1 /*
2    Copyright (c) 2003, 2021, Oracle and/or its affiliates.
4    This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
5    it under the terms of the GNU General Public License, version 2.0,
6    as published by the Free Software Foundation.
8    This program is also distributed with certain software (including
9    but not limited to OpenSSL) that is licensed under separate terms,
10    as designated in a particular file or component or in included license
11    documentation.  The authors of MySQL hereby grant you an additional
12    permission to link the program and your derivative works with the
13    separately licensed software that they have included with MySQL.
15    This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
16    but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
18    GNU General Public License, version 2.0, for more details.
20    You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
21    along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
22    Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301  USA
23 */
25 #include <my_global.h>
26 #include "Backup.hpp"
28 #include <ndb_version.h>
30 #include <NdbTCP.h>
31 #include <Bitmask.hpp>
33 #include <signaldata/NodeFailRep.hpp>
34 #include <signaldata/ReadNodesConf.hpp>
36 #include <signaldata/DihScanTab.hpp>
37 #include <signaldata/ScanFrag.hpp>
39 #include <signaldata/GetTabInfo.hpp>
40 #include <signaldata/DictTabInfo.hpp>
41 #include <signaldata/ListTables.hpp>
43 #include <signaldata/FsOpenReq.hpp>
44 #include <signaldata/FsAppendReq.hpp>
45 #include <signaldata/FsCloseReq.hpp>
46 #include <signaldata/FsConf.hpp>
47 #include <signaldata/FsRef.hpp>
48 #include <signaldata/FsRemoveReq.hpp>
50 #include <signaldata/BackupImpl.hpp>
51 #include <signaldata/BackupSignalData.hpp>
52 #include <signaldata/BackupContinueB.hpp>
53 #include <signaldata/EventReport.hpp>
55 #include <signaldata/UtilSequence.hpp>
57 #include <signaldata/CreateTrigImpl.hpp>
58 #include <signaldata/DropTrigImpl.hpp>
59 #include <signaldata/FireTrigOrd.hpp>
60 #include <signaldata/TrigAttrInfo.hpp>
61 #include <AttributeHeader.hpp>
63 #include <signaldata/WaitGCP.hpp>
64 #include <signaldata/LCP.hpp>
65 #include <signaldata/BackupLockTab.hpp>
66 #include <signaldata/DumpStateOrd.hpp>
68 #include <signaldata/DumpStateOrd.hpp>
70 #include <signaldata/DbinfoScan.hpp>
71 #include <signaldata/TransIdAI.hpp>
73 #include <NdbTick.h>
74 #include <dbtup/Dbtup.hpp>
76 #include <EventLogger.hpp>
77 extern EventLogger * g_eventLogger;
79 #include <math.h>
81 #define JAM_FILE_ID 475
83 static const Uint32 WaitDiskBufferCapacityMillis = 1;
84 static const Uint32 WaitScanTempErrorRetryMillis = 10;
86 static NDB_TICKS startTime;
88 #ifdef VM_TRACE
89 #define DEBUG_OUT(x) ndbout << x << endl
90 #else
91 #define DEBUG_OUT(x)
92 #endif
94 //#define DEBUG_ABORT
95 //#define dbg globalSignalLoggers.log
97 static Uint32 g_TypeOfStart = NodeState::ST_ILLEGAL_TYPE;
99 #define SEND_BACKUP_STARTED_FLAG(A) (((A) & 0x3) > 0)
100 #define SEND_BACKUP_COMPLETED_FLAG(A) (((A) & 0x3) > 1)
102 /**
103  * "Magic" constants used for adaptive LCP speed algorithm. These magic
104  * constants tries to ensure a smooth LCP load which is high enough to
105  * avoid slowing down LCPs such that we run out of REDO logs. Also low
106  * enough to avoid that we use so much CPU on LCPs that we block out
107  * most user transactions. We also want to avoid destroying real-time
108  * characteristics due to LCPs.
109  *
110  * See much longer explanation of these values below.
111  */
112 #define MAX_LCP_WORDS_PER_BATCH (1500)
114 #define HIGH_LOAD_LEVEL 32
115 #define VERY_HIGH_LOAD_LEVEL 48
117 #define MAX_RAISE_PRIO_MEMORY 16
119 void
execSTTOR(Signal * signal)120 Backup::execSTTOR(Signal* signal)
121 {
122   jamEntry();
124   const Uint32 startphase  = signal->theData[1];
125   const Uint32 typeOfStart = signal->theData[7];
127   if (startphase == 1)
128   {
129     ndbrequire((c_lqh = (Dblqh*)globalData.getBlock(DBLQH, instance())) != 0);
130     m_words_written_this_period = 0;
131     last_disk_write_speed_report = 0;
132     next_disk_write_speed_report = 0;
133     m_monitor_words_written = 0;
134     m_periods_passed_in_monitor_period = 0;
135     m_monitor_snapshot_start = NdbTick_getCurrentTicks();
136     m_curr_disk_write_speed = c_defaults.m_disk_write_speed_max_own_restart;
137     m_overflow_disk_write = 0;
138     slowdowns_due_to_io_lag = 0;
139     slowdowns_due_to_high_cpu = 0;
140     disk_write_speed_set_to_min = 0;
141     m_is_any_node_restarting = false;
142     m_node_restart_check_sent = false;
143     m_our_node_started = false;
144     m_reset_disk_speed_time = NdbTick_getCurrentTicks();
145     m_reset_delay_used = Backup::DISK_SPEED_CHECK_DELAY;
146     signal->theData[0] = BackupContinueB::RESET_DISK_SPEED_COUNTER;
147     sendSignalWithDelay(reference(), GSN_CONTINUEB, signal,
148                         Backup::DISK_SPEED_CHECK_DELAY, 1);
149   }
150   if (startphase == 3) {
151     jam();
152     g_TypeOfStart = typeOfStart;
153     signal->theData[0] = reference();
154     sendSignal(NDBCNTR_REF, GSN_READ_NODESREQ, signal, 1, JBB);
155     return;
156   }//if
158   if (startphase == 7)
159   {
160     m_monitor_words_written = 0;
161     m_periods_passed_in_monitor_period = 0;
162     m_monitor_snapshot_start = NdbTick_getCurrentTicks();
163     m_curr_disk_write_speed = c_defaults.m_disk_write_speed_min;
164     m_our_node_started = true;
165   }
167   if(startphase == 7 && g_TypeOfStart == NodeState::ST_INITIAL_START &&
168      c_masterNodeId == getOwnNodeId() && !isNdbMtLqh()){
169     jam();
170     createSequence(signal);
171     return;
172   }//if
174   sendSTTORRY(signal);
175   return;
176 }//Dbdict::execSTTOR()
178 void
execREAD_NODESCONF(Signal * signal)179 Backup::execREAD_NODESCONF(Signal* signal)
180 {
181   jamEntry();
182   ReadNodesConf * conf = (ReadNodesConf *)signal->getDataPtr();
184   c_aliveNodes.clear();
186   Uint32 count = 0;
187   for (Uint32 i = 0; i<MAX_NDB_NODES; i++) {
188     jam();
189     if(NdbNodeBitmask::get(conf->allNodes, i)){
190       jam();
191       count++;
193       NodePtr node;
194       ndbrequire(c_nodes.seizeFirst(node));
196       node.p->nodeId = i;
197       if(NdbNodeBitmask::get(conf->inactiveNodes, i)) {
198         jam();
199 	node.p->alive = 0;
200       } else {
201         jam();
202 	node.p->alive = 1;
203 	c_aliveNodes.set(i);
204       }//if
205     }//if
206   }//for
207   c_masterNodeId = conf->masterNodeId;
208   ndbrequire(count == conf->noOfNodes);
209   sendSTTORRY(signal);
210 }
212 void
sendSTTORRY(Signal * signal)213 Backup::sendSTTORRY(Signal* signal)
214 {
215   signal->theData[0] = 0;
216   signal->theData[3] = 1;
217   signal->theData[4] = 3;
218   signal->theData[5] = 7;
219   signal->theData[6] = 255; // No more start phases from missra
220   BlockReference cntrRef = !isNdbMtLqh() ? NDBCNTR_REF : BACKUP_REF;
221   sendSignal(cntrRef, GSN_STTORRY, signal, 7, JBB);
222 }
224 void
createSequence(Signal * signal)225 Backup::createSequence(Signal* signal)
226 {
227   UtilSequenceReq * req = (UtilSequenceReq*)signal->getDataPtrSend();
229   req->senderData  = RNIL;
230   req->sequenceId  = NDB_BACKUP_SEQUENCE;
231   req->requestType = UtilSequenceReq::Create;
234 	     signal, UtilSequenceReq::SignalLength, JBB);
235 }
237 void
handle_overflow(void)238 Backup::handle_overflow(void)
239 {
240   jam();
241   /**
242    * If we overflowed in the last period, count it in
243    * this new period, potentially overflowing again into
244    * future periods...
245    *
246    * The overflow can only come from the last write we did in this
247    * period, but potentially this write is bigger than what we are
248    * allowed to write during one period.
249    *
250    * Calculate the overflow to pass into the new period
251    * (overflowThisPeriod). It can never be more than what is
252    * allowed to be written during a period.
253    *
254    * We could rarely end up in the case that the overflow of the
255    * last write in the period even overflows the entire next period.
256    * If so we put this into the remainingOverFlow and put this into
257    * m_overflow_disk_write (in this case nothing will be written in
258    * this period so ready_to_write need not worry about this case
259    * when setting m_overflow_disk_write since it isn't written any time
260    * in this case and in all other cases only written by the last write
261    * in a period.
262    */
263   Uint32 overflowThisPeriod = MIN(m_overflow_disk_write,
264                                   m_curr_disk_write_speed + 1);
266   /* How much overflow remains after this period? */
267   Uint32 remainingOverFlow = m_overflow_disk_write - overflowThisPeriod;
269   if (overflowThisPeriod)
270   {
271     jam();
273     ndbout_c("Overflow of %u bytes (max/period is %u bytes)",
274              overflowThisPeriod * 4, m_curr_disk_write_speed * 4);
275 #endif
276     if (remainingOverFlow)
277     {
278       jam();
280       ndbout_c("  Extra overflow : %u bytes, will take %u further periods"
281                " to clear", remainingOverFlow * 4,
282                  remainingOverFlow / m_curr_disk_write_speed);
283 #endif
284     }
285   }
286   m_words_written_this_period = overflowThisPeriod;
287   m_overflow_disk_write = remainingOverFlow;
288 }
290 void
calculate_next_delay(const NDB_TICKS curr_time)291 Backup::calculate_next_delay(const NDB_TICKS curr_time)
292 {
293   /**
294    * Adjust for upto 10 millisecond delay of this signal. Longer
295    * delays will not be handled, in this case the system is most
296    * likely under too high load and it won't matter very much that
297    * we decrease the speed of checkpoints.
298    *
299    * We use a technique where we allow an overflow write in one
300    * period. This overflow will be removed from the next period
301    * such that the load will at average be as specified.
302    * Calculate new delay time based on if we overslept or underslept
303    * this time. We will never regulate more than 10ms, if the
304    * oversleep is bigger than we will simply ignore it. We will
305    * decrease the delay by as much as we overslept or increase it by
306    * as much as we underslept.
307    */
308   int delay_time = m_reset_delay_used;
309   int sig_delay = int(NdbTick_Elapsed(m_reset_disk_speed_time,
310                                       curr_time).milliSec());
311   if (sig_delay > delay_time + 10)
312   {
313     delay_time = Backup::DISK_SPEED_CHECK_DELAY - 10;
314   }
315   else if (sig_delay < delay_time - 10)
316   {
317     delay_time = Backup::DISK_SPEED_CHECK_DELAY + 10;
318   }
319   else
320   {
321     delay_time = Backup::DISK_SPEED_CHECK_DELAY -
322                  (sig_delay - delay_time);
323   }
324   m_periods_passed_in_monitor_period++;
325   m_reset_delay_used= delay_time;
326   m_reset_disk_speed_time = curr_time;
327 #if 0
328   ndbout << "Signal delay was = " << sig_delay;
329   ndbout << " Current time = " << curr_time << endl;
330   ndbout << " Delay time will be = " << delay_time << endl << endl;
331 #endif
332 }
334 void
report_disk_write_speed_report(Uint64 bytes_written_this_period,Uint64 millis_passed)335 Backup::report_disk_write_speed_report(Uint64 bytes_written_this_period,
336                                        Uint64 millis_passed)
337 {
338   Uint32 report = next_disk_write_speed_report;
339   disk_write_speed_rep[report].backup_lcp_bytes_written =
340     bytes_written_this_period;
341   disk_write_speed_rep[report].millis_passed =
342     millis_passed;
343   disk_write_speed_rep[report].redo_bytes_written =
344     c_lqh->report_redo_written_bytes();
345   disk_write_speed_rep[report].target_disk_write_speed =
346     m_curr_disk_write_speed * CURR_DISK_SPEED_CONVERSION_FACTOR_TO_SECONDS;
348   next_disk_write_speed_report++;
349   if (next_disk_write_speed_report == DISK_WRITE_SPEED_REPORT_SIZE)
350   {
351     next_disk_write_speed_report = 0;
352   }
353   if (next_disk_write_speed_report == last_disk_write_speed_report)
354   {
355     last_disk_write_speed_report++;
356     if (last_disk_write_speed_report == DISK_WRITE_SPEED_REPORT_SIZE)
357     {
358       last_disk_write_speed_report = 0;
359     }
360   }
361 }
363 /**
364  * This method is a check that we haven't been writing faster than we're
365  * supposed to during the last interval.
366  */
367 void
monitor_disk_write_speed(const NDB_TICKS curr_time,const Uint64 millisPassed)368 Backup::monitor_disk_write_speed(const NDB_TICKS curr_time,
369                                  const Uint64 millisPassed)
370 {
371   /**
372    * Independent check of DiskCheckpointSpeed.
373    * We check every second or so that we are roughly sticking
374    * to our diet.
375    */
376   jam();
377   const Uint64 periodsPassed =
378     (millisPassed / DISK_SPEED_CHECK_DELAY) + 1;
379   const Uint64 quotaWordsPerPeriod = m_curr_disk_write_speed;
380   const Uint64 maxOverFlowWords = c_defaults.m_maxWriteSize / 4;
381   const Uint64 maxExpectedWords = (periodsPassed * quotaWordsPerPeriod) +
382                                   maxOverFlowWords;
384   if (unlikely(m_monitor_words_written > maxExpectedWords))
385   {
386     jam();
387     /**
388      * In the last monitoring interval, we have written more words
389      * than allowed by the quota (DiskCheckpointSpeed), including
390      * transient spikes due to a single MaxBackupWriteSize write
391      */
392     ndbout << "Backup : Excessive Backup/LCP write rate in last"
393            << " monitoring period - recorded = "
394            << (m_monitor_words_written * 4 * 1000) / millisPassed
395            << " bytes/s, "
396            << endl
397            << "Current speed is = "
398            << m_curr_disk_write_speed *
400            << " bytes/s"
401            << endl;
402     ndbout << "Backup : Monitoring period : " << millisPassed
403            << " millis. Bytes written : " << (m_monitor_words_written * 4)
404            << ".  Max allowed : " << (maxExpectedWords * 4) << endl;
405     ndbout << "Actual number of periods in this monitoring interval: ";
406     ndbout << m_periods_passed_in_monitor_period;
407     ndbout << " calculated number was: " << periodsPassed << endl;
408   }
409   report_disk_write_speed_report(4 * m_monitor_words_written, millisPassed);
410   m_monitor_words_written = 0;
411   m_periods_passed_in_monitor_period = 0;
412   m_monitor_snapshot_start = curr_time;
413 }
415 void
adjust_disk_write_speed_down(int adjust_speed)416 Backup::adjust_disk_write_speed_down(int adjust_speed)
417 {
418   m_curr_disk_write_speed -= adjust_speed;
419   if (m_curr_disk_write_speed < c_defaults.m_disk_write_speed_min)
420   {
421     disk_write_speed_set_to_min++;
422     m_curr_disk_write_speed = c_defaults.m_disk_write_speed_min;
423   }
424 }
426 void
adjust_disk_write_speed_up(int adjust_speed)427 Backup::adjust_disk_write_speed_up(int adjust_speed)
428 {
429   Uint64 max_disk_write_speed = m_is_any_node_restarting ?
430     c_defaults.m_disk_write_speed_max_other_node_restart :
431     c_defaults.m_disk_write_speed_max;
433   m_curr_disk_write_speed += adjust_speed;
434   if (m_curr_disk_write_speed > max_disk_write_speed)
435   {
436     m_curr_disk_write_speed = max_disk_write_speed;
437   }
438 }
440 /**
441  * Calculate new disk checkpoint write speed based on the new
442  * multiplication factor, we decrease in steps of 10% per second
443  */
444 void
calculate_disk_write_speed(Signal * signal)445 Backup::calculate_disk_write_speed(Signal *signal)
446 {
447   Uint64 max_disk_write_speed = m_is_any_node_restarting ?
448     c_defaults.m_disk_write_speed_max_other_node_restart :
449     c_defaults.m_disk_write_speed_max;
450   /**
451    * Calculate the max - min and divide by 12 to get the adjustment parameter
452    * which is 8% of max - min. We will never adjust faster than this to avoid
453    * to quick adaptiveness. For adjustments down we will adapt faster for IO
454    * lags, for CPU speed we will adapt a bit slower dependent on how high
455    * the CPU load is.
456    */
457   int diff_disk_write_speed =
458     max_disk_write_speed -
459       c_defaults.m_disk_write_speed_min;
461   int adjust_speed_up = diff_disk_write_speed / 12;
462   int adjust_speed_down_high = diff_disk_write_speed / 7;
463   int adjust_speed_down_medium = diff_disk_write_speed / 10;
464   int adjust_speed_down_low = diff_disk_write_speed / 14;
466   jam();
467   if (diff_disk_write_speed <= 0 ||
468       adjust_speed_up == 0)
469   {
470     jam();
471     /**
472      * The min == max which gives no room to adapt the LCP speed.
473      * or the difference is too small to adapt it.
474      */
475     return;
476   }
477   if (!m_our_node_started)
478   {
479     /* No adaptiveness while we're still starting. */
480     jam();
481     return;
482   }
483   if (c_lqh->is_ldm_instance_io_lagging())
484   {
485     /**
486      * With IO lagging behind we will decrease the LCP speed to accomodate
487      * for more REDO logging bandwidth. The definition of REDO log IO lagging
488      * is kept in DBLQH, but will be a number of seconds of outstanding REDO
489      * IO requests that LQH is still waiting for completion of.
490      * This is a harder condition, so here we will immediately slow down fast.
491      */
492     jam();
493     slowdowns_due_to_io_lag++;
494     adjust_disk_write_speed_down(adjust_speed_down_high);
495   }
496   else
497   {
498     /**
499      * Get CPU usage of this LDM thread during last second.
500      * If CPU usage is over or equal to 95% we will decrease the LCP speed
501      * If CPU usage is below 90% we will increase the LCP speed
502      * one more step. Otherwise we will keep it where it currently is.
503      *
504      * The speed of writing backups and LCPs are fairly linear to the
505      * amount of bytes written. So e.g. writing 10 MByte/second gives
506      * roughly about 10% CPU usage in one CPU. So by writing less we have a
507      * more or less linear decrease of CPU usage. Naturally the speed of
508      * writing is very much coupled to the CPU speed. CPUs today have all
509      * sorts of power save magic, but this algorithm doesn't kick in until
510      * we're at very high CPU loads where we won't be in power save mode.
511      * Obviously it also works in the opposite direction that we can easily
512      * speed up things when the CPU is less used.
513      *
514      * One complication of this algorithm is that we only measure the thread
515      * CPU usage, so we don't really know here the level of CPU usage in total
516      * of the system. Getting this information is quite complex and can
517      * quickly change if the user is also using the machine for many other
518      * things. In this case the algorithm will simply go up to the current
519      * maximum value. So it will work much the same as before this algorithm
520      * was put in place with the maximum value as the new DiskCheckpointSpeed
521      * parameter.
522      *
523      * The algorithm will work best in cases where the user has locked the
524      * thread to one or more CPUs and ensures that the thread can always run
525      * by not allocating more than one thread per CPU.
526      *
527      * The reason we put the CPU usage limits fairly high is that the LDM
528      * threads become more and more efficient as loads goes up. The reason
529      * for this is that as more and more signals are executed in each loop
530      * before checking for new signals. This means that as load goes up we
531      * spend more and more time doing useful work. At low loads we spend a
532      * significant time simply waiting for new signals to arrive and going to
533      * sleep and waking up. So being at 95% load still means that we have
534      * a bit more than 5% capacity left and even being at 90% means we
535      * might have as much as 20% more capacity to use.
536      */
537     jam();
539                    GSN_GET_CPU_USAGE_REQ,
540                    signal,
541                    1,
542                    getThrmanInstance());
543     Uint32 cpu_usage = signal->theData[0];
544     if (cpu_usage < 90)
545     {
546       jamEntry();
547       adjust_disk_write_speed_up(adjust_speed_up);
548     }
549     else if (cpu_usage < 95)
550     {
551       jamEntry();
552     }
553     else if (cpu_usage < 97)
554     {
555       jamEntry();
556       /* 95-96% load, slightly slow down */
557       slowdowns_due_to_high_cpu++;
558       adjust_disk_write_speed_down(adjust_speed_down_low);
559     }
560     else if (cpu_usage < 99)
561     {
562       jamEntry();
563       /* 97-98% load, slow down */
564       slowdowns_due_to_high_cpu++;
565       adjust_disk_write_speed_down(adjust_speed_down_medium);
566     }
567     else
568     {
569       jamEntry();
570       /* 99-100% load, slow down a bit faster */
571       slowdowns_due_to_high_cpu++;
572       adjust_disk_write_speed_down(adjust_speed_down_high);
573     }
574   }
575 }
577 void
send_next_reset_disk_speed_counter(Signal * signal)578 Backup::send_next_reset_disk_speed_counter(Signal *signal)
579 {
580   signal->theData[0] = BackupContinueB::RESET_DISK_SPEED_COUNTER;
581   sendSignalWithDelay(reference(),
582                       GSN_CONTINUEB,
583                       signal,
584                       m_reset_delay_used,
585                       1);
586   return;
587 }
589 void
execCHECK_NODE_RESTARTCONF(Signal * signal)590 Backup::execCHECK_NODE_RESTARTCONF(Signal *signal)
591 {
592   bool old_is_any_node_restarting = m_is_any_node_restarting;
593   m_is_any_node_restarting = (signal->theData[0] == 1);
594   if (old_is_any_node_restarting != m_is_any_node_restarting)
595   {
596     if (old_is_any_node_restarting)
597     {
598       g_eventLogger->info("We are adjusting Max Disk Write Speed,"
599                           " no restarts ongoing anymore");
600     }
601     else
602     {
603       g_eventLogger->info("We are adjusting Max Disk Write Speed,"
604                           " a restart is ongoing now");
605     }
606   }
607 }
609 void
execCONTINUEB(Signal * signal)610 Backup::execCONTINUEB(Signal* signal)
611 {
612   jamEntry();
613   const Uint32 Tdata0 = signal->theData[0];
614   const Uint32 Tdata1 = signal->theData[1];
615   const Uint32 Tdata2 = signal->theData[2];
617   switch(Tdata0) {
618   case BackupContinueB::RESET_DISK_SPEED_COUNTER:
619   {
620     jam();
621     const NDB_TICKS curr_time = NdbTick_getCurrentTicks();
622     const Uint64 millisPassed =
623       NdbTick_Elapsed(m_monitor_snapshot_start,curr_time).milliSec();
624     if (millisPassed >= 800 && !m_node_restart_check_sent)
625     {
626       /**
627        * Check for node restart ongoing, we will check for it and use
628        * the cached copy of the node restart state when deciding on the
629        * disk checkpoint speed. We will start this check a few intervals
630        * before calculating the new disk checkpoint speed. We will send
631        * such a check once per interval we are changing disk checkpoint
632        * speed.
633        *
634        * So we call DIH asynchronously here after 800ms have passed such
635        * that when 1000 ms have passed and we will check disk speeds we
636        * have information about if there is a node restart ongoing or not.
637        * This information will only affect disk write speed, so it's not
638        * a problem to rely on up to 200ms old information.
639        */
640       jam();
641       m_node_restart_check_sent = true;
642       signal->theData[0] = reference();
643       sendSignal(DBDIH_REF, GSN_CHECK_NODE_RESTARTREQ, signal, 1, JBB);
644     }
645     /**
646      * We check for millis passed larger than 989 to handle the situation
647      * when we wake up slightly too early. Since we only wake up once every
648      * 100 millisecond, this should be better than occasionally get intervals
649      * of 1100 milliseconds. All the calculations takes the real interval into
650      * account, so it should not corrupt any data.
651      */
652     if (millisPassed > 989)
653     {
654       jam();
655       m_node_restart_check_sent = false;
656       monitor_disk_write_speed(curr_time, millisPassed);
657       calculate_disk_write_speed(signal);
658     }
659     handle_overflow();
660     calculate_next_delay(curr_time);
661     send_next_reset_disk_speed_counter(signal);
662     break;
663   }
664   case BackupContinueB::BACKUP_FRAGMENT_INFO:
665   {
666     jam();
667     const Uint32 ptr_I = Tdata1;
668     Uint32 tabPtr_I = Tdata2;
669     Uint32 fragPtr_I = signal->theData[3];
671     BackupRecordPtr ptr;
672     c_backupPool.getPtr(ptr, ptr_I);
673     TablePtr tabPtr;
674     ptr.p->tables.getPtr(tabPtr, tabPtr_I);
676     if (fragPtr_I != tabPtr.p->fragments.getSize())
677     {
678       jam();
679       FragmentPtr fragPtr;
680       tabPtr.p->fragments.getPtr(fragPtr, fragPtr_I);
682       BackupFilePtr filePtr;
683       ptr.p->files.getPtr(filePtr, ptr.p->ctlFilePtr);
685       const Uint32 sz = sizeof(BackupFormat::CtlFile::FragmentInfo) >> 2;
686       Uint32 * dst;
687       if (!filePtr.p->operation.dataBuffer.getWritePtr(&dst, sz))
688       {
689 	sendSignalWithDelay(reference(), GSN_CONTINUEB, signal,
690                             WaitDiskBufferCapacityMillis, 4);
691 	return;
692       }
694       BackupFormat::CtlFile::FragmentInfo * fragInfo =
695 	(BackupFormat::CtlFile::FragmentInfo*)dst;
696       fragInfo->SectionType = htonl(BackupFormat::FRAGMENT_INFO);
697       fragInfo->SectionLength = htonl(sz);
698       fragInfo->TableId = htonl(fragPtr.p->tableId);
699       fragInfo->FragmentNo = htonl(fragPtr_I);
700       fragInfo->NoOfRecordsLow = htonl((Uint32)(fragPtr.p->noOfRecords & 0xFFFFFFFF));
701       fragInfo->NoOfRecordsHigh = htonl((Uint32)(fragPtr.p->noOfRecords >> 32));
702       fragInfo->FilePosLow = htonl(0);
703       fragInfo->FilePosHigh = htonl(0);
705       filePtr.p->operation.dataBuffer.updateWritePtr(sz);
707       fragPtr_I++;
708     }
710     if (fragPtr_I == tabPtr.p->fragments.getSize())
711     {
712       BackupLockTab *req = (BackupLockTab *)signal->getDataPtrSend();
713       req->m_senderRef = reference();
714       req->m_tableId = tabPtr.p->tableId;
715       req->m_lock_unlock = BackupLockTab::UNLOCK_TABLE;
716       req->m_backup_state = BackupLockTab::BACKUP_FRAGMENT_INFO;
717       req->m_backupRecordPtr_I = ptr_I;
718       req->m_tablePtr_I = tabPtr_I;
719       sendSignal(DBDICT_REF, GSN_BACKUP_LOCK_TAB_REQ, signal,
720                  BackupLockTab::SignalLength, JBB);
721       return;
722     }
724     signal->theData[0] = BackupContinueB::BACKUP_FRAGMENT_INFO;
725     signal->theData[1] = ptr_I;
726     signal->theData[2] = tabPtr_I;
727     signal->theData[3] = fragPtr_I;
728     sendSignal(reference(), GSN_CONTINUEB, signal, 4, JBB);
729     return;
730   }
731   case BackupContinueB::START_FILE_THREAD:
732   case BackupContinueB::BUFFER_UNDERFLOW:
733   {
734     jam();
735     BackupFilePtr filePtr;
736     c_backupFilePool.getPtr(filePtr, Tdata1);
737     checkFile(signal, filePtr);
738     return;
739   }
740   break;
741   case BackupContinueB::BUFFER_FULL_SCAN:
742   {
743     jam();
744     BackupFilePtr filePtr;
745     BackupRecordPtr ptr;
746     c_backupFilePool.getPtr(filePtr, Tdata1);
747     c_backupPool.getPtr(ptr, filePtr.p->backupPtr);
748     /**
749      * Given that we've been waiting a few milliseconds for buffers to become
750      * free, we need to initialise the priority mode algorithm to ensure that
751      * we select the correct priority mode.
752      *
753      * We get the number of jobs waiting at B-level to assess the current
754      * activity level to get a new starting point of the algorithm.
755      * Any load level below 16 signals in the buffer we ignore, if we have
756      * a higher level we provide a value that will ensure that we most likely
757      * will start at A-level.
758      */
759     init_scan_prio_level(signal, ptr);
760     checkScan(signal, ptr, filePtr);
761     return;
762   }
763   break;
764   case BackupContinueB::BUFFER_FULL_FRAG_COMPLETE:
765   {
766     jam();
767     BackupFilePtr filePtr;
768     c_backupFilePool.getPtr(filePtr, Tdata1);
769     fragmentCompleted(signal, filePtr);
770     return;
771   }
772   break;
773   case BackupContinueB::BUFFER_FULL_META:
774   {
775     jam();
776     BackupRecordPtr ptr;
777     c_backupPool.getPtr(ptr, Tdata1);
779     BackupFilePtr filePtr;
780     ptr.p->files.getPtr(filePtr, ptr.p->ctlFilePtr);
781     FsBuffer & buf = filePtr.p->operation.dataBuffer;
783     if(buf.getFreeSize() < buf.getMaxWrite()) {
784       jam();
785       TablePtr tabPtr;
786       c_tablePool.getPtr(tabPtr, Tdata2);
788       DEBUG_OUT("Backup - Buffer full - "
789                 << buf.getFreeSize()
790 		<< " < " << buf.getMaxWrite()
791                 << " (sz: " << buf.getUsableSize()
792                 << " getMinRead: " << buf.getMinRead()
793 		<< ") - tableId = " << tabPtr.p->tableId);
795       signal->theData[0] = BackupContinueB::BUFFER_FULL_META;
796       signal->theData[1] = Tdata1;
797       signal->theData[2] = Tdata2;
798       sendSignalWithDelay(reference(), GSN_CONTINUEB, signal,
799                           WaitDiskBufferCapacityMillis, 3);
800       return;
801     }//if
803     TablePtr tabPtr;
804     c_tablePool.getPtr(tabPtr, Tdata2);
805     GetTabInfoReq * req = (GetTabInfoReq *)signal->getDataPtrSend();
806     req->senderRef = reference();
807     req->senderData = ptr.i;
808     req->requestType = GetTabInfoReq::RequestById |
809       GetTabInfoReq::LongSignalConf;
810     req->tableId = tabPtr.p->tableId;
811     req->schemaTransId = 0;
812     sendSignal(DBDICT_REF, GSN_GET_TABINFOREQ, signal,
813 	       GetTabInfoReq::SignalLength, JBB);
814     return;
815   }
816   case BackupContinueB::ZDELAY_SCAN_NEXT:
817     if (ERROR_INSERTED(10039))
818     {
819       jam();
820       sendSignalWithDelay(reference(), GSN_CONTINUEB, signal, 300,
821 			  signal->getLength());
822       return;
823     }
824     else
825     {
826       jam();
828       ndbout_c("Resuming backup");
830       Uint32 filePtr_I = Tdata1;
831       BackupFilePtr filePtr;
832       c_backupFilePool.getPtr(filePtr, filePtr_I);
833       BackupRecordPtr ptr;
834       c_backupPool.getPtr(ptr, filePtr.p->backupPtr);
835       TablePtr tabPtr;
836       findTable(ptr, tabPtr, filePtr.p->tableId);
837       FragmentPtr fragPtr;
838       tabPtr.p->fragments.getPtr(fragPtr, filePtr.p->fragmentNo);
840       BlockReference lqhRef = 0;
841       if (ptr.p->is_lcp()) {
842         lqhRef = calcInstanceBlockRef(DBLQH);
843       } else {
844         const Uint32 instanceKey = fragPtr.p->lqhInstanceKey;
845         ndbrequire(instanceKey != 0);
846         lqhRef = numberToRef(DBLQH, instanceKey, getOwnNodeId());
847       }
849       memmove(signal->theData, signal->theData + 2,
850 	      4*ScanFragNextReq::SignalLength);
852       sendSignal(lqhRef, GSN_SCAN_NEXTREQ, signal,
853 		 ScanFragNextReq::SignalLength, JBB);
854       return ;
855     }
856   default:
857     ndbrequire(0);
858   }//switch
859 }
861 void
execBACKUP_LOCK_TAB_CONF(Signal * signal)862 Backup::execBACKUP_LOCK_TAB_CONF(Signal *signal)
863 {
864   jamEntry();
865   const BackupLockTab *conf = (const BackupLockTab *)signal->getDataPtrSend();
866   BackupRecordPtr ptr;
867   c_backupPool.getPtr(ptr, conf->m_backupRecordPtr_I);
868   TablePtr tabPtr;
869   ptr.p->tables.getPtr(tabPtr, conf->m_tablePtr_I);
871   switch(conf->m_backup_state) {
872   case BackupLockTab::BACKUP_FRAGMENT_INFO:
873   {
874     jam();
875     ptr.p->tables.next(tabPtr);
876     if (tabPtr.i == RNIL)
877     {
878       jam();
879       closeFiles(signal, ptr);
880       return;
881     }
883     signal->theData[0] = BackupContinueB::BACKUP_FRAGMENT_INFO;
884     signal->theData[1] = ptr.i;
885     signal->theData[2] = tabPtr.i;
886     signal->theData[3] = 0;       // Start from first fragment of next table
887     sendSignal(reference(), GSN_CONTINUEB, signal, 4, JBB);
888     return;
889   }
890   case BackupLockTab::GET_TABINFO_CONF:
891   {
892     jam();
893     if (conf->errorCode)
894     {
895       jam();
896       defineBackupRef(signal, ptr, conf->errorCode);
897       return;
898     }
900     ptr.p->tables.next(tabPtr);
901     afterGetTabinfoLockTab(signal, ptr, tabPtr);
902     return;
903   }
904   case BackupLockTab::CLEANUP:
905   {
906     jam();
907     ptr.p->tables.next(tabPtr);
908     cleanupNextTable(signal, ptr, tabPtr);
909     return;
910   }
911   default:
912     ndbrequire(false);
913   }
914 }
916 void
execBACKUP_LOCK_TAB_REF(Signal * signal)917 Backup::execBACKUP_LOCK_TAB_REF(Signal *signal)
918 {
919   jamEntry();
920   ndbrequire(false /* Not currently possible. */);
921 }
get_new_speed_val64(Signal * signal)923 Uint64 Backup::get_new_speed_val64(Signal *signal)
924 {
925   if (signal->length() == 3)
926   {
927     jam();
928     Uint64 val = Uint64(signal->theData[1]);
929     val <<= 32;
930     val += Uint64(signal->theData[2]);
931     return val;
932   }
933   else
934   {
935     jam();
936     return 0;
937   }
938 }
get_new_speed_val32(Signal * signal)940 Uint64 Backup::get_new_speed_val32(Signal *signal)
941 {
942   if (signal->length() == 2)
943   {
944     jam();
945     return Uint64(signal->theData[1]);
946   }
947   else
948   {
949     jam();
950     return 0;
951   }
952 }
954 void
execDUMP_STATE_ORD(Signal * signal)955 Backup::execDUMP_STATE_ORD(Signal* signal)
956 {
957   jamEntry();
959   /* Dump commands used in public interfaces */
960   switch (signal->theData[0]) {
961   case DumpStateOrd::BackupStatus:
962   {
963     /* See code in BackupProxy.cpp as well */
964     BlockReference result_ref = CMVMI_REF;
965     if (signal->length() == 2)
966       result_ref = signal->theData[1];
968     BackupRecordPtr ptr;
969     int reported = 0;
970     for(c_backups.first(ptr); ptr.i != RNIL; c_backups.next(ptr))
971     {
972       if (!ptr.p->is_lcp())
973       {
974         reportStatus(signal, ptr, result_ref);
975         reported++;
976       }
977     }
978     if (!reported)
979       reportStatus(signal, ptr, result_ref);
980     return;
981   }
982   case DumpStateOrd::BackupMinWriteSpeed32:
983   {
984     jam();
985     Uint64 new_val = get_new_speed_val32(signal);
986     if (new_val < Uint64(1024*1024))
987     {
988       jam();
989       g_eventLogger->info("Use: DUMP 100001 MinDiskWriteSpeed");
990       return;
991     }
992     restore_disk_write_speed_numbers();
993     c_defaults.m_disk_write_speed_min = new_val;
994     calculate_real_disk_write_speed_parameters();
995     return;
996   }
997   case DumpStateOrd::BackupMaxWriteSpeed32:
998   {
999     jam();
1000     Uint64 new_val = get_new_speed_val32(signal);
1001     if (new_val < Uint64(1024*1024))
1002     {
1003       jam();
1004       g_eventLogger->info("Use: DUMP 100002 MaxDiskWriteSpeed");
1005       return;
1006     }
1007     restore_disk_write_speed_numbers();
1008     c_defaults.m_disk_write_speed_max = new_val;
1009     calculate_real_disk_write_speed_parameters();
1010     return;
1011   }
1012   case DumpStateOrd::BackupMaxWriteSpeedOtherNodeRestart32:
1013   {
1014     jam();
1015     Uint64 new_val = get_new_speed_val32(signal);
1016     if (new_val < Uint64(1024*1024))
1017     {
1018       jam();
1019       g_eventLogger->info("Use: DUMP 100003 MaxDiskWriteSpeedOtherNodeRestart");
1020       return;
1021     }
1022     restore_disk_write_speed_numbers();
1023     c_defaults.m_disk_write_speed_max_other_node_restart = new_val;
1024     calculate_real_disk_write_speed_parameters();
1025     return;
1026   }
1027   case DumpStateOrd::BackupMinWriteSpeed64:
1028   {
1029     jam();
1030     Uint64 new_val = get_new_speed_val64(signal);
1031     if (new_val < Uint64(1024*1024))
1032     {
1033       jam();
1034       g_eventLogger->info("Use: DUMP 100004 MinDiskWriteSpeed(MSB) "
1035                           "MinDiskWriteSpeed(LSB)");
1036       return;
1037     }
1038     restore_disk_write_speed_numbers();
1039     c_defaults.m_disk_write_speed_min = new_val;
1040     calculate_real_disk_write_speed_parameters();
1041     return;
1042   }
1043   case DumpStateOrd::BackupMaxWriteSpeed64:
1044   {
1045     jam();
1046     Uint64 new_val = get_new_speed_val64(signal);
1047     if (new_val < Uint64(1024*1024))
1048     {
1049       jam();
1050       g_eventLogger->info("Use: DUMP 100005 MaxDiskWriteSpeed(MSB) "
1051                           "MaxDiskWriteSpeed(LSB)");
1052       return;
1053     }
1054     restore_disk_write_speed_numbers();
1055     c_defaults.m_disk_write_speed_max = new_val;
1056     calculate_real_disk_write_speed_parameters();
1057     return;
1058   }
1059   case DumpStateOrd::BackupMaxWriteSpeedOtherNodeRestart64:
1060   {
1061     jam();
1062     Uint64 new_val = get_new_speed_val64(signal);
1063     if (new_val < Uint64(1024*1024))
1064     {
1065       jam();
1066       g_eventLogger->info("Use: DUMP 100006"
1067                           " MaxDiskWriteSpeedOtherNodeRestart(MSB)"
1068                           " MaxDiskWriteSpeedOtherNodeRestart(LSB)");
1069       return;
1070     }
1071     restore_disk_write_speed_numbers();
1072     c_defaults.m_disk_write_speed_max_other_node_restart = new_val;
1073     calculate_real_disk_write_speed_parameters();
1074     return;
1075   }
1076   default:
1077     /* continue to debug section */
1078     break;
1079   }
1081   /* Debugging or unclassified section */
1083   if(signal->theData[0] == 20){
1084     if(signal->length() > 1){
1085       c_defaults.m_dataBufferSize = (signal->theData[1] * 1024 * 1024);
1086     }
1087     if(signal->length() > 2){
1088       c_defaults.m_logBufferSize = (signal->theData[2] * 1024 * 1024);
1089     }
1090     if(signal->length() > 3){
1091       c_defaults.m_minWriteSize = signal->theData[3] * 1024;
1092     }
1093     if(signal->length() > 4){
1094       c_defaults.m_maxWriteSize = signal->theData[4] * 1024;
1095     }
1097     infoEvent("Backup: data: %d log: %d min: %d max: %d",
1098 	      c_defaults.m_dataBufferSize,
1099 	      c_defaults.m_logBufferSize,
1100 	      c_defaults.m_minWriteSize,
1101 	      c_defaults.m_maxWriteSize);
1102     return;
1103   }
1104   if(signal->theData[0] == 21){
1105     BackupReq * req = (BackupReq*)signal->getDataPtrSend();
1106     req->senderData = 23;
1107     req->backupDataLen = 0;
1108     sendSignal(reference(), GSN_BACKUP_REQ,signal,BackupReq::SignalLength, JBB);
1109     startTime = NdbTick_getCurrentTicks();
1110     return;
1111   }
1113   if(signal->theData[0] == 22){
1114     const Uint32 seq = signal->theData[1];
1115     FsRemoveReq * req = (FsRemoveReq *)signal->getDataPtrSend();
1116     req->userReference = reference();
1117     req->userPointer = 23;
1118     req->directory = 1;
1119     req->ownDirectory = 1;
1120     FsOpenReq::setVersion(req->fileNumber, 2);
1121     FsOpenReq::setSuffix(req->fileNumber, FsOpenReq::S_CTL);
1122     FsOpenReq::v2_setSequence(req->fileNumber, seq);
1123     FsOpenReq::v2_setNodeId(req->fileNumber, getOwnNodeId());
1124     sendSignal(NDBFS_REF, GSN_FSREMOVEREQ, signal,
1125 	       FsRemoveReq::SignalLength, JBA);
1126     return;
1127   }
1129   if(signal->theData[0] == 23){
1130     /**
1131      * Print records
1132      */
1133     BackupRecordPtr ptr;
1134     for(c_backups.first(ptr); ptr.i != RNIL; c_backups.next(ptr)){
1135       infoEvent("BackupRecord %d: BackupId: %u MasterRef: %x ClientRef: %x",
1136 		ptr.i, ptr.p->backupId, ptr.p->masterRef, ptr.p->clientRef);
1137       infoEvent(" State: %d", ptr.p->slaveState.getState());
1138       BackupFilePtr filePtr;
1139       for(ptr.p->files.first(filePtr); filePtr.i != RNIL;
1140 	  ptr.p->files.next(filePtr)){
1141 	jam();
1142 	infoEvent(" file %d: type: %d flags: H'%x",
1143 		  filePtr.i, filePtr.p->fileType,
1144 		  filePtr.p->m_flags);
1145       }
1146     }
1148     const NDB_TICKS now = NdbTick_getCurrentTicks();
1149     const Uint64 resetElapsed = NdbTick_Elapsed(m_reset_disk_speed_time,now).milliSec();
1150     const Uint64 millisPassed = NdbTick_Elapsed(m_monitor_snapshot_start,now).milliSec();
1151     /* Dump measured disk write speed since last RESET_DISK_SPEED */
1152     ndbout_c("m_curr_disk_write_speed: %ukb  m_words_written_this_period:"
1153              " %ukwords  m_overflow_disk_write: %ukb",
1154               Uint32(4 * m_curr_disk_write_speed / 1024),
1155               Uint32(m_words_written_this_period / 1024),
1156               Uint32(m_overflow_disk_write / 1024));
1157     ndbout_c("m_reset_delay_used: %u  time since last RESET_DISK_SPEED: %llu millis",
1158              m_reset_delay_used, resetElapsed);
1159     /* Dump measured rate since last snapshot start */
1160     Uint64 byteRate = (4000 * m_monitor_words_written) / (millisPassed + 1);
1161     ndbout_c("m_monitor_words_written : %llu, duration : %llu millis, rate :"
1162              " %llu bytes/s : (%u pct of config)",
1163              m_monitor_words_written, millisPassed,
1164              byteRate,
1165              (Uint32) ((100 * byteRate / (4 * 10)) /
1166                        (m_curr_disk_write_speed + 1)));
1168     for(c_backups.first(ptr); ptr.i != RNIL; c_backups.next(ptr))
1169     {
1170       ndbout_c("BackupRecord %u:  BackupId: %u  MasterRef: %x  ClientRef: %x",
1171                ptr.i, ptr.p->backupId, ptr.p->masterRef, ptr.p->clientRef);
1172       ndbout_c(" State: %u", ptr.p->slaveState.getState());
1173       ndbout_c(" noOfByte: %llu  noOfRecords: %llu",
1174                ptr.p->noOfBytes, ptr.p->noOfRecords);
1175       ndbout_c(" noOfLogBytes: %llu  noOfLogRecords: %llu",
1176                ptr.p->noOfLogBytes, ptr.p->noOfLogRecords);
1177       ndbout_c(" errorCode: %u", ptr.p->errorCode);
1178       BackupFilePtr filePtr;
1179       for(ptr.p->files.first(filePtr); filePtr.i != RNIL;
1180 	  ptr.p->files.next(filePtr))
1181       {
1182 	ndbout_c(" file %u:  type: %u  flags: H'%x  tableId: %u  fragmentId: %u",
1183                  filePtr.i, filePtr.p->fileType, filePtr.p->m_flags,
1184                  filePtr.p->tableId, filePtr.p->fragmentNo);
1185       }
1186       if (ptr.p->slaveState.getState() == SCANNING && ptr.p->dataFilePtr != RNIL)
1187       {
1188         c_backupFilePool.getPtr(filePtr, ptr.p->dataFilePtr);
1189         OperationRecord & op = filePtr.p->operation;
1190         Uint32 *tmp = NULL;
1191         Uint32 sz = 0;
1192         bool eof = FALSE;
1193         bool ready = op.dataBuffer.getReadPtr(&tmp, &sz, &eof);
1194         ndbout_c("ready: %s  eof: %s", ready ? "TRUE" : "FALSE", eof ? "TRUE" : "FALSE");
1195       }
1196     }
1197     return;
1198   }
1199   if(signal->theData[0] == 24){
1200     /**
1201      * Print size of records etc.
