1 /*************** CSort C Program Source Code File (.CPP) ***************/
2 /* PROGRAM NAME: CSORT                                                 */
3 /* -------------                                                       */
4 /*  Version 2.2                                                        */
5 /*                                                                     */
6 /* COPYRIGHT:                                                          */
7 /* ----------                                                          */
8 /*  (C) Copyright to the author Olivier Bertrand 1995-2016             */
9 /*                                                                     */
10 /* WHAT THIS PROGRAM DOES:                                             */
11 /* -----------------------                                             */
12 /*  This program is the C++ sorting routines that use qsort/insert     */
13 /*  algorithm and produces an offset/break table while sorting.        */
14 /*                                                                     */
15 /* WHAT YOU NEED TO COMPILE THIS PROGRAM:                              */
16 /* --------------------------------------                              */
17 /*                                                                     */
18 /*  REQUIRED FILES:                                                    */
19 /*  ---------------                                                    */
20 /*    csort.cpp      - Source code                                     */
21 /*                                                                     */
22 /*  REQUIRED LIBRARIES:                                                */
23 /*  -------------------                                                */
24 /*    OS2DEF.LIB     - OS2 libray definition subset.                   */
25 /*                                                                     */
26 /*  REQUIRED PROGRAMS:                                                 */
27 /*  ------------------                                                 */
28 /*    Microsoft C++ Compiler                                           */
29 /*    or GNU Compiler/Linker                                           */
30 /*    or BORLAND 4.5 C++ compiler                                      */
31 /*                                                                     */
32 /*  NOTE                                                               */
33 /*  ----                                                               */
34 /*    These functions are not 64-bits ready.                           */
35 /*                                                                     */
36 /***********************************************************************/
38 /***********************************************************************/
39 /*  Include relevant MariaDB header file.                              */
40 /***********************************************************************/
41 #include "my_global.h"
43 /***********************************************************************/
44 /*  Include application header files                                   */
45 /***********************************************************************/
46 #include <stdlib.h>                 /* C standard library              */
47 #include <string.h>                 /* String manipulation declares    */
48 #include <stdio.h>                  /* Required for sprintf declare    */
49 #if defined(_DEBUG)
50 #include <assert.h>                 /* Assertion routine declares      */
51 #endif
53 /***********************************************************************/
54 /*  Include CSort class header file                                    */
55 /***********************************************************************/
56 #include "global.h"
57 #include "plgdbsem.h"                /* For MBLOCK type definition      */
58 #include "csort.h"                  /* CSort class definition          */
59 #include "osutil.h"
61 #if !defined(BIGSORT)
62 #define      BIGSORT  200000
63 #endif   // !BIGSORT
65 /***********************************************************************/
66 /*  DB static external variables.                                      */
67 /***********************************************************************/
68 extern MBLOCK Nmblk;                /* Used to initialize MBLOCK's     */
70 /***********************************************************************/
71 /*  Initialize the CSORT static members.                               */
72 /***********************************************************************/
73 int    CSORT::Limit = 0;
74 double CSORT::Lg2 = log(2.0);
75 size_t CSORT::Cpn[1000] = {0};          /* Precalculated cmpnum values */
77 /***********************************************************************/
78 /*  CSORT constructor.                                                 */
79 /***********************************************************************/
