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Name Date Size #Lines LOC


Jamfile.v2H A D03-Mar-20153.2 KiB9175

READMEH A D03-Mar-20151.2 KiB3930

acknowledgements.xmlH A D03-Mar-20151.2 KiB179

buildinfo.xmlH A D03-Mar-201510.1 KiB154132

calculations.xmlH A D03-Mar-20154.6 KiB9787

changes.xmlH A D03-Mar-201534 KiB797747

conceptual.xmlH A D03-Mar-2015603 209

custom_time_zone.xmlH A D03-Mar-201514.8 KiB377348

date_algorithms.xmlH A D03-Mar-20157.7 KiB209187

date_class.xmlH A D03-Mar-201516.5 KiB525477

date_duration.xmlH A D03-Mar-20158.3 KiB251223

date_facet.xmlH A D03-Mar-201513.9 KiB320282

date_input_facet.xmlH A D03-Mar-201514.3 KiB341302

date_iterators.xmlH A D03-Mar-20154.9 KiB11497

date_period.xmlH A D03-Mar-201513.5 KiB435392

date_time.xmlH A D03-Mar-20152.4 KiB7157

date_time_fo_stylesheet.xslH A D03-Mar-20157.1 KiB181164

date_time_io.xmlH A D03-Mar-20156.4 KiB134115

design_concepts.xmlH A D03-Mar-20151.7 KiB2315

design_goals.xmlH A D03-Mar-20154.4 KiB127113

details.xmlH A D03-Mar-2015822 2315

domain_concepts.xmlH A D03-Mar-20153.5 KiB6254

doxy.xmlH A D03-Mar-20151 KiB2313

ex_calc_rules.xmlH A D03-Mar-20152.1 KiB6046

ex_date_period_calc.xmlH A D03-Mar-20152.8 KiB9773

ex_dates_as_strings.xmlH A D03-Mar-20152.3 KiB7859

ex_days_alive.xmlH A D03-Mar-20156.4 KiB6047

ex_days_between_new_years.xmlH A D03-Mar-20151.5 KiB5037

ex_end_of_month_day.xmlH A D03-Mar-20151.6 KiB6045

ex_find_last_day_of_months.xmlH A D03-Mar-20151.8 KiB6751

ex_flight.xmlH A D03-Mar-20156.9 KiB6144

ex_local_utc_conversion.xmlH A D03-Mar-20153.7 KiB10480

ex_localization.xmlH A D03-Mar-20154.1 KiB11688

ex_meeting_planner.xmlH A D03-Mar-20156.6 KiB188157

ex_month_add.xmlH A D03-Mar-20151.2 KiB4532

ex_print_holidays.xmlH A D03-Mar-20152.7 KiB9874

ex_print_hours.xmlH A D03-Mar-20151.8 KiB6753

ex_print_month.xmlH A D03-Mar-20152.1 KiB7561

ex_seconds_since_epoch.xmlH A D03-Mar-20152.6 KiB7861

ex_simple_time_zone.xmlH A D03-Mar-20153.8 KiB10179

ex_time_math.xmlH A D03-Mar-20151.5 KiB4936

ex_time_periods.xmlH A D03-Mar-20152.1 KiB7557

examples.xmlH A D03-Mar-20151.4 KiB3523

exclusive_date_time.xmlH A D03-Mar-2015562 168

format_flags.xmlH A D03-Mar-201518.5 KiB520450

gregorian.xmlH A D03-Mar-20154.5 KiB7766

gregorian_calendar.xmlH A D03-Mar-20153.4 KiB9781

io_objects.xmlH A D03-Mar-201540.2 KiB1,1021,013

io_tutorial.xmlH A D03-Mar-201512.3 KiB307265

license.xmlH A D03-Mar-20151.4 KiB4125

local_date_time.xmlH A D03-Mar-201516.8 KiB464411

local_time.xmlH A D03-Mar-20154 KiB7863

local_time_period.xmlH A D03-Mar-201513 KiB384320

motivation.xmlH A D03-Mar-20151.8 KiB2113

posix_time.xmlH A D03-Mar-20152.5 KiB6653

posix_time_zone.xmlH A D03-Mar-201511.9 KiB225202

ptime_class.xmlH A D03-Mar-201518.4 KiB566513

ref_tag_fix.plH A D03-Mar-20153.5 KiB11578

references.xmlH A D03-Mar-20158.4 KiB125116

serialization.xmlH A D03-Mar-20154.4 KiB11799

snap_to_details.xmlH A D03-Mar-20153.4 KiB5542

table_template.xmlH A D03-Mar-2015991 3324

terminology.xmlH A D03-Mar-20154 KiB6153

tests.xmlH A D03-Mar-2015987 2416

time_duration.xmlH A D03-Mar-201521.7 KiB593533

time_facet.xmlH A D03-Mar-20156 KiB148128

time_input_facet.xmlH A D03-Mar-20156.5 KiB164132

time_iterators.xmlH A D03-Mar-20155 KiB153135

time_period.xmlH A D03-Mar-201512.7 KiB397356

time_zone_base.xmlH A D03-Mar-20154.6 KiB114101

tradeoffs.xmlH A D03-Mar-20158.4 KiB128116

tz_database.xmlH A D03-Mar-201510.5 KiB234216

usage_examples.xmlH A D03-Mar-20155.4 KiB10481


1I couldn't get the date_time.xml to validate, however, it works anyway.
2The build process with fail with adequate error messages to fix
3any errors.
6Do not place a dtd declaration in the doc xml files.
7Begin each file with:
8<section ...
11Including files into sections has some quirks to it. Unless there is a
12section in the parent file, the first included file will display
13instead of link.
16In date_time.xml:
18  <xi:include href="subsection.xml" />
20And in subsection/xml:
21  <section id="date_time.my_subsection"
22     xmlns:xi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XInclude">
23     <para>
24       ...
25     </para>
26     <xi:include href="another.xml" />
29To crosslink use:
30<link linkend="date_time.section.subsection">optional text</link>
32If you use '<link linkend="top">top</link>' the link will automatically
33go to the top of the page it ends up in.
35# Copyright (c) 2002-2006 CrystalClear Software, Inc.
36# Use, modification and distribution is subject to the
37# Boost Software License, Version 1.0. (See accompanying
38# file LICENSE_1_0.txt or http://www.boost.org/LICENSE_1_0.txt)