1 /* Copyright (c) 2007, 2016, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
3    This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
4    it under the terms of the GNU General Public License, version 2.0,
5    as published by the Free Software Foundation.
7    This program is also distributed with certain software (including
8    but not limited to OpenSSL) that is licensed under separate terms,
9    as designated in a particular file or component or in included license
10    documentation.  The authors of MySQL hereby grant you an additional
11    permission to link the program and your derivative works with the
12    separately licensed software that they have included with MySQL.
14    This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
15    but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
17    GNU General Public License, version 2.0, for more details.
19    You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
20    along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation,
21    51 Franklin Street, Suite 500, Boston, MA 02110-1335 USA */
23 #include "sql_priv.h"
24 #include "unireg.h"
25 #include "rpl_rli.h"
26 #include "rpl_record.h"
27 #include "rpl_slave.h"                  // Need to pull in slave_print_msg
28 #include "rpl_utility.h"
29 #include "rpl_rli.h"
31 using std::min;
32 using std::max;
34 /**
35    Pack a record of data for a table into a format suitable for
36    transfer via the binary log.
38    The format for a row in transfer with N fields is the following:
40    ceil(N/8) null bytes:
41        One null bit for every column *regardless of whether it can be
42        null or not*. This simplifies the decoding. Observe that the
43        number of null bits is equal to the number of set bits in the
44        @c cols bitmap. The number of null bytes is the smallest number
45        of bytes necessary to store the null bits.
47        Padding bits are 1.
49    N packets:
50        Each field is stored in packed format.
53    @param table    Table describing the format of the record
55    @param cols     Bitmap with a set bit for each column that should
56                    be stored in the row
58    @param row_data Pointer to memory where row will be written
60    @param record   Pointer to record that should be packed. It is
61                    assumed that the pointer refers to either @c
62                    record[0] or @c record[1], but no such check is
63                    made since the code does not rely on that.
65    @return The number of bytes written at @c row_data.
66  */
67 #if !defined(MYSQL_CLIENT)
68 size_t
pack_row(TABLE * table,MY_BITMAP const * cols,uchar * row_data,const uchar * record)69 pack_row(TABLE *table, MY_BITMAP const* cols,
70          uchar *row_data, const uchar *record)
71 {
72   Field **p_field= table->field, *field;
73   int const null_byte_count= (bitmap_bits_set(cols) + 7) / 8;
74   uchar *pack_ptr = row_data + null_byte_count;
75   uchar *null_ptr = row_data;
76   my_ptrdiff_t const rec_offset= record - table->record[0];
77   my_ptrdiff_t const def_offset= table->s->default_values - table->record[0];
79   DBUG_ENTER("pack_row");
81   /*
82     We write the null bits and the packed records using one pass
83     through all the fields. The null bytes are written little-endian,
84     i.e., the first fields are in the first byte.
85    */
86   unsigned int null_bits= (1U << 8) - 1;
87   // Mask to mask out the correct but among the null bits
88   unsigned int null_mask= 1U;
89   DBUG_PRINT("debug", ("null ptr: 0x%lx; row start: %p; null bytes: %d",
90                        (ulong) null_ptr, row_data, null_byte_count));
91   DBUG_DUMP("cols", (uchar*) cols->bitmap, cols->last_word_ptr - cols->bitmap + 1);
92   for ( ; (field= *p_field) ; p_field++)
93   {
94     if (bitmap_is_set(cols, p_field - table->field))
95     {
96       my_ptrdiff_t offset;
97       if (field->is_null(rec_offset))
98       {
99         DBUG_PRINT("debug", ("Is NULL; null_mask: 0x%x; null_bits: 0x%x",
100                              null_mask, null_bits));
101         offset= def_offset;
102         null_bits |= null_mask;
103       }
104       else
105       {
106         offset= rec_offset;
107         null_bits &= ~null_mask;
109         /*
110           We only store the data of the field if it is non-null
112           For big-endian machines, we have to make sure that the
113           length is stored in little-endian format, since this is the
114           format used for the binlog.
