1 /****************************************************************************
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6 ** This file is part of the QtXmlPatterns module of the Qt Toolkit.
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42 //
43 //  W A R N I N G
44 //  -------------
45 //
46 // This file is not part of the Qt API.  It exists purely as an
47 // implementation detail.  This header file may change from version to
48 // version without notice, or even be removed.
49 //
50 // We mean it.
52 #ifndef Patternist_XsdValidatingInstanceReader_H
53 #define Patternist_XsdValidatingInstanceReader_H
55 #include "qxsdidchelper_p.h"
56 #include "qxsdinstancereader_p.h"
57 #include "qxsdstatemachine_p.h"
58 #include "qxsdvalidatedxmlnodemodel_p.h"
60 #include <QtCore/QStack>
66 class QXmlQuery;
68 namespace QPatternist
69 {
70     /**
71      * @short The validating schema instance reader.
72      *
73      * This class reads in a xml instance document from a QAbstractXmlNodeModel and
74      * validates it against a given xml schema.
75      *
76      * @ingroup Patternist_schema
77      * @author Tobias Koenig <tobias.koenig@nokia.com>
78      */
79     class XsdValidatingInstanceReader : public XsdInstanceReader
80     {
81         public:
82             typedef QExplicitlySharedDataPointer<XsdValidatingInstanceReader> Ptr;
84             /**
85              * Creates a new validating instance reader that reads the data from
86              * the given @p model.
87              *
88              * @param model The model the data shall be read from.
89              * @param documentUri The uri of the document the model is from.
90              * @param context The context that is used to report errors etc.
91              */
92             XsdValidatingInstanceReader(XsdValidatedXmlNodeModel *model, const QUrl &documentUri, const XsdSchemaContext::Ptr &context);
94             /**
95              * Adds a new @p schema to the pool of schemas that shall be used
96              * for validation.
97              * The schema is located at the given @p url.
98              */
99             void addSchema(const XsdSchema::Ptr &schema, const QUrl &url);
101             /**
102              * Reads and validates the instance document.
103              */
104             bool read();
106         private:
107             /**
108              * Loads a schema with the given @p targetNamespace from the given @p location
109              * and adds it to the pool of schemas that are used for validation.
110              *
111              * This method is used to load schemas defined in the xsi:schemaLocation or
112              * xsi:noNamespaceSchemaLocation attributes in the instance document.
113              */
114             bool loadSchema(const QString &targetNamespace, const QUrl &location);
116             /**
117              * Reports an error via the report context.
118              */
119             void error(const QString &msg) const;
121             /**
122              * Validates the current element tag of the instance document.
123              *
124              * @param hasStateMachine Used to remember whether this element represents the start tag
125              *                        of a complex type and therefor pushes a new state machine on the stack.
126              * @param element Used to remember which element has been validated in this step.
127              */
128             bool validate(bool &hasStateMachine, XsdElement::Ptr &element);
130             /**
131              * Validates the current tag of the instance document against the given element @p declaration.
132              *
133              * @param declaration The element declaration to validate against.
134              * @param hasStateMachine Used to remember whether this element represents the start tag
135              *                        of a complex type and therefor pushes a new state machine on the stack.
136              */
137             bool validateElement(const XsdElement::Ptr &declaration, bool &hasStateMachine);
139             /**
140              * Validates the current tag of the instance document against the given @p type of the element @p declaration.
141              *
142              * @param declaration The element declaration to validate against.
143              * @param type The type to validate against.
144              * @param isNilled Defines whether the element is nilled by the instance document.
145              * @param hasStateMachine Used to remember whether this element represents the start tag
146              *                        of a complex type and therefor pushes a new state machine on the stack.
147              *
148              * @note The @p type can differ from the element @p declaration type if the instance document has defined
149              *       it via xsi:type attribute.
150              */
151             bool validateElementType(const XsdElement::Ptr &declaration, const SchemaType::Ptr &type, bool isNilled, bool &hasStateMachine);
153             /**
154              * Validates the current tag of the instance document against the given simple @p type of the element @p declaration.
155              *
156              * @param declaration The element declaration to validate against.
157              * @param type The type to validate against.
158              * @param isNilled Defines whether the element is nilled by the instance document.
159              *
160              * @note The @p type can differ from the element @p declaration type if the instance document has defined
161              *       it via xsi:type attribute.
162              */
163             bool validateElementSimpleType(const XsdElement::Ptr &declaration, const SchemaType::Ptr &type, bool isNilled);
165             /**
166              * Validates the current tag of the instance document against the given complex @p type of the element @p declaration.
167              *
168              * @param declaration The element declaration to validate against.
169              * @param type The type to validate against.
170              * @param isNilled Defines whether the element is nilled by the instance document.
171              * @param hasStateMachine Used to remember whether this element represents the start tag
172              *                        of a complex type and therefor pushes a new state machine on the stack.
173              *
174              * @note The @p type can differ from the element @p declaration type if the instance document has defined
175              *       it via xsi:type attribute.
176              */
177             bool validateElementComplexType(const XsdElement::Ptr &declaration, const SchemaType::Ptr &type, bool isNilled, bool &hasStateMachine);
179             /**
180              * Validates the given @p value against the attribute use @p declaration.
