1<appendix id="appendix-release-notes">
2  <title>Release notes</title>
3  <indexterm>
4    <primary>Release notes</primary>
5  </indexterm>
7  <para>
8    Changes to each &repmgr; release are documented in the release notes.
9    Please read the release notes for all versions between
10    your current version and the version you are plan to upgrade to
11    before performing an upgrade, as there may be version-specific upgrade steps.
12  </para>
14  <para>
15    See also: <xref linkend="upgrading-repmgr"/>
16  </para>
18<!-- remember to update the release date in ../repmgr_version.h.in -->
20  <sect1 id="release-5.2.0">
21    <title id="release-current">Release 5.2.0</title>
22    <para><emphasis>Thu 22 October, 2020</emphasis></para>
24    <para>
25      &repmgr; 5.2.0 is a major release.
26    </para>
27    <para>
28      This release provides support for <ulink url="https://www.postgresql.org/docs/13/release-13.html">PostgreSQL 13</ulink>, released in September 2020.
29    </para>
30    <para>
31      This release removes support for PostgreSQL 9.3, which was
32      <ulink url="https://www.postgresql.org/docs/9.3/release-9-3-25.html">designated EOL in November 2018</ulink>.
33    </para>
35    <sect2>
36      <title>General improvements</title>
37      <para>
38        <itemizedlist>
39          <listitem>
40            <para>
41              Configuration: support <command>include</command>, <command>include_dir</command> and
42              <command>include_if_exists</command> directives (see <xref linkend="configuration-file-include-directives"/>).
43            </para>
44          </listitem>
45          <listitem>
46            <para>
47              <link linkend="repmgr-standby-switchover"><command>repmgr standby switchover</command></link>:
48              Improve sanity check failure log output from the demotion candidate.
49            </para>
50            <para>
51              If database connection configuration is not consistent across all nodes, it's
52              possible remote &repmgr; invocations (e.g. during switchover, from the promotion candidate
53              to the demotion candidate) will not be able to connect to the database. This will
54              now be explicitly reported as a database connection failure, rather than as a failure
55              of the respective sanity check.
56            </para>
57          </listitem>
58          <listitem>
59            <para>
60              <link linkend="repmgr-cluster-crosscheck">repmgr cluster crosscheck</link> /
61              <link linkend="repmgr-cluster-matrix">repmgr cluster matrix</link>:
62              improve text mode output format, in particular so that node identifiers of arbitrary length are
63              displayed correctly.
64            </para>
65          </listitem>
67          <listitem>
68            <para>
69              <link linkend="repmgr-primary-unregister">repmgr primary unregister</link>:
70              the <option>--force</option> can be provided to unregister an active primary node, provided
71              it has no registered standby nodes.
72            </para>
73          </listitem>
75          <listitem>
76            <para>
77              <link linkend="repmgr-standby-clone">repmgr standby clone</link>: new option
78              <option>--verify-backup</option> to run PostgreSQL's
79              <ulink url="https://www.postgresql.org/docs/13/app-pgverifybackup.html">pg_verifybackup</ulink>
80              utility after cloning a standby to verify the integrity of the copied data
81              (PostgreSQL 13 and later).
82            </para>
83          </listitem>
85          <listitem>
86            <para>
87              <link linkend="repmgr-standby-clone">repmgr standby clone</link>:
88              when cloning from Barman, setting <option>--waldir</option>
89              (PostgreSQL 9.6 and earlier: <option>--xlogdir</option>) in
90              <option>pg_basebackup_options</option> will cause &repmgr; to create
91              a WAL directory outside of the main data directory and symlink
92              it from there, in the same way as would happen when cloning
93              using <application>pg_basebackup</application>.
94            </para>
95          </listitem>
97          <listitem>
98            <para>
99              <link linkend="repmgr-standby-follow">repmgr standby follow</link>:
100              In PostgreSQL 13 and later, a standby no longer requires a restart to
101              follow a new upstream node.
102            </para>
103            <para>
104              The old behaviour (always restarting the standby to follow a new node)
105              can be restored by setting the configuration file parameter
106              <varname>standby_follow_restart</varname> to <literal>true</literal>.
107            </para>
108          </listitem>
110          <listitem>
111            <para>
112              <link linkend="repmgr-node-rejoin">repmgr node rejoin</link>:
113              enable a node to attach to a target node even the target node
114              has a lower timeline (PostgreSQL 9.6 and later).
115            </para>
116          </listitem>
118          <listitem>
119            <para>
120              <link linkend="repmgr-node-rejoin">repmgr node rejoin</link>:
121              in PostgreSQL 13 and later, support <application>pg_rewind</application>'s
122              ability to automatically run crash recovery on a PostgreSQL instance
123              which was not shut down cleanly.
124            </para>
125          </listitem>
127          <listitem>
128            <para>
129              <link linkend="repmgr-node-check">repmgr node check</link>:
130              option <option>--db-connection</option> added to check if &repmgr;
131              can connect to the database on the local node.
132            </para>
133          </listitem>
134          <listitem>
135            <para>
136              <link linkend="repmgr-node-check">repmgr node check</link>:
137              report database connection error if the <option>--optformat</option> was provided.
138            </para>
139          </listitem>
140          <listitem>
141            <para>
142              Improve handling of pg_control read errors.
143            </para>
144          </listitem>
145          <listitem>
146            <para>
147              It is now possible to dump the contents of &repmgr; metadata tables with
148              <application>pg_dump</application>.
149            </para>
150          </listitem>
151        </itemizedlist>
152      </para>
153    </sect2>
154    <sect2>
155      <title>repmgrd enhancements</title>
156      <para>
157        <itemizedlist>
159          <listitem>
160            <para>
161              Following additional parameters can be provided to <varname>failover_validation_command</varname>:
162              <itemizedlist spacing="compact" mark="bullet">
163                <listitem>
164                  <simpara><literal>%n</literal>: node ID</simpara>
165                </listitem>
166                <listitem>
167                  <simpara><literal>%a</literal>: node name</simpara>
168                </listitem>
169                <listitem>
170                  <simpara><literal>%v</literal>: number of visible nodes</simpara>
171                </listitem>
172                <listitem>
173                  <simpara><literal>%u</literal>: number of shared upstream nodes</simpara>
174                </listitem>
175                <listitem>
176                  <simpara><literal>%t</literal>: total number of nodes</simpara>
177                </listitem>
178              </itemizedlist>
179            </para>
180          </listitem>
182          <listitem>
183            <para>
184              Configuration option <varname>always_promote</varname> (default: <literal>false</literal>)
185              to control whether a node should be promoted if the &repmgr; metadata is not up-to-date
186              on that node.
187            </para>
188          </listitem>
189        </itemizedlist>
190      </para>
191    </sect2>
193    <sect2>
194      <title>Bug fixes</title>
195      <para>
196       <itemizedlist>
197          <listitem>
198            <para>
199              <link linkend="repmgr-standby-clone">repmgr standby clone</link>:
200              fix issue with cloning from Barman where the tablespace mapping file was
201              not flushed to disk before attempting to retrieve files from Barman. GitHub #650.
202            </para>
203          </listitem>
204          <listitem>
205            <para>
206              <link linkend="repmgr-node-rejoin">repmgr node rejoin</link>:
207              ensure that when verifying a standby node has attached to its upstream, the
208              node has started streaming before confirming the success of the rejoin operation.
209            </para>
210          </listitem>
211          <listitem>
212            <para>
213              &repmgrd;: ensure primary connection is reset if same as upstream. GitHub #633.
214            </para>
215          </listitem>
216       </itemizedlist>
217      </para>
218    </sect2>
220  </sect1>
222  <sect1 id="release-5.1.0">
223    <title>Release 5.1.0</title>
224    <para><emphasis>Mon 13 April, 2020</emphasis></para>
226    <para>
227      &repmgr; 5.1.0 is a major release.
228    </para>
229    <para>
230      For details on how to upgrade an existing &repmgr; installation, see
231      documentation section <link linkend="upgrading-major-version">Upgrading a major version release</link>.
232    </para>
233    <para>
234      If &repmgrd; is in use, a PostgreSQL restart <emphasis>is</emphasis> required;
235      in that case we suggest combining this &repmgr; upgrade with the next PostgreSQL
236      minor release, which will require a PostgreSQL restart in any case.
237    </para>
240    <sect2>
241      <title>Compatibility changes</title>
242      <para>
243        The <link linkend="repmgr-standby-clone"><command>repmgr standby clone</command></link>
244        <option>--recovery-conf-only</option> option has been renamed to
245        <option>--replication-conf-only</option>. <option>--recovery-conf-only</option> will
246        still be accepted as an alias.
247      </para>
248    </sect2>
250    <sect2>
251      <title>General improvements</title>
252      <para>
253        <itemizedlist>
255          <listitem>
256            <para>
257              The requirement that the &repmgr; user is a database superuser has been
258              removed as far as possible.
259            </para>
260            <para>
261              In theory, &repmgr; can be operated with a normal database user for managing
262              the &repmgr; database, and a separate replication user for managing replication
263              connections (and replication slots, if these are in use).
264            </para>
265            <para>
266              Some operations will still require superuser permissions, e.g. for issuing
267              a <command>CHECKPOINT</command> as par of a switchover operation; in this case
268              a valid superuser should be provided with the <option>-S</option>/<option>--superuser</option>
269              option.
270            </para>
271          </listitem>
273          <listitem>
274            <para>
275              <link linkend="repmgr-standby-clone"><command>repmgr standby clone</command></link>:
276              Warn if neither of data page checksums or <option>wal_log_hints</option> are active,
277              as this will preclude later usage of <command>pg_rewind</command>.
278            </para>
279          </listitem>
281          <listitem>
282            <para>
283              <link linkend="repmgr-standby-promote"><command>repmgr standby promote</command></link>:
284              when executed with <option>--dry-run</option>, the method which would be used to promote the node
285              will be displayed.
286            </para>
287          </listitem>
289          <listitem>
290            <para>
291              <link linkend="repmgr-standby-follow"><command>repmgr standby follow</command></link>:
292              Improve logging and checking of potential failure situations.
293            </para>
294          </listitem>
296          <listitem>
297            <para>
298              <link linkend="repmgr-standby-switchover"><command>repmgr standby switchover</command></link>:
299              Replication configuration files (PostgreSQL 11 and earlier:
300              <filename>recovery.conf</filename>; PostgreSQL 12 and later: <filename>postgresql.auto.conf</filename>)
301              will be checked to ensure they are owned by the same user who owns the PostgreSQL
302              data directory.
303            </para>
304          </listitem>
306          <listitem>
307            <para>
308              <link linkend="repmgr-standby-switchover"><command>repmgr standby switchover</command></link>:
309              Provide additional information in <option>--dry-run mode</option> output.
310            </para>
311          </listitem>
313          <listitem>
314            <para>
315              <link linkend="repmgr-standby-switchover"><command>repmgr standby switchover</command></link>:
316              Checks that the demotion candidate's registered repmgr.conf file can be found, to
317              prevent confusing references to an incorrectly configured data directory. GitHub 615.
318            </para>
319          </listitem>
321          <listitem>
322            <para>
323              <link linkend="repmgr-node-check"><command>repmgr node check</command></link>:
324              accept option <option>-S</option>/<option>--superuser</option>. GitHub #621.
325            </para>
326          </listitem>
328          <listitem>
329            <para>
330              <link linkend="repmgr-node-check"><command>repmgr node check</command></link>:
331              add  <option>--upstream</option> option to check whether the node is attached
332              to the expected upstream node.