1202      */
1203     infoEvent("Backup - dump pool sizes");
1204     infoEvent("BackupPool: %d BackupFilePool: %d TablePool: %d",
1205 	      c_backupPool.getSize(), c_backupFilePool.getSize(),
1206 	      c_tablePool.getSize());
1207     infoEvent("AttrPool: %d TriggerPool: %d FragmentPool: %d",
1208 	      c_backupPool.getSize(), c_backupFilePool.getSize(),
1209 	      c_tablePool.getSize());
1210     infoEvent("PagePool: %d",
1211 	      c_pagePool.getSize());
1214     if(signal->getLength() == 2 && signal->theData[1] == 2424)
1215     {
1216       /**
1217        * Handle LCP
1218        */
1219       BackupRecordPtr lcp;
1220       ndbrequire(c_backups.first(lcp));
1222       ndbrequire(c_backupPool.getSize() == c_backupPool.getNoOfFree() + 1);
1223       if(lcp.p->tables.isEmpty())
1224       {
1225 	ndbrequire(c_tablePool.getSize() == c_tablePool.getNoOfFree());
1226 	ndbrequire(c_fragmentPool.getSize() == c_fragmentPool.getNoOfFree());
1227 	ndbrequire(c_triggerPool.getSize() == c_triggerPool.getNoOfFree());
1228       }
1229       ndbrequire(c_backupFilePool.getSize() == c_backupFilePool.getNoOfFree() + 1);
1230       BackupFilePtr lcp_file;
1231       c_backupFilePool.getPtr(lcp_file, lcp.p->dataFilePtr);
1232       ndbrequire(c_pagePool.getSize() ==
1233 		 c_pagePool.getNoOfFree() +
1234 		 lcp_file.p->pages.getSize());
1235     }
1236   }
1238   if(signal->theData[0] == DumpStateOrd::DumpBackup)
1239   {
1240     /* Display a bunch of stuff about Backup defaults */
1241     infoEvent("Compressed Backup: %d", c_defaults.m_compressed_backup);
1242     infoEvent("Compressed LCP: %d", c_defaults.m_compressed_lcp);
1243   }
1245   if(signal->theData[0] == DumpStateOrd::DumpBackupSetCompressed)
1246   {
1247     c_defaults.m_compressed_backup= signal->theData[1];
1248     infoEvent("Compressed Backup: %d", c_defaults.m_compressed_backup);
1249   }
1251   if(signal->theData[0] == DumpStateOrd::DumpBackupSetCompressedLCP)
1252   {
1253     c_defaults.m_compressed_lcp= signal->theData[1];
1254     infoEvent("Compressed LCP: %d", c_defaults.m_compressed_lcp);
1255   }
1257   if (signal->theData[0] == DumpStateOrd::BackupErrorInsert)
1258   {
1259     if (signal->getLength() == 1)
1260       ndbout_c("BACKUP: setting error %u", signal->theData[1]);
1261     else
1262       ndbout_c("BACKUP: setting error %u, %u",
1263                signal->theData[1], signal->theData[2]);
1264     SET_ERROR_INSERT_VALUE2(signal->theData[1], signal->theData[2]);
1265   }
1266 }
1268 /**
1269  * We are using a round buffer of measurements, to simplify the code we
1270  * use this routing to quickly derive the disk write record from an index
1271  * (how many seconds back we want to check).
1272  */
1273 Uint32
get_disk_write_speed_record(Uint32 start_index)1274 Backup::get_disk_write_speed_record(Uint32 start_index)
1275 {
1276   ndbassert(start_index < DISK_WRITE_SPEED_REPORT_SIZE);
1277   if (next_disk_write_speed_report == last_disk_write_speed_report)
1278   {
1279     /* No speed reports generated yet */
1281   }
1282   if (start_index < next_disk_write_speed_report)
1283   {
1284     return (next_disk_write_speed_report - (start_index + 1));
1285   }
1286   else if (last_disk_write_speed_report == 0)
1287   {
1288     /**
1289      * We might still be in inital phase when not all records have
1290      * been written yet.
1291      */
1293   }
1294   else
1295   {
1297             ((start_index + 1) - next_disk_write_speed_report));
1298   }
1299   ndbassert(false);
1300   return 0;
1301 }
1303 /**
1304  * Calculates the average speed for a number of seconds back.
1305  * reports the numbers in number of milliseconds that actually
1306  * passed and the number of bytes written in this period.
1307  */
1308 void
calculate_disk_write_speed_seconds_back(Uint32 seconds_back,Uint64 & millis_passed,Uint64 & backup_lcp_bytes_written,Uint64 & redo_bytes_written)1309 Backup::calculate_disk_write_speed_seconds_back(Uint32 seconds_back,
1310                                          Uint64 & millis_passed,
1311                                          Uint64 & backup_lcp_bytes_written,
1312                                          Uint64 & redo_bytes_written)
1313 {
1314   Uint64 millis_back = (MILLIS_IN_A_SECOND * seconds_back) -
1316   Uint32 start_index = 0;
1318   ndbassert(seconds_back > 0);
1320   millis_passed = 0;
1321   backup_lcp_bytes_written = 0;
1322   redo_bytes_written = 0;
1323   jam();
1324   while (millis_passed < millis_back &&
1325          start_index < DISK_WRITE_SPEED_REPORT_SIZE)
1326   {
1327     jam();
1328     Uint32 disk_write_speed_record = get_disk_write_speed_record(start_index);
1329     if (disk_write_speed_record == DISK_WRITE_SPEED_REPORT_SIZE)
1330       break;
1331     millis_passed +=
1332       disk_write_speed_rep[disk_write_speed_record].millis_passed;
1333     backup_lcp_bytes_written +=
1334       disk_write_speed_rep[disk_write_speed_record].backup_lcp_bytes_written;
1335     redo_bytes_written +=
1336       disk_write_speed_rep[disk_write_speed_record].redo_bytes_written;
1337     start_index++;
1338   }
1339   /**
1340    * Always report at least one millisecond to avoid risk of division
1341    * by zero later on in the code.
1342    */
1343   jam();
1344   if (millis_passed == 0)
1345   {
1346     jam();
1347     millis_passed = 1;
1348   }
1349   return;
1350 }
1352 void
calculate_std_disk_write_speed_seconds_back(Uint32 seconds_back,Uint64 millis_passed_total,Uint64 backup_lcp_bytes_written,Uint64 redo_bytes_written,Uint64 & std_dev_backup_lcp_in_bytes_per_sec,Uint64 & std_dev_redo_in_bytes_per_sec)1353 Backup::calculate_std_disk_write_speed_seconds_back(Uint32 seconds_back,
1354                              Uint64 millis_passed_total,
1355                              Uint64 backup_lcp_bytes_written,
1356                              Uint64 redo_bytes_written,
1357                              Uint64 & std_dev_backup_lcp_in_bytes_per_sec,
1358                              Uint64 & std_dev_redo_in_bytes_per_sec)
1359 {
1360   Uint32 start_index = 0;
1361   Uint64 millis_passed = 0;
1362   Uint64 millis_back = (MILLIS_IN_A_SECOND * seconds_back) -
1364   Uint64 millis_passed_this_period;
1366   Uint64 avg_backup_lcp_bytes_per_milli;
1367   Uint64 backup_lcp_bytes_written_this_period;
1368   Uint64 avg_backup_lcp_bytes_per_milli_this_period;
1369   long double backup_lcp_temp_sum;
1370   long double backup_lcp_square_sum;
1372   Uint64 avg_redo_bytes_per_milli;
1373   Uint64 redo_bytes_written_this_period;
1374   Uint64 avg_redo_bytes_per_milli_this_period;
1375   long double redo_temp_sum;
1376   long double redo_square_sum;
1378   ndbassert(seconds_back > 0);
1379   if (millis_passed_total == 0)
1380   {
1381     jam();
1382     std_dev_backup_lcp_in_bytes_per_sec = 0;
1383     std_dev_redo_in_bytes_per_sec = 0;
1384     return;
1385   }
1386   avg_backup_lcp_bytes_per_milli = backup_lcp_bytes_written /
1387                                    millis_passed_total;
1388   avg_redo_bytes_per_milli = redo_bytes_written / millis_passed_total;
1389   backup_lcp_square_sum = 0;
1390   redo_square_sum = 0;
1391   jam();
1392   while (millis_passed < millis_back &&
1393          start_index < DISK_WRITE_SPEED_REPORT_SIZE)
1394   {
1395     jam();
1396     Uint32 disk_write_speed_record = get_disk_write_speed_record(start_index);
1397     if (disk_write_speed_record == DISK_WRITE_SPEED_REPORT_SIZE)
1398       break;
1399     millis_passed_this_period =
1400       disk_write_speed_rep[disk_write_speed_record].millis_passed;
1401     backup_lcp_bytes_written_this_period =
1402       disk_write_speed_rep[disk_write_speed_record].backup_lcp_bytes_written;
1403     redo_bytes_written_this_period =
1404       disk_write_speed_rep[disk_write_speed_record].redo_bytes_written;
1405     millis_passed += millis_passed_this_period;
1407     if (millis_passed_this_period != 0)
1408     {
1409       /**
1410        * We use here a calculation of standard deviation that firsts
1411        * calculates the variance. The variance is calculated as the square
1412        * mean of the difference. To get standard intervals we compute the
1413        * average per millisecond and then sum over all milliseconds. To
1414        * simplify the calculation we then multiply the square of the diffs
1415        * per milli to the number of millis passed in a particular measurement.
1416        * We divide by the total number of millis passed. We do this first to
1417        * avoid too big numbers. We use long double in all calculations to
1418        * ensure that we don't overflow.
1419        *
1420        * We also try to avoid divisions by zero in the code in multiple
1421        * places when we query this table before the first measurement have
1422        * been logged.
1423        *
1424        * Calculating standard deviation as:
1425        * Sum of X(i) - E(X) squared where X(i) is the average per millisecond
1426        * in this time period and E(X) is the average over the entire period.
1427        * We divide by number of periods, but to get it more real, we divide
1428        * by total_millis / millis_in_this_period since the periods aren't
1429        * exactly the same. Finally we take square root of the sum of those
1430        * (X(i) - E(X))^2 / #periods. Actually the standard deviation should
1431        * be calculated using #periods - 1 as divisor. Finally we also need
1432        * to convert it from standard deviation per millisecond to standard
1433        * deviation per second. We make that simple by multiplying the
1434        * result from this function by 1000.
1435        */
1436       jam();
1437       avg_backup_lcp_bytes_per_milli_this_period =
1438         backup_lcp_bytes_written_this_period / millis_passed_this_period;
1439       backup_lcp_temp_sum = (long double)avg_backup_lcp_bytes_per_milli;
1440       backup_lcp_temp_sum -=
1441         (long double)avg_backup_lcp_bytes_per_milli_this_period;
1442       backup_lcp_temp_sum *= backup_lcp_temp_sum;
1443       backup_lcp_temp_sum /= (long double)millis_passed_total;
1444       backup_lcp_temp_sum *= (long double)millis_passed_this_period;
1445       backup_lcp_square_sum += backup_lcp_temp_sum;
1447       avg_redo_bytes_per_milli_this_period =
1448         redo_bytes_written_this_period / millis_passed_this_period;
1449       redo_temp_sum = (long double)avg_redo_bytes_per_milli;
1450       redo_temp_sum -= (long double)avg_redo_bytes_per_milli_this_period;
1451       redo_temp_sum *= redo_temp_sum;
1452       redo_temp_sum /= (long double)millis_passed_total;
1453       redo_temp_sum *= (long double)millis_passed_this_period;
1454       redo_square_sum += redo_temp_sum;
1455     }
1456     start_index++;
1457   }
1458   if (millis_passed == 0)
1459   {
1460     jam();
1461     std_dev_backup_lcp_in_bytes_per_sec = 0;
1462     std_dev_redo_in_bytes_per_sec = 0;
1463     return;
1464   }
1465   /**
1466    * Calculate standard deviation per millisecond
1467    * We use long double for the calculation, but we want to report it to
1468    * it in bytes per second, so this is easiest to do with an unsigned
1469    * integer number. Conversion from long double to Uint64 is a real
1470    * conversion that we leave to the compiler to generate code to make.
1471    */
1472   std_dev_backup_lcp_in_bytes_per_sec = (Uint64)sqrtl(backup_lcp_square_sum);
1473   std_dev_redo_in_bytes_per_sec = (Uint64)sqrtl(redo_square_sum);
1475   /**
1476    * Convert to standard deviation per second
1477    * We calculated it in bytes per millisecond, so simple multiplication of
1478    * 1000 is sufficient here.
1479    */
1480   std_dev_backup_lcp_in_bytes_per_sec*= (Uint64)1000;
1481   std_dev_redo_in_bytes_per_sec*= (Uint64)1000;
1482 }
1484 Uint64
calculate_millis_since_finished(Uint32 start_index)1485 Backup::calculate_millis_since_finished(Uint32 start_index)
1486 {
1487   Uint64 millis_passed = 0;
1488   jam();
1489   if (start_index == 0)
1490   {
1491     jam();
1492     return 0;
1493   }
1494   for (Uint32 i = 0; i < start_index; i++)
1495   {
1496     Uint32 disk_write_speed_record = get_disk_write_speed_record(i);
1497     millis_passed +=
1498       disk_write_speed_rep[disk_write_speed_record].millis_passed;
1499   }
1500   return millis_passed;
1501 }
execDBINFO_SCANREQ(Signal * signal)1503 void Backup::execDBINFO_SCANREQ(Signal *signal)
1504 {
1505   jamEntry();
1506   DbinfoScanReq req= *(DbinfoScanReq*)signal->theData;
1507   const Ndbinfo::ScanCursor* cursor =
1508     CAST_CONSTPTR(Ndbinfo::ScanCursor, DbinfoScan::getCursorPtr(&req));
1510   Ndbinfo::Ratelimit rl;
1512   switch(req.tableId){
1513   case Ndbinfo::POOLS_TABLEID:
1514   {
1515     Ndbinfo::pool_entry pools[] =
1516     {
1517       { "Backup Record",
1518         c_backupPool.getUsed(),
1519         c_backupPool.getSize(),
1520         c_backupPool.getEntrySize(),
1521         c_backupPool.getUsedHi(),
1522         { CFG_DB_PARALLEL_BACKUPS,0,0,0 }},
1523       { "Backup File",
1524         c_backupFilePool.getUsed(),
1525         c_backupFilePool.getSize(),
1526         c_backupFilePool.getEntrySize(),
1527         c_backupFilePool.getUsedHi(),
1528         { CFG_DB_PARALLEL_BACKUPS,0,0,0 }},
1529       { "Table",
1530         c_tablePool.getUsed(),
1531         c_tablePool.getSize(),
1532         c_tablePool.getEntrySize(),
1533         c_tablePool.getUsedHi(),
1535           CFG_DB_NO_TABLES,
1537           CFG_DB_NO_UNIQUE_HASH_INDEXES }},
1538       { "Trigger",
1539         c_triggerPool.getUsed(),
1540         c_triggerPool.getSize(),
1541         c_triggerPool.getEntrySize(),
1542         c_triggerPool.getUsedHi(),
1544           CFG_DB_NO_TABLES,
1546           CFG_DB_NO_UNIQUE_HASH_INDEXES }},
1547       { "Fragment",
1548         c_fragmentPool.getUsed(),
1549         c_fragmentPool.getSize(),
1550         c_fragmentPool.getEntrySize(),
1551         c_fragmentPool.getUsedHi(),
1552         { CFG_DB_NO_TABLES,
1554           CFG_DB_NO_UNIQUE_HASH_INDEXES,0 }},
1555       { "Page",
1556         c_pagePool.getUsed(),
1557         c_pagePool.getSize(),
1558         c_pagePool.getEntrySize(),
1559         c_pagePool.getUsedHi(),
1560         { CFG_DB_BACKUP_MEM,
1561           CFG_DB_BACKUP_DATA_BUFFER_MEM,0,0 }},
1562       { NULL, 0,0,0,0, { 0,0,0,0 }}
1563     };
1565     const size_t num_config_params =
1566       sizeof(pools[0].config_params) / sizeof(pools[0].config_params[0]);
1567     Uint32 pool = cursor->data[0];
1568     BlockNumber bn = blockToMain(number());
1569     while(pools[pool].poolname)
1570     {
1571       jam();
1572       Ndbinfo::Row row(signal, req);
1573       row.write_uint32(getOwnNodeId());
1574       row.write_uint32(bn);           // block number
1575       row.write_uint32(instance());   // block instance
1576       row.write_string(pools[pool].poolname);
1578       row.write_uint64(pools[pool].used);
1579       row.write_uint64(pools[pool].total);
1580       row.write_uint64(pools[pool].used_hi);
1581       row.write_uint64(pools[pool].entry_size);
1582       for (size_t i = 0; i < num_config_params; i++)
1583         row.write_uint32(pools[pool].config_params[i]);
1584       ndbinfo_send_row(signal, req, row, rl);
1585       pool++;
1586       if (rl.need_break(req))
1587       {
1588         jam();
1589         ndbinfo_send_scan_break(signal, req, rl, pool);
1590         return;
1591       }
1592     }
1593     break;
1594   }
1596   {
1598     jam();
1599     Uint64 backup_lcp_bytes_written;
1600     Uint64 redo_bytes_written;
1601     Uint64 std_dev_backup_lcp;
1602     Uint64 std_dev_redo;
1603     Uint64 millis_passed;
1604     Ndbinfo::Row row(signal, req);
1605     Uint32 ldm_instance = instance();
1607     if (ldm_instance > 0)
1608     {
1609       /* Always start counting instances from 0 */
1610       ldm_instance--;
1611     }
1612     row.write_uint32(getOwnNodeId());
1613     row.write_uint32(ldm_instance);
1615     /* Report last second */
1616     calculate_disk_write_speed_seconds_back(1,
1617                                             millis_passed,
1618                                             backup_lcp_bytes_written,
1619                                             redo_bytes_written);
1621     row.write_uint64((backup_lcp_bytes_written / millis_passed ) * 1000);
1622     row.write_uint64((redo_bytes_written / millis_passed) * 1000);
1624     /* Report average and std_dev of last 10 seconds */
1625     calculate_disk_write_speed_seconds_back(10,
1626                                             millis_passed,
1627                                             backup_lcp_bytes_written,
1628                                             redo_bytes_written);
1630     row.write_uint64((backup_lcp_bytes_written * 1000) / millis_passed);
1631     row.write_uint64((redo_bytes_written * 1000) / millis_passed);
1633     calculate_std_disk_write_speed_seconds_back(10,
1634                                                 millis_passed,
1635                                                 backup_lcp_bytes_written,
1636                                                 redo_bytes_written,
1637                                                 std_dev_backup_lcp,
1638                                                 std_dev_redo);
1640     row.write_uint64(std_dev_backup_lcp);
1641     row.write_uint64(std_dev_redo);
1643     /* Report average and std_dev of last 60 seconds */
1644     calculate_disk_write_speed_seconds_back(60,
1645                                             millis_passed,
1646                                             backup_lcp_bytes_written,
1647                                             redo_bytes_written);
1649     row.write_uint64((backup_lcp_bytes_written / millis_passed ) * 1000);
1650     row.write_uint64((redo_bytes_written / millis_passed) * 1000);
1652     calculate_std_disk_write_speed_seconds_back(60,
1653                                                 millis_passed,
1654                                                 backup_lcp_bytes_written,
1655                                                 redo_bytes_written,
1656                                                 std_dev_backup_lcp,
1657                                                 std_dev_redo);
1659     row.write_uint64(std_dev_backup_lcp);
1660     row.write_uint64(std_dev_redo);
1662     row.write_uint64(slowdowns_due_to_io_lag);
1663     row.write_uint64(slowdowns_due_to_high_cpu);
1664     row.write_uint64(disk_write_speed_set_to_min);
1665     row.write_uint64(m_curr_disk_write_speed *
1668     ndbinfo_send_row(signal, req, row, rl);
1669     break;
1670   }
1672   {
1673     jam();
1674     Uint32 ldm_instance = instance();
1676     if (ldm_instance > 0)
1677     {
1678       /* Always start counting instances from 0 */
1679       ldm_instance--;
1680     }
1681     Uint32 start_index = cursor->data[0];
1682     for ( ; start_index < DISK_WRITE_SPEED_REPORT_SIZE;)
1683     {
1684       jam();
1685       Ndbinfo::Row row(signal, req);
1686       row.write_uint32(getOwnNodeId());
1687       row.write_uint32(ldm_instance);
1688       Uint32 disk_write_speed_record = get_disk_write_speed_record(start_index);
1689       if (disk_write_speed_record != DISK_WRITE_SPEED_REPORT_SIZE)
1690       {
1691         jam();
1692         Uint64 backup_lcp_bytes_written_this_period =
1693           disk_write_speed_rep[disk_write_speed_record].
1694             backup_lcp_bytes_written;
1695         Uint64 redo_bytes_written_this_period =
1696           disk_write_speed_rep[disk_write_speed_record].
1697             redo_bytes_written;
1698         Uint64 millis_passed_this_period =
1699           disk_write_speed_rep[disk_write_speed_record].millis_passed;
1700         Uint64 millis_since_finished =
1701           calculate_millis_since_finished(start_index);
1702         Uint64 target_disk_write_speed =
1703           disk_write_speed_rep[disk_write_speed_record].target_disk_write_speed;
1705         row.write_uint64(millis_since_finished);
1706         row.write_uint64(millis_passed_this_period);
1707         row.write_uint64(backup_lcp_bytes_written_this_period);
1708         row.write_uint64(redo_bytes_written_this_period);
1709         row.write_uint64(target_disk_write_speed);
1710       }
1711       else
1712       {
1713         jam();
1714         row.write_uint64((Uint64)0);
1715         row.write_uint64((Uint64)0);
1716         row.write_uint64((Uint64)0);
1717         row.write_uint64((Uint64)0);
1718         row.write_uint64((Uint64)0);
1719       }
1720       ndbinfo_send_row(signal, req, row, rl);
1721       start_index++;
1722       if (rl.need_break(req))
1723       {
1724         jam();
1725         ndbinfo_send_scan_break(signal, req, rl, start_index);
1726         return;
1727       }
1728     }
1729     break;
1730   }
1731   default:
1732     break;
1733   }
1735   ndbinfo_send_scan_conf(signal, req, rl);
1736 }
1738 bool
findTable(const BackupRecordPtr & ptr,TablePtr & tabPtr,Uint32 tableId) const1739 Backup::findTable(const BackupRecordPtr & ptr,
1740 		  TablePtr & tabPtr, Uint32 tableId) const
1741 {
1742   for(ptr.p->tables.first(tabPtr);
1743       tabPtr.i != RNIL;
1744       ptr.p->tables.next(tabPtr)) {
1745     jam();
1746     if(tabPtr.p->tableId == tableId){
1747       jam();
1748       return true;
1749     }//if
1750   }//for
1751   tabPtr.i = RNIL;
1752   tabPtr.p = 0;
1753   return false;
1754 }
xps(Uint64 x,Uint64 ms)1756 static Uint32 xps(Uint64 x, Uint64 ms)
1757 {
1758   float fx = float(x);
1759   float fs = float(ms);
1761   if(ms == 0 || x == 0) {
1762     jamNoBlock();
1763     return 0;
1764   }//if
1765   jamNoBlock();
1766   return ((Uint32)(1000.0f * (fx + fs/2.1f))) / ((Uint32)fs);
1767 }
1769 struct Number {
NumberNumber1770   Number(Uint64 r) { val = r;}
operator =Number1771   Number & operator=(Uint64 r) { val = r; return * this; }
1772   Uint64 val;
1773 };
1775 NdbOut &
operator <<(NdbOut & out,const Number & val)1776 operator<< (NdbOut & out, const Number & val){
1777   char p = 0;
1778   Uint32 loop = 1;
1779   while(val.val > loop){
1780     loop *= 1000;
1781     p += 3;
1782   }
1783   if(loop != 1){
1784     p -= 3;
1785     loop /= 1000;
1786   }
1788   switch(p){
1789   case 0:
1790     break;
1791   case 3:
1792     p = 'k';
1793     break;
1794   case 6:
1795     p = 'M';
1796     break;
1797   case 9:
1798     p = 'G';
1799     break;
1800   default:
1801     p = 0;
1802   }
1803   char str[2];
1804   str[0] = p;
1805   str[1] = 0;
1806   Uint32 tmp = (Uint32)((val.val + (loop >> 1)) / loop);
1807 #if 1
1808   if(p > 0)
1809     out << tmp << str;
1810   else
1811     out << tmp;
1812 #else
1813   out << val.val;
1814 #endif
1816   return out;
1817 }
1819 void
execBACKUP_CONF(Signal * signal)1820 Backup::execBACKUP_CONF(Signal* signal)
1821 {
1822   jamEntry();
1823   BackupConf * conf = (BackupConf*)signal->getDataPtr();
1825   ndbout_c("Backup %u has started", conf->backupId);
1826 }
1828 void
execBACKUP_REF(Signal * signal)1829 Backup::execBACKUP_REF(Signal* signal)
1830 {
1831   jamEntry();
1832   BackupRef * ref = (BackupRef*)signal->getDataPtr();
1834   ndbout_c("Backup (%u) has NOT started %d", ref->senderData, ref->errorCode);
1835 }
1837 void
execBACKUP_COMPLETE_REP(Signal * signal)1838 Backup::execBACKUP_COMPLETE_REP(Signal* signal)
1839 {
1840   jamEntry();
1841   BackupCompleteRep* rep = (BackupCompleteRep*)signal->getDataPtr();
1843   const NDB_TICKS now = NdbTick_getCurrentTicks();
1844   const Uint64 elapsed = NdbTick_Elapsed(startTime,now).milliSec();
1846   ndbout_c("Backup %u has completed", rep->backupId);
1847   const Uint64 bytes =
1848     rep->noOfBytesLow + (((Uint64)rep->noOfBytesHigh) << 32);
1849   const Uint64 records =
1850     rep->noOfRecordsLow + (((Uint64)rep->noOfRecordsHigh) << 32);
1852   Number rps = xps(records, elapsed);
1853   Number bps = xps(bytes, elapsed);
1855   ndbout << " Data [ "
1856 	 << Number(records) << " rows "
1857 	 << Number(bytes) << " bytes " << elapsed << " ms ] "
1858 	 << " => "
1859 	 << rps << " row/s & " << bps << "b/s" << endl;
1861   bps = xps(rep->noOfLogBytes, elapsed);
1862   rps = xps(rep->noOfLogRecords, elapsed);
1864   ndbout << " Log [ "
1865 	 << Number(rep->noOfLogRecords) << " log records "
1866 	 << Number(rep->noOfLogBytes) << " bytes " << elapsed << " ms ] "
1867 	 << " => "
1868 	 << rps << " records/s & " << bps << "b/s" << endl;
1870 }
1872 void
execBACKUP_ABORT_REP(Signal * signal)1873 Backup::execBACKUP_ABORT_REP(Signal* signal)
1874 {
1875   jamEntry();
1876   BackupAbortRep* rep = (BackupAbortRep*)signal->getDataPtr();
1878   ndbout_c("Backup %u has been aborted %d", rep->backupId, rep->reason);
1879 }
1881 const TriggerEvent::Value triggerEventValues[] = {
1882   TriggerEvent::TE_INSERT,
1883   TriggerEvent::TE_UPDATE,
1884   TriggerEvent::TE_DELETE
1885 };
1887 const Backup::State
1888 Backup::validSlaveTransitions[] = {
1892   STARTED,  STARTED, // Several START_BACKUP_REQ is sent
1899   INITIAL,  ABORTING, // Node fail
1905   CLEANING, ABORTING, // Node fail w/ master takeover
1906   ABORTING, ABORTING, // Slave who initiates ABORT should have this transition
1910 };
1912 const Uint32
1913 Backup::validSlaveTransitionsCount =
1914 sizeof(Backup::validSlaveTransitions) / sizeof(Backup::State);
1916 void
setState(State newState)1917 Backup::CompoundState::setState(State newState){
1918   bool found = false;
1919   const State currState = state;
1920   for(unsigned i = 0; i<noOfValidTransitions; i+= 2) {
1921     jam();
1922     if(validTransitions[i]   == currState &&
1923        validTransitions[i+1] == newState){
1924       jam();
1925       found = true;
1926       break;
1927     }
1928   }
1930   //ndbrequire(found);
1932   if (newState == INITIAL)
1933     abortState = INITIAL;
1934   if(newState == ABORTING && currState != ABORTING) {
1935     jam();
1936     abortState = currState;
1937   }
1938   state = newState;
1939 #ifdef DEBUG_ABORT
1940   if (newState != currState) {
1941     ndbout_c("%u: Old state = %u, new state = %u, abort state = %u",
1942 	     id, currState, newState, abortState);
1943   }
1944 #endif
1945 }
1947 void
forceState(State newState)1948 Backup::CompoundState::forceState(State newState)
1949 {
1950   const State currState = state;
1951   if (newState == INITIAL)
1952     abortState = INITIAL;
1953   if(newState == ABORTING && currState != ABORTING) {
1954     jam();
1955     abortState = currState;
1956   }
1957   state = newState;
1958 #ifdef DEBUG_ABORT
1959   if (newState != currState) {
1960     ndbout_c("%u: FORCE: Old state = %u, new state = %u, abort state = %u",
1961 	     id, currState, newState, abortState);
1962   }
1963 #endif
1964 }
Table(ArrayPool<Fragment> & fh)1966 Backup::Table::Table(ArrayPool<Fragment> & fh)
1967   : fragments(fh)
1968 {
1969   triggerIds[0] = ILLEGAL_TRIGGER_ID;
1970   triggerIds[1] = ILLEGAL_TRIGGER_ID;
1971   triggerIds[2] = ILLEGAL_TRIGGER_ID;
1972   triggerAllocated[0] = false;
1973   triggerAllocated[1] = false;
1974   triggerAllocated[2] = false;
1975 }
1977 /*****************************************************************************
1978  *
1979  * Node state handling
1980  *
1981  *****************************************************************************/
1982 void
execNODE_FAILREP(Signal * signal)1983 Backup::execNODE_FAILREP(Signal* signal)
1984 {
1985   jamEntry();
1987   NodeFailRep * rep = (NodeFailRep*)signal->getDataPtr();
1989   bool doStuff = false;
1990   /*
1991   Start by saving important signal data which will be destroyed before the
1992   process is completed.
