2 /**
3  *    Copyright (C) 2018-present MongoDB, Inc.
4  *
5  *    This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
6  *    it under the terms of the Server Side Public License, version 1,
7  *    as published by MongoDB, Inc.
8  *
9  *    This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
10  *    but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
12  *    Server Side Public License for more details.
13  *
14  *    You should have received a copy of the Server Side Public License
15  *    along with this program. If not, see
16  *    <http://www.mongodb.com/licensing/server-side-public-license>.
17  *
18  *    As a special exception, the copyright holders give permission to link the
19  *    code of portions of this program with the OpenSSL library under certain
20  *    conditions as described in each individual source file and distribute
21  *    linked combinations including the program with the OpenSSL library. You
22  *    must comply with the Server Side Public License in all respects for
23  *    all of the code used other than as permitted herein. If you modify file(s)
24  *    with this exception, you may extend this exception to your version of the
25  *    file(s), but you are not obligated to do so. If you do not wish to do so,
26  *    delete this exception statement from your version. If you delete this
27  *    exception statement from all source files in the program, then also delete
28  *    it in the license file.
29  */
31 #include "mongo/platform/basic.h"
33 #include "mongo/db/update/update_object_node.h"
35 #include "mongo/db/update/field_checker.h"
36 #include "mongo/db/update/modifier_table.h"
37 #include "mongo/db/update/update_array_node.h"
38 #include "mongo/db/update/update_leaf_node.h"
39 #include "mongo/stdx/memory.h"
40 #include "mongo/util/stringutils.h"
42 namespace mongo {
44 namespace {
46 /**
47  * Parses a field of the form $[<identifier>] into <identifier>. 'field' must be of the form
48  * $[<identifier>]. Returns a non-ok status if 'field' is in the first position in the path or the
49  * array filter identifier does not have a corresponding filter in 'arrayFilters'. Adds the
50  * identifier to 'foundIdentifiers'.
51  */
parseArrayFilterIdentifier(StringData field,size_t position,const FieldRef & fieldRef,const std::map<StringData,std::unique_ptr<ExpressionWithPlaceholder>> & arrayFilters,std::set<std::string> & foundIdentifiers)52 StatusWith<std::string> parseArrayFilterIdentifier(
53     StringData field,
54     size_t position,
55     const FieldRef& fieldRef,
56     const std::map<StringData, std::unique_ptr<ExpressionWithPlaceholder>>& arrayFilters,
57     std::set<std::string>& foundIdentifiers) {
58     dassert(fieldchecker::isArrayFilterIdentifier(field));
60     if (position == 0) {
61         return Status(ErrorCodes::BadValue,
62                       str::stream() << "Cannot have array filter identifier (i.e. '$[<id>]') "
63                                        "element in the first position in path '"
64                                     << fieldRef.dottedField()
65                                     << "'");
66     }
68     auto identifier = field.substr(2, field.size() - 3);
70     if (!identifier.empty() && arrayFilters.find(identifier) == arrayFilters.end()) {
71         return Status(ErrorCodes::BadValue,
72                       str::stream() << "No array filter found for identifier '" << identifier
73                                     << "' in path '"
74                                     << fieldRef.dottedField()
75                                     << "'");
76     }
78     if (!identifier.empty()) {
79         foundIdentifiers.emplace(identifier.toString());
80     }
82     return identifier.toString();
83 }
85 /**
86  * Gets the child of 'element' named 'field', if it exists. Otherwise returns a non-ok element.
87  */
getChild(mutablebson::Element element,StringData field)88 mutablebson::Element getChild(mutablebson::Element element, StringData field) {
89     if (element.getType() == BSONType::Object) {
90         return element[field];
91     } else if (element.getType() == BSONType::Array) {
92         auto indexFromField = parseUnsignedBase10Integer(field);
93         if (indexFromField) {
94             return element.findNthChild(*indexFromField);
95         }
96     }
97     return element.getDocument().end();
98 }
100 /**
101  * Applies 'child' to the child of 'applyParams->element' named 'field' (which will create it, if it
102  * does not exist). If 'applyParams->pathToCreate' is created, then 'applyParams->pathToCreate' is
103  * moved to the end of 'applyParams->pathTaken', and 'applyParams->element' is advanced to the end
104  * of 'applyParams->pathTaken'. Updates 'applyResult' based on whether 'child' was a noop or
105  * affected indexes.
106  */
applyChild(const UpdateNode & child,StringData field,UpdateNode::ApplyParams * applyParams,UpdateNode::ApplyResult * applyResult)107 void applyChild(const UpdateNode& child,
108                 StringData field,
109                 UpdateNode::ApplyParams* applyParams,
110                 UpdateNode::ApplyResult* applyResult) {
112     auto pathTakenSizeBefore = applyParams->pathTaken->numParts();
114     // A non-ok value for childElement will indicate that we need to append 'field' to the
115     // 'pathToCreate' FieldRef.
