1 //  Copyright (c) 2011-present, Facebook, Inc.  All rights reserved.
2 //  This source code is licensed under both the GPLv2 (found in the
3 //  COPYING file in the root directory) and Apache 2.0 License
4 //  (found in the LICENSE.Apache file in the root directory).
5 //
6 // Copyright (c) 2012 The LevelDB Authors. All rights reserved.
7 // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
8 // found in the LICENSE file. See the AUTHORS file for names of contributors.
9 //
10 // A filter block is stored near the end of a Table file.  It contains
11 // filters (e.g., bloom filters) for all data blocks in the table combined
12 // into a single filter block.
13 //
14 // It is a base class for BlockBasedFilter and FullFilter.
15 // These two are both used in BlockBasedTable. The first one contain filter
16 // For a part of keys in sst file, the second contain filter for all keys
17 // in sst file.
19 #pragma once
21 #include <stddef.h>
22 #include <stdint.h>
23 #include <memory>
24 #include <string>
25 #include <vector>
26 #include "db/dbformat.h"
27 #include "rocksdb/options.h"
28 #include "rocksdb/slice.h"
29 #include "rocksdb/slice_transform.h"
30 #include "rocksdb/table.h"
31 #include "table/format.h"
32 #include "table/multiget_context.h"
33 #include "trace_replay/block_cache_tracer.h"
34 #include "util/hash.h"
36 namespace ROCKSDB_NAMESPACE {
38 const uint64_t kNotValid = ULLONG_MAX;
39 class FilterPolicy;
41 class GetContext;
42 using MultiGetRange = MultiGetContext::Range;
44 // A FilterBlockBuilder is used to construct all of the filters for a
45 // particular Table.  It generates a single string which is stored as
46 // a special block in the Table.
47 //
48 // The sequence of calls to FilterBlockBuilder must match the regexp:
49 //      (StartBlock Add*)* Finish
50 //
51 // BlockBased/Full FilterBlock would be called in the same way.
52 class FilterBlockBuilder {
53  public:
FilterBlockBuilder()54   explicit FilterBlockBuilder() {}
55   // No copying allowed
56   FilterBlockBuilder(const FilterBlockBuilder&) = delete;
57   void operator=(const FilterBlockBuilder&) = delete;
~FilterBlockBuilder()59   virtual ~FilterBlockBuilder() {}
61   virtual bool IsBlockBased() = 0;                    // If is blockbased filter
62   virtual void StartBlock(uint64_t block_offset) = 0;  // Start new block filter
63   virtual void Add(const Slice& key) = 0;      // Add a key to current filter
64   virtual size_t NumAdded() const = 0;         // Number of keys added
Finish()65   Slice Finish() {                             // Generate Filter
66     const BlockHandle empty_handle;
67     Status dont_care_status;
68     auto ret = Finish(empty_handle, &dont_care_status);
69     assert(dont_care_status.ok());
70     return ret;
71   }
72   virtual Slice Finish(const BlockHandle& tmp, Status* status) = 0;
73 };
75 // A FilterBlockReader is used to parse filter from SST table.
76 // KeyMayMatch and PrefixMayMatch would trigger filter checking
77 //
78 // BlockBased/Full FilterBlock would be called in the same way.
79 class FilterBlockReader {
80  public:
81   FilterBlockReader() = default;
82   virtual ~FilterBlockReader() = default;
84   FilterBlockReader(const FilterBlockReader&) = delete;
85   FilterBlockReader& operator=(const FilterBlockReader&) = delete;
87   virtual bool IsBlockBased() = 0;  // If is blockbased filter
89   /**
90    * If no_io is set, then it returns true if it cannot answer the query without
91    * reading data from disk. This is used in PartitionedFilterBlockReader to
92    * avoid reading partitions that are not in block cache already
93    *
94    * Normally filters are built on only the user keys and the InternalKey is not
95    * needed for a query. The index in PartitionedFilterBlockReader however is
96    * built upon InternalKey and must be provided via const_ikey_ptr when running
97    * queries.
