1 #include "Config.h"
3 #include <stdio.h>
4 #include <string.h>
5 #include <assert.h>
6 #include <unistd.h>
7 #include <stdlib.h>
9 #include "URL.h"
10 #include "Thread.h"
11 #include "Vector.h"
12 #include "ResultSet.h"
13 #include "PreparedStatement.h"
14 #include "Connection.h"
15 #include "ConnectionPool.h"
16 #include "AssertException.h"
17 #include "SQLException.h"
20 /**
21  * libzdb connection pool unity tests.
22  */
23 #define BSIZE 2048
25 #define SCHEMA_MYSQL      "CREATE TABLE zild_t(id INTEGER AUTO_INCREMENT PRIMARY KEY, name VARCHAR(255), percent REAL, image BLOB);"
26 #define SCHEMA_POSTGRESQL "CREATE TABLE zild_t(id SERIAL PRIMARY KEY, name VARCHAR(255), percent REAL, image BYTEA);"
27 #define SCHEMA_SQLITE     "CREATE TABLE zild_t(id INTEGER PRIMARY KEY, name VARCHAR(255), percent REAL, image BLOB);"
28 #define SCHEMA_ORACLE     "CREATE TABLE zild_t(id NUMBER GENERATED AS IDENTITY, name VARCHAR(255), percent REAL, image CLOB);"
31 #define TM_GMTOFF tm_gmtoff
32 #else
33 #define TM_GMTOFF tm_wday
34 #endif
TabortHandler(const char * error)37 static void TabortHandler(const char *error) {
38         fprintf(stdout, "Error: %s\n", error);
39         exit(1);
40 }
testPool(const char * testURL)42 static void testPool(const char *testURL) {
43         URL_T url;
44         char *schema;
45         ConnectionPool_T pool;
46         char *data[]= {"Fry", "Leela", "Bender", "Farnsworth",
47                 "Zoidberg", "Amy", "Hermes", "Nibbler", "Cubert",
48                 "Zapp", "Joey Mousepad", "ЯΣ༆", 0};
50         if (Str_startsWith(testURL, "mysql")) {
51                 schema = SCHEMA_MYSQL;
52         } else if (Str_startsWith(testURL, "postgresql")) {
53                 schema = SCHEMA_POSTGRESQL;
54         } else if (Str_startsWith(testURL, "sqlite")) {
55                 schema = SCHEMA_SQLITE;
56         } else if (Str_startsWith(testURL, "oracle")) {
57                 schema = SCHEMA_ORACLE;
58         }
59         else {
60                 printf("Unsupported database protocol\n");
61                 exit(1);
62         }
65         printf("=> Test1: create/destroy\n");
66         {
67                 pool = ConnectionPool_new(URL_new(testURL));
68                 assert(pool);
69                 url = ConnectionPool_getURL(pool);
70                 ConnectionPool_free(&pool);
71                 assert(! pool);
72                 URL_free(&url);
73         }
74         printf("=> Test1: OK\n\n");
76         printf("=> Test2: NULL value\n");
77         {
78                 url = URL_new(NULL);
79                 assert(! url);
80                 TRY
81                 {
82                         pool = ConnectionPool_new(url);
83                         printf("\tResult: Test failed -- exception not thrown\n");
84                         exit(1);
85                 }
86                 CATCH(AssertException)
87                 {
88                         // OK
89                 }
90                 END_TRY;
91         }
92         printf("=> Test2: OK\n\n");
94         printf("=> Test3: start/stop\n");
95         {
96                 url = URL_new(testURL);
97                 pool = ConnectionPool_new(url);
98                 assert(pool);
99                 ConnectionPool_start(pool);
100                 ConnectionPool_stop(pool);
101                 ConnectionPool_free(&pool);
102                 assert(pool==NULL);
103                 URL_free(&url);
104                 // Test that exception is thrown on start error
105                 TRY
106                 {
107                         url = URL_new("not://a/database");
