1 /***************************************************************************
2               converter.cpp  -  c++ example program for signing a log
3                              -------------------
4     begin                : Sun Dec 15 2002
5     copyright            : (C) 2002 by ARRL
6     author               : Jon Bloom
7     email                : jbloom@arrl.org
8     revision             : $Id$
9  ***************************************************************************/
11 #ifdef HAVE_CONFIG_H
12 #include "sysconfig.h"
13 #endif
15 #include <iostream>
16 #include <fstream>
17 #include <cstdlib>
18 #include <unistd.h>
19 #ifdef HAVE_GETOPT_H
20 	#include <getopt.h>
21 #endif
22 #include "tqsllib.h"
23 #include "tqslerrno.h"
24 #include "tqslconvert.h"
25 #include "tqslexc.h"
27 using std::cerr;
28 using std::endl;
29 using std::ofstream;
usage()31 int usage() {
32 	cerr << "Usage: converter [-ac] station-location infile [outfile]\n";
33 	exit(EXIT_FAILURE);
34 }
36 int
main(int argc,char * argv[])37 main(int argc, char *argv[]) {
38 	enum { UNKNOWN, CABRILLO, ADIF } type = UNKNOWN;
39 	int opt;
41 	while ((opt = getopt(argc, argv, "ca")) != -1) {
42 		switch (opt) {
43                          case 'c':
44 				type = CABRILLO;
45 				break;
46                          case 'a':
47 				type = ADIF;
48 				break;
49                          default:
50 				usage();
51 		}
52 	}
53 	if (argc - optind < 2)
54 		usage();
55 	tQSL_Converter conv = 0;
56 	try {
57 		if (tqsl_init())
58 			throw tqslexc();
59 		// Get the specified station location data
60 		tQSL_Location loc;
61 		if (tqsl_getStationLocation(&loc, argv[optind++]))
62 			throw tqslexc();
63 		// Get the callsign and DXCC entity to use
64 		char call[256];
65 		int dxcc;
66 		if (tqsl_getLocationCallSign(loc, call, sizeof call))
67 			throw tqslexc();
68 		if (tqsl_getLocationDXCCEntity(loc, &dxcc))
69 			throw tqslexc();
70 		// Get a list of available signing certificates
71 		tQSL_Cert *certs;
72 		int ncerts;
73 		if (tqsl_selectCertificates(&certs, &ncerts, call, dxcc, 0, 0, 1))
74 			throw tqslexc();
75 		if (ncerts < 1)
76 			throw myexc(string("No certificates available for ") + call);
77 		int stat = 1;
78 		if (type == UNKNOWN || type == CABRILLO) {
79 			if ((stat = tqsl_beginCabrilloConverter(&conv, argv[optind], certs, ncerts, loc)) != 0
80 				&& type == CABRILLO)
81 				throw tqslexc();
82 		}
83 		if (stat) {
84 			if (tqsl_beginADIFConverter(&conv, argv[optind], certs, ncerts, loc))
85 				throw tqslexc();
86 		}
87 		tqsl_setConverterAllowDuplicates(conv, false);
88 		optind++;
89 		const char *ofile = (optind < argc) ? argv[optind] : "converted.tq7";
90 		ofstream out;
91 		out.open(ofile, std::ios::out|std::ios::trunc|std::ios::binary);
92 		if (!out.is_open())
93 			throw myexc(string("Unable to open ") + ofile);
94 		bool haveout = false;
95 		do {
96 			const char *gabbi = tqsl_getConverterGABBI(conv);
97 			if (gabbi) {
98 				haveout = true;
99 				out << gabbi;
100 				continue;
101 			}
102 			if (tQSL_Error == TQSL_SIGNINIT_ERROR) {
103 				tQSL_Cert cert;
104 				if (tqsl_getConverterCert(conv, &cert))
105 					throw tqslexc();
106 				if (tqsl_beginSigning(cert, 0, 0, 0))
107 					throw tqslexc();
108 				continue;
109 			}
110 			if (tQSL_Error == TQSL_DUPLICATE_QSO)
111 				continue;
112 			break;
113 		} while (1);
114 		out.close();
115 		if (tQSL_Error != TQSL_NO_ERROR)
116 			throw tqslexc();
117 		else if (!haveout)
118 		cerr << "Empty log file" << endl;
119 	} catch(exception& x) {
120 		char buf[40] = "";
121 		int lineno;
122 		if (conv && !tqsl_getConverterLine(conv, &lineno)) // && lineno > 0)
123 			snprintf(buf, sizeof buf, " on line %d", lineno);
124 		cerr << "Aborted: " << x.what() << buf << endl;
125 		tqsl_converterRollBack(conv);
126 		return EXIT_FAILURE;
127 	}
128 	tqsl_converterCommit(conv);
129 	return EXIT_SUCCESS;
130 }