1\set VERBOSITY terse
2SET citus.next_shard_id TO 1509000;
3SET citus.shard_replication_factor TO 1;
4SET citus.enable_local_execution TO ON;
5SET citus.log_local_commands TO ON;
6CREATE SCHEMA citus_local_table_queries;
7SET search_path TO citus_local_table_queries;
8-- ensure that coordinator is added to pg_dist_node
9SET client_min_messages to ERROR;
10SELECT 1 FROM master_add_node('localhost', :master_port, groupId => 0);
11 ?column?
13        1
14(1 row)
16RESET client_min_messages;
17CREATE TABLE dummy_reference_table(a int unique, b int);
18SELECT create_reference_table('dummy_reference_table');
19 create_reference_table
22(1 row)
24CREATE TABLE citus_local_table(a int, b int);
25ALTER TABLE citus_local_table ADD CONSTRAINT fkey_to_dummy_1 FOREIGN KEY (a) REFERENCES dummy_reference_table(a);
26NOTICE:  executing the command locally: SELECT worker_apply_inter_shard_ddl_command (1509001, 'citus_local_table_queries', 1509000, 'citus_local_table_queries', 'ALTER TABLE citus_local_table ADD CONSTRAINT fkey_to_dummy_1 FOREIGN KEY (a) REFERENCES dummy_reference_table(a);')
27CREATE TABLE citus_local_table_2(a int, b int);
28ALTER TABLE citus_local_table_2 ADD CONSTRAINT fkey_to_dummy_2 FOREIGN KEY (a) REFERENCES dummy_reference_table(a);
29NOTICE:  executing the command locally: SELECT worker_apply_inter_shard_ddl_command (1509002, 'citus_local_table_queries', 1509000, 'citus_local_table_queries', 'ALTER TABLE citus_local_table_2 ADD CONSTRAINT fkey_to_dummy_2 FOREIGN KEY (a) REFERENCES dummy_reference_table(a);')
30CREATE TABLE reference_table(a int, b int);
31SELECT create_reference_table('reference_table');
32 create_reference_table
35(1 row)
37CREATE TABLE distributed_table(a int, b int);
38SELECT create_distributed_table('distributed_table', 'a');
39 create_distributed_table
42(1 row)
44CREATE TABLE postgres_local_table(a int, b int);
45-- Define a helper function to truncate & insert some data into our test tables
46-- We should call this function at some places in this test file to prevent
47-- test to take a long time.
48-- We shouldn't use LIMIT in INSERT SELECT queries to make the test faster as
49-- LIMIT would force planner to wrap SELECT query in an intermediate result and
50-- this might reduce the coverage of the test cases.
51CREATE FUNCTION clear_and_init_test_tables() RETURNS void AS $$
52    BEGIN
53		SET client_min_messages to ERROR;
55		TRUNCATE postgres_local_table, citus_local_table, reference_table, distributed_table, dummy_reference_table, citus_local_table_2;
57		INSERT INTO dummy_reference_table SELECT i, i FROM generate_series(0, 5) i;
58		INSERT INTO citus_local_table SELECT i, i FROM generate_series(0, 5) i;
59		INSERT INTO citus_local_table_2 SELECT i, i FROM generate_series(0, 5) i;
60		INSERT INTO postgres_local_table SELECT i, i FROM generate_series(0, 5) i;
61		INSERT INTO distributed_table SELECT i, i FROM generate_series(0, 5) i;
62		INSERT INTO reference_table SELECT i, i FROM generate_series(0, 5) i;
64		RESET client_min_messages;
65    END;
66$$ LANGUAGE plpgsql;
68---- SELECT ----
70SELECT clear_and_init_test_tables();
71 clear_and_init_test_tables
74(1 row)
76-- join between citus local tables and reference tables would succeed
77SELECT count(*) FROM citus_local_table, reference_table WHERE citus_local_table.a = reference_table.a;
78NOTICE:  executing the command locally: SELECT count(*) AS count FROM citus_local_table_queries.citus_local_table_1509001 citus_local_table, citus_local_table_queries.reference_table_1509003 reference_table WHERE (citus_local_table.a OPERATOR(pg_catalog.=) reference_table.a)
79 count
81     6
82(1 row)
84SELECT * FROM citus_local_table, reference_table WHERE citus_local_table.a = reference_table.a ORDER BY 1,2,3,4 FOR UPDATE;
85NOTICE:  executing the command locally: SELECT citus_local_table.a, citus_local_table.b, reference_table.a, reference_table.b FROM citus_local_table_queries.citus_local_table_1509001 citus_local_table, citus_local_table_queries.reference_table_1509003 reference_table WHERE (citus_local_table.a OPERATOR(pg_catalog.=) reference_table.a) ORDER BY citus_local_table.a, citus_local_table.b, reference_table.a, reference_table.b FOR UPDATE OF citus_local_table FOR UPDATE OF reference_table
86 a | b | a | b
88 0 | 0 | 0 | 0
89 1 | 1 | 1 | 1
90 2 | 2 | 2 | 2
91 3 | 3 | 3 | 3
92 4 | 4 | 4 | 4
93 5 | 5 | 5 | 5
94(6 rows)
96-- should work
97WITH cte_1 AS
98	(SELECT * FROM citus_local_table, reference_table WHERE citus_local_table.a = reference_table.a ORDER BY 1,2,3,4 FOR UPDATE)
99SELECT count(*) FROM cte_1;
100NOTICE:  executing the command locally: WITH cte_1 AS (SELECT citus_local_table.a, citus_local_table.b, reference_table.a, reference_table.b FROM citus_local_table_queries.citus_local_table_1509001 citus_local_table, citus_local_table_queries.reference_table_1509003 reference_table WHERE (citus_local_table.a OPERATOR(pg_catalog.=) reference_table.a) ORDER BY citus_local_table.a, citus_local_table.b, reference_table.a, reference_table.b FOR UPDATE OF citus_local_table FOR UPDATE OF reference_table) SELECT count(*) AS count FROM cte_1 cte_1(a, b, a_1, b_1)
101 count
103     6
104(1 row)
106-- should work as joins are between ctes
107WITH cte_citus_local_table AS
108	(SELECT * FROM citus_local_table),
109cte_postgres_local_table AS
110	(SELECT * FROM postgres_local_table),
111cte_distributed_table AS
112	(SELECT * FROM distributed_table)
113SELECT count(*) FROM cte_distributed_table, cte_citus_local_table, cte_postgres_local_table
114WHERE  cte_citus_local_table.a = 1 AND cte_distributed_table.a = 1;
115NOTICE:  executing the command locally: SELECT a, b FROM citus_local_table_queries.citus_local_table_1509001 citus_local_table
116 count
118     6
119(1 row)
121-- should fail as we don't support direct joins between distributed/local tables
122SELECT count(*) FROM distributed_table d1, distributed_table d2, citus_local_table;
123ERROR:  complex joins are only supported when all distributed tables are co-located and joined on their distribution columns
124-- local table inside subquery should just work
125SELECT count(*) FROM
127	SELECT * FROM (SELECT * FROM citus_local_table) as subquery_inner
128) as subquery_top;
129NOTICE:  executing the command locally: SELECT count(*) AS count FROM (SELECT subquery_inner.a, subquery_inner.b FROM (SELECT citus_local_table.a, citus_local_table.b FROM citus_local_table_queries.citus_local_table_1509001 citus_local_table) subquery_inner) subquery_top
130 count
132     6
133(1 row)
135SELECT clear_and_init_test_tables();
136 clear_and_init_test_tables
139(1 row)
141-- join between citus/postgres local tables should just work
142SELECT count(*) FROM
144	SELECT * FROM (SELECT count(*) FROM citus_local_table, postgres_local_table) as subquery_inner
145) as subquery_top;
146NOTICE:  executing the command locally: SELECT count(*) AS count FROM (SELECT subquery_inner.count FROM (SELECT count(*) AS count FROM citus_local_table_queries.citus_local_table_1509001 citus_local_table, citus_local_table_queries.postgres_local_table) subquery_inner) subquery_top
147 count
149     1
150(1 row)
152-- should fail as we don't support direct joins between distributed/local tables
153SELECT count(*) FROM
155	SELECT *, random() FROM (SELECT *, random() FROM citus_local_table, distributed_table) as subquery_inner
156) as subquery_top;
