1 /****************************************************************************
2 **
3 ** Copyright (C) 2015 The Qt Company Ltd.
4 ** Contact: http://www.qt.io/licensing/
5 **
6 ** This file is part of the qmake application of the Qt Toolkit.
7 **
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10 ** Licensees holding valid commercial Qt licenses may use this file in
11 ** accordance with the commercial license agreement provided with the
12 ** Software or, alternatively, in accordance with the terms contained in
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18 ** Alternatively, this file may be used under the terms of the GNU Lesser
19 ** General Public License version 2.1 or version 3 as published by the Free
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22 ** following information to ensure the GNU Lesser General Public License
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25 **
26 ** As a special exception, The Qt Company gives you certain additional
27 ** rights. These rights are described in The Qt Company LGPL Exception
28 ** version 1.1, included in the file LGPL_EXCEPTION.txt in this package.
29 **
30 ** GNU General Public License Usage
31 ** Alternatively, this file may be used under the terms of the GNU
32 ** General Public License version 3.0 as published by the Free Software
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37 **
39 **
40 ****************************************************************************/
42 #include "msvc_nmake.h"
43 #include "option.h"
44 #include <qregexp.h>
45 #include <qhash.h>
46 #include <qdir.h>
47 #include <time.h>
NmakeMakefileGenerator()51 NmakeMakefileGenerator::NmakeMakefileGenerator() : Win32MakefileGenerator(), init_flag(false)
52 {
54 }
56 bool
writeMakefile(QTextStream & t)57 NmakeMakefileGenerator::writeMakefile(QTextStream &t)
58 {
59     writeHeader(t);
60     if(!project->values("QMAKE_FAILED_REQUIREMENTS").isEmpty()) {
61         QStringList &qut = project->values("QMAKE_EXTRA_TARGETS");
62         for(QStringList::ConstIterator it = qut.begin(); it != qut.end(); ++it)
63             t << *it << " ";
64         t << "all first clean:" << "\n\t"
65           << "@echo \"Some of the required modules ("
66           << var("QMAKE_FAILED_REQUIREMENTS") << ") are not available.\"" << "\n\t"
67           << "@echo \"Skipped.\"" << endl << endl;
68         writeMakeQmake(t);
69         return true;
70     }
72     if(project->first("TEMPLATE") == "app" ||
73        project->first("TEMPLATE") == "lib" ||
74        project->first("TEMPLATE") == "aux") {
75 #if 0
76         if(Option::mkfile::do_stub_makefile)
77             return MakefileGenerator::writeStubMakefile(t);
78 #endif
79         writeNmakeParts(t);
80         return MakefileGenerator::writeMakefile(t);
81     }
82     else if(project->first("TEMPLATE") == "subdirs") {
83         writeSubDirs(t);
84         return true;
85     }
86     return false;
87 }
writeSubMakeCall(QTextStream & t,const QString & callPrefix,const QString & makeArguments,const QString & callPostfix)89 void NmakeMakefileGenerator::writeSubMakeCall(QTextStream &t, const QString &callPrefix,
90                                               const QString &makeArguments, const QString &callPostfix)
91 {
92     // Pass MAKEFLAGS as environment variable to sub-make calls.
93     // Unlike other make tools nmake doesn't do this automatically.
94     t << "\n\t@set MAKEFLAGS=$(MAKEFLAGS)";
95     Win32MakefileGenerator::writeSubMakeCall(t, callPrefix, makeArguments, callPostfix);
96 }
getPdbTarget()98 QString NmakeMakefileGenerator::getPdbTarget()
99 {
100     return QString(project->first("TARGET") + project->first("TARGET_VERSION_EXT") + ".pdb");
101 }
defaultInstall(const QString & t)103 QString NmakeMakefileGenerator::defaultInstall(const QString &t)
104 {
105     if((t != "target" && t != "dlltarget") ||
106        (t == "dlltarget" && (project->first("TEMPLATE") != "lib" || !project->isActiveConfig("shared"))) ||
107         project->first("TEMPLATE") == "subdirs")
108        return QString();
110     QString ret = Win32MakefileGenerator::defaultInstall(t);
112     const QString root = "$(INSTALL_ROOT)";
113     QStringList &uninst = project->values(t + ".uninstall");
114     QString targetdir = Option::fixPathToTargetOS(project->first(t + ".path"), false);
115     targetdir = fileFixify(targetdir, FileFixifyAbsolute);
116     if(targetdir.right(1) != Option::dir_sep)
117         targetdir += Option::dir_sep;
119     if(t == "target" && project->first("TEMPLATE") == "lib") {
120         if(project->isActiveConfig("shared") && project->isActiveConfig("debug")) {
121             QString pdb_target = getPdbTarget();
122             pdb_target.remove('"');
123             QString src_targ = (project->isEmpty("DESTDIR") ? QString("$(DESTDIR)") : project->first("DESTDIR")) + pdb_target;
124             QString dst_targ = filePrefixRoot(root, fileFixify(targetdir + pdb_target, FileFixifyAbsolute));
125             if(!ret.isEmpty())
126                 ret += "\n\t";
127             ret += QString("-$(INSTALL_FILE)") + " \"" + src_targ + "\" \"" + dst_targ + "\"";
