1 /*
2    Copyright (c) 2011, 2012, Monty Program Ab
4    This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
5    it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
6    the Free Software Foundation; version 2 of the License.
8    This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
9    but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
11    GNU General Public License for more details.
13    You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
14    along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
15    Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1335 USA */
17 /*
18   This file contains declarations for implementations
19   of block based join algorithms
20 */
22 #define JOIN_CACHE_INCREMENTAL_BIT           1
23 #define JOIN_CACHE_HASHED_BIT                2
24 #define JOIN_CACHE_BKA_BIT                   4
26 /*
27   Categories of data fields of variable length written into join cache buffers.
28   The value of any of these fields is written into cache together with the
29   prepended length of the value.
30 */
31 #define CACHE_BLOB      1        /* blob field  */
32 #define CACHE_STRIPPED  2        /* field stripped of trailing spaces */
33 #define CACHE_VARSTR1   3        /* short string value (length takes 1 byte) */
34 #define CACHE_VARSTR2   4        /* long string value (length takes 2 bytes) */
35 #define CACHE_ROWID     5        /* ROWID field */
37 /*
38   The CACHE_FIELD structure used to describe fields of records that
39   are written into a join cache buffer from record buffers and backward.
40 */
41 typedef struct st_cache_field {
42   uchar *str;   /**< buffer from/to where the field is to be copied */
43   uint length;  /**< maximal number of bytes to be copied from/to str */
44   /*
45     Field object for the moved field
46     (0 - for a flag field, see JOIN_CACHE::create_flag_fields).
47   */
48   Field *field;
49   uint type;    /**< category of the of the copied field (CACHE_BLOB et al.) */
50   /*
51     The number of the record offset value for the field in the sequence
52     of offsets placed after the last field of the record. These
53     offset values are used to access fields referred to from other caches.
54     If the value is 0 then no offset for the field is saved in the
55     trailing sequence of offsets.
56   */
57   uint referenced_field_no;
58   /* The remaining structure fields are used as containers for temp values */
59   uint blob_length; /**< length of the blob to be copied */
60   uint offset;      /**< field offset to be saved in cache buffer */
64 class JOIN_TAB_SCAN;
68 /*
69   JOIN_CACHE is the base class to support the implementations of
70   - Block Nested Loop (BNL) Join Algorithm,
71   - Block Nested Loop Hash (BNLH) Join Algorithm,
72   - Batched Key Access (BKA) Join Algorithm.
74   The first algorithm is supported by the derived class JOIN_CACHE_BNL,
75   the second algorithm is supported by the derived class JOIN_CACHE_BNLH,
76   while the third algorithm is implemented in two variant supported by
77   the classes JOIN_CACHE_BKA and JOIN_CACHE_BKAH.
78   These three algorithms have a lot in common. Each of them first accumulates
79   the records of the left join operand in a join buffer and then searches for
80   matching rows of the second operand for all accumulated records.
81   For the first two algorithms this strategy saves on logical I/O operations:
82   the entire set of records from the join buffer requires only one look-through
83   of the records provided by the second operand.
84   For the third algorithm the accumulation of records allows to optimize
85   fetching rows of the second operand from disk for some engines (MyISAM,
86   InnoDB), or to minimize the number of round-trips between the Server and
87   the engine nodes.
88 */
90 class JOIN_CACHE :public Sql_alloc
91 {
93 private:
95   /* Size of the offset of a record from the cache */
96   uint size_of_rec_ofs;
97   /* Size of the length of a record in the cache */
98   uint size_of_rec_len;
99   /* Size of the offset of a field within a record in the cache */
100   uint size_of_fld_ofs;
102   /* This structure is used only for explain, not for execution */
103   bool for_explain_only;
105 protected:
107   /* 3 functions below actually do not use the hidden parameter 'this' */
109   /* Calculate the number of bytes used to store an offset value */
offset_size(size_t len)110   uint offset_size(size_t len)
111   { return (len < 256 ? 1 : len < 256*256 ? 2 : 4); }
113   /* Get the offset value that takes ofs_sz bytes at the position ptr */
get_offset(uint ofs_sz,uchar * ptr)114   ulong get_offset(uint ofs_sz, uchar *ptr)
115   {
116     switch (ofs_sz) {
117     case 1: return uint(*ptr);
118     case 2: return uint2korr(ptr);
119     case 4: return uint4korr(ptr);
120     }
121     return 0;
122   }
124   /* Set the offset value ofs that takes ofs_sz bytes at the position ptr */
store_offset(uint ofs_sz,uchar * ptr,ulong ofs)125   void store_offset(uint ofs_sz, uchar *ptr, ulong ofs)
126   {
127     switch (ofs_sz) {
128     case 1: *ptr= (uchar) ofs; return;
129     case 2: int2store(ptr, (uint16) ofs); return;
130     case 4: int4store(ptr, (uint32) ofs); return;
131     }
132   }
134   /*
135     The maximum total length of the fields stored for a record in the cache.
136     For blob fields only the sizes of the blob lengths are taken into account.
137   */
138   uint length;
140   /*
141     Representation of the executed multi-way join through which all needed
142     context can be accessed.
143   */
144   JOIN *join;
146   /*
147     JOIN_TAB of the first table that can have it's fields in the join cache.
148     That is, tables in the [start_tab, tab) range can have their fields in the
149     join cache.
150     If a join tab in the range represents an SJM-nest, then all tables from the
151     nest can have their fields in the join cache, too.
152   */
153   JOIN_TAB *start_tab;
155   /*
156     The total number of flag and data fields that can appear in a record
157     written into the cache. Fields with null values are always skipped
158     to save space.
159   */
160   uint fields;
162   /*
163     The total number of flag fields in a record put into the cache. They are
164     used for table null bitmaps, table null row flags, and an optional match
165     flag. Flag fields go before other fields in a cache record with the match
166     flag field placed always at the very beginning of the record.
167   */
168   uint flag_fields;
170   /* The total number of blob fields that are written into the cache */
171   uint blobs;
173   /*
174     The total number of fields referenced from field descriptors for other join
175     caches. These fields are used to construct key values.
176     When BKA join algorithm is employed the constructed key values serve to
177     access matching rows with index lookups.
178     The key values are put into a hash table when the BNLH join algorithm
179     is employed and when BKAH is used for the join operation.