CSORT(bool cns,int th,int mth)80 CSORT::CSORT(bool cns, int th, int mth)
81      : Pex((int*&)Index.Memp), Pof((int*&)Offset.Memp)
82   {
83   G = NULL;
84   Dup =NULL;
85   Cons = cns;
86   Thresh = th;
87   Mthresh = mth;
88   Nitem = 0;
89   Index = Nmblk;
90   Offset = Nmblk;
91   Swix = NULL;
92   Savmax = 0;
93   Savcur = 0;
94   Savstep = NULL;
95   } // end of CSORT constructor
97 /***********************************************************************/
98 /*  CSORT intialization.                                               */
99 /***********************************************************************/
Qsort(PGLOBAL g,int nb)100 int CSORT::Qsort(PGLOBAL g, int nb)
101   {
102   int rc;
104 #if defined(_DEBUG)
105   assert(Index.Size >= nb * sizeof(int));
106 #endif
108   if (nb > BIGSORT) {
109     G = g;
110     Dup = (PDBUSER)g->Activityp->Aptr;
112     if (Dup->Proginfo) {
113       Savstep = Dup->Step;
114       Savmax  = Dup->ProgMax;
115       Savcur  = Dup->ProgCur;
117       // Evaluate the number of comparisons that we will do
118       Dup->ProgMax = Cmpnum(nb);
119       Dup->ProgCur = 0;
120       Dup->Step = (char*)PlugSubAlloc(g, NULL, 32);
121       sprintf((char*)Dup->Step, MSG(SORTING_VAL), nb);
122     } else
123       Dup = NULL;
125   } else
126     Dup = NULL;
128   Nitem = nb;
130   for (int n = 0; n < Nitem; n++)
131     Pex[n] = n;
133   rc = (Cons) ? Qsortc() : Qsortx();
135   if (Dup) {
136     // Restore any change in progress info settings
137 //  printf("Progcur=%u\n", Dup->ProgCur);
139     Dup->Step    = Savstep;
140     Dup->ProgMax = Savmax;
141     Dup->ProgCur = Savcur;
142     } // endif Subcor
144   return rc;
145   } // end of QSort
147 #if defined(DEBTRACE)
148 /***********************************************************************/
149 /*  Debug routine to be used by sort for specific data (dummy as now)  */
150 /***********************************************************************/
DebugSort(int ph,int n,int * base,int * mid,int * tmp)151 void CSORT::DebugSort(int ph, int n, int *base, int *mid, int *tmp)
152   {
153   htrc("phase=%d n=%d base=%p mid=%p tmp=%p\n",
154           ph, n, base, mid, tmp);
155   } // end of DebugSort
156 #endif
158 /***********************************************************************/
159 /* Qsortx:   Version adapted from qsortx.c by O.Bertrand               */
160 /* This version is specialy adapted for Index sorting, meaning that    */
161 /* the data is not moved, but the Index only is sorted.                */
162 /* Index array elements are any 4-byte word (a pointer or a int int   */
163 /* array index), they are not interpreted except by the user provided  */
164 /* comparison routine which must works accordingly.                    */
165 /* In addition, this program takes care of data in which there is a    */
166 /* high rate of repetitions.                                           */
167 /* CAUTION: the sort algorithm used here is not conservative. Equal    */
168 /* values will be internally stored in unpredictable order.            */
169 /* The THRESHold below is the insertion sort threshold, and also the   */
170 /* threshold for continuing que quicksort partitioning.                */
171 /* The MTHREShold is where we stop finding a better median.            */
172 /* These two quantities should be adjusted dynamically depending upon  */
173 /* the repetition rate of the data.                                    */
174 /* Algorithm used:                                                     */
175 /* First, set up some global parameters for Qstx to share.  Then,      */
176 /* quicksort with Qstx(), and then a cleanup insertion sort ourselves. */
177 /* Sound simple? It's not...                                           */
178 /***********************************************************************/
Qsortx(void)179 int CSORT::Qsortx(void)
180   {
181   int  c;
182   int  lo, hi, min;
183   int  i, j, rc = 0;
184   // To do: rc should be checked for being used uninitialized
185   int          *top;
186 #ifdef DEBTRACE
187   int           ncp;
189   num_comp = 0;
190 #endif
192   /*********************************************************************/
193   /* Prepare the Offset array that will be updated during sorts.       */
194   /*********************************************************************/
195   if (Pof)
196     for (Pof[Nitem] = Nitem, j = 0; j < Nitem; j++)
197       Pof[j] = 0;
198   else
199     j = Nitem + 1;
201   /*********************************************************************/
202   /* Sort on one or zero element is obvious.                           */
203   /*********************************************************************/
204   if (Nitem <= 1)
205     return Nitem;
207   /*********************************************************************/
208   /* Thresh seems to be good as (10 * n / rep).  But for testing we    */
