKH	w
17522development management system	CTK3	x
17523development software	CTLo	i
17524development stage	CTMK	f
17525development system	CTMp	g
17526development system activity	CTNJ	v
17527development system step	CTN4	r
17528development time	CTOj	e
17529development time	CTPB	e
17530development toll	CTPf	e
17531development toll package	CTP9	y
17532development tolls	CTQv	c
17533deviation	CTRo	R
17534deviation alarm	CTR5	d
17535deviation computer	CTSW	j
17536deviation from original order quantity	CTS5	BG
17537deviation quantity	CTT/	g
17538device	CTUf	W
17539device	HAN8	U
17540device 0 attention switch	CTU1	u
17541device 0 ready light	CTVj	s
17542device adapter	CTWP	f
17543device adapter interface	CTWu	s
17544device address	CTXa	q
17545device allocation	CTYE	f
17546device assignment	CTYj	t
17547device availability	CTZQ	k
17548device backup	CTZ0	b
17549device base control block	CTaP	w
17550device block	CTa/	X
17551device busy	CTbW	Z
17552device character control	CTbv	s
17553device characteristics table	CTcb	t
17554device check	CTdI	a
17555device cluster	CTdi	c
17556device cluster size	CTd+	n
17557device code	CTel	W
17558device compatibility	CTe7	l
17559device control	CTfg	w
17560device control block	CTgQ	p
17561device control cell	CTg5	n
17562device control character	B6yJ	u
17563device control character	CThg	s
17564device control register	CTiM	u
17565device control register address	CTi6	8
17566device control table	CTj2	l
17567device control unit	CTkb	n
17568device controller	CTlC	i
17569device coordinate	CTlk	f
17570device data block	CTmD	m
17571device datatype	CTmp	j
17572device definition utility	CTnM	z
17573device dependent program	CTn/	s
17574device dependent routine	CTor	y
17575device descriptor block	CTpd	y
17576device descriptor module	CTqP	2
17577device designation	CTrF	g
17578device diagnostic program	CTrl	t
17579device directory	CTsS	e
17580device driver	CTsw	y
17581device driver routine	CTti	p
17582device end condition	CTuL	o
17583device error	CTuz	a
17584device failure	CTvN	c
17585device feedback	CTvp	d
17586device field	CTwG	f
17587device flag	CTwl	c
17588device function	CTxB	d
17589device function controller	CTxe	x
17590device function controller	CTyP	x
17591device handler	CTzA	i
17592device header	CTzi	b
17593device ic	IE6a	m
17594device id decoder	CTz9	o
17595device id register	CT0l	p
17596device identification	CT1O	j
17597device identifier	CT1x	m
17598device identifier code	CT2X	n
17599device independence	CT2+	k
17600device initial reset	CT3i	o
17601device initialize	CT4K	m
17602device input format	CT4w	r
17603device input queue	CT5b	m
17604device interface	CT6B	j
17605device interrupt	CT6k	k
17606device interrupt vector table	CT7I	x
17607device line	CT75	W
17608device management	CT8P	f
17609device media control language	CT8u	8
17610device message handler	CT9q	w
17611device name	CT+a	Z
17612device name table	CT+z	m
17613device not ready	CT/Z	h
17614device number	CT/6	b
17615device number register	CUAV	u
17616device output format	CUBD	s
17617device output format block	CUBv	x
17618device page	CUCg	f
17619device parameter list	CUC/	m
17620device pool management	CUDl	n
17621device priority	CUEM	j
17622device processor	CUEv	k
17623device queue	CUFT	a
17624device ready	CUFt	a
17625device reconfiguration	CUGH	q
17626device reference table	CUGx	r
17627device register	CUHc	g
17628device select code	CUH8	j
17629device selector	CUIf	g
17630device service task	CUI/	n
17631device slect pulse	CUJm	m
17632device space	CUKM	a
17633device status bit	CUKm	l
17634device status byte	CULL	p
17635device status register	CUL0	t
17636device status word	CUMh	n
17637device tolerance	CUNk	e
17638device type	CUOC	Z
17639device type table	CUOb	i
17640device unit	CUO9	Z
17641device utility program	CUPW	u
17642device vector	CUQE	b
17643device vector table	CUQf	o
17644device waiting queue	CURH	o
17645device work queue	CURv	l
17646dewey decimal classification	CUW0	z
17647dewey decimal system	CUXn	o
17648diacritical sign	CUYP	e
17649diad	CUYt	T
17650diadic operator	CUZA	g
17651diagnoal entry	CUZg	f
17652diagnosable	IPRi	c
17653diagnosable	IX6Y	l
17654diagnosable modular system	IPR+	+
17655diagnosable system	IPS8	j
17656diagnose interface	CUZ/	g
17657diagnosis	CUaf	R
17658diagnostic	CUaw	a
17659diagnostic	H9Ze	Y
17660diagnostic	I+C5	Y
17661diagnostic	IPTf	V
17662diagnostic check	CUbK	e
17663diagnostic communication	CUbo	m
17664diagnostic compiler	CUcO	n
17665diagnostic control program	CUc1	y
17666diagnostic decision logic table	CUdn	7
17667diagnostic dictionary	CUei	j
17668diagnostic diskette	CUfF	h
17669diagnostic facility	CUfm	h
17670diagnostic flow chart	CUgH	q
17671diagnostic function	CUgx	h
17672diagnostic function	IPT0	n
17673diagnostic function test	CUhS	BE
17674diagnostic instruction	CUiW	k
17675diagnostic loader	CUi6	l
17676diagnostic logic simulator	CUjf	x
17677diagnostic logout	CUkQ	f
17678diagnostic mode	CUkv	d
17679diagnostic monitor	CUlM	g
17680diagnostic order calculator	CUls	2
17681diagnostic package	CUmi	m
17682diagnostic program	CUnI	u
17683diagnostic program	IPUb	j
17684diagnostic programming	CUn2	q
17685diagnostic routine	CUog	u
17686diagnostic scan	CUpO	d
17687diagnostic shift register	CUpr	0
17688diagnostic statement	CUqf	i
17689diagnostic system	CUrB	f
17690diagnostic test	CUrg	d
17691diagnostic test	IPU+	j
17692diagnostic test page	CUr9	o
17693diagnostic testing routine	IPVh	x
17694diagnostic tool	CUsl	d
17695diagnostic trace program	CUtC	s
17696diagnostic track	CUtu	e
17697diagnostic tree	CUuM	a
17698diagnostic utility system	CUum	3
17699diagnostics	CUvz	Z
17700diagnostor	CUwM	Y
17701diagnotor	CUwk	U
17702diagonal	x1P	W
17703diagonal of a matrix	CUw4	o
17704diagram	BD30	P
17705diagram	CUxg	R
17706diagram block	CUxx	Y
17707diagram data flow	CUyJ	l
17708diagram dynamic flow	CUyu	o
17709diagram electrical schematic	CUzW	q
17710diagram engineering logic	CU0A	t
17711diagram flow	CU0t	a
17712diagram functional	CU1H	g
17713diagram logic	CU1n	Y
17714diagram logical	CU1/	a
17715diagram method	CU2Z	Z
17716diagram operator	BD4D	e
17717diagram operators	Do1z	o
17718diagram paper	CU2y	Y
17719diagram program	CU3K	d
17720diagram veitch	CU33	c
17721diagram venn	CU4T	a
17722diagrammatic notation	CU4t	m
17723dial	CU5T	i
17724dial access	CU51	Z
17725dial access information retrieval system	CU6O	BO
17726dial backup auto answer unit	CU7c	BC
17727dial check	CU8e	Y
17728dial conference	CU82	d
17729dial exchange	CU9T	b
17730dial in	CU9u	P
17731dial in port	CU99	X
17732dial line	CU+U	X
17733dial out	CU+r	Q
17734dial pulse	CU+7	Y
17735dial set	CU/T	T
17736dial system	CU/m	Z
17737dial terminal	CU//	e
17738dial tone	CVAd	X
17739dial transfer	CVA0	b
17740dial up	CVBP	P
17741dial up characteristics	CVBe	l
17742dial up connect	CVCD	d
17743dial up line	CVCg	a
17744dial up teleconferencing	CVC6	y
17745dial up terminal	CVDs	h
17746dialcom	CVF4	b
17747dialect	CVGT	P
17748dialectic sensors	CVGi	i
17749dialed circuit	CVHE	t
17750dialed line	CVHx	q
17751dialer	CVIb	R
17752dialing	CVIs	X
17753dialing	GWDk	Z
17754dialing device	CVJD	c
17755dialing set computer	CVJf	o
17756dialog	CVKr	W
17757dialog box	CVLB	V
17758dialog manager	CVLW	i
17759dialog terminal system	CVL4	x
17760dialogue	CVMp	Q
17761dialogue control file	CVM5	t
17762dialogue generator	CVNm	m
17763dialogue grammar	CVOM	e
17764dialogue layer	CVOq	Z
17765dialogue specification language	CVPD	3
17766dialogue subsystem	CVP6	j
17767dialogue system	CVQd	d
17768diamagnetic	CVQ6	Z
17769diameter	CVRT	Q
17770diamond switch	CVRj	c
17771diamonds	CVR/	Q
17772dibit	CVSP	Y
17773dibit encoding	CVSn	c
17774dibit transmission	CVTD	j
17775dicap storage	CVTm	k
17776dichotomizing	IHut	e
17777dichotomizing search	CVUK	l
17778dichotomy	CVUv	U
17779dichotomy system	CVVD	e
17780dicode	CVVh	O
17781dictate	CVVv	P
17782dictionary	CVV+	a
17783dictionary automatic	CVWY	i
17784dictionary catalog	CVW6	g
17785dictionary code	CVXa	d
17786dictionary directory	CVX3	i
17787dictionary electronic	CVYZ	m
17788dictionary element	CVY/	g
17789dictionary external symbol	CVZf	r
17790dictionary file	CVaK	u
17791dictionary fix utility	CVa4	w
17792dictionary management utility	CVbo	7
17793dictionary mechanical	CVcj	m
17794dictionary object	CVdJ	w
17795dictionary relocation	CVd5	m
17796dictionary verify	CVef	f
17797die	CVe+	L
17798dielectric	CVfJ	q
17799dielectric layer	CVfz	b
17800dielectric loss	CVgO	d
17801diferential gain	CVgr	e
17802diferential phase	CVhJ	f
17803diferential phase shift keying	CVho	y
17804diferential resolver	CVia	l
17805diferential transducer	CVi/	n
17806diferentiate	CVjm	c
17807diferrdd addressing	CVkC	h
17808difference	CVkj	S
17809difference algorithm	H197	n
17810difference amplifier	CVk1	o
17811difference gate	CVld	X
17812difference logic	CVl0	b
17813difference logical	CVmP	d
17814difference method	CVms	c
17815difference operator	zWQ	n
17816difference quantity	CVnI	h
17817difference register	CVnp	n
17818different style of chinese character	CVoQ	v
17819differential amplifier	CVo/	7
17820differential analyzer	CVp6	m
17821differential audio output	CVrC	w
17822differential computing potentiometer	CVry	/
17823differential file	CVsx	f
17824differential gear	CVtQ	f
17825differential mode	CVtv	f
17826differential mode	Hyav	m
17827differential modulation	CVuO	l
17828differentiating amplifier	CVv1	q
17829differentiating circuit	CVwf	l
17830differentiator	CVxE	Z
17831diffused transistor	HfK6	t
17832diffusion capacitance	CVxd	j
17833digested data	CVyA	b
17834digiplot	CVyb	c
17835digiralt	CVy3	f
17836digit	CVzW	V
17837digit	DigC	Q
17838digit	IOPv	W
17839digit	IsZN	T
17840digit	JElg	T
17841digit	JI2k	Z
17842digit	JIWE	c
17843digit adder	GvgQ	d
17844digit analysis	CVzr	c
17845digit arithmetic	CV0H	e
17846digit binary	CV0l	a
17847digit binary number	CoLh	q
17848digit bit	CV1V	X
17849digit buffer	CV1s	d
17850digit by digit algorithm	CV2J	m
17851digit capacity	CV2v	c
17852digit check	CV3L	Z
17853digit check	DcYE	f
17854digit circuit	CV4C	b
17855digit coded decimal	CV4d	n
17856digit coded voice	CV5E	l
17857digit column	CV5p	X
17858digit compression	CV6A	f
17859digit computer	CV6f	f
17860digit control system	CV6+	o
17861digit converter	WLt	n
17862digit count	CV7m	Z
17863digit decimal	CV7/	b
17864digit delay	CV8a	Z
17865digit delay element	CV8z	n
17866digit driver	CV9a	d
17867digit emitter	CV93	e
17868digit equivalent binary	CV+2	r
17869digit forbidden	CV/h	d
17870digit function	CV/+	c
17871digit gap	CWAa	X
17872digit hexadecimal	CWAx	i
17873digit least significant	CWBm	o
17874digit logic	CWCO	Z
17875digit marker	CWC6	a
17876digit most significant	CWDU	n
17877digit number	CoML	X
17878digit octal	CWD7	Z
17879digit order number	CWEU	a
17880digit path	CWEu	Y
17881digit period	CWFG	a
17882digit place	CWFg	k
17883digit plane	CWGE	W
17884digit plane driver	CWGa	q
17885digit position	CWHE	c
17886digit posting	I7sy	b
17887digit present	CWH9	e
17888digit product register	GLmt	s
17889digit punch	CWIb	Z
17890digit select	CWI0	a
17891digit selector	CWJO	f
17892digit sign	CWJt	b
17893digit significant	CWKI	f
17894digit specifier	CWKn	g
17895digit subtracter	Gvgt	w
17896digit sum check	CWLH	g
17897digit switching	CWLn	d
17898digit symbol display generator	CWME	7
17899digit time	CWM/	Y
17900digit time slot	CWNX	j
17901digit to binary converter	CWN6	2
17902digit transfer	JKQm	i
17903digit transfer bus	CWOw	p
17904digit transfer trunk	CWPZ	o
17905digit unallowable	CWQB	o
17906digit unallowable instruction	CWQp	0
17907digit wave form	CWRd	d
17908digit zero symbol	CWR6	i
17909digital	CWSc	a
17910digital	CXeG	2
17911digital	H7VD	Y
17912digital	VPE	g
17913digital adapter	VDd	o
17914digital adaptive area correlation	CWTf	BD
17915digital adaptive recording system	CWUi	BG
17916digital adder	CWVo	e
17917digital air data computer	CWWG	7
17918digital air data computer system	CWXB	BI
17919digital alarm clock	CWYJ	k
17920digital analog convert	CWS2	p
17921digital angle recorder	CWYt	x
17922digital angular position encoder	CWZe	6
17923digital approximation	CWaY	j
17924digital attenuator system	CWa7	w
17925digital audio disk	CWbr	j
17926digital automatic multiple pressure recorder	CWcO	BV
17927digital automatic pattern recognition	CWdj	BH
17928digital automatic program tester	VEF	BI
17929digital automatic readout tracker	CWeq	BG
17930digital automatic weather network	CWfw	BA
17931digital azimuth range tracking system	CWgw	BO
17932digital block	CWi3	e
17933digital branch exchange	CWjV	3
17934digital building block oriented language	CWkM	BO
17935digital camera	CWla	f
17936digital carrier system	CWl5	q
17937digital cartridge	CWmj	s
17938digital cassette recorder	CWnP	w
17939digital chain system	CWn/	i
17940digital channel	CWoh	d
17941digital character	CWo+	f
17942digital chip	VFN	o
17943digital circuit	CWpd	d
17944digital clock	CWp6	Y
17945digital clock pulse	CWqS	r
17946digital code	CWq9	d
17947digital code converter	CWra	x
17948digital coded voice	CWsL	n
17949digital command language	CWsy	w
17950digital command system	CWti	u
17951digital communication	CWuQ	j
17952digital communication set	CWuz	t
17953digital communication system	CWvg	0
17954digital comparator	CWwU	m
17955digital complement	CWw6	j
17956digital computer	CWxd	k
17957digital computer	IWVz	p
17958digital computer	VF1	p
17959digital computer association	CWyB	3
17960digital computer program	CWy4	z
17961digital computer programming	CWzr	9
17962digital computer technique	CW0o	x
17963digital computing system	CW1Z	s
17964digital computing system	VGe	0
17965digital concentration readout	CW2F	1
17966digital control	CW26	g
17967digital control computer	CW3a	z
17968digital control design language	CW4N	+
17969digital control system	CW5L	u
17970digital control system	VHS	y
17971digital control unit	CW55	l
17972digital controller	CW6e	j
17973digital conversion	CW7B	g
17974digital conversion	JFxZ	m
17975digital conversion equipment	VIE	4
17976digital converter	CW7h	i
17977digital converter	CXhB	r
17978digital converter	VI8	s
17979digital converter	VPk	v
17980digital converter	VQT	r
17981digital converter hybrids	VJo	BB
17982digital countdown system	CW8D	y
17983digital counter	CW81	g
17984digital cross correct	CW9V	p
17985digital data	CW9+	a
17986digital data	JJc9	g
17987digital data acquisition system	CW+Y	+
17988digital data buffer	CW/W	u
17989digital data communications message protocol	CXAE	BS
17990digital data communications system	CXBW	BC
17991digital data computer	CXCY	+
17992digital data display	CXDW	z
17993digital data encoder	F+8u	8
17994digital data exchange	CXEJ	t
17995digital data interconversion	VKp	4
17996digital data processor	CXE2	z
17997digital differential analyzer	CXFp	0
17998digital display	CXGd	d
17999digital document interchange format	CXG6	BF
18000digital element	VLh	l
18001digital encoder	VMG	o
18002digital equivalent	CXH/	j
18003digital image data	CXIi	q
18004digital image hard copy	CXJM	x
18005digital information display	CXJ9	6
18006digital input base	CXK3	q
18007digital input computer	CXLh	x
18008digital instrumentation system	FxBE	/
18009digital instrumentation system	FxCD	BF
18010digital integrated circuit	CXMS	u
18011digital integrated circuit element	CXNA	BB
18012digital interface	VMu	n
18013digital interface signal	CXOB	s
18014digital inupt module	CXOt	o
18015digital link interface	CXPV	q
18016digital logic circuit	CXP/	t
18017digital multiplier	CXQs	g
18018digital optical disk	CXRM	i
18019digital output module	CXRu	p
18020digital pattern generator	CXSX	0
18021digital real time computer	VNV	5
18022digital recorder	VQ+	t
18023digital recorder analyzer	CXTL	3
18024digital recording system	VRr	5
18025digital representation	CXUC	4
18026digital shift	CXU6	b
18027digital signal	CXVV	c
18028digital signal processing	CXVx	t
18029digital signal processor	CXWe	z
18030digital simulation omputer	VOO	2
18031digital sketch phone	CXXR	u
18032digital sort	CXX/	a
18033digital speech interpolation	CQHk	BE
18034digital standard relational interface	CXYZ	BE
18035digital store	HZny	l
18036digital subset	CXZd	c
18037digital system	CXZ5	c
18038digital to analog converter	CXaV	4
18039digital transmission	CXbN	i
18040digital transmission system	CXbv	v
18041digital value	CXce	V
18042digital variable	CXcz	e
18043digitalized	CXhs	W
18044digitization	CXiC	a
18045digitize	CXic	e
18046digitized	CXi6	U
18047digitized speech	CXjO	h
18048digitizer	CXjv	a
18049digraph	CXkJ	W
18050dile processing	CXkf	a
18051dimension	CXk5	q
18052dimension	DrgO	T
18053dimension	IDNd	n
18054dimension	IDOE	n
18055dimension	Iu7Y	T
18056dimension graphics support	JB0v	u
18057dimensional	JB1d	T
18058dimensional access	F8qy	k
18059dimensional access memory	F8rW	1
18060dimensional analysis	F8sL	m
18061dimensional array	F8sx	j
18062dimensional array	GLnZ	e
18063dimensional array	Gvhd	t
18064dimensional array	JB1w	f
18065dimensional code	GviK	e
18066dimensional communication system	Gvio	0
18067dimensional form	CXlj	e
18068dimensional fourier transform	Gvjc	0
18069dimensional language	GvkQ	i
18070dimensional memory organization	Gvky	2
18071dimensional path	Gvlo	e
18072dimensional path sensitizing	GvmG	BK
18073dimensional representation	GvnQ	r
18074dimensional sequence	Gvn7	i
18075dimensional support	F8tU	p
18076diminished	H2Ml	c
18077diminished radix complement	CXmB	v
18078diminshed radix complement	CXnU	u
18079diode	C5Yh	W
18080diode	CXoC	b
18081diode circuit	DLSt	k
18082diode function generator	CXod	y
18083diode germanium	CXpP	d
18084diode silcon	CXps	a
18085diode transistor logic	JpSx	BG
18086diode tunnel	CXqG	u
18087dipole modulation	CXq0	f
18088dirac distribution	DLUg	x
18089direct	CXrT	O
18090direct access	CXrh	p
18091direct access communication channel	CXsK	BC
18092direct access device	CXtM	8
18093direct access file	CXuI	m
18094direct access method	CXuu	p
18095direct access storage	CXvX	s
18096direct access storage device	CXwD	BV
18097direct access storage dump restore	CXxY	BL
18098direct access storage facility	CXyj	9
18099direct access storage subsystem	CXzg	8
18100direct access storage unit	CX0c	0
18101direct access store	CX1Q	q
18102direct address	CX16	f
18103direct addressing	CX2Z	f
18104direct adjacent channel interference	CX24	BD
18105direct call facility	CX37	o
18106direct coding	CX4j	b
18107direct computer control	CX4+	y
18108direct connection	CX5w	f
18109direct connection system	CX6P	s
18110direct control	CX67	c
18111direct control bus in	CX7X	3
18112direct control bus out	CX8O	4
18113direct control channel	CX9G	u
18114direct control connection	CX90	t
18115direct control hold in	CX+h	v
18116direct control oriented language	CX/Q	9
18117direct controled system	CYAN	r
18118direct correlation	CYA4	g
18119direct cost	CYBY	Z
18120direct coupled system	CYBx	t
18121direct coupled transistor logic	CYCe	BB
18122direct current	CYDf	Z
18123direct current amplifier	CYD4	p
18124direct current balancer	CYEh	o
18125direct current bias	CYFJ	h
18126direct current component	CYFq	p
18127direct current computer	CYGT	o
18128direct current converter	CYG7	p
18129direct current coupling	CYHk	l
18130direct current panel	CYIJ	l
18131direct data access arrangement	CYIu	4
18132direct data attachment	CYJm	x
18133direct data entry	CYKX	l
18134direct data organization	CYK8	s
18135direct data path	CYLo	k
18136direct data set	CYMM	g
18137direct deactivation	CYMs	h
18138direct derivation	CYNN	f
18139direct descendant	CYNs	f
18140direct digital control	CYOL	t
18141direct digital encoder	CYO4	x
18142direct digital multitask interface	CYPp	9
18143direct digital process control	CYQm	4
18144direct disc attachment	CYRe	x
18145direct display	CYSP	f
18146direct distance dialing	CYSu	v
18147direct distribution satellite	CYTd	x
18148direct driver	CYUO	h
18149direct encoding microinstruction	CYUv	3
18150direct entry photocomposition	CYVm	3
18151direct eurrent to alternating current	CYWd	7
18152direct execute language	CYXY	r
18153direct execution system	CYYD	r
18154direct father	CYYu	b
18155direct file	CYZJ	Z
18156direct file organization	CYZi	s
18157direct graph	CYaO	X
18158direct high level language processor	CYal	BH
18159direct histogram specification	CYbs	4
18160direct in	CYck	U
18161direct information access network	CYc4	BB
18162direct input	CYd5	a
18163direct insert subroutine	CYeT	v
18164direct instruction	CYfC	g
18165direct interface adapter	CYfi	z
18166direct inward dialing	CYgV	7
18167direct jump	CYhQ	Z
18168direct keying device	CYhp	o
18169direct labor cost	CYiR	l
18170direct labor cost variance	CYi2	0
18171direct least squares method	CYjq	2
18172direct line	CYkg	Z
18173direct line attachment	CYk5	r
18174direct line subscriber	CYlk	n
18175direct load	CYmL	c
18176direct location mode	CYmn	o
18177direct mapping	CYnP	c
18178direct mapping cache	CYnr	o
18179direct memory access	CYoT	BA
18180direct memory access controller	CYpT	BE
18181direct memory access interface	CYqX	BA
18182direct memory adapter	CYrX	z
18183direct memory address	CYsK	p
18184direct memory exchange	CYsz	x
18185direct memory line	CYtk	q
18186direct memory queue	CYuO	u
18187direct microprogrammed execution	CYu8	3
18188direct mode	CYvz	n
18189direct multiplex channel	CYwa	s
18190direct numerical control	CYxG	s
18191direct operation	CYyX	e
18192direct option repeater	CYy1	t
18193direct or relative file organization	CYzi	BH
18194direct order cost	CY0p	l
18195direct organization	CY1O	h
18196direct organization file	CY1v	s
18197direct out	CY2b	V
18198direct output	CY2w	b
18199direct outward dialing	CY3L	u
18200direct page register	CY35	r
18201direct parent	CY4k	b
18202direct percentage function	CY4/	x
18203direct printing	CY5w	d
18204direct procedence relation	CY6N	u
18205direct process	CY67	c
18206direct processor adapter	CY7X	2
18207direct program control	CY8N	q
18208direct ray	CY83	e
18209direct reading encoder	CY9V	n
18210direct reading totalizer	CY98	w
18211direct recording	CY+s	e
18212direct reduction	CY/K	e
18213direct reference	CY/o	s
18214direct reference address	CZAU	s
18215direct register transfer	CZBA	v
18216direct search	CZBv	b
18217direct selection	CZCK	e
18218direct sharing	CZCo	c
18219direct statement	CZDE	e
18220direct storage access	CZDi	w
18221direct substitution	CZES	h
18222direct subtract	CZEz	d
18223direct symbol recognition	CZFQ	t
18224direct system output	CZF9	s
18225direct transfer	CZGp	d
18226direct transmission	CZHG	h
18227direct usages	CZHn	e
18228direct view storage display	CZIF	y
18229direct view storage tube	CZI3	x
18230direct voice input	CZJo	m
18231direct voltage	CZKO	c
18232directed	I4bn	Z
18233directed field	E8Z+	Z
18234directed firmware	E8aX	f
18235directed flowgraph	CZRe	j
18236directed graph	CZSB	c
18237directed graph circuit algorithm	CZSd	6
18238directed inference system	HTWf	2
18239directed input	E8a2	c
18240directed inputoutput	E8bS	p
18241directed io	DfIq	m
18242directed list processor	DfWo	2
18243directed net	CZTX	X
18244directed rounding	CZTu	c
18245directed semantic graph	CZUK	s
18246directed transmission	DfH+	s
18247directed transmission	E8b7	j
18248directed tree	CZU2	m
18249directing character	CZVc	h
18250directing code	CZV9	c
18251directing listed spooled output	CZWZ	8
18252directing station	CZXV	f
18253direction	CZX0	Z
18254direction	Dau+	X
18255direction finder	CZYN	e
18256direction finding	CZYr	c
18257direction flow	CZZH	k
18258direction flow	H8rP	c
18259direction normal flow	CZZr	j
18260directional antenna	CZaO	h
18261directional coupler	CZav	n
18262directional dialog	6+I	g
18263directional filter	CZbW	j
18264directional heuristic	6+o	j
18265directional transceiver element	6/L	6
18266directions	CZb5	g
18267directive	CZcZ	Z
18268directive parameter block	CZcy	0
18269directive statement	CZdm	h
18270directivity	CZeH	T
18271directivity gain	CZea	b
18272directivity pattern	CZe1	h
18273directly addressable storage common area	CZfW	BS
18274directly coupled system	CZgo	r
18275directly executed language	CZhT	y
18276director	CZiF	e
18277directoried data set	CZij	l
18278directory	CZjI	d
18279directory area	CZjl	Z
18280directory assistance operator	CZj+	0
18281directory binding	CZky	f
18282directory block	CZlR	d
18283directory caching	CZlu	f
18284directory cluster size	CZmN	q
18285directory code	CZm3	Z
18286directory description block	CZnQ	s
18287directory device	CZn8	e
18288directory device	GcQ+	h
18289directory devices	CZoa	f
18290directory entries	CZo5	i
18291directory entry	CZpb	d
18292directory file	CZp4	c
18293directory hashing	CZqU	i
18294directory hierarchy	CZq2	h
18295directory key	CZrX	e
18296directory listing	CZr1	i
18297directory log	CZsX	b
18298directory management	CZsy	i
18299directory name	CZtU	c
18300directory path	CZtw	q
18301directory report	CZua	e
18302directory retrieval	CZu4	h
18303directory rights	CZvZ	e
18304directory routing	CZv3	l
18305directory search	CZwc	e
18306directory security	CZw6	m
18307directory segment	CZxg	c
18308directory specification	CZx8	l
18309directory structure	CZyh	h
18310directory structured	CZzC	l
18311directory table	CZzn	a
18312dirty bit	CZ0B	c
18313disable	CZ0d	f
18314disable channel	CZ08	d
18315disable instruction	CZ1Z	h
18316disable interrupt	CZ16	i
18317disable switch	CZ2c	c
18318disable word	CZ24	X
18319disabled	CZ3P	T
18320disabled module	CZ3i	d
18321disabler	CZ3/	T
18322disabling	CZ4S	R
18323disabling interrupt	CZ4j	h
18324disabling pulse	CZ5E	d
18325disabling tone	CZ5h	Z
18326disagreement set	CZ56	h
18327disambiguation	CZ6b	f
18328disarm	CZ66	O
18329disarm state	CZ7I	a
18330disarmed interrupt	CZ7i	g
18331disassemble	CZ8C	T
18332disassembler	CZ8V	d
18333disassembling	CZ8y	V
18334disassembly facility	fHZ	q
18335disaster dump	CZ9H	b
18336disbursement	CZ9i	U
18337disc	CZ92	c
18338disc address	CZ+S	a
18339disc allocation table	CZ+s	q
18340disc block	CZ/W	b
18341disc bootstrap program	CZ/x	q
18342disc buffer area access method	CaAb	BB
18343disc channel	CaBc	e
18344disc control	CaB6	e
18345disc controller	CaCY	j
18346disc data unit	CaC7	m
18347disc diameter	CaDh	e
18348disc drive	CaD/	e
18349disc file	CaEd	X
18350disc file assignment table	CaE0	x
18351disc file index	CaFl	j
18352disc file optimizer	CaGI	u
18353disc floppy	CaG2	W
18354disc format	CaHM	Z
18355disc magnetic	CaHl	V
18356disc management facility	CaH6	w
18357disc memory	CaIq	g
18358disc module	CaJK	Z
18359disc operating monitor	CaJj	0
18360disc pack	CaKX	U
18361disc pack driving module	CaKr	v
18362disc pack unit	CaLa	j
18363disc programming system	CaL9	x
18364disc resident system	CaMu	s
18365disc seal	CaNa	X
18366disc space management	CaNx	t
18367disc storage	CaOe	h
18368disc support system	CaO/	r
18369disc system	CaPq	Z
18370disc transport	CaQl	i
18371discard	CaRH	P
18372discard algorithm	CaRW	i
18373discharge	CaR4	V
18374discipline	CaSN	S
18375disclosure	CaSf	S
18376disconnect	CaSx	p
18377disconnect command	CaTa	g
18378disconnect mode	CaT6	r
18379disconnect signal	CaUl	t
18380disconnect timeout	CaVS	g
18381disconnected command chain	CaVy	v
18382disconnected digraph	CaWh	o
18383disconnected graph	CaXJ	g
18384disconnected signal	CaXp	h
18385disconnecting link	CaYK	g
18386disconnecting volume	CaYq	f
18387disconnection	CaZJ	V
18388discontact	CaZe	a
18389discontinuity	CaZ4	Y
18390discontinuous action	CaaQ	i
18391discontinuous binary number	Caay	v
18392discontinuous control system	Cabh	z
18393discontinuous function	CacU	n
18394discontinuous operation	Cac7	l
18395discontinuous segment	Cadg	j
18396discontinuous signal	CaeD	i
18397discontinuous transmission	Cael	o
18398discount	CafN	Q
18399discount percentages	Cafd	l
18400discount rate	CagC	Y
18401discounted cash flow	Caga	o
18402discrete	CahC	Q
18403discrete address	CahS	h
18404discrete address	Cahz	e
18405discrete address beacon system	CaiR	9
18406discrete algorithm	CajO	j
18407discrete analog	Cajx	d
18408discrete approximation	IR2D	n
18409discrete bit optical memory	CakO	4
18410discrete channel	CalG	e
18411discrete circuit	Calk	h
18412discrete compiler	CamF	l
18413discrete component	Camq	g
18414discrete component circuit	CanK	u
18415discrete component insertion machine	Can4	7
18416discrete component parts	Caoz	t
18417discrete continuous system	Capg	u
18418discrete control system	CaqO	r
18419discrete cosine transform	Caq5	t
18420discrete data	Carm	e
18421discrete distribution	CasE	j
18422discrete file format	Casn	o
18423discrete ic	CatP	f
18424discrete information source	Catu	s
18425discrete mathematics	Caua	i
18426discrete memoryless source	Cau8	u
18427discrete model	Cavq	c
18428discrete modules	CawG	e
18429discrete network simulation	Cawk	v
18430discrete order policy	CaxT	s
18431discrete order quantity	Cax/	u
18432discrete progamming	Cayt	h
18433discrete programming	CazO	o
18434discrete proportion	Caz2	k
18435discrete reasoning	Ca0a	g
18436discrete repersentation	Ca06	o
18437discrete representation	Ca1i	o
18438discrete sample	Ca2K	d
18439discrete series	Ca2n	d
18440discrete signal	Ca3E	d
18441discrete simulation	Ca3h	h
18442discrete simulation system	Ca4C	u
18443discrete source system simulation	Ca4w	7
18444discrete spectrum	Ca5r	c
18445discrete system	Ca6H	d
18446discrete topology	Ca6k	l
18447discrete transistor	Ca7J	n
18448discrete type	Ca7w	b
18449discrete unit	Ca8L	b
18450discrete value	Ca8m	Z
18451discrete variable	Ca8/	f
18452discrete wired circuits	Ca9e	0
18453discrete word intelligibility	Ca+S	u
18454discretionary array method	CbBI	x
18455discretionary controls	CbB5	q
18456discretionary hyphen	CbCj	r
18457discretionary wiring method	CbDO	s
18458discretization	CbD6	Z
18459discretization error	CbET	l
18460discriminant	CbE4	X
18461discriminant analysis	CbFP	j
18462discriminant approach	CbFy	g
18463discriminant declaration	CbGS	p
18464discriminant function	CbG7	m
18465discriminant speccification	CbHh	s
18466discriminating digit	CbIj	i
18467discriminating order	CbJF	i
18468discriminating selector	CbJn	o
18469discriminating tone	CbKP	e
18470discrimination	CbKt	Z
18471discrimination circuit	CbLG	k
18472discrimination data processing system	CbLq	BE
18473discrimination function	CbMu	l
18474discrimination instruction	CbNT	o
18475discrimination process	CbN7	k
18476discrimination ratio	CbOf	f
18477discrimination value	CbO+	f
18478discriminator	CbPd	d
18479discriminator initiation area	CbP6	y
18480disjoint	CbQs	T
18481disjoint binary trees	CbQ/	p
18482disjoint data set name	CbRo	q
18483disjoint path	Ga1J	k
18484disjoint policy	CbSS	g
18485disjoint subrage	CbSy	h
18486disjunct	CbTT	Q
18487disjunction	CbTj	T
18488disjunction	GcR6	W
18489disjunction gate	CbT2	b
18490disjunctive	IHvL	Z
18491disjunctive conjunctive goal tree	CbUR	4
18492disjunctive normal form	CbVJ	o
18493disjunctive search	CbVx	g
18494disjunctive syllogism	CbWR	m
18495disk	B65H	M
18496disk	CbW3	U
18497disk	Joy9	+
18498disk	JpT3	7
18499disk	xjM	V
18500disk access	CbXL	Z
18501disk adapter	CbXk	d
18502disk allocation	CbYB	g
18503disk backup	CbYh	Z
18504disk base	CbY6	U
18505disk based operation system	CbZO	v
18506disk based system	CbZ9	l
18507disk bootstrap program	Cbai	q
18508disk cache buffer	CbbM	i
18509disk cartridge	Cbbu	c
18510disk change memory	CbcK	p
18511disk channel	Cbcz	a
18512disk cluster allocation map	CbdN	v
18513disk coder	Cbd8	b
18514disk configuration	CbeX	s
18515disk control block	CbfD	n
18516disk control field	Cbfq	q
18517disk controller	CbgU	g
18518disk coprocessor board	Cbg0	t
18519disk data base	Cbhh	f
18520disk device	CbiA	Z
18521disk directory	CbiZ	c
18522disk dirve	Cbi1	V
18523disk dirve system	CbjK	l
18524disk drive	Cbjv	b
18525disk duplexing	CbkK	i
18526disk emulator	Cbks	e
18527disk enclosure	CblK	c
18528disk error	Cblm	Y
18529disk file	Cbl+	l
18530disk file check	Cbmj	n
18531disk file control unit	CbnK	1
18532disk file controller	Cbn/	r
18533disk file index	Cboq	j
18534disk file manager	CbpN	o
18535disk file optimizer	Cbp1	q
18536disk file subsysyem	Cbqf	q
18537disk file write	CbrJ	n
18538disk flutter	Cbrw	a
18539disk format	CbsK	Z
18540disk index hole	Cbsj	g
18541disk interfacing	CbtD	e
18542disk librarian	Cbth	l
18543disk management	CbuG	d
18544disk map	Cbuj	Z
18545disk monitor system	Cbu8	n
18546disk neck	Cbvj	X
18547disk operating system	Cbv6	p
18548disk operating system generation	Cbwj	BB
18549disk operating system module tester	Cbxk	BK
18550disk oriented system	Cbyu	r
18551disk overlay	CbzZ	a
18552disk overlay area	Cbzz	i
18553disk pack	Cb0V	j
18554disk parameter block	Cb04	o
18555disk platter	Cb1g	a
18556disk queue	Cb16	Y
18557disk queue control block	Cb2S	0
18558disk record form	Cb3h	k
18559disk recorder	Cb4F	h
18560disk recording format	Cb4m	p
18561disk remote operating system	Cb5P	7
18562disk request word	Cb6K	i
18563disk resident	Cb6s	b
18564disk resident overlay	Cb7H	p
18565disk resident overlay segment	Cb7w	3
18566disk resident system	Cb8n	o
18567disk resident utility	Cb9P	v
18568disk scavenging	Cb9+	p
18569disk scheduling policy	Cb+n	q
18570disk sector	Cb/R	Z
18571disk sense	Cb/q	m
18572disk server	CcAQ	c
18573disk server erase program	CcAs	z
18574disk server log station	CcBf	u
18575disk sharing	CcCN	a
18576disk sheet	CcCn	V
18577disk size	CcC8	d
18578disk sorting	CcDZ	o
18579disk space	CcEB	Y
18580disk spindle	CcEZ	a
18581disk storage	CcEz	k
18582disk storage area	CcFX	l
18583disk storage device	CcF8	n
18584disk storage drive	CcGj	d
18585disk storage module	CcHA	n
18586disk storage subsystem	CcHn	t
18587disk storage unit	CcIU	w
18588disk structure level 1	GslU	2
18589disk structure level 2	GsmK	2
18590disk substract	CcJE	c
18591disk surface	CcJg	a
18592disk system management	CcJ6	w
18593disk track	CcKq	Y
18594disk transfer address	CcLC	p
18595disk transfer area	CcLr	j
18596disk unit	CcMO	l
18597disk volume	CcMz	W
18598diskette	CcNJ	Q
18599diskette 1	CcNZ	k
18600diskette 2	CcN9	k
18601diskette 2d	CcOh	l
18602diskette 2d driver	CcPG	s
18603diskette directory	CcPy	g
18604diskette drive	CcQS	z
18605diskette drive adapter	CcRF	0
18606diskette entry forms	CcR5	o
18607diskette file	CcSh	b
18608diskette formatted tape	CcS8	u
18609diskette formatting	CcTq	k
18610diskette initialize	CcUn	k
18611diskette load and edit	CcVL	t
18612diskette location	CcV4	f
18613diskette operating system	CcWX	x
18614diskette preparation	CcXI	i
18615diskette segments	CcXq	f
18616diskette sheet	CcYJ	Z
18617diskette slot	CcYi	Y
18618diskette storage device	CcY6	r
18619diskette system	CcZl	d
18620diskless workstation	CcaC	o
18621diskpack	Ccaq	T
18622diskware	Cca9	W
18623dislocation	CcbT	T
18624dislocation array	Ccbm	f
18625dislocation density	CccF	h
18626dismount	Cccm	Y
18627dismount	F7Zg	X
18628dismounting a file structure	Ccc+	z
18629disparity code	HJY1	o
18630dispatch	CceD	Q
18631dispatch algorithm	CceT	j
18632dispatch list	Cce2	b
18633dispatch material inquiry	CcfR	t
18634dispatch network	Ccf+	e
18635dispatch processor time	Ccgc	u
18636dispatch queue entry	CchK	o
18637dispatch table	CjlQ	m
18638dispatcher	Cchy	l
18639dispatcher algorithm	CciX	r
18640dispatcher and schedule	CcjC	u
18641dispatcher control table	Ccjw	v
18642dispatcher descriptor	Cckf	s
18643dispatcher primitive	CclL	o
18644dispatcher queue segment	Cclz	p
18645dispatcher task	Ccmc	d
18646dispatchering	CcnR	V
18647dispatchering center	Ccnm	i
18648dispatchering cycle	CcoI	h
18649dispatchering point	Ccop	e
18650dispatchering priority	CcpH	n
18651dispatchering system	Ccpu	i
18652dispatching	CcqQ	W
18653dispatching center	Ccqm	g
18654dispatching priority	CcrG	l
18655dispath	Ccrr	X
18656dispatsal record	CcsC	e
18657disperse	Ccsg	Q
18658dispersed intelligence	Ccsw	n
18659dispersion gate	CctX	l
18660dispersion measure	Cct8	j
18661displace	Ccuf	Y
18662displaced indexed mode	Ccu3	q
18663displaced page	Ccvh	Z
18664displacement	Ccv6	Z
18665displacement address	1ke	u
18666displacement byte	CcwT	f
18667displacement deferred indexed	Ccwy	3
18668displacement deferred indexed mode	Ccxp	8
18669displacement deferred mode	Ccyl	u
18670displacement field	CczT	r
18671displacement function	Ccz+	j
18672displacement indexed mode	Cc0h	t
18673displacement method matrix generator	Cc1O	BD
18674displacement mode	Cc2R	f
18675displacement pulse	Cc2w	g
18676displacement region	Cc3Q	e
18677displacement transducer	Cc3u	o
18678displacements	Cc4W	d
18679display	Cc4z	f
18680display	JKX+	S
18681display a ruler	Cc5S	d
18682display access	Cc5v	c
18683display adapter	Cc6L	j
18684display alarm	Cc6u	b
18685display analysis console	Cc7J	v
18686display and printing calculator	Cc74	8
18687display area	Cc80	X
18688display assignment bit	Cc9L	q
18689display attribute	Cc91	f
18690display background	Cc+U	g
18691display based word processing equipment	Cc+0	BB
18692display board	Cc/1	Y
18693display buffer	CdAN	f
18694display calculator	B6y3	i
18695display calculator	B6zZ	i
18696display calculator	CdAs	j
18697display category	CdBP	e
18698display center	CdBt	c
18699display characters	CdCJ	g
18700display characters generator	CdCp	z
18701display characters per frame	CdDc	z
18702display colour	CdEP	c
18703display column	CdEr	Z
18704display command	CdFE	d
18705display component	CdFh	f
18706display console	CdGA	j
18707display console keyboard	CdGj	v
18708display control	CdHS	d
18709display control panel	CdHv	w
18710display control state	CdIf	p
18711display control unit	CdJI	o
18712display controller	CdJw	j
18713display cycle	CdKT	b
18714display data analysis	CdKu	p
18715display data item	CdLX	i
18716display data module	CdL5	n
18717display delayed	CdMg	d
18718display device	CdM9	c
18719display digital	CdNZ	d
18720display drum	CdN2	a
18721display editing	CdOQ	d
18722display editing features	CdOt	s
18723display editing functions	CdPZ	t
18724display editor	CdQG	f
18725display element	CdQl	g
18726display emulation	CdRF	f
18727display entity	CdRk	c
18728display field	CdSA	b
18729display field	GcSQ	e
18730display file	CdSb	a
18731display file handler	CdS1	u
18732display forced	CdTj	c
18733display foreground	CdT/	g
18734display format	CdUf	c
18735display formatting language	CdU7	2
18736display frame	CdVx	Y
18737display generation time	CdWJ	r
18738display generator	CdW0	i
18739display graphic	CdXW	d
18740display group	CdXz	Y
18741display halt	CdYL	a
18742display hardware	CdYl	e
18743display horizon	CdZD	d
18744display horizon value	CdZg	m
18745display image	CdaG	b
18746display information facility	Cdah	0
18747display input devices	CdbV	p
18748display instruction	Cdb+	h
18749display keys	Cdcf	X
18750display language	Cdc2	k
18751display layout sheet	Cdda	l
18752display line	Cdd/	a
18753display macro instruaction	CdeZ	u
18754display menu	CdfH	a
18755display mode	Cdfh	a
18756display module	Cdf7	c
18757display monitor	CdgX	j
18758display only	Cdg6	a
18759display optimal search tree	CdhU	1
18760display order	CdiJ	b
18761display oriented computer usage system	Cdik	BM
18762display packing	Cdjw	d
18763display paging	CdkN	c
18764display panel	Cdkp	e
18765display period intervals	CdlH	s
18766display place	Cdlz	Y
18767display point	CdmL	Y
18768display points per frame	Cdmj	s
18769display processing unit	CdnP	v
18770display processor	Cdn+	l
18771display processor loop	Cdoj	t
18772display quality	CdpQ	d
18773display recall control	Cdpt	t
18774display refresh time	Cdqa	o
18775display refresher rate	CdrC	q
18776display register	Cdrs	h
18777display screen	CdsN	c
18778display scrolling	Cdsp	f
18779display segment	CdtI	a
18780display sign clause	Cdti	n
18781display simulation	CduJ	g
18782display situation	Cdup	f
18783display size	CdvI	a
18784display software	Cdvi	e
18785display space	CdwA	b
18786display statement	Cdwb	f
18787display station	Cdw6	d
18788display status word	CdxX	k
18789display subsystem	Cdx7	i
18790display subsystem	DuAn	o
18791display surface	Cdyd	a
18792display system	Cdy3	c
18793display terminal	CdzT	h
18794display terminal types	Cdz0	q
18795display transmission generator	Cd0e	5
18796display tube	Cd1X	X
18797display unit	Cd1u	a
18798display update	Cd2I	c
18799display vector	Cd2k	c
18800display window manager	Cd3A	q
18801displayable characters	GcTq	n
18802displayed ruler	Cd4M	d
18803dispoay report period intervals	Cd4p	5
18804disposable tape reel	Cd5i	x
18805disregard message	Cd6T	f
18806dissconnect	Cd6y	b
18807dissconnect abort	Cd7N	f
18808dissector	Cd7s	U
18809dissector image	Cd8A	a
18810dissemination	Cd8a	d
18811dissipation	Cd83	Z
18812distance	Cd9Q	Q
18813distance	JKSL	Z
18814distance cable	FGzQ	c
18815distance call	FGzs	b
18816distance code	Cd9g	V
18817distance code	Fysh	e
18818distance code	H5Tu	n
18819distance code	JRyx	e
18820distance direct current dialing system	FG0H	BG
18821distance early warning	Cd+/	k
18822distance end	Cd/j	Y
18823distance gate	Cd/7	Y
18824distance hamming	CeAT	e
18825distance host	CeAx	b
18826distance host interface	CeBM	r
18827distance key	CeB3	X
18828distance line	FG1N	b
18829distance signal	CeCO	d
18830distance supervisory control	FG1o	w
18831distance tree	Ff/9	n
18832distance xerography	FG2Y	t
18833distant control	CeDA	X
18834distant echo	CeDX	a
18835distant exchange	CeDx	k
18836distant host	CeEV	a
18837distant radio communication	CeEv	1
18838distant radio communication priority	CeFk	BE
18839distant signal	CeGo	c
18840distant station reception	CeHE	t
18841distinct grammar	CeHx	e
18842distinct interface	CeIP	g
18843distinguished element	CeIv	j
18844distinguished sequence	CeJS	k
18845distinguished symbol	CeJ2	i
18846distinguished vertex	CeKY	f
18847distinguishing test	CeK3	h
18848distinguishing tree	CeLY	e
18849distort	CeL2	P
18850distortion	CeMF	a
18851distortion amplitude vs frequency	CeMf	v
18852distortion bias	CeNO	d
18853distortion coefficient	HZKO	9
18854distortion delay	CeOF	e
18855distortion end	CeOj	c
18856distortion fortuitous	CeO/	j
18857distortion performance	Ilyx	t
18858distortion phase	CePi	e
18859distortion set	CeQA	i
18860distortion teletypewriter signal	CeQ7	6
18861distortion total harmonic	CeR1	q
18862distribute	CeSf	S
18863distributed	CeSx	Z
18864distributed access	CeTK	j
18865distributed adaptive routing	CeTt	8
18866distributed application	CeUp	o
18867distributed application and processing system	CeVR	BP
18868distributed approach	CeWg	r
18869distributed arbitration	CeXL	o
18870distributed architecture	CeXz	p
18871distributed array processor	CeYc	5
18872distributed artificial intelligence system	CeZV	BH
18873distributed capacitance	Ceac	o
18874distributed circuit	CebE	k
18875distributed communication	Cebo	q
18876distributed communications architecture	CecS	BC
18877distributed computation	CedU	o
18878distributed computer	Ced8	o
18879distributed computer architecture	Ceek	BB
18880distributed computer network	Cefl	6
18881distributed computer system	Cegf	5
18882distributed computing	CehY	m
18883distributed computing system	Ceh+	3
18884distributed concurrency control algorithm	Cei1	BJ
18885distributed constants	Cej+	m
18886distributed control executive	Cekk	0
18887distributed control system	CelY	x
18888distributed data	CemJ	h
18889distributed data base	Cemq	p
18890distributed data base definition language	CenT	BJ
18891distributed data base management	Ceoc	6
18892distributed data base technique	CepW	5
18893distributed data base tested system	CeqP	BD
18894distributed data base transaction	CerS	BB
18895distributed data management	CesT	y
18896distributed data manipulation facility	CetF	BD
18897distributed data network	CeuI	w
18898distributed data processing	Ceu4	BJ
18899distributed data processing network	CewB	9
18900distributed data processing system	Cew+	/
18901distributed data switching	Cex9	x
18902distributed database	Ceyu	o
18903distributed debugging	CezW	m
18904distributed decoding	Cez8	l
18905distributed directory	Ce0h	m
18906distributed fault	Ce2k	i
18907distributed frame alignment signal	Ce38	8
18908distributed free space	Ce44	t
18909distributed function	Ce5l	l
18910distributed function architecture	Ce6K	8
18911distributed function computer system	Ce7G	BE
18912distributed function terminal	Ce8K	3
18913distributed graph algorithm	Ce92	1
18914distributed hardware system	IR2q	1
18915distributed indexed access method	Ce+r	+
18916distributed industrial management system	Ce/p	BF
18917distributed information network architecture	CfAu	BL
18918distributed intelligence system capability	CfB5	BH
18919distributed interactive computing environment	CfDA	BK
18920distributed interconnection	CfEK	s
18921distributed library	CfE2	n
18922distributed locking algorithm	CfFd	3
18923distributed logic	CfGU	i
18924distributed logic memory	CfG2	y
18925distributed loop computer network	CfHo	BG
18926distributed loop message communication protocol	CfIu	BY
18927distributed loop operating system	CfKG	+
18928distributed message switching system	CfLE	BB
18929distributed microprocessor control system	CfMF	BM
18930distributed minicomputer network	CfNR	BD
18931distributed multiprocessor	CfOU	0
18932distributed multiprocessor technology	CfPI	BF
18933distributed network	CfQN	k
18934distributed network supervisor	CfQx	7
18935distributed network system	CfRs	1
18936distributed of processor time	CfSh	0
18937distributed office system	CfTV	z
18938distributed operating system	CfUI	z
18939distributed order entry system	CfU7	BA
18940distributed organization	CfV7	p
18941distributed overflow space	CfWk	x
18942distributed parallel logic theory	CfXV	+
18943distributed parameter	CfYT	m
18944distributed parameter system	CfY5	z
18945distributed plant management	CfZs	z
18946distributed presentation managment	Cfaf	5
18947distributed presentation services	CfbY	BC
18948distributed printing	Cfca	l
18949distributed priority network	Cfc/	z
18950distributed process control system	Cfdy	BE
18951distributed processing	Cfe2	n
18952distributed processing communications module	Cffd	BO
18953distributed processing electronic mail	Cfgr	BD
18954distributed processing environment	Cfhu	9
18955distributed processing network	Cfir	1
18956distributed processing programming executive	Cfjg	BV
18957distributed processing structure	Cfk1	3
18958distributed processing system	Cfls	4
18959distributed processor	Cfmk	p
18960distributed program design language	CfnN	BF
18961distributed programming	CfoS	u
18962distributed protcol version	CfpA	y
18963distributed query	Cfpy	i
18964distributed query processing	CfqU	z
18965distributed query processing strategy	CfrH	BC
18966distributed replicated system	CfsJ	0
18967distributed resource management	Cfs9	2
18968distributed satellite system	Cftz	z
18969distributed search	Cfum	j
18970distributed shortest path algorithm	CfvJ	BD
18971distributed software measurement system	CfwM	BE
18972distributed software rellability	CfxQ	6
18973distributed system	CfyK	j
18974distributed system	DpuS	q
18975distributed system architecture communication	GcUR	BT
18976distributed system architecture layer	Cfyt	BC
18977distributed system executive	Cfzv	5
18978distributed system license option	Cf0o	+
18979distributed system network	Cf1m	0
18980distributed system program	Cf2a	1
18981distributed system satellite	Cf3P	z
18982distributed system terminal	Cf4C	5
18983distributing frame	Cf47	d
18984distribution	Cf5Y	c
18985distribution	HNhy	r
18986distribution box	Cf50	e
18987distribution by value	Cf6S	m
18988distribution cable	Cf64	d
18989distribution coefficient	Cf7V	p
18990distribution curve	Cf7+	j
18991distribution directory	Cf8h	k
18992distribution frame	Cf9F	d
18993distribution function	Cf9i	j
18994distribution kit	Cf+F	e
18995distribution list	Cf+j	f
18996distribution mode	Cf/C	f
18997distribution network	Cf/h	l
18998distribution of a document	CgAG	o
18999distribution office support system	CgAu	BJ
19000distribution point	CgB3	d
19001distribution program	CgCU	l
19002distribution request	CgC5	i
19003distribution sort	CgDb	i
19004distribution switch board	CgD9	k
19005distribution system	CgEh	o
19006distribution tape	CgFJ	i
19007distribution tape reel	CgFr	u
19008distribution time pulse	CgGZ	r
19009distribution variance	CgHE	m
19010distribution volume	CgHq	h
19011distributional class	CgIL	i
19012distributive document processing system	CgIt	BG
19013distributive lattice	CgJz	f
19014distributive law	CgKS	b
19015distributor	CgKt	Z
19016distributor transmitter	CgLi	o
19017disturb	CgM4	P
19018disturb current cycle	CgNH	p
19019disturb output	CgNw	c
19020disturb signal	CgPB	c
19021disturbance power	CgPd	f
19022disturbance storage	CgP8	k
19023disturbed cell	CgQg	c
19024disturbed character	CgQ8	h
19025disturbed condition	CgRd	v
19026disturbed one output	CgSM	l
19027disturbed read out	CgSx	g
19028disturbed response signal	CgTR	t
19029disturbed test	CgT+	c
19030disturbed zero output	CgUa	m
19031disturbed zero output signal	CgVA	z
19032disturbing frequency	CgXC	i
19033disturbing magnetic field	CgXk	n
19034disymmetry	CgYL	V
19035ditto	CgYg	N
19036dittogram	CgYt	a
19037divergence	CgZH	a
19038divergence problem	CgZh	g
19039divergent sequences	CgaB	h
19040diversity	CgbR	Z
19041diversity combiner	Cgbq	j
19042diversity converter	CgcN	k
19043diversity gate	Cgcx	Z
19044diversity reception	CgdK	h
19045diversity signal	Cgdr	e
19046diversity system	CgeJ	k
19047divide	CgfF	P
19048divide check	CgfU	a
19049divide check test	Cgfu	l
19050divide instruction	GHmD	h
19051divide out	CggT	X
19052divide package	GHmk	f
19053divide statement	Cggq	e
19054divide support routine	CghI	q
19055divide time	Cghy	Z
19056divide unit	GHnD	c
19057divided access line circuit	CgiL	v
19058divided by symbol	Cgi6	c
19059divided difference	CgjW	a
19060divided job processing	Cgjw	q
19061dividend	Cgka	b
19062dividend address operand	Cgk1	y
19063dividend length operand	Cgln	x
19064dividend string	CgmY	d
19065divider	Cgm1	e
19066divider circuit	CgnT	a
19067dividing circuit	CgoF	e
19068dividing filter	Cgoj	g
19069division	CgpD	c
19070division data line	Dk6I	v
19071division data link	Dk63	1
19072division data link	Dl0g	o
19073division engineering standard	Cgpf	1
19074division hashing	CgqU	e
19075division header	Cgqy	l
19076division modulation	Dl1I	l
19077division multiple access	Dl1t	x
19078division multiple access	IAzN	BA
19079division multiplex	Did2	v
19080division multiplex	Dl27	g
19081division multiplex	JE8X	g
19082division multiplex equipment	Dl3b	7
19083division multiplexermultiplexing	Dl4W	5
19084division multiplexing	G5py	BU
19085division multiplexing	It8i	u
19086division multiplexing	JE83	j
19087division multiplexing	iYr	v
19088division multiplexing limitations	Dl5P	+
19089division multiplier	JE9a	k
19090division sign	CgsB	V
19091division subroutine	CgsW	k
19092division time	Cgs6	b
19093division unit	GHQt	f
19094divisional communication	CgtV	p
19095divisor	Cgt+	X
19096divisor address operand	CguV	u
19097divisor length operand	CgvD	t
19098divisor register	GHHk	v
19099divisor string	Cgvw	c
19100dl1	CgwM	S
19101dll facility	Cgwe	m
19102do nothing operation	CgxE	r
19103dock	Cgyw	M
19104dock acknowledgement	Cgy8	i
19105document	Cgz0	d
19106document	GcVk	c
19107document	H5H5	Z
19108document abstract retrieval equipment	Cg0R	BE
19109document accession number	Cg1V	x
19110document alignment	Cg2G	g
19111document assembly	Cg2m	f
19112document cabinet	Cg3F	b
19113document classification	Cg3g	l
19114document clustering	Cg4F	h
19115document composition system	Cg4m	v
19116document control remote station	Cg5V	BB
19117document conversion	Cg6W	h
19118document copying	Cg63	e
19119document database	Cg7V	m
19120document delivery	Cg77	f
19121document destination	Cg8a	i
19122document effected code	Cg88	u
19123document format	Cg9q	d
19124document function	Cg+H	f
19125document handing	Cg+m	h
19126document handler processor	Cg/H	+
19127document identification number	ChAF	2
19128document identifier code	ChA7	p
19129document index	ChBk	c
19130document information	ChCA	i
19131document library facility	ChCi	u
19132document mark	ChDQ	b
19133document merge	ChDr	c
19134document misregistration	ChEH	p
19135document number	ChEw	d
19136document ordering system	ChF8	s
19137document preparation system	ChGo	v
19138document printer	ChHX	h
19139document processing	ChH4	h
19140document processing menu	ChIZ	s
19141document processing subsytem	ChJF	z
19142document processing system	ChJ4	u
19143document protocol	ChKm	f
19144document reader	ChLF	g
19145document reader subsystem	ChLl	z
19146document reference	CnRl	m
19147document reference edge	ChMY	o
19148document retrieval	ChNA	j
19149document retrieval index	ChNj	s
19150document retrieval system	ChOP	x
19151document searching	ChPA	g
19152document searching system	ChPg	t
19153document service center	ChQN	v
19154document sorter	ChQ8	g
19155document source	ChRc	d
19156document speling check function	ChR5	5
19157document structure	ChSy	g
19158document term matrix	ChTS	r
19159document text	ChT9	b
19160document title	ChUY	c
19161document transfer	ChU0	f
19162document transfer menu	ChVT	q
19163document transportation	ChV9	l
19164document type	ChWi	b
19165document window	ChW9	d
19166document writer	ChXa	g
19167documentation	ChX6	m
19168documentation aid system	ChYg	8
19169documentation book	ChZc	d
19170documentation convention	ChZ5	s
19171documentation rule	Chal	m
19172documentation superviser	ChbL	p
19173documentation system	Chb0	o
19174documented software tool	JfH7	1
19175documenting program	IPWS	n
19176documentor	Chcc	b
19177documentstion	Chc3	b
19178docuterm	ChdS	W
19179dog timer	JdbU	Y
19180dollar sign	Chdo	Z
19181domain	BJor	O
19182domain	CheB	R
19183domain calculus	CheS	a
19184domain device	FSEo	f
19185domain device	FSP8	h
19186domain memory	F75U	h
19187domain migration	Ches	e
19188domain network	GF8M	f
19189domain of function	ChfK	d
19190domain of relaction	Chfn	e
19191domain operator	ChgF	d
19192domain reflectormeter	G502	p
19193domain relational calculus	Chgi	v
19194domain resource	HAF/	g
19195domain shift register	BJo5	s
19196domain tip	ChhR	S
19197domain tip memory	Chhj	i
19198domain wall	ChiF	T
19199domain wall energy	ChiY	d
19200domain wall switching	Chi1	j
19201domains	Chjs	R
19202domestic robot	Chj9	f
19203domestic satellite	Chkc	t
19204dominance	ChlJ	U
19205dominate node	Chld	b
19206domino problem	Chl4	l
19207donor	Chpd	N
19208donor impurity	Chpq	f
19209donor ion	ChqJ	X
19210doorbell	Chqg	c
19211dope vector	Chq8	Z
19212doppler scoring system	7AF	x
19213dormant file structure	ChrV	q
19214dormant processor	Chr/	i
19215dormant segment	Chsh	d
19216dormant state	Chs+	b
19217dormant task	ChtZ	a
19218dos	F7+Q	g
19219dos	HTpM	m
19220dos booting	Chtz	l
19221dos diskette	ChuY	Y
19222dot	Chuw	I
19223dot band printer	Chu4	k
19224dot character generator	Chvc	u
19225dot character impact printing technique	ChwK	BK
19226dot character nonimpact printing technique	ChxU	BQ
19227dot character printer	Chyk	v
19228dot chart	ChzT	R
19229dot cycle	Chzk	X
19230dot matrix	Chz7	V
19231dot matrix character generator	Ch0Q	4
19232dot matrix plotter	Ch1I	m
19233dot matrix printer	Ch1u	m
19234dot pattern	Ch2U	c
19235dot printer	Ch2w	f
19236double	Ch3P	O
19237double	H2SX	U
19238double address	Ch3d	Z
19239double adjoint addressing	Ch32	w
19240double arrow	Ch4m	f
19241double balanced modulator	Ch5F	t
19242double bucket	Ch5y	k
19243double buffer	Ch6W	b
19244double bus	Ch6x	Y
19245double byte	Ch7J	Z
19246double byte character set	Ch7i	t
19247double byte code system	Ch8P	u
19248double byte interleaved	Ch89	v
19249double calculation	Ch9s	a
19250double carry	Ch+G	a
19251double chained linear list	Ch+g	u
19252double chained tree	Ch/O	e
19253double channel	Ch/s	Z
19254double channel duplex	CiAF	m
19255double channel simplex	CiAr	n
19256double character delimiter	CiBS	u
19257double column menu	CiCA	m
19258double current method	CiCm	g
19259double current signalling	CiDG	n
19260double current transmission	CiDt	p
19261double cycle	CiEW	X
19262double dabble	CiEt	Y
19263double dense recording	CiFF	n
19264double density	CiFs	Z
19265double density encoding	CiGF	o
19266double density floppy disk	CiGt	r
19267double density format	CiHY	m
19268double density recording	CiH+	p
19269double description method	CiIn	q
19270double dictionary	CiJR	c
19271double diffused metal oxide semiconductor	CiJt	BR
19272double diffused transistor logic	CiK+	/
19273double disk unit	CiL9	e
19274double end queue	CiMb	b
19275double entry card	CiM2	i
19276double entry system	CiNY	k
19277double error correction code	CiN8	t
19278double error correction scheme	CiOp	v
19279double error detection	CiPY	o
19280double exponential smoothing	CiQA	w
19281double floation data	CiQw	u
19282double frequency recording	CiRe	s
19283double layered text editor	CiSz	0
19284double length	CiTn	b
19285double length floating point number	CiUC	3
19286double length number	CiU5	i
19287double length register	CiVb	q
19288double length result	CiWF	l
19289double length shift	CiWq	n
19290double liked list	CiXR	f
19291double linkage	CiXw	c
19292double linked deque	CiYM	k
19293double linked list	CiYw	g
19294double linked rings	CiZQ	e
19295double loading	CiZu	f
19296double modulation	CiaN	q
19297double operand instruction	Cia3	u
19298double paging	Cibl	Y
19299double pole double throw	Cib9	s
19300double polling	Cicp	c
19301double precision	CidF	s
19302double precision arithmetic	Cidx	v
19303double precision array	Cieg	q
19304double precision computation	CifK	t
19305double precision constant	Cif3	q
19306double precision exponent	Cigh	q
19307double precision function	CihL	q
19308double precision hardware	Cih1	q
19309double precision real type	Ciif	x
19310double precision type	CijQ	m
19311double prioity	Cij2	Z
19312double pulse	CikP	X
19313double pulse recording	Cikm	n
19314double punch	CilN	X
19315double rail logic	Cilk	f
19316double recording check	CimD	n
19317double recursive	Cimq	h
19318double register	CinL	g
19319double shift	Cinr	X
19320double sideband	JJdd	g
19321double sideband modulation	CioC	r
19322double sideband signal	Ciot	n
19323double sideband transmission	CipU	t
19324double sided board	CiqB	d
19325double sided disk	Ciqe	f
19326double sided printed circuit board	Ciq9	5
19327double space	Cir2	X
19328double track	CisN	X
19329double type	Cisk	f
19330double undirect addressing	CitD	u
19331double uniform channel	Citx	q
19332double width character	Ciub	k
19333double word	Ciu/	W
19334double word boundary	CivV	i
19335double word command	Civ3	h
19336double word length	CiwY	g
19337double word length arithmatic	Ciw4	u
19338double word pointer	Cixm	k
19339double word register	CiyK	l
19340doubler	Ci61	S
19341doublet	Ci7H	V
19342doubleword	Ci7c	S
19343doubly chained technique	Ci7u	m
19344doubly chained tree	Ci8U	e
19345doubly connect list	Ci8y	h
19346doubly connected linear programming	Ci9T	3
19347doubly linked circular list	Ci+K	s
19348doubly linked linear list	Ci+2	q
19349doubly linked ring	Ci/g	d
19350doubly periodic function	Ci/9	p
19351doubly stochastic matrix	CjAm	p
19352down	Ccdx	S
19353down	CjBP	M
19354down	DKkT	M
19355down	DxuK	M
19356down	FBcO	M
19357down	G+SK	S
19358down	H+MJ	S
19359down	HSqu	S
19360down	HUX0	M
19361down	ICK1	V
19362down	IN8U	g
19363down	Ikmz	a
19364down	IwTq	M
19365down	JElz	S
19366down	JYBa	M
19367down analysis	JHSS	h
19368down analysis procedure	JHSz	0
19369down analyzer	JHTn	n
19370down approach	JHUO	k
19371down automaton	GcO6	o
19372down block structure	JHUy	x
19373down click	CjBb	S
19374down compiler	JHVj	n
19375down counter	CjBt	d
19376down counter	IqXP	d
19377down counter	JXM4	y
19378down current	BH8V	Y
19379down design	JHXB	c
19380down development	JHXd	n
19381down disign	JHYE	f
19382down error recovery	JHYj	t
19383down feed	DEol	R
19384down grammar	CTFM	p
19385down impedance	BH8t	a
19386down link	CjCK	X
19387down load	CjCh	R
19388down management orientation	JHZ7	4
19389down memory	glH	c
19390down menu	Htii	q
19391down method	JHaz	i
19392down mounting	JXP0	1
19393down parse	JHbV	e
19394down parser	JHbz	l
19395down parsing algorithm	JHcY	z
19396down parsing language	JHdL	0
19397down partitioning rule	JHd/	w
19398down period	IfKp	Z
19399down process	JHev	m
19400down program refinement	JHfV	x
19401down programming	JHgG	q
19402down recognizer	JHgw	s
19403down recursive parser	JHhc	1
19404down register	HvQE	e
19405down stack	FwHa	Y
19406down stack	HvQi	Y
19407down stepwise refinement	JHiR	1
19408down stream load	CjCy	e
19409down study	JCal	Y
19410down technique	JHjG	o
19411down testing	F2mE	u
19412down time	CjDQ	X
19413down time	IeTl	X
19414down time	IknN	X
19415down time	IwT2	X
19416down time ratio	CjDn	j
19417downline system load	CjFi	o
19418downline task load	CjGK	m
19419download	CjGw	Q
19420downloading	CjHA	Z
19421downstroke	CjHZ	S
19422downtime	CjHr	n
19423downward compatibility	CjIS	k
19424downward multiplexing	CjI2	p
19425downward reference	CjJf	u
19426doxn analysis	DILH	q
19427doyble click	CjKN	U
19428doyble precision constant	CjKh	q
19429dp	CjLL	T
19430dpt	CjLe	X
19431draft	CjL1	V
19432draft copy	CjMK	Y
19433draft international standard	CjMi	w
19434draft machine	CjNS	Y
19435draft printer	CjNq	h
19436draft tube	CjOL	V
19437drafter	CjPB	S
19438drafting	k2v	W
19439drafting machine	CjPT	b
19440drag	CjPu	M
19441dragging	CjP6	Q
19442drain	CjQK	V
19443drain logging	CjQf	V
19444drain message	CjQ0	b
19445drawer	CjRP	O
19446drawer directory	CjRd	e
19447drawing color	CjR7	b
19448drawing list	CjSW	a
19449drawing number	CjSw	W
19450dri	CjTG	a
19451drift	CjTg	N
19452drift computer	CjTt	f
19453drift corrected amplifier	CjUM	w
19454drift error	CjU8	Z
19455drifting characters	CjV/	h
19456drifting editing	CjWg	e
19457drifting symbol	CjW+	d
19458drill and practise	CjXb	a
19459drive	CjX1	Y
19460drive backwards	CjYN	d
19461drive capability	CjYq	e
19462drive circuit	CjZI	b
19463drive element	CjZj	b
19464drive identifier	CjZ+	k
19465drive letter	Cjai	j
19466drive mechanism	CjbF	d
19467drive name	Cjbi	b
19468drive pulse	Cjb9	Z
19469drive pulse generator	CjcW	s
19470drive requirement	Cjde	f
19471drive sense	Cjd9	c
19472drive source	CjeZ	X
19473drive specification	Cjew	k
19474drive surface	CjfU	Y
19475drive tape	Cjfs	f
19476driven	Eg4+	X
19477driven	IvjU	R
19478driven design	Dl6N	k
19479driven dialog system	Djt1	r
19480driven positioner	IcNV	o
19481driven procedure	C7AK	k
19482driven program	Fmyg	4
19483driven program	FpYm	7
19484driven program	GdC5	l
19485driven software	Ivjl	m
19486driven software implementation	IvkL	1
19487driven sweep	Bc5t	g
19488driven sweeps syn	GCWN	u
19489driven task	H0FP	f
19490driver	CjgL	U
19491driver analog line	Cjgf	q
19492driver board	CjhJ	a
19493driver bus	Cjhj	e
19494driver card	CjiB	Z
19495driver digit plane	Cjia	t
19496driver interrupt	Iy+R	n
19497driver line	CjjH	Z
19498driver power	Cjjg	a
19499driver software	Cjj6	g
19500driver start io routine	Cjka	2
19501driving mechanism	HUYA	l
19502drop	Cjns	M
19503drop dead halt	Cjn4	c
19504drop false	CjoU	S
19505drop in	Cjom	P
19506drop line	Cjo1	X
19507drop out	CjpM	Q
19508drop out detector	Cjpc	i
19509drop repeater	Cjp+	e
19510drop ship purchase order	Cjqc	1
19511drop transmission systeml	Hgn0	5
19512drop wire	CjrR	U
19513dropped bit	Cjs/	f
19514drum	Cjte	P
19515drum buffer	Cjtt	Z
19516drum control	CjuG	a
19517drum display	Cjug	a
19518drum drive	Cju6	f
19519drum head	CjvZ	X
19520drum log	Cjvw	W
19521drum magnetic	CjwG	V
19522drum memory system	Cjwb	q
19523drum memory unit	CjxF	k
19524drum number	Cjxp	W
19525drum oriented system	Cjx/	w
19526drum parity	Cjyv	n
19527drum plotter	CjzW	d
19528drum printer	Cjzz	d
19529drum program	Cj0Q	e
19530drum storage	Cj0u	h
19531drum storage system	Cj1P	n
19532drum timing pulse	Cj12	l
19533drum unit	Cj2b	b
19534dry cell	Cj22	T
19535dry contact	Cj3J	W
19536dry photography	Cj3f	a
19537dry process	IR3f	x
19538dry processor	Cj35	e
19539dry read contact	Cj4X	e
19540dry running	Cj41	W
19541dryrun	Cj5L	O
19542dsk	Cj5Z	X
19543dual	FGGD	j
19544dual	IPW5	P
19545dual access storage handling	Cj5w	7
19546dual bus	Cj6r	W
19547dual bus system	Cj7B	d
19548dual card	Cj7e	R
19549dual circuitry check	Cj7v	l
19550dual cluster	Cj8U	X
19551dual code	Cj8r	R
19552dual display	Cj88	X
19553dual function	IOS1	h
19554dual function	IPXI	e
19555dual gap head	Cj9T	Y
19556dual gate	Cj9r	U
19557dual graph	IPXm	Y
19558dual language	Cj9/	Y
19559dual level sensing	Cj+X	g
19560dual matrix	IPX+	c
19561dual operation	Cj+3	4
19562dual pages	Cj/v	g
19563dual port	CkAP	R
19564dual sector buffer	CkAg	j
19565dual storage	CkBD	h
19566dual system	CkBk	Z
19567dual system	IPYa	c
19568duality	CkDG	S
19569duality	IPY2	S
19570dubtract	GEN	T
19571duct system	CkD1	Z
19572due	CkEO	L
19573due date	CkEZ	T
19574due date adjusted to calendar start date	CkEs	BO
19575due date limit	CkF6	f
19576due date prior to calendar start date	CkGZ	BI
19577due date prior to current date	CkHh	4
19578due date prior to planning start date	CkIZ	BI
19579due date this release	CkJh	s
19580due dock	CkKN	Z
19581due stock	CkKm	a
19582dumb	CkLA	P
19583dummy	CkLP	c
19584dummy address	CkLr	b
19585dummy argument	CkMG	q
19586dummy argument identifier	CkMw	w
19587dummy array	CkNg	Z
19588dummy cell	CkN5	Y
19589dummy check	CkOR	Z
19590dummy control section	CkOq	j
19591dummy data	CkPN	V
19592dummy data set	CkPi	f
19593dummy deck	CkQB	Y
19594dummy device	CkQZ	a
19595dummy entry	CkQz	Z
19596dummy file	CkRM	Y
19597dummy host system input	CkRk	u
19598dummy input	CkSS	Z
19599dummy instruction	CkSr	f
19600dummy list	CkTK	V
19601dummy load	CkTf	Y
19602dummy loop	CkT3	Y
19603dummy main program	CkUP	g
19604dummy message	CkUv	b
19605dummy node	CkVK	Y
19606dummy order	CkVi	Z
19607dummy procedure	CkV7	d
19608dummy record	CkWY	a
19609dummy routine	CkWy	b
19610dummy section	CkXN	V
19611dummy state	CkXi	Z
19612dummy statement	CkX7	d
19613dummy string	CkYY	a
19614dummy terminal input	CkYy	o
19615dummy transfer	CkZa	c
19616dummy variable	CkZ2	c
19617dummy word	CkaS	V
19618dump	Ckan	U
19619dump change	CkbK	Z
19620dump check	Ckbj	Y
19621dump command	Ckb7	a
19622dump dynamic	Ckck	a
19623dump list	Ckc+	U
19624dump memory	CkdS	Z
19625dump mode	Ckdr	X
19626dump point	CkeC	V
19627dump postmortem	CkeX	d
19628dump power	Cke0	Y
19629dump routine	CkfM	a
19630dump selective	Ckfm	c
19631dump snapshot	CkgC	b
19632dump static	Ckgd	Z
19633dump storage	Ckg2	a
19634dumping	CkhQ	P
19635duobinary coding	Ckhf	k
19636duobinary system	CkiD	k
19637duodecimal	Ckin	Y
19638duodecimal notation	Cki/	h
19639duodecimal number	Ckjg	i
19640duodecimal number system	CkkC	v
19641duodecimal numeral	Ckkx	g
19642dup control code	CklR	e
19643duplex	Cklv	c
19644duplex	Duw7	U
19645duplex	HP3T	X
19646duplex	Ibx6	X
19647duplex	IbyR	X
19648duplex	hFM	a
19649duplex apparatus	CkmL	e
19650duplex artificial circuit	Ckmp	t
19651duplex channel	CknW	c
19652duplex channel	Dnkg	f
19653duplex channel	DuxP	f
19654duplex character transmission	Dnk/	0
19655duplex circuit	Dnlz	f
19656duplex communication centre	Ckny	v
19657duplex computer	Ckoh	g
19658duplex computer system	CkpB	q
19659duplex console	Ckpr	f
19660duplex contention	Duxu	i
19661duplex control	CkqK	c
19662duplex facilities	DnmS	i
19663duplex flow	FEUg	f
19664duplex independent	Ckqm	g
19665duplex line	CkrG	Z
19666duplex line	Dnm0	c
19667duplex link	DnnQ	c
19668duplex machine system	Ckrf	j
19669duplex mode	CksC	Z
19670duplex mode	Dnns	c
19671duplex operation	Cks+	e
19672duplex operation	DnoI	h
19673duplex operation	IR4Q	h
19674duplex performance	Dnop	j
19675duplex primary station	DnpM	n
19676duplex register	CkuI	g
19677duplex running	Ckuo	c
19678duplex service	Dnpz	f
19679duplex system	CkwH	b
19680duplex telephone lines	DnqS	q
19681duplex terminal	Dnq8	e
19682duplex transmission	Ckw9	h
19683duplex transmission	Dnra	k
19684duplex transmission	DuyQ	k
19685duplex way system	Ckxe	c
19686duplex working	Ckx6	c
19687duplexed redundancy	7A2	y
19688duplexed system	CkyW	a
19689duplexing	Ckyw	R
19690duplexing switching system	CkzB	u
19691duplicate	Ckzv	R
19692duplicate activity	Ck0A	g
19693duplicate arithmetic unit	Ck0g	t
19694duplicate equipment	Ck1N	h
19695duplicate error message	Ck1u	r
19696duplicate file	Ck2Z	c
19697duplicate key	Ck21	j
19698duplicate logical unit	Ck3Y	q
19699duplicate mass storage volume	Ck4C	0
19700duplicate message	Ck42	f
19701duplicate pointer array	Ck5V	r
19702duplicate recod	Ck6A	d
19703duplicate transmission	Ck6d	k
19704duplicate volume	Ck7B	b
19705duplicated record	Ck7c	f
19706duplicating check	Ck77	f
19707duplicating device	Ck8a	g
19708duplication	Ck86	T
19709duplication check	Ck9N	f
19710duplication code	Ck9s	b
19711duplication factor	Ck+H	g
19712duplication feature	k3F	n
19713duplication indicator	k3s	s
19714duplicator	Ck+n	V
19715duration	Ck+8	W
19716duration modulation	HuMu	h
19717duration of random walk	Ck/m	r
19718duration pulse	ClAR	c
19719duration repair	FG3F	d
19720duration sequence	DUNy	l
19721duration time modulation	ClAt	w
19722duty	GqeX	BA
19723duty cycle	ClCO	m
19724duty ratio	ClC0	V
19725dv	ClDm	Q
19726dyad	ClD2	S
19727dyadic	ClEI	R
19728dyadic array	ClEZ	a
19729dyadic boolean operation	ClEz	s
19730dyadic boolean operator	ClFf	u
19731dyadic instructions	ClGN	h
19732dyadic logical operation	ClGu	s
19733dyadic matrices	ClHa	j
19734dyadic operation	ClH9	e
19735dyadic operator	ClIb	g
19736dyadic processor	ClI7	h
19737dynamic	ClJx	S
19738dynamic	H9aQ	V
19739dynamic access	ClKD	c
19740dynamic access mode	ClKf	n
19741dynamic accuracy	ClLG	e
19742dynamic address	ClLk	d
19743dynamic address relocation	ClMB	x
19744dynamic address table	ClMy	q
19745dynamic address translation	ClNc	BB
19746dynamic address translator	ClOd	1
19747dynamic algorithm	ClPS	i
19748dynamic allocation	ClP0	g
19749dynamic allocation interface routine	ClQU	+
19750dynamic allocation memory	ClRS	w
19751dynamic allocation of new space	ClSC	5
19752dynamic architecture	ClS7	i
19753dynamic area	ClTd	X
19754dynamic array	ClT0	b
19755dynamic array bound	ClUP	k
19756dynamic assertion	ClUz	f
19757dynamic asynchronous logic circuit	ClVS	8
19758dynamic bandwidth allocation	ClWO	w
19759dynamic behavior	ClW+	e
19760dynamic binding	ClXc	r
19761dynamic buffer allocation	ClYH	w
19762dynamic buffering	ClY3	f
19763dynamic call	ClZW	a
19764dynamic cataloging	ClZw	g
19765dynamic cell	ClaQ	a
19766dynamic characteristics	Claq	l
19767dynamic check	ClbP	b
19768dynamic circuit	Clbq	d
19769dynamic cluster model	ClcH	p
19770dynamic collection buffer	GcWA	z
19771dynamic compiling	Clcw	f
19772dynamic computer check	CldP	t
19773dynamic computer group	Cld8	q
19774dynamic condition	Clem	f
19775dynamic constraint	ClfF	g
19776dynamic control	Clfl	d
19777dynamic control module area	ClgC	v
19778dynamic control system	Clgx	q
19779dynamic core allocation	Clhb	r
19780dynamic data area	CliG	i
19781dynamic data independence	Clio	w
19782dynamic data modification	CljY	t
19783dynamic data set definition	ClkF	y
19784dynamic data structure	Clk3	q
19785dynamic data structuring	Cllh	s
19786dynamic database	ClmN	h
19787dynamic debug	Clmu	b
19788dynamic debug mode	ClnJ	m
19789dynamic debugging technique	Clnv	z
19790dynamic debugging tool	Cloi	q
19791dynamic descendence	ClpM	h
19792dynamic device allocation	Clpt	t
19793dynamic device reconfiguration	Clqa	1
19794dynamic dispatching	ClrP	h
19795dynamic display	Clrw	d
19796dynamic distributed system	ClsN	x
19797dynamic dump	Cls+	a
19798dynamic effect model	CltY	o
19799dynamic error	CluA	b
19800dynamic file organization	Club	t
19801dynamic flow diagram	ClvI	l
19802dynamic gain	Clvt	a
19803dynamic gate	ClwH	X
19804dynamic hashing	Clwe	d
19805dynamic hazard	Clw7	c
19806dynamic image	ClxX	b
19807dynamic index	Clxy	b
19808dynamic indirect addressing	ClyN	v
19809dynamic information	Cly8	h
19810dynamic instruction	Clzd	h
19811dynamic link	Clz+	a
19812dynamic linking	Cl0Y	d
19813dynamic linking descriptor	Cl01	x
19814dynamic load	Cl1m	a
19815dynamic loader	Cl2A	i
19816dynamic loading	Cl2i	d
19817dynamic log	Cl2/	Z
19818dynamic logic	Cl3Y	b
19819dynamic loop	Cl3z	a
19820dynamic mapping allocation	Cl4N	x
19821dynamic mapping system	Cl4+	q
19822dynamic memory	Cl5o	j
19823dynamic memory	HybV	i
19824dynamic memory management	Cl6L	t
19825dynamic memory relocation	Cl64	2
19826dynamic microprocessor	Cl7u	q
19827dynamic microprogram control	Cl8Y	z
19828dynamic model	Cl9L	b
19829dynamic multiplexing	Cl9m	o
19830dynamic operation	Cl+O	f
19831dynamic optimization	Cl+t	l
19832dynamic order	Cl/S	b
19833dynamic ordering procedure	Cl/t	u
19834dynamic ordering search	CmAb	r
19835dynamic overlay	CmBG	d
19836dynamic page relocation	CmBj	0
19837dynamic parameter	CmCX	f
19838dynamic pool block	CmC2	j
19839dynamic priority	CmDq	h
19840dynamic procedure	CmEL	f
19841dynamic process	CmEq	n
19842dynamic process creation	CmFR	s
19843dynamic process deletion	CmF9	s
19844dynamic program debugging	CmGp	t
19845dynamic program loading	CmHW	r
19846dynamic program profile	CmIB	u
19847dynamic program relocation	CmIv	x
19848dynamic programming	CmJg	k
19849dynamic queue	CmKE	b
19850dynamic ram	CmKf	W
19851dynamic random access memory	CmK1	+
19852dynamic range	CmLz	b
19853dynamic reallocation	CmNQ	l
19854dynamic reconfiguration	CmN1	l
19855dynamic reconfiguration system	CmOa	y
19856dynamic region area	CmPM	k
19857dynamic register	CmPw	h
19858dynamic relocation	CmQR	x
19859dynamic relocation memory	CmRC	z
19860dynamic relocation program	CmR1	x
19861dynamic replication	CmSm	h
19862dynamic resource	CmTH	e
19863dynamic resource allocation	CmTl	v
19864dynamic resource assignment	GcWz	y
19865dynamic resource management	CmUU	v
19866dynamic response	CmVD	e
19867dynamic routine	CmVh	d
19868dynamic routing	CmV+	j
19869dynamic scene analysis	CmWh	q
19870dynamic scheduling	CmXL	g
19871dynamic scope	CmXr	b
19872dynamic scope rule	CmYG	p
19873dynamic semantics	CmYv	i
19874dynamic set	CmZR	W
19875dynamic sets	CmZn	X
19876dynamic sharing	CmZ+	d
19877dynamic shift register	Cmab	t
19878dynamic space reclamation	CmbI	t
19879dynamic standby computer	Cmb1	v
19880dynamic statistics	Cmck	j
19881dynamic stop	CmdH	a
19882dynamic storage	Cmdh	k
19883dynamic storage allocation	CmeF	u
19884dynamic storage allocation algorithm	Cmez	BB
19885dynamic storage allocation language	Cmf0	9
19886dynamic storage allocation scheme	Cmgx	7
19887dynamic storage allocstion	Cmhs	u
19888dynamic storage area	Cmia	p
19889dynamic storage cell	CmjD	o
19890dynamic storage device	Cmjr	q
19891dynamic storage management	CmkV	u
19892dynamic storage region	CmlD	1
19893dynamic subroutine	Cml4	j
19894dynamic support program	Cmmb	r
19895dynamic support system	CmnG	u
19896dynamic syntax	Cmn0	c
19897dynamic system	CmoQ	c
19898dynamic system identification	Cmos	x
19899dynamic system synthesizer	Cmpd	4
19900dynamic terminal	CmqV	h
19901dynamic test	Cmq2	a
19902dynamic text display system	CmrQ	1
19903dynamic track following	CmsF	r
19904dynamic transfer function	Cmsw	t
19905dynamic translation buffer	Cmtd	x
19906dynamic tree table	CmuO	g
19907dynamic trigger	Cmuu	g
19908dynamic user microprogramming	CmvO	6
19909dynamic variation	CmwI	f
19910dynamic volume control	Cmwn	n
19911dynamical load	CmxO	c
19912dynamically allocate	Cmxq	i
19913dynamically allocated pool	CmyM	x
19914dynamically modified channel program	Cmy9	+
19915dynamically redefinable character set	Cmz7	BC
19916dynamically user microprogrammable machine	Cm1W	BQ
19917dynamicizer	Cm2m	d
19918dynamics analyzer	Cm3D	l
19919dynamics analyzer	Cm3o	l
19920e beam	Cm4N	R
19921e beam bonding	Cm4e	c
19922e format	Cm46	S
19923e format code e	Cm5M	d
19924e layer	Cm5p	S
19925e notation	Cm57	X
19926e register	Cm6S	b
19927e type compensation	Cm6t	i
19928e13b	Cm8H	t
19929earliest starting time	Cm80	u
19930early date	Cm9i	Y
19931early installation support	Cm96	y
19932early programming language	Cm+s	4
19933early support program	Cm/k	t
19934early warning signal	CnAR	m
19935early warning system	CnA3	m
19936earnings	CnBd	Q
19937earth landing system	CnBt	p
19938earth station	CnCW	y
19939earth station disks	CnDI	q
19940earth switch	CnDy	f
19941earthing conductor	CnER	g
19942easy processing channel	CnEx	s
19943easycoder to cobol	CnFd	t
19944ebcdic code	CnGK	W
19945ec level	CnGg	c
19946ecchange	H5oX	Z
19947echo	CnIN	U
19948echo attenuation	CnIh	e
19949echo back	CnI/	X
19950echo check	CnJW	Y
19951echo control	CnJu	a
19952echo mode	CnKI	l
19953echo suppressor	CnKt	g
19954econometric software package	CnLN	6
19955economic analysis	CnMH	f
19956economic inventory procedures	CnMm	1
19957economic life	CnNb	b
19958economic order quantity	CnN2	s
19959economical order quantity	CnOi	u
19960economist	I1d2	d
19961edge	CnPQ	M
19962edge detection	CnPc	c
19963edit	CnUX	M
19964edit	E7YM	S
19965edit	H9al	S
19966edit	Hh68	S
19967edit	HiqI	S
19968edit buffer	CnUj	c
19969edit control character	CnU/	k
19970edit directed stream io	CnVj	4
19971edit lines command	CnWb	q
19972edit mode	CnXF	X
19973edit routine	CnXc	a
19974edit string	CnX2	Z
19975editable stored program	CnYP	y
19976editing	CnZB	X
19977editing clause	CnZY	c
19978editing environment	CnZ0	h
19979editing input data	CnaV	m
19980editing key	Cna7	W
19981editing mode	CnbR	a
19982editing subroutine	Cnbr	j
19983editing values	CncO	i
19984editing window	Cncw	c
19985edition	CndM	M
19986editor	CndY	j
19987editor card	Cnd7	c
19988editor function	CneX	d
19989editor linkage	Cne0	f
19990editor math	CnfT	Z
19991editor menu	Cnfs	n
19992editor mode	CngT	Z
19993editor program	CnhC	c
19994education	F3yN	0
19995educational information network	Cnh0	3
19996effecive information rate	Cnjq	q
19997effect	HZq1	X
19998effect transi	FqJO	+
19999effect transistor	FpvB	7
20000effect transistor	I+XX	r
20001effect transistor logic	IEuT	BN
20002effect transistor random access memory	DNtA	BZ
20003effective	JEmF	X
20004effective	JJbt	d
20005effective address	CnkU	f
20006effective date	CnlX	c
20007effective date from	Cnlz	k
20008effective date to	CnmX	i
20009effective frame	Cnm5	d
20010effective half word address	CnnW	z
20011effective noise bandwidth	CnoJ	x
20012effective radiated power	Cno6	w
20013effective rights	Cnpq	e
20014effective signal duration	CnqI	t
20015effective sound pressure	Cnq1	m
20016effective speed	Cnr4	d
20017effective speed	Cnrb	d
20018effective switching field	CnsV	q
20019effective time	Cns/	i
20020effective tranmission	H2yh	p
20021effective transfer rate	Cnth	v
20022effective transmission	CnuQ	k
20023effective transmission rate	Cnu0	s
20024effective transmission speed	Cnvg	w
20025effective utilization	CnwQ	m
20026effective value	Cnw2	a
20027effective virtual address	CnxQ	t
20028effective word	Cnx9	Z
20029effective word location	CnyW	o
20030effectiveness	Cny+	g
20031effectivity change	Cnze	j
20032effectivity date	Cn0B	h
20033effectivity date	JGYS	h
20034effector	Cn0i	T
20035efficiency	Cn01	S
20036efficiency algorithm	Cn1H	l
20037efficiency alpha factor	Cn1s	r
20038efficiency analysis	Cn2X	k
20039efficiency degradation	Cn27	k
20040efficiency factor	Cn3f	f
20041efficiency test	Cn3+	d
20042efficient codes	Cn4b	a
20043efficient estimators	Cn41	l
20044efficient operation	Cn5a	h
20045efficient parallel algorithm	Cn57	z
20046efficient protocol	Cn6u	g
20047efficient resource utilization	Cn7O	y
20048efficient runtime code	Cn8A	t
20049efficient slave support feature	Cn8t	5
20050efficient space management	Cn9m	4
20051efficient syntax	Cn+e	e
20052efficient typesetting	Cn+8	j
20053effort	Cn/f	c
20054eftp packed	Cn/7	r
20055egcs attribute	CoAm	a
20056egcs map	CoBA	V
20057egoless programming	CoBV	q
20058eia communication adapter	CoB/	8
20059eia interrace	CoDy	t
20060eia rs232c	CoEf	c
20061eia unit	CoE7	U
20062eiaj standards	CoGC	u
20063eigenfrequency	CoGw	c
20064eigenfunction	CoHM	b
20065eigenvalue	CoHn	g
20066eigenvector	CoIH	Z
20067eight bit adder	CoIg	j
20068eight code	Dihl	Y
20069eight place	CoJD	T
20070eight queens problem	CoJW	i
20071eihill	CoOv	o
20072either symbol	CoPX	b
20073either way communication	CoPy	p
20074either way operation	CoQb	l
20075eject	CoRX	R
20076eject key	CoRo	U
20077ejected	CoR8	P
20078ejection	CoSL	Q
20079ekg transmission	CoSb	h
20080elaborate collaterally	CoS8	k
20081elaboration	CoTg	T
20082elapsed cpu execution time	CoTz	BA
20083elapsed processing time	CoUz	r
20084elapsed time	CoVe	U
20085elapsed time measurement	CoVy	s
20086elapsed timer	CoWe	e
20087elastic buffer	CoXX	f
20088elastic memory distributor	CoX2	x
20089elastic store	CoYn	e
20090elasticity	CoZF	S
20091election	CoZX	W
20092electorstatic store	CoZt	o
20093electret	CoaV	T
20094electric	Coao	Q
20095electric	FSOP	T
20096electric	JK7d	Z
20097electric	JK9a	Z
20098electric accounting machine	Coa4	s
20099electric battery	Cobk	c
20100electric cable	CocA	a
20101electric calculating machine	Coca	t
20102electric charge	Codm	X
20103electric current	Cod9	Y
20104electric current density	CoeV	m
20105electric current measurement	Coe7	q
20106electric diaphragm switch	Cof0	t
20107electric discharge printer	Cogh	u
20108electric displacement density	CohP	x
20109electric display	DLbp	h
20110electric double layer	CoiA	j
20111electric doublet	Coij	e
20112electric experimental digital exchange	GZY8	Bu
20113electric field	CojB	W
20114electric field force	CojX	f
20115electric machine cad	Coj2	0
20116electric memory	DLcK	g
20117electric moment	Cokq	X
20118electric motor	ColB	f
20119electric permittivity	Colg	g
20120electric polarization	ComA	q
20121electric power research institute	Comq	6
20122electric power supply	Conk	n
20123electric robot	CooL	f
20124electric scanner	HZoX	l
20125electric scanning	HZo8	j
20126electric spark	Cooq	c
20127electric transducer	CopG	e
20128electric typewriter	Copk	k
20129electrical accounting machine	Coq4	y
20130electrical adder	Corq	h
20131electrical analog	CosL	f
20132electrical analogy	Cosq	g
20133electrical brush	CotK	Y
20134electrical circuit	Coti	a
20135electrical communication	Cot8	m
20136electrical computer	Coui	k
20137electrical conductivity	CovG	i
20138electrical conductor	Covo	c
20139electrical connector	CowE	i
20140electrical contact	Cowm	d
20141electrical degree	CoxD	Z
20142electrical engineering	Coxc	k
20143electrical insulation	CoyA	q
20144electrical interface	Coyq	w
20145electrical interference	Coza	l
20146electrical kilowatts	Coz/	g
20147electrical machine	Co0f	a
20148electrical measurement	Co05	k
20149electrical network	Co1d	g
20150electrical network analysis	Co19	p
20151electrical picture signal	Co2m	n
20152electrical potential	Co3N	c
20153electrical power control unit	Co3p	2
20154electrical readout	Co4f	g
20155electrical research association	Co4/	3
20156electrical reset	Co52	e
20157electrical schematic diagram	Co6U	q
20158electrical signal	Co6+	f
20159electrical tough pitch	Co7d	l
20160electrical transmission	Co8C	l
20161electrically alterable memory	Co8n	4
20162electrically alterable read only memory	Co9f	BN
20163electrically alterable rom	Co+s	6
20164electrically driven duplicator	CpAR	1
20165electrically erasable rom	CpBG	5
20166electrically powered	I3AC	i
20167electrically powered telephone	CpB/	s
20168electricaly erasable read only memory	CpDf	BL
20169electricity	CpEq	f
20170electrization	CpFJ	Y
20171electro interference	CpFh	i
20172electro jet	CpGD	d
20173electro lens	CpGg	d
20174electro lithography	CpG9	q
20175electro luminescent	CpHn	q
20176electro luminescent displays	CpIR	6
20177electro magnetic wave	CpJL	k
20178electro optic effect	CpJv	i
20179electro radiation	CpKR	f
20180electro sensitive	CpKw	f
20181electro switching system	CpLP	s
20182electroacoustic transducer	Cpd0	r
20183electrocardiogram processing	Cpef	t
20184electrocardiography	CpfM	n
20185electrocardiology	Cpfz	c
20186electrochromeric display	CpgP	v
20187electrocircuit	Cpg+	W
20188electrodata center	CphU	s
20189electrodata machine	CpiA	q
20190electrode	Cpiq	R
20191electrodeposition	Cpi7	c
20192electrodynamic multiplier	CpjX	t
20193electrodynamics	CpkE	d
20194electroencephalogram	Cpkh	f
20195electroencephalography	CplA	n
20196electroencephalology	Cpln	i
20197electrograph	CpmJ	d
20198electrographic printer	Cpmm	n
20199electrographic recording	CpnN	m
20200electroluminescent diode	Cpnz	v
20201electroluminescent film	Cpoi	v
20202electroluminescent panel	CppR	t
20203electroluminescent screen	Cpp+	t
20204electroluminesecence	Cpqr	i
20205electrolysis	CprN	U
20206electrolytic capacitor	Cprh	s
20207electrolytic printing	CpsN	j
20208electrolytic recording	Cpsw	k
20209electrolytic solution	CptU	j
20210electromachanical analog computer	Cpt3	4
20211electromachanical plotter	Cpuv	t
20212electromachining	Cpvc	b
20213electromagnet	Cpv3	i
20214electromagnetic	CpwZ	a
20215electromagnetic communication	Cpwz	u
20216electromagnetic compatibility	Cpxh	u
20217electromagnetic contactless relay	CpyP	7
20218electromagnetic delay line	CpzK	o
20219electromagnetic environment	Cpzy	p
20220electromagnetic field	Cp0b	g
20221electromagnetic hazard	Cp07	n
20222electromagnetic induction input	Cp1i	z
20223electromagnetic intelligence	Cp2V	w
20224electromagnetic intelligence system	Cp3F	8
20225electromagnetic interference	Cp4B	t
20226electromagnetic interference control	Cp4u	4
20227electromagnetic radiation	Cp5m	n
20228electromagnetic radiation control	Cp6N	1
20229electromagnetic relay	Cp7C	m
20230electromagnetic rotating storage	Cp7o	6
20231electromagnetic surveillance	Cp8i	u
20232electromagnetic unit	Cp9Q	m
20233electromagnetic wave	Cp92	j
20234electromagnetic wave transmission	Cp+Z	y
20235electromagnetics	Cp/w	b
20236electromagnetostatic field	CqAL	o
20237electromechanical device	CqAz	m
20238electromechanical plotter	CqCD	t
20239electromechanical relay	CqCw	v
20240electromechanical robot	CqDf	u
20241electromechanical switching	CqEN	s
20242electrometer	CqE5	b
20243electromigration	CqFU	Y
20244electromotive force	CqFs	i
20245electromotive unit	CqGO	k
20246electron	CqGy	Q
20247electron accelerator	CqHC	l
20248electron avalanche	CqHn	g
20249electron beam	CqIH	Y
20250electron beam addressable memory	CqIf	BC
20251electron beam printing	CqJh	n
20252electron beam recording	CqKI	z
20253electron brain	CqK7	W
20254electron bunch	CqLR	c
20255electron charge	CqLt	d
20256electron collision	CqMK	g
20257electron computer	CqMq	i
20258electron current	CqNM	e
20259electron density	CqNq	e
20260electron device	CqOI	g
20261electron device testing	CqOo	r
20262electron emission	CqPT	f
20263electron energy	CqPy	d
20264electron eye	CqQP	k
20265electron flow	CqQz	Y
20266electron gun	CqRL	a
20267electron lens	CqRl	b
20268electron mail	CqSA	b
20269electron mass	CqSb	b
20270electron megavolt	CqS2	j
20271electron octet	CqTZ	l
20272electron pair	CqT+	Y
20273electron paramagnetic resonance	CqUW	6
20274electron positron pair	CqVQ	n
20275electron rays	CqV3	Y
20276electron trap	CqWP	e
20277electron tube	CqWt	Y
20278electron volt	CqXF	e
20279electronegativity	CqZ7	c
20280electronic	CqaX	V
20281electronic accounting machines	Cqas	v
20282electronic analog fire control computer	Cqbb	BK
20283electronic analog multiplier	Cqcl	z
20284electronic attachment	CqdY	j
20285electronic automatic exchange	Cqd7	4
20286electronic beam machining	Cqez	q
20287electronic billing machine	Cqfd	r
20288electronic binary multipling computer	CqgI	BF
20289electronic blackboard	CqhN	j
20290electronic brain	Cqhw	f
20291electronic building brick	CqiP	n
20292electronic bulk memory	Cqi2	w
20293electronic calculator	Cqjm	m
20294electronic cash register	CqkM	t
20295electronic charge	Cqk5	Z
20296electronic cipher machine	CqlS	u
20297electronic circuit	CqmA	g
20298electronic circuit	Cqmg	g
20299electronic circuit analog program	CqnA	7
20300electronic circuit packaging	Cqn7	w
20301electronic circuitry	Cqor	l
20302electronic clock	CqpQ	b
20303electronic codebook operation	Cqpr	0
20304electronic coder	Cqqf	h
20305electronic communications	CqrA	q
20306electronic component	Cqrq	i
20307electronic composition	CqsM	k
20308electronic computer	Cqsw	r
20309electronic computer center	Cqtb	x
20310electronic computer originated mail	CquM	BI
20311electronic computer system	CqvU	x
20312electronic control	CqwF	g
20313electronic counter	Cqwl	m
20314electronic counter counter measures	CqxL	/
20315electronic counter measures	CqyK	t
20316electronic countermeasure computer	Cqy3	5
20317electronic countermeasures satellite	Cqzw	4
20318electronic data acquisition	Cq0o	v
20319electronic data exchange	Cq1X	s
20320electronic data image	Cq2D	p
20321electronic data interchange	Cq2s	z
20322electronic data processing	Cq3f	y
20323electronic data processing management science	Cq4R	BN
20324electronic data processing memory thinfilm	Cq5e	BK
20325electronic data processing system	Cq6o	BA
20326electronic data processor	Cq7o	w
20327electronic data switching system	Cq8Y	6
20328electronic decision maker	Cq/a	t
20329electronic design interchange format	CrAH	BD
20330electronic desk calculator	CrBK	x
20331electronic detent	CrB7	i
20332electronic device	CrCd	p
20333electronic device	G3zX	j
20334electronic dictionary	CrDG	j
20335electronic differential analyzer	CrDp	3
20336electronic differential analyzer	CrEg	3
20337electronic divider	CrFX	j
20338electronic document delivery systems	CrF6	+
20339electronic document distribution	CrG4	0
20340electronic document system	CrHs	u
20341electronic drafting maching	CrIa	w
20342electronic editing	CrJK	g
20343electronic editor	CrJq	i
20344electronic emission	CrKM	h
20345electronic engineering	CrKt	k
20346electronic equipment	CrLR	i
20347electronic exchange	CrLz	h
20348electronic eye	CrMU	m
20349electronic failure report	CrM6	x
20350electronic filing	CrNr	l
20351electronic form	CrOQ	d
20352electronic form system	CrOt	q
20353electronic format control	CrPX	t
20354electronic function generator	CrQE	0
20355electronic funds transfer	CrQ4	r
20356electronic funds transfer system	CrRj	/
20357electronic ground support equipment	CrSi	BC
20358electronic hash	CrTk	d
20359electronic image	CrUB	e
20360electronic image generator	CrUf	1
20361electronic industrial association	CrVU	5
20362electronic industries association	CrWN	5
20363electronic industries association	CrXG	5
20364electronic industries standard code	CrX/	6
20365electronic information	CrY5	k
20366electronic information exchange	CrZd	z
20367electronic information exchange system	CraQ	BF
20368electronic instrument	CrbV	j
20369electronic interface	Crb4	v
20370electronic interface integrated validation	Crcn	BP
20371electronic interface unit	Crd2	x
20372electronic interference	Cren	o
20373electronic invoicing machine	CrfP	0
20374electronic jamming	CrgD	j
20375electronic journal	Crgm	g
20376electronic keyboard	CrhG	h
20377electronic keyboard system	Crhn	z
20378electronic keying	Cria	m
20379electronic knowledge	CrjA	p
20380electronic label reader	Crjp	1
20381electronic launching equipment	Crke	2
20382electronic library	CrlU	j
20383electronic library search	Crl3	w
20384electronic line printer	Crmn	s
20385electronic line scanning	CrnT	p
20386electronic lock	Crn8	a
20387electronic machine tool control	CroW	z
20388electronic mail	CrpJ	g
20389electronic mail network	Crpp	r
20390electronic mail service	CrqU	r
20391electronic mail subsystem	Crq/	w
20392electronic mail system	Crrv	u
20393electronic mailbox	Crsd	g
20394electronic maildrop	Crs9	h
20395electronic mailing	Crte	g
20396electronic management system	Crt+	0
20397electronic materials information services	Cruy	BI
20398electronic message	Crv6	g
20399electronic message service	Crwa	y
20400electronic message service system	CrxM	BA
20401electronic message system	CryM	x
20402electronic mode control	Cry9	v
20403electronic model	Crzs	e
20404electronic modularassembly	FrQs	5
20405electronic module	Cr0K	f
20406electronic moving display panel	Cr0p	2
20407electronic multiple automatic exchange	Cr1f	BI
20408electronic neuron network	Cr2n	t
20409electronic neuron network simulation	Cr3U	+
20410electronic news gathering	Cr4S	x
20411electronic numerical integrator and calculator	Cr5D	BX
20412electronic office	Cr6a	i
20413electronic orbit	Cr68	e
20414electronic overlay	Cr7a	g
20415electronic package	Cr76	m
20416electronic packaging	Cr8g	i
20417electronic parallel digital computer	Cr9C	BB
20418electronic pen	Cr+D	h
20419electronic plotter	Cr+k	j
20420electronic print	Cr/H	e
20421electronic print reader	Cr/l	u
20422electronic printer	CsAT	j
20423electronic processing	CsA2	j
20424electronic processing equipment	CsBZ	z
20425electronic program	CsCM	g
20426electronic publishing	CsCs	j
20427electronic publishing system	CsDP	w
20428electronic puncher	CsD/	j
20429electronic random number generator	CsEi	5
20430electronic reading machine	CsFb	r
20431electronic reconnaissance	CsGG	n
20432electronic reconnaissance accessory	CsGt	BD
20433electronic reconnaissance facility	CsHw	2
20434electronic reconnaissance system	CsIm	0
20435electronic record	CsJa	f
20436electronic recording machine	CsJ5	t
20437electronic recording machine accounting	CsKm	BA
20438electronic register sender	CsLm	4
20439electronic remote switching	CsMe	z
20440electronic resolver	CsNR	k
20441electronic retina chatracter reader	CsN1	BF
20442electronic retina computing reader	CsO6	BE
20443electronic robot	CsP+	h
20444electronic scales	CsQf	f
20445electronic scanning radar	CsQ+	t
20446electronic search	CsRr	f
20447electronic secretary	CsSK	i
20448electronic security	CsSs	n
20449electronic serial digital computer	CsTT	/
20450electronic signal	CsUS	f
20451electronic signalling system	CsUx	w
20452electronic slide rule	CsVh	m
20453electronic speech recognition	CsWH	x
20454electronic spreadsheet	CsW4	n
20455electronic spreadsheet software	CsXf	2
20456electronic statistical machine	CsYV	v
20457electronic stencil	CsZE	g
20458electronic storage device	CsZk	t
20459electronic store information system	CsaR	BC
20460electronic stylus	CsbT	c
20461electronic surveillance	Csbv	l
20462electronic surveillance equipment	CscU	1
20463electronic sweep generator	CsdJ	1
20464electronic switch	Csd+	i
20465electronic switch	IR4x	p
20466electronic switch system	Cseg	s
20467electronic switching ecnter	CsfM	v
20468electronic switching programming language	Csf7	BO
20469electronic switching system	CshJ	z
20470electronic switching system	HPjQ	y
20471electronic switching system	IR5a	5
20472electronic switching system control	Csh8	9
20473electronic switching system flow chart	Csi5	BK
20474electronic systems simulator	CskD	3
20475electronic table calculator	Csk6	y
20476electronic telegraph switching system	Csls	BC
20477electronic teletype exchange	Csmu	5
20478electronic test equipment	Csnn	t
20479electronic timing set	CsoU	t
20480electronic translator	CspB	m
20481electronic tutor	Cspn	k
20482electronic typing calculator	CsqL	3
20483electronic typing system	CsrC	w
20484electronic viewfinder	Csry	m
20485electronic warfare	CssY	d
20486electronic warfare computer	Css1	v
20487electronic warning system	Cstk	t
20488electronical integration assembly	CswG	5
20489electronics	Csw/	W
20490electronics	F4pJ	c
20491electronics committee	GPHi	BA
20492electronics industries association	Csx7	6
20493electronics molecular	CsxV	m
20494electrooptic coefficient	Csy1	m
20495electrophotographic printer	Cszb	y
20496electrophotographic printing	Cs0N	w
20497electrophotographic process	Cs09	5
20498electrophotography	Cs12	j
20499electroplated film disk	Cs2Z	r
20500electroplated film head	Cs3E	r
20501electroplating	Cs3v	W
20502electroplating bath	Cs4F	e
20503electropneumatic controller	Cs4j	y
20504electropolish	Cs5V	Y
20505electroscope	Cs5t	X
20506electrosensitive matrix printer	Cs6E	5
20507electrosensitive paper	Cs69	l
20508electrosensitive printer	Cs7i	s
20509electrosensitive recording	Cs8O	r
20510electrostatic accumumlator	Cs85	r
20511electrostatic adhesion	Cs9k	n
20512electrostatic bonding	Cs+L	j
20513electrostatic charge	Cs/N	i
20514electrostatic deflection	Cs/v	m
20515electrostatic discharge	CtAV	l
20516electrostatic document copying machine	CtA6	BU
20517electrostatic effect	CtCO	i
20518electrostatic field	CtCw	e
20519electrostatic field interference	CtDO	x
20520electrostatic focusing	CtD/	k
20521electrostatic image	CtEj	h
20522electrostatic latent image	CtFE	o
20523electrostatic loudspeaker	CtFs	q
20524electrostatic memory	CtGW	l
20525electrostatic memory tube	CtG7	q
20526electrostatic plotter	CtHl	m
20527electrostatic printer	CtIL	m
20528electrostatic printing	CtIx	k
20529electrostatic printing head	CtJV	s
20530electrostatic record paper	CtKB	r
20531electrostatic recording	CtKs	l
20532electrostatic recording paper	CtLR	u
20533electrostatic reproduction	CtL/	o
20534electrostatic screen	CtMn	i
20535electrostatic separator	CtNJ	o
20536electrostatic shield	CtNx	i
20537electrostatic storage	CtOT	q
20538electrostatic storage	JKYQ	m
20539electrostatic storage tube	CtO9	v
20540electrostatic storage unit	CtPs	u
20541electrostatic voltmeter	CtQa	o
20542electrostatic wattmeter	CtRC	o
20543electrostatic writing head	CtRq	r
20544electrostatics	CtSV	Z
20545electrostriction	CtSu	l
20546electrostrictive	CtTT	e
20547electrostrictive effect	CtTx	r
20548electrothermal recording	CtUc	m
20549electrothermic print	CtVC	i
20550electrothermic printer	CtVk	q
20551electrowriter	CtWO	e
20552electrronic multiplier	CtWs	n
20553element	CtXT	c
20554element	CtXv	i
20555element active	CtYR	c
20556element address	CtYt	d
20557element and	CtZK	X
20558element area	CtZh	U
20559element binary	CtZ1	c
20560element code	CtaR	X
20561element combinational logic	Ctao	v
20562element control system	F8t9	t
20563element count	CtbX	b
20564element cryogenic	Ctby	f
20565element data	CtcR	a
20566element decision	Ctcr	e
20567element delay	CtdJ	b
20568element descriptor	Ctdk	j
20569element digit delay	CteH	n
20570element entry	Cteu	Y
20571element error rate	CtfG	j
20572element expression	Ctfp	j
20573element field	CtgM	j
20574element field description statement	Ctgv	9
20575element function	Cths	e
20576element group	CtiK	Y
20577element id	Ctii	b
20578element interleaving	Cti9	i
20579element list	Ctjf	X
20580element logic	Ctj2	b
20581element majority decision	CtkR	t
20582element method	DUOX	j
20583element nand	Ctk+	Y
20584element negation	CtlW	b
20585element nor	Ctlx	X
20586element number	CtmI	c
20587element occurrence rank	Ctmk	r
20588element or	CtnP	U
20589element passive	Ctnj	d
20590element position	CtoA	e
20591element precessor	Ctoe	l
20592element radiometer system	F8uq	4
20593element sequential logic	CtpD	s
20594element size	Ctpv	a
20595element string	CtqJ	j
20596element threshold	Ctqs	f
20597element variable	CtrL	e
20598element with distributed parameters	Ctrp	3
20599element with lumped parameters	Ctsg	y
20600elemental	CttS	R
20601elemental algorithm	Cttj	k
20602elemental cable section	CtuH	r
20603elemental form	Ctuy	c
20604elemental network	CtvO	f
20605elemental standard data system	Ctvt	9
20606elemental term	Ctwq	Z
20607elemental work	CtxD	c
20608elementary	Ctxf	a
20609elementary arithmetic	Ctx5	j
20610elementary boolean matrix	Ctyc	t
20611elementary chain	CtzJ	b
20612elementary closure property	Ctzk	v
20613elementary component	Ct0T	i
20614elementary condition	Ct01	i
20615elementary contraction	Ct1X	k
20616elementary cycle	Ct17	e
20617elementary data item	Ct2Z	l
20618elementary data ytpe	Ct2+	o
20619elementary field	Ct3m	e
20620elementary homomorphism	Ct4E	l
20621elementary instruction	Ct4p	k
20622elementary item	Ct5N	a
20623elementary matrix	Ct5n	f
20624elementary network	Ct6G	g
20625elementary object	Ct6m	f
20626elementary operation	Ct7F	l
20627elementary path	Ct7q	d
20628elementary process	HAOQ	j
20629elementary sentence	Ct8H	h
20630elementary statistics	Ct8o	m
20631elementary user	Ct9O	d
20632elephant	Ct9r	Y
20633elevated electrode integrated circuit	Ct+D	BB
20634elevated floor	Ct/E	c
20635elevation angle	Ct/g	X
20636elevation computer	Ct/3	j
20637elevation scanning	CuAa	o
20638elevator seeking	CuBC	h
20639eleven punch	CuBj	c
20640elidble hypernotion	CuDW	n
20641elide	CuD9	N
20642elidible process	CuEK	e
20643eligible	CuEo	b
20644eligible for purge	CuFD	d
20645eligible list	CuFg	Y
20646eliminate	CuF4	R
20647eliminating bad block	CuGJ	j
20648eliminating dead assignments	CuGs	z
20649elimination factor	CuHf	g
20650elimination filter	0HO	j
20651elimination method	CuH/	d
20652elimination of tautologies	CuIc	u
20653elimination of unknowns	CuJK	r
20654elimination technique	CuJ1	j
20655eliminator	CuKl	V
20656elite	CuK6	i
20657ellipse	CuLc	S
20658ellipsis	CuLu	T
20659elliptical orbitation	CuMB	j
20660elongation	CuMk	a
20661else	CuM+	M
20662else clause	CuNK	b
20663else if statement	CuNl	l
20664else operation	CuOq	c
20665else process	CuPG	a
20666else rule	CuPg	X
20667else statement	CuP3	c
20668else symbol	CuQT	Z
20669em character	CuRj	j
20670em dash	CuSG	V
20671emanation	CuSb	U
20672emanation security	CuSv	m
20673embed	CuTV	N
20674embeddable	CuTi	V
20675embeddable chain	CuT3	e
20676embedded	CuUV	T
20677embedded blanks	CuUo	d
20678embedded code	CuVF	b
20679embedded command	CuVg	e
20680embedded compiler	CuV+	l
20681embedded computer	CuWj	l
20682embedded computer system	CuXI	y
20683embedded conductor	CuX6	g
20684embedded environment	CuYa	i
20685embedded format control	CuY8	r
20686embedded hyphen	CuZn	g
20687embedded interpreter	CuaH	o
20688embedded key	Cuav	X
20689embedded language	CubG	f
20690embedded linker directive	Cubl	z
20691embedded markov process	CucY	x
20692embedded multivalue dependency	CudJ	1
20693embedded pointer	Cud+	e
20694embedded pointers	Cuec	f
20695embedded ruler	Cue7	c
20696embedded scsi	CufX	t
20697embedded servo	CugE	c
20698embedded software	Cugg	t
20699embedded space	CuhN	c
20700embedded structure	Cuhp	g
20701embedded switch	CuiJ	d
20702embedded system	Cuim	d
20703embedded system design	CujD	q
20704embedded text control	Cujt	p
20705embedded track zero sensing	CukW	1
20706embedding	Culz	R
20707embedding grammar	Gd5o	l
20708embedding grammar	IPZI	p
20709embedding inference	IPZx	k
20710embedding mapping	CumE	f
20711embedding property	IPaV	q
20712embeded head	Cumj	d
20713embody	CunA	O
20714embossed plate printer	CunO	n
20715embossment	Cun1	S
20716embracing	CuoH	R
20717emergency	CuoY	c
20718emergency action	Cuo0	i
20719emergency bed request system	CupW	BA
20720emergency button	CuqW	e
20721emergency call	Cuq0	c
20722emergency category	CurQ	g
20723emergency communication net	Curw	s
20724emergency communication terminal	Cusc	3
20725emergency communications	CutT	m
20726emergency detection system	Cut5	u
20727emergency equipment	Cuun	h
20728emergency exchange	CuvI	g
20729emergency exit	Cuvo	c
20730emergency interconnection	CuwE	n
20731emergency key	Cuwr	Y
20732emergency maintenance	CuxD	m
20733emergency maintenance time	Cuxp	u
20734emergency message automatic transmission system	CuyX	BV
20735emergency mobile communication	Cuzs	y
20736emergency mode	Cu0e	i
20737emergency network	Cu1A	f
20738emergency operation	Cu1f	h
20739emergency operations system	Cu2A	v
20740emergency power off	Cu3L	l
20741emergency power supply	Cu3w	o
20742emergency program	Cu4Y	l
20743emergency proving period	Cu49	s
20744emergency requirement	Cu5p	j
20745emergency route	Cu6M	d
20746emergency set	Cu6p	b
20747emergency signal	Cu7E	e
20748emergency signal alarm	Cu7i	x
20749emergency stop indicator	Cu8T	z
20750emergency switch	Cu9G	e
20751emergency switch	Cu9k	i
20752emergency treatment	Cu+G	l
20753emergent ray	Cu+8	a
20754emi control	Cu/W	f
20755emission	Cu/1	Q
20756emission designator	CvAF	k
20757emission law	CvAp	a
20758emission policy	CvBD	d
20759emission secruity	CvBg	f
20760emission security	CvB/	l
20761emissivity	CvCk	V
20762emit	CvC5	M
20763emit data	CvDF	X
20764emit field	CvDc	l
20765emit instruction	CvEB	e
20766emit instruction debugging	CvEf	u
20767emittance	CvFN	R
20768emitted electron energy	CvFe	o
20769emitter	CvGG	f
20770emitter barrier capacitance	1hh	6
20771emitter character	CvGl	i
20772emitter coupled logic	CvM+	8
20773emitter digit	CvHm	e
20774emitter follower	CvIE	h
20775emitter function logic	CvIl	u
20776emitter junction diode	CvJo	q
20777emitter leg	CvKS	Z
20778emitter pulse	CvKr	h
20779emitter saturation voltage	1ib	3
20780emitter selective digit	CvLM	o
20781emitter terminal	CvL0	h
20782emitter time constant	CvMV	p
20783emitter voltage	1jS	m
20784eml analysis	CvOT	j
20785emmitting diode	E0+9	k
20786emmitting diode coupler	E0/h	x
20787emphasis	CvO2	Q
20788emphasis circuit	CvPG	e
20789emphasis network	CvPk	e
20790emphatic form	CvQC	b
20791empirical calculation	CvRG	j
20792empirical calculation	IR6T	m
20793empirical distribution	CvRp	k
20794empirical documentation	CvSN	l
20795empirical equation	IR65	j
20796empirical relationship	IR7c	n
20797emplacement	CvSy	T
20798employee badge number	CvTF	s
20799employee number	CvTx	d
20800employee shift override	CvUO	r
20801employeer rate override	CvU5	r
20802employer identification code	CvVk	x
20803emptied	CvWV	S
20804emptiness	CvWn	X
20805emptiness problem	CvW+	f
20806empty	CvXd	R
20807empty argument	CvXu	Z
20808empty band	CvYH	S
20809empty class	CvYZ	T
20810empty clause	CvYs	X
20811empty descriptor	CvZD	e
20812empty descriptor segment	CvZh	m
20813empty entry	CvaH	Z
20814empty field	Cvag	Z
20815empty file	Cva5	V
20816empty function	CvbO	Z
20817empty graph	Cvbn	T
20818empty list	Cvb6	S
20819empty list	GcXl	V
20820empty medium	CvcM	X
20821empty metamember	Cvcj	e
20822empty page	CvdB	V
20823empty position	CvdW	Z
20824empty production	Cvdv	e
20825empty queue	CveN	W
20826empty record	Cvej	X
20827empty relation	Cve6	Z
20828empty segment	CvfT	V
20829empty sentence	Cvfo	Z
20830empty sequence	CvgB	Z
20831empty set	Cvga	U
20832empty slot	Cvgu	S
20833empty space	CvhA	Z
20834empty statement	CvhZ	a
20835empty store	Cvhz	Z
20836empty string	CviM	X
20837empty substitution	Cvij	d
20838empty symbole	CvjA	Y
20839empty tape	CvjY	S
20840empty word	Cvjq	S
20841ems destination	Cvj8	h
20842emulate	Cvkd	P
20843emulate system architecture	Cvks	v
20844emulated control unit	Cvlb	p
20845emulated executive	CvmE	m
20846emulation	Cvmq	Z
20847emulation command	CvnD	f
20848emulation computer	Cvni	j
20849emulation job	CvoF	b
20850emulation mode	Cvog	c
20851emulation package	Cvo8	l
20852emulation program	Cvph	i
20853emulation programming	CvqD	p
20854emulation system organization	Cvqs	x
20855emulation technique	Cvrd	h
20856emulational language	Cvr+	i
20857emulator	Cvsg	T
20858emulator board	Cvsz	g
20859emulator command	CvtT	e
20860emulator control mode	Cvtx	s
20861emulator debug	Cvud	c
20862emulator job	Cvu5	a
20863emulator machine language	CvvT	x
20864emulator mode	CvwE	b
20865emulator section	Cvwf	k
20866emulator system	CvxD	j
20867emulator system architecture	Cvxm	w
20868emulator trap	CvyW	l
20869emulator trap code	Cvy7	j
20870emulator trap instruction	Cvze	t
20871emulator trap processing code	Cv0L	0
20872emulator trap processor	Cv0/	u
20873emulsion	Cv1t	W
20874emulsion	IrID	c
20875en dash	Cv2r	V
20876enable	Cv3A	b
20877enable	JnY7	X
20878enable channel	Cv3b	c
20879enable condition	Cv33	e
20880enable gate	Cv4V	W
20881enable input	Cv4r	a
20882enable interrupt instruction	Cv5F	w
20883enable interupt	Cv51	g
20884enable logic	Cv6V	a
20885enable module	Cv6v	b
20886enable output	Cv7K	e
20887enable postition	Cv7o	e
20888enable presentation	Cv8G	h
20889enable printer	Cv8n	f
20890enable register	Cv9G	g
20891enable ring	JnZS	n
20892enable secondary command	Cv9m	y
20893enable signal	Cv+Y	b
20894enable signal	Ey0a	h
20895enable state	Cv+z	a
20896enable statement	Cv/N	e
20897enable word	CwAI	W
20898enabled	CwAe	S
20899enabled	JnZ5	Y
20900enabled condition	CwAw	f
20901enabled interruption	CwBP	i
20902enabled module	CwBx	c
20903enabled page fault	CwCN	m
20904enabled state	CwCz	b
20905enabled transition	CwDO	g
20906enablement	CwDu	a
20907enabling	CwEI	Y
20908enabling count memory	CwEg	s
20909enabling counting	CwFM	f
20910enabling signal	CwFr	d
20911enamel covered wire	CwGI	e
20912enamel covering	CwGm	a
20913enamel insulated wire	CwHA	g
20914enamelled cable	CwHg	d
20915enblock	CwH9	P
20916encapsulated data type	CwIM	q
20917encapsulated discrete modules	CwI2	x
20918encapsulated postscript	CwJn	u
20919encapsulated program	CwKV	i
20920encapsulated type	CwK3	f
20921encapsulation	CwLW	V
20922encapsulation construct	CwLr	l
20923encapsulation technology	CwMQ	m
20924encapsulation testing	CwM2	j
20925enciosure	CwNZ	R
20926enciosure in network	CwNq	u
20927enciosure theorem	CwOY	f
20928encipher	CwO3	Q
20929enciphered data	CwPH	d
20930enciphered facsimile communication	CwPk	2
20931enciphered telephony	CwQa	i
20932encipherer	CwQ8	V
20933enclose	CwRR	P
20934enclosed	IPa/	T
20935encode	CwRg	a
20936encode address	CwR6	c
20937encode circuit	CwSW	c
20938encode control	CwSy	c
20939encode control microprogram	CwTO	y
20940encode control microprogramming	CwUA	8
20941encode data	CwU8	Z
20942encode group	CwVV	X
20943encode input	CwVs	d
20944encode key	CwWJ	V
20945encode model	CwWe	a
20946encode procedure	CwW4	e
20947encode processor	CwXW	h
20948encode statement	CwX3	e
20949encode table	CwYV	X
20950encoded abstract	CwZa	h
20951encoded control	CwZ7	d
20952encoded fields	CwaY	c
20953encoded image	Cwa0	b
20954encoded mode	CwbP	a
20955encoded point	Cwbp	Y
20956encoded question	CwcB	e
20957encoded recording	Cwcf	f
20958encodedecode conversion	CwYs	u
20959encoder	Cwc+	Y
20960encoder ambiguity	CwdW	o
20961encoder group	Cwd+	b
20962encoder matrix	CweZ	c
20963encoder mode	Cwe1	a
20964encoder output	CwfP	f
20965encoder programming language	Cwfu	9
20966encoding	Cwgr	Q
20967encoding by group	Cwg7	f
20968encoding device	Cwha	d
20969encoding key	Cwh3	X
20970encoding law	CwiO	X
20971encoding matrix	Cwil	d
20972encoding method	CwjC	d
20973encoding microinstruction	Cwjf	q
20974encoding microinstruction	GaIk	t
20975encoding model	CwkJ	c
20976encoding operation	Cwkl	g
20977encoding pack	CwlF	b
20978encoding phase relationship	Cwlg	v
20979encoding rate	CwmP	Y
20980encoding scheme	Cwmn	d
20981encoding strip	CwnE	Z
20982encore	Cwnd	e
20983encrypt	Cwn7	V
20984encrypted message	CwoQ	Z
20985encrypted message part	Cwop	k
20986encrypted voice	CwpN	d
20987encrypting key	Cwpq	f
20988encryption	CwqJ	u
20989encryption algorithm	Cwq3	l
20990encryption check bit	Cwrc	o
20991encryption device	CwsE	f
20992encryption devices	F2Bu	m
20993encryption equipment	Cwsj	i
20994encryption protocol	CwtF	h
20995encryption standard	Cwtm	h
20996encryption technique	CwuH	i
20997encrytped circuit	CwvY	f
20998end	BD5M	L
20999end	Cwv3	Q
21000end	CyTl	O
21001end	IElx	U
21002end acknowledgement	CyTz	k
21003end address	CwwH	Z
21004end adjustement	E4Xx	d
21005end around borrow	Cwwg	f
21006end balance	wwT	o
21007end bit	Cww/	V
21008end block	58S	c
21009end branch	CwxU	Y
21010end bulb	Cwxs	T
21011end byte counter	Cwx/	q
21012end card	Cwyp	T
21013end cbecksum	CyUX	g
21014end circuits	CyU3	d
21015end closing figures	Cwy8	n
21016end column	Cwzj	V
21017end command	Cwz4	Z
21018end communication	CyVU	i
21019end communication layer	Cw0R	o
21020end compression	DmZo	d
21021end computer	DD8Y	d
21022end concentrator	DmaF	h
21023end condition	Cw05	b
21024end condition	igy	b
21025end connector	BPyD	h
21026end connector	Cw1U	Y
21027end control	Cw1s	f
21028end control	CyV2	c
21029end control	I6Uj	i
21030end control facility	Dmam	o
21031end control facility package	DmbO	2
21032end control key	E4YO	g
21033end control layer	CyWS	l
21034end cross talk	DHHB	h
21035end cross talk	GQoA	h
21036end crossfire	Cw2L	b
21037end crossfire	H399	b
21038end crossfire	ITo1	o
21039end crosstalk	Cw2m	b
21040end crosstalk	DHHi	b
21041end crosstalk	GQqC	b
21042end crosstalk attenuation	DHH9	t
21043end data symbol	Cw3B	j
21044end data system	GNDr	/
21045end date	Cw3k	W
21046end directive	Cw36	b
21047end distortion	Cw4V	c
21048end do	Cw4x	U
21049end dump	Cw5F	W
21050end edge	Cw5b	T
21051end effector	Cw5u	d
21052end eigenvalue	Cw6L	f
21053end encryption	CyW3	f
21054end equipment	Cw6q	b
21055end external application	Cw7F	y
21056end file command	Cw73	k
21057end file condition	Cw8b	m
21058end file label	Cw9B	i
21059end file record	Cw9j	j
21060end file specifier	Cw+G	p
21061end file statement	Cw+v	m
21062end financial reports	HV0Q	p
21063end flow control	CyXW	n
21064end if	Cw/V	e
21065end if statement	Cw/z	k
21066end instruction	CxAX	d
21067end instrument	CxA0	c
21068end interruption sequence	CxBQ	x
21069end inventory stock status	F6lq	0
21070end inventory stock status	HV1N	1
21071end item	CxCB	W
21072end item allocation document	CxCX	7
21073end key	CxDS	S
21074end leading	CxDk	T
21075end line	CxD3	T
21076end link	CxEK	W
21077end lock	E4Yu	T
21078end macro	CxEg	d
21079end mark	CxE9	a
21080end mark	HI6S	W
21081end marked network	CxFX	m
21082end marker	CxF9	b
21083end marking control	CxGY	n
21084end microprocessor	DmcE	m
21085end node	CxG/	a
21086end of address	CxHZ	g
21087end of address code	CxH5	r
21088end of block	CxIk	b
21089end of block character	CxI/	n
21090end of bracket	CxJm	c
21091end of chain	CxKC	b
21092end of chain indicator	CxKd	r
21093end of character	CxLI	i
21094end of code	CxLq	d
21095end of conversion	CxMH	j
21096end of data	CxMq	o
21097end of day	CxNS	Z
21098end of dtat file	CxNr	k
21099end of extent	CxOP	f
21100end of file	CxOu	X
21101end of file indicator	CxPF	m
21102end of inquiry	CxPr	g
21103end of job	CxQL	c
21104end of life	CxQn	d
21105end of line	CxRE	l
21106end of line block	CxRp	k
21107end of line indicator	CxSN	p
21108end of list	CxS2	d
21109end of logical tape	CxTT	s
21110end of magnetic tape	CxT/	m
21111end of medium character	CxUl	u
21112end of message	CxVT	g
21113end of message check	CxVz	s
21114end of message code	CxWf	o
21115end of mission	CxXH	g
21116end of operation	CxXn	h
21117end of page	CxYI	a
21118end of page indicator	CxYi	p
21119end of polling	CxZL	g
21120end of program	CxZr	g
21121end of query	CxaL	e
21122end of record	Cxap	f
21123end of reel	CxbI	g
21124end of run	Cxbo	c
21125end of scanning	CxcE	i
21126end of screen	Cxcm	f
21127end of segment	CxdF	d
21128end of sequence	Cxdi	h
21129end of tape	CxeD	d
21130end of tape mark	Cxeg	k
21131end of task exit routine	CxfE	3
21132end of test	Cxf7	d
21133end of text	CxgY	l
21134end of text character	Cxg9	7
21135end of transmission	Cxh4	l
21136end of transmission block	Cxid	u
21137end of transmission block character	CxjL	BZ
21138end of trnasmission character	Cxkk	1
21139end of volume	CxlZ	c
21140end of volume label	Cxl1	o
21141end of word	Cxmd	a
21142end office	Cxm3	S
21143end operated terminal	GQqd	p
21144end operated terminal echo suppressor	DHIq	BL
21145end packet	CxnJ	V
21146end page condition	Cxne	j
21147end pages	CxoB	U
21148end paragraph name	CxoV	g
21149end paranmeter	Cxo1	c
21150end path	CyX9	Z
21151end point	CxpR	Z
21152end point analysis	Cxpq	m
21153end point connection	CK62	r
21154end point control	CxqQ	f
21155end point control problem	Cxqv	t
21156end point detector	Cxrc	j
21157end point indicator	Cxr/	k
21158end point node	Cxsj	Z
21159end position	Cxs8	a
21160end positionnode	CxtW	e
21161end printing	Cxt0	a
21162end processing	Dmcq	c
21163end processor	x1l	Y
21164end processor architecture	DmdG	3
21165end product	CxuO	Z
21166end program	Cxun	Z
21167end protocol	CyYW	d
21168end pseudo instruction	CxvA	n
21169end quantity on hand	w2q	r
21170end readout	Cxvn	Z
21171end record	CxwA	Y
21172end record marker	CxwY	l
21173end record number	Cxw9	m
21174end responsibility	CyYz	m
21175end service	CyZZ	i
21176end session	CyZ7	c
21177end signal	GQrG	Y
21178end signalling	CyaX	i
21179end statement	Cxxj	b
21180end symbol	Cxx+	Y
21181end symboll key	E4ZB	d
21182end system	Cya5	b
21183end system	Dmd9	Y
21184end test	CybU	W
21185end test file	CxyW	h
21186end time	Cxy3	W
21187end to end	CxzN	Z
21188end trailing	Cxzm	U
21189end transaction key	Cxz6	k
21190end translation time indecator	Cx0e	BA
21191end transport layer	Cybq	n
21192end use device	Cx1e	i
21193end user	Cx2A	W
21194end user application	Cx2W	o
21195end user facility	Cx2+	p
21196end user facility task group	Cx3n	/
21197end user language	Cx4m	l
21198end user management	Cx5L	n
21199end user processor	Cx5y	p
21200end user to sscp echo check	Cx6b	/
21201end value	Cx7a	R
21202end vertex	Cx7r	V
21203end view	Cx8A	T
21204end wafer	Cx8T	U
21205end warning area	Cx8n	h
21206end warning marker	Cx9I	m
21207ended	Gx/l	s
21208ended language	GyAR	f
21209ended system	GyAw	d
21210ending	Cyef	O
21211ending balance	Cyet	c
21212ending character	CyfJ	b
21213ending file	Cyfk	Z
21214ending file label	Cyf9	i
21215ending flag	Cygf	Z
21216ending inventory	Cyg4	e
21217ending inventory stock status	CyhW	x
21218ending message	CyiH	c
21219ending program	GYDO	c
21220ending statement	Cyij	e
21221ending symbol	CyjB	b
21222ending tape	Cyjc	c
21223ending tape label	Cyj4	i
21224ending zone	E4Ze	W
21225endless	Cyka	P
21226endless data	Cykp	a
21227endless data recorder	CylD	s
21228endless loop	Cylv	d
21229endless loop cartridge	CymM	t
21230endless loop cartridge tape	Cym5	v
21231endless master tape	Cyno	h
21232endless program	CyoJ	g
21233endless tape	Cyop	d
21234endnote	CypG	P
21235endogenous variable	CypV	h
21236endomorphic system	Cyp2	s
21237endomorphism	Cyqi	X
21238endomorphism semigroup	Cyq5	n
21239endorser	Cyrg	W
21240endpoint node	Cyr2	b
21241endurance	CysR	d
21242endurance limit	Cysu	d
21243endure	CytL	U
21244endwise feed	Cytf	g
21245energency switch	Cyt/	e
21246energize	CJN6	W
21247energize	Cyud	V
21248energized network	Cyuy	i
21249energizing circuit	CyvU	g
21250energy	Cyv0	O
21251energy band	CywC	T
21252energy level	CywV	U
21253energy level diagram	Cywp	f
21254energy management analog computer	CyxI	+
21255energy research and development administration	CyyG	BN
21256energyline	CyzT	b
21257enforced circularity	Cyzu	i
21258engage	Cy0Q	O
21259engaged condition	Cy0e	f
21260engaged line	Cy09	f
21261engaged position	Cy1c	e
21262engaged signal	Cy16	c
21263engaged signaling	Cy2W	l
21264engaged test	Cy27	a
21265engaged tone	Cy3V	X
21266engagement clip	Cy3s	a
21267engaging force contact	Cy4W	n
21268engine	Cy49	R
21269engine analytical	Cy5O	c
21270engineer	Cy5q	X
21271engineered capacity	Cy6B	h
21272engineering	Cy6i	X
21273engineering and production data control	Cy65	BE
21274engineering bill	Cy79	h
21275engineering change	Cy8e	j
21276engineering change log	Cy9B	q
21277engineering channel circuit	Cy9r	v
21278engineering circuit multiplex set	Cy+a	BB
21279engineering command	Cy/b	h
21280engineering communications or telephone	Cy/8	+
21281engineering compromise	CzA6	q
21282engineering development	CzBk	l
21283engineering discipline	CzCJ	k
21284engineering drawing number	CzCt	o
21285engineering education	CzDV	j
21286engineering effort	CzD4	g
21287engineering graphic system	CzEY	v
21288engineering improvement	JEmc	r
21289engineering improvement time	CzFH	w
21290engineering index	CzF3	i
21291engineering information retrieval	CzGZ	5
21292engineering instruction	CzHS	o
21293engineering logic diagram	CzH6	q
21294engineering management information technique	CzIk	BL
21295engineering manager workstations	CzJv	8
21296engineering measures	CzKr	i
21297engineering path	CzLN	e
21298engineering philosophy	CzLr	k
21299engineering reliability	CzMP	o
21300engineering requirement	CzM3	l
21301engineering signal processor	CzNc	9
21302engineering support system	CzOZ	u
21303engineering system	CzPH	g
21304engineering system	CzPn	g
21305engineering test panel	CzQH	n
21306engineering time	CzQu	k
21307engineering work order	CzRS	q
21308engineering work station	CzR8	w
21309engineering workstation	CzSs	o
21310enhance	CzVI	P
21311enhanced background	CzVX	h
21312enhanced graphics	CzV4	i
21313enhanced graphics adapter	CzWa	3
21314enhanced graphics module	CzXR	z
21315enhanced private switched communications service	CzYE	BZ
21316enhanced services	CzZd	f
21317enhanced small device interface	CzZ8	4
21318enhanced small disk interface	Cza0	3
21319enhanced trajectory control	Czbr	y
21320enhancement	Czcd	T
21321enhancement device	Czcw	j
21322enhancement mode	CzdT	e
21323enhancement mode field effect transistor	Czdx	BF
21324enhancement mos	Cze2	p
21325enhancement mos device	Czff	/
21326enhancement type	Czge	e
21327enlarge	Czg8	P
21328enlarge view	CzhL	a
21329enlarged display	Czhl	e
21330enlargement	CziD	T
21331enq sequence	CziW	d
21332enquad	Cziz	U
21333enqueue	CzjH	b
21334enquiry	Czji	o
21335enquiry character	CzkK	j
21336enquiry control character	Czkt	x
21337enquiry stationer	Czle	c
21338enquiry system	Czl6	c
21339enquiry terminal system	CzmW	v
21340enquiryresponse processing	Czn2	x
21341enroll	Czon	O
21342ensemble	Czo1	Q
21343ensemble average	CzpF	e
21344ensure	Czpj	O
21345enter	Czpx	V
21346enter action	CzqG	a
21347enter context command	Czqg	s
21348enter counter	CzrM	e
21349enter data	Czrq	Y
21350enter drive	CzsC	c
21351enter head	Czse	Y
21352enter instruction	Czs2	f
21353enter key	CztV	U
21354enter key request	Cztp	i
21355enter keys	CzuL	Z
21356enter macro	Czuk	j
21357enter message	CzvH	b
21358enter mode	Czvi	Y
21359enter operator	Czv6	f
21360enter password	CzwZ	t
21361enter point	CzxG	W
21362enter sequence iteration	Czxc	s
21363enter statement	CzyI	d
21364enter text	Czyl	Y
21365enter track	Czy9	Z
21366entered block	Czz8	Y
21367entered transaction statistics	Cz0U	4
21368entering	Cz1M	Q
21369enterinquiry mode	CzzW	m
21370enterprise	Cz1c	a
21371enterprise number	Cz12	f
21372enterprise schema	Cz2V	f
21373entire function	Cz20	a
21374entire variable	Cz3O	d
21375entity	Cz3r	O
21376entity	GLn3	T
21377entity analysis	Cz35	d
21378entity attribute	Cz4W	e
21379entity description	Cz40	g
21380entity identifler	Cz5U	i
21381entity indetifier	Cz52	i
21382entity model	Cz6Y	a
21383entity name	Cz6y	d
21384entity name set	Cz7P	d
21385entity nets	GLoK	Y
21386entity occurence	Cz7s	e
21387entity record	Cz8K	b
21388entity record set	Cz8l	i
21389entity relationship	Cz9H	h
21390entity relationship approach	Cz9o	t
21391entity relationship concept	Cz+V	v
21392entity relationship data model	Cz/E	4
21393entity relationship diagram	Cz/8	s
21394entity relationship mode	C0Ao	s
21395entity relationship model	C0BU	t
21396entity set	C0CB	V
21397entity set model	C0CW	h
21398entity type	C0C3	Z
21399entrance	C0Df	g
21400entrance cable	C0D/	c
21401entrance location	C0Eb	f
21402entrance point	C0E6	Z
21403entrance symbol	C0FT	d
21404entrant	H3CN	X
21405entrant code	H3Ck	c
21406entrant program	H3DA	i
21407entrap	C0Fw	O
21408entropy	C0F+	R
21409entry	BD5X	Q
21410entry	C0GP	h
21411entry	CGZa	Z
21412entry	H3Di	S
21413entry address	C0Gw	b
21414entry association	C0HL	f
21415entry attribute	C0Hq	d
21416entry block	C0IH	W
21417entry box	C0Id	U
21418entry call	C0Ix	Y
21419entry closed	C0JJ	a
21420entry cluster	C0Jj	Y
21421entry condition	C0J7	d
21422entry conditions	C0KY	e
21423entry constant	C0K2	c
21424entry control	C0LS	b
21425entry data	C0Lt	Y
21426entry date	C0MF	Y
21427entry decision table	E1jk	w
21428entry declaration	C0Md	f
21429entry deletion	C0M8	f
21430entry descriptor	C0Nb	h
21431entry expression	C0N8	h
21432entry family	C0Od	a
21433entry form defination	C0O3	p
21434entry form title	C0Pg	k
21435entry format	C0QE	a
21436entry function subprogram	GF8r	1
21437entry index	C0Qe	c
21438entry inhibited	C0Q6	d
21439entry instruction	C0RX	f
21440entry into force	C0R2	Y
21441entry key	C0SO	Z
21442entry keyboard	C0Sn	c
21443entry macro	C0TD	j
21444entry macro instruction	C0Tm	r
21445entry mask	C0UR	V
21446entry mode	C0Um	Y
21447entry mode program	C0U+	m
21448entry monitor display	C0Vk	w
21449entry monitoring system	C0WU	v
21450entry name	C0XD	Y
21451entry name attribute	C0Xb	r
21452entry node	C0YG	Y
21453entry page	C0Ye	Y
21454entry photoypesetter	CZOe	r
21455entry point	C0Y2	k
21456entry point	GF9g	n
21457entry point access method	C0Za	t
21458entry point address	C0aH	o
21459entry point control item	C0av	x
21460entry point symbol	C0bg	j
21461entry point table	C0cD	j
21462entry position	C0cm	f
21463entry program	C0dF	b
21464entry program	LPN	o
21465entry query control console	C0dg	3
21466entry queue	C0eX	Z
21467entry representation specification	C0ew	2
21468entry sequence	C0fm	c
21469entry sequenced data set	C0gC	x
21470entry sequenced file	C0gz	o
21471entry specification	C0hb	h
21472entry statement	C0h8	d
21473entry switch	C0iZ	a
21474entry symbol	C0iz	a
21475entry table	C0jN	f
21476entry terminal	DvYJ	x
21477entry time	C0js	Y
21478entry value	C0kp	W
21479entry variable	C0k/	c
21480enumerability	C0lb	Y
21481enumerable set	C0lz	q
21482enumerate	C0md	Z
21483enumerated type	C0m2	l
21484enumeration	C0nb	T
21485enumeration literals	C0nu	i
21486enumeration method	C0oQ	d
21487enumeration method	HQT3	j
21488enumeration theorem	C0ot	h
21489enumeration type	C0pO	e
21490enumeration type declaration	C0ps	w
21491enumeration type definition	C0qc	v
21492enumeration type inputoutput	C0rL	5
21493enumeration type representation	C0sE	2
21494enumerative algorithm	C0tr	j
21495enumerative bayesian algorithm	C0uO	1
21496enumerative classification	C0vD	o
21497envelop curve	C0vr	b
21498envelope	C0wG	e
21499envelope delay	C0wk	c
21500envelope detection	C0xA	g
21501envelope power	C0xg	c
21502environment	C0yS	T
21503environment analog recording system	C0yl	BC
21504environment attribute	C0zn	j
21505environment clause	C00K	g
21506environment clause	C00q	j
21507environment control table	C01N	u
21508environment data bank	C017	q
21509environment description	C02l	l
21510environment description statement	C03K	1
21511environment division	C03/	y
21512environment engineering	C04x	l
21513environment file	C05W	e
21514environment record	C06T	g
21515environment recording	C06z	m
21516environment simulation	C07Z	k
21517environment software	C079	i
21518environment symbol	C08f	g
21519environment system	F8vi	j
21520environmental condition	C08/	l
21521environmental control	C09k	j
21522environmental control system	C0+H	w
21523environmental control table	C0+3	s
21524environmental data index	C0/j	y
21525environmental file	C1AV	g
21526environmental impact assessment	C1A1	3
21527environmental loss time	C1Bs	r
21528environmental model	C1CX	h
21529environmental monitoring	C1C4	m
21530environmental recorder data set	C1De	+
21531environmental security	C1FS	k
21532environmental simulator	C1F2	u
21533environmental test	C1Gk	g
21534eof control character	C1HE	n
21535eot marker	C1Hr	Y
21536epi wafer	C1ID	X
21537epiatxy	C1Ia	m
21538epilog	C1JA	Y
21539epilogue	C1JY	W
21540epitaxial diffused method	C1Ju	q
21541epitaxial film	C1KY	Z
21542epitaxial growth	C1Kx	e
21543epitaxial growth mesa transistor	C1LP	BA
21544epitaxial layer	C1MP	a
21545epitaxial mesa transistor	C1Mp	w
21546epitaxial passivated integrated circuit	C1NZ	BB
21547epitaxial planar technique	C1Oa	0
21548epitaxial planar transistor	C1PO	y
21549epitaxial region	C1QA	b
21550epitaxial transistor	C1Qb	l
21551epitaxy	C1RA	S
21552epsilon move	C1RS	c
21553eption reported	C1Ru	d
21554equal	C1SL	N
21555equal	Hyb3	Q
21556equal gain combiner	C1SY	n
21557equal matrix language	C1S/	m
21558equal symbol	C1Tl	a
21559equal zero	C1T/	V
21560equality	C1Uq	Q
21561equality gate	C1U6	Y
21562equality operator	C1VS	i
21563equality poeration	C1V0	g
21564equality unit	C1WU	V
21565equalization	C1Wp	c
21566equalization	HZAP	d
21567equalization network	C1XF	i
21568equalize assignment	C1Xn	n
21569equalizer	C1YO	i
21570equals function	C1Yw	d
21571equate operand spaces	C1ZN	w
21572equation	C1Z9	W
21573equation solver	C1aT	j
21574equation statement	C1a2	j
21575equational language	C1cS	k
21576equijoin	C1dN	W
21577equilibrium	C1dj	T
21578equilibrium	HycH	W
21579equilibrium distribution coefficient	C1d2	4
21580equilibrium equation	C1eu	l
21581equilibrium probability	C1fT	l
21582equipment	C1f4	W
21583equipment acceptance requirements and inspections	C1gO	BT
21584equipment allowance revision program	C1hh	BD
21585equipment ancillary	C1ik	h
21586equipment auxiliary	C1jF	h
21587equipment characteristic file	C1jm	1
21588equipment charge	C1kb	e
21589equipment check	C1k5	d
21590equipment clock	C1lW	d
21591equipment compatibility	C1lz	o
21592equipment compiler system	C1mb	3
21593equipment complex	C1nS	f
21594equipment component list	C1nx	t
21595equipment configuration control	C1oe	z
21596equipment coversion	C1pR	h
21597equipment data form	C1py	r
21598equipment error	C1rR	d
21599equipment failure	C1ru	f
21600equipment failure	C1sN	f
21601equipment identification	C1tF	v
21602equipment incomplete	C1t0	o
21603equipment input	C1uc	d
21604equipment installation and checkout	C1u5	+
21605equipment installation notice	C1v3	1
21606equipment interface	C1ws	h
21607equipment intermodulation noise	C1xN	2
21608equipment maintenance reporting system	C1yc	BF
21609equipment manufacturer	G/Pk	x
21610equipment misuse error	C1zh	n
21611equipment mobility	C10I	m
21612equipment modification	C10u	r
21613equipment modification list	C11Z	w
21614equipment operating procedure	C12J	1
21615equipment operation control	C12+	z
21616equipment output	C13x	e
21617equipment output port	C14P	m
21618equipment pence conversion	C141	u
21619equipment peripheral	C15j	i
21620equipment printing	C16F	g
21621equipment record	JRzP	k
21622equipment remote control	C16l	m
21623equipment specification and interface data sheets	C17L	BY
21624equipment statistical data card	C18j	7
21625equipment tabulating	C19e	i
21626equipment terminal	C1+A	g
21627equipment under test	C1+g	m
21628equipment unit	C1/G	i
21629equipotent set	C2AZ	c
21630equipotential surface	C2A1	g
21631equitable sharing	C2BV	f
21632equity	C2B0	W
21633equivalen value	C2CK	X
21634equivalence	C2Ch	b
21635equivalence chain	C2C8	c
21636equivalence declaration	C2DY	l
21637equivalence element	C2D9	e
21638equivalence gate	C2Eb	Y
21639equivalence gate	GcX6	a
21640equivalence group	C2Ez	c
21641equivalence join	C2FP	e
21642equivalence name	C2Ft	e
21643equivalence of flowchart and fsm	C2GL	+
21644equivalence operation	C2HJ	j
21645equivalence operation	GcYU	m
21646equivalence operator	C2Hs	l
21647equivalence problem	C2IR	h
21648equivalence property	C2Iy	f
21649equivalence queue	C2JR	f
21650equivalence relation	C2Jw	i
21651equivalence statement	C2KS	j
21652equivalence string	C2K1	g
21653equivalence subclass	C2LV	i
21654equivalenced variable	C2Md	j
21655equivalent	C2NA	S
21656equivalent access time	C2NS	q
21657equivalent bandwidth	C2N8	i
21658equivalent binary content	C2Oe	w
21659equivalent binary digit	C2PO	r
21660equivalent binary digits	8/K	t
21661equivalent bit rate	C2Qc	k
21662equivalent bunary weight	C2RA	y
21663equivalent chain	C2Ry	b
21664equivalent circuit	C2SN	g
21665equivalent circuit parameter	Iu7r	1
21666equivalent class	C2St	b
21667equivalent codes	C2TI	b
21668equivalent compiler	C2Tj	n
21669equivalent configuration	C2UK	s
21670equivalent equations	C2U2	l
21671equivalent expression	C2Vb	m
21672equivalent focal length	C2WB	p
21673equivalent grammar	C2Xo	g
21674equivalent impedance	C2YI	i
21675equivalent linearization	C2ZY	p
21676equivalent network	C2aB	g
21677equivalent noise resistance	C2ah	v
21678equivalent noise sideband input	C2bQ	8
21679equivalent noise temperature	C2cM	w
21680equivalent normal form method	C2c8	u
21681equivalent object program	C2dq	t
21682equivalent relation	C2eX	v
21683equivalent series resistance	C2fG	0
21684equivalent state	C2f6	e
21685equivalent statement	C2gY	i
21686equivalent statement label	C2g6	u
21687equivalent string	C2ho	f
21688equivalent subprogram	C2iH	m
21689equivalent subprogram specification	C2it	BA
21690equivocation	C2kO	p
21691erasability	C2k3	Z
21692erasable	C2lQ	T
21693erasable and alternative rom	C2lj	BC
21694erasable area	C2ml	b
21695erasable memory	C2nA	m
21696erasable memory	C2nm	m
21697erasable programmable read only memory	C2oM	BP
21698erasable programmable read only memroy	C2pb	BS
21699erasable pron	C2rb	z
21700erasable read only memory	C2sO	4
21701erasable storage	C2tG	l
21702erasable store	C2tr	i
21703erase	C2uN	d
21704erase	C2uq	Q
21705erase amplifier	C2u6	m
21706erase character	C2vg	d
21707erase command	C2v9	b
21708erase eof	C2wY	d
21709erase error	C2w1	W
21710erase gate	C2xL	V
21711erase head	C2xg	V
21712erase input	C2x1	Z
21713erase key	C2yO	U
21714erase list	C2yi	Y
21715erase mode	C2y6	Y
21716erase residual	C2zS	c
21717erase status	C2zu	g
21718erase write	C20O	e
21719eraseable programmable rom	C218	3
21720eraser	C22z	R
21721erasewrite	C21c	g
21722erasing	E6PI	V
21723erasing determination stack automation	GcY6	BP
21724erasing deterministic writing stack accepter	GcaJ	Bf
21725erasing head	C23E	a
21726erasing move	C23e	a
21727erasing of information	C234	k
21728erasing production	C24c	j
21729erassable	C24/	U
21730erasure	C25T	X
21731erasure	IPbS	S
21732erasure pattern	C25q	g
21733erasure signal	C26K	c
21734erda reserarch abstracts	C26m	2
21735erecting	C27c	Q
21736ergodic source	C27s	Z
21737ergonomics	C28F	b
21738ergoromics	C28g	Y
21739erlang	C284	U
21740erlang hour	C29M	Z
21741erosion	C29l	P
21742erroneous bit	C290	b
21743erroneous block	C2+P	g
21744erroneous data	C2+v	c
21745erroneous passage	C2/L	f
21746erroneous word	C2/q	W
21747error	C3AA	Y
21748error	Gn0E	T
21749error	H2oi	T
21750error abort	C3AY	f
21751error absolute	C3A3	c
21752error action	C3BT	a
21753error adaptive control computer	C3Bt	BE
21754error alarm list	C3Cx	n
21755error alert program	C3DY	n
21756error analysis and logging facility	C3D/	BA
21757error analysis and logging module	C3E/	+
21758error and omissions excepted	C3F9	3
21759error balanced	C3G0	c
21760error bit	C3HQ	X
21761error block	C3Hn	Z
21762error bound	C3IA	Z
21763error burst	C3IZ	Z
21764error byte	C3Iy	Y
21765error call	C3JK	Y
21766error category	C3Ji	c
21767error character	C3J+	d
21768error check	C3Kb	Z
21769error check analysis diagram	C3K0	4
21770error check and control	C3Ls	y
21771error check diagram	C3Me	i
21772error check program	C3NA	n
21773error checking	C3Nn	c
21774error checking and correction	C3OD	z
21775error checking and error processing	C3O2	BA
21776error checking and recovery	C3P2	y
21777error checking circuitry	C3Qo	w
21778error checking code	C3RY	k
21779error classification	C3R8	l
21780error code	C3Sh	V
21781error code diagnostic messsage	C3S2	4
21782error code generator	C3Tu	o
21783error code number	C3UW	c
21784error code word	C3Uy	a
21785error coded check	C3VM	f
21786error condition	C3Vr	d
21787error condition flag	C3XJ	o
21788error condition in calculators	C3WI	BB
21789error control	C3Xx	b
21790error control character	C3YM	r
21791error control code	C3Y3	j
21792error control commands	C3Za	q
21793error control device	C3aE	o
21794error control procedure	C3as	r
21795error control restart procedures	C3bX	9
21796error control software	C3cU	q
21797error control system	C3c+	o
21798error correcting	C3dm	h
21799error correcting code	C3eH	m
21800error correcting code	OdO	y
21801error correcting code system	C3et	w
21802error correcting routine	C3fd	s
21803error correcting synchronous system	C3gJ	3
21804error correcting system	C3hA	r
21805error correction	C3hr	e
21806error correction and detection characters	C3iJ	BG
21807error correction and information system	C3jP	BD
21808error correction circuit	C3kS	q
21809error correction code	C3k8	k
21810error correction diagram	C3lg	n
21811error correction procedure	C3mH	o
21812error correction save point	C3mv	y
21813error correction signal	C3nh	p
21814error correction submode	C3oK	v
21815error correction system	C3o5	l
21816error corrective routine	C3pe	s
21817error count	C3qK	Z
21818error data	C3qj	Y
21819error decoder	C3q7	e
21820error dectection routine	C3rZ	s
21821error dectioncorrection	C3sF	u
21822error detecting	C3sz	a
21823error detecting and feedback system	C3tN	BA
21824error detecting code	C3uN	l
21825error detecting system	C3uy	q
21826error detection	C3vc	j
21827error detection and correction	C3v/	1
21828error detection and correction system	C3w0	8
21829error detection code	C3xw	o
21830error detection code generator	C3yY	3
21831error detection data channel	C3zP	2
21832error detection encoderdecoder	C30F	9
21833error detection interactive transmission	C31C	BB
21834error detection system	C32D	k
21835error detectioncorrection capability	C32n	/
21836error detector	C33m	l
21837error diagnostic print routine	C34L	4
21838error diagnostics	C35D	f
21839error dump	C359	Y
21840error equation	C36V	f
21841error estimate	C360	c
21842error exception	CyAr	j
21843error exception	Evyc	j
21844error exception	GMMm	j
21845error exception	JYZK	j
21846error execption	I04O	p
21847error exit	C37Q	Y
21848error exit address	C37o	q
21849error explanation	C38S	f
21850error file	C38x	Y
21851error file control	C39J	m
21852error file control totals	C39v	z
21853error file edit	C3+i	j
21854error flag	C3/F	Y
21855error format	C3/d	a
21856error free	C3/3	S
21857error function	C4AJ	g
21858error generated	C4Ap	d
21859error gross	C4BG	n
21860error handing	C4Bt	b
21861error handing package	C4CI	v
21862error handler	C4C3	k
21863error handling	C4Db	i
21864error in address	C4D9	i
21865error in label	C4Ef	g
21866error in operation	C4E/	k
21867error in reading	C4Fj	e
21868error indication	C4GB	e
21869error indicator	C4Gf	j
21870error indicator	C4HC	j
21871error information	C4Hl	f
21872error information declarative	C4IE	0
21873error inherent	C4I4	c
21874error inherited	C4JU	d
21875error initial	C4Jx	b
21876error interception	C4KM	g
21877error interrupt	C4Ks	d
21878error interrupt buffer	C4LJ	x
21879error interrupt request vector	C4L6	9
21880error item	C4M3	Y
21881error job	C4NP	X
21882error journal output format	C4Nm	1
21883error latch trace program	C4Ob	3
21884error latency	C4PS	h
21885error limit	C4Pz	Z
21886error list	C4QM	V
21887error locating	C4Qh	c
21888error lock	C4Q9	Y
21889error log	C4RV	o
21890error log manager	C4R9	v
21891error log table	C4Ss	g
21892error logger	C4TM	d
21893error logger file	C4Tp	l
21894error logging	C4UO	h
21895error logging and analysis	C4Uv	2
21896error logging register	C4Vl	x
21897error logging report	C4WW	o
21898error loop	C4W+	b
21899error machine	C4XZ	b
21900error macro	C4X0	l
21901error mark	C4YZ	Y
21902error matrix method	C4Yx	o
21903error measuring device	C4ZZ	k
21904error measuring system	C4Z9	q
21905error message	C4an	p
21906error message editor	C4bQ	u
21907error message list	C4b+	j
21908error message output	C4ch	o
21909error message repertoire	C4dJ	p
21910error message warning	C4dy	p
21911error messages at compile time	C4eb	1
21912error messages at runtime	C4fQ	w
21913error of reading	C4gA	e
21914error of transmission	C4ge	j
21915error patter register	C4hB	w
21916error pattern	C4hx	b
21917error pattern generator	C4iM	1
21918error pattern register	C4jB	x
21919error potentiometer loading	C4jy	v
21920error prevention	C4kh	e
21921error print	C4k/	c
21922error printout	C4lb	i
21923error processing declaration	C4l9	w
21924error processing subsystem	C4mt	2
21925error program	C4nj	b
21926error propagated	C4ob	e
21927error propagation limiting code	C4o5	2
21928error queue	C4pv	Z
21929error range	C4qI	Z
21930error rate	C4qh	g
21931error rate of a translator	C4rB	x
21932error rate of keying	C4ry	l
21933error rate of telegraph	C4sX	o
21934error ratio	C4s/	W
21935error record	C4tV	a
21936error recorder	uE9	6
21937error recording printout	C4tv	y
21938error recovery	C4uh	q
21939error recovery manager	C4vL	0
21940error recovery procedure	C4v/	w
21941error recovery procedure information block	C4wv	BN
21942error recovery program	C4x8	u
21943error recovery program interface byte	C4yq	BR
21944error recovery routine	C4z7	w
21945error register	C40r	f
21946error report	C41K	a
21947error request process	C41k	t
21948error residual	C42R	c
21949error return	C42t	a
21950error return address	C43H	o
21951error rounding	C44A	c
21952error routine	C44c	b
21953error routine address	C443	v
21954error serverity code	C45m	u
21955error signal	C46U	a
21956error source	C46u	a
21957error span	C47I	Y
21958error state	C47g	e
21959error statistics by tape volume	C47+	+
21960error statistics by volume	C488	y
21961error statistics volume	C49u	s
21962error status	C4+a	a
21963error status code	C4+0	i
21964error status condition	C4/W	u
21965error status word	C5AE	i
21966error stochastic model	GF+H	w
21967error stop	C5Am	g
21968error summary	C5BG	b
21969error summary counter	C5Bh	s
21970error summary file	C5CN	m
21971error symbol	C5Cz	a
21972error tape	C5DN	V
21973error tape transmission	C5Di	o
21974error term	C5EK	V
21975error trapping routine	C5Ef	q
21976error treatment	C5FJ	d
21977error unbalanced	C5Fm	h
21978error value	C5GH	W
21979error vector computer	C5Gd	w
21980error volume analysis	C5HN	t
21981errordeleted	HcXR	4
21982errors and omissions	C5VB	o
21983errror condition statement	C5Vp	u
21984ersatz device	C5WX	b
21985erternal register	C5Wy	m
21986erxpansion cofficient	C5XY	j
21987escape	C5Y3	h
21988escape character	C5ZY	w
21989escape code	C5aI	Z
21990escape general	C5ah	c
21991escape key	C5a9	V
21992escape locking	C5bS	c
21993escape message	C5bu	c
21994escape nonlocking	C5cK	f
21995escape routine	C5cp	c
21996escape sequence	C5dF	d
21997escape sequence command	C5di	r
21998escape string	C5eN	Z
21999escape structure	C5em	e
22000escape symbol	C5fE	b
22001escape to cp	C5ff	s
22002escaping key	Gcbo	a
22003escort	C5gL	m
22004esope	C5gx	l
22005espol	C5hW	r
22006essential attribute	C5iB	h
22007essentiality	C5ii	U
22008esthesiometer	C5i2	e
22009esthesiometry	C5jU	e
22010estimated annual usage	C5jy	t
22011estimated annual usage quantity	C5kf	5
22012estimated annual use	C5lY	o
22013estimated average annual usage	C5mA	7
22014estimated completion date	C5m7	t
22015estimated entry searching	C5no	t
22016estimated time of arrival	C5oV	x
22017estimated time of departure	C5pG	z
22018estimation	C5p5	S
22019estimator	C5qL	U
22020etch	C5qf	J
22021etch back	C5qo	U
22022etch cutting	C5q8	a
22023etch pattern	C5rW	a
22024etch type	C5rw	U
22025etchant resist	C5sE	Z
22026etched circuit	C5sd	c
22027etched foil process	C5s5	k
22028etched printed circuit	C5td	q
22029etched wire technique	C5uH	p
22030etcher	C5uw	U
22031etching	C5vE	M
22032etherent	C5vQ	Z
22033ethernet	C5vp	W
22034ethernet communications system	C5v/	y
22035ethernet file transfer protocol	C5wx	BB
22036ethernet interface	C5xy	j
22037ethernet lan	C5yV	j
22038ethernet linkage	C5y4	h
22039ethernet physical channel	C5zZ	t
22040ethernet protocol	C50G	l
22041ethernet specification	C50r	z
22042euclid	C53g	BN
22043euclidean algorithm	C54t	k
22044euler	C55R	f
22045euler diagraph	C55w	f
22046euler graph	C56P	W
22047euler loop	C56l	Y
22048euler method	C569	X
22049euler number	C57U	X
22050euler path	C57r	Y
22051eulerian digraph	C58D	h
22052eulerian equation	C58k	i
22053euqipment data terminal	C59G	r
22054eurolex	C59x	k
22055europan space agency	C5+V	p
22056european broadcasting union	C5++	z
22057european communication satellite committee	C5/x	BM
22058european community information service	C6A9	BO
22059european computer conference	C6CL	z
22060european computer manufacture association	C6C+	BL
22061european computing congress	C6EJ	4
22062european conference on electronics	C6FB	BC
22063european informatics network	C6G6	3
22064european information network	C6Hx	0
22065european network	C6Il	v
22066european patent office	C6JU	n
22067european patent orrice	C6J7	r
22068european space agency	C6Km	q
22069european space agency network	C6LQ	7
22070european space agency network	C6ML	7
22071european space data center	C6NG	6
22072european space research laboratory	C6OA	BF
22073european teleprocessing system	C6PF	8
22074european wideband communications system	C6QB	BJ
22075evaluate	C6RK	Q
22076evaluation	C6Ra	S
22077evaluation criterion	C6Rs	i
22078evaluation data	C6SO	d
22079evaluation environment	C6Sr	k
22080evaluation module	C6TP	f
22081evaluation module interface	C6Tu	v
22082evaluation of a primary	C6Ud	o
22083evaluation of argument subscript	C6VF	0
22084evaluation of arithmetic expressions	C6V5	4
22085evaluation of assignment statement	C6Wx	2
22086evaluation of expression	C6Xn	p
22087evaluation of logical expression	C6YQ	3
22088evaluation of mixed mode expression	C6ZH	BB
22089evaluation of predicates	C6aI	m
22090evaluation of subscript argument	C6au	0
22091evaluation order	C6bi	e
22092evaluation performance	C6cA	k
22093evaluation problem	FLnm	j
22094evaluation processor module	C6ck	y
22095evaluation program	C6dW	g
22096evaluation system	C6d2	f
22097evaluation test procedure	C6eV	x
22098evaluative abstract	C6fG	k
22099evaluator	C6fq	a
22100evaporated film disk	C6gE	o
22101evasive action	C6gs	c
22102even check	GqQd	m
22103even component	C6hx	Z
22104even counter	GqRD	d
22105even function	C6iK	Y
22106even interleaving	GqRg	p
22107even line	C6ii	U
22108even location	C6i2	b
22109even logic	GqSJ	Y
22110even logic block	C6hI	p
22111even logic block	C6jR	n
22112even loop	C6j4	X
22113even loop	GqSh	U
22114even memory buffer register	C6kP	BB
22115even memory location	C6lQ	o
22116even merging algorithm	GqS1	q
22117even merging network	GqTf	o
22118even number	C6l4	T
22119even parity	C6mL	W
22120even parity check	C6mh	i
22121even parity check	C6nD	i
22122even parity select	C6nl	n
22123even permutation	C6oM	b
22124even sorting	GqUH	o
22125even sorting algorithm	GqUv	q
22126even substitution	C6on	c
22127even surface	C6pD	X
22128even symmentry	C6pa	Z
22129event	C6rl	N
22130event	F8wF	T
22131event chain	C6ry	W
22132event channel	C6sI	b
22133event class	C6sj	Z
22134event code	C6s8	V
22135event control bolck	C6tR	o
22136event count	C6t5	Z
22137event counter	C6uS	e
22138event data	C6uw	Y
22139event datatype	C6vI	i
22140event detection	C6vq	d
22141event driven executive	C6wH	w
22142event driven monitor	C6w3	u
22143event filter	C6xl	g
22144event flag	C6yF	Y
22145event flag cluster	C6yd	j
22146event graph	C6zA	W
22147event handing	C6zW	b
22148event interrupt queue	C6zx	p
22149event list	C60a	V
22150event logger protocol	C60v	v
22151event management system	C61e	v
22152event mark	C62N	Y
22153event name	C62l	Y
22154event option	C629	d
22155event oriented language	C63a	r
22156event posting	C64F	b
22157event queue	C648	Z
22158event routine	C65V	h
22159event scanning	C652	c
22160event scheduling	C66S	e
22161event scheduling system	C66w	v
22162event simulation	C67f	e
22163event storage and distribution unit	C679	BF
22164event synchronization	C69C	j
22165event synchronous simulation	GY6z	2
22166event table	C69l	W
22167event tag	C697	X
22168event tracer	C6+S	g
22169event type	C6+y	Y
22170event variable	C6/K	c
22171event wait queue	C6/m	k
22172eventuality	C7Bb	n
22173evident code	C7CC	U
22174evident code	IPbk	X
22175evnet delay	C7CW	Z
22176evoke module control	C7Cv	o
22177evolutionary operation	C7DX	s
22178evolutionary program link procedure	C7ED	9
22179evolutionary system for data processing	C7FA	BG
22180evolutionary system for data proessing	C7GG	BF
22181evolving natural language information model	C7HL	BS
22182exalted carrier	H3+q	m
22183examination of memory	C7Id	m
22184examine	C7JD	U
22185examine region	C7JX	Z
22186examine statement	C7Jw	f
22187example program graph	C7KP	m
22188exceed capacity	C7K1	a
22189excellent diagnostics	C7LP	j
22190except	H+qk	Y
22191except gate	C7Ly	W
22192except operation	C7MI	g
22193exception	C7Mo	W
22194exception analysis	C7M+	g
22195exception analysis investigation	C7Ne	0
22196exception analysis report	C7OS	t
22197exception analysis system	C7O/	y
22198exception character handing	C7Px	v
22199exception code	C7Qg	Z
22200exception condition	C7Q5	h
22201exception control statement	C7Ra	v
22202exception declaration	C7SJ	j
22203exception dispatcher	C7Ss	o
22204exception enables	C7TU	f
22205exception gate	C7Tz	Z
22206exception handler	C7UM	l
22207exception handling	C7Ux	g
22208exception handling mechanism	C7VR	w
22209exception item	C7WB	Z
22210exception item encoding	C7Wa	o
22211exception message	C7XC	f
22212exception mode	C7Xh	c
22213exception model	C7X9	d
22214exception name	C7Ya	Z
22215exception or	C7Yz	X
22216exception principle system	C7ZK	u
22217exception process entry descriptor	C7Z4	/
22218exception processing descriptor segment	C7a3	BB
22219exception processor message	C7b4	1
22220exception raised in communication task	C7ct	BD
22221exception raised in declaration	C7dw	2
22222exception record	C7em	e
22223exception report	C7fE	e
22224exception reporting	C7fi	h
22225exception request	C7gD	j
22226exception response	C7gm	g
22227exception routine	C7hG	l
22228exception scheduling routine	C7hr	w
22229exception service routine	C7ib	z
22230exception vector	C7jO	e
22231exception word dictionary	C7js	q
22232exceptional condition code	C7kW	r
22233excerpt	C7lB	Z
22234excess 3 binary coded decimal	C7la	2
22235excess 64 code	C7mQ	Y
22236excess carrier	C7mo	f
22237excess charge	C7nH	b
22238excess code	C7ni	T
22239excess conduction	C7n1	i
22240excess electron	C7oX	d
22241excess notation	C7o0	d
22242excess three	C7pR	V
22243excess three code	C7pm	g
22244excessive subscript	C7uh	h
22245exchange	C7vC	b
22246exchange algorithm	C7vd	j
22247exchange area	C7wA	Y
22248exchange automatic	C7wY	g
22249exchange buffering	C7w4	g
22250exchange central office	C7yc	o
22251exchange class of	C7zE	f
22252exchange control logic	C7zj	q
22253exchange data terminal	C70u	t
22254exchange dial	C71b	b
22255exchange director	C712	i
22256exchange facilities	C72Y	r
22257exchange instruction	C73a	i
22258exchange jump	C738	b
22259exchange keying	C74X	d
22260exchange line	C740	b
22261exchange line call	C75P	m
22262exchange manual	C751	d
22263exchange memory	C76S	d
22264exchange message	C76v	e
22265exchange network	C77N	e
22266exchange network	IkfW	k
22267exchange operation	C77r	g
22268exchange price information computer	C78L	BF
22269exchange private automatic	C79Q	x
22270exchange private automatic branch	C7+B	7
22271exchange procession	C7+8	h
22272exchange program	C7/d	e
22273exchange register	C7/7	i
22274exchange sequence	C8Ad	f
22275exchange service	C8A8	e
22276exchange service	C8Ba	e
22277exchange sort	C8C3	b
22278exchange sort	HQ8k	h
22279exchange step	C8DS	b
22280exchange storage	C8Dt	e
22281exchange system	C8El	d
22282exchange text string	C8FC	r
22283exchange trunk	C8Ft	f
22284exchange unit	C8GM	e
22285exchangeable disc	C8Hr	i
22286exchangeable disk storage	C8IN	z
22287exchanger	C8JA	U
22288excitation	C8JU	S
22289excitation	HZpf	Y
22290excitation	IPb7	Z
22291excitation oscillation	IPcU	k
22292excitation table	C8Jm	b
22293excitation trigger	C8KB	j
22294excited state	C8Kk	b
22295exciton	C8K/	i
22296exclude	C8Lh	P
22297excluded	C8Lw	T
22298exclusion	C8Mh	R
22299exclusion gate	C8My	Z
22300exclusion key	C8NL	a
22301exclusion operation	C8Nl	h
22302exclusion word dictionary	C8OG	q
22303exclusive	C8Ow	Z
22304exclusive	GLLR	U
22305exclusive attribute	C8PJ	h
22306exclusive branch	C8Pq	e
22307exclusive control	C8QI	f
22308exclusive event	C8Qn	d
22309exclusive exchange line	C8RE	r
22310exclusive gate	C8Rv	b
22311exclusive lock	C8SK	c
22312exclusive lock state	C8Sm	o
22313exclusive mode	C8TO	c
22314exclusive nor	C8Tq	b
22315exclusive nor gate	C8UF	c
22316exclusive normal input	C8Uh	q
22317exclusive option	C8VL	h
22318exclusive or	C8Vs	X
22319exclusive problem	C8WD	f
22320exclusive read	C8Wi	c
22321exclusive reference	C8W+	h
22322exclusive segment	C8Xf	c
22323exclusive segments	C8X7	d
22324exclusive updatd	C8YY	e
22325exclusive usage mode	C8Y2	o
22326exclusiveness	C8fP	j
22327excp interface	C8gE	o
22328excute	C8gs	O
22329excution	C8g6	Q
22330excution system	C8hK	d
22331excution time	C8hn	b
22332excutor node	C8iC	a
22333exec control statements	C8i7	p
22334exec procedure	C8jk	c
22335exec statement	C8kA	c
22336execiser	C8lG	W
22337execrtive control system	C8lc	x
22338exector	C8mN	Y
22339execuition diagnostic facility	C8ml	2
22340executable	C8nb	V
22341executable	jmT	b
22342executable array statement	C8nw	x
22343executable code program tape	C8oh	8
22344executable image	C8pd	h
22345executable instruction	C8p+	n
22346executable module management	C8ql	z
22347executable program	C8rY	j
22348executable program unit	C8r7	u
22349executable section	C8sp	j
22350executable source statement	C8tM	y
22351executable statement	C8t+	l
22352executable statement	C8uj	l
22353executable statement label	C8vI	x
22354executable syntax notation	C8v5	x
22355executable trace	C8wq	h
22356executalbe program notation	C8xL	y
22357executbale code program tape	C8x9	8
22358execute	C8y5	S
22359execute bit	C8zL	Z
22360execute channel program	C8zk	w
22361execute component	C80U	f
22362execute control cycle	C80z	t
22363execute control cycle	DLsQ	v
22364execute cycle	C81g	b
22365execute exception	C817	f
22366execute flag	C82a	a
22367execute inputoutput	C820	s
22368execute inputoutput system	C83g	6
22369execute instruction	C84a	h
22370execute instructions	C847	i
22371execute interface program	C85d	x
22372execute local	C86O	f
22373execute network analysis utility	C86t	BA
22374execute phase	C87t	m
22375execute register content	C88T	v
22376execute statement	C89C	f
22377execute store	C89h	e
22378execute vector	C89/	c
22379executing block	C8/V	g
22380executing state	C8/1	d
22381execution	C9AS	f
22382execution	GccC	U
22383execution	JEnH	X
22384execution abort	C9Ax	j
22385execution analysis	C9BU	g
22386execution analyzer	C9B0	m
22387execution behavior	C9Ca	g
22388execution control	C9C6	f
22389execution control function	C9DZ	u
22390execution control program	C9EH	t
22391execution control system	C9E0	s
22392execution cycle	C9Fg	d
22393execution environment	C9F9	j
22394execution error	C9Gg	d
22395execution error detection	C9G9	t
22396execution failure probability	C9Hq	x
22397execution file	C9Ib	c
22398execution instruction	C9I3	j
22399execution interruption	C9Ja	k
22400execution interval	C9J+	g
22401execution key	C9Ke	Y
22402execution language	C9K2	g
22403execution language	CZPJ	s
22404execution level	C9LW	a
22405execution module	C9Lw	e
22406execution monitoring	C9MO	i
22407execution monitoring and control	C9Mw	3
22408execution node	C9Nn	c
22409execution of a machine instruction	C9OD	5
22410execution order	C9O8	d
22411execution ordering	C9PZ	g
22412execution path	C9P5	c
22413execution phase	C9QV	g
22414execution phrase	C9Q1	e
22415execution pipeline	C9RT	g
22416execution priority	C9Rz	j
22417execution processing unit	C9SW	u
22418execution request block	C9TE	s
22419execution route	C9Tw	d
22420execution sequence	C9UN	g
22421execution space map block	C9Ut	2
22422execution stack	C9Vj	g
22423execution statement	C9WD	h
22424execution step	C9Wk	c
22425execution stream	C9XA	b
22426execution system	C9Xb	e
22427execution time	C9X5	c
22428execution time character set	C9YV	w
22429execution time storage management	C9ZF	4
22430execution trace	C9Z9	d
22431execution unit	C9aa	f
22432executive	C9bt	n
22433executive	H9bm	X
22434executive and scheduling program	C9cU	7
22435executive assignment facilities	C9dP	z
22436executive channel program	C9eC	t
22437executive circuit	C9ev	f
22438executive command	C9fO	f
22439executive communication	C9ft	l
22440executive communication exchange	C9gS	4
22441executive control function	C9hK	u
22442executive control language	C9h4	y
22443executive control program	C9iq	w
22444executive control system	C9ja	x
22445executive control utility routine	C9kL	BB
22446executive cycle	C9lM	d
22447executive deck	C9lp	c
22448executive diagnostic system	C9mF	v
22449executive display terminal	C9m0	u
22450executive dumping	C9ni	f
22451executive dynamic debugging technique	C9oB	BE
22452executive facilities assignment	C9pF	z
22453executive function	C9qg	n
22454executive independent utilities	C9rH	BA
22455executive information system	C9sH	BO
22456executive instruction	C9tV	j
22457executive language	C9t4	g
22458executive language control	C9uY	u
22459executive logging interface block	C9vG	+
22460executive management reponsibility	C9wE	BG
22461executive management responsibility	C9xK	7
22462executive mode	C9yF	c
22463executive module	C9yh	e
22464executive operating system	C9y/	u
22465executive order	C9zt	g
22466executive process table	C90N	2
22467executive program	C91D	i
22468executive program control	C91l	t
22469executive request	C92x	f
22470executive resident segment	C93Q	r
22471executive routine	C937	f
22472executive software	C94a	g
22473executive statement	C946	m
22474executive storage area	C95g	r
22475executive subsystem program	C96L	y
22476executive supervisor	C969	o
22477executive system	C97l	e
22478executive system	Igxi	x
22479executive system concurrency	C98D	z
22480executive system control	C982	s
22481executive system function	C99i	t
22482executive system multiprogramming	C9+P	BE
22483executive system of multiprogramming	C9/T	BB
22484executive system problem oriented language	C+AU	BQ
22485executive system problem reiented language	C+Bk	BQ
22486executive system programming oriented language	C+C0	Bd
22487executive system routine	C+ER	y
22488executive system utility	C+FD	y
22489executive termination	C+F1	j
22490executive time	C+GY	c
22491executive utility	C+G0	l
22492executive utility routine	C+HZ	5
22493executor	C+Ir	Z
22494exhaustiv search procedure	C+JE	o
22495exhaustive search procedure	C+Js	y
22496existence code	GccW	c
22497existence test	C+Ke	c
22498existential closure	C+K6	h
22499existential quantified variable	C+Lb	2
22500existential quantifier	C+MR	k
22501existing	C+M1	T
22502existing carrier line up	C+NI	w
22503existing computer system	C+N4	v
22504existing data base	C+On	j
22505existing permanent file	C+PK	u
22506existing permanent unprotected file	C+P4	BD
22507existing record	C+Q7	d
22508existing subsystem	C+RY	j
22509exit	C+R7	X
22510exit code	C+SS	U
22511exit handler	C+Sm	g
22512exit instruction	C+TG	e
22513exit interactive graphics library	C+Tk	+
22514exit label	C+Ui	Y
22515exit list	C+U6	a
22516exit loop	F8wY	a
22517exit macroinstruction	C+VU	p
22518exit node	C+V9	X
22519exit page	C+WU	X
22520exit phase	C+Wr	Y
22521exit point	C+XD	V
22522exit program	C+XY	a
22523exit program statement	C+Xy	q
22524exit routine	C+Yc	x
22525exit statement	C+ZN	c
22526exit status code	C+Zp	h
22527exjunction	C+aK	Y
22528exjunction gate	C+ai	g
22529exlst exit routine	C+bC	r
22530exogenous variable	C+b+	g
22531exorciser development system	C+ce	1
22532exorciso	C+dT	v
22533exp function	C+eC	Y
22534expand	C+ea	w
22535expand mode	C+fK	Z
22536expand nonstop network	C+fj	x
22537expandability	C+gU	Y
22538expandability attribute	C+gs	o
22539expandable file family	C+hU	w
22540expandable level interactive application system	C+iE	BS
22541expandable machine accounting system	C+jW	BE
22542expandable stored program	C+ka	0
22543expanded address space	C+lO	q
22544expanded addressing	C+l4	h
22545expanded ascii code	C+mZ	n
22546expanded character set	C+nA	r
22547expanded circuit	C+nr	e
22548expanded editing	C+oJ	e
22549expanded function operator panel	C+on	BI
22550expanded grammar	C+pv	e
22551expanded memory	C+qN	g
22552expanded order	C+qt	Z
22553expanded parallel io capacity	C+rG	+
22554expanded pseudo code	C+sE	o
22555expanded virtual machine assist	C+ss	7
22556expander	C+tn	e
22557expander	HAOz	c
22558expander board	C+uF	Z
22559expander board kit	C+ue	p
22560expander input	C+vH	i
22561expanding network operating system	C+vp	/
22562expanding node	C+wo	c
22563expanding opcode	C+xE	h
22564expanding subinterval algorithm	C+xl	5
22565expandor	C+ye	e
22566expansion	C+y8	Z
22567expansion adapter	C+zV	i
22568expansion board	C+z3	a
22569expansion card	C+0R	f
22570expansion interface	C+0w	h
22571expansion of node	C+1R	f
22572expansion process	C+1w	f
22573expected cost	C+2P	b
22574expected errors	C+2q	i
22575expected inventory	C+3M	g
22576expected receipts	C+3s	f
22577expected time of response	C+4n	x
22578expected value	C+5Y	Z
22579expedite	C+5x	Q
22580expedite firm planned order	C+6B	4
22581expedite planned order	C+65	t
22582expedite scheduled receipt	C+7m	0
22583expedited flow	C+8a	i
22584expedited message handing	C+88	x
22585expedited message handling	C+9t	y
22586expediting	C++f	V
22587expeditor	C++0	U
22588expenditure	C+/I	b
22589expense	C+/j	X
22590expense item	C+/6	a
22591expenses	C/AU	Q
22592experiment	C/Ak	S
22593experiment data management system	C/A2	BA
22594experiment data record	C/B2	u
22595experiment design	C/Ck	f
22596experimental computer complex	C/DD	7
22597experimental computer network	C/D+	3
22598experimental data base	C/E1	n
22599experimental data handling equipment	C/Fc	BD
22600experimental data management system	C/Gf	9
22601experimental design	C/Hc	h
22602experimental error	C/H9	g
22603experimental facility	C/Id	j
22604experimental hybrid computer network	C/JA	BG
22605experimental learning system	C/KG	w
22606experimental mathematical programming system	C/K2	BP
22607experimental memory address register	C/MF	BG
22608experimental network operating system	C/NL	BC
22609experimental polyporcessor system	C/ON	BD
22610experimental roughing	C/PQ	p
22611experimental stellite communication earth station	C/P5	BO
22612expert inquire system	C/RH	p
22613expert problem solver	C/Rw	s
22614expert problem solving	C/Sc	q
22615expert system	C/TG	b
22616experts	C/Th	Z
22617expiration check	C/T6	k
22618expiration date	C/Ue	d
22619expiration of the processor time slice	C/U7	9
22620expire date	C/V4	W
22621explain	C/WO	P
22622explanatory	IPc4	W
22623explanatory comment	C/Wd	k
22624explanatory text	C/XB	h
22625explicit	C/Xi	Y
22626explicit	IR8D	T
22627explicit address	C/X6	e
22628explicit alternate program communication block	C/YY	BL
22629explicit attribute	C/Zj	g
22630explicit conversion of data type	C/aD	9
22631explicit declaration	C/bA	i
22632explicit expression	C/bi	k
22633explicit function	C/cG	c
22634explicit identification	C/ci	l
22635explicit item for inquiry	C/dH	z
22636explicit literal	C/d6	e
22637explicit mapping	C/eY	e
22638explicit prompt	C/e2	g
22639explicit scope terminator	C/fW	z
22640explicit segmentation	C/gJ	p
22641explicit type	C/gy	b
22642explicit type association	C/hN	t
22643exploded items	Gccy	i
22644exploded pie graph	C/h6	j
22645exploit	C/id	P
22646explosion	C/is	Z
22647explosion of knowledge	C/jF	k
22648explosion proof	C/jp	X
22649exponent	C/kA	S
22650exponent characters	C/kS	h
22651exponent curve	C/kz	c
22652exponent part	C/lP	b
22653exponent part format	C/lq	o
22654exponent register overflow fault	C/mS	9
22655exponential	C/nP	T
22656exponential decay	C/ni	f
22657exponential distribution	C/oB	p
22658exponential equation	C/oq	l
22659exponential function	C/pP	i
22660exponential notation	C/px	l
22661exponential notationl	C/qW	m
22662exponential operator	C/q8	l
22663exponential smoothing	C/rh	3
22664exponential subroutine	C/sY	n
22665exponential value	C/s/	c
22666exponentiation	C/tb	W
22667export	C/tx	O
22668exported	C/t/	Q
22669exposure	C/uP	Q
22670express engineering circuit	C/uf	v
22671express international telex service	C/vO	BC
22672express logic	C/wQ	b
22673express programming language	C/wr	6
22674express read	C/xl	U
22675expression	C/x5	d
22676expression	Ir6j	V
22677expression atom	C/yW	d
22678expression containing conditions	C/yz	3
22679expression continuation	C/zq	r
22680expression data type	C/0V	r
22681expression element	C/1A	j
22682expression error	C/1j	h
22683expression of condition	C/2E	o
22684expression symbolic	C/2s	h
22685expression syntax	C/3N	f
22686expression translator	C/3s	z
22687expression translator	C/4f	z
22688extected time of response	C/6B	x
22689extend	C/6y	a
22690extend address	C/7M	c
22691extend assembler	C/7o	k
22692extend immediate address	C/8h	s
22693extendable compiler	C/9N	7
22694extended	C/+I	Q
22695extended address	C/+Y	e
22696extended address register	C/+2	3
22697extended addressing	C//t	h
22698extended addressing mode	DAAO	s
22699extended alphabet	DAA6	f
22700extended apt	DABZ	n
22701extended area service	DACA	j
22702extended argument block	DACj	o
22703extended arithmetic processor	DADL	BB
22704extended arithmetic unit	DAEM	w
22705extended array logic	DAE8	o
22706extended assembler language coding	DAGF	8
22707extended attribute	DAHB	g
22708extended attribute block	DAHh	t
22709extended attribute buffer	DAIO	w
22710extended attribute grammar	DAI+	u
22711extended basic mode	DAJs	n
22712extended binary coded decimal	DAKT	8
22713extended binary coded decimal interchange code	DALP	BY
22714extended binary vectors	DAMn	u
22715extended boolean information retrieval	DANV	BA
22716extended buffer pool	DAOV	r
22717extended channel status word	DAPA	4
22718extended character	DAP4	j
22719extended code	DAQb	Y
22720extended code memory	DAQz	s
22721extended code module	DARf	p
22722extended color	DASI	c
22723extended communications operating system	DASk	BH
22724extended comparison	DATr	h
22725extended console system	DAUM	z
22726extended content addressable memory	DAU/	BI
22727extended control	DAWH	h
22728extended control and simulation language	DAWo	BN
22729extended control mode	DAX1	w
22730extended control program support	DAYl	/
22731extended control store	DAZk	x
22732extended core storage	DAaV	w
22733extended cost	DAbF	b
22734extended data base control system	DAcs	+
22735extended data base management system	DAbg	BM
22736extended data bus	DAdq	o
22737extended data management facility	DAeS	BA
22738extended data model	DAfS	n
22739extended data set	DAf5	m
22740extended data transfer	DAgf	z
22741extended data transfer	DAhS	z
22742extended device control	DAiF	v
22743extended diagnostic messages	DAi0	w
22744extended direct addressing	DAjk	u
22745extended direct memory access	DAkS	/
22746extended disc file management system	DAlR	BJ
22747extended disc operating system	DAma	9
22748extended disc utilities program	DAnX	5
22749extended disk operating system	DAoQ	4
22750extended display processor instruction set	DApI	BN
22751extended emulator control	DAqV	w
22752extended emulator control mode	DArF	BG
22753extended field attribute	DAsL	s
22754extended file	DAs3	b
22755extended finite automaton	DAtS	0
22756extended fixed link pack area	DAuG	BC
22757extended floating point operation	DAvI	1
22758extended function code	DAv9	x
22759extended function store	DAwu	1
22760extended general purpose simulator	DAxj	BB
22761extended grammar	DAyk	e
22762extended group coded recording	DAzC	4
22763extended group coded set	DAz6	0
22764extended horizon projection	DA0u	y
22765extended industry standard architecture	DA2U	BJ
22766extended instruction group	DA4M	r
22767extended instruction set	DA43	w
22768extended interaction oscilator	DA5n	5
22769extended interface	DA6g	g
22770extended io device status	GcdU	9
22771extended io monitor	DA1g	0
22772extended language	DA7A	f
22773extended line adapter	DA7f	z
22774extended linear conversational programming system	DA8S	Bh
22775extended local system queue area	DA9z	BG
22776extended logic requirement	DA+5	u
22777extended logical address space	GceR	7
22778extended lookup	DA/n	d
22779extended main store	DBAE	r
22780extended maintenance service	DBAv	3
22781extended master terminal routine	DBBm	9
22782extended memory	DBCj	j
22783extended memory area	DBDG	s
22784extended memory function	DBDy	s
22785extended memory management	DBEe	7
22786extended memory map block	DBFZ	w
22787extended memory monitor	DBGJ	x
22788extended memory programmed request	DBHu	8
22789extended memory specification	DBIq	y
22790extended memory unit	DBJc	s
22791extended mercruy autocode	DBKI	3
22792extended mode	DBK/	b
22793extended multiprogramming system	DBLa	BA
22794extended network services	DBMa	0
22795extended operating system	DBNO	0
22796extended operation	DBOC	g
22797extended operation codes	DBOi	p
22798extended operator commend	DBPL	w
22799extended operator control ssp	DBP7	BG
22800extended pageable link pack area	DBRB	BD
22801extended parity checking	DBSE	z
22802extended partition specification table	DBS3	BI
22803extended pascal compiler	DBT/	y
22804extended precedence grammar	DBUx	v
22805extended precision	DBVg	j
22806extended precision floating point	DBWD	5
22807extended precision floating point arithmetic	DBW8	BG
22808extended precision word	DBYC	o
22809extended price	DBYq	c
22810extended primary operator control station	DBZG	BG
22811extended processing table	DBaM	u
22812extended processor	DBa6	p
22813extended range	DBbj	Z
22814extended range floating opint information system	DBb8	BZ
22815extended range floating point information system	DBdV	BX
22816extended register	DBes	i
22817extended remote job entry	DBfO	7
22818extended response byte	DBgJ	t
22819extended response field	DBg2	r
22820extended result output	DBhh	q
22821extended result output function	DBiL	5
22822extended retrieval information blocks	DBjE	8
22823extended sataus word	DBkA	p
22824extended scheduler work area	DBkp	4
22825extended secondary operator control station	DBlh	BL
22826extended segment processing	DBms	2
22827extended shift left	DBni	h
22828extended shift right	DBoD	i
22829extended spooling facility	DBol	1
22830extended storage	DBpa	h
22831extended subpool	DBp7	r
22832extended system queue area	DBqm	8
22833extended tape operating system	DBri	BA
22834extended telecommunications module	DBsi	BE
22835extended time scale	DBtm	h
22836extended truth table	DBuH	l
22837extended unit	DBus	b
22838extended vendor file	DBvH	r
22839extended virtual machine	DBvy	w
22840extended virtual maching	DBwi	w
22841extended working register	DBxS	w
22842extender	DByC	T
22843extender card	DByV	Y
22844extendible compiler	DByt	u
22845extendible computer compiler	DBzb	BD
22846extendible computer system simulator	DB0e	BS
22847extending hybrids	F6Rr	3
22848extensible data structure	DB1w	w
22849extensible language	DB2g	k
22850extensible language	IPdO	r
22851extensible language 1	DB3E	r
22852extensible language facility	DB3v	6
22853extensible metalanguage	DB4p	r
22854extensible microprogramming language	DB5U	BJ
22855extensible programming language	DB6d	BD
22856extensible register	DB7g	n
22857extensible saftware pachage	IPd5	8
22858extensible video interactive language	DB8H	BQ
22859extension	DB9X	Z
22860extension calculation	DB9w	j
22861extension character	DB+T	h
22862extension lanaguage	DB/K	h
22863extension memory	DB/r	h
22864extension of function	DCAM	j
22865extension of resource allocation problem	DCAv	BF
22866extension register	DCB0	m
22867extension station	DCCa	c
22868extension tube	DCC2	m
22869extensiveness	DCDc	Y
22870extensiveness inputoutput control	DCD0	BC
22871extensys multiprocessor operating system	DCE2	BH
22872extent	DCF9	Z
22873extent map	DCGW	V
22874extent number	DCGr	Y
22875extent of parallelism	DCHD	p
22876extent request block	DCHs	l
22877extention	DCIR	U
22878exteranl device interrupt	DCIl	t
22879exterior	DCJS	Q
22880exterior hash function expression	DCJi	7
22881exterior label	DCKd	c
22882external	DCK5	T
22883external access	DCLM	g
22884external access network	DCLs	v
22885external address modifier	DCMb	w
22886external arithmetic	DCNL	e
22887external bridge	DCNp	d
22888external bus	DCOG	d
22889external bus instruction	DCOj	v
22890external call	DCPS	b
22891external channel program	DCPt	s
22892external clock	DCQZ	c
22893external clocking	DCQ1	c
22894external command	DCRR	e
22895external data	DCRv	b
22896external data controller	DCSK	0
22897external data file	DCS+	m
22898external data item	DCTk	j
22899external data record	DCUH	o
22900external data structure	DCUv	r
22901external decimal	DCVa	k
22902external defined symbol	DCV+	r
22903external deivce start	DCWp	p
22904external delay	DCXS	c
22905external delay time	DCXu	n
22906external demand	DCYV	d
22907external device	DCYy	h
22908external device address	DCZT	r
22909external device code	DCZ+	s
22910external device communication	DCaq	x
22911external device control	DCbb	y
22912external device control word	DCcN	4
22913external device data flow	DCdF	w
22914external device operand	DCd1	u
22915external device operation code	DCej	1
22916external device response	DCfY	s
22917external device status	DCgE	q
22918external documents	DCgu	g
22919external domain	DChO	a
22920external equipment	DCho	g
22921external error	DCiI	c
22922external even detection module	DCik	9
22923external event module	DCjh	p
22924external event processor module	DCkK	BG
22925external excitation	DClQ	e
22926external file	DClu	b
22927external file name	DCmJ	j
22928external flag	DCms	b
22929external flag	DCnH	e
22930external fragmentation	DCnl	h
22931external function	DCoG	j
22932external function reference	DCop	s
22933external function store	DCpV	y
22934external function testing	DCqH	t
22935external function translator	DCq0	3
22936external graph	DCrr	c
22937external hardware	DCsH	f
22938external idle time	DCsm	w
22939external indicators	DCtW	k
22940external inhibit interrupt	DCt6	u
22941external input	DCuo	c
22942external interface control	DCwg	y
22943external interrupt	DCxS	u
22944external interrupt control	DCyA	u
22945external interrupt enable	DCyu	t
22946external interrupt inhibit	DCzb	u
22947external interrupt level	DC0J	p
22948external interrupt lines	DC0y	p
22949external interrupt mask	DC1b	r
22950external interrupt status word	DC2G	1
22951external interrupt supporrt	DC27	z
22952external interrupt symbol	DC3u	t
22953external interruption	DC4b	x
22954external interrupts	DC5M	h
22955external interrutp	DC5t	g
22956external key	DC6N	X
22957external label	DC6k	c
22958external line	DC7A	b
22959external link	DC7b	e
22960external load	DC75	Y
22961external loss time	DC8R	m
22962external media	DC83	c
22963external memory	DC9T	g
22964external memory computer	DC9z	s
22965external merge	DC/G	c
22966external model	DC/i	c
22967external modem	DC/+	f
22968external modem interface	DDAd	z
22969external multipiexer channel	DDBQ	0
22970external multiplexer channel	DDC4	0
22971external multiplexer channel	DDCE	0
22972external name	DDDs	Y
22973external node	DDEE	b
22974external noise	DDEf	Z
22975external noise factor	DDE4	t
22976external number	DDFl	a
22977external number repetition	DDF/	r
22978external numbering plan	DDGq	r
22979external observation	DDHV	i
22980external optical modulation	DDH3	s
22981external or secondary storage device	DDIj	4
22982external page	DDJb	b
22983external page address	DDJ2	p
22984external page storage	DDKf	w
22985external page storage management	DDLP	9
22986external page table	DDMM	p
22987external photoeffect	DDM1	o
22988external photoeffect detector	DDNd	6
22989external priority	DDOX	l
22990external priority interrupts	DDO8	w
22991external priority interrupts	DDPs	z
22992external priority number	DDQf	t
22993external procedure	DDRM	g
22994external procedure identifier	DDRs	x
22995external procedure reference	DDSd	w
22996external processor status word	DDTN	+
22997external program	DDUL	e
22998external program check	DDUp	q
22999external program interrupt	DDVT	u
23000external program link	DDWB	p
23001external program parameter	DDWq	u
23002external programming	DDXY	o
23003external reference	DDYA	x
23004external register	DDYx	m
23005external request	DDZX	e
23006external reset	DDZ1	g
23007external routine	DDaV	k
23008external run unit	DDa5	p
23009external schema	DDbi	d
23010external searching	DDb/	g
23011external segment name	DDcf	n
23012external selection storage	DDdG	r
23013external sense and control line	DDeR	5
23014external shared page table	DDfK	0
23015external signal	DDf+	d
23016external signal interrupt	DDgb	t
23017external signal line	DDhI	i
23018external sort	DDhq	b
23019external statement	DDiF	g
23020external status words interrupt	DDil	2
23021external storage	DDjb	p
23022external store	DDkE	c
23023external subroutine	DDkg	k
23024external switch	DDlE	d
23025external symbol	DDlh	o
23026external symbol dictionary	DDmJ	v
23027external symbolic reference	DDm4	v
23028external text	DDnn	b
23029external timing	DDoC	d
23030external transmit clock	DDof	w
23031external transport instruction	DDpP	y
23032external trigger	DDqB	e
23033external trigger pulse	DDqf	n
23034external unit	DDrG	b
23035external unit identifier	DDrh	v
23036external variable	DDsQ	f
23037external visual display equipment	DDsv	BA
23038externally caused failure	DDtv	x
23039externally caused failure	DDug	r
23040externally compiled module	DDvL	u
23041externally compiled subprogram	DDv5	1
23042externally compiled subprogram identifier	DDwu	BJ
23043externally defined symbol	DDx3	t
23044externally designated subprogram	DDyk	6
23045externally programmed computer	DDze	y
23046externally specified address	DD0Q	u
23047externally stored program	DD0+	n
23048extneded relational memory	DD2C	x
23049extra	DD2z	a
23050extra address	DD3N	b
23051extra best best	DD3o	e
23052extra bit	DD4G	X
23053extra block	DD4d	W
23054extra block probability	DD4z	o
23055extra buffer	DD5b	d
23056extra byte	DD54	b
23057extra cell	DD6T	Y
23058extra cell	DD6r	Y
23059extra code	DD7D	V
23060extra code instruction	DD7Y	n
23061extra error	DD7/	Z
23062extra gate	DD81	V
23063extra input terminal	DD+C	v
23064extra instruction	DD+x	f
23065extra io package kit	DD9K	4
23066extra key	DD/Q	a
23067extra large scale integration	DD/q	5
23068extra large scale packaging	DEAj	x
23069extra limiter	DEBU	e
23070extra logic element	DEBy	n
23071extra low frequency	DECZ	i
23072extra message	DEC7	b
23073extra output order	DEDW	m
23074extra output terminal	DED8	x
23075extra parallelism	DEEt	i
23076extra pass	DEFP	Y
23077extra pointer	DEFn	b
23078extra pointer field	DEGC	n
23079extra print order	DEGp	l
23080extra processor	DEHO	g
23081extra pseudo order	DEHu	m
23082extra segment register	DEIU	q
23083extra storage address register	DEI+	BE
23084extra symbol	DEKC	a
23085extra video memory	DEKc	p
23086extract	DELb	f
23087extract file	DEL6	i
23088extract instruction	DEMc	h
23089extract utility	DEM9	j
23090extracted digit	DENg	d
23091extracting	DEN9	a
23092extraction	DEOX	S
23093extraction tool	DEOp	g
23094extractor	DEPJ	U
23095extraneous ink	DEPd	c
23096extrapoiate	DEP5	T
23097extrapolate	DEQM	T
23098extrapolation	DEQf	g
23099extremely high frequency	DEQ/	n
23100extremely large logical addressing range	DERm	BC
23101extremely large logical addressing range	DESo	BC
23102extremely large physical addressing range	DETq	BG
23103extremely large scale integration	DEUw	9
23104extremely low frequency	DEVt	m
23105extremity	DEWw	R
23106extremum	DEXB	Q
23107extrinsic semiconductor	DEXR	r
23108eye machine	DvOG	W
23109eye pattern	DEX8	W
23110ezpert	DEZP	j
23111f bandwidwidth	H2Ci	c
23112f format	DEZy	S
23113f value in	DEaE	T
23114f value out	DEaX	W
23115fable	DEb7	Z
23116fabric ribbon	DEcU	b
23117fabricated	46g	b
23118fabricated item	DEdF	d
23119fabricated language	DEdi	h
23120fabricated part	DEeD	d
23121fabrication	DEeg	b
23122fabrication order	DEe7	f
23123face	DEfa	M
23124face bold	DEfm	R
23125face bond	DEf3	U
23126face bonding material	DEgL	m
23127face bonding techingue	DEgx	x
23128face card	DEhi	R
23129face change character	DEhz	p
23130face character nonimpact printing technique	DEic	BR
23131face chip	DEjt	p
23132face chromatic numbe	DEkW	f
23133face classification	DEk1	k
23134face colourable plane	DElZ	m
23135face colouring	DEl/	Z
23136face down bonding	DEmY	f
23137face in frame	DEm3	b
23138face inner	DEnS	S
23139face outer	DEnk	S
23140face shield	DEn2	W
23141face structure	DEoM	Z
23142faced letter	BElO	a
23143facet	DEpa	Q
23144facet access path	DjxN	y
23145facet analysis	DEpq	f
23146facet name	DEqJ	V
23147faceted classification	DErC	k
23148facilities	DErm	S
23149facilities control form	DEr4	v
23150facilities library	DEsn	d
23151facilities management	DEtE	m
23152facilitiles control	DEtq	k
23153facility	DEuO	Y
23154facility allocation	DEum	h
23155facility assignment	DEvH	h
23156facility comparison	DEvo	h
23157facility controlpower management	DEwJ	BD
23158facility data report	DExM	s
23159facility design criteria document	DEx4	BA
23160facility field	DEy4	Z
23161facility for automatic sorting and testing	DEzR	BM
23162facility gauge	DE0d	h
23163facility inventory	DE0+	g
23164facility management	DE1e	e
23165facility management reporting	DE18	1
23166facility power monitor	DE3R	x
23167facility record	DE4C	d
23168facility request	DE4f	h
23169facility utilization	DE5A	l
23170facility work order	DE5l	n
23171facom automatic symbolic program	DE6f	/
23172facsimile	DE8N	d
23173facsimile	DE8q	V
23174facsimile amplitude modulation mode	DE8/	BB
23175facsimile apparatus	DE+A	e
23176facsimile baseband	DE+e	j
23177facsimile character generation	DE/B	y
23178facsimile communications system	DE/z	3
23179facsimile converter	DFAq	k
23180facsimile copy	DFBO	c
23181facsimile density	DFBq	f
23182facsimile equipment	DFCJ	h
23183facsimile mail	DFCq	c
23184facsimile modulation	DFDG	f
23185facsimile network	DFDl	c
23186facsimile positing	DFEB	g
23187facsimile posting	DFEh	Z
23188facsimile printer	DFE6	i
23189facsimile receiver	DFFc	j
23190facsimile receiving converter	DFF/	x
23191facsimile recorder	DFGw	j
23192facsimile recording	DFHT	h
23193facsimile reporting code	DFH0	s
23194facsimile service	DFIg	l
23195facsimile signal	DFJF	e
23196facsimile signal converter	DFJj	x
23197facsimile signal level	DFKU	q
23198facsimile signal simulator	DFK+	x
23199facsimile switching	DFLv	h
23200facsimile switching unit	DFMQ	w
23201facsimile synchronizing	DFNA	l
23202facsimile system	DFNl	e
23203facsimile telegram	DFOD	g
23204facsimile telegraphy	DFOj	i
23205facsimile transmission	DFPF	k
23206facsimile transmission system	DFPp	3
23207facsimile transmitter	DFQg	m
23208facsimile transmitting converter	DFRG	3
23209fact	DFSd	M
23210fact correlation	DFSp	h
23211fact expression	DFTK	g
23212fact node	DFTq	X
23213fact object	DFUB	Z
23214fact retrieval	DFUa	c
23215factirzation theorem	DFWI	i
23216factor	C2P5	j
23217factor	DFWq	a
23218factor	HvgT	U
23219factor affecting efficiency	DFXE	v
23220factor allocation	DFXz	f
23221factor analysis	DFYS	d
23222factor blocking	DFYv	d
23223factor clause	DFZM	b
23224factor experimental	DFZn	h
23225factor groupoid	DFaI	a
23226factor of cooperation	DFai	j
23227factor of ten	DFbF	V
23228factor out	DFba	Y
23229factor scale	DFby	a
23230factor set	DFcM	V
23231factor syntax	DFch	b
23232factor total	DFc8	a
23233factorable graph	DFdW	h
23234factorial	DFd3	R
23235factorial design	DFeI	e
23236factorial experiment design	DFem	v
23237factorial function	DFfV	g
23238factorial operator	DFf1	j
23239factorial power	DFgY	a
23240factorial sign	DFgy	c
23241factoring	DFhO	X
23242factoring file specification	DFhl	2
23243factoring of attributes	DFib	u
23244factorization	DFjJ	e
23245factorization into prime numbers	DFjn	0
23246factorization into primes	DFkb	w
23247factorization of repairs	DFlL	v
23248factorization of transformation	DFl6	2
23249factorization technique	DFmw	r
23250factory automation	DFnb	m
23251factory data collection system	DFoB	4
23252factory engineer	DFo5	h
23253factory feed back and reports	DFpa	0
23254factory testing	DFqO	g
23255factual compiler	DFqu	p
23256facula	DFrX	O
23257fade	DFrl	M
23258fade area	DFrx	U
23259fade chart	DFsF	S
23260fade down	DFsX	a
23261fade fail safe facility	DFsx	0
23262fade indicator	DFtl	f
23263fade zone	DFuE	U
23264fading	DFuY	O
23265fading depth	DFum	a
23266fading effect	DFvA	b
23267fading flat	DFvb	Z
23268fading margin	DFv0	b
23269fading memory filter	DFwP	x
23270fading period	DFxA	b
23271fading range	DFxb	a
23272fading region	DFx1	Y
23273fading rise	DFyN	W
23274fading selective	DFyj	e
23275fading signal	DFzB	b
23276fail	DFzc	M
23277fail address	DFzo	a
23278fail category	DF0C	b
23279fail data	DF0d	X
23280fail mask mode	DF00	i
23281fail memory	DF1W	c
23282failing unit	DF8z	d
23283failsafe operation	DF9Q	m
23284failsafe timer	F8wy	i
23285failsoft	DF+Q	W
23286failure	DF+m	b
23287failure	Fhxy	j
23288failure	FhyV	n
23289failure analysis information retrieval	DF/B	BF
23290failure analysis program	DGAG	w
23291failure analysis report	DGA2	v
23292failure bit	DGBl	W
23293failure catastrophic	DGB7	i
23294failure category	DGCd	e
23295failure cause data report	DGC7	4
23296failure count	DGDz	e
23297failure data calculation	DGER	s
23298failure detection	DGE9	f
23299failure distribution	DGFc	i
23300failure equipment	DGF+	f
23301failure exception	DGGd	f
23302failure exception mode	DGG8	q
23303failure frequency function	DGHm	u
23304failure function	DGIU	e
23305failure functionn	DGIy	f
23306failure handler	DGJR	p
23307failure identification	DGJ6	k
23308failure incipient	DGKe	f
23309failure induced	DGK9	d
23310failure level	DGLa	Y
23311failure logging	DGLy	d
23312failure mode	DGNG	a
23313failure mode effect analysis	DGNg	7
23314failure mode effect and criticality analysis	DGOb	BY
23315failure node	DGPz	a
23316failure notification sheet	DGQN	v
23317failure or inadequacy report	DGQ8	6
23318failure predication	DGR2	h
23319failure probabiliy analysis	DGSX	z
23320failure protection	Himj	m
23321failure rate	DGTK	a
23322failure rate data	DGTk	p
23323failure record	DGUN	f
23324failure recovery	DGUs	e
23325failure report	DGVK	f
23326failure state	DGVp	b
23327failure testing	DGWE	d
23328failure tolerant parallel programming	DGWh	8
23329failure tree analysis	DGXd	m
23330failure warning and analysis system	DGYD	BF
23331failureanalysis	DGZn	g
23332failures	Fh1u	k
23333failures	Fhw1	9
23334fair and impartial random selection	DGan	BF
23335fair market yalue	DGbs	p
23336fair reachability graphs	DGcV	j
23337fairchild integrated realtime executive	DGc4	BM
23338fairchild software development system	DGeE	BE
23339faire share policy	DGfI	m
23340fairness doctrine	DGfu	f
23341fake host	DGgN	U
23342fake host communication	DGgh	o
23343fall back procedure	DGhJ	h
23344fall back recovery	DGhq	g
23345fall joint computer conference	DGiK	BA
23346fall out ratio	DGjK	Z
23347fall time	DGjj	X
23348fallacious derivation	DGmS	j
23349fallback circuit	DGm1	e
23350fallback method	DGnT	d
23351falling factorial	DGnw	f
23352false	DGoP	N
23353false	H8ce	T
23354false add	DGoc	i
23355false alarm	DGo+	W
23356false call	DGpU	V
23357false calling	DGpp	Y
23358false code	DGqB	Y
23359false code check	DGqZ	k
23360false color	DGq9	T
23361false combination	DGrQ	c
23362false contouring	DGrs	b
23363false dismissal	DGsH	a
23364false drop	DGsh	S
23365false error	DGsz	T
23366false exit	DGtG	V
23367false identiffication	DGtb	j
23368false input vector	DGt+	j
23369false operation	DGuh	a
23370false predicate	DGu7	a
23371false proposition	DGvV	c
23372false qutput	DGvx	U
23373false repetition cycle	DGwF	k
23374false retrieval	DGwp	d
23375false signal	DGxG	a
23376false sorts	DGxg	W
23377false start	DGx2	W
23378false statement	DGyM	a
23379false symbol	DGym	X
23380false synchronization	DGy9	g
23381faltung	DGz0	S
23382faltung intergral	DG0G	h
23383faltung theorem	DG0n	d
23384family	DG1e	O
23385family chip	DG1s	Z
23386family computer	DG2F	g
23387family of characterisities	DG2l	l
23388family of frame	DG3K	a
23389family of predicate	DG3k	e
23390family of sets	DG4C	W
23391family order representation	DG4Y	v
23392family program	DG5H	Z
23393family structure	DG5g	b
23394family tree	DG57	T
23395famos memory	DG6O	BK
23396fan	DG7Y	L
23397fan	HAPP	T
23398fan antenna	DG7j	Z
23399fan connector	DG78	e
23400fan control word	DG8a	e
23401fan in	DG84	O
23402fan in and fan out	DG9G	j
23403fan out	DG9p	P
23404fanfold	DHCs	P
23405fanfold paper	DHC7	s
23406fanfold printer	DHDn	m
23407fanning strip	DHEN	e
23408fano code	IfUR	c
23409far infrared pointer package	DHFi	8
23410far jump	DHGe	T
23411far zone	DHGx	Q
23412farad	DHJ1	T
23413faraday	DHKI	S
23414faraday effect	DHKa	f
23415fascicle	DHNL	Q
23416fascimile communications system	DHNb	3
23417fast access data storage	DHOS	1
23418fast access disc subsystem	DHPH	7
23419fast access memory	DHQC	p
23420fast access memory	DHQr	t
23421fast access memory parity error	DHRY	BE
23422fast access retrieval system	DHSc	2
23423fast access storage	DHTS	u
23424fast access storage technology	DHUA	9
23425fast acting channel	DHU9	n
23426fast aigorithm	DHVk	c
23427fast analysis of tape and recovery	DHWA	BF
23428fast analysis of tape surfaces	DHXF	BA
23429fast application of suffix tree	DHYF	z
23430fast automatic gain control	DHY4	6
23431fast auxiliary memory	DHZy	w
23432fast backward	DHai	h
23433fast binary fourier representation transform	DHbD	BZ
23434fast binary fourier repressentation transform	DHcc	Ba
23435fast bus	DHd2	W
23436fast busy	DHeM	U
23437fast carry iterative network	DHeg	7
23438fast coding	DHfb	Z
23439fast coincidence circuit	DHf0	s
23440fast comprehensive recovery	DHgg	v
23441fast comprehensive restart	DHhP	x
23442fast connect circuit switching	DHiA	4
23443fast connect dial circuit	DHi4	z
23444fast copy data set program	DHjr	3
23445fast data base access	DHki	s
23446fast digital processor	DHlO	x
23447fast disk storage	DHl/	o
23448fast dump restore	DHmn	p
23449fast fading	DHnQ	W
23450fast fortran processor fortran	DHnm	t
23451fast forward	DHoT	X
23452fast forward control	DHoq	o
23453fast fourier transform	DHpx	q
23454fast fourier transform	DHqb	x
23455fast fourier transform implementation	DHrM	BC
23456fast fourier transform number of operation	DHsO	BN
23457fast fourier transform subroutine	DHtb	BH
23458fast frequency shift keying	DHui	0
23459fast lens	DHwQ	R
23460fast library maintenance	DHwh	0
23461fast linkage editor	DHxV	y
23462fast memory	DHyH	f
23463fast modem polling	DHym	1
23464fast multiplier	DHzb	g
23465fast multitasking operating	DHz7	+
23466fast parallel arithmetic	DH05	s
23467fast path	DH1l	X
23468fast path dependent region	DH18	x
23469fast path feature	DH2t	l
23470fast path potential transaction	DH3S	/
23471fast planarity algorithm	DH4R	v
23472fast program loading	DH5A	o
23473fast queuing system	DH5o	s
23474fast random enquiry display	DH6U	6
23475fast reading electronic digitizer	DH7O	BD
23476fast register	DH8R	e
23477fast release	DH8v	d
23478fast response	DH9M	b
23479fast response time	DH9n	m
23480fast retrieval storage	DH+N	x
23481fast return control	DH++	q
23482fast reverse	DH/o	a
23483fast screening	DIAC	f
23484fast select	DIAh	n
23485fast signal	DIBI	Z
23486fast state	DIBh	S
23487fast storage	DIBz	h
23488fast switch over	DICU	e
23489fast switching circuit	DICy	q
23490fast sync extend	DIDc	n
23491fast time constant	DIED	q
23492fast time costant circuit	DIEt	w
23493fast time scale	DIFd	a
23494fast transient loader	DIF3	z
23495fast turnarount	DIHC	h
23496fast virtual exportreport	DIHj	9
23497fast walsh transform	DIIg	v
23498faster language translation system	DIOT	BB
23499fat east network	DIPU	l
23500fat link	DIP5	Q
23501fat vector	DIQJ	V
23502fatal abort code	DIQe	n
23503fatal error	DIRF	Z
23504fatal error message	DIRe	n
23505fatal message	DISF	h
23506fatal monitor error	DISm	q
23507father	DITQ	O
23508father chain	DITe	U
23509father field	DITy	X
23510father file	DIUJ	W
23511father link	DIUf	W
23512father node	DIU1	W
23513father process	DIVL	Z
23514fault	DIWB	Z
23515fault	JEne	T
23516fault analysis	DIWa	c
23517fault avoidance	DIW2	d
23518fault block	DIXT	W
23519fault clearance	DIXp	d
23520fault collapsing	DIYG	e
23521fault condition reported by drive	DIYk	BB
23522fault control	DIZl	e
23523fault control office	DIaD	m
23524fault correct	DIap	b
23525fault correction array	DIbE	u
23526fault coverage	DIby	c
23527fault current	DIcO	b
23528fault desk	DIcp	b
23529fault detect	DIdE	a
23530fault detection	DIde	d
23531fault diagnosable	GwHk	r
23532fault diagnosis algorithm	DId7	t
23533fault diagnosis of linterconnection network	DIeo	BF
23534fault diagnostic program	DIft	s
23535fault dictionary	DIgZ	e
23536fault distinguish	DIhM	f
23537fault dominance	DIhr	d
23538fault dropping	DIiI	c
23539fault effect	DIik	a
23540fault equivalence	DIi+	f
23541fault finding	DIjd	b
23542fault flag	DIj4	Y
23543fault freedom	DIkQ	b
23544fault indication device	DIkr	r
23545fault indicator	DIlW	g
23546fault insetion	DIl2	c
23547fault inspecting manual book	DImS	w
23548fault isolation	DInC	d
23549fault isolation analysis routine	DInf	BF
23550fault isolation checkout	DIok	w
23551fault isolation checkout system	DIpU	5
23552fault isolation command	DIqN	r
23553fault isolation logic	DIq4	p
23554fault isolation mode	DIrh	o
23555fault isolation register	DIsJ	v
23556fault isolation routine	DIs4	1
23557fault isolation test	DItt	s
23558fault isolation test adaptor	DIuZ	+
23559fault kernel	DIvX	X
23560fault list	DIvu	Y
23561fault locating and reporting equipment	DIwG	BJ
23562fault locating equipment	DIxP	s
23563fault locating test	DIx7	r
23564fault locating unit	DIym	r
23565fault location	DIzR	c
23566fault location and monitoring	DIzt	5
23567fault location by interpretive testing	DI0m	BI
23568fault location indicator	DI1u	z
23569fault location panel	DI2h	p
23570fault location program	DI3K	q
23571fault location test	DI30	n
23572fault locatizer	DI4b	j
23573fault locator	DI4+	m
23574fault masking	DI5k	b
23575fault matrix	DI5/	a
23576fault modelling	DI6Z	g
23577fault network	DI65	b
23578fault occurred after rezeroing	DI7U	BH
23579fault occurred during seek	DI8b	6
23580fault of balancing	DI9V	g
23581fault print	DI+S	W
23582fault probability	DI+o	f
23583fault processing module	DI/H	r
23584fault processor	DI/y	j
23585fault propagation	DJAy	f
23586fault rate	DJBR	V
23587fault rate threshold	DJBm	o
23588fault recording	DJCO	d
23589fault report	DJCr	a
23590fault section	DJDF	b
23591fault secure circuit	DJDg	o
23592fault seeding	DJEI	b
23593fault signal	DJFQ	a
23594fault signalling	DJFq	k
23595fault signature	DJGO	d
23596fault simulation	DJGr	e
23597fault simulation comparator	DJHJ	2
23598fault simulator	DJH/	g
23599fault source	DJIf	a
23600fault state	DJI5	Z
23601fault symptom code	DJJS	n
23602fault symptom index	DJJ5	r
23603fault system usage	DJKk	m
23604fault tag	DJLK	X
23605fault test generation	DJLh	p
23606fault testing	DJMK	b
23607fault threshold	DJMl	g
23608fault time	DJNF	Y
23609fault time	GaEq	BL
23610fault time	GaF1	BX
23611fault tolerance	DJNd	d
23612fault tolerant computer	DJN6	s
23613fault trace	DJOm	Z
23614fault treatment	DJO/	d
23615fault tree analysis	DJPc	r
23616fault verification	DJQH	g
23617faulty block	DJna	X
23618faulty coverage ratio	DJnx	m
23619faulty functional block	DJoX	o
23620faulty line	DJo/	Z
23621faulty section	DJpY	c
23622faulty signalling link	DJp0	w
23623favored execution option	DJrQ	v
23624fax	DJr/	L
23625fax computer	DJsK	d
23626fax scanner	DJsn	c
23627fax service	DJtD	f
23628fax sinal level	DJti	j
23629fax transmitter	DJuF	g
23630fba disk drive	DJul	o
23631fddeback decoding	DJvN	i
23632feasibility	DJvv	W
23633feasibility analysis	DJwF	l
23634feasibility study	DJwq	i
23635feasible basis	DJxM	Z
23636feasible computability	DJxl	q
23637feasible constraint	DJyP	h
23638feasible direction	DJyw	g
23639feasible flow	DJzQ	Y
23640feasible ideal system target	DJzo	7
23641feasible sequence	DJ0j	f
23642feasible solution	DJ1C	c
23643feasible structure	DJ1e	g
23644feasible system	DJ1+	j
23645feasible vertex label	DJ2h	p
23646feature	DJ3K	d
23647feature analysis	DJ3n	e
23648feature argument	DJ4F	e
23649feature checking	DJ4j	e
23650feature code	DJ5B	a
23651feature deduction	DJ5b	f
23652feature definition language	DJ56	z
23653feature extraction	DJ6t	g
23654feature extraction classification	DJ7N	1
23655feature extraction method	DJ8C	q
23656feature measurement	DJ8s	h
23657feature space	DJ9N	b
23658feature vector	DJ9o	c
23659feature vector extraction	DJ+E	t
23660features for attaching communications	DJ+x	5
23661federal assistance program retrieval system	DJ/q	BR
23662federal automatic data processing	DKA7	BA
23663federal aviation administration	DKB7	6
23664federal aviation agency	DKC1	s
23665federal bureau of investigation	DKDh	0
23666federal cataloging program	DKEV	y
23667federal cobol compiler testing service	DKFH	BV
23668federal communication commission network	DKGc	BK
23669federal communications commission	DKIF	8
23670federal communications commission	DKJB	BC
23671federal compiler testing service	DKKD	BF
23672federal conversion support center	DKLI	BA
23673federal council for science and technology	DKMI	BM
23674federal data processing center	DKNU	9
23675federal energy administration	DKOR	y
23676federal information network	DKPD	z