333            </para>
334          </listitem>
336        </itemizedlist>
337      </para>
338    </sect2>
340    <sect2>
341      <title>Bug fixes</title>
342      <para>
343       <itemizedlist>
344          <listitem>
345            <para>
346              Ensure <link linkend="repmgr-node-rejoin"><command>repmgr node rejoin</command></link>
347              checks for available replication slots on the rejoin target.
348            </para>
349          </listitem>
351          <listitem>
352            <para>
353              <link linkend="repmgr-standby-follow"><command>repmgr standby follow</command></link> and
354              <link linkend="repmgr-node-rejoin"><command>repmgr node rejoin</command></link> will now return
355              an error code if the operation fails if a replication slot is not available or cannot
356              be created on the follow/rejoin target.
357            </para>
358          </listitem>
361          <listitem>
362            <para>
363              <link linkend="repmgr-standby-promote"><command>repmgr standby promote</command></link>:
364              in <option>--dry-run mode</option>, display promote command which will be executed.
365            </para>
366          </listitem>
369          <listitem>
370            <para>
371              <link linkend="repmgr-standby-promote"><command>repmgr standby promote</command></link>
372              will check if the <literal>repmgr</literal> user has permission to execute
373              <function>pg_promote()</function> and fall back to <command>pg_ctl promote</command> if
374              necessary.
375            </para>
376          </listitem>
378          <listitem>
379            <para>
380              <link linkend="repmgr-standby-switchover"><command>repmgr standby switchover</command></link>:
381              check for demotion candidate reattachment as late as possible to avoid spurious failure
382              reports.
383            </para>
384          </listitem>
387          <listitem>
388            <para>
389              &repmgrd;: check for presence of <option>promote_command</option> and
390              <option>follow_command</option> on receipt of <literal>SIGHUP</literal>. GitHub 614.
391            </para>
392          </listitem>
394          <listitem>
395            <para>
396              Fix situation where replication connections were not created correctly, which
397              could lead to spurious replication connection failures in some situations, e.g.
398              where password files are used.
399            </para>
400          </listitem>
402          <listitem>
403            <para>
404              Ensure <filename>postgresql.auto.conf</filename> is created with
405              correct permissions (PostgreSQL 12 and later).
406            </para>
407          </listitem>
409        </itemizedlist>
410      </para>
411    </sect2>
413  </sect1>
415  <sect1 id="release-5.0">
416    <title>Release 5.0</title>
417    <para><emphasis>Tue 15 October, 2019</emphasis></para>
419    <para>
420      &repmgr; 5.0 is a major release.
421    </para>
422    <para>
423      For details on how to upgrade an existing &repmgr; installation, see
424      documentation section <link linkend="upgrading-major-version">Upgrading a major version release</link>.
425    </para>
426    <para>
427      If &repmgrd; is in use, a PostgreSQL restart <emphasis>is</emphasis> required;
428      in that case we suggest combining this &repmgr; upgrade with the next PostgreSQL
429      minor release, which will require a PostgreSQL restart in any case.
430    </para>
433    <sect2>
434      <title>Compatibility changes</title>
436      <sect3 id="repmgr-5-0-config-file-parsing">
437        <title>Configuration file parsing has been made stricter</title>
438        <para>
439          &repmgr; now parses <link linkend="configuration-file-format">configuration files</link>
440          in the same way that PostgreSQL itself does, which means some files used with
441          earlier &repmgr; versions may need slight modification before they can be used
442          with &repmgr; 5 and later.
443        </para>
444        <para>
445          The main change is that string parameters should always be enclosed in single quotes.
446        </para>
447        <para>
448          For example, in &repmgr; 4.4 and earlier, the following <filename>repmgr.conf</filename>
449          entry was valid:
450          <programlisting>
451conninfo=host=node1 user=repmgr dbname=repmgr connect_timeout=2</programlisting>
452          This must now be changed to:
453          <programlisting>
454conninfo='host=node1 user=repmgr dbname=repmgr connect_timeout=2'</programlisting>
455        </para>
456        <para>
457          Note that simple string identifiers (e.g. <literal>node_name=node1</literal>)
458          may remain unquoted, though we recommend always enclosing
459          strings in single quotes.
460        </para>
461        <para>
462          Additionally, leading/trailing white space between single quotes will no longer
463          be trimmed; the entire string between single quotes will be
464          taken literally.
465        </para>
466        <para>
467          Strings enclosed in double quotes (e.g. <literal>node_name=&quot;node1&quot;</literal>)
468          will now be rejected; previously they were accepted, but the double quotes were
469          interpreted as part of the string, which was a frequent cause of confusion.
470        </para>
471        <para>
472          This syntax matches that used by PostgreSQL itself.
473        </para>
474      </sect3>
476      <sect3>
477        <title>Some &quot;repmgr daemon ...&quot; commands renamed</title>
479        <para>
480          Some &quot;<command>repmgr daemon ...</command>&quot; commands have been renamed to
481          &quot;<command>repmgr service ...</command>&quot; as they have a cluster-wide effect
482          and to avoid giving the impression they affect only the local &repmgr; daemon.
483        </para>
484        <para>
485          The following commands are affected:
487          <itemizedlist spacing="compact" mark="bullet">
489            <listitem>
490              <simpara>
491                <command>repmgr daemon pause</command>
492                (now <link linkend="repmgr-service-pause"><command>repmgr service pause</command></link>)
493              </simpara>
494            </listitem>
496            <listitem>
497              <simpara>
498                <command>repmgr daemon unpause</command>
499                (now <link linkend="repmgr-service-unpause"><command>repmgr service unpause</command></link>)
500              </simpara>
501            </listitem>
503            <listitem>
504              <simpara>
505                <command>repmgr daemon status</command>
506                (now <link linkend="repmgr-service-status"><command>repmgr service status</command></link>)
507              </simpara>
508            </listitem>
510          </itemizedlist>
511        </para>
512        <para>
513          The &quot;<command>repmgr daemon ...</command>&quot; form will still be accepted
514          for backwards compatibility.
515        </para>
516      </sect3>
518     <sect3>
519       <title>Some deprecated command line options removed</title>
520       <para>
521         The following command line options, which have been deprecated since &repmgr; 3.3
522         (and which no longer had any effect other than to generate a warning about their use)
523         have been removed:
524         <itemizedlist spacing="compact" mark="bullet">
526           <listitem>
527             <simpara><option>--data-dir</option></simpara>
528           </listitem>
530           <listitem>
531             <simpara><option>--no-conninfo-password</option></simpara>
532           </listitem>
534           <listitem>
535             <simpara><option>--recovery-min-apply-delay</option></simpara>
536           </listitem>
538         </itemizedlist>
539      </para>
540     </sect3>
542    </sect2>
544    <sect2>
545      <title>General enhancements</title>
546      <para>
547        <itemizedlist>
548          <listitem>
549            <para>
550              Support for PostgreSQL 12 added.
551            </para>
552            <para>
553              Beginning with PostgreSQL 12, replication configuration has been integrated
554              into the main PostgreSQL configuraton system and the conventional
555              <filename>recovery.conf</filename> file is no longer valid.
556            </para>
557            <para>
558              &repmgr; has been modified to be compatible with this change.
559            </para>
560            <para>
561              &repmgr; additionally takes advantage of the new <command>pg_promote()</command>
562              function, which enables a standby to be promoted to primary using an SQL
563              command.
564            </para>
565            <para>
566              For an overview of general changes to replication configuration, see this blog entry:
567              <ulink url="https://www.2ndquadrant.com/en/blog/replication-configuration-changes-in-postgresql-12/">Replication configuration changes in PostgreSQL 12</ulink>
568            </para>
569          </listitem>
572          <listitem>
573            <para>
574              The &repmgr; configuration file is now parsed using
575              <command>flex</command>, meaning it will be parsed in
576              the same way as PostgreSQL parses its own configuration
577              files.
578            </para>
579            <para>
580              This makes configuration file parsing more robust
581              and consistent.
582            </para>
583            <para>
584              See item <link linkend="repmgr-5-0-config-file-parsing">Configuration file parsing has been made stricter</link>
585              for details.
586            </para>
587          </listitem>
589          <listitem>
590            <para>
591              <link linkend="repmgr-standby-clone"><command>repmgr standby clone</command></link>:
592              checks for availability of the &repmgr; extension on the upstream node have
593              been improved and error messages improved.
594            </para>
595          </listitem>
597		  <listitem>
598			<para>
599			  When executing &repmgr; remotely, if the &repmgr; log level was explicitly
600			  provided (with <option>-L</option>/<option>--log-level</option>), that log level
601			  will be passed to the remote &repmgr;.
602			</para>
603			<para>
604			  This makes it possible to return log output when executing repmgr
605			  remotely at a different level to the one defined in the remote
606			  &repmgr;'s <filename>repmgr.conf</filename>.
607			</para>
608			<para>
609			  This is particularly useful when <literal>DEBUG</literal> output is required.
610			</para>
611		  </listitem>
612        </itemizedlist>
613      </para>
614    </sect2>
616    <sect2>
617      <title>Bug fixes</title>
618      <para>
619        <itemizedlist>
620          <listitem>
621            <para>
622              Check role membership when trying to read <literal>pg_settings</literal>.
623            </para>
624            <para>
625              Previously &repmgr; assumed only superusers could read <literal>pg_settings</literal>,
626              but from PostgreSQL 10, all members of the roles <literal>pg_read_all_settings</literal>
627              or <literal>pg_monitor</literal> are permitted to do this as well.
628            </para>
629          </listitem>
631          <listitem>
632            <para>
633              &repmgrd;: Fix handling of upstream node change check.
634            </para>
635            <para>
636              &repmgrd; has a check to see if the upstream node has unexpectedly
637              changed, e.g. if the repmgrd service is paused and the PostgreSQL
638              instance has been pointed to another node.
639            </para>
640            <para>
641              However this check was relying on the node record on the local node
642              being up-to-date, which may not be the case immediately after a
643              failover, when the node is still replaying records updated prior
644              to the node's own record being updated. In this case it will
645              mistakenly assume the node is following the original primary
646              and attempt to restart monitoring, which will fail as the original
647              primary is no longer available.
648            </para>
649            <para>
650              To prevent this, the node's record on the upstream node is checked
651              to see if the reported upstream <literal>node_id</literal> matches
652              the expected <literal>node_id</literal>. GitHub #587/#588.
653            </para>
654          </listitem>
655        </itemizedlist>
656      </para>
658    </sect2>
659  </sect1>
661  <sect1 id="release-4.4">
662    <title>Release 4.4</title>
663    <para><emphasis>Thu 27 June, 2019</emphasis></para>
665    <para>
666      &repmgr; 4.4 is a major release.
667    </para>
668    <para>
669      For details on how to upgrade an existing &repmgr; installation, see
670      documentation section <link linkend="upgrading-major-version">Upgrading a major version release</link>.
671    </para>
672    <para>
673      If &repmgrd; is in use, a PostgreSQL restart <emphasis>is</emphasis> required;
674      in that case we suggest combining this &repmgr; upgrade with the next PostgreSQL
675      minor release, which will require a PostgreSQL restart in any case.