115         */
116 #ifndef DBUG_OFF
117         const uchar *old_pack_ptr= pack_ptr;
118 #endif
119         pack_ptr= field->pack(pack_ptr, field->ptr + offset,
120                               field->max_data_length(), TRUE);
121         DBUG_PRINT("debug", ("field: %s; real_type: %d, pack_ptr: 0x%lx;"
122                              " pack_ptr':0x%lx; bytes: %d",
123                              field->field_name, field->real_type(),
124                              (ulong) old_pack_ptr, (ulong) pack_ptr,
125                              (int) (pack_ptr - old_pack_ptr)));
126         DBUG_DUMP("packed_data", old_pack_ptr, pack_ptr - old_pack_ptr);
127       }
129       null_mask <<= 1;
130       if ((null_mask & 0xFF) == 0)
131       {
132         DBUG_ASSERT(null_ptr < row_data + null_byte_count);
133         null_mask = 1U;
134         *null_ptr++ = null_bits;
135         null_bits= (1U << 8) - 1;
136       }
137     }
138 #ifndef DBUG_OFF
139     else
140     {
141       DBUG_PRINT("debug", ("Skipped"));
142     }
143 #endif
144   }
146   /*
147     Write the last (partial) byte, if there is one
148   */
149   if ((null_mask & 0xFF) > 1)
150   {
151     DBUG_ASSERT(null_ptr < row_data + null_byte_count);
152     *null_ptr++ = null_bits;
153   }
155   /*
156     The null pointer should now point to the first byte of the
157     packed data. If it doesn't, something is very wrong.
158   */
159   DBUG_ASSERT(null_ptr == row_data + null_byte_count);
160   DBUG_DUMP("row_data", row_data, pack_ptr - row_data);
161   DBUG_RETURN(static_cast<size_t>(pack_ptr - row_data));
162 }
163 #endif
166 /**
167    Unpack a row into @c table->record[0].
169    The function will always unpack into the @c table->record[0]
170    record.  This is because there are too many dependencies on where
171    the various member functions of Field and subclasses expect to
172    write.
174    The row is assumed to only consist of the fields for which the
175    corresponding bit in bitset @c cols is set; the other parts of the
176    record are left alone.
178    At most @c colcnt columns are read: if the table is larger than
179    that, the remaining fields are not filled in.
181    @note The relay log information can be NULL, which means that no
182    checking or comparison with the source table is done, simply
183    because it is not used.  This feature is used by MySQL Backup to
184    unpack a row from from the backup image, but can be used for other
185    purposes as well.
187    @param rli     Relay log info, which can be NULL
188    @param table   Table to unpack into
189    @param colcnt  Number of columns to read from record
190    @param row_data
191                   Packed row data
192    @param cols    Pointer to bitset describing columns to fill in
193    @param curr_row_end
194                   Pointer to variable that will hold the value of the
195                   one-after-end position for the current row
196    @param master_reclength
197                   Pointer to variable that will be set to the length of the
198                   record on the master side
199    @param row_end
200                   Pointer to variable that will hold the value of the
201                   end position for the data in the row event
203    @retval 0 No error
205    @retval HA_ERR_GENERIC
206    A generic, internal, error caused the unpacking to fail.
207  */
208 #if !defined(MYSQL_CLIENT) && defined(HAVE_REPLICATION)
209 int
unpack_row(Relay_log_info const * rli,TABLE * table,uint const colcnt,uchar const * const row_data,MY_BITMAP const * cols,uchar const ** const current_row_end,ulong * const master_reclength,uchar const * const row_end)210 unpack_row(Relay_log_info const *rli,
211            TABLE *table, uint const colcnt,
212            uchar const *const row_data, MY_BITMAP const *cols,
213            uchar const **const current_row_end, ulong *const master_reclength,
214            uchar const *const row_end)
215 {
216   DBUG_ENTER("unpack_row");
217   DBUG_ASSERT(row_data);
218   DBUG_ASSERT(table);
219   size_t const master_null_byte_count= (bitmap_bits_set(cols) + 7) / 8;
220   int error= 0;
222   uchar const *null_ptr= row_data;
223   uchar const *pack_ptr= row_data + master_null_byte_count;
225   if (bitmap_is_clear_all(cols))
226   {
227     /**
228        There was no data sent from the master, so there is
229        nothing to unpack.
