1# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
2"""GRASS Python testing framework test case
4Copyright (C) 2014 by the GRASS Development Team
5This program is free software under the GNU General Public
6License (>=v2). Read the file COPYING that comes with GRASS GIS
7for details.
9:authors: Vaclav Petras
11from __future__ import print_function
13import os
14import subprocess
15import sys
16import hashlib
17import uuid
18import unittest
20from grass.pygrass.modules import Module
21from grass.exceptions import CalledModuleError
22from grass.script import shutil_which, text_to_string, encode
24from .gmodules import call_module, SimpleModule
25from .checkers import (check_text_ellipsis,
26                       text_to_keyvalue, keyvalue_equals, diff_keyvalue,
27                       file_md5, text_file_md5, files_equal_md5)
28from .utils import safe_repr
29from .gutils import is_map_in_mapset
31pyversion = sys.version_info[0]
32if pyversion == 2:
33    from StringIO import StringIO
35    from io import StringIO
36    unicode = str
39class TestCase(unittest.TestCase):
40    # we dissable R0904 for all TestCase classes because their purpose is to
41    # provide a lot of assert methods
42    # pylint: disable=R0904
43    """
45    Always use keyword arguments for all parameters other than first two. For
46    the first two, it is recommended to use keyword arguments but not required.
47    Be especially careful and always use keyword argument syntax for *msg*
48    parameter.
49    """
50    longMessage = True  # to get both standard and custom message
51    maxDiff = None  # we can afford long diffs
52    _temp_region = None  # to control the temporary region
53    html_reports = False  # output additional HTML files with failure details
54    readable_names = False  # prefer shorter but unreadable map and file names
56    def __init__(self, methodName):
57        super(TestCase, self).__init__(methodName)
58        self.grass_modules = []
59        self.supplementary_files = []
60        # Python unittest doc is saying that strings use assertMultiLineEqual
61        # but only unicode type is registered
62        # TODO: report this as a bug? is this in Python 3.x?
63        self.addTypeEqualityFunc(str, 'assertMultiLineEqual')
65    def _formatMessage(self, msg, standardMsg):
66        """Honor the longMessage attribute when generating failure messages.
68        If longMessage is False this means:
70        * Use only an explicit message if it is provided
71        * Otherwise use the standard message for the assert
73        If longMessage is True:
75        * Use the standard message
76        * If an explicit message is provided, return string with both messages
78        Based on Python unittest _formatMessage, formatting changed.
79        """
80        if not self.longMessage:
81            return msg or standardMsg
82        if msg is None:
83            return standardMsg
84        try:
85            # don't switch to '{}' formatting in Python 2.X
86            # it changes the way unicode input is handled
87            return '%s \n%s' % (msg, standardMsg)
88        except UnicodeDecodeError:
89            return '%s \n%s' % (safe_repr(msg), safe_repr(standardMsg))
91    @classmethod
92    def use_temp_region(cls):
93        """Use temporary region instead of the standard one for this process.
95        If you use this method, you have to call it in `setUpClass()`
96        and call `del_temp_region()` in `tearDownClass()`. By this you
97        ensure that each test method will have its own region and will
98        not influence other classes.
100        ::
102            @classmethod
103            def setUpClass(self):
104                self.use_temp_region()
106            @classmethod
107            def tearDownClass(self):
108                self.del_temp_region()
110        You can also call the methods in `setUp()` and `tearDown()` if
111        you are using them.
113        Copies the current region to a temporary region with
114        ``g.region save=``, then sets ``WIND_OVERRIDE`` to refer
115        to that region.
116        """
117        # we use just the class name since we rely on the invocation system
118        # where each test file is separate process and nothing runs
119        # in parallel inside
120        name = "tmp.%s" % (cls.__name__)
121        call_module("g.region", save=name, overwrite=True)
122        os.environ['WIND_OVERRIDE'] = name
123        cls._temp_region = name
125    @classmethod
126    def del_temp_region(cls):
127        """Remove the temporary region.
129        Unsets ``WIND_OVERRIDE`` and removes any region named by it.
130        """
131        assert cls._temp_region
132        name = os.environ.pop('WIND_OVERRIDE')
133        if name != cls._temp_region:
134            # be strict about usage of region
135            raise RuntimeError("Inconsistent use of"
136                               " TestCase.use_temp_region, WIND_OVERRIDE"
137                               " or temporary region in general\n"
138                               "Region to which should be now deleted ({n})"
139                               " by TestCase class"
140                               "does not correspond to currently set"
141                               " WIND_OVERRIDE ({c})",
142                               n=cls._temp_region, c=name)
143        call_module("g.remove", quiet=True, flags='f', type='region', name=name)
144        # TODO: we don't know if user calls this
145        # so perhaps some decorator which would use with statemet
146        # but we have zero chance of infuencing another test class
147        # since we use class-specific name for temporary region
149    def assertMultiLineEqual(self, first, second, msg=None):
150        r"""Test that the multiline string first is equal to the string second.
152        When not equal a diff of the two strings highlighting the differences
153        will be included in the error message. This method is used by default
154        when comparing strings with assertEqual().
156        This method replaces platform dependent newline characters
157        by ``\n`` (LF) in both parameters. This is
158        different from the same method implemented in Python ``unittest``
159        package which preserves the original newline characters.
161        This function removes the burden of getting the newline characters
162        right on each platform. You can just use ``\n`` everywhere and this
163        function will ensure that it does not matter if for example,
164        a module generates (as expected) ``\r\n`` (CRLF) newline characters
165        on MS Windows.
167        .. warning::
168            If you need to test the actual newline characters, use the standard
169            string comparison and functions such as ``find()``.
170        """
171        if os.linesep != '\n':
172            if os.linesep in first:
173                first = first.replace(os.linesep, '\n')
174            if os.linesep in second:
175                second = second.replace(os.linesep, '\n')
176        return super(TestCase, self).assertMultiLineEqual(
177            first=first, second=second, msg=msg)
179    def assertLooksLike(self, actual, reference, msg=None):
180        r"""Test that ``actual`` text is the same as ``reference`` with ellipses.
