2 /*
3  * Copyright 2015 MongoDB, Inc.
4  *
5  * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
6  * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
7  * You may obtain a copy of the License at
8  *
9  *   http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
10  *
11  * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
12  * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
13  * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
14  * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
15  * limitations under the License.
16  */
18 #include <stdlib.h>
19 #include <stdint.h>
20 #include <string.h>
21 #include <ctype.h>
23 #include "bson-decimal128.h"
24 #include "bson-types.h"
25 #include "bson-macros.h"
26 #include "bson-string.h"
29 #define BSON_DECIMAL128_EXPONENT_MAX 6111
30 #define BSON_DECIMAL128_EXPONENT_MIN -6176
32 #define BSON_DECIMAL128_MAX_DIGITS 34
34 #define BSON_DECIMAL128_SET_NAN(dec) \
35    do { (dec).high = 0x7c00000000000000ull; (dec).low = 0; } while (0);
36 #define BSON_DECIMAL128_SET_INF(dec, isneg) \
37    do { \
38       (dec).high = 0x7800000000000000ull + 0x8000000000000000ull * (isneg); \
39       (dec).low = 0; \
40    } while (0);
42 /**
43  * _bson_uint128_t:
44  *
45  * This struct represents a 128 bit integer.
46  */
47 typedef struct
48 {
49    uint32_t parts[4]; /* 32-bit words stored high to low. */
50 } _bson_uint128_t;
53 /**
54  *------------------------------------------------------------------------------
55  *
56  * _bson_uint128_divide1B --
57  *
58  *    This function divides a #_bson_uint128_t by 1000000000 (1 billion) and
59  *    computes the quotient and remainder.
60  *
61  *    The remainder will contain 9 decimal digits for conversion to string.
62  *
63  * @value     The #_bson_uint128_t operand.
64  * @quotient  A pointer to store the #_bson_uint128_t quotient.
65  * @rem       A pointer to store the #uint64_t remainder.
66  *
67  * Returns:
68  *    The quotient at @quotient and the remainder at @rem.
69  *
70  * Side effects:
71  *    None.
72  *
73  *------------------------------------------------------------------------------
74  */
75 static void
_bson_uint128_divide1B(_bson_uint128_t value,_bson_uint128_t * quotient,uint32_t * rem)76 _bson_uint128_divide1B (_bson_uint128_t  value,    /* IN */
77                         _bson_uint128_t *quotient, /* OUT */
78                         uint32_t        *rem) /* OUT */
79 {
80    const uint32_t DIVISOR = 1000 * 1000 * 1000;
81    uint64_t _rem = 0;
82    int i = 0;
84    if (!value.parts[0] && !value.parts[1] &&
85        !value.parts[2] && !value.parts[3]) {
86       *quotient = value;
87       *rem = 0;
88       return;
89    }
92    for (i = 0; i <= 3; i++) {
93       _rem <<= 32;  /* Adjust remainder to match value of next dividend */
94       _rem += value.parts[i];                      /* Add the divided to _rem */
95       value.parts[i] = (uint32_t)(_rem / DIVISOR);
96       _rem %= DIVISOR;                             /* Store the remainder */
97    }
99    *quotient = value;
100    *rem = _rem;
101 }
104 /**
105  *------------------------------------------------------------------------------
106  *
107  * bson_decimal128_to_string --
108  *
109  *    This function converts a BID formatted decimal128 value to string,
110  *    accepting a &bson_decimal128_t as @dec.  The string is stored at @str.
111  *
112  * @dec : The BID formatted decimal to convert.
113  * @str : The output decimal128 string. At least %BSON_DECIMAL128_STRING characters.
114  *
115  * Returns:
116  *    None.
117  *
118  * Side effects:
119  *    None.