23677federal information processing standards	DKP2	BH
23678federal post office	DKQ9	l
23679federal radio act	DKRi	p
23680federal radio commission	DKSL	z
23681federal register abstracts	DKS+	u
23682federal reserve bank system	DKTs	1
23683federal reserve communications system	DKUh	BE
23684federal reserve wire	DKVl	w
23685federal software exchange center	DKWV	/
23686federal standard	DKXU	m
23687federal state joint board	DKX6	w
23688federal supply code	DKYq	o
23689federal systems division	DKZS	w
23690federal telecommunications standards ommittee	DKaC	BV
23691federal telecommunications system	DKbX	/
23692federal trade commission	DKcW	z
23693federated architecture	DKdJ	t
23694federation of american scienticts	DKd2	/
23695federation of british industries	DKe1	7
23696federation of international documentation	DKfw	BK
23697federation of ncr users	DKg6	8
23698feed	DKh2	M
23699feed	H4/F	S
23700feed	x2i	P
23701feed back	DKiC	U
23702feed back frequency modulation	DKiW	x
23703feed card	DKjH	X
23704feed control	DKje	a
23705feed count	DKj4	b
23706feed device	HeWC	i
23707feed forward	DKkp	U
23708feed hold	DKk9	R
23709feed hole	DKlO	R
23710feed holes	DKlf	V
23711feed horn	DKl0	X
23712feed key	DKmL	Q
23713feed past document copying machine	DKmb	8
23714feed pitch	DKnX	g
23715feed punch	DKn3	b
23716feed punch	DvOc	Y
23717feed punch	uF3	f
23718feed punch	uGW	e
23719feed rate	DKot	X
23720feed rate coding	DKpc	k
23721feed rate number	DKqA	h
23722feed reel	DKqh	X
23723feed roller	DKq4	W
23724feed runction	DKrO	b
23725feed spool	DKrp	V
23726feed status	DKr+	Z
23727feed tape	DKsX	X
23728feed through	DKsu	U
23729feed through document copying machine	DKtC	/
23730feed track	DKuB	S
23731feed tray	DKuT	X
23732feedback	DKwN	d
23733feedback amplifier	DKwq	j
23734feedback balance code	DKxN	m
23735feedback bridge	DKxz	d
23736feedback bridging fault	DKyQ	o
23737feedback capacitance	DKy4	i
23738feedback channel	DKza	e
23739feedback circuit	DKz4	e
23740feedback communication	DK0W	k
23741feedback connection	DK06	h
23742feedback control	DK1b	e
23743feedback control action	DK15	r
23744feedback control hybrid	DK2k	3
23745feedback control looop	DK3b	u
23746feedback control loop	DK4J	p
23747feedback control signal	DK4y	r
23748feedback control system	DK5d	r
23749feedback decoding	DK6I	f
23750feedback degenerative	DK6n	j
23751feedback discipline	DK7K	h
23752feedback edge set	DK7r	i
23753feedback elements	DK8N	f
23754feedback encoding	DK8s	f
23755feedback impedance	DK9L	g
23756feedback information	DK9r	i
23757feedback line identification	DK+N	t
23758feedback loop	DK+6	b
23759feedback mechanism	DK/V	j
23760feedback negative	DK/4	c
23761feedback network	DLAU	i
23762feedback node set	DLA2	m
23763feedback path	DLBc	b
23764feedback policy	DLB3	a
23765feedback positive	DLCR	f
23766feedback ratio	DLCw	Z
23767feedback regnerative	DLDJ	i
23768feedback schottky clamped logic	Ikjm	Be
23769feedback shift register	DLDr	y
23770feedback signal	DLEd	d
23771feedback system	DLE6	d
23772feedback transducer	DLFX	h
23773feedback variable	DLF4	f
23774feedboard	DLGX	U
23775feedboard rasing and lowering control	DLGr	/
23776feeder	DLHq	O
23777feeder assembly	DLH4	d
23778feeder cable	DLIV	X
23779feeder control logic	DLIs	s
23780feeder counter	DLJY	f
23781feeder line	DLJ3	T
23782feeder route	DLKK	a
23783feeder section	DLKk	Z
23784feedforward	DLK9	T
23785feedforward control action	DLLQ	u
23786feedforward counter	DLL+	k
23787feedforward lines	DLMi	c
23788feeding	DLM+	P
23789feeding bank	DLNN	X
23790feeding bridge	DLNk	c
23791feeding form	DLOA	a
23792feeding mechanism	DLOa	f
23793feeding multicycle	DLO5	j
23794feeding multiread	DLPc	f
23795feedover	DLQO	Q
23796feedover condition	DLQe	g
23797feedvoer processor	DLQ+	j
23798feeler lever	DLRh	U
23799feeler pin	DLR1	S
23800feerrite alider	DLSH	m
23801femto	DLTR	Q
23802femtosecond	DLTh	Z
23803fence	DLT6	N
23804fermi level	DLUH	Z
23805ferreed assembly	DLVR	k
23806ferret	DLV1	U
23807ferret receiver	DLWJ	g
23808ferret satellite	DLWp	n
23809ferric oxide	DLXQ	a
23810ferrite	DLXq	g
23811ferrite code	DLYK	X
23812ferrite core memory	DLYh	t
23813ferrite film disk	DLZO	o
23814ferrite head	DLZ2	d
23815ferrite memory	DLaT	i
23816ferrite transistor circuit	DLa1	0
23817ferroacoustic storage	DLcq	m
23818ferroelectic substance	DLdQ	h
23819ferroelectric	DLdx	Y
23820ferroelectric condenser	DLeJ	o
23821ferroelectric material	DLex	k
23822ferromagnetic	DLfV	Y
23823ferromagnetic material	DLft	k
23824ferromagnetic store	DLgR	k
23825ferromagnetics	DLg1	Z
23826ferromagnetism	DLhO	c
23827ferrous oxide spot	DLhq	m
23828ferrule	DLiQ	S
23829fet	JOoH	g
23830fetch	DLii	Z
23831fetch bit	DLi7	U
23832fetch cycle	DLjP	W
23833fetch data	DLjl	V
23834fetch execute cycle	DLj6	k
23835fetch instruction	DLke	c
23836fetch length control	DLk6	s
23837fetch logic	DLlm	W
23838fetch memory cycle	DLl8	j
23839fetch operation	DLmf	a
23840fetch phase	DLm5	Z
23841fetch policy	DLnS	a
23842fetch process	DLns	b
23843fetch protection	DLoH	e
23844fetch protection bit	DLol	l
23845fetch routine	DLpK	h
23846fetch sequence	DLpr	c
23847fetch stage	DLqH	W
23848fetch time	DLqd	Y
23849fetch time program	DLq1	m
23850fetch unit	DLrb	Y
23851fetch violation	DLrz	d
23852fetcher	DLuU	V
23853fetchload trace	DLtu	m
23854fewest component strategy	DLup	t
23855ffigure description language	DLvW	0
23856fiber active connector	G5+n	z
23857fiber asoustic sensor	G5/a	y
23858fiber backbone	DLw/	c
23859fiber buffer	DLxb	d
23860fiber bundle	DLx4	X
23861fiber bundle	G6AM	d
23862fiber circuit	G6Ap	h
23863fiber coating	G6BK	h
23864fiber communications	G6Br	o
23865fiber concentrator	G6CT	BA
23866fiber crosstalk	DLyP	d
23867fiber data link	DLys	j
23868fiber delay line	G6DT	n
23869fiber distributed data interface	DLzP	BI
23870fiber distribution box	G6D6	t
23871fiber distribution system	G6En	z
23872fiber glass	DL0X	Z
23873fiber harness	DL0w	b
23874fiber jacket	G6Fa	g
23875fiber junction	G6F6	5
23876fiber line	G6Gz	e
23877fiber loss	DL1L	Y
23878fiber merit figure	G6HR	p
23879fiber optic	DL1j	W
23880fiber optic acceptance angle	DL15	t
23881fiber optic bandwidth	DL2m	j
23882fiber optic bit rate	DL3J	i
23883fiber optic cable	DL3r	f
23884fiber optic capacity	DL4K	i
23885fiber optic cladding	DL5J	i
23886fiber optic communication	DL5r	r
23887fiber optic dispersion	DL6W	k
23888fiber optic disptortion	DL66	l
23889fiber optic electrostatic plotting system	DL7f	BD
23890fiber optic emitter	DL8i	k
23891fiber optic local erea network	DL9G	y
23892fiber optic modem	DL94	u
23893fiber optic multiplexer	DL+m	u
23894fiber optic processor	DL/U	m
23895fiber optic recording	DL/6	j
23896fiber optic transmission system	DMAd	z
23897fiber optics	DMBQ	U
23898fiber optics cathode ray tube	DMBk	4
23899fiber optics communication	DMCc	v
23900fiber optics communication and information society	DMDL	BV
23901fiber optiocs	DMEg	b
23902fiber perform	G6H6	k
23903fiber protrusion	DME7	k
23904fiber pulse compression	G6Ie	x
23905fiber radiation damage	G6JP	w
23906fiber ribbon	G6J/	d
23907fiber ringer	G6Kc	6
23908fiber source	G6LW	d
23909fiber system	G6Lz	g
23910fiber tensile strength	G6MT	BK
23911fiber transfer function	G6Nd	x
23912fiber trap	G6OO	y
23913fiber video trunk	G6PA	r
23914fiberoptic modem	DMI1	r
23915fibonacci	IHvk	d
23916fibonacci distribution	DMJg	q
23917fibonacci function	DMKK	m
23918fibonacci memory management	DMKw	1
23919fibonacci merge	DMLl	j
23920fibonacci method	DMMI	k
23921fibonacci number	DMMs	h
23922fibonacci number	DMNN	k
23923fibonacci number system	DMNx	r
23924fibonacci polynomial	DMOc	u
23925fibonacci search	DMPK	k
23926fibonacci search	DMPu	1
23927fibonacci sequence	DMQj	m
23928fibonacci serch	DMRJ	m
23929fibonacci series	DMRv	k
23930fibonacci series	DMST	k
23931fibonacci string	DMS3	n
23932fibonacci tree	DMTe	f
23933fibonomial coefficients	DMT9	r
23934fiche	DMUo	K
23935fiction	DMVD	P
23936fictitious carry	DMVS	e
23937fictitious load	DMVw	d
23938fictitious variable	DMWN	h
23939fictitous magnetic pole	DMWu	l
23940fid field	DMXT	d
23941fidelity	DMXw	T
23942fidelity	FiTj	c
23943fidelity criteria	DMYD	i
23944fiel of direct access	DMYl	p
23945field	DMZO	S
23946field	Hycd	N
23947field access method	DMZg	n
23948field accumulation	DMaH	g
23949field activation item	DMan	p
23950field address	DMbQ	b
23951field advance	DMbr	b
23952field alignment	DMcG	a
23953field alterable control element	DMcg	+
23954field alterable rom	DMeI	w
23955field analysis standard patterns	DMe4	6
23956field area	DMfy	V
23957field attribute	DMgH	d
23958field attribute definition	DMgk	u
23959field attributes	DMhS	e
23960field bit name	DMhw	c
23961field blanking	DMiM	Z
23962field by field form	DMil	k
23963field by field panel	DMjJ	l
23964field card	DMju	S
23965field change	DMkA	a
23966field character set	DMka	h
23967field characters	DMk7	e
23968field checking	DMlZ	c
23969field coding	DWxb	g
23970field coil	DMl1	Y
23971field common	DMmN	X
23972field control	DMmk	Y
23973field control station	DMm8	m
23974field core	DMni	Y
23975field correlator	DMn6	h
23976field data	DMob	Y
23977field data	Gn0X	b
23978field data code	DMoz	g
23979field data computer	DMpT	u
23980field declarator	DMqB	h
23981field decrement	DMqi	a
23982field definition	DMq8	e
23983field delimiter	DMra	X
23984field density	DMrx	Y
23985field description	DMsJ	f
23986field description statement	DMso	s
23987field descriptor	DMtU	h
23988field descriptor block	DMt1	x
23989field descriptor group	DMum	q
23990field designator	DMvQ	h
23991field developed program	DMvx	v
23992field develpoed program	DMwg	v
23993field diagnostic test	DMxP	t
23994field discharge	DMx8	X
23995field distortion	DMyT	e
23996field dominance	DMyx	d
23997field effect amplifier	DMzO	u
23998field effect transistor	DMz8	s
23999field effect transistor random access memory	DM0o	BP
24000field effect transistor storage	DM13	BB
24001field engineer	DM24	i
24002field engineering design change schedule	DM3a	BO
24003field entry procedure	DM4o	p
24004field fixed	DM5R	W
24005field format	DM5n	a
24006field formatted request	DM6B	u
24007field free	DM6v	V
24008field frequency	DM7E	X
24009field handling	DM7b	c
24010field identification	DM73	i
24011field identifier	DM8Z	h
24012field identifiers	DM86	i
24013field indicator	DM9c	g
24014field indicators	DM98	e
24015field initialization	DM+a	i
24016field insert	DM+8	a
24017field installation	DM/W	g
24018field intensity	DM/2	a
24019field intensity distribution	DNAQ	q
24020field intialization	DNA6	k
24021field isolation	DNBe	d
24022field item name	DNB7	g
24023field length	DNCb	X
24024field length condition register	DNCy	8
24025field length count	DNDu	q
24026field level specifications	DNEY	r
24027field location	DNFD	c
24028field macro control card	DNFf	p
24029field maintenance	DNGI	f
24030field mark	DNGn	b
24031field marker	DNHC	d
24032field marker character	DNHf	k
24033field mode	DNID	g
24034field name	DNIj	S
24035field number	DNI1	a
24036field of view	DNJP	Y
24037field outline printing	DNLA	q
24038field outlining	DNLq	d
24039field outlining attribute	DNMH	t
24040field overiay	DNM0	b
24041field patch	DNNP	Z
24042field picture	DNNo	x
24043field positioning descripter	DNOZ	z
24044field programmable gate array	DNPM	8
24045field programmable logic array	DNQI	BA
24046field programmable logic sequencer	DNRI	BH
24047field programmable read only memory	DNSP	BJ
24048field propagation of bubble	DNTY	v
24049field protected	DNUH	a
24050field range	DNUh	Z
24051field redefinition	DNU6	m
24052field reference	DNVg	d
24053field replaceable unit	DNV9	x
24054field reset	DNWu	d
24055field rheostat	DNXL	f
24056field running test	DNXq	m
24057field search argument	DNYQ	t
24058field secruity	DNY9	f
24059field section	DNZc	Y
24060field security table	DNZ0	o
24061field select command register	DNac	8
24062field select unit	DNbY	p
24063field selected length	DNcB	p
24064field selection	DNcq	d
24065field selection vector	DNdH	q
24066field selector	DNdx	f
24067field separator	DNeQ	n
24068field service technician	DNe3	s
24069field shifting	DNfj	Z
24070field signed	DNf8	a
24071field size	DNgW	Y
24072field spacing	DNgu	b
24073field strength	DNhJ	W
24074field support system	DNhf	s
24075field sweep	DNiL	W
24076field sync pulse	DNih	h
24077field tab	DNjC	f
24078field tag	DNjh	X
24079field teats	DNj4	Z
24080field terminator	DNkR	h
24081field terminator code	DNky	q
24082field terminator key	DNlc	p
24083field transistor	DNmF	h
24084field tree	DNmm	m
24085field trial	DNnM	Z
24086field type	DNnl	Y
24087field unit	DNn9	b
24088field upgrading	DNoY	d
24089field utillzation	DNo1	f
24090field validation	DNpU	i
24091field validation character	DNp2	o
24092field validator	DNqe	g
24093field value	DNq+	e
24094field width	DNrc	W
24095field word buffer	DNry	l
24096fieldata	DNzS	d
24097fieldata code	DN0U	e
24098fieldata code	DNzv	l
24099fieldata family	DN0y	n
24100fieldata system	DN1Z	q
24101fieldistor	DN2D	e
24102fiexible disk control	DN2h	m
24103fifo	DN3H	V
24104fifo algorithrm	DN3c	j
24105fifo input	DN3/	e
24106fifo interface	DN4d	i
24107fifo memory	DN4/	i
24108fifo method	DN5h	c
24109fifo queue	DN59	e
24110fifo replacement algorithm	DN6b	u
24111fifo scheduling discipline	DN7J	0
24112fifo stack	DN79	e
24113fifo status indicator	DN8b	y
24114fifo storage element	DN9N	u
24115fifo updown indicator	DN97	w
24116fifo virtual memory	DN+r	w
24117fifteen puzzle	DN/q	c
24118fifth generation computer	DOAG	x
24119fifth generation kernal language	DOA3	BC
24120fifth generation knowledge representation language	DOB5	BV
24121fifty	H7Vb	V
24122fifty code	C7rr	U
24123fifty representation	C7r/	k
24124figurative	DOEA	S
24125figurative constant	DOES	1
24126figurative language	DOFH	h
24127figure	DOFo	V
24128figure blank	DOF9	a
24129figure case	DOGX	Z
24130figure code	DOGw	Z
24131figure description language	DOHJ	z
24132figure ground articultation	DOH8	y
24133figure keyboard	DOIu	d
24134figure number	DOJL	d
24135figure of merit	DOJo	h
24136figure out	DOKJ	S
24137figure pattern	DOKb	W
24138figure shift	DOKx	d
24139figures	DOMC	P
24140figures shift	DOMR	b
24141figures shift signal	DOMs	l
24142figurre signal	DONR	i
24143filamentary transistor	DONz	n
24144filddt	DOOa	U
24145file	B2kL	S
24146file	CyE1	Z
24147file	DOOu	U
24148file	F+go	V
24149file	F8xU	P
24150file access	DOPC	Z
24151file access attribute	DOPb	p
24152file access auditing	DOQE	o
24153file access authority checking	DOQs	1
24154file access block	DORh	m
24155file access call	DOSH	k
24156file access channel	DOSr	r
24157file access characteristics	DOTW	v
24158file access control	DOUF	n
24159file access error	DOUs	l
24160file access keys	DOVR	s
24161file access listener	DOV9	y
24162file access maintenance output universal system	DOWv	Bc
24163file access manager	DOYL	x
24164file access method	DOY8	q
24165file access mode	DOZm	k
24166file access model	DOaK	i
24167file access protocol	DOas	o
24168file access time	DObU	k
24169file active	DOcu	T
24170file activity	H25n	e
24171file activity ratio	DOdB	h
24172file address	DOdi	U
24173file address checking program	DOd2	3
24174file address checking system	DOet	2
24175file address register	DOfj	w
24176file addressing	DOgT	d
24177file allocation	DOgw	l
24178file allocation problem	DOhV	v
24179file allocation table	DOiE	q
24180file allocation time	DOiu	o
24181file analysis	DOjW	Y
24182file analysis for random access storage	DOju	BS
24183file appending	DOlA	c
24184file area	DOlc	U
24185file assignment	DOlw	d
24186file assignment table	DOmN	m
24187file assignment table address	DOmz	x
24188file attribute	DOnk	c
24189file attributes	DOoA	d
24190file availability	DOod	i
24191file backup	DOo/	Z
24192file block table	DOpY	e
24193file buffer	DOp2	f
24194file buffer area	DOqV	h
24195file buffer count	DOq2	s
24196file buffer count register	DOri	/
24197file buffer variable	DOsh	o
24198file buffering	DOtJ	c
24199file build	DOtl	Y
24200file bus in	DOt9	j
24201file bus out	DOug	k
24202file cabinet	DOvE	X
24203file cabinet menu	DOvb	i
24204file capacity status	DOv9	o
24205file catalog	DOwl	a
24206file ccw count	DOw/	r
24207file ccw count register	DOxq	BB
24208file ccw flags	DOyr	v
24209file chained	DOza	U
24210file chaining	DOzu	b
24211file character	DO0J	c
24212file check	DO0l	Y
24213file class	DO09	Y
24214file clause	DO1V	Z
24215file cleanup	DO17	a
24216file clerk	DO2V	b
24217file close	DO2w	f
24218file cluster	DO3P	Z
24219file code	CyFO	a
24220file code	DO3o	X
24221file coexistence	DO3/	e
24222file compare mask	DO4d	p
24223file component	DO5G	c
24224file composition	DO5i	e
24225file computer	DO6A	e
24226file concatencation	DO6e	h
24227file condensation	DO6/	f
24228file condition	DO7e	c
24229file consolidation	DO76	g
24230file constant	DO8a	b
24231file constraint	DO81	d
24232file content manager	DO9S	u
24233file contention	DO+A	d
24234file control	DO+d	f
24235file control block	DO+8	7
24236file control block bit assignment	DO/3	7
24237file control block indicator	DPAy	2
24238file control block pointer	DPBo	0
24239file control panel	DPCc	n
24240file control primitive	DPDD	0
24241file control procedure	DPD3	u
24242file control processor	DPEl	x
24243file control program	DPFW	s
24244file control services	DPGC	t
24245file control system	DPGv	n
24246file control table	DPHW	n
24247file control type error	DPH9	x
24248file control unit	DPIu	p
24249file controlservice	DPJX	x
24250file conversion	DPKI	j
24251file conversion system	DPKr	q
24252file copy	DPLV	X
24253file create and maintenance	DPLs	4
24254file cylinder address	DPNN	5
24255file daemon	DPOG	Z
24256file data	DPOf	X
24257file data address	DPO2	p
24258file data block	DPPf	k
24259file data buffer	DPQD	r
24260file data description language	DPQu	9
24261file data register	DPRr	t
24262file dead	DPSY	R
24263file deallocation time	DPSp	q
24264file declaration	DPTT	e
24265file defining string	DPTx	r
24266file definition	DPUc	g
24267file definition entry	DPU8	m
24268file definition language	DPVi	w
24269file definition macroinstruction	DPWS	x
24270file definition name	DPXD	l
24271file descriprtion statement	DPXo	v
24272file description	DPYX	h
24273file description attribute	DPY4	u
24274file description block	DPZm	n
24275file description entry	DPaN	n
24276file description subsytem	DPa0	0
24277file description system	DPbo	v
24278file descriptor	DPcX	g
24279file design	DPc3	Z
24280file designator	DPdQ	g
24281file detail	DPdw	W
24282file diagnostic register	DPeG	z
24283file difinition processor	DPe5	3
24284file directory	BuWO	j
24285file directory	DPfw	f
24286file directory maintenance	DPgP	u
24287file distribution control	DPg9	t
24288file driver	DPhq	c
24289file dump	DPiG	X
24290file duplication	DPid	e
24291file editor	DPi7	f
24292file enable input	DPja	l
24293file end flag	DPj/	h
24294file entity	DPkg	Z
24295file environment table	DPk5	r
24296file error flags	DPlk	o
24297file event	DPmM	Y
24298file exchange	DPmk	h
24299file exchange program	DPnF	p
24300file expression	DPnu	g
24301file extended control block	DPoO	y
24302file extension	DPpA	k
24303file extension space	DPpk	o
24304file extension specification	DPqM	w
24305file extent	DPq8	Z
24306file feed	DPrV	X
24307file filter	DPrs	Z
24308file flat	DPsj	U
24309file flattener	DPs3	f
24310file folders	DPtW	X
24311file format	DPt6	Z
24312file format compatibility	DPuT	w
24313file format conversion	DPvD	q
24314file format level	DPvt	l
24315file forms	DPwS	V
24316file function	DPwn	b
24317file gap	DPxC	Q
24318file generation	DPxS	x
24319file generation number	DPyD	q
24320file generation utility	DPyt	x
24321file generation version	DPze	r
24322file group	DP0J	V
24323file handle	DP0e	f
24324file handler	DP09	g
24325file handling	DP1d	b
24326file handling statement	DP14	r
24327file hardware flag	DP2j	q
24328file hardware flag register	DP3N	8
24329file header	DP4J	Z
24330file highwater mark	DP4i	r
24331file identifcation	DP5g	d
24332file identifer	DP59	f
24333file identification	DP6c	p
24334file identification number	DP7F	u
24335file identifier	DP7z	k
24336file inactive	DP8X	Y
24337file indentification number	DP8v	v
24338file index	DP9e	Y
24339file indicator	CyFo	j
24340file indirect register	DP92	x
24341file informatin table	DP+n	q
24342file information	DP/R	e
24343file information block	DP/v	r
24344file information language executive routine	DQAa	BX
24345file inputoutput control logic	DQBx	/
24346file inquiry	DQCw	a
24347file inquiry technique	DQDK	u
24348file insertion	DQD4	c
24349file inspection	DQEU	d
24350file interconnection	DQEx	i
24351file interrogation program	DQFT	u
24352file inventory	DQGB	c
24353file inverted	DQGd	V
24354file io	DP5N	T
24355file journalization	DQGy	h
24356file kind type	DQHT	i
24357file label	6Fp	e
24358file label	6GH	e
24359file label	CyGL	e
24360file label	DQH1	Y
24361file lable	CyGp	b
24362file layout	DQIN	k
24363file layout and allocation program	DQIx	BE
24364file length	DQJ1	Z
24365file level specifications	DQKO	q
24366file librarian	DQK4	l
24367file limit	DQLd	h
24368file line length	DQL+	h
24369file list	DQMf	U
24370file load	DQMz	R
24371file load factor	DQNE	h
24372file loading	DQNl	a
24373file location recognition	DQN/	t
24374file lockout	DQOs	a
24375file log	DQPG	W
24376file logical structure	DQPc	q
24377file mainteance	DQQG	j
24378file maintenance	DQQp	p
24379file maintenance forms	DQRS	q
24380file maker	DQR8	e
24381file management	DQSa	g
24382file management communication supervisor	DQS6	BL
24383file management facilities	DQUF	u
24384file management loading facility	DQUz	/
24385file management program	DQVy	r
24386file management routine	DQWd	x
24387file management supervisor	DQXO	7
24388file management supervisor interface	DQYJ	BH
24389file management system	DQZQ	u
24390file management system catalog cache	DQZ+	BW
24391file management system permission	DQbU	7
24392file management systme password	DQcP	5
24393file manager	DQdI	j
24394file manager	JbMy	BK
24395file manipulation	DQdr	c
24396file manipulation architecture	DQeH	y
24397file manipulation command	DQe5	n
24398file manipulation language	DQfg	y
24399file manipulator	DQgS	k
24400file map	DQg2	T
24401file map directory	DQhJ	m
24402file map table	DQhv	c
24403file mark	CyHE	b
24404file mark	DQiL	X
24405file medium	DQii	Z
24406file memory	DQi7	c
24407file memory controller	DQjX	w
24408file merge	DQkH	Y
24409file merging	DQkf	X
24410file migration algorithm	DQk2	s
24411file mircroprogram flags	DQli	z
24412file mircroprogram flags register	DQmV	BF
24413file modification	DQna	f
24414file name	DQn5	X
24415file name extension	DQoQ	n
24416file name generation	DQo3	l
24417file name table	DQpc	k
24418file nesting store	DQqA	q
24419file number	DQqq	Z
24420file number control table	DQrD	t
24421file of cards	DQrw	Y
24422file of direct access	DQsI	p
24423file of index access	DQsx	o
24424file open	DQtz	d
24425file operation	DQuQ	c
24426file operator	DQus	e
24427file option	DQvK	Z
24428file organization	DQvj	q
24429file organization evaluation model	DQwN	BC
24430file organization generator	DQxP	4
24431file organization technique	DQyH	1
24432file oriented data structure	DQy8	2
24433file overflow areas	DQzy	n
24434file packing density	DQ0Z	o
24435file page	DQ1B	X
24436file parameter	DQ1Y	c
24437file parity checks	DQ10	q
24438file partitioning	DQ2e	f
24439file physical structure	DQ29	r
24440file pocket	DQ3o	W
24441file pointer	DQ3+	a
24442file position	DQ4Y	b
24443file preparation	DQ4z	e
24444file preparation statement	DQ5R	u
24445file primary source	DQ5/	h
24446file print	DQ6g	Y
24447file problem	DQ64	X
24448file processing	DQ7P	d
24449file processing unit	DQ7s	s
24450file processor	DQ8Y	i
24451file property	DQ86	b
24452file protec memory	DQ9V	t
24453file protect	DQ+C	d
24454file protected	DQ+f	f
24455file protected light	DQ++	r
24456file protected ring	DQ/p	k
24457file protection	DRAN	h
24458file protection device	DRAu	q
24459file protection mode	DRBY	o
24460file protection ring	DRCA	i
24461file protection technique	DRCi	t
24462file pruging	DRDP	a
24463file query input	DRDp	k
24464file reansfer protocol	DREN	u
24465file reconstruction	DRE7	h
24466file reconstruction procedure	DRFc	x
24467file record	DRGN	Z
24468file record compaction	DRGm	q
24469file recovery	DRHQ	b
24470file reel	DRHr	R
24471file reel	F8xj	d
24472file reference	DRH8	c
24473file reference function	DRIY	r
24474file reference input	DRJD	o
24475file register	DRJr	h
24476file relative record address	DRKM	2
24477file reorganization	DRLC	h
24478file resource management	DRLj	s
24479file restore	DRMP	a
24480file retention period	DRMp	m
24481file retrieval	DRNP	c
24482file scan	DRNr	X
24483file search	F8yA	c
24484file searching	DROC	c
24485file searching requirement	DROe	r
24486file secondary switching center	DRPJ	z
24487file section	DRP8	a
24488file security	DRQW	e
24489file security control	DRQ0	p
24490file security function	DRRd	q
24491file segment	DRSH	X
24492file segment definition	DRSe	o
24493file separator	DRTG	i
24494file separator character	DRTo	m
24495file sequence number	DRUO	l
24496file serial number	DRUz	g
24497file server	DRVT	c
24498file set	DRVv	T
24499file sharing	DRWC	a
24500file sharing	PXS	d
24501file size	DRWc	X
24502file size argument	DRWz	m
24503file sorting	F8yc	d
24504file space	DRXZ	Y
24505file space allocatio map	DRXx	v
24506file space allocation	DRYg	p
24507file space catalog	DRZJ	m
24508file space management	DRZv	p
24509file space management scheme	DRaY	2
24510file space usage	DRbO	k
24511file specification	DRby	p
24512file specification area	DRcb	r
24513file specification syntax	DRdG	t
24514file specification value	DRdz	p
24515file status	DRec	Z
24516file status data item	DRe1	p
24517file status specifier	DRfe	s
24518file status table	DRgK	m
24519file storage	DRgw	X
24520file storage region	DRhH	o
24521file storage station	DRhv	k
24522file store	DRiT	Y
24523file string	DRir	W
24524file structure	DRjB	c
24525file structure abbreviation	DRjd	v
24526file structure owner	DRkM	r
24527file structure search list	DRk3	0
24528file structured	DRlr	g
24529file structured device	DRmL	t
24530file sturcture	DRm4	f
24531file suspense	DRnX	V
24532file symbol	DRns	Z
24533file system	DRoF	Z
24534file system control block	DRoe	1
24535file system executive	DRpT	v
24536file system input source	DRqC	v
24537file system interface	DRqx	p
24538file system layout	DRra	m
24539file system module	DRsA	m
24540file system standard format tape	F8y5	BA
24541file system structure	DRsm	p
24542file tag gate	DRtP	i
24543file tag in	DRtx	j
24544file tag out	DRuU	k
24545file tape	DRu4	R
24546file tapy	Dhex	v
24547file threaded	DRvJ	Y
24548file tidying	DRvh	a
24549file title	DRv7	Y
24550file to file	DRwT	h
24551file trailer label	DRw0	m
24552file tranliteration	DRxa	h
24553file transaction	DRx7	b
24554file transfer	DRyW	t
24555file transfer disk receive routine	DRzD	BI
24556file transfer disk restart module	DR0L	BE
24557file transfer disk send routine	DR1P	BF
24558file transfer message	DR2U	p
24559file transfer module	DR29	o
24560file transfer operation	DR3l	r
24561file transfer procedure	DR4Q	r
24562file transfer program	DR47	t
24563file transfer protocol	DR5o	q
24564file transfer requests	DR6S	u
24565file transfer support program	DR7A	3
24566file transfer system	DR73	o
24567file transfer utility	DR8f	v
24568file transferability	DR9O	r
24569file translation language	DR95	t
24570file transporter	DR+m	k
24571file treansfer protocol	DR/K	v
24572file type	DR/5	X
24573file type specificationh	DSAQ	s
24574file unit controller	DSA8	r
24575file unit shared	DSBn	n
24576file update	DSCO	Z
24577file update kernel	DSCn	j
24578file update master program	DSDK	x
24579file updating	DSD7	b
24580file updation	DSEW	b
24581file usage file	DSEx	m
24582file usage list	DSFX	g
24583file utility	DSF3	g
24584file variable	DSGX	b
24585file variable identifier	DSGy	v
24586file verification utility	DSH/	3
24587file version number	DSI2	n
24588file visible	DSJd	X
24589file volume	DSJ0	W
24590file volume	F8z5	f
24591file window	DSKK	Z
24592file wire	DSKj	U
24593file word	DSK3	U
24594filed	DSQh	T
24595fileld by field processing	DSQ0	r
24596filemark	DSRf	Q
24597filename	DSRv	W
24598filename block	DSSF	j
24599filename extension	DSSo	m
24600filer item	DSTO	Y
24601files	DSTm	N
24602filestore transfer routine	DSTz	+
24603filial	DSUx	O
24604filial set	DSU/	S
24605filing	B2kd	U
24606filing	DSVR	U
24607filing area	DSVl	W
24608filing criteria	DSV7	d
24609filing data	DSWY	Z
24610filing hierarchy	DSWx	e
24611filing rime	DSXP	c
24612filing rule	DSXr	Z
24613filing section	DSYE	Z
24614filing system	DSYd	b
24615filing time	DSY4	d
24616filing unit	DSZV	Z
24617fill	DSZu	M
24618fill character	DSZ6	c
24619fill code	DSaW	U
24620fill command	DSaq	a
24621fill mode	DSbE	X
24622fill number	DSbb	Z
24623fill panel	DSb0	Y
24624fill pattern	DScM	U
24625fill text command	DScg	l
24626filled cable	DSdb	a
24627filled cable	GsCo	e
24628filled entry	DSd1	g
24629filled screen	DSeV	b
24630filler	DSew	R
24631filler panel	DSfB	a
24632filling	DSfb	P
24633filling algorithm	DSfq	f
24634film	DSgJ	M
24635film	FSBM	P
24636film	H3X0	P
24637film	H4n2	P
24638film	HFca	P
24639film	JAyN	M
24640film advance	DSgV	a
24641film assembly	DSgv	b
24642film base	DShK	U
24643film chain	DShe	k
24644film circuits	DSiC	b
24645film clip	DSid	R
24646film cryotron	JBEx	e
24647film deposition	JBFP	g
24648film diode	JBFv	b
24649film disk	DSiu	X
24650film electronic circuit	JBGK	r
24651film fabrication	JBG1	e
24652film file	DSjF	d
24653film forms	DSji	Y
24654film frame	DSj6	V
24655film grain noise	DSkP	k
24656film head	DSkz	X
24657film head	JBHT	X
24658film hybrid fabrication	JAyZ	BA
24659film hybrids	DSlK	j
24660film hybrids construction	DSlt	2
24661film ic process	JBHq	p
24662film input to digital automatic computer	DSmj	BU
24663film inputoutput	DSn3	w
24664film integrated circuit	DSon	s
24665film integrated cirucit	DSpT	v
24666film library	DSqC	X
24667film library instantaneous presentation	DSqZ	BG
24668film magnetic head	JBIT	g
24669film magnetic module	JBIz	l
24670film makeup	DSrf	Z
24671film mechanical	DSr4	g
24672film memory	DSsY	c
24673film memory	DXo1	f
24674film memory	FeYX	f
24675film memory	JBJY	Z
24676film microelectronics	JBJx	p
24677film optical scanning device for input to computer	DSs0	Bl
24678film optical sensing device	DSuZ	s
24679film pattern	DSvF	a
24680film pickup	DSvf	f
24681film printing	JAzZ	k
24682film processing	JBKa	d
24683film reader	DSv+	W
24684film reading machine	DSwU	m
24685film recorder	DSw6	Y
24686film resistor	FqSi	j
24687film resistron	Fpyz	o
24688film scanner	DSxS	d
24689film spot	DSxv	R
24690film storage	DSyA	d
24691film store control	JBK3	m
24692film strip	DSyd	Y
24693film thin	DSy1	R
24694filmsetter	DSzG	Y
24695filter	DSze	V
24696filter address correction	DSzz	3
24697filter command	DS0q	c
24698filter factor	DS1G	b
24699filter level	DS1h	a
24700filter plate	DS17	X
24701filter transfer function	DS2S	s
24702filtered accumulation	DS4i	j
24703filtered form strategy	Vu8	t
24704filtering algorithm	DS5F	h
24705filtering expression	DS5m	l
24706filtering procedure	DS6L	h
24707final	JKRI	Q
24708final acceptance test	DS6s	t
24709final address	DS7Z	e
24710final assembly	DS73	f
24711final assembly schedule	DS8W	r
24712final bit	DS9B	R
24713final carry digit	DS9S	i
24714final closing bracket	DS90	m
24715final continuation line	DS+a	o
24716final controlling element	DS/C	t
24717final copy	DS/v	Y
24718final digit code	DTAH	h
24719final electrical test	DTAo	p
24720final encapsulation	DTBR	b
24721final exchange line	DTBs	k
24722final form	DTCQ	S
24723final form text	DTCi	n
24724final form text document content architeceture	DTDJ	Bb
24725final form text document content architecture	DTEk	Ba
24726final group	DTF+	W
24727final inspection	DTGU	e
24728final limit reserve	DTGy	l
24729final limit up	DTHX	a
24730final link	DTHx	Y
24731final lower limit	DTIJ	m
24732final merge phase	DTIv	l
24733final model	DTJU	Z
24734final negative carry	DTJt	l
24735final optimization pass	DTKS	o
24736final parameter	DTK6	d
24737final phase	DTLX	Z
24738final posterior distribution	DTLw	w
24739final queue	DTMg	Z
24740final recovery	DTM5	c
24741final result	DTNV	a
24742final route chain	DTNv	i
24743final semicolon	DTO8	d
24744final shift register	DTPZ	v
24745final source program	DTQI	l
24746final stack	DTQt	W
24747final state	DTRD	T
24748final station	DTRW	V
24749final termination message	DTRr	t
24750final test	DTSY	Y
24751final total adjustment amount	DTSw	0
24752final total number of transactions	DTTk	5
24753final total number of transactions with variance	DTUd	BT
24754final total transaction amount and variance	DTVw	BL
24755final total variance quantity	DTW7	0
24756final totals	DTXv	a
24757final trunk	DTYJ	Z
24758final trunk group	DTYi	l
24759finance image processor	DTZH	y
24760financial modeling	DTZ5	j
24761financial ratios	DTac	e
24762financial report	DTa6	e
24763financial stock analysis	DTbY	s
24764financial time company information	DTcE	/
24765financial utility	DTdD	l
24766find	DTdo	X
24767find algorithm	DTd/	c
24768find algorithm	JQHw	l
24769find text string	DTeb	h
24770finder	DTe8	R
24771finders	DTfN	b
24772finding	DTfo	P
24773finding action	DTf3	c
24774finding procedure	DJRO	l
24775findlist	DTgT	W
24776fine control	DTgp	X
24777fine index	DThA	V
24778fine line	DThV	R
24779fine pattern	DThm	a
24780fine sort	DTiA	X
24781fine start	DTiX	V
24782fine striped memory	DTis	o
24783fineness	DTkB	Q
24784fineness of scanning	DTkR	l
24785finger	DTk2	O
24786finger action	IobW	b
24787finger board	DTlE	U
24788finger control	DTlY	W
24789finger counting	DTlu	X
24790fingerprint pattern	DTme	h
24791fingerprint processing	DTm/	k
24792finish	CyBO	U
24793finish	G4sJ	X
24794finish activity	DTnj	d
24795finish condition	DToA	e
24796finish node	DToe	Z
24797finished goods	DTo3	W
24798finished goods inventory	DTpN	0
24799finished inventory	DTqB	g
24800finished item	DTqh	b
24801finished item description	DTq8	t
24802finished item number	DTrp	o
24803finished item stock location	DTsR	w
24804finished item warehouse	DTtB	r
24805finished warehouse	DTts	d
24806finite	DTuJ	R
24807finite alphabet	DTua	g
24808finite automata	DTu6	g
24809finite automation language	DTva	1
24810finite automaton	DTwP	h
24811finite counting automata	DTww	v
24812finite decimal	DTxf	i
24813finite difference	DTyB	f
24814finite element	DTyg	Z
24815finite element analysis program	DTy5	w
24816finite element method	DTzp	j
24817finite element modelling	DT0M	z
24818finite flowchart	DT0/	e
24819finite game	DT1d	Z
24820finite graph	DT12	X
24821finite input alphabet	DT2N	s
24822finite intergral transform	DT25	u
24823finite length string	DT3n	i
24824finite logical view	DT4J	o
24825finite matrix	DT4x	b
24826finite memory	DT5M	e
24827finite memory automaton	DT5q	x
24828finite memory filter	DT6b	u
24829finite nonempty set	DT7J	k
24830finite output memory machine	DT7t	4
24831finite performable procedure	DT8l	z
24832finite precision number	DT9Y	o
24833finite progress	DT+A	d
24834finite puise response	DT+d	p
24835finite qutomata theory	DT/G	t
24836finite representation	DT/z	m
24837finite sequence	DUAZ	d
24838finite set of symbols	DUA2	m
24839finite specification	DUB8	i
24840finite state	DUCe	d
24841finite state acceptor	DUC7	w
24842finite state algorithm	DUDr	q
24843finite state automaton	DUEV	u
24844finite state device	DUFD	n
24845finite state generator	DUFq	x
24846finite state grammer	DUGb	p
24847finite state language	DUHE	m
24848finite state machine	DUHq	l
24849finite state network	DUIP	l
24850finite state recongnizer	DUI0	s
24851finite state sequential machine	DUJg	z
24852finite state specification language	DUKT	BA
24853finite state table	DULT	j
24854finite substitution	DUL2	h
24855finite table	DUMX	X
24856finite transducer	DUMu	i
24857finitely additive set function	DUQ1	1
24858finiteness	DURq	V
24859fippi	DUR/	W
24860fire code	DUSV	U
24861fire control	DUSp	a
24862fire control computer	DUTD	w
24863fired components	IG4m	k
24864firing	DUTz	O
24865firing potential	DUUB	b
24866firing rule	DUUc	Z
24867firm	DUU1	M
24868firm banking	DUVB	a
24869firm period	DUVb	Z
24870firm planned order	DUV0	p
24871firmward circuitry	DUWd	g
24872firmward classification	DUW9	l
24873firmware	DUXi	Q
24874firmware building block	DUXy	o
24875firmware compatibility	DUYa	n
24876firmware control memory	DUZB	y
24877firmware engineering	DUZz	i
24878firmware limitation	DUaV	h
24879firmware monitor	DUa2	k
24880firmware option	DUba	d
24881firmware package	DUb3	k
24882firmware program	DUcb	e
24883firmware rom	DUc5	j
24884firmware support	DUdc	e
24885first	BHtE	T
24886first	DUd6	N
24887first attribute	DUeH	d
24888first carrier	DUek	b
24889first character	DUe/	d
24890first check character flip flop	DUfc	8
24891first class conductor	DUgY	m
24892first come first serve	DUg+	p
24893first computer inquiry	DUhn	t
24894first detector	DUiw	f
24895first element of chain	DUjP	q
24896first error communication	DUj5	w
24897first fit	DUkp	R
24898first fit algorithm	DUk6	k
24899first fit partition assignment	DUle	y
24900first generation	BHtX	n
24901first generation computer	DUmQ	t
24902first generation electronic computer	DUm9	+
24903first generation image	DUn7	q
24904first generation microcomputer	DUol	1
24905first in first out	DUpa	o
24906first in not used first out	DUqC	z
24907first indication of trouble	DUq1	z
24908first item list	DUro	a
24909first language under bootstrap	DUsC	BD
24910first level address	DUtF	h
24911first level interrupt handler	DUtm	/
24912first level message	DUul	h
24913first level message member	DUvG	u
24914first level of packaging	DUv0	m
24915first level statement	DUwa	j
24916first line find	DUw9	g
24917first line form advance	DUxd	r
24918first litter	DUyI	a
24919first normal form	DUyi	m
24920first of chain	DUzI	W
24921first operand	DUze	e
24922first operation used	DUz8	r
24923first order	DU0n	W
24924first order difference equation	DU09	w
24925first order diffraction beam	DU1t	w
24926first order dynamic logic	DU2d	t
24927first order logic	DU3K	f
24928first order predicate calculus	DU3p	3
24929first order recursive program	DU4g	x
24930first order subroutine	DU5R	t
24931first order time constant	DU5+	t
24932first out	GY0+	e
24933first page indicator	DU6r	o
24934first partial product	DU7T	m
24935first party release	DU75	k
24936first pass	DU8d	V
24937first pass own coding sorting	DU8y	9
24938first probability distribution	DU9v	y
24939first procedure	BHt+	j
24940first ready first excute	DU+h	x
24941first ready first execute	DU/S	y
24942first search	62k	g
24943first search	BHuh	g
24944first searchs	BHsa	q
24945first selecting	DVAE	d
24946first speaker	DVAh	Y
24947first storage level	DVA5	n
24948first strategy	BHvB	i
24949first symbol	DVBg	a
24950first term	DVB6	V
24951first terminal	DVCP	f
24952first textword	DVCu	f
24953first word address	DVDN	k
24954first word of text	DVDx	j
24955first word poiter	DVEU	j
24956fiscal period	DVTv	b
24957fish bone device	DVUK	h
24958fisheye lens	DVUr	a
24959fist in first out	DVVF	k
24960fist in last out	DVVp	j
24961fit	63E	R
24962fit	DVWM	L
24963fit method	63V	b
24964fit method	DVJb	b
24965fit test rule	DVWX	h
24966fitted model	DVW4	a
24967fitting	DVXS	P
24968fitting communication standard plan	Iiqn	BU
24969fitting criterion	DVX4	f
24970fitting criterlon	DVYX	f
24971five bit byte	DVY2	b
24972five bit code	DVZR	b
24973five code	JKvr	X
24974five code	JKwC	X
24975five figure system	DVZs	g
24976five hole punched tape	DVaM	q
24977five level	DVa2	Y
24978five level code	DVbO	d
24979five partition support	DVcQ	n
24980five track reader	DVdb	l
24981five unit code	DVeA	c
24982fix	DVg0	L
24983fix up on printer	DVg/	n
24984fixation	DVhm	Q
24985fixed	DVh2	N
24986fixed	H9b9	T
24987fixed	JK25	W
24988fixed address offset	DViD	r
24989fixed allocation	DViu	e
24990fixed analog	DVjM	a
24991fixed and exchangeable disc storage	DVjm	BO
24992fixed and exchangeable disk storage	DVk0	BM
24993fixed and proportional spacing	DVmA	+
24994fixed area	DVnt	V
24995fixed array method	DVoC	g
24996fixed asset	DVoi	Z
24997fixed asset accounting	DVo7	q
24998fixed assets	DVpl	a
24999fixed assignment	DVp/	e
25000fixed automaton	DVqd	g
25001fixed base point	DVq9	e
25002fixed bias	DVrb	Y
25003fixed bit rate	DVrz	f
25004fixed bldl table	DVsS	h
25005fixed block	DVsz	Z
25006fixed block architecture	DVtM	q
25007fixed block architecture device	DVt2	2
25008fixed block format	DVus	j
25009fixed block length	DVvP	j
25010fixed busy hour	DVvy	j
25011fixed connector	DVwV	j
25012fixed constant	DVw4	c
25013fixed control area	DVxU	j
25014fixed control storage	DVx3	w
25015fixed cost	DVyn	Y
25016fixed count check	DVy/	f
25017fixed currency symbol	DVze	p
25018fixed cycle	DV0H	Z
25019fixed cycle operation	DV0g	n
25020fixed data	DV1H	b
25021fixed decimal	DV1i	e
25022fixed decimal mode	DV2A	p
25023fixed disk	DV2p	Y
25024fixed disk drive	DV3B	h
25025fixed disk formatting	DV3i	s
25026fixed disk storage	DV4O	t
25027fixed earth station	DV47	k
25028fixed element of permutation	DV5f	z
25029fixed entry record	DV6S	m
25030fixed equipment	DV64	d
25031fixed field	DV7V	W
25032fixed field addressing	DV7r	q
25033fixed field format	DV8V	m
25034fixed field language	DV87	o
25035fixed field method	DV9j	j
25036fixed field record	DV+G	m
25037fixed form	DV+s	Y
25038fixed form coding	DV/E	l
25039fixed form operation	DV/p	o
25040fixed format	DWAR	a
25041fixed format message entry device	DWAr	BH
25042fixed format messages	DWBy	p
25043fixed function	DWCb	c
25044fixed function generator	DWC3	v
25045fixed gain control	DWDm	q
25046fixed head	DWEQ	b
25047fixed head disc	DWEr	k
25048fixed head disc storage	DWFP	2
25049fixed head discdrum store	DWGF	BB
25050fixed head disk	DWHG	g
25051fixed head storage facility	DWHm	6
25052fixed header prefix	DWIg	r
25053fixed interval	DWJL	f
25054fixed jack	DWJq	b
25055fixed length	DWKF	U
25056fixed length	H4i1	X
25057fixed length code	DWKZ	f
25058fixed length control area	DWK4	w
25059fixed length operand	DWLo	i
25060fixed length page	DWMK	c
25061fixed length record	DWMm	y
25062fixed length record file	DWNY	p
25063fixed length record format	DWOB	8
25064fixed length records	DWO9	w
25065fixed length word	DWPt	c
25066fixed line numbers	DWQJ	g
25067fixed loop	DWQp	Y
25068fixed master	DWRB	a
25069fixed member	DWRb	a
25070fixed memory	DWR1	a
25071fixed opint part	DWSP	b
25072fixed order quantity	DWSq	l
25073fixed partition system area	DWTP	3
25074fixed path of operation	DWUG	v
25075fixed path protocol	DWU1	r
25076fixed point	DWVg	e
25077fixed point address arithmetic logic unit	DWV+	BQ
25078fixed point arithmetic	DWXO	o
25079fixed point binary	DWX2	j
25080fixed point calculation	DWYZ	p
25081fixed point computer	DWZC	l
25082fixed point decimal	DWZn	k
25083fixed point fractional	DWaL	k
25084fixed point number	DWav	d
25085fixed point numbers	DWbM	e
25086fixed point operation	DWbq	j
25087fixed point part	DWcN	e
25088fixed point repesentation system	DWcr	0
25089fixed point representation	DWdf	z
25090fixed point system	DWeS	g
25091fixed point value	DWey	c
25092fixed point variables	DWfO	j
25093fixed position keyboard	DWfx	v
25094fixed program computer	DWh+	t
25095fixed program receive	DWir	t
25096fixed program send	DWjY	q
25097fixed quantity	DWkC	c
25098fixed quantity required	DWke	r
25099fixed radix notation	DWmG	/
25100fixed radix numeration system	DWlJ	9
25101fixed radix numeration system	DWnF	3
25102fixed radix scale	DWn8	i
25103fixed routine	DWoe	b
25104fixed sequence format	DWo5	t
25105fixed spacing	DWpm	b
25106fixed storage	DWqB	i
25107fixed sttribute	DWqj	d
25108fixed term plan	DWrA	n
25109fixed time	DWrn	b
25110fixed time interval	DWsC	r
25111fixed time schedule	DWst	q
25112fixed tolerance band compaction	DWtX	5
25113fixed type bar	DWuQ	f
25114fixed word length	DWuv	j
25115fixed word length computer	DWvS	x
25116fixing	DXEG	O
25117fixing level	DXEU	X
25118fixpoint theory	DXEr	g
25119fixpoitn induction method	DXFL	t
25120fixture	DXF4	S
25121fjlly integrated magnetic memory	DXGK	3
25122flag	DXHB	Y
25123flag bit	DXH0	W
25124flag byte	DXIK	X
25125flag check	DXHZ	b
25126flag code	DXIh	U
25127flag condition	DXI1	c
25128flag control	DXJR	a
25129flag data	DXJr	X
25130flag event	DXKC	Y
25131flag indicator	DXKv	f
25132flag line	DXLO	U
25133flag logic function	DXLi	n
25134flag number	DXMJ	W
25135flag ove bound	DXMf	c
25136flag page	DXM7	U
25137flag register	DXNP	i
25138flag sense	DXNx	Y
25139flag sequence	DXOJ	b
25140flag setting peripheral	DXOk	0
25141flag shift operation	DXPY	o
25142flag state	DXQA	Y
25143flag test	DXQY	X
25144flag transfer	DXQv	b
25145flag transmission	DvO0	f
25146flag value	DXRK	V
25147flag wequence	DXRf	b
25148flagging	DXR6	Q
25149flagging preposition	DXSK	i
25150flange	DXTS	O
25151flange connector	DXTg	h
25152flare	DXUB	Z
25153flase floor	DXUa	W
25154flase host	DXUw	V
25155flash	DXVF	V
25156flash call	DXVa	Y
25157flash card	DXVy	V
25158flash information service	DXWH	t
25159flash item	DXW0	b
25160flash mode	DXXP	Y
25161flash signal	DXXn	a
25162flasher circuit	DXYy	d
25163flashing	DXZP	Q
25164flashing light	DXZf	f
25165flat	DXZ+	M
25166flat arrangement	DXaK	e
25167flat bed camera	DXao	g
25168flat cable	DXbI	Y
25169flat card resolving potentiometer	DXbg	4
25170flat conductor	DXcY	c
25171flat descriptor	DXc0	j
25172flat distribution	DXdX	f
25173flat fading	DXd2	Z
25174flat fading channel	DXeP	n
25175flat file	DXe2	f
25176flat flexible cable	DXfV	n
25177flat head plotter	DXf8	l
25178flat intergrated circuit	DXgh	s
25179flat package	DXhN	a
25180flat panel display	DXhn	j
25181flat pannel display	DXiK	n
25182flat pannel technique	DXix	j
25183flat positive peak	DXjU	g
25184flat rate	DXj0	X
25185flat transmission	DXkL	f
25186flat tuning	DXkq	T
25187flat weighting	DXk9	c
25188flat wire	DXlZ	U
25189flathed plotter	DXq6	d
25190flatness	DXrX	T
25191flattener	DXrq	U
25192fleet scheduling program	DXr+	w
25193fleury algorithm	DXsu	h
25194flexi mode	DXtP	Y
25195flexibility	DXtn	T
25196flexibitity	DXt6	W
25197flexible	DXuQ	Y
25198flexible algebraic scientific translator	DXuo	BQ
25199flexible array	DXv4	c
25200flexible array bound	DXwU	l
25201flexible automation	DXw5	k
25202flexible base material	DXxd	k
25203flexible bus	DXyB	X
25204flexible central processing unit	DXyY	/
25205flexible circuit	DXzX	k
25206flexible circuits	DXz7	f
25207flexible control computer	DX0a	w
25208flexible data dictionary system	DX1K	5
25209flexible disc	DX2D	b
25210flexible disc	FxJn	e
25211flexible disc drive	DX2e	l
25212flexible disc system	DX3D	p
25213flexible disk	DX3s	b
25214flexible disk cartridge	DX4H	o
25215flexible disk control	DX4v	p
25216flexible disk controller	DX5Y	t
25217flexible disk drive	DX6F	l
25218flexible disk system	DX6q	p
25219flexible generic system software	DX7T	6
25220flexible ideal format for information	DX8N	BC
25221flexible interface technique	DX9P	0
25222flexible joint	DX+D	Z
25223flexible manufacture system	DX+c	v
25224flexible manufacturing system	DX/L	1
25225flexible multipipeline processor	DYAA	BI
25226flexible name	DYBI	e
25227flexible package	DYBm	h
25228flexible parallel processing	DYCH	z
25229flexible plastic disc	DYC6	m
25230flexible printed circuit	DYDg	s
25231flexible processor design	DYEM	z
25232flexible symbol	DYE/	d
25233flexible test method for microprocessor	DYFc	BH
25234flexible topology	DYGj	f
25235flexible vector	DYHC	j
25236flexible wire	DYHl	V
25237fleximan	DYH6	W
25238flexography	DYIq	u
25239flexowriter	DYJY	c
25240flexowriter code	DYJ0	k
25241flexural modulus	DYKY	e
25242flicker	DYK2	P
25243flicker bit	DYLF	W
25244flicker effect	DYLb	c
25245flicker frequency	DYL3	f
25246flicker rate	DYMW	X
25247flickering	DYMt	V
25248flicking	DYNC	Q
25249flight analyzer	DYNS	g
25250flight computer	DYNy	g
25251flight course computer	DYOS	n
25252flight director computer	DYO5	z
25253flight simulator	DYPs	h
25254flip chip	DYQr	U
25255flip flop	DYQ/	V
25256flip flop	Iu8g	a
25257flip network	DYRU	a
25258flip symbol	DYRu	W
25259flipping	DYea	Q
25260flle control	DYfN	f
25261floaing outpout	DYfs	g
25262float	DYgM	N
25263float attribute	DYgZ	d
25264float contact	DYg2	b
25265float dollar sign	DYhR	l
25266float factor	DYh2	a
25267float head	DYiQ	Y
25268float plate assembly	DYio	l
25269floatable overlay	DYjN	i
25270floated head	NwH	d
25271floated magnetic head	Nwk	p
25272floating	DYkz	Q
25273floating accent	DYlD	g
25274floating accumulator	DYlj	p
25275floating action controller	DYmM	u
25276floating add	DYm6	e
25277floating add absolutely	DYnY	w
25278floating add magnitude	DYoI	o
25279floating address	DYow	e
25280floating arithmetic sign	DYpO	s
25281floating arithmetic sign	Gcgf	v
25282floating beacon	DYp6	X
25283floating buffer	DYqR	g
25284floating bus	DYqx	a
25285floating bushing	DYrL	e
25286floating carrier amplifier	DYrp	x
25287floating carrier modulation	DYsa	v
25288floating channels	DYtJ	f
25289floating character	DYto	g
25290floating command line	DYuI	m
25291floating constant	DYuu	f
25292floating controller	DYvN	n
25293floating currency sign	DYv0	q
25294floating currency symbol	DYwe	s
25295floating data	DYxK	b
25296floating datum	B65T	f
25297floating decimal	DYxl	h
25298floating decimal abstract coding system	DYyG	BP
25299floating decimal accumulator	DYzV	z
25300floating decimal arithmetic	DY0I	y
25301floating decimal mode	DY06	s
25302floating devimal subroutine	DY1/	BB
25303floating diffusion	DY3A	g
25304floating divide	DY3g	g
25305floating error code	DY4A	o
25306floating executive	DY4o	m
25307floating gate	DY5O	Y
25308floating gate avalanche injection mos	DY5m	BU
25309floating head	DY66	b
25310floating head magnetic disk	DY7V	s
25311floating indexed point arithmetic	DY8B	6
25312floating input	DY87	f
25313floating input distortion	DY9a	x
25314floating input to ground output	DY+L	/
25315floating insertion character	DY/K	w
25316floating insertion editing	DY/6	u
25317floating interpretative automatic translator	DZAo	BR
25318floating interpretive language	DZB5	4
25319floating magnetic head	DZCx	k
25320floating maintenance mode	DZDV	t
25321floating multiply	DZEC	j
25322floating normalized control	DZEl	y
25323floating number	DZFX	a
25324floating octal point	DZFx	p
25325floating overflow bit	DZGa	m
25326floating overflow trap	DZHA	q
25327floating overlay	DZHq	e
25328floating point	DZII	o
25329floating point arithmetic	DZIw	r
25330floating point arithmetic library	DZJb	3
25331floating point arithmetic package	DZKS	7
25332floating point arithmetic unit	DZLN	4
25333floating point board	DZMF	j
25334floating point constant	DZMo	l
25335floating point control field	DZNN	w
25336floating point data	B65y	k
25337floating point data	DZN9	h
25338floating point data item	DZOe	p
25339floating point hardware	DZPH	p
25340floating point instruction set	DZPw	2
25341floating point interpretive program	DZQm	8
25342floating point mode	DZRi	h
25343floating point operand stack	DZSD	w
25344floating point package	DZSz	u
25345floating point processor	DZTh	t
25346floating point processor unit	DZUO	z
25347floating point register	DZVB	u
25348floating point root isolation	DZWK	1
25349floating point significance control	DZW/	6
25350floating point subtract	DZX5	i
25351floating point transformation	DZY2	r
25352floating point underflow trap	DZZh	x
25353floating point underflow trap enable	DZaS	+
25354floating point unit	DZbQ	l
25355floating reference address	DZb1	u
25356floating replacement character	DZcj	y
25357floating sign	DZdV	e
25358floating significance control	DZdz	0
25359floating subroutine	DZen	q
25360floating subtract	DZfR	i
25361floating symbolic address	DZfz	t
25362floating type	DZgg	b
25363floating underflow	DZg7	g
25364floating voltage	DZhb	e
25365floating zero	DZh5	Y
25366floating zero control	DZiR	p
25367floatingpoint operations per second	DaGF	BD
25368floder block	DaHd	d
25369floding at boundary	DaH6	k
25370flood study	DaIe	Z
25371flooding	DaI3	T
25372flooding routing	DaJK	n
25373floopy base	DaJx	W
25374floor function	DaKH	c
25375floor of number	DaKj	g
25376floor space	DaLD	W
25377floor stock	DaLZ	Z
25378floor stock code	DaLy	h
25379floor time	DaMT	Y
25380flop	/oz	e
25381flop	9B3	Y
25382flop	9rz	Q
25383flop	B67o	V
25384flop	BASK	Y
25385flop	C/8M	V
25386flop	CJJH	b
25387flop	CPNm	V
25388flop	CZL2	b
25389flop	ClJc	V
25390flop	DXKa	V
25391flop	DYVP	P
25392flop	Dbl+	V
25393flop	E60t	S
25394flop	EN6K	b
25395flop	Ea7i	f
25396flop	Ef9X	V
25397flop	EjuZ	S
25398flop	Ejur	Y
25399flop	Eyz/	b
25400flop	F6YN	V
25401flop	FQKo	V
25402flop	Fcji	S
25403flop	Fd2/	a
25404flop	GMbb	a
25405flop	H+z8	V
25406flop	H5ow	V
25407flop	HlWq	g
25408flop	HvyU	V
25409flop	Ilfe	Y
25410flop	Ili8	b
25411flop	IrFr	S
25412flop	JGbK	V
25413flop	QH	V
25414flop carry	DYWb	b
25415flop circuit	DYW2	d
25416flop counter	DYXT	d
25417flop decade ring	DYXw	q
25418flop delay	DYYa	Y
25419flop equipment	DYZQ	c
25420flop register	DYZs	e
25421flop register	DaNB	h
25422flop sign	DYaK	d
25423flop signal	DYbI	Z
25424flop signal control	DYbh	q
25425flop stage	DYcL	V
25426flop storage	DYcg	d
25427flop string	DYc9	W
25428flop symbol	DaMr	W
25429flop wequential circuit	DYdT	u
25430floppy	DaNi	X
25431floppy data entry system	DaN5	1
25432floppy disc cartridge	DaOu	m
25433floppy disc controller	DaPU	r
25434floppy disc drive	DaP/	j
25435floppy disc editor	DaQi	t
25436floppy disc operating system	DaRP	4
25437floppy disc performance	DaSH	l
25438floppy disc sendreceive	DaSs	0
25439floppy disc system	DaTg	k
25440floppy disk	DaUE	e
25441floppy disk	FxKF	c
25442floppy disk archiving system	DaUi	w
25443floppy disk assembler	DaVS	v
25444floppy disk controller	DaWB	r
25445floppy disk drive	DaWs	m
25446floppy disk format controller	DaXS	0
25447floppy disk formatting	DaYG	n
25448floppy disk reader	DaYt	j
25449floppy disk reference point	DaZQ	s
25450floppy disk sectors	DaZ8	h
25451floppy disk unit	Daad	b
25452floppy diskette	Daa4	d
25453floppy mini	DabV	Z
25454floppy rom	Dabu	h
25455floting instruction set	DacP	v
25456flourescent	Dac+	W
25457flow	DadU	U
25458flow	HNhK	o
25459flow	IZvm	b
25460flow analysis	Dado	Y
25461flow bidirectional	DaeA	g
25462flow block diagram	Daeg	h
25463flow board	DafB	V
25464flow chart	DafW	V
25465flow chart process	Dafr	j
25466flow chart symbol	DagO	i
25467flow chart text	Dagw	g
25468flow charting	DahQ	e
25469flow comment	Dahu	X
25470flow contro procedure	DaiF	m
25471flow control	Dair	r
25472flow control algorithm	DajW	n
25473flow control data generator	Daj9	7
25474flow control mechanixm	Dak4	n
25475flow control parameter negotiation	Dalf	8
25476flow control scheme	Damb	k
25477flow diagram	Dam/	l
25478flow direction	Dan9	W
25479flow graph	DaoT	S
25480flow graph algorithm	Daol	i
25481flow graph reducibility	DapH	o
25482flow graph schematic model	Dapv	x
25483flow in network	Daqg	a
25484flow label	Daq6	V
25485flow line	DarP	U
25486flow normal direction	Darj	j
25487flow of control	DasG	d
25488flow of control model	Dasj	m
25489flow of information	DatJ	e
25490flow of program	Datn	d
25491flow parallel	DauE	b
25492flow problem	F6c+	j
25493flow process diagram	Dauf	f
25494flow processor	BCZB	r
25495flow processor	BD4h	r
25496flow serial	DavV	Z
25497flow status attribute	Davu	m
25498flow tabel	DawU	V
25499flow table	Dawp	V
25500flow trace	Daw+	Y
25501flow tracer	DaxW	i
25502flow tracer routine	Dax4	w
25503flowchart	Dayo	U
25504flowchart connector	Day8	n
25505flowchart convention	Dazj	l
25506flowchart data	Da0I	f
25507flowchart generator	Da0n	v
25508flowchart graph	Da1W	j
25509flowchart microprogramming language	Da15	BA
25510flowchart package	Da25	f
25511flowchart program	Da3Y	i
25512flowchart schema	Da36	h
25513flowchart symbol	Da4b	h
25514flowchart technique	Da48	k
25515flowchart template	Da5g	j
25516flowchart text	Da6D	f
25517flowcharting	Da6i	d
25518flowline	Da6/	T
25519flowsheet	Da7S	d
25520floyd evans production language	Da7v	BE
25521floyd production recognizer	Da8z	4
25522flubble	Da+v	S
25523fluctuation	Da/B	T
25524fluent computers	Da/U	h
25525fluerics	Da/1	T
25526fluid	DbAI	N
25527fluid computer	DbAV	f
25528fluid container	DbA0	a
25529fluid digital computer	DbBO	x
25530fluid dynamics	DbB/	f
25531fluid logic	DbCe	Z
25532fluid mechanics	DbC3	d
25533fluid pump	DbDU	V
25534fluidic	DbEw	P
25535fluorescence	DbE/	U
25536fluorescent display	DbFT	k
25537fluorescent lamp	DbF3	b
25538fluorescent paint	DbGS	f
25539fluorescent radiation	DbGx	j
25540fluorescent screen	DbHU	d
25541fluorimeter	DbIE	W
25542flush	DbIa	V
25543flush closedown	DbIv	a
25544flush left	DbJJ	Y
25545flush printed board	DbJh	n
25546flush right	DbKI	Z
25547flush time	DbKh	Y
25548flush type circuit	DbK5	j
25549flushing	DbLc	Q
25550flutter	DbLs	P
25551flutter and wow	DbL7	j
25552flutter computer	DbMe	h
25553flux	DbM/	M
25554flux change character	DbNL	m
25555flux changes perinch	DbNx	1
25556flux coating	DbOm	a
25557flux counter	DbPA	d
25558flux curve	DbPd	Y
25559flux deeper	DbP1	W
25560flux density	DbQL	a
25561flux gate	DbQl	X
25562flux gate head	GaJR	i
25563flux leakage	DbQ8	U
25564flux logic elment array	DbRQ	5
25565flux meter	DbSJ	V
25566flux responsive head	DbSe	o
25567flux reversal per inch	DbTG	z
25568flux reversal per millimeter	DbT5	3
25569flux switching technique	DbUw	s
25570flux transitions per inch	DbVc	4
25571flux tranxitions per inch	DbWU	1
25572fly bach	DbXJ	T
25573fly fold	DbXc	Q
25574fly lens	DbXs	W
25575fly printer	GvBg	BE
25576flyback power supply	DbYS	i
25577flyback time	DbY0	a
25578flyback transformer	DbZO	k
25579flying	DbZy	R
25580flying belt printer	DbaD	k
25581flying disk printer	Dban	n
25582flying drum printer	DbbO	n
25583flying head	Dbb1	Z
25584flying height	DbcO	b
25585flying paper	Dbcp	d
25586flying printer	DbdG	i
25587flying sheel printer	Dbdo	l
25588flying spot	DbeN	T
25589flying spot scanner	Dbeg	l
25590flying spot scanning digitizer	DbfF	4
25591flying spot store	Dbf9	m
25592flying spot store address	Dbgj	t
25593flying wheel printer	DbhQ	l
25594flying zone	Dbh1	c
25595flyingspot	IC1/	b
25596flynn classification schema	Dbjk	s
25597flywheel effect	DbkQ	d
25598fm recording	Dbkt	a
25599fmd layer	DLwK	1
25600fme response	DblH	Y
25601fms converter	Dblf	f
25602fo cost roll factor	DEbP	s
25603focal distance	Dbm+	W
25604focal length	DbnU	X
25605focal point	Dbnr	T
25606focus	Dbn+	N
25607focus	DboL	N
25608focus coil	DboY	Y
25609focus coil acis	Dbow	g
25610focus committee	DbpQ	g
25611focus feed	Gr6k	h
25612focus fiber optics	Dbpw	g
25613focus lens	DbqQ	Y
25614focus out	Dbqo	R
25615focus serve	Dbq5	Z
25616focused overload	DbrS	e
25617focusing	Dbrw	Q
25618focusing coil	DbsA	b
25619focusing optical fiber	IPe1	n
25620fog	Dbsb	R
25621foil	Dbss	J
25622folating head	Nx4	Y
25623fold	Dbs1	U
25624fold paper	DG94	e
25625fold paper	JpUy	V
25626foldable operation	DbtJ	j
25627folded array configuration	Dbts	u
25628folded spectrum technique	Dbua	t
25629folder	DbvH	Z
25630folder directory	Dbvg	k
25631folder name	DbwE	T
25632folder problem	DbwX	Z
25633folder store	Dbww	g
25634folding	DbxQ	P
25635folding ratio	Dbxf	Y
25636folding scheme	Dbx3	c
25637folio	DbyT	a
25638folio berso	Dbyt	c
25639folio verso	DbzJ	f
25640follow	Dbzo	S
25641follow symbol	Dbz6	b
25642follower	CvN6	Z
25643follower	Do4q	l
25644follower cathode	Db3i	h
25645following component	Db4D	h
25646following error in servo system	Db4k	/
25647following items not available	Db5j	5
25648following word	Db6c	Z
25649folm standard	Db61	b
25650fomatting program	Db7Q	i
25651font	Db7y	d
25652font	Db8P	M
25653font area	Db8b	U
25654font assignment	Db8v	d
25655font card	Db9M	a
25656font change	Db9m	c
25657font change character	Db+C	p
25658font data	Db+r	X
25659font data set	Db/C	e
25660font disk	Db/g	U
25661font diskette	Db/0	e
25662font family	DcAS	Z
25663font file	DcAr	a
25664font integrity	DcBF	f
25665font invocation	DcBk	d
25666font load	DcCB	X
25667font map	DcCY	T
25668font master	DcCr	Z
25669font membership	DcDE	a
25670font memory	DcDe	c
25671font name	DcD6	X
25672font number	DcER	Z
25673font outline	DcEq	a
25674font pattern	DcFE	U
25675font reticle	DcFY	X
25676font select	DcFv	Z
25677font set	DcGI	T
25678font size	DcGb	X
25679font store	DcGy	V
25680font type	DcHH	R
25681font values	DcHY	W
25682fontac	DcHu	Y
25683foop	JGbf	Y
25684foot candle	DcIG	Z
25685foot candle meter	DcIf	c
25686foot cross	DcI7	Y
25687foot pedal	DcJT	Y
25688footer	DcJr	c
25689foothill problem	DcKH	e
25690footing	DcKl	T
25691footing area	DcK4	X
25692footnote	DcLP	T
25693footnote number	DcLi	a
25694footnote separator	DcL8	m
25695footnotes	DcMi	R
25696footprint	DcMz	X
25697for clause	DcNK	W
25698for list	DcNg	U
25699for list element	DcN0	f
25700for statement	DcOT	Z
25701for statement syntax	DcOs	s
25702for your information	DcPY	j
25703foral	DcR3	l
25704forbidden channel	DcSc	f
25705forbidden character	DcS7	h
25706forbidden character code	DcTc	v
25707forbidden code	DcUL	Z
25708forbidden combination	DcUk	j
25709forbidden combination check	DcVH	v
25710forbidden digit	DcV2	d
25711forbidden digit check	DcWT	p
25712forbidden instruction	DcW8	j
25713forbidding subgraph	DcZI	h
25714forcast periods	DcZp	d
25715force	DcaG	V
25716force add code	Dcab	f
25717force administration data system	Dca6	/
25718force air cooling	Dcb5	f
25719force checkpoint	DccY	h
25720force close	Dcc5	Z
25721force contact engaging	DcdS	e
25722force contact separating	Dcdw	g
25723force interrupt	DceQ	d
25724force of impression	Dcet	b
25725force placement method	DcfI	h
25726force start	Dcfp	Z
25727forced air cooling	DcgC	g
25728forced branch	Dcgi	b
25729forced coding	Dcg9	b
25730forced control field	DchY	o
25731forced convection cooling	DciA	t
25732forced decision rule	Dcit	o
25733forced display	DcjV	c
25734forced draft	Dcjx	a
25735forced job startup	DckL	m
25736forced linearization	Dckx	l
25737forced prority	DclW	f
25738forced release	Dcl1	c
25739forced termination	DcmR	g
25740forced ventialtion	Dcmx	g
25741forcibly hamiltion sequence	DcnR	1
25742forcing	DcoG	S
25743forcing function	DcoY	e
25744forecast	DcpQ	Q
25745forecast center	Dcpg	g
25746forecast coordinator	DcqA	o
25747forecast error	Dcqo	c
25748forecast master synchronization	DcrE	z
25749forecast model	Dcr3	c
25750forecast option	DcsT	d
25751forecast period size	Dcsw	o
25752forecast quantity	DctY	f
25753forecasting	Dct3	T
25754forecasting inventory technique	DcuK	2
25755forecasting software maintenance	DcvA	0
25756forecasting theory	Dcv0	g
25757foreground	DcwU	V
25758foreground and background monitor	Dcwp	BC
25759foreground colour	Dcxr	f
25760foreground display image	DcyK	s
25761foreground image	Dcy2	e
25762foreground initiated background job	DczU	BA
25763foreground initiated batch	Dc0U	8
25764foreground initiation	Dc1Q	j
25765foreground job	Dc1z	c
25766foreground job processing	Dc2P	t
25767foreground message processing program	Dc28	/
25768foreground mode	Dc37	d
25769foreground monitor	Dc4Y	m
25770foreground partition	Dc4+	i
25771foreground processing	Dc5g	x
25772foreground program	Dc6R	g
25773foreground programming	Dc6x	k
25774foreground region	Dc7V	c
25775foreground routine	Dc7x	j
25776foreground scheduler	Dc8U	o
25777foreground system	Dc88	f
25778foreground table	Dc9b	f
25779foreground task	Dc96	d
25780foregroundbackground	DdB1	p
25781foregrounding	DdCe	b
25782foreign area customer dialing	DdC5	2
25783foreign area translation	DdDv	m
25784foreign attachments	DdEV	n
25785foreign exchange	DdE8	l
25786foreign exchange line	DdFh	p
25787foreign exchange service	DdGK	s
25788foreign host	DdG2	a
25789foreign key	DdHQ	n
25790foreign key link	DdH3	h
25791foreign medium	DdIY	c
25792foreign numbering plan area	DdI0	3
25793foreign source data	DdJr	k
25794foreign volume	DdKP	g
25795foreman	DdKv	P
25796forest	DdK+	R
25797forgetful functor	DdLP	f
25798fork	DdLu	M
25799fork block	DdL6	V
25800fork configuration	DdMP	g
25801fork contact	BCCS	p
25802fork dispatcher	DdMv	g
25803fork level	Cjl2	h
25804fork process	DdNP	g
25805fork qyeye	DdNv	Y
25806fork structure of bubble device	DdOH	8
25807forked jump	JB2P	Z
25808forked working	DdPD	c
25809form	DHpS	f
25810form	DdPf	U
25811form	Ij7z	P
25812form advance	DdPz	U
25813form application aids	DdQH	p
25814form attributes	DdQw	d
25815form building	DdRN	b
25816form bursting	DdRo	b
25817form context	DdSD	a
25818form control	DdSd	a
25819form control buffer	DdS3	u
25820form control image	DdTl	m
25821form control procedure	DdUL	q
25822form data	DdU1	X
25823form data description generation	DdVM	6
25824form data item	DdWG	i
25825form definition	DdWo	l
25826form definition language	DdXN	s
25827form definition utility	DdX5	1
25828form description	DdYu	e
25829form description utility	DdZM	2
25830form design	DdaC	Z
25831form design sheet	Ddab	i
25832form designer	Dda9	e
25833form development	Ddbb	e
25834form development environment	Ddb5	w
25835form document	Ddcp	b
25836form driver	DddE	0
25837form editor	Ddd4	0
25838form factor	Ddes	Z
25839form feed	DdfF	i
25840form feed character	Ddfn	q
25841form feed control character	DdgR	s
25842form feed out	Ddg9	V
25843form feeding	DdhS	a
25844form fidle constant	Ddhs	n
25845form field attribute	DdiT	o
25846form field validator	Ddi7	r
25847form file	Ddjm	i
25848form flash	DdkI	Y
25849form floating point	FG3i	k
25850form format	Dklz	Z
25851form guide roller	Ddkg	f
25852form input	DkmM	e
25853form interface management system	Ddk/	6
25854form language	Ddl5	b
25855form language protocol model	DdmU	2
25856form letter	DdnK	T
25857form librarian	Ddnd	l
25858form library	DdoC	X
25859form libray maintenance	DdoZ	o
25860form maintenance utility	DdpB	y
25861form maintenance utility control file	Ddpz	BL
25862form maintenance work space	Ddq+	1
25863form management	Ddrz	d
25864form management system	DdsQ	u
25865form management utility	Dds+	1
25866form manager	Ddtz	g
25867form map	DduT	W
25868form mode	Ddup	X
25869form modifying	DdvA	c
25870form movement time	Ddvc	p
25871form name	DdwF	X
25872form normal	Ddwc	Z
25873form object file	Ddw1	k
25874form of bits	DdxZ	a
25875form of object code	Ddxz	k
25876form of physical store	DdyX	q
25877form of service	DdzB	d
25878form of subscripts	Ddze	j
25879form overlay	Dd0B	a
25880form paper	BurS	b
25881form pinfeed	Dd0b	a
25882form quasiinstruction	Dd1U	m
25883form receiving tray	Dd16	e
25884form record	Dd2Y	Z
25885form record field	Dd2x	i
25886form retrieval and manipulation language	Dd3T	BN
25887form session file	Dd4g	l
25888form sheet	Dd5F	S
25889form skip	Dd5X	R
25890form snapshot	Dd5o	h
25891form stop	Dd6J	X
25892form summary	Dd6g	a
25893form tester	Dd66	c
25894form type code	Dd7W	Z
25895form upgrade utility	Dd7v	y
25896form utility	Dd8h	k
25897forma design specification	Dd+B	u
25898formaiton rule	Dd+v	c
25899formal	Dd/L	O
25900formal address	Dd/9	c
25901formal argument	DeAZ	d
25902formal attribute	DeA2	e
25903formal axiomatics	DeBU	i
25904formal check	DeB2	d
25905formal class	DeCT	X
25906formal conditional statement	DeCq	w
25907formal control	DeDa	c
25908formal declarer	DeEX	g
25909formal deduction	DeE3	e
25910formal definiton	DeFV	e
25911formal denotational semantics	DeFz	x
25912formal description language	DeGk	s
25913formal explanation of implementation	DeHQ	7
25914formal file	DeIL	Z
25915formal file identifier	DeIk	t
25916formal grammar	DeJR	c
25917formal implication	DeJt	g
25918formal language	DeKN	d
25919formal language grammar	DeKq	r
25920formal language processor	DeLV	z
25921formal language theory	DeMI	q
25922formal linguistics	DeMy	j
25923formal logic	DeNV	a
25924formal lower bound	DeNv	g
25925formal microprogram	DeOP	k
25926formal model	DeOz	a
25927formal model of software life cycle	DePN	BD
25928formal model of system behaviour	DeQQ	9
25929formal notion fo grammar	DeRN	v
25930formal parameter	DeR8	e
25931formal parameter call	DeSa	p
25932formal parameter correspondence	Fe7	7
25933formal parameter identifier	DeTD	y
25934formal parameter list	DeT1	p
25935formal parameter part	DeUe	p
25936formal parameter section	DeVH	p
25937formal parameter type	DeVw	p
25938formal parsing algorithm	DeWZ	y
25939formal proof	DeXL	a
25940formal property of grammar	DeXl	x
25941formal pushdown automaton	DeYW	w
25942formal qualification review	DeZG	z
25943formal qualification test	DeZ5	x
25944formal query language	Deaq	t
25945formal record	DebX	b
25946formal row	Deby	V
25947formal rule	DecH	Z
25948formal semantic definition	Decg	u
25949formal semantic description	DedO	v
25950formal semantic language	Ded9	w
25951formal semantics	Deet	e
25952formal specification	DefL	i
25953formal syntax	Deft	b
25954formal system	DegI	b
25955formal testing	Degj	c
25956formal theory	Deg/	b
25957formal type model	Deha	i
25958formal upper bound	Deh8	g
25959formal value parameter	Deic	n
25960formal variable	DejD	d
25961formal variable parameter	Dejg	t
25962formal verification	DekN	h
25963formalism	Delo	U
25964formalizatio fof requirement	Del8	t
25965formalize	Demp	U
25966formalized computer	Dem9	n
25967formalized computer program	Denk	1
25968formant	DeoZ	a
25969format	Cm7e	Q
25970format	DEbB	O
25971format	Deoz	g
25972format	JK/i	X
25973format address	DepT	c
25974format analyzer	Depv	g
25975format and protocol language	DeqP	4
25976format character	DerH	b
25977format character nonprint	Deri	w
25978format character set	DesS	l
25979format chart	Des3	X
25980format check	DetO	a
25981format classification	Deto	j
25982format code	Deug	W
25983format command	Deu2	c
25984format construction	DevS	h
25985format control	Devz	c
25986format control language	DewP	v
25987format control panel	Dew+	l
25988format control revision	Dexj	r
25989format control word	DeyO	o
25990format conversion	Dey2	f
25991format converter	DezV	h
25992format counter	Dez2	i
25993format definition	De0Y	f
25994format description statement	De03	w
25995format description type	De1n	r
25996format descrlption	De2S	g
25997format designator	De2y	i
25998format detail	De3U	b
25999format device	De3v	e
26000format directed	De4N	d
26001format effector	De4q	0
26002format effector character	De5e	t
26003format error	De6L	a
26004format feed character	De6l	p
26005format field descriptor	De7O	u
26006format frequency	De78	h
26007format generator	De8d	h
26008format group	De8+	a
26009format horizontal	De9Y	f
26010format identification	De93	n
26011format identification field	De+e	v
26012format identifier	De/N	l
26013format implicit address instruction	De/y	6
26014format information	DfAs	g
26015format instruction	DfBM	g
26016format item	DfBs	W
26017format label	DfCC	a
26018format language	DWx7	j
26019format line	DfCc	W
26020format list	DfCy	Z
26021format logic	DfDL	X
26022format loop	DfDi	W
26023format macros	DfD4	e
26024format manager	DfEW	l
26025format master	DfE7	b
26026format memory data	DfFW	p
26027format menu	DWye	c
26028format menu	Dkmq	f
26029format mode	DfF/	Z
26030format modification	DfGY	h
26031format notation	DfHe	g
26032format of transaction io nessage	DfJQ	BH
26033format order	DfKX	X
26034format pattern	DfKu	c
26035format plotting system	Iy+4	z
26036format primary	DfLK	f
26037format program	DfLp	c
26038format recognition	DfMF	g
26039format record	DfMl	b
26040format register	DfNA	g
26041format routine	DfNg	i
26042format selection	DfOC	e
26043format sentence	DfOg	d
26044format service program	DfO9	q
26045format set	DfPn	V
26046format sheet	DfP8	X
26047format specificaiton	DgC3	y
26048format specification	DfQT	i
26049format specification interpretation	DfQ1	3
26050format statement	DfRs	e
26051format string	DfSK	m
26052format structure	DfSw	e
26053format summary	DfTO	c
26054format symbol	DfTq	b
26055format text	DfUF	Z
26056format translate	DfUe	e
26057format type	DfU8	c
26058format update	DknJ	h
26059format vertical	DfVY	d
26060formation	DfXe	R
26061formation of hologram	DfXv	m
26062formatless input	DfYV	h
26063formatted data	DfY2	f
26064formatted data entry program	DfZV	+
26065formatted diskette	DfaT	p
26066formatted display	Dfa8	l
26067formatted dscb	Dfbh	r
26068formatted dump	DfcM	f
26069formatted field	Dfcr	d
26070formatted field definition	DfdI	u
26071formatted file system	Dfd2	w
26072formatted form	DNuZ	l
26073formatted image	DffX	g
26074formatted inputoutput	Dff3	t
26075formatted io statement	Dfem	x
26076formatted language	Dfgk	j
26077formatted logic record	DfhH	t
26078formatted message	Dfh0	i
26079formatted program	DfiW	i
26080formatted program interface	Dfi4	y
26081formatted program out listing	Dfjq	3
26082formatted read statement	Dfkh	p
26083formatted record	DflK	h
26084formatted request	Dflr	i
26085formatted source file	DfmN	p
26086formatted source program	Dfm2	s
26087formatted storage capacity	Dfni	x
26088formatted system service	DNu+	y
26089formatted system services	DfoT	2
26090formatted tape	DfpJ	j
26091formatted volume	Dfps	e
26092formatted write statement	DfqK	q
26093formatter	Dfq0	i
26094formatting	DfrW	Y
26095formatting flexibility	Dfru	n
26096formatting mode	DfsV	g
26097formed arithmetic expression	JfIw	z
26098formed formula	JfJj	BL
26099formed string	JfKu	j
26100formed structured program	JfLR	BN
26101formed wire contact	Dfs1	k
26102former	DftZ	R
26103former surrounding case	Dftq	o
26104forming light modulator	Gtik	4
26105forms control buffer	DfuS	v
26106forms description language	DfvB	y
26107forms entry system	Dfvz	t
26108forms management system	Dfwg	v
26109formsoriented interactive data base system	DfxP	BW
26110formula	Dfyl	P
26111formula algol	Dfy0	i
26112formula and statement translator	DfzW	BC
26113formula assembler translator	Df0Y	9
26114formula calculator	Df1V	j
26115formula coder	Df14	j
26116formula language	Df2b	e
26117formula manipulation	Df25	i
26118formula manipulation compiler	Df3b	BB
26119formula manipulation language	Df4c	1
26120formula mode	Df5R	e
26121formula recognition	Df5v	h
26122formula translating language	Df6Q	w
26123formula translator	Df7A	m
26124formulate	Df7m	X
26125formulation	Df79	W
26126formulation method	Df8T	j
26127formulator	Df82	b
26128fornat element descriptor	Df9R	x
26129fortan	Df+C	O
26130forth compiler	Df+Q	i
26131forth language	Df+y	c
26132fortnightly decision	Df/O	i
26133fortran	Df/w	X
26134fortran 66	DgAw	t
26135fortran 77	DgBd	t
26136fortran 77 character set	DgCK	t
26137fortran american standards association	DgDp	BC
26138fortran and internal translator system	DgEr	Bg
26139fortran assembler	DgGL	u
26140fortran assembly program	DgG5	y
26141fortran assmbly program	DgHr	x
26142fortran automated cod evaluation system	DgIc	BP
26143fortran automated code evaluation system	DgJr	BQ
26144fortran automatic checkout system	DgK7	BC
26145fortran automatic checkout system	DgL9	BC
26146fortran automatic debugging system	DgM/	BD
26147fortran automatic debugging system	DgOC	BD
26148fortran automatic symbol translator	DgPF	BK
26149fortran automatic symbol translator	DgQP	BH
26150fortran automatic timing system	DgRW	BA
26151fortran automatic timing system	DgSW	BB
26152fortran calculator	DgTX	x
26153fortran calculator	DgUI	x
26154fortran coding form	DgU5	k
26155fortran committee	DgVd	k
26156fortran common statement	DgWB	u
26157fortran compiler	DgWv	m
26158fortran compiler system	DgXV	z
26159fortran compiler validation system	DgYI	BJ
26160fortran compiler validation system	DgZR	BJ
26161fortran computation	Dgaa	h
26162fortran conditional	Dga7	m
26163fortran construction	Dgbh	q
26164fortran continue	DgcL	m
26165fortran control character	Dgcx	v
26166fortran data application and control	Dgdg	BK
26167fortran database language comminittee	Dgeq	BK
26168fortran debug package	Dgf0	y
26169fortran debugging aid program	Dggm	BA
26170fortran debugging system	Dghm	y
26171fortran deductive system	DgiY	y
26172fortran do statement	DgjK	q
26173fortran execution error monitor	Dgj0	BB
26174fortran execution time estimator	Dgk1	BH
26175fortran executive assembly program	Dgl8	BD
26176fortran executive assembly program	Dgm/	BM
26177fortran extended graph algorithmic language	DgoL	BU
26178fortran extension	Dgpf	n
26179fortran fault processor	DgqG	z
26180fortran full set	Dgq5	g
26181fortran function	DgrZ	m
26182fortran go to	Dgr/	i
26183fortran graph algorithmic language	Dgsh	BE
26184fortran graph algorithmic language	Dgtl	BE
26185fortran graphics support	Dgup	y
26186fortran graphics support	Dgvb	u
26187fortran identifier	DgwJ	l
26188fortran if	Dgwu	g
26189fortran ii	DgxO	c
26190fortran implementation	DgAH	p
26191fortran intrinsic routines	Dgxq	2
26192fortran iv	Dgyg	c
26193fortran iv cross assembler	Dgy8	4
26194fortran iv logical capability	Dgz0	1
26195fortran iv simulator	Dg0p	s
26196fortran keyword	Dg1V	i
26197fortran language	Dg13	s
26198fortran language	Dg2j	g
26199fortran language interrupt service routine	Dg3D	BS
26200fortran language processor feature	Dg4V	BE
26201fortran library function	Dg5Z	r
26202fortran library module	Dg6E	p
26203fortran librayr function	Dg6t	r
26204fortran linkage	dm6	n
26205fortran list porcessing system	Dg7Y	8
26206fortran list processing language	Dg8U	+
26207fortran list processing language	Dg9S	+
26208fortran list processing system	Dg+Q	8
26209fortran listing code	Dg/M	q
26210fortran load and go	Dg/2	y
26211fortran logical information retrieval technique	DhBO	BX
26212fortran matrix abstraction technique	DhCl	BH
26213fortran matrix analysis	DhDs	z
26214fortran monitor system	DhEf	w
26215fortran monitor system	DhFP	s
26216fortran network analysis program	DhF7	BB
26217fortran network analysis program	DhG8	BB
26218fortran operating system	DhH9	y
26219fortran optimization code	DhIv	y
26220fortran preporcessor	DhJh	t
26221fortran processing system	DhKO	z
26222fortran resource mix	DhLB	5
26223fortran simulation	DhL6	w
26224fortran simulator	DhMq	n
26225fortran specification statement	DhNR	1
26226fortran standard	DhOG	m
26227fortran statement	DhOs	h
26228fortran statement column	DhPN	r
26229fortran subscript	DhP4	h
26230fortran subset	DhQZ	e
26231fortran symbol	DhQ3	e
26232fortran symbolic debugging package	DhRV	BI
26233fortran symbolic debugging package	DhSd	BL
26234fortran system monitor	DhTo	y
26235fortran test procedure language	DhUa	BB
26236fortran tuner	DhVb	q
26237fortran uitlity system	DhWF	2
26238fortran variable	DhW7	g
26239fortuitous	Dhc2	V
26240fortuitous conductor	DhdL	l
26241fortuitous distortion	Dhdw	j
26242forward	Dhfg	P
26243forward	H8+x	P
26244forward	IrYN	P
26245forward	Itfe	V
26246forward acting code	Dhfv	k
26247forward acting shift register	DhgT	/
26248forward addressing	DhhS	g
26249forward and backward deduction	Dhhy	s
26250forward backword counter	Dhie	p
26251forward bias	DhjH	a
26252forward biased	Dhjh	W
26253forward busying	Dhj3	d
26254forward chaining	DhkU	e
26255forward chaining manner	Dhky	o
26256forward chaining problem solver	Dhla	8
26257forward channel	DhmW	d
26258forward circuit	Dhmz	d
26259forward clearing	DhnQ	e
26260forward communication center	Dhnu	w
26261forward conduction	Dhoe	g
26262forward controlling elements	Dho+	w
26263forward counter	Dhpu	g
26264forward crosstalk	DhqO	f
26265forward current	Dhqt	d
26266forward declared	DhrK	e
26267forward deduction system	Dhro	s
26268forward definition chain	DhsU	p
26269forward echo	Dhs9	a
26270forward edge	DhtX	X
26271forward error correction	Dhtu	t
26272forward error detectioncorrection	Dhub	BB
26273forward file recovery	Dhvc	p
26274forward function identifier	DhwF	4
26275forward gate	Dhw9	a
26276forward job	DhxX	Z
26277forward link	Dhxw	g
26278forward link field	DhyQ	m
26279forward link pointer	Dhy2	r
26280forward link service	Dhzh	o
26281forward link user	Dh0J	l
26282forward loop backward hop	Dh0u	4
26283forward merge	Dh1m	b
26284forward path	Dh2B	a
26285forward pointer	Dh2b	d
26286forward polyphase sort	Dh24	q
26287forward prediction residue	Dh3i	u
26288forward probability	Dh4Q	h
26289forward procedure identifier	Dh4x	5
26290forward production system	Dh5q	w
26291forward propagation circuit	Dh6a	z
26292forward pulse	Dh7N	b
26293forward read continuous	Dh7o	v
26294forward reading	Dh8X	d
26295forward recovery	Dh80	e
26296forward recovery time	Dh9S	p
26297forward reference	Dh97	t
26298forward reference of procedure entry	Dh+o	+
26299forward reference type identifier	Dh/m	+
26300forward repositioning	DiAk	m
26301forward resistance	DiBK	g
26302forward scatter	DiDU	d
26303forward scheduling	DiDx	x
26304forward selection	DiEi	Z
26305forward signalling path	DiE7	r
26306forward space	DiFm	b
26307forward space block	DiGB	u
26308forward space file	DiGv	q
26309forward space record	DiHZ	s
26310forward supervision	DiIF	h
26311forward tapy motion	DiIm	n
26312forward transfer element	DiJN	s
26313forward transfer function	DiJ5	t
26314forward twin pointer	DiKm	o
26315forward type cycle	DiLO	j
26316forware pruning	DiM5	d
26317forwared loop parity hop	DiNW	0
26318foundation virtual machine	DiOK	r
26319founded set	JfMe	h
26320four	H66S	V
26321four	IycQ	S
26322four binary notation	C7s8	t
26323four colour process	DiO1	e
26324four figure wywtem	DiPT	d
26325four phase modulation	DiPw	j
26326four probe method	DiQT	f
26327four quadrant multiplier	DiQy	s
26328four quadrant operation	DiRe	o
26329four repeater	DheT	e
26330four selecting circuit	Gvxm	w
26331four track recorder	DiSG	n
26332four wire	DiSt	R
26333four wire repeater	DiS+	j
26334four wire system	DiTh	e
26335four wire terminating set	DiT/	t
26336fourier analysis	Dip3	h
26337fourier analysis	DiqY	h
26338fourier analyzer	Diq5	k
26339fourier discriptor	Dird	m
26340fourier intergral	DisD	i
26341fourier kernel	Disl	c
26342fourier principle	DitB	i
26343fourier series	Ditj	f
26344fourier transform	DiuC	i
26345fourier transform centering	Diuk	y
26346fourier transform diagonalization property	DivW	BH
26347fourier transform pair	Diwd	q
26348fourier transform shifting	DixH	x
26349fourier transform spectrum	Dix4	u
26350fourth generation electronic computer	Diym	/
26351fourth generation languages	Dizl	s
26352fourth normal form	Di0R	k
26353fox message	Di1c	T
26354foxbord programming language	Di1v	8
26355fpla fast multibit shifter	Di3u	BP
26356fpla output programmability	Di49	BN
26357fractile	Di6K	T
26358fraction	Di6d	Q
26359fraction bar	Di6t	a
26360fraction expansion	HQUa	p
26361fraction field	Di7H	Z
26362fraction mask	Di7g	b
26363fractional arithmetic	Di77	j
26364fractional arithmetic unit	Di8e	u
26365fractional computer	Di9M	k
26366fractional constant	Di9w	h
26367fractional correction rule	Di+R	u
26368fractional digit	Di+/	Y
26369fractional error	Di/X	e
26370fractional factorials	Di/1	j
26371fractional fixed point	DjAY	k
26372fractional frequency	DjA8	c
26373fractional number	DjBY	Z
26374fractional part	DjBx	d
26375fractional programming	DjCO	k
26376fractional representation	DjCy	q
26377fractional step method	DjDc	h
26378fractionation	DjD9	Y
26379fractionator reflux analog computer	DjEV	BF
26380fracture	DjFa	Q
26381fragment	DjFq	Q
26382fragment code	DjF6	Y
26383fragment record	DjGS	d
26384fragmentation	DjGv	d
26385fragmentation index	DjHM	k
26386fragmentation model	DjHw	n
26387fragmentation of storage space	DjIX	y
26388fragmenting	DjJJ	T
26389fram type a	DjJc	Y
26390framb number	DjJ0	X
26391frame	DjKL	V
26392frame	F80Y	N
26393frame access function	DjKg	m
26394frame alignment	DjLG	X
26395frame alignment recovery time	DjLd	0
26396frame alignment signal	DjMR	n
26397frame alignment signal	F80l	q
26398frame alignment time	HAR/	y
26399frame alignment time slot	DjM4	w
26400frame area	DjNo	V
26401frame assertion	DjN9	d
26402frame axiom	DjOa	Z
26403frame basic	DjOz	c
26404frame blanking	DjPP	Z
26405frame boundary	DjPo	Z
26406frame buffer	DjQB	d
26407frame buffer display	DjQe	o
26408frame chaining	DjRG	Z
26409frame check sequence	DjRf	p
26410frame check sequence error	DjSI	0
26411frame checking sequence	DjS8	s
26412frame code	DjTo	S
26413frame connector	DjT6	d
26414frame control field	DjUX	k
26415frame count	DjU7	W
26416frame creation terminal	DjVR	o
26417frame default	DjV5	b
26418frame delimiting sequence	DjWU	q
26419frame description	DjW+	f
26420frame error	DjXd	W
26421frame felated attribute	DjXz	o
26422frame film	DjYb	Z
26423frame format	DjY0	X
26424frame format relationship	DjZL	q
26425frame frequency	DjZ1	X
26426frame grabber	DjaM	b
26427frame grabbing	Djan	W
26428frame ground	Dja9	o
26429frame grounding circuit	Djbl	r
26430frame handler	DjcQ	e
26431frame header	Djcu	X
26432frame hole	DjdF	V
26433frame in	Djda	Q
26434frame inheritance	Djdq	f
26435frame level data	DjeJ	e
26436frame level function	Djen	i
26437frame level interface	DjfJ	j
26438frame level procedure	Djfs	j
26439frame line	DjgP	S
26440frame name	Djgh	S
26441frame output	Djgz	X
26442frame pitch	DjhK	W
26443frame pointer	Djhg	b
26444frame problem	Djh7	b
26445frame rate	DjiW	V
26446frame repetition frequency	Djir	v
26447frame representation	Djja	i
26448frame representation language	Djj8	y
26449frame size	Djku	V
26450frame slop default	DjlD	j
26451frame slot	Djlm	S
26452frame starth	Djl4	X
26453frame statement	DjmP	a
26454frame store	Djmp	W
26455frame structure	Djm/	a
26456frame structure	F81P	d
26457frame synchronizer	DjnZ	g
26458frame synchronizing pulse	Djn5	q
26459frame system	Djoj	a
26460frame table entry	Djo9	j
26461frame theory	Djpg	a
26462frame theroy model	Djp6	m
26463frame time	Djqg	S
26464frame timing	Djqy	X
26465frame transmission	DjrJ	d
26466frame type	Djrm	Z
26467frame type b	Djr/	Z
26468frames per second	Djx/	j
26469frames received in error	Djyi	s
26470framework	DjzO	R
26471framework for language evolution	Djzf	3
26472framing	Dj0W	X
26473framing bits	Dj0t	a
26474framing character	Dj1H	f
26475framing code	Dj1m	X
26476framing error	Dj19	e
26477framing mask	Dj2b	X
26478framing pattern	Dj2y	d
26479franchise	Dj3P	R
26480franking	Dj3g	T
26481free	C5M+	P
26482free	DJRz	P
26483free	Dj3z	g
26484free	E1Z/	c
26485free	FIg3	P
26486free	FU+/	V
26487free access	Dj4T	Z
26488free access floor	Dj4s	f
26489free access to selected numbers	Dj5L	+
26490free area list	Dj6J	c
26491free area routine	Dj6l	i
26492free block control table	Dj7H	w
26493free block list	Dj73	d
26494free block queue element	Dj8U	v
26495free blocks	Dj9D	W
26496free boolean algebra	Dj9Z	o
26497free boundary	Dj+B	b
26498free cell	Dj+c	X
26499free chain	Dj+z	V
26500free circuit	DHCP	d
26501free circuit	Dj/I	a
26502free component	Dj/i	c
26503free condition	Dj/+	c
26504free control interval	DkAa	p
26505free convection cooling	DkBD	r
26506free core pool	DkBu	i
26507free cursor	DkCQ	Z
26508free data transmission	C5NN	q
26509free directed graph	FIhG	n
26510free electron	DkCp	b
26511free encoding	C5N3	b
26512free field	DkDE	V
26513free field storage	DkDZ	p
26514free file map	DkEC	h
26515free form coding	DkEj	h
26516free form data	DkFE	i
26517free form mode	DkFm	i
26518free form operation	DkGI	n
26519free format input	DkGv	l
26520free function	DkHU	b
26521free game	DkHv	X
26522free garbage	DkIG	g
26523free garbage collection	DkIm	x
26524free garbage routine	DkJX	0
26525free grammar	CMOZ	s
26526free group of block	DkKL	h
26527free identifier	DkKs	g
26528free indexing	DkLM	b
26529free language	CS8/	t
26530free language	E4wk	t
26531free lattice	DkMM	X
26532free line	DkMj	U
26533free line	FI1o	X
26534free line condition	DkM3	k
26535free line signal	DkNb	h
26536free list	DkN8	U
26537free location	DkOQ	b
26538free message	C5OS	a
26539free notation	HPBJ	x
26540free number	JGxa	W
26541free occurrence	DkOr	d
26542free occurrence of identiffier	DkPI	1
26543free operand	DkP9	d
26544free operation	C5Os	c
26545free operation	DGZI	f
26546free operator	DkQa	b
26547free operator precedence grammar	DkQ1	6
26548free oscillation	DkRv	e
26549free page of memory space	DkSN	2
26550free period	DkTD	Z
26551free physical block	DkTc	k
26552free pool	DkUA	U
26553free queue element	DkUU	q
26554free record queue	DkU+	l
26555free release	DkVj	U
26556free representation	Djug	h
26557free routing	DkV3	a
26558free running mode	DkWR	f
26559free running multivibrator	DkWw	r
26560free running period	C5PI	k
26561free schema	DkXb	Z
26562free schema entry	DkX0	l
26563free signal message	C5Ps	n
26564free sketch	DkYZ	Z
26565free slot	DkYy	X
26566free space	DkZJ	Y
26567free space attenuation	DkZh	q
26568free space directory	DkaL	o
26569free space list	Dkaz	g
26570free space loss	DkbT	j
26571free space management	Dkb2	m
26572free space page	Dkcc	j
26573free standing operating system	Dkc/	3
26574free statement	Dkd2	c
26575free station	DkeS	X
26576free storage	Dkep	d
26577free storage area	DkfG	i
26578free storage management	Dkfo	r
26579free store stack	DkgT	h
26580free subscriber	Dkg0	d
26581free subtree	DkhR	a
26582free switch	BGBr	c
26583free symbol	Dkhr	Z
26584free task control block	DkiE	r
26585free term	Dkiv	U
26586free time system	DkjD	o
26587free transmission	C5QT	f
26588free transmission of data	C5Qy	t
26589free tree	Dkjr	U
26590free tree enumeration	Dkj/	m
26591free union	Dkkl	Y
26592free variable	Dkk9	b
26593free wheeling	DklY	b
26594freedom of information act	DkrD	z
26595freehand	Dkr2	Q
26596freehand sketch	DksG	g
26597freeing	Dksm	P
26598freely programmable word processing equipmen	Dks1	BP
26599freepform language for image processing	DkvA	BP
26600freestanding system	DkwP	k
26601freeze	Dkwz	O
26602freeze frame	DkxB	X
26603freeze mode	DkxY	Z
26604freeze point specifications	Dkxx	s
26605freezer hybrids	Dkyd	s
26606freight	DkzJ	P
26607freight amount	DkzY	c
26608freight status file	Dkz0	n
26609french patent	Dk0b	f
26610frequency	Dk06	R
26611frequency	H8Kc	X
26612frequency	I+DR	X
26613frequency	JGtj	a
26614frequency agility	Dk1L	i
26615frequency aliasing	Dk1t	g
26616frequency allocation	Dk2N	i
26617frequency allocation list	Dk2v	u
26618frequency analog computer	Dk3d	0
26619frequency analysis	Dk4R	g
26620frequency analysis compaction	Dk4x	0
26621frequency analyzer	Dk5l	j
26622frequency assignment chart	Dk7s	r
26623frequency band	Dk8X	W
26624frequency bandwidth	Dk8t	h
26625frequency bandwith	Dk9O	d
26626frequency carrier telegraphy	Jcd+	z
26627frequency change signaling	Dk9r	u
26628frequency changer	Dk+Z	f
26629frequency changing signalling	Dk+4	r
26630frequency channel	Dk/j	c
26631frequency characteristic	Dk//	m
26632frequency circuit	j+b	f
26633frequency code signaling	F81s	2
26634frequency coding	DlAl	e
26635frequency compression demodulator	DlBD	4
26636frequency compression domodulaotr	DlB7	8
26637frequency control analysis facility	DlC3	BC
26638frequency control and analysis center	DlD5	BH
26639frequency conversion accessory	DlFA	8
26640frequency converter	DlF8	n
26641frequency converter	VSk	w
26642frequency count	DlGj	d
26643frequency counter	DlHA	c
26644frequency demodulation	DlHc	k
26645frequency departure	DlIA	h
26646frequency dependent	DlIh	k
26647frequency detuning	DlJF	g
26648frequency direction finding	FjU+	6
26649frequency discrimination	DlJl	m
26650frequency discriminator	DlKL	i
26651frequency distortion	DlKt	i
26652frequency distribution	DlLP	k
26653frequency diversity	DlLz	h
26654frequency divider	DlMU	f
26655frequency division multiple access	DlMz	8
26656frequency division multiplex	DlNv	w
26657frequency division multiplex	G6Pr	z
26658frequency division multiplexermultiplexing	DlOf	BU
26659frequency division switching system	DlPz	3
26660frequency domain	DlQq	Y
26661frequency domain convolution	DlRC	q
26662frequency domain equalizer	DlRs	r
26663frequency domain experiment design	DlSX	2
26664frequency doubler	DlTN	f
26665frequency doubling	DlTs	a
26666frequency drift	DlUG	d
26667frequency exchange signaling	DlUj	w
26668frequency exchange signalling	DlVT	r
26669frequency frogging	DlV+	g
26670frequency hopping	DIMU	j
26671frequency hoppingtime hopping	DlW9	0
26672frequency interference	H2LE	o
26673frequency interference control	DlXx	2
26674frequency meter	DlY7	a
26675frequency modulation	DlZV	t
26676frequency modulation	HuNP	i
26677frequency modulation	T/Z	t
26678frequency modulation association	DlaC	y
26679frequency modulation discriminator	Dla0	z
26680frequency modulation recording	Dlbn	s
26681frequency modulation system	DlcT	m
26682frequency multiplex	DldT	q
26683frequency multiplexing	Dld9	n
26684frequency multiplier	Dlek	f
26685frequency of access	DlfD	h
26686frequency of optimum traffic	Dlfk	6
26687frequency of oscillation	Dlge	m
26688frequency of reference	DlhE	k
26689frequency offset	Dlho	e
26690frequency oscillator	50j	p
26691frequency oscillator	5T/	p
26692frequency pulling	DliG	f
26693frequency resolution	Dlil	l
26694frequency response	DljK	j
26695frequency response function	Dljt	v
26696frequency response tests	Dlkc	s
26697frequency reuse	DllI	d
26698frequency sender	F82i	l
26699frequency shcnger	Dlll	f
26700frequency shift	DlmE	d
26701frequency shift communication system	Dlmh	1
26702frequency shift data	DlnW	i
26703frequency shift keyin	Dln4	n
26704frequency shift keying	Dlof	o
26705frequency shift modulation	DlpH	s
26706frequency shift modulator	Dlpz	q
26707frequency shift system	Dlqd	k
26708frequency shift transmission	DlrB	q
26709frequency spectrum	Dlrr	a
26710frequency standard	DlsF	j
26711frequency swing	Dlso	d
26712frequency synchronism	DltF	j
26713frequency synthesizer	Dlto	m
26714frequency telegraph system	Jcex	u
26715frequency test	DluO	c
26716frequency time control	Dluq	u
26717frequency time modulation	DlvY	u
26718frequency tolerance	DlwG	k
26719frequency tone	ImsX	c
26720frequency transient response	Dlwq	z
26721frequency translation	Dlxd	j
26722frequency wave	j+6	Z
26723frequeney analysis and control	Dl+v	5
26724fresh copy	Dl//	Y
26725friction belt	DmAX	b
26726friction clutch	DmAy	g
26727friction feed paper	DmBS	h
26728friction feeder	DmBz	j
26729friction pressure control	DmCW	t
26730frictional error	DmDD	e
26731friendly	Ja/g	T
26732frilling	DmDh	Q
26733fringe	DmDx	O
26734fringe node	DmD/	Z
26735fringing field distribution	DmEY	v
26736from date	DmFH	X
26737from effectivity date	DmFe	m
26738from library	DmGE	d
26739fromuency	DmGh	O
26740front	CJTy	Q
26741front back interference	DmGv	l
26742front clipping plane	DmHU	i
26743front compression	DmH2	f
26744front computer	DmIV	f
26745front connection	DmI0	e
26746front cover	DmJS	e
26747front dead	DmJw	V
26748front door	DmKF	S
26749front edge	DmKX	S
26750front elevation	DmKp	a
26751front enc communications processor	DmLD	+
26752front end	DmMB	U
26753front end communications processor	DmMV	+
26754front end computer	DmNT	m
26755front end converter	DmN5	k
26756front end network processor	DmOd	2
26757front end processing	DmPT	i
26758front end processor	DmP1	k
26759front end processor interface	DmQZ	3
26760front end processors	DmRQ	p
26761front end software	DmR5	g
26762front gap	DmSZ	U
26763front lay	DmSt	d
26764front load chassis	DmTK	t
26765front loading	DmT3	b
26766front mounted connecter	DmUS	x
26767front mounted connector	DmVD	o
26768front panel	DmVr	W
26769front panel function	DmWB	i
26770front panel microroutine	DmWj	p
26771front printing	DmXM	c
26772front proch	DmXo	T
26773front projection	DmX7	b
26774front view	DmYW	Y
26775front wiring	DmYu	a
26776frontier	B66W	Q
26777frontier	Dmeu	Q
26778frontier node	Dme+	b
26779frontier set	DmfZ	a
26780frozen period	Dmfz	b
26781frozen time period	DmgO	g
26782frquency shift coded data	Dmgu	t
26783frying	Dmhb	U
26784fubtracter	IY4Q	b
26785fuel cell	Dmhv	X
26786fuel terminal	DmiG	e
26787fujitsu automatic computer	Dmik	6
26788fujitsu automatic numerical control	Dmje	BA
26789fujitsu network architecture	Dmke	9
26790ful screen	Dmlb	V
26791full adder	Dmlw	Y
26792full adder output	DmmI	i
26793full address	Dmmq	X
26794full address jump	DmnB	i
26795full addressing	Dmnj	g
26796full assembly	DmoD	b
26797full automatic cataloging technique	DmpD	/
26798full automatic compiler translator	DmqC	BE
26799full automatic electronic judging device	DmrG	BI
26800full automatic processing	DmsO	q
26801full binary tree	Dms4	e
26802full buffer	DmtW	W
26803full call letters	Dmts	i
26804full capability mode	DmuO	l
26805full capacity	Dmuz	b
26806full carrier	DmvO	X
26807full character matrix	Dmvl	m
26808full character printer	DmwL	q
26809full circle	Dmw1	T
26810full coat magneticfilm	DmxI	n
26811full compaction	Dmxv	d
26812full concatenated key	DmyM	p
26813full costing	Dmy1	a
26814full count input	DmzP	e
26815full count out	Dmzt	c
26816full customed	Dm0J	b
26817full cycling file organization	Dm0k	6
26818full data set authority	Dm1e	r
26819full decode address	Dm2J	k
26820full demand paging	Dm2t	m
26821full demand paging memory management	Dm3T	BK
26822full designation	Dm4d	e
26823full detail	Dm47	W
26824full direct addressing	Dm5R	t
26825full directory path	Dm5+	n
26826full drive pulse	Dm6l	h
26827full duplex	Dm7G	a
26828full duplex dedicated link	Dm7g	0
26829full duplex links	Dm8U	f
26830full duplex teletype	Dm8z	p
26831full electronic switching system	Dm9c	0
26832full figure	Dm+Q	W
26833full file management functionality	Dm+m	8
26834full file protection functionality	Dm/i	8
26835full form character	DnAe	e
26836full frame	DnA8	V
26837full frame time code	DnBR	l
26838full function node	DnB2	n
26839full function workstation	DnCd	t
26840full functional dependence	DnDK	r
26841full functional dependency	GchO	0
26842full group	DnD1	S
26843full hanzi support	DnEH	m
26844full install	DnEt	a
26845full key	DnFH	Q
26846full keyboard input	DnFX	n
26847full language alogol 68 checkout compiler	DnF+	BU
26848full line	DnHS	R
26849full line mode	DnHj	c
26850full load	DnH/	U
26851full logical connectivity	DnIT	t
26852full magnetic controller	DnJA	p
26853full matrix method	DnJp	g
26854full numbering line	DnKJ	h
26855full operand	DnKq	a
26856full packet	DnLE	T
26857full path	DnLX	U
26858full path name	DnLr	f
26859full period	DnMK	W
26860full print	DnMg	V
26861full procedural language	DnM1	p
26862full process	DnNe	d
26863full range	DnN7	V
26864full recording mode	DnOQ	n
26865full recovery	DnO3	b
26866full routing node	DnPS	i
26867full sbstracter	DnP0	a
26868full sbutracter	DnQO	a
26869full scale	DnQo	V
26870full scale clearance	DnQ9	i
26871full scale equation	DnRf	e
26872full scale range	DnR9	l
26873full scan	DnSi	U
26874full screen	DnS2	W
26875full screen editing	DnTM	k
26876full screen form	DnTw	h
26877full screen interface	DnUR	q
26878full screen mode	DnU7	h
26879full screen naming	DnVc	j
26880full screen panel	DnV/	l
26881full screen processing	DnWk	r
26882full screen text editor	DnXP	0
26883full selected current	DnYD	j
26884full shift capability	DnYm	m
26885full speed	DnZM	V
26886full spelling	DnZh	b
26887full stop	DnZ8	W
26888full store	DnaS	Z
26889full symbolic name	Dnar	g
26890full system integrity	DnbL	s
26891full tone original	Dnb3	j
26892full transparent text mode	Dnca	x
26893full wafer lsi	DndL	r
26894full wafer memory	Dnd2	i
26895full wave	DneY	U
26896full wave power supply	Dnes	k
26897full width erase head	DnfQ	y
26898full word	DngC	U
26899full word boundary	DngW	g
26900full word device	Dng2	e
26901full word inputoutput buffer	DnhU	6
26902full word integer overflow	DniO	u
26903full xize	Dni8	X
26904fully associative buffer storage	Dn1T	6
26905fully associative cache	Dn2N	r
26906fully automated computer program	Dn24	/
26907fully automated switched telecommunication network	Dn33	Bb
26908fully automatic compiling system	Dn5S	8
26909fully automatic compiling technique	Dn6O	/
26910fully automatic high quality translation	Dn7N	BI
26911fully automatic machine translation	Dn8V	/
26912fully automatic network	Dn9U	o
26913fully automatic service	Dn98	o
26914fully automatic switching system	Dn+k	3
26915fully automatic test algebraic language	Dn/b	BK
26916fully aytomatic compiling technique	DoAl	/
26917fully buffered channel	DoBk	r
26918fully concatenated key	DoCP	k
26919fully conected network	DoCz	n
26920fully connected network	DoDa	o
26921fully connected primary satellite system	DoEC	/
26922fully connected single primary satellite system	DoFB	BM
26923fully decoded	DoGN	Y
26924fully developed production program	DoGl	5
26925fully dissociated mode of operation	DoHe	BD
26926fully distributed costs	DoIh	y
26927fully distributed system	DoJT	p
26928fully formed character	DoJ8	k
26929fully functional dependent	DoKg	r
26930fully integrated digital network	DoLL	3
26931fully integrated magnetic memory	DoMC	3
26932fully interpretive translator	DoM5	0
26933fully inverted attribute	DoNt	p
26934fully inverted file	DoOW	h
26935fully parallel associative memory	DoO3	7
26936fully parallel associative processor	DoPy	+
26937fully parallel memory	DoQw	p
26938fully parenthesized notation	DoRZ	t
26939fully perforated tape	DoSG	j
26940fully qualified name	DoSp	i
26941fully remote data acquisition	DoTL	6
26942fully static memory	DoUF	n
26943fully sutomatic switching teletype	DoUs	+
26944fully variable multiple access	DoVq	1
26945funarg problem	DoXR	i
26946funational design	DoXz	f
26947funciton managememt	DoYS	k
26948functinal description	DoY2	j
26949function	DoZZ	c
26950function	DtOs	f
26951function	DtPL	f
26952function	Gi+p	Y
26953function	Ivh8	T
26954function	Yzw	W
26955function address instruction	DoZ1	w
26956function argrment	Doal	i
26957function array	DobH	c
26958function assignment	Dobj	h
26959function authority credential	DocE	4
26960function authority creduential	Doc8	y
26961function block	Dodu	Z
26962function body	DoeH	e
26963function button	Doel	d
26964function byte	DofC	b
26965function calculator	DigS	n
26966function calculator	Dofd	k
26967function call	DogB	p
26968function call semantics	Dogq	r
26969function call syntax	DohV	o
26970function check machine	Doh9	n
26971function circuit	Doik	e
26972function code	DojC	b
26973function code out of range	Dojd	r
26974function command	DokI	e
26975function control	Dokm	e
26976function control block	DolE	r
26977function control package	Dolv	t
26978function control sequence	Domc	u
26979function control switch	DonK	r
26980function data table	Don1	o
26981function decision table	Dood	s
26982function declaration part	DopJ	t
26983function declaration statement	Dop2	y
26984function definition	Doqo	h
26985function definition module	DorJ	u
26986function definition syntax	Dor3	u
26987function design	Dosl	d
26988function designator	DotC	k
26989function diagram	Dotm	b
26990function digit	DouB	c
26991function directive	Doud	g
26992function distribution	Dou9	j
26993function distribution computer	Dovg	1
26994function driver	DowV	g
26995function dummy procedure	Dow1	p
26996function dynamic hazard	Doxe	r
26997function element	DoyJ	e
26998function entry	Doyn	c
26999function entry mark	DozD	n
27000function evaluation	Dozq	h
27001function evaluation routine	Do0L	v
27002function execution	Do06	g
27003function field	Do1a	Z
27004function generation gechnique	Do3W	x
27005function generator	CvQd	p
27006function generator	DWy6	p
27007function generator	Do4H	j
27008function generator	GPt5	p
27009function generator	IcN9	p
27010function generator	Vqh	p
27011function hazard	Do8L	d
27012function heading	Do8o	e
27013function hole	Do9G	Y
27014function identifier	Do9e	k
27015function image	Do+C	c
27016function independent testing	Do+e	w
27017function information influence design	Do/O	/
27018function input section	DpAN	q
27019function inputdiagnostic output	DpA3	/
27020function interchange box	Dig5	s
27021function interpreter	DpB2	o
27022function inverse	DpCe	b
27023function key	DpC5	X
27024function key symbol	DpDQ	k
27025function keyboard	DpD0	f
27026function keys	DpET	Y
27027function length	DpEr	d
27028function letter	DpFI	d
27029function level	DpFl	c
27030function library	DpGB	b
27031function management	DpGc	k
27032function management data	DpHA	w
27033function management data interpreter	DpHw	BJ
27034function management data services	DpI5	BB
27035function management header	DpJ6	y
27036function management profile	DpKs	y
27037function mechanism	DpLe	g
27038function memory	DpL+	g
27039function mode	DpMe	b
27040function modifier	DpM5	i
27041function modularization	DpNb	o
27042function multiplier	DpOD	h
27043function name	DpOk	Y
27044function node	DpO8	b
27045function of block exit	DpPX	t
27046function of control program	DpQE	v
27047function of performed by automata	DpQz	4
27048function of word	DpSB	b
27049function operational design	DpSc	w
27050function operational sequence diagram	DpTM	+
27051function operational specification	DpUK	6
27052function organization	DpVE	j
27053function parameter	DpVn	g
27054function part	DpWH	b
27055function plotter	DpWi	h
27056function pool	DpXD	Y
27057function preselection capability	DpXb	9
27058function procedure	DpYY	g
27059function procedure termination	DpY4	y
27060function punch	DpZq	c
27061function recursive	DpaG	g
27062function recursive programming	Dpam	4
27063function rederence	Dpbe	g
27064function reference	Dpb+	g
27065function reference name	Dpce	o
27066function requester	DpdG	j
27067function response	Dpdp	f
27068function result type	DpeI	o
27069function return value	Dpew	m
27070function routine	DpfW	e
27071function screen	Dpf0	d
27072function select	DpgR	r
27073function selection kdyboard	Dpg8	v
27074function selector circuit	Dphr	t
27075function semantics	HQVD	p
27076function sequence diagram	DpiY	q
27077function sequencer	DpjC	p
27078function statement	Dpjr	j
27079function strobe	DpkO	j
27080function subprogram	Dpkx	k
27081function subprogram name	DplV	s
27082function subprogram reference	DpmB	0
27083function switch	Dpm1	r
27084function symbol	Dpng	d
27085function table	Dpn9	Z
27086function tape unit	F83H	r
27087function test	DpoW	e
27088function testing	Dpo0	e
27089function timer	DppS	f
27090function timing	Dppx	d
27091function transfer	DpqO	f
27092function unit	Dpqt	b
27093function value	DprI	Z
27094function word	Dprh	Y
27095functional	Dpyt	V
27096functional address instruction	DpzC	y
27097functional address instruction format	Dpz0	/
27098functional analog computer	Dp0z	x
27099functional analysis	Dp1k	h
27100functional architecture	Dp2F	l
27101functional argument problem	Dp2q	y
27102functional arrangement	Dp3c	h
27103functional aspect of system	Dp39	v
27104functional assembly	Dp4s	h
27105functional behavior	Dp5N	h
27106functional block	Dp5u	b
27107functional block level	Dp6J	k
27108functional boundary	Dp6t	h
27109functional capabilities list	Dp7O	x
27110functional chain	Dp7/	b
27111functional character	Dp8a	i
27112functional checkout	Dp88	l
27113functional classification	Dp9h	n
27114functional completeness	Dp+I	o
27115functional composition	Dp+w	k
27116functional configuration audit	Dp/U	2
27117functional constraint	DqAK	j
27118functional control key	DqAt	n
27119functional controller	DqBU	m
27120functional counter	DqB6	j
27121functional data base	DqCd	p
27122functional decomposition	DqDG	m
27123functional density	DqDs	g
27124functional dependence	DqEM	j
27125functional dependency	Dnr+	p
27126functional dependency	DqEv	m
27127functional description table	DqFV	u
27128functional design	DqGD	f
27129functional device	DqGi	f
27130functional diagram	DqHB	d
27131functional disign	DqHe	f
27132functional electronic block	DqH9	w
27133functional element	DqIt	g
27134functional element program	DqJN	u
27135functional enhancement package	DqJ7	7
27136functional fault	DqK2	e
27137functional flow block	DqLU	t
27138functional flow diagram	DqMB	s
27139functional instruction address	DqMt	y
27140functional integrated circuit	F83y	0
27141functional interface	DqNf	f
27142functional interleaving	DqN+	l
27143functional language	DqOj	k
27144functional layer	DqPH	b
27145functional level modelling	DqPi	u
27146functional logic block	DqQQ	u
27147functional macro	DqQ+	h
27148functional macro instructions	DqRf	u
27149functional memory	DqSN	i
27150functional model	DqSv	e
27151functional model of memory	DqTN	0
27152functional modularity	DqUB	m
27153functional module	DqUn	f
27154functional nomenclature signal	DqVG	2
27155functional notation	DqV8	h
27156functional nultiplier	DqWd	m
27157functional operation	DqXD	i
27158functional parallelism	DqXl	n
27159functional parameter	DqYM	i
27160functional partition	DqYu	i
27161functional partitioning microprocessor	DqZQ	BG
27162functional perator	DqaW	j
27163functional performance	Dqa5	k
27164functional processing module	Dqbd	w
27165functional programming language	DqcN	8
27166functional query	DqdJ	e
27167functional recovery routine	Dqdn	z
27168functional recovery routines	Dqea	0
27169functional redundancy	DqfO	j
27170functional reference point	Dqfx	r
27171functional requirement	Dqgc	k
27172functional requirements document	DqhA	4
27173functional selector	Dqh4	n
27174functional semantics	Dqif	i
27175functional shell	DqjB	e
27176functional simulation	Dqjf	o
27177functional simulator	DqkH	o
27178functional specialization	Dqkv	q
27179functional specification	DqlZ	s
27180functional state	DqmF	e
27181functional strength	Dqmj	h
27182functional style	DqnE	e
27183functional subsystem	Dqni	p
27184functional subsystem application	DqoL	7
27185functional subsystem interface	DqpG	5
27186functional symbol	Dqp/	i
27187functional test	Dqqh	d
27188functional test	GciC	k
27189functional test report	Dqq+	u
27190functional test request	Dqrs	v
27191functional tester	Dqsb	i
27192functional transformation	Dqs9	n
27193functional unit	Dqtk	d
27194functionality	DquB	Y
27195functionalityit	DquZ	d
27196functionally complete function	Dqu2	y
27197functionally distributed computer system	Dqvo	BN
27198functionally distributed computing system	Dqw1	BL
27199functionally distributed network	Dqye	3
27200functions and mapping	DqzV	m
27201functive	Dqz7	T
27202functor	Dq0O	S
27203fundamental	Dq0g	T
27204fundamental circuit matrix	Dq0z	u
27205fundamental cutset	Dq1h	g
27206fundamental cycle	Dq2B	f
27207fundamental extract circuti	Dq2g	v
27208fundamental frequency	Dq3P	j
27209fundamental mode	Dq3y	k
27210fundamental mode circuit	Dq4W	s
27211fundamental structure	Dq5C	j
27212fundamental structure node	Dq5l	u
27213fundamental structure of algorithm system	Dq6T	BG
27214fundamental structure of computer science	Dq7Z	BJ
27215fundamental studies in computer seience	Dq8i	BJ
27216fundamental type	Dq9r	e
27217fundamentalnoise detection circuit	Dq+v	3
27218funnel	Dq/m	O
27219funtional network	Dq/0	i
27220further function	DrAW	e
27221further standard function	DrA0	t
27222furtran utility system	DrBh	1
27223fuse	DrCW	S
27224fuse breaker	Gcim	n
27225fuse cell	DrCo	X
27226fuse cross section	DrC/	j
27227fuse disconnecting switch	DrDi	q
27228fuse time computer	DrEM	p
27229fuser	DrE1	Q
27230fuser roll	DrFF	b
27231fusibility	DrFg	V
27232fusible link	DrF1	a
27233fusible link prom	DrGP	6
27234fusible read only memory	DrHJ	3
27235fusible rom	DrIA	t
27236fusing	DrIt	O
27237fusing level	DrI7	a
27238fusion point	DrJV	U
27239futility cutolff	DrJp	h
27240future address patch	DrKK	o
27241future batch	DrKy	a
27242future labels	DrLM	b
27243future of event	DrLn	g
27244future surrounding case	DrMH	r
27245fuzziness	DrMy	U
27246fuzzy algorithm	DrNG	d
27247fuzzy algorithm approach	DrNj	m
27248fuzzy automata	DrOJ	f
27249fuzzy automation	DrOo	h
27250fuzzy command	DrPJ	b
27251fuzzy constraint	DrPk	e
27252fuzzy control	DrQC	b
27253fuzzy data set	DrQd	f
27254fuzzy degree	DrQ8	X
27255fuzzy entropy	DrRT	Y
27256fuzzy environment	DrRr	f
27257fuzzy event	DrSK	Z
27258fuzzy goal	DrSj	Y
27259fuzzy grammar	DrS7	b
27260fuzzy graph	DrTW	W
27261fuzzy language	DrTs	f
27262fuzzy linear programming	DrUL	s
27263fuzzy logic	DrU3	Z
27264fuzzy logic controller	DrVQ	t
27265fuzzy logic function	DrV9	o
27266fuzzy mapping	DrWl	b
27267fuzzy mathematics	DrXA	f
27268fuzzy message	DrXf	b
27269fuzzy object	DrX6	a
27270fuzzy partial graph	DrYU	k
27271fuzzy production system	DrY4	u
27272fuzzy quantity	DrZm	Z
27273fuzzy reasoning	DrZ/	d
27274fuzzy region	Drac	a
27275fuzzy relation	Dra2	c
27276fuzzy set	Drb7	X
27277fuzzy set theory	DrcS	h
27278fuzzy structure	Drcz	d
27279fuzzy subgraph	DrdQ	c
27280fuzzy subset	Drds	a
27281fuzzy system	DreG	a
27282fuzzy temporal relation	Dreg	r
27283gain	Drgh	M
27284gain control	Drgt	a
27285gain crytron	FKZI	g
27286gain factor	DrhH	Z
27287gain flatness	Drhg	e
27288gain frequency characteristic	Drh+	x
27289gain insertion	Driv	c
27290gain margin	DrjL	Z
27291gain matrix	FIht	f
27292gain slope	Drjk	Y
27293galois field	Drj8	X
27294galvanic separation	DrkT	h
27295game	Drk0	c
27296game	I/9z	S
27297game graph	DrlQ	V
27298game machine	Drll	X
27299game management	Drl8	d
27300game models	DrmZ	Z
27301game player	Drmy	t
27302game playing	Drnf	U
27303game port	Drnz	U
27304game program	DroH	a
27305game theory	Droh	Z
27306game tree	Dro6	U
27307gaming	DrpO	O
27308gaming machine	Drpc	Z
27309gaming simulation	Drp1	f
27310gamma camera interface	DrqU	t
27311gamma distribution	DrrB	g
27312gamma function	Drrh	c
27313gang	Drr9	U
27314gang punch	DrsR	m
27315gantt chart	Drs3	W
27316gantt chart	DrtN	h
27317gap	Drtu	T
27318gap	IDcI	R
27319gap azimuth	DruB	Z
27320gap block	Drua	R
27321gap character	Drur	b
27322gap coding	DrvG	V
27323gap depth	Drvb	X
27324gap digit	Drvy	X
27325gap energy	0Hx	b
27326gap file	DrwJ	Q
27327gap filler input	DrwZ	e
27328gap filling	Drw3	T
27329gap interblock	DrxK	Z
27330gap interrecord	Drxj	a
27331gap interword	Drx9	Y
27332gap length	DryV	Y
27333gap of bits	Dryt	Z
27334gap of keys	DrzG	c
27335gap record	Drzi	V
27336gap scatter	Drz3	Z
27337gap seal	Dr0Q	W
27338gap test	Dr0m	W
27339gap width	Dr08	X
27340gap word	Dr1T	Q
27341gapless	Dr1j	S
27342gapless structure	Dr11	i
27343gapped tape	Dr2X	W
27344garage	Dr2t	R
27345garbage	Dr2+	l
27346garbage collection	Dr3j	g
27347garbage collection bit	Dr4D	t
27348garbage collector	Dr4w	r
27349garbage compaction	Dr6J	m
27350garbage in	Dr6v	Y
27351garbage out	Dr7H	Z
27352garbage signal	Dr7g	c
27353garbled message	Dr78	d
27354gas panel	Dr8Z	a
27355gate	Dr8z	R
27356gate	HAPi	Z
27357gate	JKY2	M
27358gate array	Dr9E	V
27359gate array chip	Dr9Z	g
27360gate array interchange language	Dr95	4
27361gate binary	Dr+x	c
27362gate cell	Dr/N	U
27363gate circuit	Dr/h	X
27364gate control block	Dr/4	g
27365gate diode	DsAY	Y
27366gate element	DsAw	X
27367gate generator	DsBH	f
27368gate inverter	DsBm	b
27369gate inverter memory	DsCB	r
27370gate level simulation	DsCs	j
27371gate memory	DZi6	c
27372gate pulse	DsDP	V
27373gate reference	DsDk	Z
27374gate region	DsD9	T
27375gate signal	DsEQ	W
27376gate switch	DsEm	W
27377gate time	DsE8	d
27378gate to	DsFZ	P
27379gate tube	DsFo	R
27380gate turn off thyristor	DsF5	w
27381gate way	DsGp	Q
27382gateable clock	Dsh3	c
27383gated	DsiT	Q
27384gated amplifier	Dsij	g
27385gated buffer	DsjD	d
27386gated clock	Dsjg	Z
27387gated crossover detection	Dsj5	t
27388gated ff	Dskm	c
27389gated full adder	DslC	h
27390gated information	Dslj	f
27391gated latch	DsmC	Z
27392gateway	Dsmb	X
27393gateway	Duy0	S
27394gateway center	Dsmy	c
27395gateway computer	DsnO	n
27396gateway controller	Dsn1	p
27397gateway node	Dsoe	a
27398gateway protocol	Dso4	k
27399gateway work center	Dspc	k
27400gating	DsqY	O
27401gating circuit	Dsqm	c
27402gating code	DsrC	W
27403gating element	DsrY	f
27404gating line	Dsr3	Z
27405gating matrix	DssQ	b
27406gating pulse	Dssr	a
27407gating technique	DstF	e
27408gating time	Dstj	Z
27409gauge	Dst8	N
27410gauge	GqfX	y
27411gaussian curve	Dsun	c
27412gaussian distribution	DsvD	j
27413gaussian elimination	Dsvm	l
27414gaussian noise	DswL	c
27415gear	IcOm	S
27416general	H9cj	V
27417general access copy	Dsxv	r
27418general address	Dsya	d
27419general assembly drawing	Dsy3	n
27420general computer system	Dsze	u
27421general description	Ds0M	h
27422general escape	Ds0t	c
27423general expenses	Ds1J	e
27424general identifier	Ds1n	j
27425general information	Ds2K	b
27426general item	Ds2l	a
27427general ledger	Ds2/	q
27428general ledger credit	Ds3p	j
27429general ledger debit	Ds4M	i
27430general ledger worksheet	Ds4u	s
27431general problem	Ds5a	g
27432general problem solver program	Ds56	y
27433general process	Ds6s	r
27434general program	Ds7X	d
27435general prupose register	Ds70	p
27436general purpose compiler	Ds8d	p
27437general purpose financial statements	Ds9G	4
27438general purpose library	Ds9+	o
27439general purpose register	Ds+m	p
27440general purpose system simulator	Ds/P	8
27441general register	DtAt	l
27442general routine	DtBS	d
27443general station	DtBv	a
27444general user	DtCJ	d
27445general user configuration	DtCm	x
27446generalized assembly language	DtEU	1
27447generalized excitation table	DtFJ	w
27448generalized exponential distribution	DtF5	7
27449generalized routine	DtG0	k
27450generate	DtHY	Q
27451generated address	DtHo	j
27452generated call	Ja/z	i
27453generated elements	DtIL	g
27454generated error	DtIr	d
27455generated requirement	DtJI	m
27456generating	H9c4	Y
27457generating dictionary	IPfc	q
27458generating function	DtJu	h
27459generating hybrids	Dpu8	v
27460generating routine	DtKP	g
27461generation	DtKv	a
27462generation computer	Di01	n
27463generation computer systems	DODO	y
27464generation data group	DtLJ	m
27465generation number	DtLv	f
27466generation rule	DtMO	d
27467generation version	DtMr	g
27468generative method	DtNg	c
27469generator	DtN8	U
27470generator	H/Ni	r
27471generator	H2fe	d
27472generator gate	DtOQ	c
27473generator hybrids	Dpvr	x
27474generic	DtXY	S
27475generic device name	DtXq	n
27476generic form of external function	GcjN	BB
27477generic form of intrinsic function	GckO	BC
27478geometric distribution	DtYR	k
27479geometric mean	bm7	i
27480geometry technique	JPew	BU
27481gereral accounting package	DtY1	0
27482germanium diode	DtZp	d
27483germanium transistor	DtaG	i
27484get data	DwBz	W
27485get operation	HvXT	i
27486ghost hyphen	Dtao	d
27487gibabyte	DtbF	Z
27488gibberish	Dtbe	R
27489gibberish	JH4E	X
27490gibberish total	Dtbv	d
27491gigabit	DtcM	Y
27492gigahertz circuit	Dtck	w
27493gigi	DtdU	h
27494gimbal	Dtd1	U
27495given name	DteJ	Y
27496glitch	Dteh	O
27497global	Dtev	Z
27498global addresser	DtfI	h
27499global aggregate	Dtfp	b
27500global attribute	DtgE	e
27501global character mode	Dtgi	m
27502global connection	FAXE	o
27503global field	Dthl	X
27504global filter	Dth8	e
27505global identifier	Dtia	i
27506global logical data base description	Dti8	BB
27507global name	Dtj9	Z
27508global option	DtkW	b
27509global page table	Dtkx	f
27510global section	DtmF	c
27511global section descriptor	Dtmh	w
27512global section table	DtnR	l
27513global symbol	Dtn2	b
27514global symbol table	DtoR	o
27515global variable	Dto5	1
27516global variables	Dtpu	e
27517glossary	DtqM	e
27518glyph	Dtqq	N
27519go	DhAo	m
27520go	E9tE	T
27521go	dmn	T
27522go to	Dtq3	V
27523go to instruction	DtrM	f
27524go to statement goal	Dtrr	i
27525goal programming	DtsN	e
27526gothic	DttF	O
27527government	Grmj	w
27528government	GrnT	v
27529graceful degradation	DttT	i
27530grade channel	Isbk	h
27531grade channel	Jcff	e
27532grade of service	Dtt1	b
27533gradient	DtuQ	Q
27534gradient search	Dtug	d
27535grain parallel processing	DTjU	t
27536grammar	Dtu9	P
27537grandfather	Iy3x	Z
27538grandfather cycle	Dtv2	c
27539grandfather tape	DtwS	b
27540grant	Dtwt	V
27541graph	DtxC	N
27542graph	F84m	Q
27543graph coordinate unit	DtxP	p
27544graph display	Dtx4	e
27545graph follower	DtyW	Z
27546graph language	Dtyv	c
27547graph plotter	DtzL	Y
27548graph plotters	Dtzj	Z
27549graph reduction	Dtz8	X
27550graph region	Dt0T	a
27551graph type	Dt0t	Y
27552grapheme	Dt1q	W
27553graphic access method	Dt2A	q
27554graphic array	Dt2q	b
27555graphic attention	Dt3F	f
27556graphic attribute	Dt3k	f
27557graphic capability	Dt4D	g
27558graphic character	Dt4j	n
27559graphic cursor	Dt5K	c
27560graphic data	Dt5m	a
27561graphic data processing	Dt6A	r
27562graphic display	Dt6r	d
27563graphic memory	Dt7I	f
27564graphic mode	Dt7n	a
27565graphic mouse	Dt8B	k
27566graphic object	Dt8l	c
27567graphic panel	Dt9B	V
27568graphic pc application program	Dt9W	+
27569graphic program	Dt+U	d
27570graphic routine	Dt+x	d
27571graphic screen	Dt/O	c
27572graphic symbol	Dt/q	c
27573graphic terminal	DuAG	h
27574graphical automatic programming	DuBP	5
27575graphical data	Gcl/	f
27576graphical data display manager	DuCI	BD
27577graphical representation	DuDL	g
27578graphics	DuDr	Q
27579graphics application program	DuD7	0
27580graphics drive program	DuEv	q
27581graphicvideo terminal	GclQ	v
27582gray code	DuFZ	U
27583gray level	DuFt	j
27584gray scale	DuGQ	b
27585greater than	DuG+	U
27586greater than or equal to	DuHS	p
27587greek alphobet	DuH7	c
27588greenwich mean time	DuIX	x
27589greenwich mean time	DuJI	r
27590grid	DuJz	R
27591grid input	IGzd	h
27592grid line	DuKE	R
27593grid method	JPgE	W
27594grid search pattern	JPga	n
27595grommet	DuLE	S
27596groove	DuLW	W
27597groove metal oxide semiconductor	Jbz8	BB
27598gross	DuLs	N
27599gross analysis	DuL5	c
27600gross earnings register	DuMV	r
27601gross error	DuNA	Z
27602gross margin	DuNZ	U
27603gross profit	DuNt	U
27604gross profit amount	DuOB	n
27605gross requirement	DuOo	c
27606ground	DuPE	O
27607ground	H1NM	Y
27608ground data	DuPS	Z
27609ground potential difference	DuPr	s
27610ground system	DuQX	b
27611ground truth	DuQy	a
27612grounding	DuR1	R
27613grounding electrode	DuSG	h
27614group	Cgxv	R
27615group	DuSn	P
27616group	H4jM	N
27617group	I/+F	N
27618group	JKRY	Q
27619group acess	DuS2	f
27620group available capacity	DuTV	v
27621group classification code	DuUE	k
27622group communication	DuUo	k
27623group data item	DuVM	g
27624group delay distortion	DuVs	n
27625group demultiplexer	D6bK	t
27626group description	Glfj	i
27627group dictionary	DuWT	j
27628group field	DuW2	T
27629group file	DuXJ	V
27630group handles	DuXe	e
27631group indicate	DuX8	Z
27632group indicator	CyHf	k
27633group item	DuYV	V
27634group load capacity ratio	DuYq	5
27635group mad ratio	DuZj	h
27636group mark	DuaE	V
27637group network function	GlgF	t
27638group number	DuaZ	U
27639group on computer	Duat	BB
27640group percent of load	Dubu	s
27641group record array	Duca	j
27642group reliability coefficients	Duc9	1
27643group seasonal coefficients	Dudy	y
27644group seasonality	Duek	i
27645group separator character	DufG	n
27646group theory	Duft	U
27647group total indicator	DugB	m
27648group transmission	Dugn	g
27649grouped record	Duhl	c
27650grouping	DuiB	T
27651grouping isolation	DuiU	d
27652grouping of recovery	H4pa	j
27653growing thesaurus	Duix	i
27654growth	DujT	O
27655growth rate	Evly	c
27656growth stage	Dujh	a
27657growth system	Duj7	b
27658growth trend	DukW	a
27659gst	Dukw	U
27660guard band	DulE	S
27661guard band recording	GaKQ	o
27662guard signal	DulW	a
27663guest opersting system	Dulw	n
27664guide	DumX	N
27665guide edge	Dumk	S
27666guide line	Dum2	d
27667guide margin	DunT	X
27668guide mode	Dunq	V
27669guide plate	Dun/	T
27670gulp	Duop	S
27671gulps	Duo7	T
27672gutter	DuqD	O
27673gwbasic	DuqR	e
27674hadamard transformation	JdIj	2
27675half	Duqv	U
27676half adder	DurD	V
27677half adding	DurY	W
27678half address	Gvbs	d
27679half duplex	Duru	W
27680half form character	DusE	e
27681half line	Dusi	R
27682half pointer	Exop	a
27683half size	Dusz	U
27684half subtracter	DutH	a
27685half tone	Duth	U
27686half wirte pulse	Dut1	e
27687half word	DuuT	U
27688half word boundary	Duun	d
27689half word buffer	DuvE	h
27690half word input	Duvl	d
27691half word output	DuwC	e
27692halfbyte	Du6H	T
27693halfbyte aligned	Du6a	h
27694halt	Du67	M
27695halt and proceed	Du7H	l
27696halt burst mode	Du7s	n
27697halt condition	Du8T	c
27698halt cycle	Du8v	Y
27699halt indicator	Du9H	f
27700halt input	Du9m	Y
27701halt instruction	Du9+	e
27702halt instruction	G8HZ	k
27703halt mode	Du+c	X
27704halt number	Du+z	W
27705halt problem	Du/J	a
27706halt problem mode	Du/j	l
27707halt state	DvAI	Y
27708halt switch	DvAg	Z
27709halted state	DvA5	a
27710halting execution	DvBT	f
27711halting problem	DvBy	d
27712halting problem of flowchart schema	DvCP	BA
27713halting processing state	DvDP	s
27714halver operator	DvD7	g
27715halving circuit	Dl6x	d
27716halving circuit	DvEb	d
27717halving register	DvE4	h
27718halyard	DvFZ	S
27719hammer	DvFr	S
27720hammer bank	DvF9	W
27721hammer code	DvGT	Z
27722hammer control logic	DvGs	s
27723hammer lever	DvHY	X
27724hammer machine	DvHv	Z
27725hammer magnet	DvII	e
27726hammer shaft	DvIm	X
27727hand	B13q	S
27728hand	DeuL	V
27729hand	GqgJ	X
27730hand adder	ExpD	b
27731hand assembler	DvI9	i
27732hand assembly language	DvJf	q
27733hand at count	Hb/G	b
27734hand bracket	Expe	X
27735hand calculator	DvKJ	g
27736hand component	Exp1	c
27737hand computation	DvKp	e
27738hand cost	GsnA	X
27739hand cost	JHtm	a
27740hand cost or annual use at price	GsnX	BD
27741hand cost range	Gsoa	j
27742hand digit	ExqR	Y
27743hand end	Exqp	Q
27744hand held calculator	DvLH	l
27745hand held console	DvLs	i
27746hand items	B12p	k
27747hand margin indent	Exq5	j
27748hand margin stop	Exrc	h
27749hand operation	DvMO	c
27750hand punch	DvMq	b
27751hand quantity	Gso9	b
27752hand side	Exr9	R
27753hand side back link	ExsO	n
27754hand side production	Exs1	l
27755hand subtree	Exta	a
27756hand total quantity	GspY	k
27757hand variable	Ext0	b
27758handed	ExuP	R
27759handed coordinate system	Exug	s
27760handed multiplication	ExvM	g
27761handed system	Exvs	b
27762handing time	DvS4	g
27763handle	DvTY	R
27764handle function	HHPf	j
27765handle head	DvTp	W
27766handle part	DvT/	Z
27767handle tail	DvUY	W
27768handler	DvUu	V
27769handling	DvVD	Q
27770handling algorithm	IuCE	p
27771handling application	Fek4	o
27772handling capacity	DvVT	i
27773handling event function	DvV1	r
27774handling failure	DvWg	e
27775handling function	DjvB	i
27776handling system	DvW+	g
27777handling time	DvXe	b
27778handover	DvX5	Q
27779hands on operation	DvY6	g
27780handset	DvZ/	P
27781handshake	DvaO	f
27782handshake protocol	Dvat	g
27783handshaking	DvbN	f
27784handshaking modem	Dvbs	r
27785handshaking procedure	DvcX	j
27786handshaking sequence	Dvc6	o
27787handwriting	Dvdi	W
27788handwriting character recognition	Dvel	1
27789handwriting chinese character	Dvfa	x
27790handwriting reader	DvgL	m
27791handwritten numeral reognition	Dvgx	y
27792hang servo	0Re	h
27793hanging	Dvhj	P
27794hanging cursor position	Dvhy	r
27795hard	Dvid	M
27796hard adder	Dvip	Y
27797hard bubble	DvjB	T
27798hard bubble suppression	DvjU	l
27799hard card	Dvj5	a
27800hard copy	Dvk4	U
27801hard copy	DvkT	l
27802hard copy facility	DvlM	m
27803hard copy interface	Dvly	n
27804hard copy interpretation	DvmZ	s
27805hard copy log	DvnF	h
27806hard copy numeric input	Dvnm	x
27807hard copy output	DvoX	k
27808hard copy peripheral	Dvo7	r
27809hard copy printer	Dvpm	p
27810hard copy system	DvqP	l
27811hard copy task	Dvq0	j
27812hard copy unit	DvrX	c
27813hard copy video interface	Dvrz	w
27814hard core	Dvsj	R
27815hard core entry descriptor	Dvs0	0
27816hard disc	Dvto	U
27817hard disc operating system	Dvt8	x
27818hard disk	Dvut	U
27819hard disk controller	DvvB	o
27820hard disk drive	Dvvp	k
27821hard drive	DvwN	Y
27822hard error	Dvwl	Y
27823hard facility	Dvw9	Y
27824hard fault	DvxV	V
27825hard format	Dvxq	W
27826hard hole	DvyA	U
27827hard limited integrator	DvyU	r
27828hard limiter	Dvy/	a
27829hard limiting	DvzZ	Y
27830hard machine check	Dvzx	j
27831hard magnetic material	Dv0U	k
27832hard particle	Dv04	Y
27833hard permalloy head	Dv1Q	q
27834hard programmable control unit	Dv16	9
27835hard pulse	Dv23	V
27836hard return	Dv3M	Z
27837hard sector	Dv3l	W
27838hard sector disk	Dv37	h
27839hard sectored	Dv4c	b
27840hard sectored disk	Dv43	j
27841hard sectored format	Dv5a	r
27842hard sectoring	Dv6F	Z
27843hard space	Dv6e	b
27844hard stop	Dv65	U
27845hard wait	Dv7N	U
27846hard wired	Dv7h	V
27847hard wired circuit	Dv72	j
27848hard wired controller	Dv8Z	p
27849hard wired index	Dv9C	h
27850hard wired instruction	Dv9j	n
27851hard wired interconnection	Dv+K	r
27852hard wired logic	Dv+1	h
27853hard wired numerical control	Dv/W	z
27854hard wired system	DwAJ	i
27855hard wired terminal	DwAr	n
27856hardcopy	DwCn	Q
27857hardcore fault	DwC3	i
27858hardened memory system	DwDZ	t
27859hardware	DwEG	Q
27860hardware address	DwEW	e
27861hardware address control	DwE0	s
27862hardware aid to software	DwFg	v
27863hardware algorithm	DwGP	j
27864hardware arbiter	DwGy	h
27865hardware architecture	DwHT	p
27866hardware assembler	DwH8	m
27867hardware associative memory	DwIi	2
27868hardware availability ratio	DwJY	s
27869hardware bootstrap	DwKE	m
27870hardware breakpoint	DwKq	h
27871hardware character	DwLL	g
27872hardware character generator	DwLr	3
27873hardware check	DwMi	c
27874hardware check routine	DwM+	u
27875hardware checksum	DwNs	i
27876hardware communication region	DwOO	x
27877hardware compatibility	DwO/	n
27878hardware compiler	DwPm	l
27879hardware component	DwQL	g
27880hardware configuration	DwQr	k
27881hardware configuration table	DwRP	t
27882hardware console	DwR8	h
27883hardware construction	DwSd	j
27884hardware context	DwTA	e
27885hardware control	DwTe	e
27886hardware control field	DwT8	n
27887hardware control flag	DwUj	p
27888hardware core	DwVM	b
27889hardware cost	DwVn	b
27890hardware data control	DwWC	p
27891hardware data extraction	DwWr	s
27892hardware debug	DwXX	c
27893hardware deficiency	DwXz	h
27894hardware description language	DwYU	x
27895hardware design	DwZF	d
27896hardware diagnostic program	DwZi	v
27897hardware digital processing	DwaR	v
27898hardware display vector	DwbA	r
27899hardware dump	Dwbr	b
27900hardware dump area	DwcG	m
27901hardware emulation cross compiler	Dwcs	BB
27902hardware emulator	Dwdt	l
27903hardware enhancement	DweS	i
27904hardware error	Dwe0	c
27905hardware error recovery management system	DwfQ	BJ
27906hardware evaluation	DwgZ	h
27907hardware facility	Dwg6	c
27908hardware implemented fault tolerance	Dwhz	BA
27909hardware instruction	Dwiz	i
27910hardware instruction retry	DwjV	y
27911hardware interface	DwkH	g
27912hardware interface module	Dwkn	x
27913hardware interlock register	DwlY	y
27914hardware interpreter	DwmK	o
27915hardware interrupt	Dwmy	g
27916hardware interrupt facility	DwnS	v
27917hardware interrupt system	DwoB	x
27918hardware isolation of program	Dwoy	0
27919hardware language	Dwpm	f
27920hardware layer	DwqF	Z
27921hardware level	Dwqe	Z
27922hardware lock	Dwq3	b
27923hardware logic diagram	DwrS	r
27924hardware maintenance	Dwr9	i
27925hardware malfunction	Dwsf	i
27926hardware management	DwtB	h
27927hardware manufacturers association	Dwti	5
27928hardware measurement tool	Dwub	x
27929hardware memory system	DwvM	q
27930hardware microcode optimizer	Dwv2	z
27931hardware model	Dwwp	c
27932hardware module	DwxF	d
27933hardware monitor	Dwxi	p
27934hardware monitor interface	DwyL	1
27935hardware monitoring	DwzA	h
27936hardware multiplier	Dwzh	p
27937hardware multiply module	Dw0K	s
27938hardware operation	Dw02	g
27939hardware optimization	Dw1W	m
27940hardware option	Dw18	j
27941hardware padding sequence	Dw2f	t
27942hardware pcb	Dw3M	j
27943hardware performance	Dw3v	i
27944hardware performance study	Dw4R	u
27945hardware pipeline	Dw4/	f
27946hardware priority interrupt	Dw5e	v
27947hardware probe	Dw6N	c
27948hardware process control block	Dw6p	1
27949hardware realization of operating system	Dw8B	BC
27950hardware recovery	Dw9D	f
27951hardware register	Dw9i	i
27952hardware register saving	Dw+E	v
27953hardware reliability	Dw+z	l
27954hardware representation	Dw/Y	o
27955hardware requirement	DxAA	i
27956hardware requirements	DxAi	j
27957hardware resident	DxBF	f
27958hardware resource	DxBk	f
27959hardware resource control	DxCD	t
27960hardware resource utilization	DxCw	0
27961hardware security	DxDk	f
27962hardware selection criteria	DxED	v
27963hardware selector	DxEy	i
27964hardware serviceability ratio	DxFU	0
27965hardware simulator	DxGI	j
27966hardware specification sheet	DxGr	x
27967hardware stack	DxHc	c
27968hardware structure	DxH4	g
27969hardware subassembly	DxIY	l
27970hardware subsystem	DxI9	j
27971hardware support	DxJg	e
27972hardware support device	DxJ+	r
27973hardware support kit	DxKp	i
27974hardware supported vector operation	DxLL	BA
27975hardware system	DxML	d
27976hardware system command	DxMo	v
27977hardware tab	DxNX	a
27978hardware tariff	DxNx	g
27979hardware technology	DxOR	h
27980hardware test	DxOy	b
27981hardware timer	DxPN	f
27982hardware trace mode	DxPs	n
27983hardware unit	DxQT	b
27984hardware vector to raster	DxQu	z
27985hardware verification technique	DxRh	z
27986hardware virtualizer	DxSU	o
27987hardware word package	DxS8	v
27988hardware word size	DxTr	g
27989hardware zone	DxUL	Y
27990hardwire	DxVd	Q
27991hardwired	DxVt	i
27992hardwired connection	DxWP	l
27993hardwiring	DxW0	V
27994harmful interference	DxXJ	i
27995harmonic	CeQi	Z
27996harmonic	DxXr	Q
27997harmonic analysis	DxX7	f
27998harmonic distortion	DxYa	h
27999harmonic distortion	Imsz	k
28000harmonic equation	DxY7	f
28001harmonic excitation	DxZa	h
28002harmonic filter	DxZ7	j
28003harmonic function	Dxae	f
28004harmonic number	Dxa9	a
28005harmonic oscillator	DxbX	n
28006harmonic response	Dxb+	f
28007harmonic response characteristic	Dxcd	0
28008harmonic series	DxdR	d
28009harmonic telephone ringer	Dxdu	w
28010harness	Dxee	P
28011hartley	Dxet	S
28012hash	Dxe/	M
28013hash	JH4b	S
28014hash address	DxfL	a
28015hash addressing	Dxfl	d
28016hash addressing method	DxgC	n
28017hash algorithm	Dxgp	f
28018hash algorithm information table	DxhI	6
28019hash algorithm library	DxiC	u
28020hash block	Dxiw	V
28021hash code	DxjF	U
28022hash coding	DxjZ	Z
28023hash coding scheme	Dxjy	m
28024hash file	DxkY	X
28025hash file system	Dxkv	k
28026hash function	DxlT	b
28027hash function solvability	Dxlu	w
28028hash index	Dxme	Y
28029hash indexing technique	Dxm2	o
28030hash key	Dxne	Z
28031hash mark	Dxn3	X
28032hash method	DxoO	W
28033hash routine	Dxok	d
28034hash table	DxpB	V
28035hash table bucket	DxpW	f
28036hash table entry	Dxp1	e
28037hash total	DxqT	Y
28038hash transformation	Dxqr	h
28039hash vector	DxrM	Z
28040hashed index	Dxrl	k
28041hashed value	DxsJ	X
28042hashing	Dxsg	m
28043hashing technique	DxtG	c
28044hatted code	Dxti	W
28045haul	Dxt4	S
28046haul	x2x	S
28047haul carrier	Ij8C	a
28048haul communication	FG4G	j
28049hazard	DxuW	O
28050hazard analysis	Dxuk	d
28051hazard circuit	DxvB	c
28052hazard detection	Dxvd	e
28053hazard elimination	Dxv7	g
28054hazard function	Dxwb	d
28055head	Dxw4	R
28056head	Hkqv	P
28057head access window	DxxJ	m
28058head address register	Dxxv	s
28059head alignment	Dxyb	c
28060head arm	Dxy3	T
28061head assembly	DxzK	b
28062head carriage	Dxzl	b
28063head clogging	Dx0A	b
28064head core	Dx0b	U
28065head cover	Dx0v	V
28066head crash	Dx1E	Y
28067head degausser	Dx1c	f
28068head demagnetizer	Dx17	i
28069head disc	F7i/	e
28070head disc	GF/a	b
28071head disc assembly	Dx2d	g
28072head disk interference	Dx29	q
28073head driver	Dx3n	f
28074head drum	Dx4G	U
28075head end	Dx4a	W
28076head field	Dx4w	V
28077head flag	Dx5F	X
28078head gap	Dx5c	W
28079head housing	Dx5y	X
28080head information	Dx6J	e
28081head intertrack shield	Dx6n	q
28082head landing zone	Dx7R	i
28083head life	Dx7z	X
28084head load	Dx8K	X
28085head load instruction	Dx8h	p
28086head load pad	Dx9K	e
28087head loader	Dx9o	c
28088head loading mechanism	Dx+E	q
28089head loading time	Dx+u	l
28090head loading zone	Dx/T	i
28091head marker	Dx/1	Z
28092head message	DyAO	a
28093head movement	DyAo	b
28094head node	DyBD	U
28095head number	DyBX	W
28096head of an edge	DyBt	X
28097head of form	DyCE	X
28098head of list	DyCb	U
28099head of ready list	DyCv	g
28100head of string	DyDP	Z
28101head of the queue	DyDo	c
28102head per track	DyEE	f
28103head pointer	DyEj	X
28104head positioner	DyE6	g
28105head pressure solenoid	DyFa	t
28106head record	DyGH	Z
28107head rotor	DyGg	Y
28108head scatter	DyG4	a
28109head search controller	DyHS	t
28110head segment	DyH/	X
28111head select signal	DyIW	m
28112head settling time	DyI8	g
28113head sheet	DyJc	V
28114head slider	DyJx	c
28115head slot	DyKN	U
28116head stack	DyKh	V
28117head step settling time	DyK2	x
28118head storage	DYeq	j
28119head support arm	DyLn	h
28120head switch	DyMI	Z
28121head switching	DyMh	c
28122head symbol	DyM9	Z
28123head to head	DyNW	d
28124head truing machine	F842	k
28125head unloading	DyNz	c
28126head vector field	DyOP	l
28127head wheel	DyO0	Y
28128headdisk assembly	DyPM	o
28129header	DyP0	W
28130header	H4jZ	O
28131header area	DyQK	W
28132header block	DyQg	a
28133header buffer	DyQ6	e
28134header byte	DyRY	c
28135header card	DyR0	Z
28136header checking	DySN	d
28137header coil	DySq	W
28138header document	467	j
28139header element	DyTA	Z
28140header entry	DyTZ	X
28141header field	DyTw	X
28142header file	DyUH	W
28143header format	DyUd	b
28144header information	DyU4	g
28145header label	DyVY	Y
28146header line	DyVw	W
28147header message	DyWG	c
28148header part	DyWi	Z
28149header record	DyW7	b
28150header record format	DyXW	o
28151header section	DyX+	Z
28152header segment	DyYX	Z
28153header sheet	DyYw	X
28154header statement	DyZH	e
28155header switching	DyZl	e
28156header table	DyaD	X
28157header word	Dyaa	W
28158headers and trailers	Dyaw	l
28159heading	DybV	a
28160heading and footing	Dybv	n
28161heading block	DycW	b
28162heading card	Dycx	a
28163heading character	DydL	f
28164heading character	IpmB	j
28165heading code	Dydq	d
28166heading control	DyeH	d
28167heading frame	Dyek	Y
28168heading information	Dye8	h
28169heading line	Dyfd	X
28170heading message	Dyf0	d
28171heading printing	DygR	e
28172heading record	Dygv	c
28173heading sense	DyhL	b
28174heading statement	Dyhm	c
28175heading syntax	DyiC	c
28176heading volume	Dyie	Z
28177headphone	Dyi3	R
28178headset	DyjI	S
28179healing	Dyja	P
28180healing	IPgG	j
28181healing thermionic tube	IPgp	r
28182health care system	Dyjp	k
28183health check program	DykN	o
28184heap	Dyk1	c
28185heap allocation	DylR	d
28186heap construction	Dylu	f
28187heap element	DymN	a
28188heap file	Dymn	X
28189heap sort	Dym+	X
28190heap sort program	DynV	l
28191heap storage allocation	Dyn6	r
28192heap storage management	Dyol	r
28193heap storage space requirement	DypQ	4
28194heap symbol	DyqI	Z
28195heat capacity	Dyqh	Y
28196heat conduction	Dyq5	a
28197heat conduction equation	DyrT	p
28198heat drift	Dyr8	V
28199heat equation	DysR	b
28200heat exchanger	Dyss	c
28201heat fixing	DytI	W
28202heat flow	Dyte	R
28203heat flow problem	Dytv	f
28204heat flux	DyuO	X
28205heat fusing	Dyul	W
28206heat insulator	Dyu7	c
28207heat of emission	DyvX	Y
28208heat pipe	Dyvv	R
28209heat proof	DywA	S
28210heat radiation	DywS	Z
28211heat run	Dywr	W
28212heat shield	DyxB	W
28213heat sink	DyxX	X
28214heat sink compound	Dyxu	j
28215heat sink cooling	DyyR	f
28216heat sink strip	Dyyw	a
28217heat sinking	DyzK	U
28218heat sinking capability	Dyze	l
28219heat spot	Dy0D	U
28220heat test	Dy0X	X
28221heat transfer	Dy0u	Y
28222heat transfer coefficient	Dy1G	n
28223heat transfer computer	Dy1t	q
28224heat transfer path	Dy2X	g
28225heat treat	Dy23	V
28226heat treatment	Dy3M	c
28227heatbeat	Dy3o	Q
28228heater	Dy34	R
28229heater block	Dy4J	d
28230heater type tube	Dy4m	k
28231heaterless tube	Dy5K	j
28232heating and ventilation	Dy5t	o
28233heating coil	Dy6V	a
28234heating computer	Dy6v	h
28235heating current	Dy7Q	d
28236heating effect	Dy7t	Z
28237heating electrode	Dy8G	f
28238heating element	Dy8l	a
28239heating equipment	Dy8/	f
28240heating rate	Dy9e	a
28241heating stylus	Dy94	Z
28242heating time	Dy+R	a
28243heavy	Dy+r	N
28244heavy duty	Dy+4	S
28245heavy duty load	Dy/K	a
28246heavy duty tape	Dy/k	g
28247heavy load	DzAE	V
28248heavy loading	IR8W	b
28249heavy route	DzAZ	W
28250heavy route circuit	DzAv	k
28251heavy route earth station	DzBT	t
28252heavy route station	DzCA	h
28253heavy seeding	DzCh	Y
28254heavy system workload	DzC5	s
28255heavy traffic	DzDl	h
28256heavy traffic time	DzEG	s
28257hectometer	DzEy	V
28258hectometric wave	DzFH	b
28259hectovolt	DzFi	U
28260hectowatt	DzF2	U
28261height	DzGK	O
28262height above average terrain	DzGY	w
28263height balanced binary	DzHI	n
28264height balanced tree	DzHv	l
28265height computer	DzIU	g
28266height control	DzI0	c
28267height finder	DzJQ	e
28268height gain	DzJu	Z
28269height indicator	DzKH	e
28270height of a node	DzKl	e
28271height of a tree	DzLD	e
28272height pattern	DzLh	f
28273height reply analysis processor	DzMA	8
28274height simulator	DzM8	n
28275heir pointer	DzNj	a
28276held calculator	DvPT	j
28277held computer	DvP2	h
28278held over	DzN9	R
28279held terminal	DzOO	e
28280helical	DzOs	S
28281helical line	DzO+	X
28282helical polarization	DzPV	i
28283helicoid	DzP3	T
28284helicopter performance computer	DzQK	9
28285heliograph	DzRH	h
28286helix	DzRo	Q
28287helix printer	DzR4	h
28288hell system	DzSZ	Z
28289hello	DzSy	N
28290hello screen	DzS/	a
28291help	DzTZ	U
28292help file	DzTt	U
28293help form	DzUB	U
28294help form name	DzUV	f
28295help function	DzU0	b
28296help key	DzVP	T
28297help library	DzVi	d
28298help menu	DzV/	X
28299help message	DzWW	a
28300help messages	DzWw	b
28301help panel	DzXL	V
28302help program	DzXg	a
28303help screen	DzX6	Z
28304help support	DzYT	a
28305help system	DzYt	Z
28306help text	DzZG	X
28307help user action routine	DzZd	s
28308help word	DzaJ	U
28309hemicontinuous	Dzad	Z
28310hemivariate	Dza2	W
28311hemivariate functional	DzbM	n
28312heptode	Dzbz	Y
28313hercules card	DzcL	k
28314hermetic	Dzcv	Q
28315hermetic package	Dzc/	h
28316hermetic seal	Dzdg	V
28317hermetically sealed	Dzd1	b
28318hermite	DzeQ	V
28319hermitian form	Dzel	Z
28320hermitian matrix	Dze+	e
28321hertz	FjeH	U
28322hertz cyclessecond	Dzfc	s
28323hetero dpitaxial optical waveguide	DzgI	8
28324hetero epitaxy	DzhE	c
28325hetero junction	Dzhg	a
28326heterochronous	Dzh6	Z
28327heterochronous computer	DziT	u
28328heterochronous data base	DzjB	s
28329heterochronous multiprocessor	Dzjt	0
28330heterochronous network	Dzkh	n
28331heterochronous structure	DzlI	m
28332heterochronous system	Dzlu	m
28333heterocrystal	DzmU	b
28334heterocyne	Dzmv	S
28335heterocyne conversion	DznB	j
28336heterocyne interference	Dznk	l
28337heterocyne method	DzoJ	c
28338heterocyne oscillator	Dzol	m
28339heterocyne reception	DzpL	i
28340heterocyne repeater	Dzpt	k
28341heterocyning	DzqR	a
28342heterogeneity	Dzqr	Y
28343heterogeneous	DzrD	Y
28344heterogeneous computer	Dzrb	t
28345heterogeneous computer network	DzsI	7
28346heterogeneous computer system	DztD	3
28347heterogeneous data base	Dzt6	r
28348heterogeneous data base management	Dzul	8
28349heterogeneous group	Dzvh	e
28350heterogeneous light	Dzv/	e
28351heterogeneous microprocessor	Dzwd	w
28352heterogeneous multiplex	DzxN	x
28353heterogeneous multiprocessor	Dzx+	w
28354heterogeneous network	Dzyu	m
28355heterogeneous structure	DzzU	l
28356heterogeneous system	Dzz5	l
28357heterogeneousc computer ntwork	Dz0e	1
28358heuristic	Dz1T	U
28359heuristic	H9dQ	a
28360heuristic algorithm	Dz1n	n
28361heuristic approach	Dz2O	d
28362heuristic binary file index	Dz2r	4
28363heuristic factory	Dz3j	i
28364heuristic function	Dz4F	g
28365heuristic knowledge	Dz4l	k
28366heuristic method	Dz5J	b
28367heuristic optimization	Dz5k	n
28368heuristic path algorithm	Dz6L	v
28369heuristic power	Dz66	d
28370heuristic problem solution	Dz7X	x
28371heuristic problem solving	Dz8I	t
28372heuristic procedure	Dz81	k
28373heuristic program	Dz9Z	i
28374heuristic programming	Dz97	s
28375heuristic pruning	Dz+n	i
28376heuristic pruning of game tree	Dz/J	7
28377heuristic routine	D0AE	i
28378heuristic rule	D0Am	f
28379heuristic search	D0BF	h
28380heuristic searching	D0Bm	k
28381heuristic technique	D0CK	k
28382heuristics	D0Ep	V
28383hex buffer	D0E+	Y
28384hex head screw	D0FW	c
28385hex inverter	D0Fy	a
28386hex pad	D0GM	V
28387hexadecimal	D0Gh	Z
28388hexadecimal addition	D0G6	o
28389hexadecimal address	D0Hi	n
28390hexadecimal base	D0IJ	e
28391hexadecimal calculator	D0In	t
28392hexadecimal character	D0JU	p
28393hexadecimal code	D0J9	k
28394hexadecimal constant	D0Kh	o
28395hexadecimal conversion table	D0LJ	z
28396hexadecimal digit	D0L8	l
28397hexadecimal floating point	D0Mh	u
28398hexadecimal format	D0NP	m
28399hexadecimal keyboard	D0N1	o
28400hexadecimal listing	D0Od	n
28401hexadecimal microcode	D0PE	s
28402hexadecimal multiplication	D0Pw	u
28403hexadecimal notation	D0Qe	r
28404hexadecimal number	D0RJ	j
28405hexadecimal number system	D0Rs	w
28406hexadecimal numeral	D0Sc	k
28407hexadecimal point	D0TA	o
28408hexadecimal symbolic loader	D0UP	BA
28409hexadecimal system	D0VP	j
28410hexadecimal to binary	D0Vy	8
28411hexadecimal value	D0Wu	l
28412hexaformat	D0XT	V
28413hexode	D0Xo	R
28414hibernate state	D0X5	d
28415hibernation	D0YW	T
28416hidden bit	D0Yp	Y
28417hidden computer	D0ZB	g
28418hidden data	D0Zh	Z
28419hidden entity	D0Z6	e
28420hidden field	D0aY	a
28421hidden file	D0ay	c
28422hidden line	D0bO	W
28423hidden line algorithm	D0bk	p
28424hidden line elimination	D0cN	o
28425hidden line plot	D0c1	h
28426hidden line removal	D0dW	k
28427hidden memory	D0d6	k
28428hidden optimization	D0ee	n
28429hidden refresh logic	D0fF	o
28430hidden stack	D0ft	X
28431hidden surface	D0gE	Z
28432hidden surface algorithm	D0gd	s
28433hidden surface elimination	D0hJ	r
28434hidden surface removal	D0h0	n
28435hidden symbol	D0ib	e
28436hidden variable	D0i5	d
28437hide	D0jW	M
28438hierarchic direct access method	D0ji	+
28439hierarchic direct organization	D0kg	y
28440hierarchic indexed direct access method	D0lS	BN
28441hierarchic indexed sequential access method	D0mf	BR
28442hierarchic sequence	D0nw	h
28443hierarchic sequential access method	D0oR	BC
28444hierarchical	D0pT	i
28445hierarchical abstract computer	D0p1	1
28446hierarchical abstract machine methodology	D0qq	BD
28447hierarchical access method	D0rt	v
28448hierarchical array processor	D0sc	z
28449hierarchical boolean function	D0tP	x
28450hierarchical cataloging structure	D0uA	1
28451hierarchical classification	D0u1	p
28452hierarchical clustering	D0ve	l
28453hierarchical computer network	D0wD	x
28454hierarchical control	D0w0	i
28455hierarchical data base	D0xW	n
28456hierarchical data model	D0x9	r
28457hierarchical data structure	D0yo	v
28458hierarchical database	D0zX	p
28459hierarchical decomposition	D00A	o
28460hierarchical description	D00o	p
28461hierarchical design	D01R	k
28462hierarchical design method	D011	u
28463hierarchical development mehtodology	D02j	5
28464hierarchical dialogue structure	D03c	2
28465hierarchical direct	D04S	h
28466hierarchical direct access method	D04z	9
28467hierarchical directed graph	D05w	v
28468hierarchical directory structure	D06f	3
28469hierarchical distributed multiprocessor	D07W	BH
28470hierarchical file	D08d	f
28471hierarchical file structure	D088	v
28472hierarchical file system	D09r	v
28473hierarchical form	D0+a	i
28474hierarchical graph language	D0+8	y
28475hierarchical image understanding model	D0/u	BA
28476hierarchical indexed direct access method	D1Au	BM
28477hierarchical indexed sequential access method	D1B6	BK
28478hierarchical information control system	D1DE	BB
28479hierarchical information structure	D1EF	2
28480hierarchical interrupt	D1E7	k
28481hierarchical laboratory automation system	D1Ff	BJ
28482hierarchical language	D1Go	j
28483hierarchical level approach	D1HL	s
28484hierarchical logic high level	D1H3	0
28485hierarchical memory storage	D1Ir	y
28486hierarchical model of program	D1Jd	0
28487hierarchical monitor	D1KR	o
28488hierarchical multiprogramming	D1K5	3
28489hierarchical network	D1Lw	l
28490hierarchical network architecture	D1MV	8
28491hierarchical network nodes	D1NR	x
28492hierarchical operation system	D1OC	x
28493hierarchical organization	D1Oz	q
28494hierarchical path	D1Pd	f
28495hierarchical planning	D1P8	j
28496hierarchical pointer	D1Qf	i
28497hierarchical prioritization scheme	D1RB	5
28498hierarchical problem structure	D1R6	1
28499hierarchical production system	D1Sv	1
28500hierarchical record type	D1Tk	v
28501hierarchical report	D1UT	k
28502hierarchical sequence key	D1U3	w
28503hierarchical sequential	D1Vn	l
28504hierarchical sequential access method	D1WM	/
28505hierarchical sequential organization	D1XL	4
28506hierarchical service system	D1YD	v
28507hierarchical set	D1Yy	e
28508hierarchical simulation	D1ZQ	o
28509hierarchical storage manager	D1Z4	5
28510hierarchical storage system	D1ax	y
28511hierarchical structure	D1bj	k
28512hierarchical structure production control	D1cH	BD
28513hierarchical structure support	D1dK	y
28514hierarchical system	D1d8	h
28515hierarchical tree system	D1ed	1
28516hierarchically distributed robot control system	D1fy	BY
28517hierarchically intelligent control	D1hK	2
28518hierarchically replicated banking data base	D1iA	BL
28519hierarchically structured system	D1jL	3
28520hierarchically synchronized network	D1kC	6
28521hierarchy	D1k8	V
28522hierarchy access time	D1lR	p
28523hierarchy capacity	D1l6	g
28524hierarchy chart	D1ma	a
28525hierarchy computer control system	D1m0	+
28526hierarchy configuration	D1ny	l
28527hierarchy control	D1oX	f
28528hierarchy control system	D1o2	s
28529hierarchy cost	D1pi	c
28530hierarchy data structrure	D1p+	t
28531hierarchy language	D1qr	m
28532hierarchy manager	D1rR	f
28533hierarchy model	D1rw	j
28534hierarchy number	D1sT	e
28535hierarchy number of procedure	D1sx	x
28536hierarchy of activity	D1ti	j
28537hierarchy of argument type	D1uF	u
28538hierarchy of block	D1uz	j
28539hierarchy of control	D1vW	i
28540hierarchy of high level language processor	D1v4	BK
28541hierarchy of information storage	D1xC	0
28542hierarchy of interpretive modules	D1x2	BF
28543hierarchy of interruption priority	D1y7	5
28544hierarchy of layer	D1z0	j
28545hierarchy of mask	D10X	f
28546hierarchy of memory	D102	h
28547hierarchy of operations	D11X	l
28548hierarchy plan	D118	c
28549hierarchy segment	D12Y	f
28550hierarchy segment theorem	D123	q
28551hierarchy system	D13h	h
28552hieroglyph	D14C	Y
28553high	D14a	J
28554high accuracy data	D14j	m
28555high accuracy data transmission system	D15J	BG
28556high accuracy formula	D16P	p
28557high accuracy radar data transmission system	D164	BZ
28558high activity data processing	D18R	x
28559high address	D19C	a
28560high and low temperature cycle	D19c	y
28561high availability	D1+O	f
28562high availability message communication system	D1+t	BU
28563high bandwidth lan	D2AB	m
28564high bandwidth link	D2An	k
28565high bit rate	D2BL	f
28566high bound	D2Bq	S
28567high byte	D2B8	X
28568high byte enable	D2CT	p
28569high byte strobe	D2C8	o
28570high capacity	D2Dk	Y
28571high capacity communication	D2D8	s
28572high capacity mobile telecommunications system	D2Eo	BR
28573high capacity system	D2F5	p
28574high conductivity	D2Gi	i
28575high contrast	D2HE	b
28576high current hybrids	D2Hf	u
28577high data storage system	D2IN	y
28578high density	D2I/	d
28579high density assembly	D2Jc	m
28580high density bipolar	D2KC	o
28581high density bipolar code	D2Kq	w
28582high density buffer	D2La	n
28583high density center	D2MB	k
28584high density data	D2Ml	i
28585high density data system	D2NH	v
28586high density data transmitters	D2N2	9
28587high density digital recording	D2Oz	1
28588high density digital tape	D2Po	w
28589high density digital tape recorder	D2QY	BC
28590high density electronic packaging	D2Ra	9
28591high density encode model	D2SX	w
28592high density flexible	D2TH	q
28593high density logic	D2Tx	j
28594high density multitrack recording	D2UU	BA
28595high density packaging	D2VU	n
28596high density recording	D2V7	r
28597high density storage	D2Wm	o
28598high density tape	D2XO	i
28599high density traffic	D2Xw	r
28600high dimensional pattern grammar	D2Yb	0
28601high dynamic user equipment	D2ZP	y
28602high end	D2a1	e
28603high energy	D2bT	W
28604high energy gas laser	D2bp	u
28605high energy laser beam	D2cX	y
28606high energy laser system	D2dJ	x
28607high energy physics laboratory	D2d6	6
28608high energy tape	D2e0	e
28609high fidelity	D2fS	b
28610high frequency	D2ft	Z
28611high frequency	DEWT	d
28612high frequency	JLFa	d
28613high frequency	JcOw	d
28614high frequency amplifier	D2gG	t
28615high frequency and high resolution colour printing	D2gz	BV
28616high frequency carrier	D2iI	k
28617high frequency carrier telegraphy	D2is	1
28618high frequency channel	D2jh	k
28619high frequency choke	D2kF	l
28620high frequency current	D2kq	k
28621high frequency distribution frame	D2lO	9
28622high frequency emphasis	D2mL	l
28623high frequency sputtering	D2mw	q
28624high frequency transformer	D2na	r
28625high gain amplifier	D2oF	n
28626high gain antenna	D2os	i
28627high gain link	D2pO	f
28628high grade cryptographic system	D2pt	z
28629high grade cryptosystem	D2qg	r
28630high impedance	D2rL	Z
28631high indicator	D2rk	f
28632high inductance head	D2sD	l
28633high information delta modulation	D2so	9
28634high integration density	D2tl	m
28635high intensity magnetic filter	D2uL	9
28636high intensity noise	D2vI	p
28637high intensity reciprocity failure	D2vx	BB
28638high intensity sound simulator	D2wy	9
28639high isolation transformer	D2xv	y
28640high language	D2yh	e
28641high level analog input subsystem	D2y/	BB
28642high level automatic scheduling program	D20A	BG
28643high level command	D21G	g
28644high level communication structure	D21m	2
28645high level compiler	D22c	r
28646high level control	D23H	g
28647high level data base language	D23n	0
28648high level data base management system	D24b	BD
28649high level data link control	D25e	7
28650high level data link control adaptor	D26Z	BB
28651high level data link control procedure	D27a	BG
28652high level data link control protocol	D28g	BF
28653high level data link control station	D29l	BB
28654high level data link control system	D2+m	BD
28655high level data link control system support	D2/p	BR
28656high level data link controller	D3A6	8
28657high level data linkage module	D3B2	4
28658high level data manipulaton language	D3Cu	+
28659high level data type	D3Ds	o
28660high level debugging	D3EU	i
28661high level decomposition	D3E2	m
28662high level description language	D3Fc	z
28663high level digital interface	D3GP	w
28664high level diode transistor logic	D3G/	BH
28665high level file store	D3IG	s
28666high level form definition language	D3Iy	9
28667high level graphical programming language	D3Jv	BJ
28668high level graphics routine	D3K4	v
28669high level job control language	D3Ln	5
28670high level language	D3Mg	h
28671high level language architecture	D3NB	0
28672high level language computer	D3N1	z
28673high level language debugging	D3Oo	x
28674high level language machine	D3PZ	s
28675high level language processor architecture	D3QF	BH
28676high level language programming	D3RM	5
28677high level language programming environment	D3SF	BL
28678high level language structure	D3TQ	x
28679high level logic	D3UB	h
28680high level machine	D3Ui	g
28681high level message	D3VC	g
28682high level microprogram language	D3Vi	3
28683high level microprogramming	D3WZ	y
28684high level microprogramming language	D3XL	BB
28685high level modulation	D3YM	m
28686high level network	D3Yy	g
28687high level network processing language	D3ZS	BA
28688high level network protocol	D3aS	v
28689high level network service	D3bB	u
28690high level noise margin	D3bv	u
28691high level nonprocedure language	D3cd	3
28692high level operation system	D3dU	v
28693high level operator	D3eD	k
28694high level primitive	D3en	i
28695high level procedural programming language	D3fJ	BK
28696high level procedure	D3gT	i
28697high level processing	D3g1	j
28698high level programmer interface	D3hY	2
28699high level programming interface	D3iO	/
28700high level programming language	D3jN	5
28701high level protocol	D3kG	h
28702high level query language	D3kn	t
28703high level real time language	D3lU	x
28704high level recovery	D3mF	h
28705high level representation	D3mm	q
28706high level resource scheduler	D3nQ	3
28707high level scheduler	D3oH	o
28708high level scheduling	D3ov	j
28709high level segment	D3pS	g
28710high level single ended	D3py	z
28711high level software	D3ql	h
28712high level source code	D3rG	n
28713high level specification language	D3rt	1
28714high level structured programming language	D3tO	BN
28715high level syntax	D3ub	f
28716high level test language	D3u6	s
28717high level transistor logic	D3vm	y
28718high level vector language	D3wY	u
28719high level vector language computer	D3xG	BA
28720high level vision	D3yG	f
28721high lighting	D3yl	V
28722high limiting control action	D3y6	z
28723high loss fiber	D3zt	g
28724high low bias check	D30N	n
28725high low bias test	D300	m
28726high low limit	D31a	c
28727high maintainability	D312	i
28728high noise immunity	D32Y	h
28729high noise immunity logic	D325	z
28730high operand	D33s	d
28731high or low selector	D34J	l
28732high order	D34u	i
28733high order bit	D35Q	c
28734high order byte	D35s	d
28735high order character	D36J	i
28736high order digit	D36r	e
28737high order end	D37J	Z
28738high order incompleteness	D37i	t
28739high order language	D38P	l
28740high order language technology	D380	y
28741high order language working group	D39m	+
28742high order logic	D3+k	e
28743high order merge	D3/C	e
28744high order position	D3/g	e
28745high order precedence grammar	D3/+	x
28746high order predicate calculus	D4Av	x
28747high pass	D4Bg	R
28748high pass filter	D4Bx	l
28749high performance	D4CW	b
28750high performance antenna assembly	D4Cx	9
28751high performance communication	D4Du	v
28752high performance communication equipment	D4Ed	/
28753high performance communication system	D4Fc	8
28754high performance communications adapter	D4GY	BG
28755high performance data compression	D4He	4
28756high performance display	D4IW	s
28757high performance equipment	D4JC	r
28758high performance graphics system	D4Jt	3
28759high performance lanimate	D4Kk	t
28760high performance parallel processor	D4LR	9
28761high performance processor	D4MO	u
28762high performance system	D4Nj	o
28763high performance tape	D4OL	m
28764high performance uniprocessor	D4Ox	0
28765high performance unit	D4Pl	m
28766high performance virtual machine system	D4QL	BB
28767high performation main storage	D4RM	6
28768high permeability alloy	D4SG	r
28769high permeability material	D4Sx	u
28770high portion	D4Tf	X
28771high position	D4T2	V
28772high positive indicator	D4UL	o
28773high power	D4Uz	V
28774high power amplifier	D4VI	o
28775high power hybrids	D4Vw	s
28776high power inhibit	D4Wc	p
28777high power up amps	D4XF	s
28778high precision	D4Xx	Z
28779high pressure	D4YK	V
28780high priority	D4Yf	k
28781high priority message	D4ZD	s
28782high priority record queue	D4Zv	0
28783high profile terminal	D4aj	s
28784high punch	D4bP	Y
28785high quality	D4bn	a
28786high random access	D4cB	s
28787high reduction	D4ct	c
28788high reduction	JLF3	j
28789high reliability	D4dJ	e
28790high resolution	D4dn	d
28791high resolution computer graphic system	D4eE	BK
28792high resolution graphic	D4fO	r
28793high resolution graphics termianl	D4f5	7
28794high resolution permanent magnet	D4g0	6
28795high resolution timer	D4hu	s
28796high segment	D4ia	U
28797high selectivity	D4iu	e
28798high speed	D4jM	S
28799high speed adapter	D4je	j
28800high speed adapter address	D4kB	x
28801high speed adapter subchannel	D4ky	3
28802high speed adapter teleprinter module	D4lp	BL
28803high speed adder	D4m0	h
28804high speed algorithm	D4nV	l
28805high speed analog computer	D4n6	x
28806high speed arithmetic	D4or	j
28807high speed buffer	D4pO	i
28808high speed buffer register	D4pw	x
28809high speed buffer storage	D4qh	w
28810high speed bus	D4rR	f
28811high speed bus adapter	D4rw	w
28812high speed calculation	D4sg	k
28813high speed card punch	D4tE	s
28814high speed card reader	D4tw	s
28815high speed carry	D4uc	e
28816high speed channel	D4u6	g
28817high speed channel processor	D4va	3
28818high speed circuit	D4wR	g
28819high speed circuit breaker	D4wx	r
28820high speed communication station	D4xc	x
28821high speed compound terminal	D4yN	4
28822high speed computer	D4zF	k
28823high speed concentrator	D4zp	o
28824high speed controller	D40R	m
28825high speed counter	D403	j
28826high speed counting	D41a	h
28827high speed data	D417	h
28828high speed data acquisiition	D42c	1
28829high speed data buffer	D43R	y
28830high speed data bus	D44D	q
28831high speed data channel	D44t	r
28832high speed data link	D45Y	o
28833high speed data path	D46A	o
28834high speed data regeneration assembly	D46o	/
28835high speed data word	D47n	l
28836high speed digital computer	D48M	y
28837high speed digital filter	D48+	1
28838high speed digital integrated circuit	D49z	/
28839high speed digitization	D4+y	o
28840high speed dump	D4/a	d
28841high speed duplex printing	D4/3	u
28842high speed duplication	D5Al	k
28843high speed encoder	D5BJ	j
28844high speed intercomputer communication	D5Bs	BA
28845high speed job selection	D5Cs	s
28846high speed line	D5DY	a
28847high speed line adapter	D5Dy	y
28848high speed line printer	D5Ek	r
28849high speed loading	D5FP	j
28850high speed local network	D5Fy	s
28851high speed logic interface	D5Ge	u
28852high speed loop	D5HM	d
28853high speed memory	D5Hp	i
28854high speed multiplex link	D5IL	z
28855high speed multiplier	D5I+	m
28856high speed multiply	D5Jk	e
28857high speed network	D5KC	g
28858high speed paper reader	D5Ki	u
28859high speed paper tape absolute loader	D5LQ	BM
28860high speed paper tape punch	D5Mc	y
28861high speed parallel adder	D5NO	t
28862high speed pipeline computer	D5N7	z
28863high speed plotter	D5Ou	j
28864high speed printer	D5PR	j
28865high speed reader	D5P0	m
28866high speed reading system	D5Qa	t
28867high speed register	D5RH	k
28868high speed repetitive operation	D5Rr	z
28869high speed scan	D5Se	d
28870high speed scroll	D5S7	f
28871high speed seek	D5Ta	d
28872high speed selector	D5T3	k
28873high speed selector channel	D5Ub	3
28874high speed semantic net	D5VS	o
28875high speed serial data buffer	D5V6	6
28876high speed signal control equipement	D5W0	+
28877high speed single line controller	D5Xy	4
28878high speed skip	D5Yq	d
28879high speed storage	D5ZH	j
28880high speed storage loading	D5Zq	x
28881high speed store	D5ab	e
28882high speed switched digital service	D5a5	BD
28883high speed symbol generator	D5b8	3
28884high speed tape puncher	D5cz	u
28885high speed tape transport	D5dh	q
28886high speed technology robot	D5eL	y
28887high speed testing technique	D5e9	w
28888high speed tranmission	D5ft	k
28889high speed type	D5gR	d
28890high technology office	D5gu	q
28891high technology robot	D5hY	p
28892high temperature laminate	D5iB	q
28893high temperature storage	D5ir	p
28894high tension supply	D5jU	h
28895high threshold logic	D5j1	p
28896high threshold logic circuit	D5ke	z
28897high throughput	D5lR	d
28898high throughput interconnection structure	D5lu	BD
28899high transaction throughput	D5mx	1
28900high usage group	D5nm	h
28901high usage intertoll trunk	D5oH	9
28902high usage route	D5pE	e
28903high usage trunk	D5pi	h
28904high usage trunk group	D5qD	q
28905high vacuum tube	D5qt	k
28906high value	D5rR	V
28907high velocity	D5rm	Y
28908high voltage	D5r+	X
28909high voltage direct converter	D5sV	5
28910high voltage direct current	D5tO	p
28911high voltage power supply	D5t3	n
28912high voltage state	D5ue	d
28913high volume production	D5u7	k
28914higher array	D5yc	d
28915higher dimensional array	D5y5	m
28916higher dimensional grammar	D5zf	o
28917higher harmonic	D50H	g
28918higher language	D50n	d
28919higher level	D51E	U
28920higher level arithmetic function	D51Y	5
28921higher level knowledge	D52R	k
28922higher level language resource	D521	y
28923higher level microprogramming language	D53n	BD
28924higher level programming language	D54q	7
28925higher level storage structure	D55l	1
28926higher mathematics	D56a	g
28927higher modular assembiles	D566	w
28928higher modulus counter	D57q	w
28929higher numbered state	D58a	p
28930higher order calculus	D59D	m
28931higher order differential equation	D59p	2
28932higher order function	D5+f	j
28933higher order language	D5/C	j
28934higher order logic	D5/l	g
28935higher order precedence	D6AF	o
28936higher order precedence grammar	D6At	z
28937higher order precedence relation	D6Bg	0
28938higher order predicate	D6CU	k
28939higher order predicate calculus	D6C4	z
28940higher order routine	D6Dr	o
28941higher order software	D6ET	n
28942higher priority	D6E6	g
28943higher priority job	D6Fa	q
28944highest index level	D6GE	n
28945highest order	D6Gr	Y
28946highest possible frequency	D6HD	u
28947highest possible key value	D6Hx	u
28948highest priority number	D6If	o
28949highest priority serviceable number	D6JH	6
28950highest response radio next	D6KB	2
28951highest significant position	D6K3	t
28952highlight	D6Lk	i
28953highlight area	D6MG	Z
28954highlighting	D6Mf	U
28955highlighting character	D6Mz	n
28956highlighting command	D6Na	i
28957highlighting display	D6N8	l
28958highly automated logic	D6Oh	x
28959highly modular operating system	D6PS	8
28960highly overlapped pipeline computer	D6QO	BA
28961highly parallel arithmetic	D6RO	u
28962highly parallel computer	D6R8	v
28963highly parallel microprogrammable system	D6Sr	BL
28964highly symmetric graph	D6T2	n
28965highly time parallel algorithm	D6Ud	1
28966highwater marking	D6VS	i
28967highway	D6V0	V
28968highway memory	D6WJ	f
28969highway memory address	D6Wo	q
28970highway network data and information	D6XS	BG
28971highway optimization program system	D6YY	BF
28972highway switch	D6Zd	c
28973highway traffic director	D6Z5	2
28974highway width	D6av	b
28975hill and dale	D6b3	V
28976hill and dale climbing	D6cM	n
28977hill and dale climbing process	D6cz	y
28978hill climbing	D6dl	Y
28979hill climbing algorithm	D6d9	o
28980hill climbing metaphor	D6el	h
28981hill climbing method	D6fG	f
28982hill climbing process	D6fl	j
28983hillock	D6gI	P
28984hinge	D6gX	N
28985hip	D6gk	O
28986hip token	D6gy	a
28987hipping	D6hM	S
28988hiragana	D6he	T
28989histogram	D6hx	U
28990histogram equalization	D6iF	q
28991histogram linearization	D6iv	r
28992histogram modification	D6ja	n
28993histogram of differences	D6kB	p
28994histogram specification	D6kq	o
28995histogram thresholding	D6lS	q
28996histoqram flattening	D6l8	o
28997historical abstracts	D6mk	i
28998historical cost	D6nG	d
28999historical data device	D6nj	q
29000historical database	D6oN	k
29001historical development of hybrids	D6ox	+
29002historical file	D6pv	d
29003historical information	D6qM	k
29004historical reference	D6qw	i
29005historical work load data	D6rS	z
29006history data	D6sF	a
29007history data set	D6sf	h
29008history dependent control	D6tA	t
29009history file	D6tt	a
29010history list	D6uH	a
29011history of available space list	D6uh	5
29012history of binomial coefficients	D6va	3
29013history of coroutine	D6wx	o
29014history of program execution	D6x5	w
29015history of subroutine	D6yp	m
29016history of trees	D6zP	e
29017history register	D6zt	h
29018history run	D60O	Z
29019hit	D60n	L
29020hit file	D60y	W
29021hit ratio	D61I	U
29022hitac limited	DE7e	v
29023hits	D613	S
29024hold	D62J	M
29025hold	FZ8X	BH
29026hold	H/ON	S
29027hold	HUBO	Q
29028hold	In2x	S
29029hold	Jqe/	W
29030hold acknowledge	D62V	j
29031hold acknowledge signal	D624	r
29032hold button	D63j	Z
29033hold circuit	D638	a
29034hold circuit	H/Kx	0
29035hold circuit	H/Of	0
29036hold class job	D64W	f
29037hold coil	D641	X
29038hold controls	D65M	b
29039hold current	D65n	a
29040hold device	H/Ll	z
29041hold down tabulator key	D66B	o
29042hold facility	D66p	b
29043hold graphics	D67E	e
29044hold in range	D67i	b
29045hold input	D679	Y
29046hold instruction	D68V	e
29047hold key	D68z	T
29048hold list	D69G	a
29049hold mark	D69g	X
29050hold mode	D693	l
29051hold mode	Ij8c	d
29052hold modem	Ij85	o
29053hold page queue	D6+c	j
29054hold pattern	D6+/	a
29055hold queue	D6/Z	Y
29056hold request	D6/x	a
29057hold reset switch	D7AL	l
29058hold signal	D7Aw	Z
29059hold state	D7BJ	m
29060hold time	D7Bv	X
29061hold unit	D7CG	U
29062holder	D7Ca	R
29063holding	D7Cr	P
29064holding action	D7C6	c
29065holding beam	D7DW	d
29066holding circuit	D7Dz	d
29067holding coil	D7EQ	a
29068holding current	D7Eq	d
29069holding gun	D7FH	c
29070holding line	D7Fj	X
29071holding power	D7F6	b
29072holding register	D7GV	h
29073holding screen status	D7G2	p
29074holding time	D7Hf	a
29075holding torque	D7H5	c
29076hole	D7IV	M
29077hole	JCS8	M
29078hole card	+39	d
29079hole carrier	D7Ih	d
29080hole conduction	D7I+	d
29081hole conductor current access device	D7Jb	BE
29082hole count check	D7Kf	h
29083hole count error	D7LA	e
29084hole counter	D7Le	a
29085hole current	D7L4	a
29086hole density	D7MS	a
29087hole in scope	D7Ms	e
29088hole injection	D7NK	c
29089hole injector	D7Nm	e
29090hole mobility	D7OE	e
29091hole pair	CqYj	a
29092hole patten	D7Oi	Z
29093hole pattern	D7O7	a
29094hole plating	JCTI	a
29095hole site	D7PV	R
29096hole sort	D7Pm	a
29097hole spacing	DKuq	d
29098hole trap	D7QA	U
29099hole wall	D7QU	R
29100holes	CcUO	Z
29101holoframe	D7Ql	X
29102hologram	D7Q8	W
29103hologram information light	D7RS	u
29104hologram memory system	D7SA	q
29105hologram page	D7Sq	b
29106hologram pattern	D7TF	h
29107hologram plate	D7Tm	c
29108hologram storage plate	D7UC	n
29109hologram technique	D7Up	g
29110holograph	D7VJ	X
29111holographic based system	D7Vg	y
29112holographic coding plate	D7WS	p
29113holographic information retrieval system	D7W7	BN
29114holographic lens	D7YI	k
29115holographic memroy	D7Ys	s
29116holographic readout system	D7Z6	u
29117holographic recorder	D7ao	r
29118holographic storage	D7bT	q
29119holography	D7b9	b
29120holography input	D7cY	k
29121holography memory	D7c8	o
29122hololens	D7dk	W
29123home	D7d6	P
29124home	H4jn	M
29125home address	D7eJ	a
29126home address block	D7ej	q
29127home address gap	D7fN	o
29128home address register	D7f1	w
29129home automation	D7gl	j
29130home banking	D7hI	a
29131home block	D7hi	d
29132home brew	D7h/	X
29133home bucket	D7iW	c
29134home cell	D7iy	X
29135home computer	D7jJ	e
29136home cursor position	D7jn	o
29137home directory	D7kP	c
29138home drive system call	D7kr	5
29139home electronic bank business	D7lk	3
29140home environment	D7mb	e
29141home information system	D7m5	r
29142home key	D7nk	T
29143home location	D7n3	b
29144home loop	D7oS	X
29145home loop operation	D7op	n
29146home numbering plan area	D7pQ	v
29147home optical transceiver	D7p/	v
29148home position	D7rN	b
29149home record	D7ro	Z
29150home terminal	D7sB	b
29151homelink	D7tF	T
29152homenet	D7tY	S
29153homeomorphic	D7tq	U
29154homeomorphically irreducible tree	D7t+	4
29155homeomorphism	D7u2	V
29156homeomorphy	D7vL	W
29157homeostasis	D7vh	Z
29158homeostatic utility control	D7v6	1
29159homepitaxy	D7wv	V
29160homework software	D7xE	f
29161homing	D7xj	O
29162homing adapter	D7xx	f
29163homing beacon	D7yQ	b
29164homing guidance system	D7yr	q
29165homing procedure	D7zV	e
29166homing reciver	D7zz	l
29167homing sequence	D70Y	d
29168homing test vehicle	D701	z
29169homing tree	D71o	W
29170homochromatic	D71+	V
29171homochronous	D72T	X
29172homodyne detection	D72q	j
29173homogeneity	D73N	W
29174homogeneous	D73j	W
29175homogeneous computer network	D735	z
29176homogeneous computer system	D74s	2
29177homogeneous grammar	D75i	h
29178homogeneous group	D76D	c
29179homogeneous information sets	D76f	x
29180homogeneous light	D77Q	c
29181homogeneous linear equations	D77s	w
29182homogeneous medium	D78c	g
29183homogeneous multinomial	D788	o
29184homogeneous multiplex	D79k	j
29185homogeneous multiplexed circuit	D7+H	5
29186homogeneous multiplexing	D7/A	s
29187homogeneous multiprocessor	D7/s	x
29188homogeneous network	D8Ad	k
29189homogeneous plex structure	D8BB	o
29190homogeneous programming	D8Bp	l
29191homogeneous random field model	D8CO	1
29192homogeneous structure	D8DD	j
29193homogeneous system	D8Dm	g
29194homogeneous tree	D8EG	b
29195homogeneous unit structure	D8Eh	u
29196homogenization	D8FP	c
29197homogenous	D8Fr	S
29198homogenous array	D8F9	e
29199homogenous boundary condition	D8Gb	x
29200homogenous computer network	D8HM	y
29201homograph	D8H+	a
29202homographic mapping	D8IY	n
29203homojunction	D8I/	X
29204homology	D8JW	Q
29205homomorph	D8Jm	U
29206homomorphic	D8J6	W
29207homomorphic filtering	D8KQ	j
29208homomorphic image	D8Kz	c
29209homomorphic replication	D8LP	r
29210homomorphic signal processing	D8L6	x
29211homomorphic speech processing	D8Mr	x
29212homomorphic system	D8Nc	g
29213homomorphism	D8N8	f
29214homomorphism	WvD	X
29215homomorphism interpolation theorem	D8Ob	2
29216homonym	D8PR	m
29217homonymy	D8P3	W
29218homophone	D8QN	a
29219homophonic enciphering	D8Qn	n
29220homophonic filtering	D8RO	i
29221homophonic substitution	D8Rw	l
29222homophony	D8SV	R
29223homostasis	D8Sm	S
29224homotope	D8S4	W
29225homotype	D8TO	Q
29226homotypy	D8Te	T
29227honeycomb	D8Tx	U
29228honeycomb domain structure	D8UF	x
29229honeycomb memory	D8U2	k
29230honeycomb pattern	D8Va	i
29231honeycomb radiator	D8V8	m
29232hood	D8Wi	O
29233hook	D8Ww	J
29234hook	Gqgg	f
29235hook	Gsp8	k
29236hook collector	D8W5	f
29237hook collector transistor	D8XY	5
29238hook instrument	Gqg/	j
29239hook service	D8YR	g
29240hook service	Gqhi	k
29241hook signal	D8Yx	Z
29242hook signal	GqiG	Z
29243hook signal	Gsqg	Z
29244hook state	D8ZK	Y
29245hook status	Gqif	Z
29246hook theory	D8Zi	W
29247hook up	D8Z4	P
29248hook up wire	D8aH	X
29249hooking	D8ae	P
29250hoot stop	D8at	a
29251hop	D8bH	O
29252hopper	D8bV	R
29253horizon	HDFU	f
29254horizon angle	D8bm	V
29255horizon cover	D8b7	b
29256horizon effect	D8cW	c
29257horizon range	D8cy	b
29258horizon transmission	D8dN	o
29259horizontal	D8d1	V
29260horizontal advance	D8eK	g
29261horizontal and vertical check	D8eq	u
29262horizontal and vertical parity check	D8fY	4
29263horizontal and vertical parity check code	D8gQ	BA
29264horizontal arithmetic unit	D8hQ	r
29265horizontal array	D8h7	e
29266horizontal automatic frequency control	D8iZ	BA
29267horizontal blanking	D8jZ	h
29268horizontal blanking signal	D8j6	u
29269horizontal centering control	D8ko	w
29270horizontal character	D8lY	i
29271horizontal check	D8l6	e
29272horizontal check parity	D8mY	r
29273horizontal check tube	D8nD	m
29274horizontal coils plates	D8np	r
29275horizontal control	D8oU	g
29276horizontal control tube	D8o0	o
29277horizontal data handling	D8pc	s
29278horizontal deflecting circuit	D8qI	x
29279horizontal design	D8q5	f
29280horizontal difference table	D8rY	v
29281horizontal display	D8sH	g
29282horizontal distributed system	D8sn	0
29283horizontal feed	D8tb	d
29284horizontal film head	D8t4	o
29285horizontal flow chart	D8ug	m
29286horizontal flyback	D8vG	g
29287horizontal formatting	D8vm	j
29288horizontal interlaced transmission	D8wJ	2
29289horizontal justification	D8w/	m
29290horizontal line	D8xl	d
29291horizontal mark count	D8yC	p
29292horizontal microinstruction	D8yr	s
29293horizontal microinstruction	Hycq	v
29294horizontal microprogramming	D8zX	y
29295horizontal motion index	D80J	r
29296horizontal network	D800	g
29297horizontal optimization	D81U	o
29298horizontal oscillator	D818	m
29299horizontal output stage	D82i	o
29300horizontal parity	D83K	l
29301horizontal parity check	D83v	r
29302horizontal partition	D84a	i
29303horizontal pointer	D848	g
29304horizontal polarization	D85c	l
29305horizontal positioning	D86B	k
29306horizontal positions	D86l	i
29307horizontal programming	D87H	k
29308horizontal raster count	D87r	r
29309horizontal recording	D88W	i
29310horizontal redundancy check	D884	v
29311horizontal retrace	D89n	g
29312horizontal retrace ratio	D8+H	v
29313horizontal return	D8+2	f
29314horizontal scanning	D8/V	h
29315horizontal scanning circuit	D8/2	v
29316horizontal scroll	D9Al	f
29317horizontal scrolling	D9BE	c
29318horizontal shift	D9Bg	e
29319horizontal sorter	D9B+	i
29320horizontal structure	D9Cg	i
29321horizontal structure support	D9DC	w
29322horizontal sweep	D9Dy	e
29323horizontal sync pulse	D9EQ	p
29324horizontal sync signal	D9E5	q
29325horizontal synchronizing pulse	D9Fj	y
29326horizontal synchronizing signal	D9GV	z
29327horizontal system	D9HI	f
29328horizontal tab	D9Hn	W
29329horizontal table	D9H9	b
29330horizontal tabulation	D9IY	j
29331horizontal tabulation character	D9I7	z
29332horizontal tabulator key	D9Ju	p
29333horizontal terminating block	D9KX	t
29334horizontal type	D9LE	X
29335horizontal wraparound	D9Lb	j
29336horizontally deflecting coils	D9L+	x
29337horizontally deflecting plates	D9Mv	v
29338horizontally displayed records	D9Ne	y
29339horizontally indexed field	D9OQ	u
29340horn	D9O+	P
29341horn antenna	D9PN	d
29342horn feed system	D9Pq	k
29343horn gap switch	D9QO	j
29344horse power	D9Qx	T
29345horse power hour	D9RE	e
29346horse power nominal	D9Ri	h
29347hose	D9SD	M
29348hospital accounting system	D9SP	u
29349hospital administrative program	D9S9	z
29350hospital automation	D9Tw	k
29351hospital information system	D9UU	z
29352hospital patient badside monitoring	D9VH	9
29353host	D9WE	M
29354host access method	D9WQ	g
29355host adaptation	D9Ww	g
29356host application program	D9XQ	p
29357host attach	D9X5	Z
29358host attachment	D9YS	g
29359host attachment facility	D9Yy	v
29360host based system	D9Zh	f
29361host command facility	D9aA	z
29362host command processor	D9az	u
29363host command service	D9bh	p
29364host communications processor	D9cK	1
29365host compiler	D9c/	e
29366host computer	D9dd	j
29367host computer interface	D9eA	v
29368host concept	F85a	d
29369host configuration	F853	j
29370host connection facility	D9ev	p
29371host control block	D9fY	m
29372host control block table	D9f+	v
29373host control emulation	D9gt	n
29374host conversational function	D9hU	w
29375host data base	D9iE	f
29376host data language	D9ij	m
29377host dependent	D9jJ	f
29378host development environment	D9jo	w
29379host environment	D9kY	e
29380host file	D9k2	U
29381host file close	D9lK	g
29382host file enquire	D9lq	i
29383host file system	D9mM	h
29384host file transceiver	D9mt	s
29385host information processor	D9nZ	u
29386host initiated program	D9oH	n
29387host interconnection	D9ou	i
29388host interface	D9pQ	c
29389host interface adapter	D9ps	t
29390host interface block	D9qZ	l
29391host interface module	D9q+	t
29392host interface processor	D9rr	z
29393host interface routine	D9se	q
29394host language	D9tI	e
29395host language compilation	D9tm	q
29396host language data base	D9uQ	r
29397host language dependent	D9u7	r
29398host language execution	D9vm	o
29399host language interface	D9wO	r
29400host language processor	D9w5	u
29401host language statement	D9xn	r
29402host language system	D9yS	l
29403host library	D9y3	a
29404host link	D9zR	U
29405host machine	D9zl	U
29406host master key	D9z5	j
29407host mode	D90c	X
29408host mode	F86a	a
29409host monitoring protocol	D90z	s
29410host name	D91f	U
29411host network	F860	d
29412host network administration facility	D91z	7
29413host network control	D92u	l
29414host node	D93T	X
29415host node cycle	D93q	g
29416host number	D94K	W
29417host operating system	D94g	p
29418host preparation facility	D95J	t
29419host process	D952	X
29420host processing system	D96N	n
29421host processor	D960	k
29422host programming language	D97Y	w
29423host protocol	GXoB	l
29424host remote node entry system	D98I	6
29425host resident	D99C	b
29426host resident module	D99d	l
29427host resident program	D9+C	m
29428host resident program development	D9+o	4
29429host resident software	D9/g	n
29430host resident software system	D+AH	0
29431host resource	D+A7	b
29432host service	D+BW	a
29433host service communication	D+Bw	u
29434host service dialogue	D+Ce	p
29435host service function	D+DH	p
29436host service port	D+Dw	i
29437host service protocol	D+ES	p
29438host service station	D+E7	l
29439host service station transfer protocol	D+Fg	BD
29440host software	D+Gj	b
29441host subarea	D+G+	d
29442host subscriber	D+Hb	d
29443host switch	D+H4	Z
29444host system	D+IR	Z
29445host system mailbox	D+Iq	q
29446host system mailbox switch setting	D+JU	BF
29447host system message blocks	D+KZ	x
29448host system reponses	D+LK	o
29449host text	D+Ly	U
29450host to adapter protocol	D+MG	y
29451host to host	D+M4	d
29452host to host traffic	D+NV	r
29453host transfer file	D+OA	j
29454host transmission	D+Oj	f
29455host variable	D+PC	h
29456host virtual storage	D+Pj	o
29457hostel	D+Qx	L
29458hostel like process	D+Q8	h
29459hostname attribute	D+Rd	j
29460hot bend test	D+SA	e
29461hot carrier diode	D+Se	o
29462hot chassis	D+TG	W
29463hot electron	D+Tc	X
29464hot fix	D+Tz	V
29465hot fix redirection area	D+UI	y
29466hot frame	D+U6	U
29467hot gas welding	D+VO	X
29468hot hole	D+Vl	Q
29469hot line circuit	D+V1	e
29470hot metal composition	D+WT	m
29471hot press	D+W5	R
29472hot pressed	D+XK	W
29473hot pressed ferrite	D+Xg	k
29474hot spot	D+YE	T
29475hot start	D+YX	U
29476hot type	D+Yr	T
29477hot weld	D+Y+	Q
29478hot zone	D+ZO	W
29479hour	D+Zk	M
29480hour	Jdgc	W
29481hour	Twt	P
29482hour call attempts	BM/a	s
29483hour holding	D+Zw	a
29484hour load	GehX	a
29485hour meter	Tw8	k
29486hours	Gqi4	T
29487hours of service	D+aa	e
29488house	D+a4	N
29489house aerospace electrical division	Jfns	/
29490house correcting	D+bF	e
29491house drop	D+bj	Y
29492house keeper	D+b7	g
29493house keeping	D+cb	b
29494house keeping digit	D+c2	h
29495house keeping information	D+dX	n
29496house keeping instruction	D+d+	n
29497house keeping module	D+el	o
29498house keeping program	D+fN	p
29499house keeping routine	D+f2	p
29500house keeping run	D+gf	l
29501house keeping software	D+hE	q
29502house keeping style	D+hu	n
29503house line symbol	D+iV	f
29504house wife program	D+i0	g
29505household	D+jU	X
29506householder transformation	D+jr	o
29507housekeeping	H9dq	a
29508housekeeping bit	D+kT	e
29509housekeeping operation	D+kx	k
29510housekeeping package	D+lV	i
29511housekeeping page	D+l3	l
29512housekeeping segment	D+mc	r
29513housekeeping signal	D+nH	h
29514housing	D+no	P
29515houston automatic spooling program	D+n3	BQ
29516hpase level	7Bo	e
29517hpase mark	7CG	d
29518hub	D+pH	O
29519human initiated failure	D+pV	p
29520human operator simulator	D+p+	2
29521human resource information system	D+q0	7
29522humidity	D+sE	Q
29523hundred call seconds	D+sU	j
29524hunting oscilator	D+s3	l
29525hybrid	D+tc	O
29526hybrid arithmetic unit	D+tq	r
29527hybrid circuit	D+uV	c
29528hybrid circuit structure	D+ux	s
29529hybrid circuit substructure	D+vd	v
29530hybrid code	D+wM	W
29531hybrid coil	D+wi	Z
29532hybrid combination	D+w7	j
29533hybrid communication network	D+xe	w
29534hybrid communication routine	D+yO	6
29535hybrid communication system	D+zI	v
29536hybrid computation	D+z3	g
29537hybrid computer	D+0X	g
29538hybrid computer block oriented language	D+03	BE
29539hybrid computer input output	D+17	5
29540hybrid computer interface	D+20	w
29541hybrid computer link	D+3k	x
29542hybrid computer programming language	D+4V	BH
29543hybrid computer simulation	D+5c	x
29544hybrid computer system checkout	D+6N	8
29545hybrid computer translator	D+7J	BA
29546hybrid construction	D+8J	q
29547hybrid control	D+8z	c
29548hybrid control computer	D+9P	u
29549hybrid cube network	D+99	q
29550hybrid data acquisition system	D++n	4
29551hybrid decoding	D+/f	d
29552hybrid diagnostic program	D+/8	t
29553hybrid digital analog computer	D/Ap	BE
29554hybrid digital analog pulse time	D/Bt	BK
29555hybrid digital optical processor	D/C3	6
29556hybrid electromagnetic wave	D/Dx	w
29557hybrid encoding	D/Eh	d
29558hybrid error control	D/E+	o
29559hybrid fire control computer	D/Fm	z
29560hybrid function generation system	D/GZ	9
29561hybrid function generator	D/HW	w
29562hybrid hardware control	D/IG	r
29563hybrid hologram	D/Ix	g
29564hybrid ic	D/JR	d
29565hybrid image processing system	D/Ju	9
29566hybrid index	D/Kr	a
29567hybrid integrated circuit	D/Lf	t
29568hybrid interface	D/MM	i
29569hybrid language assembler	D/Mu	4
29570hybrid library	D/Nm	f
29571hybrid main program	D/OF	k
29572hybrid method	D/Op	b
29573hybrid microcircuit	D/PE	n
29574hybrid microcircuit leads	D/Pr	z
29575hybrid microstructure	D/Qe	p
29576hybrid microwave	D/RH	e
29577hybrid mode	D/Rl	Z
29578hybrid modular redundancy	D/R+	t
29579hybrid modular redundant system	D/Sr	5
29580hybrid modulation	D/Tk	f
29581hybrid monitor	D/UD	i
29582hybrid network	D/Ul	c
29583hybrid operating system	D/VB	r
29584hybrid operation	D/Vs	e
29585hybrid optical fiber circuit	D/WK	w
29586hybrid packaging	D/W6	e
29587hybrid parameter	D/XY	e
29588hybrid phase modulation	D/X2	l
29589hybrid power operational amplifier	D/Yb	BC
29590hybrid problem	D/Zd	c
29591hybrid programming	D/Z5	m
29592hybrid ram	D/af	h
29593hybrid ranging	D/bA	c
29594hybrid rc network	D/bc	l
29595hybrid receiver	D/cB	g
29596hybrid redundancy	D/ch	f
29597hybrid representation	D/dA	m
29598hybrid ring	D/dm	W
29599hybrid set	D/d8	Y
29600hybrid simulation	D/eU	f
29601hybrid simulation system	D/ez	s
29602hybrid simulator	D/ff	k
29603hybrid software	D/gD	d
29604hybrid system	D/gg	b
29605hybrid system check	D/g7	n
29606hybrid system checkout	D/hi	q
29607hybrid technology computer	D/iM	x
29608hybrid telecommunication	D/i9	y
29609hybrid terminal	D/jv	g
29610hybrid transformer array	D/kP	4
29611hybrid translator	D/lH	s
29612hydrographic information	D/lz	m
29613hydrographic message	D/mZ	i
29614hydrolant	D/m7	X
29615hydrological and meteorological land station	D/nS	BD
29616hydrulic robot	D/oV	f
29617hygrometer	D/o0	V
29618hygroscopic	D/pJ	T
29619hyper channel	D/pc	b
29620hyper media	D/p3	Z
29621hyper pure silicon	D/qQ	g
29622hyper resolution	D/qw	e
29623hyper rule	D/rO	V
29624hyperactive fault	D/rj	i
29625hyperalternative	D/sF	b
29626hyperarc	D/sg	Q
29627hyperbola	D/sw	U
29628hyperbolic	D/tE	Z
29629hyperbolic equation	D/td	n
29630hyperbolic function	D/uE	k
29631hyperbolic integer programming	D/uo	5
29632hyperbolic navigation system	D/vh	z
29633hyperbolic orbit	D/wU	h
29634hyperbolic partial differential equation	D/w1	BF
29635hyperbolic system	D/x6	c
29636hyperbolic type	D/yW	d
29637hyperbolograph	D/yz	c
29638hyperboloid	D/zP	W
29639hyperconcentrator	D/zl	f
29640hypercube	D/0E	d
29641hypercube network	D/0h	l
29642hypercube system	D/1G	h
29643hyperdisk	D/1n	U
29644hyperenvironmnet test system	D/17	z
29645hyperexponential distribution	D/2u	u
29646hyperexponential service model	D/3c	1
29647hypergraph	D/4R	S
29648hypergroup	D/4j	S
29649hypernotion	D/41	W
29650hyperplane	D/5L	V
29651hyperplane decision boundary	D/5g	z
29652hyperplane method	D/6T	f
29653hyperplane theorem	D/6y	j
29654hyperpure gas	D/7V	b
29655hyperrectangle	D/7w	Z
29656hypersonic flow	D/8J	d
29657hyperspace	D/8m	V
29658hypersynchronous	D/87	e
29659hypertape control	D/9Z	l
29660hypertape drive	D/9+	g
29661hypertape unit	D/+e	i
29662hypertapes	D//A	e
29663hypertext	D//e	X
29664hypertext program	D//1	l
29665hypertext software	EAAa	m
29666hypertext system	EABA	k
29667hypertraceable graph	EABk	l
29668hypervisor	EACJ	Y
29669hyphen	EACh	R
29670hyphen drop	EACy	c
29671hyphen exception file	EADO	p
29672hyphen pass	EAD3	c
29673hyphen pull	EAET	W
29674hyphen push	EAEp	W
29675hyphenate	EAE/	d
29676hyphenation	EAFc	n
29677hyphenation zone	EAGD	b
29678hyphens	EAGe	V
29679hypoid	EAGz	X
29680hypothesis	EAHK	a
29681hypothesis loop	EAHk	d
29682hypothesis test result cycle	EAIB	z
29683hypothesis testing	EAI0	g
29684hypothesize and test	EAJU	l
29685hypothetic algorithm	EAJ5	l
29686hypothetical computer	EAKe	m
29687hypothetical game	EALE	f
29688hypothetical machine	EALj	f
29689hypothetical memory	EAMC	k
29690hypothetical operating system	EAMm	x
29691hypothetical order code	EANX	o
29692hypothetical reference digital circuit	EAN/	BF
29693hypothetical syllogism	EAPE	n
29694hysteresis	EAPr	p
29695hysteresis advance	EAQU	g
29696hysteresis curve	EAQ0	e
29697hysteresis curve recorder	EARS	w
29698hysteresis distortion	EASC	j
29699hysteresis error	EASl	e
29700hysteresis loop	EATD	d
29701hysteresis loss	EATg	d
29702hysteresis or backlash	EAT9	n
29703hysteresis unit	EAUk	j
29704i value	EAWB	P
29705ic	EAhM	Q
29706ic memory	EAhc	g
29707icon	EAh8	U
29708icon activation item	EAiQ	o
29709icp	EAi4	g
29710id	H4l9	T
29711id	JbAV	X
29712id split	Gcm5	h
29713idb	EAjY	U
29714idea processor	EAjs	f
29715ideal benchmark characteristic	EAkL	4
29716ideal blackbody	EAlD	d
29717ideal code	EAlg	V
29718ideal coding	EAl1	a
29719ideal conceptual model	EAmP	q
29720ideal coordinates	EAm5	f
29721ideal design of effective and logical system	EAnY	BW
29722ideal filter	EAou	d
29723ideal format	EApL	a
29724ideal highpass filter	EApl	s
29725ideal lowpass filter	EAqR	r
29726ideal machine	EAq8	e
29727ideal noise diode	EAra	o
29728ideal orientation	EAsC	f
29729ideal performance	EAsh	f
29730ideal receiver	EAtA	f
29731ideal solution	EAtf	Z
29732ideal throughput	EAt4	h
29733ideal transduser	EAuZ	h
29734ideal transformation	EAu6	i
29735ideal value	EAvc	W
29736idealized computer	EAvy	m
29737idealized form	EAwY	f
29738idealized pattern	EAw3	i
29739idealized system	EAxZ	h
29740idealized value	EAx6	d
29741idempotent	EAyX	S
29742idempotent element	EAyp	d
29743idempotent law	EAzG	Z
29744idempotent matrix	EAzf	f
29745ident field	EAz+	W
29746identical argument list	EA0U	l
29747identical component	EA05	h
29748identical computation	EA1a	j
29749identical entry	EA19	a
29750identical function reference	EA2X	w
29751identical operation	EA3H	h
29752identical permutation group	EA3o	p
29753identical processor	EA4R	k
29754identical register	EA41	j
29755identical sublist	EA5Y	f
29756identical subtree	EA53	f
29757identical table	EA6W	a
29758identically false	EA6w	Z
29759identically true	EA7J	Y
29760identifiability	EA7h	d
29761identifiable language	EA7+	m
29762identification	EA8k	Z
29763identification address mark	EA89	v
29764identification beacon	EA9s	j
29765identification burst	EA+P	f
29766identification call letter	EA+u	o
29767identification card	EA/W	h
29768identification card reader	EA/3	x
29769identification characters	EBAo	n
29770identification code	EBBP	e
29771identification condition	EBBt	m
29772identification data	EBCT	k
29773identification division	EBC3	i
29774identification facility	EBDZ	l
29775identification item	EBD+	e
29776identification letter	EBEc	j
29777identification mark	EBE/	h
29778identification name	EBFg	e
29779identification number	EBF+	g
29780identification point	EBGe	f
29781identification problem	EBG9	k
29782identification record	EBHh	j
29783identification register	EBIE	o
29784identification satellite	EBIs	m
29785identification section	EBJS	h
29786identification sequence number	EBJz	v
29787identification sign	EBKi	h
29788identification signal	EBLD	j
29789identification world	EBLm	i
29790identifier	EBMI	Y
29791identifier arrtibute	EBMg	o
29792identifier block	EBNI	e
29793identifier circuit	EBNm	g
29794identifier declaration	EBOG	n
29795identifier expected	EBOt	k
29796identifier length	EBPR	i
29797identifier list	EBPz	d
29798identifier name	EBQQ	d
29799identifier pointer	EBQt	j
29800identifier protection	EBRQ	m
29801identifier table	EBR2	e
29802identifier word	EBSU	d
29803identify	EBSx	W
29804identify	IiJy	g
29805identify absolute mode	EBTH	w
29806identify circuit	EBT3	e
29807identify class sentence	EBUV	o
29808identify control section	EBU9	p
29809identify dummy section	EBVm	k
29810identify listed output	EBWK	q
29811identify machine	IiKS	r
29812identify method	IiK9	q
29813identify relocatable mode	EBW0	z
29814identify routine	EBXn	e
29815identifying call	EBYF	e
29816identifying code	EBYj	b
29817identity	EBY+	Q
29818identity declaration	EBZO	i
29819identity definition	EBZw	h
29820identity element	EBaR	e
29821identity function	EBav	f
29822identity gate	EBbO	Y
29823identity group	EBbm	f
29824identity mapping	EBcF	e
29825identity matrix	EBcj	d
29826identity message	EBdA	e
29827identity operation	EBde	g
29828identity operation	Gcna	j
29829identity permutation	EBd+	i
29830identity property	EBeg	c
29831identity relation	EBe8	i
29832identity relator	EBfe	h
29833identity selector	EBf/	i
29834identity sign	EBgh	b
29835identity transform	EBg8	g
29836identity unit	EBhc	b
29837ideogram	EBh3	W
29838ideographic character	EBiN	j
29839ideographic support	EBiw	n
29840idle	JEnx	M
29841idle block	EBjX	V
29842idle call	EBjs	U
29843idle capacity	EBkA	b
29844idle channel	EBkb	a
29845idle character	EBk1	c
29846idle circuit	EBlR	a
29847idle circuit condition	EBlr	q
29848idle communication mode	EBmV	r
29849idle condition	EBnA	c
29850idle contact	EBnc	X
29851idle frequency	EBnz	W
29852idle indication signal	EBoJ	q
29853idle jack	EBoz	U
29854idle line termination	EBpH	v
29855idle link	EBp2	X
29856idle loop	EBqN	R
29857idle process	EBqe	a
29858idle route	EBq4	Y
29859idle route indicator	EBrQ	l
29860idle routine	EBr1	a
29861idle segment	EBsP	a
29862idle signal	EBsp	Z
29863idle slot detector	EBtC	j
29864idle state	EBtl	Y
29865idle time	EBt9	X
29866idle trunk	EBuU	b
29867idle wire	EBvl	R
29868idleness	EBv2	T
29869idling	EBwJ	O
29870idling adjustment	EBwX	f
29871idling condition	EBw2	e
29872ieee bus	EBxU	U
29873if element	EBxo	e
29874if element	EByG	e
29875if gate	EBy8	Y
29876if gate	EByk	Y
29877if structure	GSZW	w
29878if symbol	CuRG	d
29879ifab	EB0w	Y
29880ignore	EB1I	O
29881ignore bit	EB1W	V
29882ignore block character	EB1r	h
29883ignore character	EB2M	e
29884ignore character block	EB2q	n
29885ignore class	EB3R	X
29886ignore code	EB3o	W
29887ignore data	EB3+	Z
29888ignore gate	EB4X	W
29889ignore instruction	EB4t	g
29890ignore label check	EB5N	m
29891iiffe vector	EB5z	d
29892ill condition	EB6Q	V
29893ill conditioned equation	EB6l	m
29894ill conditioned matrix	EB7L	k
29895ill conditioned polynomial	EB7v	r
29896illegal address check	EB8a	p
29897illegal binary card	EB9D	q
29898illegal blank field	EB9t	k
29899illegal character	EB+R	f
29900illegal code	EB+w	a
29901illegal code motion	EB/K	n
29902illegal command	EB/x	d
29903illegal command check	ECAO	p
29904illegal control message error	ECA3	x
29905illegal delimiter	ECBo	i
29906illegal element	ECCK	d
29907illegal entry	ECCn	b
29908illegal entry count	ECDC	n
29909illegal field width	ECDp	k
29910illegal file password	ECEN	p
29911illegal function assignment	ECE2	v
29912illegal host connection	ECFl	r
29913illegal instruction	ECGQ	h
29914illegal interrupt	ECGx	f
29915illegal load address	ECHQ	o
29916illegal move	ECH4	a
29917illegal operation	ECIS	f
29918illegal operation code	ECIx	n
29919illegal packet	ECJY	Z
29920illegal parameter substitution	ECJx	y
29921illegal procedure fault	ECKj	r
29922illegal punctuation	ECLO	h
29923illegal random access	ECLv	p
29924illegal request	ECMY	d
29925illuminance	ECM1	T
29926illuminate	ECNI	S
29927illuminating engineering	ECNa	m
29928illumination	ECOA	X
29929illuminator	ECOX	Z
29930illuminometer	ECOw	Y
29931image	54+	N
29932image	ECPI	N
29933image	F87R	Q
29934image	HZlZ	c
29935image	Hkq+	T
29936image activator	ECPV	j
29937image analysing computer	ECP4	v
29938image analysis	ECQn	c
29939image annotation record	ECRD	r
29940image antenna	ECRu	b
29941image area	ECSJ	V
29942image array	ECSe	Z
29943image aspect	ECS3	d
29944image attenuation coefficient	ECTU	x
29945image attenuation constant	ECUF	u
29946image attribute	ECUz	d
29947image averaging	ECVQ	g
29948image basis	ECVw	Z
29949image block	ECWJ	W
29950image brightness	ECWf	e
29951image carrier	ECW9	b
29952image cell	ECXY	Y
29953image charge	ECXw	a
29954image coding	ECYK	a
29955image converter	ECYk	d
29956image coples	ECZB	a
29957image cosmetic processing	ECZb	t
29958image current	ECaI	b
29959image data	ECaj	Y
29960image data base	ECa7	g
29961image data compression	ECbb	q
29962image data degradation	ECcF	w
29963image data format	ECc1	l
29964image data query language	ECda	z
29965image data structure	ECeN	o
29966image database management	ECe1	w
29967image database management system	ECfl	9
29968image database manipulation system	ECgi	/
29969image database organization	EChh	y
29970image database system	ECiT	s
29971image defect	ECi/	a
29972image degradation	ECjZ	l
29973image degradation model	ECj+	r
29974image description	ECkp	f
29975image description file	EClI	q
29976image detection	ECly	d
29977image digitizer	ECmP	j
29978image directory structure	ECmy	t
29979image dissector	ECnf	a
29980image distortion	ECn5	e
29981image editor	ECoX	g
