1 /*
2    Copyright (c) 2003, 2016, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
4    This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
5    it under the terms of the GNU General Public License, version 2.0,
6    as published by the Free Software Foundation.
8    This program is also distributed with certain software (including
9    but not limited to OpenSSL) that is licensed under separate terms,
10    as designated in a particular file or component or in included license
11    documentation.  The authors of MySQL hereby grant you an additional
12    permission to link the program and your derivative works with the
13    separately licensed software that they have included with MySQL.
15    This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
16    but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
18    GNU General Public License, version 2.0, for more details.
20    You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
21    along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
22    Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301  USA
23 */
25 #include <ndb_global.h>
26 #include <ndb_opts.h>
27 #include <Vector.hpp>
28 #include <Properties.hpp>
29 #include <ndb_limits.h>
30 #include <NdbTCP.h>
31 #include <NdbMem.h>
32 #include <NdbOut.hpp>
33 #include <OutputStream.hpp>
34 #include <NDBT_ReturnCodes.h>
36 #include "consumer_restore.hpp"
37 #include "consumer_printer.hpp"
38 #include "../src/ndbapi/NdbDictionaryImpl.hpp"
40 extern FilteredNdbOut err;
41 extern FilteredNdbOut info;
42 extern FilteredNdbOut debug;
44 static Uint32 g_tableCompabilityMask = 0;
45 static int ga_nodeId = 0;
46 static int ga_nParallelism = 128;
47 static int ga_backupId = 0;
48 bool ga_dont_ignore_systab_0 = false;
49 static bool ga_no_upgrade = false;
50 static bool ga_promote_attributes = false;
51 static bool ga_demote_attributes = false;
52 static Vector<class BackupConsumer *> g_consumers;
53 static BackupPrinter* g_printer = NULL;
55 static const char* default_backupPath = "." DIR_SEPARATOR;
56 static const char* ga_backupPath = default_backupPath;
58 static const char *opt_nodegroup_map_str= 0;
59 static unsigned opt_nodegroup_map_len= 0;
60 static NODE_GROUP_MAP opt_nodegroup_map[MAX_NODE_GROUP_MAPS];
61 #define OPT_NDB_NODEGROUP_MAP 'z'
63 const char *opt_ndb_database= NULL;
64 const char *opt_ndb_table= NULL;
65 unsigned int opt_verbose;
66 unsigned int opt_hex_format;
67 unsigned int opt_progress_frequency;
68 NDB_TICKS g_report_next;
69 Vector<BaseString> g_databases;
70 Vector<BaseString> g_tables;
71 Vector<BaseString> g_include_tables, g_exclude_tables;
72 Vector<BaseString> g_include_databases, g_exclude_databases;
73 Properties g_rewrite_databases;
74 NdbRecordPrintFormat g_ndbrecord_print_format;
75 unsigned int opt_no_binlog;
77 class RestoreOption
78 {
79 public:
~RestoreOption()80   virtual ~RestoreOption() { }
81   int optid;
82   BaseString argument;
83 };
85 Vector<class RestoreOption *> g_include_exclude;
86 static void save_include_exclude(int optid, char * argument);
88 static inline void parse_rewrite_database(char * argument);
90 /**
91  * print and restore flags
92  */
93 static bool ga_restore_epoch = false;
94 static bool ga_restore = false;
95 static bool ga_print = false;
96 static bool ga_skip_table_check = false;
97 static bool ga_exclude_missing_columns = false;
98 static int _print = 0;
99 static int _print_meta = 0;
100 static int _print_data = 0;
101 static int _print_log = 0;
102 static int _restore_data = 0;
103 static int _restore_meta = 0;
104 static int _no_restore_disk = 0;
105 static bool _preserve_trailing_spaces = false;
106 static bool ga_disable_indexes = false;
107 static bool ga_rebuild_indexes = false;
108 bool ga_skip_unknown_objects = false;
109 bool ga_skip_broken_objects = false;
110 BaseString g_options("ndb_restore");
112 const char *load_default_groups[]= { "mysql_cluster","ndb_restore",0 };
114 enum ndb_restore_options {
121 };
122 static const char *opt_fields_enclosed_by= NULL;
123 static const char *opt_fields_terminated_by= NULL;
124 static const char *opt_fields_optionally_enclosed_by= NULL;
125 static const char *opt_lines_terminated_by= NULL;
127 static const char *tab_path= NULL;
128 static int opt_append;
129 static const char *opt_exclude_tables= NULL;
130 static const char *opt_include_tables= NULL;
131 static const char *opt_exclude_databases= NULL;
132 static const char *opt_include_databases= NULL;
133 static const char *opt_rewrite_database= NULL;
134 static bool opt_restore_privilege_tables = false;
136 static struct my_option my_long_options[] =
137 {
138   NDB_STD_OPTS("ndb_restore"),
139   { "connect", 'c', "same as --connect-string",
140     (uchar**) &opt_ndb_connectstring, (uchar**) &opt_ndb_connectstring, 0,
141     GET_STR, REQUIRED_ARG, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 },
142   { "nodeid", 'n', "Backup files from node with id",
143     (uchar**) &ga_nodeId, (uchar**) &ga_nodeId, 0,
144     GET_INT, REQUIRED_ARG, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 },
145   { "backupid", 'b', "Backup id",
146     (uchar**) &ga_backupId, (uchar**) &ga_backupId, 0,
147     GET_INT, REQUIRED_ARG, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 },
148   { "restore_data", 'r',
149     "Restore table data/logs into NDB Cluster using NDBAPI",
150     (uchar**) &_restore_data, (uchar**) &_restore_data,  0,
151     GET_BOOL, NO_ARG, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 },
152   { "restore_meta", 'm',
153     "Restore meta data into NDB Cluster using NDBAPI",
154     (uchar**) &_restore_meta, (uchar**) &_restore_meta,  0,
155     GET_BOOL, NO_ARG, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 },
156   { "no-upgrade", 'u',
157     "Don't upgrade array type for var attributes, which don't resize VAR data and don't change column attributes",
158     (uchar**) &ga_no_upgrade, (uchar**) &ga_no_upgrade, 0,
159     GET_BOOL, NO_ARG, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 },
160   { "promote-attributes", 'A',
161     "Allow attributes to be promoted when restoring data from backup",
162     (uchar**) &ga_promote_attributes, (uchar**) &ga_promote_attributes, 0,
163     GET_BOOL, NO_ARG, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 },
164   { "lossy-conversions", 'L',
165     "Allow lossy conversions for attributes (type demotions or integral"
166     " signed/unsigned type changes) when restoring data from backup",
167     (uchar**) &ga_demote_attributes, (uchar**) &ga_demote_attributes, 0,
168     GET_BOOL, NO_ARG, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 },
169   { "preserve-trailing-spaces", 'P',
170     "Allow to preserve the tailing spaces (including paddings) When char->varchar or binary->varbinary is promoted",
171     (uchar**) &_preserve_trailing_spaces, (uchar**)_preserve_trailing_spaces , 0,
172     GET_BOOL, NO_ARG, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 },
173   { "no-restore-disk-objects", 'd',
174     "Dont restore disk objects (tablespace/logfilegroups etc)",
175     (uchar**) &_no_restore_disk, (uchar**) &_no_restore_disk,  0,
176     GET_BOOL, NO_ARG, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 },
177   { "restore_epoch", 'e',
178     "Restore epoch info into the status table. Convenient on a MySQL Cluster "
179     "replication slave, for starting replication. The row in "
180     NDB_REP_DB "." NDB_APPLY_TABLE " with id 0 will be updated/inserted.",
181     (uchar**) &ga_restore_epoch, (uchar**) &ga_restore_epoch,  0,
182     GET_BOOL, NO_ARG, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 },
183   { "skip-table-check", 's', "Skip table structure check during restore of data",
184    (uchar**) &ga_skip_table_check, (uchar**) &ga_skip_table_check, 0,
185    GET_BOOL, NO_ARG, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 },
186   { "parallelism", 'p',
187     "No of parallel transactions during restore of data."
