2@package animation.temporal_manager
4@brief Management of temporal datasets used in animation
7 - temporal_manager::DataMode
8 - temporal_manager::GranularityMode
9 - temporal_manager::TemporalManager
12(C) 2012 by the GRASS Development Team
14This program is free software under the GNU General Public License
15(>=v2). Read the file COPYING that comes with GRASS for details.
17@author Anna Kratochvilova <kratochanna gmail.com>
20from __future__ import print_function
22import os
23import datetime
25import grass.script as grass
26import grass.temporal as tgis
27from core.gcmd import GException
28from core.settings import UserSettings
29from animation.utils import validateTimeseriesName, TemporalType
32class DataMode:
33    SIMPLE = 1
34    MULTIPLE = 2
37class GranularityMode:
38    ONE_UNIT = 1
39    ORIGINAL = 2
42class TemporalManager(object):
43    """Class for temporal data processing."""
45    def __init__(self):
46        self.timeseriesList = []
47        self.timeseriesInfo = {}
49        self.dataMode = None
50        self.temporalType = None
52        self.granularityMode = GranularityMode.ORIGINAL
54    def GetTemporalType(self):
55        """Get temporal type (TemporalType.ABSOLUTE,
56        TemporalType.RELATIVE)
57        """
58        return self._temporalType
60    def SetTemporalType(self, ttype):
61        self._temporalType = ttype
63    temporalType = property(fget=GetTemporalType, fset=SetTemporalType)
65    def AddTimeSeries(self, timeseries, etype):
66        """Add space time dataset
67        and collect basic information about it.
69        Raises GException (e.g. with invalid topology).
71        :param timeseries: name of timeseries (with or without mapset)
72        :param etype: element type (strds, stvds)
73        """
74        self._gatherInformation(
75            timeseries,
76            etype,
77            self.timeseriesList,
78            self.timeseriesInfo)
80    def EvaluateInputData(self):
81        """Checks if all timeseries are compatible (raises GException).
83        Sets internal variables.
84        """
85        timeseriesCount = len(self.timeseriesList)
87        if timeseriesCount == 1:
88            self.dataMode = DataMode.SIMPLE
89        elif timeseriesCount > 1:
90            self.dataMode = DataMode.MULTIPLE
91        else:
92            self.dataMode = None
94        ret, message = self._setTemporalState()
95        if not ret:
96            raise GException(message)
97        if message:  # warning
98            return message
100        return None
102    def _setTemporalState(self):
103        # check for absolute x relative
104        absolute, relative = 0, 0
105        for infoDict in self.timeseriesInfo.values():
106            if infoDict['temporal_type'] == 'absolute':
107                absolute += 1
108            else:
109                relative += 1
110        if bool(absolute) == bool(relative):
111            message = _("It is not allowed to display data with different "
112                        "temporal types (absolute and relative).")
113            return False, message
114        if absolute:
115            self.temporalType = TemporalType.ABSOLUTE
116        else:
117            self.temporalType = TemporalType.RELATIVE
119        # check for units for relative type
120        if relative:
121            units = set()
122            for infoDict in self.timeseriesInfo.values():
123                units.add(infoDict['unit'])
124            if len(units) > 1:
125                message = _(
126                    "It is not allowed to display data with different units (%s).") % ','.join(units)
127                return False, message
129        # check for interval x point
130        interval, point = 0, 0
131        for infoDict in self.timeseriesInfo.values():
132            if infoDict['map_time'] == 'interval':
133                interval += 1
134            else:
135                point += 1
136        if bool(interval) == bool(point):
137            message = _(
138                "You are going to display data with different "
139                "temporal types of maps (interval and point)."
140                " It is recommended to use data of one temporal type to avoid confusion.")
141            return True, message  # warning
143        return True, None
145    def GetGranularity(self):
146        """Returns temporal granularity of currently loaded timeseries.
