1 /*****************************************************************************
2  * sql.c
3  *****************************************************************************
4  * conversion of dbf files to sql
5  *
6  * Author: 	Dr Georg Roesler, groesle@gwdg.de
7  * 			Mikhail Teterin,
8  *			Bj�rn Berg, clergyman@gmx.de
9  *
10  *****************************************************************************
11  * $Id: sql.c,v 1.20 2006/04/14 12:28:12 rollinhand Exp $
12  ****************************************************************************/
14 #include "dbf.h"
15 #include "sql.h"
17 /* Whether to trim SQL strings from either side: */
18 static int trimright = 0;
19 static int trimleft = 0;
21 /* Whether to use copy instead of insert statements */
22 static int usecopy = 0;
24 /* Whether to add a 'drop table' statement */
25 static unsigned int sql_drop_table = 1;
27 /* Whether to create the sql table */
28 static unsigned int sql_create_table = 1;
30 /* Whether to output NULL for empty strings */
31 static int empty_str_is_null = 0;
33 /* setSQLEmptyStrIsNULL() {{{
34  * Handler for the '--empty-str-is-null' option.
35  * Output NULL for empty strings.
36  */
37 int
setSQLEmptyStrIsNULL(FILE * output,P_DBF * p_dbf,const char * filename,const char * level)38 setSQLEmptyStrIsNULL(FILE *output, P_DBF *p_dbf,
39     const char *filename, const char *level)
40 {
41 	empty_str_is_null = 1;
42 	return 0;
43 }
44 /* }}} */
46 /* setNoDrop() {{{
47  * Handler for the '--nodrop' option.
48  * disable output of DROP TABLE statement
49  */
50 int
setNoDrop(FILE * output,P_DBF * p_dbf,const char * filename,const char * level)51 setNoDrop(FILE *output, P_DBF *p_dbf,
52     const char *filename, const char *level)
53 {
54 	sql_drop_table = 0;
55 	return 0;
56 }
57 /* }}} */
59 /* setNoCreate() {{{
60  * Handler for the '--nocreate' option.
61  * disable output of CREATE TABLE statement
62  */
63 int
setNoCreate(FILE * output,P_DBF * p_dbf,const char * filename,const char * level)64 setNoCreate(FILE *output, P_DBF *p_dbf,
65     const char *filename, const char *level)
66 {
67 	sql_create_table = 0;
68 	return 0;
69 }
70 /* }}} */
72 /* setSQLTrim() {{{
73  * Handler for the '--tim char' option.
74  */
setSQLTrim(FILE * fp,P_DBF * p_dbf,const char * filename,const char * mode)75 int setSQLTrim(FILE *fp, P_DBF *p_dbf,
76     const char *filename, const char *mode)
77 {
78 	if (mode[1] != '\0')
79 		goto invalid;
80 	switch (mode[0]) {
81 		case 'R':
82 		case 'r':
83 			trimright = 1;
84 			return 0;
85 		case 'L':
86 		case 'l':
87 			trimleft = 1;
88 			return 0;
89 		case 'B':
90 		case 'b':
91 			trimleft = trimright = 1;
92 			return 0;
93 		invalid:
94 		default:
95 			fprintf(stderr, _("Invalid trim mode ``%s''. Expecting ``r'', ``l'', or ``b'' for both."),
96 			    mode);
97 			return 1;
98 	}
99 }
100 /* }}} */
102 /* setSQLUsecopy() {{{
103  * Handler for the '--usecopy' option.
104  */
setSQLUsecopy(FILE * fp,P_DBF * p_dbf,const char * filename,const char * mode)105 int setSQLUsecopy(FILE *fp, P_DBF *p_dbf,
106     const char *filename, const char *mode)
107 {
108 	usecopy = 1;
109 	return(0);
110 }
111 /* }}} */
113 /* writeSQLHeader() {{{
114  * creates the SQL Header with the information provided by DB_FIELD
115  */
writeSQLHeader(FILE * fp,P_DBF * p_dbf,const char * filename,const char * export_filename)116 int writeSQLHeader (FILE *fp, P_DBF *p_dbf,
117     const char *filename, const char *export_filename)
118 {
119 	fprintf(fp, "-- %s -- \n--\n"
120 	    "-- SQL code with the contents of dbf file %s\n\n", export_filename, filename);
122 	if ( sql_drop_table ) {
123 		fprintf(fp, "\nDROP TABLE %s;\n", tablename);
124 	}
125 	if ( sql_create_table ) {
126 		int unsigned l1,l2;
127 		int i, columns;
129 		fprintf(fp, "\nCREATE TABLE %s (\n", tablename);
131 		columns = dbf_NumCols(p_dbf);
132 		for (i = 0; i < columns; i++) {
133 			char field_type;
134 			const char *field_name;
135 			int field_length, field_decimals;
136 			field_type = dbf_ColumnType(p_dbf, i);
137 			field_name = dbf_ColumnName(p_dbf, i);
138 			field_length = dbf_ColumnSize(p_dbf, i);
139 			field_decimals = dbf_ColumnDecimals(p_dbf, i);
140 			fprintf(fp, "  %-11s ", field_name);
141 			switch(field_type) {
142 				case 'C':
143 					/*
144 					 * SQL 2 requests "character varying" at this point,
145 					 * but oracle, informix, db2, MySQL and PGSQL
146 					 * support also "varchar". To be compatible to most
147 					 * SQL databases we should use varchar for the moment.
