1<chapter id="repmgrd-operation" xreflabel="repmgrd operation">
2  <title>repmgrd operation</title>
4  <indexterm>
5    <primary>repmgrd</primary>
6    <secondary>operation</secondary>
7  </indexterm>
9  <sect1 id="repmgrd-pausing" xreflabel="pausing the repmgrd service">
11    <title>Pausing the repmgrd service</title>
13  <indexterm>
14    <primary>repmgrd</primary>
15    <secondary>pausing</secondary>
16  </indexterm>
18  <indexterm>
19    <primary>pausing repmgrd</primary>
20  </indexterm>
23  <para>
24    In normal operation, &repmgrd; monitors the state of the
25    PostgreSQL node it is running on, and will take appropriate action if problems
26    are detected, e.g. (if so configured) promote the node to primary, if the existing
27    primary has been determined as failed.
28  </para>
30  <para>
31    However, &repmgrd; is unable to distinguish between
32    planned outages (such as performing a <link linkend="performing-switchover">switchover</link>
33    or installing PostgreSQL maintenance released), and an actual server outage. In versions prior to
34    &repmgr; 4.2 it was necessary to stop &repmgrd; on all nodes (or at least
35    on all nodes where &repmgrd; is
36    <link linkend="repmgrd-automatic-failover">configured for automatic failover</link>)
37    to prevent &repmgrd; from making unintentional changes to the
38    replication cluster.
39  </para>
41  <para>
42    From <link linkend="release-4.2">&repmgr; 4.2</link>, &repmgrd;
43    can now be &quot;paused&quot;, i.e. instructed not to take any action such as performing a failover.
44    This can be done from any node in the cluster, removing the need to stop/restart
45    each &repmgrd; individually.
46  </para>
48  <note>
49    <para>
50      For major PostgreSQL upgrades, e.g. from PostgreSQL 11 to PostgreSQL 12,
51      &repmgrd; should be shut down completely and only started up
52      once the &repmgr; packages for the new PostgreSQL major version have been installed.
53    </para>
54  </note>
56  <sect2 id="repmgrd-pausing-prerequisites">
57    <title>Prerequisites for pausing &repmgrd;</title>
58    <para>
59      In order to be able to pause/unpause &repmgrd;, following
60      prerequisites must be met:
61      <itemizedlist spacing="compact" mark="bullet">
63        <listitem>
64          <simpara><link linkend="release-4.2">&repmgr; 4.2</link> or later must be installed on all nodes.</simpara>
65        </listitem>
67        <listitem>
68          <simpara>The same major &repmgr; version (e.g. 4.2) must be installed on all nodes (and preferably the same minor version).</simpara>
69        </listitem>
71        <listitem>
72          <simpara>
73            PostgreSQL on all nodes must be accessible from the node where the
74            <literal>pause</literal>/<literal>unpause</literal> operation is executed, using the
75            <varname>conninfo</varname> string shown by <link linkend="repmgr-cluster-show"><command>repmgr cluster show</command></link>.
76          </simpara>
77        </listitem>
78      </itemizedlist>
79    </para>
80    <note>
81      <para>
82        These conditions are required for normal &repmgr; operation in any case.
83      </para>
84    </note>
86  </sect2>
88  <sect2 id="repmgrd-pausing-execution">
89    <title>Pausing/unpausing &repmgrd;</title>
90    <para>
91      To pause &repmgrd;, execute <link linkend="repmgr-service-pause"><command>repmgr service pause</command></link>
92      (&repmgr; 4.2 - 4.4: <link linkend="repmgr-service-pause"><command>repmgr daemon pause</command></link>),
93      e.g.:
94   <programlisting>
95$ repmgr -f /etc/repmgr.conf service pause
96NOTICE: node 1 (node1) paused
97NOTICE: node 2 (node2) paused
98NOTICE: node 3 (node3) paused</programlisting>
99    </para>
100    <para>
101      The state of &repmgrd; on each node can be checked with
102      <link linkend="repmgr-service-status"><command>repmgr service status</command></link>
103      (&repmgr; 4.2 - 4.4: <link linkend="repmgr-service-status"><command>repmgr daemon status</command></link>),
104      e.g.:
105    <programlisting>$ repmgr -f /etc/repmgr.conf service status
106 ID | Name  | Role    | Status  | repmgrd | PID  | Paused?
108 1  | node1 | primary | running | running | 7851 | yes
109 2  | node2 | standby | running | running | 7889 | yes
110 3  | node3 | standby | running | running | 7918 | yes</programlisting>
111    </para>
113    <note>
114      <para>
115        If executing a switchover with <link linkend="repmgr-standby-switchover"><command>repmgr standby switchover</command></link>,
116	&repmgr; will automatically pause/unpause the &repmgrd; service as part of the switchover process.