180   */
181   uint referenced_fields;
183   /*
184     The current number of already created data field descriptors.
185     This number can be useful for implementations of the init methods.
186   */
187   uint data_field_count;
189   /*
190     The current number of already created pointers to the data field
191     descriptors. This number can be useful for implementations of
192     the init methods.
193   */
194   uint data_field_ptr_count;
196   /*
197     Array of the descriptors of fields containing 'fields' elements.
198     These are all fields that are stored for a record in the cache.
199   */
200   CACHE_FIELD *field_descr;
202   /*
203     Array of pointers to the blob descriptors that contains 'blobs' elements.
204   */
205   CACHE_FIELD **blob_ptr;
207   /*
208     This flag indicates that records written into the join buffer contain
209     a match flag field. The flag must be set by the init method.
210     Currently any implementation of the virtial init method calls
211     the function JOIN_CACHE::calc_record_fields() to set this flag.
212   */
213   bool with_match_flag;
214   /*
215     This flag indicates that any record is prepended with the length of the
216     record which allows us to skip the record or part of it without reading.
217   */
218   bool with_length;
220   /*
221     The maximal number of bytes used for a record representation in
222     the cache excluding the space for blob data.
223     For future derived classes this representation may contains some
224     redundant info such as a key value associated with the record.
225   */
226   uint pack_length;
227   /*
228     The value of pack_length incremented by the total size of all
229     pointers of a record in the cache to the blob data.
230   */
231   uint pack_length_with_blob_ptrs;
233   /*
234     The total size of the record base prefix. The base prefix of record may
235     include the following components:
236      - the length of the record
237      - the link to a record in a previous buffer.
238     Each record in the buffer are supplied with the same set of the components.
239   */
240   uint base_prefix_length;
242   /*
243     The expected length of a record in the join buffer together with
244     all prefixes and postfixes
245   */
246   size_t avg_record_length;
248   /* The expected size of the space per record in the auxiliary buffer */
249   size_t avg_aux_buffer_incr;
251   /* Expected join buffer space used for one record */
252   size_t space_per_record;
254   /* Pointer to the beginning of the join buffer */
255   uchar *buff;
256   /*
257     Size of the entire memory allocated for the join buffer.
258     Part of this memory may be reserved for the auxiliary buffer.
259   */
260   size_t buff_size;
261   /* The minimal join buffer size when join buffer still makes sense to use */
262   size_t min_buff_size;
263   /* The maximum expected size if the join buffer to be used */
264   size_t max_buff_size;
265   /* Size of the auxiliary buffer */
266   size_t aux_buff_size;
268   /* The number of records put into the join buffer */
269   size_t records;
270   /*
271     The number of records in the fully refilled join buffer of
272     the minimal size equal to min_buff_size
273   */
274   size_t min_records;
275   /*
276     The maximum expected number of records to be put in the join buffer
277     at one refill
278   */
279   size_t max_records;
281   /*
282     Pointer to the current position in the join buffer.
283     This member is used both when writing to buffer and
284     when reading from it.
285   */
286   uchar *pos;
287   /*
288     Pointer to the first free position in the join buffer,
289     right after the last record into it.
290   */
291   uchar *end_pos;
293   /*
294     Pointer to the beginning of the first field of the current read/write
295     record from the join buffer. The value is adjusted by the
296     get_record/put_record functions.
297   */
298   uchar *curr_rec_pos;
299   /*
300     Pointer to the beginning of the first field of the last record
301     from the join buffer.
302   */
303   uchar *last_rec_pos;
305   /*
306     Flag is set if the blob data for the last record in the join buffer
307     is in record buffers rather than in the join cache.
308   */
309   bool last_rec_blob_data_is_in_rec_buff;
311   /*
312     Pointer to the position to the current record link.
313     Record links are used only with linked caches. Record links allow to set
314     connections between parts of one join record that are stored in different
315     join buffers.
316     In the simplest case a record link is just a pointer to the beginning of
317     the record stored in the buffer.
318     In a more general case a link could be a reference to an array of pointers
319     to records in the buffer.
320   */
321   uchar *curr_rec_link;
323   /*
324     This flag is set to TRUE if join_tab is the first inner table of an outer
325     join and  the latest record written to the join buffer is detected to be
326     null complemented after checking on conditions over the outer tables for
327     this outer join operation
328   */
329   bool last_written_is_null_compl;
331   /*
332     The number of fields put in the join buffer of the join cache that are
333     used in building keys to access the table join_tab
334   */
335   uint local_key_arg_fields;
336   /*
337     The total number of the fields in the previous caches that are used
338     in building keys to access the table join_tab
339   */
340   uint external_key_arg_fields;
342   /*
343     This flag indicates that the key values will be read directly from the join
344     buffer. It will save us building key values in the key buffer.
345   */
346   bool use_emb_key;
347   /* The length of an embedded key value */
348   uint emb_key_length;
350   /*
351     This object provides the methods to iterate over records of
352     the joined table join_tab when looking for join matches between
353     records from join buffer and records from join_tab.
354     BNL and BNLH join algorithms retrieve all records from join_tab,
355     while BKA/BKAH algorithm iterates only over those records from
356     join_tab that can be accessed by look-ups with join keys built
357     from records in join buffer.