676    </para>
679    <important>
680      <para>
681        On Debian-based systems, including Ubuntu, if using &repmgrd;
682        please ensure that in the file <filename>/etc/init.d/repmgrd</filename>, the parameter
683        <varname>REPMGRD_OPTS</varname> contains &quot;<literal>--daemonize=false</literal>&quot;, e.g.:
684        <programlisting>
685# additional options
687      </para>
688      <para>
689        For further details, see <link linkend="repmgrd-configuration-debian-ubuntu">repmgrd configuration on Debian/Ubuntu</link>.
690      </para>
691    </important>
693    <sect2>
694      <title>repmgr client enhancements</title>
695      <para>
696        <itemizedlist>
698          <listitem>
699            <para>
700              <link linkend="repmgr-standby-clone"><command>repmgr standby clone</command></link>:
701              prevent a standby from being cloned from a witness server (PostgreSQL 9.6 and later only).
702            </para>
703          </listitem>
705          <listitem>
706            <para>
707              <link linkend="repmgr-witness-register"><command>repmgr witness register</command></link>:
708              prevent a witness server from being registered on the replication cluster primary server
709              (PostgreSQL 9.6 and later only).
710            </para>
711            <para>
712              Registering a witness on the primary node would defeat the purpose of having a witness server,
713              which is intended to remain running even if the cluster's primary goes down.
714            </para>
715          </listitem>
717          <listitem>
718            <para>
719              <link linkend="repmgr-standby-follow"><command>repmgr standby follow</command></link>:
720              note that an active, reachable cluster primary is required for this command;
721              and provide a more helpful error message if no reachable primary could be found.
722            </para>
723          </listitem>
725          <listitem>
726            <para>
727              &repmgr;: when executing <link linkend="repmgr-standby-switchover"><command>repmgr standby switchover</command></link>,
728              if <option>--siblings-follow</option> is not supplied, list all nodes which repmgr considers
729              to be siblings (this will include the witness server, if in use), and
730              which will remain attached to the old primary.
731            </para>
732          </listitem>
734          <listitem>
735            <para>
736              &repmgr;: when executing <link linkend="repmgr-standby-switchover"><command>repmgr standby switchover</command></link>,
737              ignore nodes which are unreachable and marked as inactive.
738              Previously it would abort if any node was unreachable,
739              as that means it was unable to check if repmgrd is running.
740            </para>
741            <para>
742              However if the node has been marked as inactive in the repmgr metadata, it's
743              reasonable to assume the node is no longer part of the replication cluster
744              and does not need to be checked.
745            </para>
746          </listitem>
748          <listitem>
749            <para>
750              <link linkend="repmgr-standby-switchover"><command>repmgr standby switchover</command></link>
751              and <link linkend="repmgr-standby-promote"><command>repmgr standby promote</command></link>:
752              when executing with the <option>--dry-run</option> option, continue checks as far as possible
753              even if errors are encountered.
754            </para>
755          </listitem>
757          <listitem>
758            <para>
759              <link linkend="repmgr-standby-promote"><command>repmgr standby promote</command></link>:
760              add <option>--siblings-follow</option> (similar to
761              <link linkend="repmgr-standby-switchover"><command>repmgr standby switchover</command></link>).
762            </para>
763            <note>
764              <para>
765                If using &repmgrd;, when invoking
766                <command>repmgr standby promote</command> (either directly via
767                the <option>promote_command</option>, or in a script called
768                via <option>promote_command</option>), <option>--siblings-follow</option>
769                <emphasis>must not</emphasis> be included as a
770                command line option for <link linkend="repmgr-standby-promote"><command>repmgr standby promote</command></link>.
771              </para>
772            </note>
773          </listitem>
775          <listitem>
776            <para>
777              <link linkend="repmgr-standby-switchover"><command>repmgr standby switchover</command></link>:
778              add <option>--repmgrd-force-unpause</option> to unpause all &repmgrd; instances after executing a switchover.
779              This will ensure that any &repmgrd; instances which were paused before the switchover will be
780              unpaused.
781            </para>
782          </listitem>
784          <listitem>
785            <para>
786              <link linkend="repmgr-service-status"><command>repmgr daemon status</command></link>:
787              make output similar to that of
788              <link linkend="repmgr-cluster-show"><command>repmgr cluster show</command></link>
789              for consistency and to make it easier to identify nodes not in the expected
790              state.
791            </para>
792          </listitem>
794          <listitem>
795            <para>
796              <link linkend="repmgr-cluster-show"><command>repmgr cluster show</command></link>:
797              display each node's timeline ID (PostgreSQL 9.6 and later only).
798            </para>
799          </listitem>
801          <listitem>
802            <para>
803              <link linkend="repmgr-cluster-show"><command>repmgr cluster show</command></link>
804              and <link linkend="repmgr-service-status"><command>repmgr daemon status</command></link>:
805              show the upstream node name as reported by each individual node - this helps visualise
806              situations where the cluster is in an unexpected state, and provide a better idea of the
807              actual cluster state.
808            </para>
809            <para>
810              For example, if a cluster has divided somehow and a set of nodes are
811              following a new primary, when running either of these commands, &repmgr;
812              will now show the name of the primary those nodes are actually
813              following, rather than the now outdated node name recorded
814              on the other side of the &quot;split&quot;. A warning will also be issued
815              about the unexpected situation.
816            </para>
817          </listitem>
819          <listitem>
820            <para>
821              <link linkend="repmgr-cluster-show"><command>repmgr cluster show</command></link>
822              and <link linkend="repmgr-service-status"><command>repmgr daemon status</command></link>:
823              check if a node is attached to its advertised upstream node, and issue a
824              warning if the node is not attached.
825            </para>
826          </listitem>
828        </itemizedlist>
829      </para>
830    </sect2>
832    <sect2>
833      <title>repmgrd enhancements</title>
834      <para>
835        <itemizedlist>
837          <listitem>
838            <para>
839              On the primary node, &repmgrd; is now able to monitor standby connections and,
840              if the number of nodes connected falls below a certain (configurable) value,
841              execute a custom script.
842            </para>
843            <para>
844              This provided an additional method for fencing an isolated primary node, and/or taking
845              other action if one or more standys become disconnected.
846            </para>
847            <para>
848              See section <link linkend="repmgrd-primary-child-disconnection">Monitoring standby disconnections on the primary node</link>
849              for more details.
850            </para>
851          </listitem>
853          <listitem>
854            <para>
855              In a failover situation, &repmgrd; nodes on the standbys of the failed primary
856              are now able confirm among themselves that none can still see the primary
857              before continuing with the failover.
858            </para>
859            <para>
860              The <filename>repmgr.conf</filename> option <option>primary_visibility_consensus</option> must
861              be set to <literal>true</literal> to enable this functionality.
862            </para>
863            <para>
864              See section <xref linkend="repmgrd-primary-visibility-consensus"/>
865              for more details.
866            </para>
867          </listitem>
868        </itemizedlist>
869      </para>
870    </sect2>
872    <sect2>
873      <title>Bug fixes</title>
874      <para>
875        <itemizedlist>
876          <listitem>
877            <para>
878              Ensure BDR2-specific functionality cannot be used on BDR3 and later.
879            </para>
880            <para>
881              The BDR support present in &repmgr; is for specific BDR2 use cases.
882            </para>
883          </listitem>
885          <listitem>
886            <para>
887              &repmgr;: when executing <link linkend="repmgr-standby-clone"><command>repmgr standby clone</command></link>
888              in <option>--dry-run</option> mode, ensure provision of the <option>--force</option> option
889              does not result in an existing data directory being modified in any way.
890            </para>
891          </listitem>
893          <listitem>
894            <para>
895              &repmgr;: when executing <link linkend="repmgr-primary-register"><command>repmgr primary register</command></link>
896              with the <option>--force</option> option, if another primary record exists but the associated node is
897              unreachable (or running as a standby), set that node's record to inactive to enable the current node
898              to be registered as a primary.
899            </para>
900          </listitem>
902          <listitem>
903            <para>
904              &repmgr;: when executing <link linkend="repmgr-standby-clone"><command>repmgr standby clone</command></link>
905              with the <option>--upstream-conninfo</option>, ensure that <varname>application_name</varname>
906              is set correctly in <varname>primary_conninfo</varname>.
907            </para>
908          </listitem>
910          <listitem>
911            <para>
912              &repmgr;: when executing <link linkend="repmgr-standby-switchover"><command>repmgr standby switchover</command></link>,
913              don't abort if one or more nodes are not reachable <emphasis>and</emphasis>
914              they are marked as inactive.
915            </para>
916          </listitem>
918          <listitem>
919            <para>
920              &repmgr;: canonicalize the data directory path when parsing the configuration file, so
921              the provided path matches the path PostgreSQL reports as its data directory.
922              Otherwise, if e.g. the data directory is configured with a trailing slash,
923              <link linkend="repmgr-node-check"><command>repmgr node check --data-directory-config</command></link>
924              will return a spurious error.
925            </para>
926          </listitem>
928          <listitem>
929            <para>
930              &repmgrd;: fix memory leak which occurs while the monitored PostgreSQL node is <emphasis>not</emphasis>
931              running.
932            </para>
933          </listitem>
935        </itemizedlist>
936      </para>
937    </sect2>
940   <sect2>
941      <title>Other</title>
942      <para>
943        <itemizedlist>
944          <listitem>
945            <para>
946              The &repmgr; documentation has been converted to DocBook XML format,
947              as currently used by the main PostgreSQL project.
948              This means it can now be built against any PostgreSQL version from 9.5
949              (previously it was not possible to build the documentation against
950              PostgreSQL 10 or later), and makes it easier to provide the documentation
951              in other formats such as PDF.
952            </para>
953            <para>
954              For further details see: <xref linkend="installation-build-repmgr-docs"/>
955            </para>
956          </listitem>
957        </itemizedlist>
958      </para>
959   </sect2>
960  </sect1>
963  <sect1 id="release-4.3">
964    <title>Release 4.3</title>
965    <para><emphasis>Tue April 2, 2019</emphasis></para>
966    <para>
967      &repmgr; 4.3 is a major release.
968    </para>
969    <para>
970      For details on how to upgrade an existing &repmgr; installation, see
971      documentation section <link linkend="upgrading-major-version">Upgrading a major version release</link>.
972    </para>
973    <para>
974      If &repmgrd; is in use, a PostgreSQL restart <emphasis>is</emphasis> required;
975      in that case we suggest combining this &repmgr; upgrade with the next PostgreSQL
976      minor release, which will require a PostgreSQL restart in any case.
977    </para>
980    <important>
981      <para>
982        On Debian-based systems, including Ubuntu, if using &repmgrd;
983        please ensure that in the file <filename>/etc/init.d/repmgrd</filename>, the parameter
984        <varname>REPMGRD_OPTS</varname> contains &quot;<literal>--daemonize=false</literal>&quot;, e.g.:
985        <programlisting>
986# additional options
988      </para>
989      <para>
990        For further details, see <link linkend="repmgrd-configuration-debian-ubuntu">repmgrd configuration on Debian/Ubuntu</link>.
991      </para>
992    </important>
994    <sect2>
995      <title>repmgr client enhancements</title>
996      <para>
997        <itemizedlist>
999          <listitem>
1000            <para>
1001              <link linkend="repmgr-standby-follow"><command>repmgr standby follow</command></link>:
1002              option <option>--upstream-node-id</option> can now be used to specify another standby
1003              to follow.
1004            </para>
1005          </listitem>
1007          <listitem>
1008            <para>
1009              <link linkend="repmgr-standby-follow"><command>repmgr standby follow</command></link>:
1010              verify that it is actually possible to follow another node.
