1 using System;
2 using System.Text;
3 using System.Collections;
4 using System.Runtime.InteropServices;
5 using System.Diagnostics;
7 namespace FastDbNet
8 {
9   //-------------------------------------------------------------------------
10   public class FastDbConnection: IDisposable {
11     public static readonly int DefaultInitDatabaseSize  = 4*1024*1024; // Default initial db size (number of objects)
12     public static readonly int DefaultInitIndexSize     = 512*1024;    // Default initial index size (number of objects)
13     public static readonly int DefaultExtensionQuantum  = 4*1024*1024; // Quantum of extension of allocated memory
14     public static readonly int MaxParallelSearchThreads = 64;          // Maximal number of threads which can be spawned to perform parallel sequentila search
15     public static readonly int DefaultDatabasePort      = 6010;
16     public static readonly int DefReconnectTimeoutSec   = 120;         // Reconnect timeout seconds
18     /// <summary>
19     /// Create a FastDb connection (without opening a database).
20     /// </summary>
21     /// <param name="DatabaseName">Database name</param>
FastDbConnection(string DatabaseName)22     public FastDbConnection(string DatabaseName) {
23       this.dbName = DatabaseName;
24       this.dbPath = DatabaseName + ".fdb";
25     }
27     /// <summary>
28     /// Destroy FastDb connection, close the database, and free session resources.
29     /// </summary>
~FastDbConnection()30     ~FastDbConnection()                  { Dispose(false); }
32     /// <summary>
33     /// Create table given its structure.
34     /// </summary>
35     /// <param name="TableName">Table name</param>
36     /// <param name="fields">Table fields</param>
37     /// <returns>Return code (int)CLI.ErrorCode</returns>
CreateTable(string TableName, FastDbFields fields)38     public int CreateTable(string TableName, FastDbFields fields) {
39       CLI.CliFieldDescriptor[] flds = (CLI.CliFieldDescriptor[])Array.CreateInstance(typeof(CLI.CliFieldDescriptor), fields.Count);
40       //(CLI.CliFieldDescriptor[])aFlds.ToArray(typeof(CLI.CliFieldDescriptor));
42       for(int i=0; i<fields.Count; i++) {
43         flds[i].type                = fields[i].Type;
44         flds[i].flags               = fields[i].Flags;
45         flds[i].name                = Marshal.StringToHGlobalAnsi(fields[i].Name);
46         flds[i].refTableName        = Marshal.StringToHGlobalAnsi(fields[i].RefTable);
47         flds[i].inverseRefFieldName = Marshal.StringToHGlobalAnsi(fields[i].InvRefField);
48       }
50       int rc = CLI.cli_create_table(session, TableName, fields.Count, flds);
52       for(int i=0; i < fields.Count; i++) {
53         Marshal.FreeCoTaskMem(flds[i].name);
54         Marshal.FreeCoTaskMem(flds[i].refTableName);
55         Marshal.FreeCoTaskMem(flds[i].inverseRefFieldName);
56       }
57       if (rc < 0 && rc != (int)CLI.ErrorCode.cli_table_already_exists) CLI.CliCheck(rc);
58       return rc;
59     }
61     /// <summary>
62     /// Name of the database
63     /// </summary>
64     public string DatabaseName      { get { return dbName; }            set { CheckConnection(false); dbName = value; } }
65     /// <summary>
66     /// Path to the database file.
67     /// </summary>
68     public string DatabasePath      { get { return dbPath; }            set { CheckConnection(false); dbPath = value; } }
69     /// <summary>
70     /// Initial database size.
71     /// </summary>
72     public int    InitDbSize        { get { return initDbSize; }        set { CheckConnection(false); initDbSize = value; } }
73     /// <summary>
74     /// Initial database index size.
75     /// </summary>
76     public int    InitIdxSize       { get { return initIdxSize; }       set { CheckConnection(false); initIdxSize = value; } }
77     /// <summary>
78     /// Memory extention quantum size
79     /// </summary>
80     public int    ExtensionQuantum  { get { return extQuantum;    }     set { CheckConnection(false); extQuantum    = value; } }
81     /// <summary>
82     /// Maximum allowed size of the database file.  0 = unlimited.