157NOTICE:  executing the command locally: SELECT NULL::integer AS "dummy-1" FROM citus_local_table_queries.citus_local_table_1509001 citus_local_table WHERE true
158 count
160    36
161(1 row)
163-- should fail as we don't support direct joins between distributed/local tables
164SELECT count(*) FROM
166	SELECT *, random()
167		FROM (
168				WITH cte_1 AS (SELECT *, random() FROM citus_local_table, distributed_table) SELECT * FROM cte_1) as subquery_inner
169) as subquery_top;
170NOTICE:  executing the command locally: SELECT a, b FROM citus_local_table_queries.citus_local_table_1509001 citus_local_table WHERE true
171NOTICE:  executing the command locally: SELECT count(*) AS count FROM (SELECT subquery_inner.a, subquery_inner.b, subquery_inner.a_1 AS a, subquery_inner.b_1 AS b, subquery_inner.random, random() AS random FROM (SELECT cte_1.a, cte_1.b, cte_1.a_1 AS a, cte_1.b_1 AS b, cte_1.random FROM (SELECT intermediate_result.a, intermediate_result.b, intermediate_result.a_1 AS a, intermediate_result.b_1 AS b, intermediate_result.random FROM read_intermediate_result('XXX_1'::text, 'binary'::citus_copy_format) intermediate_result(a integer, b integer, a_1 integer, b_1 integer, random double precision)) cte_1(a, b, a_1, b_1, random)) subquery_inner(a, b, a_1, b_1, random)) subquery_top(a, b, a_1, b_1, random, random_1)
172 count
174    36
175(1 row)
177-- should be  fine
178SELECT count(*) FROM
180	SELECT *, random()
181		FROM (
182				WITH cte_1 AS (SELECT *, random() FROM citus_local_table), cte_2  AS (SELECT * FROM distributed_table) SELECT count(*) FROM cte_1, cte_2
183				) as subquery_inner
184) as subquery_top;
185NOTICE:  executing the command locally: SELECT a, b, random() AS random FROM citus_local_table_queries.citus_local_table_1509001 citus_local_table
186NOTICE:  executing the command locally: SELECT count(*) AS count FROM (SELECT subquery_inner.count, random() AS random FROM (SELECT intermediate_result.count FROM read_intermediate_result('XXX_2'::text, 'binary'::citus_copy_format) intermediate_result(count bigint)) subquery_inner) subquery_top
187 count
189     1
190(1 row)
192SELECT clear_and_init_test_tables();
193 clear_and_init_test_tables
196(1 row)
198-- prepared statement
199PREPARE citus_local_only AS SELECT count(*) FROM citus_local_table;
200-- execute 6 times, local tables without params
201EXECUTE citus_local_only;
202NOTICE:  executing the command locally: SELECT count(*) AS count FROM citus_local_table_queries.citus_local_table_1509001 citus_local_table
203 count
205     6
206(1 row)
208EXECUTE citus_local_only;
209NOTICE:  executing the command locally: SELECT count(*) AS count FROM citus_local_table_queries.citus_local_table_1509001 citus_local_table
210 count
212     6
213(1 row)
215EXECUTE citus_local_only;
216NOTICE:  executing the command locally: SELECT count(*) AS count FROM citus_local_table_queries.citus_local_table_1509001 citus_local_table
217 count
219     6
220(1 row)
222EXECUTE citus_local_only;
223NOTICE:  executing the command locally: SELECT count(*) AS count FROM citus_local_table_queries.citus_local_table_1509001 citus_local_table
224 count
226     6
227(1 row)
229EXECUTE citus_local_only;
230NOTICE:  executing the command locally: SELECT count(*) AS count FROM citus_local_table_queries.citus_local_table_1509001 citus_local_table
231 count
233     6
234(1 row)
236EXECUTE citus_local_only;
237NOTICE:  executing the command locally: SELECT count(*) AS count FROM citus_local_table_queries.citus_local_table_1509001 citus_local_table
238 count
240     6
241(1 row)
243-- execute 6 times, with param
244PREPARE citus_local_only_p(int) AS SELECT count(*) FROM citus_local_table WHERE a = $1;
245EXECUTE citus_local_only_p(1);
246NOTICE:  executing the command locally: SELECT count(*) AS count FROM citus_local_table_queries.citus_local_table_1509001 citus_local_table WHERE (a OPERATOR(pg_catalog.=) $1)
247 count
249     1
250(1 row)
252EXECUTE citus_local_only_p(1);
253NOTICE:  executing the command locally: SELECT count(*) AS count FROM citus_local_table_queries.citus_local_table_1509001 citus_local_table WHERE (a OPERATOR(pg_catalog.=) $1)
254 count
256     1
257(1 row)
259EXECUTE citus_local_only_p(1);
260NOTICE:  executing the command locally: SELECT count(*) AS count FROM citus_local_table_queries.citus_local_table_1509001 citus_local_table WHERE (a OPERATOR(pg_catalog.=) $1)
261 count
263     1
264(1 row)
266EXECUTE citus_local_only_p(1);
267NOTICE:  executing the command locally: SELECT count(*) AS count FROM citus_local_table_queries.citus_local_table_1509001 citus_local_table WHERE (a OPERATOR(pg_catalog.=) $1)
268 count
270     1
271(1 row)
273EXECUTE citus_local_only_p(1);
274NOTICE:  executing the command locally: SELECT count(*) AS count FROM citus_local_table_queries.citus_local_table_1509001 citus_local_table WHERE (a OPERATOR(pg_catalog.=) $1)
275 count
277     1
278(1 row)
280EXECUTE citus_local_only_p(1);
281NOTICE:  executing the command locally: SELECT count(*) AS count FROM citus_local_table_queries.citus_local_table_1509001 citus_local_table WHERE (a OPERATOR(pg_catalog.=) $1)
282 count
284     1
285(1 row)
287-- do not evalute the function
288-- show the logs
289EXECUTE citus_local_only_p(random());
290NOTICE:  executing the command locally: SELECT count(*) AS count FROM citus_local_table_queries.citus_local_table_1509001 citus_local_table WHERE (a OPERATOR(pg_catalog.=) $1)
291 count
293     1
294(1 row)
296EXECUTE citus_local_only_p(random());
297NOTICE:  executing the command locally: SELECT count(*) AS count FROM citus_local_table_queries.citus_local_table_1509001 citus_local_table WHERE (a OPERATOR(pg_catalog.=) $1)
298 count
300     1
301(1 row)
303PREPARE mixed_query(int,  int, int) AS
304	WITH cte_citus_local_table AS
305		(SELECT * FROM citus_local_table WHERE a = $1),
306	cte_postgres_local_table AS
307		(SELECT * FROM postgres_local_table WHERE a = $2),
308	cte_distributed_table AS
309		(SELECT * FROM distributed_table WHERE a = $3),
310	cte_mixes AS (SELECT * FROM cte_distributed_table, cte_citus_local_table, cte_postgres_local_table)
311	SELECT count(*) FROM cte_mixes;
312EXECUTE mixed_query(1,2,3);
313NOTICE:  executing the command locally: SELECT a, b FROM citus_local_table_queries.citus_local_table_1509001 citus_local_table WHERE (a OPERATOR(pg_catalog.=) 1)
314 count
316     1
317(1 row)
319EXECUTE mixed_query(1,2,3);
320NOTICE:  executing the command locally: SELECT a, b FROM citus_local_table_queries.citus_local_table_1509001 citus_local_table WHERE (a OPERATOR(pg_catalog.=) 1)
321 count
323     1
324(1 row)
326EXECUTE mixed_query(1,2,3);
327NOTICE:  executing the command locally: SELECT a, b FROM citus_local_table_queries.citus_local_table_1509001 citus_local_table WHERE (a OPERATOR(pg_catalog.=) 1)
328 count
330     1
331(1 row)
333EXECUTE mixed_query(1,2,3);
334NOTICE:  executing the command locally: SELECT a, b FROM citus_local_table_queries.citus_local_table_1509001 citus_local_table WHERE (a OPERATOR(pg_catalog.=) 1)
335 count
337     1
338(1 row)
340EXECUTE mixed_query(1,2,3);
341NOTICE:  executing the command locally: SELECT a, b FROM citus_local_table_queries.citus_local_table_1509001 citus_local_table WHERE (a OPERATOR(pg_catalog.=) 1)
342 count
344     1
345(1 row)
347EXECUTE mixed_query(1,2,3);