108                         pool = ConnectionPool_new(url);
109                         assert(pool);
110                         ConnectionPool_start(pool);
111                         printf("\tResult: Test failed -- exception not thrown\n");
112                         exit(1);
113                 }
114                 CATCH(SQLException) {
115                         // OK
116                 }
117                 FINALLY {
118                         ConnectionPool_free(&pool);
119                         assert(pool==NULL);
120                         URL_free(&url);
121                 }
122                 END_TRY;
123         }
124         printf("=> Test3: OK\n\n");
126         printf("=> Test4: Connection execute & transaction\n");
127         {
128                 int i;
129                 Connection_T con;
130                 url = URL_new(testURL);
131                 pool = ConnectionPool_new(url);
132                 assert(pool);
133                 ConnectionPool_setAbortHandler(pool, TabortHandler);
134                 ConnectionPool_start(pool);
135                 con = ConnectionPool_getConnection(pool);
136                 assert(con);
137                 TRY Connection_execute(con, "drop table zild_t;"); ELSE END_TRY;
138                 Connection_execute(con, "%s", schema);
139                 Connection_beginTransaction(con);
140                 /* Insert values into database and assume that auto increment of id works */
141                 for (i = 0; data[i]; i++)
142                         Connection_execute(con, "insert into zild_t (name, percent) values('%s', %d.%d);", data[i], i+1, i);
143                 // Assert that the last insert statement added one row
144                 assert(Connection_rowsChanged(con) == 1);
145                 /* Assert that last row id works for MySQL and SQLite. Neither Oracle nor PostgreSQL
146                  support last row id directly. The way to do this in PostgreSQL is to use
147                  currval() or return the id on insert. */
148                 if (IS(URL_getProtocol(url), "sqlite") || IS(URL_getProtocol(url), "mysql"))
149                         assert(Connection_lastRowId(con) == 12);
150                 Connection_commit(con);
151                 printf("\tResult: table zild_t successfully created\n");
152                 Connection_close(con);
153         }
154         printf("=> Test4: OK\n\n");
157         printf("=> Test5: Prepared Statement\n");
158         {
159                 int i;
160                 char blob[8192];
161                 char *images[]= {"Ceci n'est pas une pipe", "Mona Lisa",
162                         "Bryllup i Hardanger", "The Scream",
163                         "Vampyre", "Balcony", "Cycle", "Day & Night",
164                         "Hand with Reflecting Sphere",
165                         "Drawing Hands", "Ascending and Descending", 0};
166                 Connection_T con = ConnectionPool_getConnection(pool);
167                 assert(con);
168                 // 1. Prepared statement, perform a nonsense update to test rowsChanged
169                 PreparedStatement_T p1 = Connection_prepareStatement(con, "update zild_t set image=?;");
170                 PreparedStatement_setString(p1, 1, "");
171                 PreparedStatement_execute(p1);
172                 printf("\tRows changed: %lld\n", PreparedStatement_rowsChanged(p1));
173                 // Assert that all 12 rows in the data set was changed
174                 assert(PreparedStatement_rowsChanged(p1) == 12);
175                 // 2. Prepared statement, update the table proper with "images".