358   */
359   JOIN_TAB_SCAN *join_tab_scan;
361   void calc_record_fields();
362   void collect_info_on_key_args();
363   int alloc_fields();
364   void create_flag_fields();
365   void create_key_arg_fields();
366   void create_remaining_fields();
367   void set_constants();
368   int alloc_buffer();
370   /* Shall reallocate the join buffer */
371   virtual int realloc_buffer();
373   /* Check the possibility to read the access keys directly from join buffer */
374   bool check_emb_key_usage();
get_size_of_rec_offset()376   uint get_size_of_rec_offset() { return size_of_rec_ofs; }
get_size_of_rec_length()377   uint get_size_of_rec_length() { return size_of_rec_len; }
get_size_of_fld_offset()378   uint get_size_of_fld_offset() { return size_of_fld_ofs; }
get_rec_ref(uchar * ptr)380   uchar *get_rec_ref(uchar *ptr)
381   {
382     return buff+get_offset(size_of_rec_ofs, ptr-size_of_rec_ofs);
383   }
get_rec_length(uchar * ptr)384   ulong get_rec_length(uchar *ptr)
385   {
386     return (ulong) get_offset(size_of_rec_len, ptr);
387   }
get_fld_offset(uchar * ptr)388   ulong get_fld_offset(uchar *ptr)
389   {
390     return (ulong) get_offset(size_of_fld_ofs, ptr);
391   }
store_rec_ref(uchar * ptr,uchar * ref)393   void store_rec_ref(uchar *ptr, uchar* ref)
394   {
395     store_offset(size_of_rec_ofs, ptr-size_of_rec_ofs, (ulong) (ref-buff));
396   }
store_rec_length(uchar * ptr,ulong len)397   void store_rec_length(uchar *ptr, ulong len)
398   {
399     store_offset(size_of_rec_len, ptr, len);
400   }
store_fld_offset(uchar * ptr,ulong ofs)401   void store_fld_offset(uchar *ptr, ulong ofs)
402   {
403     store_offset(size_of_fld_ofs, ptr, ofs);
404   }
406   /* Write record fields and their required offsets into the join buffer */
407   uint write_record_data(uchar *link, bool *is_full);
409   /* Get the total length of all prefixes of a record in the join buffer */
get_prefix_length()410   virtual uint get_prefix_length() { return base_prefix_length; }
411   /* Get maximum total length of all affixes of a record in the join buffer */
412   virtual uint get_record_max_affix_length();
414   /*
415     Shall get maximum size of the additional space per record used for
416     record keys
417   */
get_max_key_addon_space_per_record()418   virtual uint get_max_key_addon_space_per_record() { return 0; }
420   /*
421     This method must determine for how much the auxiliary buffer should be
422     incremented when a new record is added to the join buffer.
423     If no auxiliary buffer is needed the function should return 0.
424   */
425   virtual uint aux_buffer_incr(size_t recno);
427   /* Shall calculate how much space is remaining in the join buffer */
rem_space()428   virtual size_t rem_space()
429   {
430     return MY_MAX(buff_size-(end_pos-buff)-aux_buff_size,0);
431   }
433   /*
434     Shall calculate how much space is taken by allocation of the key
435     for a record in the join buffer
436   */
extra_key_length()437   virtual uint extra_key_length() { return 0; }
439   /*  Read all flag and data fields of a record from the join buffer */
440   uint read_all_record_fields();
442   /* Read all flag fields of a record from the join buffer */
443   uint read_flag_fields();
445   /* Read a data record field from the join buffer */
446   uint read_record_field(CACHE_FIELD *copy, bool last_record);
448   /* Read a referenced field from the join buffer */
449   bool read_referenced_field(CACHE_FIELD *copy, uchar *rec_ptr, uint *len);
451   /*
452     Shall skip record from the join buffer if its match flag
453     is set to MATCH_FOUND
454  */
455   virtual bool skip_if_matched();
457   /*
458     Shall skip record from the join buffer if its match flag
459     commands to do so
460   */
461   virtual bool skip_if_not_needed_match();
463   /*
464     True if rec_ptr points to the record whose blob data stay in
465     record buffers
466   */
blob_data_is_in_rec_buff(uchar * rec_ptr)467   bool blob_data_is_in_rec_buff(uchar *rec_ptr)
468   {
469     return rec_ptr == last_rec_pos && last_rec_blob_data_is_in_rec_buff;
470   }
472   /* Find matches from the next table for records from the join buffer */
473   virtual enum_nested_loop_state join_matching_records(bool skip_last);
475   /* Shall set an auxiliary buffer up (currently used only by BKA joins) */
setup_aux_buffer(HANDLER_BUFFER & aux_buff)476   virtual int setup_aux_buffer(HANDLER_BUFFER &aux_buff)
477   {
478     DBUG_ASSERT(0);
479     return 0;
480   }
482   /*
483     Shall get the number of ranges in the cache buffer passed
484     to the MRR interface
485   */
get_number_of_ranges_for_mrr()486   virtual uint get_number_of_ranges_for_mrr() { return 0; };
488   /*
489     Shall prepare to look for records from the join cache buffer that would
490     match the record of the joined table read into the record buffer
491   */
492   virtual bool prepare_look_for_matches(bool skip_last)= 0;
493   /*
494     Shall return a pointer to the record from join buffer that is checked
495     as the next candidate for a match with the current record from join_tab.
496     Each implementation of this virtual function should bare in mind
497     that the record position it returns shall be exactly the position
498     passed as the parameter to the implementations of the virtual functions
499     skip_next_candidate_for_match and read_next_candidate_for_match.
500   */
501   virtual uchar *get_next_candidate_for_match()= 0;
502   /*
503     Shall check whether the given record from the join buffer has its match
504     flag settings commands to skip the record in the buffer.
505   */
506   virtual bool skip_next_candidate_for_match(uchar *rec_ptr)= 0;
507   /*
508     Shall read the given record from the join buffer into the
509     the corresponding record buffer
510   */
511   virtual void read_next_candidate_for_match(uchar *rec_ptr)= 0;
513   /*
514     Shall return the location of the association label returned by
515     the multi_read_range_next function for the current record loaded
516     into join_tab's record buffer
517   */
get_curr_association_ptr()518   virtual uchar **get_curr_association_ptr() { return 0; };
520   /* Add null complements for unmatched outer records from the join buffer */
521   virtual enum_nested_loop_state join_null_complements(bool skip_last);
523   /* Restore the fields of the last record from the join buffer */
524   virtual void restore_last_record();
526   /* Set match flag for a record in join buffer if it has not been set yet */
527   bool set_match_flag_if_none(JOIN_TAB *first_inner, uchar *rec_ptr);
529   enum_nested_loop_state generate_full_extensions(uchar *rec_ptr);
531   /* Check matching to a partial join record from the join buffer */
532   bool check_match(uchar *rec_ptr);
534   /*
535     This constructor creates an unlinked join cache. The cache is to be
536     used to join table 'tab' to the result of joining the previous tables
537     specified by the 'j' parameter.
538   */
540   {
541     join= j;
542     join_tab= tab;
543     prev_cache= next_cache= 0;
544     buff= 0;
545   }
547   /*
548     This constructor creates a linked join cache. The cache is to be
549     used to join table 'tab' to the result of joining the previous tables
550     specified by the 'j' parameter. The parameter 'prev' specifies the previous
551     cache object to which this cache is linked.