230      */
231     *current_row_end= pack_ptr;
232     *master_reclength= 0;
233     DBUG_RETURN(error);
234   }
237   Field **const begin_ptr = table->field;
238   Field **field_ptr;
239   Field **const end_ptr= begin_ptr + colcnt;
241   DBUG_ASSERT(null_ptr < row_data + master_null_byte_count);
243   // Mask to mask out the correct bit among the null bits
244   unsigned int null_mask= 1U;
245   // The "current" null bits
246   unsigned int null_bits= *null_ptr++;
247   uint i= 0;
248   table_def *tabledef= NULL;
249   TABLE *conv_table= NULL;
250   bool table_found= rli && rli->get_table_data(table, &tabledef, &conv_table);
251   DBUG_PRINT("debug", ("Table data: table_found: %d, tabldef: %p, conv_table: %p",
252                        table_found, tabledef, conv_table));
253   DBUG_ASSERT(table_found);
255   /*
256     If rli is NULL it means that there is no source table and that the
257     row shall just be unpacked without doing any checks. This feature
258     is used by MySQL Backup, but can be used for other purposes as
259     well.
260    */
261   if (rli && !table_found)
264   for (field_ptr= begin_ptr ; field_ptr < end_ptr && *field_ptr ; ++field_ptr)
265   {
266     /*
267       If there is a conversion table, we pick up the field pointer to
268       the conversion table.  If the conversion table or the field
269       pointer is NULL, no conversions are necessary.
270      */
271     Field *conv_field=
272       conv_table ? conv_table->field[field_ptr - begin_ptr] : NULL;
273     Field *const f=
274       conv_field ? conv_field : *field_ptr;
275     DBUG_PRINT("debug", ("Conversion %srequired for field '%s' (#%ld)",
276                          conv_field ? "" : "not ",
277                          (*field_ptr)->field_name,
278                          (long) (field_ptr - begin_ptr)));
279     DBUG_ASSERT(f != NULL);
281     DBUG_PRINT("debug", ("field: %s; null mask: 0x%x; null bits: 0x%lx;"
282                          " row start: %p; null bytes: %ld",
283                          f->field_name, null_mask, (ulong) null_bits,
284                          pack_ptr, (ulong) master_null_byte_count));
286     /*
287       No need to bother about columns that does not exist: they have
288       gotten default values when being emptied above.
289      */
290     if (bitmap_is_set(cols, field_ptr -  begin_ptr))
291     {
292       if ((null_mask & 0xFF) == 0)
293       {
294         DBUG_ASSERT(null_ptr < row_data + master_null_byte_count);
295         null_mask= 1U;
296         null_bits= *null_ptr++;
297       }
299       DBUG_ASSERT(null_mask & 0xFF); // One of the 8 LSB should be set
301       /* Field...::unpack() cannot return 0 */
302       DBUG_ASSERT(pack_ptr != NULL);
304       if (null_bits & null_mask)
305       {
306         if (f->maybe_null())
307         {
308           DBUG_PRINT("debug", ("Was NULL; null mask: 0x%x; null bits: 0x%x",
309                                null_mask, null_bits));
310           /**
311             Calling reset just in case one is unpacking on top a
312             record with data.
314             This could probably go into set_null() but doing so,
315             (i) triggers assertion in other parts of the code at
316             the moment; (ii) it would make us reset the field,
317             always when setting null, which right now doesn't seem
318             needed anywhere else except here.
320             TODO: maybe in the future we should consider moving
321                   the reset to make it part of set_null. But then
322                   the assertions triggered need to be
323                   addressed/revisited.
