1 /**
2  * \file gammu-call.h
3  * \author Michal Čihař
4  *
5  * Call data and functions.
6  */
7 #ifndef __gammu_call_h
8 #define __gammu_call_h
10 /**
11  * \defgroup Call Call
12  * Call entries manipulations.
13  */
15 #ifdef	__cplusplus
16 extern "C" {
17 #endif
19 #include <gammu-types.h>
20 #include <gammu-limits.h>
21 #include <gammu-error.h>
22 #include <gammu-statemachine.h>
24 /**
25  * \defgroup Divert Divert
26  * Diversion entries manipulations.
27  */
29 /**
30  * Enum with status of call.
31  *
32  * \ingroup Call
33  */
34 typedef enum {
35 	/**
36 	 * Somebody calls to us
37 	 */
38 	GSM_CALL_IncomingCall = 1,
39 	/**
40 	 * We call somewhere
41 	 */
42 	GSM_CALL_OutgoingCall,
43 	/**
44 	 * Call started
45 	 */
46 	GSM_CALL_CallStart,
47 	/**
48 	 * End of call from unknown side
49 	 */
50 	GSM_CALL_CallEnd,
51 	/**
52 	 * End of call from remote side
53 	 */
54 	GSM_CALL_CallRemoteEnd,
55 	/**
56 	 * End of call from our side
57 	 */
58 	GSM_CALL_CallLocalEnd,
59 	/**
60 	 * Call established. Waiting for answer or dropping
61 	 */
62 	GSM_CALL_CallEstablished,
63 	/**
64 	 * Call held
65 	 */
66 	GSM_CALL_CallHeld,
67 	/**
68 	 * Call resumed
69 	 */
70 	GSM_CALL_CallResumed,
71 	/**
72 	 * We switch to call
73 	 */
74 	GSM_CALL_CallSwitched
75 } GSM_CallStatus;
77 /**
78  * Call information.
79  *
80  * \ingroup Call
81  */
82 typedef struct {
83 	/**
84 	 * Call status.
85 	 */
86 	GSM_CallStatus Status;
87 	/**
88 	 * Call ID
89 	 */
90 	int CallID;
91 	/**
92 	 * Whether Call ID is available.
93 	 */
94 	gboolean CallIDAvailable;
95 	/**
96 	 * Status code.
97 	 */
98 	int StatusCode;
99 	/**
100 	 * Remote phone number.
101 	 */
102 	unsigned char PhoneNumber[(GSM_MAX_NUMBER_LENGTH + 1) * 2];
103 } GSM_Call;
105 /**
106  * Defines when diversion is active.
107  *
108  * \ingroup Divert
109  */
110 typedef enum {
111 	/**
112 	 * Divert when busy.
113 	 */
114 	GSM_DIVERT_Busy = 0x01,
115 	/**
116 	 * Divert when not answered.
117 	 */
118 	GSM_DIVERT_NoAnswer,
119 	/**
120 	 * Divert when phone off or no coverage.
121 	 */
122 	GSM_DIVERT_OutOfReach,
123 	/**
124 	 * Divert all calls without ringing.
125 	 */
126 	GSM_DIVERT_AllTypes
127 } GSM_Divert_DivertTypes;
129 /**
130  * Which type of calls should be diverted.
131  *
132  * \ingroup Divert
133  */
134 typedef enum {
135 	/**
136 	 * Voice calls.
137 	 */
138 	GSM_DIVERT_VoiceCalls = 0x01,
139 	/**
140 	 * Fax calls.
141 	 */
142 	GSM_DIVERT_FaxCalls,
143 	/**
144 	 * Data calls.
145 	 */
146 	GSM_DIVERT_DataCalls,
147 	/**
148 	 * All calls.
149 	 */
150 	GSM_DIVERT_AllCalls
151 } GSM_Divert_CallTypes;
153 /**
154  * Call diversion definition.
155  *
156  * \ingroup Divert
157  */
158 typedef struct {
159 	/**
160 	 * When diversion is active.
161 	 */
162 	GSM_Divert_DivertTypes DivertType;
163 	/**
164 	 * Type of call to divert.
165 	 */
166 	GSM_Divert_CallTypes CallType;
167 	/**
168 	 * Timeout for diversion.
169 	 */
170 	unsigned int Timeout;
171 	/**
172 	 * Number where to divert.
173 	 */
174 	unsigned char Number[(GSM_MAX_NUMBER_LENGTH + 1) * 2];
175 } GSM_CallDivert;
177 /**
178  * Multiple call diversions.
179  *
180  * \ingroup Divert
181  */
182 typedef struct {
183 	int EntriesNum;
184 	GSM_CallDivert Entries[GSM_MAX_CALL_DIVERTS];
185 } GSM_MultiCallDivert;
187 /**
188  * How to handle number when initiating voice call.
189  *
190  * \ingroup Call
191  */
192 typedef enum {
193 	/**
194 	 * Show number.
195 	 */
196 	GSM_CALL_ShowNumber = 1,
197 	/**
198 	 * Hide number.
199 	 */
200 	GSM_CALL_HideNumber,
201 	/**
202 	 * Keep phone default settings.