188     "(parallelism can be 1 to 1024)",
189     (uchar**) &ga_nParallelism, (uchar**) &ga_nParallelism, 0,
190     GET_INT, REQUIRED_ARG, 128, 1, 1024, 0, 1, 0 },
191   { "print", NDB_OPT_NOSHORT, "Print metadata, data and log to stdout",
192     (uchar**) &_print, (uchar**) &_print, 0,
193     GET_BOOL, NO_ARG, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 },
194   { "print_data", NDB_OPT_NOSHORT, "Print data to stdout",
195     (uchar**) &_print_data, (uchar**) &_print_data, 0,
196     GET_BOOL, NO_ARG, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 },
197   { "print_meta", NDB_OPT_NOSHORT, "Print meta data to stdout",
198     (uchar**) &_print_meta, (uchar**) &_print_meta,  0,
199     GET_BOOL, NO_ARG, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 },
200   { "print_log", NDB_OPT_NOSHORT, "Print log to stdout",
201     (uchar**) &_print_log, (uchar**) &_print_log,  0,
202     GET_BOOL, NO_ARG, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 },
203   { "backup_path", NDB_OPT_NOSHORT, "Path to backup files",
204     (uchar**) &ga_backupPath, (uchar**) &ga_backupPath, 0,
205     GET_STR, REQUIRED_ARG, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 },
206   { "dont_ignore_systab_0", 'f',
207     "Do not ignore system table during --print-data.",
208     (uchar**) &ga_dont_ignore_systab_0, (uchar**) &ga_dont_ignore_systab_0, 0,
209     GET_BOOL, NO_ARG, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 },
210   { "ndb-nodegroup-map", OPT_NDB_NODEGROUP_MAP,
211     "Nodegroup map for ndbcluster. Syntax: list of (source_ng, dest_ng)",
212     (uchar**) &opt_nodegroup_map_str,
213     (uchar**) &opt_nodegroup_map_str,
214     0,
215     GET_STR, REQUIRED_ARG, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 },
216   { "fields-enclosed-by", NDB_OPT_NOSHORT,
217     "Fields are enclosed by ...",
218     (uchar**) &opt_fields_enclosed_by, (uchar**) &opt_fields_enclosed_by, 0,
219     GET_STR, REQUIRED_ARG, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 },
220   { "fields-terminated-by", NDB_OPT_NOSHORT,
221     "Fields are terminated by ...",
222     (uchar**) &opt_fields_terminated_by,
223     (uchar**) &opt_fields_terminated_by, 0,
224     GET_STR, REQUIRED_ARG, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 },
225   { "fields-optionally-enclosed-by", NDB_OPT_NOSHORT,
226     "Fields are optionally enclosed by ...",
227     (uchar**) &opt_fields_optionally_enclosed_by,
228     (uchar**) &opt_fields_optionally_enclosed_by, 0,
229     GET_STR, REQUIRED_ARG, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 },
230   { "hex", NDB_OPT_NOSHORT, "print binary types in hex format",
231     (uchar**) &opt_hex_format, (uchar**) &opt_hex_format, 0,
232     GET_BOOL, NO_ARG, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 },
233   { "tab", 'T', "Creates tab separated textfile for each table to "
234     "given path. (creates .txt files)",
235    (uchar**) &tab_path, (uchar**) &tab_path, 0,
236     GET_STR, REQUIRED_ARG, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0},
237   { "append", NDB_OPT_NOSHORT, "for --tab append data to file",
238     (uchar**) &opt_append, (uchar**) &opt_append, 0,
239     GET_BOOL, NO_ARG, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 },
240   { "lines-terminated-by", NDB_OPT_NOSHORT, "",
241     (uchar**) &opt_lines_terminated_by, (uchar**) &opt_lines_terminated_by, 0,
242     GET_STR, REQUIRED_ARG, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 },
243   { "progress-frequency", NDB_OPT_NOSHORT,
244     "Print status uf restore periodically in given seconds",
245     (uchar**) &opt_progress_frequency, (uchar**) &opt_progress_frequency, 0,
246     GET_INT, REQUIRED_ARG, 0, 0, 65535, 0, 0, 0 },
247   { "no-binlog", NDB_OPT_NOSHORT,
248     "If a mysqld is connected and has binary log, do not log the restored data",
249     (uchar**) &opt_no_binlog, (uchar**) &opt_no_binlog, 0,
250     GET_BOOL, NO_ARG, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 },
251   { "verbose", OPT_VERBOSE,
252     "verbosity",
253     (uchar**) &opt_verbose, (uchar**) &opt_verbose, 0,
254     GET_INT, REQUIRED_ARG, 1, 0, 255, 0, 0, 0 },
255   { "include-databases", OPT_INCLUDE_DATABASES,
256     "Comma separated list of databases to restore. Example: db1,db3",
257     (uchar**) &opt_include_databases, (uchar**) &opt_include_databases, 0,
258     GET_STR, REQUIRED_ARG, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 },
259   { "exclude-databases", OPT_EXCLUDE_DATABASES,
260     "Comma separated list of databases to not restore. Example: db1,db3",
261     (uchar**) &opt_exclude_databases, (uchar**) &opt_exclude_databases, 0,
262     GET_STR, REQUIRED_ARG, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 },
263   { "rewrite-database", OPT_REWRITE_DATABASE,
264     "A pair 'source,dest' of database names from/into which to restore. "
265     "Example: --rewrite-database=oldDb,newDb",
266     (uchar**) &opt_rewrite_database, (uchar**) &opt_rewrite_database, 0,
267     GET_STR, REQUIRED_ARG, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 },
268   { "include-tables", OPT_INCLUDE_TABLES, "Comma separated list of tables to "
269     "restore. Table name should include database name. Example: db1.t1,db3.t1",
270     (uchar**) &opt_include_tables, (uchar**) &opt_include_tables, 0,
271     GET_STR, REQUIRED_ARG, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 },
272   { "exclude-tables", OPT_EXCLUDE_TABLES, "Comma separated list of tables to "
273     "not restore. Table name should include database name. "
274     "Example: db1.t1,db3.t1",
275     (uchar**) &opt_exclude_tables, (uchar**) &opt_exclude_tables, 0,
276     GET_STR, REQUIRED_ARG, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 },
277   { "restore-privilege-tables", NDB_OPT_NOSHORT,
278     "Restore privilege tables (after they have been moved to ndb)",
279     (uchar**) &opt_restore_privilege_tables,
280     (uchar**) &opt_restore_privilege_tables, 0,
281     GET_BOOL, NO_ARG, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 },
282   { "exclude-missing-columns", NDB_OPT_NOSHORT,
283     "Ignore columns present in backup but not in database",
284     (uchar**) &ga_exclude_missing_columns,
285     (uchar**) &ga_exclude_missing_columns, 0,
286     GET_BOOL, NO_ARG, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 },
287   { "disable-indexes", NDB_OPT_NOSHORT,
288     "Disable indexes",