120  *
121  *------------------------------------------------------------------------------
122  */
123 void
bson_decimal128_to_string(const bson_decimal128_t * dec,char * str)124 bson_decimal128_to_string (const bson_decimal128_t *dec,        /* IN  */
125                            char                    *str)        /* OUT */
126 {
127    uint32_t COMBINATION_MASK = 0x1f;   /* Extract least significant 5 bits */
128    uint32_t EXPONENT_MASK = 0x3fff;    /* Extract least significant 14 bits */
129    uint32_t COMBINATION_INFINITY = 30; /* Value of combination field for Inf */
130    uint32_t COMBINATION_NAN = 31;      /* Value of combination field for NaN */
131    uint32_t EXPONENT_BIAS = 6176;      /* decimal128 exponent bias */
133    char *str_out = str;                /* output pointer in string */
134    char significand_str[35];           /* decoded significand digits */
137    /* Note: bits in this routine are referred to starting at 0, */
138    /* from the sign bit, towards the coefficient. */
139    uint32_t high;                    /* bits 0 - 31 */
140    uint32_t midh;                    /* bits 32 - 63 */
141    uint32_t midl;                    /* bits 64 - 95 */
142    uint32_t low;                     /* bits 96 - 127 */
143    uint32_t combination;             /* bits 1 - 5 */
144    uint32_t biased_exponent;         /* decoded biased exponent (14 bits) */
145    uint32_t significand_digits = 0;  /* the number of significand digits */
146    uint32_t significand[36] = { 0 }; /* the base-10 digits in the significand */
147    uint32_t *significand_read = significand; /* read pointer into significand */
148    int32_t exponent;                 /* unbiased exponent */
149    int32_t scientific_exponent;      /* the exponent if scientific notation is
150                                       * used */
151    bool is_zero = false;             /* true if the number is zero */
153    uint8_t significand_msb;          /* the most signifcant significand bits (50-46) */
154    _bson_uint128_t significand128;   /* temporary storage for significand decoding */
155    size_t i;                         /* indexing variables */
156    int j, k;
158    memset (significand_str, 0, sizeof (significand_str));
160    if ((int64_t)dec->high < 0) {  /* negative */
161       *(str_out++) = '-';
162    }
164    low = (uint32_t)dec->low,
165    midl = (uint32_t)(dec->low >> 32),
166    midh = (uint32_t)dec->high,
167    high = (uint32_t)(dec->high >> 32);
169    /* Decode combination field and exponent */
170    combination = (high >> 26) & COMBINATION_MASK;
172    if (BSON_UNLIKELY ((combination >> 3) == 3)) {
173       /* Check for 'special' values */
174       if (combination == COMBINATION_INFINITY) {  /* Infinity */
175          strcpy (str_out, "Inf");
176          return;
177       } else if (combination == COMBINATION_NAN) { /* NaN */
178          /* str, not str_out, to erase the sign */
179          strcpy (str, "NaN");
180          /* we don't care about the NaN payload. */
181          return;
182       } else {
183          biased_exponent = (high >> 15) & EXPONENT_MASK;
184          significand_msb = 0x8 + ((high >> 14) & 0x1);
185       }
186    } else {
187       significand_msb = (high >> 14) & 0x7;
188       biased_exponent = (high >> 17) & EXPONENT_MASK;
189    }
191    exponent = biased_exponent - EXPONENT_BIAS;
192    /* Create string of significand digits */
194    /* Convert the 114-bit binary number represented by */
195    /* (high, midh, midl, low) to at most 34 decimal */
196    /* digits through modulo and division. */
197    significand128.parts[0] = (high & 0x3fff) + ((significand_msb & 0xf) << 14);
198    significand128.parts[1] = midh;
199    significand128.parts[2] = midl;
200    significand128.parts[3] = low;
202    if (significand128.parts[0] == 0 && significand128.parts[1] == 0 &&
203        significand128.parts[2] == 0 && significand128.parts[3] == 0) {
204       is_zero = true;
205    } else if (significand128.parts[0] >= (1 << 17)) {
206       /* The significand is non-canonical or zero.
207        * In order to preserve compatability with the densely packed decimal
208        * format, the maximum value for the significand of decimal128 is
209        * 1e34 - 1.  If the value is greater than 1e34 - 1, the IEEE 754
210        * standard dictates that the significand is interpreted as zero.