83     /// </summary>
84     public int    FileSizeLimit     { get { return fileSizeLimit; }     set { CheckConnection(false); fileSizeLimit = value; } }
85     /// <summary>
86     /// Number of attempts to establish connection
87     /// </summary>
88     public int    MaxConnectRetries { get { return maxConnectRetries; } set { CheckConnection(false); maxConnectRetries = value; } }
89     /// <summary>
90     /// Timeout in seconds between connection attempts
91     /// </summary>
92     public int    ReconnectTimeout  { get { return reconnectTimeout;  } set { CheckConnection(false); reconnectTimeout  = value; } }
93     /// <summary>
94     /// If true, Open() creates a replicated node.  Defaults to false.
95     /// </summary>
96     public bool   EnableReplication { get { return enableReplication; } set { CheckConnection(false); enableReplication = value; } }
97     /// <summary>
98     /// Trasnaction commit delay (specify 0 to disable).
99     /// </summary>
100     public uint   TransCommitDelay  { get { return transCommitDelay; }  set { CheckConnection(false); transCommitDelay = value; } }
101     /// <summary>
102     /// Node identifier: 0 ... NodeNames.Length  (only relevant for a replicated database).
103     /// </summary>
104     public int    NodeID            { get { return nodeID; }            set { CheckConnection(false); nodeID = value; } }
105     /// <summary>
106     /// Names of the replicated nodes (only relevant for a replicated database).
107     /// </summary>
108     public string[] NodeNames       { get { return nodeNames; }         set { CheckConnection(false); nodeNames = value; } }
109     /// <summary>
110     /// Internal session handle
111     /// </summary>
112     public int    Session           { get { return session; } }
113     /// <summary>
114     /// Controls automated calls to Attach()/Detach() methods.  Disabled by default.
115     /// </summary>
116     public bool   Threaded          { get { return threaded; } set { threaded = value; } }
117     /// <summary>
118     /// Attributes used to open database. <seealso cref="CLI.CliOpenAttribute"/>
119     /// </summary>
120     public CLI.CliOpenAttribute OpenAttributes {
121       get { return openAttributes; }
122       set { CheckConnection(false); openAttributes = value; }
123     }
125     /// <summary>
126     /// Open local database.
127     /// </summary>
Open()128     public void Open()                      { this.Open(true, "", 0); }
Open(string Host, int Port)129     public void Open(string Host, int Port) { this.Open(false, Host, Port); }
131     /// <summary>
132     /// Commit transaction and write changed data to disk.
133     /// </summary>
Commit()134     public void Commit()    { CLI.CliCheck(CLI.cli_commit(session)); }
135     /// <summary>
136     /// Commit transaction without writing changed data to disk.
137     /// </summary>
PreCommit()138     public void PreCommit() { CLI.CliCheck(CLI.cli_precommit(session)); }
139     /// <summary>
140     /// Roolback current transaction.
141     /// </summary>
Rollback()142     public void Rollback()  { CLI.CliCheck(CLI.cli_abort(session)); }
143     /// <summary>
144     /// Close database connection.
145     /// </summary>
Close()146     public void Close()
147     {
148       for(int i=commands.Count-1; i >= 0; --i)
149         ((FastDbCommand)commands[i]).Free();
150       CLI.CliCheck(CLI.cli_close(session));
151       session = -1;
152     }
154     /// <summary>
155     /// List tables in the database.
156     /// </summary>
157     /// <returns>A string array of table names</returns>
ListTables()158     public unsafe string[] ListTables() {
159       bool dummy = false;
160       return ListTables("", ref dummy);
161     }
163     /// <summary>
164     /// Checks if a table exists in the database.
165     /// </summary>
166     /// <param name="TableName">Name of the table to check for existence</param>
167     /// <returns>true - table exists.</returns>
TableExists(string TableName)168     public bool TableExists(string TableName) {
169       bool exists = false;
170       ListTables(TableName, ref exists);
171       return exists;
172     }
DescribeTable(string TableName)174     public FastDbFields DescribeTable(string TableName) {
175       return this.DescribeTable(TableName, true); }
177     /// <summary>
178     /// Describes a table given its name.