1993   */
1994   NodeId new_master_node_id = rep->masterNodeId;
1995   Uint32 theFailedNodes[NdbNodeBitmask::Size];
1996   for (Uint32 i = 0; i < NdbNodeBitmask::Size; i++)
1997     theFailedNodes[i] = rep->theNodes[i];
1999   c_masterNodeId = new_master_node_id;
2001   NodePtr nodePtr;
2002   for(c_nodes.first(nodePtr); nodePtr.i != RNIL; c_nodes.next(nodePtr)) {
2003     jam();
2004     if(NdbNodeBitmask::get(theFailedNodes, nodePtr.p->nodeId)){
2005       if(nodePtr.p->alive){
2006 	jam();
2007 	ndbrequire(c_aliveNodes.get(nodePtr.p->nodeId));
2008 	doStuff = true;
2009       } else {
2010         jam();
2011 	ndbrequire(!c_aliveNodes.get(nodePtr.p->nodeId));
2012       }//if
2013       nodePtr.p->alive = 0;
2014       c_aliveNodes.clear(nodePtr.p->nodeId);
2015     }//if
2016   }//for
2018   if(!doStuff){
2019     jam();
2020     return;
2021   }//if
2023 #ifdef DEBUG_ABORT
2024   ndbout_c("****************** Node fail rep ******************");
2025 #endif
2027   NodeId newCoordinator = c_masterNodeId;
2028   BackupRecordPtr ptr;
2029   for(c_backups.first(ptr); ptr.i != RNIL; c_backups.next(ptr)) {
2030     jam();
2031     checkNodeFail(signal, ptr, newCoordinator, theFailedNodes);
2032   }
2034   /* Block level cleanup */
2035   for(unsigned i = 1; i < MAX_NDB_NODES; i++) {
2036     jam();
2037     if(NdbNodeBitmask::get(theFailedNodes, i))
2038     {
2039       jam();
2040       Uint32 elementsCleaned = simBlockNodeFailure(signal, i); // No callback
2041       ndbassert(elementsCleaned == 0); // Backup should have no distributed frag signals
2042       (void) elementsCleaned; // Remove compiler warning
2043     }//if
2044   }//for
2045 }
2047 bool
verifyNodesAlive(BackupRecordPtr ptr,const NdbNodeBitmask & aNodeBitMask)2048 Backup::verifyNodesAlive(BackupRecordPtr ptr,
2049 			 const NdbNodeBitmask& aNodeBitMask)
2050 {
2051   Uint32 version = getNodeInfo(getOwnNodeId()).m_version;
2052   for (Uint32 i = 0; i < MAX_NDB_NODES; i++) {
2053     jam();
2054     if(aNodeBitMask.get(i)) {
2055       if(!c_aliveNodes.get(i)){
2056         jam();
2057 	ptr.p->setErrorCode(AbortBackupOrd::BackupFailureDueToNodeFail);
2058         return false;
2059       }//if
2060       if(getNodeInfo(i).m_version != version)
2061       {
2062 	jam();
2063 	ptr.p->setErrorCode(AbortBackupOrd::IncompatibleVersions);
2064 	return false;
2065       }
2066     }//if
2067   }//for
2068   return true;
2069 }
2071 void
checkNodeFail(Signal * signal,BackupRecordPtr ptr,NodeId newCoord,Uint32 theFailedNodes[NdbNodeBitmask::Size])2072 Backup::checkNodeFail(Signal* signal,
2073 		      BackupRecordPtr ptr,
2074 		      NodeId newCoord,
2075 		      Uint32 theFailedNodes[NdbNodeBitmask::Size])
2076 {
2077   NdbNodeBitmask mask;
2078   mask.assign(2, theFailedNodes);
2080   /* Update ptr.p->nodes to be up to date with current alive nodes
2081    */
2082   NodePtr nodePtr;
2083   bool found = false;
2084   for(c_nodes.first(nodePtr); nodePtr.i != RNIL; c_nodes.next(nodePtr)) {
2085     jam();
2086     if(NdbNodeBitmask::get(theFailedNodes, nodePtr.p->nodeId)) {
2087       jam();
2088       if (ptr.p->nodes.get(nodePtr.p->nodeId)) {
2089 	jam();
2090 	ptr.p->nodes.clear(nodePtr.p->nodeId);
2091 	found = true;
2092       }
2093     }//if
2094   }//for
2096   if(!found) {
2097     jam();
2098     return; // failed node is not part of backup process, safe to continue
2099   }
2101   if(mask.get(refToNode(ptr.p->masterRef)))
2102   {
2103     /**
2104      * Master died...abort
2105      */
2106     ptr.p->masterRef = reference();
2107     ptr.p->nodes.clear();
2108     ptr.p->nodes.set(getOwnNodeId());
2109     ptr.p->setErrorCode(AbortBackupOrd::BackupFailureDueToNodeFail);
2110     switch(ptr.p->m_gsn){
2111     case GSN_DEFINE_BACKUP_REQ:
2112     case GSN_START_BACKUP_REQ:
2114     case GSN_STOP_BACKUP_REQ:
2115       // I'm currently processing...reply to self and abort...
2116       ptr.p->masterData.gsn = ptr.p->m_gsn;
2117       ptr.p->masterData.sendCounter = ptr.p->nodes;
2118       return;
2119     case GSN_DEFINE_BACKUP_REF:
2121     case GSN_START_BACKUP_REF:
2122     case GSN_START_BACKUP_CONF:
2125     case GSN_STOP_BACKUP_REF:
2126     case GSN_STOP_BACKUP_CONF:
2127       ptr.p->masterData.gsn = GSN_DEFINE_BACKUP_REQ;
2128       masterAbort(signal, ptr);
2129       return;
2130     case GSN_ABORT_BACKUP_ORD:
2131       // Already aborting
2132       return;
2133     }
2134   }
2135   else if (newCoord == getOwnNodeId())
2136   {
2137     /**
2138      * I'm master for this backup
2139      */
2140     jam();
2141     CRASH_INSERTION((10001));
2142 #ifdef DEBUG_ABORT
2143     ndbout_c("**** Master: Node failed: Master id = %u",
2144 	     refToNode(ptr.p->masterRef));
2145 #endif
2147     Uint32 gsn, len, pos;
2148     ptr.p->nodes.bitANDC(mask);
2149     switch(ptr.p->masterData.gsn){
2150     case GSN_DEFINE_BACKUP_REQ:
2151     {
2152       DefineBackupRef * ref = (DefineBackupRef*)signal->getDataPtr();
2153       ref->backupPtr = ptr.i;
2154       ref->backupId = ptr.p->backupId;
2155       ref->errorCode = AbortBackupOrd::BackupFailureDueToNodeFail;
2156       gsn= GSN_DEFINE_BACKUP_REF;
2157       len= DefineBackupRef::SignalLength;
2158       pos= Uint32(&ref->nodeId - signal->getDataPtr());
2159       break;
2160     }
2161     case GSN_START_BACKUP_REQ:
2162     {
2163       StartBackupRef * ref = (StartBackupRef*)signal->getDataPtr();
2164       ref->backupPtr = ptr.i;
2165       ref->backupId = ptr.p->backupId;
2166       ref->errorCode = AbortBackupOrd::BackupFailureDueToNodeFail;
2167       gsn= GSN_START_BACKUP_REF;
2168       len= StartBackupRef::SignalLength;
2169       pos= Uint32(&ref->nodeId - signal->getDataPtr());
2170       break;
2171     }
2173     {
2174       BackupFragmentRef * ref = (BackupFragmentRef*)signal->getDataPtr();
2175       ref->backupPtr = ptr.i;
2176       ref->backupId = ptr.p->backupId;
2177       ref->errorCode = AbortBackupOrd::BackupFailureDueToNodeFail;
2178       gsn= GSN_BACKUP_FRAGMENT_REF;
2179       len= BackupFragmentRef::SignalLength;
2180       pos= Uint32(&ref->nodeId - signal->getDataPtr());
2181       break;
2182     }
2183     case GSN_STOP_BACKUP_REQ:
2184     {
2185       StopBackupRef * ref = (StopBackupRef*)signal->getDataPtr();
2186       ref->backupPtr = ptr.i;
2187       ref->backupId = ptr.p->backupId;
2188       ref->errorCode = AbortBackupOrd::BackupFailureDueToNodeFail;
2189       ref->nodeId = getOwnNodeId();
2190       gsn= GSN_STOP_BACKUP_REF;
2191       len= StopBackupRef::SignalLength;
2192       pos= Uint32(&ref->nodeId - signal->getDataPtr());
2193       break;
2194     }
2195     case GSN_WAIT_GCP_REQ:
2196     case GSN_DROP_TRIG_IMPL_REQ:
2198     case GSN_ALTER_TRIG_IMPL_REQ:
2199       ptr.p->setErrorCode(AbortBackupOrd::BackupFailureDueToNodeFail);
2200       return;
2201     case GSN_UTIL_SEQUENCE_REQ:
2202     case GSN_UTIL_LOCK_REQ:
2203       return;
2204     default:
2205       ndbrequire(false);
2206     }
2208     for(Uint32 i = 0; (i = mask.find(i+1)) != NdbNodeBitmask::NotFound; )
2209     {
2210       signal->theData[pos] = i;
2211       sendSignal(reference(), gsn, signal, len, JBB);
2212 #ifdef DEBUG_ABORT
2213       ndbout_c("sending %d to self from %d", gsn, i);
2214 #endif
2215     }
2216     return;
2217   }//if
2219   /**
2220    * I abort myself as slave if not master
2221    */
2222   CRASH_INSERTION((10021));
2223 }
2225 void
execINCL_NODEREQ(Signal * signal)2226 Backup::execINCL_NODEREQ(Signal* signal)
2227 {
2228   jamEntry();
2230   const Uint32 senderRef = signal->theData[0];
2231   const Uint32 inclNode  = signal->theData[1];
2233   NodePtr node;
2234   for(c_nodes.first(node); node.i != RNIL; c_nodes.next(node)) {
2235     jam();
2236     const Uint32 nodeId = node.p->nodeId;
2237     if(inclNode == nodeId){
2238       jam();
2240       ndbrequire(node.p->alive == 0);
2241       ndbrequire(!c_aliveNodes.get(nodeId));
2243       node.p->alive = 1;
2244       c_aliveNodes.set(nodeId);
2246       break;
2247     }//if
2248   }//for
2249   signal->theData[0] = inclNode;
2250   signal->theData[1] = reference();
2251   sendSignal(senderRef, GSN_INCL_NODECONF, signal, 2, JBB);
2252 }
2254 /*****************************************************************************
2255  *
2256  * Master functionallity - Define backup
2257  *
2258  *****************************************************************************/
2260 void
execBACKUP_REQ(Signal * signal)2261 Backup::execBACKUP_REQ(Signal* signal)
2262 {
2263   jamEntry();
2264   BackupReq * req = (BackupReq*)signal->getDataPtr();
2266   const Uint32 senderData = req->senderData;
2267   const BlockReference senderRef = signal->senderBlockRef();
2268   const Uint32 dataLen32 = req->backupDataLen; // In 32 bit words
2269   const Uint32 flags = signal->getLength() > 2 ? req->flags : 2;
2270   const Uint32 input_backupId = signal->getLength() > 3 ? req->inputBackupId : 0;
2272   if (getOwnNodeId() != getMasterNodeId())
2273   {
2274     jam();
2275     sendBackupRef(senderRef, flags, signal, senderData,
2276                   BackupRef::IAmNotMaster);
2277     return;
2278   }//if
2280   if (c_defaults.m_diskless)
2281   {
2282     jam();
2283     sendBackupRef(senderRef, flags, signal, senderData,
2284 		  BackupRef::CannotBackupDiskless);
2285     return;
2286   }
2288   if (dataLen32 != 0)
2289   {
2290     jam();
2291     sendBackupRef(senderRef, flags, signal, senderData,
2292 		  BackupRef::BackupDefinitionNotImplemented);
2293     return;
2294   }//if
2296 #ifdef DEBUG_ABORT
2297   dumpUsedResources();
2298 #endif
2299   /**
2300    * Seize a backup record
2301    */
2302   BackupRecordPtr ptr;
2303   c_backups.seizeFirst(ptr);
2304   if (ptr.i == RNIL)
2305   {
2306     jam();
2307     sendBackupRef(senderRef, flags, signal, senderData,
2308                   BackupRef::OutOfBackupRecord);
2309     return;
2310   }//if
2312   ndbrequire(ptr.p->tables.isEmpty());
2314   ptr.p->m_gsn = 0;
2315   ptr.p->errorCode = 0;
2316   ptr.p->clientRef = senderRef;
2317   ptr.p->clientData = senderData;
2318   ptr.p->flags = flags;
2319   ptr.p->masterRef = reference();
2320   ptr.p->nodes = c_aliveNodes;
2321   if (input_backupId)
2322   {
2323     jam();
2324     ptr.p->backupId = input_backupId;
2325   }
2326   else
2327   {
2328     jam();
2329     ptr.p->backupId = 0;
2330   }
2331   ptr.p->backupKey[0] = 0;
2332   ptr.p->backupKey[1] = 0;
2333   ptr.p->backupDataLen = 0;
2334   ptr.p->masterData.errorCode = 0;
2336   ptr.p->masterData.sequence.retriesLeft = 3;
2337   sendUtilSequenceReq(signal, ptr);
2338 }
2340 void
sendUtilSequenceReq(Signal * signal,BackupRecordPtr ptr,Uint32 delay)2341 Backup::sendUtilSequenceReq(Signal* signal, BackupRecordPtr ptr, Uint32 delay)
2342 {
2343   jam();
2345   UtilSequenceReq * utilReq = (UtilSequenceReq*)signal->getDataPtrSend();
2346   ptr.p->masterData.gsn = GSN_UTIL_SEQUENCE_REQ;
2347   utilReq->senderData  = ptr.i;
2348   utilReq->sequenceId  = NDB_BACKUP_SEQUENCE;
2350   if (ptr.p->backupId)
2351   {
2352     jam();
2353     utilReq->requestType = UtilSequenceReq::SetVal;
2354     utilReq->value = ptr.p->backupId;
2355   }
2356   else
2357   {
2358     jam();
2359     utilReq->requestType = UtilSequenceReq::NextVal;
2360   }
2362   if (delay == 0)
2363   {
2364     jam();
2366                signal, UtilSequenceReq::SignalLength, JBB);
2367   }
2368   else
2369   {
2370     jam();
2371     sendSignalWithDelay(DBUTIL_REF, GSN_UTIL_SEQUENCE_REQ,
2372                         signal, delay, UtilSequenceReq::SignalLength);
2373   }
2374 }
2376 void
execUTIL_SEQUENCE_REF(Signal * signal)2377 Backup::execUTIL_SEQUENCE_REF(Signal* signal)
2378 {
2379   jamEntry();
2380   BackupRecordPtr ptr;
2381   UtilSequenceRef * utilRef = (UtilSequenceRef*)signal->getDataPtr();
2382   ptr.i = utilRef->senderData;
2383   c_backupPool.getPtr(ptr);
2384   ndbrequire(ptr.p->masterData.gsn == GSN_UTIL_SEQUENCE_REQ);
2386   if (utilRef->errorCode == UtilSequenceRef::TCError)
2387   {
2388     jam();
2389     if (ptr.p->masterData.sequence.retriesLeft > 0)
2390     {
2391       jam();
2392       infoEvent("BACKUP: retrying sequence on error %u",
2393                 utilRef->TCErrorCode);
2394       ptr.p->masterData.sequence.retriesLeft--;
2395       sendUtilSequenceReq(signal, ptr, 300);
2396       return;
2397     }
2398   }
2399   warningEvent("BACKUP: aborting due to sequence error (%u, %u)",
2400                utilRef->errorCode,
2401                utilRef->TCErrorCode);
2403   sendBackupRef(signal, ptr, BackupRef::SequenceFailure);
2404 }//execUTIL_SEQUENCE_REF()
2406 void
sendBackupRef(Signal * signal,BackupRecordPtr ptr,Uint32 errorCode)2407 Backup::sendBackupRef(Signal* signal, BackupRecordPtr ptr, Uint32 errorCode)
2408 {
2409   jam();
2410   sendBackupRef(ptr.p->clientRef, ptr.p->flags, signal,
2411                 ptr.p->clientData, errorCode);
2412   cleanup(signal, ptr);
2413 }
2415 void
sendBackupRef(BlockReference senderRef,Uint32 flags,Signal * signal,Uint32 senderData,Uint32 errorCode)2416 Backup::sendBackupRef(BlockReference senderRef, Uint32 flags, Signal *signal,
2417 		      Uint32 senderData, Uint32 errorCode)
2418 {
2419   jam();
2420   if (SEND_BACKUP_STARTED_FLAG(flags))
2421   {
2422     jam();
2423     BackupRef* ref = (BackupRef*)signal->getDataPtrSend();
2424     ref->senderData = senderData;
2425     ref->errorCode = errorCode;
2426     ref->masterRef = numberToRef(BACKUP, getMasterNodeId());
2427     sendSignal(senderRef, GSN_BACKUP_REF, signal, BackupRef::SignalLength, JBB);
2428   }
2430   if (errorCode != BackupRef::IAmNotMaster)
2431   {
2432     jam();
2433     signal->theData[0] = NDB_LE_BackupFailedToStart;
2434     signal->theData[1] = senderRef;
2435     signal->theData[2] = errorCode;
2436     sendSignal(CMVMI_REF, GSN_EVENT_REP, signal, 3, JBB);
2437   }
2438 }
2440 void
execUTIL_SEQUENCE_CONF(Signal * signal)2441 Backup::execUTIL_SEQUENCE_CONF(Signal* signal)
2442 {
2443   jamEntry();
2445   UtilSequenceConf * conf = (UtilSequenceConf*)signal->getDataPtr();
2447   if(conf->requestType == UtilSequenceReq::Create)
2448   {
2449     jam();
2450     sendSTTORRY(signal); // At startup in NDB
2451     return;
2452   }
2454   BackupRecordPtr ptr;
2455   ptr.i = conf->senderData;
2456   c_backupPool.getPtr(ptr);
2458   ndbrequire(ptr.p->masterData.gsn == GSN_UTIL_SEQUENCE_REQ);
2460   if (ptr.p->checkError())
2461   {
2462     jam();
2463     sendBackupRef(signal, ptr, ptr.p->errorCode);
2464     return;
2465   }//if
2467   if (ERROR_INSERTED(10023))
2468   {
2469     sendBackupRef(signal, ptr, 323);
2470     return;
2471   }//if
2474   if(!ptr.p->backupId && conf->requestType != UtilSequenceReq::SetVal)
2475   {
2476     Uint64 backupId;
2477     memcpy(&backupId,conf->sequenceValue,8);
2478     ptr.p->backupId= (Uint32)backupId;
2479   }
2481   ptr.p->backupKey[0] = (getOwnNodeId() << 16) | (ptr.p->backupId & 0xFFFF);
2482   ptr.p->backupKey[1] = Uint32(NdbTick_CurrentMillisecond());
2484   ptr.p->masterData.gsn = GSN_UTIL_LOCK_REQ;
2485   Mutex mutex(signal, c_mutexMgr, ptr.p->masterData.m_defineBackupMutex);
2486   Callback c = { safe_cast(&Backup::defineBackupMutex_locked), ptr.i };
2487   ndbrequire(mutex.lock(c));
2489   return;
2490 }
2492 void
defineBackupMutex_locked(Signal * signal,Uint32 ptrI,Uint32 retVal)2493 Backup::defineBackupMutex_locked(Signal* signal, Uint32 ptrI, Uint32 retVal){
2494   jamEntry();
2495   ndbrequire(retVal == 0);
2497   BackupRecordPtr ptr;
2498   ptr.i = ptrI;
2499   c_backupPool.getPtr(ptr);
2501   ndbrequire(ptr.p->masterData.gsn == GSN_UTIL_LOCK_REQ);
2503   ptr.p->masterData.gsn = GSN_UTIL_LOCK_REQ;
2504   Mutex mutex(signal, c_mutexMgr, ptr.p->masterData.m_dictCommitTableMutex);
2505   Callback c = { safe_cast(&Backup::dictCommitTableMutex_locked), ptr.i };
2506   ndbrequire(mutex.lock(c));
2507 }
2509 void
dictCommitTableMutex_locked(Signal * signal,Uint32 ptrI,Uint32 retVal)2510 Backup::dictCommitTableMutex_locked(Signal* signal, Uint32 ptrI,Uint32 retVal)
2511 {
2512   jamEntry();
2513   ndbrequire(retVal == 0);
2515   /**
2516    * We now have both the mutexes
2517    */
2518   BackupRecordPtr ptr;
2519   ptr.i = ptrI;
2520   c_backupPool.getPtr(ptr);
2522   ndbrequire(ptr.p->masterData.gsn == GSN_UTIL_LOCK_REQ);
2524   if (ERROR_INSERTED(10031)) {
2525     ptr.p->setErrorCode(331);
2526   }//if
2528   if (ptr.p->checkError())
2529   {
2530     jam();
2532     /**
2533      * Unlock mutexes
2534      */
2535     jam();
2536     Mutex mutex1(signal, c_mutexMgr, ptr.p->masterData.m_dictCommitTableMutex);
2537     jam();
2538     mutex1.unlock(); // ignore response
2540     jam();
2541     Mutex mutex2(signal, c_mutexMgr, ptr.p->masterData.m_defineBackupMutex);
2542     jam();
2543     mutex2.unlock(); // ignore response
2545     sendBackupRef(signal, ptr, ptr.p->errorCode);
2546     return;
2547   }//if
2549   sendDefineBackupReq(signal, ptr);
2550 }
2552 /*****************************************************************************
2553  *
2554  * Master functionallity - Define backup cont'd (from now on all slaves are in)
2555  *
2556  *****************************************************************************/
2558 bool
haveAllSignals(BackupRecordPtr ptr,Uint32 gsn,Uint32 nodeId)2559 Backup::haveAllSignals(BackupRecordPtr ptr, Uint32 gsn, Uint32 nodeId)
2560 {
2561   ndbrequire(ptr.p->masterRef == reference());
2562   ndbrequire(ptr.p->masterData.gsn == gsn);
2563   ndbrequire(!ptr.p->masterData.sendCounter.done());
2564   ndbrequire(ptr.p->masterData.sendCounter.isWaitingFor(nodeId));
2566   ptr.p->masterData.sendCounter.clearWaitingFor(nodeId);
2567   return ptr.p->masterData.sendCounter.done();
2568 }
2570 void
sendDefineBackupReq(Signal * signal,BackupRecordPtr ptr)2571 Backup::sendDefineBackupReq(Signal *signal, BackupRecordPtr ptr)
2572 {
2573   /**
2574    * Sending define backup to all participants
2575    */
2576   DefineBackupReq * req = (DefineBackupReq*)signal->getDataPtrSend();
2577   req->backupId = ptr.p->backupId;
2578   req->clientRef = ptr.p->clientRef;
2579   req->clientData = ptr.p->clientData;
2580   req->senderRef = reference();
2581   req->backupPtr = ptr.i;
2582   req->backupKey[0] = ptr.p->backupKey[0];
2583   req->backupKey[1] = ptr.p->backupKey[1];
2584   req->nodes = ptr.p->nodes;
2585   req->backupDataLen = ptr.p->backupDataLen;
2586   req->flags = ptr.p->flags;
2588   ptr.p->masterData.gsn = GSN_DEFINE_BACKUP_REQ;
2589   ptr.p->masterData.sendCounter = ptr.p->nodes;
2590   BlockNumber backupBlockNo = numberToBlock(BACKUP, instanceKey(ptr));
2591   NodeReceiverGroup rg(backupBlockNo, ptr.p->nodes);
2592   sendSignal(rg, GSN_DEFINE_BACKUP_REQ, signal,
2593 	     DefineBackupReq::SignalLength, JBB);
2595   /**
2596    * Now send backup data
2597    */
2598   const Uint32 len = ptr.p->backupDataLen;
2599   if(len == 0){
2600     /**
2601      * No data to send
2602      */
2603     jam();
2604     return;
2605   }//if
2607   /**
2608    * Not implemented
2609    */
2610   ndbrequire(0);
2611 }
2613 void
execDEFINE_BACKUP_REF(Signal * signal)2614 Backup::execDEFINE_BACKUP_REF(Signal* signal)
2615 {
2616   jamEntry();
2618   DefineBackupRef* ref = (DefineBackupRef*)signal->getDataPtr();
2620   const Uint32 ptrI = ref->backupPtr;
2621   //const Uint32 backupId = ref->backupId;
2622   const Uint32 nodeId = ref->nodeId;
2624   BackupRecordPtr ptr;
2625   c_backupPool.getPtr(ptr, ptrI);
2627   ptr.p->setErrorCode(ref->errorCode);
2628   defineBackupReply(signal, ptr, nodeId);
2629 }
2631 void
execDEFINE_BACKUP_CONF(Signal * signal)2632 Backup::execDEFINE_BACKUP_CONF(Signal* signal)
2633 {
2634   jamEntry();
2636   DefineBackupConf* conf = (DefineBackupConf*)signal->getDataPtr();
2637   const Uint32 ptrI = conf->backupPtr;
2638   //const Uint32 backupId = conf->backupId;
2639   const Uint32 nodeId = refToNode(signal->senderBlockRef());
2641   BackupRecordPtr ptr;
2642   c_backupPool.getPtr(ptr, ptrI);
2644   if (ERROR_INSERTED(10024))
2645   {
2646     ptr.p->setErrorCode(324);
2647   }
2649   defineBackupReply(signal, ptr, nodeId);
2650 }
2652 void
defineBackupReply(Signal * signal,BackupRecordPtr ptr,Uint32 nodeId)2653 Backup::defineBackupReply(Signal* signal, BackupRecordPtr ptr, Uint32 nodeId)
2654 {
2655   if (!haveAllSignals(ptr, GSN_DEFINE_BACKUP_REQ, nodeId)) {
2656     jam();
2657     return;
2658   }
2660   /**
2661    * Unlock mutexes
2662    */
2663   jam();
2664   Mutex mutex1(signal, c_mutexMgr, ptr.p->masterData.m_dictCommitTableMutex);
2665   jam();
2666   mutex1.unlock(); // ignore response
2668   jam();
2669   Mutex mutex2(signal, c_mutexMgr, ptr.p->masterData.m_defineBackupMutex);
2670   jam();
2671   mutex2.unlock(); // ignore response
2673   if(ptr.p->checkError())
2674   {
2675     jam();
2676     masterAbort(signal, ptr);
2677     return;
2678   }
2680   CRASH_INSERTION((10034));
2682   /**
2683    * We've received GSN_DEFINE_BACKUP_CONF from all participants.
2684    *
2685    * Our next step is to send START_BACKUP_REQ to all participants,
2686    * who will then send CREATE_TRIG_REQ for all tables to their local
2687    * DBTUP.
2688    */
2689   TablePtr tabPtr;
2690   ptr.p->tables.first(tabPtr);
2692   sendStartBackup(signal, ptr, tabPtr);
2693 }
2695 /*****************************************************************************
2696  *
2697  * Master functionallity - Prepare triggers
2698  *
2699  *****************************************************************************/
2700 void
createAttributeMask(TablePtr tabPtr,Bitmask<MAXNROFATTRIBUTESINWORDS> & mask)2701 Backup::createAttributeMask(TablePtr tabPtr,
2702 			    Bitmask<MAXNROFATTRIBUTESINWORDS> & mask)
2703 {
2704   mask.clear();
2705   for (Uint32 i = 0; i<tabPtr.p->noOfAttributes; i++)
2706     mask.set(i);
2707 }
2709 void
sendCreateTrig(Signal * signal,BackupRecordPtr ptr,TablePtr tabPtr)2710 Backup::sendCreateTrig(Signal* signal,
2711 			   BackupRecordPtr ptr, TablePtr tabPtr)
2712 {
2713   CreateTrigImplReq* req = (CreateTrigImplReq*)signal->getDataPtrSend();
2715   /*
2716    * First, setup the structures
2717    */
2718   for(Uint32 j=0; j<3; j++) {
2719     jam();
2721     TriggerPtr trigPtr;
2722     if (!ptr.p->triggers.seizeFirst(trigPtr)) {
2723       jam();
2724       ptr.p->m_gsn = GSN_START_BACKUP_REF;
2725       StartBackupRef* ref = (StartBackupRef*)signal->getDataPtrSend();
2726       ref->backupPtr = ptr.i;
2727       ref->backupId = ptr.p->backupId;
2728       ref->errorCode = StartBackupRef::FailedToAllocateTriggerRecord;
2729       ref->nodeId = getOwnNodeId();
2730       sendSignal(ptr.p->masterRef, GSN_START_BACKUP_REF, signal,
2731 		 StartBackupRef::SignalLength, JBB);
2732       return;
2733     } // if
2735     const Uint32 triggerId= trigPtr.i;
2736     tabPtr.p->triggerIds[j] = triggerId;
2737     tabPtr.p->triggerAllocated[j] = true;
2738     trigPtr.p->backupPtr = ptr.i;
2739     trigPtr.p->tableId = tabPtr.p->tableId;
2740     trigPtr.p->tab_ptr_i = tabPtr.i;
2741     trigPtr.p->logEntry = 0;
2742     trigPtr.p->event = j;
2743     trigPtr.p->maxRecordSize = 4096;
2744     trigPtr.p->operation =
2745       &ptr.p->files.getPtr(ptr.p->logFilePtr)->operation;
2746     trigPtr.p->operation->noOfBytes = 0;
2747     trigPtr.p->operation->noOfRecords = 0;
2748     trigPtr.p->errorCode = 0;
2749   } // for
2751   /*
2752    * now ask DBTUP to create
2753    */
2754   ptr.p->slaveData.gsn = GSN_CREATE_TRIG_IMPL_REQ;
2755   ptr.p->slaveData.trigSendCounter = 3;
2756   ptr.p->slaveData.createTrig.tableId = tabPtr.p->tableId;
2758   req->senderRef = reference();
2759   req->receiverRef = reference();
2760   req->senderData = ptr.i;
2761   req->requestType = 0;
2764   createAttributeMask(tabPtr, attrMask);
2766   req->tableId = tabPtr.p->tableId;
2767   req->tableVersion = 0;
2768   req->indexId = RNIL;
2769   req->indexVersion = 0;
2771   Uint32 ti = 0;
2772   /*
2773    * We always send PK for any operations and any triggertypes.
2775    *   We send after image for INSERT.
2776    *   We send before image for DELETE.
2777    *   We send before+after image for UPDATE.
2778    * For SUBSCRIPTION
2779    *   We send after image for INSERT.
2780    *   We send only PK for DELETE.
2781    *   We send after image for UPDATE.
2782    */
2783   if(ptr.p->flags & BackupReq::USE_UNDO_LOG)
2784     TriggerInfo::setTriggerType(ti, TriggerType::SUBSCRIPTION_BEFORE);
2785   else
2786     TriggerInfo::setTriggerType(ti, TriggerType::SUBSCRIPTION);
2787   TriggerInfo::setTriggerActionTime(ti, TriggerActionTime::TA_DETACHED);
2788   TriggerInfo::setMonitorReplicas(ti, true);
2789   TriggerInfo::setMonitorAllAttributes(ti, false);
2791   for (int i=0; i < 3; i++) {
2792     req->triggerId = tabPtr.p->triggerIds[i];
2794     Uint32 ti2 = ti;
2795     TriggerInfo::setTriggerEvent(ti2, triggerEventValues[i]);
2796     req->triggerInfo = ti2;
2798     LinearSectionPtr ptr[3];
2799     ptr[0].p = attrMask.rep.data;
2800     ptr[0].sz = attrMask.getSizeInWords();
2803 	       signal, CreateTrigImplReq::SignalLength, JBB, ptr ,1);
2804   }
2805 }
2807 void
execCREATE_TRIG_IMPL_CONF(Signal * signal)2808 Backup::execCREATE_TRIG_IMPL_CONF(Signal* signal)
2809 {
2810   jamEntry();
2811   const CreateTrigImplConf* conf =
2812     (const CreateTrigImplConf*)signal->getDataPtr();
2814   const Uint32 ptrI = conf->senderData;
2815   const Uint32 tableId = conf->tableId;
2816   const TriggerEvent::Value type =
2817     TriggerInfo::getTriggerEvent(conf->triggerInfo);
2819   BackupRecordPtr ptr;
2820   c_backupPool.getPtr(ptr, ptrI);
2822   /**
2823    * Verify that I'm waiting for this conf
2824    *
2825    * ptr.p->masterRef != reference()
2826    * as slaves and masters have triggers now.
2827    */
2828   ndbrequire(ptr.p->slaveData.gsn == GSN_CREATE_TRIG_IMPL_REQ);
2829   ndbrequire(ptr.p->slaveData.trigSendCounter.done() == false);
2830   ndbrequire(ptr.p->slaveData.createTrig.tableId == tableId);
2832   TablePtr tabPtr;
2833   ndbrequire(findTable(ptr, tabPtr, tableId));
2834   ndbrequire(type < 3); // if some decides to change the enums
2836   createTrigReply(signal, ptr);
2837 }
2839 void
execCREATE_TRIG_IMPL_REF(Signal * signal)2840 Backup::execCREATE_TRIG_IMPL_REF(Signal* signal)
2841 {
2842   jamEntry();
2843   const CreateTrigImplRef* ref =
2844     (const CreateTrigImplRef*)signal->getDataPtr();
2846   const Uint32 ptrI = ref->senderData;
2847   const Uint32 tableId = ref->tableId;
2849   BackupRecordPtr ptr;
2850   c_backupPool.getPtr(ptr, ptrI);
2852   /**
2853    * Verify that I'm waiting for this ref
2854    *
2855    * ptr.p->masterRef != reference()
2856    * as slaves and masters have triggers now
2857    */
2858   ndbrequire(ptr.p->slaveData.gsn == GSN_CREATE_TRIG_IMPL_REQ);
2859   ndbrequire(ptr.p->slaveData.trigSendCounter.done() == false);
2860   ndbrequire(ptr.p->slaveData.createTrig.tableId == tableId);
2862   ptr.p->setErrorCode(ref->errorCode);
2864   createTrigReply(signal, ptr);
2865 }
2867 void
createTrigReply(Signal * signal,BackupRecordPtr ptr)2868 Backup::createTrigReply(Signal* signal, BackupRecordPtr ptr)
2869 {
2870   CRASH_INSERTION(10003);
2872   /**
2873    * Check finished with table
2874    */
2875   ptr.p->slaveData.trigSendCounter--;
2876   if(ptr.p->slaveData.trigSendCounter.done() == false){
2877     jam();
2878     return;
2879   }//if
2881   if (ERROR_INSERTED(10025))
2882   {
2883     ptr.p->errorCode = 325;
2884   }
2886   if(ptr.p->checkError()) {
2887     jam();
2888     ptr.p->m_gsn = GSN_START_BACKUP_REF;
2889     StartBackupRef* ref = (StartBackupRef*)signal->getDataPtrSend();
2890     ref->backupPtr = ptr.i;
2891     ref->backupId = ptr.p->backupId;
2892     ref->errorCode = ptr.p->errorCode;
2893     ref->nodeId = getOwnNodeId();
2894     sendSignal(ptr.p->masterRef, GSN_START_BACKUP_REF, signal,
2895                StartBackupRef::SignalLength, JBB);
2896     return;
2897   }//if
2899   TablePtr tabPtr;
2900   ndbrequire(findTable(ptr, tabPtr, ptr.p->slaveData.createTrig.tableId));
2902   /**
2903    * Next table
2904    */
2905   ptr.p->tables.next(tabPtr);
2906   if(tabPtr.i != RNIL){
2907     jam();
2908     sendCreateTrig(signal, ptr, tabPtr);
2909     return;
2910   }//if
2912   /**
2913    * We've finished creating triggers.
2914    *
2915    * send conf and wait
2916    */
2917   ptr.p->m_gsn = GSN_START_BACKUP_CONF;
2918   StartBackupConf* conf = (StartBackupConf*)signal->getDataPtrSend();
2919   conf->backupPtr = ptr.i;
2920   conf->backupId = ptr.p->backupId;
2921   sendSignal(ptr.p->masterRef, GSN_START_BACKUP_CONF, signal,
2922 	     StartBackupConf::SignalLength, JBB);
2923 }
2925 /*****************************************************************************
2926  *
2927  * Master functionallity - Start backup
2928  *
2929  *****************************************************************************/
2930 void
sendStartBackup(Signal * signal,BackupRecordPtr ptr,TablePtr tabPtr)2931 Backup::sendStartBackup(Signal* signal, BackupRecordPtr ptr, TablePtr tabPtr)
2932 {
2934   ptr.p->masterData.startBackup.tablePtr = tabPtr.i;
2936   StartBackupReq* req = (StartBackupReq*)signal->getDataPtrSend();
2937   req->backupId = ptr.p->backupId;
2938   req->backupPtr = ptr.i;
2940   /**
2941    * We use trigger Ids that are unique to BACKUP.
2942    * These don't interfere with other triggers (e.g. from DBDICT)
2943    * as there is a special case in DBTUP.