289     (uchar**) &ga_disable_indexes,
290     (uchar**) &ga_disable_indexes, 0,
291     GET_BOOL, NO_ARG, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 },
292   { "rebuild-indexes", NDB_OPT_NOSHORT,
293     "Rebuild indexes",
294     (uchar**) &ga_rebuild_indexes,
295     (uchar**) &ga_rebuild_indexes, 0,
296     GET_BOOL, NO_ARG, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 },
297   { "skip-unknown-objects", 256, "Skip unknown object when parsing backup",
298     (uchar**) &ga_skip_unknown_objects, (uchar**) &ga_skip_unknown_objects, 0,
299     GET_BOOL, NO_ARG, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 },
300   { "skip-broken-objects", 256, "Skip broken object when parsing backup",
301     (uchar**) &ga_skip_broken_objects, (uchar**) &ga_skip_broken_objects, 0,
302     GET_BOOL, NO_ARG, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 },
303   { 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, GET_NO_ARG, NO_ARG, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0}
304 };
analyse_one_map(char * map_str,uint16 * source,uint16 * dest)307 static char* analyse_one_map(char *map_str, uint16 *source, uint16 *dest)
308 {
309   char *end_ptr;
310   int number;
311   DBUG_ENTER("analyse_one_map");
312   /*
313     Search for pattern ( source_ng , dest_ng )
314   */
316   while (isspace(*map_str)) map_str++;
318   if (*map_str != '(')
319   {
321   }
322   map_str++;
324   while (isspace(*map_str)) map_str++;
326   number= strtol(map_str, &end_ptr, 10);
327   if (!end_ptr || number < 0 || number >= MAX_NODE_GROUP_MAPS)
328   {
330   }
331   *source= (uint16)number;
332   map_str= end_ptr;
334   while (isspace(*map_str)) map_str++;
336   if (*map_str != ',')
337   {
339   }
340   map_str++;
342   number= strtol(map_str, &end_ptr, 10);
343   if (!end_ptr || number < 0 || number >= NDB_UNDEF_NODEGROUP)
344   {
346   }
347   *dest= (uint16)number;
348   map_str= end_ptr;
350   if (*map_str != ')')
351   {
353   }
354   map_str++;
356   while (isspace(*map_str)) map_str++;
357   DBUG_RETURN(map_str);
358 }
insert_ng_map(NODE_GROUP_MAP * ng_map,uint16 source_ng,uint16 dest_ng)360 static bool insert_ng_map(NODE_GROUP_MAP *ng_map,
361                           uint16 source_ng, uint16 dest_ng)
362 {
363   uint index= source_ng;
364   uint ng_index= ng_map[index].no_maps;
366   opt_nodegroup_map_len++;
367   if (ng_index >= MAX_MAPS_PER_NODE_GROUP)
368     return true;
369   ng_map[index].no_maps++;
370   ng_map[index].map_array[ng_index]= dest_ng;
371   return false;
372 }
init_nodegroup_map()374 static void init_nodegroup_map()
375 {
376   uint i,j;
377   NODE_GROUP_MAP *ng_map = &opt_nodegroup_map[0];
379   for (i = 0; i < MAX_NODE_GROUP_MAPS; i++)
380   {
381     ng_map[i].no_maps= 0;
382     for (j= 0; j < MAX_MAPS_PER_NODE_GROUP; j++)
383       ng_map[i].map_array[j]= NDB_UNDEF_NODEGROUP;
384   }
385 }
analyse_nodegroup_map(const char * ng_map_str,NODE_GROUP_MAP * ng_map)387 static bool analyse_nodegroup_map(const char *ng_map_str,
388                                   NODE_GROUP_MAP *ng_map)
389 {
390   uint16 source_ng, dest_ng;
391   char *local_str= (char*)ng_map_str;
392   DBUG_ENTER("analyse_nodegroup_map");
394   do
395   {
396     if (!local_str)
397     {
398       DBUG_RETURN(TRUE);
399     }
400     local_str= analyse_one_map(local_str, &source_ng, &dest_ng);
401     if (!local_str)
402     {
403       DBUG_RETURN(TRUE);
404     }
405     if (insert_ng_map(ng_map, source_ng, dest_ng))
406     {
407       DBUG_RETURN(TRUE);
408     }
409     if (!(*local_str))
410       break;
411   } while (TRUE);
413 }
short_usage_sub(void)415 static void short_usage_sub(void)
416 {
417   ndb_short_usage_sub("[<path to backup files>]");
418 }
usage()419 static void usage()
420 {
421   ndb_usage(short_usage_sub, load_default_groups, my_long_options);
422 }
424 static my_bool
get_one_option(int optid,const struct my_option * opt MY_ATTRIBUTE ((unused)),char * argument)425 get_one_option(int optid, const struct my_option *opt MY_ATTRIBUTE((unused)),
426 	       char *argument)
427 {
428 #ifndef DBUG_OFF
429   opt_debug= "d:t:O,/tmp/ndb_restore.trace";
430 #endif
431   ndb_std_get_one_option(optid, opt, argument);
432   switch (optid) {
433   case OPT_VERBOSE:
434     info.setThreshold(255-opt_verbose);
435     break;
436   case 'n':
437     if (ga_nodeId == 0)
438     {
439       err << "Error in --nodeid,-n setting, see --help";
440       exit(NDBT_ProgramExit(NDBT_WRONGARGS));
441     }
442     info.setLevel(254);
443     info << "Nodeid = " << ga_nodeId << endl;
444     break;
445   case 'b':
446     if (ga_backupId == 0)
447     {
448       err << "Error in --backupid,-b setting, see --help";
449       exit(NDBT_ProgramExit(NDBT_WRONGARGS));
450     }
451     info.setLevel(254);
452     info << "Backup Id = " << ga_backupId << endl;
453     break;
455     /*
456       This option is used to set a map from nodegroup in original cluster
457       to nodegroup in new cluster.
458     */
459     opt_nodegroup_map_len= 0;
461     info.setLevel(254);
462     info << "Analyse node group map" << endl;
463     if (analyse_nodegroup_map(opt_nodegroup_map_str,
464                               &opt_nodegroup_map[0]))
465     {
466       exit(NDBT_ProgramExit(NDBT_WRONGARGS));
467     }
468     break;
473     save_include_exclude(optid, argument);
474     break;
476     parse_rewrite_database(argument);
477     break;
478   }
479   return 0;
480 }
482 static const char* SCHEMA_NAME="/def/";
483 static const int SCHEMA_NAME_SIZE= 5;
485 int
makeInternalTableName(const BaseString & externalName,BaseString & internalName)486 makeInternalTableName(const BaseString &externalName,
487                       BaseString& internalName)
488 {
489   // Make dbname.table1 into dbname/def/table1
490   Vector<BaseString> parts;
492   // Must contain a dot
493   if (externalName.indexOf('.') == -1)
494     return -1;
495   externalName.split(parts,".");
496   // .. and only 1 dot
497   if (parts.size() != 2)
498     return -1;
499   internalName.clear();
500   internalName.append(parts[0]); // db name
501   internalName.append(SCHEMA_NAME); // /def/
502   internalName.append(parts[1]); // table name
503   return 0;
504 }
506 void
processTableList(const char * str,Vector<BaseString> & lst)507 processTableList(const char* str, Vector<BaseString> &lst)
508 {
509   // Process tables list like db1.t1,db2.t1 and exits when
510   // it finds problems.
