1 #ifndef SQL_PLIST_H
2 #define SQL_PLIST_H
3 /* Copyright (c) 2008, 2011, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
5    This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
6    it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
7    the Free Software Foundation; version 2 of the License.
9    This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
10    but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
12    GNU General Public License for more details.
14    You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
15    along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
16    Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1335  USA */
19 template <typename T, typename L>
20 class I_P_List_iterator;
21 class I_P_List_null_counter;
22 template <typename T> class I_P_List_no_push_back;
25 /**
26    Intrusive parameterized list.
28    Unlike I_List does not require its elements to be descendant of ilink
29    class and therefore allows them to participate in several such lists
30    simultaneously.
32    Unlike List is doubly-linked list and thus supports efficient deletion
33    of element without iterator.
35    @param T  Type of elements which will belong to list.
36    @param B  Class which via its methods specifies which members
37              of T should be used for participating in this list.
38              Here is typical layout of such class:
40              struct B
41              {
42                static inline T **next_ptr(T *el)
43                {
44                  return &el->next;
45                }
46                static inline T ***prev_ptr(T *el)
47                {
48                  return &el->prev;
49                }
50              };
51    @param C  Policy class specifying how counting of elements in the list
52              should be done. Instance of this class is also used as a place
53              where information about number of list elements is stored.
54              @sa I_P_List_null_counter, I_P_List_counter
55    @param I  Policy class specifying whether I_P_List should support
56              efficient push_back() operation. Instance of this class
57              is used as place where we store information to support
58              this operation.
59              @sa I_P_List_no_push_back, I_P_List_fast_push_back.
60 */
62 template <typename T, typename B,
63           typename C = I_P_List_null_counter,
64           typename I = I_P_List_no_push_back<T> >
65 class I_P_List : public C, public I
66 {
67   T *m_first;
69   /*
70     Do not prohibit copying of I_P_List object to simplify their usage in
71     backup/restore scenarios. Note that performing any operations on such
72     is a bad idea.
73   */
74 public:
75   I_P_List() : I(&m_first), m_first(NULL) {};
76   /*
77     empty() is used in many places in the code instead of a constructor, to
78     initialize a bzero-ed I_P_List instance.
79   */
81   inline void empty()      { m_first= NULL; C::reset(); I::set_last(&m_first); }
82   inline bool is_empty() const { return (m_first == NULL); }
83   inline void push_front(T* a)
84   {
85     *B::next_ptr(a)= m_first;
86     if (m_first)
87       *B::prev_ptr(m_first)= B::next_ptr(a);
88     else
89       I::set_last(B::next_ptr(a));
90     m_first= a;
91     *B::prev_ptr(a)= &m_first;
92     C::inc();
93   }
94   inline void push_back(T *a)
95   {
96     T **last= I::get_last();
97     *B::next_ptr(a)= *last;
98     *last= a;
99     *B::prev_ptr(a)= last;
100     I::set_last(B::next_ptr(a));
101     C::inc();
102   }
103   inline void insert_after(T *pos, T *a)
104   {
105     if (pos == NULL)
106       push_front(a);
107     else
108     {
109       *B::next_ptr(a)= *B::next_ptr(pos);
110       *B::prev_ptr(a)= B::next_ptr(pos);
111       *B::next_ptr(pos)= a;
112       if (*B::next_ptr(a))
113       {
114         T *old_next= *B::next_ptr(a);
115         *B::prev_ptr(old_next)= B::next_ptr(a);
116       }
117       else
118         I::set_last(B::next_ptr(a));
119       C::inc();
120     }
121   }
122   inline void remove(T *a)
123   {
124     T *next= *B::next_ptr(a);
125     if (next)
126       *B::prev_ptr(next)= *B::prev_ptr(a);
127     else
128       I::set_last(*B::prev_ptr(a));
129     **B::prev_ptr(a)= next;
130     C::dec();
131   }
132   inline T* front() { return m_first; }
133   inline const T *front() const { return m_first; }
134   inline T* pop_front()
135   {
136     T *result= front();
138     if (result)
139       remove(result);
141     return result;
142   }
143   void swap(I_P_List<T, B, C> &rhs)
144   {
145     swap_variables(T *, m_first, rhs.m_first);
146     I::swap(rhs);
147     if (m_first)
148       *B::prev_ptr(m_first)= &m_first;
149     else
150       I::set_last(&m_first);
151     if (rhs.m_first)
152       *B::prev_ptr(rhs.m_first)= &rhs.m_first;
153     else
154       I::set_last(&rhs.m_first);
155     C::swap(rhs);
156   }
157   typedef B Adapter;
158   typedef I_P_List<T, B, C, I> Base;
159   typedef I_P_List_iterator<T, Base> Iterator;
160   typedef I_P_List_iterator<const T, Base> Const_Iterator;
161 #ifndef _lint
162   friend class I_P_List_iterator<T, Base>;
163   friend class I_P_List_iterator<const T, Base>;
164 #endif
165 };