29982image element	ECo3	V
29983image encoding	ECpM	c
29984image enhancement	ECpo	f
29985image enhancement technique	ECqH	v
29986image exit	ECq2	Y
29987image feature extraction	ECrO	s
29988image file	ECr6	Y
29989image file	F87h	b
29990image formation	ECsS	X
29991image frequency interference	ECsp	q
29992image generation	ECtT	e
29993image graphics	ECtx	f
29994image head adjustor	ECuQ	q
29995image header	ECu6	a
29996image impedance	ECv7	d
29997image input device	ECwY	m
29998image intensifier	ECw+	i
29999image interpretation	ECxg	i
30000image inverter	ECyC	f
30001image io segment	ECvU	n
30002image journal	55L	e
30003image journal	MwQ	h
30004image jump	ECyh	Y
30005image libary	ECy5	X
30006image manipulation language	ECzQ	v
30007image memory	ECz/	d
30008image method	EC0c	X
30009image mixing	EC0z	a
30010image mode	EC1N	Y
30011image model	EC1l	Z
30012image name	EC1+	Y
30013image orthicon	EC2W	f
30014image output device	EC21	n
30015image parameter	EC3c	d
30016image phase constant	EC35	o
30017image plane	EC4h	Z
30018image point	EC46	W
30019image printer	EC5Q	e
30020image printing	EC5u	c
30021image privileges	EC6K	e
30022image processing	EC6o	e
30023image processor graphics	EC7G	1
30024image protocol	EC77	c
30025image quality	EC8X	b
30026image quality indicator	EC8y	y
30027image quantization	EC9k	j
30028image recognition	EC+H	f
30029image reconstruction	EC+m	i
30030image reconstruction technique	EC/I	y
30031image recovery technique	EC/6	s
30032image refresh database	EDAm	t
30033image regeneration	EDBT	g
30034image registration	EDBz	g
30035image rejection	EDCT	j
30036image representation	EDC2	i
30037image restoration	EDDY	f
30038image retention	EDD3	d
30039image roam	EDEU	Y
30040image rotation	EDEs	c
30041image rotator	EDFI	e
30042image sampling	EDFm	c
30043image scanner	EDGC	e
30044image scanner digitizer	EDGg	u
30045image scrolling	EDHO	d
30046image section	EDHr	e
30047image section descriptor	EDIJ	w
30048image segmentation	EDI5	g
30049image sensor	EDJZ	d
30050image sequence processing	EDJ2	t
30051image signal	EDKj	a
30052image sketch relation conversion	EDK9	x
30053image smoothing	EDLu	g
30054image space	EDMO	Z
30055image spread	EDMn	a
30056image stability	EDNB	g
30057image statement	EDNh	d
30058image storage space	EDN+	n
30059image store management system	EDOl	8
30060image symbol set	EDPh	l
30061image synthesis	EDQG	d
30062image system	EDQj	a
30063image system	FrRl	g
30064image table	EDQ9	W
30065image texture analysis technique	EDRT	6
30066image transfer	EDSN	c
30067image transfer coefficient	EDSp	u
30068image transfer constant	EDTX	r
30069image transformation	EDUC	i
30070image transmission	EDUk	g
30071image tube	EDVE	V
30072image understanding	EDVZ	h
30073image understanding model	EDV6	t
30074image understanding program	EDWn	v
30075image understanding system	EDXW	u
30076image value	EDYE	W
30077image velocity sensor	EDYa	s
30078image zoom	EDZG	Y
30079imagery	EDZe	P
30080imagery processing	EDZt	j
30081imaginaries	EDaQ	T
30082imaginaries accumulator	EDaj	o
30083imaginaries axis	EDbL	Y
30084imaginaries constant	EDbj	f
30085imaginaries frequency	EDcC	g
30086imaginaries number	EDci	a
30087imaginaries part	EDc8	Y
30088imaginaries space	EDdU	c
30089imaginaries terms	EDdw	c
30090imaginaries test	EDeM	e
30091imaging	EDeq	P
30092imaging array	EDe5	b
30093imaging optics	EDfU	c
30094imaging path	EDfw	a
30095imaging system	EDgK	c
30096imbalance	EDgm	U
30097imbedding method	EDg6	b
30098imcomplete program	EDhV	j
30099imitate	EDh4	P
30100imitator	EDiH	T
30101immaterial safety circuit	EDia	w
30102immediate access	EDjK	e
30103immediate access cathode ray tube storage	EDjo	BJ
30104immediate access memory	EDkx	u
30105immediate access storage	EDlf	v
30106immediate access store	EDmO	q
30107immediate acknowledgement	EDm4	t
30108immediate add	EDnl	Y
30109immediate adder	EDn9	n
30110immediate address	EDok	f
30111immediate address instruction	EDpD	x
30112immediate address mode	EDp0	q
30113immediate character	EDqe	h
30114immediate checkpoint	EDq/	l
30115immediate command	EDrk	f
30116immediate component	EDsD	h
30117immediate conditional assembly	EDsk	y
30118immediate constituent	EDtW	j
30119immediate constraint	EDt5	i
30120immediate control mode	EDub	q
30121immediate data	EDvF	c
30122immediate data dependency	EDvh	w
30123immediate device control block	EDwR	1
30124immediate expression indicator	EDxG	1
30125immediate extended	EDx7	g
30126immediate inference	EDyb	h
30127immediate instruction	EDy8	j
30128immediate instruction	EDzf	j
30129immediate left recursion	ED0C	p
30130immediate maintenance	ED0r	j
30131immediate mode	ED1O	c
30132immediate mode	ED1q	c
30133immediate mode addressing	ED2G	t
30134immediate operand	ED2z	i
30135immediate operation	ED3V	h
30136immediate precedence	ED32	i
30137immediate predecessor	ED4Y	j
30138immediate processing	ED47	i
30139immediate release signal	ED5d	s
30140immediate request mode	ED6J	q
30141immediate resource allocation	ED6z	x
30142immediate response mode	ED7k	r
30143immediate response mode	ED8P	r
30144immediate scheduler	ED86	n
30145immediate skip	ED9h	c
30146immediate subcommand	ED99	l
30147immediate successor	ED+i	h
30148immediate symbol	ED/D	e
30149immediate task	ED/h	c
30150immediate type instruction	ED/9	r
30151immediate value	EEAo	a
30152immersion cooling	EEBC	i
30153immersion effect	EEBk	e
30154immersion heater	EECC	k
30155immersion plating	EECm	Z
30156immortal mpp	EEC/	m
30157immunity	EEDl	T
30158imp	EED4	a
30159imp subnet	EEES	Z
30160impacety	EEEr	Q
30161impact	EEE7	R
30162impact duration	EEFM	j
30163impact force	EEFv	X
30164impact line printer	EEGG	n
30165impact matrix printer	EEGt	v
30166impact paper	EEHc	X
30167impact point	EEHz	X
30168impact printer	EEIK	f
30169impact printer	Gcn9	i
30170impact printer	JjJC	0
30171impact printing mode	Gcof	u
30172impact printing process	GcpN	2
30173impact strength	EEIp	d
30174impact test	EEJG	Z
30175impact wear	EEJf	Z
30176impact wear theory	EEJ4	m
30177impacted medium	EEKe	d
30178impairment	EEK7	S
30179impairment scale	EELN	e
30180impedance	EELr	R
30181impedance bridge	EEL8	e
30182impedance discontinuity	EEMa	o
30183impedance function	EENC	g
30184impedance matching	EENi	g
30185impedance matching transformer	EEOC	1
30186impedance meter	EEO3	g
30187impedance mismatch	EEPX	g
30188impedance unbalance measuring set	EEP3	7
30189imperative instruction	EEQy	n
30190imperative language	EERZ	k
30191imperative macroinstruction	EER9	y
30192imperative operation	EESv	l
30193imperative statement	EETU	l
30194imperfect contact	EET5	l
30195imperfect debugging	EEUe	t
30196imperfect earth	EEVL	d
30197imperfect tape	EEVo	Z
30198imperfection	EEWB	a
30199impinge	EEWb	P
30200implant	EEWq	P
30201implantation	EEW5	U
30202implanted channel	EEXN	f
30203implanted resistor	EEXs	g
30204implement	EEYM	Z
30205implement level	EEYl	a
30206implement system	EEY/	e
30207implementation	EEZd	m
30208implementation	FpiF	f
30209implementation defined pragma	EEaD	0
30210implementation grammar	EEa3	k
30211implementation language	EEbb	l
30212implementation module	EEcA	j
30213implementation name	EEcj	e
30214implementation phase	EEdB	i
30215implementation procedure	EEdj	m
30216implementation requirement	EEeJ	o
30217implementation restriction	EEex	o
30218implementation result	EEfZ	j
30219implementation rule	EEf8	h
30220implementation strategy	EEgd	l
30221implementation technique	EEhC	m
30222implementation verb	EEho	h
30223implemented library	EEiJ	h
30224implementing embedded language	EEiq	y
30225implementor	EEjc	T
30226implementor name	EEjv	e
30227implicant	EEki	U
30228implication	EEk2	e
30229implication function	EElU	i
30230implication gate	EEl2	b
30231implication graph	EEmR	c
30232implication operation	EEmt	x
30233implication relation	EEne	i
30234implication routine	EEoA	n
30235implication table	EEon	c
30236implicit address	EEpD	b
30237implicit address instruction format	EEpe	6
30238implicit addressing	EEqY	h
30239implicit attribute	EEq5	g
30240implicit binding	EErZ	e
30241implicit computation	EEr3	i
30242implicit data structure	EEsZ	r
30243implicit decision	EEtE	f
30244implicit declaration	EEtj	i
30245implicit definition	EEuF	h
30246implicit difference equation	EEum	w
30247implicit difference method	EEvW	r
30248implicit difference scheme	EEwB	u
30249implicit do list	EEwv	h
30250implicit enumeration method	EExQ	s
30251implicit estimation technique	EEx8	u
30252implicit file assignment	EEyq	s
30253implicit function	EEzW	f
30254implicit function equation	EEz1	u
30255implicit identification	EE0j	l
30256implicit instruction format	EE1I	v
30257implicit job startup	EE13	o
30258implicit mapping	EE2f	e
30259implicit method	EE29	a
30260implicit opening	EE3X	e
30261implicit operand	EE31	h
30262implicit output file code	EE4W	w
30263implicit parameter	EE5G	g
30264implicit partition	EE5m	g
30265implicit partition state	EE6G	s
30266implicit pointer	EE6y	e
30267implicit precedence	EE7Q	k
30268implicit price	EE70	c
30269implicit procedure	EE8Q	g
30270implicit procedure division reference	EE8w	8
30271implicit procedure parameter	EE9s	w
30272implicit quadratic equation	EE+c	v
30273implicit qualification	EE/L	k
30274implicit reference	EE/v	g
30275implicit representation	EFAP	o
30276implicit request	EFA3	e
30277implicit result	EFBV	d
30278implicit scope terminator	EFBy	z
30279implicit segmentation	EFCl	p
30280implicit sendreceive	EFDO	p
30281implicit sequence control	EFD3	t
30282implicit shared use	EFEk	q
30283implicit sign clause	EFFO	o
30284implicit solution	EFF2	f
30285implicit storage management	EFGV	v
30286implicit type	EFHE	b
30287implicit type association	EFHf	t
30288implicit type conversion	EFIM	s
30289implicit type statement	EFI4	r
30290implicit variable	EFJj	f
30291implicit word order	EFKC	h
30292implied addressing	EFKj	g
30293impluse	EFLD	P
30294import	EFLS	O
30295improvement	IPhU	k
30296impulse element	EFLg	d
30297impulse excitation	EFL9	g
30298impulse function	EFMd	e
30299impulse noise	EFM7	b
30300impulse recorder	EFNW	h
30301impulse register	EFN3	h
30302impulse response	EFOY	e
30303impulse response analysis	EFO2	t
30304impulse response function	EFPj	t
30305impulse scaler	EFQQ	f
30306impulse signalling	EFQv	p
30307impulse source	EFRY	Z
30308impulse system	EFRx	Z
30309impulse testing	EFSK	d
30310impulse testing machine circuit	EFSn	2
30311impulse time division system	EFTd	/
30312impulsing	EFUc	X
30313impulsion	EFUz	R
30314impure code	EFVE	W
30315ims	EFVa	X
30316in	BAkH	Q
30317in	BH9H	K
30318in	BK4J	S
30319in	BLiS	K
30320in	BMZ5	T
30321in	Cjr8	K
30322in	DG+W	N
30323in	DGlq	Q
30324in	DKvH	K
30325in	EFVx	K
30326in	Ev/k	K
30327in	FA/l	O
30328in	FJDH	o
30329in	GY7p	BK
30330in	H3QT	K
30331in	H8/A	K
30332in	HI6o	b
30333in	ICog	Q
30334in	JWhe	W
30335in adapter	BK4b	b
30336in amplifier	EFV7	d
30337in amplifier	HgW1	k
30338in attribute	BK42	a
30339in band	EFWY	P
30340in band diversity	EFWn	f
30341in band ferquency assignment	EFXG	w
30342in band noise power ratio	EFX2	8
30343in band signalling	EFYy	g
30344in band signalling equipment	EFZS	2
30345in band signalling system	EFaI	w
30346in bridge	EFa4	U
30347in bus	ICow	d
30348in channel interference	EFbM	o
30349in character	IiLn	n
30350in check	BLBE	W
30351in check	Jh1q	W
30352in circuit emulation	EFb0	l
30353in circuit emulator	EFcZ	n
30354in circuit post assembled testing	EFdA	7
30355in circuit test	EFd7	d
30356in command	BLBa	Y
30357in command	FBca	Y
30358in connection	EFeY	Y
30359in control	BLBy	Y
30360in control character	IiMO	2
30361in core compiler	EFew	k
30362in current threshold	BLCK	o
30363in dial register	EFfU	h
30364in dialing	EFf1	S
30365in diffusion	EFgH	X
30366in doubt work unit	EFge	p
30367in electronics	HgXZ	p
30368in error checking	BLCy	l
30369in error correction	BLDX	n
30370in facility	BH9R	Z
30371in fan	EFhH	O
30372in fault tolerance	BLD+	g
30373in field function	BLEe	l
30374in file	EFhV	V
30375in file	JbAs	b
30376in file capacity	BLFD	k
30377in form data item	BLFn	o
30378in full	EFhq	P
30379in function	BH9q	Z
30380in function	BLGP	n
30381in function	C8ic	f
30382in function	Pxf	f
30383in gate	EFh5	S
30384in house	EFiL	T
30385in house computer	EFie	i
30386in house facility	EFjA	f
30387in house line	EFjf	b
30388in house machine	EFj6	e
30389in house network	EFkY	e
30390in house operation	EFk2	g
30391in house system	EFlW	d
30392in index	DG+j	W
30393in instrinsic function	BLG2	k
30394in instrument microcomputer	BLHa	1
30395in keying	BH+D	a
30396in language	BK5Q	Z
30397in line	EFlz	S
30398in line assembly	EFmF	e
30399in line code	EFmj	d
30400in line coding	EFnA	i
30401in line control statement	EFni	z
30402in line diagnosis	EFoV	l
30403in line equipment	EFo6	f
30404in line execute	EFpZ	d
30405in line expansion	EFp2	l
30406in line function	EFqb	e
30407in line interrupt service routine	EFq5	7
30408in line literal	EFr0	g
30409in line macro	EFsU	n
30410in line multiplexer	EFs7	w
30411in line package	EFtr	d
30412in line pragma	EFuI	i
30413in line procedure	EFuq	l
30414in line processing	EFvP	g
30415in line readout	EFvv	d
30416in line subroutine	EFwM	p
30417in list	EFw1	S
30418in macro instruction	Ej5a	u
30419in memory	Ffkh	o
30420in mode	EFxH	V
30421in modem	BK5p	c
30422in module	DdY	k
30423in nand gate	Hvwg	6
30424in operate time	BH+d	j
30425in operation	HI7D	a
30426in out box	EFxc	b
30427in out delay counter	EFx3	x
30428in out file	EFyo	Z
30429in out mode	EFzB	Z
30430in out parameter	EFza	e
30431in phase	EFz4	T
30432in phase channel	EF0L	e
30433in phase operation	EF0p	g
30434in phase signal	EF1J	d
30435in place computation	EF1m	i
30436in procedure	BLIP	a
30437in process inventory	EF2I	l
30438in process measurement	EF2t	n
30439in processing	EF3U	V
30440in program	JSwB	r
30441in range	FA/z	W
30442in range on synchronization	FBAJ	m
30443in register	HpzF	m
30444in screen	BLic	X
30445in signal	BMaM	g
30446in station	EF3p	S
30447in station circuit	EF37	g
30448in station test	EF4b	d
30449in stockroom operation	EF44	k
30450in storage	BLIp	Y
30451in stream procedure	EF5c	h
30452in string command	EF59	f
30453in subroutine	nA1	k
30454in synchronism	FBAv	c
30455in system	BH/A	d
30456in system	BLJB	X
30457in test	BLJY	Z
30458in testing equipemnt	BLJx	o
30459in time	FBBL	V
30460in tool	BLKZ	V
30461in tracing structure	BLKu	o
30462in tree	EF6c	S
30463in unit	HgYC	m
30464in window	DuoS	X
30465inaccessible stationary point	EF6u	x
30466inaccuracy	EF7f	V
30467inaction period	EF70	d
30468inactive	EF8R	W
30469inactive block	EF8n	c
30470inactive character	EF9D	g
30471inactive constraints	EF9j	i
30472inactive display list	EF+F	p
30473inactive entry	EF+u	c
30474inactive event variable	EF/K	r
30475inactive file	EF/1	b
30476inactive line	EGAQ	b
30477inactive link	EGAr	b
30478inactive mass storage volume	EGBG	z
30479inactive mode time sharing	EGB5	u
30480inactive node	EGCn	e
30481inactive page	EGDF	b
30482inactive program	EGDg	h
30483inactive queue	EGEB	c
30484inactive record	EGEd	g
30485inactive segment	EGE9	e
30486inactive stack	EGFb	Z
30487inactive state	EGF0	c
30488inactive station	EGGQ	b
30489inactive time	EGGr	e
30490inactive volume	EGHJ	a
30491inarray	EGHj	V
30492inblock subgroup	EGH4	e
30493inbound	EGIW	P
30494inbound connection	EGIl	m
30495inbound link	EGJL	a
30496inbound pacing	EGJl	c
30497inbound signalling	EGKB	g
30498inbox	EGKh	Q
30499inbuffer	EGKx	c
30500inc	DZYb	b
30501incall count	EGLN	g
30502incandescence	EGLt	V
30503incandescent	EGMC	X
30504incandescent lamp	EGMZ	f
30505incarnation	EGM4	T
30506incessancy	EGNc	Y
30507inch tape	DuzG	a
30508inch tape drive	Duzg	j
30509inchief	GSoB	h
30510inching switch	EGN0	c
30511incidence	EGOQ	R
30512incidence edge	EGOy	Z
30513incidence function	EGPL	g
30514incidence matrix	EGPr	e
30515incidence sounding	Gpfv	p
30516incident angle	EGQJ	Z
30517incident description	EGQi	i
30518incident file	EGRE	b
30519incident light	EGRf	Z
30520incident record	EGR4	d
30521incident report	EGSV	d
30522incident type	EGSy	b
30523incident wave	EGTN	Y
30524incidental	JEn9	Y
30525incidental time	EGTl	d
30526incipient error	EGUC	d
30527incipient failure	EGUf	f
30528incircuit emulator	EGU+	m
30529inclined orbit	EGVk	c
30530incluced grammar	C5Rf	k
30531include a vms file	EGWA	n
30532include file	EGWn	c
30533include noise	yNK	k
30534include set	EGXD	W
30535inclusion	EGXZ	R
30536inclusion gate	EGXq	Z
30537inclusion relation	EGYD	g
30538inclusive	EGYj	e
30539inclusive disjunction	EGZB	j
30540inclusive reference	EGZk	h
30541inclusive routine	EGaF	f
30542inclusive segment	EGak	c
30543incoherence	EGcK	Z
30544incoherent bundle	EGcj	i
30545incoherent detection	EGdF	l
30546incoherent light	EGdq	e
30547incoherent reception	EGeI	l
30548incoherent rotation	EGet	k
30549income	EGfR	W
30550income statement	EGfn	b
30551income tax	EGgC	V
30552incoming aggregate signal	EGgX	t
30553incoming alpha signal	EGhE	v
30554incoming bets signal	EGhz	u
30555incoming borrow	EGih	d
30556incoming call packet	EGi+	f
30557incoming call wire grouping key	EGjd	w
30558incoming carrier	EGkN	e
30559incoming channel	EGkr	e
30560incoming circuit	EGlJ	e
30561incoming data	EGln	b
30562incoming end	EGmC	X
30563incoming error	EGmZ	c
30564incoming frame	EGm1	c
30565incoming group	EGnR	Z
30566incoming line circuit	EGnq	j
30567incoming message	EGoN	Y
30568incoming multipoint unit	EGpN	s
30569incoming quality level	EGp5	q
30570incoming register	EGqj	i
30571incoming selector	EGrF	i
30572incoming semator	EGrn	h
30573incoming signal	EGsI	d
30574incoming source document	EGsl	p
30575incoming symbol	EGtO	d
30576incoming task	EGtr	b
30577incoming teletype	EGuG	o
30578incoming terminal	EGuu	f
30579incoming traffic	EGvN	h
30580incoming transmission	EGvu	s
30581incoming truck	EGwa	f
30582incoming unit	EGw5	b
30583incomparable actions	EGxU	l
30584incomparable elements	EGx5	m
30585incompatibility	EGyf	d
30586incompatibility problem	EGy8	o
30587incompatible action	EGzk	k
30588incompatible computer	EG0I	p
30589incompatible crosspoints	EG0x	s
30590incompatible data	EG1d	i
30591incompatible method	EG1/	k
30592incompatible procedure	EG2j	n
30593incomplete beta function	EG3K	p
30594incomplete branch	EG3z	l
30595incomplete call	EG4Y	g
30596incomplete code design	EG44	w
30597incomplete correlation matrix memory	EG5o	BE
30598incomplete file update	EG6s	t
30599incomplete gamma function	EG7Z	q
30600incomplete operation	EG8D	l
30601incomplete routine	EG8o	j
30602incomplete sequential machine	EG9L	x
30603incomplete signal	IOt	o
30604incomplete syntax description	EG98	0
30605incomplete type declaration	EG+w	y
30606incomplete type definition	EG/i	x
30607incomplete update protection	EHAT	z
30608incompletely specified sequential machine	EHBG	BD
30609incomputability	EHCJ	g
30610inconnector	EHCp	W
30611inconsistency	EHC/	b
30612inconsistent data	EHDa	i
30613inconsistent element	EHD8	l
30614inconsistent format	EHEh	k
30615inconsistent formula	EHFF	i
30616inconsistent order	EHFn	g
30617inconsistent shared data	EHGH	y
30618inconsistent statements	EHG5	o
30619inconsistent type declaration	EHHh	0
30620incorrect bit	EHIV	Y
30621incorrect length	EHIt	e
30622incorrect length status	EHJL	u
30623incorrect modulation	EHJ5	l
30624incorrect restitution	EHKe	m
30625incorrectness	EHLE	b
30626increment	EHLf	R
30627increment	IR8x	U
30628increment	JEoV	X
30629increment address	EHLw	f
30630increment addressing	EHMP	i
30631increment function	EHMx	g
30632increment interrupt	EHNR	h
30633increment list	EHNy	Z
30634increment load	EHOL	c
30635increment loop parameter	EHOn	s
30636increment memory	EHPT	h
30637increment mode display	EHP0	q
30638increment operation	EHQe	h
30639increment operator	EHQ/	j
30640increment register	EHRi	j
30641increment representation	EHSF	p
30642increment routine	EHSu	f
30643increment size	EHTN	c
30644increment technique	FmgY	n
30645increment vector	EHTp	e
30646incremental	EHUH	W
30647incremental	H7Wc	c
30648incremental address	EHUd	h
30649incremental admittance matrix	EHU+	x
30650incremental backup	EHVv	g
30651incremental compaction	EHWP	t
30652incremental compiler	EHW8	v
30653incremental computation	EHXr	l
30654incremental computer	EHYQ	l
30655incremental coordinate	EHY1	k
30656incremental data	EHZZ	e
30657incremental digital recorder	EHZ3	z
30658incremental dimension	EHaq	j
30659incremental display	EHbN	h
30660incremental documentation	EHbu	w
30661incremental dump	EHce	e
30662incremental duplex	EHc8	g
30663incremental encoder	EHdc	k
30664incremental execution	EHeA	j
30665incremental feed	EHej	e
30666incremental integrator	EHfB	k
30667incremental magnetic permeability	EHfl	y
30668incremental method	EHgX	d
30669incremental mode	EHg0	e
30670incremental parameter	EHhS	j
30671incremental phase modulation	EHh1	q
30672incremental plotter	EHif	k
30673incremental programming environment	EHjD	9
30674incremental quantity	EHkA	c
30675incremental quantum efficiency	EHkc	y
30676incremental recorder	EHlO	i
30677incremental reorganization	EHlw	u
30678incremental representation	EHme	r
30679incremental size	EHnJ	e
30680incremental system	EHnn	g
30681incremental tape drive	EHoH	w
30682incremental tape unit	EHo3	p
30683incremental ternary representation	EHpg	5
30684incremental transducer	EHqZ	q
30685incremental vector	EHrD	g
30686incrementation parameter	EHrj	m
30687incremented dump	EHsJ	e
30688incrementer	EHsn	W
30689indefinite call sign	EHs9	i
30690indefinite data	EHtf	d
30691indefinite form	EHt8	d
30692indefinite integral	EHuZ	h
30693indefinite integration	EHu6	k
30694indefinite interation	EHve	j
30695indefinite matrix	EHwB	f
30696indefinite metric	EHwg	f
30697indefinite opertor	EHw/	g
30698indefinite repeat	EHxf	f
30699indefinite repeat block	EHx+	o
30700indefinite summation	EHym	i
30701indefinite suspension	EHzI	j
30702indefinite sweep	EHzr	e
30703indent	EH0J	O
30704indent tab character	EH0X	l
30705indentation	EH08	T
30706indepedent language	FNQH	h
30707independence	EH1P	X
30708independence number	EH1m	e
30709independence statistical	EH2E	p
30710independence test	EH2t	i
30711independent	FNQo	BI
30712independent arithmetic processor	EH3P	3
30713independent channel handler	EH4G	1
30714independent clock	EH47	f
30715independent code	HhoI	l
30716independent command language	FNRw	8
30717independent communicating entity	EH5a	3
30718independent compilation	EH6R	l
30719independent component release	EH62	1
30720independent control	EH7r	h
30721independent control point	EH8M	q
30722independent data communication	BfUB	1
30723independent data communication	EH82	y
30724independent data communication system	EH9o	/
30725independent digit	EH+n	f
30726independent distance model	EH/G	u
30727independent entries	EH/0	e
30728independent environment	EIAS	l
30729independent equation	EIA3	i
30730independent error code	EIBZ	n
30731independent errors	EICA	g
30732independent event	EICg	f
30733independent experiment	EIC/	k
30734independent file facility	EIDj	t
30735independent form description language	EIEQ	BC
30736independent index register	EIFS	x
30737independent indexing	EIGD	i
30738independent indexing mechanism	EIGl	y
30739independent interrupt	EIHX	j
30740independent linearity	EIH6	j
30741independent macro processor	EIId	1
30742independent macroprocessor	Esd4	9
30743independent modularity	EIJS	n
30744independent operation	EIJ5	j
30745independent partition scheduling	EIKc	0
30746independent processing	EILQ	k
30747independent processor	EIL0	m
30748independent program loader	EIMa	0
30749independent random variable	EINO	v
30750independent reference	EIN9	j
30751independent reference model	EIOg	z
30752independent resource	EIPT	i
30753independent routine	EIP1	h
30754independent sample	EIQW	g
30755independent sector	EIQ2	g
30756independent sector designating device	EIRW	/
30757independent segment	EISV	e
30758independent set	EISz	a
30759independent sideband	EITN	i
30760independent sideband	JJd9	o
30761independent sideband carrier	EITv	w
30762independent sideband communication	EIUf	2
30763independent sideband facilities	EIVV	z
30764independent sideband receiver	EIWI	0
30765independent sideband transmission	EIW8	1
30766independent sideband transmitter	EIXx	3
30767independent software module	EIYo	y
30768independent solution	FNSs	l
30769independent system	IwXU	s
30770independent task	EIZa	e
30771independent task abort dump	EIZ4	7
30772independent task model	EIaz	q
30773independent testing	Dpwc	r
30774independent utility	EIbd	n
30775independent utility programs	EIcE	w
30776independent variable	EIc0	f
30777independent work station user	EIdT	0
30778independing mode	EIeH	e
30779indeterminacy	EIel	Y
30780indeterminate analysis	EIe9	k
30781indeterminate equation	EIfh	k
30782indeterminate fault	EIgF	k
30783indeterminate function	EIgp	k
30784indeterminate network state	EIhN	v
30785indeterminate operator	EIh8	k
30786indeterminate reference	EIig	l
30787index	Db0f	W
30788index	EIjF	N
30789index	H5pF	W
30790index absolute addressing	EIjS	t
30791index access method	EIj/	k
30792index adder	EIkj	c
30793index adder register	EIk/	u
30794index address mark	EIlt	m
30795index addressing	EImT	e
30796index array	EImx	Z
30797index bit	EInK	U
30798index bound	EIne	Z
30799index bucket	EIn3	d
30800index buffer	EIoU	d
30801index build	EIox	Z
30802index card	EIpK	V
30803index check	EIpf	Z
30804index component	EIp4	d
30805index constraint	EIqV	e
30806index control word	EIqz	j
30807index counter	EIrW	e
30808index data item	EIr0	g
30809index data management	EIsU	p
30810index data name	EIs9	g
30811index deferred mode	EIt1	n
30812index definition	EIuc	e
30813index descriptor	EIu6	h
30814index disk	EIvb	Y
30815index entry	EIvz	W
30816index error	EIwJ	Z
30817index field	EIwi	W
30818index field value	EIw4	f
30819index file	EIxX	Y
30820index file bit map	EIxv	p
30821index file descriptor record	EIyY	5
30822index file pointer record	EIzR	z
30823index format	EI0E	a
30824index gap	EI0e	X
30825index generation	EI01	e
30826index hole	EI1T	V
30827index indirect addressing	EI1o	t
30828index input	EI2V	Z
30829index instruction	EI2u	f
30830index key	EI3N	a
30831index language	EI3n	c
30832index level	EI4D	W
30833index maintenance	EI4Z	f
30834index manager	EI44	h
30835index mapping	EI5Z	b
30836index mark	EI50	S
30837index marker	EI6G	a
30838index matching cell	EI6g	q
30839index matching materials	EI7K	v
30840index mechanism	EI75	d
30841index memory	EI8W	d
30842index mode	EI8z	Y
30843index mode set	EI9L	f
30844index modification	EI9q	g
30845index name	EI+K	V
30846index number	EI+f	a
30847index organization	EI+5	g
30848index output	EI/Z	a
30849index page	EI/z	V
30850index part	EJAI	Y
30851index plan	EJAg	Y
30852index point	EJA4	W
30853index pointer segment	EJBO	m
30854index positions	EJB0	d
30855index profile	EJCR	h
30856index qualifier	EJCy	g
30857index range	EJDS	Z
30858index ready circuit	EJDr	n
30859index realm	EJES	Z
30860index record	EJEr	a
30861index record header	EJFF	n
30862index register	EJFs	f
30863index register allocation	EJGL	w
30864index register pointer	EJG7	t
30865index replication	EJHo	f
30866index return character	EJIH	u
30867index root page	EJI1	d
30868index searching technique	EJJS	t
30869index sensing	EJJ/	b
30870index sequential processor	EJKa	0
30871index set	EJLO	U
30872index signal	EJLi	a
30873index slip	EJL8	V
30874index slot	EJMR	V
30875index source segment	EJMm	i
30876index storage	EJNI	e
30877index strip	EJNm	W
30878index structure	EJN8	d
30879index system	EJOZ	a
30880index table	EJOz	W
30881index target segment	EJPJ	l
30882index target set	EJPu	h
30883index technique	EJQP	d
30884index term	EJQs	V
30885index track	EJRB	W
30886index translation unit	EJRX	r
30887index type	EJSC	Y
30888index upgrade	EJSa	b
30889index value	EJS1	W
30890index variable	EJTL	c
30891index window	EJTn	X
30892index word	EJT+	V
30893index word register	EJUT	n
30894indexable address tag	GcqD	0
30895indexed access method	EJVM	t
30896indexed address	EJV5	d
30897indexed addressing mode	EJWW	r
30898indexed component	EJXB	f
30899indexed data descriptor	EJXg	0
30900indexed data name	EJYU	l
30901indexed data set	EJY5	k
30902indexed direct addess method	EJZd	2
30903indexed field	EJaT	b
30904indexed file	EJau	g
30905indexed file	IPh4	d
30906indexed file load	EJbO	l
30907indexed file organization	EJbz	t
30908indexed file structure	EJcg	q
30909indexed form array	EJdK	m
30910indexed jump instruction	EJdw	s
30911indexed linear list	EJec	k
30912indexed list	EJfA	X
30913indexed mode	EJfX	a
30914indexed nonsequential file	EJfx	x
30915indexed operand address	EJgi	u
30916indexed organization	EJhQ	i
30917indexed random access method	EJhy	7
30918indexed register	EJit	h
30919indexed search	EJjO	c
30920indexed segment	EJjq	a
30921indexed sequential access method	EJkE	6
30922indexed sequential data set	EJk+	y
30923indexed sequential file	EJlw	r
30924indexed sequential file management	EJmb	8
30925indexed sequential module	EJnX	t
30926indexed sequential organization	EJoE	z
30927indexed sequential storage	EJo3	u
30928indexed sequential table retrieval	EJpl	5
30929indexed set type	EJqe	h
30930indexed structure	EJq/	f
30931indexed variable	EJre	e
30932indexed zero page addressing	EJr8	w
30933indexer system	Hh8W	0
30934indexing	EJss	Q
30935indexing file	IPiV	e
30936indian parallel grammar	EJs8	r
30937indicant	EJtn	T
30938indicate	EJt6	Q
30939indicating applied occurrence	EJuK	0
30940indicating bit	EJu+	Z
30941indicating controller	EJvX	p
30942indicating cycle	EJwA	e
30943indicating defining occurrence	EJwe	1
30944indicating device	EJxT	f
30945indicating equipmetn	EJxy	i
30946indicating group	EJyU	b
30947indicating group allocation	EJyv	s
30948indicating instrument	EJzb	g
30949indicating lamp	EJz7	a
30950indicating range	EJ0V	e
30951indicating recorder	EJ0z	k
30952indicative abstract	EJ1X	k
30953indicator	EJ17	U
30954indicator allocation	EJ2P	l
30955indicator area	EJ20	c
30956indicator assignment	EJ3Q	l
30957indicator board	EJ31	d
30958indicator case	EJ4S	Z
30959indicator chart	EJ4r	d
30960indicator coupling network	EJ5I	x
30961indicator diagram	EJ55	c
30962indicator dial	EJ6V	f
30963indicator disk	EJ60	Z
30964indicator equipment	EJ7N	h
30965indicator lamp	EJ7u	Z
30966indicator off	EJ8H	h
30967indicator on	EJ8o	g
30968indicator property list	EJ9I	o
30969indicator register	EJ9w	j
30970indicator row	H9tq	h
30971indicator shutter	EJ+T	i
30972indicator signal	EJ+1	e
30973indicator term	EJ/T	c
30974indicator tube	EJ/v	Z
30975indicatrix	EKAI	S
30976indigenous fault	EKAa	e
30977indirect activation	EKA4	h
30978indirect address	EKBZ	e
30979indirect addressing	EKB3	h
30980indirect assignment	EKCY	h
30981indirect call	EKC5	b
30982indirect chaining method	EKDU	p
30983indirect clock control	EKD9	q
30984indirect command	EKEn	e
30985indirect command file	EKFF	p
30986indirect command file error abort	EKFu	BH
30987indirect configuration	EKG1	k
30988indirect control	EKHZ	e
30989indirect cost	EKH3	b
30990indirect cost effectiveness	EKIS	v
30991indirect coupled system	EKJB	r
30992indirect crosstalk	EKJs	g
30993indirect data address word	EKKM	2
30994indirect deactivation	EKLC	j
30995indirect echo	EKLl	b
30996indirect electrostatic process	EKMA	y
30997indirect encoding microinstruction	EKMy	5
30998indirect execution	EKNr	g
30999indirect file context	EKOL	s
31000indirect file function	EKO3	q
31001indirect index	EKPh	c
31002indirect indexed mode	EKP9	p
31003indirect input	EKQm	c
31004indirect instruction	EKRC	i
31005indirect letterpress	EKRk	l
31006indirect mode	EKSJ	b
31007indirect operation	EKSk	g
31008indirect output	EKTE	d
31009indirect pointer	EKTh	e
31010indirect quadruple	EKT/	j
31011indirect ray	EKUi	a
31012indirect reference	EKU8	g
31013indirect reference address	EKVc	u
31014indirect referencing	EKWK	i
31015indirect register mode	EKWs	t
31016indirect relation	EKXZ	l
31017indirect route	EKX+	c
31018indirect scratchpad address register	EKYa	BM
31019indirect sharing	EKZm	e
31020indirect signal	EKaE	d
31021indirect spot welding	EKah	j
31022indirect tag memory	EKbE	u
31023indirect triple	EKby	g
31024indirect user	EKcS	b
31025indirect waste	EKct	c
31026indirect wave	EKdJ	Y
31027indirectly connected interrupt level	EKdh	7
31028indirectly controlled system	EKec	w
31029indirectly controlled variable	EKfM	y
31030indirectly coupled system	EKf+	t
31031indirectly heated tube	EKgr	q
31032induced conductivity vidicon	CqY9	+
31033induced interference	EKhV	i
31034induced jitter	EKh3	c
31035induced matrix norm	EKiT	n
31036induced noise	7K2	k
31037induced optical conductor loss	EKi6	1
31038induced subgraph	EKjv	e
31039induced uniaxial anisotropy	EKkN	1
31040induced value	DJSC	e
31041induced voltage	EKlC	d
31042inductive potential divider	EKlf	6
31043inductive potentionmeter	EKmZ	s
31044inductive reactance	EKnF	h
31045inductive storage switch	EKnm	v
31046inductive switch	EKoV	e
31047inductor	EKoz	T
31048inductor microelement	EKpG	p
31049industrial community	EKpv	f
31050industrial computer	EKqO	q
31051industrial computer enclosure	EKq4	0
31052industrial control	EKrs	g
31053industrial control analog module	EKsM	6
31054industrial control communication	EKtG	0
31055industrial control component	EKt6	w
31056industrial control module	EKuq	t
31057industrial data acquisition system	EKvX	8
31058industrial dynamics	EKwT	h
31059industrial electronics	EKw0	n
31060industrial engineering	EKxb	k
31061industrial management program	EKx/	1
31062industrial management society	EKy0	x
31063industrial mathematics	EKzl	k
31064industrial mathematics society	EK0J	y
31065industrial microcomputer	EK07	p
31066industrial process control	EK1k	u
31067industrial process simulation	EK2S	3
31068industrial programming language	EK3J	5
31069industrial psychology	EK4C	m
31070industrial robot	EK4o	h
31071industrial robot control	EK5J	v
31072industry application program	EK54	w
31073industry code	EK6o	b
31074industry robot	EK7D	f
31075industry standard plotting package	EK7i	/
31076industry standard specifications	EK8h	0
31077ineffective call	EK9V	e
31078ineffective time	EK9z	e
31079ineffectiveness	EK+R	a
31080inefficient serial algorithm	EK+r	w
31081inelastic scattering	EK/b	l
31082inequality	ELAA	V
31083inequality constraints	ELAV	n
31084inequality operator	ELA8	n
31085inequivalence	ELBj	S
31086inequivalence gate	ELB1	a
31087inert gas	ELCP	X
31088inert solvent	ELCm	b
31089inertia	ELDB	P
31090inertia coupling data unit	ELDQ	0
31091inertia delay	ELEE	b
31092inertia factor	ELEf	c
31093inertial guidance system	ELE7	s
31094inertial navigation computer	ELFn	z
31095inertial theorem	ELGa	e
31096inertialess deflection	ELG4	n
31097inessential error entry	ELHf	r
31098inexact data	ELIK	d
31099infant mortality stage	ELIn	q
31100infeasibility form	ELJR	j
31101infeasible path	ELJ0	g
31102infer	ELKU	N
31103inference clause	ELKh	e
31104inference control	ELK/	f
31105inference engine	ELLe	b
31106inference execution language	ELL5	7
31107inference machine	ELM0	c
31108inference method	ELNQ	e
31109inference network system	ELNu	s
31110inference node	ELOa	c
31111inference rule	ELO2	c
31112inference rule completeness	ELPS	y
31113inference rule soundness	ELQE	y
31114inference system	ELQ2	e
31115inference theory	ELRU	e
31116inferenial capability	ELRy	j
31117inferior figures	ELSV	e
31118inferiority rate	ELSz	Y
31119infinite graph	ELTL	Z
31120infinite storage tape	IR9F	p
31121infinite tape	IR9u	b
31122informal axiomatics	ELTk	n
31123informal documentation	ELUL	q
31124informal method	ELU1	g
31125informal proof	ELVV	f
31126informal specification	ELV0	n
31127informal syntax tree	ELWb	o
31128informal type specification	ELXD	y
31129informatics	ELX1	W
31130information	6Gl	Z
31131information	C5T9	f
31132information	ELYL	Y
31133information	H7qG	Z
31134information	H8cx	Z
31135information	I/+S	Z
31136information	IPiz	W
31137information abstract	ELYj	l
31138information access unit	ELZI	r
31139information accumulation	ELZz	m
31140information acquisition	ELaZ	l
31141information addressee	ELa+	g
31142information age	ELbe	d
31143information algebra	ELb7	h
31144information analyst	ELcc	k
31145information array	ELdA	f
31146information bandwidth	ELdf	j
31147information bank system	ELeC	o
31148information base	ELeq	b
31149information based society	ELfF	q
31150information bearer channel	ELfv	u
31151information behavioral pattern	ELgd	y
31152information bit	ELhP	a
31153information bit	Gcq3	u
31154information block	ELhp	c
31155information bulletin	ELiF	i
31156information bus	ELin	d
31157information capacity	ELjE	i
31158information carrier	ELjm	h
31159information carrying capacity	ELkH	x
31160information carrying signal	ELk4	v
31161information center	ELln	g
31162information channel	ELmH	h
31163information character	ELmo	j
31164information circuit	ELnL	n
31165information collection system	ELny	1
31166information collector	ELon	m
31167information communication	ELpN	n
31168information community	ELp0	j
31169information computer system	ELqX	y
31170information content	ELrJ	h
31171information content binary unit	ELrq	5
31172information content decimal unit	ELsj	6
31173information content natural unit	ELtd	3
31174information control	ELuU	h
31175information conversion	ELu1	k
31176information costs	ELvZ	f
31177information cycle	ELv4	f
31178information data processing	ELwX	v
31179information decoding	ELxG	i
31180information density	ELxo	h
31181information derivability analysis	ELyJ	7
31182information description language	ELzE	0
31183information descriptor record	ELz4	0
31184information display	EL0s	h
31185information display rate	EL1N	p
31186information display record	EL12	u
31187information displays automatic drafting system	EL2k	BO
31188information distributor	EL3y	o
31189information economics	EL4a	m
31190information efficiency	EL5A	k
31191information element	EL5k	h
31192information encoding	EL6F	i
31193information engineer	EL6n	l
31194information entropy	EL7M	e
31195information entry	EL7q	f
31196information entry logical unit	EL8J	4
31197information environment	EL9B	l
31198information exchange	EL9m	i
31199information explosion	EL+I	j
31200information extraction ability	EL+r	y
31201information facility	EL/d	i
31202information feedback	EL//	i
31203information feedback system	EMAh	v
31204information field	EMBQ	c
31205information flag	EMBs	e
31206information flow analysis	EMCK	q
31207information generator	EMC0	g
31208information generator system	EMDU	t
31209information group	EMEB	c
31210information group separator	EMEd	v
31211information grouping logic	EMFM	u
31212information handling rate	EMF6	t
31213information handling services	EMGn	x
31214information handling system	EMHY	v
31215information heading	EMIH	h
31216information industry	EMIo	i
31217information industry association	EMJK	4
31218information input	EMKC	f
31219information institue of canada	EMKh	5
31220information integrity	EMLa	m
31221information interchange	EMMA	l
31222information language	EMMl	i
31223information link	EMNH	e
31224information logic graph	EMNl	o
31225information logic machine	EMON	q
31226information loss	EMO3	e
31227information lossless	EMPV	i
31228information magnitude	EMP3	j
31229information management package	EMQa	1
31230information management system	EMRP	x
31231information manipulation language	EMSA	1
31232information marker	6G+	m
31233information matrix	EMS1	g
31234information measure	EMTV	h
31235information mechanics	EMT2	j
31236information memory	EMUZ	j
31237information message	EMU8	h
31238information network	EMVd	h
31239information network structure	EMV+	x
31240information notification	EMWv	m
31241information office	EMXV	d
31242information oriented language	EMXy	0
31243information path	EMYm	e
31244information pattern	EMZE	h
31245information point	EMZl	c
31246information pollution	EMaB	j
31247information pool	EMak	b
31248information process analysis	EMa/	w
31249information processing	EMbv	k
31250information processing architecture	EMcT	9
31251information processing code	EMdQ	v
31252information processing environmnet	EMd/	2
31253information processing flowchart symbols	EMe1	BF
31254information processing machine	EMf6	v
31255information processing management	EMgp	1
31256information processing model	EMhe	w
31257information processing power	EMiO	w
31258information processing rate	EMi+	v
31259information processing system	EMjt	x
31260information processing technology	EMke	1
31261information processor	EMlT	m
31262information provider	EMl5	l
31263information pulse	EMme	f
31264information rate	EMm9	b
31265information read	EMnY	e
31266information read wire	EMn2	m
31267information record	EMoc	g
31268information records division	EMo8	x
31269information recovery	EMpt	i
31270information register	EMqP	l
31271information representation	EMq0	r
31272information request	EMrf	h
31273information requirement determination	EMsA	5
31274information resource	EMs5	i
31275information resource administration	EMtb	3
31276information resource dictionary system	EMuS	BF
31277information resource management	EMvX	z
31278information retrieval	EMwK	j
31279information retrieval method	EMwt	w
31280information retrieval system	EMxd	w
31281information retrieval technique	EMyN	3
31282information retrieval type	EMzE	u
31283information revolution	EMzy	k
31284information satisfiability	EM0W	u
31285information science	EM1E	h
31286information science technology	EM1l	y
31287information search language	EM2X	v
31288information selection system	EM3G	w
31289information sensing	EM32	h
31290information separator	EM4X	m
31291information separator character	EM49	w
31292information sequence	EM5t	i
31293information series	EM6P	d
31294information service network	EM6s	s
31295information sink	EM7Y	h
31296information society	EM75	k
31297information source	EM8d	d
31298information source coding	EM86	q
31299information space	EM9k	f
31300information state	EM+D	f
31301information storage	EM+i	k
31302information storage density	EM/G	v
31303information storage means	EM/1	t
31304information storage tube	ENAi	p
31305information storing device	ENBL	u
31306information stream	ENB5	d
31307information strength	ENCW	i
31308information structure	ENC4	j
31309information structure design	ENDb	w
31310information structure implementation	ENEL	8
31311information symbol	ENFH	g
31312information system	ENFn	g
31313information system access line	ENGH	4
31314information system architecture	ENG/	5
31315information system coordinator	ENH4	8
31316information system engineering	ENI0	y
31317information system resource manager	ENJm	BI
31318information system security	ENKu	y
31319information system supporting organization	ENLg	BE
31320information technology	ENMk	k
31321information theory	ENNI	d
31322information throughput rate	ENNl	s
31323information tool	ENOR	e
31324information transfer	ENOv	i
31325information transfer channel	ENPR	w
31326information transfer efficiency	ENQB	3
31327information transfer experiments	ENQ4	7
31328information transfer module	ENRz	v
31329information transfer phase	ENSi	u
31330information transfer satellite	ENTQ	2
31331information transfer transaction	ENUG	0
31332information transmission	ENU6	m
31333information transmission equipment	ENVg	2
31334information transmission system	ENWW	z
31335information trunk	ENXJ	c
31336information uncertainty	ENXl	r
31337information unit	ENYQ	e
31338information unit separator	ENYu	x
31339information user	ENZf	e
31340information utility	ENZ9	t
31341information utilization	ENaq	o
31342information variable	ENbS	i
31343information vector	ENb0	g
31344information vendor	ENcU	d
31345information wire	ENcx	b
31346information word	ENdM	b
31347information write wire	ENdn	n
31348informational capacity	ENeO	k
31349informational message	ENey	j
31350informational node	ENfV	g
31351informative abstract	ENf1	i
31352informative pattern	ENgX	h
31353infranics	ENg4	d
31354infrared absorption	ENhV	h
31355infrared angle tracker	ENh2	t
31356infrared band	ENij	b
31357infrared cinematography	ENi+	o
31358infrared communication	ENjm	k
31359infrared detecting satellite system	ENkK	9
31360infrared detector dark resistance	ENlH	7
31361infrared emitting diode	ENmC	u
31362infrared light	ENmw	Z
31363infrared point source flash detector	ENnJ	BB
31364infrared radiation	ENoK	g
31365infrared radiation suppression	ENoq	y
31366infrared rays	ENpc	Y
31367infrared sensor	ENp0	g
31368infrared spin scan radiometer	ENqU	0
31369infrared static sensor	ENrI	t
31370infrared surveillance system	ENr1	w
31371infrared transmission	ENsl	j
31372infrared viewer	ENtI	g
31373inherent addressing	ENto	h
31374inherent ambiguity	ENuJ	j
31375inherent error	ENus	c
31376inherent frequence response	ENvI	v
31377inherent priority	ENv3	f
31378inherent stability	ENwW	j
31379inherent statistical uncertainty	ENxf	9
31380inherent storage	ENyc	h
31381inherent store	ENy9	c
31382inherent transparency	ENzZ	m
31383inherently ambiguous language	ENz/	x
31384inherited attribute	EN0w	h
31385inherited error	EN1R	d
31386inhibit	EN1u	T
31387inhibit banner page	EN2B	k
31388inhibit bit	EN2l	W
31389inhibit carry	EN27	b
31390inhibit circuit	EN3W	d
31391inhibit control	EN3z	d
31392inhibit current	EN4Q	d
31393inhibit current pulse	EN4t	p
31394inhibit element	EN5W	d
31395inhibit gate	EN5z	X
31396inhibit input	EN6l	b
31397inhibit interrupt	EN7A	f
31398inhibit interrupt	Gcrl	i
31399inhibit line	EN7f	X
31400inhibit mount message	EN72	p
31401inhibit noise	EN8f	b
31402inhibit pulse	EN86	b
31403inhibit signal	EN9V	c
31404inhibit sum	EN9x	Z
31405inhibit wire	EN+K	X
31406inhibitable	GcsH	q
31407inhibiting signal	EN+h	f
31408inhibition	EN/A	S
31409inhibition gate	EN/S	a
31410inhibition rules	EN/s	e
31411inhibitor	EOAK	U
31412inhibitory action	EOAe	f
31413inhibitory gate	EOA9	a
31414inhibitory input	EOBX	e
31415inhibitory input point	EOB1	n
31416inhomogeneity	EOCc	b
31417inhomogeneous boundary condition	EOC3	3
31418inhomogeneous equation	EODu	n
31419inhomogeneous fiber	EOEV	k
31420inhomogeneous mesh calculation	EOE5	1
31421init block	EOFu	Y
31422initem	EOGG	R
31423initial access time	EOGX	n
31424initial address	EOG+	d
31425initial address designator	EOHb	1
31426initial appearance	EOIQ	g
31427initial argument	EOIw	h
31428initial attribute	EOJR	f
31429initial attribute rule	EOJw	q
31430initial batch program	EOKa	v
31431initial blank	EOLJ	h
31432initial carriage return	EOLq	l
31433initial chaining value	EOMP	n
31434initial column	EOM2	Z
31435initial condition	EONP	f
31436initial condition hierarchy	EONu	v
31437initial condition mode	EOOd	q
31438initial condition sequence	EOPH	u
31439initial condition word	EOP1	n
31440initial conditional code	EOQc	p
31441initial configuration	EORF	j
31442initial connection protocol	EORo	v
31443initial control program load	EOSX	2
31444initial control word	EOTN	l
31445initial cycle error	EOTy	k
31446initial data	EOUW	a
31447initial data base description	EOUw	0
31448initial data structure	EOVk	q
31449initial definition	EOWO	g
31450initial delay	EOWu	b
31451initial delay position	EOXJ	q
31452initial effective data	EOXz	q
31453initial element	EOYd	d
31454initial error	EOY6	b
31455initial expression	EOZV	j
31456initial expression indicator	EOZ4	2
31457initial external procedure	EOau	u
31458initial failure	EObc	d
31459initial flow data	EOb5	i
31460initial function	EOcb	e
31461initial gap	EOc5	Z
31462initial information	EOdS	h
31463initial input	EOdz	b
31464initial input routine	EOeO	p
31465initial instruction	EOe3	h
31466initial interval	EOfY	e
31467initial key	EOf2	W
31468initial letter	EOgM	c
31469initial line	EOgo	X
31470initial list	EOg/	X
31471initial load	EOhW	a
31472initial loader	EOhw	i
31473initial machine load	EOiS	o
31474initial magnetization	EOi6	j
31475initial microcode load	EOjd	u
31476initial microprogram load	EOkL	x
31477initial mode	EOk8	U
31478initial node	EOlQ	a
31479initial numerical data	EOlq	q
31480initial operational capacity	EOmU	w
31481initial order	EOnE	b
31482initial parameter	EOnf	f
31483initial permeability	EOn+	l
31484initial permutation	EOoj	h
31485initial phase	EOpE	b
31486initial point	EOpf	Y
31487initial portion	EOp3	d
31488initial position	EOqU	e
31489initial predicate	EOqy	f
31490initial print	EOrR	b
31491initial priority number	EOrs	o
31492initial problem	EOsU	d
31493initial procedure	EOsx	f
31494initial process name	EOtQ	l
31495initial program	EOt1	d
31496initial program load	EOuS	o
31497initial program loader	EOu6	w
31498initial program position	EOvq	s
31499initial pulse	EOwW	b
31500initial receiving point	EOwx	o
31501initial reciprocal approximation table	EOxZ	9
31502initial recovery action	EOyW	r
31503initial register indicator	EOzB	0
31504initial request	EOz1	d
31505initial reset	EO0S	b
31506initial reset pulse	EO0t	n
31507initial row	EO1U	W
31508initial satisfactory performance test	EO1q	/
31509initial section	EO2p	a
31510initial seek interrupt	EO3D	q
31511initial segment	EO3t	d
31512initial selection control block	EO4K	2
31513initial sentential form	EO5A	l
31514initial sequence number	EO5l	o
31515initial setting	EO6N	d
31516initial signal	EO6q	c
31517initial signal unit	EO7G	n
31518initial snapshot	EO7t	e
31519initial solution	EO8L	b
31520initial space allocation	EO8m	s
31521initial stack placement	EO9S	r
31522initial stare	EO99	V
31523initial starement	EO+S	f
31524initial start	EO+x	b
31525initial status word	EO/M	k
31526initial strain	EO/w	Z
31527initial sum	EPAJ	W
31528initial survey	EPAf	c
31529initial susceptibility	EPA7	n
31530initial symbol	EPBi	c
31531initial system design	EPB+	p
31532initial system loading	EPCn	q
31533initial table	EPDR	Y
31534initial tape	EPDp	X
31535initial task	EPEA	a
31536initial term	EPEa	X
31537initial terminal program	EPEx	s
31538initial value	EPFd	V
31539initial value declaraction	EPFy	o
31540initial value method	EPGa	i
31541initial value problem	EPG8	j
31542initial vector display point	EPHf	z
31543initial vertex	EPIS	c
31544initial warning radar	EPIu	p
31545initial word	EPJX	X
31546initialization	EPJu	Z
31547initialization command	EPKH	k
31548initialization commection protocol	EPKr	2
31549initialization error	EPLh	l
31550initialization mode	EPMG	h
31551initialization operation	EPMn	p
31552initialization phase	EPNQ	l
31553initialization sequence	EPN1	o
31554initialization statement	EPOd	p
31555initialization vector	EPPG	m
31556initialization verification	EPPs	s
31557initialize	EPQY	Y
31558initialize graphics	EPQw	q
31559initialize library file	EPRa	o
31560initialize mode	EPSC	d
31561initialize operation	EPSf	i
31562initialize routine	EPTB	j
31563initialize substring	EPTk	i
31564initialize switch	EPUG	f
31565initialized data base	EPUl	m
31566initialized host file	EPVL	p
31567initialized loop program	EPV0	v
31568initializer	EPWj	Z
31569initializing	EPW8	X
31570initializing declaration	EPXT	p
31571initializing program	IPjJ	5
31572initializing statementon	EPX8	s
31573initializing test	IPkC	i
31574initializing test sequence	IPkk	x
31575initiate	EPYo	Q
31576initiate button	EPY4	d
31577initiate control word	EPZV	m
31578initiate key	EPZ7	X
31579initiate mode	EPaS	b
31580initiate statement	EPat	g
31581initiate transmit	EPbN	f
31582initiated check point	FBcy	s
31583initiating pulse	EPbs	e
31584initiating signal	EPcK	f
31585initiating station	EPcp	d
31586initiating task	EPdG	d
31587initiating terminal	EPdj	e
31588initiating trigger	EPeB	j
31589initiation	EPek	S
31590initiation area discriminator	EPe2	4
31591initiation indicator	Jk3L	x
31592initiation processing level	Jk38	7
31593initiator	EPfu	X
31594initiator procedure	EPgF	n
31595initiator program	EPgs	f
31596injection	EPhL	R
31597injection efficiency	EPhc	i
31598injection grid	EPh+	c
31599injection laser	EPia	j
31600injection laser diode	EPi9	v
31601injection logic	EPjs	d
31602injection molding	EPkJ	f
31603injection nozzle	EPko	b
31604injector	EPlD	T
31605ink	EPlW	L
31606ink	H5Sh	R
31607ink bleed	EPlh	X
31608ink character reader	FSFH	w
31609ink character recognition	EPl4	t
31610ink jet printer	EPml	g
31611inked ribbon	EPnF	X
31612inperprocess communication	EPnc	r
31613inperprocess communication medium	EPoH	4
31614inperprocess communication protocol	EPo/	6
31615inperprocess naming convertion	EPp5	1
31616input	EPqu	N
31617input	H5pb	W
31618input	H9eE	T
31619input	HCxg	Q
31620input	IsZ2	W
31621input	IsZg	W
31622input adder	JB2o	f
31623input adder	JKt0	f
31624input buffer register	EPq7	s
31625input checking equipment	EPrn	s
31626input coding	EPsT	a
31627input command data set	EPst	y
31628input command file	EPtf	m
31629input communication	EPuF	h
31630input computer	EPum	f
31631input control register	EPvF	x
31632input control shift register	EPv2	5
31633input conversion	EPwv	e
31634input converter	EPxN	g
31635input data	EPxt	Y
31636input data buffer	EPyF	s
31637input data bus	EPyx	i
31638input data description	EPzT	q
31639input data error	EPz9	k
31640input data instruction	EP0h	q
31641input data language	EP1L	n
31642input data selection	EP1y	o
31643input data sensitivity	EP2a	t
31644input data set	EP3H	f
31645input data structure	EP3m	o
31646input data vector	EP4O	l
31647input design	EP4z	a
31648input device	EP5N	a
31649input digit	EP5n	Z
31650input display console	EP6A	s
31651input disposition code	EP6s	q
31652input document	EP7W	c
31653input editing	EP7y	b
31654input element	EP8N	b
31655input enable control	EP8o	o
31656input end	EP9Q	U
31657input equipment	EP9k	d
31658input error	EP+B	Z
31659input event	EP+a	Z
31660input event attribute	EP+z	p
31661input expander	EP/c	f
31662input feature vector	EP/7	o
31663input field	EQAj	W
31664input file	EQA5	Y
31665input file code	EQBR	j
31666input file control block	EQB0	v
31667input file specification	EQCj	y
31668input form	EQDV	Y
31669input form strategy	E6Ql	q
31670input form strategy in resolution	E6RP	BB
31671input format control	EQDt	o
31672input generator	EQEV	g
31673input generator	FYGE	m
31674input hardware descriptive language	EQE1	9
31675input head	EQFy	V
31676input header	EQGH	a
31677input impedance	EQGh	d
31678input information	EQG+	f
31679input inhibit	EQHd	b
31680input instruction code	EQH4	n
31681input interface	EQIf	d
31682input interface unit	EQI8	o
31683input job	EQJk	X
31684input job queue	EQJ7	j
31685input job stream	EQKe	h
31686input keyboard	EQK/	c
31687input language	EQLb	c
31688input language converter	EQL3	y
31689input limited	EQMp	b
31690input limited system	EQNE	o
31691input limiter	EQNs	e
31692input line	EQOK	V
31693input link	EQOf	Y
31694input list	EQO3	V
31695input loading	EQPM	b
31696input loading factor	EQPn	l
31697input logic level	EQQM	l
31698input machine variable	EQQx	t
31699input magazine	EQRe	Z
31700input mechanism	EQR3	d
31701input media device	EQSU	m
31702input medium	EQS6	a
31703input memory buffer	EQTU	t
31704input message	EQUB	b
31705input message acknowledgment	EQUc	w
31706input mode	EQVM	Y
31707input module	EQVk	a
31708input node	EQV+	Y
31709input node state	EQWW	k
31710input noise temperature	EQW6	r
31711input number	EQXl	X
31712input operation	EQX8	d
31713input option	EQYZ	d
31714input order	EQY2	Z
31715input output	EQZP	a
31716input output access unit	EQZp	y
31717input output adapter	EQab	r
31718input output allocation	EQbG	r
31719input output analysis	EQbx	p
31720input output architecture	EQca	z
31721input output area	EQdN	i
31722input output argument	EQdv	p
31723input output arithmetic unit	EQeY	2
31724input output block	EQfO	j
31725input output board	EQfx	m
31726input output bounded	EQgX	r
31727input output buffer	EQhC	q
31728input output bus	EQhs	k
31729input output cable	EQiQ	m
31730input output category	EQi2	p
31731input output channel	EQjf	o
31732input output channel bus	EQkH	y
31733input output channel bus control	EQk5	BA
31734input output channel selection	EQl5	4
31735input output channel statistics	EQmx	5
31736input output channeller	EQnq	u
31737input output characteristic	EQoY	v
31738input output command	EQpH	o
31739input output compiler	EQpv	v
31740input output complete signal	EQqe	2
31741input output concept	EQrU	o
31742input output condition	EQr8	q
31743input output connector	EQsm	t
31744input output console	EQtT	r
31745input output control	EQt+	s
31746input output control extensiveness	EQuq	/
31747input output control header	EQvp	1
31748input output control module	EQwe	1
31749input output control program	EQxT	7
31750input output control structure	EQyO	4
31751input output control subsystem	EQzG	7
31752input output control system	EQ0B	1
31753input output control unit	EQ02	z
31754input output convention	EQ1p	r
31755input output converter	EQ2U	t
31756input output coupler	EQ3B	r
31757input output cycle	EQ3s	m
31758input output data item	EQ4S	t
31759input output description	EQ4/	s
31760input output device	EQ5r	n
31761input output device controller	EQ6S	7
31762input output device handler	EQ7N	7
31763input output distributed processing	EQ8I	9
31764input output driver	EQ9F	q
31765input output editor	EQ9v	t
31766input output efficiency	EQ+c	r
31767input output equipment	EQ/H	q
31768input output exchange	EQ/x	s
31769input output executive	ERAd	w
31770input output expander	ERBN	s
31771input output file	ERB5	l
31772input output format	ERCe	n
31773input output function	ERDF	p
31774input output gate	ERDu	i
31775input output generation	EREQ	r
31776input output group	ERE7	j
31777input output handling	ERFe	p
31778input output housekeeping system	ERGH	BA
31779input output identification method	ERHH	5
31780input output indicator	ERIA	t
31781input output information	ERIt	s
31782input output information messages	ERJZ	7
31783input output interface	ERKU	q
31784input output interface method	ERK+	0
31785input output interface module	ERLy	3
31786input output interleaving control	ERMp	7
31787input output interrupt	ERNk	q
31788input output interrupt handler	EROO	+
31789input output interrupt indicator	ERPM	9
31790input output interrupt inhibit	ERQJ	4
31791input output interrupt request register	ERRB	BK
31792input output label system	ERSL	z
31793input output library	ERS+	l
31794input output limited	ERTj	u
31795input output limited system	ERUR	7
31796input output limited tape	ERVM	t
31797input output link adapter	ERV5	2
31798input output link control	ERWv	z
31799input output list	ERXi	i
31800input output management	ERYE	r
31801input output medium	ERYv	n
31802input output method	ERZW	n
31803input output microprocessor	ERZ9	1
31804input output mode	ERay	l
31805input output model	ERbX	m
31806input output multiplexer	ERb9	1
31807input output multiplexing	ERcy	z
31808input output nucleus	ERdl	o
31809input output operation	EReN	q
31810input output package	ERe3	r
31811input output pair	ERfi	l
31812input output parity interrupt	ERgH	3
31813input output peripheral control	ERg+	5
31814input output port	ERh3	i
31815input output priority	ERiZ	s
31816input output procedure	ERjF	q
31817input output process	ERjv	o
31818input output processor	ERkX	t
31819input output program communication	ERlE	8
31820input output pulse	ERmA	m
31821input output queue	ERmm	m
31822input output queue backward pointer	ERnM	BD
31823input output queue forward pointer	ERoP	BC
31824input output read	ERpR	l
31825input output record block	ERqc	w
31826input output redircetion	ERrM	v
31827input output reference	ERr7	q
31828input output referencing	ERsl	s
31829input output register	ERtR	s
31830input output request	ERt9	o
31831input output request subroutine	ERul	8
31832input output request word	ERvh	w
31833input output routine	ERwR	o
31834input output scheduler	ERw5	w
31835input output section	ERxp	l
31836input output selector	ERyO	p
31837input output sense	ERy3	m
31838input output sequence	ERzd	p
31839input output signal	ER0G	n
31840input output simultaneity	ER0t	w
31841input output skip	ER1d	l
31842input output space	ER2C	m
31843input output standard interface	ER2o	5
31844input output statement	ER3h	q
31845input output station	ER4L	l
31846input output status	ER4w	n
31847input output storage	ER5X	r
31848input output stream	ER6C	k
31849input output structure	ER6m	q
31850input output subsystem	ER7Q	t
31851input output supervisor	ER79	x
31852input output switch	ER8u	n
31853input output switching	ER9V	q
31854input output switching channel	ER9/	4
31855input output symbol	ER+3	n
31856input output system bus	ER/e	x
31857input output table	ESAP	j
31858input output tape	ESAy	i
31859input output terminal	ESBU	p
31860input output termination	ESB9	s
31861input output test	ESCp	l
31862input output test ptogtam	ESDO	z
31863input output traffic control	ESEB	2
31864input output traffic table	ESE3	x
31865input output transfer	ESFo	p
31866input output transfer block	ESGR	y
31867input output trap	ESHD	l
31868input output trunk	ESHo	m
31869input output unit	ESIO	l
31870input output utility	ESIz	u
31871input output variable	ESJh	p
31872input output voerlapping	ESKK	s
31873input output write	ESK2	m
31874input paging	ESLc	g
31875input panel	ESL8	Z
31876input parameter	ESMV	d
31877input part	ESMy	Y
31878input pattern	ESNK	b
31879input phase	ESNl	Z
31880input port	ESN+	V
31881input position map	ESOT	j
31882input power constraint	ESO2	q
31883input predicate	ESPg	d
31884input primitive	ESP9	d
31885input procedure	ESQa	d
31886input process	ESQ3	b
31887input processor	ESRS	g
31888input program	ESRy	b
31889input protection	ESSN	e
31890input public address system	F878	BB
31891input pulse	ESSr	Z
31892input pulse width	ESTE	l
31893input quantity	ESTp	Z
31894input queue	ESUC	Z
31895input queue message handler	ESUb	7
31896input queue opinter	ESVW	q
31897input rank	ESWA	Y
31898input rate	ESWY	Y
31899input reader	ESWw	d
31900input rearrangement	ESXN	n
31901input record	ESX0	a
31902input record character set	ESYO	x
31903input redirection	ESY/	f
31904input reference	ESZe	g
31905input region	ESZ+	a
31906input register	ESaY	f
31907input register full	ESa3	n
31908input request	ESbe	b
31909input resistor	ESb5	c
31910input resolution	EScV	e
31911input routine	EScz	b
31912input scan	ESdO	Y
31913input section	ESdm	Y
31914input sequence	ESd+	c
31915input service	ESea	b
31916input set	ESe1	U
31917input sheet	ESfJ	W
31918input signal	ESff	a
31919input signal design	ESf5	n
31920input simulator	ESgg	j
31921input size	EShD	Y
31922input source program	EShb	l
31923input specification	ESiA	n
31924input speed	ESin	Z
31925input spooling	ESjA	f
31926input spooling subsystem	ESjf	y
31927input stacker	ESkR	Y
31928input stage	ESkp	W
31929input statement	ESk/	d
31930input station	ESlc	Y
31931input status register	ESl0	s
31932input storage	ESmg	e
31933input stream	ESm+	X
31934input stream control	ESnV	l
31935input string	ESn6	X
31936input structure	ESoR	d
31937input subroutine	ESou	h
31938input subsystem	ESpP	g
31939input subtracter	JB3H	h
31940input subtracter	JKuT	k
31941input sumbol	ESpv	a
31942input surge	ESqJ	Z
31943input symbiont	ESqi	i
31944input system	ESrE	a
31945input system	F889	g
31946input tape	ESre	V
31947input tape sorting	ESrz	j
31948input tape test	ESsW	g
31949input terminal	ESs2	c
31950input test equipment	EStS	o
31951input transaction	ESt6	f
31952input transaction processing	ESuZ	w
31953input transformer	ESvJ	i
31954input translator	ESvr	k
31955input tube	ESwP	V
31956input unit	ESwk	Y
31957input value	ESw8	W
31958input variable	ESxS	c
31959input vector	ESxu	a
31960input voltage	ESyI	b
31961input wire	ESyj	V
31962input wok queue	ESy4	j
31963input word	ESzb	V
31964inquire answer	ES2W	c
31965inquire buffer	ES2y	f
31966inquire display terminal	ES3R	s
31967inquire response	ES39	e
31968inquire terminal	ES4b	e
31969inquiry	ES45	P
31970inquiry answer	ES5I	i
31971inquiry application	ES5q	h
31972inquiry character	ES6L	f
31973inquiry circuit	ES6q	d
31974inquiry clause	ES7H	c
31975inquiry display terminal	ES7j	s
31976inquiry facility	ES8P	e
31977inquiry logical terminal	ES8t	s
31978inquiry message exchange	ES9Z	s
31979inquiry mode	ES+F	a
31980inquiry processsing	ES+f	h
31981inquiry response	ES/A	e
31982inquiry response operation	ES/e	u
31983inquiry seesion	ETAM	d
31984inquiry specifier	ETAp	i
31985inquiry station	ETBL	a
31986inquiry system	ETBl	c
31987inquiry terminal	ETCB	e
31988inquiry terminal display	ETCf	v
31989inquiry theory	ETDO	c
31990inquiry transaction	ETDq	h
31991inquiry typewriter	ETEL	j
31992inquiry unit	ETEu	a
31993inquiry with update	ETFI	n
31994inreducible graph	ETFv	f
31995inscriber	ETGO	U
31996inseparable action	ETGi	j
31997insert	ETHF	O
31998insert	H9Z2	a
31999insert	IsJa	X
32000insert character	ETHT	e
32001insert cursor	ETHx	b
32002insert machine	ETIM	Z
32003insert program	ETIl	c
32004insert record	ETJB	b
32005insert routine	CZP1	i
32006insert storage key	ETJc	m
32007insert subcommand	ETKC	i
32008insert subroutine	CZQX	o
32009inserted mode	ETKk	b
32010inserted subroutine	ETK/	n
32011inserted test step	ETLm	g
32012inserting control	ETMG	f
32013insertion	ETMl	R
32014insertion editing	ETM2	f
32015insertion error	ETNV	a
32016insertion gain	ETNv	c
32017insertion loss	ETOL	c
32018insertion loss versus frequency characteristic	ETOn	BO
32019insertion method	ETP1	b
32020insertion picture character	ETQQ	v
32021insertion sequence	ETQ/	g
32022insertion sort	ETRf	c
32023insertion switch	ETR7	e
32024insertion transformation	ETSZ	m
32025inside diameter	ETS/	X
32026inside plant	ETTW	a
32027inside radius	ETTw	Y
32028insolating transformer	ETUI	n
32029insolubility	ETUv	X
32030inspect	ETVG	P
32031inspect file information	ETVV	s
32032inspect statement	ETWB	f
32033inspection	ETWg	S
32034inspection card	ETWy	d
32035inspection control	ETXP	g
32036inspection hole	ETXv	a
32037inspection progress notification	ETYJ	7
32038inspection test procedure	ETZE	t
32039instability	ETZx	Z
32040install	ETaK	P
32041installability	IPlV	c
32042installability test	ETaZ	n
32043installation	ETbA	U
32044installation	H8uL	a
32045installation	JEos	a
32046installation charge	ETbU	h
32047installation date	ETb1	f
32048installation dependent	ETcU	q
32049installation dickette	ETc+	j
32050installation exit routine	ETdh	t
32051installation management	ETeO	l
32052installation news	ETez	i
32053installation oriented utility	ETfV	BA
32054installation performance specification	ETgV	BA
32055installation processing control	EThV	z
32056installation profile	ETiI	i
32057installation review	Hh7O	h
32058installation tape number	ETiq	p
32059installation testing	ETjT	o
32060installation time	ETj7	f
32061installation verification procedure	ETka	3
32062installed user program	ETlR	w
32063instance	ETmB	Q
32064instant	ETmR	P
32065instant dimmer memory	ETmg	s
32066instant distortion	ETnM	g
32067instant management power	ETns	w
32068instant replay	EToc	c
32069instant stop type	ETo4	l
32070instant vision	ETpd	c
32071instantaneous	JJYU	e
32072instantaneous access	ETp5	i
32073instantaneous amplitude	ETqb	l
32074instantaneous automatic gain control	ETrA	+
32075instantaneous code	ETr+	d
32076instantaneous communication	ETsb	p
32077instantaneous companding	ETtE	m
32078instantaneous description	ETuO	n
32079instantaneous failure rate	ETu1	r
32080instantaneous frequency	ETvg	l
32081instantaneous picture	ETwF	j
32082instantaneous power	ETwo	h
32083instantaneous readout detector	ETxJ	1
32084instantaneous sound pressure	ETx+	q
32085instantaneous storage	ETyo	s
32086instantaneous stream density	ETzU	t
32087instantaneous time	ET0B	g
32088instantaneous transmission	H2zp	r
32089instantaneous transmission rate	ET0h	w
32090instantaneous transmission speed	ET1R	0
32091instantaneous value	ET2F	e
32092instantaneous voerload	ET2j	k
32093institute	ET3H	U
32094instrucction	H69v	0
32095instruciton	JEpG	Z
32096instructed carry	IPlx	e
32097instruction	Dd01	f
32098instruction	ET3b	Y
32099instruction	H5qL	c
32100instruction	H6/p	Z
32101instruction	HydZ	s
32102instruction	IvlA	Z
32103instruction	Iy4K	W
32104instruction address	ET3z	h
32105instruction address register	ET4U	3
32106instruction address source	ET5L	r
32107instruction architecture	ET52	s
32108instruction area	ET6i	b
32109instruction array	ET69	f
32110instruction block	ET7c	c
32111instruction book	ET74	b
32112instruction buffer	ET8T	j
32113instruction bus	ET82	d
32114instruction cache	ET9T	u
32115instruction cache control	ET+B	8
32116instruction card	ET+9	e
32117instruction catalog	ET/b	e
32118instruction cell	ET/5	e
32119instruction character	EUAX	j
32120instruction check indicator	EUA6	y
32121instruction circuit	EUBs	h
32122instruction classification	EUCN	o
32123instruction code	EUC1	e
32124instruction compatibility	EUDT	q
32125instruction compiler assembler	FOMn	BD
32126instruction complement	EUD9	k
32127instruction constant	EUEh	i
32128instruction control	EUFD	h
32129instruction control circuit	EUFk	v
32130instruction control memory	EUGT	x
32131instruction control unit	EUHE	p
32132instruction counter	EUHt	k
32133instruction cycle	EUIR	f
32134instruction database system	EUIw	y
32135instruction deck	EUJi	h
32136instruction decode module	EUKD	t
32137instruction decode network	EUKw	u
32138instruction decoder	EULe	k
32139instruction decoding	EUMC	i
32140instruction definition format	EUMk	x
32141instruction definition language	EUNV	z
32142instruction dependency	EUOI	n
32143instruction device	k4Y	j
32144instruction diagnostics	EUOv	l
32145instruction element	EUPU	h
32146instruction execute	EUP1	h
32147instruction execution logic	EUQW	v
32148instruction execution rate	EURF	u
32149instruction execution sequence	EURz	y
32150instruction execution time	EUSl	u
32151instruction fetch	EUTT	c
32152instruction fetch cycle	EUTv	o
32153instruction fetch phase	EUUX	o
32154instruction field	EUU/	c
32155instruction flow	EUVb	b
32156instruction flow chart	EUV2	n
32157instruction form	HyeF	BX
32158instruction format	EUWd	g
32159instruction format	GLUJ	7
32160instruction forming	EUW9	h
32161instruction group	EUXe	c
32162instruction ignore	EUX6	g
32163instruction information	EUYa	l
32164instruction length	EUY/	g
32165instruction level multiprogram	EUZf	4
32166instruction level simulation	EUaX	t
32167instruction list	EUbE	b
32168instruction location counter	EUbf	z
32169instruction location register	EUcS	0
32170instruction machine code	EUdk	p
32171instruction manual	EUeN	a
32172instruction marker control	EUen	u
32173instruction memory	EUfV	j
32174instruction menu	EUf4	h
32175instruction mix	EUgZ	j
32176instruction mix description	EUg8	1
32177instruction mode	EUhx	e
32178instruction modification	EUiP	m
32179instruction modifier	EUi1	l
32180instruction operation code	EUja	r
32181instruction oriented algorithm	EUkF	4
32182instruction packet	EUk9	d
32183instruction path	EUla	e
32184instruction pipeline	EUl4	l
32185instruction pointer	EUmd	h
32186instruction pointer register	EUm+	z
32187instruction prefetch	EUnx	i
32188instruction processing damage	EUoT	x
32189instruction processing unit	EUpE	v
32190instruction processor	EUpz	m
32191instruction pulse	EUqZ	f
32192instruction queue	EUq4	f
32193instruction register	EUrX	l
32194instruction repertoire	EUr8	k
32195instruction repertory	EUsg	j
32196instruction retry	EUtD	f
32197instruction retry facility	EUti	u
32198instruction scheduler	EUuQ	p
32199instruction segment	EUu5	e
32200instruction segment descriptor register	EUvX	BE
32201instruction semantic	EUwb	i
32202instruction sequence	EUw9	i
32203instruction set	EUxf	a
32204instruction set component	EUx5	q
32205instruction set expandability	EUyj	x
32206instruction simulation	EUzU	k
32207instruction space	EUz4	f
32208instruction stack	EU0X	c
32209instruction statement	EU0z	j
32210instruction step	EU1W	b
32211instruction storage	EU1x	k
32212instruction stream	EU2V	d
32213instruction stream pipelined processor	GF/1	BG
32214instruction syntax	EU2y	g
32215instruction table	EU3S	c
32216instruction tape	EU3u	b
32217instruction time	EU4J	e
32218instruction trace	EU4n	f
32219instruction type	EU5G	e
32220instruction unit	EU5k	e
32221instruction used bit	EU6C	l
32222instruction word	EU6n	b
32223instruction word format	EU7C	o
32224instruction work stack	EU7q	n
32225instructional character	EU8R	i
32226instructional constant	EU8z	k
32227instructional cycle	EU9X	h
32228instructions	FrSF	X
32229instrument	EU94	S
32230instrument board	EU+K	b
32231instrument case	EU+l	d
32232instrument computer	EU/C	n
32233instrument controller	EU/p	m
32234instrument digital technique	EVAP	w
32235instrument error	EVA/	e
32236instrument landing system	EVBd	t
32237instrument microcomputer	EVCK	p
32238instrument panel	EVCz	e
32239instrument program	EVDR	g
32240instrument programmability	EVDx	x
32241instrumentation computer hierarchy	EVEi	BI
32242insulated gate	EVFq	Z
32243insulated gate field effect transistor	EVGD	BJ
32244insulated monolithic	NyQ	v
32245insulating	IR+J	Y
32246insulating barrier	EVHM	d
32247insulation	EVHp	S
32248insulation blocking	EVH7	h
32249insulation current	EVIc	g
32250insulation film	EVI8	d
32251insulation paper	EVJZ	b
32252insulation resistance	EVJ0	j
32253insulation width	EVKX	e
32254insulator	EVK1	U
32255insurance	EVLJ	R
32256insurance application program	EVLa	x
32257insurance value added network service	EVML	BC
32258insure	EVNN	O
32259insymbol	EVNb	W
32260insystem emulator	EVNx	l
32261intaglio	EVOW	Q
32262intake rollers	EVOm	Z
32263integer	EVO/	P
32264integer attribute	EVPO	f
32265integer byte array	EVPt	m
32266integer character comversion	EVQT	w
32267integer constant	EVRD	b
32268integer constant exceeds ragne	EVRe	v
32269integer constant expression	EVSN	v
32270integer conversion	EVS8	g
32271integer data type operation	EVTc	1
32272integer division	EVUR	e
32273integer double variable	EVUv	r
32274integer doubleword array	EVVa	s
32275integer error number	EVWG	l
32276integer expression	EVWr	j
32277integer field	EVXO	Y
32278integer floating conversion	EVXm	y
32279integer form	EVYY	U
32280integer format	EVYs	c
32281integer function language	EVZI	q
32282integer input output package	EVZy	5
32283integer item	EVar	X
32284integer linear programming	EVbC	u
32285integer numbering system	EVbw	m
32286integer overflow trap	EVcW	p
32287integer part	EVc/	a
32288integer programming	EVdZ	h
32289integer programming algorithm	EVd6	x
32290integer type definition	EVer	l
32291integer variable	EVfQ	e
32292integer variable dimension	EVfu	u
32293integer variable reference	EVgc	u
32294integer vector	EVhK	c
32295integer word array	EVhm	j
32296integer word expression	EViJ	r
32297integer word variable	EVi0	m
32298integrability condition	EVja	o
32299integral	EVkC	Q
32300integral action	EVkS	d
32301integral action limiter	EVkv	u
32302integral action rate	EVld	o
32303integral calculus	EVmF	c
32304integral computer	EVmh	i
32305integral control action	EVnD	r
32306integral convergence	EVnu	i
32307integral curve	EVoQ	c
32308integral denotation	EVos	e
32309integral dependence	EVpK	e
32310integral disc	EVpo	Y
32311integral distribution curve	EVqA	v
32312integral equation	EVqv	f
32313integral equivalent	EVrO	h
32314integral fin packages	EVrv	p
32315integral function	EVsY	c
32316integral linear programming	EVs0	v
32317integral mould	EVtj	Z
32318integral nonlinearity	EVt8	m
32319integral number	EVui	X
32320integral part	EVu5	b
32321integral pattern	EVvU	b
32322integral point	EVvv	Z
32323integral pulse frequency modulation	EVwI	3
32324integral quantity	EVw/	c
32325integral quantity	Gcsx	f
32326integral reset controller	EVxb	z
32327integral ring	EVyO	Y
32328integral symbol	EVym	d
32329integral transform	EVzD	g
32330integral transform method	EVzj	q
32331integral transformation	EV0N	l
32332integralization	EV0y	X
32333integrand	EV1J	X
32334integraph	EV1g	U
32335integrated access network	EV10	w
32336integrated adapter	EV2k	m
32337integrated adaptive routing system	EV3K	BF
32338integrated attachment	EV4P	j
32339integrated automatic test system	EV4y	6
32340integrated block channel	EV5s	s
32341integrated catalog algorithm	EV6Y	w
32342integrated chip	EV7I	d
32343integrated chopper	EV7l	j
32344integrated circuit	EV8I	g
32345integrated circuit calculator	EV8o	0
32346integrated circuit chip board	EV9c	0
32347integrated circuit component	EV+Q	w
32348integrated circuit dielectric isolation	EV/A	BB
32349integrated circuit diode matrix memory	EWAB	BM
32350integrated circuit logic	EWBN	s
32351integrated circuit memory	EWB5	w
32352integrated circuit package	EWCp	u
32353integrated circuit tester	EWDX	0
32354integrated circuit testing	EWEL	u
32355integrated circuit transisitor	EWE5	1
32356integrated civil engineering system	EWFu	9
32357integrated communication	EWGr	m
32358integrated communication adapter	EWHR	3
32359integrated communication facility	EWII	1
32360integrated communication network	EWI9	0
32361integrated component	EWJx	i
32362integrated component circuit	EWKT	w
32363integrated computation	EWLD	k
32364integrated computer	EWLn	k
32365integrated computer aided manufacturing	EWML	BE
32366integrated computer network	EWNP	y
32367integrated computer telemetry	EWOB	6
32368integrated computing system	EWO7	y
32369integrated connumications access method	EWPt	BB
32370integrated console	EWQu	j
32371integrated control	EWRR	g
32372integrated control facility	EWRx	v
32373integrated controller	EWSg	p
32374integrated data acquisition subsystem	EWTJ	BC
32375integrated data base	EWUL	l
32376integrated data base management system	EWUw	BD
32377integrated data connumications controller	EWVz	BG
32378integrated data dictionary	EWW5	u
32379integrated data file	EWXn	o
32380integrated data management system	EWYP	7
32381integrated data network	EWZK	o
32382integrated data presentation	EWZy	w
32383integrated data processing	EWai	u
32384integrated data retrieval system	EWbQ	6
32385integrated data store	EWcK	s
32386integrated data structure	EWc2	t
32387integrated debugging aid	EWdj	s
32388integrated design	EWeP	f
32389integrated design team	EWeu	q
32390integrated device	EWfY	f
32391integrated dictionary directory system	EWf3	BA
32392integrated digital analogue	EWg3	v
32393integrated digital network	EWhm	r
32394integrated digital voltmeter	EWiR	z
32395integrated disc adapter	EWjE	x
32396integrated electronic processor	EWj1	5
32397integrated electronics	EWku	n
32398integrated emulation	EWlV	i
32399integrated emulator	EWl3	n
32400integrated environmental design	EWme	z
32401integrated equipment components	EWnR	z
32402integrated file access method	EWoE	0
32403integrated file adapter	EWo4	u
32404integrated file organization	EWpm	w
32405integrated filestore	EWqW	r
32406integrated financial management system	EWrB	BF
32407integrated head	EWsG	d
32408integrated image analysis	EWsj	t
32409integrated information system	EWtQ	x
32410integrated injection logic	EWuB	u
32411integrated injection logic chip	EWuv	5
32412integrated injection logic circuit	EWvo	8
32413integrated logic accumulating scanner	EWwk	BC
32414integrated magnetic memory	EWxm	u
32415integrated management information system	EWyU	BH
32416integrated management planning	EWzb	y
32417integrated manufacturing software system	EW0N	BC
32418integrated marketing system	EW1P	v
32419integrated mass storage processor	EW1+	BC
32420integrated memory processor	EW3A	y
32421integrated microelectronic circuitry	EW3y	7
32422integrated micromodules	EW4t	r
32423integrated modem	EW5Y	q
32424integrated monolithic circuit	EW6C	x
32425integrated multiplexer channel	EW6z	7
32426integrated multivendor network system	EW7u	BC
32427integrated national network	EW8w	v
32428integrated navigation computer	EW9f	1
32429integrated network architecture	EW+U	5
32430integrated office communication	EW/N	w
32431integrated office system	EW/9	v
32432integrated operational amplifier	EXAs	3
32433integrated optical channel	EXBj	u
32434integrated optical circuit	EXCR	u
32435integrated optical fiber system	EXC/	5
32436integrated optics	EXD4	f
32437integrated personnel information report	EXEX	BE
32438integrated porporate data base	EXFb	v
32439integrated printer adapter	EXGK	3
32440integrated processor board	EXHB	3
32441integrated production line	EXH4	r
32442integrated programming environment	EXIj	8
32443integrated records system	EXJf	t
32444integrated relational data base	EXKM	2
32445integrated representation	EXLC	q
32446integrated resister	EXLs	h
32447integrated semiconductor circuit	EXMN	3
32448integrated service	EXNE	g
32449integrated service digital network	EXNk	8
32450integrated services network	EXOg	1
32451integrated software	EXPV	h
32452integrated software line	EXP2	y
32453integrated software package	EXQo	s
32454integrated square	EXRU	f
32455integrated square error	EXRz	u
32456integrated statllite terrestrial network	EXSh	BC
32457integrated storage control	EXTj	u
32458integrated support requirements	EXUR	2
32459integrated system	EXVH	f
32460integrated tactical connumication system	EXVm	BC
32461integrated target control system	EXWo	6
32462integrated teleconnumicaton system	EXXi	8
32463integrated teleptocessing network	EXYe	7
32464integrated type	IR+h	r
32465integrating amplifier	EXZZ	m
32466integrating block	EXZ/	f
32467integrating capacitor	EXae	m
32468integrating circuit	EXbE	h
32469integrating gear	EXbl	k
32470integrating mechanism	EXcJ	j
32471integrating motor	EXcs	i
32472integrating network	EXdO	h
32473integrating translator	EXdv	n
32474integrating unit	EXeW	e
32475integrating wheel	EXe0	c
32476integration	EXfQ	T
32477integration density	EXfj	h
32478integration device	EXgE	g
32479integration engineering	EXgk	l
32480integration level	EXhJ	c
32481integration method	EXhl	d
32482integration program	EXiC	h
32483integration routine	EXij	h
32484integration rule selection	EXjE	x
32485integration scheme	EXj1	d
32486integration software	EXkS	i
32487integration testing	EXk0	h
32488integration testing philosophy	EXlV	y
32489integrator	EXmH	b
32490integrator capacitor	EXmi	l
32491integrator computing unit	EXnH	w
32492integrator feedback	EXn3	k
32493integrity	EXob	U
32494integrity check routine	EXov	u
32495integrity constraint	EXpd	l
32496integrity control	EXqC	i
32497integrity control facility	EXqk	x
32498integrity mechanism	EXrV	k
32499integrity subsystem	EXr5	n
32500intellectual technology	EXsg	l
32501intelligence	EXtF	a
32502intelligence card reader	EXtf	v
32503intelligence cmplifier	EXuO	n
32504intelligence communication	EXu1	o
32505intelligence data	EXvd	f
32506intelligence keyboard	EXv8	j
32507intelligence machine	EXwf	f
32508intelligence quotient	EXw+	d
32509intelligence quotient classification	EXxb	y
32510intelligence receiver	EXyN	m
32511intelligence robot	EXyz	j
32512intelligence sample	EXzW	h
32513intelligence service	EXz3	i
32514intelligence signal	EX0Z	h
32515intelligence test	EX06	f
32516intelligent	GctQ	d
32517intelligent amplifier	EX1Z	m
32518intelligent automation	EX1/	n
32519intelligent behaviour	EX2m	j
32520intelligent capability	EX3J	k
32521intelligent channel	EX3t	h
32522intelligent code selection technique	EX4O	+
32523intelligent communication terminal	EX5M	2
32524intelligent computer	EX6C	l
32525intelligent computer coaches	EX6n	z
32526intelligent consumer product	EX7a	w
32527intelligent control	EX8K	h
32528intelligent copier	EX8r	j
32529intelligent data acquisition system	EX9O	9
32530intelligent data collection station	EX+L	6
32531intelligent data entry terminal	EX/F	5
32532intelligent data network	EX/+	p
32533intelligent decision	EYAn	i
32534intelligent device	EYBJ	g
32535intelligent digitizer	EYBp	p
32536intelligent disk	EYCS	e
32537intelligent display device	EYCw	u
32538intelligent dual interface	EYDe	r
32539intelligent fault recovery	EYEJ	u
32540intelligent function	EYE3	c
32541intelligent graphic	EYFT	h
32542intelligent inference machine	EYF0	u
32543intelligent information dictionary system	EYGi	BD
32544intelligent information system	EYHl	y
32545intelligent instrument	EYIX	k
32546intelligent interface	EYI7	j
32547intelligent interface computer	EYJe	1
32548intelligent kernel	EYKT	g
32549intelligent keyboard system	EYKz	v
32550intelligent line adapter	EYLi	v
32551intelligent machine	EYMR	e
32552intelligent mark document reader	EYNU	9
32553intelligent mark reader	EYOR	u
32554intelligent memory manager	EYO/	7
32555intelligent microimage retrieval terminal	EYP6	BD
32556intelligent minicomputer terminal	EYQ9	4
32557intelligent network processor	EYR1	0
32558intelligent peripheral controller	EYSp	4
32559intelligent plotter	EYTh	k
32560intelligent preprocessing	EYUF	q
32561intelligent printer	EYUv	k
32562intelligent printing system	EYVT	v
32563intelligent program	EYWC	h
32564intelligent remote control system	EYWj	1
32565intelligent remote multiplexer	EYXY	7
32566intelligent remote station support	EYYT	5
32567intelligent retrieval	EYZM	j
32568intelligent robot	EYZv	i
32569intelligent robot control	EYaR	w
32570intelligent support system	EYbB	u
32571intelligent telephone	EYbv	j
32572intelligent terminal	EYcS	i
32573intelligent time division multiplexer	EYc0	BC
32574intelligent tutoring system	EYd2	1
32575intelligent work station	EYer	p
32576intelligibility	EYfU	a
32577intelligibility measure	EYfu	o
32578intelligible cross talk	EYgW	l
32579intelligible meaning	EYg7	o
32580intelligible phrase	EYhj	n
32581intensified field	EYiK	c
32582intensifier	EYim	W
32583intensify	EYi8	R
32584intensity	EYjN	X
32585intensity control	EYjk	f
32586intensity function	EYkD	g
32587intensity modulation	EYkj	i
32588intensive	Fmg/	a
32589intent propagation	EYlF	g
32590intention list	EYll	Z
32591intentional nonlinearity	EYl+	p
32592inter center data link	EYmn	1
32593inter computer coupler	EYnc	t
32594inter data processor	EYoJ	r
32595inter domain call	EYo0	f
32596inter domain sharing	EYpT	i
32597inter frame time fill	EYp1	p
32598inter item relationship	EYqe	l
32599inter library loan	EYrD	g
32600inter macro instruction	EYrj	r
32601inter office communication	EYsO	o
32602inter program communication	EYs2	s
32603inter related task	EYti	g
32604inter spceified index	EYuC	p
32605interacting activity	EYur	i
32606interacting computation	EYvN	l
32607interacting control algorithm	EYvy	x
32608interacting goal	EYwj	e
32609interacting parallel processing	EYxB	z
32610interacting simulator	EYx0	s
32611interaction	EYyg	Z
32612interaction control	EYy5	h
32613interaction cycle	EYza	l
32614interaction effect	EYz/	m
32615interaction factor	EY0l	m
32616interaction fault	EY1L	l
32617interaction handler	EY1w	t
32618interaction management	EY2d	q
32619interaction model	EY3H	l
32620interaction point	EY3s	i
32621interaction time	EY4O	k
32622interactive	EY4y	W
32623interactive	Gctt	Z
32624interactive algebric manipulation	EY5I	4
32625interactive array comupter	EY6A	0
32626interactive assembler	EY60	p
32627interactive batch processing	EY7d	2
32628interactive business oriented language	EY8T	BA
32629interactive cable television	EY9T	z
32630interactive colour display	EY+G	u
32631interactive colour graphic	EY+0	0
32632interactive command language processor	EY/o	BG
32633interactive communication feature	EZAu	1
32634interactive computer applications	GcuG	BN
32635interactive comupter aided design	EZBj	+
32636interactive comupter aided technology	EZCh	BC
32637interactive comupter graphics	EZDj	0
32638interactive conceptual database design	EZEX	BD
32639interactive continuous simulation language	EZFa	BE
32640interactive control table	EZGe	t
32641interactive data analysis	EZHL	w
32642interactive data base processor	EZH7	/
32643interactive data base utilities	EZI6	/
32644interactive data definition utility	EZJ5	BG
32645interactive data entry	EZK/	t
32646interactive data handling system	EZLs	9
32647interactive data network	EZMp	v
32648interactive data query processing	EZNY	+
32649interactive data transaction	EZOW	5
32650interactive debug requirement	EZPP	x
32651interactive debugger	EZQA	o
32652interactive debugging session	EZQo	x
32653interactive decision making	EZRZ	s
32654interactive design system	EZSF	t
32655interactive digital image processing	EZSy	+
32656interactive digital plotter	EZTw	y
32657interactive digital receiver simulator	EZUi	BG
32658interactive display	EZVo	h
32659interactive editor	EZWJ	m
32660interactive educational program	EZWv	2
32661interactive entry	EZXl	f
32662interactive environmnet	EZYE	l
32663interactive facility	EZYp	l
32664interactive file manager	EZZO	s
32665interactive file sharing	EZZ6	s
32666interactive financial planning system	EZam	BH
32667interactive general accounting system	EZbt	BC
32668interactive geometrical design system	EZcv	/
32669interactive graphic package	EZdu	y
32670interactive graphic procedure	EZeg	x
32671interactive graphic program	EZfR	v
32672interactive graphic system	EZgA	1
32673interactive graphical simulation language	EZg1	BD
32674interactive graphics	EZh4	l
32675interactive graphics library	EZid	2
32676interactive graphics terminal	EZjT	0
32677interactive healthcare information system	EZkH	BG
32678interactive host link	EZlN	m
32679interactive image processing	EZlz	z
32680interactive instructional system	EZmm	3
32681interactive interface	EZnd	m
32682interactive interrputer	EZoD	u
32683interactive job submission	EZox	x
32684interactive keyboard	EZpi	l
32685interactive keyboard printer	EZqH	2
32686interactive knowledge base	EZq9	r
32687interactive maintenance	EZro	o
32688interactive manipulation	EZsQ	m
32689interactive manufacturing control system	EZs2	BK
32690interactive media	EZuA	i
32691interactive minicomputer programming	EZui	BE
32692interactive mode	EZvm	e
32693interactive monitor language	EZwE	+
32694interactive network	EZxC	k
32695interactive network flow simulation	EZxm	BD
32696interactive operation environmnet	EZyp	4
32697interactive operations facility	EZzh	2
32698interactive partition	EZ0X	j
32699interactive pattern recognition	EZ06	z
32700interactive planning system	EZ1t	y
32701interactive problem control system	EZ2f	8
32702interactive processing	EZ3b	n
32703interactive processing mode	EZ4C	y
32704interactive productivity facility	EZ40	4
32705interactive program design	EZ5s	x
32706interactive query facility	EZ6d	x
32707interactive query interface	EZ7O	y
32708interactive query system	EZ8A	v
32709interactive reentrant assembler	EZ8v	8
32710interactive remote job entry	EZ9r	5
32711interactive restoration	EZ+k	l
32712interactive routine	EZ/J	h
32713interactive scheduling algorithm	EZ/q	0
32714interactive searching	EaAe	j
32715interactive service	EaBB	h
32716interactive session control module	EaBi	8
32717interactive simulation	EaCe	k
32718interactive simulation program	EaDC	y
32719interactive simulator	EaD0	s
32720interactive software development tool	EaEg	BC
32721interactive software measurement tool	EaFi	BC
32722interactive software system	EaGk	y
32723interactive subsystem interface	EaHW	2
32724interactive support system	EaIM	u
32725interactive survey analysis package	EaI6	BD
32726interactive system	EaJ9	j
32727interactive system	GcvT	m
32728interactive task	EaKg	e
32729interactive terminal	EaK+	o
32730interactive terminal facility	EaLm	0
32731interactive terminal protocol	EaMa	0
32732interactive test controller	EaNO	1
32733interactive text preparation system	EaOD	BF
32734interactive time sharing conversation	EaPI	5
32735interactive time sharing system	EaQB	z
32736interactive tool	EaQ0	e
32737interactive tracing	EaRS	h
32738interactive transaction dump facility	EaRz	BK
32739interactive type communication	EaS9	v
32740interactive user computer communication	EaTs	BE
32741interactive vector graphics system	EaUw	8
32742interactive vehicle scheduling system	EaVs	BC
32743interactive video disk system	EaWu	3
32744interactive videotex	EaXl	u
32745interactive work station	EaYT	s
32746interarrival	JEpf	a
32747interassembler	EaY/	i
32748interbank network	EaaB	i
32749interbase current	Eaaj	i
32750interbit interference	EabF	j
32751interblock	Eabo	S
32752interblock gap	Eab6	c
32753interblock space	EacW	k
32754intercalate	Eac6	T
32755intercarrier buzz	EadN	i
32756intercarrier signal	Eadv	k
32757intercept	EaeT	R
32758intercept communication method	Eaek	y
32759intercept operator	EafW	d
32760intercept radar	Eafz	d
32761intercept receiver	EagQ	j
32762intercept service	Eagz	f
32763intercept tape storage	EahS	q
32764intercepted resource	Eah8	l
32765intercepted station	Eaih	h
32766intercepted terminal	EajC	l
32767intercepting	Eajn	U
32768intercepting truck	Eaj7	g
32769interception	Eakb	U
32770interchange	Eakv	T
32771interchange address	EalC	h
32772interchange box	Ealj	a
32773interchange circuit	Eal9	h
32774interchange code	Eame	e
32775interchange field separator	Eam8	v
32776interchange graph	Eanr	c
32777interchange group separator	EaoH	v
32778interchange mode	Eao2	e
32779interchange program	HW57	n
32780interchange record separator	EapU	3
32781interchange sort	EaqL	e
32782interchange trunk	Eaqp	i
32783interchangeability	EarL	d
32784interchangeable	JK3P	g
32785interchangeable card feed	Earo	z
32786interchangeable connector	Easb	w
32787interchangeable disk	EatL	l
32788interchangeable program tape	Eatw	w
32789interchangeable substitute	Eaug	x
32790interchangeable type bar	EavR	p
32791interchannel communication	Eav6	r
32792interchannel crosstalk	Eawl	n
32793interchannel frequency band	EaxM	s
32794interchannel intelligible crosstalk	Eax4	6
32795interchannel interference	Eayy	q
32796interchannel intermodulation	Eazc	t
32797interchannel interval	Ea0J	m
32798interchannel modulation	Ea0v	o
32799interchannel noise	Ea1X	j
32800interchannel spacing	Ea16	l
32801interchannel time base error	Ea2f	z
32802interchannel time displacement	Ea3S	1
32803interchannel variable length block format	Ea4H	BD
32804intercom	Ea5K	W
32805intercom service	Ea5g	k
32806intercommunication circuit	Ea6E	u
32807intercommunication equipment	Ea6y	w
32808intercommunication installation	Ea8B	z
32809intercommunication logic	Ea80	s
32810intercommunication primirives	Ea9g	x
32811intercommunication set	Ea+R	q
32812intercompilation	Ea+7	e
32813intercomputer adapter	Ea/Z	w
32814intercomputer buffer	EbAJ	r
32815intercomputer communication link	EbA0	6
32816interconnect	EbBu	U
32817interconnect device arrange	EbCC	y
32818interconnect dynamical system	EbC0	0
32819interconnect equipment	EbDo	k
32820interconnect function	EbEM	j
32821interconnectable behavior model	EbEv	2
32822interconnected bussiness system	EbFl	z
32823interconnected system	EbGY	j
32824interconnecting device	EbG7	k
32825interconnecting electronic mail system	EbHf	BA
32826interconnecting link	EbIf	i
32827interconnecting main	EbJB	i
32828interconnecting switching center	EbJj	0
32829interconnecting unit	EbKX	i
32830interconnection	EbK5	a
32831interconnection approach	EbLT	j
32832interconnection board	EbL2	d
32833interconnection capacitance	EbMT	p
32834interconnection circuit	EbM8	l
32835interconnection film	EbNh	f
32836interconnection function	EbOA	m
32837interconnection list	EbOm	f
32838interconnection network	EbPF	l
32839interconnection pattern	EbPq	l
32840interconnection scheme	EbQP	h
32841interconnection stack	EbQw	g
32842interconnection switch	EbRQ	k
32843interconnection system	EbR0	k
32844interconnection topology	EbSY	m
32845interconnector	EbS+	Z
32846interconsole message program	EbTX	8
32847intercoupler	EbUT	a
32848intercross	EbUt	S
32849intercycle	EbU/	V
32850interdigital timing	EbVU	t
32851interdigital transducer	EbWB	r
32852interelectrode capacitance	EbWs	o
32853interest	EbXU	Q
32854interexchange channel	EbXk	p
32855interface	EbYN	W
32856interface cable	EbYj	d
32857interface card	EbZA	c
32858interface channel	EbZc	f
32859interface channels connumication	EbZ7	0
32860interface checking	Ebav	g
32861interface chip	EbbP	c
32862interface circuit	Ebbr	f
32863interface command	EbcK	f
32864interface communication	Ebcp	l
32865interface computer	EbdO	j
32866interface computer unit	Ebdx	u
32867interface connection	Ebef	i
32868interface control module	EbfB	s
32869interface control unit	Ebft	q
32870interface debugging	EbgX	h
32871interface design	Ebg4	e
32872interface device	EbhW	e
32873interface diagnosis	Ebh0	h
32874interface driver	EbiV	e
32875interface equipment	Ebiz	h
32876interface error control	EbjU	r
32877interface flag	Ebj/	c
32878interface function	Ebkb	g
32879interface function layer	Ebk7	p
32880interface hardware	Eblk	g
32881interface interpretable station address	EbmE	+
32882interface job	EbnC	b
32883interface latch chip	Ebnd	r
32884interface line summary	EboI	n
32885interface logic design	Ebov	q
32886interface message processor	EbpZ	2
32887interface message processor throughput	EbqP	BG
32888interface microprocessor system	EbrV	5
32889interface module	EbsO	e
32890interface multiplexer	Ebss	s
32891interface node	EbtY	c
32892interface organization	Ebt0	k
32893interface parity	EbuY	h
32894interface peripherals	Ebu5	j
32895interface port	Ebvc	c
32896interface pragma	Ebv4	e
32897interface procedure	EbwW	h
32898interface processor	Ebw3	k
32899interface program	Ebxb	f
32900interface requirement	Ebx6	j
32901interface routines	Ebyd	g
32902interface signalling format	Eby9	v
32903interface software	Ebzs	g
32904interface specification standard	Eb0M	0
32905interface standards	Eb1A	h
32906interface surface	Eb1h	c
32907interface switch	Eb19	e
32908interface system communication	Eb2b	y
32909interface testing	Eb3N	f
32910interface timer	Eb3s	g
32911interface type	Eb4M	c
32912interface typewriter	Eb4o	l
32913interface unit	Eb5N	i
32914interfacility transfer trunk	Eb5v	z
32915interfacing concept	Eb6i	n
32916interfacing terminal	Eb7J	i
32917interference	Eb7r	a
32918interference	IPmP	X
32919interference absorber	Eb8F	m
32920interference analyser	Eb8r	m
32921interference blanker	Eb9R	l
32922interference detection	Eb92	k
32923interference emission	Eb+a	j
32924interference fading	Eb+9	h
32925interference fringe	Eb/e	h
32926interference immunity	Eb//	j
32927interference limit	EcAi	g
32928interference pattern	EcBC	i
32929interference prediction	EcBk	l
32930interference region	EcCJ	e
32931interference rejection capability	EcCn	1
32932interference spectrum	EcDc	j
32933interfering process	EcD/	h
32934interfering process	Gcv5	k
32935interfering signal	EcEg	g
32936interferogram	EcFA	Y
32937interferometer	EcFY	Z
32938interframe difference ampiltube suppressing	EcFx	BF
32939interframe encode	EcG2	f
32940intergrated mission control centerss	EcHV	+
32941interim storage	EcIT	g
32942interior communications	EcIz	l
32943interior label	EcJY	Z
32944interior node	EcJx	Y
32945interjob dependency	EcKJ	n
32946interjob message handler	EcKw	1
32947interlace	EcLl	R
32948interlace control	EcL2	f
32949interlace memory	EcMV	n
32950interlace operation	EcM8	h
32951interlace sync	EcNd	c
32952interlaced mode	EcN5	j
32953interlaced scanning	EcOc	h
32954interlacing	EcO9	Z
32955interlanguage	EcPW	b
32956interlayer	EcPx	S
32957interlayer contact	EcQD	g
32958interlayer continuity	EcQj	j
32959interlayer interface	EcRG	i
32960interleave	EcRo	S
32961interleaved array	EcR6	f
32962interleaved code	EcSZ	e
32963interleaved subscript	EcS3	j
32964interleaved transmission	EcTa	m
32965interleaving	EcUA	i
32966interleaving access	EcUi	h
32967interleaving equipment	EcVD	k
32968interleaving memory	EcVn	q
32969interleaving unit	EcWR	f
32970interline gap	EcWw	b
32971interline space	EcXL	d
32972interlinear spacing	EcXo	n
32973interlinkage	EcYP	U
32974interlinking	EcYj	U
32975interlinking routine	EcY3	i
32976interlisp	EcZZ	j
32977interlock	EcZ8	W
32978interlock circuit	EcaS	f
32979interlock code	Ecax	c
32980interlock projector	EcbN	k
32981interlock switch	Ecbx	e
32982interlock time	EccP	c
32983interlock time print	Eccr	o
32984interlocked communication	BMas	w
32985interlocked manner	EcdT	g
32986interlude	Ecdz	X
32987intermediary language	EceK	j
32988intermediate	Ecet	X
32989intermediate	JH4t	a
32990intermediate access memory	EcfE	x
32991intermediate assignment	Ecf1	l
32992intermediate block check	Ecga	p
32993intermediate block check character	EchD	6
32994intermediate buffer	Ech9	k
32995intermediate carrier	Ecih	i
32996intermediate carry status	EcjD	t
32997intermediate center	Ecjw	h
32998intermediate code	Eck6	f
32999intermediate control change	EclZ	v
33000intermediate conversion	EcmI	l
33001intermediate copy	Ecmt	f
33002intermediate cycle	EcnM	g
33003intermediate data set	Ecns	m
33004intermediate distributing frame	EcoS	w
33005intermediate echo suppressor	EcpC	z
33006intermediate equipment	Ecp1	k
33007intermediate field	EcqZ	d
33008intermediate file	Ecq2	f
33009intermediate form	EcrV	f
33010intermediate frequency	Ecr0	e
33011intermediate frequency amplifier	EcsS	x
33012intermediate frequency amplifier	Hiqa	BC
33013intermediate frequency gain control	EctD	3
33014intermediate function	Ect6	j
33015intermediate handling	Ecud	j
33016intermediate host node	EcvA	n
33017intermediate language	Ecvn	j
33018intermediate level processing	EcwK	r
33019intermediate materials	Ecw1	k
33020intermediate memory	EcxZ	k
33021intermediate memory storage	Ecx9	y
33022intermediate negative carry	Ecyv	s
33023intermediate network node	Eczb	t
33024intermediate node	Ec0I	f
33025intermediate object code	Ec0n	p
33026intermediate object program	Ec1Q	v
33027intermediate output file	Ec1/	s
33028intermediate pass	Ec2r	i
33029intermediate processing element	Ec3N	z
33030intermediate quantity	Ec4A	g
33031intermediate result	Ec4x	h
33032intermediate routing function	Ec5S	3
33033intermediate routing node	Ec6J	z
33034intermediate source text	Ec68	v
33035intermediate station	Ec7r	p
33036intermediate storage	Ec8U	l
33037intermediate store	Ec85	j
33038intermediate string	Ec9c	k
33039intermediate subcarrier	Ec+j	r
33040intermediate switchboard	Ec/O	p
33041intermediate system	Ec/3	h
33042intermediate text block	EdAY	s
33043intermediate text language	EdBE	u
33044intermediate total	EdBy	g
33045intermediate transit point	EdCS	l
33046intermediate transmission block	EdC3	2
33047intermediate tree representation	EdDt	0
33048intermediate vertice	EdEh	i
33049intermediate work file	EdFD	q
33050intermediate zone	EdFt	c
33051intermessage delay	EdGJ	j
33052intermessage fluctuation	EdGs	v
33053intermittence	EdHb	V
33054intermittent error	EdHw	j
33055intermittent fault	EdIT	j
33056intermittent input	EdI2	g
33057intermittent service	EdJW	i
33058intermittent signal	EdJ4	h
33059intermittent timing transmission	EdKZ	3
33060intermix tape	EdLQ	b
33061intermodulation	EdLr	a
33062intermodulation distortion	EdMF	r
33063intermodulation distortion ratio	EdMw	x
33064intermodulation noise	EdNh	m
33065intermodule communication	EdOH	q
33066intermodule reference	EdOx	m
33067internal absorptance	EdPX	o
33068internal address	EdP/	e
33069internal address indicating group	EdQd	4
33070internal analog transmission	EdRV	w
33071internal arithmetic	EdSF	h
33072internal attribute	EdSm	g
33073internal bias	EdTG	b
33074internal block	EdTh	c
33075internal buffer	EdT9	g
33076internal call	EdUd	b
33077internal capacity	EdU4	c
33078internal chaining	EdVU	c
33079internal character format	EdVw	t
33080internal checking	EdWd	f
33081internal circuit	EdW8	e
33082internal clock	EdXa	Z
33083internal clocking	EdXz	f
33084internal code	EdYS	b
33085internal communication circuit	EdYt	y
33086internal communication facility	EdZf	z
33087internal concurrency	EdaS	l
33088internal configuration	Eda3	k
33089internal constant	Edbb	f
33090internal control system	Edb6	r
33091internal conversion routine	Edcl	v
33092internal data	EddU	b
33093internal data conversion	Eddv	s
33094internal data field	Edeb	k
33095internal data structure	Ede/	r
33096internal decimal	Edfq	h
33097internal decimal item	EdgL	p
33098internal digital transmission	Edg0	x
33099internal discontinuity	Edhl	n
33100internal documentation listing	EdiM	y
33101internal drop	Edi+	b
33102internal failsafe timer	EdjZ	r
33103internal file	EdkE	b
33104internal file	Edkf	b
33105internal file connector	Edk6	u
33106internal file name	Edlo	j
33107internal floating point	Edmz	l
33108internal form	EdnY	b
33109internal format	Ednz	d
33110internal forwarding	EdoQ	h
33111internal fragmentation	Edox	k
33112internal function	EdpV	f
33113internal function register	Edp0	x
33114internal idle time	Edql	j
33115internal impedance	EdrI	d
33116internal input circuit	Edrl	q
33117internal interrupt	EdsP	d
33118internal journal	Edss	e
33119internal label	EdtK	c
33120internal label	Edtm	Z
33121internal lag	Edt/	a
33122internal library definition	EduZ	s
33123internal link flag	EdvF	m
33124internal machine representation	Edvr	2
33125internal magnetic recording	Edwh	s
33126internal manipulation instruction	EdxN	y
33127internal memory	Edx/	d
33128internal memory	Edyc	d
33129internal memory unit	Edy5	i
33130internal message distribution center	Edzb	+
33131internal model	Ed0Z	c
33132internal module	Ed01	d
33133internal name	Ed1S	b
33134internal network protocol	Ed1t	t
33135internal number system	Ed2a	q
33136internal object	Ed3E	g
33137internal operating environment	Ed3k	y
33138internal output circuit	Ed4W	r
33139internal priority	Ed5B	i
33140internal procedure	Ed5j	g
33141internal processing unit	Ed6D	m
33142internal processor error	Ed6p	s
33143internal program representation	Ed7V	z
33144internal reader	Ed8I	j
33145internal record	Ed8r	d
33146internal reference	Ed9I	g
33147internal reflection	Ed9o	h
33148internal relational data base	Ed+J	0
33149internal resistance	Ed+9	b
33150internal response	Ed/Y	f
33151internal routine	Ed/3	e
33152internal schema	EeAV	a
33153internal searching	EeAv	g
33154internal security audit	EeBP	r
33155internal sort	EeB6	Y
33156internal sort phase	EeCS	n
33157internal sorting	EeC5	b
33158internal source	EeDU	d
33159internal source program pointer	EeDx	2
33160internal stack	EeEn	W
33161internal state	EeE9	Z
33162internal statement number	EeFW	t
33163internal storage	EeGD	b
33164internal storage buffer	EeGe	o
33165internal storage capacity	EeHG	n
33166internal storage code	EeHt	j
33167internal storage location	EeIQ	n
33168internal storage structure	EeI3	o
33169internal subpicture stack	EeJf	t
33170internal subprogram	EeKM	k
33171internal sumbol form	EeKw	l
33172internal sumbol table	EeLV	m
33173internal text	EeL7	b
33174internal thermal resistance	EeMW	m
33175internal timer	EeM8	c
33176internal timer handler	EeNY	w
33177internal trace table	EeOI	l
33178internal transmittance	EeOt	n
33179internal transport instruction	EePU	y
33180internal trap	EeQG	Y
33181internal variable	EeQe	f
33182internal vertice	EeQ9	e
33183internal virtual address	EeRb	p
33184internal visual inspection	EeSE	o
33185internal voltage	EeSs	b
33186internal writer	EeTH	g
33187internally programmed computer	EeTn	1
33188internally stored program	EeUc	u
33189international call sign	EeVK	r
33190international code	EeV1	g
33191international code of signals	EeWV	x
33192international code signal	EeXG	t
33193international computation center	EeXz	0
33194international marketing institute	EeYn	8
33195international microcomputer exposition	EeZj	BE
33196international micrographics congress	Eean	BI
33197international number	Eebv	i
33198international paper sizes	EecR	t
33199international phonetic alphabet	Eec+	t
33200international prefix	Eedr	i
33201international signal code	EeeN	t
33202international software database	Eee6	2
33203international standa	G4Mj	/
33204international standard book number	Eefw	z
33205international standards organization	Eegj	4
33206international symbol	Eehb	i
33207international system of units	Eeh9	u
33208internet	Eeir	W
33209internet architecture	EejB	p
33210internet packet	Eejq	a
33211internetwork connection	EekE	l
33212internetwork connumication	Eekp	o
33213internetwork protocol	EelR	j
33214internetwork protocol standard	Eel0	y
33215internetworking	Eemm	d
33216internodal awareness	EenD	r
33217internodal destination queue	Eenu	2
33218internodal message handler	Eeok	0
33219internodal sequence prefix	EepY	x
33220interoffice trunk	EeqJ	m
33221interoperability	Eeqv	h
33222interpertive program	HZp3	o
33223interpolate	EerQ	T
33224interpolating multiplier	Eerj	p
33225interpolation	EesM	V
33226interpolation search	Eesh	i
33227interpolation technique	EetD	o
33228interpolator	Eetr	X
33229interpret	EeuC	R
33230interpret routine	FGSO	r
33231interpret table	EeuT	a
33232interpretation	Eeut	W
33233interpretation algorithm	EevD	p
33234interpretation guided segmentation	Eevs	5
33235interpretation phase	Eewl	i
33236interpretation process	EexH	k
33237interpretation rule	Eexr	h
33238interpretation subroutine	EeyM	q
33239interpretation test	Eey2	h
33240interpretation time	EezX	h
33241interpreted language	Eez4	i
33242interpreted programming language	Ee0a	9
33243interpreter	Ee1X	d
33244interpreter	H3Zw	c
33245interpreter code	Ee10	b
33246interpreter definition	Ee2P	t
33247interpreter equivalence	Ee28	r
33248interpreter generator	Ee3n	2
33249interpreter interpreter	Ee4d	0
33250interpreter interpretive routine	Ee5R	9
33251interpreter oriented instruction	Ee6O	9
33252interpreter programming	Ee7L	0
33253interpreter system	F8+P	m
33254interpreter transfer	Ee7/	l
33255interpreting	Ee8k	U
33256interpreting compiler	Ee84	s
33257interpreting execution	Ee9k	k
33258interpreting instruction	Ee+I	m
33259interpreting matrix	Ee+u	h
33260interpreting mode	Ee/P	f
33261interpreting process	Ee/u	i
33262interpreting program generator	IPmm	/
33263interpreting program translation	EfAQ	0
33264interpreting semantics	EfBE	n
33265interpreting subroutine	EfBr	o
33266interpreting system	EfCT	h
33267interpreting tracing	EfC0	l
33268interpreting translation program	EfDZ	0
33269interpretive	H9eX	a
33270interpretive call interface	EfEN	v
33271interpretive code	EfE8	f
33272interpretive element	EfFb	i
33273interpretive language	EfF9	j
33274interpretive method	EfGg	h
33275interpretive order	EfHB	g
33276interpretive program	EfHh	i
33277interpretive programming	EfID	s
33278interpretive routine	EfIv	i
33279interpretive schema	EfJR	h
33280interpretive trace program	EfJy	x
33281interpretive version	EfKj	f
33282interprocedural analysis	EfLC	p
33283interprocedural data flow analysis	EfLr	8
33284interprocedural data flow analysis algorithm	EfMn	BM
33285interprocess communication	EfNz	r
33286interprocess communication facility	EfOe	BF
33287interprocessor bus	EfPj	m
33288interprocessor bus drive	EfQJ	1
33289interprocessor communication	EfQ+	z
33290interquartile range	IR/M	x
33291interrcommunicating line	EfRx	s
33292interrcommunicating system	EfSd	u
33293interreciprocal digital networks	EfTL	0
33294interrecord gap	EfT/	a
33295interrecord gap length	EfUZ	q
33296interrecord relation	EfVD	l
33297interrecord separator character	EfVo	5
33298interrecord spacing	EfWh	h
33299interrecord structure	EfXC	s
33300interrelated logic accumulating scanner	EfXu	BE
33301interrelational constraint	EfYy	u
33302interrogate	EfZg	X
33303interrogate interrupt	EfZ3	j
33304interrogate interrupt syllable	Efaa	y
33305interrogating	EfbM	V
33306interrogating processor	Efbh	o
33307interrogating signal	EfcJ	i
33308interrogating typewriter	Efcr	v
33309interrogation	Efda	V
33310interrogation code	Efdv	g
33311interrogation coding	EfeP	i
33312interrogation frequency	Efex	l
33313interrogation function	EffW	k
33314interrogation hole	Eff6	d
33315interrogation link	EfgX	g
33316interrogation mark	Efg3	d
33317interrogation pulse	EfhU	h
33318interrogation reply cycle	Efh1	t
33319interrogation reply system	Efii	u
33320interrogation respondor	EfjQ	i
33321interrogation spacing	Efjy	j
33322interrogation unit	EfkV	d
33323interrogator	Efky	X
33324interrogator control terminal	EflJ	0
33325interrogator delay	Efl9	j
33326interrogator responder	Efmg	h
33327interrupt	Btjy	g
33328interrupt	C7Au	X
33329interrupt	EfnB	R
33330interrupt adapter	EfnS	i
33331interrupt address vector	Efn0	s
33332interrupt allow	Efog	d
33333interrupt assignment strategy	Efo9	x
33334interrupt bit table	Efpu	h
33335interrupt capacity time sharing	EfqP	z
33336interrupt circuitry	EfrC	h
33337interrupt class	Efrj	a
33338interrupt clear	Efr9	d
33339interrupt code	Efsa	Z
33340interrupt condition	Efsz	h
33341interrupt control	EftU	f
33342interrupt control block	Eftz	o
33343interrupt control instruction	Efub	x
33344interrupt control logic	EfvM	r
33345interrupt control routine	Efv3	t
33346interrupt controller	Efwk	l
33347interrupt count pulse	EfxJ	p
33348interrupt cycle	Efxy	d
33349interrupt data block	EfyP	p
33350interrupt declaration	Efy4	j
33351interrupt device	Efzb	e
33352interrupt device code	Efz5	p
33353interrupt disable	Ef0i	f
33354interrupt dispatch block	Ef1B	p
33355interrupt driven	Ef1q	e
33356interrupt driven system	Ef2I	r
33357interrupt enable and interrupt disable	Ef2z	BD
33358interrupt enable bit	Ef32	l
33359interrupt enable flag	Ef4b	p
33360interrupt entry point	Ef5E	m
33361interrupt error	Ef5q	a
33362interrupt event	Ef6E	d
33363interrupt exchange areas	Ef6h	p
33364interrupt expander	Ef7K	j
33365interrupt facility	Ef7t	g
33366interrupt feed back signal	Ef8N	u
33367interrupt flag	Ef87	c
33368interrupt freeze mode	Ef9s	p
33369interrupt function enable	Ef+V	t
33370interrupt handler	Ef/C	o
33371interrupt handler	Fz15	BF
33372interrupt handling	Ef/q	g
33373interrupt handling logic	EgAK	s
33374interrupt handling program	EgA2	u
33375interrupt handling routine	EgBk	u
33376interrupt identification	EgCS	m
33377interrupt independent processor	EgC4	2
33378interrupt indicator	EgDu	k
33379interrupt inhibit	EgES	f
33380interrupt input line	EgEx	l
33381interrupt instruction	EgFW	j
33382interrupt interface	EgF5	h
33383interrupt latch	EgGa	d
33384interrupt latency	EgG3	f
33385interrupt level	EgHW	a
33386interrupt level branch table	EgHw	w
33387interrupt level examination	EgIg	s
33388interrupt linkage	EgJM	f
33389interrupt lockout	EgJr	f
33390interrupt log word	EgKK	j
33391interrupt logging	EgKt	f
33392interrupt making	EgLM	e
33393interrupt mask	EgLq	c
33394interrupt mask bit	EgMG	j
33395interrupt mask flag	EgMp	n
33396interrupt mask out	EgNQ	m
33397interrupt mask read	EgN2	n
33398interrupt mask word	EgOd	k
33399interrupt mask word segment	EgPB	v
33400interrupt message	EgPw	f
33401interrupt mode	EgQP	c
33402interrupt module	EgQr	e
33403interrupt nesting	EgRJ	f
33404interrupt operation	EgRo	h
33405interrupt oriented system	EgSJ	t
33406interrupt packet	EgS2	b
33407interrupt page adress register	EgTR	7
33408interrupt pending	EgUM	f
33409interrupt phase	EgUr	d
33410interrupt priority	EgVI	j
33411interrupt priority chip	EgVr	u
33412interrupt priority level	EgWZ	w
33413interrupt priority system	EgXJ	w
33414interrupt priority table	EgX5	p
33415interrupt priority threshold	EgYi	t
33416interrupt procedure	EgZP	h
33417interrupt processing	EgZw	i
33418interrupt processing routine	EgaS	w
33419interrupt program	EgbC	f
33420interrupt program signal	Egbh	s
33421interrupt push switch	EgcN	p
33422interrupt queue entry	Egc2	p
33423interrupt queue head pointer	Egdf	z
33424interrupt queue tail pointer	EgeS	z
33425interrupt reassignment	EgfF	n
33426interrupt receiver	I0x+	v
33427interrupt recovery procedure	Egfs	w
33428interrupt recovery routine	Eggc	u
33429interrupt register	EghK	j
33430interrupt release	Eght	f
33431interrupt request	EgiM	j
33432interrupt request	Jc5V	l
33433interrupt request block	Egiv	o
33434interrupt request line	EgjX	q
33435interrupt request signal	EgkB	s
33436interrupt response	Egkt	g
33437interrupt return check	EglN	q
33438interrupt return control word	Egl3	0
33439interrupt return instruction	Egmr	w
33440interrupt scanner	Egnb	i
33441interrupt search	Egn9	e
33442interrupt sensing	Egob	f
33443interrupt sensing circuit	Ego6	t
33444interrupt service communication	Egpn	z
33445interrupt service routine	Egqa	x
33446interrupt service section	EgrL	q
33447interrupt servicing	Egr1	h
33448interrupt signal	EgsW	e
33449interrupt signal feedback	Egs0	t
33450interrupt signal switch	Egth	r
33451interrupt signal trigger	EguM	v
33452interrupt simulation	Egu7	i
33453interrupt source	Egvd	b
33454interrupt stack	Egv4	g
33455interrupt stack pointer	EgwY	r
33456interrupt stacking	EgxD	g
33457interrupt status word	Egxj	m
33458interrupt structure	EgyJ	h
33459interrupt switch	Egyq	e
33460interrupt system	EgzI	e
33461interrupt timer	Egz3	g
33462interrupt timing	Eg0X	e
33463interrupt trap	Eg01	c
33464interrupt trigger signal	Eg1R	s
33465interrupt type	Eg19	c
33466interrupt vector	Eg2Z	e
33467interrupt vector address	Eg23	s
33468interrupt vector register	Eg3j	w
33469interrupt word register	Eg4T	r
33470interruptable state	Eg5V	k
33471interrupted isochronous transmission	Eg55	4
33472interruptibility	Eg6x	e
33473interruptible identification	Eg7P	t
33474interruptible indicator	Eg78	r
33475interruptible instruction	Eg8n	q
33476interruptible state	Eg9R	k
33477interrupting channel	Eg91	i
33478interrupting device	Eg+X	h
33479interruption	Eg+4	U
33480interruption acknowledge	Eg/M	s
33481interruption code	Eg/4	f
33482interruption control routine	EhAX	w
33483interruption frequency	EhBH	k
33484interruption handling	EhBr	j
33485interruption logging	EhCO	i
33486interruption mask	EhCw	f
33487interruption mask register	EhDP	x
33488interruption network	EhEA	i
33489interruption pending	EhEi	i
33490interruption queue	EhFE	g
33491interruption rate	EhFk	c
33492interruption request	EhGA	i
33493interruption routine	EhGi	i
33494interruption source	EhHE	e
33495interruption status	EhHi	h
33496interruption subroutine	EhID	o
33497interruption supervisor	EhIr	r
33498interruption switch	EhJW	h
33499interruptive event	EhJ3	g
33500intersatellite communication	EhKX	t
33501intersatellite link	EhLE	k
33502intersatellite service	EhLo	k
33503interscan	EhMM	U
33504interscandental curve	EhMg	m
33505intersecting chain	EhNG	d
33506intersection	EhNj	U
33507intersection curve	EhN3	g
33508intersection data	EhOX	f
33509intersection gate	EhO2	c
33510intersection graph	EhPS	a
33511intersection set	EhPs	Y
33512intersegment reference	EhQE	k
33513intersite facility	EhQo	g
33514intersite line	EhRI	c
33515intersite system	EhRk	e
33516intersite transmission	EhSC	k
33517intersite user communication	EhSm	z
33518intersite user interaction function	EhTZ	BA
33519interspace	EhUZ	S
33520interspread gang punching	EhUr	w
33521interstage punch	EhVb	e
33522interstate communicator	EhV5	l
33523interstation interference	EhWe	n
33524interstation muting	EhXF	n
33525interstellar communication	EhXs	o
33526interswitch trunk	EhYU	o
33527intersymbolic interference	EhY8	r
33528intersync mode	EhZn	f
33529intersystem communication	EhaG	q
33530intersystem crosstalk	Ehaw	m
33531intersystem intelligible crosstalk	EhbW	5
33532interval	EhcP	Q
33533interval	JEp5	W
33534interval clock	Ehcf	c
33535interval depth	Ehc7	c
33536interval interpolation	G7js	t
33537interval migration	EhdX	g
33538interval mode	Ehd3	b
33539interval modulation	EheS	h
33540interval number	Ehez	a
33541interval patition	EhfN	f
33542interval polling timer	Ehfs	t
33543interval resolution	EhgZ	k
33544interval search	Du0D	j
33545interval service value	Ehg9	n
33546interval symbol dictionary	Ehhk	x
33547interval theoretical duration	EhiV	3
33548interval timer	Ehjd	f
33549interval timer	IPnl	l
33550intervening statement	Ehj8	j
33551intervening word	Ehkf	b
33552intervention	Ehk6	U
33553intervention button	EhlO	n
33554intervention required check	Ehl1	v
33555intervention required error	Ehmk	v
33556intervention required message	EhnT	x
33557intervention schedule	EhoE	j
33558intervention signal	Ehon	h
33559intervention switch	EhpI	h
33560interweave	Ehpp	S
33561interword	Ehp7	R
33562interword blank	EhqM	d
33563interword flag	Ehqp	c
33564interword gap	EhrF	b
33565interword space	Ehrg	a
33566interworking	Ehr6	a
33567into	BH/d	M
33568into memory port	JnaR	o
33569intransit store	EhtD	j
33570intraprogram docummentation	Ehtm	1
33571intrarecord structure	Ehub	m
33572intrasystem connumication	EhvB	q
33573intrinsic	IS5+	a
33574intrinsic absorption	Ehvr	i
33575intrinsic call	EhwN	c
33576intrinsic carrier concentration	Ehwp	2
33577intrinsic charge	Ehxf	e
33578intrinsic commands	Ehx9	g
33579intrinsic conductivity	Ehyd	n
33580intrinsic flux	EhzE	c
33581intrinsic function	Ehzg	g
33582intrinsic hysteresis loop	Eh0A	t
33583intrinsic impedance	Eh0t	h
33584intrinsic induction	Eh1O	q
33585intrinsic induction magnetic tape	Eh14	+
33586intrinsic internal photoeffect	Eh22	4
33587intrinsic level	Eh3u	d
33588intrinsic noise	Eh4L	d
33589intrinsic permeability	Eh4o	n
33590intrinsic procedure	Eh5P	h
33591intrinsic semiconductor	Eh5w	o
33592intrinsic state	Eh6Y	d
33593intrinsic time	Eh61	c
33594intrinsic vlaue	Eh7R	a
33595intrusion	Eh7r	R
33596intrusion resistant communication cable	Eh78	+
33597intrusion tone	Eh86	Z
33598intuitive forecasting technique	Eh9T	z
33599intuitive recovery procedure	Eh+G	w
33600intuitively built recognizer	Eh+2	5
33601invaild abort request	Eh/v	v
33602invaild access right	EiAe	l
33603invaild address register	EiBD	v
33604invaild bit	EiBy	W
33605invaild character	EiCI	f
33606invaild condition detection	EiCn	v
33607invaild digit	EiDW	b
33608invaild exclusive reference	EiDx	v
33609invaild frame	EiEg	Y
33610invaild instruction	EiE4	h
33611invaild interrupt level	EiFZ	o
33612invaild key	EiGB	W
33613invaild key condition	EiGX	m
33614invaild key phrase	EiG9	j
33615invaild op code	EiHg	g
33616invaild page	EiIA	a
33617invaild page time sharing	EiIa	t
33618invaild password	EiJH	e
33619invaild priority	EiJl	h
33620invaild punch	EiKG	b
33621invaild received frame	EiKh	n
33622invaild recevier address	EiLI	s
33623invaild region identifier	EiL0	w
33624invaild return buffer address	EiMk	6
33625invaild send buffer address	EiNe	4
33626invaild shared memory table password	EiOW	BE
33627invaild time interval request	EiPa	3
33628invaild trap vector address	EiQR	1
33629invaild unit number	EiRG	k
33630invaild vector specification	EiRq	w
33631invaild window identifier	EiSa	w
33632invalid bit	IL31	Z
33633invalid definition	EiTK	g
33634invalid key condition	EiTq	m
33635invariable linear system	EiUQ	v
33636invariance	EiU/	V
33637invariant assignment optimization	EiVU	4
33638invariant computation	FIiM	s
33639invariant factor	EiWM	e
33640invariant field	EiWq	d
33641invariant imbedding	EiXH	h
33642invariant operation processor	EiXo	3
33643invariant point	EiYf	a
33644invariant processing	EiY5	l
33645invariant routing	EiZe	l
33646inventoried item	Gcwd	h
33647inventory	EiaD	R
33648inventory calculations	EiaU	k
33649inventory check	Eia4	d
33650inventory control system	EibV	s
33651inventory data	EicB	f
33652inventory detail	Eicg	k
33653inventory file	EidE	c
33654inventory inquiry data processing	Eidg	7
33655inventory item	Gcw+	f
33656inventory management	Eieb	i
33657inventory management simulator	Eie9	4
33658inventory master file	Eif1	m
33659inventory master overflow	Eigb	w
33660inventory model	EihL	d
33661inventory monitoring	Eiho	i
33662inventory record management	EiiK	v
33663inventory records	Eii5	f
33664inventory stock report	EijY	k
33665inventory system	Eij8	e
33666inventory theory	Eika	e
33667inventory turnover	Eik4	j
33668inverse	JI4r	S
33669inverse adjacency list	Eilb	k
33670inverse assembler	Eil/	i
33671inverse channel	Eimh	a
33672inverse checksum code	Eim7	m
33673inverse code	Einh	X
33674inverse conversion	Ein4	d
33675inverse discrete cosine transform	EioV	4
33676inverse duplex circuit	EipN	n
33677inverse factorial series	Eip0	s
33678inverse filter	Eiqg	f
33679inverse filter restoration	Eiq/	x
33680inverse function	Eirw	b
33681inverse gate	EisL	X
33682inverse homomorphism	Eisi	f
33683inverse hyperbolic function	EitB	s
33684inverse interpolation	Eitt	g
33685inverse iteration	EiuN	c
33686inverse kernel	Eiup	W
33687inverse matrix	Eiu/	Z
33688inverse move	EivY	X
33689inverse network	Eivv	d
33690inverse point	EiwM	Y
33691inverse power iteration	Eiwk	o
33692inverse probability	EixM	e
33693inverse proportionality	Eixq	l
33694inverse ratio	EiyP	V
33695inverse residue code	Eiyk	i
33696inverse sine transformation	EizG	s
33697inverse substitution	Eizy	f
33698inverse theorem	Ei0R	a
33699inverse transfer function	Ei0r	q
33700inverse transformation	Ei1V	h
33701inverse trigonometric function	Ei12	v
33702inverse video	Ei2l	Y
33703inversion	Ei29	R
33704inversion constant	Ei3O	g
33705inversion modulation	HZLL	i
33706inversion signal	Ei3u	e
33707invert	Gcxd	h
33708invert gate	WFk	b
33709inverted attribute	Ei4M	g
33710inverted comma	Ei4s	W
33711inverted crosstalk	Ei5C	m
33712inverted directory	Ei5o	g
33713inverted file	Ei6I	b
33714inverted file dialogue structure	Ei6j	6
33715inverted file mode	Ei7d	m
33716inverted file model	Ei8D	n
33717inverted index	Ei8q	c
33718inverted input	Ei9G	c
33719inverted list	Ei9i	Y
33720inverted list file	Ei96	j
33721inverted output	Ei+d	d
33722inverted position	Ei+6	f
33723inverted sequence	Ei/Z	Z
33724inverted signal	Ei/y	a
33725inverted tree	EjAM	b
33726inverter	EjAn	T
33727inverter	WF/	c
33728inverter buffer	EjA6	j
33729inverter open collector	EjBd	0
33730inverter transistor	EjCR	k
33731invertibility	EjC1	Y
33732invertible amplifier	EjDN	l
33733invertible bidirectional bus driver	EjDy	BA
33734invertible decoupling algorithm	EjEy	z
33735invertible finite automata	EjFl	x
33736invertible function	EjGW	h
33737invertible grammar	EjG3	g
33738invertible symbol	EjHX	f
33739inverting bidirectional bus	Gcx+	s
33740inverting circuits	EjH2	g
33741inverting gate	EjIW	Z
33742invertor	EjIv	T
33743investment tax credit	EjJC	m
33744invigilator	EjJo	W
33745invisible character	EjJ+	h
33746invisible hyphen	EjKf	h
33747invisible mode	EjLA	f
33748invitation	EjLf	S
33749invitation delay	EjLx	e
33750invitation list	EjMP	a
33751invite	EjMp	O
33752invocation	EjM3	S
33753invocation procedure	EjNJ	i
33754invocation style	EjNr	e
33755invoice	EjOJ	P
33756invoke	EjOY	O
33757invoked block	EjOm	h
33758invoked procedure	EjPH	i
33759invoking block	EjPp	f
33760invoking function	EjQI	f
33761invoking subprogram	EjQn	k
33762involuntary interrupt	EjRL	j
33763involuntary interrupt program	EjRu	x
33764involutory matrix	EjSf	f
33765io	EAWQ	Q
33766io bound	EAWg	f
33767io buffer	EAW/	g
33768io channel	EAXf	e
33769io control	EAX9	e
33770io data base	EAYb	j
33771io device error recovery procedure	EAY+	BN
33772io driver	EAaL	g
33773io function	EAar	f
33774io function code	EAbK	n
33775io function modifier	EAbx	0
33776io lockdown	EAcl	f
33777io mode	EAdE	b
33778io operation	EAdf	g
33779io package	C0s6	x
33780io package	I/RU	r
33781io pending	EAd/	e
33782io request packet	EAed	v
33783io rundown	EAfM	e
33784io space	EAfq	c
33785io status block	EAgG	r
33786io unit	EAgx	b
33787ion	EjS+	L
33788ion absorption	EjTJ	c
33789ion beam implantation	EjTl	m
33790ion exchange process	EjUL	o
33791ion gun	EjUz	S
33792ion implantation	EjVF	e
33793ion implantation apparatus	EjVj	u
33794ion implanted device	EjWR	o
33795ion implanted region	EjW5	l
33796ion laser	EjXe	X
33797ionic accelerator	EjX1	i
33798ionic mobility	EjYX	f
33799ionic semi conductor	EjY2	l
33800ionization	EjZb	S
33801ionization chamber	EjZt	d
33802ionized gas readout	EjaK	q
33803ipcf	Eja0	h
33804ipl	EjbV	X
33805ipl	stk	m
33806ipo chart	Ejbs	g
33807irg	EjcM	d
33808irp	Ejcp	X
33809irrational number	EjdA	c
33810irreducible graph	IR/9	f
33811irrelevance	Ejdc	T
33812irs	C5X7	m
33813is	B3wI	Q
33814is	Ejdv	Q
33815isam	Ejd/	b
33816isd	Ejea	a
33817isect	Eje0	T
33818iso reference model	EjfH	z
33819isochronous transmission	Ejf6	m
33820isolated amplifier	Ejgg	p
33821isolated amplifier	Gcyq	p
33822isolation resistor	IPoK	q
33823isolation tester	pCo	y
33824isolator	G8Iw	Z
33825isolator	HZqf	W
33826isoplanar	HFcp	g
33827isoplanar technique	HFdJ	t
33828isotope	EjhJ	S
33829issue	Ejhb	N
33830isw block	Ejho	g
33831italic	EjiI	R
33832item	CJ+E	S
33833item	EjiZ	M
33834item balance file	BxXf	w
33835item balance file	DtvM	q
33836item file	I5nT	i
33837item with features	CyDp	p
33838items construction	IehG	j
33839iteration	Eji0	X
33840iteration factor	EjjL	e
33841iterative method	ISAc	e
33842iterative operation	Ejjp	h
33843iterative process	ISA6	i
33844jack	EjkK	a
33845jack connection	Ejkk	g
33846jack key lamp panel	EjlE	r
33847jack panel	Ejlv	V
33848jack strip	EjmE	Y
33849jack switch	Ejmc	Z
33850jacket	Ejm1	O
33851jackplug	EjnD	Q
33852jackson structured programming	EjnT	/
33853jacobian matrix	EjoS	d
33854jam	Ejov	T
33855jam display	Wva	j
33856jam signal	EjpC	Y
33857jam transfer	Ejpa	a
33858jamming	Wv9	S
33859jamming block out	WwP	q
33860jamming signal	Ejp0	c
33861janitor	EjqQ	a
33862japan medical programming system	Ejqq	BG
33863japanese word processor	Ejrw	o
33864jargon	EjsY	O
33865jcl mask	Ejsm	U
33866jelly bean	Ejs6	e
33867jet printing head	NxN	r
33868jet propulsion center	EjtY	z
33869jitter	EjuL	O
33870job	EjvD	T
33871job	F8+1	R
33872job accounting	EjvW	c
33873job accounting facility	Ejvy	v
33874job accounting file	Ejwh	k
33875job accounting information	EjxF	u
33876job accounting interface	Ejxz	w
33877job accounting report system	Ejyj	7
33878job accounting routine	Ejze	q
33879job accounting system	Ej0I	t
33880job accounting table	Ej01	p
33881job action command	Ej1e	m
33882job analysis	Ej2E	d
33883job analysis and performance analysis system	Ej2h	BQ
33884job analysis system	Ej3x	r
33885job bank	Ej4c	T
33886job batch	Ej4v	X
33887job block	Ej5G	U
33888job cancellation message log	Ej6I	2
33889job card	Ej6+	T
33890job catalog	Ej7R	Z
33891job characteristic	Ej7q	g
33892job class	Ej8K	X
33893job communication block	Ej8h	o
33894job content	Ej9J	Z
33895job control	Ej9i	c
33896job control block	Ej9+	m
33897job control card	Ej+k	l
33898job control command	Ej/J	n
33899job control communication	Ej/w	t
33900job control facility	EkAd	o
33901job control file	EkBF	h
33902job control information	EkBm	r
33903job control language	EkCR	s
33904job control language generation	EkC9	BA
33905job control language preprocessor	EkD9	BM
33906job control message	EkFJ	n
33907job control number	EkFw	n
33908job control procedure	EkGX	p
33909job control processor	EkHA	w
33910job control program	EkHw	r
33911job control record	EkIb	m
33912job control rights	EkJB	j
33913job control sequence	EkJk	o
33914job control statement	EkKM	p
33915job control stream	EkK1	j
33916job control table	EkLY	m
33917job control task	EkL+	k
33918job controller	EkMi	f
33919job cost	EkNB	W
33920job cost sheet	EkNX	l
33921job cylinder map	EkN8	r
33922job data area	EkOn	r
33923job data flow	EkPS	e
33924job data program	EkPw	k
33925job definition	EkQU	c
33926job description	EkQw	g
33927job development system	EkRQ	u
33928job dividing	EkR+	a
33929job drawing list	EkSY	h
33930job end control card	EkS5	r
33931job entry	EkTk	X
33932job entry central services	EkT7	5
33933job entry control language	EkU0	5
33934job entry facility	EkVt	q
33935job entry peripheral services	EkWX	8
33936job entry program	EkXT	p
33937job entry subsystem communication table	EkX8	BN
33938job entry system	EkZJ	o
33939job exit	EkZx	W
33940job file	EkaH	T
33941job file control	Ekaa	h
33942job file control block	Eka7	y
33943job file index	Ekbt	f
33944job file number	EkcM	k
33945job flow	Ekcw	W
33946job flow control	EkdG	k
33947job handling routine	Ekdq	o
33948job header	EkeS	Y
33949job identifier	Ekeq	f
33950job indicator	CyID	k
33951job information block	EkfJ	q
33952job information system	Ekfz	u
33953job initiation	Ekgh	c
33954job initiation processing level	Ekg9	2
33955job input data	Ekhz	i
33956job input device	EkiV	k
33957job input file	Eki5	f
33958job input prefix	EkjY	k
33959job input queue	Ekj8	j
33960job input station	Ekkf	m
33961job input stream	EklF	h
33962job internal processing procedure	Eklm	7
33963job keyboard monitor	Ekmh	r
33964job level	EknM	U
33965job level field	Ekng	d
33966job library	Ekn9	d
33967job list	Ekoa	T
33968job load	Ekot	W
33969job load characterization	EkpD	t
33970job log	Ekpw	V
33971job logging	EkqF	Z
33972job login	Ekqe	X
33973job logout	Ekq1	Y
33974job management	EkrN	c
33975job memory	Ekrp	g
33976job memory switch matrix	EksJ	6
33977job message queue	EktD	l
33978job mix optimization	Ekto	w
33979job mixing	EkuY	Y
33980job model	Ekuw	X
33981job model construction	EkvH	q
33982job name	Ekvx	W
33983job networking	EkwH	Z
33984job networking facility	Ekwg	v
33985job number	EkxP	V
33986job offset	Ekxk	Y
33987job on carry	Ekx8	d
33988job operation	F8/G	e
33989job order	EkyZ	X
33990job order costing	Ekyw	r
33991job order number	Ekzb	i
33992job organization language	Ekz9	x
33993job oriented language	Ek0u	y
33994job oriented terminal	Ek1g	y
33995job output data	Ek2S	j
33996job output device	Ek21	l
33997job output file	Ek3a	g
33998job output queue	Ek36	h
33999job output stream	Ek4b	i
34000job pack area	Ek49	i
34001job pack area queue	Ek5f	q
34002job parallel process	Ek6J	o
34003job parameter	Ek6x	b
34004job partition parameter	Ek7M	r
34005job patch	Ek73	k
34006job preparation	Ek8b	d
34007job priority	Ek84	d
34008job process	Ek9V	Z
34009job processing	CyIn	i
34010job processing	Ek9u	c
34011job processing	GGA7	i
34012job processing control	Ek+K	q
34013job processing monitor	Ek+0	w
34014job processing system	Ek/k	p
34015job processing unit	ElAN	n
34016job processor	ElA0	e
34017job program	ElBS	Z
34018job program mode	ElBr	k
34019job queue	ElCP	X
34020job queue dump program	ElCm	2
34021job queue entry	ElDc	j
34022job queue management	ElD/	o
34023job receiving message	ElEn	p
34024job recovery control file	ElFQ	w
34025job region	ElGA	V
34026job reporting	ElGV	b
34027job request	ElGw	Z
34028job request control routine	ElHJ	7
34029job request selection	ElIE	p
34030job run	ElIt	V
34031job schedule	ElJC	a
34032job scheduler	ElJc	e
34033job scheduling	ElJ6	c
34034job scheduling	F8/k	f
34035job search list	ElKW	d
34036job selection	ElKz	b
34037job separation	ElLO	c
34038job separator	ElLq	e
34039job separator pages	ElMI	k
34040job sequence	ElMs	a
34041job sequence number	ElNG	k
34042job sequencing	ElNq	c
34043job service prefix	ElOG	m
34044job shop	ElOs	T
34045job slot	ElO/	T
34046job source device	ElPS	i
34047job source file	ElP0	d
34048job source image	ElQR	h
34049job source record	ElQy	i
34050job specification language	ElRU	u
34051job stack	ElSC	X
34052job stack system	ElSZ	k
34053job start priority processing	ElS9	3
34054job statement	ElT0	b
34055job statement control	ElUP	p
34056job status	ElU4	Y
34057job status information	ElVQ	q
34058job status word	ElV6	g
34059job step	ElWa	W
34060job step control	ElWw	k
34061job step control block	ElXU	y
34062job step index	ElYG	m
34063job step initiation	ElYs	n
34064job step restart	ElZT	n
34065job step task	ElZ6	h
34066job stream	Elab	Y
34067job stream input	Elaz	h
34068job stream processor	ElbU	r
34069job ststus area	Elb/	g
34070job submission	Elcf	c
34071job support task	Elc7	k
34072job swapping memory	Eldf	w
34073job switching	EleP	b
34074job table	Eleq	U
34075job throughput	Ele+	i
34076job time	Elfg	W
34077job totals	Elf2	Y
34078job traller	ElgO	W
34079job transfer port	Elgk	i
34080job transition	pyY	u
34081job unit block	ElhG	j
34082job virtual memory	Elhp	p
34083job work order	EliS	m
34084jobbing	F9AD	Y
34085joggle	Elnx	O
34086join	C1c2	X
34087join	Eln/	U
34088join dependency	EloT	d
34089join gate	Elow	U
34090join information content	ElpE	s
34091join operation	Elpw	c
34092join secondary	ElqM	f
34093joint	Elqr	R
34094joint access costs	Elq8	m
34095joint allocation	Elri	h
34096joint application design	ElsD	2
34097joint computer conference	Els5	0
34098joint denial	Eltt	a
34099joint denial gate	EluH	c
34100joint gate	Eluj	S
34101joint information content	Elu1	q
34102joint mark	Elvf	Y
34103joint operation	Elv3	d
34104joint use	ElwU	R
34105jointly managed device	Elwl	q
34106jordan	JKAY	g
34107jordan circuit	CnG8	l
34108jordan trigger	CnHh	s
34109josephosen memory	ElxP	l
34110journal	Elx0	X
34111journal analyzer	ElyL	k
34112journal buffer	Elyv	f
34113journal control command	ElzO	r
34114journal control program	Elz5	v
34115journal control table	El0o	q
34116journal dump	El1S	a
34117journal entry	El1s	e
34118journal file	El2K	X
34119journal management program	El2h	y
34120journal number	El3T	c
34121journal output	El3v	c
34122journal printer	El4L	g
34123journal reader	El4r	f
34124journal receiver	El5K	h
34125journal sheet	El5r	b
34126journal tape printer	El6G	o
34127journal volume	El6u	Z
34128journaling	El7H	Y
34129journalingle	El7f	a
34130journalishing	El75	b
34131joy stick	El8U	c
34132joystick	El8w	b
34133jsys trap	El9L	V
34134julian data	El9g	W
34135jumbo chip	El92	Y
34136jump	El+O	U
34137jump absolute	El+i	b
34138jump address	El+9	d
34139jump address register	El/a	w
34140jump and set return	EmAK	0
34141jump condition	EmA+	c
34142jump if not	EmBa	Z
34143jump instruction	EmBz	e
34144jump instruction	JNBu	n
34145jump last	EmCR	a
34146jump lock	EmCr	X
34147jump on carry	EmDC	e
34148jump on minus	EmDg	b
34149jump on nonzero	EmD7	h
34150jump on parity even	EmEc	u
34151jump on positive	EmFK	e
34152jump on zero	EmFo	a
34153jump operation	EmGC	c
34154jump operator	EmGe	e
34155jump order	EmG8	Y
34156jump program	EmHU	a
34157jump relative	EmHu	f
34158jump relative instruction	EmIN	t
34159jump routine	EmI6	a
34160jump table	EmJU	V
34161jump trace	EmJp	Y
34162jumper	EmKB	Z
34163jumper area	EmKa	W
34164jumper connection	EmKw	f
34165jumper wire	EmLP	W
34166junction	Dse3	Z
34167junction	EmLl	W
34168junction box	EmL7	a
34169junction capacitance	EmMV	i
34170junction gate	ImbE	e
34171junction record	EmM3	d
34172junction symbol	EmNU	d
34173junction temperature	Fg09	i
34174junction transistor	EmNx	k
34175junctor	EmOV	S
34176junctor	Iu86	V
34177junior computer operator	EmOn	y
34178junior keypunch operator	EmPZ	p
34179junior operator	EmQC	g
34180junior programmer	EmQi	i
34181junior system analyst	EmRE	s
34182junk	EmRw	S
34183just in time	EmSC	7
34184justification	EmS9	d
34185justification range	EmTa	h
34186justified attribute	H80B	n
34187justified character	ExwH	k
34188justified clause	Exwr	h
34189justified margin	EmT7	Y
34190justified tab	H80o	b
34191justified text	EmUT	c
34192justify	EmUv	i
34193justify	ExxM	S
34194justify inhibit	EmVR	d
34195juxtaposition	EmVu	V
34196k	EmWD	G
34197k out of n code	EmWJ	e
34198karnaugh map	EmW+	X
34199karnaugh map	EmWn	X
34200kbyte	EmXV	N
34201keep	EmXi	M
34202keep it simple straight	EmXu	q
34203keeping	BEq6	S
34204keeping routine	FTWo	m
34205keeplist	EmYY	W
34206kenotron	EmZG	Z
34207kernel	EmZf	O
34208kernel executive	EmZt	k
34209kernel function	EmaR	d
34210kernel grammer	Emau	c
34211kernel instruction set	EmbK	n
34212kernel interprocess communication	Embx	4
34213kernel language	Emcp	d
34214kernel mode	EmdG	Z
34215kernel module	Emdf	b
34216kernel normal form	Emd6	j
34217kernel of multimicroprocessor operating system	Emed	BR
34218kernel primitive	Emfu	e
34219kernel processor	EmgM	h
34220kernel program	Emgt	c
34221kernel software	EmhJ	d
34222kernel test program	Emhm	n
34223kerning	EmiN	d
34224key	Emiq	T
34225key	Inil	O
34226key access	Emi9	V
34227key address	EmjS	W
34228key argument	Emjo	X
34229key assignment	Emj/	c
34230key authentication code	Emkb	l
34231key buffer	EmlA	Y
34232key card punch	EmlY	Z
34233key change	Emlx	V
34234key characteristics	EmmG	e
34235key click	Emmk	R
34236key click filter	Emm1	h
34237key code	EmnW	W
34238key code table	Emns	f
34239key coder	EmoL	d
34240key coding element location	Emoo	1
34241key coding element sort program	Empd	/
34242key columns	Emqc	W
34243key component	Emqy	Y
34244key compression	EmrK	a
34245key controlled storage protection	Emrk	1
34246key conversion	EmsZ	f
34247key data	Ems4	Z
34248key data item	EmtR	h
34249key data station	Emty	l
34250key data terminal	EmuX	p
34251key data type	EmvA	e
34252key definition	Emve	i
34253key descriptor block	EmwA	r
34254key descriptors	Emwr	d
34255key display call indicator	EmxI	0
34256key display system	Emx8	q
34257key driven	Emym	V
34258key edit terminal language	Emy7	1
34259key element	Emzw	Z
34260key encode	Em0J	V
34261key encoder	Em0e	Z
34262key encrypting key	Em03	m
34263key entry	Em1d	R
34264key entry area	Em1u	f
34265key entry system	Em2N	k
34266key equals address addressing	Em2x	x
34267key factor	Em3i	Y
34268key feedback area	Em36	f
34269key field	Em4Z	l
34270key field level specifications	Em4+	y
34271key file	Em5w	W
34272key file	ImtX	T
34273key file entry method	Em6G	v
34274key file organization	Em61	p
34275key file structure	Em7e	m
34276key generation	Em8E	f
34277key generator	Em8j	h
34278key holder	Em9E	S
34279key in	Em9W	O
34280key in data	Em9k	Z
34281key in flag	Em99	Z
34282key index	Em+W	X
34283key information	Em+t	d
34284key ingredient	Em/K	l
34285key input	Em/v	R
34286key input checking visual display unit	EnAA	BG
34287key input flag	EnBG	i
34288key instruction	EnBo	d
34289key item	EnCF	W
34290key joint	EnCb	R
34291key length	EnCs	S
34292key letter	EnC+	Y
34293key letter in context	EnDW	0
34294key level	EnEK	X
34295key loader	EnEh	e
34296key loader module	EnE/	v
34297key lock	EnFu	Q
34298key management	EnF+	Z
34299key management facility	EnGX	o
34300key map list	EnG/	a
34301key marker	EnHZ	Y
34302key match	EnHx	U
34303key matching	EnIF	X
34304key memory	EnIc	Y
34305key name	EnI0	Q
34306key of reference	EnJE	h
34307key operation	EnJl	b
34308key organization	EnKA	h
34309key pad	EnKh	P
34310key pad	I5TJ	Y
34311key panel	EnKw	R
34312key phrase	EnLB	b
34313key process	EnLc	W
34314key processing	IYDc	s
34315key program type function computer	EnLy	/
34316key protection	FA/G	f
34317key pulse	EnMx	X
34318key pulsing	EnNI	i
34319key pulsing signal	EnNq	m
34320key punch	EnOQ	a
34321key punch machine	EnOq	i
34322key punch operator	EnPM	k
34323key queue	EnPw	U
34324key range	EnQE	U
34325key register	EnQY	d
34326key retrieval	EnQ1	e
34327key row	EnRT	P
34328key scan	EnRi	T
34329key scheme	EnR1	b
34330key search	EnSQ	V
34331key sender	EnSl	Y
34332key sending	EnS9	W
34333key sensity	EnTT	c
34334key sequence	EnTv	X
34335key sequence parameter	EnUG	k
34336key sequenced data set	EnUq	2
34337key sequenced file	EnVg	s
34338key shelf	EnWM	R
34339key shift	EnWd	U
34340key skip	EnWx	T
34341key sort	EnXE	T
34342key sorting	EnXX	W
34343key source	EnXt	b
34344key space	EnYI	U
34345key state	EnYc	X
34346key station	EnYz	T
34347key station on line business oriented language	EnZG	BU
34348key stroke	Enaa	S
34349key stroke verification	Enas	l
34350key switch	EnbR	V
34351key table	Enbm	R
34352key tape	Enb3	T
34353key term	EncK	W
34354key to address	Encg	g
34355key to address conversion algorithm	EndA	BA
34356key to address transformation	EneA	0
34357key to card	Ene0	T
34358key to disc operating system	EnfH	9
34359key to disc software	EngE	v
34360key to disc subsystem	Engz	z
34361key to disk	Enhm	b
34362key to disk data input system	EniB	/
34363key to disk shared processor system	EnjA	BJ
34364key to disk system	EnkJ	o
34365key to diskette	Enkx	g
34366key to diskette system	EnlR	w
34367key to floppy	EnmB	d
34368key to tape	Enme	b
34369key to tape input	Enm5	n
34370key transformation	Enng	d
34371key transformation table	Enn9	m
34372key trapping	Enoj	a
34373key tree	Eno9	Q
34374key tuple	EnpN	a
34375key type	Enpn	T
34376key value	D5v3	U
34377key value	Enp6	f
34378key verify	EnqZ	S
34379key word	Enqr	T
34380key word parameter	Enq+	j
34381key word table	Enrh	c
34382key work tree	Enr9	b
34383keyboard	EnsY	U
34384keyboard	FxKh	W
34385keyboard adapter unit	Enss	m
34386keyboard and display	EntS	o
34387keyboard and display control	Ent6	z
34388keyboard buffer	Enut	g
34389keyboard button	EnvN	g
34390keyboard card punch	Envt	u
34391keyboard card verifier	Enwb	x
34392keyboard checking circuit	EnxM	t
34393keyboard clear pushswitch	Enx5	z
34394keyboard command	Enys	e
34395keyboard command prompt	EnzK	r
34396keyboard common contact	Enz1	v
34397keyboard components layout	En0k	u
34398keyboard computer	En1S	i
34399keyboard computer printer	En10	2
34400keyboard console	En2q	h
34401keyboard contact	En3L	e
34402keyboard contact bounce	En3p	r
34403keyboard control key	En4U	l
34404keyboard control process	En45	s
34405keyboard control unit	En5l	t
34406keyboard data entry	En6S	r
34407keyboard data recorder	En69	x
34408keyboard definition	En7u	h
34409keyboard display	En8P	h
34410keyboard display console	En8w	s
34411keyboard display station	En9c	p
34412keyboard editing display station	En+F	3
34413keyboard encoder	En+8	l
34414keyboard entry	En/h	g
34415keyboard entry and inquiry	EoAB	x
34416keyboard entry method	EoAy	p
34417keyboard equivalent	EoBb	h
34418keyboard features	EoB8	f
34419keyboard function key	EoCb	m
34420keyboard input command	EoDB	q
34421keyboard input matrix	EoDr	t
34422keyboard input printout	EoEY	2
34423keyboard input simulation	EoFO	t
34424keyboard inquiry	EoF7	e
34425keyboard interaction	EoGZ	i
34426keyboard interface	EoG7	g
34427keyboard interface control unit	EoHb	+
34428keyboard interface unit	EoIZ	v
34429keyboard jack	EoJI	b
34430keyboard layout	EoJj	d
34431keyboard listener	EoKA	m
34432keyboard lock message field	EoKm	1
34433keyboard lock state	EoLb	n
34434keyboard lockout	EoMC	e
34435keyboard monitor	EoMg	m
34436keyboard monitor command	EoNG	v
34437keyboard operating system	EoN1	t
34438keyboard operation	EoOi	g
34439keyboard operator	EoPC	i
34440keyboard overlay	EoPk	h
34441keyboard page printer	EoQF	w
34442keyboard paper tape punch	EoQ1	0
34443keyboard paper tape punch and verifier	EoRp	BO
34444keyboard perforator	EoS3	n
34445keyboard printer	EoTe	h
34446keyboard printer control	EoT/	z
34447keyboard program	EoUy	e
34448keyboard programmmable ram	EoVQ	BD
34449keyboard punch	EoWT	i
34450keyboard puncher	EoW1	l
34451keyboard request control	EoXa	s
34452keyboard scan	EoYG	b
34453keyboard selection	EoYh	g
34454keyboard sendreceive	EoZB	q
34455keyboard sendreceive set	EoZr	q
34456keyboard sendreceive terminal	EoaV	4
34457keyboard sendreceiver	EobN	r
34458keyboard substem	Eob4	h
34459keyboard switch	EocZ	d
34460keyboard tape punch	Eoc2	q
34461keyboard template	Eodg	f
34462keyboard time out	Eod/	f
34463keyboard to disk system	Eoee	t
34464keyboard to tape system	EofL	t
34465keyboard transmitter	Eof4	o
34466keyboard types	Eogg	c
34467keyboarding	Eog8	Z
34468keychart	EohV	W
34469keydial	Eohr	Y
34470keyed	9uC	o
34471keyed	EoiD	Q
34472keyed access	EoiT	a
34473keyed access method	Eoit	n
34474keyed address	EojU	e
34475keyed attribute	Eojy	j
34476keyed data set	EokV	f
34477keyed direct access	Eok0	n
34478keyed display console	Eolb	w
34479keyed element	DEqe	k
34480keyed file	EomL	V
34481keyed file file access system	Eomg	5
34482keyed indexed sequential search	EonZ	2
34483keyed option	EooP	a
34484keyed record access	Eoop	n
34485keyed sequence	EopQ	c
34486keyed sequence access path	Eops	u
34487keyed sequenced data set	Eoqa	u
34488keyed sequential access	EorI	l
34489keyed sequential access method	Eort	0
34490keyhole bubble generator	Eosh	v
34491keying	/ek	c
34492keying	EotQ	O
34493keying chirps	Eote	Y
34494keying device	Eot2	b
34495keying error rate	EouR	i
34496keying relationship	Eouz	h
34497keying signal	EovU	b
34498keying switching station	Eovv	t
34499keying unit	Eowc	Z
34500keying wave	Eow1	W
34501keylock	EoxL	V
34502keylock feature	Eoxg	d
34503keymat	Eox9	O
34504keypad	EoyL	c
34505keypad application mode	Eoyn	r
34506keypad mode	EozS	Z
34507keypad numbers	Eozr	c
34508keypad numeric mode	Eo0H	n
34509keypad value	Eo0u	d
34510keypoint compaction	InFX	q
34511keypunch	Eo1L	h
34512keypunch error	Eo1s	f
34513keypunch machine	Eo2L	h
34514keypunch operator	Eo2s	r
34515keypunch replacement	Eo3X	s
34516keypuncher	Eo4D	V
34517keys available in the ws ctl mod	Eo4Y	BA
34518keysets	Eo5Y	S
34519keystation control language	Eo5q	z
34520keystroke	Eo6d	R
34521keystroke verification	Eo6u	k
34522keytop symbol	Eo7S	b
34523keyway	Eo7t	O
34524keyword	Eo77	S
34525keyword and context	Eo8N	v
34526keyword and context index	Eo88	2
34527keyword and udc index	Eo9y	BB
34528keyword count program	Eo+z	s
34529keyword format	Eo/f	f
34530keyword from title index	Eo/+	v
34531keyword identifier	EpAt	m
34532keyword in context	EpBT	u
34533keyword in context index	EpCB	1
34534keyword in context indexing	EpC2	4
34535keyword in title	EpDu	p
34536keyword index	EpEX	e
34537keyword indexing simulator	EpE1	3
34538keyword item	EpFs	a
34539keyword macro	EpGG	k
34540keyword macro argument	EpGq	z
34541keyword macro instruction	EpHd	w
34542keyword operand	EpIN	j
34543keyword out of context	EpIw	y
34544keyword out of context index	EpJi	5
34545keyword out of title	EpKb	t
34546keyword parameter	EpLI	i
34547keyword root	EpLq	a
34548keyword rule	EpME	d
34549keyword system	EpMh	f
34550keyword transformation unit	EpNA	2
34551kill	EpN2	R
34552kilo	EpOH	L
34553kilo electron volts	EpOS	l
34554kilo instruction per second	EpO3	v
34555kilo operations per second	EpPm	u
34556kilo stream	EpQU	f
34557kilo volt amphere	EpQz	c
34558kilobaud	EpRP	T
34559kilobit	EpRi	X
34560kilobits per second	EpR5	l
34561kilobyte	EpSe	Z
34562kilobytes	EpS3	e
34563kilobytes per second	EpTV	s
34564kilocharacter	EpUB	d
34565kilocharacters per second	EpUe	t
34566kilocycle	EpVL	U
34567kilocycles per second	EpVf	n
34568kilogram	EpWG	T
34569kilohertz	EpWZ	V
34570kilomega	EpWu	T
34571kilomegabit	EpXB	Z
34572kilomegacycle	EpXa	c
34573kilomegacycles per second	EpX2	q
34574kiloword	EpYg	T
34575kinematic operator	EpYz	g
34576kinetic	EpZT	S
34577kinetic control system	EpZl	q
34578kinetic energy	EpaP	W
34579kinetic energy operator	Epal	l
34580kinetic filter	EpbK	f
34581kipp	H6Qh	x
34582kipp relay	Epbp	b
34583kirchhoff adder	EpcE	m
34584kit	EpdE	L
34585kit assembler	EpdP	h
34586kit hardware and software system	Epdw	9
34587kit processor card	Epet	j
34588kit software	EpfQ	a
34589kludge	Epfq	O
34590kneetop	Epf4	S
34591knob	EpgK	U
34592knot	Epge	M
34593know how	Epgq	Q
34594know policy	GQ1K	p
34595knowledge	Fpik	U
34596knowledge acquisition	Epg6	j
34597knowledge acquisition and utilization system	Ephd	BJ
34598knowledge acquisition system	Epim	w
34599knowledge base	EpjW	Z
34600knowledge base compiler	Epjv	u
34601knowledge base debugger	Epkd	u
34602knowledge base intelligence	EplL	s
34603knowledge base intelligent activity	Epl3	BA
34604knowledge base management system	Epm3	3
34605knowledge base system	Epnu	m
34606knowledge based consultation system	EpoU	BA
34607knowledge based expert system	EppU	6
34608knowledge based program editing	EpqO	8
34609knowledge based programming system	EprK	BF
34610knowledge based system	EpsP	t
34611knowledge data base	Eps8	e
34612knowledge data base system	Epta	r
34613knowledge directed data base	EpuF	2
34614knowledge engineering	Epu7	j
34615knowledge engineering system	Epve	w
34616knowledge engineering tool	EpwO	u
34617knowledge factory	Epw8	f
34618knowledge industry	Epxb	g
34619knowledge information	Epx7	j
34620knowledge information processing	Epye	0
34621knowledge information processing system	EpzS	BB
34622knowledge language one	Ep0T	u
34623knowledge library expert system	Ep1B	2
34624knowledge management	Ep13	i
34625knowledge manipulation system	Ep2Z	x
34626knowledge network	Ep3K	c
34627knowledge of programming	Ep3m	v
34628knowledge processing system	Ep4V	v
34629knowledge reasoning	Ep5E	h
34630knowledge representation	Ep5l	m
34631knowledge representation language	Ep6L	5
34632knowledge representation paradigm	Ep7E	1
34633knowledge representation system	Ep75	z
34634knowledge resource	Ep8s	d
34635knowledge structure	Ep9J	h
34636knowledge subsystem	Ep9q	k
34637known	Ep+O	N
34638known address	Ep+b	b
34639known component	Ep+2	d
34640known lines	Ep/T	Z
34641known segment	Ep/s	Y
34642known segment table	EqAE	l
34643known state	EqAp	Z
34644knuth morris pratt algorithm	EqBC	z
34645konigsberg bridge problem	EqB1	z
34646kraft inequality	EqCo	k
34647kronos	EqDM	a
34648kuck classification	EqDm	k
34649kuck classification schema	EqEK	r
34650kurzwell reading machine	EqE1	v
34651kword	EqFk	N
34652l attribute grammer	EqFx	j
34653l expression	EqGU	Z
34654lab project	EqGt	c
34655label	EqHJ	R
34656label address table	EqIc	k
34657label area	EqJA	V
34658label assignment statement	EqJV	u
34659label attribute	EqKD	d
34660label block	EqKg	c
34661label buffer address	EqK8	o
34662label check	EqLk	Z
34663label coding	EqL9	a
34664label combination	EqMX	f
34665label constant	EqM2	c
34666label controlled graph grammar	Ga1t	BE
34667label data	EqNS	Y
34668label declaration	EqNq	f
34669label declaration part	EqOJ	q
34670label declaration section	EqOz	t
34671label definition	EqPg	h
34672label delimiter	EqQB	g
34673label descriptor	EqQh	h
34674label expression	EqRC	h
34675label field	EqRj	W
34676label format record	EqR5	n
34677label group	EqSg	W
34678label handling	EqS2	c
34679label handling routine	EqTS	q
34680label identifier	EqT8	h
34681label in a programming language	EqHa	BC
34682label information area	EqUd	n
34683label key	EqVE	U
34684label map	EqVY	X
34685label notation	EqVv	c
34686label number	EqWL	X
34687label parameter	EqWi	d
34688label prefix	EqW/	a
34689label printer	EqXZ	e
34690label procedure	EqX3	d
34691label processing	EqYU	e
34692label processing routine	EqYy	s
34693label processor	EqZe	g
34694label record	EqZ+	a
34695label record clause	EqaY	n
34696label record standard	Eqa/	p
34697label routine	Eqbo	h
34698label save area	EqcJ	g
34699label set	Eqcp	U
34700label subscript	Eqc9	d
34701label symbol	Eqda	a
34702label table	Eqd0	W
34703label terminator	EqeK	h
34704label trace	Eqer	Z
34705label translation	EqfE	f
34706label variable	Eqfj	c
34707labeled	Eqf/	S
34708labeling	EqgR	Q
34709labeling method	Eqgh	g
34710labelled algorithm	EqhB	m
34711labelled block	Eqhn	c
34712labelled common	EqiD	j
34713labelled common block	Eqim	p
34714labelled common name	EqjP	r
34715labelled data stream	Eqj6	o
34716labelled graph	Eqki	Z
34717labelled image	Eqk7	f
34718labelled input file	Eqla	n
34719labelled instruction	EqmB	l
34720labelled ordered tree	Eqmm	p
34721labelled plan displays	EqnP	q
34722labelled statement	Eqom	j
34723labelled storage	EqpJ	k
34724labelled transitive digraph	Eqpt	1
34725labelled tree	Eqqi	b
34726labelling	Eqq9	R
34727labelling method	EqrO	b
34728labelling procedure	Eqrp	h
34729labor completed	EqsK	g
34730labor content lower levels	Eqsq	u
34731labor content this level	EqtY	s
34732labor cost	EquE	Y
34733labor hour	Equc	Y
34734labor hours	Equ0	Z
34735labor reported	EqvN	c
34736labor reporting	Eqvp	d
34737labor tickets	EqwG	Y
34738labor time	Eqwe	Y
34739labor total	Eqw2	Z
34740laboratory	EqyC	a
34741laboratory automation	Eqyc	p
34742laboratory automation system	EqzF	2
34743laboratory computer	Eqz7	n
34744laboratory computer hierarchy	Eq0i	3
34745laboratory computer online inquiry	Eq1Z	BK
34746laboratory control computer	Eq2j	5
34747laboratory data base	Eq3c	o
34748laboratory data management	Eq4E	2
34749laboratory data processor	Eq46	3
34750laboratory data products group	Eq5x	/
34751laboratory data stream	Eq6w	q
34752laboratory effects	Eq7a	j
34753laboratory environment	Eq79	n
34754laboratory information processing system	Eq8k	BK
34755laboratory interconnecting programming system	Eq9u	BV
34756laboratory minicomputer	Eq/D	x
34757laboratory operating system	Eq/0	2
34758laboratory peripheral system	ErAq	3
34759laboratory report	ErBh	f
34760laboratory signal processing instrument	ErCA	BE
34761laboratory signal processor	ErDE	1
34762laboratory system	ErD5	l
34763laboroverhead table	EqxP	z
34764lace	ErEe	S
34765lace card	ErEw	X
34766ladder diagram	ErFH	Z
34767ladder logic	ErFg	h
34768ladder network	ErGB	c
34769ladder printer	ErGd	f
34770ladder static logic	ErG8	r
34771laddic	ErHn	d
34772lag	ErIE	L
34773lag network	ErIP	Z
34774lag network	Ev/u	f
34775lag or lead	ErIo	c
34776lag product	ErJE	W
34777lag time	ErJa	W
34778lag unit	ErJw	W
34779lag window	ErKG	V
34780lagged product theorem	ErKb	q
34781lagging	ErLF	S
34782lagging current	ErLX	d
34783lagrange intergration formula	ErL0	3
34784lagrange interpolation	ErMr	q
34785lagrange inversion formula	ErNV	0
34786lagrange multiplier	ErOJ	n
34787lagrangian coordinates	ErOw	q
34788laguage	IRbj	c
34789lambda binding	ErPa	Y
34790lambda calculus	ErPy	Z
34791lambda definition	ErQL	b
34792lambda expression	ErQm	e
34793lambda notation	ErRE	Z
34794lambda parameter	ErRd	a
34795lambda variable	ErR3	Z
34796laminar bus	ErT+	f
34797laminar bus a	ErUd	j
34798laminar bus b	ErVA	j
34799laminar flow	ErVj	U
34800laminate	ErV3	T
34801laminate board	ErWK	Z
34802laminate bus plate	ErWj	q
34803laminate bus plate	ErXN	j
34804lamination	ErXw	S
34805lamp driver	ErYC	f
34806lamp monitor	ErYh	a
34807lan broadcast	ErY7	t
34808lan gateway	ErZo	r
34809lan multicast	EraT	q
34810land development accounting system	Era9	BD
34811land station	ErcA	X
34812land terminal	ErcX	e
34813landing	Erek	P
34814landing line teletype	Erez	4
34815landing zone	Erfr	X
34816landline facilities	ErgC	n
34817landline teletype	Ergp	s
34818landsat	ErhV	V
34819landsat image precessing	Erhq	y
34820lang file	Eric	X
34821language	Dnsn	W
34822language	Eriz	V
34823language	Hyfc	T
34824language	IRcQ	c
34825language analysis	ErjI	f
34826language and language behavior abstracts	Erjn	BK
34827language and terminal	Erkx	q
34828language assembler	Erlb	m
34829language cally	ErmB	c
34830language character	Ermd	g
34831language character set	Erm9	n
34832language class	Ernk	Z
34833language code	Ern9	Y
34834language complexity	EroV	n
34835language concept	Ero8	e
34836language construction	Erpa	j
34837language control form	Erp9	p
34838language convention	Erqm	h
34839language conversion program	ErrH	z
34840language converter	Err6	j
34841language converter translator	Ersd	x
34842language data	ErtO	b
34843language data processing	Ertp	w
34844language definition	EruZ	h
34845language dependent translator	Eru6	BB
34846language description	Erv7	i
34847language description language	Erwd	4
34848language designter	ErxV	g
34849language development	Erx1	i
34850language digit	EryX	f
34851language editor	Ery2	j
34852language element	ErzZ	e
34853language engineering	Erz3	i
34854language exploitation condense	Er0Z	2
34855language extendibility	Er1P	q
34856language feature	Er15	e
34857language file	Er2X	Y
34858language for conversation computing	Er2v	7
34859language for conversational computing	Er3q	9
34860language for robot control	Er5O	0
34861language for symbolic simulation	Er6C	4
34862language for system development	Er66	3
34863language for your remote instruction by computer	Er7x	BW
34864language form	7Cj	e
34865language form	Er9H	b
34866language fundamental frequency recognition	Er9i	+
34867language generation system	Er+g	u
34868language graph	Er/O	Z
34869language hierarchy	Er/n	g
34870language identification	EsAH	l
34871language independent error recovery method	EsAs	BQ
34872language inference	EsB8	g
34873language information algebra system	EsCc	9
34874language information processing	EsDZ	z
34875language input	GepX	l
34876language input	fID	i
34877language interpretation module	EsEM	2
34878language interpreter	EsFC	o
34879language knowledge base	EsFq	o
34880language level	EsGS	Z
34881language list processing	EsGr	p
34882language media format	EsHU	z
34883language oriented system analysis table	EsIH	BT
34884language pattern	EsJa	e
34885language processing and debugging	EsJ4	8
34886language processor	EsK0	m
34887language processor	Fpi4	m
34888language processor unit	EsLa	y
34889language reference manual	EsMM	t
34890language reliability	EsM5	l
34891language requirement	EsNe	i
34892language rules	EsOA	c
34893language selection	EsOc	g
34894language shift	EsO8	c
34895language size	EsPY	b
34896language specific linkage	EsPz	q
34897language specification	EsQd	k
34898language standardization	EsRB	p
34899language statement	EsRq	a
34900language structure	EsSE	g
34901language structure group	EsSk	t
34902language subset	EsTR	d
34903language subsystem	EsTu	j
34904language summary	EsUR	e
34905language support environment	EsUv	w
34906language system	EsVf	d
34907language system	F9Ab	k
34908language teaching system	EsV8	w
34909language theory semantics	EsWs	w
34910language tool	EsXc	b
34911language transformation	EsX3	l
34912language translation	EsYc	l
34913language translation feature	EsZB	w
34914language translation system	EsZx	z
34915language translator	Esak	k
34916language understanding system	EsbI	x
34917language virtuality	Esb5	n
34918language1	FONq	j
34919languageless programming	Ese1	v
34920lap	Esfk	L
34921lapel microphone	Esfv	k
34922lapin	EsgT	l
34923laplace operator	Esg4	q
34924laplacian	Esh7	d
34925lapping	EsiY	P
34926lapse	Esin	N
34927large area display	Esi0	q
34928large area electronic display panel	Esje	BD
34929large area record reader	Eskh	3
34930large artificial nerve network	EslY	/
34931large associative processor	EsmX	y
34932large attribute	EsnJ	a
34933large automatic research computer	Esnj	BD
34934large capacity core storage	Esom	6
34935large capacity memory	Espg	t
34936large capacity satellite	EsqN	p
34937large capacity storage	Esq2	u
34938large computer	Esrk	f
34939large computer project	EssD	x
34940large computer supply	Ess0	s
34941large computer system	Estg	s
34942large computerized branch exchange	EsuM	BK
34943large core memory	EsvW	v
34944large core storage	EswF	w
34945large core storage access method	Esw1	BJ
34946large data base	Esx+	k
34947large data base system	Esyi	y
34948large data processing	EszU	p
34949large deformation	Esz9	c
34950large digital circuits	Es0Z	q
34951large electronic display	Es1D	z
34952large electronic display panel	Es12	6
34953large face	Es2w	h
34954large general purpose computer	Es3R	1
34955large injection	Es4G	d
34956large integrated monolithic array computer	Es4j	BW
34957large letter	Es55	d
34958large linear system	Es6W	h
34959large matrix store	Es63	s
34960large panel display	Es7j	x
34961large power semiconductor device	Es8U	6
34962large power supply	Es9O	g
34963large print video terminal	Es9u	5
34964large program life cycle	Es+n	v
34965large real time problem	Es/W	r
34966large retainer	EtAB	c
34967large sample theory	EtAd	k
34968large scale compound integration circuit	EtBB	BH
34969large scale computer	EtCI	p
34970large scale computer project	EtCx	4
34971large scale computer system	EtDp	3
34972large scale data processor	EtEg	x
34973large scale digital computer	EtFR	z
34974large scale dynamic system	EtGE	u
34975large scale hybrid integrated circuit	EtGy	BE
34976large scale hybrid microprocessor	EtH2	7
34977large scale integrated	EtIx	o
34978large scale integrated chip	EtJZ	1
34979large scale integrated circuit	EtKO	3
34980large scale integrated circuit design	EtLF	/
34981large scale integrated microprocessor	EtME	/
34982large scale integration	EtND	p
34983large scale knowledge system	EtNs	w
34984large scale memory	EtOc	j
34985large scale numerical problem	EtO/	x
34986large scale program	EtPw	h
34987large scale software development	EtQR	0
34988large scale structure	EtRF	j
34989large scale system	EtRo	g
34990large scale target display	EtSI	2
34991large scientific code	EtTg	s
34992large screen display	EtUM	p
34993large screen display system	EtU1	3
34994large screen projector	EtVs	q
34995large signal operation	EtWW	n
34996large signal parameter	EtW9	n
34997large syntactic mark	EtXk	l
34998large system engineering operation	EtYJ	BB
34999large system job	EtZK	h
35000large value capacitor	EtZr	m
35001large volume data	EtaR	m
35002large volume data exchange	Eta3	5
35003larger topology	Etbw	d
35004larger word	EtcN	a
35005largest integral equivalent	Etcn	v
35006largest logical record size	EtdW	1
35007largest processing time first	EteL	7
35008laser	EtfG	N
35009laser acoustic delay	EtfT	l
35010laser acquisition and direction	Etf4	2
35011laser addressed memory	Etgu	t
35012laser aerospace communications equipment	Ethb	BQ
35013laser amplifier chain	Etir	w
35014laser annealed solar cell	Etjb	5
35015laser annealing	EtkU	d
35016laser attenuator assembly	Etkx	9
35017laser basic mode	Etlu	k
35018laser beam	EtmS	Y
35019laser beam accessible storage	Etmq	6
35020laser beam deflection circuit	Etnk	0
35021laser beam printer	EtoY	m
35022laser beam recorder	Eto+	r
35023laser beam recording	Etpp	v
35024laser beam rotating mirror image recorder	EtqY	BM
35025laser beam sweep	Etrk	h
35026laser beam transmission	EtsF	o
35027laser cavity	Etst	d
35028laser channel capacity	EttK	w
35029laser coding memory	Ett6	q
35030laser com	Etuk	p
35031laser communication	EtvN	h
35032laser communication and tracking	Etvu	3
35033laser communication link	Etwl	s
35034laser communication satellite experiment	EtxR	BH
35035laser computer	EtyY	f
35036laser connector	Ety3	g
35037laser creation	EtzX	c
35038laser data transmission	Etzz	r
35039laser designater seeker system	Et0e	BA
35040laser detector diode	Et1e	v
35041laser diode	Et2N	f
35042laser display	Et2s	b
35043laser display system	Et3H	o
35044laser emulsion storage	Et3v	t
35045laser facility storage	Et4c	k
35046laser holography memory	Et5A	u
35047laser homing and warning system	Et5u	BD
35048laser intersatellite communication	Et6x	2
35049laser memory	Et7n	d
35050laser mode	Et8E	Y
35051laser optical videodisc	Et8c	l
35052laser phototypesetter	Et9B	s
35053laser plotter	Et9t	e
35054laser print head	Et+L	n
35055laser printer	Et+y	e
35056laser profile system	Et/Q	t
35057laser rangeing and tracking system	Et/9	BE
35058laser satellite tracking installation	EuBB	/
35059laser scannern storage	EuCA	n
35060laser scanning powerge	EuCn	q
35061laser signal device	EuDR	n
35062laser source	EuD4	X
35063laser storage	Cv2D	o
35064laser storage	EuEP	e
35065laser threshold	EuEt	d
35066laser typesetter	EuFK	h
35067laser voice link	EuFr	k
35068laser xerography	EuGP	n
35069lasing	EuG2	U
35070lasing medium	EuHK	b
35071last activity date	EuHl	m
35072last address register	EuIL	w
35073last attribute	EuI7	c
35074last come first serve	EuJX	o
35075last come first serve discipline	EuJ/	0
35076last come first serve policy	EuKz	w
35077last cost	EuLj	X
35078last costed	EuL6	f
35079last current state	EuMZ	m
35080last cycle	EuM/	Y
35081last data sample	EuNX	o
35082last date affecting quantity on hand	EuN/	BE
35083last element	EuPD	X
35084last element of chain	EuPa	j
35085last environment	HgmU	m
35086last environment point	EuP9	n
35087last executed instruction	EuQk	t
35088last frame address register	EuRR	6
35089last in first out	EuSL	n
35090last in first out list	EuSy	q
35091last in first out memory	EuTc	v
35092last in first out stack	EuUL	r
35093last in first out store	EuU2	u
35094last in last out	EuVk	j
35095last issue date	EuWH	j
35096last issue date of component	EuWq	2
35097last item	EuXg	R
35098last level	EuXx	V
35099last level register	EuYG	o
35100last location	EuYu	b
35101last logical record	EuZJ	n
35102last macro	EuZw	b
35103last maintained	EuaL	d
35104last marked character	Euao	p
35105last number	EubR	T
35106last of chain	Eubk	V
35107last operation	Eub5	c
35108last pass phase	EucV	m
35109last physical cycle count date	Euc7	+
35110last physical or cycle inventory date	Eud5	BI
35111last priority level	EufB	k
35112last rack	Eufl	X
35113last radio contact	Euf8	1
35114last record	Eugx	c
35115last referenced point	EuhN	m
35116last sector	Euhz	W
35117last segment indicator	EuiJ	u
35118last significant figure	Eui3	r
35119last simulated	Euji	c
35120last son	Euj+	Q
35121last subscript	EukO	c
35122last symbol	Eukq	Z
35123last term	EulD	R
35124last terminal	EulU	e
35125last test	Euly	X
35126last test step	EumJ	f
35127last textword	Eumo	h
35128last transaction	EunJ	e
35129last transaction date	Eunn	p
35130last unit cost	EuoQ	i
35131last use	Euoy	W
35132last word	EupI	U
35133last word address	Eupc	j
35134latch	DYeB	Z
35135latch	EuqT	b
35136latch bit test	Euqu	f
35137latch checking switch	EurN	u
35138latch circuit	Eur7	b
35139latch decoder	EusW	e
35140latch down key	Eus0	Z
35141latch enable	EutN	a
35142latch function	G8gf	n
35143latch mode	Eutn	Y
35144latch out tabulator key	Eut/	o
35145latch output	Euun	a
35146latch pulse	EuvB	Z
35147latch register	Euva	f
35148latch trip	Euv5	b
35149latch unit	EuwU	Y
35150latch up	Euws	Q
35151latch up free	Euw8	Y
35152latchdown	EuxU	R
35153latched	Euxl	V
35154latched system	Eux6	c
35155latching	EuyW	Q
35156latching full adder	Euym	k
35157latching logic	EuzK	c
35158latching network	Euzm	e
35159latching semiconductor diode	Eu0E	6
35160late commitment	Eu0+	g
35161late date	Eu1e	X
35162late distortion	Eu11	d
35163late register	Eu2S	b
35164latency	Eu2t	V
35165latency	H9hg	b
35166latency	IsMF	e
35167latency coding	Fx2w	i
35168latency program	Fx3S	j
35169latency programming	Fx31	n
35170latency routine	Fx4c	BE
35171latency subroutine	Fx5g	p
35172latency time	Eu3C	a
35173latency tolerance	Eu3c	f
35174latent error	Eu37	a
35175latent heat	Eu4V	T
35176latent image	Eu4o	U
35177latent multivalued dependencies	Eu48	w
35178latent root	Eu5s	W
35179latent vector	Eu6C	b
35180later phase	Eu6d	T
35181lateral	Eu6w	P
35182lateral communications	Eu6/	k
35183lateral complementary transistor	Eu7j	3
35184lateral deflection	Eu8a	g
35185lateral diffusion	Eu86	f
35186lateral displacement coding	Eu9Z	z
35187lateral displacement loss	Eu+M	t
35188lateral injection	Eu+5	f
35189lateral isolation	Eu/Y	f
35190lateral load	Eu/3	a
35191lateral magnification	EvAR	p
35192lateral parity	EvA6	i
35193lateral pnp transistor	EvBc	r
35194lateral redundancy check	EvCH	s
35195lateral reversal	EvCz	e
35196lateral tell	EvDR	j
35197lateral transistor	EvD0	j
35198lateral view	EvEX	U
35199latest completing time	EvEr	u
35200latest node time	EvFZ	k
35201latest precedence partition	EvF9	z
35202latest starting time	EvGw	s
35203latin alphabet	EvHc	f
35204latin font	EvH7	b
35205latin letter	EvIW	a
35206lating operation	H7YL	k
35207lating time	H7Yv	f
35208latitude data computer	EvIw	x
35209lattice	EvJh	P
35210lattice	ISBc	S
35211lattice defect	EvJw	c
35212lattice file	EvKM	X
35213lattice imperfection	EvKj	i
35214lattice model	EvLF	b
35215lattice modulator	EvLg	i
35216lattice network	EvMC	d
35217lattice point	EvMf	V
35218lattice search	EvM0	f
35219lattice spacing	EvNT	j
35220lattice structure	EvN2	f
35221lattice theory	EvOV	c
35222lattice vibration	EvOx	f
35223launch	EvPQ	O
35224launch amplifier	EvPe	h
35225launch angle	EvP/	X
35226launch area recovery system	EvQW	3
35227launch auxiliary system	EvRN	v
35228launch control and sequencer system	EvR8	BI
35229launch data system	EvTE	q
35230launch enable logic unit	EvTu	3
35231launch operations control center	EvUl	6
35232launch procedure document	EvVf	x
35233launch processing system	EvWQ	w
35234launch support data base	EvXA	0
35235launch systems data	EvX0	r
35236launch vehicle data center	EvYf	5
35237launch vehicle digital computer	EvZY	BB
35238launch vehicle flight control	EvaZ	8
35239launch vehicle flight system	EvbV	BC
35240launch zone display	EvcX	r
35241launcher assignment console	EvdC	5
35242launching	Evd7	R
35243law	EveM	L
35244law enforcement information network	EveX	BC
35245law enforcement teletype system	EvfZ	BH
35246law generator	GPui	h
35247law of large number	Evgg	h
35248laws for construction of programs	EvhB	5
35249lay down	Evh6	Q
35250lay in	EviK	O
35251lay out	EviY	P
35252layer	Evin	O
35253layer adhesion	EvmO	c
35254layer cell	0x5	b
35255layer connection	GLoi	d
35256layer construction logic circuit	JB3o	6
35257layer insulation	Evi1	e
35258layer level	EvjT	c
35259layer logic	F9A/	f
35260layer management	Evjv	e
35261layer primitive equation	EvkN	w
35262layer printed circuit	F9Be	u
35263layer printed circuit board	F9CM	4
35264layer process control	F9DE	BC
35265layer protocol	Evk9	c
35266layer short	EvlZ	Z
35267layer signal transfer	Evmq	p
35268layered architecture computer communication system	EvnT	BV
35269layered distributed operating system	Evoo	BB
35270layered domain class	Evpp	p
35271layered machine	EvqS	a
35272layered operating system	Evqs	v
35273layered protocol	Evrb	e
35274layered structure	Evr5	f
35275layered system	EvsY	c
35276layering	Evs0	Q
35277laying	EvtE	O
35278laying apparatus	EvtS	e
35279laying effect	Evtw	b
35280layout	EvuL	U
35281layout character	Evuf	q
35282layout check subsystem	EvvJ	t
35283layout constant	Evv2	j
35284layout data	EvwZ	f
35285layout definition	Evw4	l
35286layout design	Evxd	h
35287layout procedure	Evx+	e
35288lazy evaluation	Evy/	d
35289lcfs policy	Evzc	f
35290ld	JKR7	Q
35291lead	5t/	S
35292lead attribute	Evz7	Z
35293lead bonding	5uR	d
35294lead byte	Ev0U	X
35295lead byte table	Ev0r	m
35296lead computer operator	Ev1R	w
35297lead fatigue test	Ev2B	l
35298lead frame	Ev2m	Y
35299lead in pages	Ev2+	b
35300lead integrated circuit	5uu	x
35301lead or lag	Ev3Z	c
35302lead pattern	Ev31	a
35303lead programmer	Ev4P	g
35304lead structure	5vf	i
35305lead time	Ev4v	X
35306lead time adjustment	Ev5G	o
35307lead time code	Ev5u	f
35308lead time control	Ev6N	l
35309lead time manufacturing	Ev6y	r
35310lead time purchase	Ev7d	m
35311lead time scheduling	Ev8D	o
35312lead wire	Ev/T	R
35313leader	EwAY	W
35314leader	H4jz	O
35315leader blanks	EwAu	b
35316leader card	EwBJ	Z
35317leader record	EwBi	V
35318leader tape	EwB3	W
35319leaders	EwCN	S
35320leading	EwCf	e
35321leading character	EwC9	f
35322leading control	EwDc	d
35323leading decision	EwD5	e
35324leading diagonal	EwEX	e
35325leading edge	EwE1	U
35326leading edge of tape	EwFJ	l
35327leading end	EwFu	T
35328leading flag	EwGB	a
35329leading graphics	EwGb	k
35330leading minor	EwG/	Y
35331leading principal minor	EwHX	l
35332leading space	EwH8	b
35333leading time	EwIX	a
35334leading zero	EwIx	X
35335leading zero fill	EwJI	i
35336leading zero protection	EwJq	o
35337leading zero suppress	EwKS	m
35338leaf	EwLS	Y
35339leaf node	EwLq	U
35340leaf node	GczT	X
35341leak	EwL+	M
35342leak memory	Gczq	c
35343leakage	EwMK	P
35344leakage loss	EwMZ	a
35345leakage magnetic flux	EwMz	j
35346leapfrog	I+CH	W
35347leapfrog	I+Do	W
35348leapfrog test	EwNW	b
35349leapfrogging	EwNx	U
35350learnability	EwOF	a
35351learning	EwOf	Z
35352learning	IPo0	X
35353learning algorithm	EwO4	j
35354learning and adaptive system	EwPb	z
35355learning automation	EwQO	k
35356learning computer	IPpL	g
35357learning control system	EwQy	r
35358learning curve	EwRd	c
35359learning environment	EwR5	i
35360learning machine	EwSb	b
35361learning matrix	EwS2	d
35362learning parser	HTXV	BP
35363learning phase	EwTT	c
35364learning program	EwTv	e
35365learning resources exchange program	EwUN	BC
35366learning sequence	EwVP	f
35367learning simple conception	EwVu	u
35368learning software	EwWc	f
35369learning structural description	EwW7	z
35370learning system	EwXu	d
35371learning system	IPpr	g
35372learning system definition	EwYL	u
35373learning table	EwY5	Z
35374lease base machine inventory	EwZS	4
35375lease rental agreement	EwaK	o
35376leaseback	Eway	R
35377leased channel	EwbD	f
35378leased circuit	Ewbi	c
35379leased circuit connection	Ewb+	t
35380leased circuit data transmission service	Ewcr	BI
35381leased circuit service	Ewdz	q
35382leased facility	Ewed	d
35383leased group link	Ewe6	l
35384leased line	Ewff	Z
35385leased line adapter	Ewf4	u
35386leased line availabilities	Ewgm	u
35387leased line data transmission service	EwhU	BL
35388leased line telephone network	Ewif	x
35389leased network service	EwjQ	q
35390leased private channel	Ewj6	q
35391leased satellite	Ewkk	e
35392leased telegraph circuit	EwlC	x
35393least command increment	EwmN	r
35394least common denominator	Ewm4	t
35395least common multiple	Ewnl	q
35396least cost estimating and scheduling system	EwoP	BT
35397least cost network design	Ewpi	z
35398least cost path	EwqV	j
35399least cost routing	Ewq4	w
35400least element	Ewro	b
35401least error energy	EwsD	m
35402least fixed point	Ewsp	f
35403least frequently used	EwtI	w
35404least frequently used algorithm	Ewt4	w
35405least frequently used memory	Ewuo	t
35406least input increment	EwvV	p
35407least member	Ewxt	a
35408least privilege	EwyH	d
35409least recently used	Ewyk	r
35410least recently used algorithm	EwzP	0
35411least significant	Ew0D	i
35412least significant bit	Ew0l	t
35413least significant byte	Ew1S	t
35414least significant character	Ew1/	z
35415least significant difference	Ew2y	0
35416least significant digit	Ew3m	v
35417least significant digit or character	Ew4V	BB
35418least significant end	Ew5x	m
35419least significant unit	Ew6X	u
35420least square	Ew7F	a
35421least square approximation	Ew7f	u
35422least square curve fitting	Ew8N	0
35423least square filter restoration	Ew9B	5
35424least square fit	Ew96	o
35425least square linear regression	Ew+i	4
35426least square method	Ew/a	o
35427least square multiple regression	ExAC	6
35428least square regression	ExA8	r
35429least squared criterion	ExCJ	r
35430least upper bound	ExC0	j
35431leaving	ExHD	M
35432leaving	F9EG	d
35433leaving remote job entry	F9Ej	9
35434leaving support	F9Fg	j
35435leaving telecommunications access method	F9GD	BT
35436lebesgue measure	ExHP	h
35437led	ExHw	U
35438led assembly	ExIE	b
35439led coupler	ExIf	l
35440ledge controller connector	ExJE	1
35441left	ExKS	P
35442left alignment	ExKh	c
35443left arithmetic element	ExK9	s
35444left bounded context	ExLp	s
35445left bracket	ExMV	X
35446left context	ExMs	a
35447left context sensitive language	ExNG	5
35448left curly bracket	ExOV	j
35449left derivative	ExO4	a
35450left end market	ExPS	d
35451left end of tape	ExPv	g
35452left entry	ExQP	V
35453left factoring	ExQk	f
35454left half word	ExRD	d
35455left hand chain	ExRg	e
35456left hand rule	ExR+	g
35457left hand side	ExSe	d
35458left hand word	ExS7	d
35459left handright hand	ExTY	r
35460left inverse	ExUD	U
35461left justification	ExUX	g
35462left justify	ExU3	U
35463left leaf	ExVL	U
35464left linear form production	ExVf	y
35465left linear grammar	ExWR	k
35466left list layout	ExW1	k
35467left margin	ExXZ	T
35468left margin detect	ExXs	g
35469left most bit	ExYM	f
35470left offspring	ExYr	Z
35471left out of order	ExZE	g
35472left over	ExZk	R
35473left parenthesis	ExZ1	b
35474left part	ExaQ	R
35475left part list	Exah	Z
35476left part nonterminal	Exa6	p
35477left part terminal	Exbj	j
35478left profile	ExcG	X
35479left recursion	Excd	Z
35480left recursion production	Exc2	t
35481left recursive definition	Exdj	q
35482left recursive form	ExeN	k
35483left recursive grammar	Exex	n
35484left recursive nonterminal	ExfY	x
35485left recursive rule	ExgJ	k
35486left recursive way	Exgt	j
35487left seperate numeric string	ExhQ	w
35488left seperate sign	ExiA	g
35489left shift	Exig	S
35490left sibiling	Exiy	Y
35491left side	ExjK	U
35492left store	Exje	c
35493left subtree	Exj6	X
35494left to right	ExkR	b
35495left truncation	Exks	a
35496left upper extremity	ExlG	m
35497left zero	Exls	U
35498leftmost bit	Ex0h	a
35499leftmost cell	Ex07	b
35500leftmost character	Ex1W	g
35501leftmost complete branch	Ex12	s
35502leftmost derviation	Ex2i	n
35503leftmost derviation sequence	Ex3J	w
35504leftmost interpreation	Ex35	n
35505leftmost nonterminal	Ex4g	o
35506leftmost prime phrase	Ex5I	m
35507leftmost sequence	Ex5u	f
35508leftmost simple phrase	Ex6N	q
35509leftmost string	Ex63	d
35510leftmost symbol	Ex7U	d
35511leftmost tally mark	Ex7x	n
35512leftmost terminal set	Ex8Y	p
35513leftmost tree	Ex9B	Y
35514leftmost unchecked symbol	Ex9Z	t
35515leftmost uncovered symbol	Ex+G	t
35516leftwards	Ex+z	R
35517leg	Ex/E	L
35518leg program	BFc5	Z
35519legal	Ex/P	N
35520legal assembler argument	Ex/c	y
35521legal information thru electronics	EyAO	BF
35522legal literal configuration	EyBT	v
35523legal program	EyCC	b
35524legal protection	EyCd	e
35525legal protection of computer software	EyC7	BF
35526legal retrieval	EyEA	j
35527legal sentence	EyEj	c
35528legal sentential form	EyE/	j
35529legal string	EyFi	X
35530legend	EyF5	c
35531legend box	EyGV	V
35532legend justification	EyGq	i
35533legend text	EyHM	Z
35534legend window	EyHl	Y
35535legislative information and status system	EyH9	BM
35536lego	EyJJ	M
35537legoff	EyJV	O
35538legoff message	EyJj	c
35539legoff procedure	EyJ/	e
35540legon	EyKd	N
35541legon message	EyKq	b
35542legon procedure	EyLF	d
35543lemma	EyLi	N
35544length	EyLv	S
35545length	H4ls	R
35546length	H5qn	X
35547length	JcBt	U
35548length arithmetic	GGBd	l
35549length attribute	EyMB	e
35550length between perpendiculars	EyMf	1
35551length biased sampling	EyNU	q
35552length buffer	JqaU	h
35553length check	EyN+	a
35554length code	C1UU	W
35555length data format	2qK	v
35556length discrimination	EyOY	j
35557length discriminator	EyO7	l
35558length discriminator	HuNx	p
35559length field	H4mQ	g
35560length field	IOCu	q
35561length indicator	EyPg	k
35562length logical format	DWzj	v
35563length logical operand	DW0S	z
35564length modifier	EyQE	g
35565length modulation	EyQk	f
35566length modulation	HuOa	2
35567length module	DW1F	h
35568length number	Ci11	b
35569length number	F9HW	b
35570length numeral	Ci2Q	Z
35571length numeral	GGCC	p
35572length of adjacency process	EyRD	0
35573length of column	EyR3	k
35574length of list directed field	EySb	x
35575length of perpendiculars	EyTM	q
35576length overall	EyT2	d
35577length packet	DW1m	e
35578length page	DW2E	f
35579length per transfer unit	EyUT	z
35580length plinter	CulL	o
35581length pointer	JcCk	c
35582length record	DPsF	e
35583length record	DSHh	e
35584length record	IW6e	/
35585length record	Iu3k	k
35586length record	JcDA	b
35587length record file	JcDb	j
35588length record merging mode	DW2j	0
35589length record sorting mode	DW3X	0
35590length record system	JcD+	o
35591length recording	JB4i	h
35592length register	HwW9	j
35593length request	DW4L	c
35594length selection	EyVG	e
35595length sequence	DW4n	d
35596length specification	EyVk	i
35597length word	DW5E	W
35598length word	JcEm	W
35599length working	F9Hx	1
35600length working	GGCr	c
35601lengthen label	EyWq	c
35602lengthen symbol	EyXG	d
35603lens	EyXj	M
35604lens system	EyXv	Z
35605less than	EyYI	U
35606less than condition	EyYc	h
35607less than or equal	EyY9	n
35608lesson assembly program	EyZk	v
35609letter	EyaT	S
35610letter case	Eyal	W
35611letter character	Eya7	e
35612letter code	EybZ	Z
35613letter contract	Eyby	g
35614letter descriptor	EycS	i
35615letter hash	Eyc0	Z
35616letter indicator	EydN	h
35617letter key	Eydu	V
35618letter of credit	EyeD	e
35619letter row	Eyeh	V
35620letter shift	Eye2	d
35621letter string	EyfT	Y
35622letter symbol	Eyfr	b
35623letter type code	EygG	b
35624letterphone	EyiZ	c
35625letterpress	Eyi1	c
35626letters case	EyjR	X
35627letters signal	Eyjo	c
35628letterset	EykE	a
35629letterspacing	Eyke	b
35630level	BEbn	T
35631level	DpRr	W
35632level	Eyk5	R
35633level	Hs5R	c
35634level	Hs5t	c
35635level	Hs6J	c
35636level access address	IIT9	o
35637level address	DVOX	e
35638level address	F9Im	o
35639level address	GLo/	k
35640level address	GlpH	a
35641level address	Gvqp	BC
35642level address	IIUl	b
35643level address	Imtq	Y
35644level address	JBVN	b
35645level address	JKu3	b
35646level address	Jqa1	b
35647level addressing	F9JO	4
35648level addressing	Gvrr	s
35649level addressing	IIVA	s
35650level addressing	JB5D	e
35651level addressing	JXNq	e
35652level addressing	JqbQ	l
35653level algorithm	F9KG	d
35654level alignment	EylK	d
35655level capacity	Eyln	Z
35656level checking	EymA	c
35657level code	CoM+	V
35658level code	DVfG	V
35659level code	Eymc	V
35660level code	GvsX	Y
35661level codecontinuity check	FKZo	BB
35662level coding	/fl	g
35663level coding	Eymx	a
35664level compensator	EynL	i
35665level control	Eynt	b
35666level control	FKap	b
35667level control system	F9Kj	o
35668level control table	EyoI	l
35669level definition	IIVs	e
35670level design	JHkc	e
35671level diagram	Eyot	Y
35672level directory	IIWK	r
35673level displacement	EypF	g
35674level environment	JHk6	f
35675level exit structure	GGDH	o
35676level field	IdKp	j
35677level fluctation	Eypl	e
35678level function calls	JHlZ	o
35679level hierarchical approach	F9LL	y
35680level hierarchy	F9L9	j
35681level implementation	E7Ye	l
35682level indicator	EyqD	d
35683level interrupt	F9Mg	q
35684level interrupt	Gvsv	d
35685level interrupt	IIXQ	d
35686level language	D5wL	c
35687level language	FKbE	g
35688level logic	GLpj	l
35689level logical	FKcI	e
35690level logical circuit	F9NK	p
35691level machine	F9Nz	Y
35692level macro	DVO1	c
35693level message	IIXt	i
35694level message display	IIYP	w
35695level message member	IIY/	v
35696level model	Dsg0	f
35697level modulation	F9OL	e
35698level modulation	FKcm	k
35699level module	E7ZD	d
35700level network	JL+9	h
35701level number	Eyqg	U
35702level object	F4VM	h
35703level of addressing	Eyq0	h
35704level of emphasis	EyrV	f
35705level one variable	Eyr0	g
35706level operation	EysU	d
35707level operation	zuJ	m
35708level pacing	IdLM	x
35709level paging hierarchy	F9PI	w
35710level paper tape	CoNT	e
35711level pegging	Dns9	e
35712level pegging	ImuC	e
35713level pipelining	F9P4	n
35714level point	Eysx	W
35715level procedure	F9Qf	h
35716level protocol	DVPR	c
35717level protocol	E7Zg	f
35718level protocol	FKdK	p
35719level queuing model	I00n	q
35720level recoder	EytH	h
35721level report	F9Rq	a
35722level saturation method	Eyto	l
35723level security	F9SE	i
35724level security classification	F9Sm	x
35725level security proof	F9TX	o
35726level sensitive scan design	EyuN	6
35727level sharing	IL4O	l
35728level shift amplifier	EyvH	w
35729level shift diode	Eyv3	o
35730level signal element	F9T/	o
35731level simulation	DshT	k
35732level software	E7Z/	f
35733level stack	IIZu	d
35734level statement	IIaL	d
35735level storage	F9Un	e
35736level storage	GvtM	e
35737level storage	IIao	e
35738level storage	JBWJ	h
35739level storage hierarchy	F9VF	x
35740level storage machine	F9V2	m
35741level store	Gvtq	g
35742level structure	IIbG	d
35743level structure	JBWq	g
35744level subroutine	F9Wc	h
35745level subroutine	GvuK	r
35746level surface	Eywf	Y
35747level switch	Eyw3	d
35748level system	EyxU	X
35749level table	Eyxr	b
35750level transmission	H5Np	p
35751level transmission reference point	Jqb1	5
35752level trigger	EyyG	h
35753level user	L0y	Y
35754level variation	Eyyn	d
35755level work area	EyzE	h
35756leveling	Ey2C	Z
35757leveling zone	Ey2b	Y
35758lever	Ey2z	Q
35759lexeme	Ey3D	O
35760lexeme	IQpl	X
35761lexemic stratum	Ey3R	d
35762lexical	Ey3u	P
35763lexical ambiguity	Ey39	f
35764lexical analysis	Ey4c	e
35765lexical analysis phase	Ey46	q
35766lexical analyzer	Ey5k	h
35767lexical attachment	Ey6F	g
35768lexical base	Ey6l	a
35769lexical box	Ey6/	W
35770lexical categoty	Ey7V	e
35771lexical contamination	Ey7z	j
35772lexical conversion	Ey8W	g
35773lexical entry	Ey82	e
35774lexical feature	Ey9U	d
35775lexical form	Ey9x	a
35776lexical function	Ey+L	e
35777lexical hierarchy	Ey+p	f
35778lexical insertion	Ey/I	f
35779lexical item	Ey/n	U
35780lexical level	Ey/7	Y
35781lexical matrix	EzAT	c
35782lexical meaning	EzAv	d
35783lexical node	EzBM	a
35784lexical order vector	EzBm	l
35785lexical processor	EzCL	l
35786lexical reading	EzCw	d
35787lexical redundancy rule	EzDN	r
35788lexical representation	EzD4	n
35789lexical routine	EzEf	d
35790lexical scan	EzE8	a
35791lexical scan means	EzFW	j
35792lexical scoping	EzF5	a
35793lexical substitution	EzGT	i
35794lexical symbol	EzG1	c
35795lexical token	EzHR	b
35796lexical transformation	EzHs	k
35797lexical unit	EzIQ	a
35798lexical word	EzIq	d
35799lexical writing	EzJH	d
35800lexicality	EzJk	Y
35801lexicality hypothesis	EzJ8	m
35802lexicographic	EzKi	V
35803lexicographic algorithm	EzK3	r
35804lexicographic order	EzLi	k
35805lexicographic product	EzMG	j
35806lexicographic scan	EzMp	j
35807lexicographic tree	EzNM	d
35808lexicographical	EzNp	X
35809lexicographical order	EzOA	m
35810lexicography	EzOm	X
35811lexicography information services	EzO9	7
35812lexicology	EzP4	V
35813lexicon	EzQN	P
35814lexiconstatistics	EzQc	i
35815lexics	EzQ+	R
35816lexon	EzRP	N
35817lexonic alternation pattern	EzRc	v
35818lexotatics	EzSL	b
35819liabilities	EzSm	W
35820liaison circuit	EzS8	d
35821librarian	EzTZ	b
35822librarian program	EzT0	i
35823library	EzUW	W
35824library	H9ex	V
35825library	Iy4g	V
35826library	JIIW	Y
35827library addition and maintenance program	EzUs	BN
35828library administration and management association	EzV5	BN
35829library administration division	EzXG	3
35830library allocation	EzX9	d
35831library allocator	EzYa	i
35832library and information science	EzY8	6
35833library association of alberta	EzZ2	/
35834library association of australia	Eza1	BB
35835library automated service system	Ezb2	BF
35836library automated systems information exchange	Ezc7	Ba
35837library automation	EzeV	m
35838library automation research communication	Eze7	BL
35839library automation system	EzgG	z
35840library backup	Ezg5	Z
35841library block	EzhS	b
35842library buffer size	Ezht	n
35843library call	EziU	d
35844library catalog	Ezix	d
35845library character set	EzjO	j
35846library circulation system	Ezjx	r
35847library control language	Ezkc	z
35848library control program	EzlP	u
35849library control sector	Ezl9	t
35850library data base	Ezmq	l
35851library data processing	EznP	u
35852library directory	Ezn9	i
35853library editor	Ezof	k
35854library education and personnel utilization	EzpD	BQ
35855library entry	EzqT	b
35856library facilities	Ezqu	d
35857library file	EzrL	U
35858library file editor	Ezrf	n
35859library format	EzsG	Z
35860library formatted disk file	Ezsf	y
35861library function	EztR	e
35862library function routine	Eztv	s
35863library information retrieval system	Ezub	BG
35864library information system	Ezvh	4
35865library information system analysis	EzwZ	BF
35866library instruction round table	Ezxe	+
35867library learning resource center	Ezyc	BC
35868library level	Ezze	V
35869library link	Ezzz	X
35870library list	Ez0K	U
35871library macrodefinition	Ez0e	o
35872library material	Ez1G	k
35873library member	Ez1q	Z
35874library member subtype	Ez2D	q
35875library migration table	Ez2t	l
35876library module	Ez3S	Z
35877library name	Ez3r	d
35878library network	Ez4I	g
35879library object	Ez4o	c
35880library of congress	Ez5E	n
35881library of congress computer catalog	Ez5r	BJ
35882library of lessonss	Ez60	k
35883library of synthesis job	Ez7Y	p
35884library package	Ez8B	g
35885library parameter	Ez8h	i
35886library partition	Ez9D	f
35887library postlude	Ez9i	b
35888library prelude	Ez99	a
35889library program	Ez+X	a
35890library routine	Ez+x	d
35891library science	Ez/O	g
35892library searching	Ez/u	c
35893library services	E0AK	m
35894library subroutine	E0Aw	j
35895library support	E0BT	g
35896library system	E0Bz	f
35897library tape	E0CS	X
35898library terminal	E0Cp	k
35899library text	E0DN	X
35900library track	E0Dk	e
35901library unit	E0EC	X
35902library work area	E0EZ	f
35903librascope operation control system	E0E4	BL
35904librious	E0GD	T
35905license	E0GW	b
35906licensed application on program	E0Gx	2
35907licensed documentation	E0Hn	k
35908licensed material	E0IL	f
35909licensed optional materials	E0Iq	v
35910licensed program	E0JZ	e
35911licensed publication	E0J3	r
35912life	Du0m	P
35913life	E0Ki	b
35914life	IhSx	S
35915life assurance rates calculation	E0K9	8
35916life curve	E0L5	Y
35917life cycle	E0MR	Y
35918life cycle computer program management plan	E0Mp	BY
35919life cycle costs	E0OB	o
35920life cycle phase	E0Op	k
35921life cycle position	E0PN	n
35922life cycle profile	E0P0	m
35923life cycle profile code	E0Qa	u
35924life end point	E0RI	f
35925life test	E0Rn	X
35926lifetime	E0R+	Q
35927lifetime curve	E0SO	c
35928lifetime function	E0Sq	f
35929lifetime of a locality	E0TJ	n
35930lifo algorithm	E0Tw	l
35931lifo amount	E0UV	f
35932lifo list	E0U0	d
35933lifo memory	E0VR	i
35934lifo stack	E0Vz	e
35935lifofifo inventory valuation report	E0WR	BS
35936lifofifo number	E0Xj	y
35937lifofifo quantity	E0YV	0
35938lifofifo transaction purge and list	E0ZJ	BV
35939lifofifo transaction reconciliation	E0ae	BM
35940lifofifo valuation report	E0bq	BC
35941lifofofo amount	E0cs	y
35942lift corner	JYAF	W
35943lift set	E0de	T
35944lifter	E0dx	a
35945light	E0eL	N
35946light	xkk	S
35947light accessible transistor matrix	E0eY	BA
35948light activated element	E0fY	l
35949light activated switch	E0f9	o
35950light amplifier	E0gl	d
35951light beam deflector	E0hC	l
35952light button	E0hn	U
35953light characteriatic	E0h7	f
35954light check	E0ia	W
35955light communication system	E0iw	r
35956light condult	E0jb	b
35957light control	E0j2	b
35958light coupled device	E0kR	p
35959light detector	E0k6	c
35960light emitting diode	E0lW	p
35961light emitting diode array	E0l/	x
35962light emitting diode display	E0mw	2
35963light flux	E0nm	V
35964light flux meter	E0n7	e
35965light flux sensitivity	E0oZ	n
35966light guide	E0pA	W
35967light gun	E0pW	a
35968light hole	E0pw	V
35969light hour	E0qF	b
35970light intensity	E0qg	a
35971light interface technology	E0q6	v
35972light interface technology system	E0rp	9
35973light mask	E0sm	S
35974light microsecond	E0s4	c
35975light modulator	E0tU	d
35976light operated typewriter	E0tx	x
35977light pen	E0ui	U
35978light pen attention	E0u2	n
35979light pen attribute	E0vd	h
35980light pen control system	E0v+	x
35981light pen display	E0wv	f
35982light pen feature	E0xO	f
35983light pen tracking	E0xt	g
35984light pipe	E0yN	V
35985light quantity	E0yi	Z
35986light quantum	E0y7	V
35987light ray	E0zQ	U
35988light region	E0zk	U
35989light request	E0z4	Y
35990light sensitive diode	E00Q	m
35991light sensitive layer	E002	g
35992light sensitive relay	E01W	q
35993light sensitive resistor	E02A	t
35994light sensitive tube	E02t	j
35995light sensor	E03Q	a
35996light source	E03q	U
35997light spectrum	E03+	W
35998light stability	E04U	d
35999light storage device	E04x	l
36000light stylus	E05W	U
36001light tapping storage	E05q	w
36002light to microwave conversion	E06a	4
36003light traffic	E07S	b
36004light traffic link	E07t	m
36005light traffic period	E08T	l
36006light transistor	5Y/	m
36007light transmission	E084	d
36008light valve	E09V	T
36009light valve array	E09o	f
36010lighted display	CnSL	q
36011lighted plotting surface	x3D	m
36012lightface	E1Cm	R
36013lightwave communication	E1C3	l
36014lightweight interrogatortransponder system	E1Dc	BK
36015lightweight typewriter	E1Em	n
36016like	DhaF	Q
36017like	E1FN	M
36018like	ct9	S
36019like attribute	E1FZ	c
36020like call	DhaV	c
36021like combinations	E1F1	f
36022like computer network	C52L	y
36023like device	HUYl	Z
36024like equivalence statement	Dhax	z
36025like file name	JUx5	n
36026like format	eMa	i
36027like instruction set	Fsav	x
36028like language	HRfb	e
36029like language	OpT	e
36030like network	C529	j
36031like parity	E1GU	Z
36032like procedure call	CzTU	q
36033like programming language	E79Q	0
36034like programming language	Opx	2
36035like slot array	Djvj	m
36036like statement	CzT+	i
36037like structure	GXom	c
36038like structure	JJ3T	c
36039like system	Ce2C	i
36040like theroy	DjwJ	c
36041like value	E1Gt	S
36042likelihood	E1G/	S
36043likelihood criterion	E1HR	i
36044likelihood criterion	Fg1f	o
36045likelihood function	E1Hz	h
36046likelihood method	E1IU	c
36047likelihood ratio representation	FBde	+
36048likelihood ratio test	E1Iw	m
36049limit	E1JW	R
36050limit	IL4z	N
36051limit address	E1Jn	b
36052limit address register	E1KC	x
36053limit check	E1Kz	Z
36054limit clause	IL5A	a
36055limit count	E1LM	Z
36056limit cycle	E1Ll	W
36057limit flow graph	E1L7	e
36058limit in mean	E1MZ	b
36059limit of computational model	E1M0	2
36060limit of stack register	E1Nq	z
36061limit order switching	E1Od	t
36062limit path	E1PK	Y
36063limit point	E1Pi	W
36064limit priority	E1P4	f
36065limit register	E1QX	f
36066limit selection	E1Q2	d
36067limit set	E1RT	U
36068limit switch	E1Rn	d
36069limit theorem	E1SE	b
36070limit value	E1Sf	Z
36071limitation	E1S4	S
36072limited	BHvj	V
36073limited	E1TK	P
36074limited	HW6i	p
36075limited access data	E1TZ	n
36076limited ascii	E1UA	g
36077limited availability	E1Ug	l
36078limited broadcast	E1VF	l
36079limited channel	0IM	j
36080limited channel logout	E1Vq	0
36081limited degree of freedom robot	E1We	5
36082limited distance adapter	E1XX	p
36083limited distance modem	E1YA	t
36084limited distribution	E1Yt	i