147        """
148        if self.dataMode == DataMode.SIMPLE:
149            gran = self.timeseriesInfo[self.timeseriesList[0]]['granularity']
150            if 'unit' in self.timeseriesInfo[
151                    self.timeseriesList[0]]:  # relative:
152                granNum = gran
153                unit = self.timeseriesInfo[self.timeseriesList[0]]['unit']
154                if self.granularityMode == GranularityMode.ONE_UNIT:
155                    granNum = 1
156            else:  # absolute
157                granNum, unit = gran.split()
158                if self.granularityMode == GranularityMode.ONE_UNIT:
159                    granNum = 1
161            return (int(granNum), unit)
163        if self.dataMode == DataMode.MULTIPLE:
164            return self._getCommonGranularity()
166    def _getCommonGranularity(self):
167        allMaps = []
168        for dataset in self.timeseriesList:
169            maps = self.timeseriesInfo[dataset]['maps']
170            allMaps.extend(maps)
172        if self.temporalType == TemporalType.ABSOLUTE:
173            gran = tgis.compute_absolute_time_granularity(allMaps)
174            granNum, unit = gran.split()
175            if self.granularityMode == GranularityMode.ONE_UNIT:
176                granNum = 1
177            return int(granNum), unit
178        if self.temporalType == TemporalType.RELATIVE:
179            unit = self.timeseriesInfo[self.timeseriesList[0]]['unit']
180            granNum = tgis.compute_relative_time_granularity(allMaps)
181            if self.granularityMode == GranularityMode.ONE_UNIT:
182                granNum = 1
183            return (granNum, unit)
185    def GetLabelsAndMaps(self):
186        """Returns time labels and map names.
187        """
188        mapLists = []
189        labelLists = []
190        labelListSet = set()
191        for dataset in self.timeseriesList:
192            grassLabels, listOfMaps = self._getLabelsAndMaps(dataset)
193            mapLists.append(listOfMaps)
194            labelLists.append(tuple(grassLabels))
195            labelListSet.update(grassLabels)
196        # combine all timeLabels and fill missing maps with None
197        # BUT this does not work properly if the datasets have
198        # no temporal overlap! We would need to sample all datasets
199        # by a temporary dataset, I don't know how it would work with point
200        # data
201        if self.temporalType == TemporalType.ABSOLUTE:
202            timestamps = sorted(list(labelListSet), key=lambda x: x[0])
203        else:
204            timestamps = sorted(list(labelListSet), key=lambda x: x[0])
206        newMapLists = []
207        for mapList, labelList in zip(mapLists, labelLists):
208            newMapList = [None] * len(timestamps)
209            i = 0
210            # compare start time
211            while timestamps[i][0] != labelList[0][0]:  # compare
212                i += 1
213            newMapList[i:i + len(mapList)] = mapList
214            newMapLists.append(newMapList)
216        mapDict = {}
217        for i, dataset in enumerate(self.timeseriesList):
218            mapDict[dataset] = newMapLists[i]
220        if self.temporalType == TemporalType.ABSOLUTE:
221            # ('1996-01-01 00:00:00', '1997-01-01 00:00:00', 'year'),
222            formatString = UserSettings.Get(
223                group='animation', key='temporal', subkey='format')
224            timestamps = [
225                (datetime.datetime.strftime(
226                    st, formatString), datetime.datetime.strftime(
227                    end, formatString) if end is not None else None, unit) for (
228                    st, end, unit) in timestamps]
229        else:
230            # ('15', '16', u'years'),
231            timestamps = [(str(st), end if end is None else str(end), unit)
232                          for st, end, unit in timestamps]
233        return timestamps, mapDict
235    def _getLabelsAndMaps(self, timeseries):
236        """Returns time labels and map names (done by sampling)
237        for both interval and point data.