168 /**
169    Iterator for I_P_List.
170 */
172 template <typename T, typename L>
173 class I_P_List_iterator
174 {
175   const L *list;
176   T *current;
177 public:
178   I_P_List_iterator(const L &a)
179     : list(&a), current(a.m_first) {}
180   I_P_List_iterator(const L &a, T* current_arg)
181     : list(&a), current(current_arg) {}
182   inline void init(const L &a)
183   {
184     list= &a;
185     current= a.m_first;
186   }
187   /**
188     Operator for it++
190     @note since we save next element pointer, caller may remove current element.
191     Such modification doesn't invalidate iterator.
192   */
193   inline T* operator++(int)
194   {
195     T *result= current;
196     if (result)
197       current= *L::Adapter::next_ptr(current);
198     return result;
199   }
200   /* Operator for ++it */
201   inline T* operator++()
202   {
203     current= *L::Adapter::next_ptr(current);
204     return current;
205   }
206   inline void rewind()
207   {
208     current= list->m_first;
209   }
210 };
213 /**
214   Hook class which via its methods specifies which members
215   of T should be used for participating in a intrusive list.
216 */
218 template <typename T, T* T::*next, T** T::*prev>
219 struct I_P_List_adapter
220 {
221   static inline T **next_ptr(T *el) { return &(el->*next); }
222   static inline const T* const* next_ptr(const T *el) { return &(el->*next); }
223   static inline T ***prev_ptr(T *el) { return &(el->*prev); }
224 };
227 /**
228   Element counting policy class for I_P_List to be used in
229   cases when no element counting should be done.
230 */
232 class I_P_List_null_counter
233 {
234 protected:
235   void reset() {}
236   void inc() {}
237   void dec() {}
238   void swap(I_P_List_null_counter &) {}
239 };
242 /**
243   Element counting policy class for I_P_List which provides
244   basic element counting.
245 */
247 class I_P_List_counter
248 {
249   uint m_counter;
250 protected:
251   I_P_List_counter() : m_counter (0) {}
252   void reset() {m_counter= 0;}
253   void inc() {m_counter++;}
254   void dec() {m_counter--;}
255   void swap(I_P_List_counter &rhs)
256   { swap_variables(uint, m_counter, rhs.m_counter); }
257 public:
258   uint elements() const { return m_counter; }
259 };
262 /**
263   A null insertion policy class for I_P_List to be used
264   in cases when push_back() operation is not necessary.
265 */
267 template <typename T> class I_P_List_no_push_back
268 {
269 protected:
270   I_P_List_no_push_back(T **) {}
271   void set_last(T **) {}
272   /*
273     T** get_last() const method is intentionally left unimplemented
274     in order to prohibit usage of push_back() method in lists which
275     use this policy.
276   */
277   void swap(I_P_List_no_push_back<T> &) {}
278 };
281 /**
282   An insertion policy class for I_P_List which can
283   be used when fast push_back() operation is required.
284 */
286 template <typename T> class I_P_List_fast_push_back
287 {
288   T **m_last;
289 protected:
290   I_P_List_fast_push_back(T **a) : m_last(a) { };
291   void set_last(T **a) { m_last= a; }
292   T** get_last() const { return m_last; }
293   void swap(I_P_List_fast_push_back<T> &rhs)
294   { swap_variables(T**, m_last, rhs.m_last); }
295 };
297 #endif