552   */
554   {
555     join= j;
556     join_tab= tab;
557     next_cache= 0;
558     prev_cache= prev;
559     buff= 0;
560     if (prev)
561       prev->next_cache= this;
562   }
564 public:
566   /*
567     The enumeration type Join_algorithm includes a mnemonic constant for
568     each join algorithm that employs join buffers
569   */
571   enum Join_algorithm
572   {
573     BNL_JOIN_ALG,     /* Block Nested Loop Join algorithm                  */
574     BNLH_JOIN_ALG,    /* Block Nested Loop Hash Join algorithm             */
575     BKA_JOIN_ALG,     /* Batched Key Access Join algorithm                 */
576     BKAH_JOIN_ALG    /* Batched Key Access with Hash Table Join Algorithm */
577   };
579   /*
580     The enumeration type Match_flag describes possible states of the match flag
581     field  stored for the records of the first inner tables of outer joins and
582     semi-joins in the cases when the first match strategy is used for them.
583     When a record with match flag field is written into the join buffer the
584     state of the field usually is MATCH_NOT_FOUND unless this is a record of the
585     first inner table of the outer join for which the on precondition (the
586     condition from on expression over outer tables)  has turned out not to be
587     true. In the last case the state of the match flag is MATCH_IMPOSSIBLE.
588     The state of the match flag field is changed to MATCH_FOUND as soon as
589     the first full matching combination of inner tables of the outer join or
590     the semi-join is discovered.
591   */
594   /* Table to be joined with the partial join records from the cache */
595   JOIN_TAB *join_tab;
597   /* Pointer to the previous join cache if there is any */
598   JOIN_CACHE *prev_cache;
599   /* Pointer to the next join cache if there is any */
600   JOIN_CACHE *next_cache;
602   /* Shall initialize the join cache structure */
603   virtual int init(bool for_explain);
605   /* Get the current size of the cache join buffer */
get_join_buffer_size()606   size_t get_join_buffer_size() { return buff_size; }
607   /* Set the size of the cache join buffer to a new value */
set_join_buffer_size(size_t sz)608   void set_join_buffer_size(size_t sz) { buff_size= sz; }
610   /* Get the minimum possible size of the cache join buffer */
611   virtual size_t get_min_join_buffer_size();
612   /* Get the maximum possible size of the cache join buffer */
613   virtual size_t get_max_join_buffer_size(bool optimize_buff_size);
615   /* Shrink the size if the cache join buffer in a given ratio */
616   bool shrink_join_buffer_in_ratio(ulonglong n, ulonglong d);
618   /*  Shall return the type of the employed join algorithm */
619   virtual enum Join_algorithm get_join_alg()= 0;
621   /*
622     The function shall return TRUE only when there is a key access
623     to the join table
624   */
625   virtual bool is_key_access()= 0;
627   /* Shall reset the join buffer for reading/writing */
628   virtual void reset(bool for_writing);
630   /*
631     This function shall add a record into the join buffer and return TRUE
632     if it has been decided that it should be the last record in the buffer.
633   */
634   virtual bool put_record();
636   /*
637     This function shall read the next record into the join buffer and return
638     TRUE if there is no more next records.
639   */
640   virtual bool get_record();
642   /*
643     This function shall read the record at the position rec_ptr
644     in the join buffer
645   */
646   virtual void get_record_by_pos(uchar *rec_ptr);
648   /* Shall return the value of the match flag for the positioned record */
649   virtual enum Match_flag get_match_flag_by_pos(uchar *rec_ptr);
651   /*
652     Shall return the value of the match flag for the positioned record
653     from the join buffer attached to the specified table
654   */
655   virtual enum Match_flag
656     get_match_flag_by_pos_from_join_buffer(uchar *rec_ptr, JOIN_TAB *tab);
658   /* Shall return the position of the current record */
get_curr_rec()659   virtual uchar *get_curr_rec() { return curr_rec_pos; }
661   /* Shall set the current record link */
set_curr_rec_link(uchar * link)662   virtual void set_curr_rec_link(uchar *link) { curr_rec_link= link; }
664   /* Shall return the current record link */
get_curr_rec_link()665   virtual uchar *get_curr_rec_link()
666   {
667     return (curr_rec_link ? curr_rec_link : get_curr_rec());
668   }
670   /* Join records from the join buffer with records from the next join table */
671   enum_nested_loop_state join_records(bool skip_last);
673   /* Add a comment on the join algorithm employed by the join cache */
674   virtual bool save_explain_data(EXPLAIN_BKA_TYPE *explain);
676   THD *thd();
~JOIN_CACHE()678   virtual ~JOIN_CACHE() {}
reset_join(JOIN * j)679   void reset_join(JOIN *j) { join= j; }
free()680   void free()
681   {
682     my_free(buff);
683     buff= 0;
684   }
686   friend class JOIN_CACHE_HASHED;
687   friend class JOIN_CACHE_BNL;
688   friend class JOIN_CACHE_BKA;
689   friend class JOIN_TAB_SCAN;
690   friend class JOIN_TAB_SCAN_MRR;
692 };
695 /*
696   The class JOIN_CACHE_HASHED is the base class for the classes
697   JOIN_CACHE_HASHED_BNL and JOIN_CACHE_HASHED_BKA. The first of them supports
698   an implementation of Block Nested Loop Hash (BNLH) Join Algorithm,
699   while the second is used for a variant of the BKA Join algorithm that performs
700   only one lookup for any records from join buffer with the same key value.
701   For a join cache of this class the records from the join buffer that have
702   the same access key are linked into a chain attached to a key entry structure
703   that either itself contains the key value, or, in the case when the keys are
704   embedded, refers to its occurrence in one of the records from the chain.
705   To build the chains with the same keys a hash table is employed. It is placed
706   at the very end of the join buffer. The array of hash entries is allocated
707   first at the very bottom of the join buffer, while key entries are placed
708   before this array.
709   A hash entry contains a header of the list of the key entries with the same
710   hash value.
711   Each key entry is a structure of the following type:
712     struct st_join_cache_key_entry {
713       union {
714         uchar[] value;
715         cache_ref *value_ref; // offset from the beginning of the buffer
716       } hash_table_key;
717       key_ref next_key; // offset backward from the beginning of hash table
718       cache_ref *last_rec // offset from the beginning of the buffer
719     }
720   The references linking the records in a chain are always placed at the very
721   beginning of the record info stored in the join buffer. The records are
722   linked in a circular list. A new record is always added to the end of this
723   list.
725   The following picture represents a typical layout for the info stored in the
726   join buffer of a join cache object of the JOIN_CACHE_HASHED class.