148 					 * - berg, 2003-09-08
149 					 */
150 					fprintf(fp, "varchar(%d)", field_type == 'M' ? 10 : field_length);
151 				break;
152 				case 'M':
153 					/*
154 					 * M stands for memo fields which are currently not
155 					 * supported by dbf.
156 					 * - berg, 2003-09-08
157 					 */
158 					fprintf(stderr, _("Invalid mode. Cannot convert this dBASE file. Memo fields are not supported."));
159 					return 1;
160 				break;
161 				case 'I':
162 					fputs("int", fp);
163 				break;
164 				case 'N':
165 					l1 = field_length;
166 					l2 = field_decimals;
167 					if((l1 < 10) && (l2 == 0))
168 						fputs("int", fp);
169 					else
170 						fprintf(fp, "numeric(%d,%d)",
171 								l1, l2);
172 				break;
173 				case 'F':
174 					l1 = field_length;
175 					l2 = field_decimals;
176 					fprintf(fp, "numeric(%d, %d)", l1, l2);
177 				break;
178 				case 'B': {
179 					/*
180 					 * In VisualFoxPro 'B' stands for double so it is an int value
181 					 */
182 					int dbversion = dbf_GetVersion(p_dbf);
183 					if ( dbversion == VisualFoxPro ) {
184 						l1 = field_length;
185 						l2 = field_decimals;
186 						fprintf(fp, "numeric(%d, %d)", l1, l2);
187 					} else if ( dbversion == dBase3 ) {
188 							fprintf(stderr, _("Invalid mode. Cannot convert this dBASE file. Memo fields are not supported."));
189 						return 1;
190 					}
192 				break;
193 				}
194 				case 'D':
195 					fputs("date", fp);
196 				break;
197 				case 'L':
198 					/*
199 					 * Type logical is not supported in SQL, you have to use number
200 					 * resp. numeric to keep to the standard
201 					 */
202 					 fprintf(fp, "boolean");
203 				break;
204 				default:
205 					fprintf(fp, "/* unsupported type ``%c'' */", field_type);
206 			}
207 			if (i < columns-1)
208 				fputc(',', fp);
209 			fputs("\n", fp);
210 		}
211 		fputs(");\n\n", fp);
212 	}
214 	if(usecopy) {
215 		int columns, i;
217 		fprintf(fp, "COPY %s (", tablename);
218 		columns = dbf_NumCols(p_dbf);
219 		for (i = 0; i < columns; i++) {
220 			const char *field_name;
221 			field_name = dbf_ColumnName(p_dbf, i);
222 			fprintf(fp, "%s", field_name);
223 			if (i < columns-1)
224 				fputc(',', fp);
225 		}
226 		fputs(") FROM stdin;\n", fp);
227 	}
229 	return 0;
230 }
231 /* }}} */
233 /* writeSQLFooter() {{{
234  * creates the SQL Footer
235  */
writeSQLFooter(FILE * fp,P_DBF * p_dbf,const char * filename,const char * export_filename)236 int writeSQLFooter (FILE *fp, P_DBF *p_dbf,
237     const char *filename, const char *export_filename)
238 {
239 	if(usecopy)
240 		fputs("\\.\n", fp);
241 }
242 /* }}} */
244 /* writeSQLLine() {{{
245  * fills the SQL table
246  */
247 int
writeSQLLine(FILE * fp,P_DBF * p_dbf,const unsigned char * value,int record_length,const char * filename,const char * export_filename)248 writeSQLLine (FILE *fp, P_DBF *p_dbf,
249     const unsigned char *value, int record_length,
250     const char *filename, const char *export_filename)
251 {
252 	int i, columns;
254 	columns = dbf_NumCols(p_dbf);
256 	if(!usecopy)
257 		fprintf(fp, "INSERT INTO %s VALUES (", tablename);
259 	for (i = 0; i < columns; i++) {
260 		const unsigned char *end, *begin;
261 		char field_type;
262 		int isstring;
263 		int isdate;
