1 #ident "$Id: conf_sf.c,v 4.15 2009/03/19 15:13:53 gert Exp $ Copyright (c) Gert Doering"
3 /* conf_sf.c
4  *
5  * configuration defaults / configuration reading code for sendfax
6  */
8 #include <stdio.h>
9 #include <string.h>
10 #include <unistd.h>
12 #include "mgetty.h"
13 #include "policy.h"
14 #include "syslibs.h"
16 #include "config.h"
17 #include "conf_sf.h"
19 #include "version.h"
20 char * mgetty_version = VERSION_LONG;		/* version.h */
23 #define FAX_SEND_MAX_TRIES 0
24 #endif
27 #define FAX_SEND_SWITCHBD 0
28 #endif
30 struct conf_data_sendfax c = {
31 	{ "fax-devices", {0}, CT_STRING, C_EMPTY },
32 	{ "fax-devices", {0}, CT_STRING, C_IGNORE },
33 	{ "modem-init", {0}, CT_STRING, C_EMPTY },
35 	{ "modem-handshake", {(p_int) FAX_MODEM_HANDSHAKE}, CT_STRING, C_PRESET },
36 #else
37 	{ "modem-handshake", {0}, CT_STRING, C_EMPTY },
38 #endif
39 	{ "modem-type", {(p_int) DEFAULT_MODEMTYPE}, CT_STRING, C_PRESET },
40 	{ "modem-quirks", {0}, CT_INT, C_EMPTY },
41 	{ "reset-after-fail", {0}, CT_STRING, C_EMPTY },
42 	{ "fax-send-flow", {FAXSEND_FLOW}, CT_FLOWL, C_PRESET },
43 	{ "fax-rec-flow", {FAXREC_FLOW}, CT_FLOWL, C_PRESET },
44 	{ "max-tries", {FAX_SEND_MAX_TRIES}, CT_INT, C_PRESET },
45 	{ "max-tries-continue", {TRUE}, CT_BOOL, C_PRESET },
46 	{ "speed", {FAX_SEND_BAUD}, CT_INT, C_PRESET },
47 	{ "switchbd", {FAX_SEND_SWITCHBD}, CT_INT, C_PRESET },
48 	{ "open-delay",	{0}, CT_INT, C_EMPTY },
49 	{ "ignore-carrier", {TRUE }, CT_BOOL, C_PRESET },
50 	{ "dial-prefix", {(p_int) FAX_DIAL_PREFIX}, CT_STRING, C_PRESET },
51 	{ "fax-id", {(p_int)FAX_STATION_ID}, CT_STRING, C_PRESET },
52 	{ "poll-dir", {(p_int)"."}, CT_STRING, C_PRESET },
53 	{ "normal-res", {0}, CT_BOOL, C_PRESET },
54 	{ "fax-min-speed", {0}, CT_INT, C_PRESET },
55 	{ "fax-max-speed", {14400}, CT_INT, C_PRESET },
56 	{ "debug", {LOG_LEVEL}, CT_INT, C_PRESET },
57 	{ "verbose", {FALSE}, CT_BOOL, C_PRESET },
58 	{ "" /* polling */, {FALSE}, CT_BOOL, C_PRESET },
59 	{ "page-header", {0}, CT_STRING, C_EMPTY },
60 	{ "" /* stdin */, {FALSE}, CT_BOOL, C_PRESET },
61 	{ "" /* rename */, {FALSE}, CT_BOOL, C_PRESET },
62 	{ "" /* acct_handle */, {(p_int)""}, CT_STRING, C_PRESET },
63 	{ NULL, {0}, CT_STRING, C_EMPTY }};
65 int sendfax_parse_args _P2( (argc,argv), int argc, char ** argv )
66 {
67 int opt;
68 char * p;
70     /* sanity check:
71      * make sure that structs-in-struct can be handled exactly as if
72      * packed in array (get_config relies on it!)