728   buff
729   V
730   +----------------------------------------------------------------------------+
731   |     |[*]record_1_1|                                                        |
732   |     ^ |                                                                    |
733   |     | +--------------------------------------------------+                 |
734   |     |                           |[*]record_2_1|          |                 |
735   |     |                           ^ |                      V                 |
736   |     |                           | +------------------+   |[*]record_1_2|   |
737   |     |                           +--------------------+-+   |               |
738   |+--+ +---------------------+                          | |   +-------------+ |
739   ||  |                       |                          V |                 | |
740   |||[*]record_3_1|         |[*]record_1_3|              |[*]record_2_2|     | |
741   ||^                       ^                            ^                   | |
742   ||+----------+            |                            |                   | |
743   ||^          |            |<---------------------------+-------------------+ |
744   |++          | | ... mrr  |   buffer ...           ... |     |               |
745   |            |            |                            |                     |
746   |      +-----+--------+   |                      +-----|-------+             |
747   |      V     |        |   |                      V     |       |             |
748   ||key_3|[/]|[*]|      |   |                |key_2|[/]|[*]|     |             |
749   |                   +-+---|-----------------------+            |             |
750   |                   V |   |                       |            |             |
751   |             |key_1|[*]|[*]|         |   | ... |[*]|   ...  |[*]|  ...  |   |
752   +----------------------------------------------------------------------------+
753                                         ^           ^            ^
754                                         |           i-th entry   j-th entry
755                                         hash table
757   i-th hash entry:
758     circular record chain for key_1:
759       record_1_1
760       record_1_2
761       record_1_3 (points to record_1_1)
762     circular record chain for key_3:
763       record_3_1 (points to itself)
765   j-th hash entry:
766     circular record chain for key_2:
767       record_2_1
768       record_2_2 (points to record_2_1)
770 */
773 {
775   typedef uint (JOIN_CACHE_HASHED::*Hash_func) (uchar *key, uint key_len);
776   typedef bool (JOIN_CACHE_HASHED::*Hash_cmp_func) (uchar *key1, uchar *key2,
777                                                     uint key_len);
779 private:
781   /* Size of the offset of a key entry in the hash table */
782   uint size_of_key_ofs;
784   /*
785     Length of the key entry in the hash table.
786     A key entry either contains the key value, or it contains a reference
787     to the key value if use_emb_key flag is set for the cache.
788   */
789   uint key_entry_length;
791   /* The beginning of the hash table in the join buffer */
792   uchar *hash_table;
793   /* Number of hash entries in the hash table */
794   uint hash_entries;
797   /* The position of the currently retrieved key entry in the hash table */
798   uchar *curr_key_entry;
800   /* The offset of the data fields from the beginning of the record fields */
801   uint data_fields_offset;
803   inline uint get_hash_idx_simple(uchar *key, uint key_len);
804   inline uint get_hash_idx_complex(uchar *key, uint key_len);
806   inline bool equal_keys_simple(uchar *key1, uchar *key2, uint key_len);
807   inline bool equal_keys_complex(uchar *key1, uchar *key2, uint key_len);
809   int init_hash_table();
810   void cleanup_hash_table();
812 protected:
814   /*
815     Index info on the TABLE_REF object used by the hash join
816     to look for matching records
817   */
818   KEY *ref_key_info;
819   /*
820     Number of the key parts the TABLE_REF object used by the hash join
821     to look for matching records
822   */
823   uint ref_used_key_parts;
825   /*
826     The hash function used in the hash table,
827     usually set by the init() method
828   */
829   Hash_func hash_func;
830   /*
831     The function to check whether two key entries in the hash table
832     are equal or not, usually set by the init() method
833   */
834   Hash_cmp_func hash_cmp_func;
836   /*
837     Length of a key value.
838     It is assumed that all key values have the same length.
839   */
840   uint key_length;
841   /* Buffer to store key values for probing */
842   uchar *key_buff;
844   /* Number of key entries in the hash table (number of distinct keys) */
845   uint key_entries;
847   /* The position of the last key entry in the hash table */
848   uchar *last_key_entry;
850   /*
851     The offset of the record fields from the beginning of the record
852     representation. The record representation starts with a reference to
853     the next record in the key record chain followed by the length of
854     the trailing record data followed by a reference to the record segment
855     in the previous cache, if any, followed by the record fields.
856   */
857   uint rec_fields_offset;
get_size_of_key_offset()859   uint get_size_of_key_offset() { return size_of_key_ofs; }
861   /*
862     Get the position of the next_key_ptr field pointed to by
863     a linking reference stored at the position key_ref_ptr.
864     This reference is actually the offset backward from the
865     beginning of hash table.
866   */
get_next_key_ref(uchar * key_ref_ptr)867   uchar *get_next_key_ref(uchar *key_ref_ptr)
868   {
869     return hash_table-get_offset(size_of_key_ofs, key_ref_ptr);
870   }
872   /*
873     Store the linking reference to the next_key_ptr field at
874     the position key_ref_ptr. The position of the next_key_ptr
875     field is pointed to by ref. The stored reference is actually
876     the offset backward from the beginning of the hash table.
877   */
store_next_key_ref(uchar * key_ref_ptr,uchar * ref)878   void store_next_key_ref(uchar *key_ref_ptr, uchar *ref)
879   {
880     store_offset(size_of_key_ofs, key_ref_ptr, (ulong) (hash_table-ref));
881   }
883   /*
884     Check whether the reference to the next_key_ptr field at the position
885     key_ref_ptr contains  a nil value.
886   */
is_null_key_ref(uchar * key_ref_ptr)887   bool is_null_key_ref(uchar *key_ref_ptr)
888   {
889     ulong nil= 0;
890     return memcmp(key_ref_ptr, &nil, size_of_key_ofs ) == 0;
891   }
893   /*
894     Set the reference to the next_key_ptr field at the position
895     key_ref_ptr equal to nil.
896   */
store_null_key_ref(uchar * key_ref_ptr)897   void store_null_key_ref(uchar *key_ref_ptr)
898   {
899     ulong nil= 0;
900     store_offset(size_of_key_ofs, key_ref_ptr, nil);
901   }
get_next_rec_ref(uchar * ref_ptr)903   uchar *get_next_rec_ref(uchar *ref_ptr)
904   {
905     return buff+get_offset(get_size_of_rec_offset(), ref_ptr);
906   }
store_next_rec_ref(uchar * ref_ptr,uchar * ref)908   void store_next_rec_ref(uchar *ref_ptr, uchar *ref)
909   {
910     store_offset(get_size_of_rec_offset(), ref_ptr, (ulong) (ref-buff));
911   }
913   /*
914     Get the position of the embedded key value for the current
915     record pointed to by get_curr_rec().
