1# 2# Bug #22551523: ALTER USER IDENTIFIED WITH AUTH_PAM DISABLES USER ACCOUNT 3# 4CREATE USER b22551523@localhost; 5# Must be N 6SELECT password_expired from mysql.user where user='b22551523' and host = 'localhost'; 7password_expired 8N 9ALTER USER b22551523@localhost IDENTIFIED with 'test_plugin_server'; 10# Must still be N 11SELECT password_expired from mysql.user where user='b22551523' and host = 'localhost'; 12password_expired 13N 14ALTER USER b22551523@localhost IDENTIFIED with 'mysql_native_password'; 15# Must be Y 16SELECT password_expired from mysql.user where user='b22551523' and host = 'localhost'; 17password_expired 18Y 19DROP USER b22551523@localhost; 20