116     auto childElement = applyParams->element.getDocument().end();
117     invariant(!childElement.ok());
118     if (!applyParams->pathToCreate->empty()) {
119         // We're already traversing a path with elements that don't exist yet, so we will definitely
120         // need to append.
121     } else {
122         childElement = getChild(applyParams->element, field);
123     }
125     if (childElement.ok()) {
126         // The path we've traversed so far already exists in our document, and 'childElement'
127         // represents the Element indicated by the 'field' name or index, which we indicate by
128         // updating the 'pathTaken' FieldRef.
129         applyParams->pathTaken->appendPart(field);
130     } else {
131         // We are traversing path components that do not exist in our document. Any update modifier
132         // that creates new path components (i.e., any modifiers that return true for
133         // allowCreation()) will need to create this component, so we append it to the
134         // 'pathToCreate' FieldRef. If the component cannot be created, pathsupport::createPathAt()
135         // will provide a sensible PathNotViable UserError.
136         childElement = applyParams->element;
137         applyParams->pathToCreate->appendPart(field);
138     }
140     auto childApplyParams = *applyParams;
141     childApplyParams.element = childElement;
142     auto childApplyResult = child.apply(childApplyParams);
144     applyResult->indexesAffected = applyResult->indexesAffected || childApplyResult.indexesAffected;
145     applyResult->noop = applyResult->noop && childApplyResult.noop;
147     // Pop 'field' off of 'pathToCreate' or 'pathTaken'.
148     if (!applyParams->pathToCreate->empty()) {
149         applyParams->pathToCreate->removeLastPart();
150     } else {
151         applyParams->pathTaken->removeLastPart();
152     }
154     // If the child is an internal node, it may have created 'pathToCreate' and moved 'pathToCreate'
155     // to the end of 'pathTaken'. We should advance 'element' to the end of 'pathTaken'.
156     if (applyParams->pathTaken->numParts() > pathTakenSizeBefore) {
157         for (auto i = pathTakenSizeBefore; i < applyParams->pathTaken->numParts(); ++i) {
158             applyParams->element =
159                 getChild(applyParams->element, applyParams->pathTaken->getPart(i));
160             invariant(applyParams->element.ok());
161         }
162     } else if (!applyParams->pathToCreate->empty()) {
164         // If the child is a leaf node, it may have created 'pathToCreate' without moving
165         // 'pathToCreate' to the end of 'pathTaken'. We should move 'pathToCreate' to the end of
166         // 'pathTaken' and advance 'element' to the end of 'pathTaken'.
167         childElement = getChild(applyParams->element, applyParams->pathToCreate->getPart(0));
168         if (childElement.ok()) {
169             applyParams->element = childElement;
170             applyParams->pathTaken->appendPart(applyParams->pathToCreate->getPart(0));
172             // Either the path was fully created or not created at all.
173             for (size_t i = 1; i < applyParams->pathToCreate->numParts(); ++i) {
174                 applyParams->element =
175                     getChild(applyParams->element, applyParams->pathToCreate->getPart(i));
176                 invariant(applyParams->element.ok());
177                 applyParams->pathTaken->appendPart(applyParams->pathToCreate->getPart(i));
178             }
180             applyParams->pathToCreate->clear();
181         }
182     }
183 }
185 }  // namespace
187 // static
parseAndMerge(UpdateObjectNode * root,modifiertable::ModifierType type,BSONElement modExpr,const boost::intrusive_ptr<ExpressionContext> & expCtx,const std::map<StringData,std::unique_ptr<ExpressionWithPlaceholder>> & arrayFilters,std::set<std::string> & foundIdentifiers)188 StatusWith<bool> UpdateObjectNode::parseAndMerge(
189     UpdateObjectNode* root,
190     modifiertable::ModifierType type,
191     BSONElement modExpr,
192     const boost::intrusive_ptr<ExpressionContext>& expCtx,
193     const std::map<StringData, std::unique_ptr<ExpressionWithPlaceholder>>& arrayFilters,
194     std::set<std::string>& foundIdentifiers) {
195     FieldRef fieldRef;
196     if (type != modifiertable::ModifierType::MOD_RENAME) {
197         // General case: Create a path in the tree according to the path specified in the field name
198         // of the "modExpr" element.