1011            </para>
1012          </listitem>
1014          <listitem>
1015            <para>
1016              <link linkend="repmgr-node-rejoin"><command>repmgr node rejoin</command></link>:
1017              verify that it is actually possible to attach the node to the current primary.
1018            </para>
1019          </listitem>
1021          <listitem>
1022            <para>
1023              New commands <link linkend="repmgr-daemon-start"><command>repmgr daemon start</command></link> and
1024              <link linkend="repmgr-daemon-stop"><command>repmgr daemon stop</command></link>:
1025              these provide a standardized way of starting and stopping &repmgrd;.
1026              GitHub #528.
1027            </para>
1028            <note>
1029              <para>
1030                These commands require the configuration file settings
1031                <varname>repmgrd_service_start_command</varname> and <varname>repmgrd_service_stop_command</varname>
1032                in <filename>repmgr.conf</filename> to be set.
1033              </para>
1034            </note>
1035          </listitem>
1037          <listitem>
1038            <para>
1039              <link linkend="repmgr-service-status"><command>repmgr daemon status</command></link>
1040              additionally displays the node priority and the interval (in seconds) since the
1041              &repmgrd; instance last verified its upstream node was available.
1042            </para>
1043          </listitem>
1045          <listitem>
1046            <para>
1047              Add <option>--compact</option> option to <command><link linkend="repmgr-cluster-show">repmgr cluster show</link></command> (GitHub #521).
1048            </para>
1049            <para>
1050              This makes it easier to copy the output into emails, chats etc. as a compact table.
1051            </para>
1052          </listitem>
1054          <listitem>
1055            <para>
1056              <command><link linkend="repmgr-cluster-show">repmgr cluster show</link></command>:
1057          differentiate between unreachable nodes and nodes which are running but rejecting connections.
1058            </para>
1059            <para>
1060          This makes it possible to see whether a node is unreachable at network level,
1061          or if it is running but rejecting connections for some reason.
1062            </para>
1063          </listitem>
1066          <listitem>
1067            <para>
1068              Add <option>--dry-run</option> to <command><link linkend="repmgr-standby-promote">repmgr standby promote</link></command> (GitHub #522).
1069            </para>
1070          </listitem>
1072          <listitem>
1073            <para>
1074              <command>repmgr --version-number</command> outputs the &quot;raw&quot;
1075              repmgr version number (e.g. <literal>40300</literal>). This is intended
1076              for use by scripts etc. requiring an easily parseable representation
1077              of the &repmgr; version.
1078            </para>
1079          </listitem>
1081          <listitem>
1082            <para>
1083              <link linkend="repmgr-node-check"><command>repmgr node check --data-directory-config</command></link>
1084              option added; this is to confirm &repmgr; is correctly configured. GitHub #523.
1085            </para>
1086          </listitem>
1088          <listitem>
1089            <para>
1090              Add check to <link linkend="repmgr-standby-switchover"><command>repmgr standby switchover</command></link>
1091              to ensure the data directory on the demotion candidate is configured correctly in <filename>repmgr.conf</filename>.
1092              This is to ensure that &repmgr;, when remotely executed on the demotion candidate, can correctly verify
1093              that PostgreSQL on the demotion candidate was shut down cleanly. GitHub #523.
1094            </para>
1095          </listitem>
1098       </itemizedlist>
1099      </para>
1100    </sect2>
1102    <sect2>
1103      <title>repmgrd enhancements</title>
1104      <para>
1105        <itemizedlist>
1107          <listitem>
1108            <para>
1109              &repmgrd; will no longer consider nodes where &repmgrd;
1110              is not running as promotion candidates.
1111            </para>
1112            <para>
1113              Previously, if &repmgrd; was not running on a node, but
1114              that node qualified as the promotion candidate, it would never be promoted due to
1115              the absence of a running &repmgrd;.
1116            </para>
1117          </listitem>
1119          <listitem>
1120            <para>
1121              Add option <option>connection_check_type</option> to enable selection of the method
1122              &repmgrd; uses to determine whether the upstream node is available.
1123            </para>
1124            <para>
1125              Possible values are <literal>ping</literal> (default; uses <command>PQping()</command> to
1126              determine server availability), <literal>connection</literal> (attempst to make a new connection to
1127              the upstream node), and <literal>query</literal> (determines server availability
1128              by executing an SQL statement on the node via the existing connection).
1129            </para>
1130          </listitem>
1132          <listitem>
1133            <para>
1134              New configuration option <link linkend="repmgrd-failover-validation"><option>failover_validation_command</option></link>
1135              to allow an external mechanism to validate the failover decision made by &repmgrd;.
1136            </para>
1137          </listitem>
1139         <listitem>
1140            <para>
1141              New configuration option <link linkend="repmgrd-standby-disconnection-on-failover"><option>standby_disconnect_on_failover</option></link>
1142              to force standbys to disconnect their WAL receivers before making a failover decision.
1143            </para>
1144          </listitem>
1146         <listitem>
1147            <para>
1148              In a failover situation, &repmgrd; will not attempt to promote a
1149              node if another primary has already appeared (e.g. by being promoted manually).
1150              GitHub #420.
1151            </para>
1152          </listitem>
1154        </itemizedlist>
1155      </para>
1156    </sect2>
1158    <sect2>
1159      <title>Bug fixes</title>
1160      <para>
1161        <itemizedlist>
1163          <listitem>
1164            <para>
1165              <command><link linkend="repmgr-cluster-show">repmgr cluster show</link></command>:
1166              fix display of node IDs with multiple digits.
1167            </para>
1168          </listitem>
1170          <listitem>
1171            <para>
1172              ensure <command><link linkend="repmgr-primary-unregister">repmgr primary unregister</link></command>
1173              behaves correctly when executed on a witness server. GitHub #548.
1174            </para>
1175          </listitem>
1177          <listitem>
1178            <para>
1179              ensure <command><link linkend="repmgr-standby-register">repmgr standby register</link></command>
1180              fails when <option>--upstream-node-id</option> is the same as the local node ID.
1181            </para>
1182          </listitem>
1184          <listitem>
1185            <para>
1186              &repmgr;: when executing <link linkend="repmgr-standby-clone"><command>repmgr standby clone</command></link>,
1187              recheck primary/upstream connection(s) after the data copy operation is complete, as these may
1188              have gone away.
1189            </para>
1190          </listitem>
1192          <listitem>
1193            <para>
1194              &repmgr;: when executing <command><link linkend="repmgr-standby-switchover">repmgr standby switchover</link></command>,
1195              prevent escaping issues with connection URIs when executing <command><link linkend="repmgr-node-rejoin">repmgr node rejoin</link></command>
1196              on the demotion candidate. GitHub #525.
1197            </para>
1198          </listitem>
1200          <listitem>
1201            <para>
1202              &repmgr;: when executing <link linkend="repmgr-standby-switchover"><command>repmgr standby switchover</command></link>,
1203              verify the standby (promotion candidate) is currently attached to the primary (demotion candidate). GitHub #519.
1204            </para>
1205          </listitem>
1207         <listitem>
1208            <para>
1209              &repmgr;: when executing <link linkend="repmgr-standby-switchover"><command>repmgr standby switchover</command></link>,
1210              avoid a potential race condition when comparing received WAL on the standby to the primary's shutdown location,
1211              as the standby's walreceiver may not have yet flushed all received WAL to disk. GitHub #518.
1212            </para>
1213          </listitem>
1215          <listitem>
1216            <para>
1217              &repmgr;: when executing <command><link linkend="repmgr-witness-register">repmgr witness register</link></command>,
1218              check the node to connected is actually the primary (i.e. not the witness server).  GitHub #528.
1219            </para>
1220          </listitem>
1222          <listitem>
1223            <para>
1224              <command><link linkend="repmgr-node-check">repmgr node check</link></command>
1225              will only consider physical replication slots, as the purpose
1226              of slot checks is to warn about potential issues with
1227              streaming replication standbys which are no longer attached.
1228            </para>
1229          </listitem>
1231          <listitem>
1232            <para>
1233              &repmgrd;: on a cascaded standby, don't fail over if
1234              <literal>failover=manual</literal>. GitHub #531.
1235            </para>
1236          </listitem>
1238        </itemizedlist>
1239      </para>
1240    </sect2>
1242  </sect1>
1244  <sect1 id="release-4.2">
1245    <title>Release 4.2</title>
1246    <para><emphasis>Wed October 24, 2018</emphasis></para>
1248    <para>
1249      &repmgr; 4.2 is a major release, with the main new feature being the
1250      ability to <link linkend="repmgrd-pausing">pause repmgrd</link>, e.g. during planned maintenance
1251      operations. Various other usability enhancements and a couple of bug fixes are also included;
1252      see notes below for details.
1253    </para>
1254    <para>
1255      A restart of the PostgreSQL server <emphasis>is</emphasis> required
1256      for this release. For detailed upgrade instructions, see
1257      <link linkend="upgrading-major-version">Upgrading a major version release</link>.
1258    </para>
1260    <important>
1261      <para>
1262        On Debian-based systems, including Ubuntu, if using &repmgrd;
1263        please ensure that the in the file <filename>/etc/init.d/repmgrd</filename>, the parameter
1264        <varname>REPMGRD_OPTS</varname> contains &quot;<literal>--daemonize=false</literal>&quot;, e.g.:
1265        <programlisting>
1266# additional options
1268      </para>
1269      <para>
1270        For further details, see <link linkend="repmgrd-configuration-debian-ubuntu">repmgrd daemon configuration on Debian/Ubuntu</link>.
1271      </para>
1272    </important>
1274    <sect2>
1275      <title>Configuration file changes</title>
1276      <para>
1277        <itemizedlist>
1278          <listitem>
1279            <para>
1280              New parameter <varname>shutdown_check_timeout</varname> (default: 60 seconds) added;
1281              this provides an explicit timeout for
1282              <command><link linkend="repmgr-standby-switchover">repmgr standby switchover</link></command>
1283              to check that the demotion candidate (current primary) has shut down. Previously, the parameters
1284              <literal>reconnect_attempts</literal> and <literal>reconnect_interval</literal>
1285              were used to calculate a timeout, but these are actually
1286              intended for primary failure detection. (GitHub #504).
1287            </para>
1288          </listitem>
1289        </itemizedlist>
1291        <itemizedlist>
1292          <listitem>
1293            <para>
1294              New parameter <varname>repmgr_bindir</varname> added, to facilitate remote invocation of repmgr
1295              when the repmgr binary is located somewhere other than the PostgreSQL binary directory, as it
1296              cannot be assumed all package maintainers will install &repmgr; there.
1297            </para>
1298            <para>
1299              This parameter is optional; if not set (the default), &repmgr; will fall back
1300              to <option>pg_bindir</option> (if set).
1301            </para>
1302            <para>
1303              (GitHub #246).
1304            </para>
1305          </listitem>
1306        </itemizedlist>
1307      </para>
1309    </sect2>
1311    <sect2>
1312      <title>repmgr enhancements</title>
1313      <para>
1314       <itemizedlist>
1316          <listitem>
1317            <para>
1318              <command><link linkend="repmgr-cluster-cleanup">repmgr cluster cleanup</link></command>
1319              now accepts the <option>--node-id</option> option to delete records for only one
1320              node. (GitHub #493).
1321            </para>
1322          </listitem>
1324          <listitem>
1325            <para>
1326              When running
1327              <command><link linkend="repmgr-cluster-matrix">repmgr cluster matrix</link></command> and
1328              <command><link linkend="repmgr-cluster-crosscheck">repmgr cluster crosscheck</link></command>,
1329              &repmgr; will report nodes unreachable via SSH, and emit return code <literal>ERR_BAD_SSH</literal>.