348NOTICE:  executing the command locally: SELECT a, b FROM citus_local_table_queries.citus_local_table_1509001 citus_local_table WHERE (a OPERATOR(pg_catalog.=) 1)
349 count
351     1
352(1 row)
354EXECUTE mixed_query(1,2,3);
355NOTICE:  executing the command locally: SELECT a, b FROM citus_local_table_queries.citus_local_table_1509001 citus_local_table WHERE (a OPERATOR(pg_catalog.=) 1)
356 count
358     1
359(1 row)
361SELECT clear_and_init_test_tables();
362 clear_and_init_test_tables
365(1 row)
367-- anonymous columns
368WITH a AS (SELECT a, '' FROM citus_local_table GROUP BY a) SELECT a.a FROM a ORDER BY 1 LIMIT 5;
369NOTICE:  executing the command locally: SELECT a FROM (SELECT citus_local_table.a, ''::text FROM citus_local_table_queries.citus_local_table_1509001 citus_local_table GROUP BY citus_local_table.a) a(a, "?column?") ORDER BY a LIMIT 5
370 a
372 0
373 1
374 2
375 3
376 4
377(5 rows)
379WITH a AS (SELECT b, '' FROM citus_local_table WHERE a = 1) SELECT * FROM a, a b ORDER BY 1 LIMIT 5;
380NOTICE:  executing the command locally: WITH a AS (SELECT citus_local_table.b, ''::text FROM citus_local_table_queries.citus_local_table_1509001 citus_local_table WHERE (citus_local_table.a OPERATOR(pg_catalog.=) 1)) SELECT a.b, a."?column?", b.b, b."?column?" FROM a a(b, "?column?"), a b(b, "?column?") ORDER BY a.b LIMIT 5
381 b | ?column? | b | ?column?
383 1 |          | 1 |
384(1 row)
386-- weird expression on citus/pg table joins should be fine
387SELECT * FROM citus_local_table,  postgres_local_table
388WHERE citus_local_table.a - postgres_local_table.a = 0
389ORDER BY 1,2,3,4
390LIMIT 10;
391NOTICE:  executing the command locally: SELECT citus_local_table.a, citus_local_table.b, postgres_local_table.a, postgres_local_table.b FROM citus_local_table_queries.citus_local_table_1509001 citus_local_table, citus_local_table_queries.postgres_local_table WHERE ((citus_local_table.a OPERATOR(pg_catalog.-) postgres_local_table.a) OPERATOR(pg_catalog.=) 0) ORDER BY citus_local_table.a, citus_local_table.b, postgres_local_table.a, postgres_local_table.b LIMIT 10
392 a | b | a | b
394 0 | 0 | 0 | 0
395 1 | 1 | 1 | 1
396 2 | 2 | 2 | 2
397 3 | 3 | 3 | 3
398 4 | 4 | 4 | 4
399 5 | 5 | 5 | 5
400(6 rows)
402-- set operations should just work
403SELECT * FROM citus_local_table UNION SELECT * FROM postgres_local_table UNION SELECT * FROM distributed_table ORDER BY 1,2;
404NOTICE:  executing the command locally: SELECT a, b FROM citus_local_table_queries.citus_local_table_1509001 citus_local_table
405NOTICE:  executing the command locally: SELECT intermediate_result.a, intermediate_result.b FROM read_intermediate_result('XXX_1'::text, 'binary'::citus_copy_format) intermediate_result(a integer, b integer) UNION SELECT intermediate_result.a, intermediate_result.b FROM read_intermediate_result('XXX_2'::text, 'binary'::citus_copy_format) intermediate_result(a integer, b integer) UNION SELECT intermediate_result.a, intermediate_result.b FROM read_intermediate_result('XXX_3'::text, 'binary'::citus_copy_format) intermediate_result(a integer, b integer) ORDER BY 1, 2
406 a | b
408 0 | 0
409 1 | 1
410 2 | 2
411 3 | 3
412 4 | 4
413 5 | 5
414(6 rows)
416(SELECT * FROM citus_local_table ORDER BY 1,2 LIMIT 5) INTERSECT (SELECT i, i FROM generate_series(0, 100) i) ORDER BY 1, 2;
417NOTICE:  executing the command locally: (SELECT citus_local_table.a, citus_local_table.b FROM citus_local_table_queries.citus_local_table_1509001 citus_local_table ORDER BY citus_local_table.a, citus_local_table.b LIMIT 5) INTERSECT SELECT i.i, i.i FROM generate_series(0, 100) i(i) ORDER BY 1, 2
418 a | b
420 0 | 0
421 1 | 1
422 2 | 2
423 3 | 3
424 4 | 4
425(5 rows)
427-- should just work as recursive planner kicks in
428SELECT count(*) FROM distributed_table WHERE a IN (SELECT a FROM citus_local_table);
429NOTICE:  executing the command locally: SELECT a FROM citus_local_table_queries.citus_local_table_1509001 citus_local_table
430 count
432     6
433(1 row)
435SELECT count(*) FROM citus_local_table  WHERE a IN (SELECT a FROM distributed_table);
436NOTICE:  executing the command locally: SELECT count(*) AS count FROM citus_local_table_queries.citus_local_table_1509001 citus_local_table WHERE (a OPERATOR(pg_catalog.=) ANY (SELECT intermediate_result.a FROM read_intermediate_result('XXX_1'::text, 'binary'::citus_copy_format) intermediate_result(a integer)))
437 count
439     6
440(1 row)
442SELECT count(*) FROM reference_table WHERE a IN (SELECT a FROM citus_local_table);
443NOTICE:  executing the command locally: SELECT count(*) AS count FROM citus_local_table_queries.reference_table_1509003 reference_table WHERE (a OPERATOR(pg_catalog.=) ANY (SELECT citus_local_table.a FROM citus_local_table_queries.citus_local_table_1509001 citus_local_table))
444 count
446     6
447(1 row)
449SELECT count(*) FROM citus_local_table  WHERE a IN (SELECT a FROM reference_table);
450NOTICE:  executing the command locally: SELECT count(*) AS count FROM citus_local_table_queries.citus_local_table_1509001 citus_local_table WHERE (a OPERATOR(pg_catalog.=) ANY (SELECT reference_table.a FROM citus_local_table_queries.reference_table_1509003 reference_table))
451 count
453     6
454(1 row)
456--  nested recursive queries should just work
457SELECT count(*)  FROM citus_local_table
458	WHERE a IN
459	(SELECT a FROM distributed_table WHERE a IN
460	 (SELECT b FROM citus_local_table WHERE b IN (SELECT b FROM postgres_local_table)));
461NOTICE:  executing the command locally: SELECT b FROM citus_local_table_queries.citus_local_table_1509001 citus_local_table WHERE (b OPERATOR(pg_catalog.=) ANY (SELECT intermediate_result.b FROM read_intermediate_result('XXX_1'::text, 'binary'::citus_copy_format) intermediate_result(b integer)))
462NOTICE:  executing the command locally: SELECT count(*) AS count FROM citus_local_table_queries.citus_local_table_1509001 citus_local_table WHERE (a OPERATOR(pg_catalog.=) ANY (SELECT intermediate_result.a FROM read_intermediate_result('XXX_3'::text, 'binary'::citus_copy_format) intermediate_result(a integer)))
463 count
465     6
466(1 row)
468-- local outer joins
469SELECT count(*) FROM citus_local_table LEFT JOIN reference_table ON (true);
470NOTICE:  executing the command locally: SELECT count(*) AS count FROM (citus_local_table_queries.citus_local_table_1509001 citus_local_table LEFT JOIN citus_local_table_queries.reference_table_1509003 reference_table ON (true))
471 count
473    36
474(1 row)
476SELECT count(*) FROM reference_table
477  LEFT JOIN citus_local_table ON (true)
478  LEFT JOIN postgres_local_table ON (true)
479  LEFT JOIN reference_table r2 ON (true);
480NOTICE:  executing the command locally: SELECT count(*) AS count FROM (((citus_local_table_queries.reference_table_1509003 reference_table LEFT JOIN citus_local_table_queries.citus_local_table_1509001 citus_local_table ON (true)) LEFT JOIN citus_local_table_queries.postgres_local_table ON (true)) LEFT JOIN citus_local_table_queries.reference_table_1509003 r2 ON (true))
481 count
483  1296
484(1 row)
486-- not supported direct outer join
487SELECT count(*) FROM citus_local_table LEFT JOIN distributed_table ON (true);
488ERROR:  cannot pushdown the subquery
489-- distinct in subquery on CTE
490WITH one_row AS (
491	SELECT a from citus_local_table WHERE b = 1
494  *
496  distributed_table
498  b IN (SELECT DISTINCT a FROM one_row)
500  1, 2
502  1;