511   Vector<BaseString> tmp;
512   unsigned int i;
513   /* Split passed string on comma into 2 BaseStrings in the vector */
514   BaseString(str).split(tmp,",");
515   for (i=0; i < tmp.size(); i++)
516   {
517     BaseString internalName;
518     if (makeInternalTableName(tmp[i], internalName))
519     {
520       info << "`" << tmp[i] << "` is not a valid tablename!" << endl;
521       exit(NDBT_ProgramExit(NDBT_WRONGARGS));
522     }
523     lst.push_back(internalName);
524   }
525 }
527 BaseString
makeExternalTableName(const BaseString & internalName)528 makeExternalTableName(const BaseString &internalName)
529 {
530    // Make dbname/def/table1 into dbname.table1
531   BaseString externalName;
533   ssize_t idx = internalName.indexOf('/');
534   externalName = internalName.substr(0,idx);
535   externalName.append(".");
536   externalName.append(internalName.substr(idx + SCHEMA_NAME_SIZE,
537                                           internalName.length()));
538   return externalName;
539 }
541 #include "../../../../sql/ndb_dist_priv_util.h"
543 // Exclude privilege tables unless explicitely included
544 void
exclude_privilege_tables()545 exclude_privilege_tables()
546 {
547   const char* table_name;
548   Ndb_dist_priv_util dist_priv;
549   while((table_name= dist_priv.iter_next_table()))
550   {
551     BaseString priv_tab;
552     priv_tab.assfmt("%s.%s", dist_priv.database(), table_name);
553     g_exclude_tables.push_back(priv_tab);
554     save_include_exclude(OPT_EXCLUDE_TABLES, (char *)priv_tab.c_str());
555   }
556 }
559 bool
readArguments(int * pargc,char *** pargv)560 readArguments(int *pargc, char*** pargv)
561 {
562   Uint32 i;
563   BaseString tmp;
564   debug << "Load defaults" << endl;
565   const char *load_default_groups[]= { "mysql_cluster","ndb_restore",0 };
567   init_nodegroup_map();
568   load_defaults("my",load_default_groups,pargc,pargv);
569   debug << "handle_options" << endl;
571   ndb_opt_set_usage_funcs(short_usage_sub, usage);
573   if (handle_options(pargc, pargv, my_long_options, get_one_option))
574   {
575     exit(NDBT_ProgramExit(NDBT_WRONGARGS));
576   }
577   for (i = 0; i < MAX_NODE_GROUP_MAPS; i++)
578     opt_nodegroup_map[i].curr_index = 0;
580 #if 0
581   /*
582     Test code written t{
583 o verify nodegroup mapping
584   */
585   printf("Handled options successfully\n");
586   Uint16 map_ng[16];
587   Uint32 j;
588   for (j = 0; j < 4; j++)
589   {
590   for (i = 0; i < 4 ; i++)
591     map_ng[i] = i;
592   map_nodegroups(&map_ng[0], (Uint32)4);
593   for (i = 0; i < 4 ; i++)
594     printf("NG %u mapped to %u \n", i, map_ng[i]);
595   }
596   for (j = 0; j < 4; j++)
597   {
598   for (i = 0; i < 8 ; i++)
599     map_ng[i] = i >> 1;
600   map_nodegroups(&map_ng[0], (Uint32)8);
601   for (i = 0; i < 8 ; i++)
602     printf("NG %u mapped to %u \n", i >> 1, map_ng[i]);
603   }
604   exit(NDBT_ProgramExit(NDBT_WRONGARGS));
605 #endif
607   g_printer = new BackupPrinter(opt_nodegroup_map,
608                                 opt_nodegroup_map_len);
609   if (g_printer == NULL)
610     return false;
612   BackupRestore* restore = new BackupRestore(opt_ndb_connectstring,
613                                              opt_ndb_nodeid,
614                                              opt_nodegroup_map,
615                                              opt_nodegroup_map_len,
616                                              ga_nParallelism);
617   if (restore == NULL)
618   {
619     delete g_printer;
620     g_printer = NULL;
621     return false;
622   }
624   if (_print)
625   {
626     ga_print = true;
627     ga_restore = true;
628     g_printer->m_print = true;
629   }
630   if (_print_meta)
631   {
632     ga_print = true;
633     g_printer->m_print_meta = true;
634   }
635   if (_print_data)
636   {
637     ga_print = true;
638     g_printer->m_print_data = true;
639   }
640   if (_print_log)
641   {
642     ga_print = true;
643     g_printer->m_print_log = true;
644   }
646   if (_restore_data)
647   {
648     ga_restore = true;
649     restore->m_restore = true;
650   }
652   if (_restore_meta)
653   {
654     //    ga_restore = true;
655     restore->m_restore_meta = true;
656   }
658   if (_no_restore_disk)
659   {
660     restore->m_no_restore_disk = true;
661   }
663   if (ga_no_upgrade)
664   {
665      restore->m_no_upgrade = true;
666   }
668   if (_preserve_trailing_spaces)
669   {
670      restore->m_preserve_trailing_spaces = true;
671   }
673   if (ga_restore_epoch)
674   {
675     restore->m_restore_epoch = true;
676   }
678   if (ga_disable_indexes)
679   {
680     restore->m_disable_indexes = true;
681   }
683   if (ga_rebuild_indexes)
684   {
685     restore->m_rebuild_indexes = true;
686   }
688   {
689     BackupConsumer * c = g_printer;
690     g_consumers.push_back(c);
691   }
692   {
693     BackupConsumer * c = restore;
694     g_consumers.push_back(c);
695   }
696   for (;;)
697   {
698     int i= 0;
699     if (ga_backupPath == default_backupPath)
700     {
701       // Set backup file path
702       if ((*pargv)[i] == NULL)
703         break;
704       ga_backupPath = (*pargv)[i++];
705     }
706     if ((*pargv)[i] == NULL)
707       break;
708     g_databases.push_back((*pargv)[i++]);
709     while ((*pargv)[i] != NULL)
710     {
711       g_tables.push_back((*pargv)[i++]);
712     }
713     break;
714   }
715   info.setLevel(254);
716   info << "backup path = " << ga_backupPath << endl;
717   if (g_databases.size() > 0)
718   {
719     info << "WARNING! Using deprecated syntax for selective object restoration." << endl;
720     info << "Please use --include-*/--exclude-* options in future." << endl;
721     info << "Restoring only from database " << g_databases[0].c_str() << endl;
722     if (g_tables.size() > 0)
723     {
724         info << "Restoring tables:";
725     }
726     for (unsigned i= 0; i < g_tables.size(); i++)
727     {
728       info << " " << g_tables[i].c_str();
729     }
730     if (g_tables.size() > 0)
731       info << endl;
732   }
734   if (ga_restore)
735   {
736     // Exclude privilege tables unless explicitely included
737     if (!opt_restore_privilege_tables)
738       exclude_privilege_tables();
740     // Move over old style arguments to include/exclude lists
741     if (g_databases.size() > 0)
742     {
743       BaseString tab_prefix, tab;
744       tab_prefix.append(g_databases[0].c_str());
745       tab_prefix.append(".");
746       if (g_tables.size() == 0)
747       {
748         g_include_databases.push_back(g_databases[0]);
749         save_include_exclude(OPT_INCLUDE_DATABASES,
750                              (char *)g_databases[0].c_str());
751       }
752       for (unsigned i= 0; i < g_tables.size(); i++)
753       {
754         tab.assign(tab_prefix);
755         tab.append(g_tables[i]);
756         g_include_tables.push_back(tab);
757         save_include_exclude(OPT_INCLUDE_TABLES, (char *)tab.c_str());
758       }
759     }
760   }
762   if (opt_include_databases)
763   {