36085limited entry decision table	E1ZP	w
36086limited function	0Iv	k
36087limited generic formal part	E1ab	1
36088limited identification zone	E1bQ	w
36089limited information estimation	E1cA	2
36090limited infrared detector	E1c2	w
36091limited infrared detector	yVK	/
36092limited operation	E1dm	f
36093limited optimization	E1eF	l
36094limited page allocation	E1eq	r
36095limited private type	E1fV	o
36096limited protection	E1f9	g
36097limited purpose computer	E1gd	p
36098limited random process	0JT	w
36099limited recursion	E1hG	i
36100limited remote communication outlets	E1ho	BG
36101limited scanning	E1iu	e
36102limited search	BHv4	i
36103limited value	E1jM	Y
36104limiter	E1lO	S
36105limiter circuit	E1me	d
36106limiter diode	E1m7	e
36107limiter in analog computing	E1lg	+
36108limiting	E1nZ	W
36109limiting circuit	E1nv	e
36110limiting error	E1oN	c
36111limiting function	E1op	f
36112limiting quality	E1pI	e
36113limiting resolution	E1pm	k
36114limiting resolution angle	E1qK	q
36115limits file	E1q0	Z
36116linage	E1rN	O
36117linage counter	E1rb	c
36118line	C050	f
36119line	CE+9	Y
36120line	CEgI	Y
36121line	CEh2	Y
36122line	CEhe	Y
36123line	CJlp	S
36124line	CKRe	S
36125line	CPYi	P
36126line	Ci2p	S
36127line	Cofl	P
36128line	CyJJ	S
36129line	Du01	M
36130line	E1r3	U
36131line	FPlV	P
36132line	FSie	Y
36133line	Fm0I	P
36134line	GEF1	S
36135line	GFfI	S
36136line	GZCI	S
36137line	GqjL	f
36138line	Gsq5	i
36139line	H5n/	Y
36140line	H66n	V
36141line	HvrE	Z
36142line	HvtP	j
36143line	HyVl	V
36144line	IaHF	a
36145line	ImXB	y
36146line	ImXz	q
36147line	Imug	S
36148line	Inf9	P
36149line	IrBC	V
36150line	JKIW	V
36151line	PUm	W
36152line	Z3I	i
36153line access	F0Q7	l
36154line access	NAJ	u
36155line access machine interaction	Gsrb	/
36156line access point	E1sL	i
36157line access unit	E1st	o
36158line adapter	E1tV	g
36159line adapter	Gssa	u
36160line adapter	Igzk	x
36161line adapter board	HRXe	x
36162line adapter circuit	E1t1	o
36163line adapter unit	E1ud	m
36164line address	E1vD	X
36165line address counter	E1va	s
36166line addressable ram	E1wG	6
36167line administrative information system	GstI	BM
36168line advance	E1xA	U
36169line algorighm	ICpN	i
36170line algorithm	GsuU	c
36171line amplifier	E1xU	i
36172line analog input	Gsuw	p
36173line analog output	GsvZ	q
36174line analysis	GswD	b
36175line application	Gqjq	e
36176line application	Gswe	e
36177line application transaction	Gsw8	Bk
36178line at a time printer	E1x2	h
36179line automated retrieval system	Fab8	BG
36180line average edge	E1yX	i
36181line backup	Gsyg	Z
36182line balance	E1y5	X
36183line balancing	E1zQ	c
36184line banking system	Gsy5	BB
36185line base system	Gsz6	n
36186line batch processing	GqkI	9
36187line batch processing	Gs0h	9
36188line batch processing system	GqlF	BQ
36189line batch processing system	Gs1e	BQ
36190line bias	E1zs	X
36191line blanking interval	E10D	k
36192line block	E10n	Y
36193line break signal	E10/	f
36194line buffer	E11e	c
36195line bus	HRYP	W
36196line bus driver	HRYl	p
36197line business systems	Gs2u	t
36198line busy tone	E12Z	c
36199line by line assembler	E121	q
36200line by line scan	E13f	f
36201line call sign	E13+	f
36202line capacity	E14w	b
36203line capacity	Gs3b	b
36204line card reader	Gs32	n
36205line central file	Gs4d	l
36206line character	E15L	Z
36207line character	GYp/	f
36208line circuit	E15k	g
36209line circuit	HRZO	q
36210line circuit analysis	Gs5C	u
36211line circuit design	Gs5w	s
36212line clipping algorithm	E16E	o
36213line closed loop	Gs6c	e
36214line code	E16s	X
36215line coding	E17D	W
36216line coding	HASx	Z
36217line coding	IrfQ	Z
36218line colouring	E17Z	Z
36219line command	E17y	X
36220line command language	Gs66	p
36221line commands	E18J	Y
36222line communication	Gs7j	g
36223line communication driver	Gs8D	BO
36224line communications	E18h	h
36225line communications adapter	Gs9R	3
36226line compiler	Gs+I	h
36227line computation	E19C	b
36228line computation	GqmV	e
36229line computation	Gs+p	e
36230line compute system	Gqmz	n
36231line computer	Gqna	e
36232line computer	Gs/H	i
36233line computer output microfilm recorders	Gs/p	BU
36234line computer system	GtA9	w
36235line computing	GtBt	c
36236line concentrating unit	E19d	r
36237line concentration	E1+I	g
36238line concentrator	E1+o	f
36239line concentrator	I3Bh	o
36240line concentrator module	E1/H	t
36241line condition	E1/0	c
36242line conditioning	E2AQ	f
36243line connection equipment	E2Av	t
36244line connector	E2Bc	c
36245line console	GtCJ	d
36246line contact bank	E2B4	c
36247line control	E2CU	e
36248line control	F9W9	i
36249line control	Gqn4	a
36250line control	GtCm	a
36251line control adapter	E2Cy	v
36252line control block	E2Dh	n
36253line control block	HtMm	r
36254line control characters	E2EI	r
36255line control computer	E2Ez	s
36256line control discipline	E2Ff	r
36257line control file	GtDA	5
36258line control module	E2GK	r
36259line control procedure	E2G1	q
36260line control routine	E2Hf	o
36261line controltask control	E2IH	8
36262line conversion	GqoS	d
36263line conversion equipment	Gqov	t
36264line coordination	E2JD	l
36265line copying device	Gqpc	n
36266line counter	xk2	m
36267line coupling	E2Jo	b
36268line covering	E2KD	Y
36269line covering number	E2Kb	i
36270line critical graph	E2K9	h
36271line cryptanalytic aid language	GtD5	BE
36272line cryptographic equipment	GtF1	w
36273line cryptographic operation	GqqD	w
36274line data	E2Le	X
36275line data acquisition	GtGl	p
36276line data acquisition and analysis system	DNJn	BZ
36277line data and document intelligence	JmJY	BW
36278line data base	GtHO	k
36279line data base management	GtHy	w
36280line data base system	GtIi	s
36281line data entry system	GtJO	2
36282line data flow	GtKE	f
36283line data generator	Gqqz	BI
36284line data processing	Gqr7	o
36285line data processing	GtKj	o
36286line data processor	GtLL	BK
36287line data reduction	Gqsj	n
36288line data reduction	GtMV	s
36289line data set	E2L1	e
36290line data system	FWnJ	w
36291line data system	NhO	x
36292line debug	GtNB	Y
36293line debug communicator	GtNZ	x
36294line debug program	GtOK	m
36295line debugging system	GEGH	1
36296line debugging technique	GtOw	BE
36297line decoder	E2MT	a
36298line definition	E2Mt	d
36299line delete command	E2NK	h
36300line delete symbol	E2Nr	d
36301line deletion character	E2OI	l
36302line density	E2Ot	X
36303line descriptor	E2PE	d
36304line determination	E2Ph	g
36305line device	E2QB	Z
36306line device	GqtK	Z
36307line diagnostic and report system	GtP0	BE
36308line diagnostics	GtQ4	o
36309line diagraph	E2Qa	b
36310line dialogue	GtRg	b
36311line digital control system	GtR7	1
36312line digital input	GtSw	q
36313line digital output	GtTa	r
36314line discipline	E2Q1	d
36315line disconnectiond	E2RS	h
36316line disjoint path	E2Rz	m
36317line disk file	GtUF	i
36318line display generator	E2SZ	q
36319line display range	E2TD	j
36320line display system	GtUn	s
36321line distortion	E2Tm	X
36322line document retrieval system	GtVT	4
36323line down	E2T9	X
36324line drawing	E2UU	X
36325line drawing display	E2Ur	l
36326line drive signal	E2VQ	l
36327line driver	E2V1	c
36328line driver	HRZ4	c
36329line drop	E2WR	a
36330line dropout	E2Wr	v
36331line dump	JLiI	X
36332line dumping	JXOI	a
36333line editing	E2Xa	X
36334line editing	GtWL	a
36335line editor	E2Xx	f
36336line editor	GtWl	f
36337line effects	FG4p	a
36338line encryption	GtXE	d
36339line engraving	E2YQ	Z
36340line entry	E2Yp	V
36341line environment	GtXh	e
36342line equalization	E2Y+	f
36343line equalizer	E2Zd	f
36344line equipment	E2Z8	c
36345line equipment	Gqtj	q
36346line equipment	GtX/	c
36347line equipment number	E2aY	t
36348line error	E2bF	Y
36349line escapement	E2bd	X
36350line exchanger	E2b0	j
36351line executive	GtYb	q
36352line executive for real time	GtZF	2
36353line expansion function	E2cX	s
36354line extender	E2dD	e
36355line facilities	ErdT	d
36356line fault detection	GquN	o
36357line fault detection	Gtaj	o
36358line feed	E2dh	U
36359line feed	HAP7	X
36360line feed character	E2d1	k
36361line feed code	E2eZ	Z
36362line file	Gqu1	X
36363line file	GtbL	X
36364line file central	Gtbi	r
36365line file software	GtcN	r
36366line file system	Gtc4	p
36367line filter balance	E2ey	w
36368line finder	E2fi	c
36369line fit	ExBn	i
36370line fitting	E2f+	a
36371line flow assembly order	E2gY	3
36372line flyback	E2hP	X
36373line folding	E2hm	X
36374line following system	E2h9	p
36375line format	GGDv	Z
36376line format item	E2im	e
36377line format page	E2jE	e
36378line format print data set	E2ji	0
36379line fourier transform system	Gtdh	+
36380line free form input	Gtef	y
36381line frequency	E2kW	f
36382line function	E2k1	e
36383line function	GqvM	b
36384line gate number	E2lT	u
36385line generation	E2mB	d
36386line generator	E2me	f
36387line generator number	E2m9	t
36388line graphics	E2nq	b
36389line group	E2oF	S
36390line grouping	E2oX	Y
36391line handling overhead	E2ov	t
36392line handwritten chinese character recognition	GtfR	BL
36393line help	Gtgc	z
36394line help system	GthP	k
36395line hit	E2pc	W
36396line hit	GvCk	BK
36397line holding	E2py	a
36398line identification	E2qM	h
36399line identification algorithm	Gthz	x
36400line identification facility	E2qt	w
36401line identify	E2sL	b
36402line idle	E2sm	X
36403line image	E2s9	Y
36404line impedence	E2tV	c
36405line implicit calculation	Gtjc	t
36406line increment	E2tx	Z
36407line index	E2uK	V
36408line indicator	E2uf	f
36409line information	GtkJ	e
36410line information retrieval	Gtkn	u
36411line information retrieval system	GtlV	7
36412line information system	GtmQ	/
36413line input	Gqvn	Y
36414line input	GtnP	Y
36415line input instruction	Gtnn	q
36416line inquiry system	GtoR	n
36417line insert command	E2u+	k
36418line instruments system	oYe	+
36419line integrated circuit	E2vi	v
36420line interaction	Gto4	s
36421line interactive project management system	Gtpk	BR
36422line interactive system	Gtq1	r
36423line interface	E2wR	f
36424line interface bank	E2ww	k
36425line interface base	E2xU	r
36426line interface coupler	E2x/	x
36427line interface feature	E2yw	u
36428line interface handler	E2ze	x
36429line interface hardware	E20P	r
36430line interface module	E206	t
36431line interface unit	E21n	r
36432line interrupt	Imuy	c
36433line inversion	E22S	Z
36434line inverted file system	Gtrg	z
36435line item	E22r	U
36436line item extension	E22/	k
36437line iteration	E23j	Z
36438line job	GtsT	W
36439line job control	Gqv/	k
36440line job control	Gtsp	k
36441line journal	GttN	a
36442line junctor switch grid	E238	3
36443line justification	E24z	s
36444line key	E25f	Q
36445line label	E25v	V
36446line length	E26E	T
36447line level	E26X	Y
36448line link control station	E26v	w
36449line load	CjEK	X
36450line load	E27f	X
36451line load control	E272	l
36452line load control designation	E28b	3
36453line loading	CjEh	a
36454line loading	E29S	a
36455line lock	E29s	X
36456line logic simulation	Gttn	p
36457line logic simulation system	GtuQ	8
36458line loop	E2+D	U
36459line loop resistance	E2+X	l
36460line loss	E2+8	X
36461line lst package	Hvty	8
36462line machine	GtvM	a
36463line magnetic tape	Gtvm	g
36464line maintenance	GtwG	e
36465line marker	E2/T	W
36466line mass storage	Gtxq	BC
36467line material management system	Gtys	/
36468line memory	Gqwj	c
36469line memory	Gtzr	c
36470line memory	HyV6	l
36471line memory test	Gt0H	n
36472line misregistration	E2/p	i
36473line mode	E3AL	U
36474line mode	GEe+	j
36475line mode	Gqw/	X
36476line mode	Gt0u	X
36477line mode switching	E3Af	n
36478line monitor	Gt1F	Ba
36479line monitor unit	E3BG	m
36480line monitoring	Gt2f	r
36481line monitoring equipment	E3Bs	t
36482line network	C6GD	3
36483line network	Ewlz	a
36484line noise	E3CZ	Y
36485line number	E3Cx	T
36486line number access	E3DE	g
36487line number clause	E3Dk	j
36488line number editing	E3EH	h
36489line number field	E3Eo	i
36490line number listing	E3FK	k
36491line number operator	E3Fu	l
36492line number table	E3GT	g
36493line numbered data set	E3Gz	q
36494line numbered file	E3Hd	g
36495line numerical control language	Gt3K	BH
36496line of blance	E3H9	d
36497line of communication	E3Ia	n
36498line of sight	E3JB	Z
36499line operating simulator	GqxW	3
36500line operation	GqyN	8
36501line operation	Gt4R	g
36502line operation	Gvu1	c
36503line option	E3Ja	W
36504line order entry	Gt4x	p
36505line order entry system	Gt5a	2
36506line orignal	E3Jw	a
36507line out of service	E3KK	h
36508line out of service signal	E3Kr	u
36509line output	GqzJ	n
36510line output	Gt6Q	n
36511line overhead	E3LZ	h
36512line overrelaxation	E3L6	h
36513line overrun	E3Mb	a
36514line package	CiSK	p
36515line package	Hvrd	o
36516line package	Hvuu	8
36517line package	ISlA	s
36518line package fujitsu	JK+X	BL
36519line parameters	E3M1	a
36520line patient billing and accounts receivable	Gt63	BX
36521line patient monitoring system	Gt8O	4
36522line pattern analysis and recognition	Gt9G	BC
36523line pattern analysis and recognition system	Gt+I	BW
36524line period	E3NP	Z
36525line peripheral operation	Gqzw	t
36526line peripheral test	Gt/e	u
36527line peripheral test system	GuAM	6
36528line plot	E3No	U
36529line plotter	GuBG	u
36530line plotter controller	GuB0	1
36531line pointer	E3N8	X
36532line print	E3OT	f
36533line printer	E3Oy	b
36534line printer	Gq0d	d
36535line printer	GuCp	d
36536line printer command	E3PN	r
36537line printer control	E3P4	v
36538line printer control unit	E3Qn	6
36539line printer controller	E3Rh	x
36540line printer equipment	E3SS	r
36541line printer simulator	E3S9	0
36542line printing	E3Tx	b
36543line printing	Gq06	b
36544line problem determination	GuDG	z
36545line procedure	HATK	c
36546line procedure specification	E3UM	t
36547line process synthesizer	GuD5	z
36548line processing	Gq1V	d
36549line processing	GuEs	d
36550line processing	UBf	i
36551line processing environment	GuFJ	v
36552line processing optimization	GuF4	z
36553line processing unit	E3U5	s
36554line processor	CYxy	l
36555line processor	Gq1y	f
36556line processor	GuGr	z
36557line program	E3Vl	X
36558line program	Gq2R	a
36559line program	GuHe	a
36560line program debugging	GuH4	q
36561line program development	GuIi	x
36562line program impulse	E3V8	s
36563line program modification	GuJT	t
36564line program selector	E3Wo	w
36565line program testing system	GuKA	6
36566line programming	F8CU	0
36567line programming	GEG8	u
36568line programming	GuK6	2
36569line programming system	Gq2r	x
36570line programming system	GuLw	BK
36571line protocol	E3XY	k
36572line protocol handler	E3X8	1
36573line query	GuM6	c
36574line query language	GuNW	r
36575line rate	E3Yx	a
36576line real time branch information language	GuOs	BQ
36577line real time operation	GuP8	x
36578line real time processing	GuQt	z
36579line real time system	GuRg	v
36580line receiver	E3ZL	e
36581line receiver	E3Zp	e
36582line reconfiguration	GuVj	o
36583line reconstruction	E3aH	e
36584line recovery	E3al	b
36585line recovery	Gq3c	b
36586line reflection	E3bA	p
36587line register	CPYx	h
36588line relaxation	E3bp	a
36589line relaxation method	E3cD	k
36590line relay	E3cn	e
36591line relay	E3dF	e
36592line remote batch	Gq33	l
36593line remote microfiche reader	GuWL	BA
36594line repair	E3dj	Z
36595line replace command	E3d8	i
36596line residual equalizer	E3ee	u
36597line response mode	E3fM	m
36598line retailer	GuXL	e
36599line retrieval	Gq4c	c
36600line retrieval	GuXp	c
36601line retrieval of information over a network	GuYF	BM
36602line retrieval system	ChFN	v
36603line retry parameter	E3fy	o
36604line reversal ssp	GuZR	x
36605line routine	GuaC	k
36606line routing algorithm	E3ga	t
36607line ruler	E3hH	V
36608line scan	Gq44	X
36609line scan recorder	E3hc	m
36610line scan tube	E3iC	g
36611line scanner	GvvR	d
36612line scanning	E3ii	Y
36613line scheduling	E3i6	a
36614line scientific computer	Guam	0
36615line search method	E3jU	g
36616line searching	Guba	c
36617line section	E3j0	X
36618line seek	Gq5P	X
36619line segregation	E3kL	e
36620line seizure	E3kp	a
36621line select module	E3lD	k
36622line selection unit	E3ln	o
36623line sensing amplifier	E3mP	u
36624line separating filter	E3m9	t
36625line sequencing	Irfp	d
36626line service	HRaU	a
36627line sharing adapter	E3nq	v
36628line sharing device	E3oZ	r
36629line sharing unit	E3pE	p
36630line side	E3pt	d
36631line signal code	E3qK	h
36632line signal detector	E3qr	v
36633line signal element	E3ra	n
36634line signal sender connector	E3sB	+
36635line signalling	E3s/	j
36636line simulator	E3ti	f
36637line size command	E3uB	i
36638line size option	E3uj	k
36639line skew	E3vH	X
36640line slope	E3ve	h
36641line smoothing	E3v/	Z
36642line software	Gub2	b
36643line software system	GQxE	/
36644line software system	GucR	t
36645line sorting	Gq5m	a
36646line sorting	Guc+	a
36647line space	E3wY	V
36648line space mechanism	E3wt	l
36649line space selector	E3xS	n
36650line spacing	E3x5	X
36651line speed	E3yQ	S
36652line spread function	E3yi	l
36653line state	Gq6A	Y
36654line state	GueG	Y
36655line state method	E3zH	f
36656line state variable	E3zm	k
36657line status	E30K	Z
36658line status table	E30j	m
36659line status word	E31J	l
36660line stochastic system	E31u	n
36661line storage	CPZS	k
36662line storage	Gq6Y	y
36663line storage	Guee	d
36664line storage	HyWf	m
36665line store converter	E32V	o
36666line stretcher	E329	c
36667line style	E33Z	S
36668line supervisory count program	E33r	/
36669line support processor system	E34q	6
36670line support program	Gq7K	o
36671line sweep	E35k	V
36672line switch grid	E355	l
36673line switch network	E36e	n
36674line switching	E37F	c
36675line switching concentrator	E37h	y
36676line switching controller	E38T	w
36677line switching power supplies	E39D	x
36678line switching system	E390	p
36679line switching technique	E3+d	s
36680line symmetric graph	E3/J	i
36681line sync pulse	E3/r	g
36682line synchronizing pulse	E4AL	t
36683line system	Gq7y	n
36684line system	Gue7	d
36685line system	La	q
36686line system driver	GufY	BH
36687line system environment	Gugf	r
36688line system maintenance	GuhK	r
36689line system management	Guh1	q
36690line system reconfiguration	Gq8Z	BP
36691line task loader	Guif	u
36692line telecommunication	E4A4	n
36693line telegraphy	E4Bf	j
36694line telephone	E4CC	f
36695line teletypewriter	Erdw	0
36696line teller system	0Vx	v
36697line teller system	GujN	m
36698line teller terminal	Gujz	BE
36699line template	E4Ch	Y
36700line terminal	E4C5	b
36701line terminal	Guk3	b
36702line terminal system	GulS	s
36703line terminal test	Gul+	r
36704line terminating comment	E4DU	p
36705line terminating network	E4D9	w
36706line termination capacity	E4Et	t
36707line termination controller	E4Fa	y
36708line termination equipment	E4GM	y
36709line termination unit	E4G+	t
36710line terminator	E4Hr	p
36711line test	DCvE	q
36712line test	FTyj	d
36713line test	Gump	b
36714line test and diagnostic program	Gq9o	9
36715line test and diagnostic routine	GunE	BH
36716line test and diagnostic system	Gq+l	5
36717line test executive program	GuoL	7
36718line test facilities	GupG	8
36719line test program	Gq/e	l
36720line test program	GuqC	l
36721line test routine	Guqn	v
36722line test system	FTzA	q
36723line test system	GusU	p
36724line test transaction processing	Gus9	6
36725line test trunk	E4IU	q
36726line tester	Gut3	t
36727line testing	Guuk	a
36728line testing simulator	Guu+	2
36729line time	E4Jh	U
36730line time clock	E4J1	k
36731line to disk	E4KZ	h
36732line to line	E4K6	Y
36733line trace	E4LS	Y
36734line tracking	E4Lq	b
36735line tracking	GuwV	b
36736line traffic	E4MF	d
36737line traffic coordination	E4Mi	z
36738line transaction	Guww	k
36739line transaction system	GuxU	2
36740line transfer device	E4NV	s
36741line transient	E4OB	l
36742line transient suppression	E4Om	y
36743line transition	E4PY	d
36744line transmission	E4P1	c
36745line transmitter	E4QR	k
36746line turing machine	GrAD	k
36747line turing machine	GuzB	k
36748line turn around delay	E4Q1	q
36749line tutorial text	Guzl	m
36750line type	E4Rz	X
36751line type modulation	E4SK	m
36752line typewriter	Gu0L	g
36753line unit	E4Sw	h
36754line unit	GrAn	X
36755line unit	Gu0r	X
36756line unit correction	E4TR	o
36757line up test	E4T5	a
36758line voltage regulator	E4UT	x
36759line width	E4VE	S
36760line without limits	Gu1C	q
36761line work	E4VW	X
36762line work	GrA+	X
36763line working	GrBV	a
36764line working	Gu1s	a
36765line workload	Gu2G	h
36766lineal chart	E4e2	X
36767linear accelarator	E4fN	p
36768linear acceleration	E4f2	h
36769linear actuator	E4gX	j
36770linear addressing	E4g6	f
36771linear algebra	E4hZ	j
36772linear algebraic equation	E4h8	w
36773linear amplifier	E4is	h
36774linear amplifier	Gc0G	o
36775linear analog control	E4jN	p
36776linear analog synchronization	E4j2	3
36777linear analogue control	E4kt	r
36778linear analysis and design of structures	E4lY	BN
36779linear analysis program	Gc0u	0
36780linear approximation	E4ml	i
36781linear arrangement of a diagraph	E4nH	6
36782linear array	E4oB	a
36783linear asynchronous structure	E4ob	x
36784linear bit density	E4pM	j
36785linear block code	E4pv	i
36786linear boolean recursion	E4qR	s
36787linear bounded automation	E4q9	0
36788linear buffer	E4rx	e
36789linear characteristic	E4sP	j
36790linear chart	E4sy	X
36791linear circuit	E4tJ	c
36792linear classifier	E4tl	i
36793linear code	E4uH	W
36794linear coding	E4ud	b
36795linear combination	E4u4	g
36796linear combiner	E4vY	g
36797linear computation	Gc2Q	j
36798linear computing element	E4v4	s
36799linear control system	E4xR	p
36800linear convolution	E4x6	g
36801linear coupled system	E4ya	p
36802linear crosstalk	E4zD	e
36803linear cut	E4zh	Y
36804linear damping	E4z5	c
36805linear data storage representation	E40V	8
36806linear data structure	E41R	p
36807linear decision rule	E416	o
36808linear density	E42i	Z
36809linear dependence	E427	i
36810linear detection	E43d	e
36811linear discriminant function	E44f	w
36812linear displacement transducer	E45P	4
36813linear distortion	E46H	f
36814linear distribution	E46m	h
36815linear econometric modeling system	E47H	BH
36816linear element	E48O	c
36817linear encoder	E48q	f
36818linear equalizer	E49J	h
36819linear equation	Hyfv	g
36820linear equation solver	E49q	t
36821linear estimation	E4+X	f
36822linear feature extraction	E4+2	t
36823linear feedback shift register	E4/j	BA
36824linear feedback shift register circuit	E5Aj	BJ
36825linear filtering	E5Bs	e
36826linear finite automaton	E5CK	u
36827linear flow	E5C4	W
36828linear form	E5DO	W
36829linear fractional programming	E5Dk	x
36830linear gate and integrater	E5EV	+
36831linear grammar	E5FT	c
36832linear graph	E5Fv	X
36833linear growth	E5GG	b
36834linear hash	E5Gh	Z
36835linear hyperbolic equation	HygP	0
36836linear independence	E5G6	h
36837linear index progression	E5Hb	s
36838linear information processing language	E5IH	BF
36839linear input tape	E5JM	i
36840linear inquality	E5Ju	h
36841linear integrated circuit	E5KP	x
36842linear interpolation	E5LA	l
36843linear language	E5Ll	d
36844linear list	E5Mm	Z
36845linear machine	E5M/	Z
36846linear mapping	E5NY	c
36847linear matrix inequality	E5N0	z
36848linear memory	E5On	e
36849linear minimization problem	E5PF	y
36850linear model	E5P3	a
36851linear modulation	E5QR	i
36852linear monolithic	E5Qz	i
36853linear motion actuator	E5RV	k
36854linear multiplication order	E5R5	v
36855linear multivariable system	E5So	y
36856linear nearest neighbor	E5Ta	v
36857linear network	E5UJ	c
36858linear objectives	E5Ul	l
36859linear operational element	E5VK	u
36860linear operator	E5V4	g
36861linear optimal stochastic system	E5WY	6
36862linear optimization	E5XS	k
36863linear or	Gc1i	u
36864linear order	E5X2	a
36865linear ordered relation	E5YQ	r
36866linear ordering	E5Y7	d
36867linear organization	E5ZY	h
36868linear parameter	E5Z5	e
36869linear parameter estimation	E5aX	v
36870linear parametric amplifier	E5bG	y
36871linear path system	E5b4	m
36872linear phase code modulation	E5ce	7
36873linear polarization	E5dZ	k
36874linear potentiometer	E5d9	l
36875linear power amplifier	E5ei	t
36876linear power controller	E5fP	y
36877linear precedence function	E5gB	u
36878linear prediction	E5gv	f
36879linear prediction theory	E5hO	s
36880linear predictive coding	E5h6	w
36881linear predictive encoding	E5iq	y
36882linear probing	E5jc	c
36883linear processing	E5j4	i
36884linear program	E5ka	c
36885linear programming	E5k2	j
36886linear programming file generator	E5lZ	BF
36887linear programming file printer	E5me	BD
36888linear programming matrix generation	E5nh	BF
36889linear programming report	E5om	0
36890linear programming soluting	E5pa	1
36891linear programming subroutine	E5qP	6
36892linear programming system	E5rJ	x
36893linear pulse amplifier	E5r6	t
36894linear quantizer	E5sn	r
36895linear query	E5tS	a
36896linear quotient method	E5ts	k
36897linear receiver	E5uQ	g
36898linear recording	E5uw	e
36899linear recording density	E5vO	s
36900linear rectifier	E5v6	h
36901linear recurrence	E5wb	f
36902linear regression	E5w6	f
36903linear regression analysis	Gc2z	x
36904linear rehash method	E5xZ	o
36905linear relation	E5yB	d
36906linear relationship	E5ye	h
36907linear representation	E5y/	m
36908linear residue code	E5zl	k
36909linear resistor	E50J	d
36910linear resolution	E50m	f
36911linear scale	E51F	a
36912linear scanning	E51f	d
36913linear search	E518	b
36914linear search technique	E52X	r
36915linear select memory	E53C	p
36916linear selection	E53r	h
36917linear selection memory	E54M	o
36918linear selection switch	E540	r
36919linear selenium photocell	E55f	y
36920linear sequential circuit	E56R	t
36921linear sequential machine	HyhD	y
36922linear sequential network	E56+	x
36923linear smoothing	E57v	e
36924linear smoothing algorithm	E58N	x
36925linear space	E58+	a
36926linear space automaton	E59Y	t
36927linear staircase function generator	E5+F	BA
36928linear stochastic grammar	JLvU	BZ
36929linear stochastic system	E5/F	s
36930linear storage hierarchy model	E5/x	4
36931linear structure	E6Ap	e
36932linear subgraph	E6BH	d
36933linear sweep	E6Bk	a
36934linear switching circuit	E6B+	s
36935linear system	E6Cq	b
36936linear system	Gc3k	i
36937linear system additivity	E6DF	v
36938linear system analysis	E6D0	v
36939linear system theory	E6Ej	o
36940linear threshold	E6FL	e
36941linear time algorithm	E6Fp	s
36942linear time base	E6GV	e
36943linear time invariant	E6Gz	w
36944linear transformation	E6IL	j
36945linear transient analysis	E6Je	t
36946linear transmission channel	E6KL	z
36947linear tree	E6K+	W
36948linear trend	E6LU	a
36949linear unit	E6Lu	Z
36950linear variety	E6MH	Z
36951linear vector equation	E6Mg	u
36952linear vector function	E6NO	u
36953linear velocity	E6N8	g
36954linear voltage wave form	E6Oc	s
36955linearity	E6TS	R
36956linearity	hIL	d
36957linearity controls	E6Tj	j
36958linearity curve	E6UG	d
36959linearity error	E6Uj	d
36960linearization	E6VA	Y
36961linearization	Hyh1	b
36962linearize	E6VY	U
36963linearized filter	E6Vs	l
36964linearized method	E6WR	f
36965linearized stochastic optimal control	E6Ww	BC
36966linearized theory	E6Xy	i
36967linearly dependent coefficient	E6YU	y
36968linearly independent vector	E6ZG	v
36969linearly ordered set	E6Z1	l
36970linearly separable function	E6aa	v
36971lines per inch	E6bJ	j
36972lines per minute	E6bs	l
36973lines per second	E6cR	l
36974lingual operating system	F9Xf	v
36975lingual processing	F9YO	j
36976lingual processor	F9Yx	4
36977linguistic analysis	E6c2	h
36978linguistic approach to pattern recognition	E6dX	BB
36979linguistic code	E6eY	a
36980linguistic computer	E6ey	k
36981linguistic data	E6fW	d
36982linguistic index	E6fz	e
36983linguistic methods	E6gR	g
36984linguistic model	E6gx	e
36985linguistic notations	E6hP	l
36986linguistic organizer	E6h0	o
36987linguistic support	E6ic	g
36988linguistic tool	E6i8	d
36989linguistical	E6jZ	X
36990linguistics	E6jw	W
36991lining	GrBv	O
36992link	E6kQ	P
36993link	JXOi	W
36994link access attribute	E6kf	p
36995link access procedure	E6lI	t
36996link access protocol	E6l1	s
36997link access protocol balanced	E6mh	/
36998link allotter	E6ng	h
36999link and selector language	E6oB	7
37000link attribute	E6o8	c
37001link availability	E6pY	i
37002link bit	E6p6	T
37003link block	E6qN	b
37004link checksum	E6qo	e
37005link circuit	E6rG	d
37006link connection	E6rj	d
37007link control	E6sA	a
37008link control block	E6sa	n
37009link control characters	CH6c	u
37010link control module	E6tB	r
37011link control procedure	E6ts	u
37012link control program	E6ua	s
37013link control protocol	E6vG	p
37014link controller	E6vv	j
37015link controller connector	E6wS	3
37016link crytographic equipment	E6xJ	v
37017link definition	E6x4	d
37018link downward	E6yV	Y
37019link editor	E6yt	f
37020link encryption	E6zM	d
37021link escape	CH7K	g
37022link failure	E6zp	a
37023link fault	E60D	Y
37024link field	E60b	S
37025link frame	E60/	V
37026link group	E61U	S
37027link header	E61m	W
37028link inactivity timer	E618	v
37029link indicator	E62r	f
37030link information	E63K	e
37031link information unit	E63o	t
37032link item	E64V	U
37033link layer	CH7q	Y
37034link layer	E64p	V
37035link level	E64+	V
37036link level communication protocol	E65T	4
37037link library	E66L	d
37038link loader	E66o	f
37039link loss	E67H	X
37040link macroinstruction	E67e	p
37041link management	E68H	d
37042link manager	E68k	j
37043link map	E69H	T
37044link module	E69a	Z
37045link motion	E69z	Z
37046link multiplexing	E6+M	l
37047link name	E6+x	X
37048link network	E4Z0	k
37049link number	E6/I	c
37050link or pointer variable	E6/k	v
37051link order	E7AT	Y
37052link orderwire	E7Ar	i
37053link overflow	E7BN	b
37054link pack	E7Bo	d
37055link pack area	E7CF	j
37056link pack area directory	E7Co	v
37057link pack area extension	E7DX	v
37058link pack area library	E7EG	q
37059link pack area queue	E7Ew	r
37060link pack directory entry	E7Fb	4
37061link pack update area	E7GT	s
37062link performance	E7G/	e
37063link problem determination aid	E7Hd	BD
37064link program	E7Ig	a
37065link protocol	E7I6	b
37066link protocol data unit	E7JV	x
37067link register	E7KG	e
37068link repeater	E7Kk	e
37069link resistance factor	E7LC	0
37070link routine test equipment	E7L2	6
37071link scheduler	E7Nc	i
37072link signalling	E7Xm	m
37073link sort	E7N+	X
37074link station	E7OV	X
37075link strategy	E7Os	b
37076link subsystem	E7PH	f
37077link switch equipment	E7Pm	t
37078link terminal simulator	E7QT	7
37079link test	E7RO	X
37080link test counter	E7Rl	o
37081link threshold power	E7SN	o
37082link trailer	E7S1	X
37083link utilization efficiency	E7TM	z
37084link variable	E7T/	b
37085link vector	E7Ua	Z
37086link word	E7Uz	X
37087linkage	E7ae	P
37088linkage computer	E7at	h
37089linkage control table	E7bO	w
37090linkage coroutine	E7b+	l
37091linkage counter	E7cj	g
37092linkage editing	E7dD	d
37093linkage editor	E7dg	k
37094linkage fault	E7eE	b
37095linkage instruction	E7ef	h
37096linkage interrupt	E7fA	f
37097linkage library	E7ff	g
37098linkage loader	E7f/	i
37099linkage multiplier	E7gh	j
37100linkage register	E7hE	h
37101linkage section	E7hl	a
37102linkage segment	E7h/	a
37103linkage unit	E7iZ	a
37104linked compression and expansion	E7iz	BB
37105linked computer system	E7j0	w
37106linked data structure	E7kk	p
37107linked file	E7lN	Z
37108linked free storage list	E7lm	y
37109linked index sequential access	E7mY	9
37110linked list	E7nV	Z
37111linked list	F9Zp	Z
37112linked list search	E7nu	m
37113linked network	E7oU	f
37114linked pointer	H81D	i
37115linked sequential file	E7oz	n
37116linked set	E7pa	Y
37117linked stack	E7py	a
37118linked subroutine	E7qM	i
37119linker	E7qu	U
37120linker and loader	E7rC	i
37121linker failure	E7rk	i
37122linker map	E7sG	V
37123linking	E7sb	P
37124linking automation	E7sq	j
37125linking format	E7tN	c
37126linking graphic program	E7tp	r
37127linking loader	E7uU	i
37128linking loader executive	E7u2	y
37129linking loader program	E7vo	q
37130linking program	E7wS	d
37131linking relocating loader	E7wv	3
37132linking section	E7xm	a
37133linking segment subprogram	E7yA	y
37134liquid crystal	E7yy	W
37135liquid crystal display	E7zI	r
37136liquid crystal display image	E7zz	w
37137liquid crystal display operation	E70j	0
37138liquid crystal memory	E71X	m
37139liquid growth	E719	b
37140liquid laser	E72Y	a
37141liquid logic circuit	E72y	o
37142liquid magnetic bubble	E73a	k
37143liquid phase	E73+	U
37144liquid phase epitaxy	E74S	m
37145lisp	E76A	b
37146lisp construction	E76b	d
37147lisp evaluation	E764	b
37148lisp language	E77T	Z
37149lisp machine	E77s	h
37150lisp software conversion	E78N	q
37151lisp standard	E783	Z
37152list	E7+E	c
37153list	Ejil	P
37154list	F9aC	M
37155list assembly program	E7+g	q
37156list attribute	E7/K	c
37157list cell	E7/m	X
37158list constructor	E7/9	e
37159list creation	E8Ab	b
37160list data structure	E8A2	n
37161list deletion	E8Bd	Y
37162list element	E8B1	a
37163list event	E8CP	Y
37164list execution condition	E8Cn	w
37165list file	E8DX	X
37166list file	F9aO	a
37167list file structure	E8Du	n
37168list form	E8EV	X
37169list generation	E8Es	d
37170list generation program	E8FJ	r
37171list handling	E8F0	b
37172list handling facility	E8GP	u
37173list handling statement	E8G9	r
37174list head	E8Ho	R
37175list inserting	E8H5	f
37176list insertion	E8IY	c
37177list language	FKbk	k
37178list layout	IZG7	i
37179list lines command	E8I0	m
37180list management system	E8Ja	r
37181list mode	E8KF	X
37182list notation	E8Kc	Y
37183list of available storage	E8K0	y
37184list of believed assertion	E8Lm	r
37185list of change	E8MR	e
37186list of closed descriptor	E8Mv	x
37187list of material	E8Ng	i
37188list on tape	E8OC	k
37189list options	F9ao	g
37190list organization	F9bI	l
37191list parameter	E8Om	c
37192list pointer word	E8PC	i
37193list procedure	E8Pk	c
37194list processing	E8QA	i
37195list processing condition	E8Qi	t
37196list processing language	E8RP	w
37197list processing program	E8R/	r
37198list processing semantics	E8Sq	t
37199list processing technique	E8TX	t
37200list processor	E8UE	k
37201list processor	F9bt	1
37202list program generator	E8Uo	0
37203list programming language	E8Vc	3
37204list scheduling	E8WT	d
37205list search	E8Ww	Z
37206list separatorg	E8XJ	g
37207list specification	E8Xp	g
37208list storage	E8YJ	a
37209list structure	E8Yj	c
37210list table	E8Y/	V
37211list up	E8ZU	P
37212list variable	E8Zj	b
37213listed items	E8eS	g
37214listed output control	E8ey	p
37215listen mode	E8fb	Z
37216listener	E8f0	T
37217listening center	E8gH	e
37218listening depth	E8gl	d
37219listening mode	E8hC	c
37220listening post	E8he	c
37221listening silence	E8h6	f
37222listening watch	E8iZ	a
37223lister	E8iz	U
37224listing	E8jH	P
37225listing control	E8jW	d
37226listing control statement	E8jz	t
37227listing control switch	E8kg	q
37228listing option	E8lK	c
37229listing order	E8lm	b
37230listing spooler	E8mB	1
37231liter	E8m2	K
37232literal	E8nA	T
37233literal address	E8nT	d
37234literal addressing	E8nw	g
37235literal assignment	E8oQ	g
37236literal cipher equipment	E8ow	p
37237literal code	E8pZ	a
37238literal constant	E8pz	e
37239literal data	E8qR	a
37240literal definition	E8qr	g
37241literal expression	E8rL	j
37242literal field	E8ru	Y
37243literal node	E8sG	a
37244literal operands	E8sg	h
37245literal order	E8tB	b
37246literal pool	E8tc	X
37247literal reference	E8tz	f
37248literal register	E8uS	h
37249literal rule	Gvvu	x
37250literal string pool	E8uz	h
37251literal syntax	E8vU	f
37252literal term	E8vz	X
37253literal type	E8wK	a
37254literature	IHwB	Y
37255literature information network	E8wk	v
37256literature programming	E8xT	q
37257literature search	E8x9	f
37258lithography	E8yc	f
37259litre	E8y7	K
37260litter out	E8zF	S
37261little subprocedure depth	E8zX	5
37262live	E80Q	P
37263live copyhard copy	E80f	e
37264live load	E809	a
37265live net	E81X	Q
37266live program	E81n	j
37267live register	E82K	b
37268live task instruction	E82l	p
37269live time	E83O	X
37270live variable analysis	E83l	q
37271live variable calcuation	E84P	s
37272liveware	E847	Q
37273living computer	E85L	m
37274ll grammar	E85x	U
37275lndsc key	E86F	a
37276lnr recursive scan	E86f	k
37277lo address byte	E87D	g
37278lo memory address	E87j	f
37279load	E88C	U
37280load	GaK4	U
37281load	HN9O	Y
37282load accumulator	E88W	l
37283load accumulator instruction	E887	z
37284load accumulator with magnitude	E89u	6
37285load address	E8+o	e
37286load adjuster	E8/G	h
37287load analysis	E8/n	b
37288load analysis detail	E9AC	o
37289load and exchange	E9Aq	i
37290load and go	E9BM	Z
37291load balancing	E9Bl	c
37292load balancing group	E9CB	p
37293load balancing mode	E9Cq	n
37294load buffer	E9DR	f
37295load buffer memory	E9Dw	t
37296load capacity	E9Ed	b
37297load cards	E9E4	Y
37298load cell	E9FQ	a
37299load circuit	E9Fq	a
37300load circuit efficiency	E9GE	r
37301load clear key	E9Gv	f
37302load command	E9HO	a
37303load compensation	E9Ho	f
37304load control	E9IH	a
37305load cumulative	E9Ih	d
37306load current	Dntb	e
37307load current	E9I+	a
37308load current	GaLM	a
37309load curve	E9JY	Y
37310load data base	E9Jw	f
37311load data counter	E9KP	o
37312load facility	CjE7	n
37313load facility	E9K3	b
37314load factor	E9LS	Z
37315load file	E9Lr	X
37316load file instruction	E9MC	p
37317load frame time	Dnt5	l
37318load function	E9Mr	b
37319load halfword	E9NG	e
37320load image	E9Nk	Y
37321load image file format	E9N8	w
37322load immediate instruction	E9Os	u
37323load impedance	E9Pa	c
37324load index register instruction	E9P2	8
37325load indicator	E9Qy	f
37326load initial table	E9RR	n
37327load instruction	E9R4	e
37328load interrupt mask	E9SW	k
37329load key	E9S6	T
37330load leveling	E9TN	b
37331load life	E9To	a
37332load limiting register	E9UC	x
37333load line	E9Uz	U
37334load loss	E9VH	X
37335load map	E9Ve	W
37336load matching	E9V0	b
37337load member	E9WP	Z
37338load memory lockout register	E9Wo	+
37339load mode	E9YC	X
37340load model	Gfz4	n
37341load model	dNj	k
37342load model generator	E9YZ	x
37343load module	E9ZK	c
37344load module file	E9Zm	k
37345load module librarian	E9aK	3
37346load module library	E9bB	k
37347load module name	E9bl	h
37348load negative operation	E9cG	l
37349load normal key	E9cr	g
37350load overlay segment	E9dL	l
37351load paper	E9dw	V
37352load point	E9eF	V
37353load point marker	E9ea	i
37354load program	E9e8	a
37355load program and allocation	E9fW	y
37356load program block	E9gI	n
37357load program status word	E9gv	0
37358load real address	E9hj	m
37359load register	E9iJ	h
37360load register instruction	E9iq	w
37361load regulation	E9ja	d
37362load request block	E9j3	t
37363load resistance	E9kk	d
37364load resistor	E9lB	e
37365load routine	E9lf	a
37366load rule	E9l5	X
37367load running	GaLm	a
37368load segment	E9mQ	X
37369load sharing	E9mn	U
37370load sharing matrix switch	E9m7	0
37371load splittinge	E9nv	d
37372load stabilization	E9oM	j
37373load system program	E9ov	t
37374load test	E9pc	X
37375load test	GaMA	X
37376load time	E9pz	X
37377load to capacity ratio	E9qK	t
37378load transfer	E9q3	b
37379load type	E9rS	X
37380load unit	E9rp	X
37381load vector	E9sA	Z
37382load voltage regulation	E9sZ	r
37383loadable character set	E9uO	q
37384loadable microcode	E9u4	j
37385loaded	Gc4G	c
37386loaded cable	E9vb	a
37387loaded cable	Gc4i	a
37388loaded core logic	E9v1	l
37389loaded line	E9wa	Z
37390loaded line	Gc48	W
37391loaded network	E1AS	f
37392loaded origin	E9wz	h
37393loaded potentiometer function generator	E9xU	BH
37394loaded program request block	E9yb	8
37395loader	E9zX	U
37396loader application	E9zr	s
37397loader bootstrap	E90X	k
37398loader program	E907	c
37399loader routine	E91X	c
37400loader system	E91z	h
37401loaders and linkage editors	E93A	+
37402loading	E93+	a
37403loading	H9fG	V
37404loading	HSrA	V
37405loading calculation	E94Y	k
37406loading cartridge	IPqL	r
37407loading characteristic	E948	k
37408loading coilor	E95g	c
37409loading control	E958	d
37410loading control program	E96Z	v
37411loading density	E97I	d
37412loading diagonstic program	E97l	u
37413loading error	E98T	b
37414loading factor	E98u	c
37415loading multiple file	E99K	m
37416loading objective	E99w	f
37417loading pattern	E9+P	d
37418loading policy	E9+s	c
37419loading potential	E9/I	o
37420loading problem	E9/w	d
37421loading procedure	E+AN	f
37422loading program	IPq2	g
37423loading routine	E+As	d
37424loading tape	E+BJ	a
37425loading zone	E+Bj	X
37426loadrewind button	E9tp	l
37427lobe	E+Cq	M
37428lobe attaching unit	E+C2	n
37429lobe blanking	Ik9a	b
37430lobe bypass	E+Dd	Z
37431lobe cancellation	Ik91	f
37432lobe jamming	Ik+U	k
37433lobe printer	F9ci	g
37434lobe receptacle	E+D2	d
37435local	E+ET	Y
37436local acquisition radar	E+Er	v
37437local address	E+Fa	e
37438local address register	E+F4	x
37439local address space	E+Gp	r
37440local address translation	E+HU	t
37441local addressing	E+IB	e
37442local adjunct grammar	E+If	s
37443local agency check	E+JL	2
37444local and remote printing station	E+KB	BB
37445local application	E+LC	f
37446local area	E+Lh	b
37447local area broadcast	E+L8	s
37448local area communications network	E+Mo	BA
37449local area data set	E+No	v
37450local area distributed system	E+OX	/
37451local area network	E+PW	n
37452local attached support processor	E+P9	BD
37453local attribute	E+RA	d
37454local authorities management information system	E+Rd	BV
37455local automatic circuit exchange	E+Sy	BC
37456local automatic message accounting	E+T0	BB
37457local autonomy	E+U1	c
37458local base vector	E+VR	i
37459local batch job	E+Vz	j
37460local batch processing	E+WW	q
37461local battery	E+XA	b
37462local buffer storage	E+Xb	r
37463local burst mode	E+YG	h
37464local bus adapter	E+Yn	v
37465local bus controller	E+ZW	y
37466local call	E+aI	Y
37467local card	E+ag	V
37468local cartesian coordinates	E+a1	1
37469local catenative sequence	E+bq	t
37470local center	E+cX	g
37471local central office	E+c3	i
37472local channel	E+dZ	b
37473local character set identifier	E+d0	9
37474local check point	E+ex	m
37475local cipher	E+fX	a
37476local circuit	E+fx	b
37477local code	E+gM	V
37478local code generator	E+gh	u
37479local command area	E+hP	j
37480local communication	E+hy	h
37481local communication console	E+iT	2
37482local communication network	E+jJ	v
37483local computer	E+j4	f
37484local computer network	E+kX	x
37485local configuration facility	E+lI	0
37486local congestion	E+l8	e
37487local connection	E+ma	h
37488local connectivity	E+m7	j
37489local console	E+ne	e
37490local control	E+n8	b
37491local control point	E+oX	o
37492local control unit	E+o/	n
37493local convergence	E+pm	f
37494local copy	E+qF	Y
37495local copy operation	E+qd	o
37496local cypher	E+rF	a
37497local data administrator	E+rf	2
37498local data area	E+sV	k
37499local data base	E+s5	g
37500local data base management system	E+tZ	BE
37501local data base system	E+ud	y
37502local data buffer	E+vP	s
37503local data distribution	E+v7	v
37504local data manager	E+wq	t
37505local data message exchange	E+xX	6
37506local data package	E+yR	n
37507local data processor	E+y4	v
37508local dbms	E+zn	n
37509local declaration	E+0O	f
37510local definition	E+0t	h
37511local destination	E+1O	i
37512local device controller line	E+1w	5
37513local diagnosis	E+2p	d
37514local digital message exchange	E+3G	9
37515local digital switching	E+4D	r
37516local discard policy	E+4u	o
37517local display adapter	E+5W	w
37518local display controller	E+6G	z
37519local distribution data interface	E+65	+
37520local distribution service	E+73	7
37521local distribution system	E+8y	0
37522local echoing	E+9m	b
37523local end	E++B	X
37524local engineering circuit	E++Y	z
37525local engineering standards	E+/L	z
37526local entity	E+/+	a
37527local entry	Gc5S	t
37528local environment	E/AY	f
37529local equalize	E/A3	c
37530local error	E/BT	Z
37531local exchange center	E/Bs	p
37532local exchange switching center	E/CV	z
37533local facult	E/DI	a
37534local file	E/Di	Y
37535local file directory system	E/D6	6
37536local file manager	E/E0	w
37537local flag	E/Fk	Y
37538local font table	E/F8	h
37539local format storage	E/Gd	v
37540local forms control	E/HM	r
37541local frequency distribution	E/H3	0
37542local generator	E/Ir	g
37543local government financial system	E/JL	BA
37544local government information office	E/KL	/
37545local host	E/LK	Y
37546local id	E/Li	Z
37547local identifier	E/L7	h
37548local identifier	Gc5/	4
37549local information	E/Mc	f
37550local inputoutput processor	E/M7	+
37551local interaction language	E/N5	y
37552local interrupt register	E/Or	v
37553local job entry	E/Pa	n
37554local job processing	E/QB	s
37555local key	E/Qt	U
37556local knowledge	E/RB	d
37557local level	E/Re	W
37558local line	E/R0	b
37559local link	FAXs	h
37560local lock	E/SP	V
37561local loop	E/Sk	Y
37562local loopback	E/S8	i
37563local macro definition	E/Te	q
37564local mailbox	E/UI	b
37565local main process	E/Uj	j
37566local management	E/VG	e
37567local mass storage	E/Vk	s
37568local maxium	E/WQ	d
37569local memory	E/Wt	g
37570local memory bank interface	E/XN	3
37571local memory bus interface	E/YE	8
37572local memory image	E/ZA	t
37573local microcode compaction technique	E/Zt	+
37574local minimization problem	E/ar	x
37575local minimum	E/bc	e
37576local mode	E/b6	b
37577local modem	E/cV	i
37578local multiaccess communication system	E/c3	BD
37579local multiple access	E/d6	m
37580local multiplexer	E/eg	m
37581local name base	E/fG	k
37582local name base register	E/fq	y
37583local name space	E/gc	l
37584local ncp	E/hB	j
37585local net	E/hk	U
37586local network	E/h4	b
37587local network control program	E/iT	3
37588local network emulator	E/jK	0
37589local network interface	E/j+	v
37590local network of personal computer	E/kt	/
37591local networking	E/ls	e
37592local node	E/mK	Y
37593local number	E/nI	a
37594local object descriptor	E/ni	u
37595local online card reader	E/oQ	1
37596local operating procedure	E/pF	x
37597local operating system	E/p2	u
37598local operation	E/qk	d
37599local optimization technique	E/rB	z
37600local or own type	E/r0	o
37601local order wire	E/sc	k
37602local origination channel	E/tA	t
37603local oscillator frequency	E/tt	y
37604local output	E/uf	a
37605local oxidation of silicon	E/u5	x
37606local port	E/vq	Y
37607local port level	E/wC	h
37608local printer	E/wj	e
37609local processor	E/xB	j
37610local processor link	E/xk	v
37611local programming	E/yT	l
37612local record	E/y4	a
37613local reference	E/zS	d
37614local register	E/zv	i
37615local regulation	E/0R	e
37616local replacement policy	E/0v	s
37617local representational structure	E/1b	0
37618local resource	E/2P	c
37619local restrmctions	E/2r	g
37620local rounding error	E/3L	o
37621local schema	E/3z	a
37622local screen write subroutine	E/4N	3
37623local segment	E/5E	Y
37624local segment table	E/5c	h
37625local segment table base	E/59	s
37626local service	E/6p	b
37627local service area	E/7E	j
37628local session identification	E/7n	4
37629local shared resources	E/8f	u
37630local side	E/9N	e
37631local signals	E/9r	b
37632local sna major node	E/+G	p
37633local stack	E/+v	Z
37634local station	E//I	Y
37635local storage	E//g	l
37636local storage address latch	FAAF	9
37637local storage address register	FABC	BD
37638local storage data register	FACF	+
37639local storage function register	FADD	BE
37640local storage inputoutput	FAEH	8
37641local storage register	FAFD	0
37642local storage unit	FAF3	t
37643local store	FAGk	c
37644local store data register	FAHA	+
37645local store pointer	FAH+	r
37646local subport	FAIp	e
37647local switch	FAJH	a
37648local switching center	FAJh	q
37649local switching facilities	FAKL	u
37650local switching office	FAK5	n
37651local symbol	FALg	a
37652local symbol block	FAL6	j
37653local system	FAMd	a
37654local system library	FAM3	r
37655local system queue area	FANi	z
37656local terminal	FAOV	f
37657local timing	FAO0	a
37658local title	FAPO	Z
37659local tracking	FAPn	c
37660local transaction	FAQD	f
37661local transaction program	FAQi	t
37662local translator	FARP	r
37663local type	FAR6	Y
37664local update procedure	FASS	q
37665local user group	FAS8	o
37666local value	FATk	W
37667local variable	FAT6	c
37668local variable	Gc63	f
37669local variable symbol	FAUW	m
37670local view	FAU8	Y
37671local virtual address	FAVU	t
37672local work area	FAWB	g
37673local work station	FAWh	j
37674locality	FAYu	T
37675locality improvement	FAZB	i
37676locality model	FAZj	c
37677locality predication	FAZ/	i
37678localization	FAah	X
37679localization of fault	FAa4	j
37680localize	FAbb	f
37681localized	FAb6	R
37682localized diffusion	FAcL	h
37683localized doping	FAcs	e
37684localized network	FAdK	f
37685localizer	FAdp	Z
37686localizer station	FAeC	f
37687locally distributed computing station	FAeh	8
37688locally distributed data base system	FAfd	+
37689locally distributed processor	FAgb	0
37690locally optimal repair	FAhP	t
37691locally passive medium	FAh8	q
37692locatable program	DkuE	f
37693locate	FAk5	O
37694locate mode	FAlH	Z
37695locate statement	FAlg	e
37696locating	FAl+	Q
37697locating file	FAmO	b
37698locating hardware error	FAmp	r
37699locating programming error	FAnU	0
37700locating software error	FAoI	r
37701locating technology	DJSg	r
37702locating tests	DJTL	n
37703location	FAoz	U
37704location accessing operation	FApH	w
37705location beacon	FAp3	d
37706location constants	FAqU	g
37707location counter	FAq0	k
37708location data	FArY	b
37709location delimiter	FArz	j
37710location dependent	FAsW	k
37711location free procedure	FAs6	l
37712location hole	FAtf	Y
37713location identification	FAt3	o
37714location identifier	FAuf	k
37715location independent	FAvD	i
37716location information	FAvl	i
37717location misuse errors	E+B6	w
37718location mode	FAwH	b
37719location parameter	FAwi	g
37720location pin	FAxC	X
37721location pointer	FAxZ	h
37722location problem	DJTy	e
37723location problem	FAx6	e
37724location problem	JKKu	k
37725location tag field	FAyY	d
37726location variable	FAy1	f
37727locator	FAz1	S
37728locator argument	FA0H	e
37729locator data	FA0l	a
37730locator device	FA0/	c
37731locator qualifier	FA1b	i
37732locator variable	FA19	e
37733lock	FA2b	M
37734lock ahead on fault	FA2n	r
37735lock and key	FA3S	X
37736lock bar	FA3p	Q
37737lock byte	FA35	a
37738lock class	FA4T	V
37739lock code	FA4o	U
37740lock demodulation	HZLt	8
37741lock file	FA48	X
37742lock free system	FA5T	h
37743lock hierarchy	FA50	f
37744lock in	FA6T	T
37745lock jammer	IHwZ	o
37746lock key	FA6m	T
37747lock keyboard	IiNE	h
37748lock loop	HZMp	X
37749lock management	FA65	d
37750lock mechanism	IPrW	x
37751lock mode	FA7W	X
37752lock nut	FA7t	W
37753lock out	FA8D	Q
37754lock pin	FA8T	T
37755lock record	FA8m	Z
37756lock register	FA8/	e
37757lock resolution	FA9d	d
37758lock ring	FA96	R
37759lock state	FA+L	Y
37760lock stud	FA+j	U
37761lock up	FA+3	P
37762locked attribute	FBDi	e
37763locked detection	HZNA	1
37764locked down	FBEA	T
37765locked file	FBET	Z
37766locked logic	HZN1	a
37767locked loop	HZOP	Z
37768locked loop	UsG	k
37769locked loop motor control	HZOo	z
37770locked name	FBEs	Z
37771locked oscillator	HZPb	m
37772locked page	FBFF	Z
37773locked pulsed oscillator	HZQB	0
37774locked record	FBFe	b
37775locked resource	FBF5	d
37776locker	FBGW	S
37777locking	FBGo	P
37778locking	Gc7W	i
37779locking	IPsH	Z
37780locking band	FBG3	a
37781locking bar	FBHR	W
37782locking bit	FBHn	Z
37783locking circuit	FBIA	j
37784locking code extension character	FBIj	3
37785locking crank	FBJa	b
37786locking device	FBJ1	c
37787locking discipline	FBKR	g
37788locking escape	FBKx	c
37789locking flag	DDdx	g
37790locking hierarchy	FBLN	f
37791locking key	FBLs	W
37792locking key	Gc74	Z
37793locking latch	FBMC	e
37794locking lever	FBMg	Y
37795locking of file	FBM4	d
37796locking primitive	FBNV	f
37797locking property	IPsg	e
37798locking protocol	FBN0	e
37799locking range	FBOS	b
37800locking relay	FBOt	e
37801locking shift character	FBPL	r
37802locking shift character	Gc8R	BF
37803locking signal	FBP2	c
37804locking time	FBQS	a
37805lockout	FBQs	P
37806lockout module	FBQ7	c
37807lockout switch	FBRX	c
37808lockunlock facility	FBC4	q
37809locomotive function	FBRz	h
37810locus	FBSU	N
37811locus of control	FBSh	e
37812lodar	FBS/	T
37813lofting	FBTS	e
37814log	FBTw	U
37815log amplifer	FBUE	j
37816log amplifier	E4aY	k
37817log amps hybrids	FBUn	w
37818log analysis	FBVX	a
37819log control table	FBVx	m
37820log converteregy	E6Su	k
37821log curve	FBWX	X
37822log data set	FBWu	d
37823log data set	Fpbq	p
37824log device	FBXL	Y
37825log drum	FBXj	W
37826log file	FBX5	W
37827log file	JInK	Z
37828log file editor	FBYP	w
37829log frequency characteristic	CLB+	2
37830log graph paper	FBec	i
37831log in	FBY/	O
37832log off	FBZN	P
37833log on	FBZc	O
37834log out	FBZq	P
37835log paper	FBZ5	a
37836log paper	ISBu	d
37837log sheet	FBaT	U
37838log table	FBan	U
37839log tape write ahead	FBa7	q
37840log task	FBbl	W
37841logarithm	FBfT	R
37842logarithm characteristic	FBfk	m
37843logarithm transformation	FBgK	m
37844logarithmic ad converter	FBgw	8
37845logarithmic amplifier	FBhs	p
37846logarithmic base	FBiV	b
37847logarithmic calculator	FBiw	n
37848logarithmic computing instrument	FBjX	x
37849logarithmic coordinate paper	FBkI	t
37850logarithmic coordinate paper	ISCL	q
37851logarithmic criteria	FBk1	i
37852logarithmic curve	FBlX	f
37853logarithmic decrement	FBl2	m
37854logarithmic differentiation	FBmc	s
37855logarithmic fast time constant	FBnI	/
37856logarithmic formula	FBoH	h
37857logarithmic function	FBoo	i
37858logarithmic function generator	FBpK	1
37859logarithmic graph	FBp/	c
37860logarithmic integral	FBqb	i
37861logarithmic intermediate frequency amplifier	FBq9	BD
37862logarithmic mean difference	FBsA	w
37863logarithmic receiver	FBsw	l
37864logarithmic scale	FBtV	c
37865logarithmic search method	FBtx	q
37866logarithmic searching	FBub	m
37867logarithmic solution	FBvB	i
37868logarithmic table	FBvj	c
37869logarithmicity	FBw4	Z
37870logbook	FBxR	V
37871logged data	FBxm	Z
37872logged resource	FBx/	d
37873logger	FByc	X
37874logger task	FByz	Z
37875logging	FBzM	T
37876logging data	FBzf	a
37877logging device	FBz5	c
37878logging in	FB0V	Y
37879logging program	FB0t	d
37880logging routine	FB1K	d
37881logging service facility	FB1n	s
37882logging typewriter	FB2T	j
37883logic	FB22	N
37884logic	Gi/B	V
37885logic add	FB3D	U
37886logic address	FB3X	b
37887logic alternative	FB3y	f
37888logic analysis	FB4R	c
37889logic analysis device	FB4t	t
37890logic analysis for maintenance planning	FB5a	BJ
37891logic analysis stimulus and response	FB6j	BH
37892logic analyzer	FB7q	f
37893logic analyzer for maintenance planning	FB8J	BP
37894logic and adder	FB9Y	n
37895logic and control simulator	FB9/	6
37896logic and information network compiler	FB+5	BO
37897logic and test function drawer	FCAH	BA
37898logic arithmetic unit	FCBH	p
37899logic array	FCBw	Z
37900logic automated documentation system	FCCJ	BD
37901logic base	FCDM	Y
37902logic behaviour	FCDk	d
37903logic bomb	FCEB	Y
37904logic bus monitor	FCEZ	v
37905logic cad	FCFI	p
37906logic capability	FCFx	e
37907logic card	FCGP	Y
37908logic chart	FCGn	W
37909logic circuit	FCG9	b
37910logic clock pulse generator	FCHY	9
37911logic coincidence element	FCIV	h
37912logic comparation	FCI2	i
37913logic comparators	FCJY	i
37914logic comparison	FCJ6	e
37915logic component	FCKY	d
37916logic computer	FCK1	f
37917logic control block	FCLU	o
37918logic controlled sequential computer	FCL8	BB
37919logic coordination method	FCM9	q
37920logic core	FCNn	h
37921logic corporation	FCOI	i
37922logic data base definition	FCOq	x
37923logic data base design	FCPb	t
37924logic data store	F9dC	q
37925logic data structure	FCQI	o
37926logic decision	FCQw	c
37927logic decoder	FCRM	e
37928logic design	FCRq	a
37929logic design automation	FCSE	u
37930logic device	FCSy	a
37931logic diagram	FCTM	Y
37932logic diagram approach	FCTk	n
37933logic diagram engineering	FCUL	q
37934logic difference	FCU1	b
37935logic diode	FCVQ	c
37936logic dynamic gazard	FCVs	o
37937logic element	FCWU	b
37938logic entity	FCWv	a
37939logic equation simulation	FCXJ	t
37940logic error	FCX2	Z
37941logic event	FCYP	Z
37942logic expression	FCYo	h
37943logic eye	FCZJ	a
37944logic families	FCZj	c
37945logic family	FCZ/	a
37946logic fault	FCaZ	Z
37947logic fault condition	FCay	p
37948logic fault simulator	FCbb	w
37949logic file	FCcL	Y
37950logic file storage	FCcj	p
37951logic file system	FCdM	p
37952logic flaw	FCd1	Y
37953logic flexibility	FCeN	f
37954logic flow	FCes	Y
37955logic flow chart	FCfE	l
37956logic for computable functions	FCfp	2
37957logic function	FCgf	f
37958logic gate	FCg+	V
37959logic gate level	FChT	e
37960logic generating language	FChx	z
37961logic graph	FCik	W
37962logic hazard	FCi6	a
37963logic high	FCjU	V
37964logic in document out	FCjp	0
37965logic in memory	FCkd	j
37966logic in memory array	FClA	0
37967logic instruction	FCl0	f
37968logic interface	FCmT	d
37969logic inverter	FCmw	c
37970logic level	FCnM	W
37971logic level translator	FCni	t
37972logic light	FCoP	o
37973logic line group	FCo3	l
37974logic link layer	FCpc	h
37975logic low	FCp9	a
37976logic machine aids digital	FCqX	8
37977logic map	FCrT	U
37978logic mapping table	FCrn	o
37979logic master tape	FCsP	m
37980logic matrix	FCs1	a
37981logic microoperation	FCtP	l
37982logic module	FCt0	d
37983logic multiply	FCuR	c
37984logic nesting level number	FCut	x
37985logic of machine	FCve	h
37986logic operand	FCv/	e
37987logic operation	FCwd	d
37988logic or	FCw6	Q
37989logic oscillosope	FCxK	i
37990logic package	FCxs	h
37991logic partition	FCyN	d
37992logic partitioning	FCyq	g
37993logic probe	FCzK	c
37994logic probe indicator	FCzm	s
37995logic processor	FC0S	k
37996logic product	FC02	Y
37997logic product gate	FC1O	g
37998logic programming	FC1u	l
37999logic proposition	FC2T	f
38000logic pulser	FC2y	j
38001logic record	FC3V	a
38002logic rule	FC3v	Y
38003logic schematic replacement	FC4H	v
38004logic schematics	FC42	e
38005logic sequence	FC5U	c
38006logic shift	FC5w	Z
38007logic short fault	FC6J	l
38008logic signal	FC6u	a
38009logic signal transmission	FC7I	t
38010logic simulation	FC71	l
38011logic spectrum	FC8a	c
38012logic state analyzer	FC82	r
38013logic state table	FC9h	i
38014logic states	FC+D	a
38015logic static hazard	FC+d	n
38016logic status indicator	FC/E	x
38017logic storage unit	FC/1	q
38018logic sum	FDAf	U
38019logic sum gate	FDAz	c
38020logic swing	FDBP	Z
38021logic symbol	FDBo	a
38022logic synthesis	FDCC	d
38023logic testing	FDCf	b
38024logic theory	FDC6	a
38025logic theory machine	FDDU	p
38026logic threshold	FDD9	d
38027logic timing and sequencing	FDEa	4
38028logic timing diagram	FDFS	l
38029logic translator	FDF3	h
38030logic unit	FDGY	Y
38031logic value	FDGw	W
38032logic variable	FDHG	c
38033logic verification system	FDHi	t
38034logic work station	FDIP	n
38035logical	FDLQ	W
38036logical	H4kB	V
38037logical	JIDZ	V
38038logical access level	FDLm	l
38039logical access method	FDML	p
38040logical access path schems	FDM0	0
38041logical action	FDNo	c
38042logical add	FDOE	W
38043logical addition	FDOa	e
38044logical address	FDO4	g
38045logical address plug	FDPY	s
38046logical address space	FDQE	p
38047logical algorithm	FDQt	i
38048logical algorithmic language	FDRP	6
38049logical analysis	FDSJ	e
38050logical analysis component	FDSn	u
38051logical analyzer of hypothesis	FDTV	5
38052logical and	FDUO	T
38053logical arms position	FDUh	q
38054logical array	FDVL	b
38055logical array element reference	FDVm	5
38056logical assignment statement	FDWf	w
38057logical attribute	FDXP	f
38058logical automaton	FDXu	i
38059logical axiom	FDYQ	b
38060logical binary counter	FDYr	w
38061logical block	FDZb	b
38062logical block diagram	FDZ2	n
38063logical block number	FDad	p
38064logical bucket number	FDbG	q
38065logical byte address	FDbw	o
38066logical byte string	FDcY	k
38067logical capability	FDc8	g
38068logical channel	FDdc	h
38069logical channel control block	FDd9	0
38070logical channel fill	FDex	s
38071logical channel group	FDfd	m
38072logical channel number	FDgD	r
38073logical channel program	FDgu	r
38074logical channel queue	FDhZ	t
38075logical character	FDiG	f
38076logical character delete symbol	FDil	2
38077logical characteristic of data base	FDjb	6
38078logical chart	FDkV	Y
38079logical child	FDkt	i
38080logical child pointer	FDlP	p
38081logical child segment	FDl4	m
38082logical choice	FDme	c
38083logical circuit	FDm6	d
38084logical combination	FDnX	h
38085logical command	FDn4	m
38086logical compare accumulator with storage	FDoe	BO
38087logical comparison	FDps	g
38088logical complexity	FDqM	j
38089logical component	FDqv	f
38090logical computer	FDrO	h
38091logical condition	FDrv	f
38092logical configuration communication area	FDsO	BE
38093logical connection	FDtS	g
38094logical connection layer	FDty	t
38095logical connection terminal	FDuf	v
38096logical connective	FDvO	j
38097logical connector	FDvx	i
38098logical constant	FDwT	e
38099logical construction of programs	FDwx	7
38100logical conversion	FDxs	g
38101logical conversion code	FDyM	r
38102logical core	FDy3	a
38103logical data	FDzR	a
38104logical data base	FDzr	m
38105logical data base description	FD0R	0
38106logical data base design	FD1F	v
38107logical data base record	FD10	v
38108logical data base schema	FD2j	v
38109logical data independence	FD3S	w
38110logical data item	FD4C	i
38111logical data link	FD4k	l
38112logical data path	FD5J	l
38113logical data structure	FD5u	q
38114logical data transfer	FD6Y	p
38115logical database	FD7B	h
38116logical decision	FD7i	e
38117logical descriptor	FD8A	j
38118logical design	FD8j	f
38119logical destination	FD9C	h
38120logical determinant	FD9j	k
38121logical device	FD+H	c
38122logical device address	FD+j	u
38123logical device name	FD/R	k
38124logical device order	FD/1	s
38125logical diagram	FEAh	a
38126logical difference	FEA7	d
38127logical diode circuit	FEBY	s
38128logical disjunct	FECE	Y
38129logical disk	FECc	a
38130logical distinction	FEC2	h
38131logical distribution	FEDX	i
38132logical division	FED5	e
38133logical drawing	FEEX	a
38134logical edit	FEEx	a
38135logical editing symbols	FEFL	o
38136logical element	FEFz	g
38137logical element symbol	FEGT	q
38138logical end	FEG9	Z
38139logical end of media	FEHW	v
38140logical enhanced memory	FEIF	1
38141logical equation	FEI6	h
38142logical equipment table	FEJb	s
38143logical equivalence	FEKH	h
38144logical escape symbol	FEKo	j
38145logical exclusive or	FELL	l
38146logical expression	FELw	j
38147logical factor	FEMT	c
38148logical fault	FEMv	b
38149logical fault vector location	FENK	3
38150logical field descriptor	FEOB	s
38151logical file	FEOt	a
38152logical file name	FEPH	m
38153logical file section	FEPt	l
38154logical file structure	FEQS	u
38155logical file system	FERA	k
38156logical flow	FERk	a
38157logical flow chart	FER+	j
38158logical flowchart	FESh	i
38159logical form	FETD	a
38160logical formulas	FETd	e
38161logical front end	FET7	l
38162logical function	FEU/	e
38163logical function reference	FEVd	u
38164logical gate	FEWL	X
38165logical gate expander	FEWi	w
38166logical grammar	FEXS	d
38167logical group	FEXv	Y
38168logical group instruction	FEYH	q
38169logical group number	FEYx	m
38170logical grouping of data	FEZX	z
38171logical if	FEcF	e
38172logical if statement	FEcj	o
38173logical image	FEdL	b
38174logical implication	FEdm	n
38175logical inclusion	FEeN	f
38176logical indicator	FEes	i
38177logical information system	FEfO	u
38178logical input device	FEf8	o
38179logical input output controller	FEgk	8
38180logical inputoutput	FEhg	l
38181logical inputoutput control system	FEiF	BG
38182logical inquiry and update system	FEjL	BE
38183logical instruction	FEkP	h
38184logical interface	FEkw	f
38185logical inversion	FElP	f
38186logical io	FEaK	f
38187logical io function	FEap	u
38188logical io protocol	FEbX	u
38189logical iocs	FElu	s
38190logical job name	FEma	h
38191logical language	FEm7	l
38192logical leading end	FEng	h
38193logical left shift	FEoB	q
38194logical line	FEor	X
38195logical line delete symbol	FEpC	u
38196logical line end symbol	FEpw	r
38197logical line group	FEqb	n
38198logical link	FErC	a
38199logical link connection	FErc	r
38200logical link control	FEsH	s
38201logical link control sublayer	FEsz	3
38202logical link path	FEtq	l
38203logical local storage address register	FEuP	BS
38204logical logging	FEvh	d
38205logical machine	FEv+	g
38206logical mathematics	FEwe	h
38207logical matrix	FEw/	c
38208logical memory level	FExb	p
38209logical memory organization	FEyE	v
38210logical message	FEyz	d
38211logical mistake	FEzQ	d
38212logical model	FEzt	b
38213logical module	FE0I	c
38214logical multiplex	FE0k	p
38215logical multiplication	FE1N	k
38216logical multiply	FE1x	f
38217logical name	FE2Q	X
38218logical name table	FE2n	g
38219logical naming	FE3H	c
38220logical nand circuit	FE3j	o
38221logical negation	FE4L	f
38222logical negative operator	FE4q	h
38223logical network	FE5L	d
38224logical network concept	FE5o	r
38225logical network machine	FE6T	s
38226logical nor circuit	FE6/	n
38227logical not circuit	FE7m	k
38228logical number	FE8K	Z
38229logical object model	FE8j	o
38230logical one or zero	FE9L	b
38231logical operation	FE9m	i
38232logical operation unit	FE+I	q
38233logical operator	FE+y	h
38234logical or	FE/T	V
38235logical or component	FE/o	l
38236logical or register	FFAN	s
38237logical order	FFA5	b
38238logical organization	FFBU	i
38239logical orientation	FFB2	h
38240logical pack area	FFCX	m
38241logical page	FFC9	g
38242logical page identifier	FFDd	z
38243logical page number	FFEQ	l
38244logical paging	FFE1	c
38245logical parent	FFFR	c
38246logical parent pointer	FFFt	q
38247logical parent segment	FFGX	n
38248logical patch	FFG+	b
38249logical pattern	FFHZ	a
38250logical place	FFHz	b
38251logical pointer	FFIO	d
38252logical port	FFIr	d
38253logical port multiplexer	FFJI	5
38254logical predecessor	FFKB	h
38255logical primary	FFKi	g
38256logical procedure diagram	FFLC	t
38257logical process	FFLv	d
38258logical product	FFMM	a
38259logical professor and computer	FFMm	/
38260logical program	FFNl	k
38261logical program synthesis system	FFOJ	/
38262logical protocol	FFPI	e
38263logical queue	FFPm	b
38264logical race	FFQB	a
38265logical reading system	FFQb	q
38266logical record	FFRF	c
38267logical record access	FFRh	q
38268logical record access approach	FFSL	1
38269logical record control block	FFTA	1
38270logical record length	FFT1	t
38271logical record location	FFUi	s
38272logical record processor	FFVO	z
38273logical relation	FFWB	e
38274logical relationship	FFWf	i
38275logical resource	FFXB	e
38276logical right shift	FFXf	r
38277logical rule	FFYb	X
38278logical runtime error	FFYy	s
38279logical schema	FFZe	c
38280logical screen	FFZ6	c
38281logical segment	FFaW	a
38282logical semantic term relation	FFaw	1
38283logical separator	FFbl	i
38284logical service	FFcH	d
38285logical session	FFck	d
38286logical shift	FFdB	b
38287logical shift left	FFdc	k
38288logical shift right	FFeA	l
38289logical signal transmission	FFel	v
38290logical signals processor	FFfU	3
38291logical simulation	FFgL	g
38292logical specification	FFgr	j
38293logical statement	FFhO	f
38294logical station	FFht	g
38295logical storage	FFiN	g
38296logical storage address	FFit	u
38297logical storage structure	FFjb	t
38298logical structure	FFkI	f
38299logical subrecord	FFlf	i
38300logical subscheme	FFmB	i
38301logical successor	FFmj	f
38302logical sum	FFnC	W
38303logical swap control table	FFnY	2
38304logical swapping	FFoO	e
38305logical switch	FFos	c
38306logical symbol	FFpI	c
38307logical syntax	FFpk	c
38308logical system design	FFqA	p
38309logical term	FFqp	X
38310logical terminal	FFrA	e
38311logical terminal pool	FFre	m
38312logical terminal subpool	FFsE	s
38313logical terminals	FFsw	i
38314logical test	FFtS	a
38315logical thinking	FFts	e
38316logical timer	FFuK	e
38317logical tracing	FFuo	d
38318logical track	FFvF	b
38319logical track header	FFvg	s
38320logical transient area	FFwM	r
38321logical truth	FFw3	Y
38322logical twin	FFxP	a
38323logical twin backward pointer	FFxp	4
38324logical twin forward pointer	FFyh	3
38325logical type	FFzY	a
38326logical unit	FFzy	d
38327logical unit block	FF0P	n
38328logical unit description	FF02	w
38329logical unit designator	FF1m	u
38330logical unit name	FF2U	i
38331logical unit number	FF22	o
38332logical unit of information	FF3e	z
38333logical unit of work	FF4R	o
38334logical unit service	FF45	o
38335logical unit services manager	FF5h	BD
38336logical unit table	FF6k	n
38337logical unit to logical unit	FF7L	/
38338logical value	FF8K	Y
38339logical variable	BFXK	f
38340logical variable	FF8i	e
38341logical variable reference	FF9A	u
38342logical volume	FF9u	Z
38343logical word	FF+H	X
38344logical work station	FF+e	l
38345logicalization	FGAA	Z
38346logicalized memory	FGAZ	m
38347logically	FGA/	U
38348logically complete	FGBT	j
38349logically connected terminal	FGB2	z
38350logically contiguous address space	FGCp	/
38351logically contiguous block	FGDo	r
38352logically equivalent	FGET	i
38353logically integrated fortran translator	FGE1	BO
38354logically true	FGGm	Z
38355logically unrelated packet	FGG/	r
38356login	FGHq	N
38357login command	FGH3	b
38358login request	FGIS	b
38359logistic	FGIt	W
38360logistic analysis simulation system	FGJD	BI
38361logistic evaluation and review technique	FGKL	BQ
38362logistics	FGLb	U
38363logistics management information	FGLv	0
38364logistics management information system	FGMj	BI
38365logitron	FGNr	c
38366lognormal	FGOH	X
38367logo	FGOe	W
38368logoff	FGO0	O
38369logogram	FGPC	Q
38370logon	FGPS	T
38371logon data	FGPl	Y
38372logon mode	FGP9	Y
38373logon mode table	FGQV	h
38374logon owner name	FGQ2	e
38375logon request	FGRU	b
38376logon security	FGRv	f
38377logos	FGS5	f
38378logotype	FGTY	W
38379logout	FGTu	O
38380logout analysis	FGT8	m
38381logout analysis reference	FGUi	y
38382logtype entry	FGVU	h
38383lone signal unit	FGV1	k
38384long access	FGWZ	Z
38385long branch routine	FGWy	k
38386long branch sequence	FGXW	l
38387long constant	FGX7	Y
38388long cycle	FGYT	V
38389long distance link	FGYo	d
38390long distance trunk	FGZF	h
38391long duration	FGZm	e
38392long floating point	FGaE	k
38393long frame data	FGao	d
38394long grain	FGbF	V
38395long haul network	FGba	i
38396long haul optical transmission set	FGb8	BC
38397long haul trunk	FGc+	d
38398long instruction format	FGdb	o
38399long lead	FGeD	U
38400long lead time	FGeX	j
38401long left shift	FGe6	k
38402long life	FGfe	a
38403long line	FGf4	R
38404long line adapter	FGgJ	s
38405long lines	FGg1	S
38406long mark	FGhH	p
38407long message	FGhw	X
38408long number	FGiH	T
38409long precision	FGia	c
38410long range	FGi2	W
38411long range data	FGjM	h
38412long range input	FGjt	i
38413long range input monitor	FGkP	0
38414long range navigation	FGlD	p
38415long range plan	FGls	h
38416long range planning committee	FGmN	5
38417long range position determining system	FGnG	BA
38418long range scheduling	FGoG	j
38419long recovery	FGop	e
38420long right shift	FGpH	n
38421long run equilibrium state	FGpu	x
38422long run incremental costing	FGqf	1
38423long shift	FGrU	V
38424long storage location	FGrp	p
38425long symbol	FGsS	W
38426long term	FGso	R
38427long term behaviour	FGs5	h
38428long term fix area	FGta	j
38429long term planning	FGt9	k
38430long term policy	FGuh	e
38431long term queuing	FGu/	f
38432long term scheduling	FGve	i
38433long term stability	FGwA	k
38434long term storage	FGwk	f
38435long time base	FGxD	Z
38436long time diffusion	FGxc	k
38437long timer	FGyA	e
38438long word	FGye	R
38439longest common submatrix	FHCi	v
38440longest common subsequence	FHDR	x
38441longevity	FHEC	U
38442longitude	FHEW	R
38443longitudinal balance	FHEn	i
38444longitudinal check	FHFJ	g
38445longitudinal circuit	FHFp	i
38446longitudinal current	FHGL	i
38447longitudinal delay line	FHGt	o
38448longitudinal field	FHHV	g
38449longitudinal induction noise	FHH1	w
38450longitudinal magnetic recording	FHIl	w
38451longitudinal magnetization	FHJV	o
38452longitudinal mode delay line	FHJ9	z
38453longitudinal parity	FHKw	k
38454longitudinal parity check	FHLU	x
38455longitudinal piezoelectric effect	FHMF	1
38456longitudinal redundance	FHM6	l
38457longitudinal redundancy character register	FHNf	BM
38458longitudinal redundancy check	FHOr	1
38459longitudinal redundancy check character	FHPg	BG
38460longitudinal redundancy check register	FHQm	BI
38461longitudinal redundancy shift	FHRu	4
38462longitudinal scan	FHSm	f
38463longitudinal testing	FHTF	i
38464longitudinal transmission check	FHTn	z
38465look	FHUa	k
38466look ahead	FHU+	S
38467look ahead carry generator	FHVQ	x
38468look ahead control	FHWB	g
38469look ahead on request	FHWh	n
38470look ahead variable acceleration	FHXI	8
38471look facility	FHYE	b
38472look for operand	FHYf	h
38473look for operator	FHZA	i
38474look in	FHZi	P
38475look journalising	Mwx	l
38476look through	FHZx	U
38477look up	FHaF	M
38478look up algorithm	FHaR	c
38479lookahead sets	FHio	f
38480lookahead symbol propagate	FHjH	u
38481looking airborne radar	Ik+4	q
38482lookout	FHj1	c
38483lookup function	FHkR	d
38484loop	DcQZ	M
38485loop	FHku	M
38486loop	GyBN	P
38487loop	IrWk	S
38488loop actuating signal	FHk6	t
38489loop adapter	FHln	d
38490loop answer	FHmE	Z
38491loop antenna	FHmd	a
38492loop around	FHm3	T
38493loop around test	FHnK	e
38494loop assertion	FHno	c
38495loop assertion generating system	FHoE	6
38496loop back	FHo+	R
38497loop back test	FHpP	c
38498loop block	DcQl	b
38499loop board	FHpr	V
38500loop body	FHqA	U
38501loop box	FHqU	Z
38502loop check	FHqt	b
38503loop checker	FHrI	g
38504loop checking	FHro	b
38505loop checking system	FHsD	o
38506loop circuit	FHsr	U
38507loop code	FHs/	U
38508loop collapsing analysis	FHtT	s
38509loop command	FHt/	a
38510loop communication system	FHuZ	t
38511loop compilation	FHvG	e
38512loop computation	FHvk	e
38513loop computer network	Ce1H	7
38514loop computer network	FHwC	s
38515loop computing	FHwu	c
38516loop computing functions	FHxK	s
38517loop configuration	FHx2	g
38518loop connection	FHyW	d
38519loop construct	FHyz	c
38520loop construction	FHzP	f
38521loop control	FHzu	a
38522loop control	GyBc	a
38523loop control algorithm	FH0I	t
38524loop control statement	FH01	q
38525loop control structure	FH1f	q
38526loop control system	GyB2	n
38527loop control variable	FH2J	p
38528loop counter	FH2y	d
38529loop cycle	FH3P	Y
38530loop delay time	FH3n	j
38531loop detection	FH4K	c
38532loop detuning	FH4m	b
38533loop difference signal	FH5B	q
38534loop disconnect pulsing	FH5r	x
38535loop distribution	FH6c	f
38536loop distribution algorithm	FH67	y
38537loop do	CgyA	P
38538loop end	FH7t	W
38539loop error	FH8D	Y
38540loop execution	FH8b	c
38541loop extender	FH83	e
38542loop fault	FH9V	Y
38543loop feature	FH9t	a
38544loop feedback signal	FH+H	o
38545loop film	FH+v	X
38546loop film characteristic	FH/G	s
38547loop function	FH/y	b
38548loop gain	FIAN	X
38549loop gain characteristic	FIAk	s
38550loop head	FIBQ	X
38551loop identifier	FIBn	g
38552loop initialization	FICH	k
38553loop input signal	FICr	l
38554loop instruction	FIDQ	e
38555loop interface address	FIDu	u
38556loop invariant	FIEc	f
38557loop inversion	FIE7	c
38558loop jack switchboard	FIFX	s
38559loop jamming	FIGD	a
38560loop jump	FIGd	X
38561loop line	FIG0	X
38562loop maintenance operations system	FIHL	BB
38563loop measurement	FIIM	e
38564loop mode	FIIq	X
38565loop multiplexer	FIJB	q
38566loop network	FIJr	a
38567loop network system	F9ds	n
38568loop on line control	FIKF	s
38569loop operation	FIKx	c
38570loop optimization	DcRA	f
38571loop optimization	FILN	i
38572loop output signal	FILv	q
38573loop parameter	FIMZ	c
38574loop program	FIM1	a
38575loop pulsing	FINP	a
38576loop record	FINp	Z
38577loop rectangularity	FIOC	k
38578loop regenerative repeater	FIOm	4
38579loop resistance	FIPe	d
38580loop restriction	FIP7	e
38581loop reversal	FIQZ	b
38582loop sensor	FIQ0	c
38583loop signalling	FIRQ	j
38584loop size	FIRz	X
38585loop splice plate	FIS6	m
38586loop state	FITg	Y
38587loop statement	FIT4	c
38588loop station connector	FIUU	u
38589loop stop	FIVC	X
38590loop storage	FIVZ	d
38591loop storage	FR/H	g
38592loop storage	Iy/r	a
38593loop surge suppressor	FIV2	w
38594loop synchronizer	FIWm	l
38595loop system	FIXL	f
38596loop system	GyCd	Z
38597loop system	JKvS	Z
38598loop table	FIXq	V
38599loop table element	FIX/	j
38600loop termination	FIYi	e
38601loop test	FIZA	X
38602loop tester	FIZX	f
38603loop time	FIZ2	X
38604loop transfer function	FIaN	q
38605loop transmission frame	FIa3	o
38606loop unrolling	FIbf	c
38607loop update	FIb7	f
38608loop variable	FIca	b
38609loop wire	FIc1	R
38610loop wiring concentrator	FIdG	z
38611loop wiring connector	FId5	q
38612loop write to read	FIej	k
38613loopback	FIi4	Q
38614loopback checking	FIjI	f
38615loopback checking system	FIjn	s
38616loopback test	FIkT	b
38617looping	FIku	P
38618looping construct	FIk9	f
38619looping execution	FIlc	f
38620looping statement	FIl7	f
38621loops to local subscribers	FIma	u
38622looptest mode	FInI	h
38623loose constraint	FInp	e
38624loose coupling	FIoH	c
38625loose interconnection	FIoj	j
38626loose list	FIpG	V
38627loosely coupled	FIpb	a
38628loosely coupled interprocessor	FIp1	1
38629loosely coupled multiprocessing	FIqq	z
38630loosely coupled multiprocessor	FIrd	1
38631loosely coupled network	FIsS	s
38632loosely coupled system	FIs+	n
38633loosest nontrivial grammar	FIt3	3
38634loss	FIuu	M
38635loss angle	FIu6	V
38636loss call	FIvP	d
38637loss factor	FIvs	Z
38638loss function	FIwF	b
38639loss maintenance component	FIwg	u
38640loss of accuracy	FIxO	h
38641loss of contact	FIxv	j
38642loss of existing service	FIyS	v
38643loss of frame alignment	FIzB	l
38644loss of information	FIzm	h
38645loss of signal	FI0H	g
38646loss of signification	FI0n	m
38647loss of synchronism	FI1N	b
38648lossless	FI1/	T
38649lossless channel	FI2S	h
38650lossless joint	FI2z	c
38651lossless line	FI3P	b
38652lossless network	FI3q	e
38653lossy	FI4I	Q
38654lossy line	FI4Y	Y
38655lost call	FI4w	X
38656lost count	FI5H	b
38657lost sale	FI5i	X
38658lost size	FI55	X
38659lost sizing	FI6Q	c
38660lost time	FI6s	X
38661lot	FI7D	L
38662lot number	FI7O	V
38663lot tolerance fraction reliability deviation	FI7j	BP
38664lot tolerance percent defective	FI8y	7
38665loudness level	FI+C	c
38666louver board	FI+e	d
38667low	FI+7	I
38668low access time	FI/D	j
38669low accuracy	FI/m	f
38670low accuracy data	FJAF	m
38671low accuracy radar data transmission system	FJAr	BV
38672low active extended working register	FJCA	BH
38673low address protection	FJEY	n
38674low altitude laser measurement system	FJFd	BF
38675low altitude target satellite	FJGi	2
38676low and medium frequency	FJHY	t
38677low byte	FJIF	W
38678low byte enable	FJIb	o
38679low capacity	FJJD	X
38680low complement of address	FJJa	x
38681low contrast edge	FJKL	i
38682low cost code	FJKt	b
38683low cost computer attachment	FJLI	7
38684low cost development system	FJMD	3
38685low cost module	FJM6	k
38686low costsolid logic technology	FJNe	BD
38687low current	FJOh	W
38688low data rate	FJO3	f
38689low data register	FJPW	p
38690low density	FJP/	Z
38691low density center	FJQY	n
38692low density data	FJQ/	l
38693low density data system	FJRk	z
38694low density mode	FJSX	n
38695low disparity code	FJS+	n
38696low earth orbit	FJTl	h
38697low frequency	FJUG	b
38698low frequency	JLGa	c
38699low frequency	JcPN	j
38700low frequency amplifier	FJUh	s
38701low frequency analysis recording	FJVN	6
38702low frequency beacon	FJWH	m
38703low frequency choke	FJWt	o
38704low frequency correction	FJXV	q
38705low frequency current	FJX/	n
38706low frequency filter	FJYm	p
38707low frequency iron core inductance	FJZP	6
38708low frequency modulation	FJaJ	q
38709low frequency oscillator	FJaz	t
38710low function terminal	FJbg	m
38711low impedance transmission	FJcG	v
38712low input voltage conversion and regulation	FJc1	BR
38713low input voltage converter	FJeG	6
38714low key maintenance	FJfA	l
38715low level	FJfl	U
38716low level code	FJf5	d
38717low level codecontinuity check	FJgW	BD
38718low level current mode logic	FJhZ	7
38719low level driver	FJiU	l
38720low level file store	FJi5	o
38721low level firmware	FJjh	g
38722low level interface	FJkB	l
38723low level language	FJkm	l
38724low level language programming	FJlL	4
38725low level logical	FJmD	j
38726low level modulation	FJmm	l
38727low level multiplexer	FJnL	w
38728low level output voltage	FJn7	0
38729low level packet	FJov	h
38730low level programming facility	FJpQ	4
38731low level scheduling	FJqI	i
38732low level software	FJqq	g
38733low level syntax	FJrK	e
38734low level teletypewriter terminal	FJro	BD
38735low level terminal	FJsr	k
38736low light level television	FJtP	t
38737low limit	FJt8	R
38738low memory	FJuN	b
38739low noise cable	FJuo	k
38740low noise receiver	FJvM	q
38741low noise test	FJv2	j
38742low norm	FJwZ	T
38743low order	FJws	a
38744low order add circuit	FJxG	p
38745low order bit	FJxv	Y
38746low order byte	FJyH	f
38747low order character	FJym	k
38748low order digit	FJzK	d
38749low order end	FJzn	b
38750low order memory area	FJ0C	p
38751low order merge	FJ0r	k
38752low order position	FJ1P	g
38753low overhead timesharing system	FJ1v	7
38754low paper indicator	FJ2q	q
38755low pass filter	FJ3U	k
38756low performance equipment	FJ34	n
38757low power	FJ5M	X
38758low power data retention	FJ5j	0
38759low power logic	FJ6X	k
38760low precedence	FJ7t	c
38761low priority	FJ8J	a
38762low priority ready	FJ8j	j
38763low priority traffic	FJ9G	u
38764low punch	FJ90	X
38765low reset	HKqH	a
38766low resistance ohmmeter	FJ+L	s
38767low resistor	FJ+3	g
38768low right	FKAS	U
38769low side	FKAm	Q
38770low speed	FKA2	U
38771low speed adapter	FKBK	m
38772low speed card punch	FKBw	w
38773low speed computer	FKCg	j
38774low speed concentrator	FKDD	r
38775low speed data channel	FKDu	u
38776low speed digital system	FKEc	x
38777low speed encoder	FKFN	m
38778low speed input adapter	FKFz	y
38779low speed inputoutput processor	FKGl	BC
38780low speed interface control	FKHn	z
38781low speed line adapter	FKIa	x
38782low speed logic	FKJL	h
38783low speed logical	FKJs	j
38784low speed modem	FKKP	q
38785low speed multiline controller	FKK5	+
38786low speed multiplexer arrangement	FKL3	BD
38787low speed output adapter	FKM6	z
38788low speed paper tape reader	FKNt	4
38789low speed pointer	FKOl	j
38790low speed printer	FKPI	m
38791low speed storage	FKPu	f
38792low speed switching	FKQN	l
38793low speed tape	FKQy	d
38794low speed terminal	FKRP	g
38795low speed transmission	FKRv	k
38796low tape	FKST	W
38797low threshold of occupancy	FKSp	r
38798low to high	FKTU	a
38799low toner indicator	FKTu	t
38800low voltage	FKUb	Z
38801low voltage bias	FKU0	f
38802low voltage capacitor	FKVT	q
38803low voltage fast	FKV9	l
38804low voltage neon	FKWi	l
38805low voltage power supply	FKXH	u
38806low voltage protection	FKX1	r
38807low voltage release	FKYg	o
38808lower	FKrB	R
38809lower acceptance value	FKrS	n
38810lower band	FKr5	S
38811lower bound	FKsL	W
38812lower bound algorithm	FKsh	m
38813lower bound expression	FKtH	n
38814lower bound of a subrange type	FKtu	y
38815lower bound on the complexity	FKug	u
38816lower bound symbol	FKvO	g
38817lower bound theorem	FKvu	h
38818lower byte	FKwP	b
38819lower case	FKwq	b
38820lower case alphabet	FKxF	o
38821lower case ascii terminal	FKxt	y
38822lower case program	FKyf	j
38823lower case text	FKzC	g
38824lower character	FKzi	g
38825lower control	FK0C	e
38826lower curtate	FK0g	b
38827lower echelon automation switchboard	FK07	BG
38828lower edge	FK2B	V
38829lower effective power	FK2W	t
38830lower half	FK3D	Y
38831lower height tree	FK3b	c
38832lower left	FK33	V
38833lower level node	FK4M	e
38834lower limit	FK4q	W
38835lower limit function	FK5A	i
38836lower limit register	FK5i	l
38837lower loop	FK6H	Y
38838lower node	FK6f	Y
38839lower numbered variable	FK63	o
38840lower priority job	FK7f	m
38841lower shift	FK8F	W
38842lower sideband	FK8b	c
38843lower state	FK83	T
38844lower state symbol	FK9K	g
38845lower track	FK9q	W
38846lower word	FK+A	S
38847lowering the typing line	FK+S	p
38848lowest common factor	FK+7	p
38849lowest common module	FK/k	p
38850lowest critcial value	FLAN	m
38851lowest effective power	FLAz	q
38852lowest level node	FLBd	i
38853lowest level protocol	FLB/	m
38854lowest maximum range	FLCl	s
38855lowest order	FLDR	X
38856lowest order digit	FLDo	g
38857lowest term	FLEI	W
38858lowest total overall cost	FLEe	v
38859lowest usable frequency	FLFN	v
38860lowest useful frequency	FLF8	r
38861lowest useful high frequency	FLGn	1
38862lowpass	DS4E	e
38863lowpass	FLHc	P
38864lr grammar	FLHr	U
38865lrn recursive scan	FLIk	k
38866lsi board tester	FLJI	w
38867lsi chip	FLJ4	i
38868lsi chip design	FLKa	v
38869lsi circuit	FLLJ	f
38870lsi circuitry	FLLo	h
38871lsi components modularity	FLMJ	5
38872lsi logic function testing	FLNC	BA
38873lsi memory	FLOC	n
38874lsi microprocessor	FLOp	y
38875lsi technologies	FLPb	q
38876lsi testing	FLQF	l
38877lsi testing system	FLQq	y
38878lu connection test	FLSb	i
38879lu factorization	FLS9	d
38880lu services manager	FLTa	p
38881lu session	FLUe	X
38882lu session	H+l0	b
38883lu session initiation	FLU1	o
38884lu session termination	FLVd	p
38885lu session type	FLWG	i
38886lu type	FLUD	b
38887lubricated guide	Ny/	k
38888lumen	FLWo	N
38889lumerg	FLW1	R
38890luminance	FLXG	R
38891luminance image restoration	FLXX	v
38892luminance signal	FLYG	h
38893luminesce	FLYn	R
38894luminescence	FLY4	U
38895luminescent counting element	CpO6	2
38896luminescent digital indicator	FLZM	x
38897luminescent display	CpPw	q
38898luminescent memory	CpQa	p
38899luminescent storage	CpRD	q
38900luminescent vertical indicating system	CpRt	BM
38901luminesscent display panel	CpS5	2
38902luminexcent counting element	CpTv	2
38903luminosity	FLZ9	S
38904luminous flux	FLaP	Y
38905luminous intensity	FLan	a
38906lumped	FLbB	O
38907lumped circuit	FLbP	c
38908lumped load	FLbr	Z
38909lumped loading	FLcE	c
38910lumped mathematical model	FLcg	t
38911lumped network	FLdN	c
38912lumped parameter	FLdp	e
38913lumped parameter approximation	FLeH	y
38914lumped parameter delay line	FLe5	y
38915lumped parameter model	FLfr	q
38916lumped parameter system	FLgV	r
38917lumped process control system	FLhA	3
38918lumped system	FLh3	b
38919lumpy line	FLiS	b
38920lumpy structure	FLit	d
38921lunar communication relay unit	FLjK	9
38922lunar module guidance computer	FLkH	BA
38923lunar module guidance computer	FLlH	BC
38924macdonald code	FLsF	c
38925machanism	FLtE	R
38926machinable	FLtV	o
38927machinable medium	FLt9	u
38928machinable service	FLur	s
38929machine	BRPi	u
38930machine	D+rv	V
38931machine	F9eT	P
38932machine	FLvX	e
38933machine	H3V7	V
38934machine	H3Vm	V
38935machine	H4D7	V
38936machine	H95a	V
38937machine	IHAj	V
38938machine	IT+3	V
38939machine	JJHo	V
38940machine	xlc	R
38941machine address	FLv1	n
38942machine address instruction	FLwc	v
38943machine address pointer	FLxL	BB
38944machine addressing	FLyM	g
38945machine aided cognition	FLys	BS
38946machine aided graphics for illustration and compos	FLz+	Bh
38947machine aided heuristic	FL1f	r
38948machine aided information and dissemination system	FL2K	Be
38949machine aided translation	FL3o	x
38950machine alarm	FL4Z	b
38951machine analysis display	FL40	z
38952machine analysis table	FL5n	r
38953machine analyzer package	FL6S	2
38954machine applications to technical information cent	FL7I	Br
38955machine architecture	FL8z	o
38956machine arithmetic	FL9b	g
38957machine assisted cognition	FL97	u
38958machine assisted detection and classification	FL+p	BP
38959machine automatic algorithm decoder	FL/4	BE
38960machine available time	FMA8	q
38961machine binary language	FMBm	u
38962machine charge	FMCU	c
38963machine check	FMCw	+
38964machine check analysis and recording	FMDu	BG
38965machine check code	FME0	j
38966machine check exception	FMFX	r
38967machine check extended logout	FMGC	BC
38968machine check frame	FMHE	r
38969machine check function	FMHv	u
38970machine check handler	FMId	z
38971machine check indicator	FMJQ	Ba
38972machine check instruction	FMKq	t
38973machine check interruption	FMLX	y
38974machine check interruption code	FMMJ	7
38975machine check masking	FMNE	p
38976machine check mode	FMNt	o
38977machine check record	FMOV	s
38978machine check recording and recovery	FMPB	BG
38979machine check summary counter	FMQH	6
38980machine code	FMRw	k
38981machine code instruction	FMSU	s
38982machine code language	FMTA	p
38983machine code level	FMTp	j
38984machine code programming	FMUM	y
38985machine coding	FMU+	c
38986machine cognition	FMVa	f
38987machine collaboration	FVyO	j
38988machine communication	FVyx	j
38989machine computer center	F9ei	u
38990machine conversation	FVzU	i
38991machine cycle	FMV5	o
38992machine dependent	FMWh	i
38993machine digital system	FVz2	q
38994machine engineering	FV0g	m
38995machine error	FMXD	b
38996machine for automated graphics interface to a comp	FMXe	Bh
38997machine for automatic graphics interface to a comp	FMY/	BP
38998machine function	FMaO	e
38999machine function test	FMas	t
39000machine group	FMbZ	c
39001machine independent microprogramming language	FMb1	Bd
39002machine instruction	FMdS	h
39003machine instruction code	FMdz	p
39004machine instruction processor	FMec	4
39005machine interaction	FV1G	/
39006machine interactive	FV2F	h
39007machine interactive system	FV2m	u
39008machine interface	EYMv	l
39009machine interface	FMfU	i
39010machine interface modelling	FV3U	BF
39011machine interrogation technique	FV4Z	8
39012machine interrupt	FMf2	f
39013machine language	FMgV	u
39014machine language	FV5V	m
39015machine language code	FMhD	m
39016machine language program	FMhp	w
39017machine language subroutine	FMiZ	y
39018machine learning	FMjL	e
39019machine library	F9fQ	g
39020machine line code	FMjp	i
39021machine logic	FMkL	b
39022machine malfunction	FMkm	h
39023machine module	FMlH	c
39024machine notation	FMlj	h
39025machine number	FMmE	c
39026machine operation	FMmg	i
39027machine operator	FMnC	h
39028machine part	FMnj	a
39029machine partnership translation	FV57	5
39030machine problem	FV60	d
39031machine program	BK6z	m
39032machine program	FMn9	d
39033machine proof	FMoa	b
39034machine rate	FMo1	a
39035machine readable	FMpP	u
39036machine readable cataloging	FMp9	BJ
39037machine readable characters	FMrG	v
39038machine readable data	FMr1	8
39039machine readable form	FMsx	p
39040machine readable instruction	FMta	w
39041machine readable statement	FMuK	u
39042machine readable string	FMu4	u
39043machine readable tapes	FMvm	u
39044machine recognizable	FMwU	1
39045machine reel	FMxJ	n
39046machine relationship	FV7R	i
39047machine retrieval system	FMxw	x
39048machine ringing	FMyh	d
39049machine room	FMy+	U
39050machine run	FMzS	m
39051machine script	FMz4	v
39052machine sensible	FM0n	u
39053machine sensible information	FM1V	2
39054machine sheet	FM2L	b
39055machine shorthand	FM2m	f
39056machine simulation	FV7z	g
39057machine software	FV8T	e
39058machine software interface	FV8x	u
39059machine space point	FM3F	k
39060machine specification language	FM3p	BP
39061machine spoiled	JEqP	d
39062machine spoiled time	FM44	+
39063machine status word	FM6k	o
39064machine storage pool	FM7M	7
39065machine symbiosis	FV9f	q
39066machine system	F9fw	f
39067machine system	FV+J	h
39068machine system engineering	FV+q	2
39069machine time	FM8H	q
39070machine tool control	FM8x	i
39071machine translation	FM9T	k
39072machine translation alogrithm	FM93	x
39073machine translation system	FM+o	y
39074machine unit	FM/a	a
39075machine user symbolic environment	FM/0	BA
39076machine utilization reporting system	FNA0	BG
39077machine utilization statistical information collec	FNB6	Bb
39078machine variable	FNDV	e
39079machine vision	FNDz	c
39080machine word	FNEP	l
39081machine word length	FNE0	x
39082machinereadable data	FNau	o
39083machining and display application program	FNbW	BR
39084machining data base system	FNcn	5
39085machining rate	FNdg	i
39086macro	FNeC	j
39087macro address bus	FNel	s
39088macro address table	FNfR	k
39089macro argument	FNf1	c
39090macro arithmetic processor	FNgR	0
39091macro arithmetic processors	FNhF	5
39092macro assembler	FNh+	3
39093macro assembly language	FNi1	v
39094macro assembly program	FNjk	u
39095macro assignment statement	FNkS	u
39096macro block design	FNlA	t
39097macro body	FNlt	b
39098macro call	FNmI	Y
39099macro cell arrays	FNmg	p
39100macro chip	FNnJ	Y
39101macro code	FNnh	Y
39102macro command	FNn5	b
39103macro component	FNoU	d
39104macro control statement	FNox	r
39105macro cross reference	FNpc	p
39106macro declaration	FNqF	f
39107macro declare statement	FNqk	r
39108macro definition	FNrP	e
39109macro definition block	FNrt	n
39110macro definition exit	FNsU	v
39111macro definition table	FNtD	n
39112macro directory	FNtq	g
39113macro efficiency	FNuK	r
39114macro expansion	FNu1	d
39115macro expansion algorithm	FNvS	t
39116macro expression	FNv/	h
39117macro facility	FNwg	p
39118macro feature	FNxJ	b
39119macro flowchart	FNxk	g
39120macro generating program	FNyE	8
39121macro generation	FNzA	e
39122macro generator	FNze	w
39123macro go to statement	FN0O	7
39124macro if statement	FN1J	m
39125macro implementation	FN1v	o
39126macro instruction	FN2X	f
39127macro insturction design	FN22	s
39128macro insturction level	FN3i	o
39129macro insturction limitation	FN4K	w
39130macro insturction operand	FN46	w
39131macro insturction storage	FN5q	w
39132macro language	FN6a	j
39133macro library	FN69	o
39134macro library directive	FN7l	u
39135macro library editor	FN8T	x
39136macro name	FN9E	b
39137macro nest	FN9f	Y
39138macro null statement	FN93	l
39139macro parameter	FN+c	2
39140macro phase	FN/S	l
39141macro plus	FN/3	b
39142macro preprocessor	FOAS	p
39143macro processing instruction	FOA7	w
39144macro processor	FOBr	2
39145macro prototype	FOCh	d
39146macro prototype statement	FOC+	t
39147macro pseudo instruction	FODr	o
39148macro recursion	FOET	d
39149macro routine	FOEw	b
39150macro scheduler	FOFL	d
39151macro set	FOFo	U
39152macro setup	FOF8	f
39153macro skeleton structure	FOGb	y
39154macro statement	FOHN	d
39155macro statement number	FOHq	q
39156macro statistics	FOIU	k
39157macro subroutine library	FOI4	s
39158macro substitution	FOJk	g
39159macro symbol	FOKE	a
39160macro symbol table	FOKe	j
39161macro variables	FOLB	d
39162macroaddress bus	FOS9	r
39163macroaddress register	FOTo	w
39164macroassembler	FOUY	c
39165macroassembler facility	FOU0	x
39166macroassembler line editor	FOVl	3
39167macroassembler processor	FOWc	BX
39168macroassembler time sharing	FOXz	1
39169macroassembly instruction	FOYo	t
39170macroassembly processor	FOZV	BK
39171macroblock	FOaf	b
39172macroblock characterization program	FOa6	BA
39173macroblock test generator	FOb6	9
39174macrocode	FOc3	R
39175macrocoding	FOdI	Z
39176macrodata	FOdh	a
39177macrodata language	FOd7	q
39178macrodeclaration	FOel	b
39179macrodefinition	FOfA	a
39180macrodefinition format	FOfa	q
39181macrodefinition library	FOgE	o
39182macroelement	FOgs	+
39183macroexerciser	FOhq	i
39184macroexpander	FOiM	h
39185macrogenerator	FOit	j
39186macrograph	FOjQ	4
39187macrograph design	FOkI	u
39188macroinstruction	FOk2	b
39189macroinstruction compiler assembler	FOlR	BC
39190macroinstruction exit	FOmT	p
39191macroinstruction link	FOm8	m
39192macroinstruction linkage	FOni	s
39193macroinstruction set	FOoO	l
39194macroinstruction sorts	FOoz	q
39195macroinstruction system	FOpd	r
39196macrolanguage instruction	FOqI	t
39197macrolibrary	FOq1	6
39198macrologic	FOrv	Y
39199macromodule and digital differential analyzer mach	FOsH	Bf
39200macropipeline	FOtm	e
39201macroprocedure language	FOuE	v
39202macroprocessing	FOuz	j
39203macroprocessing system	FOvW	u
39204macroprocessor	FOwE	9
39205macroprogram	FOxB	a
39206macroprogramming	FOxb	u
39207macroread only memory	FOyz	x
39208macros	FOzk	h
39209macroscheme	FO0F	Z
39210macroscopic concept	FO0e	k
39211macroscopic state	FO1C	i
39212macroskeleton	FO1k	3
39213macrostructure	FO2b	f
39214macrosubstitution	FO26	s
39215macrosuccessor	FO3m	n
39216macrosystem	FO4N	Z
39217macrotext editor	FO4m	w
39218macrotime event list	FO5W	w
39219macrotrace	FO6G	Y
39220made computer	D7sc	e
39221made fault	FV/g	Y
39222made fault tolerance	FV/4	i
39223made machine	FWAa	a
39224made satellite	FWA0	c
39225magamp	FO6e	U
39226magazine	FO6y	3
39227magic number	FO7p	U
39228magic paper	FO79	T
39229magic square	FO8Q	e
39230magic three code	FO8u	b
39231magmeter	FO9J	c
39232magnadur	FO9l	4
39233magnet driver	FO+d	k
39234magnet drum recorder	FO/B	p
39235magnetic	FO/q	b
39236magnetic	HujI	Z
39237magnetic	Iy41	Q
39238magnetic	JBLd	W
39239magnetic	Ww5	W
39240magnetic after effect	FPAv	w
39241magnetic amplifier	FPBf	n
39242magnetic amplifier output	FPCG	x
39243magnetic anisotropy	FPC3	k
39244magnetic associative memory	FPDb	v
39245magnetic axis	FPEK	V
39246magnetic bar	FPEf	U
39247magnetic bar code	FPEz	f
39248magnetic bias	FPFr	Y
39249magnetic bubble	FPGD	X
39250magnetic bubble chip simulator	FPGa	1
39251magnetic bubble detection	FPHP	n
39252magnetic bubble device	FPH2	k
39253magnetic bubble domain device	FPIa	1
39254magnetic bubble material	FPJP	m
39255magnetic bubble memory	FPJ1	r
39256magnetic bubble storage	FPKg	o
39257magnetic card	FPLI	x
39258magnetic card code	FPL5	n
39259magnetic card device	FPMg	i
39260magnetic card electric typewriter	FPNC	BA
39261magnetic card file	FPOC	BD
39262magnetic card filing cabinet	FPPF	w
39263magnetic card memory	FPP1	s
39264magnetic card storage	FPQh	p
39265magnetic carrier	FPRi	j
39266magnetic cartridge	FPSF	g
39267magnetic cell	FPSl	l
39268magnetic character	FPTK	g
39269magnetic character reader	FPTq	t
39270magnetic character recognition	FPUX	v
39271magnetic character sorter	FPVG	t
39272magnetic check	FPVz	l
39273magnetic circuit	FPWY	Y
39274magnetic clutch	FPWw	g
39275magnetic coating	FPXQ	d
39276magnetic code format	FPXt	q
39277magnetic component	FPYX	x
39278magnetic controller	ISC1	k
39279magnetic core	FPZI	g
39280magnetic core access switch	FPZo	v
39281magnetic core buffer	FPaX	r
39282magnetic core circuit	FPbC	j
39283magnetic core gate	FPbl	j
39284magnetic core logical circuit	FPcI	x
39285magnetic core matrix	FPc5	v
39286magnetic core memory	FPdo	2
39287magnetic core multiplexer	FPee	w
39288magnetic core plane	FPfO	e
39289magnetic core register	FPfs	n
39290magnetic core stack	FPgT	e
39291magnetic core storage	FPgx	8
39292magnetic core store	FPht	m
39293magnetic core tester	FPiT	p
39294magnetic coupling	FPi8	c
39295magnetic damping	FPjY	b
39296magnetic decision element	FPjz	BB
39297magnetic delay line	FPk0	h
39298magnetic device	FPlk	y
39299magnetic device evaluator	FPmW	1
39300magnetic dipole	FPnL	d
39301magnetic dipole moment	FPno	k
39302magnetic direction indicator	FPoM	3
39303magnetic disc	FPpD	c
39304magnetic disc control unit	FPpf	w
39305magnetic disc drive	FPAF	q
39306magnetic disc drive	FPqP	o
39307magnetic disc memory	FPq3	2
39308magnetic disc pack	FPrt	n
39309magnetic disc pack control unit	FPsU	z
39310magnetic disc store	FPtH	h
39311magnetic disk	FPto	f
39312magnetic disk access arm	FPuH	p
39313magnetic disk actuator	FPuw	n
39314magnetic disk file	FPvX	g
39315magnetic disk memory	FPv3	l
39316magnetic disk storage	FPwc	m
39317magnetic disk storage unit	FPxC	u
39318magnetic disk unit	FPyI	q
39319magnetic document reader	FPyy	z
39320magnetic domain	FP0F	h
39321magnetic domain device	FP0m	k
39322magnetic domain wall	FP1K	f
39323magnetic doublet	FP1p	e
39324magnetic drum	FP2H	Y
39325magnetic drum access	FP2f	i
39326magnetic drum coating	FP3B	j
39327magnetic drum control unit	FP3k	r
39328magnetic drum controller	FP4P	t
39329magnetic drum data processing machine	FP48	BC
39330magnetic drum digital differental analyzer	FP5+	BP
39331magnetic drum input output control system	FP7N	BQ
39332magnetic drum macroorder	FP8d	0
39333magnetic drum memory	FP9R	y
39334magnetic drum read	FP+D	l
39335magnetic drum receiving equipment	FP+o	7
39336magnetic drum storage	FP/j	0
39337magnetic drum storage system	FQAX	1
39338magnetic drum system	FQBk	m
39339magnetic drum unit	FQCK	q
39340magnetic element	FQC0	g
39341magnetic energy density	FQDU	l
39342magnetic environment	IPs+	l
39343magnetic eraser	FQD5	k
39344magnetic ferrites	FQEd	f
39345magnetic field	FQE8	Y
39346magnetic field equalizer	FQFU	p
39347magnetic field intensity	FQF9	m
39348magnetic field interference	FQGj	p
39349magnetic figure	FQHM	n
39350magnetic film	FQHz	V
39351magnetic film logic device	FQII	u
39352magnetic film memory	FQI2	l
39353magnetic film recorder	FQJb	n
39354magnetic film storage	FQKC	m
39355magnetic flux	FQK9	f
39356magnetic flux	IPtj	e
39357magnetic flux density	FQLc	j
39358magnetic flux distribution	FQL/	o
39359magnetic focusing	FQMn	c
39360magnetic gap	FQND	U
39361magnetic hand scanner	FQNX	s
39362magnetic head	FQOD	e
39363magnetic head positioning construction	FQOh	6
39364magnetic hologram	FQPb	l
39365magnetic hysteresis	FQQA	j
39366magnetic hysteresis loop	FQQj	w
39367magnetic hysteresis loss	FQRT	m
39368magnetic impulse	FQR5	b
39369magnetic induction	FQSU	d
39370magnetic ink	FQSx	f
39371magnetic ink	IClX	j
39372magnetic ink character	FQTQ	n
39373magnetic ink character	H4CK	q
39374magnetic ink character	ICl6	t
39375magnetic ink character reader	FQT3	8
39376magnetic ink character recognition	FQUz	BS
39377magnetic ink character recognition	ICmn	8
39378magnetic ink character recognition code	FQWF	BB
39379magnetic ink character recognition scan	FQXG	BE
39380magnetic ink character sorter	FQYK	3
39381magnetic ink document reader	FQZB	2
39382magnetic ink scanner	FQZ3	o
39383magnetic instability	FQaf	BC
39384magnetic interference	CpUl	j
39385magnetic isotropic	FQbh	j
39386magnetic keyboard	FQcE	f
39387magnetic layer	FQcj	W
39388magnetic leakage	FQc5	Y
39389magnetic line of force	FQdR	h
39390magnetic logic	PY2	c
39391magnetic logic computer	FQdy	y
39392magnetic loss	FQek	Y
39393magnetic mark reader	FQe8	o
39394magnetic master	FQfk	o
39395magnetic material	WxP	i
39396magnetic matrix	FQgM	g
39397magnetic memory	FQgs	d
39398magnetic modulator	FQib	o
39399magnetic multiaperture element	FQjD	v
39400magnetic needle	FQjy	X
39401magnetic operational amplifier	FQkm	y
39402magnetic optic effect	FQlY	j
39403magnetic original	FQmi	h
39404magnetic oxides	FQnD	d
39405magnetic path	FQng	k
39406magnetic pen	FQoE	c
39407magnetic permeability	FQog	g
39408magnetic plate wire memory	FQpA	u
39409magnetic plated wire	FQpu	f
39410magnetic playback head	FQqN	+
39411magnetic potential	FQrL	h
39412magnetic powder core	FQrs	i
39413magnetic read switch	FQsO	i
39414magnetic readersorter	FQtx	z
39415magnetic readwrite head	FQtL	m
39416magnetic record file	FQuk	l
39417magnetic recording	FQvJ	r
39418magnetic recording characteristics	FQv0	z
39419magnetic recording head	FQwn	l
39420magnetic recording industries association	FQxM	BT
39421magnetic recording medium	FQyf	q
39422magnetic recording medium	Gc9W	t
39423magnetic relaxation effect	FQzJ	r
39424magnetic remanence	FQz0	o
39425magnetic reproduce head	FQ0c	l
39426magnetic resistance	FQ1B	b
39427magnetic resonance imaging	FQ1c	v
39428magnetic saturation	FQ2L	e
39429magnetic screen	FQ2p	a
39430magnetic semiconductor	FQ3D	n
39431magnetic sheet	FQ3q	W
39432magnetic shield	FQ4A	a
39433magnetic shield simulator	FQ4a	0
39434magnetic shift	H5q+	f
39435magnetic shift register	FQ5O	7
39436magnetic slot reader	FQ6J	4
39437magnetic sound	FQ7B	Z
39438magnetic storage	FQ7a	BH
39439magnetic storage register	FQ8h	t
39440magnetic store	FQ9O	w
39441magnetic storm	FQ9+	W
39442magnetic strength	FQ+U	f
39443magnetic stress tensor	FQ+z	n
39444magnetic strip	FQ/a	W
39445magnetic strip accounting machine	FQ/w	y
39446magnetic strip file	FRAi	h
39447magnetic strip reader	FRBD	m
39448magnetic strip recording	FRBp	m
39449magnetic stripe reader	FRCP	q
39450magnetic substance	Gc+D	j
39451magnetic surface memory	FRC5	t
39452magnetic surface recording	FRDm	t
39453magnetic surface storage	FRET	u
39454magnetic susceptibility	FRFB	i
39455magnetic switch	FRFj	a
39456magnetic tape	FRF9	e
39457magnetic tape access	FRGb	i
39458magnetic tape adapter	FRG9	m
39459magnetic tape buffer	FRH+	l
39460magnetic tape cartridge	FRIj	l
39461magnetic tape cassette	FRJI	k
39462magnetic tape channel	FRJs	n
39463magnetic tape check	FRKT	h
39464magnetic tape command	FRK0	n
39465magnetic tape control unit	FRLb	w
39466magnetic tape controller	FRML	t
39467magnetic tape conversion system	HKkC	BA
39468magnetic tape deck	FRM4	2
39469magnetic tape deiay	FRNu	h
39470magnetic tape diagnostics	FROP	n
39471magnetic tape drive	FRO2	BA
39472magnetic tape drive unit	FRP2	s
39473magnetic tape driver	FRQi	1
39474magnetic tape driving system	FRRX	w
39475magnetic tape equipment	FRSH	m
39476magnetic tape field search	FRSt	1
39477magnetic tape file	FRTi	g
39478magnetic tape file check	FRUC	s
39479magnetic tape file formatter	FRUu	5
39480magnetic tape file information	FRVn	y
39481magnetic tape file label	FRWZ	s
39482magnetic tape file operation	FRXF	w
39483magnetic tape filing cabinet	FRX1	t
39484magnetic tape format	FRYi	i
39485magnetic tape gap width	FRZE	r
39486magnetic tape group	FRZv	e
39487magnetic tape handler	FRaN	Bc
39488magnetic tape head	FRbp	g
39489magnetic tape label	FRcJ	h
39490magnetic tape leader	FRcq	s
39491magnetic tape librarian	FRdW	3
39492magnetic tape library	FReN	g
39493magnetic tape loader	FRet	l
39494magnetic tape loading	FRfS	n
39495magnetic tape loading program	FRf5	2
39496magnetic tape master file	FRgv	q
39497magnetic tape module	FRhZ	o
39498magnetic tape operating system	FRiB	7
39499magnetic tape operation system	FRi8	2
39500magnetic tape parity	FRjy	o
39501magnetic tape parity check	FRka	u
39502magnetic tape plotting system	FRlI	2
39503magnetic tape processor	FRl+	s
39504magnetic tape programming system	FRmq	/
39505magnetic tape reader	FRnp	7
39506magnetic tape record end	FRok	x
39507magnetic tape record start	FRpV	z
39508magnetic tape recorder	FRqI	3
39509magnetic tape reel	FRq/	f
39510magnetic tape reformatting system	FRre	BD
39511magnetic tape release	FRsh	n
39512magnetic tape search unit	FRtI	BF
39513magnetic tape sorting	FRuN	j
39514magnetic tape storage	FRvN	m
39515magnetic tape storage system	FRvz	1
39516magnetic tape strip	FRxA	n
39517magnetic tape strip unit	FRxn	s
39518magnetic tape subsystem	FRyT	s
39519magnetic tape switching unit	FRy/	t
39520magnetic tape system	FRzs	m
39521magnetic tape terminal	FR0S	o
39522magnetic tape terminal equipment	FR06	5
39523magnetic tape terminal station	FR1z	0
39524magnetic tape to microfilm	FR2n	Bm
39525magnetic tape to printer converter	FR4N	8
39526magnetic tape track	FR5J	h
39527magnetic tape trailer	FR5q	t
39528magnetic tape transport	FR6X	9
39529magnetic tape transport mechanism	FR7U	1
39530magnetic tape unit	FR8J	u
39531magnetic tape volume	FR83	f
39532magnetic tape volume list	FR9W	l
39533magnetic tape wind	FR97	n
39534magnetic tape write	FR+i	l
39535magnetic thin film	FR/n	a
39536magnetic thin film storage	FSAB	r
39537magnetic track	FSBb	d
39538magnetic unit	FSB4	Y
39539magnetic viscosity	FSCQ	g
39540magnetic volume	CpVI	h
39541magnetic wire	FSCw	i
39542magnetic wire storage	FSDS	z
39543magnetic workprint	FSEF	j
39544magnetics	FSH2	R
39545magnetizable medium	FSIH	k
39546magnetization	FSIr	V
39547magnetization characteristic curve	FSJA	2
39548magnetization curve	FSJ2	h
39549magnetization direction	FSKX	l
39550magnetization vector	FSK8	i
39551magnetized area	FSLe	d
39552magnetized spot	FSL7	a
39553magnetizer	FSMV	V
39554magnetizing current	FSMq	h
39555magnetizing field strength	FSNL	o
39556magnetizing force	FSNz	c
39557magnetoconductivity	FSUH	o
39558magnetocrystalline anisotropy	FSUv	x
39559magnetogram	FSVg	2
39560magnetograph	FSWW	9
39561magnetographic printer	FSXT	t
39562magnetoholographic memory type	FSYA	7
39563magnetometer	FSY7	r
39564magnetometry	FSZm	k
39565magnetomotive force	FSaK	i
39566magneton	FSas	Q
39567magnetooptical effect	FSa8	j
39568magnetooptical memory material	FSbf	y
39569magnetooptical memory technique	FScR	z
39570magnetoresistance detector	FSdE	z
39571magnetoresistance effect	FSd3	u
39572magnetoresistive head	FSfb	m
39573magnetoresistive recording head	FSel	2
39574magnetostriction	FSgB	o
39575magnetostriction transducer	FSgp	y
39576magnetostrictive delay line storage	FShb	BD
39577magnetostrictive effect	FSi2	r
39578magnetostrictive effect storage	FSjh	8
39579magnetostrictive storage unit	FSkd	2
39580magnetplate	FSlT	a
39581magnetric tape	FSlt	W
39582magnetron	FSmD	a
39583magnetron beam switching	FSmd	z
39584magnification	FSnQ	f
39585magnify	FSnv	P
39586magnistor	FSn+	e
39587magnitude	FSoc	y
39588magnitude code	IlhO	i
39589magnitude portion	FSpO	f
39590magslip	FSpt	P
39591mahalanobis distance	FSp8	u
39592mahine logic design	FSqq	n
39593mail	FSrR	M
39594mail box	FSrd	BG
39595mail folder	FSsj	W
39596mail list	FSs5	X
39597mail log	FStQ	W
39598mail merge	FStm	Y
39599mail ordering	FSt+	V
39600mail queue	FSuT	Y
39601mailbox	FSur	2
39602mailbox memory	FSvh	1
39603mailing list	FSwW	k
39604mailing list program	FSw6	o
39605main	H9fb	g
39606main amplifier	FSxi	f
39607main arithmetic processor	FSyB	x
39608main bang suppression	FSyy	w
39609main battery powered machine	FSzi	5
39610main beam	FS0b	r
39611main buffer storage	FS1G	r
39612main cable	FS1x	V
39613main command	FS2G	X
39614main communication center	FS2d	u
39615main control chain	FS3L	g
39616main control console	FS3r	m
39617main control panel	FS4R	j
39618main control unit	FS40	BB
39619main cycle	FS51	V
39620main data area	FS6K	c
39621main data package	FS6m	j
39622main data path	FS7J	j
39623main device scheduler	FS7s	w
39624main display console	FS8c	s
39625main distributing frame	FS9I	2
39626main distribution frame	FS9+	2
39627main entry	FS+0	f
39628main entry address	FS/T	j
39629main entry point	FS/2	e
39630main exchange area	FTAU	k
39631main executive module	FTA4	s
39632main file	FTBk	b
39633main fixed station	FTB/	g
39634main flux	FTCf	Z
39635main frame	FTC4	BD
39636main frequency	FTD7	Z
39637main gating pulse	FTEU	i
39638main generator	FTE2	f
39639main group	FTFV	f
39640main interface	FTF0	c
39641main internal memory	FTGQ	v
39642main key	FTG/	Q
39643main keyboard	FTHP	Y
39644main keypad	FTHn	W
39645main line channel	FTH9	s
39646main line connector	FTIp	k
39647main line section	FTJN	i
39648main lobe	FTJv	U
39649main loop	FTKD	U
39650main loop cabling	FTKX	o
39651main machine interface	FTK/	o
39652main machine system	FTLn	l
39653main memory	FTMM	BD
39654main memory address register	FTNP	+
39655main memory controller	FTON	x
39656main memory interface	FTO+	u
39657main memory management	FTPs	q
39658main memory module	FTQW	q
39659main memory register	FTRA	v
39660main memory resource	FTRv	s
39661main memory system	FTSb	u
39662main memory unit	FTTJ	y
39663main menu	FTT7	k
39664main module	FTUf	W
39665main network address	FTU1	l
39666main operation	FTVa	Z
39667main operation control program	FTVz	1
39668main page pool	FTXO	Z
39669main partition	FTXn	Z
39670main path	FTYA	U
39671main procedure	FTYU	Z
39672main processing block	FTYt	m
39673main processing unit	FTZT	m
39674main processor	FTZ5	c
39675main program	FTaV	h
39676main program counter	FTa2	r
39677main program cycle	FTbh	j
39678main program data area	FTcE	q
39679main program sequence	FTcu	m
39680main pulse	FTdU	V
39681main ring path	FTdp	c
39682main routine	FTeF	h
39683main scheduling routine	FTem	o
39684main screen	FTfO	W
39685main station	FTfk	b
39686main storage	FTf/	6
39687main storage buffer	FTg5	n
39688main storage control element	FThg	7
39689main storage controller	FTib	y
39690main storage data base	FTjN	y
39691main storage data register	FTj/	8
39692main storage dump	FTk7	l
39693main storage management	FTlg	l
39694main storage partition	FTmF	q
39695main storage processor	FTmv	t
39696main storage region	FTnc	h
39697main storage unit	FTn9	z
39698main store	FTow	a
39699main store allocator	FTpK	y
39700main switch	FTp8	j
39701main switch board	FTqf	9
39702main switching center	FTrc	6
39703main system	FTsW	W
39704main task	FTss	U
39705main test frame	FTtA	d
39706main text buffer	FTtd	k
39707main track	FTuB	j
39708main traffic station	FTuk	i
39709main tree	FTvG	R
39710main trunk circuit	FTvX	h
39711main unit	FTv4	Z
39712mainframe	FTwz	x
39713mainframe communication	FrVN	s
39714mainframe computer	FTxk	g
39715mainframe network	FTyE	f
39716mainline	FTzq	Q
39717mainline code	FTz6	b
39718mainline code program counter	FT0V	6
39719mainline program	FT1P	e
39720mainsbattery powered calculator	FT2Z	BE
39721maint date	FT3d	Y
39722maint pend	FT31	Y
39723maintain	FT4q	4
39724maintain forecast	FT5i	f
39725maintain system history program	FT6B	+
39726maintainability	FT6/	0
39727maintenance	FT7z	g
39728maintenance alert network	FT8T	u
39729maintenance analysis	FT9B	l
39730maintenance analysis procedure	FT9m	2
39731maintenance analysis program	FT+c	0
39732maintenance analysis review technique	FT/Q	BE
39733maintenance and construction management informatio	FUAU	Bc
39734maintenance and operation	FUBw	t
39735maintenance and operation of programs	FUCd	/
39736maintenance and operational data presentation stud	FUDc	Bc
39737maintenance and supply	FUE4	t
39738maintenance and supply center	FUFl	4
39739maintenance assembly and disassembly	FUGd	+
39740maintenance automated data management	FUHb	BH
39741maintenance automated logic diagram	FUIi	BC
39742maintenance center	FUJk	j
39743maintenance channel buffer register	FUKH	BF
39744maintenance channel command register	FULM	Bi
39745maintenance channel transmit receive register	FUMu	BW
39746maintenance charge	FUOE	t
39747maintenance connection	FUOx	k
39748maintenance control	FUPV	h
39749maintenance control address register	FUP2	BG
39750maintenance control center	FUQ8	y
39751maintenance control data	FURu	s
39752maintenance control panel	FUSa	t
39753maintenance control program	FUTH	BM
39754maintenance control report	FUUT	y
39755maintenance control signal	FUVF	u
39756maintenance control unit	FUVz	t
39757maintenance cost	FUWg	r
39758maintenance definition	FUXL	k
39759maintenance device	FUXv	j
39760maintenance device adapter	FUYS	x
39761maintenance diagnostic logic	FUZD	0
39762maintenance diagnostic manual	FUZ3	1
39763maintenance diagnostic program	FUas	2
39764maintenance diagnostic unit	FUbi	BG
39765maintenance dictionary	FUco	v
39766maintenance documentation	FUdX	w
39767maintenance down time	FUeH	p
39768maintenance engineering analysis data system	FUew	BY
39769maintenance engineering analysis record	FUgI	BG
39770maintenance function	FUhO	i
39771maintenance information	FUhw	l
39772maintenance instruction	FUiV	4
39773maintenance interface	FUjN	m
39774maintenance library	FUjz	n
39775maintenance management information system	FUka	BI
39776maintenance mode	FUli	e
39777maintenance mode switch	FUmA	r
39778maintenance of equipment	FUmr	r
39779maintenance operation protocol	FUnW	2
39780maintenance operations center	FUoM	1
39781maintenance panel	FUpB	i
39782maintenance parts	FUpj	f
39783maintenance phase	FUqC	f
39784maintenance point	FUqh	p
39785maintenance prevention	FUrK	q
39786maintenance program	FUr0	k
39787maintenance program chain	FUsY	q
39788maintenance program procedures	FUtC	4
39789maintenance programmer	FUt6	n
39790maintenance repair and operating	FUuh	8
39791maintenance repairs and replacement	FUvd	/
39792maintenance requirement card	FUwc	x
39793maintenance requirements list	FUxN	y
39794maintenance routine	FUx/	h
39795maintenance safeguard	FUyg	v
39796maintenance service	FUzP	h
39797maintenance session statistics	FUzw	v
39798maintenance signal distributor	FU0f	8
39799maintenance staff	FU1b	n
39800maintenance standardization evaluation program	FU2d	BQ
39801maintenance standby	JEqs	n
39802maintenance standby time	FU3t	s
39803maintenance statistics	FU4Z	p
39804maintenance strategy	FU5C	i
39805maintenance subsystem	FU5k	m
39806maintenance system	FU6K	g
39807maintenance test	FU6q	e
39808maintenance test equipment	FU7I	u
39809maintenance time	FU72	e
39810maintenance unit	FU8U	7
39811maintenance word	FU9P	e
39812maintenance work	FU9t	e
39813major	JH5H	N
39814major class field	FU/U	f
39815major control change	FU/z	i
39816major control data	FVAV	o
39817major control field	FVA9	k
39818major cycle	FVBh	x
39819major division	FVCS	c
39820major gate	FVCu	b
39821major key	FVDJ	X
39822major lobe	FVDg	V
39823major loop	FVD1	V
39824major module	FVEK	X
39825major node	FVEh	V
39826major operation data system	FVE2	3
39827major order	H9wy	Z
39828major path	FVFt	s
39829major sequence field	FVGZ	i
39830major state	FVG7	W
39831major state generator	FVHR	p
39832major state logic generator	FVH6	1
39833major state register	FVIv	u
39834major structure	FVJd	a
39835major subtask	FVJ3	b
39836major system kit	FVKS	BE
39837major task	FVLW	V
39838major technique	FVLr	s
39839major time slice	FVMX	e
39840major total	FVM1	a
39841major track	FVNP	W
39842major word	FVNl	S
39843majority	FVPz	Y
39844majority carrier	FVQL	u
39845majority circuit	FVQ5	m
39846majority consensus algorithm	FVRf	4
39847majority decision element	FVSX	BA
39848majority decision gate	FVTX	3
39849majority decision rule	FVUO	n
39850majority element	FVU1	2
39851majority gate	FVVr	t
39852majority logic	FVWY	i
39853majority logic decodable code	FVW6	6
39854majority logic operator	FVX0	x
39855majority logic unit	FVYl	+
39856majority operation	FVZj	5
39857majority organ	FVac	i
39858majority principle	FVa+	g
39859majority unknown elimination	FVbe	8
39860majorization	FVc2	h
39861majorizing sequence	FVdX	h
39862majorminor loop organization	FVPF	u
39863make addressable instruction	FVd4	BJ
39864make code	FVfB	U
39865make connection	FVfV	e
39866make ratio	BH/p	V
39867makeup time	FVh/	Z
39868making	FauY	U
39869making process	CMtO	c
39870malfunction	FViY	r
39871malfunction	H9f7	f
39872malfunction alert	FVjD	4
39873malfunction analysis detection and recording	FVj7	BP
39874malfunction analysis procedure	FVlK	2
39875malfunction analysis program	FVmA	w
39876malfunction and data recorder	FVmw	BG
39877malfunction detection system	FVn2	0
39878malfunction interrupt	FVoq	w
39879malfunction reporting program	FVpa	1
39880malfunction routine	FVqP	BH
39881man communication and display to automatic compute	FVrW	Bq
39882man control	GaMX	Z
39883man in machine out	FVtA	x
39884man machine interface	FVtx	j
39885man week	FVuU	T
39886manage	FWCP	k
39887manage authorizations	FWCz	j
39888manage microcode fixes	FWDW	q
39889management	FWEA	r
39890management access to records	FWEr	1
39891management aids program suite	FWFg	0
39892management analysis program	FWGU	z
39893management analysis reporting system	FWHH	BD
39894management and control system	FWIK	0
39895management applications in a computer environment	FWI+	BU
39896management audit	FWKS	e
39897management by exception	FWKw	l
39898management control	FWLV	g
39899management control data system	FWL1	9
39900management control system	FWMy	x
39901management cost summary	FWNj	r
39902management cycle	FWOw	b
39903management data	FWPL	d
39904management data charting and review	FWPo	BH
39905management data collection and reporting	FWQv	BL
39906management data list	FWR6	p
39907management data processing system	FWSj	BC
39908management data query system	FWTl	7
39909management data service center	FWUg	9
39910management decision system	FWVd	y
39911management document	FWWP	+
39912management entity	FWXN	f
39913management environment	FWXs	k
39914management exercise	FWYQ	h
39915management game	FWYx	q
39916management information	FWZb	n
39917management information and control system	FWaC	BL
39918management information and text system	FWbN	BI
39919management information display system	FWcV	BE
39920management information network system	FWdZ	BE
39921management information retrieval	FWed	4
39922management information science	FWfV	2
39923management information system	FWgL	Bb
39924management information system research center	FWhm	BT
39925management informationsystems	FWi5	1
39926management interactive data accounting system	FWju	BT
39927management job description	FWlB	y
39928management of processes	FWlz	l
39929management operating system	FWn5	BG
39930management policy	FWo/	s
39931management priority	FWpr	n
39932management priority code	FWqS	p
39933management psychology	FWq7	2
39934management report generator	FWrx	8
39935management reporting system	FWst	z
39936management reports	FWtg	t
39937management requirement	FWuN	k
39938management scheduling and control system	FWux	BK
39939management science operations research	FWv7	BA
39940management services	FWw7	h
39941management software	FWxc	u
39942management support capability	FWyK	x
39943management support utility	FWy7	0
39944management system	FWzv	f
39945management tool	FW0O	d
39946management visibility	FW0r	2
39947management work element	FW1h	r
39948manager	FW2M	t
39949manager easy reporting interactive tools	FW25	BL
39950manager virtual machine	FW4E	y
39951managerial report	FW42	s
39952managerial report system	FW5i	/
39953manchester encoding	FW6h	q
39954manchester transition tracking loop	FW7L	BO
39955mandatory	FW8z	e
39956mandatory cryptographic session	FW9R	z
39957mandatory disconnect	FW+E	i
39958mandatory fixed part	FW+m	o
39959mandatory member	FW/O	e
39960mandatory membership class	FW/s	u
39961mandatory message element	FXAa	t
39962mandatory procedure	FXBH	k
39963mandatory set membership	FXBr	y
39964mandatory variable part	FXCd	r
39965mandrel	FXDI	o
39966manganin	FXEN	t
39967mangetic	IyJf	Z
39968mangetic ink character recognition code	FXE6	4
39969mangetic ink character recognition scan	FXFy	7
39970manhattan distance	FXGt	j
39971manifold paper	FXHQ	Z
39972manifolding	FXHp	a
39973manipulate	FXID	S
39974manipulated direct controlled variable	FXIV	BA
39975manipulated variable	FXJV	v
39976manipulating key	FXKE	b
39977manipulating language	FXKf	j
39978manipulation	FXLC	p
39979manipulation data	FXLr	f
39980manipulative electronic deception	FXMK	BM
39981manipulative index	FXNW	w
39982manipulative indexing	FXOG	BD
39983manipulator	FXPJ	w
39984manmachine package	FWBf	w
39985manometer	FXP5	a
39986manostat	FXQT	T
39987manpower operation data system	FXQm	9
39988mantissa	FXRj	BD
39989mantissa of a logarithm	FXTa	0
39990manual	FXUO	l
39991manual	H3Nj	U
39992manual	I274	d
39993manual aircraft data input system	FXUz	BH
39994manual amendment	FXV6	k
39995manual answer	FXWe	e
39996manual answering	FXW8	r
39997manual calling	FXX3	p
39998manual calling in a data network	FXYg	BE
39999manual card	FXZk	Z
40000manual clock	FXZ9	d
40001manual computation	FXaa	a
40002manual control	FXa0	n
40003manual control device	FXbb	t
40004manual controller	FXcI	i
40005manual cut	FXcq	Y
40006manual data access arrangement	FXdC	4
40007manual data entry module	FXd6	y
40008manual data input	FXes	8
40009manual data input function	FXfo	5
40010manual data input system	FXgh	BQ
40011manual data insertion unit	FXhx	5
40012manual data processing	FXiq	q
40013manual data relay centerstation	FXjU	BN
40014manual device backup	FXkh	o
40015manual direction finderradio	FXlJ	Bf
40016manual driver	FXmo	e
40017manual entry	FXnG	n
40018manual equalizer	FXnt	h
40019manual exchange	FXoO	d
40020manual exchanger	FXor	p
40021manual function	FXpU	d
40022manual indicator	FXpx	h
40023manual inking control	FXqS	p
40024manual input	FXq7	9
40025manual input buffer	FXr4	u
40026manual input processing program	FXsm	BB
40027manual input register	FXtn	s
40028manual input unit	FXuT	4
40029manual interface tester	FXvL	u
40030manual interrupt	FXv5	e
40031manual intervention	FXwX	k
40032manual load key	FXw7	g
40033manual loading	FXxb	c
40034manual manipulator	FXx3	p
40035manual member	FXyg	b
40036manual membership class	FXy7	r
40037manual mode	FXzm	Z
40038manual number generator	FXz/	u
40039manual of field engineer	FX0t	z
40040manual operation	FX1g	e
40041manual operations	FX1+	f
40042manual operations control	FX2d	t
40043manual operations panel	FX3K	7
40044manual operations screen	FX4F	s
40045manual output	FX4x	e
40046manual pagination	FX5P	f
40047manual part programming	FX5u	x
40048manual program	FX6f	c
40049manual read	FX67	m
40050manual reconfiguration	FX7h	n
40051manual record locking	FX8I	p
40052manual record unlocking	FX8x	r
40053manual set membership	FX9c	v
40054manual slot	FX+L	W
40055manual status control	FX+h	t
40056manual switch	FX/O	d
40057manual switching position	FX/r	x
40058manual tax	FYAc	e
40059manual telephone switchboard	FYA6	z
40060manual toning control	FYBt	s
40061manual typewriter	FYCZ	i
40062manual wire embedding	FYC7	j
40063manual word	FYDe	f
40064manual word generator	FYD9	8
40065manual word unit	FYE5	n
40066manually loading tape	FYI/	p
40067manufacture	FYKl	X
40068manufacture	FedK	p
40069manufacture order summary maintenance edit list	FYL/	BV
40070manufacture to order	FYNU	l
40071manufacturer software	FYOa	w
40072manufacturing	Ev8r	j
40073manufacturing	FYP7	V
40074manufacturing	G9Q6	i
40075manufacturing adjustment	Ev9O	0
40076manufacturing allocated quantity	FYQQ	0
40077manufacturing and cost control system	FYRE	BF
40078manufacturing and inspection record	FYSJ	/
40079manufacturing applications	FYTI	r
40080manufacturing applications management system	FYTz	BL
40081manufacturing assembly parts list	FYU+	BN
40082manufacturing automation protocal	FYWL	BC
40083manufacturing bill	FYXN	g
40084manufacturing cash flow analysis	FYXt	6
40085manufacturing component scrap	FYYn	x
40086manufacturing costs	FYZY	h
40087manufacturing cycle	FYZ5	h
40088manufacturing engineering	FYaa	n
40089manufacturing environment	FYbB	0
40090manufacturing information and control system	FYb1	BP
40091manufacturing information system support integrate	FYdE	Bm
40092manufacturing lead time	FYeq	r
40093manufacturing lead time adjustment	FYfV	8
40094manufacturing message service	FYgR	0
40095manufacturing monitoring system	FYhF	3
40096manufacturing open status code	FYh8	v
40097manufacturing operating system	FYir	2
40098manufacturing operation description	FYjh	3
40099manufacturing order	FYkY	o
40100manufacturing order number	FYlA	u
40101manufacturing order scrap transaction	FYlu	/
40102manufacturing order status report	FYmt	7
40103manufacturing order summary file maintenance	FYno	BJ
40104manufacturing orders approved for release	FYox	BJ
40105manufacturing orders released	FYp6	3
40106manufacturing orders with chain count errors	FYqx	BS
40107manufacturing orders with chain errors	FYsD	BG
40108manufacturing orders with material detail	FYtJ	BJ
40109manufacturing quality control	FYuS	1
40110manufacturing record processor	FYvH	8
40111manufacturing records control	FYwD	BI
40112manufacturing resource planning	FYxL	z
40113manufacturing resources	FYx+	l
40114manufacturing schedule date	FYyj	v
40115manufacturing split	G9Rc	u
40116manufacturing support program	FYzS	x
40117manuscript	FY0D	Z
40118many	FY2A	P
40119many	GwJl	h
40120many dimensions	FY0c	X
40121many mapping	GwKG	d
40122many nonblocking network	GwKj	y
40123many stages	FY0z	T
40124many value logic	FY1G	e
40125map	BBaT	R
40126map	FY5R	BS
40127map address	FY66	Z
40128map analyzer program	FY7T	s
40129map and chart information system	FY7/	/
40130map block address assignment	FY8+	z
40131map code	FY9x	d
40132map diagnostic integration	FY+O	r
40133map diagnostic integration language	FY+5	6
40134map display	FY/z	e
40135map editor	FZAR	b
40136map function	FZAs	v
40137map generator	FZBb	o
40138map image descriptor list	FZCD	z
40139map list	FZC2	d
40140map listing	FZDT	c
40141map over	FY6j	X
40142map pointer register	FZDv	+
40143map program	FZEt	c
40144map request	FZFJ	Z
40145map set editor	FZFi	f
40146map specification library	FZGB	BB
40147mapped array area	FZHC	i
40148mapped buffer	FZHk	e
40149mapped conversation	FZIC	h
40150mapped graphics	FmhZ	o
40151mapped io	FmiB	k
40152mapped memory	FZIj	e
40153mapped mode	FZJB	Z
40154mapped physical storage	FZJa	u
40155mapped program executive	FZKI	s
40156mapped system	FZL6	b
40157mapped video	Fmil	g
40158mapper	FZMV	U
40159mapping	FZMp	k
40160mapping algorithm	FZNN	i
40161mapping asynchronous simulation	JE9+	5
40162mapping cache	FZNv	q
40163mapping device	FZOZ	c
40164mapping fault	FZO1	b
40165mapping function	FZPQ	h
40166mapping language	FZPx	e
40167mapping mode	FZQP	a
40168mapping mode	Gc+m	d
40169mapping schemes	FZQp	j
40170mapping status	FZRM	p
40171mapping status of window	FZR1	s
40172mapping table	FZSh	s
40173mapping window	FZTN	z
40174marching display	FZVS	m
40175marching problem	FZV4	h
40176margin	FZWZ	Bg
40177margin capacity	FZX5	d
40178margin control	FZYW	u
40179margin for page	FZZE	e
40180margin guide	FZZi	a
40181margin justify	FZZ8	p
40182margin release key	FZal	j
40183margin release mechanism	FZbI	s
40184margin scale	FZb0	a
40185margin stop indicator	FZcO	s
40186margin stop mechanism	FZc6	p
40187margin stop setting control	FZdj	4
40188marginal	FZgF	n
40189marginal check	FZgs	p
40190marginal cost	FZhV	b
40191marginal error	FZhw	c
40192marginal forward pruning	FZiM	s
40193marginal indexing	FZi4	8
40194marginal operation	FZj0	g
40195marginal stability	FZkU	j
40196marginal test	7JS	m
40197marginal test	FZk3	o
40198marginal testing	FZlf	e
40199marginal tests voltage and registers	FZl9	BI
40200marginal value	FZnF	Z
40201marginal voltage check	FZne	q
40202marginal voltage test	FZoI	p
40203marine structures computer	FZox	9
40204mark	FZpu	BE
40205mark	ICnj	S
40206mark	IT8i	S
40207mark	IzAF	Y
40208mark biased	FZqy	T
40209mark bit	FZrF	T
40210mark card	FZrY	X
40211mark card reader	FZrv	+
40212mark check	FZst	Y
40213mark couting check	FZtF	m
40214mark detection	FZtr	c
40215mark field	FZuH	i
40216mark form sequence	FZup	m
40217mark function	FZvP	b
40218mark impulse	FZvq	a
40219mark match	FZwE	Y
40220mark matching	FZwc	b
40221mark memory	FZw3	c
40222mark pen	FZxT	T
40223mark position	FZxm	b
40224mark pulse	FZyB	Y
40225mark reader	FZyZ	c
40226mark reading	FZy1	a
40227mark scan	FZzP	X
40228mark scanning	FZzm	o
40229mark scraper	FZ0O	d
40230mark sense	FZ0r	Y
40231mark sense batch	FZ1D	u
40232mark sense card	FZ1x	a
40233mark sense punch	FZ2L	k
40234mark sense reading	FZ2v	k
40235mark sense sheet	FZ3T	b
40236mark sensing	FZ3u	n
40237mark sheet	FZ4V	Y
40238mark sheet reader	FZ4t	o
40239mark space	FZ5V	Y
40240mark time request	FZ5t	l
40241mark track control word	FZ6S	u
40242mark track error	FZ7A	k
40243mark transition	In3D	m
40244mark transmission	FZ7k	f
40245mark zone	FZ8D	U
40246marked	FaCV	Z
40247marked document reader	FaCu	x
40248marked index	FaDf	a
40249marked nonterminal	FaD5	m
40250marked page reder	FaEf	o
40251marked symbol	FaFH	b
40252marked terminal	FaFi	g
40253marker	FaGC	5
40254marker bit	FaG7	V
40255marker bubble	FaHQ	Y
40256marker characters	DNvw	l
40257marker hold	FaHo	Z
40258marker register	FaIB	g
40259marker set	FaIh	V
40260marker stack control word	FaI2	1
40261marker symbol	FaJr	b
40262market data system	FaKG	q
40263market value	FaKw	a
40264marketing support center	FaLK	w
40265marketing support representative	FaL6	4
40266marking	FaMy	P
40267marking bias	FaNB	a
40268marking bias	FaNb	a
40269marking class	FaN1	Y
40270marking end distortion	FaON	n
40271marking hole	FaO0	X
40272marking interval	FaPL	e
40273marking representative	FaPp	k
40274marking typewriter pulse	FaQN	v
40275marking wave	FaQ8	X
40276markov algorithm	FaSO	k
40277markov chain	FaSy	a
40278markov chain	FaTM	d
40279markov chain	ISDZ	g
40280markov information source	FaTp	t
40281markov mode	FaUW	e
40282markov model	FaU0	g
40283markov process	FaVU	v
40284markov process	FaWD	i
40285markup	FaWl	q
40286markup percentage	FaXp	i
40287marriage chain	FaYL	j
40288marriage problem	FaYu	v
40289marriage relation	FaZd	f
40290marshal	FaZ8	r
40291martin automatic data reduction equipment	Faan	BV
40292mask	FadC	w
40293mask alignment	Fady	c
40294mask artwork	FaeO	a
40295mask bit	Faeo	g
40296mask bus	FafI	W
40297mask detection	Fafe	c
40298mask epitaxial method	Faf6	m
40299mask etch	Fagg	X
40300mask field	Fag3	Y
40301mask generation system	FahP	q
40302mask generator	Fah5	i
40303mask holder	Faib	W
40304mask index register	Faix	u
40305mask interrupt enable flag	Fajf	0
40306mask manufacture	FakT	e
40307mask matching	Fakx	i
40308mask off	FalT	Q
40309mask off code	Falj	f
40310mask off command	FamC	e
40311mask opening	Famg	d
40312mask operand	Fam9	d
40313mask option	Fana	c
40314mask pattern	Fan2	c
40315mask pattern	HFd2	g
40316mask pitch	FaoS	Y
40317mask processing	Faoq	d
40318mask processing programmable rom	FapH	6
40319mask program	FaqB	a
40320mask programmable rom	Faqb	1
40321mask programmed read only memory	FarQ	BD
40322mask register	FasT	h
40323mask rom	Fas0	c
40324mask set	FatQ	g
40325mask tape	Fatw	U
40326mask word	FauE	U
40327maskable	Gc/D	g
40328maskable interrupt	FavU	m
40329maskable interrupt	Gc/j	3
40330maskable interrupt request	GdAa	3
40331masked	Fav6	b
40332masked diffusion	FawV	r
40333masked off	FaxA	X
40334masked rom	FaxX	u
40335masked state	FayF	a
40336masking	Fayf	b
40337masking effect	Fay6	c
40338masking interrupt	FazW	f
40339masking operation	Faz1	f
40340maskless process	Fa0U	u
40341mass	Fa1C	a
40342mass bus	Fa1c	u
40343mass cache memory	Fa2K	0
40344mass data	Fa2+	x
40345mass delete	Fa3v	Z
40346mass digital storage system	Fa4I	9
40347mass file	Fa5F	k
40348mass insert	Fa5p	Z
40349mass maintenance	Fa6C	e
40350mass matrix	Fa6g	Z
40351mass media file	Fa65	s
40352mass memory	Fa7l	y
40353mass memory file	Fa8X	+
40354mass memory subsystem	Fa9V	BF
40355mass memory system	Fa+a	BA
40356mass memory unit	Fa/a	+
40357mass optical memory	FbAY	q
40358mass production	FbBC	d
40359mass random access data storage	FbBf	BL
40360mass random access disk	FbCq	BS
40361mass replace	FbD8	a
40362mass sequential insertion	FbEW	t
40363mass storage	FbFD	Bk
40364mass storage adapter	FbGn	BO
40365mass storage control	FbH1	v
40366mass storage control system	FbIk	B1
40367mass storage control table create	FbKZ	Bs
40368mass storage control tables pack	FbMF	9
40369mass storage control twin port	FbNC	7
40370mass storage controller	FbN9	y
40371mass storage device	FbOv	Bj
40372mass storage disc	FbQS	o
40373mass storage dumpverify program	FbQ6	BJ
40374mass storage facility	FbSD	BD
40375mass storage file	FbTG	7
40376mass storage file segment	FbUB	BJ
40377mass storage group codasyl	FbVK	Bx
40378mass storage inputoutput	FbW7	+
40379mass storage operating system	FbX5	Be
40380mass storage processor	FbZX	BQ
40381mass storage record	Fban	9
40382mass storage resident	Fbbk	BJ
40383mass storage subsystem	Fbct	BQ
40384mass storage system	Fbd9	BB
40385mass storage system communication	Fbe+	Bc
40386mass storage system communicator	Fbga	BF
40387mass storage system extension	Fbhf	BY
40388mass storage system extensions	Fbi3	+
40389mass storage unit	Fbj1	5
40390mass storage volume	Fbku	7
40391mass storage volume control	Fblp	Bc
40392mass storage volume control journal	FbnF	BA
40393mass storage volume gruop	FboF	t
40394mass storage volume inventory	Fboy	0
40395mass store	Fbpm	d
40396massachusetts general hospital utility multiprogra	FbrV	Bs
40397massbus adapter	FbtB	l
40398massey decoding procedure	Fbtm	t
40399massey encoding procedure	FbuT	t
40400massey formula	FbvA	c
40401massive calculation	Fbvc	h
40402massive dump	Fbv9	i
40403massively parallel processor	Fbwf	BT
40404massubs adapter	Fbxy	r
40405master	Fbyd	BS
40406master	H9ga	s
40407master	Iy5F	O
40408master	JF3D	U
40409master address	Fbzv	c
40410master address space	Fb0L	o
40411master alignment control	Fb0z	1
40412master automated program	Fb1o	w
40413master card	Fb2Y	g
40414master catalog	Fb24	Z
40415master central timing system	Fb3R	4
40416master change notice	Fb4J	5
40417master change record	Fb5C	l
40418master clamp	Fb5n	a
40419master clear	Fb6B	e
40420master clear line	Fb6f	t
40421master clip	Fb7M	Z
40422master clock	Fb7l	7
40423master clock frequency	Fb8g	n
40424master clock generator	Fb9H	2
40425master communication equipment	Fb+m	4
40426master computer	Fb/e	d
40427master configuration record	Fb/7	s
40428master console	FcAn	c
40429master console command	FcBD	q
40430master console logon	FcBt	7
40431master console usage	FcCo	t
40432master control	FcDV	1
40433master control and data buffer storage unit	FcEK	BY
40434master control and user interface software	FcFi	BN
40435master control and user interface subsystem	FcGv	BR
40436master control code	FcIA	q
40437master control executive	FcIq	x
40438master control interrupt	FcJb	r
40439master control panel	FcKG	n
40440master control program	FcKt	6
40441master control program procedure	FcLn	0
40442master control register	FcMb	s
40443master control routine	FcNH	r
40444master control set	FcNy	k
40445master control station	FcOW	3
40446master control system	FcPN	8
40447master control unit	FcQJ	l
40448master controller	FcQu	k
40449master cryptography key	FcRS	l
40450master cylinder mark	FcR3	BC
40451master data	FcS5	t
40452master data base update	FcTm	y
40453master data control console	FcUY	0
40454master data file	FcVM	l
40455master data index	FcVx	6
40456master data record	FcWr	p
40457master data recorder	FcXU	s
40458master data sheet	FcYA	f
40459master data structure	FcYf	q
40460master delivery	FcZJ	d
40461master dictionary	FcZm	c
40462master digital command system	FcaC	5
40463master digital data tape	Fca7	x
40464master directory	Fcbs	b
40465master environment	FccH	d
40466master executive control	Fcck	z
40467master file	FcdX	3
40468master file directory	FceO	q
40469master file directory block	Fce4	v
40470master file index	Fcfn	i
40471master file inventory	FcgJ	m
40472master file job processing	Fcgv	x
40473master file program	Fchg	o
40474master file tape	FciI	h
40475master file utility routines	Fcip	5
40476master font file	Fcj0	h
40477master frequency generators	FckV	s
40478master group	FclB	b
40479master group information system	Fclc	4
40480master heading	FcmU	f
40481master history file	Fcmz	k
40482master image	FcoP	X
40483master index	Fcom	X
40484master instruction	Iy5T	g
40485master instruction tape	Fco9	5
40486master international frequency register	Fcp2	BR
40487master interrupt control	FcrH	t
40488master io control block	FcnX	4
40489master items planning report	Fcr0	2
40490master key	Fcsq	Z
40491master key concept	FctD	z
40492master key variant key data set	Fct2	BE
40493master level forecast code	Fcu6	x
40494master level item	Fcvr	j
40495master level item code	FcwO	n
40496master level item scheduling	Fcw1	z
40497master level print code	Fcxo	i
40498master library	FcyK	c
40499master library file system	Fcym	5
40500master mask	Fczf	W
40501master menu	Fcz1	W
40502master mode	Fc0L	T
40503master mode bit	Fc0e	n
40504master mode entry instruction	Fc1F	BH
40505master mode entry operation	Fc2M	BF
40506master mode entry routine	Fc3R	0
40507master mode program	Fc4F	x
40508master monitor	Fc42	v
40509master node	Fc5l	W
40510master node control	Fc57	k
40511master of science in computer science	Fc6f	BH
40512master operating program	Fc7m	p
40513master operating system	Fc8P	s
40514master operation	Fc87	b
40515master operational console	Fc9W	u
40516master operational controller	Fc+E	1
40517master operational recording tape	Fc+5	6
40518master operational recording tape address table	Fc/z	BX
40519master operational recording tape assembly program	FdBK	Bd
40520master operational recording tape recording	FdCn	BP
40521master operations control center	FdD2	8
40522master operations control system	FdEy	8
40523master operator command	FdFu	r
40524master oscillator	FdGZ	i
40525master output tape	FdG7	j
40526master page	FdHe	W
40527master password	FdH0	a
40528master pattern	FdIO	Z
40529master picture monitor	FdIn	q
40530master power regulator	FdJR	u
40531master priming	FdJ/	c
40532master process	FdKb	Z
40533master processor	FdK0	e
40534master processor module	FdLS	u
40535master production schedule	FdMA	r
40536master program	FdMr	j
40537master program	Iy5z	c
40538master program controller	FdNO	w
40539master program file	FdN+	k
40540master program file update	FdOi	x
40541master program system	FdPT	q
40542master program tape	FdP9	u
40543master program update	FdQr	m
40544master proof	FdRR	f
40545master pulse	FdRw	X
40546master record	FdSH	f
40547master relocatable tape	FdSm	p
40548master reset	FdTP	s
40549master reset command	FdT7	l
40550master resident core	FdUg	v
40551master reticle	FdVP	c
40552master routine	FdVr	p
40553master scanner	FdWU	f
40554master schedule planning	FdWz	p
40555master scheduler	FdXc	x
40556master scheduler address space	FdYN	1
40557master scheduler resident area	FdZC	+
40558master scheduler task	FdaA	m
40559master scheduling	Fdam	c
40560master segment	FdbC	W
40561master segment index	FdbY	i
40562master segment table	Fdb6	f
40563master sequencer	FdcZ	h
40564master set	Fdc6	n
40565master shielding computer program	Fddh	BA
40566master skew tape	Fdeh	h
40567master slave polling	FdfC	i
40568master slave system	Fdfk	k
40569master slewing device	FdgI	v
40570master slice	Fdg3	U
40571master slice method	FdhL	e
40572master source program	Fdhp	j
40573master space	FdiM	h
40574master speed tape	Fdit	i
40575master standard data	FdjP	p
40576master state	Fdj4	Z
40577master station	FdkR	n
40578master supervisory and alarm frame	Fdk4	BY
40579master surveillance station	FdmQ	t
40580master switch	Fdm9	q
40581master synchronization	Fdnn	m
40582master synchronizer	FdoN	h
40583master system tape	Fdou	3
40584master table of contents	Fdpl	x
40585master tape	FdqW	d
40586master tape loading	Fdqz	l
40587master terminal	FdrY	a
40588master terminal formatting options	Fdry	/
40589master terminal operator	Fdsx	w
40590master test frame	Fdth	j
40591master time	FduE	W
40592master timer	Fdua	n
40593master timer control block	FdvB	3
40594master timing supply	Fdv4	m
40595master timing unit	Fdwe	j
40596master trace	FdxB	d
40597master tracking data file	Fdxe	1
40598master unit	FdyT	W
40599master user	Fdyp	W
40600master user directory	Fdy/	q
40601master vocabulary tape	Fdzp	q
40602masterslave	Fd38	Y
40603masterslave accumulator	Fd4U	p
40604masterslave configuration	Fd49	o
40605masterslave mode multiprogramming	Fd5l	/
40606masterslave multiprogramming	Fd6k	6
40607masterslave operating system	Fd7e	x
40608masterslave scheduling system	Fd8P	y
40609masterslave system	Fd9B	h
40610matal oxide semiconductor integrated circuit	Fd9i	BK
40611match	Dsgh	T
40612match	Fd+s	p
40613match	Fm9B	T
40614match arc	Fd/V	U
40615match bit	Fd/p	U
40616match condition	Fd/9	q
40617match dissolve	FeAn	c
40618match exponents	FeBD	X
40619match gate	FeBa	e
40620match gate	Jqcu	l
40621match operation	FeB4	q
40622match query	HQVs	f
40623match retrieval algorithm design	G6mt	BG
40624match substitution	FeCi	g
40625match time	FeDC	r
40626matched data	FeEA	n
40627matched data	GdBR	d
40628matched filter	FeEn	f
40629matched group	FeFG	Y
40630matched impedance	FeFe	f
40631matched load	FeF9	a
40632matched pair transistor	FeGX	4
40633matched pattern	FeHP	d
40634matched phrase	FeHs	c
40635matched transmission line	FeII	q
40636matcher	FeIy	i
40637matching	FeKD	l
40638matching code	FeKo	Y
40639matching control	FeLA	e
40640matching criterion	FeLe	g
40641matching error	FeL+	c
40642matching hierarchy	FeMa	g
40643matching impedance	FeM6	g
40644matching language	FeNa	f
40645matching literal	FeN5	r
40646matching network	FeOk	e
40647matching operation	FePC	g
40648matching package	FePi	b
40649matching problem	FeP9	e
40650matching process	FeQb	r
40651matching record	FeRG	g
40652matching record indicator	FeRm	w
40653matching rule	FeSW	b
40654matching storage hierarchy	FeSx	x
40655matching structured objects	FeTi	1
40656matching subfile	FeUX	h
40657matching sublanguage	FeU4	l
40658matching template	FeVd	f
40659matching transformer	FeV8	1
40660matching transistor	FeWx	k
40661matching word	FeXV	Y
40662mate block	FeXt	V
40663mate table	FeYC	V
40664material	FeY2	l
40665material allocation record	FeZb	x
40666material analysis data	FeaM	u
40667material detail file	Fea6	l
40668material detail file maintenance	Febf	3
40669material detail maintenance edit list	Fedz	BF
40670material detail record	Fee4	q
40671material dispersion	Fefi	h
40672material flow simulator	FegD	y
40673material implication	Feg1	i
40674material picking list	FehX	g
40675material planning horizon	Feh3	x
40676material requirement planning	Feio	BI
40677materialized record	Fejw	k
40678materials requistition	FekU	k
40679math	Felg	X
40680math chip	Fel3	X
40681math coprocessor	FemO	k
40682math processor	Femy	f
40683mathematic analysis	FeoO	h
40684mathematic check	Feov	e
40685mathematic compiler	FepN	n
40686mathematic control mode	Fep0	r
40687mathematic definition	Feqf	j
40688mathematic example	FerC	g
40689mathematic function	Feri	h
40690mathematic function program	FesD	v
40691mathematic induction	Fesy	l
40692mathematic logic	FetX	e
40693mathematic machine theory	Fet1	t
40694mathematic model	Feui	e
40695mathematic operator	FevA	h
40696mathematic power	Fevh	Y
40697mathematic programming	Fev5	x
40698mathematic relation	Fewq	h
40699mathematic routine	FexL	g
40700mathematic structure	Fexr	i
40701mathematic subroutine	FeyN	m
40702mathematic system	Feyz	f
40703mathematical analysis	FezS	j
40704mathematical analysis with programming	Fez1	BH
40705mathematical check	Fe08	t
40706mathematical code system	Fe1p	w
40707mathematical control mode	Fe2Z	t
40708mathematical control model	Fe3G	u
40709mathematical decomposition	Fe30	o
40710mathematical experience	Fe4c	l
40711mathematical function	Fe5B	j
40712mathematical function library	Fe5k	u
40713mathematical function operator	Fe6S	y
40714mathematical function programs	Fe7E	y
40715mathematical induction	Fe72	n
40716mathematical instrument	Fe8d	y
40717mathematical linguistics	Fe9P	p
40718mathematical logic	Fe94	g
40719mathematical manipulation	Fe+Y	0
40720mathematical model	Fe/M	g
40721mathematical operations computer	Fe/s	7
40722mathematical operator	FfAn	j
40723mathematical parameter	FfBK	k
40724mathematical power	FfBu	a
40725mathematical problem	FfCI	i
40726mathematical program	GdBu	l
40727mathematical programming	FfCq	2
40728mathematical programming language	FfDg	/
40729mathematical programming system	FfEf	3
40730mathematical programming system extended	FfFW	BK
40731mathematical programming system report generator	FfGg	Bc
40732mathematical relation	FfH8	o
40733mathematical relation	GdCT	m
40734mathematical routine	FfIk	i
40735mathematical semantics	FfJG	p
40736mathematical simulation	FfJv	l
40737mathematical software	FfKU	j
40738mathematical statistics	FfK3	q
40739mathematical subprogram library	FfLh	3
40740mathematical subroutine	FfMY	o
40741mathematical subroutine libraries	FfNA	1
40742mathematical system	FfN1	h
40743mathematical tabulative architecture	FfOW	4
40744mathematical theory of trees	FfPO	w
40745mathematical treatment	FfP+	k
40746mathematics	FfQi	T
40747mathfile	FfQ1	W
40748mathlab	FfRL	v
40749mathpac	FfR6	BI
40750maths processing	FenR	g
40751matrix	FfTC	q
40752matrix adder	FfTs	i
40753matrix addition	FfUO	d
40754matrix algebra	FfUr	c
40755matrix algebra general interpretive coding	FfVH	BQ
40756matrix algebra table	FfWX	l
40757matrix algorithm	FfW8	e
40758matrix algorithmic processor	FfXa	3
40759matrix analysis	FfYR	d
40760matrix calculation	FfYu	g
40761matrix chain product	FfZO	l
40762matrix checking	FfZz	q
40763matrix circuit	Ffad	c
40764matrix coefficient	Ffa5	g
40765matrix compiler	FfbZ	j
40766matrix computation	Ffb8	g
40767matrix controller	Ffcc	4
40768matrix differential equation	FfdU	w
40769matrix display	0ii	h
40770matrix drive pulse	FfeE	m
40771matrix eigenvalue	Ffeq	i
40772matrix electrostatic writing technique	FffM	BI
40773matrix element	FfgU	c
40774matrix encoder	Ffgw	i
40775matrix equation	FfhS	d
40776matrix gate	Ffhv	e
40777matrix grammar	FfiN	c
40778matrix interation	Ffip	f
40779matrix inverse	FfjI	p
40780matrix language	Ffjx	w
40781matrix manipulation language	FflJ	3
40782matrix matching	FfmA	d
40783matrix matching technique	Ffmd	t
40784matrix memory	FfnK	1
40785matrix method	Ffn/	Y
40786matrix multiplication	FfoX	j
40787matrix norm	Ffo6	o
40788matrix notation	Ffpi	d
40789matrix of printed dots	Ffp/	k
40790matrix operation	Ffqj	e
40791matrix output time	FfrB	m
40792matrix pattern	Ffrn	c
40793matrix pin board	FfsD	h
40794matrix plane construction	Ffsk	q
40795matrix plane current	FftO	l
40796matrix plane impedance	Fftz	n
40797matrix plane output	Ffua	k
40798matrix plane wiring	Ffu+	k
40799matrix printer	Ffvi	BE
40800matrix printing	Ffwm	t
40801matrix processor	FfxT	x
40802matrix program board	FfyE	p
40803matrix representation	Ffyt	m
40804matrix ring	FfzT	W
40805matrix selection	Ffzp	e
40806matrix storage	Ff0H	x
40807matrix storage system	Ff04	s
40808matrix sum	Ff1k	V
40809matrix switch	Ff15	b
40810matrix table	Ff2U	X
40811matrix theory	Ff2r	b
40812matrix transpose method	Ff3G	r
40813maturing	Ff4O	Q
40814maturing stage	Ff4e	c
40815maximal common subgraph	Ff6K	r
40816maximal compatible	Ff61	2
40817maximal compatible set	Ff7r	9
40818maximal element	Ff8o	d
40819maximal flow	Ff9F	c
40820maximal ideal	Ff9h	e
40821maximal length null sequence	Ff9/	z
40822maximal member	Ff+y	m
40823maximal planar graph	Ff/Y	l
40824maximal value	FgAk	Y
40825maximizer	FgBe	U
40826maximuin integration	FgBy	i
40827maximum	FgCU	f
40828maximum allowable common mode overvolatge	FgCz	BG
40829maximum allowable common mode overvoltage	FgD5	BD
40830maximum allowable normal mode overvoltage	FgE8	BD
40831maximum amplitude filter	FgF/	z
40832maximum and minimum	FgGy	k
40833maximum available gain	FgHW	u
40834maximum byte count	FgIE	m
40835maximum capacity	FgIq	e
40836maximum clock frequency	FgJI	w
40837maximum common mode voltage	FgJ4	v
40838maximum contrast	FgKn	h
40839maximum cost	FgLI	a
40840maximum file size	FgL5	l
40841maximum flux	FgMe	d
40842maximum frequency deviation	FgM7	z
40843maximum frequency operation	FgNu	v
40844maximum hops	FgOd	g
40845maximum induction	FgO9	s
40846maximum justification rate	FgPp	r
40847maximum latency	FgQU	j
40848maximum length sequence	FgQ3	l
40849maximum likelihood decision rule	FgRc	BW
40850maximum likelihood decoding	FgSy	v
40851maximum line length	FgTh	k
40852maximum load	FgUF	a
40853maximum magnitude	FgUf	v
40854maximum matching	FgVO	e
40855maximum mode rejection	FgVs	k
40856maximum node address	FgWQ	o
40857maximum norm	FgW4	k
40858maximum normal mode voltage	FgXc	v
40859maximum normal mode voltagt	FgYL	1
40860maximum number of components per assembly	FgZA	BG
40861maximum number of lines per item	FgaG	3
40862maximum number of operations per routing	Fga9	BC
40863maximum number of records	Fgb/	u
40864maximum operating common mode voltage	Fgct	/
40865maximum operating frequency	Fgds	v
40866maximum operating normal mode voltage	Fgeb	/
40867maximum operating voltage	Fgfa	t
40868maximum operation normal mode voltage	FggH	/
40869maximum output level	FghG	s
40870maximum path cost	Fghy	l
40871maximum path length	FgiX	n
40872maximum permeability	Fgi+	l
40873maximum permissible intake	Fgjj	1
40874maximum permissible level	FgkY	x
40875maximum possible magnitude	FglJ	x
40876maximum presentation line	Fgl6	t
40877maximum presentation position	Fgmn	3
40878maximum principle	Fgne	i
40879maximum print position	FgoA	q
40880maximum printer lines	Fgoq	p
40881maximum quantity	FgpT	e
40882maximum record number	Fgpx	p
40883maximum reset time	Fgqa	m
40884maximum right mask	FgrA	m
40885maximum segment size	Fgrm	p
40886maximum shift length	FgsP	o
40887maximum storage bus rate	FgtX	9
40888maximum suspension time	FguU	+
40889maximum time to repair	FgvS	v
40890maximum transaction arrival rate	FgwB	8
40891maximum transfer rate	Fgw9	m
40892maximum usages of a component	Fgxj	0
40893maximum usages of a work center	FgyX	5
40894maximum vertex	FgzQ	h
40895maximum visits	Fgzx	c
40896maximum working pressure	Fg0N	w
40897maximun commom mode voltage	Fg2+	v
40898maxint	Fg3t	X
40899maxterm	Fg4E	c
40900maxterm form	Fg4g	a
40901maxwell relationship	Fg46	r
40902maybe compiler	Fg7G	2
40903maybe language	Fg78	e
40904maze	Fg8a	T
40905maze decision	Fg8t	b
40906maze decision stack	Fg9I	n
40907maze method	Fg9v	W
40908maze search	Fg+F	Z
40909maze search operation	Fg+e	p
40910mb	Fg/s	W
40911mbps	FhAC	b
40912mbytes	FhAd	X
40913mbz	FhA0	S
40914mcb	FhBG	e
40915mccluskey method	H1kL	r
40916mcga bit one million	FhBk	j
40917me	FHfU	Q
40918me function	FHfk	Z
40919mealy machine	FhDH	Y
40920mean	FhDf	f
40921mean absolute deviation	FhD+	s
40922mean absolute error	FhEq	r
40923mean access time	FhFV	k
40924mean active repair time	FhF5	w
40925mean conditional information content	FhGp	+
40926mean cycles between failure	FhHn	6
40927mean deviation	FhIh	c
40928mean down time	FhI9	m
40929mean entropy	FhJj	X
40930mean entropy per character	FhJ6	1
40931mean entropy per character	FhKv	u
40932mean free error time	FhLd	r
40933mean information content	FhMI	p
40934mean information content per character	FhMx	BK
40935mean information content per character	FhN7	BA
40936mean instruction execution rate	FhO7	5
40937mean integrated square error	FhP0	1
40938mean modulation rate	FhQp	l
40939mean of a probability distribution	FhRO	5
40940mean operating time between failures	FhSH	BH
40941mean power	FhTO	Y
40942mean rate accuracy	FhTm	m
40943mean repair time	FhUM	o
40944mean service time	FhU0	p
40945mean square	FhVd	W
40946mean temperature difference	FhVz	t
40947mean time	FhWg	a
40948mean time between calls	FhW6	2
40949mean time between detection	FhXw	6
40950mean time between errors	FhYq	3
40951mean time between failures	FhZh	Bo
40952mean time between interrupts	FhbJ	7
40953mean time between ipls	FhcE	y
40954mean time between maintenance	Fhc2	8
40955mean time between maintenance actions	Fhdy	BF
40956mean time between repairs	Fhe3	4
40957mean time between replacement	Fhfv	8
40958mean time between significant failures	Fhgr	BM
40959mean time between software error	Fhh3	BG
40960mean time between system failures	Fhi9	BH
40961mean time between system incidents	FhkE	BI
40962mean time of failure	FhlM	s
40963mean time to diagnostic	Fhl4	w
40964mean time to failure	Fhmo	BA
40965mean time to first failure	Fhno	5
40966mean time to repair	Fhoh	BD
40967mean time to restore	Fhpk	x
40968mean time to switch over	FhqV	x
40969mean time to system restoration	FhrG	+
40970mean time to wait	FhsE	p
40971mean transinformation content	Fhst	7
40972mean transinformation content	Fhto	4
40973mean transinformation content per character	Fhug	BV
40974meaningful information	Fhz7	n
40975meaningless instruction	Fh0i	o
40976means of communication	Fh1K	k
40977mears automated ploting system	BJpl	BP
40978measurable	Fh2S	l
40979measurand	Fh23	m
40980measure	Fh3d	u
40981measure information and control language	Fh4L	BK
40982measure of effectiveness	Fh5V	t
40983measure of information	Fh6C	x
40984measured rate service	Fh6z	y
40985measured signal	Fh7l	q
40986measured time	Fh8P	e
40987measured variable	Fh8t	s
40988measurement	Fh9Z	d
40989measurement analysis program	Fh92	0
40990measurement and control	Fh+q	t
40991measurement and control system	Fh/X	z
40992measurement control procedure	FiAK	1
40993measurement control processor	FiA/	0
40994measurement data base	FiBz	m
40995measurement error	FiCZ	f
40996measurement processor subsystem	FiC4	9
40997measurement reproducibility	FiD1	8
40998measurement routine	FiEx	h
40999measurement session	FiFS	h
41000measurement unit	FiFz	h
41001measuring network	FiGU	k
41002measuring program quality	FiG4	t
41003measuring programming productivity	FiHl	/
41004measurment information data analytic system	FiIk	BL
41005mechanical	H7Gy	Y
41006mechanical	JJH9	Y
41007mechanical analog computer	FiJv	0
41008mechanical and numerical integrator and computer	FiKj	Bd
41009mechanical assembly program	FiMA	v
41010mechanical assembly technique	FiMv	3
41011mechanical calculator	FiNm	p
41012mechanical computing system	FiOP	y
41013mechanical dictionary	FiPB	4
41014mechanical differential	FiP5	l
41015mechanical differential analyzer	FiQe	BN
41016mechanical effect	FSOi	i
41017mechanical equipment company	FiRr	9
41018mechanical hardware system design	FiSo	7
41019mechanical interface	FiT/	i
41020mechanical language	FiUh	u
41021mechanical language structure	FiVP	BE
41022mechanical mouse	FiWT	h
41023mechanical multiplier	FiW0	p
41024mechanical proof testing	FiXd	s
41025mechanical recognition	FiYJ	n
41026mechanical register	FiYw	k
41027mechanical replacement	FiZU	k
41028mechanical scanner	FiZ4	j
41029mechanical storage	Fiab	j
41030mechanical theorem proving	Fia+	o
41031mechanical translation	Fibm	0
41032mechanical translation language	Fica	2
41033mechanics	FidQ	i
41034mechanism	Fidy	R
41035mechanism	I/41	d
41036mechanism	IcO4	X
41037mechanism magnetic tape deck	FieD	v
41038mechanism module	Fiey	e
41039mechanization algorithm	FifQ	o
41040mechanization of arithmetic process	Fif4	6
41041mechanization of mathematics	Figy	t
41042mechanized accountant	Fihf	p
41043mechanized data	FiiI	2
41044mechanized data base	Fii+	o
41045mechanized data processing system	Fijm	BD
41046mechanized housekeeping	Fikp	u
41047mechanotronics	FilX	f
41048mechatronics	Fil2	d
41049mecury tank	FimT	g
41050media	FinQ	h
41051media access control	Finx	o
41052media base	FioZ	V
41053media center	Fiou	a
41054media code	FipI	V
41055media communication	F9gP	k
41056media conversion	Fipd	r
41057media conversion processor	FiqI	0
41058media conversion program	Fiq8	s
41059media conversion program generator	Firo	BH
41060media copying routine	Fisv	p
41061media drive	FitY	Z
41062media drive selector	Fitx	r
41063media error	Fiuc	h
41064media initialize	Fiu9	h
41065media input facility	Five	o
41066media management	FiwG	m
41067media services	Fiws	f
41068media technology	FixL	u
41069media terminal	mWW	t
41070medial axis transformation	Fiye	u
41071median	FizM	Y
41072median error norm	Fizk	l
41073mediated	Fi0J	l
41074medical accounting and billing processing	Fi0u	BW
41075medical administrative control system	Fi2E	BM
41076medical billing and logging	Fi3Q	2
41077medical computer assisted instruction system	Fi4G	BV
41078medical computer language	Fi5b	w
41079medical computer system	Fi6L	u
41080medical data acquisition system	Fi65	+
41081medical data systemjoint camera computer	Fi73	Bd
41082medical decision making	Fi9U	y
41083medical diagnostic system	Fi+G	t
41084medical hybrids	Fi+z	m
41085medical index	Fi/Z	b
41086medical information and communications system	Fi/0	BR
41087medical information bureau	FjBF	v
41088medical information management system	FjB0	BE
41089medical information system	FjC4	BF
41090medical literature analysis and retrieval system	FjD9	Bb
41091medical rf equipment	IFvR	1
41092medical subject headings	FjFY	u
41093medical system	FjGG	c
41094medium	FjGi	s
41095medium access control	FjHO	t
41096medium access control protocol	FjH7	BR
41097medium access control sublayer	FjJM	4
41098medium access memory	FjKE	r
41099medium attachment unit	FjKv	q
41100medium character	CyJb	t
41101medium dependent interface	FjLZ	y
41102medium distance modem	FjML	p
41103medium frequency	FjM0	b
41104medium level programming language	FjNP	BS
41105medium power	FjOh	Z
41106medium range	FjO6	i
41107medium scale integrated circuit	FjPc	6
41108medium scale integration	FjQW	Bl
41109medium scale integration circuit	FjR7	4
41110medium scale integrationsmall scale integration	FjSz	BT
41111medium speed	FjUG	X
41112medium voltage	FjUd	h
41113medline	FjcF	P
41114meet	FjcU	Z
41115mega	Fjct	Q
41116mega bits per second	Fjc9	l
41117mega electron volt	Fjdi	l
41118megabit	Fjeb	h
41119megabit chip	Fje8	a
41120megabit per second	FjfW	j
41121megabyte	Fjf5	+
41122megabytesecond	Fjg3	z
41123megacycle	Fjhq	k
41124megacycles per second	FjiO	r
41125megadoc system	Fji5	k
41126megahertz	Fjjd	w
41127megamega	FjkN	a
41128megastream	Fjkn	U
41129megavolt	Fjk7	d
41130megaword	FjlY	e
41131megohm	Fjl2	S
41132melbourne university dualpackage analog computer	FjmI	Bj
41133member	Fjnr	q
41134member	HkrR	U
41135member condition	Fjo8	r
41136member file	Fjpn	Z
41137member name	FjqA	Z
41138member number	FjqZ	b
41139member of a set	FjoV	n
41140member of a set	Fjq0	g
41141member pointer	FjrU	s
41142member record	FjsA	b
41143membership	Fjsb	Z
41144membership class	Fjs0	r
41145membership function	Fjtf	u
41146membership operator	FjuN	m
41147membership problem	Fjuz	t
41148membrane	Fjvg	l
41149membrane eigenvalue	FjwF	h
41150membrane keyboard	Fjwm	f
41151membrane switch	FjxF	d
41152memo	Fjxi	W
41153memo due	Fjx4	W
41154memomotion	FjyO	g
41155memorable	Fjyu	X
41156memorandum	FjzF	a
41157memorize	Fjzf	X
41158memorizer	Fjz2	U
41159memory	BAAM	a
41160memory	Fj0K	BZ
41161memory	HRLo	k
41162memory	HrDO	BI
41163memory	JLdS	s
41164memory access	Fj1j	e
41165memory access controller	Fj2B	2
41166memory access director	Fj23	BN
41167memory access logic	Fj4E	u
41168memory access port	Fj4y	p
41169memory access time	Fj5b	t
41170memory accumulator	Fj6I	j
41171memory address	DTOR	r
41172memory address	Fj6r	v
41173memory address bus	Fj7a	s
41174memory address counter	Fj8G	x
41175memory address extension	Fj83	z
41176memory address register	Fj9q	BL
41177memory address select register	Fj+1	BD
41178memory address test	Fj/4	u
41179memory address translation	FkAm	BB
41180memory addressing	FkBn	y
41181memory addressing mode	FkCZ	BD
41182memory allocation	FkDc	y
41183memory allocation and protection	FkEO	+
41184memory allocation file	FkFM	t
41185memory allocation in the assembler	FkF5	/
41186memory allocation in the loader	FkG4	8
41187memory allocation manager	FkH0	3
41188memory allocation table	FkIr	o
41189memory allocator	FkJT	k
41190memory and inputoutput address	FkLM	/
41191memory and resource deallocation	FkML	BA
41192memory answer bus	FkNL	v
41193memory area	FkN6	g
41194memory arrangement	FkOa	g
41195memory array	FkO6	d
41196memory assisted cognition	FkPX	0
41197memory attribute	FkQL	e
41198memory attribute list	FkQp	m
41199memory bank	FkRP	g
41200memory bank interface	FkRv	q
41201memory base register	FkSZ	BL
41202memory block	FkTk	X
41203memory board	FkT7	h
41204memory buffer	FkUc	u
41205memory buffer address register	FkVK	BD
41206memory buffer register	FkWN	0
41207memory buffer unit	FkXB	n
41208memory bufferregister	FkXo	2
41209memory bus	FkYe	h
41210memory bus	HMln	z
41211memory bus controller	FkY/	2
41212memory bus width	FkZ1	q
41213memory byte location	Fkaf	l
41214memory cache	FkbE	p
41215memory capacitor	Fkbt	e
41216memory capacity	FkcL	q
41217memory card	Fkc1	b
41218memory card chassis	FkdQ	6
41219memory cell	BAAm	i
41220memory cell	FkeK	j
41221memory cell array	Fket	i
41222memory change	FkfP	b
41223memory channel	Fkfq	c
41224memory character format	FkgG	r
41225memory check program	Fkgx	o
41226memory chip	FDJx	l
41227memory chip	FkhZ	p
41228memory clear	FkiC	d
41229memory clear key	Fkif	k
41230memory clear subroutine	FkjD	x
41231memory clock driver	Fkj0	t
41232memory configuration	Fkkh	l
41233memory conflict	FklG	d
41234memory contention	Fklj	i
41235memory contents	FkmF	d
41236memory control and logging	Fkmi	4
41237memory control module	Fkna	y
41238memory control register	FkoM	1
41239memory control table	FkpB	o
41240memory control unit	Fkpp	t
41241memory control unit special register	FkqW	BN
41242memory controller	Fkrj	s
41243memory controller	FksP	q
41244memory core	Fks5	m
41245memory cycle	Fktf	k
41246memory cycle overlap	FkuD	r
41247memory cycle steal	Fkuu	m
41248memory cycle stealing	FkvU	m
41249memory cycle time	Fkv6	/
41250memory data base	Fkw5	l
41251memory data bus	Fkxe	m
41252memory data register	FkyE	Bh
41253memory decrement	Fkzl	s
41254memory density	Fk0R	c
41255memory descriptor	Fk0t	i
41256memory design	Fk1P	e
41257memory device	Fk1t	o
41258memory diagnostic	Fk2V	i
41259memory disc controller	Fk23	0
41260memory dump	Fk3r	x
41261memory dump routine	Fk4c	v
41262memory economy	Fk5L	i
41263memory efficiency	Fk5t	f
41264memory element	Fk6M	s
41265memory error	Fk64	a
41266memory exchange	Fk7S	BA
41267memory execution time	GixG	y
41268memory expansion and protection unit	Fk8S	BN
41269memory expansion board	Fk9f	q
41270memory expansion motherboard	Fk+J	z
41271memory fill	Fk+8	8
41272memory gate generator	Fk/4	5
41273memory guard	FlAx	a
41274memory hardware	FlBL	g
41275memory hierarchy	FlBr	BX
41276memory image	FlDx	q
41277memory image builder	FlEb	1
41278memory image descriptor list	FlFQ	2
41279memory image file	FlGG	7
41280memory in key	FlHB	e
41281memory indication	FlHf	f
41282memory information register	FlH+	7
41283memory input bus	FlI5	q
41284memory input register	FlJj	2
41285memory inspection ending address	FlKZ	BC
41286memory instruction data	FlLb	u
41287memory interconnect	FlMJ	k
41288memory interface	FlMt	k
41289memory interleaving	FlNR	q
41290memory interlock	FlN7	e
41291memory io channel	FlDC	v
41292memory key	FlOZ	V
41293memory latency time	FlOu	q
41294memory light	FlPY	g
41295memory limit register	FlP4	s
41296memory load key	FlQk	g
41297memory loading unit	FlRE	u
41298memory location	FlRy	/
41299memory location register	FlSx	x
41300memory lock write	FlTi	o
41301memory lockout	FlUK	c
41302memory lockout register	FlUm	1
41303memory logic	FlVb	g
41304memory logic unit	FlV7	BC
41305memory management	FlW9	BB
41306memory management algorithm	FlX+	v
41307memory management and protection unit	FlYt	BK
41308memory management exception	FlZ3	BM
41309memory management interface	FlbD	y
41310memory management module	Flb1	s
41311memory management register	Flch	4
41312memory management strategy	FldZ	z
41313memory management system	FleM	z
41314memory management unit	Fle/	BE
41315memory map	FlgD	y
41316memory map list	Flg1	g
41317memory mapping	FTwR	i
41318memory mapping	FlhV	5
41319memory mapping device	FliO	p
41320memory mapping enable	Fli3	w
41321memory mapping technique	Fljn	/
41322memory mapping unit	Flkm	u
41323memory margin	FllU	e
41324memory minus key	Flly	b
41325memory module	FlmN	Ba
41326memory module error	Flnn	n
41327memory multiplexer	FloO	v
41328memory net structure	Flo9	w
41329memory operation	Flpt	h
41330memory output bus	FlqO	r
41331memory output register	Flq5	0
41332memory overlay	Flrt	v
41333memory package interface	Flsc	s
41334memory page	FltI	m
41335memory parity	Fltu	h
41336memory parity error	FluP	BH
41337memory parity interrupt	FlvW	w
41338memory partition access attribute	FlwG	+
41339memory partitioning	FlxE	1
41340memory performance	Flx5	g
41341memory plus key	FlyZ	a
41342memory point	Flyz	d
41343memory pointer	FlzQ	y
41344memory pointer register	Fl0C	u
41345memory pool structure	Fl0w	m
41346memory power	Fl1W	a
41347memory print	Fl1w	a
41348memory printout	Fl2b	j
41349memory processing time	Fl2+	x
41350memory program	Fl3v	c
41351memory protect override	Fl4L	BU
41352memory protection	Fl5f	/
41353memory protection feature	Fl6e	t
41354memory protection register	Fl7L	x
41355memory protection unit	Fl78	BH
41356memory read	Fl9D	f
41357memory read enable	Fl9i	p
41358memory readwrite	Fl+L	i
41359memory ready	Fl+t	l
41360memory reference instruction	Fl/S	3
41361memory register	FmAJ	4
41362memory register clear	FmBB	z
41363memory register storage device	FmB0	BH
41364memory relocation	FmC7	l
41365memory request	FmDg	f
41366memory request controller	FmD/	3
41367memory requirement	FmE2	j
41368memory requirement	I0to	m
41369memory resident	FmFZ	j
41370memory scan	FmF8	k
41371memory scheduling	FmGg	f
41372memory search routine	FmG/	p
41373memory section	FmHo	Z
41374memory segment	FmIB	f
41375memory segmentation	FmIg	h
41376memory select	FmJB	l
41377memory selection criteria	FmJm	w
41378memory share system	FmKW	q
41379memory sharing	FmLA	f
41380memory size	FmLf	W
41381memory space	FmL1	n
41382memory stack	FmMc	a
41383memory status indicator	FmM2	u
41384memory storage module	FmNk	w
41385memory storage unit	FmOU	BE
41386memory structural units	FmPY	u
41387memory support capability	FmQG	w
41388memory swapping	FmQ2	d
41389memory system	FmRT	u
41390memory system tester	FmSB	v
41391memory test computer	FmSw	y
41392memory time	FmTi	Z
41393memory timing chain	FmT7	r
41394memory transfer	FmUm	l
41395memory transfer unit	FmVL	8
41396memory transparency	FmWH	n
41397memory tube	FmWu	Z
41398memory unit	FmXH	m
41399memory update	FmXt	e
41400memory window	FmYL	Y
41401memory with short access time	FmYj	0
41402memory word	FmZX	W
41403memory workspace	FmZt	k
41404memory write	FmaR	g
41405memory write operation	Fmax	q
41406memory write signal	Fmbb	n
41407memoryless subsystem	FmnA	o
41408menu	FmoC	BV
41409menu area	FmpX	h
41410menu bar	Fmp4	T
41411menu builder	FmqL	d
41412menu database	Fmqo	o
41413menu display	FmrQ	g
41414menu driven system	Fmrw	p
41415menu input	FmsZ	o
41416menu item	FmtB	X
41417menu option	FmtY	c
41418menu parameter	Fmt0	s
41419menu path	Fmug	U
41420menu security	Fmu0	x
41421menu selection	Fmvl	s
41422menu selector	FmwR	BE
41423menu sheet	FmxV	o
41424menu utility	Fmx9	j
41425mercury	Iwoz	P
41426mercury delay line	FmzY	w
41427mercury memory	Fm0X	s
41428mercury storage	Fm1D	v
41429mercury tank	Fm1y	U
41430merge	FeDt	T
41431merge	Fm2j	3
41432merge algorithm	Fm3a	d
41433merge area clause	H+pk	w
41434merge error recovery procedure	Fm33	4
41435merge exchange sort	Fm4v	n
41436merge file	Fm5W	y
41437merge input file	Fm6I	k
41438merge node	Fm6s	Y
41439merge order	Fm7E	Z
41440merge output coding	Fm7d	n
41441merge pass	Fm8E	f
41442merge sort	Fm8j	e
41443merged global symbol table	Fm+B	x
41444merged transistor logic circuit	Fm+y	8
41445merger	Fm/u	U
41446mergesort	Fm9m	b
41447merging	FnAC	P
41448merging	G+B1	V
41449merging	IV8T	V
41450merging algorithm	FnA5	f
41451merging phase	FnBY	o
41452merging sorted lists	FnCA	l
41453merging sorting	FnAR	o
41454meridional ray	FnCl	c
41455merit	FnDB	U
41456mesa	FnDV	Y
41457mesa diffusion	FnDt	c
41458mesh	FnEJ	u
41459mesh configuration	FnE3	a
41460mesh current	FnFR	n
41461mesh netork	FnF4	Z
41462mesh network	FnGR	n
41463mesh parameter	FnG4	c
41464meshed ring structure	FnHU	p
41465meson field	FnH9	W
41466mesoscale model	FnIT	j
41467message	CyKI	Z
41468message	FnI2	0
41469message	H9uL	V
41470message acceptance pulse	FnJq	BD
41471message access method	FnKt	q
41472message accuracy	FnLX	k
41473message acknowledgement	FnL7	4
41474message alignment	FnMz	l
41475message area	FnNY	X
41476message assembler	FnNv	o
41477message audit	FnOX	o
41478message authentication	FnO/	x
41479message authenticator code	FnPw	/
41480message bit	FnQv	W
41481message block	FnRF	i
41482message blocking	FnRn	e
41483message box	FnSF	W
41484message buffer	FnSb	v
41485message buffering	FnTK	8
41486message buffering facility	FnUG	BB
41487message buffering synchronization facility	FnVH	Bd
41488message builder	FnWk	g
41489message center	FnXE	/
41490message channel	FnYD	d
41491message character	CyKh	i
41492message character	FnYg	s
41493message character	Ipmk	j
41494message circuit	FnZM	2
41495message class	FnaC	o
41496message code	CyLD	d
41497message code	Fnaq	a
41498message composition	FnbE	h
41499message concentrator	Fnbl	l
41500message control flag	FncK	o
41501message control language	Fncy	BD
41502message control program	Fnd1	BV
41503message control subsystem	FnfK	0
41504message control supervisor	Fnf+	BR
41505message control system	FnhP	BU
41506message control task	Fnij	o
41507message count	FnjL	1
41508message data	FnkA	q
41509message data set	Fnkq	h
41510message dataset	FnlL	g
41511message datatype	Fnlr	k
41512message decoder unit	FnmP	p
41513message delay	Fnm4	b
41514message delete option	FnnT	BC
41515message description	FnoV	h
41516message display	Fno2	d
41517message display console	FnpT	u
41518message distribution system	FnqB	v
41519message drain	Fnqw	g
41520message editing	FnrQ	d
41521message editor	Fnrt	f
41522message electronic switching computer	FnsM	BI
41523message element	FntU	k
41524message encoder unit	Fnt4	p
41525message entry system	Fnuh	t
41526message error record	FnvO	o
41527message exchange	Fnv2	BN
41528message feedback	FnxD	e
41529message field	Fnxh	t
41530message file	FnyO	a
41531message file segment	Fnyo	o
41532message flag	FnzQ	h
41533message flow	Fnzx	h
41534message flow graph	Fn0S	x
41535message format	Fn1D	c
41536message format service	Fn1f	q
41537message format services	Fn2J	v
41538message forwarding queue	Fn24	s
41539message group	Fn3k	Y
41540message handle	Fn38	f
41541message handler	Fn4b	5
41542message handling	Fn5U	e
41543message handling processor	Fn5y	BC
41544message handling program	Fn60	BD
41545message handling service	Fn73	s
41546message header	Fn8j	s
41547message headerheading	Fn9P	k
41548message heading	Fn9z	d
41549message identification	Fn+Q	n
41550message identifier	Fn+3	j
41551message indicator	CyLg	s
41552message indicator	Fn/a	y
41553message indicators	FoAM	j
41554message input descriptor	FoAv	BJ
41555message input processing	FoB4	w
41556message instruction	FoCo	u
41557message intercept processing	FoDW	w
41558message intercept table	FoEG	o
41559message journaling function	FoEu	v
41560message line	FoFd	X
41561message lock mode	FoF0	l
41562message log	FoGZ	Z
41563message management feature	FoGy	y
41564message management layer	FoHk	p
41565message memory	FoIN	f
41566message mode	FoIs	a
41567message multiplexer operating system	FoJG	Bo
41568message network	FoKu	d
41569message number	FoLL	h
41570message numbering	FoLs	f
41571message numbering generator	FoML	y
41572message originating and terminating station	FoM9	BL
41573message output description	FoOI	y
41574message output descriptor	FoO6	BK
41575message packet	FoQE	Z
41576message paging	FoQd	i
41577message panel	FoQ/	Y
41578message part	FoRX	k
41579message partition	FoR7	s
41580message passing	FoSn	3
41581message pending	FoTe	d
41582message port	FoT7	X
41583message preamble	FoUS	Y
41584message precedence	FoUq	m
41585message preparation time	FoVQ	s
41586message priority	FoV8	h
41587message procedures	FoWd	i
41588message processing and distribution system	FoW/	Bo
41589message processing facility	FoYn	BG
41590message processing facility table	FoZt	9
41591message processing interrupt count	Foaq	BB
41592message processing language	Fobr	z
41593message processing module	Foce	BE
41594message processing program	Fodi	BY
41595message processing region	Foe6	x
41596message processing system	Fofr	x
41597message processing time	Fogc	+
41598message processor	Foha	1
41599message protection	FoiP	t
41600message queue	Fojp	o
41601message queue data set	FokR	t
41602message queue element	Fok+	t
41603message queue handler	Folr	v
41604message queue size attribute	Foma	2
41605message queueing	Foi8	t
41606message rate	FonQ	0
41607message ready	FooE	t
41608message reception services	Foox	BF
41609message recovery point	Fop2	n
41610message reference block	Foqd	4
41611message region	ForV	d
41612message register	Fory	0
41613message register terminal	Fosm	0
41614message release time	Fota	o
41615message response time	FouC	p
41616message resynchronization	Four	w
41617message retention area	Fovb	n
41618message retransmission unit	FowC	2
41619message retrieval	Fow4	f
41620message router	FoxX	i
41621message routing	Fox5	w
41622message routing code	Foyp	r
41623message sample	FozU	p
41624message segment	Foz9	n
41625message signalling unit	Fo0k	r
41626message sink	Fo1P	3
41627message slot	Fo2G	p
41628message source	Fo2v	t
41629message stream mode	Fo3c	0
41630message switch	Fo4Q	p
41631message switching	Fo45	BT
41632message switching applications	Fo6M	BF
41633message switching center	Fo7R	Bp
41634message switching computer	Fo86	1
41635message switching concentration	Fo9v	3
41636message switching data service	Fo+m	9
41637message switching facility	Fo/j	y
41638message switching multiplexer	FpAV	4
41639message switching multiplexing	FpBN	2
41640message switching network	FpCD	9
41641message switching procedures	FpDA	BD
41642message switching system	FpED	s
41643message switching system components	FpEv	BW
41644message switching system for data	FpGF	7
41645message switching unit	FpHA	r
41646message system architecture	FpHr	1
41647message telecommunication service	FpIg	/
41648message text	FpKT	a
41649message time clause	FpKt	n
41650message transfer agent	FpLU	q
41651message transfer layer	FpL+	r
41652message transfer part	FpMp	2
41653message transfer state	FpNf	3
41654message transfer system	FpOW	u
41655message transfer time	FpPE	Bm
41656message transliteration	FpQq	l
41657message transmission controller	FpRP	BQ
41658message transmitting procedure	FpSf	y
41659message type	FpTR	a
41660message type code	FpTr	i
41661message typewriter	FpUN	z
41662message unit	FpVA	n
41663message waiting	FpVn	0
41664message waiting queue	FpWb	p
41665message word buffer	FpXE	n
41666messager cable	Fpde	i
41667messages	FpeA	i
41668messaging	Fpei	e
41669messmotor	FpfA	3
41670meta assembler	Fpf3	f
41671meta assembly language	FpgW	r
41672meta data base	FphB	g
41673metabit	FpkH	Z
41674metacharacter	Fpkg	Y
41675metacode	Fpk4	T
41676metacompilation	FplL	k
41677metacompiler	Fplv	d
41678metadata	FpmM	j
41679metafont	Fpmv	T
41680metainference mechanism	FpnC	o
41681metal alumina dielectric oxide semiconductor	Fpnq	BU
41682metal card memory	Fpo+	BC
41683metal card puncher	FpqA	q
41684metal ceramic	Fpqq	b
41685metal insulator semiconductor inegrated circuit	FprF	BN
41686metal oxide	FpsS	f
41687metal oxide semiconductor	Fpsx	BE
41688metal oxide silicon	Fpt1	k
41689metal semiconductor	FpuZ	o
41690metal technology	BLX3	n
41691metalanguage	Fpje	a
41692metalanguage	FqMW	a
41693metalevel reasoning	FqMw	h
41694metalinguistic bracket	FqNR	n
41695metalinguistic connective	FqN4	t
41696metalinguistic formula	FqOl	n
41697metalinguistic variable	FqPM	o
41698metalization	FqP0	f
41699metalization	GAaC	h
41700metallic bond	FqQT	1
41701metallic circuit	FqRI	e
41702metallic magnetic tape	FqRm	k
41703metallic tape	FqSK	Y
41704metaproduction	FqTf	c
41705metaproduction rule	FqT7	n
41706metaprogram	FqUi	W
41707metaprogram state	FqU4	i
41708metaprogramming system	FqVa	t
41709metascience	FqWH	W
41710metastable state	FqWd	y
41711metasymbol	FqXP	V
41712metasystem	FqXk	V
41713metavariable	FqX5	X
41714meteo	FqYQ	b
41715meteor scatter communication	FqYr	w
41716meteor trail communication system	FqZb	7
41717meteorological airborne data system	FqaW	BC
41718meter	FqbY	T
41719metering	Fqbr	Q
41720metering pulses	Fqb7	d
41721method	FqcY	O
41722method improvement program	Fqcm	y
41723method of bisection	FqdY	e
41724method of bit analysis	Fqd2	k
41725method of calling	Fqea	s
41726method of clustering center	FqfG	s
41727method of deduction	Fqfy	o
41728method of exhaustion	Fqga	f
41729method of fractional step	Fqg5	k
41730method of induction	Fqhd	e
41731method of inversion	Fqh7	e
41732method of iteration	FqiZ	e
41733method of leading decisions	Fqi3	s
41734method of maximum likelihood	Fqjj	z
41735method of moving average	FqkW	p
41736method of relaxation	Fqk/	f
41737method of residue	Fqle	c
41738method of reversales	Fql6	p
41739method of steepest descent	Fqmj	r
41740method of successive approximation	FqnO	z
41741method of working	FqoB	f
41742methodology	Fqog	n
41743methods	FqpH	P
41744methods of extracting text automatically programmi	FqpW	B6
41745metre	FqrQ	K
41746metric	Fqra	V
41747metrical information	Fqrv	i
41748metron	FqsR	o
41749metropolitan area network	Fqs5	BK
41750mf subcommand	FquD	k
41751mfd	Fqun	Y
41752mfg allocation audit exception list	Fqu/	BJ
41753mfg allocation chain validation	FqwI	8
41754mfg allocation detail	FqxE	s
41755mfg order status	Fqxw	k
41756mfg order summary	FqyU	l
41757mfg per cust order	G9SK	5
41758mfg schedule date	Fqy5	l
41759mfgpur code	Fqze	e
41760mfpr	Fqz8	g
41761mft with subtasking	Fq0c	BU
41762mica	Fq1w	M
41763michigan algorithm decoder	Fq18	4
41764michigan state university digital computer	Fq20	BW
41765michigan terminal system	Fq4K	z
41766mico network primer	Fq49	s
41767micoelement	Fq5p	Z
41768micr document processing system	Fq6C	8
41769micral disc system	Fq6+	s
41770micral sequence programmable automation language	Fq7q	Bg
41771micro	Fq9K	m
41772micro address register	Fq+q	u
41773micro circuit	Fq/Y	b
41774micro code	Fq/z	f
41775micro computer	FrAS	v
41776micro computer	FrSc	i
41777micro computer	Ispd	f
41778micro computer control unit	Fq9w	6
41779micro computer disk operating system	FrBB	BJ
41780micro copy	FrCK	b
41781micro cpu chip	FrCl	s
41782micro designer	FxK3	q
41783micro electronics	FrDR	i
41784micro information system	FrDz	t
41785micro instruction compiler assembler	FrE8	BG
41786micro instruction word	FrGC	o
41787micro networking and communication	FrGq	8
41788micro nova board computer	FrHm	4
41789micro order	FrIe	W
41790micro processor unit	FrI0	s
41791micro programming language	FrJg	1
41792micro rsts	FrKV	n
41793micro software	FxLh	i
41794microaddress register	FrWi	u
41795microalloy diffused electrode	FrXQ	5
41796microalloy transistor	FrYJ	t
41797microally diffused base transistor	FrY2	BK
41798microally diffused electrode	FraA	7
41799microampere	Fra7	Y
41800microarchitecture	FrbT	i
41801microassembler	Frb1	f
41802microassembly	FrcU	u
41803microassembly language	FrdC	3
41804microbend loss	Frd5	f
41805microbranch trace	FreY	t
41806microbus	FrfF	b
41807microcache	Frfg	6
41808microcard	Frga	Z
41809microcassette	Frgz	j
41810microchip	FrhW	U
41811microchip computer	Frhq	j
41812microcircuit	FriN	X
41813microcircuit isolation	Frik	n
41814microcircuits	FrjL	Y
41815microcobol	Frjj	d
41816microcode	FrkA	e
41817microcode compilation	Frke	m
41818microcode compiler	FrlE	p
41819microcode failure index	Frlt	w
41820microcode fix	Frmd	b
41821microcode instruction	Frm4	m
41822microcode memory	Frne	h
41823microcode program check	Frn/	w
41824microcode simulation	Frov	i
41825microcode status word	FrpR	q
41826microcode system	Frp7	i
41827microcode system inputoutput controller	Frqd	BS
41828microcode verification system	Frrv	0
41829microcoded communications line adapter	Frsj	BL
41830microcoded rom	Frtu	o
41831microcommand	FruW	X
41832microcommand language	Frut	m
41833microcomponent	FrvT	Z
41834microcomputer	Frvs	0
41835microcomputer addressing modes	Frwg	BR
41836microcomputer analyzer	Frxx	BP
41837microcomputer application	FrzA	t
41838microcomputer architecture	Frzt	BB
41839microcomputer auxiliary equipment	Fr0u	7
41840microcomputer backplane	Fr1p	r
41841microcomputer board	Fr2U	r
41842microcomputer bus	Fr2/	o
41843microcomputer bus system	Fr3n	1
41844microcomputer bus type	Fr4c	z
41845microcomputer card	Fr5P	m
41846microcomputer chip	Fr51	m
41847microcomputer components	Fr6b	s
41848microcomputer control and display panel	Fr7H	BP
41849microcomputer control panel	Fr8W	1
41850microcomputer development center	Fr9L	+
41851microcomputer development facility	Fr+J	BD
41852microcomputer development kit	Fr/M	9
41853microcomputer development system	FsAJ	+
41854microcomputer disk development system	FsBH	BK
41855microcomputer disk operating systems	FsCR	BG
41856microcomputer execution cycle	FsDX	3
41857microcomputer function organization	FsEO	9
41858microcomputer functions	FsFL	r
41859microcomputer index	FsG6	n
41860microcomputer industry trade association	FsHh	BQ
41861microcomputer instrument	FsIx	s
41862microcomputer interfacing kit	FsJd	6
41863microcomputer interrupt	FsKX	r
41864microcomputer io architecture	FsF2	BE
41865microcomputer kit	FsLC	u
41866microcomputer kit assembler	FsLw	7
41867microcomputer kit components	FsMr	2
41868microcomputer kit system software	FsNh	BB
41869microcomputer language assembler	FsOi	BA
41870microcomputer loader	FsPi	u
41871microcomputer masterslave operating	FsQQ	+
41872microcomputer on a chip	FsRO	u
41873microcomputer operating system	FsR8	4
41874microcomputer package	FsS0	s
41875microcomputer pos	FsTg	x
41876microcomputer prototyping system	FsUR	6
41877microcomputer support	FsVu	8
41878microcomputer system	FsWq	BC
41879microcomputer system design	FsXs	1
41880microcomputer system tester	FsYh	BX
41881microcomputer word processing	FsZ4	3
41882microconsole	Fsbg	a
41883microcontrol microprogramming	Fsb6	BK
41884microcontrol sequencing system	FsdE	BL
41885microcontrolled programmable digital logic	FseP	BN
41886microcontroller	Fsfc	h
41887microcontroller characheristics	Fsf9	z
41888microcontroller external input signals	Fsgw	BG
41889microcontroller functional components	Fsh2	/
41890microcontroller io system	Fsi1	6
41891microcontroller simulator	Fsjv	w
41892microcontroller working registers	Fskf	+
41893microcycle	Fsld	c
41894microdesigner system	Fsl5	l
41895microdiagnosis	Fsme	Z
41896microdiagnostic	Fsm3	a
41897microdiagnostic loader	FsnR	q
41898microdiagnostic microprogram	Fsn7	w
41899microdiagnostic program	Fsor	o
41900microdiagnostic utility	FspT	u
41901microdiagnostics	FsqB	u
41902microdictionary	Fsqv	d
41903microdiskette	FsrM	e
41904microdisplay processor	Fsrq	u
41905microdrawing	FssY	a
41906microelectronic	Fssy	i
41907microelectronic circuit	FstU	7
41908microelectronic device	FsuP	r
41909microelectronic devices	Fsu6	r
41910microelectronic integrated circuit	Fsvl	8
41911microelectronic integrated test equipment	Fswh	BO
41912microelectronic system	Fsxv	n
41913microelectronic technology	FsyW	r
41914microelectronics	FszB	7
41915microelectrostatic copying	Fsz8	r
41916microelement	Fs0n	X
41917microenvironment	Fs0+	b
41918microetch	Fs1Z	U
41919microfabrication	Fs1t	r
41920microfarad	Fs2Y	d
41921microfiche	Fs21	BU
41922microfiche enlarger printer	Fs4J	8
41923microfiche management system	Fs5F	6
41924microfiche readerprinter	Fs5/	Bc
41925microfiche viewer	Fs7b	o
41926microfile	Fs8D	k
41927microfilm	BsIq	g
41928microfilm	Fs8n	BL
41929microfilm aperture card automated retrieval system	Fs9y	Bl
41930microfilm cartridge	Fs/X	k
41931microfilm computer output	Fs/7	2
41932microfilm counter	FtAx	o
41933microfilm duplex	FtBZ	k
41934microfilm flow camera	FtB9	y
41935microfilm frame	FtCv	g
41936microfilm image	FtED	2
41937microfilm information retrieval access code	FtE5	BX
41938microfilm io device	FtDP	0
41939microfilm jacket	FtGQ	k
41940microfilm leader	FtG0	9
41941microfilm management system	FtHx	5
41942microfilm output	FtIq	k
41943microfilm output computer	FtJO	6
41944microfilm output device	FtKI	1
41945microfilm reader	FtK9	n
41946microfilm reader recorder	FtLk	6
41947microfilmer	FtMe	c
41948microfloppies	FtM6	Y
41949microflowchart	FtNS	c
41950microfont	FtNu	x
41951microform	FtOf	a
41952microform in colour	FtO5	q
41953microform reader	FtPj	q
41954microformat	FtRa	W
41955micrographics	FtRw	u
41956micrography	FtSe	i
41957microimage	FtTA	Y
41958microimplementation language	FtTY	t
41959microinstruction	FtUF	e
41960microinstruction address	FtUj	p
41961microinstruction debug	FtVM	3
41962microinstruction description	FtWD	t
41963microinstruction field	FtWw	k
41964microinstruction register	FtXU	x
41965microinstruction sequence	FtYF	q
41966microinstruction sequencing	FtYv	s
41967microinstruction simulation	FtZb	s
41968microinstruction simulator	FtaH	x
41969microinstruction storage	Fta4	s
41970microinstruction technique	Ftbk	r
41971microinterrupt	Ftc0	Z
41972microjump subroutine	FtdN	o
41973microkit	Ftd1	c
41974microlanguage	FteR	Y
41975microlevel interrupt	Ftep	i
41976micrologic	FtfL	V
41977micrologic adder	Ftfg	k
41978micrologic card	FtgE	g
41979microm	Ftgk	g
41980micromainframe	FthE	c
41981micromation output software translator	Fthg	BO
41982micromation recorder	Ftiu	l
41983micromemory	FtjT	W
41984micromemory control store	Ftjp	6
41985micrometer	Ftkj	6
41986micromicrofarad	Ftld	j
41987microminiature discrete modules	FtmA	z
41988microminiaturization	Ftmz	s
41989micromodule	Ftnf	m
41990micromodule package	FtoF	0
41991micromonitor operating system	Fto5	/
41992micron	Ftp4	l
41993micron technology	I5er	r
41994micron transistor	I5fW	u
41995micronet	Ftqd	W
41996microopaque	Ftqz	f
41997microoperating system	FtrS	m
41998microoperation	Ftr4	m
41999microperipheral interface	Ftse	w
42000microphone	FttO	o
42001microphone pick up pattern	Ftt2	x
42002microphonics	Ftun	q
42003microphotography	FtvR	j
42004microporgram	Ftv0	X
42005microposition	FtwL	V
42006microprint	Ftwg	Y
42007microprocessing system	Ftw4	r
42008microprocessing unit	Ftxj	m
42009microprocessing unit addressing mode	FtyJ	+
42010microprocessing unit interface	FtzH	y
42011microprocessing unit support chip	Ftz5	7
42012microprocessor	F9gz	2
42013microprocessor	Ft00	z
42014microprocessor	Isp8	i
42015microprocessor address path	Ft1n	1
42016microprocessor addressing capacity	Ft2c	BV
42017microprocessor addressing concept	Ft3x	BU
42018microprocessor addressing modes	Ft5F	BS
42019microprocessor alarm system	Ft6X	1
42020microprocessor analyzer	Ft7M	u
42021microprocessor application	Ft76	u
42022microprocessor application project	Ft8o	BV
42023microprocessor architecture	Ft99	1
42024microprocessor assembly language	Ft+y	6
42025microprocessor board	Ft/s	o
42026microprocessor building control system	FuAU	BG
42027microprocessor bus	FuBa	v
42028microprocessor bus standard	FuCJ	4
42029microprocessor cache memory	FuDB	BI
42030microprocessor card	FuEJ	n
42031microprocessor chip	FuEw	n
42032microprocessor chip characteristics	FuFX	9
42033microprocessor classification	FuGU	x
42034microprocessor code assembler	FuHF	9
42035microprocessor compatibility	FuIC	z
42036microprocessor compiler	FuI1	x
42037microprocessor compiler language	FuJm	BA
42038microprocessor computer system	F9hp	+
42039microprocessor control	FuKm	q
42040microprocessor control circuit	FuLQ	9
42041microprocessor control unit	FuMN	2
42042microprocessor controller	FuND	w
42043microprocessor debugging program	FuOc	BT
42044microprocessor design	FuPv	p
42045microprocessor development lab	FuQY	/
42046microprocessor development support system	FuRX	BO
42047microprocessor development system	FuSl	BY
42048microprocessor encoder interface	FuT9	9
42049microprocessor host loader	FuU6	7
42050microprocessor indirect address	FuW4	5
42051microprocessor industrial terminal	FuXx	BB
42052microprocessor instruction	FuYy	u
42053microprocessor instruction path	FuZg	BS
42054microprocessor instruction set	Fuay	4
42055microprocessor interface	Fubq	w
42056microprocessor intertie and communication system	Fuca	BQ
42057microprocessor io categories	FuV1	BD
42058microprocessor language assembler	Fudq	BF
42059microprocessor language editor	Fuev	BC
42060microprocessor life cycle	Fufx	z
42061microprocessor line set	Fugk	1
42062microprocessor maintenance console	FuhZ	8
42063microprocessor masterslave operation	FuiV	/
42064microprocessor memory controller	FujU	BF
42065microprocessor monitor	FukZ	w
42066microprocessor network	FulJ	q
42067microprocessor operating system	F9in	8
42068microprocessor organization	Fulz	v
42069microprocessor programming language	Fumi	BH
42070microprocessor semantics	FuoV	v
42071microprocessor series	FupE	t
42072microprocessor series software tools	Fupx	BK
42073microprocessor software	Fuq7	r
42074microprocessor system	Furm	t
42075microprocessor system	JD50	4
42076microprocessor system analyzer	FusT	7
42077microprocessor system interface module	FutO	BG
42078microprocessor system software tool	FuuU	BD
42079microprocessor tape duplicator	FuvX	/
42080microprocessor terminal	FuwW	z
42081microprocessor testing system	FuxJ	3
42082microprocessor training aid	FuyA	1
42083microprogammed data processor	Fu6R	8
42084microprogram	Fu7N	h
42085microprogram address	Fu7u	l
42086microprogram address register	FrK8	/
42087microprogram address register	Fu8T	BA
42088microprogram addressing	Fu9T	4
42089microprogram assembly language	Fu+L	1
42090microprogram automation system	Fu/A	5
42091microprogram branching	Fu/5	n
42092microprogram certification system	FvAg	8
42093microprogram computer	FvBc	p
42094microprogram control	FvCF	p
42095microprogram control functions	FvCu	1
42096microprogram control logic	FvDj	1
42097microprogram control memory	FvEY	6
42098microprogram control store	FvFS	2
42099microprogram controller	FvGI	v
42100microprogram count register	FvG3	6
42101microprogram counter	FvHx	s
42102microprogram data register	FvId	5
42103microprogram debugging	FvJW	n
42104microprogram description	FvJ9	p
42105microprogram design	FvKm	k
42106microprogram design and description language	FvLK	BT
42107microprogram design system	FvMd	1
42108microprogram development	FvNS	p
42109microprogram efficiency	FvN7	o
42110microprogram emulation	FvOj	n
42111microprogram fields	FvPK	k
42112microprogram generating system	FvPu	6
42113microprogram index register	FvQo	5
42114microprogram instruction	JM3/	4
42115microprogram instruction set	FvRh	w
42116microprogram language	FvSR	m
42117microprogram level	FvS3	g
42118microprogram load	FvTX	m
42119microprogram looping	FvT9	l
42120microprogram machine instructions	FvUi	4
42121microprogram mapping	FvVa	r
42122microprogram memory	FvWF	r
42123microprogram memory control unit	FvWw	BD
42124microprogram microassembler	FvXz	1
42125microprogram microcode	FvYo	n
42126microprogram operating system	FvZP	4
42127microprogram optimization	FvaH	q
42128microprogram parameterization	Fvax	x
42129microprogram read only memory	Fvbi	8
42130microprogram register	Fvce	t
42131microprogram sequencer	FvdL	q
42132microprogram storage	Fvd1	r
42133microprogram support software	Fveg	BK
42134microprogrammability	Fvgg	7
42135microprogrammable	Fvhb	4
42136microprogrammable	JbBH	BF
42137microprogrammable arithmetic processor system	FviT	BV
42138microprogrammable block inputoutput	FvkP	BM
42139microprogrammable character generator	Fvlb	BF
42140microprogrammable communications controller	Fvmg	BQ
42141microprogrammable computer	Fvnw	3
42142microprogrammable computer operating system	Fvon	BW
42143microprogrammable instruction	Fvp9	0
42144microprogrammable machine	Fvqx	w
42145microprogrammable multiprocessor architecture	FvsL	BZ
42146microprogrammable processor	Fvtk	2
42147microprogrammable processor port	Fvua	BB
42148microprogrammed	FvwG	j
42149microprogrammed array processor	Fvwp	BG
42150microprogrammed compiler	Fvxv	v
42151microprogrammed control processor	Fvye	/
42152microprogrammed control unit	Fvfq	2
42153microprogrammed control unit	Fvzd	4
42154microprogrammed controller	Fv0V	u
42155microprogrammed gate control	Fv1D	w
42156microprogrammed interface	Fv2/	z
42157microprogrammed io control unit	Fv1z	BM
42158microprogrammed microprocessor	Fv3y	+
42159microprogrammed picoprocessor	Fv4w	9
42160microprogrammed processor	F9jj	z
42161microprogrammed subroutines	Fv5t	9
42162microprogrammer	Fv6q	2
42163microprogramming	Fv7g	BL
42164microprogramming application	Fv8r	z
42165microprogramming approach	Fv9e	w
42166microprogramming architecture	Fv+O	6
42167microprogramming language	Fv/I	3
42168microprogramming level	Fv//	q
42169microprogramming software	FwBo	w
42170microprogramming support	FwCY	BF
42171microprogramming technique	FwDd	1
42172microprogramming unit	FwES	w
42173microprogrammingfixed instruction	FwFC	8
42174microprojector	FwF+	y
42175micropublishing	FwGw	q
42176microrecording	FwHy	i
42177microribbon connector	FwIU	BB
42178microroutine	FwJV	m
42179microscheduler	FwJ7	p
42180microscope	FwKk	V
42181microsecond	FwK5	k
42182microsignal processor	FwLd	p
42183microsoftware	FwMG	Y
42184microstack	FwMe	d
42185microstatement	FwM7	Z
42186microstep	FwNU	R
42187microstorage	FwNl	a
42188microstreamer	FwN/	k
42189microstrip line	FwOj	a
42190microstructure	FwO9	p
42191microsubroutine	FwPm	d
42192microsubroutine stack	FwQD	x
42193microswitch	FwQ0	W