916   */
get_curr_emb_key()917   uchar *get_curr_emb_key()
918   {
919     return get_curr_rec()+data_fields_offset;
920   }
922   /*
923     Get the position of the embedded key value pointed to by a reference
924     stored at ref_ptr. The stored reference is actually the offset from
925     the beginning of the join buffer.
926   */
get_emb_key(uchar * ref_ptr)927   uchar *get_emb_key(uchar *ref_ptr)
928   {
929     return buff+get_offset(get_size_of_rec_offset(), ref_ptr);
930   }
932   /*
933     Store the reference to an embedded key at the position key_ref_ptr.
934     The position of the embedded key is pointed to by ref. The stored
935     reference is actually the offset from the beginning of the join buffer.
936   */
store_emb_key_ref(uchar * ref_ptr,uchar * ref)937   void store_emb_key_ref(uchar *ref_ptr, uchar *ref)
938   {
939     store_offset(get_size_of_rec_offset(), ref_ptr, (ulong) (ref-buff));
940   }
942   /* Get the total length of all prefixes of a record in hashed join buffer */
get_prefix_length()943   uint get_prefix_length()
944   {
945     return base_prefix_length + get_size_of_rec_offset();
946   }
948   /*
949     Get maximum size of the additional space per record used for
950     the hash table with record keys
951   */
952   uint get_max_key_addon_space_per_record();
954   /*
955     Calculate how much space in the buffer would not be occupied by
956     records, key entries and additional memory for the MMR buffer.
957   */
rem_space()958   size_t rem_space()
959   {
960     return MY_MAX(last_key_entry-end_pos-aux_buff_size,0);
961   }
963   /*
964     Calculate how much space is taken by allocation of the key
965     entry for a record in the join buffer
966   */
extra_key_length()967   uint extra_key_length() { return key_entry_length; }
969   /*
970     Skip record from a hashed join buffer if its match flag
971     is set to MATCH_FOUND
972   */
973   bool skip_if_matched();
975   /*
976     Skip record from a hashed join buffer if its match flag setting
977     commands to do so
978   */
979   bool skip_if_not_needed_match();
981   /* Search for a key in the hash table of the join buffer */
982   bool key_search(uchar *key, uint key_len, uchar **key_ref_ptr);
984   /* Reallocate the join buffer of a hashed join cache */
985   int realloc_buffer();
987   /*
988     This constructor creates an unlinked hashed join cache. The cache is to be
989     used to join table 'tab' to the result of joining the previous tables
990     specified by the 'j' parameter.
991   */
994   /*
995     This constructor creates a linked hashed join cache. The cache is to be
996     used to join table 'tab' to the result of joining the previous tables
997     specified by the 'j' parameter. The parameter 'prev' specifies the previous
998     cache object to which this cache is linked.
999   */
1001 		    :JOIN_CACHE(j, tab, prev) {}
1003 public:
1005   /* Initialize a hashed join cache */
1006   int init(bool for_explain);
1008   /* Reset the buffer of a hashed join cache for reading/writing */
1009   void reset(bool for_writing);
1011   /* Add a record into the buffer of a hashed join cache */
1012   bool put_record();
1014   /* Read the next record from the buffer of a hashed join cache */
1015   bool get_record();
1017   /*
1018     Shall check whether all records in a key chain have
1019     their match flags set on
1020   */
1021   virtual bool check_all_match_flags_for_key(uchar *key_chain_ptr);
1023   uint get_next_key(uchar **key);
1025   /* Get the head of the record chain attached to the current key entry */
get_curr_key_chain()1026   uchar *get_curr_key_chain()
1027   {
1028     return get_next_rec_ref(curr_key_entry+key_entry_length-
1029                             get_size_of_rec_offset());
1030   }
1032 };
1035 /*
1036   The class JOIN_TAB_SCAN is a companion class for the classes JOIN_CACHE_BNL
1037   and JOIN_CACHE_BNLH. Actually the class implements the iterator over the
1038   table joinded by BNL/BNLH join algorithm.
1039   The virtual functions open, next and close are called for any iteration over
1040   the table. The function open is called to initiate the process of the
1041   iteration. The function next shall read the next record from the joined
1042   table. The record is read into the record buffer of the joined table.
1043   The record is to be matched with records from the join cache buffer.
1044   The function close shall perform the finalizing actions for the iteration.
1045 */
1047 class JOIN_TAB_SCAN: public Sql_alloc
1048 {
1050 private:
1051   /* TRUE if this is the first record from the joined table to iterate over */
1052   bool is_first_record;
1054 protected:
1056   /* The joined table to be iterated over */
1057   JOIN_TAB *join_tab;
1058   /* The join cache used to join the table join_tab */
1059   JOIN_CACHE *cache;
1060   /*
1061     Representation of the executed multi-way join through which
1062     all needed context can be accessed.
1063   */
1064   JOIN *join;
1066 public:
1069   {
1070     join= j;
1071     join_tab= tab;
1072     cache= join_tab->cache;
1073   }
~JOIN_TAB_SCAN()1075   virtual ~JOIN_TAB_SCAN() {}
1077   /*
1078     Shall calculate the increment of the auxiliary buffer for a record
1079     write if such a buffer is used by the table scan object
1080   */
aux_buffer_incr(size_t recno)1081   virtual uint aux_buffer_incr(size_t recno) { return 0; }
1083   /* Initiate the process of iteration over the joined table */
1084   virtual int open();
1085   /*
1086     Shall read the next candidate for matches with records from
1087     the join buffer.
1088   */
1089   virtual int next();
1090   /*
1091     Perform the finalizing actions for the process of iteration
1092     over the joined_table.
1093   */
1094   virtual void close();
1096 };
1098 /*
1099   The class JOIN_CACHE_BNL is used when the BNL join algorithm is
1100   employed to perform a join operation
1101 */
1103 class JOIN_CACHE_BNL :public JOIN_CACHE
1104 {
1105 private:
1106   /*
1107     The number of the records in the join buffer that have to be
1108     checked yet for a match with the current record of join_tab
1109     read into the record buffer.