182        If ``actual`` contains platform dependent newline characters,
183        these will replaced by ``\n`` which is expected to be in the test data.
185        See :func:`check_text_ellipsis` for details of behavior.
186        """
187        self.assertTrue(isinstance(actual, (str, unicode)), (
188                        'actual argument is not a string'))
189        self.assertTrue(isinstance(reference, (str, unicode)), (
190                        'reference argument is not a string'))
191        if os.linesep != '\n' and os.linesep in actual:
192            actual = actual.replace(os.linesep, '\n')
193        if not check_text_ellipsis(actual=actual, reference=reference):
194            # TODO: add support for multiline (first line general, others with details)
195            standardMsg = '"%s" does not correspond with "%s"' % (actual,
196                                                                  reference)
197            self.fail(self._formatMessage(msg, standardMsg))
199    # TODO: decide if precision is mandatory
200    # (note that we don't need precision for strings and usually for integers)
201    # TODO: auto-determine precision based on the map type
202    # TODO: we can have also more general function without the subset reference
203    # TODO: change name to Module
204    def assertModuleKeyValue(self, module, reference, sep,
205                             precision, msg=None, **parameters):
206        """Test that output of a module is the same as provided subset.
208        ::
210            self.assertModuleKeyValue('r.info', map='elevation', flags='gr',
211                                      reference=dict(min=55.58, max=156.33),
212                                      precision=0.01, sep='=')
214        ::
216            module = SimpleModule('r.info', map='elevation', flags='gr')
217            self.assertModuleKeyValue(module,
218                                      reference=dict(min=55.58, max=156.33),
219                                      precision=0.01, sep='=')
221        The output of the module should be key-value pairs (shell script style)
222        which is typically obtained using ``-g`` flag.
223        """
224        if isinstance(reference, str):
225            reference = text_to_keyvalue(reference, sep=sep, skip_empty=True)
226        module = _module_from_parameters(module, **parameters)
227        self.runModule(module, expecting_stdout=True)
228        raster_univar = text_to_keyvalue(module.outputs.stdout,
229                                         sep=sep, skip_empty=True)
230        if not keyvalue_equals(dict_a=reference, dict_b=raster_univar,
231                               a_is_subset=True, precision=precision):
232            unused, missing, mismatch = diff_keyvalue(dict_a=reference,
233                                                      dict_b=raster_univar,
234                                                      a_is_subset=True,
235                                                      precision=precision)
236            # TODO: add region vs map extent and res check in case of error
237            if missing:
238                raise ValueError("%s output does not contain"
239                                 " the following keys"
240                                 " provided in reference"
241                                 ": %s\n" % (module, ", ".join(missing)))
242            if mismatch:
243                stdMsg = "%s difference:\n" % module
244                stdMsg += "mismatch values"
245                stdMsg += " (key, reference, actual): %s\n" % mismatch
246                stdMsg += 'command: %s %s' % (module, parameters)
247            else:
248                # we can probably remove this once we have more tests
249                # of keyvalue_equals and diff_keyvalue against each other
250                raise RuntimeError("keyvalue_equals() showed difference but"
251                                   " diff_keyvalue() did not. This can be"
252                                   " a bug in one of them or in the caller"
253                                   " (assertModuleKeyValue())")
254            self.fail(self._formatMessage(msg, stdMsg))
256    def assertRasterFitsUnivar(self, raster, reference,
257                               precision=None, msg=None):
258        r"""Test that raster map has the values obtained by r.univar module.
260        The function does not require all values from r.univar.
261        Only the provided values are tested.
262        Typical example is checking minimum, maximum and number of NULL cells
263        in the map::
265            values = 'null_cells=0\nmin=55.5787925720215\nmax=156.329864501953'
266            self.assertRasterFitsUnivar(raster='elevation', reference=values)
268        Use keyword arguments syntax for all function parameters.
270        Does not -e (extended statistics) flag, use `assertModuleKeyValue()`
271        for the full interface of arbitrary module.
272        """
273        self.assertModuleKeyValue(module='r.univar',
274                                  map=raster,
275                                  separator='=',
276                                  flags='g',
277                                  reference=reference, msg=msg, sep='=',
278                                  precision=precision)
280    def assertRasterFitsInfo(self, raster, reference,
281                             precision=None, msg=None):
282        r"""Test that raster map has the values obtained by r.univar module.
284        The function does not require all values from r.univar.
285        Only the provided values are tested.
286        Typical example is checking minimum, maximum and type of the map::
288            minmax = 'min=0\nmax=1451\ndatatype=FCELL'
289            self.assertRasterFitsInfo(raster='elevation', reference=minmax)
291        Use keyword arguments syntax for all function parameters.
293        This function supports values obtained -r (range) and
294        -e (extended metadata) flags.
295        """
296        self.assertModuleKeyValue(module='r.info',
297                                  map=raster, flags='gre',
298                                  reference=reference, msg=msg, sep='=',
299                                  precision=precision)
301    def assertRaster3dFitsUnivar(self, raster, reference,
302                                 precision=None, msg=None):
303        r"""Test that 3D raster map has the values obtained by r3.univar module.
305        The function does not require all values from r3.univar.
306        Only the provided values are tested.
308        Use keyword arguments syntax for all function parameters.
310        Function does not use -e (extended statistics) flag,
311        use `assertModuleKeyValue()` for the full interface of arbitrary
312        module.
313        """
314        self.assertModuleKeyValue(module='r3.univar',
315                                  map=raster,
316                                  separator='=',
317                                  flags='g',
318                                  reference=reference, msg=msg, sep='=',
319                                  precision=precision)
321    def assertRaster3dFitsInfo(self, raster, reference,
322                               precision=None, msg=None):
323        r"""Test that raster map has the values obtained by r3.info module.
325        The function does not require all values from r3.info.
326        Only the provided values are tested.
328        Use keyword arguments syntax for all function parameters.
330        This function supports values obtained by -g (info) and -r (range).
331        """
332        self.assertModuleKeyValue(module='r3.info',
333                                  map=raster, flags='gr',
334                                  reference=reference, msg=msg, sep='=',
335                                  precision=precision)
337    def assertVectorFitsTopoInfo(self, vector, reference, msg=None):
338        r"""Test that raster map has the values obtained by ``v.info`` module.