209   /* set it directly as one parameter of the Xset function call.       */
210   /* Note: this should be final as the rep parameter is no more used.  */
211   /*********************************************************************/
212   top = Pex + Nitem;
214 #ifdef DEBTRACE
215  htrc("Qsortx: nitem=%d thresh=%d mthresh=%d\n",
216   Nitem, Thresh, Mthresh);
217 #endif
219   /*********************************************************************/
220   /*  If applicable, do a rough preliminary quick sort.                */
221   /*********************************************************************/
222   if (Nitem >= Thresh)
223     Qstx(Pex, top);
225 #ifdef DEBTRACE
226  htrc(" after quick sort num_comp=%d\n", num_comp);
227  ncp = num_comp;
228  num_comp = 0;
229 #ifdef DEBUG2
230  DebugSort((Pof) ? 1 : 4, Nitem, Pex, NULL, NULL);
231 #endif
232 #endif
234   if (Thresh > 2) {
235     if (Pof)
236       /*****************************************************************/
237       /*  The preliminary search for the smallest element has been     */
238       /*  removed so with no sentinel in place, we must check for x    */
239       /*  going below the Pof pointer.  For each remaining element    */
240       /*  group from [1] to [n-1], set hi to the index of the element  */
241       /*  AFTER which this one goes. Then, do the standard insertion   */
242       /*  sort shift on an integer at a time basis for each equal      */
243       /*  element group in the frob.                                   */
244       /*****************************************************************/
245       for (min = hi = 0; min < Nitem; min = hi) {
246         if (Pof[hi]) {
247           hi += Pof[hi];
248           continue;
249           } // endif Pof
251         Pof[min] = 1;
253 #ifdef DEBUG2
254  htrc("insert from min=%d\n", min);
255 #endif
257         for (lo = hi; !Pof[++hi]; lo = hi) {
258           while (lo >= min && (rc = Qcompare(Pex + lo, Pex + hi)) > 0)
259             if (Pof[lo] > 0)
260               lo -= Pof[lo];
261             else
262               return -2;
264           if (++lo != hi) {
265             c = Pex[hi];
267             for (i = j = hi; i > 0; i = j)
268               if (Pof[i - 1] <= 0)
269                 return -3;
270               else if ((j -= Pof[i - 1]) >= lo) {
271                 Pex[i] = Pex[j];
272                 Pof[j + 1] = Pof[i] = Pof[j];
273               } else
274                 break;
276             Pex[i] = c;
277             } // endif lo
279           if (rc)
280             Pof[lo] = 1;
281           else {
282             i = lo - Pof[lo - 1];
283             Pof[lo] = ++Pof[i];
284             } // endelse
286 #ifdef DEBUG2
287  htrc("rc=%d lo=%d hi=%d trx=%d\n", rc, lo, hi, Pof[lo]);
288 #endif
290           } // endfor hi
292         } // endfor min
294     else
295       /*****************************************************************/
296       /*  Call conservative insertion sort not using/setting offset.   */
297       /*****************************************************************/
298       Istc(Pex, Pex + MY_MIN(Nitem, Thresh), top);
300     } // endif Thresh
302 #ifdef DEBTRACE
303  htrc(" after insert sort num_comp=%d\n", num_comp);
304  num_comp += ncp;
305 #endif
307   if (Pof)
308     /*******************************************************************/
309     /* Reduce the Offset array.                                        */
310     /*******************************************************************/
311     for (i = j = 0; i <= Nitem; j++, i += c) {
312 #ifdef DEBUG2
313  htrc(" trxp(%d)=%d trxp(%d)=%d c=%d\n",
314   i, Pof[i], j, Pof[j], c);
315 #endif
316       if ((c = Pof[i]))
317         Pof[j] = i;
318       else
319         return -4;
321       } // endfor i
323   return (j - 1);
324   } // end of Qsortx
326 /***********************************************************************/
327 /* Qstx:  Do a quicksort on index elements (just one int int).        */
328 /* First, find the median element, and put that one in the first place */
329 /* as the discriminator.  (This "median" is just the median of the     */
330 /* first, last and middle elements).  (Using this median instead of    */
331 /* the first element is a big win).  Then, the usual partitioning/     */
332 /* swapping, followed by moving the discriminator into the right place.*/
333 /* Element equal to the discriminator are placed against it, so the    */
334 /* mid (discriminator) block grows when equal elements exist. This is  */
335 /* a huge win in case of repartitions with few different elements.     */
336 /* The mid block being at its final position, its first and last       */
337 /* elements are marked in the offset list (used to make break list).   */
338 /* Then, figure out the sizes of the two partitions, do the smaller    */
339 /* one recursively and the larger one via a repeat of this code.       */