764     tmp = BaseString(opt_include_databases);
765     tmp.split(g_include_databases,",");
766     info << "Including Databases: ";
767     for (i= 0; i < g_include_databases.size(); i++)
768     {
769       info << g_include_databases[i] << " ";
770     }
771     info << endl;
772   }
774   if (opt_exclude_databases)
775   {
776     tmp = BaseString(opt_exclude_databases);
777     tmp.split(g_exclude_databases,",");
778     info << "Excluding databases: ";
779     for (i= 0; i < g_exclude_databases.size(); i++)
780     {
781       info << g_exclude_databases[i] << " ";
782     }
783     info << endl;
784   }
786   if (opt_rewrite_database)
787   {
788     info << "Rewriting databases:";
789     Properties::Iterator it(&g_rewrite_databases);
790     const char * src;
791     for (src = it.first(); src != NULL; src = it.next()) {
792       const char * dst = NULL;
793       bool r = g_rewrite_databases.get(src, &dst);
794       assert(r && (dst != NULL));
795       info << " (" << src << "->" << dst << ")";
796     }
797     info << endl;
798   }
800   if (opt_include_tables)
801   {
802     processTableList(opt_include_tables, g_include_tables);
803     info << "Including tables: ";
804     for (i= 0; i < g_include_tables.size(); i++)
805     {
806       info << makeExternalTableName(g_include_tables[i]).c_str() << " ";
807     }
808     info << endl;
809   }
811   if (opt_exclude_tables)
812   {
813     processTableList(opt_exclude_tables, g_exclude_tables);
814     info << "Excluding tables: ";
815     for (i= 0; i < g_exclude_tables.size(); i++)
816     {
817       info << makeExternalTableName(g_exclude_tables[i]).c_str() << " ";
818     }
819     info << endl;
820   }
822   /*
823     the below formatting follows the formatting from mysqldump
824     do not change unless to adopt to changes in mysqldump
825   */
826   g_ndbrecord_print_format.fields_enclosed_by=
827     opt_fields_enclosed_by ? opt_fields_enclosed_by : "";
828   g_ndbrecord_print_format.fields_terminated_by=
829     opt_fields_terminated_by ? opt_fields_terminated_by : "\t";
830   g_ndbrecord_print_format.fields_optionally_enclosed_by=
831     opt_fields_optionally_enclosed_by ? opt_fields_optionally_enclosed_by : "";
832   g_ndbrecord_print_format.lines_terminated_by=
833     opt_lines_terminated_by ? opt_lines_terminated_by : "\n";
834   if (g_ndbrecord_print_format.fields_optionally_enclosed_by[0] == '\0')
835     g_ndbrecord_print_format.null_string= "\\N";
836   else
837     g_ndbrecord_print_format.null_string= "";
838   g_ndbrecord_print_format.hex_prefix= "";
839   g_ndbrecord_print_format.hex_format= opt_hex_format;
841   if (ga_skip_table_check)
842   {
843     g_tableCompabilityMask = ~(Uint32)0;
844     ga_skip_unknown_objects = true;
845   }
847   if (ga_promote_attributes)
848   {
849     g_tableCompabilityMask |= TCM_ATTRIBUTE_PROMOTION;
850   }
852   if (ga_demote_attributes)
853   {
854     g_tableCompabilityMask |= TCM_ATTRIBUTE_DEMOTION;
855   }
857   if (ga_exclude_missing_columns)
858   {
859     g_tableCompabilityMask |= TCM_EXCLUDE_MISSING_COLUMNS;
860   }
861   return true;
862 }
864 void
clearConsumers()865 clearConsumers()
866 {
867   for(Uint32 i= 0; i<g_consumers.size(); i++)
868     delete g_consumers[i];
869   g_consumers.clear();
870 }
872 static inline bool
checkSysTable(const TableS * table)873 checkSysTable(const TableS* table)
874 {
875   return ! table->getSysTable();
876 }
878 static inline bool
checkSysTable(const RestoreMetaData & metaData,uint i)879 checkSysTable(const RestoreMetaData& metaData, uint i)
880 {
881   assert(i < metaData.getNoOfTables());
882   return checkSysTable(metaData[i]);
883 }
885 static inline bool
isBlobTable(const TableS * table)886 isBlobTable(const TableS* table)
887 {
888   return table->getMainTable() != NULL;
889 }
891 static inline bool
isIndex(const TableS * table)892 isIndex(const TableS* table)
893 {
894   const NdbTableImpl & tmptab = NdbTableImpl::getImpl(* table->m_dictTable);
895   return (int) tmptab.m_indexType != (int) NdbDictionary::Index::Undefined;
896 }
898 static inline bool
isSYSTAB_0(const TableS * table)899 isSYSTAB_0(const TableS* table)
900 {
901   return table->isSYSTAB_0();
902 }
904 static inline bool
isInList(BaseString & needle,Vector<BaseString> & lst)905 isInList(BaseString &needle, Vector<BaseString> &lst){
906   unsigned int i= 0;
907   for (i= 0; i < lst.size(); i++)
908   {
909     if (strcmp(needle.c_str(), lst[i].c_str()) == 0)
910       return true;
911   }
912   return false;
913 }
915 const char*
getTableName(const TableS * table)916 getTableName(const TableS* table)
917 {
918   const char *table_name;
919   if (isBlobTable(table))
920     table_name= table->getMainTable()->getTableName();
921   else if (isIndex(table))
922     table_name=
923       NdbTableImpl::getImpl(*table->m_dictTable).m_primaryTable.c_str();
924   else
925     table_name= table->getTableName();
927   return table_name;
928 }
parse_rewrite_database(char * argument)930 static void parse_rewrite_database(char * argument)
931 {
932   const BaseString arg(argument);
933   Vector<BaseString> args;
934   unsigned int n = arg.split(args, ",");
935   if ((n == 2)
936       && (args[0].length() > 0)
937       && (args[1].length() > 0)) {
938     const BaseString src = args[0];
939     const BaseString dst = args[1];
940     const bool replace = true;
941     bool r = g_rewrite_databases.put(src.c_str(), dst.c_str(), replace);
942     assert(r);
943     return; // ok
944   }
946   info << "argument `" << arg.c_str()
947        << "` is not a pair 'a,b' of non-empty names." << endl;
948   exit(NDBT_ProgramExit(NDBT_WRONGARGS));
949 }
save_include_exclude(int optid,char * argument)951 static void save_include_exclude(int optid, char * argument)
952 {
953   BaseString arg = argument;
954   Vector<BaseString> args;
955   arg.split(args, ",");
956   for (uint i = 0; i < args.size(); i++)
957   {
958     RestoreOption * option = new RestoreOption();
959     BaseString arg;
961     option->optid = optid;
962     switch (optid) {
963     case OPT_INCLUDE_TABLES:
964     case OPT_EXCLUDE_TABLES:
965       if (makeInternalTableName(args[i], arg))
966       {
967         info << "`" << args[i] << "` is not a valid tablename!" << endl;
968         exit(NDBT_ProgramExit(NDBT_WRONGARGS));
969       }
970       break;
971     default:
972       arg = args[i];
973       break;
974     }
975     option->argument = arg;
976     g_include_exclude.push_back(option);
977   }
978 }
check_include_exclude(BaseString database,BaseString table)979 static bool check_include_exclude(BaseString database, BaseString table)
980 {
981   const char * db = database.c_str();
982   const char * tbl = table.c_str();
983   bool do_include = true;
985   if (g_include_databases.size() != 0 ||
986       g_include_tables.size() != 0)
987   {
988     /*
989       User has explicitly specified what databases
990       and/or tables should be restored. If no match is
991       found then DON'T restore table.
