2   "abstract" : "PostGIS 2.2 OGC/SQL-MM compliant spatial extender for PostgreSQL",
3   "release_status" : "stable",
4   "license" : "gpl_2",
5   "generated_by" : "Regina O. Obe",
6   "description" : "This module provides GIS geometry, geography, raster types, functions, and tables",
7   "version" : "2.2.0",
8   "resources" : {
9      "bugtracker" : {
10         "web" : "http://trac.osgeo.org/postgis"
11      },
12      "repository" : {
13         "type" : "svn",
14         "web" : "http://postgis.net",
15         "url" : "https://git.osgeo.org/gitea/postgis/postgis.git"
16      }
17   },
18   "tags" : [
19      "gis",
20      "spatial",
21      "geometry",
22      "raster",
23      "geography",
24      "location"
25   ],
26   "meta-spec" : {
27      "version" : "1.0.0",
28      "url" : "http://pgxn.org/meta/spec.txt"
29   },
30   "provides" : {
31      "spatial_ref_sys" : {
32         "version" : "2.2.0",
33         "file" : "sql/spatial_ref_sys.sql",
34         "abstract" : "Directory of spatial reference systems needed for geometry transformation between different spatial reference systems"
35      },
36      "postgis" : {
37         "abstract" : "PostGIS GIS types, indexes and functions",
38         "docfile" : "doc/postgis.md",
39         "file" : "sql/postgis.sql",
40         "version" : "2.2.0"
41      }
42   },
43   "name" : "postgis",
44   "maintainer" : "PostGIS Steering Committee",
45   "prereqs" : {
46      "runtime" : {
47         "requires" : {
48            "PostgreSQL" : "9.1.0",
49            "plpgsql" : 0
50         }
51      }
52   }