340 /* Stopping when there are less than THRESH elements in a partition    */
341 /* and cleaning up with an insertion sort (in our caller) is a huge    */
342 /* win(?). All data swaps are done in-line, which is space-losing but  */
343 /* time-saving. (And there are only three places where this is done).  */
344 /***********************************************************************/
Qstx(int * base,int * max)345 void CSORT::Qstx(int *base, int *max)
346   {
347   int *i, *j, *jj, *mid, *him, c;
348   int          *tmp;
349   int           lo, hi, rc;
350   size_t        zlo, zhi, cnm;
352   zlo = zhi = cnm = 0;                  // Avoid warning message
354   lo = (int)(max - base);                      // Number of elements as longs
356   if (Dup)
357     cnm = Cmpnum(lo);
359   do {
360     /*******************************************************************/
361     /* At the top here, lo is the number of integers of elements in    */
362     /* the current partition.  (Which should be max - base).           */
363     /* Find the median of the first, last, and middle element and make */
364     /* that the middle element.  Set j to largest of first and middle. */
365     /* If max is larger than that guy, then it's that guy, else        */
366     /* compare max with loser of first and take larger.  Things are    */
367     /* set up to prefer the middle, then the first in case of ties.    */
368     /* In addition, hi and rc are set to comparison results. So if hi  */
369     /* is null, the two high values are equal and if rc is null, the   */
370     /* two low values are equal. This was used to set which test will  */
371     /* be made by LE and which one by LT (does not apply anymore).     */
372     /*******************************************************************/
373     him = mid = i = base + (lo >> 1);
374     hi = rc = 0;
376 #ifdef DEBTRACE
377  tmp = max - 1;
378  htrc("--> block base=%d size=%d\n", base - Pex, lo);
379  DebugSort(2, 0, base, mid, tmp);
380 #endif
382     if (lo >= Mthresh) {
383       rc = Qcompare((jj = base), i);
384       j = (rc > 0) ? jj : i;
385       hi = Qcompare(j, (tmp = max - 1));
387       if (hi > 0 && rc) {
388         j = (j == jj) ? i : jj;               // switch to first loser
390         if ((rc = Qcompare(j, tmp)) < 0)
391           j = tmp;
393         } // endif
395       if (j != i) {
396         c = *i;
397         *i = *j;
398         *j = c;
399         } // endif j
401     } else if (lo == 2) {
402       /*****************************************************************/
403       /*  Small group. Do special quicker processing.                  */
404       /*****************************************************************/
405       if ((rc = Qcompare(base, (him = base + 1))) > 0)
406         c = *base, *base = *him, *him = c;
408       if (Pof)
409         Pof[base - Pex] = Pof[him - Pex] = (rc) ? 1 : 2;
411       break;
412     } // endif lo
414 #ifdef DEBTRACE
415  DebugSort(3, hi, NULL, mid, &rc);
416 #endif
418     /*******************************************************************/
419     /*  Semi-standard quicksort partitioning/swapping.  Added here is  */
420     /*  a test on equality.  All values equal to the mid element are   */
421     /*  placed under or over it.  Mid block can be also moved when it  */
422     /*  is necessary because the other partition is full.  At the end  */
423     /*  of the for loop the mid block is definitely positionned.       */
424     /*******************************************************************/
425     for (i = base, j = max - 1; ;) {
426      CONT:
427       while (i < mid)
428         if ((rc = Qcompare(i, mid)) < 0)
429           i++;
430         else if (!rc) {
431           c = *i;
432           *i = *(--mid);
433           *mid = c;
434         } else
435           break;
437       while (j > him)
438         if ((rc = Qcompare(him, j)) < 0)
439           j--;
440         else if (!rc) {
441           c = *j;
442           *j = *(++him);
443           *him = c;
444         } else if (i == mid) {              // Triple move:
445           c = *j;                           // j goes under mid block
446           *j = *(++him);                    // val over mid block -> j
447           *him = *mid++;                    // and mid block goes one
448           *i++ = c;                         // position higher.
449         } else {                            // i <-> j
450           c = *i;
451           *i++ = *j;
452           *j-- = c;
453           goto CONT;
454         } // endif's
456       if (i == mid)
457         break;
458       else {                                // Triple move:
459         c = *i;                             // i goes over mid block
460         *i = *(--mid);                      // val under mid block -> i
461         *mid = *him--;                      // and mid block goes one
462         *j-- = c;                           // position lower.