203 	 */
204 	GSM_CALL_DefaultNumberPresence
205 } GSM_CallShowNumber;
207 /**
208  * Dials number and starts voice call.
209  *
210  * \param s State machine pointer.
211  * \param Number Number to dial.
212  * \param ShowNumber Whether we want to display number on phone.
213  *
214  * \return Error code
215  *
216  * \ingroup Call
217  */
218 GSM_Error GSM_DialVoice(GSM_StateMachine * s, char *Number,
219 			GSM_CallShowNumber ShowNumber);
220 /**
221  * Dials service number (usually for USSD).
222  *
223  * \param s State machine pointer.
224  * \param Number Number to dial.
225  *
226  * \return Error code
227  *
228  * \ingroup Call
229  */
230 GSM_Error GSM_DialService(GSM_StateMachine * s, char *Number);
232 /**
233  * Accept current incoming call.
234  *
235  * \param s State machine pointer.
236  * \param ID ID of call.
237  * \param all Whether to handle all call and not only the one specified
238  * by ID.
239  *
240  * \return Error code
241  *
242  * \ingroup Call
243  */
244 GSM_Error GSM_AnswerCall(GSM_StateMachine * s, int ID, gboolean all);
246 /**
247  * Deny current incoming call.
248  *
249  * \param s State machine pointer.
250  * \param ID ID of call.
251  * \param all Whether to handle all call and not only the one specified
252  * by ID.
253  *
254  * \return Error code
255  *
256  * \ingroup Call
257  */
258 GSM_Error GSM_CancelCall(GSM_StateMachine * s, int ID, gboolean all);
260 /**
261  * Holds call.
262  *
263  * \param s State machine pointer.
264  * \param ID ID of call.
265  *
266  * \return Error code
267  *
268  * \ingroup Call
269  */
270 GSM_Error GSM_HoldCall(GSM_StateMachine * s, int ID);
272 /**
273  * Unholds call.
274  *
275  * \param s State machine pointer.
276  * \param ID ID of call.
277  *
278  * \return Error code
279  *
280  * \ingroup Call
281  */
282 GSM_Error GSM_UnholdCall(GSM_StateMachine * s, int ID);
284 /**
285  * Initiates conference call.
286  *
287  * \param s State machine pointer.
288  * \param ID ID of call.
289  *
290  * \return Error code
291  *
292  * \ingroup Call
293  */
294 GSM_Error GSM_ConferenceCall(GSM_StateMachine * s, int ID);
296 /**
297  * Splits call.
298  *
299  * \param s State machine pointer.
300  * \param ID ID of call.
301  *
302  * \return Error code
303  *
304  * \ingroup Call
305  */
306 GSM_Error GSM_SplitCall(GSM_StateMachine * s, int ID);
308 /**
309  * Transfers call.
310  *
311  * \param s State machine pointer.
312  * \param ID ID of call.
313  * \param next Switches next call and ignores ID.
314  *
315  * \return Error code
316  *
317  * \ingroup Call
318  */
319 GSM_Error GSM_TransferCall(GSM_StateMachine * s, int ID, gboolean next);
321 /**
322  * Switches call.
323  *
324  * \param s State machine pointer.
325  * \param ID ID of call.
326  * \param next Switches next call and ignores ID.
327  *
328  * \return Error code
329  *
330  * \ingroup Call
331  */
332 GSM_Error GSM_SwitchCall(GSM_StateMachine * s, int ID, gboolean next);
334 /**
335  * Gets call diverts.
336  *
337  * \param s State machine pointer.
338  * \param request Which diverts to get.
339  * \param result Storage for diversions information.
340  *
341  * \return Error code
342  *
343  * \ingroup Divert
344  */
345 GSM_Error GSM_GetCallDivert(GSM_StateMachine *s, GSM_CallDivert *request, GSM_MultiCallDivert *result);
347 /**
348  * Sets call diverts.
349  *
350  * \param s State machine pointer.
351  * \param divert Diversions information to set.
352  *
353  * \return Error code
354  *
355  * \ingroup Divert
356  */
357 GSM_Error GSM_SetCallDivert(GSM_StateMachine * s, GSM_CallDivert * divert);
359 /**
360  * Cancels all diverts.
361  *
362  * \param s State machine pointer.
363  *
364  * \return Error code
365  *
366  * \ingroup Divert
367  */
368 GSM_Error GSM_CancelAllDiverts(GSM_StateMachine * s);
370 /**
371  * Activates/deactivates noticing about incoming calls.
372  *
373  * \param s State machine pointer.
374  * \param enable Whether to enable notifications.
375  *
376  * \return Error code
377  *
378  * \ingroup Call
379  */
380 GSM_Error GSM_SetIncomingCall(GSM_StateMachine * s, gboolean enable);
382 /**
383  * Sends DTMF (Dual Tone Multi Frequency) tone.
384  *
385  * \param s State machine pointer.
386  * \param sequence Sequence to press.
387  *
388  * \return Error code
389  *
390  * \ingroup Call
391  */
392 GSM_Error GSM_SendDTMF(GSM_StateMachine * s, char *sequence);
394 #ifdef	__cplusplus
395 }
396 #endif
397 #endif
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