340        This function uses ``-t`` flag of ``v.info`` module to get topology
341        info, so the reference dictionary should contain appropriate set or
342        subset of values (only the provided values are tested).
344        A example of checking number of points::
346            topology = dict(points=10938, primitives=10938)
347            self.assertVectorFitsTopoInfo(vector='bridges', reference=topology)
349        Note that here we are checking also the number of primitives to prove
350        that there are no other features besides points.
352        No precision is applied (no difference is required). So, this function
353        is not suitable for testing items which are floating point number
354        (no such items are currently in topological information).
356        Use keyword arguments syntax for all function parameters.
357        """
358        self.assertModuleKeyValue(module='v.info',
359                                  map=vector, flags='t',
360                                  reference=reference, msg=msg, sep='=',
361                                  precision=0)
363    def assertVectorFitsRegionInfo(self, vector, reference,
364                                   precision, msg=None):
365        r"""Test that raster map has the values obtained by ``v.info`` module.
367        This function uses ``-g`` flag of ``v.info`` module to get topology
368        info, so the reference dictionary should contain appropriate set or
369        subset of values (only the provided values are tested).
371        Use keyword arguments syntax for all function parameters.
372        """
373        self.assertModuleKeyValue(module='v.info',
374                                  map=vector, flags='g',
375                                  reference=reference, msg=msg, sep='=',
376                                  precision=precision)
378    def assertVectorFitsExtendedInfo(self, vector, reference, msg=None):
379        r"""Test that raster map has the values obtained by ``v.info`` module.
381        This function uses ``-e`` flag of ``v.info`` module to get topology
382        info, so the reference dictionary should contain appropriate set or
383        subset of values (only the provided values are tested).
385        The most useful items for testing (considering circumstances of test
386        invocation) are name, title, level and num_dblinks. (When testing
387        storing of ``v.info -e`` metadata, the selection might be different.)
389        No precision is applied (no difference is required). So, this function
390        is not suitable for testing items which are floating point number.
392        Use keyword arguments syntax for all function parameters.
393        """
394        self.assertModuleKeyValue(module='v.info',
395                                  map=vector, flags='e',
396                                  reference=reference, msg=msg, sep='=',
397                                  precision=0)
399    def assertVectorInfoEqualsVectorInfo(self, actual, reference, precision,
400                                         msg=None):
401        """Test that two vectors are equal according to ``v.info -tg``.
403        This function does not test geometry itself just the region of the
404        vector map and number of features.
405        """
406        module = SimpleModule('v.info', flags='t', map=reference)
407        self.runModule(module)
408        ref_topo = text_to_keyvalue(module.outputs.stdout, sep='=')
409        module = SimpleModule('v.info', flags='g', map=reference)
410        self.runModule(module)
411        ref_info = text_to_keyvalue(module.outputs.stdout, sep='=')
412        self.assertVectorFitsTopoInfo(vector=actual, reference=ref_topo,
413                                      msg=msg)
414        self.assertVectorFitsRegionInfo(vector=actual, reference=ref_info,
415                                        precision=precision, msg=msg)
417    def assertVectorFitsUnivar(self, map, column, reference, msg=None,
418                               layer=None, type=None, where=None,
419                               precision=None):
420        r"""Test that vector map has the values obtained by v.univar module.
422        The function does not require all values from v.univar.
423        Only the provided values are tested.
424        Typical example is checking minimum and maximum of a column::
426            minmax = 'min=0\nmax=1451'
427            self.assertVectorFitsUnivar(map='bridges', column='WIDTH',
428                                        reference=minmax)
430        Use keyword arguments syntax for all function parameters.
432        Does not support -d (geometry distances) flag, -e (extended statistics)
433        flag and few other, use `assertModuleKeyValue` for the full interface
434        of arbitrary module.
435        """
436        parameters = dict(map=map, column=column, flags='g')
437        if layer:
438            parameters.update(layer=layer)
439        if type:
440            parameters.update(type=type)
441        if where:
442            parameters.update(where=where)
443        self.assertModuleKeyValue(module='v.univar',
444                                  reference=reference, msg=msg, sep='=',
445                                  precision=precision,
446                                  **parameters)
448    # TODO: use precision?
449    # TODO: write a test for this method with r.in.ascii
450    def assertRasterMinMax(self, map, refmin, refmax, msg=None):
451        """Test that raster map minimum and maximum are within limits.
453        Map minimum and maximum is tested against expression::
455            refmin <= actualmin and refmax >= actualmax
457        Use keyword arguments syntax for all function parameters.
459        To check that more statistics have certain values use
460        `assertRasterFitsUnivar()` or `assertRasterFitsInfo()`
461        """
462        stdout = call_module('r.info', map=map, flags='r')
463        actual = text_to_keyvalue(stdout, sep='=')
464        if refmin > actual['min']:
465            stdmsg = ('The actual minimum ({a}) is smaller than the reference'
466                      ' one ({r}) for raster map {m}'
467                      ' (with maximum {o})'.format(
468                          a=actual['min'], r=refmin, m=map, o=actual['max']))
469            self.fail(self._formatMessage(msg, stdmsg))
470        if refmax < actual['max']:
471            stdmsg = ('The actual maximum ({a}) is greater than the reference'
472                      ' one ({r}) for raster map {m}'
473                      ' (with minimum {o})'.format(
474                          a=actual['max'], r=refmax, m=map, o=actual['min']))
475            self.fail(self._formatMessage(msg, stdmsg))
477    # TODO: use precision?
478    # TODO: write a test for this method with r.in.ascii
479    # TODO: almost the same as 2D version
480    def assertRaster3dMinMax(self, map, refmin, refmax, msg=None):
481        """Test that 3D raster map minimum and maximum are within limits.