2944    *
2945    * Consequently, backups during online upgrade won't work
2946    */
2947   ptr.p->masterData.gsn = GSN_START_BACKUP_REQ;
2948   ptr.p->masterData.sendCounter = ptr.p->nodes;
2949   BlockNumber backupBlockNo = numberToBlock(BACKUP, instanceKey(ptr));
2950   NodeReceiverGroup rg(backupBlockNo, ptr.p->nodes);
2951   sendSignal(rg, GSN_START_BACKUP_REQ, signal,
2952 	     StartBackupReq::SignalLength, JBB);
2953 }
2955 void
execSTART_BACKUP_REF(Signal * signal)2956 Backup::execSTART_BACKUP_REF(Signal* signal)
2957 {
2958   jamEntry();
2960   StartBackupRef* ref = (StartBackupRef*)signal->getDataPtr();
2961   const Uint32 ptrI = ref->backupPtr;
2962   //const Uint32 backupId = ref->backupId;
2963   const Uint32 nodeId = ref->nodeId;
2965   BackupRecordPtr ptr;
2966   c_backupPool.getPtr(ptr, ptrI);
2968   ptr.p->setErrorCode(ref->errorCode);
2969   startBackupReply(signal, ptr, nodeId);
2970 }
2972 void
execSTART_BACKUP_CONF(Signal * signal)2973 Backup::execSTART_BACKUP_CONF(Signal* signal)
2974 {
2975   jamEntry();
2977   StartBackupConf* conf = (StartBackupConf*)signal->getDataPtr();
2978   const Uint32 ptrI = conf->backupPtr;
2979   //const Uint32 backupId = conf->backupId;
2980   const Uint32 nodeId = refToNode(signal->senderBlockRef());
2982   BackupRecordPtr ptr;
2983   c_backupPool.getPtr(ptr, ptrI);
2985   startBackupReply(signal, ptr, nodeId);
2986 }
2988 void
startBackupReply(Signal * signal,BackupRecordPtr ptr,Uint32 nodeId)2989 Backup::startBackupReply(Signal* signal, BackupRecordPtr ptr, Uint32 nodeId)
2990 {
2992   CRASH_INSERTION((10004));
2994   if (!haveAllSignals(ptr, GSN_START_BACKUP_REQ, nodeId)) {
2995     jam();
2996     return;
2997   }
2999   if (ERROR_INSERTED(10026))
3000   {
3001     ptr.p->errorCode = 326;
3002   }
3004   if(ptr.p->checkError()){
3005     jam();
3006     masterAbort(signal, ptr);
3007     return;
3008   }
3010   /*
3011    * We reply to client after create trigger
3012    */
3013   if (SEND_BACKUP_STARTED_FLAG(ptr.p->flags))
3014   {
3015     BackupConf * conf = (BackupConf*)signal->getDataPtrSend();
3016     conf->backupId = ptr.p->backupId;
3017     conf->senderData = ptr.p->clientData;
3018     conf->nodes = ptr.p->nodes;
3019     sendSignal(ptr.p->clientRef, GSN_BACKUP_CONF, signal,
3020              BackupConf::SignalLength, JBB);
3021   }
3023   signal->theData[0] = NDB_LE_BackupStarted;
3024   signal->theData[1] = ptr.p->clientRef;
3025   signal->theData[2] = ptr.p->backupId;
3026   ptr.p->nodes.copyto(NdbNodeBitmask::Size, signal->theData+3);
3027   sendSignal(CMVMI_REF, GSN_EVENT_REP, signal, 3+NdbNodeBitmask::Size, JBB);
3029   /**
3030    * Wait for GCP
3031    */
3032   ptr.p->masterData.gsn = GSN_WAIT_GCP_REQ;
3033   ptr.p->masterData.waitGCP.startBackup = true;
3035   WaitGCPReq * waitGCPReq = (WaitGCPReq*)signal->getDataPtrSend();
3036   waitGCPReq->senderRef = reference();
3037   waitGCPReq->senderData = ptr.i;
3038   waitGCPReq->requestType = WaitGCPReq::CompleteForceStart;
3039   //we delay 10 seconds for testcases to generate events to be recorded in the UNDO log
3040   if (ERROR_INSERTED(10041))
3041   {
3042     sendSignalWithDelay(DBDIH_REF, GSN_WAIT_GCP_REQ, signal, 10*1000, WaitGCPReq::SignalLength);
3043   }
3044   else
3045     sendSignal(DBDIH_REF, GSN_WAIT_GCP_REQ, signal,
3046     	       WaitGCPReq::SignalLength,JBB);
3047 }
3049 void
execWAIT_GCP_REF(Signal * signal)3050 Backup::execWAIT_GCP_REF(Signal* signal)
3051 {
3052   jamEntry();
3054   CRASH_INSERTION((10006));
3056   WaitGCPRef * ref = (WaitGCPRef*)signal->getDataPtr();
3057   const Uint32 ptrI = ref->senderData;
3059   BackupRecordPtr ptr;
3060   c_backupPool.getPtr(ptr, ptrI);
3062   ndbrequire(ptr.p->masterRef == reference());
3063   ndbrequire(ptr.p->masterData.gsn == GSN_WAIT_GCP_REQ);
3065   WaitGCPReq * req = (WaitGCPReq*)signal->getDataPtrSend();
3066   req->senderRef = reference();
3067   req->senderData = ptr.i;
3068   req->requestType = WaitGCPReq::CompleteForceStart;
3069   sendSignal(DBDIH_REF, GSN_WAIT_GCP_REQ, signal,
3070 	     WaitGCPReq::SignalLength,JBB);
3071 }
3073 void
execWAIT_GCP_CONF(Signal * signal)3074 Backup::execWAIT_GCP_CONF(Signal* signal){
3075   jamEntry();
3077   CRASH_INSERTION((10007));
3079   WaitGCPConf * conf = (WaitGCPConf*)signal->getDataPtr();
3080   const Uint32 ptrI = conf->senderData;
3081   const Uint32 gcp = conf->gci_hi;
3083   BackupRecordPtr ptr;
3084   c_backupPool.getPtr(ptr, ptrI);
3086   ndbrequire(ptr.p->masterRef == reference());
3087   ndbrequire(ptr.p->masterData.gsn == GSN_WAIT_GCP_REQ);
3089   if(ptr.p->checkError()) {
3090     jam();
3091     masterAbort(signal, ptr);
3092     return;
3093   }//if
3095   if(ptr.p->masterData.waitGCP.startBackup) {
3096     jam();
3097     CRASH_INSERTION((10008));
3098     ptr.p->startGCP = gcp;
3099     ptr.p->masterData.sendCounter= 0;
3100     ptr.p->masterData.gsn = GSN_BACKUP_FRAGMENT_REQ;
3101     nextFragment(signal, ptr);
3102     return;
3103   } else {
3104     jam();
3105     if(gcp >= ptr.p->startGCP + 3)
3106     {
3107       CRASH_INSERTION((10009));
3108       ptr.p->stopGCP = gcp;
3109       /**
3110        * Backup is complete - begin cleanup
3111        * STOP_BACKUP_REQ is sent to participants.
3112        * They then drop the local triggers
3113        */
3114       sendStopBackup(signal, ptr);
3115       return;
3116     }//if
3118     /**
3119      * Make sure that we got entire stopGCP
3120      */
3121     WaitGCPReq * req = (WaitGCPReq*)signal->getDataPtrSend();
3122     req->senderRef = reference();
3123     req->senderData = ptr.i;
3124     req->requestType = WaitGCPReq::CompleteForceStart;
3125     sendSignal(DBDIH_REF, GSN_WAIT_GCP_REQ, signal,
3126 	       WaitGCPReq::SignalLength,JBB);
3127     return;
3128   }
3129 }
3131 /*****************************************************************************
3132  *
3133  * Master functionallity - Backup fragment
3134  *
3135  *****************************************************************************/
3136 void
nextFragment(Signal * signal,BackupRecordPtr ptr)3137 Backup::nextFragment(Signal* signal, BackupRecordPtr ptr)
3138 {
3139   jam();
3141   BackupFragmentReq* req = (BackupFragmentReq*)signal->getDataPtrSend();
3142   req->backupPtr = ptr.i;
3143   req->backupId = ptr.p->backupId;
3145   NdbNodeBitmask nodes = ptr.p->nodes;
3146   Uint32 idleNodes = nodes.count();
3147   Uint32 saveIdleNodes = idleNodes;
3148   ndbrequire(idleNodes > 0);
3150   TablePtr tabPtr;
3151   ptr.p->tables.first(tabPtr);
3152   for(; tabPtr.i != RNIL && idleNodes > 0; ptr.p->tables.next(tabPtr)) {
3153     jam();
3154     FragmentPtr fragPtr;
3155     Array<Fragment> & frags = tabPtr.p->fragments;
3156     const Uint32 fragCount = frags.getSize();
3158     for(Uint32 i = 0; i<fragCount && idleNodes > 0; i++) {
3159       jam();
3160       tabPtr.p->fragments.getPtr(fragPtr, i);
3161       const Uint32 nodeId = fragPtr.p->node;
3162       if(fragPtr.p->scanning != 0) {
3163         jam();
3164 	ndbrequire(nodes.get(nodeId));
3165 	nodes.clear(nodeId);
3166 	idleNodes--;
3167       } else if(fragPtr.p->scanned == 0 && nodes.get(nodeId)){
3168 	jam();
3169 	fragPtr.p->scanning = 1;
3170 	nodes.clear(nodeId);
3171 	idleNodes--;
3173 	req->tableId = tabPtr.p->tableId;
3174 	req->fragmentNo = i;
3175 	req->count = 0;
3177 	ptr.p->masterData.sendCounter++;
3178 	BlockReference ref = numberToRef(BACKUP, instanceKey(ptr), nodeId);
3179 	sendSignal(ref, GSN_BACKUP_FRAGMENT_REQ, signal,
3180 		   BackupFragmentReq::SignalLength, JBB);
3181       }//if
3182     }//for
3183   }//for
3185   if(idleNodes != saveIdleNodes){
3186     jam();
3187     return;
3188   }//if
3190   /**
3191    * Finished with all tables
3192    */
3193   {
3194     ptr.p->masterData.gsn = GSN_WAIT_GCP_REQ;
3195     ptr.p->masterData.waitGCP.startBackup = false;
3197     WaitGCPReq * req = (WaitGCPReq*)signal->getDataPtrSend();
3198     req->senderRef = reference();
3199     req->senderData = ptr.i;
3200     req->requestType = WaitGCPReq::CompleteForceStart;
3201     sendSignal(DBDIH_REF, GSN_WAIT_GCP_REQ, signal,
3202 	       WaitGCPReq::SignalLength, JBB);
3203   }
3204 }
3206 void
execBACKUP_FRAGMENT_CONF(Signal * signal)3207 Backup::execBACKUP_FRAGMENT_CONF(Signal* signal)
3208 {
3209   jamEntry();
3211   CRASH_INSERTION((10010));
3213   BackupFragmentConf * conf = (BackupFragmentConf*)signal->getDataPtr();
3214   const Uint32 ptrI = conf->backupPtr;
3215   //const Uint32 backupId = conf->backupId;
3216   const Uint32 tableId = conf->tableId;
3217   const Uint32 fragmentNo = conf->fragmentNo;
3218   const Uint32 nodeId = refToNode(signal->senderBlockRef());
3219   const Uint64 noOfBytes =
3220     conf->noOfBytesLow + (((Uint64)conf->noOfBytesHigh) << 32);
3221   const Uint64 noOfRecords =
3222     conf->noOfRecordsLow + (((Uint64)conf->noOfRecordsHigh) << 32);
3224   BackupRecordPtr ptr;
3225   c_backupPool.getPtr(ptr, ptrI);
3227   ptr.p->noOfBytes += noOfBytes;
3228   ptr.p->noOfRecords += noOfRecords;
3229   ptr.p->masterData.sendCounter--;
3231   TablePtr tabPtr;
3232   ndbrequire(findTable(ptr, tabPtr, tableId));
3234   tabPtr.p->noOfRecords += noOfRecords;
3236   FragmentPtr fragPtr;
3237   tabPtr.p->fragments.getPtr(fragPtr, fragmentNo);
3239   fragPtr.p->noOfRecords = noOfRecords;
3241   ndbrequire(fragPtr.p->scanned == 0);
3242   ndbrequire(fragPtr.p->scanning == 1);
3243   ndbrequire(fragPtr.p->node == nodeId);
3245   fragPtr.p->scanned = 1;
3246   fragPtr.p->scanning = 0;
3248   if (ERROR_INSERTED(10028))
3249   {
3250     ptr.p->errorCode = 328;
3251   }
3253   if(ptr.p->checkError())
3254   {
3255     if(ptr.p->masterData.sendCounter.done())
3256     {
3257       jam();
3258       masterAbort(signal, ptr);
3259       return;
3260     }//if
3261   }
3262   else
3263   {
3264     NdbNodeBitmask nodes = ptr.p->nodes;
3265     nodes.clear(getOwnNodeId());
3266     if (!nodes.isclear())
3267     {
3268       BackupFragmentCompleteRep *rep =
3269         (BackupFragmentCompleteRep*)signal->getDataPtrSend();
3270       rep->backupId = ptr.p->backupId;
3271       rep->backupPtr = ptr.i;
3272       rep->tableId = tableId;
3273       rep->fragmentNo = fragmentNo;
3274       rep->noOfTableRowsLow = (Uint32)(tabPtr.p->noOfRecords & 0xFFFFFFFF);
3275       rep->noOfTableRowsHigh = (Uint32)(tabPtr.p->noOfRecords >> 32);
3276       rep->noOfFragmentRowsLow = (Uint32)(noOfRecords & 0xFFFFFFFF);
3277       rep->noOfFragmentRowsHigh = (Uint32)(noOfRecords >> 32);
3278       BlockNumber backupBlockNo = numberToBlock(BACKUP, instanceKey(ptr));
3279       NodeReceiverGroup rg(backupBlockNo, ptr.p->nodes);
3280       sendSignal(rg, GSN_BACKUP_FRAGMENT_COMPLETE_REP, signal,
3281                  BackupFragmentCompleteRep::SignalLength, JBA);
3282     }
3283     nextFragment(signal, ptr);
3284   }
3285 }
3287 void
execBACKUP_FRAGMENT_REF(Signal * signal)3288 Backup::execBACKUP_FRAGMENT_REF(Signal* signal)
3289 {
3290   jamEntry();
3292   CRASH_INSERTION((10011));
3294   BackupFragmentRef * ref = (BackupFragmentRef*)signal->getDataPtr();
3295   const Uint32 ptrI = ref->backupPtr;
3296   //const Uint32 backupId = ref->backupId;
3297   const Uint32 nodeId = ref->nodeId;
3299   BackupRecordPtr ptr;
3300   c_backupPool.getPtr(ptr, ptrI);
3302   TablePtr tabPtr;
3303   ptr.p->tables.first(tabPtr);
3304   for(; tabPtr.i != RNIL; ptr.p->tables.next(tabPtr)) {
3305     jam();
3306     FragmentPtr fragPtr;
3307     Array<Fragment> & frags = tabPtr.p->fragments;
3308     const Uint32 fragCount = frags.getSize();
3310     for(Uint32 i = 0; i<fragCount; i++) {
3311       jam();
3312       tabPtr.p->fragments.getPtr(fragPtr, i);
3313         if(fragPtr.p->scanning != 0 && nodeId == fragPtr.p->node)
3314       {
3315         jam();
3316 	ndbrequire(fragPtr.p->scanned == 0);
3317 	fragPtr.p->scanned = 1;
3318 	fragPtr.p->scanning = 0;
3319 	goto done;
3320       }
3321     }
3322   }
3323   goto err;
3325 done:
3326   ptr.p->masterData.sendCounter--;
3327   ptr.p->setErrorCode(ref->errorCode);
3329   if(ptr.p->masterData.sendCounter.done())
3330   {
3331     jam();
3332     masterAbort(signal, ptr);
3333     return;
3334   }//if
3336 err:
3337   AbortBackupOrd *ord = (AbortBackupOrd*)signal->getDataPtrSend();
3338   ord->backupId = ptr.p->backupId;
3339   ord->backupPtr = ptr.i;
3340   ord->requestType = AbortBackupOrd::LogBufferFull;
3341   ord->senderData= ptr.i;
3342   execABORT_BACKUP_ORD(signal);
3343 }
3345 void
execBACKUP_FRAGMENT_COMPLETE_REP(Signal * signal)3346 Backup::execBACKUP_FRAGMENT_COMPLETE_REP(Signal* signal)
3347 {
3348   jamEntry();
3349   BackupFragmentCompleteRep * rep =
3350     (BackupFragmentCompleteRep*)signal->getDataPtr();
3352   BackupRecordPtr ptr;
3353   c_backupPool.getPtr(ptr, rep->backupPtr);
3355   TablePtr tabPtr;
3356   ndbrequire(findTable(ptr, tabPtr, rep->tableId));
3358   tabPtr.p->noOfRecords =
3359     rep->noOfTableRowsLow + (((Uint64)rep->noOfTableRowsHigh) << 32);
3361   FragmentPtr fragPtr;
3362   tabPtr.p->fragments.getPtr(fragPtr, rep->fragmentNo);
3364   fragPtr.p->noOfRecords =
3365     rep->noOfFragmentRowsLow + (((Uint64)rep->noOfFragmentRowsHigh) << 32);
3366 }
3368 /*****************************************************************************
3369  *
3370  * Slave functionallity - Drop triggers
3371  *
3372  *****************************************************************************/
3374 void
sendDropTrig(Signal * signal,BackupRecordPtr ptr)3375 Backup::sendDropTrig(Signal* signal, BackupRecordPtr ptr)
3376 {
3377   TablePtr tabPtr;
3378   ptr.p->slaveData.gsn = GSN_DROP_TRIG_IMPL_REQ;
3380   if (ptr.p->slaveData.dropTrig.tableId == RNIL) {
3381     jam();
3382     if(ptr.p->tables.count())
3383       ptr.p->tables.first(tabPtr);
3384     else
3385     {
3386       // Early abort, go to close files
3387       jam();
3388       closeFiles(signal, ptr);
3389       return;
3390     }
3391   } else {
3392     jam();
3393     ndbrequire(findTable(ptr, tabPtr, ptr.p->slaveData.dropTrig.tableId));
3394     ptr.p->tables.next(tabPtr);
3395   }//if
3396   if (tabPtr.i != RNIL) {
3397     jam();
3398     sendDropTrig(signal, ptr, tabPtr);
3399   } else {
3400     /**
3401      * Insert footers
3402      */
3403     //if backup error, we needn't insert footers
3404     if(ptr.p->checkError())
3405     {
3406       jam();
3407       closeFiles(signal, ptr);
3408       ptr.p->errorCode = 0;
3409       return;
3410     }
3412     {
3413       BackupFilePtr filePtr;
3414       ptr.p->files.getPtr(filePtr, ptr.p->logFilePtr);
3415       Uint32 * dst;
3416       ndbrequire(filePtr.p->operation.dataBuffer.getWritePtr(&dst, 1));
3417       * dst = 0;
3418       filePtr.p->operation.dataBuffer.updateWritePtr(1);
3419     }
3421     {
3422       BackupFilePtr filePtr;
3423       ptr.p->files.getPtr(filePtr, ptr.p->ctlFilePtr);
3425       const Uint32 gcpSz = sizeof(BackupFormat::CtlFile::GCPEntry) >> 2;
3427       Uint32 * dst;
3428       ndbrequire(filePtr.p->operation.dataBuffer.getWritePtr(&dst, gcpSz));
3430       BackupFormat::CtlFile::GCPEntry * gcp =
3431 	(BackupFormat::CtlFile::GCPEntry*)dst;
3433       gcp->SectionType   = htonl(BackupFormat::GCP_ENTRY);
3434       gcp->SectionLength = htonl(gcpSz);
3435       gcp->StartGCP      = htonl(ptr.p->startGCP);
3436       gcp->StopGCP       = htonl(ptr.p->stopGCP - 1);
3437       filePtr.p->operation.dataBuffer.updateWritePtr(gcpSz);
3439       {
3440         TablePtr tabPtr;
3441         if (ptr.p->tables.first(tabPtr))
3442 	{
3443 	  jam();
3444 	  signal->theData[0] = BackupContinueB::BACKUP_FRAGMENT_INFO;
3445 	  signal->theData[1] = ptr.i;
3446 	  signal->theData[2] = tabPtr.i;
3447 	  signal->theData[3] = 0;
3448 	  sendSignal(reference(), GSN_CONTINUEB, signal, 4, JBB);
3449 	}
3450 	else
3451 	{
3452 	  jam();
3453 	  closeFiles(signal, ptr);
3454 	}
3455       }
3456     }
3457   }
3458 }
3460 void
sendDropTrig(Signal * signal,BackupRecordPtr ptr,TablePtr tabPtr)3461 Backup::sendDropTrig(Signal* signal, BackupRecordPtr ptr, TablePtr tabPtr)
3462 {
3463   jam();
3464   DropTrigImplReq* req = (DropTrigImplReq*)signal->getDataPtrSend();
3466   ptr.p->slaveData.gsn = GSN_DROP_TRIG_IMPL_REQ;
3467   ptr.p->slaveData.trigSendCounter = 0;
3468   req->senderRef = reference(); // Sending to myself
3469   req->senderData = ptr.i;
3470   req->requestType = 0;
3471   req->tableId = tabPtr.p->tableId;
3472   req->tableVersion = 0;
3473   req->indexId = RNIL;
3474   req->indexVersion = 0;
3475   req->receiverRef = reference();
3477   // TUP needs some triggerInfo to find right list
3478   Uint32 ti = 0;
3479   if(ptr.p->flags & BackupReq::USE_UNDO_LOG)
3480     TriggerInfo::setTriggerType(ti, TriggerType::SUBSCRIPTION_BEFORE);
3481   else
3482     TriggerInfo::setTriggerType(ti, TriggerType::SUBSCRIPTION);
3483   TriggerInfo::setTriggerActionTime(ti, TriggerActionTime::TA_DETACHED);
3484   TriggerInfo::setMonitorReplicas(ti, true);
3485   TriggerInfo::setMonitorAllAttributes(ti, false);
3487   ptr.p->slaveData.dropTrig.tableId = tabPtr.p->tableId;
3488   req->tableId = tabPtr.p->tableId;
3490   for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++) {
3491     Uint32 id = tabPtr.p->triggerIds[i];
3492     req->triggerId = id;
3494     Uint32 ti2 = ti;
3495     TriggerInfo::setTriggerEvent(ti2, triggerEventValues[i]);
3496     req->triggerInfo = ti2;
3498     sendSignal(DBTUP_REF, GSN_DROP_TRIG_IMPL_REQ,
3499 	       signal, DropTrigImplReq::SignalLength, JBB);
3500     ptr.p->slaveData.trigSendCounter ++;
3501   }
3502 }
3504 void
execDROP_TRIG_IMPL_REF(Signal * signal)3505 Backup::execDROP_TRIG_IMPL_REF(Signal* signal)
3506 {
3507   jamEntry();
3509   const DropTrigImplRef* ref = (const DropTrigImplRef*)signal->getDataPtr();
3510   const Uint32 ptrI = ref->senderData;
3512   BackupRecordPtr ptr;
3513   c_backupPool.getPtr(ptr, ptrI);
3515   if(ref->triggerId != ~(Uint32) 0)
3516   {
3517     ndbout << "ERROR DROPPING TRIGGER: " << ref->triggerId;
3518     ndbout << " Err: " << ref->errorCode << endl << endl;
3519   }
3521   dropTrigReply(signal, ptr);
3522 }
3524 void
execDROP_TRIG_IMPL_CONF(Signal * signal)3525 Backup::execDROP_TRIG_IMPL_CONF(Signal* signal)
3526 {
3527   jamEntry();
3529   const DropTrigImplConf* conf = (const DropTrigImplConf*)signal->getDataPtr();
3530   const Uint32 ptrI = conf->senderData;
3532   BackupRecordPtr ptr;
3533   c_backupPool.getPtr(ptr, ptrI);
3535   dropTrigReply(signal, ptr);
3536 }
3538 void
dropTrigReply(Signal * signal,BackupRecordPtr ptr)3539 Backup::dropTrigReply(Signal* signal, BackupRecordPtr ptr)
3540 {
3541   CRASH_INSERTION((10012));
3543   ndbrequire(ptr.p->slaveData.gsn == GSN_DROP_TRIG_IMPL_REQ);
3544   ndbrequire(ptr.p->slaveData.trigSendCounter.done() == false);
3546   // move from .masterData to .slaveData
3547   ptr.p->slaveData.trigSendCounter--;
3548   if(ptr.p->slaveData.trigSendCounter.done() == false){
3549     jam();
3550     return;
3551   }//if
3553   sendDropTrig(signal, ptr); // recursive next
3554 }
3556 /*****************************************************************************
3557  *
3558  * Master functionallity - Stop backup
3559  *
3560  *****************************************************************************/
3561 void
execSTOP_BACKUP_REF(Signal * signal)3562 Backup::execSTOP_BACKUP_REF(Signal* signal)
3563 {
3564   jamEntry();
3566   StopBackupRef* ref = (StopBackupRef*)signal->getDataPtr();
3567   const Uint32 ptrI = ref->backupPtr;
3568   //const Uint32 backupId = ref->backupId;
3569   const Uint32 nodeId = ref->nodeId;
3571   BackupRecordPtr ptr;
3572   c_backupPool.getPtr(ptr, ptrI);
3574   ptr.p->setErrorCode(ref->errorCode);
3575   stopBackupReply(signal, ptr, nodeId);
3576 }
3578 void
sendStopBackup(Signal * signal,BackupRecordPtr ptr)3579 Backup::sendStopBackup(Signal* signal, BackupRecordPtr ptr)
3580 {
3581   jam();
3583   StopBackupReq* stop = (StopBackupReq*)signal->getDataPtrSend();
3584   stop->backupPtr = ptr.i;
3585   stop->backupId = ptr.p->backupId;
3586   stop->startGCP = ptr.p->startGCP;
3587   stop->stopGCP = ptr.p->stopGCP;
3589   ptr.p->masterData.gsn = GSN_STOP_BACKUP_REQ;
3590   ptr.p->masterData.sendCounter = ptr.p->nodes;
3591   BlockNumber backupBlockNo = numberToBlock(BACKUP, instanceKey(ptr));
3592   NodeReceiverGroup rg(backupBlockNo, ptr.p->nodes);
3593   sendSignal(rg, GSN_STOP_BACKUP_REQ, signal,
3594 	     StopBackupReq::SignalLength, JBB);
3595 }
3597 void
execSTOP_BACKUP_CONF(Signal * signal)3598 Backup::execSTOP_BACKUP_CONF(Signal* signal)
3599 {
3600   jamEntry();
3602   StopBackupConf* conf = (StopBackupConf*)signal->getDataPtr();
3603   const Uint32 ptrI = conf->backupPtr;
3604   //const Uint32 backupId = conf->backupId;
3605   const Uint32 nodeId = refToNode(signal->senderBlockRef());
3607   BackupRecordPtr ptr;
3608   c_backupPool.getPtr(ptr, ptrI);
3610   ptr.p->noOfLogBytes += conf->noOfLogBytes;
3611   ptr.p->noOfLogRecords += conf->noOfLogRecords;
3613   stopBackupReply(signal, ptr, nodeId);
3614 }
3616 void
stopBackupReply(Signal * signal,BackupRecordPtr ptr,Uint32 nodeId)3617 Backup::stopBackupReply(Signal* signal, BackupRecordPtr ptr, Uint32 nodeId)
3618 {
3619   CRASH_INSERTION((10013));
3621   if (!haveAllSignals(ptr, GSN_STOP_BACKUP_REQ, nodeId)) {
3622     jam();
3623     return;
3624   }
3626   sendAbortBackupOrd(signal, ptr, AbortBackupOrd::BackupComplete);
3628   if(!ptr.p->checkError() &&  ptr.p->masterData.errorCode == 0)
3629   {
3630     if (SEND_BACKUP_COMPLETED_FLAG(ptr.p->flags))
3631     {
3632       BackupCompleteRep * rep = (BackupCompleteRep*)signal->getDataPtrSend();
3633       rep->backupId = ptr.p->backupId;
3634       rep->senderData = ptr.p->clientData;
3635       rep->startGCP = ptr.p->startGCP;
3636       rep->stopGCP = ptr.p->stopGCP;
3637       rep->noOfBytesLow = (Uint32)(ptr.p->noOfBytes & 0xFFFFFFFF);
3638       rep->noOfRecordsLow = (Uint32)(ptr.p->noOfRecords & 0xFFFFFFFF);
3639       rep->noOfBytesHigh = (Uint32)(ptr.p->noOfBytes >> 32);
3640       rep->noOfRecordsHigh = (Uint32)(ptr.p->noOfRecords >> 32);
3641       rep->noOfLogBytes = Uint32(ptr.p->noOfLogBytes); // TODO 64-bit log-bytes
3642       rep->noOfLogRecords = Uint32(ptr.p->noOfLogRecords); // TODO ^^
3643       rep->nodes = ptr.p->nodes;
3644       sendSignal(ptr.p->clientRef, GSN_BACKUP_COMPLETE_REP, signal,
3645 		 BackupCompleteRep::SignalLength, JBB);
3646     }
3648     signal->theData[0] = NDB_LE_BackupCompleted;
3649     signal->theData[1] = ptr.p->clientRef;
3650     signal->theData[2] = ptr.p->backupId;
3651     signal->theData[3] = ptr.p->startGCP;
3652     signal->theData[4] = ptr.p->stopGCP;
3653     signal->theData[5] = (Uint32)(ptr.p->noOfBytes & 0xFFFFFFFF);
3654     signal->theData[6] = (Uint32)(ptr.p->noOfRecords & 0xFFFFFFFF);
3655     signal->theData[7] = (Uint32)(ptr.p->noOfLogBytes & 0xFFFFFFFF);
3656     signal->theData[8] = (Uint32)(ptr.p->noOfLogRecords & 0xFFFFFFFF);
3657     ptr.p->nodes.copyto(NdbNodeBitmask::Size, signal->theData+9);
3658     signal->theData[9+NdbNodeBitmask::Size] = (Uint32)(ptr.p->noOfBytes >> 32);
3659     signal->theData[10+NdbNodeBitmask::Size] = (Uint32)(ptr.p->noOfRecords >> 32);
3660     signal->theData[11+NdbNodeBitmask::Size] = (Uint32)(ptr.p->noOfLogBytes >> 32);
3661     signal->theData[12+NdbNodeBitmask::Size] = (Uint32)(ptr.p->noOfLogRecords >> 32);
3662     sendSignal(CMVMI_REF, GSN_EVENT_REP, signal, 13+NdbNodeBitmask::Size, JBB);
3663   }
3664   else
3665   {
3666     masterAbort(signal, ptr);
3667   }
3668 }
3670 void
initReportStatus(Signal * signal,BackupRecordPtr ptr)3671 Backup::initReportStatus(Signal *signal, BackupRecordPtr ptr)
3672 {
3673   ptr.p->m_prev_report = NdbTick_getCurrentTicks();
3674 }
3676 void
checkReportStatus(Signal * signal,BackupRecordPtr ptr)3677 Backup::checkReportStatus(Signal *signal, BackupRecordPtr ptr)
3678 {
3679   if (m_backup_report_frequency == 0)
3680     return;
3682   const NDB_TICKS now = NdbTick_getCurrentTicks();
3683   const Uint64 elapsed = NdbTick_Elapsed(ptr.p->m_prev_report, now).seconds();
3684   if (elapsed > m_backup_report_frequency)
3685   {
3686     reportStatus(signal, ptr);
3687     ptr.p->m_prev_report = now;
3688   }
3689 }
3691 void
reportStatus(Signal * signal,BackupRecordPtr ptr,BlockReference ref)3692 Backup::reportStatus(Signal* signal, BackupRecordPtr ptr,
3693                      BlockReference ref)
3694 {
3695   const int signal_length = 11;
3697   signal->theData[0] = NDB_LE_BackupStatus;
3698   for (int i= 1; i < signal_length; i++)
3699     signal->theData[i] = 0;
3701   if (ptr.i == RNIL ||
3702       (ptr.p->m_gsn == 0 &&
3703        ptr.p->masterData.gsn == 0))
3704   {
3705     sendSignal(ref, GSN_EVENT_REP, signal, signal_length, JBB);
3706     return;
3707   }
3708   signal->theData[1] = ptr.p->clientRef;
3709   signal->theData[2] = ptr.p->backupId;
3711   if (ptr.p->dataFilePtr == RNIL)
3712   {
3713     sendSignal(ref, GSN_EVENT_REP, signal, signal_length, JBB);
3714     return;
3715   }
3717   BackupFilePtr dataFilePtr;
3718   ptr.p->files.getPtr(dataFilePtr, ptr.p->dataFilePtr);
3719   signal->theData[3] = (Uint32)(dataFilePtr.p->operation.m_bytes_total & 0xFFFFFFFF);
3720   signal->theData[4] = (Uint32)(dataFilePtr.p->operation.m_bytes_total >> 32);
3721   signal->theData[5] = (Uint32)(dataFilePtr.p->operation.m_records_total & 0xFFFFFFFF);
3722   signal->theData[6] = (Uint32)(dataFilePtr.p->operation.m_records_total >> 32);
3724   if (ptr.p->logFilePtr == RNIL)
3725   {
3726     sendSignal(ref, GSN_EVENT_REP, signal, signal_length, JBB);
3727     return;
3728   }
3730   BackupFilePtr logFilePtr;
3731   ptr.p->files.getPtr(logFilePtr, ptr.p->logFilePtr);
3732   signal->theData[7] = (Uint32)(logFilePtr.p->operation.m_bytes_total & 0xFFFFFFFF);
3733   signal->theData[8] = (Uint32)(logFilePtr.p->operation.m_bytes_total >> 32);
3734   signal->theData[9] = (Uint32)(logFilePtr.p->operation.m_records_total & 0xFFFFFFFF);
3735   signal->theData[10]= (Uint32)(logFilePtr.p->operation.m_records_total >> 32);
3737   sendSignal(ref, GSN_EVENT_REP, signal, signal_length, JBB);
3738 }
3740 /*****************************************************************************
3741  *
3742  * Master functionallity - Abort backup
3743  *
3744  *****************************************************************************/
3745 void
masterAbort(Signal * signal,BackupRecordPtr ptr)3746 Backup::masterAbort(Signal* signal, BackupRecordPtr ptr)
3747 {
3748   jam();
3749 #ifdef DEBUG_ABORT
3750   ndbout_c("************ masterAbort");
3751 #endif
3753   ndbassert(ptr.p->masterRef == reference());
3755   if(ptr.p->masterData.errorCode != 0)
3756   {
3757     jam();
3758     return;
3759   }
3761   if (SEND_BACKUP_STARTED_FLAG(ptr.p->flags))
3762   {
3763     BackupAbortRep* rep = (BackupAbortRep*)signal->getDataPtrSend();
3764     rep->backupId = ptr.p->backupId;
3765     rep->senderData = ptr.p->clientData;
3766     rep->reason = ptr.p->errorCode;
3767     sendSignal(ptr.p->clientRef, GSN_BACKUP_ABORT_REP, signal,
3768 	       BackupAbortRep::SignalLength, JBB);
3769   }
3770   signal->theData[0] = NDB_LE_BackupAborted;
3771   signal->theData[1] = ptr.p->clientRef;
3772   signal->theData[2] = ptr.p->backupId;
3773   signal->theData[3] = ptr.p->errorCode;
3774   sendSignal(CMVMI_REF, GSN_EVENT_REP, signal, 4, JBB);
3776   ndbrequire(ptr.p->errorCode);
3777   ptr.p->masterData.errorCode = ptr.p->errorCode;
3779   AbortBackupOrd *ord = (AbortBackupOrd*)signal->getDataPtrSend();
3780   ord->backupId = ptr.p->backupId;
3781   ord->backupPtr = ptr.i;
3782   ord->senderData= ptr.i;
3783   BlockNumber backupBlockNo = numberToBlock(BACKUP, instanceKey(ptr));
3784   NodeReceiverGroup rg(backupBlockNo, ptr.p->nodes);
3786   switch(ptr.p->masterData.gsn){
3788     ord->requestType = AbortBackupOrd::BackupFailure;
3789     sendSignal(rg, GSN_ABORT_BACKUP_ORD, signal,
3790 	       AbortBackupOrd::SignalLength, JBB);
3791     return;
3794   case GSN_ALTER_TRIG_REQ:
3795   case GSN_WAIT_GCP_REQ:
3797     jam();
3798     ptr.p->stopGCP= ptr.p->startGCP + 1;
3799     sendStopBackup(signal, ptr); // dropping due to error
3800     return;
3802   case GSN_UTIL_LOCK_REQ:
3803     ndbrequire(false);
3804     return;
3806   case GSN_STOP_BACKUP_REQ:
3807     return;
3808   }
3809 }
3811 void
abort_scan(Signal * signal,BackupRecordPtr ptr)3812 Backup::abort_scan(Signal * signal, BackupRecordPtr ptr)
3813 {
3814   AbortBackupOrd *ord = (AbortBackupOrd*)signal->getDataPtrSend();
3815   ord->backupId = ptr.p->backupId;
3816   ord->backupPtr = ptr.i;
3817   ord->senderData= ptr.i;
3818   ord->requestType = AbortBackupOrd::AbortScan;
3820   TablePtr tabPtr;
3821   ptr.p->tables.first(tabPtr);
3822   for(; tabPtr.i != RNIL; ptr.p->tables.next(tabPtr)) {
3823     jam();
3824     FragmentPtr fragPtr;
3825     Array<Fragment> & frags = tabPtr.p->fragments;
3826     const Uint32 fragCount = frags.getSize();
3828     for(Uint32 i = 0; i<fragCount; i++) {
3829       jam();
3830       tabPtr.p->fragments.getPtr(fragPtr, i);
3831       const Uint32 nodeId = fragPtr.p->node;
3832       if(fragPtr.p->scanning != 0 && ptr.p->nodes.get(nodeId)) {
3833         jam();
3835 	BlockReference ref = numberToRef(BACKUP, instanceKey(ptr), nodeId);
3836 	sendSignal(ref, GSN_ABORT_BACKUP_ORD, signal,
3837 		   AbortBackupOrd::SignalLength, JBB);
3839       }
3840     }
3841   }
3842 }
3844 /*****************************************************************************
3845  *
3846  * Slave functionallity: Define Backup
3847  *
3848  *****************************************************************************/
3849 void
defineBackupRef(Signal * signal,BackupRecordPtr ptr,Uint32 errCode)3850 Backup::defineBackupRef(Signal* signal, BackupRecordPtr ptr, Uint32 errCode)
3851 {
3852   jam();
3853   ptr.p->setErrorCode(errCode);
3854   if(ptr.p->is_lcp())
3855   {
3856     jam();
3857      if (ptr.p->ctlFilePtr == RNIL) {
3858        ptr.p->m_gsn = GSN_DEFINE_BACKUP_REF;
3859        ndbrequire(ptr.p->errorCode != 0);
3860        DefineBackupRef* ref = (DefineBackupRef*)signal->getDataPtrSend();
3861        ref->backupId = ptr.p->backupId;
3862        ref->backupPtr = ptr.i;
3863        ref->errorCode = ptr.p->errorCode;
3864        ref->nodeId = getOwnNodeId();
3865        sendSignal(ptr.p->masterRef, GSN_DEFINE_BACKUP_REF, signal,
3866                   DefineBackupRef::SignalLength, JBB);
3867        return;
3868      }
3870     BackupFilePtr filePtr;
3871     ptr.p->files.getPtr(filePtr, ptr.p->ctlFilePtr);
3872     if (filePtr.p->m_flags & BackupFile::BF_LCP_META)
3873     {
3874       jam();
3875       ndbrequire(! (filePtr.p->m_flags & BackupFile::BF_FILE_THREAD));
3876       filePtr.p->m_flags &= ~(Uint32)BackupFile::BF_LCP_META;
3877       if (filePtr.p->m_flags & BackupFile::BF_OPEN)
3878       {
3879 	closeFile(signal, ptr, filePtr);
3880 	return;
3881       }
3882     }
3884     ndbrequire(filePtr.p->m_flags == 0);
3886     TablePtr tabPtr;
3887     FragmentPtr fragPtr;
3889     ndbrequire(ptr.p->tables.first(tabPtr));
3890     tabPtr.p->fragments.getPtr(fragPtr, 0);
3892     LcpPrepareRef* ref= (LcpPrepareRef*)signal->getDataPtrSend();
3893     ref->senderData = ptr.p->clientData;