117      </para>
118    </note>
120    <para>
121      If the primary (in this example, <literal>node1</literal>) is stopped, &repmgrd;
122      running on one of the standbys (here: <literal>node2</literal>) will react like this:
123      <programlisting>
124[2019-08-28 12:22:21] [WARNING] unable to connect to upstream node "node1" (node ID: 1)
125[2019-08-28 12:22:21] [INFO] checking state of node 1, 1 of 5 attempts
126[2019-08-28 12:22:21] [INFO] sleeping 1 seconds until next reconnection attempt
128[2019-08-28 12:22:24] [INFO] sleeping 1 seconds until next reconnection attempt
129[2019-08-28 12:22:25] [INFO] checking state of node 1, 5 of 5 attempts
130[2019-08-28 12:22:25] [WARNING] unable to reconnect to node 1 after 5 attempts
131[2019-08-28 12:22:25] [NOTICE] node is paused
132[2019-08-28 12:22:33] [INFO] node "node2" (ID: 2) monitoring upstream node "node1" (node ID: 1) in degraded state
133[2019-08-28 12:22:33] [DETAIL] repmgrd paused by administrator
134[2019-08-28 12:22:33] [HINT] execute "repmgr service unpause" to resume normal failover mode</programlisting>
135    </para>
136    <para>
137      If the primary becomes available again (e.g. following a software upgrade), &repmgrd;
138      will automatically reconnect, e.g.:
139      <programlisting>
140[2019-08-28 12:25:41] [NOTICE] reconnected to upstream node "node1" (ID: 1) after 8 seconds, resuming monitoring</programlisting>
141    </para>
143    <para>
144      To unpause the &repmgrd; service, execute
145      <link linkend="repmgr-service-unpause"><command>repmgr service unpause</command></link>
146      ((&repmgr; 4.2 - 4.4: <link linkend="repmgr-service-unpause"><command>repmgr daemon unpause</command></link>),
147      e.g.:
148   <programlisting>
149$ repmgr -f /etc/repmgr.conf service unpause
150NOTICE: node 1 (node1) unpaused
151NOTICE: node 2 (node2) unpaused
152NOTICE: node 3 (node3) unpaused</programlisting>
153    </para>
155    <note>
156      <para>
157        If the previous primary is no longer accessible when &repmgrd;
158        is unpaused, no failover action will be taken. Instead, a new primary must be manually promoted using
159        <link linkend="repmgr-standby-promote"><command>repmgr standby promote</command></link>,
160	and any standbys attached to the new primary with
161	<link linkend="repmgr-standby-follow"><command>repmgr standby follow</command></link>.
162      </para>
163      <para>
164        This is to prevent execution of <link linkend="repmgr-service-unpause"><command>repmgr service unpause</command></link>
165        resulting in the automatic promotion of a new primary, which may be a problem particularly
166        in larger clusters, where &repmgrd; could select a different promotion
167        candidate to the one intended by the administrator.
168      </para>
169    </note>
170  </sect2>
171  <sect2 id="repmgrd-pausing-details">
172    <title>Details on the &repmgrd; pausing mechanism</title>
174    <para>
175      The pause state of each node will be stored over a PostgreSQL restart.
176    </para>
178    <para>
179      <link linkend="repmgr-service-pause"><command>repmgr service pause</command></link> and
180      <link linkend="repmgr-service-unpause"><command>repmgr service unpause</command></link> can be
181      executed even if &repmgrd; is not running; in this case,
182      &repmgrd; will start up in whichever pause state has been set.
183    </para>
184    <note>
185      <para>
186	    <link linkend="repmgr-service-pause"><command>repmgr service pause</command></link> and
187	    <link linkend="repmgr-service-unpause"><command>repmgr service unpause</command></link>
188	    <emphasis>do not</emphasis> start/stop &repmgrd;.
189      </para>
190      <para>
191        The commands <link linkend="repmgr-daemon-start"><command>repmgr daemon start</command></link>
192        and <link linkend="repmgr-daemon-stop"><command>repmgr daemon stop</command></link>
193        (<link linkend="repmgrd-service-configuration">if correctly configured</link>) can be used to start/stop
194        &repmgrd; on individual nodes.