483        Map minimum and maximum is tested against expression::
485            refmin <= actualmin and refmax >= actualmax
487        Use keyword arguments syntax for all function parameters.
489        To check that more statistics have certain values use
490        `assertRaster3DFitsUnivar()` or `assertRaster3DFitsInfo()`
491        """
492        stdout = call_module('r3.info', map=map, flags='r')
493        actual = text_to_keyvalue(stdout, sep='=')
494        if refmin > actual['min']:
495            stdmsg = ('The actual minimum ({a}) is smaller than the reference'
496                      ' one ({r}) for 3D raster map {m}'
497                      ' (with maximum {o})'.format(
498                          a=actual['min'], r=refmin, m=map, o=actual['max']))
499            self.fail(self._formatMessage(msg, stdmsg))
500        if refmax < actual['max']:
501            stdmsg = ('The actual maximum ({a}) is greater than the reference'
502                      ' one ({r}) for 3D raster map {m}'
503                      ' (with minimum {o})'.format(
504                          a=actual['max'], r=refmax, m=map, o=actual['min']))
505            self.fail(self._formatMessage(msg, stdmsg))
507    def _get_detailed_message_about_no_map(self, name, type):
508        msg = ("There is no map <{n}> of type <{t}>"
509               " in the current mapset".format(n=name, t=type))
510        related = call_module('g.list', type='raster,raster3d,vector',
511                              flags='imt', pattern='*' + name + '*')
512        if related:
513            msg += "\nSee available maps:\n"
514            msg += related
515        else:
516            msg += "\nAnd there are no maps containing the name anywhere\n"
517        return msg
519    def assertRasterExists(self, name, msg=None):
520        """Checks if the raster map exists in current mapset"""
521        if not is_map_in_mapset(name, type='raster'):
522            stdmsg = self._get_detailed_message_about_no_map(name, 'raster')
523            self.fail(self._formatMessage(msg, stdmsg))
525    def assertRasterDoesNotExist(self, name, msg=None):
526        """Checks if the raster map does not exist in current mapset"""
527        if is_map_in_mapset(name, type='raster'):
528            stdmsg = self._get_detailed_message_about_no_map(name, 'raster')
529            self.fail(self._formatMessage(msg, stdmsg))
531    def assertRaster3dExists(self, name, msg=None):
532        """Checks if the 3D raster map exists in current mapset"""
533        if not is_map_in_mapset(name, type='raster3d'):
534            stdmsg = self._get_detailed_message_about_no_map(name, 'raster3d')
535            self.fail(self._formatMessage(msg, stdmsg))
537    def assertRaster3dDoesNotExist(self, name, msg=None):
538        """Checks if the 3D raster map does not exist in current mapset"""
539        if is_map_in_mapset(name, type='raster3d'):
540            stdmsg = self._get_detailed_message_about_no_map(name, 'raster3d')
541            self.fail(self._formatMessage(msg, stdmsg))
543    def assertVectorExists(self, name, msg=None):
544        """Checks if the vector map exists in current mapset"""
545        if not is_map_in_mapset(name, type='vector'):
546            stdmsg = self._get_detailed_message_about_no_map(name, 'vector')
547            self.fail(self._formatMessage(msg, stdmsg))
549    def assertVectorDoesNotExist(self, name, msg=None):
550        """Checks if the vector map does not exist in current mapset"""
551        if is_map_in_mapset(name, type='vector'):
552            stdmsg = self._get_detailed_message_about_no_map(name, 'vector')
553            self.fail(self._formatMessage(msg, stdmsg))
555    def assertFileExists(self, filename, msg=None,
556                         skip_size_check=False, skip_access_check=False):
557        """Test the existence of a file.
559        .. note:
560            By default this also checks if the file size is greater than 0
561            since we rarely want a file to be empty. It also checks
562            if the file is accessible for reading since we expect that user
563            wants to look at created files.
564        """
565        if not os.path.isfile(filename):
566            stdmsg = 'File %s does not exist' % filename
567            self.fail(self._formatMessage(msg, stdmsg))
568        if not skip_size_check and not os.path.getsize(filename):
569            stdmsg = 'File %s is empty' % filename
570            self.fail(self._formatMessage(msg, stdmsg))
571        if not skip_access_check and not os.access(filename, os.R_OK):
572            stdmsg = 'File %s is not accessible for reading' % filename
573            self.fail(self._formatMessage(msg, stdmsg))
575    def assertFileMd5(self, filename, md5, text=False, msg=None):
576        r"""Test that file MD5 sum is equal to the provided sum.
578        Usually, this function is used to test binary files or large text files
579        which cannot be tested in some other way. Text files can be usually
580        tested by some finer method.
582        To test text files with this function, you should always use parameter
583        *text* set to ``True``. Note that function ``checkers.text_file_md5()``
584        offers additional parameters which might be advantageous when testing
585        text files.
587        The typical workflow is that you create a file in a way you
588        trust (that you obtain the right file). Then you compute MD5
589        sum of the file. And provide the sum in a test as a string::
591            self.assertFileMd5('result.png', md5='807bba4ffa...')
593        Use `file_md5()` function from this package::
595            file_md5('original_result.png')
597        Or in command line, use ``md5sum`` command if available:
599        .. code-block:: sh
601            md5sum some_file.png
603        Finally, you can use Python ``hashlib`` to obtain MD5::
605            import hashlib
606            hasher = hashlib.md5()
607            # expecting the file to fit into memory
608            hasher.update(open('original_result.png', 'rb').read())
609            hasher.hexdigest()
611        .. note:
612            For text files, always create MD5 sum using ``\n`` (LF)
613            as newline characters for consistency. Also use newline
614            at the end of file (as for example, Git or PEP8 requires).
615        """
616        self.assertFileExists(filename, msg=msg)
617        if text:
618            actual = text_file_md5(filename)
619        else:
620            actual = file_md5(filename)
621        if not actual == md5:
622            standardMsg = ('File <{name}> does not have the right MD5 sum.\n'
623                           'Expected is <{expected}>,'
624                           ' actual is <{actual}>'.format(
625                               name=filename, expected=md5, actual=actual))
626            self.fail(self._formatMessage(msg, standardMsg))
628    def assertFilesEqualMd5(self, filename, reference, msg=None):
629        """Test that files are the same using MD5 sum.