1330              (GitHub #246).
1331            </para>
1332            <note>
1333              <para>
1334                Users relying on
1335                <command><link linkend="repmgr-cluster-crosscheck">repmgr cluster crosscheck</link></command>
1336                to return a non-zero return code as a way of detecting connectivity errors should be aware
1337                that <literal>ERR_BAD_SSH</literal> will be returned if there is an SSH connection error
1338                from the node where the command is executed, even if the command is able to establish
1339                that PostgreSQL connectivity is fine. Therefore the exact return code should be checked
1340                to determine what kind of connectivity error has been detected.
1341              </para>
1342            </note>
1343          </listitem>
1345        </itemizedlist>
1346      </para>
1347    </sect2>
1350    <sect2>
1351      <title>repmgrd enhancements</title>
1352      <para>
1353       <itemizedlist>
1355          <listitem>
1356            <para>
1357              &repmgrd; can now be &quot;paused&quot;, i.e. instructed
1358              not to take any action such as a failover, even if the prerequisites for such an
1359              action are detected.
1360            </para>
1361            <para>
1362              This removes the need to stop &repmgrd; on all nodes when
1363              performing a planned operation such as a switchover.
1364            </para>
1365            <para>
1366              For further details, see <link linkend="repmgrd-pausing">Pausing repmgrd</link>.
1367            </para>
1368          </listitem>
1370       </itemizedlist>
1371      </para>
1372    </sect2>
1374    <sect2>
1375      <title>Bug fixes</title>
1376      <para>
1377        <itemizedlist>
1379          <listitem>
1380            <para>
1381              &repmgr;: fix &quot;Missing replication slots&quot; label in
1382              <command><link linkend="repmgr-node-check">repmgr node check</link></command>.  (GitHub #507)
1383            </para>
1384          </listitem>
1386          <listitem>
1387            <para>
1388              &repmgrd;: fix parsing of <option>-d/--daemonize</option> option.
1389            </para>
1390          </listitem>
1392        </itemizedlist>
1393      </para>
1394    </sect2>
1395  </sect1>
1397  <sect1 id="release-4.1.1">
1398    <title>Release 4.1.1</title>
1399    <para><emphasis>Wed September 5, 2018</emphasis></para>
1400    <para>
1401      repmgr 4.1.1 contains a number of usability enhancements and bug fixes.
1402    </para>
1403    <para>
1404      We recommend upgrading to this version as soon as possible.
1405      This release can be installed as a simple package upgrade from repmgr 4.0 ~ 4.1.0;
1406      &repmgrd; (if running) should be restarted.
1407      See <xref linkend="upgrading-repmgr"/> for more details.
1408    </para>
1410    <sect2>
1411      <title>repmgr enhancements</title>
1412      <para>
1413        <itemizedlist>
1415          <listitem>
1416            <para>
1417              <command><link linkend="repmgr-standby-switchover">repmgr standby switchover --dry-run</link></command>
1418              no longer copies external configuration files to test they can be copied; this avoids making
1419              any changes to the target system. (GitHub #491).
1420            </para>
1421          </listitem>
1423          <listitem>
1424            <para>
1425              <command><link linkend="repmgr-cluster-cleanup">repmgr cluster cleanup</link></command>:
1426              add <literal>cluster_cleanup</literal> event. (GitHub #492).
1427            </para>
1428          </listitem>
1430          <listitem>
1431            <para>
1432              <command><link linkend="repmgr-standby-switchover">repmgr standby switchover</link></command>:
1433              improve detection of free walsenders. (GitHub #495).
1434            </para>
1435          </listitem>
1437          <listitem>
1438            <para>
1439              Improve messages emitted during
1440              <command><link linkend="repmgr-standby-promote">repmgr standby promote</link></command>.
1441            </para>
1442          </listitem>
1444        </itemizedlist>
1445      </para>
1446   </sect2>
1449    <sect2>
1450      <title>repmgrd enhancements</title>
1451      <para>
1452        <itemizedlist>
1454          <listitem>
1455            <para>
1456              Always reopen the log file after
1457              receiving <literal>SIGHUP</literal>. Previously this only happened if
1458              a configuration file change was detected.
1459              (GitHub #485).
1460            </para>
1461          </listitem>
1463          <listitem>
1464            <para>
1465              Report version number <emphasis>after</emphasis>
1466              logger initialisation. (GitHub #487).
1467            </para>
1468          </listitem>
1470          <listitem>
1471            <para>
1472              Improve cascaded standby failover handling. (GitHub #480).
1473            </para>
1474          </listitem>
1476          <listitem>
1477            <para>
1478              Improve reconnection handling after brief network outages; if
1479              monitoring data being collected, this could lead to orphaned
1480              sessions on the primary. (GitHub #480).
1481            </para>
1482          </listitem>
1484          <listitem>
1485            <para>
1486              Check <varname>promote_command</varname> and <varname>follow_command</varname>
1487              are defined when reloading configuration. These were checked on startup but
1488              not reload by &repmgrd;, which made it possible to
1489              make &repmgrd; with invalid values. It's unlikely
1490              anyone would want to do this, but we should make it impossible anyway.
1491              (GitHub #486).
1492            </para>
1493          </listitem>
1495        </itemizedlist>
1496      </para>
1497    </sect2>
1499    <sect2>
1500      <title>Other</title>
1501      <para>
1502        <itemizedlist>
1504          <listitem>
1505            <para>
1506              Text of any failed queries will now be logged as <literal>ERROR</literal> to assist
1507              logfile analysis at log levels higher than <literal>DEBUG</literal>.
1508              (GitHub #498).
1509            </para>
1510          </listitem>
1511        </itemizedlist>
1512      </para>
1513    </sect2>
1515    <sect2>
1516      <title>Bug fixes</title>
1517      <para>
1518        <itemizedlist>
1520          <listitem>
1521            <para>
1522              <command><link linkend="repmgr-node-rejoin">repmgr node rejoin</link></command>:
1523              remove new upstream's replication slot if it still exists on the rejoined
1524              standby. (GitHub #499).
1525            </para>
1526          </listitem>
1528          <listitem>
1529            <para>
1530              &repmgrd;: fix startup on witness node when local data is stale. (GitHub #488, #489).
1531            </para>
1532          </listitem>
1534          <listitem>
1535            <para>
1536              Truncate version string reported by PostgreSQL if necessary; some
1537              distributions insert additional detail after the actual version.
1538              (GitHub #490).
1539            </para>
1540          </listitem>
1543        </itemizedlist>
1544      </para>
1545    </sect2>
1548  </sect1>
1552  <sect1 id="release-4.1.0">
1553    <title>Release 4.1.0</title>
1554    <para><emphasis>Tue July 31, 2018</emphasis></para>
1555    <para>
1556      &repmgr; 4.1.0 introduces some changes to &repmgrd;
1557      behaviour and some additional configuration parameters.
1558    </para>
1559    <para>
1560      This release can be installed as a simple package upgrade from repmgr 4.0 ~ 4.0.6.
1561      The following post-upgrade steps must be carried out:
1563       <itemizedlist>
1564          <listitem>
1565            <para>
1566              Execute <command>ALTER EXTENSION repmgr UPDATE</command>
1567              on the primary server in the database where &repmgr; is installed.
1568            </para>
1569          </listitem>
1570          <listitem>
1571            <para>
1572              &repmgrd; must be restarted on all nodes where it is running.
1573            </para>
1574          </listitem>
1576       </itemizedlist>
1578       A restart of the PostgreSQL server is <emphasis>not</emphasis> required
1579       for this release (unless upgrading from repmgr 3.x).
1580    </para>
1581    <para>
1582       See <xref linkend="upgrading-repmgr-extension"/> for more details.
1583    </para>
1585    <para>
1586      Configuration changes are backwards-compatible and no changes to
1587      <filename>repmgr.conf</filename> are required. However users should
1588      review the changes listed below.
1589    </para>
1591    <note>
1592      <para>
1593        <emphasis>Repository changes</emphasis>
1594      </para>
1595      <para>
1596        Coinciding with this release, the 2ndQuadrant repository structure has changed.
1597        See section <xref linkend="installation-packages"/> for details, particularly
1598        if you are using a RPM-based system.
1599      </para>
1600    </note>
1602    <sect2>
1603      <title>Configuration file changes</title>
1605      <para>
1606        <itemizedlist>
1608          <listitem>
1609            <para>
1610              Default for <xref linkend="repmgr-conf-log-level"/> is now <option>INFO</option>.
1611              This produces additional informative log output, without creating excessive additional
1612              log file volume, and matches the setting assumed for examples in the documentation.
1613              (GitHub #470).
1614            </para>
1615          </listitem>
1617          <listitem>
1618            <para>
1619              <varname>recovery_min_apply_delay</varname> now accepts a minimum value
1620              of <literal>zero</literal> (GitHub #448).
1621            </para>
1622          </listitem>
1624        </itemizedlist>
1625      </para>
1627    </sect2>
1630    <sect2>
1631      <title>repmgr enhancements</title>
1632      <para>
1633        <itemizedlist>
1635          <listitem>
1636            <para>
1637              <application>repmgr</application>: always exit with an error if an unrecognised
1638              command line option is provided. This matches the behaviour of other PostgreSQL
1639              utilities such as <application>psql</application>. (GitHub #464).
1640            </para>
1641          </listitem>
1643          <listitem>
1644            <para>
1645              <application>repmgr</application>: add <option>-q/--quiet</option> option to suppress non-error
1646              output. (GitHub #468).
1647            </para>
1648          </listitem>
1650          <listitem>
1651            <para>
1652              <command><link linkend="repmgr-cluster-show">repmgr cluster show</link></command>,
1653              <command><link linkend="repmgr-node-check">repmgr node check</link></command> and
1654              <command><link linkend="repmgr-node-status">repmgr node status</link></command>
1655              return non-zero exit code if node status issues detected. (GitHub #456).
1656            </para>
1657          </listitem>
1659          <listitem>
1660            <para>
1661              Add <option>--csv</option> output option for
1662              <command><link linkend="repmgr-cluster-event">repmgr cluster event</link></command>.
1663              (GitHub #471).
1664            </para>
1665          </listitem>
1667          <listitem>
1668            <para>
1669              <command><link linkend="repmgr-witness-unregister">repmgr witness unregister</link></command>
1670              can be run on any node, by providing the ID of the witness node with <option>--node-id</option>.
1671              (GitHub #472).
1672            </para>
1673          </listitem>
1675          <listitem>
1676            <para>
1677              <command><link linkend="repmgr-standby-switchover">repmgr standby switchover</link></command>
1678              will refuse to run if an exclusive backup is taking place on the current primary.
1679              (GitHub #476).
1680            </para>
1681          </listitem>
1683        </itemizedlist>
1684      </para>
1685    </sect2>
1687    <sect2>
1688      <title>repmgrd enhancements</title>
1689      <para>
1690        <itemizedlist>
1692          <listitem>
1693            <para>
1694              &repmgrd;: create a PID file by default
1695              (GitHub #457). For details, see <xref linkend="repmgrd-pid-file"/>.
1696            </para>
1697          </listitem>
1699          <listitem>
1700            <para>
1701              &repmgrd;: daemonize process by default.
1702              In case, for whatever reason, the user does not wish to daemonize the
1703              process, provide <option>--daemonize=false</option>.