179     /// </summary>
180     /// <param name="TableName">Name of the table to describe</param>
181     /// <param name="RaiseError">If true, an error check will be performed (default: true).</param>
182     /// <returns>A collection of fields fetched from the database's table.</returns>
DescribeTable(string TableName, bool RaiseError)183     public unsafe FastDbFields DescribeTable(string TableName, bool RaiseError) {
184       FastDbFields fields = new FastDbFields();
185       void* p = null;
187       int rc = CLI.cli_describe(session, TableName, ref p);
188       if (RaiseError) CLI.CliCheck(rc);
189       if (rc > 0) {
190         try {
191           CLI.CliFieldDescriptor* fld = (CLI.CliFieldDescriptor*)p;
192           for(int i=0; i<rc; i++, fld++) {
193             Debug.Assert(fld->name != IntPtr.Zero, "Field name is a null pointer!");
194             string s  = Marshal.PtrToStringAnsi(fld->name);
195             string sr = (fld->refTableName == IntPtr.Zero) ? null : Marshal.PtrToStringAnsi(fld->refTableName);
196             string si = (fld->inverseRefFieldName == IntPtr.Zero) ? null : Marshal.PtrToStringAnsi(fld->inverseRefFieldName);
197             fields.Add(s, fld->type, fld->flags, sr, si);
198           }
199         }
200         finally {
201           CLI.cli_free_memory(session, p);
202         }
203       }
204       return fields;
205     }
207     /// <summary>
208     /// Drop a table from the database
209     /// </summary>
210     /// <param name="TableName">Name of the table</param>
DropTable(string TableName)211     public void DropTable(string TableName) {
212       CLI.CliCheck(CLI.cli_drop_table(session, TableName));
213     }
215     /// <summary>
216     /// Alter index on a field
217     /// </summary>
218     /// <param name="TableName">Name of the table</param>
219     /// <param name="FieldName">Name of the field</param>
220     /// <param name="NewFlags">New index types.</param>
AlterIndex(string TableName, string FieldName, CLI.FieldFlags NewFlags)221     public void AlterIndex(string TableName, string FieldName, CLI.FieldFlags NewFlags) {
222       CLI.CliCheck(CLI.cli_alter_index(session, TableName, FieldName, NewFlags));
223     }
226     /// <summary>
227     /// Create a new SQL command in this connection. <seealso cref="CLI.FastDbCommand"/>
228     /// </summary>
229     /// <param name="sql">SQL text representing a command</param>
230     /// <returns>FastDbCommand object to be used for executing the SQL command</returns>
CreateCommand(string sql)231     public FastDbCommand CreateCommand(string sql) {
232       lock(typeof(FastDbConnection)) {
233         int n = commands.Add(new FastDbCommand(this, sql));
234         return (FastDbCommand)commands[n];
235       }
236     }
RemoveCommand(FastDbCommand command)238     internal void RemoveCommand(FastDbCommand command) {
239       lock(typeof(FastDbConnection)) {
240         commands.Remove(command);
241       }
242     }
244     /// <summary>
245     /// Attach current thread to the database. Each thread except one opened the database
246     /// should first attach to the database before any access to the database,
247     /// and detach after end of the work with database.