503NOTICE:  executing the command locally: SELECT a FROM citus_local_table_queries.citus_local_table_1509001 citus_local_table WHERE (b OPERATOR(pg_catalog.=) 1)
504 a | b
506 1 | 1
507(1 row)
509WITH one_row_2 AS (
510	SELECT a from distributed_table WHERE b = 1
513  *
515  citus_local_table
517  b IN (SELECT DISTINCT a FROM one_row_2)
519  1 ,2
521  1;
522NOTICE:  executing the command locally: SELECT a, b FROM citus_local_table_queries.citus_local_table_1509001 citus_local_table WHERE (b OPERATOR(pg_catalog.=) ANY (SELECT intermediate_result.a FROM read_intermediate_result('XXX_1'::text, 'binary'::citus_copy_format) intermediate_result(a integer))) ORDER BY a, b LIMIT 1
523 a | b
525 1 | 1
526(1 row)
528-- join between citus local tables and distributed tables would fail
529SELECT count(*) FROM citus_local_table, distributed_table;
530NOTICE:  executing the command locally: SELECT NULL::integer AS "dummy-1" FROM citus_local_table_queries.citus_local_table_1509001 citus_local_table WHERE true
531 count
533    36
534(1 row)
536SELECT * FROM citus_local_table, distributed_table ORDER BY 1,2,3,4 FOR UPDATE;
537ERROR:  could not run distributed query with FOR UPDATE/SHARE commands
538-- join between citus local tables and postgres local tables are okey
539SELECT count(citus_local_table.b), count(postgres_local_table.a)
540FROM citus_local_table, postgres_local_table
541WHERE citus_local_table.a = postgres_local_table.b;
542NOTICE:  executing the command locally: SELECT count(citus_local_table.b) AS count, count(postgres_local_table.a) AS count FROM citus_local_table_queries.citus_local_table_1509001 citus_local_table, citus_local_table_queries.postgres_local_table WHERE (citus_local_table.a OPERATOR(pg_catalog.=) postgres_local_table.b)
543 count | count
545     6 |     6
546(1 row)
548-- select for update is just OK
549SELECT * FROM citus_local_table  ORDER BY 1,2 FOR UPDATE;
550NOTICE:  executing the command locally: SELECT a, b FROM citus_local_table_queries.citus_local_table_1509001 citus_local_table ORDER BY a, b FOR UPDATE OF citus_local_table
551 a | b
553 0 | 0
554 1 | 1
555 2 | 2
556 3 | 3
557 4 | 4
558 5 | 5
559(6 rows)
562----- INSERT SELECT -----
564-- simple INSERT SELECT is OK
565SELECT clear_and_init_test_tables();
566 clear_and_init_test_tables
569(1 row)
571INSERT INTO citus_local_table
572SELECT * from reference_table;
573NOTICE:  executing the command locally: INSERT INTO citus_local_table_queries.citus_local_table_1509001 AS citus_table_alias (a, b) SELECT a, b FROM citus_local_table_queries.reference_table_1509003 reference_table
574INSERT INTO reference_table
575SELECT * from citus_local_table;
576NOTICE:  executing the command locally: SELECT a, b FROM citus_local_table_queries.citus_local_table_1509001 citus_local_table
577NOTICE:  executing the copy locally for shard xxxxx
578INSERT INTO citus_local_table
579SELECT * from distributed_table;
580NOTICE:  executing the copy locally for shard xxxxx
581INSERT INTO distributed_table
582SELECT * from citus_local_table;
583NOTICE:  executing the command locally: SELECT a, b FROM citus_local_table_queries.citus_local_table_1509001 citus_local_table
584INSERT INTO citus_local_table
585SELECT * from citus_local_table_2;
586NOTICE:  executing the command locally: INSERT INTO citus_local_table_queries.citus_local_table_1509001 AS citus_table_alias (a, b) SELECT a, b FROM citus_local_table_queries.citus_local_table_2_1509002 citus_local_table_2
587INSERT INTO citus_local_table
588SELECT * from citus_local_table_2
589ORDER BY 1,2
590LIMIT 10;
591NOTICE:  executing the command locally: SELECT a, b FROM citus_local_table_queries.citus_local_table_2_1509002 citus_local_table_2 ORDER BY a, b LIMIT 10
592NOTICE:  executing the copy locally for shard xxxxx
593INSERT INTO citus_local_table
594SELECT * from postgres_local_table;
595NOTICE:  executing the copy locally for shard xxxxx
596INSERT INTO postgres_local_table
597SELECT * from citus_local_table;
598NOTICE:  executing the command locally: SELECT a, b FROM citus_local_table_queries.citus_local_table_1509001 citus_local_table
599-- INSERT SELECT with local joins are OK
600SELECT clear_and_init_test_tables();
601 clear_and_init_test_tables
604(1 row)
606INSERT INTO citus_local_table
607SELECT reference_table.* FROM reference_table
608JOIN citus_local_table ON (true);
609NOTICE:  executing the command locally: INSERT INTO citus_local_table_queries.citus_local_table_1509001 AS citus_table_alias (a, b) SELECT reference_table.a, reference_table.b FROM (citus_local_table_queries.reference_table_1509003 reference_table JOIN citus_local_table_queries.citus_local_table_1509001 citus_local_table ON (true))
610INSERT INTO reference_table
611SELECT reference_table.* FROM reference_table
612JOIN citus_local_table ON (true);
613NOTICE:  executing the command locally: SELECT reference_table.a, reference_table.b FROM (citus_local_table_queries.reference_table_1509003 reference_table JOIN citus_local_table_queries.citus_local_table_1509001 citus_local_table ON (true))
614NOTICE:  executing the copy locally for shard xxxxx
615INSERT INTO reference_table
616SELECT reference_table.* FROM reference_table, postgres_local_table
617JOIN citus_local_table ON (true);
618NOTICE:  executing the command locally: SELECT reference_table.a, reference_table.b FROM citus_local_table_queries.reference_table_1509003 reference_table, (citus_local_table_queries.postgres_local_table JOIN citus_local_table_queries.citus_local_table_1509001 citus_local_table ON (true))
619NOTICE:  executing the copy locally for shard xxxxx
620SELECT clear_and_init_test_tables();
621 clear_and_init_test_tables
624(1 row)
626INSERT INTO distributed_table
627SELECT reference_table.* FROM reference_table
628JOIN citus_local_table ON (true);
629NOTICE:  executing the command locally: SELECT reference_table.a, reference_table.b FROM (citus_local_table_queries.reference_table_1509003 reference_table JOIN citus_local_table_queries.citus_local_table_1509001 citus_local_table ON (true))
630INSERT INTO distributed_table
631SELECT reference_table.* FROM reference_table, postgres_local_table
632JOIN citus_local_table ON (true);
633NOTICE:  executing the command locally: SELECT reference_table.a, reference_table.b FROM citus_local_table_queries.reference_table_1509003 reference_table, (citus_local_table_queries.postgres_local_table JOIN citus_local_table_queries.citus_local_table_1509001 citus_local_table ON (true))
634INSERT INTO postgres_local_table
635SELECT reference_table.* FROM reference_table
636JOIN citus_local_table ON (true);
637NOTICE:  executing the command locally: SELECT reference_table.a, reference_table.b FROM (citus_local_table_queries.reference_table_1509003 reference_table JOIN citus_local_table_queries.citus_local_table_1509001 citus_local_table ON (true))
638-- INSERT SELECT that joins reference and distributed tables is also OK
639SELECT clear_and_init_test_tables();
640 clear_and_init_test_tables
643(1 row)
645INSERT INTO citus_local_table
646SELECT reference_table.* FROM reference_table
647JOIN distributed_table ON (true);
648NOTICE:  executing the copy locally for shard xxxxx
649INSERT INTO citus_local_table
650SELECT reference_table.*
651FROM reference_table, distributed_table;
652NOTICE:  executing the copy locally for shard xxxxx
653-- INSERT SELECT that joins citus local and distributed table directly will fail ..