199         fieldRef.parse(modExpr.fieldNameStringData());
200     } else {
201         // Special case: For $rename modifiers, we add two nodes to the tree:
202         // 1) a ConflictPlaceholderNode at the path specified in the field name of the "modExpr"
203         //    element and
204         auto status = parseAndMerge(root,
205                                     modifiertable::ModifierType::MOD_CONFLICT_PLACEHOLDER,
206                                     modExpr,
207                                     expCtx,
208                                     arrayFilters,
209                                     foundIdentifiers);
210         if (!status.isOK()) {
211             return status;
212         }
214         // 2) a RenameNode at the path specified by the value of the "modExpr" element, which must
215         //    be a string value.
216         if (BSONType::String != modExpr.type()) {
217             return Status(ErrorCodes::BadValue,
218                           str::stream() << "The 'to' field for $rename must be a string: "
219                                         << modExpr);
220         }
222         fieldRef.parse(modExpr.valueStringData());
223     }
225     // Check that the path is updatable.
226     auto status = fieldchecker::isUpdatable(fieldRef);
227     if (!status.isOK()) {
228         return status;
229     }
231     // Check that there is at most one positional ($) part of the path and it is not in the first
232     // position.
233     size_t positionalIndex;
234     size_t positionalCount;
235     bool positional = fieldchecker::isPositional(fieldRef, &positionalIndex, &positionalCount);
237     if (positional && positionalCount > 1) {
238         return Status(ErrorCodes::BadValue,
239                       str::stream() << "Too many positional (i.e. '$') elements found in path '"
240                                     << fieldRef.dottedField()
241                                     << "'");
242     }
244     if (positional && positionalIndex == 0) {
245         return Status(
246             ErrorCodes::BadValue,
247             str::stream()
248                 << "Cannot have positional (i.e. '$') element in the first position in path '"
249                 << fieldRef.dottedField()
250                 << "'");
251     }
253     // Construct and initialize the leaf node.
254     auto leaf = modifiertable::makeUpdateLeafNode(type);
255     invariant(leaf);
256     status = leaf->init(modExpr, expCtx);
257     if (!status.isOK()) {
258         return status;
259     }
261     // Create UpdateInternalNodes along the path.
262     UpdateInternalNode* current = static_cast<UpdateInternalNode*>(root);
263     for (size_t i = 0; i < fieldRef.numParts() - 1; ++i) {
264         auto fieldIsArrayFilterIdentifier =
265             fieldchecker::isArrayFilterIdentifier(fieldRef.getPart(i));
267         std::string childName;
268         if (fieldIsArrayFilterIdentifier) {
269             auto status = parseArrayFilterIdentifier(
270                 fieldRef.getPart(i), i, fieldRef, arrayFilters, foundIdentifiers);
271             if (!status.isOK()) {
272                 return status.getStatus();
273             }
274             childName = status.getValue();
275         } else {
276             childName = fieldRef.getPart(i).toString();
277         }
279         auto child = current->getChild(childName);
280         auto childShouldBeArrayNode =
281             fieldchecker::isArrayFilterIdentifier(fieldRef.getPart(i + 1));
282         if (child) {
283             if ((childShouldBeArrayNode && child->type != UpdateNode::Type::Array) ||
284                 (!childShouldBeArrayNode && child->type != UpdateNode::Type::Object)) {
285                 return Status(ErrorCodes::ConflictingUpdateOperators,
286                               str::stream() << "Updating the path '" << fieldRef.dottedField()
287                                             << "' would create a conflict at '"
288                                             << fieldRef.dottedSubstring(0, i + 1)
289                                             << "'");
290             }
291         } else {
292             std::unique_ptr<UpdateInternalNode> ownedChild;
293             if (childShouldBeArrayNode) {
294                 ownedChild = stdx::make_unique<UpdateArrayNode>(arrayFilters);
295             } else {
296                 ownedChild = stdx::make_unique<UpdateObjectNode>();
297             }
298             child = ownedChild.get();
299             current->setChild(std::move(childName), std::move(ownedChild));
300         }
301         current = static_cast<UpdateInternalNode*>(child);
302     }
304     // Add the leaf node to the end of the path.