211        */
212       is_zero = true;
213    } else {
214       for (k = 3; k >= 0; k--) {
215          uint32_t least_digits = 0;
216          _bson_uint128_divide1B (significand128, &significand128,
217                                  &least_digits);
219          /* We now have the 9 least significant digits (in base 2). */
220          /* Convert and output to string. */
221          if (!least_digits) { continue; }
223          for (j = 8; j >= 0; j--) {
224             significand[k * 9 + j] = least_digits % 10;
225             least_digits /= 10;
226          }
227       }
228    }
230    /* Output format options: */
231    /* Scientific - [-]d.dddE(+/-)dd or [-]dE(+/-)dd */
232    /* Regular    - ddd.ddd */
234    if (is_zero) {
235       significand_digits = 1;
236       *significand_read = 0;
237    } else {
238       significand_digits = 36;
239       while (!(*significand_read)) {
240          significand_digits--;
241          significand_read++;
242       }
243    }
245    scientific_exponent = significand_digits - 1 + exponent;
247    /* The scientific exponent checks are dictated by the string conversion
248     * specification and are somewhat arbitrary cutoffs.
249     *
250     * We must check exponent > 0, because if this is the case, the number
251     * has trailing zeros.  However, we *cannot* output these trailing zeros,
252     * because doing so would change the precision of the value, and would
253     * change stored data if the string converted number is round tripped.
254     */
255    if (scientific_exponent < -6 || exponent > 0) {
256       /* Scientific format */
257       *(str_out++) = *(significand_read++) + '0';
258       significand_digits--;
260       if (significand_digits) {
261          *(str_out++) = '.';
262       }
264       for (i = 0; i < significand_digits; i++) {
265          *(str_out++) = *(significand_read++) + '0';
266       }
267       /* Exponent */
268       *(str_out++) = 'E';
269       bson_snprintf (str_out, 6, "%+d", scientific_exponent);
270    } else {
271       /* Regular format with no decimal place */
272       if (exponent >= 0) {
273          for (i = 0; i < significand_digits; i++) {
274             *(str_out++) = *(significand_read++) + '0';
275          }
276          *str_out = '\0';
277       } else {
278          int32_t radix_position = significand_digits + exponent;
280          if (radix_position > 0) {        /* non-zero digits before radix */
281             for (i = 0; i < radix_position; i++) {
282                *(str_out++) = *(significand_read++) + '0';
283             }
284          } else {                         /* leading zero before radix point */
285             *(str_out++) = '0';
286          }
288          *(str_out++) = '.';
289          while (radix_position++ < 0) {   /* add leading zeros after radix */
290             *(str_out++) = '0';
291          }
293          for (i = 0; i < significand_digits - BSON_MAX (radix_position - 1, 0);
294               i++) {
295             *(str_out++) = *(significand_read++) + '0';
296          }
297          *str_out = '\0';
298       }
299    }
300 }
303 typedef struct
304 {
305    uint64_t high,
306             low;
307 } _bson_uint128_6464_t;
310 /**
311  *-------------------------------------------------------------------------
312  *
313  * mul64x64 --
314  *
315  *    This function multiplies two &uint64_t into a &_bson_uint128_6464_t.
316  *
317  * Returns:
318  *    The product of @left and @right.
319  *
320  * Side Effects:
321  *    None.
322  *
323  *-------------------------------------------------------------------------
324  */
325 static void
_mul_64x64(uint64_t left,uint64_t right,_bson_uint128_6464_t * product)326 _mul_64x64 (uint64_t              left,    /* IN */
327             uint64_t              right,   /* IN */
328             _bson_uint128_6464_t *product) /* OUT */
329 {
330    uint64_t left_high, left_low,
331             right_high, right_low,
332             product_high, product_mid, product_mid2, product_low;
333    _bson_uint128_6464_t rt = { 0 };
335    if (!left && !right) {
336       *product = rt;
337       return;
338    }
340    left_high = left >> 32;
341    left_low = (uint32_t)left;
342    right_high = right >> 32;
343    right_low = (uint32_t)right;
345    product_high = left_high * right_high;
346    product_mid = left_high * right_low;
347    product_mid2 = left_low * right_high;
348    product_low = left_low * right_low;
350    product_high += product_mid >> 32;
351    product_mid = (uint32_t)product_mid + product_mid2 + (product_low >> 32);
353    product_high = product_high + (product_mid >> 32);
354    product_low = (product_mid << 32) + (uint32_t)product_low;
356    rt.high = product_high;
357    rt.low = product_low;
358    *product = rt;
359 }
361 /**
362  *------------------------------------------------------------------------------
363  *
364  * _dec128_tolower --
365  *
366  *    This function converts the ASCII character @c to lowercase.  It is locale
367  *    insensitive (unlike the stdlib tolower).