324            */
325           f->reset();
326           f->set_null();
327         }
328         else
329         {
330           f->set_default();
331           push_warning_printf(current_thd, Sql_condition::WARN_LEVEL_WARN,
332                               ER_BAD_NULL_ERROR, ER(ER_BAD_NULL_ERROR),
333                               f->field_name);
334         }
335       }
336       else
337       {
338         f->set_notnull();
340         /*
341           We only unpack the field if it was non-null.
342           Use the master's size information if available else call
343           normal unpack operation.
344         */
345         uint16 const metadata= tabledef->field_metadata(i);
346 #ifndef DBUG_OFF
347         uchar const *const old_pack_ptr= pack_ptr;
348 #endif
349         uint32 len= tabledef->calc_field_size(i, (uchar *) pack_ptr);
350         if ( pack_ptr + len > row_end )
351         {
352           pack_ptr+= len;
353           my_error(ER_SLAVE_CORRUPT_EVENT, MYF(0));
355         }
356         pack_ptr= f->unpack(f->ptr, pack_ptr, metadata, TRUE);
357 	DBUG_PRINT("debug", ("Unpacked; metadata: 0x%x;"
358                              " pack_ptr: 0x%lx; pack_ptr': 0x%lx; bytes: %d",
359                              metadata, (ulong) old_pack_ptr, (ulong) pack_ptr,
360                              (int) (pack_ptr - old_pack_ptr)));
362         /*
363           The raw size of the field, as calculated in calc_field_size,
364           should match the one reported by Field_*::unpack unless it is
365           a old decimal data type which is unsupported datatype in
366           RBR mode.
367          */
368         DBUG_ASSERT(tabledef->type(i) == MYSQL_TYPE_DECIMAL ||
369                     tabledef->calc_field_size(i, (uchar *) old_pack_ptr) ==
370                     (uint32) (pack_ptr - old_pack_ptr));
371       }
373       /*
374         If conv_field is set, then we are doing a conversion. In this
375         case, we have unpacked the master data to the conversion
376         table, so we need to copy the value stored in the conversion
377         table into the final table and do the conversion at the same time.
378       */
379       if (conv_field)
380       {
381         Copy_field copy;
382 #ifndef DBUG_OFF
383         char source_buf[MAX_FIELD_WIDTH];
384         char value_buf[MAX_FIELD_WIDTH];
385         String source_type(source_buf, sizeof(source_buf), system_charset_info);
386         String value_string(value_buf, sizeof(value_buf), system_charset_info);
387         conv_field->sql_type(source_type);
388         conv_field->val_str(&value_string);
389         DBUG_PRINT("debug", ("Copying field '%s' of type '%s' with value '%s'",
390                              (*field_ptr)->field_name,
391                              source_type.c_ptr_safe(), value_string.c_ptr_safe()));
392 #endif
393         copy.set(*field_ptr, f, TRUE);
394         (*copy.do_copy)(&copy);
395 #ifndef DBUG_OFF
396         char target_buf[MAX_FIELD_WIDTH];
397         String target_type(target_buf, sizeof(target_buf), system_charset_info);
398         (*field_ptr)->sql_type(target_type);
399         (*field_ptr)->val_str(&value_string);
400         DBUG_PRINT("debug", ("Value of field '%s' of type '%s' is now '%s'",
401                              (*field_ptr)->field_name,
402                              target_type.c_ptr_safe(), value_string.c_ptr_safe()));
403 #endif
404       }
406       null_mask <<= 1;
407     }
408 #ifndef DBUG_OFF
409     else
410     {
411       DBUG_PRINT("debug", ("Non-existent: skipped"));
412     }
413 #endif
414     i++;
415   }
417   /*
418     throw away master's extra fields
419   */
420   uint max_cols= min<ulong>(tabledef->size(), cols->n_bits);
421   for (; i < max_cols; i++)
422   {
423     if (bitmap_is_set(cols, i))
424     {
425       if ((null_mask & 0xFF) == 0)
426       {
427         DBUG_ASSERT(null_ptr < row_data + master_null_byte_count);
428         null_mask= 1U;
429         null_bits= *null_ptr++;
430       }
431       DBUG_ASSERT(null_mask & 0xFF); // One of the 8 LSB should be set
433       if (!((null_bits & null_mask) && tabledef->maybe_null(i))) {
434         uint32 len= tabledef->calc_field_size(i, (uchar *) pack_ptr);
435         DBUG_DUMP("field_data", pack_ptr, len);
436         pack_ptr+= len;
437         if ( pack_ptr > row_end )
438         {
439           my_error(ER_SLAVE_CORRUPT_EVENT, MYF(0));
441         }
442       }
443       null_mask <<= 1;
444     }
445   }
447   /*
448     We should now have read all the null bytes, otherwise something is
449     really wrong.