3894     ref->senderRef = reference();
3895     ref->tableId = tabPtr.p->tableId;
3896     ref->fragmentId = fragPtr.p->fragmentId;
3897     ref->errorCode = errCode;
3898     sendSignal(ptr.p->masterRef, GSN_LCP_PREPARE_REF,
3899 	       signal, LcpPrepareRef::SignalLength, JBA);
3900     return;
3901   }
3903   ptr.p->m_gsn = GSN_DEFINE_BACKUP_REF;
3904   ndbrequire(ptr.p->errorCode != 0);
3906   DefineBackupRef* ref = (DefineBackupRef*)signal->getDataPtrSend();
3907   ref->backupId = ptr.p->backupId;
3908   ref->backupPtr = ptr.i;
3909   ref->errorCode = ptr.p->errorCode;
3910   ref->nodeId = getOwnNodeId();
3911   sendSignal(ptr.p->masterRef, GSN_DEFINE_BACKUP_REF, signal,
3912 	     DefineBackupRef::SignalLength, JBB);
3913 }
3915 void
execDEFINE_BACKUP_REQ(Signal * signal)3916 Backup::execDEFINE_BACKUP_REQ(Signal* signal)
3917 {
3918   jamEntry();
3920   DefineBackupReq* req = (DefineBackupReq*)signal->getDataPtr();
3922   BackupRecordPtr ptr;
3923   const Uint32 ptrI = req->backupPtr;
3924   const Uint32 backupId = req->backupId;
3925   const BlockReference senderRef = req->senderRef;
3927   if(senderRef == reference()){
3928     /**
3929      * Signal sent from myself -> record already seized
3930      */
3931     jam();
3932     c_backupPool.getPtr(ptr, ptrI);
3933   } else { // from other node
3934     jam();
3935 #ifdef DEBUG_ABORT
3936     dumpUsedResources();
3937 #endif
3938     if (!c_backups.getPool().seizeId(ptr, ptrI)) {
3939       jam();
3940       ndbrequire(false); // If master has succeeded slave should succed
3941     }//if
3942     c_backups.addFirst(ptr);
3943   }//if
3945   CRASH_INSERTION((10014));
3947   ptr.p->m_gsn = GSN_DEFINE_BACKUP_REQ;
3948   ptr.p->slaveState.forceState(INITIAL);
3949   ptr.p->slaveState.setState(DEFINING);
3950   ptr.p->slaveData.dropTrig.tableId = RNIL;
3951   ptr.p->errorCode = 0;
3952   ptr.p->clientRef = req->clientRef;
3953   ptr.p->clientData = req->clientData;
3954   if(senderRef == reference())
3955     ptr.p->flags = req->flags;
3956   else
3957     ptr.p->flags = req->flags & ~((Uint32)BackupReq::WAITCOMPLETED); /* remove waitCompleted flags
3958 						 * as non master should never
3959 						 * reply
3960 						 */
3961   ptr.p->masterRef = senderRef;
3962   ptr.p->nodes = req->nodes;
3963   ptr.p->backupId = backupId;
3964   ptr.p->backupKey[0] = req->backupKey[0];
3965   ptr.p->backupKey[1] = req->backupKey[1];
3966   ptr.p->backupDataLen = req->backupDataLen;
3967   ptr.p->masterData.errorCode = 0;
3968   ptr.p->noOfBytes = 0;
3969   ptr.p->noOfRecords = 0;
3970   ptr.p->noOfLogBytes = 0;
3971   ptr.p->noOfLogRecords = 0;
3972   ptr.p->currGCP = 0;
3973   ptr.p->startGCP = 0;
3974   ptr.p->stopGCP = 0;
3975   ptr.p->m_prioA_scan_batches_to_execute = 0;
3976   ptr.p->m_lastSignalId = 0;
3978   /**
3979    * Allocate files
3980    */
3981   BackupFilePtr files[3];
3982   Uint32 noOfPages[] = {
3984     2,   // 32k
3985     0    // 3M
3986   };
3987   const Uint32 maxInsert[] = {
3989     4096,    // 16k
3990     // Max 16 tuples
3992       (MAX_TUPLE_SIZE_IN_WORDS + MAX_ATTRIBUTES_IN_TABLE + 128/* safety */),
3993   };
3994   Uint32 minWrite[] = {
3995     8192,
3996     8192,
3997     32768
3998   };
3999   Uint32 maxWrite[] = {
4000     8192,
4001     8192,
4002     32768
4003   };
4005   minWrite[1] = c_defaults.m_minWriteSize;
4006   maxWrite[1] = c_defaults.m_maxWriteSize;
4007   noOfPages[1] = (c_defaults.m_logBufferSize + sizeof(Page32) - 1) /
4008     sizeof(Page32);
4009   minWrite[2] = c_defaults.m_minWriteSize;
4010   maxWrite[2] = c_defaults.m_maxWriteSize;
4011   noOfPages[2] = (c_defaults.m_dataBufferSize + sizeof(Page32) - 1) /
4012     sizeof(Page32);
4014   if (ptr.p->is_lcp())
4015   {
4016     noOfPages[2] = (c_defaults.m_lcp_buffer_size + sizeof(Page32) - 1) /
4017       sizeof(Page32);
4018   }
4020   ptr.p->ctlFilePtr = ptr.p->logFilePtr = ptr.p->dataFilePtr = RNIL;
4022   for(Uint32 i = 0; i<3; i++) {
4023     jam();
4024     if(ptr.p->is_lcp() && i != 2)
4025     {
4026       files[i].i = RNIL;
4027       continue;
4028     }
4029     if (!ptr.p->files.seizeFirst(files[i])) {
4030       jam();
4031       defineBackupRef(signal, ptr,
4032 		      DefineBackupRef::FailedToAllocateFileRecord);
4033       return;
4034     }//if
4036     files[i].p->tableId = RNIL;
4037     files[i].p->backupPtr = ptr.i;
4038     files[i].p->filePointer = RNIL;
4039     files[i].p->m_flags = 0;
4040     files[i].p->errorCode = 0;
4041     files[i].p->m_sent_words_in_scan_batch = 0;
4042     files[i].p->m_num_scan_req_on_prioa = 0;
4044     if(ERROR_INSERTED(10035) || files[i].p->pages.seize(noOfPages[i]) == false)
4045     {
4046       jam();
4047       DEBUG_OUT("Failed to seize " << noOfPages[i] << " pages");
4048       defineBackupRef(signal, ptr, DefineBackupRef::FailedToAllocateBuffers);
4049       return;
4050     }//if
4051     Page32Ptr pagePtr;
4052     files[i].p->pages.getPtr(pagePtr, 0);
4054     const char * msg = files[i].p->
4055       operation.dataBuffer.setup((Uint32*)pagePtr.p,
4056 				 noOfPages[i] * (sizeof(Page32) >> 2),
4057 				 128,
4058 				 minWrite[i] >> 2,
4059 				 maxWrite[i] >> 2,
4060 				 maxInsert[i]);
4061     if(msg != 0) {
4062       jam();
4063       defineBackupRef(signal, ptr, DefineBackupRef::FailedToSetupFsBuffers);
4064       return;
4065     }//if
4067     switch(i){
4068     case 0:
4069       files[i].p->fileType = BackupFormat::CTL_FILE;
4070       ptr.p->ctlFilePtr = files[i].i;
4071       break;
4072     case 1:
4073       if(ptr.p->flags & BackupReq::USE_UNDO_LOG)
4074         files[i].p->fileType = BackupFormat::UNDO_FILE;
4075       else
4076         files[i].p->fileType = BackupFormat::LOG_FILE;
4077       ptr.p->logFilePtr = files[i].i;
4078       break;
4079     case 2:
4080       files[i].p->fileType = BackupFormat::DATA_FILE;
4081       ptr.p->dataFilePtr = files[i].i;
4082     }
4083     files[i].p->operation.m_bytes_total = 0;
4084     files[i].p->operation.m_records_total = 0;
4085   }//for
4087   initReportStatus(signal, ptr);
4089   if (!verifyNodesAlive(ptr, ptr.p->nodes)) {
4090     jam();
4091     defineBackupRef(signal, ptr, DefineBackupRef::Undefined);
4092     return;
4093   }//if
4094   if (ERROR_INSERTED(10027)) {
4095     jam();
4096     defineBackupRef(signal, ptr, 327);
4097     return;
4098   }//if
4100   if(ptr.p->backupDataLen == 0) {
4101     jam();
4102     backupAllData(signal, ptr);
4103     return;
4104   }//if
4106   if(ptr.p->is_lcp())
4107   {
4108     jam();
4109     getFragmentInfoDone(signal, ptr);
4110     return;
4111   }
4113   /**
4114    * Not implemented
4115    */
4116   ndbrequire(0);
4117 }
4119 void
backupAllData(Signal * signal,BackupRecordPtr ptr)4120 Backup::backupAllData(Signal* signal, BackupRecordPtr ptr)
4121 {
4122   /**
4123    * Get all tables from dict
4124    */
4125   ListTablesReq * req = (ListTablesReq*)signal->getDataPtrSend();
4126   req->init();
4127   req->senderRef = reference();
4128   req->senderData = ptr.i;
4129   req->setTableId(0);
4130   req->setTableType(0);
4131   sendSignal(DBDICT_REF, GSN_LIST_TABLES_REQ, signal,
4132 	     ListTablesReq::SignalLength, JBB);
4133 }
4135 void
execLIST_TABLES_CONF(Signal * signal)4136 Backup::execLIST_TABLES_CONF(Signal* signal)
4137 {
4138   jamEntry();
4139   Uint32 fragInfo = signal->header.m_fragmentInfo;
4140   ListTablesConf* conf = (ListTablesConf*)signal->getDataPtr();
4141   Uint32 noOfTables = conf->noOfTables;
4143   BackupRecordPtr ptr;
4144   c_backupPool.getPtr(ptr, conf->senderData);
4146   SectionHandle handle (this, signal);
4147   signal->header.m_fragmentInfo = 0;
4148   if (noOfTables > 0)
4149   {
4150     ListTablesData ltd;
4151     const Uint32 listTablesDataSizeInWords = (sizeof(ListTablesData) + 3) / 4;
4152     SegmentedSectionPtr tableDataPtr;
4153     handle.getSection(tableDataPtr, ListTablesConf::TABLE_DATA);
4154     SimplePropertiesSectionReader
4155       tableDataReader(tableDataPtr, getSectionSegmentPool());
4157     tableDataReader.reset();
4158     for(unsigned int i = 0; i<noOfTables; i++) {
4159       jam();
4160       tableDataReader.getWords((Uint32 *)&ltd, listTablesDataSizeInWords);
4161       Uint32 tableId = ltd.getTableId();
4162       Uint32 tableType = ltd.getTableType();
4163       Uint32 state= ltd.getTableState();
4165       if (! (DictTabInfo::isTable(tableType) ||
4166              DictTabInfo::isIndex(tableType) ||
4167              DictTabInfo::isFilegroup(tableType) ||
4168              DictTabInfo::isFile(tableType)
4169              || DictTabInfo::isHashMap(tableType)
4170              || DictTabInfo::isForeignKey(tableType)
4171              ))
4172       {
4173         jam();
4174         continue;
4175       }
4177       if (state != DictTabInfo::StateOnline)
4178       {
4179         jam();
4180         continue;
4181       }
4183       TablePtr tabPtr;
4184       ptr.p->tables.seizeLast(tabPtr);
4185       if(tabPtr.i == RNIL) {
4186         jam();
4187         defineBackupRef(signal, ptr, DefineBackupRef::FailedToAllocateTables);
4188         releaseSections(handle);
4189         return;
4190       }//if
4191       tabPtr.p->tableId = tableId;
4192       tabPtr.p->tableType = tableType;
4193     }//for
4194   }
4196   releaseSections(handle);
4198   /*
4199     If first or not last signal
4200     then keep accumulating table data
4201    */
4202   if ((fragInfo == 1) || (fragInfo == 2))
4203   {
4204     return;
4205   }
4206   openFiles(signal, ptr);
4207 }
4209 void
openFiles(Signal * signal,BackupRecordPtr ptr)4210 Backup::openFiles(Signal* signal, BackupRecordPtr ptr)
4211 {
4212   jam();
4214   BackupFilePtr filePtr;
4216   FsOpenReq * req = (FsOpenReq *)signal->getDataPtrSend();
4217   req->userReference = reference();
4218   req->fileFlags =
4219     FsOpenReq::OM_WRITEONLY |
4220     FsOpenReq::OM_CREATE_IF_NONE |
4221     FsOpenReq::OM_APPEND |
4222     FsOpenReq::OM_AUTOSYNC;
4224   if (c_defaults.m_compressed_backup)
4225     req->fileFlags |= FsOpenReq::OM_GZ;
4227   FsOpenReq::v2_setCount(req->fileNumber, 0xFFFFFFFF);
4228   req->auto_sync_size = c_defaults.m_disk_synch_size;
4229   /**
4230    * Ctl file
4231    */
4232   c_backupFilePool.getPtr(filePtr, ptr.p->ctlFilePtr);
4233   filePtr.p->m_flags |= BackupFile::BF_OPENING;
4235   req->userPointer = filePtr.i;
4236   FsOpenReq::setVersion(req->fileNumber, 2);
4237   FsOpenReq::setSuffix(req->fileNumber, FsOpenReq::S_CTL);
4238   FsOpenReq::v2_setSequence(req->fileNumber, ptr.p->backupId);
4239   FsOpenReq::v2_setNodeId(req->fileNumber, getOwnNodeId());
4240   sendSignal(NDBFS_REF, GSN_FSOPENREQ, signal, FsOpenReq::SignalLength, JBA);
4242   /**
4243    * Log file
4244    */
4245   c_backupFilePool.getPtr(filePtr, ptr.p->logFilePtr);
4246   filePtr.p->m_flags |= BackupFile::BF_OPENING;
4248   //write uncompressed log file when enable undo log,since log file is read from back to front.
4249   if(ptr.p->flags & BackupReq::USE_UNDO_LOG)
4250     req->fileFlags &= ~FsOpenReq::OM_GZ;
4252   req->userPointer = filePtr.i;
4253   FsOpenReq::setVersion(req->fileNumber, 2);
4254   FsOpenReq::setSuffix(req->fileNumber, FsOpenReq::S_LOG);
4255   FsOpenReq::v2_setSequence(req->fileNumber, ptr.p->backupId);
4256   FsOpenReq::v2_setNodeId(req->fileNumber, getOwnNodeId());
4257   sendSignal(NDBFS_REF, GSN_FSOPENREQ, signal, FsOpenReq::SignalLength, JBA);
4259   /**
4260    * Data file
4261    */
4262   c_backupFilePool.getPtr(filePtr, ptr.p->dataFilePtr);
4263   filePtr.p->m_flags |= BackupFile::BF_OPENING;
4265   if (c_defaults.m_o_direct)
4266     req->fileFlags |= FsOpenReq::OM_DIRECT;
4267   if (c_defaults.m_compressed_backup)
4268     req->fileFlags |= FsOpenReq::OM_GZ;
4269   req->userPointer = filePtr.i;
4270   FsOpenReq::setVersion(req->fileNumber, 2);
4271   FsOpenReq::setSuffix(req->fileNumber, FsOpenReq::S_DATA);
4272   FsOpenReq::v2_setSequence(req->fileNumber, ptr.p->backupId);
4273   FsOpenReq::v2_setNodeId(req->fileNumber, getOwnNodeId());
4274   FsOpenReq::v2_setCount(req->fileNumber, 0);
4275   sendSignal(NDBFS_REF, GSN_FSOPENREQ, signal, FsOpenReq::SignalLength, JBA);
4276 }
4278 void
execFSOPENREF(Signal * signal)4279 Backup::execFSOPENREF(Signal* signal)
4280 {
4281   jamEntry();
4283   FsRef * ref = (FsRef *)signal->getDataPtr();
4285   const Uint32 userPtr = ref->userPointer;
4287   BackupFilePtr filePtr;
4288   c_backupFilePool.getPtr(filePtr, userPtr);
4290   BackupRecordPtr ptr;
4291   c_backupPool.getPtr(ptr, filePtr.p->backupPtr);
4292   ptr.p->setErrorCode(ref->errorCode);
4293   openFilesReply(signal, ptr, filePtr);
4294 }
4296 void
execFSOPENCONF(Signal * signal)4297 Backup::execFSOPENCONF(Signal* signal)
4298 {
4299   jamEntry();
4301   FsConf * conf = (FsConf *)signal->getDataPtr();
4303   const Uint32 userPtr = conf->userPointer;
4304   const Uint32 filePointer = conf->filePointer;
4306   BackupFilePtr filePtr;
4307   c_backupFilePool.getPtr(filePtr, userPtr);
4308   filePtr.p->filePointer = filePointer;
4310   BackupRecordPtr ptr;
4311   c_backupPool.getPtr(ptr, filePtr.p->backupPtr);
4313   ndbrequire(! (filePtr.p->m_flags & BackupFile::BF_OPEN));
4314   filePtr.p->m_flags |= BackupFile::BF_OPEN;
4315   openFilesReply(signal, ptr, filePtr);
4316 }
4318 void
openFilesReply(Signal * signal,BackupRecordPtr ptr,BackupFilePtr filePtr)4319 Backup::openFilesReply(Signal* signal,
4320 		       BackupRecordPtr ptr, BackupFilePtr filePtr)
4321 {
4322   jam();
4324   /**
4325    * Mark files as "opened"
4326    */
4327   ndbrequire(filePtr.p->m_flags & BackupFile::BF_OPENING);
4328   filePtr.p->m_flags &= ~(Uint32)BackupFile::BF_OPENING;
4329   filePtr.p->m_flags |= BackupFile::BF_OPEN;
4330   /**
4331    * Check if all files have recived open_reply
4332    */
4333   for(ptr.p->files.first(filePtr); filePtr.i!=RNIL;ptr.p->files.next(filePtr))
4334   {
4335     jam();
4336     if(filePtr.p->m_flags & BackupFile::BF_OPENING) {
4337       jam();
4338       return;
4339     }//if
4340   }//for
4342   if (ERROR_INSERTED(10037)) {
4343     jam();
4344     /**
4345      * Dont return FailedForBackupFilesAleadyExist
4346      * cause this will make NdbBackup auto-retry with higher number :-)
4347      */
4348     ptr.p->errorCode = DefineBackupRef::FailedInsertFileHeader;
4349     defineBackupRef(signal, ptr);
4350     return;
4351   }
4352   /**
4353    * Did open succeed for all files
4354    */
4355   if(ptr.p->checkError())
4356   {
4357     jam();
4358     if(ptr.p->errorCode == FsRef::fsErrFileExists)
4359     {
4360       jam();
4361       ptr.p->errorCode = DefineBackupRef::FailedForBackupFilesAleadyExist;
4362     }
4363     defineBackupRef(signal, ptr);
4364     return;
4365   }//if
4367   if(!ptr.p->is_lcp())
4368   {
4369     /**
4370      * Insert file headers
4371      */
4372     ptr.p->files.getPtr(filePtr, ptr.p->ctlFilePtr);
4373     if(!insertFileHeader(BackupFormat::CTL_FILE, ptr.p, filePtr.p)) {
4374       jam();
4375       defineBackupRef(signal, ptr, DefineBackupRef::FailedInsertFileHeader);
4376       return;
4377     }//if
4379     BackupFormat::FileType logfiletype;
4380     if(ptr.p->flags & BackupReq::USE_UNDO_LOG)
4381       logfiletype = BackupFormat::UNDO_FILE;
4382     else
4383       logfiletype = BackupFormat::LOG_FILE;
4385     ptr.p->files.getPtr(filePtr, ptr.p->logFilePtr);
4386     if(!insertFileHeader(logfiletype, ptr.p, filePtr.p)) {
4387       jam();
4388       defineBackupRef(signal, ptr, DefineBackupRef::FailedInsertFileHeader);
4389       return;
4390     }//if
4392     ptr.p->files.getPtr(filePtr, ptr.p->dataFilePtr);
4393     if(!insertFileHeader(BackupFormat::DATA_FILE, ptr.p, filePtr.p)) {
4394       jam();
4395       defineBackupRef(signal, ptr, DefineBackupRef::FailedInsertFileHeader);
4396       return;
4397     }//if
4398   }
4399   else
4400   {
4401     ptr.p->files.getPtr(filePtr, ptr.p->dataFilePtr);
4402     if(!insertFileHeader(BackupFormat::LCP_FILE, ptr.p, filePtr.p)) {
4403       jam();
4404       defineBackupRef(signal, ptr, DefineBackupRef::FailedInsertFileHeader);
4405       return;
4406     }//if
4408     ptr.p->ctlFilePtr = ptr.p->dataFilePtr;
4409   }
4411   /**
4412    * Start CTL file thread
4413    */
4414   if (!ptr.p->is_lcp())
4415   {
4416     jam();
4417     ptr.p->files.getPtr(filePtr, ptr.p->ctlFilePtr);
4418     filePtr.p->m_flags |= BackupFile::BF_FILE_THREAD;
4420     signal->theData[0] = BackupContinueB::START_FILE_THREAD;
4421     signal->theData[1] = filePtr.i;
4422     sendSignal(reference(), GSN_CONTINUEB, signal, 2, JBB);
4423   }
4424   else
4425   {
4426     jam();
4427     filePtr.p->m_flags |= BackupFile::BF_LCP_META;
4428   }
4430   /**
4431    * Insert table list in ctl file
4432    */
4433   FsBuffer & buf = filePtr.p->operation.dataBuffer;
4435   const Uint32 sz =
4436     (sizeof(BackupFormat::CtlFile::TableList) >> 2) +
4437     ptr.p->tables.count() - 1;
4439   Uint32 * dst;
4440   ndbrequire(sz < buf.getMaxWrite());
4441   if(!buf.getWritePtr(&dst, sz)) {
4442     jam();
4443     defineBackupRef(signal, ptr, DefineBackupRef::FailedInsertTableList);
4444     return;
4445   }//if
4447   BackupFormat::CtlFile::TableList* tl =
4448     (BackupFormat::CtlFile::TableList*)dst;
4449   tl->SectionType   = htonl(BackupFormat::TABLE_LIST);
4450   tl->SectionLength = htonl(sz);
4452   TablePtr tabPtr;
4453   Uint32 count = 0;
4454   for(ptr.p->tables.first(tabPtr);
4455       tabPtr.i != RNIL;
4456       ptr.p->tables.next(tabPtr)){
4457     jam();
4458     tl->TableIds[count] = htonl(tabPtr.p->tableId);
4459     count++;
4460   }//for
4462   buf.updateWritePtr(sz);
4464   /**
4465    * Start getting table definition data
4466    */
4467   ndbrequire(ptr.p->tables.first(tabPtr));
4469   signal->theData[0] = BackupContinueB::BUFFER_FULL_META;
4470   signal->theData[1] = ptr.i;
4471   signal->theData[2] = tabPtr.i;
4472   sendSignal(reference(), GSN_CONTINUEB, signal, 3, JBB);
4473   return;
4474 }
4476 bool
insertFileHeader(BackupFormat::FileType ft,BackupRecord * ptrP,BackupFile * filePtrP)4477 Backup::insertFileHeader(BackupFormat::FileType ft,
4478 			 BackupRecord * ptrP,
4479 			 BackupFile * filePtrP){
4480   FsBuffer & buf = filePtrP->operation.dataBuffer;
4482   const Uint32 sz = sizeof(BackupFormat::FileHeader) >> 2;
4484   Uint32 * dst;
4485   ndbrequire(sz < buf.getMaxWrite());
4486   if(!buf.getWritePtr(&dst, sz)) {
4487     jam();
4488     return false;
4489   }//if
4491   BackupFormat::FileHeader* header = (BackupFormat::FileHeader*)dst;
4492   ndbrequire(sizeof(header->Magic) == sizeof(BACKUP_MAGIC));
4493   memcpy(header->Magic, BACKUP_MAGIC, sizeof(BACKUP_MAGIC));
4494   header->BackupVersion = htonl(NDB_BACKUP_VERSION);
4495   header->SectionType   = htonl(BackupFormat::FILE_HEADER);
4496   header->SectionLength = htonl(sz - 3);
4497   header->FileType      = htonl(ft);
4498   header->BackupId      = htonl(ptrP->backupId);
4499   header->BackupKey_0   = htonl(ptrP->backupKey[0]);
4500   header->BackupKey_1   = htonl(ptrP->backupKey[1]);
4501   header->ByteOrder     = 0x12345678;
4502   header->NdbVersion    = htonl(NDB_VERSION_D);
4503   header->MySQLVersion  = htonl(NDB_MYSQL_VERSION_D);
4505   buf.updateWritePtr(sz);
4506   return true;
4507 }
4509 void
execGET_TABINFOREF(Signal * signal)4510 Backup::execGET_TABINFOREF(Signal* signal)
4511 {
4512   GetTabInfoRef * ref = (GetTabInfoRef*)signal->getDataPtr();
4514   const Uint32 senderData = ref->senderData;
4515   BackupRecordPtr ptr;
4516   c_backupPool.getPtr(ptr, senderData);
4518   defineBackupRef(signal, ptr, ref->errorCode);
4519 }
4521 void
execGET_TABINFO_CONF(Signal * signal)4522 Backup::execGET_TABINFO_CONF(Signal* signal)
4523 {
4524   jamEntry();
4526   if(!assembleFragments(signal)) {
4527     jam();
4528     return;
4529   }//if
4531   GetTabInfoConf * const conf = (GetTabInfoConf*)signal->getDataPtr();
4532   //const Uint32 senderRef = info->senderRef;
4533   const Uint32 len = conf->totalLen;
4534   const Uint32 senderData = conf->senderData;
4535   const Uint32 tableType = conf->tableType;
4536   const Uint32 tableId = conf->tableId;
4538   BackupRecordPtr ptr;
4539   c_backupPool.getPtr(ptr, senderData);
4541   SectionHandle handle(this, signal);
4542   SegmentedSectionPtr dictTabInfoPtr;
4543   handle.getSection(dictTabInfoPtr, GetTabInfoConf::DICT_TAB_INFO);
4544   ndbrequire(dictTabInfoPtr.sz == len);
4546   TablePtr tabPtr ;
4547   ndbrequire(findTable(ptr, tabPtr, tableId));
4549   BackupFilePtr filePtr;
4550   ptr.p->files.getPtr(filePtr, ptr.p->ctlFilePtr);
4551   FsBuffer & buf = filePtr.p->operation.dataBuffer;
4552   Uint32* dst = 0;
4553   { // Write into ctl file
4554     Uint32 dstLen = len + 3;
4555     if(!buf.getWritePtr(&dst, dstLen)) {
4556       jam();
4557       ndbrequire(false);
4558       ptr.p->setErrorCode(DefineBackupRef::FailedAllocateTableMem);
4559       releaseSections(handle);
4560       defineBackupRef(signal, ptr);
4561       return;
4562     }//if
4563     if(dst != 0) {
4564       jam();
4566       BackupFormat::CtlFile::TableDescription * desc =
4567         (BackupFormat::CtlFile::TableDescription*)dst;
4568       desc->SectionType = htonl(BackupFormat::TABLE_DESCRIPTION);
4569       desc->SectionLength = htonl(len + 3);
4570       desc->TableType = htonl(tableType);
4571       dst += 3;
4573       copy(dst, dictTabInfoPtr);
4574       buf.updateWritePtr(dstLen);
4575     }//if
4576   }
4578   releaseSections(handle);
4580   if(ptr.p->checkError()) {
4581     jam();
4582     defineBackupRef(signal, ptr);
4583     return;
4584   }//if
4586   if (!DictTabInfo::isTable(tabPtr.p->tableType))
4587   {
4588     jam();
4590     TablePtr tmp = tabPtr;
4591     ptr.p->tables.next(tabPtr);
4592     ptr.p->tables.release(tmp);
4593     afterGetTabinfoLockTab(signal, ptr, tabPtr);
4594     return;
4595   }
4597   if (!parseTableDescription(signal, ptr, tabPtr, dst, len))
4598   {
4599     jam();
4600     defineBackupRef(signal, ptr);
4601     return;
4602   }
4604   if(!ptr.p->is_lcp())
4605   {
4606     jam();
4607     BackupLockTab *req = (BackupLockTab *)signal->getDataPtrSend();
4608     req->m_senderRef = reference();
4609     req->m_tableId = tabPtr.p->tableId;
4610     req->m_lock_unlock = BackupLockTab::LOCK_TABLE;
4611     req->m_backup_state = BackupLockTab::GET_TABINFO_CONF;
4612     req->m_backupRecordPtr_I = ptr.i;
4613     req->m_tablePtr_I = tabPtr.i;
4614     sendSignal(DBDICT_REF, GSN_BACKUP_LOCK_TAB_REQ, signal,
4615                BackupLockTab::SignalLength, JBB);
4616     if (ERROR_INSERTED(10038))
4617     {
4618       /* Test */
4619       AbortBackupOrd *ord = (AbortBackupOrd*)signal->getDataPtrSend();
4620       ord->backupId = ptr.p->backupId;
4621       ord->backupPtr = ptr.i;
4622       ord->requestType = AbortBackupOrd::ClientAbort;
4623       ord->senderData= ptr.p->clientData;
4624       sendSignal(ptr.p->masterRef, GSN_ABORT_BACKUP_ORD, signal,
4625                  AbortBackupOrd::SignalLength, JBB);
4626     }
4627     return;
4628   }
4630   ptr.p->tables.next(tabPtr);
4631   afterGetTabinfoLockTab(signal, ptr, tabPtr);
4632 }
4634 void
afterGetTabinfoLockTab(Signal * signal,BackupRecordPtr ptr,TablePtr tabPtr)4635 Backup::afterGetTabinfoLockTab(Signal *signal,
4636                                BackupRecordPtr ptr, TablePtr tabPtr)
4637 {
4638   if(tabPtr.i == RNIL)
4639   {
4640     /**
4641      * Done with all tables...
4642      */
4643     jam();
4645     if(ptr.p->is_lcp())
4646     {
4647       jam();
4648       lcp_open_file_done(signal, ptr);
4649       return;
4650     }
4652     ndbrequire(ptr.p->tables.first(tabPtr));
4653     DihScanTabReq * req = (DihScanTabReq*)signal->getDataPtrSend();
4654     req->senderRef = reference();
4655     req->senderData = ptr.i;
4656     req->tableId = tabPtr.p->tableId;
4657     req->schemaTransId = 0;
4658     sendSignal(DBDIH_REF, GSN_DIH_SCAN_TAB_REQ, signal,
4659                DihScanTabReq::SignalLength, JBB);
4660     return;
4661   }//if
4663   /**
4664    * Fetch next table...
4665    */
4666   signal->theData[0] = BackupContinueB::BUFFER_FULL_META;
4667   signal->theData[1] = ptr.i;
4668   signal->theData[2] = tabPtr.i;
4669   sendSignal(reference(), GSN_CONTINUEB, signal, 3, JBB);
4670   return;
4671 }
4673 bool
parseTableDescription(Signal * signal,BackupRecordPtr ptr,TablePtr tabPtr,const Uint32 * tabdescptr,Uint32 len)4674 Backup::parseTableDescription(Signal* signal,
4675 			      BackupRecordPtr ptr,
4676 			      TablePtr tabPtr,
4677 			      const Uint32 * tabdescptr,
4678 			      Uint32 len)
4679 {
4680   SimplePropertiesLinearReader it(tabdescptr, len);
4682   it.first();
4684   DictTabInfo::Table tmpTab; tmpTab.init();
4685   SimpleProperties::UnpackStatus stat;
4686   stat = SimpleProperties::unpack(it, &tmpTab,
4687 				  DictTabInfo::TableMapping,
4688 				  DictTabInfo::TableMappingSize,
4689 				  true, true);
4690   ndbrequire(stat == SimpleProperties::Break);
4692   bool lcp = ptr.p->is_lcp();
4694   ndbrequire(tabPtr.p->tableId == tmpTab.TableId);
4695   ndbrequire(lcp || (tabPtr.p->tableType == tmpTab.TableType));
4697   /**
4698    * LCP should not save disk attributes but only mem attributes
4699    */
4701   /**
4702    * Initialize table object
4703    */
4704   tabPtr.p->noOfRecords = 0;
4705   tabPtr.p->schemaVersion = tmpTab.TableVersion;
4706   tabPtr.p->triggerIds[0] = ILLEGAL_TRIGGER_ID;
4707   tabPtr.p->triggerIds[1] = ILLEGAL_TRIGGER_ID;
4708   tabPtr.p->triggerIds[2] = ILLEGAL_TRIGGER_ID;
4709   tabPtr.p->triggerAllocated[0] = false;
4710   tabPtr.p->triggerAllocated[1] = false;
4711   tabPtr.p->triggerAllocated[2] = false;
4713   tabPtr.p->noOfAttributes = tmpTab.NoOfAttributes;
4714   tabPtr.p->maxRecordSize = 1; // LEN word
4715   bzero(tabPtr.p->attrInfo, sizeof(tabPtr.p->attrInfo));
4717   if (lcp)
4718   {
4719     jam();
4720     AttributeHeader::init(tabPtr.p->attrInfo, AttributeHeader::READ_LCP, 0);
4721   }
4722   else
4723   {
4724     jam();
4725     AttributeHeader::init(tabPtr.p->attrInfo, AttributeHeader::READ_ALL,
4726                           tmpTab.NoOfAttributes);
4727   }
4729   Uint32 varsize = 0;
4730   Uint32 disk = 0;
4731   Uint32 null = 0;
4732   for(Uint32 i = 0; i<tmpTab.NoOfAttributes; i++) {
4733     jam();
4734     DictTabInfo::Attribute tmp; tmp.init();
4735     stat = SimpleProperties::unpack(it, &tmp,
4736 				    DictTabInfo::AttributeMapping,
4737 				    DictTabInfo::AttributeMappingSize,
4738 				    true, true);
4740     ndbrequire(stat == SimpleProperties::Break);
4741     it.next(); // Move Past EndOfAttribute
4743     if(lcp && tmp.AttributeStorageType == NDB_STORAGETYPE_DISK)
4744     {
4745       disk++;
4746       continue;
4747     }
4749     if (tmp.AttributeArrayType != NDB_ARRAYTYPE_FIXED)
4750       varsize++;
4752     if (tmp.AttributeNullableFlag)
4753       null++;
4755     if (tmp.AttributeSize == 0)
4756     {
4757       tabPtr.p->maxRecordSize += (tmp.AttributeArraySize + 31) >> 5;
4758     }
4759     else
4760     {
4761       const Uint32 arr = tmp.AttributeArraySize;
4762       const Uint32 sz = 1 << tmp.AttributeSize;
4763       const Uint32 sz32 = (sz * arr + 31) >> 5;
4765       tabPtr.p->maxRecordSize += sz32;
4766     }
4767   }
4769   tabPtr.p->attrInfoLen = 1;
4771   if (lcp)
4772   {
4773     Dbtup* tup = (Dbtup*)globalData.getBlock(DBTUP, instance());
4774     tabPtr.p->maxRecordSize = 1 + tup->get_max_lcp_record_size(tmpTab.TableId);
4775   }
4776   else
4777   {
4778     // mask
4779     tabPtr.p->maxRecordSize += 1 + ((tmpTab.NoOfAttributes + null + 31) >> 5);
4780     tabPtr.p->maxRecordSize += (2 * varsize + 3) / 4;
4781   }
4783   return true;
4784 }
4786 void
execDIH_SCAN_TAB_CONF(Signal * signal)4787 Backup::execDIH_SCAN_TAB_CONF(Signal* signal)
4788 {
4789   jamEntry();
4790   DihScanTabConf * conf = (DihScanTabConf*)signal->getDataPtr();
4791   const Uint32 fragCount = conf->fragmentCount;
4792   const Uint32 tableId = conf->tableId;
4793   const Uint32 senderData = conf->senderData;
4794   const Uint32 scanCookie = conf->scanCookie;
4795   ndbrequire(conf->reorgFlag == 0); // no backup during table reorg
4797   BackupRecordPtr ptr;
4798   c_backupPool.getPtr(ptr, senderData);
4800   TablePtr tabPtr;
4801   ndbrequire(findTable(ptr, tabPtr, tableId));
4803   tabPtr.p->m_scan_cookie = scanCookie;
4804   ndbrequire(tabPtr.p->fragments.seize(fragCount) != false);
4805   for(Uint32 i = 0; i<fragCount; i++) {
4806     jam();
4807     FragmentPtr fragPtr;
4808     tabPtr.p->fragments.getPtr(fragPtr, i);
4809     fragPtr.p->scanned = 0;
4810     fragPtr.p->scanning = 0;
4811     fragPtr.p->tableId = tableId;
4812     fragPtr.p->fragmentId = i;
4813     fragPtr.p->lqhInstanceKey = 0;
4814     fragPtr.p->node = 0;
4815   }//for
4817   /**
4818    * Next table
4819    */
4820   if(ptr.p->tables.next(tabPtr)) {
4821     jam();
4822     DihScanTabReq * req = (DihScanTabReq*)signal->getDataPtrSend();
4823     req->senderRef = reference();
4824     req->senderData = ptr.i;
4825     req->tableId = tabPtr.p->tableId;
4826     req->schemaTransId = 0;
4827     sendSignal(DBDIH_REF, GSN_DIH_SCAN_TAB_REQ, signal,
4828                DihScanTabReq::SignalLength, JBB);
4829     return;
4830   }//if
4832   ptr.p->tables.first(tabPtr);
4833   getFragmentInfo(signal, ptr, tabPtr, 0);
4834 }
4836 void
getFragmentInfo(Signal * signal,BackupRecordPtr ptr,TablePtr tabPtr,Uint32 fragNo)4837 Backup::getFragmentInfo(Signal* signal,
4838 			BackupRecordPtr ptr, TablePtr tabPtr, Uint32 fragNo)
4839 {
4840   jam();
4842   for(; tabPtr.i != RNIL; ptr.p->tables.next(tabPtr)) {
4843     jam();
4844     const Uint32 fragCount = tabPtr.p->fragments.getSize();
4845     for(; fragNo < fragCount; fragNo ++) {
4846       jam();
4847       FragmentPtr fragPtr;
4848       tabPtr.p->fragments.getPtr(fragPtr, fragNo);
4850       if(fragPtr.p->scanned == 0 && fragPtr.p->scanning == 0) {
4851         jam();
4852         DihScanGetNodesReq* req = (DihScanGetNodesReq*)signal->getDataPtrSend();
4853         req->senderRef = reference();
4854         req->tableId = tabPtr.p->tableId;
4855         req->scanCookie = tabPtr.p->m_scan_cookie;
4856         req->fragCnt = 1;
4857         req->fragItem[0].senderData = ptr.i;
4858         req->fragItem[0].fragId = fragNo;
4859         sendSignal(DBDIH_REF, GSN_DIH_SCAN_GET_NODES_REQ, signal,
4860                    DihScanGetNodesReq::FixedSignalLength
4861                    + DihScanGetNodesReq::FragItem::Length,
4862                    JBB);
4863 	return;
4864       }//if
4865     }//for
4867     DihScanTabCompleteRep*rep= (DihScanTabCompleteRep*)signal->getDataPtrSend();
4868     rep->tableId = tabPtr.p->tableId;
4869     rep->scanCookie = tabPtr.p->m_scan_cookie;
4870     sendSignal(DBDIH_REF, GSN_DIH_SCAN_TAB_COMPLETE_REP, signal,
4871                DihScanTabCompleteRep::SignalLength, JBB);
4873     fragNo = 0;
4874   }//for
4877   getFragmentInfoDone(signal, ptr);
4878 }
4880 void
execDIH_SCAN_GET_NODES_CONF(Signal * signal)4881 Backup::execDIH_SCAN_GET_NODES_CONF(Signal* signal)
4882 {
4883   jamEntry();
4885   /**
4886    * Assume only short CONFs with a single FragItem as we only do single
4887    * fragment requests in DIH_SCAN_GET_NODES_REQ from Backup::getFragmentInfo.