238        """
239        sp = tgis.dataset_factory(
240            self.timeseriesInfo[timeseries]['etype'], timeseries)
241        if sp.is_in_db() is False:
242            raise GException(
243                _("Space time dataset <%s> not found.") %
244                timeseries)
245        sp.select()
247        listOfMaps = []
248        timeLabels = []
249        granNum, unit = self.GetGranularity()
250        if self.temporalType == TemporalType.ABSOLUTE:
251            if self.granularityMode == GranularityMode.ONE_UNIT:
252                gran = '%(one)d %(unit)s' % {'one': 1, 'unit': unit}
253            else:
254                gran = '%(num)d %(unit)s' % {'num': granNum, 'unit': unit}
256        elif self.temporalType == TemporalType.RELATIVE:
257            unit = self.timeseriesInfo[timeseries]['unit']
258            if self.granularityMode == GranularityMode.ONE_UNIT:
259                gran = 1
260            else:
261                gran = granNum
262        # start sampling - now it can be used for both interval and point data
263        # after instance, there can be a gap or an interval
264        # if it is a gap we remove it and put there the previous instance instead
265        # however the first gap must be removed to avoid duplication
266        maps = sp.get_registered_maps_as_objects_by_granularity(gran=gran)
267        if maps and len(maps) > 0:
268            lastTimeseries = None
269            followsPoint = False  # indicates that we are just after finding a point
270            afterPoint = False  # indicates that we are after finding a point
271            for mymap in maps:
272                if isinstance(mymap, list):
273                    if len(mymap) > 0:
274                        map = mymap[0]
275                else:
276                    map = mymap
278                series = map.get_id()
280                start, end = map.get_temporal_extent_as_tuple()
281                if self.timeseriesInfo[timeseries]['map_time'] == 'point':
282                    # point data
283                    listOfMaps.append(series)
284                    afterPoint = True
285                    followsPoint = True
286                    lastTimeseries = series
287                    end = None
288                else:
289                    end = end
290                    # interval data
291                    if series:
292                        # map exists, stop point mode
293                        listOfMaps.append(series)
294                        afterPoint = False
295                    else:
296                        # check point mode
297                        if afterPoint:
298                            if followsPoint:
299                                # skip this one, already there
300                                followsPoint = False
301                                continue
302                            else:
303                                # append the last one (of point time)
304                                listOfMaps.append(lastTimeseries)
305                                end = None
306                        else:
307                            # append series which is None
308                            listOfMaps.append(series)
309                timeLabels.append((start, end, unit))
311        return timeLabels, listOfMaps
313    def _pretifyTimeLabels(self, labels):
314        """Convert absolute time labels to grass time and
315        leave only datum when time is 0.
316        """
317        grassLabels = []
318        isTime = False
319        for start, end, unit in labels:
320            start = tgis.string_to_datetime(start)
321            start = tgis.datetime_to_grass_datetime_string(start)
322            if end is not None:
323                end = tgis.string_to_datetime(end)
324                end = tgis.datetime_to_grass_datetime_string(end)
325            grassLabels.append((start, end, unit))
326            if '00:00:00' not in start or (
327                    end is not None and '00:00:00' not in end):
328                isTime = True
329        if not isTime:
330            for i, (start, end, unit) in enumerate(grassLabels):
331                start = start.replace('00:00:00', '').strip()
332                if end is not None:
333                    end = end.replace('00:00:00', '').strip()
334                grassLabels[i] = (start, end, unit)
335        return grassLabels
337    def _gatherInformation(self, timeseries, etype, timeseriesList, infoDict):
338        """Get info about timeseries and check topology (raises GException)"""
339        id = validateTimeseriesName(timeseries, etype)
340        sp = tgis.dataset_factory(etype, id)
341        # Insert content from db