992      */
993     do_include = false;
994   }
995   if (do_include &&
996       (g_exclude_databases.size() != 0 ||
997        g_exclude_tables.size() != 0))
998   {
999     /*
1000       User has not explicitly specified what databases
1001       and/or tables should be restored.
1002       User has explicitly specified what databases
1003       and/or tables should NOT be restored. If no match is
1004       found then DO restore table.
1005      */
1006     do_include = true;
1007   }
1009   if (g_include_exclude.size() != 0)
1010   {
1011     /*
1012       Scan include exclude arguments in reverse.
1013       First matching include causes table to be restored.
1014       first matching exclude causes table NOT to be restored.
1015      */
1016     for(uint i = g_include_exclude.size(); i > 0; i--)
1017     {
1018       RestoreOption *option = g_include_exclude[i-1];
1019       switch (option->optid) {
1020       case OPT_INCLUDE_TABLES:
1021         if (strcmp(tbl, option->argument.c_str()) == 0)
1022           return true; // do include
1023         break;
1024       case OPT_EXCLUDE_TABLES:
1025         if (strcmp(tbl, option->argument.c_str()) == 0)
1026           return false; // don't include
1027         break;
1028       case OPT_INCLUDE_DATABASES:
1029         if (strcmp(db, option->argument.c_str()) == 0)
1030           return true; // do include
1031         break;
1032       case OPT_EXCLUDE_DATABASES:
1033         if (strcmp(db, option->argument.c_str()) == 0)
1034           return false; // don't include
1035         break;
1036       default:
1037         continue;
1038       }
1039     }
1040   }
1042   return do_include;
1043 }
1045 static inline bool
checkDoRestore(const TableS * table)1046 checkDoRestore(const TableS* table)
1047 {
1048   bool ret = true;
1049   BaseString db, tbl;
1051   tbl.assign(getTableName(table));
1052   ssize_t idx = tbl.indexOf('/');
1053   db = tbl.substr(0, idx);
1055   /*
1056     Include/exclude flags are evaluated right
1057     to left, and first match overrides any other
1058     matches. Non-overlapping arguments are accumulative.
1059     If no include flags are specified this means all databases/tables
1060     except any excluded are restored.
1061     If include flags are specified than only those databases
1062     or tables specified are restored.
1063    */
1064   ret = check_include_exclude(db, tbl);
1065   return ret;
1066 }
1068 static inline bool
checkDbAndTableName(const TableS * table)1069 checkDbAndTableName(const TableS* table)
1070 {
1071   if (table->isBroken())
1072     return false;
1074   // If new options are given, ignore the old format
1075   if (opt_include_tables || g_exclude_tables.size() > 0 ||
1076       opt_include_databases || opt_exclude_databases ) {
1077     return (checkDoRestore(table));
1078   }
1080   if (g_tables.size() == 0 && g_databases.size() == 0)
1081     return true;
1083   if (g_databases.size() == 0)
1084     g_databases.push_back("TEST_DB");
1086   // Filter on the main table name for indexes and blobs
1087   const char *table_name= getTableName(table);
1089   unsigned i;
1090   for (i= 0; i < g_databases.size(); i++)
1091   {
1092     if (strncmp(table_name, g_databases[i].c_str(),
1093                 g_databases[i].length()) == 0 &&
1094         table_name[g_databases[i].length()] == '/')
1095     {
1096       // we have a match
1097       if (g_databases.size() > 1 || g_tables.size() == 0)
1098         return true;
1099       break;
1100     }
1101   }
1102   if (i == g_databases.size())
1103     return false; // no match found
1105   while (*table_name != '/') table_name++;
1106   table_name++;
1107   while (*table_name != '/') table_name++;
1108   table_name++;
1110   // Check if table should be restored
1111   for (i= 0; i < g_tables.size(); i++)
1112   {
1113     if (strcmp(table_name, g_tables[i].c_str()) == 0)
1114       return true;
1115   }
1116   return false;
1117 }
1119 static void
free_data_callback()1120 free_data_callback()
1121 {
1122   for(Uint32 i= 0; i < g_consumers.size(); i++)
1123     g_consumers[i]->tuple_free();
1124 }
exitHandler(int code)1126 static void exitHandler(int code)
1127 {
1128   NDBT_ProgramExit(code);
1129   if (opt_core)
1130     abort();
1131   else
1132     exit(code);
1133 }
init_progress()1135 static void init_progress()
1136 {
1137   Uint64 now = NdbTick_CurrentMillisecond() / 1000;
1138   g_report_next = now + opt_progress_frequency;
1139 }
check_progress()1141 static int check_progress()
1142 {
1143   if (!opt_progress_frequency)
1144     return 0;
1146   NDB_TICKS now = NdbTick_CurrentMillisecond() / 1000;
1148   if (now  >= g_report_next)
1149   {
1150     g_report_next = now + opt_progress_frequency;
1151     return 1;
1152   }
1153   return 0;
1154 }
report_progress(const char * prefix,const BackupFile & f)1156 static void report_progress(const char *prefix, const BackupFile &f)
1157 {
1158   info.setLevel(255);
1159   if (f.get_file_size())
1160     info << prefix << (f.get_file_pos() * 100 + f.get_file_size()-1) / f.get_file_size()
1161          << "%(" << f.get_file_pos() << " bytes)\n";
1162   else
1163     info << prefix << f.get_file_pos() << " bytes\n";
1164 }
1166 /**
1167  * Reports, clears information on columns where data truncation was detected.
1168  */
1169 static void
check_data_truncations(const TableS * table)1170 check_data_truncations(const TableS * table)
1171 {
1172   assert(table);
1173   const char * tname = table->getTableName();
1174   const int n = table->getNoOfAttributes();
1175   for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) {
1176     AttributeDesc * desc = table->getAttributeDesc(i);
1177     if (desc->truncation_detected) {
1178       const char * cname = desc->m_column->getName();
1179       info.setLevel(254);
1180       info << "Data truncation(s) detected for attribute: "
1181            << tname << "." << cname << endl;
1182       desc->truncation_detected = false;
1183     }
1184   }
1185 }
1187 int
main(int argc,char ** argv)1188 main(int argc, char** argv)
1189 {
1190   NDB_INIT(argv[0]);
1192   debug << "Start readArguments" << endl;
1193   if (!readArguments(&argc, &argv))
1194   {
1195     exitHandler(NDBT_FAILED);
1196   }
1198   g_options.appfmt(" -b %u", ga_backupId);
1199   g_options.appfmt(" -n %d", ga_nodeId);
1200   if (_restore_meta)
1201     g_options.appfmt(" -m");
1202   if (ga_no_upgrade)
1203     g_options.appfmt(" -u");
1204   if (ga_promote_attributes)
1205     g_options.appfmt(" -A");
1206   if (ga_demote_attributes)
1207     g_options.appfmt(" -L");
1208   if (_preserve_trailing_spaces)
1209     g_options.appfmt(" -P");
1210   if (ga_skip_table_check)
1211     g_options.appfmt(" -s");
1212   if (_restore_data)
1213     g_options.appfmt(" -r");
1214   if (ga_restore_epoch)
1215     g_options.appfmt(" -e");
1216   if (_no_restore_disk)
1217     g_options.appfmt(" -d");
1218   if (ga_exclude_missing_columns)
1219     g_options.append(" --exclude-missing-columns");
1220   if (ga_disable_indexes)
1221     g_options.append(" --disable-indexes");
1222   if (ga_rebuild_indexes)
1223     g_options.append(" --rebuild-indexes");
1224   g_options.appfmt(" -p %d", ga_nParallelism);
1225   if (ga_skip_unknown_objects)
1226     g_options.append(" --skip-unknown-objects");
1227   if (ga_skip_broken_objects)
1228     g_options.append(" --skip-broken-objects");
1230   init_progress();
1232   /**
1233    * we must always load meta data, even if we will only print it to stdout
1234    */
1235   debug << "Start restoring meta data" << endl;
1236   RestoreMetaData metaData(ga_backupPath, ga_nodeId, ga_backupId);
1237   if (!metaData.readHeader())
1238   {
1239     err << "Failed to read " << metaData.getFilename() << endl << endl;
1240     exitHandler(NDBT_FAILED);
1241   }
1243   const BackupFormat::FileHeader & tmp = metaData.getFileHeader();
1244   const Uint32 version = tmp.BackupVersion;
1246   char buf[NDB_VERSION_STRING_BUF_SZ];
1247   info.setLevel(254);
1248   info << "Backup version in files: "
1249        <<  ndbGetVersionString(version, 0,
1250                                isDrop6(version) ? "-drop6" : 0,
1251                                buf, sizeof(buf));
1252   if (version >= NDBD_RAW_LCP)
1253   {
1254     info << " ndb version: "
1255          << ndbGetVersionString(tmp.NdbVersion, tmp.MySQLVersion, 0,
1256                                 buf, sizeof(buf));
1257   }
1259   info << endl;
1261   /**
1262    * check wheater we can restore the backup (right version).