128             if(!uninst.isEmpty())
129                 uninst.append("\n\t");
130             uninst.append("-$(DEL_FILE) \"" + dst_targ + "\"");
131         }
132     }
134     return ret;
135 }
findDependencies(const QString & file)137 QStringList &NmakeMakefileGenerator::findDependencies(const QString &file)
138 {
139     QStringList &aList = MakefileGenerator::findDependencies(file);
140     // Note: The QMAKE_IMAGE_COLLECTION file have all images
141     // as dependency, so don't add precompiled header then
142     if (file == project->first("QMAKE_IMAGE_COLLECTION"))
143         return aList;
144     for(QStringList::Iterator it = Option::cpp_ext.begin(); it != Option::cpp_ext.end(); ++it) {
145         if(file.endsWith(*it)) {
146             if(!precompObj.isEmpty() && !aList.contains(precompObj))
147                 aList += precompObj;
148             break;
149         }
150     }
151     return aList;
152 }
writeNmakeParts(QTextStream & t)154 void NmakeMakefileGenerator::writeNmakeParts(QTextStream &t)
155 {
156     writeStandardParts(t);
158     // precompiled header
159     if(usePCH) {
160         QString precompRule = QString("-c -Yc -Fp%1 -Fo%2").arg(precompPch).arg(precompObj);
161         t << precompObj << ": " << precompH << " " << findDependencies(precompH).join(" \\\n\t\t")
162           << "\n\t" << "$(CXX) " + precompRule +" $(CXXFLAGS) $(INCPATH) -TP " << precompH << endl << endl;
163     }
164 }
var(const QString & value)166 QString NmakeMakefileGenerator::var(const QString &value)
167 {
168     if (usePCH) {
169         if ((value == "QMAKE_RUN_CXX_IMP_BATCH"
170             || value == "QMAKE_RUN_CXX_IMP"
171             || value == "QMAKE_RUN_CXX")) {
172             QFileInfo precompHInfo(fileInfo(precompH));
173             QString precompRule = QString("-c -FI%1 -Yu%2 -Fp%3")
174                 .arg(precompHInfo.fileName())
175                 .arg(precompHInfo.fileName())
176                 .arg(precompPch);
177             QString p = MakefileGenerator::var(value);
178             p.replace("-c", precompRule);
179             // Cannot use -Gm with -FI & -Yu, as this gives an
180             // internal compiler error, on the newer compilers
181             // ### work-around for a VS 2003 bug. Move to some prf file or remove completely.
182             p.remove("-Gm");
183             return p;
184         } else if (value == "QMAKE_CXXFLAGS") {
185             // Remove internal compiler error option
186             // ### work-around for a VS 2003 bug. Move to some prf file or remove completely.
187             return MakefileGenerator::var(value).remove("-Gm");
188         }
189     }
191     // Normal val
192     return MakefileGenerator::var(value);
193 }
init()195 void NmakeMakefileGenerator::init()
196 {
197     if(init_flag)
198         return;
199     init_flag = true;
201     /* this should probably not be here, but I'm using it to wrap the .t files */
202     if(project->first("TEMPLATE") == "app")
203         project->values("QMAKE_APP_FLAG").append("1");
204     else if(project->first("TEMPLATE") == "lib")
205         project->values("QMAKE_LIB_FLAG").append("1");
206     else if(project->first("TEMPLATE") == "subdirs") {
207         MakefileGenerator::init();
208         if(project->values("MAKEFILE").isEmpty())
209             project->values("MAKEFILE").append("Makefile");
210         if(project->isEmpty("QMAKE_COPY_FILE"))
211             project->values("QMAKE_COPY_FILE").append("$(COPY)");
212         if(project->isEmpty("QMAKE_COPY_DIR"))
213             project->values("QMAKE_COPY_DIR").append("xcopy /s /q /y /i");
214         if(project->isEmpty("QMAKE_INSTALL_FILE"))
215             project->values("QMAKE_INSTALL_FILE").append("$(COPY_FILE)");
216         if(project->isEmpty("QMAKE_INSTALL_PROGRAM"))
217             project->values("QMAKE_INSTALL_PROGRAM").append("$(COPY_FILE)");
218         if(project->isEmpty("QMAKE_INSTALL_DIR"))
219             project->values("QMAKE_INSTALL_DIR").append("$(COPY_DIR)");
220         return;
221     }
223     project->values("QMAKE_LIBS") += escapeFilePaths(project->values("LIBS"));
224     project->values("QMAKE_LIBS_PRIVATE") += escapeFilePaths(project->values("LIBS_PRIVATE"));
225     processVars();
227     if (!project->values("RES_FILE").isEmpty()) {
228         project->values("QMAKE_LIBS") += escapeFilePaths(project->values("RES_FILE"));
229     }
231     if (!project->values("DEF_FILE").isEmpty()) {
232         QString defFileName = fileFixify(project->values("DEF_FILE")).first();
233         project->values("QMAKE_LFLAGS").append(QString("/DEF:") + escapeFilePath(defFileName));
234     }
236     if(!project->values("VERSION").isEmpty()) {
237         QString version = project->values("VERSION")[0];
238         int firstDot = version.indexOf(".");
239         QString major = version.left(firstDot);
240         QString minor = version.right(version.length() - firstDot - 1);
241         minor.replace(".", "");
242         project->values("QMAKE_LFLAGS").append("/VERSION:" + major + "." + minor);
243     }
245     // Base class init!
