1.. _ps_versions_comparison:
4List of features available in Percona Server for MySQL releases
7.. tabularcolumns:: p{5cm}|p{5cm}|
9.. list-table::
10   :header-rows: 1
12   * - Percona Server for MySQL 5.7
13     - Percona Server for MySQL 8.0
14   * - Improved Buffer Pool Scalability
15     - Improved Buffer Pool Scalability
16   * - Improved InnoDB I/O Scalability
17     - Improved InnoDB I/O Scalability
18   * - Multiple Adaptive Hash Search Partitions
19     - Multiple Adaptive Hash Search Partitions
20   * - Atomic write support for Fusion-io devices
21     - Atomic write support for Fusion-io devices
22   * - Query Cache Enhancements
23     - Feature not implemented
24   * - Improved NUMA support
25     - Feature not implemented
26   * - Thread Pool
27     - Thread Pool
28   * - Suppress Warning Messages
29     - Suppress Warning Messages
30   * - Ability to change database for mysqlbinlog
31     - Ability to change database for mysqlbinlog
32   * - Fixed Size for the Read Ahead Area
33     - Fixed Size for the Read Ahead Area
34   * - Improved MEMORY Storage Engine
35     - Improved MEMORY Storage Engine
36   * - Restricting the number of binlog files
37     - Restricting the number of binlog files
38   * - Ignoring missing tables in mysqldump
39     - Ignoring missing tables in mysqldump
40   * - Too Many Connections Warning
41     - Too Many Connections Warning
42   * - Handle Corrupted Tables
43     - Handle Corrupted Tables
44   * - Lock-Free SHOW SLAVE STATUS
45     - Lock-Free SHOW REPLICA STATUS
46   * - Expanded Fast Index Creation
47     - Expanded Fast Index Creation
48   * - Percona Toolkit UDFs
49     - Percona Toolkit UDFs
50   * - Support for Fake Changes
51     - Support for Fake Changes
52   * - Kill Idle Transactions
53     - Kill Idle Transactions
54   * - XtraDB changed page tracking
55     - XtraDB changed page tracking
56   * - Enforcing Storage Engine
57     - Replaced with upstream implementation
58   * - Utility user
59     - Utility user
60   * - Extending the secure-file-priv server option
61     - Extending the secure-file-priv server option
62   * - Expanded Program Option Modifiers
63     - Feature not implemented
64   * - PAM Authentication Plugin
65     - PAM Authentication Plugin
66   * - Log Archiving for XtraDB
67     - Log Archiving for XtraDB
68   * - User Statistics
69     - User Statistics
70   * - Slow Query Log
71     - Slow Query Log
72   * - Count InnoDB Deadlocks
73     - Count InnoDB Deadlocks
74   * - Log All Client Commands (syslog)
75     - Log All Client Commands (syslog)
76   * - Response Time Distribution
77     - Feature not implemented
78   * - Show Storage Engines
79     - Show Storage Engines
80   * - Show Lock Names
81     - Show Lock Names
82   * - Process List
83     - Process List
84   * - Misc. INFORMATION_SCHEMA Tables
85     - Misc. INFORMATION_SCHEMA Tables
86   * - Extended Show Engine InnoDB Status
87     - Extended Show Engine InnoDB Status
88   * - Thread Based Profiling
89     - Thread Based Profiling
90   * - XtraDB Performance Improvements for I/O-Bound Highly-Concurrent Workloads
91     - XtraDB Performance Improvements for I/O-Bound Highly-Concurrent Workloads
92   * - Page cleaner thread tuning
93     - Page cleaner thread tuning
94   * - Statement Timeout
95     - Statement Timeout
98   * - Per-query variable statement
99     - Per-query variable statement
100   * - Extended mysqlbinlog
101     - Extended mysqlbinlog
102   * - Slow Query Log Rotation and Expiration
103     - Slow Query Log Rotation and Expiration
104   * - Metrics for scalability measurement
105     - Feature not implemented
106   * - Audit Log
107     - Audit Log
108   * - Backup Locks
109     - Backup Locks
110   * - CSV engine mode for standard-compliant quote and comma parsing
111     - CSV engine mode for standard-compliant quote and comma parsing
112   * - Super read-only
113     - Super read-only
116Other Reading
119* `What Is New in MySQL 5.7 <http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/mysql-nutshell.html>`__
121* `What Is New in MySQL 8.0 <http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/8.0/en/mysql-nutshell.html>`__