1263    */
1264   // in these versions there was an error in how replica info was
1265   // stored on disk
1266   if (version >= MAKE_VERSION(5,1,3) && version <= MAKE_VERSION(5,1,9))
1267   {
1268     err << "Restore program incompatible with backup versions between "
1269         << ndbGetVersionString(MAKE_VERSION(5,1,3), 0, 0, buf, sizeof(buf))
1270         << " and "
1271         << ndbGetVersionString(MAKE_VERSION(5,1,9), 0, 0, buf, sizeof(buf))
1272         << endl;
1273     exitHandler(NDBT_FAILED);
1274   }
1276   if (version > NDB_VERSION)
1277   {
1278     err << "Restore program older than backup version. Not supported. "
1279         << "Use new restore program" << endl;
1280     exitHandler(NDBT_FAILED);
1281   }
1283   debug << "Load content" << endl;
1284   int res  = metaData.loadContent();
1286   info << "Stop GCP of Backup: " << metaData.getStopGCP() << endl;
1288   if (res == 0)
1289   {
1290     err << "Restore: Failed to load content" << endl;
1291     exitHandler(NDBT_FAILED);
1292   }
1293   debug << "Get no of Tables" << endl;
1294   if (metaData.getNoOfTables() == 0)
1295   {
1296     err << "The backup contains no tables" << endl;
1297     exitHandler(NDBT_FAILED);
1298   }
1299   debug << "Validate Footer" << endl;
1301   if (!metaData.validateFooter())
1302   {
1303     err << "Restore: Failed to validate footer." << endl;
1304     exitHandler(NDBT_FAILED);
1305   }
1306   debug << "Init Backup objects" << endl;
1307   Uint32 i;
1308   for(i= 0; i < g_consumers.size(); i++)
1309   {
1310     if (!g_consumers[i]->init(g_tableCompabilityMask))
1311     {
1312       clearConsumers();
1313       err << "Failed to initialize consumers" << endl;
1314       exitHandler(NDBT_FAILED);
1315     }
1317   }
1319   /* report to clusterlog if applicable */
1320   for (i = 0; i < g_consumers.size(); i++)
1321     g_consumers[i]->report_started(ga_backupId, ga_nodeId);
1323   debug << "Restore objects (tablespaces, ..)" << endl;
1324   for(i = 0; i<metaData.getNoOfObjects(); i++)
1325   {
1326     for(Uint32 j= 0; j < g_consumers.size(); j++)
1327       if (!g_consumers[j]->object(metaData.getObjType(i),
1328 				  metaData.getObjPtr(i)))
1329       {
1330 	err << "Restore: Failed to restore table: ";
1331         err << metaData[i]->getTableName() << " ... Exiting " << endl;
1332 	exitHandler(NDBT_FAILED);
1333       }
1334     if (check_progress())
1335     {
1336       info.setLevel(255);
1337       info << "Object create progress: "
1338            << i+1 << " objects out of "
1339            << metaData.getNoOfObjects() << endl;
1340     }
1341   }
1343   Vector<OutputStream *> table_output(metaData.getNoOfTables());
1344   debug << "Restoring tables" << endl;
1345   for(i = 0; i<metaData.getNoOfTables(); i++)
1346   {
1347     const TableS *table= metaData[i];
1348     table_output.push_back(NULL);
1349     if (!checkDbAndTableName(table))
1350       continue;
1351     if (isSYSTAB_0(table))
1352     {
1353       table_output[i]= ndbout.m_out;
1354     }
1355     if (checkSysTable(table))
1356     {
1357       if (!tab_path || isBlobTable(table) || isIndex(table))
1358       {
1359         table_output[i]= ndbout.m_out;
1360       }
1361       else
1362       {
1363         FILE* res;
1364         char filename[FN_REFLEN], tmp_path[FN_REFLEN];
1365         const char *table_name;
1366         table_name= table->getTableName();
1367         while (*table_name != '/') table_name++;
1368         table_name++;
1369         while (*table_name != '/') table_name++;
1370         table_name++;
1371         convert_dirname(tmp_path, tab_path, NullS);
1372         res= my_fopen(fn_format(filename, table_name, tmp_path, ".txt", 4),
1373                       opt_append ?