463         } // endelse
465       } // endfor i
467     /*******************************************************************/
468     /* The mid block being placed at its final position we can now set */
469     /* the offset array values indicating break point and block size.  */
470     /*******************************************************************/
471     j = mid;
472     i = him + 1;
474     if (Pof)
475       Pof[him - Pex] = Pof[mid - Pex] = (int)(i - j);
477     /*******************************************************************/
478     /* Look at sizes of the two partitions, do the smaller one first   */
479     /* by recursion, then do the larger one by making sure lo is its   */
480     /* size, base and max are update correctly, and branching back.    */
481     /* But only repeat (recursively or by branching) if the partition  */
482     /* is of at least size THRESH.                                     */
483     /*******************************************************************/
484     lo = (int)(j - base);
485     hi = (int)(max - i);
487     if (Dup) {                         // Update progress information
488       zlo = Cmpnum(lo);
489       zhi = Cmpnum(hi);
490       Dup->ProgCur += cnm - (zlo + zhi);
491       } // endif Dup
493 #ifdef DEBTRACE
494  htrc(" done lo=%d sep=%d hi=%d\n", lo, i - j, hi);
495 #endif
497     if (lo <= hi) {
498       if (lo >= Thresh)
499         Qstx(base, j);
500       else if (lo == 1 && Pof)
501         Pof[base - Pex] = 1;
503       base = i;
504       lo = hi;
505       cnm = zhi;
506     } else {
507       if (hi >= Thresh)
508         Qstx(i, max);
509       else if (hi == 1 && Pof)
510         Pof[i - Pex] = 1;
512       max = j;
513       cnm = zlo;
514     } // endif
516     if (lo == 1 && Pof)
517       Pof[base - Pex] = 1;
519     } while (lo >= Thresh); // enddo
521   } // end of Qstx
523 /***********************************************************************/
524 /*  Qsortc.c:   Version adapted from qsort.c by O.Bertrand             */
525 /*  This version is specialy adapted for Index sorting, meaning that   */
526 /*  the data is not moved, but the Index only is sorted.               */
527 /*  Index array elements are any 4-byte word (a pointer or a int int  */
528 /*  array index), they are not interpreted except by the user provided */
529 /*  comparison routine which must works accordingly.                   */
530 /*  In addition, this program takes care of data in which there is a   */
531 /*  high rate of repetitions.                                          */
532 /*  NOTE: the sort algorithm used here is conservative. Equal and      */
533 /*  greater than values are internally stored in additional work area. */
534 /*  The THRESHold below is the insertion sort threshold, and also the  */
535 /*  threshold for continuing que quicksort partitioning.               */
536 /*  The MTHREShold is where we stop finding a better median.           */
537 /*  These two quantities should be adjusted dynamically depending upon */
538 /*  the repetition rate of the data.                                   */
539 /*  Algorithm used:                                                    */
540 /*  First, set up some global parameters for Qstc to share.  Then,     */
541 /*  quicksort with Qstc(), and then a cleanup insertion sort ourselves.*/
542 /*  Sound simple? It's not...                                          */
543 /***********************************************************************/
Qsortc(void)544 int CSORT::Qsortc(void)
545   {
546   int  c;
547   int  lo, hi, min;
548   int  i, j, k, m, rc = 0;
549   // To do: rc should be checked for being used uninitialized
550   int          *max;
551 #ifdef DEBTRACE
552   int           ncp;
554   num_comp = 0;
555 #endif
557   /*********************************************************************/
558   /* Prepare the Offset array that will be updated during sorts.       */
559   /*********************************************************************/
560   if (Pof)
561     for (Pof[Nitem] = Nitem, j = 0; j < Nitem; j++)
562       Pof[j] = 0;
563   else
564     j = Nitem + 1;
566   /*********************************************************************/
567   /* Sort on one or zero element is obvious.                           */
568   /*********************************************************************/
569   if (Nitem <= 1)
570     return Nitem;
572   /*********************************************************************/
573   /* Thresh seems to be good as (10 * n / rep).  But for testing we    */
574   /* set it directly as one parameter of the Xset function call.       */
575   /* Note: this should be final as the rep parameter is no more used.  */
576   /*********************************************************************/
577   max = Pex + Nitem;