248     /// </summary>
Attach()249     public void Attach() {
250       CLI.CliCheck(CLI.cli_attach(session));
251     }
Detach()253     public void Detach() {
254       Detach(CLI.CliDetachMode.cli_commit_on_detach | CLI.CliDetachMode.cli_destroy_context_on_detach);
255     }
257     /// <summary>
258     /// Detach current thread from the database. Each thread except one opened the database
259     /// should perform attach to the database before any access to the database,
260     /// and detach after end of the work with database
261     /// <seealso cref="CLI.CliDetachMode"/>
262     /// </summary>
263     /// <param name="mode">Optional parameter indicating the detach action.</param>
Detach(CLI.CliDetachMode mode)264     public void Detach(CLI.CliDetachMode mode) {
265       CLI.CliCheck(CLI.cli_detach(session, mode));
266     }
268     /// <summary>
269     /// Set exclusive database lock
270     /// </summary>
Lock()271     public void Lock() {
272       CLI.CliCheck(CLI.cli_lock(session));
273     }
275     /// <summary>
276     /// Perform database backup
277     /// </summary>
278     /// <param name="filePath">backup file path</param>
279     /// <param name="compactify">if true then databae will be compactified during backup -
280     /// i.e. all used objects will be placed together without holes; if false then
281     ///  backup is performed by just writting memory mapped object to the backup file.</param>
Backup(string filePath, bool compactify)282     public void Backup(string filePath, bool compactify) {
283       CLI.CliCheck(CLI.cli_backup(session, filePath, compactify ? 1 : 0));
284     }
286     /// <summary>
287     /// Schedule database backup
288     /// </summary>
289     /// <param name="filePath">path to backup file. If name ends with '?', then
290     /// each backup willbe placed in seprate file with '?' replaced with current timestamp</param>
291     /// <param name=" period">period of performing backups in seconds</param>
ScheduleBackup(string filePath, int period)292     public void ScheduleBackup(string filePath, int period) {
293       CLI.CliCheck(CLI.cli_schedule_backup(session, filePath, period));
294     }
296     /// <summary>
297     /// Extract a DDL of a table
298     /// </summary>
299     /// <param name="TableName">Name of a table</param>
300     /// <returns>A string representing the table's DDL.</returns>
ExtractTableDDL(string TableName)301     public string ExtractTableDDL(string TableName) {
302       FastDbFields flds = DescribeTable(TableName);
303       StringBuilder result = new StringBuilder("create table "+TableName+" (\n");
305       int nLen = 0;
306       for(int i=0; i<flds.Count; i++) nLen = (nLen > flds[i].Name.Length) ? nLen : flds[i].Name.Length;
307       for(int i=0; i<flds.Count; i++) {
308         result.AppendFormat("\t{0} {1}{2}", flds[i].Name.PadRight(nLen, ' '), CLI.CliTypeToStr(flds[i].Type, true),
309           (flds[i].RefTable == null) ? "" : " to "+flds[i].RefTable);
310         result.Append((i==(flds.Count-1)) ? "" : ",\n");
311       }
312       result.Append(");\n");
313       string IDX_STR = "create {0} on {1}.{2};\n";
314       for(int i=0; i<flds.Count; i++) {
315         if (Enum.IsDefined(flds[i].Flags.GetType(), CLI.FieldFlags.cli_hashed))
316           result.AppendFormat(IDX_STR, "hash",  TableName, flds[i].Name);
317         if (Enum.IsDefined(flds[i].Flags.GetType(), CLI.FieldFlags.cli_indexed))
318           result.AppendFormat(IDX_STR, "index",  TableName, flds[i].Name);
319       }
320       return result.ToString();
321     }
323     /// <summary>
324     /// Extracts the metadata of the entire FastDB database, and stores it to a file
325     /// </summary>
326     /// <param name="FileName">FileName where the DDL is to be saved.</param>
SaveDDLtoFile(string FileName)327     public void SaveDDLtoFile(string FileName) {
328       System.IO.StreamWriter writer = System.IO.File.CreateText(FileName);
329       try {
330         string[] tables = ListTables();
331         writer.WriteLine("open '{0}';", dbName);
332         foreach (string table in tables)
333           writer.Write(ExtractTableDDL(table));
334         writer.WriteLine("commit;");
335         writer.WriteLine("exit;");
336       }
337       finally {
338         writer.Close();
339       }
340     }
343     /// <summary>
344     /// This method implements IDisposable.  It takes this object off
345     /// the Finalization queue to prevent finalization code for this
346     /// object from executing a second time.
347     /// </summary>
Dispose()348     public void Dispose() {
349       Dispose(true);
350       GC.SuppressFinalize(this);
351     }
353     /// <summary>
354     /// This method executes by a user's call, or by the runtime.
355     /// </summary>
356     /// <param name="disposing">If disposing equals true, the method has been called directly
357     /// or indirectly by a user's code. Managed and unmanaged resources
358     /// can be disposed. If disposing equals false, the method has been called by the
359     /// runtime from inside the finalizer and you should not reference
360     /// other objects. Only unmanaged resources can be disposed.</param>
Dispose(bool disposing)361     protected virtual void Dispose(bool disposing) {
362       if(this.session != -1) {   // Check to see if Dispose has already been called.
363         if(disposing) {} // Dispose managed resources here.