42194microsyn	FwRK	f
42195microterminal	FwRp	Y
42196microtrip	FwSB	R
42197microtronics	FwSS	a
42198microtutor	FwSs	h
42199microvms	FwTN	c
42200microwave	FwTp	b
42201microwave amplification by stimulated emission of	FwUE	Bp
42202microwave channel	FwVt	f
42203microwave circuit analysis program	FwWM	BB
42204microwave delay line	FwXN	p
42205microwave dish	FwX2	s
42206microwave hologram techniques	FwYi	1
42207microwave interference	FwZX	k
42208microwave links	FwZ7	d
42209microwave relay	FwaY	q
42210microwave relay station	FwbC	o
42211microwave transmission	Fwbq	k
42212microwave tube	FwcO	c
42213microwriter	Fwcq	s
42214midcomputer	FweV	c
42215middle element	Fwex	c
42216middle letter row	FwfN	i
42217middle punch	Fwfv	X
42218middle ru of chain	FwgG	v
42219middle storage	Fwg1	f
42220middleware	Fwip	BO
42221middlewave	Fwj3	S
42222midland	FwkJ	W
42223midpoint coordinate	Fwkf	l
42224midsquare method	FwlE	e
42225migrate	Fwli	d
42226migration	Fwl/	R
42227migration control data set	FwmQ	x
42228migration imaging	FwnB	f
42229migration path	Fwng	p
42230migratory permutation	FwoJ	j
42231migratory volume	Fwos	b
42232mil	FwpH	p
42233mile	Fwqh	O
42234milestone	Fwqv	U
42235milestone state	FwrD	g
42236military call sign	Fwrj	g
42237military computer	FwsD	l
42238military computer family	Fwso	z
42239military environment microprocessor	FwuE	9
42240military exchange	FwvB	m
42241military fixed communication network	Fwvn	+
42242military hybrids	Fwwl	n
42243military occupational data bank	FwxM	1
42244military rest time computer	FwyB	/
42245military solid logic technology	FwzA	+
42246military specification	Fwz+	t
42247milk	Fw0r	j
42248mill	Fw1O	Z
42249mill timer	Fw1n	Bh
42250miller circuit	Fw3I	c
42251miller effect	Fw3k	b
42252milli	Fw3/	M
42253milliampere	Fw4L	n
42254milliampere hour	Fw4y	j
42255milliampere second	Fw5V	h
42256milliamperes per volt	Fw52	4
42257milliliter	Fw6u	V
42258millimeter	Fw7D	V
42259millimetre	Fw7Y	S
42260millimicro	Fw7q	S
42261millimicrosecond	Fw78	b
42262million floating point operations per second	Fw8X	BO
42263million instructions per second	Fw9l	7
42264million operations per second	Fw+g	3
42265million words	Fw/X	i
42266millisecond	Fw/5	y
42267millivolt	FxAr	Z
42268milliwatt	FxDI	R
42269milliwatt logic	FxDZ	s
42270mimd architecture	FxEF	r
42271mimeograph	FxEw	c
42272min criterion	Ff5p	h
42273minc	FxGl	e
42274mini computer	FxHD	b
42275mini computer	Isqe	h
42276miniassembler program	FxO1	y
42277miniature data acquistion system	FxPn	/
42278miniature diskette drive	FxQm	s
42279miniature ic computer	FxRS	3
42280miniature information storage and retrieval	FxSJ	BO
42281miniature information storage and retrieval syste	FxTX	BX
42282miniature interface general purpose economy termin	FxUu	BY
42283miniature power unit	FxWG	s
42284miniaturization	FxXt	a
42285miniaturized data assimilation computer	FxYH	BO
42286miniaturized system	FxZV	k
42287minicartridge	FxZ5	3
42288minicassette	Fxaw	8
42289minicomputer	F9kW	g
42290minicomputer	FrS+	g
42291minicomputer	Fxbs	8
42292minicomputer crosscompilation	Fxco	6
42293minicomputer device controller	Fxdi	+
42294minicomputer io	Fxeg	6
42295minicomputer library system	Fxfa	BA
42296minicomputer network	Fxga	t
42297minicomputer software	FxhH	s
42298minidasd function	Fxhz	o
42299minidiagnostic routine	Fxib	q
42300minidisc	FxjF	a
42301minidisk	Fxjf	d
42302minidisk directory	Fxj8	z
42303minidiskette	Fxkv	d
42304miniemulator	FxlM	g
42305minified display	Fxls	e
42306minifloppy	FxmK	b
42307minifloppy disk drive	Fxml	m
42308minikeypad	FxnL	Y
42309minimal ada programming support environment	Fxnj	BU
42310minimal automatic computer	Fxo3	7
42311minimal automaton	Fxpy	i
42312minimal basic	FxqU	g
42313minimal computer load	Fxq0	w
42314minimal cost path	Fxrk	l
42315minimal cover	FxsJ	o
42316minimal function	Fxsx	e
42317minimal graph	FxtP	Y
42318minimal latency coding	Fxtn	w
42319minimal latency programming	FxuX	6
42320minimal machine	FxvR	t
42321minimal network	Fxv+	d
42322minimal path	Fxwb	a
42323minimal segment	FxxK	i
42324minimal spanning tree	Fxxs	3
42325minimal storage	Fxyj	g
42326minimal total processing time	FxzD	5
42327minimal tree	Fxz8	X
42328minimality	Fx7L	V
42329minimax	Fx7g	p
42330minimax method	Fx8J	f
42331minimax principle	Fx8o	l
42332minimax strategy	Fx9N	k
42333minimax system	Fx9x	i
42334minimization	Fx+T	a
42335minimization of interprocessor communication for p	Fx+t	Bb
42336minimodem	FyAI	a
42337minimum	FyAi	S
42338minimum access code	FyA0	k
42339minimum access coding	FyBY	p
42340minimum access programming	FyCB	BH
42341minimum access retrieval system	FyDI	+
42342minimum access routine	FyEG	y
42343minimum automatic computer	FyE4	2
42344minimum automatic machine	FyFu	q
42345minimum automatic machine for interpolation and ex	FyGY	Bh
42346minimum balance	FyH5	d
42347minimum breakdown voltage	FyIW	x
42348minimum channel code	FyJH	l
42349minimum cost deadlock recovery	FyKd	BB
42350minimum cw count	FyLe	2
42351minimum data set	FyMU	l
42352minimum delay code	FyM5	j
42353minimum delay coding	FyNc	o
42354minimum delay programming	FyOE	Bf
42355minimum detectable signal	FyPj	0
42356minimum discernible signal	FyQX	1
42357minimum discriminable signal	FyRM	3
42358minimum distance classification	FySD	4
42359minimum distance classifier	FyS7	BL
42360minimum distance code	FyUG	m
42361minimum distance rectangular path	FyVp	7
42362minimum energy requirement	FyWk	y
42363minimum function	FyXW	e
42364minimum integration	FyX0	h
42365minimum latency	FyYV	j
42366minimum latency code	FyY4	r
42367minimum latency program	FyZj	x
42368minimum latency routine	FyaU	1
42369minimum monthly maintenance charge	FybJ	+
42370minimum operation	FycH	v
42371minimum path cover	Fyc2	m
42372minimum phase shift keying	Fydc	y
42373minimum phase shift network	FyeO	v
42374minimum processing time per operation	Fye9	BP
42375minimum processor and computer	FygM	BD
42376minimum quantity	FyhP	e
42377minimum redundance	Fyht	j
42378minimum shift keying	FyiQ	s
42379minimum signal recognition time	Fyi8	5
42380minimum size executive routines	Fyj1	5
42381minimum spanning tree	Fyku	m
42382minimum state finite automaton	FylU	7
42383minimum station	FymP	g
42384minimum storage	Fymv	g
42385minimum teleprocessing communications system	FynP	BR
42386minimum truncation	Fyog	g
42387minimum virtual memory	FypA	x
42388minimum weight routing	Fypx	BJ
42389miniprocessor	F9k2	h
42390miniprocessor network	F9lX	v
42391ministry of communications	Fys/	s
42392ministry of international trade and industry	Fytr	BL
42393ministry of posts telephone and telegraph	Fyu2	7
42394minitape	Fyvx	W
42395minitape cartridge	FywH	m
42396minitype	Fywt	Q
42397minor	JH5U	N
42398minor class field	Fyw9	f
42399minor control change	Fyxc	1
42400minor control data	FyyR	5
42401minor control field	FyzK	k
42402minor cycle	Fyzu	n
42403minor cycle counter	Fy0V	+
42404minor deflection	FVN3	f
42405minor determinant	Fy1T	f
42406minor key	Fy1y	U
42407minor loop	Fy2G	y
42408minor node	Fy24	V
42409minor sorting	FVca	c
42410minor structure	Fy3N	a
42411minor switch	Fy3n	t
42412minor tick marks	Fy4U	e
42413minor time slice	Fy4y	e
42414minor total	Fy5Q	T
42415minority carrier	Fy5j	u
42416minos pattern recognition machine	Fy6R	7
42417minterm	Fy7M	k
42418minuend	Fy7w	S
42419minus balance	Fy8C	Y
42420minus flag	Fy8a	V
42421minus punch	Fy8v	Z
42422minus rountine	IMlM	p
42423minus zero	Fy9I	S
42424minus zone	Fy9a	V
42425minusone complement	H2Rf	n
42426mirror	Fy9v	s
42427mirror image	Fy+b	U
42428mirror language	Fy+v	d
42429mirror transaction	Fy/M	o
42430mirroring	Fy/0	s
42431mis transistor	FzAg	o
42432misaddress	FzBX	Y
42433miscellaneous	FzBv	V
42434miscellaneous charge	FzCE	i
42435miscellaneous charge detail number	FzCm	8
42436miscellaneous charge form	FzDi	t
42437miscellaneous charge list	FzEP	t
42438miscellaneous charge number	FzE8	v
42439miscellaneous common carrior	FzFr	0
42440miscellaneous cost	FzGf	g
42441miscellaneous data	FzG/	g
42442miscellaneous data record	FzHf	BE
42443miscellaneous description	FzIj	n
42444miscellaneous detail	FzJK	i
42445miscellaneous detail	G9TD	v
42446miscellaneous detail	GxVA	v
42447miscellaneous detail form	FzJs	t
42448miscellaneous detail number	FzKZ	v
42449miscellaneous detail status code	FzLI	3
42450miscellaneous detail unload	FzL/	v
42451miscellaneous equipment specification	FzMu	BD
42452miscellaneous form	FzNx	g
42453miscellaneous function	FzOR	BC
42454miscellaneous intercept	FzPT	y
42455miscellaneous issues	FzQF	i
42456miscellaneous issues transaction	FzQn	0
42457miscellaneous number	FzRb	i
42458miscellaneous receipt transaction	FzR9	1
42459miscellaneous records	FzSy	j
42460miscellaneous simulation generator	FzTV	BW
42461miscellaneous standard fixed cost	FzUr	7
42462miscellaneous standard fixed quantity	FzVm	/
42463miscellaneous standard unit cost	FzWl	6
42464miscellaneous standard unit quantity	FzXf	+
42465miscellaneous time	FzYd	g
42466miscellaneous unidentified transmission	FzY9	/
42467misclassification	FzZ8	t
42468misd computer	Fzap	t
42469misdelivery probability	FzbW	l
42470misfeed	Fzb7	0
42471misidentificaiton	Fzcv	f
42472mismark	FzdO	c
42473mismatch	Fzdq	k
42474mismatch indicator	FzeO	j
42475misoperation	Fzex	X
42476misprint	FzfI	T
42477misrecognition	Fzfb	c
42478misregistration	Fzf3	q
42479miss	IeT8	P
42480missed synchronization	Fzgh	h
42481missend	FzhC	S
42482missile borne computer	FzhU	w
42483missile ground equipment	FziE	w
42484missile guidbance computer	Fzi0	1
42485missile intercept data acquisition system	Fzjp	BP
42486missile system checkout program	Fzk4	/
42487missile system checkout programmer	Fzl3	Bp
42488missile traiectory measurement system	Fzng	BH
42489missile trajectory data system	Fzon	9
42490missile trajectory measurement system	Fzpk	BH
42491missing	Fzqr	d
42492missing address marker	FzrI	n
42493missing code	Fzrv	X
42494missing dots	FzsG	U
42495missing error	Fzsa	b
42496missing factor	Fzs1	Z
42497missing field	FztO	Y
42498missing file control block	Fztm	x
42499missing interrupt check	FzuX	v
42500missing interruption checker	FzvG	BQ
42501missing interruption handler	FzwW	BQ
42502missing page fault	Fzxm	g
42503missing page interrupt	FzyG	k
42504missing page interruption	Fzyq	n
42505missing parameter	FzzR	f
42506missing pulse	Fzzw	b
42507missing segment interrupt	Fz0L	n
42508missing value	Fz0y	s
42509missing variable	Fz1e	b
42510mission analysis computer program	Fz2+	BD
42511mission control center	Fz4B	q
42512mission data reduction	Fz4r	u
42513mission factor	Fz5Z	w
42514mission operation computer	Fz6J	1
42515mission sequence	Fz6+	e
42516mist printer	Fz8H	g
42517mistake	Fz8n	P
42518mistranslation	Fz82	f
42519misunderstanding	Fz9V	Y
42520misuse failure	Fz9t	f
42521mitchell error correcting code	Fz+M	y
42522mix	Fz++	O
42523mix and match	Fz/M	b
42524mix gate	Fz/n	c
42525mix instruction	F0AD	d
42526mixed	F0Ag	U
42527mixed alphabetic and numeric key	F0A0	3
42528mixed amplifier	F0Br	j
42529mixed andor node	F0CO	n
42530mixed base notation	F0C1	y
42531mixed base system	F0Dn	i
42532mixed based numeration system	F0EJ	+
42533mixed chart	F0FH	W
42534mixed chart options	F0Fd	k
42535mixed chart type	F0GB	h
42536mixed code	F0Gi	a
42537mixed code approach	F0G8	k
42538mixed congruential method	F0Hg	q
42539mixed data set	F0IK	f
42540mixed data structure	F0Ip	u
42541mixed density tape	F0JX	m
42542mixed environment	F0J9	f
42543mixed file	F0Kc	Y
42544mixed format print data set	F0K0	4
42545mixed hardware	F0Ls	k
42546mixed integer programming	F0MQ	x
42547mixed language programming	F0NB	u
42548mixed language system	F0Nv	t
42549mixed linear programming	F0Oc	s
42550mixed list	F0PI	V
42551mixed mode	F0Pd	V
42552mixed mode expression	F0Py	p
42553mixed mode tape	F0Qb	g
42554mixed radix	F0Rg	m
42555mixed radix notation	F0S/	o
42556mixed radix numeration	F0SG	5
42557mixed storage	F0Tn	e
42558mixed strategy precedence grammar	F0UF	7
42559mixed type	F0VA	V
42560mixer	F0dd	Q
42561mixing	F0dt	O
42562mixing network	F0d7	c
42563mli plan total	F0eX	o
42564mli reqmts versus forecastcustomer orders	F0e/	BU
42565mli requirements versus forecastorders	F0gT	BL
42566mli resource report	F0he	t
42567mm	F0j2	K
42568mmddyy	F0kA	7
42569mme	F0k7	e
42570mnemomic abbreviation	F0lZ	g
42571mnemonic	F0l5	BH
42572mnemonic address	F0nA	e
42573mnemonic address code	F0ne	m
42574mnemonic assembly language translator	F0oE	BK
42575mnemonic automatic programming	F0pO	7
42576mnemonic code	F0qJ	i
42577mnemonic coding	F0qr	d
42578mnemonic field	F0rI	c
42579mnemonic instruction	F0rk	i
42580mnemonic instruction code	F0sG	q
42581mnemonic language	F0sw	s
42582mnemonic name	F0tc	s
42583mnemonic operation code	F0uI	7
42584mnemonic programming language	F0vD	BD
42585mnemonic symbol	F0wG	q
42586mnemonic table	F0ww	k
42587mnemonic type	F0xU	d
42588mnemonics	F0yD	X
42589mnemonis code	F0ya	Y
42590mnemotechnics	F0yy	Y
42591mnos memory	F0zK	x
42592mobile automatic data experiment	F0z7	Bo
42593mobile automatic programmed checkout equipment	F01j	Bb
42594mobile data acquisition system	F02+	BD
42595mobile digital computer	F04B	5
42596mobile digital data link	F046	1
42597mobile network	F05v	f
42598mobile radio channel	F06O	r
42599mobile remote handler	F065	z
42600mobile scatter communication equipment	F07s	BD
42601mobile service satellite communication	F08v	BD
42602mobile system	F09y	o
42603mobile tactical computer	F0+a	2
42604mobile telephone services	F0/Q	w
42605mocrowave	F1BA	V
42606mod	F1BV	X
42607mod n check	F1Bs	X
42608mod operator	F1CD	a
42609modal analysis program	F1Cd	q
42610modal data acquisition and processing system	F1DH	BW
42611modal length	F1Ed	a
42612modal logic	F1E3	Z
42613mode	1kM	S
42614mode	3+U	S
42615mode	F0YH	S
42616mode	F1FQ	9
42617mode	F9mG	b
42618mode address	F1GN	i
42619mode bit	F1Gv	T
42620mode bit vector	F1HC	g
42621mode change character	F1Hi	p
42622mode communications adapter	FpZh	9
42623mode condition	F1IL	c
42624mode control panel	F1In	6
42625mode controller	F1Jh	j
42626mode convert	F1KE	a
42627mode counter	F1Ke	d
42628mode data processing	47e	r
42629mode data terminal equipment	GdJg	w
42630mode declaration	F1K7	e
42631mode document	F0YZ	e
42632mode dte	HHQC	l
42633mode field	F1LZ	Y
42634mode identifier	F1Lx	w
42635mode indication	F1Mh	q
42636mode indicator	F1NL	v
42637mode instruction format	F1N6	z
42638mode latch buffer	F9mh	t
42639mode name	F1Ot	U
42640mode of chinese speech understanding system	F1PB	BI
42641mode of operation	F1QJ	s
42642mode operation	Dq+J	m
42643mode operation	F9nO	f
42644mode operation	HuPQ	c
42645mode records	JK/5	j
42646mode request register	F1Q1	w
42647mode select	F1Rl	h
42648mode selection	F1SG	c
42649mode setting command	F1Si	l
42650mode specifier	F1TH	f
42651mode state	BLvf	h
42652mode status register	F1Tm	v
42653mode sweep	BLwA	1
42654mode switching	F1UV	1
42655mode table	F1VK	V
42656mode teletex	F0Y3	j
42657mode terminal	BYRP	k
42658mode transducer	F1Vf	j
42659model	F1W2	4
42660model 65 multiprocessing system	F1Xu	+
42661model adjustment technique	F1Ys	r
42662model and program	F1ZX	m
42663model base	F1Z9	V
42664model block	F1aS	W
42665model building language	F1ao	y
42666model decomposition	F1ba	v
42667model generator	F1cJ	2
42668model investigation	ICLK	n
42669model language file	F1c/	n
42670model library	F1dm	Y
42671model line	F1d+	V
42672model loop	F1eT	S
42673model machine	F1el	V
42674model management system	F1e6	r
42675model method	F1fl	X
42676model of recursive definition	F1f8	x
42677model parameter	F1gt	d
42678model parts	F1hK	Z
42679model query translator	F1hj	w
42680model reference system	F1iT	q
42681model space	F1i9	Z
42682model statement	F1jW	d
42683model structure	F1jz	d
42684model terminal	HHQn	i
42685model theory	F1kQ	X
42686model204	F1rQ	BE
42687modeled database	F1sU	k
42688modeling	F1s4	BD
42689modeling production management system	F1t7	/
42690modeling technique	F1u6	BC
42691modelling distributed database system	F1kn	BH
42692modelling event	F1lu	f
42693modelling language	F1mN	BF
42694modelling of data processing	F1nS	1
42695modelling of software fault tolerance strategy	F1oH	BK
42696modelling programmer	F1pR	s
42697modem	F1v8	c
42698modem adapter level 0	F1wY	5
42699modem audio loopback control	F1xR	5
42700modem check control	F1yK	q
42701modem chip	F1y0	b
42702modem control register	F1zP	w
42703modem conversion function	F1z/	w
42704modem digital loopback control	F11Z	7
42705modem evaluation board	F12U	0
42706modem interface unit	F13I	BF
42707modem pool	F14N	Y
42708modem pooling	F14l	e
42709modem status register	F15p	v
42710modem transfer unit	F16Y	u
42711modem transmission rate	F17G	r
42712moder	F192	Z
42713moderately advanced data management	F1+P	Bn
42714modern	GRyF	i
42715modern software technology	F2AY	u
42716modest capacity memory	F2CU	w
42717modest capacity storage	F2DE	x
42718modifiability	F2E2	b
42719modifiable alternate program communication block	F2FR	BT
42720modifiable parameter	F2Gk	l
42721modification	F2HJ	t
42722modification address	F2H2	i
42723modification detection code	F2It	w
42724modification field	F2Jd	g
42725modification level	F2J9	t
42726modification loop	F2Kq	s
42727modification program	F2LW	i
42728modification program	IPuB	l
42729modification review board	F2L4	u
42730modification transmitted memorandum	F2Mm	7
42731modified bessel function	F2Nh	y
42732modified binary code	F2OT	BB
42733modified binary coded decimal	F2PU	BL
42734modified biquinary code	F2Qf	BT
42735modified bit	F2Ry	X
42736modified central computer display set	F2SJ	BR
42737modified complement	F2Ta	h
42738modified data	F2T7	e
42739modified data tag	F2UZ	BY
42740modified decimal number system	F2Vx	BA
42741modified documenter library	F2Wx	4
42742modified duobinary system	F2Xp	w
42743modified frequency modulation	F2YZ	1
42744modified frequency modulation recording	F2ZO	BC
42745modified frequency modulation system	F2aQ	4
42746modified frequency modulation yecoding	F2bI	BD
42747modified integration digital analog system	F2cL	BN
42748modified integration digital analogue simulation	F2dY	Bf
42749modified internal return rate	F2e3	0
42750modified irr mirr	F2fr	q
42751modified miller code	F2gV	o
42752modified modified frequency modulation	F2g9	BC
42753modified page zero addressing	F2is	0
42754modified read	F2jg	b
42755modified residue code	F2j7	m
42756modified sandwich testing	F2kh	1
42757modified subfile record	F2lW	u
42758modified user name	F2my	p
42759modified value	F2nb	Z
42760modifier	F2n0	BW
42761modifier	H5rd	c
42762modifier area	F2pK	b
42763modifier bit	F2pl	X
42764modifier command	F2p8	e
42765modifier data tag	F2qa	s
42766modifier function bit	F2rG	m
42767modifier register	F2rs	1
42768modify	F2sh	g
42769modify	F2tB	U
42770modify access type	F2tV	m
42771modify address	F2t7	f
42772modify field	F2ua	d
42773modify field subcommand	F2u3	u
42774modify instruction	F2vl	g
42775modify page zero	F2wF	h
42776modify register	F2wm	l
42777modify ticket	F2xo	b
42778modifying channel program	IPum	6
42779modifying function	IPvg	j
42780modifying instruction	IPwD	0
42781modifying operation	IPw3	y
42782modifying program	IPxp	w
42783modula	F2yD	U
42784modular	F2yX	9
42785modular accounting system	F2zU	0
42786modular analog computer	F20I	x
42787modular analysis processor	F205	1
42788modular application customizing system	F21u	BZ
42789modular application executive	F23H	+
42790modular application system	F24F	1
42791modular approach	F246	h
42792modular approach to software construction operatio	F25b	Bf
42793modular architecture	F266	i
42794modular arithmetic	F27c	j
42795modular automatic test equipment system	F27/	BP
42796modular character	F29O	f
42797modular computer	F29t	BC
42798modular computer	FOON	q
42799modular computer breadboard	F2+v	8
42800modular computer sharing	F2/r	2
42801modular computer system	F3Ah	x
42802modular concurrent program	F3BS	x
42803modular connector	F3CD	l
42804modular construction	F3Co	y
42805modular control	F3Da	d
42806modular converter	F3D3	l
42807modular data acquisition and control subsystem	F3Ec	Be
42808modular data system	F3F6	u
42809modular data transaction system	F3Go	Bd
42810modular data transaction system	F3IF	Bd
42811modular data transfer system	F3Ji	Ba
42812modular design	F3K8	v
42813modular equipment storage assembly	F3Lr	BE
42814modular industrial terminal	F3Mv	2
42815modular information processing equipment	F3Nl	BK
42816modular information processor	F3Ov	BU
42817modular input output system	F3QD	+
42818modular inputoutput system	F3RB	9
42819modular intelligent terminal	F3R+	3
42820modular inventory control system	F3S1	BE
42821modular inventory management simulator	F3T5	BI
42822modular laboratory computer	F3VB	4
42823modular language	F3V5	e
42824modular method	F3WX	Z
42825modular microcomputer	F3Ww	v
42826modular microcomputer component	F3Xf	8
42827modular microprogram machine	F3Yb	3
42828modular microprogramming	F3ZS	y
42829modular multimicroprocessor architecture	F3aE	Bn
42830modular office system terminal	F3br	BD
42831modular one dynamic user system	F3cu	9
42832modular operating procedure	F3dr	z
42833modular operating system	F3ee	BJ
42834modular optical digital interface	F3fn	BD
42835modular organization	F3gq	i
42836modular peripheral converter	F3hM	BA
42837modular peripheral interface	F3iM	5
42838modular pl1 program	F3jF	p
42839modular program	F3ju	g
42840modular programming	F3kO	BA
42841modular programming system	F3lO	3
42842modular redundancy	F3mF	5
42843modular redundancy	GLqI	j
42844modular storage	F9nt	n
42845modular store control unit	F3nc	5
42846modular structure microcomputer	F3oV	8
42847modular supercomputer architecture	F3pR	BC
42848modular system	F3qT	v
42849modular system program	F3rC	x
42850modular system programs for the system7	F3rz	BN
42851modular terminal processor	F3tA	4
42852modular terminal support software package	F3t4	BJ
42853modular timing terminal unit	F3vB	+
42854modular tree representation	F3v/	5
42855modular unit	F3w4	g
42856modular universal terminal	F3xY	1
42857modularity	F3zB	z
42858modularization	F3z0	j
42859modularized circuit	F30X	k
42860modularized hardware	F307	l
42861modularized program	F31g	k
42862modulate	F32E	b
42863modulated amplifier	F32f	n
42864modulated carrier	F33G	i
42865modulated continuous wave	F33o	u
42866modulated signal	F34W	e
42867modulating and demodulating unit	F340	5
42868modulating and demodulating units	F35t	9
42869modulating frequency	F36q	i
42870modulating signal	F37M	s
42871modulating wave	F374	a
42872modulation	F38S	Z
42873modulation	Jgr4	k
42874modulation code	F38r	k
42875modulation envelope	F39P	k
42876modulation factor	F39z	s
42877modulation frequency	F3+f	i
42878modulation index	F3/B	e
42879modulation mode	F3/f	d
42880modulation monitor	F3/8	j
42881modulation noise	F4Af	e
42882modulation rate	F4A9	x
42883modulation ratio	F4Bu	b
42884modulation system	GdDe	i
42885modulation type multiplier	F4CJ	u
42886modulation with a fixed reference	F4C3	1
42887modulator	F4EL	k
42888modulator crystal	F4Ev	f
42889modulatordemodulator	F4F6	v
42890modulatoroscillator	F4Gp	z
42891module	F4Hc	BO
42892module access unit	F9oU	/
42893module attribute	F4JU	e
42894module board	F4Jy	X
42895module body	F4KJ	W
42896module check	F4Kf	a
42897module checking routine	F4K5	r
42898module complex library	F4Lk	n
42899module control unit	F4ML	o
42900module declaration	F4Mz	g
42901module drive	FxMD	p
42902module entry point	F4NT	j
42903module file	F4N2	Z
42904module frame	F4OP	U
42905module information	F4Oj	g
42906module interconnection language	F4PD	3
42907module interface	F4P6	e
42908module key	F4QY	b
42909module library	F4Qz	f
42910module loading order	F4RS	o
42911module management language	F4R6	y
42912module name	F4Ss	W
42913module name table	F4TC	j
42914module origin	F4Tl	h
42915module programming	F4Iq	q
42916module specification	F4UG	o
42917module structure	F4Uu	e
42918moduling transform	F4Vt	j
42919modulization	F4WQ	X
42920modulo	F4Wn	W
42921modulo 2 addition	F4W9	d
42922modulo arithmetic	F4Xa	c
42923modulo check	F4X2	n
42924modulo counter	F4Yd	c
42925modulo n check	F4Y5	q
42926modulo symbol	F4Zj	Y
42927modulor application system training	F4fi	9
42928modulus	F4gf	h
42929modulus 10 checkingmodulus 11 checking	F4hA	8
42930modulus operator	F4h8	e
42931modulus selection	F4ia	f
42932mogill university system for interactive computing	F4i5	Bb
42933mohawk data language	F4kU	v
42934mohawk synchronous communications	F4lk	8
42935moisture	F4nO	e
42936mojor control cycles	F4n5	l
42937molccular beam epitaxy	F4oe	r
42938molectronics	F4pl	d
42939molecular bonding	F4qm	f
42940molecular circuit	F4rF	f
42941molecular distillation	F4qC	k
42942molecular electronics	F4rk	m
42943molecular integrated circuit	F4sK	w
42944molecularized digital computer	F4s6	BB
42945molecule model program	F4t7	u
42946molybdenum	F4up	S
42947molybdenum permalloy	F4u7	l
42948moment	F4vg	b
42949moment method	F4v7	Y
42950moment of inertia	F4wT	c
42951moment problem	F4wv	c
42952momentary connections	F4xL	l
42953momentary contact	F4xw	i
42954momentary position	F4yS	g
42955momentary pushbutton switch	F4yy	t
42956momentum	F4zf	Q
42957monad	F4zv	N
42958monadic	F4z8	S
42959monadic boolean operation	F40O	BA
42960monadic boolean operator	F419	v
42961monadic boolean operator	F41O	v
42962monadic indicant	F42s	h
42963monadic indication	F43N	g
42964monadic instruction	F43t	h
42965monadic operand	F44O	z
42966monadic operation	F45B	BT
42967monadic operator	F46U	w
42968money	F47w	S
42969money transfer system	F48C	BT
42970mongen	F49V	U
42971mongen time	F49p	Z
42972monitir	H9h7	V
42973monitor	F4+C	BH
42974monitor address	F4/J	g
42975monitor algorithm	F4/p	l
42976monitor and control	F5AO	f
42977monitor and control protocol	F5At	q
42978monitor and control sublayer	F5BX	q
42979monitor bit	F5CB	Z
42980monitor call	F5Ca	2
42981monitor call instruction	F5DQ	1
42982monitor call intercept facility	F5EF	BF
42983monitor command	F5FK	w
42984monitor command description	F5F6	v
42985monitor command mode	F5Gp	u
42986monitor communication	G3hX	2
42987monitor console	F5HX	w
42988monitor console routine	F5IH	Bk
42989monitor console routine dispactcher	F5Jr	BK
42990monitor console routine dispatcher	F5K1	BK
42991monitor control	F5L/	j
42992monitor control dump	F5Mi	u
42993monitor control language	F5NQ	BN
42994monitor controller	F5Od	p
42995monitor data base	F5PG	i
42996monitor data equipment	F5Po	y
42997monitor desk	F5Qa	X
42998monitor display	F5Qx	d
42999monitor display support	F5RO	r
43000monitor error message	F5R5	p
43001monitor event simulation system	F5Si	+
43002monitor generator	F5UI	y
43003monitor group	F5U6	Y
43004monitor incoming job	F5V9	o
43005monitor instruction	F5Wl	h
43006monitor interrupt	F5XG	f
43007monitor io queue	F5VS	r
43008monitor location	F5Xl	p
43009monitor message	F5YO	d
43010monitor mode	F5Yr	a
43011monitor operating system	F5ZF	s
43012monitor operation	F5Zx	f
43013monitor out	F5aQ	Z
43014monitor out of service	F5ap	w
43015monitor output	F5bZ	i
43016monitor overlay	F5b7	j
43017monitor printer	F5ce	BG
43018monitor procedure	F5dk	f
43019monitor program	F5eD	3
43020monitor routine	F5e6	9
43021monitor scheduler	F5f3	l
43022monitor signal	F5gc	c
43023monitor stack area	F5g4	p
43024monitor state	F5hh	b
43025monitor station reports	F5h8	y
43026monitor swapping characteristic	F5iu	5
43027monitor system	F5jn	p
43028monitor system	F9pT	i
43029monitor system	H/44	t
43030monitor task	F5kQ	a
43031monitor terminal	F5kq	e
43032monitor unit	F5lI	+
43033monitor working area	F5mG	r
43034monitorcontrol panel	F5mx	m
43035monitored automatic control system	F5nX	8
43036monitored command code	F5oT	r
43037monitored control system	F5o+	m
43038monitored instruction	F5pk	o
43039monitored local job	F5qM	n
43040monitored mode	F5qz	c
43041monitoring	F5rP	g
43042monitoring and control station	F5rv	u
43043monitoring command	F5sd	g
43044monitoring data	F5s9	d
43045monitoring device	F5ta	f
43046monitoring dynamic process	F5t5	u
43047monitoring environment	F5un	k
43048monitoring facilities	F5vL	w
43049monitoring identification and correlation	F5v7	BE
43050monitoring information	F5w/	k
43051monitoring key	F5xj	j
43052monitoring process	F5yG	g
43053monitoring program	F5ym	t
43054monitoring system	IPyZ	i
43055monitoring system microprocessor	F5zT	9
43056mono chromt	F50Q	T
43057mono graphics adapter	F50j	w
43058monoboard computer	F52j	j
43059monobrids	F53G	g
43060monobrids construction	F53m	z
43061monochromatic signal	F54Z	i
43062monochrome	F547	S
43063monochrome console	F55N	j
43064monochrome display	F55w	g
43065monochrome graphics	F56Q	h
43066monochrome image	F56x	e
43067monochromt display	F57P	j
43068monocode	F57y	T
43069monocrystalline silicon	F58F	i
43070monofile monovolume	F58n	k
43071monofile multivolume	F59L	l
43072monolithic	F59w	m
43073monolithic ad converter	F5+W	6
43074monolithic array computer	F5/Q	w
43075monolithic array logic	F6AA	u
43076monolithic chip	F6Au	d
43077monolithic circuit structure	F6BL	t
43078monolithic computing system	F6B4	v
43079monolithic da converter	F6Cn	w
43080monolithic da interface	F6DX	6
43081monolithic design automation	F6ER	3
43082monolithic element	F6FI	g
43083monolithic head	F6Fo	y
43084monolithic hybrid circuit	F6Ga	t
43085monolithic ic	F6HH	h
43086monolithic integrated circuit	F6Ho	Be
43087monolithic main memory	F6Jh	u
43088monolithic memory	F6KP	i
43089monolithic microcomputer	F6Kx	s
43090monolithic microwave integrated circuits	F6Ld	BH
43091monolithic module	F6Mk	f
43092monolithic processor	F6ND	o
43093monolithic processors	F6Nr	q
43094monolithic storage	F6OV	j
43095monolithic substrate	F6O4	r
43096monolithic system technology	F6Pj	w
43097monolithic systems technology	F6QT	1
43098monolithic technology	F6RI	j
43099monophase microinstruction	F6Si	r
43100monoprocessor	F6TN	b
43101monoprogrammed	F6To	f
43102monosemantic	F6UH	X
43103monospace characters	F6Ue	l
43104monospacing	F6VD	c
43105monostability	F6Vf	Y
43106monostable	F6V3	f
43107monostable	JKA4	e
43108monostable circuit	F6XN	BA
43109monostable multivbrator	F6Yi	r
43110monostable multivibrator	F6ZN	3
43111monostable trigger	F6aE	5
43112monostable trigger circuit	F6WW	3
43113monostable trigger circuit	F6a9	BE
43114monotone	F6cB	Q
43115monotone restriction	F6dh	i
43116monotonic boolean function	F6e1	y
43117monotonic boolean function	F6eD	y
43118monotonic function	F6fn	g
43119monotonic operation	F6gH	h
43120monrobot automatic internal diagnosis	F6go	BQ
43121monte carlo method	F6h4	j
43122monte carlo method	HyiQ	m
43123monte carlo simulation	F6ib	t
43124month to date	F6k6	w
43125monthly activity file	F6me	j
43126monthly close	F6nB	V
43127monthly maintenance charge	F6nW	v
43128monthly rental charge	F6oF	q
43129monthly statement	F6ov	Z
43130monthly tax report	F6pI	j
43131moon rocks program	F6pr	q
43132moore code	F6qV	V
43133moore constant ratio code	F6qq	q
43134moore machine	F6rU	Y
43135moore school automatic computer	F6rs	BB
43136mop	F6st	b
43137more items	F6tI	S
43138more keys	F6ta	U
43139more screen status	F6tu	k
43140morpheme	F6uS	Q
43141morphic function	F6ui	e
43142morphism	F6vA	Q
43143morphology	F6vQ	V
43144morse automatic decoder	F6vl	3
43145morse code	F6wc	V
43146morse code	F6wx	Y
43147morse code signal	F6xJ	l
43148morse duplex	F6xu	g
43149morse key	F6yO	X
43150morse operation	F6yl	g
43151morse printer	F6zF	h
43152morse recorder	F6zm	i
43153morse simplex	F60I	h
43154mos dynamic random access memory	F60p	BA
43155mos transistor	F61p	o
43156mosaic	F62R	l
43157mosaic character set	F622	l
43158mosaic mapping	F63b	c
43159mosaic printer	F633	y
43160mosaic printing	F64p	q
43161mosaic set	F65T	V
43162mosaic structure	F65o	e
43163mosfet	F66G	g
43164mosfet shift register cell	F66m	Bf
43165most probable distribution	F68F	u
43166most signifcant digit	F68z	p
43167most significant	F69c	4
43168most significant bit	F6+U	8
43169most significant character	F6/Q	BV
43170most significant digit	F7Al	Br
43171most significant package	F7CQ	v
43172motel bus	F7D/	Z
43173mother block	F7EY	a
43174mother board	F7Ey	e
43175mother study	F7FQ	a
43176mother unit	F7Fq	g
43177motherboard	F7Gu	T
43178motion control	F7HB	p
43179motion picture	F7Hq	W
43180motion register	F7IA	o
43181motivated	dOH	k
43182motivated	dOr	k
43183motor	F7Io	b
43184motor	IcPP	T
43185motor advance	F7JD	o
43186motor check	F7Jr	Z
43187motor check light	F7KE	o
43188motor connector	F7Ks	t
43189motor control hybrids	CJKy	4
43190motor controller	IcPi	n
43191motor drive	F7LZ	Z
43192motor generator	F7Ly	BT
43193motorola active interface diagnosis	F7OG	BO
43194motorola automatic sequential computer operated te	F7PU	Bz
43195motorola disc operating system	F7RH	BD
43196motorola disk operating system	F7SK	BD
43197motorola kit expansion products	F7TN	Bb
43198motorola memory system	F7Uo	3
43199motorola processing unit	F7Vf	2
43200mount	F7WV	s
43201mount a device	F7XX	c
43202mount a volumn	F7Xz	c
43203mount attribute	F7YP	d
43204mount count	F7Ys	Z
43205mount message	F7ZF	b
43206mount tape	F7XB	W
43207mountain system digital automatic computer	F7Z3	BT
43208mounted	x3p	Y
43209mounted media	F7bK	e
43210mounted volume table address	F7bo	z
43211mounting a file structure	F7cb	w
43212mounting thread	F7dL	d
43213mouse	F7do	BJ
43214mouse technology	F7ex	k
43215mouth	F7fV	K
43216movable computer	F7ff	k
43217movable control	F7gD	d
43218movable head disk	F7gg	i
43219movable heads	F7hC	d
43220movable random access memory	F7hf	8
43221movable termination	F7ib	k
43222move	F7jd	T
43223move after	F7jw	S
43224move before	F7kC	T
43225move character substring	F7kV	s
43226move character to primary	F7lB	+
43227move character to secondary	F7l/	BA
43228move command	F7m/	a
43229move immediate	F7nZ	r
43230move immediate memory	F7oE	8
43231move instruction	F7pA	BG
43232move inverse	F7qG	f
43233move lines command	F7ql	m
43234move long instruction	F7rL	u
43235move mode	F7r5	z
43236move parameter	F7ss	c
43237move place	F7tI	Y
43238move statement	F7tg	c
43239move time	F7t8	X
43240move time in days	F7uT	f
43241move to operationlocation from	F7uy	9
43242move transaction	F7vv	e
43243move transaction form	F7wN	p
43244moveable target image processor	F7w2	+
43245movement	F7x0	X
43246movement command	F7yL	e
43247movement controller	F7yp	k
43248moving arm disk	F7zN	w
43249moving average	F7z9	f
43250moving average filter	F70c	s
43251moving cursor	F71I	b
43252moving head	F71j	4
43253moving head disk	F72b	h
43254moving map display	F728	t
43255moving seasonal ratio	F73p	s
43256moving type box printer	F74V	x
43257mps extended methods improvement program	F751	Bg
43258mpxable device	F773	f
43259mrn	F78W	X
43260mrp assistance menu	F78t	k
43261mrp planning exception code	F79R	v
43262mru	F7+A	Q
43263msb	F7+w	V
43264msd	F7/F	b
43265msgser	F7/g	b
43266msr	F7/7	X
43267mtaacp	F8AS	n
43268muirhead facsimile copier equipment	F8A5	BJ
43269muller code	H4+d	c
43270mult	F8CC	S
43271multi bus	F8DI	a
43272multi mode	F8Di	Y
43273multi parts	F8D6	W
43274multi station control unit	F8EQ	w
43275multi way branch	F8FA	e
43276multiaccess	F+ii	W
43277multiaccess airline agent reservation system	F+i4	BP
43278multiaccess channel	F+kH	n
43279multiaccess computer	F+ku	v
43280multiaccess computer switching	F+ld	7
43281multiaccess protocol	F+mY	o
43282multiaddress instruction	F+n8	s
43283multiaperture logic element	F+oo	0
43284multiapplication monitor	F+pc	Bp
43285multiarchitecture computer	F+rF	x
43286multiarchitecture machine	F+r2	1
43287multiaspect indexing	F+sr	7
43288multiattribute data	F+tm	k
43289multiband chmera	F+uK	h
43290multibank parallel memory	F+ur	w
43291multibanking system	F+vb	p
43292multibatch processing	F+wE	j
43293multibit latching	F+wn	f
43294multibit shift	F+xG	c
43295multibranch	F+xi	t
43296multibus	F+yP	Z
43297multibus compatible	F+yo	t
43298multibus compatible colour graphic system	F+zV	BS
43299multibus control	F+0n	n
43300multibus module	F+1O	m
43301multibus multiprocessor	F+10	0
43302multibus network	F+2o	n
43303multibus processor	F+3P	s
43304multibyte	F+37	U
43305multibyte subtraction	F+4P	m
43306multicast	F+41	R
43307multicast addressing	F+5G	o
43308multicast group address	F+5u	u
43309multicategory system	F+6c	l
43310multichannel	F+7B	h
43311multichannel access	F+7i	k
43312multichannel adapter	F+8G	o
43313multichannel analysis	F+9q	m
43314multichannel carrier	F++Q	i
43315multichannel coincidence system	F++y	2
43316multichannel communication	F+/o	r
43317multichannel communication program	F/AT	6
43318multichannel communication support	F/BN	9
43319multichannel communication system	F/CK	8
43320multichannel communications controller	F/DG	BB
43321multichannel cycle stealing	F/EH	y
43322multichannel data register	F/E5	4
43323multichannel disk	F/Fx	i
43324multichannel error correction	F/GT	0
43325multichannel interface controller	F/HH	BA
43326multichannel magnetic tape	F/IH	o
43327multichannel memory system	F/Iv	2
43328multichannel multiplexing	F/Jl	q
43329multichannel multiplier	F/KP	r
43330multichannel recorder	F/K6	m
43331multichannel recording head	F/Lg	s
43332multichip	F/MM	g
43333multichip circuit	F/Ms	j
43334multichip integrated circuit	F/NP	w
43335multichip large scale integrated microcomputer	F/N/	BU
43336multichip module	F/PT	e
43337multiclass	F/Px	Z
43338multicolored symbol	F/QK	h
43339multicolumn printing	F/Qr	i
43340multicomponent	F/RN	t
43341multicomponent architecture	F/R6	s
43342multicomponent circuit	F/Sm	r
43343multicomputer	F/TR	b
43344multicomputer communication system	F/Ts	8
43345multicomputer environment	F/Uo	t
43346multicomputer management	F/VV	s
43347multicomputer system	F/WB	7
43348multicomputer version	F/W8	p
43349multicomputing unit	F/Xl	BA
43350multiconverter vector	F/Yl	v
43351multicriterion	F/aL	c
43352multicycle data entry	F/an	s
43353multicycle decimal and character operation	F/bT	BQ
43354multicycle sort	F/cj	g
43355multidata base	F/dD	c
43356multidata entry system	F/df	y
43357multidecision game	F/eR	m
43358multideclared label	F/e3	n
43359multidefined case label	F/fe	0
43360multidefined label	F/gS	m
43361multidestination protocol	F/g4	z
43362multidigit	F/hr	S
43363multidigit shifting	F/h9	h
43364multidimension network	F/ie	k
43365multidimension turing machine	F/jC	u
43366multidimensional architecture	F/jw	x
43367multidimensional array	F/kh	k
43368multidimensional array access	F/lF	x
43369multidimensional array element name	F/l2	6
43370multidimensional binary search tree	F/mw	BI
43371multidimensional data structure	F/n4	z
43372multidimensional formal language	F/or	0
43373multidimensional language	F/pf	n
43374multidimensional subscript	F/qG	o
43375multidimensional system	F/qu	l
43376multidimensional tasking	F/rT	w
43377multidimensional tree	F/sD	g
43378multidimensioned array	F/sj	k
43379multidimensions operating system	F/tH	0
43380multidisplay control unit	F/t7	BI
43381multidisplay terminal	F/vD	m
43382multidomain	F/vp	T
43383multidomain adaptive parameter	F/v8	y
43384multidomain network	F/wu	h
43385multidomain structure	F/xP	j
43386multidrop	F/xy	X
43387multidrop circuit	F/y2	f
43388multidrop communication network	F/zV	z
43389multidrop connection	F/0I	i
43390multidrop line	F/0q	BQ
43391multidrop loop controller	F/16	BJ
43392multidrop network	F/yJ	t
43393multiend point connection	F/3D	t
43394multientry	F/3w	V
43395multiextent file	F/43	h
43396multifield index	F/5Y	h
43397multifile database	F/55	m
43398multifilm output device	F/6f	BI
43399multifont	F/7n	e
43400multifont optical reader	F/8F	v
43401multifont page reader	F/80	v
43402multifont reader	F/9j	k
43403multiform	F/+H	BB
43404multiform printer	F//I	p
43405multifrequency pushbutton set	F//x	x
43406multifrequency receiver	GAAi	s
43407multifrequency terminal	GABO	l
43408multifrequency tone	GABz	h
43409multifunction board	GACU	h
43410multifunction card machine	GAC1	z
43411multifunction communications adapter	GADo	BD
43412multifunction communications base	GAEr	4
43413multifunction converter	GAFj	r
43414multifunction equipment	GAGO	s
43415multifunction executive	GAG6	y
43416multifunction fading	GAHs	o
43417multifunction module	GAIU	l
43418multifunction processor	GAI5	z
43419multifunction protocol converter	GAJs	Br
43420multifunctional chinese language informatin proces	GALX	BP
43421multifunctional operating system	GAMm	3
43422multifunctional pipeline	GANd	s
43423multifunctional workstation	GAOu	v
43424multigap head	GAPd	b
43425multihead	GAP4	U
43426multijob operation	GAQ5	j
43427multikey index file	GARc	n
43428multikey retrieval	GASD	g
43429multilaminate	GASj	Y
43430multilanguage operating system	GAS7	1
43431multilanguage processor	GATw	BB
43432multilayer	GAUx	S
43433multilayer board	GAVD	h
43434multilayer interconnection	GAVk	o
43435multilayer metallization	GAWM	m
43436multilayer microfiche	GAWy	p
43437multilayer motherboard	GAXb	k
43438multilayer printed board	GAX/	p
43439multilayer printed working board	GAYo	3
43440multilayer technology	GAZf	j
43441multilayered photoetched circuit board	GAaj	9
43442multilayered stochastic language	GAbg	0
43443multilead	GAcU	U
43444multileaving	GAco	1
43445multileaving remote job entry	GAdd	BK
43446multileaving remote job entry work station	GAen	Bb
43447multileaving remote terminal processor	GAgC	BM
43448multilength arithmetic	GAhO	q
43449multilevel	GAh4	f
43450multilevel address	GAiX	g
43451multilevel coding	GAi3	f
43452multilevel index	GAjW	e
43453multilevel indirect addressing	GAj0	y
43454multilevel logical structure	GAkm	w
43455multilevel mixed mode	GAlW	p
43456multilevel modelling structure	GAl/	BO
43457multilevel nand circuit	GAnN	t
43458multilevel nor circuit	GAn6	s
43459multilevel plexus structure	GAom	s
43460multilevel priority interrupts	GApS	1
43461multilevel processing	GAqH	j
43462multilevel schema	GAqq	f
43463multilevel vectored interrupt logic	GArJ	9
43464multiline automatic calling system	GAsG	Bd
43465multiline automatic network diagnostic and transmi	GAtj	Bm
43466multiline communications adapterattachment	GAvJ	BT
43467multiline communications processor	GAwc	BC
43468multiline controller	GAxe	BP
43469multiline message	GAyt	f
43470multilinear system	GAzM	m
43471multilingual function	GAzy	m
43472multilingual information processing	GA0Y	6
43473multilingual information processing system	GA1S	BH
43474multilingual translation	GA2Z	p
43475multilingual word processor	GA3C	1
43476multilink	GA33	h
43477multilink	GA4Y	BP
43478multilink channel interface	GA5n	3
43479multilinked list	GA6e	h
43480multilinked structure	GA6/	p
43481multilist chain	GA7o	a
43482multilist file	GA8C	c
43483multilist organization	GA8e	k
43484multilist software	GA9C	g
43485multiloop communication network	GA9i	z
43486multimaster system bus	GA+V	2
43487multimedia database	GA/L	n
43488multimegabit communication speed	GA/y	3
43489multimessage interface	GBAp	7
43490multimetering	GBBk	1
43491multimicroprogrammable	GBCZ	BD
43492multimini computer compiler	GBDc	BA
43493multimini computer structure	GBEc	2
43494multimode	GBFS	U
43495multimode error analysis	GBFm	w
43496multimode information distribution system	GBGW	BL
43497multimode international data acquisition service	GBHh	BZ
43498multinational character set	GBI6	BC
43499multinest	GBJ8	X
43500multinode file entry	GBKT	r
43501multioperand	GBK+	a
43502multioperand adder	GBLY	p
43503multioperation	GBMB	p
43504multioperation capability	GBMq	t
43505multioperation distribution	GBNX	v
43506multioperation processor	GBOG	v
43507multioutlet assembler	GBO1	s
43508multioutput system	GAQM	t
43509multipacket message	GBPh	u
43510multipartition	GBQP	Z
43511multiparty call	GBQo	d
43512multipass automaton	GBRF	4
43513multipass sort	GBR9	i
43514multipath delay	GBTU	d
43515multipath distortion	GBTx	i
43516multipath interference	GBUT	r
43517multipath signal	GBU+	n
43518multipath translation	GBVl	j
43519multipath transmission	GBWI	k
43520multiphase clock	GBXU	e
43521multiphase clock system	GBXy	BE
43522multiphase compiler	GBY2	q
43523multiphase program	GBZg	j
43524multiple	FxGH	e
43525multiple	GBaD	u
43526multiple access	GBax	3
43527multiple access channel	GBbo	r
43528multiple access computer	GBcT	BG
43529multiple access computer system	GBdZ	BE
43530multiple access data system	GBed	6
43531multiple access device	GBfX	+
43532multiple access digital system	GBgV	9
43533multiple access discrete address	GBhS	/
43534multiple access forward link	GBiR	w
43535multiple access interface	GBjB	x
43536multiple access level	GBjy	m
43537multiple access pass	GBkY	o
43538multiple access path	GBlA	o
43539multiple access plan	GBlo	o
43540multiple access protocol	GBmQ	/
43541multiple access remote computer	GBnP	BB
43542multiple access retrieval system	GBoQ	/
43543multiple access return link user	GBpP	6
43544multiple access sequential selection	GBqJ	Bf
43545multiple access switching system	GBsm	/
43546multiple access system	GBtl	q
43547multiple access test	GBuP	/
43548multiple access time	GBvO	7
43549multiple access unit	GBw8	/
43550multiple accumulating register	GBx7	y
43551multiple activity	GByt	f
43552multiple adapter	GBzM	m
43553multiple address	GBzy	i
43554multiple address code	GB0U	n
43555multiple address computer	GB07	t
43556multiple address instruction	GB1o	BE
43557multiple address message	GB2s	5
43558multiple address processing system	GB3l	5
43559multiple address processing unit	GB4e	8
43560multiple address traffic	GB5a	5
43561multiple allocation procedure	GB6T	BO
43562multiple alternative decision	GB7h	u
43563multiple amplitude shift keying	GB8P	1
43564multiple apertured reluctance switch	GB9E	9
43565multiple application function	GB+B	x
43566multiple argument routine	GB+y	q
43567multiple arithmetic	GB/c	h
43568multiple array processor	GB/9	w
43569multiple aspect searching	GCAt	q
43570multiple assignment	GCBX	h
43571multiple assignment statement	GCB4	x
43572multiple associative memory match	GCCp	7
43573multiple attribute retrieval	GCDk	t
43574multiple attribute tree database organization	GCER	BN
43575multiple basic channel	GCFe	u
43576multiple batch mode user	GCGM	y
43577multiple bit latches	GCG+	l
43578multiple block boundary	GCHj	r
43579multiple branch	GCIO	d
43580multiple branching	GCIr	g
43581multiple buffer	GCJL	d
43582multiple bus	GCJo	d
43583multiple bus architecture	GCKF	q
43584multiple bus multiprocessor system	GCKv	BF
43585multiple business system	GCL0	2
43586multiple call processing unit	GCMq	BS
43587multiple central processing unit	GCN8	5
43588multiple central processor	GCO1	u
43589multiple chained construction	GCPj	u
43590multiple channel analysis program	GCQR	9
43591multiple channel control unit	GCRO	2
43592multiple channel processing unit	GCSE	8
43593multiple character request	GCTA	r
43594multiple check	GCTr	c
43595multiple child pointer	GCUH	s
43596multiple chip hybrid circuit	GCUz	w
43597multiple chip package	GCVj	q
43598multiple cluster control	GCW7	z
43599multiple coincidence	GCXu	i
43600multiple communication conrol unit	GCYQ	+
43601multiple communication control unit	GCZO	/
43602multiple computer complex	GCaN	3
43603multiple computer operation	GCbE	v
43604multiple computer support	GCbz	Bj
43605multiple computer system	GCdW	BF
43606multiple connector	GCeb	z
43607multiple console	GCfO	e
43608multiple console support	GCfs	Be
43609multiple console time sharing system	GChK	+
43610multiple contact	GCiI	h
43611multiple control unit computer	GCip	1
43612multiple copy	GCje	w
43613multiple copy averaging	GCkO	t
43614multiple copy screen	GCk7	p
43615multiple correlation analysis	GClk	x
43616multiple correlation coefficient	GCmV	0
43617multiple data	GDhK	s
43618multiple data call	GCnJ	j
43619multiple data channel	GCns	m
43620multiple data format	GCoS	l
43621multiple data link controller	GCo3	/
43622multiple data stream computer	GCp2	0
43623multiple data streams	GDez	4
43624multiple data terminal	GCqq	q
43625multiple decade counter	GCrU	x
43626multiple decision	GCsF	f
43627multiple declaration	GCsk	v
43628multiple dedicated bus	GCtT	q
43629multiple defined symbol	GCt9	r
43630multiple definition global symbol	GCuo	7
43631multiple definition library	GCvj	y
43632multiple device controller	GCwV	1
43633multiple device file	GCxK	l
43634multiple digit adder	GCxv	o
43635multiple digital recording	GCyX	r
43636multiple dimensional tape turing machine	GCzC	8
43637multiple directory	GCz+	j
43638multiple display indicator	GC0h	1
43639multiple document indexing	GC1W	u
43640multiple dump processing	GC2E	s
43641multiple eigenvalue	GC2w	k
43642multiple entrance	GC3U	t
43643multiple entry	GC4B	c
43644multiple entrymultiple exit	GC4d	BW
43645multiple error	GC5z	p
43646multiple evaluation	GC6c	h
43647multiple exchange	GC69	s
43648multiple execution	GC7p	m
43649multiple execution environment	GC8P	v
43650multiple execution state	GC8+	s
43651multiple exit	GC9q	p
43652multiple explict routes	GC+T	o
43653multiple external line control unit	GC+7	BG
43654multiple fault test set	GDAB	u
43655multiple fault testable system	GDAv	4
43656multiple fault testing	GDBn	q
43657multiple faults	GDCR	d
43658multiple field editing	GDCu	n
43659multiple field multiplication	GDDV	u
43660multiple file	GDED	Y
43661multiple file clause	GDEb	l
43662multiple files print	GDFA	o
43663multiple frame operation	GDFo	m
43664multiple frequency shift keying	GDGO	1
43665multiple functional unit processor	GDHD	8
43666multiple general purpose register	GDH/	9
43667multiple goal programming	GDI8	0
43668multiple graphs	GDJw	a
43669multiple high speed data channel	GDKK	BD
43670multiple host support	GDLN	q
43671multiple image	GDMl	c
43672multiple index data access system	GDNB	BE
43673multiple indexing addressing	GDOF	z
43674multiple indexing and console retrieval options	GDO4	Be
43675multiple indirect addressing	GDQW	BD
43676multiple indirect file	GDRZ	q
43677multiple information retrieval by parallel selecti	GDSD	Be
43678multiple input data acquisition system	GDTh	BL
43679multiple input process	GDUs	q
43680multiple input terminal equipment	GDVW	BA
43681multiple inputoutput	GDWW	BA
43682multiple instruction	GDXW	f
43683multiple instruction flow	GDaf	n
43684multiple instruction flow computer	GDbG	5
43685multiple instruction signal data stream	GDb/	BB
43686multiple instruction stream	GDdA	p
43687multiple instruction stream multiple data strea	GDX1	BV
43688multiple instruction stream multiple data stream	GDdp	BK
43689multiple instruction stream single data stream	GDZK	BV
43690multiple interfacing processor	GDjN	1
43691multiple internal communication system	GDkC	BF
43692multiple interpolation	GDlH	k
43693multiple interrupt	GDlr	d
43694multiple io channel	GDL3	u
43695multiple key data base	GDmI	q
43696multiple key file	GDmy	c
43697multiple key hashing	GDnO	5
43698multiple key organization	GDoH	n
43699multiple key retrieval	GDou	p
43700multiple keyed record	GDpX	w
43701multiple label	GDqH	c
43702multiple layer architecture	GDqj	p
43703multiple length	GDrM	d
43704multiple length number	GDrp	n
43705multiple length working	GDsQ	r
43706multiple level	GDs7	W
43707multiple level combinational network	GDtR	4
43708multiple level programmer	GDuJ	0
43709multiple line adapter	GDu9	q
43710multiple line controller	GDvn	v
43711multiple line interrupt	GDwW	y
43712multiple line printing	GDxI	o
43713multiple line reading	GDxw	n
43714multiple line statement	GDyX	l
43715multiple line terminal adapter	GDy8	9
43716multiple linear regression	GDz5	u
43717multiple list	GD0n	V
43718multiple load module processing	GD08	2
43719multiple logical unit	GD2a	BQ
43720multiple mapping	GD3q	r
43721multiple match	GD4V	p
43722multiple match resolution	GD4+	t
43723multiple matched word	GD5r	m
43724multiple memory adapter	GD6R	x
43725multiple merge program	GD7C	q
43726multiple message format	GD7s	r
43727multiple message mode	GD8X	p
43728multiple microprocessor	GD9A	o
43729multiple microprocessor programming technique	GD9o	BQ
43730multiple microprocessor system	GD+4	1
43731multiple microprocessor system architecture	GD/t	BI
43732multiple microprocessors	GEA1	1
43733multiple mission sequential decoder	GEBq	BC
43734multiple mode operation	GECs	o
43735multiple modulation	GEDU	h
43736multiple module access	GED1	+
43737multiple node evaluation technique	GEEz	BC
43738multiple operand	GEHq	e
43739multiple operation	GEII	g
43740multiple operation computer	GEIo	v
43741multiple operation type	GEJX	o
43742multiple operations	GEJ/	h
43743multiple operations data acquisition program	GEKg	BS
43744multiple order	GELy	c
43745multiple output	GEMO	d
43746multiple output combinational network	GEMr	/
43747multiple output function	GENq	s
43748multiple output network	GEOW	r
43749multiple output program	GEPB	v
43750multiple output switching function	GEPw	5
43751multiple parallel link	GEQp	q
43752multiple partition support	GERT	/
43753multiple partitions allocation	GESS	v
43754multiple path	GETB	r
43755multiple path communication	GETs	u
43756multiple path structure	GEUa	l
43757multiple pen plotter	GEU/	l
43758multiple peripheral adapter	GEVk	5
43759multiple phase shift keying	GEWd	0
43760multiple pictures	GEXR	f
43761multiple pointer	GEXw	r
43762multiple pointer link	GEYb	j
43763multiple pool processor and computer	GEY+	BQ
43764multiple port	GEaO	i
43765multiple position shift	GEaw	l
43766multiple precision	GEbV	w
43767multiple precision arithmetic	GEcF	1
43768multiple precision capability	GEc6	x
43769multiple precision number	GEdr	q
43770multiple priority level	GEeV	p
43771multiple process chart	GEfh	r
43772multiple processing	GEgM	h
43773multiple processor operating system	GEgt	9
43774multiple program number	GEhq	r
43775multiple programming	GEiV	o
43776multiple protocol layer	GEi9	l
43777multiple punch	GEji	c
43778multiple punching	GEj+	f
43779multiple purpose communications	GEkd	z
43780multiple quantity	GElQ	l
43781multiple read	GEl1	Y
43782multiple record access streams	GEmN	7
43783multiple record feature	GEnI	o
43784multiple record format	GEnw	q
43785multiple record processing	GEoa	u
43786multiple record type	GEpI	l
43787multiple recording medium word processing equipmen	GEpt	BV
43788multiple regression	GErC	n
43789multiple repeated reference	GErp	BC
43790multiple report creation system	GEsr	BU
43791multiple representation of knowledge	GEt/	7
43792multiple request terminal	GEu6	x
43793multiple request terminal procedure	GEvr	9
43794multiple request terminal program	GEwo	7
43795multiple requester terminal procedure	GExj	/
43796multiple requester terminal program	GEyi	9
43797multiple requesting	GEzf	k
43798multiple response	GE0D	s
43799multiple response resolver	GE0v	1
43800multiple ring	GE1k	V
43801multiple rotation instruction	GE15	x
43802multiple routine architecture	GE2q	3
43803multiple routing	GE3h	h
43804multiple segment data	GE4C	j
43805multiple segment procedure	GE4l	o
43806multiple segment query	GE5N	k
43807multiple selection	GE5x	g
43808multiple sequence operation	GE6R	p
43809multiple sequential access method	GE66	BA
43810multiple session	GE76	j
43811multiple session remote job entry	GE8d	BP
43812multiple ship release dates	GE9s	5
43813multiple sort program	GE+l	p
43814multiple source statement	GE/O	n
43815multiple spindle disk memory	GE/1	z
43816multiple stack	GFAo	c
43817multiple stack manipulation procedure	GFBE	BS
43818multiple stacks and queues	GFCW	x
43819multiple statement line	GFDH	l
43820multiple station interface unit	GFDs	3
43821multiple step task	GFEj	g
43822multiple subscriber number	GFFD	r
43823multiple substitution enciphering system	GFFu	BC
43824multiple subsystem	GFGw	g
43825multiple subsystem simulator	GFHQ	2
43826multiple sweeps	GFIG	d
43827multiple switch	GFIj	d
43828multiple system	GFJA	d
43829multiple system manager	GFJd	y
43830multiple system networking	GFKP	r
43831multiple systems coupling	GFK6	u
43832multiple systems coupling feature	GFLo	4
43833multiple systems integrity facility	GFMg	+
43834multiple tag	GFNe	s
43835multiple task management	GFOK	p
43836multiple task management feature	GFOz	8
43837multiple task operating system	GFPv	1
43838multiple telecommunication	GFQk	u
43839multiple terminal access	GFRS	t
43840multiple terminal communications adapter	GFR/	BH
43841multiple terminal emulator	GFTG	BI
43842multiple terminal manager	GFUO	w
43843multiple terminal monitor task	GFU+	6
43844multiple terminal system	GFV4	t
43845multiple terminals	GFWl	d
43846multiple time series	GFXC	o
43847multiple track	GFYt	b
43848multiple track error	GFZI	l
43849multiple track operation	GFZt	p
43850multiple tracks	GFaW	a
43851multiple transaction system	GFaw	BS
43852multiple transfer	GFcC	v
43853multiple transient system	GFcx	x
43854multiple transition time decomposition	GFdi	BD
43855multiple transmission	GFel	j
43856multiple unit	GFfa	f
43857multiple up	GFf5	m
43858multiple use	GFgf	q
43859multiple use card	GFhJ	c
43860multiple use marc system	GFhl	y
43861multiple user connections	GFiX	s
43862multiple user control	GFjD	m
43863multiple user remote terminal supervisor	GFjp	BR
43864multiple utility	GFk6	h
43865multiple utility program	GFlb	p
43866multiple value logic	GFmE	i
43867multiple virtual space	GFmm	q
43868multiple virtual storage	GFnQ	BM
43869multiple virtual storage operating system	GFoc	BJ
43870multiple virtual storageenterprise system archite	GFpl	Bm
43871multiple virtual storageextended architecture	GFrL	B6
43872multiple virtual storagesystem extensions	GFtF	Ba
43873multiple virtual storagesystem product	GFuf	BX
43874multiple virtual system	GFv2	BI
43875multiple wait	GFw+	b
43876multiple wire path	GFxZ	g
43877multiple word instruction	GFx5	n
43878multiple word processing	GFyg	p
43879multipleterminal manager	GGLr	z
43880multiplex	GGMe	Bj
43881multiplex adapter	GGOB	i
43882multiplex bus	GGOj	k
43883multiplex channel	GGPH	4
43884multiplex communication	GGP/	y
43885multiplex data	I7sQ	i
43886multiplex data terminal	GGQx	Bh
43887multiplex decoder	GGSS	i
43888multiplex demodulator	GGS0	s
43889multiplex demultiplex subsystem	GGTg	BD
43890multiplex driver	GGUj	h
43891multiplex equipment	GGVE	n
43892multiplex interface	GGVr	n
43893multiplex loop interface adapter	GGWS	Be
43894multiplex machine	GGXw	v
43895multiplex message processor	GGYf	Bx
43896multiplex mode	GGaQ	i
43897multiplex modulation system	GGay	5
43898multiplex operation	GGbr	n
43899multiplex output terminal	GGcS	3
43900multiplex register	GGdJ	o
43901multiplex switch	GGeU	q
43902multiplex terminal	GGe+	g
43903multiplex time division system	GGfe	BC
43904multiplex unit	GGgg	c
43905multiplexed communication	GGiL	t
43906multiplexed communication control unit	GGi4	BL
43907multiplexed communications channel	JE+3	BH
43908multiplexed data accumulator	GGkD	BT
43909multiplexed information and computing service	GGlW	BY
43910multiplexed information and computing system	GGmu	B2
43911multiplexed line	GGok	k
43912multiplexed message processor	GGpI	0
43913multiplexed microwave data communications	GGp8	BO
43914multiplexed operation	GGrK	BQ
43915multiplexed signal	GGsa	m
43916multiplexer	GGtA	Bk
43917multiplexer and terminal unit	GGuk	BB
43918multiplexer bus mode	GGvl	x
43919multiplexer channel	GGwW	Bw
43920multiplexer circuit	GGyG	r
43921multiplexer concentrator	GGyx	p
43922multiplexer mode	GGza	k
43923multiplexer polling	GGz+	q
43924multiplexer regenerator address	GG0o	BD
43925multiplexer storage	GG1r	w
43926multiplexer storage data register	GG2b	BP
43927multiplexer subchannel	GG3q	t
43928multiplexer time division modulation	GG4X	BC
43929multiplexeror set	GG5Z	3
43930multiplexeror simulator	GG6Q	BS
43931multiplexerselector	GG8U	l
43932multiplexing	GG85	r
43933multiplexing	JYFn	g
43934multiplexing algorithm	GG9k	q
43935multiplexing and demultiplexing equipment	GG+O	BM
43936multiplexing channel adapter	GG/a	Bp
43937multiplexing class	GHBD	d
43938multiplexing equipment	GHBg	u
43939multiplexor	GHCO	c
43940multiplexor channel	GHCq	e
43941multiplexor polling	GHDI	q
43942multiplexor terminal unit	GHDy	2
43943multiplicand	GHEo	c
43944multiplicand	H5r5	g
43945multiplicand field	GHFE	j
43946multiplicand gate	GHFn	f
43947multiplicand length operand	GHGG	1
43948multiplicand register	GHG7	p
43949multiplicating	GHIT	c
43950multiplication	GHIv	k
43951multiplication algorithm	GHJT	m
43952multiplication congruent method	GHJ5	w
43953multiplication cross	GHKp	c
43954multiplication factor	GHLF	w
43955multiplication of series	GHL1	m
43956multiplication operator	GHMb	y
43957multiplication routine	GHNN	k
43958multiplication rule	GHNx	h
43959multiplication shift	GHOS	i
43960multiplication sign	GHO0	b
43961multiplication table	GHPP	f
43962multiplication time	GHPu	h
43963multiplicative homomorphic system	GHRM	1
43964multiplicative operator	GHSB	o
43965multiplicative smoothing	GHSp	p
43966multiplicator	GHTS	f
43967multiplier	GHTx	Bj
43968multiplier	H5sZ	b
43969multiplier	H5uC	e
43970multiplier	IcQJ	b
43971multiplier bit	GHVU	Z
43972multiplier coefficient unit	GHVt	BM
43973multiplier coeffient unit	GHW5	t
43974multiplier factor	GHXm	h
43975multiplier field	GHYH	e
43976multiplier quontient register	GHYl	1
43977multiplier register	GHZa	n
43978multiplier register	H1+i	s
43979multiplier unit	GHaB	a
43980multiplier word	GHab	a
43981multiplier zero error	GHa1	p
43982multiplierquotient	GHdn	o
43983multiply	GHeP	c
43984multiply and add	GHer	f
43985multiply and divide	GHfK	i
43986multiply and round	GHfs	h
43987multiply byte instruction	GHgN	u
43988multiply doubleword	GHg7	p
43989multiply field	GHhk	c
43990multiply instruction	GHiA	i
43991multiply operation	GHii	3
43992multiply register	GHjZ	i
43993multiply statement	GHj7	g
43994multiply time	GHkb	b
43995multiply time chain	GHk2	o
43996multiply unit	GHle	l
43997multiplying instruction	GHnf	l
43998multiplying operator	GHoE	y
43999multiplying order	GHo2	f
44000multiplying punch	GHpV	k
44001multiplying signal	GHp5	g
44002multiplying unit	GHqZ	b
44003multipoint	GHq0	d
44004multipoint	HgnJ	b
44005multipoint access	GHrR	f
44006multipoint channel	GHrw	g
44007multipoint circuit	GHsQ	t
44008multipoint configuration	F9p1	/
44009multipoint configuration	GHs9	m
44010multipoint connection	GHtj	j
44011multipoint data link	GHuG	o
44012multipoint data service	GHuu	v
44013multipoint digital line	GHvd	r
44014multipoint line	GHwI	n
44015multipoint link	GHwv	d
44016multipoint network	GHxM	g
44017multipoint network control system	GHxs	BA
44018multipoint restriction	GHys	k
44019multipoint system	GHzQ	f
44020multipoint unit	GHzv	d
44021multiport memory	GH0M	0
44022multiport memory bank	GH1A	BA
44023multiport memory controller	GH2A	8
44024multiport memory interface	GH28	5
44025multiport memory multiplexer	GH31	BD
44026multiport memory system	GH44	1
44027multiport moments	GH5t	r
44028multiport programmable communications interface	GH6Y	BX
44029multiport register file	GH7v	x
44030multiport semiconductor memory	GH8g	BC
44031multiported system	GH9i	j
44032multiprecision arithmetic	GH+F	t
44033multiprecision integer	GH+y	q
44034multiprinter	GH/c	d
44035multipriority	GH/5	b
44036multipriority queue	GIAU	n
44037multipriority request	GIA7	p
44038multiprocess	GIBk	j
44039multiprocess environment	GICH	s
44040multiprocess executive	GICz	y
44041multiprocess organization	GIDl	t
44042multiprocessing	GIES	Bm
44043multiprocessing efficiency	GIF4	u
44044multiprocessing facility	GIGm	/
44045multiprocessing mass data	GIHl	z
44046multiprocessing operating system	GIIY	6
44047multiprocessing recovery	GIJS	s
44048multiprocessing system	GIJ+	u
44049multiprocessing with a fixed number of tasks	GIKs	BQ
44050multiprocessor	GIL8	BE
44051multiprocessor analysis	GINA	r
44052multiprocessor architecture	GINr	1
44053multiprocessor array	GIOg	o
44054multiprocessor communication adapter	GIPI	BB
44055multiprocessor communication link	GIQJ	7
44056multiprocessor communications adapter	GIRE	BG
44057multiprocessor communications unit	GISK	BA
44058multiprocessor computer organization	GITK	BB
44059multiprocessor configuration	GIUL	w
44060multiprocessor interleaving	GIU7	3
44061multiprocessor mode	GIVy	n
44062multiprocessor operating system	GIWZ	5
44063multiprocessor operational mode	GIXS	5
44064multiprocessor organization	GIYL	v
44065multiprocessor performance	GIY6	u
44066multiprocessor performance analysis	GIZo	9
44067multiprocessor performance predication	GIal	BA
44068multiprocessor run	GIbl	m
44069multiprocessor scheduling	GIcL	t
44070multiprocessor series	GIc4	t
44071multiprocessor software system	GIdl	4
44072multiprocessor system	GIed	p
44073multiprocessor utility and monitoring system	GIfG	Ba
44074multiprogamming executive	GIgg	3
44075multiprogram computer	GIhX	s
44076multiprogrammed	GIiD	o
44077multiprogrammed computation	GIir	v
44078multiprogrammed computer	GIja	3
44079multiprogrammed computer system	GIkR	BA
44080multiprogrammed information retrieval	GIlR	BH
44081multiprogrammed load controller	GImY	/
44082multiprogrammed machine	GInX	2
44083multiprogrammed system	GIoN	y
44084multiprogramming	GIpn	Bk
44085multiprogramming capability	GIrL	1
44086multiprogramming dispatching	GIsA	w
44087multiprogramming efficiency	GIsw	v
44088multiprogramming environment	GItf	2
44089multiprogramming executive	GIuV	6
44090multiprogramming executive control	GIvP	8
44091multiprogramming executive control logic	GIwL	BI
44092multiprogramming executive system	GIxT	BE
44093multiprogramming facility	GIyX	t
44094multiprogramming interrupt	GIzE	u
44095multiprogramming memory protect	GIzy	5
44096multiprogramming monitor	GI0r	2
44097multiprogramming nucleus	GI1h	0
44098multiprogramming operating system	GI2V	BE
44099multiprogramming priority	GI3Z	2
44100multiprogramming queue	GI4P	y
44101multiprogramming sequencing	GI5B	v
44102multiprogramming support	GI5w	w
44103multiprogramming system	GI6g	1
44104multiprogramming utility sysstem interpretive lang	GI8S	Bk
44105multiprogramming utility system	GI92	BD
44106multiprogramming utility system interpretive langu	GI+5	Bk
44107multiprogramming with a variable number of tasks	GJAd	BX
44108multiprogramming with fixed tasks	GJB0	BE
44109multiprogramming with variable tasks	GJC4	BH
44110multiproject automated control system	GJD/	+
44111multiprotocol communications controller	GJE9	BG
44112multipurpose	GJGD	k
44113multipurpose acquisition and control system	GJGn	Bs
44114multipurpose automatic data analysis center	GJIT	BU
44115multipurpose automatic data analysis machine	GJJn	BS
44116multipurpose automatic inspection and diagnosis	GJK5	BS
44117multipurpose automatic inspection and diagnostic s	GJML	Be
44118multipurpose automatic test system	GJNp	BE
44119multipurpose computer	GJOt	m
44120multipurpose information processor	GJP8	BA
44121multipurpose international securities trading info	GJQ8	Bj
44122multipurpose key pack	GJSf	m
44123multipurpose language	GJTF	m
44124multipurpose research system	GJTr	3
44125multipurpose system simulator	GJUi	Bc
44126multipurpose unit	GJV+	y
44127multiqueue dispatching	GJYe	n
44128multiqueue system	GJZF	i
44129multiqueueing system	GJX3	n
44130multiradix computer	GJZn	n
44131multirange amplifier	GJaO	5
44132multiread feeding	GJbH	s
44133multiread head	GJbz	c
44134multireasonable check	GJcP	p
44135multirecord block	GJc4	f
44136multireel file	GJdX	i
44137multireel sorting	GJd5	f
44138multireel tape file	GJeY	n
44139multiregion system	GJe/	n
44140multiregional inputoutput	GJfm	2
44141multiregional processing center	GJgc	7
44142multiregister logic block	GJhX	8
44143multiregister operation	GJiT	r
44144multiresidue code	GJi+	f
44145multiresource	GJjd	Y
44146multirun study	GJj1	i
44147multirunning	GJkX	6
44148multisatellited link	GJlR	o
44149multischedule private line	GJl5	y
44150multisegment environment	GJmr	u
44151multisegment mode	GJnZ	n
44152multisequencing	GJoA	0
44153multisequential system	GJo0	3
44154multiserver loss queuing model	GJpr	7
44155multiserver network	GJqm	w
44156multiset	GJrW	V
44157multishare network architecture	GJrr	BY
44158multishift operation	GJtD	l
44159multisource	GJto	T
44160multispectral data analysis system	GJt7	BE
44161multispectral photography	GJu/	q
44162multispeed clock feature	GJvp	v
44163multispeed digital tape recorded	GJwY	BA
44164multispeed repeater	GJxY	4
44165multistage interconnection network	GJyQ	6
44166multistage model	GJzK	e
44167multistage network	GJzo	g
44168multistage network parameter	GJ0I	w
44169multistage operations	GJ04	0
44170multistage switching network	GJ1s	w
44171multistate information system	GJ2c	5
44172multistatement	GJ3V	c
44173multistation	GJ3x	n
44174multistation access unit	GJ4Y	s
44175multistation circuit	GJ5E	i
44176multistation communication network	GJ5m	2
44177multistation switching network	GJ6c	y
44178multistep	GJ7O	Y
44179multistep decision	GJ7m	g
44180multistep method	GJ8G	b
44181multistep task	GJ8h	c
44182multistream system	GJ89	g
44183multistreaming	GJ9d	c
44184multistrip coupler	GJ95	n
44185multistyli head	GJ+g	g
44186multistyli recorder	GJ/A	n
44187multistyli recording	GJ/n	l
44188multisubsystem adapter	GKAM	BH
44189multisync	GKBT	a
44190multisystem	GKBt	W
44191multisystem communications unit	GKCD	8
44192multisystem computer	GKC/	o
44193multisystem environment	GKDn	o
44194multisystem mode	GKEP	h
44195multisystem networking facility	GKEw	Br
44196multisystem operation	GKGb	p
44197multitape	GKHE	R
44198multitape turing machine	GKHV	p
44199multitask	GKH+	m
44200multitask disk system	GKIk	s
44201multitask environment	GKJQ	m
44202multitask function	GKJ2	z
44203multitask link control	GKKp	t
44204multitask monitor	GKLW	o
44205multitask operation	GKL+	k
44206multitask process	GKMi	i
44207multitask terminal system	GKNE	1
44208multitasking	GKN5	BJ
44209multitasking control	GKPC	l
44210multitasking efficiency	GKPn	o
44211multitasking executive	GKQP	z
44212multitasking operation system	GKRC	5
44213multitasking programming	GKR7	v
44214multitasking software	GKSq	s
44215multitasking system program	GKTW	2
44216multitasking with a fixed number of tasks	GKUM	BQ
44217multiterminal executive	GKVc	y
44218multiterminal interface	GKWO	o
44219multiterminal monitor	GKW2	BD
44220multiterminal service	GKX5	m
44221multiterminal support	GKYf	m
44222multithread	GKZu	Z
44223multithread application program	GKaH	BR
44224multithread operation	GKbY	j
44225multithread processing	GKb7	k
44226multithreading	GKcf	8
44227multithreading executive	GKdb	BN
44228multithreshold	GKeo	Z
44229multitone circuit	GKfB	m
44230multitrack	GKfn	Y
44231multitrack head	GKf/	d
44232multitrack parallel recording	GKgc	0
44233multitrack unit	GKhQ	j
44234multiturn film head	GKiS	n
44235multiunit machine	GKi5	l
44236multiuse register	GKje	m
44237multiuser	GKkE	X
44238multiuser executive	GKkb	BJ
44239multiuser monitor	GKlk	/
44240multiuser terminal executive	GKmj	/
44241multiuser terminal translator	GKni	/
44242multivalue	GKoh	S
44243multivalue decision	GKoz	h
44244multivalue dependency	GKpU	j
44245multivalue logic	GKp3	e
44246multivalue logic device	GKqV	r
44247multivalue logic simulation	GKrA	v
44248multivariable	GKrv	Y
44249multivariable analysis	GKsH	n
44250multivariable control	GKsu	m
44251multivariable feedback system	GKtU	0
44252multivariate analysis	GKuI	j
44253multivariate distribution	GKur	n
44254multivariate interpolation	GKvS	r
44255multivariate normal distribution	GKv9	0
44256multivector	GKwx	e
44257multivectored interrupt	GKxP	r
44258multiversion software	GKx6	m
44259multivibrator	GKyg	h
44260multivirtual storage	GKzB	y
44261multivirtual system	GKzz	x
44262multivolume	GK0k	W
44263multivolume disk file	GK06	p
44264multivolume file	GK1j	u
44265multiway	GK2R	Q
44266multiway classification	GK2h	y
44267multiway decision	GK3T	f
44268multiway direct access	GK3y	q
44269multiway host processing	GK4c	s
44270multiway message transmission	GK5I	x
44271multiway tree	GK55	h
44272multiwindow	GK6a	g
44273multiwindow display	GK66	k
44274multiwindow menu	GK7e	k
44275multiwire channel	GK8C	i
44276multiwire element	GK8k	f
44277multiwire pc board	GK9D	p
44278multiword	GK9s	R
44279multiword binary data	GK99	s
44280multiword instruction	GK+p	j
44281multiword operand	GK/M	i
44282multiword record	GK/u	e
44283multiwork station	GLAM	j
44284mumps	GLAv	9
44285mumps utility package	GLBs	x
44286murray code	GLCd	W
44287must be zero	GLCz	X
44288must fill	GLDK	X
44289mutation testing	GLER	e
44290mutex	GLEv	T
44291mutex semaphore	GLFC	d
44292mutual consistency	GLFf	g
44293mutual dependency	GLF/	f
44294mutual exclusion	GLGe	Y
44295mutual exclusive call	GLG2	j
44296mutual induction	GLHZ	d
44297mutual information	GLH2	t
44298mutual protection	GLIj	Z
44299mutual repulsion	GLI8	e
44300mutually exclusive	GLJa	a
44301mutually synchronized network	GLJ0	w
44302mutually synchronized system	GLKk	t
44303mvs page fault assist	GLLl	s
44304my compact operating system	GLMR	7
44305mylar	GLNM	4
44306mylar	Iy6P	Q
44307mylar tape	GLOE	0
44308myriabit	GLO4	Q
44309myriabit memory	GLPI	g
44310myriabit storage	GLPo	h
44311mystic	GLQJ	g
44312mystic	GLQp	g
44313n	F4aU	H
44314n	H76n	N
44315n	H7xW	N
44316n	JI/o	R
44317n adder	F4ab	W
44318n addition	F4ax	W
44319n check	F4bH	T
44320n check	F4ba	U
44321n code	FLpH	c
44322n count	F4bu	T
44323n counter	F4cB	Z
44324n counter	F4ca	Y
44325n junction	GLqr	T
44326n relationship	FLqN	b
44327n residue	F4cy	Y
44328n sum	F4dK	O
44329n transistor	GLro	d
44330n transistor	GLsF	d
44331n type junction	HFgc	a
44332nabla	GL3Y	k
44333naive user	GL38	m
44334naked indicator	GL4i	g
44335naked reference	GL5C	d
44336name	CH8C	S
44337name	CI6b	S
44338name	EEkN	V
44339name	EItd	Y
44340name	EJU6	S
44341name	F0xx	S
44342name	FBBg	M
44343name	GL5f	h
44344name	Hwkb	Y
44345name and address	GL6A	l
44346name block	GL6l	k
44347name call	GL7J	X
44348name code	GL7g	a
44349name condition	GL76	c
44350name conflict	GL8W	b
44351name constant	GL8x	g
44352name data	GL9R	X
44353name data type	GL9o	i
44354name entry	GL+K	V
44355name field	GL+f	Y
44356name identification	GL+3	h
44357name identifier	GL/Y	g
44358name key	GL/4	Z
44359name of an object	GMAs	u
44360name of code	GMBa	l
44361name of numeric literal	GMB/	o
44362name of spooler bond unit	GMCn	5
44363name of variable	GMDg	b
44364name or record name	H4mw	j
44365name parameter	GMD7	c
44366name part	GMEX	X
44367name precedence	GMEu	n
44368name qualification	GMFV	q
44369name recognizer	GMF/	3
44370name register	GMG2	h
44371name replacement	GMHX	e
44372name resolution	GMH1	d
44373name scoping	GMIS	d
44374name server	GMIv	c
44375name service	GMJL	X
44376name space	GMJi	V
44377name space modification	GMJ3	BC
44378name substitution	GMK5	f
44379name table	GMLY	V
44380name value	GMLt	V
44381named actual parameter	GMNJ	y
44382named common	GMN7	d
44383named common area	GMOY	i
44384named common block	GMO6	j
44385named component	GMPd	d
44386named constant	GMP6	c
44387named data	GMQW	Y
44388named destination	GMQu	w
44389named file	GMRe	m
44390named parameter	GMSE	d
44391named parameter association	GMSh	v
44392named program module	GMTQ	o
44393named record type	GMT4	l
44394named system	GMUd	a
44395named user file	GMU3	j
44396namelist name	GMVa	b
44397names	GMV1	V
44398naming convention	GMWK	f
44399naming operation	GMWp	e
44400naming program	GMXH	c
44401naming rule	GMXj	Z
44402naming variable	GMX8	d
44403nand	GMYZ	U
44404nand buffer	GMYt	e
44405nand circuit	GMZL	c
44406nand element	GMZn	n
44407nand element	GMb1	l
44408nand gate	GMaO	h
44409nand gate debouncer	GMav	s
44410nand operation	GMca	e
44411nand operator	GMc4	r
44412nand rs latch	GMdj	t
44413nano	GMeQ	i
44414nano memory	GMey	W
44415nanocircuit	GMfs	Z
44416nanofarad	GMgF	e
44417nanoinstruction	GMgj	d
44418nanoinstruction statement	GMhA	t
44419nanomachine	GMht	j
44420nanomemory	GMiQ	b
44421nanoprocessor	GMir	l
44422nanoprogram	GMjQ	Z
44423nanoprogram counter	GMjp	u
44424nanoprogram level	GMkX	i
44425nanoprogram memory	GMk5	p
44426nanoprogram store	GMli	o
44427nanoprogrammable computer	GMmK	2
44428nanoprogramming	GMnA	j
44429nanoprogramming memory	GMnj	t
44430nanoscope	GMoQ	x
44431nanosecond	GMpB	BL
44432nanosecond circuit	GMqM	x
44433nanosecond pulse	GMq9	h
44434nanosecond pulser	GMre	r
44435nanostorage	GMsJ	c
44436nanostore	GMsl	a
44437nanowatt	GMs/	d
44438nanowatt electronics	GMtc	u
44439nanowatt integrated circuit	GMuK	y
44440napier	GMu8	O
44441naplps	GMvK	j
44442narcotics and dangerous drugs information system	GMvt	Bf
44443narrative	GMxM	BE
44444narrative address	GMyQ	i
44445narrative capability	GMyy	l
44446narrative format	GMzX	h
44447narrative message	GMz4	z
44448narrative output vocabulary edition language	GM0r	BV
44449narrative traffic	GM2A	i
44450narrow band	GM2i	h
44451narrow band allocation	GM3D	v
44452narrow band channel	GM3y	h
44453narrow band communication system	GM4T	0
44454narrow band data line	GM5H	s
44455narrow band data link	GM5z	s
44456narrow band filter	GM6f	j
44457narrow band frequency modulation	GM7C	BB
44458narrow band line	GM8D	h
44459narrow band link	GM8k	k
44460narrow band phase modulation	GM9I	v
44461narrow band signal	GM93	g
44462narrow band transmission	GM+X	m
44463narrow channel	GM+9	c
44464narrow line	GM/r	Z
44465narrowband	GNAE	S
44466narrowcasting	GNAW	b
44467nary number system	H2Dm	l
44468nasa communications operating procedures	GNAx	B1
44469nasa data processing facility	GNCm	BF
44470nasa energy cost analysis program nasa	GNEq	BI
44471nasa structural analysis	GNFy	9
44472nat	GNIX	o
44473national academy of sciences	GNI/	7
44474national aeronautics and space administration	GNJ6	Bh
44475national aerospace and electronics conference	GNLb	BU
44476national alliance of tv and electronic service ass	GNMv	Bl
44477national association	GNOU	i
44478national association for state information system	GNO2	BX
44479national association of accountants	GNQN	7
44480national association of computerized tax processor	GNRI	Bh
44481national association of independent computer compa	GNSp	Bb
44482national association of radio and tv broadcasters	GNUE	Bg
44483national association of securities dealers	GNVk	BM
44484national association of securities dealers automat	GNWw	Bo
44485national association of users of computer applied	GNYY	Bh
44486national automated clearing house association	GNZ5	BW
44487national automatic controls conference	GNbP	BI
44488national bureau of standards	GNcX	x
44489national cable television association	GNdI	BO
44490national cash register electronic autocoding techn	GNeW	BR
44491national characters	GNfn	n
44492national civil defense computer facility	GNgO	BL
44493national commission on electronic funds transfer	GNhZ	BZ
44494national committee on computer network england	GNiy	Bf
44495national committee on radiological protection	GNkR	BP
44496national communication center	GNlg	4
44497national communications association	GNnW	7
44498national communications forum	GNoR	4
44499national communications information plan	GNpJ	BG
44500national communications schedule	GNqP	6
44501national communications system	GNmY	+
44502national communications system	GNrJ	2
44503national computer center	GNr/	z
44504national computer conference	GNsy	3
44505national computer network of britain	GNtp	9
44506national computer program abstract service	GNum	BW
44507national computer program index	GNv8	BB
44508national computer users forum united kingdom	GNw9	Bd
44509national crime information center	GNya	BG
44510national crime information system	GNzg	BA
44511national data manager users group	GN0g	BN
44512national data processing service	GN1t	/
44513national defense advisory committee	GN2s	/
44514national defense communication control center	GN3r	Bb
44515national destination code	GN5G	q
44516national driver register system	GN5w	BC
44517national electric code	GN6y	Bd
44518national electrical code	GN8P	w
44519national electrical code standard	GN8/	BA
44520national electrical code standards	GN9/	BB
44521national electrical manufacturers association	GN/A	BP
44522national electrical safety code	GOAP	+
44523national electronic association	GOBN	3
44524national electronic facilities organization	GOCE	BK
44525national electronics conference	GODO	6
44526national electronics council	GOEI	6
44527national electronics distributors association	GOFC	BV
44528national energy information center	GOGX	BB
44529national engineers association	GOHY	5
44530national federation of abstracting and indexing se	GOIR	Be
44531national flight data center	GOJv	BE
44532national guard computer center	GOKz	BK
44533national industrial basic language	GOL9	BB
44534national information and analysis center	GOM+	BH
44535national information control center	GOOF	BC
44536national information network	GOPH	x
44537national information processing system	GOP4	BF
44538national information research institute	GOQ9	BD
44539national information storage and retrieval center	GOSA	Bb
44540national information system	GOTb	6
44541national institute of hardware	GOU+	5
44542national institute of science and technology	GOV3	BL
44543national joint computers committee	GOXC	BH
44544national keyboardlanguage setup	GOYJ	8
44545national language	GOZF	f
44546national language support	GOZk	z
44547national machine accountants association	GOaX	Bu
44548national microfilm association	GOcF	BW
44549national network	GOdb	e
44550national newspaper index	GOd5	5
44551national office management association	GOey	Bj
44552national public switched telecommunications networ	GOgV	BV
44553national reprographic center for documentation	GOhq	BI
44554national requirements	GOiy	p
44555national requirements feature	GOjb	BB
44556national resource information system	GOkc	BN
44557national signification number	GOlp	u
44558national software works	GOmX	v
44559national space surveillance control center	GOnG	Ba
44560national standard reference data system	GOog	BN
44561national standards management board	GOpt	/
44562national strategic target data base	GOqs	BG
44563national technical information service	GOry	BS
44564national telecommunications agency	GOti	3
44565national telecommunications and information admini	GOuZ	B6
44566national telecommunications conference	GOwT	BE
44567national telephone company	GOxX	y
44568national telephone cooperative association	GOyJ	BJ
44569national television system committee	GOzS	BB
44570national warning system	GO0T	x
44571national water data system	GO1E	5
44572national weather analysis center	GO19	BA
44573nationwide service network	GO29	x
44574native assembly language	GO3u	w
44575native character set	GO4e	BH
44576native code	GO5l	d
44577native code translator	GO6C	w
44578native collating sequence	GO6y	BV
44579native command name	GO8H	BD
44580native compiler	GO9K	j
44581native image	GO9t	o
44582native language	GO+V	d
44583native mode	GO+y	1
44584native view	GO/n	Z
44585nato air defence ground environment data network	GPAA	Bu
44586nato codification system	GPBu	+
44587nato integrated communication system	GPCs	BV
44588nato integrated communications system management a	GPEB	Bl
44589nato integrated communications system organization	GPFm	B8
44590natural binary	GPIi	f
44591natural binary code	GPJB	n
44592natural binary coded decimal	GPJo	BE
44593natural boundary	GPLo	e
44594natural boundary condition	GPMG	u
44595natural constraint	GPM0	g
44596natural convection cooling	GPNU	u
44597natural deduction	GPOC	0
44598natural deduction system	GPO2	s
44599natural dialogue	GPPi	e
44600natural dumping order	GPQA	p
44601natural electronic business users language	GPQp	BQ
44602natural frequency	GPR5	2
44603natural frequency of vibration	GPSv	s
44604natural function generator	GPTb	BL
44605natural join	GPUm	a
44606natural join system	GPVA	n
44607natural language	GPVn	e
44608natural language	ISD5	h
44609natural language analysis	GPWF	t
44610natural language application	GPWy	w
44611natural language communication	GPXi	y
44612natural language computer	GPYU	0
44613natural language data base	GPZI	2
44614natural language explanation	GPZ+	BE
44615natural language information system	GPbC	9
44616natural language input	GPb/	q
44617natural language interface	GPcp	u
44618natural language interface to data base	GPdX	BE
44619natural language operating system	GPeb	BA
44620natural language processing	GPfb	v
44621natural language processing system	GPgK	8
44622natural language programming	GPhG	2
44623natural language query system	GPh8	3
44624natural language symbol string	GPiz	1
44625natural language system	GPjo	r
44626natural language text	GPkT	9
44627natural language translation	GPlQ	w
44628natural language understander	GPmA	3
44629natural law generator	GPm3	s
44630natural logarithm	GPnj	f
44631natural loop	GPoC	a
44632natural merge sort	GPoc	m
44633natural merging	GPpC	d
44634natural modes	GPpf	Y
44635natural number	GPp3	Z
44636natural order searching	GPqQ	u
44637natural ordering	GPq+	s
44638natural structure	GPrq	f
44639natural unit of information content	GPsJ	BA
44640natural weighted bcd number	GPtJ	w
44641nau services	GPvD	Y
44642nau services manager layer	GPvb	v
44643naur form	y0Y	j
44644naur formalism	y07	l
44645naval air logistices data analysis	GPwK	BK
44646naval auxiliary communication center	GPxU	BN
44647naval communication	GPyh	h
44648naval communication area master stations	GPzC	BQ
44649naval communication processing and routing system	GP0S	Ba
44650naval communications area	GP1s	q
44651naval communications center	GP2W	5
44652naval communications satellitc	GP3P	y
44653naval communications system	GP4B	z
44654naval data transmission network	GP40	7
44655naval electronic system	GP5v	0
44656naval electronics laboratory	GP6j	3
44657naval electronics laboratory international algebra	GP7a	Bl
44658naval information center	GP8/	y
44659naval integrated commandmanagement information sy	GP9x	Bj
44660naval intelligence data network	GP/U	7
44661naval intelligence processing system	GQAP	BD
44662naval intelligence processing system support activ	GQBS	Bf
44663naval research electronic computer	GQCx	BI
44664naval space surveillance system	GQD5	BD
44665naval tactical computer system	GQE8	BA
44666naval tactical data system	GQF8	BT
44667naval telecommunications system	GQHP	9
44668navamander	GQJL	y
44669navic operating system	GQJ9	9
44670navigation	vO7	Y
44671navigation computer	GQK6	n
44672navigation computer control	GQLh	2
44673navigation computer unit	GQMX	z
44674navigation control simulator	GQNK	3
44675navigation data assimilation computer	GQOB	Bl
44676navigation display system	GQPm	x
44677navigation equipment capability analysis program	GQQX	BW
44678navigation map computer	GQRt	y
44679navigation operational checkout computer	GQSf	BK
44680navigation route data base	GQTp	3
44681navigation satellete system	GQj1	8
44682navigation satellite timing and ranging	GQUg	BM
44683navigational access method	GQWf	r
44684navigational computer	GQXK	m
44685navigational digital computer	GQXw	4
44686navy automated research and development informatio	GQYo	Bl
44687navy command and control system	GQaN	BB
44688navy display system	GQbO	r
44689navy electronic laboratory operating system	GQb5	BU
44690navy environment protecting data base	GQdN	BI
44691navy laboratory computer network	GQeV	BE
44692navy numerical weather prediction	GQfZ	BC
44693navy programming language division	GQgb	BK
44694navy technical information program	GQhl	BC
44695near label	GQlu	Y
44696near letter quality	GQmG	r
44697near neighbor mesh network	GQmx	x
44698nearby bucket	GQt7	e
44699nearest neighbor classification	GQuZ	6
44700neat3 to cobol language	GQwS	y
44701necessary and sufficient condition	GQyD	6
44702necessary bandwidth	GQy9	1
44703necessary condition	GQzy	h
44704necessary environment	GQ0T	j
44705neck	BFwp	M
44706neck detection	BFw1	c
44707neck problem	BFxR	a
44708need to know	GQ02	U
44709needing forecasting method	GQ1z	u
44710needle	GQ2h	b
44711needle printer	GQ28	f
44712needles per inch	GQ3b	l
44713negate	GQ4A	n
44714negate instruction	GQ4n	r
44715negated combined condition	GQ5S	BC
44716negated simple condition	GQ6U	s
44717negation	GQ7A	f
44718negation element	GQ7f	d
44719negation gate	GQ78	f
44720negative	GQ8b	p
44721negative a ignore b gate	GQ9E	s
44722negative a implies b gate	GQ9w	w
44723negative acknowledge	GQ/i	g
44724negative acknowledge character	GRAC	Bs
44725negative acknowledgement	GRBu	0
44726negative acknowledgment	GRCi	BX
44727negative and gate	GRD5	p
44728negative answer	GREi	d
44729negative argument	GRE/	c
44730negative authorization terminal system	GRFb	BC
44731negative availability	GRGd	m
44732negative balance	GRH8	b
44733negative base number	GRIX	f
44734negative bcd data	GRI2	q
44735negative bias	GRJg	Y
44736negative binary number	GRJ4	k
44737negative binary zero	GRKc	l
44738negative carry	GRLB	Z
44739negative clause	GRLa	a
44740negative computer	GRL0	i
44741negative conductance	GRMW	c
44742negative conductor	GRMy	o
44743negative crystal	GRNa	b
44744negative direction	GRN1	l
44745negative entry	GROa	Z
44746negative feedback	GROz	v
44747negative feedback circuit	GRPi	u
44748negative flag	GRQQ	Y
44749negative going transition	GRQo	n
44750negative ignore gate	GRRP	BP
44751negative impedance	GRSe	d
44752negative impedance boosting	GRS7	w
44753negative impedance region	GRTr	k
44754negative incidence	GRUP	g
44755negative indication	GRUv	e
44756negative information sequence	GRVN	u
44757negative input value	GRV7	i
44758negative justification	GRXH	r
44759negative logic	GRXy	Z
44760negative logic level	GRYL	m
44761negative number	GRZs	X
44762negative number representation	GRaD	v
44763negative operation concepts	GRay	w
44764negative or circuit	GRbi	j
44765negative or gate	GRcF	d
44766negative or operation	GRci	l
44767negative output	GRdH	a
44768negative output element	HhxM	4
44769negative pressure slider	GRdh	z
44770negative pulse	GReU	Z
44771negative reception	GRet	m
44772negative resistance device	GRfT	2
44773negative resistance oscillation	GRgJ	x
44774negative response	GRg6	t
44775negative sign	GRhn	V
44776negative supply voltage	GRh8	s
44777negative transpose	GRio	d
44778negative writing	GRjF	b
44779negator	GRlp	c
44780negentropy	GRmF	m
44781neglected language program	GRmr	4
44782negotiable bind	GRnj	q
44783negotiated contract	GRoN	h
44784negotiated contract price	GRou	t
44785negotiated prices	GRpb	f
44786neighbo ur node	GdEA	j
44787neighborhood	GRrt	U
44788neighborhood averaging	GRsB	n
44789neighborhood classification rule	GRso	0
44790neighborhood effect	GRtc	h
44791neighborhood matching logic	GRt9	9
44792neighboring entry	GRu6	q
44793neighboring vertices	GRvk	i
44794neighbour	GRwG	c
44795neighbour node	GRp6	e
44796neighbour node address	GRqY	w
44797neighbour pattern classification	GQvT	/
44798neighbour table	GRrI	l
44799neogenesis	GRyn	a
44800neon lamp	GRzB	c
44801neper	GRzd	X
44802nesistor	GRz0	i
44803nest	GR0W	BS
44804nest cell	GR1o	X
44805nest of do	GR1/	e
44806nest of subroutines	GR2d	k
44807nest relation	GR3B	b
44808nested	GR3c	Z
44809nested address space	GR31	o
44810nested assignment statement	GR4d	v
44811nested association list	GR5M	o
44812nested binding	GR50	c
44813nested block	GR6Q	d
44814nested block if statement	GR6t	2
44815nested cell	GR7j	Z
44816nested command list	GR78	k
44817nested condition statement	GR8g	u
44818nested conditional directive	GR9O	w
44819nested conditional instruction	GR9+	y
44820nested critical section	GR+w	o
44821nested do	GR/Y	d
44822nested do loops	GR/1	f
44823nested else clause	GSAU	m
44824nested environment	GSA6	g
44825nested file transfer format	GSBa	1
44826nested function	GSCP	d
44827nested interrupt	GSCs	e
44828nested language	GSDK	d
44829nested loop	GSDn	1
44830nested loop structure	GSEc	p
44831nested loops	GSFF	a
44832nested macro call	GSFf	l
44833nested macro definition	GSGE	r
44834nested macro structure	GSGv	q
44835nested macros	GSHZ	h
44836nested monitor	GSH6	i
44837nested monitor call	GSIc	t
44838nested multiplication method	GSJJ	q
44839nested operation	GSJz	e
44840nested order	GSKR	a
44841nested parenthesis	GSKr	n
44842nested polynomial evaluation	GSLS	z
44843nested primitive programming language	GSMF	BJ
44844nested procedure	GSNO	e
44845nested procedure structure	GSNs	u
44846nested program structure	GSOa	s
44847nested record variant	GSPG	p
44848nested redeclaration	GSPv	o
44849nested routine	GSQX	q
44850nested rule	F7C/	f
44851nested scope	GSRB	d
44852nested scope of identifier	GSRe	3
44853nested sequence	GSSV	d
44854nested sequence of intervals	GSSy	w
44855nested sets	GSTi	Z
44856nested stack automaton	GSUZ	w
44857nested statement	GSVJ	e
44858nested statement structure	GSVn	u
44859nested subprogram definition	GSWV	z
44860nested subroutine	GSXI	i
44861nested transaction	GSXq	g
44862nested transaction mechanism	GSYK	w
44863nested variant	GSY6	c
44864nestification	GSbd	d
44865nesting	GSb6	i
44866nesting block	GScc	e
44867nesting environment	GSc6	h
44868nesting error	GSdb	b
44869nesting indirect command file	GSd2	3
44870nesting level	GSet	m
44871nesting level complexity	GSfT	s
44872nesting loop	GSf/	a
44873nesting of blocks	GSgZ	l
44874nesting of else clause	GSg+	v
44875nesting of subroutine	GSht	p
44876nesting or recursive structure	GSiW	1
44877nesting storage	GSjL	7
44878nesting storage types	GSkG	y
44879nesting store	GSk4	b
44880nesting structure	GSlT	f
44881net	GSly	Q
44882net address	GSmC	Z
44883net boundary	GSmb	a
44884net calling	GrB9	Z
44885net change	GSm1	V
44886net change planning	GSnK	n
44887net code	GSnx	Q
44888net control group	GSoi	m
44889net control program	GSpI	n
44890net control station	GSpv	k
44891net control terminal	GSqT	s
44892net coordination station message	GSq/	/
44893net difference report	GSr+	w
44894net extension	GrCW	b
44895net income	GSsu	V
44896net information contents	GStD	p
44897net loss	GSts	b
44898net movement	GSuv	X
44899net point	GSvG	U
44900net region	GSv6	Y
44901net requirement	GSwS	a
44902net requirements	GSws	b
44903net resource units	GSxH	j
44904net sales	GSxq	i
44905net sales amount	GSyM	h
44906net service test	GSyt	BI
44907net simulation language	GSz1	r
44908net structure	GS0g	b
44909net theory	GS07	Y
44910netcon	GS1T	b
44911netgen	GS1u	h
44912netting	GS3j	a
44913netware	GS39	j
44914netware bridge	GS4g	e
44915netware remote	GS4+	e
44916netware shell	GS5c	g
44917network	GS6f	p
44918network abort	GS7I	h
44919network access control	GS7p	q
44920network access controller	GS8T	0
44921network access devices	GS9H	u
44922network access facility	GS91	BX
44923network access machine	GS/M	8
44924network access method	GTAI	7
44925network access pricing	GTBD	1
44926network access processor	GTB4	z
44927network access protocol	GTCr	v
44928network access unit	GTDa	r
44929network address	GTEF	d
44930network addressable clnit	GTEi	2
44931network addressable unit	GTFY	Be
44932network administration	GTG2	k
44933network administration storage facility	GTHa	BB
44934network algorithm	GTIb	f
44935network analog	GTI6	q
44936network analyser	GTJk	h
44937network analysis	GTKF	e
44938network analysis for system application	GTKj	BS
44939network analysis for system application program	GTL1	BY
44940network analysis model	GTNN	u
44941network analysis program	GTN7	3
44942network analyzer	GTOy	1
44943network ancillary control process	GTPn	Bi
44944network and trunk control	GTRJ	7
44945network and trunk equipment	GTSE	2
44946network application	GTS6	8
44947network application environment	GTT2	z
44948network application maintenance program	GTUp	BG
44949network application node	GTVv	w
44950network architechture	GTWf	j
44951network architectuer	GTXC	i
44952network architecture	GTXk	1
44953network architecture design	GTYZ	1
44954network awareness	GTZO	f
44955network basic input output system	GTZt	BJ
44956network board	GTa2	Y
44957network buffer	GTbO	f
44958network bus	GTbt	c
44959network calculator	GTcJ	j
44960network capacity	GTcs	e
44961network chart	GTdK	p
44962network circuit	GTdz	d
44963network communication	GTeQ	j
44964network communication access method	GTez	/
44965network communication circuit	GTfy	x
44966network communication control facilities	GTgj	BH
44967network communications	GThq	q
44968network communications control facility	GTiU	BQ
44969network compiler simulation program	GTjk	BL
44970network components	GTkv	g
44971network compromise	GTlP	m
44972network computer interface	GTl1	x
44973network computing environment	GTmm	x
44974network computing industry	GTnX	u
44975network configuragion facility	GToF	2
44976network configuration	GTo7	j
44977network configuration facility	GTpe	BA
44978network configuration tables	GTqe	t
44979network congestion	GTrL	g
44980network connect	GTrr	d
44981network connect block	GTsI	q
44982network connection	GTsy	g
44983network connection element	GTtS	y
44984network connection handler	GTuE	1
44985network connection point	GTu5	p
44986network console	GTvi	g
44987network constant	GTwC	e
44988network control	GTwg	g
44989network control algorithm	GTxA	t
44990network control block	GTxt	BV
44991network control center	GTzC	8
44992network control communications	GTz+	5
44993network control function	GT03	s
44994network control language	GT1j	w
44995network control language standards	GT2T	8
44996network control layer	GT3P	m
44997network control message	GT31	BJ
44998network control mode	GT4+	o
44999network control module	GT5m	u
45000network control needs	GT6U	p
45001network control node	GT69	s
45002network control phase	GT7p	p
45003network control processor	GT8S	0
45004network control program	GT9G	v
45005network control program bsc or ss session	GT91	Bv
45006network control program generation	GT/k	8
45007network control program major node	GUAg	Bc
45008network control program node	GUB8	2
45009network control program station	GUCy	2
45010network control program station	GdEj	5
45011network control programvirtual storage	GUDo	BK
45012network control protocol	GUEy	s
45013network control signaling unit	GUFe	BC
45014network control station	GUGg	s
45015network control system	GUHM	u
45016network control unit	GUH6	BR
45017network controller	GUJL	m
45018network controlling signal unit	GUJx	5
45019network convention	GUKq	g
45020network coordinating station	GULK	x
45021network coordination center	GUL7	z
45022network creation	GUMu	j
45023network cryptographic device	GUNR	0
45024network data base management system	GUOF	BG
45025network data description	GUPL	BA
45026network data link control	GUQL	4
45027network data manager	GURD	u
45028network data model	GURx	6
45029network data phase	GUSr	t
45030network data reduction	GUTY	u
45031network data series	GUUG	r
45032network data structure	GUUx	q
45033network data translator	GUVb	x
45034network data unit	GUWM	p
45035network database	GUW1	BG
45036network database design	GUX7	u
45037network database language	GUYp	0
45038network database management system	GUZd	/
45039network defining language	GUac	0
45040network definition	GUbQ	g
45041network definition language	GUbw	z
45042network delay	GUcj	b
45043network description language	GUc+	0
45044network description table	GUdy	u
45045network design algorithm	GUeg	s
45046network design and management system	GUfM	BG
45047network design center	GUgS	p
45048network design criteria	GUg7	r
45049network device modem	GUhm	x
45050network diagnosis	GUiX	f
45051network diagnostic control	GUi2	BJ
45052network diagnostic tool	GUj/	v
45053network diagram	GUku	a
45054network dialogue	GUlI	e
45055network diameter	GUlm	e
45056network director	GUmE	y
45057network disconnect command	GUm2	BC
45058network disconnet and reset	GUn4	y
45059network disk	GUoq	d
45060network distribution equipment	GUpH	y
45061network distributor	GUp5	k
45062network domain	GUqd	k
45063network drill	GUrB	b
45064network duality	GUrc	j
45065network earth reference	GUr/	r
45066network electronic mail	GUsq	r
45067network element	GUtV	d
45068network engineering administrative data system	GUuF	Ba
45069network environment	GUvf	h
45070network environment operating system	GUwA	BF
45071network equalize	GUxF	s
45072network equation	GUxx	e
45073network equipment number	GUyP	w
45074network expression	GUy/	j
45075network extended unit	GUzi	t
45076network failure	GU0P	d
45077network file access method	GU0s	BN
45078network file access protocol	GU15	BV
45079network file transfer	GU3O	BB
45080network flow	GU4P	X
45081network flow control	GU4m	v
45082network flow model	GU5V	j
45083network flow routine	GU54	t
45084network flow theory	GU6l	k
45085network front end	GU7J	j
45086network function	GU7s	e
45087network generation	GU8K	n
45088network geometry	GU8x	l
45089network host	GU9W	a
45090network implementation language	GU9w	3
45091network independence	GU+n	l
45092network information and control exchange	GU/M	BK
45093network information center	GVAW	BM
45094network information files	GVBi	x
45095network information management	GVCT	BA
45096network information services	GVDT	0
45097network information system	GVEH	y
45098network initial condition	GVE5	BB
45099network integration	GVF6	h
45100network integrity	GVGb	i
45101network integrity control system	GVG9	BC
45102network intelligence	GVH/	i
45103network interconnect	GVIh	i
45104network interface	GVJD	f
45105network interface card	GVJi	n
45106network interface control	GVKJ	x
45107network interface machine	GVK6	u
45108network interface module	GVLo	s
45109network interface program	GVMU	t
45110network interface system	GVNB	w
45111network interface task	GVNx	u
45112network interface unit	GVOf	u
45113network job control language	GVPN	7
45114network job entry	GVQI	z
45115network job entry facility	GVQ7	Ba
45116network job entry implementation	GVSV	6
45117network job interface	GVTP	t
45118network job processing	GVT8	BC
45119network knowledge representation scheme	GVU+	BE
45120network language center	GVWC	v
45121network layer	GVWx	Y
45122network layer service	GVXJ	m
45123network layer standard	GVXv	n
45124network level	GVYW	j
45125network line	GVY5	a
45126network link	GVZT	a
45127network load analysis	GVZt	p
45128network logical address	GVam	v
45129network logical data manager	GVbV	Be
45130network maintenance	GVcz	h
45131network maintenance signal	GVdU	u
45132network management	GVeC	g
45133network management information system	GVei	BF
45134network management layer	GVfn	p
45135network management services	GVgQ	z
45136network management system	GVhD	x
45137network management unit	GVh0	v
45138network manager	GVjx	3
45139network maximum segment size	GVko	4
45140network measurement center	GVlg	y
45141network model	GVmS	b
45142network model	GyC2	k
45143network model data base	GVmt	u
45144network model data base system	GVnb	7
45145network modelling	GVoW	w
45146network modes	GVpG	l
45147network modifier	GVpr	v
45148network monitoring	GVqa	q
45149network name	GVru	e
45150network node	GVsM	a
45151network node administration	GVsm	v
45152network noise	GVtV	b
45153network object	GVtw	c
45154network of computer	GVuM	k
45155network of memory cell	GVuw	n
45156network of quasireversible queue	GVvX	6
45157network operating center	GVwR	s
45158network operating support program	GVw9	BA
45159network operating system	GVx9	w
45160network operating system function	GVyt	7
45161network operation	GVzo	f
45162network operation and maintenance center	GV0H	Bn
45163network operation center	GV1u	BE
45164network operation console	GV2y	w
45165network operation interface	GV3i	v
45166network operation manager	GV4R	z
45167network operation procedure	GV5E	v
45168network operations control center	GV5z	BA
45169network operator	GV6z	h
45170network operator command	GV7U	v
45171network operator console	GV8D	y
45172network operator control program	GV81	BC
45173network operator process	GV+n	BJ
45174network operator service	GV/w	v
45175network operator workstation	GWAf	2
45176network operatoradministrator	GWBV	/
45177network optimization	GWCU	i
45178network optimized approach	GWC2	u
45179network parameter	GWD9	f
45180network parameters in public data network s	GWEc	BO
45181network partition problem	GWFq	t
45182network path	GWGX	o
45183network pc adapter	GWG/	l
45184network performance analysis reporting system	GWHk	BV
45185network performance analyzer	GWI5	6
45186network physical unit	GWJz	v
45187network picture process language	GWKi	BW
45188network planning	GWL4	e
45189network planning tool	GWMW	t
45190network ports	GWND	r
45191network printer	GWNu	g
45192network problem decision application	GWOO	BD
45193network problem determination application	GWPR	Bo
45194network processing	GWQ5	g
45195network processing architecture	GWRZ	5
45196network processing supervisor	GWSS	7
45197network processing supervisor error message	GWTN	BR
45198network processing supervisor startup	GWUe	BF
45199network processing supervisor table	GWVj	BA
45200network processing unit	GWWj	v
45201network processor	GWXS	i
45202network product support	GWX0	5
45203network programming	GWYt	n
45204network protective device	GWZU	x
45205network protocol	GWaF	e
45206network protocol processor	GWaj	BP
45207network protocol software	GWby	t
45208network protocol timing	GWcf	1
45209network quality	GWdU	d
45210network readiness testing	GWdx	3
45211network recovery	GWeo	e
45212network redundancy	GWfG	n
45213network reference monitor station	GWft	BA
45214network registry	GWgt	s
45215network reliability	GWhZ	k
45216network reliability coordinator	GWh9	BA
45217network representation	GWi9	n
45218network resource	GWjk	e
45219network resource directory	GWkC	u
45220network resource unit	GWkw	t
45221network restructuring language	GWld	2
45222network routing center	GWmT	BO
45223network rule	GWnh	a
45224network sample	GWn7	c
45225network scheduling	GWoX	g
45226network security	GWo3	h
45227network security center	GWpY	v
45228network security module	GWqH	v
45229network segment	GWq2	a
45230network sensitivity formula	GWrQ	y
45231network server	GWsC	z
45232network service	GWs1	g
45233network service data unit	GWtV	4
45234network service frame	GWuN	m
45235network service header	GWuz	q
45236network service level	GWvd	m
45237network service manager	GWwD	1
45238network service procedure error	GWw4	+
45239network service protocol	GWx2	w
45240network service provider	GWym	v
45241network services layer	GW0k	n
45242network services manager	GWzV	BP
45243network services procedure error	GW1L	/
45244network services protocol	GW2K	t
45245network site	GW23	a
45246network size	GW3R	a
45247network slowdown	GW3r	e
45248network software	GW4J	e
45249network software development	GW4n	BE
45250network space monitor	GW5r	w
45251network stabilization	GW6b	m
45252network state	GW7h	b
45253network state table	GW78	k
45254network station	GW8g	r
45255network status display	GW9L	x
45256network status display system	GW98	3
45257network status initialization	GW+z	0
45258network status notifications	GW/n	w
45259network strategy	GXAX	e
45260network structure	GXA1	f
45261network supervisor software	GXBU	5
45262network supervisor software system	GXCN	BG
45263network supervisor system	GXDT	3
45264network support processor system	GXEK	9
45265network surveillance system	GXFH	z
45266network switch	GXF6	c
45267network switching center	GXGW	w
45268network synthesis	GXHG	f
45269network system	GXIe	c
45270network system organization	GXI6	z
45271network task	GXJt	a
45272network technical architecture group	GXKH	BG
45273network technique	GXLN	k
45274network technology	GXLx	g
45275network television	GXMR	k
45276network terminal	GXM1	s
45277network terminal circuits	GXNh	x
45278network terminal number	GXOS	r
45279network terminal option	GXO9	y
45280network terminal option device	GXPv	4
45281network terminal protocol	GXQn	x
45282network terminal system	GXRY	v
45283network terminating unit	GXSH	w
45284network termination	GXS3	h
45285network termination processor	GXTY	4
45286network test and training facility	GXUQ	BE
45287network testing problem	GXVU	/
45288network theory	GXWT	c
45289network throughput	GXWv	0
45290network timing	GXXj	m
45291network topology	GXYJ	6
45292network topology figure	GXZD	o
45293network traffic	GXZr	3
45294network traffic pattern	GXai	x
45295network transaction processing	GXbT	2
45296network transfer function	GXcJ	t
45297network transfer table	GXc2	r
45298network transmission	GXdh	i
45299network type analog computer	GXeD	2
45300network universality	GXe5	l
45301network user	GXfe	a
45302network user access procedure	GXf4	3
45303network user identifier	GXgv	y
45304network user identity	GXhh	6
45305network user interface	GXib	q
45306network virtual terminal	GXjF	w
45307network virtual terminal protocols	GXj1	/
45308network wide directory	GXk0	v
45309network wide directory system	GXlj	9
45310network work group	GXmg	n
45311networkguard system	GXws	o
45312networking	GXxU	a
45313networking	x19	l
45314networking device modem	GXxu	u
45315networking distributed processing	GXyc	4
45316networking environment condition	GXzU	0
45317networking function	GX0I	v
45318networking products	GX03	h
45319networking support	GX1Y	q
45320networkmanagement signal	GX2C	s
45321neumann principle	GX2u	f
45322neumann problem	GX3N	0
45323neumann type computer	GX4B	p
45324neural logic system	GX4q	n
45325neural net	GX5R	Y
45326neuron	GX5p	R
45327neuron simulation	GX56	f
45328neutral bus	GX6Z	c
45329neutral circuit	GX61	d
45330neutral conductor	GX7S	f
45331neutral keying	GX7x	c
45332neutral network simulator	GX8N	0
45333neutral state	GX9B	r
45334neutral transmission	GX9s	i
45335neutral zone	GX+O	BT
45336neutron transport computer code	GX/h	BB
45337nevada automatic diagnostic system	GYAi	BH
45338nevada automatic diagnostis system	GYBp	BH
45339new	GYDq	L
45340new and old cost	GYD1	h
45341new assembly language	GYEW	q
45342new computer family d	GYFA	v
45343new data network	GYFv	l
45344new disk access method	GYGU	y
45345new display device	GYHG	m
45346new england bankcard association	GYHs	BC
45347new england educational data system	GYIu	BJ
45348new england eneragy management information system	GYJ3	Be
45349new england library information network	GYLV	BP
45350new england telecommunication association	GYMk	BI
45351new entry	GYNs	i
45352new equipment introduction	GYOO	v
45353new fields	GYO9	Y
45354new file	GYPV	h
45355new information technology	GYP2	r
45356new input message queue	GYQh	u
45357new input queue	GYRP	g
45358new inputoutput program status word location	GYRv	Be
45359new international commercial language	GYTN	BC
45360new line	GYUP	b
45361new line character	GYUq	x
45362new line operation	GYVb	g
45363new list	GYV7	Q
45364new lower bound	GYWL	a
45365new lower bound part	GYWl	l
45366new master file	GYXK	k
45367new network architecture	GYXu	z
45368new page	GYYh	T
45369new page mark	GYY0	p
45370new paragraph	GYZd	Y
45371new permanent file	GYZ1	q
45372new product evaluation form	GYaf	3
45373new program language	GYbW	p
45374new program language1	GYb/	t
45375new program status area pointer	GYcs	BC
45376new program status word	GYdu	r
45377new program status word location	GYeZ	BA
45378new programming language	GYfZ	z
45379new route	GYgM	U
45380new series	GYgg	Y
45381new signal	GYg4	Y
45382new subsystem	GYhQ	l
45383new sync	GYh1	T
45384new system	GYiI	j
45385new transmission plan	GYir	m
45386new type	GYjR	e
45387new type constructor	GYjv	o
45388new type definition	GYkX	k
45389new type parameter	GYk7	j
45390new york assembly program	GYle	y
45391new york automated clearing house	GYmQ	BE
45392new york clearing house association	GYnU	BK
45393new york stock exchange	GYoe	z
45394new york times information	GYpR	u
45395newfig	GYqe	O
45396news editing and layout system of newspaper	GYqs	BP
45397news information	GYr7	e
45398news release	GYsZ	a
45399newspaper composition program	GYsz	6
45400newspaper database	GYtt	j
45401newspaper in microform	GYuQ	x
45402newspapers on microfilm	GYvB	r
45403newton method	Hyi2	b
45404next	GYvs	P
45405next address assembly register	GYv7	BA
45406next address control	GYw7	i
45407next address field	GYxd	d
45408next address instruction	GYx6	s
45409next consecutive bucket	GYym	u
45410next event models	GYzU	i
45411next executable statement	GYz2	w
45412next field	GY0m	Y
45413next location for move	GY1c	q
45414next node index	GY2G	n
45415next operation for move	GY2t	r
45416next record	GY3Y	Z
45417next record number	GY3x	q
45418next sequential instruction	GY4b	z
45419next state	GY5O	S
45420next task register	GY5g	t
45421next word request	GY6N	m
45422nexus	GY+b	w
45423ni nicknames	GY/L	a
45424nibble	GY/l	6
45425nibble mode	GZAf	q
45426nice protocol	GZBJ	Z
45427nice syntax	GZBi	Z
45428niche	GZB7	N
45429nickname	GZCa	Y
45430night frequency	GZCy	v
45431nihongo information system	GZDh	y
45432nil interference	GZFh	b
45433nil link	GZF8	T
45434nil pointer	GZGP	v
45435nil symbol	GZG+	V
45436nim	GZHT	R
45437nimbus data handling system	GZHk	BE
45438nine feature code	JBYW	i
45439nine feature code	JKnS	i
45440nine track tape	GZIo	d
45441nines carry	IpYk	Z
45442nines check	GZLd	j
45443nines complement	GZMA	b
45444ninety column card	GZM9	t
45445nippon calculation machine company	GZOD	9
45446nippon data processing association	GZPA	BB
45447nippon decimal classification	GZQB	7
45448nippon electric automatic computer	GZQ8	BE
45449nippon electric company	GZSA	v
45450nippon electric layout design system for integrate	GZSv	Bl
45451nippon electronic automatic computer	GZUU	BG
45452nippon electronic memory industry company	GZVa	BS
45453nippon electrotechnical committee	GZWs	/
45454nippon telegraph and telephone public corporation	GZXr	BR
45455nixdorf communications network	GZaq	BC
45456nixie	JKZC	T
45457nixie decoder	GZbs	h
45458nixie display indicator	GZcN	x
45459nixie driver	GZc+	g
45460nixie light	GZd3	h
45461nixie light	GZde	Z
45462nixie readout	GZeY	k
45463nixie tube	GZe8	Y
45464nixie tube	GZfU	g
45465nn junction	GZgU	o
45466no address instruction	GZg8	r
45467no answer required	GZhn	n
45468no carry	GZiO	W
45469no charge	GZik	g
45470no code	GZjE	k
45471no connection	GZjo	m
45472no control print	GZkO	l
45473no correction	GZkz	b
45474no count	GZlO	k
45475no date	GZly	V
45476no dated	GZmH	d
45477no defect found	GZmk	k
45478no delay	GZnI	h
45479no delivery	GZnp	Z
45480no detect	GZoC	i
45481no echo	GZok	y
45482no effect	GZpW	j
45483no error check	GZp5	x
45484no error loop	GZqq	i
45485no fault found	GZrM	m
45486no filing time	GZry	j
45487no first error	GZsV	3
45488no go to statement	GZtM	j
45489no home record	GZtv	w
45490no job definition error	GZuf	u
45491no label	GZvN	W
45492no load ratio	GZvj	y
45493no logging	GZwV	V
45494no manual intervention	GZwq	r
45495no mark	GZxV	r
45496no memory	GZyA	b
45497no of complete ops	GZyb	j
45498no op	GZy+	U
45499no op instruction	GZzS	m
45500no operation	GZz4	u
45501no operation instruction	GZ0m	p
45502no parallel print	GZ1P	m
45503no parallel printer	GZ11	r
45504no parity	GZ2g	k
45505no programming language	GZ3E	y
45506no record	GZ32	X
45507no remote	GZ4N	m
45508no response	GZ4z	W
45509no return point	GZ5J	d
45510no signal	GZ5m	i
45511no slot release	GZ6I	h
45512no spurious interrupt	GZ7N	y
45513no such address	GZ7/	h
45514no test link	GZ8g	h
45515no test loop	GZ9B	y
45516no time lost	GZ9z	h
45517no transmission	GZ+U	o
45518no trouble found	GZ+8	l
45519no truncate mode	GZ/h	e
45520no wait mode	GZ//	d
45521nodal analysis method	GaUr	m
45522nodal computer	GaVR	f
45523nodal displacement	GaVw	g
45524nodal exchange area	GaWQ	l
45525nodal line	GaW1	V
45526nodal parallel processor system	GaXK	5
45527nodal processor	GaYD	g
45528nodal route vector	GaYj	q
45529nodal switching center	GaZN	u
45530nodal value	GaZ7	W
45531node	GaaR	o
45532node address	Gaa5	a
45533node administration	GabT	h
45534node array	Gab0	b
45535node branch	GacP	Z
45536node computer	Gaco	v
45537node control function	GadX	p
45538node deletion	GaeA	b
45539node diagram	Gaeb	X
45540node expression	Gaey	j
45541node identification	GafV	h
45542node identifier	Gaf2	g
45543node initialization block	GagW	BO
45544node initialization block list	Gahk	1
45545node insertion	GaiZ	c
45546node layering language	Gai1	q
45547node level	Gajf	Y
45548node level loopback test	Gaj3	y
45549node link	Gakp	l
45550node listing	GalO	a
45551node name	Galo	i
45552node name mapping table	GamK	u
45553node number	Gam4	Z
45554node of network	GanR	r
45555node of tree	Gan8	X
45556node operator	GaoT	v
45557node overwrite	GapC	c
45558node pair	Gape	f
45559node partition	Gap9	q
45560node point	Gaqn	S
45561node queue	Gaq5	Y
45562node record	GarR	n
45563node repair	Gar4	n
45564node serve routine	Gasf	s
45565node specification	GatL	g
45566node state	Gatr	Y
45567node statement	GauD	c
45568node structure	Gauf	q
45569node subgraph	GavJ	p
45570node switching	Gavy	q
45571node table	Gawc	V
45572node table form of parse trees	Gawx	BB
45573node time	Gaxy	X
45574node transformation	GayJ	h
45575node transition description	Gayq	v
45576node type	GazZ	X
45577node variable	Gazw	b
45578node voltage	Ga0L	a
45579noise	Ga4J	l
45580noise abatement procedure	Ga4u	x
45581noise amplifier	FKdz	n
45582noise analysis approach	Ga5f	v
45583noise analysis program	Ga6O	u
45584noise attenuation	Ga68	f
45585noise balancing circuit	Ga7b	v
45586noise bandwidth	Ga8K	d
45587noise cancelling	Ga8n	s
45588noise channel	Ga9T	b
45589noise coding	Wxx	d
45590noise communication channel	Ga9u	5
45591noise control	Ga+n	b
45592noise criterion	Ga/C	g
45593noise detector	Ga/i	i
45594noise digit	GbAE	f
45595noise diode	GbAj	c
45596noise equivalent flux density	GbA/	8
45597noise equivalent intensity	GbB7	y
45598noise exposure computer integrator	GbCt	BH
45599noise factor	GbD0	o
45600noise figure	GbEc	d
45601noise immunity	GbE5	y
45602noise killer	GbFr	8
45603noise level	GbGn	Z
45604noise limiter	GbHA	s
45605noise loading	GbHs	e
45606noise loading test set	GbIK	w
45607noise maintenance component	GbI6	v
45608noise margin	GbJp	o
45609noise ratio	GbKR	W
45610noise ratio	IlyV	c
45611noise ratio	Ilze	g
45612noise ratiosn	Ilz+	h
45613noise signal	GbKn	a
45614noise sn	H29W	c
45615noise source	GbLB	X
45616noise suppression circuit	GbLY	x
45617noise suppressor	GbMJ	s
45618noise transmission impairment	GbM1	v
45619noise type	GbNk	Y
45620noiseless channel	GbQN	i
45621noiseless pulse	GbQv	x
45622noisy channel theorem	GbRg	p
45623noisy deformed tree	GbSJ	k
45624noisy digit	GbSt	Z
45625noisy mode	GbTG	Y
45626nokeypad	GbTe	W
45627nomad language	GbT0	4
45628nomenclature	GbUs	BI
45629nominal bandwidth	GbWv	7
45630nominal circuit voltage	GbXq	r
45631nominal delay	GbYV	b
45632nominal justification rate	GbYw	r
45633nominal key	GbZb	c
45634nominal margin	GbZ3	c
45635nominal modulation rate	GbaT	r
45636nominal path	Gba+	a
45637nominal rated speed	GbV0	7
45638nominal transfer rate	GbbY	m
45639nominal transformation ratio	Gbb+	t
45640nominal transmission loss	Gbcr	t
45641nominal value	GbdY	Y
45642nominative testing	Gbdw	j
45643non destructive read out	GbeT	x
45644non go to statement	GbfE	k
45645non inhibitable interrupt	Gbfo	t
45646non local	GbgV	X
45647non position independent code	Gbgs	x
45648non processor request	Gbhd	3
45649non replacable unit	GbiU	u
45650non return to zero	GbjC	h
45651non return to zero change	Gbjj	w
45652non return to zero inverted	GbkT	1
45653non return to zero mark	GblI	u
45654non standard	Gbl2	a
45655non standard item	GbmQ	m
45656non threshold logic large scale integration	Gbm2	BZ
45657nonadd function	GeQU	d
45658nonaddress memory	GeQx	l
45659nonaddressable memory	GeRW	p
45660nonadjacent level	GeR/	1
45661nonadjacent node	GeS0	h
45662nonalgorithmic procedure	GeTV	p
45663nonanchored choice	GeT+	j
45664nonanchored recongnition	GeUh	p
45665nonarithmetic operation	GeVK	o
45666nonarithmetic shift	GeVy	k
45667nonassociated ccis	GeWW	k
45668nonassociative operator	GeW6	o
45669nonautomatic self verification	GeXi	5
45670nonautomatic switching	GeYb	n
45671nonautonomous system	GeZC	l
45672nonbasic variable	GeZn	i
45673nonbasic variable attribute	GeaJ	y
45674nonbatched file	Gea7	g
45675nonbinary query	Gebb	g
45676nonblank character	Geb7	g
45677nonblocking network	Gecb	k
45678nonblocking protocol	Gec/	l
45679nonblocking service	Gedk	k
45680nonblocking switching network	GeeI	0
45681nonboundary line	Gee8	e
45682nonbranching	Gefa	a
45683nonbreaking hyphen	Gef0	6
45684nonbusiness organization	Gegu	p
45685noncentral distribution	Gehx	o
45686noncentralized control	GeiZ	q
45687noncharacter array element name	GejD	5
45688noncharacter array name	Gej8	r
45689noncircular symbol	Gekn	0
45690noncoded graphics	Gelb	p
45691noncoded information	GemE	s
45692noncoherent communication	Gemw	q
45693noncoherent modulation system	Gena	0
45694noncollinear	GeoO	i
45695noncommand terminal	Geow	n
45696noncommunications jamming	Gep8	0
45697noncommutative operation	Geqw	p
45698noncompatibility	GesY	e
45699noncompatible	Ges2	p
45700noncomplete independence	GeuF	s
45701noncomputable flow graph	Geux	y
45702noncomputational	Gevj	e
45703nonconjuction	GewB	X
45704nonconjuction gate	GewY	f
45705nonconjunction gate	Gew3	h
45706nonconnected storage	GexY	l
45707noncontact longitudinal recording	Gex9	4
45708noncontiguous data	Gey1	j
45709noncontiguous file	GezY	3
45710noncontiguous item	Ge0P	4
45711noncontiguous linkage storage	Ge1H	0
45712noncontiguous page	Ge17	n
45713noncontrol system	Ge3D	i
45714noncritical activity	Ge3l	l
45715noncritical microoperation	Ge4K	BC
45716nondata input	Ge5M	e
45717nondata inputoutput operation	Ge5q	7
45718nondeclarative procedure	Ge7H	p
45719nondecreasing order	Ge7w	k
45720nondedicated laboratory computer	Ge8U	9
45721nondegenerate basic feasible solution	Ge9R	/
45722nondelivery diagnostic	Ge+Q	r
45723nondemand paging	Ge+7	h
45724nondense index	Ge/c	f
45725nondependence relation	Ge/7	q
45726nondestructing check	GfAl	o
45727nondestructing memory	GfBN	s
45728nondestructing read	GfB5	l
45729nondestructing readout	GfCe	n
45730nondestructive	H3N3	i
45731nondestructive addition	GfDF	r
45732nondestructive addition	GfDw	y
45733nondestructive inspection	GfEi	/
45734nondestructive inspection standard	GfFh	BV
45735nondestructive memory	GfG2	z
45736nondestructive read	GfHp	8
45737nondestructive read character	GfIl	x
45738nondestructive read element	GfJW	y
45739nondestructive readout	GfK6	6
45740nondestructive readout memory	GfL0	3
45741nondestructive readout storage	GfMr	1
45742nondestructive storage	GfNg	x
45743nondestructive technique	GfOR	z
45744nondestructive testing	GfPE	q
45745nondestructive toroidal memory core	GfPu	BG
45746nondetectability	GfQ0	h
45747nondeterministic algorithm	GfRV	r
45748nondeterministic automaton	GfSA	x
45749nondeterministic data flow programming	GfSx	BG
45750nondeterministic finite state machine	GfT3	BC
45751nondeterministic finite state recognizer	GfU5	BL
45752nondeterministic flow chart	GfWE	v
45753nondeterministic fortran	GfWz	4
45754nondeterministic machine	GfXr	m
45755nondeterministic nested stack automat	GfYR	BI
45756nondeterministic parsing	GfZZ	s
45757nondeterministic process	GfaF	s
45758nondeterministic processing	Gfax	s
45759nondeterministic program	Gfbd	p
45760nondeterministic syntax	GfcG	o
45761nondeterministic syntax analyzer	Gfcu	9
45762nondeterministic syntax analyzer with mixed strate	Gfdr	Bk
45763nondial trunks	GffP	y
45764nondirected graph	GfgB	j
45765nondisjunction	Gfgk	Y
45766nondisjunction gate	Gfg8	r
45767nondisplay	Gfhn	V
45768nondissipative network	Gfh8	n
45769nondistributed information	Gfij	r
45770nondistributed parameter	GfjO	p
45771none indicator	Gfj3	f
45772none line	GfkW	BP
45773nonelocked random access memory design	Gfl+	BJ
45774nonempty binary tree	GfnH	l
45775nonempty entry	Gfns	Z
45776nonempty finite set	GfoF	k
45777nonempty finite string	Gfop	n
45778nonempty sequence	GfpQ	f
45779nonempty set	Gfpv	a
45780nonenumerative algorithm	GfqJ	s
45781nonequality gate	Gfq1	o
45782nonequivalence element	Gfrd	n
45783nonequivalence gate	GfsE	h
45784nonequivalence interruption	Gfsl	o
45785nonequivalence operation	GftN	l
45786nonequivalency element	Gfty	t
45787nonerasable medium	Gfuf	j
45788nonerasable stack automaton	GfvC	1
45789nonerasable storage	Gfv3	Br
45790nonexecutable program	Gfxi	m
45791nonexecutable statement	GfyI	8
45792nonexecutable statement label	GfzE	0
45793nonexistent block	Gf0f	5
45794nonexistent code	Gf1Y	9
45795nonexistent code check	Gf2V	4
45796nonexistent load module file	Gf3N	BW
45797nonexistent logical unit number	Gf4j	BT
45798nonexistent memory	Gf52	t
45799nonextended address space	Gf6j	w
45800nonfailure node	Gf7T	g
45801nonfatal	Gf7z	c
45802nonfatal error	Gf8P	w
45803nonfeasible method	Gf8/	j
45804nonflag character	Gf+K	i
45805nonfull dependency	Gf+s	q
45806nonfunction package software	Gf/W	z
45807nonfundamental mode flow table	GgAJ	4
45808nonhierarchical file	GgBB	l
45809nonidentical processor	GgBm	n
45810nonidentity operation	GgCN	5
45811nonimbedded command	GgDG	k
45812nonimpact printer	GgDq	l
45813nonimpact printing	GgEP	m
45814nonimpact thermal printer	GgE1	5
45815nonindexed command	GgFu	j
45816nonindexed detail	GgGR	i
45817noninhibitable interrupt	GgGz	y
45818nonintelligent terminal	GgHl	o
45819noninteracting control system	GgIN	3
45820noninteractive processing mode	GgJE	4
45821noninteractive task	GgJ8	n
45822noninterference basis	GgKj	7
45823noninterlaced	GgLe	e
45824noninventory	GgL8	X
45825nonkey	GgMT	U
45826nonkey domain	GgMn	b
45827nonkeyboard characters	GgNC	n
45828nonlabeled tape	GgNp	g
45829nonleaf node	GgOJ	a
45830nonleave tree	GgOj	Y
45831nonlinear active network simulation	GgO7	BH
45832nonlinear analysis	GgQC	j
45833nonlinear component	GgQl	k
45834nonlinear compressor	GgRJ	o
45835nonlinear computing element	GgRx	y
45836nonlinear control system	GgSj	v
45837nonlinear data structure	GgTS	v
45838nonlinear discriminant	GgUB	n
45839nonlinear distortion	GgUo	2
45840nonlinear element	GgVe	m
45841nonlinear grammar	GgWE	i
45842nonlinear integrated circuit	GgWm	z
45843nonlinear mapping	GgXZ	i
45844nonlinear network	GgX7	i
45845nonlinear network analysis program	GgYd	BG
45846nonlinear network simulation and analysis program	GgZj	Bf
45847nonlinear operational element	GgbC	0
45848nonlinear optimization	Ggb2	q
45849nonlinear programming	Ggcg	q
45850nonlinear regression analysis	GgdK	0
45851nonlinearity distortion	Ggd+	o
45852nonlinking format	Ggem	i
45853nonloadable character set	GgfI	t
45854nonloaded cable	Ggf1	d
45855nonloaded line	GggS	Z
45856nonlocal environment	Gggr	l
45857nonlocal goto	GghQ	i
45858nonlocking escape	Gghy	f
45859nonmaintenance time	GgiR	k
45860nonmaskable interrupt	Ggi1	t
45861nonmaskable interrupt capability	Ggji	6
45862nonmatching control	Ggkc	k
45863nonmicroprogrammed device	GglA	3
45864nonmicroprogrammed interface	Ggl3	2
45865nonmicroprogrammed machine	Ggmt	6
45866nonnegative integer	Ggnn	h
45867nonnegative number	GgoI	d
45868nonnegative type	Ggol	b
45869nonnegative variable	GgpA	i
45870nonnormalized number	Ggpi	p
45871nonnumeric application	GgqL	n
45872nonnumeric calculation	Ggqy	n
45873nonnumeric character	GgrZ	l
45874nonnumeric coding	Ggr+	i
45875nonnumeric comparison	Ggsg	m
45876nonnumeric data processing	GgtG	x
45877nonnumeric item	Ggt3	u
45878nonnumeric literal	Ggul	0
45879nonnumeric processing	GgvZ	m
45880nonnumeric processor	Ggv/	o
45881nonnumeric processor architecture	Ggwn	BB
45882nonnumeric word	Ggxo	d
45883nonnumerical data processing	GgyF	z
45884nonobject program instruction	Ggy4	0
45885nonoperable instruction	Ggzs	o
45886nonoperational mode	Gg0U	k
45887nonoptimal path	Gg04	x
45888nonoptimal value	Gg1p	e
45889nonoriented communication network	Gg2H	1
45890nonoverflow entry	Gg28	f
45891nonoverlaid	Gg3b	Z
45892nonoverlapping	Gg30	k
45893nonoverlayed main program link	Gg4Y	4
45894nonpacket mode	Gg5Q	q
45895nonpacket mode terminal	Gg56	v
45896nonpageable dynamic area	Gg6p	v
45897nonpageable partition	Gg7Y	p
45898nonpageable region	Gg8B	j
45899nonpaired data	Gg8k	BB
45900nonparametric job model	Gg9l	u
45901nonparametric statistics	Gg+T	9
45902nonpassage of signals	Gg/Q	x
45903nonpermanent foreground	GhAo	o
45904nonpermissible code block	GhBQ	q
45905nonpermitted transfer	GhB6	j
45906nonpipelined processor	GhCd	w
45907nonpreemptive scheduling	GhDN	p
45908nonpreemptive service	GhD2	m
45909nonprimary data structure	GhEc	w
45910nonprime attribute	GhFM	x
45911nonprint	GhF9	h
45912nonprint code	GhGe	b
45913nonprint function	GhG5	i
45914nonprint instruction	GhHb	z
45915nonprinting character	GhIO	3
45916nonpriority interrupt	GhJF	m
45917nonprivileged	GhJr	b
45918nonprivileged account	GhKG	m
45919nonprivileged instruction	GhKs	q
45920nonprivileged user	GhLW	j
45921nonprivileged user program	GhL5	x
45922nonprocedural data processing	GhMq	0
45923nonprocedural language	GhNe	n
45924nonprocedural reference	GhOF	2
45925nonprocedural referencing language	GhO7	+
45926nonprofit organization	GhP5	n
45927nonprogrammable analog signal	GhQg	9
45928nonprogrammable calculator	GhRd	x
45929nonprogrammable port	GhSO	o
45930nonprogrammed decision	GhS2	BJ
45931nonprogrammed halt	GhT/	BT
45932nonprogrammer	GhVS	h
45933nonprogramming languageone	GhVz	5
45934nonprogramming user	GhWs	q
45935nonrandom access	GhX4	h
45936nonrandom data	GhYZ	f
45937nonrandom key	GhY4	h
45938nonrandom subset	GhZZ	h
45939nonrecoverable error	Ghbf	o
45940nonrecoverable program error	GhcH	5
45941nonrecoverable transaction	GhdA	u
45942nonrecursive digital filter	Ghdu	BX
45943nonreentrant	GhfF	X
45944nonreference object	Ghfc	k
45945nonregular character	GhgA	l
45946nonrelevant document	Ghgl	l
45947nonrelocatable phase	GhhK	BU
45948nonreproducing code	Ghie	k
45949nonrequesting terminal program	GhjC	1
45950nonresident	Ghj3	W
45951nonresident device handler	GhkN	3
45952nonresident micro diagnostics	GhlE	3
45953nonresident portion of a control program	Ghl7	BO
45954nonresident program	GhnJ	k
45955nonresident routine	Ghnt	y
45956nonrestoring division	Ghof	m
45957nonreturn to zero	GhpF	k
45958nonreturn to zero inverted	Ghpp	w
45959nonreusable	Ghus	f
45960nonreusable disk queuing	GhvL	4
45961nonreusable medium	GhwD	s
45962nonreusable routine	Ghwv	4
45963nonroutine maintenance	Ghxn	r
45964nonrouting node	GhyS	g
45965nonsales mode	Ghyy	e
45966nonsaturated logic	GhzQ	j
45967nonsaturating inverter logic	Ghzz	0
45968nonsaturation magnetic recording	Gh0n	7
45969nonscan field	Gh1i	e
45970nonscheduled maintenance time	Gh2b	BI
45971nonscheduled mainttenance	JErt	t
45972nonsegregated phase bus	Gh3j	r
45973nonseparated code	Gh4O	i
45974nonsequenced	Gh4w	h
45975nonsequenced chain	Gh5R	g
45976nonsequenced command	Gh5x	l
45977nonsequenced display	Gh6W	l
45978nonsequential computer	Gh67	q
45979nonsequential list	Gh7l	g
45980nonsequential operation	Gh8F	o
45981nonsequential receive protocol	Gh8t	y
45982nonsequential stochastic programming	Gh9f	7
45983nonshared control unit	Gh+a	7
45984nonshared subchannel	Gh/V	o
45985nonsimple domain	Gh/9	h
45986nonsimultaneous transmission	GiAe	t
45987nonsingular code	GiBL	b
45988nonsingular set	GiBm	d
45989nonsingular set type	GiCD	o
45990nonsoftware support	GiCr	k
45991nonstandard	GiDP	o
45992nonstandard action	GiD3	j
45993nonstandard command format	GiEa	x
45994nonstandard dynamic logic	GiFL	w
45995nonstandard formatted file	GiF7	x
45996nonstandard label	GiGs	m
45997nonstandard label number	GiHS	s
45998nonstandard part approval	GiH+	0
45999nonstandard procedure	GiIy	m
46000nonstandard syntax	GiJY	j
46001nonstop computing	GiJ7	i
46002nonstop distributed database system	GiKd	BG
46003nonstop operation protection	GiLj	z
46004nonstore through cache	GiMW	5
46005nonstructured data type	GiNP	u
46006nonstructured type	GiN9	j
46007nonsubscripted integer variable	GiOg	5
46008nonsubscripted switch variable	GiPZ	1
46009nonsubscripted variable	GiQO	o
46010nonsupervisor mode	GiQ2	n
46011nonswappable	GiRd	d
46012nonswappable storage	GiR6	u
46013nonswitched connection	GiSo	n
46014nonswitched line	GiTP	BM
46015nonswitched link	GiUb	k
46016nonswitched network	GiU/	n
46017nonswitched transmission	GiWt	s
46018nonsynchronous computer	GiXZ	r
46019nonsynchronous information	GiYE	r
46020nonsynchronous multiplex system	GiYv	5
46021nonsynchronous network	GiZo	r
46022nonsynchronous transfer	GiaT	o
46023nonsynchronous trnsmission	Gia7	r
46024nonsystem standard format	Gibm	w
46025nonsystematic code	GicW	g
46026nontask	Gic2	S
46027nontechnical user	GidI	p
46028nontemporary data set	Gidx	p
46029nonterminal	Giea	c
46030nonterminal alphabet	Gie2	o
46031nonterminal class	Gife	i
46032nonterminal expression	GigA	t
46033nonterminal in a grammar	Gigt	v
46034nonterminal look ahead	Gihc	BB
46035nonterminal node	Giid	h
46036nonterminal node of tree	Gii+	v
46037nonterminal position	Gijt	o
46038nonterminal symbol	GikV	j
46039nonterminal word	Gik4	e
46040nonterminating interruptible state	GilW	5
46041nonterminating uninterruptible	GimP	y
46042nonthreshold logic circuit	GinB	x
46043nontime delay	Giny	e
46044nontransmission field	GioQ	m
46045nontransparent mode	Gio2	k
46046nontrappable	Gipa	d
46047nontrivial condition	Gip3	l
46048nontrivial grammar	Giqc	j
46049nontutorial computer application	Giq/	/
46050nonuniform encoding	Gir+	k
46051nonuniform mapping	Gisi	j
46052nonuniform sampling	GitF	k
46053nonuniform transmission line	Gitp	w
46054nonupdatable	GiuZ	d
46055nonurgent batch task	Giu2	1
46056nonvector computer	Givr	m
46057nonvector mathematic operation	GiwR	1
46058nonvolatile chain	Gix4	f
46059nonvolatile programmable read only memory	GiyX	BP
46060nonvolatile ram	Gizm	p
46061nonvolatile random access memory	Gi0P	BA
46062nonvolatile storage	Gi1P	BC
46063nonworkdays	Gi2v	Z
46064nonzero character	Gi3I	f
46065nonzero integer constant	Gi3n	p
46066nonzero mask	Gi4Q	u
46067nonzero value	Gi4+	Y
46068nor	C8aK	b
46069nor	DsPz	U
46070nor	DsTP	U
46071nor	DsYl	O
46072nor	Gi5W	N
46073nor buffer	Gi5j	d
46074nor circuit	Gi6A	b
46075nor element	GRwi	b
46076nor element	Gi6b	p
46077nor gate	7X+	k
46078nor gate	C8al	Z
46079nor gate	C8fy	S
46080nor gate	GRw9	W
46081nor gate	GRxT	V
46082nor gate	Gi7m	g
46083nor gate debouncer	Gi8G	u
46084nor operation	GRxo	d
46085nor operation	Gi80	t
46086nor operator	Gi9h	c
46087nor rs latch	Gi99	s
46088nordic data network	Gi/s	r
46089normal	H2f7	X
46090normal addresss	GjAX	d
46091normal algorithm	GjA0	e
46092normal assignment statement	GjBS	v
46093normal attribute	GjCB	e
46094normal binary	GjCf	BA
46095normal block	GjDf	d
46096normal call	GjD8	n
46097normal calling procedure	GjEj	BA
46098normal carrier system	GjFj	p
46099normal channel	GjGM	q
46100normal character	GjG2	e
46101normal charge	GjHU	t
46102normal closing hours	GjIB	o
46103normal compiler writer	GjIp	z
46104normal contact	GjJc	c
46105normal control field	GjKl	o
46106normal correlation function	GjLN	v
46107normal cycle	GjL8	r
46108normal data	GjMn	Z
46109normal direction flow	GjNA	BS
46110normal disconnected mode	GjOS	BY
46111normal distribution	GjPq	v
46112normal entry	GjQZ	o
46113normal execution mode	GjRB	p
46114normal execution sequence	GjRq	t
46115normal exit	GjSX	Z
46116normal flow	GjSw	u
46117normal form	GjTe	7
46118normal form	HxSn	l
46119normal form	IIbj	Z
46120normal forms	GjUZ	X
46121normal formula	GjUw	c
46122normal fortran statement	GjVM	t
46123normal grammar	GjV5	c
46124normal graph reduction	GjWV	n
46125normal identifier	GjW8	i
46126normal initial status	GjXe	p
46127normal input cause	GjYH	q
46128normal inputoutput control executive	GjYx	BQ
46129normal inspection	GjaB	f
46130normal install	Gjag	c
46131normal instruction	Gja8	g
46132normal language	Gjbc	d
46133normal length	Gjb5	b
46134normal line	GjcU	Z
46135normal load	Gjct	Z
46136normal magnetization	GjdG	s
46137normal manual operation	Gjdy	v
46138normal merge program key ranking procedure	Gjeh	BT
46139normal mode	Gjf0	n
46140normal mode flow table	Gjgb	t
46141normal mode of input	GjhI	o
46142normal mode rejection	Gjhw	j
46143normal mode rejection ratio	GjiT	x
46144normal mode voltage	GjjE	h
46145normal monotone context sensitive web grammar	Gjjl	Bg
46146normal name call	GjlF	k
46147normal network cause	Gjlp	s
46148normal network traffic	GjmV	t
46149normal operating conditions	GjnC	v
46150normal operator	Gjnx	d
46151normal output	GjoO	b
46152normal overload	Gjop	h
46153normal parameter	GjpK	e
46154normal permeability	Gjpo	k
46155normal pricing	GjqM	f
46156normal priority	Gjqr	g
46157normal procedure call	GjrL	p
46158normal process	Gjr0	c
46159normal program flow	GjsQ	n
46160normal random number	Gjs3	2
46161normal random process	Gjtt	p
46162normal random variable	GjuW	q
46163normal range	GjvA	a
46164normal release	Gjva	c
46165normal release condition	Gjv2	s
46166normal requirement	Gjwi	g
46167normal response	GjxC	r
46168normal response mode	Gjxt	s
46169normal restart	GjyZ	f
46170normal return address	Gjy4	p
46171normal return point	Gjzh	k
46172normal route	Gj0F	o
46173normal sample	Gj0t	b
46174normal service request	Gj1I	u
46175normal signal	Gj12	b
46176normal software environment	Gj2R	BD
46177normal sort	Gj3U	Z
46178normal sort program	Gj3t	n
46179normal sort program input procedure	Gj4U	BD
46180normal sort program key ranging procedure	Gj5X	BS
46181normal stack mechanism	Gj6p	q
46182normal stack pointer	Gj7T	o
46183normal state	Gj77	o
46184normal statement	Gj8j	e
46185normal subgroup	Gj9B	r
46186normal system operation	Gj9s	/
46187normal term	Gj+r	W
46188normal termination	Gj/B	u
46189normal time	Gj/v	n
46190normal traffic	GkAW	f
46191normal value	GkA1	l
46192normal view	GkBa	Z
46193normalised device coordinate	GkCn	z
46194normality test	GkDa	f
46195normalization	GkD5	u
46196normalization of a database	GkEn	BA
46197normalization routine	GkFn	0
46198normalization signal	GkGb	2
46199normalization technique	GkHR	5
46200normalize	GkIK	BC
46201normalized data structure	GkJM	w
46202normalized device coordinate	GkJ8	z
46203normalized device coordinates	GkKv	4
46204normalized doubling algorithm	GkLn	0
46205normalized factor	GkMb	y
46206normalized floating add	GkOX	v
46207normalized floating divide	GkPG	1
46208normalized floating multiply	GkP7	3
46209normalized floating subtract	GkQy	0
46210normalized form	GkSG	BY
46211normalized fraction	GkTe	k
46212normalized local address	GkUC	z
46213normalized mantissa	GkU1	k
46214normalized mode	GkVZ	d
46215normalized number	GkV2	f
46216normalized result	GkWV	i
46217normalized schema	GkW3	i
46218normalized space	GkXZ	h
46219normalized value	GkX6	p
46220normalizer	GkY3	V
46221normalizing	GkZM	g
46222normally closed	GkZs	k
46223normally closed contact	GkaQ	s
46224normally closed contacts	Gka8	0
46225normally closed control element	Gkbw	z
46226normally open	Gkcj	s
46227normally open closed contact	GkdP	5
46228normally open contact	GkeI	x
46229normative testing	Gkfd	f
46230north american presentation level protocol syntax	Gkf8	BV
46231north american presentation level protocol syntax	GkhR	BV
46232north atlantic relay communication system	Gkim	BQ
46233north atlantic treaty organization satellite commu	Gkj2	Be
46234north caroline computer orientation project	GklU	BU
46235northeast computer measurement group	Gkmo	BH
46236northern europe university computing complex	Gknv	BS
46237northwest computer association	GkpB	BD
46238northwest computing association	GkqE	BB
46239not	BE2G	J
46240not	BE2P	S
46241not	GkrF	e
46242not accepted screen status	Gkrj	z
46243not all	GksW	b
46244not and	Gksx	X
46245not and circuit	GktI	f
46246not assigned	Gktn	r
46247not available	GkuS	0
46248not circuit	GkvG	c
46249not circuit	WBU	c
46250not component	Gkvi	k
46251not connected graph	GkwG	h
46252not counted	Gkwn	e
46253not data accepted	GkxF	t
46254not dated at all	Gkxy	5
46255not editable attribute	Gkyr	q
46256not element	GkzV	m
46257not elsewhere specified	Gk0X	v
46258not equal	Gk1G	X
46259not error loop	Gk1d	0
46260not examined	Gk2R	a
46261not exceding	Gk2r	X
46262not executable attribute	Gk3C	s
46263not file protect	Gk3u	5
46264not first error communication	Gk4n	0
46265not found	Gk5b	i
46266not gate	Gk59	a
46267not less than	Gk69	c
46268not operation	Gk7+	Y
46269not operation	Gk7Z	l
46270not operation	WBw	b
46271not operationally ready	Gk8W	u
46272not operator	Gk9E	n
46273not or circuit	Gk9r	e
46274not otherwise specified	Gk+J	s
46275not out	Gk+1	V
46276not packet terminal	Gk/K	k
46277not print	Gk/u	U
46278not ready for data	GlAC	x
46279not ready for data line	GlAz	6
46280not ready state	GlBt	g
46281not received	GlCN	d
46282not reusable	GlCq	0
46283not selected items	GlDe	j
46284not signed	GlEB	Y
46285not sum	GlEZ	R
46286not symbol	GlEq	X
46287not system	GlFB	X
46288not to noted	GlFY	e
46289not to scale	GlF2	e
46290not yet diagnosed	GlGU	m
46291not yet operated	GlG6	w
46292not yet returned	GlHq	i
46293notation	GlRE	2
46294notation constant	GlR6	f
46295notation system	GlSZ	o
46296notational system	GlTB	f
46297notbusy interrupt	GlTg	f
46298notch	GlT/	T
46299notched card	CnS1	e
46300note	GlUS	BT
46301note command	GlVl	a
46302note payable	GlV/	a
46303note receivable	GlWZ	d
46304nothing approach	PZw	n
46305nothing gate	PaX	g
46306nothing instruction	CgyP	h
46307nothing to report	GlW2	0
46308notice	GlXq	a
46309notice of enquiry	GlYE	f
46310notice of execution	GlYj	l
46311notification	GlZI	BJ
46312notification message	GlaR	i
46313notify	Glaz	S
46314notify delivery	GlbF	r
46315notify lock	Glbw	Z
46316notify object	GlcJ	b
46317notion list	Glck	W
46318notion of subprocedure	Glc6	n
46319nought state	Gldh	X
46320noughts complement	Gld4	l
46321noun group	Gled	j
46322noun group program	GlfA	j
46323nova tape utility programs	Glgy	3
46324novalidate mode	Glhp	g
46325novice	GliJ	f
46326nozzle	Glio	O
46327npl network	GljP	BG
46328nrz abbreviation	GlkV	t
46329nrz0 abbreviation	Glm2	9
46330nrz1 abbreviation	Glnz	9
46331nrzc abbreviation	GllC	6
46332nrzm abbreviation	Gll8	6
46333nsp	Glow	X
46334nuclear data information center	Glph	+
46335nuclear data tape program	Glqf	1
46336nuclear detection satellite	GlrU	w
46337nuclear magnetic resonance computer tomography	GlsE	BY
46338nucleus	Gltc	u
46339nucleus control block area	GluK	BD
46340nucleus initialization program	GlvN	/
46341nucleus module	GlwM	c
46342null	Glwo	+
46343null access value	Glxm	f
46344null allocation	GlyF	a
46345null argument	Glyf	Y
46346null argument list	Gly3	g
46347null array	GlzX	V
46348null bit string	Glzs	l
46349null character	Gl0R	o
46350null character string	Gl05	j
46351null command	Gl1c	X
46352null cycle	Gl1z	V
46353null data area	Gl2I	c
46354null data set	Gl2k	b
46355null delimiter	Gl2/	c
46356null device	Gl3b	h
46357null field	Gl38	d
46358null file	Gl4Z	U
46359null gate	Gl4t	R
46360null index range	Gl4+	h
46361null instruction	Gl5f	b
46362null key characteristic	Gl56	h
46363null line	Gl6b	Z
46364null line suppression	Gl60	j
46365null link	Gl7X	U
46366null list	Gl7r	Z
46367null locator value	Gl8E	p
46368null modem	Gl8t	0
46369null name	Gl9h	R
46370null operator	Gl9y	Y
46371null parameter list	Gl+K	h
46372null pointer value	Gl+r	j
46373null process	Gl/O	X
46374null record	Gl/l	W
46375null reference	Gl/7	q
46376null representation	GmAl	l
46377null set	GmBK	j
46378null space	GmBt	V
46379null state	GmCC	V
46380null statement	GmCX	Z
46381null string	GmCw	4
46382null string argument	GmDo	i
46383null suppression	GmEK	m
46384null symbol	GmEw	W
46385null term	GmFG	c
46386null transformation	GmFi	e
46387null value	GmGA	a
46388nullidle	GmGa	p
46389number	GlJF	R
46390number	GmH4	BH
46391number	H+Fh	N
46392number	H2o1	U
46393number address code	GmI/	h
46394number base	GmJg	b
46395number base conversion	GmJ7	o
46396number building	GmKj	r
46397number bus	GmLO	b
46398number check	GmLp	f
46399number column	GmMI	l
46400number computer	FLsh	j
46401number control	GmMt	c
46402number controlled oscillator	GmNJ	x
46403number conversion	GmN6	q
46404number converter	Dl+G	p
46405number crunching unit	GmOk	k
46406number format	GmPI	b
46407number format character	GmPj	r
46408number generator	GmQO	h
46409number group	GmQv	2
46410number identification	GmRl	j
46411number identifier	GmSI	v
46412number identifier connector	GmS3	BH
46413number indicators	IeSM	BA
46414number key	GmT+	V
46415number line	GmUT	W
46416number normalization	GmUp	l
46417number of active lines	GmVO	w
46418number of active material records	GmV+	+
46419number of active miscellaneous records	GmW8	BD
46420number of active operations detail records	GmX/	BN
46421number of basic operation	GmZM	t
46422number of bits	GmZ5	j
46423number of calls	Gmac	d
46424number of channels	Gma5	o
46425number of character output	Gmbh	r
46426number of chargeable words	GmcM	z
46427number of columns	Gmc/	Z
46428number of complete operations	GmdY	u
46429number of days supplied	GmeG	l
46430number of defect	Gmer	m
46431number of entry	GmfR	a
46432number of equivalent binary digits	Gmfr	Bq
46433number of equivalent labels	GmhV	s
46434number of fan outs	GmiB	n
46435number of fillers	Gmio	t
46436number of forecast periods	GmjV	o
46437number of item	Gmj9	W
46438number of items per class or vendor	GmkT	BJ
46439number of items with shortage	Gmlc	u
46440number of jobs	GmmK	f
46441number of lines	Gmmp	i
46442number of orders on report	GmnL	x
46443number of partition	Gmn8	e
46444number of reaction unit	Gmoa	s
46445number of records still available in batch	GmpG	BQ
46446number of sales months	GmqW	k
46447number of terminals per failure	Gmq6	7
46448number of tracks	Gmr1	e
46449number of transaction in error	GmsT	y
46450number of transfer units	GmtF	w
46451number of true dependencies	Gmt1	s
46452number of word	Gmuh	b
46453number of words	Gmu8	g
46454number one	Gmvc	l
46455number period	GmwB	b
46456number range	Gmwc	o
46457number recorder	GmxE	g
46458number representation	Gmxk	k
46459number representation system	GmyI	BX
46460number scale	Gmzf	X
46461number sequence	Gmz2	X
46462number service	Gm0N	c
46463number service operator	Gm0p	r
46464number storage	Gm1U	f
46465number system	Gm1z	3
46466number theory	Gm2q	V
46467number transfer bus	Gm2/	q
46468numbered card	Gm3p	m
46469numbered channels	C6qT	f
46470numbered channels	GqVZ	f
46471numbered error	C6qy	c
46472numbered information frame	Gm4P	u
46473numbered node	Gm49	i
46474numberical readout	Gm5f	g
46475numbering	Gm5/	R
46476numbering area	Gm6Q	c
46477numbering area code	Gm6s	k
46478numbering cycle	Gm7Q	g
46479numbering line	Gm7w	q
46480numbering of statement	Gm8a	k
46481numbering plan	Gm8+	m
46482numbering prefix	Gm9k	s
46483numbering scheme	Gm+Q	s
46484numbering system	Gm+8	e
46485numbering transmitter	Gm/a	p
46486numbers	GnAD	M
46487numeral	GnAP	l
46488numeral control	GnA0	l
46489numeral control robot	GnBZ	0
46490numeral control tape	GnCN	+
46491numeral data	GnDL	a
46492numeral row	GnDl	W
46493numeral system	GnD7	q
46494numeralization	GnEl	Z
46495numeration	GnE+	d
46496numeration representation system	GnFb	r
46497numeration system	GnGG	4
46498numeric	GnG+	m
46499numeric	Qyz	Y
46500numeric address	GnHk	d
46501numeric argument indicator	GnIB	x
46502numeric backspace character	GnIy	w
46503numeric bit data	GnJi	h
46504numeric character	Dvd4	t
46505numeric character	GnKD	t
46506numeric character data	GnKw	q
46507numeric character set	GnLa	m
46508numeric character set character subset	GnMA	BJ
46509numeric character subset	GnNJ	s
46510numeric class	GnN1	Y
46511numeric code	GnON	BH
46512numeric code input	GnPU	0
46513numeric coded character set	GnQI	y
46514numeric coded set	GnQ6	l
46515numeric coding	GnRf	c
46516numeric comparison	GnR7	g
46517numeric computer	GnSb	h
46518numeric constant	GnS8	s
46519numeric control	GnTo	l
46520numeric conversion code	GnUN	8
46521numeric data	GnVJ	o
46522numeric data code	GnVx	i
46523numeric data type	GnWT	l
46524numeric datacode	GnW4	9
46525numeric edited character	GnX1	s
46526numeric edited data item	GnYh	v
46527numeric edited item	GnZQ	k
46528numeric expression	GnZ0	t
46529numeric field	Gnah	8
46530numeric field arithmetic data	Gnbd	3
46531numeric field data item	GncU	r
46532numeric field descriptor	Gnc/	w
46533numeric field name	Gndv	g
46534numeric integer	GneP	a
46535numeric item	Gnep	X
46536numeric item name	GnfA	f
46537numeric key	Gnff	W
46538numeric key lock function	Gnf1	w
46539numeric keyboard	Gngl	e
46540numeric keypad	GnhD	Bg
46541numeric literal	Gnij	BH
46542numeric lock	Gnjq	d
46543numeric move	GnkH	a
46544numeric operand	GdFc	0
46545numeric operand	Gnkh	0
46546numeric operator	GnlV	y
46547numeric pads	GnmH	d
46548numeric portion	Gnmk	d
46549numeric printer	GnnB	g
46550numeric process	Gnnh	r
46551numeric punch	GnoM	BJ
46552numeric representation	Gnpm	8
46553numeric scale	Gnqi	Y
46554numeric shift	Gnq6	b
46555numeric sorting	GnrV	r
46556numeric space character	GnsA	s
46557numeric string	Gnss	y
46558numeric subroutine package	Gnte	BA
46559numeric to numeric conversion	Gnue	BI
46560numeric type conversion	Gnvm	r
46561numeric type inputoutput	GnwR	z
46562numeric value	GnxE	V
46563numeric valued expression	GnxZ	0
46564numeric variable	GnyN	s
46565numeric word	Gny5	i
46566numerical	GdGQ	l
46567numerical	Gn1b	f
46568numerical algorithm	Gn16	k
46569numerical algorithm library	Gn2e	s
46570numerical analysis	Gn3K	j
46571numerical analysis	ISEa	j
46572numerical analysis laboratory	Gn3t	4
46573numerical analysis problem solving system	Gn4l	BJ
46574numerical analysis research	Gn5u	z
46575numerical analyst	Gn6h	i
46576numerical approximation	Gn7D	l
46577numerical argument	Gn7o	g
46578numerical calculation	Gn8I	j
46579numerical code	Gn8r	Z
46580numerical coding	Gn9E	e
46581numerical computation	Gn9i	j
46582numerical control	Gn+F	+
46583numerical control and computer service	Gn/D	BL
46584numerical control device	GoAO	s
46585numerical control distribution system	GoA6	BM
46586numerical control drafting machine	GoCG	4
46587numerical control language processor	GoC+	BJ
46588numerical control machine	GoEH	y
46589numerical control parts	GoE5	r
46590numerical control parts programming language	GoFk	Bb
46591numerical control robot	GoG/	o
46592numerical control society	GoHn	BJ
46593numerical control software	GoIw	o
46594numerical control support system	GoJY	6
46595numerical control system	GoKS	6
46596numerical control technique	GoLM	9
46597numerical equivalent routine	GoMJ	w
46598numerical experimentation	GoM5	n
46599numerical expression	GoNg	l
46600numerical indicator tube	GoOF	n
46601numerical information	GdG1	m
46602numerical information	GoOs	j
46603numerical keyboard device	GoPP	t
46604numerical method analysis	GoP8	q
46605numerical operation	GdHb	1
46606numerical optical processor	GoQm	v
46607numerical part	GoRV	c
46608numerical plotting system	GoRx	x
46609numerical positioning control	GoSi	x
46610numerical processing and interface unit	GoTT	BJ
46611numerical readout	GoUc	f
46612numerical recognition	GoU7	j
46613numerical representation	GoVe	m
46614numerical science	GoWE	f
46615numerical search	GoWj	e
46616numerical selection	GoXB	h
46617numerical sequence code	GoXi	p
46618numerical signal	GoYL	e
46619numerical subroutine library	GoYp	w
46620numerical system	GoZZ	g
46621numerical tape	GoZ5	Z
46622numerical tape punch	GoaS	p
46623numerical technique	Goa7	h
46624numerical test algorithm	Gobc	s
46625numerical tool operation	GocI	s
46626numerical word	Goc0	Z
46627numerically controlled	GodN	n
46628numerically integrated differential analyzer	God0	Br
46629nut clip	Gogw	T
46630nxm	GohD	b
46631nxm error	Gohe	j
46632nyquist diagram	GoiB	g
46633nyquist diagram	Goih	g
46634oak ridge automatic computer and logical engine	GojB	Bc
46635oak ridge data evaluation and analysis language	Gokd	Bc
46636oak ridge system analysis code	Gol5	+
46637object	Gom3	BN
46638object	H9iQ	U
46639object addressing	GooE	t
46640object authority	Goox	s
46641object base	Gopd	c
46642object code	Gop5	v
46643object code compatibility	Goqo	w
46644object computer	GorY	g
46645object computer entry	Gor4	p
46646object computer paragraph	Gosh	t
46647object configuration	GotO	i
46648object construction	Gotw	h
46649object data	GouR	Z
46650object deck	Gouq	u
46651object definition	GovY	f
46652object definition table	Gov3	s
46653object description	Gowj	g
46654object design	GoxD	b
46655object diskette	Goxe	d
46656object existence rights	Gox7	o
46657object file	Goyj	v
46658object handling program	GozS	r
46659object id	Goz9	X
46660object language	Go0U	d
46661object language program	Go0x	r
46662object level access protection	Go1c	1
46663object level instruction	Go2R	p
46664object level program	Go26	l
46665object level structure	Go3f	n
46666object library	Go4G	f
46667object library editor	Go4l	s
46668object listing	Go5R	m
46669object machine	Go53	c
46670object management rights	Go6T	p
46671object map	Go68	j
46672object module	Go7f	p
46673object module assembly program	Go8I	9
46674object module data set	Go9F	t
46675object module library	Go9y	m
46676object module patch program	Go+Y	1
46677object name	Go/N	k
46678object oriented	Go/x	r
46679object owner	GpAc	d
46680object pack	GpA5	3
46681object phrase	GpBw	b
46682object plane	GpCL	a
46683object point	GpCl	X
46684object program	GpC8	q
46685object program code	GpDm	k
46686object program instruction	GpEK	u
46687object program language	GpE4	r
46688object program library	GpFj	n
46689object program listing	GpGK	q
46690object program loader	GpG0	BN
46691object program module	GpIB	p
46692object program optimization	GpIq	y
46693object program preparation	GpJc	u
46694object program utility routine	GpKK	BH
46695object recognition	GpLR	g
46696object relation	GpLx	d
46697object rights	GpMO	Y
46698object role reversal	IsC6	i
46699object routine	GpMm	m
46700object run	GpNM	Y
46701object segment	GpNk	Z
46702object subschema	GpN9	h
46703object system	GpOe	b
46704object table	DpxH	f
46705object table	GpO5	i
46706object tape	GpPb	Z
46707object time	GpP0	p
46708object time format string	GpQd	BA
46709object time system	GpRd	BO
46710object tracking	GpSr	d
46711object type	GpTI	1
46712object user	GpT9	Z
46713objective	Gpa1	s
46714objective fidelity criteria	Gpbh	y
46715objective function	GpcT	u
46716objective language	GpdB	g
46717objective program	Gpdh	f
46718objective program instruction	GpeA	BF
46719objective program library	GpfF	q
46720observability	GpgY	b
46721observation	Gpgz	T
46722observation point	GphG	c
46723observed output function	DHEr	3
46724observing pattern	Gphi	f
46725obstacle handling program	GpiB	t
46726obstruction	Gpiu	m
46727occupation	GpjU	S
46728occupation probability	Gpjm	k
46729occupational information access system	GpkK	BF
46730occupied bandwidth	GplP	u
46731occupied terminal	GdIQ	w
46732occupy	Gpl9	O
46733occurrence	GpmL	BA
46734occurrence time	GpnL	d
46735occurs	Gpno	O
46736occurs clause	Gpn2	b
46737ocean all source information system	GpoR	BD
46738ocean surveillance data base	GppU	4
46739oceanic abstracts	GpqM	i
46740oceanographic data interrogating station	Gpqu	BF
46741oceanographic data processing and control systems	Gprz	Bd
46742oceanographic data station	GptQ	x
46743oceanographic digital data system	GpuB	BD
46744ocl statement	GpvE	Z
46745ocr abbreviation	Gpvd	w
46746octal	GpxT	BD
46747octal addition	GpyW	f
46748octal chain code	Gpy1	k
46749octal code	GpzZ	f
46750octal coded binary	Gpz4	BD
46751octal coded binary code	Gp07	t
46752octal debug technique	Gp1o	s
46753octal debugger	Gp2U	f
46754octal debugging technique	Gp2z	BL
46755octal digit	Gp3+	7
46756octal editor	Gp45	p
46757octal format	Gp5i	d
46758octal notation	Gp5/	w
46759octal number	Gp6v	2
46760octal number complement	Gp7l	r
46761octal number system	Gp8Q	BS
46762octal numeral	Gp9i	p
46763octal print punch	Gp+L	z
46764octal program updating system	Gp++	/
46765octal system	Gp/9	X
46766octal tube	GqAU	V
46767octalnumerationsystem	GqAp	y
46768octave band	GqCg	W
46769octave band analysis	GqC2	v
46770octave band automatic data reduction system	GqDl	BV
46771octaves	GqE6	r
46772octaword	GqFl	W
46773octet	GqF7	BT
46774octet alignment	GqHO	3
46775octet timing signal	GqIF	BH
46776octonary	GqJM	W
46777octonary number system	GqJi	h
46778octonary signaling	GqKD	0
46779octopus network	GqK3	l
46780odd check	C6rO	X
46781odd component	GqLc	Y
46782odd location	GqL0	k
46783odd loop	GqMY	W
46784odd parity	GqMu	x
46785odd parity check	GqNf	h
46786odd permutation	GqOA	a
46787odd positive acknowledge	GqOa	p
46788odd substitution	GqPD	b
46789odds ratio	GqW3	V
46790odt	GqXM	b
46791of chain	GwxC	c
46792of volume label	CyES	j
46793off	5Gf	V
46794off	7La	Y
46795off	BQKy	b
46796off	BR4l	X
46797off	C43v	R
46798off	CGmP	R
46799off	Cu+r	R
46800off	Cu2v	c
46801off	Dt1F	T
46802off	DwhW	d
46803off	FBe+	L
46804off	FaRT	L
46805off	FgLi	X
46806off	GqXn	g
46807off	Gu2n	L
46808off	H9Nd	L
46809off	IFhe	R
46810off	IeUz	T
46811off	Ig/X	O
46812off	JEeT	R
46813off	JEsa	R
46814off	JFz5	X
46815off	JIOR	L
46816off	JQ/f	a
46817off	Jna5	L
46818off	lLo	R
46819off	u1K	X
46820off air	GqYH	P
46821off balance sheet financing	GqYW	7
46822off bill	Gvwf	f
46823off command	BITh	Z
46824off compensation	x4B	e
46825off control	Gu2y	+
46826off control system	Gu3w	m
46827off current	CvHH	f
46828off diode	Hcs9	a
46829off element	Gu4W	Z
46830off emergency	GqZR	p
46831off error	H9No	X
46832off microphone	GqZ6	Bd
46833off mike	GqbX	k
46834off operation mode	Gu4v	p
46835off pin	FaRe	S
46836off screen	Gqb7	b
46837off state	GqcW	X
46838off switch	F7NF	e
46839off table	FaRw	U
46840off time	Gqct	W
46841off time	JKgL	W
46842off time ratio	Gu5Y	f
46843off tube	Ig/l	W
46844off tune	GqdD	Q
46845offered load in erlangs	GrKj	3
46846office	GrLa	8
46847office automation	GrMW	BG
46848office automation conference	GrNc	BE
46849office automation system	GrOg	1
46850office computer	GrPV	q
46851office computer system	GrP/	0
46852office computing system	GrQz	v
46853office copier	GrRi	o
46854office document architecture	GrSK	BK
46855office document interchange format	GrTU	/
46856office document processing system	GrUT	+
46857office equipment division	GrVR	u
46858office exchange	ImvO	d
46859office for scientific and technical information	GrWv	BO
46860office information system	GrX9	0
46861office machine	GrYx	m
46862office management	GrZX	i
46863office network	GrZ5	f
46864office of air research automatic computer	GraY	By
46865office of communication systems	GrcK	0
46866office of computer and communications system	Grc+	BO
46867office of computer information	GreM	2
46868office of information systems	GrfC	y
46869office of management and budget	Grf0	BE
46870office of science and technology	Grg4	1
46871office of science information service	Grht	BH
46872office of scientific research	Gri0	8
46873office of scientific research and development	Grjw	BJ
46874office of space sciences	Grk5	t
46875office of standard reference data	Grlm	9
46876office of telecommunications policy	GroC	Bb
46877office of the future	Grpd	l
46878office products	GrqC	w
46879office profile	Grqy	j
46880office support program	GrrV	t
46881office system	GrsC	v
46882office typewriter	Grsx	o
46883officer	GrtZ	d
46884official experimental station	GruG	BD
46885offline	GrvJ	X
46886offline diagnostic program	Grvg	u
46887offline storage	GrwO	d
46888offline terms code	Grwr	j
46889offline working	HtNR	j
46890offprint	GrxO	b
46891offset	Grxp	BT
46892offset address	Gry8	5
46893offset area	F5Tg	o
46894offset bit	Grz1	V
46895offset control	Gr0K	c
46896offset correction	Gr0m	f
46897offset course computer	Gr1F	t
46898offset data	Gr1y	n
46899offset days	Gr2Z	Z
46900offset duplicating machine	Gr2y	r
46901offset litho duplicating	Gr3d	s
46902offset litho duplicator	Gr4J	u
46903offset litho graphy	Gr43	k
46904offset lithography	Gr5b	j
46905offset name	Gr5+	m
46906offset printing	Gr7F	l
46907offset stacker	Gr7q	3
46908offset variable	Gr8h	d
46909offset voltage	Gr8+	q
46910offsetting mechaism	Gr9o	h
46911offspring	Gr+J	Z
46912ohm	Gr+i	L
46913ohm	Gr+t	L
46914ohmic	Gr/L	Q
46915ohmic base resistance	Gr/b	p
46916ohmic drop	GsAE	i
46917ohmic leakage	GsAm	Y
46918ohmmeter	GsA+	X
46919oic	GsBj	V
46920oil paper	GsB4	b
46921oil reservoir	GsCT	V
46922oki parametron computer	GsDG	BQ
46923ol system	GsEW	d
46924old generation file	GsFH	k
46925old program status word location	GsFr	BA
46926olsen memory	GsGr	u
46927omega network	GsHZ	X
46928omission factor	GsI/	2
46929omit function	GsJ1	b
46930omnidirectional antenna	GsKQ	8
46931omnidirectional microphone	GsLM	8
46932omnidirectional radio range	GsMI	BP
46933omnidirectional range station	GsNX	x
46934omnidirectional signaling system	GsOI	3
46935omnifont	GsO/	T
46936omnifont reader	GsPS	3
46937omninet network	GsQJ	1
46938on	D+aK	Q
46939on	Db0V	K
46940on	Dt1Y	S
46941on	DvZa	K
46942on	FBfJ	K
46943on	FaSE	K
46944on	GST7	e
46945on	GV93	w
46946on	GsQ+	X
46947on	Ijsg	b
46948on background	DvZk	b
46949on black	GsRV	c
46950on card	GEg	Y
46951on command	BIT6	Y
46952on condition	GsRx	o
46953on counter	FBBs	f
46954on demand	CjsG	X
46955on hand	GsSZ	P
46956on line and off line	GsSo	l
46957on line manual	GsTN	c
46958on line monitoring	GsTp	g
46959on order	GsUJ	Q
46960on order quantity audit	GsUZ	r
46961on position	GsVE	Z
46962on security	GE4	f
46963on signal	F7Nj	j
46964on stabilizing time	JKgh	n
46965on state	GsVd	W
46966on statement	GsVz	k
46967on status	GsWX	U
46968on technique	HJTT	a
46969on the fly	GsWr	g
46970on time	JKhI	V
46971on white	GsXL	c
46972one	FY2P	O
46973one	Gvod	BC
46974one	GwLV	w
46975one	Iexm	O
46976one action	GvGa	j
46977one address	Diik	Z
46978one address	Gv4a	q
46979one address	GvzO	c
46980one address	JB6A	Z
46981one address	JKwZ	c
46982one address computer	Gv5E	u
46983one address format	GvG9	j
46984one address instruction	Dii9	u
46985one address instruction	Gv5y	u
46986one address instruction	JB6Z	r
46987one address instruction	JKw1	u
46988one address instruction format	GvHg	1
46989one assembler	GwMF	k
46990one board computer	GvIV	r
46991one board microcomputer	GvJA	x
46992one card microcomputer	GvJx	w
46993one chip	GvKh	Y
46994one chip cpu	GvK5	u
46995one chip microcomputer	GvLn	t
46996one code	CoMi	c
46997one code	Gv6g	Z
46998one complement	H2Q9	i
46999one complete voice channel	GvMU	0
47000one component graph	GvNI	e
47001one computer	PYZ	d
47002one concept	FY1k	c
47003one connection	GwMp	f
47004one digit adder	GvNm	d
47005one distribution	JqdT	e
47006one element	GvOD	Y
47007one exchange algorithm	Gvpf	q
47008one function	FY2d	d
47009one gate	GvOb	a
47010one instruction	Gv65	g
47011one integer programming	Jqdx	r
47012one line initial	GvO1	s
47013one loop controller	GvPh	n
47014one output	GvRB	W
47015one output	IlvU	g
47016one output	JON/	e
47017one output signal	CgVz	n
47018one output signal	HQWL	m
47019one output to partial output ratio	GvRX	BC
47020one processor	PZS	e
47021one putput	IlxW	f
47022one rule	GLsi	a
47023one system	Jqec	j
47024one time pad	GvSZ	o
47025one touch	GvTB	U
47026one tranlator	GwNI	k
47027one translation	GvqJ	g
47028one writing	GvTV	f
47029ones complement	Gwlj	Z
47030ones recording	GdsI	/
47031ones recording	Gdvt	Bb
47032onion skin architecture	Gwl8	q
47033onion skin language	Gwmm	m
47034onion skin level	GwnM	g
47035online	Gwns	W
47036online button	GwoC	c
47037online cryptographic operation	Gwoe	y
47038online data	H46z	f
47039online data reduction	GwpQ	p
47040online equipment	Gwp5	e
47041online help	GwqX	Z
47042online operation	Gwqw	s
47043online output	Gwrc	b
47044online storage	Gwr3	x
47045online system	Gwso	b
47046online testdebug	GwtD	t
47047online transaction processing	Gwtw	2
47048online working	Gwum	c
47049only	CSaN	V
47050only	Iby6	S
47051only	Ibyo	S
47052only	IrR0	S
47053only attribute	Cd3q	i
47054only channel	GwjU	o
47055only control	F15D	m
47056only disc	HgBD	o
47057only element	GwvC	a
47058only memories	DMde	q
47059only memory	BCYE	l
47060only memory	C2qt	u
47061only memory	CNTr	q
47062only memory	Co/m	r
47063only memory	CpCr	0
47064only memory	D7ZY	i
47065only memory	E6Iu	w
47066only memory	FZ9e	o
47067only memory	Faus	o
47068only memory	FrPE	l
47069only memory	FtcP	l
47070only memory	Fvvb	r
47071only memory	G5cd	f
47072only memory	H3Qd	BD
47073only memory	H9BN	a
47074only memory	HrCk	q
47075only memory	JLal	4
47076only memory	JnbE	g
47077only memory	glj	n
47078only operating system	Rqr	0
47079only programmer	Funp	s
47080only recovery	JXfG	e
47081only ru of chain	Gwvc	w
47082only service	H31f	a
47083only service	ITfJ	k
47084only storage	DNw6	s
47085only storage	DW8v	p
47086only storage	H3Rg	f
47087only storagestore	H3R/	l
47088only system residence disk	IgaE	+
47089only time	GvGA	a
47090only type reperforator	H315	q
47091only typing reperforator	H32j	s
47092onoff controller	GvEV	6
47093onoff keying	GvFP	x
47094onomasticon	Gwxe	7
47095onscreen binary readout	GwyZ	u
47096op	GaMw	k
47097op	HtN0	Q
47098op code	GwzH	S
47099op instruction	GaNU	t
47100op register	GwzZ	c
47101opacity	Gw0u	d
47102opaque	Gw1L	i
47103opaque area	Gw1t	Z
47104opaque mask	Gw2G	c
47105opaque projector	Gw2i	k
47106opaque screen	Gw3G	h
47107opcode	Gw3n	c
47108opcode generator	Gw4D	BA
47109open	Gw53	g
47110open	Gw5D	0
47111open	H9ik	S
47112open accounts	Gw6X	V
47113open addressing	Gw6s	r
47114open architecture	Gw7X	5
47115open capture file	Gw8Q	l
47116open channel	Gw81	a
47117open charge entry	Gw9P	l
47118open circuit	Gw90	X
47119open code	Gw+L	b
47120open code procedure	Gw+m	k
47121open collector	Gw/K	i
47122open collector gate	Gw/s	n
47123open collector inverter	GxAT	u
47124open computer	GxBB	e
47125open connection port dialog	GxBf	6
47126open contact tone	GxCZ	r
47127open control	GxDE	a
47128open curve sequence	GxDe	n
47129open cycle	GxEF	S
47130open data path	GxEX	m
47131open decoder	GxE9	d
47132open detail entry	GxFa	l
47133open discrete modules	GxF/	s
47134open distributed processing	GxGr	y
47135open ended structure	GxHd	o
47136open file	GxIF	l
47137open formula	GxIq	a
47138open fragments	GxJE	f
47139open game	GxJj	l
47140open gate	GxKI	R
47141open hash	GxKZ	f
47142open hash definition	GxK4	l
47143open hash method	GxLd	e
47144open hash table	GxL7	d
47145open hash technique	GxMY	k
47146open interaction	GxM8	e
47147open item	GxNa	X
47148open item method	GxNx	k
47149open line	GxOV	R
47150open load	GxOm	R
47151open loop	GxO3	R
47152open loop damping	GxPI	j
47153open loop gain	GxPr	g
47154open loop numerical control system	GxQL	2
47155open loop robot	GxRB	g
47156open loop voltage gain	GxRh	q
47157open memory location	GxSL	r
47158open mode	GxS2	l
47159open node	GxTb	X
47160open numbering	GxTy	c
47161open operations	GxUO	X
47162open order	GxUl	b
47163open order material detail	GxWb	u
47164open order miscellaneous detail	GxXJ	z
47165open order operation description	GxX8	0
47166open order operations detail	GxYw	w
47167open order status	GxZg	f
47168open order summary	GxZ/	g
47169open order summary extract file	Gxaf	2
47170open orders	GxbV	Z
47171open path	Gxbu	X
47172open payable file	GxcF	l
47173open programmer	Gxcq	m
47174open purchase orders	GxdQ	r
47175open quantity	Gxd7	b
47176open question	GxeW	v
47177open queu eing network	GxfF	0
47178open receivable detail file	Gxf5	BJ
47179open reel	GxhC	a
47180open reel tape transport	Gxhc	s
47181open robot	GxiI	b
47182open routine	Gxij	BQ
47183open running	Gxjz	a
47184open shop	GxkN	2
47185open shop	ISE9	0
47186open shop system	GxlD	e
47187open software foundation	Gxlh	2
47188open stack register	GxmX	q
47189open statement	GxnB	c
47190open string	Gxnd	h
47191open subprogram	Gxn+	g
47192open subroutine	Gxoe	7
47193open subrouting	GxpZ	g
47194open symbol	Gxp5	W
47195open system	GxqP	q
47196open system architecture	Gxq5	BQ
47197open system call	GxsJ	k
47198open system interconnection	Gxst	Bk
47199open system interconnection environment	GxuR	BE
47200open system interconnection layer	GxvV	7
47201open system interconnection plan	GxwQ	BC
47202open system interconnection reference model	GxxS	BO
47203open system transmission	Gxyg	y
47204open systems interconnection	GxzS	z
47205open systems interconnection architecture	Gx0F	BM
47206open systems interconnection environment	Gx1R	BF
47207open systems interconnection reference model	Gx2W	BP
47208open topology	Gx3l	h
47209open waveguide	Gx4G	Z
47210open window	Gx4f	W
47211open wire	Gx41	Z
47212open wire circuit	Gx5O	f
47213open wire line	Gx5t	c
47214open wire link	Gx6J	c
47215open wiring	Gx6l	Z
47216openclose program	GyDu	h
47217opening	GyEP	0
47218opening a file	GyFD	c
47219opening a terminal	GyFf	g
47220opening bracket	GyF/	a
47221opening file	GyGZ	o
47222opening virtual array file	GyHp	0
47223operable time	GyId	v
47224operand	GyJM	BN
47225operand access	GyKZ	f
47226operand address	GyK4	g
47227operand address generator	GyLY	BU
47228operand address register	GyMs	2
47229operand addressing mode	GyNi	y
47230operand bus	GyOU	f
47231operand cache control	GyOz	1
47232operand call syllable	GyPo	s
47233operand coding format	GyQU	s
47234operand delay	GyRA	e
47235operand description	GyRe	4
47236operand descriptor	GySW	p
47237operand descriptor register	GyS/	7
47238operand effective address	GyT6	w
47239operand entry	GyUq	e
47240operand fetch module	GyVI	y
47241operand field	GyV6	b
47242operand field separator	GyWV	x
47243operand format	GyXG	f
47244operand identification	GyXl	n
47245operand instruction	GaOB	n
47246operand page	GyYM	d
47247operand segment	GyYp	d
47248operand specifier	GyZG	l
47249operand specifier type	GyZr	w
47250operand stack	Gyab	y
47251operand storage register	GybN	2
47252operand store	GycD	h
47253operand sublist	Gyck	g
47254operand sum	GydE	Z
47255operand table	Gydd	b
47256operand type	Gyd4	d
47257operand word	GyeV	a
47258operate	GyhQ	X
47259operate class instruction	Gyhn	q
47260operate mode	GyiR	o
47261operate storage	Gyi5	g
47262operate time	GyjZ	o
47263operate value	GLDh	Y
47264operated	FYGq	s
47265operated automatic level adjustment	GbN8	BJ
47266operated controller	IPy7	n
47267operated device	Jcf9	j
47268operated digital automatic computer	DbDp	BH
47269operated gain adjusting device	GbPF	BI
47270operated lock	IV+A	l
47271operated plotting board	FYHW	t
47272operated punch card	DvQX	q
47273operated stack register	Gykp	y
47274operatind environment	Gylb	j
47275operating	H26k	U
47276operating ambient temperature	Gyl+	BD
47277operating angle	GynB	t
47278operating board	Gynu	a
47279operating characteristic	GyoI	0
47280operating characteristic curve	Gyo8	BK
47281operating circuit	GyqG	t
47282operating class	Gyqz	d
47283operating code	GyrQ	Z
47284operating command	Gyrp	f
47285operating condition	GysI	h
47286operating console	Gysp	i
47287operating control	GytL	m
47288operating cost	Gytx	c
47289operating crew	GyuN	c
47290operating current	Gyup	f
47291operating data	GyvI	c
47292operating delay	Gyvk	1
47293operating discipline	GywZ	i
47294operating diskette	Gyw7	g
47295operating display	Gyxb	f
47296operating distance	Gyx6	w
47297operating engine	Gyyq	b
47298operating environment	GyzF	x
47299operating equipment	Gyz2	h
47300operating expenses	Gy0X	g
47301operating facilities	Gy03	i
47302operating function	Gy1Z	u
47303operating guide	Gy2H	d
47304operating income	Gy2k	s
47305operating information	Gy3Q	j
47306operating information system	Gy3z	w
47307operating instruction	Gy4j	x
47308operating key	Gy5U	j
47309operating language	Gy53	u
47310operating life	Gy6l	p
47311operating limit	Gy7O	d
47312operating load	Gy7r	c
47313operating log	Gy8H	p
47314operating maintenance	Gy8w	x
47315operating maintenance panel	Gy9h	z
47316operating maintenance procedure	Gy+U	BL
47317operating method	Gy/f	e
47318operating mode	Gy/9	q
47319operating modes	GzAn	h
47320operating performance	GzBI	j
47321operating principle	GzBr	h
47322operating program	GzCM	k
47323operating provision	GzCw	h
47324operating range	GzDR	r
47325operating rate	GzD8	c
47326operating ratio	GzEY	BQ
47327operating record	GzFo	o
47328operating repairs	GzGQ	l
47329operating sequence control array	GzG1	BA
47330operating sign	GzH1	q
47331operating signal	GzIf	e
47332operating space	GzI9	o
47333operating specification	GzJl	o
47334operating speed	GzKN	d
47335operating state	GzKq	r
47336operating status	GzLV	s
47337operating supervisor	GzMB	o
47338operating system	48J	n
47339operating system	GzMp	2
47340operating system 360 os360	GzNf	0
47341operating system access method	GzOT	1
47342operating system address space	GzPI	4
47343operating system algorithm	GzQA	u
47344operating system architecture	GzQu	x
47345operating system characteristics	GzRf	0
47346operating system coexistence	GzST	z
47347operating system command and response language	GzTG	BX
47348operating system communication application program	GzUd	BY
47349operating system component	GzV1	BI
47350operating system configuration	GzW9	y
47351operating system control segment	GzXv	9
47352operating system description	GzYs	0
47353operating system dispatcher	GzZg	1
47354operating system efficiency	GzaV	v
47355operating system environment	GzbE	w
47356operating system error isolation	Gzb0	6
47357operating system facility	Gzcu	BH
47358operating system family	Gzd1	r
47359operating system firmware	Gzeg	BF
47360operating system functions	Gzfl	u
47361operating system generation	GzgT	BD
47362operating system implementation language	GzhW	BH
47363operating system initialization	Gzid	Bh
47364operating system interface	Gzj+	y
47365operating system job control directive	Gzkw	BG
47366operating system job control program	Gzl2	BE
47367operating system kernel	Gzm6	/
47368operating system language	Gzn5	BF
47369operating system machine level	Gzo+	6
47370operating system management	Gzp4	v
47371operating system master	Gzqn	u
47372operating system module	GzrV	r
47373operating system monitor	GzsA	Bn
47374operating system optimization	Gztn	0
47375operating system overhead	Gzub	t
47376operating system principle	GzvI	u
47377operating system privacy lock	Gzv2	0
47378operating system program	Gzwq	s
47379operating system recovery	GzxW	t
47380operating system routine	GzyD	2
47381operating system security	Gzy5	w
47382operating system service	Gzzp	s
47383operating system simulation language	Gz0V	+
47384operating system simulator for vax rossv	Gz1T	BJ
47385operating system software	Gz2c	t
47386operating system space	Gz3J	w
47387operating system standard information	Gz35	/
47388operating system state data	Gz44	1
47389operating system structure	Gz5t	u
47390operating system supervisor	Gz6b	5
47391operating system support facility	Gz7U	B0
47392operating system test	Gz9I	BB
47393operating system test facility	Gz+J	9
47394operating system testing	Gz/G	s
47395operating system theroy	Gz/y	r
47396operating system workstation	G0A4	4
47397operating system360	G0Ci	t
47398operating systemdisk operating system osdos	G0DP	BP
47399operating systems simulation language	G0Fg	BE
47400operating systemvirtual storage osvs	G0Ee	BC
47401operating techniques	G0Gk	i
47402operating temperature	G0HG	j
47403operating test equipment	G0Hp	w
47404operating time	G0IZ	4
47405operating time log	G0JR	q
47406operating voltage	G0J7	f
47407operating voltage indicator	G0Ka	y
47408operation	DF92	a
47409operation	G0Lt	BO
47410operation	GaOo	l
47411operation	H5tQ	a
47412operation	HFhS	S
47413operation	HPkC	a
47414operation	JEsr	X
47415operation	Jb09	T
47416operation	WCL	W
47417operation	eHk	j
47418operation acknowledge	G0M7	p
47419operation address register	G0Nk	x
47420operation amplifier	G0OV	k
47421operation and maintenance activities	G0O5	BX
47422operation and maintenance center	G0QQ	7
47423operation and maintenance manual	G0RL	7
47424operation and managemnet capabilities	G0SG	8
47425operation buffer	G0TC	h
47426operation charge	G0Tj	b
47427operation charge form	G0T+	m
47428operation charge form	IjKQ	2
47429operation chart	G0Uk	l
47430operation check	G0VJ	d
47431operation code	G0Vm	6
47432operation code field	G0Wg	l
47433operation code table	G0XF	i
47434operation complete	G0Xn	g
47435operation control	G0YH	Bt
47436operation control center	G0Z0	w
47437operation control key	G0ak	q
47438operation control language	G0bO	y
47439operation control panel	G0cA	r
47440operation control statement	G0cr	v
47441operation control switch	G0da	s
47442operation control system	G0eG	BE
47443operation control unit	G0fK	n
47444operation cost	G0fx	c
47445operation cycle	G0gN	r
47446operation decoder	G0g4	BE
47447operation definition	G0h8	w
47448operation description	G0is	j
47449operation detail	G0jP	e
47450operation detail	G9Ty	r
47451operation detail additional description	G0jt	BB
47452operation detail form	G0ku	p
47453operation directive	G0lX	k
47454operation exception	G0l7	v
47455operation expression	G0mq	l
47456operation field	G0nP	a
47457operation flow chart	G0np	l
47458operation form	G0oO	c
47459operation guide binder	G0oq	n
47460operation id	G0pR	a
47461operation instruction	G0pr	j
47462operation instruction	GaPN	3
47463operation instruction book	G0qO	v
47464operation interface command	G0q9	v
47465operation level	G0rs	a
47466operation maintenance	G0sG	m
47467operation manager	G0ss	w
47468operation manual	G0tc	v
47469operation mistake	G0uL	f
47470operation mode	G0uq	q
47471operation net	G0vU	Y
47472operation number	G0vs	w
47473operation overhead	G0wc	q
47474operation panel	G0xG	d
47475operation part	G0xj	0
47476operation pipeline	G0yX	j
47477operation point	G0y6	a
47478operation processing	G0zU	i
47479operation program	G0z2	i
47480operation ratio	G00Y	a
47481operation record	G00y	e
47482operation register	G01Q	+
47483operation request	G02O	l
47484operation research	G02z	g
47485operation retry	G03T	p
47486operation scheduling	G038	i
47487operation sequence control	G04e	u
47488operation sequence number	G05g	t
47489operation sheet	G06N	l
47490operation specification	FFkn	4
47491operation speed	G06y	d
47492operation stack register	G07P	v
47493operation standard	G07+	g
47494operation status	G08e	e
47495operation status code	G088	m
47496operation storage	G09i	i
47497operation supervisor	G0+E	5
47498operation symbol	G0+9	s
47499operation symbolic assembler and information	FOO3	Bc
47500operation system	G0/p	6
47501operation system data base	G1Aj	4
47502operation system function	G1Bb	BB
47503operation system hardware	G1Cc	t
47504operation system management	G1DJ	v
47505operation table	G1D4	l
47506operation test	G1Ed	c
47507operation time	G1E5	4
47508operation token	G1Fx	d
47509operation use time	G1GO	6
47510operation where used	G1Hm	i
47511operation word	G1II	Z
47512operational	G1Jc	w
47513operational address register	G1KM	3
47514operational amplifier	G1LD	w
47515operational amplifier	G1Lz	p
47516operational analysis	G1Mc	i
47517operational announcing system	G1M+	x
47518operational approach	G1Nv	i
47519operational center	G1OR	g
47520operational character	G1Ox	j
47521operational character	G1PU	2
47522operational checkout procedure	G1QK	2
47523operational circuit	G1RA	h
47524operational code	G1Rh	b
47525operational command and control system	G1R8	BI
47526operational communication system	G1TE	0
47527operational condition	G1T4	x
47528operational control center of comsat	G1Up	BQ
47529operational control console	G1V5	w
47530operational control system	G1Wp	u
47531operational control unit	G1XX	BB
47532operational data	G1Y2	s
47533operational data	G1YY	e
47534operational data analysis	G1Zi	BF
47535operational data analysis program	G1an	Ba
47536operational data collection system	G1cB	Bb
47537operational delay	G1dc	p
47538operational diskette	G1eF	i
47539operational display system	G1en	y
47540operational environment	G1fZ	z
47541operational environment software	G1gM	0
47542operational error analysis program	G1hA	BB
47543operational flowchart	G1iB	3
47544operational information system	G1i4	2
47545operational input	G1ju	k
47546operational instruction	G1kS	l
47547operational key	G1k3	a
47548operational label	G1lR	t
47549operational life proof cycle	G1l+	2
47550operational life span	G1m0	j
47551operational load	G1nX	e
47552operational maintenance	G1n1	o
47553operational maintenance instruction	G1od	BV
47554operational management information system	G1py	BI
47555operational method	G1q6	g
47556operational mode	G1ra	s
47557operational model annual forecast	G1sG	7
47558operational network control	G1tB	v
47559operational order	G1tw	f
47560operational output	G1uP	m
47561operational paging system	G1u1	x
47562operational parameter	G1vm	j
47563operational performance	G1wJ	z
47564operational performance analysis language	G1w8	BI
47565operational phase	G1yE	f
47566operational power supply	G1yj	q
47567operational principle	G1zN	x
47568operational process	G1z+	h
47569operational program	G10f	v
47570operational readiness inspection	G11O	4
47571operational relay	G12G	i
47572operational reliability	G12o	5
47573operational report	G13h	j
47574operational semantics	G14E	m
47575operational sequence	G14q	l
47576operational sequential diagram	G15P	v
47577operational service period	G15+	u
47578operational service state	G16s	t
47579operational sign	G17Z	e
47580operational specification	G173	7
47581operational speed	G18y	f
47582operational store	G19v	i
47583operational support	G1+R	h
47584operational support directive	G1+y	1
47585operational support equipment	G1/n	1
47586operational symbol	G2Ac	k
47587operational test land station	G2BA	0
47588operational testing	G2B0	h
47589operational unit	G2CV	h
47590operational unit number	G2C2	o
47591operational use	JEtC	j
47592operational use time	G2De	BQ
47593operational word	G2Eu	m
47594operations	H7tB	Y
47595operations analysis	G2H4	h
47596operations control	G2IZ	g
47597operations control center	G2I5	2
47598operations control procedure	G2Jv	0
47599operations detail	GxVv	s
47600operations directive handbook	G2Kj	BG
47601operations manager	G2Lp	3
47602operations manual	G2Mg	f
47603operations multitask	G2M/	l
47604operations per minute	G2Nk	BY
47605operations per second	G2O8	BH
47606operations research	G2QD	m
47607operations research cycle	G2Qp	q
47608operations research dynamic programming	G2RT	+
47609operations research model	G2SR	t
47610operations research society of america	G2S+	Bc
47611operations support system	G2Ua	x
47612operative limit	G2VL	d
47613operator	FOQT	Z
47614operator	G2Vo	BY
47615operator	Gi/W	W
47616operator	HFhk	U
47617operator	Jnfb	q
47618operator a	G2XA	BM
47619operator authorization record	G2YM	4
47620operator b	G2ZE	BY
47621operator class	G2ac	t
47622operator command	G2bJ	h
47623operator command function processor	G2bq	Br
47624operator command language	G2dV	0
47625operator communication	G2eJ	t
47626operator communication control facility	G2e2	Bm
47627operator communication manager	G2gc	B7
47628operator console	G2iX	Bb
47629operator console facility	G2jy	BR
47630operator control	G2lD	r
47631operator control address vector table	G2lu	BF
47632operator control command	G2mz	z
47633operator control element	G2nm	0
47634operator control facility	G2oa	BL
47635operator control file	G2pl	t
47636operator control function	G2qS	w
47637operator control language	G2rC	0
47638operator control language command	G2r2	+
47639operator control panel	G2s0	t
47640operator control station	G2th	s
47641operator control system	G2uN	u
47642operator control table	G2u7	u
47643operator delay	G2vp	p
47644operator display terminal	G2wS	w
47645operator display terminal protocol	G2xC	/
47646operator distance dialing	G2yB	0
47647operator domain	G2y1	a
47648operator error	G2zP	x
47649operator error analysis	G20A	y
47650operator error recording	G20y	z
47651operator exception code	G21l	o
47652operator external interrupt processor	G22N	BI
47653operator field	G23V	Z
47654operator grammar	G23u	e
47655operator guidance code	G24M	q
47656operator guidance indicator	G242	1
47657operator guide	G25r	f
47658operator handler	G26K	n
47659operator id	G26x	f
47660operator identification	G27Q	5
47661operator indicator	G28J	m
47662operator information area	G28v	BI
47663operator information area message	G293	7
47664operator inquiry	G2+y	h
47665operator interaction	G2/T	+
47666operator interface control block	G3AR	Bd
47667operator interface software	G3Bu	y
47668operator interrupt	G3Cg	j
47669operator interruption code	G3DD	u
47670operator intervention	G3Dx	m
47671operator intervention section	G3EX	0
47672operator language	G3FL	i
47673operator log	G3Ft	d
47674operator logical paging	G3GK	u
47675operator message	G3G4	h
47676operator monitor	G3HZ	7
47677operator notation	G3IU	w
47678operator number identification	G3JE	BK
47679operator part	G3KO	e
47680operator precedence	G3Ks	h
47681operator precedence grammar	G3LN	v
47682operator precedence language	G3L8	w
47683operator precedence matrix	G3Ms	u
47684operator precedence method	G3Na	r
47685operator precedence parser	G3OF	0
47686operator precedence relation	G3O5	w
47687operator precedence technique	G3Pp	x
47688operator priority order grammar	G3Qa	5
47689operator priority order language	G3RT	6
47690operator programming method	G3SN	BT
47691operator register	G3Tg	i
47692operator request control panel	G3UC	7
47693operator request job	G3U9	v
47694operator response field	G3Vs	u
47695operator ring	G3Wa	Y
47696operator schema	G3Wy	d
47697operator sequence table	G3XP	o
47698operator services	G3X3	s
47699operator ship	Gvw+	o
47700operator signaling	G3ZB	j
47701operator stack	G3Zk	c
47702operator station	G3aA	e
47703operator station task	G3ae	p
47704operator symbol	G3bH	r
47705operator table	G3by	Z
47706operator token	G3cL	c
47707operator trunk	G3cn	w
47708operator unit console	G3dX	s
47709operator window	G3eD	g
47710operator with reply	JngF	Bu
47711operators control panel	G3kL	y
47712operatorservice panel	G3je	t
47713opitz classification system	G3k9	s
47714opposite control field	G3lp	u
47715opposition duplex	G3m3	c
47716opsearch	G3nT	T
47717optic	CpWM	U
47718optic	FSPE	Q
47719optic bubble display	FSPU	o
47720optic bundle	DMFf	X
47721optic bundle	G3nm	U
47722optic cable	G3n6	d
47723optic communications	G3oX	f
47724optic connector	G3o2	d
47725optic crt	DMF2	g
47726optic crystal storage	CpWg	s
47727optic data link	G3pT	x
47728optic deflection	CpXM	e
47729optic effect	CpXq	a
47730optic effect	EaZh	g
47731optic effect	FSF3	b
47732optic effect	FSQd	a
47733optic electronic circuitry	G3qE	o
47734optic fiber	G3qs	T
47735optic fiber communication	G3q/	n
47736optic frequency response	CpYE	s
47737optic garnet memory	FSQ3	t
47738optic garnet technique	FSRk	t
47739optic interface device	G3rm	n
47740optic link	DMGW	Y
47741optic memory	HZrM	t
47742optic modem	DMGu	m
47743optic modulator	Dsq	l
47744optic modulator	G3sN	d
47745optic multiport coupler	G3sq	y
47746optic myocardium stimulator	G3tc	z
47747optic phase modulation	CpYw	q
47748optic photo transfer	DMHU	t
47749optic probe	G3uP	h
47750optic receiver amlifier	DMIB	0
47751optic reflective sensor	G3uw	r
47752optic rod coupler	G3vb	i
47753optic scrambler	G3v9	r
47754optic splice	G3wo	e
47755optic storage	FSSR	e
47756optic telecommunication cable	G3xG	0
47757optic terminus	G3x6	Z
47758optic transmission system	G3yT	q
47759optic transmitter	CpZa	i
47760optic waveguide	G3y9	a
47761optical	IC2a	V
47762optical adaptive technique	G3z6	BI
47763optical alignment unit	CpZ8	w
47764optical analog computer	G31C	u
47765optical analog memory	G31w	s
47766optical analyzer	G32c	BG
47767optical attenuator	G33i	j
47768optical axis	G34F	U
47769optical bar reader	G34Z	p
47770optical barcode reader	G35k	x
47771optical beam scanning	G36V	j
47772optical cable	G364	p
47773optical cable driver	G37h	r
47774optical cavity	G38M	l
47775optical cavity diode	G38x	u
47776optical cement	G39f	n
47777optical character	G3+G	f
47778optical character	H4C0	l
47779optical character mark matching	G3+l	9
47780optical character photocell matrix	G3/i	BD
47781optical character read	G4Al	u
47782optical character reader	G4BT	Bl
47783optical character recognition	G4C4	Bh
47784optical character recognition application	G4EZ	BR
47785optical character recognition common language	G4Fq	BR
47786optical character recognition equipment	G4G7	BK
47787optical character recognition machine	G4IF	BA
47788optical character recognition system	G4JF	BC
47789optical character recognition user association	G4KH	BY
47790optical character scanner	G4Ni	4
47791optical character technology	G4Oa	5
47792optical character viewer	G4PT	p
47793optical chopper	G4P8	r
47794optical circuit	G4Qn	a
47795optical code reader	G4RB	r
47796optical communication	G4Rs	g
47797optical communication system	G4SM	t
47798optical conduction	G4S5	d
47799optical conductor	G4TW	c
47800optical conductor loss	G4Ty	k
47801optical contact	G4UW	l
47802optical control	G4U7	a
47803optical countermeasure	G4VV	s
47804optical coupler	G4WB	d
47805optical coupling	G4We	b
47806optical data corrector	G4W5	x
47807optical data digitizer	G4Xq	3
47808optical data links	G4Yh	j
47809optical data processing	G4ZE	s
47810optical data processing concept	G4Zw	2
47811optical data processor	G4am	BL
47812optical data recognition	G4bx	p
47813optical data transmission channel	G4ca	4
47814optical data transmission system	G4dS	/
47815optical deflector	Cpas	i
47816optical deflector	G4eR	f
47817optical delay line	G4ew	k
47818optical density	G4fU	a
47819optical detection	G4fu	c
47820optical detector	G4gK	1
47821optical device	G4g/	c
47822optical digital disc	G4hb	l
47823optical digital disks	G4iA	m
47824optical digital voice processor	G4im	BB
47825optical directional coupler	G4jn	v
47826optical disk	G4kW	q
47827optical dispersion attenuation	G4lA	v
47828optical display keyboard	G4lv	p
47829optical display memory	FSSv	u
47830optical display memory	G4mY	x
47831optical display plotter	G4nJ	r
47832optical display terminal	G4n0	p
47833optical distortion	G4od	d
47834optical docking system	G4o6	u
47835optical document reader	G4po	u
47836optical effect	CpbO	c
47837optical effect	DHK5	l
47838optical element	G4qW	r
47839optical emitter	G4rB	r
47840optical encoder	G4rs	d
47841optical energy density	G4sg	r
47842optical fiber	G4tL	b
47843optical fiber cable	G4tm	v
47844optical fiber cladding	G4uV	+
47845optical fiber senser	G4vT	l
47846optical fiber transfer function	G4v4	+
47847optical fiber tube	G4w2	n
47848optical filter	G4xd	n
47849optical finder	G4yE	f
47850optical font	G4yj	j
47851optical font sensing	G4zG	l
47852optical form flash	G4zr	g
47853optical fourier transform	G40L	t
47854optical guidance system	G404	v
47855optical image input unit	G41n	v
47856optical image processor	G42W	v
47857optical image unit	G43F	w
47858optical imaging path	G431	l
47859optical impedance discontinuity	G44a	2
47860optical increment display	G45Q	q
47861optical information storage	G456	v
47862optical integrated circuit	G46p	BD
47863optical interference	G47s	q
47864optical isolator	G48W	e
47865optical journal reader	G480	+
47866optical light filter	G49y	l
47867optical link	G4+X	X
47868optical mark card reader	G4+u	v
47869optical mark page reader	G4/d	2
47870optical mark printer	G5AT	t
47871optical mark reader	G5BA	Bg
47872optical mark reader card	G5Cg	3
47873optical mark reader sheet	G5DX	4
47874optical mark reading	G5EP	l
47875optical mark recognition	G5E0	t
47876optical mark sheet	G5Fh	j
47877optical maser	G5GE	m
47878optical mass storage	G5Gq	r
47879optical memories	G5HV	e
47880optical memory	G5Hz	c
47881optical memory circuit	G5IP	n
47882optical microscope	G5I2	j
47883optical mixing	G5JZ	Z
47884optical mixing box	G5Jy	g
47885optical mixing rod	G5KS	g
47886optical modulation	G5Ky	u
47887optical modulator	G5Lg	f
47888optical mouse	G5L/	e
47889optical multimode dispersion	G5Md	3
47890optical multiplexer	G5NU	1
47891optical numerical aperture	G5OJ	8
47892optical page reader	G5PF	BJ
47893optical parametric amplifier	G5QO	w
47894optical parametric oscillator	G5Q+	x
47895optical path	G5Rv	c
47896optical path length	G5SL	h
47897optical pattern recognition	G5Ss	BE
47898optical power density	G5Tw	m
47899optical power efficiency	G5UW	6
47900optical power output	G5VQ	l
47901optical procedural task instruction compiler	G5V1	BY
47902optical processing system	G5XN	BC
47903optical processor	G5YP	f
47904optical protective coating	G5Yu	8
47905optical pulse counter	G5Zq	p
47906optical pulse transmitter using laser	G5aT	BO
47907optical range	G5bh	m
47908optical ray	G5cH	W
47909optical reader	G5c8	7
47910optical reader input device	G5d3	v
47911optical reading direct input system	G5em	BJ
47912optical reading equipment	G5fv	n
47913optical receiver	G5gW	e
47914optical recognition device	G5g0	r
47915optical recorder tracker	HZr5	3
47916optical repeater power	G5hf	w
47917optical rotation	G5iP	b
47918optical satellite	G5iq	f
47919optical scanner	G5jJ	d
47920optical scanning	G5jm	b
47921optical scanning device	G5kB	9
47922optical scanning unit	G5k+	m
47923optical signal	G5lk	Z
47924optical signal processing	G5l9	q
47925optical society of america	G5mn	y
47926optical soundtrack	G5nZ	g
47927optical source	G5n5	W
47928optical space division multiplexing	G5oP	Bj
47929optical spectrum analyzer	G5rG	q
47930optical speed	G5rw	V
47931optical storage	G5sF	r
47932optical storage media	G5sw	m
47933optical subsystem	G5tW	i
47934optical surface	G5t4	a
47935optical switch	G5uS	Z
47936optical switch matrix	G5ur	m
47937optical system	Cpbq	i
47938optical system	G5vR	c
47939optical system design	CpcM	2
47940optical taper	G5vt	f
47941optical tapoff	G5wM	2
47942optical target designation computer	G5xC	BC
47943optical technology satellite	G5yE	0
47944optical telegraph system	G5y4	p
47945optical thinfilm	G5zh	b
47946optical time domain reflectometer	G5z8	6
47947optical tracking satellite	G51f	r
47948optical tracking system	G52K	o
47949optical transceiver	G52y	k
47950optical transduser	CsuR	j
47951optical transfer function	G53W	3
47952optical transimpedance	G54N	BD
47953optical transistor	G55Q	j
47954optical transmisison	G55z	f
47955optical transmitter	G56S	h
47956optical type font	G56z	w
47957optical video disc	G57j	4
47958optical wand	G58b	b
47959optical waveguide	G582	BB
47960optical waveguide coupler	G593	w
47961optically isolated digital input	G6Qe	8
47962optically ported crt	G6Ra	1
47963optics	G6SP	q
47964optics	HZsw	U
47965optimal access	G6S5	c
47966optimal algorithm	G6TV	w
47967optimal allocation	G6UF	g
47968optimal approximation	G6Ul	j
47969optimal automatic control	G6VI	x
47970optimal basic solution	G6V5	n
47971optimal binary search tree	G6Wg	x
47972optimal code generation	G6XR	v
47973optimal computation sequence	G6YA	w
47974optimal control	G6Yw	d
47975optimal control	JFBX	j
47976optimal control equation	G6ZN	s
47977optimal control problem	G6Z5	r
47978optimal cycle	G6ak	Y
47979optimal decision function	G6a8	x
47980optimal decision rule	G6bt	p
47981optimal deterministic schedule	G6cW	y
47982optimal digital voice processor	G6dI	BB
47983optimal dynamic routing	G6eJ	x
47984optimal estimation algorithm	G6e6	w
47985optimal file allocation	G6fq	r
47986optimal finish time	G6gV	n
47987optimal finish time scheduling	G6g8	4
47988optimal grouping	GQsI	k
47989optimal input	G6h0	b
47990optimal load distribution	G6iP	t
47991optimal match	G6i8	p
47992optimal memory management	G6jl	t
47993optimal merge tree	G6kS	0
47994optimal multiprogramming	G6lG	y
47995optimal operating bubble diameter	G6l4	1
47996optimal path	G6nz	BE
47997optimal program	G6o3	d
47998optimal release time	G6pU	o
47999optimal replacement algorithm	G6p8	x
48000optimal resource scheduler	G6qt	0
48001optimal scheduling	G6rh	g
48002optimal search	G6sB	c
48003optimal search tree	G6sd	k
48004optimal searching algorithm	G6tB	v
48005optimal solution	G6tw	b
48006optimal solution graph	G6uL	k
48007optimal solution tree	G6uv	j
48008optimal system	E6Hj	o
48009optimal task schedule	G6vS	p
48010optimal test procedure	G6v7	BC
48011optimal third normal form	G6w9	z
48012optimal universal code word set	G6xw	5
48013optimal vector	G6yp	c
48014optimality of automata	G6zF	t
48015optimality of search algorithm	G60v	4
48016optimally adaptive control	G61n	1
48017optimally coded program	G62c	r
48018optimisation	G63H	i
48019optimizable loop	G64e	k
48020optimization	G65C	i
48021optimization	GaJz	d