1374                       O_WRONLY|O_APPEND|O_CREAT :
1375                       O_WRONLY|O_TRUNC|O_CREAT,
1376                       MYF(MY_WME));
1377         if (res == 0)
1378         {
1379           exitHandler(NDBT_FAILED);
1380         }
1381         FileOutputStream *f= new FileOutputStream(res);
1382         table_output[i]= f;
1383       }
1384       for(Uint32 j= 0; j < g_consumers.size(); j++)
1385 	if (!g_consumers[j]->table(* table))
1386 	{
1387 	  err << "Restore: Failed to restore table: `";
1388           err << table->getTableName() << "` ... Exiting " << endl;
1389 	  exitHandler(NDBT_FAILED);
1390 	}
1391     } else {
1392       for(Uint32 j= 0; j < g_consumers.size(); j++)
1393         if (!g_consumers[j]->createSystable(* table))
1394         {
1395           err << "Restore: Failed to restore system table: ";
1396           err << table->getTableName() << " ... Exiting " << endl;
1397           exitHandler(NDBT_FAILED);
1398         }
1399     }
1400     if (check_progress())
1401     {
1402       info.setLevel(255);
1403       info << "Table create progress: "
1404            << i+1 << " tables out of "
1405            << metaData.getNoOfTables() << endl;
1406     }
1407   }
1408   debug << "Close tables" << endl;
1409   for(i= 0; i < g_consumers.size(); i++)
1410     if (!g_consumers[i]->endOfTables())
1411     {
1412       err << "Restore: Failed while closing tables" << endl;
1413       exitHandler(NDBT_FAILED);
1414     }
1415   /* report to clusterlog if applicable */
1416   for(i= 0; i < g_consumers.size(); i++)
1417   {
1418     g_consumers[i]->report_meta_data(ga_backupId, ga_nodeId);
1419   }
1420   debug << "Iterate over data" << endl;
1421   if (ga_restore || ga_print)
1422   {
1423     if(_restore_data || _print_data)
1424     {
1425       // Check table compatibility
1426       for (i=0; i < metaData.getNoOfTables(); i++){
1427         if (checkSysTable(metaData, i) &&
1428             checkDbAndTableName(metaData[i]))
1429         {
1430           for(Uint32 j= 0; j < g_consumers.size(); j++)
1431           {
1432             if (!g_consumers[j]->table_compatible_check(*metaData[i]))
1433             {
1434               err << "Restore: Failed to restore data, ";
1435               err << metaData[i]->getTableName() << " table structure incompatible with backup's ... Exiting " << endl;
1436               exitHandler(NDBT_FAILED);
1437             }
1438           }
1439         }
1440       }
1441       RestoreDataIterator dataIter(metaData, &free_data_callback);
1443       // Read data file header
1444       if (!dataIter.readHeader())
1445       {
1446 	err << "Failed to read header of data file. Exiting..." << endl;
1447 	exitHandler(NDBT_FAILED);
1448       }
1450       Uint32 fragmentId;
1451       while (dataIter.readFragmentHeader(res= 0, &fragmentId))
1452       {
1453 	const TupleS* tuple;
1454 	while ((tuple = dataIter.getNextTuple(res= 1)) != 0)
1455 	{
1456           const TableS* table = tuple->getTable();
1457           OutputStream *output = table_output[table->getLocalId()];
1458           if (!output)
1459             continue;
1460           OutputStream *tmp = ndbout.m_out;
1461           ndbout.m_out = output;
1462           for(Uint32 j= 0; j < g_consumers.size(); j++)
1463             g_consumers[j]->tuple(* tuple, fragmentId);
1464           ndbout.m_out =  tmp;
1465           if (check_progress())
1466             report_progress("Data file progress: ", dataIter);
1467 	} // while (tuple != NULL);
1469 	if (res < 0)
1470 	{
1471 	  err <<" Restore: An error occured while restoring data. Exiting...";
1472           err << endl;
1473 	  exitHandler(NDBT_FAILED);
1474 	}
1475 	if (!dataIter.validateFragmentFooter()) {
1476 	  err << "Restore: Error validating fragment footer. ";
1477           err << "Exiting..." << endl;
1478 	  exitHandler(NDBT_FAILED);
1479 	}
1480       } // while (dataIter.readFragmentHeader(res))
1482       if (res < 0)
1483       {
1484 	err << "Restore: An error occured while restoring data. Exiting... "
1485 	    << "res= " << res << endl;
1486 	exitHandler(NDBT_FAILED);
1487       }
1490       dataIter.validateFooter(); //not implemented
1492       for (i= 0; i < g_consumers.size(); i++)
1493 	g_consumers[i]->endOfTuples();
1495       /* report to clusterlog if applicable */
1496       for(i= 0; i < g_consumers.size(); i++)
1497       {
1498         g_consumers[i]->report_data(ga_backupId, ga_nodeId);
1499       }
1500     }
1502     if(_restore_data || _print_log)
1503     {
1504       RestoreLogIterator logIter(metaData);
1505       if (!logIter.readHeader())
1506       {
1507 	err << "Failed to read header of data file. Exiting..." << endl;
1508 	exitHandler(NDBT_FAILED);
1509       }
1511       const LogEntry * logEntry = 0;
1512       while ((logEntry = logIter.getNextLogEntry(res= 0)) != 0)
1513       {
1514         const TableS* table = logEntry->m_table;
1515         OutputStream *output = table_output[table->getLocalId()];
1516         if (!output)
1517           continue;
1518         for(Uint32 j= 0; j < g_consumers.size(); j++)
1519           g_consumers[j]->logEntry(* logEntry);
1521         if (check_progress())
1522           report_progress("Log file progress: ", logIter);
1523       }
1524       if (res < 0)
1525       {
1526 	err << "Restore: An restoring the data log. Exiting... res="
1527 	    << res << endl;
1528 	exitHandler(NDBT_FAILED);
1529       }
1530       logIter.validateFooter(); //not implemented
1531       for (i= 0; i < g_consumers.size(); i++)
1532 	g_consumers[i]->endOfLogEntrys();
1534       /* report to clusterlog if applicable */
1535       for(i= 0; i < g_consumers.size(); i++)
1536       {
1537         g_consumers[i]->report_log(ga_backupId, ga_nodeId);
1538       }
1539     }
1541     if(_restore_data)
1542     {
1543       for(i = 0; i < metaData.getNoOfTables(); i++)
1544       {
1545         const TableS* table = metaData[i];
1546         check_data_truncations(table);
1547         OutputStream *output = table_output[table->getLocalId()];
1548         if (!output)
1549           continue;
1550         for(Uint32 j= 0; j < g_consumers.size(); j++)
1551           if (!g_consumers[j]->finalize_table(*table))
1552           {
1553             err << "Restore: Failed to finalize restore table: %s. ";
1554             err << "Exiting... " << metaData[i]->getTableName() << endl;
1555             exitHandler(NDBT_FAILED);
1556           }
1557       }
1558     }
1559   }
1560   if (ga_restore_epoch)
1561   {
1562     for (i= 0; i < g_consumers.size(); i++)
1563       if (!g_consumers[i]->update_apply_status(metaData))
1564       {
1565         err << "Restore: Failed to restore epoch" << endl;
1566         return -1;
1567       }
1568   }
1570   unsigned j;
1571   for(j= 0; j < g_consumers.size(); j++)
1572   {
1573     if (g_consumers[j]->has_temp_error())
1574     {
1575       clearConsumers();
1576       ndbout_c("\nRestore successful, but encountered temporary error, "
1577                "please look at configuration.");
1578     }
1579   }
1581   if (ga_rebuild_indexes)
1582   {
1583     debug << "Rebuilding indexes" << endl;
1584     for(i = 0; i<metaData.getNoOfTables(); i++)
1585     {
1586       const TableS *table= metaData[i];
1587       if (! (checkSysTable(table) && checkDbAndTableName(table)))
1588         continue;
1589       if (isBlobTable(table) || isIndex(table))
1590         continue;
1591       for(Uint32 j= 0; j < g_consumers.size(); j++)
1592       {
1593         if (!g_consumers[j]->rebuild_indexes(* table))
1594           return -1;
1595       }
1596     }
1597   }
1599   /* report to clusterlog if applicable */
1600   for (i = 0; i < g_consumers.size(); i++)
1601     g_consumers[i]->report_completed(ga_backupId, ga_nodeId);
1603   clearConsumers();
1605   for(i = 0; i < metaData.getNoOfTables(); i++)
1606   {
1607     if (table_output[i] &&
1608         table_output[i] != ndbout.m_out)
1609     {
1610       my_fclose(((FileOutputStream *)table_output[i])->getFile(), MYF(MY_WME));
1611       delete table_output[i];
1612       table_output[i] = NULL;
1613     }
1614   }
1616   if (opt_verbose)
1617     return NDBT_ProgramExit(NDBT_OK);
1618   else
1619     return 0;
1620 } // main
1622 template class Vector<BackupConsumer*>;
1623 template class Vector<OutputStream*>;
1624 template class Vector<RestoreOption *>;