246     MakefileGenerator::init();
248     // Setup PCH variables
249     precompH = project->first("PRECOMPILED_HEADER");
250     usePCH = !precompH.isEmpty() && project->isActiveConfig("precompile_header");
251     if (usePCH) {
252         // Created files
253         precompObj = var("PRECOMPILED_DIR") + project->first("TARGET") + "_pch" + Option::obj_ext;
254         precompPch = var("PRECOMPILED_DIR") + project->first("TARGET") + "_pch.pch";
255         // Add linking of precompObj (required for whole precompiled classes)
256         project->values("OBJECTS")                  += precompObj;
257         // Add pch file to cleanup
258         project->values("QMAKE_CLEAN")          += precompPch;
259         // Return to variable pool
260         project->values("PRECOMPILED_OBJECT") = QStringList(precompObj);
261         project->values("PRECOMPILED_PCH")    = QStringList(precompPch);
262     }
264     QString version = project->first("TARGET_VERSION_EXT");
265     if(project->isActiveConfig("shared")) {
266         project->values("QMAKE_CLEAN").append(project->first("DESTDIR") + project->first("TARGET") + version + ".exp");
267     }
268     if(project->isActiveConfig("debug")) {
269         project->values("QMAKE_DISTCLEAN").append(project->first("DESTDIR") + project->first("TARGET") + version + ".pdb");
270         project->values("QMAKE_CLEAN").append(project->first("DESTDIR") + project->first("TARGET") + version + ".ilk");
271         project->values("QMAKE_CLEAN").append("vc*.pdb");
272         project->values("QMAKE_CLEAN").append("vc*.idb");
273         project->values("DEFINES").removeAll("NDEBUG");
274     } else {
275         QStringList &defines = project->values("DEFINES");
276         if (!defines.contains("NDEBUG"))
277             defines.append("NDEBUG");
278     }
279 }
writeLibDirPart(QTextStream & t)281 void NmakeMakefileGenerator::writeLibDirPart(QTextStream &t)
282 {
283     QStringList libDirs = project->values("QMAKE_LIBDIR");
284     for (int i = 0; i < libDirs.size(); ++i)
285         libDirs[i].remove("\"");
286     t << valGlue(libDirs,"/LIBPATH:\"","\" /LIBPATH:\"","\"") << " ";
287 }
writeImplicitRulesPart(QTextStream & t)289 void NmakeMakefileGenerator::writeImplicitRulesPart(QTextStream &t)
290 {
291     t << ".SUFFIXES:";
292     for(QStringList::Iterator cit = Option::c_ext.begin(); cit != Option::c_ext.end(); ++cit)
293         t << " " << (*cit);
294     for(QStringList::Iterator cppit = Option::cpp_ext.begin(); cppit != Option::cpp_ext.end(); ++cppit)
295         t << " " << (*cppit);
296     t << endl << endl;
298     if(!project->isActiveConfig("no_batch")) {
299         // Batchmode doesn't use the non implicit rules QMAKE_RUN_CXX & QMAKE_RUN_CC
300         project->variables().remove("QMAKE_RUN_CXX");
301         project->variables().remove("QMAKE_RUN_CC");
303         QHash<QString, void*> source_directories;
304         source_directories.insert(".", (void*)1);
305         QString directories[] = { QString("UI_SOURCES_DIR"), QString("UI_DIR"), QString() };
306         for(int y = 0; !directories[y].isNull(); y++) {
307             QString dirTemp = project->first(directories[y]);
308             if (dirTemp.endsWith("\\"))
309                 dirTemp.truncate(dirTemp.length()-1);
310             if(!dirTemp.isEmpty())
311                 source_directories.insert(dirTemp, (void*)1);
312         }
313         QString srcs[] = { QString("SOURCES"), QString("GENERATED_SOURCES"), QString() };
314         for(int x = 0; !srcs[x].isNull(); x++) {