98    */
99   virtual bool KeyMayMatch(const Slice& key,
100                            const SliceTransform* prefix_extractor,
101                            uint64_t block_offset, const bool no_io,
102                            const Slice* const const_ikey_ptr,
103                            GetContext* get_context,
104                            BlockCacheLookupContext* lookup_context) = 0;
KeysMayMatch(MultiGetRange * range,const SliceTransform * prefix_extractor,uint64_t block_offset,const bool no_io,BlockCacheLookupContext * lookup_context)106   virtual void KeysMayMatch(MultiGetRange* range,
107                             const SliceTransform* prefix_extractor,
108                             uint64_t block_offset, const bool no_io,
109                             BlockCacheLookupContext* lookup_context) {
110     for (auto iter = range->begin(); iter != range->end(); ++iter) {
111       const Slice ukey = iter->ukey;
112       const Slice ikey = iter->ikey;
113       GetContext* const get_context = iter->get_context;
114       if (!KeyMayMatch(ukey, prefix_extractor, block_offset, no_io, &ikey,
115                        get_context, lookup_context)) {
116         range->SkipKey(iter);
117       }
118     }
119   }
121   /**
122    * no_io and const_ikey_ptr here means the same as in KeyMayMatch
123    */
124   virtual bool PrefixMayMatch(const Slice& prefix,
125                               const SliceTransform* prefix_extractor,
126                               uint64_t block_offset, const bool no_io,
127                               const Slice* const const_ikey_ptr,
128                               GetContext* get_context,
129                               BlockCacheLookupContext* lookup_context) = 0;
PrefixesMayMatch(MultiGetRange * range,const SliceTransform * prefix_extractor,uint64_t block_offset,const bool no_io,BlockCacheLookupContext * lookup_context)131   virtual void PrefixesMayMatch(MultiGetRange* range,
132                                 const SliceTransform* prefix_extractor,
133                                 uint64_t block_offset, const bool no_io,
134                                 BlockCacheLookupContext* lookup_context) {
135     for (auto iter = range->begin(); iter != range->end(); ++iter) {
136       const Slice ukey = iter->ukey;
137       const Slice ikey = iter->ikey;
138       GetContext* const get_context = iter->get_context;
139       if (prefix_extractor->InDomain(ukey) &&
140           !PrefixMayMatch(prefix_extractor->Transform(ukey), prefix_extractor,
141                           block_offset, no_io, &ikey, get_context,
142                           lookup_context)) {
143         range->SkipKey(iter);
144       }
145     }
146   }
148   virtual size_t ApproximateMemoryUsage() const = 0;
150   // convert this object to a human readable form
ToString()151   virtual std::string ToString() const {
152     std::string error_msg("Unsupported filter \n");
153     return error_msg;
154   }
CacheDependencies(bool)156   virtual void CacheDependencies(bool /*pin*/) {}
RangeMayExist(const Slice *,const Slice & user_key,const SliceTransform * prefix_extractor,const Comparator *,const Slice * const const_ikey_ptr,bool * filter_checked,bool need_upper_bound_check,BlockCacheLookupContext * lookup_context)158   virtual bool RangeMayExist(const Slice* /*iterate_upper_bound*/,
159                              const Slice& user_key,
160                              const SliceTransform* prefix_extractor,
161                              const Comparator* /*comparator*/,
162                              const Slice* const const_ikey_ptr,
163                              bool* filter_checked, bool need_upper_bound_check,
164                              BlockCacheLookupContext* lookup_context) {
165     if (need_upper_bound_check) {
166       return true;
167     }
168     *filter_checked = true;
169     Slice prefix = prefix_extractor->Transform(user_key);
170     return PrefixMayMatch(prefix, prefix_extractor, kNotValid, false,
171                           const_ikey_ptr, /* get_context */ nullptr,
172                           lookup_context);
173   }
174 };
176 }  // namespace ROCKSDB_NAMESPACE