654INSERT INTO citus_local_table
655SELECT distributed_table.* FROM distributed_table
656JOIN citus_local_table ON (true);
657NOTICE:  executing the command locally: SELECT NULL::integer AS "dummy-1" FROM citus_local_table_queries.citus_local_table_1509001 citus_local_table WHERE true
658NOTICE:  executing the copy locally for shard xxxxx
659-- .. but when wrapped into a CTE, join works fine
660INSERT INTO citus_local_table
661SELECT distributed_table.* FROM distributed_table
662JOIN (WITH cte AS (SELECT * FROM citus_local_table) SELECT * FROM cte) as foo ON (true);
663NOTICE:  executing the command locally: SELECT a, b FROM citus_local_table_queries.citus_local_table_1509001 citus_local_table
664NOTICE:  executing the copy locally for shard xxxxx
665-- multi row insert is OK
666INSERT INTO citus_local_table VALUES (1, 2), (3, 4);
667NOTICE:  executing the command locally: INSERT INTO citus_local_table_queries.citus_local_table_1509001 AS citus_table_alias (a, b) VALUES (1,2), (3,4)
669----- DELETE / UPDATE -----
671-- modifications using citus local tables and postgres local tables
672-- are not supported, see below four tests
673SELECT clear_and_init_test_tables();
674 clear_and_init_test_tables
677(1 row)
679DELETE FROM citus_local_table
680USING postgres_local_table
681WHERE citus_local_table.b = postgres_local_table.b;
682NOTICE:  executing the command locally: DELETE FROM citus_local_table_queries.citus_local_table_1509001 citus_local_table USING citus_local_table_queries.postgres_local_table WHERE (citus_local_table.b OPERATOR(pg_catalog.=) postgres_local_table.b)
683UPDATE citus_local_table
684SET b = 5
685FROM postgres_local_table
686WHERE citus_local_table.a = 3 AND citus_local_table.b = postgres_local_table.b;
687NOTICE:  executing the command locally: UPDATE citus_local_table_queries.citus_local_table_1509001 citus_local_table SET b = 5 FROM citus_local_table_queries.postgres_local_table WHERE ((citus_local_table.a OPERATOR(pg_catalog.=) 3) AND (citus_local_table.b OPERATOR(pg_catalog.=) postgres_local_table.b))
688DELETE FROM postgres_local_table
689USING citus_local_table
690WHERE citus_local_table.b = postgres_local_table.b;
691NOTICE:  executing the command locally: DELETE FROM citus_local_table_queries.postgres_local_table USING citus_local_table_queries.citus_local_table_1509001 citus_local_table WHERE (citus_local_table.b OPERATOR(pg_catalog.=) postgres_local_table.b)
692UPDATE postgres_local_table
693SET b = 5
694FROM citus_local_table
695WHERE citus_local_table.a = 3 AND citus_local_table.b = postgres_local_table.b;
696NOTICE:  executing the command locally: UPDATE citus_local_table_queries.postgres_local_table SET b = 5 FROM citus_local_table_queries.citus_local_table_1509001 citus_local_table WHERE ((citus_local_table.a OPERATOR(pg_catalog.=) 3) AND (citus_local_table.b OPERATOR(pg_catalog.=) postgres_local_table.b))
697-- no direct joins supported
698UPDATE distributed_table
699SET b = 6
700FROM citus_local_table
701WHERE citus_local_table.a = distributed_table.a;
702NOTICE:  executing the command locally: SELECT a FROM citus_local_table_queries.citus_local_table_1509001 citus_local_table WHERE true
703UPDATE reference_table
704SET b = 6
705FROM citus_local_table
706WHERE citus_local_table.a = reference_table.a;
707NOTICE:  executing the command locally: SELECT a FROM citus_local_table_queries.citus_local_table_1509001 citus_local_table WHERE true
708NOTICE:  executing the command locally: UPDATE citus_local_table_queries.reference_table_1509003 reference_table SET b = 6 FROM (SELECT citus_local_table_1.a, NULL::integer AS b FROM (SELECT intermediate_result.a FROM read_intermediate_result('XXX_1'::text, 'binary'::citus_copy_format) intermediate_result(a integer)) citus_local_table_1) citus_local_table WHERE (citus_local_table.a OPERATOR(pg_catalog.=) reference_table.a)
709-- should not work, add HINT use CTEs
710UPDATE citus_local_table
711SET b = 6
712FROM distributed_table
713WHERE citus_local_table.a = distributed_table.a;
714NOTICE:  executing the command locally: UPDATE citus_local_table_queries.citus_local_table_1509001 citus_local_table SET b = 6 FROM (SELECT distributed_table_1.a, NULL::integer AS b FROM (SELECT intermediate_result.a FROM read_intermediate_result('XXX_1'::text, 'binary'::citus_copy_format) intermediate_result(a integer)) distributed_table_1) distributed_table WHERE (citus_local_table.a OPERATOR(pg_catalog.=) distributed_table.a)
715-- should work, add HINT use CTEs
716UPDATE citus_local_table
717SET b = 6
718FROM reference_table
719WHERE citus_local_table.a = reference_table.a;
720NOTICE:  executing the command locally: SELECT a FROM citus_local_table_queries.reference_table_1509003 reference_table WHERE true
721NOTICE:  executing the command locally: UPDATE citus_local_table_queries.citus_local_table_1509001 citus_local_table SET b = 6 FROM (SELECT reference_table_1.a, NULL::integer AS b FROM (SELECT intermediate_result.a FROM read_intermediate_result('XXX_1'::text, 'binary'::citus_copy_format) intermediate_result(a integer)) reference_table_1) reference_table WHERE (citus_local_table.a OPERATOR(pg_catalog.=) reference_table.a)
722-- should not work, add HINT use CTEs
723DELETE FROM distributed_table
724USING citus_local_table
725WHERE citus_local_table.a = distributed_table.a;
726NOTICE:  executing the command locally: SELECT a FROM citus_local_table_queries.citus_local_table_1509001 citus_local_table WHERE true
727-- should not work, add HINT use CTEs
728DELETE FROM citus_local_table
729USING distributed_table
730WHERE citus_local_table.a = distributed_table.a;
731NOTICE:  executing the command locally: DELETE FROM citus_local_table_queries.citus_local_table_1509001 citus_local_table USING (SELECT distributed_table_1.a, NULL::integer AS b FROM (SELECT intermediate_result.a FROM read_intermediate_result('XXX_1'::text, 'binary'::citus_copy_format) intermediate_result(a integer)) distributed_table_1) distributed_table WHERE (citus_local_table.a OPERATOR(pg_catalog.=) distributed_table.a)
732DELETE FROM reference_table
733USING citus_local_table
734WHERE citus_local_table.a = reference_table.a;
735NOTICE:  executing the command locally: SELECT a FROM citus_local_table_queries.citus_local_table_1509001 citus_local_table WHERE true
736NOTICE:  executing the command locally: DELETE FROM citus_local_table_queries.reference_table_1509003 reference_table USING (SELECT citus_local_table_1.a, NULL::integer AS b FROM (SELECT intermediate_result.a FROM read_intermediate_result('XXX_1'::text, 'binary'::citus_copy_format) intermediate_result(a integer)) citus_local_table_1) citus_local_table WHERE (citus_local_table.a OPERATOR(pg_catalog.=) reference_table.a)