1704              (GitHub #458).
1705            </para>
1706          </listitem>
1709        </itemizedlist>
1710      </para>
1711    </sect2>
1714    <sect2>
1715      <title>Bug fixes</title>
1716      <para>
1717        <itemizedlist>
1719          <listitem>
1720            <para>
1721              <command><link linkend="repmgr-standby-register">repmgr standby register --wait-sync</link></command>:
1722              fix behaviour when no timeout provided.
1723            </para>
1724          </listitem>
1726          <listitem>
1727            <para>
1728              <command><link linkend="repmgr-cluster-cleanup">repmgr cluster cleanup</link></command>:
1729              add missing help options. (GitHub #461/#462).
1730            </para>
1731          </listitem>
1733          <listitem>
1734            <para>
1735              Ensure witness node follows new primary after switchover. (GitHub #453).
1736            </para>
1737          </listitem>
1739          <listitem>
1740            <para>
1741              <command><link linkend="repmgr-node-check">repmgr node check</link></command> and
1742              <command><link linkend="repmgr-node-status">repmgr node status</link></command>:
1743              fix witness node handling. (GitHub #451).
1744            </para>
1745          </listitem>
1747          <listitem>
1748            <para>
1749              When using <command><link linkend="repmgr-standby-clone">repmgr standby clone</link></command>
1750              with <option>--recovery-conf-only</option> and replication slots, ensure
1751              <varname>primary_slot_name</varname> is set correctly. (GitHub #474).
1752            </para>
1753          </listitem>
1755        </itemizedlist>
1756      </para>
1757    </sect2>
1759  </sect1>
1761  <sect1 id="release-4.0.6">
1762    <title>Release 4.0.6</title>
1763    <para><emphasis>Thu June 14, 2018</emphasis></para>
1764    <para>
1765      &repmgr; 4.0.6 contains a number of bug fixes and usability enhancements.
1766    </para>
1767    <para>
1768      We recommend upgrading to this version as soon as possible.
1769      This release can be installed as a simple package upgrade from repmgr 4.0 ~ 4.0.5;
1770      &repmgrd; (if running) should be restarted. See <xref linkend="upgrading-repmgr"/>
1771      for more details.
1772    </para>
1774    <sect2>
1775      <title>Usability enhancements</title>
1777      <para>
1778        <itemizedlist>
1779          <listitem>
1780            <para>
1781              <command><link linkend="repmgr-cluster-crosscheck">repmgr cluster crosscheck</link></command> and
1782              <command><link linkend="repmgr-cluster-matrix">repmgr cluster matrix</link></command>:
1783              return non-zero exit code if node connection issues detected (GitHub #447)
1784            </para>
1785          </listitem>
1787          <listitem>
1788            <para>
1789               <command><link linkend="repmgr-standby-clone">repmgr standby clone</link></command>:
1790               Improve handling of external configuration file copying,  including consideration in
1791               <option>--dry-run</option> check
1792               (GitHub #443)
1793           </para>
1794          </listitem>
1796          <listitem>
1797            <para>
1798              When using <option>--dry-run</option>, force log level to <literal>INFO</literal>
1799              to ensure output will always be displayed
1800              (GitHub #441)
1801           </para>
1802          </listitem>
1804          <listitem>
1805            <para>
1806               <command><link linkend="repmgr-standby-clone">repmgr standby clone</link></command>:
1807               Improve documentation of <option>--recovery-conf-only</option> mode
1808               (GitHub #438)
1809           </para>
1810          </listitem>
1812          <listitem>
1813            <para>
1814               <command><link linkend="repmgr-standby-clone">repmgr standby clone</link></command>:
1815               Don't require presence of <varname>user</varname> parameter in conninfo string
1816               (GitHub #437)
1817           </para>
1818          </listitem>
1821        </itemizedlist>
1822      </para>
1823    </sect2>
1825    <sect2>
1826      <title>Bug fixes</title>
1827      <para>
1829        <itemizedlist>
1831          <listitem>
1832            <para>
1833              <command><link linkend="repmgr-witness-register">repmgr witness register</link></command>:
1834              prevent registration of a witness server with the same name as an existing node
1835           </para>
1836          </listitem>
1839          <listitem>
1840            <para>
1841               <command><link linkend="repmgr-standby-follow">repmgr standby follow</link></command>:
1842               check node has actually connected to new primary before reporting success
1843               (GitHub #444)
1844           </para>
1845          </listitem>
1847          <listitem>
1848            <para>
1849               <command><link linkend="repmgr-node-rejoin">repmgr node rejoin</link></command>:
1850               Fix bug when parsing <option>--config-files</option> parameter
1851               (GitHub #442)
1852           </para>
1853          </listitem>
1855          <listitem>
1856            <para>
1857              &repmgrd;: ensure local node is counted as quorum member
1858              (GitHub #439)
1859           </para>
1860          </listitem>
1862        </itemizedlist>
1863      </para>
1864    </sect2>
1866  </sect1>
1868  <sect1 id="release-4.0.5">
1869    <title>Release 4.0.5</title>
1870    <para><emphasis>Wed May 2, 2018</emphasis></para>
1871    <para>
1872      &repmgr; 4.0.5 contains a number of usability enhancements related to
1873      <application>pg_rewind</application> usage, <filename>recovery.conf</filename>
1874      generation and (in &repmgrd;) handling of various
1875      corner-case situations, as well as a number of bug fixes.
1876    </para>
1878    <sect2>
1879      <title>Usability enhancements</title>
1881      <para>
1882        <itemizedlist>
1883          <listitem>
1884            <para>
1885              Various documentation improvements, with particular emphasis on
1886              the importance of setting appropriate <link linkend="configuration-file-service-commands">service commands</link>
1887              instead of relying on <application>pg_ctl</application>.
1888            </para>
1889          </listitem>
1891          <listitem>
1892            <para>
1893              Poll demoted primary after restart as a standby during a switchover operation (GitHub #408).
1894            </para>
1895          </listitem>
1897          <listitem>
1898            <para>
1899              Add configuration parameter <option>config_directory</option> (GitHub #424).
1900            </para>
1901          </listitem>
1903          <listitem>
1904            <para>
1905              Add sanity check if <option>--upstream-node-id</option> not supplied when executing
1906              <xref linkend="repmgr-standby-register"/> (GitHub #395).
1907            </para>
1908          </listitem>
1910          <listitem>
1911            <para>
1912              Enable <link linkend="repmgr-node-rejoin-pg-rewind">pg_rewind</link> to be used with
1913              PostgreSQL 9.3/9.4 (GitHub #413).
1914            </para>
1915          </listitem>
1917          <listitem>
1918            <para>
1919              When generating replication connection strings, set <literal>dbname=replication</literal>
1920              if appropriate (GitHub #421).
1921            </para>
1922          </listitem>
1924          <listitem>
1925            <para>
1926              Enable provision of <option>archive_cleanup_command</option> in <filename>recovery.conf</filename>
1927              (GitHub #416).
1928            </para>
1929          </listitem>
1931          <listitem>
1932            <para>
1933              Actively check for node to <link linkend="repmgr-node-rejoin">rejoin</link> cluster (GitHub #415).
1934            </para>
1935          </listitem>
1937          <listitem>
1938            <para>
1939              &repmgrd;: set <literal>connect_timeout=2</literal> (if not explicitly set)
1940              when pinging a server.
1941           </para>
1942          </listitem>
1944        </itemizedlist>
1945      </para>
1947    </sect2>
1949   <sect2>
1950      <title>Bug fixes</title>
1951      <para>
1953        <itemizedlist>
1955          <listitem>
1956            <para>
1957              Fix display of conninfo parsing error messages.
1958           </para>
1959          </listitem>
1962          <listitem>
1963            <para>
1964              Fix minimum accepted value for <varname>degraded_monitoring_timeout</varname> (GitHub #411).
1965           </para>
1966          </listitem>
1968          <listitem>
1969            <para>
1970              Fix superuser password handling (GitHub #400)
1971            </para>
1972          </listitem>
1974          <listitem>
1975            <para>
1976              Fix parsing of <varname>archive_ready_critical</varname> configuration file parameter (GitHub #426).
1977            </para>
1978          </listitem>
1980          <listitem>
1981            <para>
1982              Fix <command><link linkend="repmgr-cluster-crosscheck">repmgr cluster crosscheck</link></command>
1983              output (GitHub #389)
1984           </para>
1985          </listitem>
1987          <listitem>
1988            <para>
1989               Fix memory leaks in witness code (GitHub #402).
1990           </para>
1991          </listitem>
1993          <listitem>
1994            <para>
1995              &repmgrd;: handle <command>pg_ctl promote</command> timeout (GitHub #425).
1996           </para>
1997          </listitem>
1999          <listitem>
2000            <para>
2001              &repmgrd;: handle failover situation with only two nodes in the primary
2002          location, and at least one node in another location (GitHub #407).
2003            </para>
2004          </listitem>
2006          <listitem>
2007            <para>
2008               &repmgrd;: prevent standby connection handle from going stale.
2009           </para>
2010          </listitem>
2014        </itemizedlist>
2015      </para>
2016   </sect2>
2018  </sect1>
2021  <sect1 id="release-4.0.4">
2022    <title>Release 4.0.4</title>
2023    <para><emphasis>Fri Mar 9, 2018</emphasis></para>
2025    <para>
2026      &repmgr; 4.0.4 contains some bug fixes and and a number of
2027      usability enhancements related to logging/diagnostics,
2028      event notifications and pre-action checks.
2029    </para>
2030    <para>
2031      This release can be installed as a simple package upgrade from repmgr 4.0 ~ 4.0.3;
2032      &repmgrd; (if running) should be restarted. See <xref linkend="upgrading-repmgr"/>
2033      for more details.
2034    </para>
2036    <note>
2037      <para>
2038        It is not possible to perform a switchover where the demotion candidate is
2039        running &repmgr; 4.0.2 or lower; all nodes should be upgraded to the latest version (4.0.4).
2040        This is due to additional checks introduced in 4.0.3 which require the presence of
2041        4.0.3 or later versions on all nodes.
