1#### suite/funcs_1/datadict/basics_mixed3.inc
3# Auxiliary routine to be sourced by suite/funcs_1/t/is_basics_mixed.test
5# Check if INFORMATION_SCHEMA tables contain a schema_name like 'db_data%'.
7# Author:
8# 2008-01-23 mleich WL#4203 Reorganize and fix the data dictionary tests of
9#                           testsuite funcs_1
10#                   Create this script based on older scripts and new code.
13# No column with the name of a database contained in:
14#    character_sets collations collation_character_set_applicability
15#    user_privileges
16SELECT DISTINCT table_schema FROM information_schema.columns
17WHERE table_schema LIKE 'db_data%';
18SELECT DISTINCT table_schema FROM information_schema.column_privileges
19WHERE table_schema LIKE 'db_data%';
20SELECT DISTINCT constraint_schema,table_schema
21FROM information_schema.key_column_usage
22WHERE constraint_schema LIKE 'db_data%' OR table_schema LIKE 'db_data%';
23SELECT DISTINCT routine_schema FROM information_schema.routines
24WHERE routine_schema LIKE 'db_data%';
25SELECT DISTINCT schema_name FROM information_schema.schemata
26WHERE schema_name LIKE 'db_data%';
27SELECT DISTINCT table_schema FROM information_schema.schema_privileges
28WHERE table_schema LIKE 'db_data%';
29SELECT DISTINCT table_schema,index_schema FROM information_schema.statistics
30WHERE table_schema LIKE 'db_data%' OR index_schema LIKE 'db_data%';
31SELECT DISTINCT table_schema FROM information_schema.tables
32WHERE table_schema LIKE 'db_data%';
33SELECT DISTINCT constraint_schema,table_schema
34FROM information_schema.table_constraints
35WHERE constraint_schema LIKE 'db_data%' OR table_schema LIKE 'db_data%';
36SELECT DISTINCT table_schema FROM information_schema.table_privileges
37WHERE table_schema LIKE 'db_data%';
38SELECT DISTINCT trigger_schema,event_object_schema
39FROM information_schema.triggers
40WHERE trigger_schema LIKE 'db_data%' OR event_object_schema LIKE 'db_data%';
41SELECT DISTINCT table_schema FROM information_schema.views
42WHERE table_schema LIKE 'db_data%';