368  *
369  * Returns:
370  *    The lowercased character.
371  */
372 char
_dec128_tolower(char c)373 _dec128_tolower (char c)
374 {
375    if (isupper (c)) {
376       c += 32;
377    }
379    return c;
380 }
382 /**
383  *------------------------------------------------------------------------------
384  *
385  * _dec128_istreq --
386  *
387  *    This function compares the null-terminated *ASCII* strings @a and @b
388  *    for case-insensitive equality.
389  *
390  * Returns:
391  *    true if the strings are equal, false otherwise.
392  */
393 bool
_dec128_istreq(const char * a,const char * b)394 _dec128_istreq (const char *a, /* IN */
395                 const char *b /* IN */)
396 {
397    while (*a != '\0' || *b != '\0') {
398       /* strings are different lengths. */
399       if (*a == '\0' || *b == '\0') {
400          return false;
401       }
403       if (_dec128_tolower (*a) != _dec128_tolower (*b)) {
404          return false;
405       }
407       a++;
408       b++;
409    }
411    return true;
412 }
414 /**
415  *------------------------------------------------------------------------------
416  *
417  * bson_decimal128_from_string --
418  *
419  *    This function converts @string in the format [+-]ddd[.]ddd[E][+-]dddd to
420  *    decimal128.  Out of range values are converted to +/-Infinity.  Invalid
421  *    strings are converted to NaN.
422  *
423  *    If more digits are provided than the available precision allows,
424  *    round to the nearest expressable decimal128 with ties going to even will
425  *    occur.
426  *
427  *    Note: @string must be ASCII only!
428  *
429  * Returns:
430  *    true on success, or false on failure. @dec will be NaN if @str was invalid
431  *    The &bson_decimal128_t converted from @string at @dec.
432  *
433  * Side effects:
434  *    None.
435  *
436  *------------------------------------------------------------------------------
437  */
438 bool
bson_decimal128_from_string(const char * string,bson_decimal128_t * dec)439 bson_decimal128_from_string (const char        *string, /* IN */
440                              bson_decimal128_t *dec) /* OUT */
441 {
442    _bson_uint128_6464_t significand = { 0 };
444    const char *str_read = string;  /* Read pointer for consuming str. */
446    /* Parsing state tracking */
447    bool is_negative = false;
448    bool saw_radix = false;
449    bool includes_sign = false;  /* True if the input string contains a sign. */
450    bool found_nonzero = false;
452    size_t significant_digits = 0;    /* Total number of significant digits
453                                       * (no leading or trailing zero) */
454    size_t ndigits_read = 0;   /* Total number of significand digits read */
455    size_t ndigits = 0;        /* Total number of digits (no leading zeros) */
456    size_t radix_position = 0; /* The number of the digits after radix */
457    size_t first_nonzero = 0;  /* The index of the first non-zero in *str* */
459    uint16_t digits[BSON_DECIMAL128_MAX_DIGITS] = { 0 };
460    uint16_t ndigits_stored = 0;      /* The number of digits in digits */
461    uint16_t *digits_insert = digits;  /* Insertion pointer for digits */
462    size_t first_digit = 0;      /* The index of the first non-zero digit */
463    size_t last_digit = 0;       /* The index of the last digit */
465    int32_t exponent = 0;
466    size_t i = 0;                   /* loop index over array */
467    uint64_t significand_high = 0;  /* The high 17 digits of the significand */
468    uint64_t significand_low = 0;   /* The low 17 digits of the significand */
469    uint16_t biased_exponent = 0;   /* The biased exponent */
471    BSON_ASSERT (dec);
472    dec->high = 0;
473    dec->low = 0;
475    if (*str_read == '+' || *str_read == '-') {
476       is_negative = *(str_read++) == '-';
477       includes_sign = true;
478    }
480    /* Check for Infinity or NaN */