579 #ifdef DEBTRACE
580  htrc("Qsortc: nitem=%d thresh=%d mthresh=%d\n",
581   Nitem, Thresh, Mthresh);
582 #endif
584   /*********************************************************************/
585   /*  If applicable, do a rough preliminary conservative quick sort.   */
586   /*********************************************************************/
587   if (Nitem >= Thresh) {
588     if (!(Swix = (int *)malloc(Nitem * sizeof(int))))
589       return -1;
591     Qstc(Pex, max);
593     free(Swix);
594     Swix = NULL;
595     } // endif n
597 #ifdef DEBTRACE
598  htrc(" after quick sort num_comp=%d\n", num_comp);
599  ncp = num_comp;
600  num_comp = 0;
601 #ifdef DEBUG2
602  DebugSort((Pof) ? 1 : 4, Nitem, Pex, NULL, NULL);
603 #endif
604 #endif
606   if (Thresh > 2) {
607     if (Pof)
608       /*****************************************************************/
609       /*  The preliminary search for the smallest element has been     */
610       /*  removed so with no sentinel in place, we must check for x    */
611       /*  going below the Pof pointer.  For each remaining element    */
612       /*  group from [1] to [n-1], set hi to the index of the element  */
613       /*  AFTER which this one goes. Then, do the standard insertion   */
614       /*  sort shift on an integer at a time basis for each equal      */
615       /*  element group in the frob.                                   */
616       /*****************************************************************/
617       for (min = hi = 0; min < Nitem; min = hi) {
618         if (Pof[hi]) {
619           hi += Pof[hi];
620           continue;
621           } // endif
623         Pof[min] = 1;
625 #ifdef DEBUG2
626  htrc("insert from min=%d\n", min);
627 #endif
629         for (lo = hi; !Pof[++hi]; lo = hi) {
630           while (lo >= min && (rc = Qcompare(Pex + lo, Pex + hi)) > 0)
631             if (Pof[lo] > 0)
632               lo -= Pof[lo];
633             else
634               return -2;
636           if (++lo != hi) {
637             c = Pex[hi];
639             for (i = j = hi; i > 0; i = j)
640               if (Pof[i - 1] <= 0)
641                 return -3;
642               else if ((j -= Pof[i - 1]) >= lo) {
643                 for (k = m = i; --m >= j; k--)    // Move intermediate
644                   Pex[k] = Pex[m];              // for conservation.
646                 Pof[j + 1] = Pof[i] = Pof[j];
647               } else
648                 break;
650             Pex[i] = c;
651             } // endif
653           if (rc)
654             Pof[lo] = 1;
655           else {
656             i = lo - Pof[lo - 1];
657             Pof[lo] = ++Pof[i];
658             } // endelse
660 #ifdef DEBUG2
661  htrc("rc=%d lo=%d hi=%d ofx=%d\n", rc, lo, hi, Pof[lo]);
662 #endif
664           } // endfor hi
666         } // endfor min
668     else
669       /*****************************************************************/
670       /*  Call conservative insertion sort not using/setting offset.   */
671       /*****************************************************************/
672       Istc(Pex, Pex + MY_MIN(Nitem, Thresh), max);
674     } // endif Thresh
676 #ifdef DEBTRACE
677  htrc(" after insert sort num_comp=%d\n", num_comp);
678  num_comp += ncp;
679 #endif
681   if (Pof)
682     /*******************************************************************/
683     /* Reduce the Offset array.                                        */
684     /*******************************************************************/
685     for (i = j = 0; i <= Nitem; j++, i += c) {
686 #ifdef DEBUG2
687  htrc(" Pof(%d)=%d Pof(%d)=%d c=%d\n",
688   i, Pof[i], j, Pof[j], c);
689 #endif
690       if ((c = Pof[i]))
691         Pof[j] = i;
692       else
693         return -4;
695       } // endfor i
697   return (j - 1);
698   } // end of Qsortc
700 /***********************************************************************/
701 /*  Qstc:  Do a quicksort on index elements (just one int int).       */
702 /*  First, find the median element, and set it as the discriminator.   */
703 /*  (This "median" is just the median of the first, last and middle    */
704 /*  elements).  (Using this median instead of the first element is a   */
705 /*  big win).  Then, the special partitioning/swapping, where elements */
706 /*  smaller than the discriminator are placed in the sorted block,     */
707 /*  elements equal to the discriminator are placed backward from the   */
708 /*  top of the work area and elements greater than *j (discriminator)  */
709 /*  are placed in the work area from its bottom. Then the elements in  */
710 /*  the work area are placed back in the sort area in natural order,   */
711 /*  making the sort conservative. Non equal blocks shrink faster when  */
712 /*  equal elements exist. This is a huge win in case of repartitions   */