4888    */
4889   ndbrequire(signal->getNoOfSections() == 0);
4890   ndbassert(signal->getLength() ==
4891             DihScanGetNodesConf::FixedSignalLength
4892             + DihScanGetNodesConf::FragItem::Length);
4894   DihScanGetNodesConf* conf = (DihScanGetNodesConf*)signal->getDataPtrSend();
4895   const Uint32 tableId = conf->tableId;
4896   const Uint32 senderData = conf->fragItem[0].senderData;
4897   const Uint32 nodeCount = conf->fragItem[0].count;
4898   const Uint32 fragNo = conf->fragItem[0].fragId;
4899   const Uint32 instanceKey = conf->fragItem[0].instanceKey;
4901   ndbrequire(nodeCount > 0 && nodeCount <= MAX_REPLICAS);
4903   BackupRecordPtr ptr;
4904   c_backupPool.getPtr(ptr, senderData);
4906   TablePtr tabPtr;
4907   ndbrequire(findTable(ptr, tabPtr, tableId));
4909   FragmentPtr fragPtr;
4910   tabPtr.p->fragments.getPtr(fragPtr, fragNo);
4911   fragPtr.p->lqhInstanceKey = instanceKey;
4913   fragPtr.p->node = conf->fragItem[0].nodes[0];
4915   getFragmentInfo(signal, ptr, tabPtr, fragNo + 1);
4916 }
4918 void
getFragmentInfoDone(Signal * signal,BackupRecordPtr ptr)4919 Backup::getFragmentInfoDone(Signal* signal, BackupRecordPtr ptr)
4920 {
4921   ptr.p->m_gsn = GSN_DEFINE_BACKUP_CONF;
4922   ptr.p->slaveState.setState(DEFINED);
4923   DefineBackupConf * conf = (DefineBackupConf*)signal->getDataPtr();
4924   conf->backupPtr = ptr.i;
4925   conf->backupId = ptr.p->backupId;
4926   sendSignal(ptr.p->masterRef, GSN_DEFINE_BACKUP_CONF, signal,
4927 	     DefineBackupConf::SignalLength, JBB);
4928 }
4931 /*****************************************************************************
4932  *
4933  * Slave functionallity: Start backup
4934  *
4935  *****************************************************************************/
4936 void
execSTART_BACKUP_REQ(Signal * signal)4937 Backup::execSTART_BACKUP_REQ(Signal* signal)
4938 {
4939   jamEntry();
4941   CRASH_INSERTION((10015));
4943   StartBackupReq* req = (StartBackupReq*)signal->getDataPtr();
4944   const Uint32 ptrI = req->backupPtr;
4946   BackupRecordPtr ptr;
4947   c_backupPool.getPtr(ptr, ptrI);
4949   ptr.p->slaveState.setState(STARTED);
4950   ptr.p->m_gsn = GSN_START_BACKUP_REQ;
4952   /**
4953    * Start file threads...
4954    */
4955   BackupFilePtr filePtr;
4956   for(ptr.p->files.first(filePtr); filePtr.i!=RNIL;ptr.p->files.next(filePtr))
4957   {
4958     jam();
4959     if(! (filePtr.p->m_flags & BackupFile::BF_FILE_THREAD))
4960     {
4961       jam();
4962       filePtr.p->m_flags |= BackupFile::BF_FILE_THREAD;
4963       signal->theData[0] = BackupContinueB::START_FILE_THREAD;
4964       signal->theData[1] = filePtr.i;
4965       sendSignal(reference(), GSN_CONTINUEB, signal, 2, JBB);
4966     }//if
4967   }//for
4969   /**
4970    * Tell DBTUP to create triggers
4971    */
4972   TablePtr tabPtr;
4973   ndbrequire(ptr.p->tables.first(tabPtr));
4974   sendCreateTrig(signal, ptr, tabPtr);
4975 }
4977 /*****************************************************************************
4978  *
4979  * Slave functionallity: Backup fragment
4980  *
4981  *****************************************************************************/
4982 void
execBACKUP_FRAGMENT_REQ(Signal * signal)4983 Backup::execBACKUP_FRAGMENT_REQ(Signal* signal)
4984 {
4985   jamEntry();
4986   BackupFragmentReq* req = (BackupFragmentReq*)signal->getDataPtr();
4988   CRASH_INSERTION((10016));
4990   const Uint32 ptrI = req->backupPtr;
4991   //const Uint32 backupId = req->backupId;
4992   const Uint32 tableId = req->tableId;
4993   const Uint32 fragNo = req->fragmentNo;
4994   const Uint32 count = req->count;
4996   /**
4997    * Get backup record
4998    */
4999   BackupRecordPtr ptr;
5000   c_backupPool.getPtr(ptr, ptrI);
5002   ptr.p->slaveState.setState(SCANNING);
5003   ptr.p->m_gsn = GSN_BACKUP_FRAGMENT_REQ;
5005   /**
5006    * Get file
5007    */
5008   BackupFilePtr filePtr;
5009   c_backupFilePool.getPtr(filePtr, ptr.p->dataFilePtr);
5011   ndbrequire(filePtr.p->backupPtr == ptrI);
5012   ndbrequire(filePtr.p->m_flags ==
5013 	     (BackupFile::BF_OPEN | BackupFile::BF_FILE_THREAD));
5015   /**
5016    * Get table
5017    */
5018   TablePtr tabPtr;
5019   ndbrequire(findTable(ptr, tabPtr, tableId));
5021   /**
5022    * Get fragment
5023    */
5024   FragmentPtr fragPtr;
5025   tabPtr.p->fragments.getPtr(fragPtr, fragNo);
5027   ndbrequire(fragPtr.p->scanned == 0);
5028   ndbrequire(fragPtr.p->scanning == 0 ||
5029 	     refToNode(ptr.p->masterRef) == getOwnNodeId());
5031   /**
5032    * Init operation
5033    */
5034   if(filePtr.p->tableId != tableId) {
5035     jam();
5036     filePtr.p->operation.init(tabPtr);
5037     filePtr.p->tableId = tableId;
5038   }//if
5040   /**
5041    * Check for space in buffer
5042    */
5043   if(!filePtr.p->operation.newFragment(tableId, fragPtr.p->fragmentId)) {
5044     jam();
5045     req->count = count + 1;
5046     sendSignalWithDelay(reference(), GSN_BACKUP_FRAGMENT_REQ, signal,
5047                         WaitDiskBufferCapacityMillis,
5048 			signal->length());
5049     ptr.p->slaveState.setState(STARTED);
5050     return;
5051   }//if
5053   /**
5054    * Mark things as "in use"
5055    */
5056   fragPtr.p->scanning = 1;
5057   filePtr.p->fragmentNo = fragPtr.p->fragmentId;
5058   filePtr.p->m_retry_count = 0;
5060   if (ptr.p->is_lcp())
5061   {
5062     jam();
5063     filePtr.p->fragmentNo = 0;
5064   }
5066   sendScanFragReq(signal, ptr, filePtr, tabPtr, fragPtr, 0);
5067 }
5069 /**
5070  * Backups and LCPs are actions that operate on a long time-scale compared to
5071  * other activities in the cluster. We also have a number of similar
5072  * activities that operate on a longer time scale. These operations have to
5073  * continue to operate at some decent level even if user transactions are
5074  * arriving at extreme rates.
5075  *
5076  * Not providing sufficient activity for LCPs might mean that we run out of
5077  * REDO log, this means that no writing user transactions are allowed until
5078  * we have completed an LCP. Clearly this is not a desirable user experience.
5079  * So we need to find a balance between long-term needs and short-term needs
5080  * in scheduling LCPs and Backups versus normal user transactions.
5081  *
5082  * When designing those scheduling algorithms we need to remember the design
5083  * aim for the NDB storage engine. We want to ensure that NDB can be used in
5084  * soft real-time applications such as financial applications, telecom
5085  * applications. We do not aim for hard real-time applications such as
5086  * controlling power plants where missing a deadline can lead to major
5087  * catastrophies.
5088  *
5089  * Using NDB for a soft real-time application can still be done at different
5090  * levels of real-time requirements. If the aim is to provide that more or
5091  * less 100% of the transactions complete in say 100 microseconds then a
5092  * certain level of control is needed also from the application.
5093  *
5094  * Things that will affect scheduling in NDB are:
5095  * 1) Use of large rows
5096  *   NDB will schedule at least one row at a time. There are currently very
5097  *   few places where execution of one row operation contains breaks for
5098  *   scheduling. Executing a row operation on the maximum row size of
5099  *   around 14 kBytes means that signals can execute for up to about 20
5100  *   microseconds as of 2015. Clearly using smaller rows can give a better
5101  *   response time experience.
5102  *
5103  * 2) Using complex conditions per row
5104  *   NDB supports pushing down conditions on rows in both key operations and
5105  *   scan operations and even on join operations. Clearly if these pushed
5106  *   conditions are very complex the time to execute them per row can extend
5107  *   the time spent in executing one particular signal. Normal conditions
5108  *   involving one or a number of columns doesn't present a problem but
5109  *   SQL have no specific limits on conditions, so extremely complex
5110  *   conditions are possible to construct.
5111  *
5112  * 3) Metadata operations
5113  *   Creating tables, indexes can contain some operations that take a bit
5114  *   longer to execute. However using the multi-threaded data nodes (ndbmtd)
5115  *   means that most of these signals are executed in threads that are not
5116  *   used for normal user transactions. So using ndbmtd is here a method to
5117  *   decrease impact of response time of metadata operations.
5118  *
5119  * 4) Use of ndbd vs ndbmtd
5120  *   ndbd is a single threaded data node, ndbd does receive data, operate on
5121  *   the data and send the data all in one thread. In low load cases with
5122  *   very high requirements on response time and strict control of the
5123  *   application layer the use of ndbd for real-time operation can be
5124  *   beneficial.
5125  *
5126  *   Important here is to understand that the single-threaded nature of ndbd
5127  *   means that it is limited in throughput. One data node using ndbd is
5128  *   limited to handling on the order of 100.000 row operations per second
5129  *   with maintained responsiveness as of 2015. ndbmtd can achieve a few
5130  *   million row operations in very large configurations with maintained
5131  *   responsiveness.
5132  *
5133  * When looking at maintaining a balance between various operations long-term
5134  * it is important to consider what types of operations that can go in parallel
5135  * in an NDB data node. These are the activities currently possible.
5136  *
5137  * 1) Normal user transactions
5138  *   These consist of primary key row operations, unique key row operations
5139  *   (these are implemented as two primary key row operations), scan operations
5140  *   and finally a bit more complex operations that can have both key
5141  *   operations and scan operations as part of them. The last category is
5142  *   created as part of executing SPJ operation trees that currently is used
5143  *   for executing complex SQL queries.
5144  *
5145  * 2) Local checkpoints (LCPs)
5146  *   These can operate continously without user interaction. The LCPs are
5147  *   needed to ensure that we can cut the REDO log. If LCPs execute too slow
5148  *   the we won't have sufficient REDO log to store all user transactions that
5149  *   are writing on logging tables.
5150  *
5151  * 3) Backups
5152  *   These are started by a user, only one backup at a time is allowed. These
5153  *   can be stored offsite and used by the user to restore NDB to a former
5154  *   state, either as an emergency fix, it can also be used to start up a
5155  *   new cluster or as part of setting up a slave cluster. A backup consists
5156  *   of a data file per data node and one log file of changes since the backup
5157  *   started and a control file. It is important that the backup maintains a
5158  *   level of speed such that the system doesn't run out of disk space for the
5159  *   log file.
5160  *
5161  * 4) Metadata operations
5162  *   There are many different types of metadata operations. One can define
5163  *   new tables, indexes, foreign keys, tablespaces. One can also rearrange
5164  *   the tables for a new number of nodes as part of adding nodes to the
5165  *   cluster. There are also operations to analyse tables, optimise tables
5166  *   and so forth. Most of these are fairly short in duration and usage of
5167  *   resources. But there are a few of them such as rearranging tables for
5168  *   a new set of nodes that require shuffling data around in the cluster.
5169  *   This can be a fairly long-running operation.
5170  *
5171  * 5) Event operations
5172  *   To support replication from one MySQL Cluster to another MySQL Cluster
5173  *   or a different MySQL storage engine we use event operations.
5174  *   These operate always as part of the normal user transactions, so they
5175  *   do not constitute anything to consider in the balance between long-term
5176  *   and short-term needs. In addition in ndbmtd much of the processing happens
5177  *   in a special thread for event operations.
5178  *
5179  * 6) Node synchronisation during node recovery
5180  *   Recovery as such normally happens when no user transactions are happening
5181  *   so thus have no special requirements on maintaining a balance between
5182  *   short-term needs and long-term needs since recovery is always a long-term
5183  *   operation that has no competing short-term operations. There is however
5184  *   one exception to this and this is during node recovery when the starting
5185  *   node needs to synchronize its data with a live node. In this case the
5186  *   starting node has recovered an old version of the data node using LCPs
5187  *   and REDO logs and have rebuilt the indexes. At this point it needs to
5188  *   synchronize the data in each table with a live node within the same node
5189  *   group.
5190  *
5191  *   This synchronization happens row by row controlled by the live node. The
5192  *   live scans its own data and checks each row to the global checkpoint id
5193  *   (GCI) that the starting node has restored. If the row has been updated
5194  *   with a more recent GCI then the row needs to be sent over to the starting
5195  *   node.
5196  *
5197  *   Only one node recovery per node group at a time is possible when using
5198  *   two replicas.
5199  *
5200  * So there can be as many as 4 long-term operations running in parallel to
5201  * the user transactions. These are 1 LCP scan, 1 Backup scan, 1 node recovery
5202  * scan and finally 1 metadata scan. All of these long-running operations
5203  * perform scans of table partitions (fragments). LCPs scan a partition and
5204  * write rows into a LCP file. Backups scan a partition and write its result
5205  * into a backup file. Node recovery scans searches for rows that have been
5206  * updated since the GCI recovered in the starting node and for each row
5207  * found it is sent over to the starting node. Metadata scans for either
5208  * all rows or using some condition and then can use this information to
5209  * send the row to another node, to build an index, to build a foreign key
5210  * index or other online operation which is performed in parallel to user
5211  * transactions.
5212  *
5213  * From this analysis it's clear that we don't want any long-running operation
5214  * to consume any major part of the resources. It's desirable that user
5215  * transactions can use at least about half of the resources even when running
5216  * in parallel with all four of those activities. Node recovery is slightly
5217  * more important than the other activities, this means that our aim should
5218  * be to ensure that LCPs, Backups and metadata operations can at least use
5219  * about 10% of the CPU resources and that node recovery operations can use
5220  * at least about 20% of the CPU resources. Obviously they should be able to
5221  * use more resources when there is less user transactions competing for the
5222  * resources. But we should try to maintain this level of CPU usage for LCPs
5223  * and Backups even when the user load is at extreme levels.
5224  *
5225  * There is no absolute way of ensuring 10% CPU usage for a certain activity.
5226  * We use a number of magic numbers controlling the algorithms to ensure this.
5227  *
5228  * At first we use the coding rule that one signal should never execute for
5229  * more than 10 microseconds in the normal case. There are exceptions to this
5230  * rule as explained above, but it should be outliers that won't affect the
5231  * long-term rates very much.
5232  *
5233  * Second we use the scheduling classes we have access to. The first is B-level
5234  * signals, these can have an arbitrary long queue of other jobs waiting before
5235  * they are executed, so these have no bound on when they execute. We also
5236  * have special signals that execute with a bounded delay, in one signal they
5237  * can be delayed more than a B-level signal, but the scheduler ensures that
5238  * at most 100 B-level signals execute before they are executed. Normally it
5239  * would even operate with at most 75 B-level signals executed even in high
5240  * load scenarios and mostly even better than that. We achieve this by calling
5241  * sendSignalWithDelay with timeout BOUNDED_DELAY.
5242  *
5243  * So how fast can an LCP run that is using about 10% of the CPU. In a fairly
5244  * standard CPU of 2015, not a high-end, but also not at the very low-end,
5245  * the CPU can produce about 150 MBytes of data for LCPs per second. This is
5246  * using 100 byte rows. So this constitutes about 1.5M rows per second plus
5247  * transporting 150 MBytes of data to the write buffers in the Backup block.
5248  * So we use a formula here where we assume that the fixed cost of scanning
5249  * a row is about 550 ns and cost per word of data is 4 ns. The reason we
5250  * a different formula for LCP scans compared to the formula we assume in
5251  * DBLQH for generic scans is that the copy of data is per row for LCPs
5252  * whereas it is per column for generic scans. Similarly we never use any
5253  * scan filters for LCPs, we only check for LCP_SKIP bits and FREE bits.
5254  * This is much more efficient compared to generic scan filters.
5255  *
5256  * At very high load we will assume that we have to wait about 50 signals
5257  * when sending BOUNDED_DELAY signals. Worst case can be up to about 100
5258  * signals, but the worst case won't happen very often and more common
5259  * will be much less than that.
5260  * The mean execution time of signals are about 5 microseconds. This means
5261  * that by constantly using bounded delay signals we ensure that we get at
5262  * least around 4000 executions per second. So this means that
5263  * in extreme overload situations we can allow for execution to go on
5264  * for up to about 25 microseconds without giving B-level signals access.
5265  * 25 microseconds times 4000 is 100 milliseconds so about 10% of the
5266  * CPU usage.
5267  *
5268  * LCPs and Backups also operate using conditions on how fast they can write
5269  * to the disk subsystem. The user can configure these numbers, the LCPs
5270  * and Backups gets a quota per 100 millisecond. So if the LCPs and Backups
5271  * runs too fast they will pause a part of those 100 milliseconds. However
5272  * it is a good idea to set the minimum disk write speed to at least 20%
5273  * of the possible CPU speed. So this means setting it to 30 MByte per
5274  * second. In high-load scenarios we might not be able to process more
5275  * than 15 MByte per second, but as soon as user load and other load
5276  * goes down we will get back to the higher write speed.
5277  *
5278  * Scans operate in the following fashion which is an important input to
5279  * the construction of the magic numbers. We start a scan with SCAN_FRAGREQ
5280  * and here we don't really know the row sizes other than the maximum row
5281  * size. This SCAN_FRAGREQ will return 16 rows and then it will return
5282  * SCAN_FRAGCONF. For each row it will return a TRANSID_AI signal.
5283  * If we haven't used our quota for writing LCPs and Backups AND there is
5284  * still room in the backup write buffer then we will continue with another
5285  * set of 16 rows. These will be retrieved using the SCAN_NEXTREQ signal
5286  * and the response to this signal will be SCAN_FRAGCONF when done with the
5287  * 16 rows (or all rows scanned).
5288  *
5289  * Processing 16 rows takes about 8800 ns on standard HW of 2015 and so even
5290  * for minimal rows we will use at least 10000 ns if we execute an entire batch
5291  * of 16 rows without providing access for other B-level signals. So the
5292  * absolute maximum amount of rows that we will ever execute without
5293  * giving access for B-level signals are 32 rows so that we don't go beyond
5294  * the allowed quota of 25 microsecond without giving B-level priority signal
5295  * access, this means two SCAN_FRAGREQ/SCAN_NEXTREQ executions.
5296  *
5297  * Using the formula we derive that we should never start another set of
5298  * 16 rows if we have passed 1500 words in the previous batch of 16 rows.
5299  * Even when deciding in the Backup block to send an entire batch of 16
5300  * rows at A-level we will never allow to continue gathering when we have
5301  * already gathered more than 4000 words. When we reach this limit we will
5302  * send another bounded delay signal. The reason is that we've already
5303  * reached sufficient CPU usage and going further would go beyond 15%.
5304  *
5305  * The boundary 1500 and 4000 is actually based on using 15% of the CPU
5306  * resources which is better if not all four activities happen at the
5307  * same time. When we support rate control on all activities we need to
5308  * adaptively decrease this limit to ensure that the total rate controlled
5309  * efforts doesn't go beyond 50%.
5310  *
5311  * The limit 4000 is ZMAX_WORDS_PER_SCAN_BATCH_HIGH_PRIO set in DblqhMain.cpp.
5312  * This constant limit the impact of wide rows on responsiveness.
5313  *
5314  * The limit 1500 is MAX_LCP_WORDS_PER_BATCH set in this block.
5315  * This constant limit the impact of row writes on LCP writes.
5316  *
5317  * When operating in normal mode, we will not continue gathering when we
5318  * already gathered at least 500 words. However we will only operate in
5319  * this mode when we are in low load scenario in which case this speed will
5320  * be quite sufficient. This limit is to ensure that we don't go beyond
5321  * normal real-time break limits in normal operations. This limits LCP
5322  * execution during normal load to around 3-4 microseconds.
5323  *
5324  * In the following paragraph a high priority of LCPs means that we need to
5325  * raise LCP priority to maintain LCP write rate at the expense of user
5326  * traffic responsiveness. Low priority means that we can get sufficient
5327  * LCP write rates even with normal responsiveness to user requests.
5328  *
5329  * Finally we have to make a decision when we should execute at high priority
5330  * and when operating at normal priority. Obviously we should avoid entering
5331  * high priority mode as much as possible since it will affect response times.
5332  * At the same time once we have entered this mode we need to have some
5333  * memory of it. The reason is that we will have lost some ground while
5334  * executing at normal priority when the job buffers were long. We will limit
5335  * the memory to at most 16 executions of 16 rows at high priority. Each
5336  * time we start a new execution we will see if we need to add to this
5337  * "memory". We will add one per 48 signals that we had to wait for between
5338  * executing a set of 16 rows (normally this means execution of 3 bounded
5339  * delay signals). When the load level is even higher than we will add to
5340  * the memory such that we operate in high priority mode a bit longer since
5341  * we are likely to have missed a bit more opportunity to perform LCP scans
5342  * in this overload situation.
5343  *
5344  * The following "magic" constants control these algorithms:
5345  * 1) ZMAX_SCAN_DIRECT_COUNT set to 5
5346  * Means that at most 6 rows will be scanned per execute direct, set in
5347  * Dblqh.hpp. This applies to all scan types, not only to LCP scans.
5348  *
5349  * 2) ZMAX_WORDS_PER_SCAN_BATCH_LOW_PRIO set to 500
5350  * This controls the maximum number of words that is allowed to be gathered
5351  * before we decide to do a real-time break when executing at normal
5352  * priority level. This is defined in DblqhMain.cpp
5353  *
5354  * 3) ZMAX_WORDS_PER_SCAN_BATCH_HIGH_PRIO set to 4000
5355  * This controls the maximum words gathered before we decide to send the
5356  * next row to be scanned in another bounded delay signal. This is defined in
5357  * DblqhMain.cpp
5358  *
5359  * 4) MAX_LCP_WORDS_PER_BATCH set to 1500
5360  * This defines the maximum size gathered at A-level to allow for execution
5361  * of one more batch at A-level. This is defined here in Backup.cpp.
5362  *
5363  * 5) HIGH_LOAD_LEVEL set to 32
5364  * Limit of how many signals have been executed in this LDM thread since
5365  * starting last 16 rowsin order to enter high priority mode.
5366  * Defined in this block Backup.cpp.
5367  *
5368  * 6) VERY_HIGH_LOAD_LEVEL set to 48
5369  * For each additional of this we increase the memory. So e.g. with 80 signals
5370  * executed since last we will increase the memory by two, with 128 we will
5371  * increase it by three. Thus if #signals >= (32 + 48) => 2, #signals >=
5372  * (32 + 48 * 2) => 3 and so forth. Memory here means that we will remember
5373  * the high load until we have compensated for it in a sufficient manner, so
5374  * we will retain executing on high priority for a bit longer to compensate
5375  * for what we lost during execution at low priority when load suddenly
5376  * increased.
5377  * Defined in this block Backup.cpp.
5378  *
5379  * 7) MAX_RAISE_PRIO_MEMORY set to 16
5380  * Max memory of priority raising, so after load disappears we will at most
5381  * an additional set of 16*16 rows at high priority mode before going back to
5382  * normal priority mode.
5383  * Defined in this block Backup.cpp.
5384  *
5386  * When starting up the algorithm we check how many signals are in the
5387  * B-level job buffer. Based on this number we set the initial value to
5388  * high priority or not. This is based on that we expect a set of 16
5389  * rows to be executed in 3 signals with 6 rows, 6 rows and last signal
5390  * 4 rows.
5391  * Defined in this block Backup.cpp.
5392  */
5394  /**
5395  * These routines are more or less our scheduling logic for LCPs. This is
5396  * how we try to achieve a balanced output from LCPs while still
5397  * processing normal transactions at a high rate.
5398  */
init_scan_prio_level(Signal * signal,BackupRecordPtr ptr)5399 void Backup::init_scan_prio_level(Signal *signal, BackupRecordPtr ptr)
5400 {
5401   Uint32 level = getSignalsInJBB();
5403   {
5404     /* Ensure we use prio A and only 1 signal at prio A */
5405     jam();
5406     level = VERY_HIGH_LOAD_LEVEL;
5407   }
5408   ptr.p->m_lastSignalId = signal->getSignalId() - level;
5409   ptr.p->m_prioA_scan_batches_to_execute = 0;
5410 }
5412 bool
check_scan_if_raise_prio(Signal * signal,BackupRecordPtr ptr)5413 Backup::check_scan_if_raise_prio(Signal *signal, BackupRecordPtr ptr)
5414 {
5415   bool flag = false;
5416   const Uint32 current_signal_id = signal->getSignalId();
5417   const Uint32 lastSignalId = ptr.p->m_lastSignalId;
5418   Uint32 prioA_scan_batches_to_execute =
5419     ptr.p->m_prioA_scan_batches_to_execute;
5420   const Uint32 num_signals_executed = current_signal_id - lastSignalId;
5422   if (num_signals_executed > HIGH_LOAD_LEVEL)
5423   {
5424     jam();
5425     prioA_scan_batches_to_execute+=
5426       ((num_signals_executed + (VERY_HIGH_LOAD_LEVEL - 1)) /
5427         VERY_HIGH_LOAD_LEVEL);
5428     if (prioA_scan_batches_to_execute > MAX_RAISE_PRIO_MEMORY)
5429     {
5430       jam();
5431       prioA_scan_batches_to_execute = MAX_RAISE_PRIO_MEMORY;
5432     }
5433   }
5434   if (prioA_scan_batches_to_execute > 0)
5435   {
5436     jam();
5437     prioA_scan_batches_to_execute--;
5438     flag = true;
5439   }
5440   ptr.p->m_lastSignalId = current_signal_id;
5441   ptr.p->m_prioA_scan_batches_to_execute = prioA_scan_batches_to_execute;
5442   return flag;;
5443 }
5445 void
sendScanFragReq(Signal * signal,Ptr<BackupRecord> ptr,Ptr<BackupFile> filePtr,Ptr<Table> tabPtr,Ptr<Fragment> fragPtr,Uint32 delay)5446 Backup::sendScanFragReq(Signal* signal,
5447                         Ptr<BackupRecord> ptr,
5448                         Ptr<BackupFile> filePtr,
5449                         Ptr<Table> tabPtr,
5450                         Ptr<Fragment> fragPtr,
5451                         Uint32 delay)
5452 {
5453   /**
5454    * Start scan
5455    */
5456   {
5457     filePtr.p->m_flags |= BackupFile::BF_SCAN_THREAD;
5459     Table & table = * tabPtr.p;
5460     ScanFragReq * req = (ScanFragReq *)signal->getDataPtrSend();
5461     const Uint32 parallelism = ZRESERVED_SCAN_BATCH_SIZE;
5463     req->senderData = filePtr.i;
5464     req->resultRef = reference();
5465     req->schemaVersion = table.schemaVersion;
5466     req->fragmentNoKeyLen = fragPtr.p->fragmentId;
5467     req->requestInfo = 0;
5468     req->savePointId = 0;
5469     req->tableId = table.tableId;
5470     ScanFragReq::setReadCommittedFlag(req->requestInfo, 1);
5471     ScanFragReq::setLockMode(req->requestInfo, 0);
5472     ScanFragReq::setHoldLockFlag(req->requestInfo, 0);
5473     ScanFragReq::setKeyinfoFlag(req->requestInfo, 0);
5474     ScanFragReq::setTupScanFlag(req->requestInfo, 1);
5475     ScanFragReq::setNotInterpretedFlag(req->requestInfo, 1);
5476     if (ptr.p->is_lcp())
5477     {
5478       ScanFragReq::setScanPrio(req->requestInfo, 1);
5479       ScanFragReq::setNoDiskFlag(req->requestInfo, 1);
5480       ScanFragReq::setLcpScanFlag(req->requestInfo, 1);
5481     }
5482     filePtr.p->m_sent_words_in_scan_batch = 0;
5483     filePtr.p->m_num_scan_req_on_prioa = 0;
5484     init_scan_prio_level(signal, ptr);
5485     if (check_scan_if_raise_prio(signal, ptr))
5486     {
5487       jam();
5488       ScanFragReq::setPrioAFlag(req->requestInfo, 1);
5489       filePtr.p->m_num_scan_req_on_prioa = 1;
5490     }
5492     req->transId1 = 0;
5493     req->transId2 = (BACKUP << 20) + (getOwnNodeId() << 8);
5494     req->clientOpPtr= filePtr.i;
5495     req->batch_size_rows= parallelism;
5496     req->batch_size_bytes= 0;
5497     BlockReference lqhRef = 0;
5498     bool delay_possible = true;
5499     if (ptr.p->is_lcp()) {
5500       lqhRef = calcInstanceBlockRef(DBLQH);
5501     } else {
5502       const Uint32 instanceKey = fragPtr.p->lqhInstanceKey;
5503       ndbrequire(instanceKey != 0);
5504       lqhRef = numberToRef(DBLQH, instanceKey, getOwnNodeId());
5505       if (lqhRef != calcInstanceBlockRef(DBLQH))
5506       {
5507         /* We can't send delayed signals to other threads. */
5508         delay_possible = false;
5509       }
5510     }
5512     Uint32 attrInfo[25];
5513     memcpy(attrInfo, table.attrInfo, 4*table.attrInfoLen);
5514     LinearSectionPtr ptr[3];
5515     ptr[0].p = attrInfo;
5516     ptr[0].sz = table.attrInfoLen;
5517     if (delay_possible)
5518     {
5519       SectionHandle handle(this);
5520       ndbrequire(import(handle.m_ptr[0], ptr[0].p, ptr[0].sz));
5521       handle.m_cnt = 1;
5522       if (delay == 0)
5523       {
5524         jam();
5525         sendSignalWithDelay(lqhRef, GSN_SCAN_FRAGREQ, signal,
5526                             BOUNDED_DELAY, ScanFragReq::SignalLength, &handle);
5527       }
5528       else
5529       {
5530         jam();
5531         sendSignalWithDelay(lqhRef, GSN_SCAN_FRAGREQ, signal,
5532                             delay, ScanFragReq::SignalLength, &handle);
5533       }
5534     }
5535     else
5536     {
5537       /**
5538        * There is no way to send signals over to another thread at a rate
5539        * level at the moment. So we send at priority B, but the response
5540        * back to us will arrive at Priority A if necessary.
5541        */
5542       jam();
5543       sendSignal(lqhRef,
5544                  GSN_SCAN_FRAGREQ,
5545                  signal,
5546                  ScanFragReq::SignalLength,
5547                  JBB,
5548                  ptr,
5549                  1);
5550     }
5551   }
5552 }
5554 void
execSCAN_HBREP(Signal * signal)5555 Backup::execSCAN_HBREP(Signal* signal)
5556 {
5557   jamEntry();
5558 }
5560 void
execTRANSID_AI(Signal * signal)5561 Backup::execTRANSID_AI(Signal* signal)
5562 {
5563   jamEntry();
5565   const Uint32 filePtrI = signal->theData[0];
5566   //const Uint32 transId1 = signal->theData[1];
5567   //const Uint32 transId2 = signal->theData[2];
5568   Uint32 dataLen  = signal->length() - 3;
5570   BackupFilePtr filePtr;
5571   c_backupFilePool.getPtr(filePtr, filePtrI);
5573   OperationRecord & op = filePtr.p->operation;
5575   /**
5576    * Unpack data
5577    */
5578   Uint32 * dst = op.dst;
5579   if (signal->getNoOfSections() == 0)
5580   {
5581     jam();
5582     const Uint32 * src = &signal->theData[3];
5583     * dst = htonl(dataLen);
5584     memcpy(dst + 1, src, 4*dataLen);
5585   }
5586   else
5587   {
5588     jam();
5589     SectionHandle handle(this, signal);
5590     SegmentedSectionPtr dataPtr;
5591     handle.getSection(dataPtr, 0);
5592     dataLen = dataPtr.sz;
5594     * dst = htonl(dataLen);
5595     copy(dst + 1, dataPtr);
5596     releaseSections(handle);
5597   }
5599   op.attrSzTotal += dataLen;
5600   ndbrequire(dataLen < op.maxRecordSize);
5602   filePtr.p->m_sent_words_in_scan_batch += dataLen;
5604   op.finished(dataLen);
5606   op.newRecord(dst + dataLen + 1);
5607 }
5609 void
update_lcp_pages_scanned(Signal * signal,Uint32 filePtrI,Uint32 scanned_pages)5610 Backup::update_lcp_pages_scanned(Signal *signal,
5611                                  Uint32 filePtrI,
5612                                  Uint32 scanned_pages)
5613 {
5614   BackupFilePtr filePtr;
5615   jamEntry();
5617   c_backupFilePool.getPtr(filePtr, filePtrI);
5619   OperationRecord & op = filePtr.p->operation;
5621   op.set_scanned_pages(scanned_pages);
5622 }
5624 void
init(const TablePtr & ptr)5625 Backup::OperationRecord::init(const TablePtr & ptr)
5626 {
5627   tablePtr = ptr.i;
5628   maxRecordSize = ptr.p->maxRecordSize;
5629   lcpScannedPages = 0;
5630 }
5632 bool
newFragment(Uint32 tableId,Uint32 fragNo)5633 Backup::OperationRecord::newFragment(Uint32 tableId, Uint32 fragNo)
5634 {
5635   Uint32 * tmp;
5636   const Uint32 headSz = (sizeof(BackupFormat::DataFile::FragmentHeader) >> 2);
5637   const Uint32 sz = headSz + ZRESERVED_SCAN_BATCH_SIZE * maxRecordSize;
5639   ndbrequire(sz < dataBuffer.getMaxWrite());
5640   if(dataBuffer.getWritePtr(&tmp, sz)) {
5641     jam();
5642     BackupFormat::DataFile::FragmentHeader * head =
5643       (BackupFormat::DataFile::FragmentHeader*)tmp;
5645     head->SectionType   = htonl(BackupFormat::FRAGMENT_HEADER);
5646     head->SectionLength = htonl(headSz);
5647     head->TableId       = htonl(tableId);
5648     head->FragmentNo    = htonl(fragNo);
5649     head->ChecksumType  = htonl(0);
5651     opNoDone = opNoConf = opLen = 0;
5652     newRecord(tmp + headSz);
5653     scanStart = tmp;
5654     scanStop  = (tmp + headSz);
5656     noOfRecords = 0;
5657     noOfBytes = 0;
5658     return true;
5659   }//if
5660   return false;
5661 }
5663 bool
fragComplete(Uint32 tableId,Uint32 fragNo,bool fill_record)5664 Backup::OperationRecord::fragComplete(Uint32 tableId, Uint32 fragNo, bool fill_record)
5665 {
5666   Uint32 * tmp;
5667   const Uint32 footSz = sizeof(BackupFormat::DataFile::FragmentFooter) >> 2;
5668   Uint32 sz = footSz + 1;
5670   if (fill_record)
5671   {
5672     Uint32 * new_tmp;
5673     if (!dataBuffer.getWritePtr(&tmp, sz))
5674       return false;
5675     new_tmp = tmp + sz;
5677     if ((UintPtr)new_tmp & (sizeof(Page32)-1))
5678     {
5679       /* padding is needed to get full write */
5680       new_tmp += 2 /* to fit empty header minimum 2 words*/;
5681       new_tmp = (Uint32 *)(((UintPtr)new_tmp + sizeof(Page32)-1) &
5682                             ~(UintPtr)(sizeof(Page32)-1));
5683       /* new write sz */
5684       sz = Uint32(new_tmp - tmp);
5685     }
5686   }
5688   if(dataBuffer.getWritePtr(&tmp, sz)) {
5689     jam();
5690     * tmp = 0; // Finish record stream
5691     tmp++;
5692     BackupFormat::DataFile::FragmentFooter * foot =
5693       (BackupFormat::DataFile::FragmentFooter*)tmp;
5694     foot->SectionType   = htonl(BackupFormat::FRAGMENT_FOOTER);
5695     foot->SectionLength = htonl(footSz);
5696     foot->TableId       = htonl(tableId);
5697     foot->FragmentNo    = htonl(fragNo);
5698     foot->NoOfRecords   = htonl(Uint32(noOfRecords)); // TODO
5699     foot->Checksum      = htonl(0);
5701     if (sz != footSz + 1)
5702     {
5703       tmp += footSz;
5704       memset(tmp, 0, (sz - footSz - 1) * 4);
5705       *tmp = htonl(BackupFormat::EMPTY_ENTRY);
5706       tmp++;
5707       *tmp = htonl(sz - footSz - 1);
5708     }
5710     dataBuffer.updateWritePtr(sz);
5711     return true;
5712   }//if
5713   return false;
5714 }
5716 bool
newScan()5717 Backup::OperationRecord::newScan()
5718 {
5719   Uint32 * tmp;
5720   ndbrequire(ZRESERVED_SCAN_BATCH_SIZE * maxRecordSize < dataBuffer.getMaxWrite());
5721   if(dataBuffer.getWritePtr(&tmp, ZRESERVED_SCAN_BATCH_SIZE * maxRecordSize))
5722   {
5723     jam();
5724     opNoDone = opNoConf = opLen = 0;
5725     newRecord(tmp);
5726     scanStart = tmp;
5727     scanStop = tmp;
5728     return true;
5729   }//if
5730   return false;
5731 }
5733 bool
closeScan()5734 Backup::OperationRecord::closeScan()
5735 {
5736   opNoDone = opNoConf = opLen = 0;
5737   return true;
5738 }
5740 bool
scanConf(Uint32 noOfOps,Uint32 total_len)5741 Backup::OperationRecord::scanConf(Uint32 noOfOps, Uint32 total_len)
5742 {
5743   const Uint32 done = Uint32(opNoDone-opNoConf);
5745   ndbrequire(noOfOps == done);
5746   ndbrequire(opLen == total_len);
5747   opNoConf = opNoDone;
5749   const Uint32 len = Uint32(scanStop - scanStart);
5750   ndbrequire(len < dataBuffer.getMaxWrite());
5751   dataBuffer.updateWritePtr(len);
5752   noOfBytes += (len << 2);
5753   m_bytes_total += (len << 2);
5754   m_records_total += noOfOps;
5755   return true;
5756 }
5758 void
execSCAN_FRAGREF(Signal * signal)5759 Backup::execSCAN_FRAGREF(Signal* signal)
5760 {
5761   jamEntry();
5763   ScanFragRef * ref = (ScanFragRef*)signal->getDataPtr();
5765   const Uint32 filePtrI = ref->senderData;
5766   BackupFilePtr filePtr;
5767   c_backupFilePool.getPtr(filePtr, filePtrI);
5769   Uint32 errCode = ref->errorCode;
5770   if (filePtr.p->errorCode == 0)
5771   {
5772     // check for transient errors
5773     switch(errCode){
5774     case ScanFragRef::ZSCAN_BOOK_ACC_OP_ERROR:
5775     case ScanFragRef::NO_TC_CONNECT_ERROR:
5776     case ScanFragRef::ZTOO_MANY_ACTIVE_SCAN_ERROR:
5777       jam();
5778       break;
5779     case ScanFragRef::TABLE_NOT_DEFINED_ERROR:
5780     case ScanFragRef::DROP_TABLE_IN_PROGRESS_ERROR:
5781       jam();
5782       /**
5783        * The table was dropped either at start of LCP scan or in the
5784        * middle of it. We will complete in the same manner as if we
5785        * got a SCAN_FRAGCONF with close flag set. The idea is that
5786        * the content of the LCP file in this case is not going to
5787        * be used anyways, so we just ensure that we complete things
5788        * in an ordered manner and then the higher layers will ensure
5789        * that the files are dropped and taken care of.
5790        *
5791        * This handling will ensure that drop table can complete
5792        * much faster.