2042      </para>
2043    </note>
2045    <sect2>
2046      <title>Usability enhancements</title>
2048      <para>
2049        <itemizedlist>
2051          <listitem>
2052            <para>
2053              add <command><link linkend="repmgr-standby-clone">repmgr standby clone --recovery-conf-only</link></command>
2054              option to enable integration of a standby cloned from another source into a &repmgr; cluster (GitHub #382)
2055            </para>
2056          </listitem>
2058         <listitem>
2059            <para>
2060              remove restriction on using replication slots when cloning from a Barman server (GitHub #379)
2061            </para>
2062          </listitem>
2064          <listitem>
2065            <para>
2066              make <command><link linkend="repmgr-standby-promote">repmgr standby promote</link></command>
2067              timeout values configurable (GitHub #387)
2068            </para>
2069          </listitem>
2071          <listitem>
2072            <para>
2073              add missing options to main <literal>--help</literal> output (GitHub #391, #392)
2074            </para>
2075          </listitem>
2077        </itemizedlist>
2078      </para>
2080    </sect2>
2082    <sect2>
2083      <title>Bug fixes</title>
2084      <para>
2086        <itemizedlist>
2088          <listitem>
2089            <para>
2090              ensure <command><link linkend="repmgr-node-rejoin">repmgr node rejoin</link></command>
2091              honours the <option>--dry-run</option> option (GitHub #383)
2092           </para>
2093          </listitem>
2095          <listitem>
2096            <para>
2097              improve replication slot warnings generated by
2098              <command><link linkend="repmgr-node-status">repmgr node status</link></command>
2099              (GitHub #385)
2100            </para>
2101          </listitem>
2103          <listitem>
2104            <para>
2105              fix --superuser handling when cloning a standby (GitHub #380)
2106           </para>
2107          </listitem>
2109          <listitem>
2110            <para>
2111              &repmgrd;: improve detection of status change from primary to
2112              standby
2113           </para>
2114          </listitem>
2116          <listitem>
2117            <para>
2118              &repmgrd;:  improve reconnection to the local node after a
2119              failover (previously a connection error due to the node starting up was being
2120              interpreted as the node being unavailable)
2121           </para>
2122          </listitem>
2124          <listitem>
2125            <para>
2126              &repmgrd;: when running on a witness server, correctly connect
2127              to new primary after a failover
2128           </para>
2129          </listitem>
2131          <listitem>
2132            <para>
2133              &repmgrd;: add <link linkend="event-notifications">event notification</link>
2134              <literal>repmgrd_shutdown</literal> (GitHub #393)
2135           </para>
2136          </listitem>
2138        </itemizedlist>
2140      </para>
2141    </sect2>
2143  </sect1>
2145  <sect1 id="release-4.0.3">
2146    <title>Release 4.0.3</title>
2147    <para><emphasis>Thu Feb 15, 2018</emphasis></para>
2149    <para>
2150      &repmgr; 4.0.3 contains some bug fixes and and a number of
2151      usability enhancements related to logging/diagnostics,
2152      event notifications and pre-action checks.
2153    </para>
2155    <para>
2156      This release can be installed as a simple package upgrade from repmgr 4.0 ~ 4.0.2;
2157      repmgrd (if running) should be restarted.
2158    </para>
2159    <note>
2160      <para>
2161        It is not possible to perform a switchover where the demotion candidate is
2162        running &repmgr; 4.0.2 or lower; all nodes should be upgraded to 4.0.3. This is due
2163        to additional checks introduced in 4.0.3 which require the presence of
2164        4.0.3 or later versions on all nodes.
2165      </para>
2166    </note>
2167    <sect2>
2168      <title>Usability enhancements</title>
2170      <para>
2171        <itemizedlist>
2173          <listitem>
2174            <para>
2175              improve <command><link linkend="repmgr-standby-switchover">repmgr standby switchover</link></command>
2176              behaviour when <command>pg_ctl</command> is used to control the server and logging output is
2177              not explicitly redirected
2178            </para>
2179          </listitem>
2181          <listitem>
2182            <para>
2183              improve <command><link linkend="repmgr-standby-switchover">repmgr standby switchover</link></command>
2184              log messages and provide new exit code <literal>ERR_SWITCHOVER_INCOMPLETE</literal> when old primary could
2185              not be shut down cleanly
2186            </para>
2187          </listitem>
2189         <listitem>
2190            <para>
2191              add check to verify the demotion candidate can make a replication connection to the
2192              promotion candidate before executing a switchover (GitHub #370)
2193            </para>
2194         </listitem>
2196         <listitem>
2197            <para>
2198              add check for sufficient walsenders and replication slots on the promotion candidate  before executing
2199              <command><link linkend="repmgr-standby-switchover">repmgr standby switchover</link></command>
2200              (GitHub #371)
2201            </para>
2202         </listitem>
2204          <listitem>
2205            <para>
2206              add --dry-run mode to <command><link linkend="repmgr-standby-switchover">repmgr standby follow</link></command>
2207              (GitHub #368)
2208            </para>
2209          </listitem>
2211          <listitem>
2212            <para>
2213              provide information about the primary node for
2214              <command><link linkend="repmgr-standby-register">repmgr standby register</link></command> and
2215              <command><link linkend="repmgr-standby-follow">repmgr standby follow</link></command> event notifications (GitHub #375)
2216            </para>
2217          </listitem>
2219          <listitem>
2220            <para>
2221              add <literal>standby_register_sync</literal> <link linkend="event-notifications">event notification</link>, which is fired when
2222              <command><link linkend="repmgr-standby-register">repmgr standby register</link></command>
2223              is run with the <option>--wait-sync</option> option and the new or updated standby node
2224              record has synchronised to the standby (GitHub #374)
2225            </para>
2226          </listitem>
2228          <listitem>
2229            <para>
2230              when running <command><link linkend="repmgr-cluster-show">repmgr cluster show</link></command>,
2231              if any node is unreachable, output the error message encountered in the list of warnings
2232              (GitHub #369)
2233            </para>
2234          </listitem>
2236        </itemizedlist>
2237      </para>
2238    </sect2>
2240    <sect2>
2241      <title>Bug fixes</title>
2243      <para>
2244        <itemizedlist>
2245          <listitem>
2246            <para>
2247              ensure an inactive data directory can be overwritten when
2248              cloning a standby (GitHub #366)
2249            </para>
2250          </listitem>
2252          <listitem>
2253            <para>
2254              <command><link linkend="repmgr-node-status">repmgr node status</link></command>
2255              upstream node display fixed (GitHub #363)
2256            </para>
2257          </listitem>
2259          <listitem>
2260            <para>
2261              <command><link linkend="repmgr-primary-unregister">repmgr primary unregister</link></command>:
2262              clarify usage and fix <literal>--help</literal> output (GitHub #373)
2263            </para>
2264          </listitem>
2266          <listitem>
2267            <para>
2268              parsing of <varname>pg_basebackup_options</varname> fixed (GitHub #376)
2269            </para>
2270          </listitem>
2272          <listitem>
2273            <para>
2274              ensure the <filename>pg_subtrans</filename> directory is created when cloning a
2275              standby in Barman mode
2276            </para>
2277          </listitem>
2279          <listitem>
2280            <para>
2281              <command><link linkend="repmgr-witness-register">repmgr witness register</link></command>:
2282              fix primary node check (GitHub #377).
2283            </para>
2284          </listitem>
2285        </itemizedlist>
2287      </para>
2288    </sect2>
2290  </sect1>
2293  <sect1 id="release-4.0.2">
2294    <title>Release 4.0.2</title>
2295    <para><emphasis>Thu Jan 18, 2018</emphasis></para>
2297    <para>
2298      &repmgr; 4.0.2 contains some bug fixes and small usability enhancements.
2299    </para>
2300    <para>
2301      This release can be installed as a simple package upgrade from &repmgr; 4.0.1 or 4.0;
2302      &repmgrd; (if running) should be restarted.
2303    </para>
2305    <sect2>
2306      <title>Usability enhancements</title>
2308      <para>
2309        <itemizedlist>
2310          <listitem>
2311            <para>
2312              Recognize the <option>-t</option>/<option>--terse</option> option for
2313              <command><link linkend="repmgr-cluster-event">repmgr cluster event</link></command> to hide
2314              the <literal>Details</literal> column (GitHub #360)
2315            </para>
2316          </listitem>
2318          <listitem>
2319            <para>
2320              Add "--wait-start" option for
2321              <command><link linkend="repmgr-standby-register">repmgr standby register</link></command>
2322              (GitHub #356)
2323            </para>
2324          </listitem>
2326          <listitem>
2327            <para>
2328              Add <literal>%p</literal> <link linkend="event-notifications">event notification parameter</link>
2329              for <command><link linkend="repmgr-standby-switchover">repmgr standby switchover</link></command>
2330            </para>
2331          </listitem>
2332        </itemizedlist>
2333      </para>
2335    </sect2>
2337    <sect2>
2338      <title>Bug fixes</title>
2340      <para>
2341        <itemizedlist>
2342          <listitem>
2343            <para>
2344              Add missing -W option to <literal>getopt_long()</literal> invocation (GitHub #350)
2345            </para>
2346          </listitem>
2348          <listitem>
2349            <para>
2350              Automatically create slot name if missing (GitHub #343)
2351            </para>
2352          </listitem>
2354          <listitem>
2355            <para>
2356              Fixes to parsing output of remote repmgr invocations (GitHub #349)
2357            </para>
2358          </listitem>
2361          <listitem>
2362            <para>
2363              When registering BDR nodes, automatically create missing connection replication set (GitHub #347)
2364            </para>
2365          </listitem>
2368          <listitem>
2369            <para>
2370              Handle missing node record in <command><link linkend="repmgr-node-rejoin">repmgr node rejoin</link></command>
2371              (GitHub #358)
2372            </para>
2373          </listitem>
2376        </itemizedlist>
2377      </para>
2379    </sect2>
2381    <sect2>
2382      <title>Documentation</title>
2384      <para>
2385        <itemizedlist>
2386          <listitem>
2387            <para>
2388              The documentation can now be built as a single HTML file (GitHub pull request #353)
2389            </para>
2390          </listitem>
2391        </itemizedlist>
2392      </para>
2393    </sect2>
2395  </sect1>
2397 <sect1 id="release-4.0.1">
2398  <title>Release 4.0.1</title>
2400  <para><emphasis>Wed Dec 13, 2017</emphasis></para>
2402  <para>
2403    &repmgr; 4.0.1 is a bugfix release.
2404  </para>
2405  <sect2>
2406    <title>Bug fixes</title>
2407    <para>
2408      <itemizedlist>
2409        <listitem>
2410          <para>
2411            ensure correct return codes are returned for
2412            <command><link linkend="repmgr-node-check">repmgr node check --action=</link></command> operations
2413            (GitHub #340)
2414          </para>
2415        </listitem>
2417        <listitem>
2418          <para>
2419            Fix <xref linkend="repmgr-cluster-show"/> when <literal>repmgr</literal> schema not set in search path
2420            (GitHub #341)
2421          </para>
2422        </listitem>
2424        <listitem>
2425          <para>
2426            When using <literal>--force-rewind</literal> with <xref linkend="repmgr-node-rejoin"/>
2427            delete any replication slots copied by <application>pg_rewind</application>
2428            (GitHub #334)
2429          </para>
2430        </listitem>
2432        <listitem>
2433          <para>
2434            Only perform sanity check on accessibility of configuration files outside
2435            the data directory when <literal>--copy-external-config-files</literal>
2436            provided (GitHub #342)
2437          </para>
2438        </listitem>
2440        <listitem>
2441          <para>
2442            Initialise "voting_term" table in application, not extension SQL
2443            (GitHub #344)
2444          </para>
2445        </listitem>
2447      </itemizedlist>
2448    </para>
2449  </sect2>
2450 </sect1>
2454 <sect1 id="release-4.0.0">
2455  <title>Release 4.0.0</title>
2457  <para><emphasis>Tue Nov 21, 2017</emphasis></para>
2459  <para>
2460    repmgr 4.0 is an entirely new version of &repmgr;, implementing &repmgr;
2461    as a native PostgreSQL extension, adding new and improving existing features,
2462    and making &repmgr; more user-friendly and intuitive to use. The new code base
2463    will make it easier to add additional functionality for future releases.
2464  </para>
2465  <note>
2466    <simpara>
2467      With the new version, the opportunity has been taken to
2468      make some changes in the way &repmgr; is set up and
2469      configured. In particular changes have been made to some
2470      configuration file settings consistency for and clarity.
2471      Changes are covered in detail below
2472    </simpara>
2473    <simpara>
2474      To standardise terminology, from this release <literal>primary</literal> is used to
2475      denote the read/write node in a streaming replication cluster. <literal>master</literal>
2476      is still accepted as an alias for &repmgr; commands
2477      (e.g. <link linkend="repmgr-primary-register"><command>repmgr master register</command></link>).