737-- should work, add HINT use CTEs
738DELETE FROM citus_local_table
739USING reference_table
740WHERE citus_local_table.a = reference_table.a;
741NOTICE:  executing the command locally: SELECT a FROM citus_local_table_queries.reference_table_1509003 reference_table WHERE true
742NOTICE:  executing the command locally: DELETE FROM citus_local_table_queries.citus_local_table_1509001 citus_local_table USING (SELECT reference_table_1.a, NULL::integer AS b FROM (SELECT intermediate_result.a FROM read_intermediate_result('XXX_1'::text, 'binary'::citus_copy_format) intermediate_result(a integer)) reference_table_1) reference_table WHERE (citus_local_table.a OPERATOR(pg_catalog.=) reference_table.a)
743-- just works
744DELETE FROM citus_local_table
745WHERE citus_local_table.a IN (SELECT a FROM distributed_table);
746NOTICE:  executing the command locally: DELETE FROM citus_local_table_queries.citus_local_table_1509001 citus_local_table WHERE (a OPERATOR(pg_catalog.=) ANY (SELECT intermediate_result.a FROM read_intermediate_result('XXX_1'::text, 'binary'::citus_copy_format) intermediate_result(a integer)))
747-- just works
748DELETE FROM citus_local_table
749WHERE citus_local_table.a IN (SELECT a FROM reference_table);
750NOTICE:  executing the command locally: SELECT a FROM citus_local_table_queries.reference_table_1509003 reference_table
751NOTICE:  executing the command locally: DELETE FROM citus_local_table_queries.citus_local_table_1509001 citus_local_table WHERE (a OPERATOR(pg_catalog.=) ANY (SELECT intermediate_result.a FROM read_intermediate_result('XXX_1'::text, 'binary'::citus_copy_format) intermediate_result(a integer)))
752-- just works
753WITH distributed_table_cte AS (SELECT * FROM distributed_table)
754UPDATE citus_local_table
755SET b = 6
756FROM distributed_table_cte
757WHERE citus_local_table.a = distributed_table_cte.a;
758NOTICE:  executing the command locally: UPDATE citus_local_table_queries.citus_local_table_1509001 citus_local_table SET b = 6 FROM (SELECT intermediate_result.a, intermediate_result.b FROM read_intermediate_result('XXX_1'::text, 'binary'::citus_copy_format) intermediate_result(a integer, b integer)) distributed_table_cte WHERE (citus_local_table.a OPERATOR(pg_catalog.=) distributed_table_cte.a)
759SET citus.log_local_commands to off;
760-- just works
761WITH reference_table_cte AS (SELECT * FROM reference_table)
762UPDATE citus_local_table
763SET b = 6
764FROM reference_table_cte
765WHERE citus_local_table.a = reference_table_cte.a;
766set citus.log_local_commands to on;
768----- VIEW QUERIES -----
771SELECT count(*)
772FROM citus_local_table
773JOIN reference_table
774USING (a);
775NOTICE:  executing the command locally: SELECT count(*) AS count FROM (citus_local_table_queries.citus_local_table_1509001 citus_local_table(a, b) JOIN citus_local_table_queries.reference_table_1509003 reference_table(a, b) USING (a))
776-- ok
777SELECT count(*) FROM mat_view_4;
778 count
780     1
781(1 row)
783-- should work
784SELECT count(*) FROM distributed_table WHERE b in
785(SELECT count FROM mat_view_4);
786 count
788     1
789(1 row)
791CREATE VIEW view_2 AS
792SELECT count(*)
793FROM citus_local_table
794JOIN citus_local_table_2 USING (a)
795JOIN distributed_table USING (a);
796-- should fail as view contains direct local dist join
797SELECT count(*) FROM view_2;
798NOTICE:  executing the command locally: SELECT a FROM citus_local_table_queries.citus_local_table_1509001 citus_local_table WHERE true
799NOTICE:  executing the command locally: SELECT a FROM citus_local_table_queries.citus_local_table_2_1509002 citus_local_table_2 WHERE true
800NOTICE:  executing the command locally: SELECT count(*) AS count FROM (SELECT intermediate_result.count FROM read_intermediate_result('XXX_3'::text, 'binary'::citus_copy_format) intermediate_result(count bigint)) view_2
801 count
803     1
804(1 row)
806CREATE VIEW view_3
807AS SELECT count(*)
808FROM citus_local_table_2
809JOIN reference_table
810USING (a);
811-- ok
812SELECT count(*) FROM view_3;
813NOTICE:  executing the command locally: SELECT count(*) AS count FROM (SELECT count(*) AS count FROM (citus_local_table_queries.citus_local_table_2_1509002 citus_local_table_2(a, b) JOIN citus_local_table_queries.reference_table_1509003 reference_table(a, b) USING (a))) view_3
814 count
816     1
817(1 row)
819-- view treated as subquery, so should work
820SELECT count(*) FROM view_3, distributed_table;
821NOTICE:  executing the command locally: SELECT a FROM citus_local_table_queries.citus_local_table_2_1509002 citus_local_table_2 WHERE true
822NOTICE:  executing the command locally: SELECT count(*) AS count FROM ((SELECT citus_local_table_2_1.a, NULL::integer AS b FROM (SELECT intermediate_result.a FROM read_intermediate_result('XXX_1'::text, 'binary'::citus_copy_format) intermediate_result(a integer)) citus_local_table_2_1) citus_local_table_2 JOIN citus_local_table_queries.reference_table_1509003 reference_table(a, b) USING (a))
823 count
825     6
826(1 row)
829-- Some other tests with subqueries & CTE's --
831SELECT clear_and_init_test_tables();
832 clear_and_init_test_tables
835(1 row)
837SELECT count(*) AS a, count(*) AS b
838FROM reference_table
839JOIN (SELECT count(*) as a, count(*) as b
840      FROM citus_local_table_2
841      JOIN (SELECT count(*) as a, count(*) as b
842            FROM postgres_local_table
843            JOIN (SELECT count(*) as a, count(*) as b
844                  FROM reference_table as table_4677) subquery5108
845            USING (a)) subquery7132
846      USING (b)) subquery7294
847USING (a);
848NOTICE:  executing the command locally: SELECT count(*) AS a, count(*) AS b FROM (citus_local_table_queries.reference_table_1509003 reference_table(a, b) JOIN (SELECT count(*) AS a, count(*) AS b FROM (citus_local_table_queries.citus_local_table_2_1509002 citus_local_table_2(a, b) JOIN (SELECT count(*) AS a, count(*) AS b FROM (citus_local_table_queries.postgres_local_table JOIN (SELECT count(*) AS a, count(*) AS b FROM citus_local_table_queries.reference_table_1509003 table_4677) subquery5108 USING (a))) subquery7132 USING (b))) subquery7294 USING (a))
849 a | b
851 1 | 1
852(1 row)
854-- direct join inside CTE not supported
855WITH cte AS (
856UPDATE citus_local_table lt SET a = mt.a
857FROM distributed_table mt WHERE mt.b = lt.b
858RETURNING lt.b, lt.a
859) SELECT * FROM cte JOIN distributed_table mt ON mt.b = cte.b ORDER BY 1,2,3,4;