631        This functions requires you to provide a file to test and
632        a reference file. For both, MD5 sum will be computed and compared with
633        each other.
634        """
635        self.assertFileExists(filename, msg=msg)
636        # nothing for ref, missing ref_filename is an error not a test failure
637        if not files_equal_md5(filename, reference):
638            stdmsg = 'Files %s and %s don\'t have the same MD5 sums' % (filename,
639                                                                        reference)
640            self.fail(self._formatMessage(msg, stdmsg))
642    def _get_unique_name(self, name):
643        """Create standardized map or file name which is unique
645        If ``readable_names`` attribute is `True`, it uses the *name* string
646        to create the unique name. Otherwise, it creates a unique name.
647        Even if you expect ``readable_names`` to be `True`, provide *name*
648        which is unique
650        The *name* parameter should be valid raster name, vector name and file
651        name and should be always provided.
652        """
653        # TODO: possible improvement is to require some descriptive name
654        # and ensure uniqueness by add UUID
655        if self.readable_names:
656            return 'tmp_' + self.id().replace('.', '_') + '_' + name
657        else:
658            # UUID might be overkill (and expensive) but it's safe and simple
659            # alternative is to create hash from the readable name
660            return 'tmp_' + str(uuid.uuid4()).replace('-', '')
662    def _compute_difference_raster(self, first, second, name_part):
663        """Compute difference of two rasters (first - second)
665        The name of the new raster is a long name designed to be as unique as
666        possible and contains names of two input rasters.
668        :param first: raster to subtract from
669        :param second: raster used as decrement
670        :param name_part: a unique string to be used in the difference name
672        :returns: name of a new raster
673        """
674        diff = self._get_unique_name('compute_difference_raster_' + name_part
675                                     + '_' + first + '_minus_' + second)
676        expression = '"{diff}" = "{first}" - "{second}"'.format(
677            diff=diff,
678            first=first,
679            second=second
680        )
681        call_module('r.mapcalc', stdin=expression.encode("utf-8"))
682        return diff
684    # TODO: name of map generation is repeated three times
685    # TODO: this method is almost the same as the one for 2D
686    def _compute_difference_raster3d(self, first, second, name_part):
687        """Compute difference of two rasters (first - second)
689        The name of the new raster is a long name designed to be as unique as
690        possible and contains names of two input rasters.
692        :param first: raster to subtract from
693        :param second: raster used as decrement
694        :param name_part: a unique string to be used in the difference name
696        :returns: name of a new raster
697        """
698        diff = self._get_unique_name('compute_difference_raster_' + name_part
699                                     + '_' + first + '_minus_' + second)
701        call_module('r3.mapcalc',
702                    stdin='"{d}" = "{f}" - "{s}"'.format(d=diff,
703                                                         f=first,
704                                                         s=second))
705        return diff
707    def _compute_vector_xor(self, ainput, alayer, binput, blayer, name_part):
708        """Compute symmetric difference (xor) of two vectors
710        :returns: name of a new vector
711        """
712        diff = self._get_unique_name('compute_difference_vector_' + name_part
713                                     + '_' + ainput + '_' + alayer + '_minus_'
714                                     + binput + '_' + blayer)
715        call_module('v.overlay', operator='xor', ainput=ainput, binput=binput,
716                    alayer=alayer, blayer=blayer,
717                    output=diff, atype='area', btype='area', olayer='')
718        # trying to avoid long reports full of categories by olayer=''
719        # olayer   Output layer for new category, ainput and binput
720        #     If 0 or not given, the category is not written
721        return diff
723    # TODO: -z and 3D support
724    def _import_ascii_vector(self, filename, name_part):
725        """Import a vector stored in GRASS vector ASCII format.
727        :returns: name of a new vector
728        """
729        # hash is the easiest way how to get a valid vector name
730        # TODO: introduce some function which will make file valid
731        hasher = hashlib.md5()
732        hasher.update(encode(filename))
733        namehash = hasher.hexdigest()
734        vector = self._get_unique_name('import_ascii_vector_' + name_part
735                                       + '_' + namehash)
736        call_module('v.in.ascii', input=filename,
737                    output=vector, format='standard')
738        return vector
740    # TODO: -z and 3D support
741    def _export_ascii_vector(self, vector, name_part, digits):
742        """Import a vector stored in GRASS vector ASCII format.
744        :returns: name of a new vector
745        """
746        # TODO: perhaps we can afford just simple file name
747        filename = self._get_unique_name('export_ascii_vector_'
748                                         + name_part + '_' + vector)
749        call_module('v.out.ascii', input=vector,
750                    output=filename, format='standard', layer='-1',
751                    precision=digits)
752        return filename
754    def assertRastersNoDifference(self, actual, reference,
755                                  precision, statistics=None, msg=None):
756        """Test that `actual` raster is not different from `reference` raster
758        Method behaves in the same way as `assertRasterFitsUnivar()`
759        but works on difference ``reference - actual``.
760        If statistics is not given ``dict(min=-precision, max=precision)``
761        is used.
762        """
763        if statistics is None or sorted(statistics.keys()) == ['max', 'min']:
764            if statistics is None:
765                statistics = dict(min=-precision, max=precision)
766            diff = self._compute_difference_raster(reference, actual,
767                                                   'assertRastersNoDifference')
768            try:
769                self.assertModuleKeyValue('r.info', map=diff, flags='r',
770                                          sep='=', precision=precision,
771                                          reference=statistics, msg=msg)
772            finally:
773                call_module('g.remove', flags='f', type='raster', name=diff)
774        else:
775            # general case
776            # TODO: we are using r.info min max and r.univar min max interchangeably
777            # but they might be different if region is different from map
778            # not considered as an huge issue since we expect the tested maps
779            # to match with region, however a documentation should containe a notice
780            self.assertRastersDifference(actual=actual, reference=reference,
781                                         statistics=statistics,
782                                         precision=precision, msg=msg)
784    def assertRastersDifference(self, actual, reference,
785                                statistics, precision, msg=None):
786        """Test statistical values of difference of reference and actual rasters
788        For cases when you are interested in no or minimal difference,
789        use `assertRastersNoDifference()` instead.