305     auto fieldIsArrayFilterIdentifier =
306         fieldchecker::isArrayFilterIdentifier(fieldRef.getPart(fieldRef.numParts() - 1));
308     std::string childName;
309     if (fieldIsArrayFilterIdentifier) {
310         auto status = parseArrayFilterIdentifier(fieldRef.getPart(fieldRef.numParts() - 1),
311                                                  fieldRef.numParts() - 1,
312                                                  fieldRef,
313                                                  arrayFilters,
314                                                  foundIdentifiers);
315         if (!status.isOK()) {
316             return status.getStatus();
317         }
318         childName = status.getValue();
319     } else {
320         childName = fieldRef.getPart(fieldRef.numParts() - 1).toString();
321     }
323     if (current->getChild(childName)) {
324         return Status(ErrorCodes::ConflictingUpdateOperators,
325                       str::stream() << "Updating the path '" << fieldRef.dottedField()
326                                     << "' would create a conflict at '"
327                                     << fieldRef.dottedField()
328                                     << "'");
329     }
330     current->setChild(std::move(childName), std::move(leaf));
332     return positional;
333 }
335 // static
createUpdateNodeByMerging(const UpdateObjectNode & leftNode,const UpdateObjectNode & rightNode,FieldRef * pathTaken)336 std::unique_ptr<UpdateNode> UpdateObjectNode::createUpdateNodeByMerging(
337     const UpdateObjectNode& leftNode, const UpdateObjectNode& rightNode, FieldRef* pathTaken) {
338     auto mergedNode = stdx::make_unique<UpdateObjectNode>();
340     mergedNode->_children =
341         createUpdateNodeMapByMerging(leftNode._children, rightNode._children, pathTaken);
343     // The "positional" field ("$" notation) lives outside of the _children map, so we merge it
344     // separately.
345     mergedNode->_positionalChild = copyOrMergeAsNecessary(
346         leftNode._positionalChild.get(), rightNode._positionalChild.get(), pathTaken, "$");
348     // In Clang-3.9, we can just return mergedNode directly, but in 3.7, we need a std::move
349     return std::move(mergedNode);
350 }
getChild(const std::string & field) const352 UpdateNode* UpdateObjectNode::getChild(const std::string& field) const {
353     if (fieldchecker::isPositionalElement(field)) {
354         return _positionalChild.get();
355     }
357     auto child = _children.find(field);
358     if (child == _children.end()) {
359         return nullptr;
360     }
361     return child->second.get();
362 }
setChild(std::string field,std::unique_ptr<UpdateNode> child)364 void UpdateObjectNode::setChild(std::string field, std::unique_ptr<UpdateNode> child) {
365     if (fieldchecker::isPositionalElement(field)) {
366         invariant(!_positionalChild);
367         _positionalChild = std::move(child);
368     } else {
369         invariant(_children.find(field) == _children.end());
370         _children[std::move(field)] = std::move(child);
371     }
372 }
apply(ApplyParams applyParams) const374 UpdateNode::ApplyResult UpdateObjectNode::apply(ApplyParams applyParams) const {
375     bool applyPositional = _positionalChild.get();
376     if (applyPositional) {
377         uassert(ErrorCodes::BadValue,
378                 "The positional operator did not find the match needed from the query.",
379                 !applyParams.matchedField.empty());
380     }
382     auto applyResult = ApplyResult::noopResult();
384     for (const auto& pair : _children) {
386         // If this child has the same field name as the positional child, they must be merged and
387         // applied.
388         if (applyPositional && pair.first == applyParams.matchedField) {
390             // Check if we have stored the result of merging the positional child with this child.
391             auto mergedChild = _mergedChildrenCache.find(pair.first);
392             if (mergedChild == _mergedChildrenCache.end()) {
394                 // The full path to the merged field is required for error reporting.
395                 for (size_t i = 0; i < applyParams.pathToCreate->numParts(); ++i) {
396                     applyParams.pathTaken->appendPart(applyParams.pathToCreate->getPart(i));
397                 }
398                 applyParams.pathTaken->appendPart(applyParams.matchedField);
399                 auto insertResult = _mergedChildrenCache.emplace(std::make_pair(
400                     pair.first,
401                     UpdateNode::createUpdateNodeByMerging(
402                         *_positionalChild, *pair.second, applyParams.pathTaken.get())));
403                 for (size_t i = 0; i < applyParams.pathToCreate->numParts() + 1; ++i) {
404                     applyParams.pathTaken->removeLastPart();
405                 }
406                 invariant(insertResult.second);
407                 mergedChild = insertResult.first;
408             }
410             applyChild(*mergedChild->second.get(), pair.first, &applyParams, &applyResult);
412             applyPositional = false;
413             continue;
414         }
416         // If 'matchedField' is alphabetically before the current child, we should apply the
417         // positional child now.
418         if (applyPositional && applyParams.matchedField < pair.first) {
419             applyChild(
420                 *_positionalChild.get(), applyParams.matchedField, &applyParams, &applyResult);
421             applyPositional = false;
422         }
424         // Apply the current child.
425         applyChild(*pair.second, pair.first, &applyParams, &applyResult);
426     }
428     // 'matchedField' is alphabetically after all children, so we apply it now.
429     if (applyPositional) {
430         applyChild(*_positionalChild.get(), applyParams.matchedField, &applyParams, &applyResult);
431     }
433     return applyResult;
434 }
436 }  // namespace mongo