860NOTICE:  executing the command locally: UPDATE citus_local_table_queries.citus_local_table_1509001 lt SET a = mt.a FROM (SELECT mt_1.a, mt_1.b FROM (SELECT intermediate_result.a, intermediate_result.b FROM read_intermediate_result('XXX_1'::text, 'binary'::citus_copy_format) intermediate_result(a integer, b integer)) mt_1) mt WHERE (mt.b OPERATOR(pg_catalog.=) lt.b) RETURNING lt.b, lt.a
861 b | a | a | b
863 0 | 0 | 0 | 0
864 1 | 1 | 1 | 1
865 2 | 2 | 2 | 2
866 3 | 3 | 3 | 3
867 4 | 4 | 4 | 4
868 5 | 5 | 5 | 5
869(6 rows)
871-- join with CTE just works
872UPDATE citus_local_table
873SET a=5
874FROM (SELECT avg(distributed_table.b) as avg_b
875      FROM distributed_table) as foo
877foo.avg_b = citus_local_table.b;
878NOTICE:  executing the command locally: UPDATE citus_local_table_queries.citus_local_table_1509001 citus_local_table SET a = 5 FROM (SELECT intermediate_result.avg_b FROM read_intermediate_result('XXX_1'::text, 'binary'::citus_copy_format) intermediate_result(avg_b numeric)) foo WHERE (foo.avg_b OPERATOR(pg_catalog.=) (citus_local_table.b)::numeric)
879-- should work
880UPDATE distributed_table
881SET b = avg_a
882FROM (SELECT avg(citus_local_table.a) as avg_a FROM citus_local_table) as foo
883WHERE foo.avg_a = distributed_table.a
884RETURNING distributed_table.*;
885NOTICE:  executing the command locally: SELECT avg(a) AS avg_a FROM citus_local_table_queries.citus_local_table_1509001 citus_local_table
886 a | b
888(0 rows)
890-- it is unfortunate that recursive planner cannot detect this
891-- but expected to not work
892UPDATE citus_local_table
893SET a=5
894FROM (SELECT b FROM distributed_table) AS foo
895WHERE foo.b = citus_local_table.b;
896ERROR:  local table citus_local_table cannot be joined with these distributed tables
898-- test different execution paths --
900-- a bit different explain output than for postgres local tables
902INSERT INTO citus_local_table
903SELECT * FROM distributed_table
904ORDER BY distributed_table.*
905LIMIT 10;
906                                            QUERY PLAN
908 Custom Scan (Citus INSERT ... SELECT)
909   INSERT/SELECT method: pull to coordinator
910   ->  Limit
911         ->  Sort
912               Sort Key: remote_scan.worker_column_3
913               ->  Custom Scan (Citus Adaptive)
914                     Task Count: 4
915                     Tasks Shown: One of 4
916                     ->  Task
917                           Node: host=localhost port=xxxxx dbname=regression
918                           ->  Limit
919                                 ->  Sort
920                                       Sort Key: distributed_table.*
921                                       ->  Seq Scan on distributed_table_1509004 distributed_table
922(14 rows)
924-- show that we do not pull to coordinator
926INSERT INTO citus_local_table
927SELECT * FROM citus_local_table;
928                                QUERY PLAN
930 Custom Scan (Citus Adaptive)
931   Task Count: 1
932   Tasks Shown: All
933   ->  Task
934         Node: host=localhost port=xxxxx dbname=regression
935         ->  Insert on citus_local_table_1509001 citus_table_alias
936               ->  Seq Scan on citus_local_table_1509001 citus_local_table
937(7 rows)
940INSERT INTO citus_local_table
941SELECT reference_table.* FROM reference_table;
942                              QUERY PLAN
944 Custom Scan (Citus Adaptive)
945   Task Count: 1
946   Tasks Shown: All
947   ->  Task
948         Node: host=localhost port=xxxxx dbname=regression
949         ->  Insert on citus_local_table_1509001 citus_table_alias
950               ->  Seq Scan on reference_table_1509003 reference_table
951(7 rows)
954INSERT INTO citus_local_table
955SELECT reference_table.* FROM reference_table, postgres_local_table;
956                                 QUERY PLAN
958 Custom Scan (Citus INSERT ... SELECT)
959   INSERT/SELECT method: pull to coordinator
960   ->  Custom Scan (Citus Adaptive)
961         Task Count: 1
962         Tasks Shown: All
963         ->  Task
964               Node: host=localhost port=xxxxx dbname=regression
965               ->  Nested Loop
966                     ->  Seq Scan on reference_table_1509003 reference_table
967                     ->  Materialize
968                           ->  Seq Scan on postgres_local_table
969(11 rows)
971-- show that we pull to coordinator when a distributed table is involved
973INSERT INTO citus_local_table
974SELECT reference_table.* FROM reference_table, distributed_table;
975                                    QUERY PLAN
977 Custom Scan (Citus INSERT ... SELECT)
978   INSERT/SELECT method: pull to coordinator
979   ->  Custom Scan (Citus Adaptive)
980         Task Count: 4
981         Tasks Shown: One of 4
982         ->  Task
983               Node: host=localhost port=xxxxx dbname=regression
984               ->  Nested Loop
985                     ->  Seq Scan on distributed_table_1509004 distributed_table
986                     ->  Materialize
987                           ->  Seq Scan on reference_table_1509003 reference_table
988(11 rows)
990-- truncate tables & add unique constraints to be able to define foreign keys
991TRUNCATE reference_table, citus_local_table, distributed_table;
992NOTICE:  executing the command locally: TRUNCATE TABLE citus_local_table_queries.reference_table_xxxxx CASCADE
993NOTICE:  executing the command locally: TRUNCATE TABLE citus_local_table_queries.citus_local_table_xxxxx CASCADE
994ALTER TABLE reference_table ADD CONSTRAINT pkey_ref PRIMARY KEY (a);
995NOTICE:  executing the command locally: SELECT worker_apply_shard_ddl_command (1509003, 'citus_local_table_queries', 'ALTER TABLE reference_table ADD CONSTRAINT pkey_ref PRIMARY KEY (a);')
996ALTER TABLE citus_local_table ADD CONSTRAINT pkey_c PRIMARY KEY (a);
997NOTICE:  executing the command locally: SELECT worker_apply_shard_ddl_command (1509001, 'citus_local_table_queries', 'ALTER TABLE citus_local_table ADD CONSTRAINT pkey_c PRIMARY KEY (a);')
998-- define a foreign key chain distributed table -> reference table -> citus local table
999-- to test sequential execution
1000ALTER TABLE distributed_table ADD CONSTRAINT fkey_dist_to_ref FOREIGN KEY(a) REFERENCES reference_table(a) ON DELETE RESTRICT;
1001ALTER TABLE reference_table ADD CONSTRAINT fkey_ref_to_local FOREIGN KEY(a) REFERENCES citus_local_table(a) ON DELETE RESTRICT;
1002NOTICE:  executing the command locally: SELECT worker_apply_inter_shard_ddl_command (1509003, 'citus_local_table_queries', 1509001, 'citus_local_table_queries', 'ALTER TABLE reference_table ADD CONSTRAINT fkey_ref_to_local FOREIGN KEY(a) REFERENCES citus_local_table(a) ON DELETE RESTRICT;')
1003INSERT INTO citus_local_table VALUES (1);