791        This method should not be used to test r.mapcalc or r.univar.
792        """
793        diff = self._compute_difference_raster(reference, actual,
794                                               'assertRastersDifference')
795        try:
796            self.assertRasterFitsUnivar(raster=diff, reference=statistics,
797                                        precision=precision, msg=msg)
798        finally:
799            call_module('g.remove', flags='f', type='raster', name=diff)
801    def assertRasters3dNoDifference(self, actual, reference,
802                                    precision, statistics=None, msg=None):
803        """Test that `actual` raster is not different from `reference` raster
805        Method behaves in the same way as `assertRasterFitsUnivar()`
806        but works on difference ``reference - actual``.
807        If statistics is not given ``dict(min=-precision, max=precision)``
808        is used.
809        """
810        if statistics is None or sorted(statistics.keys()) == ['max', 'min']:
811            if statistics is None:
812                statistics = dict(min=-precision, max=precision)
813            diff = self._compute_difference_raster3d(reference, actual,
814                                                     'assertRasters3dNoDifference')
815            try:
816                self.assertModuleKeyValue('r3.info', map=diff, flags='r',
817                                          sep='=', precision=precision,
818                                          reference=statistics, msg=msg)
819            finally:
820                call_module('g.remove', flags='f', type='raster_3d', name=diff)
821        else:
822            # general case
823            # TODO: we are using r.info min max and r.univar min max interchangeably
824            # but they might be different if region is different from map
825            # not considered as an huge issue since we expect the tested maps
826            # to match with region, however a documentation should contain a notice
827            self.assertRasters3dDifference(actual=actual, reference=reference,
828                                           statistics=statistics,
829                                           precision=precision, msg=msg)
831    def assertRasters3dDifference(self, actual, reference,
832                                statistics, precision, msg=None):
833        """Test statistical values of difference of reference and actual rasters
835        For cases when you are interested in no or minimal difference,
836        use `assertRastersNoDifference()` instead.
838        This method should not be used to test r3.mapcalc or r3.univar.
839        """
840        diff = self._compute_difference_raster3d(reference, actual,
841                                                 'assertRasters3dDifference')
842        try:
843            self.assertRaster3dFitsUnivar(raster=diff, reference=statistics,
844                                          precision=precision, msg=msg)
845        finally:
846            call_module('g.remove', flags='f', type='raster_3d', name=diff)
848    # TODO: this works only in 2D
849    # TODO: write tests
850    def assertVectorIsVectorBuffered(self, actual, reference, precision, msg=None):
851        """
853        This method should not be used to test v.buffer, v.overlay or v.select.
854        """
855        # TODO: if msg is None: add info specific to this function
856        layer = '-1'
857        self.assertVectorInfoEqualsVectorInfo(actual=actual,
858                                              reference=reference,
859                                              precision=precision, msg=msg)
860        remove = []
861        buffered = reference + '_buffered'  # TODO: more unique name
862        intersection = reference + '_intersection'  # TODO: more unique name
863        self.runModule('v.buffer', input=reference, layer=layer,
864                       output=buffered, distance=precision)
865        remove.append(buffered)
866        try:
867            self.runModule('v.overlay', operator='and', ainput=actual,
868                           binput=reference,
869                           alayer=layer, blayer=layer,
870                           output=intersection, atype='area', btype='area',
871                           olayer='')
872            remove.append(intersection)
873            # TODO: this would use some refactoring
874            # perhaps different functions or more low level functions would
875            # be more appropriate
876            module = SimpleModule('v.info', flags='t', map=reference)
877            self.runModule(module)
878            ref_topo = text_to_keyvalue(module.outputs.stdout, sep='=')
879            self.assertVectorFitsTopoInfo(vector=intersection,
880                                          reference=ref_topo,
881                                          msg=msg)
882            module = SimpleModule('v.info', flags='g', map=reference)
883            self.runModule(module)
884            ref_info = text_to_keyvalue(module.outputs.stdout, sep='=')
885            self.assertVectorFitsRegionInfo(vector=intersection,
886                                            reference=ref_info,
887                                            msg=msg, precision=precision)
888        finally:
889            call_module('g.remove', flags='f', type='vector', name=remove)
891    # TODO: write tests
892    def assertVectorsNoAreaDifference(self, actual, reference, precision,
893                                      layer=1, msg=None):
894        """Test statistical values of difference of reference and actual rasters
896        Works only for areas.
898        Use keyword arguments syntax for all function parameters.
900        This method should not be used to test v.overlay or v.select.
901        """
902        diff = self._compute_xor_vectors(ainput=reference, binput=actual,
903                                         alayer=layer, blayer=layer,
904                                         name_part='assertVectorsNoDifference')
905        try:
906            module = SimpleModule('v.to.db', map=diff,
907                                  flags='pc', separator='=')
908            self.runModule(module)
909            # the output of v.to.db -pc sep== should look like:
910            # ...
911            # 43=98606087.5818323
912            # 44=727592.902311112
913            # total area=2219442027.22035
914            total_area = module.outputs.stdout.splitlines()[-1].split('=')[-1]
915            if total_area > precision:
916                stdmsg = ("Area of difference of vectors <{va}> and <{vr}>"
917                          " should be 0"
918                          " in the given precision ({p}) not {a}").format(
919                    va=actual, vr=reference, p=precision, a=total_area)
920                self.fail(self._formatMessage(msg, stdmsg))
921        finally:
922            call_module('g.remove', flags='f', type='vector', name=diff)
924    # TODO: here we have to have significant digits which is not consistent
925    # TODO: documentation for all new asserts
926    # TODO: same can be created for raster and 3D raster
927    def assertVectorEqualsVector(self, actual, reference, digits, precision, msg=None):
928        """Test that two vectors are equal.
930        .. note:
931            This test should not be used to test ``v.in.ascii`` and
932            ``v.out.ascii`` modules.
934        .. warning:
935            ASCII files for vectors are loaded into memory, so this
936            function works well only for "not too big" vector maps.