713 /*  with few different elements. The mid block being at its final      */
714 /*  position, its first and last elements are marked in the offset     */
715 /*  list (used to make break list). Then, figure out the sizes of the  */
716 /*  two partitions, do the smaller one recursively and the larger one  */
717 /*  via a repeat of this code. Stopping when there are less than       */
718 /*  THRESH elements in a partition and cleaning up with an insertion   */
719 /*  sort (in our caller) is a huge win (yet to be proved?).            */
720 /***********************************************************************/
Qstc(int * base,int * max)721 void CSORT::Qstc(int *base, int *max)
722   {
723   int *i, *j, *jj, *lt, *eq, *gt, *mid;
724   int           c = 0, lo, hi, rc;
725   size_t        zlo, zhi, cnm;
727   zlo = zhi = cnm = 0;                  // Avoid warning message
729   lo = (int)(max - base);                      // Number of elements as longs
731   if (Dup)
732     cnm = Cmpnum(lo);
734   do {
735     /*******************************************************************/
736     /*  At the top here, lo is the number of integers of elements in   */
737     /*  the current partition. (Which should be max - base). Find the  */
738     /*  median of the first, last, and middle element and make that    */
739     /*  the compare element. Set jj to smallest of middle and last.    */
740     /*  If base is smaller or equal than that guy, then it's that guy, */
741     /*  else compare base with loser of first and take smaller. Things */
742     /*  are set up to prefer the top, then the middle in case of ties. */
743     /*******************************************************************/
744     i = base + (lo >> 1);
745     jj = mid = max - 1;
747 #ifdef DEBTRACE
748  htrc("--> block base=%d size=%d\n", base - Pex, lo);
749  DebugSort(2, 0, base, i, mid);
750 #endif
752     if (lo >= Mthresh) {
753       jj = ((rc = Qcompare(i, mid)) < 0) ? i : mid;
755       if (rc && Qcompare(base, jj) > 0) {
756         jj = (jj == mid) ? i : mid;           // switch to first loser
758         if (Qcompare(base, jj) < 0)
759           jj = base;
761         } // endif
763       if (jj != mid) {
764         /***************************************************************/
765         /*  The compare element must be at the top of the block so it  */
766         /*  cannot be overwritten while making the partitioning.  So   */
767         /*  save the last block value which will be compared later.    */
768         /***************************************************************/
769         c = *mid;
770         *mid = *jj;
771         } // endif
773     } else if (lo == 2) {
774       /*****************************************************************/
775       /*  Small group. Do special quicker processing.                  */
776       /*****************************************************************/
777 			if ((rc = Qcompare(base, (i = base + 1))) > 0) {
778 				c = *base;
779 				*base = *i;
780 				*i = c;
781 			}	// endif rc
783       if (Pof)
784         Pof[base - Pex] = Pof[i - Pex] = (rc) ? 1 : 2;
786       break;
787     } // endif lo
789 #ifdef DEBTRACE
790  DebugSort(3, lo, NULL, jj, &rc);
791 #endif
793     /*******************************************************************/
794     /*  Non-standard quicksort partitioning using additional storage   */
795     /*  to store values less than, equal or greater than the middle    */
796     /*  element. This uses more memory but provides conservation of    */
797     /*  the equal elements order.                                      */
798     /*******************************************************************/
799     lt = base;
800     eq = Swix + lo;
801     gt = Swix;
803     if (jj == mid) {
804       /*****************************************************************/
805       /*  Compare element was last.  No problem.                       */
806       /*****************************************************************/
807       for (i = base; i < max; i++)
808         if ((rc = Qcompare(i, mid)) < 0)
809           *lt++ = *i;
810         else if (rc > 0)
811           *gt++ = *i;
812         else
813           *--eq = *i;
815     } else {
816       /*****************************************************************/
817       /*  Compare element was not last and was copied to top of block. */
818       /*****************************************************************/
819       for (i = base; i < mid; i++)
820         if ((rc = Qcompare(i, mid)) < 0)
821           *lt++ = *i;
822         else if (rc > 0)
823           *gt++ = *i;
824         else
825           *--eq = *i;
827       /*****************************************************************/