1004NOTICE:  executing the command locally: INSERT INTO citus_local_table_queries.citus_local_table_1509001 (a) VALUES (1)
1005INSERT INTO reference_table VALUES (1);
1006NOTICE:  executing the command locally: INSERT INTO citus_local_table_queries.reference_table_1509003 (a) VALUES (1)
1008    INSERT INTO citus_local_table VALUES (1) ON CONFLICT (a) DO NOTHING;
1009NOTICE:  executing the command locally: INSERT INTO citus_local_table_queries.citus_local_table_1509001 AS citus_table_alias (a) VALUES (1) ON CONFLICT(a) DO NOTHING
1010    INSERT INTO distributed_table VALUES (1);
1011    -- should show sequential as first inserting into citus local table
1012	-- would force the xact block to use sequential execution
1013    show citus.multi_shard_modify_mode;
1014 citus.multi_shard_modify_mode
1016 sequential
1017(1 row)
1021	TRUNCATE distributed_table;
1022	-- should error out as we truncated distributed_table via parallel execution
1023	TRUNCATE citus_local_table  CASCADE;
1024NOTICE:  truncate cascades to table "reference_table"
1025NOTICE:  truncate cascades to table "distributed_table"
1026NOTICE:  executing the command locally: TRUNCATE TABLE citus_local_table_queries.citus_local_table_xxxxx CASCADE
1027NOTICE:  truncate cascades to table "reference_table_xxxxx"
1028ERROR:  cannot execute DDL on table "reference_table" because there was a parallel DDL access to distributed table "distributed_table" in the same transaction
1031	SET LOCAL citus.multi_shard_modify_mode TO 'sequential';
1032	TRUNCATE distributed_table;
1033	-- should work fine as we already switched to sequential execution
1034	-- before parallel truncate
1035	TRUNCATE citus_local_table  CASCADE;
1036NOTICE:  truncate cascades to table "reference_table"
1037NOTICE:  truncate cascades to table "distributed_table"
1038NOTICE:  executing the command locally: TRUNCATE TABLE citus_local_table_queries.citus_local_table_xxxxx CASCADE
1039NOTICE:  truncate cascades to table "reference_table_xxxxx"
1040NOTICE:  executing the command locally: TRUNCATE TABLE citus_local_table_queries.reference_table_xxxxx CASCADE
1042ALTER TABLE distributed_table DROP CONSTRAINT fkey_dist_to_ref;
1044    INSERT INTO citus_local_table VALUES (1) ON CONFLICT (a) DO NOTHING;
1045NOTICE:  executing the command locally: INSERT INTO citus_local_table_queries.citus_local_table_1509001 AS citus_table_alias (a) VALUES (1) ON CONFLICT(a) DO NOTHING
1046    show citus.multi_shard_modify_mode;
1047 citus.multi_shard_modify_mode
1049 sequential
1050(1 row)
1053-- remove uniqueness constraint and dependent foreign key constraint for next tests
1054ALTER TABLE reference_table DROP CONSTRAINT fkey_ref_to_local;
1055NOTICE:  executing the command locally: SELECT worker_apply_inter_shard_ddl_command (1509003, 'citus_local_table_queries', 1509001, 'citus_local_table_queries', 'ALTER TABLE reference_table DROP CONSTRAINT fkey_ref_to_local;')
1056ALTER TABLE citus_local_table DROP CONSTRAINT pkey_c;
1057NOTICE:  executing the command locally: SELECT worker_apply_shard_ddl_command (1509001, 'citus_local_table_queries', 'ALTER TABLE citus_local_table DROP CONSTRAINT pkey_c;')
1058COPY  citus_local_table(a) FROM  PROGRAM 'seq 1';
1059-- should use local execution
1061	COPY  citus_local_table(a) FROM  PROGRAM 'seq 1';
1062NOTICE:  executing the copy locally for shard xxxxx
1063	COPY  citus_local_table(a) FROM  PROGRAM 'seq 1';
1064NOTICE:  executing the copy locally for shard xxxxx
1066COPY citus_local_table TO STDOUT;
10671	\N
10681	\N
10691	\N
10701	\N
1071COPY (SELECT * FROM citus_local_table) TO STDOUT;
1072NOTICE:  executing the command locally: SELECT a, b FROM citus_local_table_queries.citus_local_table_1509001 citus_local_table
10731	\N
10741	\N
10751	\N
10761	\N
1078  COPY citus_local_table TO STDOUT;
10791	\N
10801	\N
10811	\N
10821	\N
1085  COPY (SELECT * FROM citus_local_table) TO STDOUT;
1086NOTICE:  executing the command locally: SELECT a, b FROM citus_local_table_queries.citus_local_table_1509001 citus_local_table
10871	\N
10881	\N
10891	\N
10901	\N
1092-- truncate test tables for next test
1093TRUNCATE citus_local_table, reference_table, distributed_table;
1094NOTICE:  executing the command locally: TRUNCATE TABLE citus_local_table_queries.citus_local_table_xxxxx CASCADE
1095NOTICE:  executing the command locally: TRUNCATE TABLE citus_local_table_queries.reference_table_xxxxx CASCADE
1097	INSERT INTO citus_local_table VALUES (1), (2);
1098NOTICE:  executing the command locally: INSERT INTO citus_local_table_queries.citus_local_table_1509001 AS citus_table_alias (a) VALUES (1), (2)
1099	SAVEPOINT sp1;
1100	INSERT INTO citus_local_table VALUES (3), (4);
1101NOTICE:  executing the command locally: INSERT INTO citus_local_table_queries.citus_local_table_1509001 AS citus_table_alias (a) VALUES (3), (4)
1103	SELECT * FROM citus_local_table ORDER BY 1,2;
1104NOTICE:  executing the command locally: SELECT a, b FROM citus_local_table_queries.citus_local_table_1509001 citus_local_table ORDER BY a, b
1105 a | b
1107 1 |
1108 2 |
1109(2 rows)
1111	SAVEPOINT sp2;
1112	INSERT INTO citus_local_table VALUES (3), (4);
1113NOTICE:  executing the command locally: INSERT INTO citus_local_table_queries.citus_local_table_1509001 AS citus_table_alias (a) VALUES (3), (4)
1114	INSERT INTO distributed_table VALUES (3), (4);
1116	SELECT * FROM citus_local_table ORDER BY 1,2;
1117NOTICE:  executing the command locally: SELECT a, b FROM citus_local_table_queries.citus_local_table_1509001 citus_local_table ORDER BY a, b
1118 a | b
1120 1 |
1121 2 |
1122(2 rows)
1124	SELECT * FROM distributed_table ORDER BY 1,2;
1125 a | b
1127(0 rows)
1129	SAVEPOINT sp3;
1130	INSERT INTO citus_local_table VALUES (3), (2);
1131NOTICE:  executing the command locally: INSERT INTO citus_local_table_queries.citus_local_table_1509001 AS citus_table_alias (a) VALUES (3), (2)
1132	INSERT INTO reference_table VALUES (3), (2);
1133NOTICE:  executing the command locally: INSERT INTO citus_local_table_queries.reference_table_1509003 AS citus_table_alias (a) VALUES (3), (2)
1135	SELECT * FROM citus_local_table ORDER BY 1,2;
1136NOTICE:  executing the command locally: SELECT a, b FROM citus_local_table_queries.citus_local_table_1509001 citus_local_table ORDER BY a, b
1137 a | b
1139 1 |
1140 2 |
1141(2 rows)
1143	SELECT * FROM reference_table ORDER BY 1,2;
1144NOTICE:  executing the command locally: SELECT a, b FROM citus_local_table_queries.reference_table_1509003 reference_table ORDER BY a, b
1145 a | b
1147(0 rows)
1150-- cleanup at exit
1151DROP SCHEMA citus_local_table_queries CASCADE;
1152NOTICE:  drop cascades to 14 other objects