342        sp.select()
343        # Get ordered map list
344        maps = sp.get_registered_maps_as_objects()
346        if not sp.check_temporal_topology(maps):
347            raise GException(
348                _("Topology of Space time dataset %s is invalid." % id))
350        timeseriesList.append(id)
351        infoDict[id] = {}
352        infoDict[id]['etype'] = etype
353        infoDict[id]['temporal_type'] = sp.get_temporal_type()
354        if sp.is_time_relative():
355            infoDict[id]['unit'] = sp.get_relative_time_unit()
356        infoDict[id]['granularity'] = sp.get_granularity()
357        infoDict[id]['map_time'] = sp.get_map_time()
358        infoDict[id]['maps'] = maps
361def test():
362    from pprint import pprint
363    # Make sure the temporal database exists
364    tgis.init()
366    temp = TemporalManager()
367#    timeseries = createAbsolutePoint()
368#    timeseries = createRelativePoint()
369#    timeseries1, timeseries2 = createAbsoluteInterval()
370    timeseries1, timeseries2 = createRelativeInterval()
372    temp.AddTimeSeries(timeseries1, 'strds')
373    temp.AddTimeSeries(timeseries2, 'strds')
375    try:
376        warn = temp.EvaluateInputData()
377        print(warn)
378    except GException as e:
379        print(e)
380        return
382    print('///////////////////////////')
383    gran = temp.GetGranularity()
384    print("granularity: " + str(gran))
385    pprint(temp.GetLabelsAndMaps())
388def createAbsoluteInterval():
389    grass.run_command(
390        'g.region',
391        s=0,
392        n=80,
393        w=0,
394        e=120,
395        b=0,
396        t=50,
397        res=10,
398        res3=10,
399        flags='p3',
400        quiet=True)
402    grass.mapcalc(exp="prec_1 = rand(0, 550)", overwrite=True)
403    grass.mapcalc(exp="prec_2 = rand(0, 450)", overwrite=True)
404    grass.mapcalc(exp="prec_3 = rand(0, 320)", overwrite=True)
405    grass.mapcalc(exp="prec_4 = rand(0, 510)", overwrite=True)
406    grass.mapcalc(exp="prec_5 = rand(0, 300)", overwrite=True)
407    grass.mapcalc(exp="prec_6 = rand(0, 650)", overwrite=True)
409    grass.mapcalc(exp="temp_1 = rand(0, 550)", overwrite=True)
410    grass.mapcalc(exp="temp_2 = rand(0, 450)", overwrite=True)
411    grass.mapcalc(exp="temp_3 = rand(0, 320)", overwrite=True)
412    grass.mapcalc(exp="temp_4 = rand(0, 510)", overwrite=True)
413    grass.mapcalc(exp="temp_5 = rand(0, 300)", overwrite=True)
414    grass.mapcalc(exp="temp_6 = rand(0, 650)", overwrite=True)
416    n1 = grass.read_command("g.tempfile", pid=1, flags='d').strip()
417    fd = open(n1, 'w')
418    fd.write(
419        "prec_1|2001-01-01|2001-02-01\n"
420        "prec_2|2001-04-01|2001-05-01\n"
421        "prec_3|2001-05-01|2001-09-01\n"
422        "prec_4|2001-09-01|2002-01-01\n"
423        "prec_5|2002-01-01|2002-05-01\n"
424        "prec_6|2002-05-01|2002-07-01\n"
425    )
426    fd.close()
428    n2 = grass.read_command("g.tempfile", pid=2, flags='d').strip()
429    fd = open(n2, 'w')
430    fd.write(
431        "temp_1|2000-10-01|2001-01-01\n"
432        "temp_2|2001-04-01|2001-05-01\n"
433        "temp_3|2001-05-01|2001-09-01\n"
434        "temp_4|2001-09-01|2002-01-01\n"
435        "temp_5|2002-01-01|2002-05-01\n"
436        "temp_6|2002-05-01|2002-07-01\n"
437    )
438    fd.close()
439    name1 = 'absinterval1'
440    name2 = 'absinterval2'
441    grass.run_command('t.unregister', type='raster',
442                      maps='prec_1,prec_2,prec_3,prec_4,prec_5,prec_6,'
443                      'temp_1,temp_2,temp_3,temp_4,temp_5,temp_6')
444    for name, fname in zip((name1, name2), (n1, n2)):
445        grass.run_command(
446            't.create',
447            overwrite=True,
448            type='strds',
449            temporaltype='absolute',
450            output=name,
451            title="A test with input files",
452            descr="A test with input files")
453        grass.run_command(
454            't.register',
455            flags='i',
456            input=name,
457            file=fname,
458            overwrite=True)
460    return name1, name2
463def createRelativeInterval():
464    grass.run_command(
465        'g.region',
466        s=0,
467        n=80,
468        w=0,
469        e=120,
470        b=0,
471        t=50,
472        res=10,
473        res3=10,
474        flags='p3',
475        quiet=True)
477    grass.mapcalc(exp="prec_1 = rand(0, 550)", overwrite=True)
478    grass.mapcalc(exp="prec_2 = rand(0, 450)", overwrite=True)
479    grass.mapcalc(exp="prec_3 = rand(0, 320)", overwrite=True)
480    grass.mapcalc(exp="prec_4 = rand(0, 510)", overwrite=True)
481    grass.mapcalc(exp="prec_5 = rand(0, 300)", overwrite=True)