48022optimization algorithm	G65k	n
48023optimization function	G66L	p
48024optimization of branch instruction	G660	5
48025optimization of code	G67t	l
48026optimization of job	G68S	k
48027optimization of linkage operation	G682	7
48028optimization of loops	G69x	m
48029optimization of microprogram	G6+X	w
48030optimization of regions	G6/H	o
48031optimization of scalar instruction	G6/v	5
48032optimization pass	G7Ao	i
48033optimization procedure	G7BK	n
48034optimization theory	G7Bx	k
48035optimize	G7EZ	e
48036optimize paging	G7E3	m
48037optimized chain	G7Fd	d
48038optimized data base	G7F6	n
48039optimized data base access	G7Gh	0
48040optimized data base access runtime routine	G7HV	Bf
48041optimized microminiature electronic circuit	G7I0	BN
48042optimized processing element	G7KB	BU
48043optimizer	G7LV	a
48044optimizing	G7Lv	g
48045optimizing communication	IPzi	2
48046optimizing compiler	G7MP	7
48047optimizing control	IP0Y	w
48048optimizing control action	G7NK	w
48049optimizing control theory	G7N6	t
48050optimizing translator	G7On	s
48051optimum coding	G7PT	c
48052optimum condition	G7Pv	t
48053optimum control	G7Qc	d
48054optimum programming	G7Q5	h
48055optimum solution	G7Ra	e
48056optimum step size random search	G7R4	/
48057optimum traffic frequency	G7S3	x
48058optimum transmission block length	G7To	1
48059optimum working frequence	G7Ud	t
48060optimum working frequency	G7VK	x
48061optimun allocation	G7V7	g
48062optimun behaviour	G7Wb	f
48063optimun burst correcting code	G7W6	6
48064optimun code	G7X0	e
48065optimun coding	G7YS	c
48066optimun control	G7Yu	d
48067optimun control theory	G7ZL	q
48068optimun decision strategy	G7Z1	t
48069optimun guard zone	G7ai	j
48070optimun merging pattern	G7bF	r
48071optimun output	G7bw	c
48072optimun programming	G7cM	n
48073optimun reception	G7cz	f
48074optimun relaxation parameter	G7dS	w
48075optimun skip length	G7eC	n
48076optimun solution	G7ep	b
48077optimun strategy	G7fE	e
48078optimun switching function	G7fi	BC
48079optimun thresholding	G7gk	i
48080optimun traffic frequency	G7hG	BH
48081optimun transmission frequency	G7iN	y
48082optimun working frequency	G7i/	t
48083option	G7kZ	BW
48084option attribute	G7lv	e
48085option bill	G7mN	Z
48086option blank	G7mm	a
48087option box	G7nA	t
48088option card	G7nt	c
48089option character	G7oJ	e
48090option command	G7on	c
48091option component record	G7pD	r
48092option feature	G7pu	4
48093option field	G7qm	e
48094option indicator	G7rE	n
48095option interface	G7rr	e
48096option list	G7sJ	q
48097option select number	G7sz	o
48098option switch	G7tb	b
48099option table	G7t2	X
48100option table generator	G7uN	x
48101optional	G7u+	W
48102optional argument	G7vU	f
48103optional equipment	G7vz	u
48104optional file	G7wh	b
48105optional function	G7w8	f
48106optional half instruction	G7xb	q
48107optional halt	G7yF	p
48108optional instruction set	G7yu	6
48109optional interrupt	G7zo	g
48110optional library of program	G70I	s
48111optional member	G700	r
48112optional membership class	G71f	t
48113optional mounting base	G72M	z
48114optional multilevel interruption	G72/	0
48115optional network facilities	G73z	y
48116optional numeric statement number	G74l	7
48117optional operation	G75g	j
48118optional parallel instrument bus	G76D	BA
48119optional pause instruction	G77D	Bc
48120optional planner limits	G78f	0
48121optional priority	G79T	m
48122optional report limits	G795	t
48123optional resident routine	G7+m	3
48124optional routing algorithm	G7/d	0
48125optional set membership	G8AR	u
48126optional stop	G8A/	p
48127optional stop instruction	G8Bo	BV
48128optional switched channel	G8C9	t
48129optional top instruction	G8Dq	s
48130optional transfer condition	G8EW	v
48131optional variance percent	G8FF	z
48132optional vertical parity check	G8F4	7
48133optional word	G8Gz	m
48134optoacoustic transducer	G8JJ	o
48135optoacoustics	G8Jx	Y
48136optoelectronic device	G8KJ	m
48137optoelectronic directional coupler	G8Kv	8
48138optoelectronic hybrids	G8Lr	w
48139optoelectronic input	G8Mb	i
48140optoelectronic isolator	G8M9	6
48141optoelectronic memory	G8N3	p
48142optoelectronic multiplex switch	G8Og	3
48143optoelectronic pulse amplifier	G8PX	5
48144optoelectronic receiver	G8QQ	r
48145optoelectronic storage	G8Q7	q
48146optoelectronic technology	G8Rl	q
48147optoelectronics	G8SP	d
48148optomagnetics	G8Ss	Y
48149optotransistor	G8TE	c
48150optron	G8Tg	a
48151opword	G8T6	R
48152or	BEvN	O
48153or	C8a+	N
48154or	C8bL	N
48155or	DsQH	Q
48156or	DsTj	Q
48157or	DsYY	N
48158or	G8UL	H
48159or	G8US	O
48160or	GlPm	U
48161or bridge	G8Ug	Z
48162or circuit	CoRA	X
48163or circuit	G8U5	V
48164or circuit	G8fu	d
48165or circuit	G8h3	d
48166or circuit	WCh	a
48167or circuit	WG5	a
48168or circuit logic symbol	G8VO	5
48169or component	G8WH	Z
48170or core	G8Wg	U
48171or cycle	G8W0	T
48172or delay	WC7	c
48173or element	C8bY	X
48174or element	C8bv	b
48175or element	EAVh	g
48176or element	EGbA	b
48177or element	G8XH	i
48178or element	GlP6	a
48179or else	G8Xp	Z
48180or else circuit	G8YC	c
48181or else control form	G8Ye	k
48182or else logic	G8ZC	a
48183or even parity	GqV4	f
48184or extender	WDX	i
48185or function	C8cK	Y
48186or function	G8Zc	b
48187or function	WD5	f
48188or function	WHT	b
48189or gate	BKGJ	T
48190or gate	C+bt	R
48191or gate	C8c3	V
48192or gate	C8ci	V
48193or gate	C8dM	V
48194or gate	EAVH	a
48195or gate	EGbb	V
48196or gate	G8Z3	P
48197or gate	G8aG	g
48198or gate	GRjg	S
48199or gate	GlQU	U
48200or gate	Hh1D	S
48201or graph	WEY	Z
48202or matrix	C8dh	W
48203or mixer	G8am	S
48204or model	G8a4	Z
48205or node	G8bR	U
48206or not gate	G8bl	u
48207or operation	C8d3	Z
48208or operation	EGbw	a
48209or operation	G8cT	X
48210or operation	G8cq	k
48211or operation	GlQo	c
48212or operator	C8eQ	f
48213or operator	G8dO	j
48214or parallelism	G8dx	e
48215or relationship	G8eP	c
48216or symbol	G8er	W
48217or tree	G8fB	R
48218or unit	G8fS	c
48219oracle	G8iU	f
48220oracle binary internal translator	G8iz	BZ
48221oracle turing machine	G8kM	BG
48222orbit	G8lS	N
48223orbit	ISFx	Q
48224orbit data editer assembly	G8lf	+
48225orbit navigation analysis program	G8md	BA
48226orbital control program	G8nd	v
48227orbital rendezvous procedure	G8oM	BI
48228orbital satellite data processor	G8pU	Bp
48229orbital test satellite	G8q9	u
48230orbiting astronomical observatory	G8rr	8
48231orbiting data relay satellite system	G8sn	BK
48232orbiting geophysical observatory	G8tx	BL
48233order	CWBT	T
48234order	CWCn	T
48235order	F9q0	T
48236order	G8u8	BS
48237order	IsKj	Z
48238order	IsM5	Z
48239order acknowledgement	G8wO	3
48240order action detail	G8xF	n
48241order action summary	G8xs	o
48242order bit	D5w9	X
48243order block	G8yU	h
48244order block	IIb8	W
48245order by merging	G8y1	k
48246order byte	D5xU	b
48247order chain validation	Hu+R	9
48248order channel	G8zZ	b
48249order circuit	G8z0	b
48250order closeout	G80P	c
48251order closeout miscellaneous purge	G80r	8
48252order closeout operations purge	G81n	5
48253order closeout options	G82g	q
48254order closeout report and purge	G83K	8
48255order closeout selection	G84G	s
48256order closeout selection by date audit list	G84y	BX
48257order closeout selection by order audit lisst	G86J	BZ
48258order closeout summary and material purge auist	G88a	Be
48259order closeout turnaround number	G894	6
48260order code	G9Ao	z
48261order code processor	G9Bb	s
48262order comment	G9CH	b
48263order communications system	G9Ci	z
48264order complete entry	G9DV	o
48265order complete form	G9D9	n
48266order completion date	G9Ek	p
48267order control record	G9FN	s
48268order control system	G9F5	s
48269order costing	G9Gl	h
48270order date	G9HG	Y
48271order dependence	DVPt	k
48272order difference	IIcS	e
48273order digit	IIcw	Z
48274order due date	G9He	f
48275order due date limit	G9H9	r
48276order due date prior to current date	G9Io	BB
48277order due date prior to planning start date	G9Jp	BR
48278order due date sequence	G9K6	u
48279order end	D5xv	U
48280order entry	G9Lo	Z
48281order entry and invoicing	G9MB	2
48282order entry application	G9M3	r
48283order entry batch control update	G9Ni	BA
48284order entry system	G9Oi	+
48285order equation	IIdJ	c
48286order expression	DVQR	h
48287order extract work file	G9U6	x
48288order format	G9Vr	l
48289order fulfillment	G9WQ	t
48290order handling lead time	G9W9	y
48291order information	G9Xv	f
48292order key	G9YO	U
48293order language	DVQy	c
48294order logic	IIdl	Z
48295order maintenance batch update	G9Yi	4
48296order number	G9Za	o
48297order of columns	G9aC	Y
48298order of magnitude	G9aa	g
48299order of merge	G9a6	c
48300order of operation	G9bW	g
48301order of smoothing	G9b2	d
48302order of statement	G9cT	j
48303order of the merge	G9c2	g
48304order phase	G9dW	n
48305order placement cost	G9d9	i
48306order point	G9ef	h
48307order point reached	G9fA	k
48308order policy code	G9fk	i
48309order polynomial	IId+	h
48310order predicate	DVRO	d
48311order predicate calculus	IIef	s
48312order predicate logic	DVRr	p
48313order priority	G9gG	i
48314order processing	G9go	e
48315order processing and invertory monitoring	G9hG	BY
48316order processing menu	G9ie	v
48317order production quantity	Gu53	t
48318order purchase quantity	Gu6k	r
48319order quantity	FYK8	i
48320order quantity	G9jN	c
48321order quantity	Gu7P	c
48322order reactivated	G9jp	i
48323order recommendation	G9kL	i
48324order recommendation report	G9kt	v
48325order recurrence system	GLq+	q
48326order reference	F9rH	j
48327order reference code	F9rq	r
48328order register	G9mi	i
48329order release	G9nE	b
48330order release and closeout	G9nf	x
48331order release batch control update	G9pJ	8
48332order release batch extract and bm expansion	G9qF	BN
48333order release forms	G9rS	n
48334order release routing expansion	G9r5	5
48335order release segment update and log	G9sy	BN
48336order release summary and material detail up	G9t/	BV
48337order release update	G9vU	o
48338order release with shop packet	G9v8	+
48339order releasereview	G9yP	p
48340order review status	G9y4	n
48341order sequence	G9zf	c
48342order servo problem	JBXK	q
48343order set	G9z7	U
48344order shortage report	G90P	p
48345order signal	HATm	a
48346order source	G904	a
48347order starting date	G91S	n
48348order starting date adjusted to calendar date	G915	BW
48349order statistic test	G93P	o
48350order status	G933	a
48351order status tracking	G94R	p
48352order stochastic process	IIfL	s
48353order structure	G946	r
48354order subroutine	DVSU	k
48355order subroutine	IIf3	h
48356order summary	FYLe	h
48357order summary	G95l	b
48358order summary records	HupM	v
48359order system	IIgY	a
48360order theory	DVS4	a
48361order tracking date	G96A	n
48362order under critical ratio value	G96n	9
48363order under critical ratio value list	G97k	BF
48364order waiting vendor confirmation report	G98p	BO
48365order wire	G993	BB
48366order wire circuit	G9+4	m
48367order wire key	G9/e	q
48368order wire printer	G+AI	6
48369order wire signal	G+BC	z
48370ordered clause	G+CK	c
48371ordered data	G+Cm	a
48372ordered enumerated type	G+DA	r
48373ordered hadamard transform	G+Dr	x
48374ordered random access talking equipment	G+E7	BN
48375ordered retrieval	G+GI	f
48376ordered search	G+Gn	q
48377ordered search algorithm	G+HR	s
48378ordered seek queuing	G+H9	o
48379ordered sequence	G+Il	e
48380ordered serial file	G+JD	n
48381ordered set	Du1B	W
48382ordered set	G+Jq	Z
48383ordered set	JfM/	W
48384ordered tape file	G+KD	l
48385ordered tree	G+Ko	X
48386ordered word	G+K/	X
48387ordering	G+LW	g
48388ordering	HyjR	T
48389ordering bias	G+L2	3
48390ordering by merging	G+Mt	1
48391ordering constant identifier	G+Ni	z
48392ordering cost	G+OV	b
48393ordering of entries	G+PX	h
48394ordering of segments	G+P4	f
48395ordering point system	G+QX	m
48396ordering principle	JfNV	g
48397ordering statement	G+Q9	g
48398ordering strategy	G+Rd	t
48399orderly start	G+Sc	b
48400ordinal	G+S3	S
48401ordinal number	G+TJ	e
48402ordinal position	G+Tn	e
48403ordinal type	G+UF	a
48404ordinary binary	G+Uf	BG
48405ordinary least square	G+Vl	p
48406ordinary privileged slave program	G+WO	7
48407ordinary privileged slave request	G+XJ	7
48408ordinary ray	G+YE	o
48409ordinary symbol	G+Ys	r
48410ordinate	G+ZX	T
48411ordnance research computer	GQIM	/
48412ordnance variable automatic computer	G+Zq	BK
48413organic semiconductor	G+a0	m
48414organization	BMbc	g
48415organization	G+ba	w
48416organization	IP1I	X
48417organization chart	G+cK	o
48418organization clause	G+cy	h
48419organization definition	G+dT	l
48420organization for european economic cooperation	G+d4	BN
48421organization identification code	G+fF	BG
48422organization instruction	G+gL	m
48423organization of information	G+gx	3
48424organization of semiconductor memory	G+ho	+
48425organization theory	IP1f	k
48426organizational concatenated network	G+im	+
48427organizational control	G+jk	k
48428organized storage	BCZs	l
48429organized storage	JjlX	9
48430organized store	JjmU	/
48431organized system	JjnT	k
48432organizing	IP2D	j
48433organizing binary logical network	IP2m	BI
48434organizing computer	IP3u	n
48435organizing control	IP4V	j
48436organizing controller	IP44	p
48437organizing equipment	IP5h	l
48438organizing list	IP6G	d
48439organizing machine	IP6j	g
48440organizing program	IP7D	j
48441organizing routing method	IP7m	2
48442organizing symbol table	IP8c	r
48443organizing system	IP9H	i
48444orientation	G+kI	j
48445orientation execution code	G+kr	v
48446orientation parameter	G+la	x
48447orientation range	G+mL	t
48448orientation ratio	G+m4	c
48449oriented	BBak	T
48450oriented	BD5n	Z
48451oriented	C7BF	W
48452oriented	I7r6	W
48453oriented	Iznb	Z
48454oriented	JbCM	Z
48455oriented	Y0G	W
48456oriented algorithm	Eygh	y
48457oriented analysis procedure	JHEy	BE
48458oriented approach	Djwl	o
48459oriented assoviative processor	BD6A	4
48460oriented backplane	BMb8	m
48461oriented binary tree	G+nU	l
48462oriented bmp program	48w	BD
48463oriented business language	FOQs	BP
48464oriented command language	GpYD	2
48465oriented communication network	G+n5	BA
48466oriented compiler	BD64	u
48467oriented computer	BM2q	r
48468oriented computer system	GXpC	4
48469oriented cycle	G+pN	q
48470oriented data acquisition language	GXp6	Bu
48471oriented data acquisition system	GXro	BJ
48472oriented data base management system	JbCl	BK
48473oriented data display language	JbDv	BH
48474oriented data format	C1/o	x
48475oriented data protocol	BBa3	w
48476oriented data structure	CUVt	0
48477oriented data transmission	BLw1	x
48478oriented demand assignment	HlYf	/
48479oriented device	H4nT	j
48480oriented directed graph	Ga2x	x
48481oriented edge weighted network	G+p3	4
48482oriented environment	GuyK	3
48483oriented fdx	It4t	p
48484oriented fdx	hTp	s
48485oriented function	E8ce	r
48486oriented grammar	Ga3i	n
48487oriented graph	G+qv	Z
48488oriented graph of a network	G+rI	s
48489oriented graphics operation	HqX1	6
48490oriented higher order language	FNTR	BB
48491oriented image data base	I01R	4
48492oriented information management system	Dhbk	BS
48493oriented job control language	JbE2	BA
48494oriented kernel	Fpae	BM
48495oriented language	BsIC	o
48496oriented language	C/5S	v
48497oriented language	F4mg	u
48498oriented language	FNUS	5
48499oriented language	G+r0	f
48500oriented language	G3iN	s
48501oriented language	G7Ds	t
48502oriented language	Gda0	o
48503oriented language	GykB	o
48504oriented language	HmIG	y
48505oriented language	HmS+	4
48506oriented language	I+HB	s
48507oriented language	I53D	0
48508oriented language	IeVG	2
48509oriented language	IvwH	u
48510oriented language	JT5c	y
48511oriented language	JTAE	BJ
48512oriented language	JUXr	5
48513oriented language	JUZS	2
48514oriented language	Mcx	w
48515oriented language	OUB	o
48516oriented language	Y0c	s
48517oriented languagee	I+Ht	t
48518oriented lanuage	IRdU	v
48519oriented machines	DNwV	l
48520oriented macro scheme	E4a8	7
48521oriented memory	BBbn	m
48522oriented memory	BD7m	p
48523oriented operating system	GXsx	6
48524oriented operating system	HKjH	7
48525oriented operator control	C8Gq	BB
48526oriented operator language	I+Ia	/
48527oriented path	G+sT	b
48528oriented precompiler	GpY5	0
48529oriented program memory	HI7d	3
48530oriented programming	DSMA	x
48531oriented programming	GpZt	BI
48532oriented programming	bnd	3
48533oriented programming system	I+JZ	BA
48534oriented programs	IGz+	o
48535oriented project management committee	GXtr	BL
48536oriented protocol	Dpxm	o
48537oriented random access memory	BD8P	BD
48538oriented retrieval module	IeV8	7
48539oriented scientific instruction	Jjn3	5
48540oriented serial access file	Jjow	BB
48541oriented simulation langrnge	C1bZ	5
48542oriented software technology	GJWw	BH
48543oriented storage	Jjpx	0
48544oriented structural editor	IG0m	9
48545oriented structure	BMci	m
48546oriented symbolic language	IrqZ	BI
48547oriented system	49z	s
48548oriented system	DSMx	m
48549oriented system	FmjF	q
48550oriented system	IzAd	j
48551oriented system	Y1I	j
48552oriented testing	HSrV	k
48553oriented tool	B+VG	k
48554oriented tool generator	B+Vq	3
48555oriented transaction	GVij	BO
48556oriented transmission	BLxm	m
48557oriented tree	G+su	j
48558oriented vertex	G+tR	d
48559oriented workload model	FF/D	9
48560origin	G+tu	BC
48561origin address	G+uw	c
48562origin address field	G+vM	p
48563origin address field prime	G+v1	1
48564origin directive	G+wq	n
48565origin element field	G+xR	s
48566origin location	G+x9	d
48567origin node address	G+ya	BG
48568origin of walk	G+zg	c
48569origin port address	G+z8	o
48570origin subarea field	G+0k	BB
48571origin subport address	G+1l	t
48572origin system	G+2S	Y
48573original	G+2q	9
48574original block	G+3n	q
48575original board situation	G+4R	s
48576original character form	G+49	r
48577original code word	G+5o	j
48578original coded word	G+6L	k
48579original command string	G+6v	o
48580original data	G+7X	m
48581original data file	G+79	q
48582original data record	G+8n	s
48583original directive	G+9T	g
48584original document	G+9z	f
48585original document processing	G++S	4
48586original equipment manufacturer	G+/2	BU
48587original file	G/BK	b
48588original hash address	G/Bl	p
48589original input data	G/CO	n
48590original input stream	G/C1	w
48591original key field	G/Dl	m
48592original language	G/EL	4
48593original order quantity	G/FD	r
48594original print routine	G/Fu	0
48595original problem	G/Gi	e
48596original procedure	G/HA	g
48597original program	G/Hg	p
48598original routine	G/IJ	o
48599original semantic routine	G/Ix	3
48600original sentence	G/Jo	n
48601original signal	G/KP	a
48602original source program listing library	G/Kp	BB
48603original source statement	G/Lq	q
48604original statement	G/MU	g
48605original symbol	G/M0	d
48606original symbolic language	G/NR	u
48607original transmission	G/N/	j
48608original typing	G/Oi	BC
48609originating	G/QV	j
48610originating call	G/Q4	e
48611originating device	G/RW	g
48612originating marker	G/R2	m
48613originating network	G/Sc	h
48614originating node	G/S9	p
48615originating office	G/Tm	o
48616originating packet	G/UO	g
48617originating process	G/Uu	e
48618originating register	G/VM	y
48619originating register trunk	G/V+	BC
48620originating user	G/XA	e
48621origination	G/Xe	b
48622originator	G/X5	x
48623orphan	G/Yq	O
48624ortho film	G/Y4	S
48625orthochromatic film	G/ZK	h
48626orthocode	G/Zr	U
48627orthocode scanning	G/Z/	j
48628orthocorrection digit	G/ai	m
48629orthogonal	G/bI	g
48630orthogonal antenna mount	G/bo	s
48631orthogonal array arithmetic unit	G/cU	8
48632orthogonal array processor	G/dQ	BP
48633orthogonal code	G/ef	a
48634orthogonal computer	G/e5	k
48635orthogonal contrast	G/fd	h
48636orthogonal data	GdJA	g
48637orthogonal discriptor	G/f+	m
48638orthogonal error control	G/gk	BA
48639orthogonal extention	G/hk	BK
48640orthogonal instruction	G/iu	k
48641orthogonal linkage	G/jS	g
48642orthogonal list	G/jy	o
48643orthogonal matrix	G/ka	f
48644orthogonal memory	G/k5	l
48645orthogonal multiplex	G/le	o
48646orthogonal parity check	G/mG	u
48647orthogonal parity check sum	G/m0	1
48648orthogonal polynomial	G/np	m
48649orthogonal precedent	G/oP	i
48650orthogonal processor	G/ox	l
48651orthogonal projection	G/pW	j
48652orthogonal relation	G/p5	h
48653orthogonal row computer	G/qa	v
48654orthogonal signals	G/rJ	g
48655orthogonal transformation	G/rp	n
48656orthogonal vector	G/sQ	f
48657orthogonalizable code	G/sv	j
48658orthogonalized parity check equation	G/tS	BB
48659orthonormal basis	G/uT	2
48660orthonormal function	G/vJ	i
48661orthoscanner	G/vr	d
48662orthotropic control	G/wI	h
48663orthotropic error control	G/wp	t
48664orthotropic word	G/xW	b
48665os job queue dump program	G/xx	BM
48666oscillate	G/3T	R
48667oscillating circuit	G/3k	h
48668oscillating data window	G/4F	o
48669oscillating frequency	G/4t	j
48670oscillating pulse	G/5Q	f
48671oscillating regime	IP9p	g
48672oscillating sort	G/5v	v
48673oscillating tube	G/6e	b
48674oscillation frequency	G/65	j
48675oscillation tube	G/7c	b
48676oscillator	G/73	w
48677oscillator and timing generator	G/8n	8
48678oscillator crystal	G/9j	j
48679oscillator off	G/+G	f
48680oscillator tuning	G/+l	i
48681oscillogram	G//H	h
48682oscillogram trace reader	G//o	BP
48683oscillograph	HAA3	X
48684oscillometer	HABO	X
48685oscilloprobe	HABl	u
48686oscilloscope	HACT	m
48687oscilloscope	JKZV	X
48688oscilloscope probe capacitance	HAC5	1
48689osi	HADu	e
48690osi model	HAEM	m
48691osie	HAEy	m
48692osmultiprogramming with a fixed number of tasks	G/y9	Bm
48693osmultiprogramming with a variable number of task	G/0j	Bo
48694osmvs hierarchical recovery	G/2L	BI
48695other data messages	HAFY	n
48696otype	HAGf	T
48697out	B+RA	U
48698out	B7UA	T
48699out	BLiz	L
48700out	BMdI	U
48701out	Cjsd	L
48702out	CmDZ	R
48703out	DG+5	U
48704out	DVIo	c
48705out	DVJ2	W
48706out	DVJE	X
48707out	DVM1	W
48708out	Ec4g	R
48709out	Egzm	R
48710out	EhjM	R
48711out	EwAN	L
48712out	FFYK	R
48713out	FJDv	p
48714out	Fl2K	R
48715out	GY8z	BF
48716out	GfKI	c
48717out	GnpV	R
48718out	H+PS	U
48719out	H3Sk	L
48720out	H8/K	L
48721out	HAGy	T
48722out	HI8U	V
48723out	HKqh	O
48724out	IMl1	V
48725out	IMsv	a
48726out	Ipz/	R
48727out	JCa9	L
48728out	JFB6	L
48729out	JeP2	T
48730out	JhfG	W
48731out	vfC	V
48732out amplifier	HAHF	e
48733out argument	DG/N	a
48734out basis	DVKM	d
48735out branch	DG/n	Y
48736out buffer	DVKp	h
48737out buffer memory	DVLK	u
48738out buffering	DVE3	k
48739out buffering	DVL4	k
48740out bus	ICpv	Y
48741out capability	DG//	c
48742out cell	CUNI	c
48743out character	H9x1	b
48744out character	IiNl	e
48745out character	IiZ4	b
48746out check	BMdc	g
48747out command	HAHj	c
48748out connector	HAH/	e
48749out control character	IiOD	3
48750out count	Cjso	X
48751out data control	HAId	k
48752out facility	FBCL	a
48753out failure	JeQJ	n
48754out file	I0Bz	l
48755out file	JbF2	c
48756out line	DHAb	T
48757out list	DVMc	Z
48758out modem	DHAu	g
48759out monitoring	JFCF	i
48760out multiplier	IZyU	x
48761out network	E116	f
48762out node	DHBO	W
48763out of control	HAJB	W
48764out of frame	HAJX	X
48765out of line	HAJu	j
48766out of order	HAKR	BD
48767out of phase	HALU	m
48768out of range	HAL6	c
48769out of ste	DGl6	Y
48770out only	Ji3k	o
48771out routine	Ix3O	c
48772out sensor	HKqv	e
48773out signal	BMd8	h
48774out source	DHBk	V
48775out stack	DVNL	a
48776out state	HKrN	X
48777out statement	HAMW	b
48778out stem	DHB5	W
48779out switch	HAMx	Y
48780out symbol	HANJ	Y
48781out tape	FKea	n
48782out terminal	EwK4	a
48783out time	DUiU	c
48784outage	HAXk	W
48785outage duration	HAX6	d
48786outage period	HAYX	p
48787outage probability	HAZA	g
48788outage state	HAZg	a
48789outage threshold	HAZ6	e
48790outages	HAaY	BO
48791outboard	HAbm	Q
48792outboard data manager	HAb2	z
48793outboard logical unit	HAcp	p
48794outboard record routine	HAdS	5
48795outboard recorder	HAe3	i
48796outboard recorder	HAeL	s
48797outbound	HAfZ	Y
48798outbound connection	HAfx	n
48799outbound data system	HAgY	l
48800outbound pacing	HAg9	d
48801outbox	HAha	O
48802outbuf	HAho	U
48803outbuffer	HAh8	a
48804outbuffer subgroup	HAiW	p
48805outburst	HAi/	e
48806outcoming signal	HAjd	s
48807outconnection	HAkJ	3
48808outconnector	HAlA	BE
48809outer computer	HAmE	f
48810outer control limit	HAmj	k
48811outer face	HAnH	S
48812outer language	HAnZ	Z
48813outer level memory	HAny	j
48814outer macroinstruction	HAoV	n
48815outer planar graph	HAo8	j
48816outer space	HApf	Z
48817outer track	HAp4	W
48818outfile	HAqq	V
48819outflow	HAq/	a
48820outgoing access	HArZ	r
48821outgoing broadcast channel	HAsE	BC
48822outgoing call	HAtG	b
48823outgoing calls barred	HAth	p
48824outgoing code	HAuK	e
48825outgoing control	HAuo	e
48826outgoing control class	HAvG	n
48827outgoing frame	HAvt	g
48828outgoing group	HAwN	Z
48829outgoing link	HAwm	p
48830outgoing network	HAxP	s
48831outgoing position	HAx7	t
48832outgoing primary switch frame	HAyo	BY
48833outgoing quality level	HA0A	u
48834outgoing record	HA0u	r
48835outgoing route	HA1Z	c
48836outgoing routine test	HA11	z
48837outgoing toll circuit	HA2o	BC
48838outgoing transmission	HA3q	j
48839outgoing trunk	HA4N	0
48840outgoing unit	HA5B	b
48841outheader subgroup	HA5c	m
48842outlet	HA6C	/
48843outlet line	HA7B	W
48844outline	HA7X	k
48845outline flowchart	HA77	c
48846outline font	HA8X	a
48847outline input	HA8x	b
48848outline letter	HA9M	f
48849outline numbering	HA9r	t
48850outlining	HA+Y	c
48851outmessage subgroup	HA+0	n
48852outphase	HA/b	b
48853outpulsing	HA/2	i
48854output	C1q3	a
48855output	C1qd	a
48856output	C73D	X
48857output	D/LF	a
48858output	D6wR	g
48859output	D6xZ	g
48860output	ESzw	U
48861output	H3pg	X
48862output	H5px	a
48863output	H9i2	U
48864output	HBAY	BL
48865output	Hh0k	f
48866output	HnZm	8
48867output	Hq1P	h
48868output	Hz2T	e
48869output	I+4R	a
48870output	ImaN	X
48871output	IrG+	X
48872output	IviP	R
48873output	IyCi	X
48874output	JF9l	l
48875output address register	HBC+	y
48876output adjective	HBBj	a
48877output alarm	HBDw	a
48878output amplifier	HBEK	k
48879output amplitude	HBEu	e
48880output analysis	HBFM	d
48881output aperture	HBFp	r
48882output area	HBGU	r
48883output attribute	HBG/	e
48884output block	HBHd	BE
48885output blocking factor	HBIh	n
48886output break	HBJI	a
48887output buffer	HBJi	y
48888output buffer empty	HBKU	r
48889output buffer full	HBK/	6
48890output buffer register	HBL5	x
48891output bus	HBMq	e
48892output bus check	HBNI	n
48893output bus driver	HBNv	BI
48894output capability	HBO3	t
48895output capacitance	HBPk	g
48896output channel	ES0E	k
48897output channel	HBQE	c
48898output circuit	HBQg	c
48899output class	HBQ8	a
48900output coding	HBRW	b
48901output command	HBRx	c
48902output command data set	HBSN	z
48903output complement circuit	HBTA	t
48904output computer	HBTt	j
48905output control	IxfZ	l
48906output control line	HBUQ	o
48907output control program	HBU4	u
48908output control pulse	HBVm	s
48909output control register	HBWS	y
48910output control system	Hbie	7
48911output controller	ES0o	q
48912output converter	HBXE	k
48913output crosstalk	HCzA	4
48914output current	HBXo	c
48915output data	HBB9	f
48916output data	HBYE	n
48917output data buffer	HBYr	BE
48918output data buffer register	HBZv	9
48919output data control	HBas	r
48920output data description	HBbX	r
48921output data line	HBcC	l
48922output data set	HBcn	g
48923output data strobe	HBdH	q
48924output data structure	HBdx	p
48925output definition register	HBea	1
48926output device	CqBZ	q
48927output device	ES1S	j
48928output device	HBfP	p
48929output device control	HBf4	p
48930output device positioning	HBgh	t
48931output digital data	HBhO	n
48932output display area	HBh1	k
48933output display unit	HBiZ	o
48934output document	HBjB	d
48935output driver program	HBje	p
48936output enable	HBkH	s
48937output equipment	CPk/	k
48938output equipment	HBkz	e
48939output error rate	HBlR	z
48940output feedback	HBmE	h
48941output field	HBml	a
48942output file	HBm/	n
48943output file code	HBnm	k
48944output file collation control	HBoK	3
48945output file control block	HBpB	w
48946output files	HBpx	a
48947output form	HBqL	Z
48948output format	HBqk	b
48949output format rule	HBq/	m
48950output format specification	HBrl	2
48951output formatter	HBsb	k
48952output function	HBs/	d
48953output gap	HBtc	Y
48954output handler	HBt0	i
48955output hopper	HBuW	h
48956output identification	HBu3	t
48957output impedance	HBvk	h
48958output indicator	HBwF	y
48959output information	HBw3	g
48960output instruction	HBxX	g
48961output interface	HBx3	e
48962output interrupt register	HByV	w
48963output job queue	HBzF	o
48964output job stream	HBzt	i
48965output language	HB0P	d
48966output library master file	HB0s	u
48967output limited	HB1a	i
48968output limiting facility	HB18	BH
48969output line	HB3D	Z
48970output link	HB3c	n
48971output list	HB4D	W
48972output listing	HB4Z	c
48973output listing format	HB41	p
48974output loading factor	HB5e	6
48975output loop	HB6Y	n
48976output machine variable	HB6/	r
48977output magazing	HB7q	a
48978output medium	HB8E	b
48979output message	HB8f	c
48980output meter	HB87	d
48981output mode	DkLn	l
48982output mode	HB9Y	k
48983output module	HB98	e
48984output module value	HB+a	k
48985output monitor	HB++	i
48986output multiplex synchronizer	HB/g	BV
48987output multiplexe or	HCA1	u
48988output network	HCBj	c
48989output node	HCB/	Z
48990output only console	HCCY	q
48991output operation	HCDC	e
48992output order	HCDg	o
48993output order control	HCEI	o
48994output parameter address	HCEw	s
48995output password	HCFc	d
48996output picture	HCF5	c
48997output port	HCGV	k
48998output power	HCG5	a
48999output primitive	HCHT	s
49000output primitive	I+4r	q
49001output print queue	HCH/	m
49002output printer	HCIl	i
49003output priority	HCJH	g
49004output procedure	HCJn	s
49005output process	HBCc	i
49006output process	HCKT	q
49007output processing	HCK9	f
49008output processor	DCvu	y
49009output processor	HCLc	BJ
49010output processor test	HCMl	BG
49011output program	HCNr	c
49012output pulse	HCOH	a
49013output puncher	HCOh	f
49014output queue	HCPA	o
49015output queue file	HCPo	l
49016output rating	HCQN	l
49017output record	HCQy	b
49018output record character set	HCRN	y
49019output redirection	HCR/	j
49020output register	HCSi	r
49021output register buffer	HCTN	w
49022output register empty	HCT9	t
49023output report	HCUq	b
49024output request	HCVF	c
49025output restricted deque	HCVh	x
49026output routine	HCWS	0
49027output routine generator	HCXG	Bd
49028output section	HCYj	Z
49029output selector	HCY8	0
49030output sequence	HCZw	d
49031output service	HCaN	m
49032output signal	Gvyv	f
49033output signal	HCaz	b
49034output signal	HPx1	q
49035output signal	HPxL	q
49036output specification code	HCbO	t
49037output specification file	HCb7	t
49038output speed	HCco	a
49039output spool	HCdC	d
49040output spooling subsystem	HCdf	z
49041output stacker	HCeS	w
49042output state	HCfC	a
49043output statement	HCfc	e
49044output statement	vPT	q
49045output statistics	HCf6	f
49046output status register	HCgZ	x
49047output storage	HChK	x
49048output stream	HCh7	Y
49049output stream control	HCiT	m
49050output structure	HCi5	e
49051output subroutine	HCjX	s
49052output subsystem	HCkD	h
49053output switch function	HCkk	q
49054output switch network	HClO	t
49055output symbol	HCl7	b
49056output system	DA3d	v
49057output system	HCmW	b
49058output table	HCmx	X
49059output tape punch	HCnI	i
49060output tape sorting	HCnq	n
49061output terminal	HCoR	g
49062output token	HCox	2
49063output transaction	HCpn	0
49064output transformer	HCqb	r
49065output translator	HCrG	9
49066output unit	ES11	h
49067output unit	HCsD	4
49068output value table	HCs7	g
49069output variable	HCtb	d
49070output vector	HCt4	b
49071output voltage	HCuT	c
49072output well	HCuv	W
49073output word	HCvF	W
49074output work queue	HCvb	5
49075output writer	HCwU	BM
49076outputinput field	HCz4	m
49077outscriber	HC0e	b
49078outside loop	HC05	X
49079outside operation	HC1Q	f
49080outside operation form	HC1v	q
49081outside plant	HC2Z	b
49082outside processor	HC20	i
49083outside request foreground program	HC3W	BG
49084outstanding balance	HC5P	h
49085outstanding command	HC5w	n
49086outstanding data formatting	HC6X	4
49087outstanding frame	HC7P	w
49088outstanding mark time request	HC7/	6
49089outstanding message	HC85	k
49090outstanding orders	HC9d	g
49091outstanding run request	HC99	u
49092outward dialing	HC+r	r
49093oven	HC/W	c
49094over	HC/y	0
49095over capacity	HDAm	d
49096over charge	HDBD	h
49097over current relay	HDBk	u
49098over mask	HSGG	d
49099over or underloaded work centers	HDCS	BD
49100over run	HDDV	k
49101over variance	HDD5	b
49102over writing noise	HDEU	g
49103overall availability	HDIT	w
49104overall bandpass response	HDJD	w
49105overall chart	HDJz	b
49106overall computing speed	HDKO	o
49107overall distortion	HDK2	d
49108overall efficiency	HDLT	d
49109overall loss	HDLw	X
49110overall noise	HDMH	Y
49111overall performance	HDMf	h
49112overall structure	HDNA	f
49113overall test	HDNf	a
49114overall transfer function	HDN5	q
49115overall transmission test	HDOj	t
49116overall transmission time	HDPQ	q
49117overbackordered quantities	HDP6	6
49118overcommitment	HDQ0	c
49119overcompensated optical fiber	HDRQ	0
49120overcoupling	HDSE	X
49121overdivided region	HDSb	j
49122overdue	HDS+	P
49123overdue balance	HDTN	d
49124overdue horizon	HDTq	d
49125overdue order	HDUH	b
49126overdue report	HDUi	w
49127overflow	HDVS	BH
49128overflow access	HDWZ	d
49129overflow addressing method	HDW2	r
49130overflow alarm	HDXh	c
49131overflow area	HDX9	x
49132overflow attribute	HDYu	g
49133overflow bit	HDZO	a
49134overflow bucket	HDZo	BG
49135overflow chain	HDau	Z
49136overflow chain length	HDbH	j
49137overflow chaining	HDbq	f
49138overflow check	HDcJ	c
49139overflow check error	HDcl	o
49140overflow check indicator	HDdN	v
49141overflow drain	HDd8	W
49142overflow entry	HDeS	n
49143overflow entry hash	HDe5	k
49144overflow exception	HDfd	g
49145overflow fault	HDf9	c
49146overflow field	HDgZ	c
49147overflow file	HDg1	Y
49148overflow flag	HDhN	b
49149overflow handling	HDho	f
49150overflow handling mode	HDiH	q
49151overflow hash	HDix	b
49152overflow indication	HDjM	h
49153overflow indicator	HDjt	0
49154overflow line	HDkh	Y
49155overflow logic	HDk5	c
49156overflow operation	HDlV	g
49157overflow page	HDl1	b
49158overflow position	HDmQ	q
49159overflow printing	HDm6	f
49160overflow probability	HDnZ	i
49161overflow pulse	HDn7	c
49162overflow record	HDoX	d
49163overflow register	HDo0	i
49164overflow sequential access method	HDpW	BX
49165overflow signal	HDqt	r
49166overflow status	HDrY	d
49167overflow technique	HDr1	g
49168overflow test	HDsV	b
49169overflow toggle	HDsw	d
49170overflow trap	HDtN	p
49171overfow in calculators	HDu9	z
49172overhaul	HDvw	Y
49173overhaul and repair	HDwI	n
49174overhead	HDwv	BY
49175overhead bit	HDyH	l
49176overhead block	HDys	q
49177overhead cable	HDzW	c
49178overhead code	HDzy	k
49179overhead content lower levels	HD0W	9
49180overhead content this level	HD1T	7
49181overhead cost code	HD2O	v
49182overhead costs	HD29	o
49183overhead information	HD3l	w
49184overhead method	HD4V	x
49185overhead operation	HD5G	8
49186overhead projector	HD6C	m
49187overhead rate	HD6o	n
49188overhead ratepercent	HD7P	6
49189overhead time	HD8J	9
49190overhead total	HD9G	o
49191overhead traffic	HD9u	BD
49192overissue	HD+x	X
49193overlaid	HD/I	T
49194overlap	HD/b	f
49195overlap access	HD/6	q
49196overlap action	HEAk	c
49197overlap channel	HEBA	d
49198overlap factor	HEBd	c
49199overlap loop	HEB5	a
49200overlap of operation	HECT	i
49201overlap operand	HEC1	g
49202overlap operation	HEDV	f
49203overlap processing	HED0	8
49204overlap tell	HEEw	a
49205overlap transistor	HEFK	m
49206overlapped central processor	HEFw	z
49207overlapped channel	HEGj	g
49208overlapped data channel	HEHD	r
49209overlapped execution	HEHu	i
49210overlapped instruction execution	HEIQ	0
49211overlapped memory	HEJE	i
49212overlapped microinstruction execution	HEJm	8
49213overlapped operation	HEKi	i
49214overlapped operation buffer	HELE	y
49215overlapped span of control	HEL2	3
49216overlapping	HEMt	b
49217overlapping bridge	HENI	d
49218overlapping field	HENl	t
49219overlapping operand	HEOS	k
49220overlapping operations	HEO2	k
49221overlapping processor	HEPa	p
49222overlapping sublist	HEQD	h
49223overlay	HEQk	BF
49224overlay access control register	HERp	8
49225overlay area	HESl	a
49226overlay control program	HES/	/
49227overlay controller	HET+	j
49228overlay defining	HEUh	e
49229overlay description language	HEU/	w
49230overlay description language file	HEVv	7
49231overlay display	HEWq	d
49232overlay drafting	HEXH	s
49233overlay generation language	HEXz	v
49234overlay geueration langaye	HEYi	u
49235overlay handler	HEZQ	j
49236overlay keyboard	HEZz	h
49237overlay linkage editor	HEaU	w
49238overlay load	HEbE	a
49239overlay load module	HEbe	7
49240overlay management routine entry	HEcZ	BE
49241overlay manager	HEdd	j
49242overlay memory configuration	HEeA	w
49243overlay module	HEew	c
49244overlay network	HEfM	d
49245overlay path	HEfp	a
49246overlay program	HEgD	d
49247overlay region	HEgg	Z
49248overlay routine	HEg5	n
49249overlay runtime routines	HEhg	4
49250overlay segment	HEiY	/
49251overlay segment area	HEjX	BC
49252overlay store address	HEkZ	p
49253overlay structure	HElC	f
49254overlay supervisor	HElh	3
49255overlay supervisor routine	HEmY	9
49256overlay tree	HEnV	r
49257overlay writing	HEoA	d
49258overload	Ey07	T
49259overload	HEod	o
49260overload alarm control	HEpF	q
49261overload circuit breaker	HEpv	t
49262overload control	HEqc	e
49263overload definition	HEq6	k
49264overload module testing	HEre	/
49265overload point	HEsd	Z
49266overload protection	HEs2	h
49267overload rating	HEtX	r
49268overload recovery time	HEuC	q
49269overload relay	HEus	n
49270overload simulator	HEvT	j
49271overload test	HEv2	b
49272overmodulation	HEwR	Z
49273overpaint	HEwq	U
49274overprint	HEw+	f
49275overprinting	HExd	4
49276overprogram	HEyV	Z
49277overpunch	HEyu	6
49278overpunching	HEzo	w
49279overrelaxation	HE0Y	g
49280override	HE04	w
49281override cataloged memory allocation	HE1o	BB
49282override code	HE2p	Y
49283override control	HE3B	e
49284override interrupt	HE3f	j
49285override precedence	HE4C	7
49286override price	HE49	c
49287override work center	HE55	l
49288overrun	HE6e	+
49289overrun counter	HE7c	m
49290overrun error	HE8C	/
49291overscan	HE9B	T
49292overscore	HE9U	R
49293overseas intelligence data process system	HE9l	BP
49294overseas telecommunication commission	HE+0	BC
49295overshipped quantities	HE/2	k
49296overshoot	HFAa	v
49297overspeed test	HFCC	c
49298overstress	HFCe	a
49299overstrike	HFC4	r
49300overstrike mode	HFDj	o
49301overstriking	HFEL	X
49302overtime	HFEi	Q
49303overtone absorption	HFEy	k
49304overtones	HFFW	U
49305overtype	HFFq	W
49306overtype mode	HFGA	b
49307overunder loaded period	HDFz	0
49308overunder loaded variance percent	HDGn	BB
49309overunder percent	HDHo	r
49310overview	HFGb	Y
49311overvoltage interruption	HFGz	m
49312overvoltage protection	HFHZ	k
49313overwrite	HFH9	R
49314overwrite mode	HFIO	Z
49315overwrite noise	HFIn	d
49316overwrite within fixed ruler line mode	HFJE	6
49317overwritten	HFJ+	T
49318ovonic memory switch	HFKR	BG
49319ovonic threshold switch	HFLX	v
49320ovonics	HFMG	BE
49321ovshinsky  glass semiconductor	HFNK	BF
49322ovshinsky effect	HFOP	e
49323own	ChjY	U
49324own	EGNL	R
49325own	HnFM	X
49326own code	HFOt	BL
49327own coding  sorting	HFP4	r
49328own coding routine	HFQj	t
49329own variable	HFRQ	a
49330own virtual space	HFRq	l
49331owned	HFSP	W
49332owner	HFSl	3
49333owner  of a network connection	HFTc	BB
49334owner file	HFUd	j
49335owner process	HFVA	e
49336owner record	HFVe	l
49337owner record type	HFWD	i
49338ownership	HFXW	n
49339ownership of data	HFX9	i
49340oxford university press	HFYf	8
49341oxidation mask	HFZb	c
49342oxidation type semiconductor	HFZ3	w
49343oxide film condenser	HFa6	5
49344oxide resistor	Fp4K	q
49345oxide semiconductor	Fp40	t
49346oxide semiconductor	HFbz	n
49347oxide semiconductor	wLz	+
49348oxide semiconductor memory	Fp0I	BG
49349oxidized cmos	FAkC	3
49350oximeter	HFe8	Z
49351oximeter	HFeW	Z
49352oxygen	HFev	N
49353oxygen	HFfV	P
49354p	JI/5	R
49355p transistor	HFg2	c
49356p1	HFjE	P
49357p1 through p8	HFjT	W
49358p1br	HFjp	l
49359p1lr	HFkO	l
49360pa keys	HFkz	Y
49361pac	Fenx	d
49362pace	HFlL	T
49363paced instructional tool	IP+J	v
49364pacesetter	HFle	V
49365pacing	HFlz	V
49366pacing count	HFmI	n
49367pacing device	HFmv	o
49368pacing group	HFnX	h
49369pacing group size	HFn4	y
49370pacing indicator	HFoq	k
49371pacing message	HFpO	p
49372pacing parameter	HFp3	r
49373pacing request	HFqi	p
49374pacing response	HFrL	q
49375pacing value	HFr1	h
49376pack	HFsW	BK
49377pack cluster	HFtg	Y
49378pack no	HFt4	c
49379pack unit	HFuU	l
49380package	HFu5	Bc
49381package	Hvvq	j
49382package assembly	HFwV	m
49383package base	HFw7	a
49384package board	HFxV	a
49385package body	HFxv	a
49386package card	HFyJ	Z
49387package count	HFyi	i
49388package declaration	HFzE	k
49389package filling factor	HFzo	q
49390package identifier	HF0S	m
49391package intergrated circuit	DXpU	1
49392package lead	HF04	n
49393package level	HF1f	Y
49394package library	HF13	i
49395package media	HF2Z	b
49396package of software	HF20	e
49397package of subroutine	HF3S	j
49398package pin limitation	HF31	q
49399package program	HF4f	q
49400package shell	HF5J	i
49401package specification	HF5r	x
49402package standard	HF6c	h
49403package technique	HF69	f
49404package terminal	HF7c	h
49405package transfer unit	HF79	q
49406packaged electronic circuit	HF8n	2
49407packaged program	HF9d	0
49408packaged software	HF+R	1
49409packaged transistor	HF/G	3
49410packaging	HF/9	Y
49411packaging dealy	HGAV	d
49412packaging density	HGAy	5
49413packaging design	HGBr	r
49414packaging level	HGCW	a
49415packed	HGCw	b
49416packed array	HGDL	a
49417packed attribute	HGDl	e
49418packed bcd	HGED	f
49419packed byte	HGEi	Z
49420packed code	HGE7	W
49421packed data	HGFR	m
49422packed decimal	HGF3	s
49423packed decimal format	HGGj	s
49424packed decimal key	HGHP	s
49425packed decimal notation	HGH7	x
49426packed decimal number format	HGIs	2
49427packed decimal string	HGJi	BH
49428packed field	HGKp	a
49429packed form	HGLD	Z
49430packed format	HGLc	o
49431packed format message	HGME	p
49432packed key	HGMt	V
49433packed record	HGNC	b
49434packed structure	HGNd	j
49435packet	HGOA	Bg
49436packet address recognition	HGPg	+
49437packet assemble and disassemble	HGQe	7
49438packet assemblerdisassembler	HGRZ	BF
49439packet assembly	HGSe	a
49440packet assemblydisassembly	HGS4	BA
49441packet assemblydisassembly facility	HGT4	Bb
49442packet broadcast	HGVT	u
49443packet communication	HGWB	BJ
49444packet communication function	HGXK	u
49445packet control	HGX4	5
49446packet control layer	HGYx	BG
49447packet controller	HGZ3	i
49448packet disassembly	HGaZ	n
49449packet error detection	HGbA	n
49450packet filter	HGbn	b
49451packet filtering	HGcC	g
49452packet flow	HGci	b
49453packet format	HGc9	Y
49454packet gateway	HGdV	j
49455packet handler	HGd4	v
49456packet handling module	HGen	n
49457packet head	HGfO	w
49458packet interface	HGf+	u
49459packet interference	HGgs	e
49460packet interleaving	HGhK	e
49461packet layer	HGho	X
49462packet layout	HGh/	Y
49463packet lead address	HGiX	s
49464packet length	HGjD	r
49465packet level error control	HGju	BK
49466packet level protocol	HGk4	j
49467packet lifetime control	HGlb	x
49468packet link	HGmM	c
49469packet message delay	HGmo	l
49470packet mode	HGnN	W
49471packet mode operation	HGnj	2
49472packet mode terminal	HGoZ	4
49473packet multiplexer	HGpR	BA
49474packet multiplexing technique	HGqR	0
49475packet network	HGrF	e
49476packet network architecture	HGrj	3
49477packet network interface	HGsa	r
49478packet number	HGtF	b
49479packet priority level	HGtg	j
49480packet protocol	HGuD	k
49481packet protocol extension	HGun	u
49482packet radio	HGvV	2
49483packet radio network	HGwL	Bd
49484packet radio technique	HGxo	z
49485packet radio unit	HGyb	y
49486packet rate	HGzN	W
49487packet receive sequence number	HGzj	/
49488packet repeater	HG0i	q
49489packet reservation	HG1M	g
49490packet retransmission interval	HG1s	v
49491packet routing address	HG2b	r
49492packet send sequence number	HG3G	5
49493packet sequence number	HG3/	k
49494packet sequencing	HG4j	z
49495packet size	HG5W	g
49496packet switch level interface	HG52	2
49497packet switched data transmission service	HG6s	Bi
49498packet switched public data network	HG8O	BG
49499packet switched signalling message	HG9U	BT
49500packet switcher	HG+n	g
49501packet switching	HG/H	BF
49502packet switching center	HHAM	o
49503packet switching computer communication network	HHA0	BM
49504packet switching data network	HHCA	BV
49505packet switching data transmisison service	HHDV	Bj
49506packet switching environment	HHE4	t
49507packet switching equipment	HHFl	r
49508packet switching exchange	HHGQ	u
49509packet switching interface	HHG+	y
49510packet switching network	HHHw	s
49511packet switching node	HHIc	q
49512packet switching processor	HHJG	y
49513packet switching service network	HHJ4	0
49514packet switching services	HHKs	BE
49515packet switching unit	HHLw	q
49516packet swithcing exchange	HHMa	r
49517packet terminal	HHNF	i
49518packet transfer	HHNn	a
49519packet transmission	HHOB	e
49520packet voice communication system	HHOf	BA
49521packetize	HHTn	Y
49522packetized ensemble protocol	HHT/	0
49523packetized voice	HHUz	e
49524packetnet system interface	HHVR	1
49525packets data flow	HHWG	i
49526packing	HHWo	X
49527packing code	HHW/	X
49528packing density	HHXW	3
49529packing density deprecated in this sense	HHYN	BF
49530packing factor	HHZS	p
49531packing fraction	HHZ7	e
49532packing list	HHaZ	X
49533packing material	HHaw	e
49534packing routine	HHbO	d
49535packing slip	HHbr	X
49536pad	HHcC	BW
49537pad	IGW4	O
49538pad	IrTH	R
49539pad addressing	IGXG	f
49540pad character	HHdY	1
49541pad memory	IGXl	1
49542pad method	HHeN	V
49543pad register	IGYa	x
49544pad register addressing	IGZL	u
49545pad storagetemporary storage	IGZ5	6
49546pad test channel	IGaz	n
49547padder	HHei	X
49548padding	HHe5	y
49549padding bit	HHfr	W
49550padding character	HHgB	f
49551padding data	HHgg	a
49552pads	HHg6	M
49553page	HHhG	s
49554page address	HHhy	a
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49556page address register	HHi2	w
49557page address registers	HHjm	u
49558page addressing	HHkU	d
49559page addressing algorithm	HHkx	t
49560page algorithm	HHle	c
49561page alignment	HHl6	c
49562page and line	HHmW	k
49563page and segment table	HHm6	n
49564page assignment table	HHnh	m
49565page backward	HHoH	b
49566page balancing	HHoi	Z
49567page base	HHo7	R
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49569page body	HHpu	R
49570page boundary	HHp/	V
49571page boundary error	HHqU	h
49572page break	HHq1	V
49573page breakage	HHrK	o
49574page breaking	HHry	V
49575page buffer	HHsH	8
49576page change	HHtD	T
49577page check	HHtW	Y
49578page command	HHtu	a
49579page composer	HHuI	e
49580page composition software	HHum	n
49581page connector	GrCx	f
49582page control block	HHvN	n
49583page control register	HHv0	w
49584page controls	HHwk	j
49585page copy	HHxH	X
49586page counter	HHxe	d
49587page data	HHx7	X
49588page data set	HHyS	e
49589page definition	HHyw	l
49590page depth	HHzV	V
49591page depth control last line	HHzq	6
49592page description language	HH0k	u
49593page descriptor register	HH1S	w
49594page descriptor word	HH2C	l
49595page device	HH2n	Z
49596page device description table	HH3A	BS
49597page directory	HH4S	c
49598page directory base register	HH4u	5
49599page displacement	HH5n	i
49600page display	HH6J	a
49601page down	HH6j	k
49602page dtat register	HH7H	t
49603page eject	HH70	j
49604page end character	HH8X	y
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49606page exit	HH9r	h
49607page facsimile recorder	HH+M	z
49608page failure	HH+/	a
49609page fault	HH/Z	2
49610page fault cluster size	HIAP	s
49611page fault frequency	HIA7	s
49612page fault frequency replacement algorithm	HIBn	Bp
49613page fault handling	HIDQ	n
49614page fault trace	HID3	k
49615page file	HIEb	X
49616page fix	HIEy	j
49617page fixing	HIFV	0
49618page footing	HIGJ	n
49619page format item	HIGw	h
49620page formatter	HIHR	i
49621page formatting	HIHz	d
49622page forward	HIIQ	a
49623page frame	HIIq	Z
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49625page frame number data base	HIJw	y
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49627page frame real address	HILP	t
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49630page fualt frequency	HINH	s
49631page head	HINz	U
49632page header	HIOH	W
49633page heading	HIOd	a
49634page hierarchical memory	HIO3	v
49635page interrupt	HIQJ	p
49636page invalid bit	HIQy	e
49637page io	HIPm	j
49638page key	HIRQ	a
49639page layout	HIRq	Z
49640page length field	HISD	2
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49642page loading station	HITM	f
49643page locking	HITr	a
49644page make up	HIUF	a
49645page map address	HIUf	k
49646page map address register	HIVD	1
49647page map register	HIV4	l
49648page mapping	BEDP	j
49649page mapping table	HIWd	n
49650page marker	HIXE	v
49651page memory	HIXz	Z
49652page memory management	HIYM	q
49653page memory protection	HI5o	q
49654page memory system	HIY2	m
49655page merging	HIZc	X
49656page migration	HIZz	c
49657page mode	HIaP	X
49658page number	HIam	i
49659page numbering	HIbI	j
49660page option	HIbr	W
49661page out	HIcB	Q
49662page overflow	HIcR	j
49663page overflow condition	HIc0	r
49664page pointer	HIdf	q
49665page pool	HIeJ	m
49666page printer	HIev	5
49667page printing	HIfo	b
49668page printing system	HIgD	s
49669page proof	HIgv	S
49670page protection	HIhB	d
49671page queue	HIhe	Y
49672page reader	HIh2	c
49673page reclaim	HIiS	a
49674page reclamation	HIis	e
49675page refresh	HIjK	a
49676page register	HIjk	e
49677page releasing station	HIkC	k
49678page removal algorithms	HIkm	r
49679page replacement	HIlR	e
49680page replacement algorithm	HIlv	y
49681page replacement policy	HImh	r
49682page replacement time	HInM	p
49683page scanner	HIn1	a
49684page scrolling	HIoP	k
49685page segment	HIoz	U
49686page selection	HIpH	c
49687page selector	HIpj	e
49688page size	HIqB	k
49689page size option	HIql	3
49690page splitting	HIrc	p
49691page stealing	HIsF	o
49692page storage	HIst	f
49693page structure	HItM	c
49694page swapping	HIto	b
49695page table	HIuD	l
49696page table association	HIuo	n
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49699page table building	HIwZ	h
49700page table directory	HIw6	l
49701page table entry	HIxf	s
49702page table lookup	HIyL	c
49703page tape	HIyn	R
49704page throw	HIy4	Z
49705page top	HIzR	T
49706page translation exception	HIzk	r
49707page turning	HI0P	U
49708page turning capability	HI0j	l
49709page type	HI1I	X
49710page use list	HI1f	e
49711page view terminal	HI19	m
49712page viewing station	HI2j	i
49713page virtual memory system	HI3F	0
49714page wait	HI35	X
49715page width	HI4Q	V
49716page zero	HI4l	U
49717page zero direct addressing	HI45	v
49718pageable	HI+t	j
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49721pageable nucleus	HJAX	n
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49723pageable region	HJBh	g
49724pageable system task	HJCB	u
49725paged algorithm	HJCv	d
49726paged allocation method	HJDM	q
49727paged computer system	GdKQ	4
49728paged direct addressing	HJD2	r
49729paged hierarchical memory	HJEh	w
49730paged memory	HJFR	a
49731paged memory management	HJFr	r
49732paged segmentation	HJGW	g
49733paged system	HJG2	U
49734pager	HJHK	v
49735paginal translation	HJH5	p
49736paginate	HJIi	a
49737paginating	HJI8	V
49738paginating machine	HJJR	i
49739pagination	HJJz	w
49740paging	HJKj	8
49741paging access	HJLf	b
49742paging activity indexes	HJL6	r
49743paging algorithm	HJMl	e
49744paging area	HJND	W
49745paging date	HJNZ	Z
49746paging device	HJNy	b
49747paging disorder	HJON	d
49748paging mechanism	HJOq	e
49749paging performance	HJPI	g
49750paging rate	HJPo	Z
49751paging receive	HJQB	c
49752paging routine	HJQd	v
49753paging supervisor	HJRM	l
49754paging technique	HJRx	e
49755paging terminal	HJSP	d
49756paint	HDFH	N
49757paint	HJTB	S
49758paintbrush	HJTt	V
49759pair	IA3s	M
49760pair cable	HJUC	o
49761pair delay	HJUq	s
49762pair diode	HJVW	o
49763pair formation	HJV+	i
49764pair gain	HJWg	n
49765pair graph	GwIz	Y
49766pair register	HJXH	b
49767pair table	HJXi	V
49768pair test	HJX3	a
49769pair transistor	HJYR	k
49770pair wire	JKox	U
49771paired cable	HJaI	a
49772paired comparisons	HJai	g
49773paired data	HJbC	Z
49774pairing	HJbb	W
49775pairing function	HJbx	e
49776pairwise independent events	HJcP	v
49777palette	HJc+	P
49778palette chart	HJdN	Y
49779palindrome	HJdl	S
49780pamphlet	HJd3	T
49781pan film	HJeK	W
49782pan head screw	HJeg	c
49783pan scrolling	HJe8	b
49784panalty function	HJfX	b
49785panchromatic	HJfy	X
49786panchromatic film	HJgJ	f
49787panel	HJgo	w
49788panel data interface	HJhY	/
49789panel data set	HJiX	f
49790panel definition program	HJi2	s
49791panel display	HJji	u
49792panel editor	HJkQ	g
49793panel field	HJkw	Z
49794panel group	HJlJ	W
49795panel interrupt mask off	HJlf	y
49796panel interrupt mask on	HJmR	u
49797panel monitor	HJm/	e
49798panel number	HJnd	X
49799panel services	HJn0	i
49800panic	HJoW	Q
49801panic button	HJom	k
49802panic dump	HJpK	Y
49803panic dump routine	HJpi	u
49804panic equipment	HJqQ	d
49805panic mode	HJqt	Y
49806panning	HJrF	r
49807pantograph	HJrw	f
49808pantograph optical projection system	HJsP	Bc
49809paper	Iy6f	N
49810paper	JCZa	T
49811paper advance	HJtr	f
49812paper advance mechanism	HJuK	l
49813paper ball	HJuv	V
49814paper base	HJvE	Y
49815paper capacity	HJvc	f
49816paper card	HJv7	S
49817paper carrier	HJwN	b
49818paper cassette	HJwo	Z
49819paper change	HJxB	U
49820paper change lever	HJxV	j
49821paper core	HJx4	Y
49822paper curl	HJyQ	Y
49823paper deflector	HJyo	a
49824paper delivery	HJzC	g
49825paper document conveyor	HJzi	u
49826paper drawer	HJ0Q	U
49827paper end stop	HJ0k	f
49828paper extraction	HJ1D	Y
49829paper feed	HJ1b	Y
49830paper feed aperture	HJ1z	h
49831paper feed control	HJ2U	t
49832paper feed control electronics	HJ3B	BR
49833paper feed fault sensing	HJ4S	s
49834paper feed fray	HJ4+	d
49835paper feed gate	HJ5b	a
49836paper feed mechanism	HJ51	i
49837paper feed motor	HJ6X	e
49838paper feed ready	HJ61	p
49839paper feed rollers	HJ7e	g
49840paper feed speed	HJ7+	e
49841paper feed unit	HJ8c	d
49842paper form	HJ85	Y
49843paper guide	HJ9R	Z
49844paper holder	HJ9q	X
49845paper holding roller	HJ+B	i
49846paper injectionextractor	HJ+j	q
49847paper jam	HJ/N	f
49848paper jams	HJ/s	S
49849paper labor tickets	HJ/+	e
49850paper lift	HKAc	Y
49851paper loop	HKBm	V
49852paper low	HKB7	i
49853paper low indicator	HKCd	y
49854paper perforator	HKDP	h
49855paper phenol	HKDw	X
49856paper platform	HKEH	j
49857paper registration	HKEq	d
49858paper release	HKFH	V
49859paper set lever	HKFc	g
49860paper shredder	HKF8	f
49861paper side guides	HKGb	f
49862paper size	HKG6	Y
49863paper skip	HKHS	f
49864paper slew	HKHx	5
49865paper speed	HKIq	T
49866paper stack	HKI9	T
49867paper support	HKJQ	b
49868paper support extension	HKJr	o
49869paper tape	HKKT	c
49870paper tape accessory	HKKv	m
49871paper tape and transmission code	HKLV	8
49872paper tape channels	HKMR	h
49873paper tape character	HKMy	i
49874paper tape code	HKNU	d
49875paper tape coder	HKNx	h
49876paper tape control	HKOS	k
49877paper tape control symbol	HKO2	q
49878paper tape copy	HKPg	j
49879paper tape data processing	HKQD	u
49880paper tape editor	HKQx	i
49881paper tape equipment	HKRT	i
49882paper tape input device	HKR1	r
49883paper tape inputoutput system	HKSg	+
49884paper tape loop	HKTe	a
49885paper tape macro	HKT4	k
49886paper tape micro	HKUc	h
49887paper tape output device	HKU9	s
49888paper tape parity	HKVp	o
49889paper tape perforating typewriter	HKWR	4
49890paper tape perforator	HKXJ	q
49891paper tape punch control	HKXz	x
49892paper tape read	HKYk	h
49893paper tape reader	HKZF	5
49894paper tape reader control	HKZ+	1
49895paper tape reader control unit	HKaz	4
49896paper tape rewind	HKbr	j
49897paper tape space	HKcO	i
49898paper tape speed	HKcw	e
49899paper tape splicing equipment	HKdO	2
49900paper tape sprocket	HKeE	k
49901paper tape system	HKeo	j
49902paper tape to magnetic tape	HKfL	BV
49903paper tape transcriber	HKgg	n
49904paper tape transport	HKhH	i
49905paper tape type	HKhp	d
49906paper tape unit	HKiG	a
49907paper tape write	HKig	n
49908paper thickness adjustment	HKlC	u
49909paper thickness set knob	HKlw	v
49910paper throw	HKmf	y
49911paper throw character	HKnR	j
49912paper transport	HKn0	X
49913paper transport mechanism	HKoL	n
49914paper tray	HKoy	S
49915paperless entry processing	HKuL	y
49916paperless item processing system	HKu9	/
49917paperless office	HKv8	p
49918papertape	HKwl	R
49919parabola	HKw2	T
49920parabolic	ISGB	a
49921parabolic antenna	HKxJ	i
49922parabolic approximation	HKxr	r
49923parabolic differential equation	HKyW	5
49924parabolic dish	HKzP	l
49925parabolic distribution	HKz0	n
49926parabolic interpolator	HK0b	q
49927paraboloid	HK1F	V
49928paradox	HK1a	P
49929paragraph	HK1p	t
49930paragraph and line number	HK2W	w
49931paragraph assembly	HK3G	9
49932paragraph format	HK4D	b
49933paragraph header	HK4e	Y
49934paragraph indent	HK42	e
49935paragraph key	HK5U	V
49936paragraph label	HK5p	a
49937paragraph mark	HK6D	Z
49938paragraph marker	HK6c	o
49939paragraph name	HK7E	W
49940paragraph number	HK7a	Y
49941paragraph numbering	HK7y	h
49942paragraph type	HK8T	c
49943parallax	HK8v	Q
49944parallax angle	HK8/	Z
49945parallax correction	HK9Y	h
49946parallax effect	HK95	d
49947paralled	IZzp	W
49948paralled ad converter	IZz/	w
49949paralled ad converter	Pa3	w
49950paralled contact network	IZ0v	p
49951paralled control	IZ1Y	o
49952paralled conversion	IZ2A	k
49953paralled converter	IZ2k	m
49954paralled converter module	IZ3K	z
49955paralled multiplication	IZ39	o
49956paralled network	IZ4l	h
49957paralled register	IZ5G	m
49958paralledl adder	HK+W	a
49959parallel	H+DC	W
49960parallel	HK+w	a
49961parallel	Iaag	W
49962parallel	JJel	W
49963parallel access	HK/K	q
49964parallel access multiple distribution	HK/0	BE
49965parallel access shift register	HLA4	7
49966parallel accumulator	HLBz	l
49967parallel action	HLCY	d
49968parallel active tracking program	HLC1	6
49969parallel added	HLDv	Z
49970parallel adder	HLEI	p
49971parallel addition	HLEx	f
49972parallel algorithm	HLFQ	g
49973parallel algorithm folding method	HLFw	7
49974parallel allocation	HLGr	h
49975parallel and pipeline processing	HLHM	6
49976parallel architecture	HLIG	2
49977parallel architecture system	HLI8	w
49978parallel arithmetic	HLJs	u
49979parallel arithmetic element	HLKa	v
49980parallel arithmetic operation	HLLJ	x
49981parallel arithmetic unit	HLL6	p
49982parallel array processor	HLMj	v
49983parallel assignment algorithm	HLNS	x
49984parallel associative processor	HLOD	1
49985parallel asynchronous computer	HLO4	1
49986parallel asynchronous computer architecture	HLPt	BO
49987parallel backtracking	HLQ7	j
49988parallel binary accumulator	HLRe	1
49989parallel binary adder	HLST	v
49990parallel binary computer	HLTC	y
49991parallel bit transmission	HLT0	q
49992parallel block	HLUe	f
49993parallel buffer	HLU9	g
49994parallel bus	HLVd	d
49995parallel by bit	HLV6	e
49996parallel by byte	HLWY	e
49997parallel by character	HLW2	n
49998parallel c language	HLXd	i
49999parallel card reader	HLX/	7
50000parallel cascade action	HLY6	r
50001parallel cellular chain	HLZl	o
50002parallel cellular inverted list	HLaN	2
50003parallel cellular organization	HLbD	y
50004parallel channel	HLb1	e
50005parallel chord method	HLcT	j
50006parallel circuit	HLc2	e
50007parallel combination	HLdU	i
50008parallel combinational circuit	HLd2	y
50009parallel command	HLeo	e
50010parallel communication interface	HLfG	u
50011parallel communication link	HLf0	z
50012parallel communications link receiver	HLgn	BH
50013parallel communications link transmitter	HLhu	BK
50014parallel compensation	HLi4	j
50015parallel computation	HLjb	i
50016parallel computation approach	HLj9	u
50017parallel computation environment	HLkr	0
50018parallel computation technique	HLlf	v
50019parallel computer	HLmO	y
50020parallel computer architecture	HLnA	7
50021parallel computer hardware	HLn7	x
50022parallel computer performace	HLos	z
50023parallel computer simulator	HLpf	BW
50024parallel computer software	HLq1	x
50025parallel computing	HLrm	g
50026parallel connection	HLsG	o
50027parallel connection	Iaa2	e
50028parallel construction	HLsu	j
50029parallel contact network	IabU	p
50030parallel conversion	HLtR	h
50031parallel conversion	IZzF	k
50032parallel converter	HPDP	s
50033parallel converter	IZ5s	r
50034parallel converter	IZ61	s
50035parallel counter	HLty	h
50036parallel counter	Iab9	u
50037parallel data adapter	HLuT	w
50038parallel data communicator	HLvD	1
50039parallel data controller	HLv4	z
50040parallel data driven processor	HLwr	7
50041parallel data form	HLxm	m
50042parallel data medium	HLyM	o
50043parallel data processing	HLy0	s
50044parallel data structure	HLzg	r
50045parallel data transmission	HL0L	BB
50046parallel decimal adder	HL1M	w
50047parallel detection	HL18	g
50048parallel diagnosis	HL2c	g
50049parallel digital computer	HL28	w
50050parallel digital computing system	HL3s	BA
50051parallel digital inputoutput	HL4s	8
50052parallel distribution processing system	HL5o	BE
50053parallel edge	HL6s	Y
50054parallel element processing ensemble	HL7E	BJ
50055parallel entry	HL8N	c
50056parallel executable statement	HL8p	x
50057parallel execution	HL9a	g
50058parallel execution of plans	HL96	y
50059parallel extended routes	HL+s	s
50060parallel fault simulation	HL/Y	t
50061parallel feed	HMAF	b
50062parallel feedback	HMAg	f
50063parallel file	HMA/	Y
50064parallel filling process	HMBX	s
50065parallel flow	HMCD	l
50066parallel fold	HMCo	b
50067parallel fortran	HMDD	q
50068parallel full adder	HMDt	k
50069parallel full subtracter	HMER	p
50070parallel gap welding	HME6	o
50071parallel grammar	HMFi	e
50072parallel half adder	HMGA	k
50073parallel half subtracter	HMGk	p
50074parallel hash algorithm	HMHo	r
50075parallel hash hardware	HMIT	q
50076parallel head disc	HMI9	q
50077parallel identification and control	HMKK	6
50078parallel image correlation	HMLE	z
50079parallel image processing	HML3	t
50080parallel in	HMMk	Z
50081parallel inference computer	HMM9	y
50082parallel inference machine	HMNv	v
50083parallel inference system	HMOe	t
50084parallel input	HMPL	c
50085parallel input mode	HMPn	n
50086parallel input serial output	HMQO	7
50087parallel inputoutput	HMRJ	t
50088parallel inputoutput card	HMR2	x
50089parallel inputoutput unit	HMSn	5
50090parallel insertion	HMTg	g
50091parallel instruction control unit	HMUA	9
50092parallel instruction execution	HMU9	y
50093parallel instruction queue	HMVv	y
50094parallel interface	HMWh	g
50095parallel interface adaptor	HMXB	v
50096parallel interface element	HMXw	BF
50097parallel interface extender	HMY1	2
50098parallel interface extender line module	HMZr	BK
50099parallel interface extender network	HMa1	BH
50100parallel interface machine	HMb8	v
50101parallel knowledge base machine	HMcr	2
50102parallel language	HMdh	8
50103parallel line	HMed	d
50104parallel link	HMe6	b
50105parallel logic	HMfV	c
50106parallel logic word	HMfx	k
50107parallel logical instruction	BBcN	2
50108parallel machine	HMgV	o
50109parallel machine processing	HMg9	s
50110parallel mark	HMhp	b
50111parallel memory	HMiE	g
50112parallel memory access	HMik	t
50113parallel memory address counter	HMjR	BE
50114parallel memory operation	HMkV	t
50115parallel memory unit	HMlC	l
50116parallel merge	HMma	c
50117parallel merge algorithm	HMm2	s
50118parallel micromodule	HMni	l
50119parallel mode	HMoH	o
50120parallel multiple incremental computer	HMov	Bk
50121parallel multiplication	HMqT	l
50122parallel multiplier	HMq4	k
50123parallel multisection method	HMrc	w
50124parallel network	Eqn5	t
50125parallel network	Iacr	h
50126parallel operating testing	HMsr	u
50127parallel operation	HMtZ	BU
50128parallel optical computer	HMut	0
50129parallel output	HMvh	d
50130parallel output platform	HMv+	w
50131parallel parsing	HMwu	k
50132parallel parsing algorithm	HMxS	0
50133parallel parsing method	HMyG	u
50134parallel partitioning	HMy0	j
50135parallel pascal	HMzX	j
50136parallel path counter	HMz6	w
50137parallel pattern processor	HM0q	1
50138parallel penalty automaton	HM1f	x
50139parallel plate domain structure	HM2Q	6
50140parallel port	HM3K	l
50141parallel print	HM3v	f
50142parallel printing	HM4O	f
50143parallel procedure structure	HM4t	w
50144parallel process	HM5d	r
50145parallel processable task	HM6I	w
50146parallel processing	HM64	x
50147parallel processing	Hyjk	1
50148parallel processing automata	HM7p	3
50149parallel processing computer	HM8g	z
50150parallel processing element	HM9T	v
50151parallel processing in computer communication	HM+C	BQ
50152parallel processing limitation	HM/S	y
50153parallel processing multiplier	HNAE	1
50154parallel processing of serial image	HNA5	9
50155parallel processor	HNB2	m
50156parallel processor application software	HNCc	BE
50157parallel processor architecture	HNDg	8
50158parallel processor control unit	HNEc	8
50159parallel processor operating system	HNFY	BA
50160parallel processor software	HNGY	y
50161parallel program	HNHK	e
50162parallel program model	HNHo	q
50163parallel programming	HNIS	i
50164parallel programming in logic	HNI0	+
50165parallel programming language	HNJy	3
50166parallel prolog	HNKp	j
50167parallel record	HNLM	d
50168parallel redundancy	HNLp	k
50169parallel register	HNMN	i
50170parallel representation	HNMv	o
50171parallel research memory	HNNX	v
50172parallel resonance	HNOG	g
50173parallel rewriting	HNOm	g
50174parallel ring register	HNPG	t
50175parallel run	HNPz	a
50176parallel run test	HNQN	l
50177parallel running	HNQy	r
50178parallel scheduling	HNRd	h
50179parallel scheduling algorithm	HNR+	x
50180parallel search	HNSv	d
50181parallel search memory	HNTM	t
50182parallel search type memory	HNT5	1
50183parallel sequential computer	HNUu	z
50184parallel sessions	HNVh	k
50185parallel shift	HNWF	c
50186parallel shift register	HNWh	u
50187parallel simulation	HNXP	h
50188parallel sorting	HNXw	r
50189parallel storage	HNYb	w
50190parallel symbol	HNZj	d
50191parallel synchronous computer	HNaA	0
50192parallel system	HNa0	d
50193parallel task spawning	HNbR	q
50194parallel terminal	HNb7	n
50195parallel termination	HNci	v
50196parallel transfer	HNdR	s
50197parallel transmission	HNd9	w
50198parallel transmission unit	HNet	u
50199parallel vector operation	HNfb	t
50200parallel word recognizer	HNgI	BC
50201parallelism	HNsA	W
50202parallelism	HykZ	Z
50203parallelism of multiprocessing	HNsW	1
50204parallelserial	HNrf	h
50205paramagnetic material	HNtL	m
50206paramagnetism	HNtx	Y
50207parameter	E6QI	d
50208parameter	HNuJ	BB
50209parameter	JpVH	j
50210parameter adaptive	HNvK	j
50211parameter allocation	HNvt	i
50212parameter association	HNwP	x
50213parameter attribute	HNxA	h
50214parameter block	HNxh	a
50215parameter buffer address	HNx7	v
50216parameter checkout	HNyq	j
50217parameter declaration	HNzN	j
50218parameter delimiter	HNzw	k
50219parameter descriptor	HN0U	1
50220parameter descriptor list	HN1J	BA
50221parameter entry card	HN2J	l
50222parameter estimation	HN2u	i
50223parameter group	HN3Q	a
50224parameter identification	HN3q	m
50225parameter instruction	HN4Q	j
50226parameter language	HN4z	g
50227parameter length	HN5T	e
50228parameter library	HN5x	c
50229parameter list	HN6N	Z
50230parameter list syntax	HN6m	m
50231parameter measurement	HN7M	j
50232parameter mode	HN7v	c
50233parameter mode display	HN8L	q
50234parameter name	HN81	Z
50235parameter of an analytic model	HN9m	y
50236parameter of library procedure	HN+Y	v
50237parameter of subroutine	HN/H	o
50238parameter optimization	HN/v	k
50239parameter oscillation	HOAT	j
50240parameter packet	HOA2	r
50241parameter passing	HOBh	f
50242parameter passing mechanism	HOCA	v
50243parameter passing rule	HOCv	q
50244parameter passing technique	HODZ	v
50245parameter position	HOEI	g
50246parameter potentiometer	HOEo	o
50247parameter receive block	HOFQ	o
50248parameter regulation	F9sV	l
50249parameter segment	HOF4	c
50250parameter segment descriptor	HOGU	w
50251parameter segment descriptor register	HOHE	BC
50252parameter segment register	HOIG	u
50253parameter selection mechanism	HOI0	x
50254parameter send block	HOJl	l
50255parameter set	HOKK	Y
50256parameter setting instruction order	HOKi	5
50257parameter specification	HOLb	l
50258parameter specifier	HOMA	k
50259parameter stack	HOMk	d
50260parameter stack segment	HONB	o
50261parameter stack segment discriptor	HONp	8
50262parameter storage	HOOl	i
50263parameter string	HOPH	b
50264parameter substitution	HOPi	k
50265parameter table	HOQG	a
50266parameter testing	HOQg	f
50267parameter tracking identification	HOQ/	1
50268parameter values	HOR0	b
50269parameter variation	HOSP	u
50270parameter word	HOS9	Z
50271parameterization	HOWJ	b
50272parameterized application package	HOWk	7
50273parameterized module	HOXf	l
50274parameterized programming	HOYE	w
50275parameterless entry	HOY0	h
50276parameterless module	HOZV	i
50277parameterless procedure	HOZ3	l
50278parameterless task	HOac	g
50279parameters	HOa8	S
50280parameters bounds and length	HObO	z
50281parameters length	HOcB	f
50282parameters sorting	HOcg	g
50283parametervariable table	HOVc	t
50284parametric amplifier	HOdA	/
50285parametric amplifier system	HOd/	2
50286parametric classification	GdLI	t
50287parametric classification	HOe1	/
50288parametric classification	HOf0	s
50289parametric command	HOgg	g
50290parametric communication	HOhA	m
50291parametric curve	HOhm	e
50292parametric decision theoretic classification t	GdL1	BR
50293parametric decision theory	GdNG	x
50294parametric description	HOiE	k
50295parametric descriptor	HOio	m
50296parametric diode	HOjO	h
50297parametric fault	HOjv	e
50298parametric ferrite amplifier	HOkN	BT
50299parametric job model	HOlg	o
50300parametric linear programming	HOmI	x
50301parametric oscillator	HOm5	m
50302parametric procedure	HOnf	i
50303parametric programming	HOoB	k
50304parametric representation	HOol	s
50305parametric stabilization channel	HOpR	7
50306parametric subroutine	HOqM	m
50307parametric synthesis	HOqy	q
50308parametric type	HOrc	a
50309parametric user	HOr2	d
50310parametric variable	HOsT	h
50311parametric variation channel	HOs0	3
50312parametron	HOtr	s
50313paramodulant	HOuX	X
50314paramodulation	HOuu	b
50315paraphase amplifier	HOvJ	k
50316parasitic capacitance	HOvt	j
50317parasitic component	HOwQ	h
50318parasitic current	HOwx	f
50319parasitic diode	HOxQ	g
50320parasitic effect	HOxw	e
50321parasitic emission	HOyO	g
50322parasitic noise	HOyu	d
50323parasitic oscillation	HOzL	j
50324parasitic parameter	HOzu	h
50325parasitic signal	HO0P	e
50326parasitic solution	HO0t	d
50327parasitic transistor	HO1K	l
50328parent	HO1v	q
50329parent collection	HO2Z	c
50330parent directory	HO21	1
50331parent element	HO3q	c
50332parent environment	HO4G	q
50333parent group	HO4w	X
50334parent ion	HO5H	V
50335parent item number	HO5c	g
50336parent nodes	HO58	a
50337parent of node	HO6W	f
50338parent page	HO61	b
50339parent population	HO7Q	Z
50340parent process	HO7p	Z
50341parent request	HO8C	c
50342parent resource	HO8e	d
50343parent segment	HO87	b
50344parentheses	HO+4	T
50345parentheses nesting	HO/L	h
50346parenthesis	HO/s	a
50347parenthesis grammar	HPAG	h
50348parenthesis language	HPAn	i
50349parenthesisfree notation	HPB6	p
50350parenthesized expression	HPCj	s
50351parity	HPD7	z
50352parity bit	HPEu	5
50353parity character	HPFn	e
50354parity check	GqWX	g
50355parity check	HPGF	Bl
50356parity check bit	HPHq	k
50357parity check circuit	HPIO	o
50358parity check code	HPI2	i
50359parity check equation	HPJY	p
50360parity check matrix	HPKB	6
50361parity check system	HPK7	n
50362parity checking	HPLi	d
50363parity code	HPL/	m
50364parity count character	HPMl	n
50365parity digit	HPNM	a
50366parity error	HPNm	3
50367parity error module	HPOd	k
50368parity errors	HPPB	b
50369parity flag	HPPc	m
50370parity generator	HPQC	6
50371parity interrupt	HPRe	k
50372parity line circuit	HPSC	q
50373parity odd	HPSs	l
50374parity state	HPTR	g
50375parity track	HPTx	d
50376parling process	HPVH	d
50377parse	HPVk	c
50378parse list	HPWA	V
50379parse of sentential form	HPWV	m
50380parse tree	HPW7	V
50381parser	HPXQ	5
50382parser generator	HPYJ	BA
50383parser of language programs	HPZJ	Bd
50384parser optimization	HPam	n
50385parser symbol	HPbN	b
50386parser table	HPbo	d
50387parsing	HPcF	4
50388parsing phase	HPc9	b
50389parsing problem	HPdY	d
50390parsing program	HPd1	d
50391parsing sentence	HPeS	e
50392parsing stack	HPew	e
50393part	DcRf	Y
50394part	HPfO	T
50395part and components manual	HPfh	1
50396part failure rate	HPgW	BG
50397part list	HPhc	U
50398part program	HPhw	j
50399part switching characteristics	HPiT	9
50400partan method	HPm/	g
50401partial	H3Jd	b
50402partial arithmetic	HPnf	g
50403partial automatic translation technique	HPn/	BD
50404partial carry	HPpC	b
50405partial computability	HPpd	m
50406partial correctness	HPqD	k
50407partial correctness proof	HPqn	w
50408partial decision procedure	HPrX	u
50409partial dependency	HPsF	g
50410partial derivation	HPsl	t
50411partial derivative	HPtS	n
50412partial dial tone	HPt5	i
50413partial dichotomy	HPub	f
50414partial differential	HPu6	f
50415partial differential equation	HPvZ	u
50416partial directed set	HPwH	l
50417partial directory	HPws	f
50418partial double error detecting	HPyf	3
50419partial drive pulse	HPzW	BF
50420partial dump	HP0b	a
50421partial emulation	HP01	f
50422partial expansion	HP1U	f
50423partial failure	HP1z	d
50424partial fractions	HP2n	s
50425partial function	HP3q	e
50426partial graph	HP4I	Y
50427partial group	HP4g	Y
50428partial integration	HP44	e
50429partial interpretation	HP5W	k
50430partial key lookup	HP56	j
50431partial match pattern	HP6d	p
50432partial match retrieval	HP7G	r
50433partial model	HP7x	b
50434partial multiple	HP8M	e
50435partial network control center	HP8q	9
50436partial ordering	HP9n	Y
50437partial parameterization	HP9/	p
50438partial path name	HP+o	4
50439partial phrase	HP/g	c
50440partial pivot	HP/8	e
50441partial pivoting	HQAa	m
50442partial processing automata	HQBA	2
50443partial product	HQB2	f
50444partial product array	HQCV	q
50445partial product register	GJy	0
50446partial product word	HQC/	i
50447partial program	HQDh	4
50448partial program specification	HQEZ	6
50449partial read pulse	HQFT	z
50450partial recognition	HQGG	k
50451partial recursive function	HQGq	u
50452partial response	HQHY	e
50453partial response code	HQH2	p
50454partial select output	HQIf	j
50455partial select ratio	GwNs	z
50456partial selected cell	HQJC	j
50457partial ship code	HQJl	i
50458partial ship notes	HQKH	p
50459partial shipment	HQKw	e
50460partial solution	HQLO	b
50461partial solvability	HQLp	k
50462partial substitution	HQMN	i
50463partial sum	HQMv	W
50464partial sum register	HQNF	o
50465partial switching	HQNt	f
50466partial syntax tree	HQOM	k
50467partial system failure	HQOw	q
50468partial system test	HQPa	n
50469partial tree	HQQB	X
50470partial undisturbed one output signal	HQQY	BI
50471partial undisturbed zero output signal	HQRg	BJ
50472partial word	HQSp	X
50473partial write pulse	HQTA	3
50474partialcomplete code	HQZy	n
50475partially coherent optical processor	HQaZ	+
50476partially completed tree	HQbX	p
50477partially computable	HQcA	l
50478partially computable function	HQcl	0
50479partially constructed syntax tree	HQdZ	4
50480partially filled transition matrix	HQeR	BF
50481partially inverted file	HQfW	r
50482partially occupied band	HQgB	i
50483partially ordered set	HQgj	g
50484partially ordered space	HQhD	l
50485partially ordered task	HQho	k
50486partially switched cell	HQjG	r
50487partially symmetric function	HQjx	t
50488particle	HQk9	X
50489particle and force computing method	HQlU	BA
50490particle in cell method	HQmU	w
50491particle method	HQnE	k
50492particle orientation	HQno	i
50493particular case	HQoK	X
50494particular program	HQoh	g
50495particular proposition	HQpB	k
50496particular solution	HQpl	b
50497partition	HQqA	BL
50498partition activity monitor	HQrL	0
50499partition allocation method	HQr/	s
50500partition balancing	HQsr	h
50501partition communication region	HQtM	v
50502partition control descriptor	HQt7	BN
50503partition control table	HQvI	s
50504partition data set	HQv0	j
50505partition data set compression	HQwX	BC
50506partition load	HQxZ	k
50507partition map	HQx9	Y
50508partition network	HQyV	f
50509partition number	HQy0	e
50510partition of automaton	HQzS	n
50511partition of sets	HQz5	i
50512partition page queue element	HQ0b	7
50513partition parameter	HQ1W	k
50514partition priority system	HQ16	6
50515partition programs	HQ20	g
50516partition queue area	HQ3U	l
50517partition queue element	HQ35	v
50518partition running	HQ4o	f
50519partition save area	HQ5H	k
50520partition sequential access method	HQ5r	+
50521partition sequential file	HQ6p	t
50522partition specification table	HQ7W	y
50523partition user	HQ8I	c
50524partitional access method	HQ9F	u
50525partitioned	HQ9z	W
50526partitioned allocation	HQ+J	k
50527partitioned content addressable memory	HQ+t	BI
50528partitioned data base	HQ/1	m
50529partitioned data organization	HRAb	x
50530partitioned data set	HRBM	p
50531partitioned data set management system	HRB1	BK
50532partitioned emulation programming	HRC/	BD
50533partitioned emulation programming extension	HREC	BL
50534partitioned file	HRFN	o
50535partitioned file access	HRF1	r
50536partitioned list	HRGg	b
50537partitioned logic	HRG7	f
50538partitioned memory	HRHa	j
50539partitioned mode	HRH9	k
50540partitioned segmentation	HRIh	p
50541partitioned semantic network	HRJK	t
50542partitioned sequential file	HRJ3	y
50543partitioned specification table	HRKp	/
50544partitioning	HRMM	b
50545partitioning algorithm	HRMn	k
50546partitioning problem	HRNL	i
50547partitioning strategies	HRNt	l
50548partitions assignment algorithm	HROS	2
50549parts catalog	HRPI	w
50550parts data processing system	HRP4	BU
50551parts early warning system	HRRM	z
50552parts list	HRR/	V
50553parts number	HRSU	o
50554parts reliability improvement routine	HRS8	BP
50555parts surface	HRUL	j
50556parts usage maintenance program	HRUu	+
50557party bit	HRWY	X
50558party line	HRWv	v
50559pascal	HRau	z
50560pascal analyser	HRbh	j
50561pascal compiler	HRcE	j
50562pascal data type	HRcn	k
50563pascal evaluation	HRdL	f
50564pascal function	HRdq	j
50565pascal preprocessor	HReN	q
50566pascal procedure	HRe3	k
50567pass	DKpE	Y
50568pass	HRf5	u
50569pass algorithm	F9ta	k
50570pass algorithm	Gvzq	m
50571pass algorithm	HRgn	c
50572pass assembler	Gv0Q	s
50573pass block	BNGG	Y
50574pass by name	HRhD	a
50575pass by value	HRhd	b
50576pass cancel character	BNGe	p
50577pass compiler	Dih9	n
50578pass compiler	F9t+	p
50579pass compiler	Gv08	r
50580pass control	BNHH	a
50581pass counter	HRh4	l
50582pass debugging	F9un	c
50583pass element	Pbn	a
50584pass input record	BNHh	l
50585pass one of the assembler	HRid	5
50586pass operation	Gv1n	m
50587pass parameter	HRjW	c
50588pass procedure	BNIG	c
50589pass scheme	Gv2N	0
50590pass sorting	DVTS	d
50591pass structure	PcB	c
50592pass translation	F9vD	p
50593pass two of the assembler	HRjy	5
50594passage	HRlh	a
50595passband channel	HRl7	e
50596passed	JMmC	i
50597passed data set	HRmZ	g
50598passenger acceptance and load control	HRm5	BI
50599passenger airline reservation system	HRoB	Bl
50600passenger name list	HRpm	l
50601passenger name record	HRqL	9
50602passim	HRrI	O
50603passimeter	HRrW	l
50604passing	HRr7	c
50605passing	JGmH	V
50606passivation	HRsX	b
50607passivation planar transistor	HRsy	0
50608passive	HRtm	q
50609passive branching	HRuQ	f
50610passive broadcast channel	HRuv	t
50611passive broadcast medium	HRvc	s
50612passive bubble generator	HRwI	v
50613passive bus	HRw3	c
50614passive circuit	HRxT	d
50615passive component	HRxw	f
50616passive component array	HRyP	r
50617passive data memory unit	HRy6	0
50618passive element	HRzu	d
50619passive feedback control	HR0o	s
50620passive graphics	HR1U	y
50621passive hub	HR2G	f
50622passive hybrids	HR2l	m
50623passive infrared guidance systems	HR3L	BA
50624passive infrared night equipment	HR4L	/
50625passive line monitor	HR5K	v
50626passive micro electronic element	HR55	BR
50627passive mode	HR7K	o
50628passive network	HR7y	d
50629passive search list	HR8P	n
50630passive side	HR82	X
50631passive station	HR9N	h
50632passive transducer	HR9u	j
50633passive type	HR+R	a
50634passthru	HR+r	Q
50635password	HR+7	BL
50636password card	HSAG	Y
50637password entry	HSAe	f
50638password file maintenance	HSA9	t
50639password information option	HSBq	v
50640password protected load module file	HSCZ	BG
50641password protection	HSDf	BA
50642password requestor	HSEf	m
50643password security	HSFF	i
50644password setup	HSFn	f
50645password system	HSGj	d
50646passwords	HSHA	R
50647past due load	HSHR	b
50648past due mode	HSHs	b
50649paste	HSIH	g
50650paste area	HSIn	V
50651paste box	HSI8	U
50652paste buffer	HSJQ	d
50653pasteboard	HSJt	V
50654patch	HSKC	8
50655patch area	HSK+	V
50656patch bay	HSLT	k
50657patch board	HSL3	q
50658patch board control panel	HSMh	w
50659patch cable	HSNR	Z
50660patch cord	HSNq	5
50661patch level	HSOj	Z
50662patch output converter	HSO8	0
50663patch panel	HSPw	BE
50664patch plug	HSQ0	S
50665patch routine	HSRG	l
50666patchboard	HSSd	V
50667patchcord	HSSy	R
50668patching	HSTD	Q
50669patching a deck	HSTT	g
50670patching board	HSTz	Z
50671patchplug	HSUM	R
50672patent	HSUd	h
50673patent information retrieval system	HSU+	9
50674patent office classification system	HSV7	BC
50675patent office library	HSW9	w
50676patent protection	HSXt	f
50677path	F9vs	R
50678path	HSYM	BG
50679path	IkUv	V
50680path addition algorithm	HSZS	r
50681path algorithm	F9v9	c
50682path analysis	HSZ9	b
50683path branch	F9wZ	Z
50684path call	HSaY	X
50685path choice	HSav	Z
50686path compression	HSbI	e
50687path computer	DYQN	e
50688path control	HSbm	a
50689path control layer	HScA	j
50690path control network	HScj	l
50691path controller	HSdI	n
50692path controller	HSdv	j
50693path cost	HSeS	X
50694path dependency	HSep	d
50695path difference	HSfG	h
50696path expression	HSfn	g
50697path finding	HSgH	a
50698path generation	HSgh	d
50699path generation method	HSg+	+
50700path independent protocol	HSh8	x
50701path information unit	HSit	BA
50702path interference	F9wy	f
50703path length	HSjt	Z
50704path loss	HSkG	X
50705path name	HSkd	x
50706path name block	HSlO	g
50707path number matrix	HSlu	q
50708path problem	Fx6J	g
50709path representation	HSmY	h
50710path rule	HSm5	X
50711path selector	HSnQ	u
50712path sensitization	HSn+	g
50713path sensitizing test	HSoe	p
50714path sensitizing test generation	HSpH	9
50715path structure	Imvr	c
50716path testing	HSqE	a
50717path way	HSqe	Q
50718pathname	HSsJ	W
50719patient care system	HSsf	+
50720patient medical information system	HStd	BB
50721pattern	BBx8	V
50722pattern	DJUQ	V
50723pattern	H4DZ	i
50724pattern	HSue	7
50725pattern adaptive writing	HSvZ	v
50726pattern analysis language	HSwI	t
50727pattern articulating device	HSw1	v
50728pattern articulation unit	HSxk	BE
50729pattern character	HSyo	f
50730pattern classification	HSzH	k
50731pattern classifier	HSzr	j
50732pattern command	HS0O	d
50733pattern correspondence index	HS0r	BI
50734pattern description	HS1z	h
50735pattern description language	HS2U	2
50736pattern detection	HS3K	s
50737pattern device	HS32	c
50738pattern discrimination	HS4S	k
50739pattern displacement	HS42	v
50740pattern driven	HS5l	c
50741pattern driven subroutine	HS6B	w
50742pattern enumeration	HS6x	h
50743pattern error analysis	HS7S	u
50744pattern evaluation	HS8A	g
50745pattern finding program	HS8g	r
50746pattern generator	HS9L	BZ
50747pattern handling statement	HS+k	u
50748pattern identification	HS/S	k
50749pattern information processing	HS/2	y
50750pattern information processing system	HTAo	BE
50751pattern information retrieval system	HTBs	BD
50752pattern input language	HTCv	q
50753pattern list	HTDZ	X
50754pattern matching	HTDw	4
50755pattern matching algorithm	HTEo	BB
50756pattern matching system	HTFp	r
50757pattern memory	HTGU	f
50758pattern noise	HTGz	b
50759pattern of behavior	HTHO	h
50760pattern of character	HTHv	i
50761pattern operand	HTIR	g
50762pattern operation editing sequence	HTIx	8
50763pattern operator	HTJt	e
50764pattern primitive	HTKL	p
50765pattern recognition	HTK0	Bc
50766pattern recognition algorithm	HTMQ	x
50767pattern recognition and information correlation	HTNB	BT
50768pattern recognition program	HTOU	v
50769pattern recognition system	HTPD	y
50770pattern recognition technique	HTP1	1
50771pattern recognition type	HTQq	s
50772pattern recognizer	HTRW	m
50773pattern search	HTR8	c
50774pattern segmentation	HTSY	i
50775pattern sensitivity	HTS6	k
50776pattern set	HTTe	W
50777pattern space	HTT0	b
50778pattern transformation memory	HTUP	4
50779pattern variable	HTVH	e
50780pattern verification	HTV9	i
50781pause	HTZa	U
50782pause control	HTZu	b
50783pause instruction	HTaJ	f
50784pause retry	HTao	BG
50785pause statement	HTbu	d
50786pay actual computer time	HTcL	0
50787pay cable network	HTc/	l
50788pay cable tv	HTdk	g
50789pay load	HTeE	p
50790pay per view	HTet	i
50791pay station	HTfP	y
50792pay television	HTgB	c
50793payment	HTgd	W
50794payment lease	Dnue	e
50795payments mechanism	HTgz	BJ
50796payoff matrix	HTh8	o
50797payroll	HTik	z
50798payroll accounting	HTjX	g
50799payroll computation	HTj3	u
50800payroll journal	HTkl	g
50801payroll management system	HTlF	t
50802payroll program	HTly	w
50803payroll register	HTmi	m
50804payroll taxes	HTnI	Y
50805pc	HTng	W
50806pc mode	HTn2	b
50807pc mode image	HToR	n
50808pc network	HTo4	U
50809pcb	HTpy	Y
50810pci	HTqK	b
50811pcm	HTql	V
50812pdi	HTq6	b
50813pdv	HTrV	Y
50814peak	HTrt	W
50815peak	JJYy	V
50816peak amplitude	HUBe	d
50817peak capacity	HTsD	b
50818peak cathode current	HTse	o
50819peak current	HTtG	a
50820peak current rating	HTtg	q
50821peak detection	HTvE	c
50822peak detector	Hyky	h
50823peak distortion	HTvg	q
50824peak distribtuion analyzer	HTwK	1
50825peak envelope power	HTw/	BB
50826peak envelope voltage	HTyA	t
50827peak flux density	HTyt	l
50828peak forward voltage	HTzS	o
50829peak hold switch	HTz6	k
50830peak holding	HT0e	a
50831peak holding circuit	HT04	o
50832peak inverse voltage	HT1g	s
50833peak limiting	HT2M	b
50834peak load	HT2n	x
50835peak load employee	HT3Y	p
50836peak load time	HT4B	i
50837peak magnetizing field strength	HT4j	4
50838peak magnetizing force	HT5b	n
50839peak point	HT6C	V
50840peak power	HT6X	Y
50841peak recognition	HT6v	e
50842peak reverse voltage	HT7N	o
50843peak shift	HT71	Y
50844peak shift pattern	HT8N	m
50845peak signal	HT8z	Z
50846peak to average ratio	HT9M	0
50847peak to peak	HT+A	d
50848peak traffic flow	HT+d	l
50849peak traffic period	HT/C	k
50850peak transmission	H20t	o
50851peak transmission rate	HT/m	3
50852peak value	HUAd	S
50853peak voltmeter	HUAv	f
50854peaking circuit	HUCT	BE
50855pecking motor	HUDX	e
50856peculiar	HUD1	d
50857peculiar test equipment	HUES	v
50858pedagogic algorithmic language	HUFB	BS
50859pedestal	HUGT	j
50860peek	HUG2	M
50861peel off operand	HUI+	h
50862peel off operator	HUJf	i
50863peephole mask	HUKB	b
50864peephole optimization technique	HUKc	z
50865peephole optimizer	HULP	m
50866peer	HUL1	W
50867peer entities	HUML	b
50868peer entity	HUMm	T
50869peer layer	HUM5	V
50870peer layer communication	HUNO	p
50871peer layer protocol	HUN3	k
50872peer networking	LKt	r
50873peer to peer	HUOb	X
50874peer to peer communication	HUOy	r
50875peg count	HUPd	d
50876pegging	HUP6	c
50877pegging inquiry	HUQW	d
50878pel	HUQz	g
50879pellet	HURT	U
50880pen and ink recorder	HUSS	1
50881pen arm	HUTH	P
50882pen attribute	HUTW	Y
50883pen detection	E1Ax	b
50884pen hit	E1BM	V
50885pen light	HUTu	R
50886pen light control	HURn	r
50887pen mode	HUT/	T
50888pen move	HUUS	Q
50889pen plotter emulation program	HUUi	/
50890pen scribe	HUVh	b
50891pen solenoid	HUV8	g
50892pen station number	HUWc	d
50893pen strike	E1Bh	Y
50894pen touch input	HUW5	d
50895pen type	HUXW	Q
50896pen up	HUXm	O
50897penalty	HUY+	k
50898pence coding	HUZi	BO
50899pence conversion equipment	HUaw	u
50900pencil	HUbe	L
50901pend	HUbp	M
50902pending	HUb1	k
50903pending active session	HUcZ	v
50904pending delete	HUdI	c
50905pending interrupt condition	HUdk	v
50906pending queue	HUeT	b
50907pending releases	HUeu	e
50908pending status	HUfM	c
50909penetrance	HUfo	V
50910penetration control	HUf9	v
50911penetration depth	HUgs	f
50912pentagrid converter	HUhL	k
50913pentode	HUhv	W
50914pentravel	HUiF	Z
50915penumbral	HUie	U
50916per	HUiy	O
50917per disk	HUjA	W
50918per face	HUjW	Z
50919per inch	E4b3	a
50920per second	HUjv	S
50921per segment	HUkB	Z
50922peral task	HUlP	Y
50923percent	HUln	j
50924percent character	HUmK	i
50925percent defective	HUms	c
50926percent intelligibility	HUnI	i
50927percent make	HUnq	d
50928percent rate wattage	HUoH	p
50929percent symbol	HUow	f
50930percentage	HUpP	V
50931percentage basis	HUpk	h
50932percentage function	HUqF	k
50933percentage over tolerance for print	HUqp	BA
50934percentage under tolerance for print	HUrp	BB
50935percentage variation	HUsq	l
50936percentiles	HUtP	e
50937perceptibility	HUtt	c
50938perception	HUuJ	S
50939perceptive function	HUub	h
50940perceptive quality	JbGS	m
50941perceptron	HUu8	f
50942perceptron algorithm	HUvb	l
50943percolation	HUwA	T
50944perfect	HUwT	c
50945perfect balance	HUwv	d
50946perfect code	HylT	a
50947perfect conductor	HUxM	f
50948perfect crystal	HUxr	d
50949perfect cube	HUyI	a
50950perfect dielectric	HUyi	g
50951perfect gas	HUzC	Z
50952perfect induction	HUzb	i
50953perfect information feedback	HUz9	t
50954perfect information game	HU0q	BF
50955perfect number	HU1v	Z
50956perfect shuffle	HU2I	p
50957perfect square	HU2x	c
50958perfecting	HU3N	Y
50959perfection	HU3l	Z
50960perfective maintenance	HU3+	v
50961perfectly balanced tree program	HU4t	5
50962perfectly legal	HU5m	g
50963perfetch buffer	HU6G	k
50964perforated	HU6q	S
50965perforated	Iy6s	Y
50966perforated	Iy7E	V
50967perforated card	CnTT	g
50968perforated card	FYID	g
50969perforated edge card	HU68	l
50970perforated litho master	HU7h	2
50971perforated panel	HU8X	b
50972perforated paper	Iy7Z	e
50973perforated paper tape	HU8y	j
50974perforated tape	HU9V	n
50975perforated tape code	HU98	l
50976perforated tape code for information interchange	HU+h	BQ
50977perforated tape subsystem	HU/x	x
50978perforating machine	HVBB	e
50979perforating typewriter	HVBf	n
50980perforation	H21V	W
50981perforation	HVCG	l
50982perforation rate	HVCr	b
50983perforator	HVDG	V
50984perforator character	HVDb	l
50985perforator tape unit	HVEA	l
50986perform	HVEl	W
50987perform statement	HVE7	f
50988performability	HVFa	c
50989performance	B2CP	c
50990performance	C1ss	Z
50991performance	C1yD	Z
50992performance	HVF2	e
50993performance	HVGU	t
50994performance adaptive	HVHB	l
50995performance analysis	HVHm	i
50996performance analysis and reporting system	HVII	BL
50997performance analysis display system	HVJT	BC
50998performance analysis tool	HVKV	t
50999performance and cost evaluation	HVLC	4
51000performance attribute	HVL6	j
51001performance characteristic	HVMd	o
51002performance classification	HVNF	o
51003performance communication equipment	FKfB	6
51004performance comparison	HVNt	k
51005performance control	HVOR	h
51006performance criteria	HVOy	7
51007performance data base	HVPt	q
51008performance degradation	HVQX	y
51009performance enhancement module	HVRJ	BJ
51010performance equipment	FKf7	m
51011performance evaluation	HVSS	x
51012performance evaluation test	HVTD	BG
51013performance factor	HVUJ	j
51014performance group	HVUs	c
51015performance group number	HVVI	q
51016performance history	HVVy	k
51017performance index	HVWW	i
51018performance management	HVW4	k
51019performance management reporting system	HVXc	BG
51020performance management system	HVYi	1
51021performance measurement	HVZX	l
51022performance monitor	HVZ8	n
51023performance monitoring	HVaj	k
51024performance monitoring program	HVbH	2
51025performance objective	HVb9	j
51026performance optimization	HVcg	m
51027performance option	HVdG	j
51028performance parameter	HVdp	j
51029performance period	HVeM	q
51030performance predication	HVe2	y
51031performance prediction method	HVfo	u
51032performance reference	HVgW	j
51033performance requirement	HVg5	l
51034performance specification	HVhe	9
51035performance standard	HVib	i
51036performance statement	HVi9	j
51037performance statistics	HVjg	k
51038performance synthesis	HVkE	j
51039performance test	HVkn	r
51040performance test analysis	HVlS	t
51041performance testing	HVl/	h
51042performance trace	HVmg	f
51043performance verification	HVm/	m
51044performancevaluation	HVnl	q
51045performed leads	HVoP	3
51046perigee	HVpG	S
51047period	HVpY	l
51048period analysis cost summary	HVp9	2
51049period analysis report	HVqz	q
51050period balances	HVrd	d
51051period balancing	HPkc	BC
51052period capacity	HVr6	d
51053period closing activity	HVsX	r
51054period demand capture function	HVtC	4
51055period endyear end close	HVt6	u
51056period interval code	HVuo	l
51057period length	HVvN	b
51058period load analysis detail file	HVvo	9
51059period load detail file	HVwl	u
51060period number	HVxT	b
51061period of sampling	HVxu	g
51062period of validity	HVyO	i
51063period to date	HVyw	v
51064period type	HVzf	Z
51065period use	HVz4	Y
51066periodic	HV2C	T
51067periodic analysis system	HV2V	z
51068periodic boundary condition	HV3I	v
51069periodic component	HV33	g
51070periodic convolution	HV4X	i
51071periodic current	HV45	e
51072periodic damping	HV5X	e
51073periodic dumping	HV51	h
51074periodic error integrating controller	HV6W	BK
51075periodic function	HV7g	f
51076periodic interrupt	HV7/	j
51077periodic job	HV8i	d
51078periodic law	HV8/	X
51079periodic maintenance	HV9W	i
51080periodic measurement	HV94	i
51081periodic pulse train	HV+a	o
51082periodic random process	HV/C	u
51083periodic report	HV/w	d
51084periodic sampling	HWAN	i
51085periodic sequence	HWAv	i
51086periodic state	HWBR	c
51087periodical requirement print lister	HWCW	BI
51088periodical requirements	HWDe	o
51089periodicity	HWEG	W
51090periodicity	Hylt	Z
51091periods per second	HWEc	v
51092peripheral	HWFL	v
51093peripheral adapter	HWF6	/
51094peripheral adapter module	HWG5	BQ
51095peripheral address	HWIJ	g
51096peripheral allocator	HWIp	z
51097peripheral apparatus	HWJc	i
51098peripheral assignment table	HWJ+	BI
51099peripheral buffer	HWLG	7
51100peripheral bus	HWMB	f
51101peripheral bus computer	HWMg	1
51102peripheral command indicator	HWNV	3
51103peripheral communications	HWOM	u
51104peripheral compatibility	HWO6	v
51105peripheral computer	HWPp	k
51106peripheral control	HWQN	g
51107peripheral control line	HWQt	r
51108peripheral control switching unit	HWRY	4
51109peripheral control terminal	HWSQ	z
51110peripheral control transfer	HWTD	v
51111peripheral control unit	HWTy	v
51112peripheral control word	HWUh	u
51113peripheral controller	HWVP	p
51114peripheral controller interface	HWV4	6
51115peripheral conversion program	HWWy	x
51116peripheral data bus	HWXj	q
51117peripheral data register	HWYN	v
51118peripheral data set information record	HWY8	BI
51119peripheral decoding	HWaE	n
51120peripheral device	HWar	s
51121peripheral device control	HWbX	t
51122peripheral device controller	HWcE	3
51123peripheral device test program	HWc7	BR
51124peripheral devices	HWeM	g
51125peripheral driver	HWes	1
51126peripheral equipment	HWfh	l
51127peripheral equipment list	HWgG	q
51128peripheral equipment operator	HWgw	0
51129peripheral exchange synchronization	HWhk	/
51130peripheral interchange program	HWjK	2
51131peripheral interface	BMed	0
51132peripheral interface	HWkA	i
51133peripheral interface	Ig1K	1
51134peripheral interface adapter	HWki	BN
51135peripheral interface adaptor	HWlv	3
51136peripheral interface channel	HWmm	w
51137peripheral interface circuit	HWnW	w
51138peripheral interface module	HWoG	v
51139peripheral interface program	HWo1	0
51140peripheral interface register	HWpp	0
51141peripheral interrupt	HWqd	i
51142peripheral io unit	HWij	n
51143peripheral link	HWq/	d
51144peripheral logic unit	HWrc	p
51145peripheral node	HWsF	r
51146peripheral operation	HWsw	i
51147peripheral order buffer	HWtS	y
51148peripheral order register	HWuE	0
51149peripheral physical unit	HWu4	s
51150peripheral power supplies	HWvk	n
51151peripheral processing unit	HWwL	y
51152peripheral processor	HWw9	4
51153peripheral prompt	HWx1	q
51154peripheral software driver	HWyf	x
51155peripheral subsystem	HWzQ	l
51156peripheral subsystem interface	HWz1	5
51157peripheral switching unit	HW0u	x
51158peripheral system	HW1f	f
51159peripheral transfer	HW1+	+
51160peripheral trunks	HW28	i
51161peripheral unit	HW3e	g
51162peripheral unit address bus	HW3+	9
51163peripheral unit fault recognition	HW47	BA
51164permalloy	HW7L	a
51165permanent	HW7l	i
51166permanent blocking	HW8H	g
51167permanent connection	HW8n	v
51168permanent connection	ISGb	o
51169permanent copy	HW9W	c
51170permanent data base	HW9y	k
51171permanent data file	HW+W	q
51172permanent data set	HW/A	m
51173permanent disc file	HW/m	q
51174permanent dynamic storage	HXAQ	z
51175permanent error	HXBD	t
51176permanent failure	HXBw	i
51177permanent fault	HXCS	g
51178permanent file	HXCy	p
51179permanent file name	HXDb	r
51180permanent load module file	HXEG	0
51181permanent magnet	HXE6	h
51182permanent magnetism	HXFb	b
51183permanent magnetization	HXF2	i
51184permanent member	HXGY	e
51185permanent memory	HXG2	k
51186permanent object	HXHa	h
51187permanent page store	HXH7	t
51188permanent physical link	HXIo	u
51189permanent plant	HXJW	d
51190permanent readwrite error	HXJz	r
51191permanent relationship	HXKe	k
51192permanent segment	HXLC	c
51193permanent signal	HXLe	4
51194permanent state	HXMW	d
51195permanent storage	HXMz	BL
51196permanent storagestore	HXN+	q
51197permanent store	HXOo	j
51198permanent structure library	HXPL	y
51199permanent symbol	HXP9	e
51200permanent symbol table	HXQb	n
51201permanent user file	HXRC	6
51202permanent virtual circuit	HXR8	x
51203permanently resident volume	HXSt	v
51204permatron	HXTc	U
51205permeability	HXTw	k
51206permissible	GdN3	k
51207permissible code	GdOb	e
51208permissible code blobk	HXUU	k
51209permissible error	HXU4	i
51210permissible limit	HXVa	f
51211permissible move	HXV5	r
51212permission	HXWk	S
51213permission vector	HXW2	f
51214permissive matching	HXXV	h
51215permissive timing system	HXX2	p
51216permitted form of initializer	HXYf	6
51217permitted transfer	HXZZ	g
51218permittivity	HXZ5	k
51219permutation	HXad	a
51220permutation code	HXa3	b
51221permutation code switching system	HXbS	4
51222permutation decoding	HXcK	i
51223permutation encoding	HXcs	i
51224permutation generating algorithm	HXdO	0
51225permutation generating method	HXeC	u
51226permutation graph	HXew	c
51227permutation group	HXfM	c
51228permutation index	HXfo	BC
51229permutation matrix	HXgq	g
51230permutation network	HXhK	h
51231permutation symbol	HXhr	g
51232permutation table	HXiL	c
51233permuted code	HXjX	d
51234permuted cyclic code	HXj0	q
51235permuted title index	HXke	u
51236perpendicular	HXlr	Y
51237perpendicular drive	HXmD	h
51238perpendicular magnetic recording	HXmk	x
51239perpendicular recording	HXnV	l
51240perpetual inventory	HXn6	h
51241perplexed children	HXob	o
51242persisted current	HXpD	f
51243persisted state	HXpi	d
51244persistence	HXp/	W
51245persistence of vision	HXqV	j
51246persistent conductivity	HXq4	u
51247persistent current memory cell	HXrm	4
51248persistent object management	HXse	w
51249persistent record	HXtO	f
51250persister	HXtt	U
51251person game	Gv3B	n
51252person game	JqOj	f
51253person game tree	Gv3o	y
51254personal account number	HXuB	2
51255personal biological model	HXu3	t
51256personal code	HXvk	b
51257personal communication	HXv/	k
51258personal computer	HXwj	y
51259personal computer compatible	HXxV	/
51260personal computer database	HXyU	0
51261personal computer instructional instructional syst	HXzI	Bg
51262personal computer mode	HX2W	q
51263personal computer network	HX3A	w
51264personal computer system	HX3w	v
51265personal computing conference	HX4f	5
51266personal data management system	HX5Y	+
51267personal data system	HX6W	o
51268personal data terminal	HX6+	q
51269personal dictionary	HX7o	u
51270personal document	HX8W	f
51271personal error	HX81	c
51272personal identification code	HX9R	t
51273personal identification data	HX9+	BQ
51274personal identification device	HX/O	BP
51275personal identification number	HYAd	BJ
51276personal investigation	HYBm	k
51277personal management analysis	HYCK	w
51278personal microcomputer	HYC6	n
51279personal minicomputer	HYDh	m
51280personal module	HYEH	d
51281personal phone directory	HYEk	v
51282personal privacy	HYFT	h
51283personal security	HYF0	f
51284personal security identifier	HYGT	3
51285personal training	HYHK	f
51286personal workstation	HYHp	l
51287personality card	HYIO	BR
51288personality module	HYJf	BQ
51289personnel data system	HYLf	t
51290personnel information communication system	HYMM	Bi
51291personnel management program	HYNu	w
51292personnel operations information system	HYOe	BH
51293personnel project	HYPl	f
51294personnel record	HYQE	r
51295personnel signaling system	HYQv	y
51296perspective	HYSH	T
51297perspective projection	HYSa	k
51298pertinency	HYS+	7
51299pertinency factor	HYT5	f
51300pertinent	HYUY	U
51301pertinent retrieval	HYUs	h
51302perturbance	HYVN	a
51303perturbation equation	HYVn	j
51304perturbation method	HYWK	u
51305perturbation theory	HYW4	u
51306pessimistic forward pruning	HYXm	v
51307pessimistic forward purning	G63p	1
51308pesudo interrupt system	HYYV	r
51309pesudo keyboard	HYZA	d
51310petal printer	HYZd	h
51311peypad value	HYZ+	d
51312pf keys	HYab	a
51313phantastron	HYa1	f
51314phantom	HYbU	d
51315phantom balance	HYbx	p
51316phantom bills	HYca	b
51317phantom branch	HYc1	c
51318phantom channel	HYdR	d
51319phantom circuit	HYdu	k
51320phantom group	HYeS	Y
51321phantom line	HYeq	a
51322phantom rom	HYfE	W
51323phantom signal	HYfa	c
51324phantom telegraphy circuit	HYf2	u
51325phantom value	HYgk	Y
51326pharmaceutical information control system	HYg8	Bh
51327phase	HYid	w
51328phase	HvwN	T
51329phase	HvzE	T
51330phase	WyO	N
51331phase angle	HYjN	T
51332phase angle error	HYjg	f
51333phase characteristic	HYj/	i
51334phase coherent	HYkh	k
51335phase comparison sinusoidal frequency shift keying	HYlF	BZ
51336phase compensating network	HYme	u
51337phase component life	HAUA	o
51338phase constant	HYnM	c
51339phase controlled oscillator	HYno	6
51340phase correcting unit	HYoi	p
51341phase delay	HYpL	Z
51342phase detection	HYpk	g
51343phase detector	HYqE	f
51344phase dictionary	HYqj	BS
51345phase difference	HYr1	b
51346phase discrimination	HYsQ	p
51347phase discriminator	HYs5	e
51348phase distortion	HYtX	r
51349phase division multiplexing	HYuC	BK
51350phase encoded	HYvM	e
51351phase encoding	HYvq	c
51352phase epitaxial growth	E75W	q
51353phase equalization	HYwG	t
51354phase equalizer	HYwz	g
51355phase filter	HYxT	d
51356phase filter synthesis	HYxw	t
51357phase function	HYyd	c
51358phase hologram	HYy5	f
51359phase iii end node	HYzY	s
51360phase inverter	HY0E	j
51361phase inverting circuit	HY0n	y
51362phase jitter	HY1Z	BB
51363phase library	HY2a	Y
51364phase loading entry	HY2y	u
51365phase lock	HY3g	p
51366phase lock loop	HY4J	d
51367phase locked loop	HY4m	n
51368phase locked loop	HY5N	j
51369phase locked oscillator	HY5w	o
51370phase modulated telemetering system	HY6Y	BR
51371phase modulation	HY7p	5
51372phase modulation generator	HY8i	1
51373phase modulation recording	HY9X	o
51374phase name	HY9/	i
51375phase of network functions	HY+h	x
51376phase one of loader	HY/S	n
51377phase oxidation process	HC4c	z
51378phase parallel microprocessor system	IiO6	BE
51379phase plane	HY/5	W
51380phase program constructing	HZAs	1
51381phase response characteristic	HZBh	x
51382phase reversal	HZCS	c
51383phase reversal coding	HZCu	j
51384phase reversal keying	HZDR	m
51385phase roll	HZD3	Y
51386phase selection	HZEP	d
51387phase separation	HZEs	e
51388phase shift	HZFk	a
51389phase shift coding	HZF+	g
51390phase shift decoder	HZGe	k
51391phase shift keying	F9xR	j
51392phase shifter	HZHC	s
51393phase shifting circuit	HZHu	k
51394phase sorting	HZIS	e
51395phase space	7DB	e
51396phase space	HZIw	Z
51397phase srift	HZJJ	Z
51398phase velocity	HZJi	Z
51399phased allocation	JFCn	f
51400phased order point	JFDG	j
51401phased program construction	HZTS	/
51402phased requirements	JFDp	h
51403phasefrequency distortion	HZSk	u
51404phasing	HZUR	b
51405phasing capacitor	HZUs	i
51406phasing code	IP+4	h
51407phasing signal	HZVO	c
51408phenomenological coefficient	HZVq	w
51409phone	CH8U	T
51410phone	HZWa	h
51411phone	Hdwn	g
51412phone directory	HZW7	d
51413phone line	HZXY	V
51414phone receiver	HZXt	p
51415phoneme	HZYW	P
51416phonetic code	HZZH	i
51417phonetic keyboard	HZZp	f
51418phonetic spelling	HZaI	f
51419phonetic system	HZan	d
51420phonetic transcription	HZbE	k
51421phonetic typewriter	HZbo	k
51422phonetics	HZc1	U
51423phonology	HZdJ	U
51424phonon	HZdd	O
51425phosphorescence	HZdr	X
51426photo	HZeC	R
51427photo amplifier detector	HZeT	z
51428photo aperture card	HZfG	o
51429photo communication	HZfu	e
51430photo data quantizer	HZgM	v
51431photo detector	HZg7	f
51432photo diode	HZha	f
51433photo document sensor	HZh5	s
51434photo interpretive program	HZil	y
51435photo masking	HZjX	Y
51436photo receptors	HZjv	g
51437photo tape reader	HZkP	s
51438photo telegraphy	HZk7	e
51439photocathode	HZuj	X
51440photocell	HZu6	e
51441photocell light checks	HZvY	k
51442photochemistry	HZv8	Z
51443photochromatic	HZwV	f
51444photochromic film	HZw0	n
51445photochromic micro image	HZxb	5
51446photochromism	HZyU	e
51447photocomposer	HZyy	o
51448photocomposition	HZza	r
51449photoconduction	HZ0F	a
51450photoconductive cell	HZ0f	i
51451photoconductive film	HZ1B	y
51452photoconductivity	HZ1z	f
51453photoconductor	HZ2S	p
51454photoconductor device	JAlV	t
51455photoconductor drum	HZ27	e
51456photoconductor gap	HZ3Z	j
51457photocopier	HZ38	z
51458photocopy	HZ4v	b
51459photocoupler	HZ5K	a
51460photodetector array	HZ5k	n
51461photodiode	HZ6L	b
51462photodirect lithography	HZ6m	0
51463photoelectric	H3ZD	e
51464photoelectric cell	HZ7a	n
51465photoelectric coded disk	HZ8B	p
51466photoelectric detection	HZ8q	l
51467photoelectric element	HZ9P	j
51468photoelectric emission	HZ9y	k
51469photoelectric keyboard	HZ+W	o
51470photoelectric mark reading	HZ++	u
51471photoelectric portable probe reader	HZ/s	Bp
51472photoelectric reader	HaBV	1
51473photoelectric tape reader	HaCK	u
51474photoelectromagnetic effect	HaC4	s
51475photoelectron	HaDk	Y
51476photoelectronic control	HaD8	l
51477photoemission	HaEh	b
51478photoemissive	HaE8	e
51479photoemissive cathode	HaFa	p
51480photoengraving	HaGD	e
51481photoetch pattern	HaGh	f
51482photoetching	HaHA	h
51483photoferroelectric effect	HaHh	u
51484photograph interpretation	HaIP	n
51485photographic	HaI2	b
51486photographic copy	HaJR	f
51487photographic document copying machine	HaJw	/
51488photographic element	HaKv	i
51489photographic emuision	HaLR	w
51490photographic film	HaMB	f
51491photographic photometer	HaMg	i
51492photographic plate	HaNC	g
51493photographic record	HaNi	h
51494photographic storage	HaOD	l
51495photographic store	HaOo	l
51496photographic typesetter	HaPN	o
51497photographone	HaP1	Y
51498photography	HaQN	i
51499photogravure	HaQv	d
51500photolithographic diffusion window	HaRM	z
51501photolithographic mask layer	HaR/	t
51502photolithographic masking operation	HaSs	3
51503photolithography	HaTj	2
51504photolithography limitation	HaUZ	5
51505photolithography mask layer	HaVS	v
51506photomagnetic memory	HaWB	l
51507photomask	HaWm	U
51508photomask set	HaW6	b
51509photomechanical plates	HaXV	q
51510photometer	HaX/	V
51511photometric data system	HaYU	v
51512photometry	HaZD	V
51513photomicrograph	HaZY	q
51514photomicrography	HaaC	u
51515photomontage	Haaw	n
51516photomultiplier	HabX	w
51517photomultiplier light pen	HacH	z
51518photomultiplier tube	Hac6	p
51519photon	Hadj	O
51520photonics	Hadx	X
51521photoplastic	HaeI	X
51522photoplastic recording	Haef	o
51523photoprint	HafH	j
51524photoreader	Hafq	c
51525photoreceptor	HagG	h
51526photoresist	Hagn	c
51527photoresist coating	HahD	n
51528photoresist mask	Hahq	k
51529photoresist process	HaiO	n
51530photoresistance	Hai1	d
51531photoresistive	HajS	p
51532photoresistor	Haj7	e
51533photosensing device	HakZ	h
51534photosensing marker	Hak6	k
51535photosensitive diode	Hale	l
51536photosensor	HamD	Z
51537photosetting	Hamc	a
51538photoswitch	Ham2	Z
51539phototelegram service	HanP	p
51540phototelegraph	Han4	c
51541phototelegraphy	HaoU	g
51542phototransistor	Hao0	g
51543phototransistor matrix	HapU	t
51544phototypegraphy	HaqB	j
51545photovalve	Haqk	r
51546photovaristor	HarP	r
51547photovoltaic	Har6	BE
51548photovoltaic cell	Has+	BL
51549phrase	HauJ	V
51550phrase dictionary diskette	Haue	u
51551phrase dictionary file	HavM	q
51552phrase index	GSaG	g
51553phrase indexing system	GSam	3
51554phrase structure language	Hav2	t
51555phrase table	Hawj	X
51556phraseology	Haxf	T
51557phrasing	Haxy	g
51558physical	HayS	BB
51559physical access level	HazT	m
51560physical address	Haz5	u
51561physical address extention	Ha0n	y
51562physical address space	Ha1Z	9
51563physical analog	Ha2W	d
51564physical attribute	Ha2z	g
51565physical binding	Ha3T	r
51566physical block	Ha3+	Z
51567physical block number	Ha4X	3
51568physical block offset	Ha5O	m
51569physical byte address	Ha50	s
51570physical capability	Ha6g	h
51571physical channel	Ha7B	e
51572physical characteristics of the database	Ha7f	/
51573physical child	Ha8e	c
51574physical child first pointer	Ha86	z
51575physical child last pointer	Ha9t	y
51576physical child segment	Ha+f	p
51577physical circuit	Ha/I	e
51578physical communication protocol	Ha/m	z
51579physical configuration audit	HbAZ	0
51580physical configuration communication area	HbBN	BF
51581physical connection	HbCS	h
51582physical connectivity	HbCz	j
51583physical constraint	HbDW	h
51584physical contiguity	HbD3	h
51585physical control layer	HbEY	n
51586physical count	HbE/	c
51587physical data base	HbFb	n
51588physical data base description	HbGC	1
51589physical data base design	HbG3	w
51590physical data base record	HbHn	w
51591physical data base record occurrence	HbIX	BE
51592physical data description language	HbJb	8
51593physical data independence	HbKX	x
51594physical data structure	HbLI	r
51595physical database name	HbLz	q
51596physical database record	HbMd	v
51597physical database record type	HbNM	6
51598physical design	HbOG	q
51599physical design decision	HbOw	s
51600physical device	HbPc	3
51601physical device address	HbQT	BC
51602physical device level model	HbRV	BI
51603physical device name	HbSd	l
51604physical device table	HbTC	m
51605physical disjoint structure	HbTo	y
51606physical end	HbUa	a
51607physical entity	HbU0	d
51608physical equipment table	HbVR	9
51609physical fault tolerance	HbWO	m
51610physical file	HbW0	o
51611physical file copy	HbXc	m
51612physical file definition	HbYC	s
51613physical file format	HbYu	o
51614physical file maintenance	HbZW	t
51615physical file member	HbaD	o
51616physical file name	Hbar	j
51617physical file organization	HbbO	u
51618physical file space	Hbb8	n
51619physical file structure	Hbcj	r
51620physical file system	HbdO	s
51621physical format	Hbd6	d
51622physical in	HbiF	Z
51623physical inputoutput control system	HbjZ	BK
51624physical interconnection level	Hbkj	v
51625physical interface	HblS	t
51626physical interface level	Hbl/	p
51627physical inventory	Hbmo	n
51628physical inventory attach final totals	HbnP	BA
51629physical inventory batch control update	HboP	BB
51630physical inventory data entry control	HbpQ	/
51631physical inventory edit final totals	HbqP	+
51632physical inventory edit listing	HbrN	z
51633physical inventory entry	HbsA	m
51634physical inventory entry batch status	Hbsm	/
51635physical inventory list	Hbtl	l
51636physical inventory update	HbuK	n
51637physical io	HbeX	0
51638physical io address	HbfL	u
51639physical io function	Hbf5	v
51640physical io functions	Hbgo	w
51641physical io operation	HbhY	t
51642physical isolation	Hbux	1
51643physical layer	Hbvm	m
51644physical layout	HbwM	d
51645physical level	Hbwp	j
51646physical limit	HbxM	c
51647physical line	Hbxo	Y
51648physical link	HbyA	o
51649physical link connection	Hbyo	s
51650physical link layer	HbzU	k
51651physical location	Hbz4	5
51652physical logging	Hb0x	z
51653physical logic description	Hb1k	y
51654physical main storage	Hb2W	j
51655physical mapping	Hb25	e
51656physical master tape	Hb3X	j
51657physical medium	Hb36	q
51658physical memory	Hb4k	g
51659physical memory address	Hb5E	y
51660physical memory level	Hb52	t
51661physical message	Hb6j	e
51662physical model	Hb7B	c
51663physical module	Hb7d	d
51664physical name	Hb76	l
51665physical network configuration	Hb8f	y
51666physical network resource	Hb9R	t
51667physical network topology	Hb9+	t
51668physical node	Hb+r	b
51669physical organization	Hb/h	j
51670physical organization table	HcAE	w
51671physical out	HcA0	a
51672physical output device	HcBO	q
51673physical page	HcB4	l
51674physical paging	HcCd	d
51675physical pairing	HcC6	e
51676physical parent	HcDY	y
51677physical parent segment	HcEK	1
51678physical path	HcE/	b
51679physical position	HcFa	f
51680physical record	HcF5	y
51681physical record deletion	HcGr	s
51682physical record length	HcHX	w
51683physical recorder positioning	HcIH	x
51684physical recording density	HcI4	u
51685physical relationship	HcJm	j
51686physical requirement	HcKJ	i
51687physical resource	HcKr	f
51688physical schema	HcLK	d
51689physical screen coordinates	HcLn	v
51690physical sector	HcMW	d
51691physical security	HcMz	i
51692physical segment	HcNV	b
51693physical sequential access	HcNw	u
51694physical simulation	HcOe	h
51695physical simulation	ISHD	k
51696physical storage	HcO/	u
51697physical storage address	HcPt	s
51698physical storage block	HcQZ	n
51699physical storage table	HcRA	r
51700physical structure	HcRr	g
51701physical swap out	HcSL	f
51702physical swapping	HcSq	f
51703physical system time	HcTJ	o
51704physical systems simulation	HcTx	v
51705physical terminal	HcUg	y
51706physical timer	HcVS	f
51707physical transaction block	HcVx	v
51708physical transaction register	HcWg	x
51709physical transient area	HcY7	8
51710physical twin	HcZ3	h
51711physical twin backward pointer	HcaY	4
51712physical twin forward pointer	HcbQ	3
51713physical twins	HccH	c
51714physical unit	Hccj	4
51715physical unit control block	Hcdb	w
51716physical unit directory	HceL	r
51717physical unit name	Hce2	m
51718physical unit services	Hcfc	y
51719physical unit services manager	HcgO	y
51720physical unit type	HchA	m
51721physical uuos	Hchm	t
51722physical vector	HciT	d
51723physical volume	Hciw	a
51724physical word address	HcjK	m
51725physical word boundary	Hcjw	n
51726physical world	HckX	c
51727physically contiguous list	Hckz	r
51728pica	Hcle	3
51729pick	HcmV	M
51730pick axe conductor	Hcmh	BG
51731pick complete by order	Hcnn	q
51732pick complete transaction	HcoR	w
51733pick device	HcpB	z
51734pick requirements	Hcp0	f
51735pick requirements audit exception	HcqT	BB
51736pick requirements quantity	HcrU	u
51737pick variance	HcsC	b
51738picker	HctX	R
51739picking	Hcto	P
51740picking area	Hct3	X
51741picking list	HcuO	a
51742picking list requirement quantity	Hcuo	7
51743picking list requirements	Hcvj	t
51744picking slip	HcwQ	X
51745picking slip shortage report	Hcwn	z
51746pickup	Hcxa	BD
51747pickup plate	Hcyd	h
51748pickup tube	Hcy+	W
51749pico	HczU	S
51750picoampere	Hczm	d
51751picocomputer	Hc0D	d
51752picofarad	Hc0g	m
51753picohenry	Hc1G	X
51754picojoule	Hc1d	a
51755picologic	Hc13	X
51756picoprocessor	Hc2O	e
51757picoprocessor intelligent cable	Hc2s	8
51758picoprogram	Hc3o	Z
51759picoprogramming	Hc4B	j
51760picosecond	Hc4k	d
51761pictograph	Hc5B	l
51762pictorial	Hc5m	o
51763pictorial computer	Hc6O	p
51764pictorial data representation	Hc63	BE
51765pictorial database system	Hc77	w
51766pictorial display	Hc8r	k
51767pictorial encoding language	Hc9P	v
51768pictorial information	Hc9+	j
51769pictorial information digitizer	Hc+h	9
51770pictorial query language	Hc/e	s
51771picture	HdAK	BU
51772picture archiving and communication system	HdCf	BH
51773picture attribute	HdDm	f
51774picture attribute specification	HdEF	z
51775picture attribute with numeric data	HdE4	BG
51776picture attribute with string data	HdF+	BF
51777picture building system	HdHD	r
51778picture carrier	HdHu	l
51779picture channel	HdIT	q
51780picture character	HdI9	v
51781picture character precedence chart	HdJs	5
51782picture clause	HdKl	v
51783picture coding	HdLU	p
51784picture coding scheme	HdL9	p
51785picture compiler	HdMm	Ba
51786picture computation and storage system	HdOA	CC
51787picture data	HdQC	a
51788picture description grammar	HdQc	BC
51789picture description instruction set	HdRe	6
51790picture description language	HdSY	BH
51791picture detection	HdTf	s
51792picture display	HdUL	d
51793picture editing	HdUo	q
51794picture element	HdVS	BJ
51795picture element density	HdWb	l
51796picture element matrix	HdXA	k
51797picture element signal	HdXk	k
51798picture file	HdYI	0
51799picture format	HdY8	c
51800picture format item	HdZY	k
51801picture frequency	HdZ8	f
51802picture grammar	Hdab	q
51803picture in a programming language	HdBe	BB
51804picture input device	HdbF	/
51805picture intermediate frequency	HdcE	w
51806picture interpretation	Hdc0	x
51807picture interpretation language	Hddl	5
51808picture inversion	Hdee	f
51809picture language	Hde9	r
51810picture mechanism	Hdfo	s
51811picture meeting service	HdgU	r
51812picture memory	Hdg/	f
51813picture modification function	Hdhe	BE
51814picture network	Hdii	d
51815picture object	Hdi/	c
51816picture object table	Hdjb	5
51817picture perception	HdkU	g
51818picture portion	Hdk0	a
51819picture processing	HdlO	t
51820picture recognition	Hdl7	h
51821picture record	Hdmc	c
51822picture recorder	Hdm4	x
51823picture reproduction	Hdnp	i
51824picture scanner	HdoL	g
51825picture sequence analysis	Hdor	t
51826picture signal	HdpY	c
51827picture space	Hdp0	b
51828picture specification	HdqP	w
51829picture specification character	Hdq/	BG
51830picture stop	HdsF	X
51831picture string	Hdsc	c
51832picture synchronizing signal	Hds4	w
51833picture synthesis	Hdto	s
51834picture tone	HduU	n
51835picture transmission	Hdu7	v
51836picture tube	Hdvq	X
51837picture width control	HdwB	m
51838pictured arithmatic item	Gn0y	p
51839picturephone	Hdxr	a
51840pie chart	HdyF	e
51841pie graph	Hdyj	Z
51842pie label	Hdy8	a
51843pie slice	HdzW	a
51844piece identificaiton number	Hd0I	w
51845piece work programming	Hd04	q
51846piecemeal determination	Hd1i	o
51847pieces per hour	Hd2K	g
51848piecewise analytic function	Hd2q	v
51849piecewise linear approximation	Hd3Z	1
51850piecewise linear discriminant function	Hd4O	BF
51851piecewise linear interpolation	Hd5T	y
51852piecewise polynomial approximation	Hd6F	5
51853piecewise smooth function	Hd6+	t
51854piecewsie polynomial	Hd7r	l
51855pierce arrow operation	Hd8Q	m
51856piezocrystal	Hd82	a
51857piezoeffect	Hd9Q	Z
51858piezoelectric	Hd9p	Y
51859piezoelectric crystal	Hd+B	j
51860piezoelectric effect	Hd+k	i
51861piezoelectric filter	Hd/G	l
51862piezoelectric modulus	Hd/r	j
51863piezoelectric pressure gauge	HeAO	w
51864piezoelectric strain gauge	HeA+	r
51865piezoelectric transducer	HeBp	s
51866piezoelectricity	HeCV	g
51867piezoelectricity element	HeC1	s
51868piezomagnetic effect	HeDh	i
51869piezomagnetic material	HeED	k
51870piggyback entry	HeEn	l
51871piggyback entry form	HeFM	w
51872piggyback hardware	HeF8	j
51873piggybacking	HeGf	h
51874pike noise	HeHA	V
51875piling up	HeHV	R
51876pillar	HeHm	S
51877pilot	HeH4	k
51878pilot carrier frequency	HeIc	p
51879pilot channel	HeJF	u
51880pilot channel equipment	HeJz	r
51881pilot channel system	HeKe	o
51882pilot detector	HeLG	i
51883pilot filter	HeLo	g
51884pilot hole	HeMI	c
51885pilot lamp	HeMk	i
51886pilot model	HeNG	c
51887pilot operation	HeNi	3
51888pilot project	HeOZ	e
51889pilot system	HeO3	d
51890pilot tape	HePU	V
51891pin	HePp	n
51892pin	HeXi	Y
51893pin assignment	HeQQ	1
51894pin configuration	HeRF	f
51895pin contact	HeRk	m
51896pin dot matrix	HeSK	c
51897pin feed forms	HeSm	q
51898pin feed platten	HeTQ	r
51899pin hole	HeT7	X
51900pin jack	HeUS	W
51901pin limitation	HeUo	c
51902pin saving design	HeVE	l
51903pin summary	HeVp	Z
51904pinboard	HeX6	d
51905pinboard programming	HeYX	l
51906pinch off	HeY8	6
51907pinch roller	HeZ2	s
51908pinched resistor	Heai	r
51909pincushion distortion	HebN	j
51910pinfeed form	Hebw	a
51911pinfeed platen	HecK	c
51912pip	HedR	R
51913pipe	Hedi	Q
51914pipe earth	Hedy	Y
51915piped mode	HeeK	a
51916pipeline	Heek	h
51917pipeline architecture	HefF	m
51918pipeline arithmetic unit	Hefr	s
51919pipeline capacity	HegX	y
51920pipeline characteristics	HehJ	p
51921pipeline computer	Hehy	l
51922pipeline control	HeiX	h
51923pipeline iterative operation	Hei4	BN
51924pipeline machine	HekF	h
51925pipeline module	Hekm	g
51926pipeline multiplier	HelG	n
51927pipeline multiplier chip	Helt	y
51928pipeline operation	Hemf	z
51929pipeline partitioning	HenS	m
51930pipeline processor	Hen4	9
51931pipeline program	Heo1	h
51932pipeline register	HepW	l
51933pipeline searching	Hep7	j
51934pipeline transparency	HerN	p
51935pipeline unit	Her2	e
51936pipeline vector computer	HesU	0
51937pipelined array processor	HetI	BV
51938pipelined digital architecture	Heud	1
51939pipelined functional unit	HevS	w
51940pipelined microprogramming system	Hewk	BB
51941pipelining	FOR7	h
51942pipelining	Hexl	/
51943pipelining segment	Heyk	g
51944piping	HezE	m
51945piquant	Hezq	e
51946piracy	He0I	X
51947pitch	He0f	a
51948pitch selector	He05	f
51949pivot	He1Y	d
51950pivot element	He11	a
51951pivot operation	He2P	d
51952pivoting	He2s	a
51953pix lock	He3G	d
51954pixel	He3j	0
51955pixel loading	He4X	o
51956pixel order	He4/	e
51957pixel oriented	He5d	c
51958pixel pattern	He55	b
51959pixel replication	He6U	f
51960pixmap	He6z	O
51961pl1	He7B	W
51962pl1 optimizing compiler	HFfk	4
51963pl1 optimizing compiler	He7X	4
51964place	He8P	V
51965place accuracy	JB5h	f
51966place function	Jqf4	c
51967place information	He8k	f
51968place robot	Hcsd	g
51969place value	He9D	d
51970placeholder	He+F	m
51971placeholder record	He+r	g
51972placement	He/L	R
51973placement algorithm	He/c	h
51974placement control	He/9	f
51975placement mode	HfAc	c
51976placement of security feature	HfA4	0
51977placement policy	HfBs	e
51978placement strategy	HfCK	g
51979placetransition net	He9g	l
51980plain	HfCq	R
51981plain blank board	HfC7	o
51982plain denotation	HfDj	e
51983plain language	HfEB	f
51984plain mode	HfEg	Y
51985plain old telephone service	HfE4	6
51986plain value	HfFy	W
51987plaintext	HfGI	R
51988plan generation	HfGZ	d
51989plan position indication	HfG2	w
51990plan view display	HfHm	m
51991planar	HfI1	R
51992planar chip	HfJG	W
51993planar computer	HfJc	j
51994planar diffusion	HfJ/	e
51995planar diode	HfKd	d
51996planar element	HfLn	c
51997planar epitaxial method	HfMD	o
51998planar epitaxial transistor	HfMr	y
51999planar epitaxial tuning varactor	HfNd	BI
52000planar film	HfOl	W
52001planar gas discharge	HfO7	s
52002planar graph	HfPn	X
52003planar integrated circuit	HfP+	t
52004planar method	HfQr	v
52005planar module	HfRa	u
52006planar package	HfSI	c
52007planar passivated translator	HfSk	z
52008planar process	HfTX	c
52009planar separator theorem	HfTz	s
52010planar solution	HfUf	a
52011planar technique	HfU5	e
52012planar transistor	HfVX	i
52013planarity	HfV5	X
52014planarity testing	HfWQ	l
52015planarization algorithm	HfW1	o
52016plane	HfXd	U
52017plane	JKIr	Q
52018plane hologram	HfXx	i
52019plane map	HfYT	X
52020plane memory	HfYq	a
52021plane normal	HfZE	a
52022plane strain	HfZe	a
52023plane stress	HfZ4	a
52024plane tree	HfaS	V
52025plane wave	Hfan	V
52026planetary camera	Hfa8	k
52027planned availability	Hfbg	l
52028planned issue transaction	HfcF	z
52029planned issues	Hfc4	f
52030planned load	HfdX	d
52031planned order	Hfd0	e
52032planned order error list	HfeS	1
52033planned order status	HffH	r
52034planned period capacity	Hffy	u
52035planned queue	Hfgg	k
52036planner	HfhE	S
52037planner number	HfhW	f
52038planner number range	Hfh1	r
52039planning and scheduling	Hfig	r
52040planning and simulation model	HfjL	x
52041planning bill	Hfj8	b
52042planning data gathering	HfkX	r
52043planning date	HflC	b
52044planning dependencies	Hfld	m
52045planning exception	HfmD	m
52046planning execution time	Hfmp	r
52047planning horizon	HfnU	k
52048planning lead time	Hfn4	m
52049planning objective	Hfoe	j
52050planning parameter definition	HfpB	x
52051planning report	Hfpy	d
52052planning reports selection	HfqP	u
52053planning run	Hfq9	a
52054planning run control menu	HfrX	z
52055planning runc exception report	HfsK	+
52056planning selection and initiation	HftI	4
52057planning sheet	HfuA	Z
52058planning software	HfuZ	f
52059planning software project	Hfu4	t
52060planning systems generator	Hfvl	4
52061planning time period	Hfwd	o
52062planning warehouse	HfxF	g
52063planographic	HfzH	d
52064plant	Hfzk	o
52065plant capacity	Hf0M	c
52066plant layout	Hf0o	9
52067plant model	Hf1l	Z
52068plant operations control center	Hf1+	BE
52069plant system	HAWI	a
52070plasma	Hf3C	U
52071plasma display	Hf3W	4
52072plasma display panel	Hf4O	v
52073plasma display unit	Hf49	BE
52074plasma panel	Hf6B	t
52075plasma wave	Hf6u	W
52076plastic	Hf7l	Z
52077plastic condult	Hf7+	g
52078plastic dielectric capacitor	Hf8e	3
52079plastic disk optical memory	Hf9V	0
52080plastic flexible disk	Hf+J	m
52081plastic flexible disk unit	Hf+v	u
52082plastic foam	Hf/d	a
52083plastic insulated cable	Hf/3	v
52084plastic package	HgAm	d
52085plasticity	HgCT	S
52086plate	HgDK	k
52087plate deflection	HgDu	b
52088plate modulation	HgEJ	e
52089plate package	HNk0	b
52090plateau	HgEn	T
52091plateau voltage	HgE6	n
52092plated film disk	HgFh	k
52093plated wire storagestore	HgGF	s
52094platen	HgHK	i
52095platform	HgHs	Q
52096platform position computer	HgH8	1
52097plating	HgIx	T
52098platten	HgCl	l
52099platter	HgJE	W
52100plausibility check	HgJa	j
52101play	HgJ9	b
52102play mount	Ik/i	V
52103playback	HgKY	o
52104playback head	HgLA	Y
52105player	HgLY	o
52106plenum	HgMA	c
52107plex structure	HgMc	c
52108plexicoder	HgM4	b
52109pliotron	HgNT	Z
52110plot	HgNs	j
52111plot chart	HgOP	V
52112plot pen	HgOk	T
52113plotomat	HgO3	Z
52114plotter	HgPQ	d
52115plotter step size	HgPt	4
52116plotting	Ivig	T
52117plotting area	HgQl	Y
52118plotting board	HgQ9	Z
52119plotting head	HgRW	Y
52120plotting mode	HgRu	Y
52121plotting table	HgSG	Z
52122plug	HgSf	W
52123plug board	HgS1	a
52124plug compatible	HgTP	i
52125plug compatible mainframe	HgTx	x
52126plug compatible manufactures	HgUi	3
52127plug compatible memory	HgVZ	x
52128plug on terminator	HgWK	r
52129plugboard	HgYo	e
52130plugboard chart	HgZG	d
52131pluggable input method interface	HgZj	/
52132pluggable unit	Hgai	m
52133plugging chart	HgbI	Z
52134pluggingchart	Hgbh	Y
52135plumbing	Hgb5	g
52136plural entity	HgcZ	b
52137plus	Hgc0	T
52138plus zone	HgdH	Z
52139pluse	H3Fr	W
52140pme	Hgdg	b
52141pneumatic	Hgd7	e
52142pneumatic capstan	HgeZ	f
52143pneumatic computer	Hge4	j
52144pneumatically controlled bistable	Hgfb	7
52145po	HggW	S
52146pocker	Hggo	R
52147pocket	Hgg5	b
52148pocket calculator	HghU	l
52149poing calculation	DZkM	f
52150poing data	DZkr	Y
52151point	Cjm9	Q
52152point	DZlD	W
52153point	GUty	T
52154point	H2Qq	T
52155point	H7Vw	W
52156point	H7WG	W
52157point	H9cQ	T
52158point	Hgh5	R
52159point	Hgnk	Q
52160point accelerator	DZlZ	i
52161point accumulator	DZl7	i
52162point adder	DZmd	c
52163point approximation	HgiK	j
52164point arithmetic	DZm5	e
52165point arithmetic hardware	DZnX	t
52166point arithmetic package	DZoE	z
52167point array	Hgit	Z
52168point array processor	DZo3	v
52169point base	DZpm	j
52170point base	DaHI	V
52171point basis	DZqJ	W
52172point binary	DZqf	j
52173point buffer	DZrC	h
52174point calculation	DZrj	f
52175point channel	Hgot	e
52176point circuit	HgpL	e
52177point code	IJvO	V
52178point coding compaction	DYjv	r
52179point coding compaction	DZsC	u
52180point coefficient	DZsw	f
52181point compaction	DZtP	h
52182point computer	DW5a	f
52183point computer	DZtw	f
52184point connection	Hgpp	0
52185point constant	9BS	l
52186point constant	9DJ	f
52187point constant	CLh5	l
52188point constant	CLji	l
52189point constant	DZuP	c
52190point constants	DZur	d
52191point constnat	CLi9	l
52192point control	Hgqd	e
52193point data link	Hgq7	r
52194point decimal	DW55	h
52195point decimal	DZvI	k
52196point divide exception	DZvs	q
52197point exception	DZwW	d
52198point exception routine	DZwz	x
52199point exponent	DZxk	Z
52200point expression	DZx9	h
52201point feature	DZye	h
52202point feature instruction	DZy/	t
52203point field	DZzs	Z
52204point format	DZ0F	a
52205point function	CjnN	f
52206point game	H+HB	Y
52207point indicator	DZ0f	g
52208point input format	DZ0/	m
52209point inputoutput	DZ1l	m
52210point insertion	BH/+	d
52211point instruction group	DZ2L	l
52212point integer	DZ2w	b
52213point integer	GkNN	k
52214point line	GiVm	BH
52215point line	Hgrm	b
52216point literal	DZ3L	b
52217point mathematics	DZ3m	f
52218point method	H+HZ	X
52219point mode	DW6a	Y
52220point mode	DZ4F	Y
52221point mould	DZ4d	Z
52222point multiplication	DZ42	i
52223point notation	DZ5Y	f
52224point number	DW6y	X
52225point number	DZ53	X
52226point number	GkRm	g
52227point number	Ijhq	a
52228point number format	IjiE	n
52229point of failure	HgjG	f
52230point of intersection	Hgjl	j
52231point of sale	HgkI	Y
52232point of sales	Hgkg	2
52233point operation	DZ6O	d
52234point operation	GkNx	m
52235point operation code	DZ6r	l
52236point operation stack	DZ7Q	r
52237point operations per second	GvQI	5
52238point package	DZ77	l
52239point page	HglW	V
52240point part	DW7J	Y
52241point precision	DZ8g	d
52242point processor exception	DZ89	w
52243point processor register	DZ9t	y
52244point radix	DYka	Z
52245point radix	DZ+f	Z
52246point register	DW7h	f
52247point register	DZ+4	d
52248point repeater	CZQ/	f
52249point representation	DZ/V	l
52250point representation	FXSm	0
52251point representation system	DW8A	v
52252point representation system	DZ/6	v
52253point representation system	JcE8	v
52254point rounding	DaAp	c
52255point routine	DaBF	b
52256point shift	DaBg	Z
52257point size	Hglr	V
52258point source	HgmA	U
52259point status vector	DaB5	r
52260point status vector	DbmT	r
52261point stop	BIAb	V
52262point subport	CySt	b
52263point subroutine	DaCk	h
52264point subtractor	DaDF	h
52265point system	DaDm	X
52266point transformation	DaD9	i
52267point transmission	HgsB	j
52268point truncation	DaEf	e
52269point type	DaE9	Y
52270point underflow	DaFV	d
52271point value	CLie	f
52272point value	CLkH	f
52273pointed cone	Hgsk	U
52274pointer	Hgs4	BB
52275pointer address	Hgt5	t
52276pointer array	Hgum	b
52277pointer device	HgvB	c
52278pointer notation	Ga0l	k
52279pointing	Hgvd	Q
52280points usable	PdR	b
52281pointwise	Hgvt	U
52282poiut	DaFy	T
52283poke	HgwB	M
52284polar	HgwN	h
52285polar axis	Hgwu	S
52286polar chart	HgxA	W
52287polar relay	HgxW	c
52288polar transmission	Hgxy	g
52289polarity	HgyS	T
52290polarizability	Hgyl	j
52291polarization	HgzI	g
52292polarization diversity	Hgzo	k
52293polarize	Hg0M	X
52294polarized return to zero	GdO5	s
52295polarized return to zero recording	GdPl	BG
52296polaroid filter	Hg1o	g
52297pole	Hg2I	M
52298pole circuit	Dijr	a
52299pole network	DikF	a
52300police information network	Hg2U	v
52301policy information network	Hg3D	v
52302policy module	Hg3y	b
52303polish notation	Hg4N	d
52304polish notation logic	BNkj	1
52305poll	Hg4q	P
52306poll	k47	S
52307poll record	Hg45	Z
52308polled access network	Hg6R	0
52309pollfinal	Hg5S	c
52310pollfinal bit	Hg5u	j
52311polling	Hg7F	W
52312polling characters	Hg7b	g
52313polling list	Hg77	k
52314polling mode	Hg8f	a
52315polling system	Hg85	j
52316polling techniques	Hg9c	g
52317pollutant standard index	Hg98	w
52318polybinary code	Hg+s	g
52319polycomputer	Hg/M	a
52320polygon	Hg/m	S
52321polygon attribute	Hg/4	i
52322polygon mirror scanner	HhAa	h
52323polyline	HhA7	a
52324polymarker	HhBV	Y
52325polymorphism	HhBt	U
52326polynomial code	HhCB	d
52327polynomial equation	HhCe	k
52328polynomial ideal	HhDC	h
52329polynomial list	HhDj	d
52330polynomial module	HhEA	i
52331polynomial regression	HhEi	m
52332polynomial residue class algebra	HhFI	3
52333polynomial ring	HhF/	d
52334polyphase microinstruction	HhGc	r
52335polyphase modulation	HhHH	i
52336polyphase sort	HhHp	c
52337polystyrene dielectric capacitor	HhIF	BB
52338polyvalence	HhJG	T
52339polyvalent notation	HhJZ	h
52340polyvalent number	HhJ6	f
52341pong	HeWk	f
52342pong	Hecm	P
52343pong procedure	Hec1	c
52344pool	HhKZ	k
52345pool of available nodes	HhK9	x
52346pooled resource	HhLu	d
52347pop	HhML	q
52348pop operation	HhM1	b
52349pop stack	HhNQ	X
52350poppush stack	HhOZ	f
52351populate	HhO4	Q
52352population	HhPI	Z
52353port	HhPh	V
52354port address	HhP2	a
52355port expander unit	HhQQ	q
52356port frame type	HhQ6	k
52357port level manager	HhRe	t
52358port network	Gv8A	d
52359port networks	JB7E	b
52360portability	HhSL	n
52361portability technique	HhSy	m
52362portable	HhTY	T
52363portable automatic data recording equipment	HhTr	BU
52364portable data acquisition system	HhVo	BD
52365portable data medium	HhWr	r
52366portable debugger	HhXW	r
52367portable display terminal	HhYB	3
52368portable electric probe reader	HhY4	Bi
52369portable keyboard	Hhaa	m
52370portable program	HhbA	h
52371portfolio selection	Hhbh	h
52372portion abbreviation	JIUE	i
52373portion of text	HhcC	a
52374portrait	Hhcc	h
52375ports	Hhc9	K
52376pos	HFin	d
52377position	GrDQ	o
52378position	HhdH	o
52379position adder	Gv8d	q
52380position and velocity	Hhdv	q
52381position and velocity extraction	HheZ	BU
52382position and velocity tracking	Hhft	6
52383position control	JB7f	h
52384position finding device	Hhgn	BA
52385position independent addressing	Hhhn	z
52386position independent code	Hhia	BB
52387position indicator	Hhjb	3
52388position invariant linear system	HhkS	6
52389position key	JB8A	d
52390position modulation	HuPs	h
52391position of key in record	HhlM	BG
52392position pulse	HhmS	e
52393position type	Hhmw	b
52394positional	IcQk	Y
52395positional format	Hhot	f
52396positional notation	HhpM	v
52397positional number	Hhp7	Z
52398positional rate	IcQ8	j
52399positional representation	HhqU	1
52400positional representation system	HhrJ	4
52401positional system	HhsB	f
52402positional value	Hhsg	Y
52403positioner	Hhs4	V
52404positioning	IcRf	Z
52405positioning operation	HhtN	j
52406positioning time	Hhtw	e
52407positive	GRjy	j
52408positive	HhuO	V
52409positive appearing image	Hhuj	x
52410positive feedback	HhvU	p
52411positive feedback circuit	Hhv9	u
52412positive image	Hhwr	h
52413positive integer	HhyE	b
52414positive logic disturbance	Hhyf	v
52415positive logic level	HhzO	p
52416positive output	GRWd	q
52417positive process	GRkV	k
52418post	Hh1V	a
52419post assembly stage	Hh1v	h
52420post mortem	Hh2Q	Z
52421post mortem dump	Hh2p	4
52422post mortem routine	Hh3h	n
52423post morterm	H9jK	g
52424post office box	Hh4I	h
52425post office work unit	Hh4p	u
52426post operation data analysis facillity	Hh5X	Bl
52427postamble	Hh9v	R
52428postbilling	Hh+A	f
52429postconditional expression	Hh+f	r
52430postfix form	Hh/K	a
52431postfix notation	Hh/k	e
52432posthelp	HiDR	X
52433postindexing	HiAC	a
52434posting	HiAc	W
52435posting	JXO4	e
52436posting machine	HiAy	a
52437postmortem dump	HiBM	d
52438postprocessor	HiBp	e
52439postscript	HiCH	Y
52440postulate	HiDA	R
52441potential address space	HiDo	l
52442potential correction	HiEN	v
52443potential corrosively	HiE8	m
52444potential customer	HiFi	g
52445potential well	HiGC	Z
52446potentiall well	HiGb	X
52447potentiometer	Do6x	t
52448potentiometer	Do7e	t
52449potentiometer	HiGy	i
52450potentiometer function	DtSo	2
52451potentiometer function	DtWD	5
52452potentiometer function generator	IzNC	BA
52453potentiometer loading error	HiHU	y
52454potentiometer multiplier	HiIG	p
52455potentiometer set mode	HiIv	q
52456pototype	HiJZ	W
52457pototyping	HiJv	Y
52458power	5KR	T
52459power	HiKP	l
52460power amplifier	HiK0	n
52461power box	HiLb	X
52462power cable	HiLy	Z
52463power circuit breaker	HiML	9
52464power communication device	FKgh	x
52465power control	HiNI	r
52466power control and distribution	HiNz	Bl
52467power control compartment	HiPY	q
52468power control unit	HiQC	q
52469power conversion unit	HiQs	t
52470power cord	HiRZ	V
52471power cord compartment	HiRu	n
52472power cord connector	HiSV	o
52473power data retention	FKhS	r
52474power density meter	HiS9	o
52475power dissipation	FKh9	c
52476power dissipation index	HiTl	p
52477power distribtuion unit	HiUO	p
52478power distribution panel	HiU3	n
52479power down	HiVe	x
52480power dump	HiWP	l
52481power factor meter	HiW0	n
52482power fail restart	HiXb	9
52483power failrestart	HiYY	u
52484power fall restart	HiZG	t
52485power feeding	HiZz	V
52486power gain	HiaI	b
52487power indicator	Hiaj	j
52488power input	HibG	c
52489power input panel	Hibi	q
52490power interlock	HicM	g
52491power level	Hics	p
52492power level	JXGU	o
52493power line	HidV	i
52494power off	Hid3	X
52495power on	HieO	w
52496power on hours	Hie+	g
52497power on light	Hife	l
52498power on self test	HigD	m
52499power outlet	Higp	a
52500power plug	HihD	Y
52501power ready	Hihb	Z
52502power ready light	Hih0	o
52503power residul method	Hiic	l
52504power sequence cable	HijB	o
52505power set	Hijp	R
52506power shift register	FKiZ	u
52507power spectrum	Hij6	W
52508power supply	HikQ	0
52509power switch	HilE	a
52510power table	Hile	W
52511power test	FKjH	f
52512power up	Hil0	v
52513powered	5Kk	Y
52514powered calculator	5K8	m
52515powered calculator	FT1t	s
52516powered telephone	InlM	f
52517powers of two	Hinv	Y
52518ppsdn	HioH	r
52519pragmat	Hioy	V
52520pragmatics	HipH	V
52521preamble	Hirw	Q
52522preamplifier	HisA	d
52523preanalysis	Hisd	Z
52524preassigned multiple access	His2	2
52525preassigned multiple access satellite system	Hits	BU
52526preauthorization	HivA	e
52527prebilling	Hive	e
52528preburning	Hiv8	S
52529precedence	HiwO	j
52530precedence notation	Hiwx	q
52531precedence prosign	Hixb	2
52532precedence record	HiyR	f
52533precedence rules	Hiyw	k
52534precedence table	HizU	b
52535preceding	Hizv	R
52536precharge	Hi0A	X
52537precise lock	Hi0X	X
52538precise scalar product	Hi0u	n
52539precision	GGEI	a
52540precision	Hi1V	+
52541precision analog computing equipment	Hi2T	BD
52542precision artwork language	Hi3W	y
52543precision coding compaction	JcFr	4
52544precision graph recorder	Hi4I	w
52545precision infrared tracking system	Hi44	BD
52546precision navigation processor	Hi57	5
52547precision number	Ci27	e
52548precision numeral	Ci3Z	c
52549precision quantity	Ci31	d
52550precision register	Gygk	s
52551precompiler	Hi60	f
52552preconfigured system definition	Hi7T	6
52553precoordinate index	Hi8N	k
52554predecessor activity	Hi8x	i
52555predecessor value	Hi9T	c
52556predefined	Hi9v	Y
52557predefined message	Hi+H	g
52558predefined priorities method	Hi+n	t
52559predefined process	Hi/U	w
52560predicate	HjAE	R
52561predicate function	ISHn	j
52562predicted values	HjAV	b
52563prediction	HjAw	S
52564predictive analyzer	HjBC	q
52565prediiction error covaariance	HjCJ	0
52566preemptive	H8FO	Y
52567preferred character set	HjC9	s
52568preferred class	HjDp	d
52569prefetching	HjEG	Z
52570prefix	HjEf	n
52571prefix method	HjFG	i
52572prefix notation	HjFo	d
52573prefix operator	HjGF	g
52574prefixes	HjGl	c
52575preformat	HjHB	X
52576prehelp	HjnD	W
52577preindexing	HjHY	Z
52578preliminary design	HjHx	j
52579preliminary investigation	HjIU	n
52580preliminary review	HjI7	g
52581preliminiary	H8ul	a
52582premise	GrD4	f
52583premise standby equipment	GrEX	z
52584premise standby equipment	Gu7r	t
52585preorder	HjJb	Q
52586preorder for binary tree	HjJr	y
52587preout	HjKd	R
52588preparation	HjKu	T
52589prepare diskettes	HjLB	f
52590prepared transaction processing program	JbG4	BN
52591preprinted	HjLg	Y
52592preprocessing	HjL4	Y
52593preprocessing data	HjMQ	j
52594preprocessor	HjMz	a
52595preprocessor control lines	HjNN	3
52596prepunched	HjOE	Y
52597prepunched card	HjOc	d
52598preread disturb pulse	HjO5	p
52599preread head	HjPi	X
52600prerecorded data mudium	HjP5	w
52601prerequisite	HjQp	o
52602preselection	HjRR	U
52603presence bit	HjRl	a
52604present next digit	HjR/	t
52605presentatio	HX1e	4
52606presentation	HjSs	U
52607presentation data value	HjTA	o
52608presentation graphic	HjTo	i
52609presentation graphic routines	HjUK	9
52610presentation layer	HjVH	q
52611presentation service access point	HjVx	4
52612preserve	HjWp	Q
52613preserved context index system	HjW5	7
52614preset	HjX0	c
52615preset code	HjYQ	W
52616preset parameter	HjYm	r
52617press	HjZR	R
52618press bond	HjZi	S
52619pressure control	HjZ0	e
52620pressure gas	HjaS	a
52621pressure switch	Hjas	g
52622prestaging	HjbM	Y
52623prestel	Hjbk	i
52624prestel imformation center	HjcG	z
52625prestore	Hjc5	Q
52626prestored query	HjdJ	d
52627presumptive address	Hjdm	h
52628presumptive instruction	HjeH	l
52629pretty printing	Hjes	d
52630prevailing mode	HjfJ	d
52631prevalue	Hjfm	T
52632preventive maintenance	Hjf5	k
52633preventive maintenance management program	Hjgd	BL
52634preventive maintenance scheduling system	Hjho	BQ
52635preventive maintenance time	Hji4	v
52636preview and graphics editing	Hjjn	4
52637previewing	Hjkf	X
52638previous	Hjk2	T
52639previous annual forecast	HjlJ	p
52640previous operation	Hjly	d
52641previous work center	HjmP	i
52642prewire	Hjmx	S
52643price break	HjnZ	Z
52644price break conversion factor	Hjny	3
52645price break literal	Hjop	n
52646price discountmarkup code	HjpQ	y
52647pricing hierarchy	HjqC	f
52648pricing methods	Hjqh	d
52649pricing structure	Hjq+	f
52650primal cluster	Hjrd	Z
52651primary	Hjr2	v
52652primary abort counter	Hjsl	y
52653primary access method	HjtX	n
52654primary application block	Hjt+	z
52655primary center	Hjux	h
52656primary character set	HjvS	m
52657primary clustering	Hjv4	d
52658primary colors	HjwV	W
52659primary communication attachment	Hjwr	7
52660primary console	Hjxm	d
52661primary control program	HjyD	p
52662primary control unit	Hjys	p
52663primary dictionary	HjzV	d
52664primary directory	Hjzy	c
52665primary expression	Hj0O	g
52666primary expression operator	Hj0u	y
52667primary file	Hj1g	e
52668primary frequency	Hj1+	p
52669primary index	Hj3Q	p
52670primary input	Hj35	e
52671primary io device	Hj2n	p
52672primary key	Hj4X	q
52673primary lock	Hj5B	U
52674primary logical unit	Hj5V	8
52675primary memory unit	Hj6R	k
52676primary overlay description language	Hj61	+
52677primary password	Hj7z	b
52678primary path	GdRQ	d
52679primary processor	Hj8O	f
52680primary program operator interface task	Hj8t	BL
52681primary protocol	Hj94	h
52682primary protocol error	Hj+Z	w
52683primary rack	Hj/J	X
52684primary rate	Hj/g	a
52685primary rate interface	Hj/6	q
52686primary root	HkAk	U
52687primary routing code	HkA4	i
52688primary set of control characters	HkB5	4
52689primary set of graphic characters	HkCx	4
52690primary station	HkDp	a
52691primary storage	HkED	f
52692primary support system	HkEi	n
52693primary switching center	HkFJ	p
52694primary terminal address	HkFy	s
52695primary timrout category	HkGe	p
52696primary vector	HkHH	Z
52697prime area	HkHg	Y
52698prime field	HkH4	T
52699prime implicant	HkIL	a
52700prime integer	HkIl	V
52701prime load code	HkI6	d
52702prime number	HkJX	U
52703prime option menu	HkJr	i
52704prime quote	HkKN	W
52705prime record key	HkKj	b
52706prime rib	HkK+	d
52707primitive	HkLb	v
52708primitive code	GdRt	q
52709primitive data item	HkMK	k
52710primitive element	HkMu	f
52711primitive flow table	HkNN	l
52712primitive operation	HkNy	h
52713primitive polynomial	HkOT	l
52714primitive state table	HkO4	m
52715primitive subroutine	HkPe	l
52716principal component analysis	HkQD	t
52717principal device	HkQw	e
52718principal idea	HkRO	Z
52719principal ideal ring	HkRn	i
52720principal maintenance period	HkSJ	t
52721principle of exclusion	HkS2	k
52722principle of limit design	HkTa	x
52723print	Cnhe	W
52724print	HkUL	b
52725print attribute	HkUm	d
52726print barrel	HkVD	X
52727print character generator	HkVa	BN
52728print contrast	H264	f
52729print contrast ratio	HkWn	l
52730print contrast signal	HkXM	t
52731print control character	HkX5	+
52732print control unit	HkY3	q
52733print converter	IzFs	l
52734print density	HkZh	b
52735print device	HkZ8	a
52736print drum	HkaW	V
52737print editor	Hua6	d
52738print field	GdSX	c
52739print form	Hkar	Y
52740print formatter	HkbD	d
52741print function	Hkbg	c
52742print head	Hkb8	V
52743print hold state	HkcR	k
52744print information form	Hkc1	q
52745print intercept routine	Hkdf	r
52746print job configuration	HkeK	r
52747print key	GaQE	X
52748print line buffer	Hke1	8
52749print line buffer address register	Hkfx	BL
52750print line desity	Hkg8	i
52751print list	Hkhe	Y
52752print mode	Hkh2	Y
52753print out	HkiO	X
52754print pattern generator	Hkil	y
52755print position density	HkjX	q
52756print processor	HkkB	g
52757print program	IzGR	g
52758print quality	Hkkh	b
52759print queue	Hkk8	p
52760print screen key	Hkll	h
52761print setting	HkmG	b
52762print settings	Hkmh	c
52763print settings menu	Hkm9	n
52764print spooler	Hknk	e
52765print spooling	HkoC	l
52766print start	Hkon	Z
52767print start bit	HkpA	j
52768print system	IzGx	j
52769print through	Hkpj	V
52770print wheel	Hkp4	h
52771print zones	HkqZ	W
52772printable	GdSz	r
52773printable group	Hktp	b
52774printable item	HkuE	f
52775printed character recognition	DvRB	0
52776printed circuit	Hkuj	t
52777printed circuit assembly	HkvQ	w
52778printed circuit block	HkwA	q
52779printed circuit board	Hkwq	6
52780printed circuit board fabricating processes	Hkxk	BI
52781printed circuit board partition	Hkys	2
52782printed circuit board socket	Hkzi	BO
52783printed circuit board test language	Hk0w	BA
52784printed circuit generator	Hk1w	3
52785printed circuit soldering	Hk2n	t
52786printed conductor	IG1j	l
52787printer	D61c	b
52788printer	FtQz	n
52789printer	Hk4T	6
52790printer	ICQJ	k
52791printer communications adapter	Hk5N	8
52792printer control block	Hk6J	p
52793printer control command	Hk6y	u
52794printer control key	Hk7g	n
52795printer control keyword	Hk8H	x
52796printer control markers	Hk84	u
52797printer control mode	Hk9m	r
52798printer control pa1	Hk+R	n
52799printer control pa2	Hk+4	n
52800printer converter	IzHU	q
52801printer error	Hk/f	h
52802printer form	HlAA	a
52803printer interface	HlAa	m
52804printer margin	HlBA	f
52805printer mechanism	HlBf	i
52806printer number	HlCB	f
52807printer operation	HlCg	i
52808printer program	IzH+	l
52809printer server	HlDC	y
52810printer setting	HlD0	g
52811printer sharing	HlEU	g
52812printer spacing chart	HlE0	m
52813printer station	HlFa	a
52814printer status field	HlF0	r
52815printer status message	HlGf	t
52816printer table	HlHM	e
52817printer type	HlHq	d
52818printer upoperable state	HlIH	y
52819printing calculator	HlI5	k
52820printing character	GdTe	n
52821printing document form	HlJd	q
52822printing equipment	HlKH	g
52823printout	HlKn	Q
52824printplot option	HktD	m
52825printwheel	HlK3	a
52826prior	HlLR	Q
52827prioritization	HlLh	Z
52828prioritized requisitions report	HlL6	5
52829priority	HlMz	z
52830priority bit	HlNm	X
52831priority by critical ratio	HlN9	3
52832priority calculation limits	HlO0	1
52833priority control sequence	HlPp	0
52834priority dispatching	HlQd	l
52835priority encoder	HlRC	m
52836priority indicator	HlRo	o
52837priority interrupt	HlSQ	BC
52838priority interrupt control	HlTS	y
52839priority interrupt control unit	HlUE	7
52840priority interrupt module	HlU/	x
52841priority phase	HlVw	Z
52842priority processing	HlWJ	h
52843priority ready queue	FKkZ	u
52844priority scheduling system	HlXK	u
52845privacy	HlZe	c
52846privacy breath	HlZ6	c
52847privacy key	HlaW	g
52848privacy lock	Hla2	h
52849privacy protection	HlbX	g
52850privacy transformation	Hlb3	k
52851private	I23t	b
52852private automatic branch exchange	Hlcb	BY
52853private automatic computer exchange	Hldz	/
52854private automatic exchange	Hley	BL
52855private branch exchange	Hlf9	BV
52856private branch exchange attendant	HlhS	7
52857private branch exchange final selector	HliN	BG
52858private branch exchange tie trunk	HljT	BU
52859private branch exchange trunk	Hlkn	3
52860private circuit	Hlle	d
52861private circuit	ISIK	g
52862private circuit digital data service	Hll7	BK
52863private delimiter	HlnF	n
52864private electronic exchange	Hlns	2
52865private jack	Hloi	w
52866private key	HlpS	Z
52867private line	Hlpr	r
52868private line interface	HlqW	u
52869private line service	HlrE	z
52870private line typewriter	Hlr3	6
52871private manual branch exchange	Hlsx	6
52872private network	Hltr	d
52873private section	HluI	d
52874private style	Hlul	b
52875private telephone network	HlvA	t
52876private volumn	Hlvt	c
52877private wire network	HlwJ	i
52878privated code	Hlwr	e
52879privilege	HlxJ	b
52880privileged account	Hlxk	g
52881privileged front end	HlyE	i
52882privileged instruction	Hlym	k
52883privileged instruction simulation	HlzK	1
52884privileged instructions	Hlz/	l
52885privileged memory operation	Hl0k	5
52886privileged modestate	GdUF	BZ
52887privileged process	Hl1d	g
52888privileged processing	GdVe	m
52889privileged program	GdWE	j
52890privileged program	Hl19	t
52891privileged task	Hl2q	d
52892privileged user	Hl3H	g
52893privileges	Hl3n	Y
52894probability	Hl49	W
52895probability	I/+r	W
52896probability density function	Hl5T	BH
52897probability distribution function	Hl6a	5
52898probability model	Hl7T	f
52899probability theory	Hl7y	i
52900probasic	Hl3/	d
52901probe	Hl8+	N
52902problem analysis	Hl9L	e
52903problem analysis by logical approach	Hl9p	BB
52904problem board	Hl+q	Y
52905problem data	Hl/C	a
52906problem definition	Hl/c	g
52907problem description	Hl/8	h
52908problem descriptor system	HmAd	0
52909problem determination	HmBR	m
52910problem determination aid	HmB3	5
52911problem division	HmCw	e
52912problem file	HmDO	X
52913problem folder	HmDl	Z
52914problem formulation	HmD+	h
52915problem identification program	HmEf	2
52916problem input preparation	HmFV	x
52917problem language analyzer	HmGG	1
52918problem program	HmG7	d
52919problem statement language	HmHY	u
52920procedural block	HmI4	b
52921procedural computer hardware description langu	GdWn	BU
52922procedural control	HmJT	j
52923procedural escape	HmJ2	i
52924procedural extension	HmKY	i
52925procedural information retrieval language	GdX7	BG
52926procedural language for integrity constraints	HmK6	BS
52927procedural parallel processing language	GdZB	BE
52928procedure	HmMM	z
52929procedure block	HmM/	a
52930procedure call	HmNZ	c
52931procedure communication	HmN1	l
52932procedure data interface	GdaF	v
52933procedure division	CyMM	m
52934procedure division	HmOa	g
52935procedure file	HmO6	Z
52936procedure heading	HmPT	Z
52937procedure language	HmPs	z
52938procedure map	HmQf	d
52939procedure server	HmQ8	e
52940procedure server image	HmRa	q
52941procedure server transfer module	HmSE	6
52942proceed backward magnetic tape	HmT2	w
52943proceed forward magnetic tape	HmUm	v
52944proceedings of institute of electrical engineers	HmVV	Bc
52945process	HmWx	m
52946process accessible segment table	HmZC	8
52947process address space	HUka	1
52948process address space	HmZ+	p
52949process assembler language	Hman	4
52950process assembly language	Hmbf	x
52951process automation	HmcQ	u
52952process automation interface	Hmc+	9
52953process automation monitor	Hmd7	4
52954process characterization analysis package	Hmez	BL
52955process chart	Hmf+	Y
52956process communication block	HmgW	w
52957process communication block mask	HmhG	6
52958process communication supervisor	HmiA	BX
52959process computer system	HmjX	y
52960process context	HmkJ	9
52961process control	HmlG	6
52962process control block	HmmA	Bj
52963process control block base	Hmnj	BF
52964process control equipment	Hmoo	t
52965process control language	HmpV	w
52966process control processor	HmqF	0
52967process control program	Hmq5	v
52968process control system	Hmro	BB
52969process controller	F9x0	t
52970process data	HmXX	e
52971process descriptor	Hmsp	j
52972process dispatching	HmtM	h
52973process dynamic recorder	Hmtt	z
52974process flow chart	Hmug	j
52975process header	HmvD	c
52976process header slots	Hmvf	l
52977process identification	Hmxe	o
52978process identification code	HmyG	w
52979process in a data processing system	HmX1	BN
52980process index	Hmy2	o
52981process information	Hmze	n
52982process initiation	Hm0F	g
52983process input output	Hm0l	s
52984process inputoutput subroutine package	Hm1R	BN
52985process instruments digital communication system	Hm2e	BX
52986process interface control	Hm31	x
52987process interface system	Hm4m	s
52988process interrupt signal	Hm5S	s
52989process intrerrupt status word	Hm5+	6
52990process inventory	Jk2H	BE
52991process io channel	HmwE	t
52992process io segment	Hmwx	t
52993process limited	Hm64	d
52994process name	Hm7V	a
52995process oriented language	Hm7v	t
52996process page tables	Hm8c	k
52997process permanent file	Hm9A	n
52998process priority	Hm9n	b
52999process privileges	Hm+C	a
53000process scheduling	Hm+c	g
53001process scheduling policy	Hm+8	t
53002process section	Hm/p	a
53003process section table	HnAD	j
53004process sheet	HnAm	Y
53005process sheet number	HnA+	l
53006process space	HnBj	b
53007process special character	HnB+	t
53008process synchronization	HnCr	y
53009process table	HnDd	Y
53010process unit	HnD1	a
53011processed event	HnF1	j
53012processed item	HcYJ	y
53013processed items	HnGY	g
53014processible media	FNVL	o
53015processing	HnG4	S
53016processing	I1kc	Y
53017processing and control element	HnHK	2
53018processing center	Jjql	p
53019processing concept	D3si	s
53020processing control system	F9yh	4
53021processing control table	HnIA	t
53022processing element	HnIt	t
53023processing element memory	HnJa	0
53024processing failure	HnKO	g
53025processing item	HnKu	a
53026processing level	HnLI	b
53027processing limit	HnLj	e
53028processing list	HnMB	a
53029processing load	HnMb	d
53030processing machine	Cq9S	u
53031processing manager	HnM4	m
53032processing mode	HnNe	d
53033processing options	HnN7	g
53034processing organization	/Ih	1
53035processing orientated	4+f	p
53036processing plan	HnOb	d
53037processing program	HnO4	g
53038processing resource	oIZ	t
53039processing section	HnPY	g
53040processing step	HnP4	d
53041processing system	Cq+A	w
53042processing system	I1k0	l
53043processing time	HnQV	d
53044processing unit	HnQy	d
53045processor	BbZc	a
53046processor	F9zZ	a
53047processor	Fvrh	q
53048processor	H1Nk	+
53049processor	HnRP	v
53050processor	IDtr	l
53051processor architecture	FwAp	/
53052processor binding	HnR+	i
53053processor computer	F9zz	t
53054processor computer complex	F90g	Bk
53055processor configuration	7Df	r
53056processor configuration	F51T	+
53057processor console	HnSg	l
53058processor console clock	HnTF	3
53059processor control cards	HnT8	v
53060processor control program	HnUr	BK
53061processor control unit	HnV1	x
53062processor cycle	HnWm	d
53063processor defined function	HnXD	BL
53064processor element	HnYO	i
53065processor element memory	HnYw	2
53066processor interface	Hnai	n
53067processor interface controller	HnbJ	8
53068processor interface module	HncF	BO
53069processor interface routine	HndT	6
53070processor interrupt	HneN	8
53071processor limited	HnfJ	i
53072processor local storage address register	Hnfr	BW
53073processor management	HnhB	l
53074processor management lower level	Hnhm	3
53075processor management upper level	Hnid	3
53076processor memory	HnjU	p
53077processor memory enhancement	Hnj9	6
53078processor mode	F92E	m
53079processor of job	Dkpj	w
53080processor of job	DkqT	w
53081processor option	Hnk3	h
53082processor register	HnlY	m
53083processor scheduler	Hnl+	n
53084processor stack pointer	Hnml	u
53085processor status	HnnT	h
53086processor status longword	Hnn0	3
53087processor status word	Hnor	BD
53088processor storage	Hnpu	l
53089processor unit	HnqT	f
53090processor unit control panel	Hnqy	8
53091procommunications	Hl4c	h
53092procurement division	Hnru	i
53093product	BNIi	S
53094product	Hns9	Y
53095product administration and contract control	HntV	BN
53096product analyst	Hnui	j
53097product code	HnvF	X
53098product cost	Hnvc	a
53099product cost simulation	Hnv2	r
53100product cost update report	Hnwh	0
53101product costing	HnxV	j
53102product data management	Hnx4	r
53103product development system	Hnyj	y
53104product features	HnzV	e
53105product line	Hnzz	X
53106product load profile	Hn0K	o
53107product method	I5b0	f
53108product of sums	Hn0y	a
53109product recording	BNI0	f
53110product register	Hn1M	h
53111product structure	Hn1t	p
53112product structure chain validation	Hn2W	8
53113product structure data entry backuprecovery error	Hn3S	Bl
53114product structure data entry rerun guide	Hn43	BR
53115product structure file	Hn6I	n
53116product structure file maintenance	Hn6v	5
53117product structure transaction list	Hn7o	8
53118product structure unload	Hn8k	s
53119product structure update audit list	Hn9Q	BD
53120product summary	Hn+T	X
53121product term	Hn+q	U
53122producted	Fbqr	q
53123production	H9jq	Y
53124production	Hn++	S
53125production	JEtl	Y
53126production	P0r	g
53127production acceptance test procedure	Hn/Q	BD
53128production acceptance testing	HoAT	1
53129production action control technique	HoBI	BC
53130production allocations	HoCK	k
53131production analysis control technique	HoCu	BE
53132production and inventory control system	HoDy	BG
53133production automation microcomputer	HoE4	BA
53134production control	HoF4	t
53135production control and costing	HoGl	7
53136production control and costing summary report menu	HoHg	Bh
53137production control system	HoJB	x
53138production engineering	HoJy	k
53139production family	HoKW	i
53140production file manager	HoK4	1
53141production format	HoLt	f
53142production information and control system	HoMM	BL
53143production language	HoNX	n
53144production library	HoN+	j
53145production line	HoOh	d
53146production plan	HoO+	d
53147production receipt transaction	HoPb	y
53148production report	G8/e	s
53149production report	HoQN	f
53150production routine	HoQs	g
53151production rule	HoRM	d
53152production summary report	HoRp	t
53153production time	HoSW	d
53154productive man hour	HoSz	l
53155productive man year	HoTY	l
53156productive poll	Gdbc	d
53157productive poll	HoT9	g
53158productive task	Gdb5	d
53159productive timeout counter	GdcW	3
53160productivity improvement and control system	HoUd	BN
53161products	HoVq	Q
53162professional debug facility	HoV6	8
53163professional group automatic control	HoW2	BA
53164professional group circuit theory	HoX2	9
53165professional group communication system	HoYz	BD
53166professional group education	HoZ2	x
53167professional group electronic devices	Hoan	BB
53168professional group engineering management	Hobo	BF
53169professional group human factors in electionics	Hoct	BY
53170professional group industrial electronics	HoeF	BI
53171professional group information theory	HofN	BB
53172professional group instrumentation	HogO	3
53173professional group medical electronics	HohF	BF
53174professional group microwave theory and techniques	HoiK	BZ
53175professional group on electronic computers	Hojj	Bf
53176professional specific subsystem	HolC	2
53177profile	Hol4	j
53178profile pool	Homb	j
53179profit	Hom+	O
53180profit amount	HonM	b
53181profit amount range	Honn	n
53182profit and loss statement	HooO	k
53183profit percent	Hooy	f
53184profit percent range	HopR	r
53185proforma	Hop8	X
53186program	E9Xm	c
53187program	F92q	V
53188program	H5tq	Y
53189program	HoqT	l
53190program	Ir64	S
53191program	Iy73	S
53192program	JGEi	b
53193program	JJIV	V
53194program access	Hor8	s
53195program access keys	Hoso	k
53196program access specification	HotM	0
53197program address	HouA	g
53198program address storage	Houg	v
53199program amplifier	HovP	l
53200program analysis	Hov0	h
53201program analysis unit	HowV	t
53202program analyzer	HoxC	h
53203program assembly language	Hoxj	x
53204program attention	HoyU	i
53205program attention key	Hoy2	t
53206program attention keys	Hozj	n
53207program attitude test	Ho0K	t
53208program authorized credentials	Ho03	2
53209program base register	Ho1t	p
53210program card	Ho2W	X
53211program change control system	Ho2t	8
53212program change package	Ho3p	r
53213program change packages	Ho4U	t
53214program change proposal	Ho5B	v
53215program change request	Ho5w	u
53216program check	FMRB	v
53217program check	Ho6e	f
53218program check code	Ho69	j
53219program checkout	Ho7g	e
53220program clock	Ho7+	g
53221program code	Ho8e	X
53222program coding	Ho81	c
53223program comments	Ho9R	e
53224program communication	Ho9v	m
53225program communication	LNe	0
53226program communication area	Ho+V	y
53227program communication block	Ho/H	s
53228program communications	LOS	7
53229program comparator	Ho/z	n
53230program compiler	HpAa	h
53231program computer	Irdp	n
53232program computer	Jh/i	q
53233program control	F92/	n
53234program control	HpA7	d
53235program control block	HpBY	q
53236program control counter	HpCC	y
53237program control instruciton	HpC0	v
53238program control table	HpDj	q
53239program control unit	HpEN	s
53240program control word	HpE5	p
53241program controlled interruption	HpFi	x
53242program cost estimate	HpGT	t
53243program counter	HpHA	j
53244program counter high	HpHj	y
53245program counter low	HpIV	x
53246program counter timer	HpJG	w
53247program data set	HpJ2	l
53248program decoder	HpKb	j
53249program description and operations manual	HpK+	BL
53250program design language	HpMJ	v
53251program development	HpM4	h
53252program development	JEt9	n
53253program development and maintenance system	HpNZ	BM
53254program development time	HpOl	s
53255program directive	HpPR	q
53256program drum	HpP7	X
53257program editor	HpQS	i
53258program element	HpQ0	g
53259program element code	HpRU	s
53260program error	HpSA	b
53261program error report	HpSb	s
53262program evaluation and review technique	HpTH	9
53263program evaluation procedure	HpUE	0
53264program event recording	HpU4	v
53265program execution monitor	HpVn	3
53266program execution request	HpWe	x
53267program file	HpXP	a
53268program file processor	HpXp	BK
53269program flow chart	HpYz	j
53270program for evaluation of rejects and substitution	HpZW	BX
53271program function	Hpat	h
53272program function key	HpbO	v
53273program generated parameter	Hpb9	v
53274program generation system	Hpcs	x
53275program generator	Hpdd	BI
53276program global table	Hpel	p
53277program graph	HpfO	b
53278program heading	Hpfp	U
53279program id	Hpf9	l
53280program identification	Hpgi	7
53281program identification number	Hphd	y
53282program in a programming language	Hoq4	BE
53283program instruction	HpiP	h
53284program instruction frequency analyzer	Hpiw	BM
53285program instruction tape	Hpj8	t
53286program interface	Hpkp	f
53287program interrupt	HplI	v
53288program interrupt entry	Hpl3	v
53289program interrupt word	Hpmm	r
53290program interrupter	HpnR	q
53291program isolation	Hpn7	i
53292program language analyzer	Hpod	1
53293program length	HppS	c
53294program level	Hppu	b
53295program level change	HpqJ	s
53296program level change tape	Hpq1	3
53297program library	Hprs	5
53298program library release	Hpsl	0
53299program library update system	HptZ	5
53300program limit register	HpuS	t
53301program line	Hpu/	h
53302program linkage	Hpvg	d
53303program list control block	Hpv9	z
53304program listing editor	Hpww	0
53305program load	Hpxk	a
53306program load setup	Hpx+	m
53307program locality	Hpyk	h
53308program logic array	Hpzr	n
53309program loop	Hp0S	a
53310program management block	Hp0s	t
53311program management control table	Hp1Z	8
53312program management document	Hp2V	BG
53313program management instruction	Hp3b	2
53314program mask	Hp4R	a
53315program matrix	Hp4r	c
53316program memory	Hp5H	f
53317program modification	Hp5m	i
53318program module connection diagram	Hp6I	9
53319program monitoring and planning techniques	Hp7F	BO
53320program operator interface	Hp8T	1
53321program origin	Hp9I	k
53322program package	Hp9s	a
53323program parameter	Hp+G	f
53324program patching plug board	Hp+l	y
53325program plugboard	HSRr	y
53326program priority	Hp/X	j
53327program product	Hp/6	d
53328program production time	HqAX	r
53329program region	HqBC	Z
53330program region base register	HqBb	7
53331program region length register	HqCW	9
53332program register	HqDT	h
53333program relocation	HqD0	g
53334program report generator	HqEU	2
53335program request key	HqFK	o
53336program run	HqFy	b
53337program section	HqGN	a
53338program segment	HqGn	d
53339program segment prefix	HqHE	t
53340program specification	HqHx	j
53341program start	HqIU	b
53342program status word	HqIv	o
53343program step	HqJX	c
53344program stop	HqJz	a
53345program storage	HqKN	i
53346program storage unit	HqKv	o
53347program swapping	HqLX	j
53348program tab	HqL6	i
53349program tape	G0LM	h
53350program tape	HqMc	X
53351program temporary fix	HqMz	BA
53352program termination	HqNz	h
53353program test	HqOU	a
53354program test time	HqOu	l
53355program testing	HqPT	d
53356program testing time	HqPw	o
53357program timing matrix	HqQY	p
53358program to process command	HqRB	x
53359program to program communication	HqRy	3
53360program translation	HqSp	h
53361program trap	HqTK	a
53362program unit	HqTk	a
53363programable function key	HqT+	+
53364programmable	Hqax	p
53365programmable array logic	Hqba	BJ
53366programmable asynchronous dual line adapter	Hqcj	BR
53367programmable asynchronous line adapter	Hqd0	BM
53368programmable automatic comparator	HqfA	/
53369programmable automatic function tester	Hqf/	BL
53370programmable automatic testing	HqhK	8
53371programmable automatic transistor tester	HqiG	BQ
53372programmable calculator	HqjW	r
53373programmable channel termination group	HqkB	BF
53374programmable character generator	HqlG	Ba
53375programmable circuit processor	Hqmg	8
53376programmable communication interface	Hqnc	/
53377programmable control unit	Hqob	0
53378programmable data controller	HqpP	6
53379programmable data system	HqqJ	z
53380programmable data terminal	Hqq8	1
53381programmable delay unit	Hqrx	y
53382programmable desk calculator	Hqsj	6
53383programmable diagnostic unit	Hqtd	3
53384programmable digital controller	HquU	9
53385programmable digital logic	HqvR	1
53386programmable extension package	HqwG	8
53387programmable frequency generator	HqxC	+
53388programmable front end precessor	HqyA	/
53389programmable graphics processor	Hqy/	BZ
53390programmable input buffer	Hq0Y	3
53391programmable integrated processor	Hq1w	/
53392programmable interrupt controller	Hq2v	/
53393programmable interval timer	Hq3u	5
53394programmable keyboarddisplay	Hq4n	4
53395programmable line adapter	Hq5f	3
53396programmable logic array	Hq6W	BP
53397programmable logic control	Hq7l	6
53398programmable matched filter	Hq8f	5
53399programmable message sign	Hq9Y	q
53400programmable multiplexer	Hq+C	BQ
53401programmable multiuse chaining channel	Hq/S	BG
53402programmable peripheral interface unit	HrAY	BI
53403programmable protocol interface board	HrBg	BE
53404programmable remote operation	HrEW	0
53405programmable transmission control unit	HrFK	BJ
53406programmatics	HrGT	e
53407programmed accesssecurity system	HrGx	BA
53408programmed algorithmic	D0Cu	0
53409programmed algorithmic computer	D0Di	BH
53410programmed automatic circuit evaluator and recorde	HrHx	Be
53411programmed automatic circuit tester	HrJP	BF
53412programmed automatic communication equipment	HrKU	BL
53413programmed automatic welding system	HrLf	BC
53414programmed check	HrMh	k
53415programmed checking	HrNF	h
53416programmed communications support program	HrNm	BI
53417programmed control sequencer	HrOu	x
53418programmed controlled interruption flag	HrPf	7
53419programmed cryptographic facility	HrQa	5
53420programmed editor and automated resources for lear	HrRT	Bh
53421programmed electronic equation delineator	IP/Z	BP
53422programmed film reader	HrS0	x
53423programmed frequency amplitude modulation	HrTl	BI
53424programmed gain control	HrUt	v
53425programmed halt	HrVc	j
53426programmed inputoutput	HrV/	BF
53427programmed instructions	HrXE	1
53428programmed integrated control equipment	HrX5	BG
53429programmed interconnection process	HrY/	6
53430programmed interrupt request vector	HrZ5	BC
53431programmed learning	Hrb5	x
53432programmed learning aid	Hrcq	3
53433programmed logic	Hrdh	k
53434programmed logic for automatic teaching operations	HreF	BV
53435programmed marginal check	Hrfa	z
53436programmed multiline computer	HrgN	5
53437programmed numerical control	HrhG	3
53438programmed operators	Hrh9	r
53439programmed patch board	Hrio	r
53440programmed reliability in design engineering	HrjT	Bb
53441programmed request	Hrku	m
53442programmed stop	HrlU	j
53443programmed switch	Hrl3	l
53444programmed symbol load	Hrmc	q
53445programmer	HrnG	t
53446programmer	Jnhz	s
53447programmer	Vki	b
53448programmer access code	Hrnz	u
53449programmer aptitude competence test system	Hroh	BN
53450programmer aptitude test	Hrpu	z
53451programmer aptitude tester	Hrqh	4
53452programmer number	HrrZ	i
53453programmer number	HsLR	s
53454programmer panel	Hrr7	h
53455programmers aid in debugging	HruU	+
53456programming	F93m	W
53457programming	FrTe	c
53458programming	HrvS	1
53459programming	k5N	f
53460programming aid software system	HrwH	BE
53461programming computer	IQAo	v
53462programming job	HrxL	j
53463programming language	Hrxu	BC
53464programming language committee	HqU8	BB
53465programming language extension	Hryw	4
53466programming language for automatic checkout equipm	Hrzo	Bk
53467programming language for interactive teaching	Hr1M	BX
53468programming language for microprocessors	Hr2j	BQ
53469programming language one	Hr3z	x
53470programming languagedata base	Hr48	BB
53471programming languageedit	Hr59	4
53472programming module	Hr61	g
53473programming monitor control program	F938	BX
53474programming nonlinear	Hr7V	m
53475programming skill	Hr77	f
53476programming software	IQBX	o
53477programming system	F95T	u
53478programming system	Hr8a	z
53479programming system	IQB/	m
53480programming system	JUkV	BL
53481programming technique	FrT6	w
53482progress	H7Se	W
53483progress control	Hr9N	e
53484progress report	Hr9r	d
53485progressive overflow	Hr+I	i
53486project	Hr+q	P
53487project control	Hr+5	d
53488project control plan	Hr/W	s
53489project control system	HsAC	u
53490project definition and planning	HsAw	BD
53491project evaluation and review technique	HsBz	BA
53492project evaluation and review technique network	HsCz	BJ
53493project evaluation and review technique plus cost	HsD8	BQ
53494project evaluation and review techniquecost	HsFM	BR
53495project evaluation and review techniquetime	HsGd	BR
53496project for the advancement of coding techniques	HsHu	BR
53497project management	HsI/	o
53498project number	HsJn	c
53499project operation	HsKD	s
53500project organization	HsKv	i
53501projected balance	HsL9	f
53502projected display	HsMc	o
53503projected load	HsNE	f
53504projection	HsNj	Z
53505projection report	HsN8	f
53506prolog	HsOb	O
53507prologue	HsOp	X
53508prologue level	HsPA	c
53509prologue table	CjmX	m
53510prom abbreviation	HsPc	t
53511prom programmer	HsQJ	e
53512promissory note	HsQn	e
53513promotion history	HsRF	f
53514prompt	HsRk	4
53515prompt area	HsSc	W
53516prompt facility	HsSy	d
53517prompter	HsTP	Q
53518prompting expression	HsTf	i
53519prompting screen	HsUB	e
53520prone module	C5SD	g
53521prong	HsUf	U
53522proof	F4ns	N
53523proof	HsUz	N
53524proof	JH5h	T
53525proof list	HsVA	V
53526proof total	HsVV	Z
53527propagated error	HsVu	e
53528propagated forecast	HsWM	h
53529propagated requirement	HsWt	k
53530propagating	HsXR	T
53531propagation delay	HsXk	s
53532propagation time	HsYQ	r
53533proper divisor	HsY7	Z
53534proper subset	HsZU	Y
53535property	HsZs	Q
53536property and liability information system	HsZ8	BM
53537property sort	HsbI	b
53538proportional	H2pJ	a
53539proportional band	Hsbj	f
53540proportional control	HscC	i
53541proportional counter	Hsck	o
53542proportional integral	HsdM	m
53543proportional integral and differential	Hsdy	BC
53544proportional integral and differential action	Hse0	BH
53545proportional plus integral controller	Hsf7	/
53546proportional range	Hsg6	g
53547proposed class	Hsh5	c
53548proposed parameter	HsiV	g
53549propositional logic	Hsi1	h
53550proprietary	GddN	W
53551proprietary	HsjW	T
53552proprietary software system	Hsjp	z
53553protect	Hskc	P
53554protect notch	Jnbk	e
53555protect plug	JncC	X
53556protect ring	DSNX	X
53557protect tab	JncZ	w
53558protected	JndJ	a
53559protected disk	Jndj	i
53560protected examinesdeposits	Hskr	w
53561protected field	Hslb	d
53562protected location	Hsl4	t
53563protected mode	Hsml	c
53564protected read or update	HsnB	v
53565protected tab	JneF	h
53566protected update mode	Hsnw	r
53567protected usage mode	Hsob	q
53568protecting	IQCl	V
53569protection	HspF	Z
53570protection	IQC6	V
53571protection address	Hspe	g
53572protection character	Hsp+	i
53573protection code	Hsqg	a
53574protection jamming	IQDP	j
53575protection kernel	Hsq6	f
53576protection key	HsrZ	Z
53577protection label	Jnem	h
53578protection ring	DSNu	a
53579protection voice equipment	E1kU	6
53580protective ground	Hsry	i
53581protective redundancy	HssU	m
53582proto synthesis indexing	Hss6	w
53583proto synthex indexing	Hstq	u
53584protocol	HsuY	BI
53585protocol adapter	F96B	k
53586protocol analysis system	Hsvg	w
53587protocol control information	HswQ	w
53588protocol conversion	HsxA	0
53589protocol converter	Hsx0	p
53590protocol data flow	Hsyd	j
53591protocol data unit	HszA	q
53592protocol data units	Hszq	r
53593protocol discriminator	Hs0V	n
53594protocol error	Hs08	c
53595protocol implementation conformance statement	Hs1Y	BK
53596protocol items	Hs2i	c
53597protocol processing image	Hs2+	3
53598protocol reference model	Hs31	s
53599protocol translation gateway	Hs4h	w
53600prototype	Hs6l	p
53601prototype context	Hs7O	f
53602prototype life cycle	Hs7t	s
53603prototype overlay description language file	Hs8Z	BI
53604prototyping	Hs9h	w
53605prototyping evaluation and programming	Hs+R	BB
53606prototyping kit	Hs/S	g
53607protyping technique	Hs/y	h
53608proving	JEuk	V
53609proving by resolution	I/gj	y
53610proving by resolution refutation	I/hV	BD
53611proving for robot problem solving	I/jH	BH
53612proving machine	I/kO	g
53613proving system	I/ku	i
53614proving time	HtAT	a
53615provisions for verification of teletex terminal co	HtAt	Bh
53616prupose computer	PeP	h
53617prupose controller	Pew	j
53618prupose symbolic instruction code	59l	BV
53619psdu	HtCO	j
53620psect	HtCx	W
53621pseudo bills	HtDH	a
53622pseudo code	HtDh	j
53623pseudo color	HtEE	X
53624pseudo cursor	HtEb	b
53625pseudo device	HtE2	b
53626pseudo instruction	HtFR	g
53627pseudo instruction form	HtFx	r
53628pseudo interrupt device	HtGc	s
53629pseudo language	HtHI	d
53630pseudo random	HtHl	b
53631pseudo random hashing	HtIA	v
53632pseudo random number sequence	HtIv	x
53633pseudo scan code	HtJg	h
53634pseudo sequential file	HtKB	q
53635pseudo tenary code	HtKr	j
53636pseudodisk	HtPA	Y
53637pseudovariable	HtPY	c
53638psiser	HtP0	a
53639psk	HtQO	V
53640pstn	HtQj	d
53641ptt	HtST	j
53642pubication	HtS2	c
53643public access	HtTS	h
53644public address	HtTz	f
53645public communication line	HtUS	t
53646public data network	HtU/	n
53647public disk pack	HtVm	h
53648public disk structure	HtWH	p
53649public drive	HtWw	d
53650public file	HtXN	Z
53651public information file	HtXm	r
53652public key	HtYR	Y
53653public key algorithm	HtYp	s
53654public library automation network	HtZV	BG
53655public limit	Htab	a
53656public line	Hta1	W
53657public matrix	HtbL	b
53658public message service	Htbm	u
53659public mode	HtcU	Z
53660public packet switching network	Htct	+
53661public printer	Htdr	f
53662public resource	HteK	d
53663public structure	Hten	e
53664public support	HtfF	c
53665public switched network	Htfh	r
53666public volumn	HtgM	b
53667public volumn manager	Htgn	v
53668publication board	HthW	h
53669puck	Hth3	P
53670pull operation	HtiG	c
53671pulse	CgLG	c
53672pulse	DELF	W
53673pulse	DtQL	c
53674pulse	DtVn	c
53675pulse	DtW8	c
53676pulse	H5aC	T
53677pulse	H7A/	W
53678pulse	H7AC	Z
53679pulse	H7yX	W
53680pulse	H870	Z
53681pulse	HFh4	O
53682pulse	Htjl	V
53683pulse	JD1h	Z
53684pulse	JI5u	W
53685pulse	JIUz	T
53686pulse	Jm7F	k
53687pulse amplifier	Htj6	j
53688pulse amplitude	Htkd	X
53689pulse amplitude modulation	Htk0	BD
53690pulse code	Htl3	S
53691pulse code modulation	HtmJ	t
53692pulse code modulation amplitude modulation	Htm2	BL
53693pulse code modulation frequency modulation	HtoB	BL
53694pulse code modulation multiplex equipment	HtpM	BJ
53695pulse code modulation switching network	HtqV	BB
53696pulse code modulation switching network system	HtrW	BO
53697pulse code modulation terminal	Htsk	BO
53698pulse combination	DcYj	l
53699pulse compression	Htty	i
53700pulse count modulation	HtuU	u
53701pulse counter	HtvC	h
53702pulse decay	JEu5	f
53703pulse decay time	Htvj	k
53704pulse delay time	HtwH	o
53705pulse delta modulation	Htwv	u
53706pulse dial	Htxd	V
53707pulse distributor	JFEK	o
53708pulse duration	Htxy	c
53709pulse duration modulation	HtyO	BF
53710pulse echo pattern	HtzT	q
53711pulse encode modulation	Htz9	v
53712pulse encoding	Ht0s	f
53713pulse expension line	Ht1L	p
53714pulse forming network	Ht10	t
53715pulse frequency	Ht2h	3
53716pulse frequency distortion analyzer	Ht3Y	Bh
53717pulse frequency diversity	Ht45	x
53718pulse frequency modulation	Ht5q	y
53719pulse gate	Ht6c	l
53720pulse generator	Fb99	p
53721pulse generator	H8Pm	m
53722pulse generator	JFEy	m
53723pulse generator	JGR3	m
53724pulse group repetition rate	Ht7B	0
53725pulse groups per second	Ht71	r
53726pulse height analysis	Ht8g	t
53727pulse height discrimination	Ht9N	1
53728pulse height discriminator	Ht+C	3
53729pulse interference eliminator	Ht+5	4
53730pulse length	Ht/x	k
53731pulse modulation	EyWG	k
53732pulse modulation	HuAV	e
53733pulse modulation	IQDy	h
53734pulse motor	HuAz	Z
53735pulse normalization	HuBM	k
53736pulse phase modulation	HuBw	v
53737pulse position modulation	HuCf	r
53738pulse recording	Ci4S	g
53739pulse regeneration	HuDK	g
53740pulse repetition	H21r	h
53741pulse repetition frequency	HuDq	y
53742pulse repetition rate	HuEc	6
53743pulse reshaping	HuFW	g
53744pulse rise	JEvY	e
53745pulse rise time	HuF2	j
53746pulse shaping	HuGZ	b
53747pulse standardization	HuG0	m
53748pulse string	HuHa	f
53749pulse test	Ikqk	o
53750pulse train	HuH5	e
53751pulse transformer	HuIX	i
53752pulse width	HuI5	n
53753pulsed illumination source	HuRI	y
53754pulsed magnetic field system	HuR6	4
53755pulser	HuSy	R
53756punch	Cngs	W
53757punch	CuCw	Q
53758punch	GrFK	Q
53759punch	H22M	Q
53760punch	HuTD	Z
53761punch	Jn9m	BS
53762punch	Joz7	6
53763punch	JqgU	Q
53764punch card	HuTc	g
53765punch card accounting system	HuT8	BO
53766punch card system	HuVK	j
53767punch card unit	HuVt	x
53768punch control unit	HuWe	t
53769punch editor	Hkrl	h
53770punch off	HuXL	X
53771punch operator	HuXi	Z
53772punch path	HuX7	Z
53773punch position	HuYU	c
53774punch rate	HuYw	V
53775punch station	HuZF	Y
53776punch tape	HuZd	V
53777punch tape reader	HuZy	n
53778punch typewriter	HuaZ	h
53779punch unit	H3Sv	Y
53780punched	FZeb	V
53781punched	Iy8J	S
53782punched card	CkDY	d
53783punched card	CnTz	k
53784punched card	FZew	y
53785punched card	HubX	o
53786punched card data processing	Hub/	4
53787punched card data processing system	Huc3	Bo
53788punched card machine	Huef	j
53789punched card system	HufC	1
53790punched card utility	Huf3	v
53791punched paper	Iy8b	b
53792punched paper tape	Hugm	i
53793punched tape	HuhI	U
53794punched tape reader	Huhc	e
53795punching position	Hujh	f
53796punching rate	HukA	Y
53797punching station	HukY	b
53798purchase	G9Ud	d
53799purchase blanket release detail	Hukz	8
53800purchase content lower levels	Hulv	0
53801purchase content this level	Humj	y
53802purchase entry	HunV	c
53803purchase on order quantity	Hunx	u
53804purchase on order summary	Huof	t
53805purchase option	Hup7	d
53806purchase order	HuqY	p
53807purchase order costs	HurB	o
53808purchase order number	Hurp	p
53809purchase order scrap transaction	HusS	6
53810purchase order status	HutM	p
53811purchase order summary maintenance edit list	Hut1	BS
53812purchase order turnaround file addition	HuvH	BE
53813purchase orders approved for release	HuwL	BE
53814purchase orders closed	HuxP	w
53815purchase orders closedreleased	Hux/	BD
53816purchase orders completed ready for close report	HuzC	BZ
53817purchase orders released	Hu0b	y
53818purchase orders summary	Hu1N	r
53819purchase orders with blanket detail	Hu14	BD
53820purchase orders with chain errors	Hu27	BB
53821purchase planning report	Hu38	s
53822purchase receipt to dock transaction	Hu4o	BH
53823purchase receipt to inspection transaction	Hu5v	BN
53824purchase receipt to stock transaction	Hu68	BI
53825purchase requisition	Hu8E	c
53826purchase um and conversion factor	Hu8g	BF
53827purchase unit of measure	Hu9l	s
53828purchased item	HvAl	c
53829purchasemanufacture	G87i	4
53830purchasemanufacture	G9oQ	5
53831purchasemfg order detail chain validation	Hu/O	BX
53832purchasing	Ev+C	g
53833purchasing	HvBB	S
53834purchasing adjustment	Ev+i	x
53835purchasing constant master	HvBT	u
53836purchasing lead time	HvCB	o
53837purchasing lead time adjustment	HvCp	5
53838purchasing routing file	HvDi	o
53839purchasing um conversion factor	HvEK	BA
53840purchasing unit of measure	HvFK	u
53841pure binary	HvF4	Z
53842pure binary number	HvGR	p
53843pure binary numeration system	HvG6	3
53844pure code	HvHx	R
53845pure generator	HvIC	c
53846pure markov process	HvIe	n
53847pure procedure code	HvJF	h
53848purge	HvJm	U
53849purge code	HvJ6	V
53850purging redundancy	IQET	j
53851purpose	PfT	V
53852purpose arithmetic building block	GGEi	BG
53853purpose communication	GGFo	q
53854purpose communications and signaling	F96l	BK
53855purpose computer	F97v	o
53856purpose computer	Gv9H	h
53857purpose computer	IoAp	h
53858purpose computing system	Ce9B	1
53859purpose connector	CkB9	i
53860purpose identification code	HvKP	BA
53861purpose language	OEk	e
53862purpose language	Pfo	e
53863purpose library	DtDX	g
53864purpose programming language	F98X	+
53865purpose robot	PgG	e
53866push	HvLP	Q
53867push button	HvLf	a
53868push button switch	HvL5	l
53869push down	HvMe	U
53870push down list	HvMy	d
53871push down stack	HvNP	d
53872push down storage	HvNs	m
53873push instruction	BD9S	k
53874push operation	HvOS	c
53875pushdown automation	HvR+	t
53876pushdown dialing	HvSr	e
53877pushdown list	HvTJ	Y
53878pushdown storage	HvTh	l
53879pushdown storagestore	HvUG	k
53880pushdown transducer	HvUq	7
53881pushup list	HvVl	k
53882pushup storage	HvWJ	j
53883pushup storagestore	HvWs	n
53884pyramid	HvX1	Z
53885q	HvZi	L
53886q address	HvZt	y
53887q channel	Hvaf	BR
53888q output	Hvbw	o
53889q output state	HvcY	b
53890q test	Hvcz	Q
53891qcb extension	Hvhu	c
53892qio	HviK	d
53893qlisp	Hvin	t
53894qmangr	Hvj1	n
53895qmg batch job	Hvkc	f
53896qmg print job	Hvk7	f
53897qty ordered	Hvla	Z
53898qty per	Hvlz	V
53899quad	HvmI	BT
53900quad asynchronous local terminal adapter	Hvnb	BS
53901quad bus transceiver inverting	Hvot	BX
53902quad cable	HvqE	Y
53903quad density	Hvqc	o
53904quad synchronous adapter	HvsF	BK
53905quadded cable	Hvxa	6
53906quadded logic	Hvyp	b
53907quadrangle	HvzX	g
53908quadrant	Hvz3	V
53909quadrant multiplier	Gv9o	n
53910quadrant multiplier	Hv0M	k
53911quadrantal symmetry	Hv0w	h
53912quadrate	Hv1R	j
53913quadratic	Hv10	U
53914quadratic approximation	Hv2I	l
53915quadratic arc computer	Hv2t	v
53916quadratic assignment problem	Hv3c	w
53917quadratic convergence	Hv4M	j
53918quadratic criterion integral	Hv4v	z
53919quadratic dual problem	Hv5i	q
53920quadratic equation	Hv6M	j
53921quadratic form	Hv6v	g
53922quadratic function	Hv7P	g
53923quadratic hash	Hv7v	f
53924quadratic minimization problem	Hv8O	1
53925quadratic probing	Hv9D	t
53926quadratic programming	Hv9w	j
53927quadratic quotient search	Hv+T	q
53928quadratic reciprocity law	Hv+9	7
53929quadratic rehash	Hv/4	o
53930quadratic search	HwAg	s
53931quadratic sum	HwBM	Y
53932quadratic surface	HwBk	f
53933quadratically integrable function	HwCD	1
53934quadrature	HwC4	o
53935quadrature amplitude modulation	HwDg	3
53936quadrature amplitude shift keying	HwEX	BU
53937quadrature component	HwFr	w
53938quadrature formula	HwGb	g
53939quadrature mirror filter	HwG7	v
53940quadrature modulation	HwHq	j
53941quadrature phase and amplitude modulation	HwIN	BC
53942quadric	HwKQ	j
53943quadric discriminantor	HwKz	n
53944quadrilateral	HwLa	Y
53945quadrilateral prism	HwLy	k
53946quadrinomial	HwMW	p
53947quadriphase shift keying	HwM/	u
53948quadripole	HwNt	m
53949quadripuntal	HwOT	l
53950quadruple	HwO4	n
53951quadruple address	HwPf	q
53952quadruple diversity operation	HwQJ	x
53953quadruple form	HwQ6	f
53954quadruple length register	HwRZ	w
53955quadruple notation	HwSJ	q
53956quadruple operator	HwSz	j
53957quadruple precision	HwTW	k
53958quadruple processor	HwT6	n
53959quadruple register	HwUh	0
53960quadruple register	HwVV	j
53961quadruple type	HwV4	2
53962quadrupler	HwXg	h
53963quadruplex	HwYB	BB
53964quadruplex system	HwZC	f
53965quadruplex transverse scanning	HwZh	y
53966quadrupling	HwaT	T
53967quadtree	Hwam	Q
53968quadword	Hwa2	9
53969quaint character	Hwbz	s
53970qualification	Hwcf	1
53971qualification	HwdU	V
53972qualification of name	Hwdp	g
53973qualification test	HweJ	3
53974qualification test procedure	HwfA	BI
53975qualification test specification	HwgI	BS
53976qualification testing	Hwha	0
53977qualification time	HwiO	8
53978qualified call	HwjK	c
53979qualified data name	Hwjm	1
53980qualified expression	Hwkz	l
53981qualified file	HwlY	l
53982qualified function	Hwl9	g
53983qualified global name	Hwmd	3
53984qualified job name	HwnU	0
53985qualified name	HQke	f
53986qualified name	HwoI	BA
53987qualified object name	HwpI	BD
53988qualified paragraph name	HwqL	0
53989qualified parts list	Hwq/	9
53990qualified products list desc	Hwr8	BS
53991qualified reference	HwtO	h
53992qualified segment search argument	Hwtv	9
53993qualifier	Hwus	BW
53994qualifier signal	HwwC	e
53995qualify	Hwwg	f
53996qualifying	Hww/	g
53997qualifying connective	Hwxf	3
53998qualifying parameter	HwyW	i
53999qualitative data	Hwy4	e
54000qualitative evaluation	HwzW	x
54001qualitative method	Hw0H	g
54002qualitative operational requirement	Hw0n	7
54003qualitative requirement information	Hw1i	7
54004qualitative theory	Hw2d	g
54005qualitative variable	Hw29	i
54006quality	CjOg	h
54007quality	Hw3f	n
54008quality assurance	Hw4G	i
54009quality assurance acceptance standards	Hw4o	BF
54010quality assurance data system	Hw5t	8
54011quality assurance division	Hw6p	y
54012quality assurance program	Hw7b	x
54013quality assurance test procedure	Hw8M	BZ
54014quality certification system	Hw+s	0
54015quality control	Hw/g	u
54016quality control center	HxAO	u
54017quality control level	HxA8	t
54018quality control operating procedure	HxBp	BC
54019quality control system	HxCr	+
54020quality diagnostics	HxDp	h
54021quality engineering	HxEK	h
54022quality examination program	HxEr	z
54023quality factor	HxFe	w
54024quality index	HxGO	e
54025quality index of a channel	HxGs	BC
54026quality information	HxHu	h
54027quality insurance chain	HxIP	s
54028quality insurance system	HxI7	BE
54029quality metric	HxJ/	c
54030quality monitor console	HxKb	s
54031quality of connection	HxLH	x
54032quality printer	EyhT	m
54033quality printing	GQre	q
54034quality products list	HxL4	t
54035quality reporting system	HxMl	w
54036quality requirement	HxNV	k
54037quality verification	HxN5	s
54038quality verification test	HxOl	x
54039quanity received in inspection	HxPW	y
54040quanta	HxQI	O
54041quantic	HxQW	Y
54042quantification	HxQu	W
54043quantification theory	HxRE	j
54044quantified system analysis	HxRn	u
54045quantifier	HxSV	S
54046quantile	HxTM	T
54047quantily per	HxTf	a
54048quantitative	HxT5	X
54049quantitative computer management	HxUQ	7
54050quantitative management method	HxVL	y
54051quantitative theory	HxV9	h
54052quantitative variable	HxWe	j
54053quantity	HxXB	BG
54054quantity adjusted this month or period	HxYH	BD
54055quantity adjusted this period	HxZK	x
54056quantity allocated	HxbF	g
54057quantity and transaction amount	Hxbl	2
54058quantity available	Hxcb	j
54059quantity break	Hxc+	c
54060quantity break points	Hxda	m
54061quantity breakdown	HxeA	g
54062quantity complete current operation	Hxeg	9
54063quantity complete previous operation	Hxfd	+
54064quantity completed	Hxgb	j
54065quantity deviation	Hxg+	g
54066quantity discount	Hxhe	f
54067quantity in splits	Hxh9	j
54068quantity issued	Hxig	g
54069quantity issued this month or period	HxjA	BB
54070quantity issued this period	HxkB	v
54071quantity issued this year	Hxkw	t
54072quantity limit	Hxld	c
54073quantity of components per parent	Hxl5	4
54074quantity on hand	Hxmx	e
54075quantity on order	HxnP	f
54076quantity on this release	Hxnu	s
54077quantity open	Hxoa	e
54078quantity ordered	Hxo4	h
54079quantity per assembly	HxpZ	p
54080quantity per unit	HxqC	i
54081quantity price break information	Hxqk	6
54082quantity price file	Hxre	k
54083quantity received	HxsC	f
54084quantity received at dock	Hxsh	w
54085quantity received this month or period	HxtR	BD
54086quantity received this period	HxuU	x
54087quantity received to stock	HxvF	u
54088quantity required	Hxwb	f
54089quantity requnit	Hxvz	o
54090quantity scrapped	Hxw6	f
54091quantity short	Hxx3	c
54092quantity sold	HxyT	b
54093quantity sold this month or period	Hxyu	/
54094quantity sold this period	Hxzt	t
54095quantity sold this year	Hx0a	r
54096quantity to inspection	Hx1p	n
54097quantity unissued	Hx2Q	i
54098quantity used this month or period	Hx2y	/
54099quantity used this period	Hx3x	t
54100quantity used this year	Hx4e	r
54101quantity variance	Hx5J	f
54102quantization	Hx5o	f
54103quantization distortion	Hx6H	z
54104quantization error	Hx66	g
54105quantization noise	Hx7a	g
54106quantization uncertainty	Hx76	s
54107quantize	Hx8m	BI
54108quantized amplitude modulation	Hx9u	w
54109quantized analog data	Hx+e	p
54110quantized interval	Hx/H	g
54111quantized probability design	Hx/n	0
54112quantized pulse position modulation	HyAb	8
54113quantized pulsed amplitude modulation	HyBX	+
54114quantizer	HyCV	0
54115quantizer noise	HyDJ	g
54116quantizer threshold spacing	HyDp	BN
54117quantizing	HyE2	S
54118quantizing distortion	HyFI	x
54119quantizing error	HyF5	6
54120quantizing noise	HyGz	e
54121quantizing uncertainty or error	HyHR	8
54122quantum	HyIN	1
54123quantum clock	HyJC	Y
54124quantum counter	HyJa	j
54125quantum electronics	HyJ9	k
54126quantum number	HyKh	Z
54127quantum of time	HyK6	o
54128quantum theory	HyLi	Z
54129quantum time	HyL7	a
54130quarter adder	HyMV	k
54131quarter wave line	HyM5	o
54132quarter wave plate	HyNh	t
54133quarter word	HyOO	g
54134quarterly progress report	HyQK	x
54135quarternary operator	HyQ7	l
54136quartet	HyRg	V
54137quartic	HyR1	S
54138quartic equation	HySH	e
54139quartile	HySl	W
54140quartz	HyS7	W
54141quartz crystal	HyTR	f
54142quartz crystal filter	HyTw	w
54143quartz crystal frequency oscillator	HyUg	BF
54144quartz oscillator	HyXF	i
54145quartz thermometer	HyXn	j
54146quasi	HyYK	Z
54147quasi conductor	HyYj	a
54148quasi coordinates	HyY9	c
54149quasi order	HyZZ	T
54150quasilinear	HyqS	c
54151quasiparticle	Hyqu	Y
54152quasistable state	HyrG	t
54153quasistable state	Hyrz	i
54154quasivariable	HysV	j
54155quaterdenary	Hys4	d
54156quaternary	HytV	Y
54157quaternary center	Hytt	t
54158quaternary logic	Hyua	h
54159quaternary operator	Hyu7	k
54160quaternary read only memory	Hyvf	1
54161quaternary signaling	HywU	7
54162quaternion	HyxP	V
54163que	Hyxk	Y
54164queens function	Hyx8	d
54165quench	HyyZ	W
54166quench pulse	Hyyv	b
54167quenching frequency	HyzK	BK
54168queried access	Hy0U	w
54169query	Hy1E	t
54170query and reporting processor	Hy1x	BY
54171query by example	Hy3J	BH
54172query complexity	Hy4Q	y
54173query complexity degree	Hy5C	s
54174query decomposition	Hy5u	h
54175query evaluation and search technique	Hy6P	BI
54176query evaluatioon algorithm	Hy7X	BD
54177query facility	Hy8a	i
54178query generation language	Hy88	t
54179query header	Hy9p	o
54180query interactive processor	Hy+R	BO
54181query language	Hy/f	z
54182query language development	HzAS	u
54183query language processor	HzBA	z
54184query language semantics	HzBz	v
54185query languagecics a mark iv feature	HzCi	BY
54186query languagedc a mark iv feature	HzD6	BU
54187query languageintercomm a mark iv feature	HzFO	Bm
54188query languageone	HzG0	n
54189query management facility	HzHb	x
54190query mode	HzIM	Y
54191query modification	HzIk	g
54192query name	HzJE	Y
54193query normalization	HzJc	n
54194query optimization	HzKD	j
54195query processing	HzKm	e
54196query processing subsystem	HzLE	x
54197query reply	HzL1	Z
54198query reply mode	HzMO	k
54199query similarity	HzMy	1
54200query specification	HzNn	h
54201query station	HzOI	j
54202query time	HzOr	m
54203query translator	HzPR	1
54204query type	HzQG	Y
54205querying database	HzSa	i
54206queryreport writer	HzQe	u
54207queryupdate extension to system 2000	HzRM	BO
54208questel	I3fM	k
54209question	HzS8	b
54210question and answer	HzUZ	i
54211question and answer system	HzU7	o
54212question and answering	HzVj	q
54213question answer	HzWN	a
54214question answer system	HzWn	k
54215question answering 3	HzXL	r
54216question answering system	HzX2	BG
54217question file	HzY8	b
54218question logical formulation	HzZX	z
54219question mark	HzaK	V
54220question vector	Hzaf	d
54221questionaire	Hza8	X
54222questionnaire	HzbT	V
54223queu hash table	Hzbo	k
54224queu search limit	HzcM	9
54225queue	HzlS	BW
54226queue	ID8c	f
54227queue	ID9p	f
54228queue access	Hzmo	d
54229queue access method	HznF	/
54230queue adjustment	HzoE	k
54231queue alpha factor	Hzoo	s
54232queue analyzer system	HzpU	z
54233queue channel	JdAZ	h
54234queue control	HzqH	b
54235queue control block	Hzqi	BX
54236queue control block	JbIF	v
54237queue control record	Hzr5	s
54238queue control task block	Hzsl	v
54239queue data set	HztU	f
54240queue descriptor	Hztz	1
54241queue descriptor block	Hzuo	r
54242queue directory	HzvT	d
54243queue discipline	Hzvw	s
54244queue element	Hzwc	p
54245queue element control block	HzxF	0
54246queue elements	Hzx5	j
54247queue empty	Hzyc	Z
54248queue executive interface	Hzy1	x
54249queue file	Hzzm	q