73      */
74 conf_data c_a[2];
75     if ( ( (char *)&c_a[1] - (char *)&c_a[0] )  !=
76 	 ( (char *)&c.ttys_0 - (char *)&c.ttys ) )
77     {
78 	fprintf( stderr, "ERROR: config table size mixup. contact author\n" );
79 	exit(99);
80     }
82     /* since "ttys" has to be writable, we strdup() the default string */
83     p = malloc( sizeof( FAX_MODEM_TTYS )+1 );
84     if ( p == NULL )
85 	c.ttys.flags = C_EMPTY;
86     else
87     {
88 	strcpy( p, FAX_MODEM_TTYS );
89 	c.ttys.d.p = p;
90 	c.ttys.flags = C_CONF;
91     }
93     /* get command line arguments */
94     while ((opt = getopt(argc, argv, "d:vx:ph:l:nm:SC:I:rA:D:M:R:V")) != EOF)
95     {
96 	switch (opt) {
97 	  case 'd':	/* set target directory for polling */
98 	    conf_set_string( &c.poll_dir, optarg );
99 	    break;
100 	  case 'v':	/* verbose blurb on stdout */
101 	    conf_set_bool( &c.verbose, TRUE );
102 	    break;
103 	  case 'x':	/* set debug level */
104 	    conf_set_int( &c.debug, atoi(optarg) );
105 	    log_set_llevel( c_int(debug) );
106 	    break;
107 	  case 'p':	/* activate poll receive */
108 	    conf_set_int( &c.fax_poll_wanted, TRUE );
109 	    break;
110 	  case 'h':	/* set header page */
111 	    conf_set_string( &c.fax_page_header, optarg );
112 	    break;
113 	  case 'l':	/* set device(s) to use */
114 	    if ( optarg[0] == '/' &&
115 		 strncmp( optarg, "/dev/", 5 ) != 0 )
116 	    {
117 		fprintf( stderr, "%s: -l: device must be located in /dev!\n",
118 		                 argv[0]);
119 		exit(1);
120 	    }
121 	    conf_set_string( &c.ttys, optarg );
122 	    break;
123 	  case 'n':	/* set normal resolution */
124 	    conf_set_bool( &c.normal_res, TRUE );
125 	    break;
126 	  case 'm':	/* modem initialization string */
127 	    conf_set_string( &c.modem_init, optarg );
128 	    break;
129 	  case 'S':	/* modem on stdin */
130 	    conf_set_bool( &c.use_stdin, TRUE );
131 	    break;
132 	  case 'C':	/* modem class */
133 	    conf_set_string( &c.modem_type, optarg );
134 	    break;
135 	  case 'I':	/* local fax id */
136 	    conf_set_string( &c.station_id, optarg );
137 	    break;
138 	  case 'r':
139 	    conf_set_bool( &c.rename_files, TRUE );
140 	    break;
141 	  case 'A':
142 	    conf_set_string( &c.acct_handle, optarg );
143 	    break;
144 	  case 'D':
145 	    conf_set_string( &c.dial_prefix, optarg );
146 	    break;
147 	  case 'M':	/* set max. fax speed */
148 	    conf_set_int( &c.fax_max_speed, atoi(optarg) );
149 	    break;
150 	  case 'R':	/* retries */
151 	    conf_set_int( &c.max_tries, atoi(optarg) );
152 	    break;
153 	  case 'V':
154 	    printf("\nmgetty+sendfax by Gert Doering\n%s\n\n",
155 		    mgetty_version);
156 	    printf("log file written to '%s'\n", FAX_LOG );
158             printf("config file read from '%s'\n\n",
159 			makepath( SENDFAX_CONFIG, CONFDIR ));
160 #endif
161 	    exit(0);
162 	  case '?':	/* unrecognized parameter */
163 	    return ERROR;
164 	    break;
165 	}
166     }
168     return NOERROR;
169 }
171 /* get sendfax configuration from file (if configured)
172  *
173  * if "port == NULL", read "fax-devices" (c.tty), if != NULL, skip
174  * c.tty (because it woudln't make sense to set it, and would break
175  * fax_open())
176  */
177 void sendfax_get_config _P1( (port), char * port )
178 {
180     if ( port == NULL )
181     {
182 	lprintf( L_NOISE, "reading default configuration" );
183 	get_config( makepath( SENDFAX_CONFIG, CONFDIR ),
184 		    (conf_data *)&c, "port", NULL );
185     }
186     else
187     {
188 	lprintf( L_NOISE, "reading specific data for port '%s'", port );
189 	get_config( makepath( SENDFAX_CONFIG, CONFDIR ),
190 		    ((conf_data *)&c)+1, "port", port );
191     }
192 #else
193     lprintf( L_NOISE, "not reading config file, not configured" );
194 #endif
195     log_set_llevel( c_int(debug) );
197     if ( c_isset(modem_quirks) )
198     {
199         lprintf( L_NOISE, "set modem_quirks: 0x%04x", c_int(modem_quirks));
200 	modem_quirks = c_int(modem_quirks);
201     }
202 }