181              */
182             bool validateAttribute(const XsdAttributeUse::Ptr &declaration, const QString &value);
184             /**
185              * Validates the given @p value against the attribute @p declaration.
186              */
187             bool validateAttribute(const XsdAttribute::Ptr &declaration, const QString &value);
189             /**
190              * Validates the given @p attributeName against the @p wildcard.
191              */
192             bool validateAttributeWildcard(const QXmlName &attributeName, const XsdWildcard::Ptr &wildcard);
194             /**
195              * Validates the identity constraints of an @p element.
196              */
197             bool validateIdentityConstraint(const XsdElement::Ptr &element, const QXmlItem &currentItem);
199             /**
200              * Validates the <em>unique</em> identity @p constraint of the @p element.
201              */
202             bool validateUniqueIdentityConstraint(const XsdElement::Ptr &element, const XsdIdentityConstraint::Ptr &constraint, const TargetNode::Set &qualifiedNodeSet);
204             /**
205              * Validates the <em>key</em> identity @p constraint of the @p element.
206              */
207             bool validateKeyIdentityConstraint(const XsdElement::Ptr &element, const XsdIdentityConstraint::Ptr &constraint, const TargetNode::Set &targetNodeSet, const TargetNode::Set &qualifiedNodeSet);
209             /**
210              * Validates the <em>keyref</em> identity @p constraint of the @p element.
211              */
212             bool validateKeyRefIdentityConstraint(const XsdElement::Ptr &element, const XsdIdentityConstraint::Ptr &constraint, const TargetNode::Set &qualifiedNodeSet);
214             /**
215              * Selects two sets of nodes that match the given identity @p constraint.
216              *
217              * @param element The element the identity constraint belongs to.
218              * @param currentItem The current element that will be used as focus for the XQuery.
219              * @param constraint The constraint (selector and fields) that describe the two sets.
220              * @param targetNodeSet The target node set as defined by the schema specification.
221              * @param qualifiedNodeSet The qualified node set as defined by the schema specification.
222              */
223             bool selectNodeSets(const XsdElement::Ptr &element, const QXmlItem &currentItem, const XsdIdentityConstraint::Ptr &constraint, TargetNode::Set &targetNodeSet, TargetNode::Set &qualifiedNodeSet);
225             /**
226              * Creates an QXmlQuery object with the defined @p namespaceBindings that has the @p contextNode as focus
227              * and will execute @p query.
228              */
229             QXmlQuery createXQuery(const QList<QXmlName> &namespaceBindings, const QXmlItem &contextNode, const QString &query) const;
231             /**
232              * Returns the element declaration with the given @p name from the pool of all schemas.
233              */
234             XsdElement::Ptr elementByName(const QXmlName &name) const;
236             /**
237              * Returns the attribute declaration with the given @p name from the pool of all schemas.
238              */
239             XsdAttribute::Ptr attributeByName(const QXmlName &name) const;
241             /**
242              * Returns the type declaration with the given @p name from the pool of all schemas.
243              */
244             SchemaType::Ptr typeByName(const QXmlName &name) const;
246             /**
247              * Adds the ID/IDREF binding to the validated model and checks for duplicates.
248              */
249             void addIdIdRefBinding(const QString &id, const NamedSchemaComponent::Ptr &binding);
251             /**
252              * Helper method that reads an attribute of type xs:QName and does
253              * syntax checking.
254              */
255             QString qNameAttribute(const QXmlName &attributeName);
257             /**
258              * Returns the xs:anyType that is used to build up the state machine.
259              * We need that as the BuiltinTypes::xsAnyType is not a XsdComplexType.
260              */
261             XsdComplexType::Ptr anyType();
263             /**
264              * Helper method that creates a state machine for the given @p particle
265              * and pushes it on the state machine stack.
266              */
267             void createAndPushStateMachine(const XsdParticle::Ptr &particle);
269             typedef QHash<QUrl, QStringList> MergedSchemas;
270             typedef QHashIterator<QUrl, QStringList> MergedSchemasIterator;
272             XsdValidatedXmlNodeModel::Ptr               m_model;
273             MergedSchemas                               m_mergedSchemas;
274             XsdSchema::Ptr                              m_schema;
275             const NamePool::Ptr                         m_namePool;
276             const QXmlName                              m_xsiNilName;
277             const QXmlName                              m_xsiTypeName;
278             const QXmlName                              m_xsiSchemaLocationName;
279             const QXmlName                              m_xsiNoNamespaceSchemaLocationName;
281             QStack<XsdStateMachine<XsdTerm::Ptr> >      m_stateMachines;
282             QUrl                                        m_documentUri;
283             XsdComplexType::Ptr                         m_anyType;
284             QSet<QString>                               m_processedNamespaces;
285             QSet<QString>                               m_processedSchemaLocations;
286             QSet<QString>                               m_idRefs;
287             QHash<QXmlName, TargetNode::Set>            m_idcKeys;
288             SchemaType::Ptr                             m_idRefsType;
289     };
290 }
296 #endif