1 /**************** Block H Declares Source Code File (.H) ***************/
2 /*  Name: BLOCK.H     Version 2.1                                      */
3 /*                                                                     */
4 /*  (C) Copyright to the author Olivier BERTRAND          1998 - 2020  */
5 /*                                                                     */
6 /*  This file contains the BLOCK pure virtual class definition.        */
7 /*---------------------------------------------------------------------*/
8 /*  Note: one of the main purpose of this base class is to take care   */
9 /*  of the very specific way Connect handles memory allocation.        */
10 /*  Instead of allocating small chunks of storage via new or malloc    */
11 /*  Connect works in its private memory pool in which it does the sub- */
12 /*  allocation using the function PlugSubAlloc. These are never freed  */
13 /*  separately but when a transaction is terminated, the entire pool   */
14 /*  is set to empty, resulting in a very fast and efficient allocate   */
15 /*  process, no garbage collection problem, and an automatic recovery  */
16 /*  procedure (via throw) when the memory is exhausted.                */
17 /*  For this to work new must be given two parameters, first the       */
18 /*  global pointer of the Plug application, and an optional pointer to */
19 /*  the memory pool to use, defaulting to NULL meaning using the Plug  */
20 /*  standard default memory pool, example:                             */
21 /*    tabp = new(g) XTAB("EMPLOYEE");                                  */
22 /*  allocates a XTAB class object in the standard Plug memory pool.    */
23 /***********************************************************************/
24 #if !defined(BLOCK_DEFINED)
25 #define      BLOCK_DEFINED
27 #if defined(_WIN32) && !defined(NOEX)
28 #define DllExport  __declspec( dllexport )
29 #else   // !_WIN32
30 #define DllExport
31 #endif  // !_WIN32
33 /***********************************************************************/
34 /*  Definition of class BLOCK with its method function new.            */
35 /***********************************************************************/
36 typedef class BLOCK *PBLOCK;
38 class DllExport BLOCK {
39  public:
40   void *operator new(size_t size, PGLOBAL g, void *mp = NULL) {
41 	  xtrc(256, "New BLOCK: size=%d g=%p p=%p\n", size, g, mp);
42 		return PlugSubAlloc(g, mp, size);
43   } // end of new
new(size_t size,long long mp)45 	void* operator new(size_t size, long long mp) {
46 		xtrc(256, "Realloc at: mp=%lld\n", mp);
47 		return (void*)mp;
48 	} // end of new
Printf(PGLOBAL,FILE *,uint)50 	virtual void Printf(PGLOBAL, FILE *, uint) {}   // Produce file desc
Prints(PGLOBAL,char *,uint)51   virtual void Prints(PGLOBAL, char *, uint) {}   // Produce string desc
53   // Avoid gcc errors by defining matching dummy delete operators
delete(void *,PGLOBAL,void *)54   void operator delete(void*, PGLOBAL, void *) {}
delete(void *,long long)55 	void operator delete(void*, long long) {}
delete(void *)56 	void operator delete(void*) {}
~BLOCK()58   virtual ~BLOCK() {}
59 }; // end of class BLOCK
61 #endif   // !BLOCK_DEFINED