176                 PreparedStatement_T pre = Connection_prepareStatement(con, "update zild_t set image=? where id=?;");
177                 assert(pre);
178                 assert(PreparedStatement_getParameterCount(pre) == 2);
179                 for (i = 0; images[i]; i++) {
180                         PreparedStatement_setBlob(pre, 1, images[i], (int)strlen(images[i])+1);
181                         PreparedStatement_setInt(pre, 2, i + 1);
182                         PreparedStatement_execute(pre);
183                 }
184                 /* Add a database null blob value for id = 5 */
185                 PreparedStatement_setBlob(pre, 1, NULL, 0);
186                 PreparedStatement_setInt(pre, 2, 5);
187                 PreparedStatement_execute(pre);
188                 /* Add a database null string value for id = 1 */
189                 PreparedStatement_setString(pre, 1, NULL);
190                 PreparedStatement_setInt(pre, 2, 1);
191                 PreparedStatement_execute(pre);
192                 /* Add a large blob */
193                 memset(blob, 'x', 8192);
194                 blob[8191] = 0;
195                 /* Mark start and end */
196                 *blob='S'; blob[8190] = 'E';
197                 PreparedStatement_setBlob(pre, 1, blob, 8192);
198                 PreparedStatement_setInt(pre, 2, i + 1);
199                 PreparedStatement_execute(pre);
200                 printf("\tResult: prepared statement successfully executed\n");
201                 Connection_close(con);
202         }
203         printf("=> Test5: OK\n\n");
206         printf("=> Test6: Result Sets\n");
207         {
208                 int i;
209                 int imagesize = 0;
210                 Connection_T con = ConnectionPool_getConnection(pool);
211                 assert(con);
212                 Connection_setQueryTimeout(con, 3000);
213                 assert(Connection_getQueryTimeout(con) == 3000);
214                 ResultSet_T rset = Connection_executeQuery(con, "select id, name, percent, image from zild_t where id < %d order by id;", 100);
215                 assert(rset);
216                 printf("\tResult:\n");
217                 printf("\tNumber of columns in resultset: %d\n\t", ResultSet_getColumnCount(rset));
218                 assert(4==ResultSet_getColumnCount(rset));
219                 i = 1;
220                 printf("%-5s", ResultSet_getColumnName(rset, i++));
221                 printf("%-16s", ResultSet_getColumnName(rset, i++));
222                 printf("%-10s", ResultSet_getColumnName(rset, i++));
223                 printf("%-16s", ResultSet_getColumnName(rset, i++));
224                 printf("\n\t------------------------------------------------------\n");
225                 while (ResultSet_next(rset)) {
226                         int id = ResultSet_getIntByName(rset, "id");
227                         const char *name = ResultSet_getString(rset, 2);
228                         double percent = ResultSet_getDoubleByName(rset, "percent");
229                         const char *blob = (char*)ResultSet_getBlob(rset, 4, &imagesize);
230                         printf("\t%-5d%-16s%-10.2f%-16.38s\n", id, name ? name : "null", percent, imagesize ? blob : "");
231                 }
232                 // Column count
233                 rset = Connection_executeQuery(con, "select image from zild_t where id=12;");
234                 assert(1 == ResultSet_getColumnCount(rset));
236                 // Assert that types are interchangeable and that all data is returned
237                 while (ResultSet_next(rset)) {
238                         const char *image = ResultSet_getStringByName(rset, "image");
239                         const void *blob = ResultSet_getBlobByName(rset, "image", &imagesize);
240                         // Oracle does not support getting blob as string
241                         if (! Str_startsWith(testURL, "oracle")) {
242                                 assert(image && blob);
243                                 assert(strlen(image) + 1 == 8192);
244                         }
245                         assert(imagesize == 8192);
246                 }
248                 printf("\tResult: check isnull..");
249                 rset = Connection_executeQuery(con, "select id, image from zild_t where id in(1,5,2);");
250                 while (ResultSet_next(rset)) {
251                         int id = ResultSet_getIntByName(rset, "id");
252                         if (id == 1 || id == 5)
253                                 assert(ResultSet_isnull(rset, 2) == true);
254                         else
255                                 assert(ResultSet_isnull(rset, 2) == false);
256                 }
257                 printf("success\n");
259                 printf("\tResult: check max rows..");
260                 Connection_setMaxRows(con, 3);
261                 rset = Connection_executeQuery(con, "select id from zild_t;");
262                 assert(rset);
263                 i = 0;
264                 while (ResultSet_next(rset)) i++;
265                 assert((i)==3);