5793        */
5794       fragmentCompleted(signal, filePtr);
5795       return;
5796     default:
5797       jam();
5798       filePtr.p->errorCode = errCode;
5799     }
5800   }
5802   if (filePtr.p->errorCode == 0)
5803   {
5804     jam();
5805     filePtr.p->m_retry_count++;
5806     if (filePtr.p->m_retry_count == 10)
5807     {
5808       jam();
5809       filePtr.p->errorCode = errCode;
5810     }
5811   }
5813   if (filePtr.p->errorCode != 0)
5814   {
5815     jam();
5816     filePtr.p->m_flags &= ~(Uint32)BackupFile::BF_SCAN_THREAD;
5817     backupFragmentRef(signal, filePtr);
5818   }
5819   else
5820   {
5821     jam();
5823     // retry
5825     BackupRecordPtr ptr;
5826     c_backupPool.getPtr(ptr, filePtr.p->backupPtr);
5827     TablePtr tabPtr;
5828     ndbrequire(findTable(ptr, tabPtr, filePtr.p->tableId));
5829     FragmentPtr fragPtr;
5830     tabPtr.p->fragments.getPtr(fragPtr, filePtr.p->fragmentNo);
5831     sendScanFragReq(signal, ptr, filePtr, tabPtr, fragPtr,
5832                     WaitScanTempErrorRetryMillis);
5833   }
5834 }
5836 void
execSCAN_FRAGCONF(Signal * signal)5837 Backup::execSCAN_FRAGCONF(Signal* signal)
5838 {
5839   jamEntry();
5841   CRASH_INSERTION((10017));
5843   ScanFragConf * conf = (ScanFragConf*)signal->getDataPtr();
5845   const Uint32 filePtrI = conf->senderData;
5846   BackupFilePtr filePtr;
5847   c_backupFilePool.getPtr(filePtr, filePtrI);
5849   OperationRecord & op = filePtr.p->operation;
5851   op.scanConf(conf->completedOps, conf->total_len);
5852   const Uint32 completed = conf->fragmentCompleted;
5853   if(completed != 2) {
5854     jam();
5856     BackupRecordPtr ptr;
5857     c_backupPool.getPtr(ptr, filePtr.p->backupPtr);
5858     checkScan(signal, ptr, filePtr);
5859     return;
5860   }//if
5862   fragmentCompleted(signal, filePtr);
5863 }
5865 void
fragmentCompleted(Signal * signal,BackupFilePtr filePtr)5866 Backup::fragmentCompleted(Signal* signal, BackupFilePtr filePtr)
5867 {
5868   jam();
5870   if(filePtr.p->errorCode != 0)
5871   {
5872     jam();
5873     filePtr.p->m_flags &= ~(Uint32)BackupFile::BF_SCAN_THREAD;
5874     backupFragmentRef(signal, filePtr); // Scan completed
5875     return;
5876   }//if
5878   BackupRecordPtr ptr;
5879   c_backupPool.getPtr(ptr, filePtr.p->backupPtr);
5881   OperationRecord & op = filePtr.p->operation;
5882   if(!op.fragComplete(filePtr.p->tableId, filePtr.p->fragmentNo,
5883                       c_defaults.m_o_direct))
5884   {
5885     jam();
5886     signal->theData[0] = BackupContinueB::BUFFER_FULL_FRAG_COMPLETE;
5887     signal->theData[1] = filePtr.i;
5888     sendSignalWithDelay(reference(), GSN_CONTINUEB, signal,
5889                         WaitDiskBufferCapacityMillis, 2);
5890     return;
5891   }//if
5893   filePtr.p->m_flags &= ~(Uint32)BackupFile::BF_SCAN_THREAD;
5895   if (ptr.p->is_lcp())
5896   {
5897     /* Maintain LCP totals */
5898     ptr.p->noOfRecords+= op.noOfRecords;
5899     ptr.p->noOfBytes+= op.noOfBytes;
5901     ptr.p->slaveState.setState(STOPPING);
5902     filePtr.p->operation.dataBuffer.eof();
5903   }
5904   else
5905   {
5906     BackupFragmentConf * conf = (BackupFragmentConf*)signal->getDataPtrSend();
5907     conf->backupId = ptr.p->backupId;
5908     conf->backupPtr = ptr.i;
5909     conf->tableId = filePtr.p->tableId;
5910     conf->fragmentNo = filePtr.p->fragmentNo;
5911     conf->noOfRecordsLow = (Uint32)(op.noOfRecords & 0xFFFFFFFF);
5912     conf->noOfRecordsHigh = (Uint32)(op.noOfRecords >> 32);
5913     conf->noOfBytesLow = (Uint32)(op.noOfBytes & 0xFFFFFFFF);
5914     conf->noOfBytesHigh = (Uint32)(op.noOfBytes >> 32);
5915     sendSignal(ptr.p->masterRef, GSN_BACKUP_FRAGMENT_CONF, signal,
5916 	       BackupFragmentConf::SignalLength, JBA);
5918     ptr.p->m_gsn = GSN_BACKUP_FRAGMENT_CONF;
5919     ptr.p->slaveState.setState(STARTED);
5920   }
5921   return;
5922 }
5924 void
backupFragmentRef(Signal * signal,BackupFilePtr filePtr)5925 Backup::backupFragmentRef(Signal * signal, BackupFilePtr filePtr)
5926 {
5927   BackupRecordPtr ptr;
5928   c_backupPool.getPtr(ptr, filePtr.p->backupPtr);
5930   ptr.p->m_gsn = GSN_BACKUP_FRAGMENT_REF;
5932   CRASH_INSERTION((10044));
5933   CRASH_INSERTION((10045));
5935   BackupFragmentRef * ref = (BackupFragmentRef*)signal->getDataPtrSend();
5936   ref->backupId = ptr.p->backupId;
5937   ref->backupPtr = ptr.i;
5938   ref->nodeId = getOwnNodeId();
5939   ref->errorCode = filePtr.p->errorCode;
5940   sendSignal(ptr.p->masterRef, GSN_BACKUP_FRAGMENT_REF, signal,
5941 	     BackupFragmentRef::SignalLength, JBB);
5942 }
5944 void
checkScan(Signal * signal,BackupRecordPtr ptr,BackupFilePtr filePtr)5945 Backup::checkScan(Signal* signal,
5946                   BackupRecordPtr ptr,
5947                   BackupFilePtr filePtr)
5948 {
5949   OperationRecord & op = filePtr.p->operation;
5950   BlockReference lqhRef = 0;
5951   {
5952     if (ptr.p->is_lcp()) {
5953       lqhRef = calcInstanceBlockRef(DBLQH);
5954     } else {
5955       TablePtr tabPtr;
5956       ndbrequire(findTable(ptr, tabPtr, filePtr.p->tableId));
5957       FragmentPtr fragPtr;
5958       tabPtr.p->fragments.getPtr(fragPtr, filePtr.p->fragmentNo);
5959       const Uint32 instanceKey = fragPtr.p->lqhInstanceKey;
5960       lqhRef = numberToRef(DBLQH, instanceKey, getOwnNodeId());
5961     }
5962   }
5964   if(filePtr.p->errorCode != 0 || ptr.p->checkError())
5965   {
5966     jam();
5968     /**
5969      * Close scan
5970      */
5971     op.closeScan();
5972     ScanFragNextReq * req = (ScanFragNextReq *)signal->getDataPtrSend();
5973     req->senderData = filePtr.i;
5974     req->requestInfo = 0;
5975     ScanFragNextReq::setCloseFlag(req->requestInfo, 1);
5976     req->transId1 = 0;
5977     req->transId2 = (BACKUP << 20) + (getOwnNodeId() << 8);
5978     sendSignal(lqhRef, GSN_SCAN_NEXTREQ, signal,
5979 	       ScanFragNextReq::SignalLength, JBB);
5980     return;
5981   }//if
5983   if(op.newScan()) {
5984     jam();
5986     ScanFragNextReq * req = (ScanFragNextReq *)signal->getDataPtrSend();
5987     req->senderData = filePtr.i;
5988     req->requestInfo = 0;
5989     req->transId1 = 0;
5990     req->transId2 = (BACKUP << 20) + (getOwnNodeId() << 8);
5991     req->batch_size_rows= ZRESERVED_SCAN_BATCH_SIZE;
5992     req->batch_size_bytes= 0;
5994     if (ERROR_INSERTED(10039) &&
5995 	filePtr.p->tableId >= 2 &&
5996 	filePtr.p->operation.noOfRecords > 0)
5997     {
5998       ndbout_c("halting backup for table %d fragment: %d after %llu records",
5999 	       filePtr.p->tableId,
6000 	       filePtr.p->fragmentNo,
6001 	       filePtr.p->operation.noOfRecords);
6002       memmove(signal->theData+2, signal->theData,
6003 	      4*ScanFragNextReq::SignalLength);
6004       signal->theData[0] = BackupContinueB::ZDELAY_SCAN_NEXT;
6005       signal->theData[1] = filePtr.i;
6006       sendSignalWithDelay(reference(), GSN_CONTINUEB, signal,
6007 			  300, 2+ScanFragNextReq::SignalLength);
6008       return;
6009     }
6010     if(ERROR_INSERTED(10032))
6011       sendSignalWithDelay(lqhRef, GSN_SCAN_NEXTREQ, signal,
6012 			  100, ScanFragNextReq::SignalLength);
6013     else if(ERROR_INSERTED(10033))
6014     {
6015       SET_ERROR_INSERT_VALUE(10032);
6016       sendSignalWithDelay(lqhRef, GSN_SCAN_NEXTREQ, signal,
6017 			  10000, ScanFragNextReq::SignalLength);
6019       BackupRecordPtr ptr;
6020       c_backupPool.getPtr(ptr, filePtr.p->backupPtr);
6021       AbortBackupOrd *ord = (AbortBackupOrd*)signal->getDataPtrSend();
6022       ord->backupId = ptr.p->backupId;
6023       ord->backupPtr = ptr.i;
6024       ord->requestType = AbortBackupOrd::FileOrScanError;
6025       ord->senderData= ptr.i;
6026       sendSignal(ptr.p->masterRef, GSN_ABORT_BACKUP_ORD, signal,
6027 		 AbortBackupOrd::SignalLength, JBB);
6028     }
6029 #ifdef ERROR_INSERT
6030     else if (ERROR_INSERTED(10042) && filePtr.p->tableId ==c_error_insert_extra)
6031     {
6032       sendSignalWithDelay(lqhRef, GSN_SCAN_NEXTREQ, signal,
6033 			  10, ScanFragNextReq::SignalLength);
6034     }
6035 #endif
6036     else
6037     {
6038       /**
6039        * We send all interactions with bounded delay, this means that we will
6040        * wait for at most 128 signals before the signal is put into the A-level
6041        * job buffer. After this we will execute at A-level until we arrive
6042        * back with a SCAN_FRAGCONF. After SCAN_FRAGCONF we get back to here
6043        * again, so this means we will execute at least 16 rows before any
6044        * B-level signals are allowed again. So this means that the LCP will
6045        * scan at least 16 rows per 128 signals even at complete overload.
6046        *
6047        * We will even send yet one more row of 16 rows at A-priority level
6048        * per 100 B-level signals if we have difficulties in even meeting the
6049        * minimum desired checkpoint level.
6050        */
6051       JobBufferLevel prio_level = JBB;
6052       if (check_scan_if_raise_prio(signal, ptr))
6053       {
6054         OperationRecord & op = filePtr.p->operation;
6055         Uint32 *tmp = NULL;
6056         Uint32 sz = 0;
6057         bool eof = FALSE;
6058         bool file_buf_contains_min_write_size =
6059           op.dataBuffer.getReadPtr(&tmp, &sz, &eof);
6061         ScanFragNextReq::setPrioAFlag(req->requestInfo, 1);
6062         if (file_buf_contains_min_write_size ||
6063             filePtr.p->m_num_scan_req_on_prioa >= 2 ||
6064             (filePtr.p->m_num_scan_req_on_prioa == 1 &&
6065              filePtr.p->m_sent_words_in_scan_batch > MAX_LCP_WORDS_PER_BATCH))
6066         {
6067           jam();
6068           /**
6069            * There are three reasons why we won't continue executing at
6070            * prio A level.
6071            *
6072            * 1) Last two executions was on prio A, this means that we have now
6073            *    executed 2 sets of 16 rows at prio A level. So it is time to
6074            *    give up the prio A level and allow back in some B-level jobs.
6075            *
6076            * 2) The last execution at prio A generated more than the max words
6077            *    per A-level batch, so we get back to a bounded delay signal.
6078            *
6079            * 3) We already have a buffer ready to be sent to the file
6080            *    system. No reason to execute at a very high priority simply
6081            *    to fill buffers not waiting to be filled.
6082            */
6083           filePtr.p->m_sent_words_in_scan_batch = 0;
6084           filePtr.p->m_num_scan_req_on_prioa = 0;
6085         }
6086         else
6087         {
6088           jam();
6089           /* Continue at prio A level 16 more rows */
6090           filePtr.p->m_num_scan_req_on_prioa++;
6091           prio_level = JBA;
6092         }
6093       }
6094       else
6095       {
6096         jam();
6097         filePtr.p->m_sent_words_in_scan_batch = 0;
6098         filePtr.p->m_num_scan_req_on_prioa = 0;
6099       }
6100       if (lqhRef == calcInstanceBlockRef(DBLQH) && (prio_level == JBB))
6101       {
6102         sendSignalWithDelay(lqhRef, GSN_SCAN_NEXTREQ, signal,
6103                             BOUNDED_DELAY, ScanFragNextReq::SignalLength);
6104       }
6105       else
6106       {
6107         /* Cannot send delayed signals to other threads. */
6108         sendSignal(lqhRef,
6109                    GSN_SCAN_NEXTREQ,
6110                    signal,
6111                    ScanFragNextReq::SignalLength,
6112                    prio_level);
6113       }
6114       /*
6115         check if it is time to report backup status
6116       */
6117       BackupRecordPtr ptr;
6118       c_backupPool.getPtr(ptr, filePtr.p->backupPtr);
6119       if (!ptr.p->is_lcp())
6120       {
6121         jam();
6122         checkReportStatus(signal, ptr);
6123       }
6124     }
6125     return;
6126   }//if
6128   filePtr.p->m_sent_words_in_scan_batch = 0;
6129   filePtr.p->m_num_scan_req_on_prioa = 0;
6131   signal->theData[0] = BackupContinueB::BUFFER_FULL_SCAN;
6132   signal->theData[1] = filePtr.i;
6133   sendSignalWithDelay(reference(), GSN_CONTINUEB, signal,
6134                       WaitDiskBufferCapacityMillis, 2);
6135 }
6137 void
execFSAPPENDREF(Signal * signal)6138 Backup::execFSAPPENDREF(Signal* signal)
6139 {
6140   jamEntry();
6142   FsRef * ref = (FsRef *)signal->getDataPtr();
6144   const Uint32 filePtrI = ref->userPointer;
6145   const Uint32 errCode = ref->errorCode;
6147   BackupFilePtr filePtr;
6148   c_backupFilePool.getPtr(filePtr, filePtrI);
6150   filePtr.p->m_flags &= ~(Uint32)BackupFile::BF_FILE_THREAD;
6151   filePtr.p->errorCode = errCode;
6153   checkFile(signal, filePtr);
6154 }
6156 void
execFSAPPENDCONF(Signal * signal)6157 Backup::execFSAPPENDCONF(Signal* signal)
6158 {
6159   jamEntry();
6161   CRASH_INSERTION((10018));
6163   //FsConf * conf = (FsConf*)signal->getDataPtr();
6164   const Uint32 filePtrI = signal->theData[0]; //conf->userPointer;
6165   const Uint32 bytes = signal->theData[1]; //conf->bytes;
6167   BackupFilePtr filePtr;
6168   c_backupFilePool.getPtr(filePtr, filePtrI);
6170   OperationRecord & op = filePtr.p->operation;
6172   op.dataBuffer.updateReadPtr(bytes >> 2);
6174   checkFile(signal, filePtr);
6175 }
6177 /*
6178   This routine handles two problems with writing to disk during local
6179   checkpoints and backups. The first problem is that we need to limit
6180   the writing to ensure that we don't use too much CPU and disk resources
6181   for backups and checkpoints. The perfect solution to this is to use
6182   a dynamic algorithm that adapts to the environment. Until we have
6183   implemented this we can satisfy ourselves with an algorithm that
6184   uses a configurable limit.
6186   The second problem is that in Linux we can get severe problems if we
6187   write very much to the disk without synching. In the worst case we
6188   can have Gigabytes of data in the Linux page cache before we reach
6189   the limit of how much we can write. If this happens the performance
6190   will drop significantly when we reach this limit since the Linux flush
6191   daemon will spend a few minutes on writing out the page cache to disk.
6192   To avoid this we ensure that a file never have more than a certain
6193   amount of data outstanding before synch. This variable is also
6194   configurable.
6195 */
6196 bool
ready_to_write(bool ready,Uint32 sz,bool eof,BackupFile * fileP)6197 Backup::ready_to_write(bool ready, Uint32 sz, bool eof, BackupFile *fileP)
6198 {
6199 #if 0
6200   ndbout << "ready_to_write: ready = " << ready << " eof = " << eof;
6201   ndbout << " sz = " << sz << endl;
6202   ndbout << "words this period = " << m_words_written_this_period;
6203   ndbout << endl << "overflow disk write = " << m_overflow_disk_write;
6204   ndbout << endl << "Current Millisecond is = ";
6205   ndbout << NdbTick_CurrentMillisecond() << endl;
6206 #endif
6208   if (ERROR_INSERTED(10043) && eof)
6209   {
6210     /* Block indefinitely without closing the file */
6211     return false;
6212   }
6214   if ((ready || eof) &&
6215       m_words_written_this_period <= m_curr_disk_write_speed)
6216   {
6217     /*
6218       We have a buffer ready to write or we have reached end of
6219       file and thus we must write the last before closing the
6220       file.
6221       We have already checked that we are allowed to write at this
6222       moment. We only worry about history of last 100 milliseconds.
6223       What happened before that is of no interest since a disk
6224       write that was issued more than 100 milliseconds should be
6225       completed by now.
6226     */
6227     int overflow;
6228     m_monitor_words_written+= sz;
6229     m_words_written_this_period += sz;
6230     overflow = m_words_written_this_period - m_curr_disk_write_speed;
6231     if (overflow > 0)
6232       m_overflow_disk_write = overflow;
6233 #if 0
6234     ndbout << "Will write with " << endl;
6235     ndbout << endl;
6236 #endif
6237     return true;
6238   }
6239   else
6240   {
6241 #if 0
6242     ndbout << "Will not write now" << endl << endl;
6243 #endif
6244     return false;
6245   }
6246 }
6248 void
checkFile(Signal * signal,BackupFilePtr filePtr)6249 Backup::checkFile(Signal* signal, BackupFilePtr filePtr)
6250 {
6252 #ifdef DEBUG_ABORT
6253   //  ndbout_c("---- check file filePtr.i = %u", filePtr.i);
6254 #endif
6256   OperationRecord & op = filePtr.p->operation;
6257   Uint32 *tmp = NULL;
6258   Uint32 sz = 0;
6259   bool eof = FALSE;
6260   bool ready = op.dataBuffer.getReadPtr(&tmp, &sz, &eof);
6261 #if 0
6262   ndbout << "Ptr to data = " << hex << tmp << endl;
6263 #endif
6264   BackupRecordPtr ptr;
6265   c_backupPool.getPtr(ptr, filePtr.p->backupPtr);
6267   if (ERROR_INSERTED(10036))
6268   {
6269     jam();
6270     filePtr.p->m_flags &= ~(Uint32)BackupFile::BF_FILE_THREAD;
6271     filePtr.p->errorCode = 2810;
6272     ptr.p->setErrorCode(2810);
6274     if(ptr.p->m_gsn == GSN_STOP_BACKUP_REQ)
6275     {
6276       jam();
6277       closeFile(signal, ptr, filePtr);
6278     }
6279     return;
6280   }
6282   if(filePtr.p->errorCode != 0)
6283   {
6284     jam();
6285     ptr.p->setErrorCode(filePtr.p->errorCode);
6287     if(ptr.p->m_gsn == GSN_STOP_BACKUP_REQ)
6288     {
6289       jam();
6290       closeFile(signal, ptr, filePtr);
6291     }
6293     if (ptr.p->is_lcp())
6294     {
6295       jam();
6296       /* Close file with error - will delete it */
6297       closeFile(signal, ptr, filePtr);
6298     }
6300     return;
6301   }
6303   if (!ready_to_write(ready, sz, eof, filePtr.p))
6304   {
6305     jam();
6306     signal->theData[0] = BackupContinueB::BUFFER_UNDERFLOW;
6307     signal->theData[1] = filePtr.i;
6308     sendSignalWithDelay(reference(), GSN_CONTINUEB, signal,
6309                         WaitDiskBufferCapacityMillis, 2);
6310     return;
6311   }
6312   else if (sz > 0)
6313   {
6314     jam();
6315 #ifdef ERROR_INSERT
6316     /* Test APPENDREF handling */
6317     if (filePtr.p->fileType == BackupFormat::DATA_FILE)
6318     {
6319       if (ERROR_INSERTED(10045))
6320       {
6321         ndbout_c("BF_SCAN_THREAD = %u",
6322                  (filePtr.p->m_flags & BackupFile::BF_SCAN_THREAD));
6323       }
6325       if ((ERROR_INSERTED(10044) &&
6326            !(filePtr.p->m_flags & BackupFile::BF_SCAN_THREAD)) ||
6327           (ERROR_INSERTED(10045) &&
6328            (filePtr.p->m_flags & BackupFile::BF_SCAN_THREAD)))
6329       {
6330         jam();
6331         ndbout_c("REFing on append to data file for table %u, fragment %u, "
6332                  "BF_SCAN_THREAD running : %u",
6333                  filePtr.p->tableId,
6334                  filePtr.p->fragmentNo,
6335                  filePtr.p->m_flags & BackupFile::BF_SCAN_THREAD);
6336         FsRef* ref = (FsRef *)signal->getDataPtrSend();
6337         ref->userPointer = filePtr.i;
6338         ref->errorCode = FsRef::fsErrInvalidParameters;
6339         ref->osErrorCode = ~0;
6340         /* EXEC DIRECT to avoid change in BF_SCAN_THREAD state */
6342                        3);
6343         return;
6344       }
6345     }
6346 #endif
6348     ndbassert((Uint64(tmp - c_startOfPages) >> 32) == 0); // 4Gb buffers!
6349     FsAppendReq * req = (FsAppendReq *)signal->getDataPtrSend();
6350     req->filePointer   = filePtr.p->filePointer;
6351     req->userPointer   = filePtr.i;
6352     req->userReference = reference();
6353     req->varIndex      = 0;
6354     req->offset        = Uint32(tmp - c_startOfPages); // 4Gb buffers!
6355     req->size          = sz;
6356     req->synch_flag    = 0;
6358     sendSignal(NDBFS_REF, GSN_FSAPPENDREQ, signal,
6359 	       FsAppendReq::SignalLength, JBA);
6360     return;
6361   }
6363   Uint32 flags = filePtr.p->m_flags;
6364   filePtr.p->m_flags &= ~(Uint32)BackupFile::BF_FILE_THREAD;
6366   ndbrequire(flags & BackupFile::BF_OPEN);
6367   ndbrequire(flags & BackupFile::BF_FILE_THREAD);
6369   closeFile(signal, ptr, filePtr);
6370 }
6373 /****************************************************************************
6374  *
6375  * Slave functionallity: Perform logging
6376  *
6377  ****************************************************************************/
6378 void
execBACKUP_TRIG_REQ(Signal * signal)6379 Backup::execBACKUP_TRIG_REQ(Signal* signal)
6380 {
6381   /*
6382   TUP asks if this trigger is to be fired on this node.
6383   */
6384   TriggerPtr trigPtr;
6385   TablePtr tabPtr;
6386   FragmentPtr fragPtr;
6387   Uint32 trigger_id = signal->theData[0];
6388   Uint32 frag_id = signal->theData[1];
6389   Uint32 result;
6391   jamEntry();
6393   c_triggerPool.getPtr(trigPtr, trigger_id);
6395   c_tablePool.getPtr(tabPtr, trigPtr.p->tab_ptr_i);
6396   tabPtr.p->fragments.getPtr(fragPtr, frag_id);
6397   if (fragPtr.p->node != getOwnNodeId()) {
6399     jam();
6400     result = ZFALSE;
6401   } else {
6402     jam();
6403     result = ZTRUE;
6404   }//if
6405   signal->theData[0] = result;
6406 }
6408 BackupFormat::LogFile::LogEntry *
get_log_buffer(Signal * signal,TriggerPtr trigPtr,Uint32 sz)6409 Backup::get_log_buffer(Signal* signal,
6410                        TriggerPtr trigPtr, Uint32 sz)
6411 {
6412   Uint32 * dst;
6413   if(ERROR_INSERTED(10030))
6414   {
6415     jam();
6416     dst = 0;
6417   }
6418   else
6419   {
6420     jam();
6421     FsBuffer & buf = trigPtr.p->operation->dataBuffer;
6422     ndbrequire(sz <= buf.getMaxWrite());
6423     if (unlikely(!buf.getWritePtr(&dst, sz)))
6424     {
6425       jam();
6426       dst = 0;
6427     }
6428   }
6430   if (unlikely(dst == 0))
6431   {
6432     Uint32 save[TrigAttrInfo::StaticLength];
6433     memcpy(save, signal->getDataPtr(), 4*TrigAttrInfo::StaticLength);
6434     BackupRecordPtr ptr;
6435     c_backupPool.getPtr(ptr, trigPtr.p->backupPtr);
6436     trigPtr.p->errorCode = AbortBackupOrd::LogBufferFull;
6437     AbortBackupOrd *ord = (AbortBackupOrd*)signal->getDataPtrSend();
6438     ord->backupId = ptr.p->backupId;
6439     ord->backupPtr = ptr.i;
6440     ord->requestType = AbortBackupOrd::LogBufferFull;
6441     ord->senderData= ptr.i;
6442     sendSignal(ptr.p->masterRef, GSN_ABORT_BACKUP_ORD, signal,
6443                AbortBackupOrd::SignalLength, JBB);
6445     memcpy(signal->getDataPtrSend(), save, 4*TrigAttrInfo::StaticLength);
6446     return 0;
6447   }//if
6449   BackupFormat::LogFile::LogEntry * logEntry =
6450     (BackupFormat::LogFile::LogEntry *)dst;
6451   logEntry->Length       = 0;
6452   logEntry->TableId      = htonl(trigPtr.p->tableId);
6454   if(trigPtr.p->event==0)
6455     logEntry->TriggerEvent= htonl(TriggerEvent::TE_INSERT);
6456   else if(trigPtr.p->event==1)
6457     logEntry->TriggerEvent= htonl(TriggerEvent::TE_UPDATE);
6458   else if(trigPtr.p->event==2)
6459     logEntry->TriggerEvent= htonl(TriggerEvent::TE_DELETE);
6460   else {
6461     ndbout << "Bad Event: " << trigPtr.p->event << endl;
6462     ndbrequire(false);
6463   }
6465   return logEntry;
6466 }
6468 void
execTRIG_ATTRINFO(Signal * signal)6469 Backup::execTRIG_ATTRINFO(Signal* signal) {
6470   jamEntry();
6472   CRASH_INSERTION((10019));
6474   TrigAttrInfo * trg = (TrigAttrInfo*)signal->getDataPtr();
6476   TriggerPtr trigPtr;
6477   c_triggerPool.getPtr(trigPtr, trg->getTriggerId());
6478   ndbrequire(trigPtr.p->event != ILLEGAL_TRIGGER_ID); // Online...
6480   if(trigPtr.p->errorCode != 0) {
6481     jam();
6482     return;
6483   }//if
6485   BackupRecordPtr ptr;
6486   c_backupPool.getPtr(ptr, trigPtr.p->backupPtr);
6488   if(ptr.p->flags & BackupReq::USE_UNDO_LOG) {
6489     if(trg->getAttrInfoType() == TrigAttrInfo::AFTER_VALUES) {
6490       jam();
6491       /**
6492        * Backup is doing UNDO logging and don't need after values
6493        */
6494       return;
6495     }//if
6496   }
6497   else {
6498     if(trg->getAttrInfoType() == TrigAttrInfo::BEFORE_VALUES) {
6499       jam();
6500       /**
6501        * Backup is doing REDO logging and don't need before values
6502        */
6503       return;
6504     }//if
6505   }
6507   BackupFormat::LogFile::LogEntry * logEntry = trigPtr.p->logEntry;
6508   if(logEntry == 0)
6509   {
6510     jam();
6511     Uint32 sz = trigPtr.p->maxRecordSize;
6512     logEntry = trigPtr.p->logEntry = get_log_buffer(signal, trigPtr, sz);
6513     if (unlikely(logEntry == 0))
6514     {
6515       jam();
6516       return;
6517     }
6518   } else {
6519     ndbrequire(logEntry->TableId == htonl(trigPtr.p->tableId));
6520 //    ndbrequire(logEntry->TriggerEvent == htonl(trigPtr.p->event));
6521   }//if
6523   const Uint32 pos = logEntry->Length;
6524   const Uint32 dataLen = signal->length() - TrigAttrInfo::StaticLength;
6525   memcpy(&logEntry->Data[pos], trg->getData(), dataLen << 2);
6527   logEntry->Length = pos + dataLen;
6528 }
6530 void
execFIRE_TRIG_ORD(Signal * signal)6531 Backup::execFIRE_TRIG_ORD(Signal* signal)
6532 {
6533   jamEntry();
6534   FireTrigOrd* trg = (FireTrigOrd*)signal->getDataPtr();
6536   const Uint32 gci = trg->getGCI();
6537   const Uint32 trI = trg->getTriggerId();
6538   const Uint32 fragId = trg->fragId;
6540   TriggerPtr trigPtr;
6541   c_triggerPool.getPtr(trigPtr, trI);
6543   ndbrequire(trigPtr.p->event != ILLEGAL_TRIGGER_ID);
6545   BackupRecordPtr ptr;
6546   c_backupPool.getPtr(ptr, trigPtr.p->backupPtr);
6548   if(trigPtr.p->errorCode != 0) {
6549     jam();
6550     SectionHandle handle(this, signal);
6551     releaseSections(handle);
6552     return;
6553   }//if
6555   if (signal->getNoOfSections())
6556   {
6557     jam();
6558     SectionHandle handle(this, signal);
6559     TablePtr tabPtr;
6560     c_tablePool.getPtr(tabPtr, trigPtr.p->tab_ptr_i);
6561     FragmentPtr fragPtr;
6562     tabPtr.p->fragments.getPtr(fragPtr, fragId);
6563     if (fragPtr.p->node != getOwnNodeId())
6564     {
6565       jam();
6566       trigPtr.p->logEntry = 0;
6567       releaseSections(handle);
6568       return;
6569     }
6571     SegmentedSectionPtr dataPtr[3];
6572     handle.getSection(dataPtr[0], 0);
6573     handle.getSection(dataPtr[1], 1);
6574     handle.getSection(dataPtr[2], 2);
6575     /**
6576      * dataPtr[0] : Primary key info
6577      * dataPtr[1] : Before values
6578      * dataPtr[2] : After values
6579      */
6581     /* Backup is doing UNDO logging and need before values
6582      * Add 2 extra words to get_log_buffer for potential gci and logEntry length info stored at end.