482    grass.mapcalc(exp="prec_6 = rand(0, 650)", overwrite=True)
484    grass.mapcalc(exp="temp_1 = rand(0, 550)", overwrite=True)
485    grass.mapcalc(exp="temp_2 = rand(0, 450)", overwrite=True)
486    grass.mapcalc(exp="temp_3 = rand(0, 320)", overwrite=True)
487    grass.mapcalc(exp="temp_4 = rand(0, 510)", overwrite=True)
488    grass.mapcalc(exp="temp_5 = rand(0, 300)", overwrite=True)
489    grass.mapcalc(exp="temp_6 = rand(0, 650)", overwrite=True)
491    n1 = grass.read_command("g.tempfile", pid=1, flags='d').strip()
492    fd = open(n1, 'w')
493    fd.write(
494        "prec_1|1|4\n"
495        "prec_2|6|7\n"
496        "prec_3|7|10\n"
497        "prec_4|10|11\n"
498        "prec_5|11|14\n"
499        "prec_6|14|17\n"
500    )
501    fd.close()
503    n2 = grass.read_command("g.tempfile", pid=2, flags='d').strip()
504    fd = open(n2, 'w')
505    fd.write(
506        "temp_1|5|6\n"
507        "temp_2|6|7\n"
508        "temp_3|7|10\n"
509        "temp_4|10|11\n"
510        "temp_5|11|18\n"
511        "temp_6|19|22\n"
512    )
513    fd.close()
514    name1 = 'relinterval1'
515    name2 = 'relinterval2'
516    grass.run_command('t.unregister', type='raster',
517                      maps='prec_1,prec_2,prec_3,prec_4,prec_5,prec_6,'
518                      'temp_1,temp_2,temp_3,temp_4,temp_5,temp_6')
519    for name, fname in zip((name1, name2), (n1, n2)):
520        grass.run_command(
521            't.create',
522            overwrite=True,
523            type='strds',
524            temporaltype='relative',
525            output=name,
526            title="A test with input files",
527            descr="A test with input files")
528        grass.run_command(
529            't.register',
530            flags='i',
531            input=name,
532            file=fname,
533            unit="years",
534            overwrite=True)
535    return name1, name2
538def createAbsolutePoint():
539    grass.run_command(
540        'g.region',
541        s=0,
542        n=80,
543        w=0,
544        e=120,
545        b=0,
546        t=50,
547        res=10,
548        res3=10,
549        flags='p3',
550        quiet=True)
552    grass.mapcalc(exp="prec_1 = rand(0, 550)", overwrite=True)
553    grass.mapcalc(exp="prec_2 = rand(0, 450)", overwrite=True)
554    grass.mapcalc(exp="prec_3 = rand(0, 320)", overwrite=True)
555    grass.mapcalc(exp="prec_4 = rand(0, 510)", overwrite=True)
556    grass.mapcalc(exp="prec_5 = rand(0, 300)", overwrite=True)
557    grass.mapcalc(exp="prec_6 = rand(0, 650)", overwrite=True)
559    n1 = grass.read_command("g.tempfile", pid=1, flags='d').strip()
560    fd = open(n1, 'w')
561    fd.write(
562        "prec_1|2001-01-01\n"
563        "prec_2|2001-03-01\n"
564        "prec_3|2001-04-01\n"
565        "prec_4|2001-05-01\n"
566        "prec_5|2001-08-01\n"
567        "prec_6|2001-09-01\n"
568    )
569    fd.close()
570    name = 'abspoint'
571    grass.run_command(
572        't.create',
573        overwrite=True,
574        type='strds',
575        temporaltype='absolute',
576        output=name,
577        title="A test with input files",
578        descr="A test with input files")
580    grass.run_command(
581        't.register',
582        flags='i',
583        input=name,
584        file=n1,
585        overwrite=True)
586    return name
589def createRelativePoint():
590    grass.run_command(
591        'g.region',
592        s=0,
593        n=80,
594        w=0,
595        e=120,
596        b=0,
597        t=50,
598        res=10,
599        res3=10,
600        flags='p3',
601        quiet=True)
603    grass.mapcalc(exp="prec_1 = rand(0, 550)", overwrite=True)
604    grass.mapcalc(exp="prec_2 = rand(0, 450)", overwrite=True)
605    grass.mapcalc(exp="prec_3 = rand(0, 320)", overwrite=True)
606    grass.mapcalc(exp="prec_4 = rand(0, 510)", overwrite=True)
607    grass.mapcalc(exp="prec_5 = rand(0, 300)", overwrite=True)
608    grass.mapcalc(exp="prec_6 = rand(0, 650)", overwrite=True)
610    n1 = grass.read_command("g.tempfile", pid=1, flags='d').strip()
611    fd = open(n1, 'w')
612    fd.write(
613        "prec_1|1\n"
614        "prec_2|3\n"
615        "prec_3|5\n"
616        "prec_4|7\n"
617        "prec_5|11\n"
618        "prec_6|13\n"
619    )
620    fd.close()
621    name = 'relpoint'
622    grass.run_command(
623        't.create',
624        overwrite=True,
625        type='strds',
626        temporaltype='relative',
627        output=name,
628        title="A test with input files",
629        descr="A test with input files")
631    grass.run_command(
632        't.register',
633        unit="day",
634        input=name,
635        file=n1,
636        overwrite=True)
637    return name
639if __name__ == '__main__':
641    test()