264 		int isbool;
265 		field_type = dbf_ColumnType(p_dbf, i);
266 		isstring = (field_type == 'M' || field_type == 'C');
267 		isdate = (field_type == 'D');
268 		isbool = (field_type == 'L');
270 		/*
271 		 * A string is only trimmed if trimright and/or trimleft is set
272 		 * Other datatypes are always "trimmed" to determine, if they
273 		 * are empty, in which case they are printed out as NULL -- to
274 		 * keep the SQL correctness.	-mi	Aug, 2003
275 		 */
276 		begin = value;
277 		value += dbf_ColumnSize(p_dbf, i); /* The next field */
278 		end = value;
280 		/* Remove NULL chars at end of field */
281 		while(--end != begin && *end == '\0')
282 			;
284 		if(begin == end && *end == '\0') {
285 			if(usecopy)
286 				fputs("\\N", fp);
287 			else
288 				fputs("NULL", fp);
289 			continue;
290 		}
292 		end++;
294 		/*
295 		 * Non-string data-fields are already right justified
296 		 * and actually don't need right-trimming, but if we right trim
297 		 * them as well, we will determine NULL values easily.
298 		 */
299 		if (!isstring || (isstring && trimright)) {
300 			while (--end != begin && *end == ' ')
301 				;
302 			if (end == begin && *end == ' ') {
303 				if(empty_str_is_null || !isstring) {
304 					if(usecopy)
305 						fputs("\\N", fp);
306 					else
307 						fputs("NULL", fp);
308 				} else {
309 					if(!usecopy) {
310 						putc('\'', fp);
311 						putc('\'', fp);
312 					}
313 				}
314 				/* Is this the last field? */
315 				if (i < columns-1) {
316 					if(usecopy)
317 						putc('\t', fp);
318 					else
319 						putc(',', fp);
320 				}
321 				continue;
322 			}
323 			end++;
324 		}
326 		if (trimleft || !isstring) {
327 			while (begin != end && *begin == ' ')
328 				begin++;
329 		}
331 		if (!usecopy && (isdate || isstring)) {
332 			putc('\'', fp);
333 		}
335 		/* Output the field data */
336 		if (isbool) {
337 			char sign = *begin++;
338 			if ( sign == 't' || sign == 'y' || sign == 'T' || sign == 'Y') {
339 				fprintf(fp, "true");
340 			} else {
341 				fprintf(fp, "false");
342 			}
344 		} else if (field_type == 'B' || field_type == 'F') {
345 			char fmt[30];
347 			sprintf(fmt, "%%%d.%df", dbf_ColumnSize(p_dbf, i), dbf_ColumnDecimals(p_dbf, i));
348 			fprintf(fp, fmt, *(double *)begin);
349 			begin += dbf_ColumnSize(p_dbf, i);
351 		} else {
353 			do	{ /* Output the non-empty string:*/
355 				char sign = *begin++;	/* cast operations */
356 				switch (sign) {
357 					case '\'':
358 						putc('\\', fp);
359 						putc('\'', fp);
360 						break;
361 					case '\"':
362 						putc('\\', fp);
363 						putc('\"', fp);
364 						break;
365 					default:
366 						putc(sign, fp);
367 				}
368 			} while (begin < end);
370 		}
372 		if (!usecopy && (isdate || isstring))
373 			putc('\'', fp);
375 		/* Is this the last field? */
376 		if (i < columns-1) {
377 			if(usecopy)
378 				putc('\t', fp);
379 			else
380 				putc(',', fp);
381 		}
383 	}
384 	/* Terminate INSERT INTO or COPY line ; */
385 	if(!usecopy)
386 		fputs(");", fp);
387 	fputs("\n", fp);
389 	return 0;
390 }
391 /* }}} */
393 /*
394  * Local variables:
395  * tab-width: 4
396  * c-basic-offset: 4
397  * End:
398  * vim600: sw=4 ts=4 fdm=marker
399  * vim<600: sw=4 ts=4
400  */