1<refentry id="repmgr-cluster-crosscheck">
2  <indexterm>
3    <primary>repmgr cluster crosscheck</primary>
4  </indexterm>
7  <refmeta>
8    <refentrytitle>repmgr cluster crosscheck</refentrytitle>
9  </refmeta>
11  <refnamediv>
12    <refname>repmgr cluster crosscheck</refname>
13    <refpurpose>cross-checks connections between each combination of nodes</refpurpose>
14  </refnamediv>
16  <refsect1>
17    <title>Description</title>
18    <para>
19      <command>repmgr cluster crosscheck</command> is similar to <xref linkend="repmgr-cluster-matrix"/>,
20        but cross-checks connections between each combination of nodes. In "Example 3" in
21        <xref linkend="repmgr-cluster-matrix"/> we have no information about the state of <literal>node3</literal>.
22        However by running <command>repmgr cluster crosscheck</command> it's possible to get a better
23        overview of the cluster situation:
24          <programlisting>
25    $ repmgr -f /etc/repmgr.conf cluster crosscheck
27    Name   | Id |  1 |  2 |  3
28    -------+----+----+----+----
29     node1 |  1 |  * |  * |  x
30     node2 |  2 |  * |  * |  *
31     node3 |  3 |  * |  * |  *</programlisting>
32    </para>
33    <para>
34      What happened is that <command>repmgr cluster crosscheck</command> merged its own
35      <command><link linkend="repmgr-cluster-matrix">repmgr cluster matrix</link></command> with the
36      <command>repmgr cluster matrix</command> output from <literal>node2</literal>; the latter is
37      able to connect to <literal>node3</literal>
38      and therefore determine the state of outbound connections from that node.
39    </para>
40  </refsect1>
42  <refsect1>
43    <title>Exit codes</title>
44    <para>
45      One of the following exit codes will be emitted by <command>repmgr cluster crosscheck</command>:
46    </para>
47    <variablelist>
49      <varlistentry>
50        <term><option>SUCCESS (0)</option></term>
51        <listitem>
52          <para>
53            The check completed successfully and all nodes are reachable.
54          </para>
55        </listitem>
56      </varlistentry>
58      <varlistentry>
59        <term><option>ERR_BAD_SSH (12)</option></term>
60        <listitem>
61          <para>
62            One or more nodes could not be accessed via SSH.
63          </para>
64          <note>
65            <simpara>
66              This only applies to nodes unreachable from the node where
67              this command is executed.
68            </simpara>
69            <simpara>
70              It's also possible that the crosscheck establishes that
71              connections between PostgreSQL on all nodes are functioning,
72              even if SSH access between some nodes is not possible.
73            </simpara>
74          </note>
75        </listitem>
76      </varlistentry>
78      <varlistentry>
79        <term><option>ERR_NODE_STATUS (25)</option></term>
80        <listitem>
81          <para>
82            PostgreSQL on one or more nodes could not be reached.
83          </para>
84          <note>
85            <simpara>
86              This error code overrides <option>ERR_BAD_SSH</option>.
87            </simpara>
88          </note>
89        </listitem>
90      </varlistentry>
92   </variablelist>
93  </refsect1>