54250queue front	Hz0Q	Z
54251queue full	Hz0p	Y
54252queue header	Hz1B	o
54253queue input output	Hz1p	q
54254queue length	Hz2x	i
54255queue link word	Hz3T	g
54256queue linkage entry	Hz3z	/
54257queue mad	Hz4y	a
54258queue management	Hz5M	e
54259queue manager	Hz5q	s
54260queue name	Hz6W	V
54261queue object	Hz6r	a
54262queue of interrupt	Hz7F	u
54263queue pointer	Hz7z	s
54264queue priority	Hz8f	p
54265queue rear	Hz9I	m
54266queue register	Hz9u	f
54267queue request	Hz+N	b
54268queue search limit	Hz/E	q
54269queue semaphore	Hz/u	n
54270queue size	H0AV	3
54271queue slice	H0BM	W
54272queue state of task	H0Bi	q
54273queue structure	H0CM	k
54274queue table	H0Cw	h
54275queue table	HCxw	c
54276queue thread	H0DR	a
54277queue type	H0Dr	m
54278queue work file	H0ER	j
54279queued access method	H0Fu	l
54280queued access methods	H0GT	3
54281queued bind	H0HK	l
54282queued cinit	H0Hv	m
54283queued communication interface	H0IV	y
54284queued content addressed memory	H0JH	/
54285queued control	H0KG	c
54286queued file	H0Ki	Z
54287queued file access	H0K7	m
54288queued for connection	H0Lh	p
54289queued for logon	H0MK	k
54290queued indexed access memory	H0Mu	+
54291queued indexed access method	H0Ns	7
54292queued indexed sequential access method	H0On	BK
54293queued logon request	H0Px	o
54294queued printing services	H0QZ	y
54295queued sequentail access method	H0RL	7
54296queued sequential access method	H0SG	Ba
54297queued session	H0Tg	j
54298queued telecommunication access method	H0UD	BF
54299queued telecommunications access method	H0VI	B6
54300queued teleprocessing access method	H0XC	BF
54301queued terminal access method	H0YH	BQ
54302queued transaction handling	H0ZX	BH
54303queueing	HzdJ	S
54304queueing analysis	Hzdb	h
54305queueing behavior	Hzd8	v
54306queueing buffer	H0ae	x
54307queueing delay	Hzer	e
54308queueing delay time	H0bP	n
54309queueing description	HzfJ	k
54310queueing discipline	H0b2	h
54311queueing discipline	Hzft	j
54312queueing list	H0cX	Y
54313queueing logic	HzgQ	e
54314queueing mechanism	H0cv	u
54315queueing message	H0dd	s
54316queueing model	Hzgu	e
54317queueing network model	H0eJ	u
54318queueing network model	HzhM	s
54319queueing problem	H0e3	e
54320queueing process	Hzh4	g
54321queueing register	HziY	k
54322queueing routine	Hzi8	g
54323queueing semaphore	Hzjc	p
54324queueing system	HzkF	x
54325queueing theory	Hzk2	c
54326queuing	H0fV	P
54327queuing	I//B	S
54328queuing delay	H0fk	b
54329queuing discipline	H0f/	g
54330queuing method	H0gf	c
54331queuing specification	H0g7	j
54332queuing system	H0he	c
54333queuing theory	H0h6	q
54334queuing time	H0ik	a
54335quibinary	H0i+	m
54336quibinary code	H0jk	Bk
54337quibinary coded decimal notation	H0lI	BF
54338quibinary notation	H0mN	l
54339quick	H0my	g
54340quick access	H0nS	o
54341quick access generator	H0n6	BH
54342quick acting	H0pB	d
54343quick and effective system of enhance retrieval	H0pe	Bg
54344quick and effective system to enhance retrieval	H0q+	Bg
54345quick break	H0se	Z
54346quick cell	H0s3	Y
54347quick cell facility	H0tP	n
54348quick closedown	H0uc	r
54349quick dependable communication	H0vH	2
54350quick detachable	H0v9	n
54351quick diagnostic debugging program	H0wk	BD
54352quick disconnect	H0xn	s
54353quick disconnection	H0yT	BA
54354quick draw graphics system	H0zT	z
54355quick editor	H00G	l
54356quick fit method	H00r	h
54357quick fortran	H01M	s
54358quick guide	H014	Z
54359quick help	H02R	e
54360quick indexed sequential access method	H02v	BK
54361quick initialization	H035	l
54362quick inquiry processor	H04e	BK
54363quick knockdown	H05o	h
54364quick loading	H06J	e
54365quick look and checkout system	H06n	3
54366quick printer	H08Z	e
54367quick processing	H083	v
54368quick reaction	H09m	f
54369quick reaction communication	H0+F	0
54370quick recall diagram	H0+5	v
54371quick recovery	H0/o	BB
54372quick relocate and link	H1Ap	BP
54373quick response	H1B4	c
54374quick response targeting program	H1CU	BF
54375quick sort	H1DZ	m
54376quick sort program	H1D/	m
54377quick sort scheme	H1El	l
54378quick start	H1FK	Z
54379quick switching	H1Fj	d
54380quick system programming language	H1GA	BG
54381quick text editor	H1HG	v
54382quick translator	H1H1	u
54383quiesce	H1QI	P
54384quiesce at end of chain	H1QX	1
54385quiesce communication	H1RM	j
54386quiesce protocol	H1Rv	e
54387quiescent	H1UO	j
54388quiescent carrier modulation	H1Ux	w
54389quiescent carrier transmission	H1Vh	y
54390quiescent condition	H1WT	h
54391quiescent current	H1W0	f
54392quiescent operating point	H1XT	q
54393quiescent point	H1X9	X
54394quiescent state	H1YU	X
54395quiescent time	H1Yr	6
54396quiese complete	H1Zl	s
54397quiesing	H1aR	BU
54398quiet	H1bl	BM
54399quiet automatic volume control	H1cx	BA
54400quiet error	H1dx	n
54401quiet point	H1eY	W
54402quiet recording mode	H1eu	o
54403quieting	H1fW	a
54404quikjob	H1fw	w
54405quill	H1gg	T
54406quinary	H1gz	V
54407quinary code	H1hI	a
54408quinary digit	H1hi	e
54409quinary notation	H1iA	4
54410quindenary	H1i4	b
54411quintet	H1k2	g
54412quintic	H1lW	P
54413quintic curve	H1ll	b
54414quintic equation	H1mA	e
54415quintuple	H1me	BD
54416quintuple form	H1nh	f
54417quintuple turing computable function	H1oA	Bk
54418quintuple turing machine	H1pk	s
54419quintupler	H1qQ	i
54420quintuplicate	H1qy	3
54421quintupling	H1rp	a
54422quit	H1sD	U
54423quite	H1sX	d
54424quodata management system	H1tM	0
54425quolst	H1uA	U
54426quota	H1uU	o
54427quota input processor	H1u8	x
54428quotation	H1vt	BA
54429quotation extended description	H1wt	y
54430quotation mark	H1xf	W
54431quotation marks	H1x1	Z
54432quotation master	H1yO	e
54433quotation record	H1ys	h
54434quotation request	H1zN	Z
54435quote	H1zm	Ba
54436quote character	H11A	d
54437quote image	H11d	1
54438quote mark	H12S	S
54439quote symbol	H12k	o
54440quoted lead time	H13M	k
54441quoted string	H13w	+
54442quotient	GHbe	a
54443quotient	H15N	m
54444quotient	H5s0	c
54445quotient address	H15z	b
54446quotient address operand	H16O	s
54447quotient algebra	H166	e
54448quotient counter	H17Y	l
54449quotient graph	H179	W
54450quotient group	H18T	W
54451quotient register	GHb4	BX
54452quotient register	H18p	f
54453quotient string	H19I	X
54454quotient tree	H19f	c
54455quoting	H1/O	X
54456quwei code	H1/l	V
54457qwerty keyboard	H1/6	z
54458qwertz arrangement	H2At	/
54459qy wrong	H2Bs	W
54460race	H2E5	M
54461race condiction	H2FF	d
54462race condition	H2Fi	p
54463rack	H2GL	M
54464radial serial protocol	H2Gq	BG
54465radial transfer	H2Hw	g
54466radian	H2IQ	O
54467radiated power	C2Yq	u
54468radio button	H2Ie	d
54469radio frequency	H2I7	a
54470radio typewriter	H2J7	s
54471radio window	H2Kn	d
54472radius	H2Ls	O
54473radix	H2L6	N
54474radix	ICJs	W
54475radix	ICKC	T
54476radix complement	CXmw	k
54477radix complement	H2MH	e
54478radix conversion	H2NB	e
54479radix notation	DW9Y	l
54480radix notation	F0Za	1
54481radix notation	H2Nf	c
54482radix notation system	F0aP	p
54483radix number	F0a4	d
54484radix number	H2N7	X
54485radix numeration	DW99	n
54486radix numeration system	DW+k	x
54487radix numeration system	F0bV	r
54488radix numeration system	H2OS	r
54489radix point	H2O9	W
54490radix scale	DW/V	i
54491radix scale	H2PT	t
54492radix sort	H2QA	Y
54493ragged	H2SG	R
54494rain barrel effect	H2Sr	g
54495rainbow	H2TL	S
54496rajchman selection swith	H2Td	BF
54497random access	H2Ui	b
54498random access block	H2U9	1
54499random access by hashing	H2Vy	v
54500random access by key	H2Wh	o
54501random access by record file address	H2XJ	BB
54502random access by relative record number	H2YK	BH
54503random access memory	H2ZR	Ba
54504random access memory	HymG	u
54505random access method of accounting and control	H2ar	BR
54506random access storage device	H2b8	2
54507random counter	H2cy	f
54508random error	H2dR	a
54509random logic	H2dr	a
54510random noise	H2eF	a
54511random number	H2ef	Y
54512random number sequence	H2e3	n
54513random number sequence	HtOE	q
54514random processing	H2hD	f
54515random selection	H2hi	e
54516random sequence of number	Hym0	w
54517random signal	H2iA	b
54518random variation	H2ib	e
54519randomization	H2md	Y
54520range	H2m1	Z
54521range aid to navigation	Ij9h	s
54522range finder	H2nO	X
54523range forecast	FG6u	c
54524range laser link	FG7K	t
54525range laser sonar	Ij+N	l
54526range navigation	FG73	h
54527range navigation	Ij+y	e
54528range network	FG8Y	e
54529range network	Ij/Q	e
54530range plan	FG82	Y
54531range radionavigation	Ij/u	s
54532range recording and monitoring system	Jgha	BC
54533range requirements	FG9O	k
54534range search	FG9y	e
54535range search system	Jgic	n
54536range specification	H2nl	h
54537range variable	H2oG	c
54538rank	H2pj	Q
54539rank process	DUBc	g
54540raster	H2q5	V
54541raster display	H2rO	f
54542raster graphics	H2rt	q
54543raster image processor	H2sX	3
54544raster plotter	H2tO	f
54545raster to vector	H2tt	k
54546raster unit	H2uR	Z
54547rate	JCTi	S
54548rate measuring equipment	C5Sj	v
54549rate of information throughput	H2uq	z
54550rate sensor	WN1	j
54551rate speed	H2vd	Y
54552rate threshold	DJUl	f
54553rate word	DKvR	a
54554ratio	H24N	T
54555ratio combiner	FgA8	i
54556rational approximation	H2+e	n
54557rational formula	ISIq	v
54558rational number	H2/F	a
54559raw data	H2/f	W
54560raw event	H2/1	X
54561ray	DbHx	T
54562ray	JKXq	U
54563ray device	Hf7E	h
54564ray emission gauge	Jn+4	p
54565ray tube	Cs+u	f
54566ray tube	Iq9F	Z
54567ray tube	Jn/h	f
54568ray tubes	DL4s	d
54569rc paper	H3AM	W
54570rcb	H3Ai	Y
54571rci	H3A6	b
54572rdu	H3BV	h
54573rdu commands	H3B2	X
54574reachable node	H3EM	i
54575read	DsqA	Y
54576read	H22c	P
54577read	H3Eu	Z
54578read access type	H3FH	k
54579read crossfeed	Jnif	c
54580read flow sheet	H1O6	g
54581read function	IH0B	l
54582read head	H3GB	R
54583read head	Hirc	U
54584read head	JnfH	U
54585read lock state	C8Ze	s
54586read lock state	IgyT	m
54587read modified operation	H3GS	r
54588read modify write	H3G9	f
54589read only memory	H3Hc	1
54590read operation	H3IR	c
54591read operation	IeW3	f
54592read path	H3It	Y
54593read pulse	Dnu8	Y
54594read pulse	Du1X	Y
54595read pulse	H3JF	Y
54596read rate	H3J4	U
54597read receipt	H3KM	a
54598read sharing	H3Km	a
54599read station	H3LA	X
54600read time	H3LX	X
54601read while writing	H3Lu	g
54602readable	CH2y	c
54603readable	jmu	W
54604readable catalogue	FNVz	r
54605readable data files	FNWe	y
54606readable information	FNXQ	s
54607readable medium	FNX8	2
54608reader	Do5P	j
54609reader	FPzl	g
54610reader	H3WQ	h
54611reader electronic device	DOLO	0
54612reader table	H3Wx	a
54613readiness	H8u/	X
54614readiness review	H3ae	e
54615reading	H3a8	P
54616reading	IQE2	P
54617reading	JnuT	V
54618reading brush	H3bL	Y
54619reading mechanism	H3bj	f
54620reading rate	H3cC	X
54621reading station	H3cZ	u
54622readwrite head	H3VK	c
54623ready	CH/L	W
54624ready	H3dH	U
54625ready condition	H3db	d
54626ready for sending	H3d4	f
54627ready lead	CH/h	h
54628ready lead	CIAC	h
54629ready list	H3eX	V
54630ready mode	H3es	a
54631ready program	Gddj	e
54632ready prompt	H3fG	g
54633ready to receive	H3fm	o
54634real	JEv2	M
54635real address	H3gO	X
54636real file	H3gl	X
54637real filestore	H3g8	f
54638real number	H3hb	T
54639real storage	H3hu	a
54640real system environment	H3iI	r
54641real time	H3iz	R
54642real time	ISJZ	U
54643real time and delayed time	H3jE	r
54644real time conversion subsystem	GdeB	9
54645real time input	H3jv	d
54646real time monitor	H3kM	i
54647real time operating system	FxWy	7
54648real time output	H3ku	e
54649real time processing	H3lM	i
54650real time processing	ISJt	l
54651real time simulation	H3lu	i
54652real time system	Gde+	h
54653real time system	H3mQ	e
54654real type	H3mu	d
54655realization	H3to	d
54656realm	H3uF	N
54657realm currency indicator	H3uS	v
54658rearrange	H3vB	R
54659reassembly	H3vS	c
54660reaster display device	H3vu	q
54661recall	H27o	R
54662recall index	H3wY	a
54663recall ration	H3wy	Y
54664receipt	H3xK	R
54665receive control message	H3xb	r
54666receive control text item	H3yG	w
54667receive data buffer	H3y2	u
54668receive data request	ITV6	w
54669receive only	H3zk	c
54670receive sequence number	H30A	w
54671receive set	sXS	j
54672receive state variable	H30w	v
54673received data	H33P	e
54674received data circuit	H33t	p
54675received data lead	H34W	m
54676receiver	D7qu	f
54677receiver	H348	V
54678receiver	sX1	j
54679receiver not ready	H35R	m
54680receiver only tape reperforator	H353	+
54681receiver queue	H361	f
54682receiver ready	H37U	f
54683receiving entity	H38T	b
54684receiving margin	H38u	e
54685receiving transport entity	H39M	x
54686recently used memory	ExDX	4
54687receptacle	H3+Y	S
54688recipient	H3/Q	e
54689reciprocal network	Gdff	j
54690reciprocal polynomial	H3/u	m
54691recirculating memory	H4AU	i
54692recognition	H4BF	T
54693recognition gate	H4BY	b
54694recognition system	Heqe	v
54695recognized private operation agency	H4EQ	BD
54696recommendation	H4FT	b
54697recompaction	H4Fu	a
54698reconfiguration	H4GI	a
54699record	GdgC	f
54700record	H4Gi	Q
54701record access block	H4Gy	o
54702record access mode	H4Ha	j
54703record access mode switching	H4H9	z
54704record access stream	H4Iw	l
54705record access type	H4JV	m
54706record area	H4J7	Z
54707record block	H4KU	X
54708record blocking	H4Kr	d
54709record cell	H4LI	Z
54710record collection	H4Lh	f
54711record control	IDv4	c
54712record control block	H4MA	l
54713record control scehdule	H4Ml	l
54714record data structure	EhsU	v
54715record definition	H4NK	f
54716record description entry	H4Np	p
54717record file address	H4OS	o
54718record format	H4O6	b
54719record format overhead	H4PV	z
54720record gap	H4QI	a
54721record head	H4Qi	W
54722record header	H4Q4	b
54723record id access	H4Rx	k
54724record identifier	H4SV	i
54725record identity number	H4S3	n
54726record instance	H4Te	d
54727record io	H4RT	e
54728record key	H4T7	V
54729record layout	H4UQ	b
54730record length	H4Ur	b
54731record list	H4VG	Z
54732record location mode	H4Vf	o
54733record locking	H4WH	j
54734record management	H4Wq	f
54735record management services	H4XJ	4
54736record manager	H4YB	i
54737record mark	H4Yj	Z
54738record mark	JXhX	f
54739record message	H4Y8	c
54740record number	H4ZY	b
54741record occurrence	H4Zz	f
54742record operation	H4aS	e
54743record position	H4aw	d
54744record reference vector	H4bN	v
54745record resolved index	H4b8	j
54746record segment	H4cf	c
54747record selection expression	H4c7	q
54748record separator	H4dl	h
54749record storage cell	H4eG	n
54750record storage mark	H4et	n
54751record stream	H4fU	Y
54752record string	C8MD	e
54753record transfer mode	H4fs	o
54754record type	H4gU	j
54755record type currency indicator	H4g3	7
54756recording	Hg1F	j
54757recording density	H4oF	f
54758recording head	H4ok	Z
54759recording trunk	H4o9	d
54760recourse	Gdgh	W
54761recourse	H4p9	T
54762recover	H4qQ	P
54763recoverable read error rate	Gdg3	/
54764recovery	H4qf	X
54765recovery	IQFF	T
54766recovery control file	ElnF	s
54767recovery unit	H4q2	b
54768rectangular arrays	H4sH	g
54769rectangular hysteresis loop	H4sn	s
54770rectangular loop	H4tT	e
54771rectifier	H4tx	U
54772recurrence formula	H4ud	g
54773recurrence relation	H4u9	h
54774recurrent code	H4ve	Z
54775recursive	H4v3	l
54776recursive function	H4wc	g
54777recursive macro call	H4w8	l
54778recursive procedure	H4xh	h
54779recursive routine	H4yC	f
54780recursive scan	GZf0	g
54781recursive subroutine	H4yh	l
54782recursive substitute	H4zG	i
54783recursively defined sequence	H4zo	z
54784redact	H41d	O
54785redaction	H41r	U
54786redirection table	H41/	i
54787redisign	H42h	W
54788redline characteristic	H423	k
54789redlining	H43b	b
54790redtape operation	BEso	m
54791reduce conflit	IiP+	i
54792reduce machine	IiQg	f
54793reduce method	IiQ/	e
54794reduce parser	IiRd	n
54795reduced echelon form	H432	o
54796reduced floe table	H44e	j
54797reduced view	H45B	a
54798reducible polynomial	H45b	l
54799reduction operation	H46A	h
54800redundancy	H47v	c
54801redundancy bit	H48L	c
54802redundancy character	H48n	i
54803redundancy check	H49J	e
54804redundant check	H49n	d
54805redundant segment	Gdh2	f
54806redundant term	H4+E	Z
54807reel	H4+5	M
54808reel file control	GGGS	r
54809reel labelled file	F992	v
54810reel marker	CyMy	Z
54811reel marker	CycR	i
54812reel unlabelled file	F9+l	x
54813reenterable code	H4/n	b
54814reenterable load module	H5AC	o
54815reenterable program	H5Aq	k
54816reenterant programming	H5BO	n
54817reenterant subroutine	H5B1	p
54818reentrant	Hynk	U
54819reentrant program	H5Ce	f
54820reentry point	H5C9	Y
54821refective program	IQFY	i
54822referable object	H5DV	k
54823reference	B009	a
54824reference	B2kx	a
54825reference	DthI	d
54826reference	Ghq8	X
54827reference	H4kW	X
54828reference	H5D5	t
54829reference	IQF6	f
54830reference	JEwC	X
54831reference address	H5Em	c
54832reference axis	H5FC	Z
54833reference bit	H5Fb	b
54834reference configuration	H5F2	l
54835reference counter	H5Gb	i
54836reference designators	H5G9	j
54837reference edge	H5Hg	Z
54838reference field	H5IS	a
54839reference format	H5Is	e
54840reference id	H5JK	d
54841reference instruction	Fmjv	p
54842reference level	H5Jn	d
54843reference model	H5KE	d
54844reference model for open system interconnection	H5Kh	BV
54845reference modulation	DW/3	o
54846reference noise	H5L2	d
54847reference number	H5MT	e
54848reference object	H5Mx	e
54849reference point	H5NP	a
54850reference record	H5Om	e
54851reference recording	Gd4G	k
54852reference recording	GdoS	Bm
54853reference recording	H8jV	k
54854reference supply	H5PE	e
54855reference table or listing	B2lL	0
54856reference time	H5Pi	c
54857reference vector	H5P+	e
54858reference volume	H5Qc	b
54859referential structure	IQGZ	m
54860refereshed dynamic memory	IQG/	6
54861refile	H5Rf	O
54862reflectance	H275	c
54863reflectance ratio	H5Rt	c
54864reflected binary code	H5TI	m
54865reflected code	H5UV	Z
54866reflection	Du1v	V
54867reflection coefficient	H5Uu	k
54868reflective marker	H5VS	f
54869reflesh memory	H5Vx	h
54870reflesh operation	H5WS	f
54871reflexive join	H5Wx	c
54872reformat	H5XN	W
54873refresh	H5Xj	W
54874refresh rate	H5X5	X
54875refresh screen	H5YQ	c
54876refreshing the screen	H5Ys	j
54877regenerate	H5ZP	S
54878regeneration period	H5Zh	h
54879regenerative	H3OZ	a
54880regenerative	JIIu	X
54881regenerative connection	H5aV	l
54882regenerative feedback	H5a6	j
54883regenerative read	H5bd	f
54884regenerative repeater	H5b8	m
54885regenerative storage	H5ci	i
54886regenerative track	H5dE	d
54887regime	H5dh	U
54888region	H5d1	O
54889region of interest	H5eD	k
54890region operation	F9/W	1
54891regional address	H5en	g
54892regional center	H5fH	d
54893register	CodH	f
54894register	H5fk	e
54895register	xlt	m
54896register deferred indexed mode	H5gC	BB
54897register deferred mode	H5hD	z
54898register drive	H5h2	i
54899register generator	IiSE	w
54900register length	H5iY	g
54901register machine	GGG9	k
54902register mode	H5i4	e
54903register pair	H5jW	e
54904register transfer	H5j0	i
54905registered operating system	IQH5	y
54906registered technology	IQIr	m
54907registration	H5xu	U
54908regression analysis	H5yC	h
54909regression curve	H5yj	e
54910regular binary	H5zB	h
54911regular graph	E4cR	b
54912regular mesh point	H5zi	j
54913regular organization	H50F	i
54914regulation	H50n	c
54915regulation	IQKF	V
54916regulation algebra	H51D	g
54917regulation calulus	H51j	j
54918regulation file	H52b	a
54919regulation gate	H521	n
54920regulation structured processes	H53c	z
54921rejection filter	0KD	h
54922rel file	H54n	c
54923related	FItl	S
54924related	JFFY	b
54925related data file	H55D	i
54926related dictionary	H55l	g
54927related information	DSOI	n
54928related main storage data base	GeJj	BB
54929related main storage data base	I7tN	+
54930related running balance	JFFz	3
54931relation	H56F	T
54932relation condition	H56Y	g
54933relation expression	H564	o
54934relation table	H57g	Z
54935relational call interface	H575	x
54936relational data base	FxMs	r
54937relational data model	H58q	s
54938relational database	H59W	n
54939relational database operator	H599	BA
54940relational expression	H5+9	g
54941relational join operation	H5/d	w
54942relational operation	H6AN	l
54943relational operator	H6Ay	h
54944relational operators	H6BT	o
54945relative	H6B7	Q
54946relative	JJT5	c
54947relative accuracy	H6CL	i
54948relative address	H6Ct	e
54949relative address	IL5a	h
54950relative address	IQKa	h
54951relative addressing	IQK7	k
54952relative coding	H6DL	d
54953relative command	H6Do	e
54954relative computer	IQLf	l
54955relative coordinate	H6EG	h
54956relative entropy	H6En	b
54957relative error	H6FC	c
54958relative file	H6Fe	Y
54959relative file organization	H6F2	r
54960relative instruction	H6Gh	i
54961relative key	H6HD	X
54962relative level	H6Ha	c
54963relative location	H6H2	f
54964relative organization	H6IV	j
54965relative path name	H6I4	5
54966relative placement	H6Jx	g
54967relative point	H6KR	Z
54968relative record number	H6Kq	q
54969relative redundancy	H6LU	h
54970relative subroutine	IQME	n
54971relative time	H6L1	b
54972relative transmission level	H6MQ	v
54973relative value	H6M/	Z
54974relative vector	H6NY	d
54975relative volume table	H6N1	n
54976relaxation	H6Oc	S
54977relay	H6Ou	e
54978relay center	H6PM	a
54979relay interface	H6Pm	d
54980relay selector	Pgk	o
54981release	H6RS	W
54982release complete message	H6Ro	s
54983release connextion	H6SU	a
54984release control	FZfi	j
54985release key	H6Su	W
54986release latch	H1Pa	u
54987release memory	H6TE	c
54988release message	H6Tg	d
54989release note	H6T9	n
54990release quiesce	H6Uk	o
54991release space	H6VM	b
54992release value	GLD5	Y
54993relevance	H28V	U
54994relevance ratio	H6Vn	a
54995reliability	H6WB	g
54996relocatabe code	H6W2	g
54997relocatabe routine	H6XW	m
54998relocatability	H6X8	c
54999relocatable	H6YY	c
55000relocatable	H9kC	f
55001relocatable address	H6Y0	k
55002relocatable addresses	H6ZY	p
55003relocatable control section	H6aB	y
55004relocatable object module	H6az	z
55005relocatable program	H6bm	k
55006relocate	H6cK	k
55007relocating loader	H6cu	l
55008relocating program	IQMr	3
55009relocation	IQNi	f
55010relocation counter	H6dT	m
55011relocation dictionary	H6d5	m
55012remacp	H6ef	t
55013remainder	H6fM	R
55014remainder theorem	H6fd	f
55015remanent point	H6f8	Z
55016remark	H6gV	Z
55017remedial maintenance	H6gu	i
55018reminder	H6hQ	W
55019remington rand code	H6hm	e
55020remote	H6iE	f
55021remote accecss	H6ij	c
55022remote access	H6i/	b
55023remote batch	H6ja	z
55024remote batch entry	H6kN	m
55025remote batch processing	H6kz	r
55026remote command terminal	H6le	u
55027remote computing	H6mM	e
55028remote control equipment	H6mq	m
55029remote control unit	FxNX	q
55030remote data concentrator	H6nQ	v
55031remote data terminal equipment	H6n/	4
55032remote database	H6o3	g
55033remote device	H6pX	b
55034remote graphics instruction set	H6py	8
55035remote job entry	H6qu	7
55036remote job entry rje	H6rp	q
55037remote key	H6sT	V
55038remote link	FAYN	h
55039remote network services protocol	H6so	BA
55040remote node	H6to	Z
55041remote operation service	H6uB	s
55042remote operation service element	H6ut	6
55043remote patching	H6vn	d
55044remote peripherals	H6wE	m
55045remote repeater	H6wq	g
55046remote sensing	H6xK	g
55047remote server	H6xq	m
55048remote station	H6yQ	Z
55049remote task	H6yp	Z
55050remote videotex concentrators	H6zC	6
55051remote virtual terminal	H6z8	u
55052removable disk unit	H60q	n
55053removable plugboard	H61R	k
55054removal class	H611	b
55055remove	H62Q	V
55056rendition	H62l	R
55057rental system	H622	b
55058reorder	H63R	P
55059reorganization	H63g	W
55060repair	Fhy8	f
55061repair	JEhR	U
55062repair	JEwZ	U
55063repair dalay time	H632	l
55064repair delay	JEwt	g
55065repair processor	I+FW	n
55066repair system	IQOB	v
55067repair time	H64b	Z
55068repairability	IQOw	b
55069repairing	IQPL	U
55070repairing circuit	IQPf	i
55071repairing computer	IQQB	m
55072repeat	Bp5s	g
55073repeat	r7e	a
55074repeat statement	H65G	e
55075repeatable edit descriptor	GdiV	3
55076repeated run approach	GdjM	s
55077repeated transmission	ORa	p
55078repeater	H65k	T
55079repeater	IcR4	Z
55080repeater station	H653	b
55081repeating coil	H668	c
55082repeating group	H67Y	b
55083repeating groups	H67z	b
55084repeating ship	E1B5	c
55085reperforator	H68O	a
55086repertory dialer	H6+j	h
55087repetition instruction	H7Ab	k
55088repetitive addressing	H7BV	j
55089repetitive operation	H7B4	i
55090repetitive sequence	Gdj4	k
55091repetitive statement	H7Ca	l
55092replace	DtlQ	1
55093replace	H7C/	d
55094replace writing	H7Dc	d
55095replaceable unit	DNxm	n
55096replaceable unit	Gdkc	n
55097replacement algorithm	H7D5	m
55098replacement algorithm and control logic	HI8p	BQ
55099replacement approach	INQz	s
55100replacement character	H7Ef	j
55101replacement in strings	H7FC	h
55102replacement problem	H7Fj	h
55103replacement selection sort	H7GE	u
55104reply	GaQb	b
55105reply call	GdlD	b
55106reply line	H7HK	V
55107reply packet	CyTI	d
55108report	GaQ2	X
55109report	H7Hf	O
55110report clause	H7Ht	b
55111report description entry	H7II	s
55112report file	H7I0	W
55113report footing	H7JK	c
55114report generation	H7Jm	Z
55115report generator	H7J/	h
55116report group	H7Kg	Y
55117report group description entry	H7K4	2
55118report header	H7Lu	Y
55119report heading	H7MG	c
55120report level	H7Mi	a
55121report name	H7M8	Z
55122report program generator	H7NV	BB
55123report program generatorrpg	H7OW	u
55124report section	H7PE	Z
55125report specification	H7Pd	i
55126report writer	H7P/	x
55127report writer control system	H7Qw	7
55128report writer logical record	H7Rr	z
55129reporting system	H7S0	e
55130reposition	H7TS	Y
55131representation	H7Tq	Z
55132representations of variable	H7Xi	p
55133reproduce	H7ZO	R
55134reproducer	H7Zf	V
55135reproducing	IQRN	W
55136reproducing automaton	IQRj	p
55137reproducing function	IQSM	v
55138reproducing machine	H7aJ	h
55139reproducing punch	H7aq	f
55140reproting routine	C5TS	r
55141request	H7bJ	d
55142request	IeXW	a
55143request call	H7bm	a
55144request circuit	ITft	d
55145request count	H7cA	b
55146request definition	H7cb	g
55147request definition file	H7c7	s
55148request definition text	H7dn	r
55149request definition utility	H7eS	4
55150request element	H7fK	d
55151request event	H7fn	b
55152request handle	H7gC	c
55153request header	H7ge	f
55154request indicator	E2rd	u
55155request instructions	H7g9	i
55156request library definition	H7hf	x
55157request library file	H7iQ	s
55158request library instructions	H7i8	z
55159request recovery	H7jv	e
55160request repeat system	H7kN	p
55161request response	H7k2	e
55162request segment	H7lU	d
55163request shutdown	H7lx	k
55164request stringing	H7mV	c
55165request to send	H7mx	3
55166request to send rs	H7no	i
55167request unit	H7oK	a
55168requester	F+AL	a
55169requestgrant logic	H7o+	o
55170requesting process	H7pm	g
55171rereading	H7qf	R
55172rerun	H7qw	N
55173rerun	H9kh	T
55174rerun point	H7q9	W
55175rerun routine	H7rT	b
55176rerun time	H7ru	Y
55177rescue	H7sG	O
55178rescue beacon	IHxB	o
55179rescue beacon frequency	IHxp	4
55180rescue communication	IHyh	v
55181rescue frequency	IDpw	0
55182rescue frequency	IHzQ	x
55183research	yWJ	W
55184research and development	H7sU	t
55185reserching requirement	DSOv	q
55186reserve	H7tZ	P
55187reserved	H7to	T
55188reserved word	H7t7	Y
55189reserved words	H7uT	Z
55190reserving storage	H7us	k
55191reset	H7vQ	h
55192reset	IQS7	X
55193reset a counter	H7vx	n
55194reset pulse	H7wY	Z
55195reset pulse	IeXw	1
55196reset rate	H7wx	V
55197reset sequential machine	HXin	w
55198reset trigger	IeYl	p
55199reset word	IeZO	u
55200reseting loop	IQTS	v
55201reshape handles	H7xj	g
55202reshaping	H7yD	U
55203reside	H7zE	O
55204resident	H7zS	v
55205resident assembler	H70B	j
55206resident common	H70k	g
55207resident control program	H71E	s
55208resident error procedure	Gdle	1
55209resident library	H71w	h
55210resident monitor	H72R	b
55211resident overlay	FmkY	n
55212resident overlay	GdmT	h
55213resident overlay segment	Fmk/	1
55214resident resource	Gdm0	i
55215resident software	Fix5	l
55216resident system	IzBA	g
55217residual error	H72s	c
55218residual error rate	H73I	k
55219residual error ratio	H73s	l
55220residual value	H74R	Z
55221residue	F4dY	T
55222residue	H74q	P
55223residue class	H745	Y
55224residue class algebra	H75R	m
55225residue class ring	H753	d
55226resignal	H760	W
55227resistance	FSTd	S
55228resistance	H77K	S
55229resistance	x4f	Y
55230resistant cartidge	ClBx	d
55231resistor	H79T	T
55232resistor matrix	H79m	d
55233resistor transistor logic	H7+D	1
55234resolution	GsEz	U
55235resolution	H7+4	V
55236resolved index	BJyy	l
55237resolved inverted list	BJzX	w
55238resolver	H7/N	T
55239resolver	IcSR	g
55240resolving time	H8Au	c
55241resonance	H8BK	R
55242resource	H8Bb	Q
55243resource allocation	H8Br	h
55244resource assignment table	H8CM	q
55245resource manager	H8C2	h
55246resource monitoring display	H8DX	z
55247resource sharing	H8EK	e
55248resource system	Ig1/	q
55249resource wait mode	H8Eo	m
55250responder	H8F7	U
55251response	H8GP	X
55252response contour	H8Gm	e
55253response generation and inference	FkJ3	BV
55254response header	H8HE	d
55255response page	H8Hh	Y
55256response required	H8H5	f
55257response step	H8IY	b
55258response surface methodology	H8Iz	w
55259response system	CznZ	d
55260response time	H8Jj	b
55261response unit	H8J+	e
55262responsetime	H8LJ	a
55263responsive system	JbI0	l
55264rest	H22r	P
55265restart	H8Lj	f
55266restart	H9k0	V
55267restart address	H8MC	g
55268restart condition	H8Mi	l
55269restart instruction	H8NH	p
55270restart point	H8Nw	g
55271restart routine	H8OQ	d
55272restarting	H8Ot	V
55273restore	Fhzb	g
55274restore	H8PC	k
55275restoring loop	IQUB	w
55276restoring method	GdnW	e
55277restrict	H8QM	Q
55278restricted double queue	HCyM	0
55279restricted front end	H8Qc	i
55280restricted state	H8Q+	e
55281restriction	H8Rc	T
55282restriction clause	H8Rv	g
55283result	H8SP	O
55284result control block	H8Sd	p
55285result field	H8TG	X
55286result file descriptor	H8Td	r
55287result option descriptor	H8UI	y
55288resume	H8U6	O
55289retain	H8VI	d
55290retain character reader	H8Vl	y
55291retained tpdu	H8WX	Z
55292retaining	H8Ww	R
55293retention class	H8XB	d
55294retention period	H8Xe	e
55295retentive goal	H8X8	c
55296retiming	H8YY	T
55297retransmission	H8Yr	j
55298retrieval	H8ZO	R
55299retrieval	IQUx	U
55300retrieval field	H8Zf	a
55301retrieval information block	H8Z5	w
55302retrieval lock	H8ap	c
55303retrieval pointer	H8bF	f
55304retrieval usage mode	H8bk	o
55305retrieve	H8dK	e
55306retrofit	H8do	Q
55307retry count	H8d4	Z
55308return	H8eR	V
55309return address	H8em	c
55310return code	H5ug	c
55311return code	H8fC	W
55312return code register	H8fY	o
55313return descriptor	H8gA	l
55314return jump	H8gl	Z
55315return message	H8g+	c
55316return policy	Gdn0	e
55317return register	IB7P	m
55318return status code	H8ha	j
55319return to zero	Gfll	Z
55320return to zero	H8h9	c
55321return value	H8iZ	X
55322reusable program	H8k8	h
55323reusable routine	H8ld	h
55324revenue	H8l+	P
55325reversal entry	H8mN	c
55326reversal turing machine	BGqy	0
55327reverse	H8mp	P
55328reverse channel	H8m4	d
55329reverse charging	H8nV	e
55330reverse code dictionary	H8nz	l
55331reverse interrupt	H8oY	j
55332reverse pointer	H8o7	d
55333reverse polish notation	H8pY	o
55334reverse polish notationrpn	H8qA	t
55335reverse video	H8qt	i
55336reversed order	BBdD	c
55337reversible coding	H8rr	f
55338reversible counter	H8sK	j
55339reversible telegraph operation	Gwj8	4
55340reversing amplifier	H8tK	k
55341reversing amplifier	IljX	k
55342reversing entry	H8tu	d
55343review file	kLf	W
55344revisable form	H8vW	W
55345revolver	H8vs	T
55346revolver	JIJF	T
55347revolver track	H8v/	m
55348rewind	H8wl	O
55349rewind record operation	H8wz	h
55350rewind time	H8xU	Z
55351rewiring	H8xt	T
55352rewrite	H8yA	P
55353rewriting system	G+Ow	n
55354ribbon connector	BEVQ	e
55355ribbon program	BEVu	c
55356riding guidance system	5wB	q
55357right indicator	ExyH	n
55358right justification	H8yP	b
55359right margin	H8yq	U
55360right parser	Exzm	g
55361right parsing	Exyu	e
55362right scan	E5MC	k
55363right scan	Ex0G	b
55364right sequence	JHju	u
55365rights database	H81l	j
55366rights list	H82I	Z
55367ring	JGmc	P
55368ring	Jm4N	S
55369ring buffer	H82h	Z
55370ring counter	H826	d
55371ring local area network	JGmr	u
55372ring network	H83X	a
55373ring register	H83x	e
55374ring shift	H84P	Y
55375ring transistor	IExR	s
55376ringdown	H84n	Q
55377ringdown signaling	H843	g
55378ringer	H85X	Y
55379ripple	H85v	O
55380ripple factor	H859	b
55381ripple group delay	H86Y	g
55382rise	JExN	S
55383rise time	H87d	X
55384robin scheduler	H9N/	j
55385robot	+/0	W
55386robot	H88N	Q
55387rocker switch	H88d	b
55388rod magnet	H884	V
55389role indicator	H89N	f
55390roll	x43	M
55391roll duplicator	IhMX	j
55392roll in	H89s	P
55393roll out	H897	Q
55394roll polling	H8+L	a
55395rollback	H8/V	X
55396rollback	H9lJ	W
55397rollback routine	H8/s	e
55398rollforward	H9AK	T
55399rolling	H9Ad	P
55400rolling out	H9As	T
55401rollup	H9A/	O
55402root	H9Bn	Q
55403root caching	H9B3	m
55404root dictionary directory	H9Cd	q
55405root file	H9DH	R
55406root node	H9DY	U
55407root segment	H9Ds	X
55408rooted graph	E4cs	a
55409rope	Iq/w	V
55410rope memory	H9ED	5
55411rope storage	H9E8	6
55412rotary dial	H9F2	c
55413rotary group number	H9GS	h
55414rotate	H9Gz	O
55415rotate instruction	H9HB	g
55416rotateshift operation	H9Hh	r
55417rotating menory	H9IM	i
55418rotation	H9Iu	Q
55419rotation in computer graphics	H9I+	4
55420rotational delay	H9J2	e
55421rotational ordering	H9KU	h
55422rotational speed	H9K1	e
55423round	H9LT	N
55424round	ICqH	T
55425round computer center	PhM	s
55426round down	H9Lg	S
55427round off	H9Ly	e
55428round rectangle	H9MQ	d
55429round robin	H9Mt	g
55430round up	H9NN	Q
55431rounding	H9Oi	W
55432rounding error	H9O4	c
55433route	H9PU	N
55434route diversity	H9Ph	d
55435route map	E4dG	U
55436router	H9QT	U
55437router server	H9Qn	h
55438routine	BeHZ	Y
55439routine	H9RI	Z
55440routine	I+D+	V
55441routine analyzer	H9Rh	h
55442routine buffer	H9SC	f
55443routine check	H9Sh	b
55444routine library	H9S8	a
55445routine line	H9TW	X
55446routine maintenance	H9Tt	h
55447routine maintenance	JExf	n
55448routine maintenance time	H9UO	s
55449routine name	H9U6	X
55450routine storage	H9VR	i
55451routine test	H9Vz	a
55452routing	H3D0	Y
55453routing	H9qd	j
55454routing	IQVF	V
55455routing algorithm	H9rA	i
55456routing label	H9ri	b
55457routing layer	H9r9	Y
55458routing node	H9sV	a
55459routing protocol	H9sv	k
55460row	DVe4	O
55461row	H9ug	M
55462row binary card	H9us	d
55463row flow table	Fx6p	i
55464row keyboard	Dikf	a
55465row keyboard	JB8d	a
55466row major order	H9vJ	a
55467row pitch	H9vj	R
55468row selection lines	H9v0	h
55469rows per inch	H9xL	b
55470rquared criterion	C5Uc	l
55471rs232c	CoFP	S
55472rub out	H9xm	P
55473ruggedized computer	H9yr	n
55474rule	Fpj4	P
55475rule	H9zS	M
55476rule	xmT	O
55477ruler	H9ze	N
55478ruler guide	H9zr	Z
55479ruler line	H90E	S
55480ruler setting	H90W	b
55481rules english	H90x	b
55482run	H91g	Z
55483run book	H915	o
55484run burst	H92h	d
55485run duration	H92+	a
55486run mode	H93Y	W
55487run routine	CyNL	l
55488run time	H93u	W
55489run time library	H94E	n
55490run unit	H94r	W
55491runaway tape condition	H98J	q
55492runnable	H98z	W
55493runnable task	H99J	h
55494running	JEyG	V
55495running accumulator	H99q	6
55496running aggregate	H9+k	f
55497running algorithm	Fg/H	l
55498running blocking oscillator	Dknq	y
55499running data base	H9/D	r
55500running feet	H9/u	k
55501running heads	H+AS	o
55502running multivibrator	Dkoc	m
55503running open	H+A6	a
55504running rate	H+BU	X
55505running time	H+Br	n
55506running total	H+CS	V
55507running value	H+Cn	b
55508runoff	H+DY	e
55509runtime	H+D2	V
55510rw driver	H2EL	b
55511rw head	H2Em	T
55512s	BoRL	S
55513s	BoRd	S
55514s	DN/b	P
55515s	FZUA	1
55516s	JdEN	0
55517s abort receiver	I0uO	t
55518s access code	G3ej	h
55519s algorithm	BIJ7	f
55520s algorithm	ExJ5	Z
55521s alterations	kdX	9
55522s applied cobol packages	GQkx	9
55523s arrow	Dsc1	b
55524s association	Jan3	b
55525s automatic information processing rese	GS2P	BU
55526s base address	JhVx	f
55527s block diagram	JaoS	d
55528s break reciever	JaVH	t
55529s business	Jaov	Y
55530s chain code	Dkuj	d
55531s channel area	Eli4	f
55532s chart	Ccm5	Y
55533s checking	F4dr	W
55534s circulating current	Fg5l	p
55535s code	FW8Z	a
55536s common shared data base	JapH	2
55537s communication input queue	I7ot	1
55538s complement	1j4	U
55539s complement	GZJF	d
55540s complement	GvT0	k
55541s complement	I5US	d
55542s complement	JKrW	X
55543s complement	xh8	U
55544s complement	xiQ	U
55545s complement arithmetic	GvUY	o
55546s complement binary number	GvVA	u
55547s complement check digit	CuB/	x
55548s complement circuit	GvVu	l
55549s complement operator	GvWT	p
55550s complement representation	GZJi	1
55551s complementer	GvW8	c
55552s conjecture	IwSG	a
55553s console	G3fE	d
55554s console terminal	EljX	p
55555s coordinate space	Jap9	m
55556s customer engineer	FYN5	h
55557s customer engineer	FYPK	x
55558s data processing capability	Jaqj	2
55559s diagnosable	Iu9P	l
55560s duty	JOc	d
55561s equations	Fg6O	f
55562s equity	HFWl	W
55563s expression	Iwnp	j
55564s extended area	I0u7	g
55565s file address	H4hy	j
55566s file code	JarZ	c
55567s flagging mode	I7pi	j
55568s free variable value	Dpr5	p
55569s fundamental structure	Escg	u
55570s fundamental theorem	IfS+	p
55571s guide	JO5	e
55572s guide	Jar1	V
55573s hierachical interactive graphics stan	Hrsc	BZ
55574s inequality	FhCH	j
55575s information	G+/K	s
55576s institute	GrV/	w
55577s interface	C+IS	Z
55578s interface	Hrt1	f
55579s law	/aK	e
55580s law	DMUy	R
55581s law	Eshi	Z
55582s law	Fg6t	Z
55583s law	Gr+4	T
55584s law	IfTn	T
55585s law	Jemz	T
55586s law	Jqow	T
55587s law of induction	DHLe	p
55588s laws	Epcq	a
55589s lemma	JrB/	V
55590s line	F9s6	g
55591s line	IsPb	R
55592s lisp function	JasK	h
55593s logical address space	I0vb	x
55594s logical job name	ElkA	s
55595s logon procedure	Jasr	l
55596s loop	IsPs	U
55597s manual	JatQ	k
55598s marker	Dr5b	u
55599s memory pool	I0wM	e
55600s message receiver routine	I0wq	0
55601s method	H1jT	4
55602s mind	CyeF	a
55603s notation	EmYu	Y
55604s online data base	Jat0	p
55605s order	JRyi	P
55606s owner name	I0xe	g
55607s parameter list	Dpsi	h
55608s predication	Jg8b	l
55609s production plan	BnOB	l
55610s program	Jaud	a
55611s program switch word	G0Bw	y
55612s programmed request	DBG6	0
55613s programming mode	Jau3	v
55614s prompt mode	I7qF	h
55615s series	DHMH	Z
55616s set	Javm	k
55617s specification	DPMk	p
55618s spooled listed output	Elks	BM
55619s spooled punched output	Ell4	BN
55620s subsequent execution	I0yt	q
55621s system	JawK	W
55622s systems simulation model	HPUO	5
55623s terminal session	Jawg	m
55624s test	FZU1	d
55625s theorem	CQV7	a
55626s theorem	Fmno	a
55627s theorem	IfT6	X
55628s transaction processing environment	JayA	+
55629s user status word	I0zX	p
55630s value	HTVl	Y
55631s worldwide environmental data network	GQin	BO
55632s370 channel address	H+Fu	p
55633saddle node	H+GX	W
55634saddle point	H+Gt	U
55635safe	DF2X	S
55636safe	H+Hw	a
55637safe address register	H+IK	w
55638safe area	H+I6	f
55639safe control	DGaH	g
55640safe expression	H+JZ	x
55641safe facility	DF2p	h
55642safe formula	H+KK	o
55643safe length	H+Ky	n
55644safe nature	DF3K	W
55645safe net	H+LZ	T
55646safe prediction	H+Ls	d
55647safe program	DF3g	a
55648safe state	H+Mb	Y
55649safe system	DF36	f
55650safeguards information system	H+Mz	3
55651safety	DF4Z	U
55652safety circuit	H+Nq	w
55653safety code	H+Oa	W
55654safety communication	H+Ow	i
55655safety engineering	H+Pm	g
55656safety factor	H+QG	b
55657safety lead time	H+Qh	k
55658safety message	H+RF	4
55659safety paper	H+R9	X
55660safety pole	H+SU	W
55661safety problem	H+Sq	c
55662safety ring	H+TG	W
55663safety service	H+Tc	q
55664safety signal	H+UG	p
55665safety standards	H+Uv	e
55666safety stock	H+VN	a
55667safety switch	H+Vn	p
55668safety test	H+WQ	n
55669safety traffic	H+W3	l
55670safety verification	H+Xc	h
55671sage air traffic integration	H+X9	BA
55672salami technique	H+Y9	h
55673salary accounting	H+Ze	f
55674sale	Hgm6	P
55675sale amount	H+Z9	Z
55676sale representative	H+aW	h
55677sales aid	H+cL	h
55678sales analysis flag	H+cs	n
55679sales code	H+dT	V
55680sales cost	H+do	Y
55681sales history	H+eA	b
55682sales income	H+eb	a
55683sales mode	H+e1	Y
55684sales percentage	H+fN	h
55685sales profit amount	H+fu	n
55686sales profit percent	H+gV	r
55687sales qty	H+hA	X
55688sales shipment transaction	H+hX	u
55689sales transaction	H+iF	f
55690salesman number	H+ik	g
55691samarium gallium garnet	H+jE	d
55692same area	H+jh	R
55693same area clause	H+jy	v
55694same body chain	H+kh	a
55695same body relation	H+k7	g
55696same clause	H+lb	Z
55697same phase	H+mP	S
55698same priority	H+mh	v
55699same record area	H+nQ	v
55700same record area clause	H+n/	r
55701same size	H+oq	e
55702same sort area	H+pI	c
55703same way	H+qU	Q
55704sample	H+q8	T
55705sample and hold	H+rP	n
55706sample autocorrelation function	H+r2	2
55707sample average	H+ss	m
55708sample central moment	H+tS	m
55709sample command file	H+t4	n
55710sample configuration	H+uf	i
55711sample controller	H+vB	z
55712sample correlation coefficient	H+v0	y
55713sample covariance	H+wm	i
55714sample definition	H+xI	f
55715sample delay	H+xn	r
55716sample dispresion	H+yS	f
55717sample distribution	H+yx	h
55718sample evaluation method	H+zS	q
55719sample hold switch	H+0R	m
55720sample input	H+03	o
55721sample interactive task	H+1f	u
55722sample interval	H+2N	q
55723sample job stream	H+23	i
55724sample length	H+3Z	b
55725sample line	H+30	W
55726sample linker directive	H+4K	1
55727sample mean	H+4/	Z
55728sample mean estimator	H+5Y	s
55729sample mechanism	H+60	e
55730sample median	H+7S	e
55731sample moment	H+7w	Y
55732sample number	H+8I	Y
55733sample operating system	H+8g	v
55734sample output	H+9P	p
55735sample panel	H+94	a
55736sample percentiles	H++S	m
55737sample point	H++4	X
55738sample program	H+/P	c
55739sample program listing sequence	H+/r	5
55740sample protocol	H/Ak	d
55741sample quartiles	H/BB	k
55742sample query procedure	H/Bl	t
55743sample range	H/CS	a
55744sample rate	H/Cs	h
55745sample relay	H/DN	x
55746sample session	H/D+	f
55747sample session editing	H/Ed	t
55748sample set	H/FK	V
55749sample size	H/Ff	Z
55750sample standard deviation	H/F4	q
55751sample techniques	H/Gi	t
55752sample test	Gv+P	t
55753sample time	H/HP	n
55754sample time aperture	H/H2	8
55755sample tree	H/Iy	h
55756sample variance	H/JT	g
55757sample wafer	H/Jz	l
55758sampled	H/PT	X
55759sampled analog computer	H/Pq	u
55760sampled analog data	H/QY	n
55761sampled data	H/Q/	a
55762sampled data mode	H/RZ	l
55763sampled data simulator	H/R+	w
55764sampled image quality measure	H/Su	3
55765sampled ramp signal	H/Tl	n
55766sampled signal	H/UM	c
55767sampler	H/Y8	h
55768samples per second	H/Zd	k
55769samplescope	H/aB	c
55770sampling	H/ad	d
55771sampling	H226	T
55772sampling algorithm	H/a6	0
55773sampling analog memory system	H/bu	/
55774sampling cell	H/ct	b
55775sampling controller	H/dI	k
55776sampling distribution	H/ds	j
55777sampling error	H/eP	c
55778sampling frequency	H/er	g
55779sampling function	H/fL	f
55780sampling gate	H/fq	Y
55781sampling grid size	H/gC	m
55782sampling inspection	H/go	h
55783sampling inspection by attribute	H/hJ	0
55784sampling inspection by variable	H/h9	z
55785sampling interval	H/iw	f
55786sampling life test	H/jP	m
55787sampling mechanism	H/j1	g
55788sampling network	H/kV	e
55789sampling normal distribution	H/kz	w
55790sampling oscilloscope	H/lj	m
55791sampling parametric computation	H/mJ	z
55792sampling period	H/m8	a
55793sampling plan	H/nW	p
55794sampling process	H/n/	s
55795sampling property	H/or	t
55796sampling pulse	H/pY	q
55797sampling pulse width	H/qC	8
55798sampling rate	H/q+	p
55799sampling read out	H/rn	p
55800sampling scope	H/sQ	f
55801sampling signal	H/sv	d
55802sampling survey method	H/tM	n
55803sampling switch	H/tz	k
55804sampling theorem	H/uX	e
55805sampling theory	H/u1	d
55806sampling time	H/vS	b
55807sampling tool	H/vt	b
55808sampling tracking system	DIM3	s
55809sampling unit	H/wI	b
55810sampling window	H/wj	d
55811sandwich	H/xV	n
55812sandwich digit	H/x8	Z
55813sandwich multiconductor cable	DXqJ	x
55814sandwich tape	H/yV	Y
55815sandwich testing	H/yt	n
55816sandwich type element	H/zU	t
55817sapphire	H/0B	e
55818sapphire substrate	H/0f	j
55819satellite	H/1C	l
55820satellite access	H/1n	e
55821satellite address	H/2F	f
55822satellite and missile observation system	H/2k	BL
55823satellite antenna	H/3v	f
55824satellite attitude	H/4O	q
55825satellite automation system	H/5l	BQ
55826satellite automonitor system	H/61	2
55827satellite beacon	H/7r	e
55828satellite bus line	H/8J	m
55829satellite business	H/8v	g
55830satellite business system	H/9P	x
55831satellite channel	H/+A	f
55832satellite channel mode	H/+f	q
55833satellite communication	H//J	l
55834satellite communication	IA34	o
55835satellite communication center	H//u	y
55836satellite communication concentrator	IAAg	/
55837satellite communication control facility	IABf	BC
55838satellite communication system	IACh	y
55839satellite communication terminal	IADT	+
55840satellite communication test	IAER	w
55841satellite communications controller	IAFB	6
55842satellite community reception	IAF7	BO
55843satellite computer	IAHJ	3
55844satellite computer	IAIA	j
55845satellite computer terminal	IAIj	y
55846satellite control center	IAJV	s
55847satellite control facility	IAKB	y
55848satellite control function	IAKz	u
55849satellite control network	IALh	t
55850satellite data	IAMO	q
55851satellite data area	IAM4	o
55852satellite data collection system	IANg	6
55853satellite data communication	IAOa	w
55854satellite data exchange	IAPK	2
55855satellite data modulator	IAQA	v
55856satellite data processing system	IAQv	BB
55857satellite data recorder	IARw	u
55858satellite data system	IASe	p
55859satellite data transfer	IA4g	u
55860satellite delay compensation unit	IATH	9
55861satellite downlink	IAUu	6
55862satellite earth station	IAVo	o
55863satellite earth terminal	IAWQ	v
55864satellite environment	IAW/	j
55865satellite equatorial orbit	IAXi	u
55866satellite graphic job processor	IAYQ	BE
55867satellite ground station	IAZU	p
55868satellite identification	IAaw	m
55869satellite image	IAbW	d
55870satellite information	IAbz	x
55871satellite information center	IAck	0
55872satellite information message protocol	IAdY	BF
55873satellite information processor	IAed	2
55874satellite inspection	IAfT	l
55875satellite inspection network	IAf4	w
55876satellite inspection technique	IAgo	y
55877satellite interface message processor	IAha	BH
55878satellite io module	IAZ9	z
55879satellite laboratory	IAih	l
55880satellite library information network	IAjG	BE
55881satellite line	IAkK	i
55882satellite link	IA5O	l
55883satellite link	IAks	c
55884satellite maintenance technique	IAlI	z
55885satellite minicomputer	IAl7	x
55886satellite motion simulator	IAms	1
55887satellite multiple access	IAnh	t
55888satellite navigation computer	IAoO	0
55889satellite network	IApC	m
55890satellite observations	IApo	k
55891satellite optical link	IAqM	n
55892satellite packet transmission	IAqz	x
55893satellite paper tape transfer	IArk	x
55894satellite point	IAsV	a
55895satellite problem	IAsv	f
55896satellite processor	IAtO	n
55897satellite processor access method	IAt1	BD
55898satellite recovery	IAu4	g
55899satellite relay	IAvY	d
55900satellite rendezvous	IAv1	i
55901satellite rendezvous system	IAwX	v
55902satellite return channel	F1AA	2
55903satellite service	IAxG	f
55904satellite simulator	IAxl	k
55905satellite space station	IAyJ	o
55906satellite station	IAyx	c
55907satellite switching	IA0N	h
55908satellite system	D+QL	m
55909satellite system	IA0u	s
55910satellite system monitor station	IA1a	3
55911satellite test center	IA2R	p
55912satellite tracking program	IA26	y
55913satf policy	IA5z	X
55914satisfaction proof	IA6K	u
55915satisfiability	IA64	c
55916satisfiability problem	IA7U	q
55917satisfiable	IA7+	Z
55918satisfiable combination	IA8X	o
55919satisfy	IA8/	X
55920satruation	IA9W	S
55921satstream	IA9o	U
55922saturaing integrator	IA98	l
55923saturate	IA+h	T
55924saturated	IA+0	U
55925saturated arc	IA/I	Y
55926saturated circuit	IA/g	f
55927saturated current demand logic	IA//	BD
55928saturated cut	IBBC	b
55929saturated diode	IBBd	g
55930saturated drift transistor diode logic	IBB9	BX
55931saturated drift transistor register logic	IBDU	BS
55932saturated edge	IBEm	c
55933saturated integrator	IBFC	l
55934saturated inveter logic	IBFn	r
55935saturated logic	IBGS	t
55936saturated logic circuit	IBG/	r
55937saturated logic circuit	Wyb	u
55938saturated path	IBHq	c
55939saturating drift transistor register logic	IBIG	BW
55940saturation	IBJc	S
55941saturation area	IBJu	a
55942saturation arithmetic	IBKI	j
55943saturation breakpoint voltage	IBKr	u
55944saturation characteristic	IBLZ	n
55945saturation current	IBMA	g
55946saturation delay	IBMg	e
55947saturation delay schottky diode	IBM+	/
55948saturation flux	IBN9	r
55949saturation flux density	IBOo	r
55950saturation jamming	IBPT	g
55951saturation magnetic recording	IBPz	u
55952saturation magnetization	IBQh	x
55953saturation noise	IBRS	h
55954saturation point	IBRz	b
55955saturation recording current	IBSO	w
55956saturation region	IBS+	c
55957saturation resistance	IBTa	j
55958saturation routing	IBT9	m
55959saturation signaling	IBUj	2
55960saturation signaling system	IBVZ	v
55961saturation state	IBWI	e
55962saturation testing	IBWm	g
55963saturation threshold	IBXG	l
55964saturation voltage	IBXr	g
55965saturation zone	IBYL	a
55966savable	jnE	Y
55967save	IBYl	Q
55968save address latch	IBY1	+
55969save area	IBZz	U
55970save area description entry	IBaH	BD
55971save area table	IBbK	i
55972save file	IBbs	l
55973save file procedure	IBcR	n
55974save file system resource	IBc4	z
55975save format	IBdr	Z
55976save graphics environment	IBeE	t
55977save image structure	IBex	o
55978save instruction	IBfZ	e
55979save memory	IBf3	c
55980save option	IBgT	Z
55981save register	IBgs	e
55982save routine	IBhK	k
55983save statement	IBhu	c
55984save system rights	IBiK	j
55985save tape	IBit	U
55986save tape structure	IBjB	k
55987save value	IBjl	V
55988saved area	IBk9	V
55989saved area description entry	IBlS	t
55990saved screens	IBl/	e
55991saved system	IBmd	a
55992saverestore message queues	IBj6	BD
55993saving time	IBm3	Z
55994saw amplifier	IK6t	e
55995saw buffer	IK7L	Y
55996saw circuit	IK7j	q
55997sawtooth	IBnQ	X
55998sawtooth generator	IBnn	q
55999sawtooth pulse	IBoR	j
56000sawtooth voltage generator	IBpJ	0
56001sawtooth wave	IBp9	Y
56002sawtooth waveform	IBqV	f
56003sc	Iogd	f
56004scalar	IBq0	Z
56005scalar access control	IBrN	w
56006scalar assignment	IBr9	i
56007scalar c compiler	IBsf	n
56008scalar computation	IBtG	g
56009scalar constant	IBtm	d
56010scalar data	IBuD	Z
56011scalar enumerated type	IBuc	q
56012scalar execution unit	IBvG	p
56013scalar expansion	IBvv	e
56014scalar expression	IBwN	i
56015scalar filter	IBwv	e
56016scalar instruction	IBxN	g
56017scalar item	IBxt	W
56018scalar matrix	IByD	b
56019scalar multiplication	IBye	j
56020scalar operation	IBzB	e
56021scalar predictor	IBzf	h
56022scalar processer	IB0A	r
56023scalar processing	IB0r	f
56024scalar processing unitburroughs	IB1K	BG
56025scalar product	IB2Q	k
56026scalar quantity	IB20	k
56027scalar reference	IB3Y	e
56028scalar register	IB32	g
56029scalar result	IB4W	b
56030scalar stream	IB4x	Y
56031scalar type	IB5J	Z
56032scalar type identifier	IB5i	t
56033scalar variable	IB6P	d
56034scale	DuGr	T
56035scale	IB71	V
56036scale	JKxj	Q
56037scale change	IB8K	a
56038scale coefficient	IB8k	t
56039scale control	IB9R	3
56040scale coordinate system	IB+I	o
56041scale decimal arithmetic	IB+w	1
56042scale definition	IB/l	e
56043scale factor	ICAD	r
56044scale factor check	ICAu	m
56045scale factor designator	ICBU	u
56046scale factor register	ICCC	w
56047scale increment	ICCy	d
56048scale integrat	Fp/L	BE
56049scale integrated circuit	FjV4	0
56050scale integration	FjWs	z
56051scale integration	InJR	f
56052scale label	ICDP	Z
56053scale line	ICDo	V
56054scale mark	ICD9	d
56055scale merit	ICEa	Z
56056scale model	ICEz	n
56057scale modifier	ICFa	f
56058scale multiplier	ICF5	h
56059scale number	ICGa	a
56060scale operation	ICG0	d
56061scale plate	ICHR	h
56062scale process technology	ICHy	s
56063scale program	FjXf	b
56064scale radix	ICIe	Z
56065scale software development	FjX6	u
56066scale value	DnvU	W
56067scale value	ICI3	h
56068scaled cap	ICNm	g
56069scaled circuits	ICOG	d
56070scaled transistor	ICOj	i
56071scaler	ICPF	R
56072scaler circuit	ICPW	c
56073scaler quantity	ICPy	X
56074scaling	ICQt	X
56075scaling attribute	ICRE	f
56076scaling circuit	ICRj	d
56077scaling down	ICSA	d
56078scaling factor	ICSd	q
56079scaling instruction	ICTH	h
56080scaling method	ICTo	Z
56081scaling point	ICUB	Y
56082scaling position	ICUZ	h
56083scallop	ICU6	j
56084scan	ICVd	M
56085scan	IQXz	X
56086scan abort	ICVp	e
56087scan abort subsystem	ICWH	x
56088scan address	ICW4	a
56089scan address generator	ICXS	w
56090scan algorithm	ICYC	c
56091scan area	ICYe	U
56092scan backwards	ICYy	c
56093scan band	ICZO	U
56094scan code	ICZi	U
56095scan command	ICZ2	a
56096scan command word	ICaQ	i
56097scan control register	ICay	s
56098scan control unit	ICbe	s
56099scan conversion program	ICcK	r
56100scan converter	ICc1	f
56101scan counter	ICdU	d
56102scan for operand	ICdx	h
56103scan forwards	ICeS	b
56104scan fraction	ICet	b
56105scan frequency	ICfI	c
56106scan gate number	ICfk	l
56107scan head	ICgJ	U
56108scan length	ICgd	Z
56109scan limit	ICg2	Y
56110scan line	IChO	U
56111scan pattern recognition	FJ/X	7
56112scan patterns	IChi	b
56113scan period	ICh9	Z
56114scan rate	ICiW	b
56115scan rate modulation deception	ICix	/
56116scan reset	ICjw	Y
56117scan resolution	ICkI	g
56118scan speed	ICko	Y
56119scan task	IClA	X
56120scanister	ICqa	U
56121scanned array	IQVa	e
56122scanned character	ICqu	i
56123scanned document	ICrQ	h
56124scanned laser infrared microscope	ICrx	BG
56125scanned linear array	IQV4	r
56126scanned photosensing array	IQWj	x
56127scanned storage tube	ICs3	p
56128scanned symbol	ICtg	f
56129scanner	ICt/	k
56130scanner board	ICuj	b
56131scanner controller	ICu+	j
56132scanner definition	ICvh	m
56133scanner definition facinity	ICwH	1
56134scanner encoder	ICw8	n
56135scanner generator	ICxj	o
56136scanner input language	ICyL	0
56137scanner interrupt	ICy/	i
56138scanner keyed input language	ICzh	+
56139scanner program	IC0f	d
56140scanner selection	IC08	i
56141scanner selector	IC1e	h
56142scanning	IC2v	Q
56143scanning accuracy	IC2/	i
56144scanning algorithm	IC3h	j
56145scanning area	IC4E	Y
56146scanning array	IQXU	f
56147scanning beam	IC4c	i
56148scanning circuit	IC4+	e
56149scanning control	IC5c	l
56150scanning control register	IC6B	w
56151scanning densitometer	IC6x	m
56152scanning density	IC7X	e
56153scanning device	IC71	d
56154scanning digitizer	IC8S	m
56155scanning direction	IC84	g
56156scanning drum	IC9Y	b
56157scanning electron microscope	IC+m	3
56158scanning electron microscope	IC9z	z
56159scanning encoding	IC/d	j
56160scanning field	IDAA	Z
56161scanning index	IDAZ	c
56162scanning interval	IDA1	f
56163scanning limit	IDBU	c
56164scanning line	IDBw	Y
56165scanning line frequency	IDCI	o
56166scanning line length	IDCw	l
56167scanning line period	IDDV	o
56168scanning line rate	IDD9	q
56169scanning line usable length	IDEn	y
56170scanning machine	IDFZ	b
56171scanning mechanism	IDF0	g
56172scanning method	IDGU	h
56173scanning motion	IDG1	d
56174scanning period	IDHS	d
56175scanning pitch	IDHv	c
56176scanning pointer	IDIL	e
56177scanning position	IDIp	f
56178scanning rate	IDJI	b
56179scanning routine	IDJj	e
56180scanning search	IDKB	d
56181scanning selector	IDKe	i
56182scanning sequence	IDLA	f
56183scanning shift	IDLf	c
56184scanning speed	IDL7	c
56185scanning spot	IDMX	f
56186scanning spot beam	IDM2	n
56187scanning television camera	IDOr	x
56188scanning trace	IDPc	c
56189scanning traverse	IDP4	f
56190scanning unit	IDQX	m
56191scannogramm	IDQ9	W
56192scatter	IDRT	X
56193scatter chart	IDRq	Y
56194scatter diagram	IDSC	a
56195scatter format	IDSc	c
56196scatter gap	IDS4	Z
56197scatter graph	IDTR	j
56198scatter load	IDT0	h
56199scatter loading	IDUV	n
56200scatter plot	IDU8	X
56201scatter proofs	IDVT	c
56202scatter propagation	IDVv	h
56203scatter read	IDWQ	a
56204scatter read operation	IDWq	q
56205scatter reading	IDX0	d
56206scatter readwrite	IDXU	g
56207scatter register transfer	IDYR	w
56208scatter storage	IDZB	d
56209scatter storage technique	IDZe	0
56210scatter table	IDaS	Y
56211scatter transfer	IDaq	e
56212scatter write	IDbI	Y
56213scatter write operation	IDbg	o
56214scatterd data point	IDd+	k
56215scatterd seeds	IDei	c
56216scatterd wind	IDe+	V
56217scatterer	IDfT	i
56218scattergather	IDcy	e
56219scattergather operation	IDdQ	u
56220scattering	IDf1	a
56221scattering center	IDgP	t
56222scattering coefficient	IDg8	k
56223scattering loss	IDh1	d
56224scavenger	IDiS	f
56225scavenging	IDix	a
56226scenarics	IDjL	R
56227scenario	IDjc	Y
56228scenario method	IDj0	a
56229scenario prototype	IDkO	u
56230scenario specialist	IDk8	n
56231scene	IDlj	V
56232scene analysis	IDl4	c
56233scene border	IDmU	a
56234scene description	IDmu	f
56235scene domain	IDnN	a
56236scene recognition	IDnn	f
56237scene segmentation	IDoG	g
56238scene understanding	IDom	h
56239sceurity isolation	IDqk	g
56240schedule	IDrE	h
56241schedule and accumulate work load procedure	IDrl	BR
56242schedule file	IDs2	b
56243schedule job	IDtR	a
56244schedule stop date	IDuQ	m
56245schedule table	IDu2	Z
56246schedule time	IDvP	p
56247scheduled	IDwU	f
56248scheduled	JEyb	d
56249scheduled circuits	IDwz	u
56250scheduled completion date	IDxh	t
56251scheduled down time	IDyO	n
56252scheduled engineering	JEy4	p
56253scheduled engineering time	IDy1	u
56254scheduled engineering time	IDzj	u
56255scheduled fault detection	ID0R	t
56256scheduled maintenance	ID0+	0
56257scheduled maintenance	JEzh	p
56258scheduled maintenance time	ID1y	BC
56259scheduled operating time	ID20	s
56260scheduled operation	ID3g	v
56261scheduled output	ID4P	s
56262scheduled overtime	ID47	g
56263scheduled receipt	ID5b	f
56264scheduled start date	ID56	o
56265scheduled start time	ID6i	8
56266scheduler	ID7e	f
56267scheduler program	ID79	f
56268scheduler subsystem	ID87	u
56269scheduler work area	ID+I	y
56270scheduler work area data set	ID+6	BG
56271scheduling	IEAA	g
56272scheduling algorism	IEAg	k
56273scheduling algorithm	IEBE	l
56274scheduling calculation	IEBp	k
56275scheduling discipline	IECN	j
56276scheduling information pool	IECw	w
56277scheduling intent	IEDg	f
56278scheduling management display	IED/	8
56279scheduling model	IEE7	e
56280scheduling monitor computer	IEFZ	y
56281scheduling of resources	IEGL	l
56282scheduling of tasks	IEGw	h
56283scheduling operation	IEHR	i
56284scheduling phase	IEHz	e
56285scheduling policy	IEIR	f
56286scheduling priority	IEIw	r
56287scheduling problem	IEJb	g
56288scheduling process	IEJ7	g
56289scheduling processor	IEKb	l
56290scheduling protocol	IELA	h
56291scheduling queue	IELh	e
56292scheduling resource	IEL/	h
56293scheduling rule	IEMg	d
56294scheduling rules	IEM9	e
56295scheduling start date	IENb	v
56296scheduling strategy	IEOK	h
56297scheduling subroutine	IEOr	m
56298scheduling support	IEPR	n
56299scheduling system	IEP4	p
56300scheduling theory	IEQh	f
56301scheduling tool	IERA	d
56302scheduling vector	IERd	f
56303schema	IESx	W
56304schema category	IETH	d
56305schema chart	IETk	X
56306schema control system	IET7	p
56307schema data description	IEUk	r
56308schema data description language	IEVP	6
56309schema data item	IEWJ	h
56310schema ddl	IEWq	k
56311schema ddl skeleton	IEXO	z
56312schema declaration	IEYB	g
56313schema description language	IEYh	v
56314schema entry	IEZQ	v
56315schema file	IEZ/	Z
56316schema frame	IEaY	a
56317schema instance	IEay	d
56318schema integration architecture	IEbP	BH
56319schema level description	IEcW	p
56320schema name	IEc/	W
56321schema processing	IEdV	f
56322schema reformatting	IEd0	n
56323schema restructuring	IEeb	i
56324schema section	IEe9	Z
56325schema translation	IEfW	u
56326schematic	IEgE	c
56327schematic circuit	IEgg	f
56328schematic diagram	IEg/	k
56329scheme	IEh8	W
56330scheme of the chinese phonetic alphabet	IEiS	7
56331schimtt limiter	IEjN	q
56332schimtt system	IEj3	f
56333schimtt toggle circuit	IEkW	t
56334schimtt trigger circuit	IElD	u
56335schottky	IEmF	n
56336schottky	IzoU	z
56337schottky barrier collector transistor	IEms	BC
56338schottky bipolar decoder	IEo6	y
56339schottky bipolar memory	IEps	x
56340schottky bipolar microcomputer	IEqd	+
56341schottky cell array technology	IErb	BA
56342schottky circuit	IEsb	h
56343schottky clamped transistor	IEs8	1
56344schottky diode	IEtx	i
56345schottky diode termination	IEvg	0
56346schottky emitter type transistor	IEwU	9
56347schottky noise	IEx9	f
56348schottky process ic	IEyc	w
56349schottky transistor	IEzM	0
56350schottky transistor logic	IE0A	BB
56351schottky transistor logic circuit	IE1B	BB
56352schottky trigger height	IE31	x
56353schottky ttl	IE4m	7
56354schottky walter	IE5h	5
56355science	/AK	V
56356science and mathematics analysis center	IE7y	BT
56357science council of japan	IE9F	z
56358science education information analysis center	IE94	Bd
56359science information facility	IE/V	0
56360science information services	IFAJ	0
56361science satellite	IFA9	f
56362scientific	IFBc	V
56363scientific accelerator module	IFBx	4
56364scientific and engineering data processing center	IFCp	Bh
56365scientific and technical information center	IFEK	BS
56366scientific and technical information facility	IFFc	BN
56367scientific and technical intelligence center	IFGp	BN
56368scientific and technical modules system	IFH2	7
56369scientific apparatus makers association	IFIx	BE
56370scientific assist firmware	IFJ1	0
56371scientific calculation	IFKp	k
56372scientific communication network	IFLN	9
56373scientific community	IFMK	t
56374scientific computation	IFM3	k
56375scientific computing	IFNy	i
56376scientific computing facility	IFOU	x
56377scientific control	IFPF	n
56378scientific data automation system	IFPs	BD
56379scientific data center	IFQv	u
56380scientific data processing	IFRd	u
56381scientific data system	IFSL	q
56382scientific disc operating system	IFTP	BG
56383scientific distributed processing	IFUV	4
56384scientific effort	IFVN	f
56385scientific experiment	IFVs	3
56386scientific information	IFWj	y
56387scientific information center	IFXV	1
56388scientific information system	IFYK	1
56389scientific instruction processor	IFY/	+
56390scientific instruction set	IFZ9	8
56391scientific instrument manufacturers association	IFa5	BO
56392scientific language	IFcH	n
56393scientific management	IFcu	j
56394scientific manpower commission	IFdR	BQ
56395scientific measurement unit	IFeh	v
56396scientific mehtod	IFfQ	f
56397scientific method	IFfv	f
56398scientific micro system	IFgO	s
56399scientific notation	IFg6	k
56400scientific philosophy	IFhv	j
56401scientific problems	IFiS	h
56402scientific processing	IFiz	j
56403scientific program	IFjW	0
56404scientific programmable calculator	IFkK	BM
56405scientific programming language	IFlW	5
56406scientific research satellite	IFmP	x
56407scientific research society of america	IFnA	BF
56408scientific sampling	IFoF	v
56409scientific software	IFo0	h
56410scientific subroutine	IFpV	z
56411scientific subroutine library	IFqI	x
56412scientific subroutine package	IFq5	1
56413scientific subroutine package library	IFru	5
56414scientific system	IFsn	m
56415scientific system support group	IFtN	2
56416scientific terminal system	IFuD	1
56417scientificengineering routine	IFwG	BJ
56418scintillation	IFxP	2
56419scisearch	IFyF	m
56420scissor	IFyr	P
56421scissoring	IFy6	S
56422scope	C0x8	W
56423scope	IFzM	b
56424scope analog	IF0U	a
56425scope attribute	IF0u	g
56426scope delimiter	IF1O	g
56427scope link	IF1u	b
56428scope note	IF2J	Y
56429scope of a condition prefix	IF2h	y
56430scope of a declaration	IFzn	t
56431scope of an operator	IF3T	o
56432scope of automatic	IF37	j
56433scope of command facility	IF4e	3
56434scope of declaration	IF5V	l
56435scope of entities in program	IF56	z
56436scope of external name	IF6t	q
56437scope of identifier	IF7X	n
56438scope of name	IF7+	e
56439scope of program identifiers	IF8c	BN
56440scope of quantifier	IF9p	y
56441scope of recovery	IF+b	f
56442scope of symbolic name	IF+6	q
56443scope of variable	IF/k	w
56444scope problem	IGAU	e
56445scope restriction	IGAy	i
56446scope rule	IGBU	i
56447scopic	IGB2	c
56448scopometry	IGCS	h
56449score	IGCz	V
56450scpc	IGDI	g
56451scramble	IGDo	i
56452scramble	JE0K	W
56453scramble network	IGEK	h
56454scramble pattern	IGEr	h
56455scramble rule	IGFM	b
56456scramble time	IGFn	b
56457scrambled	IGGC	V
56458scrambled order	IGGX	d
56459scrambled speech	IGG0	7
56460scrambler	IGHv	f
56461scrambler circuit	IGIO	p
56462scrambling	IGI3	g
56463scrambling and unscrambling network	IGJX	6
56464scrap	IGKR	N
56465scrap cost	IGKe	Y
56466scrap factor	IGK2	a
56467scrap from stock	IGLQ	h
56468scrap from stock transaction	IGLx	z
56469scrap transaction	IGMk	f
56470scrapt	IGND	R
56471scratch	IGNU	X
56472scratch addressing	IGNr	j
56473scratch data cartridge	IGOO	t
56474scratch file	IGO7	a
56475scratch memory	IGPV	q
56476scratch memory location	IGP/	8
56477scratch pack	IGQ7	a
56478scratch pad	IGRV	/
56479scratch pad area	IGSU	m
56480scratch pad memory address register	IGS6	BT
56481scratch storage	IGUN	g
56482scratch tape	IGUt	u
56483scratch tape sorting	IGVb	l
56484scratch volume	IGWA	W
56485scratch workspace	IGWW	i
56486scratching	IGba	a
56487scratching area	IGb0	h
56488scratchpad	IGcV	2
56489scratchpad memory	IGdL	BA
56490screen	Dnvq	R
56491screen	IGeL	O
56492screen address	IGeZ	g
56493screen adjustment	IGe5	f
56494screen area	IGfY	Z
56495screen attribute	IGfx	e
56496screen attribute byte	IGgP	9
56497screen buffer	IGhM	s
56498screen coordinate	IGh4	m
56499screen coordinate system	IGie	z
56500screen copy	IGjR	g
56501screen cursor	IGjx	i
56502screen data	Gu8Y	n
56503screen data	IGkT	g
56504screen desigh aid	IGkz	l
56505screen design aid	IGlY	8
56506screen design facility	IGmU	q
56507screen development utility	IGm+	0
56508screen editing	Gu8/	c
56509screen editor	IGny	e
56510screen enhancement character	IGoQ	w
56511screen facility	IGpA	d
56512screen field naming	Dnv7	n
56513screen file	IGpd	Z
56514screen form construction	IGp2	s
56515screen form file	IGqi	k
56516screen format	IGrG	b
56517screen formatter	IGrh	h
56518screen generator	IGsC	h
56519screen grid	IGsj	c
56520screen handler	IGs/	c
56521screen help	IGtb	Z
56522screen image	IGt0	o
56523screen image manipulation	Gu9b	BB
56524screen inputoutput	IGuc	n
56525screen load	IGvD	Z
56526screen management system	IGvc	w
56527screen mapping	IGwM	c
56528screen mode	IGwo	Z
56529screen overlay	IGxB	c
56530screen processing	Dnwi	m
56531screen read	IGxd	Z
56532screen selection	IGx2	Y
56533screen size	IGyO	Z
56534screen status area	IGyn	g
56535screened resistor evaporated transistor logic	IG3G	Bg
56536screenful	IG5K	U
56537screening	IG5e	Z
56538screening range equation	IG53	s
56539screening test	IG6j	c
56540screenwrite batch program	IG6/	2
56541screenwrite program	IG71	k
56542screenwrite transaction program construction	IG8Z	BP
56543screw plug	IG9o	V
56544scribe	IG99	W
56545scribing plotting display	IG+T	w
56546script	IG/D	W
56547script graphics tablet	IG/Z	t
56548script handwriting	IHAG	d
56549scroll	IHA4	O
56550scroll bar	IHBG	Y
56551scroll factor	IHBe	b
56552scroll key	IHB5	V
56553scroll mode	IHCO	Z
56554scroll ribbon	IHCn	b
56555scroll text buffer	IHDC	p
56556scroll timing	IHDr	b
56557scrolled manner	IHEG	d
56558scroller control character	IHEj	u
56559scroller logic	IHFR	i
56560scroller program	IHFz	e
56561scroller text display	IHGR	p
56562scrolling	IHG6	R
56563scrubbing	IHHL	Z
56564scs control code	IHHk	f
56565scs data	IHID	U
56566scs data stream	IHIX	e
56567scs data stream general format	IHI1	5
56568scs inbound data stream format	IHJu	5
56569scs outbound data stream format	IHKn	6
56570sdewed distribution	IHLh	e
56571sdialog area	I7qm	d
56572sdlcbsc communication adapter card	IHL/	8
56573sea rescue frequency	IHM7	5
56574sea return	IHN0	Y
56575sea surveillance system	IHOM	r
56576seakeeping data analysis center	IHO3	/
56577seal	IHP2	U
56578seal test	IHQK	s
56579seal washer	IHQ2	Z
56580sealant	IHRP	d
56581sealer	IHRs	c
56582sealing current	IHSI	k
56583sealing lip	IHSs	t
56584search	IHTZ	b
56585search	JE0g	U
56586search algorithm	IHT0	s
56587search and kill method	IHUg	n
56588search and replace	IHVH	0
56589search argument	IHV7	r
56590search capability	IHWm	t
56591search chain	IHXT	i
56592search circuit	IHX1	c
56593search clue	IHYR	n
56594search complete	IHY4	i
56595search compressed index block	IHZa	8
56596search control strategy	G6zy	9
56597search control strategy	JR9	9
56598search cycle	B6z7	a
56599search cycle	IHaW	a
56600search direction	IHaw	e
56601search field	IHbO	a
56602search function	IHbo	r
56603search game andor tree	IHcT	6
56604search game tree	IHdN	r
56605search graph	IHd4	X
56606search index	IHeP	a
56607search instruction	IHep	g
56608search jammer	IHfJ	u
56609search key	IHf3	V
56610search language	IHgM	d
56611search length	IHgp	b
56612search library	IHhE	Z
56613search list	IHhd	W
56614search mask	IHhz	Z
56615search memory	HNlP	g
56616search memory	IHiM	v
56617search method	IHi7	Y
56618search mode logic	IHjT	p
56619search operation	IHj8	e
56620search option	IHka	e
56621search path	IHk4	Z
56622search path algorithm	IHlR	p
56623search procedure	IHl6	e
56624search process	IHmY	c
56625search processor	IHm0	r
56626search program	IHnf	c
56627search radar	IHn7	a
56628search receiver	IHoV	g
56629search result register	IHo1	t
56630search space	IHpi	a
56631search statement	IHp8	e
56632search storage	HNlv	3
56633search strategy	IHqa	d
56634search terms	IHq3	X
56635search test	IHrO	Z
56636search text command	IHrn	n
56637search theory	IHsO	b
56638search time	IHsp	Z
56639search tree	IHtC	W
56640search word	IHtY	W
56641searchable information	IH0m	t
56642searcher	IH1T	W
56643searching	IH1p	R
56644searching algorighm	IH16	h
56645searching mechanism	E8dJ	h
56646searching operation	BJ0H	k
56647searching storage	IH2b	i
56648searching technique	IH29	h
56649searchlight sonar	IH3e	i
56650searchlighting	IH4A	m
56651seasonal	IH4m	W
56652seasonal curve	IH48	f
56653seasonal differencing	IH5b	m
56654seasonal group profile code	IH6B	y
56655seasonal profile	IH6z	h
56656seasonality coefficient	IH7U	o
56657seasoning	IH78	j
56658seat reservation system	IH8f	v
56659secant	IH9O	W
56660secant method	IH9k	Y
56661second	BByR	X
56662second	HZtE	f
56663second	IH98	a
56664second	Txg	U
56665second addition time	IH+W	v
56666second anode	IH/F	a
56667second approximation	IH/f	i
56668second attribute	IIAB	b
56669second channel	IIAc	q
56670second channel interference	IIBG	v
56671second check character flip flop	IIB1	9
56672second choice route	IICy	n
56673second class conductor	IIDZ	4
56674second computer age	IIER	t
56675second detector	IIE+	g
56676second do	IIFe	X
56677second generation computer	IIF1	u
56678second grid	IIGj	Z
56679second half machine cycle	IIG8	q
56680second largest entry	IIHm	i
56681second level access	IIII	h
56682second level interrupt handler	IIIp	9
56683second logic	IIJm	k
56684second memory	IIKr	e
56685second metallization	IILJ	s
56686second operand	IIL1	f
56687second order differential equation	IIMU	w
56688second partial product	IINE	n
56689second predicate calculus	IINr	t
56690second probability distribution	IIOY	z
56691second protocal error	IIPL	v
56692second source	IIP6	t
56693second sourcing	IIQn	x
56694second system control facility	IIRY	Bh
56695second task	IIS5	n
56696second variable	IITg	d
56697secondary	IIgy	j
56698secondary access	IIhV	e
56699secondary activation word	IIhz	q
56700secondary address	IIid	x
56701secondary address vector table	IIjO	BB
56702secondary allocation	IIkP	i
56703secondary application block	IIkx	2
56704secondary application program	IIln	x
56705secondary assignment	IImY	i
56706secondary attribute	IIm6	h
56707secondary axis	IInb	h
56708secondary breakdown	IIn8	h
56709secondary buffer	IIod	k
56710secondary calculation code	IIpB	r
56711secondary center	IIps	b
56712secondary channel	IIqh	c
56713secondary clear to send	IIq9	1
56714secondary cluster	IIry	c
56715secondary clustering	IIsO	i
56716secondary coil	IIsw	c
56717secondary colour	IItM	i
56718secondary computer	IItu	1
56719secondary console	IIuj	i
56720secondary constants	IIvF	v
56721secondary constraint	IIv0	i
56722secondary control point	IIwW	l
56723secondary control unit	IIw7	BA
56724secondary data	IIx7	c
56725secondary data set group	IIyX	BE
56726secondary destination	IIzb	0
56727secondary device	II0P	e
56728secondary display sequence	II0t	u
56729secondary dump	II1b	c
56730secondary dump system	II13	p
56731secondary emission	II2g	g
56732secondary emission ratio	II3A	s
56733secondary end of a session	II3s	o
56734secondary entry point	II4U	0
56735secondary error	II5I	d
56736secondary exception vector	II5l	u
56737secondary failure	II6T	f
56738secondary file	II6y	Z
56739secondary frequency	II7L	s
56740secondary function	II73	d
56741secondary group	II8U	m
56742secondary ibm support system	II9d	w
56743secondary index	II+N	d
56744secondary index field	II+q	BD
56745secondary index organization	II/t	w
56746secondary input port	IJAd	o
56747secondary key	IJBF	m
56748secondary key encrypting keys	IJBr	x
56749secondary key field	IJCc	k
56750secondary key retrieval	IJDA	2
56751secondary keys	IJD2	Z
56752secondary lattice group	IJEP	o
56753secondary line	IJE3	g
56754secondary link station	IJFX	r
56755secondary literation	IJGC	w
56756secondary logical unit	IJGy	y
56757secondary memory	IJHk	y
56758secondary menu	IJIW	c
56759secondary multiplexing	IJIy	q
56760secondary network support	IJJc	t
56761secondary node	IJKJ	Z
56762secondary operate pipeline	IJKi	BN
56763secondary operator control station	IJLv	8
56764secondary optimization problem	IJMr	y
56765secondary paging device	IJNd	r
56766secondary partition	IJOI	h
56767secondary phase error	IJOp	p
56768secondary processing sequence	IJPS	x
56769secondary program	IJQD	x
56770secondary proof	IJQ0	d
56771secondary psv	IJRR	k
56772secondary rack	IJR1	Z
56773secondary radiation source	IJSO	r
56774secondary record format	IJS5	r
56775secondary reference tape	IJTk	2
56776secondary register set	IJUa	+
56777secondary request	IJVY	t
56778secondary route	IJWF	d
56779secondary routing code	IJWi	k
56780secondary row	IJXG	Y
56781secondary sample	IJXe	e
56782secondary segment	IJX8	h
56783secondary service	IJYd	f
56784secondary sessionjob	IJY8	u
56785secondary space allocation	IJaO	u
56786secondary space clearing	IJa8	s
56787secondary standard reference surface	IJbo	/
56788secondary station	IJcn	h
56789secondary station algorithm	IJdI	p
56790secondary status	IJdx	b
56791secondary storage	IJeM	f
56792secondary store	IJer	k
56793secondary subroutine	IJfP	2
56794secondary support system	IJgF	p
56795secondary switching center	IJgu	BC
56796secondary system control facility	IJhw	BA
56797secondary terminal address	IJiw	u
56798secondary user	IJje	t
56799secondary vector	IJkL	p
56800secondary winding	IJk0	f
56801secret algorithm	IJlT	e
56802secret code	IJlx	T
56803secret communication	IJmE	i
56804secret document	IJmm	n
56805section	IDhg	V
56806section	IJnN	W
56807section	IJvj	S
56808section	cBy	Y
56809section attribute	IJnj	c
56810section bit	IJn/	W
56811section buffer	IJoV	c
56812section code	IJpP	U
56813section control	IJpj	a
56814section debugging	IJp9	c
56815section directory	IJqZ	c
56816section end	IJq1	e
56817section format	IJrT	Z
56818section header	IJrs	h
56819section name	IJsN	U
56820section nmuber	IJsh	W
56821section output	IJs3	g
56822section paper	IJtX	Y
56823section start	IJtv	Y
56824section table	IJuH	V
56825section text	IJuc	a
56826sectional assembly	IJv1	m
56827sectional center	IJwb	e
56828sectional view	IJw5	g
56829sectionalization test	IJxZ	j
56830sectionalized	IJx8	d
56831sectioning	IJyZ	a
56832sectioning search	IJyz	f
56833sector	IJzS	d
56834sector address	IJzv	r
56835sector address register	IJ0a	v
56836sector address system	IJ1J	t
56837sector associative buffer storage	IJ12	BC
56838sector buffer	IJ24	i
56839sector chaining	IJ3a	h
56840sector chart	IJ37	b
56841sector control center	IJ4W	x
56842sector counter	IJ5H	j
56843sector disc	IJ5q	d
56844sector display	IJ6H	j
56845sector hole	IJ6q	W
56846sector label	IJ7A	a
56847sector mark	IJ7a	Z
56848sector number	IJ7z	b
56849sector pulse	IJ8g	a
56850sector queueing	IJ86	f
56851sector register	IJ9Z	l
56852sector ring	IJ9+	W
56853sector scan	IJ+U	Z
56854sector sequence	IJ+t	l
56855sector serve system	IJ/S	n
56856sector transducer	IJ/5	s
56857sectored file	IKAl	p
56858sectored file controller	IKBO	BK
56859sectorial harmonics function	IKCY	w
56860sectorial spherical harmonics	IKDI	3
56861sectoring	IKD/	m
56862sectors per track	IKEl	2
56863secular equation	IKFb	e
56864secure	DJVE	U
56865secure	IKF5	c
56866secure archival storage system	IKGV	4
56867secure automatic communication network	IKHN	Bh
56868secure automatic data information exchange	IKIu	BU
56869secure communication	IKKC	w
56870secure communication processor	IKKy	7
56871secure computer network	IKLt	y
56872secure environment	IKMf	g
56873secure failure set	IKM/	j
56874secure industries communication system	IKNi	BF
56875secure line	IKOn	n
56876secure protocol	IKPO	r
56877secure query function	IKP5	z
56878secure schedule program	IKQs	v
56879secure traffic	IKRb	m
56880secure transmission	IKSB	h
56881secure voice	IKSi	f
56882secure voice communication system	IKTB	7
56883secure voice cord board	IKT8	y
56884security	IKVQ	b
56885security arrangement	IKVr	i
56886security axioms	IKWN	d
56887security classification	IKWq	v
56888security classified	IKXZ	v
56889security code	IKYI	j
56890security coefficient	IKYr	i
56891security command language processor	IKZN	BF
56892security communication center	IKaS	x
56893security constraint	IKbD	y
56894security control	IKb1	e
56895security control processor	IKcT	1
56896security count	IKdI	c
56897security custodian	IKdk	n
56898security data set	IKeL	i
56899security design	IKet	k
56900security device	IKfR	d
56901security dump	IKfu	l
56902security equipment	IKgT	q
56903security facility	IKg9	i
56904security fault	IKhf	f
56905security fence	IKh+	f
56906security file	IKid	b
56907security filter	IKi4	j
56908security filter processor	IKjb	+
56909security flaw	IKkZ	e
56910security flow analysis	IKk3	t
56911security guard	IKlk	c
56912security in network	IKmA	r
56913security information	IKmr	s
56914security isolation	IKnX	g
56915security kernel	IKn3	d
56916security kernel approach	IKoU	w
56917security kernel interface	IKpE	t
56918security kernel validation	IKpx	x
56919security keylock	IKqi	b
56920security level	IKq9	g
56921security maintenance	IKrd	l
56922security management	IKsC	k
56923security management system	IKsm	x
56924security material	IKtX	t
56925security mechanism	IKuE	g
56926security monitor	IKuk	k
56927security monitor microprocessor	IKvI	/
56928security number	IKwH	h
56929security of user file	IKwo	z
56930security officer	IKxb	e
56931security officer user profile	IKx5	BL
56932security operations computer	IKzE	3
56933security policy	IKz7	d
56934security procedure	IK0Y	g
56935security profile	IK04	BF
56936security protection	IK19	h
56937security protection feature	IK2e	/
56938security requirement	IK3d	v
56939security restore	IK4M	k
56940security system	IK4w	k
56941security type	IK5U	b
56942security window	IK5v	k
56943see through	IK6T	a
56944seed	IK8l	M
56945seed bubble	IK8x	T
56946seed of random number	IK9E	g
56947seed selection	IK9k	W
56948seed temperature	IK96	e
56949seeding	IK+Y	V
56950seek	IK+t	U
56951seek area	IK/B	f
56952seek arm	IK/g	e
56953seek characteristic	IK/+	h
56954seek command	ILAf	a
56955seek instruction	ILA5	e
56956seek key	ILBX	T
56957seek only time	ILBq	f
56958seek ordering	ILCJ	i
56959seek system call	ILCr	r
56960seek time	ILDW	X
56961seek time per track	ILDt	z
56962seeker	ILEg	R
56963seeking	FDKW	V
56964seeking	ILEx	P
56965seeking	Ib0B	V
56966seeking pause	Ib0W	h
56967seepage	ILFA	X
56968seepage flow	ILFX	U
56969seesaw repeater	ILFr	r
56970seg subspace	ILGW	j
56971segment	ILG5	P
56972segment address	ILHI	d
56973segment address register	ILHl	s
56974segment addressing	ILIR	d
56975segment analysis	ILIu	b
56976segment and assembly	ILJJ	i
56977segment attribute	ILJr	q
56978segment attribute modification	ILKV	BD
56979segment base	ILLY	s
56980segment base register	ILME	x
56981segment body	ILM1	e
56982segment buffer	ILNT	c
56983segment call	ILNv	e
56984segment class	ILON	Y
56985segment classification	ILOl	h
56986segment control bits	ILPG	m
56987segment control code	ILPs	i
56988segment control word	ILQO	s
56989segment data	ILQ6	X
56990segment data buffer	ILRR	n
56991segment decoder	ILR4	g
56992segment definition card	ILSY	l
56993segment descriptor	ILS9	k
56994segment descriptor block	ILTh	t
56995segment descriptor identification	ILUO	8
56996segment descriptor stack	ILVK	p
56997segment descriptor word	ILVz	s
56998segment designation	ILWf	o
56999segment dictionary	ILXH	d
57000segment disable circult	ILXk	o
57001segment display	Ieuz	r
57002segment driver	ILYM	c
57003segment encode	ILYo	Z
57004segment entry save register	ILZB	/
57005segment fault	ILaA	q
57006segment field	ILaq	f
57007segment file	ILbJ	X
57008segment frequency algorithm	ILbg	3
57009segment hard core module	ILcX	v
57010segment identification field	ILdG	w
57011segment identification register	ILd2	z
57012segment idependence	ILep	h
57013segment index	F+Al	e
57014segment indicator	CyNw	p
57015segment length	ILfK	W
57016segment limits origin	ILfg	n
57017segment management	ILgH	k
57018segment manager	ILgr	g
57019segment mapping table	ILhL	j
57020segment mark	ILhu	g
57021segment mode	ILiO	e
57022segment name	ILis	U
57023segment number	ILjA	W
57024segment occurrence	ILjW	k
57025segment overlay	ILj6	a
57026segment phrase	ILkU	Z
57027segment pointer	ILkt	o
57028segment prefix	ILlV	Z
57029segment program	F+BD	d
57030segment program	ILlu	o
57031segment protect	ILmW	k
57032segment reference string	ILm6	m
57033segment register	ILng	h
57034segment relative addressing	ILoB	s
57035segment search algument	ILot	2
57036segment search argument	ILpj	l
57037segment sharing	ILqI	a
57038segment size	ILqi	b
57039segment stack number	ILq9	f
57040segment status	G9w6	p
57041segment structure	F+Bg	n
57042segment structure	ILrc	c
57043segment swith	ILr4	p
57044segment table	ILsh	Z
57045segment table base register	ILs6	y
57046segment table length	ILts	m
57047segment table origin register	ILvK	8
57048segment table orign	ILwG	l
57049segment table orign register	ILwr	4
57050segment table register	ILxj	r
57051segment tag	ILyO	W
57052segment tag bits	ILyk	i
57053segment time unit	ILzG	t
57054segment translation	ILzz	s
57055segment translation exception	IL0f	u
57056segment type	F+CH	i
57057segment type	IL1N	f
57058segment type code	IL1s	f
57059segment variable	IL2L	p
57060segment vectoring attribute	IL20	s
57061segmentation	IL7L	U
57062segmentation and paging memory management	IL7f	BD
57063segmentation and reassembly	IL8i	s
57064segmentation and relocation	IL9O	s
57065segmentation control	Fml0	o
57066segmentation control	IL96	i
57067segmentation facility	IL+c	t
57068segmentation hardware	IL/J	m
57069segmentation module	IL/v	h
57070segmentation overlay	IMAQ	w
57071segmentation paging mode	IMBA	s
57072segmentation program	IMBs	p
57073segmentation register	IMCV	m
57074segmentation register table	IMC7	s
57075segmentation strategy	IMDn	q
57076segmentation system	IMER	r
57077segmented	IME8	U
57078segmented dictionary	IMFQ	i
57079segmented dictionary encoding	IMFy	r
57080segmented dictionary pointer	IMGd	w
57081segmented dictionary stack	IMHN	u
57082segmented environment	IMH7	j
57083segmented file	Gd4q	f
57084segmented micrprogramming computer	IMIe	BJ
57085segmented mode	Gd5J	f
57086segmented mode	IMJn	c
57087segmented page system	IMKD	p
57088segmented program	IMKs	f
57089segmented text file	IMLL	n
57090segmented virtual display file	IMLy	6
57091segmented word	IMMs	Z
57092segmenting	IMNF	Y
57093segmenting bound	IMNd	Y
57094segmenting image	IMN1	4
57095segmenting of bius	IMOt	s
57096segmenting size	IMPZ	r
57097segmenting unit	IMQE	d
57098segmentlink	IL3g	V
57099segregating unit	IMQh	p
57100segregation	IMRK	e
57101segregation coefficient	IMRo	z
57102segregation constant	IMSb	w
57103seidel method	DsuJ	e
57104seismologic socity of america	IMTL	1
57105seize	IMUA	N
57106seizing singal	IMUN	q
57107seizure	IMU3	f
57108seizure conditional	IMVW	v
57109seizure signal	IMWF	4
57110sel fiber sel	IMW9	S
57111select	GLuN	Q
57112select	H26F	f
57113select	IMXP	W
57114select adc register	IMXl	t
57115select address	IMYS	f
57116select address output signal	IMYx	2
57117select bit	IMZn	Y
57118select circult	IMZ/	c
57119select clause	IMab	b
57120select color	IMa2	U
57121select command	IMbK	c
57122select error	IMbm	a
57123select error execption	IMcA	q
57124select frequency	IMcq	h
57125select function	IMdL	d
57126select in	IMdo	r
57127select input	IMeT	a
57128select input pulse	HQWx	5
57129select line	IMet	h
57130select multiplexer	H5xC	s
57131select number	IMfO	b
57132select order	IMfp	o
57133select out	IMgR	n
57134select output pulse	HQXq	n
57135select pulse	Du2E	a
57136select ratio	GwOf	h
57137select register	IMg4	p
57138select routine	IMhh	w
57139select setup time	FyJs	x
57140select standby	IMiR	w
57141select statement	IMjB	e
57142select switch	IzBg	e
57143select type command	IMjf	k
57144select unit	IMkD	k
57145select verify	IMkn	l
57146selectability	IMnB	b
57147selectable	IMnc	Y
57148selectable diagnostic output device	IMn0	9
57149selectable length word	IMox	1
57150selectable symbol	G3i5	l
57151selectable unit	IMpm	g
57152selected	IMqG	l
57153selected area	IMqr	Y
57154selected bit	IMrD	a
57155selected cell	IMrd	b
57156selected character	JbJZ	p
57157selected class	IMr4	c
57158selected core	IMsU	b
57159selected function group	IMtJ	o
57160selected job queue	IMtx	t
57161selected length field	IMue	9
57162selected master file tape	IMvb	0
57163selected parameter	IMwP	g
57164selected research in microfiche	IMwv	/
57165selected sddress	IMxu	2
57166selected ternary	HJZd	r
57167selected test optimization program	IMyk	BE
57168selecting	IMzo	V
57169selecting data	IMz9	c
57170selecting operation	IM0Z	h
57171selecting priority	IM06	q
57172selecting sequency	IM1k	g
57173selection	G9AK	e
57174selection	H28p	U
57175selection	IM2E	R
57176selection acknowledge	IM2V	o
57177selection addressing	IM29	i
57178selection algorithm	IM3f	h
57179selection bar	IM4A	b
57180selection calling system	IM4b	s
57181selection character	CyOZ	o
57182selection character	IM5H	l
57183selection check	IM5s	r
57184selection check device	IM6X	n
57185selection component	IM6+	h
57186selection control	IM7f	m
57187selection core matrix	IM8F	p
57188selection criteria	IM8u	g
57189selection dump	IM9O	q
57190selection field	IM94	o
57191selection for simulation	IM+g	p
57192selection function	IM/J	u
57193selection information	IM/3	j
57194selection lever	INAa	a
57195selection list	INA0	Z
57196selection menu	INBN	c
57197selection network	INBp	f
57198selection operation	INCI	v
57199selection operator	INC3	x
57200selection panel	INDo	o
57201selection path	INEQ	q
57202selection plugboard	INE6	k
57203selection position	INFe	r
57204selection priority	INGJ	j
57205selection procedure	INGs	h
57206selection program	INHN	f
57207selection program for admiral runs	INHs	9
57208selection ratio	INIp	a
57209selection replacement technique	INJD	BE
57210selection scheme	INKH	e
57211selection sequence	INKl	g
57212selection sequential access	INLF	v
57213selection set	INL0	b
57214selection signal	INMP	e
57215selection signal code	INMt	t
57216selection sort	INNa	q
57217selection time	INOf	c
57218selection tree	INO7	Z
57219selection wire	INPU	Z
57220selection with interchange	INPt	r
57221selective	INRf	l
57222selective	IPV	d
57223selective	JIC8	d
57224selective	JIDu	X
57225selective absorption	INSE	i
57226selective abstract	INSm	g
57227selective addressing	INTG	i
57228selective area recovery	INTo	o
57229selective assembly	INUQ	n
57230selective automonitoring tracking routine	INU3	BJ
57231selective call number	INWe	p
57232selective calling	INXH	h
57233selective calling system	INXo	s
57234selective cavity	INYU	l
57235selective channel	INY5	f
57236selective channel input bus	INZY	6
57237selective channel output bus	INaS	7
57238selective circuit	INbN	f
57239selective combiner	INbs	t
57240selective complement accumulator	INcZ	7
57241selective construct	INdU	h
57242selective costing	INd1	o
57243selective cryptographic session	INed	z
57244selective data management system	INfQ	BE
57245selective data processing	INgU	0
57246selective diffusion	INhI	h
57247selective digit emitter	INhp	u
57248selective display	INiX	f
57249selective dissemination of information	INi2	BE
57250selective dissemination on microfiche	INj6	/
57251selective diversity combining	INk5	x
57252selective dump	INlq	c
57253selective erase	INmG	k
57254selective fading	INmq	j
57255selective fido trace	INnN	m
57256selective flooding routing	INnz	BF
57257selective index	INo4	r
57258selective information	INpj	j
57259selective information retrieval	INqG	BI
57260selective interference	INrO	1
57261selective line editing	INsD	n
57262selective listing	INsq	j
57263selective mark insertion	INtN	z
57264selective network	INuA	i
57265selective oxidation process	INui	v
57266selective plating	INvR	f
57267selective preemption	INvw	l
57268selective printing	INwV	n
57269selective prompting	INw8	k
57270selective reject	INxg	d
57271selective reject comamnd	INx9	m
57272selective repeat	INyj	h
57273selective repeat procedure	INzE	x
57274selective retransmission	INz1	p
57275selective retransmission arq	IN0e	/
57276selective ringing	IN1d	p
57277selective sequence calculator	IN2G	+
57278selective sequence electronic calculator	IN3E	BU
57279selective sequential	IN4Y	w
57280selective statement	IN5I	h
57281selective tape listing	IN5p	4
57282selective tape print	IN6h	s
57283selective top to bottom algorithm	IN7N	BH
57284selective trace	IN80	d
57285selective tracing	H9lf	l
57286selective tracing	IN9R	f
57287selective tracing routine	IN9w	t
57288selective track	IN+d	h
57289selective transmission	IN++	k
57290selective transmittance	IN/i	o
57291selective type	IOAK	c
57292selective updating	IOAm	g
57293selective wait	IOBG	c
57294selective waveguide	IOBi	o
57295selectivity	IOEA	W
57296selectivity clear accummulator	IOEW	5
57297selectomit level specification	IMmK	3
57298selector	IOFw	l
57299selector bus	IOGV	d
57300selector channel	IOGy	p
57301selector channel emulation unit	IOHb	7
57302selector channel executive	IOIW	4
57303selector inputoutput processor	IOJO	BB
57304selector inputoutput processors	IOKP	BC
57305selector light pen	IOLR	j
57306selector mode	IOL0	b
57307selector pen	IOMP	X
57308selector pen attention	IOMm	BB
57309selector plus routine	IONn	9
57310selector register	IOOk	l
57311selector unit channel	IOPJ	m
57312selectron	IOQF	U
57313selectron storage	IOQZ	l
57314selenlum	IOQ+	Q
57315selenlum diode matrix alloy logic	IORO	BH
57316selenlum rectifier	IOSV	g
57317self	F2IY	V
57318self	H640	S
57319self assembler	IOTW	f
57320self banking	IOT1	BC
57321self calibration	IOU3	b
57322self check	IOVS	V
57323self check program	IOVn	x
57324self checking code	IOWY	d
57325self clock	IOW1	V
57326self complement	IOXK	X
57327self complementing code	IOXh	i
57328self conjugate	IOYD	h
57329self contained dbms	IOYk	i
57330self defining data	IOZG	m
57331self demagnetization	IOZs	q
57332self describing entry	IOaW	j
57333self editor	IOa5	c
57334self embedding	IObV	g
57335self heterodyne	IOb1	i
57336self imaging	IOcX	X
57337self inductance	IOcu	X
57338self induction	IOdF	d
57339self left recursion	IOdi	k
57340self loop	IOeG	U
57341self programmed electronic equation delincator	IOea	BY
57342self programming	IOfy	i
57343self registration	IOgU	n
57344self standing system	IOg7	o
57345self support system	IOhj	k
57346self testing modem	IOiH	s
57347selftest	IQkn	W
57348selling price	IQk9	b
57349selling warehouse	IQlY	f
57350selsyn	IQl3	l
57351selsyn control	IQmc	l
57352selsyn data system	IQnB	v
57353selsyn device	IQnw	e
57354selsyn motor	IQoO	i
57355selsyn system	IQow	e
57356semanteme	IQpO	X
57357semantic	IQp8	e
57358semantic action	IQqa	d
57359semantic ambiguity	IQq3	x
57360semantic analysis	FDKr	l
57361semantic analysis	IQro	f
57362semantic analyzeing machine	IQsH	w
57363semantic analyzer	IQs3	l
57364semantic attribute	IQtc	g
57365semantic check	IQt8	c
57366semantic clash	IQuY	c
57367semantic code	IQu0	b
57368semantic compatibility	IQvP	n
57369semantic component	IQv2	g
57370semantic correctness	IQwW	l
57371semantic correlation	IQw7	s
57372semantic data independence	IQxn	x
57373semantic data mode	IQyY	m
57374semantic data model	IQy+	n
57375semantic database integrity	IQzl	1
57376semantic definition	IQ0a	h
57377semantic description	IQ07	w
57378semantic design method	IQ1r	q
57379semantic desintegrity	IQ2V	p
57380semantic domain	IQ2+	a
57381semantic equivalence	IQ3Y	i
57382semantic error	IQ36	c
57383semantic error checking	IQ4W	r
57384semantic error handing	IQ5B	q
57385semantic error sources	IQ5r	n
57386semantic evaluation	IQ6S	v
57387semantic expressiveness	IQ7B	z
57388semantic generation	IQ70	h
57389semantic grammer	IQ8V	s
57390semantic information	IQ9B	i
57391semantic information function	IQ9j	x
57392semantic information processing	IQ+U	z
57393semantic information retrieval	IQ/H	8
57394semantic information retriever	IRAD	Bk
57395semantic integrity	IRBn	j
57396semantic interpretation	IRCK	l
57397semantic interpretation function	IRCv	0
57398semantic language	IRDj	f
57399semantic line finder	IREC	r
57400semantic logic notation	IREt	o
57401semantic logic structure	IRFV	s
57402semantic matching	IRGB	f
57403semantic matrix	IRGg	d
57404semantic meaning	IRG9	e
57405semantic memory	IRHb	g
57406semantic memory model	IRH7	p
57407semantic memory net	IRIk	k
57408semantic model	IRJI	c
57409semantic net	IRJk	e
57410semantic network	IRKC	i
57411semantic notation	IRKk	i
57412semantic paradox	IRLG	e
57413semantic pattern matching	IRLk	t
57414semantic preference	IRMR	h
57415semantic primitive	IRMy	g
57416semantic procedure	IRNS	g
57417semantic processing	IRNy	h
57418semantic query optimization	IROT	v
57419semantic relation data model	IRPC	2
57420semantic representation language	IRP4	3
57421semantic resolution	IRQv	h
57422semantic routine	IRRQ	s
57423semantic routine call	IRR8	z
57424semantic routine notation	IRSv	w
57425semantic routine number	IRTf	BH
57426semantic sequence	IRUm	f
57427semantic space construction	IRVF	v
57428semantic specification	IRV0	y
57429semantic stack	IRWm	Z
57430semantic stack configuration	IRW/	+
57431semantic stack element	IRX9	n
57432semantic symbol	IRYk	d
57433semantic tableaux algorithm	IRZB	v
57434semantic tree	IRZw	Y
57435semantic valuation function	IRaI	BD
57436semantic word	IRbL	Y
57437semantics	IRb/	R
57438semantics translator	IRcs	o
57439semaphore	IReD	q
57440semaphore primitive	IRet	k
57441semaphore queue management	IRfR	x
57442semaphore signalling	IRgC	i
57443semaphore symbol	IRgk	l
57444semaphore word	IRhJ	c
57445semeiology	IRhl	q
57446semi	IRiP	J
57447semi micro xerography	IRiY	y
57448semiaddition	ISMQ	X
57449semiautomatic ground environment	ISNv	BG
57450semiautomatic message switching center	ISO1	BD
57451semiautomatic program checkout equipment	ISP4	BM
57452semiautomatic programming	ISRE	BI
57453semiautomatic relay system	ISSM	x
57454semiautomatic selection	ISS9	o
57455semiautomatic test equipment	ISTl	z
57456semicolon	ISUY	R
57457semicolon count	ISUp	d
57458semicompiler	ISVG	d
57459semicomputability	ISVj	i
57460semicomputable	Ff2	l
57461semicomputable	ISWF	f
57462semicomputable predicate	ISWk	s
57463semicomputable set	ISXQ	j
57464semicomputer	ISXz	a
57465semiconductive	ISYN	c
57466semiconductive glass	ISYp	o
57467semiconductor	DZjW	2
57468semiconductor	Fp1O	4
57469semiconductor	Fp5h	7
57470semiconductor	Fpxp	n
57471semiconductor	Fpzb	t
57472semiconductor	ISZR	b
57473semiconductor active memory	ISZs	5
57474semiconductor advanced memory	ISal	7
57475semiconductor amplifier	ISbg	r
57476semiconductor array	Fp6c	9
57477semiconductor bipolar processor	IScL	9
57478semiconductor channel	ISdI	m
57479semiconductor character generator	Fp7Z	BO
57480semiconductor chip	ISdu	j
57481semiconductor chip bonding	ISeR	x
57482semiconductor component	ISfC	o
57483semiconductor crystal	ISfq	m
57484semiconductor device	ISgQ	l
57485semiconductor diffusion	ISg1	y
57486semiconductor diode	IShn	n
57487semiconductor diping	ISiO	l
57488semiconductor disc memory	ISiz	3
57489semiconductor donor	ISjq	u
57490semiconductor dopant	ISkY	o
57491semiconductor dynamic memory	Fp8n	BJ
57492semiconductor equipment and materials institute	ISls	BU
57493semiconductor field effect transistor	Fp9w	Bb
57494semiconductor function block	ISnA	w
57495semiconductor hole	ISnw	j
57496semiconductor industry association	ISoT	9
57497semiconductor integrated circu	Fp2G	BY
57498semiconductor integrated circuit	FqAP	B1
57499semiconductor integrated circuit	ISpQ	7
57500semiconductor junction	ISqL	k
57501semiconductor laser	ISqv	n
57502semiconductor logic integrated circuit	FqCE	BW
57503semiconductor material	ISrW	n
57504semiconductor memory	FqDa	7
57505semiconductor memory	ISr9	r
57506semiconductor memory component	ISso	/
57507semiconductor memory design	IStn	1
57508semiconductor memory integrated device	ISuc	BL
57509semiconductor memory module	ISvn	BK
57510semiconductor memory technology	ISwx	5
57511semiconductor memory test system	ISxq	BA
57512semiconductor memory type	ISyq	w
57513semiconductor network	ISza	m
57514semiconductor parameter	IS0A	o
57515semiconductor ram	IS0o	x
57516semiconductor random access memory	FqEV	BY
57517semiconductor static memory	FqFt	BI
57518semiconductor storage	IS1Z	m
57519semiconductor storage cell	FqG1	BE
57520semiconductor storage module	IS1/	6
57521semiconductor store	IS25	n
57522semiconductor technology	IS3g	z
57523semiconductor transistor logic	FqH5	BV
57524semiconductor trap	IS4T	j
57525semiconductor triode	IS42	l
57526semiconductor type	IS5b	j
57527semiconductorbipolar interface	FqKM	BJ
57528semicontinuous function	IS7A	o
57529semicustom chip	IS7o	g
57530semicut set	IS8I	W
57531semicycle	IS8e	Z
57532semidefinite integral form	IS83	u
57533semidefinite matrix	IS9l	h
57534semidefinite operator	IS+G	j
57535semidefinite quadratic form	IS+p	s
57536semiduplex	IS/V	V
57537semifast fourier transform	IS/q	5
57538semifixed length	H4kt	e
57539semifixed length record	ITAj	/
57540semifixed length record memory	ITBi	4
57541semifixible board	ITCa	r
57542semigraphical method	ITDF	i
57543semigroup	ITDn	R
57544semigroup method	ITD4	b
57545semigroup property	ITET	d
57546semilinear	ITEw	V
57547semilocal convergence	ITFF	p
57548semilog	ITFu	V
57549semimetal	ITGD	e
57550seminorm	ITGh	b
57551seminumerical algorithm	ITG8	o
57552semiotics	ITHk	r
57553semipath	ITIP	T
57554semiperiod	ITIi	V
57555semipermanent data	ITI3	j
57556semipermanent electronic storage	ITJa	BU
57557semipermanent store	ITKu	+
57558semirandom access memory	ITLs	3
57559semirandom access storage	ITMj	z
57560semirigid cable	ITNW	g
57561semiselective ringing	ITN2	m
57562semisinusoidal	ITOc	c
57563semisolid	ITO4	i
57564semistatic memory	ITPa	l
57565semitriangular basis	ITP/	i
57566semitriangular form	ITQh	k
57567semiwalk	ITRF	T
57568senary	ITRY	X
57569send	BcRT	S
57570send	I36+	a
57571send	ITRv	M
57572send ahead	ITR7	V
57573send buffer address	ITSQ	q
57574send circuit	H7ok	a
57575send common	ITS6	Z
57576send console	ITTT	d
57577send control predefined procedure	ITTw	7
57578send data	ITUr	a
57579send data condition	ITVF	1
57580send filter	ITWq	c
57581send in error	ITXG	V
57582send message	ITXb	a
57583send only	ITX1	X
57584send processor	ITYM	f
57585send receive keyboard	ITYr	p
57586send receive protocol	ITZU	p
57587send receive teletypewriter	ITZ9	BC
57588send request circuit	ITa/	o
57589send sequence number	ITbn	6
57590send signal	ITch	Z
57591send state	ITc6	Y
57592send state variable	ITdS	n
57593send statement	ITd5	c
57594send terminal	ITeV	b
57595sendanswer	ITgK	S
57596sender	ITgc	R
57597sender attachment delay	ITgt	0
57598sender queue	IThh	d
57599sending	ITh+	P
57600sending acknowledgement	ITiN	r
57601sending area	ITi4	X
57602sending buffer	ITjP	f
57603sending entity	ITju	Z
57604sending field	ITkH	b
57605sending item	ITki	X
57606sending job	ITk5	Z
57607sending node	ITlS	a
57608sending pacing	ITls	q
57609sending point	ITmW	Y
57610sending processor	ITmu	i
57611sending signal	ITnQ	c
57612sending station	ITns	a
57613sending transport entity	IToG	v
57614seneitive	DI91	d
57615seneitive	DJAV	d
57616senior	ITpd	Y
57617senior management	ITp1	f
57618senior programmer	ITqU	9
57619senior ship radio officer	ITrR	6
57620senior system analyst	ITsL	s
57621senior system designer	ITs3	t
57622seniority	ITtk	c
57623sense	FZ+G	N
57624sense	ITuA	Z
57625sense amplifier	ITuZ	j
57626sense amplifier circuit	ITu8	l
57627sense amplifier gate	ITvh	o
57628sense bit	ITwJ	U
57629sense byte	ITwd	c
57630sense character reader	FZ+T	t
57631sense code	ITw5	V
57632sense command	ITxO	b
57633sense console	ITxp	e
57634sense control block	ITyH	o
57635sense data	ITyv	Y
57636sense device status word	ITzH	0
57637sense digit line	ITz7	u
57638sense field	IT0p	W
57639sense information	IT0/	p
57640sense latch	IT1o	0
57641sense light	IT2c	h
57642sense line	BBdf	b
57643sense line	IT29	s
57644sense order	IT3p	Z
57645sense printer	IT4C	i
57646sense punch	FZ/A	Z
57647sense recovery time	IT4k	n
57648sense register	IT5L	f
57649sense response	IT5q	q
57650sense signal	IT6U	o
57651sense switch	IT68	o
57652sense winding	IT7k	p
57653sense wire	IT8N	V
57654sensibility	IT80	h
57655sensible	IT9V	T
57656sensible field	IT9o	c
57657sensible information	FNYy	i
57658sensible information processing	IT+E	z
57659sensing	IT/M	f
57660sensing coil	IT/r	a
57661sensing column	FZ/Z	f
57662sensing element	IUAF	o
57663sensing head	IUAt	i
57664sensing hole	IUBP	i
57665sensing line	IUBx	i
57666sensing marker	HZtj	c
57667sensing marker	IUCT	f
57668sensing mechanism	IUCy	f
57669sensing pin	IUDR	W
57670sensing row	FZ/4	c
57671sensing station	IUDn	l
57672sensing tape	IUEM	X
57673sensing technique	IUEj	t
57674sensing winding	IUFQ	r
57675sensitive	C4n+	d
57676sensitive	E1CV	R
57677sensitive	IUF7	f
57678sensitive error	HqYv	j
57679sensitive fault	HTYk	2
57680sensitive fault	HqZS	2
57681sensitive film	IUHB	c
57682sensitive grammar	GerZ	/
57683sensitive information	IUHd	x
57684sensitive language	Gb8N	6
57685sensitive malfunction	HqaI	p
57686sensitive paint	I42J	d
57687sensitive printer	IUIO	l
57688sensitive relay	IUIz	g
57689sensitive scan design	Ey1O	0
57690sensitive segment	IUJT	c
57691sensitive syntax	F6cR	t
57692sensitivity	H289	Z
57693sensitivity	IUJv	W
57694sensitivity analysis	IUKF	l
57695sensitivity coefficient	IUKq	l
57696sensitivity control	IULP	k
57697sensitivity curve	IULz	i
57698sensitivity function	IUMV	l
57699sensitivity level	IUM6	i
57700sensitivity ratio	IUNc	c
57701sensitivity theory	IUN4	j
57702sensitization	IUO+	d
57703sensitized	IUPb	V
57704sensitized block	IUPw	b
57705sensitized cube	IUQL	d
57706sensitized function value	IUQo	q
57707sensitized functional block	IURS	s
57708sensitized material	IUR+	h
57709sensitizer	IUSf	j
57710sensitizing	IUTC	p
57711sensitometer	IUTr	i
57712sensitometric strip	IUUN	p
57713sensive fault	CH8n	h
57714sensor	IUU2	c
57715sensor access manager	IUVS	2
57716sensor amplifier	IUWI	k
57717sensor based control adapter	IUWs	BE
57718sensor card	IUXw	h
57719sensor device	IUYR	p
57720sensor display	F+Cp	m
57721sensor display group	F+DP	w
57722sensor element	IUY6	q
57723sensor matrix	IUZk	e
57724sensor panel	IUaC	d
57725sensor scan	IUaf	c
57726sensor simulator unit	IUa7	t
57727sensor switch	IUbo	p
57728sensory	IUdi	X
57729sensory control	IUd5	r
57730sensory hierarchy	IUek	f
57731sensory representative	IUfD	k
57732sentence	Gd6N	X
57733sentence	IUgS	U
57734sentence articulation	IUgm	m
57735sentence delimiter	IUhM	x
57736sentence error probability	IUh9	v
57737sentence generation	IUis	h
57738sentence generator	IUjN	r
57739sentence intelligibility	IUj4	p
57740sentence key	IUkh	d
57741sentence length	IUk+	d
57742sentence length count	IUlb	p
57743sentence logic	IUmE	c
57744sentence pattern	IUmg	m
57745sentence position	IUnG	f
57746sentence specialist	IUnl	n
57747sentence structure	IUoM	g
57748sentence symbol	IUos	d
57749sentence syntactic analysis	IUp+	v
57750sentence synthesizing program	IUpJ	1
57751sentential calculus	IUqt	h
57752sentential shape	IUrO	e
57753sentinel	IUrs	e
57754sentinel card	IUsK	Y
57755separable	IUsi	b
57756separable characteristic	IUs9	m
57757separable code	IUtj	Z
57758separable function	IUt8	g
57759separable graph	IUuc	a
57760separable kernel	IUu2	g
57761separable library	IUvW	l
57762separable programming	IUv7	v
57763separable sequence	IUwq	g
57764separable transition diagram	IUxK	w
57765separate	IUx6	c
57766separate assembly	IUyW	f
57767separate bus	IUy1	a
57768separate carry adder	IUzP	r
57769separate channel	IUz6	e
57770separate code	IU0Y	Y
57771separate compliation	IU0w	i
57772separate compliation strategy	IU1S	x
57773separate cylinder	IU2D	f
57774separate data	IU2i	b
57775separate file	IU29	b
57776separate file area	IU3Y	j
57777separate library	IU37	h
57778separate overflow area	IU4c	n
57779separate partition option	IU5D	x
57780separate processor mode	IU50	x
57781separate program divisions	IU6l	u
57782separate subprogram definition	IU7T	1
57783separate system	IU8I	d
57784separated clock	IU9k	d
57785separated code	IU+B	Z
57786separated data	IU+a	c
57787separated face	IU+2	Z
57788separated graphics	IU/P	g
57789separated region	IU/v	e
57790separately addressed printer	IVAN	z
57791separately compiled language	IVBA	w
57792separately instructed carry	IVBw	p
57793separating character	IVCZ	4
57794separating control character	IVDR	BM
57795separating delimiter	IVEd	l
57796separating hyperplane	IVFb	t
57797separating keyword	IVGI	j
57798separating plane	IVGr	e
57799separating system	IVHJ	f
57800separation	IVHo	a
57801separation code	IVIC	a
57802separation control character	IVIc	0
57803separation distance	IVJQ	b
57804separation keyword	IVJr	j
57805separation loss	IVKO	d
57806separation mark	IVKr	d
57807separation polynomial	IVLI	m
57808separation theorem	IVLu	g
57809separative sign	IVMO	z
57810separator	IVNB	f
57811separator character	IVNg	h
57812separator page	IVOB	Z
57813separator sheet	IVOa	a
57814septenary	IVO0	X
57815septenary notation	IVPL	m
57816septenary number	IVPx	e
57817septendecimal	IVQP	e
57818septet	IVQt	m
57819septinary	IVRT	R
57820septum	IVRk	O
57821seq and ack fields	IVRy	p
57822sequence	H2gS	Z
57823sequence	HAUo	Q
57824sequence	IVSb	Y
57825sequence access	Gd6k	d
57826sequence access	IVSz	d
57827sequence alternator	IVTQ	1
57828sequence breakpoint	IVU0	h
57829sequence breaksorting	IVUF	v
57830sequence by merge	IVVV	f
57831sequence call	IVV0	b
57832sequence chart	IVWP	n
57833sequence check	IVW2	t
57834sequence checking	IVXj	w
57835sequence checking routine	IVYT	x
57836sequence circuit	IVZE	e
57837sequence code	E6SQ	e
57838sequence code	IVZi	j
57839sequence computer	IVaF	z
57840sequence concatenation	IVa4	k
57841sequence control	H5u8	n
57842sequence control	IVbc	e
57843sequence control	Iy82	h
57844sequence control area	IVb6	q
57845sequence control chart	IVck	y
57846sequence control counter	IVdW	v
57847sequence control program	IVeF	s
57848sequence control register	IVex	w
57849sequence control statement	IVfh	u
57850sequence control system	IVgP	r
57851sequence control tape	IVg6	m
57852sequence control unit	IVhg	0
57853sequence controller	IViU	n
57854sequence counter	IVi7	k
57855sequence criterion	IVjf	g
57856sequence drum	IVj/	b
57857sequence error	IVka	c
57858sequence error interrupt	IVk2	s
57859sequence field	IVli	n
57860sequence file	IVmJ	b
57861sequence frames	IVmk	a
57862sequence generator	IVm+	j
57863sequence in time	IVnh	Y
57864sequence indentification field	IVn5	y
57865sequence independence	IVor	/
57866sequence information data	IVpq	r
57867sequence integrity	IVqV	j
57868sequence length	IVq4	d
57869sequence list	IVrV	Y
57870sequence modulation	IVrt	v
57871sequence monitor	IVsc	k
57872sequence number	IVtA	d
57873sequence number error	IVtd	j
57874sequence number field	IVuA	j
57875sequence number handing	IVuj	l
57876sequence number indicator	IVvI	r
57877sequence number readout	IVvz	l
57878sequence number search	IVwY	k
57879sequence of combination	IVw8	l
57880sequence packing	IVxh	o
57881sequence processor	IVyJ	0
57882sequence program	IVy9	e
57883sequence program control	IVzb	s
57884sequence register	IV0H	s
57885sequence search	IV0z	r
57886sequence separator	IV1e	j
57887sequence set	IV2B	X
57888sequence set operation	IV2Y	n
57889sequence signal	IV2/	d
57890sequence sorting	IV3c	e
57891sequence specification	IV36	k
57892sequence swith	IV4e	m
57893sequence symbol	IV5E	d
57894sequence tape	IV5h	Y
57895sequence timer	IV55	l
57896sequence token	IV6e	c
57897sequenced acknowledge	Gd7B	q
57898sequenced acknowledge	IV/O	j
57899sequenced chain	IV/x	a
57900sequenced display	IWAL	f
57901sequenced frames	IWAq	b
57902sequenced packet exchange	IWBF	x
57903sequencer	IWB2	q
57904sequencer procedure	IWCg	h
57905sequencer program	IWDB	f
57906sequencer register	IWDg	j
57907sequencing	IWED	l
57908sequencing by merging	IWEo	j
57909sequencing control	IWFL	g
57910sequencing criteria	IWFr	o
57911sequencing indicator	IWGT	l
57912sequencing key	IWG4	n
57913sequencing macro control card	IWHf	x
57914sequencing number	IWIQ	c
57915sequencing time	IWIs	k
57916sequencing token	IWJQ	s
57917sequencing unit	IWJ8	r
57918sequency	IWKn	Q
57919sequent	IWK3	S
57920sequential	IWLJ	g
57921sequential access	IWLp	f
57922sequential access command	IWMI	t
57923sequential access disk	IWM1	q
57924sequential access memory	IWNf	v
57925sequential access method	IWOO	w
57926sequential access methods	IWO+	u
57927sequential access mode	IWPs	q
57928sequential access module	IWQW	s
57929sequential access path	IWRC	q
57930sequential access storage	IWRs	w
57931sequential access structure	IWSc	v
57932sequential addressing	IWTL	t
57933sequential alarm module	IWT4	o
57934sequential algorithm	IWUg	p
57935sequential allocation	IWVJ	q
57936sequential analysis	IWWc	h
57937sequential attribute	IWW9	i
57938sequential batch processing	IWXf	z
57939sequential batch system	IWYS	1
57940sequential binary partition	IWZH	y
57941sequential bit stream	IWZ5	j
57942sequential blocked file	IWac	r
57943sequential by key	IWbH	f
57944sequential call	IWbm	d
57945sequential carry	IWcD	l
57946sequential chained item	IWco	o
57947sequential circuit	IWdQ	g
57948sequential classification algorithm	IWdw	3
57949sequential coding	IWen	f
57950sequential collating	IWfG	s
57951sequential complexity	IWgZ	m
57952sequential composition	IWg/	k
57953sequential computer	IWhj	r
57954sequential connection	IWiy	j
57955sequential control	IWjV	l
57956sequential control counter	IWj6	1
57957sequential control flow	IWkv	o
57958sequential control logic	IWlX	w
57959sequential control mechanism	IWmH	w
57960sequential conversation	IWm3	l
57961sequential data base	IWnc	l
57962sequential data bit	IWoB	n
57963sequential data change	IWoo	q
57964sequential data set	IWpS	k
57965sequential data structure	IWp2	t
57966sequential davanced control	IWqj	v
57967sequential decision problem	IWrS	v
57968sequential decision process	IWsB	v
57969sequential decision tree	IWsw	p
57970sequential decoding	IWtZ	o
57971sequential definition	IWuB	j
57972sequential dependent segment	IWuk	t
57973sequential detection	IWvR	i
57974sequential diagnosibility	IWvz	t
57975sequential diagnosis	IWwg	i
57976sequential digital network	IWxC	y
57977sequential disk file	IWx0	o
57978sequential distribution	IWyc	s
57979sequential encoding	IWzr	h
57980sequential estimation	IW1A	j
57981sequential events recorder	IW1j	8
57982sequential experiment design	IW2f	3
57983sequential fault diagnosis	IW3W	1
57984sequential file	IW4L	k
57985sequential file input statement	IW4v	BA
57986sequential file mode	IW5v	v
57987sequential file organization	IW7d	BB
57988sequential file rollback	IW8e	z
57989sequential file structure	IW9R	0
57990sequential filtering	IW+F	i
57991sequential formula translation	IW+n	4
57992sequential function	IW/f	h
57993sequential fuzzy language	IXAA	r
57994sequential grammar	IXAr	n
57995sequential hazard	IXBS	f
57996sequential hierarchy	IXBx	i
57997sequential hierarchy segment	IXCT	x
57998sequential index	IXDm	e
57999sequential index access command	IXEE	5
58000sequential index file	IXE9	s
58001sequential inputoutput	IXFp	r
58002sequential interface	IXGU	i
58003sequential interval timer	IXG2	0
58004sequential io	IXDE	i
58005sequential jamming	IXHq	q
58006sequential language	IXIU	h
58007sequential learning automaton	IXI1	0
58008sequential linear lists	IXJp	v
58009sequential lobing	IXKY	i
58010sequential logic	IXK6	e
58011sequential logic circuit	IXLY	s
58012sequential logic control	IXME	z
58013sequential logic element	IXM3	z
58014sequential logic equation	IXNq	0
58015sequential logic network	IXOe	z
58016sequential logic system	IXPR	y
58017sequential logic tester	IXQD	6
58018sequential machine	IXQ9	n
58019sequential mapping	IXRk	u
58020sequential marked graph	IXSS	v
58021sequential mass storage file	IXTB	BD
58022sequential memory	IXUE	p
58023sequential memory location	IXUt	1
58024sequential memory mode	IXVi	x
58025sequential microprogramming	IXWT	5
58026sequential mode	IXXM	k
58027sequential network	IXXw	n
58028sequential notation	IXYX	r
58029sequential number	IXZC	c
58030sequential operation	IXZe	p
58031sequential operator	IXaH	r
58032sequential option	IXay	m
58033sequential organization	IXbY	v
58034sequential organization file	IXcH	6
58035sequential organization in os360	IXdB	5
58036sequential parsing scheme	IXd6	3
58037sequential partitioned system	IXex	8
58038sequential pattern	IXft	g
58039sequential pattern recognition	IXgN	2
58040sequential placement	IXhD	i
58041sequential prime implicant form	IXhl	2
58042sequential probability ratio	IXib	t
58043sequential process	IXjI	g
58044sequential processing	IXjo	q
58045sequential processing machine	IXkS	1
58046sequential processor	IXlH	v
58047sequential program	IXl2	n
58048sequential programming	IXmd	x
58049sequential propagation algorithm	IXnO	7
58050sequential queue	IXoJ	v
58051sequential read	IXo4	d
58052sequential reading	IXpV	k
58053sequential record	IXp5	m
58054sequential relationship	IXqf	s
58055sequential relationship matrix	IXrL	5
58056sequential retrieval	IXsE	p
58057sequential sampling	IXst	o
58058sequential sampling inspection	IXtV	5
58059sequential scanning	IXuO	o
58060sequential scheduling system	IXu2	7
58061sequential search	IXvx	t
58062sequential selection	IXwe	p
58063sequential sequence	IXxH	s
58064sequential signal elements	IXxz	1
58065sequential similarity detection algorithm	IXyo	BG
58066sequential simplex method	IXzu	+
58067sequential stacked job control	IX0s	/
58068sequential stochastic programming	IX1r	1
58069sequential storage	IX2g	j
58070sequential structure	IX3D	i
58071sequential switch circuit	IX3l	t
58072sequential switching network	IX4S	w
58073sequential synchronous transmission	IX5C	3
58074sequential system	IX55	f
58075sequential test	IX69	d
58076sequential testing	IX7a	n
58077sequential time delay	IX8B	j
58078sequential timer	IX8k	k
58079sequential transducer	IX9I	t
58080sequential transmission	IX91	s
58081sequential tv equipment programmer	IX+h	Bb
58082sequential unconstrained minimization technique	IX/8	BU
58083sequential update	IYBQ	f
58084sequential working	IYBv	n
58085sequential write	IYCW	e
58086sequentially ordered file	IYEu	t
58087sequentidl ratio probability test	IYFb	BA
58088serface mounted technology	IYGb	y
58089serial	BBd6	U
58090serial	HNmm	f
58091serial	IYHN	p
58092serial	IZ6X	e
58093serial	JJe7	U
58094serial access	IYH2	b
58095serial access device	IYIR	BC
58096serial access file	IYJT	m
58097serial access medium	IYJ5	o
58098serial access memory	IYKh	r
58099serial access store	IYLM	q
58100serial accumulator	IYL2	j
58101serial action	IYMZ	b
58102serial adder	BBeO	j
58103serial adder	IYM0	d
58104serial addition	IYNR	d
58105serial algorithm	IYNu	e
58106serial analog memory	IYOM	v
58107serial arithmetic	BBex	l
58108serial arithmetic	IYO7	f
58109serial arithmetic operation	IYPa	v
58110serial arithmetic unit	IYQJ	n
58111serial associative processor	BBfW	2
58112serial batch system	IYQw	x
58113serial binary	IYRh	o
58114serial binary adder	IYSJ	t
58115serial binary computer	IYS2	w
58116serial binary information transmission	IYTm	BD
58117serial bit	IYUp	V
58118serial bit error detector	IYU+	4
58119serial bit transmission	IYV2	o
58120serial block	IYWe	h
58121serial bubble store	IYW/	u
58122serial bus	BBgM	e
58123serial by bit	IYXt	l
58124serial by bit and byte	IYYS	3
58125serial by byte	IYZJ	p
58126serial carry	IYZy	a
58127serial ccd memory	IYaM	0
58128serial character printer	IYbA	z
58129serial chip memory	IYbz	p
58130serial clause	IYcc	b
58131serial clock receive	IYc3	2
58132serial common carrier	BBgq	v
58133serial communication	BBhZ	o
58134serial communication	IYdt	i
58135serial communication interface	IYeP	2
58136serial communication link	IYfF	t
58137serial communication loop	IYfy	x
58138serial comparator	IYgj	s
58139serial computer	IYhP	g
58140serial computing	IYhv	e
58141serial control interface	IYiN	w
58142serial control processor	IYi9	v
58143serial conversion	HNnF	z
58144serial converter	HNn4	q
58145serial converter	HNq1	q
58146serial correlation	IYjs	g
58147serial cryptographic device	IYkM	w
58148serial data	IYk8	Z
58149serial data controller	IYlV	x
58150serial data exchange	IYmG	2
58151serial data form	IYm8	k
58152serial data handshaking	IYng	1
58153serial data input	IYoV	l
58154serial data link	IYo6	k
58155serial data mode	IYpe	k
58156serial data output	IYqC	m
58157serial data representation	IYqo	x
58158serial data set	IYrZ	g
58159serial data stream	BBiB	p
58160serial data stream	IYr5	j
58161serial data transfer	IYsc	o
58162serial data transmission	IYtE	w
58163serial decomposition	IYt0	i
58164serial device	IYuW	b
58165serial digital adder	IYux	r
58166serial digital computer	IYvc	u
58167serial digital decoder	IYwK	t
58168serial entry	IYw3	k
58169serial entry printer	IYxb	5
58170serial feedback ad converter	IYyU	9
58171serial feeding	IYzR	c
58172serial file	IYzt	n
58173serial file operating system	IY0U	7
58174serial file organization	IY1P	BA
58175serial flow	IY2P	W
58176serial full adder	IY2l	i
58177serial full subtracter	IY3H	n
58178serial half adder	IY3u	i
58179serial in	IY9x	X
58180serial inference computer	IY+I	w
58181serial input	IY+4	d
58182serial input output interface	IY/V	3
58183serial input register	IZAM	w
58184serial inputoutput	IZA8	o
58185serial inputoutput board	IZBk	+
58186serial inputoutput channel	IZCi	6
58187serial inputoutput controller	IZDc	/
58188serial insertion	IZEb	e
58189serial intelligent cable	IZE5	s
58190serial interface	IZFl	h
58191serial interface board	IZGG	1
58192serial io card	IY5G	t
58193serial io channel	IY5z	s
58194serial io command	IY6f	s
58195serial io control signal	IY7L	5
58196serial io error condition	IY8E	BE
58197serial io mode	IY9I	p
58198serial line unit	IZHd	5
58199serial logic	IZIW	k
58200serial loop	IZI6	d
58201serial machine	IZJX	j
58202serial machine simulation program	IZJ6	BK
58203serial memory	IZLE	e
58204serial memory address computer	IZLi	BD
58205serial mode	IZMl	Z
58206serial multiplier	IZM+	i
58207serial number	IZNg	w
58208serial number control	IZOQ	m
58209serial number cycle	IZO2	k
58210serial numbering	IZPs	e
58211serial operation	IZQK	k
58212serial operation word	IZQu	m
58213serial out	IZRU	Y
58214serial output	IZRs	e
58215serial output data	IZSK	q
58216serial output register	IZS0	x
58217serial overhead	IZTl	d
58218serial paralled interface	IZUC	n
58219serial peripheral interface	IZUp	z
58220serial poll disable	IZVc	n
58221serial poll enable	IZWD	m
58222serial port	IZWp	u
58223serial print	IZXX	k
58224serial printer	IZX7	j
58225serial process hierarchical control	IZYe	9
58226serial processing	IZZb	t
58227serial processing system	IZaI	s
58228serial processor	BBiq	n
58229serial processor	IZa0	h
58230serial programming	IZbV	m
58231serial punch	IZb7	h
58232serial read	IZcc	d
58233serial reader punch	IZc5	u
58234serial receive control signal	IZdn	3
58235serial receive synchronization control	IZee	BA
58236serial register	HNoi	n
58237serial register	IZfe	g
58238serial reusable	IZf+	3
58239serial reusable routine	IZg1	0
58240serial run test	IZhp	j
58241serial scanning model	IZiM	9
58242serial scheduling	IZjJ	m
58243serial search	IZjv	b
58244serial shared resource	IZkK	q
58245serial shift register	IZk0	s
58246serial signaling rate	IZlg	s
58247serial sort	IZmM	Z
58248serial storage	IZml	f
58249serial stream of bits	IZnE	t
58250serial synchronous hunt mode	IZnx	2
58251serial system	IZon	b
58252serial task	IZpC	n
58253serial terminal	IZpp	d
58254serial test	IZqG	Z
58255serial time sharing system	IZqf	u
58256serial transfer	IZrN	d
58257serial transmission	IZrq	h
58258serial transmit control signal	IZsL	4
58259serial type adder	IZtD	p
58260serial update	IODY	o
58261serial user buffer	IZts	p
58262serial word operation	IZuV	m
58263serial work flow	IZu7	r
58264serialiser	IZ7h	s
58265serializability	IZ8N	d
58266serializability theory	IZ8q	q
58267serializable	IZ9U	d
58268serializable class	IZ9x	m
58269serialization	IZ+X	g
58270serialize	IZ+3	U
58271serialized job processor	IZ/L	w
58272serialized scheduling	IZ/7	q
58273serializer	IaAl	i
58274serializerdeserializer	IaBH	v
58275serially	IaB2	Y
58276serially reusable	IaCO	z
58277serially reusable attribute	IaDB	1
58278serially reusable load module	IaD2	0
58279serially reusable program	IaEq	w
58280serially reusable resource	IaFa	1
58281serially reusable routine	IaGP	2
58282series	IaHf	W
58283series architecture	IaH1	n
58284series assignment algorithm	IaIc	BD
58285series circuit	IaJz	c
58286series combination	IaKP	g
58287series compensation	IklE	k
58288series compensation filter	IaKv	x
58289series computer operator	IaLg	y
58290series connection	IaMS	Z
58291series connective	IaMr	i
58292series damping resistor	IaNN	y
58293series gating technique	IaN/	x
58294series inductance	IaOw	f
58295series interface	IaPP	e
58296series interface board	IaPt	n
58297series loss	IaQU	Z
58298series machine	IaQt	j
58299series microprocessor	IaRQ	p
58300series mode rejection	IaR5	n
58301series modulation	IaSg	f
58302series multiple arrangement	IaS/	y
58303series multiple connection	IaTx	u
58304series of recommendations of ccitt	JoAA	BT
58305series parallel control	IaUf	o
58306series records	IaVH	m
58307series resistor	IaVt	k
58308series system	IaWR	i
58309series termination	IaWz	g
58310series to parallel converter	IaXT	2
58311series transmission	IaYJ	v
58312series x recommendation	IaY4	3
58313series1	IadM	l
58314serif	Iadx	2
58315serioparallel	Iaen	Y
58316serious error condition	Iae/	r
58317sermo card	Iafq	V
58318serpentine domain	Iaf/	w
58319serve	Iagv	N
58320served policy	DVHY	k
58321served schedule	DVH8	s
58322server	Iag8	R
58323server console	IahN	i
58324serverice data unit	Iahv	n
58325service	H9mg	V
58326service	IaiW	g
58327service ability	Iai2	r
58328service ability testing	Iajh	1
58329service access point	IakW	p
58330service access point address	Iak/	z
58331service access point identifier	Ialy	5
58332service adapter	Iamr	g
58333service aid	IanL	n
58334service area	Iany	o
58335service area concept	Iaoa	l
58336service assistance switchboard	Iao/	1
58337service band	Iap0	a
58338service bit	IaqO	W
58339service bits	Iaqk	a
58340service book	Iaq+	a
58341service bureau	IarY	k
58342service center	IasR	m
58343service channel	Ias3	r
58344service charge	Iati	Z
58345service checking routine	Iat7	s
58346service circuit	Iaun	r
58347service class	IavS	p
58348service clearance	Iav7	t
58349service code	Iawo	a
58350service command	IaxC	d
58351service computer signalling channel	Iaxf	BF
58352service condition	Iayk	t
58353service connection	IazR	g
58354service console	Iazx	j
58355service conversation	Ia0U	i
58356service cycle	Ia02	b
58357service data	Ia1R	y
58358service data unit	Ia2D	l
58359service data unit integrity	Ia2o	1
58360service dependability	Ia3d	m
58361service discipline	Ia4D	g
58362service document	Ia4j	e
58363service efficiency	Ia5B	q
58364service element	Ia5r	d
58365service engineer	Ia6I	r
58366service engineering	Ia6z	r
58367service error	Ia7e	b
58368service exchange	Ia75	l
58369service facility	Ia8e	e
58370service financial terminal	IQYK	2
58371service frequency	Ia88	f
58372service grade	Ia9b	l
58373service guide	Ia+A	b
58374service hpurs	Ia+b	b
58375service in	Ia+2	n
58376service indication	Ia/d	g
58377service information	Ia/9	h
58378service information analysis	IbAe	+
58379service inspection	IbBc	g
58380service instruction	IbB8	v
58381service interface command	IbCr	t
58382service interrupt	IbDY	f
58383service interrupt reporting	IbD3	v
58384service level	IbEm	b
58385service level update	IbFB	l
58386service library	IbFm	k
58387service life	IbGK	o
58388service life evaluation	IbGy	r
58389service log	IbHd	n
58390service macro	IbIE	i
58391service macro instruction	IbIm	q
58392service manager	IbJQ	r
58393service manual	IbJ7	q
58394service message	IbKl	d
58395service meter	IbLC	b
58396service meter key	IbLd	v
58397service mode	IbMM	a
58398service mode switch	IbMm	n
58399service modem	IbNN	k
58400service modem cable	IbNx	w
58401service operation monitor	IbOh	0
58402service order program	IbPV	p
58403service order table	IbP+	r
58404service out	IbRJ	o
58405service package	IbRx	g
58406service panel	IbSR	s
58407service panel adapter	IbS9	BI
58408service part	IbUF	a
58409service parts forecast	IbUf	q
58410service period	IbVJ	m
58411service point	IbVv	i
58412service primitive	IbWR	i
58413service probability	IbWz	y
58414service processor	IbXl	s
58415service program	IbYR	n
58416service protection	IbY4	g
58417service provider	IbZY	h
58418service quality parameter	IbZ5	t
58419service queue	Ibam	b
58420service rate	IbbB	X
58421service reference model	IbbY	r
58422service representative	IbcD	q
58423service representative privilege class	Ibct	BR
58424service repuest	Ibd+	d
58425service request	Ibeb	u
58426service request block	IbfJ	+
58427service request interrupts	IbgH	4
58428service request line	Ibg/	v
58429service request monitor	Ibhu	/
58430service request output	Ibit	0
58431service restoral	Ibjh	e
58432service routine	Ibj/	j
58433service sequence	Ibki	x
58434service signal	IblT	m
58435service speed	Ibl5	l
58436service standard	Ibme	o
58437service state	IbnG	l
58438service subprogram	Ibnr	t
58439service technic	IboY	n
58440service test	Ibo/	o
58441service test pause	Ibpn	6
58442service time	HAU4	d
58443service time	Ibqh	o
58444service time distribution	IbrJ	BB
58445service time interval	IbsK	3
58446service transaction program	IbtB	BD
58447service type	IbuE	a
58448service unit	Ibue	a
58449service update process	Ibu4	+
58450service virtual machine	Ibv2	s
58451serviceability	Ib1x	q
58452serviceability aid for inputoutput channel	Ib2b	Ba
58453serviceability aidroutine	Ib31	/
58454serviceability ratio	Ib40	v
58455serviceable	Ib5j	W
58456serviceable	JE00	c
58457serviceable time	Ib55	e
58458serviceoperator panel	Ib03	6
58459servicer	Ib6X	W
58460services display	Ib6t	l
58461servicing	Ib7S	Z
58462servicing time	Ib7r	q
58463servo	Ib8V	h
58464servo	ItGl	Z
58465servo action	Ib9h	a
58466servo actuated control	Ib97	q
58467servo ad converter	Ib82	r
58468servo card	Ib+l	V
58469servo channel	Ib+6	b
58470servo component	Ib/V	d
58471servo control	Ib/y	i
58472servo control amplifier	IcAU	u
58473servo control equipment	IcBC	r
58474servo control mechanism	IcBt	r
58475servo control system	IcCY	o
58476servo device	IcDA	q
58477servo field	IcDq	W
58478servo integrator	IcEA	h
58479servo link	IcEh	e
58480servo logic	IcE/	Z
58481servo mark	IcFY	i
58482servo plotter	IcF6	e
58483servo problem	IcGY	b
58484servo stability	IcGz	p
58485servo surface	IcHc	Y
58486servo swap	IcH0	f
58487servo swap	IzB+	e
58488servo system control	IcIT	o
58489servo system integral control	IcI7	3
58490servo theory	IcJy	a
58491servo track	IcKM	n
58492servodisk	IcU/	X
58493servodyne	IcVW	w
58494servohead	IcWG	X
58495servointegrator	IcWd	g
58496servomechanism	IcW9	c
58497servomodulator	IcXZ	f
58498servomultiplier	IcX4	d
58499servonoise	IcYV	i
58500servoscribe	IcY3	Z
58501servosurface encoding	IcZQ	p
58502servosystem	IcZ5	Z
58503session	Du2e	V
58504session	F+D/	V
58505session	II86	j
58506session	IcaS	d
58507session activation	Icav	8
58508session activation request	Icbr	BQ
58509session address space	Icc7	9
58510session authorization check	Icd4	BD
58511session awareness block	Ice7	s
58512session command	Icfn	n
58513session command and responses	IcgO	0
58514session connection service	IchC	u
58515session connection synchronization	Ichw	BH
58516session control	Ici3	q
58517session control block	Icjh	0
58518session control protocol	IckV	2
58519session control record	IclL	0
58520session count	Icl/	l
58521session cryptographic key	Icmk	0
58522session cryptographic seed	IcnY	BC
58523session date	Icoa	k
58524session deactivation	Ico+	s
58525session deactivation request	Icpq	6
58526session description	Icqk	r
58527session end	IcrP	g
58528session establishment macro instruction	Icrv	BL
58529session facility	Ics6	y
58530session field	Icts	i
58531session group	IcuO	i
58532session handler	Icuw	w
58533session information block	Icvg	4
58534session initiation	IcwY	0
58535session initiation command	IcxM	BC
58536session initiation request	IcyO	BC
58537session key	IczQ	g
58538session layer	Iczw	Y
58539session level	Ic0I	i
58540session library	Ic0q	g
58541session limit	Ic1K	l
58542session local protocol	Ic1v	0
58543session log	Ic2j	j
58544session management service	Ic3G	u
58545session manager	Ic30	j
58546session memory pool	Ic4X	u
58547session network services	Ic5F	2
58548session pacing	Ic57	w
58549session parameters	Ic6r	q
58550session partner	Ic7V	n
58551session presentation services	Ic78	7
58552session profile	Ic83	t
58553session protocol	Ic9k	o
58554session protocol data units	Ic+M	BE
58555session seed	Ic/Q	x
58556session sequence identifier	IdAB	BA
58557session sequence number	IdBB	y
58558session service data unit	IdBz	BC
58559session services	IdC1	o
58560session start	IdDd	v
58561session started command	IdFv	/
58562session started message	IdGu	/
58563session structure	IdHt	p
58564session synchronization	IdIW	v
58565session termination	IdJF	r
58566session termination request	IdJw	5
58567set	3om	X
58568set	CH9I	O
58569set	EGOh	R
58570set	G+o5	U
58571set	I//T	O
58572set	IdL9	U
58573set algebra	IdMR	Z
58574set associative buffer storage	IdMq	/
58575set associative organization	IdNp	0
58576set asynchronous balance mode	IdOd	6
58577set asynchronous balance mode extend	IdPX	BK
58578set asynchronous balanced mode	IdQh	1
58579set asynchronous response mode	IdRW	BU
58580set attribute	IdSq	j
58581set attribute order	IdTN	k
58582set bit	IdTx	j
58583set breakpoint	IdUU	g
58584set buffer address	IdU0	p
58585set buffer address register	IdVd	BH
58586set buffer address subcommand	IdWk	9
58587set clause	IdXh	V
58588set clock	IdX2	t
58589set color	IdYj	Z
58590set coupler	CH9W	c
58591set covering	IdY8	e
58592set description entry	IdZa	/
58593set difference	IdaZ	h
58594set element	Ida6	Z
58595set element type	IdbT	k
58596set entry	Idb3	c
58597set equation transfer system	IdcT	BF
58598set expression	IddY	f
58599set fast execution	Idd3	m
58600set fill mask	Ided	0
58601set function	IdfR	X
58602set gate	Idfo	i
58603set graphic input device	IdgK	v
58604set horizontal format	Idg5	p
58605set identification	Idhi	q
58606set index instruction	IdiM	6
58607set inhibit	IdjG	Z
58608set instruction	I+F9	j
58609set intersection	Idjf	e
58610set language	Idj9	a
58611set line density	IdkX	h
58612set location mode	Idk4	2
58613set location stack	Idlu	x
58614set member	Idmf	j
58615set membership	IdnC	q
58616set merging	Idns	Z
58617set mode	IdoF	q
58618set name	Idov	b
58619set nonnegnative integer	IdpK	p
58620set normal response mode	Idpz	v
58621set occurence	Idqi	d
58622set occurence selection	Idq/	s
58623set occurences	Idrr	d
58624set of automorphisms	IdsI	i
58625set of elementary event	Idsq	l
58626set of file descriptor	IdtP	q
58627set of final states	Idt5	m
58628set of homomorphisms	Iduf	f
58629set of instruction	Idu+	k
58630set of integer	Idvi	Z
58631set of isomorphisms	Idv7	e
58632set of language	IdwZ	a
58633set of linear equation	Idwz	n
58634set of node	Idxa	b
58635set of symbol	Idx1	Y
58636set of truth value assignment	IdyN	BF
58637set of wffs	IdzS	c
58638set operation	Idzu	p
58639set operator	Id0X	a
58640set option	Id0x	6
58641set order	Id1r	Z
58642set ordering criteria	Id2E	BB
58643set owner	Id3F	c
58644set pair	Id3h	a
58645set point	Id37	U
58646set point command	Id4P	w
58647set point computer control system	Id4/	BD
58648set point control	Id6C	i
58649set pointer	Id6k	/
58650set procedure	I+Gg	h
58651set processing	Id7j	r
58652set program interrupt	Id8O	m
58653set program mask	Id80	r
58654set program status word	Id9f	r
58655set pulse	Id+K	m
58656set receive timing	CH9y	s
58657set representation	Id+w	j
58658set screw	Id/T	X
58659set section	Id/q	e
58660set selection criteria	IeAI	x
58661set size	IeA5	k
58662set space diversity	JB83	k
58663set statement	IeBd	Y
58664set storage key	IeB1	o
58665set strobe time	IeCd	n
58666set structure	IeDE	b
58667set subentry	IeDf	r
58668set symbol	IeEK	W
58669set symbol	IeEg	V
58670set system algebra	IeE1	g
58671set system mask	IeFV	1
58672set systems	IeGK	T
58673set theoretic data structure	IeGd	4
58674set theoretical definition	IeHV	r
58675set theoretical language	IeIA	p
58676set theory	IeIp	V
58677set theory language	IeI+	k
58678set time counter	IeJi	r
58679set to zero	IeKN	c
58680set transmit timing	CH+e	t
58681set trigger	IeKp	f
58682set type	IeLI	h
58683set type currency indicator	IeLp	9
58684set type entry	IeMm	l
58685set union	IeNL	U
58686set vertical format	IeNf	n
58687set width	IeOG	r
58688setable	Iegj	j
58689setreset io parameter	IefK	3
58690setreset test	IegB	i
58691setting	BHYi	e
58692setting	Iehp	P
58693setting	Jq7b	V
58694setting breakpoint condition	Ieh4	w
58695setting position	Ieio	s
58696setting pulse	IejU	q
58697setting time	Iej+	o
58698setting value	Iekm	m
58699settle	IelM	W
58700settlements	Ieli	j
58701settling time	IemF	b
58702setup	Iemg	V
58703setup cost	Iem1	Y
58704setup crew size	IenN	j
58705setup hours remaining	Ienw	v
58706setup labor	Ieof	Z
58707setup labor hours	Ieo4	l
58708setup machine	Iepd	b
58709setup string	Iep4	a
58710setup tests	IeqS	n
58711setup time	Ieq5	Y
58712seven and nine track compatibility	IerR	BF
58713seven segment	IesW	V
58714seven track tape	Iesr	r
58715sever	IexW	Q
58716severe environment controller system	Iex0	BD
58717severe environment memory system	Iey3	/
58718severe error	Iez2	a
58719severity	Ie0Q	T
58720severity code	Ie0j	e
58721sexadecimal	Ie1B	c
58722sexadecimal digit	Ie1d	5
58723sexadecimal external number base	Ie2W	BB
58724sexadecimal notation	Ie3X	4
58725sexadecimal number	Ie4P	j
58726sexadecimal number system	Ie4y	0
58727sexadecimal numeral	Ie5m	h
58728sexadecimalhexadecimalnotation	Ie6H	BL
58729sexagesimal	Ie7S	c
58730sexdecimal digit	Ie7u	h
58731sextet	Ie8P	U
58732sexto	Ie8j	X
58733shade	Ie86	V
58734shade graphing	Ie9P	c
58735shade page table	Ie9r	e
58736shaded	Ie+J	O
58737shaded area	Ie+X	k
58738shaded curve surface	Ie+7	i
58739shaded letter	Ie/d	l
58740shaded picture	IfAC	t
58741shading	IfAv	X
58742shadow	IfBG	W
58743shadow area	IfBc	b
58744shadow graphing	IfB3	d
58745shadow mask	IfCU	i
58746shadow mask color ctr	IfC2	v
58747shadow mask ctr	IfDl	t
58748shadow memory	IfES	o
58749shadow page table	IfE6	p
58750shadow price	IfFj	k
58751shadow resource	IfGH	n
58752shadow rom	IfGu	r
58753shadow table	IfHZ	h
58754shaft	IfH6	K
58755shaft encode	IfIE	a
58756shaft encode automatic tuning	IfIe	3
58757shaft encoder	IfJV	e
58758shaft position digitizer	IfJz	2
58759shallow	IfL0	W
58760shallow binding	IfMK	a
58761shallow diffusion	IfMk	c
58762shallow search procedure	IfNA	p
58763shallow system	IfNp	Z
58764shallow system organization	IfOC	s
58765shannon	IfOu	Z
58766shannon	IfPH	Z
58767shannon black box	IfPg	z
58768shannon equation	IfQT	e
58769shannon expansion theorem	IfQx	t
58770shannon fromula	IfRe	d
58771shannon ideal code	IfR7	j
58772shannon page table	IfSe	g
58773shape	IfUt	V
58774shape analysis	IfVC	c
58775shape anisotropy	IfVe	k
58776shape code	IfWC	c
58777shape decomposition	IfWe	h
58778shape description	IfW/	f
58779shape factor	IfXe	a
58780shape function	IfX4	c
58781shape grammar	IfYU	b
58782shape information	IfYv	f
58783shape number	IfZO	a
58784shape recognition	IfZo	f
58785shaped character printer	IfaU	5
58786shaped curve	g+Z	a
58787shaped pulse	IfbN	u
58788shaped reflector cassegrain	Ifb7	+
58789shaped screw	Jhcf	a
58790shaper	Ifdc	b
58791shaping	Ifd3	P
58792shaping circuit	IfeG	d
58793shaping network	Ifej	d
58794shaping pulse	IffA	b
58795shaping signal	Iffb	c
58796sharable segment	Gd8C	h
58797share	IfgL	V
58798share	JFGq	N
58799share assembly program	Ifgg	u
58800share bus	IfhO	X
58801share count	Ifhl	j
58802share interval fortran translator	IfiI	BI
58803share library	IfjQ	e
58804share library user report	Ifju	2
58805share limit	Ifkk	j
58806share load	IflH	Y
58807share operating system	Iflf	u
58808share request	IfmN	b
58809share supervisor	Ifmo	u
58810share system	j5E	r
58811shareable	Gd8j	X
58812shareable	Ifnj	l
58813shareable device	IfoI	r
58814shareable global area	Ifoz	4
58815shareable image	Ifpr	q
58816shareable routine	IfqV	s
58817shared	Ifru	c
58818shared access path	IfsK	t
58819shared access routine	Ifs3	2
58820shared batch area	Iftt	w
58821shared bus	GFXq	h
58822shared cell	Ifud	g
58823shared central memory	Ifu9	z
58824shared class	Ifvw	r
58825shared communication facility	Ifwb	4
58826shared communication resource	IfxT	4
58827shared contingency computer center	IfyL	BI
58828shared control	IfzT	j
58829shared control unit	Ifz2	r
58830shared dasd option	If0h	Bb
58831shared data	If18	g
58832shared data bank	If2c	o
58833shared data base	If3E	o
58834shared data management system	JFG3	8
58835shared data set	If3s	r
58836shared data set integrity	If4X	/
58837shared data system	If5W	t
58838shared data transmission network	If6D	BF
58839shared device	If7I	i
58840shared direct memory access	If7q	BE
58841shared direct memory access controller	If8u	BZ
58842shared disc	If+H	g
58843shared disk	If+n	g
58844shared disk system	If/H	t
58845shared electron bond	If/0	f
58846shared enqueue	IgAT	m
58847shared environment	IgA5	g
58848shared file	IgBZ	g
58849shared file system	IgB5	t
58850shared firmware	IgCm	k
58851shared font store	IgDK	p
58852shared hospital accounting system	IgDz	BJ
58853shared index data base	IgFr	0
58854shared information system	IgGf	0
58855shared instruction	IgHT	n
58856shared io	IgE8	v
58857shared library	IgH6	f
58858shared line	IgIZ	d
58859shared linkage segment	IgI2	u
58860shared lock	IgJk	d
58861shared logic	IgKB	h
58862shared logic system	IgKi	u
58863shared logic word processing equipment	IgLQ	BN
58864shared main memory	IgMd	t
58865shared main storage multiprocessing	IgNK	+
58866shared mass storage	IgOI	BC
58867shared memory	IgPK	p
58868shared memory table	IgPz	r
58869shared memory table address	IgQe	5
58870shared memory technique	IgRX	y
58871shared module page queue	IgSJ	5
58872shared multiport memory	IgTC	5
58873shared name	IgT7	d
58874shared network resource	IgUY	y
58875shared node	IgVK	g
58876shared operating system	Cnir	/
58877shared operating system	IgVq	y
58878shared page table	IgWc	q
58879shared partition	IgXG	l
58880shared path	IgXr	g
58881shared peripheral	IgYL	s
58882shared procedure	IgY3	l
58883shared processor	IgZc	o
58884shared record format	IgbC	v
58885shared relational associative memory program	JFHz	Bo
58886shared resource	Igbx	k
58887shared resource mode	IgcV	v
58888shared resource multiprocessing	IgdE	BH
58889shared resource text processing	IgeL	BA
58890shared resources processing	IgfL	6
58891shared routine	IggF	j
58892shared row assignment	Iggo	t
58893shared run unit library	IghV	7
58894shared segment	IgjA	q
58895shared software	Igjq	k
58896shared software routine	IgkO	y
58897shared spooling	IglA	n
58898shared storage	Igln	m
58899shared storage management	IgmN	t
58900shared storage technique	Igm6	2
58901shared structure	Ignw	l
58902shared subchannel	IgoV	p
58903shared subroutine	Igo+	p
58904shared system	Guv0	h
58905shared system	Igpn	i
58906shared system	j5v	s
58907shared tape allocation manager	IgqJ	BH
58908shared task address space	Gd86	2
58909shared task address space	IgrQ	x
58910shared track	IgsB	l
58911shared update	Igsm	i
58912shared variable	IgtI	k
58913shared variable set	Igts	y
58914shared variable update procedure	Igue	BB
58915shared virtual area	Igvf	v
58916shared working space	IgwO	v
58917sharedlocked included file	Ig30	0
58918sharer	Ig4o	Y
58919sharing	C35i	b
58920sharing	CQRA	e
58921sharing	D5vf	Y
58922sharing	G0Ad	b
58923sharing	GBwJ	z
58924sharing	H8Fm	V
58925sharing	HJSs	V
58926sharing	Ig5A	X
58927sharing	JEYP	Y
58928sharing	JFJb	P
58929sharing	JaXZ	V
58930sharing capability	F8no	s
58931sharing communication capability	JaxG	6
58932sharing computer system	JFJq	r
58933sharing data set	Ig5X	o
58934sharing device	F19N	p
58935sharing executive	JFKV	p
58936sharing executive operation	JFK+	v
58937sharing executive system	JFLt	x
58938sharing facility	JFMe	e
58939sharing file	H1Lz	m
58940sharing file processing	JFM8	r
58941sharing generator	JFNn	o
58942sharing group	JFOP	b
58943sharing help program	JFOq	o
58944sharing incremental compoler	JFPS	2
58945sharing input queue control block	JFQI	BF
58946sharing installation management	JFRN	z
58947sharing interchange	JFSA	h
58948sharing interface area	JFSh	n
58949sharing interface program	JFTI	t
58950sharing interrupt	JFT1	f
58951sharing job	JFUU	Z
58952sharing job control block	JFUt	0
58953sharing language	JFVh	e
58954sharing library	JFV/	e
58955sharing logical link	Ig5/	v
58956sharing media input	JFWd	n
58957sharing method	JFXE	c
58958sharing minicomputer	JFXg	r
58959sharing mode	JFYL	g
58960sharing monitor	41F	z
58961sharing monitor	JFYr	n
58962sharing monitor system	JFZS	q
58963sharing multiplex	JFZ8	p
58964sharing multiplexer channel	JFal	y
58965sharing multiprocessing	Ig6u	y
58966sharing network	JFbX	d
58967sharing operating system	GI7V	9
58968sharing operation	JFb0	j
58969sharing operation system	JFcX	x
58970sharing option	JFdI	j
58971sharing policy	Ig7g	j
58972sharing polling	JFdr	d
58973sharing priority	JFeI	h
58974sharing processing	JFep	g
58975sharing processor time	Ig8D	0
58976sharing programming	JFfJ	n
58977sharing programming system	JFfw	5
58978sharing ready	JFgp	b
58979sharing reference	JFhE	f
58980sharing resource	Ig83	l
58981sharing resource	JFhj	e
58982sharing scanner	JFiB	g
58983sharing service	JFih	h
58984sharing session	JFjC	g
58985sharing software	JFji	e
58986sharing subchannel	Ig9c	q
58987sharing subsystem	JFkA	m
58988sharing supervisor	JFkm	m
58989sharing system	35a	n
58990sharing system	C0kE	l
58991sharing system	CaQD	i
58992sharing system	DtAL	i
58993sharing system	EtS+	i
58994sharing system	GAOJ	l
58995sharing system	GFYL	i
58996sharing system	GIo/	o
58997sharing system	GKZF	p
58998sharing system	Ig+G	j
58999sharing system	JFlM	0
59000sharing system	JQRJ	0
59001sharing system	JUVo	m
59002sharing system	UF2	BB
59003sharing system 36067	JFmA	x
59004sharing system administration package	JFmx	BC
59005sharing system command	JFnz	q
59006sharing system editing package	JFod	7
59007sharing system evaluation	JFpY	t
59008sharing system executive	JFqF	s
59009sharing system facility	F/ZU	3
59010sharing system fortran interface	JFqx	8
59011sharing system functionality	JFrt	z
59012sharing system simulator	JFsg	y
59013sharing system subsystem	JFtS	y
59014sharing system text editor	JFuE	6
59015sharing terminal	JFu+	l
59016sharing user	JFvj	a
59017sharing user modes	JFv9	m
59018sharp clear printing	Ig+p	u
59019sharp edge	Ig/7	S
59020sharp image	IhAN	Z
59021sharp product	IhAm	g
59022sharp pulse	IhBG	W
59023sharp step	IhBc	S
59024sharp turning	IhBu	d
59025sharpening	IhCL	S
59026sharpening technique by differentiation	IhCd	7
59027sharping technique	IhDY	q
59028sharpness	IhEC	c
59029shawnon sampling theorem	JgHR	3
59030shear	IhEe	N
59031shear distribution	IhEr	g
59032shear stiffness	IhFL	d
59033shear strength	IhFo	c
59034sheath	IhGE	f
59035sheet	DLP7	T
59036sheet	IhGj	e
59037sheet conductance	IhHB	q
59038sheet detector	IhHr	f
59039sheet dielectric	IhIK	h
59040sheet duplicator	IhM6	k
59041sheet feed	IhIr	a
59042sheet feeder	IhJF	X
59043sheet feeding	ImwH	b
59044sheet film	IhJc	Y
59045sheet glass	IhJ0	k
59046sheet microfilm	IhKY	j
59047sheet mode	IhK7	V
59048sheet paper	IhLQ	b
59049sheet resistance	IhLr	s
59050sheffer stroke	IhN2	f
59051sheffer stroke	IhNe	Y
59052sheffer stroke gate	IhOV	n
59053sheffer stroke operation	IhO8	y
59054shelf	GrGZ	j
59055shelf	IhPu	X
59056shelf hardware	GrG8	f
59057shelf integrated circuit	GrHb	v
59058shelf item	GrIK	m
59059shelf label	IhQF	Z
59060shelf life	IhQe	w
59061shelf lists	IhRO	Z
59062shelf location	IhRn	c
59063shelf processor	GrIw	BO
59064shelf storage	IhSD	e
59065shell	IhTD	S
59066shell command language	IhTV	q
59067shell document	IhT/	j
59068shell electron	HAqO	c
59069shell mechanism	IhUi	n
59070shell process	IhVJ	b
59071shell program	IhVk	b
59072shell prompt	IhV/	h
59073shell script	IhWg	w
59074shell sort	IhXQ	f
59075shell sort	IhXv	Y
59076shell sorting	IhYH	l
59077shell theory	IhYs	a
59078shelves	IhZG	b
59079shield	IhZh	b
59080shield line	IhZ8	W
59081shield wire	IhaS	W
59082shielded	Ik/3	h
59083shielded cable	Ihao	c
59084shielded enclosure	IhbE	k
59085shielded line	Ihbo	Y
59086shielded pair	IhcA	b
59087shielded transmission line	Ihcb	r
59088shielding	IhdG	Z
59089shielding box	Ihdf	j
59090shielding case	IheC	w
59091shielding wire	Ihey	k
59092shift	H5vj	W
59093shift	IhfW	k
59094shift	JXPW	e
59095shift action	Ihf6	o
59096shift amount register	Ihgi	BE
59097shift arithmetically	IhiI	i
59098shift capacity	Ihiq	c
59099shift chain	IhjG	W
59100shift character	Ihjc	z
59101shift charge	IhkP	o
59102shift code	Ihk3	V
59103shift coding	Dl7O	a
59104shift control	IhlM	i
59105shift control counter	Ihlu	s
59106shift count register	Ihma	v
59107shift counter	IhnJ	h
59108shift divisor	Ihnq	b
59109shift down	IhoF	i
59110shift down modem	Ihon	4
59111shift driver	HZQ1	h
59112shift end	Ihpf	X
59113shift filter	JqfV	j
59114shift folding	Ihp2	b
59115shift forward	IhqR	V
59116shift function	Ihrn	m
59117shift guide	IhsN	t
59118shift in	Ihs6	b
59119shift in character	IhtV	g
59120shift in control code	Iht1	m
59121shift instruction	Ihub	f
59122shift key	Dl7o	b
59123shift key	Ihu6	m
59124shift keyin	Dl8D	Z
59125shift keying	CVuz	i
59126shift keying	Dl8c	d
59127shift keying	HZRW	7
59128shift keying	HwJP	BB
59129shift keying	Ihqm	BB
59130shift keying	Ihvg	h
59131shift left	IhwB	S
59132shift left arithmetic	IhwT	j
59133shift left logical	Ihw2	g
59134shift left long	IhxW	o
59135shift left outshift right in	Ihx+	5
59136shift length	Ihy3	a
59137shift length replacement	IhzR	s
59138shift letters	Ihz9	j
59139shift lock	Ih0g	V
59140shift lock key	Ih01	f
59141shift matrix	Ih1U	a
59142shift microoperation	Ih1u	l
59143shift modulation	Dl85	i
59144shift motion	Ih2T	a
59145shift network	Ih2t	p
59146shift operation	Ih3W	r
59147shift operator	Ih4B	c
59148shift order	Ih4d	Z
59149shift out	Ih42	c
59150shift out character	Ih5S	h
59151shift pattern	JmQ4	BB
59152shift position	Ih5z	c
59153shift pulse	Ih6P	c
59154shift register	Cx/g	l
59155shift register	Du2z	i
59156shift register	Ih6r	j
59157shift register code	Ih7O	n
59158shift register drive	Ih71	y
59159shift register latch	Ih8n	1
59160shift register memroy	Ih9c	6
59161shift register sequence	Ih+W	u
59162shift register storage circuit	Ih/E	+
59163shift reverse	IiAf	e
59164shift right	IiA9	T
59165shift right arithmetic	IiBQ	k
59166shift right double	IiB0	k
59167shift right logical	IiCY	h
59168shift signal	Eyh5	g
59169shift signal	IiC5	o
59170shift stack	IiDh	W
59171shift status field	IiD3	m
59172shift system	IiEd	a
59173shift theorem	IiE3	b
59174shift unit	IiFS	f
59175shift up	IiFx	e
59176shift winding	IiGP	b
59177shifted diagonal	IiS0	h
59178shifted diagonal test	IiTV	s
59179shifted divisor	IiUB	d
59180shifter	GHdP	Y
59181shifter	IiUe	v
59182shifting	IiVN	e
59183shifting counter	IiVr	h
59184shifting function	IiWM	p
59185shifting operator	IiW1	f
59186shifting principle	IiXU	o
59187shifting process	IiX8	o
59188shifting register	IiYk	s
59189shifting theorem	IiZQ	o
59190shiftout modular redundancy	IiaT	+
59191shiftward	IibR	Y
59192shim	Iibp	X
59193ship	IicA	J
59194ship alarm signal	IicJ	i
59195ship broadcast constal radio station	Iicr	BI
59196ship broadcast schedule	Iidz	o
59197ship broadcast service	Iieb	u
59198ship call sign	IigC	m
59199ship communications	Iigo	y
59200ship deck log	Iiha	o
59201ship international call sign	IiiC	3
59202ship movement service	Iii5	s
59203ship net	Iijl	a
59204ship net	Iiy1	g
59205ship radar silence	Iij/	t
59206ship radio log	Iiks	y
59207ship radio officer	Iile	p
59208ship radio silence	IimH	s
59209ship radio transmission security	Iimz	BI
59210ship radiotelephone numeral	Iin7	y
59211ship signaling	Iiot	e
59212ship station	IipL	b
59213ship via code	Iipm	e
59214shipboard uniform automated data processing system	Ii1t	Bf
59215shipment	Ii3M	Q
59216shipped complete	Ii3c	e
59217shipping brackets	Ii36	f
59218shipping carton	Ii4Z	d
59219shipping clamp	Ii42	f
59220shipping instructions	Ii5V	j
59221shipping label	Ii54	c
59222shipping list	Ii6U	b
59223shipping operations information system	Ii6v	BF
59224shipping position interpolation computer	Ii70	BN
59225shipping weight	Ii9B	d
59226shock	Ii9e	V
59227shock absorber	Ii9z	q
59228shock discontinuties	Ii+d	i
59229shock edcitation	Ii+/	z
59230shock fitting	Ii/y	b
59231shock front	IjAN	Z
59232shock interaction	IjAm	f
59233shock isolator	IjBF	Z
59234shock mount	IjBe	W
59235shock mounts	IjB0	a
59236shock proof	IjCO	W
59237shock smearing	IjCk	c
59238shock strength	IjDA	c
59239shock test	IjDc	0
59240shock wave	IjEQ	d
59241shoe	IjEt	M
59242shooting method	IjE5	a
59243shop	IjFT	M
59244shop activity	IjFf	b
59245shop activity control totals	IjF6	2
59246shop activity data entry	IjGw	y
59247shop activity edit	IjHi	m
59248shop activity extract	IjII	p
59249shop activity forms	IjIx	n
59250shop activity transaction type	IjJY	4
59251shop automation	IjLG	g
59252shop calendar	IjLm	b
59253shop documentation	IjMB	g
59254shop feedback	IjMh	b
59255shop floor reporting	IjM8	i
59256shop order	IjNe	Y
59257shop order handling costs	IjN2	z
59258shop packet	IjOp	Z
59259shop packet creation	IjPC	o
59260shop packet creation options	IjPq	2
59261shop packet summary list	IjQg	y
59262shop packet worksheet	IjRS	s
59263shore communication net	Iir7	p
59264shore communications	Iisk	s
59265shore communications	IjSa	s
59266shore hardness	IjTG	c
59267shore net	IitQ	n
59268shore net	IizV	k
59269shore net	IjTi	e
59270shore radio teletypewriter	Iit3	BE
59271shore radio teletypewriter	IjUA	BE
59272shore radiotelephone procedure	Iiz5	BF
59273shore radiotelephone procedure	IjVE	BC
59274shore schedule	Ii0+	v
59275shore station	IJZq	k
59276shore station	Iiu7	f
59277shore station	IjWG	f
59278short	IjWl	V
59279short address	IjW6	Y
59280short block	IjXS	T
59281short branch	IjXl	X
59282short card	IjX8	d
59283short card processing	IjYZ	m
59284short channel	IjY/	Y
59285short circuit	IjZX	Z
59286short circuit control form	IjZw	r
59287short circuit impedance	Ijab	l
59288short circuit line	IjbA	d
59289short circuit output capacitance	Ijbd	0
59290short code	IjcR	V
59291short code dialing	Ijcm	u
59292short cut	IjdU	c
59293short cycle	Ijdw	W
59294short data message	IjeG	j
59295short dialing	Ijep	Y
59296short distance transmission	IjfB	s
59297short dot	Ijft	U
59298short duration failure	IjgB	u
59299short duration repair	Ijgv	j
59300short element	IjhS	Y
59301short format	Ijir	k
59302short frame data	IjjP	e
59303short haul communication	Ijjt	p
59304short instruction	IjkW	c
59305short instruction format	Ijky	p
59306short life	Ijlb	m
59307short message	IjmB	Y
59308short noise	IjmZ	Z
59309short noise burst	Ijmy	c
59310short number	IjnO	U
59311short operation	Ijni	a
59312short out	Ijn8	R
59313short period fading	IjoN	k
59314short range	Ijox	n
59315short range forecast	IjpY	i
59316short range modem	Ijp6	s
59317short response time	Ijqm	k
59318short run equilibrium state	IjrK	y
59319short shunt	Ijr8	k
59320short stack	Ijs7	a
59321short term memory	IjtV	m
59322short term operation	Ijt7	i
59323short term stability	Ijud	l
59324short term test	IjvC	d
59325short time diffusion	Ijvf	l
59326short time memory	IjwE	i
59327short time memory device	Ijwm	s
59328short time statistics	IjxS	p
59329short time storage	Ijx7	j
59330short title	Ijye	l
59331short transaction traffic	IjzD	0
59332short trouble	Ijz3	b
59333short type	Ij0S	V
59334short wave	Ij0n	V
59335short wave broadcasting	Ij08	l
59336short wavelength magnetic recording	Ij1h	7
59337short word	Ij2c	S
59338shortage report	IkGZ	d
59339shortage shipment	IkG2	f
59340shortcutting	IkHV	U
59341shorted diode fault	IkHp	q
59342shorten symbol	IkIT	q
59343shortened block codes	IkI9	m
59344shortest access time first	IkJj	5
59345shortest job first	IkKc	q
59346shortest latency time first	IkLG	6
59347shortest path	IkMA	p
59348shortest path problem	IkMp	z
59349shortest path routing	IkNc	z
59350shortest pathes algorithm	IkOP	5
59351shortest processing time	IkPI	3
59352shortest processing time first	IkP/	BE
59353shortest queue routing	IkRD	q
59354shortest route	IkRt	c
59355shortest route problem	IkSJ	q
59356shortest seek time first	IkSz	3
59357shortest spanning subtree	IkTq	t
59358shortest word	IkUX	Y
59359shorthand	IkV1	Z
59360shorthand coding system	IkWO	x
59361shorthand notation	IkW/	x
59362shorthand preprocessor	IkXw	t
59363shot	7j3	W
59364shot	Gv+8	S
59365shot	IJ8O	S
59366shot	uCE	h
59367shot circuit	Gv/O	r
59368shot job	Gv/5	W
59369shot multivibrator	GwAP	BZ
59370shot multivibrator	Imwi	j
59371shot operation	GwBo	7
59372shot operation	ImxF	c
59373shotqun microphone	IkYd	d
59374shoulder point	IkY6	W
59375show	IkZQ	U
59376show d	IkZk	c
59377show p	IkaA	i
59378show selection	Ikai	c
59379show t	Ika+	c
59380show through	Ikba	U
59381shrink	Ikbu	g
59382shrinkable tubing	IkcO	m
59383shrinkage	Ikc0	h
59384shrinkage factor	IkdV	e
59385shrinking and thinning	Ikdz	n
59386shuffle	Ikea	X
59387shuffle interconnection	Ikex	l
59388shun off sequence	Ikf6	i
59389shunt	Ikgc	d
59390shunt circuit	Ikg5	j
59391shunt compensation	Ikhc	g
59392shunt feed	Ikh8	Y
59393shunt feedback	IkiU	c
59394shunt loss	Ikiw	Y
59395shunt resistance	IkjI	e
59396shunted condenser	Iklo	z
59397shut control	Gx6+	a
59398shut off	Ikmb	Y
59399shutdown	Iknk	Q
59400shutdown circuit	Ikn0	e
59401shutter	IkoS	i
59402shuttle	Iko0	o
59403shuttle attached manipulator system	Ikpc	BI
59404shuttlecock	IkrM	f
59405siaitched network	Gd9w	l
59406sibilance	Ikrr	R
59407sibling segment types	Ikr8	q
59408sibling segments	Iksm	i
59409side	IktI	d
59410side band	Iktl	Y
59411side bearings	Ikt9	V
59412side by side	IkuS	X
59413side by side listing	Ikup	w
59414side circuit	IkvZ	a
59415side circuit loading coil	Ikvz	z
59416side circuit repeating coil	Ikwm	1
59417side crosstalk	Ikxb	m
59418side dual control sysem	Ik7X	o
59419side effect	IkyB	h
59420side effects introduce ambiguity	Ikyi	6
59421side erase	Ikzc	t
59422side etch	Ik0J	X
59423side flow	Ik0g	R
59424side frequency	Ik0x	e
59425side information	Ik1P	e
59426side lay	Ik1t	c
59427side lay adjuster	Ik2J	o
59428side lobe	Ik2x	c
59429side lobe level	Ik3N	d
59430side plate	Ik3q	S
59431side select	Ik38	g
59432side select signal	Ik4c	w
59433side stable relay	Ik5M	i
59434side tone	Ik5u	R
59435side view	Ik5/	U
59436side wall	Ik6T	R
59437sideband	IlAY	Q
59438sideband carrier	IlAo	l
59439sideband noise power ratio	IlBN	4
59440sideband reference level	IlCF	z
59441sideband transmission	Ci4y	m
59442sideband transmission	IlEW	q
59443sideband transmission	Imxh	m
59444sideband voice	IlFz	j
59445sided alternative	GwCj	t
59446sided document	Ci5Y	f
59447sided lindenmayer system	JL5m	y
59448sided lindenmayer system	Jqgk	s
59449sided system	ExzM	a
59450sided system	GwDQ	a
59451sideless	IlGW	g
59452sidereal day	IlG2	X
59453sidetone	IlHN	Q
59454sideways	IlHd	Q
59455sideways diffusion	IlHt	g
59456sideways sum	IlIN	5
59457siecor cable	IlJG	d
59458siemens	IlJj	c
59459siemens reporting system	IlJ/	1
59460siepinski curve	IlK0	j
59461siepinski curve program	IlLX	x
59462sieve	IlMI	N
59463sieve method	IlMV	b
59464sieve problem	IlMw	Y
59465sieving	IlNI	X
59466sift program	IlNf	a
59467sifting sort	IlN5	d
59468sight	IlOW	V
59469sight check	IlOr	q
59470sight equation	IlPV	g
59471sight hole	IlP1	g
59472sight link	IlQV	g
59473sight propagation	IlQ1	f
59474sighted robot	IlRU	h
59475sighted sensor	IlR1	i
59476sighting	IlSX	X
59477sigma center information storage and retrieval sys	IlSu	Bl
59478sigma information retrieval system	IlUT	BD
59479sigma limit	JB9b	X
59480sigma memory	IlVW	a
59481sigma modulation	IlVw	h
59482sigma storage	IlWR	e
59483sign	IlWv	m
59484sign and currency symbol character	IlXV	/
59485sign binary digit	IlYU	5
59486sign bit	IlZN	c
59487sign change	IlZp	Z
59488sign change function	IlaC	r
59489sign changer	Ilat	d
59490sign changing amplifier	IlbK	u
59491sign character	Ilb4	c
59492sign check	IlcU	Y
59493sign check indicator	Ilcs	r
59494sign clause	IldX	Z
59495sign code	Ildw	X
59496sign comparator	IleH	g
59497sign condition	Ilen	c
59498sign digit	IlfD	b
59499sign off	Ilf2	Q
59500sign on	IlgG	X
59501sign position	Ilgd	b
59502signal	GaRN	R
59503signal	H7yt	X
59504signal	Ilj7	O
59505signal	JI49	U
59506signal averaging	IlkJ	e
59507signal cable	Ilkn	a
59508signal cable connector	IllB	t
59509signal cable path	Illu	l
59510signal conditioner	IlmT	j
59511signal elements	Ilnf	d
59512signal enhancement	HWBt	p
59513signal ground	Iln8	b
59514signal level	DFR9	g
59515signal level	IloX	a
59516signal normalization	Ilox	l
59517signal plate	IlpW	X
59518signal processors	Ilpt	l
59519signal receiver	CVvV	g
59520signal regeneration	IlqS	h
59521signal request	Ilqz	c
59522signal reshaping	IlrP	h
59523signal shaping	Ilrw	c
59524signal software	IlsM	d
59525signal standardization	Ilsp	n
59526signal technique	CoqI	w
59527signal theory	IltQ	b
59528signal transformation	Iltr	j
59529signal transmission	Ght	x
59530signalling	H23N	V
59531signalling	Il1k	j
59532signalling connection control part	Il2H	5
59533signalling link	Il3A	d
59534signalling network	Il3d	g
59535signalling rate	CIAj	g
59536signalling transfer points	Il39	r
59537signed field	Il4o	X
59538signed magnitude number	Il4/	u
59539signed numbers	Il5t	c
59540significance	Il6J	X
59541significance point	Il6g	d
59542significand	Il69	Z
59543significant condition	Il7W	j
59544significant digit	Il75	f
59545significant figure	Il9L	g
59546significant instant	Il9r	h
59547significant interval	Il+M	i
59548silence	Il+u	P
59549silicon	Fp3e	s
59550silicon	Fpw7	u
59551silicon compliers	Il+9	f
59552silicon diode	Il/c	b
59553sillcon	FpyQ	j
59554sillicon integrated circuit	FqLV	BB
59555similar solution	IQZA	p
59556simple algebraic languages for engineers	Il/3	BK
59557simple buffering	ImBB	e
59558simple class	ImBf	X
59559simple harmonic wave	ImB2	f
59560simple index	ImCV	a
59561simple name	ImCv	T
59562simple path	ImDC	Z
59563simple variable	ImDb	a
59564simplex	CkCf	V
59565simplex	ImD1	S
59566simplex algorithm	ImEH	f
59567simplex channel	ImEm	d
59568simplex circuit	ImFD	d
59569simplex link	ImFg	X
59570simplex method	ImF3	Z
59571simplex mode	ImGQ	X
59572simplex tableaux	ImGn	f
59573simplex transmission	ImHG	i
59574simplification	ImHo	W
59575simulate	ImH+	Q
59576simulated	JE1g	X
59577simulated language	DJVY	m
59578simulated time	ImIO	c
59579simulation	ImIq	S
59580simulation checkout and training system	ImI8	BK
59581simulation clock	ImKG	b
59582simulation control program	ImKh	u
59583simulation experiment	ImLP	j
59584simulation language	ImLy	h
59585simulation package	ImMT	d
59586simulation process	ImMw	g
59587simulation programming language	ImNQ	z
59588simulation programming task	ImOD	v
59589simulation project	ImOy	g
59590simulation timing	ImPS	f
59591simulator	ImPx	U
59592simulator program	ImQF	i
59593simultaneous	ImQ7	U
59594simultaneous access	ImRP	h
59595simultaneous computer	ImRw	m
59596simultaneous confidence band	ImSW	t
59597simultaneous confidence interval	ImTD	0
59598simultaneous equations	ImT3	n
59599simultaneous events	ImUe	h
59600simultaneous operation computer	ImU/	2
59601simultaneous peripheral operation on line	ImV1	BM
59602simultaneous processing operating system	ImYd	BJ
59603simultaneous transmission	ImZm	n
59604sine	Du3V	P
59605sine	Imak	M
59606sine wave	Imaw	U
59607singing	Imbi	P
59608single button cursor	Imbx	i
59609single capstan	ImcT	Z
59610single column menu	Imcs	m
59611single current method	ImdS	g
59612single data	GDh2	q
59613single data stream	GDfr	x
59614single data streams	GDgc	u
59615single error	Imdy	a
59616single exponential smoothing	ImeM	w
59617single factor experiment	Ime8	p
59618single factor search	Imfl	l
59619single form	ImgK	W
59620single frame operation	Imgg	k
59621single level	ImhE	U
59622single level bill	ImhY	f
59623single level cost sheet	Imh3	o
59624single linked deque	Imix	n
59625single mode fiber	ImjY	f
59626single operation	Imj3	b
59627single plane storage	ImkS	o
59628single precision	Imk6	e
59629single print form	ImlY	c
59630single punch	Iml0	X
59631single quote	ImmL	X
59632single sideband	Immi	e
59633single sideband	JJfP	g
59634single station	ImnA	f
59635single station type	Imnf	q
59636single step	ImoJ	T
59637single summing function	Imoc	r
59638singular set	Imzs	X
59639sink	Im0D	J
59640sinusoid	Im0c	W
59641sister	Im1I	Q
59642site	GrFa	M
59643site data processing	Gu+c	t
59644site data processor	Gu/J	BJ
59645site maintenance	GvAS	e
59646site processing	GvAw	d
59647situation display	Im1Y	f
59648situational data base	Im13	m
59649six code	C7sj	Z
59650sixty day percent	Im2d	e
59651size	Ci53	U
59652size	DnxI	M
59653size	Im27	M
59654size aggregate	I29	f
59655size aggregate	I3c	o
59656size aggregate	g1/	f
59657size aggregate	g2e	l
59658size block	DXAf	Y
59659size character	DnxU	c
59660size command	DXA3	d
59661size cursor	Dnxw	Z
59662size element	DXBU	d
59663size key	DnyJ	T
59664size mode	Dnyc	X
59665size network	FjYo	a
59666size program	F2D1	BB
59667size pulse	Dnyz	Y
59668size record	DXBx	Z
59669sized window	DVm+	v
59670skeletal coding	Im3H	g
59671skeleton	Im3n	Q
59672skelton line	Im33	X
59673skew	Im4O	M
59674skew field	Im4a	S
59675skew register transfer	Im4s	q
59676skewness	Im5W	Q
59677skip	Im5m	M
59678skip chain	Im5y	V
59679skip instruction	Im6H	e
59680skip key	Im6l	T
59681skip key	IzCc	T
59682skip linear process	Im64	n
59683skoleton	Im7f	T
59684slack	Im7y	N
59685slack path	Im7/	S
59686slack time per operation	Im8R	v
59687slash	Im9A	N
59688slave	Fd2B	S
59689slave	Im9N	T
59690slave	JKZs	Q
59691slave application	Im9g	f
59692slave computer	Im9/	f
59693slave computer system	Fd2T	s
59694slave flipflop	Fd3Z	j
59695slave gateway	Im+e	Y
59696slave station	Im+2	Y
59697slave system	Im/O	a
59698slave tuve	Im/o	V
59699slaw of electrolysis	DHMg	r
59700slct key	Im/9	Z
59701slice	BBjR	Q
59702slice	InAk	K
59703slice access	BBjh	a
59704slice architecture	BBj7	s
59705slice central processing element	BBkn	BA
59706slice computer	BBln	i
59707slice control field	InAu	k
59708slice direction	BBmJ	g
59709slice machine	Fvjo	n
59710slice microcomputer	/hC	z
59711slice microcontroller	BBmp	s
59712slice microprocessor	BBnV	r
59713slice number	InBS	a
59714slice organization	BBoA	j
59715slice processing	BBoj	h
59716slice store	BBpE	f
59717slice value	InBs	W
59718slicer	InCU	R
59719slices	IaJf	U
59720slide	InCl	N
59721slide knob	InCy	V
59722slide locking tab	InDH	i
59723sloderless breadboard	InEH	m
59724sloid logic technology	InEt	q
59725slot	InGB	J
59726slotted ring	InGK	X
59727slow storage	InGh	X
59728small batch system	FjZC	v
59729small computer systems interface	InG4	/
59730small scale cluster	InH3	k
59731small scale integrated circuit	InIb	2
59732smart card	InJw	V
59733smooth contact	InKF	c
59734smooth line	InKh	W
59735smoothing	InK3	R
59736smoothing code	InLI	Z
59737smoothing constant	InLh	g
59738smudge	H78F	U
59739smudge resistance	InMB	f
59740sna interconnect	Gd+V	j
59741sna interconnection	Gd+4	h
59742sna major node	E/mi	m
59743sna station	Gd/Z	c
59744sna terminal	Gd/1	a
59745snap	InMz	M
59746snap action switch	InM/	g
59747snapshot dump	InNf	b
59748snapshpot	InN6	R
59749sneak current	InOL	b
59750sneak path	InOm	Y
59751sneak write	InO+	T
59752society for automation in business education	InPR	BL
59753society for industrial and applied mathematics	InQc	BQ
59754society of american value engineers	InRs	BF
59755socket	InSx	O
59756socket connector	InS/	h
59757socket contact	HeXD	f
59758socket contact	InTg	c
59759soft	DF4t	S
59760soft adder	InT8	V
59761soft behavior	DF4/	h
59762soft bound	InUR	V
59763soft capability	DF5g	j
59764soft copy	InUm	U
59765soft error	InU6	Y
59766soft function	DF6D	h
59767soft mode	DF6k	d
59768soft operation	DF7B	i
59769soft sector	InVS	f
59770soft sectoring	InVx	f
59771soft system	DF7j	f
59772software	InWQ	Q
59773software driver	InWg	g
59774software englineering institute	InXA	BB
59775software license	InYB	e
59776software memory	FrUq	j
59777software package	InYf	e
59778software portability	InY9	l
59779sold to	InZ3	P
59780sold to address records	InaG	r
59781sold to override code	Inax	m
59782solid	InbX	N
59783solid logic technology	Inbk	u
59784solid state	IncS	T
59785solution	InfQ	Q
59786solution relation	Ph4	f
59787solving system	zQD	r
59788solving systme	DiBq	x
59789son information	DIVk	d
59790sophisticate	IngM	U
59791sort	Fm9U	S
59792sort	FzBI	P
59793sort	IfLC	S
59794sort	Ingy	M
59795sort block	Ing+	V
59796sort program	IfLU	g
59797sorter	Iniz	R
59798sorter	k5s	X
59799sorting	InjE	P
59800sorting program	InjT	d
59801sortm property	Inkw	c
59802sound powered	I3Ak	b
59803sounder	Inlr	S
59804source	H9m1	U
59805source	Inl9	O
59806source area	InmL	W
59807source card deck	Inmh	e
59808source code	Inm/	c
59809source code control system	Innb	2
59810source data	InoR	Z
59811source data automation	Inoq	x
59812source data information	Inpb	p
59813source description	InqE	g
59814source diskette	Inqk	d
59815source document	InrB	d
59816source entry utility	Inre	0
59817source file	InsS	Z
59818source language	Insr	d
59819source model	DUO6	d
59820source module	IntI	b
59821source of orders	Intj	e
59822source program	InuB	c
59823source recording	Inud	e
59824source routine	Inu7	c
59825source service access point	InvX	y
59826source system	InwJ	b
59827space	Du3k	Q
59828space	InxZ	W
59829space allocation	Inxv	e
59830space bar	InyN	U
59831space biased	Inyh	a
59832space character	Iny7	d
59833space disconnect	FG+Q	n
59834space diversity	InzY	d
59835space key	Inz1	U
59836space multiplier	FaAU	0
59837space ratio	FaBI	c
59838space suppression	In0J	f
59839space telemetering	In0o	m
59840space transition	FaBk	x
59841spacebar	In3p	T
59842spaced contact	DuKo	c
59843spacing	F52R	S
59844spacing	Hsha	f
59845spacing bias	In38	a
59846spacing chart	In4W	Y
59847span	In5s	M
59848spanned record	In54	c
59849sparse array	In6t	a
59850speaker	In7H	P
59851spec integrated circuit	Fwpw	x
59852special character	In7W	f
59853special charge	In71	Z
59854special charge amount	In8O	m
59855special charge cost	In80	k
59856special charge description	In9Y	r
59857special index analyzer	In+D	t
59858special list processing	In+w	BD
59859special sign	In/z	a
59860special symbol	IoAN	c
59861specialized analysis	IoBK	i
59862specific	H9nJ	W
59863specific	IoBs	T
59864specific address	IoB/	b
59865specific application service element	IoCa	BD
59866specific code	IoDd	Y
59867specific coding	IoD1	d
59868specific communication line	IoES	v
59869specific language	Y1r	l
59870specific program	IoFB	e
59871specific routine	IoFf	e
59872specification	IoF9	V
59873specification	MxW	b
59874specification bill	IoGS	g
59875specification character	IoGy	l
59876specification source map	F+EU	p
59877specified index	DD1l	d
59878specified mnemonic name	JbKC	x
59879specify	IoHX	P
59880speck	DbYC	Q
59881spectral	H5Sy	W
59882spectral	H8Kz	W
59883spectral analysis	IoHm	f
59884spectral reflectance	IoIF	l
59885spectral response	IoIq	f
59886spectral width	IoJJ	c
59887spectrum	IoJl	Q
59888spectrum computer	IoJ1	f
59889spectrum signal transmission	JgjD	z
59890speech	IoKm	W
59891speech mode	I/R/	o
59892speech processing	IoK8	f
59893speech recognition	IoLb	g
59894speech recognition systems	IoL7	u
59895speech synthesis	IoMp	e
59896speech synthesizer	I/Sn	s
59897speech understanding	IoNH	i
59898speed	Dsxc	T
59899speed	Du30	Q
59900speed	FjZx	N
59901speed	H3YD	W
59902speed	HyOu	t
59903speed	IoNp	N
59904speed	IrF9	T
59905speed	IrIy	T
59906speed algorithm	HMJn	j
59907speed carry	D5yD	Z
59908speed discrepancy	IoN2	f
59909speed magnetic tape controller	FKlH	6
59910speed magnetic tape unit	FKmB	x
59911speed memory	FKmy	d
59912speed morse	FKnP	i
59913speed operation	DnzL	d
59914speed paper tape punch	FKnx	w
59915speed register	FKoh	f
59916speed storage	FKpA	e
59917spherical	H7/6	0
59918spherical resolver	IoOV	j
59919spider text	IoO4	Z
59920spike	IoPR	N
59921spike file	IoPe	S
59922spill file	IoPw	V
59923spindle	IoQF	P
59924spindle lock lever	IoQU	j
59925spindle motor	IoQ3	b
59926splicer	IoRS	S
59927spline	xmh	W
59928split	IoRk	N
59929split beginning operation	IoRx	t
59930split catalog	IoSe	V
59931split detection	IoSz	d
59932split display	IoTQ	b
59933split key	IoTr	U
59934split order quantity	IoT/	o
59935split system	IoUn	a
59936splitter	HZSR	T
59937splitting orders	IoV3	e
59938spoiled time	FNZU	a
59939spool	IoWV	N
59940spool file	IoWi	Y
59941spool intercept buffer	IoW6	t
59942spooler	IoXn	S
59943spooling	IoX5	i
59944spot carbon	IoYb	T
59945spot punch	IoYu	V
59946spot scanner	DbiR	d
59947spot scanning	Dbiu	i
59948spot tube	DbjQ	U
59949sprayed ferrite	DXSs	m
59950spread sheet	IoZS	X
59951spread spectrum	IoZp	d
59952spreadsheet	IoaG	W
59953spring	Ioac	O
59954spring system simulation	Ioaq	s
59955sprocket	Iobx	T
59956sprocket hole	IocE	V
59957sprocket holes	IocZ	W
59958sprocket pulse	Iocv	c
59959sprocket track	IodL	W
59960square contingency	H+6E	w
59961square criterion	GsHw	g
59962square error	Ewv+	i
59963square estimate	Ewwg	j
59964square function	Iodh	d
59965square hysteresis loop	Iod+	e
59966square method	FwiL	e
59967square optimization	EwxD	q
59968square root	Ioec	W
59969square root function	Ioey	l
59970squareness ratio	IofX	b
59971squarenss	H29y	U
59972squares multiplier	HyPb	v
59973squoze deck	IogE	Z
59974st used	G1HI	e
59975stability	Iog8	U
59976stability analysis	IohQ	j
59977stable solution	Ioic	a
59978stable state	Hyn4	X
59979stable state	Ioi2	a
59980stable state device	JB9y	k
59981stack	IojQ	N
59982stack computer	Ioj0	f
59983stack depth	IokT	Z
59984stack indicator	Ioks	g
59985stack limit register	IolM	r
59986stack marker	Iol3	a
59987stack pointer	Iomv	b
59988stack space	IonK	Z
59989stack storage	Iojd	X
59990stacked job processing	Ioop	q
59991stacker	BLy8	o
59992stacker	IopT	S
59993stackstorage	Ionj	j
59994stage	Ioqf	N
59995stage decision problem	GLud	p
59996stage least squares	JKxz	n
59997stage punch	GkBz	0
59998stage rocket	JB+W	a
59999staging	Ioqs	S
60000staging area	Ioq+	X
60001staging cost	IorV	a
60002stamping	Iorv	Q
60003standard	BRTR	y
60004standard	BRU9	7
60005standard	BRV4	1
60006standard	I98z	c
60007standard	Iot4	Q
60008standard array	IouI	c
60009standard average output	Iouk	r
60010standard card	IovP	Y
60011standard cost	HPmO	x
60012standard cost replace transaction	Iovn	7
60013standard default packet size	GeAP	5
60014standard deviation	Iowi	d
60015standard efficiency	Iow/	h
60016standard error	Ioxg	c
60017standard error adjusted	Iox8	u
60018standard form	Ioyq	b
60019standard fortran	GeBI	v
60020standard interface	Iozv	g
60021standard interfaces	GeB3	k
60022standard io device	IozF	q
60023standard items recosted	Io0P	x
60024standard labor content this level	Io1A	7
60025standard labor rate code	Io17	v
60026standard labor timeunit	Io2q	5
60027standard language construction	GeCb	1
60028standard lot size	Io3j	l
60029standard machine rate	Io4I	p
60030standard machine timeunit	Io4x	7
60031standard mode	Io5s	b
60032standard modular system	Io6H	y
60033standard operating procedure	Io65	0
60034standard operation move time	Io7t	2
60035standard order quantity	Io8j	r
60036standard output alpha factor	Io9O	2
60037standard overhead code	Io+E	z
60038standard overhead content this level	Io+3	BK
60039standard overhead rate code	IpAB	4
60040standard overhead ratepercentage	IpA5	BG
60041standard product form	IpB/	m
60042standard program	IpCl	e
60043standard purchase content this level	IpDD	+
60044standard quantity	IpEB	f
60045standard queue time day	IpEg	3
60046standard run labor hours	IpFX	y
60047standard run labor hours per unit	IpGJ	BI
60048standard run labor rate	IpHR	x
60049standard run machine hours	IpIC	0
60050standard run machine hours per unit	IpI2	BD
60051standard setup cost per lot	IpJ5	4
60052standard setup labor hours	IpKx	0
60053standard setup labor rate	IpLl	z
60054standard setup labor time	IpMY	z
60055standard subroutine	IpNL	k
60056standard sum form	IpNv	i
60057standard terminal program	IpOR	y
60058standard terms	IpPD	c
60059standard test	JG2o	h
60060standard test tone power	IpPf	s
60061standard unit cost	IpQL	m
60062standard unit of cost	IpQx	s
60063standard unit quantity	IpRd	q
60064standard work center	IpSH	l
60065standard work week	IpSs	j
60066standardized options	IpUy	i
60067standart cost	IpVU	b
60068standby	H5v5	Y
60069standby	IpVv	P
60070standby block	IpV+	Y
60071standby equipment	IpWW	f
60072standby register	IpW1	h
60073standby time	IpXW	a
60074standing display	DkpC	h
60075standing operating procedure	IpXw	0
60076star conection	IpY9	c
60077star coupler	IpZZ	d
60078star network	IpZ2	a
60079star program	IpaQ	X
60080start	Ipan	N
60081start activity	Ipa0	c
60082start address	IpbQ	b
60083start bit	Ipbr	X
60084start button	IpcC	X
60085start column	IpcZ	X
60086start date	Ipcw	Y
60087start date range	IpdI	k
60088start element	Ipds	b
60089start field	IpeH	Z
60090start field extended subcommand	Ipeg	8
60091start field subcommand	Ipfc	t
60092start inputoutput	IpgJ	n
60093start key	Ipgw	U
60094start of heading character	IphE	o
60095start of message	Iphs	i
60096start of text character	IpiO	p
60097start period	Ipi3	a
60098start period number	IpjR	n
60099start point	Ipj4	W
60100start question and answer	IpkO	n
60101start row	Ipk1	U
60102start stop distortion	IplJ	j
60103start year	Ipls	V
60104statci random access momory	IppA	9
60105state	CUUD	T
60106state	GvBN	T
60107state	GwDq	R
60108state	Ipp9	N
60109state	JJ7y	N
60110state assigmment	IpqK	e
60111state bussing	JJ7/	b
60112state component	Incl	d
60113state computer	IndC	f
60114state control	JB+w	b
60115state device	Indh	a
60116state diagram	Ipqo	Y
60117state electronics	Ineu	i
60118state equation	IprA	f
60119state gate	JB/L	V
60120state grammer	FNZu	h
60121state logic	JB/g	Z
60122state logic generator	FVOW	v
60123state matrix	Iprf	a
60124state number	Ipr5	X
60125state pushdown machine	GwD7	n
60126state randomaccess device	Ind7	z
60127state storage	GGHh	h
60128state system	Ca/A	g
60129state table	IpsQ	W
60130state transition	Ipsm	e
60131state transition diagram	DUPX	0
60132state transition equation	IptE	w
60133state transition matrix	Ipt0	r
60134state transition tables	Ipuf	o
60135state variable	IpvH	c
60136state variable	JKya	c
60137state vector	Ipvj	a
60138statement	C8+4	d
60139statement	C8+b	d
60140statement	IpxC	c
60141statement code	Ipxe	Z
60142statement line	F+E9	c
60143statement number	FOyJ	q
60144statement number	Ipx3	e
60145static	H9nf	U
60146static	IpyV	O
60147static dump	Ipyj	Z
60148static energy	FSTv	Y
60149static error loop	JqhQ	o
60150static magnetic storage	Ipy8	o
60151static memory	Ipzk	b
60152static ram	Ip0Q	V
60153static register	Ip0l	g
60154static storage	Ip1F	f
60155static subroutine	Ip1k	i
60156static test mode	Ip2G	h
60157staticize	Ip2n	U
60158staticizer	Ip27	f
60159station	HAWi	l
60160station	Ip3a	M
60161station	JXQp	S
60162station access unit	GVrE	q
60163station address	GaRe	d
60164station address	Ip3m	g
60165station arrangement	Ip4G	e
60166station battery	Ip4k	a
60167station configuration	F+FZ	j
60168station index	Ip4+	b
60169station line	Ip5Z	X
60170station number	Ip5w	f
60171station selection code	Ip6P	o
60172stationary distribution	Ip/K	l
60173stationary stochastic process	Ip/v	x
60174statistical	H/KY	Z
60175statistical	IqAg	W
60176statistical analysis	IqA2	i
60177statistical and forecasting analysis	IqBY	7
60178statistical data base	IqCT	p
60179statistical descriptions	IqC8	p
60180statistical forecasting	IqDl	o
60181statistical independence	IqEN	p
60182statistical multiplexer	IqE2	r
60183statistical sample	IqFh	g
60184statistical techniques	IqGB	k
60185statistics	IqGl	V
60186statistics package for social science	IqG6	BE
60187statistics regression display	IqH+	x
60188statistics regression polynomial panel	IqIv	BD
60189statistics regression variables display	IqJy	BB
60190status	IqKz	O
60191status area	IqLB	W
60192status byte	IqLX	c
60193status code	IqLz	W
60194status correlation tolerance	IqMJ	w
60195status field	IqM5	X
60196status flag	IqNQ	Z
60197status indicator	IqNp	h
60198status latch	IqOK	X
60199status line	IqOh	f
60200status variable	IqPA	d
60201status word	IqPd	W
60202steady state condition	IqQB	k
60203steepest ascent method	IqRE	n
60204steepest ascent search	IqRr	q
60205steering switch	BJcx	m
60206stencil bit	IqSV	Z
60207step	HAVV	X
60208step	IqSu	V
60209step change	IqTD	Z
60210step control	F+F8	a
60211step control table	IqTc	n
60212step counter	IqUD	d
60213step derivation	GwEi	d
60214step diagnosability	GwE/	n
60215step inputoutput table	IqUg	w
60216step instruction	GwFm	e
60217step method	GwGE	d
60218step operation	GwGh	BD
60219step operation	ImyH	c
60220step operation	IqWE	c
60221step per primary color	DVfb	t
60222step switch	IqWg	Z
60223step system	IqW5	W
60224step task	GGIC	a
60225step trace	Imyj	Y
60226step z	IqVQ	P
60227stepping	H5wR	Z
60228stepping register	IqYH	i
60229steps control	PiX	e
60230stepwise decomposition	IqYp	k
60231stepwise regression	IqZN	h
60232sticker affixer	IqZu	a
60233sticking	IqaI	Q
60234still there	DVN2	h
60235stimulus	IqaY	Q
60236stochastic	Iqao	S
60237stochastic activites	Iqa6	i
60238stochastic convergence	Iqbc	k
60239stochastic finite state language	ErSQ	8
60240stochastic model	IqcA	e
60241stochastic process	Iqce	g
60242stochastic pushdown language	ErTM	y
60243stochastic relationship	Iqc+	l
60244stochastic simulation runs	Iqdj	u
60245stock	Cgze	W
60246stock	DEcv	W
60247stock	FVgo	W
60248stock control	GD1y	o
60249stock costs	HAVs	c
60250stock issues and returns	IqeR	v
60251stock keeping units	IqfA	n
60252stock location	Iqfn	W
60253stock movement analysis report	Iqf9	4
60254stock on hand	Iqg1	b
60255stock status report	IqhQ	n
60256stock status review	Iqh3	n
60257stock staus	Iqie	Z
60258stockout	Iqi3	T
60259stockroom	IqjK	R
60260stop	Iqjb	S
60261stop	k6D	S
60262stop address	Iqjt	a
60263stop apparatus	GSuH	o
60264stop bit	IqkH	W
60265stop distortion	ENw5	m
60266stop element	Iqkd	a
60267stop filter	0Kk	c
60268stop instruction	G2HU	k
60269stop instruction	G8H9	e
60270stop key	IqlU	T
60271stop multivibrator	IpnH	j
60272stop operation	DVbr	l
60273stop supervision	Ipnq	e
60274stop system	IpoI	Z
60275stop system	IqQl	f
60276stop teletypewriter	iPF	t
60277stop time	FRuw	d
60278stop transmission	Ipoh	f
60279stopoperation	DVc3	k
60280stopper	Iqon	S
60281stopping rules	Iqo5	c
60282storage	DZVv	b
60283storage	Ge2i	h
60284storage	H5wq	Y
60285storage	IqpV	S
60286storage	JKZ8	S
60287storage address	Iqpn	g
60288storage allocation	IqqH	g
60289storage and retrieval	Iqqn	t
60290storage anomalies	IqrU	i
60291storage area	Iqr2	X
60292storage bank	IqsN	X
60293storage block	Iqsk	Y
60294storage buffer	Iqs8	f
60295storage capacity	Iqtb	e
60296storage cell	Iqt5	X
60297storage cycle	IquQ	Y
60298storage density	Iquo	d
60299storage device	GeDQ	f
60300storage device	IqvF	c
60301storage dump	Iqvh	a
60302storage element	Iqv7	d
60303storage exchange	IqwY	e
60304storage fill	Iqw2	a
60305storage hierarchy	IqxQ	f
60306storage indication	Iqxv	g
60307storage instruction	IrYc	r
60308storage key	IqyP	W
60309storage location	H+E9	k
60310storage location	Iqyl	e
60311storage map	IqzD	Z
60312storage medium	Iqzc	c
60313storage operation	Iqz4	f
60314storage parity	Iq0X	W
60315storage partitioning	Iq0t	i
60316storage protection	Iq1P	g
60317storage register	Iq1v	h
60318storage section	Jlbp	g
60319storage size	Iq2Q	a
60320storage stack	Iq2q	b
60321storage switch	Iq3F	c
60322storage tube	Iq3h	X
60323storage type crt	Iq34	q
60324storage unit	Iq4i	a
60325storage usage map	Iq48	l
60326storagedevice	Iq5h	h
60327store	FPRK	Y
60328store	FPxw	Y
60329store	FQBM	Y
60330store	FRwo	Y
60331store	FSAs	g
60332store	GLlZ	l
60333store	IrZH	N
60334store	xm3	a
60335store and forward	IrZU	Z
60336store execution ordering	DLs/	v
60337store management system	IrZt	v
60338store mode	DF8C	b
60339stored	H9nz	U
60340stored data	Irac	Z
60341stored file	Ira1	W
60342stored instruction	IrbL	g
60343stored program	Irbr	c
60344stored record	IrcH	b
60345stored record interface	Irci	r
60346stored routine	IrdN	c
60347storeroom	IreQ	U
60348storing	Irek	P
60349straight binary	Irez	d
60350strategic air command control system	IrgG	BK
60351strategic planning	IrhQ	g
60352strategy precedence parser	F0cA	6
60353strategy routine	Irhw	e
60354stratified sampling	IriO	h
60355stratum	Iriv	M
60356stray capacitor	Iri7	g
60357stream	Irjb	O
60358stream batch processing	F+GW	r
60359stream computer	GGKG	y
60360stream file	Irjp	W
60361stream io	Irj/	Y
60362stream processor	GGK4	z
60363stream system	GDig	t
60364stream type	IrkX	W
60365streamer	Irkt	f
60366streaming tape drive	IrlM	r
60367stretch	Irl3	P
60368stride	IrmG	O
60369strike print	x5D	d
60370string	IrmU	O
60371string character	HdxH	k
60372string constant	BYRz	d
60373string constants	BBpj	h
60374string error	BBqE	a
60375string expression	Irmi	i
60376string file	IrnE	T
60377string function	IrnX	d
60378string literal	H14u	f
60379string manipulation mnemonics	Irn0	0
60380string matching	Iroo	d
60381string operator	BBqe	g
60382string picture data	BYSQ	n
60383string processing	GGIc	f
60384string processing	IrpF	c
60385string switch	Irph	b
60386string variable	Irp8	d
60387stripped minicomputer	Irr1	s
60388strobe	Irsh	O
60389stroke	Irsv	O
60390stroke	JXQ7	f
60391stroke centerline	Irs9	f
60392stroke coded magnetic character	Ieve	5
60393stroke edge	Irtc	Z
60394stroke width	Irt1	a
60395strongly connected graph	HyoP	p
60396structural addressing	IruP	j
60397structural engineering system solver	Iruy	Bb
60398structural processing	IrwN	m
60399structure	D1fS	g
60400structure	Irwz	R
60401structure assignment	IrxE	i
60402structure delete	Irxm	e
60403structure device	DSPZ	k
60404structure flow chart	IryE	l
60405structure grammar	Haw6	l
60406structure lookup	DSP9	k
60407structure programming	Iryp	s
60408structure query language	IrzV	z
60409structured	GcRf	b
60410structured	Ir0I	V
60411structured code	BD92	j
60412structured computer	HNpq	q
60413structured computer organization	Ir0d	6
60414structured database	JJ3v	t
60415structured device	GcfM	r
60416structured device	Gf9i	o
60417structured field	Ir1X	h
60418structured language	BD+Z	n
60419structured list	BD/A	j
60420structured lookup	Gcf3	o
60421structured process	BD/j	v
60422structured programming language	BEAS	/
60423structured symbol	BEBR	o
60424structured symbol table	BEB5	x
60425stubcard	Ir14	Q
60426student prerequisites	Ir2I	p
60427study course	IQZp	e
60428study organization plan	Ir2x	v
60429stunt box	Ir3g	R
60430style parser	FLH/	l
60431styled fill with reference line	Ir3x	5
60432stylus	Ir4q	O
60433stylus printer	Ir44	f
60434sub	JpVq	U
60435sub menu	Ir5X	T
60436sub string	Ir5q	V
60437subaddress code	Ir7b	d
60438subalphabet	Ir74	W
60439subassembly	Ir8O	Z
60440subcarrier	Ir8n	V
60441subcategory	Ir88	T
60442subchannel	Ir9P	V
60443subclass	Ir9k	Q
60444subcommand	Ir90	V
60445subcommittee on programming terminology	Ir+J	BH
60446subconsole	Ir/Q	V
60447subcycle	Ir/l	T
60448subdirectory	Ir/4	X
60449subdivision method	IG2I	+
60450subdocument	IsAP	W
60451subfield	IsAl	Q
60452subfile	IsA1	S
60453subfile page	IsBH	a
60454subgraph	IsBh	Q
60455subheading	IsBx	V
60456subj disc	IsCG	a
60457subject program	IsCg	a
60458subjunction gate	IsDc	e
60459submatrix	IsD6	U
60460submenu	IsEO	d
60461submit	IsEr	O
60462submitted batch job	JbKz	w
60463suboptimization	IsE5	d
60464subprogram	IsFW	V
60465subroutine	I+ET	b
60466subroutine	IsFr	V
60467subroutine analyzer	IsGA	n
60468subroutine call	IsGn	g
60469subroutine library	IsHH	g
60470subroutine storage	IsHn	j
60471subroutine test	IsIK	g
60472subschema	IsNs	U
60473subscriber	IsOA	S
60474subscriber code	IsOS	a
60475subscriber time shared computer system	F+HB	BP
60476subscriber toll dialing	IsOs	v
60477subscript	IsQA	R
60478subscripted variable	IsQR	i
60479subscripting	IsQz	U
60480subsequence conter	IsRH	m
60481subsequent address message	IsRt	u
60482subsequent release	IsSb	g
60483subset	IsS7	O
60484substance	IsTh	R
60485substitute	IsTy	S
60486substitute character	IsUE	m
60487substitute mode	IsUq	d
60488substitution	IsVH	U
60489substitution cipher	F+IQ	6
60490substitution method	IsVb	e
60491substrate	IsV5	R
60492substring	IsWK	U
60493subsystem	IsWe	U
60494subsystem structure	IsWy	k
60495subtask	IsXW	S
60496subtotal	IsXo	Q
60497subtotal function	IsX4	f
60498subtract	GFX	X
60499subtract time	GFu	f
60500subtracter	Dnzo	V
60501subtracter	Du4E	V
60502subtracter	GO7	V
60503subtracter	GPQ	V
60504subtracter	HMHN	b
60505subtracter	IY4r	b
60506subtracter	IsYX	V
60507subtraction	IsaM	T
60508subtractor	Isaf	S
60509subtrahend	Isax	S
60510subtree	IsbD	P
60511subtype	IsbS	S
60512subystem selection switch	IscF	0
60513successor	Isc5	R
60514successor activity	IsdK	g
60515successor node	Isdq	c
60516successor record	IseG	e
60517successor set	Isek	Y
60518sufficient reduction	Ise8	i
60519suffix	Isfe	O
60520sum	Dsck	R
60521sum	Isfs	I
60522sum check	Isf0	X
60523sum check digit	IsgL	g
60524sum gate	HQYR	d
60525sum of square	Isgr	Y
60526sum partial	IshD	W
60527summarized bill	Isil	d
60528summary	IsjC	P
60529summary card	IsjR	X
60530summary maintenance scheduler	Isjo	3
60531summary punch	Iskf	e
60532summary review	Isk9	c
60533summary selection	G9xj	s
60534summary selection form	IslZ	q
60535summation check	IsmD	d
60536summer	Ismg	R
60537summing amplifier	Ismx	f
60538summing integrator	IsnQ	g
60539summing point	Isnw	V
60540sums	Fxw1	V
60541super bill	IsoF	Y
60542super high frequency	Isod	q
60543super stack	IspH	W
60544superconductivity	Isq/	f
60545superimposed coding	Isre	h
60546supermarket checkout	Isr/	o
60547superposed	Issn	Y
60548superposed circuit	Iss/	g
60549superposed ringing	Istf	g
60550superqueue	Ist/	V
60551superscript	IsuU	T
60552supervised inference procedure	GeDv	1
60553supervisor	IQaH	b
60554supervisor	IsvI	Y
60555supervisor call	Isvg	g
60556supervisor configuration table	IswA	v
60557supervisor mode	Iswv	g
60558supervisory	Isxo	T
60559supervisory computer	Isx7	l
60560supervisory control	Isyg	h
60561supervisory instruction	IszB	l
60562supervisory lelay	Iszm	i
60563supervisory program	Is0I	h
60564supervisory routine	Is0p	h
60565supervisory signal	Is1K	g
60566supervisory system	Is1q	g
60567supplementary character set	Is2K	s
60568supplementary maintenance	Is22	n
60569supplementary maintenance	JE13	t
60570supplementary maintenance time	Is3d	y
60571supplementary service	Is4P	j
60572supplementary set graphic character set	Is4y	+
60573supplementary set of control character	Is5w	9
60574supplied directive	JbLj	p
60575supplied menu	GS58	j
60576supplier	Is6t	T
60577supplier name	Is7A	e
60578supply	H5OS	U
60579supply hub	Is7e	V
60580supply menu	Is7z	f
60581supply section	HKrk	c
60582supply voltage	Is8S	c
60583supplydemand factor	Is9G	i
60584support	Is9o	P
60585support arm	Is93	W
60586support equipment	MZY	1
60587support functions	Is+N	f
60588support pin	Is+s	Z
60589support strategy	IeUL	o
60590support work sheet	Is/F	g
60591suppress	Is/l	Q
60592suppressed carrier	JJfv	m
60593suppression	ItAd	T
60594suppression filter	0LA	j
60595suprvisory	H9oH	Y
60596surface chart	ItBU	Y
60597surface chart shape	ItBs	k
60598surface chart variable	ItCQ	n
60599surface mounting components	ItC3	z
60600surface response	ItDq	b
60601suspend	ItEF	P
60602suspendable subsystem	GeEk	s
60603suspended process	ItEU	f
60604suspense file	ItEz	V
60605sustained oscillation	IQai	k
60606swab	ItFI	P
60607swap	ItFX	M
60608swap list	ItFj	X
60609swap time	ItF6	X
60610swapin	ItG+	O
60611swapout	ItHM	P
60612swapping	ItHb	Q
60613swathes	ItHr	P
60614switch	G8hG	T
60615switch	IrKl	U
60616switch	ItH6	O
60617switch circuit	2Tl	o
60618switch core	ItII	Z
60619switch hook	ItIh	W
60620switch insertion	ItI3	e
60621switch operation	GjJ4	t
60622switch pf	ItJV	T
60623switch register	ItJo	g
60624switch room	ItKI	W
60625switch setting	ItKe	c
60626switch storage	FYIj	c
60627switch storage	ItK6	c
60628switch technology	BECq	l
60629switch train	ItLr	X
60630switched center	HHRJ	g
60631switched circuit	GeFQ	Y
60632switched data network	HHRp	BC
60633switched data network	HtRA	BT
60634switched disconnect	ItTv	h
60635switched line	ItUQ	e
60636switched line or nonswitched line	GeFo	0
60637switched network	ItUu	h
60638switched path	ItVP	e
60639switching	BbDw	X
60640switching	FpcT	X
60641switching	HHSr	X
60642switching	I//h	X
60643switching	ItVt	R
60644switching	JE2k	X
60645switching	JKXQ	a
60646switching algebra	ItV+	f
60647switching center	CIBD	k
60648switching center	Cq+w	q
60649switching center	ItWd	e
60650switching center	IzCv	k
60651switching center	Jq7w	k
60652switching center	qbI	q
60653switching circuit	ItbV	f
60654switching coefficient	Itb0	j
60655switching multiplex	JFwj	2
60656switching network	HHTC	l
60657switching space	ItcX	d
60658switching system	Itc0	e
60659switching theory	ItdS	e
60660switching time	Itdw	c
60661switching tube	FPFS	Z
60662symbionts	ItgJ	U
60663symbiotic service element	Itgd	t
60664symbol	IthK	O
60665symbol	Iviz	R
60666symbol	ihN	U
60667symbol mnemonic	IthY	d
60668symbol programmer	Ith1	l
60669symbol rank	Itia	W
60670symbol set	Itiw	V
60671symbol string	ItjF	Y
60672symbol table	Itjd	X
60673symbolic address	ItmD	b
60674symbolic address debugging	GeGc	x
60675symbolic assembly language	Itme	u
60676symbolic code	ItnM	Y
60677symbolic coding	Itnk	d
60678symbolic conversion program	ItoB	z
60679symbolic debugger	Ito0	l
60680symbolic deck	ItpZ	b
60681symbolic expression	Itp0	h
60682symbolic file directory	ItqV	v
60683symbolic instruction	ItrE	i
60684symbolic integration	Itrm	i
60685symbolic language	ItsI	f
60686symbolic logic	Itsn	c
60687symbolic name	IttD	b
60688symbolic notation	Itte	f
60689symbolic programming	Itt9	i
60690symbolic programming system	Ituf	3
60691symbolic reference	ItvW	g
60692symbolic representation	Itv2	o
60693symmetric	Itwe	U
60694symmetric check	ItxS	d
60695symmetric difference gate	Itxv	n
60696symmetric matrix	ItyW	e
60697symmetric relation	GeHN	j
60698symmetrical architecture	Ity0	m
60699symmetry	Itza	T
60700symptom	Itzt	P
60701syn	7EK	O
60702syn character	Itz8	b
60703synapse	It0X	S
60704synchro	It0p	S
60705synchronies	It07	W
60706synchronization	CJLq	d
60707synchronization	It1R	X
60708synchronization flag	It1o	i
60709synchronization loss	It2K	i
60710synchronization pulse	It2s	j
60711synchronization schema	B+Cj	z
60712synchronizer	It3P	X
60713synchronizing	F3m+	e
60714synchronizing	IQbG	f
60715synchronizing code	IQbl	g
60716synchronous	Hyo4	Z
60717synchronous	It4R	c
60718synchronous batch terminal	7EY	BB
60719synchronous cipher	It5W	j
60720synchronous data link control	It55	5
60721synchronous idle character	It6y	v
60722synchronous machine	It7h	e
60723synchronous operation	It7/	j
60724synchronous transfer mode	It9Q	q
60725synchronous transmission	It96	m
60726synchronous transmission mode	It+g	x
60727synchronous transmitter receiver	It/R	1
60728synchronous working	IuAG	h
60729syndet	IuAn	O
60730syndrome	IuA1	T
60731synergy	IuBI	P
60732synonym	IuBX	S
60733synonym table	IuBp	b
60734syntactic analysis	IuCt	g
60735syntactical	IuDN	W
60736syntax	H91M	U
60737syntax	HypR	c
60738syntax	IuDj	O
60739syntax analysis	IuDx	d
60740syntax description	IuEO	g
60741syntax diagram notations	IuEu	s
60742syntax error	IuFa	a
60743syntax errors	IuF0	b
60744syntax rules	IuGP	a
60745synthesis	IuGp	R
60746synthesis method	IuG6	b
60747synthetic address	IuHV	c
60748synthetic apriorism	IuHx	k
60749synthetic keys	IuIV	Z
60750synthetic language	IuIu	g
60751synthetic program	IuJO	f
60752sys	FT4N	d
60753system	HZFK	a
60754system	I+Eu	U
60755system	IcSx	U
60756system	Ir7K	R
60757system	IuJt	O
60758system adapter	IuJ7	f
60759system administrator	IuKa	l
60760system analysis	IuK/	d
60761system analyst	IuLc	i
60762system application	HinJ	m
60763system application architecture	IuL+	3
60764system arbitor	IuM1	f
60765system audit	BsJK	g
60766system automatic test equipment	F+JK	BB
60767system availability	IuNU	k
60768system bus	JTCS	v
60769system call	IuN4	Z
60770system check	IuOR	a
60771system configuration record	IuOr	v
60772system configuration setup	IuPa	u
60773system configuration upgrade	IuQI	w
60774system console	IuQ4	i
60775system control program	IuRa	q
60776system design	IuSE	b
60777system disk	IuSf	Z
60778system diskette	IuS4	d
60779system engineer	IuTV	j
60780system engineering	IuT4	g
60781system environment	IuUY	g
60782system fault tolerance	IuU4	o
60783system file	IuVg	Z
60784system files	IuV5	X
60785system flow chart	IuWQ	i
60786system functions	IuWy	e
60787system generation	IuXQ	f
60788system image	IuXv	a
60789system information	IuYJ	g
60790system initialization	IuYp	p
60791system input unit	IuZS	l
60792system instruction	IuZ3	g
60793system job	GeHw	b
60794system journal	IuaX	c
60795system key	Iuaz	V
60796system library	IubI	Z
60797system load	Iubh	Z
60798system management	Iub6	f
60799system manager	IucZ	c
60800system marco instruction	Iuc1	s
60801system mark time request	GeIL	1
60802system message	Iudh	c
60803system modeling	Iud9	d
60804system netwok architecture	Iuea	y
60805system number representation	IufM	w