828       /*  Restore saved last value and do the comparison from there.   */
829       /*****************************************************************/
830       *--i = c;
832       if ((rc = Qcompare(i, mid)) < 0)
833         *lt++ = *i;
834       else if (rc > 0)
835         *gt++ = *i;
836       else
837         *--eq = *i;
839     } // endif
841     /*******************************************************************/
842     /* Now copy the equal and greater values back in the main array in */
843     /* the same order they have been placed in the work area.          */
844     /*******************************************************************/
845     for (j = Swix + lo, i = lt; j > eq; )
846       *i++ = *--j;
848     for (j = Swix, jj = i; j < gt; )
849       *i++ = *j++;
851     /*******************************************************************/
852     /* The mid block being placed at its final position we can now set */
853     /* the offset array values indicating break point and block size.  */
854     /*******************************************************************/
855     if (Pof)
856       Pof[lt - Pex] = Pof[(jj - 1) - Pex] = (int)(jj - lt);
858     /*******************************************************************/
859     /* Look at sizes of the two partitions, do the smaller one first   */
860     /* by recursion, then do the larger one by making sure lo is its   */
861     /* size, base and max are update correctly, and branching back.    */
862     /* But only repeat (recursively or by branching) if the partition  */
863     /* is of at least size THRESH.                                     */
864     /*******************************************************************/
865     lo = (int)(lt - base);
866     hi = (int)(gt - Swix);
868     if (Dup) {                         // Update progress information
869       zlo = Cmpnum(lo);
870       zhi = Cmpnum(hi);
871       Dup->ProgCur += cnm - (zlo + zhi);
872       } // endif Dup
874 #ifdef DEBTRACE
875  htrc(" done lo=%d hi=%d\n",
876    lo, /*Swix + lt - base - eq,*/ hi);
877 #endif
879     if (lo <= hi) {
880       if (lo >= Thresh)
881         Qstc(base, lt);
882       else if (lo == 1 && Pof)
883         Pof[base - Pex] = 1;
885       base = jj;
886       lo = hi;
887       cnm = zhi;
888     } else {
889       if (hi >= Thresh)
890         Qstc(jj, max);
891       else if (hi == 1 && Pof)
892         Pof[jj - Pex] = 1;
894       max = lt;
895       cnm = zlo;
896     } // endif
898     if (lo == 1 && Pof)
899       Pof[base - Pex] = 1;
901     } while (lo >= Thresh); // enddo
903   } // end of Qstc
905 /***********************************************************************/
906 /*  Conservative insertion sort not using/setting offset array.        */
907 /***********************************************************************/
Istc(int * base,int * hi,int * max)908 void CSORT::Istc(int *base, int *hi, int *max)
909   {
910   int  c = 0;
911   int *lo;
912   int *i, *j;
914   /*********************************************************************/
915   /*  First put smallest element, which must be in the first THRESH,   */
916   /*  in the first position as a sentinel.  This is done just by       */
917   /*  searching the 1st THRESH elements (or the 1st n if n < THRESH)   */
918   /*  finding the min, and shifting it into the first position.        */
919   /*********************************************************************/
920   for (j = lo = base; ++lo < hi; )
921     if (Qcompare(j, lo) > 0)
922       j = lo;
924   if (j != base) {                               // shift j into place
925     c = *j;
927     for (i = j; --j >= base; i = j)
928       *i = *j;
930     *base = c;
931     } // endif j
933 #ifdef DEBTRACE
934  htrc("sentinel %d in place, base=%p hi=%p max=%p\n",
935   c, base, hi, max);
936 #endif
938   /*********************************************************************/
939   /*  With our sentinel in place, we now run the following hyper-      */
940   /*  fast insertion sort.  For each remaining element, lo, from [1]   */
941   /*  to [n-1], set hi to the index of the element AFTER which this    */
942   /*  one goes. Then, do the standard insertion sort shift for each    */
943   /*  element in the frob.                                             */
944   /*********************************************************************/
945   for (lo = base; (hi = ++lo) < max;) {
946     while (Qcompare(--hi, lo) > 0) ;
948 #ifdef DEBUG2
949  htrc("after while: hi(%p)=%d lo(%p)=%d\n",
950   hi, *hi, lo, *lo);
951 #endif
953     if (++hi != lo) {
954       c = *lo;
956       for (i = j = lo; --j >= hi; i = j)
957         *i = *j;
959       *i = c;
960       } // endif hi
962     } // endfor lo
964   } // end of Istc
966 /* -------------------------- End of CSort --------------------------- */