937        """
938        # both vectors to ascii
939        # text diff of two ascii files
940        # may also do other comparisons on vectors themselves (asserts)
941        self.assertVectorInfoEqualsVectorInfo(actual=actual, reference=reference, precision=precision, msg=msg)
942        factual = self._export_ascii_vector(vector=actual,
943                                            name_part='assertVectorEqualsVector_actual',
944                                            digits=digits)
945        freference = self._export_ascii_vector(vector=reference,
946                                               name_part='assertVectorEqualsVector_reference',
947                                               digits=digits)
948        self.assertVectorAsciiEqualsVectorAscii(actual=factual,
949                                                reference=freference,
950                                                remove_files=True,
951                                                msg=msg)
953    def assertVectorEqualsAscii(self, actual, reference, digits, precision, msg=None):
954        """Test that vector is equal to the vector stored in GRASS ASCII file.
956        .. note:
957            This test should not be used to test ``v.in.ascii`` and
958            ``v.out.ascii`` modules.
960        .. warning:
961            ASCII files for vectors are loaded into memory, so this
962            function works well only for "not too big" vector maps.
963        """
964        # vector to ascii
965        # text diff of two ascii files
966        # it may actually import the file and do other asserts
967        factual = self._export_ascii_vector(vector=actual,
968                                            name_part='assertVectorEqualsAscii_actual',
969                                            digits=digits)
970        vreference = None
971        try:
972            vreference = self._import_ascii_vector(filename=reference,
973                                               name_part='assertVectorEqualsAscii_reference')
974            self.assertVectorInfoEqualsVectorInfo(actual=actual,
975                                                  reference=vreference,
976                                                  precision=precision, msg=msg)
977            self.assertVectorAsciiEqualsVectorAscii(actual=factual,
978                                                    reference=reference,
979                                                    remove_files=False,
980                                                    msg=msg)
981        finally:
982            # TODO: manage using cleanup settings
983            # we rely on fail method to either raise or return (soon)
984            os.remove(factual)
985            if vreference:
986                self.runModule('g.remove', flags='f', type='vector', name=vreference)
988    # TODO: we expect v.out.ascii to give the same order all the time, is that OK?
989    def assertVectorAsciiEqualsVectorAscii(self, actual, reference,
990                                           remove_files=False, msg=None):
991        """Test that two GRASS ASCII vector files are equal.
993        .. note:
994            This test should not be used to test ``v.in.ascii`` and
995            ``v.out.ascii`` modules.
997        .. warning:
998            ASCII files for vectors are loaded into memory, so this
999            function works well only for "not too big" vector maps.
1000        """
1001        import difflib
1002        # 'U' taken from difflib documentation
1003        fromlines = open(actual, 'U').readlines()
1004        tolines = open(reference, 'U').readlines()
1005        context_lines = 3  # number of context lines
1006        # TODO: filenames are set to "actual" and "reference", isn't it too general?
1007        # it is even more useful if map names or file names are some generated
1008        # with hash or some other unreadable things
1009        # other styles of diffs are available too
1010        # but unified is a good choice if you are used to svn or git
1011        # workaround for missing -h (do not print header) flag in v.out.ascii
1012        num_lines_of_header = 10
1013        diff = difflib.unified_diff(fromlines[num_lines_of_header:],
1014                                    tolines[num_lines_of_header:],
1015                                    'reference', 'actual', n=context_lines)
1016        # TODO: this should be solved according to cleanup policy
1017        # but the parameter should be kept if it is an existing file
1018        # or using this method by itself
1019        if remove_files:
1020            os.remove(actual)
1021            os.remove(reference)
1022        stdmsg = ("There is a difference between vectors when compared as"
1023                  " ASCII files.\n")
1025        output = StringIO()
1026        # TODO: there is a diff size constant which we can use
1027        # we are setting it unlimited but we can just set it large
1028        maxlines = 100
1029        i = 0
1030        for line in diff:
1031            if i >= maxlines:
1032                break
1033            output.write(line)
1034            i += 1
1035        stdmsg += output.getvalue()
1036        output.close()
1037        # it seems that there is not better way of asking whether there was
1038        # a difference (always a iterator object is returned)
1039        if i > 0:
1040            # do HTML diff only if there is not too many lines
1041            # TODO: this might be tough to do with some more sophisticated way of reports
1042            if self.html_reports and i < maxlines:
1043                # TODO: this might be here and somehow stored as file or done in reporter again if right information is stored
1044                # i.e., files not deleted or the whole strings passed
1045                # alternative is make_table() which is the same but creates just a table not a whole document
1046                # TODO: all HTML files might be collected by the main reporter
1047                # TODO: standardize the format of name of HTML file
1048                # for one test id there is only one possible file of this name
1049                htmldiff_file_name = self.id() + '_ascii_diff' + '.html'
1050                self.supplementary_files.append(htmldiff_file_name)
1051                htmldiff = difflib.HtmlDiff().make_file(fromlines, tolines,
1052                                                        'reference', 'actual',
1053                                                        context=True,
1054                                                        numlines=context_lines)
1055                htmldiff_file = open(htmldiff_file_name, 'w')
1056                for line in htmldiff:
1057                    htmldiff_file.write(line)
1058                htmldiff_file.close()
1060            self.fail(self._formatMessage(msg, stdmsg))
1062    @classmethod
1063    def runModule(cls, module, expecting_stdout=False, **kwargs):
1064        """Run PyGRASS module.
1066        Runs the module and raises an exception if the module ends with
1067        non-zero return code. Usually, this is the same as testing the
1068        return code and raising exception but by using this method,
1069        you give testing framework more control over the execution,
1070        error handling and storing of output.
1072        In terms of testing framework, this function causes a common error,
1073        not a test failure.