364         Close();         // Release unmanaged resources.
365       }
366     }
CheckConnection(bool IsConnected)368     protected void CheckConnection(bool IsConnected) {
369       if ((IsConnected) ? session == -1 : session != -1)
370         throw new CliError("The session is " + ((IsConnected) ? "connected" : "not connected"));
371     }
SessionErrorHandler(int error, [MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.LPStr)] string msg, int msgarg, IntPtr UserData)373     private static void SessionErrorHandler(int error,
374       [MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.LPStr)] string msg, int msgarg, IntPtr UserData) {
375       //Debug.Assert(UserData != IntPtr.Zero, "UserData must be assigned FastDbSession value!");
376       //int handle; Marshal.Copy(UserData, handle, 0, 1);
377       // This procedure must raise an error to unwind the stack
378       throw new CliError(error-100, msg+String.Format(" ({0})", msgarg));
379     }
ListTables(string TableName, ref bool tableExists)381     private unsafe string[] ListTables(string TableName, ref bool tableExists) {
382       IntPtr p = new IntPtr(0);
383       int rc = CLI.CliCheck(CLI.cli_show_tables(session, ref p));
384       ArrayList tables = new ArrayList(rc);
385       if (rc > 0) {
386         try {
387           CLI.CliTableDescriptor* table = (CLI.CliTableDescriptor*)p.ToPointer();
388           tableExists = false;
389           for(int i=0; i < rc; i++, table++) {
390             string s = Marshal.PtrToStringAnsi(table->name);
391             if (String.Compare(s, TableName, true) == 0) tableExists = true;
392             tables.Add(s);
393           }
394         }
395         finally {
396           CLI.cli_free_memory(session, p.ToPointer());
397         }
398       }
399       return (string[])tables.ToArray(typeof(string));
400     }
Open(bool isLocal, string Host, int Port)402     private void Open(bool isLocal, string Host, int Port) {
403       CheckConnection(false);
405       if (!isLocal)
406         session = CLI.cli_open(String.Format("{0}:{1}", Host, Port), maxConnectRetries, reconnectTimeout);
407       else
408         session = (int)CLI.ErrorCode.cli_bad_address;
410       if (session != (int)CLI.ErrorCode.cli_bad_address)
411         throw new CliError(session, "cli_open failed");
412       else {
413         if (enableReplication)
414           session =
415             CLI.CliCheck(CLI.cli_create_replication_node(
416             nodeID,
417             nodeNames.Length,
418             nodeNames,
419             dbName,
420             dbPath,
421             (int)openAttributes,
422             initDbSize,
423             extQuantum,
424             initIdxSize,
425             fileSizeLimit), "cli_create_replication_node failed");
426         else
427           session =
428             CLI.CliCheck(CLI.cli_create(dbName,
429             dbPath,
430             transCommitDelay,
431             (int)openAttributes,
432             initDbSize,
433             extQuantum,
434             initIdxSize,
435             fileSizeLimit), "cli_create failed");
436       }
438       sessionThreadID = System.Threading.Thread.CurrentThread.GetHashCode();
439       IntPtr dummy    = IntPtr.Zero;
440       errorHandler = new CLI.CliErrorHandler(SessionErrorHandler);
441       CLI.cli_set_error_handler(session, errorHandler, dummy);
442     }
444     private string    dbName;
445     private string    dbPath;
446     private int       session            = -1;
447     private int       initDbSize         = DefaultInitDatabaseSize;
448     private int       initIdxSize        = DefaultInitIndexSize;
449     private int       extQuantum         = DefaultExtensionQuantum;
450     private int       fileSizeLimit      = 0;
451     private uint      transCommitDelay   = 0;
452     private CLI.CliOpenAttribute openAttributes = CLI.CliOpenAttribute.oaReadWrite;
453     private int       sessionThreadID    = -1;
454     private int       maxConnectRetries  = 0;
455     private int       reconnectTimeout   = DefReconnectTimeoutSec;
456     private bool      enableReplication  = false;
457     private CLI.CliErrorHandler errorHandler;
459     private int       nodeID             = 0;
460     private string[]  nodeNames          = new string[] {};
461     private bool      threaded           = false;
462     private ArrayList commands           = new ArrayList();
463   }
464 }