450    */
451   DBUG_ASSERT(null_ptr == row_data + master_null_byte_count);
453   DBUG_DUMP("row_data", row_data, pack_ptr - row_data);
455   *current_row_end = pack_ptr;
456   if (master_reclength)
457   {
458     if (*field_ptr)
459       *master_reclength = (*field_ptr)->ptr - table->record[0];
460     else
461       *master_reclength = table->s->reclength;
462   }
464   DBUG_RETURN(error);
465 }
467 /**
468   Fills @c table->record[0] with default values.
470   First @c restore_record() is called to restore the default values for
471   record concerning the given table. Then, if @c check is true,
472   a check is performed to see if fields are have default value or can
473   be NULL. Otherwise error is reported.
475   @param table  Table whose record[0] buffer is prepared.
476   @param check  Specifies if lack of default error needs checking.
478   @returns 0 on success or a handler level error code
479  */
prepare_record(TABLE * const table,const MY_BITMAP * cols,const bool check)480 int prepare_record(TABLE *const table, const MY_BITMAP *cols, const bool check)
481 {
482   DBUG_ENTER("prepare_record");
484   restore_record(table, s->default_values);
486   if (!check)
487     DBUG_RETURN(0);
489   /*
490     For fields the extra fields on the slave, we check if they have a default.
491     The check follows the same rules as the INSERT query without specifying an
492     explicit value for a field not having the explicit default
493     (@c check_that_all_fields_are_given_values()).
494   */
496   DBUG_PRINT_BITSET("debug", "cols: %s", cols);
497   /**
498     Save a reference to the original write set bitmaps.
499     We will need this to restore the bitmaps at the end.
500   */
501   MY_BITMAP *old_write_set= table->write_set;
502   /**
503     Just to be sure that tmp_set is currently not in use as
504     the read_set already.
505   */
506   DBUG_ASSERT(table->write_set != &table->tmp_set);
507   /* set the temporary write_set */
508   table->column_bitmaps_set_no_signal(table->read_set,
509                                       &table->tmp_set);
510   /**
511     Set table->write_set bits for all the columns as they
512     will be checked in set_default() function.
513   */
514   bitmap_set_all(table->write_set);
516   for (Field **field_ptr= table->field; *field_ptr; ++field_ptr)
517   {
518     uint field_index= (uint) (field_ptr - table->field);
519     if (field_index >= cols->n_bits || !bitmap_is_set(cols, field_index))
520     {
521       Field *const f= *field_ptr;
522       if ((f->flags &  NO_DEFAULT_VALUE_FLAG) &&
523           (f->real_type() != MYSQL_TYPE_ENUM))
524       {
525         f->set_default();
526         push_warning_printf(current_thd,
527                             Sql_condition::WARN_LEVEL_WARN,
528                             ER_NO_DEFAULT_FOR_FIELD,
529                             ER(ER_NO_DEFAULT_FOR_FIELD),
530                             f->field_name);
531       }
532       else if (f->has_insert_default_function())
533       {
534         f->set_default();
535       }
536     }
537   }
539   /* set the write_set back to original*/
540   table->column_bitmaps_set_no_signal(table->read_set,
541                                       old_write_set);
543   DBUG_RETURN(0);
544 }
546 #endif // HAVE_REPLICATION