266                 printf("success\n");
268                 printf("\tResult: check prepared statement resultset..");
269                 Connection_setMaxRows(con, 0);
270                 PreparedStatement_T pre = Connection_prepareStatement(con, "select name from zild_t where id=?");
271                 assert(pre);
272                 PreparedStatement_setInt(pre, 1, 2);
273                 ResultSet_T names = PreparedStatement_executeQuery(pre);
274                 assert(names);
275                 assert(ResultSet_next(names));
276                 assert(Str_isEqual("Leela", ResultSet_getString(names, 1)));
277                 printf("success\n");
279                 printf("\tResult: check prepared statement re-execute..");
280                 PreparedStatement_setInt(pre, 1, 1);
281                 names = PreparedStatement_executeQuery(pre);
282                 assert(names);
283                 assert(ResultSet_next(names));
284                 assert(Str_isEqual("Fry", ResultSet_getString(names, 1)));
285                 printf("success\n");
287                 printf("\tResult: check prepared statement without in-params..");
288                 pre = Connection_prepareStatement(con, "select name from zild_t;");
289                 assert(pre);
290                 names = PreparedStatement_executeQuery(pre);
291                 assert(names);
292                 for (i = 0; ResultSet_next(names); i++);
293                 assert(i==12);
294                 printf("success\n");
296                 // Test prefetch unless database is SQLite or Postgres for which prefetch is n/a
297                 if (Str_startsWith(testURL, "mysql") || Str_startsWith(testURL, "oracle")) {
298                         printf("\tResult: check fetch-size..");
299                         assert(Connection_getFetchSize(con) == SQL_DEFAULT_PREFETCH_ROWS);
300                         Connection_setFetchSize(con, 50);
301                         assert(Connection_getFetchSize(con) == 50);
302                         ResultSet_T fs = Connection_executeQuery(con, "select * from zild_t;");
303                         assert(fs);
304                         // Assert that result set inherits Connection fetch-size
305                         assert(ResultSet_getFetchSize(fs) == 50);
306                         ResultSet_setFetchSize(fs, 12);
307                         while (ResultSet_next(fs));
308                         assert(ResultSet_getFetchSize(fs) == 12);
309                         printf("success\n");
310                 }
312                 /* Need to close and release statements before
313                    we can drop the table, sqlite need this */
314                 Connection_clear(con);
315                 Connection_execute(con, "drop table zild_t;");
316                 Connection_close(con);
317                 ConnectionPool_stop(pool);
318                 ConnectionPool_free(&pool);
319                 assert(pool==NULL);
320                 URL_free(&url);
321         }
322         printf("=> Test6: OK\n\n");
325         printf("=> Test7: reaper start/stop\n");
326         {
327                 int i;
328                 Vector_T v = Vector_new(20);
329                 url = URL_new(testURL);
330                 pool = ConnectionPool_new(url);
331                 assert(pool);
332                 ConnectionPool_setInitialConnections(pool, 4);
333                 ConnectionPool_setMaxConnections(pool, 20);
334                 ConnectionPool_setConnectionTimeout(pool, 4);
335                 ConnectionPool_setReaper(pool, 4);
336                 ConnectionPool_setAbortHandler(pool, TabortHandler);
337                 ConnectionPool_start(pool);
338                 assert(4==ConnectionPool_size(pool));
339                 printf("Creating 20 Connections..");
340                 for (i = 0; i<20; i++)
341                         Vector_push(v, ConnectionPool_getConnection(pool));
342                 assert(ConnectionPool_size(pool) == 20);
343                 assert(ConnectionPool_active(pool) == 20);
344                 printf("success\n");
345                 printf("Closing Connections down to initial..");
346                 while (! Vector_isEmpty(v))
347                         Connection_close(Vector_pop(v));
348                 assert(ConnectionPool_active(pool) == 0);
349                 assert(ConnectionPool_size(pool) == 20);
350                 printf("success\n");
351                 printf("Please wait 10 sec for reaper to harvest closed connections..");
352                 Connection_T con = ConnectionPool_getConnection(pool); // Activate one connection to verify the reaper does not close any active
353                 fflush(stdout);
354                 sleep(10);
355                 assert(5 == ConnectionPool_size(pool)); // 4 initial connections + the one active we got above
356                 assert(1 == ConnectionPool_active(pool));
357                 printf("success\n");
358                 Connection_close(con);
359                 ConnectionPool_stop(pool);
360                 ConnectionPool_free(&pool);