1110   */
1111   uint rem_records;
1113 protected:
1115   bool prepare_look_for_matches(bool skip_last);
1117   uchar *get_next_candidate_for_match();
1119   bool skip_next_candidate_for_match(uchar *rec_ptr);
1121   void read_next_candidate_for_match(uchar *rec_ptr);
1123 public:
1125   /*
1126     This constructor creates an unlinked BNL join cache. The cache is to be
1127     used to join table 'tab' to the result of joining the previous tables
1128     specified by the 'j' parameter.
1129   */
1132   /*
1133     This constructor creates a linked BNL join cache. The cache is to be
1134     used to join table 'tab' to the result of joining the previous tables
1135     specified by the 'j' parameter. The parameter 'prev' specifies the previous
1136     cache object to which this cache is linked.
1137   */
1139     :JOIN_CACHE(j, tab, prev) {}
1141   /* Initialize the BNL cache */
1142   int init(bool for_explain);
get_join_alg()1144   enum Join_algorithm get_join_alg() { return BNL_JOIN_ALG; }
is_key_access()1146   bool is_key_access() { return FALSE; }
1148 };
1151 /*
1152   The class JOIN_CACHE_BNLH is used when the BNLH join algorithm is
1153   employed to perform a join operation
1154 */
1157 {
1159 protected:
1161   /*
1162     The pointer to the last record from the circular list of the records
1163     that  match the join key built out of the record in the join buffer for
1164     the join_tab table
1165   */
1166   uchar *last_matching_rec_ref_ptr;
1167   /*
1168     The pointer to the next current  record from the circular list of the
1169     records that match the join key built out of the record in the join buffer
1170     for the join_tab table. This pointer is used by the class method
1171     get_next_candidate_for_match to iterate over records from the circular
1172     list.
1173   */
1174   uchar *next_matching_rec_ref_ptr;
1176   /*
1177     Get the chain of records from buffer matching the current candidate
1178     record for join
1179   */
1180   uchar *get_matching_chain_by_join_key();
1182   bool prepare_look_for_matches(bool skip_last);
1184   uchar *get_next_candidate_for_match();
1186   bool skip_next_candidate_for_match(uchar *rec_ptr);
1188   void read_next_candidate_for_match(uchar *rec_ptr);
1190 public:
1192   /*
1193     This constructor creates an unlinked BNLH join cache. The cache is to be
1194     used to join table 'tab' to the result of joining the previous tables
1195     specified by the 'j' parameter.
1196   */
1199   /*
1200     This constructor creates a linked BNLH join cache. The cache is to be
1201     used to join table 'tab' to the result of joining the previous tables
1202     specified by the 'j' parameter. The parameter 'prev' specifies the previous
1203     cache object to which this cache is linked.
1204   */
1206     : JOIN_CACHE_HASHED(j, tab, prev) {}
1208   /* Initialize the BNLH cache */
1209   int init(bool for_explain);
get_join_alg()1211   enum Join_algorithm get_join_alg() { return BNLH_JOIN_ALG; }
is_key_access()1213   bool is_key_access() { return TRUE; }
1215 };
1218 /*
1219   The class JOIN_TAB_SCAN_MRR is a companion class for the classes
1220   JOIN_CACHE_BKA and JOIN_CACHE_BKAH. Actually the class implements the
1221   iterator over the records from join_tab selected by BKA/BKAH join
1222   algorithm as the candidates to be joined.
1223   The virtual functions open, next and close are called for any iteration over
1224   join_tab record candidates. The function open is called to initiate the
1225   process of the iteration. The function next shall read the next record from
1226   the set of the record candidates. The record is read into the record buffer
1227   of the joined table. The function close shall perform the finalizing actions
1228   for the iteration.
1229 */
1231 class JOIN_TAB_SCAN_MRR: public JOIN_TAB_SCAN
1232 {
1233   /* Interface object to generate key ranges for MRR */
1234   RANGE_SEQ_IF range_seq_funcs;
1236   /* Number of ranges to be processed by the MRR interface */
1237   uint ranges;
1239   /* Flag to to be passed to the MRR interface */
1240   uint mrr_mode;
1242   /* MRR buffer assotiated with this join cache */
1243   HANDLER_BUFFER mrr_buff;
1245   /* Shall initialize the MRR buffer */
init_mrr_buff()1246   virtual void init_mrr_buff()
1247   {
1248     cache->setup_aux_buffer(mrr_buff);
1249   }
1251 public:
JOIN_TAB_SCAN_MRR(JOIN * j,JOIN_TAB * tab,uint flags,RANGE_SEQ_IF rs_funcs)1253   JOIN_TAB_SCAN_MRR(JOIN *j, JOIN_TAB *tab, uint flags, RANGE_SEQ_IF rs_funcs)
1254     :JOIN_TAB_SCAN(j, tab), range_seq_funcs(rs_funcs), mrr_mode(flags) {}
1256   uint aux_buffer_incr(size_t recno);
1258   int open();
1260   int next();
1262   friend class JOIN_CACHE_BKA; /* it needs to add an mrr_mode flag after JOIN_CACHE::init() call */
1263 };
1265 /*
1266   The class JOIN_CACHE_BKA is used when the BKA join algorithm is
1267   employed to perform a join operation
1268 */
1270 class JOIN_CACHE_BKA :public JOIN_CACHE
1271 {
1272 private:
1274   /* Flag to to be passed to the companion JOIN_TAB_SCAN_MRR object */
1275   uint mrr_mode;
1277   /*
1278     This value is set to 1 by the class prepare_look_for_matches method
1279     and back to 0 by the class get_next_candidate_for_match method
1280   */
1281   uint rem_records;
1283   /*
1284     This field contains the current association label set by a call of
1285     the multi_range_read_next handler function.
1286     See the function JOIN_CACHE_BKA::get_curr_key_association()
1287   */
1288   uchar *curr_association;
1290 protected:
1292   /*
1293     Get the number of ranges in the cache buffer passed to the MRR
1294     interface. For each record its own range is passed.
