1<sect1 id="configuration-file-optional-settings" xreflabel="optional configuration file settings">
3  <title>Optional configuration file settings</title>
5  <indexterm>
6    <primary>repmgr.conf</primary>
7    <secondary>optional settings</secondary>
8  </indexterm>
10  <variablelist>
13    <varlistentry id="repmgr-conf-config-directory" xreflabel="config_directory">
14      <term><varname>config_directory</varname> (<type>string</type>)
15        <indexterm>
16          <primary><varname>config_directory</varname> configuration file parameter</primary>
17        </indexterm>
18      </term>
19      <listitem>
20        <para>
21          If PostgreSQL configuration files are located outside the data
22	  directory, specify the directory where the main
23	  <filename>postgresql.conf</filename> file is located.
24        </para>
25        <para>
26          This enables explicit provision of an external configuration file
27          directory, which if set will be passed to <command>pg_ctl</command> as the
28          <option>-D</option> parameter. Otherwise <command>pg_ctl</command> will
29          default to using the data directory, which will cause some operations
30          to fail if the configuration files are not present there.
31        </para>
32        <note>
33          <para>
34           This is implemented primarily for feature completeness and for
35           development/testing purposes. Users who have installed &repmgr; from
36           a package should <emphasis>not</emphasis> rely on  to stop/start/restart PostgreSQL,
37           instead they should set the appropriate <option>service_..._command</option>
38           for their operating system. For more details see
39           <xref linkend="configuration-file-service-commands"/>.
40          </para>
41        </note>
42      </listitem>
43    </varlistentry>
45    <varlistentry id="repmgr-conf-replication-user" xreflabel="replication_user">
46      <term><varname>replication_user</varname> (<type>string</type>)
47        <indexterm>
48          <primary><varname>replication_user</varname> configuration file parameter</primary>
49        </indexterm>
50      </term>
51      <listitem>
52        <para>
53          PostgreSQL user to make replication connections with.
54          If not set defaults, to the user defined in <xref linkend="repmgr-conf-conninfo"/>.
55        </para>
56      </listitem>
57    </varlistentry>
61    <varlistentry id="repmgr-conf-replication-type" xreflabel="replication_type">
62      <term><varname>replication_type</varname> (<type>string</type>)
63        <indexterm>
64          <primary><varname>replication_type</varname> configuration file parameter</primary>
65        </indexterm>
66      </term>
67      <listitem>
68        <para>
69          Must be <literal>physical</literal> (the default).
70        </para>
71      </listitem>
72    </varlistentry>
74    <varlistentry id="repmgr-conf-location" xreflabel="location">
75      <term><varname>location</varname> (<type>string</type>)
76        <indexterm>
77          <primary><varname>location</varname> configuration file parameter</primary>
78        </indexterm>
79      </term>
80      <listitem>
81        <para>
82          An arbitrary string defining the location of the node; this
83	  is used during failover to check visibility of the
84	  current primary node.
85        </para>
86        <para>
87          For more details see <xref linkend="repmgrd-network-split"/>.
88        </para>
89      </listitem>
90    </varlistentry>
92    <varlistentry id="repmgr-conf-use-replication-slots" xreflabel="use_replication_slots">
93      <term><varname>use_replication_slots</varname> (<type>boolean</type>)
94        <indexterm>
95          <primary><varname>use_replication_slots</varname> configuration file parameter</primary>
96        </indexterm>
97      </term>
98      <listitem>
99        <para>
100          Whether to use physical replication slots.
101        </para>
102        <note>
103          <para>
104	    When using replication slots,
105	    <varname>max_replication_slots</varname> should be configured for
106	    at least the number of standbys which will connect
107	    to the primary.
108          </para>
109        </note>
110      </listitem>
111    </varlistentry>
113    <varlistentry id="repmgr-conf-ssh-options" xreflabel="ssh_options">
114      <term><varname>ssh_options</varname> (<type>string</type>)
115        <indexterm>
116          <primary><varname>ssh_options</varname> configuration file parameter</primary>
117        </indexterm>
118      </term>
119      <listitem>
120        <para>
121          Options to append to the <command>ssh</command> command when executed
122          by &repmgr;.
123        </para>
124        <para>
125          We recommend adding <literal>-q</literal> to suppress any superfluous
126          SSH chatter such as login banners, and also an explicit
127          <option>ConnectTimeout</option> value,
128          e.g.:
130ssh_options='-q -o ConnectTimeout=10'</programlisting>
131        </para>
132      </listitem>
133    </varlistentry>
135  </variablelist>