361                 Vector_free(&v);
362                 assert(pool==NULL);
363                 URL_free(&url);
364         }
365         printf("=> Test7: OK\n\n");
367         printf("=> Test8: Exceptions handling\n");
368         {
369                 int i;
370                 Connection_T con;
371                 ResultSet_T result;
372                 url = URL_new(testURL);
373                 pool = ConnectionPool_new(url);
374                 assert(pool);
375                 ConnectionPool_setAbortHandler(pool, TabortHandler);
376                 ConnectionPool_start(pool);
377                 con = ConnectionPool_getConnection(pool);
378                 assert(con);
379                 /*
380                  * The following should work without throwing exceptions
381                  */
382                 TRY
383                 {
384                         Connection_execute(con, "%s", schema);
385                 }
386                 ELSE
387                 {
388                         printf("\tResult: Creating table zild_t failed -- %s\n", Exception_frame.message);
389                         assert(false); // Should not fail
390                 }
391                 END_TRY;
392                 TRY
393                 {
394                         Connection_beginTransaction(con);
395                         for (i = 0; data[i]; i++)
396                                 Connection_execute(con, "insert into zild_t (name, percent) values('%s', %d.%d);", data[i], i+1, i);
397                         Connection_commit(con);
398                         printf("\tResult: table zild_t successfully created\n");
399                 }
400                 ELSE
401                 {
402                         printf("\tResult: Test failed -- %s\n", Exception_frame.message);
403                         assert(false); // Should not fail
404                 }
405                 FINALLY
406                 {
407                         Connection_close(con);
408                 }
409                 END_TRY;
410                 assert((con = ConnectionPool_getConnection(pool)));
411                 TRY
412                 {
413                         int i, j;
414                         const char *bg[]= {"Starbuck", "Sharon Valerii",
415                                 "Number Six", "Gaius Baltar", "William Adama",
416                                 "Lee \"Apollo\" Adama", "Laura Roslin", 0};
417                         PreparedStatement_T p = Connection_prepareStatement
418                         (con, "insert into zild_t (name) values(?);");
419                         /* If we did not get a statement, an SQLException is thrown
420                            and we will not get here. So we can safely use the
421                            statement now. Likewise, below, we do not have to
422                            check return values from the statement since any error
423                            will throw an SQLException and transfer the control
424                            to the exception handler
425                         */
426                         for (i = 0, j = 42; bg[i]; i++, j++) {
427                                 PreparedStatement_setString(p, 1, bg[i]);
428                                 PreparedStatement_execute(p);
429                         }
430                 }
431                 CATCH(SQLException)
432                 {
433                         printf("\tResult: prepare statement failed -- %s\n", Exception_frame.message);
434                         assert(false);
435                 }
436                 END_TRY;
437                 TRY
438                 {
439                         printf("\t\tBattlestar Galactica: \n");
440                         result = Connection_executeQuery(con, "select name from zild_t where id > 12;");
441                         while (ResultSet_next(result))
442                                 printf("\t\t%s\n", ResultSet_getString(result, 1));
443                 }
444                 CATCH(SQLException)
445                 {
446                         printf("\tResult: resultset failed -- %s\n", Exception_frame.message);
447                        assert(false);
448                 }
449                 FINALLY
450                 {
451                         Connection_close(con);
452                 }
453                 END_TRY;
454                 /*
455                  * The following should fail and throw exceptions. The exception error
456                  * message can be obtained with Exception_frame.message, or from
457                  * Connection_getLastError(con). Exception_frame.message contains both
458                  * SQL errors or api errors such as prepared statement parameter index
459                  * out of range, while Connection_getLastError(con) only has SQL errors
460                  */
461                 TRY
462                 {
463                         assert((con = ConnectionPool_getConnection(pool)));
464                         Connection_execute(con, "%s", schema);
