1connect  mysql, localhost, root,,;
2use mysql;
3alter table user drop column is_role;
4alter table user drop column default_role;
5alter table user drop column max_statement_time;
6flush privileges;
7create role test_role;
8ERROR HY000: Column count of mysql.user is wrong. Expected 45, found 44. Created with MariaDB MYSQL_VERSION_ID, now running MYSQL_VERSION_ID. Please use mysql_upgrade to fix this error
9drop role test_role;
10ERROR HY000: Operation DROP ROLE failed for 'test_role'
11alter table user add column is_role enum('N', 'Y') default 'N' not null
12COLLATE utf8_general_ci
13after password_expired;
14create role test_role;
15create user test_user@localhost;
16grant test_role to test_user@localhost;
17set default role test_role for root@localhost;
18ERROR HY000: Column count of mysql.user is wrong. Expected 46, found 45. Created with MariaDB MYSQL_VERSION_ID, now running MYSQL_VERSION_ID. Please use mysql_upgrade to fix this error
19drop role test_role;
20drop user test_user@localhost;
21alter table user add column default_role char(80) binary default '' not null
22COLLATE utf8_general_ci
23after is_role;
24alter table user add max_statement_time decimal(12,6) default 0 not null
25after default_role;
26update user set is_role='N';
27flush privileges;
28create role test_role;
29drop role test_role;