481    if (!isdigit (*str_read) && *str_read != '.') {
482       if (_dec128_istreq (str_read, "inf") ||
483           _dec128_istreq (str_read, "infinity")) {
484          BSON_DECIMAL128_SET_INF (*dec, is_negative);
485          return true;
486       } else if (_dec128_istreq (str_read, "nan")) {
487          BSON_DECIMAL128_SET_NAN (*dec);
488          return true;
489       }
491       BSON_DECIMAL128_SET_NAN (*dec);
492       return false;
493    }
495    /* Read digits */
496    while (isdigit (*str_read) || *str_read == '.') {
497       if (*str_read == '.') {
498          if (saw_radix) {
499             BSON_DECIMAL128_SET_NAN (*dec);
500             return false;
501          }
503          saw_radix = true;
504          str_read++;
505          continue;
506       }
508       if (ndigits_stored < 34) {
509          if (*str_read != '0' || found_nonzero) {
510             if (!found_nonzero) {
511                first_nonzero = ndigits_read;
512             }
514             found_nonzero = true;
515             *(digits_insert++) = *(str_read) - '0'; /* Only store 34 digits */
516             ndigits_stored++;
517          }
518       }
520       if (found_nonzero) {
521          ndigits++;
522       }
524       if (saw_radix) {
525          radix_position++;
526       }
528       ndigits_read++;
529       str_read++;
530    }
532    if (saw_radix && !ndigits_read) {
533       BSON_DECIMAL128_SET_NAN (*dec);
534       return false;
535    }
537    /* Read exponent if exists */
538    if (*str_read == 'e' || *str_read == 'E') {
539       int nread = 0;
540 #ifdef _MSC_VER
541 # define SSCANF sscanf_s
542 #else
543 # define SSCANF sscanf
544 #endif
545       int read_exponent = SSCANF (++str_read, "%d%n", &exponent, &nread);
546       str_read += nread;
548       if (!read_exponent || nread == 0) {
549          BSON_DECIMAL128_SET_NAN (*dec);
550          return false;
551       }
553 #undef SSCANF
554    }
556    if (*str_read) {
557       BSON_DECIMAL128_SET_NAN (*dec);
558       return false;
559    }
561    /* Done reading input. */
562    /* Find first non-zero digit in digits */
563    first_digit = 0;
565    if (!ndigits_stored) {  /* value is zero */
566       first_digit = 0;
567       last_digit = 0;
568       digits[0] = 0;
569       ndigits = 1;
570       ndigits_stored = 1;
571       significant_digits = 0;
572    } else {
573       last_digit = ndigits_stored - 1;
574       significant_digits = ndigits;
575       /* Mark trailing zeros as non-significant */
576       while (string[first_nonzero + significant_digits - 1 +
577                     includes_sign + saw_radix] == '0') {
578          significant_digits--;
579       }
580    }
583    /* Normalization of exponent */
584    /* Correct exponent based on radix position, and shift significand as needed */
585    /* to represent user input */
587    /* Overflow prevention */
588    if (exponent <= radix_position && radix_position - exponent > (1 << 14)) {
589       exponent = BSON_DECIMAL128_EXPONENT_MIN;
590    } else {
591       exponent -= radix_position;
592    }
594    /* Attempt to normalize the exponent */
595    while (exponent > BSON_DECIMAL128_EXPONENT_MAX) {
596       /* Shift exponent to significand and decrease */
597       last_digit++;
599       if (last_digit - first_digit > BSON_DECIMAL128_MAX_DIGITS) {
600          /* The exponent is too great to shift into the significand. */
601          if (significant_digits == 0) {
602             /* Value is zero, we are allowed to clamp the exponent. */
603             exponent = BSON_DECIMAL128_EXPONENT_MAX;
604             break;
605          }
607          /* Overflow is not permitted, error. */
608          BSON_DECIMAL128_SET_NAN (*dec);
609          return false;
610       }
612       exponent--;
613    }
615    while (exponent < BSON_DECIMAL128_EXPONENT_MIN ||