60806system operator	Iuf8	g
60807system optimization	Iugc	k
60808system output unit	IuhA	m
60809system overhead	Iuhm	j
60810system performance	IuiJ	g
60811system performance objectives	Iuip	x
60812system planner	Iuja	f
60813system postulation	Iuj5	g
60814system power off	IukZ	k
60815system processor	Iuk9	k
60816system program	Iulh	c
60817system programmer	Iul9	i
60818system reset	Iumf	a
60819system residence volume	Ium5	r
60820system security	BsJq	j
60821system service tool	Iunk	n
60822system simulation	IuoL	f
60823system standard	Iuoq	d
60824system status	IupH	b
60825system study	Iupi	a
60826system support user	Iup8	n
60827system tailoring	Iuqj	e
60828system test	IurB	Z
60829system test auditing	Iura	o
60830system testing	IusC	c
60831system unit	Iuse	T
60832system upgrade	Iusx	c
60833system warehouse	IutN	e
60834system wide	Iutr	W
60835systematic code	Iu4n	a
60836systems engineering	Iu5B	k
60837systems engineering group	Iu5l	u
60838t	FpJf	0
60839t care	Chmd	W
60840t care complex	Chmz	f
60841t care condition	ChnS	e
60842t care gate	Chnw	W
60843t care logic condition	ChoG	q
60844t care term	Chow	W
60845t know state	ChpG	X
60846t test	Iu64	Q
60847t2 way merging	Iu90	e
60848tab	Iu+S	L
60849tab	Iu+d	L
60850tab character	Iu+o	b
60851tab file	Iu/D	W
60852tab position	Iu/Z	a
60853tabbing	Iu/z	P
60854tabbing command	IvAC	d
60855table	IvAf	K
60856table access	IvAp	X
60857table accessing mechanism	IvBA	q
60858table address	IL57	b
60859table address operand	IvBq	p
60860table addressing	IvCT	b
60861table block	IvCu	Z
60862table compression	IvDH	c
60863table constructor	IvDj	i
60864table data	IvEF	Y
60865table description	IvEd	f
60866table directory	IvE8	a
60867table display	IvFW	Y
60868table driven algorithm	IvFu	t
60869table driven code generation	IvGb	z
60870table driven compiler	IvHO	v
60871table driven interpreter	IvH9	y
60872table driven parser program	IvIv	7
60873table driven parsing	IvJq	u
60874table driven simulation	IvKY	r
60875table driven technique	IvLD	k
60876table element	IvLn	Y
60877table entry	IL6W	1
60878table entry	IvL/	W
60879table file	IvMV	V
60880table format language	IvMq	m
60881table function	IvNQ	Z
60882table handling	IvNp	Z
60883table handling module	IvOC	m
60884table index	IvOo	W
60885table indicator	IvO+	g
60886table language	IvPe	Z
60887table load record	IvP3	i
60888table look up	IvQZ	Z
60889table lookup file	IvSs	l
60890table memory	IvTR	d
60891table of binomial coefficients	IvTu	y
60892table of combinations	IvUg	g
60893table of constant	IvVA	c
60894table of content	IvVc	Y
60895table of exponential function	IvV0	u
60896table of heading of real page chain	IvWi	9
60897table of information	IvXf	f
60898table of joints	IvX+	a
60899table of pointer	IvYY	b
60900table of process page chain	IvYz	v
60901table of vector	IvZi	a
60902table organization	IvaW	d
60903table preprocessing	Ivaz	h
60904table producing language	IvbU	q
60905table reference character	Ivb+	u
60906table register	Ivcs	f
60907table searching	IvdL	a
60908table segment	Ivdl	V
60909table segmenting	Ivd6	e
60910table simulator	IveY	d
60911table size	Ive1	V
60912table skeleton	IvfK	W
60913table sort	Ivfg	V
60914table structure	Ivf1	a
60915table technique	IvgP	d
60916table top computer	Ivgs	j
60917table transform	IvhP	a
60918tableau	IvmQ	P
60919tableau format	Ivmf	c
60920tablespace	Ivm7	V
60921tablet	IvnQ	X
60922tablet input	Ivnn	j
60923tablet menu	IvoK	o
60924tablewalking	Ivoy	U
60925tabloid	IvpG	P
60926taboo term	IvpV	V
60927tabs on field	Ivpq	h
60928tabular	IvqL	V
60929tabular data presentation	Ivqg	t
60930tabular display	IvrN	d
60931tabular form	Ivrq	a
60932tabular form language	IvsE	j
60933tabular interpretive program	Ivsn	t
60934tabular language	IvtU	e
60935tabular query formulation	Ivty	t
60936tabular representation	Ivuf	n
60937tabular system oriented language	IvvG	BB
60938tabulate	Ivw1	U
60939tabulated data	IvxJ	c
60940tabulating	Ivxl	S
60941tabulating card	Ivx3	d
60942tabulating equlpment	IvyU	i
60943tabulating machine	Ivy2	d
60944tabulating system	IvzT	f
60945tabulation	Ivzy	W
60946tabulation character	Iv0I	i
60947tabulation equipment	Iv0q	i
60948tabulation function	Iv1M	h
60949tabulation markers	Iv1t	g
60950tabulation method	Iv2N	c
60951tabulation sequential format	Iv2p	w
60952tabulation set	Iv3Z	c
60953tabulator	Iv31	Y
60954tabulator clear key	Iv4N	t
60955tabulator gang clear key	Iv46	1
60956tabulator key	Iv5v	Y
60957tabulator mechanism	Iv6H	h
60958tabulator set key	Iv6o	r
60959tabulator setting	Iv7T	l
60960tabulator stop	Iv74	f
60961tachometer	Iv8X	V
60962tachometer housing	Iv8s	j
60963tachometer roller	Iv9P	i
60964tactile	Iv9x	P
60965tactile controlled hand	Iv+A	u
60966tactile feedback	Iv+u	e
60967tactile keyboard	Iv/M	e
60968tactile sense	Iv/q	V
60969tag	Iv//	T
60970tag along sort	IwAS	f
60971tag architecture	IwAx	e
60972tag array	IwBP	X
60973tag bits	IwBm	W
60974tag bus byte	IwB8	m
60975tag card	IwCi	Q
60976tag card reader	IwCy	m
60977tag check	IwDY	X
60978tag converting device	IwDv	p
60979tag converting unit	IwEY	k
60980tag field	IwE8	U
60981tag file	IwFQ	W
60982tag format	IwFm	Y
60983tag in	IwF+	T
60984tag list	IwGR	T
60985tag mark	IwGk	W
60986tag notation	IwG6	X
60987tag number list	IwHR	g
60988tag out	IwHx	U
60989tag path	IwIF	W
60990tag reader	IwIb	b
60991tag reader puncher	IwI2	p
60992tag sequence	IwJf	a
60993tag slot	IwJ5	Z
60994tag sort	IwKS	W
60995tag system	IwKo	Y
60996tag type	IwLA	W
60997tag type identifier	IwLW	q
60998tag value	IwMA	U
60999tagged memory	IwM2	e
61000tagged word	IwNU	Z
61001tagging reader	IwNt	f
61002tail	Hdzw	Y
61003tail	IwOM	J
61004tail link	IwOV	U
61005tail pointer	IwOp	X
61006tail recursion	IwPA	Z
61007tail symbol	IwPZ	Z
61008tailer	IwPy	R
61009tailor	IwQD	O
61010tailorable option	IwQR	i
61011tailored configuration	IwQz	n
61012tailored version	IwRa	b
61013tailoring	IwR1	R
61014take back	IwSg	R
61015take down connection	IwSx	c
61016take in	IwTN	P
61017take over	IwTc	O
61018takedown	JE27	W
61019takeoff	IwVZ	P
61020talk	GQoh	g
61021talk	IwVo	M
61022talk attenuation	GQpB	k
61023talk loss	GQpl	d
61024talk off	IwV0	W
61025talk operation	HvQ6	i
61026talkback	IwWX	Q
61027talker	IwWn	R
61028talker echo	IwW4	c
61029talking book	IwYA	a
61030talking connection	IwYa	g
61031talking printer	IwY6	g
61032talking robot	IwZa	k
61033talking terminal	IwZ+	h
61034talking typewriter	Iwaf	j
61035tally	IwbC	N
61036tally down	IwbP	Q
61037tally order	Iwbf	Z
61038tally register	Iwb4	f
61039tally up	IwcX	O
61040tallying	Iwcl	Q
61041tamperproof	Iwc1	Z
61042tandem	IwdO	O
61043tandem connection	Iwdc	f
61044tandem data circuit	Iwd7	n
61045tandem exchange	Iwei	d
61046tandem link	Iwe/	Z
61047tandem nonstop distributed database system	IwfY	BT
61048tandem office	Iwgr	e
61049tandem queue	IwhJ	a
61050tandem routing	Iwhj	c
61051tandem selector	Iwh/	g
61052tandem switching	Iwif	e
61053tandem switching exchange	Iwi9	q
61054tandem system	Iwjn	b
61055tandem trunk	IwkC	d
61056tangent	Iwkf	M
61057tangent method	HNqU	h
61058tangent vector	Iwkr	c
61059tangential approximation method	IwlH	w
61060tangential derivative	Iwl3	j
61061tangible factor	Iwma	d
61062tangible object	Iwm3	g
61063tanglement	IwnX	S
61064tank	IwoM	N
61065tank circuit	IwoZ	a
61066tansactor	IwpC	X
61067tantalum	IwpZ	Q
61068tantalum capacitor	Iwpp	d
61069tantamount	IwqG	S
61070tap	IwqY	L
61071tap circuit	Iwqj	Z
61072tape	6Hk	Y
61073tape	Cksb	S
61074tape	CyPB	Z
61075tape	H3YZ	V
61076tape	H3Yu	V
61077tape	H3Zh	P
61078tape	H40b	Z
61079tape	HZt/	V
61080tape	Inh/	S
61081tape	IrKA	S
61082tape	Itak	Y
61083tape	Iwq8	P
61084tape	JJlO	Y
61085tape	JJtw	Y
61086tape adapter	IwrL	d
61087tape adapter unit	Iwro	m
61088tape advance	IwsO	d
61089tape alternation	Iwsr	b
61090tape alternation subroutine	IwtG	w
61091tape and buffer system	Iwt2	w
61092tape automatic checkout equipment	Iwum	7
61093tape automatic positioning	Iwvh	u
61094tape back spacing	IwwP	f
61095tape backup unit	Iwwu	k
61096tape bin	IwxS	T
61097tape block	Iwxl	b
61098tape bootstrap loader	IwyA	s
61099tape bootstrap routine	Iwys	n
61100tape bound	IwzT	V
61101tape bounded turing machine	Iwzo	v
61102tape buffer	Iw0X	c
61103tape cable	Iw0z	Y
61104tape card	Iw1L	d
61105tape card converter	Iw1o	s
61106tape cartridge	Iw2U	Z
61107tape cartridge reader	Iw2t	n
61108tape cassette	Iw3U	b
61109tape cassette recorder	Iw3v	r
61110tape cell	Iw4a	U
61111tape certification	Iw4u	g
61112tape channel	Iw5O	X
61113tape character	Iw5l	Z
61114tape character check	Iw5+	l
61115tape checking	Iw6j	b
61116tape cleaner	Iw6+	d
61117tape cluster	Iw7b	U
61118tape code	HKsA	U
61119tape code	HuiX	U
61120tape code	Iw7v	R
61121tape coil	HKsU	U
61122tape coiling	Iw85	U
61123tape comparator	Iw9N	d
61124tape compiexity	Iw9q	d
61125tape compiler	Iw+H	e
61126tape compiling program	Iw+l	n
61127tape compiling routine	Iw/M	r
61128tape conditioning	Iw/3	c
61129tape control	6H8	k
61130tape control unit	IxAT	j
61131tape controlled carriage	IxA2	y
61132tape controlled recording equipment	IxBo	9
61133tape conversion program	IxCl	r
61134tape converter	IzIj	n
61135tape converter	JUSr	z
61136tape copy	IxDQ	X
61137tape core	FqTF	a
61138tape core	IxDn	U
61139tape counter	IxD7	a
61140tape data family	IxEV	i
61141tape data handling system	IxE3	4
61142tape data processing system	IxFv	y
61143tape data register	IxGh	q
61144tape data selector	IxHL	t
61145tape data validation	IxH4	l
61146tape deck	IxId	U
61147tape delivery	IxIx	e
61148tape disc operating system	IxJP	5
61149tape drive	IxKI	e
61150tape drive controller	IxKm	m
61151tape drive interrupt routine	IxLM	z
61152tape drive mechanism	IxL/	l
61153tape dump	IxMk	U
61154tape duplicator	IxM4	d
61155tape editor	IxNV	c
61156tape entry	IxNx	V
61157tape erasure	IxOG	X
61158tape error	IxOd	V
61159tape executive program	IxOy	t
61160tape expression	IxPf	g
61161tape facsimile	IxP/	f
61162tape feed	IxQe	a
61163tape feed motor	IxQ4	d
61164tape feed switch	IxRV	e
61165tape field	IxRz	Y
61166tape file	IxSL	R
61167tape file copying	IxSc	i
61168tape file management	IxS+	s
61169tape file octal load	IxTq	2
61170tape file supervisor	IxUg	v
61171tape file transfer	IxVP	v
61172tape format	IxV+	W
61173tape frame	IxWU	S
61174tape garble	IxWm	Z
61175tape group	IxW/	S
61176tape guide	IxXR	b
61177tape guide cam	IxXs	W
61178tape guide roller	IxYC	Z
61179tape handler	IxYb	X
61180tape handling	IxYy	Y
61181tape handling option routines	IxZK	5
61182tape handling optional routines	IxaD	+
61183tape handling unit	IxbB	d
61184tape head	Ixbe	R
61185tape hierarchy	Ixbv	f
61186tape hole	6Ig	k
61187tape housing	IxcO	X
61188tape identification	Ixcl	e
61189tape identification card	IxdD	q
61190tape identification unit	Ixdt	q
61191tape image	IxeX	Y
61192tape index	Ixev	V
61193tape input	IxfE	V
61194tape inputoutput swapping	Ixf+	x
61195tape inputoutput system	Ixgv	4
61196tape inputtape output	Ixhn	u
61197tape inscriber	IxiV	Z
61198tape inverter	Ixiu	b
61199tape label	IxjJ	e
61200tape layout	Ixjn	W
61201tape layout form	Ixj9	h
61202tape leader	Ixke	Z
61203tape leader tool	Ixk3	h
61204tape librarian	IxlY	i
61205tape librarian system	Ixl6	q
61206tape library	Ixmk	X
61207tape library management system	Ixm7	6
61208tape limited	Ixn1	X
61209tape load key	IxoM	b
61210tape load point	Ixon	j
61211tape loading	IxpK	U
61212tape lossing	Ixpe	a
61213tape machine	Huir	d
61214tape management catalog	Ixp4	s
61215tape management system	Ixqk	r
61216tape mark	6JE	d
61217tape mark	IxrP	X
61218tape marker	6Jh	n
61219tape marker	CyPa	Z
61220tape marker	Ixrm	Z
61221tape master file	Ixr/	h
61222tape mechanism	Ixsg	c
61223tape memory	Ixs8	c
61224tape merge	IxtY	V
61225tape module	Ixtt	c
61226tape operated printer	IxuJ	p
61227tape operated typewriter	Ixuy	s
61228tape operating system	Ixve	t
61229tape operation	H400	p
61230tape operation	HKso	c
61231tape oriented system	IxwL	o
61232tape overlap emulator	Ixwz	z
61233tape pack	Ixxm	U
61234tape parity	Ixx6	Z
61235tape path	IxyT	X
61236tape perforating	Ixyq	e
61237tape perforator	IxzI	k
61238tape perforator interface	Ixzs	t
61239tape phase inverter	Ix0Z	l
61240tape plotting system	Ix0+	o
61241tape pool	Ix1m	R
61242tape preparation unit	Ix13	q
61243tape preventive maintenance	Ix2h	t
61244tape printer	Ix3q	d
61245tape printing	Ix4H	e
61246tape printing counter	Ix4l	p
61247tape printing system	Ix5O	o
61248tape processing	Ix52	d
61249tape processing simulatneity	Ix6T	z
61250tape processing unit	Ix7G	l
61251tape program	Ix7r	a
61252tape programmer	Ix8F	g
61253tape punch	HKtE	r
61254tape punch	Ix8l	b
61255tape punch control key	Ix9A	t
61256tape punch interface	Ix9t	r
61257tape punch output	Ix+Y	l
61258tape punch reproduce check unit	Ix+9	z
61259tape punch subassembly	Ix/w	u
61260tape punch subassembly panel	IyAe	+
61261tape punch typewriter	IyBc	s
61262tape puncher	IyC5	d
61263tape puncher output	IyDW	q
61264tape punching mechanism	IyEA	r
61265tape read and write library	IyEr	y
61266tape read head	IyFd	c
61267tape read register	IyF5	n
61268tape reader	FSGS	c
61269tape reader	HKtv	c
61270tape reader	HVAi	f
61271tape reader	IyGg	W
61272tape reader control	IyG2	o
61273tape reader emulator module	IyHe	9
61274tape reader input	IyIb	i
61275tape reader punch	IyI9	i
61276tape readerpunch controller	IyJ4	5
61277tape reading	IyKx	X
61278tape record coordinator	IyLI	y
61279tape recorder	IyL6	h
61280tape recorder amplifier	IyMb	y
61281tape recording	IyNN	Z
61282tape recording density	IyNm	q
61283tape reduction theorem	IyOQ	k
61284tape reel	IyO0	X
61285tape register	IyPL	h
61286tape relay	IyPs	b
61287tape relay switching	ISMn	BI
61288tape relay switching	nd6	x
61289tape repeating automatic data integration system	IyQH	Ba
61290tape reproducer	IyRh	g
61291tape request word	IySB	f
61292tape rerun	IySg	b
61293tape reservoir	IyS7	f
61294tape resident	IyTa	k
61295tape rewind	IyT+	T
61296tape row	IyUR	T
61297tape running accuracy	IyUk	p
61298tape running speed	IyVN	j
61299tape running stability	IyVw	q
61300tape sealer	IyWa	Z
61301tape search	IyWz	Z
61302tape search unit	IyXM	o
61303tape selection	IyX0	c
61304tape sender	IyYQ	Z
61305tape serial number	IyYp	g
61306tape skew	IyZJ	U
61307tape skip	IyZd	U
61308tape skip restore	IyZx	i
61309tape skip restore character	IyaT	y
61310tape sort	Dik5	X
61311tape sort	IybF	X
61312tape sort and collate program	Iybc	0
61313tape sorting	Iyci	a
61314tape span	Iyc8	X
61315tape speed	IydT	S
61316tape speed monitor	Iydl	j
61317tape speed variation	IyeI	i
61318tape splicing	Iyeq	V
61319tape spool	Iye/	a
61320tape squeal	IyfZ	c
61321tape stand alone dumprestore	Iyf1	BA
61322tape starting	Iyg1	Y
61323tape station	FSGu	X
61324tape station	IyhN	X
61325tape stopping	Iyhk	Y
61326tape storage	FSHF	a
61327tape storage	Iyh8	X
61328tape storage bin	IyiT	b
61329tape storage bin magnetic	Iyiu	n
61330tape string	IyjV	T
61331tape strip	Iyjo	V
61332tape strip cartridge	Iyj9	i
61333tape strip storage	Iykf	m
61334tape supply motor	IylF	f
61335tape swapping	Iylk	n
61336tape switching	IymL	c
61337tape switching center	JHm7	p
61338tape symbol	Iym/	W
61339tape symbolic editor	IynV	u
61340tape synchronizer	IyoD	i
61341tape teleprinter	Iyol	n
61342tape teletypewriter	IypM	q
61343tape tension	Iyp2	a
61344tape test	IyqQ	U
61345tape test set	Iyqk	e
61346tape thickness	IyrC	c
61347tape threading	Iyre	W
61348tape timer	Iyr0	Y
61349tape trailer	IysM	U
61350tape transfer procedure	Iysg	o
61351tape transfer restart procedure	IytI	5
61352tape transmission	F+KL	f
61353tape transmitter distributor	IyuB	w
61354tape transport	Iyux	f
61355tape transport mechanism	IyvQ	m
61356tape transport speed	Iyv2	i
61357tape travel	IywY	W
61358tape turing machine	GwIP	k
61359tape unit	FSHf	X
61360tape unit	Iywu	U
61361tape unit bus in	IyxC	v
61362tape unit bus out	Iyxx	w
61363tape unit check	Iyyh	m
61364tape unit perforator	IyzH	l
61365tape verifier	Iyzs	Y
61366tape volume	Iy0E	T
61367tape wheel	Iy0X	V
61368tape width	Iy0s	S
61369tape winder	Iy0+	W
61370tape wound core	Iy1U	d
61371tape wound magnetic core	Iy1x	m
61372tapebeginning marker	IzJz	c
61373tapeless numerical control	IzKP	r
61374tapered quantization	IzLq	l
61375tapered search	IzMP	c
61376tapped	IzMr	X
61377tapping cable	IzOC	b
61378tapping point	IzOd	V
61379tapy sort	Dco2	a
61380target	H9of	U
61381target	IzOy	R
61382target acquisition	IzPD	m
61383target architecture	IzPp	h
61384target area	IzQK	W
61385target attribute	IzQg	e
61386target block	IzQ+	d
61387target character item	IzRb	m
61388target compiler	IzSB	j
61389target computer	IzSk	g
61390target configuration	IzTE	i
61391target curve	IzTm	a
61392target data model	IzUA	l
61393target data set	IzUl	g
61394target data structure	IzVF	p
61395target designation	IzVu	g
61396target directory	IzWO	e
61397target diskette	IzWs	d
61398target domain	IzXJ	e
61399target echo	IzXn	f
61400target group	IzYG	X
61401target identification	IzYd	m
61402target identification system	IzZD	w
61403target image	IzZz	a
61404target information system	IzaN	x
61405target input panel	Iza+	t
61406target instruction register	Izbr	2
61407target intercept computer	Izch	0
61408target language	IzdV	d
61409target level	Izdy	a
61410target list	IzeM	Z
61411target machine	Izel	Z
61412target microprocessor	Ize+	p
61413target of an assignment	Izfn	o
61414target phase	IzgP	a
61415target processor	Izgp	h
61416target program	IzhK	c
61417target recognition	Izhm	j
61418target routine	IziJ	c
61419target screen	Izil	b
61420target segment	IzjA	Z
61421target specification	IzjZ	i
61422target statement	Izj7	e
61423target system	IzkZ	b
61424target track	Izk0	a
61425target track correction	IzlO	r
61426target variable	Izl5	d
61427target view	IzmW	Z
61428target word	Izmv	W
61429target zone	IznF	W
61430tariff	Izn0	O
61431tarnishing	IzoC	S
61432tas instruction	IzpH	m
61433tas operation	Izpt	k
61434tasble organization within a compiler	IzqR	BI
61435task	F+Kq	U
61436task	F+ao	e
61437task	IzrZ	U
61438task abnormal exit routine	Izrt	0
61439task activation	Izsh	d
61440task address	Izs+	a
61441task allocation	IztY	d
61442task allocation problem	Izt1	v
61443task analysis	Izuk	e
61444task appendage routine	IzvC	q
61445task assignment	Izvs	d
61446task attribute	IzwJ	c
61447task body	Izwl	U
61448task builder	Izw5	k
61449task call	Izxd	X
61450task code	Izx0	X
61451task communication	I02J	o
61452task communication	IzyL	g
61453task control	Izyr	a
61454task control block	IzzF	n
61455task control call	Izzs	l
61456task control card	Iz0R	i
61457task control program	Iz0z	s
61458task creation	Iz1f	b
61459task data	Iz16	X
61460task declaration	Iz2R	e
61461task decomposition	Iz2v	g
61462task definition dable	Iz3P	m
61463task descriptor	Iz31	g
61464task determination	Iz4V	g
61465task dictionary	Iz41	h
61466task dictionary table	Iz5W	m
61467task dispatcher	Iz58	j
61468task dispateher	Iz6f	g
61469task dump	Iz6/	X
61470task error exit routine	Iz7W	x
61471task execution	Iz8H	c
61472task execution area	Iz8j	k
61473task execution language	Iz9H	v
61474task execution memory	Iz92	s
61475task execution scheduler	Iz+i	y
61476task family	Iz/U	W
61477task force	Iz/q	e
61478task form specification	I0AI	v
61479task group	I0A3	Y
61480task group resource	I0BP	k
61481task identifier	I0CY	g
61482task information area	I0C4	m
61483task initiationtermination	I0De	y
61484task input queue	I0EQ	o
61485task inputoutput table	I0E4	z
61486task interrupt control	I0Fr	u
61487task interrupt routine	I0GZ	q
61488task level controller	I0HD	w
61489task library	I0Hz	X
61490task list	I0IK	U
61491task load module	I0Ie	k
61492task load module file	I0JC	v
61493task location	I0Jx	b
61494task macro	I0KM	e
61495task management	I0Kq	d
61496task management program	I0LH	r
61497task management system	I0Ly	q
61498task marco	I0Mc	e
61499task memorandum	I0M6	j
61500task menu	I0Nd	X
61501task name	I0N0	U
61502task number	I0OI	Z
61503task object	I0Oh	Z
61504task option	I0O6	c
61505task option word	I0PW	h
61506task option word inquiry system	I0P3	8
61507task priority	I0Qz	e
61508task priority dispatching	I0RR	w
61509task processing	I0SB	d
61510task processing unit	I0Se	s
61511task processor scheduling	I0TK	w
61512task program	I0T6	a
61513task proup identification	I0UU	q
61514task queue	I0U+	Y
61515task queue table	I0VW	n
61516task quit	I0V9	X
61517task ready queue	I0WU	o
61518task reassignment	I0W8	i
61519task request block	I0Xe	j
61520task restart processing	I0YB	u
61521task run	I0Yv	W
61522task run online	I0ZF	j
61523task scheduler	I0Zo	i
61524task scheduler gueue	I0aK	o
61525task scheduling	I0ay	d
61526task selection	I0bP	c
61527task service area	I0br	i
61528task service area structure	I0cN	y
61529task set	I0c/	T
61530task set control block	I0dS	q
61531task set installation	I0d8	m
61532task set reference table	I0ei	x
61533task specification	I0fT	g
61534task stack space	I0fz	k
61535task start	I0gX	Y
61536task state	I0gv	Y
61537task state segment	I0hH	m
61538task status	I0ht	Z
61539task status index	I0iG	p
61540task storage	I0iv	a
61541task supervisor	I0jJ	j
61542task suspension	I0js	d
61543task switch	I0kJ	Z
61544task synchronization	I0ki	i
61545task system work stack	I0lE	w
61546task table	I0l0	a
61547task table control block	I0mO	s
61548task termination	I0m6	e
61549task time	I0nY	X
61550task timer	I0nv	b
61551task transfer	I0oK	b
61552task translator	I0ol	j
61553task tyep	I0pI	X
61554task unit	I0pf	a
61555task user work stack	I0p5	u
61556task value attribute	I0qn	l
61557task variable	I0rM	b
61558task virtual storage	I0rn	r
61559task waiting	I0sS	a
61560task work stack descriptor	I0ss	8
61561tasking	F+K+	5
61562tasking	I02x	V
61563tasking facility	I03G	k
61564tasking protocol	I03q	k
61565tasking real time io bound process	F+L3	BS
61566taskmix	I043	V
61567taut tape attachment	I05M	i
61568tautology	I05u	R
61569tautology rule	I05/	i
61570tax administration system	I06h	x
61571tax amount	I07S	Y
61572tax body mane	I07q	e
61573tax classes	I08I	Z
61574tax code	I08h	T
61575tax due	I080	S
61576tax rate application	I09G	i
61577tax rates	I09o	R
61578tax status	I095	Y
61579taxable sales	I0+R	h
61580taxing body	I0+y	W
61581taxing body file	I0/I	e
61582taxing body record	I0/m	j
61583taxonomic hierarchies	I1AJ	j
61584taxonomic organization	I1As	k
61585taxonomic view	I1BQ	i
61586taxonomy	I1By	T
61587taylor expansion	I1CF	h
61588tcam application program	I1Cm	q
61589tcam control task	I1DQ	7
61590tcam destination address field	I1EL	4
61591tcam host logical unit	I1FD	u
61592tcam network address	I1Fx	m
61593tcam node	I1GX	V
61594tcam origin address field	I1Gs	z
61595tcam system	I1Hf	X
61596teach information processing language	I1H2	BE
61597teacher programming language	I1I6	9
61598teaching	I1J3	Q
61599teaching and playback robot	I1KH	1
61600teaching logic translator	I1K8	5
61601teaching machine	I1L1	e
61602teaching process	I1MT	e
61603teaching program	I1Mx	e
61604teaching system	I1NP	d
61605team theory	I1O5	Z
61606team working	I1PS	U
61607tear cycle	I1Pm	V
61608tearing	I1P7	V
61609technial description of system	I1QQ	y
61610technical advisory board	I1RC	0
61611technical and operational control center	I1R2	BF
61612technical article	I1S7	f
61613technical exchange	JbMM	m
61614technical newsletter	I1Ta	i
61615technical objective directive	I1T8	1
61616technical objective document	I1Ux	0
61617technical operating procedure	I1Vl	1
61618technical operation center	I1Wa	y
61619technical operations manager	I1XM	6
61620technical order	I1YG	d
61621technical papers	I1Yj	h
61622technical process	Iu6T	l
61623technical program	I1ZE	f
61624technical proposal	I1Zj	g
61625technical report	I1aD	h
61626technical safeguard	I1ak	n
61627technicals	I1bL	Y
61628technicology	I1bj	U
61629technicolor	I1b3	Z
61630technics of least squares	I1cQ	w
61631technique	I1dA	R
61632technique flowcharts	I1dR	l
61633technological environment	I1eT	n
61634technologics	I1e6	a
61635technology	I1fU	S
61636technology processor	I1fm	o
61637technology robot	FjZ+	n
61638technology transfer	I1gO	h
61639technology utilization	I1gv	k
61640technometrics	I1hT	e
61641tel area	I1hx	T
61642tel no	I1iE	U
61643telautogram	I1iY	Z
61644telautograph	I1ix	a
61645telautomatics	I1jL	b
61646tele fax	I1jm	Z
61647teleaction information	I1lZ	k
61648teleautograph	I1l9	V
61649telebanking	I1mS	f
61650telebit	I1mx	e
61651telechirics	I1nP	Z
61652telecine	I1no	W
61653telecom	I1n+	P
61654telecommand	I1oN	Z
61655telecommunicatio link	I1om	p
61656telecommunication	I1pP	n
61657telecommunication access method	I1p2	1
61658telecommunication administration	I1qr	0
61659telecommunication channel	I1rf	t
61660telecommunication circuit	I1sM	n
61661telecommunication code	I1sz	n
61662telecommunication control unit	I1ta	4
61663telecommunication data link	I1uS	1
61664telecommunication facility	I1vH	o
61665telecommunication line	I1vv	k
61666telecommunication maintenance center	I1wT	BC
61667telecommunication network	I1xV	0
61668telecommunication organization	I1yJ	y
61669telecommunication route	I1y7	r
61670telecommunication satellite	I1zm	v
61671telecommunication satellite space station	I10V	BG
61672telecommunication service	I11b	n
61673telecommunication software architecture	I12C	BH
61674telecommunication switching system	I13J	2
61675telecommunication system	I13/	w
61676telecommunication time	I14v	q
61677telecommunication traffic	I15Z	w
61678telecommunication working group	I16J	1
61679telecommunications	I16+	f
61680telecommunications access method	I17d	/
61681telecommunications association	I18c	w
61682telecommunications data interface	I19M	/
61683telecommunications hybrids	I1+L	6
61684telecommuting	I1/F	b
61685telecomputer	I1/g	a
61686telecomputing	I1/6	b
61687teleconference	I2AV	c
61688teleconferencing	I2Ax	k
61689telecontrol	I2BV	T
61690telecontrolled	I2Bo	Z
61691telecontrolling	I2CB	X
61692telecopier	I2CY	b
61693teledata	I2Cz	W
61694teledata system	I2DJ	j
61695teleeducation	I2Ds	b
61696teleeducation system	I2EH	o
61697teleequipment	I2Ev	b
61698telefacsimile	I2FK	b
61699telefax	I2Fl	P
61700telefax interface	I2F0	o
61701telefile	I2Gc	W
61702telefilm	I2Gy	T
61703telegram	I2HF	Q
61704telegraph	I2HV	U
61705telegraph and telephone	Hh9K	l
61706telegraph automatic relay equipment	I2Hp	BC
61707telegraph automatic routing equipment	I2Ir	/
61708telegraph automatic switching system	I2Jq	+
61709telegraph automatic system	I2Ko	u
61710telegraph channel	I2LW	f
61711telegraph code	I2L1	Z
61712telegraph communication	I2MO	l
61713telegraph communication system	I2Mz	y
61714telegraph exchange	I2Nl	m
61715telegraph grade channel	I2OL	o
61716telegraph grade circuit	I2Oz	o
61717telegraph mulitplexer	I2Pb	0
61718telegraph reply	I2QP	j
61719telegraph signal	I2Qy	e
61720telegraph speed	I2RQ	d
61721telegraph switching system	I2Rt	u
61722telegraph transmission	I2Sb	k
61723telegraph word	I2S/	Z
61724telegraphy	I2TY	V
61725teleinformatic services	I2Tt	r
61726teleinformatics	I2UY	g
61727telemail	I2U4	c
61728telemaintenance service	I2VU	r
61729telemanagement	I2V/	c
61730telematic	I2Wb	X
61731telematic service	I2Wy	l
61732telematics	I2XX	Y
61733telemechanic system	I2Xv	n
61734telemechanics	I2YW	b
61735telemechanique	I2Yx	c
61736telemedicine	I2ZN	a
61737telemeter	I2Zn	R
61738telemetering	I2Z4	X
61739telemetering device	I2aP	h
61740telemetering system	I2aw	h
61741telemetric data analyzer	I2bR	y
61742telemetric data converter	I2cD	w
61743telemetry	I2cz	U
61744telemetry automatic processing system	I2dH	BE
61745telemetry code modulation	I2eL	t
61746telemetry command	I2e4	f
61747telemetry command system	I2fX	s
61748telemetry compression routine	I2gD	1
61749telemetry ground system	I2g4	r
61750telemetry modulation system	I2hj	z
61751telemetry processing	I2iW	p
61752telemetry system	I2i/	e
61753telenalysis	I2jd	Z
61754telenet	I2j2	q
61755telepak	I2kg	Ba
61756telephone	I2l6	V
61757telephone	IIqH	a
61758telephone	JKSk	X
61759telephone answering machine	I2mP	v
61760telephone answering service	I2m+	z
61761telephone bill payment	I2nx	u
61762telephone borsht functions	I2of	o
61763telephone call length	I2pH	p
61764telephone call processing	I2pw	t
61765telephone channel	I2qd	f
61766telephone circuit	I2q8	f
61767telephone code	I2rz	c
61768telephone communication unit	I2sP	w
61769telephone company	I2s/	l
61770telephone company data set	I2tk	2
61771telephone coupler	I2ua	i
61772telephone data set	I2u8	j
61773telephone dialer	I2wJ	h
61774telephone dialer circuit	I2wq	s
61775telephone directory	I2xW	k
61776telephone exchange	I2x6	j
61777telephone frequency	I2yd	h
61778telephone line	I2y+	Z
61779telephone line data set	I2zX	u
61780telephone line patch	I20F	s
61781telephone links	I20x	d
61782telephone local center	I21O	q
61783telephone local exchange center	I214	5
61784telephone modem	I22x	g
61785telephone network	I23R	c
61786telephone primary center	I24I	p
61787telephone recording attachment	I24x	y
61788telephone recording control	I25j	v
61789telephone repeater	I26S	j
61790telephone secondary center	I261	r
61791telephone set	I27g	Y
61792telephone switching center	I28V	0
61793telephone switching system	I29J	u
61794telephone system	I293	e
61795telephone trunk	I2+V	d
61796telephone type network	I2+y	n
61797telephone zone center	I2/Z	p
61798telephony	I3CJ	U
61799telephoto	I3Cd	X
61800telephotography	I3C0	g
61801teleplotter	I3DU	c
61802teleport	I3Dw	T
61803teleprinter	I3ED	g
61804teleprinter channel	I3Ej	q
61805teleprinter character	I3FN	s
61806teleprinter code	I3F5	n
61807teleprinter diagram	I3Gg	h
61808teleprinter exchange	I3HB	v
61809teleprinter interface	I3Hw	s
61810teleprinter keyboard	I3Ic	r
61811teleprinter keyboard selection	I3JH	7
61812teleprinter link	I3KC	n
61813teleprinter over multiplex	I3Kp	x
61814teleprinter receiver	I3La	r
61815teleprinter signal generator	I3MF	8
61816teleprinter switching network	I3NB	6
61817teleprinter terminal	I3N7	x
61818teleprinter terminal unit	I3Os	2
61819teleprocessing	I3Pi	f
61820teleprocessing analysis and design program	I3QB	BS
61821teleprocessing diagnostic	I3RT	t
61822teleprocessing diagnostic analyzer	I3SA	BI
61823teleprocessing diagnostic tester	I3TI	BG
61824teleprocessing exchange service	I3UO	5
61825teleprocessing monitor system	I3VH	8
61826teleprocessing network	I3WD	q
61827teleprocessing requirement analysis and cost	I3Wt	Bb
61828teleprocessing system	I3YI	p
61829teleprocessing terminal	I3Yx	u
61830teleprogram	I3Zf	Z
61831telepunch	I3Z4	X
61832telepuppet	I3aP	b
61833telereference	I3aq	b
61834telereservation	I3bF	d
61835telescreen	I3bi	Y
61836teleservice	I3b6	Z
61837teleset	I3cT	Y
61838teleshopping	I3cr	a
61839telesignalling	I3dF	c
61840telesoftware	I3dh	a
61841telespeed	I3d7	X
61842telesymbionts	I3eS	h
61843telesynd	I3ez	Z
61844teletel	I3fw	w
61845teletex	I3gg	V
61846teletex coded document	I3g1	w
61847teletex page	I3hl	d
61848teletex procedure	I3iC	l
61849teletex requirements for real time interworking	I3in	CF
61850teletex service	I3ks	j
61851teletext	I3lP	W
61852teletext broadcast	I3ll	m
61853teletext data decoding	I3mL	2
61854teletext service	I3nB	q
61855teletraffic	I3nr	f
61856teletraffic theory	I3oK	v
61857teletransmission	I3o5	e
61858teletransmission decoder	I3pX	v
61859teletron	I3qG	T
61860teletype	GXu2	j
61861teletype	I3qZ	Z
61862teletype assignment	I3qy	k
61863teletype channel	I3rW	h
61864teletype code	I3r3	h
61865teletype command	I3sY	e
61866teletype communication	I3s2	k
61867teletype compatible terminal	I3ta	z
61868teletype controler	I3uN	j
61869teletype diagnostic	I3uw	h
61870teletype error	I3vR	c
61871teletype exchange	I3vt	i
61872teletype exchange service	I3wP	t
61873teletype for chinese characters	I3w8	2
61874teletype grade	I3xy	i
61875teletype inputoutput device	I3yU	2
61876teletype inputoutput unit	I3zK	0
61877teletype link	I3z+	b
61878teletype message switching	I30Z	u
61879teletype microcomputer interface	I31H	6
61880teletype microcomputer system	I32B	3
61881teletype modification kit	I324	w
61882teletype network	I33o	e
61883teletype optical projection system	I34G	BB
61884teletype paper tape reader	I35H	x
61885teletype printer	I354	h
61886teletype punch	I36Z	l
61887teletype ribbon	I37Y	j
61888teletype serial data format	I377	1
61889teletype setting	I38w	e
61890teletype station	I39O	b
61891teletype tape	I39p	e
61892teletype terminal	I3+H	i
61893teletype utility	I3+p	n
61894teletypesetting	I3/Q	d
61895teletypewriter	I3/t	j
61896teletypewriter automatic sendreseive unit	I4AQ	BO
61897teletypewriter communication	I4Be	t
61898teletypewriter conference	I4CL	w
61899teletypewriter control set	I4C7	0
61900teletypewriter control unit	I4Dv	1
61901teletypewriter controller	I4Ek	z
61902teletypewriter exchange	I4FX	y
61903teletypewriter exchange service	I4GJ	BA
61904teletypewriter grade	I4HJ	o
61905teletypewriter marking pulse	I4Hx	5
61906teletypewriter network	I4Iq	k
61907teletypewriter operation	I4JO	p
61908teletypewriter perforator	I4J3	q
61909teletypewriter pulse spacing	I4Kh	5
61910teletypewriter signal distortion	I4La	9
61911teletypewriter switching systems	I4MX	0
61912teletypewriter terminal	I4NL	o
61913teletypewriter transmission	I4Nz	s
61914teletypewriter utility package	I4Of	4
61915television	I4PX	V
61916television automatic sequence control	I4Ps	BG
61917television camera	I4Qy	m
61918television channel	I4RY	g
61919television control center	I4R4	x
61920television cut off	I4Sp	m
61921television demodulator	I4TP	n
61922television interface	I4T2	i
61923television management information system	I4UY	BH
61924television mask	I4Vf	d
61925television monitor	I4V8	j
61926television oriented information society	I4Wf	+
61927television projector	I4Xd	l
61928television receiver	I4YC	k
61929television receivermonitor	I4Ym	y
61930television safe action area	I4ZY	y
61931television scan	I4aK	d
61932television system	I4an	f
61933television tubes	I4bG	h
61934telewriter	I4cA	V
61935telewriter exchange service	I4cV	4
61936telewriter interface	I4dN	r
61937telex	I4d4	h
61938telex computer communication	I4eZ	BC
61939telex computer communication service	I4fb	BQ
61940telex facsimile	I4gr	j
61941telex network	I4hO	h
61942telex network identification code	I4hv	+
61943telex service	I4it	h
61944telex telegraph exchange	I4jO	v
61945teleytpewriter pulse spacing	I4j9	5
61946teleytpewriter signal distortion	I4k2	9
61947teleytpewriter switching system	I4lz	8
61948teller console	I4mv	Z
61949teller system	I4nI	h
61950teller window	I4np	b
61951teller work station	I4oE	k
61952telpak	I4oo	d
61953telpak channel	I4pF	c
61954teltex	I4ph	s
61955teltypewriter	I4qN	e
61956temp storage	I4qr	a
61957temper	I4rF	O
61958temperature	I4rT	V
61959temperature characteristic	I4ro	o
61960temperature coefficient	I4sQ	q
61961temperature compensation	I4s6	m
61962temperature compensation device	I4tg	z
61963temperature control	I4uT	h
61964temperature conversion program	I4u0	y
61965temperature core	Jgj2	l
61966temperature cycling	I4vm	h
61967temperature cycling test	I4wH	s
61968temperature device	FKpe	g
61969temperature difference	I4wz	e
61970temperature distribution	I4xR	m
61971temperature drift	I4x3	f
61972temperature gradient	I4yW	i
61973temperature noise	I4y4	c
61974temperature regulation	I4zU	k
61975temperature regulator	I4z4	m
61976temperature response	I40e	i
61977temperature stability	I41A	m
61978temperature variation	I41m	j
61979tempering	I42m	R
61980template	I423	w
61981template match	I43n	c
61982template matching	I44D	f
61983templete	I44i	T
61984temporal interval	I441	f
61985temporal logic	I45U	c
61986temporal logic language	I45w	r
61987temporal logic specification	I46b	w
61988temporal sampling theorem	I47L	t
61989temporarles	I474	Z
61990temporary	I48R	X
61991temporary area	I48o	Z
61992temporary assignment	I49B	i
61993temporary block	I49j	g
61994temporary connection	I4+D	i
61995temporary context change	I4+l	1
61996temporary data	I4/a	c
61997temporary data set	I4/2	j
61998temporary directory table	I5AZ	q
61999temporary disk	I5BD	j
62000temporary error	I5Bm	d
62001temporary failure	I5CD	f
62002temporary file	I5Ci	c
62003temporary general ledger	I5C+	s
62004temporary library	I5Dq	i
62005temporary location	I5EM	g
62006temporary memory	I5Es	k
62007temporary memory test	I5FQ	y
62008temporary name	I5GC	c
62009temporary pictorial display	I5Ge	v
62010temporary pointer	I5HN	f
62011temporary pointer variable	I5Hs	u
62012temporary readweite error	I5Ia	u
62013temporary realm	I5JI	d
62014temporary register	I5Jl	o
62015temporary storage	I5KN	f
62016temporary storage area	I5Ks	n
62017temporary storage channel	I5LT	w
62018temporary storage device	I5MD	j
62019temporary storage location	I5Mm	u
62020temporary storage reference	I5NU	v
62021temporary storage register	I5OD	r
62022temporary suspension	I5Ou	i
62023temporary table	I5PQ	g
62024temporary tabular display	I5Pw	t
62025temporary text delay	I5Qd	v
62026temporary variable	I5RM	g
62027temporary variable description	I5Rs	y
62028temporary working space	I5Se	r
62029ten	ICLx	n
62030ten circuit	ICMY	c
62031ten code	GvyW	Z
62032ten keyboard	I5Th	d
62033ten nines	I5T+	U
62034tenancy condition	I5VK	f
62035tenant	I5Vp	O
62036tenant number	I5V3	f
62037tender	I5WW	O
62038tens complement	I5Wk	c
62039tens digit	I5XA	b
62040tense logic	I5Xb	Z
62041tense logic language	I5X0	o
62042tensile strength	I5Yc	h
62043tensile stress	I5Y9	Z
62044tension	I5ZW	P
62045tension arm	I5Zl	T
62046tension spring	I5Z4	W
62047tensor	I5aO	R
62048tensor of stress	I5af	e
62049tensor product	I5a9	Z
62050tensor viscosity	I5bW	e
62051tentation data	I5cT	f
62052tentative	I5cy	U
62053tentative control strategy	I5dG	0
62054tentative table of equipment	I5d6	x
62055tera	I5gE	J
62056tera cycle	I5gN	Y
62057terabit memory	I5gl	i
62058teracycle	I5hH	U
62059terahertz	I5hb	U
62060terdenary	I5hv	a
62061terestrial data line	I5iJ	l
62062term	I5iu	J
62063term arrival	FG+3	g
62064term availability plan	I5i/	x
62065term bank	I5jw	R
62066term basis	FG/X	Y
62067term buffering	IkAa	c
62068term by term	I5kB	U
62069term clustering	I5kV	g
62070term compression	I5k1	h
62071term constant	IkA2	i
62072term departure	FG/v	i
62073term discount	I5lW	b
62074term fourier analysis	IkBY	s
62075term frequency	I5lx	f
62076term indexing	CQ9e	e
62077term lease plan	I5mQ	n
62078term lonospheric forecast	IkCE	6
62079term performance	FHAR	e
62080term planning	FHAv	b
62081term planning	Fjal	b
62082term planning	IkC+	b
62083term queueing	FHBK	b
62084term schedule	IkDZ	b
62085term scheduling	FjbA	d
62086term scheduling	IkD0	d
62087term security	IkER	l
62088term storage	FHBl	d
62089term storage	IkE2	d
62090term vector	I5m3	c
62091term weather prediction	IkFT	r
62092term work load	GQtZ	i
62093terminal	F+NJ	q
62094terminal	GmHW	i
62095terminal	I5n1	T
62096terminal	JKS7	W
62097terminal access	I5oI	g
62098terminal access and transfer equipment	F+Nz	BL
62099terminal access controller	I5oo	1
62100terminal access method	I5pd	u
62101terminal access network	I5qL	r
62102terminal access processor	I5q2	0
62103terminal adapter type 1	I5rq	x
62104terminal adaptor	I5sb	k
62105terminal address	I5s/	e
62106terminal address card	I5td	m
62107terminal alphabet	I5uD	i
62108terminal application language	I5ul	1
62109terminal application package	I5va	6
62110terminal architecture	I5wU	p
62111terminal area	I5w9	V
62112terminal attribute	I5xS	j
62113terminal automatic monitoring system	I5x1	BE
62114terminal badge reader	I5y5	s
62115terminal based electronic mall	I5zl	3
62116terminal block	I50c	c
62117terminal board	I504	i
62118terminal board configuration	I51a	z
62119terminal business system	I52N	2
62120terminal capability	I533	h
62121terminal capacity	I54Y	f
62122terminal card	I543	b
62123terminal character	GeJA	j
62124terminal character mapping	I55S	x
62125terminal character sets	I56D	o
62126terminal class	I56r	c
62127terminal cluster	I57H	h
62128terminal column	I57o	X
62129terminal command language	I57/	x
62130terminal communication costs	I58w	w
62131terminal component	I59g	m
62132terminal computer	I5+G	l
62133terminal computer communication	I5+r	2
62134terminal computer system	I5/h	z
62135terminal concentrator	I6AU	p
62136terminal condition	I6A9	g
62137terminal configuration facility	I6Bd	3
62138terminal console	I6CU	h
62139terminal control area	I6C1	q
62140terminal control computer	I6Df	w
62141terminal control device	I6EP	r
62142terminal control language	I6E6	x
62143terminal control processor	I6Fr	1
62144terminal control program	I6Gg	w
62145terminal control system	I6HQ	v
62146terminal control table	I6H/	r
62147terminal control unit	I6Iq	t
62148terminal controller	I6JX	k
62149terminal converter	I6J7	j
62150terminal cursor	I6Ke	g
62151terminal data processing	I6K+	s
62152terminal device	I6Lq	d
62153terminal device interface	I6MH	t
62154terminal diagnostic graphics	I6M0	t
62155terminal digit posting	I6Nh	q
62156terminal digital controller	I6OL	y
62157terminal display	I6O9	e
62158terminal display language	I6Pb	x
62159terminal display mode	I6QM	p
62160terminal distributed system	I6Q1	v
62161terminal driver	I6Rk	g
62162terminal edit operation	I6SE	r
62163terminal electric buzzer	I6Sv	v
62164terminal emulation	I6Te	g
62165terminal emulator	I6T+	l
62166terminal endpoint identifier	I6VF	5
62167terminal entry	I6V+	c
62168terminal equipment	I6Wa	m
62169terminal equipment for use in the teletex service	I6XA	BU
62170terminal equipment types	I6YU	s
62171terminal error program	I6ZY	u
62172terminal exchange	I6aG	l
62173terminal exchange area	I6ar	r
62174terminal executive language	I6bW	z
62175terminal fanout	I6cJ	g
62176terminal function key	I6cp	m
62177terminal graphic plotter	I6dP	p
62178terminal handle	I6d4	d
62179terminal handle cost	I6eV	o
62180terminal hardware	I6e9	f
62181terminal identification	I6gH	s
62182terminal identifier	I6gz	k
62183terminal identity	I6hX	f
62184terminal impedance	I6h2	d
62185terminal input buffer	I6iT	s
62186terminal inputoutput coordination time sharing	I6i/	BP
62187terminal inputoutput module	I6kO	7
62188terminal inputoutput task	I6lJ	5
62189terminal inputoutput wait queue	I6mC	BG
62190terminal installation	I6nI	m
62191terminal interaciton	I6nu	o
62192terminal interchange	I6oW	l
62193terminal interface	I6o7	j
62194terminal interface design	I6pe	t
62195terminal interface equlpment	I6qL	0
62196terminal interface module	I6q/	x
62197terminal interface package	I6rw	4
62198terminal interface processor	I6so	3
62199terminal interface unit	I6tf	v
62200terminal io wait	I6fc	r
62201terminal job	I6uO	a
62202terminal job identification	I6uo	0
62203terminal keyboard	I6vc	f
62204terminal label	I6v7	c
62205terminal layout	I6wX	d
62206terminal line	I6w0	Y
62207terminal list	I6xM	Y
62208terminal loop adapter	I6xk	s
62209terminal machine	I6yQ	b
62210terminal management system	I6yr	0
62211terminal memory	I6zf	g
62212terminal message	I7uu	k
62213terminal message processor	I6z/	1
62214terminal mode	I600	b
62215terminal modem eliminator	I61P	z
62216terminal modem interface	I62C	v
62217terminal module	I62x	d
62218terminal monitor	I63O	n
62219terminal monitor program	I631	w
62220terminal multiplexer	I64l	u
62221terminal name	I65T	b
62222terminal network	DilQ	e
62223terminal network	F+O+	h
62224terminal network controller	I65u	2
62225terminal node	I66k	e
62226terminal office	I67C	a
62227terminal operating system	I67c	t
62228terminal operation control system	I68J	BA
62229terminal operator	I69J	i
62230terminal pad	I69r	U
62231terminal parameter	I69/	g
62232terminal parameter of do	I6+f	s
62233terminal pattern	I6/L	e
62234terminal point	I6/p	Z
62235terminal polling system	I7AC	v
62236terminal port	I7Ax	Y
62237terminal position location system	I7BJ	6
62238terminal printer	I7CD	k
62239terminal processing language	I7Cn	0
62240terminal processing program	I7Db	z
62241terminal processing unit	I7EO	w
62242terminal processor	I7E+	m
62243terminal production	I7Fk	k
62244terminal programming language	I7GI	7
62245terminal programming system	I7HD	5
62246terminal protocol	I7H8	i
62247terminal queue	I7Ie	c
62248terminal quiesce	I7I6	e
62249terminal reliability	I7JY	l
62250terminal repeater	I7J9	i
62251terminal response mode	I7Kf	q
62252terminal room	I7LJ	Y
62253terminal row	I7Lh	U
62254terminal security	I7L1	i
62255terminal security system	I7MX	w
62256terminal self testing	I7NH	j
62257terminal send side	I7Nq	k
62258terminal series	I7OO	g
62259terminal server	I7Ou	j
62260terminal service	I7PR	h
62261terminal session	I7Py	e
62262terminal setup	I7QQ	f
62263terminal snapshot	I7Qv	f
62264terminal source editor	I7RO	x
62265terminal state	I7R/	c
62266terminal statement	I7Sb	g
62267terminal statement of do	I7S7	s
62268terminal station	I7Tn	b
62269terminal status block	I7UC	q
62270terminal status word	I7Us	l
62271terminal string	I7VR	a
62272terminal strip	I7Vr	Z
62273terminal subcontrol station	I7WE	v
62274terminal substring	I7Wz	g
62275terminal subsystem	I7XT	m
62276terminal suffix	I7X5	d
62277terminal supervisory program	I7YW	0
62278terminal switching	I7ZK	j
62279terminal symbol	I7Zt	a
62280terminal system	I7aH	d
62281terminal system design costs	I7ak	z
62282terminal table	I7bX	Z
62283terminal teleprocessing	I7bw	r
62284terminal terminal communication adapter	I7cb	BC
62285terminal test	I7dd	e
62286terminal time	I7d7	b
62287terminal traffic	I7eW	e
62288terminal transaction facillty	I7e0	7
62289terminal transfer	I7fv	f
62290terminal translator	I7gO	t
62291terminal transmission equipment	I7g7	z
62292terminal transmission interface	I7hu	z
62293terminal transparency	I7ih	m
62294terminal trunk	I7jH	c
62295terminal unit	I7jj	e
62296terminal unit status	I7kB	o
62297terminal unit status information	I7kp	6
62298terminal user	I7lj	b
62299terminal user productivity	I7l+	x
62300terminal value	I7mv	W
62301terminal variable	I7nF	f
62302terminal versatility	I7nk	l
62303terminal vocabulary	I7oJ	k
62304terminalmodem interface	I7v4	v
62305terminals	I7wn	X
62306terminals per station	I7w+	m
62307terminaltransmission card	I7xk	q
62308terminate	I7yO	R
62309terminate alternative	I7yf	j
62310terminate graphics	I7zC	g
62311terminate key	I7zi	W
62312terminate load	I7z4	c
62313terminate parameter	I70U	h
62314terminate procedure	I701	h
62315terminate statement	I71W	h
62316terminated attribute	I713	i
62317terminated line	I72Z	a
62318terminated task	I72z	g
62319terminating	I73T	T
62320terminating adapter	I73m	k
62321terminating apparatus	I74K	j
62322terminating chain	I74t	c
62323terminating character	I75J	j
62324terminating circuit	I75s	h
62325terminating device	I76N	g
62326terminating equipment	B/DS	z
62327terminating error	I76t	f
62328terminating format	I77M	g
62329terminating macro processing	I77s	w
62330terminating markov chain	I78c	v
62331terminating office	I79L	i
62332terminating packet	I79t	j
62333terminating plug	I7+Q	e
62334terminating point	I7+u	Z
62335terminating production	I7/H	n
62336terminating queue	I7/u	f
62337terminating register	I8AN	o
62338terminating resister	I8A1	i
62339terminating symbol	I8BX	g
62340terminating trunk center	I8B3	5
62341termination	I8Cw	T
62342termination character	I8DD	j
62343termination condition	I8Dm	j
62344termination condition fof production system	I8EJ	BL
62345termination condition of rulebased system	I8FU	BM
62346termination equipment	B/EF	z
62347termination interrupt	I8Gg	j
62348termination job processing	I8HD	u
62349termination message	I8Hx	h
62350termination of block	I8IS	l
62351termination phase	I8I3	f
62352termination point	I8JW	Z
62353termination proof	I8Jv	i
62354termination queue overfolw	I8KR	u
62355termination record	I8K/	g
62356termination routine	I8Lf	h
62357termination section of device handler	I8MA	BC
62358termination statement	I8NC	j
62359termination symbol	I8Nl	g
62360termination system	I8OF	j
62361termination table	I8Oo	c
62362termination voltage	I8PE	h
62363terminator	I8P8	X
62364terminator code	I8QT	g
62365terminator group	I8Qz	k
62366terminator group controller	I8RX	5
62367terminator program	I8SQ	g
62368terminator record	I8Sw	i
62369terminator string	I8TS	i
62370terminatorinitiator	I8T0	o
62371terminological data bank	I8Uc	p
62372terminology	I8VF	T
62373terminology bank	I8VY	b
62374terms	I8Vz	T
62375terms description	I8WG	f
62376terms percent	I8Wl	e
62377ternary	I8XD	P
62378ternary addition	I8XS	h
62379ternary algebra	I8Xz	d
62380ternary arithmetic	I8YQ	j
62381ternary cell	I8Yz	j
62382ternary code	I8ZW	d
62383ternary counter	I8Zz	j
62384ternary device	I8aW	c
62385ternary exclusive or	I8ay	i
62386ternary incremental	H7W4	q
62387ternary incremental representation	I8bU	5
62388ternary logic	I8cN	e
62389ternary logic difference	I8cr	p
62390ternary logic network	I8dU	p
62391ternary model	I8d9	b
62392ternary multiplication	I8eY	n
62393ternary notation	I8e/	e
62394ternary number	I8fd	c
62395ternary number system	I8f5	s
62396ternary operation	I8gl	f
62397ternary operator	I8hE	h
62398ternary representation	I8hl	q
62399ternary system	I8iP	Z
62400ternary tree	I8io	X
62401terpretive language	DSLL	1
62402terrestrial interface equipment	I8i/	z
62403terrestrial microwave link	I8jy	u
62404terrestrial microwave route	I8kg	v
62405terrestrial telemetric station	I8lP	v
62406territory	I8l+	U
62407tertiary	I8mS	T
62408test	H9oz	S
62409test	I8ml	O
62410test	tUJ	j
62411test access	I8mz	Z
62412test access point	I8nM	i
62413test analysis program	I8nu	p
62414test analysis report	I8oX	o
62415test and branch statement	I8o/	w
62416test and diagnostic language	I8pv	0
62417test and diagnostics	I8qj	o
62418test and evaluation	I8rL	k
62419test and goto statement	I8rv	r
62420test and link	I8sa	e
62421test and maintenance program	I8s4	z
62422test and repair processor	I8tr	4
62423test and verify program	I8uj	v
62424test antenna	I8vS	a
62425test approach	I8vs	b
62426test assistance program	I8wH	v
62427test automation	I8w2	g
62428test bar	I8xW	T
62429test bed	I8xp	T
62430test bench	I8x8	V
62431test bench set	I8yR	Z
62432test block	I8yq	S
62433test board	I8y8	V
62434test button	I8zR	W
62435test card	I8zn	U
62436test case	I8z7	X
62437test case description	I80S	p
62438test case design	I807	k
62439test case generation	I81f	o
62440test center	I82H	Z
62441test channel	I82g	e
62442test chart	I82+	Y
62443test checkout procedure	I83W	v
62444test clips of hybrids	I84F	s
62445test code	I84x	U
62446test computer unit	I85F	t
62447test condition	I85y	c
62448test console	I86O	g
62449test controller	I86u	j
62450test controller system	I87R	w
62451test coupon	I88B	c
62452test criteria	I88d	b
62453test cube	I884	X
62454test data	I89P	X
62455test data generating language	I89m	9
62456test data generation	I8+j	o
62457test data generator	I8/L	q
62458test data package	I8/1	m
62459test data selection criteria	I9Ab	2
62460test data system	I9BR	k
62461test deck	I9B1	a
62462test design	I9CP	Z
62463test desk	I9Co	U
62464test detect function	I9C8	o
62465test detect routine	I9Dk	n
62466test dispatching	I9EL	e
62467test driver	I9Ep	f
62468test equipment	I9FI	f
62469test event	I9Fn	Y
62470test execcutive	I9F/	n
62471test executive program	I9Gm	q
62472test facility	I9HQ	b
62473test factor	IQcF	d
62474test file	I9Hr	X
62475test file control command	I9IC	z
62476test for ambiguity	I9I1	m
62477test function	I9Jb	b
62478test generation	I9J2	d
62479test generator	I9KT	o
62480test grading	I9K7	a
62481test indicator	I9LV	f
62482test information processing system	I9L0	BB
62483test initialization	I9M1	k
62484test input tape	I9NZ	g
62485test inputoutput	I9N5	p
62486test instruction	I9Oi	e
62487test instruction debugging	I9PA	u
62488test instrument	I9Pu	d
62489test interconnection line	I9QL	q
62490test interval	I9Q1	b
62491test io	I9RQ	c
62492test item taker	I9Rs	q
62493test joint	I9SW	Y
62494test lead	I9Su	a
62495test library	I9TI	d
62496test link	I9Tl	X
62497test log	I9T8	W
62498test loop	I9US	a
62499test macro	I9Us	b
62500test maintenance unit	I9VH	t
62501test matrix	I9V0	Z
62502test methodology	I9WN	h
62503test methods and procedures	I9Wu	2
62504test microinstruction	I9Xk	m
62505test mode	I9YK	a
62506test mode run	I9Yk	h
62507test model	I9ZF	Y
62508test module	I9Zd	Z
62509test monitor system	I9Z2	r
62510test numeric	I9ah	a
62511test ok	I9a7	V
62512test operating procedure	I9bQ	s
62513test overflow condition	I9b8	r
62514test pack	I9cn	X
62515test page	I9c+	X
62516test page loading	I9dV	l
62517test page termination	I9d6	p
62518test pattern	I9ej	g
62519test pattern generation program	I9fD	8
62520test pattern generation system	I9f/	7
62521test pattern generator	I9g6	0
62522test pattern peneration	I9hu	u
62523test pattern sequence	I9ic	s
62524test patterns	I9jI	b
62525test period	I9jj	Z
62526test phase	I9j8	Y
62527test piece	I9kU	S
62528test plan	I9km	X
62529test plate	I9k9	V
62530test point	I9lS	Y
62531test probe	I9lq	Y
62532test problem	I9mC	a
62533test procedure	I9mc	c
62534test procedure language	I9m4	v
62535test program	I9nn	d
62536test program package	I9oE	u
62537test program system	I9oy	n
62538test rate	I9pZ	X
62539test repeatability	I9pw	m
62540test replacement	I9qW	k
62541test report	I9q6	c
62542test request	I9rW	f
62543test request message	I9r1	s
62544test result tape	I9sh	h
62545test routine	I9tC	a
62546test rules	I9tc	Y
62547test run	I9t0	T
62548test selector	I9uH	e
62549test sequencing	I9ul	d
62550test set	I9vC	T
62551test signal	I9vV	Z
62552test signal characteristics	I9vu	v
62553test signal generator	I9wd	s
62554test skip	I9xJ	X
62555test space	I9xg	Y
62556test specification	I9x4	m
62557test statistics	I9ye	d
62558test status output	I9y7	m
62559test step	I9zh	U
62560test step output state	I9z1	q
62561test subroutine	I90f	g
62562test suite	I90/	e
62563test supervisor program	I91d	u
62564test support equipment	I92L	u
62565test support program	I925	s
62566test switch	I93l	d
62567test system	I94C	Z
62568test system component	I94b	p
62569test system coordination	I95E	s
62570test table	I95w	V
62571test tape	I96F	U
62572test tape program	I96Z	i
62573test task	I967	X
62574test terminal	I97S	e
62575test time	I97w	X
62576test timer	I98H	b
62577test tone	I98i	R
62578test transistor	I99P	o
62579test translator	I993	r
62580test two bits	I9+i	i
62581test under mask	I9/E	j
62582test validity	I9/n	e
62583test wait	I+AF	X
62584test work group	I+Ac	k
62585test zone	I+BA	X
62586testability	I+KZ	Z
62587testable failure set	IQci	o
62588testable rom	I+Ky	r
62589tester	I+Ld	R
62590testing	I+Lu	P
62591testing	IQdK	S
62592testing	JE3R	V
62593testing and scoring system	I+L9	2
62594testing approach	JBeO	k
62595testing cartridge	IQdc	y
62596testing circuit	IQeO	n
62597testing digital module	I+Mz	q
62598testing envelope	I+Nd	e
62599testing environment	I+N7	h
62600testing factor	IQe1	f
62601testing for bug	I+Oc	X
62602testing function	I+Oz	e
62603testing hardware	I+PR	e
62604testing hybrids	I+Pv	p
62605testing maintainability	I+QY	r
62606testing nominative	I+RD	j
62607testing program	I+Rm	d
62608testing sequence	I+Si	e
62609testing software	I+TA	e
62610testing terminal	I+Te	b
62611testing time	I+T5	d
62612testing tool	I+UW	a
62613tetrad	I+Uw	R
62614tetragamma function	I+VB	f
62615tetragon	I+Vg	T
62616tetrahedral array	I+Vz	i
62617tetrahedron	I+WV	W
62618tetral notation	I+Wr	a
62619tetrode	I+XF	S
62620tetrode transistor	I+YC	j
62621texas instrruments	I+Yl	p
62622texas instruments	I+ZO	l
62623text	CyPz	S
62624text	HtOu	S
62625text	I+Zz	Q
62626text 1 and	I+aD	X
62627text analysis package	I+aa	v
62628text analysis program	I+bJ	p
62629text and file management system	I+by	BB
62630text angle	I+cz	Y
62631text argument	I+dL	b
62632text attribute	I+dm	c
62633text block	I+eC	S
62634text body	I+eU	U
62635text buffer	I+eo	c
62636text card	I+fE	X
62637text character	CyQF	c
62638text command	I+fb	a
62639text compaction	I+f1	d
62640text component	I+gS	c
62641text compression	I+gu	e
62642text concordance	I+hM	k
62643text control	I+hw	a
62644text control chaining	I+iK	p
62645text control sequence	I+iz	p
62646text correction system	I+jc	q
62647text data base	I+kG	f
62648text delay	I+kl	Y
62649text delimiter	GyHB	o
62650text delimiter	I+k9	f
62651text display	I+lc	a
62652text display editor	I+l2	t
62653text edit	I+mj	X
62654text editing	I+m6	a
62655text editing interface	I+nU	q
62656text editing system	I+n+	r
62657text edition and modification	I+op	0
62658text editor	I+pd	f
62659text editor and corrector	I+p8	BB
62660text editor module	I+q9	s
62661text editor system	I+rp	s
62662text escape character	I+sV	p
62663text file	I+s+	X
62664text file parameter	I+tV	n
62665text files	I+t8	Y
62666text final cursor position	I+uU	0
62667text font	I+vI	X
62668text formatter	I+vf	l
62669text formatting	I+wE	j
62670text formatting program	I+wn	u
62671text formatting system	I+xV	t
62672text gap	I+yC	W
62673text handling facility	I+yY	q
62674text handling language	I+zC	q
62675text indexing and retrieval	I+zs	5
62676text information management system	I+0l	8
62677text information retrieval system	I+1h	7
62678text initial cursor	I+2c	n
62679text initial cursor position	I+3D	2
62680text input	I+35	Y
62681text justification	I+5V	g
62682text justified to both margins	I+51	1
62683text justifier	I+6q	i
62684text left justified	I+7M	q
62685text length clause	I+72	m
62686text library	I+8c	d
62687text line	I+85	U
62688text link	I+9N	X
62689text maintenance	I+9k	j
62690text management sytem	I++H	t
62691text manipulation	I++0	f
62692text margin	I+/T	Z
62693text material	I+/s	b
62694text message	I/AH	d
62695text mode	I/Ak	X
62696text module	I/A7	Z
62697text name	I/BU	U
62698text orienation	I/Bo	d
62699text overflow	I/CF	h
62700text parameter	I/Cm	c
62701text part	I/DC	X
62702text preparation	I/DZ	e
62703text processing	I/D3	d
62704text processing	I7uL	j
62705text processing command	I/EU	r
62706text processing language	I/E/	s
62707text processing standard	I/Fr	s
62708text processing system	I/GX	q
62709text processing tool	I/HB	o
62710text processor	I/Hp	i
62711text retrieval	I/IL	c
62712text revision	I/In	b
62713text right justified	I/JC	r
62714text scanning application	I/Jt	t
62715text section	I/Ka	X
62716text segment	I/Kx	X
62717text segmentation	I/LI	f
62718text sequence	I/Ln	b
62719text seze	I/MC	d
62720text spacing constant	I/Mf	v
62721text spacing proportional	I/NO	w
62722text string search	I/N+	j
62723text string test	I/Oh	h
62724text structure	I/PC	c
62725text supperssion	I/Pe	e
62726text transparency	I/P8	f
62727text word	I/Qb	U
62728textfile	I/TT	W
62729textfile operator	I/Tp	r
62730textile model	I/UU	b
62731textual	I/Uv	S
62732textual character	I/VB	f
62733textual order	I/Vg	b
62734textual output routine	I/V7	q
62735textual retrieval	I/Wl	f
62736textual scan	I/XE	a
62737textual substitution	I/Xe	i
62738texture	I/YA	P
62739texture analysis	I/YP	e
62740texture discrimination	I/Yt	k
62741texture statistics	I/ZR	g
62742texture synthesis	I/Zx	f
62743the line	D5wn	W
62744the shelf	GrFm	X
62745the small	Er4n	n
62746then	DsSF	P
62747then	Dsa/	S
62748then	Gk6X	P
62749then	I/aQ	J
62750then clause	I/aZ	W
62751then element	EBzU	a
62752then element	EBzu	a
62753then element	GlM9	h
62754then element	GlNe	t
62755then gate	EB0I	U
62756then gate	EB0c	U
62757then gate	Gk6m	X
62758then gate	GlOL	b
62759then gate	GlOm	V
62760then if symbol	I/av	f
62761then operation	GlO7	r
62762then symbol	I/bO	W
62763theorem	I/bk	P
62764theorem machine	I/bz	a
62765theorem of euler	I/cN	e
62766theorem of polyhedra	I/cr	l
62767theorem on flows in network	I/dQ	s
62768theorem on regular set	I/d8	n
62769theorem prover	I/ej	i
62770theorem proving	I/fF	d
62771theorem proving use of resolution	I/fi	BB
62772theoretical	I/lQ	W
62773theoretical arithmetic	I/lm	k
62774theoretical computer science	I/mK	z
62775theoretical level	I/m9	f
62776theoretical logic	I/nc	i
62777theoretical margin	I/n+	g
62778theoretical maximum density	I/oe	z
62779theoretical model	I/pR	f
62780theoretical principle	I/pw	j
62781theoretical resuit	I/qT	g
62782theoretical side	I/qz	e
62783theoretical value	I/rR	c
62784theory	I/rt	O
62785theory formation	I/r7	e
62786theory lower bound	I/sZ	g
62787theory of algorithm	I/s5	k
62788theory of automata	I/td	j
62789theory of branching process	I/uA	v
62790theory of chances	I/uv	c
62791theory of computation	I/vL	j
62792theory of correct locking protocol	I/vu	8
62793theory of dynamic programming	I/wq	x
62794theory of foundations of mathematics	I/xb	4
62795theory of function	I/yT	d
62796theory of game	I/yw	Z
62797theory of inference	I/zJ	e
62798theory of large scale system	I/zn	t
62799theory of maintenance installation manual	I/0U	BI
62800theory of maintenance manual	I/1c	0
62801theory of operation	I/3R	h
62802theory of programming	I/3y	p
62803theory of queue	I/4b	a
62804theory of switching circuits	I/5S	w
62805theory of systemic grammar	I/6C	u
62806theory of technical stability	I/6w	0
62807theory of terminology	I/7k	m
62808theory of transmission lines	I/8K	t
62809theory of type number	I/83	j
62810thermal agitation noise	I//4	i
62811thermal analog computer	JAAa	r
62812thermal breakdown	JABF	c
62813thermal capacity	JABh	b
62814thermal characteristics	JAB8	i
62815thermal check	JACe	b
62816thermal check light	JAC5	q
62817thermal conduction	JADj	d
62818thermal conductivity	JAEA	f
62819thermal connector	JAEf	i
62820thermal contact	JAFB	g
62821thermal contact resistance	JAFh	o
62822thermal control	JAGJ	a
62823thermal design	JAGj	Z
62824thermal display light	JAG8	j
62825thermal dissipation	JAHf	e
62826thermal equilibrium	JAH9	e
62827thermal equilibrium state	JAIb	q
62828thermal equivalent	JAJF	d
62829thermal expansion	JAJi	c
62830thermal imaging	JAJ+	a
62831thermal insulator	JAKY	c
62832thermal light	JAK0	Y
62833thermal mass	JALM	X
62834thermal noise	JALj	Y
62835thermal noise power	JAL7	k
62836thermal printer	JAMf	j
62837thermal printing	JANC	h
62838thermal printing technigue	JANj	x
62839thermal radiation	JAOU	c
62840thermal resistance	JAOw	a
62841thermal resistor	JAPK	Y
62842thermal sensitive paper	JAPx	i
62843thermal sensitive ribbon	JAQT	j
62844thermal shock	JAQ2	V
62845thermal shock test	JARL	g
62846thermal stencil	JARr	a
62847thermal time constant	JASF	m
62848thermal transfer	JASr	Y
62849thermal transfer printer	JATD	v
62850thermal warning	JATy	a
62851thermionic integrated micro modules	JAVa	BF
62852thermionic tube	JAWf	a
62853thermistor	JAW5	V
62854thermistor test program	JAXO	1
62855thermo electric effect	JAYD	k
62856thermocompression bond	JAYn	h
62857thermocompression bonder	JAZI	p
62858thermocompression bonding	JAZx	n
62859thermocouple	JAaY	X
62860thermocouple connector	JAav	n
62861thermocouple thermometer	JAbW	s
62862thermoelectric cooler	JAcC	m
62863thermoelectric couple	JAco	j
62864thermoelectric couple effect	JAdL	w
62865thermoelectric effect	JAd7	j
62866thermoelement	JAee	b
62867thermogalvanometer	JAe5	p
62868thermograph	JAfi	c
62869thermographic document copying machine	JAf+	BA
62870thermographic process	JAg+	m
62871thermography	JAhk	X
62872thermomagnetic	JAh7	Z
62873thermomagnetic effect	JAiU	j
62874thermometer	JAi3	c
62875thermonagnetic writing	JAjT	k
62876thermophone	JAj3	c
62877thermoplastic recording	JAkT	l
62878thermoplastic tape	JAk4	d
62879thermoplastics	JAmC	f
62880thermoprinter	JAmh	h
62881thermorelay	JAnC	Z
62882thermoremanence	JAnb	a
62883thermoset	JAn1	U
62884thermosetting plastics	JAoJ	n
62885thermostat	JAow	V
62886thermostated bath	JApF	c
62887thermostatic bath	JAph	c
62888thermostatic control	JAp9	i
62889thermostatic oven	JAqf	c
62890thermotape	JAq7	V
62891thermplastic	JArQ	a
62892thesaurus	JArq	X
62893thesaurus construction	JAsB	q
62894thesaurus display	JAsr	i
62895thesaurus management system	JAtN	z
62896theta graph	JAuA	R
62897thick film	JAuR	S
62898thick film circuit	JAuj	g
62899thick film fabrication	JAvD	k
62900thick film hybrid circuit	JAvn	t
62901thick film integrated circuit	JAwU	x
62902thick film pcb	JAxF	l
62903thick film storage	JAxq	j
62904thickness	JAz9	Z
62905thickness loss	JA0W	c
62906thin ferromagnetic film	JA0y	l
62907thin film	JA1X	U
62908thin film capacitor	JA1r	h
62909thin film circuit	JA2M	f
62910thin film condenser	JA2r	h
62911thin film head	JA3M	c
62912thin film hybrids	JA3o	o
62913thin film hybrids construction	JA4Q	7
62914thin film integrated circuit	JA5L	w
62915thin film magnetic modules	JA57	r
62916thin film magnetoresistive head	JA6m	z
62917thin film memory	JA7Z	h
62918thin film rod	JA76	Y
62919thin film storage	JA8S	i
62920thin film technology	JA80	m
62921thin film terminal	JA9a	j
62922thin film transistor	JA99	p
62923thin lens	JA+m	U
62924thin list	JA+6	R
62925thin membrane	JA/L	V
62926thin route	JA/g	V
62927thin route circuit	JA/1	j
62928thin route earth station	JBAY	s
62929thin route network	JBBE	j
62930thin route satellite communication	JBBn	5
62931thin route service	JBCg	j
62932thin route system	JBDD	i
62933thin window display	JBDl	k
62934thin wire communication	JBEJ	o
62935thinner	JBMx	S
62936thinning process	JBND	h
62937third generation	JBOF	b
62938third generation computer	JBOg	q
62939third generation computer language	JBPK	8
62940third generation hardware	JBQG	q
62941third generation languages	JBQw	r
62942third generation logical organization	JBRb	8
62943third generation software	JBSX	q
62944third level address	JBTB	k
62945third level of packaging	JBTl	p
62946third normal form	JBUO	p
62947third party	JBU3	W
62948thirty day percent	JBX0	i
62949thrashing	JBZT	R
62950thread	JBZk	U
62951thread control block	JBZ4	s
62952thread links	JBak	a
62953thread list of register descriptions	JBa+	+
62954thread list use to process forward jump	JBb8	BE
62955thread threaded tree	JBdA	0
62956thread trees	JBd0	a
62957threaded code	JBey	b
62958threaded file	JBfN	Y
62959threaded hole	JBfl	Y
62960threaded link	JBf9	b
62961threaded list	JBgY	b
62962threaded tree	JBgz	Y
62963threaded tree representation	JBhL	t
62964threading	JBh4	R
62965threading tape	IQfU	c
62966threat monitoring	JBiJ	f
62967three address	JBio	Y
62968three channel bidirectional bus switch	JBjA	BG
62969three code	C7tp	V
62970three colour process	JBkG	i
62971three counter	F4eB	c
62972three dimensional analog computer	JBko	/
62973three dimensional computer graphic	JBln	5
62974three dimensional equation	JBmg	r
62975three dimensional four wire	JBnL	u
62976three dimensional imaging	JBn5	q
62977three dimensional interconnection	JBoj	v
62978three dimensional package	JBpS	n
62979three dimensional structure	JBp5	p
62980three dimensional three wire	JBqi	v
62981three figure decimal fraction	JBrR	x
62982three hole core	JBsC	d
62983three item storage	JBsf	m
62984three junction transistor	JBtF	q
62985three level tree	JBtv	b
62986three phase	JBuK	T
62987three phase clock pulse	JBud	r
62988three point bond	JBvI	e
62989three position modulation	JBvm	t
62990three represntation	C7t+	j
62991three state buffer	JBwT	j
62992three state control	JBw2	l
62993three time estimates	JBxb	l
62994threefld representation	JCB4	o
62995threshold	JCCg	R
62996threshold circuit	JCCx	c
62997threshold condition	JCDN	h
62998threshold current	JCDu	c
62999threshold decoder	JCEK	i
63000threshold decoding	JCEs	g
63001threshold element	JCFM	f
63002threshold extension demodulator	JCFr	2
63003threshold frequency	JCGh	e
63004threshold function	JCG/	d
63005threshold gate	JCHc	W
63006threshold learning process	JCHy	u
63007threshold level	JCIg	a
63008threshold logic	GeKk	k
63009threshold logic	ISKS	q
63010threshold logic	JCI6	d
63011threshold logic circuit	JCJX	s
63012threshold logic element	JCKD	s
63013threshold logic network	JCKv	o
63014threshold mode	JCLX	c
63015threshold of audibilty	JCLz	e
63016threshold operation	JCMR	h
63017threshold value	JCMy	X
63018threshold volatge	JCNJ	c
63019threshold voltage	JCNl	f
63020threshold voltage generator	JCOE	z
63021thresholded gradient	JCO3	i
63022thresholding	JCPZ	U
63023through	H9P+	V
63024through	HRlS	P
63025through capacity	JCPt	e
63026through carry	H864	l
63027through connection	JCQL	g
63028through connection point	JCQr	j
63029through connection station	JCRO	l
63030through connector	DKvr	i
63031through group	JCRz	Y
63032through line	JCSL	X
63033through path	JCSi	a
63034through plate	IK8N	Y
63035throughout	JCUZ	h
63036throughput	JCU6	S
63037throughput capability	JCVM	j
63038throughput capacity	JCVv	e
63039throughput class negotiation	JCWN	z
63040throughput efficiency	JCXA	j
63041throughput performance turnaround time	JCXj	BA
63042throughput rate	JCYj	a
63043throughput time	JCY9	d
63044thru	BETS	V
63045thruput	JCbI	V
63046thue production	ISK8	j
63047thue system	ISLf	c
63048thumb wheel	JCbd	Z
63049thumb wheel control	JCb2	t
63050thumb whell switch	JCcj	m
63051thumbscrew	JCdJ	V
63052thyratron	JCde	U
63053thyristor	JCdy	U
63054thyristor cell	JCeG	f
63055tick	JCe7	M
63056tick mark	JCfH	U
63057ticket converter	JCfb	k
63058ticket vendor	JCf/	e
63059ticking	JCgd	P
63060tie breaker	JCgs	Z
63061tie line	JChF	T
63062tie link	JChY	c
63063tie point	JCh0	U
63064tie station	JCiI	W
63065tie trunk	JCie	b
63066tieline	JCi5	V
63067tier	JCjO	M
63068tight alignment	JCja	X
63069tight constraint	JCjx	b
63070tight coupling	JCkM	c
63071tight loop waiting	JCko	m
63072tight masterslave	JClO	y
63073tight seal	Nzj	S
63074tightening rod	JCmA	Z
63075tightly coupled system	JCmZ	k
63076tiling window	JCpc	e
63077tilting mirror	JCqa	f
63078tilttotate	JCp6	g
63079time	C+4L	c
63080time	CQBF	S
63081time	CvJT	V
63082time	FM52	u
63083time	GQni	e
63084time	GSva	g
63085time	Gh2A	b
63086time	GrJ+	S
63087time	GtZ7	o
63088time	GuSP	S
63089time	H0t2	m
63090time	H3nL	M
63091time	H95v	S
63092time	HFBJ	e
63093time	Hhnq	e
63094time	HnFj	S
63095time	Hz+o	c
63096time	ICKV	S
63097time	JCq5	O
63098time	JKhd	S
63099time	JXRa	Y
63100time	w/d	c
63101time address	H3nX	X
63102time address code	JCrH	i
63103time addressing	H3nu	d
63104time advance	JR0Z	g
63105time advancing algorithm	JCrp	v
63106time analysis	JCsY	b
63107time analysis program	JCsz	p
63108time and attendance	JCtc	k
63109time application	D4M8	n
63110time automated grid	JCuA	l
63111time base	JCul	U
63112time base circuit	JCu5	f
63113time base code	JCvY	f
63114time base control	JCv3	f
63115time base corrector	JCwW	k
63116time base counter	JCw6	i
63117time base error	JCxc	h
63118time base generator	JCx9	k
63119time branch information transmission	GuSh	BK
63120time bus	JCyh	Z
63121time cell	JCy6	X
63122time chart	JCzR	V
63123time circuit	JCzm	a
63124time clock	H3oL	V
63125time clock	JC0A	b
63126time clock circuit	JC0b	m
63127time code	CI6t	f
63128time code	JC1B	a
63129time code generator	JC1b	q
63130time code reader	JC2F	n
63131time code signal	JC2s	k
63132time coding	JC3Q	Z
63133time coding of pulse	Dl9b	r
63134time component complexity	JC3p	w
63135time compression codeing	JC4Z	w
63136time compression coding	JC5J	v
63137time compression multiplex	JC54	4
63138time constant	JC6w	d
63139time constant term	JC7N	n
63140time control	ERp2	m
63141time control	IUOb	j
63142time control	JC70	a
63143time control action	Ig2p	n
63144time control pulse	JC8O	g
63145time control task	JC8u	l
63146time controlled gain	JC9T	s
63147time correlation system	JC9/	r
63148time critical process	JC+q	j
63149time data	H47S	d
63150time data automation system	GhZ6	BF
63151time data card	JC/N	j
63152time data reduction	H3og	n
63153time delay	JC/w	V
63154time delay	i5L	e
63155time delay circuit	JDAF	g
63156time delay device	JDAl	f
63157time delay difference	JDBE	g
63158time delay distortion	JDBk	j
63159time delay relay	JDCH	l
63160time demodulation	JDCs	f
63161time device	H3pH	Z
63162time discriminator	JDDL	j
63163time disk operating system	FZK0	BG
63164time displacement	JDDu	f
63165time display	JDEN	a
63166time distribution system	Jn0r	BB
63167time distribution system	Jnzq	BB
63168time divided network	JDEn	i
63169time division	JDFJ	Y
63170time division channel	JDFh	j
63171time division common control	JDGE	w
63172time division control access	JDG0	2
63173time division data link	JDHq	r
63174time division exchange	JDIV	r
63175time division modulation	JDJA	q
63176time division multiple access	JDJq	2
63177time division multiple address	JDKg	3
63178time division multiple carrier	JDLX	y
63179time division multiplex bus	JDMJ	y
63180time division multiplex channel	JDM7	+
63181time division multiplex communication	JDN5	5
63182time division multiplex transmission	JDOy	4
63183time division multiplexer	JDPq	0
63184time division multiplexer unit	JDQe	4
63185time division multiplexing	JDRW	y
63186time division multiplexing scheme	JDSI	7
63187time division multplexing	JDTD	x
63188time division network	JDT0	j
63189time division switch	JDUX	i
63190time division switching network	JDU5	z
63191time division switching system	JDVs	y
63192time domain	JDWe	T
63193time domain addressing	JDWx	k
63194time domain analysis	JDXV	i
63195time domain design	JDX3	g
63196time domain equalizer	JDYX	m
63197time domain experiment design	JDY9	x
63198time domain multiple access system	JDZu	8
63199time domain reflectometer	JDaq	q
63200time domain reflector	JDbU	q
63201time domain specification	JDb+	n
63202time domain synthesizer	JDcl	o
63203time duration	JDdN	b
63204time emulator	Jqmv	BD
63205time enablement	JDdo	d
63206time encoding	JDeF	b
63207time environment	H96B	k
63208time executive routines	GBro	+
63209time factor	JDeg	Z
63210time fence	JDe5	S
63211time filter	Ca/g	i
63212time first policy	IkVE	x
63213time flow mechanism	JDfL	k
63214time folw mechanisms	JDfv	i
63215time frame	JDgR	S
63216time gate	JDgj	U
63217time gauge	JDg3	Y
63218time group	CI7M	d
63219time hierarchy	JDhP	c
63220time history file	JDhr	l
63221time impulse distribution	JDiQ	t
63222time indication	oHu	r
63223time information processing system	CmMO	BC
63224time integral	Fmmc	k
63225time integrating optical processor	JDi9	8
63226time interleaving	JDj5	f
63227time interval	JDkY	e
63228time interval bell	JDk2	n
63229time interval conversion	JDld	w
63230time interval counter	JDmN	w
63231time interval measurement	JDm9	x
63232time interval optimization	JDnu	v
63233time invariant channel	JDod	t
63234time invariant operation	JDpK	v
63235time invariant system	JDp5	p
63236time isolation unit	JDqi	r
63237time jitter	JDrN	Z
63238time keeping	JDrm	U
63239time keeping system	JDr6	n
63240time lag	JDsh	W
63241time lag action	JDs3	d
63242time lag sytem	JDtU	c
63243time langu	HnEP	9
63244time language	Onb	k
63245time lapse cinematography	JDtw	z
63246time lapse recorder	JDuj	q
63247time level	JDvN	V
63248time library	Getf	m
63249time library	IgiQ	w
63250time limit	JDvi	b
63251time loss	JDv9	X
63252time mapping	JDwU	a
63253time margin	JDwu	Z
63254time mark	JDxH	R
63255time mark generator	JDxY	k
63256time marker	JDx8	c
63257time marker frequency	JDyY	t
63258time marker generator	JDzF	m
63259time measurement unit	JDzr	t
63260time mode	HiCf	h
63261time modulation	HuQN	d
63262time modulation	JD0Y	d
63263time modulation sideband	JD01	s
63264time monitor	3nA	r
63265time monitor	Dw7e	j
63266time monitor	JD16	g
63267time multiplex	JD2a	f
63268time multiplex transmission	JD25	v
63269time multiplexed	JD3o	h
63270time multiplexed communication channel	JD4J	BA
63271time multiplexed system	JD5J	r
63272time multiplexor channel	JD6s	s
63273time of day clock	JD7Y	j
63274time of filling	JD77	h
63275time of lag	JD8c	Z
63276time of operation	JD81	f
63277time of recovery	JD9U	e
63278time opening	JD9y	d
63279time operating system	F+nA	8
63280time operating system	F/4F	y
63281time operation	GuTr	i
63282time operation	H3p3	c
63283time operation	JKNG	c
63284time operation in analog computing	H3qT	BG
63285time out	JD+P	e
63286time out circuit	JD+t	i
63287time out control	JD/P	e
63288time out error	JD/t	c
63289time out period	JEAJ	d
63290time over	JEAm	R
63291time over check	JEA3	d
63292time parameter	JEBU	c
63293time penalty	JEBw	a
63294time period of supply	JECK	j
63295time phase	JECt	Y
63296time prearranged assignment	JEDF	s
63297time preassing	JEDx	f
63298time principle	ExGh	i
63299time print routine	C9a5	0
63300time printer	E4Vt	d
63301time priority	Gke5	k
63302time procedure library	H96l	z
63303time process	H3rZ	g
63304time processing	Gha/	g
63305time processing	GuUN	j
63306time processing	H3r5	d
63307time program	IfrB	t
63308time proportioning controller	JEEQ	0
63309time pulse	JEFE	b
63310time pulse distribution	JEFf	r
63311time quantum	JEGK	X
63312time quantum method	JEGh	k
63313time redundancy	JEHF	d
63314time register	JEHi	e
63315time relay	JEIA	b
63316time remaining	JEIb	c
63317time response	JEI3	b
63318time scale	JEJS	Y
63319time scale factor	JEJq	r
63320time scale factor	JEKV	f
63321time schedule	JEK0	Y
63322time schedule controller	JELM	s
63323time selection	JEL4	Z
63324time sequencing	JEMR	d
63325time series	JEMu	Z
63326time series analysis	JENH	o
63327time series package	JENv	n
63328time series prediction	JEOW	q
63329time series vector	JEPA	m
63330time setting	GwJL	a
63331time share	JEPm	S
63332time share network	JEP4	g
63333time shared bus	JEQY	g
63334time shared multiplexor	JEQ4	u
63335time sharing	JERm	U
63336time sharing application	JER6	m
63337time sharing control task	JESg	x
63338time sharing interface terminal	JETR	2
63339time sharing language	JEUH	j
63340time sharing operating system	JEUq	x
63341time sharing recovery subsystem	JEVb	2
63342time signal	JEWR	Z
63343time signal processing	GQss	t
63344time slice	JEWq	b
63345time slice control	JEXF	m
63346time slice interval	JEXr	k
63347time slicing	JEYn	a
63348time slot	JEZB	R
63349time slot width	JEZS	d
63350time space problem	JEZv	m
63351time spread code	JEaV	h
63352time spreading process	JEa2	q
63353time stamp	JEbg	Y
63354time state	JEb4	S
63355time statement	H3sW	f
63356time step	JEcK	X
63357time subprogram	E7Mw	s
63358time system	C92S	f
63359time system	CbAC	f
63360time system	CgMK	u
63361time system	GuUw	z
63362time system	H3s1	Z
63363time system	H97Y	f
63364time system	HkBa	f
63365time system	I+SD	f
63366time system	JEch	c
63367time system	vhL	l
63368time table	JEc9	V
63369time table memory	JEdS	l
63370time temporal logic	BHpW	t
63371time to repair	Fhv1	BA
63372time tolerance	JEd3	c
63373time value	CoW8	b
63374time variable	FOSc	h
63375time variable data	JEek	g
63376time working	H3tO	a
63377time zone	JEfE	R
63378timedomain multiple access technique	JF0Q	BD
63379timeout	JF1T	P
63380timer	DF8d	W
63381timer	JF1i	W
63382timer control table	JF14	r
63383timer interrupt	JF2j	g
63384timing	IQfw	R
63385timing	JF3X	O
63386timing	JIJY	R
63387timing algorithm	JF3l	h
63388timing analyzer	JF4G	g
63389timing and control circuit	JF4m	x
63390timing capacitor	JF5X	e
63391timing channel	JF51	f
63392timing chart	JF6U	X
63393timing circuit	JF6r	c
63394timing clock	JF7H	X
63395timing code	JF7e	W
63396timing control unit	JF70	o
63397timing cycle	JF8c	X
63398timing data distributor	JF8z	y
63399timing device	JF+K	e
63400timing diagram	JF+o	Z
63401timing distribution systme	JF/B	y
63402timing error	JF/z	a
63403timing extraction	JGAN	f
63404timing gate	JGAs	f
63405timing generator	JGBL	n
63406timing interval	JGBy	d
63407timing jitter	JGCP	k
63408timing loop	JGCz	Z
63409timing mark	JGDM	Z
63410timing mark check	JGDl	f
63411timing master	JGEE	e
63412timing mechanism	JGE9	e
63413timing meter	JGFb	X
63414timing microprocessor	JGFy	s
63415timing modulation	JGGe	f
63416timing network	JGG9	c
63417timing out	JGHZ	Y
63418timing processor	JGHx	l
63419timing program	JGIW	c
63420timing pulse	JGIy	U
63421timing pulse	JGJG	a
63422timing pulse distributor	JGJg	v
63423timing pulse generator	JGKP	t
63424timing recovery	JGK8	d
63425timing reference signal	JGLZ	r
63426timing register	JGME	k
63427timing requirement	JGMo	g
63428timing routine	JGNI	c
63429timing sampling	JGNk	d
63430timing selector	JGOB	j
63431timing sequence	JGOk	d
63432timing service	JGPB	c
63433timing signal	JGPd	b
63434timing terminal unit	JGP4	s
63435timing track	JGQk	X
63436timing uncertainty	JGQ7	g
63437timing unit	JGRb	c
63438tip	JGSd	I
63439tip cable	JGSl	X
63440tip control	DTmF	Z
63441tip mode	JGS8	T
63442tip side	JGTP	T
63443title	JGTi	N
63444title card	JGTv	Y
63445title index	HXlM	f
63446title option	JGUH	d
63447to	DGMt	Z
63448to	HE5Z	Q
63449to	HE5p	Q
63450to	Iiva	K
63451to address records	Iivk	m
63452to clause	JGUk	T
63453to date	JGU3	V
63454to file	JGVM	V
63455to library	JGVh	b
63456to linear converter	FBv/	5
63457to location	IiwK	Z
63458to master file	Iiwj	c
63459to number	Iiw/	X
63460to override	IixW	Z
63461to override code	Iixv	h
63462to symbol	JXRy	X
63463to transcribe	JGV8	V
63464to transfer	JGWR	T
63465to transform	JGWk	U
63466to translate	JGW4	U
63467to transliterate	JGXM	Y
63468to window	JGXk	X
63469to zero	Sbn	g
63470toach panel	JGYz	Z
63471toe game	JCel	W
63472together execution order	JGZM	s
63473toggle	JGZ4	Y
63474toggle button	JGaQ	b
63475toggle circuit	JGar	f
63476toggle rate	JGb3	Z
63477toggle speed	JGcQ	a
63478toggle switch	JGcq	b
63479token	CUWh	T
63480token	JGdF	N
63481token access control	JGdS	o
63482token bus	JGd6	X
63483token bus architecture	JGeR	t
63484token card	JGe+	Y
63485token code	JGfW	V
63486token matching	JGfr	c
63487token monitor	JGgH	h
63488token name	JGgo	V
63489token passing	JGg9	s
63490token passing bus	JGhp	x
63491token passing procedure	JGia	r
63492token replacement	JGjF	f
63493token ring	JGjk	j
63494token ring architecture	JGkH	o
63495token separator	JGkv	g
63496token value	JGlP	W
63497tokyo experiment computer network	JGoM	BI
63498tokyo shilbaura electric	JGpU	6
63499tolerable delay	JGqO	d
63500tolerable error rate	JGqr	l
63501tolerable limit	JGrQ	d
63502tolerance	HP2Q	X
63503tolerance	JGrt	V
63504tolerance analysis	JGsC	g
63505tolerance frequency	JGsi	h
63506tolerance interval	JGtD	g
63507tolerant	DJV+	Q
63508tolerant approach	DJWO	c
63509tolerant clocking system	DJqk	s
63510tolerant communication architecture	DJWq	3
63511tolerant computer	DJXh	m
63512tolerant computing	DJYH	g
63513tolerant computing system	Ce3G	2
63514tolerant computing system	DJYn	t
63515tolerant concept	DJZU	e
63516tolerant control system	DJZy	r
63517tolerant design	DJad	d
63518tolerant design technique	DJa6	t
63519tolerant distrbuted system	DJbn	r
63520tolerant distributed processing	DJcS	2
63521tolerant gate	DJdI	i
63522tolerant logic	DJeH	c
63523tolerant memory simulator	DJej	z
63524tolerant micropocessor system	DJfW	3
63525tolerant microprocessor system	JLMB	BB
63526tolerant multicomputer system	DJgN	3
63527tolerant multiprocessor system	DJhE	4
63528tolerant network	DJh8	e
63529tolerant operating system	DJia	t
63530tolerant routing algorithm	DJjH	0
63531tolerant software	DJj7	f
63532tolerant system	DJka	d
63533tolerant system	IQQn	m
63534tolerant system evaluation	DJk3	u
63535tolerant system modelling	DJll	w
63536tolerant technique	DJmV	g
63537toll	JGt9	M
63538toll call	JGuJ	X
63539toll center	JGug	c
63540toll key	JGu8	T
63541toll line release	JGvP	p
63542toll network	JGv4	d
63543toll service	JGwV	a
63544toll switching trunk	JGwv	r
63545tolterant computing	DJm1	l
63546tomographic	JGxw	Z
63547tone	Du4Z	P
63548tone	JGyJ	M
63549tone	JH99	a
63550tone control	JGyV	d
63551tone control circuit	JGyy	o
63552tone count audiometric computer	JGza	BH
63553tone dial	JG0h	U
63554tone dial receiver	JG01	t
63555tone dialing	JG1i	a
63556tone digital command	JG18	s
63557tone keying	JKy2	Z
63558tone modulation	JKzP	d
63559tone process	Du4o	d
63560tone transmission system	F+Pf	s
63561toner	JG3J	N
63562toner carrier	JG3W	b
63563toner concentrate	JG3x	i
63564toner concentration	JG4T	h
63565toner container	JG40	d
63566toner mark	JG5R	Y
63567toner migration	JG5p	d
63568toner offset	JG6G	a
63569toner reservoir	JG6g	j
63570toning control	JG7D	c
63571toning system	JG7f	b
63572tool	JG76	M
63573tool box	JG8G	Z
63574tool for compiler writing	JG8f	z
63575tool function	JG9S	b
63576tool number	JG9t	Z
63577tool offset	JG+G	Z
63578tool position compensation	JG+f	u
63579toolbox	JHAN	S
63580toolbuild	JHAf	U
63581toolkit	JHAz	P
63582toolkit utility	JHBC	m
63583tools	JHBo	N
63584tools for building expert system	JHB1	9
63585top	JHCy	Y
63586top calculator	B6xl	k
63587top calculator	CSB0	i
63588top class	JHDK	U
63589top clause	JHDe	V
63590top convertor	IeZ8	e
63591top cover	JHDz	R
63592top digit	JHEE	U
63593top document	JHEY	a
63594top element	JHF2	Z
63595top entry	JHGP	X
63596top environment	JHGm	d
63597top level	JHHD	R
63598top loading	JHHU	Z
63599top management	JHHt	W
63600top management decision simulation	JHID	8
63601top margin	JHI/	Y
63602top node	JHJX	W
63603top node of tree	JHJt	e
63604top of stack	JHKL	b
63605top of stack control word	JHKm	z
63606top of stack pointer	JHLZ	q
63607top operand	JHMD	f
63608top operator	JHMi	d
63609top paper	JHM/	X
63610top priority processing	JHNW	r
63611top register	JHOB	g
63612top row	JHOh	P
63613top speed	JHOw	X
63614top stack element	JHPH	i
63615top stack location	JHPp	j
63616top stack operand	JHQM	l
63617top stack symbol	JHQx	h
63618top symbol	JHRS	V
63619top to top	JHRn	Y
63620top view	JHR/	T
63621top word processing equipment	IvlZ	3
63622topic	JHmB	N
63623topology	JHmO	Q
63624topology record	JHme	d
63625torn	Iymn	Y
63626torque	JHnk	O
63627torque amplifier	JHny	h
63628total	JE3m	Q
63629total	JHoT	N
63630total actual costs	JHog	j
63631total adjustment amount	JHpD	o
63632total amount	JHpr	X
63633total function	JHqC	c
63634total harmonic distortion	JHqe	q
63635total hours remaining	JHrI	m
63636total information system	JHru	s
63637total net movement	JHsa	g
63638total numerical control	JHs6	s
63639total period capacity	JHuA	m
63640total physical selection report option	JHum	BJ
63641total prints	JHvv	d
63642total quantity	JHwM	c
63643total quantity on order	JHwo	o
63644total replacement cost	JHxQ	n
63645total secondary calculation	JHx3	v
63646total specified throughput	JHym	r
63647total standard quantity required	JHzR	3
63648total system approach	JH0I	s
63649total systems concept	JH00	m
63650total time	JH1a	V
63651total transactions	JH1v	g
63652total type	JH2P	S
63653total usage amount	JH2h	j
63654total variation	JH3E	a
63655totch	JH6U	T
63656touch	JH6n	a
63657touch call	JH7B	Y
63658touch control	GwPk	e
63659touch dial	GwQC	b
63660touch display	JH7Z	e
63661touch key	GwQd	U
63662touch operation	GwQx	g
63663touch panel	JH73	Z
63664touch screen	JH8Q	U
63665touch sensitive screen	JH8k	h
63666touch tone	JH9F	V
63667touch tone dialing	JH9a	j
63668tower	JH+X	Q
63669tower chart	JH+n	W
63670tower shape	JH+9	T
63671tpae	JISy	M
63672tpae duplicator	JH/Q	d
63673tpae operating system	JH/t	t
63674trace	JIAp	N
63675trace analysis program	JIA2	u
63676trace command	JIBk	b
63677tracer	JIB/	R
63678tracing	H9pF	V
63679tracing	JICQ	P
63680tracing routine	JICf	d
63681track	GrKQ	T
63682track	JIEF	N
63683track algorithm	x6z	g
63684track and hold unit	JIES	q
63685track and store unit	JIE8	r
63686track compatibility	GZKX	n
63687track compatibility	IewX	n
63688track density	JIFn	Y
63689track error	F+QL	y
63690track function	F+Q9	c
63691track head	F+RZ	V
63692track history	JIF/	V
63693track index	JIGU	n
63694track number	JIG7	a
63695track operation	F+Ru	g
63696track pitch	JIHV	T
63697track rw head	GZK+	f
63698track tape	F+SO	b
63699track tape	Iew+	Y
63700track tape unit	F+Sp	j
63701tracking and data relay satellite	JIJp	BD
63702tracking devices	JIKs	e
63703tracking history exception codes	JILK	3
63704tracking level	JIMB	c
63705tracking pattern	JIMd	e
63706tracking signal trip	JIM7	o
63707tractor	JINj	S
63708trade discount	JIN1	c
63709traffic	JIOc	P
63710traffic condition	FKp+	l
63711traffic controller	JIOr	j
63712traffic intensity	JIPO	f
63713traffic load	JIPt	a
63714traffic noise index	JIQH	r
63715traffic volume	JIQy	Z
63716trail	JIRL	N
63717trailer	H4lL	P
63718trailer	JIRY	P
63719trailer label	JIRn	V
63720trailer record	JIR8	W
63721trailer sync	JISS	g
63722trailing character	JIS+	g
63723trailing end	JITw	U
63724train	JIUm	N
63725training	JE32	W
63726training environment	IQgB	l
63727training simulator	JIVG	j
63728training time	JIVp	b
63729transaction	Iy9X	W
63730transaction	JIWg	b
63731transaction activity difference	JIW7	z
63732transaction amount	JIXu	g
63733transaction beginning point	JIYO	s
63734transaction code	JIY6	m
63735transaction control block	JIZg	u
63736transaction control center	JIaO	u
63737transaction control table	JIa8	u
63738transaction cost	JIbq	e
63739transaction count	JIcI	f
63740transaction data	JIcn	e
63741transaction data set	JIdF	p
63742transaction date	JIdu	e
63743transaction driven system	JIeM	x
63744transaction facility	JIe9	i
63745transaction file	JIff	s
63746transaction flow language	JIgL	q
63747transaction matrix	JIg1	g
63748transaction processing	JIhV	k
63749transaction reconciliation	JIh5	o
63750transaction register	JIih	i
63751transaction reversal code	JIjD	q
63752transaction selection	JIjt	j
63753transaction set	JIkQ	d
63754transaction tape	JIkt	b
63755transaction tolerance percent	JIlI	0
63756transaction tracking system	JIl8	v
63757transaction types	JImr	f
63758transceiver	JInj	c
63759transcendental function	JIoU	l
63760transcribing	JIo5	U
63761transcription	JIpN	V
63762transducer	JIpi	V
63763transfer	H20U	Z
63764transfer	H2yC	f
63765transfer	H2zK	f
63766transfer	JIp3	Y
63767transfer card	JIqP	Y
63768transfer check	JIqn	c
63769transfer control	JIrD	h
63770transfer function	JIrk	f
63771transfer instruction	JIsD	i
63772transfer instruction	JNCV	r
63773transfer interpreter	JIuw	l
63774transfer less than zero	JIvV	s
63775transfer medium	JIwB	d
63776transfer on no index	JIwe	p
63777transfer on no overflow	JIxH	s
63778transfer on nonzero	JIxz	l
63779transfer operation	JIyY	g
63780transfer point	JIy4	k
63781transfer process	JIzc	e
63782transfer rate	Cnkz	k
63783transfer rate	ETtq	k
63784transfer rate	HTuK	6
63785transfer rate	JIz6	Y
63786transfer rate of information bits	JI0S	9
63787transfer signal	DiMW	j
63788transfer source	JI1P	d
63789transfer target	JI1s	d
63790transfer time	JI2J	b
63791transform	JI4E	R
63792transform pair	DpyO	f
63793transformation	JI4V	W
63794transformations	JI5R	d
63795transformer	k6V	g
63796transient	JI6E	R
63797transient date	JI6V	c
63798transient diode logic	3+m	9
63799transient error	JI6x	d
63800transient hpenomenon	JI7O	i
63801transient network analyzer	JI7w	1
63802transient response	JI8l	g
63803transient state	JI9F	X
63804transist	IEnu	BM
63805transistor	JI9c	V
63806transistor current steering logic	JI9x	BD
63807transistor diode logic	JI+0	0
63808transistor logic	FKjm	z
63809transistor logic	IE2C	/
63810transistor logic	JJAK	n
63811transistor logic	JJAx	w
63812transit time	JJBh	a
63813transition	JJB7	S
63814transition card	JJCN	a
63815transition diagram	Ipwf	j
63816transition diagram	JJCn	d
63817transition matrix	JJDE	f
63818transition rule	JJDj	d
63819transition sequence	JJEA	h
63820transition table	JJEh	b
63821transition time	JJE8	d
63822transitive dependence	JJFZ	j
63823translate	JJF8	Z
63824translate table	JJGV	a
63825translating	H9pa	Z
63826translation	JJGv	T
63827translation algorithm	JJHC	m
63828translator	JJIq	Z
63829translator program	JJJD	g
63830translators	JJKT	Z
63831transliteration	JJKs	X
63832transmission	CyQh	b
63833transmission	JJLD	U
63834transmission block	CyQ8	q
63835transmission block length	JJLX	n
63836transmission character	CyRm	k
63837transmission collision	JJL+	k
63838transmission control	JJMi	l
63839transmission control card	JJNH	q
63840transmission control character	JJNx	1
63841transmission control characters	JJOm	3
63842transmission control program	JJPd	0
63843transmission distributor	JJQR	s
63844transmission efficency	JJQ9	k
63845transmission entry	I7vS	m
63846transmission error	JJRh	g
63847transmission frequency band width	JJSB	y
63848transmission impairments	JJSz	m
63849transmission level	JJTZ	g
63850transmission line	JJUV	c
63851transmission loss	JJUx	f
63852transmission measuring set input	JJVQ	8
63853transmission medium	JJWM	h
63854transmission performance	JJWt	m
63855transmission rate	JJX1	f
63856transmission reference point zero level	JJZH	BB
63857transmission request	JJaI	i
63858transmission schedule	JJaq	j
63859transmission speed	JJbN	g
63860transmission utilization ratio	CIDw	1
63861transmit	JJg4	Q
63862transmit data lead	JJhI	m
63863transmit data register	JJhu	x
63864transmit operation	JJif	g
63865transmit window	JJi/	d
63866transmittal mode	JJjc	b
63867transmitted data circuit	JJj3	s
63868transmitter	HhU/	p
63869transmitter	JUEe	i
63870transmitter distributor	JJkj	r
63871transmitter signal element timing	JJlm	4
63872transmitter start code	JJme	u
63873transmitterrt	H68o	j
63874transparency	JJnr	i
63875transparent	JJoN	T
63876transparent	JbPK	c
63877transparent assembly	JJog	l
63878transparent background	JJpF	k
63879transparent data add facility	JJpp	3
63880transparent data communication	BfU2	1
63881transparent mode	GeLI	h
63882transparent mode	JJqg	e
63883transparent text stransmission	JJq+	y
63884transport layer	JJrw	a
63885transport level	JJsK	a
63886transport service	JJsk	f
63887transport service user	JJtD	t
63888transportable	JJuI	b
63889transportation method	JJuj	g
63890transposed file	JJvD	a
63891transposition	JJvd	V
63892transposition cipher	JJvy	l
63893transverse crosstalk coupling	JJwX	u
63894transverse parity check	JJxF	r
63895trap	JJxw	M
63896trap address	JJx8	a
63897trapping	JJy7	Q
63898travel time	JJzL	Z
63899traveler	JJzk	Q
63900traversal sequence	JJz0	g
63901tray	JJ0U	P
63902treatment	JJ0j	R
63903tree	8bb	S
63904tree	BeHx	S
63905tree	HAXH	M
63906tree	Itwy	g
63907tree	JJ00	M
63908tree	xnR	P
63909tree level	JJ1A	V
63910tree network	JJ1V	a
63911tree search	JJ1v	c
63912tree structure	JJ2L	c
63913tree structure directory	JJ2n	s
63914tree theorem	Ff3x	d
63915trellis algorithm	JJ4c	l
63916trellis code modulation	JJ5B	o
63917trend	JJ5p	N
63918trend analysis	JJ52	c
63919trend cycle	JJ6S	Z
63920trend line	JJ6r	V
63921trend selection	JJ7A	d
63922tri electrode	JJ7d	V
63923triad	JJ8a	Q
63924trial and error method	JJ8q	h
63925trial balance	JJ9L	Y
63926tributary	JKTR	X
63927tributary station	JJ9j	c
63928tributary trunk	JJ9/	d
63929tridiagonal matrix	BEDy	j
63930trigger	JJ+c	P
63931trigger	JKaO	S
63932trigger	WGb	e
63933trigger circuit	JJ+r	d
63934trigger generator	GGI7	v
63935trigger mode	JJ/n	a
63936trigger tube	JKAB	X
63937triggered	Hh0K	a
63938triggered program	IQgm	i
63939triggering clock pulse	JKBW	q
63940trigonometric cosine	JKCA	i
63941trigonometric functions	JKCi	l
63942trigonometric sine	JKDH	g
63943trigonometric tangent	JKDn	j
63944trigonometry	JKEK	X
63945triode	JKEh	R
63946trip	JKEy	M
63947triple exponential smoothing	JKE+	w
63948triple length register	JKFu	t
63949triple modular redundancy	JKGb	x
63950triple precision	JKHM	b
63951triple register	JKHn	g
63952trminator	JKI7	i
63953trnslator	IQhI	e
63954trouble shooting	JKJd	e
63955trouble ticket	JKJ7	Z
63956trouble unit	JKKU	a
63957troubleshooting	JKLS	X
63958true	JE4M	M
63959true	JKLp	J
63960true complement	JKLy	a
63961true logic	GRlQ	Z
63962true mean value	JKMM	h
63963true track	JKMt	Z
63964truncate	JKNw	Q
63965truncated	CRHI	d
63966truncation error	JKOA	e
63967trunk	JKOe	Q
63968trunk hunting	JKOu	b
63969trunk number	JKPJ	g
63970trunk number group	JKPp	q
63971trunk supervision	JCT0	l
63972trustee	JKTo	d
63973trustee rights	JKUF	c
63974trustee security	JKUh	n
63975truth	IvjE	Q
63976truth table	JKVI	W
63977tsc legend	JKV5	W
63978ttee	DKHm	f
63979tty	JKWP	Y
63980tub file	JKWn	Q
63981tube	HZuU	P
63982tube	JKW3	J
63983tube	WHu	R
63984tuned	JKaz	a
63985tuning	HAXT	R
63986tuning	IQhm	R
63987tuning regulator	IQh3	k
63988tuning units	JKbN	d
63989tunnel computer	JhH1	g
63990tunnel diode	JKbq	g
63991tuple	G+Ec	f
63992tuple	GLvG	t
63993tuple	JKcK	Q
63994tuple length register	GLvz	u
63995tuple length register	GLwh	r
63996tuple register	GLx9	e
63997tuple register	GLxM	x
63998tuple rooted trees	GLyb	i
63999tuple variable	JKca	f
64000turbo fats	JKc5	h
64001turing machine	GKhz	f
64002turing machine	JKda	Z
64003turn around	JKeN	T
64004turn off	JKeg	Q
64005turn on	JKew	P
64006turn over rate	JKe/	Z
64007turnaround	JKhv	S
64008turnaround cards	JKiB	b
64009turnaround file sequence number	JKic	2
64010turnaround sequence number	JKjS	u
64011turning point	JKkA	Y
64012turnkey	JKkY	S
64013turnover	JKkq	Q
64014tutorial	JKk6	k
64015tutorial and message library	JKle	0
64016tutorial subsystem	JKmS	j
64017twelve punch	JKm1	d
64018twin check	JKn0	V
64019twinaxial	JKoJ	R
64020twisted pair	JKoa	X
64021twistor	JKpF	Y
64022two	ICKn	O
64023two	ICM0	O
64024two adder	F4ed	X
64025two bit system	JBY4	b
64026two sum	DsWw	U
64027two sum	F4e0	U
64028two sum gate	F4fI	a
64029two way alternate	JKpd	j
64030two way analysis of variance	JKqA	w
64031two way simultaneous	JKqw	m
64032twos complement	JK09	d
64033twx service	JK1a	o
64034typamatic key	JK2C	Y
64035type	C0DQ	P
64036type	GLy9	L
64037type	IS6Y	U
64038type	IS6s	U
64039type	JK2a	M
64040type acoustic delay line	Jh2A	v
64041type ad converter	DXYB	x
64042type adder	CL3t	h
64043type address constant	PM	o
64044type automatic voltage regulator	FLqo	7
64045type bar	JK2m	T
64046type computer	GXvZ	h
64047type controller	FLrj	i
64048type definition	JK3v	d
64049type expression	F0c6	j
64050type font	JK4M	R
64051type function generator	IcTF	1
64052type job parameter	IV+l	p
64053type language	3/j	h
64054type of interrupt	JK4d	f
64055type operation	HvRc	i
64056type operational element	IcT6	z
64057type ratio	JGnZ	b
64058type record operation	Jni7	1
64059type region	G3mX	g
64060type semiconductor	GLzI	i
64061type semiconductor	HFiG	h
64062type setting character	JK48	k
64063type spirit master	JAUM	j
64064type spirit transfer sheet	JAUv	r
64065type transformation	PBS	n
64066type transformation	PCv	2
64067type transistor	GLzq	f
64068typeface	JK5g	Q
64069typefaces	JK5w	Z
64070types	CLOB	i
64071typewheel	JK6J	U
64072typewriter	H2JV	m
64073typewriter key	JK6d	c
64074typewriter key	JK8a	c
64075typewriter terminal	JK65	k
64076typewriter terminal	JK82	k
64077typing reperforator	JK72	k
64078typing reperforator	JK9z	k
64079ultimate sink	JLCW	e
64080ultra high frequency	JLC0	q
64081ultra large scale integration	JLDe	3
64082ultra microfiche	JLEV	q
64083ultra violet	JLE/	b
64084ultraempiricism	JLG2	d
64085ultrafast computer	JLHT	m
64086ultrafiche	JLH5	b
64087ultrafilteration	JLIU	e
64088ultrahigh frequency	JLIy	i
64089ultrahigh reduction	JLJU	k
64090ultraintelligent machine	JLJ4	t
64091ultralarge scale integration	JLKl	/
64092ultramicrofiche	JLLk	d
64093ultrareliable modular computer	JLNC	4
64094ultrasonic	JLN6	r
64095ultrasonic band	JLOl	d
64096ultrasonic bonding	JLPC	u
64097ultrasonic cleaning	JLPw	1
64098ultrasonic delay line	JLQl	m
64099ultrasonic generator	JLRL	o
64100ultrasonic memory	JLRz	z
64101ultrasonic pen pointer	JLSm	n
64102ultrasonic pen table	JLTN	o
64103ultrasonics	JLT1	h
64104ultrasound	JLUW	S
64105ultrasound image analysis	JLUo	w
64106ultraviolet	JLVY	Z
64107ultraviolet energy definition	JLWt	0
64108ultraviolet erasable programmable read only memory	JLXh	Be
64109ultraviolet glass	JLY/	5
64110ultraviolet light erasing	JLZ4	t
64111ultraviolet prom erasure lamp	JLbd	BP
64112ultraviolet radiation	JLcs	m
64113um conversion	JLBJ	a
64114umacro	JLd+	a
64115umbilical connector	JLeY	k
64116umbilical cord	JLe8	BV
64117un documentation information system	JLgR	BG
64118un information center	JLhX	x
64119unacceptable event	JLif	m
64120unacceptable event security	JLjF	1
64121unacceptable file code	JLj6	z
64122unacknowledged data	JLkt	k
64123unacknowledged frame	JLlR	i
64124unacknowledged information transfer service	JLlz	BI
64125unaddressable storage	JLm7	s
64126unadjusted trial balance	JLnn	v
64127unallocated logical storage	JLoW	1
64128unallocated physical storaage	JLpL	3
64129unallowable character	JLqC	x
64130unallowable code check	JLqz	n
64131unallowable digit	JLra	f
64132unallowable instruction check	JLr5	BF
64133unallowable instruction digit	JLs+	BC
64134unambiguity	JLuA	Z
64135unambiguous determination	JLuZ	7
64136unanchored mode	JLwt	w
64137unanticipated request	JLxd	m
64138unary	JLyD	3
64139unary array	JLy6	1
64140unary boolean operator	JLzv	q
64141unary expression	JL0Z	h
64142unary minus operator	JL06	l
64143unary minus quadruple	JL1f	p
64144unary operation	JL2I	Bm
64145unary operator	JL3u	BP
64146unary predicate calculus	JL49	p
64147unary subquery	JL6Y	w
64148unassignable node	JL7I	i
64149unassignable primary input	JL7q	x
64150unassigned real address area	JL8b	z
64151unassigned reference	JL9O	v
64152unassigned variable	JL99	k
64153unate function	JL+h	c
64154unattached	JL/e	Y
64155unattached processing	JL/2	3
64156unattended	JMAt	V
64157unattended automatic exchange	JMBC	6
64158unattended communication	JMB8	s
64159unattended earth terminal	JMCo	6
64160unattended mode	JMDi	j
64161unattended multipoint communications station	JMEF	BO
64162unattended operation	JMFT	Bb
64163unattended realy station	JMGu	v
64164unattended scope	JMHd	k
64165unattended time	JMIn	x
64166unattended trail printer	JMJY	1
64167unaugmentable matching	JMKN	q
64168unauthorized access	JMK3	BJ
64169unauthorized use	JMMA	h
64170unauthorized user	JMMh	w
64171unauthorized withdrawal	JMNR	u
64172unavailability	JMN/	q
64173unavailable time	JMOp	8
64174unbalance effect	JMPl	h
64175unbalanced circuit	JMQG	j
64176unbalanced data link	JMQp	r
64177unbalanced error	JMRU	h
64178unbalanced line	JMR1	g
64179unbalanced merge sort	JMSV	s
64180unbalanced modulator	JMTB	o
64181unbalanced network	JMTp	j
64182unbalanced to ground	JMUM	v
64183unbalanced wire circuit	JMU7	o
64184unbiased estimator	JMVj	j
64185unbiased importance sampling	JMWG	z
64186unbiased test	JMW5	b
64187unbind	JMXU	O
64188unbind session	JMXi	f
64189unblank	JMYB	P
64190unblind	JMYQ	S
64191unblock	JMYi	l
64192unblocked file	JMZH	w
64193unblocked mode	JMZ3	w
64194unblocked record	JMan	BU
64195unblocking	JMb7	g
64196unbound control mode	JMcb	r
64197unbound task set	JMdG	o
64198unbound task set load module	JMdu	8
64199unbounded function	JMeq	g
64200unbounded program	JMfK	f
64201unbounded solution	JMfp	d
64202unbounded universal quantifier	JMgG	y
64203unbracketing signal	JMg4	n
64204unbuffered	JMhf	V
64205unbuffered attribute	JMh0	l
64206unbuffered input	JMiZ	h
64207unbuffered option	JMi6	p
64208unbundled	JMjj	X
64209unbundled price	JMj6	BW
64210unbundled program	JMlQ	y
64211uncatalog	JMmk	z
64212uncertain knowledge	JMnX	k
64213uncertain region	JMn7	v
64214uncertainty	JMoq	v
64215uncertainty relation	JMpZ	l
64216unchecked storage deallocation	JMp+	+
64217unchecked symbol	JMq8	h
64218unchecked type conversion	JMrd	w
64219unclamp	JMsN	P
64220unclassified	JMsc	BC
64221unclocked	JMte	U
64222uncoded digit communication	JMty	y
64223uncoded transmission	JMuk	l
64224uncoded word	JMvJ	a
64225uncollectible account	JMvj	s
64226uncommitted array logic	JMwP	r
64227uncommitted logic array	JMw6	BD
64228uncommitted orders	JMx9	m
64229uncommitted storage list	JMyj	BR
64230uncommunicate	JMz0	h
64231uncomplemented form	JM0V	k
64232uncondition statement	JM05	m
64233unconditional	JI3m	e
64234unconditional	JIuM	k
64235unconditional	JM1f	f
64236unconditional branch	JM1+	BK
64237unconditional branch instruction	JM3I	3
64238unconditional capture	JM43	m
64239unconditional control transfer instruction	JM5d	BH
64240unconditional force	JM6k	k
64241unconditional jump	JM7I	BZ
64242unconditional jump instruction	JM8h	BM
64243unconditional jump instruction debug	JM9t	BB
64244unconditional statement	JM+u	o
64245unconditional transfer	JM/W	n
64246unconditional transfer instruction	JM/9	5
64247unconditional transfer of control	JNA2	4
64248unconditionally stable	JNDA	q
64249unconditioned circuits	JNDq	n
64250unconditioned response	JNER	r
64251unconnected graph	JNE8	f
64252unconsolidated subsidiary	JNFb	q
64253unconstrained array	JNGF	k
64254unconstrained minimization	JNGp	u
64255unconstrained optimization	JNHX	u
64256unconstrained record type	JNIF	w
64257unconstrained restoration	JNI1	q
64258uncontinuity	JNJf	a
64259uncontrollable floor stock	JNJ5	x
64260uncontrolled fashion	JNKq	l
64261uncontrolled join	JNLP	i
64262uncontrolled language	JNLx	p
64263uncontrolled lines	JNMa	j
64264uncontrolled satellite system	JNM9	x
64265unconverter	JNNu	W
64266uncorrectable error	JNOE	BB
64267uncorrected error	JNPF	w
64268uncorrelated function	JNP1	m
64269uncorrelated increment process	JNQb	1
64270uncorrelated variable	JNRQ	m
64271uncovered symbol	JNR2	n
64272undamped frequency	JNSd	j
64273undamped oscillation	JNTA	l
64274undecidability theorem	JNTl	t
64275undecidable	JNUS	c
64276undeclared identifier	JNUu	p
64277undefined	JNVX	r
64278undefined  record format	JNWC	1
64279undefined code	JNW3	c
64280undefined data	JNXT	f
64281undefined element	JNXy	i
64282undefined file designator	JNYU	z
64283undefined format	JNZH	h
64284undefined instruction trap	JNZo	x
64285undefined length record	JNaZ	o
64286undefined operation	JNbB	Bh
64287undefined operation code	JNci	s
64288undefined record	JNdO	y
64289undefined statement label	JNeA	w
64290undefined symbol	JNew	h
64291undefined variable	JNfR	j
64292undefinition	JNf0	i
64293undelayed channel	JNgW	z
64294undelayed pulse	JNhJ	g
64295under carpet cable	JNhp	g
64296under catalog	JNiJ	e
64297under development	JNin	f
64298under line	JNjG	Z
64299under variance	JNjf	c
64300under voltageover voltage	JNj7	u
64301underbackorder	JNlU	l
64302undercalculation	JNl5	s
64303undercapacity	JNml	b
64304undercompensation	JNnA	t
64305undercoupling	JNnt	m
64306undercut	JNoT	e
64307underdamping	JNox	X
64308underdeterminant	JNpI	e
64309underexposure	JNpm	b
64310underfloor raceway	JNqB	t
64311underflow	JNqu	3
64312underflow characteristics	JNsb	n
64313underflow exception	JNtC	h
64314underflow in calculators	JNrl	2
64315underflow indication	JNtj	i
64316underflow indicator	JNuF	o
64317underframe	JNut	a
64318underfrequency	JNvH	t
64319underground communication	JNv0	n
64320underlap	JNwb	T
64321underline	JNwu	R
64322underline mark	JNw/	j
64323underlined character	JNxi	l
64324underload	JNyH	q
64325underlying carrier	JNyx	u
64326underlying characteristic grammar	JNzf	1
64327underlying data base	JN0U	/
64328underlying digraph	JN1T	j
64329underlying graph	JN12	m
64330undermodulation	JN2c	a
64331underpan	JN22	Q
64332underplate	JN3G	a
64333underpunch	JN3g	BI
64334underrun	JN4o	k
64335underrun counter	JN5M	n
64336underscanning	JN5z	j
64337underscore	JN6W	d
64338underscore cursor	JN6z	f
64339undershipments	JN7S	c
64340undershoot	JN7u	d
64341underspeed	JN8L	Y
64342understandability	JN8j	f
64343understander	JN9C	l
64344understanding connected speech	JN9n	y
64345understanding natural language	JN+Z	y
64346understanding program	JN/L	j
64347understanding system	CzUg	o
64348underswing	JN/u	p
64349undervoltage	JOAX	U
64350undervoltage shutdown	JOAr	v
64351undervoltageovervoltage	JOBa	s
64352underwater communication	JOCG	m
64353undesired signal	JOCs	y
64354undetectable error	JODe	m
64355undetected branch	JOEE	t
64356undetected error rate	JOEx	m
64357undetermined coefficient	JOFX	m
64358undetermined multiplier	JOF9	l
64359undirected action	JOGi	z
64360undirected graph	JOHV	b
64361undirected tree	JOHw	z
64362undirectional approach	JOIj	7
64363undistorted power output	JOJe	z
64364undistorted signalling	JOKR	q
64365undistorted transmission	JOK7	p
64366undisturbed output signal	JOLk	w
64367undisturbed response voltage	JOMU	z
64368undisturbed zero output signal	JONH	4
64369undo	JOO8	U
64370undulate	JOPQ	Y
64371unemployed time	JOPo	x
64372unencrypted password file	JOQZ	BN
64373unequal	JORm	S
64374unequivalence interrupt	JOR4	o
64375unequivocal acceptance	JOSg	1
64376unevaluated operand	JOTV	t
64377uneven data usage	JOUC	o
64378uneven length code	JOUq	j
64379unexpected halt	JOVN	r
64380unfailing service	JOV4	5
64381unfiltered annual forecast	JOWx	3
64382unfiltered cost	JOXo	m
64383unfiltered demand	JOYO	o
64384unfold	JOY2	O
64385unformat	JOZE	W
64386unformatted capacity	JOZa	r
64387unformatted diskette	JOaF	o
64388unformatted display	JOat	BP
64389unformatted image	JOb8	l
64390unformatted inputoutput statement	JOch	/
64391unformatted logic record	JOdg	v
64392unformatted media	JOeP	i
64393unformatted mode	JOex	k
64394unformatted program interface	JOfV	0
64395unformatted random access call	JOgJ	7
64396unformatted random file inputoutput statement	JOhE	BX
64397unformatted read and write statement	JOib	7
64398unformatted record	JOjW	3
64399unformatted request	JOkN	n
64400unformatted system services	JOk0	Bi
64401unformatted write statement	JOmW	v
64402ungrounded system	JOnF	f
64403unguarded interval	JOnk	j
64404uniaxial anisotropy	JOo6	n
64405unibus adapter	JOph	0
64406unibus microchannel	JOqV	u
64407unichannel	JOrD	Y
64408unichassis	JOrb	Y
64409unicode state assignment	JOrz	y
64410unicomputer	JOsl	Z
64411unicontrol	JOs+	Y
64412unicyclic graph	JOtW	a
64413unidensity coherent light recording	JOtw	4
64414unidentifiability	JOuo	m
64415unidentified material allocation record	JOvO	BK
64416unidimensional	JOwY	Z
64417unidirection	JOwx	U
64418unidirection flow of information	JOxF	4
64419unidirectional	JOx9	Z
64420unidirectional antenna	JOyW	k
64421unidirectional bus	JOy6	j
64422unidirectional current	JOzd	k
64423unidirectional dialog	JO0B	j
64424unidirectional file allocation	JO0k	y
64425unidirectional flow of data	JO1W	z
64426unidirectional microphone	JO2J	4
64427unidirectional pulse	JO3B	i
64428unidirectional transducer	JO3j	q
64429unidirectional transmission	JO4N	p
64430unidirectioned	JO42	c
64431unifiable	JO5S	z
64432unification	JO6F	8
64433unification algorithm	JO7B	BI
64434unification rule	JO8J	e
64435unification set	JO8n	d
64436unified communications	JO9E	BW
64437unified data base language	JO+a	x
64438unified design methodology	JO/L	u
64439unified direct access standards	JO/5	BB
64440unified file access system environment	JPA6	BG
64441unified file format	JPCA	n
64442unified functional design technique	JPCn	BX
64443unified numerical control language	JPD+	BE
64444unified software gauge	JPFC	u
64445unified software system	JPFw	x
64446unified software systems	JPGh	2
64447unifier	JPHX	BB
64448unifile volume	JPIY	f
64449uniflow	JPI3	Z
64450unifluxor	JPJQ	U
64451uniform	H2gr	Y
64452uniform approximation	JPJk	0
64453uniform array	JPKY	p
64454uniform automatic data processing system	JPLB	Bu
64455uniform baseline offset	JPMv	r
64456uniform bound	JPNa	Y
64457uniform channel	JPNy	d
64458uniform command language	JPOP	s
64459uniform commercial code	JPO7	9
64460uniform convergence	JPP4	h
64461uniform distribution	Hypt	l
64462uniform distribution	JPQZ	w
64463uniform encoding	JPRJ	s
64464uniform evaluation rule	JPR1	r
64465uniform function	JPSg	e
64466uniform game tree	JPS+	i
64467uniform hashing	JPTg	r
64468uniform hashing function	JPUL	s
64469uniform inquiry update element	JPU3	4
64470uniform interface	JPWk	t
64471uniform line	JPXR	X
64472uniform magnetic field	JPXo	k
64473uniform norm	JPYM	l
64474uniform programming environment	JPYx	5
64475uniform quantization	JPZq	i
64476uniform random number	JPaM	m
64477uniform referencing	JPay	v
64478uniform reporting system	JPbh	BE
64479uniform sampling	JPcl	s
64480uniform sampling design	JPdR	r
64481uniform systems of accounts	JPd8	0
64482uniformity	JPhB	g
64483uniformity argument	JPhh	n
64484uniformization	JPiI	Z
64485uniformly accessible storage	JPih	3
64486unifunctional pipeline	JPjY	n
64487unify processor	JPj/	g
64488unifying composition	JPkf	BE
64489unigauge design	JPlj	j
64490unijunction transistor	JPmG	/
64491unilateral circuit	JPnF	g
64492unilateral conductivity	JPnl	o
64493unilateral connected digraph	JPoN	BE
64494unilateral continuity	JPpR	q
64495unilateral diagraph	JPp7	k
64496unilateral diffusion	JPqf	i
64497unilateral impedance	JPrB	i
64498unilateral network	JPrj	g
64499unilateral signal transmission	JPsD	y
64500unilateral synchronization system	JPs1	1
64501unilateral system	JPtq	f
64502unilateral variational problem	JPuJ	y
64503unilateralization	JPu7	c
64504unilaterally connected graph	JPvX	t
64505uniline	JPwE	l
64506uniline message	JPwp	d
64507unimicroprocessor	JPxG	i
64508unimodal distribution	JPxo	j
64509unimodal function	JPyL	f
64510unimodal search	JPyq	d
64511unimodality	JPzH	W
64512unimodel response surface	JPzd	w
64513unimodular matrix	JP0N	f
64514unimodular property	JP0s	h
64515unimplemented user operations	JP1N	3
64516uninformed graph search	JP2E	BF
64517uninitialized variable	JP3J	q
64518uninked ribbon	JP3z	f
64519unintegrated	JP4S	a
64520unintelligent terminal	JP4s	x
64521unintelligible crosstalk	JP5d	p
64522uninterpreted name	JP6G	g
64523uninterrupted	JP6m	x
64524uninterruptible computer power	JP7X	Bc
64525uninterruptible power supply	JP8z	BV
64526uninterruptible power system	JP+I	9
64527union	JP/F	BJ
64528union algorithm	JQAO	g
64529union catalogue	JQAu	d
64530union function	JQBL	c
64531union gate	JQBn	c
64532union ideal	JQCD	Z
64533union of set	JQCc	r
64534union of subinterval	JQDH	l
64535union operation	JQDs	r
64536union operator	JQEX	w
64537union pattern	JQFH	p
64538union sequence	JQFw	c
64539union set	JQGM	g
64540union station	JQGs	V
64541union tag	JQHB	X
64542unipath	JQIV	S
64543uniphase	JQIn	Q
64544unipolar	JQI3	e
64545unipolar analog signal	JQJV	t
64546unipolar signal	JQKC	d
64547unipolar transistor	JQKf	r
64548uniprocessing	JQLK	b
64549uniprocessing system	JQLl	s
64550uniprocessor	JQMR	u
64551uniprocessor mode	JQM/	p
64552uniprocessor operating system	JQNo	3
64553uniprogrammed system	JQOf	y
64554uniprogramming	JQPR	3
64555uniprogramming interactive system	JQQI	BB
64556unipunch	JQR9	k
64557unique	JQSh	k
64558unique	JQTF	O
64559unique address	JQTT	c
64560unique alternate key	GeLp	o
64561unique alternate key	JQTv	l
64562unique application program	JQUU	1
64563unique array	JQVJ	a
64564unique factorization theorem	JQVj	z
64565unique file	JQWW	Z
64566unique handle	JQWv	b
64567unique identification	JQXK	j
64568unique identifier	JQXt	i
64569unique initial snapshot	JQYP	r
64570unique key	JQY6	V
64571unique load module	JQZP	m
64572unique name	JQZ1	Z
64573unique name generator	JQaO	BG
64574unique programming language	JQbU	1
64575unique sequential access method	JQcJ	BS
64576unique solution	JQdb	a
64577unique subprogram	JQd1	i
64578unique system header segment	JQeX	BK
64579unique variable	JQfh	d
64580unique word	JQf+	h
64581unique working space	JQgf	v
64582uniquely colorable graph	JQhO	s
64583uniquely decipherable code	JQh6	u
64584uniquely decodable code	JQio	8
64585uniqueness	JQkJ	V
64586uniqueness condition	JQke	l
64587unirecord	JQlD	U
64588unirecord block	JQlX	d
64589uniselector	JQl0	f
64590uniset console	JQmT	i
64591unisolvent function	JQm1	n
64592unit	GvDu	n
64593unit	H4la	S
64594unit	H973	S
64595unit	IcUt	S
64596unit	JE4s	S
64597unit	JQnc	z
64598unit	YQy	e
64599unit address	JQoP	r
64600unit address register	JQo6	w
64601unit addressing	F+TM	n
64602unit affinity	JQpq	b
64603unit architecture	JQqF	t
64604unit area	JQqy	l
64605unit automatic exchange	JQrX	4
64606unit backspace character	JQsP	+
64607unit bit	JQtN	p
64608unit buffer terminal	JQt2	r
64609unit call	F+Tz	X
64610unit check	JQuh	t
64611unit class	JQvO	Y
64612unit code	CuDA	W
64613unit code	JB/5	a
64614unit code element	JQvm	p
64615unit command word	JQwP	3
64616unit construction computer	JQxG	0
64617unit construction principle	JQx6	z
64618unit control	JQyt	a
64619unit control block	JQzH	Bd
64620unit control file	JQ0k	BR
64621unit control word	JQ11	3
64622unit cost	JQ2s	X
64623unit cost default	JQ3D	l
64624unit data	JQ3o	X
64625unit data and control diagram	JQ3/	8
64626unit delay operator	JQ47	+
64627unit development folder	JQ55	4
64628unit diagnostics	JQ6x	BA
64629unit dislocation	JQ7x	e
64630unit disparity binary code	JQ8P	3
64631unit displacement method	JQ9G	p
64632unit distance code	JQ9v	0
64633unit doublet	JQ+j	U
64634unit element	JQ+3	o
64635unit essential equipment	JQ/5	s
64636unit exception	JRAl	BO
64637unit factor clause	JRBz	m
64638unit gap	JRCZ	W
64639unit identification system	JRCv	y
64640unit information	JRDh	BA
64641unit initialization routine	JREh	v
64642unit interface	JRFQ	4
64643unit interval	JRGI	BP
64644unit journal	H4rR	2
64645unit length	JRHX	Z
64646unit load	JRHw	BK
64647unit logic device	JRI6	p
64648unit matrix	JRJj	Z
64649unit message	F+UK	q
64650unit module	JRJ8	Z
64651unit number	JRKV	W
64652unit of allocation list	JRKr	x
64653unit of measure	JRLc	d
64654unit of measure conversion factor	JRL5	7
64655unit of measure of component	JRM0	z
64656unit of measurement	JRNn	h
64657unit of processing capacity	JROI	z
64658unit of transfer	JRO7	e
64659unit of work	JRPZ	a
64660unit position	JRPz	b
64661unit preference strategy	JRQO	s
64662unit preference strategy in resolution	JRQ6	BG
64663unit price	JRSA	S
64664unit price discountmarkup code	JRSS	4
64665unit price discountmarkup percent	JRTK	BB
64666unit program	JRUL	a
64667unit quantity required	JRUl	w
64668unit ready	JRVV	Y
64669unit ready light	JRVt	n
64670unit record	JRWU	Bb
64671unit record data processing machines	JRXv	BK
64672unit record device	JRY5	m
64673unit record equipment	JRZf	p
64674unit record file	JRaI	4
64675unit record machine	JRbA	k
64676unit record pool	JRbk	y
64677unit record principle	JRcW	6
64678unit record processor	JRdQ	w
64679unit record routine	JReA	x
64680unit record volume	JRex	3
64681unit reference code	JRfo	k
64682unit required quantity	JRgM	t
64683unit resolution	JRg5	r
64684unit response function	JRhk	q
64685unit rule	JRiO	X
64686unit run time	JRil	l
64687unit sample	JRjK	Z
64688unit screen	JRjj	Z
64689unit segment	JRj8	r
64690unit separator	JRkn	z
64691unit separator character	JRla	BR
64692unit space	JRmr	Y
64693unit specify	JRnD	x
64694unit status information	JRn0	r
64695unit step	JRof	f
64696unit step input	JRo+	j
64697unit step response	JRph	m
64698unit string	JRqH	BL
64699unit supervisory control	F+U0	3
64700unit switch	JRrS	n
64701unit synchronizer	JRr5	i
64702unit system	JRsb	Z
64703unit teletype code	DVgI	s
64704unit testing	JRs0	o
64705unit testing philosophy	JRtc	1
64706unit time	JRuR	a
64707unit time step	JRur	i
64708unit transform of image matrix	JRvN	BP
64709unit type	JRwc	l
64710unit under test	JRxB	v
64711unit vector	JRxw	Z
64712unit weight	JRyJ	Z
64713unitary	JR05	w
64714unitary clause	JR1p	c
64715unitary code	JR2F	l
64716unitary declaration	JR2q	v
64717unitary matrix	JR3Z	4
64718unitary vector space	JR4R	o
64719united gas laboratory internally programmed automa	JR45	Bo
64720united kingdom atomic energy authority	JR6h	BA
64721united kingdom information technology organization	JR7h	BS
64722united kingdom post office	JR8z	z
64723united nations educational scientific and clutural	JR9m	BT
64724united nations educational scientific and cultural	JR+5	BT
64725united nations postal administration	JSAM	BD
64726united nations standards coordinating committee	JSBP	BV
64727united stated independent telephone association	JSCk	BV
64728united states army computer system	JSD5	BF
64729united states atomic energy commission	JSE+	BG
64730united states bureau of standards	JSGE	3
64731united states communications intelligence board	JSG7	Bp
64732united states department of agriculture	JSIk	9
64733united states frequency standard	JSJh	5
64734united states geological survey	JSKa	7
64735united states independent telephone association	JSLV	BP
64736united states information center	JSMk	5
64737united states navy	JSNd	k
64738united states of america standard	JSOB	BI
64739united states of america standard institute	JSPJ	BF
64740united states post office	JSQO	v
64741united states postal service	JSQ9	1
64742united states standard	JSRy	o
64743united states standard gauge	JSSa	BD
64744united technology center	JSTd	w
64745united translation system	JSUN	x
64746uniterm	JSU+	l
64747uniterm index	JSVj	e
64748uniterm indexing	JSWB	y
64749uniterm system	JSWz	w
64750uniterming	JSXj	b
64751uniting	JSX+	S
64752unitized digital electronic calculator	JSYQ	Bo
64753unitized film	JSZ4	p
64754unitransitive graph	JSah	k
64755unity	JSbF	d
64756unity of system operation	JSbi	t
64757univac industrial system	JScP	x
64758univac storage and retrieval	JSdA	+
64759univac users association	JSd+	5
64760univariant function generator	JSe3	BU
64761univariant search	JSgL	i
64762univariate curve fitting	JSgt	v
64763universal	JKdz	a
64764universal	JShc	BK
64765universal access	JSim	v
64766universal active filter	JSjV	u
64767universal address	JSkD	f
64768universal algorithm	JSki	k
64769universal assembler translator system	JSlG	BK
64770universal asynchronous port	JSmQ	s
64771universal asynchronous receiver transmitter	JSm8	BH
64772universal asynchronous receivertransmitler	JSoD	BC
64773universal asynchronous receivertransmitter	JSpF	BX
64774universal automatic computer	JSqc	6
64775universal black box	JSrW	l
64776universal block channel	JSr7	/
64777universal buffer controller	JSs6	5
64778universal button box	JSub	l
64779universal camera control system	JSvA	BB
64780universal chain control	JSws	BM
64781universal character	JSx4	v
64782universal character buffer	JSyn	1
64783universal character buffer address register	JSzc	BX
64784universal character set	JS0z	s
64785universal class	JS1f	w
64786universal class card reader	JS2P	1
64787universal classification system	JS3E	3
64788universal closure	JS37	f
64789universal code	JS4a	Z
64790universal code synchronouss transmitterreceiver	JS4z	BT
64791universal command	JS6G	f
64792universal communication switching device	JS6l	BH
64793universal communications monitor	JS7s	+
64794universal communications switching device	JS8q	BD
64795universal compiler	JS9t	/
64796universal computer	JS+s	j
64797universal computer company	JS/P	1
64798universal constant	JTBN	g
64799universal controller	JTBt	l
64800universal coordinated time	JTDB	u
64801universal data base access system	JTDv	BC
64802universal data link control	JTEx	6
64803universal data system	JTFr	t
64804universal data transfer service	JTGY	+
64805universal decimal classification	JTHW	BV
64806universal default	JTIr	5
64807universal device index	JTJk	u
64808universal devices	JTKS	f
64809universal digital computer	JTKx	x
64810universal digital interface	JTLi	v
64811universal document reader	JTMR	0
64812universal electron microscope	JTNF	0
64813universal emulating terminal system	JTN5	BC
64814universal file access method	JTO7	4
64815universal file access system	JTPz	BV
64816universal fixed type	JTRI	o
64817universal fixturing	JTRw	h
64818universal frequency counter	JTSR	2
64819universal function	JTTH	g
64820universal grammar	JTTn	f
64821universal graphic recorder	JTUG	1
64822universal host machine	JTU7	o
64823universal host processor	JTVj	w
64824universal image processing system	JTWT	7
64825universal implication graph	JTXO	6
64826universal inputoutput controller	JTYI	BD
64827universal instance assumption	JTZL	x
64828universal instruction set	JTZ8	+
64829universal integer type	JTa6	q
64830universal integrated communication system	JTbk	BK
64831universal interconnecting device	JTcu	BI
64832universal job control language	JTd2	9
64833universal key	JTez	3
64834universal keyboard	JTfq	k
64835universal keyset	JTgO	e
64836universal language definition	JTgs	1
64837universal language description	JThh	2
64838universal library	JTiX	7
64839universal line multiplexer	JTjS	7
64840universal link terminal	JTkN	8
64841universal logic block	JTlJ	q
64842universal logic circuit	JTlz	v
64843universal logic gate	JTmi	o
64844universal logic implementation	JTnK	8
64845universal machine	JToG	c
64846universal machine language	JToi	u
64847universal maintenance standard	JTpQ	BA
64848universal memory system	JTqQ	y
64849universal meter	JTrC	a
64850universal microprogramming	JTrc	x
64851universal modular tree	JTsN	n
64852universal module	JTs0	z
64853universal multiprogramming system	JTtn	BF
64854universal navigation computer	JTus	4
64855universal network	JTvk	f
64856universal numerical interchange terminal	JTwD	BK
64857universal operating system	JTxN	u
64858universal output computer	JTx7	0
64859universal performance assessment and control syste	JTyv	Bb
64860universal peripheral interface	JT0K	2
64861universal peripheral interface chip	JT1A	9
64862universal postal union	JT19	u
64863universal postprocessor	JT2r	BC
64864universal power supply	JT3t	p
64865universal procedure oriented language	JT4W	BG
64866universal processing system	JT6O	z
64867universal processor	JT7B	r
64868universal product code	JT7s	/
64869universal program	JT8r	f
64870universal program development system	JT9K	BI
64871universal programming language	JT+S	4
64872universal prom programmer	JT/K	BP
64873universal property	JUAZ	g
64874universal proposition	JUA5	j
64875universal quantification	JUBc	3
64876universal quantifier	JUCT	i
64877universal radar signal processor	JUC1	BC
64878universal real type	JUD3	n
64879universal relation	JUFA	g
64880universal relation assumption	JUFg	u
64881universal relation model	JUGO	p
64882universal series regulator	JUG3	BS
64883universal service order code	JUIJ	BM
64884universal set	JUJV	s
64885universal simulator	JUKB	k
64886universal software interface	JUKl	BI
64887universal specialization	JULt	m
64888universal specialization reasoning	JUMT	BK
64889universal structural analysis service	JUNd	BI
64890universal symbol	JUOl	e
64891universal synchronous receiver	JUPD	BP
64892universal synchronous receivertransmitter	JUQS	Bm
64893universal tape processor	JUR4	z
64894universal test equipment complier	JUTe	BG
64895universal time	JUUk	BE
64896universal torn tape system	JUWO	4
64897universal transistor	JUXG	l
64898universal tree domain	JUYk	u
64899universal turing machine	JUaI	6
64900universality	JUbC	X
64901universally quantified variable	JUbZ	2
64902universally valid premise	JUcP	t
64903universe	JUc8	v
64904universe of admissible patterns	JUdr	BH
64905universe of discourse	JUey	o
64906universe set	JUfa	U
64907universe time	JUfu	m
64908university	JUgU	X
64909university computing company	JUgr	0
64910university of california at los angeles	JUhf	BV
64911university of manchester regional computer center	JUi0	Bh
64912university of toronto electronic computer	JUlg	BO
64913university of washington basic interpretive compil	JUmu	Bk
64914university of waterloo cobol	JUoS	BQ
64915university of waterloo fortran	JUpi	BE
64916univolume	JUqm	R
64917univolume file	JUq3	c
64918uniwafer	JUrT	T
64919uniwave signalling	JUrm	j
64920unix	JUsJ	o
64921unix application	JUsx	m
64922unix c shell	JUtX	i
64923unix file access	JUt5	i
64924unix filing system	JUub	k
64925unix network	JUu/	Y
64926unix software	JUvX	Z
64927unix system command	JUvw	l
64928unix system v core package	JUwV	6
64929unix time sharing system	JUxP	q
64930unjustified	JUyg	n
64931unjustified tape	JUzH	k
64932unjustified text	JUzr	BJ
64933unknown character	JU00	f
64934unknown parameter	JU1T	f
64935unknown periodic component	JU1y	u
64936unknown quantity	JU2g	b
64937unknown state	JU27	b
64938unknown station	JU3W	a
64939unlabelled	JU3w	Y
64940unlabelled common block	JU4I	x
64941unlabelled compound statement	JU45	0
64942unlabelled input file	JU5t	s
64943unlabelled magnetic tape	JU6Z	p
64944unlabelled multireel file	JU7C	w
64945unlabelled statement	JU7y	l
64946unlike dislocation	JU8X	g
64947unlikely event	JU83	i
64948unlimited	JU9Z	l
64949unlink	JU9+	1
64950unlink system call	JU+z	m
64951unload	JU/Z	BJ
64952unload button	JVAi	c
64953unload data base	JVA+	h
64954unload data set	JVBf	5
64955unload pointer	JVCY	BG
64956unload time chain	JVDe	3
64957unloaded	JVEV	e
64958unloaded version	JVEz	e
64959unloading	JVFR	x
64960unloading foreground job	JVGC	s
64961unloading system job	JVGu	o
64962unloading tape	JVHW	c
64963unlock	JVHy	s
64964unlock statement	JVIe	s
64965unlocked resource	JVJK	t
64966unlocking escape	JVJ3	r
64967unmagnetized region	JVKi	h
64968unmanned aerospace surveillance	JVLD	BR
64969unmanned factory	JVMU	e
64970unmanned multifunction satellite	JVMy	3
64971unmanned sensing satellite system	JVNp	7
64972unmapped address space	JVOk	t
64973unmapped conversation	JVPR	p
64974unmapped memory	JVP6	j
64975unmapped physical storage	JVQd	z
64976unmapped system	JVRQ	g
64977unmarked area	JVRw	b
64978unmarked list node	JVSL	6
64979unmarked nonterminal	JVTF	o
64980unmarked stack frame	JVTt	r
64981unmask	JVUY	f
64982unmask state	JVU3	d
64983unmasking	JVVU	2
64984unmatch	JVWK	l
64985unmatched record	JVWv	e
64986unmodified instruction	JVXN	q
64987unmodulated	JVX3	Z
64988unmovable data set	JVYQ	m
64989unnamed block data subprogram	JVY2	3
64990unnaming	JVZt	W
64991unnested version	JVaD	h
64992unnormalized floating add	JVak	7
64993unnormalized floating devide	JVbf	+
64994unnormalized floating multiply	JVcd	BA
64995unnormalized floating subtract	JVdd	BA
64996unnormalized number	JVed	y
64997unnumbered acknowledge	JVfP	7
64998unnumbered acknowledgement	JVgK	r
64999unnumbered frame	JVg1	e
65000unnumbered information frame	JVhT	5
65001unnumbered information frame	JViM	w
65002unnumbered response	JVi8	k
65003unoccupied time	JVjg	x
65004unoptimizable	JVkR	v
65005unordered	JVlA	U
65006unordered file	JVlU	c
65007unordered queue	JVlw	d
65008unordered table	JVmN	a
65009unpack	JVmn	BO
65010unpack procedure	JVn1	e
65011unpacked	JVoT	n
65012unpacked decimal	JVo6	4
65013unpacked decimal notation	JVpy	2
65014unpacked format	JVqo	g
65015unpacked rounded floating point package	JVrI	BQ
65016unpacked structured type	JVsY	v
65017unpacking instructions	JVtH	k
65018unpage segment	JVtr	m
65019unpaired rank test	JVuR	m
65020unperforated tape	JVu3	i
65021unplanned component issue	JVvZ	z
65022unplanned issue	JVwM	g
65023unpredicatable result	JVws	s
65024unprinted dot	JVxY	x
65025unprocessed	JVyJ	W
65026unprotect field	JVyf	g
65027unprotected dynamic storage	JVy/	1
65028unprotected field	JVz0	BB
65029unprotected link	JV01	h
65030unprotected storage	JV1W	n
65031unqualified call	JV19	h
65032unqualified segment search argument	JV2e	9
65033unreachable code	JV3b	n
65034unreachable node	JV4C	h
65035unreachable nonterminal	JV4j	0
65036unreadable signal	JV5X	8
65037unrecognizable character	JV6T	s
65038unrecoverable abend	JV6/	t
65039unrecoverable error	JV7s	7
65040unrecoverable parity error	JV8n	3
65041unreduced matrix	JV9e	k
65042unreducible expression	JV+C	t
65043unreferenced field	JV+v	m
65044unregister	JV/V	r
65045unregulated	JWAA	f
65046unreliable	JWAf	s
65047unreliable process	JWBL	j
65048unrepeatable read	JWBu	i
65049unresolved reference report	JWCQ	1
65050unresolved sequential prime inplicant form	JWDF	BH
65051unrestricted digital information	JWEM	6
65052unrestricted random sampling	JWFG	z
65053unrestricted variable	JWF5	m
65054unrooted tree	JWGf	Y
65055unrounded	JWG3	X
65056unsafe region	JWHO	b
65057unsafe reset	JWHp	d
65058unsample	JWIG	p
65059unsatisfiability	Hvgn	j
65060unsatisfiability	JWIv	h
65061unsatisfied external	JWJQ	r
65062unsatisfied forward reference	JWJ7	0
65063unsaturated edge	JWKv	e
65064unsaturated logic circuit	JWLN	w
65065unsaturated mode circuit	JWL9	s
65066unsaturated tree	JWMp	e
65067unsave	JWNH	O
65068unscheduled maintenance	JE4+	u
65069unscheduled maintenance	JWNV	Bm
65070unscheduled maintenance time	JWO7	z
65071unscheduled open order summary records	JWPu	BM
65072unscrambled method	JWQ6	r
65073unscrambled order	JWRl	i
65074unscrambling	JWSH	a
65075unscrew	JWSh	S
65076unsegmented external file	JWSz	w
65077unselected core	JWTj	d
65078unsensible	JWUA	Y
65079unsent	JWUY	O
65080unseparated subprogram definitions	JWUm	/
65081unserviceable	JWVl	BW
65082unset	JWW7	t
65083unshaded region	JWXo	o
65084unshared structure	JWYQ	0
65085unsharp image	JWZE	p
65086unshift	JWZt	z
65087unshift on space	JWag	h
65088unshuffle	JWbB	k
65089unshuffle interconnection	JWbl	n
65090unsigned integer	JWct	h
65091unsigned integer conversion	JWdO	y
65092unsigned number	JWeA	g
65093unsigned real	JWeg	e
65094unsigned type	JWe+	b
65095unsimplified chinese character	JWfZ	p
65096unslotted protocol	JWgC	j
65097unsolder	JWgl	Y
65098unsolicited data	JWg9	h
65099unsolicited message	JWh0	7
65100unsolvability	JWiv	b
65101unsolvable labeling procedure	JWjK	0
65102unsolvable node	JWj+	g
65103unsorted table	JWke	q
65104unspanned record	JWlI	v
65105unspecified bounds	JWl3	g
65106unstability	JWmX	Z
65107unstable equilibrium	JWmw	l
65108unstable state	JWnV	f
65109unstable systems	JWn0	h
65110unstack	JWoV	V
65111unstarred nonterminal	JWoq	0
65112unsteadiness	JWpe	a
65113unsteady state	JWp4	c
65114unstratified language	JWqU	3
65115unstring	JWrL	Q
65116unstring statement	JWrb	g
65117unstructured	JWr7	d
65118unstructured data item	JWsY	q
65119unsubscripted variable name	JWtC	v
65120unsubstantiated hypothesis	JWtx	x
65121unsuccessful execution	JWui	q
65122unsuccessfule call	JWvM	j
65123unsuitable value	JWvv	l
65124unsupervised classification	JWwU	v
65125unsupported category	JWxD	l
65126unsuppressible literal	JWxo	q
65127unsymmetrical	JWyS	v
65128unsymmetrical balance	JWzB	y
65129unsymmetry	JWzz	j
65130unterminated line	JW0W	w
65131unthread	JW1G	e
65132until clause	JW1k	k
65133until control structure	JW2I	1
65134until further notice	JW29	BA
65135until further notice	JW39	v
65136until iteration structure	JW4s	6
65137until structure	JW5m	q
65138untranslated program segment	JW6Q	z
65139untranslated storage	JW7D	o
65140untrue	JW7r	e
65141untyped language	JW8J	k
65142unused	JE5s	U
65143unused bit	JW8t	g
65144unused capacity	JW9N	j
65145unused code	JW9w	y
65146unused command	JW+i	4
65147unused command check	JW/a	o
65148unused time	JXAC	4
65149unused word	JXA6	W
65150unusual end of program	JXBQ	BF
65151unusual event recording system	JXCV	9
65152unvisited vertices	JXDS	n
65153unwanted signal	JXD5	BC
65154unwanted string	JXE7	0
65155unwatched	JXFv	l
65156unwind	JXG8	BS
65157unwind the call stack	JXIO	p
65158up	BF3l	Q
65159up	CD9y	T
65160up	CU3n	Q
65161up	CVEN	V
65162up	CWh+	W
65163up	DKkf	K
65164up	DO1u	N
65165up	DPtt	N
65166up	DY1m	Z
65167up	Db01	N
65168up	E14d	T
65169up	E4da	T
65170up	E6kG	K
65171up	ExN/	W
65172up	F1A2	K
65173up	FHgU	V
65174up	FISK	Q
65175up	FVg+	f
65176up	FXXn	Q
65177up	GVaW	Q
65178up	H4/X	Q
65179up	HFan	T
65180up	HI+Q	d
65181up	HSr5	Q
65182up	HZJ7	T
65183up	HhNn	K
65184up	ICNC	k
65185up	ILu6	Q
65186up	INWA	e
65187up	Ieaa	S
65188up	IrP/	Q
65189up	IvQ8	K
65190up	JE1Q	Q
65191up	JE6A	Q
65192up	JXI3	Z
65193up	Jnjw	N
65194up	UFH	Q
65195up	Zrq	Q
65196up analysis	BF31	f
65197up and down propagation time	JXJQ	2
65198up approach	BF4U	c
65199up base	Gcme	b
65200up battery	x7T	Y
65201up bit	x7r	R
65202up bonding	DEo2	V
65203up capability	x78	b
65204up character	JdBG	a
65205up circuit	x8X	Y
65206up command	FHgp	Y
65207up communication processor	x8v	x
65208up connection	BLLW	V
65209up control	Db1C	Y
65210up converter	JXKG	u
65211up counter	IqXs	b
65212up curve	BLAu	W
65213up data link	JXK0	k
65214up date	Db1a	V
65215up date shortage	Db1v	k
65216up design	BF4w	d
65217up development	BF5N	l
65218up diagram	Ieas	j
65219up digital computer	x9g	u
65220up disk	x+O	V
65221up error	IebP	k
65222up fashion	BF5y	n
65223up feed	DEpL	P
65224up file	Db2T	S
65225up file	IdEM	v
65226up grammar	CS6o	n
65227up hierarchy	FISa	g
65228up hierarchy	Fgs3	g
65229up hub	IwUN	R
65230up implementation	BF6Z	l
65231up instruction	FHhB	c
65232up instruction	IvRG	c
65233up integration	BF6+	i
65234up job	Gd7r	X
65235up job	Iebz	U
65236up level	JXLY	T
65237up line	CVEi	Y
65238up menu	HhNx	o
65239up method	BF7g	a
65240up method	x+j	U
65241up motor	IwUe	T
65242up parameter	IecH	a
65243up parse	BF76	c
65244up parsing	BF8W	e
65245up parsing in production language	BF80	BH
65246up period	JdSZ	U
65247up potentiometer	Db2l	h
65248up procedure	IdE7	0
65249up procedure	Iech	o
65250up program	IvRi	Y
65251up protection	x+3	b
65252up recognizer	BF97	n
65253up record	E4dt	X
65254up reel	IwUx	V
65255up reference station	x/S	l
65256up register	IedJ	c
65257up resistor	HtjM	Z
65258up routine	FHhd	Y
65259up routine	IvR6	Y
65260up rule	GMAR	b
65261up search	BF+i	d
65262up sequence	BK6F	Z
65263up service	Iedl	i
65264up servo	Db3G	c
65265up spool	IwVG	T
65266up station	FRHj	b
65267up store	x/3	Z
65268up strategy	BF+/	f
65269up symbol	JXLr	U
65270up syntax analysis	BF/e	s
65271up system	CVE6	X
65272up system	yAQ	X
65273up table	FBCl	T
65274up table	FHh1	T
65275up table	Ja1I	r
65276up table technique	FHiI	g
65277up tape	yAn	S
65278up technique	IvSS	a
65279up terminal line	CVFR	n
65280up test	BIXi	V
65281up test	E4eE	V
65282up testing	BGAK	e
65283up time	BK6e	V
65284up time	BLLr	V
65285up time	FJE/	e
65286up time	FVhd	i
65287up time	G3Yj	e
65288up time	HFBn	b
65289up time	IeeH	j
65290up time	JXL/	V
65291up time	JdSt	V
65292up trunk	yA5	Z
65293up uniprocessing	JXMU	k
65294up waiting	JdBg	Y
65295updatable microfiche	JXTc	u
65296update	JXUK	o
65297update attribute	JXUy	e
65298update authority	JXVQ	e
65299update center	JXVu	b
65300update control list	JXWJ	o
65301update cursor	JXWx	b
65302update data	JXXM	n
65303update file	JXXz	n
65304update intent	JXYa	b
65305update level	JXY1	a
65306update load	JXZP	Z
65307update lock	JXZo	W
65308update lock state	Ig0V	1
65309update lock state	Igy5	r
65310update operation	JXZ+	e
65311update option	JXac	i
65312update program	Fd1c	l
65313update register edit list report	JXa+	BA
65314update rights	JXb+	b
65315update synchronization	JXcZ	n
65316update transaction	JXdA	q
65317update usage mode	JXdq	5
65318update use mode	JXej	j
65319updated	JXfk	S
65320updated collision count	JXf2	r
65321updated file	JXgh	X
65322updated parameter	JXg4	f
65323updater	JXh2	S
65324updating	JXiI	Q
65325updating algorithm	JXiY	j
65326updating and file maintenance	JXi7	0
65327updating formula	JXjv	e
65328updating program	JXkN	s
65329updating routing table	JXk5	x
65330updown binary counter	JXSs	w
65331updown traverse of the arm	JXlq	o
65332updown turning of the arm	JXmS	n
65333upgrade	JXm5	r
65334upgrade set	JXnk	W
65335upgraded	DNyN	c
65336upkeep	JXn6	W
65337upline dump	JXoQ	Z
65338upline dumping	JXop	c
65339upline facility	JXpF	d
65340uplink	JXpi	BH
65341upload	JXqp	O
65342upper acceptance value	JXq3	n
65343upper accumulator	JXre	l
65344upper and lower case	JXsD	BI
65345upper band	JXtL	Z
65346upper bound	JXtk	j
65347upper bound of information translation amount	JXuH	BK
65348upper bound symbol	JXvR	g
65349upper byte	JXvx	b
65350upper case	JXwM	BT
65351upper control	JXxf	i
65352upper control limit	JXyB	z
65353upper curtate	JXy0	BS
65354upper dead center	JX0G	5
65355upper dimension bound	JX0/	g
65356upper layer	JX1f	T
65357upper layer protocol	JX1y	i
65358upper left corner cut card	JX2U	r
65359upper level switching center	JX2/	w
65360upper limit	JX3v	W
65361upper limit rule	JX4F	e
65362upper midwest automated clearing house association	JX4j	Bi
65363upper print line	JX6F	s
65364upper shift	JX6x	W
65365upper state	JX7w	T
65366upper track	JX8D	T
65367upper triangular matrix	JX8W	o
65368upper way computer	JX8+	p
65369upper window edge	JX9n	f
65370upper window edge allocated to the peer entity	JX+G	BU
65371upper window open state	JX/a	r
65372uppercase	JYAb	i
65373upset	JYA9	d
65374upstop	JYBm	f
65375upstream	JYCF	Q
65376upstroke	JYCV	Q
65377uptime	JYCl	8
65378upward compatibility	JYDh	l
65379upward compatible	JYEG	i
65380upward multiplexing	JYEo	h
65381upward reference	JYFJ	e
65382upwind difference formula	JYGH	t
65383urban and regional information systems association	JYG0	Bb
65384urban management information system	JYIP	BC
65385urban traffic control system	JYJR	7
65386urgency communication	JYKM	j
65387urgent interrupt	JYKv	e
65388us	JYLN	K
65389us federation of information users	DrfL	BD
65390us federation of information users	JYLX	BD
65391usability	JYMa	U
65392usability test	JYMu	f
65393usable area	JYNN	d
65394usable direction	JYNq	e
65395usable form	FNaP	f
65396usable logic block	JYOI	n
65397usable time	JYOv	c
65398usage	JKRo	T
65399usage	JYPL	r
65400usage alert	JYP2	Z
65401usage clause	JYQP	o
65402usage cost month or period to date	JYQ3	BL
65403usage lock	JYSC	Y
65404usage mode	JYSa	0
65405usage sencitive pricing	JYTO	v
65406usasi basic fortran	JYT9	1
65407usasi fortran	JYUy	p
65408use	Cycz	R
65409use	D7s6	L
65410use	F+Vr	O
65411use	JYVb	e
65412use attribute	JYV5	b
65413use chaining channel	F+V5	r
65414use clause	JYWU	Y
65415use count	JYWs	X
65416use definition chaining equations	JYXD	BC
65417use information	GY94	j
65418use mnemonics	F+Wk	i
65419use of entry attribute	JYYF	q
65420use ratio	E4eZ	d
65421use statement	JYYv	b
65422use system interface	D2aB	0
65423usec	JYaJ	M
65424used	CyBi	Y
65425used	ExEP	c
65426used	Imif	S
65427used	Jf6+	M
65428used	JkIq	V
65429used area	JYaV	U
65430used bit	JYap	W
65431used by item wo components	CyB6	+
65432used by vendor	CyC4	x
65433used data	Dl/o	X
65434used entries	JYa/	a
65435used index	F7De	h
65436used pegging	Jf7K	d
65437used replacement algorithm	ExEr	BA
65438used stack distance	ExFr	2
65439used system program	Bj2m	s
65440useful life span	JYbZ	e
65441user	F+XG	p
65442user	JYb3	X
65443user account	JYcO	o
65444user accounting table	JYc2	q
65445user action frame	JYdg	i
65446user action routine	JYeC	BF
65447user agent	JYfH	e
65448user area	JYfl	X
65449user area profile	JYf8	s
65450user attribute	JYgo	c
65451user attribute data set	JYhE	z
65452user authorization file	JYh3	u
65453user basic	F+Xv	g
65454user batch job	JYil	l
65455user benefit analysis	JYjK	p
65456user block handling routine	JYjz	Bk
65457user buffer	JYlX	BV
65458user call	JbN8	g
65459user calling pattern	JYms	o
65460user catalog	JYnU	a
65461user circuit	C8ev	g
65462user class identifier	JYnu	BQ
65463user class job	JYo+	f
65464user class of service	JYpd	9
65465user class restructure	JYqa	u
65466user class service	JYrI	0
65467user cluster language	JYr8	v
65468user completion code	JYsr	l
65469user computing	CydE	i
65470user control block table	JYtQ	z
65471user control store	JYuD	x
65472user controlled searching	JYu0	t
65473user coordinate	JYvh	d
65474user correlator	JYv+	j
65475user created library	JYwh	y
65476user data base management system	F+YP	BA
65477user data flow architecture	F+ZP	4
65478user data record	JYxT	n
65479user data set	JYx6	e
65480user default device	JYyY	q
65481user defined job control language	JYzC	BB
65482user defined key	JY0D	o
65483user defined keyword	JY0r	u
65484user definition area	JY1Z	r
65485user definition file	JY2E	r
65486user definition utility	JY2v	0
65487user design command	JY3j	n
65488user designation code	JY4K	p
65489user designation codes	JY4z	u
65490user dictionary	JY5h	d
65491user directory	JY5+	j
65492user disk	JY6h	z
65493user driven operation	JY7U	v
65494user entry time	JY8m	j
65495user environment	F+aH	h
65496user environment	JY9J	e
65497user environment test package	JY9n	BF
65498user equipment	JY+s	f
65499user exit	JY/L	X
65500user exit routine	JY/i	BC
65501user facility	JZAk	z
65502user file directory	JZBX	BJ
65503user font utility	JZCg	x
65504user friendly	JZDR	1
65505user friendly interface	JZEG	BG
65506user friendly system	JZFM	o
65507user graphic file	JZF0	l
65508user group	JZGZ	j
65509user group table	JZG8	i
65510user guides	JZHe	Z
65511user header label	JZH3	Bp
65512user hold status	JZJg	k
65513user identification	JZLZ	BA
65514user identification and verification	JZMZ	7
65515user identification code	JZNU	BE
65516user identifier	JZOY	3
65517user information throughput	JZPP	y
65518user input area	JZQB	g
65519user interaction analysis	JZQh	6
65520user interface	JZRb	BJ
65521user interface architecture	JZSk	v
65522user interface level	JbOc	u
65523user interface tailoring	JZTT	w
65524user interrupt	JZUD	c
65525user interrupt service routine	JZUf	BC
65526user io device	JZKE	u
65527user io mode	JZKy	n
65528user job	JZVh	W
65529user journal	JZV3	a
65530user key	JZWR	Z
65531user label	JZWq	m
65532user label exit routine	JZXQ	Bf
65533user language	JZYv	e
65534user language1	JZZN	k
65535user layer	JZZx	b
65536user level protocol	JZaM	k
65537user library	JZaw	8
65538user line	JZbs	X
65539user logoff	JZcD	Z
65540user logon	JZcc	Y
65541user loop	JZc0	X
65542user main storage map	JZdL	p
65543user map	JZd0	h
65544user mapping mode	JZeV	l
65545user master catalog	JZe6	k
65546user memory	JZfe	c
65547user message table	JZf6	j
65548user microprogrammability	JZgd	z
65549user microprogrammable system	JZhQ	6
65550user microprogrammer processor	JZiK	+
65551user microprogramming	JZjI	s
65552user mode	JZj0	BE
65553user model	JZk4	m
65554user module	Cydm	f
65555user module	JZle	e
65556user name	JZl8	l
65557user network control machine	JZmh	4
65558user node interface	JZnZ	n
65559user number	JZoA	q
65560user of automatic information display equipment	JZoq	BV
65561user of interactive system	JZp/	u
65562user operated language	JZqt	q
65563user operated table	JZrX	k
65564user operating system	F+bG	s
65565user operation	F+by	v
65566user option	JZr7	c
65567user options	JZsX	d
65568user oriented time sharing languages	JZs0	BB
65569user overlay	JZt1	a
65570user own coding	JZuP	9
65571user owncode interface	JZvM	w
65572user partition	JZv8	c
65573user password	JZwY	v
65574user performance	JZxH	y
65575user port	JZx5	U
65576user preference	JZyN	x
65577user privileges	JZy+	u
65578user process	JZzs	j
65579user process interface	JZ0P	q
65580user process table	JZ05	n
65581user profile	JZ1g	Bd
65582user profile table	JZ29	+
65583user program	JZ37	r
65584user program area	JZ4m	i
65585user program library	JZ5I	l
65586user program size	JZ5t	l
65587user program status display	JZ6S	6
65588user program structure	JZ7M	q
65589user program verification facility	JZ72	BB
65590user programming language	JZ83	3
65591user prompts	JZ9u	a
65592user queue	JZ+I	b
65593user queue table	JZ+j	l
65594user readiness	JZ/I	i
65595user request system service	JZ/q	1
65596user requirements analysis	JaAf	y
65597user requirements data base	JaBR	3
65598user requirements language	JaCI	BG
65599user routine bound unit	JaDO	7
65600user routine root	JaEJ	z
65601user routine table	JaE8	t
65602user security verification routine	JaFp	BG
65603user selectable configuration	JaGv	x
65604user sequence	JaHg	e
65605user service	JaH+	k
65606user service class	JaIi	m
65607user service routine buffer area	JaJI	BH
65608user set	JaKP	T
65609user side	JaKi	b
65610user signal	JYZt	c
65611user slave job	JaK9	i
65612user space	JaLf	Y
65613user specification file	JaL3	r
65614user stack	JaMi	Y
65615user stack pointer	JaM6	+
65616user state	JaN4	Y
65617user status monitoring	JaOQ	q
65618user status table	JaO6	i
65619user supplied personal language	JaPc	8
65620user support software	JaQY	p
65621user survey	JaRB	n
65622user symbolic debugger	F+ch	z
65623user system behavior	JaRo	o
65624user system emulation	JaSQ	t
65625user system evaluator	JaS9	6
65626user task	JaT3	o
65627user task scheduling	JaUf	o
65628user terminal	JaV0	BO
65629user time	JaXC	X
65630user total exit routine	JaXu	4
65631user trailer label	JaYm	BE
65632user transaction processing routine	JaZq	BD
65633user transducer	Jaat	g
65634user transient program	JabN	q
65635user trap address	Jab3	l
65636user trap facility	Jacc	m
65637user utility	JadC	j
65638user utility program	Jadl	o
65639user validation	JaeN	g
65640user validation scheme	Jaet	+
65641user virtual address space	Jafr	BR
65642user virtual memory buffer address	Jag8	BC
65643user volume	Jah+	u
65644user volume header label	Jais	x
65645user word	Jajd	f
65646user work area	Jaj8	f
65647user working area	Jakb	6
65648user workspace	JalV	l
65649user writer	Jal6	BV
65650user written program	JanP	o
65651userid	JbRB	a
65652username	JbRb	Z
65653users group	JbR0	W
65654users interface programming	JbSK	2
65655users test	JbTA	h
65656usersystem interface	JbQU	t
65657usual arithmetic conversions	JbTh	w
65658utilities	JbUR	X
65659utilities program product	JbUo	z
65660utilities system	JbVb	e
65661utilities telecommunications council	JbV5	BF
65662utility	H9pz	V
65663utility	JbW+	Bd
65664utility  program	JbYb	g
65665utility checker	JbY7	k
65666utility compiler	JbZf	o
65667utility control console	JbaH	BU
65668utility control facility	Jbbb	Ba
65669utility control statement	Jbc1	z
65670utility data reduction	Jbdo	BM
65671utility data reduction output	Jbe0	BG
65672utility data retrieval output	Jbf6	8
65673utility debug	Jbg2	h
65674utility definition specification	JbhX	BF
65675utility definition specifications	Jbic	/
65676utility facilities program	Jbjb	Bm
65677utility function	JblB	k
65678utility modifier statement	Jbll	0
65679utility package	JbmZ	x
65680utility program	JbnK	5
65681utility programmer	JboD	6
65682utility ratio	Jbo9	j
65683utility routine	Jbpg	/
65684utility session	Jbqf	d
65685utility software	Jbq8	e
65686utility system	Jbra	c
65687utility tape processor	Jbr2	x
65688utility theory	Jbsn	c
65689utility time	JbtD	a
65690utility unit	Jbtd	2
65691utilization	JbuT	y
65692utilization factor	JbvF	u
65693utilization logger system	Jbvz	BE
65694utilization ratio	Jbw3	c
65695utilized bandwidth ratio	JbxT	p
65696utmost	Jbx8	n
65697uviol glass	Jbyj	z
65698v format	JbzW	S
65699v response	Jbzo	U
65700vacuum column	Jb1Q	Y
65701vacuum tube	Jb1o	W
65702valid reference	GaR7	d
65703validating code	IQib	g
65704validation	Jb1+	S
65705validation characters	DNyp	p
65706validation stages	Jb2Q	f
65707validity	Jb2v	T
65708validity check	Jb3C	f
65709valley ratio	HUB7	Y
65710valley semiconductor	FY26	BB
65711valley theory	FY37	b
65712value	Jb3h	K
65713value analysis	Jb3r	c
65714value compilation	IwMU	i
65715value criterion	DXDm	g
65716value engineering	Jb4H	f
65717value field	Jb4m	T
65718value logic	JCAT	Z
65719value oprand	F+dU	d
65720value oprand	Imy7	d
65721value pairs	jby	h
65722value parameter	Jb45	d
65723value period	Du5F	X
65724value problem	BGc6	e
65725value problem	JBNk	h
65726value relationship	Jb5W	g
65727value simulation	JCAs	e
65728value theorem	IIKK	h
65729valued logic	GL0J	n
65730valued objective	CbAh	n
65731valued switching theory	GL0w	r
65732valued system	E437	k
65733valued variable	JKzs	d
65734variable	C64g	c
65735variable	Jb52	Q
65736variable address	Jb6G	e
65737variable connector	Jb6k	j
65738variable factor programming	Jb7H	z
65739variable function generator	Jb76	y
65740variable information processing	Jb8s	3
65741variable length	Jb9j	d
65742variable length attribute list	Jb+A	1
65743variable length character encoding	Jb+1	8
65744variable logic	Jb/x	c
65745variable multiplier	JcAN	h
65746variable point	JcAu	Z
65747variable pointer list	JcBH	m
65748variable programming	F+dx	v
65749variable system	FY4W	g
65750variable type	FAzU	h
65751variant counter	F+eg	n
65752variant part of a record	JcGj	1
65753variant series	JFx/	i
65754varied gain	JFyh	d
65755varying single	JFy+	c
65756vector device	F+fH	e
65757vector device handler	F+fl	y
65758vector interrupt	GeMR	h
65759vector processor	JcHY	h
65760veitch diagram	JcH5	Z
65761velocity servo	JcIS	c
65762velocity servointegrator gear	JcIu	7
65763venn diagram	JcJp	X
65764ventilation	IQi7	l
65765venture analysis	JcKA	e
65766verbal communication	GeMy	4
65767verifer	JcKe	d
65768verification	JcK7	U
65769verification	sWx	h
65770verify	JcLP	W
65771vertical data processing	JcLl	w
65772vertical magnetic recording	JcMV	v
65773vertical tabulation character	JcNE	0
65774very large scale integration	JcN4	4
65775vesolution	H2+G	Y
65776vestigial sideband	JJgV	j
65777vibrator	JOon	T
65778video lottery terminal	JcQD	u
65779video tape	JcQx	Y
65780viewport	JhW2	W
65781violative operation	JcRJ	k
65782virgin medium	JcRt	b
65783virgin paper	Iw8c	d
65784virtual address	JcSI	a
65785virtual addressing	JcSi	g
65786virtual data	JcTC	X
65787virtual domainfield	JcTZ	f
65788virtual goal records	JcT4	l
65789virtual io instruction	JcUd	o
65790virtual key	JcVF	W
65791virtual machine	JcVb	d
65792virtual memory	JcV4	f
65793virtual memory system	JcWX	s
65794virtual pairing	JcXD	a
65795virtual segment	JcXd	X
65796virtual storage access method	JcX0	5
65797virtual storage technology	JcYt	u
65798virtual system	JcZb	Z
65799virtualizing	IQjg	l
65800virtualizing machine	IQkF	i
65801visible file	JcZ0	X
65802visual	JcaL	O
65803visual	j/T	O
65804visual display terminal	JcaZ	o
65805visual scanner	JcbB	f
65806visual system	CpdC	y
65807visual unit	LAQ	r
65808vocabulary	Jcbg	S
65809vocabulary control	Jcby	g
65810vocoder	ISL7	V
65811voice	JccS	N
65812voice band	Jccf	V
65813voice channel	Jcc0	b
65814voice frequency	JcdP	X
65815voice synthesizer	HZYl	i
65816voice unit	Jcdm	Y
65817void	JchW	M
65818volatile	Jchi	T
65819volatile memory	GeNq	4
65820volatile memory	Jch1	j
65821volatile semiconductor memory	GeOi	9
65822volatile storage	JciY	k
65823volt	Csvv	X
65824voltage	H54P	Y
65825voltage drain current	JqZm	u
65826voltage regulation	Jci8	g
65827voltage state	FKqj	e
65828volume	F+gX	R
65829volume	I+FC	U
65830volume	Jcjc	T
65831volume file	GGJq	c
65832volume header	JckY	h
65833volume header lable	Jcjv	p
65834volume label	6KI	d
65835volume table of contents	Jck5	r
65836volume test	Jclk	n
65837volume unit	JcmL	c
65838voting circuit	Jcmn	c
65839vulnerability	JcnD	Y
65840w branching process	I/2Q	BB
65841wadkin automatic remote processor accessed via ter	JcoP	CT
65842wafer	Jcqi	7
65843wafer bonder	Jcrd	o
65844wafer fabrication	JcsF	f
65845wafer process control system	Jcsk	BQ
65846wafer processing	Jct0	e
65847wafer silicon integration	JcuS	z
65848wafering	JcvF	Q
65849waffle iron memory	JcvV	s
65850waffle pack	JcwB	c
65851wage	Jcwd	M
65852wages accounting	Jcwp	s
65853wait	JcxV	n
65854wait acknowledge	Jcx8	u
65855wait aroq	Iqmn	m
65856wait arq	IqnN	e
65857wait before transmit positive acknowledgment	Jcyq	BU
65858wait condition	Jcz+	q
65859wait for interrupt	Jc0o	k
65860wait io processing	GaSY	t
65861wait io processing	Jc1M	t
65862wait list	Jc15	U
65863wait loop	Jc2N	l
65864wait message send request	GaTF	z
65865wait phase	Jc2y	Y
65866wait procedure	Iqnr	f
65867wait run request	GaT4	k
65868wait state	Jc3K	m
65869wait time	Jc3w	X
65870waiting	Jc6n	P
65871waiting before transmission	Jc62	w
65872waiting facilities	Jc7m	g
65873waiting indicator	Fpcq	0
65874waiting indicator	Jc8G	l
65875waiting line model	Jc8r	g
65876waiting line theory	Jc9L	h
65877waiting lines	Jc9s	V
65878waiting list	Jc+B	i
65879waiting loop	Jc+j	a
65880waiting period	Jc+9	Z
65881waiting state	Jc/W	b
65882waiting time	Jc/x	o
65883wake	JdA6	M
65884wakeup waiting bit	JdB4	m
65885walk	H2lv	S
65886walk	JdCe	c
65887walk method	H2mB	c
65888walk through	JdC6	x
65889walkie talkie	JdDr	i
65890walking pattern	JdFB	y
65891wall energy	JdFz	W
65892wall receptacle	JdGJ	g
65893wall state	JdGp	Y
65894wallace add tree	JdHB	k
65895walsh transform subroutine	JdHl	+
65896wand	JdJZ	j
65897wand reader	JdJ8	f
65898wanding	JdKb	V
65899wang 2200 vs	JdKw	j
65900wang computer system	JdLT	v
65901wang intersystem exchange	JdMC	/
65902wang system users society	JdNB	4
65903war communications	JdN5	j
65904warehouse	JdOc	R
65905warehouse automation	JdOt	l
65906warehouse number	JdPS	e
65907warehouse stock location	JdPw	s
65908warm boot	JdQc	U
65909warm restart	JdQw	d
65910warm standby	JdRN	a
65911warm start	JdRn	j
65912warm up	JdSK	P
65913warming up	JdTC	V
65914warning	JdTX	2
65915warning circuit	JdUN	d
65916warning facilities	JdUq	g
65917warning light	JdVK	b
65918warning mark	JdVl	a
65919warning message	JdV/	r
65920warning sign	JdWq	a
65921washer	JdXE	e
65922washington academy of sciences	JdXi	BA
65923waste instruction	JdYi	q
65924waste operation	JdZM	a
65925wastebasket	JdZm	W
65926watch	Grt2	Q
65927watch continued	JdZ8	g
65928watch dog timer	Jdac	4
65929watchdog	Jdbs	T
65930watchdog subsystem	Jdb/	j
65931watchdog timer	Jdci	j
65932watchpoint	JddF	V
65933water electrolysis system	Jdda	u
65934water permanence	JdeI	b
65935watermark magnetics	Jdej	h
65936wating	JdfE	R
65937watson code	JdfV	Z
65938watt	Jdfu	u
65939wattage rating	Jdgy	c
65940wattmeter	JdhO	l
65941watts	Jdhz	N
65942wave	Du5c	M
65943wave	JdiA	J
65944wave analyzer	JdiJ	e
65945wave antenna	Jdin	a
65946wave band	JdjB	R
65947wave carrier	JdjS	U
65948wave communication	FHCC	g
65949wave detector	Jdjm	b
65950wave form	JdkB	R
65951wave form distortion	JdkS	w
65952wave form generator	JdlC	1
65953wave form moniter	Jdl3	m
65954wave function	Jdmd	Y
65955wave guide	Jdm1	o
65956wave guide filter	Jdnd	i
65957wave guide junction	Jdn/	h
65958wave guide lens	Jdog	d
65959wave guide stub	Jdo9	m
65960wave guide tee	Jdpj	b
65961wave guide transformer	Jdp+	t
65962wave interference	Jdqr	f
65963wave length	JdrK	b
65964wave mode	Jdrl	X
65965wave node	Jdr8	R
65966wave number	JdsN	d
65967wave propagation	Cp/L	l
65968wave propagation laboratory	Jdsq	2
65969wave radio	IkF+	b
65970wave rectifier	Du5o	f
65971wave shape	Jdtg	S
65972wave shaping	Jdty	a
65973wave trap	JduM	c
65974waveform	Jduo	Q
65975waveform analyzer	Jdu4	2
65976waveform coder	Jdvu	f
65977waveform digitalization	JdwN	o
65978waveform distortion	Jdw1	h
65979waveform parsing system	JdxW	y
65980waveform processing system	JdyI	y
65981waveform recording method	Jdy6	q
65982wavefront	Jdzk	c
65983wavefront reconstruction photography	Jd0A	7
65984waveguide	Jd07	U
65985waveguide communications system	Jd1P	3
65986waveguide storage	Jd2G	i
65987waveguide transmission system	Jd2o	x
65988wavelength	Jd3Z	d
65989wavelength multiplexing	Jd32	o
65990wavelet	Jd4e	X
65991waveshape	Jd41	R
65992way	Ckst	R
65993way	Ckvw	X
65994way	GwRR	V
65995way	H8st	d
65996way	ItQA	Q
65997way branch	GL1b	k
65998way chain with tail link	GwRm	1
65999way channel	GwSb	Z
66000way communication	BFug	f
66001way communication	GwS0	f
66002way connection	GwTT	c
66003way control block	Jd5G	w
66004way controlled transmission	GwTv	y
66005way finite automaton	GwUh	r
66006way infinite tape	GwVM	i
66007way input	GwVu	X
66008way input tape	GwWF	f
66009way interaction	GwWk	j
66010way junction	BFu/	a
66011way layout	GwXH	m
66012way layout	JCBK	Y
66013way line	BFvZ	W
66014way line	GwXt	k
66015way linkage	GwYR	Z
66016way logical channel incoming	GwYq	2
66017way nondeterministic nested stack automata	GwZg	BQ
66018way nondeterministic stack automaton	Gwaw	BE
66019way only operation	Gwb0	u
66020way operation	BFvv	b
66021way operation	Gwci	p
66022way pointer	GwdL	+
66023way radio equation	GweJ	p
66024way reversible operation	Gwey	Bi
66025way ring	GwgU	T
66026way selection	FY42	b
66027way selector stage indicator	EBuv	2
66028way signal	Gwgn	Y
66029way sort	Jd52	k
66030way stack	Gwg/	X
66031way stack automaton	GwhW	q
66032way station	Jd6a	u
66033way switch	GL1/	k
66034way transmission	GwiA	s
66035way trunk	Gwis	o
66036way trunk line	BFwK	f
66037weak convergence	Jd7I	b
66038weak coupling	Jd7j	Y
66039weak definition	Jd77	a
66040weak equality	Jd8V	Y
66041weak external reference	Jd8t	u
66042weak interference	Jd9b	c
66043weak magnetic substance	Jd93	2
66044weak precedence grammar	Jd+t	o
66045weak precedence parser	Jd/V	3
66046weak reciprocity	JeAM	b
66047weak reference	JeAn	Z
66048weaked connected graph	JeBA	k
66049weakest liberal precondition	JeBk	w
66050weakly connected diagraph	JeCU	t
66051weapon effect display system	JeDd	7
66052weapon system monitor	JeEY	BN
66053weapon system phase to analog recording	JeFl	BO
66054weapon system planning and control system	JeGz	BT
66055weapon system software development	JeIG	8
66056weapons delivery computer	JeJC	0
66057weapons effect buoy system	JeJ2	5
66058weapons release computer	JeKv	z
66059weapons release programmer	JeLi	1
66060weapons status digital display	JeMX	BA
66061weapons system computer	JeNX	y
66062wear	H78Z	S
66063wear	JeOJ	M
66064wear process	JeOV	a
66065wear resistance	JeOv	d
66066wear resistance tape head	JePM	q
66067weather analysis	JeQw	e
66068weather bureau area forecast center	JeRO	BG
66069weather bureau signal station	JeSU	6
66070weather center	JeTO	i
66071weather chart facsimile apparatus	JeTw	1
66072weather communications center	JeUl	1
66073weather communications problems	JeVa	5
66074weather computer	JeWT	h
66075weather controlled message	JeW0	BI
66076weather facsimile experiment	JeX8	2
66077weather facsimile network	JeYy	w
66078weather information network and display system	JeZi	B2
66079weather information remoting and display system	JebY	BY
66080weather information telemetry system	Jecw	BD
66081weather message switching center	Jedz	BZ
66082weather message switching system	JefM	/
66083weather observing and forecasting system	JegL	BH
66084weather radar data processor and analyzer	JehS	CH
66085weather records processing center	JejZ	BA
66086weather satellite data	JekZ	q
66087web	JelD	3
66088web grammar	Jel6	W
66089weber	JemQ	j
66090weber precedence relation	JiNV	1
66091wedge	JenG	d
66092wedge contact	Jenj	b
66093wedge label	Jen+	Z
66094weed	JeoX	k
66095weed out	Jeo7	g
66096wehnelt interrupter	Jepb	q
66097weibull distribution	JeqF	i
66098weierstrass condition	Jeqn	v
66099weight	JerW	Bc
66100weight data transmitter	Jesy	BM
66101weight encoder	Jet+	f
66102weight register	Jeud	g
66103weight typewriter	Fjbd	o
66104weight vector	Jeu9	m
66105weighted assignment	Jewh	h
66106weighted average	JexC	v
66107weighted bidirectional search	Jexx	x
66108weighted code	GePf	b
66109weighted code	Jeyi	Y
66110weighted coefficient	Jey6	i
66111weighted external path length	Jezc	0
66112weighted graph	Je0Q	c
66113weighted least squares	Je0s	t
66114weighted longest common subsequence	Je1Z	BA
66115weighted metric	Je2Z	d
66116weighted moving average	Je22	BZ
66117weighted path length	Je4P	8
66118weighted pushdown language	Je5L	u
66119weighted ramp generation	+xi	1
66120weighted superposition	Je55	k
66121weighted term logic	Je6d	q
66122weighted term search	Je7H	l
66123weighted value	Je7s	Z
66124weighter record analysis program	Je9C	BC
66125weighting	Je+E	p
66126weighting function method	Je+t	n
66127weighting network	Je/U	f
66128weld	Je/z	U
66129weld flange	JfAH	Z
66130welding engineering standard	JfAg	+
66131welding flux	JfBe	c
66132welfare administrative information system	JfB6	BO
66133well	JfDI	c
66134west african science association	JfN1	5
66135west star	JfOu	r
66136western airway and air communication service	JfPZ	BV
66137western association of circuit manufacturers	JfQu	BL
66138western data processing center	JfR5	9
66139western development division	JfS2	BB
66140western electric air defense engineering service	JfT3	Be
66141western electric corporation	JfVV	BF
66142western electric system test	JfWa	BF
66143western electronic show and convention	JfXf	BN
66144western electronics education fund	JfYs	BL
66145western electronics manufacturers association	JfZ3	Bs
66146western european union	Jfbj	o
66147western geeia region	JfcL	BR
66148western information network	Jfdc	BV
66149western joint computer conference	Jfex	BD
66150western programming language	Jff0	6
66151western union computer utilities	Jfgu	BW
66152western union corporation	JfiE	BF
66153western union data services corporation	JfjJ	Ba
66154western union information systems	Jfkj	BI
66155western union satellite	Jflr	y
66156western union telegraph corporation	Jfmd	BP
66157westinghouse broadcasting compnay	Jfor	5
66158westinghouse data acquisition and control	Jfpk	BN
66159westinghouse digital airborne computer	Jfqx	BJ
66160westinghouse electric corporation	Jfr6	BD
66161westinghouse electronic tubeless analog computer	Jfs9	Bf
66162westinghouse research and development center	Jfuc	BO
66163westinghouse teleprocessing interface system	Jfvq	BY
66164wet	JfxC	L
66165wet process development	JfxN	l
66166wet tumbling	Jfxy	a
66167wetted relay	Fimz	d
66168wetted relay	Fm2G	d
66169wetting	JfyM	P
66170wharton alerting network database	Jfyb	BG
66171what you see is what you get	Jfzh	BX
66172wheaton information system for education	Jf04	BH
66173wheatstone bridge	Jf1/	i
66174wheel	Jf2h	T
66175wheel assembly	HksG	f
66176wheel energy storage and attitude control	Jf20	BS
66177wheel printer	Hksl	e
66178wheel printer	Jf4G	BG
66179where used file	Jf5o	6
66180whiffletree switch	Jf7n	g
66181while	Jf8H	K
66182while box	Jf8R	U
66183while loop	Jf8l	Y
66184while schema	Jf89	a
66185while statement syntax	Jf9X	n
66186whirl	Jf9+	N
66187whirl coating	Jf+L	BC
66188whirly bird	Jf/N	v
66189whisker contact	Jf/8	a
66190white gaussian noise	JgAW	p
66191white house communication agency	JgA/	2
66192white house conference on library and information	JgB1	Be
66193white house signal support	JgDT	u
66194white indicator lamp	JgEB	p
66195white noise	JgEq	s
66196white pattern	BCA1	b
66197white plague	JgFW	U
66198white space count program	JgFq	w
66199whitespace	JgGa	S
66200whitney tape head	JgGs	l
66201whole course tracing	JgJ2	i
66202wholesale applications management system	JgKY	BK
66203wholesale inventory management system	JgLi	BE
66204whrilwind computer	JgMm	m
66205wichita automatic linear data output boeing	JgNM	Bm
66206wick	JgOy	M
66207wide	CkC0	S
66208wide	JgO+	O
66209wide application system adapter	JgPM	BC
66210wide area data service	JgQO	BD
66211wide area network	JgRR	x
66212wide area telecommunication service	JgSC	Bc
66213wide area telecommunicationstelephone service	JgTe	BN
66214wide area telephone service	JgUr	BI
66215wide area transmission system	JgVz	2
66216wide band	JgWp	j
66217wide band system	JgXM	p
66218wide belt line	JmG/	g
66219wide branching	JgX1	Z
66220wide character	JgYO	c
66221wide communications network	GNGv	Bo
66222wide coordination entity	GXv6	y
66223wide document	JgYq	Y
66224wide field optical filter	JgZC	1
66225wide line	JgaJ	U
66226wide line character	Jgad	h
66227wide pulse modulation	Jga+	m
66228wide range analog input subsystem	Jgbk	BE
66229wide range imaging spectrometer	Jgco	+
66230wide ruler	Jgdm	V
66231wide satellite observing network	JmHf	8
66232wide time	JmIb	b
66233wideband active repeater satellite	Jgkb	8
66234wideband carrier system	JglX	r
66235wideband communication system	JgmC	x
66236wideband coupler	Jgmz	l
66237wideband data	JgnY	f
66238wideband data assembly	Jgn3	5
66239wideband data line	Jgow	1
66240wideband data link	Jgpl	r
66241wideband demodulator	JgqQ	p
66242wideband exciter and processor	Jgq5	/
66243wideband laser	Jgsc	g
66244wideband limiter	Jgs8	r
66245wideband link	Jgtn	b
66246wideband multiple access	JgvJ	BA
66247wideband remote switch	JgwJ	v
66248wideband satellite delay compensation unit	Jgw4	BN
66249wideband subscriber terminal	JgyF	4
66250wideband system for acquiring and recording data	Jgy9	Bd
66251wideband transmission system	Jg0a	1
66252wideband video tape recorder	Jg1P	5
66253widening	Jg2I	Q
66254widening alter	Jg2Y	c
66255widening coercion	Jg20	s
66256widget instance	Jg3g	d
66257widow	Jg39	BW
66258widow line	Jg5T	o
66259widoworphan control lines	Jg57	u
66260width	Ci6L	N
66261width	H2C+	o
66262width	Jg6p	U
66263width coding	Jg69	a
66264width control	Jg7X	b
66265width modulation	HuQq	e
66266width slots	Jg7y	T
66267width value	Jg8F	W
66268wijngaarden grammar	Jg9A	n
66269wild card	Jg9n	U
66270wild card character	Jg97	h
66271wildcard	Jg+2	e
66272wildcard character	Jg/U	u
66273wildcard construction	JhAC	j
66274wildcard operation	JhAl	g
66275willful intercept	JhBF	7
66276williams	JKag	T
66277williams memory tube	JhCA	BE
66278williams storage tube	JhDE	BF
66279williams tube	JhEJ	Y
66280winchester	JhEh	i
66281winchester disk	FrV5	p
66282winchester disk	JhFD	BS
66283winchester disk drive	FxOB	0
66284winchester disk drive	JhGV	s
66285winchester disk technology	JhHB	0
66286winder	JhIV	c
66287winding	JhIx	d
66288winding pitch	JhJO	p
66289window	F+g9	R
66290window	JhJ3	b
66291window area	JhL/	Z
66292window block	JhMY	X
66293window clipping	JhMv	d
66294window concept	JhNM	c
66295window control block	JhNo	p
66296window coordinates	JhOR	g
66297window definition block status word	JhOx	9
66298window edge	JhPu	n
66299window frame	JhQV	U
66300window in computer graphics	JhKS	4
66301window information	JhQp	a
66302window management software	JhRD	u
66303window management system	JhRx	s
66304window memory	JBLz	e
66305window object oriented system	F+hO	6
66306window operation	JhSd	e
66307window position	JhS7	d
66308window printing	JBMR	g
66309window scale factor	JhTY	n
66310window signal	JhT/	v
66311window size	JhUu	n
66312window technique	InDp	e
66313window turning	JhVV	c
66314window viewport transformation	JhLK	1
66315windowed pattern primitive	JhYY	x
66316windowing	F+iI	a
66317windowing	JhZJ	k
66318windowing function	JhZt	j
66319windowing transformation	JhaQ	m
66320windows	Jha2	Z
66321windowviewport transformation	JhXM	BM
66322wing nut	JhbP	k
66323wing panel	Jhbz	s
66324winter convention on aerospace electronic systems	Jhc5	BY
66325wip totals sheet	JheR	k
66326wipe	Jhe1	R
66327wiper	Jhfc	BL
66328wiper seal	Jhgn	m
66329wiper switch	JhhN	o
66330wiping	Jhh1	U
66331wiping action	JhiJ	b
66332wire	IrJX	S
66333wire	Jhik	R
66334wire	ZPM	V
66335wire automated check system	Jhi1	BX
66336wire board	JhkM	V
66337wire bonding	Jhkh	w
66338wire broadcast telephone	JhlR	x
66339wire broadcast telephone exchange	JhmC	BC
66340wire cable	JhnE	j
66341wire channel	Dilu	a
66342wire channel	JK0J	a
66343wire circuit	DimI	a
66344wire circuit	JK0j	a
66345wire cirduit	Dimi	a
66346wire communication line	Jhnn	r
66347wire contact relay	JhoS	q
66348wire fault	Jho8	Y
66349wire file	JhpU	i
66350wire frame	Jhp2	S
66351wire frame representation	JhqI	7
66352wire gauge	JhrD	V
66353wire guide	JhrY	r
66354wire jumper	JhsD	e
66355wire layout	Jhsh	T
66356wire line	GyDa	U
66357wire line	ImzY	U
66358wire link	Dim8	X
66359wire list	Jhs0	f
66360wire matrix	JhtT	e
66361wire matrix printer	Jhtx	Bd
66362wire memory	HgGx	Z
66363wire memory	JhvO	1
66364wire multiplex facility	DinT	0
66365wire normal quality	HvY4	q
66366wire normal quality	HvYO	q
66367wire printer	JhwD	8
66368wire reel	Jhw/	X
66369wire repeater	DioH	e
66370wire sharing system	JhxW	n
66371wire shift register	Jhx9	u
66372wire storage	Jhyr	2
66373wire surface	Jhzh	h
66374wire system	C2Wq	f
66375wire system	C2XJ	f
66376wire system	Diol	Z
66377wire system	JCBi	W
66378wire teletype	Jh0C	p
66379wire terminating set	Dio+	l
66380wire tip	Jh0r	m
66381wire wrap	Jh1R	Z
66382wired and	Jh6C	j
66383wired back	Jh6l	Y
66384wired circuit	Jh69	e
66385wired logic	Jh7b	q
66386wired logic control	Jh8F	n
66387wired or wired and logic	Jh8s	z
66388wired program computer	Jh9f	x
66389wired remote control	Jh+Q	i
66390wired synchronization system	Jh+y	w
66391wireless bonding	JiAM	l
66392wireless data link	JiAx	w
66393wireless institute of australia	JiBh	BA
66394wireless microphone	JiCh	u
66395wireless note	JiDP	p
66396wireless order	JiD4	i
66397wireless telegraphy	JiEa	k
66398wireless terminal	JiE+	i
66399wireline modulator and demodulator	JiFg	BE
66400wiretapping	JiGk	BA
66401wiring	JiHk	i
66402wiring board	JiIG	i
66403wiring closet	JiIo	Y
66404wiring concentrator	JiJA	k
66405wiring diagram	JiJk	c
66406wiring list	JiKA	k
66407wiring measurement sampling	JiKk	z
66408wiring pattern	JiLX	c
66409wiring plan system	JiLz	q
66410wiring system	JiMd	b
66411wiring topology	JiM4	d
66412wisconsin integrally synchronized computer	JiOK	BS
66413wiswesser line notation	JiPc	4
66414with statement	JiQU	o
66415withdraw	JiQ8	Q
66416withholding	JiRM	Z
66417witton network analyzer	JiRl	Bk
66418woofer	JiTJ	l
66419word	JE6Q	M
66420word	JiTu	3
66421word	fk1	S
66422word access time	JiUl	h
66423word accumulator	JiVG	e
66424word address	Gwk0	a
66425word address	JiVk	d
66426word address format	JiWB	o
66427word address register	JiWp	t
66428word addressing	Ci6Y	d
66429word addressing	JiXW	a
66430word aligned	JiXw	X
66431word and byte addressing	JiYH	1
66432word association	JiY8	b
66433word bead	Dipj	U
66434word boundary	JiZX	m
66435word buffer register	JiZ9	s
66436word capacity	Jiap	g
66437word cell	JibJ	U
66438word chain operation	Jibd	i
66439word character	Jib/	c
66440word combine and multiplexer	Jicb	Ba
66441word comparator time	Jid1	l
66442word computer	Jiea	i
66443word control logic	Jie8	n
66444word control register	Jifj	t
66445word count	JigQ	Y
66446word count register	Jigo	r
66447word counter	JihT	d
66448word cycle instruction	Jihw	n
66449word cycle register	JiiX	n
66450word data item	Dnz9	f
66451word data stage	Jii+	/
66452word data state	Jij9	k
66453word decoder	Jikh	a
66454word describing data	Jik7	o
66455word description	Jilj	e
66456word dictionary	JimB	X
66457word display	JimY	o
66458word drive current	JinA	j
66459word driver	Jinj	Z
66460word driver and gate	Jin8	v
66461word driver bit	Jior	k
66462word element	GL2j	d
66463word error probability	JipP	k
66464word family	Jipz	a
66465word flow language	JiqN	g
66466word frequency	Jiqt	j
66467word gap	JirQ	5
66468word generator	JisJ	7
66469word index	JitE	V
66470word indexing	JitZ	Y
66471word instruction	Dn0c	e
66472word key	Jitx	Q
66473word length	JiuB	h
66474word length arithmetic	DUQL	q
66475word line	Jiui	U
66476word locality	Jiu2	Y
66477word locator	JivO	a
66478word mark	Jivo	f
66479word memory	JiwH	Z
66480word modules	Jiwg	X
66481word oriented	Jiw3	o
66482word pattern	Jixf	X
66483word period	Jix2	W
66484word processing	Jiy0	y
66485word processing and office equipment	Jizm	BN
66486word processing capability	Ji0z	y
66487word processing control function character	Ji1l	BO
66488word processing equipment	Ji2z	x
66489word processing equipment for recording and print	Ji4M	Ba
66490word processing equipment for recording only	Ji5m	BP
66491word processing equipment using remote program	Ji61	BU
66492word processing equipment with changeable program	Ji82	BU
66493word processing equipment with edgepunched card	Ji+K	BS
66494word processing equipment with fixed nonremovable	Ji/c	Bl
66495word processing equipment with fixed program	JjBB	BJ
66496word processing equipment with impact printer	JjCK	BQ
66497word processing equipment with magnetic card	JjDa	BD
66498word processing equipment with magnetic disk	JjEd	BD
66499word processing equipment with magnetic sheet	JjFg	BH
66500word processing equipment with magnetic tape	JjGn	BD
66501word processing equipment with magnetic tape casse	JjHq	BY
66502word processing equipment with ocr input	JjJ2	BO
66503word processing equipment with provision	JjLE	BF
66504word processing equipment with provision for makin	JjMJ	Bn
66505word processing equipment with punched recording	JjNw	BT
66506word processing equipment with punched tape	JjPD	BM
66507word processing equipment with removable recording	JjQP	BY
66508word processing equipment with storage	JjRn	BA
66509word processing equipment without provision	JjSn	BI
66510word processing system	JjTv	y
66511word processing terminal	JjUh	z
66512word processingdata processing system	JjVU	BD
66513word processor	JjWX	BZ
66514word root	JjXw	R
66515word search instruction	JjYB	o
66516word segmentation unit	JjYp	k
66517word select memory	JjZN	j
66518word select register	JjZw	l
66519word selection	JjaV	f
66520word separator	Jja0	c
66521word serial	JjbQ	W
66522word size	Jjbm	r
66523word size bus	JjcR	e
66524word space	Jjcv	BB
66525word stem	Jjdw	R
66526word stock	JjeB	Z
66527word switch register	Jjea	s
66528word synchronizing track	JjfG	q
66529word template	Jjfw	Y
66530word terminal	JjgI	e
66531word time	Jjgm	+
66532word transfer instruction	Jjhk	q
66533word underscore character	JjiO	u
66534word value	GwlO	V
66535word vector	GL3A	Y
66536word with variable length	Jji8	n
66537word wrap	Jjjj	y
66538word wrap indent	JjkV	h
66539word wrap return	Jjk2	h
66540wordchar	Jjrp	W
66541words per minute	Jjr/	0
66542words per second	Jjsz	v
66543work analysis program	Jjti	t
66544work area	JjuP	U
66545work assignment procedure	Jjuj	BZ
66546work breakdown structure	Jjv8	w
66547work breaking structure chart	Jjws	0
66548work center	Jjxg	k
66549work center analysis report	JjyE	y
66550work center base capacity men or machines	Jjy2	BS
66551work center capacities	Jj0I	n
66552work center capacity change	Jj0v	y
66553work center description	Jj3J	o
66554work center id	Jj3x	b
66555work center load	Jj4M	h
66556work center load analysis by department	Jj4t	BN
66557work center load analysis by work center	Jj56	BR
66558work center load analysis detail	Jj7L	9
66559work center location	Jj8I	l
66560work center master file maintenance	Jj8t	6
66561work center master file report	Jj9n	1
66562work center overunderload	Jj+c	5
66563work center overunderload by work center	Jj/V	BU
66564work center percent change audit	JkAp	BA
66565work center percent change audit report	JkBp	BN
66566work center tag file	JkC2	o
66567work center variable capacity detail	JkDe	BB
66568work center variable capacity inquiry	JkEf	BC
66569work center variable capacity maintenance	JkFh	BG
66570work center variable capacity master	JkGn	BB
66571work center variable capacity summary	JkHo	BC
66572work cycle	JkI/	j
66573work data file	JkJi	i
66574work distribution chart	JkKE	o
66575work environment	JkKs	e
66576work field	JkLK	V
66577work file	JkLf	X
66578work flow language	JkL2	q
66579work flow language job	JkMg	w
66580work force simulator	JkNQ	o
66581work function	JkN4	Y
66582work identifier	JRzz	m
66583work in process	JkOQ	a
66584work in process totals sheet and cost totalst	JkOq	BT
66585work item	JkP9	U
66586work line	JkQR	i
66587work lisst	JkQz	V
66588work list by work center	JkRI	4
66589work list exception	JkSA	k
66590work list exception report	JkSk	x
66591work list extract	JkTV	i
66592work list extract procedure	JkT3	y
66593work list file	JkUp	c
66594work list generation	JkVF	l
66595work list horizon	JkVq	o
66596work list priority calculation edit	JkWS	BG
66597work load	JkXY	i
66598work load characterization	JkX6	3
66599work load manager	JkYx	z
66600work load model calibration	JkZk	1
66601work load routing exception report	JkaZ	BC
66602work measurement	Jkbb	s
66603work order	JkcH	0
66604work output queue	Jkc7	l
66605work period	Jkdg	Z
66606work piece	Jkd5	S
66607work plan analysis and scheduling technique	JkeL	BV
66608work process scheduler	Jkfg	z
66609work queue	JkgT	Y
66610work queue directory	Jkgr	BO
66611work sampling	Jkh5	b
66612work screen	JkiU	c
66613work session	Jkiw	h
66614work session control record	JkjR	1
66615work sheet	JkkG	V
66616work simplification	Jkkb	h
66617work simplification program	Jkk8	z
66618work simplification training program	Jklv	BC
66619work slice	Jkmx	b
66620work space	JknM	m
66621work space register	Jkny	+
66622work stack	Jkow	Y
66623work station	JkpI	a
66624work station control key	Jkpi	s
66625work station control mode	JkqO	w
66626work station controller	Jkq+	BC
66627work station data management	JksA	z
66628work station entry	Jksz	0
66629work station facility	Jktn	q
66630work station message queue	JkuR	x
66631work station operator	JkvC	p
66632work station user profile	Jkvr	z
66633work station utility	Jkwe	v
66634work station utility display	JkxN	5
66635work storage	JkyG	f
66636work storage address register	Jkyl	BC
66637work storage to auxiliary storage	Jkzn	BK
66638work table	Jk0x	V
66639work tape	Jk1G	U
66640work unit	Jk1a	X
66641work volume	Jk1x	W
66642workability	Jk43	1
66643workable multiple microprocessor	Jk5s	9
66644workable program	Jk6p	h
66645workbench	Jk7K	U
66646workbench compiler	Jk7e	p
66647workdays	Jk8H	T
66648workhorse	Jk8a	Z
66649working	H9qI	V
66650working	Jk8z	2
66651working area	Jk9p	BD
66652working capital	Jk+s	d
66653working cell	Jk/J	a
66654working code	Jk/j	X
66655working condition	Jk/6	f
66656working data base	JlAZ	m
66657working data file	JlA/	l
66658working directory	JlBk	r
66659working diskette	JlCP	e
66660working display	JlCt	d
66661working envelope	JlDK	s
66662working equipment	JlD2	f
66663working frequency	JlEV	f
66664working group standards	JlE0	s
66665working life	JlFg	o
66666working memory	JlGI	0
66667working memory area	JlG8	k
66668working method	JlHg	z
66669working order	JlIT	p
66670working page	JlI8	y
66671working path	JlJu	a
66672working process	JlKI	r
66673working program	JlKz	d
66674working range	JlLQ	b
66675working register	JlLr	k
66676working routine	JlMP	r
66677working sampling	JlM6	h
66678working set	JlNb	Bd
66679working set control	JlO4	k
66680working set dispatcher	JlPc	t
66681working set list	JlQJ	h
66682working set swapper	JlQq	q
66683working set swapping	JlRU	r
66684working signalling link	JlR/	r
66685working space	JlSq	BP
66686working space basic	JlT5	u
66687working space control table	JlUn	5
66688working space number assignment	JlVg	6
66689working space register	JlWa	x
66690working space structure	JlXL	y
66691working state	JlX9	b
66692working station	JlYY	a
66693working storage	JlYy	BR
66694working storage area	JlaD	l
66695working tape	Jlao	h
66696working voltage	JlbJ	g
66697workload	JlcJ	u
66698workload control file	Jlc3	w
66699worksheet	Jldn	X
66700workshop	Jld+	6
66701workspace	Jle4	X
66702workspace pointer	JlfP	2
66703workspace symbol module	JlgF	x
66704workstation	Jlg2	W
66705workstation number	JlhM	j
66706workstation resource center	Jlhv	2
66707world	Jlil	T
66708world administrative radio conference	Jli4	BH
66709world aluminium abstracts	Jlj/	3
66710world association of industrial and technological	Jlk2	Bh
66711world association of medical informatics	JlmX	BK
66712world bank retrieval array processing system	Jlnh	BY
66713world communications	Jlo5	r
66714world coordinate	Jlpk	e
66715world coordinates	JlqC	f
66716world corrdinates	Jlqh	7
66717world data bank	Jlrc	1
66718world data center	JlsR	p
66719world data transmission service	Jls6	5
66720world data transmitter service	Jltz	9
66721world energy conference	Jluw	v
66722world environment and resources council	Jlvf	BM
66723world federation of engineering organizations	Jlwr	BP
66724world federation of scientific workers	Jlx6	BL
66725world future society	JlzF	s
66726world geodesic system	Jlzx	t
66727world health organization	Jl0e	x
66728world information system exchange	Jl1P	BK
66729world intellectual property organization	Jl2Z	BH
66730world manipulation system	BEQm	z
66731world meteorological organization	Jl3g	5
66732world mettings information center	Jl4Z	BA
66733world microelectronic center	Jl5Z	BB
66734world model	Jl6a	n
66735world oceanographic data display	Jl7B	BC
66736world patent index	Jl8D	q
66737world satellite terminal	Jl8t	9
66738world simulation organization	Jl9q	1
66739world space	Jl+f	Z
66740world telecommunications directory	Jl+4	3
66741world textiles	Jl/v	p
66742world time zone	JmAY	d
66743world trade centers association	JmA1	+
66744world weahter watch network	JmBz	y
66745world weather center	JmCl	s
66746world weather program	JmDR	t
66747world weather watch	JmD+	u
66748world wide information services	JmEs	7
66749world wide military command and control system	JmFn	BY
66750worldwide network	JmI2	i
66751worldwide satellite communication	JmKu	1
66752worldwide telecommunication network	JmLj	3
66753worldwide traffic	JmMa	i
66754worm	JmM8	e
66755worst case	JmNa	m
66756worst case circuit analysis	JmOA	6
66757worst case difference	JmO6	t
66758worst case performance	JmPn	q
66759worst fit algorithm	JmQR	n
66760worst status check	JmR5	m
66761wound core	IzJe	V
66762wow and flutter	JmU8	o
66763wrap	GaUc	P
66764wrap	Jh2v	W
66765wrap	JmVk	BN
66766wrap boards	Jh3F	W
66767wrap capability	JmWx	q
66768wrap connection	Jh3b	h
66769wrap count	JmXb	Y
66770wrap indent	JjrO	b
66771wrap symbol	JmXz	Z
66772wrap test	JmYM	z
66773wrap tool	Jh38	f
66774wraparound	JmaQ	BD
66775wrappable module board	Jh4b	n
66776wrapped connection	JmbT	d
66777wrapped socket board	Jh5C	l
66778wrapping	Jmbw	Q
66779wrapping machine	Jh5n	b
66780wrapping region	JmcA	a
66781wrapup	Jmca	U
66782wrapup procedure	Jmcu	e
66783wrench	JmdM	O
66784wried control	DwCJ	e
66785wrist	Jmda	Y
66786writability	Jmdy	h
66787writable character generation module	JmeT	BD
66788writable control memory	JmfW	1
66789writable control storage	JmgL	z
66790writable control storage firmware	Jmg+	+
66791writable control storage programming	Jmh8	BH
66792writable control store	JmjD	x
66793writable diagnostic control store	Jmj0	BD
66794write	CgOM	Z
66795write	GcJc	b
66796write	GfKk	W
66797write	H3TH	N
66798write	IDcZ	Z
66799write	Jmk3	BG
66800write access	Jml9	a
66801write access key	JmmX	BH
66802write access type	Jmne	l
66803write accumulator	JmoD	v
66804write address counter	Jmoy	w
66805write address mark	Jmpi	j
66806write after read	JmqF	b
66807write allocate	Jmqg	c
66808write and compute	Jmq8	z
66809write back	Jmrv	S
66810write break point	JmsB	f
66811write buffer	Jmsg	x
66812write check	H3TU	Z
66813write check	JmtR	j
66814write check indicator	H3Tt	s
66815write circuit for queuing message	Jmt0	/
66816write clock	Jmuz	f
66817write clock pulse	JmvS	i
66818write command	Jmv0	b
66819write control	JmwP	r
66820write control character	Jmw6	BU
66821write control character reset	JmyO	0
66822write count key data	JmzC	BE
66823write count register	Jm0G	s
66824write cycle time	Jm0y	h
66825write data	Jm1T	Y
66826write data strobe	Jm1r	z
66827write disturb pulse	Hh7v	n
66828write drive	H3UZ	c
66829write drum	Jm2e	g
66830write enable	Jm2+	i
66831write enable ring	Jm3g	t
66832write end of file	Jm4f	3
66833write fault	Jm5W	n
66834write font	Jm59	V
66835write forward	Jm6S	e
66836write gate	Jm6w	V
66837write head	Cb3G	b
66838write head	FQsw	b
66839write head	H3U1	V
66840write head	Jm7p	S
66841write head stack	Jm77	e
66842write in	Jm8Z	Y
66843write index address mark	Jm8x	s
66844write information	Jm9d	j
66845write inhibit	Jm+A	b
66846write instruction	Jm+b	f
66847write interface unit	Jm+6	t
66848write interval	JFza	f
66849write interval	Jm/n	Z
66850write into memory	JnAA	m
66851write into program memory	JnAm	0
66852write into read only memory	JnBa	2
66853write key	JnCQ	X
66854write key field	JnCn	j
66855write library	Ig3Q	k
66856write lockout	JnDK	b
66857write magnetic tape	JnDl	l
66858write memory	JnEK	g
66859write memory lock	JnEq	i
66860write noise	JnFM	Z
66861write notch	JnFl	Z
66862write once read only memory	JnF+	BE
66863write only	JnHC	V
66864write operation	HQYu	d
66865write operation	Ieeq	g
66866write operation	JnHX	d
66867write or out	JnH0	h
66868write oscillator	JnIV	i
66869write out	JnI3	U
66870write parameters	JnJL	e
66871write pen register	JnJp	p
66872write precompensation	JnKS	j
66873write printer binary	JnK1	y
66874write printer decimal	JnLn	z
66875write protect	JnMa	v
66876write protect memory	JnNJ	v
66877write protection	JnN4	h
66878write protection label	FLmJ	n
66879write protection label	JnOZ	n
66880write protection ring	JnPA	m
66881write pulse	Dn06	Z
66882write pulse	JnPm	W
66883write punch	JnP8	0
66884write rate	JnQw	e
66885write read head	JnRO	h
66886write report heading	JnRv	l
66887write retry	JnSU	Z
66888write ring	JnSt	S
66889write sharing	JnS/	b
66890write structured field command	JnTa	7
66891write symbol table	JnUV	n
66892write tape binary	JnU8	m
66893write tape decimal	JnVi	n
66894write tape mark	JnWJ	s
66895write through	JnW1	b
66896write time	JnXQ	V
66897write timeout counter	JnXl	s
66898write without program	JnYR	q
66899writeable character generation memory	Jnkf	BH
66900writeable character generation module	Jnlm	BE
66901writeen cms command	JbPm	u
66902writer	C8CU	j
66903writer	DYIQ	a
66904writer	Jnmq	BK
66905writeread	Jnj9	i
66906writing	Jnn0	c
66907writing head	JnoQ	f
66908writing line	Jnov	X
66909writing machine	JnpG	BR
66910writing parameter	JnqX	w
66911writing position	JnrH	e
66912writing pushdown acceptor	Jnrl	1
66913writing rate	Jnsa	i
66914writing task	Jns8	l
66915writing tube	Jnth	y
66916written	CI7p	V
66917written character	DvR1	f
66918written compiler	DvSU	k
66919written message	Jnuo	d
66920written programmable read only memory	JnvF	BL
66921written record	JnwQ	c
66922wroking region	Jnws	Z
66923wrong number call	JnxF	f
66924wrong variable type	Jnxk	t
66925wwmccs intercomputer network	JnyR	BZ
66926x	0gr	N
66927x address	Jn1s	T
66928x automatic translation code	Jn1/	3
66929x axis	Jn22	j
66930x axis label	Jn3Z	Z
66931x direction	Jn3y	Z
66932x edit descriptor	Jn4L	3
66933x index register	Jn5C	j
66934x register y bit	Jn5l	q
66935x select input	Jn6P	e
66936x status register	Jn6t	r
66937x value	Jn7Y	O
66938xab	JocA	U
66939xbuf	JocU	V
66940xenix operation system	Jocp	q
66941xenon flash lamp	JodT	e
66942xerographic copy	Jodx	k
66943xerographic printer	JoeV	7
66944xerography	JofQ	s
66945xerox computer services	Jof8	BC
66946xerox data system	Jog+	v
66947xerox memory systems	Joht	5
66948xerox operating system	Joim	u
66949xerox telecommunication network	JojU	1
66950xerox telecommunications network	JokJ	BQ
66951xid response	JolZ	Y
66952xmtsd	Jolx	u
66953xonoff protocol	Jomf	k
66954xonxoff	JonD	j
66955xparent tran	Jonm	3
66956xy plotter	Jood	b
66957y	xng	L
66958y address	JoqB	T
66959y axis	JoBT	T
66960y axis	JoqU	N
66961y axis label	Joqh	Z
66962y channel	Joq6	T
66963y connection	Jo01	d
66964y connection	JorN	n
66965y coordinate crt display	JoBm	8
66966y cursor counter	Jor0	s
66967y direction	Josg	m
66968y operator	JotG	h
66969y plotter	JoCi	l
66970y position	Jotn	b
66971y punch	JouC	BI
66972y recoder	JoDH	W
66973y recorder	JoDd	g
66974y select input	JovK	e
66975y signal	Jovo	g
66976y status register	JowI	r
66977y switch	JoD9	X
66978y value	Jowz	O
66979yale engineering association	Jo1S	6
66980yard	Jo2M	i
66981yard automatic control system	Jo2u	8
66982yards	Jo3q	R
66983yaw axis	Jo37	g
66984yaw damping computer	Jo4b	v
66985year	FWBQ	P
66986year	Jo5K	U
66987year book	Jo5e	c
66988year function	CJCP	e
66989yearly load curve	Jo/b	i
66990yearly load factor	Jo/9	j
66991yearly output	JpAg	b
66992yellow indicator lamp	JpA7	q
66993yewtec corporation	JpCY	n
66994yield	JpC/	BP
66995yield factor	JpEO	U
66996yield load	JpEi	e
66997yield point	JpFA	k
66998yield safety factor	JpFk	r
66999yield value	JpGP	BA
67000yielding point	JpHP	s
67001yoke	JpH7	BU
67002you	JgII	9
67003you character	JgJX	f
67004youngest empty cell	JpJP	8
67005ytpe error	BLyM	e
67006ytterbium	JpKL	R
67007yttrium	JpKc	S
67008yttrium aluminum garnet	JpKu	6
67009yttrium iron garnet	JpLo	2
67010z address	JpMe	T
67011z code	JpMx	a
67012z height	JpNL	Y
67013z impedance	JpNj	T
67014z select input	JpN2	e
67015z time	JpOU	m
67016zag fold paper	Jqk9	Z
67017zatocode indexing	JpV+	c
67018zatocoding	JpWa	Y
67019zatocoding system	JpWy	l
67020zener	JpXX	N
67021zener breakdown	JpXk	d
67022zener diode	JpYB	w
67023zenith	JpYx	Z
67024zero	FQkJ	d
67025zero	GRk5	X
67026zero	Gdp4	T
67027zero	GhrT	T
67028zero	H+EL	Z
67029zero	H+Ek	Z
67030zero	H8j5	M
67031zero	JpZK	e
67032zero	ScH	d
67033zero 1	F2h/	t
67034zero access	JpZo	y
67035zero access addition	Jpaa	Be
67036zero access memory	Jpb4	p
67037zero access storage	Jpch	BF
67038zero access store	Jpdm	o
67039zero accident	JpeO	b
67040zero address	GeP6	a
67041zero address	Jpep	X
67042zero address format	JpfA	k
67043zero address instruction	Jpfk	t
67044zero address machine	JpgR	8
67045zero address order	JphN	j
67046zero adjust	Jphw	h
67047zero adjuster	JpiR	i
67048zero adjustment	Jpiz	r
67049zero and add	Jpje	n
67050zero and subtract	JpkF	f
67051zero balance	Jpkk	X
67052zero beat	Jpk7	U
67053zero bias	JplP	U
67054zero bit	Jplj	b
67055zero blanking	Jpl+	V
67056zero branch	JpmT	a
67057zero byte	Jpmt	f
67058zero center	JpnM	h
67059zero change recording	GdqL	BE
67060zero change recroding	GdrP	5
67061zero charge	Jpnt	W
67062zero check routine	JpoD	p
67063zero circuit	Jpos	X
67064zero compiler	HvhK	k
67065zero complement	JppD	i
67066zero compression	Jppl	o
67067zero condition	JpqN	k
67068zero correction	Jpqx	d
67069zero count interrupt	JprO	l
67070zero cross signal	Jprz	i
67071zero cross switch circuit	JpsV	3
67072zero crossing	JptM	g
67073zero crossover	Jpts	d
67074zero defect	JpuJ	Z
67075zero destination address	Jpui	s
67076zero dimensional set	JpvO	f
67077zero disparity binary code	Jpvt	0
67078zero drift error	Jpwh	k
67079zero element	JpxF	X
67080zero elimination	Jpxc	s
67081zero energy	JpyI	l
67082zero error	Jpyt	V
67083zero extended	JpzC	b
67084zero fill	Jpzd	R
67085zero flag	Jpzu	h
67086zero force connector	Jp0P	u
67087zero form	Jp09	c
67088zero format value	Jp1Z	f
67089zero frame	Jp14	S
67090zero free region	Jp2K	h
67091zero frequency	Jp2r	m
67092zero function	Jp3R	Y
67093zero game	Jp3p	U
67094zero gravity	Jp39	f
67095zero guard band recording	Jp4c	t
67096zero hold	Jp5J	U
67097zero hour	Jp5d	n
67098zero incremental	Gdx3	p
67099zero indicator	Gdyg	n
67100zero input	Jp6E	j
67101zero insertion	Jp6n	Z
67102zero insertion force	Jp7A	i
67103zero inverted	GdzH	s
67104zero inverted recording	GdtH	BJ
67105zero kill	Jp7i	q
67106zero label	Jp8M	V
67107zero level	GhsJ	o
67108zero level	Jp8h	V
67109zero level symbol	Jp82	f
67110zero logic	Gdzz	i
67111zero mark	Gd0V	m
67112zero mark recording	GduQ	Bd
67113zero marker	Jp9V	Z
67114zero mask	Jp9u	n
67115zero matrix	Jp+V	W
67116zero memory channel	Jp+r	1
67117zero memory source	Jp/g	g
67118zero method	Gd07	Z
67119zero method	JqAA	h
67120zero modulation	JqAh	l
67121zero offset	JqBG	k
67122zero on one recording	Ghsx	0
67123zero operation	Gd1U	m
67124zero operator	JqBq	k
67125zero order diffraction beam	JqCO	v
67126zero order wave	JqC9	a
67127zero output	Ilv0	h
67128zero output	Ilx1	g
67129zero output	JOOd	f
67130zero output	JqDX	k
67131zero output signal	CgWa	o
67132zero output signal	HQZL	n
67133zero output signal	JqD7	j
67134zero page addressing	JqEe	z
67135zero place predicate	JqFR	i
67136zero point	JqFz	S
67137zero point error	JqGF	e
67138zero population growth	JqGj	n
67139zero potential	JqHK	k
67140zero power level	JqHu	h
67141zero proof	JqIP	g
67142zero ratio	GwPA	k
67143zero reader	JqIv	c
67144zero recording	Gd16	BW
67145zero recording	GdQr	l
67146zero recording	Ghtl	f
67147zero recording	H8kF	f
67148zero recording	Hg0j	i
67149zero redundancy store	JqJL	p
67150zero reference recording	Gd3Q	2
67151zero repeat factor	JqJ0	j
67152zero replacement editing	JqKX	p
67153zero reset	JqLA	Y
67154zero ring	JqLY	R
67155zero scan	JqLp	U
67156zero shift	JqL9	Y
67157zero signal	Pi1	Z
67158zero signal zone	JqMV	s
67159zero space	GhuE	o
67160zero space	H8kk	Y
67161zero state	JqNB	Y
67162zero statement label	PjO	o
67163zero status flag	JqNZ	h
67164zero sum game	JqN6	p
67165zero suppress	JqPC	Y
67166zero suppression	JqPa	5
67167zero suppression editing	JqQT	3
67168zero suppression function	JqRK	n
67169zero synchronization	JqRx	i
67170zero test	DGzd	X
67171zero transfer function	JqST	n
67172zero transmission level reference point	JqS6	Bb
67173zero valued exponent	JqUV	i
67174zero vector	JqU3	W
67175zero volt	JqVN	Y
67176zero voltage	JqVl	X
67177zero wander	JqV8	Z
67178zero word	JqWV	R
67179zerofill	Jqh4	Y
67180zerography	JqiQ	b
67181zeroing	Jqir	d
67182zeroing block of storage	JqjI	p
67183zeroize	Jqjx	f
67184zeros recording	GdxI	v
67185zeus automatic programming system	GZET	BO
67186zeus program analysis	JqkQ	t
67187zigzag	JqlW	f
67188zilog disk operation system	Jql1	6
67189zinc	Jqny	M
67190zinc ferrite	FXDw	d
67191zip code	Jqn+	c
67192zipf law	Jqoa	W
67193zonal decimal	JqpD	e
67194zonal sampling	Jqph	c
67195zone	Jqp9	BV
67196zone bit	JqrS	b
67197zone boundary	Jqrt	b
67198zone center	JqsI	BB
67199zone coverage	JqtJ	n
67200zone curve	Jqtw	Y
67201zone dercription	JquI	BN
67202zone digit	JqvV	Y
67203zone distance	Jqvt	e
67204zone field	JqwL	c
67205zone field selection	Jqwn	BD
67206zone indicator	Jqxq	f
67207zone leveling	JqyJ	e
67208zone marker	Jqyn	q
67209zone metering system	JqzR	BA
67210zone of action	Jq0R	n
67211zone of ambiguity	Jq04	n
67212zone operation control	Jq1f	u
67213zone position indicator	Jq2N	y
67214zone positions	Jq2/	c
67215zone punch	Jq3b	BF
67216zone registration	Jq4g	k
67217zone station	Jq5E	d
67218zone switching center	Jq5h	v
67219zone system	Jq6Q	Z
67220zone time	Jq6p	a
67221zone unit	CJUC	X
67222zone width	Jq7D	Y
67223zoned decimal format	Jq8U	r
67224zoned decimal number format	Jq8/	4
67225zoned field	Jq93	n
67226zoned format	Jq+e	d
67227zoning	Jq+7	W
67228zoom	Jq/R	BZ
67229zoom down	JrAq	R
67230zoom table	JrA7	V
67231zoom up	JrBQ	P
67232zooming	JrBf	g
67233zulu time	JrCU	6
67234zulu time	JrDO	6