465                         /* Creating the table again should fail and we
466                         should not come here */
467                         printf("\tResult: Test failed -- exception not thrown\n");
468                         exit(1);
469                 }
470                 CATCH(SQLException)
471                 {
472                         Connection_close(con);
473                 }
474                 END_TRY;
475                 TRY
476                 {
477                         assert((con = ConnectionPool_getConnection(pool)));
478                         printf("\tTesting: Query with errors.. ");
479                         Connection_executeQuery(con, "blablabala;");
480                         printf("\tResult: Test failed -- exception not thrown\n");
481                         exit(1);
482                 }
483                 CATCH(SQLException)
484                 {
485                         printf("ok\n");
486                         Connection_close(con);
487                 }
488                 END_TRY;
489                 TRY
490                 {
491                         printf("\tTesting: Prepared statement query with errors.. ");
492                         assert((con = ConnectionPool_getConnection(pool)));
493                         PreparedStatement_T p = Connection_prepareStatement(con, "blablabala;");
494                         ResultSet_T r = PreparedStatement_executeQuery(p);
495                         while(ResultSet_next(r));
496                         printf("\tResult: Test failed -- exception not thrown\n");
497                         exit(1);
498                 }
499                 CATCH(SQLException)
500                 {
501                         printf("ok\n");
502                         Connection_close(con);
503                 }
504                 END_TRY;
505                 TRY
506                 {
507                         assert((con = ConnectionPool_getConnection(pool)));
508                         printf("\tTesting: Column index out of range.. ");
509                         result = Connection_executeQuery(con, "select id, name from zild_t;");
510                         while (ResultSet_next(result)) {
511                                 int id = ResultSet_getInt(result, 1);
512                                 const char *name = ResultSet_getString(result, 2);
513                                 /* So far so good, now, try access an invalid
514                                    column, which should throw an SQLException */
515                                 int bogus = ResultSet_getInt(result, 3);
516                                 printf("\tResult: Test failed -- exception not thrown\n");
517                                 printf("%d, %s, %d", id, name, bogus);
518                                 exit(1);
519                         }
520                 }
521                 CATCH(SQLException)
522                 {
523                         printf("ok\n");
524                         Connection_close(con);
525                 }
526                 END_TRY;
527                 TRY
528                 {
529                         assert((con = ConnectionPool_getConnection(pool)));
530                         printf("\tTesting: Invalid column name.. ");
531                         result = Connection_executeQuery(con, "select name from zild_t;");
532                         while (ResultSet_next(result)) {
533                                 const char *name = ResultSet_getStringByName(result, "nonexistingcolumnname");
534                                 printf("%s", name);
535                                 printf("\tResult: Test failed -- exception not thrown\n");
536                                 exit(1);
537                         }
538                 }
539                 CATCH(SQLException)
540                 {
541                         printf("ok\n");
542                         Connection_close(con);
543                 }
544                 END_TRY;
545                 TRY
546                 {
547                         assert((con = ConnectionPool_getConnection(pool)));
548                         PreparedStatement_T p = Connection_prepareStatement(con, "update zild_t set name = ? where id = ?;");
549                         printf("\tTesting: Parameter index out of range.. ");
550                         PreparedStatement_setInt(p, 3, 123);
551                         printf("\tResult: Test failed -- exception not thrown\n");
552                         exit(1);
553                 }
554                 CATCH(SQLException)
555                 {
556                         printf("ok\n");
557                 }
558                 FINALLY
559                 {
560                         Connection_close(con);
561                 }
562                 END_TRY;
563                 assert((con = ConnectionPool_getConnection(pool)));
564                 Connection_execute(con, "drop table zild_t;");
565                 Connection_close(con);
566                 ConnectionPool_stop(pool);
567                 ConnectionPool_free(&pool);
