1 #ifdef HAVE_STDLIB_H
2 #include <stdlib.h>
3 #endif
4 #include <string.h>
6 #include <sys/types.h>
7 #include <math.h>
8 #include <errno.h>
9 #include "yagi.h"
13 typedef struct {
14 	int parent1,parent2 ;
15 	char *gene ;
16 	double fitness ;
17 	} GeneRecord ;
20 int population_size=0 ;
21 int gene_length=0 ;
22 int elite=1 ;
23 int ramp=0 ;
24 int PRINT=1 ;
25 double MX ;
26 /* double pmutate=0.4 ;
27 double pcross=0.6 ;
28 double psimplex=0.4 ;
29 double ptrans=0.2 ; */
30 double pmutate=0.1 ;
31 double pcross=0.9 ;
32 double psimplex=0.5 ;
33 double ptrans=0.03 ;
34 #include <errno.h>
36 GeneRecord *Pop1=NULL,*Pop2=NULL ;
setprobs(double pm,double pc,double ps,double pt)38 void setprobs(double pm,double pc,double ps,double pt)
39 {
40 	pmutate=pm ;
41 	pcross=pc ;
42 	psimplex=ps;
43 	ptrans=pt ;
44 }
GA_Free(void)46 int GA_Free(void)
47 {
48 	int a ;
49 	if (Pop1!=NULL) {
50 		for(a=0 ; a<population_size ;a++)
51 			if (Pop1[a].gene!=NULL) free(Pop1[a].gene) ;
52 		free((char *) Pop1) ;
53 	}
54 	if (Pop2!=NULL) {
55 		for(a=0 ; a<population_size ;a++)
56 			if (Pop2[a].gene!=NULL) free(Pop2[a].gene) ;
57 		free((char *) Pop2) ;
58 	}
59 	return(0);
60 }
GA_Error(char * ErrorMsg)62 int GA_Error(char *ErrorMsg)
63 {
64 	int a ;
65 	if (Pop1!=NULL) {
66 		for(a=0 ; a<population_size ;a++)
67 			if (Pop1[a].gene!=NULL) free(Pop1[a].gene) ;
68 		free(Pop1) ;
69 	}
70 	if (Pop2!=NULL) {
71 		for(a=0 ; a<population_size ;a++)
72 			if (Pop2[a].gene!=NULL) free(Pop2[a].gene) ;
73 		free(Pop2) ;
74 	}
75 	fprintf(stderr,"GA_LIB Error : %s \n\n",ErrorMsg) ;
76 	exit(1) ;
77 }
GetMax()79 double GetMax()
80 {
81 	return(MX) ;
82 }
SetPrint(int a)84 void SetPrint(int a)
85 {
86 	PRINT=a;
87 }
dump_pop1(FILE * fd,int generation,double max,double aver)88 void dump_pop1(FILE *fd,int generation,double max,double aver)
89 {
90 	int a ;
92 	if (PRINT==0) return ;
93 	fprintf(fd,"Current contents of population: generation %d\n",generation);
94 	for(a=0 ; a<gene_length ; a++) fprintf(fd,"-");
95 	fprintf(fd,"------------------\n");
96 	fprintf(fd,"Par1 Par2 Fitness   Code\n");
97 	for(a=0 ; a<population_size ; a++)
98 		fprintf(fd,"%4d %4d %9.4f %s\n",Pop1[a].parent1,Pop1[a].parent2,Pop1[a].fitness,Pop1[a].gene);
99 	fprintf(fd,"\n Maximum %9.4f Average %9.4f\n",max,aver);
100 	for(a=0 ; a<gene_length ; a++) fprintf(fd,"-");
101 	fprintf(fd,"------------------\n\n");
102 }
Initialise(int PopSize,int GeneSize)104 int Initialise(int PopSize, int GeneSize)
105 {
106 	int a,b ;
107 	char c[2] ;
109 	c[1]=0 ;
111 	/* srandom(time(&a)); */
112 	ramp=0 ;
113 	population_size=PopSize ;
114 	gene_length=GeneSize+1 ;
115 	/* limit population size */
116 	if ((PopSize<20)||(PopSize>1000)) GA_Error("Bad parameters to Initialise") ;
117 	/* Allocate memory for population 1 */
118 	Pop1=(GeneRecord *)calloc(PopSize,sizeof(GeneRecord)) ;
119 	/* Mem alloc error */