616           ndigits_stored < ndigits) {
617       /* Shift last digit */
618       if (last_digit == 0) {
619          /* underflow is not allowed, but zero clamping is */
620          if (significant_digits == 0) {
621             exponent = BSON_DECIMAL128_EXPONENT_MIN;
622             break;
623          }
625          BSON_DECIMAL128_SET_NAN (*dec);
626          return false;
627       }
629       if (ndigits_stored < ndigits) {
630          if (string[ndigits - 1 + includes_sign + saw_radix] - '0' != 0 &&
631              significant_digits != 0) {
632             BSON_DECIMAL128_SET_NAN (*dec);
633             return false;
634          }
636          ndigits--; /* adjust to match digits not stored */
637       } else {
638          if (digits[last_digit] != 0) {
639             /* Inexact rounding is not allowed. */
640             BSON_DECIMAL128_SET_NAN (*dec);
641             return false;
642          }
645          last_digit--; /* adjust to round */
646       }
648       if (exponent < BSON_DECIMAL128_EXPONENT_MAX) {
649          exponent++;
650       } else {
651          BSON_DECIMAL128_SET_NAN (*dec);
652          return false;
653       }
654    }
656    /* Round */
657    /* We've normalized the exponent, but might still need to round. */
658    if (last_digit - first_digit + 1 < significant_digits) {
659       size_t end_of_string = ndigits_read + includes_sign + saw_radix;
660       uint8_t round_digit;
661       uint8_t round_bit = 0;
663       /* There are non-zero digits after last_digit that need rounding. */
664       /* We round to nearest, ties to even */
665       round_digit =
666          string[first_nonzero + last_digit + includes_sign + saw_radix + 1] -
667          '0';
669       if (round_digit != 0) {
670          /* Inexact (non-zero) rounding is not allowed */
671          BSON_DECIMAL128_SET_NAN (*dec);
672          return false;
673       }
674    }
676    /* Encode significand */
677    significand_high = 0,  /* The high 17 digits of the significand */
678    significand_low = 0;   /* The low 17 digits of the significand */
680    if (significant_digits == 0) {  /* read a zero */
681       significand_high = 0;
682       significand_low = 0;
683    } else if (last_digit - first_digit < 17) {
684       int d_idx = first_digit;
685       significand_low = digits[d_idx++];
687       for (; d_idx <= last_digit; d_idx++) {
688          significand_low *= 10;
689          significand_low += digits[d_idx];
690          significand_high = 0;
691       }
692    } else {
693       int d_idx = first_digit;
694       significand_high = digits[d_idx++];
696       for (; d_idx <= last_digit - 17; d_idx++) {
697          significand_high *= 10;
698          significand_high += digits[d_idx];
699       }
701       significand_low = digits[d_idx++];
703       for (; d_idx <= last_digit; d_idx++) {
704          significand_low *= 10;
705          significand_low += digits[d_idx];
706       }
707    }
709    _mul_64x64 (significand_high,
710                100000000000000000ull,
711                &significand);
712    significand.low += significand_low;
714    if (significand.low < significand_low) {
715       significand.high += 1;
716    }
719    biased_exponent = (exponent + (int16_t)BSON_DECIMAL128_EXPONENT_BIAS);
721    /* Encode combination, exponent, and significand. */
722    if ((significand.high >> 49) & 1) {
723       /* Encode '11' into bits 1 to 3 */
724       dec->high |= (0x3ull << 61);
725       dec->high |= (biased_exponent & 0x3fffull) << 47;
726       dec->high |= significand.high & 0x7fffffffffffull;
727    } else {
728       dec->high |= (biased_exponent & 0x3fffull) << 49;
729       dec->high |= significand.high & 0x1ffffffffffffull;
730    }
732    dec->low = significand.low;
734    /* Encode sign */
735    if (is_negative) {
736 	   dec->high |= 0x8000000000000000ull;
737    }
739    return true;
740 }