1 package javacli;
3 /**
4  * Set of objects returned by select. This class is similar with JDBC ResultSet
5  * class and allows navigation though the selected objects in orward or backward
6  * direction
7  */
8 public class ObjectSet {
9     /**
10      * Get first fetched object
11      * @return first object in the set or null if no objects were selected
12      */
getFirst()13     public Object getFirst() {
14         return getObject(Connection.cli_cmd_get_first, 0);
15     }
17     /**
18      * Get last fetched object
19      * @return last object in the set or null if no objects were selected
20      */
getLast()21     public Object getLast() {
22         return getObject(Connection.cli_cmd_get_last, 0);
23     }
25     /**
26      * Get next fetched object
27      * @return next object in the set or null if current object is thelast one in the
28      * set or no objects were selected
29      */
getNext()30     public Object getNext() {
31         return getObject(Connection.cli_cmd_get_next, 0);
32     }
34     /**
35      * Get previous fetched object
36      * @return previous object in the set or null if the current object is the first
37      * one in the set or no objects were selected
38      */
getPrev()39     public Object getPrev() {
40         return getObject(Connection.cli_cmd_get_prev, 0);
41     }
44     /**
45      * Skip specified number of objects.
46      * <UL>
47      * <LI>if <code>n</code> is positive, then this method has the same effect as
48      * executing getNext() mehod <code>n</code> times.
49      * <LI>if <code>n</code> is negative, then this method has the same effect of
50      * executing getPrev() mehod <code>-n</code> times.
51      * <LI>if <code>n</code> is zero, this method has no effect
52      * </UL>
53      * @param n number of objects to be skipped
54      * @return object <code>n</code> positions relative to the current position
55      */
skip(int n)56     Object skip(int n) {
57         return getObject(Connection.cli_cmd_skip, n);
58     }
60     /**
61      * Get reference to the current object
62      * @return return reference to the current object or null if no objects were
63      * selected
64      */
getRef()65     public Reference getRef() {
66         return currOid != 0 ? new Reference(currOid) : null;
67     }
69     /**
70      * Update the current object in the set. Changes made in the current object
71      * are saved in the database
72      */
update()73     public void update() {
74         if (stmt == null) {
75             throw new CliError("ObjectSet was aleady closed");
76         }
77         if (stmt.con == null) {
78             throw new CliError("Statement was closed");
79         }
80         if (currOid == 0) {
81             throw new CliError("No object was selected");
82         }
83         if (!stmt.forUpdate) {
84             throw new CliError("Updates not allowed");
85         }
86         if (updated) {
87             throw new CliError("Record was already updated");
88         }
89         ComBuffer buf = new ComBuffer(Connection.cli_cmd_update, stmt.stmtId);
90         stmt.tableDesc.writeColumnValues(buf, currObj);
91         stmt.con.sendReceive(buf);
92     }
94     /**
95      * Remove all selected objects.
96      * All objects in the object set are removed from the database.
97      */
removeAll()98     public void removeAll() {
99         if (stmt == null) {
100             throw new CliError("ObjectSet was aleady closed");
101         }
102         if (stmt.con == null) {
103             throw new CliError("Statement was closed");
104         }
105         if (!stmt.forUpdate) {
106             throw new CliError("Updates not allowed");
107         }
108         stmt.con.sendReceive(Connection.cli_cmd_remove, stmt.stmtId);
109     }
111     /**
112      * Get the number of objects in the object set.
113      * @return number of the selected objects
114      */
size()115     public int size() {
116         return nObjects;
117     }
119     /**
120      * Close object set. Any followin operation with this object set will raise an
121      * xception.
122      */
close()123     public void close() {
124         if (stmt == null) {
125             throw new CliError("ObjectSet was aleady closed");
126         }
127         stmt = null;
128     }
getObject(int cmd, int n)130     protected Object getObject(int cmd, int n) {
131         if (stmt == null) {
132             throw new CliError("ObjectSet was aleady closed");
133         }
134         if (stmt.con == null) {
135             throw new CliError("Statement was closed");
136         }
137         ComBuffer buf = new ComBuffer(cmd, stmt.stmtId);
138         if (cmd == Connection.cli_cmd_skip) {
139             buf.putInt(n);
140         }
141         stmt.con.send(buf);
142         buf.reset(4);
143         stmt.con.receive(buf, 4);
144         int len = buf.getInt();
145         if (len == Connection.cli_not_found) {
146             return null;
147         } else if (len <= 0) {
148             throw new CliError("Failed to get object");
149         }
150         buf.reset(len-4);
151         stmt.con.receive(buf, len-4);
152         currOid = buf.getInt();
153         if (currOid == 0) {
154             return null;
155         }
156         updated = false;
157         return currObj = stmt.tableDesc.readObject(buf);
158     }
ObjectSet(Statement stmt, int nObjects)160     protected ObjectSet(Statement stmt, int nObjects) {
161         this.stmt = stmt;
162         this.nObjects = nObjects;
163     }
165     protected Statement stmt;
166     protected int       nObjects;
167     protected int       currOid;
168     protected Object    currObj;
169     protected boolean   updated;
170 }