1295   */
get_number_of_ranges_for_mrr()1296   uint get_number_of_ranges_for_mrr() { return (uint)records; }
1298  /*
1299    Setup the MRR buffer as the space between the last record put
1300    into the join buffer and the very end of the join buffer
1301  */
setup_aux_buffer(HANDLER_BUFFER & aux_buff)1302   int setup_aux_buffer(HANDLER_BUFFER &aux_buff)
1303   {
1304     aux_buff.buffer= end_pos;
1305     aux_buff.buffer_end= buff+buff_size;
1306     return 0;
1307   }
1309   bool prepare_look_for_matches(bool skip_last);
1311   uchar *get_next_candidate_for_match();
1313   bool skip_next_candidate_for_match(uchar *rec_ptr);
1315   void read_next_candidate_for_match(uchar *rec_ptr);
1317 public:
1319   /*
1320     This constructor creates an unlinked BKA join cache. The cache is to be
1321     used to join table 'tab' to the result of joining the previous tables
1322     specified by the 'j' parameter.
1323     The MRR mode initially is set to 'flags'.
1324   */
JOIN_CACHE_BKA(JOIN * j,JOIN_TAB * tab,uint flags)1325   JOIN_CACHE_BKA(JOIN *j, JOIN_TAB *tab, uint flags)
1326     :JOIN_CACHE(j, tab), mrr_mode(flags) {}
1327   /*
1328     This constructor creates a linked BKA join cache. The cache is to be
1329     used to join table 'tab' to the result of joining the previous tables
1330     specified by the 'j' parameter. The parameter 'prev' specifies the previous
1331     cache object to which this cache is linked.
1332     The MRR mode initially is set to 'flags'.
1333   */
JOIN_CACHE_BKA(JOIN * j,JOIN_TAB * tab,uint flags,JOIN_CACHE * prev)1334   JOIN_CACHE_BKA(JOIN *j, JOIN_TAB *tab, uint flags, JOIN_CACHE *prev)
1335     :JOIN_CACHE(j, tab, prev), mrr_mode(flags) {}
1338     :JOIN_CACHE(bka->join, bka->join_tab, bka->prev_cache),
1339       mrr_mode(bka->mrr_mode)  {}
get_curr_association_ptr()1341   uchar **get_curr_association_ptr() { return &curr_association; }
1343   /* Initialize the BKA cache */
1344   int init(bool for_explain);
get_join_alg()1346   enum Join_algorithm get_join_alg() { return BKA_JOIN_ALG; }
is_key_access()1348   bool is_key_access() { return TRUE; }
1350   /* Get the key built over the next record from the join buffer */
1351   uint get_next_key(uchar **key);
1353   /* Check index condition of the joined table for a record from BKA cache */
1354   bool skip_index_tuple(range_id_t range_info);
1356   bool save_explain_data(EXPLAIN_BKA_TYPE *explain);
1357 };
1361 /*
1362   The class JOIN_CACHE_BKAH is used when the BKAH join algorithm is
1363   employed to perform a join operation
1364 */
1367 {
1369 private:
1370   /* Flag to to be passed to the companion JOIN_TAB_SCAN_MRR object */
1371   uint mrr_mode;
1373   /*
1374     This flag is set to TRUE if the implementation of the MRR interface cannot
1375     handle range association labels and does not return them to the caller of
1376     the multi_range_read_next handler function. E.g. the implementation of
1377     the MRR inteface for the Falcon engine could not return association
1378     labels to the caller of multi_range_read_next.
1379     The flag is set by JOIN_CACHE_BKA::init() and is not ever changed.
1380   */
1381   bool no_association;
1383   /*
1384     This field contains the association label returned by the
1385     multi_range_read_next function.
1386     See the function JOIN_CACHE_BKAH::get_curr_key_association()
1387   */
1388   uchar *curr_matching_chain;
1390 protected:
get_number_of_ranges_for_mrr()1392   uint get_number_of_ranges_for_mrr() { return key_entries; }
1394   /*
1395     Initialize the MRR buffer allocating some space within the join buffer.
1396     The entire space between the last record put into the join buffer and the
1397     last key entry added to the hash table is used for the MRR buffer.
1398   */
setup_aux_buffer(HANDLER_BUFFER & aux_buff)1399   int setup_aux_buffer(HANDLER_BUFFER &aux_buff)
1400   {
1401     aux_buff.buffer= end_pos;
1402     aux_buff.buffer_end= last_key_entry;
1403     return 0;
1404   }
1406   bool prepare_look_for_matches(bool skip_last);
1408   /*
1409     The implementations of the methods
1410     - get_next_candidate_for_match
1411     - skip_recurrent_candidate_for_match
1412     - read_next_candidate_for_match
1413     are inherited from the JOIN_CACHE_BNLH class
1414   */
1416 public:
1418   /*
1419     This constructor creates an unlinked BKAH join cache. The cache is to be
1420     used to join table 'tab' to the result of joining the previous tables
1421     specified by the 'j' parameter.
1422     The MRR mode initially is set to 'flags'.
1423   */
JOIN_CACHE_BKAH(JOIN * j,JOIN_TAB * tab,uint flags)1424   JOIN_CACHE_BKAH(JOIN *j, JOIN_TAB *tab, uint flags)
1425     :JOIN_CACHE_BNLH(j, tab), mrr_mode(flags) {}
1427   /*
1428     This constructor creates a linked BKAH join cache. The cache is to be
1429     used to join table 'tab' to the result of joining the previous tables
1430     specified by the 'j' parameter. The parameter 'prev' specifies the previous
1431     cache object to which this cache is linked.
1432     The MRR mode initially is set to 'flags'.
1433   */
JOIN_CACHE_BKAH(JOIN * j,JOIN_TAB * tab,uint flags,JOIN_CACHE * prev)1434   JOIN_CACHE_BKAH(JOIN *j, JOIN_TAB *tab, uint flags, JOIN_CACHE *prev)
1435     :JOIN_CACHE_BNLH(j, tab, prev), mrr_mode(flags)  {}
1438     :JOIN_CACHE_BNLH(bkah->join, bkah->join_tab, bkah->prev_cache),
1439       mrr_mode(bkah->mrr_mode)  {}
get_curr_association_ptr()1441   uchar **get_curr_association_ptr() { return &curr_matching_chain; }
1443   /* Initialize the BKAH cache */
1444   int init(bool for_explain);
get_join_alg()1446   enum Join_algorithm get_join_alg() { return BKAH_JOIN_ALG; }
1448   /* Check index condition of the joined table for a record from BKAH cache */
1449   bool skip_index_tuple(range_id_t range_info);
1451   bool save_explain_data(EXPLAIN_BKA_TYPE *explain);
1452 };