568                 assert(pool==NULL);
569                 URL_free(&url);
570         }
571         printf("=> Test8: OK\n\n");
573         printf("=> Test9: Ensure Capacity\n");
574         {
575                 /* Check that MySQL ensureCapacity works for columns that exceed the preallocated buffer and that no truncation is done */
576                 if ( Str_startsWith(testURL, "mysql")) {
577                         int myimagesize;
578                         url = URL_new(testURL);
579                         pool = ConnectionPool_new(url);
580                         assert(pool);
581                         ConnectionPool_start(pool);
582                         Connection_T con = ConnectionPool_getConnection(pool);
583                         assert(con);
584                         Connection_execute(con, "CREATE TABLE zild_t(id INTEGER AUTO_INCREMENT PRIMARY KEY, image BLOB, string TEXT);");
585                         PreparedStatement_T p = Connection_prepareStatement(con, "insert into zild_t (image, string) values(?, ?);");
586                         char t[4096];
587                         memset(t, 'x', 4096);
588                         t[4095] = 0;
589                         for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++) {
590                                 PreparedStatement_setBlob(p, 1, t, (i+1)*512); // store successive larger string-blobs to trigger realloc on ResultSet_getBlobByName
591                                 PreparedStatement_setString(p, 2, t);
592                                 PreparedStatement_execute(p);
593                         }
594                         ResultSet_T r = Connection_executeQuery(con, "select image, string from zild_t;");
595                         for (int i = 0; ResultSet_next(r); i++) {
596                                 ResultSet_getBlobByName(r, "image", &myimagesize);
597                                 const char *image = ResultSet_getStringByName(r, "image"); // Blob as image should be terminated
598                                 const char *string = ResultSet_getStringByName(r, "string");
599                                 assert(myimagesize == (i+1)*512);
600                                 assert(strlen(image) == ((i+1)*512));
601                                 assert(strlen(string) == 4095);
602                         }
603                         p = Connection_prepareStatement(con, "select image, string from zild_t;");
604                         r = PreparedStatement_executeQuery(p);
605                         for (int i = 0; ResultSet_next(r); i++) {
606                                 ResultSet_getBlobByName(r, "image", &myimagesize);
607                                 const char *image = ResultSet_getStringByName(r, "image");
608                                 const char *string = (char*)ResultSet_getStringByName(r, "string");
609                                 assert(myimagesize == (i+1)*512);
610                                 assert(strlen(image) == ((i+1)*512));
611                                 assert(strlen(string) == 4095);
612                         }
613                         Connection_execute(con, "drop table zild_t;");
614                         Connection_close(con);
615                         ConnectionPool_stop(pool);
616                         ConnectionPool_free(&pool);
617                         URL_free(&url);
618                 }
619         }
620         printf("=> Test9: OK\n\n");
622         printf("=> Test10: Date, Time, DateTime and Timestamp\n");
623         {
624                 url = URL_new(testURL);
625                 pool = ConnectionPool_new(url);
626                 assert(pool);
627                 ConnectionPool_start(pool);
628                 Connection_T con = ConnectionPool_getConnection(pool);
629                 if (Str_startsWith(testURL, "postgres"))
630                         Connection_execute(con, "create table zild_t(d date, t time, dt timestamp, ts timestamp)");
631                 else if (Str_startsWith(testURL, "oracle"))
632                         Connection_execute(con, "create table zild_t(d date, t date, dt date, ts timestamp)");
633                 else
634                         Connection_execute(con, "create table zild_t(d date, t time, dt datetime, ts timestamp);");
635                 PreparedStatement_T p = Connection_prepareStatement(con, "insert into zild_t values(?, ?, ?, ?);");
636                 if (Str_startsWith(testURL, "oracle")) { // Oracle does not have a pure time data type
637                         Connection_execute(con, "alter session set nls_date_format='YYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI:SS';");
638                         Connection_execute(con, "alter session set nls_timestamp_format='YYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI:SS';");
639                         PreparedStatement_setString(p, 1, "2013-12-28 00:00:00");
640                         PreparedStatement_setString(p, 2, "2013-12-28 10:12:42");
641                 } else {
642                         PreparedStatement_setString(p, 1, "2013-12-28");
