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42 #include "QtTest/private/qsignaldumper_p.h"
44 #include <QtCore/qlist.h>
45 #include <QtCore/qmetaobject.h>
46 #include <QtCore/qmetatype.h>
47 #include <QtCore/qobject.h>
48 #include <QtCore/qvariant.h>
50 #include "QtTest/private/qtestlog_p.h"
54 namespace QTest
55 {
qPrintMessage(const QByteArray & ba)57 inline static void qPrintMessage(const QByteArray &ba)
58 {
59     QTestLog::info(ba.constData(), 0, 0);
60 }
62 Q_GLOBAL_STATIC(QList<QByteArray>, ignoreClasses)
63 static int iLevel = 0;
64 static int ignoreLevel = 0;
65 enum { IndentSpacesCount = 4 };
memberName(const QMetaMethod & member)67 static QByteArray memberName(const QMetaMethod &member)
68 {
69     QByteArray ba = member.signature();
70     return ba.left(ba.indexOf('('));
71 }
qSignalDumperCallback(QObject * caller,int method_index,void ** argv)73 static void qSignalDumperCallback(QObject *caller, int method_index, void **argv)
74 {
75     Q_ASSERT(caller); Q_ASSERT(argv); Q_UNUSED(argv);
76     const QMetaObject *mo = caller->metaObject();
77     Q_ASSERT(mo);
78     QMetaMethod member = mo->method(method_index);
79     Q_ASSERT(member.signature());
81     if (QTest::ignoreClasses() && QTest::ignoreClasses()->contains(mo->className())) {
82         ++QTest::ignoreLevel;
83         return;
84     }
86     QByteArray str;
87     str.fill(' ', QTest::iLevel++ * QTest::IndentSpacesCount);
88     str += "Signal: ";
89     str += mo->className();
90     str += '(';
92     QString objname = caller->objectName();
93     str += objname.toLocal8Bit();
94     if (!objname.isEmpty())
95         str += ' ';
96     str += QByteArray::number(quintptr(caller), 16);
98     str += ") ";
99     str += QTest::memberName(member);
100     str += " (";
102     QList<QByteArray> args = member.parameterTypes();
103     for (int i = 0; i < args.count(); ++i) {
104         const QByteArray &arg = args.at(i);
105         int typeId = QMetaType::type(args.at(i).constData());
106         if (arg.endsWith('*') || arg.endsWith('&')) {
107             str += '(';
108             str += arg;
109             str += ')';
110             if (arg.endsWith('&'))
111                 str += '@';
113             quintptr addr = quintptr(*reinterpret_cast<void **>(argv[i + 1]));
114             str.append(QByteArray::number(addr, 16));
115         } else if (typeId != QMetaType::Void) {
116             str.append(arg)
117                 .append('(')
118                 .append(QVariant(typeId, argv[i + 1]).toString().toLocal8Bit())
119                 .append(')');
120         }
121         str.append(", ");
122     }
123     if (str.endsWith(", "))
124         str.chop(2);
125     str.append(')');
126     qPrintMessage(str);
127 }
qSignalDumperCallbackSlot(QObject * caller,int method_index,void ** argv)129 static void qSignalDumperCallbackSlot(QObject *caller, int method_index, void **argv)
130 {
131     Q_ASSERT(caller); Q_ASSERT(argv); Q_UNUSED(argv);
132     const QMetaObject *mo = caller->metaObject();
133     Q_ASSERT(mo);
134     QMetaMethod member = mo->method(method_index);
135     if (!member.signature())
136         return;
138     if (QTest::ignoreLevel ||
139             (QTest::ignoreClasses() && QTest::ignoreClasses()->contains(mo->className())))
140         return;
142     QByteArray str;
143     str.fill(' ', QTest::iLevel * QTest::IndentSpacesCount);
144     str += "Slot: ";
145     str += mo->className();
146     str += '(';
148     QString objname = caller->objectName();
149     str += objname.toLocal8Bit();
150     if (!objname.isEmpty())
151         str += ' ';
152     str += QByteArray::number(quintptr(caller), 16);
154     str += ") ";
155     str += member.signature();
156     qPrintMessage(str);
157 }
qSignalDumperCallbackEndSignal(QObject * caller,int)159 static void qSignalDumperCallbackEndSignal(QObject *caller, int /*method_index*/)
160 {
161     Q_ASSERT(caller); Q_ASSERT(caller->metaObject());
162     if (QTest::ignoreClasses()
163             && QTest::ignoreClasses()->contains(caller->metaObject()->className())) {
164         --QTest::ignoreLevel;
165         Q_ASSERT(QTest::ignoreLevel >= 0);
166         return;
167     }
168     --QTest::iLevel;
169     Q_ASSERT(QTest::iLevel >= 0);
170 }
172 }
174 // this struct is copied from qobject_p.h to prevent us
175 // from including private Qt headers.
176 struct QSignalSpyCallbackSet
177 {
178     typedef void (*BeginCallback)(QObject *caller, int method_index, void **argv);
179     typedef void (*EndCallback)(QObject *caller, int method_index);
180     BeginCallback signal_begin_callback,
181                   slot_begin_callback;
182     EndCallback signal_end_callback,
183                 slot_end_callback;
184 };
185 extern void Q_CORE_EXPORT qt_register_signal_spy_callbacks(const QSignalSpyCallbackSet &);
startDump()187 void QSignalDumper::startDump()
188 {
189     static QSignalSpyCallbackSet set = { QTest::qSignalDumperCallback,
190         QTest::qSignalDumperCallbackSlot, QTest::qSignalDumperCallbackEndSignal, 0 };
191     qt_register_signal_spy_callbacks(set);
192 }
endDump()194 void QSignalDumper::endDump()
195 {
196     static QSignalSpyCallbackSet nset = { 0, 0, 0 ,0 };
197     qt_register_signal_spy_callbacks(nset);
198 }
ignoreClass(const QByteArray & klass)200 void QSignalDumper::ignoreClass(const QByteArray &klass)
201 {
202     if (QTest::ignoreClasses())
203         QTest::ignoreClasses()->append(klass);
204 }
clearIgnoredClasses()206 void QSignalDumper::clearIgnoredClasses()
207 {
208     if (QTest::ignoreClasses())
209         QTest::ignoreClasses()->clear();
210 }