1 //
2 // gasearch_knapsack_example.c
3 //
5 #include <stdio.h>
6 #include <stdlib.h>
7 #include <math.h>
8 #include <getopt.h>
10 #include "liquid.h"
12 #define OUTPUT_FILENAME "gasearch_knapsack_example.m"
14 // print usage/help message
usage()15 void usage()
16 {
17     printf("Usage: gasearch_knapsack_example [options]\n");
18     printf("  u/h   : print usage\n");
19     printf("  n     : number of items available, default: 1000\n");
20     printf("  i     : number of iterations (generations) to run, default: 2000\n");
21     printf("  c     : knapsack capacity (maximum weight), default: 20\n");
22     printf("  p     : ga population size, default: 100\n");
23     printf("  m     : ga mutation rate, default: 0.4\n");
24 }
26 // knapsack object structure definition
27 struct knapsack_s {
28     unsigned int num_items; // total number of items available
29     float * weight;         // weight of each item
30     float * value;          // value of each item
31     float capacity;         // maximum weight allowable
32 };
34 // print knapsack object
35 //  _bag        :   knapsack object pointer
36 //  _c          :   test chromosome
37 void  knapsack_print(struct knapsack_s * _bag,
38                      chromosome _c);
40 // utility callback function
41 //  _userdata   :   knapsack object pointer
42 //  _c          :   test chromosome
43 float knapsack_utility(void * _userdata,
44                        chromosome _c);
main(int argc,char * argv[])46 int main(int argc, char*argv[])
47 {
48     unsigned int num_items = 1000;      // number of items available
49     unsigned int num_iterations = 2000; // number of iterations to run
50     float capacity = 20.0f;             // total capacity of the knapsack
51     unsigned int population_size = 100; // number of chromosomes in the population
52     float mutation_rate = 0.40f;        // mutation rate of the GA
54     int dopt;
55     while((dopt = getopt(argc,argv,"uhn:i:c:p:m:")) != EOF){
56         switch (dopt) {
57         case 'h':
58         case 'u': usage(); return 0;
59         case 'n': num_items = atoi(optarg);         break;
60         case 'i': num_iterations = atoi(optarg);    break;
61         case 'c': capacity = atof(optarg);          break;
62         case 'p': population_size = atoi(optarg);   break;
63         case 'm': mutation_rate = atof(optarg);     break;
64         default:
65             exit(1);
66         }
67     }
69     // validate input
70     if (num_items == 0) {
71         fprintf(stderr,"error: %s, knapsack must have at least 1 item\n", argv[0]);
72         exit(1);
73     } else if (capacity <= 0.0f) {
74         fprintf(stderr,"error: %s, knapsack capacity must be greater than zero\n", argv[0]);
75         exit(1);
76     } else if (population_size <= 0) {
77         fprintf(stderr,"error: %s, ga population size must be greater than zero\n", argv[0]);
78         exit(1);
79     } else if (mutation_rate < 0.0f || mutation_rate > 1.0f) {
80         fprintf(stderr,"error: %s, ga mutation rate must be in [0,1]\n", argv[0]);
81         exit(1);
82     }
84     unsigned int i;
86     // create knapsack/items (random weight, value)
87     struct knapsack_s bag;
88     bag.num_items = num_items;
89     bag.capacity = capacity;
90     bag.weight = (float*) malloc( bag.num_items*sizeof(float) );
91     bag.value  = (float*) malloc( bag.num_items*sizeof(float) );
92     for (i=0; i<num_items; i++) {
93         bag.weight[i] = randf();    // random number in [0,1]
94         bag.value[i]  = randf();    // random number in [0,1]
95     }
97     // create prototype chromosome (1 bit/item)
98     chromosome prototype = chromosome_create_basic(num_items, 1);
99     //chromosome_init_random(prototype); // initialize to random
100     chromosome_print(prototype);
102     // print knapsack
103     knapsack_print(&bag, prototype);
105     float optimum_utility;
107     // open output file
108     FILE*fid = fopen(OUTPUT_FILENAME,"w");
109     fprintf(fid,"%% %s : auto-generated file\n", OUTPUT_FILENAME);
110     fprintf(fid,"clear all;\n");
111     fprintf(fid,"close all;\n");
113     // create gasearch object
114     gasearch ga = gasearch_create_advanced(&knapsack_utility,
115                                              (void*)&bag,
116                                              prototype,
117                                              LIQUID_OPTIM_MAXIMIZE,
118                                              population_size,
119                                              mutation_rate);
121     // execute search one iteration at a time
122     fprintf(fid,"u = zeros(1,%u);\n", num_iterations);
123     for (i=0; i<num_iterations; i++) {
124         gasearch_evolve(ga);
126         gasearch_getopt(ga, prototype, &optimum_utility);
127         if (((i+1)%100)==0)
128             printf("  %4u : %12.8f;\n", i+1, optimum_utility);
130         fprintf(fid,"u(%3u) = %12.4e;\n", i+1, optimum_utility);
131     }
133     // print results
134     gasearch_getopt(ga, prototype, &optimum_utility);
135     knapsack_print(&bag, prototype);
137     fprintf(fid,"figure;\n");
138     //fprintf(fid,"semilogy(u);\n");
139     fprintf(fid,"plot(u);\n");
140     fprintf(fid,"xlabel('iteration');\n");
141     fprintf(fid,"ylabel('utility');\n");
142     fprintf(fid,"title('GA search results');\n");
143     fprintf(fid,"grid on;\n");
144     fclose(fid);
145     printf("results written to %s.\n", OUTPUT_FILENAME);
147     // free allocated objects and memory
148     chromosome_destroy(prototype);
149     gasearch_destroy(ga);
150     free(bag.value);
151     free(bag.weight);
153     return 0;
154 }
157 //
158 // knapsack methods
159 //
161 // print knapsack object
162 //  _bag        :   knapsack object pointer
163 //  _c          :   test chromosome
knapsack_print(struct knapsack_s * _bag,chromosome _s)164 void knapsack_print(struct knapsack_s * _bag,
165                     chromosome _s)
166 {
167     unsigned int i;
168     printf("knapsack: %u items, capacity : %12.8f\n", _bag->num_items, _bag->capacity);
169     for (i=0; i<_bag->num_items; i++) {
170         printf("  %3u : %6.4f @ $%6.4f", i, _bag->weight[i], _bag->value[i]);
171         unsigned int n = chromosome_value(_s, i);
172         if (n != 0) printf(" *\n");
173         else        printf("\n");
174     }
175 }
177 // utility callback function
178 //  _userdata   :   knapsack object pointer
179 //  _c          :   test chromosome
knapsack_utility(void * _userdata,chromosome _c)180 float knapsack_utility(void * _userdata, chromosome _c)
181 {
182     struct knapsack_s * _bag = (struct knapsack_s *) _userdata;
184     // chromosome represents number of each item in knapsack
185     float total_value = 0;
186     float total_weight = 0;
187     unsigned int i;
188     for (i=0; i<_bag->num_items; i++) {
189         if ( chromosome_value(_c,i) == 1 ) {
190             // include this item into knapsack
191             total_value  += _bag->value[i];
192             total_weight += _bag->weight[i];
193         }
194     }
196     // check for invalid solution, returning distance metric
197     if (total_weight > _bag->capacity)
198         return _bag->capacity - total_weight;
200     // return total value of knapsack
201     return total_value;
202 }