1CREATE DATABASE test_user_db;
2CREATE USER qa_test_11_user IDENTIFIED WITH qa_auth_server AS 'qa_test_11_dest';
3GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON test_user_db.* TO qa_test_11_dest identified by 'dest_passwd';
4GRANT PROXY ON qa_test_11_dest TO qa_test_11_user;
5exec MYSQL PLUGIN_AUTH_OPT --default_auth=qa_auth_client -h localhost -P MASTER_MYPORT -u qa_test_11_user --password=qa_test_11_dest test_user_db -e "SELECT current_user(),user(),@@local.proxy_user,@@local.external_user;" 2>&1
6Warning: Using a password on the command line interface can be insecure.
7current_user()	user()	@@local.proxy_user	@@local.external_user
8qa_test_11_dest@%	qa_test_11_user@localhost	'qa_test_11_user'@'%'	'qa_test_11_user'@'%'
9exec MYSQL PLUGIN_AUTH_OPT --default_auth=qa_auth_client -h localhost -P MASTER_MYPORT -u qa_test_2_user --password=qa_test_11_dest test_user_db -e "SELECT current_user(),user(),@@local.proxy_user,@@local.external_user;" 2>&1
10Warning: Using a password on the command line interface can be insecure.
11ERROR 1045 (28000): Access denied for user 'qa_test_2_user'@'localhost' (using password: YES)
12DROP USER qa_test_11_user, qa_test_11_dest;
13DROP DATABASE test_user_db;