315             QStringList &l = project->values(srcs[x]);
316             for(QStringList::Iterator sit = l.begin(); sit != l.end(); ++sit) {
317                 QString sep = "\\";
318                 if((*sit).indexOf(sep) == -1)
319                     sep = "/";
320                 QString dir = (*sit).section(sep, 0, -2);
321                 if(!dir.isEmpty() && !source_directories[dir])
322                     source_directories.insert(dir, (void*)1);
323             }
324         }
326         for(QHash<QString, void*>::Iterator it(source_directories.begin()); it != source_directories.end(); ++it) {
327             if(it.key().isEmpty())
328                 continue;
329             QString objDir = var("OBJECTS_DIR");
330             if (objDir == ".\\")
331                 objDir = "";
332             for(QStringList::Iterator cppit = Option::cpp_ext.begin(); cppit != Option::cpp_ext.end(); ++cppit)
333                 t << "{" << it.key() << "}" << (*cppit) << "{" << objDir << "}" << Option::obj_ext << "::\n\t"
334                   << var("QMAKE_RUN_CXX_IMP_BATCH").replace(QRegExp("\\$@"), var("OBJECTS_DIR")) << endl << "\t$<" << endl << "<<" << endl << endl;
335             for(QStringList::Iterator cit = Option::c_ext.begin(); cit != Option::c_ext.end(); ++cit)
336                 t << "{" << it.key() << "}" << (*cit) << "{" << objDir << "}" << Option::obj_ext << "::\n\t"
337                   << var("QMAKE_RUN_CC_IMP_BATCH").replace(QRegExp("\\$@"), var("OBJECTS_DIR")) << endl << "\t$<" << endl << "<<" << endl << endl;
338         }
339     } else {
340         for(QStringList::Iterator cppit = Option::cpp_ext.begin(); cppit != Option::cpp_ext.end(); ++cppit)
341             t << (*cppit) << Option::obj_ext << ":\n\t" << var("QMAKE_RUN_CXX_IMP") << endl << endl;
342         for(QStringList::Iterator cit = Option::c_ext.begin(); cit != Option::c_ext.end(); ++cit)
343             t << (*cit) << Option::obj_ext << ":\n\t" << var("QMAKE_RUN_CC_IMP") << endl << endl;
344     }
346 }
writeBuildRulesPart(QTextStream & t)348 void NmakeMakefileGenerator::writeBuildRulesPart(QTextStream &t)
349 {
350     if (project->first("TEMPLATE") == "aux") {
351         t << "first:" << endl;
352         return;
353     }
355     t << "first: all" << endl;
356     t << "all: " << fileFixify(Option::output.fileName()) << " " << varGlue("ALL_DEPS"," "," "," ") << "$(DESTDIR_TARGET)" << endl << endl;
357     t << "$(DESTDIR_TARGET): " << var("PRE_TARGETDEPS") << " $(OBJECTS) " << var("POST_TARGETDEPS");
359     if(!project->isEmpty("QMAKE_PRE_LINK"))
360         t << "\n\t" <<var("QMAKE_PRE_LINK");
361     if(project->isActiveConfig("staticlib")) {
362         t << "\n\t" << "$(LIBAPP) $(LIBFLAGS) /OUT:$(DESTDIR_TARGET) @<<" << "\n\t  "
363           << "$(OBJECTS)";
364     } else {
365         t << "\n\t" << "$(LINK) $(LFLAGS) /OUT:$(DESTDIR_TARGET) @<< " << "\n\t  "
366           << "$(OBJECTS) $(LIBS)";
367     }
368     t << endl << "<<";
369     QString signature = !project->isEmpty("SIGNATURE_FILE") ? var("SIGNATURE_FILE") : var("DEFAULT_SIGNATURE");
370     bool useSignature = !signature.isEmpty() && !project->isActiveConfig("staticlib") &&
371                         !project->isEmpty("CE_SDK") && !project->isEmpty("CE_ARCH");
372     if(useSignature) {
373         t << "\n\tsigntool sign /F " << signature << " $(DESTDIR_TARGET)";
374     }
375     if(!project->isEmpty("QMAKE_POST_LINK")) {
376         t << "\n\t" << var("QMAKE_POST_LINK");
377     }
378     t << endl;
379 }