6583      */
6584     if(ptr.p->flags & BackupReq::USE_UNDO_LOG) {
6585       trigPtr.p->logEntry = get_log_buffer(signal,
6586                                            trigPtr, dataPtr[0].sz + dataPtr[1].sz + 2);
6587       if (unlikely(trigPtr.p->logEntry == 0))
6588       {
6589         jam();
6590         releaseSections(handle);
6591         return;
6592       }
6593       copy(trigPtr.p->logEntry->Data, dataPtr[0]);
6594       copy(trigPtr.p->logEntry->Data+dataPtr[0].sz, dataPtr[1]);
6595       trigPtr.p->logEntry->Length = dataPtr[0].sz + dataPtr[1].sz;
6596     }
6597     //  Backup is doing REDO logging and need after values
6598     else {
6599       trigPtr.p->logEntry = get_log_buffer(signal,
6600                                            trigPtr, dataPtr[0].sz + dataPtr[2].sz + 1);
6601       if (unlikely(trigPtr.p->logEntry == 0))
6602       {
6603         jam();
6604         releaseSections(handle);
6605         return;
6606       }
6607       copy(trigPtr.p->logEntry->Data, dataPtr[0]);
6608       copy(trigPtr.p->logEntry->Data+dataPtr[0].sz, dataPtr[2]);
6609       trigPtr.p->logEntry->Length = dataPtr[0].sz + dataPtr[2].sz;
6610     }
6612     releaseSections(handle);
6613   }
6615   ndbrequire(trigPtr.p->logEntry != 0);
6616   Uint32 len = trigPtr.p->logEntry->Length;
6617   trigPtr.p->logEntry->FragId = htonl(fragId);
6619   if(gci != ptr.p->currGCP)
6620   {
6621     jam();
6622     trigPtr.p->logEntry->TriggerEvent|= htonl(0x10000);
6623     trigPtr.p->logEntry->Data[len] = htonl(gci);
6624     len++;
6625     ptr.p->currGCP = gci;
6626   }
6628   Uint32 datalen = len;
6629   len += (sizeof(BackupFormat::LogFile::LogEntry) >> 2) - 2;
6630   trigPtr.p->logEntry->Length = htonl(len);
6632   if(ptr.p->flags & BackupReq::USE_UNDO_LOG)
6633   {
6634     /* keep the length at both the end of logEntry and ->logEntry variable
6635        The total length of logEntry is len + 2
6636     */
6637     trigPtr.p->logEntry->Data[datalen] = htonl(len);
6638   }
6640   Uint32 entryLength = len +1;
6641   if(ptr.p->flags & BackupReq::USE_UNDO_LOG)
6642     entryLength ++;
6644   ndbrequire(entryLength <= trigPtr.p->operation->dataBuffer.getMaxWrite());
6645   trigPtr.p->operation->dataBuffer.updateWritePtr(entryLength);
6646   trigPtr.p->logEntry = 0;
6648   {
6649     const Uint32 entryByteLength = entryLength << 2;
6650     trigPtr.p->operation->noOfBytes     += entryByteLength;
6651     trigPtr.p->operation->m_bytes_total += entryByteLength;
6652     trigPtr.p->operation->noOfRecords     += 1;
6653     trigPtr.p->operation->m_records_total += 1;
6654   }
6655 }
6657 void
sendAbortBackupOrd(Signal * signal,BackupRecordPtr ptr,Uint32 requestType)6658 Backup::sendAbortBackupOrd(Signal* signal, BackupRecordPtr ptr,
6659 			   Uint32 requestType)
6660 {
6661   jam();
6662   AbortBackupOrd *ord = (AbortBackupOrd*)signal->getDataPtrSend();
6663   ord->backupId = ptr.p->backupId;
6664   ord->backupPtr = ptr.i;
6665   ord->requestType = requestType;
6666   ord->senderData= ptr.i;
6667   NodePtr node;
6668   for(c_nodes.first(node); node.i != RNIL; c_nodes.next(node)) {
6669     jam();
6670     const Uint32 nodeId = node.p->nodeId;
6671     if(node.p->alive && ptr.p->nodes.get(nodeId)) {
6672       jam();
6673       BlockReference ref = numberToRef(BACKUP, instanceKey(ptr), nodeId);
6674       sendSignal(ref, GSN_ABORT_BACKUP_ORD, signal,
6675 		 AbortBackupOrd::SignalLength, JBB);
6676     }//if
6677   }//for
6678 }
6680 /*****************************************************************************
6681  *
6682  * Slave functionallity: Stop backup
6683  *
6684  *****************************************************************************/
6685 void
execSTOP_BACKUP_REQ(Signal * signal)6686 Backup::execSTOP_BACKUP_REQ(Signal* signal)
6687 {
6688   jamEntry();
6689   StopBackupReq * req = (StopBackupReq*)signal->getDataPtr();
6691   CRASH_INSERTION((10020));
6693   const Uint32 ptrI = req->backupPtr;
6694   //const Uint32 backupId = req->backupId;
6695   const Uint32 startGCP = req->startGCP;
6696   const Uint32 stopGCP = req->stopGCP;
6698   /**
6699    * At least one GCP must have passed
6700    */
6701   ndbrequire(stopGCP > startGCP);
6703   /**
6704    * Get backup record
6705    */
6706   BackupRecordPtr ptr;
6707   c_backupPool.getPtr(ptr, ptrI);
6709   ptr.p->slaveState.setState(STOPPING);
6710   ptr.p->m_gsn = GSN_STOP_BACKUP_REQ;
6711   ptr.p->startGCP= startGCP;
6712   ptr.p->stopGCP= stopGCP;
6714   /**
6715    * Destroy the triggers in local DBTUP we created
6716    */
6717   sendDropTrig(signal, ptr);
6718 }
6720 void
closeFiles(Signal * sig,BackupRecordPtr ptr)6721 Backup::closeFiles(Signal* sig, BackupRecordPtr ptr)
6722 {
6723   /**
6724    * Close all files
6725    */
6726   BackupFilePtr filePtr;
6727   int openCount = 0;
6728   for(ptr.p->files.first(filePtr); filePtr.i!=RNIL; ptr.p->files.next(filePtr))
6729   {
6730     if(! (filePtr.p->m_flags & BackupFile::BF_OPEN))
6731     {
6732       jam();
6733       continue;
6734     }
6736     jam();
6737     openCount++;
6739     if(filePtr.p->m_flags & BackupFile::BF_CLOSING)
6740     {
6741       jam();
6742       continue;
6743     }//if
6745     filePtr.p->operation.dataBuffer.eof();
6746     if(filePtr.p->m_flags & BackupFile::BF_FILE_THREAD)
6747     {
6748       jam();
6749 #ifdef DEBUG_ABORT
6750       ndbout_c("Close files fileRunning == 1, filePtr.i=%u", filePtr.i);
6751 #endif
6752     }
6753     else
6754     {
6755       jam();
6756       closeFile(sig, ptr, filePtr);
6757     }
6758   }
6760   if(openCount == 0){
6761     jam();
6762     closeFilesDone(sig, ptr);
6763   }//if
6764 }
6766 void
closeFile(Signal * signal,BackupRecordPtr ptr,BackupFilePtr filePtr)6767 Backup::closeFile(Signal* signal, BackupRecordPtr ptr, BackupFilePtr filePtr)
6768 {
6769   ndbrequire(filePtr.p->m_flags & BackupFile::BF_OPEN);
6770   ndbrequire(! (filePtr.p->m_flags & BackupFile::BF_OPENING));
6771   ndbrequire(! (filePtr.p->m_flags & BackupFile::BF_CLOSING));
6772   filePtr.p->m_flags |= BackupFile::BF_CLOSING;
6774   FsCloseReq * req = (FsCloseReq *)signal->getDataPtrSend();
6775   req->filePointer = filePtr.p->filePointer;
6776   req->userPointer = filePtr.i;
6777   req->userReference = reference();
6778   req->fileFlag = 0;
6780   if (ptr.p->errorCode)
6781   {
6782     FsCloseReq::setRemoveFileFlag(req->fileFlag, 1);
6783   }
6785 #ifdef DEBUG_ABORT
6786   ndbout_c("***** a FSCLOSEREQ filePtr.i = %u flags: %x",
6787 	   filePtr.i, filePtr.p->m_flags);
6788 #endif
6789   sendSignal(NDBFS_REF, GSN_FSCLOSEREQ, signal, FsCloseReq::SignalLength, JBA);
6791 }
6793 void
execFSCLOSEREF(Signal * signal)6794 Backup::execFSCLOSEREF(Signal* signal)
6795 {
6796   jamEntry();
6798   FsRef * ref = (FsRef*)signal->getDataPtr();
6799   const Uint32 filePtrI = ref->userPointer;
6801   BackupFilePtr filePtr;
6802   c_backupFilePool.getPtr(filePtr, filePtrI);
6804   BackupRecordPtr ptr;
6805   c_backupPool.getPtr(ptr, filePtr.p->backupPtr);
6807   FsConf * conf = (FsConf*)signal->getDataPtr();
6808   conf->userPointer = filePtrI;
6810   execFSCLOSECONF(signal);
6811 }
6813 void
execFSCLOSECONF(Signal * signal)6814 Backup::execFSCLOSECONF(Signal* signal)
6815 {
6816   jamEntry();
6818   FsConf * conf = (FsConf*)signal->getDataPtr();
6819   const Uint32 filePtrI = conf->userPointer;
6821   BackupFilePtr filePtr;
6822   c_backupFilePool.getPtr(filePtr, filePtrI);
6824 #ifdef DEBUG_ABORT
6825   ndbout_c("***** FSCLOSECONF filePtrI = %u", filePtrI);
6826 #endif
6828   ndbrequire(filePtr.p->m_flags == (BackupFile::BF_OPEN |
6829 				    BackupFile::BF_CLOSING));
6832   filePtr.p->m_flags &= ~(Uint32)(BackupFile::BF_OPEN |BackupFile::BF_CLOSING);
6833   filePtr.p->operation.dataBuffer.reset();
6835   BackupRecordPtr ptr;
6836   c_backupPool.getPtr(ptr, filePtr.p->backupPtr);
6837   closeFiles(signal, ptr);
6838 }
6840 void
closeFilesDone(Signal * signal,BackupRecordPtr ptr)6841 Backup::closeFilesDone(Signal* signal, BackupRecordPtr ptr)
6842 {
6843   jam();
6845   if(ptr.p->is_lcp())
6846   {
6847     lcp_close_file_conf(signal, ptr);
6848     return;
6849   }
6851   jam();
6853   //error when do insert footer or close file
6854   if(ptr.p->checkError())
6855   {
6856     StopBackupRef * ref = (StopBackupRef*)signal->getDataPtr();
6857     ref->backupPtr = ptr.i;
6858     ref->backupId = ptr.p->backupId;
6859     ref->errorCode = ptr.p->errorCode;
6860     ref->nodeId = getOwnNodeId();
6861     sendSignal(ptr.p->masterRef, GSN_STOP_BACKUP_REF, signal,
6862              StopBackupConf::SignalLength, JBB);
6864     ptr.p->m_gsn = GSN_STOP_BACKUP_REF;
6865     ptr.p->slaveState.setState(CLEANING);
6866     return;
6867   }
6869   StopBackupConf* conf = (StopBackupConf*)signal->getDataPtrSend();
6870   conf->backupId = ptr.p->backupId;
6871   conf->backupPtr = ptr.i;
6873   BackupFilePtr filePtr;
6874   if(ptr.p->logFilePtr != RNIL)
6875   {
6876     ptr.p->files.getPtr(filePtr, ptr.p->logFilePtr);
6877     conf->noOfLogBytes= Uint32(filePtr.p->operation.noOfBytes);     // TODO
6878     conf->noOfLogRecords= Uint32(filePtr.p->operation.noOfRecords); // TODO
6879   }
6880   else
6881   {
6882     conf->noOfLogBytes= 0;
6883     conf->noOfLogRecords= 0;
6884   }
6886   sendSignal(ptr.p->masterRef, GSN_STOP_BACKUP_CONF, signal,
6887 	     StopBackupConf::SignalLength, JBB);
6889   ptr.p->m_gsn = GSN_STOP_BACKUP_CONF;
6890   ptr.p->slaveState.setState(CLEANING);
6891 }
6893 /*****************************************************************************
6894  *
6895  * Slave functionallity: Abort backup
6896  *
6897  *****************************************************************************/
6898 /*****************************************************************************
6899  *
6900  * Slave functionallity: Abort backup
6901  *
6902  *****************************************************************************/
6903 void
execABORT_BACKUP_ORD(Signal * signal)6904 Backup::execABORT_BACKUP_ORD(Signal* signal)
6905 {
6906   jamEntry();
6907   AbortBackupOrd* ord = (AbortBackupOrd*)signal->getDataPtr();
6909   const Uint32 backupId = ord->backupId;
6910   const AbortBackupOrd::RequestType requestType =
6911     (AbortBackupOrd::RequestType)ord->requestType;
6912   const Uint32 senderData = ord->senderData;
6914 #ifdef DEBUG_ABORT
6915   ndbout_c("******** ABORT_BACKUP_ORD ********* nodeId = %u",
6916 	   refToNode(signal->getSendersBlockRef()));
6917   ndbout_c("backupId = %u, requestType = %u, senderData = %u, ",
6918 	   backupId, requestType, senderData);
6919   dumpUsedResources();
6920 #endif
6922   BackupRecordPtr ptr;
6923   if(requestType == AbortBackupOrd::ClientAbort) {
6924     if (getOwnNodeId() != getMasterNodeId()) {
6925       jam();
6926       // forward to master
6927 #ifdef DEBUG_ABORT
6928       ndbout_c("---- Forward to master nodeId = %u", getMasterNodeId());
6929 #endif
6930       BlockReference ref = numberToRef(BACKUP, UserBackupInstanceKey,
6931                                        getMasterNodeId());
6932       sendSignal(ref, GSN_ABORT_BACKUP_ORD,
6933 		 signal, AbortBackupOrd::SignalLength, JBB);
6934       return;
6935     }
6936     jam();
6937     for(c_backups.first(ptr); ptr.i != RNIL; c_backups.next(ptr)) {
6938       jam();
6939       if(ptr.p->backupId == backupId && ptr.p->clientData == senderData) {
6940         jam();
6941 	break;
6942       }//if
6943     }//for
6944     if(ptr.i == RNIL) {
6945       jam();
6946       return;
6947     }//if
6948   } else {
6949     if (c_backupPool.findId(senderData)) {
6950       jam();
6951       c_backupPool.getPtr(ptr, senderData);
6952     } else {
6953       jam();
6954 #ifdef DEBUG_ABORT
6955       ndbout_c("Backup: abort request type=%u on id=%u,%u not found",
6956 	       requestType, backupId, senderData);
6957 #endif
6958       return;
6959     }
6960   }//if
6962   ptr.p->m_gsn = GSN_ABORT_BACKUP_ORD;
6963   const bool isCoordinator = (ptr.p->masterRef == reference());
6965   bool ok = false;
6966   switch(requestType){
6968     /**
6969      * Requests sent to master
6970      */
6971   case AbortBackupOrd::ClientAbort:
6972     jam();
6973     // fall through
6974   case AbortBackupOrd::LogBufferFull:
6975     jam();
6976     // fall through
6977   case AbortBackupOrd::FileOrScanError:
6978     jam();
6979     ndbrequire(isCoordinator);
6980     ptr.p->setErrorCode(requestType);
6981     if(ptr.p->masterData.gsn == GSN_BACKUP_FRAGMENT_REQ)
6982     {
6983       /**
6984        * Only scans are actively aborted
6985        */
6986       abort_scan(signal, ptr);
6987     }
6988     return;
6990     /**
6991      * Requests sent to slave
6992      */
6993   case AbortBackupOrd::AbortScan:
6994     jam();
6995     ptr.p->setErrorCode(requestType);
6996     return;
6998   case AbortBackupOrd::BackupComplete:
6999     jam();
7000     cleanup(signal, ptr);
7001     return;
7002   case AbortBackupOrd::BackupFailure:
7003   case AbortBackupOrd::BackupFailureDueToNodeFail:
7004   case AbortBackupOrd::OkToClean:
7005   case AbortBackupOrd::IncompatibleVersions:
7006 #ifndef VM_TRACE
7007   default:
7008 #endif
7009     ptr.p->setErrorCode(requestType);
7010     ptr.p->masterData.errorCode = requestType;
7011     ok= true;
7012   }
7013   ndbrequire(ok);
7015   ptr.p->masterRef = reference();
7016   ptr.p->nodes.clear();
7017   ptr.p->nodes.set(getOwnNodeId());
7020   ptr.p->stopGCP= ptr.p->startGCP + 1;
7021   sendStopBackup(signal, ptr);
7022 }
7025 void
dumpUsedResources()7026 Backup::dumpUsedResources()
7027 {
7028   jam();
7029   BackupRecordPtr ptr;
7031   for(c_backups.first(ptr); ptr.i != RNIL; c_backups.next(ptr)) {
7032     ndbout_c("Backup id=%u, slaveState.getState = %u, errorCode=%u",
7033 	     ptr.p->backupId,
7034 	     ptr.p->slaveState.getState(),
7035 	     ptr.p->errorCode);
7037     TablePtr tabPtr;
7038     for(ptr.p->tables.first(tabPtr);
7039 	tabPtr.i != RNIL;
7040 	ptr.p->tables.next(tabPtr)) {
7041       jam();
7042       for(Uint32 j = 0; j<3; j++) {
7043 	jam();
7044 	TriggerPtr trigPtr;
7045 	if(tabPtr.p->triggerAllocated[j]) {
7046 	  jam();
7047 	  c_triggerPool.getPtr(trigPtr, tabPtr.p->triggerIds[j]);
7048 	  ndbout_c("Allocated[%u] Triggerid = %u, event = %u",
7049 		 j,
7050 		 tabPtr.p->triggerIds[j],
7051 		 trigPtr.p->event);
7052 	}//if
7053       }//for
7054     }//for
7056     BackupFilePtr filePtr;
7057     for(ptr.p->files.first(filePtr);
7058 	filePtr.i != RNIL;
7059 	ptr.p->files.next(filePtr)) {
7060       jam();
7061       ndbout_c("filePtr.i = %u, flags: H'%x ",
7062 	       filePtr.i, filePtr.p->m_flags);
7063     }//for
7064   }
7065 }
7067 void
cleanup(Signal * signal,BackupRecordPtr ptr)7068 Backup::cleanup(Signal* signal, BackupRecordPtr ptr)
7069 {
7070   TablePtr tabPtr;
7071   ptr.p->tables.first(tabPtr);
7072   cleanupNextTable(signal, ptr, tabPtr);
7073 }
7075 void
cleanupNextTable(Signal * signal,BackupRecordPtr ptr,TablePtr tabPtr)7076 Backup::cleanupNextTable(Signal *signal, BackupRecordPtr ptr, TablePtr tabPtr)
7077 {
7078   if (tabPtr.i != RNIL)
7079   {
7080     jam();
7081     tabPtr.p->fragments.release();
7082     for(Uint32 j = 0; j<3; j++) {
7083       jam();
7084       TriggerPtr trigPtr;
7085       if(tabPtr.p->triggerAllocated[j]) {
7086         jam();
7087 	c_triggerPool.getPtr(trigPtr, tabPtr.p->triggerIds[j]);
7088 	trigPtr.p->event = ILLEGAL_TRIGGER_ID;
7089         tabPtr.p->triggerAllocated[j] = false;
7090       }//if
7091       tabPtr.p->triggerIds[j] = ILLEGAL_TRIGGER_ID;
7092     }//for
7093     {
7094       BackupLockTab *req = (BackupLockTab *)signal->getDataPtrSend();
7095       req->m_senderRef = reference();
7096       req->m_tableId = tabPtr.p->tableId;
7097       req->m_lock_unlock = BackupLockTab::UNLOCK_TABLE;
7098       req->m_backup_state = BackupLockTab::CLEANUP;
7099       req->m_backupRecordPtr_I = ptr.i;
7100       req->m_tablePtr_I = tabPtr.i;
7101       sendSignal(DBDICT_REF, GSN_BACKUP_LOCK_TAB_REQ, signal,
7102                  BackupLockTab::SignalLength, JBB);
7103       return;
7104     }
7105   }
7107   BackupFilePtr filePtr;
7108   for(ptr.p->files.first(filePtr);filePtr.i != RNIL;ptr.p->files.next(filePtr))
7109   {
7110     jam();
7111     ndbrequire(filePtr.p->m_flags == 0);
7112     filePtr.p->pages.release();
7113   }//for
7115   while (ptr.p->files.releaseFirst());
7116   while (ptr.p->tables.releaseFirst());
7117   while (ptr.p->triggers.releaseFirst());
7118   ptr.p->backupId = ~0;
7120   /*
7121     report of backup status uses these variables to keep track
7122     if files are used
7123   */
7124   ptr.p->ctlFilePtr = ptr.p->logFilePtr = ptr.p->dataFilePtr = RNIL;
7126   if(ptr.p->checkError())
7127     removeBackup(signal, ptr);
7128   else
7129   {
7130     /*
7131       report of backup status uses these variables to keep track
7132       if backup ia running and current state
7133     */
7134     ptr.p->m_gsn = 0;
7135     ptr.p->masterData.gsn = 0;
7136     c_backups.release(ptr);
7137   }
7138 }
7141 void
removeBackup(Signal * signal,BackupRecordPtr ptr)7142 Backup::removeBackup(Signal* signal, BackupRecordPtr ptr)
7143 {
7144   jam();
7146   FsRemoveReq * req = (FsRemoveReq *)signal->getDataPtrSend();
7147   req->userReference = reference();
7148   req->userPointer = ptr.i;
7149   req->directory = 1;
7150   req->ownDirectory = 1;
7151   FsOpenReq::setVersion(req->fileNumber, 2);
7152   FsOpenReq::setSuffix(req->fileNumber, FsOpenReq::S_CTL);
7153   FsOpenReq::v2_setSequence(req->fileNumber, ptr.p->backupId);
7154   FsOpenReq::v2_setNodeId(req->fileNumber, getOwnNodeId());
7155   sendSignal(NDBFS_REF, GSN_FSREMOVEREQ, signal,
7156 	     FsRemoveReq::SignalLength, JBA);
7157 }
7159 void
execFSREMOVEREF(Signal * signal)7160 Backup::execFSREMOVEREF(Signal* signal)
7161 {
7162   jamEntry();
7163   FsRef * ref = (FsRef*)signal->getDataPtr();
7164   const Uint32 ptrI = ref->userPointer;
7166   FsConf * conf = (FsConf*)signal->getDataPtr();
7167   conf->userPointer = ptrI;
7168   execFSREMOVECONF(signal);
7169 }
7171 void
execFSREMOVECONF(Signal * signal)7172 Backup::execFSREMOVECONF(Signal* signal){
7173   jamEntry();
7175   FsConf * conf = (FsConf*)signal->getDataPtr();
7176   const Uint32 ptrI = conf->userPointer;
7178   /**
7179    * Get backup record
7180    */
7181   BackupRecordPtr ptr;
7182   c_backupPool.getPtr(ptr, ptrI);
7183   /*
7184     report of backup status uses these variables to keep track
7185     if backup ia running and current state
7186   */
7187   ptr.p->m_gsn = 0;
7188   ptr.p->masterData.gsn = 0;
7189   c_backups.release(ptr);
7190 }
7192 /**
7193  * LCP execution starts.
7194  *
7195  * Description of local LCP handling when checkpointing one fragment locally in
7196  * this data node. DBLQH, BACKUP are executing always in the same thread. DICT
7197  * and NDBFS mostly execute in different threads.
7198  *
7200  DBLQH                        BACKUP             DICT              NDBFS
7201   |                             |
7202   |   LCP_PREPARE_REQ           |
7203   |---------------------------->|
7204   |                             |    FSOPENREQ
7205   |                             |----------------------------------->|
7206   |                             |    FSOPENCONF                      |
7207   |                             |<-----------------------------------|
7208   |                             |  GET_TABINFOREQ  |
7209   |                             |----------------->|
7210   |                             | GET_TABINFO_CONF |
7211   |                             |<-----------------|
7212   |   LCP_PREPARE_CONF          |
7213   |<----------------------------|
7215   |---------------------------->|
7216   |   SCAN_FRAGREQ              |
7217   |<----------------------------|
7218   |
7219   | Potential CONTINUEB(ZTUP_SCAN) while scanning for tuples to record in LCP
7220   |
7221   |  TRANSID_AI                 |
7222   |---------------------------->|
7223   |.... More TRANSID_AI         | (Up to 16 TRANSID_AI, 1 per record)
7224   |  SCAN_FRAGCONF(close_flag)  |
7225   |---------------------------->|
7226   |  SCAN_NEXTREQ               |
7227   |<----------------------------|
7228   |
7229   | Potential CONTINUEB(ZTUP_SCAN) while scanning for tuples to record in LCP
7230   |
7231   |  TRANSID_AI                 |
7232   |---------------------------->|
7233   |.... More TRANSID_AI         | (Up to 16 TRANSID_AI, 1 per record)
7234   |  SCAN_FRAGCONF(close_flag)  |
7235   |---------------------------->|
7237   After each SCAN_FRAGCONF we check of there is enough space in the Backup
7238   buffer used for the LCP. We will not check it until here, so the buffer
7239   must be big enough to be able to store the maximum size of 16 records
7240   in the buffer. Given that maximum record size is about 16kB, this means
7241   that we must have at least 256 kB of buffer space for LCPs. The default
7242   is 2MB, so should not set it lower than this unless trying to achieve
7243   a really memory optimised setup.
7245   If there is currently no space in the LCP buffer, then the buffer is either
7246   waiting to be written to disk, or it is being written to disk. In this case
7247   we will send a CONTINUEB(BUFFER_FULL_SCAN) delayed signal until the buffer
7248   is available again.
7250   When the buffer is available again we send a new SCAN_NEXTREQ for the next
7251   set of rows to be recorded in LCP.
7253   CONTINUEB(START_FILE_THREAD) will either send a FSAPPENDREQ to the opened
7254   file or it will send a delayed CONTINUEB(BUFFER_UNDERFLOW).
7256   When FSAPPENDCONF arrives it will make the same check again and either
7257   send one more file write through FSAPPENDREQ or another
7258   CONTINUEB(BUFFER_UNDERFLOW). It will continue like this until the
7259   SCAN_FRAGCONF has been sent with close_flag set to true AND all the buffers
7260   have been written to disk.
7262   After the LCP file write have been completed the close of the fragment LCP
7263   is started.
7265   An important consideration when executing LCPs is that they conflict with
7266   the normal processing of user commands such as key lookups, scans and so
7267   forth. If we execute on normal JBB-level everything we are going to get
7268   problems in that we could have job buffers of thousands of signals. This
7269   means that we will run the LCP extremely slow which will be a significant
7270   problem.
7272   The other approach is to use JBA-level. This will obviously give the
7273   LCP too high priority, we will run LCPs until we have filled up the
7274   buffer or even until we have filled up our quota for the 100ms timeslot
7275   where we check for those things. This could end up in producing 10
7276   MByte of LCP data before allowing user level transactions again. This
7277   is also obviously not a good idea.
7279   So most of the startup and shutdown logic for LCPs, both for the entire
7280   LCP and messages per fragment LCP is ok to raise to JBA level. They are
7281   short and concise messages and won't bother the user transactions at any
7282   noticable level. We will avoid fixing GET_TABINFO for that since it
7283   is only one signal per fragment LCP and also the code path is also used
7284   many other activitites which are not suitable to run at JBA-level.
7286   So the major problem to handle is the actual scanning towards LQH. Here
7287   we need to use a mechanism that keeps the rate at appropriate levels.
7288   We will use a mix of keeping track of how many jobs were executed since
7289   last time we executed together with sending JBA-level signals to speed
7290   up LCP processing for a short time and using signals sent with delay 0
7291   to avoid being delayed for more than 128 signals (the maximum amount
7292   of signals executed before we check timed signals).
7294   The first step to handle this is to ensure that we can send SCAN_FRAGREQ
7295   on priority A and that this also causes the resulting signals that these
7296   messages generate also to be sent on priority A level. Then each time
7297   we can continue the scan immediately after receiving SCAN_FRAGCONF we
7298   need to make a decision at which level to send the signal. We can
7299   either send it as delayed signal with 0 delay or we could send them
7300   at priority A level to get another chunk of data for the LCP at a high
7301   priority.
7303   We send the information about Priority A-level as a flag in the
7304   SCAN_FRAGREQ signal. This will ensure that all resulting signals
7305   will be sent on Priority A except the CONTINUEB(ZTUP_SCAN) which
7306   will get special treatment where it increases the length of the
7307   loop counter and sends the signal with delay 0. We cannot send
7308   this signal on priority level A since there is no bound on how
7309   long it will execute.
7311  DBLQH                        BACKUP             DICT              NDBFS
7312   |                             |     FSCLOSEREQ
7313   |                             |------------------------------------>|
7314   |                             |     FSCLOSECONF
7315   |                             |<------------------------------------|
7316   | BACKUP_FRAGMENT_CONF        |
7317   |<----------------------------|
7318   |
7319   |                     DIH
7320   |  LCP_FRAG_REP        |
7321   |--------------------->|
7323   Finally after completing all fragments we have a number of signals sent to
7324   complete the LCP processing.
7326   |   END_LCPREQ                |
7327   |---------------------------->|
7328   |   END_LCPCONF               |
7329   |<----------------------------|
7330   |
7331                              LQH Proxy   PGMAN(extra)     LGMAN  TSMAN
7332   | LCP_COMPLETE_REP            |
7333   |---------------------------->|
7335   Here the LQH Proxy block will wait for all DBLQH instances to complete.
7336   After all have complete the following signals will be sent.
7337                              LQH Proxy   PGMAN(extra)     LGMAN  TSMAN
7339                                 | END_LCPREQ |
7340                                 |----------->|
7341                                 | END_LCPCONF|
7342                                 |<-----------|
7343                                 | END_LCPREQ                        |
7344                                 |---------------------------------->|
7345                                 | END_LCPREQ                |
7346                                 |-------------------------->|
7347                                 | END_LCPCONF               |
7348                                 |<--------------------------|
7349                                 |
7350                                 | LCP_COMPLETE_REP(DBLQH) sent to DIH
7352   The TSMAN block doesn't respond to END_LCPREQ. The LGMAN is required to be
7353   involved at the end of the LCP to ensure that the UNDO log have been fully
7354   synched to disk before we report the LCP as complete. We won't use any
7355   fragment LCPs until the full LCP is complete for disk data due to this.
7357   As preparation for this DBLQH sent DEFINE_BACKUP_REQ to setup a backup
7358   record in restart phase 4. It must get the response DEFINE_BACKUP_CONF for
7359   the restart to successfully complete. This signal allocates memory for the
7360   LCP buffers.
7361  */
7362 void
execLCP_PREPARE_REQ(Signal * signal)7363 Backup::execLCP_PREPARE_REQ(Signal* signal)
7364 {
7365   jamEntry();
7366   LcpPrepareReq req = *(LcpPrepareReq*)signal->getDataPtr();
7368   BackupRecordPtr ptr;
7369   c_backupPool.getPtr(ptr, req.backupPtr);
7371   ptr.p->m_gsn = GSN_LCP_PREPARE_REQ;
7373   TablePtr tabPtr;
7374   FragmentPtr fragPtr;
7375   if (!ptr.p->tables.isEmpty())
7376   {
7377     jam();
7378     ndbrequire(ptr.p->errorCode);
7379     ptr.p->tables.first(tabPtr);
7380     if (tabPtr.p->tableId == req.tableId)
7381     {
7382       jam();
7383       ndbrequire(!tabPtr.p->fragments.empty());
7384       tabPtr.p->fragments.getPtr(fragPtr, 0);
7385       fragPtr.p->fragmentId = req.fragmentId;
7386       defineBackupRef(signal, ptr, ptr.p->errorCode);
7387       return;
7388     }
7389     else
7390     {
7391       jam();
7392       tabPtr.p->fragments.release();
7393       while (ptr.p->tables.releaseFirst());
7394       ptr.p->errorCode = 0;
7395       // fall-through
7396     }
7397   }
7399   if (!ptr.p->tables.seizeLast(tabPtr) || !tabPtr.p->fragments.seize(1))
7400   {
7401     if(!tabPtr.isNull())
7402       while (ptr.p->tables.releaseFirst());
7403     ndbrequire(false); // TODO
7404   }
7405   tabPtr.p->tableId = req.tableId;
7406   tabPtr.p->fragments.getPtr(fragPtr, 0);
7407   tabPtr.p->tableType = DictTabInfo::UserTable;
7408   fragPtr.p->fragmentId = req.fragmentId;
7409   fragPtr.p->lcp_no = req.lcpNo;
7410   fragPtr.p->scanned = 0;
7411   fragPtr.p->scanning = 0;
7412   fragPtr.p->tableId = req.tableId;
7414   if (req.backupId != ptr.p->backupId)
7415   {
7416     jam();
7417     /* New LCP, reset per-LCP counters */
7418     ptr.p->noOfBytes = 0;
7419     ptr.p->noOfRecords = 0;
7420   }
7421   ptr.p->backupId= req.backupId;
7422   lcp_open_file(signal, ptr);
7423 }
7425 void
lcp_close_file_conf(Signal * signal,BackupRecordPtr ptr)7426 Backup::lcp_close_file_conf(Signal* signal, BackupRecordPtr ptr)
7427 {
7428   jam();
7430   TablePtr tabPtr;
7431   ndbrequire(ptr.p->tables.first(tabPtr));
7432   Uint32 tableId = tabPtr.p->tableId;
7434   BackupFilePtr filePtr;
7435   c_backupFilePool.getPtr(filePtr, ptr.p->dataFilePtr);
7436   ndbrequire(filePtr.p->m_flags == 0);
7438   if (ptr.p->m_gsn == GSN_LCP_PREPARE_REQ)
7439   {
7440     jam();
7441     defineBackupRef(signal, ptr, ptr.p->errorCode);
7442     return;
7443   }
7445   FragmentPtr fragPtr;
7446   tabPtr.p->fragments.getPtr(fragPtr, 0);
7447   Uint32 fragmentId = fragPtr.p->fragmentId;
7449   tabPtr.p->fragments.release();
7450   while (ptr.p->tables.releaseFirst());
7452   if (ptr.p->errorCode != 0)
7453   {
7454     jam();
7455     ndbout_c("Fatal : LCP Frag scan failed with error %u",
7456              ptr.p->errorCode);
7457     ndbrequire(filePtr.p->errorCode == ptr.p->errorCode);
7459     if ((filePtr.p->m_flags & BackupFile::BF_SCAN_THREAD) == 0)
7460     {
7461       jam();
7462       /* No active scan thread to 'find' the file error.
7463        * Scan is closed, so let's send backupFragmentRef
7464        * back to LQH now...
7465        */
7466       backupFragmentRef(signal, filePtr);
7467     }
7468     return;
7469   }
7471   OperationRecord & op = filePtr.p->operation;
7472   ptr.p->errorCode = 0;
7474   BackupFragmentConf * conf = (BackupFragmentConf*)signal->getDataPtrSend();
7475   conf->backupId = ptr.p->backupId;
7476   conf->backupPtr = ptr.i;
7477   conf->tableId = tableId;
7478   conf->fragmentNo = fragmentId;
7479   conf->noOfRecordsLow = (op.noOfRecords & 0xFFFFFFFF);
7480   conf->noOfRecordsHigh = (op.noOfRecords >> 32);
7481   conf->noOfBytesLow = (op.noOfBytes & 0xFFFFFFFF);
7482   conf->noOfBytesHigh = (op.noOfBytes >> 32);
7483   sendSignal(ptr.p->masterRef, GSN_BACKUP_FRAGMENT_CONF, signal,
7484 	     BackupFragmentConf::SignalLength, JBA);
7485 }
7487 void
lcp_open_file(Signal * signal,BackupRecordPtr ptr)7488 Backup::lcp_open_file(Signal* signal, BackupRecordPtr ptr)
7489 {
7490   FsOpenReq * req = (FsOpenReq *)signal->getDataPtrSend();
7491   req->userReference = reference();
7492   req->fileFlags =
7493     FsOpenReq::OM_WRITEONLY |
7494     FsOpenReq::OM_TRUNCATE |
7495     FsOpenReq::OM_CREATE |
7496     FsOpenReq::OM_APPEND |
7497     FsOpenReq::OM_AUTOSYNC;
7499   if (c_defaults.m_compressed_lcp)
7500     req->fileFlags |= FsOpenReq::OM_GZ;
7502   if (c_defaults.m_o_direct)
7503     req->fileFlags |= FsOpenReq::OM_DIRECT;
7504   FsOpenReq::v2_setCount(req->fileNumber, 0xFFFFFFFF);
7505   req->auto_sync_size = c_defaults.m_disk_synch_size;
7507   TablePtr tabPtr;
7508   FragmentPtr fragPtr;
7510   ndbrequire(ptr.p->tables.first(tabPtr));
7511   tabPtr.p->fragments.getPtr(fragPtr, 0);
7513   /**
7514    * Lcp file
7515    */
7516   BackupFilePtr filePtr;
7517   c_backupFilePool.getPtr(filePtr, ptr.p->dataFilePtr);
7518   ndbrequire(filePtr.p->m_flags == 0);
7519   filePtr.p->m_flags |= BackupFile::BF_OPENING;
7520   filePtr.p->tableId = RNIL; // Will force init
7521   req->userPointer = filePtr.i;
7522   FsOpenReq::setVersion(req->fileNumber, 5);
7523   FsOpenReq::setSuffix(req->fileNumber, FsOpenReq::S_DATA);
7524   FsOpenReq::v5_setLcpNo(req->fileNumber, fragPtr.p->lcp_no);
7525   FsOpenReq::v5_setTableId(req->fileNumber, tabPtr.p->tableId);
7526   FsOpenReq::v5_setFragmentId(req->fileNumber, fragPtr.p->fragmentId);
7527   sendSignal(NDBFS_REF, GSN_FSOPENREQ, signal, FsOpenReq::SignalLength, JBA);
7528 }
7530 void
lcp_open_file_done(Signal * signal,BackupRecordPtr ptr)7531 Backup::lcp_open_file_done(Signal* signal, BackupRecordPtr ptr)
7532 {
7533   TablePtr tabPtr;
7534   FragmentPtr fragPtr;
7536   ndbrequire(ptr.p->tables.first(tabPtr));
7537   tabPtr.p->fragments.getPtr(fragPtr, 0);
7539   BackupFilePtr filePtr;
7540   c_backupFilePool.getPtr(filePtr, ptr.p->dataFilePtr);
7541   ndbrequire(filePtr.p->m_flags ==
7542 	     (BackupFile::BF_OPEN | BackupFile::BF_LCP_META));
7543   filePtr.p->m_flags &= ~(Uint32)BackupFile::BF_LCP_META;
7545   ptr.p->slaveState.setState(STARTED);
7547   LcpPrepareConf* conf= (LcpPrepareConf*)signal->getDataPtrSend();
7548   conf->senderData = ptr.p->clientData;
7549   conf->senderRef = reference();
7550   conf->tableId = tabPtr.p->tableId;
7551   conf->fragmentId = fragPtr.p->fragmentId;
7552   sendSignal(ptr.p->masterRef, GSN_LCP_PREPARE_CONF,
7553 	     signal, LcpPrepareConf::SignalLength, JBA);
7555   /**
7556    * Start file thread
7557    */
7558   filePtr.p->m_flags |= BackupFile::BF_FILE_THREAD;
7560   signal->theData[0] = BackupContinueB::START_FILE_THREAD;
7561   signal->theData[1] = filePtr.i;
7562   signal->theData[2] = __LINE__;
7563   sendSignal(reference(), GSN_CONTINUEB, signal, 3, JBB);
7564 }
7566 void
execEND_LCPREQ(Signal * signal)7567 Backup::execEND_LCPREQ(Signal* signal)
7568 {
7569   EndLcpReq* req= (EndLcpReq*)signal->getDataPtr();
7571   BackupRecordPtr ptr;
7572   c_backupPool.getPtr(ptr, req->backupPtr);
7573   /**
7574    * At least one table should exist here, it isn't possible
7575    * to drop the system table, so this should always be part
7576    * of an LCP. Thus we can be safe that the backupId should
7577    * be set (it is set when a LCP is started on a fragment.
7578    */
7579   ndbrequire(ptr.p->backupId == req->backupId);
7581   BackupFilePtr filePtr;
7582   ptr.p->files.getPtr(filePtr, ptr.p->ctlFilePtr);
7583   ndbrequire(filePtr.p->m_flags == 0);
7585   if (!ptr.p->tables.isEmpty())
7586   {
7587     jam();
7588     ndbrequire(ptr.p->errorCode);
7589     TablePtr tabPtr;
7590     ptr.p->tables.first(tabPtr);
7591     tabPtr.p->fragments.release();
7592     while (ptr.p->tables.releaseFirst());
7593     ptr.p->errorCode = 0;
7594   }
7596   ptr.p->errorCode = 0;
7597   ptr.p->slaveState.setState(CLEANING);
7598   ptr.p->slaveState.setState(INITIAL);
7599   ptr.p->slaveState.setState(DEFINING);
7600   ptr.p->slaveState.setState(DEFINED);
7602   EndLcpConf* conf= (EndLcpConf*)signal->getDataPtr();
7603   conf->senderData = ptr.p->clientData;
7604   conf->senderRef = reference();
7605   sendSignal(ptr.p->masterRef, GSN_END_LCPCONF,
7606 	     signal, EndLcpConf::SignalLength, JBA);
7607 }
7609 inline
7610 static
setWords(const Uint64 src,Uint32 & hi,Uint32 & lo)7611 void setWords(const Uint64 src, Uint32& hi, Uint32& lo)
7612 {
7613   hi = (Uint32) (src >> 32);
7614   lo = (Uint32) (src & 0xffffffff);
7615 }
7617 void
execLCP_STATUS_REQ(Signal * signal)7618 Backup::execLCP_STATUS_REQ(Signal* signal)
7619 {
7620   jamEntry();
7621   const LcpStatusReq* req = (const LcpStatusReq*) signal->getDataPtr();
7623   const Uint32 senderRef = req->senderRef;
7624   const Uint32 senderData = req->senderData;
7625   Uint32 failCode = LcpStatusRef::NoLCPRecord;
7627   /* Find LCP backup, if there is one */
7628   BackupRecordPtr ptr;
7629   bool found_lcp = false;
7630   for (c_backups.first(ptr); ptr.i != RNIL; c_backups.next(ptr))
7631   {
7632     jam();
7633     if (ptr.p->is_lcp())
7634     {
7635       jam();
7636       ndbrequire(found_lcp == false); /* Just one LCP */
7637       found_lcp = true;
7639       LcpStatusConf::LcpState state = LcpStatusConf::LCP_IDLE;
7640       switch (ptr.p->slaveState.getState())
7641       {
7642       case STARTED:
7643         jam();
7644         state = LcpStatusConf::LCP_PREPARED;
7645         break;
7646       case SCANNING:
7647         jam();
7648         state = LcpStatusConf::LCP_SCANNING;
7649         break;
7650       case STOPPING:
7651         jam();
7652         state = LcpStatusConf::LCP_SCANNED;
7653         break;
7654       case DEFINED:
7655         jam();
7656         state = LcpStatusConf::LCP_IDLE;
7657         break;
7658       default:
7659         jam();
7660         ndbout_c("Unusual LCP state in LCP_STATUS_REQ() : %u",
7661                  ptr.p->slaveState.getState());
7662         state = LcpStatusConf::LCP_IDLE;
7663       };
7665       /* Not all values are set here */
7666       const Uint32 UnsetConst = ~0;
7668       LcpStatusConf* conf = (LcpStatusConf*) signal->getDataPtr();
7669       conf->senderRef = reference();
7670       conf->senderData = senderData;
7671       conf->lcpState = state;
7672       conf->tableId = UnsetConst;
7673       conf->fragId = UnsetConst;
7674       conf->completionStateHi = UnsetConst;
7675       conf->completionStateLo = UnsetConst;
7676       setWords(ptr.p->noOfRecords,
7677                conf->lcpDoneRowsHi,
7678                conf->lcpDoneRowsLo);
7679       setWords(ptr.p->noOfBytes,
7680                conf->lcpDoneBytesHi,
7681                conf->lcpDoneBytesLo);
7682       conf->lcpScannedPages = 0;
7684       if (state == LcpStatusConf::LCP_SCANNING ||
7685           state == LcpStatusConf::LCP_SCANNED)
7686       {
7687         jam();
7688         /* Actually scanning/closing a fragment, let's grab the details */
7689         TablePtr tabPtr;
7690         FragmentPtr fragPtr;
7691         BackupFilePtr filePtr;
7693         if (ptr.p->dataFilePtr == RNIL)
7694         {
7695           jam();
7696           failCode = LcpStatusRef::NoFileRecord;
7697           break;
7698         }
7699         c_backupFilePool.getPtr(filePtr, ptr.p->dataFilePtr);
7700         ndbrequire(filePtr.p->backupPtr == ptr.i);
7702         ptr.p->tables.first(tabPtr);
7703         if (tabPtr.i != RNIL)
7704         {
7705           jam();
7706           tabPtr.p->fragments.getPtr(fragPtr, 0);
7707           ndbrequire(fragPtr.p->tableId == tabPtr.p->tableId);
7708           conf->tableId = tabPtr.p->tableId;
7709           conf->fragId = fragPtr.p->fragmentId;
7710         }
7712         if (state == LcpStatusConf::LCP_SCANNING)
7713         {
7714           jam();
7715           setWords(filePtr.p->operation.noOfRecords,
7716                    conf->completionStateHi,
7717                    conf->completionStateLo);
7718           conf->lcpScannedPages = filePtr.p->operation.lcpScannedPages;
7719         }
7720         else if (state == LcpStatusConf::LCP_SCANNED)
7721         {
7722           jam();
7723           /* May take some time to drain the FS buffer, depending on
7724            * size of buff, achieved rate.
7725            * We provide the buffer fill level so that requestors
7726            * can observe whether there's progress in this phase.
7727            */
7728           Uint64 flushBacklog =
7729             filePtr.p->operation.dataBuffer.getUsableSize() -
7730             filePtr.p->operation.dataBuffer.getFreeSize();
7732           setWords(flushBacklog,
7733                    conf->completionStateHi,
7734                    conf->completionStateLo);
7735         }
7736       }
7738       failCode = 0;
7739     }
7740   }
7742   if (failCode == 0)
7743   {
7744     jam();
7745     sendSignal(senderRef, GSN_LCP_STATUS_CONF,
7746                signal, LcpStatusConf::SignalLength, JBB);
7747     return;
7748   }
7750   jam();
7751   LcpStatusRef* ref = (LcpStatusRef*) signal->getDataPtr();
7753   ref->senderRef = reference();
7754   ref->senderData = senderData;
7755   ref->error = failCode;
7757   sendSignal(senderRef, GSN_LCP_STATUS_REF,
7758              signal, LcpStatusRef::SignalLength, JBB);
7759   return;
7760 }