120 	if (Pop1==NULL) GA_Error((char *)"Memory allocation for population 1") ;
121 	/* Blank population array */
122 	for (a=0 ; a<population_size ; a++) {
123 		Pop1[a].gene=NULL ;
124 		Pop1[a].parent1=0 ;
125 		Pop1[a].parent2=0 ;
126 		Pop1[a].fitness=0.0 ;
127 	}
128 	/* Allocate memory for genes */
129 	for (a=0 ; a<population_size ; a++)
130 		if ((Pop1[a].gene=malloc(gene_length))==NULL)
131 			GA_Error("Cannot allocate gene in population 1");
132 	/* Allocate memory for population 2 */
133 	Pop2=(GeneRecord *)calloc(PopSize,sizeof(GeneRecord)) ;
134 	/* Mem alloc error */
135 	if (Pop2==NULL) GA_Error((char *)"Memory allocation for population 1") ;
136 	/* Blank population array */
137 	for (a=0 ; a<population_size ; a++) {
138 		Pop2[a].gene=NULL ;
139 		Pop2[a].parent1=0 ;
140 		Pop2[a].parent2=0 ;
141 		Pop2[a].fitness=0.0 ;
142 	}
143 	/* Allocate memory for genes */
144 	for (a=0 ; a<population_size ; a++)
145 		if ((Pop2[a].gene=malloc(gene_length))==NULL)
146 			GA_Error("Cannot allocate gene in population 2");
147 	/* Initialise genes */
148 	for (a=0 ; a<population_size ; a++) {
149 		for (b=0 ; b<GeneSize ; b++)
150 			/* Pop1[a].gene[b]=(char)(48+(randint()&1)) ;XXXXXXXX */
151 			Pop1[a].gene[b]=(char)(48+(randint()&1)) ;
152 		Pop1[a].gene[GeneSize]=0 ;
153 	}
155 #ifdef DEBUG
156 	if(errno)
157 	{
158 		fprintf(stderr,"Errno =%d in Initialise() of ga_lib.c\n", errno);
159 		exit(1);
160 	}
161 #endif
162 	return (0) ;
163 }
crossover(char * s1,char * s2)165 void crossover(char *s1,char *s2)
166 {
167 	int point;
168 	char duplic ;
170 	/* only works for strings of same length */
171 	if (strlen(s1)!=strlen(s2)) GA_Error((char *)"Gene length mismatch for crossover") ;
172 	/* choose a point and swap tails of strings */
173 	for (point=(randint()%(strlen(s1)-2))+1 ; point <strlen(s1) ; point++)
174 	{
175 		duplic=s1[point] ;
176 		s1[point]=s2[point] ;
177 		s2[point]=duplic ;
178 	}
179 }
mutate(char * s1)181 void mutate(char *s1)
182 {
183 	/* flip a bit in at random point */
184 	s1[randint()%strlen(s1)]^=1 ;
185 }
ga_simplex(char * s1,char * s2,char * s3)187 int ga_simplex(char *s1,char *s2, char *s3)
188 {
189 	int point ;
190 	for (point=0 ; point <(strlen(s1)-1) ; point++ )
191 		if (s1[point]==s2[point])
192 			s3[point]=s1[point] ;
193 		else
194 			s3[point]=s3[point]^1 ;
195 	return(0);
196 }
swap(int * x,int * y)198 void swap(int *x,int *y)
199 {
200 	int t ;
201 	t=*x ;
202 	*x=*y ;
203 	*y=t ;
204 }
Sort()206 void Sort()
207 {
208 	GeneRecord T ;
209 	int outer,inner,moved;
211 	for (outer=population_size-1; outer>0 ; outer--)
212 	{
213 		moved=0 ;
214 		for (inner=0 ; inner<outer ; inner++)
215 		{
216 			if (Pop1[inner].fitness<Pop1[inner+1].fitness)
217 			{
218 				memcpy((char *) &T,(char *) &Pop1[inner],sizeof(GeneRecord)) ;
219 				memcpy((char *) &Pop1[inner],(char *) &Pop1[inner+1],sizeof(GeneRecord)) ;