2478    </simpara>
2479  </note>
2481  <para>
2482    For detailed instructions on upgrading from repmgr 3.x, see <xref linkend="upgrading-from-repmgr-3"/>.
2483  </para>
2485  <sect2>
2486    <title>Features and improvements</title>
2487    <para>
2489      <itemizedlist>
2490        <listitem>
2491          <para>
2492            <emphasis>improved switchover</emphasis>:
2493            the <command>switchover</command> process has been improved and streamlined,
2494            speeding up the switchover process and can also instruct other standbys
2495            to follow the new primary once the switchover has completed. See
2496            <xref linkend="performing-switchover"/> for more details.
2497          </para>
2498        </listitem>
2500        <listitem>
2501          <para>
2502           <emphasis>"--dry-run" option</emphasis>: many &repmgr; commands now provide
2503           a <literal>--dry-run</literal> option which will execute the command as far
2504           as possible without making any changes, which will enable possible issues
2505           to be identified before the intended operation is actually carried out.
2506          </para>
2507        </listitem>
2509        <listitem>
2510          <para>
2511            <emphasis>easier upgrades</emphasis>: &repmgr; is now implemented as a native
2512            PostgreSQL extension, which means future upgrades can be carried out by
2513            installing the upgraded package and issuing
2514            <ulink url="https://www.postgresql.org/docs/current/sql-alterextension.html">ALTER EXTENSION repmgr UPDATE</ulink>.
2515          </para>
2516        </listitem>
2519        <listitem>
2520          <para>
2521            <emphasis>improved logging output</emphasis>:
2522            &repmgr; (and &repmgrd;) now provide more explicit
2523            logging output giving a better picture of what is going on. Where appropriate,
2524            <literal>DETAIL</literal> and <literal>HINT</literal> log lines provide additional
2525            detail and suggestions for resolving problems. Additionally, &repmgrd;
2526            now emits informational log lines at regular, configurable intervals
2527            to confirm that it's running correctly and which node(s) it's monitoring.
2528          </para>
2529        </listitem>
2531        <listitem>
2532          <para>
2533            <emphasis>automatic configuration file location in packages</emphasis>:
2534            Many operating system packages place the &repmgr; configuration files
2535            in a version-specific subdirectory, e.g. <filename>/etc/repmgr/9.6/repmgr.conf</filename>;
2536            &repmgr; now makes it easy for package maintainers to provide a patch
2537            with the actual file location, meaning <filename>repmgr.conf</filename>
2538            does not need to be provided explicitly. This is currently the case
2539            for 2ndQuadrant-provided <literal>.deb</literal> and <literal>.rpm</literal> packages.
2540          </para>
2541        </listitem>
2544        <listitem>
2545          <para>
2546            <emphasis>monitoring and status checks</emphasis>:
2547            New commands <xref linkend="repmgr-node-check"/> and
2548            <xref linkend="repmgr-node-status"/> providing information
2549            about a node's status and replication-related monitoring
2550            output.
2551          </para>
2552        </listitem>
2555        <listitem>
2556          <para>
2557            <emphasis>node rejoin</emphasis>:
2558            New commands <xref linkend="repmgr-node-rejoin"/> enables a failed
2559            primary to be rejoined to a replication cluster, optionally using
2560            <application>pg_rewind</application> to synchronise its data,
2561            (note that <application>pg_rewind</application> may not be useable
2562            in some circumstances).
2563          </para>
2564        </listitem>
2567        <listitem>
2568          <para>
2569            <emphasis>automatic failover</emphasis>:
2570            improved detection of node status; promotion decision based on a consensual
2571            model, with the promoted primary explicitly informing other standbys to
2572            follow it. The &repmgrd; daemon will continue
2573            functioning even if the monitored PostgreSQL instance is down, and resume
2574            monitoring if it reappears. Additionally, if the instance's role has changed
2575            (typically from a primary to a standby, e.g. following reintegration of a
2576            failed primary using <xref linkend="repmgr-node-rejoin"/>) &repmgrd;
2577            will automatically resume monitoring it as a standby.
2578          </para>
2579        </listitem>
2583        <listitem>
2584          <para>
2585            <emphasis>new documentation</emphasis>:
2586            the existing documentation spread over multiple text files
2587            has been consolidated into DocBook format (as used by the
2588            main PostgreSQL project) and is now available online in
2589            HTML format.
2590          </para>
2591          <para>
2592            The DocBook files can easily be used to create versions
2593            of the documentation in other formats such as PDF.
2594          </para>
2595        </listitem>
2597      </itemizedlist>
2599    </para>
2600  </sect2>
2601  <sect2>
2602    <title>New command line options</title>
2603    <para>
2604      <itemizedlist>
2606        <listitem><para>
2607          <literal>--dry-run</literal>: &repmgr; will attempt to perform
2608          the action as far as possible without making any changes to the
2609          database
2610        </para></listitem>
2612        <listitem>
2613          <para>
2614            <literal>--upstream-node-id</literal>: use to specify the upstream node
2615            the standby will connect later stream from, when <link linkend="repmgr-standby-clone">cloning</link>
2616            and <link linkend="repmgr-standby-register">registering</link> a standby.
2617          </para>
2618          <para>
2619            This replaces the configuration file parameter <varname>upstream_node</varname>.
2620            as the upstream node is set when the standby is initially cloned, but can change
2621            over the lifetime of an installation (due to failovers, switchovers etc.) so it's
2622            pointless/confusing keeping the original value around in <filename>repmgr.conf</filename>.
2623        </para></listitem>
2625      </itemizedlist>
2626    </para>
2627  </sect2>
2629  <sect2>
2630    <title>Changed command line options</title>
2631    <para>
2632      <application>repmgr</application>
2633      <itemizedlist>
2635        <listitem><para>
2636            <literal>--replication-user</literal> has been deprecated; it has been replaced
2637            by the configuration file option <varname>replication_user</varname>.
2638            The value (which defaults to the user provided in the <varname>conninfo</varname>
2639            string) will be stored in the &repmgr; metadata for use by
2640            <xref linkend="repmgr-standby-clone"/> and <xref linkend="repmgr-standby-follow"/>.
2641        </para></listitem>
2643        <listitem><para>
2644            <literal>--recovery-min-apply-delay</literal> is now a configuration file parameter
2645            <varname>recovery_min_apply_delay</varname>, to ensure the setting does not get lost
2646            when a standby follows a new upstream.
2647        </para></listitem>
2649        <listitem><para>
2650            <literal>--no-conninfo-password</literal> is deprecated; a password included in
2651            the environment variable <varname>PGPASSWORD</varname> will no longer be added
2652            to <varname>primary_conninfo</varname> by default; to force the inclusion
2653            of a password (not recommended), use the new configuration file parameter
2654            <varname>use_primary_conninfo_password</varname>. For details, ee section
2655            <xref linkend="cloning-advanced-managing-passwords"/>.
2656        </para></listitem>
2658      </itemizedlist>
2659    </para>
2661    <para>
2662      &repmgrd;
2663      <itemizedlist>
2665        <listitem><para>
2666            <literal>--monitoring-history</literal> is deprecated and is replaced by the
2667            configuration file option <varname>monitoring_history</varname>.
2668            This enables the setting to be changed without having to modify system service
2669            files.
2670        </para></listitem>
2672      </itemizedlist>
2673    </para>
2675  </sect2>
2677  <sect2>
2678    <title>Configuration file changes</title>
2680    <para><emphasis>Required settings</emphasis></para>
2681    <para>The following 4 parameters are mandatory in <filename>repmgr.conf</filename>:
2682      <itemizedlist spacing="compact" mark="bullet">
2684        <listitem>
2685          <simpara>node_id</simpara>
2686        </listitem>
2688        <listitem>
2689          <simpara>node_name</simpara>
2690        </listitem>
2692        <listitem>
2693          <simpara>conninfo</simpara>
2694        </listitem>
2696        <listitem>
2697          <simpara>data_directory</simpara>
2698        </listitem>
2699      </itemizedlist>
2700    </para>
2702   <para><emphasis>Renamed settings</emphasis></para>
2703   <para>
2704     Some settings have been renamed for clarity and consistency:
2705     <itemizedlist spacing="compact" mark="bullet">
2707       <listitem>
2708         <simpara><varname>node</varname> is now <varname>node_id</varname></simpara>
2709       </listitem>
2711       <listitem>
2712         <simpara><varname>name</varname> is now <varname>node_name</varname></simpara>
2713       </listitem>
2715       <listitem>
2716         <simpara><varname>barman_server</varname> is now <varname>barman_host</varname></simpara>
2717       </listitem>
2719       <listitem>
2720         <simpara><varname>master_reponse_timeout</varname> is now
2721           <varname>async_query_timeout</varname> (to better indicate its purpose)
2722         </simpara>
2723       </listitem>
2725     </itemizedlist>
2726   </para>
2728   <para>
2729     The following configuration file parameters have been renamed for consistency
2730     with other parameters (and conform to the pattern used by PostgreSQL itself,
2731     which uses the prefix <varname>log_</varname> for logging parameters):
2733    <itemizedlist spacing="compact" mark="bullet">
2735      <listitem>
2736        <simpara><varname>loglevel</varname> is now <varname>log_level</varname></simpara>
2737      </listitem>
2739      <listitem>
2740        <simpara><varname>logfile</varname> is now <varname>log_file</varname></simpara>
2741      </listitem>
2743      <listitem>
2744        <simpara><varname>logfacility</varname> is now <varname>log_facility</varname></simpara>
2745      </listitem>
2747    </itemizedlist>
2748   </para>
2750   <para><emphasis>Removed settings</emphasis></para>
2751   <para>
2752     <itemizedlist spacing="compact" mark="bullet">
2754      <listitem>
2755        <simpara><varname>cluster</varname> has been removed</simpara>
2756      </listitem>
2757      <listitem>
2758        <simpara><varname>upstream_node</varname> - see note about
2759          <literal>--upstream-node-id</literal> above</simpara>
2760      </listitem>
2762      <listitem>
2763        <simpara><varname>retry_promote_interval_secs</varname>this is now redundant due
2764          to changes in the failover/promotion mechanism; the new equivalent is
2765          <varname>primary_notification_timeout</varname> </simpara>
2766      </listitem>
2767     </itemizedlist>
2768   </para>
2770   <para><emphasis>Logging changes</emphasis></para>
2771   <para>
2772     <itemizedlist spacing="compact" mark="bullet">
2774      <listitem>
2775        <simpara>
2776          default value for <varname>log_level</varname> is <literal>INFO</literal>
2777          rather than <literal>NOTICE</literal>.
2778        </simpara>
2779      </listitem>
2781      <listitem>
2782        <simpara>
2783          new parameter <varname>log_status_interval</varname>, which causes
2784          &repmgrd; to emit a status log
2785          line at the specified interval
2786        </simpara>
2787      </listitem>
2789     </itemizedlist>
2791   </para>
2793  </sect2>
2794  <sect2>
2795    <title>repmgrd</title>
2796    <para>
2797      The shared library has been renamed from <literal>repmgr_funcs</literal> to
2798      <literal>repmgr</literal>,  meaning <varname>shared_preload_libraries</varname>
2799      in <filename>postgresql.conf</filename> needs to be updated to the new name:
2800      <programlisting>
2801        shared_preload_libraries = 'repmgr'</programlisting>
2802    </para>
2803  </sect2>
2805 </sect1>