195      </para>
196    </note>
197  </sect2>
198  </sect1>
200  <sect1 id="repmgrd-wal-replay-pause">
201    <title>repmgrd and paused WAL replay</title>
203    <indexterm>
204      <primary>repmgrd</primary>
205      <secondary>paused WAL replay</secondary>
206    </indexterm>
208    <para>
209      If WAL replay has been paused (using <command>pg_wal_replay_pause()</command>,
210      on PostgreSQL 9.6 and earlier <command>pg_xlog_replay_pause()</command>),
211      in a failover situation &repmgrd; will
212      automatically resume WAL replay.
213    </para>
214    <para>
215      This is because if WAL replay is paused, but WAL is pending replay,
216      PostgreSQL cannot be promoted until WAL replay is resumed.
217    </para>
218    <note>
219      <para>
220        <command><link linkend="repmgr-standby-promote">repmgr standby promote</link></command>
221        will refuse to promote a node in this state, as the PostgreSQL
222        <command>promote</command> command will not be acted on until
223        WAL replay is resumed, leaving the cluster in a potentially
224        unstable state. In this case it is up to the user to
225        decide whether to resume WAL replay.
226      </para>
227    </note>
228  </sect1>
230<sect1 id="repmgrd-degraded-monitoring" xreflabel="repmgrd degraded monitoring">
231 <title>"degraded monitoring" mode</title>
233 <indexterm>
234   <primary>repmgrd</primary>
235   <secondary>degraded monitoring</secondary>
236 </indexterm>
238 <indexterm>
239   <primary>degraded monitoring</primary>
240 </indexterm>
242 <para>
243  In certain circumstances, &repmgrd; is not able to fulfill its primary mission
244  of monitoring the node's upstream server. In these cases it enters &quot;degraded monitoring&quot;
245  mode, where &repmgrd; remains active but is waiting for the situation
246  to be resolved.
247 </para>
248 <para>
249  Situations where this happens are:
250  <itemizedlist spacing="compact" mark="bullet">
252   <listitem>
253    <simpara>a failover situation has occurred, no nodes in the primary node's location are visible</simpara>
254   </listitem>
256   <listitem>
257    <simpara>a failover situation has occurred, but no promotion candidate is available</simpara>
258   </listitem>
260   <listitem>
261    <simpara>a failover situation has occurred, but the promotion candidate could not be promoted</simpara>
262   </listitem>
264   <listitem>
265    <simpara>a failover situation has occurred, but the node was unable to follow the new primary</simpara>
266   </listitem>
268   <listitem>
269    <simpara>a failover situation has occurred, but no primary has become available</simpara>
270   </listitem>
272   <listitem>
273    <simpara>a failover situation has occurred, but automatic failover is not enabled for the node</simpara>
274   </listitem>
276   <listitem>
277    <simpara>repmgrd is monitoring the primary node, but it is not available (and no other node has been promoted as primary)</simpara>
278   </listitem>
279  </itemizedlist>
280 </para>
282 <para>
283  Example output in a situation where there is only one standby with <literal>failover=manual</literal>,
284  and the primary node is unavailable (but is later restarted):
285  <programlisting>
286    [2017-08-29 10:59:19] [INFO] node "node2" (ID: 2) monitoring upstream node "node1" (ID: 1) in normal state (automatic failover disabled)
287    [2017-08-29 10:59:33] [WARNING] unable to connect to upstream node "node1" (ID: 1)
288    [2017-08-29 10:59:33] [INFO] checking state of node 1, 1 of 5 attempts
289    [2017-08-29 10:59:33] [INFO] sleeping 1 seconds until next reconnection attempt
290    (...)
291    [2017-08-29 10:59:37] [INFO] checking state of node 1, 5 of 5 attempts
292    [2017-08-29 10:59:37] [WARNING] unable to reconnect to node 1 after 5 attempts
293    [2017-08-29 10:59:37] [NOTICE] this node is not configured for automatic failover so will not be considered as promotion candidate
294    [2017-08-29 10:59:37] [NOTICE] no other nodes are available as promotion candidate
295    [2017-08-29 10:59:37] [HINT] use "repmgr standby promote" to manually promote this node
296    [2017-08-29 10:59:37] [INFO] node "node2" (ID: 2) monitoring upstream node "node1" (ID: 1) in degraded state (automatic failover disabled)
297    [2017-08-29 10:59:53] [INFO] node "node2" (ID: 2) monitoring upstream node "node1" (ID: 1) in degraded state (automatic failover disabled)
298    [2017-08-29 11:00:45] [NOTICE] reconnected to upstream node "node1" (ID: 1) after 68 seconds, resuming monitoring
299    [2017-08-29 11:00:57] [INFO] node "node2" (ID: 2) monitoring upstream node "node1" (ID: 1) in normal state (automatic failover disabled)</programlisting>