220 				memcpy((char *) &Pop1[inner+1],(char *) &T,sizeof(GeneRecord)) ;
221 				moved=1;
222 			}
223 		}
224 		if (moved==0) break ;
225 	}
226 }
transloc(char * gene)228 void transloc(char *gene)
229 {
230 	int a,point,gene_size ;
231 	char *dup;
233 	gene_size=gene_length-1 ;
234 	point=randint()%gene_size ;
235 	dup=strdup(gene) ;
236 	for(a=0 ; a<gene_size ; a++) gene[a]=dup[(a+point)%gene_size] ;
237 	free(dup);
238 }
Selection(FILE * fd,int gen)240 int Selection(FILE *fd, int gen)
241 {
242 	int a,b,c,d ;
243 	double sigma ;
244 	GeneRecord *temp ;
245 	double minfit,maxfit ;
246 	sigma=0.0 ;
247 	minfit=MAXFLOAT;
248 	maxfit=-minfit ;
249 	/* minfit=1e308; maxfit=-1e308; XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX */
250 	for(a=0 ; a<population_size ; a++ )
251 	{
252 		Pop1[a].fitness=Objective(Pop1[a].gene) ;
253 		if (Pop1[a].fitness<minfit) minfit=Pop1[a].fitness ;
254 		if (Pop1[a].fitness>maxfit) maxfit=Pop1[a].fitness ;
255 		sigma+=Pop1[a].fitness ;
256 	}
257 	MX=maxfit ;
258 	Sort() ;
259 	dump_pop1(fd,gen,maxfit,sigma/population_size);
260 	for(a=0 ; a<population_size ; a++ )
261 	{
262 		if(minfit!=maxfit)
263 		{
264 			Pop1[a].fitness=((Pop1[a].fitness-minfit)*99.0/(maxfit-minfit))+1.0 ;
265 		}
266 	}
267 	ramp++ ;
268 	sigma=0.0 ;
269 	for(a=0 ; a<population_size ; a++ )
270 		sigma+=Pop1[a].fitness ;
271 	c=0 ;
272 	for(a=0 ; a<population_size ; a++ )
273 	{
274 		b=(int) (Pop1[a].fitness*population_size/sigma) ;
275 		for (d=0 ; d<b ; d++)
276 			strcpy(Pop2[c++].gene,Pop1[a].gene) ;
277 	}
278 	for(d=c ; d<population_size ; d++)
279 	{
280 			b=randint()%population_size ;
281 			strcpy(Pop2[d].gene,Pop1[b].gene) ;
282 	}
283 	for(a=0 ; a<population_size ;a++)
284 	{
285 		if (randreal()<pmutate) mutate(Pop2[a].gene) ;
286 		if (randreal()<ptrans) transloc(Pop2[a].gene) ;
287 	}
288 	temp=Pop1 ;
289 	Pop1=Pop2 ;
290 	Pop2=temp ;
291 	for(a=2 ; a<population_size ; a+=2 )
292 	{
293 		b=randint()%population_size ;
294 		c=randint()%population_size ;
295 		strcpy(Pop2[a].gene,Pop1[b].gene);
296 		strcpy(Pop2[a+1].gene,Pop1[c].gene);
297 		if (randreal()<pcross)
298 		{
299 			crossover(Pop2[a].gene,Pop2[a+1].gene) ;
300 			Pop2[a].parent2=Pop2[a+1].parent1 ;
301 			Pop2[a+1].parent2=Pop2[a].parent1 ;
302 		} else {
303 			Pop2[a].parent2=Pop2[a].parent1 ;
304 			Pop2[a+1].parent2=Pop2[a+1].parent1 ;
305 		}
306 	}
307 	if (randreal()<psimplex) {
308 		a=randint()%population_size ;
309 		b=randint()%population_size ;
310 		c=randint()%population_size ;
311 		if (Pop1[a].fitness<Pop1[b].fitness)
312 			swap(&a,&b) ;
313 		if (Pop1[b].fitness<Pop1[c].fitness)
314 			swap(&b,&c) ;
315 		if (Pop1[a].fitness<Pop1[b].fitness)
316 			swap(&a,&b) ;
317 		ga_simplex(Pop1[a].gene,Pop1[b].gene,Pop2[c].gene);
318 	}
319 	temp=Pop1 ;
320 	Pop1=Pop2 ;
321 	Pop2=temp ;
322 	return 0 ;
323 }