643                         PreparedStatement_setString(p, 2, "10:12:42");
644                 }
645                 PreparedStatement_setString(p, 3, "2013-12-28 10:12:42");
646                 PreparedStatement_setTimestamp(p, 4, 1387066378);
647                 PreparedStatement_execute(p);
648                 ResultSet_T r = Connection_executeQuery(con, "select * from zild_t");
649                 if (ResultSet_next(r)) {
650                         struct tm date = ResultSet_getDateTime(r, 1);
651                         struct tm time = ResultSet_getDateTime(r, 2);
652                         struct tm datetime = ResultSet_getDateTime(r, 3);
653                         time_t timestamp = ResultSet_getTimestamp(r, 4);
654                         struct tm timestampAsTm = ResultSet_getDateTime(r, 4);
655                         // Check Date
656                         assert(date.tm_hour == 0);
657                         assert(date.tm_year == 2013);
658                         assert(date.tm_mon == 11); // Remember month - 1
659                         assert(date.tm_mday == 28);
660                         assert(date.TM_GMTOFF == 0);
661                         // Check Time
662                         if (! Str_startsWith(testURL, "oracle"))
663                                 assert(time.tm_year == 0);
664                         assert(time.tm_hour == 10);
665                         assert(time.tm_min == 12);
666                         assert(time.tm_sec == 42);
667                         assert(time.TM_GMTOFF == 0);
668                         // Check datetime
669                         assert(datetime.tm_year == 2013);
670                         assert(datetime.tm_mon == 11); // Remember month - 1
671                         assert(datetime.tm_mday == 28);
672                         assert(datetime.tm_hour == 10);
673                         assert(datetime.tm_min == 12);
674                         assert(datetime.tm_sec == 42);
675                         assert(datetime.TM_GMTOFF == 0);
676                         // Check timestamp
677                         assert(timestamp == 1387066378);
678                         // Check timestamp as datetime
679                         assert(timestampAsTm.tm_year == 2013);
680                         assert(timestampAsTm.tm_mon == 11); // Remember month - 1
681                         assert(timestampAsTm.tm_mday == 15);
682                         assert(timestampAsTm.tm_hour == 0);
683                         assert(timestampAsTm.tm_min == 12);
684                         assert(timestampAsTm.tm_sec == 58);
685                         assert(timestampAsTm.TM_GMTOFF == 0);
686                         // Result
687                         printf("\tDate: %s, Time: %s, DateTime: %s\n\tTimestamp as numeric: %ld, Timestamp as string: %s\n",
688                                ResultSet_getString(r, 1),
689                                ResultSet_getString(r, 2),
690                                ResultSet_getString(r, 3),
691                                ResultSet_getTimestamp(r, 4),
692                                ResultSet_getString(r, 4)); // SQLite will show both as numeric
693                 }
694                 Connection_execute(con, "drop table zild_t;");
695                 Connection_close(con);
696                 ConnectionPool_stop(pool);
697                 ConnectionPool_free(&pool);
698                 assert(pool==NULL);
699                 URL_free(&url);
700         }
701         printf("=> Test10: OK\n\n");
704         printf("============> Connection Pool Tests: OK\n\n");
705 }
main(void)707 int main(void) {
708         URL_T url;
709         char buf[BSIZE];
710         char *help = "Please enter a valid database connection URL and press ENTER\n"
711                     "E.g. sqlite:///tmp/sqlite.db?synchronous=off&heap_limit=2000\n"
712                     "E.g. mysql://localhost:3306/test?user=root&password=root\n"
713                     "E.g. postgresql://localhost:5432/test?user=root&password=root\n"
714                     "E.g. oracle://scott:tiger@localhost:1521/servicename\n"
715                     "To exit, enter '.' on a single line\n\nConnection URL> ";
716         ZBDEBUG = true;
717         Exception_init();
718         printf("============> Start Connection Pool Tests\n\n");
719         printf("This test will create and drop a table called zild_t in the database\n");
720 	printf("%s", help);
721 	while (fgets(buf, BSIZE, stdin)) {
722 		if (*buf == '.' || *buf == 'q')
723                         break;
724 		if (*buf == '\r' || *buf == '\n' || *buf == 0)
725 			goto next;
726                 url = URL_new(buf);
727                 if (! url) {
728                         printf("Please enter a valid database URL or stop by entering '.'\n");
729                         goto next;
730                 }
731                 testPool(URL_toString(url));
732                 URL_free(&url);
733                 printf("%s", help);
734                 continue;
735 next:
736                 printf("Connection URL> ");
737 	}
738 	return 0;
739 }