301 </para>
302 <para>
303  By default, <literal>repmgrd</literal> will continue in degraded monitoring mode indefinitely.
304  However a timeout (in seconds) can be set with <varname>degraded_monitoring_timeout</varname>,
305  after which &repmgrd; will terminate.
306 </para>
308 <note>
309   <para>
310     If &repmgrd; is monitoring a primary mode which has been stopped
311     and manually restarted as a standby attached to a new primary, it will automatically detect
312     the status change and update the node record to reflect the node's new status
313     as an active standby. It will then resume monitoring the node as a standby.
314   </para>
315 </note>
319<sect1 id="repmgrd-monitoring" xreflabel="Storing monitoring data">
320 <title>Storing monitoring data</title>
321 <indexterm>
322   <primary>repmgrd</primary>
323   <secondary>monitoring</secondary>
324 </indexterm>
325 <indexterm>
326   <primary>monitoring</primary>
327   <secondary>with repmgrd</secondary>
328 </indexterm>
330 <para>
331   When &repmgrd; is running with the option <literal>monitoring_history=true</literal>,
332  it will constantly write standby node status information to the
333  <varname>monitoring_history</varname> table, providing a near-real time
334  overview of replication status on all nodes
335  in the cluster.
336 </para>
337 <para>
338   The view <literal>replication_status</literal> shows the most recent state
339   for each node, e.g.:
340  <programlisting>
341    repmgr=# select * from repmgr.replication_status;
342    -[ RECORD 1 ]-------------+------------------------------
343    primary_node_id           | 1
344    standby_node_id           | 2
345    standby_name              | node2
346    node_type                 | standby
347    active                    | t
348    last_monitor_time         | 2017-08-24 16:28:41.260478+09
349    last_wal_primary_location | 0/6D57A00
350    last_wal_standby_location | 0/5000000
351    replication_lag           | 29 MB
352    replication_time_lag      | 00:00:11.736163
353    apply_lag                 | 15 MB
354    communication_time_lag    | 00:00:01.365643</programlisting>
355 </para>
356 <para>
357  The interval in which monitoring history is written is controlled by the
358  configuration parameter <varname>monitor_interval_secs</varname>;
359  default is 2.
360 </para>
361 <para>
362  As this can generate a large amount of monitoring data in the table
363  <literal>repmgr.monitoring_history</literal>. it's advisable to regularly
364  purge historical data using the <xref linkend="repmgr-cluster-cleanup"/>
365  command; use the <literal>-k/--keep-history</literal> option to
366  specify how many day's worth of data should be retained.
367 </para>
368 <para>
369  It's possible to use &repmgrd; to run in monitoring
370  mode only (without automatic failover capability) for some or all
371  nodes by setting <literal>failover=manual</literal> in the node's
372  <filename>repmgr.conf</filename> file. In the event of the node's upstream failing,
373  no failover action will be taken and the node will require manual intervention to
374  be reattached to replication. If this occurs, an
375  <link linkend="event-notifications">event notification</link>
376  <varname>standby_disconnect_manual</varname> will be created.
377 </para>
378 <para>
379  Note that when a standby node is not streaming directly from its upstream
380  node, e.g. recovering WAL from an archive, <varname>apply_lag</varname> will always appear as
381  <literal>0 bytes</literal>.
382 </para>
383 <tip>
384  <para>
385   If monitoring history is enabled, the contents of the <literal>repmgr.monitoring_history</literal>
386   table will be replicated to attached standbys. This means there will be a small but
387   constant stream of replication activity which may not be desirable. To prevent
388   this, convert the table to an <literal>UNLOGGED</literal> one with:
389   <programlisting>
390     ALTER TABLE repmgr.monitoring_history SET UNLOGGED;</programlisting>
391  </para>
392  <para>
393   This will however mean that monitoring history will not be available on
394   another node following a failover, and the view <literal>repmgr.replication_status</literal>
395   will not work on standbys.
396  </para>
397 </tip>