1075        :raises CalledModuleError: if the module failed
1076        """
1077        module = _module_from_parameters(module, **kwargs)
1078        _check_module_run_parameters(module)
1079        try:
1080            module.run()
1081        except CalledModuleError:
1082            # here exception raised by run() with finish_=True would be
1083            # almost enough but we want some additional info to be included
1084            # in the test report
1085            errors = module.outputs.stderr
1086            # provide diagnostic at least in English locale
1087            # TODO: standardized error code would be handy here
1088            import re
1089            if re.search('Raster map.*not found', errors, flags=re.DOTALL):
1090                errors += "\nSee available raster maps:\n"
1091                errors += call_module('g.list', type='raster')
1092            if re.search('Vector map.*not found', errors, flags=re.DOTALL):
1093                errors += "\nSee available vector maps:\n"
1094                errors += call_module('g.list', type='vector')
1095            # TODO: message format, parameters
1096            raise CalledModuleError(
1097                module.returncode, module.name, module.get_python(), errors=errors
1098            )
1099        # TODO: use this also in assert and apply when appropriate
1100        if expecting_stdout and not module.outputs.stdout.strip():
1102            if module.outputs.stderr:
1103                errors = " The errors are:\n" + module.outputs.stderr
1104            else:
1105                errors = " There were no error messages."
1106            if module.outputs.stdout:
1107                # this is not appropriate for translation but we don't want
1108                # and don't need testing to be translated
1109                got = "only whitespace."
1110            else:
1111                got = "nothing."
1112            raise RuntimeError("Module call " + module.get_python() +
1113                               " ended successfully but we were expecting"
1114                               " output and got " + got + errors)
1115    # TODO: we can also comapre time to some expected but that's tricky
1116    # maybe we should measure time but the real benchmarks with stdin/stdout
1117    # should be done by some other function
1118    # TODO: this should be the function used for valgrind or profiling or debug
1119    # TODO: it asserts the rc but it does much more, so testModule?
1120    # TODO: do we need special function for testing module failures or just add parameter returncode=0?
1121    # TODO: consider not allowing to call this method more than once
1122    # the original idea was to run this method just once for test method
1123    # but for "integration" tests  (script-like tests with more than one module)
1124    # it would be better to be able to use this multiple times
1125    # TODO: enable merging streams?
1126    def assertModule(self, module, msg=None, **kwargs):
1127        """Run PyGRASS module in controlled way and assert non-zero return code.
1129        You should use this method to invoke module you are testing.
1130        By using this method, you give testing framework more control over
1131        the execution, error handling and storing of output.
1133        It will not print module stdout and stderr, instead it will always
1134        store them for further examination. Streams are stored separately.
1136        This method is not suitable for testing error states of the module.
1137        If you want to test behavior which involves non-zero return codes
1138        and examine stderr in test, use `assertModuleFail()` method.
1140        Runs the module and causes test failure if module ends with
1141        non-zero return code.
1142        """
1143        module = _module_from_parameters(module, **kwargs)
1144        _check_module_run_parameters(module)
1145        if not shutil_which(module.name):
1146            stdmsg = "Cannot find the module '{0}'".format(module.name)
1147            self.fail(self._formatMessage(msg, stdmsg))
1148        try:
1149            module.run()
1150            self.grass_modules.append(module.name)
1151        except CalledModuleError:
1152            print(text_to_string(module.outputs.stdout))
1153            print(text_to_string(module.outputs.stderr))
1154            # TODO: message format
1155            # TODO: stderr?
1156            stdmsg = (
1157                "Running <{m.name}> module ended"
1158                " with non-zero return code ({m.returncode})\n"
1159                "Called: {code}\n"
1160                "See the following errors:\n"
1161                "{errors}".format(
1162                    m=module, code=module.get_python(), errors=module.outputs.stderr
1163                )
1164            )
1165            self.fail(self._formatMessage(msg, stdmsg))
1166        print(text_to_string(module.outputs.stdout))
1167        print(text_to_string(module.outputs.stderr))
1168        # log these to final report
1169        # TODO: always or only if the calling test method failed?
1170        # in any case, this must be done before self.fail()
1171        # module.outputs['stdout'].value
1172        # module.outputs['stderr'].value
1174    # TODO: should we merge stderr to stdout in this case?
1175    def assertModuleFail(self, module, msg=None, **kwargs):
1176        """Test that module fails with a non-zero return code.
1178        Works like `assertModule()` but expects module to fail.
1179        """
1180        module = _module_from_parameters(module, **kwargs)
1181        _check_module_run_parameters(module)
1182        # note that we cannot use finally because we do not leave except
1183        try:
1184            module.run()
1185            self.grass_modules.append(module.name)
1186        except CalledModuleError:
1187            print(text_to_string(module.outputs.stdout))
1188            print(text_to_string(module.outputs.stderr))
1189        else:
1190            print(text_to_string(module.outputs.stdout))
1191            print(text_to_string(module.outputs.stderr))
1192            stdmsg = ('Running <%s> ended with zero (successful) return code'
1193                      ' when expecting module to fail' % module.get_python())
1194            self.fail(self._formatMessage(msg, stdmsg))
1197# TODO: add tests and documentation to methods which are using this function
1198# some test and documentation add to assertModuleKeyValue
1199def _module_from_parameters(module, **kwargs):
1200    if kwargs:
1201        if not isinstance(module, str):
1202            raise ValueError('module can be only string or PyGRASS Module')
1203        if isinstance(module, Module):
1204            raise ValueError('module can be only string if other'
1205                             ' parameters are given')
1206            # allow passing all parameters in one dictionary called parameters
1207        if list(kwargs.keys()) == ['parameters']:
1208            kwargs = kwargs['parameters']
1209        module = SimpleModule(module, **kwargs)
1210    return module
1213def _check_module_run_parameters(module):
1214    # in this case module already run and we would start it again
1215    if module.run_:
1216        raise ValueError('Do not run the module manually, set run_=False')
1217    if not module.finish_:
1218        raise ValueError('This function will always finish module run,'
1219                         ' set finish_=None or finish_=True.')
1220    # we expect most of the usages with stdout=PIPE
1221    # TODO: in any case capture PIPE always?
1222    if module.stdout_ is None:
1223        module.stdout_ = subprocess.PIPE
1224    elif module.stdout_ != subprocess.PIPE:
1225        raise ValueError('stdout_ can be only PIPE or None')
1226    if module.stderr_ is None:
1227        module.stderr_ = subprocess.PIPE
1228    elif module.stderr_ != subprocess.PIPE:
1229        raise ValueError('stderr_ can be only PIPE or None')
1230        # because we want to capture it